#mu qing × reader
wuxianxkexing · 9 months
Mu Qing x Reader: Stop Fucking With My Cat Part 4
Y/N stood bleary-eyed in front of the gates to Ling Wen's palace. A few of the early bird Heavenly Officials happily stood around talking to each other but Y/N absolutely wanted no part of it this early in the morning. She carefully kept her distance, not caring at all if the others found it rude. They were the rude ones for being so loud this early. Plus Mu Qing was also there in the very front of the line, though he wasn't really talking to anyone. Y/N wasn't really in the mood to get yelled at again. Last night Xie Lian had told her that Mu Qing's cultivation path valued purity over all else and that he probably hated her for putting that demonic collar on his cat. As if a collar that can allow cats to speak would turn a regular cat into a demon just because a demon wore it. But whatever, plenty of people didn't understand things like that. Besides, what pet owner in their right mind wouldn't want a pet that could talk back to them? It was a shame that the collar didn't work the way that Y/N wanted it to.
The crowd of waiting Heavenly Officials slowly grew larger as Y/N stole glances at Mu Qing. What a pain in the ass the entire thing was and yes, it was entirely her fault, but was it really /that/ bad? It's not like she was going to steal anything from his palace, and she had been playing with Echo for weeks. She only got bold enough to go into Mu Qing's garden because Echo would meow at her incessantly and walk back and forth until one day she followed him. He obviously wanted to play in the garden with her, and while they would always meet in front of Mu Qing's palace gates in the beginning it eventually became their ritual that Y/N would just go into the garden to find Echo whenever she passed by. It was like that cat had an extra sense and would come out meowing at her indignantly if she ever tried to pass by without saying hello. It was kind of weird actually, but also super cute. Y/N smiled and giggled to herself.
Unbeknownst to Y/N Mu Qing was also stealing glances at her. He frowned seeing her smile and giggle to herself. She didn't seem to feel guilty at all. Demonic cultivators were universally not morning people, preferring to operate at night and avoid the sun much like real demons. A side effect of their cultivation. But that explained why she was to the side underneath the shade of a tree even though she should be further up in line than she currently was. Several Heavenly Officials had already cut line in front of her. He tsked to himself. She was probably just trying to delay the inevitable. The doors to Ling Wen's palace finally opened and Mu Qing was the first to stroll inside. He rolled his eyes as he thought he would get his merits from her one way or another.
Y/N remained outside lost in thought, never realizing that the palace had finally opened. It wasn't until she felt a firm kick to her shin that she came back to reality with a startled frown and furrowed brows. The offender was none other than Mu Qing, who stood in front of her looming down with a cold expression. Y/N resisted the urge to slap him. He'd probably go crying to Ling Wen to make her owe even more merits to him. Instead she gave him a forced small smile and greeted him politely. "Good morning General Xuan Zhen."
"We have a mission together in the southeastern swamps." Y/N died on the inside but kept her expression blank.
"Oh, ok! What do we have to do?"
"There's a large village where an abnormal amount of children keep on disappearing into the swamps, never to be seen again. So far there have been 15 victims, all children old enough to know better than to wander too far. For some reason Ling Wen thinks that I need your help." Mu Qing rolled his eyes in disgust.
"She probably just wants you to train me." Y/N smiled and waved her hand in an attempt to placate him. "I am still rather new so she doesn't know exactly what I can and can't handle yet. Thank you for coming to assist me." Mu Qing rolled his eyes again. Obviously her attempt at flattery hadn't exactly hit the mark. Y/N was pretty sure that actually was the reason Ling Wen assigned them both to this mission but for some Mu Qing seemed to think otherwise. Y/N briefly wondered if maybe General Xuan Zhen wasn't as powerful as he was rumored to be, but quickly dismissed the thought. He must just have the habit of taking things the wrong way. With the length of time he has been in the Heaven's and the number of temples he has there is no way that General Xuan Zhen doesn't live up to his reputation. Humans are too fickle to continue to worship a God that doesn't deliver. "Well I'm ready when you are."
"Let's get this over with then." Mu Qing crossed his arms and scowled. He began to lead the way to the outskirts of heaven and Y/N followed quietly. Welp this is probably going to be a fun mission, Y/N thought as she silently rolled her eyes to herself.
What a bunch of bullshit, Mu Qing thought to himself as he paced ever faster to the outskirts. This brat owes me merits and yet I'm having to help her get them for me? What kind of sense does that even make? Fucking Ling Wen. He stopped abruptly at the end of the Heaven's and pointed downwards. "That is the place we are going." Y/N peered over the edge and confirmed the spot before jumping down. Mu Qing froze with his mouth agape and watched in horror as Y/N fell. Technically yes, that was one way to get down but what the fuck?! Heaven's help me, Mu Qing prayed desperately before drawing a teleportation array. He wasn't going to follow in that idiots path.
Mere seconds later Mu Qing appeared next to a bruised and battered Y/N who was laying like a dead person on the ground. Her robes were torn and dirty and bloody. "Have fun?" Mu Qing smirked. Y/N looked up at Mu Qing with an incredulous look. That bastard looked perfect! "We normally use teleportation arrays just so you know. No wonder Ling Wen wanted me to train you, but I'm afraid you might be untrainable since you apparently have no sense."
Y/N grunted as she struggled to right herself. Mu Qing merely watched her struggle with laughter in his eyes. What a gentleman, Y/N bitterly thought. After righting herself she examined the state of her robes. Her left sleeve had a long tear in it from getting caught on something during her descent and she had a few blood spatters from a shallow wound, but nothing too bad. Y/N was red from embarrassment. Xie Lian always jumped down from the Heaven's like that, he never told her that they could use teleportation arrays to descend! But she wasn't about to admit that to Mu Qing. "I'm alright, that was fun!" Y/N tried to sound like it actually was fun but she wasn't able to hide how bitter she actually was. Mu Qing snorted and began to walk away, leaving Y/N to painfully limp after him. Normally Mu Qing would be a bit more sympathetic but Y/N was a martial Goddess, she should be able to walk it off, plus she did it to herself. Like he expected after a few hundred yards Y/N's gait returned to normal and they quietly made their way to the village.
During her days as a cultivator Y/N became very used to striking up conversations with strangers to investigate incidents, so she was kind of miffed when Mu Qing cut her conversation with a middle aged street vendor selling radishes short and verbally ushered her along. As they made their way through the large village Mu Qing shut down every attempt she made to gather information. How were they supposed to solve these disappearances if she couldn't gather information? It was a struggle to keep her temper down. Even though Mu Qing was the leader of this mission and probably had a plan he didn't bother to inform her of them and Y/N was used to having free reign to do whatever she wanted. It would be one thing if he wanted to do the interrogating himself but he made no attempt to do so either. It felt to Y/N like they were goofing off on a stroll rather than taking their mission seriously. Y/N's mind went back to Mu Qing's previous comment 'For some reason Ling Wen thinks I need your help'. Maybe Mu Qing slacked off on missions and he did need her help to keep on track. It would make sense with the lie she told Ling Wen the day she first met Mu Qing. Y/N crossed her arms and sighed. She wasn't opposed to slacking off, but she also believed that they should do that /after/ they defeated whatever was plaguing this village. Lives were at stake, and more importantly the lives of innocent /children/ were at stake. She glared at Mu Qing, who apparently felt her disapproving stare because he turned around and glared right back at her. "What is your problem?" He demanded.
"When are we going to actually get started on this mission? We can look at the village after we defeat whatever is here. We need to start interrogating people here to figure out what is going on."
Mu Qing rolled his eyes. "We don't need to interrogate anyone. I have a temple here, all we need to do is go there and listen to the prayers from my followers for a while. It will be a lot more efficient than seeking out random people who may or may not know anything. My followers will naturally tell me everything that they know." Y/N's face lighted up at his explanation. Of course! She felt kind of bad for doubting him earlier. General Xuan Zhen was known to be very efficient.
"Oh! Where is your palace?"
"Not far from here." Mu Qing turned and continued to lead the way. They finally came to his palace on the outskirts of the village and Y/N was honestly kind of impressed. It was a very attractive looking palace and the statue inside looked exactly like him! Y/N herself didn't have any proper temples but instead numerous small shrines that people typically kept inside their homes for personal use. It was the way that demonic Gods and Goddesses were traditionally worshipped. Mu Qing commanded her to make herself invisible to mortals and Y/N complied. He sat himself down right in front of his statue, invisible to the eyes of mortals, and began listening to the numerous silent prayers of his worshippers. Y/N grew bored of standing there watching him so she began to wander around his temple, touching things that she probably shouldn't but they were all so pretty. Offerings of gold, incense and fruit filled this temple. Y/N was kind of jealous. His worshippers here even gave him pets that the temple housed and cared for, and once finding that Y/N didn't leave the area until Mu Qing came to find her. She was petting a pretty brown tabby cat when Mu Qing kneeled down and completely stole the attention of the cat. To mortal onlookers the cat probably looked like it was doing typical weird cat things, and a couple thought that the cat must be asking for pets and came to pet the cat as well, not knowing that their God was right there petting it with them. While petting the cat Mu Qing filled Y/N in on what he had discovered. The children who had went missing only had 3 things in common. They were all from impoverished families, they all loved the swamp, and they all disappeared somewhere in the north end. With this information they finally knew where to start looking!
Here's the link for part 3!
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Tea Shop
Xie Lian x M!reader x Hua Cheng
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Y'all I've been thinking for ages how to make a two person scene a three person scene. What am I supposed to do, make two brides??? So if you have any ideas come bless me with them. 🫵🙃
Previous part: God of Song's second ascension
After you guide Xie Lian carefully out of the heavens so that he doesn't kill himself by accident . It takes a day to get to a tea shop. It could've taken longer, like three days but you saved yourselves sometimes. Since you can actually have spiritual prowess. The only reason it wasn't any quicker is because Xie Lian demanded you to not overwork yourself and use too much mana.
Xie Lian has always looked simple enough with plain, white robes. You on the other hand have to take on an 'avatar' you don't need anyone noticing you either. So you also dawn white robes, but of course a veil stays on.
You and Xie Lian sit at a table in the corner of the tea shop and you sit across from him. The two of you look over the scroll Ling Wen has given you... it isn't very helpful, but that's alright.
Both yours and Xie Lian's attention is captured by a silver butterfly. It flies across both of you and out the window. When you turn your head your heart almost drops out of your throat. Xie Lian is surprised as well to see two men sitting by you. One sat by you and the other sat by Xie Lian. There's only so much room on these benches after all.
You grimace at their presence. It's not hard to read the spiritual energy from them, they're obvious officials. You glare at them, Xie Lian is much kinder, "Oh uh who are you guys..?"
"Fu Yao" the one by you replies.
"Nan Feng" the one by Xie Lian replies.
You've never side eyed someone so hard in your endless years of life. At the 'Fu Yao' person beside you.
Ling Wen transmits a message to the two of you that they're volunteer officials. You huff inwardly. There's no way anyone from the upper court would offer their deputies from the middle court to help them.
That's because they aren't from the middle court though.
"Well I thank you for your help" Xie Lian says, quickly accepting their new guests.
"Which highnesses sent you?" You ask with narrowed eyes. You know they aren't deputies. Who are you to stress Xie Lian out more though, he already looks horrified when the officials answer his question.
"The palace of Nan Yang"
"The palace of Xuan Zhen"
Your glare only grows sharper. You've no clue why Mu Qing out of all people would want to help. You also have no idea why he would sit next to you of all people.
"Oh did your generals send you?" Xie Lian asks with a mouthful of tea.
"They didn't know we were coming" they answered in unison.
Xie Lian ponders for a moment, but you're quick to make the two squirm. Just because you can.
"Two officials from the lower court shouldn't go off without permission no? The trouble surely isn't worth it." Your eyes crinkle, as you smile at the two.
Lower court used to be what's now called the middle court. It was changed when whiny officials started complaining it made them seem trivial compared to officials in the upper court. To them an apparent mark to their honor. To you a pathetic attempt to seem important.
Your smile widens under your veil when they don't answer. What are they going to say? Their lack of words don't stop Fu Yao from glaring at you or from making Nan Feng squirm in his spot.
Xie Lian ever so kindly saves them, "Well do you know who we are?"
"You're his royal highness the crown prince and he's general /n"
"You're the justice of the mortal realm, the center of the world"
Mu Qing does not regard you at all and rolls his eyes when he answers.
Xie Lian chokes on his tea, "Did he just roll his eyes?"
" He did, tell him to scram" you and Nan Feng say together.
"Any official who was available was welcome to help so who are you to tell me to scram?" Fu Yao sneered. Again his words are only pointed at Nan Feng, not you.
"Ah well more help is better than none right?" Xie Lian smiles.
You sigh and all four of you go over the scroll together.
Eventually it begins to get dark and all of you will need to find a place to sleep. Long ago, Xie Lian and you would sleep in the streets or on the ground. You put a stop to that. After becoming a powerful enough ghost and god you entreated yourself to your own palace. Not in the heavens though, you chose for it to be in the ghost realm. This was a while before Crimson Rain took over ghost city
Your palace just happened to be in close proximity to it and eventually ghosts started inhabiting themselves. Now all three realms call your palace, "The city of the lost". It's rarely talked about because well it's "lost" not many people find it, your city also doesn't cause trouble. It's just kinda there.
That is where you would usually go though but now you have two more officials with you and you'll be damned if you bring Mu Qing into your city.
"Why don't we find a temple of Nan Yang? I'm sure there's one around." You say, standing next to Xie Lian.
The four of you do eventually find one, it's a little run down but it's good enough. Your attention is dragged away when you notice a girl praying. A girl praying in a temple of Nan Yang? Makes you want to give your heart out.
You can't resist your temptations when Xie Lian asks why the temple has so many women worshippers. It's unusual for a martial god's temple after all. While Nan Feng feels the need to block the question, Fu Yao indulges it.
"I know what you want to ask, you want to ask why there's so many female worshippers right?"
You hold the urge to cackle, and lean in close to Xie Lian's ear. You happily ignore the two officials's glares. You whisper to him, "Xie Lian many women worship Nan Yang's temple so in the future their man will have... Good assets" you giggle into his ear.
For a martial god it isn't normal for many women to pray in their temples. Xie Lian was an exception because he was more of a ' feminine god ' depicted with lotus flowers. You were an exception because of femininity and because you're the God of song. The arts, like dance, drawing, and song were more partaken by women than men. Most martial gods don't have femininity, so rare for women's prayers.
You stay close to Xie Lian's side as Fu Yao judges the poor girl to pieces, calling her ugly. Xie Lian sighs, "You can't talk about girls like that Fu Yao" but you can tell Xie Lian is thinking the same thing. You snicker placing a hand on your hip.
Xie Lian notices a slash in the girl's dress, he tries to offer her his outer robe so that she can cover herself but of course she freaks out. She moves to slap Xie Lian but why would you just stand there? You grab her wrist and throw her to the side. 'throw' is an overstatement it was truly a nudge.
Once Xie Lian tells her she has a slash in her dress she finally accepts his robe and then runs out of the Temple.
Now Xie Lian's undressed. Bandages over his chest, and neck can be seen now. Nan Feng and Fu Yao stare in quiet shock. You on the other stare in admiration. Xie Lian is undeniably beautiful. You chuckle softly and remove your outer robe, unlike Xie Lian you have an under robe on. You move it over Xie Lian's shoulders.
"Should've let her run out with the slash in her dress. It's just like you to give the clothes off your back, A-Lian" you hum softly. Xie Lian smiles in thanks and puts on your robe.
He does look very pretty especially in your clothes.
The next day all four of you go back to the tea shop. You aren't paying attention to the conversation about Mount Yunjin. You'd much rather pay attention to Wèizhī. The two birds hop around on the table and chirp away.
You decided to bring them today, simply because they bring you peace of mind. Of course they aren't only birds they're much more than that. Anyone would know if they're close to you, and they've seen the earring hiding behind your long hair.
Right now they're birds though and you'd much rather chirp away with the Magpies then pretend to chat with the officials next to you.
It isn't until loud drums and a gathered crowd outside has all four of you going outside to check it out. A line of men outside carrying a sedan is what the crowd is gathered for. As for the last inside the sedan... She looks like her neck has been snapped. It proves so when a fake head rolls to yours and Xie Lian's feet.
"Ew" you sneer and quickly kick it away. You assume whatever these mortals are doing is connected with the Ghost Groom. You stand to the side however as Wèizhī perches on your shoulders.
"If I was a ghost groom I'd kill the entire group for sending such an ugly thing to me" Fu Yao comments in disgust and rolls his eyes
"Fu Yao you aren't talking like an immortal should." Xie Lian said. "And can you fix that eye-rolling habit of yours? Why don't you set a small target for yourself first and only roll five days or something like that?"
" Set it fifty times a day and it still won't be enough!" Nan Feng yells
"Leave Fu Yao alone, if he rolls them hard enough maybe they'll fall out on their own." You add, with a snicker.
You're interrupted by yelling, one of the men in the group yelling about how it's useless and that they should just charge into Mount Yunjin and dragging an ugly freak out. They all hoot in agreement.
"Ugly Freak? Shopkeeper what are they talking about?" Xie Lian asks
The tea master explains, "The ghost groom has such an ugly appearance that no woman loves it, so he wears bandages around his face. That is why he kidnaps brides."
"Just because his face is wrapped in bandages doesn't mean it's ugly. There's a possibility it's so beautiful that it doesn't want others to see it, so he covers it up" Fu Yao says.
When Fu Yao quickly glances at you, you ignore. This isn't about you and you know that Fu Yao is truly a prick. No need to make something out of nothing.
Your group's attention is caught when the same girl from yesterday begging them not to go do anything dangerous and a man bitching at her because she refused to join them.
You don't care about anyone's affairs unless it has something to do with Xie Lian. You perk in attention when the man pushes the girl roughly, Xie Lian ever so kindly catches her.
Xie Lian uses Rou'ye to smack down the man and then just as quickly hides back in Xie Lian's sleeve. You snicker softly at the slumped man in the dirt. The man is not happy though, he's having none of it. He brandishes his sword and yells that Xie Lian is using wicked magic.
Nan Feng uses his palm to snap a wooden pillar of the tea shop and the group of men run in fear. You side eye Nan Feng. You have mixed opinions on him, but even after so long... "You're still just a brute dummy. You're paying for that" you smile behind the veil and return to Xie Lian's side.
The four of you eventually head back to the temple. With newly acquired information from Ling Wen, you now know that you're going to need a fake bride. However you can't use any mortals since it's a wrath level ghost.
"Well if we can't use women we'll have to use men" said Fu Yao.
"What man is going to want to dress up as a bride?" Nan Feng sighs.
The two suddenly have the same idea and look over to you and Xie Lian.
"No." You glare.
Nighttime, the temple of Nan Yang.
You watch as Xie Lian walks from the back in a brides dress, hair down and flowing. You sigh into your hand. It doesn't look like a bride at all
Nan Feng has a more extreme reaction, "Fuck!" He just can't stand to see Xie Lian in a brides dress, it's awful.
Fu Yao scans Xie Lian with a complicated look.
"Do you have something you wish to say?" He asked
Fu Yao nodded "if someone sent a woman like this to me..."
"you'd kill the whole town was it?" You snicker.
"No I'd kill the woman." Fu Yao replied frigidly.
Xie Lian smiles, "Then thank goodness I'm not the woman."
You hum, "A-Lian let me help you, obviously these two have and never will see a bride in their lives" you smile, "not unless it's each other..." You mutter the last part out.
"Excuse me..." The four of them look at the voice. It's the girl from earlier. She has a white robe in her hand and stands with trepidation. "I've washed these clothes to return them to you and thank you so much for yesterday and today"
You see Xie Lian smiles in response but suddenly remembers his attire.
"Are you... if you want I can help?" She asks, no longer shy.
"No miss you misunderstand this isn't a hobby of mine" Xie Lian laughs nervously.
You on the other hand are happy with this development. "Yes! Come help us."
And so that began Xie Lian's makeover. The girl has a sewing kit on her and helps Xie Lian fit into his dress. You do Xie Lian's hair - you do it all the time anyways - and together the two of you do Xie Lian's makeup. After you're finished with him, he looks like a proper bride and a damn good one too. If you weren't a ghost there would be a blush on your cheeks.
Guys. If anyone has actually read all of these parts I need y'all to tell me if Y/n is making sense. 😭 Like do we understand the background and his character? Do we understand the b i r d s?
Time gap between here and first glance
First Glance
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lu-dao-writes · 4 months
— 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 (𝙃𝙪𝙖 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙜)
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꒰ྀི 🥀ˎˊ˗ 𝙎𝙮𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨 He loves you not.
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) Spoilers, cheating, hurt no comfort, HC’s unapologetic devotion for XL in front of you, rough sex, HC is not so great in this one, jealousy, gn!reader, mention of using sex as a coping mechanism, minimum editing.
𝘼/𝙉 I’m getting back into my danmei lmaoo. It’s nice to also post short pieces since I’ve been burnt out with long projects. So also I’m aware of the whole statute scene, but I didn’t go into depth because I’m not that far🥲. But I also appreciate all the likes I’ve gotten on my TGCF stuff! Also uh… This definitely also gave me vibes. Idek if the song works completely but it’s 🥵MINORS/AGELESS DNI! ⋆💔˚。⋆ ྀི꒱
Edited 01/24/24: I made a whoopsie on the timeline. I mistaken chapters and pages like a dummy 😅😅. Holy balls I’m sorry y’all🤣.
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Never did you imagine catching the Huā Chéng’s attention nor having his good graces.
You are nothing but a simple god in the heavens. Nothing highly praised, but important enough to be recognized and worshiped.
Of course you kept your meetings a secret and you enjoyed every small moment you had with him, after all, he is a very busy man, one of the four calamities in the ghost realm. You understand the workload.
You love him though with all his perfect and imperfections.
You noticed a change as of late, and it all started when crown prince Xiè Lián arrived in the heavens for the third time apparently.
You knew very little of him initially, but you gathered the opinions of others due to the nasty things that were spewed from one mouth to another.
Obviously this wouldn’t do, so you opted to help him with the case in Mount Yujun, and you weren’t alone. Two “junior” officials also join you as well, and though they’re incredibly amusing, they’re also a headache as usual.
Anyways. While on this mission Xiè Lián was anything but what was being said in the heavens by the other gods. He’s incredibly humble, kind, has strong morals, and is charitable. A perfect friend to have in your life.
You don’t pry into his history, and you can tell he’s appreciative of that.
Once the mission is over with you come to your own conclusion and don’t regret it. You planned to even come visit him and help him out at his shrine until that familiar presence has you frozen in place.
What is Huā Chéng doing here..?
You left before you could be detected, fleeing back to your little palace and drowning yourself in your duties while unwillingly being stuck in your thoughts as well.
As days go by you note that when your beloved finally comes to you, it’s after his highness returns from another mission…
Huā Chéng is overwhelmed with emotions, that much is obvious when he grabs you so tight, his body tense and shoulders trembling just faintly.
His turmoil distracts you from your unsteady heart and you offer to remedy his burdens by being the one to lovingly service him.
But he turns your offer down.
Instead he resorts to his usual, just putting you on your hands and knees and then making you ride him with your back facing him when he grows tired of doing the work.
You’ve… Never had too much of a problem with this, the positions always hitting you deeply in those special, toe curling spots, and honestly he fucks you dumb to the point you got no thoughts.
But this didn’t soothe your paranoia, and you weren’t sure how to bring it up to him.
So you resort to soothing yourself.
‘It’s just insecurity. I’m just blowing it out of proportion.. Huā Chéng loves me.’
It only works for so long.
After that night Huā Chéng became distant again and soon did the unthinkable.
He snatched Xiè Lián from his palace where he was made to be confined in, and made a nice little show about it in the communication array.
You were dazed and hurt, not sure what his plans were and why he’s so infatuated with Xiè Lián. You weren’t sure if he wanted to hurt him or…
Your chest is heavy, but you push through and go with Fēng Xìn and Mù Qíng to find the runaway duo.
In the end, you wished to have just stayed tucked away in your palace, distracting yourself with your work for a moment longer than seeing this .
There’s many.. Many statues of Xiè Lián, all depicting a specific moment in his and Huā Chéng’s lifetime, or just because Huā Chéng wants another beautiful image of the crown prince.
It’s sick and painful. Your body trembling and your mind sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss that’s your proven thoughts.
Some can say it’s romantic.. Other can say it’s creepy. Pick your poison. But you felt humiliated above all else. It makes you question whether your relationship was even real this entire time.
When Huā Chéng makes his sudden appearance, he doesn’t even look ashamed, his attention and concern solely on Xiè Lián.
When you finally managed to leave Ghost City, like usual, you locked yourself away and finally exploded, taking your anger out on some of your furniture before sobbing on the cold floor, nothing but the shadows on the wall to comfort you in your grief.
All along Huā Chéng has been devoted to and in love with Xiè Lián.
The times you’ve had sex you’re sure he’s imagined him in your place.
In the meantime you were just something to keep him occupied until he had his chance.
You felt used and foolish and you had a tidal wave of resentment for Huā Chéng at his callousness.
And unfortunately you couldn’t help but have a little resentment for Xiè Lián…
You only distanced yourself from him and his party of growing allies, ignoring the hurt in his eyes when you brush him off, and ignoring him when he came to your palace asking for you and checking on you.
Your bitterness was just too immense.
You assume that no one knows still about you and your one sided relationship with Huā Chéng, otherwise you’re sure your doors would’ve been blown open and you’d be dragged into court for an interrogation by now.
Huā Chéng has yet to face you, and it hurts, but you’re not surprised either. You’re sure you’re not going to get an apology either.
Love truly can be a curse…
But for now you’ll let yourself mourn and stew in your anger. You’ll throw a small pity party for yourself and be a little destructive.
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“Hi…! I know it’s late and this is completely random, but is that offer still available…?”
“Of course, come right on in~.”
You only hope that Péi Míng doesn’t pry too much…
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derlost · 6 months
Don’t mind me, just thinking about bunny boys…
ABOUT: Wouldn’t it be so great to own a sweet little bunny boyfriend? WARNINGS: Proofread, nsfw (below cut), mentions of crying, mostly fluff & vanilla, male reader
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Thinking about cute little bunny boys. Absolute innocent sweethearts that would curl up in your lap and beg you to cuddle them, tearing up in delight as you coo into their plush ears, reassuring them that they are your favorite.
🎀☁️Cute bunny boys who smell like roses and taste like cotton candy, who enjoy warm baths with you, because it just makes them feel at home. You would ask him to fill up the tub and he’d most certainly oblige, even taking the extra step to light candles and put bubble bath in. When you wash his perky rabbit ears, he’ll giggle in delight as you itch his favorite spot. He’ll sigh happily as he lays between your legs, smiling innocently.
🎀☁️ Cute bunny boys who take care of you, cooking and cleaning, being absolutely perfect in order to please you. After a long day, you would return to an orderly home with floors so clean that they shine, and music coming from the kitchen. There stands your adorable little bunny, dressed in a soft pink apron, cooking you dinner. A giggle would escape his lips as he sets down his wooden spoon and wraps you in a hug, whispering “I missed you” into your ear.
🖇️🖤 Naughty little bunny boys who act so innocent in front of you when in reality, their minds wander to the darkest of places. If you can’t bathe with him, it’s not a problem- he’ll secretly lube himself up after his bath before climbing into bed, hiding himself under layers of blankets as he waits for you to find him.
🖇️🖤 Naughty bunny boys who cry when you tease them, acting as if they weren’t the one that got you riled up. He’ll cry and plead for you to stuff him full, crystalline tears wetting his pretty face as he clings to your shirt and whimpers for you. His ears will go flat against his head, and he’ll beg and beg until he goes dumb and loses his voice.
🖇️🖤 Naughty bunny boys who beg for you, only to cry when you finally fill them up. Pretty tears drip from his lashline and drool escapes the corner of his lips as you pound into him, kissing all along his neck, leaving him breathless. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” you find yourself saying, tightening your grip on his waist. But your precious bunny can only nod and let out a muffled ‘uh-huh’, too spent to even listen.
🖇️🖤 Naughty bunny boys who cherish your seed so, treating it as if it were liquid gold. To him at least, it really was- and even when he knows that he can’t get pregnant, his desire clouds his senses, and all he can focus on is you breeding him. After you spill your seed into him, he begs for you to stay inside- to keep it all plugged into him. When you do have to pull out however, he’ll absolutely insist that you use a pretty pink glass butt plug on him- he just can’t stand to be apart from your seed!
🧸🩷 Loving bunny boys who snuggle up in your arms after you’re both spent and tired, cuddling you to sleep. He would rest his pretty head on your chest, and would stay comfortably tucked to your side for the entire night. If you move, that’s fine- because he’ll move too. He loves nothing more than feeling you in his arms- and being your cherished one. You’re the only one he loves, and you make him so very happy…
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🍰🤍 Author��s note: Hello everyone! So I know this is kind of unexpected, but lately i’ve been suuuuper fixated on bunny boys- i’m even thinking of making an oc and posting stories about him on tumblr! I’ve been active a lot more (can u tell? ;)) and i’ve also had a lot more free time on my hands, so requests are open! Per usual please like, comment, and repost if you enjoyed. Feedback is super appreciated, because as a small author, it lets me know that people see and like my work! In any case, thank you for reading!
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boonsmoon · 5 months
Would you do a Mu Qing from TCGF fluff request Xie Lian (and by extension San Lang) attempt to play matchmaker between Mu Qing and his god/dess crush (cause Mu Qing refuses to admit liking them despite them being the person he’s closest to since meeting each other)?
I fell in love with this idea instantly A Christmas special for the lovelies Btw for creativity purposes, you can be the goddess of literally whatever
Request Masterlist Mu Qing x f!reader Genres:🎉🌸💞🧪
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Kiss of Winter
To the untrained eye you would seem like a subordinate or nuisance to the cold-hearted god; however, this couldn't be further from the truth. You would considered yourself a close friend to Mu Qing, you have known each other for hundreds of years after all.
Though when asked, Mu Qing would refer to you as "a valuable acquaintance," and boy did it hurt to say this. Luckily, there was a very observant god who decided he had watched you two dance around each other long enough.
The holidays were approaching and Xie Lian thought this would be a great time to force persuade both of you to be in each other's company more often. So, with some hard thought planning and input from San Lang, the boys decided on a special celebration for the gods.
Now considering all these higher beings actually have standards, lots of works will have to be put into this. And who better to ask than someone that'll be excited to attend?
"I can't think of anyone more fitting for this job than you," Xie Lian praised, hoping to get you on the project. Everything has to be perfect if he's gonna get you and Mu Qing together.
You hesitated for a moment, "I've been getting many more prayers recently, though I suppose those can be put on hold..." There was a look of pondering on your face, weighing the pros and cons of what this could do to your status among deities and humans.
"Don't you have subordinates? If anything important happens they'll surely yap to you about it," you tensed at San Lang's words. Subordinates yes, deserving of disrespect no.
Unfortunately though, you must admit he was right. Your subordinates were always more alert than you, even when it came to your own temples. You sighed, "fine, I will help you prepare for this celebration."
After tireless days? Weeks? Of work, you all finally finished the super secret super awesome holiday party. Now you may be wondering would Mu Qing even come to the celebration? The answer is yes, but only if you invite him.
And let's be honest, most of the Heaven Official's don't like Xie Lian and San Lang very much, so making you the messenger was common sense from the beginning. So after running around and inviting everyone you saw, it finally came to the one and only.
"It is a holiday that comes each year, what makes this one special?" So far, so bad, he doesn't seem very keen on attending your greatest achievement yet.
"Becauseee we put effort into enjoying it this year. It'll be fun, I promise!" You pleaded with Mu Qing, hoping he'd say yes. "I worked on it the most anyways, so you don't have to worry about Xie Lian's 'bad taste.'"
He crossed his arms, contemplating if that was really a good enough reason to attend. "And when did I say you have good taste? It is likely just as bad considering you dare interact with him." OW OKAY THEN.
You folded your hands and begged, "if it's not I swear to never invite you again! Just please come this once..." This is what convinced him, the pain that in the future deities will get to enjoy your hard-work and he'll be left out. No one could ever appreciate your efforts like he can.
"Fine! I will agree this once..." That was a lie, he will make sure to agree in the future, even if it means forcing himself to attend a celebration that involved Xie Lian and San Lang.
The day of the celebration was fantastic, several deities appeared, many complimenting you on your efforts. You most oversaw everything that was happening, what you didn't see; however, was Xie Lian spying on you and Mu Qing while talking.
He took this as his chance to put the real plan into action. After getting a signal from San Lang that the mistletoe was hanging up a few feet from you two, Xie Lian basically sprinted into the both of you, pushing you under the plant.
Mu Qing turned around, visibly angry at Xie Lian, "would it hurt to watch where you move?!" This caused Xie Lian to put his hands up in defeat and shuffle away.
While rubbing your head to try and soothe the pain, you noticed something bright above you. Realizing it was mistletoe your face got darker. This caused Mu Qing to seem slightly concerned, questioning what was the problem. You only pointed up, and when he took notice his face also darkened.
"We can simply move and ignore this tradition, it's not that important anyways-" He was interrupted by you however, "rules are rules, Mu Qing, we can't ignore them. Plus, I kinda like this tradition."
He tried to get over the initial embarrassment and decided it would be easier to dive into the kiss. What would've been a fleeting moment to others felt like an eternity to you both.
Pulling away you could both tell by the look in each other's eyes that the feeling was mutual. And hidden somewhere else was a very proud and excited Xie Lian.
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this was a very beefy fic
not that i'm complaining i liked it
anyways, happy holidays everyone! may all be well for the new year
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misakidraconia · 2 months
I find it really unfair that writers are insulted because they write Heaven Official Blessing fics with female readers. I believe that it is everyone's right to fantasize despite the character's love interest. And in any case it is not necessarily true that the character is actually only gay( Hua cheng still loves the female form of xie lian no?), it could be that pansexual, bisexual but this doesn't only apply to this fandom but in general, I don't understand so much hate on this thing I find it very unfair we all love these characters why deprive ourselves of a fic just for our gender. I understand that it can be annoying but at least don't spit venom in the comments of the fics, just scroll, **everyone has the right to do what they want**
My question is why so much Badness ?❤️🤷🏻‍♀️
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jacksonlywife · 6 months
Tcgf characters of choice (but please do Mu Qing) overhearing their crush admit to liking them while turning down Pei Ming (example: turning Pei down by being like “sorry but Mu Qing is more handsome than you”) thank you!!?!
   I Like You Better
 (TCGF characters overhearing their crush admit to liking them while turning down Pei Ming)
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Mu Qing:
Mu Qing had a crush on you. Though him being his stubborn self he would not admit it. Today though his world flipped. He saw Pei Ming the womanizer ask you out. Rage bubbled inside of him and he wanted to intervene but then he’d know you’d be aware of his feelings for you so he kept silent and watched the scene unfold in front of his eyes.
“Would you like to go out sometime?” Pei Ming says to you, taking his hand out.
“Well.” You mumbled
“Well?” He says smiling clearly anticipating a positive response.
“Mu Qing’s is cuter than you.” You bow your head apologetically, making Pei Ming flinch in surprise and shock.
Mu Qing on the other hand was fuming red. 
You called him cute.
His face shined with flush as he covered his mouth with his hand hiding behind a wall making sure you didn't see him.
“They called me cute.” He mumbled to himself a blush more evident and a small smile creaking onto his face.
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Feng Xin:
Feng Xin loved you deeply. He wasn’t going to straight up and say that to you. No way. Though he would be lying if he said he didn’t feel an immense rage as he saw Pei Ming try to ask you out. His fists clenched as he tried to watch the scene in front of him.
“I’m sure I’d be an amazing date for you.” Pei Ming says with a smirk and an eyebrow raise.
“Actually I have someone else in mind.” You avert your eyes playing with your fingers.
“Oh? Who might that be?” Pei Ming say’s oddly curious.
“Feng Xin is way more handsome than you. I apologize, Pei Ming.”  Your ears flushed as you said that statement.
Feng Xin watching this whole thing go down and hearing you call him handsome made him go so red that he could be used as a light. His eyes widened as he kept repeating those words you said in his head and eventually he sighed in relief.
“Thank goodness.” He mumbled smiling.
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timetohop · 1 month
I want to wring Mu Qing's neck. I want to shake him and study the wrinkles of his brain. I want to iron him until there's something straight about this man.
Everything he says has five layers and for every action you have to jump through three hoops to reach his real motives. He has more wrinkles than a Shar Pei.
"I hear the Heavenly Emperor is not in the north at the moment, so this is probably a call for assistance from His Highness the Crown Prince, am I right?"
At first glance, a call-out - he's exposing to everyone that it's Xie Lian looking for help, effectively stopping anyone who might have wanted to help from doing so (plus another jab at Xie Lian).
But he's also helping Xie Lian here because XL is right - if another official had agreed to help only to then find out they'd been tricked, it would have put XL in a bad spot. So MQ is nipping that possibility on the spot, and I don't think that was accidental.
Thirdly, he's also confirming to himself that it's XL asking for help; while he doesn't get it openly, the refusal to answer speaks for itself. This is a minor point but still. (Also of course the sheer fact that he's lurking in the array all day just waiting for XL to enter it - Ling Wen's "these days" implies he doesn't usually spend so much time in the array)
He could've just said "I'll help" but no. I'm sure he had like a list of 100 reasons why he can't openly offer his assistance and they range from reasonable to ridiculous and are all equally important.
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yuyanwrites · 10 months
The fights along the way
A/n: I said I was going to write fanfocs that weren't hoyoverse related on this blog but I never actually posted any of my drafts so here's a quick drabble. I might editthis in the morning cause I'm tired. 😓
Pairing: Fengqing x gn!reader
Tags: reader prefers alone time over comfort, arguing (mu Qing and reader, Fengqing arguing if you squint), fluffy ending, (Y/C/N) = (Your courtesy name), reader cries when arguing, hurt/comfort
"What?" Feng Xin asked, his mouth agape.
"(Y/C/N) and general Xuan zhen are arguing at general Xuan Shen's palace," the junior official repeated, shuffling their feet on the spot.
It was common to hear Feng Xin and my Qing arguing. It happens almost everyday and if not, every other day. They'd try to beat each other up and no one batted an eye. Well, except you of course. You didn't want either of them to get hurt.
A crowd was forming outside of Mu qing's palace as shouts echoed from deep inside the halls.
Whispers could be heard amongst the crowd.
"No way, general Xuan Zhen and (Y/C/N) are arguing?"
"Do you think they'll get into a first fight?"
"No, no way. Maybe if it was general Xuan Zhen and Nan yang fighting but it's (Y/N/C)...surely he wouldn't hit them." Heavenly officials sure do love to gossip, huh?
Feng Xin shoved the crowd, making a path to the entrance of the palace where the screaming got clearer.
"Everyone leave!" Feng Xin shouted and despite the two of you hearing Feng Xin, neither of you backed down.
Soon, crowds dispersed and a junior official lead Feng Xin to the garden behind the golden palace.
"I don't understand! What's wrong with helping king with her paperwork?!" you screamed, throat going sore as small tears started to prick at the corners of your eyes.
"How could you not possibly understand! Are you an idiot?" Mu Qing screamed back, his own voice becoming hoarse. "You've been so caught up with someone else's job that you don't even have time for anything else! are you even taking care of yourself?!"
"Ok? And what's wrong with helping someone, huh?!"
"The problem is you don't have enough time for anything else!"
"I don't understand! I like helping people so it doesn't matter and I'm still making sure I eat correctly and I-" You hicupped. Streams of tears ran down your cheeks, collecting in a little drop at a bottom before falling to its inevitable demise.
However, Mu Qing didn't flinch, didn't say another word, didn't try to comfort you or even reach you. Just stood there silently as you started crying. Small sobs rattled your ribs and you started to furiously wiping away your tears. "I just don't understand..."
"(Name)..." a voice called out. Heavy footsteps strides towards you as strong arms tried to wrap around your waist but you backed away. "(Name)?"
"Not now Xin-er," you said between shaky breaths. Mu Qing studied you carefully and pursed his lips, the first he clenched so tight before, relaxing and unraveling.
Yet again, you dodged one of Feng xin's attempts at comforting you and ran out of the palace, back to your own. You just needed some time to think.
Worried eyes watched you before hardening slightly when meeting Mu qing's. "Now, why would you argue with (name), look what happened," Feng xin said rather softly compared to his expression.
"Well, I don't know! Feng xin we didn't see them for a year because they were too busy helping someone or whatever," Mu qing said, growing quieter with each word.
"Qing-er..." Feng xin said, embracing Mu qing who resisted at first but gave in. "Just give them some time, they'll come around."
Waking up alone in your cold empty bed when you usually had you lovers with you was something you had grown used to in the past year, being busy with ling Wen's paperwork on-top of your own duties.
You got to work, quickly getting ready for the day and leaving to go to your office when you say something while you passed the dining table. You went a few steps back before turning to face the basket of fruit on your dining table and a near letter, sealed with a golden wax stamp.
"It was left outside this morning," one of your junior officials who happens to be passing spoke up.
"Thank you," you muttered, opening the letter and reading it. A soft smile graced your lips as you read the name that the letter signed off with. "Idiot."
Soft footsteps approached quickly, the jogging pace, breaking into a run as the two men, Mu qing and Feng xin who were standing by Mu qing's desk, got tackled in a hug.
"You know if you missed me, you could've said so," you whispered but they could hear you as clear as day.
"Sorry," Mu qing whispered back.
"I love you," you whispered, grinning.
"We...love you too," Mu qing whispered bsck, a blush forming in his cheeks as the three of you stayed in each other's embrace.
"Yeah we all love each other but why are we whispering," Feng xin whispered, a genuinely confused expression in his face. Mu qing rolled his eyes while you started laughing. Feng xin just looked between the two of you before saying,"What...? What did I say wrong?"
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hii~ i hope you’re having a good day/night! i was wondering if you could do Mu Qing from TGCF with the prompt #16. "Don't ever say that name again"? idk why but i can definitely see him being a petty and jealous significant other (gn reader if can please) thank youu <3
A Tiny Bit Of Jealousy {Mu Qing}
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A/n: thank you for requesting and I hope you like the outcome. I just wanted to say that a) I am lowkey loving this coloured layout since the photo is for the tgcf manhua and b) I am still three books in tgcf so I am incredibly sorry if this isn't an indepth writing or if his character isn't fully accurate
Pairing: Mu Qing x gn!reader
Trigger warnings: jealousy
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You never realised how and when you got in a relationship with Mu Qing and there had been times when you couldn't help but wonder and question the circumstances under which the relationship came to exist. Not in a bad way of course, never in a bad way. But when originally you thought Mu Qing was just not ready to open up to you yet, as the months and years passed by, you realised that he wasn't hiding anything from you.
It was on odd feeling, being with him. After meeting Xie Lian and Hua Cheng and witnessing some parts of their relationship you could say with great certainty that he wasn't as open with you as those two were with each other. He wasn't neglecting you but he wasn't all touchy either. He was just there and if you happened to want cuddles or kisses, you would have to ask.
On that note, he wasn't bad at picking up signs, especially when it came to you. He knew your reactions -he could predict them even-, your likes, your dislikes, your routine. He knew everything because you were open with him. And it went without saying that when it came to you, Mu Qing was an excellent listener. He could sit down and listen to you mumble about the latest gossip in the Heavenly Realm for hours. Did he care? No. But you were the one talking so he would listen to you even if his ears somehow disappear.
Naturally, he also knew every single one of your friends in the Heavenly Realm; and the ones you didn't like that much.
And god he was jealous.
He was jealous of a very few selected people but not in the toxic way. He would never try and get you away from them since he knew that their and your intentions were pure but he couldn't help but envy the fact that they could give you something he thought he couldn't: a good and fun time.
In his mind, Mu Qing thought he was boring you and perhaps that was the only thing he had never been honest with you about. He could never easily laugh, express his feelings without being asked and most of the time he was a little too focused on his work.
And then the day he begged and prayed not to come actually came. He saw you laughing with another god. Now, on the surface there was nothing wrong with it. He had seen you laugh at something another god or goddess had said a million times and it never bothered him.
But this god was Feng Xin.
"Hey!" Your melodic voice echoed around the room as you walked through the pink silk curtains. You didn't have to ask, it was as clear as day that there was something wrong with him. And you didn't have to ask what was wrong either since when the two of you started dating you made a silent agreement: Mu Qing would always tell you in his own time what was wrong.
"Hello." He responded gruffly.
"I just came to check in since I have to do some paperwork." You walked up to him and placed a soft kiss on his cheek; a kiss to which he didn't react. "Oh! Feng Xin-"
"Don't ever say that name again!"
His tone was harsh and angry but he didn't raise his voice. Him pulling away was enough to realise that most probably you had said something wrong.
"We'll talk later," was all you said and walked away.
Mu Qing sighed and sat back down at the soft pillow on the floor, closing his eyes. You hadn't done anything wrong, that small part of his brain that could think clearly said so. Laughing and talking with Feng Xin was okay. Not once had Mu Qing thought about controlling you and he would rather die than do it. But it felt like a betrayal of some kind. You knew about his bad relationship with Feng Xin so why on earth did you have to bring him up?
Though if he had to be completely honest with himself... it wasn't the fact that he and Feng Xin were practically enemies that made him angry. It was the fact that not once had he made you laugh like that. He wanted to hear that unique sound he had never heard before once again with all his heart but he didn't want it if he wasn't the one causing it. What good was a partner who didn't make you laugh with all your heart?
"I am sorry," he whispered. He had gathered the courage and later that day, at night to be precise, he had walked all the way to your palace just to apologise. You didn't deserve someone who was as petty as him and he knew it but he needed you.
"I know," you whispered back and took that one step, closing the distance between the two of you with a hug. "You always say things you don't mean when you're angry."
In an ideal world, he would have preferred it if you didn't comment on it. But you did and the truth hurt a little but he deserved it.
Gently, he wrapped his arms around you and placed a soft kiss on your temple. "Should I make up for it? What did that bastard want?"
"You know... I am pretty sure that if I tell you, you'll get angry again."
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gojosatoruwifey · 10 months
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help mu qing and jiang cheng are so fine
“what the heck are you doing..?” twitching eyebrow and disgusted eyes looked at your hunched figure, quietly finishing off the cocoa powder on your spoon. somehow, you understand mu qing’s appalled reaction. who eats cocoa powder raw anyways? yeah, apparently you.
“can’t you see?” closing the lid of the container, you stood up from your seat and headed over to the sink, leaving your sassy man of a boyfriend on the dining table. a small part of you feels a little embarrassed being caught by mu qing of all people who knows his ways of cooking and cleaning.
“next time, just ask if you want sweets. i’ll make you one.” mu qing snatched the container and you watched him put it back in its place then he turned to you with crossed arms against his chest, frowning at your expression. his face eases as he pats your head affectionately. he wants to scold you but with that cute face you’re making…mu qing stopped himself.
the next day, you are beaming in glee, seeing a beautiful uirō inside the fridge. subtle sweet, chewy dessert with fruits providing nutrition at the same enjoying the sugar. you chuckled as the idea of such a choice of dessert is a mu qing’s move. speaking of, you certainly need to thank the idiot and as you do so, tackling his figure on the couch, you pressed a kiss on his cheeks which had turned red from your touch.
“what, what, what???”
“that’s for the uirō,” you cupped his blush-painted face and stole a kiss on his lips. defenseless against your loving attacks, mu qing’s skin is now bright red, letting you shower him with kisses.
“it’s nothing really…” he muttered, a proud look casting his warm face.
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ladydostoevsky · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐮𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢'𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐧
𝐗𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝐱 𝐌𝐞𝐢 𝐍𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐪𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 (𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝) 𝐬𝐨𝐧
W: novel spoilers, Xianle arc spoilers? Xie Lian past spoilers? Idk how much of a spoiler it is actually
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The room is dark and foggy. You could smell the strong lotus and sandalwood aroma in the air. The dozens of candles around the room being the only light sources to the five people in the room. Mei y/n was kneeling on the floor before the Heavenly Emperor's, Jun Wu’s statue, praying before him with his three other friends like everyday, at the same time. He had his eyes closed, hands on his knees and mind in praying trance. His friends, Xie Lian, Mu Qing and Feng Xin weren't that concentrated. The three behind him kept opening their eyes and looking at y/n. Everytime Xie Lian heard Mei Nianqing, the head Guoshi of the Xianle Kingdom and Mei y/n's father, approaching he closed his eyes again and pretended to pray and meditate. Feng Xin and Mu Qing weren't that concerned about Mei Nianqing and secretly kept admiring his son. Sensing the two's distraction, behind them, Mei Nianqing slapped the back of their heads with his palm. Both whispered-yelled like from one mouth, "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Xie Lian snickered beside them. Mei y/n bowed his head to the Heavenly Emperor's statue, signaling the others that he had thanked the god and had finished. He turned around to look at the other four men behind him, "I'm finished, Guoshi." The priest nodded, "very well. The lesson has ended. Go then you four, the rest of the day is free." All four thanked and bowed before him before leaving the room. Mei Nianqing shook his head, disappointed.
The four walked out of the Holy Royal Pavilion towards the cherry field, spending the rest of their day together. The Crown Prince and the son of the state preceptor walked at front, hands hooked together. They laughed about Feng Xin and Mu Qing getting scolded by Mei Nianqing, AGAIN. The latters walked behind them, leaving a respectful space between. They blushed and tried to defend themselves, also trying to hide their jealousy towards Xie Lian. They reached their usual relaxing place, a red cherry tree from which hung a simple swing. Mei y/n let go of Xie Lian's hand and ran towards the swing, hopping onto it. He started to move his legs gently, watching the others sit against the tree. They sat in silence for a moment, the swinging of the swing being the only sound. "Finally, some peace and quiet. Qi Rong has been a pain in the ass the whole day. Someday, I swear I'm going to snap," Mei y/n sighed. He had been Prince Xiao Jing's servant for years, appointed by his father. Only near Xie Lian and the other two he could address the young Prince so casually and actually talk ill about him. The other three didn't mind, rather they agreed with him. Xie Lian felt bad and sighted, "Don't worry, I'm going to 'talk' to him. I can't see you being tortured by him like that. I can ask Guoshi again to make you my servant, maybe he will allow this time?" Mei y/n hopped off the swing and sat between Mu Qing's legs, against his strong chest. The young boy blushed at it but didn't dare or want to push him away, he took a lock of his hair and started playing with it. Mei y/n smiled and closed his eyes, relaxing in the calming silence with his dear friends.
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Maple Robes and Lace Veils
Hua Cheng x M!Reader x Xie Lian
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this is the second part of my first story, "The First Glance". Again it's technically about my OC since no one's asking for anything. I just have it written to where it can be for a reader. ����
Switching pov's
Also guys I am not Chinese but I try to find words and translations that are important to my OC's story.
Dúshé means poison laced tongue in simplified Chinese (I think)
Mûguô means bitch, or whore in simplified Chinese (I think)
Míngqín means song bird it's Y/n's nickname
Previous part: First Glance
Once the morning has officially started, San Lang goes back to his wood pile. You stand by Xie Lian while San Lang somehow manages to build a whole door for the shrine. Xie Lian seems to love it, it's obvious with how he's become fascinated by opening and closing it repeatedly.
"I thought a door would be easier to stick talismans on than a curtain" San Lang explains. You smile and give a small clap. "It's a very well made door, San Lang, good job" you giggle at Xie Lian's excitement.
At the mention of talismans Xie Lian seems to remember something. He claps his hands together, "Oh Míngqín I forgot to tell you what happened at Mount Yunjin! I'm so sorry, so much happened yesterday"
You wave a hand, "it's nothing to worry about. How important could it be? I was there for most of it." You smile but Xie Lian's face is very serious so really nothing's funny at all.
"Well actually," Xie Lian laughs nervously, scratching his temple. "I talked with the heavenly officials and I found out that I met a calamity yesterday." Your face morphs into shock but Xie Lian quickly settles you down. "Not him." The words are met with silence. Of course it wasn't the white calamity. What were you thinking? ,"They called him Crimson Rain Sought Flower, his name is Hua Cheng" Xie Lian smiles. At this ghost's mention San Lang starts to pay attention to the conversation. "He walked me through the forest yesterday and I mistook him to be the ghost groom but he isn't. He isn't hard to be mistaken after seeing his silver butterflies ."
You're in shock. Because you got caught up in a swarm of silver butterflies yesterday. "I... Just don't understand. Why would a calamity be hanging around Mount Yunjin? Crimson Rain Sought Flower is known to stay in his den." You sigh.
You easily worry about Xie Lian and panic once more. "He didn't hurt you did he?" You move closer to Xie Lian and hold his face, looking for marks or bruises. "Why didn't you call for me, I would've been there right away." You frown and move back once you're satisfied with your search.
"There was no need to call, he didn't hurt me... He led me through the forest and safely delivered me to the temple." Xie Lian smiles but you sigh.
Xie Lian didn't get hurt, but a well known calamity shows up and helps Xie Lian? Coincidence. The same calamity helping you? Intention.
"...I suppose it's okay. As long as you didn't get hurt A-Lian. Just be careful." You look to the ground, but Xie Lian pats your head. "I am careful, ah you really should've seen the butterflies though Míngqín They were very beautiful"
You arch a brow then shake your head. "I actually did see them but, Wèizhī might eat them" Wèizhī is your two birds - Oriental Magpie- , they're not here right now though. They're probably bathing in water somewhere. Hm a bath doesn't sound so bad actually-, "Y/n?" You're brought back into focus when San Lang gains your attention. "Sorry I tend to lose my train of thought" you hum.
"What about you y/n?" You cock your head to the side at San Lang's question. "What have you heard about Crimson Rain" San Lang smiles mischievously.
"Why would I know anything about anybody?" You shrug. Of course you've heard and seen plenty about Hua Cheng, you're a ghost. You're... Residence happens to be near Ghost City.
Xie Lian nods in agreement though, he could use the info. You sigh, "Who knows? He stays in his den, and although close I've never seen him in my city." You shrug again.
All of you eventually go back inside. You end up staring at the painting again. You would have eventually painted something for Xie Lian but you've been busy working on the actual build of the shrine. You've always been good at the arts. Drawing, dancing, and singing. That is why you're the God of Song after all.
"San Lang's skills are very beautiful" You say, looking over at him. "Who taught you?"
San Lang shakes his head. "I had a good teacher a while back, I paint mostly for fun now." You nod at his explanation and smile back at the painting. You really do like it. It shows Xie Lian in what once used to be all his glory.
"Do you really like it so much, Míngqín?" Xie Lian stares at you and you've forgotten you don't have a veil on. They can see your expressions and you aren't just invisible anymore. You blush, and instinctively cover your mouth with your sleeve.
"O-oh, well yes I like it. It's very well done and it captures the prince of XianLe very beautifully." You stutter and look away.
The moment is interrupted when the three of you hear a scream and a man running towards the shrine. "Save Me! Save me please!" The panicked man grabs Xie Lian's wrist very harshly. It's in your nature, you can't help it. You are quick to push the man away, and to protect Xie Lian. He pats your arm however, in a 'It's okay' motion. Xie Lian sits the man down and asks for an explanation from him.
You and San Lang glare at him. Both of you don't trust him and both of you share a glance when the man explains he's from Banyue pass. Which has since turned into a dry land of sands. The man was running away from what killed his other group members.
"You ran all the way from Banyue pass to here?" San Lang asks with crossed arms. Your form is the same. The man seems to sweat at this, but Xie Lian in all his kindness offers the man a drink. Xie Lian is kind but he's probably just testing if the man is a mortal or not.
"No need to be polite you can drink" The man -for all his supposed running- hesitates to take the water Xie Lian so generously offered. When he does drink it, the water going into his body sounds hollow. You and Xie Lian both know it. "You can stop drinking now." Xie Lian says and takes the water from the man's hands. His disguise is ruined and everyone knows now. The man rises up quickly though and pulls a sword from his sleeve, moving to attack Xie Lian.
Before you or San Lang can act, Xie Lian is quick enough to flick the sword away. Sometimes you forget Xie Lian is just hiding his strength. The man tries to run and Xie Lian moves to use Rou'ye but the man drops and a sad looking skin bag(?) is left behind... A chopstick is what caused the damage. You and Xie Lian both whip your heads around to San Lang. Xie Lian goes to investigate the corpse but you still stare at San Lang.
"A chopstick?" You ask with an arched brow. "A chopstick" San Lang only smiles and you sigh. You both go to Xie Lian. When you get closer you can see that Xie Lian is using the array, so you do too. The only thing you can really hear is people being joyful about merits, and ignoring Xie Lian. Officials disgust you.
"Are the lot of you deaf? Did you not hear his highness? He asked a question." Your voice rings through the array and the officials who were once joyful before quiet down. Instead of answering, the cowards leave the array.
You're not a popular force in the heavens. Especially since your personality has always been cold and distant. You were actually loved once before, for your unnatural beauty and voice people revered you. That was until they found out you were a ghost and before they trashed Xie Lian's name. You would cause trouble for the other gods and challenge them often, causing fear to most officials. You always defended Xie Lian's name and when given the chance for promotion, you refused and chose to stay with Xie Lian instead.
This loyalty of yours to a scrap god however causes other officials to look down on you, they also just don't like your attitude. You have other unofficial titles that the heavenly officials made and of course those names spread. There's one title that used to be used quite often but you actually haven't heard any officials call you that in a long time. That title is "mûguô". Someone caught word of your past and decided to spread the name to upset you, but it faded out very quickly. That official -who you never even knew the name of- disappeared shortly after, with their temples burnt and no trace of them.
You're stuck in your thoughts until you hear Ling Wen answer Xie Lian's question about Banyue Pass. You leave the array, Xie Lian will tell you what's going on. When you look over at San Lang he's giving you a cheeky smile. "What?" You tilt your head but he just shakes his head.
You run your hands over your new braid while Xie Lian talks to Ling Wen. You mess with the red ribbon San Lang tied your hair with. It's definitely a pop out color compared to all the white you wear.
"San Lang, I'm afraid me and y/n will have to go far away soon" Xie Lian pipes up and stands from the... Thing on the ground. San Lang furrows a brow at the news and then gives a smug grin. "Why doesn't gege and y/n take me with them? I know a lot about Banyue Pass."
Xie Lian looks confused but he nods anyways. You wouldn't mind if San Lang came along either. "Oh? What do you know about Banyue Pass San Lang, you're far too young to know those things" you tease with a smile, while the three of you head inside the shrine.
San Lang chuckles and goes to speak before a knock on the door makes you all silent. You all look at each other in a moment of silence before Xie Lian opens the door.
When Xie Lian opens the door it reveals Mu Qing and Feng Xin who are in disguise... They are in a shocked silence not having seen you in a long time and to see your face after so long. You all sit in silence.
After you get over your shock you let out a panicked yelp and cover your face. They saw your face! Your cursed, cursed face! You shove your face into your hands. You didn't want Mu Qing to see it. He'd use it against you and you already hate him enough already. Feng Xin saw your face! He'll surely be disgusted with you now.
You start to groan into your sleeves, trying to move away from their eyes. You try to find your veil through the slits of your fingers. You can hear your name tumble from Feng Xin's lips but the door slams and someone whisks you away into their arms. They forcibly move your hands away from your face and now you can see that your face to face with red robes .
San Lang holds your wrists, and that stops you from hiding your face. "San Lang, my veil? Where's my veil?" You don't have a clue where he put it. Another pair of hands come into view and puts your veil over your eyes. You know it's Xie Lian.
Now that you can actually tell what your surroundings are you find that you're in San Lang's arms. You blush and step back. You hadn't meant to grip onto him so tightly.
Xie Lian sighs in relief when they find y/n's veil. Xie Lian is actually sad to see his face hidden again. He hasn't seen your face in so long and he missed it. Xie Lian supposes he doesn't mind though. If anyone deserves to see your beauty it's him and he actually doesn't want Feng Xin or Mu Qing to look. Xie Lian shakes his head to remove such thoughts. As if he could describe your face like it was a secret to keep between the three of you.
"I'm going to open the door now y/n" he pats your hand. He waits for your nod before opening the door again. He smiles nervously at the two officials outside. Of course Xie Lian knows who they really are but for now he'll pretend. "Ah why are you two here?"
Mu Qing and Feng Xin have crossed arms "Are you going to Banyue Pass? We're going with you" they say at the same time and then glare at each other. Xie Lian laughs but opens the door to let them inside. He looks at y/n keeping an eye on him. Xie Lian knows his temper.
When Feng Xin and Mu Qing see San Lang they're alarmed. Holding up their lighting, and fire. "Who's he?" Mu Qing nods his head at San Lang. Xie Lian sighs, "This is San Lang"
Feng Xin's eye twitches, "where did he come from? Where's his family? Do you usually invite people you don't know into your home?"
Xie Lian laughs nervously but he's glad that the attention isn't on y/n anymore.
Not until Mu Qing attempts to throw lightning at San Lang. It would have most definitely hit the wall and caused a big hole but y/n dispersed it. Sending a shot of ice towards Mu Qing. His face hides behind his veil but Xie Lian knows you're angry. "No fighting in the shrine. If you damage the shrine I promise to return the damage double to your god's palace" he spits with venom, threatening Mu Qing's palace.
It's evident y/n doesn't try to hide who he is. Sure he's in his avatar and he looks simple. However he doesn't do a good job at keeping his abilities at bay.
Xie Lian doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. The tension in the room is very high. Mu Qing looks ready to argue back but San Lang steps in front of y/n and stands by Xie Lian's side. "Are these two servants, gege?" He hums with a smug smirk.
"uhm something like that but not exactly-" Xie Lian gets interrupted when San Lang throws a broom into Mu Qing's hands. "Start helping then" San Lang smiles. His face resembles a mischievous fox. Y/n cackles.
Xie Lian waves his hands trying to calm a cursing Feng Xin and Mu Qing down. "Please for my sake leave him alone" he laughs nervously. He doesn't need his shrine to get destroyed not that y/n would let that happen.
Talking about y/n, ah. He's glaring at Mu Qing under the veil. He'll have to make sure they don't break out into a fight either. San Lang leans on y/n's shoulder and the stiffness seems to leave y/n's body. Xie Lian isn't too worried about anyone fighting. He thinks San Lang will keep a careful eye on y/n.
Xie Lian rubs his temple. "Maybe Feng Xin should make a pathway so that we can get to Banyue Pass quickly?"
Feng Xin does just that. Leaving Mu Qing standing alone in front of the three of them. "Is he coming with us?" Mu Qing points to San Lang with furrowed brows. Xie Lian sighs and goes to answer but y/n answers for him
"Of course, since when was it a servant's job to worry about his highness's friends?" Xie Lian drops his head when he realizes that Y/n has joined San Lang in his smart remarks.
Not only does he have to worry about one silver tongue but two. "Yes San Lang is coming with us. He knows a lot about Crescent Moon Pass and that's sure to help me" Xie Lian explains with a nervous smile.
Mu Qing is interrupted when Feng Xin cuts him off, "The pathway is finished". Mu Qing, ever the prideful looks at the pathway and shrugs, "I've seen better". Which leads to Feng Xin and Mu Qing bantering again.
Y/n interrupts them by activating the pathway. "Stop bickering like an old married couple let's go" San Lang snickers softly, "I never thought of that, they do bicker like an old married couple don't they" The two officials glare at San Lang and y/n. They smile back. Xie Lian only knows y/n is smiling because of his crow feet.
They all go through the portal. Xie Lian lets out a laugh, knowing that he's going to have to deal with all of the four's antics on their journey. Xie Lian is happy with his circus though.
Tell me if it's good guys I don't have an editor 😭 so sometimes I'm not aware if my story is actually well written. Yeah, anyways if you wanna request something or see more lemme know 🥰 also y'all I'm pulling the timeline out of my ass. I have no clue if I'm doing it right or not 🙏😭
Should I continue the series? Yes or no?
Oh also if y'all actually wanna see my OC lemme know! I didn't draw it don't hate on me 🫵😐
If anyone reads this plz plz plz plz PLEASE tell me if my submission box is working! I know I'm not getting anything but I want to know if it works!
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sol-is-the-reason · 6 months
❕❕NSFW: Dom! Reader. No gender mentioned. Sub! Mu Qing. Read at your own risk❕❕
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Thinking about Sub! Mu Qing who always cries so prettily on your cock.
Sub! Mu Qing who begs you to slow down but snaps his hips to match your pace.
Sub! Mu Qing who always needs to see your face while fucking so he can kiss you glare at you.
Sub! Mu Qing who loves having his hair pulled but complains to you after for messing it up with your rough treatment. (Do you know how much care he goes through to keep it silky and smooth for you?)
Sub! Mu Qing who is an absolute size queen and won't settle for anything else. Who can take all your fingers up his ass and come untouched by nipple play alone.
Sub! Mu Qing who was wary with your affections when you first started dating but comes to trust you with his life as the months goes by.
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Ending it on a soft note <3.
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spookybad · 10 months
Fengqing x Goddess of Death! Reader
Warning!!! Contains death! (it's gentle and unnamed characters, but still, be warned)
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I'm pretty sure tgcf doesn't have death gods (I haven't read the books yet, but I know most of the plot) but we'll ignore this fact
I added a name for the goddess, but it's literally just a nickname
The goddess of death was very elusive, many heavenly officials considering her a myth, only few having seen her a select few times.
So, perhaps it was inevitable that somebody would deem it necessary to track the goddess down, for paperwork that was never reported.
And who would be the one assigned such if not Xie Lian himself?
And who would be the tag-along's if not Hua Cheng, Mu Qing and Feng Xin?
In their disguises, of course.
So that's how they ended up making their way to a village that apparently housed a pair of senior-aged soulmates who had reincarnated together to share their love.
On the way they end up meeting a traveler woman, with silver hair and carrying a white cloth bundle in her arms.
"Ah, are you fellow travelers, perhaps?" she'd started with a curious tilt of her head.
"Yes," Xie Lian smiled, "we heard the town just up ahead has wonderful views, so we wanted to visit."
A peculiar, knowing glint entered the woman's eye, "Sure there are!" she leaned in closer, as though telling a secret, "They say, whatever you're looking for can be found in Yang village."
"And you're looking for something." Hua Cheng pointed out amicably.
The woman laughed, "Of course! As are you!"
The rest of their walk to the village was relatively quiet, even Feng Xin and Mu Qing not bickering much.
Instead, the two might be seen whispering among themselves, casting an occasional glance at the traveler woman accompanying them.
Upon reaching the Yang village the silver haired woman turned to them, smiled and bowed, "You'll find what you're looking for." and with that strange glint in her eye, she walked off.
Once alone, the quartet were left in a bout of silence.
"Where might we find the couple, gege?" Hua Cheng turned to Xie Lian with the same smile he always had for his gege.
"Ling Wen gave me their names, so let's just ask around, see if anyone knows."
And that's how they found their way to a regular village home with a yard and some trees.
In the yard of the senior couple, they found a woman with glittery silver hair, draped in a pristine white cloak, with an elegant black scythe held in her hands, sitting on a tree stump, looking into the home of the soulmate couple.
Upon their approach, the silver haired woman smiled, "Ah, it appears you have found what you were looking for, fellow travelers!"
Mu Qing's eyes narrowed, "Are you really the goddess of death?"
The goddess before them smiled in a sly, perhaps infuriating, way, "Perhaps, if you could guess my name~."
"Why do we need to guess your name?" Feng Xin's brows furrowed.
"Because," the goddess's smile seemed a permanent fixture, "you hadn't asked before."
"Most of heaven doesn't know your name." Mu Qing pointed out.
This time Hua Cheng butted in, "Of course they would not."
Mu Qing bristled at this "You-!"
"I think part of it is Yue," Xie Lian interrupted, "Because of your hair."
"The moon." The goddess confirmed, "I'll accept that and ask for no more then."
Yue stood up and walked toward the open door to the home, where they could see the soulmate couple having a mid-day nap, with their door to the yard open to let in the warm summer breeze.
The goddess of death approached the couple and kneeled beside them.
"It's time now, my dears." She said and reached out a gentle hand to brush the wispy hairs out of their faces.
Soon after, the couple's chests stopped moving.
The goddess stepped away from the home, ribbons of silver hair fluttering in the wind, making her look every bit the ethereal being she is.
There was only one thought allowed in that moment.
I've had fengqing x Goddess of Death on my mind for quite a while now, I had to write this
The "wow" was Feng Xin, btw
Also, Hua Cheng has met the goddess of death before, so he knew
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boonsmoon · 5 months
Foundation of Love (2)
Request: PLS DO 2 PARTS🥺
Ask and ye shall receive Btw; you have the free will of being the goddess of literally anything
Part 1
Request Masterlist Mu Qing x f!reader Genres:🎉🌸💞🧪
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Mu Qing and you were like two peas in a pod. It seems your time lacking experience has created an unbreakable bond.
Y'all were so tight in fact that you kept in contact even after you stopped working for Xie Lian. Now you are both Heavenly Officials with an extreme amount of believers and temples!
This; however, lead to a one-sided competition. Friendly, yes, but still odd to compete over who was the better deity. You like to consider yourself a humble goddess though, considering you aren't as prickly with the aesthetic of your temples like Mu Qing.
Ignoring the status you both held, he had this charm that was unlike that of a god, it was greater actually. You both spent enough time together to get to know the little things.
Like how he still remembers when a follower tried to offer a gift that none of your temples would accept 500 years ago. Even you don't remember what the item is on your own without him bringing it up. A fantastic memory but basically useless.
Or how he notices how quick you are to deal with the prayers of your believers. He's a hard-worker yes, but never would he acknowledge a prayer 5 seconds after hearing it. Mu Qing thinks you might be a bit too diligent, or have too much time on your hands.
In the end, you both know each other like the back of your hand. In fact most of the other officials think you two are together, but no! It's actually painful to watch from the sidelines.
Now Feng Xin is a protective older brother, and honestly he can barely tolerate Mu Qing after all these years. But, he can see that Mu Qing makes you happy, and your happiness has priority over his displeasure!
Unfortunately, Feng Xin sucks at this. And whenever he tries to get you to hang out with Mu Qing and ✨confess✨ it ends with you scolding Feng Xin for being an asshole.
It got to the point that one of the goddesses had to sit down and have a talk with you. While the conversation seemed nice, you could tell by the undertone she was basically demanding you admit your feelings to him.
And to be honest? You self reflected and realized he definitely wasn't gonna do it, so you had to. But that's fine, it's the 21st century, these things happen.
What you didn't know; however, was that Feng Xin had a passive aggressive conversation with Mu Qing basically saying the same thing. He NEEDS to confess or else.
With an agreed meeting in a garden, you both told the other you had important information which must be shared with the other. It could be gossip, latest trends among humans, who knows what the other wants to say?
The time of reckoning has come, and you are both visibly nervous. Who wouldn't be? Confessions are kinda tough.
Y'all have come to consensus earlier in your friendship that be straightforward is easiest, no matter what. You started, "s-so basically to make it simple, we need to stop this friendship. Now you go next!"
Mu Qing a look of horror on his face, contemplating on continuing, "I came to tell you we should ascend past a friendship... Be something more, but if that's not what-"
"Fantastic! We're on the same page and can get this over with," you interrupted him. He looked at you like you were insane, "you have a horrible way with words, I'll have you know that."
You lightly laughed, "yeah, but it's just my luck we had the same thing to say." And Mu Qing decided this was the time to be really romantic and kiss you. <3
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im back on my cringe
but also i got a sudden burst of energy to WRITE so i MUST
BTW im noticing all my TGCF reqs are Mu Qing, so either the fandom is full of massive simps or theres a shortage of Mu Qing content
not complaining pls keep the reqs coming
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