#mpas fandom
rus-mpas-fan1 · 7 months
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Happy 10th anniversary Mr Peabody and Sherman!
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lousirs · 10 months
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(i could make a seperate blog for non-UD art, but i'm too lazy to run multiple blogs at once so uh)(sorry lads)
i've been dealing with pretty bad burnout at the moment, but i haven't posted any art in nearly a month, so this is a filler of sorts... i was gonna post this on my bday post, but i didn't finish it on time...
yes, i know. not uglydolls. shocker xD (i mentioned that i liked these two before in an ask SO THAT WAS MY WARNING--)
i'm quite proud of how it turned out though... i hope you don't mind it.
(if you need me i'll be cowering in fear...)
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I apologize for asking this because you probably talked about it before and I didn't read it. I want to ask about Itachi's physical health,Many people believe that he had a disease. I had read somewhere that he had microscopic polyangiitis But I saw somewhere else that it was written that he has cystic fibrosis I'm curious to know your opinion, I like your analysis about Itachi And again, I'm sorry if you wrote about it before and I didn't see it
You don't have to apologise for asking this.
It's not a belief in the fandom or a fanon theory that he had a disease. He actually had it. Zetsu commented multiple times about Itachi being slow to dodge Sasuke's attacks, him coughing blood, the heart attack, etc., that were later revealed were due to his illness.
Since Kishimoto never clarified it, whether he had MPA or some other disease, it's always going to be a fan theory or mystery.
To me personally, it sounds more like heartbreak syndrome (the most prominent reason of his death) where his heart muscles were weakened to the point of not being able to function properly. The reason many believe he had some lung disease because he coughed blood and all, but I personally believe it could have been due to him battling Sasuke, using all his strength in the battle, and using the powers that took a toll on him physically and mentally both.
I'm not from the medical background, so I can't shed more light on it. But again, whichever one fits for Itachi, we can use that disease in our fics. xD
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kiigan · 2 months
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Regarding Itachi's illness: (reposting & tweaking from the old blog)
ㅤNothing really ever confirmed in canon, as far as I'm aware? Kinda just called a mysterious illness/possibly a chakra illness whatever that is?? We all know it was just Kishimoto realizing he had to kill Itachi because otherwise he was gonna go toe to toe with Madara and Obito and single-handedly settle the whole mess. Thankfully for us, the fandom is filled with incredibly dedicated people and some have come to a reasonably plausible and evidence-based theory on what this illness could actually be. Disclaimer: none of this is my original work and I'm simply adapting the idea as a headcanon. Sources can be found [here].
⇾ Microscopic Polyangiitis (MPA)
I'm not going to bore anybody with medical jargon, so here's the main points and what's relevant to my portrayal:
MPA is an autoimmune condition. It’s the result of blood vessel inflammation, which can damage organ systems. 
People who have MPA may feel generally ill and fatigued, have a fever, or a loss of appetite and weight. When MPA affects the lungs they may have shortness of breath or cough up of blood. 
Medications that suppress the immune system form the foundation of treatment for MPA. As such, there’s an increased risk of developing serious infections and susceptibility to other diseases.
ㅤIn general, MPA is treatable and, with adequate monitoring and care, may even achieve remission. In other cases, symptoms may fade and return recurrently. In my canon verses, because Itachi was determined to die by Sasuke's hand, he only bothered with minimal care and to keep himself alive for as long as needed (also, let's be honest, it's kinda hard to get proper meds and healthcare when you're a wandering S-ranked criminal). In my canon-divergent and modern verses, Itachi still has to do regular check-ups but he keeps an eye on his meds/treatments and, save for occasional flare-ups, he's at least mildly healthy.
ㅤNote: In my canon verses, I headcanon that Itachi occasionally smokes opium when he is in particularly severe pain from MPA. If the use of drugs for medicinal purposes (or in general!) bothers you, please let me know beforehand and I'll keep this detail out of our threads.
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
I do not read DNI because stupid baby gatekeeping tools don’t actually work and who has time to know everyone’s squinks. Still! We have to monitor our own experiences online. Good! Great! But also- we’re all Homestuck fans! We’re at the bottom of the totem pole for internet fandoms! Less than hetalia, people! Being an anti in this fandom is akin to sucking on a gas pipe and then yelling at everyone else that your lungs are filled with smog! You are a fan of a story with a character like Dirk Strider!? Wasn’t one of the midnight crew members sexually attracted to dogs? What Homestuck did you guys read? Why even use terms like pro ship!? It’s so stupid! Everyone here is for shipping, just some people like to play make believe like Dave didn’t hit on Roxy when he met her. I don’t have time to learn everyone else’s delusions only my own!
I had wondered why these anits would be around in series or topics that have mature or adult rated themes. From murder, sex, gore, violence, and such. Different series may play it off as a comedy, others a bit more seriously. Each have their own context of why they have these things. Most as well have been obviously rated for mature audiences. Shit like the ESRB/CERO and MPA ratings already labeling it as mature or adult rated. And other reason certain other mature rated stuff doesn't get mentioned outright is because of things like spoilers and shock value. Sometimes a scene is the climax that it is important to the story or it is the surprise twist attracts the audience since it's something nobody had expected out of a series. Nobody would have watched series like Madoka Magica if they had marketed the show outright it is about a cute anime girls and then something immediately goes wrong. It's all about the surprise with using the mature or adult rated topic. How it's executed also various. Just like jokes itself being subjective. There is also a difference for taking the series as it is to thinking everything or someone is problematic because x reasons. Like if a person knows what they are getting into, they can just either take it as it is or criticize how the media executed on using mature rated themes.
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moorishflower · 2 years
It's so interesting that you experienced that kind of secrecy around reading smut! My first fandom was RPF on LiveJournal when I was about 15. They used the MPA movie rating system and for quite some time I wouldn't read NC17 (I did read R) never so much because I felt I wasnt allowed to but because I wasnt into the kind(s) of sex described there. I don't think anyone ever made a huge fuss out of underage people reading NC17 in that particular fandom, but there definitely was the understanding to tread carefully because it wasn't technically "for us".
I think part of it was definitely the fandoms in question. Anne Rice was extremely openly anti-fanworks, to the point that she had her lawyers send writers cease and desist letters as threats. She's the reason that almost every fanwork of that era has a huge author's note begging fair use and "I don't make any money from this, please don't sue me." Authors continued adding these notes in other, less volatile fandoms as par for the course. I really only started seeing them die out completely with the advent of AO3.
X-Files, on the other hand, suffered not from authorial interference but from some rather extreme puratinism. X-Files is where antishippers first originated - there were people who were EXTREMELY vocally against Mulder/Krycek and Mulder/Skinner because it was "obvious" that Mulder/Scully were meant to be. Obvious in retrospect that it was a lot of homophobia, but at the time, if you didn't want to be harassed, you locked your fic (and others, if you hosted) behind a door and only let people in if you could interview them first.
I'm a bit too young to have been into star trek initially, but my understanding is that there wasn't that much shipping grief in that fandom. Kirk/Spock dominated, but ice never heard anything about Kirk/Bones shippers being hassled. X-Files was very different. If you made it known you shipped Mulder/Krycek, people could and did run smear campaigns against you. It was a wild time.
After that I got into anime for a while, and that came with it's own host of issues lol.
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peabody-simp · 2 years
"Wolf And Savior"
Before we get into the story, here are some pre-story credits:
Author/Writer: Jakob Peabody (Me)
The Incredible Wolf AU by: Alina Belk
Peabody took the bus to work today, as his scooter is in the repair shop after the "accident". Long story short: Sherman used Peabody's scooter for a stunt in the show, and crashed it. You're probably thinking "Why not just use the WABAC to get to work?" Well first, the WABAC is mainly used for time travel, and it's not like Peabody can go back in time before Sherman crashed the scooter, because rule #1 of using the WABAC: You cannot go back to a timeline in which you exist! And how dare you say "Well maybe he should go back in time before he met Sherman and should've just kept on walking" How! Dare! You! And second, there'd be no point in writing this, so…Enjoy
We fade into Peabody sitting on a bench, and reading a newspaper while he waits for the bus to arrive.
About 5 minutes go by, and the bus arrives.
The bus driver opens the door; "Good morning s-- Oh. I'm sorry, but no dogs allowed on the bus"
"*Scoff* Don't you know who I am?" Peabody responds annoyed, with his paws on his hips giving an offended look.
"Oh. It's you, Mr. Peabody. I'm terribly sorry." "Yes. Indeed." Peabody boards the bus and pays his fare.
Peabody walks down the aisle looking for a seat "No dogs allowed?! That's outrageous! What about service dogs?! All dogs should be able to ride public transit, not just me. Hmph! I ought to have this rectified, and have this so-called "policy" removed right away" Peabody says to himself annoyed.
Peabody finds a seat on the right side near the back. He hops on and sits quietly and cutely, while looking out the window, waiting for his stop. 
He loses himself watching as the buildings and beautiful scenery of what is New York, passes by. Peabody thinks about how hard life was for him growing up, even though being the most cutest and genius doggo he is today, he still, just like everyone else, had their rough patches. The big one for Peabody was growing up alone, without a family. Until one day he found Sherman, and boy was Sherman the cutest and most beautiful thing Peabody ever encountered.
Peabody thinks about what his life would've been like, if he had never met Sherman. This brings the white dog to tears, happy ones of course, that he is very grateful for stumbling upon the little boy in a box, that fateful day.
All of a sudden: A loud bang occurs, causing Peabody to snap out of his day dreaming. A car crash just happened up ahead, the bus driver slams on the brakes and puts the bus into a swerve. The passengers panic. Peabody remains calm. While trying to keep his balance: Peabody runs towards the front of the bus, to get to the bus driver.
"What's going on!?" Peabody asks, as he assesses the situation. The bus driver panics but tries to remain calm as he sees car after car crash into one another beginning to make a pileup "Well...for starters: Trying not to crash!!!"
Everyone screams as they get thrown left to right.
"Okay okay. Let me think." Peabody does some quick calculations in his head "Okay. The bus is going at this speed, with a steady decline. And judging by the angle-- No. that won't work. Maybe....Oh puppers! That won't work either. [sigh] Seems like the only way to make sure everyone on this bus is safe is for me to...."
The bus gets closer and closer, colliding with the pileup. "Peabody! If you have any ideas...Best to do it now!" 
"But--" " 'But' what!? Whatever it is, as long as it prevents us from crashing, just do it already!!!"
Peabody takes a deep breath to ready himself, to try and keep a steady head for what's about to come.
The bus swerves to the right, causing the bus to tilt to the left and have an opening for Peabody to jump out of a window on the right.
"Okay. I got this'' Peabody says to himself as he runs to the window, jumps and somersaults out. Peabody sustains a small cut, and begins to bleed. This triggers something inside of Peabody.
While in the air Peabody starts...transforming?! His fur turns gray and becomes fluffier. He begins growing, like 10x his average size! Teeth become sharper, muscles big ones at that, begin to buff out, along with the cut Peabody groans, eyes glow bright red.
Peabody bursts out of the summersault and lets out a huge roar, as he finishes transforming into his giant anthro-wolf-like form known as "The Incredible Wolf'' (formally known as “Wolfbody”) Think of The Hulk, but Peabody.
As Wolfbody lands onto the ground, we get an amazing look at his chiseled abs, gorgeous muscles, and his sexy god-like body.
Wolfbody snorts. The sound of the passengers on the bus screaming, grabs his attention, and reminds him what he needs to do.
Wolfbody runs on all fours, trying to catch up to the bus. The city rumbles to Peabody's gigantic paws and big weight hitting the ground. He runs and leaps over car after car. He's running out of time!
"Brace for impact!" the bus driver yells, as they're about to crash. Everyone on the bus prepares themselves. The bus happens to hit a hole in the road, sending the bus in a spiral into the air.
Wolfbody sees this and begins to run faster!
Everyone panics, but just before the bus crashes, Wolfbody catches the bus with his bare paws. Straining his muscles to hold the force of impact from the bus. Paws digging into the ground and get a stable grip, to prevent slipping backwards.
Wolfbody safely puts the bus down, and carries it away from the pileup. “Mr….Peabody?!” The bus driver asks, surprised to see Peabody in this giant hunk-like wolf form.
“Yes it is I. Now I must go. My help is needed elsewhere.” said Wolfbody, as he looks towards the pileup up ahead.
The bus driver nods in respect “Thank you, Mr. Peabody”. “You’re welcome” Wolfbody says as he smirks and nods back in respect. Just as Wolfbody is about to go and help with the pile up, a woman on the bus shouts “Wait!”. Wolfbody turns around to speak to the woman. The woman gives Wolfbody a big kiss on the cheek. “Thank you. Say, how are you so fit…and sexy?” the woman asks. Wolfbody chuckles, as he turns away and turns his head back to the woman and says “That’s my secret: I’m always sexy”.
We cut to Wolfbody running on his hind legs towards the pileup, as we fade out.
*Dramatic concluding-music plays, credits roll, the end*
…..To be continued?
I hope you enjoyed this little fanfic of mine, couldn’t have done it without the support of my friends <3 Special thanks to Alina for your support specifically XOXO💛
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kevin920 · 3 years
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One last mpas related content. Happy pride month.
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lexxieannie · 3 years
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‘what the dog doin?’ ‘what the dog doin?’ the dog is doing advanced calculus at an above college level you are not the same
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rus-mpas-fan1 · 2 months
Hewwo WABAC Warpers!
I am announcing a new recruitment of fans on my server dedicated to Mr. Peabody and Sherman! The server must be active. We will be glad to see new creative fans! https://discord.gg/AGsdqhS6xq
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lousirs · 2 days
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i may be alive, idk, who knows?
been drawing non-UD stuff... mainly DM and MPaS stuff. i may be cooky for the mouse and dog
anyways! take these old doodles for now
also this fandom is deader than dead, oof. ah well SHOUTOUT TO THE LEFTOVER UGLYDOLLERS! dolls? i think the fandom called the fans "dolls", i forgor
AKIRA IS OWNED BY @moonoaware !!!!!
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st3p-r-draws-blog · 7 years
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The Mr. P and the Little S
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disneydreamlights · 4 years
Side note: How to tell the SPM hyperfixation is returning. I’m thinking a lot about October.
#personal stuff#For new followers to my blog back when I was in high school I played this one song called October by Eric Whitacre#(I 10/10 recommend listening to Eric Whitacre btw his stuff is beautiful)#And there is a few times scattered throughout the second flute part of the song so good luck hearing it on recordings#But it sounds similar to the Flipside music (not exact the first note is an octave higher and the second note doesn't repeat)#And this got sixteen year old me's brain thinking a little about SPM and sorta nostalgic#Which inevitably drove me to read SPM fanfiction and start thinking about my own takes#And then I started to replay the game and SPM consumed me and because it's such a small fandom there was /never/ enough content for it#And this became especially true once MPA season started and we confirmed the piece for our list because it meant we were playing it a lot#(This was Jan 2013-March 2013 just to give you guys a context of time)#And so eventually this piece just kind of became ridiculously associated with SPM and my creative boon for it that I had back then#(None of which I really have access to because they're on my itouch or my old laptop that went dead in 2016)#Also just to take it a step further this all consuming love for SPM to the point where I consumed literally everything drove me to look on#the forums of ffn in hopes I could find some SPM rp to read or a community to talk to about it or an active rp to partake in#Just so I could find some more content: And instead of finding more content I found Mafia games#And those Mafia games led me to meet some of my absolute best friends of all time#So I really have this song to thank for that for making me think about SPM again since after I discovered KH I hadn't really thought about#it since I'd beaten it probably for the second time. And probably wouldn't have again if it wasn't for the song#And if I hadn't thought about SPM I wouldn't have looked in the Mario section of the forums on ffn#So then I wouldn't know some very important people so ya know I really have a lot of appreciation for this song#...Man this was a tag ramble
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fellas is it just me or does anyone else go soft when Sherman calls Mr Peabody his Dad
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the-venus-house · 5 years
I had a sudden thought that instead of a dog whistle, Peabody giving him a knife would be funny.
 You need to defend yourself Sherman.
 I just thought it’d be funny. 
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true-blue-megamind · 3 years
Can we pretty please get another post about Megamind's anatomy and the various fan-theories?
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FAN THEORY THURSDAY: Megamind’s Anatomy Part 2
Thank you once again to Ice-the-Irkenfor being epic and requesting this week’s topic! Yes, you may absolutely have more about Megamind’s anatomy! Thanks as well to all the awesome people on the Megamind Discord (The Evil Lair) who offered fan theories and information for this post! You’re the best!
And now, even though out favorite blue hero threatens to have Minion hit me with the Forget Me Stick every time I say it, SPOILER WARNING!
Megamind is an alien—we’re all clear on that—but exactly what does that mean for him physically? How different from a human is he? Of course, some of that has already been answered in several other posts, but this incredible animated film is so full of details that there always seems to be more fuel for fan theories, and that means there’s always more to explore!
Indeed, a great amount of care seems to have been put into developing the character, everything from his appearance and his personality undergoing multiple alterations before the final version we see in the film. A dedicated and thoroughly creative fandom has surrounded every detail, no matter how small and hidden, with brilliant ideas and plausible explanations. Today we’ll examine a few more of those.
Let’s get started.
Megamind’s Bone Density
Thank you to CrazyDreamer6 in particular for suggesting this fan theory.
Okay, buckle up, because we’re jumping right into science on this one. As I’ve discussed before in How Strong is Megamind, the former villain certainly seems to hit high above his weight class. Literally. During his final battle with Titan, we see the blue man hit Incel Super Creep hard enough that to shatter the circular saw the former has attached to one arm. However, further research has shown me that Megamind’s surprising physical force is unlikely to be the only variable at play. The aforementioned incident may also reveal that his bones are stronger than an ordinary human’s.
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According to an article on J. Wood Science, the compressive strength of most circular saws falls into one of four grades, depending on the quality and metal used: 300, 600, 900, and 1,200 MPa (one-million Megapascal Pressure Units.) This makes the average MPa of a circular saw 750, and although, inventor and mechanical engineer that he is, Megamind would be more likely to have high-quality (and possibly illegally obtained) tools, for the sake of simplicity I’m going to work with that average.
And, trust me, 750 MPa is still plenty. To put it in perspective, a second article, this one found on Open Oregon, explains that the highest-known compressive strength of a human femur is roughly 150 MPa, meaning an average circular saw can take five times more pressure than an ordinary Earthling’s leg bone. That’s going to become very important in a moment because we’re about to dive into pounds per square inch, or psi, compared to MPa.
Thankfully, both are measured in Megapascal Pressure Units—with psi being 6,894.76 PA compared to MPa’s 1,000,000—making this a little easier for my poor English Major brain. Essentially, psi can be calculated as MPa x 145, meaning the pounds per square inch force needed to “equal,” for lack of a better term, the 750 MPa compressive strength of an average circular saw is a stunning 108,750 psi.
If that seems like a lot, that’s because it is. According to The Way of Martial Arts, the average force of a boxer’s punch is 770 psi, a far cry from over 108,000. (I mean, that would make him over 140 timesmore physically powerful than a human fighter!) Megamind must logically be much stronger than he appears—otherwise he could hardly be expected to battle Metroman one-on-one regularly, not to mention fighting a murderous, super-powered Hal—but that’s a little excessive.
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Which brings us back to the subject at hand. If the power of Megamind’s punch alone is not what broke the saw during his fight with Titan, then that means that the metal of the saw had to be the weakest material involved. It’s not surprising that someone who was basically Evil Superman, and presumably bulletproof, would be that tough, but Megamind’s bones would also have to be significantly stronger than the 750 MPa of the tool.
Of course, the fact that he was striking with the blade, which is the weakest point, also probably helped. Anyone who knows much about swordplay will tell you that you block with the flat for exactly that reason. But I digress... My point is that the compressive strength of Megamind’s finger bones would have to be greater than that the saw blade, which as I’ve said is already five times stronger than a human femur itself. That gives the blue man some seriously strong bones and means that, whatever his skeletal system is made of, it must be far denser than ours. While the former supervillain would still have to punch several times harder than a strong man, these tougher bones would make it relatively easier for him to break the saw blade on Titan’s face. If this fan theory is correct, it would explain why, although clearly in pain, Megamind does not appear to break his hand, as well as how he survives being thrown against a brick wall hard enough to crack it.
Megamind’s Joints
There is, however, another fan theory that may explain Megamind’s ability to take so much blunt force without breaking, and that is that he could have a cartilaginous skeletal system. (Special thanks to @thatfilthyanimal for suggesting this one and to Nex and Dal on the Megamind Discord for sharing theories related to it.) The concept of largely cartilaginous bones fits with another fan theory, specifically that our favorite blue alien may be semi-aquatic. (For more on that, feel free to read the original Megamind’s Anatomy post.)
This supposition comes with one very significant problem, however: a cartilaginous skeleton, such as that of a shark, is excellent for life under the waves but is not rigid enough to support a creature’s weight on land. Since the blue man clearly has no difficulty functioning outside the water, this means he cannot have a cartilaginous skeletal system.
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There is another fan theory, however, also suggested by Dal and Nex, that may offer a better explanation. Megamind could have a semi-cartilaginous skeleton. This may either mean that his skeletal system is at least partially calcified cartilage, allowing for springy-yet-strong bones, or that his joints may be cartilaginous. It's the latter supposition I'm going to focus on.
If the Blue Defender does indeed have inhumanly mobile cartilaginous joints, this would allow him to be more flexible, which certainly seems to fit the former supervillain’s fluid movements, as well as making him able to absorb more force. Just think about how young children seem to bounce back from falls and such so easily… This is in part because their joints still contain more cartilage than an adult’s. Megamind could be much the same.
Looking back at the previous section, this increased force absorption could also help to explain how he punched hard enough the shatter a saw without seriously injuring his fingers. It could, as mentioned before, also be part of why his movements seem to almost flow, and why he appears to be unusually flexible. It might even explain why he’s able to jump off of a tall ladder during one part of the film without seeming to be so much as mildly jolted. Finally, this would likely also make him well-suited to life both underwater and on dry land.
Megamind’s Respiratory System
Thank you to Dal for this one. As I’ve mentioned before, once again in Megamind’s Anatomy as well as in What is Life on Earth Like for Megamind, there is some evidence that our favorite blue hero may be semi-aquatic. One fan theory takes this a step further by suggesting that the former villain may have a unique respiratory system featuring both a pair of lungs and gills. (Some have even supposed that this may explain why his torso is longer, as it would allow more room for both.)
This isn’t entirely impossible or unheard of. One very real species on earth, the aptly named Lung Fish, possesses both gills and a lung, allowing it to breathe both in and out of water. Lung Fish, however, spend relatively little time on land. As he is clearly comfortable living mostly above the lungs and as he is an undoubtedly more complex organism, Megamind would almost certainly differ in a few ways.
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Dal pointed out that this would likely require two separate systems in order to allow the blue man to live mostly on land while still being equally at home under the waves. One viable way that this duel system might function is via spiracles. For those who don’t already know what I’m referring to, Shark Insider defines spiracles as modified gills, appearing like small openings, which allow oxygen-rich water to flow through some sea creatures’ respiratory systems. Again, this is completely plausible as examples exist in nature, but as with the lung fish, Megamind anatomy would likely be somewhat different.
Dal pointed out that, as “gills are less efficient at gas exchange” than lungs, the blue man’s spiracles would almost definitely have to be somewhere on his chest, rather than on his neck as one might expect. Otherwise it would probably prove impossible to meet his body’s oxygen requirements when he was breathing underwater. However, if he does indeed have a fully binary respiratory system, as seems likely, Megamind’s spiracles could not be directly on his chest or they might interfere with his lungs. Dal, therefore, has developed a fan theory that the former villain may have spiracles in his supraclavicular fossae. They were also kind enough to provide an image with the region in question highlighted. Thank you for that, Dal!
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Having spiracles here could very well allow Megamind to get sufficient air to his gills without the risk of getting water in his lungs. The positioning would also allow his neck muscles to pump water through his gills or simply hold the openings wide while he was sprinting underwater, providing more oxygen. Finally, it might also provide one more reason that Megamind likes to keep his neck covered.
Well, that is all for this post! I hope you’ve enjoyed it! These fan theories certainly give us some interesting and plausible things to mull over! Let me know what you think, and I’ll see you next week!
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