sohypothetically · 13 days
A Tale of Zombie Tech
Recently, I experienced a service failure of my own making. One that seemed like a technical failure. A product failure. An automation failure. A PEOPLE failure.
So why am I even writing this? We got it resolved, right?
We did. But here’s the thing: if you’re a business – or a non-profit – and you think your customers are going to tell you when things go wrong, they’re not. They’re not going to want to bother you with something like a technical failure. Can’t get to your donation site? If they’re lucky, they’ll mail you a check. Maybe reach out personally to someone and get a working link or QR code.
So what should you do?
Talk to your donors/customers. Nothing replaces this! Ask them specifics about their interactions. Follow it up by looking at where they are coming into your infrastructure and have automations that can help you spot holes or issues. Understand that your donors in particular do not want to “cause problems” or be the squeaky wheel: whether it’s a misspelling, a bad QR code or link, or a newsletter that’s mis-formatted.
Lastly, TAKE DOWN your old infrastructure. End of life it. Upgrade it. Do something with it. Announce changes to customers and discuss timing if you must but don’t leave it up there to wither and die a tragic death. Nothing hurts an organization more than outdated stuff sitting out there and representing the brand. Your product lifecycle doesn’t end at launch.
--------Read on for the specifics of our SPOOKY cautionary tale-------
Nine years ago, Doc and I took over a retail philanthropy fandom fundraising event. (This is where someone donates to a charity, shows a receipt and gets something in return from fandom creators as a reward for the donation. It’s a fun way to support a charity or groups of charity vertical market segment and mobilize a like-minded set of donors.) Because he and I over-engineer everything (and we believe everything has a technical solution), we decided to build a platform to control access and formatting to the submissions of our fandom creatives.
It will be easy, Doc said.
So, we built access control, messaging, a way to track submissions, leave comments and reviews, communicate via blog and auto-post to it, viewing (think e-reader viewing) and downloading capabilities in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF all accessible through a website with a database back-end. I think it took us a month or so to get all the kinks out. (For those of you who are fandom afficionados, think ff.net or archiveofourown.org but with an access gate that is per user per collection, with a Tumbler-esque blog component.)
We ran marketing campaigns and events from 2016 to 2018 successfully with participants in more than 30 countries.
…And then we sort of forgot about it. I left my work gig in 2018 to start a start-up and then found out my mother had Stage 4 cancer. I jetted around the country taking care of her, start-up and non-profit work forgotten. Doc was home taking care of Squid and working to hold the family together. Periodically, we would touch base and discuss stats, look at where connections were coming from, that sort of thing. But even that dwindled. Covid hit. I started consulting after my mom passed away. I wrote original stories and took a fandom hiatus, except for a holiday collection I help run behind the scenes.
Fast forward to this year and a contact from an author who needs us to remove a work from a collection so they may make it into an original. No problem, Doc said. Should be easy, we both said. We have an operational meeting for what’s entailed because of the multiple download formats. We come up with a timeframe. We communicate with the author.
We never check the infrastructure. It’s down. Like deader than a doornail, no access to it nowhere, no how.
Doc has a theory of what he thinks the problem is. He goes to check it on the VM he runs locally as a back-up copy. That crashes. Turns out his VM is out of date. Updates the VM. Still won’t run. He recalls we had a network change, so he modifies network settings. VM comes up but it’s a dog that won’t hunt. Screen resolution settings are jacked. He fixes that. Goes to test PHP, which he thinks is the problem, but he can’t because the OS is out of date. 4 versions out of date.
A week later, and we’re sort of back in business. We can finally fulfill the author’s request, which is great, but we’re a week behind schedule and we both have day jobs. Was this stress we needed? No. Should we have planned better? Probably.
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hutchhitched · 6 years
For Every Season (MS2SL 2018)
Hey, all! I realized as I was going over stuff these evening that I hadn’t posted my story for the most current round of @mores2sl. Here’s my contribution. I hope it gives you warm feelings. ;)
Author’s Note: This story has evolved over the course of almost five years, and I’m pleased to finally present it in its entirety and with a revised title. Huge thanks to @sohypothetically for her hard work organizing @mores2sl and encouraging story completion. Thanks to my betas for these stories over the years:  @cheeks-and-white-tshirts, @jennagill, @myusernamehere, and @xerxia31. Y’all are awesome. <3
 Winter (An Unbearable Cold)—Originally written for @promptsinpanem’s 2013 Special Holiday Challenge. Artwork courtesy of @ombradellaluna.
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 Spring (A Welcome Heat)—Originally written for @promptsinpanem’s Round Five (The Language of Flowers), Day Six (Hazel/Reconciliation).
 Autumn (Warm Place to Fall)—Originally written for @promptsinpanem’s Farewell Tour, Prompt: Intimate Portraits, Number 5.
 Summer (Hot Damn)—Originally written for MoreS2SL’s Summer 2018 collection. Prompt: When We Were Young (Childhood)
  Summer—Hot Damn
 “It’s so goddamn hot!” Katniss whined and slammed her glass of orange juice down on the countertop. Peeta glanced up at her from the table and rolled his eyes at her dramatics. She glared at him, and he winked before rising and crossing to her.
 “You’re so goddamn hot,” he murmured as he tugged her into his embrace and nuzzled behind her ear.
 She closed her eyes for a few seconds but caught herself before allowing him to sidetrack her. It took her a minute to gain control, but when she did, she pushed against his shoulders and locked her gray eyes with his blue ones.
 “Do not attempt to distract me. We’ve got to figure out what to do about this apartment. I can’t take another summer with questionable central air, and our lease is almost up.”
 He tightened his arms around her and ran his left hand down her back to cup her butt. “I love it when you’re irritable. It’s so sexy,” he teased and dropped kisses along her jawline until she grinned.
 “I’m sorry,” she sputtered as he tickled her sides. “I’m not trying to be bitchy. I’m really not.”
 Her eyes flooded with tears, and she fought to extricate herself from his loving embrace. Her recent mood swings upset her, and she wasn’t sure why she’d been so emotional or exhausted the past few weeks. Neither was like her, and she didn’t enjoy the sensation. She’d been with Peeta long enough to be okay with him seeing her vulnerable side, but crying at the drop of a hat wasn’t her idea of opening up to him.
 “I know you aren’t, sweetheart,” he assured her softly. “I just wish you’d tell me what’s wrong.”
 She bobbed her head and dropped her eyes to stare at his flat stomach. Her fingers itched to get underneath the cotton and run her fingers along his abs. She flushed at her thoughts and stepped away from him.
 “The only thing wrong is that I gave up my job and moved here so we could spend more time together and now… Now you have to go to work, and what I want you to do is take off all your clothes and give me a lap dance.”
 Peeta snorted, and she grinned at him. He eyed her for a few seconds, and she could tell he was tempted. When he hesitated, she waved at him to go get ready. He had a meeting, and she knew he didn’t want to be late.
 “But you look so cute today,” he wailed and stuck out his lower lip. “I could call in sick. We could stay in bed and relive our youth.”
 “We’re 23!”
 “And my body’s falling apart,” he insisted. With a wink, he lifted the hem of his t-shirt and exposed a patch of warm, golden skin that made steam come out her ears. “See?”
 “Hngghh,” she hummed and closed her eyes tightly. “I’m going to count to five, and you better not be standing there with your six-pack taunting me when I open them.” Counting backward slowly, she drew in a ragged breath and attempted to calm herself. As she reached zero, she sucked in a lungful of air and opened her eyes.
 “Boo,” Peeta whispered and leaned in to kiss her.
 Katniss moaned as his tongue swept into her mouth, and he shifted against her so she could feel his length. His arms wrapped around her back and tugged her to him, and she tilted her head so his tongue could travel lazily down her neck and tickle her collar bone.
 “Hot damn,” she gasped and tore at his shirt. “Hot fucking damn.”
 He backed her against the refrigerator, and she squirmed against him as magnets that held their to do lists and reminders dug into her back. His hand squeezed her breasts before he slid to his knees and kissed along the waistband of her sleep shorts. He tickled her upper thighs as his tongue marked her stomach, and she wrapped her fingers in his hair as her eyes drooped closed.
 “Your meeting,” she panted, and he chuckled against her belly button.
 “Don’t care.”
 “It’s your job,” she insisted half-heartedly, but she didn’t really want to convince him. What he was doing to her felt too good to want to stop.
 “I’ll find another one,” he teased and tucked his fingers up the legs of her shorts to torment her through the mound of hair between her legs.
 She cursed as her skin heated under his touch. “I’m so hot,” she grunted, and he murmured his agreement. “No, I mean I’m burning up! It’s a million degrees in this damn kitchen.”
 “Guess I better get you naked fast then.”
 “Dammit, Peeta—”
 His lips closed over hers, and he made short work of her sleep shorts and camisole. As his tongue plundered her mouth, he twirled her around until her butt hit the kitchen island. She considered fighting him for about three seconds before she gave in and shoved his boxers over his hips. When his erection brushed against her leg, she released an animalistic growl that clearly excited her boyfriend.
 “You like that, huh?” he grunted after breaking a bruising kiss. When she nodded, he spun her and twisted her braid around his palm. “Bend over, baby. We haven’t done this in forever.”
 Katniss yelped as he kneed her legs apart and traced her slit with the tip of his cock. She jutted backward in a desperate attempt to get him inside her, but he had other ideas. His right hand inched around her waist, and she squealed when his middle finger reached down to fondle between her legs again. She ground against him, trying to guide him to her clit. He chuckled in her ear at her exasperated groans before finally giving into her pleas.
 “I’m gonna fuck you hard,” he promised in a harsh whisper and nipped at her shoulder.
 “Quit being a dick, and use it on me.”
 He snorted at her dirty directive and slapped it against her lower back a few times before parting her cheeks and pushing into her heat.
 “Yes, ma’am. Shit, shit, shit, yeah,” Peeta moaned as she arched back against him. She could feel his tension, his urge to move, but he stilled inside her as she adjusted to his girth.
 “Peeta,” she whined as he tugged her braid again and finally bucked against her. He was so big, filling her so tightly she felt as if she might split in two if he didn’t move immediately. “Peeta, I need— I don’t know what I need. Just please.”
 “I know what you need,” he growled in her ear before biting the lobe. She winced, but the pain faded in comparison to the jolt that went through her when he pumped in and out a few times.
 “What? What do I need?”
 “That breathy little question… So sexy,” he grunted. “You need it hard, and you need it rough. You think you’re so hot. I’ll show you hot.”
 Panting, Katniss lay over the countertop and gripped the opposite edge of the island. The cool granite felt amazing against the burning skin of her breasts and pelvis. She was on fire, burning brighter than the sun, as Peeta slammed into her ass repeatedly. His rough entrances pulled tortured cries from her that mingled with his fevered ramblings. His words were filthy, dirtier than she’d ever heard him use before, and the profanity falling from his silver tongue drove her wild.
 “Harder,” she pled as her knees weakened. Her toes barely grazed the floor as he drove her higher onto the counter. She was sopping wet and stretched underneath him. They weren’t close to done yet, and she already felt her arousal dampening her upper thighs as he pulled the moisture from her with his insistent strokes. “Please. More.”
 “I’ll give you more,” he promised, his voice raspy and broken. “Katniss, sweet Jesus, you’re so… Christ! I can’t stop.”
 She tried to answer, but the force of his thrusts drove the breath from her lungs until all she could do was whimper her approval. She was completely at his mercy, and he was more than merciful as her body unwound. Her walls convulsed around him, and he hissed as she drew him in further. She thrashed and sobbed his name as he lost control and pounded her from behind with a punishing rhythm. Searing heat ripped through her, and she closed her eyes against the bruising strength of her orgasm.
 Black dots danced before her eyes as they collapsed in a heap together, him cradling her in his lap. He washed her face and neck with scorching desperate open-mouthed kisses. She fought to keep her eyes open, and her lips sought anything of his she could reach. Sweat poured from them, and she relished the slickness of their skin as they slid against each other, frantic for the feel of their skin together.
 Minutes, hours, days later, Katniss buried her face in his shoulder and murmured his name. His arms tightened around her, as loving and gentle as he’d been relentless before he poured into her.
 “I don’t care what you say,” Peeta croaked, “that was totally worth missing work.”
 Katniss laughed and playfully smacked his chest, but any sort of reprimand was lost because of the noodle-like consistency of her limbs. “If you lose your job, I’m going to be so mad I quit mine to move here,” she teased and wiggled her bottom against his groin.
 “Stop, sweetheart. Too soon.”
 She turned her head and kissed him languidly for several minutes before stopping to gulp in air. “This isn’t terribly comfortable,” she observed. “If you’re going to get fired, can’t you at least treat me like a queen while we still have the means to do so?”
 Peeta kissed the tip of her nose and then stumbled to his feet with her in his arms. “How about we move this to the bedroom? I’ll turn the air conditioner down another notch and make it as cold as a popsicle in there.”
 “Just so long as you’re warm where it counts. I like popsicles, but not on you.”
 Peeta chuckled and kissed her temple as he walked them down the hall. “Dirty, dirty girl. I’m sure everything will work the way it’s supposed to if you give me a little bit more time to recover.”
 “But until then?”
 “Until then, I’ve got ideas for you.”
 He tossed her onto the bed and pulled her legs so they hung off the edge. He dropped to his knees in front of her and immediately knelt to kiss her inner thighs. She squealed as his lips pressed gently against her slit, but he rendered her silent when his tongue flicked out and caressed her tenderly.
 Her mind slipped as her fingers curled in his hair and he feasted on her. It was still hard to believe that her best friend for years had become the single most important person in her life in such a short time. She recalled their first coupling—her nearly frozen from sledding without proper dress and her new boyfriend terrified to hurt her—and the loving way he’d warmed her icy skin. She tilted her head back as the feel of his tongue reminded her of their reunion following spring break when they’d fucked in her kitchen for the first time. Although she liked to goad him about quitting her job, she hadn’t fostered a single regret in the nine months since he’d surprised her with a bonfire in the woods and, surrounded by autumn leaves and sunlight, worshiped her body with his. So many memories peppered the moments in between, and she loved every one of them.
 Her hands slipped from his hair to his shoulders, and she dug into them with her fingernails. He responded in turn by shoving her legs wider and grasping her ankles. When he tilted his head so he could tunnel his tongue deeper inside her, she reached up to cover his hands with hers and pull her ankles up past her ears.
 “You taste amazing,” he mumbled against her. “I love you.”
 “I love you,” she wheezed, and her body vibrated under his touch. Her leg muscles jumped and quivered with the effort to stay open for him, and tiny pulses deep inside her foreshadowed her imminent orgasm.
 The air conditioner pumped frigid air into the room, but Katniss barely felt it. Instead, her entire consciousness focused on the man kneeling before her and winding her continually tighter until she bowed and snapped. Arching off the bed, she gnashed her teeth and locked her thighs so tightly she feared she’d crush his skull. As her body convulsed, all she registered was the sheer amount of moisture covering her lower body.
 “Peeta,” she breathed. “Peeta, Peeta, Peeta.”
 Her head slipped sideways, a dopey smile gracing her face, and he rose and wiped his mouth. With a satisfied smirk, he stretched out next to her and cuddled her to him.
 “I think I might add that to my resumé.”
 “You should,” she laughed and attempted to get feeling back in her sprawled legs. “Hot damn. For the 74th time.”
 He trailed his fingers up and down her torso, and she shivered as the pad of his thumb brushed the underside of her tender breasts and then skimmed over the dip of her belly button.
 “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured against the curve of her shoulder.
 Sighing, she closed her eyes for a moment and a wave of exhaustion washed over her. She shifted onto her side and snuggled into her pillow. The sudden need overrode everything—including attraction to her boyfriend.
 “Tired,” she yawned without opening her eyes, and Peeta leaned forward to kiss her forehead.
 “Sleep, then,” he ordered gently and draped an arm around her waist to pull her tighter against him.
 She did, but it was restless slumber since she was unable to stop her mind from whirling. Something didn’t add up, and she couldn’t get it to make sense. She was missing it. What she wasn’t sure, but a niggling worry danced along the edges of her mind. She didn’t have any looming deadlines, no work contracts that needed filing or reports to submit. Arrangements were already made for her sister’s visit over Thanksgiving, and she’d hidden Peeta’s Christmas present deep in her underwear drawer weeks ago.
 What could be wrong?
 Disgruntled, she shook herself awake from her uneasy nap and shuddered as she realized how sweaty and filthy she felt. She kissed Peeta gently on the lips and slipped from the bed. He grunted as the mattress shifted beneath him, but she whispered, “I’m going to shower. Go back to sleep.”
 Standing under the spray, she soaped herself and grimaced as she cleaned her chest. She couldn’t remember the last time her breasts hurt so badly. It had to be because they’d grown a size in the past several weeks and she hadn’t had time to shop for bras to fit her new size. She rinsed and stepped from the shower into the swelter of unconditioned air and wiped herself dry as best she could. After quickly brushing and braiding her hair, she wrapped herself in her cotton bathrobe and stepped back into the frigid air of the bedroom.
 “Wh-what are you doing?” Katniss stammered.
 Peeta sat on the bed, dressed in a dark suit that made his blue eyes into pools the hue of the ocean. His ashy blonde hair was slicked back in a pompadour, and his long, artistic fingers twitched at the sound of her voice.
 “I’ve been wanting to do this for a while,” he started, and her heart dropped when he stood and then bent to kneel on one knee. “And I meant for it to be a little more romantic—nighttime or something. Maybe dinner, some flowers. Whatever. I know I should do this differently, but…”
 She blinked at the image of him, and the room around her blurred. In flashes of clarity, she noticed a few lit candles and music, a slow ballad she loved, streaming from his phone on the nightstand.
 “But?” she gasped, unable to process what was before her.
 “Today seemed like a really good day to stay home from work and spend time with you. And then we, uh, we… Well, you are the sexiest woman I’ve ever met, and you’re so giving and loving and generous with your body. And your heart. And you make me so… I get so hot with you, and you taste so good. I’m not making any sense.”
 She shook her head, her eyes wide and her mouth agape.
 “What is happening?”
 “Katniss Everdeen, I’ve loved you since you were five, and I can’t imagine my life without you in it. The past few years have been the best I’ve ever experienced, and I want nothing more than to make more memories with you.” He gulped and closed his eyes briefly, but when he opened them, the gleam there showed how serious he was. “Katniss, you are the only woman I’ve ever loved. Will you please do me the honor of being my wife?”
 The silence that followed his words deafened her. She blinked stupidly several times and then swayed. She staggered sideways, and he was at her side in an instant, gripping her elbow and ushering her to the bed where she dropped to the mattress in a stupor.
 “Woozy,” she offered in explanation and then studied him. “You want me to marry you? You…I mean, really?”
 Peeta’s lips quirked in a gentle smile, and he held a small velvet box out to her. She flipped up the lid of the box and stared at the ring inside—a square diamond bordered with tiny pearls.
 “Yes, I want you to marry me.”
 “Is this real?”
 “Both the ring and the proposal.”
 Katniss lifted her eyes to his. Dazed, she registered the loving look he always had for her. It was an incredible gift he offered, to be her husband and become her family, and she wanted it more than she could fathom. Bursting into tears, she nodded and stammered her acceptance. Peeta slipped on the ring and took her face in his hands, so he could lift her lips to his.
 “Thank you,” he breathed as he kissed her. “I can’t wait to build a life with you. Make babies with you. Share a last name.”
 Her heart stuttered to a stop, and something clicked in the back of her memory. Family… Her mood swings. Her tender breasts. The stash of tampons in the cabinet in the bathroom she hadn’t replaced last month.
 “Oh my god,” she moaned, and Peeta murmured his agreement as his hand slipped beneath her robe.
 “You’re not really surprised, are you? You know how much I love you.”
 “It’s not that. Oh, crap. How could I not have figured this out?”
 “I’m a master of surprises,” he joked and pulled her to him in a tight hug.
 “No, no, no. Not that. Peeta, I have to tell you something.”
 “As long as it’s not changing your mind about marrying me, you can tell me anything.”
 Katniss choked on her laughter and hastily swiped the tears from her cheeks. She shook her head and reached down to grip both of Peeta’s hands.
 “Peeta, I think I know why I’ve been so emotional lately.” He quirked an eyebrow but waited patiently for her to continue. “I know I’ve been a little out of character recently—much more emotional, a shorter fuse, completely exhausted. Honey…I think I might be pregnant.”
 He was quiet for a split second, his face a mask of shock, and then two words fell from his lips.
 “Hot damn!”
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justajjfan · 6 years
Fifty Year’s Worth (chapter 2 preview)
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Thank you to all those who have sent me their support for this story I wrote for MoreStories2SaveLives - Summer 2018 Collection. 
My thanks to @sunsetsrmydreams for being my beta-extraordinaire and for gifting me this beautiful banner.
Here is a small preview of chapter 2 which I have just posted on AO3. I hope you enjoy reading it.  
It is written that angels who relinquish their immortality for a life in the mortal world will be sent to a dark place between heaven and hell called purgatory once their mortal lives end. They must wait to account for their lives with our heavenly father through purification before they can re-enter heaven again and to an eternal life in paradise. For some poor souls, purification never comes.
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xerxia31 · 6 years
Not Real
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All Katniss Everdeen wanted was to see the one who got away one last time...
My contribution to the Fall 2018 edition of More Stories to Save Lives, in support of Hope for Caroline. Rated T.  Also cross posted to AO3. 
Commander Katniss Everdeen stood in front of Trident Hyperrealism Industries, housed in a glossy candy-coloured glass building that stretched up to the sky, and wondered for the hundredth time what she was doing. This was definitely not her district, not her scene at all. But she’d made a promise, and Katniss always kept her word. Clenching her jaw, she pushed through the doors. Her perfectly polished uniform boots clicked on the slick marble flooring, echoing through the massive, opulent lobby. Vases of tropical blooms perfumed the carefully climate-controlled air, contributing to the feeling of decadence. Everything about the space, the building, the whole damned city, was an affront to Katniss. It was all too shiny, too gaudy, too fake.
Though she was on Earth, her planet, the Capitol was as different from her home in District Twelve as any of the outer rim planets she’d visited in her two plus years in command of the starship Mockingjay had been. Foreign and loud and filled with people who had more in common with exotic birds than with Katniss herself, the Capitol might as well be in the delta quadrant instead of nestled in the Rockies only a fifteen second teleport from home.
Katniss shook her head. She had to stop thinking that way. The Capitol was her home now. District Twelve was no more than a memory. She made her way to the reception desk, gave her name, and was directed to an elevator bank, a charmingly old school feature of an otherwise thoroughly modern building. The four-floor ascent in a mirrored box took longer than transporting to the building from her quarters on the outskirts of the Capitol. It reminded her of - no. She wouldn’t think of that place or that time. Not now. Not yet, anyway. A man of extraordinary beauty stood to greet her as soon as the elevator doors opened. Tall, athletic, with golden skin, bronze-colored hair, his incredible sea-green eyes twinkled as he reached out to shake her hand. He couldn’t be real, she thought. He must be one of the simulations that Trident Industries was famous for. The reason she was there, though she wouldn’t have admitted that to anyone else. “Welcome, Commander,” the man said, his voice deep and rich, flowing like melted chocolate. She couldn’t help but be impressed. The simulations she’d encountered in her years of training at the academy had been jerky, somewhat robotic, obviously fake. This, on the other hand, was incredibly convincing. He reached out to shake Katniss’s hand and she was startled by how solid he felt. As if reading her mind, he chuckled. “Finnick Odair,” he said. “Owner of Trident Hyperrealism Industries, at your service.” “You’re real?” she blurted, years of studying diplomacy forgotten in an instant. But he merely smiled, unaffected, perhaps unsurprised by her question. “I am indeed, and I’m here to make all of your fantasies come true.” It was that comment, delivered in a slightly smarmy way, that broke the spell for Katniss. She couldn’t argue that Finnick wasn't one of the most stunning, sensuous people on the planet. But she could honestly say he wasn’t attractive to her. Maybe he was too pretty. Maybe he was too easy to get, or maybe it was really that he'd just be too easy to lose. Katniss was somewhat of a specialist in losing people. “Mr. Odair,” she said, pulling her hand from his grip. “Your assistant told me you’d be able to design a package to suit my requirements.” “Of course,” he said, gesturing towards a small red loveseat, then settling himself across from her. “Trident Hyperrealism Industries is known across the galaxy for our fully immersive simulations that allow you to visit anywhere in the universe and have the perfect vacation experience. No transport ships, no bad weather, no bad service, nothing but pleasure at any of our four hundred and seventy-six thousand pre-programmed destinations.” He glanced at Katniss’s Star Alliance uniform. “Though perhaps it isn’t travel you’re looking for?” “No,” she admitted. “I’ve been to all of the planets I care to visit and then some.” When Katniss signed up to captain a two-year diplomatic tour, she’d anticipated seeing strange new worlds and meeting fascinating new beings. Instead, she did nothing but work and sleep for twenty-eight long months. Her small crew was hardly sufficient to keep the ship running and she’d pulled double, sometimes triple shifts to ensure that everything got done and that her people were sufficiently rested and taken care of. Every minute of each highly anticipated planetary landing was filled with duty and obligation. Though she’d been to Rigel Seven, she’d never gotten to see its twin moons. On Juno, she’d only glimpsed the legendary Tower of Inysis from the window of a transport. During her last excursion, to tiny Bacchus Minor, she hadn’t even set foot on the ground, her meetings and resupply mission having taken place on a satellite orbiting the pretty jewel-green planet. Adrift in the cosmos, Katniss struggled with the isolation of life on a starship, the exhaustion, the loneliness.There was no glamour, no adventure. And while there was definitely satisfaction in a job well done, it was hollow when she had no one to share it with. Her few hours not occupied with work she had spent alone in her bunk, staring at the ceiling, remembering. Regretting. So after her tour, she’d resigned her commission and accepted a teaching position at the Alliance Academy. She was due to begin work in just two weeks time. And though it would undoubtedly make more sense to be spending her first week back on Earth exploring or setting up her new quarters, she was sitting on a candy-coloured couch in a candy-coloured office, chatting with a candy-sweet man who made her teeth hurt and her skin crawl. “Ah,” Finnick said, and a wide smile showed every perfect, sparkling tooth. “So you are looking for a more personal experience.” “I was told that you could arrange for me to see someone. Or, to see a simulation of someone,” she mumbled, and Finnick nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, yes. We have simulations of a wide variety of the most popular beings from history, all impeccably programmed with perfectly rendered with historically accurate voice and speech patterns, reactions and abilities. You absolutely will not be able to tell that the person you’re speaking with isn’t the real deal, guaranteed! You can spend time with Elvis Presley, Alabaster Harrington or Henry Cavill,” Finnick said, listing several sex symbols of the past two centuries. Katniss frowned. “Or,” he hedged, “Maybe you’re looking for a more intellectual experience? Maybe Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein is more your speed?” “No,” she said. “I want to see someone contemporary. Someone who is, uh, still alive.” “Of course,” he said. “Caesar Flickerman is a popular choice.” Katniss recoiled. Caesar Flickerman had to be over a hundred years old. He had been performing on entertainment broadcasts for as long as anyone could remember; his appearance - white face paint, blue lips, and brightly dyed wigs - virtually unchanged in all of that time. “I didn’t know he was even still around,” Katniss mumbled, suppressing another shudder. “But no. The person I’d like to see isn’t famous.” “I see,” Finnick smirked. “A custom simulation.” “Yes. Will that be a problem?” “No, no of course not. We are quite capable of fulfilling all of our customers’ special requirements. As long as he has a digital record, I can produce a simulation so perfect, it would convince his mother.” The slick grin was back in place. “How did you know he’s a he?” Katniss asked. “I’ve been doing this a long time, Commander. And I can assure you that all of our simulations are fully functional, solid, firm, and programmed with a full library of skills.” It took Katniss two, perhaps three beats to understand the subtext of Finnick’s words. Fire raced up her throat, painted her cheeks. “Mr. Odair,” she said tightly, “I am in no way looking for some sick sexual fantasy.” “Of course not,” he soothed, but his lecherous expression was unchanged. “But what happens in the simulators is none of my business, so long as your expectations are fulfilled.” Katniss’s attention drifted as Finnick outlined the specifications of the program, the cost, the amount of time she would have in the simulator, and what she could expect in terms of realism. Her mind wandered, as it often did, to the man she had spent two and a half years missing with every fibre of her being, to the things she’d said the last time she’d seen him. To the things she wanted, needed, so desperately to tell him now, even if it was only pretend. “And where would you like this encounter to be?” Finnick asked, the smarmy tone creeping back into his voice, catching her attention again. “Your quarters?” “It doesn’t matter,” she sighed. “Your lobby, the sidewalk out front, the virtual location won’t make any difference.” “Surely you’d like something comfortable and private. A hotel? A Turkludiaan den, perhaps?” He was all but sneering; clearly he’d made up his mind that she was some sort of sexual pervert looking to get busy with a stranger on whom she had a crush. But he was dead wrong. Not about the crush part, but about the rest. She wasn’t looking to screw a make-believe stranger. She wanted to see the love of her life. To tell him she was sorry. “It’s not like that,” she snapped, half-rising, and his eyes widened, hands lifting in supplication. She deflated, sinking back into her seat and dropping her head into her hands. Katniss sighed. Every rational thought screamed at her to simply leave. She’d known all along that this was a bad idea. But after twenty-eight months of what was essentially a self-imposed exile, twenty-eight months of not having taken a single shore leave, a single vacation, even a single day off, she was at a breaking point. And it was obvious to everyone around her. Even her cousin, Gale, had noted Katniss’s sadness during their weekly video chats. She was tired and worn out, and Gale was worried enough that he’d threatened to come home from school on planet Spectra to take care of her. Katniss couldn’t allow that. Gale was settled on Spectra and was a model student, hardworking, brilliant. Allowing her own heartbreak and stupidity to compromise his future was unacceptable.
So when Gale, who was frugal to the point of being cheap, sent her a Trident Industries gift card two days ago, just before she’d disembarked from the Mockingjay and walked away from her life on the starship, Katniss had promised to actually use it. “Take a virtual vacation,” he’d insisted. She’d tried to tell him she was fine, needed nothing, but Gale knew her too well. “Live a little,” he’d begged, silver eyes shining in the video relay. “You deserve this, after everything.”
“I just want to see someone I used to know,” she murmured to Finnick, staring at her shiny boots. “One last time.” “Someone you can’t speak with in person.” It wasn’t a question, not really, and the soft tone caught Katniss off guard. She glanced up. The leering, lecherous salesman was gone. In his place was just Finnick Odair, still incredibly gorgeous, but with a kind, compassionate expression instead of a dazzling smile. It made him seem more human somehow. More real. “Right.” “I can do that. I’ll need to access his public records, to ensure the simulation reacts as closely to how he would really act as possible.” “I don’t know where he is now,” she admitted. “He was a student at the Alliance Academy, up until a few years ago. Last I heard, he was teaching at the Panem School of Fine Arts.” Finnick nodded. “That will help. There should be plenty of biometrics available. What’s his name?” o-o-o Katniss talked herself into and out of showing up at Trident a dozen times, but in the end her frugal nature won out. Fifty-five hundred credits was a terrible amount to waste, even if they weren’t her credits to begin with. She berated herself as she got ready, brushing out her long black hair and agonizing over what to wear. It was a simulation. It wasn’t going to care what she looked like! She could have - should have - shown up wearing anything; her uniform, her old hunting clothes, even pyjamas. And yet she pulled from her closet a dress that she hadn’t worn for more than two years, a pretty orange frock patterned with autumn leaves. It had been his favourite, another lifetime ago. The building was just as garish as it had been her first visit, but this time Finnick Odair wasn’t there to greet her. A beautiful young woman with an ethereal calmness led Katniss down a long white corridor to a set of imposing silver doors. “Everything has been programmed to your specifications,” she said softly. “The simulation is completely self-sustaining, you don’t have to do anything. But if for any reason you need to exit before the completion of the program, the computer will respond to your commands.” Katniss nodded. She’d studied engineering at the academy before being hand picked for the command program. And while this simulator was leagues ahead of the simple holodecks she was accustomed to, she understood the fundamentals. “Thank you,” she said, but remained motionless outside the closed doors long after the young woman had walked away. Finally she shook aside the lethargy and doubt and entered the simulator. And then gasped. Katniss knew this place, knew every bench, every rock, every flower. She’d spent the past two years seeing this place every time she closed her eyes. The gardens on the rooftop of the academy training centre. Out of every possible place in the universe, how had Finnick Odair chosen this? There was no way he could he possibly have guessed how much this place had meant to her. Had meant to them. It was almost enough to send her running back out of the simulator, down the corridor, back to her spartan grey quarters at the academy. Back to her spartan grey life. But Katniss Everdeen was done running. She stepped cautiously forward, barely hearing the soft snick of the simulator doors closing behind her, immersing her completely in the illusion. She wandered the garden paths slowly, reverently, mouth agape. It was incredible, every detail exactly as she remembered it. She reached out to stroke the glossy green leaves of a hanging vine where it twisted around a pergola. It felt exactly like the vines she’d practiced tying into knots during one of her last visits to the real rooftop gardens. Apple trees perfumed the air. Their gnarled branches just like the ones they’d climbed with abandon during their academy years, playing catch with the sweet fruit. Even the wind chimes tinkling above a lush flower garden were exactly as she remembered them, their gentle chords the soundtrack by which a quiet young woman and a kind young man had made love all those years ago. “Katniss?” She turned slowly at the voice she knew better than her own, the voice of her heart. He was standing perhaps a dozen steps away, an old-fashioned wicker picnic basket in hand, the artificial sun filtering through his ashy curls, crowning him in gold. Peeta Mellark. He was smiling softly, the smile that had always made her feel like the most important person in the universe. As if she could have forgotten how gorgeous he was, how strong and broad and solid. He set the basket down and took a few steps towards her, his grin unwavering. She marvelled at how life-like he was, every detail utterly perfect from his golden eyelashes, so long they brushed his cheeks with each blink, all the way down to the double knots that secured his shoes. It was as if she’d been transported back in time, to those days more than two years ago when life had been perfect, when she’d been happy and loved. All of her pent-up longing overflowed, and she let herself just for the moment forget that it wasn’t real, that it wasn’t really Peeta standing before her, and with a little laugh jumped into his arms. He caught her and spun her around, the arms encircling her just as warm and strong as she remembered. A thousand moments surged through her, all the times those arms were her only refuge from the world. Perhaps not fully appreciated then, but so sweet in memory, and now gone forever. As if reading her mind, he pulled her in close and buried his face in her hair. Warmth radiated from the spot where his lips just touched her neck, slowly spreading through the rest of her body, enveloping her in comfort. It felt so good, so impossibly good, that she knew she would not be the first to let go. “Still the most beautiful woman in the galaxy,” he murmured, and Katniss laughed, a pained little sound stained with longing and regret. The real Peeta wouldn’t be so kind, she thought. He’d still be angry, and he should be. She’d hurt him terribly. But when the simulated Peeta pulled back, he was smiling at her as if she were more radiant than the sun. “Peeta,” she started, but he laid a gentle finger across her lips, halting the apologies that yearned to trip from her tongue. “Shhh,” he said. “We have time. Let’s relax first. Have a bite to eat.” Peeta led her down one of the sun-dappled paths to a patch of grass right at the edge of the rooftop. She wrapped her hands around the railing and looked out over the edge, where the sun hit the glossy buildings spread before them, making them twinkle like a vast field of fireflies stretching to the horizon. He moved to stand behind her, his warmth against her back. “I’d almost forgotten how pretty it is up here,” she murmured. His puff of laughter teased the shell of her ear, made her shiver. “That’s my line,” he said, amusement colouring his voice. “And you always insisted that it’s not as pretty as our woods.” He wrapped an arm around her collar bones, pulling her back against his broad chest. She smiled, leaning into him, letting herself truly live in the memory made real. Eventually, he led them away from the railing, to where he’d lain a blanket over the soft artificial grass. When he opened the basket and started to pull out the food it held, she laughed with true delight and his grin widened. Inside was a feast — fresh rolls, goat cheese, apples, reminiscent of all of the picnics they’d shared in these gardens over their years together. “And the pièce de resistance,” he said almost shyly, lifting a tureen that she was certain contained lamb stew on wild rice. The very dish she had always said was the most impressive thing the Capitol had to offer. She sobered. “You have a remarkable memory,” she said haltingly, regret again flaring in her gut. “I remember everything about you,” Peeta said, tucking a loose strand of soft ebony hair behind her ear. “You’re the one who wasn’t paying attention.” “I am now,” she whispered. “Well, I don’t have much competition here,” he chuckled, self-effacing as always. He never had any competition anywhere, she wanted to say. But she didn’t, because it wasn’t true. He’d always been in competition with her drive, her ambition. It’s why she’d lost him. They sat together in the computer-generated sunshine of an unnaturally perfect day. Peeta fed her bites of bread, slathered in goat cheese and topped with apple slices and they reminisced; about their childhood in District Twelve where they knew each other only by sight, about the friendship that bloomed between them when they found themselves the only two children reaped from their district to join the Star Alliance academy, plucked from their impoverished obscurity and dropped into the garish Capitol to train for the elite star force. A friendship that grew so much deeper when only a couple of years into training, a rogue asteroid destroyed their home district in a hail of fire, leaving them both orphaned and alone with only each other to count on. When the food had been consumed, and the remnants tucked away, Katniss took a deep breath. She’d arranged this simulation for a purpose, there were things she needed to say. “I’m sorry,” she said, and his soft smile fell. “No,” he started, but she wouldn’t let him finish. She knew he’d simply absolve her, the simulation was behaving exactly as Peeta had before she’d left him, kind and forgiving and always putting her needs before his own. “It’s not okay, Peeta,” she said, her voice low but steady. “It never was. I was wrong. I shouldn’t have left. Not without fixing things between us.” She thought back to when she’d been offered the command of her own starship, years ahead of when most young officers were picked to head up missions. It was so unexpected, had flown completely in the face of their plans. They’d always intended on being commissioned together. She would cut her teeth serving under whatever commander headed up Peeta’s first intergalactic diplomatic mission. His talented silver tongue, his ability to paint pictures with words were abilities that made him a star at the academy. They both knew he would ascend the ranks fastest. But he didn’t. She did. And flush with pride, she’d gone to him, excitement about her accomplishment colouring her every word, every thought. He’d been calm, rational, reminding her of their plans, their future. She’d been angry defensive, afraid to listen to anything that could have jeopardized her independence. Unforgivably, she’d accused him of not supporting her dreams. Peeta, who had been her biggest supporter forever. Even as she’d said the words, she’d known they were untrue. But each one flew from her lips like arrows, each hitting her target, piercing him deeply.
The fight had been awful. She’d said so many terrible things, and he’d responded with stony silence. Angry, frustrated, overwhelmed, she’d run. Left him standing on the lawn of the academy stooped in defeat, the waning sun glowing against his dress whites. That image was burned into her retinas, into her heart, and had haunted her for the past two and a half years. She hadn’t seen or spoken to him since. The anger she’d clung to like a shield only lasted so long, replaced quickly by regret. She’d tried looking him up in the database, but he’d left the academy almost as soon as she’d boarded that damned ship, moved on to a new life that didn’t include her. So she moved on too, threw herself into her work, tried not to think about him, about what he might be doing, who he might be loving. Peeta listened, the slight breeze tossing his curls as he sat on the blanket, their knees just touching, the warmth of his presence giving her the strength to say everything she needed to say. He never once interrupted as she poured out her heart in a way she couldn’t have with the real Peeta, the one who had been so angry he’d blocked her access to his communicator, who probably hated her. This Peeta listened attentively as she told him about her years in space. As she confessed to having thought about him every single day. “I knew I could survive without you,” she said. “But it’s a terrible, lonely life.” “Enough,” he said finally, pulling her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “I’m to blame too. I shut down, cut you out of my life. If I had stopped being so wounded I would have remembered that our relationship was so much more important than my hurt and jealousy.” Katniss whimpered, burying her face in his shirt, enveloped in his scent. She’d loved him, had always loved him, and yet when she’d walked away that awful day, he’d let her go. When he hadn’t contacted her even once those months before her ship left, she’d simply sealed off her heart. Years of friendship, of passion, of love, were walled up, destroyed, and tossed aside like so much trash. Commander Everdeen needed no one. But she’d been lying to herself. That’s why she was here, on a rooftop, tucked into the embrace of a fake version of the only man she’d ever truly loved instead of virtually touring the lavender sand beaches of Astrazaria. She knew she’d never be able to move on without saying it out loud, without telling at least some version of Peeta she was sorry for all of it, even if he’d never actually hear the words. “Do you forgive me?” she whispered, more for herself than for the illusion of him. His arms tightened. “Yes,” he said. “Can you forgive me?” She nodded against his collar. She’d forgiven the real Peeta’s tiny part in their break up years ago. The sun slid lower in the sky as they clung to each other, soft sighs and gentle caresses speaking of regret, but also contentment. Streaks of pink and gold kissed the horizon, reminding her that their time was almost done. That all too soon, she’d be alone again. The dream, her fantasy, would be over. But she’d accomplished what she’d set out to do. She’d told him, and in doing so had freed him from where she’d caged up all of her happy memories. Now maybe she could start to heal. “Ah Kitten,” he murmured, and she froze. Kitten was the pet name Peeta had used when they were intimate, never any other time, and certainly never where anyone else could ever have heard him. How on earth had that gotten into the simulation? It was their secret, something that was only for them. She could feel his soft exhale against her temple. “I miss you so much.” His voice cracked, just a little, and her heart shattered. It was too much, his arms, his voice, his words. It hurt too much. This wasn’t going to help her get over him. “I can’t do this,” she mumbled, tears stinging. She wouldn’t let them fall though, she’d never once cried in front of the real Peeta, not even when she’d left him behind two years ago. She sure as hell wasn’t going to cry in front of this simulation, however real he might feel. His expression when she pulled away and scrambled to her feet nearly gutted her, the confusion, the fear. She turned away, couldn't bear to watch. “Computer,” she barked, listening for the acknowledging beep. Behind her, Peeta gasped. “Katniss?” he rasped. She couldn’t do this anymore, she missed him too much. She was a fool to think that anything could ever heal the Peeta-shaped hole in her heart. This had only made things worse, only made her confront how badly she’d screwed up. How much she still loved him. “End simulation,” she whispered. In the blink of an eye, it all vanished. The rooftop, the gardens, the tinkling wind chimes, all of it disappeared, leaving behind just the bare grey walls. “What the--” a voice from behind her. Katniss whirled. Inexplicably, the simulation of Peeta was still there, staring at her, wide-eyed. “Oh my god,” he whispered. “End simulation!” she yelled, but he didn't so much as flicker. “Shit,” she hissed. What the hell was wrong with this computer? She spun and marched towards the sleek panel on the wall. She'd have to override it herself. Behind her, he kept murmuring her name. And she tried, desperately, to ignore the pleading, disbelieving tone of his voice. He sounded like he had when she'd told him she was leaving. When she had broken both of their hearts. She was trying to manually key in a set of commands when his hands fell on her shoulders, so warm and solid that it made her tremble. This was not supposed to be happening. Finnick promised she could end this at any time. Was it her own desperate need for him holding his avatar there, manifesting him with the force of her desire? “Katniss,” he whispered again, and she felt his warm breath caress her ear. Then he was turning her to face him, and she didn’t resist. Blue eyes roamed her face, as if searching for something crucial. His hands, those hands, so perfectly rendered, long-fingered and elegant, rubbed up and down her arms, shoulders to elbows. Then he smiled, a confused, bewildered little half smile. “You’re real,” he whispered. “Holy shit.” Katniss rolled her eyes, she couldn’t help it. Of course she was real, and this simulation was a little too sentient, it was starting to alarm her. But then he was laughing, he was laughing and pulling her into a tight embrace. “It’s really you,” he choked, laughter mixing with something much more poignant. “I don't know what kind of sick game you're playing, Odair,” she mumbled, voice muffled against Peeta’s shoulder. She knew she needed to push away from the simulation, but surrounded by his warmth, by his clean, spicy scent, his big hand cupping the back of her head in that familiar way he always had, she just couldn't. His chest shook as another bout of rich laughter rumbled from his chest. “I thought you were a simulation,” he said once his laughter had calmed. “But it’s really you. You’re really here.” He pulled back enough to see her face, his eyes twinkling with excitement. Her brows furrowed. “You thought…” Katniss trailed off as finally the pieces clicked into place in her mind. “You bought a fantasy from Trident?” Was that possible, that he’d been thinking the same way she had, feeling the same regrets, the same need to set things right, however pretend the setting? Or had Finnick Odair somehow arranged this, convinced him to show up, to pretend to be a simulation? Her head spun.
But Peeta nodded. “I paid 6 000 credits to relive the best day of my life,” he said, and his words made her stomach flutter, a tide of hope rising. “You did too.” It wasn’t a question, exactly, but there was a hopeful lilt to his voice. She shrugged helplessly. “You’re really here.” He cupped her cheek in one huge hand, his thumb stroking her cheek. “I just got back to Earth six days ago,” she whispered “I thought I’d never see you again,” he admitted. “Are you disappointed? That it’s really me?” She squirmed with embarrassment; It had been one thing to bare her soul to an empty room. Knowing it had really been Peeta, her Peeta, was horrifying. She fought with her emotions, elation at seeing him again when she’d thought it would never happen and terror that he hadn’t meant the things he’d said, had only been playing a role. “You were so angry when I left.” “God no,” he said, pulling her against him again, his joy palpable. She didn’t resist in the least, wrapping her arms around his waist, her heart overwhelmed by the knowledge that he was here, flesh and blood and Peeta. He was here and he was holding her, like he once had. Like he did in her dreams. Her smile was so wide, he must have been able to feel it against his shirt, but she didn’t care. “I was hurt, and scared, and more than a little selfish,” he admitted. “But I meant every word I said in here, Kitten. I’ve missed you so much. I wanted to see you again so bad.”
“Me too,” she whispered. His soft lips brushed across her temple and he sighed, a contented little sound that she had missed so much. “How long are you staying?” he asked. “For good.” She tipped her head up to meet his confused gaze. “I’m home. I resigned my command and took a job teaching at the academy.” The joy that split his handsome face was almost heartbreaking in its beauty, before he schooled his features into a more cautious optimism. “What does that mean? For… for us?” There was no ‘us’ as far as Katniss knew. She’d come here to get over Peeta, to finally be able to move on after years stuck in limbo. But she finally realized that was the fantasy, that was the ‘not real’. She could never get over him. And she didn’t want to. “That depends on what you want, I guess.” She had been so busy spilling the contents of her soul that she hadn’t asked him about his own life. For all she knew, he had a wife and a dozen gorgeous blond babies waiting at home. The very idea was a like a spear through her heart. “I want you,” he said, serious and solemn. “I’ve wanted you since we were five years old, back in Twelve. I’ve never stopped. And I never will.” He leaned in to kiss her, to really kiss her, and the tears she’d spent forever holding back trickled down her cheeks.
“I love you,” she murmured, the words maybe too soon and yet also far too late. He picked her up and spun her again, laughing as he kissed his own loving declarations into her skin, every word and every caress a healing balm. “Let’s get out of here,” she said when they broke apart, breathless and flushed. “Are you sure?” He waggled his eyebrows, voice brimming with mirth. “We could relaunch the simulator to one of Finnick’s fantasy programs. How about a Pfflachlin coital suite?” Katniss laughed, really laughed, her joy overflowing. “No,” she said between giggles. “No more fantasies. I want real.”
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Masterlist : S2SL 2014 Collection
This masterlist contains links to stories donated for the 2014 “Stories to Save Lives” Collection.  We have posted links to as many of the submissions as we could find, however please note that some were never published publicly, and others have since been deleted by the authors.  
In 2014 and 2015, the S2SL fundraisers were run by @streetlightlove1, in memory of Caroline Cronk, a 5 year old girl who died of DIPG; a devastating inoperable incurable pediatric brain tumor that occurs in children ages 5-9 and led to the foundation of Hope For Caroline, Inc., a nonprofit foundation to support other DIPG families and to provide hope by funding research for a cure.
In 2016 and 2017, the fundraising continued with MoreS2SL, organised by @sohypothetically.  A new round will be soon be running for 2018, so please check out their tumblr @mores2sl for details of how you can get involved! 
3rd Down - An Interlude by Court81981
Anesthesia by Ro_Nordmann (no link)
A Toast to Victory by ghtlovesthg
All the Right Moves and All the Right Faces by BaronessKika (deleted)
B-Side by thesagaciousowl (deleted)
Breathe Again by hakanaii
Cold Hands, Warm Heart by Sohypothetically
Covet by Misshoneywell (deleted)
Crush by atetheredmind
Even Outtake by Annieoakley1
February 14th, 1933 - (An In Name Only Outtake) by Izzysamson
House of the Rising Sun by SolasVioletta (no link)
It Begins - Finding Home Part 9 by Angylinni
I Kissed A Girl by LBug84 (deleted)
Just the Three of Us by Wollaston (no link)
Keep Quiet (An Eggshells Outtake) by Amelia Day (deleted)
Kissing Booth by Hutchabelle
Make A Wish by Court81981
Make Our Garden Grow by Fairmellarky
Midnight Confessions by Famousfremus
More Than One Night by iLoVeRynMar
Neighbours by Lbug84 (deleted)
Never Have I Ever by everlarkanxiety (no link)
Paint the Blur by Jamiesommers
Paradise Lost by Tomistaccato
Peeta and I by lulubee1234
Poet  by HGRomance
Pretty Peeta (Epilogue) by Kismet4891
Professor Peeta Mellark, PhD by english5672
Raisin Nut Bread by karycautivo
Saturday Prep by Hon B (no link)
Seeing Double by alatariel_gildaen (no link)
Shifting Gears by Pookieh
Surrender to Passion (No More Chaste, Pt3)  by Peetaandherondales
Synchronicity: Return the Favor by Everlark_Pearl
Thaw  by alatariel_gildaen
The Pearl of the Antilles by titania522
The Reconstruction of a Heart by IzzySamson
Tonight We Play by titania522
Under My Skin by Court81981
Until We Meet Again - Part 2 by Famousfremus
Wake Up State - An ATPM Outtake by BaronessKika (deleted)
Waking Reality by Streetlightlove
Yield by Dispatchesfromdistrict7
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mores2sl · 6 years
Biiiiiiiig announcement time!
We had a couple of late submissions. So, since we didn’t want to get in the way of a perfect author submission record this round, we compiled it.
Well, if you are reading online, you now have two new stories. (Thank you, @florence68blog, and @titaniasfics!)
If you have a DOWNLOADED copy, you’ll want to re-download. 
This puts this year’s total page count at 1378. 
You have now created a collection that surpasses all of our past years by 30%.
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titaniasfics · 6 years
MS2SL - Reader's Choice
I'm back from a much needed summer long break and I'm itching to write some Everlark fanfic!
I've participated in the MS2SL fundraiser for the past 5 years. It is a worthy cause, raising money for charities supporting research for curing childhood cancer. Last year, for another fundraiser with Love in Panem, I let my readers choose which fic to finish and contribute.
I'd like to do the same thing with this year's MS2SL. Below you will find the title and summary of my three unfinished fic. YOU, the reader will choose which fic I will finish. You can message me, indicate the fic in the comments or if you reblog, your vote will count twice.
You have until August 12th to vote, after which I will get to work on finishing the fic.
The three unfinished fics are below (you can find them on AO3 here):
The Pearl of the Antilles - Historical AU set in Saint Domingue (French Territory) in 1790, one year before the Haitian Slave Uprising. Capitaine Peeta Mellark is the incorruptible Captain of the French Army in Le Cap, Saint Domingue. Katniss Everdeen is the daughter of a wealthy French merchant and mulatta mother. After the death of her parents and the dissolution of her father’s estate, Katniss survives by becoming one of the most sought after courtesans in Le Cap. A chance encounter in a Saturday market leads to a passionate affair set against the backdrop of one of the most brutal slave uprisings in recent history.
The Sharp Edge of Memory - Even if by some miracle I did survive and he did not - if I did not follow him to the grave from desperation soon after - I would live my entire life trying to solve the puzzle of how to get him out." What would have happened on the beach during the Quarter Quell if Finnick had not interrupted them?
Heretics - Attachments lead to loss. Loss leads to suffering. Suffering leads to fear. Fear is the path to the Dark Side." But in a universe where Jedi are hunted and Good struggles to exist, it is Katniss and Peeta's uncommon connection that makes them powerful...and wanted. Based loosely on Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Wars: The Extended Universe.
Do this, please. It's for a valuable cause.
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MoreS2SL Preview(s)!
It’s that time of year again! For those of you who aren’t aware, @mores2sl is the continuation of what was once called Smut 2 Save Lives. It is a charity collection of fanworks published annually to raise funds and awareness for DIPG, a rare and usually deadly form of childhood cancer. The collection’s charity of choice is Hope for Caroline, but you don’t have to donate to them.  All it takes is a $10 (that’s an equivalent to ten USA dollars) donation to either Hope for Caroline, or to a non profit cancer research group of your choice, and you receive access to the entire MS2SL collection.
I have contributed stories to the collection for the past two years and intend to do so again this year. Cancer in general sucks, and sometimes it feels like if you live long enough, you’re going to know someone who fights with it. For me, I had a teacher, a band director, in junior high who was pretty much the only reason I got out of bed in the mornings and went to school. He was energetic and caring, empathetic and encouraging. He was also slowly dying of cancer. The worst of it occurred once I’d already moved on to high school, but I never forgot him and when one of his last requests was to have the town’s high school marching band escort him to the cemetery, I was one of the first to volunteer. How could I not?
It’s gotten a little closer to home this past year, as my Mom was diagnosed with rectal cancer earlier this year. It’s been a painful struggle and she just finished her final chemo treatment this past week. We won’t know for another month if the rounds of chemo and radiation worked or if she’ll be facing a highly invasive surgery. My Mom has been the rock in our family for decades and watching her fight this thing was both humbling and horrifying. I’ve never seen her so scared. She said something to me one day when I accompanied her to chemo and we were in a large room with five other people all undergoing some kind of chemo therapy. She said, “It’s easier to accept when they’re older, but when they’re so young...” she nodded towards the young woman in the chair just next to hers. She couldn’t have been older than 25, and that’s frightening enough. To battle cancer when you’re still a child? Unimaginable. These are the reasons I contribute.
For this year, we have something exciting! Here���s a brief preview of the Everlark story I’ll be writing, featuring race car driving Katniss and Peeta as a mechanic. It will be rated at least M, probably E though because it’s me.
9000 R.P.M.
SUMMARY: Stuck in a dead end town and a dead end job, Katniss takes a gamble with the one thing she got out of her divorce -- a beat up sports car turned racer. She was always the better driver anyways. With a little help from a mechanic with blue eyes and golden hands, she turns that gamble into a chance for a better life for her and her daughter. But racing is still a boys' club and the road is never easy for a single mom.
In the morning she wakes up and her mother is already feeding Raven. She gives Katniss a once over and shakes her head. Katniss scowls at the judgement, kisses her daughter, and fixes her own damn breakfast.
“It was your first race back since Raven was born,” her mother says and Katniss stiffens, then relaxes as her mother’s words sink in. A soft kiss to her forehead and Katniss breaks into tears. “Oh baby girl, don’t cry.”
Her mother holds her as she cries it all out and as they rock and hold onto each other while Raven smashes her cereal to dust. Katniss slowly calms. Each tear leaves more room for resolve.
“I’m gonna take care of her, Mama. Raven’s gonna have a good life. We’re gonna get out of this shit hole where everyone knows Gale cheated on me but I’m the one they call a slut. We’re gonna live in a nice house and Prim’s going to college and you’re never scrubbing another toilet or shelling out drugs again.”
“Alright, baby girl. That’s your goal, then we’ll make it happen. Just keep at it.”
AND! Because the amazing ladies over at @mores2sl have decided to try something different, should you donate $20 instead of $10, you will get access to the 2017 and 2016 collections as well. Why is this important you ask? Well because some writers (*cough cough ME*) never publicly posted their contributions to last year’s collection. So if you’ve been curious or wanting to read mine, here’s another chance to do so. It’s the first installment in what’s planned to be a trilogy, if I can ever stop getting distracted with other stories. ;-)
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SUMMARY: With all the empty space between planets and stars, one would think that two galaxies colliding is a fairly peaceful process. What if it’s not? What if life complicates the process as once distant planets become neighbors? Populations of species vanish. Others colonize new worlds. And some pick up arms against fellow living organisms as resources shift and change, become scarce. And humans...we take war with us everywhere we go…
Meridia: A planet caught between strictly adhered to ancient rituals and customs, and the questions and progress that inevitably follow scientific advancements, the people of Meridia have been fighting a war to protect their sovereignty and that of their neighboring systems for over sixty years. Peeta Mellark, one of three Crown Princes vying for the throne and the future General of Meridia returns home after sustaining a severe injury in combat, but he’s not allowed to stay for long as his father sends him back across the galaxy on an errand that promises to be far more difficult than he initially thought and will test his loyalty to family, king, and home.
Arcadia: A colony of humans on a vibrant planet, intent on protecting their freedoms and their valuable resources from falling into the hands of Coriolanus Snow, self-proclaimed emperor of two still merging galaxies. In a desperate attempt to push back and end the fight once and for all, the Lady Katniss Everdeen reluctantly agrees to what she believes is a marriage of convenience in exchange for troops and allegiance from the military might of Meridia. But just because she agreed to the marriage doesn’t mean she’ll go quietly. After all, it’s more than just her life affected by this arrangement.
WARNINGS: RATED E, for explicit sexual content, sci-fi themes and elements, violence and wartime shittiness, character deaths, child soldiers, genocide, arranged marriages and associated general fuckery, one slight dub-con scene and a few serious age gaps in sexual partners, awkward public sex, interspecies sex, also polyamory and polygamy. Oh and Peeta’s bisexual and there are several scenes of him with someone who is not Katniss. Both explicit and implied mentions of Katniss and Peeta being with someone else sexually before they wind up together. There is no Peeta or Katniss committing outright infidelity here, so if that bothers you, fear not. However, other characters may commit infidelity and there are several open relationships. It's set in another galaxy and not everyone is a homo sapien here, please try to keep an open mind in terms of culture variations.
RELATIONSHIP TAGS: Contains M/M, M/F, M/F/F+ and M/M/F relationships as well as associated sexual content. While this is primarily an Everlark+ story, some of these sex scenes are with characters who are not Katniss and Peeta. As in none of the participants are named Katniss or Peeta.
Inspired by a word prompt: Agelast - A person who never laughs
Warnings and tags apply to the entire series and therefore might not apply to this specific installment. Just want you to know what kind of ride you're in for before you climb aboard. I swear it's not as depressing as all those tags make it sound. Okay, maybe it is. So the real question here is...How much do you trust me?
Movement catches his attention from the corner of his eye and he glances down. He sees the injured, not dead, Capitol soldier aiming the blast rifle, right at Katniss. He moves, but the soldier fires, the blast striking rock and causing a rockslide. He hears her scream something and everything goes black and hazy. Peeta falls on the soldier and grabs his head, smashing his face into the ground with a sickening crunch. Satisfied that the man is now truly dead, he whips his head up, heart in his throat, and scans the rocks.
“Peeta!” she yells from her position right before loosing another arrow. “North!”
He nods and takes a deep breath before motioning for his troops to follow behind him.
She’s fine. She’s fine. He has to repeat the words over and over as they move, and still, he constantly checks on her until Mitchell elbows him to get him to refocus. The snow distracts him from fretting over Katniss as it starts up again and he curses the damn stuff.
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dianaflynn22 · 7 years
Aloha Means Hello and Goodbye - Everlark Fanction
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Soooo.... I am very late in posting my October 2016 MS2SL story. But I hope all those still out there reading my stories, that you enjoy this one. I want to dedicate this to my December babies - @pearlpromises, @mockingjayne12 and @deltagirl74. You are all wonderful ladies I am so grateful to have in my life.
Peeta Mellark never intended to stay in Hawaii. It did not fit in his neat life. It was too sunny, too sandy, too unpredictable. But he was here to help out his brother with his new bakery for a short time and that's it. But the best laid plans go awry, especially when Katniss Everdeen is involved.
The sweet tropical breeze billowed through the curtains as Peeta pulled the last shirt out of his suitcase and tucked the neatly rolled fabric in the top drawer. He sighed deeply as he stared down at the perfect rows of clothes indicating he was done packing. Old habits died hard, especially when they were enforced by a tongue lashing and a harsh hand. Frustrated with himself, he ran his hands furiously through them trying his best to make it look like he was a normal guy who didn’t care how his drawer looked. Satisfied he turned around to close his suitcase and stow it in his closet.
“Hey Peeta! Are you ready to go out for lunch?” He could tell his brother was impatient to eat and he was ready to step out of his temporary bedroom when anxiety rolled through him and he stopped.
“Hold on Mitch I just have to finish unpacking!” He yelled back. He sighed in defeat and he went back to the drawer to quickly make it neat again.
“You know that preppy look is going to last like a day out here. You look like a damn tourist,” his brother said looking him up and down. They were flying down the empty road, wind whipping his neatly combed hair in a frenzy in his brother’s open jeep as the massive greenery flew by. The vines seemed to take over everything on the island from the stop signs to the electric wiring. He was afraid it would take over him if he stayed long enough. And he knew his brother was right but he couldn’t help being… neat.
“Hey where’d you go Peeta,” Mitch said waving his hand in front of him. Peeta tried uselessly not to grip his door hand as his brother took a sharp turn, using only the palm of his hand to turn the wheel. The vehicle jumped and shook as it turned into a cracked parking lot, slamming his brakes just in time to fit in a tight spot.
“I’m right here Mitch. And where are you taking me?” He asked through gritted teeth.
“Yeah your body’s here but your brain still seems to be in Seattle. All grey and foggy like that damn city. Look at where you are! In Paradise man. And the first stop is the best soup you’ll ever eat in your life - saimen.
“It’s over 80 degrees out and you want me to eat soup?” Of course his oldest brother would think something like that was a good idea.
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everlarkingjoshifer · 7 years
It’s finally HERE!
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Hello, my wonderful readers. I’m back with the mother of all stories. I’m sorry it’s so long, but I wanted to give the story justice because this topic of terrorism hits very close to my heart. It’s not something I’m proud to portray from the country I call my own, considering it has a lot of painful history. However, it’s something that needs to be written because the Shining Path Terrorist group is still at large and causing great strife in my beautiful country. Not as much as before but the presence of people like these are still a constant reminder that we cannot move forward. I wrote this story in the mid 80’s to early 90’s because that’s when the most strife hit the country. Especially within the Capitol of Peru. This conflict has been going on since the 70’s but only picked up momentum.
There are of course several people I’d like to thank, beginning with my amazing beta @walkthemoonandchill  who had been extremely patient with all my mistakes and to have done it in such short notice was going above and beyond the call of duty. 
I would also like to thank the amazing @akai-echo  for her beautiful artwork! To my lovely Lilo to my Stitch @mega-aulover  for all her unconditional support and cheering on. And finally, to my wonderful family who has been so supportive and patient with all my late nights! I hope you all like this behemoth of a story!
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chele20035 · 7 years
Chapter three is now up!!
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sohypothetically · 3 months
May this be true for all families affected by DIPG.
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hutchhitched · 6 years
For Every Season (MoreS2SL Teaser)
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Anybody remember this one? In December 2013, I wrote An Unbearable Cold for @promptsinpanem‘s Holiday Challenge. I added A Welcome Heat in March 2014 for Round 5 and then A Warm Place to Fall for the Farewell Tour in October 2015. I had always intended to finish the story with a summer contribution, and it’s finally happened. Read the conclusion of this story in Hot Damn, part 4 of For Every Season by contributing to this year’s fanfiction anthology fundraiser for @mores2sl. Just $10 will get you this year’s collection, or $20 will allow you access to the 2016, 2017, and 2018 collections. Help fight childhood cancer AND read some great stories.
Special thanks to @sohypothetically for her hard work organizing @mores2sl, @xerxia31 for giving part 4 her eyes, and @ombradellaluna for the gorgeous artwork for An Unbearable Cold.
“It’s so goddamn hot!” Katniss whined and slammed her glass of orange juice down on the countertop. Peeta glanced up at her from the table and rolled his eyes at her dramatics. She glared at him, and he winked before rising and crossing to her.
 “You’re so goddamn hot,” he murmured as he tugged her into his embrace and nuzzled behind her ear.
 She closed her eyes for a few seconds but caught herself before allowing him to sidetrack her. It took her a minute to gain control, but when she did, she pushed against his shoulders and locked her gray eyes with his blue ones.
 “Do not attempt to distract me. We’ve got to figure out what to do about this apartment. I can’t take another summer with questionable central air, and our lease is almost up.”
 He tightened his arms around her and ran his left hand down her back to cup her butt. “I love it when you’re irritable. It’s so sexy,” he teased and dropped kisses along her jawline until she grinned.
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florence68blog · 7 years
MoreS2SL cover - The Exhibition of Lost Dreams
This is a cover  for my upcoming story (Everlark fanfic) for MoreS2SL, a charity which raised money for childhood cancer. Donations are welcome & appreciated!
For more information please visit mS2SL Website or Blog!
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xerxia31 · 7 years
mS2SL Teaser - This Used to be My Playground
Here’s a little teaser of my story for @mores2sl. The full collection will launch on August 10th. I’d encourage everyone to participate - whether by writing or donating to Hope for Caroline or other charities in your country that support beating childhood cancers. 
Banner by the extraordinarily talented @akai-echo
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This Used to be My Playground
Rated T
The air is crisp and fragrant with pine and woodsmoke as I walk back to the bakery. Winter is definitely coming. And it reminds me that it's been nearly three months since I opened. Nearly three months since the best and worst day of my life.
I've gotten into a comfortable routine. Rise early, bake, open the store. Work the front shop until my employees arrive, then head back to the kitchen to bake, clean and work on special orders, or back to my small office to reconcile invoices and do paperwork. Close the front shop, do all of the prep work for the following morning, clean some more, then go home to bed. It's exhausting, but it keeps my mind occupied. Keeps me from wallowing. From giving in to the loneliness.
It's mid afternoon, and I'm heading back after making the bank deposit. One thing my father taught me was to make the deposit at a different time every day. “Don't let the bad guys learn your schedule, Peeta,” he'd advised, one among many pearls of wisdom he passed along before I lost him. I miss him every day.
When I reach the bakery, I can't help but pause out front. It truly is beautiful, sitting proudly on the corner of Merchant and Main, huge windows sparkling in the afternoon sun. And above the door, my favourite part. A replica of the sign that hung over my father’s bakery when I was growing up. Mellark’s, in swoopy script, blue with gold highlighting. Hand-painted by me, though it was her idea.
And just like that, the tenuous grip I'm keeping on my emotions slips.
Read more August 10th at mS2SL.
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Masterlist: MS2SL 2017 Collection
This masterlist contains links to stories donated for the 2017 “More Stories to Save Lives” Collection.  You may need to log into AO3 to read some of these stories, and some have remained available only on the MS2SL website.
A Surprise On The Beach By Loveoverpride (non-Everlark)
A Year In Provence By Merciki
Bark And Bite By Hutchabelle
Courage And Sacrifice By Sohypothetically
Deep in the Meadow By Lamenart (unpublished)
Discord and Rhyme By Ally147
Drop Anchor By Titania522
From The Grey By Demona424 (unpublished)
Hometown Blues By Appleblossomgirl
Hush Sweet Summer By Kdlovehg
I Don't Wanna Live Forever By Chele20035
Love In A Time Of Rebellion By Everllarkingjoshifer
Okapi By Hutchabelle
One Night Stand By Diana Flynn (unpublished)
Panem Country Club By Historywriter2007 (unpublished)
Peace By Hutchabelle
Spiral & Collision By Katnissdoesnotfollowback (unpublished)
Strawberry Swing By Javis TG
Summer Of 2017 By Countryside_Abode (unpublished)
The Chosen One By Mega-Aulover (unpublished)
The Exhibition Of Lost Dreams By Florence68
The Wedding Of The Year By MTK4FUN
This Used To Be My Playground By Xerxia
Vermont Summer By Ilovedyouatmidnight
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