#mr stein's like '...huh?'
freaky-flawless · 2 years
I saw your post about Bloodgood not even trying to find Robecca lmao, and the idea of things being awkward between them is funny. But in Robecca's diary it's mentioned that Mr. Stein did want to try to put Robecca back together but feared that her father was too much of a genius and any attempt to do so would further break her. In Friday Night Frights we only see Ghoulia find a few peices of Robecca, and when she goes to take the last one she's already mostly together. (1/2)
"2/2 So it seems that Robecca was mostly put together already and just missing a few peices. These two facts combined make it seem like Robecca had already been searched for and *mostly* found back when she was dismantled but they weren't able to fix her completely yet. I hope that helps to clear things up a bit lol."
Ah that's very insightful, thank you! Honestly warms my heart that Mr. Stein took it upon himself to try and repair her, I can only imagine his joy when he saw her complete again.
Since we do see Ghoulia find some pieces, I wonder if the job seemed more daunting to him because he couldn't find those parts, nor replicate them. That would actually make a lot of sense.
God, Robecca's whole story line is so interesting, I'm still so shocked she never got her own movie or book.
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queenofcats17 · 2 years
I got a request from a user called Roman on AO3 for Allison, Joey, and Henry being high on ink fumes and stuck in the same room. They suggested a storage room with lots of old merchandise and broomsticks and mops.
It had been a quiet day for Tom. Which of course meant that something was about to go wrong. He knew he’d be accused of being paranoid, but he’d come to distrust peace when it came to Joey Drew Studios. When things were quiet like this, it almost always meant some sort of Hell was about to break loose.
It didn’t take too long for his suspicions to be proved correct.
As he was headed down to the Heavenly Toys level to make sure the pipe near Shawn’s office hadn’t blown again, he literally ran into Wally, who was running out of the area. Wally stumbled back, landing on his butt.
Tom knew instantly that shenanigans were about to ensue. “What happened?” He asked, trying not to sigh.
“Huh?” Wally looked up. “Oh! Tom! Thank God you’re here! Miss Pendle, Mr. Drew, and Mr. Stein are tripping in the warehouse storage room.”
At this, Tom did let out a long exhale through his nose. “Of course they are.”
“They got drenched in the Boris railway area and then it kinda...escalated, y’know?” Wally got back to his feet, fidgeting a bit. “I just about to fix the pipe, I swear. It burst before I could get to it.”
“I’m not going to blame you, Franks, don’t worry,” Tom assured him. “I know it wasn’t your fault. That ink’s got a mind of its own.”
Wally visibly relaxed at this. “I know, right? Sometimes I feel like it’s alive or somethin’.” He fell into step beside Tom as the mechanic began to powerwalk toward the Bendyland level.
“At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was right.”
There was a small crowd assembled outside the attraction storage area when the two of them arrived, as there usually was when someone started tripping. Lacie and Bertrum were keeping the crowd back thankfully, so there was less of a chance of someone getting hurt.
“Ah, Mr. Connor!” Bertrum boomed upon spotting Tom and Wally making their way over. “Have you come to assist?”
“I’m not sure how much help I can be, but yeah, pretty much.” Tom nodded, setting down his toolbox.
“Pendle and Stein will listen to you at least,” Lacie said. “Which is more than they’ll do with us.”
“Fair point.” Tom took a moment to steel himself before heading inside.
He walked into a very strange scene indeed. On one side of the room were Allison and Henry, both wielding mops like swords. On the other side of the room was Joey, crouched in a position that was absolutely going to give him back pain later. Joey was growling, or attempting to. It wasn’t working. There were knocked-over boxes all over the room and a few snapped brooms and trampled plushes.
Tom had to stifle the urge to sigh again. He didn’t get paid enough to deal with this nonsense.
All three of the room’s inhabitants turned toward him upon his entrance.
“Tom, you need to get out of here!” Allison yelled. “It’s not safe!”
Tom looked over at the crouched and comical form of Joey Drew, who was still attempting to growl. This led to a coughing fit before Joey tried again, with similar results. It just kept going.
“I think I’ll be fine,” Tom said.
“He’ll unmake you!” Henry said, looking just as panicked as Allison.
“I’ll be fine,” Tom assured him.
As he walked further in, he heard a sound he had very much been hoping he wouldn’t hear. The sound of the shutter slamming closed. And, judging from the other clattering sounds he heard, it wasn’t the only one.
“What’s going on?” Tom asked, turning back to the shutter.
“We aren’t sure!” Bertrum’s voice carried surprisingly well through the metal. “Do not worry, Mr. Connor, we’ll find a way to get you all out!”
So, they were going to be there a bit. Great.
Tom turned back to the other three inhabitants of the room. Joey had begun advancing on Allison and Henry, who were moving back in fear. 
“Hey! Don’t do that!” Tom scolded, picking up a broom and gently whacking Joey.
Joey hissed and scrambled back.
“Tom! That was amazing!” Allison exclaimed. “You beat back the Ink Demon!”
“It was pretty incredible,” Henry agreed.
Tom felt his cheeks begin to grow warm and awkwardly cleared his throat. “It wasn’t that impressive,” he mumbled.
“It was!” Allison insisted.
Seemingly sensing an opportunity, Joey tried to pounce once more, only to again get whacked with the broom.
“Stop doing that,” Tom said flatly.
Joey gave a halfhearted hiss, retreating to crouch in front of the crates.
It took longer than Tom would have liked for them to be released from the storage room. Thankfully, Joey didn’t try to “attack” again, but Allison did attempt to scratch Tom behind the ears and call him a good boy. Tom...actually enjoyed it, which he found a little embarrassing. He just hoped Henry and Joey wouldn’t remember this later or hold it over his head.
He was sprawled out in Allison’s lap when the shutters were raised, letting her rub his head. Henry was throwing plushes at Joey, then yelling and scrambling back when Joey hissed or growled at him for it.
Tom was so startled he almost fell onto the ground but quickly tried to right himself.
“Having fun there, Connor?” Lacie asked with a smirk.
“Shut up,” Tom grumbled, hoping his face wasn’t as red as he thought it was. He turned back to Allison and Henry. “We should get you all to the infirmary now.”
“What about...him?” Henry asked in a hushed tone, pointing to Joey.
“I’ll handle him,” Tom replied.
Getting Joey to the infirmary was...easier said than done.
It took both Bertrum and Tom to manage to wrestle him out of the room and into the elevator. Once in the infirmary, he had to be essentially blanket burritoed until he was normal again. He ended up falling asleep like that and was incredibly embarrassed when he woke up.
Allison was a bit embarrassed as well, even though Tom assured her she didn’t do anything embarrassing.
Henry, as usual, was unfazed by the situation and immediately attempted to go right back to work. He had to be blanket burritoed as well to force him to take a break.
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sunny6677 · 2 years
SUMMARY: The following are real audio tapes of tapes left by an animator at the forgotten studio Joey Drew Studios. Please ensure that you are ready to listen with these with caution, dear listener. What you may hear may cause you to never want to hear again. What you may picture may make you never want to see again. Please be aware of the consequences you may have if you do not have permission to listen to these tapes. If not permitted, then [REDACTED]. You have been warned.
(This is fiction btw, so no worries-- I know some people with anxiety issues might think this is real so this is just a clarification.)
A: "Hey."
H: "Huh?.. Oh, hey. Is there something you need?"
A: "Nah, heard you had a buncha spare papers down here though, and I need some to complete the shit I've been assigned to— so, anythin' ya got?"
H: "Oh, yeah, they're over here. By the chair."
H: "...Hey, aren't you that one animator I keep hearing about?"
A: "Eh? Oh yeah, probably. Man, must be keepin' a real reputation 'round here if I'm talked about that often. Maybe people here are finally startin' to want to be friends with me!"
H: "Heh.. Mr. Hudson, right? Least that's what I've heard them call you."
A: "Hm? Oh, yep! Thats me. Andrew Hudson! Man, I've got such a badass name, don't I? Could name a character after me with how cool it sounds."
H: "Andrew Hudson.. Andrew.. this— this might be a bit of a stretch, but did you by chance go to that one Orphanage downtown? The one in Brooklyn, that is."
A: "...yes. Why? My name sound familiar or somethin'?"
H: "Oh my.. Andrew, it's me, Henry."
A: "Hen— Oh my— Henry! Henry! Oh my god! It's great to see you again, man, how have ya been!?"
H: "Heheh, I'm okay— I'm okay. I guess I landed a good spot in a workplace if it meant meeting you again."
A: "Hell yeah you did! Last time I saw you, you were 15! Mighty mighty, time flies fast! Did the whole gettin' adopted situation go well for ya?"
H: "Oh, yes— I found myself with a lovely caretaker, a lovely mother. For the first time in a while, with her, I finally felt whole again. Like I was getting to experience the childhood I wasn't able to."
A: "Hell yeah, man, that's great! Guess your whole artistic thing did get ya somewhere after all, if ya ended up with the one and only Joey Drew."
H: "Oh, yeah.. I guess it did... how did it go for you? Did you ever get adopted?"
A: "...nah. Not that i care though, if I'm here with ya, not gettin' a family doesn't mean nothin' to me. I'm just happy to see your doin' alright, man."
H: "Oh.. well, I'm sorry about that."
A: "Nah, man, it's fine! I don't need a family anyway."
H: "Huh? But.."
A: "Anyway, maybe we can get dinner sometime and catch up on the weekend sometime! I'd love to hear about ya some more. In the mean time, I'll have to be gettin' back to my work so.. toodles for now, man!"
H: "Oh, uh, bye.. then.."
H: "That was weird.. he isn't the type to leave so quickly.. on well, people change, Henry. It's best to get back to your drawings, someone has to keep your old pal happy."
A: "Huh? Is this someone's tape?.. And why is it near Wallys closet?"
A: "Oh well, probably not important.. doodle-doo, da-dee-da-dee..."
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krajtaz · 4 years
cinder fall but idk if you wanna count rwby as an anime. if not then fuckin uhhhh franken stein soul eater 💓
cj voice i like them unhinged and evil-looking (:
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shisekibo · 2 years
[Event Story] Chapter Ten - A Gorgeous Street
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Portlair Palace - Guest Room
- That Night -
 “Now then, let’s start our meeting.”
 “In order to obtain the wine for the ceremony...”
 “We need to draw attention to the wine merchant’s store on the day of the festival.”
 “Aaa~ah. I had no idea it’d turn out like this...”
 “The festival encompasses the entire city.”
 “It really is a good time to earn money... They must be desperate to attract customers.”
 “So, in other words... We need to bring in customers so the store flourishes.”
 “But, how...?”
“We just have to call out to people ourselves, I guess?”
 “Haha... Never fear. I have an idea.”
 “You do, Mr. Nac?”
 “Mr. Lucas. Lamli... Will you cooperate?”
 “Of course.”
 “I really don’t want to do anything for you, Nac... But I guess I can make an exception for once...”
 “Thank you.”
 “The festival is in two days... We do not have much time.”
 “But I swear on the name Nac Stein that I will make this a success!”
- The Day of the Festival -
Muu and I made our way through the bustling Festival streets.
 “Wow~! There are so many people~!”
 “I knew people danced from morning until night, but...”
 “I didn’t know it would be this many people.”
“It’s like a completely different place from yesterday.”
“It looks like everyone is having fun!”
 “So this is what Festivals are like in the South...!”
 “Master! I want to see everything!”
“Let’s go check on the others first, okay?”
 “Th-that’s right!”
 “Um... The wine merchant should be over here...”
 “Ah! They’re over there!”
 “Huh?! Look at that crowd!”
“It certainly is flourishing...”
“What the hell is going on?”
 “Let’s go look!”
- The Wine Merchant’s Shop -
 “Ugh... There are so many people I can barely walk...”
 “Ah, Master... Stay close to me, okay? It might be dangerous if we get separated.”
“Thank you.”
“You be careful too, Muu.”
 “Hm... It looks like everyone here is watching something.”
 “Is there a performance over there or something?”
 “Wait, ahh! It’s...!”
Lamli was dancing beautifully on the stage before us.
 “Wow~~! Mr. Lamli! It’s so gorgeous!”
Lamli looked even more mature, dancing under the faint light of the lamps.
 “Mr. Lamli’s dancing is so captivating! He’s so cool!”
 “I didn’t know he was so good at dancing!”
“Me neither...”
“It’s nice to see another side to Lamli.”
 “Haha. What do you think of Lamli’s dancing?”
 “Mr. Nac!”
 “It seems my plan to attract customers was a success.”
 “Um, what is this...?”
 “I organized a dance show so Lamli could draw a crowd for us.”
“A dance show?”
 “Humans gather where other people are gathering.”
 “If there is a crowd outside the store, even more people will gather... And the throng will become even larger as a result...”
 “This is my plan to bring customers to the store.”
 “Wow~! I see~!”
 “Lamli is the most athletically minded of all the Butlers.”
 “The dance he is performing now is a traditional Portlair number.”
 “He only danced it a few times before he had completely mastered it.”
 “It only took him a few minutes to memorize it. That is not normal at all.”
 “Mr. Lamli’s really talented.”
 “Well, yes. Thinking about his history, of course he can memorize a dance that fast...”
(Lamli’s history...?)
 “Oh my... That is right. I should not be dawdling here.”
 “Master. I have been left in charge of the store’s finances. I shall take my leave now.”
 “Please look after our Master, Muu.”
 “Yes, of course! Leave them to me!”
 “Haha. You are so reliable, Muu.”
 “I will be leaving now...”
step step step
“He’s gone.”
“What should we do next?”
 “Now you mention it, where’s Mr. Lucas?”
 “He must be somewhere around the store...”
Young Women:
 “Hey. I heard there’s a really handsome person working at this store!”
Young Women:
 “Apparently he’s from a different County!”
Young Women:
 “I need to see him!”
 “More and more women are entering the wine merchant’s store, aren’t they?”
“By handsome person, do they mean...?”
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Here’s the continuation of my last post. Thank you so much to everyone who liked and reblogged! This is becoming a lot longer than I thought, so there will be another part soon. Feedback is appreciated!
A series of misunderstandings involving a limousine and Spectra’s blog lead Jackson to the realization that he has way more friends than he thought.
Jackson sighed as he silenced his blaring alarm clock. 7:00 am. As he walked to the bathroom to get ready, he was suddenly struck by a memory.
“It’s nothing personal, normie. You just look like such a freak.” Manny told him as he shoved him off of the lunch table. Jackson looked towards the other mansters, but they said nothing. So they all agreed. Even Clawd. 
He cringed. He’d had to eat lunch in a bathroom stall that day. He looked at his reflection, desperately wishing he could change it. He sighed and got dressed. He had to leave early since he now had no car and his parents weren't home. He plugged his headphones into his phone. Holt had gotten them into this situation, only fitting that he deal with it.
Holt Hyde cursed under his breath as he walked to school. Although the weather was warming, mornings in March were still frigid. He sighed in relief as he approached Monster High.
“Heya there, sweetpea,” Operetta drawled in greeting as Holt waltzed through the front doors of the school. 
“What’s good, Oppy?” Holt responded, his usual loud and energetic self even at the early hour.
“Just peachy keen like always, hun. Say, you seen the Ghostly Gossip lately?” She asked.
“Nah, we usually stay away from that garbage ever since that story about us and Frankie. Humiliated the poor ghoul and almost tanked our relationship. It really ain’t cool what they're doin’.” He replied nonchalantly. 
“Oh. Okay. Well sugar, you know you can tell me anythang you wanna, right?” She continued.
“Uh, yeah, sure. Thanks Oppy.” That was kinda weird for the rough and tumble ghoul to say, but honestly Holt was just glad their botched attempt at dating didn’t mess up their friendship. Oppy was a cool ghoul. 
“What’s the word, cool cats?” Came a new voice.
Johnny spirit sauntered casually down the main corridor of Monster High, and students jumped out of his way as if he had the plague. He put his arm around Operetta’s shoulder. “Hey, babe.”
Holt snorted. “I’ll never get why everyone lets you float around like you own the place.”
Johnny shrugged. “Guess they don’t have a choice. Besides, I never see you doing anything about it,” he replied with a bit of challenge in his tone. Holt rolled his eyes.
“You know you don’t scare us, Spirit. Anyway, it seems like Oppy’s got you on a leash without our help.”
Johnny bristled at that “Y’know Hyde, I’m gettin’ real sick of-”
“Why don’t we scamper on down to the catacombs and finish that new song we been workin on, sugarpie?” Operetta cut in. She really didn’t want to deal with a fistfight this early.
The couple walked away and Holt made toward the auditorium. He found the symphony on stage setting up and dashed up to join them, plugging his guitar into its amp. Jennifire was nearby greasing the corks on her clarinet. He huffed and sat down next to her.
“Another run in with the phantom pianist?” She asked, not even looking up.
“That guy is such a jerk!”
She chuckled and shook her head. “You boys are so easily provoked; I may never understand it. My brothers were just the same. He has done not to insight your anger.”
Holt really hated to admit it, but she was right. Johnny really didn't scare Holt, and he knew a little better than to try that tough guy act on Jackson. Plus, it was kinda funny seeing guys like Heath and Manny faint when he walked past them.
“Your emotions run like wildfire, I am very impressed you came to terms so easily with your end.” She continued.
Wait. What. “My what now?”
“Of course, it must be so hard for you to talk about. I am sorry.” A tear fell from her eye and promptly turned to smoke upon hitting her face.
“Jen, are you okay?” Holt asked, facing her.
She smiled. “Yes, I will be okay. So kind of you to think of me.”
“Okay, Okay, enough chit chat. Places people!” The director yelled as he approached the stage. Well. That was weird. Holt took his place in the stool beside the amp and looked up as the director began counting them off.
After an awkward hour of rehearsal, they were dismissed to second period. Holt emerged out into the crowd of students in the hall. Jennifire was nowhere to be found, so he made his way toward the art room. His Spotify playlist suddenly changed to a song by Pierce the Veil. He pulled out his phone to skip it and saw he had a message from Jackson. He scoffed. If D-low had told him what was wrong, would he be asking? JJ could be so oblivious. Maybe it was just a normie thing. 
He took his usual seat in front of his canvas and continued his painting for this week. 
“Psst, Holt.” he heard a whisper. He turned and met the shiny magenta eyes of retired popstar Catty Noir. “We’re turning up at Cleo’s place on Saturday, you in?”
“Yeah totally- oh, nevermind. We can’t make it, we kinda got a...thing that day.”
“Oh,” she said, looking kind of taken aback. “It’s that soon?” 
“What was that?”
“ I said I’ll see you soon!” she hastily corrected herself as she got up and turned in her painting, promptly leaving the art room. Man, everyone's acting off today. He touched up his work and quickly followed suit.
He basically had the rest of the period to himself, so he decided to riff on his guitar for a little bit. He couldn’t do it in the building anymore ever since that one time Headmistress Bloodgood caught him, so he moved to the front steps and set his bag beside him.
“Hey Holt!”
Holt turned towards the front of the school. “Frankie Fine-Stein! Where have you been hiding?” Her skin glowed a light mint green and her eyes sparked in the sun. Just as bootiful as ever. She sat on the step beside him.
“I was actually just in the library. I found this book about the original Jekyll and Hyde. It was way harsh; It said that Edward Hyde trampled a child in the streets of London, is that true?”
“Nuh-uh! Those stuffy normie’s didn’t like that grandpa’s were different so they dragged their reputation through the dirt!” Holt declared passionately. “Some of the people they charged him with killing didn’t even exist in the first place! Then they made Dr. Jekyll out to be a complete basket case and threw them both in jail! That is until they got bailed out by our great-great-grandma, Lucy.”
“Oh, man. I didn’t know any of that!” Frankie replied. She actually knew all about it, she had heard the exact same thing from Jackson before. They were both incredibly salty about the smear campaign launched against their great-great-grandparents that made their family flee to America in the first place, and you could hardly bring it up around them without a passionate rant. Frankie felt a little bad about bringing up something she knew was a sore subjet for them, but she had to make sure Spectra and the other ghouls didn’t get caught. It was for their own good, right?
Her phone buzzed in her lap and she glanced down. “Spectra got something, meet us back in the library.” Clawdeen. Frankie jumped up. “Sorry, Holt, I really gotta go.”
Holt watched her go in curiosity. He checked the time and quickly jumped up himself and dashed back inside the building. The only way to not be late now was to go through Section C, the so-called “vampires only” hallway. It really irked them when other monster’s used it, but he didn’t really care when it was either that or detention. As he made his way through he felt someone glaring at him, and met eyes with a large group of the former prep-school vampires. He braced himself, but instead of giving him grief like they usually did, they just let him pass. They were acting weird, but so was everyone else. Oh well, he didn’t really have time to think about it now.
Holt’s third period was Chemistry 2 with Mr. Hack. No thanks. Science was never his strong suit. Plus, there was seriously something off about this particular teacher. He just took a little too much pleasure in the cutting open of living things for Holt’s liking. He pulled out his phone.
“Keep an eye out. Today’s been weird, Bro.” He typed the message out and then disconnected his phone from his headphones. The world went dark.
Jackson blinked a few times. What was that ringing sound? “Oh, shOOT!” He bolted through the closest door- which just happened to be the right one- and took his seat as the bell finished ringing.
Mr. Hack passed out a hefty amount of worksheets to the class. “Okay class: no whispering, no talking, no looking around, no coughing or sneezing, no you can’t use the bathroom, and if I catch you on your cell phone the whole class gets detention. You have until the end of the class to complete the worksheets or it's a 0 for today.”
Everyone groaned. Good old Mr. Hack. Charming and likeable. Jackson tried to ignore the stares and whispers in his direction as he did his work. He knows he’s different, don’t they ever get tired of reminding him? Were they all paying more attention to him than usual, or was it just his imagination? He blazed through his work in about 20 minutes, it was just some simple thermodynamics equations. He looked up and noticed that Mr. Hack was asleep. Typical. Half the class were on their phones and the other half were talking amongst themselves. He pulled his phone out and saw Holt’s message.
Huh. Maybe it wasn’t just his imagination then, everyone was acting a little odd. Granted, every day at Monster High was pretty weird. Last week they had lost their school crest in a rollerblading contest and the school nearly toppled over, so maybe he could just ignore whatever this was.
The bell finally rang for lunch. He set his work on Mr. Hack’s desk as he jolted awake and practically ran from the room. He shot Clair a text
“Okay, transportation is set and decorations bought. Am I forgetting anything?”
“Measurements, goofy.” She responded almost instantly.
“Oh, right. I can get a tape measure from the woodshop teacher and get them during lunch.”
“Have you told the other monsters about Saturday?”
“No. I just don’t know how they’ll react, y’know?”
“Aren’t they always telling you about how you don’t belong? So why would they care?”
“Yeah you’re probably right. It’s just a difficult situation.”
“Yeah, I hear you. Let me know how it goes.”
Looking down at his phone, he didn’t notice Draculara until he bumped her as he passed.
“So sorry!” He exclaimed. 
“It’s alright.” She reassured him as she walked away. She made her way to the library where her friends were already gathered around in a circle. Spectra floated in the center.
“What’s this all about?” Draculara asked.
“While Frankie had Holt distracted, Spectra looked in his locker.”
“Well what did she find?” Cleo demanded.
“Just this. It appears to be a receipt for some kind of car rental.”
Clawd glanced at his phone. “Heath says Jackson is in the boys locker room right now taking measurements of himself and writing them down.” He told the group.
“Then what Spectra said is true.” Fraknie finally admitted. The room fell into extended silence.
“Well we can at least show Jackson he means something to us.” Draculara spoke up.
“Yeah,” Frankie agreed, “we can do something nice for him and Holt.”
“What are we going to do? Hijack the gym and throw a huge party during lunch?” Cleo asked sardonically.
“You’re on a roll Cleo! It’ll be closed tomorrow, but we can do it Friday!” Clawdeen agreed.
Cleo smiled. Very well then. Friday would be a day for the monster history books.
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toontails · 3 years
Toon Quest|| Reader Insert
Chapter 2: Roadkill
The muffling sound of speaking woke Y/n up from her slumber, as any other morning, the birds their sweet melody. The sun was given the chance to shine through the clouds, it rays lighting up each crevice of Y/n's room. She must have forgotten to close the blinds last night, she still felt the fatigue drag her down into slumber. Her eyelids giving off a burning sensation and...something else. She was sore, causing slight discomfort. Her hands were stinging painfully as well as her torso. Sitting up quickly, Y/n lifted her palms. Looking down she saw two blisters like burns on both of her palms. The palm of the skin was torn, her hands felt almost numb and stiff, looking at the red tissue, Y/n realized it was a people burn. From the lasso that she was holding so tight onto. Last night she didn't feel a thing, most likely because she was worried about a hundred other things and the fact her adrenaline was pumping from fear and being overwhelmed. Lifting her shirt slightly, she peered down at her torso, not much noticeable other than a colored bruise that was forming. 
"I need to be more careful.." She whispered to herself. 
"Y/n!!" Her mother calls her from down stairs. Y/n looked over towards her nightstand. Reaching over to her phone. She picked it up and plucked it from it's charger and looked at the time. 
11:13 AM
She quickly slipped from out of the bed. Thankfully her legs aren't sore to the point she felt like she was walking on stilts. Scurrying over to the bookbag where she passed the book safely. Opening the bag, she saw the book indeed was still safely tucked away. Closing the bag up again, Y/n got up and walked from the room. 
Hearing soft laughter from downstairs, Y/n stood at the last step, the staircase led to the corridor to the living room. Where she saw her mother, Bendy and Henry Stein. Henry was standing next to M/n. His hands in his slacks pockets. Dark circles under his eyes, no doubt from the busy work. Bendy stood at the end of the coffee table holding a tissue paper, where he stuffed the tissue paper into the fist of his palm on his other hand. Once the tissue was no longer in sight he opened his palm to reveal nothing, the tissue nowhere to be found. M/n laughed slightly, clapping at the many harmless magic freaks Bendy showed her. 
"I didn't know you could do that." M/n told Bendy. Bendy's smile widened. "Oh, I dabble." 
Y/n noticed that Bendy actually wore clothes this time—not that he really needed to anyway. He still had his white bow tie. What was added was black dress pants and white suspenders. Looking more dapper than he originally looked. 
"Oh! Y/n. Glad you're up, did you pack your bags? You're leaving soon." Y/n's optics flickered away from Bendy and over to her mother. Y/n gave a welcoming smile to Henry, who smiled back as well. 
"I'll pack right now. I should be done in a few minutes." Y/n answered. Her mother nods, leaving her daughter to take care of her business. Y/n started to walk up the stairs, but abruptly stopped before glancing back over at Bendy, who caught hindsight of her. She motioned him to follow her and then, she walked back upstairs. 
Scuffling through her dresser, Bendy slowly closed the door behind him as he glanced around momentarily. 
"Where's Panchito and Oswald?" Y/n asked. Bendy turned his gaze over to Y/n, giving her a questioning gaze. Yes. He knew who Panchito was, but was oblivious to the fact the toon rabbit they were with last night was named Oswald. 
"Oswald?" He asked slowly. Y/n looked at him and gave hina questioning expression as well. "Yes. Rabbit, remember?" She raised an eyebrow, and Bendy soon made an expression of realization. 
"Oh him. They're both at the studio. I hid them in the lower section of the building." He said. Y/n nods before taking out the set of clothes and carrying them over to the bed. Placing the clothing on the bed as she then glanced at her palms. 
"I got a rope burn when we were crossing leaping over the street." She showed her palms to Bendy who walked over and gazed down at her hands. 
"There's bandages in the car, we'll bandage you up in there." 
Once hearing that there was a first aid kit in the car, Y/n was relieved to hear that she wouldn't have to sit hours in the car with sore and burning hands. But. After a while of picking out clothes. Grabbing her toothbrush. Wallet, phone and phone charger all in one book bag along with the book. The two set off to finally start their adventure. 
"Where's Henry going? Isn't he driving us back to the studio?" Y/n asked Bendy, she grabbed the book bag and placed it on her shoulders. Bendy looked away from the window and shook his head. 
"Of course not. Him and M/n have a business errand to run with the board, what is it? I don't know, I've heard it's a big thing that a new company is innovating but, he's riding with M/n." He said. Y/n nods, it wasn't rare that Henry and her mother had meetings they constantly had to be to. Changing the topic as she held the straps of her book bag. She grinned at Bendy. 
"You were being put through the ringer last night." She laughed. Thinking back in the punch Bendy received from one of the beagle boys. Bendy froze for a second. His always lasting grin faltering a dipping down for a second. 
"Oh please. You all should be thanking me. I worked under pressure and took the first blow." 
"At this point you're just a walking punching bag. Come on—"
"A walking punching bag? Why I—forget it. Let's go." 
"Okay, and remember, indoors at 8PM. Not too late, remember to eat dinner, and don't forget! Take pictures!" M/n pressed a kiss to Y/n's forehead before pulling her into a hug, Y/n returned the gesture before pulling away. Bendy stood in the doorway of the front door, arms behind his back. Walking over to him, M/n waved at her daughter. 
"Bendy, please. Keep her safe and out of trouble." M/n said. Bendy smiled and nodded. "Oh please. I won't let her out of my sights, she'll be as safe as a kitten Mrs. L/n." 
Bendy hooked his arm around Y/n's arm and escorted her out the house, her mother waving the two goodbye with a soft expression. Henry was standing next to her as well, lifting a hand to wave the two goodbye as well. 
"Alright toots, let's roll."
Arriving at the studio, Annie—yet again was standing at the receptionist desk, Y/n trailed behind Bendy who walked past Annie, she was too busy talking to some other employee from another department to notice the two. Once making it to a hallway, right in front of an elevator, Bendy pressed the arrow that would take them down into the studio. Which made Y/n wonder. 
"There's a lower section of the studio?" She asked. Bendy looked away from the studio and back to Y/n, which. He soon nods. 
"Yes, that's usually where the head composer of the music stores most of the instruments when not in use in the recording booth. And also other stuff is stored down there, I usually go down there to break something just because." Bendy didn't seem to be bothered at the fact he admitted purposely breaking something—well. Not much of a surprise as he was the definition of a mischievous trouble maker. A small airy laugh came from Y/n before she looked over to the elevator doors that opened with a automatic; 'ding'
The two stepped into the elevator, once in the elevator Bendy yet again pressed a button to the lowest floor of the studio. 
"How did you sneak them in here last night?" Y/n asked. 
"The emergency exit."
"...." Y/n looked at Bendy with furrowed eyebrows. Bendy noticed and his pie cut eyes looked over to her. "What?"
"Me and Panchito came in through the emergency exit and we almost got caught." She said, the memory basically playing vividly in front of her. Bendy lets out a snarky laugh. 
"Tough luck, toots. I can fool basically anyone there is—"
"Hey! Watch my horns you vile woman!" Bendy shouts. Alice Angel—another one of the company's loving and famous characters, had her hand on Bendy's hand. And her knee on his back, basically pinning him to a wooden table that was in the hallway—more of a desk that was in front of the elevator where Bendy and Y/n once stood in. But upon reaching the last floor, they were met with two figures in front of the elevator. Alice Angel and Boris. Alice being the one who was mostly on the side of suspiciousness and hostility, which ended with her pinning Bendy to the table. And Boris holding onto Y/n by her book bag. Y/n didn't take much of a chance to try and free herself as she didn't want to appear too much of a bad person as the two thought she was. 
The basement area was much different from how the upper part of the building was. The floors weren't linoleum, instead it was a dusty wooden floor, with various rooms—which seemed to not be in use—but. Her focus wasn't much on the aspect of her surroundings, but more trying to get on the good side of Alice and Boris. 
Alice leaned down next to Bendy's head. 
"Where's your other two friends, huh? You think that stunt you pulled last night got past me and Boris? Sure the others, but I'm positive there were more of you than just the gal' over there." Alice motioned towards Y/n, who was slightly lifted from the ground by her bookbag by Boris. Who mostly had his focus on Bendy. 
Bendy soon made a noise and then gave Alice a betrayed expression. 
"Are you really interrogating me?" He asked, moving his lower body to not cause a strain to his chest that was pressed harshly into the desk. 
"Yes, I am. Maybe I wouldn't be if you weren't so sneaky—I mean. How did you even slip past Henry like that?" Alice scoffed, Bendy made a blank expression for a moment, deep in thought, Alice then turned her gaze to Y/n. 
"You. You're Y/n, right?" She asked. Y/n was debating to really answer her question—was she in trouble? No she couldn't be—she was positive that Boris and Alice were Bendy's friends—-they literally work in the same company and industry. 
"Yes..I am." She replied. Alice then looked back at Bendy. Who had yet to reply. 
"What are you two up to? I wouldn't be so on edge if you came straight forward and told me." She said. Bendy snorted and smiled. "Oh please, toots. You think if we were doing something illegal, I would tell you?"
"Well are you?"
Bendy opened his mouth to speak, but—he seemed to stop himself before closing his mouth slowly. Alice then quickly pushed herself away from Bendy. Placing her fingertips to her mouth in bewilderment, a light and dainty gasp emits from her. 
"Bendy! Stop pulling my leg—are you serious?" She said. Bendy gets up from the table, fixing his bow tie before looking at Alice. Boris finally spoke up, placing Y/n on the ground. 
"And what exactly did you do?" Boris asked. 
"Oh please. I didn't do anything illegal—"
"Hola!" Bendy quickly turned around and was met with Panchito and Oswald. Who managed to track down where the sudden commotion was coming from. Alice gasped at the two new toons. Boris' ears perked up slightly at the two. Oswald looked between Alice and Bendy, knowing the two made a mistake with their sudden appearance. Oswald proceeded to try and grab Panchito's arm to drag him away from the eyes of the two new toons. But. Panchito took sight of Y/n and shot towards her, Y/n wasn't able to respond quick enough when she felt his arms encircled her body, her footsteps becoming unbalanced as Panchito yipped in glee. 
"Ah! Mi cariño,¡Te veo tan mal!" He let her go and quickly took both of her hands. Y/n had a smile on her face at the boisterous and affectionate rooster. A nice feeling came from someone that cared about her with so much passion with little time. It seemed he cared a lot for his friends and the people he surrounded himself with. 
"Wh—wait—who? Bendy!" Alice quickly moves her attention back over to Bendy. Who only gave her a patient expression. Alice motioned around them, as if wanting him to explain all of what was happening. 
"Okay! Come on! God!"
The 6 stared down at the black leather book that was sitting on a dusted wooden table in the lower area of the studio—where they still resided in. Bendy explained in the exact same sense that the three managed to figure out last night. The reason for the book and the two other toons along with Y/n. Boris had a hand in his hip as he stared down at the book. Alice had her eyebrows furrowed. With Bendy finally telling her all of what was happening, she was no longer hostile or angry like she once was several minutes ago. Oswald had yet to speak. Instead opting to keep his mouth zipped as Bendy was the one to reiterate and retell everything. 
"So...if me and Boris tried to open the book—we wouldn't be able to?" She asked. Within listening to Bendy and hearing the fact the book chose people—specific people—specifically, Y/n, Oswald, Panchito and Bendy.
Alice could only grow curious if she would be a chosen toon—not to mention, a bit jealous that Bendy—out of all toons out there—was one of the chosen. 
"Go ahead. Open it." Bendy had his arms behind his back with a growing grin, Alice cautiously watched him before she placed her fingers on top of the book before picking it up. Y/n could watch at first as she tried to slightly open the book—but surprisingly the book was shut tight. As if it were locked to the teeth. This was her first time seeing the book do something by refusing to open to someone other than her and the three other toons. 
Boris' ears perked up yet again, looking over at Alice as she tried tugging at the book harshly. 
"Gosh—this thing is….locked...tight." She strained her last word as she tried to pull and tug at the book. But to avail or amount of power, did it open. 
"Whoa…"  Y/n whispered to herself...that..was something new and..that confirmed to the fact that she was one of the 12 chosen people for the book. 
"Let me try!" Boris snatched the book from Alice, who yelps in surprisement. Boris tried to open the book as well, but as for Alice, he received the same. It wouldn't open, not a budge. But he didn't seem to stop. Instead he pulled harder and harder.  Alice tried to grab at the book, but Boris moved away from her. 
"Hey! Give it back!" She said. But Boris didn't reply and continued trying to get into the book. Alice seemed to have enough of Boris hogging the book. She turned over and took a wooden plank—that seemed to have been pulled from the floor. Turning back over to Boris. She rose the plank above her head and quickly slammed it down on Boris's head with a loud; WHOMP!
Boris was stiff as a board. Dropping the book onto the floor. His two black pie cut eyes turning into two X's as if the plank killed him! Stars and birds tweeting appeared above his head and he dropped to the ground with 'Thud!' 
Still dazed at the fact he was hit in the head.  Y/n covered her mouth with a gasp—yet a sniffle of laughter—seeing how animated they were in front of her and not on screen was way different. 
"Wasn't able to hit one of the boys with an object in so long—I still got it." Alice quipped, a smile appearing on her face before she reached up and fixed her halo. Bendy walked over and picked up the book that was by Boris' foot. He walked over to Oswald and handed it to him, which Oswald took gracefully. 
"It's not a toy." Bendy told the two...even though Boris seemed unresponsive. Alice huffed. 
"But, why is it picking select people, surely the book has to be a warning for something," Alice said. 
"We're learning as we go. We don't know what it is that's making this book go on a scavenger hunt." Oswald replied. Bendy nods in agreement with Oswald's answer. Alice tapped her elbow with her finger for a moment. Panchito and Y/n stood next to each other silently watching them all speak—well. Now besides Boris. 
"You said some person with a trench coat was after the book, right?" She asked. Oswald seemed to grimace at the mention of the anonymous person. "Yes. Him, he wants the book. Reason why he held me hostage, so I can be his personal key for the book." Oswald said. Alice looked as Oswald, and her optics flickered towards the book momentarily. 
"How did he know you were one of few people to access the book?" She asked. Oswald—surprisingly had an answer for that. Lifting a hand he tapped his chin in deep thought. 
"Well, now that you've mentioned it. I remember overhearing about a witch that he went to to track me down. Or—as he said. Feel my energy in the area, which I could assume that's how he found me." Oswald said. 
"A witch? We have those down here…?" Bendy mumbled under his breath in deep thought. Alice ignored the devil and thought for a moment. 
"Magica." Y/n piped up. Oswald, Alice, Bendy and Panchito looked over to her when she spoke up. 
"The duck, she must be the witch that man spoke to. It wouldn't be too far from wrong—but I wouldn't exactly say I'm right either." Oswald shook his head as Y/n spoke. 
"No, no. Now that you've said something about her, I believe she must be the witch he was talking to. Why else would she and the beagle boys be at the bar last night to get me and stop you and the others." Oswald said. Alice hummed slightly to get everyone's attention. 
"Me and Boris can be in sight while you all are out of town." Alice suggested. Boris had groaned after finally lifting himself from the ground. Rubbing his head from the impact of the wooden board. 
"What for?" Bendy asked. 
"Well, if you all will be out of town. Who knows what would be going on down here. Seeing you all don't have a clue what your objective is it would be best to have others who can keep eyes out for what's going on—and in case you all haven't noticed, tons of news went down in the past week." She looked at the four and then crossed her arms. Bendy didn't really seem too pleased with getting help from Alice but he had to admit..she was right. He rarely cared for anything media wise—political wise—or...damn near anything in that field. 
"No th-"
"She's right, Bendy. Honestly I haven't taken a glance at a TV to see what's going on with the tension between toons and humans in some time, it would be best to have someone have tabs of all what's going on that might be a reason for or a build up for causing this book to wake up." Oswald agreed with Alice. Y/n soon raised her hand slightly. 
"I agree too. I didn't know anything about the book of Vida until I was here yesterday watching the news segment with you. We can't just go into everything blindly. We need to have at least some info." She said. Panchito looked between Oswald and Y/n. 
“No miro las noticias.” He adds.
"Fine. You can collect Intel." Bendy gave in. Alice smiled and nudged Boris. Who still was a bit dazed—but was still listening to the conversation. Alice soon placed her hands behind her back. Boris had squinted his eyes and looked at everyone with a dumbfounded expression. 
"What? What are we talking about?" He asks slowly. But Alice ignored him and continued to talk, clapping her hands together she then shouts. 
"Alright! In case you four are unaware—there is a rising tension between toons and humans." Alice announced. Bendy raised an eyebrow (?) And soon made a gesture with his hand for Alice to continue. 
"Okay? What about it?" He asks.
"That can be a clue. Obviously something is stirring up, causing conflict between both groups," She said. Boris—who had been silent and trying to catch  on to all of what they were talking about, finally understood what the topic was about. Lifting a glove hand slightly, he spoke. 
"Oh yes, that. Toons for some reason are experiencing a lot of episodes, causing them to not only do harm to others, but for themselves." He states. Oswald ears slowly rose and he thumped his foot on the wooden floor, as if he had a thought. Y/n noticed, but she didn't say anything.  Though she couldn't see too many connections, she could sense Oswald knew something. 
"Yes, I've heard about that…" Oswald starts. Bendy didn't seem to understand anything as he only looked at the small group. 
"Recently it seems toons—for the most part, popular toons—ya' know. Actors and actresses haven't been too pleasantly taking things too...uh. Well." Oswald said. Alice nods, before she starts to take over yet again. 
"Recently we know about one case with a toon lashing out on one of her agents out of anger for—as the headline claimed; Not caring for her—whatever that means." Alice placed an index finger on her cheek. Her dark eyes sliding down to the floor in thought. 
"And, for the most part, most confessions and news headlines are pretty much similar. Toon gets angry at a lady for not treating her equally, toons not being able to have a say in their own shows, the list goes on—and we even have some toons committing some crimes such as…" Alice turns her gaze over to Panchito, who was still standing next to Y/n. 
"Robbery." She finishes before continuing. Her eyes looking at the group.
"What I'm saying is, there seems to be a rise of toons wanting more equality causing them to act out maybe from anger and or retaliation. And some for the most part, taking the destructive side of things, which are causing humans to be a bit—overwhelmed?—ah, I wouldn't say that, bu—" Alice was cut off by Bendy who waved his hand and clicked his tongue—as if the topic wasn't something that he cared for. 
"A few angry toons? You think that's the problem?" He asks Alice. Alice pursed her lips for a moment, shaking her head at Bendy's careless reaction to something that could turn into something potentially serious in the future. 
"Bendy, this is serious. It may not seem to be the answer to the reason why that book is on the lookout or search—but it's something to keep an eye out for—for all we know. This might escalate into a scenario where this could be the reason why the book is searching for people to stop this." Alice explains, and Y/n agreed with her. Though there was a good chance the tension between toons and humans isn't the answer to the book, that could be something to keep an eye out for in the future as it could turn into something much more serious and maybe even dangerous. 
Out of all things. No one needs humans and toons fighting each other. 
"She's right Bendy, if humans start seeing toons as a threat, we don't know how this could end or what would happen to toons further down the line. It may seem small now, but it can be serious in the future." Y/n interjects, Bendy turned his gaze to Y/n. 
"What do we look like, the Justice League?" He mocks, repeating what Y/n said from last night, and it seems the tables have turned. Y/n rolled her eyes at his childish reaction. Though...she didn't know what to expect coming from Bendy. 
"That's what you told me last night, right? What do you all expect us to do? Restore justice and equality back between humans and toons if all goes bad? And wave a finger at them and say;" he then stepped to the side and looked at the side of him, and shook his index finger, as if scolding a child. 
"Now be nice."
He then regained his posture and placed his hands behind his back. 
"No. That doesn't work like that.  If all, go to—I don't know—the white house and demand them to do their job to stop all what's happening."
Boris was about to lift a finger to wave. But seeing he didn't want to get involved in the mess of a conversation. He slowly put his arm to his side and stayed silent yet again. 
Though, Alice rubbed her temple and shook her head. 
"I...agree with Bendy." Oswald pipes up. Y/n looked over at Oswald and furrowed her eyebrows. Bendy then smiled widely—as if making a point. 
"What? You too? Why?" Y/n questioned. Oswald lifts the corner of his mouth for a second—as if thinking of what to say. 
"It's—a long story. I understand where Bendy is coming from—but Y/n. We can't put our focus on society and their problems— not when we potentially have one that revolves around a man in a trench coat, and I'm positive he has nothing to do with the problem between toons and humans, we have to focus on him and getting the rest of our team together." Oswald said. Y/n let out a slight huff through her nose. 
"Whatever...fine.." She muttered and looked back at Alice. Oswald was about to speak to her again when he noticed her sour response to his explanation. But, Alice spoke up before he could try to speak. 
"Well, me and Boris will keep tabs on them, along with anything else that may come by as questionable." Alice said. 
"Great, are we done? Okay! Let's hit the road!" 
Y/n sat in the passenger seat of the car, her hand hanging out the window, the wind brushing against her hand as the car drove down the road. The buildings passed by and the feeling of the warm sun invading the car—in which Bendy decided not to turn on the AC for whatever reason. 
Panchito and Oswald were in the back of the car, Panchito often shuffling around to find something to distract himself. Due to the fact, Y/n didn't want to drive, yet. Bendy took the responsibility of driving. 
"So.." Suddenly Oswald shuffled to the front, his upper part leaning on the arm rest, looking between Bendy and Y/n. 
"How long will it be to get to Orgeon?" He asks. Y/n didn't have the answer to that, so she turned to look over at Bendy. 
"Well, we left late, thanks to Alice. So most likely we won't arrive until late at night at around 11PM or so. The drive is 10 hours, if we don't make any stops." Bendy replied. His eyes focused on the road. Oswald nods and soon Y/n's eyes tracked across the dashboard of the car in search of the GPS or some sort of system to help guide them to Oregon, but—no doubt. She didn't see the device anywhere. 
"No stops? Does that include potty breaks?" Panchito asks, soon squeezed by Oswald, who moves over to give Panchito room to peer up at the front of the car. 
"Yes, we can take bathroom breaks. But nothing else, I'm assuming you have to use the bathroom?"
"Then why did you a-"
"We need a GPS." Y/n interrupts. Bendy looked away from the road and to Y/n. The corners of his mouth twitching—oh yes! The GPS! how could he forget?
"Okay, we're making a stop."
After an hour of driving down a one way road. With lots of fields—letting them know they've made it out of town. They spotted a gas station far to the side. Not much business going on—but good enough to get up on gas just in case, and look for a GPS to use—alongside with buying snacks so not many more stops can be made. 
Closing the door to the car, Y/n waited for the three toons to get out of the car. Looking around, she could smell the familiar smell of gasoline and tar pavement. Looking at the janky store. Y/n grimaced. 
"This place looks horrible.." She said. Bendy walked past her. He nudged her arm as he did so. 
"It's an off road gas station, toots. What do ya' expect?" He said as he walked towards the store. Soon, Y/n followed after. Hearing shuffling behind her, she looked over her shoulder and saw Oswald and Panchito following after her. Pushing open the glass doors to the store. Y/n was met with a simple gas store with 3 aisles—as any other gas store would have—nothing too extravagant. 
"A convenience store?" Panchito muttered under his breath. He stood next to Y/n and Oswald stood by her other side. The three looked at what the store had to offer as Bendy was busy talking to the cashier for a GPS—if the store had any. 
"I'm getting some chips." Y/n walked off to one of the aisles, in search of at least some decent snacks to keep her filled throughout the drive. Once seeing the small selection, she randomly grabbed the variation of chips and some candy bars for everyone. With a hand full of snacks she wandered back out of the aisle. So happening to walk past Oswald and Panchito who were by the slushies stand. Panchito was sitting on top of the slushie machine, the lid was open and he was digging around in the machine, digginging around in it as Oswald was holding down the lever to drink from the slushie machine. It seemed Panchito was pushing the slushie down the tube so more could come out as Oswald held down the lever and drank from the machine as if it were some sort of water fountain. Y/n quickly walked over. And with her foot she nudged Oswald's ankle. 
"Hey! Hey—you two. Stop it—-Panchito, get down from there. Now." Y/n ushered and scolded at the two. Meanwhile Bendy was watching as the person was counting the money Bendy gave, the cashier didn't even bat an eye to where the three were. Bendy soon landed his eyes on a small green box—a GPS—just what they needed! 
Though it was behind the cashier. Meaning he would have to ask to purchase it. 
"The GPS. How much would that be?" Bendy asked. The cashier soon looked over their shoulder to the box that was on the shelf, looking at the price tag that Bendy didn't so happen to see. The cashier turned back around and replied. 
"That'll be one-eighty," They replied. Bendy's tail went stiff as he glanced back at the GPS. "A dollar and 80 cents?" He asked slowly—-not no surprise, the cashier shook their head before replying. 
"One hundred and eighty." They corrected him. Soon—Y/n stood next Bendy. Dropping the bags of chips on the counter, after scolding at Oswald and Panchito, she finally got them to behave—appropriately. Only to be met with Bendy, who was in deep thought. 
"What are you making that face for?" Y/n asked Bendy. His pie cut eyes were slanted—as if he were in deep thought. His semi-permanent smile lowered as if he were frowning—yet he wasn't upset—just thinking. 
"The GPS cost an arm and a leg—that's what." He replied to her. Y/n squints her eyes in confusion, her eyes sliding over to where Bendy had his gaze pinned on. And it was the GPS.  And it was almost 200 dollars...at a gas station?! 
"Here you guys go." The cashier handed the two their bags, which Y/n took.
"Come on. We'll just use my phone for now until we run into another gas station." She told Bendy, which he turned from the box in defeat at the fact he couldn't purchase the god forsaken device. And with that, the small group walked from the store and back over to the car that was parked by one of the pumps. Y/n opened one of the back doors and tossed the bags to the back seat were Oswald and Panchito would be sitting. She noticed a small white cardboard box on the floor with the symbolic red cross. That must have been the first aid box Bendy was talking about. 
Reaching into the car, she grabbed it and opened the box, thankfully it had box filled with band aids and bandages, taking out the gauze and the peroxide to kill whatever germs would have gotten into the rope burn, Y/n placed the box down on the seat and opened the disinfectant bottle. Pouring the liquid on both of her hands. Oswald spotted Y/n with the bottle, she saw his figure stand in front of her, causing her to glance away at her hand. 
"What?" She asks. 
"Need help?" Oswald peered down at her hand and noticed the two burn marks on both of her palms. His ears raised slightly—almost cautiously. 
"What happened?" He asks. He reached down towards the car seat and grabbed the wrapped up gauze in the white box before. He took Y/n's left hand and started wrapping her palm in the bandage. 
"It's a rope burn." She answered. Oswald nods—putting his focus on wrapping the bandage comfortably around her hand, after doing so—and surprisingly ripping the bandage without scissors needed, he moved to the next hand, Y/n looked at her now bandaged left hand, flexing her fingers to make sure it wasn't too tight, but no doubt, Oswald wrapped it up just fine. Y/n looked away from her hand and to Oswald—who was still focused on wrapping her hand up, with a small smile when he was finished Y/n thanked him. 
"Thanks. I probably would have done a shit job wrapping it up." She said. "No problem." He returned the gratitude and placed the gauze back into the white box. 
Placing the pump back in its holster, Bendy finally spoke up;
"Alright, let's go-where's Panchito?" Bendy looked away from Oswald and Y/n and across the small gas station. The rooster was holding onto something—tugging it back, looking closer, they could see that he was trying to keep the book from floating away. Which Panchito saw that the three were looking over, his talon lifting from the ground as he tugged harder back to the ground to keep the book from floating away. 
"A little help?!" He cried out. Soon the three rushed over to Panchito, Y/n hopped up and grabbed a hold of the book to tug it back down. Oswald grabbed Panchito's talon and tugged him back down to the ground. Bendy grabbed Y/n's ankle to tug her back down as well. Being the anchor for the book did help momentarily. But with a split second the book shot from both Panchito's and Y/n's grip, causing them to fall to the ground. The book didn't fly away as suspected. Instead it tossed itself to the concrete and the book flipped open. Pages flipping one after the other. 
Y/n groaned in exhaustion. Hitting the ground abruptly like people did in those films were nothing like real life. It was painful. 
Bendy was about to walk over to pick the book up. But Oswald placed a hand in front of the demon toon, stopping him from walking. "Wait. Let it do what it needs to do." He said. Which Bendy listened to Oswald. Soon the book stopped from it page flipping and quickly a page ripped itself out. The beige tinted paper levitates above the open book. The Golden tint that Y/n and Panchito saw from last night, surrounding it yet again.
Soon, it folded itself up into what resembled to be a paper airplane. 
"...what..?" Y/n muttered. Heaving herself off the ground to look at the paper. But before anyone could interject the paper shot off! Out of the gas station and down the one way road. That same transparent trail leading the way. Y/n soon caught on. 
"It's just trying to lead us." She told the three. Panchito was silent for a second before understanding what she meant. "Oh yes, like it did last night to Bendy." He recalled. Bendy muttered something under his breath, most likely about getting hit by the book abruptly. 
Oswald soon interjected realizing how mostly blind he was for the last few hours. 
"Who exactly is in Oregon that we're going to talk to?" Oswald asks. Y/n walked over to the now still book, and picked it up. 
"Donald Duck. Or so we're assuming. The location is in Duckburg, and Panchito knows someone from down there—which is Donald." Y/n explained. Oswald had taken a short moment to think to himself...now why did that name sound so familiar..? Donald Duck….Donald Duck...Oswald was positive he heard the name somewhere. As his foot gently thumped against the pavement as he tried to recollect that familiar name. Y/n closed the book after making sure nothing was damaged. Soon she started walking back to the car. 
"Come on! We're knocking off too much time, we need to make it there at least before midnight."
Ah, as the four make their way to Oregon, let's move over to Duckburg, shall we?
Yes, Duckburg. A city filled with—well. Toons. And ducks of course. A popular town in Oregon, most popular for the renowned gazillionaire, Scrooge McDuck. The man who solves mysteries and rewrites history. Also home to a stubborn and low tempered duck, known as Donald Fauntleroy Duck.
The sound of the water breathing and the creaking of the sailboat. A white duck sat in a wooden chair by the edge of the sailboat, his head leaning in the crease of his arm as he lazily stared into the water that rippled in motion from the sailboat rocking back and forth ever so slightly. 
The nylon rope that attached itself from the dock to the boat, creaked with the motion of the boat. 
Donald rarely ever had silence, just. Pure silence. With most of his time being taken up with caring for his 3 nephews, now that their mother was back...there was really no need for him to keep much of an eye out for the 3. It has been almost 3 weeks since his 3 nephews left town to spend time with their mother that they so rightfully deserved. Yes. It was a break from the 3 rowdy boys, but they left a presence—Donald missed his three nephews. And he wasn't used to the silence that now endeavors the sailboat. 
Scrooge, yes. Was still in town, but was busy doing his own thing...being rich, obviously.
You would think with the current plethora of time, someone who spent years taking care of kids would find something to do with their alone time—such as a favorite activity or even sleep. But Donald couldn't find anything to do. No one to talk to—as if he had many people to converse with anyway. He quit being in the industry starring as a toon a long time ago, and he didn't think about going back, ever. Especially with the new toons he's seen on TV. 
Maybe a trip? No, he'd much rather have went on a trip with the boys instead of being by himself. 
Continuing to pass the time by listening to the serene ambience around him. He suddenly flinched at the feeling of something sticking in his feathers. 
Donald stood up with a grunt and reached back to pluck something from his tail feathers. Once bringing it to his view, he saw it was folded paper—that resembled an airplane. Furrowing his eyebrows, Donald turned around to see who would have thrown the paper at him, but was met with no one but the buildings from the town and—well, nature. 
"What the…" he looked back down at the paper, assuming by accident the wind caught a hold of it, that way it hit him. He crumbled up the paper. And tossed it to the side. Where it landed in a nearby trash can. 
Donald fixed his black sailor uniform before taking a few steps forward to go inside, but the trash can jolted slightly. As if someone kicked it. Donald flinched and whipped in the direction to face the trash can. His feathers ruffled up—now he was cautious. The trash can jolted yet again, causing it to tip over, and out rolled the balled up paper that Donald tossed in a few moments ago. Along with a few other things that were tossed away. 
"..." Donald stared at the paper with wide eyes. Looking to the left and then to the right, he took a few steps forward, stopping in front of the paper, with a webbed foot, he gently kicked the paper—which it rolled slightly. As it rolled the paper uncrumpled itself. Laying flat as if it were never crumbled, not a crease shown. This was..odd. Donald never seen anything like this before. Of course his Uncle Scrooge dragged him to odd and life threatening adventures, but those adventures hadn't happened in a while. 
Reaching down. Donald picked up the paper. The golden aura illuminated slightly under the sun. Words had been scribbled onto the paper in what seemed to be in ink. Donald lifted a finger to see out of curiosity if he could smear the ink.  Which he couldn't. Holding back onto the paper with both his hands he read aloud the words on the paper. 
"Just...keep following..the trail…" Donald ready slowly. Squinting his eyes gently. Looking up to see if he could see a trail. He saw nothing. Looking back at the paper. Donald tilted his head in confusion. 
"What?" He asks himself. As he spoke, the paper lit up slightly. His confused statement was soon written down on the paper. 
"Whoa…" he said in awe. Donald tilted the paper, took a look to see if he can try and activate anything that can happen, but—he couldn't. Quickly flipping the paper back to the right position to see ink was once again writing another statement. 
'What? Hello?'
Donald soon was starting to think that maybe he got in contact with someone through the paper…? But how?
He was trying to register all what was happening and how to react. Obviously, what he was holding was no ordinary paper. 
"Hello." Donald replied, and as it did it once before. His statement was written down in the paper—for whoever was receiving it, to reply back. This was...exciting. New. But...odd. Where did this paper come from and why is it here? 
And way over, Y/n was the one who had replied to Donald. 
Six hours had passed in the car. Panchito was sound asleep in the back. As Oswald was looking out the window, watching the fields pass by. Bendy was still driving and as for Y/n...she discovered something new about the book. 
The book laid open in her lap. She stared down at the greeting;
Whoever it was was receiving what she was saying as it wrote whatever she said down. And the same coming from whoever was on the other end. 
"Hey, for some reason I'm able to speak to someone on here." Y/n turned to look at Bendy, and then turned her gaze to Oswald.  Oswald looked away from the window and to Y/n. Leaning forward he peered down at the book in her lap to see the words screaming on the paper as if some sort of transcript.
"The book can talk too?" Oswald asks. He soon heaved himself up, slightly nudging Y/n to scoot over with his foot. 
"Scootch." He said. Y/n complained slightly. But moved over towards the left so Oswald could sit by the door. Plopping into the seat, Y/n saw the book wrote down what Oswald said. 
'The book can talk too?'
Which, whoever read it. Already replied by the time Oswald sat down. 
'Book? What book? My name is Donald'
Y/n mouth slowly opened as if she silently gasped. Oswald read the reply as well. His ears immediately shot up, almost hitting the ceiling of the car. 
"Look! Bendy, it's Donald!" Y/n shows the book to Bendy. Who finally focused on the new topic. Glancing at the book. His focused expression soon turned to one of surprisement. 
"Wait—how did—"
"Wait! You mean, Donald Duck?!" Oswald shouts. In what seemed to be anger. This caused Panchito to snort and abruptly wake up. His eyes squinting at the sunlight. Bendy glanced at the road and to Oswald. As Y/n gave Oswald a puzzled yet cautious expression. 
"Are you mad?" Bendy asked. Oswald looked between the two, his arms crossed for a moment before he increased them to try and think of an excuse. His ears lowered slightly. "No." Was all he said. Now he knew. Donald Duck. The Donald Duck...how did he not know..?
Y/n slowly looked back at the book to see another reply from Donald. 
'what's going on?'
"What does it say?" Bendy asks, he was too busy staring at the road to read the book. But Y/n took care to read out the question Donald asks. 
"He asked what's going on." She repeats. Soon, Oswald took the book from her hands. 
"We'll explain when we get there, it's me, Oswald and three others, short story, we have a book. And we need to see you. So be there and stay there." He said. And the exact words were written on the paper. A few seconds later, a reply from Donald scrawled on the paper. 
'Oswald? Why if it isn't my pal! Who're the other three? When will you be here?'
Y/n and Oswald read the reply and soon Bendy glanced over at Oswald. "You have some sort of vendetta or something against him, or?" Bendy trailed off to see if he could get an answer from Oswald. The rabbit muttered something before reply. 
"I'd rather keep it to myself. And no, I don't have a problem with him." Oswald replied. But Y/n wasn't too focused on their conversation, but more with trying to get to know the new member of the team, and that being Donald!
"Hi, my name is Y/n. Long story short, there's four of us right now, and we're looking for nine other people, what you're holding onto right now, is a piece of this book, I'm only assuming if we can communicate from a piece of paper, you're one of the people of our team that we're looking for, as Oswald said. We're on our way to Duckburg, stay there, and we'll tell you everything."
Y/n's short explanation copied itself onto the paper as it did before. Oswald leaned closer to look into the book. 
Soon. Donald replied. 
'Alright, I'll be here then.'
Donald even gave the address to them, even though the faint golden hue that was leading them down the roadway was enough. It was good to have his address as well. 
"Well this made this a thousand times easier." Bendy spoke up. Y/n closed the book with a nod. Leaning back into the seat, which wasn't much room as Oswald was squeezed into the seat as well. But he didn't seem to want to move either way. 
"We should be there by nightfall. So we'll have plenty of time to speak to Donald and get him caught up." Oswald glanced back out the window. Y/n looked over at Oswald. Who once again was back into his pool of thoughts. Y/n turned slightly to look into the back of the car. And found Panchito sound asleep yet again. His sombrero was now on the floor as his head leaned on the window, sleeping peacefully, Y/n was sure Panchito was exhausted with the amount of traveling he did to find Y/n and the others. He deserved the rest. Sitting back yet again, Y/n watched the road pass by. Bendy yet again placing his focus on the road. 
"Y/n. Wake up—-wake up….Hey!"
"Ow!" Y/n flinched at a painful pinch to her arm. Her eyelids shooting over and her optics turning over to meet Bendy's pie cut eyes.  He was standing on the passenger side, the door was open. And Oswald was seen in the background standing next to Panchito.  Behind them was a sailboat. The sun seemed to have been down for hours as the stars were out, the moon as well. Shining brightly in the sky for all to see. The lights on the sailboat glimmering in the chill night sky. 
"We're here. You were asleep the entire ride here." He adds. Y/n for a moment was disappointed at the fact she was asleep for so long, missing half of—well she didn't miss anything serious. But—either way, she wished she was up for the majority of the ride. 
"What? Why didn't you guys wake me up?" She unbuckled herself. Grabbing the book and her book bag that was on the floor. Placing it back in the bag and zipping it up. Y/n tossed the book around her shoulder and closed the door behind her. Bendy then stood next to her. 
"Trust me. We did. But that doesn't matter, we're in Duckburg now, and I believe this is Donald's address." Bendy motioned towards the sailboat that Oswald and Panchito were standing in front of. Y/n's eyes widen in awe. 
"Whoa…" she didn't know anyone that lived on a boat house..it was..cool to see actually. 
"What time is it?" She asked. Walking over to the other two. Bendy trailing beside her. Oswald glanced at his wrist—where a wrist watch would have been. 
"11:45PM before midnight." He said in a sly tone. Bendy squints his eyes. 
"But you don't have a wrist wa—"
Bendy, Oswald, and Y/n looked over to see Panchito sped across the dock and onto the boat, crashing into a white feathered duck. Donald Duck. 
Panchito laughed in excitement, locking Donald in a tight hug. Donald doing the same with a smile stretched on his beak, he seemed shocked to see Panchito, a look of familiarity and security washed over his face, Panchito hopped from one talon to the other as his tail feathers ruffling, he took a small step back to take in the sight of Donald, Donald did the same.
“I didn’t know you would be here! I haven’t seen you in so long! You’ve gotten taller, time surely does pass huh?” Donald spoke, his tail feather wagging repeatedly from pure joy, Panchito laughed and nodded his head, he extended his hands to motions towards the three; Oswald, Bendy and Y/n, Donald looked over and spotted the three, almost forgetting they were there. They were standing by the bridge of the dock that connected to the sailboat, Y/n had her focus on Donald and Panchito, and their interaction with each other, it was unbelievable on how the two knew each other and had such a tight and close bond, it was nice to see how exciting their first meeting was.
“This. These are my friends!” Panchito said, Donald’s eyes
Immediately went over to Oswald, who was already looking at Donald, the white duck perked up yet again before he walked away from the dock and over to the three, Panchito trailing right behind Donald.
“Oswald! I’m so glad to see you!” Donald extended his arms and almost immediately pulled Oswald into a hug, it seemed Oswald tried to back away from the hug by taking a step back and putting his hands up, but Donald didn’t seem to notice, wrapping his arms around Oswald, the rabbit deflated at the hold before wrapping his arms around the sailor in a warm hug.
“Yeah...good to see you too, buddy.” Oswald mumbled to him. Bendy looked at Y/n, which Y/n did the same. They both shared the same expression; they both know each other too?
“Oswald, you didn’t tell us that you knew, Donald.” Bendy told the rabbit, Donald pulled away from Oswald at Bendy’s statement, but he didn’t look at Oswald for answers or curiosity, he turned his gaze over to Bendy, Bendy! Donald has seen Bendy plenty of times on TV, though, he hadn’t personally met him, his nephews enjoyed watching the demon on screen, watching as Bendy did tons of crazy acts to other toons he forgot the names of, he was of the generations newest cartoons to be introduced, and Donald was curious to see that the same demon was right in front of him!
Bendy smiled and waved at Donald before taking a step forward to shake Donald’s hand, which Donald took hold of Bendy's hand, the two shaking each other’s hand.
“Hiya! My name is Bendy, it’s an honor ta’ meet the Donald Duck! I’ve see tons of ya’ shorts, and y—”
“You kiddin?! It’s an honor to meet you! It’s nice to see rising toons out here, you’ve been such an icon lately!” Donald and Bendy went back and forth in a conversation that Y/n slipped away from when she caught sight of Oswald, Oswald was still standing off
To the side, watching the two speak, they
Sound like businessmen of some sort, as if they could finally, Relate to each other in some way or form, Bendy and Donald momentarily being in their own world, Donald tagging in Panchito who stood by them, listening to their conversation.
Oswald didn’t seem too interested in the conversation, his left hand rubbing his right arm up and down slowly before he looked off somewhere else, Y/n didn’t know too much about Oswald, but she was certain there was something there about him that made him act the way he did, his sudden angry outburst, his strange way of showing a greeting to Donald, now thinking on it, Y/n didn’t know much about Panchito either—other than he lives somewhere in Mexico and not America, and Bendy—she also didn’t have much about him either.
“Y/n!” Y/n looked away from Oswald and over to Panchito, who a few meters away was beckoning her over to Donald and Bendy, the other two looked at her as Panchito had his arm wrapped around Donald’s shoulder, once he saw he got Y/n’s attention, he smiled widely and said; “Come here Querida, come meet my closest friend!”
Y/n placed a smile on her face and walked over to the three, Donald immediately held out his hand for a hand shake, a smile stretching onto his beak. Y/n took his hand and shook it.
“Nice ta’ meet ya’ toots!” He introduces, Y/n felt her smile widen, such positive energy from meeting a new person once again invaded the air, she knew of Donald Duck, of course who wouldn’t? Meeting him was a nice feeling she didn’t even think she would have the chance to get. 
“Hi, my name is Y/n, Y/n L/n, it’s nice to meet you, Panchito seems very fond of you,” Y/n looked over at Panchito who smiled at her, looking back at Donald he laughed lightly.
“Yes, seeing you Donald was the last thing I expected, especially in this circumstance.” Donald seemed to perk up slightly at the end of Panchito’s statement, of course, they were there for a reason! Not just to have a reunion party.
“Oh yes, you guys mentioned a book, right? Come in, we’ll discuss it inside.” Donald waved his hand for the group to follow him inside the sailboat, Panchito trotted beside Donald, wrapping an arm around Donald’s shoulders as the two started their own conversation, Bendy lifted his arm slightly towards Y/n, causing her
To look at his arm with a puzzled expression, until quickly after she caught on and wrapped her arm
around his arm, but Y/n took sight of Oswald when she glanced over her shoulder to him, he trailed behind, and Y/n noticed a look of contemplation on his face, she then decided to unhook her arm from Bendy’s. Bendy slowly stopped walking and looked over at Y/n.
“What’s wrong?” He asks her, Y/n motioned towards Oswald.  “You go in, I’m gonna have a talk with Oswald,” she said, Bendy looked at Oswald
For a moment, who noticed the two stopped walking and he did too. Bendy looked back at the sailboat and then back at Y/n. She motioned for him to go in with her hand. “Get Donald caught up, we’ll be in there soon.” She said, Bendy nods before walking off without a second thought, looking away from Bendy’s retreating form, she heard footsteps near her, looking back over to her opposite side she saw Oswald standing next to her.
“You seem a bit disconnected.” She started, Oswald ears raised as he stared at the open door of the sailboat house, the golden warm glow spilled from the corridor. 
Y/n could only assume it was because of the sudden occurring events from the past few hours and the fact that Oswald kidnapped the odd man that they all know could obviously deem him as their enemy.
Looking away from the boat, Y/n looked at Oswald, though he didn’t turn to look at her, instead he spoke slowly.
“No, no, I’m fine. Just exhausted.” Which was partially true, Oswald wasn’t able to get a good amount of sleep last night back at the studio nor in the car on their way to Oregon, Duckburg, but that was only a portion of his obscure change of emotions. Looked around at the quiet dock that led to a small neighborhood, Y/n turned around and walked back over the car, parked on the side by the sidewalk she spoke to Oswald. “Come on, we’ll talk in the car.” She said as she walked to the car to unlock it, which was surprisingly still unlocked. Oswald looked at her for a moment with wide eyes, he was...surprised, no one really took the chance to speak to him, whether that would be on a serious and
personal level, or just in general. So, he followed her.
Once inside the car, with Y/n sitting in the driver seat, she stared out the window for a moment, looking up at the dark sky, the stars shining in the sky and the full moon shining down on the quiet neighborhood, the chirping of crickets in the thickets and bushes and the the buzzing of cicadas hiding in the trees, leaning back in the chair the cool air was now crisp and comfortable to sit out in without having the car running for heat to not freeze the death. Oswald sat in the passenger seat and closed the door once he was seated. 
Once hearing the door close Y/n looked back over at Oswald. “I didn’t know you knew Donald,” she tried to start the conversation with the rabbit, Oswald rested his elbow on the arm rest of the car as he looked at Y/n. “Yeah, we know each other, we go way back. I guess you can say.” He answered her. Y/n nods before looking back to the drivers side of the window, she didn’t know much about Oswald to sit and interrogate him about how distant he reacted to certain things, she really didn’t know him enough to demand him to spill his problems to her—if he even had any to begin with and it’s just Y/n misinterpreting his emotions—which she hope it wasn’t that latter. She was trying to find the comfortable route to have Oswald speak to her if he was upset about something, to her, it was better to have a group that’s all on the same page and agree with each other. But, Oswald seemed to already start the conversation himself.
“I uh—want to apologize when we were at the studio, and I agreed with Bendy,” he starts. Y/n tried to think back on what he meant, she took a few moments and realized the small meeting they all had back at the studio with Alice and Boris. Looking back at him, she waved her hand lightly, as if dismissing the thought.
“Oh no, you’re fine—you guys are right, we need to focus on what really matters,” though she slightly agreed with her own statement, she was still on the fence with the 2nd problem growing at hand with society, but thinking on it more...there’s not much she can do to change the mind of society. 
“So, tell me about yourself? What do you like to do?” She asks, folding her hands on her stomach so she can put her full attention on Oswald. Oswald’s ears rose, almost touching the roof of the car. “Well, I didn’t expect that question for you—hm...let’s see. I like to travel, I love to meet new people, I used to collect enamel pins, but I gave them away.” He names off several things, and Oswald seemed pretty much like an average toon.
“Why’d you sell the pins?” Y/n asked. Oswald only shrugged slightly, he didn’t have an explanation for that—or just didn’t want to tell her. 
“Just didn’t want to keep up with them anymore.” Was his only answer. Nodding, Y/n was silent for a moment.
“How often do you get out?”
“Not as much as I should—what are you my therapist now?” He joked playfully at Y/n’s question, Y/n smiled before shaking her head.
“So, are you really lucky or do you just assume you are?” That question was actually at the back of her head for hours, Last night when Oswald was angry that his ‘luck’ was gone and then later that night, it came back with the situation with the semi-truck rolling, which—that was pretty damn lucky.
Oswald seemed to smile smugly and slick his ears back as if slicking down a hairstyle. “I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but—I am a fairly lucky rabbit.” He winks, Y/n laughs at his silly expression.
“Okay then, hopefully that luck will help us out along the way,” Oswald snorted and shook his head lightly.
“Eh, I dunno, Donald’s luck is pretty bad.”
“He has bad luck?” 
“Unluckiest Duck, no one gets stuck with all the bad luck than Donald Duck,” Oswald said. That was interesting, bad luck and good luck? That surely must come in handy.
Sitting in silence looking out the windows and taking in the serene silence. Oswald felt..happy and at peace that someone took a time from their day to have a short one on one conversation with him. 
“Hey!” Oswald and Y/n looked over towards the passenger side window to see Panchito in the doorway on the sailboat. He waved his hand for the two to come onto the boat.
“Come on!”
Walking into the boat house, the warm air coaxed Y/n’s figure, Bendy was busy speaking with Donald, he took Y/n’s book bag which had the book in it, Donald was—surprised, not only had the book opened for him—as they all suspected in the first place, this was an odd scenario he had ever been in! Watching as Donald then placed his hand on the book, as the four had done before, he quacked in surprisement when the golden  light traced his hand on the page and wrote his name down.
Donald looked down at his palm and then the book, Bendy placed the book on the table that he and Donald were standing near.  “Well! That’s that, welcome to the team,” Bendy grinned at Donald, who looks over at Panchito, Oswald and Y/n—who were all watching him.
“Well—what’s next then?” He asked, Bendy closed the book and placed it back into Y/n’s bag. “Well, we can’t say, we so far have been only looking for the rest of the team.” Oswald answered, Y/n nods.
Donald looked at the group and thought for a mere second.
“Well, how about this? You all stay here tonight, and when morning comes, we have a meeting on what the next move should be, you all drove all the way here, so rest should be the first thing in the list.” Y/n was glad not only did Donald have them somewhere to stay, but to seemingly be someone on the team to make the plans—and Y/n could only imagine how much structure they would need in their growing team.
“Sounds like a plan to me.” Y/n answered, Bendy then motions towards Y/n. “Well, the lady said it fellas,” he said. 
“I call the couch.” Oswald made a straight walk to the couch that was a few meters away, Y/n realized the living room and kitchen was attached, not much of a surprise as this was a small section of the sailboat that could be lived in, small, but
Comfortable for one person.
“So, Donald, are you going to be tagging along with us whenever we leave town?” Y/n walked over to the table Donald was still standing at, next to Bendy. Donald smiled and nodded. “Oh man, will I?! I’ve been meaning to get outdoors in some time, Spending time with my best pal—“ he looked over at Panchito, who wandered over to stand beside Bendy and then Donald looked at Y/n.
“And you guys as well! This would be great.”  He replies, that’s good! He wanted to tag along, making things a lot easier. “Ah? Wonderful, this should be fun, I have all these wonderful people around me!”
Panchito extends his arms, motioning towards everyone in the room, a wide smile stretched onto his beak. 
“Do any of you have an idea where the others might be located?” Donald asks, Panchito’s arms lowered to his side, Bendy then shook his head.
“We don’t have a clue, but the book for the most part led us to the right people. So, we’ve pretty much been relying on the book to be our guide.” Bendy replied, Y/n agreed with him, yes. For the most part they have been just blindly following that book to lead them to the right person, which for the most part has been proving itself as good. Donald seemed to make a questionable expression, but shrugged it off. If they managed to find him, who was he to disagree with how they were doing their seeking game to find the rest of the team.
He walked over to a corridor on the side of the room, that seemed to be a small hallway. “I’ll go and get more blankets, I’ll be right back.” Donald then disappeared down the halls, Panchito, Y/n and Bendy watched before the three looked at each other. 
“This was a lot easier than I expected.” Y/n said. 
“Tell me about it, I thought it would take ages to find the guy.” Bendy walked over to the couch that Oswald was busy occupying, placing the book bag on the side of the couch before sitting down. Despite being asleep for half the ride, Y/n did feel fatigue start to seep into her body, despite the fact she was asleep for the majority of the ride, she was still tired from not being able to properly sleep in the car. 
“Can we get breakfast tomorrow? All day we’ve been running off of chips.” Y/n pipes up, her optics slowly observing the decor of the room, a pretty simple living with, with a couch—one love seat, a coffee table and a TV. Oswald was about to answer Y/n until Donald walked back in with a pile of blankets, which were really 2 blankets, he stumbled over to the couch due to the big blankets causing him to loose footing slightly, dumping the blankets between Oswald and Bendy, Donald let out a sigh of relief.
“There, those are the ones I could find, if you need anymore I can go get more.” Donald said. Oswald looked at the blankets and shook his head. “This should be fine, Donald. Thanks.”
Y/n grabbed a blanket and tugged it from the pile, The blanket was big enough to sleep just fine—not that it mattered? Any sort of blanket or pillow Donald would have gave her she would have gracefully taken, she wasn’t complaining—after all they all were at his home.
Walking over to the love seat, she took notice that Panchito was seated on one side of it, Though, there was still space for her to sit down next to him, which she did. Panchito noticed and turned his head to look at her with a smile.
And for the rest of the night, it was filled with silence and...sleep.
“Okay. I’m not gonna tell ya’ this another time, mutt.”
The lights flickered on, Boris squinted his pie cut shaped eyes at the sudden light, a small grunt escaping his mouth. He was sitting at a desk that was cluttered with paper—music notes—and other blank pieces of unused paper, the desk lamp turned towards him, the light shining in his eyes as Boris was squinting his eyes to get the light from his face.
“Where’s Bendy…” 
Sammy stood across the desk, his hand on the neck of the lamp that was pointing at Boris, a suspicious expression written in his face, his question—sounded more like a statement than a question. Boris' eyes flicked up and down Sammy, who still had that suspicious glint in his eyes.  Boris soon rolled his eyes.
“Out of town, like Henry told us.”  Was his simple answer, Sammy scoffed before pushing himself away from the desk. 
“Ah, bullshit. Do you really think I’ll fall for that? He’s up to something.”
“He’s always up to something.” Boris blankly added in, Sammy waved his hand, As if dismissing Boris to make him silent.
Soon, a new voice popped in.
“Samuel, can we please leave now? I need to read over the new script that just came in, and you’re wasting my time.” Boris and Sammy looked over, Alice was seated in a chair as well, behind the desk—next to Boris. Boris' ears perked up.
“When did you get here?” He asked. Alice sighed before turning her gaze to Sammy, her leg crossed over the other.
“Now, darling. What is it that you want? As said, Bendy’s on a short vacation, most likely to get away from you and ya’ bickerin, you had him behind the eight ball making him practice his music segments,” Alice was very fluent in her words, covering up the fact that she indeed knew where and what Bendy and the others were at and their objective, but she was a strong toon and wasn’t going to break or falter under Sammy’s gaze.
Sammy lifted the corner of his lips in a quick scoff.
“I wasn’t pushing him, he was the one who can’t keep a straight alto for one verse. But that’s besides the point. Alice? Weren’t you the one that grew suspicious of him from that night? You were basically all around the studio yapping about putting the fella in a stronghold for keeping a secret,”
Alice looked at Sammy for a moment, the cogs in her brain turning.. was she really that mad? Wow, she needs to work on that.
“I’m over it now, not my business.” She  crossed her arms, Sammy sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
“Fine, I got work to do anyway.” He turned around and walked over to the side of the room, flicking on the lights in the meeting room, he then opened the door.
“And don’t forget, practice your lines, This is the 3rd time this week you forgot a whole verse, Alice.” He said as he walked out the room, closing the door behind him. Alice watched the door for a moment.
“What’s his deal?” She asks Boris, Boris tapped the table with his index finger. “Most likely mad he can’t finish a drafted music sheet.” 
She stood up from the seat, dusting her black dress. Taking a small sigh she then looked over at Boris.  “Okay. Back to the real news, have you collected anything last night? Any information?” She asks the wolf. Boris thought for a moment. 
“Hmm..I dunno. Nothin’ too eye catchin’, I would remember more if you didn’t hit me in the head.” He eyed Alice for a moment before standing up from the seat, Alice only hummed before going back to task at hand.
“Well, I couldn’t find much of anything last night either, other than Tommy’s small infatuation with pine cones.” She said. Alice walks around the desk, and over to the door, Boris follows behind her as the two exit the room and into the hallway. It was the next day—9AM to be exact and many people were already in the studio, doing their jobs and whatnot.
“So. Why do we need to be the lookout for intel again?” Boris asks. Lifting a hand to scratch behind his ears. Alice walked down the hall with a confident stride in her step. She fixed her silky hair before she pushed up two doors that led to the office area of the building.
“Boris, hun—we’ve been over this.” Alice said. The sound of people chattering, keyboards, paper and other machines filled the air. Walking over to a desk—similar to the receptionist desk at the lobby of the building—Boris stood next to Alice as the two looked at Annie who was looking through a set of papers.
“Sorry we’re late Mrs. Bell. Sammy had us in a hold again.” Alice smiled at the lady. Annie looked away from the papers and to Boris and Alice. Giving the two a welcoming smile she lifted two stacks of paper and placed them on the desk, in front of Alice and Boris. 
“Ah, no worries dear. Here’s the new scripts that just came in last night. I gave Henry’s Bendy’s script whenever the fella gets back in town.” Annie told the two. Alice nods as she lifted a pen from a cup that was on the desk and wrote her name down in the screenplay—to keep track of it.
“So, how has your mornin’ been Ms. Bell?” Boris asked. Though he didn’t take his eyes off the screenplay.
Annie had gone back to organizing the many papers on the desk—she always wanted all her desk organized.
“Pretty well, got here early since my nephew went back to Colorado for school and I didn’t have to make him breakfast—Henry told me earlier he saw a restaurant that didn’t Allow toons. Turns out there’s a law now that has been passed about a week ago where any human that doesn’t feel safe about toons has the will to not allow them in certain establishments. Crazy because I never even been notified from any article or news report about the crazy new law—to be honest that’s just horrible.”
This caused Alice to fumble in whatever else she was writing on the paper, the crooked line on the paper was soon ignored as Alice looked at Annie. Boris did the same as well. Annie sighs and shakes her head.
“I know Deary. Disappointing. I never knew this would be like this. The board last night had a meeting with Henry. Lately there have been some complaints from parents that Bendy’s appearance is too inappropriate for the kids, you know. Since he resembles a demon and all. But—that’s an issue we can’t fix no matter the complaints—but—he said that the board wants the entire cast out for a meet and greet to show a good face for the show—you know. Not to have any heads start turning to us with this whole toon debacle. Last thing we need is people trying to talk bad about you all just because.” Annie said. Boris tilts his head slightly.
“They want us to do a character meet and greet to show that we’re...good? Basically. Tha—“
“Seems like a bunch of bologna!” Shouts a scruff voice. Alice sighs as her shoulders sunk. An expression of annoyance written on her face. Three toons walks over, the show's antagonists— yet 3 silly and lovable characters.
Charley, Barley and Edgar. The one speaking, the head honcho, Charley. The toon pushed Boris and Alice over to squeeze between them. Lifting a forearm to lean on the desk and look at Annie.
“3 screenplays, if ya’ will. Make it snappy.”  He grins. Annie only lets a small laugh out, picking up three screen plays. She hands them over to Charley, he takes them and toss them behind his back, the three script books flew in the air and back down—aiming right above the eyepatch wearing toon, Barley.
Barley looks up and the two scripts fall onto him, causing him to fall to the ground with a; “oof!” He lifts a hand up as if to say something, but the 3rd script falls onto him with a loud; Thud!
“So, where’s Ben-man? Am I late to somethin’ or what? And why the hell is Sammy runnin’ around shoutin? We ain’t even start blocking the script yet.” Charley stands up straight and looked between the three.
“And what’s with the faces?”
“We!—“ Alice clears her throat from the sudden shout—she didn’t have time for Charley and his obnoxious and egotistical attitude! She was
More focused on speaking with Annie about the discussions Henry had with the board.  
“We were discussing something, Charley. Now if you don’t mind. Can we continue it without you being a disruption.” Alice places her hands together as she smiled at Charley, her cheeks prominent as she gave him an innocent expression. Her golden halo flickered for a moment. She was lying. 
Charley stared at her for a moment with furrowed eyebrows.
“What are ya’ bluenosin’ for? What are ya’ ladies gossiping about this time? I wanna know my onions too!” He looks over at Boris. 
“Yer in on this too or something’?! gee biz—what the hell am I? Dirt? Let me in too!” Charley then started to complain about not always being in on the fun. Alice signed and rubbed her temple at the complainants.
“Oh hush, Charley. Bendy is out of town. And we’re discussing how the board meeting went last night for Henry.” Annie stopped Charley from talking. Charley rose an eyebrow and crossed his arms.
“Oh? Ya’ meant how Henry’s been pullin’ his own hair about how the peeps have been getting angry about Bendy being a demon toon—if ya’ ask me. We should just put him back in a Tutu, that’ll make em’ shut up. Or are ya’ talkin’ about how Henry plans on Havin’ us interact with people at this kids birthday party next Friday.”
“A what?” Boris and Alice said in unison. Alice slammed her hands on the table.
“A birthday party?! What idea is that? How would that help the view on toons—that makes no sense!” Alice sighed and rubbed her forehead. Annie sighed softly.
“Well, Alice. It’s for the best right now. Business things—that’s what I also say when things don’t make sense.” Annie told Alice. 
“Squeak Squeak!” Edgar waddled over. Speaking in his own language of squeaks. Charley nods—understand what the spider toon said.
“Yeah, me too.” Charley agreed with..whatever it was
Edgar said.
Alice picked up her script and took Boris by the collar of his shirt and started to walk away.
“Thanks for the info, Annie. C’mon Boris. We got work to do.” Alice dragged Boris—he stumbled behind her, Edgar waved goodbye as Boris waved goodbye back. Barley still on the floor. Mounted by the three scripts and Charley looking at the two with squinted eyes.
“Is it me—or does she seem more quippier than usual?” Charley asks Annie. Annie raised an eyebrow.
“That’s not even a word.”
Edgar watched as Alice and Boris walked away. The spider toon followed after them, stepping over Barley—who was still on the floor and groaned when Edgar climbed over him. Charley noticed that the spider butcher was walking away.
“Ed, where are ya’ goin?” He calls out. But Edgar didn’t reply.
Meanwhile, Alice walked down the hall, muttering something under her breath, her halo flickering ever so slightly, Boris looked up at his angel friend halo and unhooked himself from her grip—which she didn’t seem to notice. Boris caught his balance and started walking next to Alice.
“Take a breather.  Who knows, maybe going to a kids birthday party to spend time with them won’t seem too bad after all.” Boris said in an optimistic tone, but Alice wasn’t having it. Scoffing—the angel shook her head before she turned around and moved to stand in front of Boris. Boris noticed and stopped walking as he gave her a puzzled expression.
“No, don’t you get it? It doesn’t matter how fun the party is! Why do we need to create this—this—this facade, to make sure the audience don’t look at us as if we’re the lunatic toons that are making those crimes, we already had that case with Joey—but that was a few years ago, but still—we’re alive just as much as humans are too—on goodness me, don’t even get me started on the restaurant issue—who do those people think they are—“ Alice went on and on, complaining, but it seemed more like she was venting. Which Boris took notice of. His ears slowly standing on its ends and his tail wagged quickly.
“Wait, Alice. You’re doing what we’ve read from those news articles, complaining.” Boris piped up, cutting Alice off. Alice looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed.
“Yes Boris, dear, obviously I’m complaining—isn’t that obvious—this is—“
“Toons are retaliating.” He cuts her off yet again. Alice stared at Boris. And soon caught whim of what he meant. Alice stared at Boris for a moment. Of course! Toons are reaching their end—they tired of being tossed around like—Well toons! How didn’t she and everyone else not see it to begin with?! It was bright as day.
“Squeak!” Alice looks over, behind Boris to see Edgar, Boris turns around and moves to stand next to Alice so he could look at the spider toon.
“Squeak squeak!” The spider started to squeak incoherently. Waving his two arms around—whatever it was, he wanted to tell Alice and Boris.
Boris only tilts his head in confusion, he could never understand a word Edgar was saying—but it seemed Charley and Barley could always understand their butcher friend just fine.
“What?” Boris muttered. Alice stared down at Edgar.
“Eddie, honey...I can’t understand you, we—you know this.” Alice said softly. Edgar slowly lowered his arms and looked between Alice and Boris. But he didn’t give it—he seemed very determined to tell the two whatever it was he needed to say.
Edgar hopped up and down. Baring his fangs as he came from his mouth. Soon lifting both his arms up, way above his head. Resembling ears before hopping around. Putting his two arms down he extended his arms as if aiming towards something he emitted a small; “pew! Pew!”
Then, he stood up straight and tall. As if to hold a broad and confident stature. 
“Uh—horseback riding!” Boris shouts. Alice made a noise before nudging her elbow into Boris’s arms. He grunts and looks at her. 
“What? I thought we were playing charades?” He said innocently.
“No, he’s obviously trying to tell us something, But I don’t know what it is..” Alice tapped her chin. Boris inhaled and was about to say something, but Alice cut him off.
“And it’s not horseback riding.” She told him. Boris deflated and his ears flattened against his head.
“I can never have fun..”
Edgar could see the two were still having problems understanding him. Standing there he tried to find a conclusion to make him more understandable. Soon, he scurried away down the hall. Alice opened her mouth to shout after him, but as quick as lighting. Edgar zipped back over and was holding a book—which was just some random novel he took from someone’s desk. Opening it, he dropped it to the floor and zipped away yet again—and back over! This time with a trench coat covering his body—due to him being a small toon. The coat mauled him slightly, but that wasn’t Alice’s concern. Edgar soon opened the trench coat, revealing himself—he wore pencil mustache by his—Well where his nose should have been.
Edgar let out squeaks similar to a cackle before he picked up the book and a triumphant expression rid his face.
“Wait…” Alice whispered. She placed a finger on her temple that...pencil mustache—it resembled someone she was familiar with.
“Boris—did you understand him?” Alice looked over at her Wolf friend. Boris looked away from Edgar who looked up at them with a gleam of hope.
“Uh—“ Boris' tail sagged slightly. Alice crossed her arms.
“Hey! I’m running off of an oatmeal bar I ate this morning, give me a break!”
Alice waved Boris away before turning her head to look at Edgar. “Eddie, are you telling us you saw Bendy with three others?” Alice asked Edgar. And he nods! She was right! She was on the right page! And not only that—she got answers! A lead! Gosh, she sounded like a detective.
“Were they a rabbit, a rooster and girl?” She asks yet again. And he nods. 
“Where were you when you saw them?” 
Edgar points up to the ceiling. 
“Stargazing? I know right, I heard the stars were out that night, did you see any shooting stars?” Boris asks. Edgar shook his head frantically before pointing up at the ceiling again. Alice raised an eyebrow.
“So, you weren’t outside?” 
He shook his head.
“Then where were you?” She asks. And yet again, he points to the ceiling, this time she looks up and sees a vent. Looking back down at him she then wondered;
“You were in the vents? Why?” She asks. Edgar only shook his head side to side as if saying; ‘so-so’
“Long story?”
“Squeak squeak.”
“How come you didn’t tell Charley and Barley?” She asks.  Edgar shook his head before baring his teeth and lifting his hands up to his head resembled horns.
“You knew Bendy wouldn’t want that?” She asks. And he nods. 
“So you saw whoever was in that trench coat the others were telling me about? Bendy told me and Boris everything. But have you seen that man in the trench coat?” Edgar shivers at Alice question before
Nodding. He pointed at the pencil mustache that was still on his face.
“Well whoever it is has a mustache.” Boris said. Edgar nods—but he didn’t end there. He motioned around their surroundings, as if signaling the area.
“I don’t understand you..” Alice said—shaking her head. What did he mean? What did he mean?
“Do you know for sure all the details on who was in that coat?” Alice asks. Edgar paused momentarily, shaking his hand; so-so—like he did before.
“How did you even see em’ you followed them?”
Edgar bashfully nods his head. 
“You know this would be much easier if we just had Charley translate for us. No offense, Edgar.” Boris quips. Alice shook her head. “What? No, I
Specifically told the others that whatever they shared with me and you before they left town, stays between us. I mean..come on Boris—they have a stolen book, we can’t just go around telling anyone. Most certainly not Charley and Barley, Edgar is now an exception because it’s obvious he has more in depth details about what he saw, plus. I like him.” Alice placed a hand on Edgar’s head. The arachnid smiled and purred softly.
Boris crossed his arms.  “Biased much. But fine, we’ll do it your way..”
“There is no, ‘my way’—it’s the most reasonable way
So no one gets in trouble.” Alice reasoned with Boris. Boris hummed in acknowledgment. 
“Okay, well can he at least write it in a piece of paper? I hate charades—it’s giving me a headache.”
“Fine, let’s go, then later in, we’ll have to contact the others—Detective Alice—wow, never knew I would hear that title—sounds catchy!” She boasted and turned around to walk down the hall with a cheerful stride in her step.  Edgar follows behind, squeaking happily.
“Oh brother..”  Boris muttered and face palmed before dragging himself to follow Alice and Edgar.
Y/n was still asleep on the loveseat. The blankets was lifted close to her face—cascading her in warmth. Her head leaned in the armrest of the couch. One leg posted up on the other armrest as her other leg hung off the couch. 
The front door opened harshly and stumbled in..Panchito.
This caused Y/n to flinch. Her heart jumping in her throat as she sat up quickly. Bendy was asleep on the floor, and his head was under the coffee table. When he flinched and sat up. His head hit the table. His hand shot up and held his head as he grunted painfully. Oswald slowly opened his eyes. Which were squinted.
“Panchito—what—why aren’t you asleep? Why are you outside? What’s wrong?” Y/n rubbed her eyes, the blanket fell off her as Panchito walked into the living room.
“I have found—this!” He extended his arms and opened his palm. Showcasing...a turtle. A small turtle. 
“I found this little guy by the dock! Isn’t he so cute! I will name him. BB—no! Chirp. Because when I found him. He was making a chirping sound—“
Bendy soon got up and walked over to Panchito.
“Did you really wake us up for a stupid turtle? Go throw it out!” 
“Can you guys keep your voices down please, gosh..” Oswald turned his back towards the three and lifted the blanket to his face. Panchito moved the turtle away from Bendy—so the demon wouldn’t try anything as he suspected.
“But—he is so cute. Look at him.”
“It’s a turtle. Put it back.”
“Hey!” Oswald shouts before sitting up and turning to look at Bendy and Panchito. The two looked over at the rabbit.
“Cut it out! It’s too early for all that!”
“Actually.” Donald suddenly appeared in the room. Standing near the front door. The sun is brighter than usual. All the way in the sky. Which was odd for a morning sunrise...
“It's 1 in the afternoon.”
Placing the book on the hood of the car. Y/n opened it and started flipping through the papers to find the map. The sun was out and it was pretty hot out. Finding the map yet again been marked with a small ink dot, the last ink dot that marked Oregon was gone.  But—that didn’t matter. Seeing Idaho was marked for their next location was a big relief as Y/n was glad they didn’t have to travel overseas to get anyone. And the fact that Idaho was next door to Oregon—the drive wouldn’t be no longer than maybe 8 hours.
“Okay guys, the next location is Idaho.” Y/n turned around and looked at the four toons that waited for her. Donald raised an eyebrow.
“Idaho? What’s in Idaho?” He asks. Bendy snickered and looked over at Donald.
“I don’t know—pppft—get it? Idaho? I don’t know? Hahaha!” He burst out laughing at his corny joke—that really wasn’t a joke to begin with, but he found humor
In it. Oswald lowered his ears and gave Bendy a fearful expression. Looking between Bendy and Y/n—who didn’t even crack a smile at the joke. Oswald spoke up.
“He—he uh...he doesn’t do this often...right?” He asks her. And Y/n hope he didn’t, sitting in a car for 8 hours listening to puns and jokes? She'd rather walk the way there or catch a bus.
“What? No one likes my joke? C’mon! That was hilarious!” Bendy was still laughing through his words. Panchito was silent for a moment. At first he didn’t get it, until he muttered it under his breath again. Soon a look of realization took over.
“Oooh! I get it! Ahaha!” Panchito laughed along with Bendy. “That’s the stupidest joke I’ve ever heard.” Donald said. A blank expression on his face. Not even moved by the joke. Y/n closed the book and walked over the car door and opened the passenger seat.
“Alright! Come on! Let’s hit the road please, I wanna be there before nightfall.”
Y/n watched as the many cornfields passed by—leaving Duckburg about 2 hours ago with no hassle. And it was good that they didn’t need
To take a break. Though, now, with five people in the car, there wasn’t much room as there was to begin with. Oswald did squeeze back up into the front to
Sit in the passenger seat with Y/n again. Panchito and Donald were catching up with each other, talking about their own business. The book was on Y/n’s lap as an hour ago, she was looking through the papers just out of curiosity. Oswald did seem to be on the verge of drifting off to sleep. 
But after 40 or so minutes passed. They were now driving in a small town located at the edge of Oregon called ‘WallowDale’—which Y/n knew nothing about. Looking at the green welcome sign. It seemed like a pretty generic town, more so how Y/n would see it as from those cliche TV shows with the kids that lived in the small towns where everyone knew everyone. The town seemed peaceful and nice—the mountain's way in the distance gave such a serene atmosphere. 
“You think they have a diner down here somewhere? We should get something to eat.” She said to no one in particular. Oswald opened his eyes—he wasn’t sleeping, more enjoying the sound of the car driving down the road to replace the fact he was abruptly woken up in the morning, or, the afternoon to be correct.
Bendy heard Y/n and snapped from his train of thought from whatever he was thinking about.
“Yeah. I guess food sounds good right about now.”
Stretching, Y/n lets out a strained groaned, feeling relief of the tension leaving her legs, even though they only made it almost 4 hours in the car, she needed to stretch her legs. The soft wind traveled between her fingers and the sun coaxed her in its warmth. Looking ahead of her, Y/n looked at the small establishment—a family owned diner. 
“Wow, it looks nice in this town!” Oswald whistled as he took in the small Argo-town. It seemed a bit rural—yet a comfortable place to be.
One of the kids that were seated in the pavement watched as the five got out of the car. A look of awe ridden on his face. The chalk the kid was playing with slipped from his hand and onto the pavement. Toons—they were toons! He’s never seen them before! 
Y/n heard the kid gasp and she looked over at the kid to see his eyes glued on her four tooney friends.
“Is this a parking meter?” Bendy didn’t pay attention to the kid—as he didn’t see him, but had his focus on the parking meter. Oswald was standing next to Y/n—but had his attention still in his surroundings and Panchito and Donald were still talking.
The kid waved at Y/n once moving his gaze to her. She smiled at him and waved as well. The kid raised his chalky hands to his mouth and smiled bashfully. What a cutie.
“Okay, come on.”
Inside the diner, classic 50s rock music was heard. The smell of food—whatever was cooking wafted in the air and it smelled delicious! The AC was on, and it immediately cooled down Y/n and the others. Y/n could see the theme of the retro diner, some people were dancing by a jukebox, which caught her attention. She stopped walking and watched as at least 7 people were dancing by the jukebox fluently and gracefully! Some people in their booths and seats clapping along to the music and cheering the people. 
“Hm—impressive.” Oswald said. Panchito‘s feathers shook as he hopped from one talon to the other, dancing along with the music rather silly like. This caused Y/n to laugh, a smile widening.
“I like it here. It’s nice. Don’t you guys think?” She asks the four. Donald quickly nods. “I hadn’t heard about this town, but man isn’t this place snazzy.” He said. His eyes trailing over the details in the restaurant. 
“I agree.” Oswald agrees. Looking away from the people dancing and over to Panchito who just needed to move—dance. He took ahold of Y/n’s hands? Which caught her by surprise. But she did happily hop around with the rooster. Bendy looked away from the walls of old black and white pictures that caught his attention. Looking over at Panchito and Y/n dancing, a smile quickly appeared on his face.
Afterwards a stout man pushed the flappy doors open that led to the kitchen. He lets out a boisterous laugh, holding a silver serving player with a plate of food on it. He held a spatula and with that spatula he ringed a service bell.
“Jeremy! Your food is ready!” He shouts. Placing the plate on the counter. He must have been a chef as his white stained apron gave it away.
Y/n lets go of Panchito's hands once hearing the loud voice.
“Ay! Alex! The hot cakes are delicious!” Shouts at a customer. Alex—who Y/n assumed the chef's name was. Laughs and waved his head.
“Thank ya! Thank ya! Now—“ the room went silent as the majority of the diners' customers looked over at the chef, was he about to make an announcement?
“I’m glad you all are here fer’ me and my sweet gal’s anniversary! Ain’t that right, shnookums?” Alex placed a hand on the wall and gave it a love filled expression. Bendy gagged, causing Y/n to nudge him to shush him.
“This building brought me many memories! Fifty years everyone! Alex’s Diner!” The customers clapped and cheered for the owner—now that Y/n realized. Alex smiled and nodded at the annocumemt and the cheers.
“Thank you, thank you—and I—“ he immediately stopped talking when his eyes landed in Y/n and four others. An eyebrow raised at the group...were they..not supposed to be there? The eyes on them caused an anxiety to start bubbling in Y/n. Was this a private event? What happened?! Her fingertips went cold and immediately her throat went dry.
“May I help you all? Are you folks lost?” Alex asks. Y/n opened her mouth to speak. Her hands wringing around the straps of her book bag.
“Hi—I’m—we’re sorry. We wanted to eat something and leave, but if you all are having an event, we can just leave?” She didn’t want to make her statement sound like a question, but he did anyway.
“Did you all read the sign before coming’ in?” Alex asks, though his question sounds like a trick question. A hint of sarcasm in his voice? It was something!
Y/n gave a wavering smile. Grabbing Panchito by his wrist, Oswald by his wrist and grabbing onto Donald and Bendy’s tie, she started to back away, bringing them with her.
“Oh? So this is an event. We’ll be on our way then.” She quickly said—stupid move! Why didn’t she see it from the beginning instead of blindly walking in.
“No-no! Dear, come! Sit, I will serve you!” Alex waved a hand to beckon her over to the stool at the counter. Y/n stopped walking and felt a bit of relief.
“Your friends will have to wait outside though.” Was his catch. Y/n hands slipped from her friends. She glanced behind her, to see no one. Who was he talking to?
“Us?” Panchito asked. Pointing a thumb to his chest. Alex nods.
“Yes sir, In case you four toons hadn’t read—“ Alex reached behind the counter and pulled out a flip sign. A pale blue lining around the board and in black words read; ‘No Toons Allowed’
“What?!” Donald shouts abruptly. But, Alex nods. “Yep, but I can serve the young lady. Come sit, I’ll get you something, on the house, dear.” 
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows...when was that a thing? And why was it allowed? That can’t be! It had to be his own store policy.
“This is your store policy?” Y/n asks. 
“Countrywide law. Just been accepted as a new optional choice for business owners like myself. Love it or hate it, it’s my rule. Now come sit.”
“No! She’s not sitting, Y/n, let’s go.” Donald took a hold of Y/n’s wrist and started to walk towards the door, but Oswald stopped Donald.
“No, she can stay and eat if she wants, she hasn’t eaten all day, we’ll be fine.” Oswald swatted Donald’s hand away from Y/n’s wrist. Which he lets go. Donald crumbled under his breath.
“Ay—girly. You gonna let these toons decide for you?” One customer asks. Y/n looks over to the customer. But ignores him. Bendy slightly nudged Y/n to
The door. “She makes her own decision just fine, thank you.”
“Bendy—no, if Y/n wants to eat here, then she can. Come on, we’ll wait outside.” Oswald said, once again nudging Bendy away, Bendy swatted Oswald’s hands.
“Ay! Keep yer’ hands off me, I already had to listen to Mr. Sal over here.” Bendy threw an insult at Alex. Which took note of. Alex raised an eyebrow and looked at Bendy.
“You got a problem with me, pal?” Alex crosses his eyes before eyeing Bendy. Bendy tsked and strolled over to the counter.
“All the problems, ya’ old geezer!” 
“Well shit..” Y/n muttered under her breath.
“Panchito! Do something.” Oswald whispered under his breath to the rooster. Panchito—didn’t seem to have a plan in mind. He’s never been in a situation like this before.
“Oh please? If I don’t want a couple of pencil strokes waltzing into my fine diner! Then I damn sure don’t one walking in, especially you demon look alike.”
“Hey!” Y/n shouts.
“Don’t talk to him like that!”  She glared at the owner. Alex looked at Y/n and squinted his dark eyes. “You lookin’ for trouble too, kid?” 
“You wanna get to her? You’ll have ta’ get through me. Pork. Chop.” Bendy points his gloved hand at Alex’s nose. The customers murmured in shock.
“Alright! Party’s over.” An accented voice shouts. Panchito, Oswald and Donald moved away from the entrance of the diner. A sheriff walked in. His boots and spurs clicking—for whatever reason he was wearing them..
The shades in his face was dark and he held a toothpick in the corner of his mouth. Donald panicked—Panchito—they almost forgot! He can’t be seen! Looking around quickly. Donald picked up an empty mop bucket and slammed in on Panchito’s head. Panchito wobbled almost dazed like at the sudden impact. The sheriff looked over. At Donald, who nervously smiled at him, leaning his elbow on the bucket that was on Panchito’s head as if he were casually leaning. 
“You toons heard the man. No service. Now scram unless you all want a free ride to the office.” The officer  told the group.
Y/n rubbed her clammy hands together and walked over to Bendy and grabbed him by his tie and dragged him away from the counter. Him and Alex staring each other down. They needed to leave immediately before that officer found out about Panchito and the book—which would be tough to do—but she felt that any officer would have eyes like a hawk that can find out just about anything.
Pushing the doors  open, strolling back outside. Y/n ran her hands through her hair.
“That was..that was something new.” She said. Walking over to the car and opening the passenger door. Bendy fixed his tie.  “When did that become a...thing.” He grunts. Hinting towards the new Policy. Or, law.
���Whatever it is, we need to be more careful and start reading, that’s for sure.” Donald said, taking the bucket off of Panchito’s head. Panchito blinked at the sunlight and lifted a hand to rub his head under his sombrero. 
“You toons got kicked?” Asked a voice. Bendy didn’t even bat an eye as he had his eyes closed, trying to think of a new place to eat at.
“Not now, Oswald…” Bendy muttered. Oswald slowly closes the car door once he opens it.
“I didn’t even say anything..” Oswald said. Y/n looks at Oswald and then Bendy.
“You heard that too?” Y/n asks. And Oswald nods quickly. “Me too.” Donald adds.
“Oh my g—-down here you Idiots!” Donald quacks and his hands quickly flew to his tail feathers. Quickly standing next to Y/n with an angry expression. “Hey! What’s the big I-“ he stopped in his track when he saw a small toon—a bird—a blue bird. Y/n squints her eyes. 
“You kinda look like the birdie in my neighborhood.” Y/n said. The bird nods. “That’s because I am sweet cheeks.” The bird—really packed a voice. His voice was much deeper than you would expect from a dainty little bird. Panchito gasped.
“Whoa? Have you followed us? What a cute litt—“
“Don’t finish that sentence.” Oswald told Panchito, his hands up to shield his face as if the bird would attack him instead of Panchito.
“Hey! What’re guys doin? Come on—we gotta hit the road.” Bendy walked around the car and
Looked at the four. Y/n motioned towards the blue bird. “Talking bird.” She told him. Bendy looked at her and turned  to look at the bird. The five standing next to each other as they all looked down at the bird.
“I’ll make this quick and easy! Alright, my name is BB, short for blue bird—thank the narrator.”
No no, thank you, Blue Bird.
“Who?” Y/n raised an eyebrow as she looked around for whoever the blue bird could have mentioned.
“Oooh! I was going to name my turtle that!” Panchito smiled. Oswald squinted his eyes before looking at Panchito.
“Where did that turtle go anyway?” He asks. Panchito deflates.
“Bendy threw him to the pound. mi corazón está triste…” Panchito sighs.
BB looked at the group and shook his head slowly...they all were so...silly.
“Never mind that.” BB said. But it didn’t stop there, Y/n raised her hand.
“You kinda sound like Samuel L. Jackson.” She said. Donald shook his head and tapped his beak.
“I was thinking more like Morgan Freeman.” Donald adds. Y/n then nods and lets out a laugh. The two snickered together. The bird whistles to catch their attention.
“Attention, please”
“Right, sorry.”
“Now, I’m your guide to help you. It may seem crazy. But I’ve been guiding you all this entire time—well. You all have been technically guiding yourselves, and I am so proud of this team of what it’s made. Especially the night when you three found each other.” BB looked at Y/n, Panchito, Bendy and Oswald. 
“So...you’re the book?” Panchito asks. BB shook his head.  “No, I’m not. The book is itself of course. I’m a piece of it. The navigator. Donald, that paper you received. I sent it to you. I’m soul bound to the book—-promised from the kings eons ago for when the day comes, this book will fall in the right hands with the right people. That being you five—and more to come. I’m no guardian, no knight, god, or anything—too much. I’m your helper. Your guide. Look at me as your personal GPS.” BB finishes. Y/n nods slowly—it made sense on how the sudden times the book would know where to locate everyone.
“So, you’ve been marking down the locations on the map?” Y/n asks BB. And he nods. “Correct.”
“I suppose you’re also responsible for when the book randomly flies off?” Bendy asks, yet he holds sarcasm in his tone. A lot of it. 
“No, the book has a mind of its own, use ya’ brain. Or do demon toons have any?”
“So, we’re heading to Idaho now. That’s where it’s marked off for our next location. Do you have any information on who we were supposed to run into?” Donald tilts his head as he asks the question.
BB tapped his talon on the pavement. “I’m only here to help guide. That’s information you all will collect.” 
“Would you happen to have any info on what’s going on?” Y/n asks. And BB shook his head.
“Guys. I’m a navigator. I was only created for this purpose only. Anything outside of helping the people that wields that book to getting where they need
 To be, that’s outside my realm.” He said. And he seemed genuinely sure about it. But Y/n wasn’t complaining. They had a navigator. And that’s all that matters.
Oswald scoffed. “Wait, how do we know you’re telling the truth?” He asks. BB motioned towards Y/n, more her book bag.
“I’m in the book. You can read about me! Now!” BB flapped his wings? Lifting off the air and his talon snapped and that same golden trail, shot down the road.
“Idaho, off you go.” The bird took off to the sky. Oswald blinked slowly and the five of them looked at the sky and saw the bird flapping away. Y/n looked back at the street...yeah. That was more than enough information. 
Two figures were tossed into a cage. The metal clanking together as the gate was slammed closed and locked. 
“Just wait till boss see these bad boys..” a voice chuckled. A toon stood in front of the gate. Staring at the two captured toons. Their kidnapper had characteristics of an animal as the 2nd one also as well. 
The toon inside the cage shot up and and started banging on the bars—he took the bars in both hands and shook them.
“Let me outta here! I oughtta give you a piece of my mind!” Shouts the toon as his kidnappers sauntered off somewhere on the side of the room. 
“Hey, Doug. You think boss’ll give us a raise cuz Zip and Zot lost the rabbit?” Asked one of the kidnapper toons to his co-worker—Doug. Doug was busy dialing on a phone, a cigar placed on the side of Doug’s mouth.
“He damn sho’ betta’, i ain’t hunt these good for nothing’s down for no bread—and Jack—shut that toon up—I CAN’T EVEN HEAR MYSELF THINK!” 
“Cuphead! Give it a rest!”
Ah yes, Cuphead and Mugman. The brothers that were always sewn to the hip. Always together, found themselves in a pickle…
Cuphead quickly turned around. His hands shot to his head. “Give it a rest?! We’ve been ‘napped Mugs—for some prissy uppity smoker—and his idiot side kick!” Cuphead shouts in anger. Mugman gave him a blank expression before blinking.
“You’re embarrassing me.”
Cuphead and Mugman stared at each other for a moment. Cuphead blinks. “What?! Mugs—I don’t have time for t—OW!” Doug grabbed a lot of Cuphead’s straw. Cuphead gagged as if he were choking and couldn’t breathe. Doug lifts the phone to his ear.
“Ay boss? How far are ya’ from downtown? We got your toons that witch told me about—a brand new one—-yeah—mmmhmm.” The kidnapper spoke on the phone and soon let go of Cuphead’s straw and walked Off to continue the conversation alone. Snapping his fingers at Jack—the second kidnapper. To watch
Cuphead and Mugman.
Cuphea gasped for air. Placing a hand in his chest. Mugman looked over at Jack. The...kidnapper wasn’t too on the bright side as he was..digging in his nose, not even paying attention to the two.
“Hello, sir?” Mugman calls out. Jack turns around and looks at Mugman—Cuphead gleaming at the toon.
“Hi, can you atleast tell us. Why are we here in this..” Mugman looked around the dim area, the spacious building resembled a warehouse.
“Warehouse? I presume?”
“Yuh.” Jack said. Mugman nods slowly.
“Why are we here?”
“Oh! Cuz boss needs y’all’s! He’s tryna plan sumn’ big! And the witch lady can feel people that a—-“
“Hey, ya big lug, shut up.” Cuphead told Jack...which he did…
Mugman glared at Cuphead.
“Why did you do that? He was gonna tell us something valuable and you went running your big mouth again, you nut!”
“Look at him—what makes you think he knows anything? I bet if you tell him to play under a beehive, he’ll do it! Look at him!” Cuphead and Mugman looked over at Jack, who was looking off into the spacious area. A small smile on his snout.
“Hey,  Jake?” Cuphead calls out. Jack looks at Cuphead and smiles. “It’s Jack.”
“Yeah, John. Anyway, when is your boss getting here?” He asks. But instead of Jack answering. Doug did. He stepped back into the room, arms behind his back with a menacing grin.
“He’ll be here soon. Very soon.”
There was silence...and then Cuphead spoke up.
“Okay good, because I guess I gotta speak to the higher ups to get it through you, and this idiots thick skull to let us go!!”
A/n: this uh—took a longer time than I expected. Sorry. AND—sOrry the chapter is so long—I really hate short chapters, plus I have so much that I want to be seen in one chapter, But. I promise I’ll make it short in the future. I felt this character was as good as the first.
I’m sorry y’all don’t hurt me.
But! Hey, we got no characters! 😭
I do wanna say, I love the Butcher Gang. Especially Edgar. Such a delicate character.
But, I want to say thank you to all of you out there that commented and gave me support! Thank you!!! I did not expect this to go in anyone’s liking, and I am really surprised! So thank you!
See you all in the next character. 😊
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borkha · 3 years
If your doing prompt requests, could I have “I see you, [X]. I accept you. I’ve offered you a place beside me before. The offer still stands. You would be valued. Cherished.” for the ship Joey x Henry, please?
Henry sighted, taking his coat off and looking at Joey's secretary
"Good luck, Mr. Stein "She mumbled, not quitting her eyes of the typewriter
"Yeah, whatever " Hunttr swallowed hard and opened the door with a big false smile
Joey jumped of his chair, grabbing strongly the phone
"Henry..? " The red-haired blinked and stood up.
Henry nooded and sat on Joey's desk
"Woah, how are you, Hen-Hen? " Joey chuckled
"Eh, good. I need y- "
"So, what do you want now? " Joey stood up and cupped Henry's cheeks, kissing his forehead. Henry looked away, heart beating fast.
"W-well.. I-I really need your help.. please. "
The shortest man giggled and hugged the brunette by the neck "Well, well, is someone sick? "
"Yes, my mom, I re-really need your help Joseph, I'll do anything!! " Henry cried, grabbing Drew's shoulders tightly.
Joey let out a sight and smirked "So, you need my help, were's your pride, huh?- " He was interrupted, by Henry pushing him to the wall and pinning him
"Look, you little bitch. I said I'll do anything, so shut the fuck up and give me one of your satanic contrats, now. "
Joey bit his lip "Okay, okay, I'll do it. You know " Joey rolled his eyes and started.. melting. On the floor, leaving Henry shocked, he knew he could do rituals n' shit but no on himself.
Joey apeard behind him, hugging his old friend by the waist "I've offered you a place beside me, before. But.. the offert could still stand. You could have money, be respected, you didn't wanted that? Well, you'll have it, if you're with me, and work on this lovely studio! "
Henry close his eyes, shaking his head. He didn't wanted to, but everything and anything for his family.
He thinked on it for seconds, opening his eyes and looking at him over his shoulder.
"God.. I'll do it "
Joey hissed, but smiled and kissed his back.
"You're all mine! Mine mine mine!! " Joey scresmed on a child-like voice tone, scaring the shit out of Henry
Ayy I'm sorry if it isn't the best :(((
But it was fun to write? Yep
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lupinlongbottom · 4 years
Burning Bridges pt. 7
Neville Longbottom x Reader
Summary: Chaperoning a Hogsmeade trip wasn’t exactly on the top of (Y/N)’s list of things she wanted to do that weekend, but having Neville along for the ride makes it worth it. 
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: None
A/N: Oh boy oh boy! Hogsmeade fun! The plot? thickens. 
Part 1 … Part 2 … Part 3 … Part 4 … Part 5 … Part 6
The winter air had begun to dissipate, the sun shining brightly amongst the melting snow in Hogsmeade village. While it was late into February, many witches and wizards were hoping spring would be around the corner, but a ‘fool’s spring’ would have to suffice for now. They knew full well within the next few weeks, the harsh snow and winds would resume like normal, but it did not matter. Many students were enjoying the extra buttons undone on their jackets, a few foregoing mittens and scarfs.
“Remember, you’re a reflection of our school, please be advised to be on your best behavior,” (Y/N) gave a pointed look to two Ravenclaw boys, both snickering at her words. “Mr. Fairley and Mr. Espen, do I make myself clear?” The two boys stifled their laugh, eyes hardened towards the Professor. They nodded, mumbling something into their scarves. “Alright, then. Enjoy your afternoon.”
The students dissipated, running to and from their favorite shops, many favoring Honeydukes or Zonko’s. (Y/N) took a moment to glance over the straggling students, many of whom stuck to their respective friend groups. It was odd, watching the cliques grow and change over the course of a school year. While many friends stayed true to their group, it was obvious when one student was left out or pushed to the side. She knew better than to meddle, but understood that even Professors know more about the student’s social lives than she could’ve even comprehended when she was at school.
“Do you reckon Espen’ll listen to you?” Neville mumbled, stepping over to (Y/N)’s side, pulling her out of her trance.
“Hardly,” (Y/N) said, readjusting her dark coat. “Those two are menaces when they’re together. Flitwick says that they tear up the common room any chance they get, roughhousing.”
“Last week, those two tried pulling out the growing Mandrakes that my second year class had potted in the middle of their lecture,” Neville said, his face twisting in horror. “They’ve been maturing since the beginning of the year, their screams are getting quite close to being lethal. Had to take fifteen points from each of them.”
“For a pair of Ravenclaw’s, you’d think they knew better, But I suppose they think they’re too smart to get caught,” (Y/N) said, glancing up at Neville. He was wearing a puffy beige coat, fur—probably kneazle—lining the hood. He had chosen to wear his old Gryffindor scarf out, many students noting his old House, almost in disbelief. “Pulled out the scarf, huh?”
“Yeah,” Neville said, pulling at the end, “felt like it was as good of time as any to wear it out,” he nodded at (Y/N)’s scarf. “You didn’t wear yours?”
“No,” (Y/N) said, shaking her head. “I leave the House pride to the students.”
“Oh come off it,” Neville said, pushing her shoulder. “I know you’d love to wear your (Y/H) scarf out! You wore it all the time, matching with your headband. It became your signature look!”
“I thought my ribbons were my ‘signature look’,” (Y/N) smiled, pulling lightly at the dark green bow that settled in her hair.
“You can have more than one,” Neville said, shrugging lightly. “It’s been a while since we’ve chaperoned together,” he said, eyes fixed at the twisting street of the town. “Probably the first time since the beginning of the year?”
“I don’t normally chaperone,” (Y/N) said plainly, meeting Neville’s long strides down the cobblestone. She wasn’t short, by any means, but the Gryffindor was admittedly taller than her, causing a bit of a chase in her pace. “I normally prefer overseeing detentions instead. Maybe it’s because I can come to Hogsmeade at any time, not just when I’m supposed to make sure the students aren’t going berserk.”
“You’re here now, though,” Neville said, glancing down at (Y/N). “Why’s that?”
“Dunno,” (Y/N) shrugged, flicking her eyes up to him. “Maybe because this feels like a date, almost.”
“Almost,” (Y/N) smiled, pushing her hands into her coat pockets. “But not quite. Cant exactly be all couple-y here, can we?”
It had been a little over a week since the two finally spoke about what they wanted to gain from one another, a longwinded road that ultimately lead them to their current space. No one else was aware of the change, however, as (Y/N) and Neville decided it was best to keep it under wraps, especially in front of students. The only other person to possibly know was Hagrid, who saw the two holding hands near his gardens, admiring the groundkeeper’s handiwork on his pumpkins. Hagrid didn’t mention anything, however, so perhaps he hadn’t really paid much attention.
“Right,” Neville nodded. “Not quite,” The two passed a little green building, sloping at the sides. Dogweed and Deathcap, a sign read in foiled gold lettering. It looked to be a Herbology shop. Neville stopped for a moment, eyes now glued to the display in the window. “Do you mind…?”
“Go for it,” (Y/N) said, patting Neville on the back. “I’ll take a quick lap and make sure no one’s died.”
“Thanks!” Neville said excitedly. He disappeared into the shop, a goofy grin plastered to his face.
True to her word, (Y/N) waltzed around the grounds, keeping a watchful eye out for any horseplay or bad behavior. She found herself seated on a bench near Honeydukes, listening to the giggles and squeals of the students within. It was comforting, almost, remembering what it was like years ago.
“They’re not that bad, Neville!” (Y/N) said, thrusting a little striped box into his chest. “Go on, then. Give it a try!”
“I don’t care for Bertie Botts…” he said, grasping at the carton. “You know I have rotten luck…”
“Nev, everyone has rotten luck with Bertie Botts, it’s half the fun!” She giggled, tugging her pink hat back to covering her ears. “You’ve missed out on loads of Honeydukes sweets last year, it’s ‘bout time you made up for it, yeah?”
“You brought me some sweets,” Neville said, recalling the various packages and gifts the girl had brought him. He wasn’t allowed to go to Hogsmeade after he misplaced the Gryffindor common room password list he had written. “I had some of your peppermint toads!”
“Still,” (Y/N) clicked, rolling her eyes. “Try it out! I didn’t spend six of my Sickles to watch you chicken out!”
“I’m not a chicken!” Neville’s ears went scarlet, fingers diving into the box. He grabbed ahold of two beans, one beige and one orange. “Here,” he threw the beans into his mouth, chewing quickly. His nose scrunched up, eyes snapping shut.
“Bad beans?”
Neville nodded quickly, finally swallowing the mush.
“What were they?”
“I think…” Neville took a moment, sticking his tongue out, letting it breathe. “One was marmalade, but the other…” he shuddered at the thought. “Tasted of vomit…”
“I’m sorry,” (Y/N) said, holding back a laugh. “At least the marmalade was good?”
“I couldn’t tell you,” Neville said, now shoving the box back into (Y/N)’s loose grip. “The vomit took over.”
“Well, when they say every flavor…” (Y/N) laughed, placing the box gently back into her rucksack, right on top of a new travel cauldron she splurged on. “Come on,” she grabbed Neville’s woolen-covered hand, pulling him forward. “Let me treat you to a butterbeer, to make up for the—uh—vomit!”
She had hardly noticed how his ears went pink.
“Butterbeer…” (Y/N) mumbled, glancing down to her snowy boots. “That sounds like an awfully good idea about now…”
Without a second thought, (Y/N)’s boots led her to the Three Broomsticks. The interior was as bustling as she had remembered from her youth, some students here for the first time. She had hardly found the time in her breaks to come down to the pub, visiting only once before the term had started. She placed herself at the counter, awaiting service.
“Well, if it isn’t little (L/N),” Madam Rosmerta gleamed, putting down a freshly polished stein. “Thought you’d be cooped up in those dungeons of yours, no?”
“Hello Rosmerta,” (Y/N) said, removing her heavy coat. She felt like she didn’t need it in this moment. “Caught me at a good time, the headmistress unlocked my cell for the day.”
“Always the jokester,” Madam Rosmerta said, clicking her tongue. “Firewhisky?”
“No,” (Y/N) shook her head. “I can’t stand the stuff, besides I’m technically chaperoning…”
“Ah,” Madam Rosmerta nodded, pouring a glass of butterbeer from the large oak barrel. “Butterbeer it is, then. Can’t let the kids have all the fun, right?”
“I suppose not,” (Y/N) said, smiling at the large pint before her. The sickly smell of butterscotch made her heart grow light, like a warm hug. She brought the foam to her lips, instantly feeling relieved at the taste.
“Nothing quite like it,” Madam Rosmerta said, watching (Y/N) take another gulp. “The memories associated with that drink. Probably my favorite thing about it, besides the taste of course!”
(Y/N) merely nodded, too focused on finishing her cup until the last drop passed her lips. She hadn’t intended to finish the entire thing so quickly, but the honey-colored liquid was too inviting to pass up. “Do you mind…?” She raised the glass to Madam Rosmerta’s eye line, watching her smile grow. 
“Not at all, sweets,” Madam Rosmerta filled the glass again, the foam almost pouring over the sides. “How’s life been for you, Professor?” Her last word dropped over the tip of her tongue languidly.
“It’s been alright!” (Y/N) said cheerfully, carefully eyeing her glass. She felt the burbling in her stomach, almost afraid to take another sip before it settled. “I love my work, I adore most of my students—”
“That’s the same schtick Longbottom tried to pass off on me last week,” the barmaid scowled, leaning on her elbows. “Wouldn’t tell me the truth, but he seemed rather ruffled as it were, so I didn’t push it.”
“Oh yeah,” (Y/N) nodded, “the wine he bought from you, it was excellent!”
“Yeah? Been sitting on those bottles for a while…” Madam Rosmerta said, idly glancing at the spare bottles under her bar. “I’m glad you—wait,” the barmaid’s eyes went wide, almost to the size of the pints before her. “You!”
“M-me?” (Y/N) stammered, slightly concerned.
“I knew it! I knew Longbottom was planning a date!” Madam Rosmerta said, practically dancing a jig. “He wouldn’t say much, said he needed it for a ‘special dinner’.”
“No need,” Madam Rosmerta rose a hand, effectively shutting (Y/N) up. “Your pink cheeks give it away, sweets.”
It was true, (Y/N)’s cheeks had grown to a lovely shade of scarlet, much more than a glass of butterbeer could’ve given her.
“Oh, calm down. I revel in young love and romance,” she pointed to a table near the corner of the inn, two Slytherin girls were sipping their glasses and laughing. “Those two have come nearly every weekend. The one on the left always buys for her, I think it’s sweet…”
“Yeah…” (Y/N) nodded, her eyes glued to the foam atop her glass. “Sweet…”
“You were always so sweet on him too, you know,” Madam Rosmerta said thoughtfully. “Every time I saw the two of you together I hoped you’d hit it off,” she looked at (Y/N)’s timid posture. “I’m glad I was right!”
“It’s only been a week,” (Y/N) said, finally bucking the courage to look at the barmaid. “Besides, a lot has happened in the last five years for us to—”
“Wait!” As if by lightning, a thought struck Madam Rosmerta, leading her to fumble through the stack of papers nearest the bar. “You and him went to the Potter’s wedding, right?”
“Oh—erm—yeah, we did…” (Y/N) said, knowing full well what Madam Rosmerta was going to bring up next. “Don’t tell me that you—”
“I knew it!” She slammed the paper atop the bar, directly in (Y/N)’s eye line. “I knew that these were the two of you!” Madam Rosmerta’s manicured nail pointed at the infamous picture of (Y/N) and Neville, holding each other romantically close, almost kissing. “I recognized your dress from the photo before, and then when Neville came in the next day going on about his dinner…”
“Could you keep it down? Just a bit?” (Y/N) said, almost hissing. “No one else at the school knows, well, the students don’t, I should say. Can’t say much for faculty…”
“Ah, making it a bit more fun for yourselves? Keeping it in secret?”
“This is why I don’t come down here often, Rosmerta,” (Y/N) smirked, finally taking a sip of her second glass. “But, no. We just—we’ve been fighting for this for so long that it’s nice to have it be between just us for now, you know?” Another sip. “Besides, the students are terrible gossips…”
“I understand,” Madam Rosmerta said, sighing lightly. “I’m just ecstatic for the two of you, finding each other after all this time… Really gives an old lady some hope, you know!”
“I bet,” (Y/N) giggled, taking another sip of her butterbeer, reveling in the taste.
“Though, I will say, I thought that you and that Knight fellow were courting…” Madam Rosmerta said, trailing. “He frequents a visit every now and then. Talked my ear off about you.”
“Oh…” (Y/N) said, glancing down. “I suppose we were… ‘courting’, in a sense. Nothing official, really,” she shrugged, taking another sip. “If I’m being honest, he’s not really much who I thought he was. Said some… unsavory stuff after I… well, after I tried to break it off.”
“Ah,” Madam Rosmerta clicked. “It’s the ponytail. Nothing good comes from a guy with a hairstyle like that.”
“Rosmerta!” (Y/N) said, spitting out her drink.
“You know it’s true,” Madam Rosmerta said, shrugging. “He’s an odd fellow, but he’s a regular so I put up with it. Always goes blabbering about his Muggle hobbies and the like. Photography, flower pressing, and you, were amongst other things he’d go on about.” 
“He was into pressing flowers,” (Y/N) said, nodding. “Made me look at his various journals. It’s an interesting hobby, to say the least.”
“Still, Knight is an odd fellow, would bring his Muggle camera in from time to time. Small enough to fit in your hand, all ‘digital’. Muggles are so fascinating, I’ll admit,” Madam Rosmerta said. “Glad you got out of it when you could. You deserve better.”
“Yeah,” (Y/N) smiled. “I think so too.” 
“…really, you needed all of these?” (Y/N) laughed, noting Neville’s rather large parcel from his shopping trip. They had returned from Hogsmeade, warming up in (Y/N)’s chambers with a fire and fresh hot tea.
“Well, I needed a few more seeds for my next lecture and they were having a bit of a sale so…” Neville sat, twiddling his thumbs, now realizing the gravity of his haul. “It’s not like I won’t use any of it!”
“I know,” (Y/N) smiled, settling herself on the plush couch, closer to Neville than she’s sat in the past. It was strange, she noted, how comforting being so close to another person could feel. “You’re good about things like that.”
“Oh! Speaking of,” Neville leaned forward, rustling through his paper bag, reaching to nearly the bottom. “You had said a few days ago that you needed some more of this… so…” In his hand were a few sprigs of greenery, looking almost like weeds. “I’ve been trying to grow a small plot of it, but it won’t do you any good until it’s all grown so…”
“Dittany,” (Y/N) said, taking the handful of green into her own fingers, feeling the wax of the leafs. “Yeah, I needed a bit more for my demonstration on the Wigglenweld Potion for my first years—I had completely forgotten to pick some up!” She pressed the green clump to her chest. “Thank you, Neville. I appreciate it.”
“It’s not a p-problem,” Neville said, stammering slightly.
“Well, now I feel bad,” (Y/N) said, settling into her crevice in the couch. “I didn’t buy you anything…”
“You didn’t need to buy me anything,” Neville assured her, “it’s a gift.”
“Wait a second,” (Y/N)’s eyes lit up like a flame, hustling over to her kitchen cupboards. “I know I have some extra… aha!” In her hand was a fresh box of Bertie Botts, unopened and unassuming. “My mum sent me some a while back, but I haven’t opened them yet.”
“Bertie Botts? (Y/N), you know how much I don’t like—”
“Yeah, I know,” (Y/N) hummed, practically skipping back to the couch. “But being out today reminded me of the day that you—”
“Ate the vomit bean? (Y/N)…”
“Oh come on,” (Y/N) said, flopping back on the couch, a little closer to Neville than she had sat before. “I know it isn’t much, but please just,” she placed the box in his lap, “accept the box, for now. Consider it a placement until I can find something more suitable.”
“I told you,” Neville said, shaking his head. “I don’t need anything in return, the dittany was a gift,” He pressed the box back into (Y/N)’s hands, closing them tightly around the striped box.
“Fine,” (Y/N) huffed, removing the Bertie Botts from her grip. “Then… at least…” (Y/N) hesitated for a moment, almost unsure of herself. Leaning forward, she pressed a chaste kiss to Neville’s cheek. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Neville said, his ears turning pink. “What’re you going to do with the beans, then?”
“Dunno, eat them?” (Y/N) said, tone teasing. “Probably not for a while though, they tend to be more of a party game than anything. Not really planning too many of those of late…”
“I suppose not,” Neville chuckled. He glanced around the apartment, eyes scanning the surroundings. “Hey, where’s Edgar? He’s usually around, no?”
“I sent him out this morning, with a letter to my mum. She spoils him with mice and treats, so I don’t think he’d be on his way until at least tomorrow,” (Y/N) said thoughtfully. “You should see her owls, terribly spoiled, the whole lot of them.” 
“I can imagine,” Neville said, imagining a flock of rather round and near flightless owls. “I’m sure he’ll be around sooner than later.”
There was a slight tapping on the glass window, the sound of a small beak perhaps.
“Speak of the devil…” (Y/N) said, smiling towards the sound. She waved her wand, allowing the window to open. An owl flew into the living quarters, visibly tired. The near snow-white of her feathers shone against the firelight of the room, the ends of the feathers shining a bright pearl sheen. She was visibly not Edgar.
“That’s not Edgar,” Neville said, plainly.
“That much should be obvious,” (Y/N) said, cracking a grin. “She’s a barn owl like him, though. Young,” she noted the letter in the owl’s beak, accepting it into her hand. “That explains it.”
“What? Who’s it from?”
“Ginny,” (Y/N) said, glancing at the neat penmanship of the envelope. Rustling in her cabinet, (Y/N) pulled a small box out, prying a small brown tuft from the container. She passed the treat to the owl, patting her head lightly before seeing her off, shutting the window into the night.
“You keep—”  
“Mice?” (Y/N) laughed, noting the terror that flicked across Neville’s freckled face. “Yeah. I find it’s in the best interests of the owls who run the post to enjoy a nice treat for flying for so long,” (Y/N) said, placing the box back into the cabinet, filled with various potions ingredients.
“But… still. Dead mice?”
“It’s what they like to eat,” (Y/N) said, shrugging lightly. “I know Ginny said that Harry had bought another owl, I didn’t imagine she’d be so beautiful.”
“She reminded me of Hedwig,” Neville said, “she’d hang out in our dormitory sometimes.”
“Yeah,” (Y/N) said, thumbing the envelope. “It’s unlike Gin to send an owl this late,” her eyes grazed the wax seal, a scarlet ‘P’ adorned the color.
“Shouldn’t her and Harry be on their honeymoon? It’s been a week since the wedding, you’d think they’d be living it up in the tropics or something.”
“Yeah, you’d think,” (Y/N) said, peeling the wax seal off the envelope, pulling the letter out. Her eyes danced across the lettering, looping with every stroke of the quill. “Harry was called on a last minute Auror mission, so they moved their honeymoon to a later date.”
“That’s unfortunate…”
“I’d say…” (Y/N) said, continuing to read the letter. She let out a small chuckle. “Poor Gin, she has to deal with the whole Daily Prophet fiasco on her own, she said she practically knocked down their office building.”
“Sounds like Ginny,” Neville laughed. “Probably gave them a piece of her mind, plus or minus a few hexes I’m sure.”
“Of course she did,” (Y/N) laughed alongside Neville, glancing back down to the note. “It says that she tried to find who was responsible for sneaking the photos—she joked about the one of us, I suppose I’d have to fill her in at some point, but I bet she already—”
(Y/N) stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes growing wide at the final words on the letter. She felt like she couldn’t breathe, like all the air was caught in her throat.
“(Y/N)?” Neville asked, his expression worried. “(Y/N) is everything okay?”
“She found out.”
“Ginny? She found out what?”
“She found out who took the photos, who sold them to the Prophet,” (Y/N) said, pressing the note to Neville’s chest. 
He opened the note, the words highlighted by the orange glow of the fire. Every other word felt useless against the bold lettering of a singular name.
Lancelot Knight.
General Tag List: @maralisa124 / @leighxlover / @hey-its-me-rai / @missihart23 / @biatheintrovert / @luna-xxxxx / @chocolaterumble / @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy / @steve-thotgers / @greeneyedthief / @kitkatkl / @thelightsideoflife / @thataudreydork / @badgirlsdeaddreams
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Wave 1 Holt Hyde Journal
July 23
Woke up in a moving truck last night - in the cab... this time. But I was totally confused as to how I got there and exactly where I was going. I figured since Moms was driving it meant another new job in another new town - maybe this one will be the last for a while...
July 25
Tried to stay up so I could see what the new town looks like in the daytime but it was no use. Soon as the first ray or sunlight cracked the horizon I was out. Shouldn’t be surprised, since for as long as I can remember, I’ve been trippin’ to the music of the night. I can’t recall the last time I saw the sun... really I can’t. I used to wonder if I was part vampire but so far no fangs and no overwhelming desire to make beat juice my new drink of choice. I must do some serious sleep walking during the day though, cause sometimes when I wake up I am dressed like a complete dork. 
July 27
I put some flyers up at the Maul advertising my DJ biz. Hopefully I’ll get some bites. I know that once I get a few gigs I’ll be busy all the time ‘cause I can definitely spin some scary mixes.
August 1 
Being the new monster in town means I’ve got to figure out who all the players are so I don’t get off on the wrong claw with any of the locals. So I’ve been taking walks at night with Crossfade just to check things out. This is what I’ve peeped so far:
Count Dracula - This ain’t no mopey “Please give me a hug ‘cause I’ma vampire” cry baby. This is the original old school, dark as midnight, bad to the fang Nosferatu. There may be monsters that have been around longer but none of them have Count Dracula’s street cred. He and his daughter live on my street in what is either a gigantic mansion or a small castle. I guess you’d have to go with mansion but only because there isn’t a moat and a drawbridge.
The Mummy - Got to say there’s just something about old school monster royalty. They’re like rock stars or something I’m not the kind of monster that gets star struck but I seriously wanted to ask for his autograph. I didn’t but I thought about it. He and his princess daughter Cleo de Nile live in this palace that looks like a movie set with servants and all. I don’t know Cleo but it seems like she’s wound a little tight.
The Werewolf - There’s one Alpha wolf in his pack and he is it. I heard he could have gone pro in just about any sport he wanted but he was so much stronger and faster than the other players they said it wouldn’t be fair for him to play. He’s got a big family in a not so big house and it always seems like there is some kind of drama going on over there. The way they argue you’d think they don’t like each other but you’d be wrong. They watch out for each other and if you fight one of them you better be ready to take them all. Clawd is the BMOC - Big Monster on Campus and Clawdeen is going to have songs written about her one day. 
Frankenstein and His Bride - Mr. Stein is pretty chill for a dude who’s 8 feet tall and looks like he’s strong enough to tie knots in oak trees. Mrs. Stein on the other hand... well let’s just say Mr. Stein is a lucky monster. They live in a house that looks like a cross between a Swiss chalet and a research lab. I think they’ve got a new baby over there but I haven’t seen her yet.
The Sea Monster - He doesn't’ really live on land, at least I don’t think he does - for sure he’s got a little beach house where Lagoona Blue lives. It’s got this killer dock that goes out over the water. I saw Lagoona sitting out there talking to him one night. He never got out of the water though so I couldn’t tell exactly what he looked like but he churned serious water when he left. I think he mostly just keeps to himself and doesn’t spend a lot of time with surface monsters.
Medusa - Seems like she’s got her hiss together and is in total control of her emotions - good thing too, cause if she ever lost it, your career as a permanent life size paperweight would start right away. I guess that’s why she wears sunglasses outside of her house - even at night. Speaking of her house it looks like a building from one of those pictures at a Greek restaurant the kind with the big columns and everything. I bet the acoustics in that place are awesome. Wonder if she ever lets Deuce have parties up there? 
August 3
Have you ever met someone for the first time and it’s like you’ve known them all your life? Dude this totally happened to me last night. I was doing this bubblegum dance gig, not really my style but sometimes you’ve got to give the monsters what they want - ya know? Anyway, this absolutely smokin’ little vampire was out on the floor doing the Transylvania Trance and there wasn’t another monster in the place who could keep up so I flipped the switch to auto pilot and jumped right in there with her. When the song was over I was like, “Ula D you rock!” Then she said, “How do you know my name because I don’t think we’ve ever met have we?” I couldn’t think of a time when we had but somehow I just knew who she was. Weird huh? 
August 10
Had a date with the lovely and lyrical Operetta. She’s a bit of a diva but what a set of pipes! I took her to see this band I really like and everything was going great until this gargoyle bumps into her and almost knocks her down. I didn’t think his apology was sincere so I got hot and long story short... I got us kicked out. Operetta was embarrassed about it, and asked me to take her home. I sent her a dozen dead roses but she’s still not talking to me. My temper constantly gets me into trouble but never gets me out.
August 11
Mom found out about last night from Operetta’s dad. She says I need to do a better job controlling my temper and stop being such a hot head but it’s not like I can just become a different person. Sometimes I think she wishes I wasn’t a monster at all. Does she think I can just snap my fingers and turn into some dorky human or something? I swear sometimes I just want to ~~~~~~~~~~ ASHES! I melt more pens this way. Maybe mom’s right - wish there was like a potion you could drink to get rid of the bad stuff... oh well.
August 20 
I think I’m going to take some night school classes this year. I heard that Monster High does non-traditional classes for monsters who don’t do daylight and since I seem to fit into that crew I’m gonna sign up. There’s supposed to be this siren that gives voice lessons and Operetta’s dad teaches a keyboard class. 
September 5
I started working on this song that I want to be kinda about my life. Maybe inspiration will hit and I’ll finish it or maybe I haven’t lived long enough to write a song about my life. Anyway I got the first verse:
A twisted road plays out like a rhyme
Revealing itself a little at a time
Turn the corner Leave what’s behind
Outta sight and outta mind
Outta sight and outta mind
Guess I’ll have to see where the road leads.
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Family Values Ch. One
Martin Mathias x (S/I) Lena Wilusz
Braddock nightlife is almost non-existent, and that was how most of its residents liked it. A collection of old and new, families and singles. Braddock was religious, intended to be pristine under the light of the sun and quiet in the dark of night.
Braddock was not the best place for Martin to be. Martin Mathias, young and inquistive. Preferred his hair longer but dressed simply. He always felt as though he stuck out like a sore thumb by his mere existence, and as such worked tirelessly to make himself as unassuming as possible. Dressed plain, acted plain; he kept to himself in town, never wanting to make a fuss…
...So he took the night train to the next town over. By train or bus, it was about thirty to fourty-five minutes to Pittsburgh, close enough to be back home in time but far enough that his name wouldn't reach back to his family's ears. The day was for showing Tata Cuda that he was in fact not a monster; the night was to be one.
Stepping off the train in the Pittsburgh station, he found his way into directions towards the bustling center of town. If Martin was any one thing, it was careful. He always got what he needed, safely and how he wanted it. His first nightly adventure in Pittsburgh, he had decided, would be reconnaissance. Just thinking the word made him feel like a man out of the movies- he was already armed with the tools of his trade, packed away neatly inside the small leather case he carried them in. Just in case, he thought.
Just in case.
This night he wandered around town looking aimless, taking note of what kinds of things the place offered. It was already more diverse than Braddock was: a few larger grocery stores, a candy store, a small theater, and a multitude of restaurants lined the streets along with a number of other things to enjoy. Unlike Braddock, there were still a number of people roaming around at this hour; couples and singles alike. Martin finds it strange to see so many people out on an average night, the clock just barely hitting nine p.m. But this was only natural, he was only used to small towns after all.
The man comes to a stop rounding out his investigation back onto the strip of restaurants he'd passed before; his stomach growled. Dinner at his home wasn't always substantial, especially when he had no say in the menu. It was another night with a half full plate of something he could barely stomach. A decent amount of cash tucked in his pocket leads him into the first establishment that catches his eye.
The place was called The King's Tavern. His first thought was that his feet were leading him to some kind of bar, but stepping inside gave him an entirely different sensation. He couldn't understand how a place could look so much like his black white thoughts and yet still make him feel so...safe and comfortable. The entire inside was lit by false lamplight, with wooden tables and chairs. Some corners had booth seating with velveteen lined seats. His first instinct was somewhat correct, there was a small bar space with a woman standing behind it mixing drinks and pouring ales into steins. In this place, everyone else was out of place. For him, it was like stepping back into his own eastern Europe.
Confidence beside him, Martin slides into one of the available booths, still not looking for extra attention. He sat, waited, observed, and he saw her. A woman approached another table just before his. Somewhat petite, a corset keeping her linen blouse tucked against her skin and resting just over the waist of her skirts. An apron was tied around her waist, adorned with colorful floral embroidery in contrast to much of the dimmer atmosphere. Her face is soft but her eyes exhausted, a notepad and pen readied in her hands.
"All I'm saying is, the point is moot if you aren't going to keep everything to fact. No one in the 15th century would be wearing sneakers or have synthetic fabrics."
"Sir please, this is just a restaurant-" The woman tries to keep her cheerful work façade up despite her frustrations.
"It's just a little bit of extra effort, for the true authentic experience." The customer insists. By the look on the woman's face, Martin can tell a nerve has been hit.
"Well sir, the cobblers been ill and price of linen is up. We can make you a meal, but you'll get no women here. Now, can I get you something?" A thick European accent coats over her words, sounding impeccably natural. Martin can see that finally the man in front of him is appeased enough to let her slip from his attention and finally move onto his table. She sighs one more time before him.
"Good evening sir and welcome. Have you been with us before?"
“Ah, no, this is my first time. A-and uh. I’m sorry about...that-“ He says.
"O-oh...Thank you. It's kind of stupid, people seem to get really...annoyed? Irritated? Something like that. They don't even know what it's like there...only ever seen it in books. I'm sorry, you came to eat not to listen to me talk, please, what can I do for you?"
"I only have so much cash...do you have something easy? As, as long as it isn't stuffed cabbage?" He must have said something funny, because the woman chuckles happily at his remark.
"I'll surprise you then. And no cabbage, I promise." She departs as quickly as she comes, leaving Martin to sit in his own quiet. Shifting his fingers, eyes darting between spaces of decoration. His hands itch to dig into his bag and reset the organization of his tools another time, just to ensure they're in their proper places.
He keeps his hands planted on the table. You don't know who's watching, Martin.
He breathes a sigh of relief when the woman returns with a plate of food in her hands and a glass of water.
"I hope water's fine, I forgot to ask what you wanted… I can get you something else too."
"This is fine, thank you."
"Swell! I uh. I hope this isn't too forward but...do you mind if I ate with you? My shift is ending soon and my boss is letting me grab some dinner because of the time...and really I just don't want to sit alone. I-if it's not okay that's fine! I just thought I'd...give it a shot." Martin bites his tongue. Instead of speaking, he gestures towards the seat opposite him in invitation.
"Oh thank you! Let me go get my plate!" She scurries off again.
This was a surprise. Never in all his years, or at least the recent ones, had a woman throw herself so willingly towards him. Perhaps there was something new to him? No, he was sure everything was quite the same when he got up that morning, and no sickness magically changed anything about him. Not that there was any magic at all. Once again, she's back in his sight, another plate and glass in hand.
"I just got us both the same thing. Leftovers of today's rouladen special, leniwe pierogi, and some vegetables. No cabbage, I made sure!" She laughs again.
"I hope you enjoy it." She says.
"Thank you." They both dig in, enjoying their meals in relative silence as life continues around them. Martin is reminded of a past time, sitting at a table in quiet comfort, candles burning and exchanging longing glances sat on either side of the wood between them…
"Uhm...may I ask your name?" Martin wakes from his daydream once again, eyes now fixated on her, blinking slowly.
"Ah. It's...Martin."
"Pleasure to meet you Martin. My name is Lena. Lena Williams."
"Yeah...it's Americanized. Magdalena Wilusz, my family is from Poland."
Something somewhere in him felt like a dream came true.
A stout older man approached their table, two glasses in hand. He assumed, and assumed correctly, that this man must of been her boss, and the owner.
"Mr. Kaufmann, what's this for?"
"On the house, dear. You've worked hard this week, just enjoy your weekend off."
"...Thank you sir."
"My boss," she says, "he's a good man, really looks after us. He really is too kind…" She takes hold of one drink, glass frosting with cool condensation from the liquid inside. She takes a drink with eyes closed, sighing.
"It's really good, sweet like apples. Try some!" Martin is unsure what’s been brought to the table, but he trusts her. And she’s right, the flavor is light, crisp, and refreshing. The thought crosses his mind that this is alcohol, and alcohol can make him clumsy and clumsy is not what he needs if he is intending to feed, which wasn’t his intention in the first place with this trip… But the bite of it is only as harsh as cold lemonade in
summer and encourages him to continue swallowing the drink down as he enjoys his meal. The two continue talking, drinking as the evening winds down in the dining room and their food dwindles.
“H-huh, oh dear, its getting late isn’t it...this is about the time the bars start letting out...s-shit- oh! Sorry, I usually d-don’t curse…” Lenas face is molded with concern as the minutes continue to tick down. He thinks she must be worried about the influx of men flooding into the streets…
“I...i could walk you home…?”
“Martin, I couldn’t burden you like that-“
“You’re worried, a-about the people? You drank some and just want to get home safe, right?”
“...Yes. Even when I eat I leave fast...you’re really a gentleman aren’t you, Martin? I’m sure...I can find something to repay you.”
“I-I’m sure you can, if that’s what you...need to do.”
Martin was ecstatic. It still raised a conflict in his somewhat addled mind, but the ease of solving his sickness for one night also held high. As minutes passed on, the facts and choices began to swirl into a haze. Dinner was finished and the plates left to the closing staff. Coats were donned, Martin's bag of tools secured, and on they went with Lena leading the way. She kept herself steady by clinging onto his jacket sleeve, pointing out vague instructions to her home. It wasn't very far at all, if not a roundabout from her place of work. Just under thirty minutes from the restaurant, only taking so long due to their somewhat inebriated states.
"S-see? Not too bad...thank you Martin. You're such a sweet guy…" Lena says, finally arriving at her front door. She's still unsteady on her feet, wobbling just a bit as she stares down at her hands and the concrete steps.
"S-so, Martin...do you… mind if I do something stupid?" The man in question remains silent, merely nodding a positive response. Sure of herself, she plants her lips to his, fisting her shaking hands into his coat.
"U-uh, if that was b-bad of me, I'm s-sorry, uhm...but. Y-you're welcome to come in, j-join me-"
“Join me, Martin."
Echoes of her flitting about dim halls in a white gown guided his hand over hers, turning the handle and letting them both inside. He was going to do this. He was going to do...something. Combined, they bypass the dark living room and go straight through to her own space. Her room is messy, as that of any busy employee's, and gently illuminated by the one wide window with the drapes drawn open. A socket mounted night light assisted the moon in keeping the floor lit. Returning from a quick trip to the bathroom, she stands anxiously by the bed.
"I-i uhm...i-i don't know what to do, I-ive never...brought someone b-back like this…"
"I-its okay. I know what I'm doing. I-i'm careful." He tells her. It's a truth and a lie mixed together, not fully aware of what outcome will occur. Both of them have toed off their shoes, and again Martin guides Lena to her back, on her bed. She's softly cradled by her sheets, and when he rests his forehead to hers, she kisses him.
In the time that Lena was gone, Martin was quick. In moments, he prepared an appropriate dose of his sleep agent, and carefully stowed the exposed syringe inside his jacket sleeve. Knelt over her, he runs his hands up and down her legs, both removing her skirt and seeking out the best spot for injection in her thighs. He finds his chosen location, squeezing gently as she sighs. Again, he kisses her as he maneuvers the needle carefully and pushes down on the plunger. Breathless, her eyelids already begin to flutter.
"W-wha...M-martin, what was that…?" She questions, her voice high and airy.
"Don't worry, i-it'll...it'll make you feel better." Lena, now on her path to sedation, he begins removing his own clothes. First shirking his coat, he gets back up to carefully place the now empty syringe on the beside table, and follows up by then ridding himself of his pants. Next he goes towards her top, fiddling with the ties to loosen and remove the corset over her linen shirt, her own fingers lacing into his to pull the strings apart. He continues to run his hands over her exposed skin as the sedative runs its course through her veins. She sighs softly, the gentle treatment combined with the power of the sedative and alcohol has her eyes barely fighting to keep open. She finally succumbs to sleep as Martin cradles her face and kisses her nose.
“It's all going to be okay…” He promises to her sleeping body. Finally, he’s safe enough to do away with both of their shirts and her bra.
Her skin was perfect, soft. It was of course marred by a cocktail of imperfections: stretch marks, discoloration, one generous scar on her belly. But it was warm and comforting to the touch. He no longer needs to kneel over her, the next step…Without gathering his materials, he lays beside her, pulling her close in imitation of a loving couple.
He is so tired… He keeps admiring her skin. The minutes pass as he tucks her limbs into his own body. In her sleep she takes advantage, wrapping herself tighter around him, fingers coming to rest delicately on his cheek.
Martin was there to be a monster. He was supposed to take and leave as easily as he came, then to never see her again.
Instead, Martin falls asleep.
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zxanthe · 4 years
super duper ultra mega late entry for @soulxmakaweek day 7. this summer is an extremely busy one. glad i could finish out the week, even if it was late as all hell lmfao
also available on ao3 and ff.net
“So, how was your day?”
“Job hunting not going well, huh.”
“No! I got rejected again. Do you think it’d make a better impression if I put “savior of the world” or something in my header?”
“They probably wouldn’t take you seriously.”
“Well, I did. And they should. I could kick all their asses back to back on my worst day.”
“Yeah, but ass-kicking isn’t exactly required to be like, a bank teller.”
“Uh, robberies?”
“Yeah, okay, you got me there.”
“I’ve been thinking about college, honestly. Ridding the world of madness qualifies you for your GED, right?”
“I’d check the record on that one. They didn’t exactly teach us calculus here, you know.”
“Drat. Well, I’ve still got time, I guess. I’m still trying to figure out what I even want to go to college for.”
“Eh, personally I think college is overrated.”
“Says you, slacker.”
“Listen, if your freakishly large brain got any bigger I think it’d collapse into some kind of nerdy bookworm information singularity.”
“First of all, that’s not even physically possible. Second of all, if you got any lazier you’d melt into a puddle of goo.”
“Demon steel, thanks.”
“I’m talking about your soul, dumdum.”
“Yeah, okay, whatever. So, uh. Where are you thinking of going to school, if you do decide to go?”
“Something Ivy League, ideally.”
“That so.”
“Yeah. Got a problem with that?”
“Then what’s with that tone? Harvard too snobby for you?”
“Yeah, actually.”
“Okay, Mr. Cool Guy Rich Boy.”
“Ugh, don’t lump me in with those people. They all have their heads so far up their own asses, it’s awful.”
“You included!”
“Listen, I was thirteen and I thought I knew everything. I’m much older and wiser now.”
“You still forget to close the fridge door sometimes.”
“Not the point and you know it. Look, what’s wrong with going to college in Vegas or something? You don’t have to spend nearly as much money and plus it’s waaaaay easier to get into.”
“Soul, are you seriously telling me that a community college education is comparable to an Ivy League school?”
“Since when did you become such a snob?”
“I mean, I’m right for thinking that the two are on completely different levels!”
“Yeah, okay, okay. You’re right. Happy? But still, I mean a degree is a degree at the end of the day, isn’t it?”
“Nope. A degree from Harvard could open way more doors. Plus I could rub it in Ox’s stupid face that I got into an Ivy and he didn’t.”
“Heh, true. But like. What could you do there that you couldn’t do here?”
“Harvard is the world leader in soul research, for one thing. I think they’d be super happy to have someone like me work there.”
“Yeah, okay, but consider: DWMA has a lab too.”
“Yes, but here we’re more focused on combat techniques and stuff like that. Besides, Stein just got the research division off the ground like two weeks ago. I’d prefer to go somewhere that’s been around a little bit longer first.”
“How long have you been thinking about this?”
“Hmm…probably since the beginning of the month.”
“How come you didn’t tell me?”
“Because it didn’t occur to me to until now? Get your soul untwisted, geez, it’s not that big a deal.”
“Uh, yeah, it kind of is. You’re talking about moving a hell of a long way away.”
“Well, yeah. It’s something new, and different, and exciting. Not all of us can get paid ridiculous sums of money to go to fancy parties and important diplomatic meetings, you know.”
“I’m sorry, that was mean. Don’t look at me like that. I know it’s hard on you, with the training, and I know you hate parties. I’m sorry. I’m just. Feeling trapped, I guess. Everyone else is off doing cool things and I’m just. Here, by myself, because you’re gone most of the time anyway.”
“…I’ll miss you a whole lot. I already miss you a whole lot. We hardly talk anymore.”
“That’s not – “
“It is. You get home after I go to sleep and leave before I wake up. I think the last time we said anything to each other was good morning three days ago before you hurried out the door.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Not much different, then, if you moved 2,000 miles away, huh.”
“It would be very different.”
“Are you even a little happy for me?”
“So, uh. If you do go. Don’t forget about us back here, yeah?”
“Of course not. I never could.”
“Well, uh. If you meet some cute boy over there, or something – “
“Soul, wha – “
“Maybe uh. Just. Shit, I’m fucking this up, I’m so sorry, I know we haven’t spoken and I’m an asshole and I’ve really been meaning to say this for a while, but Maka, I uh. I.”
The sun is setting spectacularly in Death City. Orange light lights up the surfaces of the buildings, giving them a soft and faintly unearthly glow. The clouds are suffused with pinks and purples and golds. Across the sky, the moon is rising, an opaque disc blacker than the deepest-buried spaces in the most secret parts of the human heart. The DWMA looms at the city’s pinnacle, its massive white staircase glowing in the dying light. Two tiny figures are visible three-quarters of the way down. The taller one has its hand on the other’s shoulder. Their faces are touching, front to front. They stay like that for infinite moments. In that time the second figure’s hand comes up to tangle itself in the other’s snowy white hair.
Don’t leave me. It’d feel. Empty. Without you here.
“I know. I’d feel it too.”
I’m sorry.
“Don’t be. It’s a big decision. Death City will always be home, though. You’ll always be home. No matter what.”
“We can make it work?”
“Of course. Together we can do anything.”
“You dweeb.”
“You know I’m right. If we can kick a Kishin’s ass this’ll be cake.”
The sun sets. The moon rises. Two figures descend the rest of the way down the stairs, hand in hand, soul in soul.
I love you.
I love you too.
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fantasiasodapop · 4 years
The Forging of Brotherhood
AN: This is a scene from when both of the boys were only nine-year-olds at a sleepover at Henry's parents house after Joey's parents died in a car crash a few weeks before and Joey's brother already got adopted.
Enjoy the floof and lore. (And my day 24 of the Ink Demonth.)
Nine-year-old Henry Stein woke up at 2:45 in the morning to the sound of crying and knew exactly what was going on.
"Joey?" he asked softly, crawling over to the edge of his bunk to climb down the ladder. His best friend's sobs hitched for a second as Joey was startled by Henry's question.
"Y-y-you're s-s-supposed to be as-s-sleep," Joey said quietly, trying and failing to hide the fact that he was crying.
"What's wrong?" Henry asked as he climbed onto the bottom bunk with his best friend.
"I j-just r-realized that after th-this s-sleepover, I m-m-might n-never s-see you ag-gain!" Joey's sobs returned to their original intensity as he clung to Henry's form.
Henry held him close as he processed that. It took a moment for him to realize that Joey was right.
With Joey's parents dead from the car crash the week before, Joey and his younger brother Michael had been placed in the orphanage. Michael was adopted immediately, the five-year-old being the perfect age and disposition to be a proposition for new family, but Joseph Anthony Drew had been labeled a problem child because of his ADHD that caused all sorts of problems for him, from harder learning to lack of focusing to his compulsivity.
No one seemed to want Joey Drew.
If this kept up, Joey would be shuffled from orphanage to foster home until he came of age at 18, and that would probably mean that Henry and Joey would never see each other again.
"Hey, hey, we don't know that!" Henry said, trying to be reassuring.
"Yeah, we do! The orphanage lady Mrs. Neiterlander said that if I'm not adopted by the end of the month, I'm going to a foster home in Rochester! And that's almost 350 miles away!" Joey cried in despair.
"We don't know that it's that far away," Henry objected.
"Yeah, we do! I took a map and measured it with a ruler! It's that far by road! We'd never see each other! We'd barely even still be in the same state!"
Good thing Henry had come up with a plan a few days before then. After all, Henry was an only child whose parents had always wanted another but kept having miscarriages until they finally just stopped trying. It didn't take much to convince his parents to adopt the young Drew into their household, especially since Henry learned that his parents had been considering it anyway and just had yet to take the idea up with Henry himself.
And besides, Henry was pretty sure that orphanages didn't allow sleepovers just for fun. No, his parents had told him otherwise. This was the orphanage seeing if Joey felt safe and happy in their home after they had inspected it and considered it good for children.
Now, this plan was supposed to be a surprise... but his friend was so sad! He couldn't just let Joey think that Henry was just going to let them take his best friend away!
After thinking over the consequences of such an action and listening to his best friend cry into his chest as he held him close a little longer, Henry came to a decision. "If I tell you a secret, do you promise to act surprised?" Henry asked finally.
Joey looked up. "H-huh?" he asked, his breath still hitching but his tears slowing slightly.
"I know a secret, and you aren't supposed to know about it until breakfast later, but I hate seeing you like this, so I'll tell you it as long as you promise to pretend to be surprised for my parents, okay?" Henry repeated.
Joey nodded, wiping at the tears on his cheeks. "Wh-what is it?" he asked through his sniffles.
Henry looked around before whispering, "My mom and dad... They're... planning on adopting you into our family."
Joey stared at him, searching for any sign of deception. "R-really?" he asked hopefully, his eyes lighting up as his spirits lifted.
Henry knew that Joey couldn't afford to allow himself to raise his hopes that high. This would be a dream come true for him if it was real. If it turned out to be a trick or a hoax, Joey would shatter. But it wasn't either of those. This was real.
"Yeah," Henry replied with a smile. "We talked together and we decided to adopt you, Joey."
"Yeah," Henry replied with a smile. "We talked together and we decided to adopt you, Joey."
"That's... I don't know what to say... Th-thank you!" Joey's tears started anew, but not because of sorrow, but of joy and relief knowing that he and Henry would get to stay together.
"I thought you would like that," Henry said with a smile.
"Does this mean... that we'll be... brothers?" Joey asked suddenly, a hopeful tilt to his voice.
Henry thought about that for a minute before replying, "Yeah. I guess it will."
Joey smiled. "I think I like that," he said sleepily.
"Me too," Henry yawned.
"I love you... brother..." Joey said as he fell asleep again in Henry's arms.
"I love you, too, Joey..." Henry whispered as he too fell fast asleep, both waiting for dawn to wake them.
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queenofcats17 · 4 years
Can we get a music department vs art department (not buddy)) park war. Or nerf gun war.
XD Yeah, sure!
I had a lot of fun with this
When Buddy had begun working at Joey Drew Studios, he hadn’t expected to end up in the middle of a war.
Okay, that sounded a little dramatic. It was a nerf gun war.
Wally had been the one to start it. He’d gotten ahold of a nerf gun and had immediately begun running around the studio shooting people with it. Sammy had been his favorite target since he always provided a funny reaction. After Wally ambushing him a few times, Sammy got a nerf gun of his own to retaliate.
Unfortunately, he hadn’t managed to hit Wally. Who he did manage to hit was Henry. Buddy had been there to witness it. Wally had been chatting with Henry in the hallway, seemingly oblivious to everything. Sammy had snuck up, nerf gun in hand. He’d peeked around a corner, making sure Wally was truly unaware. Then he’d sprung out, aiming and taking fire. Wally had reacted quickly, darting out of the way. The dart had hit Henry in the forehead.
There had been one torturous moment of silence, everyone frozen in shock. Buddy had almost dropped the papers he’d been carrying. Sammy had had a look on his face that Buddy could only really describe as an ‘oh shit’ look. Slowly, Henry had removed the dart from his forehead, smiling at Sammy.
“You know this means war, don’t you?”
That had been the beginning of the war between the Art and Music Departments. Joey had even supplied the nerf guns, saying that it would be good for morale.
“You just want an excuse to watch some chaos unfold,” his secretary Gloria had said with a snort.
Buddy wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about this whole thing.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” He asked Henry as the older animator handed out the nerf guns. “Don’t we have work to do?”
“We don’t have any deadlines coming up,” Henry replied. “And I want to get Sammy back for shooting me.”
Buddy looked helplessly at Ms. Lambert, who just shrugged and went back to the paperwork she’d been doing.
“You don’t have to participate if you don’t want to,” Henry added, noting Buddy’s horrified expression.
“Um, okay. Thanks Mr. Stein.”
Henry gave him a smile, then turned his attention back to the others of the Art Department, beginning to discuss “battle plans”.
Thankfully, Buddy seemed to be off-limits in this little war, but it was still rather confusing to come to work and find the other employees engaged in what was basically a children’s game taken far too seriously.
“Does this kinda thing happen a lot?” Buddy asked Dot while they were on a lunch break a few days into the war.
“Pretty much.” Dot shrugged. “You get used to it.”
“Huh…Okay.” Buddy turned his attention back to his sandwich.
“It’s not as bad as some of the other stuff that’s happened.” Wally butted in. “At least nobody’s gotten hurt this time.” He was in the middle of a rather intense darts game with some of the GENT workers but it wasn’t his turn at the moment.
“Some of the other stuff? Hurt this time?” Buddy echoed, suddenly worried.
“Joey and Wally don’t have much of a sense of self-preservation,” Norman said, hiding a smirk behind his coffee cup.
“Hey! I’ve only had to go to the ER like twice!” Wally protested.
The other employees in the break room started to laugh, chiming in with stories of times Wally had managed to get himself hurt one way or another. Buddy sat there, unsure what to do or say.
“Don’t worry about it.” Dot patted Buddy’s shoulder. “Everyone here is just kind of crazy.”
Buddy nodded slowly. Joey Drew Studios certainly was shaping up to be one of the strangest places he’d ever worked. Especially after he went to get some drawing paper from the supply closet and found Sammy crouching inside with a nerf gun clutched to his chest.
The two of them stared at each other for a moment or two.
“Hey, Mr. Lawrence,” Buddy said slowly.
“Hello, Buddy.” Sammy nodded curtly, as though he weren’t hiding in the closet.
“What…Whatcha doin’?”
“I’m trying to get the drop on Lambert,” Sammy answered. “She’s the only one in your department who hasn’t been hit.”
“Okay…?” Buddy’s face was frozen in a confused smile as he tried to process this. He wouldn’t have thought Sammy would take something like this so seriously. Then again, Sammy had been the one to start this whole war.
“Close the door when you’re finished,” Sammy instructed him. “I don’t want to give my position away.”
Buddy nodded hesitantly, grabbing the paper he needed before closing the door and retreating to his desk.
The war ended up lasting almost a week before Joey finally ended it due to an upcoming deadline. There was a lot of arguing as to which side had won, but it was decided that the Art Department had won since Ms. Lambert was the only person on either side who hadn’t been hit by a dart. Some of the Music Department members had held out, but had made the mistake of hitting Norman and he had sniped them off as retribution.
“Well, that was fun!” Henry said brightly. He was especially delighted since he’d nailed Sammy multiple times with darts.
“I thought it was incredibly stressful,” Ms. Lambert said.
Buddy just kept working away, hoping something this crazy wouldn’t happen again any time soon.
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breanime · 5 years
Helpless (Part Two)
Thank you all for the support and interest you’ve already shown in this series! I’m so glad to have such sweet and supportive friends on this site. I hope you like Part Two, and as always, please feel free to tell me how you liked this one, on anon or not! :)
Overall warning for this series: mentions/depictions of violence, some future parts may get ~steamy~
*gif not mine*
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You sat, clothes crinkled with your brother’s dried blood, handcuffed to a table at the police station. You’d told them everything: dates, names, places—only leaving out Khalil. He was too young, too fresh. This wasn’t his battle; you didn’t want him to get into any trouble. You had spent the night getting interviewed, first by two cops, then by the two cops and a lawyer, then by the sheriff, two cops, and the Chief of Police. You had signed several papers, committing to your statement. You didn’t care what happened to you; you just wanted Joe to pay.
“Uncuff her,” a woman wearing a suit came in with a manila folder under her arm, “She’s not under arrest.”
The Chief of Police puffed his chest out. He looked like a bird trying to intimidate a much more dangerous predator. “Says who?”
“The Department of Homeland Security,” she answered briskly, taking her badge out and flashing it to them, “Special Agent Dinah Madani. I need the room, please.”
The cops grumbled, but did as she asked, filing out of the room quickly. The agent sat across from you, opening the folder as you stared.
“I’m not under arrest?” You asked.
She shook her head. “Not at the moment, and you won’t ever be, if you agree to be my witness. You give me any and everything I need to get Joseph Yakavetta behind bars, and I’ll grant you full immunity.”
You nodded. You were already committed to giving the cops full honesty, but the addition of immunity certainly appealed to you. Though you were surprised to see the Feds were interested in Big Joe, too. “Deal.”
Things moved quickly after that; Agent Madani took your statement and then had you transferred to a hotel. You took a shower, watching Ronnie’s blood circle the drain, feeling numb and raw all at once.
The Feds had provided you with a small wardrobe, so you got dressed and sat at the edge of the bed, looking through some of the paperwork Madani had given you. The terms were clear: you would only get full immunity if Big Joe was taken down, otherwise, you would be tried for the multiple robbery charges that were tied to your name. You’d asked Madani how she was planning on keeping you safe, and she’d said something about a kind of witness protection. The way she described it (or under described it, to be more accurate), made it seem like you didn’t apply for actual witness protection, but she said something about getting you a security detail. Until then, you had strict instructions not to leave your room unless accompanied by Madani or one of the other Feds who ran with her.
Which is how you ended up in your hotel room for two weeks straight, only leaving to go to the police station and back. You felt like an animal in a cage, spending hours at a time pacing your room, building in breaks to stare out of the window every few minutes, which was exactly what you were doing when your phone—a black flip phone provided by Homeland Security—rang.
“Agent Madani,” you drawled.
“I’m sending Agent Stein over with your security detail. They’re going to go over a few things with you and then move you to a secondary location,” she said, business as usual, “Pack your things and be ready.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” you said before she could hang up, “Does this mean our BFF sleepovers are over? How will I cope?”
You could practically hear her roll her eyes on the other line. “Get ready, Y/N, they’ll be there in less than 15 minutes.”
You pocketed your phone and got to it, throwing your clothes and charger and toiletries in the duffel bag Madani had given you. The night Ronnie died, you’d cut off a piece of the shirt you were wearing before giving the rest of your clothes to the Feds, and you had it at the bottom of your bag. You looked at it whenever you felt unsure, whenever you were feeling scared or caged in, and looking at it strengthened your resolve. Joe killed Ronnie and Jamal, and you couldn’t let him get away with that.
There was a knock on your door; three hard knocks and two soft ones, the knock the Feds used. Still, you looked through the peephole and didn’t unlock it until you saw Agent Stein’s face.
“Madani said I’m finally getting out of this hellhole,” you said, opening the door and stepping behind it like they’d trained you to—just in case an agent had been compromised or been followed or something—and let Stein lead the security in. You shut the door and turned to address Stein once more, but you froze in your tracks.
Billy Russo was standing in your hotel room.
Two Days Earlier
Billy adjusted his tie as he stood in front of the mirror, giving himself a final once-over. He looked good, comfortable in his three-piece suit with his designer shoes and $300 haircut. He got into his car, the Rolls Royce Wraith, and noted every single look of envy he got on the ride over. He fucking loved that look, ate it up like candy. Curtis had called him a man “of wealth and taste”, and he’d liked that. No one who was looking at him now would know he was an unwanted orphan, or that he got his start from dirty money made overseas. Sometimes, in times like these when he was feeling untouchable, even he was able to forget his beginnings for a moment, but just a moment.
He parked his car and went in, letting himself operate on autopilot as he greeted the secretary and the head nurse. He let himself into his mother’s room, closing the door behind him.
She was unconscious, strapped to the bed by her wrists and ankles, and Billy felt that same contradicting wave of anger and smugness and disgust and shame go through him as he looked at her. He took his jacket off and draped it over a chair before seating himself at the edge of the bed. He took out the syringe, prepping it before plunging it into her IV.
His mother blinked herself awake, muttering as she came to. Her eyes widened when they landed on him, and she shuffled on the bed, making little distressed noises at the sight of her only son.
“Hey Mom,” he said, voice low. He didn’t want to startle her even more than she already was. “The nurses say you’re doing good, had a little set back a few weeks ago, got a little spirited, they tell me,” he put his hand on her ankle, and felt her try to recoil. He tightened his hold on her. “I’ve been good, too. Been working a lot,” he looked at the wall as he spoke, “Though I have…” He glanced down at his mother again. If he couldn’t tell her, who else could he tell? “… I’ve been having these dreams lately, memories really, of this girl I knew.” He looked back at his mom, her dark eyes watery and unfocused as a result of the cocktail of meds she was on, a strange reflection of his own eyes. “She, uh, she was the only woman I’ve ever just…wanted,” he said, thinking of your smile and the mischievous twinkle you’d get in your eye when you looked at him, “I mean, she was gorgeous and confident and real, and I just… I liked being around her, you know?” He tilted his head. “Have you ever felt like that?” He asked, knowing she wouldn’t—couldn’t—answer. “Was it like that with you and my father?” He laughed humorlessly. “Probably not, huh?” He shook his head. “Well, I never felt like that until I met her. I thought, at first, that it was just physical, my attraction to her but then…” Billy gave a shrug; it was hard to put his thoughts into words—especially the thoughts about you, things he’d never said outloud before, but he felt like he had to try, had to get them out. “I don’t know, she just… She made me feel connected to something, you know? Connected to her. It’s not like we were dating or anything, but we spent time together… All that time we were hooking up, she never even told me her last name.” He chuckled; he had liked that about you, the mystery, the way you held some things about you so close to your chest. He remembered being intrigued by you, wanting to figure you out—not for any monetary goal or strategic advantage or anything like that, just because you fascinated him. “I was kind of getting used to her,” he confessed, “I liked being around her, and liked spending time with her, but… You remember the guy I told you about? Rawlins?” He looked down at his mom, who just frowned back at him. “He came around again,” his hand twitched on his mother’s ankle, “Back then, a year ago, I still owed him a debt—I’m all paid up now,” he assured her, “Paid up and then some, but then… I had to step away, you know? From her, I mean. Thought it’d be easier if I just went off the grid for a while, and when I got back…” He looked over at the wall again, feeling that same anxiety from that day bubble up inside of him, the dark cloud that had come over him as he stared at your empty apartment. “…She was long gone.” He stood up, needing to move. “I don’t blame her,” he said, rolling his shoulders, “It’s not like we were… It doesn’t matter. It’s just weird, isn’t it, that I’ve been dreaming about her lately?” He looked back at his mother, hands in his pocket. “I usually don’t… dwell on things like this.” He felt his phone vibrate, and he took it out. “It’s work,” he informed his mom, taking the call.
“Russo,” he answered, voice commanding and sure.
“I’m sorry to call you, Mr. Russo, I know this is your personal time,” his assistant began.
“It’s fine,” he interrupted, “What is it?”
“There’s a Dinah Madani from Homeland Security on the line; she says she has a job for you. She says it’s urgent.”
Billy cocked an eyebrow. It must be urgent if Dinah was calling him. “I’m on my way,” he said, hanging up without another word.
He turned back to his mother; she had tears in her eyes. “Gotta go,” he picked his jacket up and shrugged it back on, “You know, I… We could have been a family. I would have taken care of you, given you anything…” He stopped himself. He gave this same speech every time he came here. “…See you next time, Mom.”
He called Dinah back when he got to his office, not sure if this was really a work call or something more…personal.
“I need a favor,” she said in lieu of an actual greeting, “I’ve got a case that hinges on this eyewitness that needs to be protected. I need to get her to D.C quickly, safely, and as quietly as possible. Can you do it?”
Billy sat back at his desk. So this was a professional call. Good. “I’m gonna need more than that, Agent Madani,” he said back, “Who’s she testifying against? How much danger is she in?”
“His name is Joseph ‘Big Joe’ Yakavetta,” Madani answered, “He started out as a small-time gangster out of New York and grew up to be a national threat. He had a group of vagabonds helping him rob armored trucks and banks and other secure vehicles, and on his last heist, he managed to walk off with several high-security documents as well as ATM access codes and other intel.”
“How does that concern Homeland?”
He heard Madani sigh on the other line. She should have known that he wouldn’t take that vague crap—if he was even going to consider this job, he needed details. “I can’t get into it over the phone,” she said, voice low, “But I’m sending you a file now…”
Billy clicked his email and waited.
“…Long story short, Yakavetta has some valuable information in his possession right now that we need to recover, and he’s wanted for homicide as well.” There was a pause, and Billy knew she was trying to decide how honest to be with him. Apparently, she opted for the truth. “He shot and killed an undercover informant who was working with us,” she confessed, “I put him in there, and he died for it. I need it make it right.”
Billy was getting bored, but the file popped up. He opened it, scrolling through Yakavetta’s rap sheet. He was ex-military, had contacts overseas, and had done a lot of heist jobs all over the U.S. “And why can’t Homeland handle this?” Billy asked, lazily moving to the next document Madani sent.
“My bosses aren’t convinced this is a lucrative case. We’ve been after Yakavetta for years and haven’t been able to make anything stick. It was by the skin of my teeth, but I was able to get enough funding to hire a personal security detail for her.”
Billy made an assenting noise, looking through the file on the three men Yakavetta killed; the truck driver from his latest job, and two of his men—one being the informant. “How many men would you need?” He asked, still unimpressed by this case.
“I’d like it to just be you,” she said back, “You can use as many men as you’d need, of course, but you’d be taking the lead on this.”
Billy stopped, cursor floating over the “next” arrow at the bottom of the page. “You want me on this? Me personally?” He clarified.
“You’re the only one I can trust to do this and do it right,” Madani said, and he pictured her grimacing as she spoke the words, “You’re the best man for the job.”
That was true, Billy knew, but this was beneath him—plus it was a Federal case, so there was no telling just how long it would take. And he’d have to leave New York, travel with some sniveling witness and play babysitter. The money would be good, he knew, government contracts always paid well, and he knew Madani was desperate enough to agree to any number he threw out—but overall, it wouldn’t be worth it. “I can put my best man on it,” he said as he clicked “next”, “but I won’t be able—”
He stopped. Your face was on his computer screen, and Billy nearly dropped his phone. You were the witness. His eyes scanned the page, taking in as much information as he could as Madani talked on the other end of the phone, trying to convince him to take the job.
“…money isn’t an object, Russo, just name the number and I’ll match it. Listen—I can get you out here by tomorrow, I need you on this—”
“—I’ll do it,” he said, eyes stuck on your photo. “I’m in.”
Billy moved quickly after that, making arrangements for Anvil in his absence, packing, and hopping on a plane that very night. He spent the majority of the flight on his laptop, reading and re-reading your file, taking it all in greedily. He knew your last name now. He learned more about you in the last three hours than he had seeing you for a month. But it didn’t satisfy him like he thought it would. What was in your file were just words, black and white, and while the information did fill in some holes for him, he still had questions. Questions only you could answer. And anyway, reading all of this stuff from the Feds wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted to hear it from you, though he wasn’t entirely sure why, couldn’t quite place why it mattered and why his curiosity when it came to you was so damn persistent. He hoped that seeing you again would cure him of it, but deep down…
…He knew it wouldn’t.
Present Day
“Madani said I’m finally getting out of this hellhole,” you said, and Billy had to remind himself to stay professional when he heard your voice. It had been so long, but his body ached—literally ached—at just the sound of it.
He followed Agent Sam Stein (a man who wasn’t really Billy’s biggest fan) into the room. His instincts took over for a few seconds, and his eyes darted around the room—checking for exits and vulnerable spots in the hotel—before they landed on you.
Your eyes were wide, but Billy kept his reaction in check. You looked good, wearing a simple white T-shirt, black hoodie, and jeans. He preferred you in nothing, in all honesty, but he pushed those thoughts—and images—down. He was here on a job, after all.
“Y/N, this is Billy Russo, head of Anvil Security,” Stein said, not noticing the tension in the room, or at the very least, ignoring it, “Mr. Russo will be your bodyguard for the foreseeable future.”
You didn’t say anything, just stared up at Billy, turning to watch him as he walked past you and deeper into the room. He’d be lying if he said he’d never thought of this moment, never imagined seeing you again. He never imagined it like this, though. He turned back to you, all business. “We’re going to a safe house,” he told you, “and from there, we’ll make a long-term plan for your safety. Are you ready to leave?”
You nodded wordlessly.
Billy went over to the bed to grab your bag, but stopped when he got to the edge of it. The sheets were rumpled, and the covers were haphazardly thrown on the bed. His mind flashed back to a time when his sheets looked like that after spending hours intertwined with you, still smelling like you days after.
“Billy,” you had gasped out, back arched as your orgasm rocked you, “Billy!”
He grunted on top of you, pushing deeper into you and closing his eyes as you pulsated around him. You felt so good, so incredibly good. Billy dropped his head, burying his face in your neck as he came with you, calling your name just as you were calling his.
Still inside you, still wrapped up in you, he opened his eyes and stared down at you. Your eyes were closed, mouth open as you panted, sweat making your skin glow, and your hair was a mess on his pillows. He had never seen anything more beautiful, and he felt a sudden wave of possessiveness take over. No other man deserved you, no other man should be able to see you, feel you, the way he did. This was where you belonged; beneath him, cocooned in his arms, sheets damp under your body and blanket thrown over the mattress, forgotten and unneeded as you warmed each other.
You opened your eyes, smiling up at Billy, and he felt himself smiling back, felt his heart melt at the sight of you—all his in that one moment.
Billy wasn’t sure what this was, this thing between the two of you, and a part of him was urging him to face reality—this could never work, he could never tell you the truth about himself, could never truly let you in, but… In that moment…damn did he want to.
“Hey,” you said, poking his nose with your finger, “Stop thinking, Russo, and kiss me.”
He did. And later, in the morning, when he woke up with you in his arms and his comforter on the floor, sheets a mess, he kissed you again.
He could kiss you forever.
Billy turned back to you, slinging the duffel bag over his shoulder. The memory came out of nowhere, just as vivid and real as it had been then, and he licked his lips, chasing the memory of your sweet, sweet kiss. You were still staring at him, pretty eyes wide and lips parted, ready, he thought, to be kissed. The logical side of him told him to focus on the mission, to just do the job, but the other part of him wanted nothing more than to grab you and tell you everything would be okay. To push you onto the bed and ruin the sheets just a bit more.
…This might be harder than he thought it’d be.
Okay, who’s POV should the next chapter be in? Billy’s or the Reader’s? And what did you think of this part? Did you like it? Do you know who the informant was? Do we trust Homeland? Do we trust Billy?! Are we even trustworthy?! *dun dun!*
Helpless Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed): @accioromancff @funerals-with-cake @700teacups @thesumofmychoices @wangmangagavroche @aikeia @im-a-mess-ness @fangirlharbor
Taglist: @lexxierave @loveintheroyalfamily@suchatinyinfinity@fanfictionrecommendations-com  @maxslime-blog @elanor-of-imladris@songforhema @lucielandss @fandomlifeandeverythingelse @themadhatter92@realduckvader @the-blind-assassin-12 @christinawxxx @anabella-baby @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @luminex3 @littlemermaidprobz@ashkuuuu @luckysstrikes @carlaangel86 @floralpeaceofmind @dylanobrusso @teacuplotus @iaintnofurry @thesumofmychoices @ymariejp @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @mrsjaxtellerfan @whovianayesha @holamor @drinix @rhabakoli @stories-you-wont-hear @king4thesirens @starkrobb @marauderskeeper @charlylama @thesandbeneathmytoes @something-tofightfor @banditthewriter  @binbons-is-theloml  @thebabblingbookworm @khuangpu13
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creepyalienghost · 4 years
People Of Creation
It was Henry’s first year in college. He, like many others going wasn’t really sure what path he wanted to choose for his life. He had decided on five classes for his first semester, to gather the skills. Art history, Business, Computer tech, chemistry and film. He chose a few for giving the knowledge he needed and the others for some fun.
Within a few months of college he film professor gave the them the months assignment. They were to make a documentary about anything they or there group choices.
In class, Henry turned to his friend behind him and Norman who was beside him. “Do you two wanna make a group together? Would be fun!” He offered
“Must definitely!” Shawn replied with a smile.
“Sure!” Norman agreed with them.
The rest of that class they shared topics on what each wants to do this documentary on while Henry writes them down and talk why they want that topic. Shawn suggestions were
Irish folklore or the world of toy markers. Norman thought of doing people who went missing or something on the future. Henry suggested holidays or war.
They discussed on what topic they should choose but none of them can all agree on one topic though. The end of the class Came and they agreed to meet at Henry dorm later to decide. All day they went through classes thinking about what they should do or looking up more topics on there free times to add
And waited.
When they did meet up at Henry’s dorm later that night, they all had some new topics of interest to share. “Maybe we could do the documentary on storms?” Shawn ask
Both Henry and Norman shook there heads.
“Nah.” Henry disagreed then went back to thinking.
Norman, who was Searching on his phone for ideas popped up. “What about the people of the creation?” Norman looked up from his phone for a second then back when he saw Shawn and Henry taking an interest. “Says here they all live off the land and vary happen people?”
“And?” Shawn ask “what’s so cool about that?”
“Also says the talk to the gods so I’m guessing this is a cult.” Norman shrugs then leans on the wall behind him.
“Let’s do that one. Maybe we go there, see how they live and interview the people there! That would be fun!” Henry replied
“I’m down with this one.” Norman said and looked at shawn. “What about you?”
Shawn thought for a moment then nodded “alright. Let do this.”
Henry looked up and emailed the owner of the land asking him if they could do there documentary on them for a week. They waited for a few hours before Henry’s phone signaled that there was a new email. Shawn and Norman ran to the sides of Henry as he got out his phone and checked it. “Hello Mr. stein! I have read your email and I accept your request for a documentary. We are excited to have your crew come to let us share our views with you three. We expect you tomorrow. Have a blessed day!”
Henry looked at shawn then Norman. “Looks Like we’re going on to the people of creation!”
Shawn and Norman went back to there dorms to start packing for the weeks trip. Henry booked three plan tickets then packed as well. They meet up after at the Uber Norman called and headed to the air port. By 11:30 there plan was off. By morning they landed, got there bags and took a taxi to closes it would take them to the gates of the people of the creation.
It was strange but they got out and grabbed there bags from the Trunk then walked the mile up to the gates of the people of creation. “Halt!” Called someone behind them, followed by the sound of a loading gun. They all froze in place Witt there hands up.
The man came around in View of them. “You people are?”
“H-Henry stain, sir.” Henry was the one to reply. “These are my friends Shawn Flynn and Norman Polk. We had p-permission t-to come and do a Documentary on you guys.” He was Hopping it was actually there leader he ask and not some troll.
The man gives them a nasty look. “Wait here!” He ordered then went off to the side and talk into a walkie-talkie while still keeping an eye on them. All three of them was nervous as hell of what could happen but none of them said anything.
The man came back to them a minute later. “My apologies. Follow me.” He turns and opened the gate. Henry looked at the others two before following the man, Shawn followed grant and Norman followed after.
They came upon a two story house away from the other buildings. The guy that escorted them knocked on the door and another man in a suit opened it. “Greets!” He smiled “you must be Henry stein!” He shook Henry’s hand. “I’m Joey drew!”
Henry nodded as he formerly shook joeys hand. “Yep that’s me! These are my friends and crew Shawn.” He pointed to his left. “And Norman.” He pointed to his right.
“Welcome you two.” Joey shakes and greats them as well. “Come. Let me show you around!”
He starts to lead them around before Henry turns to Joey. “Do you mind if one of us films the tour?”
Joey shakes his head. “No. Go right ahead! There’s nothing to hide here!” He Smiled in a way that makes Henry’s stomach flutter.
They stopped for a minute for Norman to dig in his bag and gets out his camera. He pressed to Record button and they proceed the tour.
The first stop was at the church. A few people were praying or reading the Bible. “We gather hear every night after dinner for a daily lesson on the Bible.” Joey announces into the Camera. “And every Sunday is the full mass.”
Norman films around the church and the praying people.
They move on from the crunch to walk the kitchen and eating area. “This is we’re we have our meals.” Joey explains. “We love to eat out side but we do have tables inside
Incase the weathers bad.” He informed them.
A blonde woman that was cleaning off a table comes over. “Hello Joey.” She bowed to him. “Are these those guys you told us about?”
Joey wrapped his arm around her. “Hello. Yes this is shawn, Henry and Norman.” He gestures to each as he said there names. “Guys this is my wife, Susie.” They all greeted her and then moved on from the area.
The next stop they came to was the garden. Rows and rows of there plants and It was fenced up to keep the wild life from eating there plants. “Here’s our family garden. The ones that maintain it are finish for the day.
They move on to the rest of the buildings and areas of the land. A school for the kids, an area for bomb fires, a farm for meet, dairy and eggs. There was horses also but Joey just told them it was for fun.
Lastly they come to a little green house. “Here is we’re you will be staying for the week.” Joey informed them. “I had my husbands cheek and make sure everything was nice and clean for arrival.” He opened the door to a living room nicer to any hotel room they ever stayed in.
“I’m sorry you said husbands?” Shawn ask joey. “I thought you said you had a wife?”
Joey looked at shawn. “ I do. I have Susie my wife. And Sammy and Grant my two husbands.” He replied. “I’ll let y’all meet them and everyone else as dinner. Your going to love it! Tell then I’ll let you settle and rest up.” He smiled and left.
The three of them walked into there Little home for the next week and looked around. There was a small kitchen with fridge and microwave but no stove. There wasn’t no tv or any books besides a Bible on the coffee table. Up stairs there was three rooms and a bathroom. They all chose there rooms and unpacked there bags and supplies.
Shawn finishes and goes to Henry’s room. “It’s a little odd how they have TVs huh?
Henry shrugged. “I donno. I mean.. the amish doesnt use electricity ether...maybe here they don’t ether for TVs.”
“Ya I guess you right.” Shawn nodded and went back to his room.
After they all finish unpacking there clothes and equipment they decided to rest form the long trip here. Henry went into his room for a nap. Shawn went into his room to watch a movie and Norman went to his room and pulled out his book he brought and started reading.
Later that night, when they were getting ready for there first meal with these people someone knocked on there door. “I got it.” Henry said, walking down the stairs and opening the door to Joey snd two other man in white gowns.
“Hello again Henry!” Joey waved. “I hope you rest well?”
Henry nodded. “We did thank you. And the house is nice, again thank you.” Norman and Shawn Came up and nodded in agreement
“I’m glad to hear that.” Joey smiled. “Oh. This is Grant and Sammy. My two husbands.” He introduced them. They all said there greetings and started for the kitchen area. As they were walking and listening to Joey talk about how exciting he was they were doing there documentary here, Norman noticed one of the husbands had a limp. He wondered if he was alright but didn’t think much to it though.
When they arrived it was Swarming with everyone coming here to sit down at the long table and the cooks bringing over the dishes of good. “You guys can sit in these three chairs at the end.” Joey waved them over. Henry came over and sat at the vary end, Shawn sat in the middle of then him and Norman. Grant got the end on the other side, Susie sat beside him. Sammy sat beside her everyone else got to chose where. Joey sits on the end watching the everyone.
Once they were all sat down everyone bows there heads and placed there Palms together for prayer. Joey looked at the three visitors. “Please would you join us in prayer.” He smiled.
Henry looked at Norman and Shawn then shrugs. “Sure.” They all three bowed there heads and placed the palms then Joey announced the prayer and everyone finished it with an “amen.” And begins to scoop there serving and eat.
Joey turn to the visitors. “I appreciate you fellas praying with us. Means the world to us.” He spoke then took a bite of his role.
“It’s not a problem, Joey.” Henry replied and Shawn nodded.
“You joining us for bible lessen tonight, right ?” Joey ask them took a bite of chicken. “I mean you should. It’s fun!”
Henry finishes his sip of water and nodded. “Yea. We’re be there to film it. That’s ok right?”
Joey nodded. “That’s alright.”
Shawn stoped eating to watch everyone of them for a minute. They all were so happy here. Smiles on there faces, talking with there friends around them, eating this delicious food they make on there own. Plus living here deep in the woods! It paradise!
Norman glances at Joey as everyone was eating there food and talking to each other. He didn’t like the way Joey was asking these questions to them. He had a weird feeling from him and many of these people. One of joey’s husbands kept looking at him Shawn and Henry strangely. He was on guard of everyone and everything right now, watching everyone.
When everyone was finish with their dinner and the table was cleaned everyone headed down to the church building for bible lessees. Norman had set up his camera earlier in the day so he just push record once Joey started his lesson.
Shawn sat beside Grant and watching everyone fellow the words of there bibles as Joey reads. Grant looked at shawn before scooting closer and held the book to him to share. Shawn looked at Grant and smiled at him. Grant gave a smile back at him and they listen to the lesson.
Henry watched Joey and listen to everything he spoke. He wanted to understand what Joey was saying and why someone would want to join one of these. He couldn’t wait to interview Joey and these people tomorrow. Couldn’t wait to hear what they would say.
Once Joey was finish with the lesson he dismiss everyone and sat next to Henry. “It looked like you were vary interested in this Mr.stain”
Henry nodded. “It was interesting. I can’t wait for our interview tomorrow morning.”
Joey chuckles. “Sounds like a plan then. You three have a good night now.” Joey smiled at him as he got up and went to his wife and husbands. Together all four walked out of the church together. Once again Norman noticed the blonde man limping.
Henry got up and turned to Shawn and Norman. “Ready to go back now?”
Shawn and Henry went to the house and went to there rooms for the night. Norman went back with them but snuck out once they went in there rooms.
There was something going on with this place. He didn’t know what, but he knew something wasn’t right. Joey drew voice when he was asking Henry questions, they way the brown haired husband looked at them at dinner the fact they they lived in a the woods, The curfew thing and having guards walk around with guns.
Norman hide in the shadows as he moved around the place, dodging the guards with guns. He stopped and looked up at the church in front of him and notice it was a two story. He opened the door and peaked inside before going inside.
The church was empty. No one was sitting in the rows of benches. Norman walked slowly down the ally to the strange and picked up
The Bible that was on the table. He flipped though it and read the notes for a minute. He put it back down where it was and looked around. He noticed there was a way to back stage from the side so he went back there.
There was chairs stacked together in one corner, a few boxes full of bibles, and table With some junk on it. Then Norman noticed the was stairs in one corner going both up and down. Norman slowly approaches the stairs for the basement. One he got to the them he saw a door at the vary bottom. He took slow step down, making sure it didn’t creek. Then another. And another. He got down them and reaches for the door nob and twisted it.
“What are you doing?”
Norman nearly jumped out of his skin and turn around to the voice. It was the blonde husband, Sammy. He was standing at the top of the stairs. “I was....” Norman tried to think of something but his heart was beating to fast to think.
“Don’t you know it’s pass curfew?” Sammy simply ask.
Norman climbed the top of the stairs. “Ya. But I couldn’t sleep. I could ask the same thing to you though. This is your home after all.”
Sammy looked at Norman. “I was on my way home when I saw the door to the church opened. Thought I see what was going on.” He answered. “Come on. I’ll lead you home.”
Norman nodded and followed the short blonde out of the church. As they made there way to the house he again noticed Sammy was limping. “Are you alright?..” he asked. “I seen you limp all day.”
“I -I fine.” Sammy replied. Norman definitely noticed his voice was different here. Shaky almost. “It’s just a .. sprained. That’s all.”
Norman looked at him. “Well. Shouldn’t you put ice on it?”
Sammy nodded. “I will..I do..w-when I’m home.” He smiled up at him.
They walk in silence for the rest of the way and soon came to the house Norman was staying at. “Well. Goodnight Mr. Polk.” Sammy said. Norman watched the man as he limped away for a while. Then he went inside and got ready for bed.
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