#mrs naegi
theamityelf · 4 months
If you had to put a twist on Makoto's parents what would it be? Honestly the fandom doesn't do them any justice, I barely see any headcanons with them and that makes me a bit bummed. I saw someone make a post on how maybe they were ultimates in the past with Makoto and Komaru vaguely inherting their talents (Ultimate Lawyer for the mom and Ultimate Sniper for the dad). What really caught my interest though was when someone pointed out that the reason Komaru might be so cool with Toko/Syo is because one or both of her parents were kinda yanderes. Mr. Naegi definitely has that look that something is off about him so it kinda works but Mrs. Naegi could be to but manages to behave in a way that doesn't draw attention to her.
Honestly I could see how Makoto's strong belief may have come from them as well but that might be a bit far fetched. I just enjoy the idea of everyone thinking Makoto and Komaru are normal only for them to turn around and do some crazy sh*t.
The funny thing is, before I clicked to check this ask, when I only saw the first sentence, I was already thinking in somewhat yandere terms.
(Also, all of this is just me brainstorming, lol.)
I don't think I want them to be Ultimates, because I really value when characters aren't Ultimates, but I definitely lean in the direction of them being lowkey super abnormal in ways that resulted in both their kids' guise of normalcy and their kids' unusual tolerance for ridiculosity.
The first thing I imagined (again, before I read the full ask) was that Mr. or Mrs. Naegi killed the teacher who snuck into Komaru's room that one time. Like, they caught him sneaking in and now he's buried in their yard, and when Komaru brought up seeing a ghost in her room, they were just like "That's right, honey, it was a ghost." I don't know if I more enjoy the idea of them being hypocrites about this (like, teaching the kids that murder is Just Wrong no matter what, without a hint of irony) or super honest (like, "Murder is wrong, but if someone messes with my kids, I'll kill 'em. I'll do it." "Daaaad..." "We're not saying we want to, honey, we're just saying we will." "Moooom!")
(Or maybe we could take that same intensity, and instead of murder, make it more psychological warfare, to kind of mirror Makoto and Komaru's people skills.)
Just generally, I find it fun to imagine the Naegi parents as almost bizarre caricatures of normalcy. Almost like they're putting on an act of what humans are like, except they genuinely think they're being normal. They're deliberately availing their kids of the most basic, popular media enjoyed by the masses, because that's what people do; those are the things people enjoy. (They'll go to the movies, not having seen any trailers or feeling any anticipation for a particular film, and they just pick whatever movie the most other people in the ticket line went for.) They know the exact average time most people have dinner and that's dinnertime for the house. (It doesn't end in :00, :15, :30, or :45; it is a very irregular and specific time.)
It sounds like it would be strict and meticulous, but in execution, they're so casual about it that it wouldn't seem weird until you heard them explain it.
When Makoto says he's extremely average, he's not just being self-deprecating; he is giving an accurate description of his family's lifestyle.
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chirpos-pencil · 7 months
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Mrs. Naegi, no! Don't seek vengeance😨
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danggirlronpa · 7 months
Mrs. Naegi/Hiroko anon again. I somehow only just how realised this would make Hiro into Makoto and Komaru's stepbrother. I for one accept this reality gladly
We as a society really undervalue the potential Yasuhiro-Komaru friendship that Makoto would try to block at all costs. Frenemy dynamic between Komaru "sees actual ghosts, but is also so easy to scam" and Yasuhiro "the paranormal is bullshit except My paranormal, but I do love to scam people" end up in an actual, honest to God fistfight, and when Mrs Naegi drags Komaru over to apologize, she takes one look at Hiroko and has a full sexuality crisis in the hallway. The kids get into a second fistfight. Neither of them notice
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momomaizono · 2 years
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Out of context The Hamster House meme
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you guys should totally go check out my mutual’s Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde AU on tiktok and ao3 >_<
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Happy Father's Day to the only fathers that matter
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Oh, yeah and him too I guess
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graveyard-society · 1 year
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i keep forgetting to post a comic thingy i made but i'm out right now and have no way to access the files, have a hajime air guitar
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okthatsgreat · 10 months
they call me the predictabl.er . bcs im,,, uh. ok whatever. makoto for the headcanon ask game
CALL ME THE PREDICTER THE WAY I BE also so many of these are postgame/ultimate hope makoto thats my bad but you understand ........
headcanon a (realistic): he's REALLY had to improve his public speaking skills as the ultimate hope. i imagine makoto is very good at speaking his mind when he is passionate about something, but most other times he can't just improvise a speech on the spot. like he needs to THINK for a while yknow.... or else he just gets into his head about it. thats also why i headcanon a lot of his speeches being written for him which plays into the dilution of his whole hope persona and him turning into a brand and idea rather than a person 😎 you KNOW im always on that ultimate hope as a corporate idea bullshit .. also i always draw him with moles on his face WHATEVER ! WHATEVER !!!!
headcanon b (may not be realistic but it is hilarious): didn't know how to tie a tie during his time at hopes peak and either asked his family to do it or got one of his classmates to do it before the bell rang LMFAO. i imagine there were multiple times where he asked byakuya only for him to be like "ffs naegi 😒 fine"
headcanon c (heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends): he's such a wreck but there is no possible time for him to fall apart. it's not even about whether or not he is capable of grief, it's just that he CAN'T, even if his friends tell him its fine. this is the ultimate hope we're talking about!!! he can tell people about his grief very vaguely but he can never give them the full details of his trauma or his struggles because then they will view him as somebody to be pitied and coddled rather than somebody to admire. he can suggest that he feels bad about the killing game but he can't divulge further than that because it isn't about telling the truth, it's about making his audience comfortable. the people closest to him are so aware that he is treading an extremely fine line between completely breaking down but there truly isn't much they can do unless they convince him to step down as the ultimate hope, disappointing countless
headcanon d (unrealistic, but i will disregard canon about it): he is not a pretty crier. when that guy finally cries he cries hard, im talking completely unresponsive level of tears
headcanon ask game!!!
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hopeful-sluts · 10 months
How many boys love staring at Ms . Fujisaki and Naegi as they work out in their yoga pants?~
Well the simple answer would be that nearly all of them do~! But each one of them have their own admirers for example:
Mondo just loves to help out Ms. Naegi with push-ups totally not eyeing up her wobbly booty whenever it jiggles from going up and down!
Leon is doing his best to keep his boner hidden in his shorts while seeing Ms. Fujisaki run or walk on the treadmill, her body just naturally sways side to side~! Not even mentioning how her huge boobs bounce whenever she runs~!
Kaito likes to give both the ladies a firm slap on their giant asses whenever they finish a set, much to the MILFs enjoyment~
Great Gozu most certainly enjoys the post-workout treatment that Ms. Naegi gives him, she just loves a strong man after all and if his heavy balls need to be milked cause of her giant butt then she’ll help~!
But of course that’s just a few examples, every boy loves seeing the two MILFs workout and each show that appreciation in their own way whether directly or not~
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snapling · 2 years
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oh yeah, i had drawn my hajime's dad oc again, and also makoto's dad
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togamicrying · 2 years
lrb reminded me of the fact that hagakures mom is also a milf. naegami is over. komahina is dead. we're shipping danganronpa milfs now. take my hand. imagine what life could be.
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chirpos-pencil · 1 year
The M in Makoto stands for Motivation.
Like whenever I want to try something new, all I have in my mind is to create something with him.
Why I want to learn 3D Art? So I can make a model of Makoto.
Why I want to learn Pixel Art? So I can recreate battles from oldschool RPG games with Makoto.
Why I want to learn Programming? So I can make a Makoto fan website and small Makoto projects.
Why I want to learn Game Development? So I can make a mini Makoto game.
Why I want to learn Animation? So I can make Makoto move.
Why I want to-
Just Makoto!
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kotaerukoto · 1 year
what is makoto's opinion on borgar?
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"Meat's expensive, so there aren't very many opportunities to have things like it," Makoto said. He was just a regular student with no part-time job, so things like his personal budget were limited on top of his family preferring to err on the side of frugality. That familial habit had been instilled in him, too, at least to some extent. But even so, even then... "Still, whenever I see a good burger, I can't help but get hungry. I don't think there's anything wrong with eating something unhealthy or pricey... At least once in a while."
Call him a carnivore because he definitely likes eating meat.
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momomaizono · 2 years
I don’t think there’s anything scarier than looking up Makoto’s mom on Google
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zapsoda · 2 months
chapter 6 is really difficult because theres a lot of expsition and good character moments but there is an equal amount of the characters saying the same fuckiing shit over and over again oh my god get to the point
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onymonch · 11 months
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You spent some time with Hifumi.
Hifumi appreciation post because he deserved to be written better. Hes still a loser and a bit of a creep unintentionally, but once you let him in he is SO loyal and friendly.
Bonus art, I've been parroting "mr naegi" all day
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