thecurvycritic · 2 years
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery is a Twisty, Tale of Intrigue and Greed
What would you do if someone stole your idea and made millions? Glass Onion - A Knives Out Mystery supersedes its predecessor with a tale of murder mystery whiplash from the brilliant Rian Johnson #glassonion #tiff22
  In 2019, TIFF and Knives Out was one of the titles rumored to be hilarious and one of the top titles on everyone’s list.  Cut to 2022, after two and half years of streaming and attending festivals virtually, we were back on the ground bracing for the sequel Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery.  Well, I’m happy to report the sequel holds up its end of the bargain and then some. This cinematic…
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siqk0 · 2 months
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celestial mage alolan vulpix custom!
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angeles-0rgan · 4 months
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Me and friend made this :3
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twinvictim · 5 months
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@dancehallcrasher tagged me for 9 movies I first watched this year! I actually watched more movies than usual and loved all of these ones specifically I hope I get to watch more <3
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No more knives
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strawberri-syrup · 2 years
hm do u think the reason william is compelled to solve mysteries and all that is his “unfinished business” from before he died?
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wikagirl · 10 months
imagine how funny it would be if they ever reveal zer0 as a robot and it turns out that thing we thought was a helmet is actually just their face.
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womanlives · 9 months
"It's not my fault I couldn't tell! The only leeches we have in Elturel are landlords!!" Is she a little defensive? Possibly, as it seems she was the last to know a certain factoid regarding one of their companions.
MERCY’S BEEN LYING AS LONG AS SHE’S BEEN BREATHING, and she still almost breaks when she sees Bethany’s expression. To her extreme credit, she maintains eye contact. The edge of her lip twitches slightly. She doesn’t blink for a solid thirty seconds. But she doesn’t laugh. Doesn’t even let out a stifled little snort. (Her secret? She’s biting down hard on the inside of her cheek. Great way to keep it professional.)
“Ohhhh, Bethy,” Mercy says, reaching out to place a comforting hand on the sorceress’ shoulder. She can feel Bethany’s agitation in her magic. Even through the soft cotton of her clothing, electricity hums against Mercy’s fingertip. “I’m sure you’re not the only one who couldn’t tell.” Lie.
Like. Come on. The bite marks’re right fuckin’ there. You don’t get deep, painful-looking scars like that from your average freaky late-night rendezvous. It’s so obvi — wait. Mercy gives Bethany a speculative look.  
Right. Okay. Maybe not. Maybe Bethy just thought he had a bad dye job.
She clears her throat and places a hand to her chest. Cross her heart and hope to lie. “If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t know either!” Ah, the classic double down. Her eyes flicker from Bethany’s face so she can glare daggers at Astarion, who’s lurking in the periphery. Not a fucking word, knife boy. Then she’s back to beaming. “Ha! He’s such a tricky little guy, isn’t he? What’s next!” Mercy leans in and drops her voice an octave. “I bet Withers is a werewolf.”
From somewhere by the waterside, the resounding reply: “…NO.”
 Fucking skeletons. How did he hear that. He doesn’t even have ears.
unprompted feat. @hopewrought solving the Biggest Mystery.
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thatgamergirlakane · 1 year
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I was honestly a bit worried that I wouldn't get this done before the deadline because I was busy at work. But here she is! @lusserllaart's Ravenclaw OC! I bet she and Willow would get along great!
Merry Christmas everyone!
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joyffree · 2 years
Today’s Mixed-up Mashup of Marvelous Book Promotions Sept 7th
The Viper by J.R. Ward Giveaway Target Practice Mysteries 1 & 2 by Nikki Haverstock is Free Pack of Secrets by Amara Mae Rafflecopter Operation Runaway by James Moushon is Free Hocus Pocus 2 Giveaway Kelraz the Vicious: A Paranormal Monster Romance is Free Authors of Pensword Academy unite Valkyrie by Kitty Thomas Goodreads Giveaway Blood on the Motorway:epic British apocalyptic thriller is Free And More…
*Double check freebies/sales they are subject to change **This post contains copy/paste shares and links from various media promotional companies which contain may contain their associate links *** These Giveaways, Events, and Promotions are in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with A Wonderful World of Words - We are just sharing the love 😉 I do add to this during the day as I come across new deals
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zeuse-in-atlantis · 2 years
Saintober 10 - Forgiveness
Kanon could have tried to forgive, but he didn’t want to. 
He could’ve forgiven Shion for all that crap about staying hidden. To ask more questions about that cruel and nonsensical rule, to demand a place for him. To try to understand that the Great Pope’s role came with responsibilities and rules and all kinds of bullshit that needed to stay in place to maintain the natural order of things. But Shion never cared about giving more explanations, nor to look at him in the eyes as a complete human being, instead of treating him like Saga’s spare. 
He was never seen as a complete person, no.
Kanon could try to forgive Saga, yes, for being so fucking naïve and not realizing (accepting, really) how he was as evil as Kanon, how he had embraced the darkness as well. Yes, Kanon might forgive his twin for being such a terrible brother, always jealous of someone else, always wanting what he didn’t have. And oh, how much he actually had. 
With love, he could try to forgive their goddess; kind with humanity but cruel to her own Saints, making a cycle repeat itself again and again and again. Kanon could forgive her for being there yet being absent at the same time. He had no time to wait for her so he could start living. 
And with a little effort, Kanon could even forgive himself for what he was about to do, yes, because it was all justified. But holding with hatred the trident, he decided to leave forgiveness for another day.
Who needs forgiveness when you have pain?
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reasoncourt · 1 year
“life is like a box of chocolates” is so true because you will at some point stumble on caramel. it’s russian roulette
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movie--posters · 2 years
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Being chronically ill is so fucking annoying because I’ll be like “hey I’m like half-asleep all day and that’s not good” and they’ll start asking me about symptoms and be like “having trouble breathing?” And I have moderate asthma so I’ll say “yeah but no more than usual” and they’ll entirely abandon the idea of my weird lack of focus and energy and just start asking me a bunch about my shortness of breath, and yeah, I get that the two could be related, but they’re not trying to relate them, they’re just like “well the shortness of breath is very concerning” and I’m like bitch I know I have had like 20 doctors appointments about this already, can we PLEASE talk a little tiny bit about the thing I called you for? And they’ll say “well if you’re having trouble breathing you should go to the emergency room. Bye.”
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Charlie: If a centaur and a mermaid have a kid, it has a 25% chance of being a normal human.
Tonks: And a 25% chance of being a seahorse!
Bill: I'm glad we remember our Punnett squares...
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itsbookwormme · 5 months
Book Review: Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone (Benjamin Stevenson)
It doesn't matter if you are not a fan of mystery or suspense, read the book for its dark humour and writing #books #bookblog #bookreview #mysterybooks #lockedroommysteries #booklover #readabook
Title: Everyone in my family has killed someone Author: Benjamin Stevenson Source: My Kindle Library # of pages: 368 Summary from Goodreads: ” I knew our family reunion wouldn’t end well. But I didn’t expect murder.Maybe I should have known better. After all, everyone in my family is a killer. My parents, my siblings, my in-laws . . . even me. The deaths weren’t all deliberate, of course.…
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