#the red queen kills 7 times
goryhorroor · 5 months
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horror sub-genres: giallo
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surrender-souls · 2 years
baby it is giallo time
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theglamorousferal · 4 months
Jason get wife-sacrificed to Ghost Zone Royalty.
As Danny is still prince, it goes to Queen Regent who is single.
Tall Queen Regent Jazz being able to absolutely manhandle Jason and causing him to swoon more than he ever thought possible.
At first it was just super embarrassing while they had people searching for a way to break it and send him home (at least on Jazz's end. Jason however, knew the opportunity presented to himself to live out his romance novel dreams and set about trying to subtly at first woo the Queen Regent.)
He spends hours in the castle library the first time she showed it to him. After the first week, he collected a pile and brought it to her office, laying out on the fainting couch with a poet's shirt slightly undone and black breeches with his combat boots. He absolutely wasn't posing. No-sir-ee.
After the first 10 minutes of reading he really did forget about trying to look enticing and got into the post-mortem published Austen novel. Hours later and into a second book, one on the legends of the Ghost Zone. he was startled by the sound of a large book closing and a heavy sigh.
"What's up?" He asks, formality was thrown out when she told him to call her, "Just Jazz please, for the love of the Ancients".
"I have had my aides look through every bit of ghostly law and I haven't found anything to suggest that there is a way to break the binding. It's also in stages, apparently it's got two mandatory ones and then a secret third one.
"The first binding is what's already been done, the sacrifice and our meeting and not immediately killing each other. The second is the marriage binding, which is typically following a period of courting up to the next Equinox, which is in three months Earth-time. The third, optional binding is, well, is if the binding ends up as a love match. Not all of them have, but some have, and it's the soul-binding. There's not much detail about what happens, and all of the examples are either of full ghosts, half-ghosts, or other supernatural entities with multiple forms." She paused and took a breath.
"As it looks like we are stuck together, um..." She became the awkward girl he had met when he first appeared at her feet in her office a week ago, blushing full pink and clashing with her vibrant orange hair. She set her jaw and straightened her spine and turned to him. "Jason Peter Todd, may I officially Court you?"
Jason lay there for a moment, book all but forgotten. He slowly set aside the book on top of the stack next to the couch and crept onto his feet. He stalked forward towards her, her face deepening in redness as he approached. He knelt to one knee before her as she turned in her chair towards him and took her hand.
"Jasmine Nightingale, only if you allow me the honor to allow me to court you in return." He kissed her knuckles and she let out a nervous squeak.
AO3 Prompt Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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skythealmighty · 10 days
man. there are so many object shows out there. I NEED TO CATCH UP ON SO MANY why are the4e so many anyway Exclamation Mark (NOT AB) im killing you. he would get bullied off tumblr
#rocket talk #roc save #NOT THE ANIMATIC BATTLE ONE that ones fine #i mean the one in my header #hes an asshole #why do i keep accidentally hitting the number keys lately
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📉 storyboard-but-better Follow
i cant believe my contestants are so pissy over the second challenge still!!!! it was a coherent challenge i think "survive me killing you" is pretty straightforward!!! besides theyre fine now >:/
⏰ timeisatool Follow
Maybe it's becausw you killed them?
📉 storyboard-but-better Follow
well thats stupid
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
I KNOW RIGHT!! my old contestants got SO pissy when i killed th3m!! just because theres no recovery... 😒
⏰ timeisatool Follow
You dont have recovery????
⭐ everybody-smile-smile-smile Follow
arent u supposed to be dead
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
well im NOT so
❗ black-and-red Follow
Ugh, I haven't even killed anyone that much and they're still pissy! Honestly... just do the challenges and you'll be fine! I only threatened them..
⭐ everybody-smile-smile-smile Follow
well i thought i killed circle but ig not! and square but nobody else died idk why everuones so afraid of me... whats so wrong w wanting to make a perfect object show?
⏰ timeisatool Follow
🔥 betterheatsflamesman Follow
yeah theres nothing wrong with that! you gotta do what you gotta do for your object show
⏰ timeisatool Follow
⏰ timeisatool Follow
I want to leave this group...
#i thought we were all just supposed to be wacky and weird 😰😰 #mom come pick me up im scared...
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🔥🔃 betterheatsflamesman Follow reblogged 🪔 slay-style-queen
🪔 slay-style-queen Follow
Hey guys, just managed to get sponsored with my object show idea!!! (No thanks to you Lip Stick lol) wish me luck!! Also go keep an eye out on Village of Objects Official :D
🪔 slay-style-queen Follow
what the FUCK
🪔 slay-style-queen Follow
oh my god how do you all stay sane actually
4️⃣ four-therecord Follow
we don't! welcome to the club
🪔 slay-style-queen Follow
im never doing this again
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📻 annie-annie-ooh Follow
Who's Animatic?
#It's Your Fridge DJ! #I appreciate all the lovemail and the concern! ❤ #I don't understand some of the asks but thank you anyway!
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🧪🔃 test-tubular Follow reblogged 💥 fans-fantastic-features
🫵 have-you-heard-of-this-os Follow
Have YOU heard of:
🫵 have-you-heard-of-this-os Follow
Please stop debating on whether or not this "counts" as an object show, this was requested by an anon. If you want to do that on your own time on your own blog, feel free!
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
SORRY ABOUT THAT SJEHSKEB will move i promise 🙏
anyWAY on another note i miss this showww 😭 i was so intrigued about it but i guess i understand its cancellation... if anyone wants to come up with a rewrite w me hmu my ao3 is in my desc!!!!
⭐ everybody-smile-smile-smile Follow
just as long as you clarify its unofficial!! (:
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
its on ao3 ofc its unofficial
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
#Fan we were /on/ an object show and technically famous I'm not sure why you're surprised at this point #Also get off your phone we're at Purgatory Mansion
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anonymous asked: hey greeny can you say trans rights for everyone out there
🟢 greenyguy Follow
trans rights AND trans wrongs. even if you like burger king i still support you <3
#burger king sucks ass tho dont do that to urself
(34,193 notes)
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💥 fans-fantastic-features asked: im SO sorry for the sudden reply earlier, up until your post i thought hfjone was just some weird wild experimental show?? then again i shouldnt be surprised if happy star themselves is on this goddamn site (also sorry in advance for my friend TT sending you asks about alternate universes. shes a science nerd of all types and needs data or sm) if you want i can tell you what i know about your situation in a private chat, ive done a lot of deep dive analysis posts on my blog too and trust me when i say a LOT of the internet wants to help free you and everyone else you have plenty of help available spotty replies tho im investigating smth
🎒 liam-plecak Follow
I... yeah, I'd like that. Thanks.
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anonymous asked: battery ui is kind of already jailed but still
🔒 your-fav-would-be-jailed Follow
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Battery from Ultimate Insanity would be jailed!
🔋 theft-and-battery Follow
#Why did someone earlier send in that Walkie Talkie person? #I approve of the Blender submission though #Hate that guy
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🎒🔃 liam-plecak Follow reblogged 💥 fans-fantastic-features
🕹 fire-cartoon-schtick Follow
cant have shit in this fuckass hotel 😒😒😒 lens just died 😔😔
🕹 fire-cartoon-schtick Follow
hi! rhanks for the concern! 😁 i am unfortunately not talking about a game lens is actually dead please help me (dms r open 🙏🙏)
#Since I've gotten a lot of followers recently I feel like I should boost this #I'm busy with my own issues but maybe someone else can help?
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⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
i want my SHOW BACK i want my CO HOSTS BACK i want calculatory DEAD i only MILDLY HATE happy star i dont KNOW WHAT ELSE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT
🥝 gela-not-jelly Follow
🫵 Fanny kinnie
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
who the FUCK is fanny
#im CIRCLE not a goddamn FAN #who even names themselves fanny anyway
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⚪battleforcircle asked: oml spiderman pointing meme
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
you sent me this FIFTEEN TIMES get OUT of my ASKBOX!!!!
📉 storyboard-but-better Follow
why are there two of you...
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
theres only ONE of me i dont know who this IS!!
⚪battleforcircle Follow
theres three of us just three of us
#idk why either tbh #tumblr just recommended his acc to me one day #he seems fun to annoy tho so ive taken it upon myself to do so #tee hee
(89 notes)
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📶 she-walkie-on-my-talkie-till Follow
Hey so why is a known criminal on Tumblr?
📶 she-walkie-on-my-talkie-till Follow
186 notes · View notes
Some little incorrect quotes from the Merlin academy gang.
Because I have a bit of alone time right now UwU
(+Glassheart/CharmingHeart and other ships)
Squad reactions to being called straight:
Red : The fuck, no I'm not.
Hook: Excuse the hell out of you?
Morgie: Ding dong, you are wrong!
Bridget: Who told you that? And why did they lie?
Chloe: Rude.
Ella: *punches the person*
(I honestly want Ella or Chloe to punch someone)
Chloe: What are you up to today?
Red: Nothing.
Chloe: But you did that yesterday!
Red: I wasn’t finished.
(I feel that. Yuh)
Cinderella: Did you take out Red as I requested?
Chloe: Red has been taken out, yes.
Cinderella: You have my grat-
Chloe: It was a great restaurant.
Chloe: We had a romantic candlelit dinner.
Chloe: Red proposed afterwards- we’re filing the wedding papers.
(AU were Cinderella and Queen of Hearts are enemies or something and Ella wanted to kill the daughter of the Queen of Hearts for some reason idk lol)
Hades: The shadow realm? No, I’m sending you to Ohio
(I don't know much about Ohio. But apparently it's hell?)
Ella: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Charming: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Ella: But you’re always acting stupid?
Charming: ...
Charming: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
(aha 👀 okaaayy)
Morgie: How do I tell Hook that I want them to yell at me like they're Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined the crème brûlée?
(damn, Morgie. hell yeah! I'm hoping for you)
Morgie: I want a bf.
Bridget: Do you mean best friend, boyfriend or bread feast? Because you’re being really vague here.
(All of them really. But mostly a boyfriend/Hook)
Bridget: Watcha doin?
Morgie: Stealing my neighbour’s cat.
Bridget: Scandalous.
Bridget: Can I help?
(The cat wasn't treated well. And Best friend? Check ✅)
Bridget: Awww, why don't you like cats, Ella? They're just snuggly buddies! They have toe beans! They make a little blep! What's not to love??
Ella: I don't know Bridget, I just prefer to be conscious instead of dead on the floor.
(Bridget felt really bad for Ella that she can't cuddle with cats. She made it her mission to find some kind of potion/recipe that could make Ella not allergic so she can pat cats safely)
Morgie: Man, it smells like wrongdog out here.
Hook: Morgie, are you alright?
Morgie: *sobs*
(Boyfriend? Check ✅? Also he would definitely make that joke.)
Hades: How high are you?
Bridget: Mm, I don’t know how to say it in feet.
Morgie: No, they’re asking what drugs are you on.
Bridget: Oh, antidepressants, why?
(oop. I can see that tho 🫠)
Bridget: Today at 7 am, Ella poured a Monster energy drink in their coffee, said "I'm going to die" and drank the whole thing.
Hook: I watched Ella brew their coffee with Monster instead of water. Three cups in two hours. I think they ascended into the astral realm.
Hades: The survivability of the human race never fails to amaze me.
(Says a god. He's literally a god. What the hell.)
Kind in a rush.
Also not much glassheart
Hope you liked it
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I think the thing that's fueling my Dead Boy Detectives fic series is that almost every major character has had some sort of interesting/unhinged interaction with every other main character. Like beyond the incredibly interesting/fleshed-out relationships between the main four detectives we have examples like:
1) Cat King and Monty forest interaction where the Cat King toys with Monty in order to both protect/play with Edwin
(Which, by the way, the Cat King knew about Monty before the forest scene when he shapeshifted into him by the lighthouse. So, like, did he know what Monty's secret identity was then and just straight up didn't say a word because he felt like it? Or did he figure it out later?)
2) Jenny straight up meeting Charles and Edwin only after being possessed by a demon and literal minutes before her shop gets blown up leading to the iconic "you were about to leave those boys forever now you're going to risk your life to save them" line
3) Jenny only meeting David to sing Belinda Carlisle/threaten him with a meat cleaver and get her SECOND near-death experience
4) Hell, on the meat cleaver POV: first and only time Niko meets the Cat King it's to threaten him with a meat cleaver and clock him for his interactions with Edwin (same goes for Crystal even though it's her second time meeting him)
5) Any scene Charles has one-on-one with Monty plus the bit on the sidewalk where Monty straight-up bypasses him for Edwin and Charles just goes "I was polite, wasn't I?" while the girls are clearing him away for Edwin and Monty to flirt
6) Night Nurse and Kashi. Everything about those interactions are *chef's kiss.*
7) Same goes for Night Nurse and Niko. Their dynamic is so fucking good and leads to the fantastic "reading comprehension" bit.
8) And from a more devastating/angsty POV, the scene with Esther and Monty in episode 5 where Monty feels more like a teenager than any other character in the cast. And as much as Esther is a camp queen in that scene, it's also terrifying because that iron cane is against Monty's chest and she literally ripped him apart episodes before that and she's going to kill him again next episode with that very cane and your brain is just bouncing between laughing at the "it's honestly nbd" line and going on red alert because get the fuck out of there, Monty, you're going to die at her hands-
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misguidedasgardian · 10 months
Hour of the Wolf (7)
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VII. Pestilence
Summary: Unbeatable, dangerous enemies make their way through the Red Keep
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, SPOILERS IN WARNINGS, sickness, epidemic, people dying, angst
Wordcount: 5 k
Notes: Alright, so there had been a few times skips through the chapters, since they got married it’s been like 2 months, and in here trough outs like another two. Sorry for any mistakes I wrote this in notes and barely choked it
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“Anything else?”, you asked your council, “maybe something that you had been keeping from me?”, you were still punishing them with your tough words, even though it's been two weeks since the Iron Fleet situation
Tyland decided to chuckle, as to relieve the tension
“No your grace”
“There is something that had been brought to my attention, your grace”, muttered the Grand Maester, “concerning reports from the White Harbour”, Cregan raised his eyes, “just got the raven this morning… A strange disease has been spreading… people are getting shivers, fever, and then… perishing”
“How bad is it?”, you asked, then you looked at your husband
“The disease appeared first on the three sisters”, he said, “many are dead, half the population…”
“How come we haven’t heard of this before?”, you asked
“I do not know your grace, it appears the Vale wanted to keep it guarded, as they blame it on people from Ibbe, slaughtering the bunch, they did not want to raise alarms”
“For the gods”, you cursed, truly concerned, “I want you to keep communications open with theirs maesters, send them everything we might have on how to deal with this diseases, on the library, I will bet there is information”, you commanded, “also keep the line open with The Citadel, they must have even much information”
“Yes your grace”, said the maester, knowing that you did not said that lightly
“We will help as we can, but we cannot send help physically”, you observed
“Agreed, we need to discourage the spreading of the disease”, muttered Lord Celtigar, “In my travels, I witnesses many diseases, I shall help the maester on the gathering of information”
“That will be much appreciated”, you said, nodding your head at your maester of laws
“We must be careful of the ships and envoys that come from the Vale and from White Harbour, but at the same time, we must aid one of the most important trading points in the North”, determined Cregan
“I agree, with winter fast approaching, we cannot impair the North of their most important harbor”, you said, looking at the naked table in front of you, “how I wish we had the painted table in front of us”, you whispered
“I’ll arrange a well drawn map to be able to us here in the small council chamber”, muttered the Maester
“Thank you”, you said, relieved
“Lord Celtigar, I wish to know about Harrenhal”, you said, looking at your master of Laws
“I’m not gonna lie, events happened in that cursed place from which I have no explanation”, he muttered, “a man died in front of me, because the so-called Queen Witch of Harrenhal command it”, you frowned, thinking he was joking, but he was dead serious
“Some say it was a well time bolt that made that man’s head explode your grace, but, I did not see any arrows”
“What of her?”, you asked
“She presented me with a boy, with blonde hair, she claimed it is Aemond Targaryen’s son, and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne”
You chuckled darkly, the audacity of your uncle, of openly calling your brothers and you bastards, developing a hate that led him to kill your baby brother, only to bed none other than a Strong bastard, and siring a bastard himself, if he had lived, you would have killed him again.
Specially after what he did to you
“We surrounded the castle, took it by storm, killing all the traitors, but, when we storm what would be the royal apartments… she was gone, her and the child, we do not know were she is, or how she could have escaped”, he said, looking at your face for any indications of what you were thinking
“Be honest, should I be concerned?”, you asked then
“I do not think so, your grace, nobody would believe her, and even if they did… I don’t think so, you are well settled in your throne, and… even so… other than the Hightowers, nobody has real reason to raise against you”, you barely nodded, “nobody has the strength, the kingdoms are still healing, and will be so for at least the next five years”
“Raise alarms, in case she is spotted”, you said only, you wanted to eliminate all traces of your uncles, treachery, and war, “what else?”
“The Blackwoods request audience”, muttered Cregan, “Lord Blackwood’s eldest daughter Alyssane is seeking for a husband, let it be reminded the Blackwoods were great supporters of your mother during the war, thanks to them we defeated the Baratheon Army, eliminating Lord Borros, and… The Riverlands turned black because of them”
“And they are welcomed in my court, I shall receive them with open arms, and a banquet in their honor”, you commanded
“I’ll make the arrangements”, muttered Lord Redwyne
“The Iron Fleet, or what remains, the flagship has been spotted sailing here, to King’s landing”
“Have they made their intentions clear?”, you asked
“They wave white flags, request an audience”, you only scoffed, “they claim that, they want to gaze upon the Dragon Queen”
“Of course”, you muttered, “let’s welcome them then, we are home, they are but a few, we shouldn’t be concerned”
Nobody opposed the idea, so they barely nodded
“Of course prepare escorts, I would not let them be for a second while they are here, eyes on them at all times”
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Gazing upon the face of the Red Kraken himself gave you a sensation of… disappointment
You were disappointed of him, from the tales, stories of men that had faced him in open sea and also in lands, were the tales of a man that didn’t belong to the land of the living, rather, he had come from the darkest parts of the ocean ready to reclaim land back to the depths
A ruthless men, bloodthirsty, with no remorse or fear of death
“Your grace”, he greeted, bowing theatrically 
“Lord Dalton”, you greeted seriously
“The songs do not do justice to your beauty”
“Is that so?”, you did not like his tone, not the mock in his voice and features of his face 
“You are more than they say”, he continued
“And what else do they say about me, Lord?”, you asked mockingly, Cregan, by your side, glanced at you, clearly asking you to not engage
“They say men rule in your stead”, he said, you only smiled
“As I have proven, that is not entering true”, you smirked, he chuckled darkly
“That is true”
“So you raided one of my seven kingdoms… to prove me, test me”, you said, now more serious
“I wanted to see who sat the Iron Throne”, he said, “a dragon, or wolves and lions”
You grew bored of this character quickly looking for help in your small council and other lords gathered there
“now it’s clear to me, so I’ve come to offer… other services”, your eyes went back to him
“Services?”, you asked, you did not like the smirk of his face, “such as?”
“Well I’d offer my hand in marriage but… I see I’m too late for that…”, Cregan took a step forwards, anger taking a hold on him, “but I don’t mind being the second”
“You are overstepping”, your husband grunted.
He was not going to allow some guy just coming here and shamelessly think he could just… have you
“All Kings and Queens have lovers”, he said dismissively, “you don’t have to be the exception”
“right…”, you mumbled looking for the eyes of your Queensguard, to ask him to remove him, “I thought you seek audience to reintegrate yourself and your people to the rest of the realms, for the common fool, but you had just come here to make a mockery out of diplomacy”
“your grace you misunderstood, it is costumers for us ironborns to have salt wives… and rock wives”, he said, entertained, by you, you were getting angry, “together, we could have children not only with fire in their veins, but in their head as well”, people laughed, but Cregan was not amused, “worthy of the throne”
“That is enough”, you demanded, “I only need but one husband”, you said, and the court chuckled, “if you are here to mend bonds with the realm you might stay, Lord Dalton, otherwise and although I thank yo Igor your offering, I kindly reject it”, people laughed again and that did not pleased the Kraken, soon, he left and if he had his armada on its entirety, you would be weary, but he didn’t, so you weren’t.
The mood swiftly changed when another introduction was made
“The Lady Alyssane of house Blackwood” presented a guard, you’d think she would have come with the rest of her family, but she presented herself alone in front of you
She was one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen, also, her reputation precedes her. She fought in the war, she led armies, she killed hundreds with bow and arrow.
She was someone to admire
She was the head of her house until her little brother came of age
“Your grace, it’s an honor, thank you for receiving me”, of course she ceased the first word
“Lady Alyssane you are most welcome, I hope you find what you are looking for, you are welcome to stay at court as much as you need to”, she only smiled, bowing perfectly, she also looked at your husband and hand, but… you didn’t like I one bit.
Having the Ironborns at court was one thing, having the Blackwoods was another, it changed the dynamic in the entire court
The former were constantly and daily have dinner with you, and lady Alyssane would sit beside Cregan, and they would chat all night…
You didn’t like it, not at all
But it would be childish of you to chide Cregan for something he didn’t have power over, right?
“But I find that hunting with a spear… is it too slow” the woman giggled, and you could see the conversation had sparked something in Cregan, he was entertained, he was speaking of something he enjoys, a rare thing to find with him
Is not like you did not trusted Cregan, but it was still painful to watch, so you retired early, as many of the other women at court, and left Cregan, the men, and the lady Alyssane, drinking and laughing like old mates.
You were not worried or concerned, only tired by the events of the day.
Cregan though, as soon as you left, was left himself with a sense of emptiness, he found the situation uncomfortable, and soon, followed you
Cregan was on his way to your now shared chambers when he encountered little Jahaera walking in the same direction, a small red blanket in her arm, rubbing her tired face with the other 
“Little one, where are you going?”, as soon as she saw him she whined, hugging onto the hand of the nanny that was taking her
“I’m very sorry my lord, she woke up, and wanted to see the Queen”
“Leave us, I’ll take her”, he said, and she, with reluctance, let go of her tiny hand and walked away
He kneeled on the floor just in front of her, with a soft expression on his face
“Why can’t you sleep, little dragonling?”
“I don’t want anyone else to go away”, she whined, her teary eyes make him sad, “If I sleep, she’ll go away”, she explained
“What do you mean?”, he asked softly
“At night… my brother went away… then I went to sleep, and my mommy went away, and then my papa, he went away, when he went to sleep…”, she whined, bitter tears falling from her beautiful eyes
Cregan’s heart broke
“I don’t want my aunty mommy to go away too”, she said
“She won’t, I promise you”, he said
“How do you know?”, she asked, rubbing her eyes
“Because I will protect her with my life, us Starks, we always keep our word, did you know?”, he asked softly
“You will take care of my new mama?”
“I promise you little one”, he said, “and you know, I’m married to your mama, so..”, she only smiled, and hugged him. He hugged her back, stading up and carrying her to the chambers. “one more night you can sleep with your new mommy alright?”, he asked
Jahaera barely nodded again his neck.
She was already sleeping by the time he entered the chambers to find you looking at him with the softest eyes, and the most beautiful smile he had seen.
That little girl and your brother where your family, and he had married you so, they became his family, he needed to step up, and help you with those children
He was determined, he thought the very next day, as he finished his short prayers in the Godswood, he wanted to go back to the Keep, to speak to Ser Arryk about prince Aegon’s training, or the start of.
That boy was too very sad… he needed to look forwards, you needed to fill his mind with something more… history, philosophy, training, to keep him mind fed and occupied with something else.
He walked trough the beautiful garden, thinking about inviting you to eat something outside, that would make you happy
“I must say I’m dissapointed”, Cregan raised his gaze to meet the beautiful Alyssane Blackwood
“The Capital is not to your liking?”, he asked
“Well, no if the betrothal I was hoping to get is… already married”, now that surprised him, looking at her
“My Lady”
“You are a price I was hoping to catch”, she continued, smirking
“Well, you are too late”, he said, trying to make it lighter, with a smile on his face, but she was not releasing her predatory stance 
“A pity”, she muttered, looking mindesly at the flowers of the garden, “we could have been great you know”
“Probably”, he muttered
“Are you really happy here in the capital?”, she asked, “wouldn’t you have prefered a wife? A lady of Winterfell?”
“I would prefer no one but the one I gave my word to”, he said, now all serious, he was not going to be polite anymore, “and you are out of line, my lady”
“Just playing with what could have been”, she said, not altered at all by his serious words
“I thought the idea was to look for a match”, they both turned to see you approaching them, “not get into one”, you said bitterly
“Your grace”, she said, now alarmed, as she saw you approaching
“I think you overstayed your welcome, Lady Blackwood, since you found no prospects on this week, you best try somewhere else”, you said simply, standing by Cregan’s side.
She barely nodded, and bowed lightly
“Thank you for your hospitality your grace, but you are right I must take my leave, and hunt in other woods”, she muttered and then she left quite quickly.
You watched her lean and tall figure leave, she was beautiful, her eyes as green as forests, and her hair long, black and lustrous
“It is a pity, if she had been here sooner… maybe she would have managed to hunt you”, you whispered, and then walked on the other direction.
Cregan called your name, but you didn’t turn back, you just kept walking
Cregan haden’t entertained her, but her words still lingered in your ears. You had make him marry you, perhaps he would have preferred a real wife, a lady, a partner for him to take North and be a mother to his child and give him more, that supports him in leading his people, not all the way around
But it was too late now. 
What was done was done, is not like you threatened with your dragon for him to marry you, but still, the inavility of managing a match for yourself is what chained him to a life he didn’t even want.
You had commissioned a pathway from the gardens to exit the castle by a stone hallway, that led to the cliffs sorrounding King’s Landing, were your dragon rested, you wanted to see her, maybe even take a little flight. 
This stone hallway was tall, windy, and open, much like the one leading to the castle in Dragonstone, Cregan followed you closely
“I didn’t entertain her…”, he explained
“I’m aware”, you answered, but not stopping your movements 
“Cregan”, you stopped turning to look back at him, “I’m aware you didn’t entertain her, but she is right, I can’t help but think in the “what if”, you explained, “what if I didn’t make you marry me? you could have been back in Winterfell, with your child and your people”
“Yes maybe”, he growled, “but I married you”
“Because of a pact you made when my borthers were still alive”, you said simply, turning to keep walking, but he grabbed you
“Not only because of that”, he growled, looking into your eyes, “I wanted to marry you”, he said
“Why? because of power?”, you asked
“Not only that”, he said, looking intently into your eyes
“Because I’m broken?”, you asked then, “because I’m a danger to the country?”
“No…”, he said, you both into eachtoher’s eyes, he moved slowly, like you were some wild animal, and he palced his hand on the side of your face. “Because to me you are the most beautiful woman in the seven Kingdoms, because I desired you, you are what I have been promised”, you didn’t know what to say, “I will have half a life with you, and half a life away, but… at least I have something of you”, he said
You kept quiet, the world seemed to stop for a second, and all around you, only the two of you existed.
“I have never been much of a poet”, he said, chuckling darkly, “and I only must say, nobody would have make me marry you if I didn’t want you”, he said this time more darkly, you leaned in kissing him, he kissed you back, trapping your lips on his greedily
“I wanted you too”, you said, “because you and I… were ment to be together”, you said certainly 
“Fire and Ice”, he said, “nobody make us marry, we chose it, because we knew, together we could have everything”, he said with a husky voice, “power, love, a family”
“Together”, you confirmed, sealing your words with another longing kiss, “We need to settle in our roles as husband and wife”, you whispered with an entertained voice
“I’ll settle you in our bed as of right now”, he growled, “But I will settle for having you here…”
“No!”, you giggled as he grabbed you pulling you towards the grass on the other side of the passage.
He layed you down in the open, where anybody could see
“The nerve of that woman”, he growled over you, “of ever thinking I could have chosen her, instead of you”
“the audacity”, you chuckled 
“Perhaps we should have her watch as I ravage you”, he said opening the top of your riding gear, his mouth on the skin of your neck and collarbones
“Cregan Stark!”, you shrieked, “I didn’t know this side of you”, you moaned, as you spread your legs to fit his form between them. 
“We have the power, and our love… let’s make our family”, he whispered against your neck, “dark haired children worthy of the throne…” he mocked the words of Dalton
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Cregan and you shared looks over the table, little smirks, you two were like two giggly lovers from the stories
“Concerns about the desease are increasing, despise out best efforts, it’s coming trough the port…��, muttered the Grand Maester, bringing the attention back to the situation at hand, “there is no control…”, he was interrupted when Tyland coughed, trying to hide it in a hankerchief, now you noticed that… he looked sickly
“Are you well, Tyland?”, you asked with concern, as the man looked possibly ghostly, pale, heavy sweat on his forehead
“Forgive me your grace”, he coughed, “I do not feel well”
Cregan stood from the table like a spring, and grabbed you, pushing you gently backwards towards the window
“Get away, hold your breath”, he commanded, all the men stood from the table, taking steps back from Tyland
“I’m well”, he tried to argue, but Arryk grabbed your other side, using his cape to cover your face, making you blind, but both men led you out of the room.
“Is this necessary?”, you asked, concerned
“Very”, growled Cregan, “the Winter fever has reached the Red Keep, take the necessary measures, nobody meets anyone, people should stay in their apartments”
“Yes M’Lord”, muttered Arryk
They finally released you in your rooms
“Wait!”, you called as they left you alone and were about to close the door, “what about Aegon and Jahaera?”
“We need to keep you separated”, he said firmly, “in case…”, your eyes filled with tears
“Yes I understand”, you murmured 
“We will keep them together”, he assured you, “nobody will see them…”
“Wait!”, you called as he was about to close the door, “stay here with me”
“Someone needs to organize this”, he said seriously
“Not you!”, you called
“I have to”, he said seriously, and he closed the doors, trapping you inside 
You were loosing your mind….
You had books, they brought you food and Cregan would come at the door and give you updates twice a day…
You had done all you could, you had commanded medicine to be send, as well as the knowledge to help the cities fight this, but they wouldn’t let you out, you hadn’t seen anyone in weeks. At least half the Kingdoms had fallen into madness and sickness
“Tyland… didn’t make it” Cregan whispered against the door, “10 servants didn’t either”, you shed bitter tears at the other side of the door
“Gods… Tyland”, you whined
“Alicent has fallen to the sickness as well”, he murmured, but you heard him alright
“What about Aegon and Jahaera?”
“They ask about you constantly, yet… they are in good spirits, with their Nannies who had also scaped this”
“Good”, you whispered, “please send word to Casterly Rock”
“Already did, those lucky bastards weren’t hit by the desease, neither has the Reach nor Dorne, it seemed it is stuck in the Crownlands, the Vale and the North"
"at least some of us are spared"
"its been a moon since Tyland was sick, we will get trough this", he said, "the worst is…", he got quiet, and you whined when you heard a cough
"Cregan?", you asked
"I'm fine, some dust sneaked his way to my throat", he said lightly
“Are you sure?”, you asked, grabbing the knob of the door
“Yes” he said, “A message has arrived from the Citadel from the maesters, I should tend to it” he said
“Please come back”, you begged
“Always”, he said, and left you
The next day… he didn’t came back
“His grace has taken abed your grace”, said Ser Arryk, “the maester is tending to him”. You opened the door, to his surprise
“Your grace”
“If the maester falls sick we are all dead, I’ll tend to him”
“No!” He said trying to grab you, but only one look and he desisted
You ran down the hallways and entered his rooms…
Cregan laid in his bed, pale, you could see the sweat on his forehead, and the shivers running up and down his arms and his whole body. You were by his side in a minute, grabbing his hand
“Cregan”, you called, but to no answer, his eyelids fluttered, he seemed like he was going to open his eyes, but he didn’t, instead he just mumbled something, sounded more like a grunt.
The Grand Maester didn’t lie to you…
Most… almost all of those who catched the fever perished…
You needed to prepare for the worst… and yet, your eyes filled with tears and a desperation consumed you, as you started crying silently
“Please don’t leave me”, you cried, “please”, you begged, grabbing onto his hand tightly, “I don’t know what I’m going to do without you”, you admitted, he squeezed your hand a little
“Rickon”, he whispered, in his feverish dreams, “my son”, you frowned, concerned, at the worry on his features even in his sleep
He was calling for his son, the son you had kept him from, the only son he had.
You placed your hand on your lower belly, then you placed his hand there
“You need to get better”, you begged, “your son needs you, the North needs you… our baby needs you… I need you”, you prayed, his naked chest was pearled with sweat he was burning up. You stood up removed your clothes and laid by his side grabbing into him, making sure your body stuck to his as much as you could, so you’ll lower his body temperature with yours, after giving him the medicine indicated by the doctor.
It all depends on him, and the gods.
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@lyannesworld @tremendouswolfsaladranch @unlesshouse @mimsie95 @ostricx @amelia262006 @marihoneywk @ahristata @happinessinthebeing @dd122004dd
@lyannesworld @aestmilky @lightdragonrayne @delaynew @mxtokko @stargaryenx @lightdragonrayne @delaynew @mxtokko @good-night-starlight @yentroucnagol @beebeechaos @brakingboundaries @duds31
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cenorii · 2 months
Can't he be killed? (generalized theory)
All info about why Wesker is not dead is now compiled in one place with new info. Each chapter is important to the overall meaning, so don't skip a chapter.
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1. Body 2. Cutscene detailing 3. End credits re5 4. Umbrella Corps 5. Suspicious mentions 6. Photo on the wall 7. Weapons 8. Conclusion
I think we should start with the most important fact on which all theories hold - his body. So first we will talk about the properties of Wesker's body.
Chapter 1. Body
Let's start with the infection. The virus in Wesker's body is a single virus called Prototype, which he got from Birkin. According to Birkin's note (Virus Memo from Umbrella Chronicles), Prototype must be injected a few minutes before the "envisioned contingency". This is an obvious hint that the virus only activates after an "envisioned contingency", i.e. after stress (physical). But let's answer the question, what is stress, scientifically speaking? That's right, stress is hormones. When a person is injured, their body releases cortisol, the stress hormone, adrenaline, and a host of others. It's these substances that activate the Prototype virus in the body.
When Wesker injected himself with this virus, he needed to receive any conditions of increased stress, in simple words - to cause the very "envisioned contingency", to increase the influence of the virus, helping the body to initiate synthesis. When Tyrant wounded him, Wesker went into anabiosis (according to Virus Memo), and the virus was instantly activated because the wounding caused a huge amount of hormones to be released into the bloodstream. Because of Wesker's original compatibility with the Prototype, he is the perfect host for the virus and the effect he got is the maximum of what the Prototype is capable of.
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During his anabiosis, the virus regenerated tissues in Wesker's body, repairing his fatal injury, and continued to slowly alter his body, fusing and invading RNA into his. When Wesker woke up, he didn't have any special abilities at first, though his eyes could glow for a brief moment. The glow in his eyes is closely related to emotion (also hormones), but I'll talk about that later. He felt the lightness of his movements, felt that he could move faster than before (Umbrella Chronicles), because he didn't know what he was really capable of yet, and the virus hadn't had time to change his body completely (we can tell that from his eyes, which were still blue).
Three months after this event, Wesker was able to mutate permanently. His eyes are the only external evidence that the mutation is complete and the virus has changed his body (Code: Veronica).
He has gained a number of abilities: his speed, thanks to the improved structure of his body tissues, can now rival that of a bullet. When he moves quickly, it looks like teleportation to normal people, because the human eye can't keep track of such fast movement. His body is solid, making it painful to damage him in melee combat (in re5, Chris's fists hurt and his face contorts into a grimace after he punches Wesker in the face). His regeneration is capable of healing injuries of any severity. He also has increased strength, but its limits are unknown because Wesker hasn't used it on anything significant. However, he can punch through dense metal with his hand, as well as lift a heavy rocket.
And all of these abilities are closely related to hormones.
Remember how his eyes is glowing in Umbrella Chronicles when he got mad at the RED QUEEN? Now remember every battle against him in re5, as well as the Spencer death scene. Every time, before using the abilities, Wesker's eyes would glow. His eyes are the truest indicator of his emotions. If his eyes are glowing - he is annoyed about something, angry, and all these emotions are the result of hormones.
Hormones are not only the element that activated the virus inside Wesker in re1, but also the tool he uses to control his abilities.
Wesker, provoking his emotions, unconsciously causes bioluminescence in his eyes. By experiencing emotions and making his eyes glow because of it, he can change the density of his body, increase his speed, strength.
Further evidence of this is the scene where Excella pierces his skin with a needle and injects the serum without obstruction. Wesker is calm, his eyes are not glowing, his body density is normal. If he were angry - the needle would break against his skin.
And now we come to the most interesting part of this chapter... What happens if you piss him off to the max? Can he become even stronger than he was in re5? I won't keep you in suspense, the answer to these questions already exists officially - Lost in Nightmares (re5 DLC).
During the events of re5, Wesker's powers are restrained by two factors at once - he wants to test what Chris can do, so he deliberately restrains his powers, and he's also not angry, just annoyed. Because of these two factors, all the fights with him in re5 are only a fraction of what he is capable of.
But in Lost in Nightmares nothing holds him back, for here he is truly angry, he is enraged. He has learned the humiliating truth about himself and his life. And feeling unthinkable irritation that some decrepit old man has the nerve to do this to him and then proclaim his old body as God, Wesker can't contain his emotions. For 10 whole years of living with this power, he kept emotions under control and learned to control them so that his abilities were as effective as possible, which is why such a big shock removed all restrictions from his consciousness and everything that was being held back came out.
In a fight with him he would spare no one, any blow he threw could prove fatal. One simple push with his hand is a long stun. Missed a qte? You're dead. Even in a normal comparison, he's much stronger here than in re5. And that's thanks to the fact that his power is fueled by his anger and frustration, which is a huge amount of hormones.
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In the final battle re5 (volcano), Wesker is very angry, but there's a factor that keeps him from using his powers the same way he did in Lost in Nightmares - it's the serum (PG67A/W). But what did this serum do to him? Did it take away his powers? No.
PG67A/W does not take away Wesker's powers, but instead stabilizes them (if administered under the right conditions, when the virus inside him destabilizes over time). If an excessive dose of PG67A/W is administered and causes an overdose, his body becomes severely stressed, as hinted by his headache. After an overdose of PG67A/W, his body tries to cope with the strain and his strength increases even more, making it hard to control. When Chris injected him with another extra dose of PG67A/W, his strength became impossible to control and he gave up speed altogether. This can be seen in the airplane fight: Wesker gradually loses the "grace" of his attacks, they become chaotic, and he loses the ability to move quickly, and with each "teleportation" his jerks become shorter and shorter, and eventually he loses control of this ability altogether.
However, his strength and regeneration aren't something need special control over, nor are they something can "just not use" like high speed. Those are his passive skills, if I may say so, but they too are made more effective by his emotions.
When Wesker impaled the rocket with his hand, he proved that he still had his strength. But strength alone is not enough to stab a rocket. Even the strongest man risks breaking his fingers if he tries to do the same. Wesker's body density is off the charts in this situation. He's so durable that this is the only battle where he can't be stunned (even with a rocket launcher).
He's incredibly angry, and he's also overdosed on Uroboros and all his previous powers are aggravated due to PG67A/W. In that situation, he's invulnerable. And if such a creature falls into the lava, its body density and regeneration won't allow the volcano's temperature to critically harm it.
At the end of re5, Wesker has all the conditions to survive.
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Sorry for the lack of gifs with all the moments when Wesker's eyes start to glow… I felt lazy.
Chapter 2. Cutscene detailing
The cutscenes in re5 are incredibly dynamic and directed. The detailing is also their key element, which gives such an aesthetic effect to the overall picture. The game had enough budget to make the cutscenes top-notch, and the developers were up to the task. Or not?
Wesker is a character that is no small part of RE. Not only did he appear in re1, Code: Veronica, and re4, but he was also a major character in Umbrella Chronicles. He had a big impact on lore, other characters, and perhaps even helped boost the popularity of the franchise. If such an important character is destined to die at the end of re5, shouldn't he have a detailed cutscene showing his death? Nemesis had a death animation shown in re3 (1999), even Saddler had a death animation in re4 (2005). Even Sergei Vladimir had a death cutscene in Umbrella Chronicles (2007), but not Wesker in the 2009 game.
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In the scene where his death, the final act of his life, is supposed to be shown, all the attention was given to rocket launchers. Don't you find that strange? And then the main characters fly away without even checking (at least from afar) if there will be any activity in the volcano after their shot or not. Isn't Chris used to the fact that after taking critical damage, his enemies can mutate a lot? Flying away like that right away is stupid.
I find the "understatement" in his "death" a brilliant decision - it's a bridge to the future that will serve as an excuse for "why he's alive" if they bring him back, or an excuse for "why he's dead" if Capcom doesn't want to use him again.
Now let's turn our attention to the death of Alex Wesker in Revelations 2:
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Her death is final, which is why it has such a detailed cutscene. Her current consciousness is now in a new body (Natalia), so it's necessary to show that the old Alex is finished.
Chapter 3. End credits re5
Toward the end of the song in the credits, you can see a dark object appear below the surface of the water, slowly floating to the left. It's hard to see, so I brightened the video so everyone can see it.
This object appears to be shrouded in tentacles, and also floats from the side of the volcano where Wesker "died". There are no other creatures created with Uroboros in the vicinity. So it can't be anyone else but him.
It could be considered an official hint that he's alive.
Chapter 4. Umbrella Corps
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The 2015 game (Umbrella Corps) contains straightforward hints that Wesker is alive. This game is officially declared canon, so ignore its poor ratings. Despite being a bad game, there is some good information in it, but not much at all. So...
The plot: the main character is an unnamed mercenary nicknamed 3A-7. He is part of the Umbrella Corps, a secret corps that belongs to Blue Umbrella, an organization that "reformed and got on the right path". Didn't it seem like a lie back in re7, right? The purpose of this corps is to search for bioweapon samples in quarantined areas that the BSAA has failed to sterilize well. The main character is involved in an operation called "The Experiment" but survives every step of the way due to his combat experience. The plot glimpses an unknown Corps Leader (Executive) who even his subordinates know nothing about. One man who sent 3A-7 on missions once wondered why this Executive was so feared, why he was so intimidating, and why he knew so much about the events in re4, as if he had been to that island himself. But only two men survived the events in re4 - Leon and Wesker. A male subordinate attempted to get the Executive's DNA, but disappeared in the process. He was killed for wanting to know the truth and was replaced by a woman who also knew nothing about her boss. At the end of the story, the main character survives even after the most difficult challenge and is contacted by this mysterious Executive and told that he has plans for 3A-7. The main character is voiced by D.C. Douglas, just like the Executive, whose voice can be heard in co-op mode at the end of the missions.
His phrases: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe7LEaA7em8.
Wesker is also voiced by Douglas. So why would Capcom use such a recognizable voice on a random character? Why voice two characters at the same time with that voice? It can only make sense if the Leader turns out to be Wesker, who survived the volcano.
It's all very suspicious and ambiguous.
Chapter 5. Suspicious mentions
In re6, everyone suddenly learned that all this time Wesker had a son he didn't even know about - Jake Muller.
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The note Jake's mother left him before she died reads:
"My beloved son, Jake. Please forgive your mother for leaving you alone so soon. And please don't hate your father. Your father surely still loves you from the bottom of his heart. Stay strong and know that you will meet him one day."
Don't you find Ms. Muller's certainty that Jake will one day meet Wesker suspicious? It certainly could have been a dramatic element, telling the viewer that Jake will not meet him because his father has died and he is now all alone. However, now, knowing all the facts telling us otherwise, Jake's mother's words sound different. They sound like a prophecy. Why was she sure that Jake and Wesker would meet? How deep is this iceberg?
Chapter 6. Photo on the wall
On Karl Heisenberg's (re8) wall are many pictures that are intertwined with red line - it's his board for investigating Miranda and everyone involved in the Village. Chris is one of those involved, Karl is aware that he is here. However, if you use the free camera to get closer to Chris' photo... you can see that there is a red line running from him to some small gray photo that is hard to see from a distance.
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At first it appears to be a photo of Karl, however the person in the photo is older than him. I believe this character is intentionally made to look like Karl to confuse the players and not give too direct hints. The other people from the photo are easily recognizable, even references to re1 are present. However, this person from the photo is unknown. The only thing that is known is that he is somehow related to Chris.
If you superimpose Wesker's face from re4r over this photo, you get a perfect match of facial features. If you doubt it's him, just look closely at the shape of the nose, the distance between the nose and mouth, and then look at the shape of the face and chin. They are identical. Considering that the rumors of re4r development came out in 2021 (the year re8 was released), it's not surprising if Wesker's new face could have been used here as a reference... or a hint.
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When comparing, it's obvious that this is an aged version of Wesker's new appearance from re4r. In 2021, at the time of the re8 storyline, he is 61 years old. Judging by the fact that Chris's photo is recent, that means Wesker's photo is fresh too. What is unusual is that he now has long hair. However, this could be a very logical outcome, as he chose to go into hiding after re5.
Here's my little edit where I only added different clothes and long hair.
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Chapter 7. Weapons
In re7 that it is revealed that the Blue Umbrella are using Wesker's designs to create weapons effective against biological threats. Various firearms signed as "Albert W." are now being used by BSAA soldiers. Isn't that strange? No matter how good these weapons are, naming them after a bioterrorist and enemy of humanity is a strange move, isn't it? Someone secretly respects him.
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Chapter 8: Conclusion
Keeping all the previous points in mind, it's hard to seriously argue that Wesker is dead. There are too many hints that he can't be killed. There are also hints that he has a clone (two different characters with Wesker's voice in Umbrella Corps).
Once again, the "understatement" in his "death" is a brilliant decision, it's a bridge to the future that will serve as an excuse for "why he's alive" if they bring him back, or an excuse for "why he's dead" if Capcom don't want to use him again. But considering how often we see mentions of him and hints of being alive, Capcom really want back him as soon as possible.
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I just remembered a project I worked on for a while in like 2021 (maybe 2020) and it had a LOT of akumatized marinette's
That was the idea behind the whole thing but man I did one by one and found some of the most obscure akumatized marinette au's
Sooooo I'm dragging these drawings up from the ashes and maybe it'll be a nice surprise for some of y'all to see
yall got ✨fanart✨
and possibly reminded of miraculous ladybug HA
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usually these were done on different canvas's (that were like 250x250) and then just... copied onto a larger canvas??? Mistakes were made and I was insane
A handful of these akumanette's were actually made by me cause apparently... roughly 18 other marinette's wasn't enough
Click for quality and this is a long post
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First of all, shoutouts to my own akuma abominations creations.
First image, the ladybug with the red long hair? yeah the idea was the akuma bug seen in canon in like, s2 (also shown next to her) but updated for the new look in s4. Vry original we'll give it a 6/10
I don't remember too much for the middle one that is slightly dimmer. Though I do remember that was the kind of IDEA behind her. She's also holding a knife cause of course. Why have magical powers to kill people when you can harness the power of K N I F E 7/10
I remember a little more about the jester marinette in the back. She had a whole thing with medieval research, jester research, and she also wanted to stab Lila cause everyone wanted to stab lila at the time. 9/10 cause I had a fun time with her
Then the robinhood poster mari was a robin hood akuma mari. 3/10 not original
Slightly canon to downright canon
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Ladyblanc was a popular akumanette idea so slightly canon, I didn't base it off of anyone's au
Ladybug and Marinette are there because what's the fun of a crossover if the og doesn't get to panic along with the rest of them????
Last image, not talking about persecuter, we'll get to her in a bit. I just thought it would be funny at the time if I included Chloe and Antibug cause... haha
Antibug is kinda an akumatized lb rip off soooo
what you've been waiting for
Thank god I kept track of credit (pats past me on the back)
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First of all, at the very front we got @zoe-oneesama 's devil au that made an updated appearance in her scarlet lady au, love to see it
You'll also notice little devil bug on lb's knee in the sketch
Alopeka is to the left of Devil au, by @piearsonist
hi betcha you never would have guessed you got FANARTED HA
This is a post that explains that akumatized marinette, and you'll find more if you go to her page
Princess justice at the right by @kibouwmlb (also, hello hi, surprise) and honestly it is SUCH a pretty design OMYWORD I love the watercolors
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Twiddling her thumbs, minding her business. Remember the release of Descendants 3? Yeah, Queen of Mean baby. And MORE by @shiinaeu hi you are a legend to me
This was so fun to draw at the time and I was experimenting in ways I hadn't before. Peak youtube miraculous ladybug fixation meeting art interest. First one of the characters I did fun fact
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@edendaphne betcha you didn't expect fanart of that one scorpion akumanette well THINK AGAIN (also, crazy that this was around when I did your dtiys I just realized, huh)
ANd then slightly more obscure, though the post does have 173 ish notes so, is @skullqueensart 's akumanette right here
Why does akumanette have sunken cheeks here? I have no clue honestly. Take it up with me from 3 years ago and maybe you'll get answers who knows. She's also just... chilling. Looking at nothing. Into the abyss.
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Not now chloe's, we are discussing persecutor now.
Love the story idea honestly and the akuma design is so god tier AKUMA that oof @yiprincessart I love it
Oh uh, and chloe will be fine
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She is the moment, she is beauty, she is grace
@artist-from-outersp-ace I love her. She looks so SO pretty!! At the time I loved your artstyle and I still do!! Too bad at the time I didn't know that Tumblr works by reblogging. I will be amending that.
I also remember being SO frustrated when drawing her that I didn't get a timelapse saved in time to show the drawing process :(
But I did love figuring out folds in the dress and the coloring process! Figuring out how to replicate elements in your art!
srs guys. Look at the RUFFLES
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Alright, we are all agreeing to be accomplices and bystanders to Akuma jester marinette's NOT MURDER murder of Lila in the background? Okay good.
@lunian I have fanart for you~
And when I tell you I struggled with her design, I STRUGGLED. I ended up satisfied in the end but the curls bro, we lost the curls
But I do love her concepts and powers and I did back then too
And next to her, Okay, I never fully finished, mostly because I couldn't figure out how to get the hand to work with the tray balance thingie
@ladybub made this Lady Justice design and I WILL BE THERE when the comic updates. Or... if they aren't able to continue the comic that's also fine too <3 Life happens
Still love this au and the unique way for Marinette to get akumatized! Me and my sister bonded over our love over it!
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I think this might be the first akumanette that isn't on tumblr to my knowledge. They are on Instagram tho @stivenwithani
Anyway I really liked the concept and the design just, reeked, of akuma that I included her
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Okay more that I didn't really finish
We got another Princess/Lady Justice akuma idea at the left. Which I never kept track of the credit DANG IT I WAS DOING SO WELL
I'll update if I find the credit but man the OG did really well with the art.
And I have this akumanette comforting Lacrima from... a very graphic and whump fanfic Longest Night, read the tags
Anyway, Lacrima needs all the love she can get (also, funny enough, is the oldest out of this "gathering" of akumanette's)
It's not finished but hey @p-artsypants I gave angst ridden Lady Lacrima friends and fanart so.... yay...
was victim to so much reposting I could never find credit for it- UNTIL NOW
but the artist unfortunately deactivated their blog so that explains why I couldn't find their username all that time ago
It was a cool idea and I always love when creators take inspiration from how similar Marinette's name is to another word for a kind of puppet "Marionette"
But before I forget, I'll end this post on one of my akumanette's that I tried to squeeze in but never got to. But I did make more art for and I remember the story!
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I remember having a background planned but I never really got around to it. Basically the story was that marinette got akumatized but managed to take off her earrings in time. I think the reason for her akumatization was connected to figuring out the secrets that Emilie had been hiding with the peacock miraculous (BEFORE we knew that adrien was a sentimonster).
Tikki had to bring the earrings to Chat Noir and he had to find someone that looked ENOUGH like Ladybug that Hawkmoth wouldn't notice as much that Ladybug wasn't actually there. Enter Mireille cause at the time a few people were pointing out how similar she looked to the dupain chengs.
Akumanette's powers had something to do with casting depression? I think? In the form of dragons? Oh, Also she travels by walking on the dragons so thats cool
I don't remember everything but I did have a lot planned for her.
10/10 just because I had a fun time with her
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Imagine book 7 but Lilia and Yuu (who is more of an adult) are in a semi relationship? More like both do have feelings but for them is not fully clear yet.
Anyhow, imagine that, and because Yuu is human, and assuming that the invaders are also humans, they get separated from the group by Lilia while the others are held by his soldiers.
And Lilia is just full bat-monster form, big asf (think at least an 1.70 near the 2 meter mark) and with 2 pair or arms (because wings are like arms); in my mind he would have teeth EXACTLY like the actual blood eating bats, meaning he would tear open your shoulder rather than your neck so blood keeps on pumping.
And Yuu is just “God, he is hot BUT NOT THE TIME” and they try to get him to reason but he doesn’t listen, you are another blood snack for him.
So he bites and tears and you scream in pain, this is not like his previous bites, you can see muscle and some of your bone, blood gushing out as he licks it like a cat drinking from a water bowl. You try to kick him away but your arms are pinned to your sides and kicking does nothing.
But very soon you get delirious, too soon to be blood loss, and it’s Lilia’s saliva. In this form his saliva acts as a sort of anesthetic that also makes you high.
So you look at him, still drinking your blood and you say “God you’re beautiful”
And this takes him a bit by surprise, not the first time a human was like this while he fed on them. He presses his tongue on the wound a bit too hard, so you take it as if he is hearing you.
“We should make out”
AND THIS JUST MAKES HIM STOP. He pulls back and just looks at you, crimson blood eyes glaring at your blown pupils and silly smile. “You have such CUTE EARS! Can I touch?”
“No” His voice is deeper in this form, but you can tell it’s him. He scowls before going back to lick the blood.
You giggle “And a piggy nose! So pink!”
He turns to respond and you KISS HIM ON THE NOSE; he is just left confused, angry and probably a bit flattered you think he is cute.
You try to move closer to his face to kiss him on the mouth but he backs away a little. “Stop moving, or you’ll bleed faster!” he goes back to drinking the blood, a lot is spilling on the ground and the pulse is getting weaker “I don’t want to waste more of my time with you, I’ll drain you dry for speaking and doing such nonsense”
At that moment you begin to cry, or more like whimper and groan “No! Please!” You barely more now “I want to continue feeding you”
AND THAT POINT HE JUST REELS BACK LIKE “THAT’S IT, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU” any human before was whimpering and screaming and wailing for him to either kill them or let them go. You on the other hand, WANT HIM, AND NOT ONLY TO FEED HIM MORE OF YOUR BLOOD, IT GOES BEYOND THAT.
He had enough and just, heals you and carries you back to where his soldiers are with Silver, Sebek and Grim.
When he lands his ears are so red, he has this look between “tired of this bullshit” to “I experienced something that was NOT in my bingo card this year and I don’t know how to feel about it”
He opens his wings, you safe but still high and clinging to him and nuzzling on his fluffy neck. He points at you with one of his wings and “Who the hell are you three and what, in the name of queen Maleficia, is wrong with this one?”
You infected me with the nonhuman Au and I just, went on this rambling. I just. Yes please, monster fucking Yuu just making a General Lilia feel “Welp. I think I saw EVERYTHING HUMANS HAVE TO OFFER”
I hope this wasn’t the worse thing you read ever tho, I can’t type as fast as my brain can conjure words
How to survive a monster: Be horny and weird them out.
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mielwriting · 4 months
Venti's Disney Princess Traits are Lore-Relevant
Credit to Ashikai, specifically in their YouTube livestream discussing the Genshin 3.7 preview stream
So, in the stream today, Ashikai mentioned the idea that Mondstadt is a city of fairytales - with Klee being Little Red Riding Hood, Razor being the Big "Bad" Wolf, and Lisa being a storybook witch.
Finally, my interest in the old versions of fairy tales is relevant!
I believe Venti is Snow White.
Plenty have joked about Venti having a "Disney Princess Moment" when he talked to animals (as witnessed by NPC Sage). I wanna focus on his preference for Apples.
(Venti liking eating the Christian symbol for Original Sin is a whole separate essay, that I believe others have written before)
I believe Venti represents Snow White, the 7 dwarfs the people of Mond, and the Traveler the prince. Who's the Evil Queen? Uncertain.
What Happens in Snow White Again??
Snow, a princess so-named because of her pale skin and black hair, is sentenced to death by her stepmother, the evil queen. The queen wants the hunstman to kill Snow in the woods, and bring back Snow's heart, either as proof that she's dead or so that the queen can eat it to achieve immortality. Snow begs for her life, and escapes to live with the 7 dwarfs. The queen finds out, disguises herself, and, in the original tale, makes 3 attempts to kill her:
1st, with a corset she laces so tight, Snow can't breathe. 2nd, with a poisoned comb she runs through Snow's hair. And finally, with a poisoned apple.
In the first 2 attempts, the dwarfs return, unlace the corset/remove the apple, and Snow wakes up quickly. In the 3rd, the dwarfs cannot figure out what's wrong, and believe she's dead. She is asleep until the prince happens to come by, and wakes her up (how he does this varies by version).
How Does This Relate to Venti?
To my knowledge, Venti has fallen asleep 3 times after achieving archonhood: once after the fall of Decarabian, once after the fall of the aristocracy, and once after the fight with Durin.
After the first 2 sleep periods, the people of Mond were able to wake him up with their prayers. After the 3rd sleep period, he was badly poisoned, and was only healed after the Traveler came along and purified him.
Exactly how/why Venti sleeps so long is unknown to us, but now I'm inclined to say it's involuntary, and in fact caused by Celestia, in order to keep him complacent.
The Evil Queen, Seeking Snow White's Heart
Mayhaps the Evil Queen wanting Snow's heart, and getting a false one, is representing the Tsaritsa sending La Signora to take Venti's gnosis, and (in this case) getting a fake gnosis. This supports the theory that Venti did indeed keep his real gnosis.
Or, to keep with the timeline and happen way before he goes to sleep:
Mayhaps it represents the Anemo Authority.
Maybe it represents the time powers he has thanks to Istaroth, and even Celestia doesn't know the true extent of Venti's power.
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whatsmyname-uma · 2 months
Just watched Descendants rise of red and y'all I am GAGGING so allow me to ramble real quick thnx.
I have a few criticisms but I also have a theory for D5 that may be a little far fetched but I need to get it off my chest.
So at the end when Uma is talking about the consequences of unraveling the fabric of time,I believe that D5 could possibly transport Chloe and Red into the future to introduce the children of the originals.
Also I've noticed Jazmine and Aladdin are getting several appearances in the past and future along with what appears to be their son, could he star along side Red and Chloe in D5 ?? Could he be a love interest to either one of them?? A love triangle maybe???
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It's unclear to me what the main conflict will be for D5 other than the typical, reality and time dramatically collapsing trope like EVERY other time travel movie but D5 would still need a main villain and for the love of GOD don't make them another black woman this time like ALL the other movies; (D1: Queen Leah, D2: Uma, D3: Audrey (she's half black), Descendants Wicked World: Freddy, Descendants ROR: Uliana)
As for my criticisms;
1. Charming and Bridget should've had a bit more screen time
2. Bridget's character should've been a bit more fleshed out
3. The movie should've at least been 2 hours long, it felt a bit rushed trying to squeeze in every character so much that they forgot Rapunzel/Rapunzel's daughter or whoever the hell she is
4. Fire the hairdresser IMMEDIATELY, the wigs were nice at some points but why can you fully see the lace?? Why is almost everyone's wig bulky??
5. The outfits were cute but BRING BACK KARA SAUN
7. Where tf is Harry and Gil???
8. Where is Dizzy and Celia???
9. Killing off Carlos was a choice but I understand that recasting him would be entirely disrespectful so I support it, rest in peace CB💞
10. Color hair is cool but NOT when it's the same shade as your entire outfit like c'mon....... (Bring back Kara saun)
11. Descendants has been Monochromatic since the beginning but it seems overwhelmingly mishandled in this movie so please bring back Kara saun
12. DITCH the track pants/ bell bottoms and bring back the cool leather patterns and prints pls
As for what I liked:
1. I deeply enjoy Red and Chloe as Characters and if Disney isn't stupid they'd give them a romance (imo)
2. I LOVE the queen of Hearts, Rita Ora portrayed her so well and her voice is SO beautiful
3. BRANDY and Paolo returning as Cinderella and Charming is the gag of the century, still unsure how they raised somebody like Chad.....
4. Uma being principal is absolutely genius imo
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angrygirlromero · 1 year
Hi. Sick and twisted headcanon? How about maegor "training" his pregnant wife? He killed her husband and "trained" her to be his "slave" by tying her wrists behind her back while she's naked on his bed with heels and garters on. He inserted a vibrator inside her womanhood and watched her thrust her hips while he pleasured himself. He ensured that this was recorded. He then came to notice her nipples getting hard and her tears caused by how painful it was to have her breasts filled with milk. So, he pinched her nipples to make them leak, massaged and sucked her breasts. Compulsory taking nude photos of her blossoming body and burned all of her clothes so that she'll be naked 24/7.
Maegor Targaryen x Niece/Wife!Targ Reader
Warning: Megor Targaryen, age gap, incest, pregnancy, grammar mistakes, smut.
Author’s Note: sorry I changed it a bit, and this is sort of my first headcanon I’ve ever really done so it’s not really that good, but anyway just my point of view hope you enjoy!
Maegor Targaryen would be very obsessed with Valyrian culture, he’d be determined to have a pure breed Targaryen wife, and he’d want his children and heir to be of pure Valyrian ancestry.
He’d be more than obsessed with his little niece reader after, his mother suggested for him to marry someone from their house, he’d be obsessed with the reader since she was a child, more like a daemon and Rhaenyra situation, but everyone refuses to marry the sweet little inocente reader to him, his other wife’s wouldn’t matter at all, his little niece would be his only and main priority, so when he finds out she was married off to another rich lord from another house, he’s mad, very mad, so he slaughters an entire house and ends them right there.
He would ride on the back of Balerion and burn the house to ground, he’d have his guards go in and get the reader, and her husband so he can behead him himself. He’d cut the reader’s husband’s head off, give it to her as a gift and fuck her right there and then for everyone to see who you belong to.
He’d make the reader his wife and his only queen, and punish her every night for allowing another man touch her, he’d fuck her constantly and make her moan, scream and cry his name all night long for everyone in the keep to hear.
He’d train her to be his personal sex salve and toy, only for his use, he’d always keep her in his sight and she’d barely be allowed out of her room, only with guards with her at all times, he’s be hell of a possessive man, his other wife’s pitty the reader, and one in specific would be jealous (you know who I’m talking about).
If his precious little niece asked anything of him, he’d do anything and everything for her, and out of all of his wives she was definitely the only one that mattered at all to him, he adored his little niece wife, he’d have hundreds of hand sewed dresses personally mad for her, each one individually made of the best quality of red silk and with hand stitched gold.
He’d spoil her a lot with gifts and jewelry, she’d be the most elegant, precious and perfect queen throughout the day to her people, but at nighttime she’d be his little cock slave that he could use however he desired whenever he wished.
When Maegor finds out the reader is pregnant, she’s always with his, with him being too anxious and overprotective of her and his soon to be heir, and he’d love her pregnant body more than anything, torturing her with pleasure for hours on repeat as he watches or sucks on her body leaving possessive marks or sucking on her breasts doing anything in his power to get milk out, or relive her of the painful amount of milk.
He’d listed intently as reader moans his name as he fucks her over and over until she passes out, he’d constantly admire her pregnant body being proud of his work. He’s demand that his little wife be naked of any clothes while around him.
And after his first son is born, he’d just fuck another one into her, until they had an army of children.
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Wish Granted 🌟👩🏾🎶 (Wish Reimagined)
Chapter 7: Royal Pains
Chapter 6
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"You didn't think you could get rid of me that easily, did you?" The queen playfully mocked the two of them. "Time to stop playing games."
"You wouldn't attack two of your citizens in broad daylight. Don't want to damage the precious image you've built up for yourselves." Asha retorted, standing her ground.
Sabor growled as he narrowed his eyes towards her.
"For your information, I don't plan on making a scene here. We can settle this matter quite easily." Amaya gestured to Star. "Hand over the star there and I'll let you return to wherever you came from. With your life intact." Her eyes flickered green as if posing a threat.
"You think I'm just going to give him to you? I'm not stupid, Amaya. You're going to have to go through me if you want him." Asha stood in front of Star, while Valentino bravely jumped in front of both of them. Sabor licked his whiskers as he eyes the goat.
Amaya sighed. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to waste my magic on killing you. But I'll try not to make a mess." she grabbed a small red vial with a skull on it.
Star realized that Amaya wasn't going to take no for an answer.
"WAIT!" exclaimed as he jumped between the two of them. He turned to Asha. "I'll go with her, just run away. Now." He told her. Then gave her a wink.
Asha hesitated for a moment, not sure what he was planning, but she trusted the star. The girl took a few steps back and then took off with Valentino on her heels.
"How sweet of you. Sacrificing yourself for someone you barely know. Its rather foolish, but I'll let it slide." Her voice dripped with fake sincerity.
The star raised his hands to signify his compliance. "All right, you got me. But I gotta ask, why do you need me? I mean, you guys seem pretty powerful. Don't know what you need a star for." He attempted to stall as long as he could.
"Magnifico needs you for something... special in mind for Rosas." Amaya responded, but wasn't telling him the whole story.
"Besides, its not like you're actually a real human." She saw the star's face twitch in reaction to the comment. She found a nerve to hit.
We quickly cut to Asha and Valentino, whom after being far away enough from the queen's view, they decided to sprint around the alley.
"Maaaah??" Valentino questioned Asha's actions.
"Of course I'm not leaving him. I just had an idea. Its a little basic, but I'm just making this up as I go." She admitted.
The two made it around back and Asha quietly sneaked against the wall. There were dozens of crates nearby. She could hear Star talking to Amaya, but he was running out of time.
"Look at yourself." She gestured to his disguise as she took a step forward. "You may look like one of us, and speak like us, but its all just a silly costume for you. You could never be human, or be enough for the girl." Her voice was callous.
Star looked down at his hands. They weren't glowing, but they were still yellow and cartoonish. Humans don't look like that. Or turn into animals.
"...I..." he found it difficult to speak.
She took a look at the crates and got an idea. Asha began to push The crates forward as best as she could, but she was concerned that it wouldn't fall in time.
Suddenly she heard whispering behind her. She turned and saw Gabo from earlier. He seemed rather for someone that was supposed to be being chased.
"Hey, weren't you the guy that was being chased?" She asked.
Gabo snorted. "That snoozer always falls asleep before he can catch me. He's off somewhere taking a nap probably." He waved a dismissive hand.
(Actually, he was.)
"Since you're here, you mind giving me a hand?" Asha usually wouldn't ask anyone in this city for help, but she was desperate.
Gabo took a look at what she was pushing, where it was going to fall and put the pieces together. "I like the way you think, stranger." He rubbed his hands together.
"That's something no amount of magic is ever going to change. You would've been better off in the sky." The woman raised her hand, preparing to throw a red vial at the star, when suddenly—
CRASH!! 💥📦
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The large stack of crates crashed down on the woman, and the red vial fell from her hands and rolled away.
Sabor yowled in surprise and rushed to aid his master.
Star snapped out of his trance and he saw Asha and Gabo.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that!" Gabo laughed.
Asha was just relieved it worked. Maybe Star's spur of the moment ideas was rubbing off on her... "Thanks for your help, but we have to go. Like now!" She leaped over the crates and took Star with her.
"Hey, no problem! Need anymore help against these guys, you can count on me!" He said to them as they ran off together. The crates began to move and the guy ran off before the queen could get up or the non sleepy guards arrived.
Just in time, because a few showed up mere seconds later.
"Your majesty, are you all right? Who did this to you?" One of them asked as they pulled the crates off of her.
"I'm fine." She asserted as she snatched her arm away from a concerned guard. "The traitors are here and we need to alert the people. Go warn Magnifico. Now."
Perfect time for us check in on Magnifico:
"You think I'm a fool? You think I can't tell when my own apprentice is lying to me? You've been hiding something from me for far too long, and today I will have my answer." The tip of the king's staff grew a brighter green as he spoke. It was only mere inches from Flazino's face.
Flazino slowly raised his hand in defense. "I wasn't do anything, your Highness! I was just uh..." His voice trailed off, his mind going blank thinking of an excuse.
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"You've taking independence with your magic lately. Hearing how you've spreading been it here and there to 'help' some of the citizens. All without my permission." The king continued, his eyes full of suspicion.
The apprentice was only slightly relieved. Magnifico wasn't talking about the Hamlet, but it was still a problem. The king never liked the idea of Flazino using his magic for anything outside of his lessons or demands.
"I was just being a good friend to the people. As you're supposed to be doing, sir." He responded. And we see a shot behind his back where he grabs an item off the table that looks like a magic wand.
"Don't get cocky with me, boy." Magnifico hissed and lowered his staff. He raised his left hand and and motioned for a wish orb from above. One gently came down and he presented it to Flazino. "Remember who holds your fate in their hands."
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The image in the orb is fuzzy from a distance, but Flazino already knew it was his own wish: To learn magic and help others with it.
"So choose your next words carefully. Where have you been these past few nights?" He slowly put pressure on the orb as he asked the question.
Flazino could already feel the pressure on his heart. "N-nowhere...sir. I- just go straight h-home." His breathing was becoming slightly irregular and he struggled to get his words out.
Magnifico looked at him with annoyance. "Do you side with the traitors, Flazino?" A small crack appeared on the orb
"No. No....You know I would never side with a traitor of Rosas." His face began to sweat as the strain was growing.
*Knock knock* 🚪
"I am busy at the moment!" Magnifico yelled.
A guard burst through the door, out of breath. The king quickly threw the orb back up into the air and Flazino felt he could breathe again.
"I'm sorry, your majesty...*pant pant* but the queen has had a run in with the traitors." The guard explained.
The king's eyes widened. The star was here! "No need to apologize! I'm greatful to anyone who proves their loyalty to me." He eyed Flazino. "Call the citizens to an assembly. They need to know about this and help us catch them for the protection of Rosas."
He looked at his apprentice. "And you'll be coming with me. Just to keep an eye on you."
Flazino gulped.
We head back outside where Asha and Star had escaped as far as possible from the queen. "Okay, we're officially in crisis mode." Asha said as she pushed through the crowd. "Amaya knows we're here, and its only a matter of time before Magnifico knows too." Her voice sounded shaky.
"Well, I guess my planning skills end here, cause I'm all out ideas." Star shrugged. "And I really don't want to run into the queen again...but I'm sure I can handle Magnifico though." He assured her.
Asha tried to think of another idea, when she felt a tap on her. "Not now, Valentino. I'm trying to think of how to get inside." She shooed him away.
Valentino looked confused as he looked up at Asha.
Asha realized it wasn't her pet at all. She turned and saw the girl with glasses from earlier. Oh great, another problem...
"Hey. Hi. Sorry to bother you but I saw you earlier with your friend and wanted to ask. Is your name really Asha?" She asked, adjust her glasses.
Asha hesitated. "....Yes?"
The woman smiled and gave her a big hug. Asha was still getting used to be hugged by Star, but now this stranger(?) had the same habit too.
"Its me, Dhalia! Remember when you used to live here?" she beamed as she saw her face.
Asha's memories came back to to her. She pushed anything to do with Rosas from her mind since she was a kid.
"You really know her?" Star asked curiously.
"Of course she does! We were best friends when she lived here!" Dhalia answered for her.
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Asha was slightly less enthusiastic. "Yeah, actually we were. I just never expected to see you still here." She couldn't admit it hurt to see her former friend still living under Magnifico's thumb.
"My family is greatful for the king and queen. We came here with nothing but a little food we hand cooked, and now were cooking v for royalty!" Dhalia continued. "He's such a kind king..." She sighed dreamily.
Now Asha understood why Flazino was partially stressed about having a crush on Dhalia.
Dhalia shook her head quickly. "I can't believe you're here! I need to know everything. Like, what happened to you and your family? When did you come back? And how did you get a boyfriend of all things?"
"BOYFRIEND?!" Asha exclaimed.
Star was so flustered he had to pull the hood over part of his face, with only his mouth showing. "You're moving so fast on me, Asha!" He nervously chuckled as a bright glow started to show from his face.
(Extra fact: When stars get embarrassed or flustered, their glow brightens and act as the equivalent of a human blush, showing intense emotion)
"For pete's sake..." she ran her hands down her face.
"Oh no, that's fine we were just-"
"I insist! I'm sure our wonderful King and Queen can help you find a place here. And we'll be able to catch up!"
Oh boy, this was going south.
The sound of fanfare trumpets suddenly filled the streets.
"That's the king's assembly call. It must be important. Please, please, come with me!" Dhalia took a reluctant Asha's arm and walked with her.
"By the way, what's your name?" She asked Star.
Star completely forgot he hadn't picked a name yet. "Uh.....Ast- no, Ori- no, Betel, I mean-" this poor guy struggled.
Asha covered for him. "Cosmo! His name is Cosmo."
Star sighed in relief. "Yeah, a completely a normal human name!"
"Oooo, you must be from an exotic country!" Dhalia pointed out.
As she went forward, Asha lightly hit him on the shoulder. "What was that? All those names you've learned and you couldn't pick one?" She whispered in an annoyed tone.
"Hey, I could've picked Betelgeuse. But I don't think I would've remembered that..." Star said in defense.
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A crowd gathered outside the castle, completely packed with people from across the kingdom. The royals (and Sabor of course) stood before them, with Flazino far enough in the back.
"Now, now. Settle down everyone. We brought you here because we have an important announcement." Magnifico announced.
"Is it because of that light you did to help us sleep? Cause I really needed that." Simon asked. He really didn't look all that rested though.
"Yeah, I never had a sleep that restful!"
"It was wonderful, thank you your majesty!"
The citizens voices started to multiply as they agreed about last night's magical sleep. Star got a little bit of joy from hearing he helped others without knowing it.
Maginifco began to look annoyed. He took a deep breath. "Unfortunately, that wasn't my magic last night." He hated admitting that.
The crowd slowly stopped cheering.
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"While that power came from a source I can't identify, it was quite clumsy and amateur compared to mine." He chuckled. "Its almost like a child did it."
Star was highly offended. "Amateur?! Why you-" he started in an angry whisper, but Asha shushed him before anyone noticed.
Amaya cleared her throat. "Despite this childish display, its also forbidden. Which can only mean one thing: there's a traitor lurking in Rosas."
A collective gasp and whispers emerged amongst the crowd.
"Yes, they used this magic to challenge us and put you all at risk to do it. They have no shame in who they hurt to get to us." Amaya pretended to look sorrowful.
Dhalia whispered to Asha. "Who would even want to hurt them?"
Asha and Star were dead silent.
"But don't you worry your pretty little heads!" Magnifico assured them and giving some positivity in it. "They're no match for us! We are the strongest sorcerers in the world! And I assure you, when they're caught..."
He put out his hand that two tiny figure made of green magic. With a quick clench of his hand, they turned to dust. "They'll be dealt with permanently."
As the crowd cheered, Asha and Star exchanged a nervous glance. They were in the Lion's Den now. Flazino was visibly sweating, but kept his composure.
"Tell us any news you have. Someone acting suspicious, strange magical sightings or even late night outings after curfew." Amaya advised the citizens. "Starting with you." she pointed to a woman in the front.
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The woman looked around. "Me?" she questioned.
"Yes, you..." Amaya's voice trailed off trying to remember the woman's name.
"Wendy." Flazino coughed.
"Wendy, yes. Have you seen anything suspicious?"
Asha knew now was the time to leave before anyone questioned them, or worse yet, they were recognized.
"Oh, I just remembered, we have to go. There's a few things I haven't shown Sta- Cosmo around here, but we'll keep in touch." Asha lied through her teeth. She quickly grabbed Star and they made their way past the crowd.
"Um, sure, sure! Just keep your eyes peeled for those traitors!" She warned them.
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Once they made it far away enough without being seeing seen. The two of them tried to come up with a way to get inside. Their options were pretty low at this point.
"Okay, I'll just go so fast that they won't see us coming through. I'll be like a blur!"
Asha raised an eyebrow. "Do you think that's actually going to work?"
Star paused. "Worth a shot right?"
He carried her in his arms in a bridal style while she held Valentino. "You better hang on, cause we're going to infinity and beyond! Well, maybe not that high, but you get what I mean." With that, he took off like lightning.
Magnifico or Amaya hadn't noticed anything, and neither had the citizens. Only Sabor felt something in the sir and looked around for it.
Asha was startled during the take off, but she slowly found herself having fun during the ride. And maybe the view of Star wasn't bad either.
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(Screenshot from @orbitalmoonrat's animatic)
A few more moments and the two of them reached the top of the steps and touched the ground. "Wow....that was incredible!" Asha said nearly breathless.
Star gently put her down. "Aw, that was nothing. You should see me when I'm in the sky, I can do all sorts of tricks up there with the extra room!" He gestured upward.
"I'd like to see that, actually." She gave him a warm smile as she helped adjust the hood back on his head. The two of them shared a look for a few moments when they heard a tiny voice from behind them. They looked down and saw Valentino, shaking.
"Oh! Sorry, buddy. I guess I went a little to fast for you." He said sheepishly. 😅
"BAAAAAH!!" Valentino exclaimed in anger at Star.
Star put his hands on his hips. "Well, there's no need for name calling there..."
Asha pushed opened the heavy doors with both hands and they slammed against the walls once opened. In front of them was an unexpected sight. Magnifico's room was filled with artifacts and relics from other lands encased in glass. On the right side of the room was a miniature replica of Rosas. Apparently that caught Star's attention more. 😂
"Look at that! How did he shrink a kingdom down to this size?" Star flew over to get a better look. "And its got little people in it! How do humans do this stuff?" He admired it with curiosity as he picked up some of the figures.
"Star, stay focused here. We have to find the-" She stopped once she got closer to the objects. "No way...All of these are rare artifacts."
Star's pointed ears perked up. "Artifacts?" His curiosity immediately moved to the next thing as he put the little figures in his pockets and joined her.
Asha grabs her sketchbook and flips to a few pages with several random items drawn on each of them. The camera takes focuses on each object she announces. "There's Horvath's Hat, the Glass Slippers, the Enchanted Rose," she gasped at the fourth item, "The Sword of Fa Zhou! Flazino never told me that the king got his hands on any of these!"
"Huh. Finally something that Flazino doesn't know. Hey, what's that there?" He pointed to a golden lamp in another glass case.
"Now that's a genie lamp." Asha explained. "Legend says if you rub it, a magical being will come out and grant you three wishes!"
Star's eyes began to shine. "Wow! Wait, only three?"
Asha was going to respond when she shook her head. "What am I doing? We're supposed to be getting the wishes." She walked off, annoyed at herself.
She couldn't believe she let herself get sidetracked like that. She'd always been fascinated by historical artifacts, magic or otherwise, but she couldn't do that right now! Star's first one Asha's met to actually take an interest in it and she couldn't even enjoy it...
"The wish chamber should be close by, so we don't have far left to check."
Once they continued, they saw a huge black door standing between them and the wishes.
"All we have to do is get through here and we're set." Asha explained. "Flazino never got to tell us how to open this. Any ideas?"
Star stepped towards the door and could see his own reflection along with Asha's. He looked at the door carefully. "Maybe we just knock?" He knocked on the door three times.
Asha rolled her eyes. "It couldn't be that easy-"
The doors automatically opened.
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"Oh my gosh, it was that easy..."
Once the doors opened, they finally entered the Wish Chamber. The room had a huge blue tint covering it. Within it were Amaya's potions and a small lab that was filled with all sorts beakers and tubes of different shapes and sizes.
To the left was a large bookcase filled with magic spell books and its histories on every shelf.
"Hey, what's that?" Star pointed to a large bookcase.
Before Asha could question his comment, she looked where he was pointing and saw the the center of the bookcase contained a large book locked up inside. It had a green dragon right in the center.
"I....don't know actually. I've never seen a book like that before, and trust me, I've read enough books to open my own library."
As she was talking, Star suddenly was very quiet. He could hear small whispers coming from the bookcase, they were slowly blocking out Asha's voice.
"Give me your power."
"Release me."
The camera slowly zooms in on the book as the voices slowly grow louder, it cuts to Star's face who seems mesmerized by the voices, but still unsure if he should go forward. He felt something hit his leg and heard a different voice.
"STAR!" Asha's voice became so loud the whispers stopped. The star shook his head to come back to his senses. He looked down and saw Valentino had headbutt his leg, only this time it finally worked.
"Are you all right? Its like you were in some kind of trance." the girl asked with a look of concern.
Star blinked a few times. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I think we need to stay away from that book though. Its the only thing I don't want to touch."
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Asha agreed and the three of them walked away from the bookcase. The dragonmarked book's green glow slowly faded.
They walked to the center of the Wish Chamber and Asha flipped through a few pages of her journal.
"All right. The wishes should be over here. You can grab my saba's wish first."
Star nodded. "Sounds easy enough!" He gently floated upwards. "This thing will be a piece of..." His face changed to worry. "Oh boy..."
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They both looked up and saw a nearly endless amount of wish bubbles floating around the room. It was like looking for one star amongst the entire galaxy!
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"How many wishes do those two need?!" Star exclaimed, taken aback by the sight.
"They shouldn't have any of them." Asha explained. "This is what I was talking about, Star. All they do is take and we suffer for it."
"Seesh, how many are up here? A million?" Star asked, scratching his head.
"1,937." Asha answered rather quickly. Star looked down at her in surprise. The girl shrugged. "I-I've always been a fast counter." She cleared her throat and showed the star a picture of Sabino playing his mandolin.
"You should be able to see anyone's wishes once you look inside them. This is how my Saba's looks. He's wanted to inspire people with his music his whole life."
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(Concept art by James Aaron Finch)
Star floated closer to get a better look. He admired how happy he looked in it.
Once he got a good mental image he floated back up to the wishes and began searching. "Say, what are you gonna do? This might take a while." He asked as searched the sky blue orbs.
Asha walked over to the large bookcase across the room. "I'll see what else I can find about the king and queen. There's so many books here, one of them has to have something showing a weak point in their magic. It can help us put a stop to them permanently."
As she took out a book, Valentino brayed, wanting to know his own role.
"You can watch the door and warn us if anyone is coming here." As Valentino trotted away to his ask, Asha looked the cover of the book raises an eyebrow. "What the heck are 'Heffalumps and Woozles"? she questioned.
We cut back outside of the castle, with the crowd not really giving the royals much of a lead they need. Magnifico's face was looking more irritated.
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Sabor pawed at Magnifico's feet. "Not now, hairball." He hissed at the lynx, then continued. "Now sir, I assure you that magic isn't good- ack!"
He looked down and saw Sabor had sharply dug his claws into his leg. The lynx growled as he pointed up towards the tower.
The king looked up and saw a quick bright flash shine from it window. His eyes widened dramatically. The star is here!
"I'm sorry Mr...." he started.
"Peter, sir." Flazino told him.
"Yes, yes, whatever. I have an emergency I need to tend to!" Magnifico hurriedly said as he stepped backwards. "You can continue to ask my darling wife or even my young apprentice about anything you might have as well!"
He whispered to him, "Don't get any ideas, boy. Sabor will be watching you closely." He then darted off into the castle.
"Oh good, Flazino usually listens more anyway!" an elderly woman said.
Flazino bristled. "Hey, hey, Don't drag me into this, ma'am!"
Back inside, Star is looking at different wishes. As he touches each one, the color of the orbs turn from blue to yellow.
The orbs themselves have images that move in sand animation. (Think of it like the sandman from ROTG for the dreams)
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Star felt connected to each person's wish as he looked. One displayed an elderly woman wishing to sail across oceans and meet other lands. Another one showed a man who wished to fly great heights. (Star really liked that one) A third showed a father wishing to be reunited with his two sons.
Star could feel everyone's desires. He began to feel something he hadn't before now, something stronger than joy. These wishes meant everything to the people, and they couldn't seven pursue their own desires.
He finally reached Sabino's wish, and the particles within the orb formed the man playing for a crowd of people. He looked blissful as he played. The star gently held this wish in his hands as he watched. He could feel all the love the old man had for music, and now he understood why Asha was so determined to get the wishes back.
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Asha continued to look through the books. There were books on magic from all across the world, but none of them seemed to match what the royals used. "There has to be something were missing..."
"Asha! I found your saba's wish! Its beautiful!" Star announced from above, with a slight echo.
"Perfect! Bring it down, I just need to find one book that...." Her voiced trailed off once she saw a tattered book amongst the more immaculate ones. She quickly grabbed and opened the book.
Inside were sketches of constellations and variations of stars. Other pages included entries about connecting to the stars and how the man became inspired by them to continue his work. He felt a great power from them whenever he and his daughter looked upon them together.
"That lowlife." She seethed, her grip on the journal tightened. "He stole my father's work! All of it!" Her voice grew louder, no longer caring who heard. "I swear the next time I see him-"
Her threat was cut off when a pair of green hands had grabbed her around her waist.
Star felt something was wrong. "Asha? Are you all right?" Star began to float down when a green chain clasped around his leg. "Hey, hey, what's this?" He began to panic as he tried to pull the chain off.
"So you're that philosopher's daughter, Asha. My you've grown up to be quite a young woman. I hardly recognized you earlier." Magnifico said looking smug. Valentino had been caught as well, with the green magic wrapped around his snout to keep him quiet.
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"I have to thank you, Asha. You brought the star right to me and I didn't even have to waste more magic trying to pull it down again!" He chuckled.
"I'll never let you have him! I've seen what you can do with too much magic, and you're not going to do the same to Star!" Asha hissed at him.
Unphased, the king responded, "We'll just see about that. Besides, you're not supposed to name it. Once you name it, you start getting attached to it."
Magnifico then slowly looked above him. "Now then....let's see what this star looks like up close." He used his staff to summon him. The chains slowly pulled down Star to the floor. As he floated down, the hood covered most of his face, making him look ominous. He still held Sabino's wish.
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The king held his breath as the music swells. He had been waiting years for this moment, but he was anxious on what this creature could possibly look like, when it could quite literally be everything. "Show yourself!" He commanded.
Star slowly raised his hands and pulled the hood back, revealing his true face: a yellow glowing human(?) with bright white hair.
The music comes to a halt after the reveal, leaving Magnifico dumbfounded. The same stranger with Asha earlier was him? He narrowed his eyes at the star. "What is this?"
Star looked around, but saw nothing.
Magnifico shook his head. "No. No, you can't be a star!" He raised Asha up with his magic as she attempted to free herself. "This is what you called on?" He turned back to Star. "You're a child! I was really scared of a mere child?!"
Star crossed his arms, offended. "Hey! I just turned 18 last month. I'm far being a child, your highness. I could grow facial hair if I wanted to!"
Magnifico chuckled at first, and it slowly turned to laughter. "No wonder I couldn't find you, Amaya told me you could change forms, and you were right under my nose the whole time! I was scared of a boy! Ohhh, I needed that laugh." He wiped a tear from his eye as he finished.
He quickly jerked his staff and it dragged Star to him. He then grabs him by the collar. "At last my years of searching have come to an end. With you, we'll have all the power we desire. My wife and I will rule this world as the ultimate sorcerers!"
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(Credit to @kirimanga's Magnifico animated for this shot)
"Yeah, that's not gonna happen." Star grunted as he tried to break the chains.
Magnifico growled. This thing was putting up a fight? Why bother? It had no right, it wasn't even human.
"There is one thing I don't understand. You have the power to be anything you want on Earth...and you pick this?" He gestured to Star's human form.
Star looked him straight the in eyes. "I want to look like this." he said through gritted teeth. "And Asha called me down here because she needed me."
Magnfico's smile faded. "Fine. If you don't want to show me your full power, you can stay weak. But first," He looked over at Asha. She was terrified of him, but she refused to let it show. "You can watch me kill your little friend before I absorb you."
A bright light appeared behind the king. Before he could turn around, Star had turned into a mouse and jumped right on the king's face. "What the devil are you doing?!" He shouted as he tried to knock him off.
"Just mousing around!" the star's tiny voiced squeaked as he scurried across the man's body.
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(Trying to reference that Ratatoullie scene with Remy biting Linguini, this is the best image I could find to reference it. 😅)
The magic on Asha dissipated once his attention to her was gone. He was so frantic that for a moment, he didn't seem as intimidating.
She immediately rushed to grab her father's journal and catch Valentino before he fell to the ground.
"You okay, Val?" She asked her friend. Valentino nodded and licked her nose.
"Where's that darn cat when I need him?" The king finally got a hold of the mousey Star and threw him to the study desk.
Another bright flash and he had turned into a parrot and landed on a globe. "Come on, pretty boy. I'm right heeeere! Sqwuak!" He mocked him as he flew over his head.
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"You little pest-" Magnifico started shooting green magic at Star, only for him to keep evading him. "Wasting your magic on becoming little beasts for fun!"
Asha ran to the desk and started grabbing anything that was important along with Sabino's wish and put it in her satchel. As she grabbed what looked like a wand, she looked up at the wishes. There had to be a way to get them all down.
As Magnifico kept blasting at Star, he kept changing animals with each missed shot just to mock him. He changed back to a human to deliver this: "Hey, Maggy! I've got some magic words for you: 🎵Meega, nala kweesta!"🎵 He mocked the king in a sing-song tone.
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Magnifico was getting furious. "You dare mock me? I'm the most powerful man on Earth! You were just an accident. Called on by a desperate girl!"
Star's expression changed at that last remark.
Unfortunately for Star, the king took advantage of him being distracted. A chain wrapped around his foot and it yanked him from above. "Got you!" He exclaimed in victory.
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With all his strength he flung him across the room like a ragdoll and the star crashed onto one of the desks, destroying some of the equipment.
"Its time to finally claim what's mine!" The king took the pointed end of his staff and stabbed Star in the right shoulder. He let out a painful scream. As the yellow magic was beginning to fill the staff.
"Star!" Asha exclaimed.
Her worried eyes turned to hate as she looked the king. The heat of the moment, she looked for anything to use against him. So when she aimed the wand at him, he was met with a burst of blue light at his face. The staff stopped absorbing the magic.
Asha looked down at the wand in her hand, the magic seemed to only have one shot in its reserve. "How did I-"
Magnifico's laugh sounded borderline maniacal. "Well, Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo! You can use magic too!" He then aimed the staff at Asha and the green hands grabbed her instead.
Valentino hid under the other desk to avoid getting caught again.
"I'm ending your little rebellion right here and now. I just need your wish."
Magnifico brought the girl closer until they were face to face. His eyes had a flash of anger in them. He put hid hand near her heart and waited for her wish to become physical.
But nothing happened. How??
"What is this? Why can't I find your wish?" He snapped, frustrated at his failure.
"So much for your threat." Asha smirked. She wasn't even sure how this happened but she was greatful.
The king growled. "Then I'll do this the old fashioned way." The green hands clasped around her began to tighten like a vice. Asha screamed as she could feel herself being crushed.
At the same time, Star was feeling that same tightness around himself. It was as if his heart was being squeezed to death. He weakly opened his eyes.
He was horrified at the sight: Asha was going to be killed right in front of his eyes. Those same eyes that suddenly flared a bright yellow.
"Say hello to Tomás for me." The man grinned wickedly.
A loud, thunderous boom echoed in the room. Magnifico thought it was outside, but it was only cloudy. The room itself turned dark and air chilled.
Maginifico stopped torturing Asha for a moment and slowly looked behind himself.
What stood before him was a large humanoid figure that nearly reached the ceiling. It was a mixture of black and gold with white sparkles within it. There were gold clouds surrounding it as the figure had furious yellow eyes.
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"Mother of Gothel..." Magnifico whispered in awe.
Star quickly raised his hand and SMACK!
He hit Magnifico hard enough to send him flying, and crashed into the bookcase in the study, leaving a crack in the glass that contained the dark book. An avalanche of books fell on top of him as he lay unconscious on the floor.
Once the threat had passed, Star looked and saw Asha slowly picking herself up. His anger dissipated and the clouds swirled around him. In a moment he was back to his glowing yellow self. He quickly came to Asha's aid. Valentino was already by her side.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asked worried as he held her.
"Thanks to you, I am." she gave him a small smile. She then realized something. "Wait, what about you? You got stabbed!"
Star scoffed. "Oh that? That was nothing. I'm fit as a fiddle!" He lied.
Asha sighed in relief. "We need to get out of here. There's no way we can stay."
"What about the other wishes?"
"We'll have to save the rest of them later, we just need to go. Can you change into something that will get us out of here, fast?"
"You got it!" He placed Asha and Valentino on his back and started running towards the exit. As he passed through and picked up speed, he transformed into-
"AN ELEPHANT?!" Asha exclaimed, dumbfounded.
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"Trust me, this is way faster!" he said as he ran though the halls. They could see a group of guards heading towards them, clearly responding to the commotion inside.
An idea sparked into her head. "Star, put some of your magic on the armor!"
"Omigosh, I love that idea!" Star trumpeted some his magic as they passed by and armor instantly came to life.
"Get em' fellas!" Asha commanded them with a grin.
The living armor followed commands and rushed after the Rosas guards. They started to combat each other.
They saw the sight before them and ran back down the stairs. "I feel like I'm going mad!" One of them shouts.
"We're all mad here!" Star answered them and laughed. He leaped over the guards by growing his giant ears big enough to glide over them.
As he flew down the stairs, he saw the doors were wide opened to the outside.
"I sure hope those doors are big enough!" Star exclaimed as he touched the ground and went full speed.
"Any other questions that aren't stup- I mean important?" Amaya asked the crowd.
A blonde teen raised his hand.
"Yes, Dario?"
"Yeah, um, you gonna talk about the elephant in the castle?"
Amaya raised an eyebrow. "You mean in the room?"
"No, I mean in the castle, there's one right behind you!" Dario frantically pointed behind him.
The apprentice started to feel a rumbling underneath his feet growing stronger. He turned and saw a giant yellow elephant stampeding towards him, with Asha on top barely hanging on.
"COMING THROOOOOOUGHHHHH!!!" Both of them exclaimed.
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"HOLY- EVERYONE, RUN, NOW!!!" Flazino yelled at the crowd. It didn't take long for them to listen. The people scattered to get out of the way of the stampeding star. His trunk trumpeted as he cleared through the castle entrance and into the city. Not far behind him were a group of soldiers running after them.
Simon, who was slightly dozing off suddenly was wide awake when he saw the giant animal and ran the fastest he's ever ran before.
Bazeema was frozen with fear until Safi jumped in and saved her from being trampled.
Amaya gave a direct order to the guards. "Don't let them escape, you dolts! They're the traitors!" She then ran inside to find her husband.
"These guys just don't quit!" Star exclaimed, looking back at the group.
"STAR, WATCH OUT!!!" Asha warned him as she pointed ahead. Star looked forward only find himself tearing through many of the stalls along the path. Each one crumbled beneath his large feet. "Sorry! Sorry! I'm so sorry!" he kept apologizing with each one he destroyed.
We see Gabo laughing at the sight as Star ran. "Now that's what I'm talking about! Tear it all down!" He cheered on the two of them. He had no idea this was all one big accident.
Sabor was charging in to fight Star, but once he saw just how big Elephant!Star was and fast approaching, he screeched in fear and bailed out quickly. He went to look for Amaya instead.
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As the people continued to run in fear, Flazino helped Dahlia get to safety since she couldn't run as fast as the others. "Flaz, what the heck is going on?! Its like the whole kingdom's gone crazy!" she demanded.
"I hate my job, I hate my job, I hate my job, I hate my job-" Flazino swore under his breath. He vowed he was going to quit the minute the royals lost their power.
Star continues to run and getting closer to the castle entrance. The few guards standing there at first stood their ground, but then scrambled to get away. "I'm not getting paid enough for this!" One of them exclaimed.
"Star, I'm not feeling so good." Asha said as she touched her forehead. She was feeling a bit dizzy. Valentino looks at her with concern while thunder was beginning to rumble in the distance.
"No problem, We'll go back to the forest. Just hang in there!" Star exclaimed as he continued his stampede through Rosas. He blew his trunk to warn the rest of the citizens to move. The people dove out of the way just in time. The guards from the castle got blocked by the debris Star left behind and could follow them anymore.
The trio finally made it out of the castle, they may have left a lot of damage in their path, but they were still alive.
The starboy began to feel tired and changed himself to a horse. He appeared to be going slower than he was as an elephant.
"Okay, where do we go now?" He asked, but there was no answer. He looked behind him and saw Asha was unconscious, Valentino was very worried.
His long face was in horror. "ASHA!" Star once again changed his form to a gorilla and continued, but was he was feeling even more tired. As if he'd been running for hours, he began to lose his breath. Rain began to drizzle down but none of them took notice.
Star then changed one more time to his human form and began to move even slower. He was struggling to carry Asha and fly. As they approached the forest, Star assured an unconscious Asha.
"Its...its all right, Asha. We're gonna...make it." He slowly desenced to the ground as his flight wore off and his vision began to blur. Valentino jumped in front of him and brayed.
"Nah. I'm good, buddy." Star sounded more out of breath, his feet dragging on the ground. "I just....need to....rest..." with that, Star had fallen to the ground with Asha still in his arms. The yellow glow around him faded as well and his hair from sparkling white to grey. He had landed at the edge of the forest away from Rosas.
Both of them lay unconscious on the ground as the rain started to fall harder. Valentino brayed with worry. Neither of them were moving no matter what he did. The little goat wanted to go get help, but would that put them in danger? He began to whimper as he gently nuzzled himself between Asha and Star.
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After he closed his eyes, a shadow appeared over the three of them. The screen then fades to black.
*Collapses on couch* My gosh, that was long! I promised so many things to come at the end of the last chapter, and I don't like not keeping promises, so I had a LOT to add here. This is probably my most busy one since "I'm A Star", and literally everything happens! 😂
I actually got a lot inspiration from other rewrites and even many of the classic Disney films I've been rewatching recently. The biggest inspiration for Wish Granted is actually Hercules, since its one of my all time favorite Disney films. I loved how all the Disney Renaissance films had tons of humor, which made the action and darker scenes even better to watch, so that's the vibe I'm going for here. Though I never thought I'd use a Monster's Inc. quote in a cruel way...😅 Also yes, I'm making a point that the royals keep referring to Star as "it" and "thing" while Asha is the only one who addresses him as a person with "he".
And with this chapter, it finally happened: Star and Asha have officially joined the angst club! 😂 (Flazino has had angst from DAY ONE) They both have been messed up by the royals one way or another, its just Star is feeling pain for the first time, while Asha's pent up anger towards Magnifico and Amaya has been building up for years. And now we get a glimpse of what Star looks like when he's angry/hurt without a filter. Mags here pushed him very close to the edge of rage. It was satisfying knocking Mags senseless though. I have a design for that form I'm working on, since it'll fully appear in the final battle/chapters.
One extra thing I decided to add is that Asha carries a little bit of a trait from Belle. Only instead of just reading a vast amounts of books, she's fascinated by artifacts and its history from other lands, magical or otherwise. I thought it would be fun to have her be a closeted fangirl for fairytale relics, and treated it like a Disney version of loving comics. Think of it as a similar thing with Po being a fanboy for Kung Fu history and figures. Or a parallel to Disney experts who grew up with the movies. (Disney objects = world artifacts in a nutshell)
There's going to be another long break before the next chapter, working on the aforementioned Star's rage form, as well as designs for the royals, Sabino and Sabor. And I'll do my best to get some of those art challenges done too.
Thanks for reading!
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45 notes · View notes
judesmoonbeauty · 1 month
Vogel’s Extravagant Leisure Time - All Characters Inclusive
Not 100% Accurate. Cybird owns everything. This is their twitter campaign that is available for viewing on the X account.
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Post #1 Nica: So, now that there’s three of us free with free time, what are we going to do? Darius: I was thinking of playing a game of giving each of the Crown members a nickname. Ring: ….What great way to kill time. Are you a genius? Nica: That’s the height of boredom. OK, let’s start with the Self-Righteous Monarch.
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Post #2 Nickname Target #1 💟William💟 Darius: He’s so flawless I can’t choose one♡ Nica: Red King Ring: Piano Man Nica: Dari, you really like William don’t you. Darius: Yes♡ Ring what’s Piano Man? Ring: I saw him playing the other day. It was good. I want to listen to it again. Darius: I want to hear Will’s performance too.
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Post #3 Nickname Target #2 🐈Liam🐈 Darius: Mr. Beautifully Shaped Cat Nica: Smooth Talking Stage Actor Ring: Sparkly Pink. Nica: But I can’t see past the sparkling pink. Ring: …Because he’s flashy? He looks sparkling. And, his hair is pink and cool. Darius: You look like a child looking up to a hero, Ring. Ring: Ah, n-not really…..it’s not like I particularly admire ….him.
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Post #4 Nickname Target #3 🦊Harrison🦊 Darius: Mr. Troublesome Fox Nica: Lie Detector Ring: Droopy Tear Mole Ring: Harrison Gray. Is he troublesome? Darius: Perhaps. He might seem aloof, but I think he’s quite compassionate. Having a kid like that makes things nice and unified. Nica: Ahhh, well then my hard-work has increased.
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Nickname Target #4 🍎Elbert🍎 Darius: Mr. Greedy Beauty Nica: Bisque Doll Ring: The Desired Nobleman Darius: A bisque doll is rather blunt, Nica. Nica: Elbert was looking at a butterfly in the garden the other day, and I thought it was a real bisque doll. Ring: …..Maybe someday, we can talk about butterflies together. Nica: What was that, Ring. Ring: N-no…..nothing!
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Nickname Target #5 🪞Alfons🪞 Darius: Mr. Lewd Illusionist Nica: Shameless Mirror Man Ring: Perverted Mirror Nica: Ahaha! “Perverted mirror”, that’s a bit much. Ring: I- no different than you calling him “Shameless Mirror Man.” Darius: When I look at both of you, there are times I realize, you really are twins. It’s amusing. Nica & Ring: Really?
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Nickname Target #6 ⌛️Jude⌛️ Darius: Mr. Ruthless President Nica: Extremely Heinous President Ring: The Angry One Darius: I get the strong impression that he’s a President. Nica: Hey, Ring. That evil looking guy probably has a lot of money, next time why not ask him out to treat you to a meal? Darius: It’s as if my family doesn’t eat. Ring: Sorry, I eat a lot, but…it’s never enough.
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Nickname Target #7 🔫Roger🔫 Darius: Mr. Double-Crossing Doctor Nica: Muscle-Glasses Doctor Ring: Dog Loving Brother Darius: Roger has a dog? Nica: According to my intel, it seems he has one kept at home. A corgi named Ale. Ring: Her butt is plump and cute….I wonder if they’ll let me play with it if I ask. Darius: I want to play with it too. Nica & Ring: ……
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Nickname Target #8 ⛓️Ellis⛓️ Darius: Mr. Dangerous President’s Assistant Nica: President’s Personal Assassin Ring: Kind Bean Pole Ring: Ellis Twilight’s an assassin? Nica: That’s right, he approaches as easily as breathing and then- whoa! Ring: ! T-that surprised me…. Nica: Ahaha, what’s with that face? Just like you when you were a kid! Darius: Yes, both of you should make sure you don’t get killed.
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Nickname Target #9 💀Victor💀 Darius: Absolutely not, I don’t want to give one♡ Nica: Long-Haired Eccentric Guy Ring: Energetic Cooing Pigeon Nica: I’d like to pursue an investigation of Dari’s secret dislike of the Queen’s Aide, but Ring what’s with the cooing pigeon? Ring: He’s amazing. He can send out pigeons at will, and there’s lot of them. Nica: That can’t be true!/Das kann nicht wahr sein!* Darius: Ah, that sort of thing irritates me.
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Final Post: Darius: Ha~♡ It was fun to see so many cute Crown members. Ring: As usual, I don’t understand Dari’s meaning of cuteness. Nica: Hey, let’s go now, I’m hungry. Darius: -Before that. Did you two notice that I’ve been dropping hint the entire time?
Ring: Hints? Darius: The initials related to the cursed from the Alice In Wonderland group. Nica: Ah, ahaha, I see. Certain words pop up in the order they were targeted. Ring: I am the only one who doesn’t know what you’re talking about? Darius: Maybe something fun will happen if you solve the mystery.
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*I'm not sure if I translated this line correctly or not.
Tags list: @theimaginativelyreticent @sapphire-323 @sh0jun @letter-from-afar
Divider: @/natimiles
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yesimwriting · 1 year
⋆。°✩ yesimwriting's masterlist⋆。°✩
Below the cut is a full list of all my work :) (updated 10-10-23)
*pls limit interactions if you’re a pro ED/ana acc :)*
Final Girl 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 
Chapter 10
To be continued.
Final Girl fic-verse:
First Impressions 
Sick Day
Final Girl fic-verse blurbs:
Drunk Y/N 
Stu saying the L word
Billy saying the L word
Little Rituals  
Time of Need
Talking about Y/N
Stu’s thoughts about Y/N and POV
Billy Loomis x S/O with Panic attacks 
Stu waiting for Y/N and Casual Intimacy
 Billy and Stu with S/O who cries a lot 
Billy and Stu Scaring Guys Away
People noticing their friendship 
Driving with Stu 
Ethan Landry 
One of Them
Ask about Ethan 
Noticing they like Y/N
Joel Miller
First Rule
What Follows
Y/N gets hit on - Protective Joel 
Pulling Away
Pulling Away similar story
More Than This 
Tate Langdon 
Modern day fic
Jason Todd
Slow Nights
Business Practical
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Steve Harrington
Movie Club
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Times Have Changed
48 Hours
Chapter 1
A Red Widow
This Time it’s Different 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
TASM Peter 
Domestic Assertiveness 
Hobbie Brown 
Ask about Hobbie
Bloodroot in the Suburbs 
Chapter 1: The Babysitter 
Chapter 2: Kill Habits, Not people 
Searing Starlight
Searing Starlight Chapter 1
Searing Starlight Chapter 2
Searing Starlight Chapter 3
To be continued.
Kaz Brekker:
Blurb series: The Promise of Rain (i define a blurb series' as a series with shorter chapters where each chapter correlates but can technically be read as a stand alone)
The Promise of Rain (blurb 1).
The Promise of Rain (blurb 2).
The Promise of Rain (blurb 3)
To be continued.
Falling Angels:
Falling Angels Chapter 1
Falling Angels Chapter 2
To be continued.
Anastasia (Prologue) 
Bookworm reader 
A Knife in the Back
The Darkling:
Solace (part 1)
Solace (part 2).
To Be Alone (smut).
All the Good Dreams (might be getting a part 2)
The Needs of Pain (part 1)_
The Needs of Pain (part 2, smut).
Corridor Moments
darkling x shy! reader HC
Comforting the darkling HC
Playing Vices
Darkling x anxious! Reader
Kirigan x Soft Girls/Similar personality 
Crossing Lines 
Darkling x Pregnant! Reader 
Nikolai Lantsov:
Handmaid reader x nikolai. childhood best friends to 
lovers fic
Enemies to lovers Nikolai HC (i'm thinking of making a series based on this
The Problem With Light Chapter One
To be continued.
Maven Calore:
Dying Starlight
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