#mr tail
b1adie · 7 months
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nine ugly spirits, i know thy names. with haste i come, fear my flames!
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sodainto · 5 months
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excuse me, she asked for no pickles
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marspebbles · 7 months
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haunted-xander · 6 months
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Wow I have not made eyestrain art since... June...
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emhoff · 6 months
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Huohuo and Mr. Tail's dynamic is absolutely golden! I hope that Huohuo has only good dreams, but with the events that she has to experience almost every day, I’m not sure..
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iceiceparis · 6 months
About Huohuo's possession:
You know what i find interesting about Huohuos possession is that her expression is still very much Huohuo's and not Tail who would likely be more serious and aggressive (like the one dodge he made in the cutscene).
Meaning that they are still both technically in the pilot seat when he makes moves and he rather not do a complete takeover.
Huohuo is basically giving her gaming controller her older brother that has over 1000 hours clocked in on his main all while still having the headset on for some reason even though shes not playing.
Occasionally youll just hear him shout over the mic about him befriending your mom or something after completely destorying you. The once he's done he hands back the controller and just tells both the opppnents and Huohuo to "gid gud" before going back onto the couch.
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fervent-tempo · 6 months
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Jingle bells jingle bells jingle bell rock 🎵🎶🎄
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cumscrotesailboat · 7 months
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i both love and hate Mr Tail's design Love bcs he is so squishy and cute but hate bcs he could've been much scarier looking, all the heliobus could've been like horror crap style but eh its fine
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pwurrz · 1 month
*after meeting welt and himeko*
mr tail: “ugh. i can’t believe you have your first caring parental figures.”
huohuo: “w-what do you mean?”
mr tail: “well your biological parents certainly don’t count!”
huohuo: “no, i mean.. they can’t be my first parental figures! i’ve known you for much longer!”
mr tail: “…”
mr tail: “……..”
huohuo: “a-are you crying!?”
mr tail: “no!! shut up!!”
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psychocat666 · 6 months
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Unhand me woman!!!!
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“We have got to stop meeting like this,” says Mr Tail.
Madam Xueyi gives no sign of having heard him. She's still staring at Huo Huo.
Huo Huo gulps and tries very hard to maintain eye contact. It's hard, because the box cutter, the box cutter clutched in Huo Huo's hand and also embedded in Madam Xueyi's torso, is still flashing with sparks of ingenium energy.
Huo Huo would pull the box cutter out but it's stuck. She would let go but that would be a sudden move and Huo Huo knows, knows, that sudden moves are what get you killed. Instead Huo Huo stays very still and does not break eye contact even though Madam Xueyi's neutral gaze is the most terrifying thing on the Luofu right now.
Mr Tail nudges her in the back. "C'mon, kid, say something, will ya? This is getting kinda awkward..."
Huo Huo isn't sure that's a good idea. There is a possibility, however slim, that Madam Xueyi didn't notice Huo Huo stabbing her with the box cutter. Perhaps she's staring at Huo Huo for some unrelated reason, and speaking would draw attention to Huo Huo's slip-up and things would get bad.
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(Yes, today I noticed the box cutter in Huo Huo's signature LC ❤️)
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Human! Mr tail x reader Fluff
You can't fall asleep so you try to occupy yourself as you wait to drift off.
"huff huff huff" That was the sound of your boyfriend, Tail's breathing. You were lying on top of him, face down on his chest. One of his hands was on your back, and the other was supporting his head. You always wondered why he did so. He had the pillow underneath his hand but always supported his head. You often bring it up and he says the same thing every time: "It's just comfortable. You'll never understand the art of sleeping and I won't dumb it down for you!"
As you think about memories with him, you start to get sleepy. You switch the side your body is facing. He lets out a quiet grunt. Now it's time to move your arms. Your arms wander for a comfortable spot. Once you rest them you feel something soft. what is that?  You squeezed it softly. IT WAS HIS TAIL! He never let you touch it whether he was sleeping or not. When he was sleeping his tail stopped flaming. It wasn't the type of fire to burn things, but it was very warm. You stroked his tail a few times. It was so fluffy.
"W-what are you doing.....?" He said in a sleepy tone. Those pretty, yellow eyes were beaming at you, glowing in the darkness.
"OH, sorry." You whispered and removed your hands. Normally he would have pushed your hand off by now but was too sleepy to care. He closed his eyes.
"Go back to sleep, Y/N...." He plants a kiss on your forehead and drifts back off to sleep. You blush into his chest and eventually fall asleep.
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goryhorroor · 1 month
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horror sub-genres: giallo
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I just couldn't get this out of my head...
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iceiceparis · 6 months
Assigning Star Rail cast the songs they would sing in Yakuza/Like a Dragon karaoke along with the cinamatics.
1. Tail - Bakamitai
He's the most unfamiliar with emotional attachment so he def the type to rather just sit in a room and drink helio-whiskey instead of showing any real affection as a green ball floating above a stool.
Of course the pictures being replaces with his moments with Huohuo in his mind cuz hes basically her family now 😭😭😭
Also its funny cuz Huohuo would be too scared to sing but the gang somehow got him to sing so she has to akwardly stand off the stage nearby so he has his wifi connection.
2. Caelus and/or Stelle Judgement -Shinpan-
Its all about breaking za law and they always say that "Rules are meant to be broken." They would be into that cheesy image of cool.
March (or even the other Trailblazer) would be in Nishiki's spot with Dan Heng or Welt as the keyboard player as they rock out.
3. Caelus - 24 Hour Cinderella
Of course both TBlazers can be interchange able but I like to think they have their own slight personality differences.
In their mind this would have a March theming in colors and outfits and who ever they first think up as the background dancers. He did this to out-idol and out-cute March, somehow gets a higher rating from the machine at the end.
4. Stelle - Machine Gun Kiss
Much like Caelus, this is her way of out-cooling Welt even though he sung a completely different genre of song. Also gets a higher rating but just barely. She especially would really ham it up especially on the end with the "aaaRRUUHHGGG!!!" like Adachi.
5. Clara and Svarog - OtoMetal MY LIFE
The name alone should be enough. Small child with a red and white color scheme with a menacing seemingly emotionless legendary guardian with a deep voice? Heck yeah it works.
First, she asked for him to participate in karaoke,
Then she asked he do the actual back up vocals instead of replaying the built in cheers. After a few songs, Svarog began to understand the energy he had to put into the vocals.
6. Sushang - The Future I Dreamed of
Both Ichiban and Sushang dream to be a hero who does good and with friends even if they have more heart than brains.
Basically are both shonen protags who hit things with metal objects with a big smile on their face and never back down even at impossible odds (unless its ghosts).
It wouldnt even matter if she could hit the notes either because she rarely sings due to her training, Sushang would put in alot of effort in her singing and that alone is enough.
7. Bronye and Seele - Like a Butterfly
Seele and butterflies, what else is there to say.
Bronya singing the softer vocals with Seele complimenting it with more "aggressive" back up matches their dynamic pretty well, also its funny imagining her going all out on a song and going "Oh yeahhhh."
8. Guinaifen - Spring Breeze
"All the pictures that I could take,
All the gigs these videos make,
None of it replaces the you that I know.
But they'll be there after you go."
I mean cmon, this is easily her singing to her SQUAD outside of her streaming stuff. 'Blazer, Sushang, Huohuo, they would all be in her imaginary MV as she sung. Would be one of the better singers in raw quality.
9. March - All Idol songs + 3x SHINE
I am certain she would be a bonafide idol if she had the opportunity. All the interjections are basically any of the Star Rail passangers minus Pom Pom unless she convinced him its an essential for the sake of the ride.
Even someone like Dan Heng would be going off with their interjections she just has that latent power.
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ever lovely, wonderful, and most talented miss/mr anonymous what are ur thoughts on drawing satoshoko in this way 👀? (if u graciously decide to take this request on pls pls pls choose the 1st one 😭)
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I had a sketch started a while ago that I never finished. It's not exactly what you asked for but I hope you still like it. I'm glad i picked it up again, I'm a sucker for clingy!Satoru and I think if anybody would let Gojo relax like that without finding him annoying or obnoxious it would be Shoko
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