#moving countries
palacholic · 6 months
today it's exactly half a year since i moved to czechia and i need to sit and process that
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ketrindoll · 1 month
For any Venezuelans reading this
I would like to remind that if you have any Lithuanian heritage, you can move to Lithuania - a safe, democratic country - to escape the adverse political situation.
I personally know at least a few Venezuelans who work in my company after relocating, and they all seem very happy with their decision, adapting well and, clearly, finding job opportunities.
If you feel that you want to escape your country - this is the way to do so and reunite with your ancestral roots.
Stay safe and don't give up!
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thereisnolumos · 1 year
As a person who always enjoyed being by myself, I have never felt such an absolute and utter loneliness as I do after moving to another country
I don’t have any friends her. Worse than that, I don’t have a skill of making new friends for all my friends are the people I grew up with, the people we were going potty together in kindergarten. In my adulthood all I managed were semi good situational acquaintances, which mostly cease to exist when the e situation changes
The only reason I’m not completely mental from touch starvation is the cuddles with my cat
I always wanted to move away from my country, for as long as I can remember. But loneliness eats me raw and I’m terrified of where it will lead me…
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historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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skyrim-crossing · 5 days
Today is a very big step for me in my life.
I'm finally moving out of England, and I'm so happy. Part of me is going to miss here, and especially my friends and family but this starts a new chapter of my life.
I'm moving in with my girlfriend, moving to a brand new country, with new adventures and new opportunities.
I can't wait to move on, and leave certain things/people behind 🩵🩵🩵🩵
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cyanomys · 1 year
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supernova25 · 1 year
theres like a spider infront of me and behind my pc but ill let it be since its not moving and its just chilling there :3
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What do you if your dream has a deadline? I've been dreaming about working for a certain company every since I was young and I spent every chance I can working hard to try to achieve my dream. But I'm not from the country the company is from, and it took me a long time to get a visa to this country to try to achieve my dream. However my visa has a deadline, and if I dont manage to get hired in 2 years I'll be sent back home to my country and theres no way I can afford to try again. Basically, I'll have to give up on everything, my dream, my life and probably the entire career I've been studying and working towards my entire life. Idk what should I do in this situation...
Hey there,
I think it’s really ambitious of you to want to move countries for a chance to work at your dream job. I think it’s great and even more so that you are following your dreams despite how hard it has been for you to get there.
It must be really scary to think that you have only 2 years to get hired at the company but 2 years is a really long time. Take things day by day and just see what happens. I know that this is much easier said than done but try not to stress about something that is right now out of your control. Think positive thoughts and move and get settled in the new country and get the lay of the land.
Maybe you can start small and apply for smaller but similar jobs of what you are aiming for. This may make you look even more wanted from the company you are aiming to work for, and not only this but it will give you some spare money. If this isn’t an option (I am not sure what you will be able to do on your visa) then maybe you could look into doing some more studies over in the new country in the lead up to apply for your dream job. Again, this may make you even more wanted and will show that you are committed to the company you wish to work for. Contacts can be really helpful too, so contact the company if you can, see if there are any available positions going at the moment and how you can find out when there is one. Pop in your resume. Doing all these things can be a great step in the right direction for you.
Unfortunately though no one can determine what will happen in the future but as long as you have done all you can to get your foot in the door at the company then you may find yourself at least satisfised that you did all you could do.
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you, hope that you are going well and wish you all the best!
Take care,
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ikarakie · 7 months
love hannibal because every single killer has a different, fun little thing! like making a mural or making a totem pole. none of them are just killing for fun they’re all fucking dramatic about it
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thunderglade · 1 month
i got csp 🔥
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notherpuppet · 2 months
I’ve never had a big following before and it’s really important to me to try to use the platform I have to promote harm reduction:
@ the U.S. followers I have; VOTE HARRIS
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thatweirdtranny · 7 months
leftists will really be like “jews should feel safe in the diaspora! they don’t need israel!” and then do absolutely nothing to make diaspora jewish people feel safe in their own countries or, even worse, these same leftists perpetuate the antisemitism that drives jewish people to go to israel
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and-corn · 3 months
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I like it here but my northeastern body is not prepared
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seraphont · 21 days
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a comic wipwop
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sadclowncentral · 1 month
google how to transform the feeling of fear of the unknown into a sense for adventure google how to begin a new chapter without being ripped apart by the pain of its beginning google how to recognize that the what is blocking out the light is not a wall but a curtain waiting to be parted google how to welcome the future with open arms
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thegorgonist · 1 year
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Haunted Country Just nice to see this developing series together... Maybe some locations from the Midwest next? My shop
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