#the whole thing is horrifying
freaky-flawless · 2 years
I saw your post about Bloodgood not even trying to find Robecca lmao, and the idea of things being awkward between them is funny. But in Robecca's diary it's mentioned that Mr. Stein did want to try to put Robecca back together but feared that her father was too much of a genius and any attempt to do so would further break her. In Friday Night Frights we only see Ghoulia find a few peices of Robecca, and when she goes to take the last one she's already mostly together. (1/2)
"2/2 So it seems that Robecca was mostly put together already and just missing a few peices. These two facts combined make it seem like Robecca had already been searched for and *mostly* found back when she was dismantled but they weren't able to fix her completely yet. I hope that helps to clear things up a bit lol."
Ah that's very insightful, thank you! Honestly warms my heart that Mr. Stein took it upon himself to try and repair her, I can only imagine his joy when he saw her complete again.
Since we do see Ghoulia find some pieces, I wonder if the job seemed more daunting to him because he couldn't find those parts, nor replicate them. That would actually make a lot of sense.
God, Robecca's whole story line is so interesting, I'm still so shocked she never got her own movie or book.
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nerdpoe · 2 days
Danny, new Ancient of Space (but not quite yet) may be in a little bit of trouble. He saved a dimension from collapse and sort of. Just. Shoved it into a broom closet?
So he was out training, like Clockwork told him to do. He was just observing and trying to "understand the fleeting nature of realities", looking over the dimensions scattered in the Space Between Spaces.
When he got a little attached to one.
It was a dimension with heroes and villains, and because one of the heroes that was based on speed kept making changes to the timeline, it was about to shatter. The fragments of it would be tossed to similar Dimensions, and the surrounding closest ones were already reaching out to grab bits and pieces of it. The one Dimension he really, really liked checking in on would be gone.
Danny...kind of just picked it up.
Removed it from the dimensions trying to absorb it, isolated it from the same flow of time and space that connected it to the others.
Snuck it into his lair.
Annnnnd shoved it into a broom closet before the Observants or Clockwork could realize what he did.
He just needs to keep it hidden and then all the people he likes will be fine!
Meanwhile, the Flash Family find themselves unable to use the Speedforce, and no matter how much research they do, they cannot figure out why.
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lestatslestits · 1 year
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"Talk to Taylor, tell her how you're feeling. Find ways to reconnect."
9-1-1 S05E09 Past is Prologue.
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catgirljaneway · 6 months
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(last images sourced from this wonderful post)
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Voy + Textposts 11- Special Chakotay being a hater edition!
(Voy + Textposts 11) + (Voy + Textposts 13)
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wolfpoets · 9 months
just. the vulnerability of it all. izzy post-amputation is vulnerable: he's so weak he can barely stand, even with someone else holding him up. it would be impossible for him to care for himself in this state, let alone pull his weight on a working ship, and you know the enormity of the situation is not lost on izzy. i'm sure he strongly believes the crew should have killed him.
but they don't. they keep him alive. they find him a crutch (as undignified as a mop for a crutch may be). they make him a wooden leg. i'm sure they insist on cleaning his wound, changing his bandages. fang or frenchie or both are glued to his side constantly, supporting him, allowing him to walk. he is so utterly dependent on them now.
which is why it makes sense for him to be so fiercely protective of them when stede shows up. he snarls and growls and provokes, desperately hoping stede will take whatever anger he may have out on izzy, and not on the crew. he pleads for them, defends them. nothing was their fault. we did this to ed, not them. leave them be.
because izzy owes the crew a life debt, now, and he intends to pay it in full.
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little-pondhead · 1 year
warning: long idea that came from u so u deserve to hear about it
was ranting to my sister about ur sketches cuz i fell in love with them and they are hitting at like 3 obsessions at once so points for u-
anyway I talked about the fenton creep stick (the joker panel) and my sister (who never watched dp) asked what it was, and after a confusing explanation we decided that a fenton creep stick can be any kind of object that is 1) long and swingable (like a crowbar or even a pipe) and 2) sturdy and not easily breakable
after being in the phandom I saw a lot of headcannons that after the ghosts appeared, the fentons started doing speeches at Casper, and they gave out fenton creep sticks "to be safe" or that the fentons sell those to Amity Parkers (THEY'RE NOT GUNS so they can do it) so pretty much everyone has one
adding those ideas to the fact that my sister thought at first that the stick had something to do with CREEPS (like pedos or stalkers cuz of the name) I now imagine the most famous design of fenton creep stick to be one of those stun sticks (that can not only be used on ghosts, but actual creeps!!!)
enjoy this idea cuz it sure gave me joy
asdfghjkl anon your brain wrinkles are amazing that idea is so funny to me. The anti-creep sticks are advertised all over town and it’s treated the same as a McDonald’s ad. No one really gives a shit but they still take note when there’s something new out.
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And if you wanted to throw in the supervillain AU, I imagine it would go like this:
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crystaltoa · 9 months
Fun facts about Onu-Matoran
Their work ethic borders on obsessive, even by Matoran standards
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2. After a hard day's work, many of them like to unwind with a fun game of Body Horror Frisbee
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3. They hate all Ko-Matoran except for the pet shop man.
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4. Sometimes their philosophical disagreements with the Ko-Matoran drive them to terrorism.
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oceanicpoetry · 2 months
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Loki's arrival: official concept art (by Andy Park)
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jash-updates · 2 months
Most normal energy drink consumer
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illegiblehandwriting1 · 10 months
humans are funny because we like to eat things that want to eat us. And sometimes it's happening simultaneously, like kiwi and pineapple
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snek-eyes · 11 months
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Andi Osho as Sitis (wife of Job) in Good Omens 2.02
[Image ID: A series of gifs from Good Omens season 2, featuring the character Sitis, an older dark-skinned woman dressed in blue.
The camera zooms into a Bible illustration of Sitis lamenting to the sky.
Sitis's face becomes concerned as Job says: "Sitis my dear, this person was looking for the children." She turns, looking defensive, and asks, "Why? Who're you?"
Sitis looks stressed as she chuckles humorlessly and gestures to their ruined house. It is slightly smoking. She says: "Not now, Bildad the Shuhite. Good of you to look in, but we're a tiny bit busy weathering the wrath of God."
Close up on Sitis as her face becomes confused, then changes to horror and disbelief. "…No. God wouldn't!"
Sitis holds back tears as she asks something of her husband. He is about to burst into tears as he shakes his head no.
Sitis implores the angels as Job falls to his knees beside her. "I don't, I don't want more children." A close up of her desperate face. "If my children are dead, then… I will curse God, and—"
Crowley, as Bildad the Shuhite, clasps his hands and rubs them together in a "let's get started" motion. Sitis looks scared and backs away.
Crowley stands framed between Sitis and Job, who are facing each other. He makes a switching motion between them as he says, "Now good lady, simply turn to your husband, reach into his robes…" Sitis looks dubious but reaches towards Job, who abruptly looks very surprised. Crowley interjects: "N-h-higher. Higher."
Sitis and Job's children stand between them. Jemimah throws her arms around her mother who embraces her joyfully.
Job, looking confused, gestures to his restored children as he says to the angels. "But, it is—" Sitis quickly reaches out to Job and interrupts. Clearly frantic and trying to hide it she says, "A-a miracle. It is a miracle, that our new son should look so much like our old son."
Sitis explains very deliberately to Job as she pats her son who is definitely not Ennon on the arm: "No, Job. Look, it's not Ennon, it's… a new child. These are all… They're all… new… children."
Sitis anxiously watches Job speak, and starts to relax until a baffled and annoyed Ennon says something. She tenses and turns to him.
End ID]
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Almost finished reading Dungeon Meshi and I got an idea
So in Dungeon Meshi or Delicious in Dungeon, there are these... dungeons.
And from what I have gathered dungeons can be made naturally or artificially but both types have the same few things in common.
They are made to contain demons
They attract adventures
The dungeons have lords who manage/control the dungeon and are given the power to do so by the demons
I know that I'm skimming over some important bits, but long story short, the demons come from an alternate dimension called 'The Infinite Realm' and feed off of people's desires, the Lord of the Dungeon's specifically.
That being said... (incoming dp x dc prompt)
Beings from the Infinite Realms aren't ghosts but demons. And while they do still have obsessions, they lack desires. And so, they've become something they hunger for.
Danny learns this the hard way when he accidentally eats his parents' desire to hunt 'ghosts'.
When the endless, all-consuming hunger, that had been growing inside himself became just a bit satisfied by the action, he got scared. He ran to Clockwork, who immediately explained everything to him.
From there he became terrified. He didn't want to eat people's desires, especially considering that he had some of his own. But CW explained that while other demons will most likely never be satisfied no matter how many desires they consume, because of Danny's halfa status he may be able to. (Also it would be a bad thing if the baby starves itself. No one wants the baby to starve!)
To test out this theory, CW pulls (more than) a couple of strings, and soon his dungeon was set up in Gotham City in the DC universe.
He felt a bit bad since he had to set up shop in another ghost's/demon's territory, but Lady Gotham seemed to have taken a liking to him.
Danny takes his time searching for the most desperate person he can find, (Lady Gotham is leading him to some of the most desperate people in her city, aka the Batfam.), and appears to one of them as a fawn (signifying his hunger and current 'lack' of power). He then looks deep into their mind and offers them the power to fulfill all their desires.
The Batfam? They should be better than this, but damn they were in a tight spot and the city is going to shit because the rouges have been more active than ever, and their family is on the verge of crumbling!... And the answer to fix it all was right there, just within their reach.
They held the fawn in their arms gently. Its ivory wings, coat of starlight, and piercing Lazurus green eyes. Gotham began to change.
A few years later, some members of the JL and the JLD are once again trying their hand at clearing the dungeon but are a bit discouraged because last time their team was wiped out completely.
It was inconvenient how their powers were nullified whenever they were inside the dungeon, but they had yet to find a spell to counteract it.
In an attempt to get past the third floor, they teamed with a team called Team Phantom, which comprised two young adult siblings, their 12-year-old sister, and a few teenagers.
Morally, they were against this. No one this young should be trying to clear the dungeon! But on the other hand, this team was the closest to getting to the fourth floor.
Sucking it up, they teamed up with the young dungeon dwellers and quickly found out why they were so close to getting to the third floor.
These kids were skilled. These kids were powerful. These kids were trained. On top of that, they didn't care about their lives! Because these kids? They wouldn't- no! They couldn't die, and they were using it to their advantage.
The JL/JLD now had much more to worry about than clearing the dungeon.
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handweavers · 5 months
sorry it's still so funny that crypto and nfts like exploded and died after all that nonsense pyramid scheme scam shit and superbowl ads and bitcoin mining rigs ruining everything including the environment and it was all for nothing, it didn't change the world it didn't revolutionize anything it was all a complete scam and what remains of it still is. like blockchain tech isn't going anywhere it's probably going to exist in some capacity for the foreseeable future and crypto in general still exists (and existed before it became mainstream popular) but the vast majority of nfts, cryptocurrencies, etc are completely and utterly worthless now, shut down services, crashed markets and exchanges, etc. the only sad things are the people left holding the bag whose lives were ruined bc they got sucked into the scam and there's no justice or recompense + the sheer amt of environmental damage caused by this whole thing
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anintroverteddarling · 5 months
Might be too busy to upload the video I mentioned so Imma yeet some doodles I made at school ... ... ... I can't believe this is what I do when bored:
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These are very cursed Eddie doodles because why not?
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vonehrenfest · 9 months
DCxDP: Dead guys stick together
(A Batman 138 fix-it)
After Bizarro becomes King of Hell he watches the mortal world and is distraught to find that his brother/best friend/sorta father-figure has been hurt very badly and is calling out for help.
Distraught, he goes to another lord of the netherworld who he's heard has access to a portal (and subjects a bit more compatible with the act of helping someone). He asks King Phantom would he please please help him protect his brother/friend, and if he does Bizarro will owe him a favor and leave his realm alone.
When the inferno had initially breached the Ghost Zone Danny had thought he was going to have to deal with f*cking Trigon again, but as it turns out that guy's been replaced and the new guy is pretty nice. After a brief cosmic battle and a clearing of misunderstandings, Danny agrees to Bizarro’s request.
While Gotham's vigilante civil war continues on its rooftops, Jason is in a cell. He is trembling, practically catatonic again, and losing his mind. He’s seeing the flaming figure of a knight on horseback appear from the shadowy far wall of his room, like some kind of fairytale nightmare version of Batman. It takes a while for Jason to realize he’s talking. 
“... part of the treaty between the King of Ghosts and King of Demons, Jason Todd: Prince of Demons has been granted special status and is henceforth a protected and honorary citizen of the Infinite Realms.” 
Nightmare-Bruce touches his flaming sword on Jason’s shoulder and the unearthly fire instantly engulfs him. Relief washes through Jason, and it’s so strong he nearly drops asleep.
Bruce is apologetic when everything’s over and he realizes the mistakes he’s made... but nothing really changes. (It is a relief to Bruce that no one died or was permanently injured, Jason's condition resolved itself somehow, and Bruce is normal now so really everything is fixed or at least it will be fixed.)
Just like when Jason first came back from the dead, Bruce's response makes him hurt deeper than the physical torture itself. Jason is the one who died but Bruce acts like the ghost. Singleminded, possessive, stuck in time and blind to it; bound to repeat the same cycles again and again. Jason is the ghost but he's died multiple times now, and maybe that's kind of like living and maybe that means he can move on. 
Dani and Bizarro become friends, and she gets Danny's friend Tucker to somehow set up a working Wi-Fi connection in hell so they can all play games together. (He’s not going to question it. Everything about Amity Park is abnormal. They helped him and they’re good to Bizarro, that’s all that matters.) 
Jason forges a fake identity for Dani. He might ask Babs to make a better one for her if she ever needs it but he doubts that's likely. He hasn’t had a living identity for years now after all, he’s an old hand at fake identities. Dani is delighted and starts attending school soon after. 
Danny has good friends, and as far as Jason can tell plenty of reliable mentors in the ghost world. You wouldn’t think it, but Jason’s less worried about Danny in his role as a little godling than in his civilian life. He’s got too much on his plate- too much power yet not enough to actually resolve his real issues. Not enough to protect himself where he’s vulnerable. 
The “Guys in White” that Danny likes to complain about are concerning. So is the fact that Danny’s lives with mad-scientist parents who are trying to hunt down his alternate identity. So is his ever grinding cold-war with the mayor of his town… And something else too that had been niggling at the back of Jason’s mind ever since he’d first gotten to talk to these kids. 
One day Danny’s sister, Jazz asks to talk to him. He’s an adult she says. That’s true he replies. He’s capable of protecting himself and other people, she says. Well, he has the training and experience for it, he agrees. If things go wrong, would Jason let Danny or Dani stay with him- just until she becomes a legal adult? She asks. Jason’s... not the sort of person who should be taking kids in. Danny saved his life though. He won’t say no. He says of course.
Jason knew it. Everything about Amity Park is abnormal.
The town doesn’t technically exist- there are no maps that include it and even satellite imaging is corrupted where Danny describes his hometown is supposed to be. There are no references to it on the internet that couldn’t be referring to a totally different Amity Park elsewhere, and judging by the problems they occasionally had on gaming nights and the odd offhand remarks Danny and his friends sometimes made, it was looking extremely likely that all communications between Amity Park and the outside were being heavily censored. Before Jason knew it he had started a full-on investigation on the GIW, Mayor Vlad Masters, former Mayor Montez, and Axion Labs.
Hope and fear lodges itself in Danny’s chest. Jason’s an adult and he’s actually going to help.
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