#mukuro x you
ayoharuko · 1 year
Hello! When you get back from your Hiatus, may I request Mukuro Ikusaba comforting her S/O after a nightmare?
A/N: Also this was finished a few days ago and I did an oopsie by reading ur request wrong T-T, I accidentally read it as Mukuro being comforted by reader and not the other way around, I'm so sorry T-T I know that its not an excuse but I'm really really sorry...I hope you still like it tho.....
Hellooo anon-chan! I'm finally back from my long hiatus~
Sorry for taking long to answer your request, I appreciate you waiting :)
I hope you enjoy and love this! Reader here is gender neutral(They/Them)
This will be a min oneshot~
REMINDER: This character does not belong to me, but belongs to Kazutaka Kodaka. This is just fictional work so please try not and take this too seriously :)
T/W: Mentions of dark thoughts and abu*se, so if your sensitive to this feel free to skip this post :)
''Just hold me and don't let go...''
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It was dark....like she was being sucked down a void.....
It was scary
She remembered her dream vividly. The screams of people from the war, her sister laughing insanely at her, and her classmates deaths.
It was all so....hauntingly scary
Mukuro felt like her throat was tightening, like someone was choking her.
She tried to scream but Mukuro felt that she couldn't move nor talk, like she was fully frozen in place, and then...a bright light came and she heard your voice...
Your oh so wonderful voice....
Your voice was light and gentle as an angel, well you were her angel. An angel protecting her from the bad nightmares and thoughts....
As soon as Mukuro opened her eyes she immediately hugged you so tight that you felt like she was almost crushing your bones.
''M-Mukuro...wait...your..c-crushing my bones...'' You manage to wheeze out.
Mukuro mumbled an apology and pulled away looking off to the side, your eyes were filled with worry. You knew that Mukuro would often have nightmares....but you hadn't expect that it'd be this bad.....
''Do....you wanna talk about it? I mean....its okay if you don't want to of course...'' You ask the dark-haired girl.
Mukuro just nodded and looked at your eyes, ''Can...can we cuddle while I'm...telling you about it?'' She asked you with a tiny blush present.
''Of course my love'' You say to her with a smile, you and Mukuro both lay down and she buried her head onto your chest.
''My nightmare was about....the screams from the war....my sister who abused me and didn't show me love or care and....the d-deaths of my c-classmates....'' Mukuro mumbled out.
While in the middle of venting out to you, you felt Mukuro shaking and your chest becoming wetter...
''Oh baby...shh please stop crying...'' You coo at her, pulling her face from your chest and wiping her tears from falling.
''Listen love, it's all in the past. I know its hard to move on but I worry for you....I worry that you'll get too...caught up in the past.'' You tell Mukuro with a sadden expression.
''I know...I know but...its...just so hard..'' Mukuro cried out letting more tears fall....
''Shh baby...my love, I'll always be with you...I'll protect you from all those bad nightmares every night....just please don't cry'' You tell her kissing her forehead.
Mukuro just nodded and kissed your neck, you soon heard light sores and breathing. Ah Mukuro has fallen asleep.
You let out a soft chuckle and kiss your forehead once more before mumbling out an ''I love you'' and joining her to dreamland as well~
Sorry it took quite long to finish I was pretty busy lately :)
I hope this meets up your expectations and you like it! :D
Thanks for requesting~!
Reblogs and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
(Note: Please don't copy and paste my works anywhere, and if you do see them on other platforms please inform me.)
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
Mukuro Rokudo x Kokuyo Gang!Reader: Mall
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Summary: If and when dreams do come true, it’s when you least expect them.
Rating/Warnings/Tags: All (Post-Inheritance Ceremony Arc; established Mukuro/Reader; Reader & Chrome; Mukuro & Chrome; Chikusa & Ken & Chrome; exposition; no honorifics)
Challenge:  “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire
Things finally calmed down a little after the Simon returned Chrome. Given how chaotic things around Kokuyo Land could get on a good day, you never thought you’d long for some excitement, but with Ken and Chikusa gone…Well, you never missed the water until the well ran dry. They’d spent a good hour holed up with Chrome when she’d come home. Then they ran off to Italy without a word of explanation thrown your way.
Speaking of Chrome, she seemed different post-kidnapping. You expected the boys to ignore you, not her. She was the only reason you stuck around the abandoned amusement park–her, and the tiny detail that your boyfriend lived inside her head. 
Generally you considered her to be a good friend at best and company at worst. In the days following her abduction, she was neither. All Chrome seemed to wan to do was sit at a broken window at the front of the building and watch the path outside. You thought she might be waiting for someone, but whenever you asked her who she was was waiting for, her cheeks turned pink before she darted into a back room until she could be reasonably sure you’d lost interest in the subject.
As glad as you were to have Chrome back, you wished the Vongola had taken better care to bring her back whole. Or maybe her behavior was just a reasonable response to whatever it was the Shimon family had done to her before her rescue. Either way, she was much less prone to chat than ever before, and two weeks without Ken and Chikusa to break the silence started to see you go a little insane.
The trip to the mall was taken in the utmost desperation. When you invited Chrome along, you did so only because you expected her to reject the proposal so that she could stay home and keep a watch out for whatever it was she was expecting. She’d certainly never gone along with you on such trips before. Maybe she only agreed that time because M.M. wasn’t around to harass her; maybe she agreed only as a favor to you. You decided not to press the issue. At least you had succeeded in getting her out of the building.
But her heart clearly wasn’t in it. The two of you wandered through the crowded stores, poking at clothing you couldn’t afford and trying to avoid getting stepped on by other customers. Chrome’s face flicked between two different emotions: a worried look at your face and a serious look at the people crowding around her. 
An hour of this was more than enough for you. Defeated, you led her to the food court where you purchased a meal for each of you and settled in to watch her pick at it.
“Chrome,” you said at last.
The girl gave a start, blinked, then slowly dragged her single purple eye up to look at you.
“What’s going on?”
You expected her to answer "nothing" once more, and you expected her reply to hurt. Two years of living together should have made you friends, but apparently Chrome didn’t see you as one. To your very great surprise, however, she opened her mouth a few times, placed her fork gently next to her food, and slid her hands into her lap. After a very long silence during which she stared at them, she looked up again.
“Would you still like me,” she whispered, “if I didn’t have Lord Mukuro?”
The answer, of course, was yes, but you couldn’t manage to spit that out. A chill washed over your skin so strongly that you felt frozen to your chair. “Chrome. Did you lose Mukuro?”
She bit her lip as tears gathered in her eye. “I–”
“She lost him,” said a deep voice at the same time its owner placed their hand on your shoulder, “but perhaps he will not be so difficult to find.”
You turned swiftly to tell the creep behind you to back off–only to find Mukuro himself standing right there, smirking down at you. The surprise sent you to your feet. You looked back at Chrome. She still sat the table. You looked at Mukuro. He still stood next to you. Back and forth went your head, back and forth, but both Chrome and Mukuro remained solidly present at the exact same time.
“Is this one of your illusions?” you demanded of Chrome, taking a step away from Mukuro and toward the table.
He answered for her, just as he had before, but not with words. Once he'd closed the distance between you and him, he grabbed your chin with a gloved hand, forced it upward, and kissed you so hard that you saw stars. By the time he’d finished and you could see again, his smirk had grown even bigger.
“Kufufu. Did that feel like an illusion?” he asked.
“Chrome’s pretty good, you know,” you said shakily. “It’s possible.”
“Really, now, [Name]. Better than me?”
“But if you’re here, and she’s here’s, then…then…”
“Why don’t you tell her, my cute Chrome?”
“Lord Mukuro...” Chrome swallowed and sat up a little straighter. “Lord Mukuro is free!”
“Free?” you echoed. “Free how? Are those bandaged prison keepers going to show up and cart us all off? 'Cause I am not going to jail for you.”
“[Name],” Mukuro purred, pressing a hand to his chest. “It wounds me that you don’t believe me capable of earning my freedom through completely legitimate methods.”
Instead of answering that–because it was true; you didn’t believe Mukuro capable of earning his freedom through legitimate methods at all–you glanced back at Chrome for confirmation.
She smiled for the first time in weeks. “Lord Mukuro helped the Vongola, and Vendice set him free!”
“Free?” you said a second time. “Is this why you were acting so weird?”
She nodded.
“Why didn’t you just tell me? I’ve been worried sick!”
“Lord Mukuro wanted it to be a surprise.”
He chuckled again. “Surprised?”
“Ass,” you replied, but you pressed your palm to his cheek as you did. 
He was there, not mist, but skin and bones. You had him back, and what was more, you got to keep Chrome around, too.
And that was how you wound up crying into your convict boyfriend’s shoulder, in the middle of a crowded mall food court, while he laughed at you and your mutual friend smiled on as though nothing made her happier than seeing the two of you together.
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weird-addiction · 3 months
“You’re all Demons. I rule you all.”
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Summary: The Archons are not the most powerful, nor is Celestia.
Pairing: Genshin Archons x Male!Reader
Warnings: Slight SAGAU creator themes, manipulative reader, unhealthy power dynamics, controlling reader, Furnia slander
The creator is not one to be looked down upon. Yet, over the thousands of years, everyone and even the archons have forgotten them. No shrines, offerings or worshippers have been founded.
Well, they should know that the creator does not take lightly to what they have done. They have eyes everywhere, and knows everything that is going on.
“Pathetic pathetic pathetic! Such a bore!”, they said. His voice ran through the ears of the archons and the heavens themselves. “I give them stories, backgrounds, and such titles to use for a better Teyvat. And yet, they are so boring to not even use them! Ugh! Execution would have been better!”
His insults came one after the other, and the gods heard them all. “This throne is not for them. It is mine and mine alone.” Every word was heard the archons, well, almost every word. The creator chose what they can and can’t hear.
“Perhaps I should pay them a visit.”
And that is how they came to Mondstadt. Home of freedom and wine, ‘ruled’ by the Barbatos. But when he stepped into the city, he could tell the god has been slacking off. No rules, no disciplines, and no official government. Just a military force that can be called a military force.
He went to the acting Grandmaster Jean, who was stunned to see such a being. “Tell me, where is Barbatos. I wish to speak with him.”
“Y-you mean Venti? He’s probably at the Angel’s Share.”
To the tavern he went and indeed the bard sat, almost drunk out of his mind as he round after round.
“Venti is it?” The stern voice came. The bard was quickly shocked to his core to the same voice. “Mind if we have a word?”
Outside behind the tavern, Venti was on his knees. Practically begging for forgiveness. “Please! I’m sorry! I promise to-”
“To what? I barely see any shrines of me. Why should they worship you when you have abandoned your responsibilities? Should I send you back to the hells with you?” His voice stood with no room for negotiations or retaliations.
“No! Please! I’ll do better!” The bard begged. Tears were threatening to spill.
“Don’t forget from where you came from. You can change forms, you can’t change your eyes.” With a snap of his fingers, Venti’s eyes begin to burn. Black surrounded his pupils as he shut them in agony.
“That’s better. Your true colors are better.”
Venti bowed his head as he could do nothing but except the truths. The truth of his own freedom has been revealed for all to see.
“I have others to see to. Perhaps I should take a round trip to see all of them. See you my dear Zephyr.”
His next stop was Liyue, what a great city built on the coast. He had heard that their god was dead.
“What a load of bullshit. Trying to escape responsibilities to? Too fucking bad.”
Up on a mountain is where he found the retired geo archon. Or rather, Morax.
“Nice view no? Now I know why you liked building mountains so much.” Zhongli turned around to see the unfamiliar, his face said it all.
“Who are you? How do you know my identity?”
“Aw. Little pup. Looks like your leash needs a tightening.” He made a gesture which was pulling an invisible chain, which made Zhongli fall towards him.
“You…it’s you. Why are you here?” The archon’s eyes widen to the realization.
“I’m disappointed in you. No shrines, no worship, nothing in my name. Do I need to send you back to the hells? I would be glad to do so. The others are always asking ‘Where’s Morax?’ ‘Oh I wish I can play with Morax again. Where is he?’ Do you remember?”
A wide smile took his face as he saw the other’s face drop. He did indeed remember.
Zhongli fell to his knees remembering the years of torment. In his youth, he didn’t listen. “Please. Don’t. I beg of you.”
He tched. “Oh Morax. Don’t beg. It’s not a good look on you. I suppose you are retired after all, but you do have quite the influence no? Why not put that to use? Remember the contract you signed with me?”
Of course he remembers. It was the first contract he ever made. But he was one who signed it. To this day, the contract was kept under lock and key. “Yes…” Was all he said.
“Good. You can hide your identity, but you can’t hide your chains.” A snap of his fingers, shackles appeared on the archon’s wrists and ankles. Heavy like lead they were. Binding him down to earth, to his contract.
“Reminds me of old days! What joy! Say hi to the adepti for me! I’m sure they missed me oh so much!”
He then disappeared and left Zhongli there with chains for all to see. Bound to unspoken of words.
Inazuma was a nation he kept hearing bad things about. What had the archon done to be hated so much? At least the borders were open now, seems that forever can’t be forever.
“Oh Ei. The eternity you wanted was the gluttony of control you wished you had right?”
Locked away in her palace, in the heart of the city, Ei sat with her eyes closed.
“Beezlebub. How nice it is to see you again? Did you miss me?”
Ei was startled and her hand went to her polearm, ready to attack where the voice came from. “How did you come in here? Who let you in?”
“After all these years, you are still the same. Eternity truly doesn’t change you does it? Your gluttony will never be satisfied will it? What would your sister say?” The words came flowing out one after the other, he did not even have to think as he spoke. He knew exactly what to say.
“You-!” Ei pounced forward, the tip of her weapon stopping at his throat. One wrong move and he would be harmed, but he knew she wouldn’t, her arm was shaking after all.
“You close your borders, take the people’s visions. Were you so afraid of change that you wanted an illusion control that you never had. Pathetic.” Ei begin to tremble as she heard such words, but there was nothing she can do. He was her superior after all, this would be a death sentence if she tried to fight him.
“No worshippers of me, no shrines, not even a fucking thank you to me for giving you these islands.” A laugh left his lips as he thought of it.
“You can hide away in your plain, but you can’t hide from the true reality outside your door.” A snap of his fingers, Makoto’s body dropped in front of her. Her eternity in the open for all to see.
A smirk overtook his features. “Remember, she’s in my hands. You are more than welcome to join her, but…I don’t think I will. Your eternity will be spent in the same gluttony of control, until you are swallowed whole.”
The archon fell to her knees, just like all the others. “Please. Wait..I’m sorry..”
“Aw. Don’t beg. You all look so pathetic while doing it. I made you all better than this. But here you all are, no backbone to be seen. Which, I can see why.” Makoto’s body disappeared as Ei was starting to shed tears.
Moving to crouch down to her level, his lips next to her ear. “Once you die, you will be in the same eternity you wanted. You will know what it is like to be forever unchanging.”
Getting back to the mainland across an entire ocean was not fun. Even when he was stepping through the air, it still took a long time. Next nation was Sumeru. Nahida was the one archon he liked, she always knew what was going on.
Not to mention, she was a victim herself. But the real reason was that she had kept the shrines the former archon had built in his name, and the people still worshipped him to this day.
“I have expected you.” Came the small voice, her back was turned as she showed no hostility or fear to the one that walked towards her.
“Buer.” However, his respect her Nahida only went so far. Her chains were just a bit less…drastic.
“Seems like your people have finally changed their minds. Still chained to the evermore knowledge I see.” He stated, a laugh was held back.
"It is something I have much time for. I do not mind if the chains are the ones that I like." Nahida responsed.
"Then I wish you good luck. You are only 500 years old after all, you have all the time in Teyvat for this." Waving over his shoulder as he left the sanctum which the younger archon stayed in.
The next nation is one he has known to hate, or rather, hate the heavenly principles for. For as long as he had seen, the dragons and vishaps were the natives that they had decided to usurp for power. And Fountaine was one of these, 500 years of a fake god and authority taking the throne. While the true ruler was cast aside.
He sat one foot into the Nation and he already hears the annoying voice of the 'archon', really wish she could really shut up already. "Oh! So you are here after all! Welcome! I, welcome you to my beautiful nation!"
He did not say anything, but rather he stared up at her and gave her a glare; even from that distance she could see it and knew he was not here for a friendly visit. "I will see you in your office Furina."
When he got there, he was greeted with someone else. The Hydro Dragon, the rightful ruler of these lands. "Neuvillette."
"Your Grace." He bowed, still addressing him the same way just all the those years ago. And most likely, the only one left that still does so. Furina then came into the office, a look of fear in her eyes.
"Furina, how...unpleasant to see you." Hearing the words, she looked more dejected than she already did.
"Please. If you're going to say it then just say it."
"Fine." He sat down on one of the fancy armchairs that sat around the room.
"Just because you are forced to play a role for 500 years does not mean you get sympathy from me, should have thought of that before your archon usurped him." Making a hand gesture towards Neuvillette.
"You're sad that you had to play a role you did not want against your will? You know what we call that? The real world. Wake the fuck up if you think the world owes you anything just because of that. Have you even taken a look around you at the people for this many years? Their lives are filled with doing things they don't want, and it's a different thing every time. You do one same thing and you think can get sympathy? Maybe from Neuvillette sure, but not me. And when you finally die and fade out from this world and nobody remembers you, you will appear in my halls begging for my attention. I will not spare a single thing for you." A stone cold expression sat on his features.
The room was tense, Furina was on the verge of tears. Neuvillette held a worried face as he wanted to comfort her, but from one hand gesture from his creator, he stayed his feet and did not move.
"An arch duke of hell? Please. You can barely get out of heaven. You want to fall into infernal blaze so bad that you need to fool a crime to get casted out? Pathetic." He spat.
He stood up and walked out the door, Neuvillette followed after him.
"What is it?" His tone was eager as he had somewhere else to be.
"Your Grace, please rethink of it. Lady Furina is in pain, after 500 years, she is bound to have some sort problems with it all." He pleaded.
"Aw~, bound to the chains of justice like she is. I did not create you this way."
"..." Neuvillette was at a lost for words.
"Fine. She can keep her role and not appear in my halls after her timely death, that's for her immortal side of things. But once she is one more mortal, she will still die, and I will know to give her a quick death." A smile took over, like he was saying this was the better action.
"W-what? How is that-"
"Unless you want her to die right now? I can make that happen."
"No, Your Grace."
"Good. She would make such a pretty corpse."
Silence took the space between the two of them, a sea of mist and fog was slowly putting distance between them.
"Everyone on this side of the world are demons. I rule you all."
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Heya! If you are doing requests then may I request Nagito x Junko's little sister reader? I think it'd be fun!
This sounds a lot like a series I started last month so I'll just continue with the same story line 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Third Enoshima | Yandere Nagito Komaeda
“What an honor! To be in the presence of such overwhelming hope!’
Before the killing game, you float around between the classes 
Considering most if not all of your education was condensed into a single-person course
Somehow organized by your guardians
One of the many students you got to know was Nagito
The wide-eyed oddly degrading friend who seemed to put everyone on a pedestal
Especially you
His behavior reminds you far too often of your sisters 
Only his obsession doesn’t even pretend to be platonic
“Oh my ultimate hope! Would you like to join me for lunch today? I happen to be graced with the perfect table for us to sit at!”
“This…just looks like a candle lit dinner.”
“My luck is is as unpredictable as ever.”
And always for his benefit
You don’t mind since your used to obsessive people your sisters
You do not condone the way he treats the honor students
Often scolding you when he interrupts you trying to hang out with them
“Not cool Nagito! You can’t just say that to people!”
“Forgive me for being so forward but would you put a deity on the level of maggots?”
When he’s finally effected by despair
It doesn’t get much better
On the command of Kamakura and Junko’s final message he’s one of your most adamant pursuers
“Oh (Y/n) the Seed of Despair! The silent flame of the fire that will bring despair to all! I will do right by Junko’s name and make sure you breed the Despair you were born to!”
It’s likely Munakata and the Hope Foundation uses you as bait to lure him
And he’s absolutely insane 
Losing his composure at the mere sight of you
Scratching at the glass and metal crate
Smooching his face against the class
Humping the glass
Granted it’s just a hologram because according to Munakata–”Filth doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near diamonds even if for the fate of the world.”
After his treatment though, it’s believed that you because you’re now closely affiliated with the Hope Foundation will never see or hear from him again
You quickly proved wrong when a secret message and video file pops up on your private tablet
“I’m wishing you the best with your new life, (Y/n). I know those days we used to know each other are long since past and you are happily settled with the Future foundation. But as I’m learning to value myself more I’m also paying heed to what I want and what my friends want–”
You immediately try to record 
Pressing frantically as the button doesn’t seem to work
You go for your phone
“Don’t try to record this. It won’t actually compute the image on your screen. That being said I mean no harm, when I say we think you belong with us. We know how much pain we’ve brought the world. But I see no problem with preserving hope and if the Foundation can’t keep us away then they clearly aren’t the best fit for the job."
You get up, planning to run directly to Munakata
Only to find your tablet begin to overheat as the video message fizzles out
“My hope! My (Y/n)! We’ll be reunited soon. I can only count the minutes before we can spend our days together! Forever!”
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frickingnerd · 1 month
it's not you i don't trust!
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pairing: mukuro ikusaba x gn!reader
summary: junko has recently been getting closer to you and mukuro can't help but distrust her sister...
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“why don't you just trust me, mukuro!?”
your girlfriend wasn't usually like this. sure, she always kept an eye out for any danger, but this wasn't like that. mukuro was starting to suspect people close to her. and she seemingly started to suspect you too.
“it's not you i don't trust!”
mukuro sighed and grabbed your hands, gently holding them as she looked at you pleadingly. she didn't want to argue and she didn't want to accuse you of anything. no, you weren't the one she didn't trust.
“it's junko that i don't trust…”
you pulled your hands away from mukuro as she said her name. junko enoshima, mukuro's older sister.
“mukuro, what are you saying…?”
“i'm saying that junko has an ulterior motive to get close to you. she never bothered to befriend you, but now she's suddenly so interested in you. whether she wants to steal you from me or… something else. i can't let that happen!”
junko was always much more cunning than people gave her credit for. there had always been this intimidating aura around her. but if even mukuro couldn't trust her own sister, perhaps there was more to it.
“mukuro… i'd never let anyone steal me away from you. besides, as long as you're by my side, i know i'm safe. whether you'll protect me from junko or anyone else…!”
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sweetsnidle · 1 year
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bunch of mukuros
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Following up on the danganronpa 2 cast and v3 leys go with the Danganropa trigger happy havoc cast with reader that has a crush on them
Sayaka kinda catches on but not completely, she gets the feeling you may like her but she second guesses herself and thinks maybe you’re just really nice and is a bit unsure. She thinks you’re really sweet though and tries to send you hints she likes you too.
Leon isn’t a complete dumbass so he probably catches on to the fact you like him. He’s actually just super excited about it so he gets a bit too eager and asks you out rather quickly.
Chihiro doesn’t love themselves enough to catch onto the fact you obviously like them, but they can’t help but always get flustered by your compliments. They feel happy you seem to really enjoy their company, at the very least. But you’ll have to tell them on your own, because they won’t catch on.
Mondo gets so goddamn flustered around you, it’s quite amusing! However, he’s a clueless idiot. You’ll find that he doesn’t even think you like him romantically, instead he thinks you really admire him. Perhaps he just thinks you’re too good for a brute like him.
Ishimaru is as clueless as they come, easily the worst on this list for cluelessness but is that honestly a surprise… he gets very red in the face by your compliments and tells you he’s undeserving of your kindness, but he truly just thinks you’re being friendly.
Hifumi gets very happy about this, when he realizes you’re not messing with him like Celeste does. You’ll find that he will return the favor, and he’s a lot more confident in himself and probably asks you out.
Celeste is certainly not an idiot, so she catches on. She likes it this way, and waits for you to confess your feelings on your own accord. She likes not being more vulnerable than you, after all.
Mukuro gets so flustered! She’s happy, though she doesn’t get why you’re so nice. Junko has to tell her you probably like her, but mukuro doubts her sister a little. She needs to seriously think about it.
Junko catches on, surprise surprise. She’d rather you tell her how you feel, because in all honesty she would love to see how you’d ask her out. Hopefully you keep surprising her and do it in a unpredictable manner.
Hina doesn’t exactly catch onto you liking her but definitely takes note to how kind and friendly you are to her in comparison to others, especially the other girls. It makes her feel like she’s special to you, and the two of you are just real close.
Kyoko doesn’t completely catch on, at least at first. Mainly due to her inexperience with romance. She will eventually though, she’s the ultimate detective for a reason after all. It just takes more time than it normally does for her to figure things out.
Toko is convinced you’re just teasing her or making fun of her if I’m being honest lol. Even if you tell her you’re being genuine the doubt is there and she doesn’t bother hiding it either. It messes with her head, cause she really likes you.
Byakuya normally wouldn’t care for your nice personality and obvious feelings, but since he likes you two he takes a bit more of pride whenever you compliment him. You’ll notice he feels a lot better that day and seems to be in a particularly good mood whenever you’re being your sweet self. He tries not to show it much but he’s obvious.
Makoto always gets flustered and red in the face by your compliments. He gets the feeling you may like him, but he’s not completely sure. A suspicion, but he doesn’t have enough confidence in himself to be sure.
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familyromantic · 1 year
Pressing your boobs against your sister's arm 🗣️👩‍❤️‍👩🥰🍒😏💕
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goshdangronpa · 2 months
I made good on my threat to post my "Rumor's at Hope's Peak" Tumblr post series on AO3! Easier to find them all like this, and maybe I'll even get some new requests! I thought about expanding on the ones I already fulfilled here, but I like them as they are.
So, I wanted to credit each person who made a request. If you don't want your name on this AO3 fic's notes for whatever reason, please let me know and I'll remove it!!
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ts4ritsa · 9 months
if you write for her, may I request a fluff alphabet for Mukuro Ikusaba? Have a good day/night
₊˚ପ⊹ fluff alphabet ;
ft. mukuro ikusaba from danganronpa * ˚ ✦
tags / cw: fluff, gn!reader
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a | attention: how much attention do they want in the relationship?
- mukuro has been used to not being given the time of day ever since she was a child. therefore, she isn’t the type of girl to expect or demand you to give her certain amounts of your attention
- however, she may find herself wanting to explore the concept more. it’s all pretty new to her, okay!! but she won’t pressure you or anything — she’ll cherish just about any time you spend with her, even if it’s just a moderate amount
b | baby: would they want a family?
- she isn’t certain if she want’s to have a family yet. she’s always been focused on her duties as the ultimate soldier and isn’t sure being a mother is the right path for her. she may be open to the idea in the future, when she’s older
c | cuddle: what are they like when they cuddle with you?
- mukuro isn’t naturally inclined to be affectionate through stuff like cuddling, but if it’s what you like to do, she’ll happily be willing to try and accommodate to your preferences
- when you’re holding each other close, you both can’t help but feel a sense of security. mukuro tends to pull you a bit closer, wanting enjoy being in your presence to the fullest
d | dates: what are dates with them like? what do they like to do?
- calm, low-key and private. she isn’t very keen on doing anything fancy. a simple dinner and movie is enough for her. she just wants to take a break from the draining responsibilities that come with being a soldier and spend quality time with you
e | equal: do they prefer to be more in control or laid-back in the relationship?
- she wants a balanced dynamic in the relationship. she values equality and doesn’t like when things are one-sided. so she wants to share the responsibility of making decisions with you
f | fights: how do they handle fights?
- peacefully and rationally. mukuro wants to understand your feelings and would make compromises to solve conflicts so you both can move forward
- on a rare occasion where she loses her temper, she can be very fierce and stubborn. after all, she has yet to be completely used to expressing her emotions in a healthy way
g | gratitude: how grateful are they to have you? what do they think your relationship is worth in comparison to other things in their life?
- mukuro is incredibly grateful to have you in her life. she may not show it well verbally, but she likes to show you in other ways
- she considers your relationship to be one of the most important things in her life. it’s something she wants to keep, nurture, and take care of. in her eyes, it’s something worth sacrificing for
h | honesty: are they honest with you? how important is honesty to them?
- mukuro is generally honest, but she does have a tendency to hide her true feelings. she’s been used to keeping to herself for a long time, and there are some things she believes you’re better off not knowing
- honesty is important to her but not exactly in the way one would think. she’s alright if you aren’t open about certain things involving your past, but she doesn’t want you to lie about your current well-being. she wants to protect and care for you, and knowing there might be something bothering you and her not being able to help you deeply upsets her
i | insight: how easy is it for them to read your mind and tell how you are feeling?
- pretty easy. she is very perceptive and she is often able to read other people's emotions and thoughts. she is able to notice small changes in behavior and can use this insight to improve her relationships with people. this can come off as being almost mind-reading at times
j | jealousy: what makes them jealous? what are they like when they’re jealous?
- despite the fact she doesn’t mind not always being showered with affection, she may feel jealous if she sees you giving someone else more attention than you give her. it just doesn’t make sense to her
- when she does feel jealous, she tends to not let it show. she may become a bit quiet and reserved, not wanting to let her thoughts consume her and just letting it go away on it’s own
- however, if notices that there is someone who is blatantly after you, she will not hesitate to make herself known to them. she’ll hold your hand or arm with a firm grip in front of them and propose that you two should go somewhere else because she “wants to explore and be familiar with the area” (but really, she simply believes nothing good can come from a place with that person around. she will perceive them as an actual threat)
k | kisses: what are their kisses like? who kissed who first? where do they like to kiss you?
- gentle and tender. you most definitely initiated the first kiss between the two of you, because she wasn’t brave or certain enough if she should do it herself. but she generally prefers it that way — whenever you initiate physical affection
- her favorite place to kiss you is on the lips or cheek, as it feels most right to her. she also enjoys it when you kiss her on those places, but she also has a liking to shoulder and neck kisses, as it makes her feel loved and wanted
l | love language: what’s their favorite love language?
- mukuro wants to show you she loves you through acts of service. she will do simple things for you like bringing you a snack, making sure the place is tidy and comfortable enough, and giving you massages
- she loves it when you spend quality time with her. since she knows that she can’t always be the center of your attention, she deeply holds all the time you spend together close to her heart. whether it be a romantic date or just a small conversation, knowing that there are times where you give her your full undivided attention just make her heart flutter
m | marriage: would they want to get married? if you were to get married, who would take whose last name? what would the marriage be like?
- mukuro doesn’t care about getting married or not. she would not be opposed to the idea as your relationship grows further and if it’s what you really want, she’ll do it without any questions asked
- when you two get married, she would keep her last name. while she does love you, she sees it as an important part of her identity and wants to maintain her individuality
- your marriage is based off mutual trust, respect, and understanding. she’ll aim to create a stable, happy, and supportive relationship, and she’ll encourage you to pursue your dreams and provide comfort and reassurance in your shared home whenever you need it, hoping you’ll do the same in turn
n | nicknames: would they use nicknames on you? do they like when you use nicknames on them?
- mukuro would not use any nicknames or pet names on you because she thinks it’s childish and prefers to call you by your given name
- she doesn’t mind you giving her simple nicknames, but she doesn’t want anything cheesy or cutesy. she might cringe and not take you seriously if you were to unironically use a pet name on her
o | open: how long does it take for them to open up to you for the first time?
- it takes time for mukuro to open up to you due to her past traumas and experiences. however, with patience and understanding, she gradually becomes more comfortable sharing her thoughts and bits of her past
p | pda: thoughts on public displays of affection?
- she is not that keen on public displays of affection. she might hold your hand on a rare occasion where she feels comfortable or feels she needs to, but she generally prefers to keep intimate moments and affectionate gestures for more private settings
q | quality time: what do they like to do when they’re with you? how affectionate are they behind closed doors?
- mukuro likes calm and quiet time where you both can have simple yet meaningful conversations and just enjoy the peace and silence
- she is much more comfortable showing affection through subtle gestures like kisses and hugs behind closed doors. she is attentive to what you have to say and generous with compliments and affirmations. she is not overly touchy but shows love and support in any way she can
r | realize: when did they realize they fell in love with you? why did they fall in love with you?
- she realized she had developed feelings for you when she found herself trying to pretend they didn’t exist. at first, she had just grown a particular liking to you, and didn’t see how much it grew over time. she wouldn’t notice how she started looking forward to seeing you, spending time with you, and thinking about you until she was directly confronted about her feelings by junko or something
- mukuro was in denial for the longest time and even tried to downplay her feelings and gaslight herself into thinking they were never there, but ultimately failed. she also wasn’t sure if she wanted to pursue a romantic relationship or not, given her duties as the ultimate soldier
- but when she saw how much you valued and cared about her, she realized just how much love you had to offer. how could she turn away now?
s | sad: how would they cheer you up when you’re sad?
- mukuro would do her best to be understanding and comforting. she may offer comforting words, small surprises, or just a shoulder to cry on
t | thrill: would they do any new things to spice up your relationship?
- mukuro thinks your guys’ relationship is fine just the way it is, but she won’t mind experimenting and trying new things to liven the relationship up every now and then. together, you both can explore and embrace the thrill of the unknown
u | unwind: how do they like to unwind and relieve stress when with you?
- as stated, she likes to spend quiet time with you. in a situation where she wants to relieve stress, she’d turn to you and ask if you’d let her sleep in your arms. she isn’t sure why but it helps her every single time. she feels put at ease and safe in your arms, and she wouldn’t want to let go of you for a while
v | vouch: how would they vouch for you in any situation you might be in trouble?
- mukuro is a very loyal partner and she would always stand up for you if you were ever in a difficult situation or if someone was being unfair to you. she would make sure to support and speak up on your behalf. she wouldn't hesitate to go to great lengths to protect and defend you
w | wild card: random relationship headcanon!
- her favorite type of date to go on with you is stargazing. she likes the feeling of the cool breeze that comes out at night and enjoys watching the stars. she finds solace and peace in the vastness of the night sky
x | exes: how would they handle situations with your exes? how are they like with their exes?
- mukuro has a very distant and standoffish attitude towards her exes. she might not speak of them highly or even speak of them at all. she would be cordial and polite to them when necessary, but wouldn't want to be involved with them or to associate with them more than she has to
- she would feel uncomfortable and weird if you were in contact with your exes. she would definitely feel protective and possessive of you if your ex was still not over the break up. she generally doesn’t want you to have contact with your exes because she views them as potential threats and will not trust them until they can prove they’re not up to anything
y | yearn: how would they cope when you’re away? what are they like when they reunite with you after being gone for so long?
- she’ll feel a quite sad and lonely when you’re away for a long time. she’ll find herself actually craving your presence and missing your company
- however, she’d try to not let this affect her too much and she would try to remain strong and independent while you’re not there, burying herself in her duties and responsibilities instead
- when you reunite, she would be very happy and eager to see that you’re safe. she would insist on making up for lost time, letting you chose any activities you’d like to do with her, even some things she normally wouldn’t do
z | zzz: what are they like when sleeping with you? what are some habits they have?
- mukuro is a light sleeper and tends to stay alert, but with you by her side, she feels safe and relaxed, allowing her to drift into a peaceful slumber
- she has a tendency to murmur a few random things and snuggle a bit closer to you if she feels unsettled, but that’s all that there is to it!
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a/n: omg thank you so much for requesting danganronpa I love you MWAAH!!! and I totally didn’t prioritize this request since it was dr… anyways this took way longer than it should have tbh. send more dr requests my way tho ^^ enjoy!
© ts4ritsa (do not repost w/o credits)
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rebornologist · 1 year
hey! i hope youre having a wonderful day ⭐️ could i request some h/cs for reborn, giotto and TYLmukuro? where s/o is bored out of their mind and just starts using the cheesiest pick-up lines they can think of on them? like "You know what you would look really beautiful in? My arms." (btw you have no idea how delighted i was to find your blog, youre doing gods work)
GN reader, no pronouns used & no warnings! established relationships, very domestic and just a little suggestive if you squint in Reborn's. Everyone is 21+ bc I love adult Reborn I love writing abt adults exclusively bc I seriously cannot imagine the thoughts of teenagers fr xox
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♡ Reborn
Out of pure silence, the two of you could have been passively doing work side-by-side or lounging around with something brain numbing on television, but you pop a stupid pick-up line and his attention is all on you
He’s initially silent with confusion, but your face twists into a silly expression as you drop another stupid pick-up line, and by then he absolutely cannot help the smile that flashes across his face. He loves it and he loves you so much omg he even snorts and chuckles a little bit :’)
“What was that?” He's holding back another quiet bout of laughter as he turns to you and his eyes are curled into uncharacteristic half moons, his expression a mixture of amusement and disbelief. He took a long time to warm up to you enough to be this silly, and all the time and effort you spent melting the man’s icy exterior pays off when you see the pure mirth sparkling in his dark eyes.
You fire another one, grin widening evermore as you giggle at your own shenanigans, catching his gaze with a sweet twinkle in your eyes. You bite your lip as you begin to think of another one.
This time he is the one that shoots it first, “mm you look great with those pants on… bet you’d look even better with them off.” And he scoops you up into his lap to press your foreheads together and pepper sweet little kisses on your reddening cheeks.
Amidst your happy noises as he delivers his affection, you ask him what he’s doing. To which he replies, “the better question is what you were doing?”
“I was boooored..”
“I figured as much, I have something much more interesting in mind that we can do..”
You eventually learn that cheesy pick-up lines do work sometimes... on handsome hitmen whose hearts you have already captured
♡ Giotto
He’s definitely amused! Perhaps even too interested in the silly quips leaving your lips. When you capture his attention with the first cheesy line, he gives you his full attention as he tries to process what you mean when you say that his father “must be a baker” because of his “nice set of buns”? You know that his dad is most certainly not a baker.
When he realizes that you’re talking about his booty he flushes a little and laughs, asking you how you even came up with that. You quickly tell him another pick-up line, following it with a playful wink as you circle around him.
He’d be there to listen to as many dumb pick up lines as you can think of because he’s having fun when you’re having fun tbh; when he tries to come up with his own, they’re just a little awkward and sound more like just plain compliments because he isn’t quite as witty as you (he seems honest to a fault, and in turn not sly and conniving enough to be funny on command like this lol)
He ends up more fascinated than he really should be about the pathos and ethos of the cheesy lines, and you're going to have only yourself to blame when he masters them and uses them on you another day.
♡ Mukuro Rokudo
He can’t even pretend to hate them because he’s a cheesy mf ngl he’d probably start laughing his ass off!! He doubles over just a little and suddenly he wants to pick your brain even more than usual. What’s gotten you into this odd mood? Were you bored? Were you trying this for his attention? In such an awful way? His cool facade is cracked only by the completely absurd, and you were bringing that to the table.
He doesn’t quite fire back with his own cheesy pick-up lines, but he’s just a little too receptive to them. “My shirt? Significant other material-” is met with a satisfied hum and a light flip of the hair as he leans over you and a gloved hand slides up to tug at your top. “I agree,” he muses, catlike eyes hooded and unblinking as they scan over your upper half.
Suddenly, you wonder if he’s misreading the room, or if you’re misreading the room… or if he’s just trying to outweird you. The moment his hands cup your waist, you gasp and your face flushes. He notices your pupils dilating and heart rate picking up.
Then the bastard lets go of you and laughs to himself even HARDER?!?!! He found your cheesy pick-up lines absolutely hilarious, but to him there is nothing more amusing (and heartwarming) than messing with you.
He swears he's laughing with you and not at you, but you know that you're his favourite butt of any joke between the two of you... and also his favourite butt (Mukuro grabby hands) <3
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Hiie sorry for the delay! I just penned these & hope you enjoy them! I do know Giotto's is a bit short but I honestly have not experienced enough of him to grasp his characterization super well in my head mmm but it was fun! Uni has been kicking my ass so I'm glad I got some time to fuss w such a sweet and silly little request! xx G
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ayoharuko · 1 year
May I request a fluff/SFW alphabet for Mukuro Ikusaba?
Hello anon-chan! Sorry that your request took some time to be finished, I had to think proper sfw headcanons for best girl Mukuro hehehe~
Regardless I hope you enjoy and thank you for sending in a request!
REMINDER: This character does not belong but to Kazutaka Kodaka, This fictional work as well so please try not to take this to seriously :)
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~ SFW Alphabet for Mukuro Ikusaba ~
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Mukuro is shy when it comes to affection, so she shows her affection through small ways.
Ex is: Doing small things for you, watching over you, holding your hand and many more things!
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The friendship would start if you were the one who interpreted it, I feel like in the past she thinks she had no need for friends so when you came it became a different story.
As a best friend Mukuro would be the protecting type, she wants to protect you since she's afraid of losing you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cuddles are a must for Mukuro.
Like she wants to come home from training everyday and cuddle with you, your just soo comfy and soft. How could she resist?
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Definitely. After she's retired from solider work she definitely wants to settle down and merry be with you.
Decent at both cleaning and cooking, learned basic cleaning and cooking from the military :3
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Jokes on you, you think she'll ever break up with you?
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Of course she'll wait till your ready but like...she wants you to be all yours soo maybe after high school?
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Mukuro is always gentle with you, she knows how strong she is physically so she tries to be careful when touching you.
While emotionally she tries to understand your emotions more, thanks to her skills at reading a person.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
At the beginning of your relationship she was definitely awkward when it came to hugging. Like she would turn red and stiff when you hug her.
But later on, Mukuro becomes more comfortable with hugging!
Mukuro's hugs are protective, they make you feel like nothing in the world can hurt you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Surprisedly it takes her a whole month to say it.
Thats because her actions speak louder then her words soo yea..took her a whole month to say it lol
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Mukuro gets clingy, protective and insecure real fast.
She'll start clinging to you more, glaring hard at the person flirting to you and touching you protectively.
She's scary when jealous, trust me.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Soft and gentle~
Her lips are soo soft and they taste like cherries.
She likes to be kissed on her hands, I don't know. Maybe because she's always used her hands for war and training that its always stained with blood.
Loves kissing your forehead, she thinks its cute for some reason~
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Depends, now she doesn't dislike kids but she definitely knows that they'll be scared of her.
But she doesn't mind having a little family of your own.
Acts very much awkward around kids, because they're scared of her.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mukuro is an early bird so she wakes up wayy earlier then you, and she loves to just stare a your face while waiting for you to wake up.
However on rare occasions when she sleeps in, you'll get to see the most peaceful expression present on her face~
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Now this can go 2 ways...
1, is she's at work and doesn't come home until the next morning or even a whole week and 2, she's at home and your nights are filled with cuddles and kisses.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Hmm....she was definitely very hesitant to tell you about her past...especially at the staring of your relationship.
When you both are at least a year in your relationship, she'll slowly start revealing more stuff about her.
But patience is key, don't rush her.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Pretty calm actually, the only reason she'll get really angered is when something bad happens to you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Oh she remembers everything.
Mukuro is head over heels for you and she knows everything about you too.
She doesn't forget even the little quirks or even the small moles thats in your body.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Mukuro's favorite moment in your relationship was when the Sakura blossoms were blooming, you were dancing around the falling petals with an happy smile on your face.
You looked so eternal and she wanted to kiss you silly right there~
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Protective, definitely very protective.
She does NOT like seeing you get hurt, so she probably puts trackers on you just saying-
Now...it's clear that Mukuro doesn't need protecting, she can clearly protect herself.
However, if you actually try to protect her in a way. Her heart will melting she'll fall in love with you all over again.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Hm...I think it fully depends on the reason she'll gift you something.
If it's a special occasion she'll put a lot of thought into it, and if its just something she thinks reminds her of you and then it'll be small~
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Too overprotective and a little cold at times.
She...isn't used to human affection at all so be patient since when in a relationship with her you have to take it slow and steady.
Another bad habit of hers is she bites her nails when she's agitated or nervous, and this results to her nails bleeding....
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Hmm...not really?
I mean...Mukuro doesn't really have a reason to be concerned of her looks....
Yes she has a beautiful good-looking twin sister that might steal you away but other then that Mukuro isn't all that concerned :)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes. A 100% yes.
You are her entire life.
Like without you she's nothing, you though her how to love and she's not gonna let you go that easily~
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
I feel like Mukuro is a dog person then cat, like in the army they would kinda use dogs sometimes right? Idk just a random thought lol
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone who has no respect at all.
Especially when it comes to the army or just soldiers in general....
Thats all to be honest, she isn't picky on what she wants/prefers on a partner but all she wants is her partner to have respect.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Mukuro curls into a ball when she sleeps, now this was a habit of hers because she was often alone when sleeping.
Especially when she was in the army....
But when with you she always cuddles you really tight, like your gonna disappear at any moment.
Just cuddle and kiss her forehead and she'll have a nightmare free sleep :3
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Thank u soo much for the request anon-chan! I apologize very very much for posting your request late gomennn!
I hope this makes it up to you :) and I also hope you like it~
Also I didn't spell/grammar check this, so if their are any mistakes sorry about that ahahaha~
See you guys on my next post!~
Reblogs are appreciated and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
(Note: please don't copy and paste my works anywhere, and if you do see them on other platform please inform me.)
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weird-addiction · 8 months
Ohhh okay, could u do daemon x male valyrian dragonrider just without the soulmates part than? ^_^
An Immortal Bond
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Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Immortal!Valyrian!Male!Reader
Genre: Light Angst Warnings: suggestive themes, no actual smut, denial of feelings, talking about past bad experiences
The rogue prince of Westeros was known for and wide for his tendencies, having no boundaries and limits to his appetite. The smallfolk always talked about Daemon and having seen him in the street of silk almost every night, sleeping and fucking with whores without a care. 
Some say he would marry a whore in his later years, but to everyone's surprise even when he became crown prince Daemon did not marry anyone (of his own choosing). Sure, he ran off with one his whores but he only did to get Viserys off his back. 
Yeah, like that’ll work. Viserys has always bugged his brother to go back to the vale to his actual wife Rhea Royce of Arryn. Of course, Daemon refused. Viserys had asked a million times why, however Daemon refused to share any information on his reasons. 
What Viserys did not know was that Daemon had fallen in love with someone else, someone unlikely to be even interested in someone like Daemon. But you know what they say, opposites attract. Well, they weren’t exactly ‘opposites’ but they were rather different if you truly compared them.
In his youth, the young Targaryen prince met someone when flying on Caraxes. A different dragon flew past him in the opposite direction, he made Caraxes fly the other way as well, to try and follow who he just saw. Eventually Daemon caught up to the mystery dragon, this dragon had a way bigger wingspan and longer body, it also had four legs instead of just two like his. Daemon saw the person riding it, upon the bigger dragon’s neck there sat someone, but he could not see their face as they had on a mask. 
Daemon followed them as they landed next to each other, going up to the other rider he wanted to introduce himself. But the other rider beat him to it. “Nykeā targārien issi ao?" (A Targaryen are you?) They asked fluently in the language of Old Valyria. 
“Nyke. Se nyke guessing ao issi hen uēpa valyrio hae sȳrī?” (I am. And I am guessing you are from Old Valyria as well?) Daemon replied back, seeing that the other also had the signature appearance of the silver-blonde hair and violet eyes that the nobles of the ancient civilization had. 
“I am. I recently came across the Narrow Sea. I have been trying to find a place to settle.” Daemon nodded at him. “I am Daemon Targaryen. Crown prince to the Iron Throne. You?” He asked.
“I am Y/n.” This made Daemon confused. “No last name?”
“No, not really. My house is dead like the rest of Old Valyria. Plus, if I said it I doubt you would know it.” 
From that moment onwards, their friendship blossomed over the years. And without Y/n realizing it, Daemon had fallen in love with him. Y/n did as well, but he was in denial of the affection he felt towards the prince.
And he had a good reason for it. There was something Y/n never told Daemon about himself, and it was the fact that he was immortal. He was born before the years of the doom of course, but, somehow he was still alive 200 years after the doom had happened. It was said that his house was cursed with immortality, to walk the lands forever as everything and everyone around them gets to die and move on. 
Daemon moved through the city under the cover of night freely, walking into a lesser known brothel as he searched for someone through the many people that crowded it. 
“Looking for me?” A voice called out from behind him. Daemon smiled as heard it, he knew full well who it was.
“Knew you would be here.” Daemon replied, turning around to see the Valyrian man that was standing with a shadow that covered half of his face perfectly. 
“Where else am I going to go? Not like I can live anywhere else.” Y/n spoke with the tint of playfulness of full display.
“I thought staying in a brothel was below you, as you would say when we first met. So, why are you here? Given into your desires?” Daemon pulled the other close into him by the waist, Y/n did not refuse his advances.
“How else will I earn my money around here? Made friends with the owner, giving me half of the profits. I am in charge of some of the private rooms of this place, along with some clients. Pretty good deal, no?” 
Daemon stroked the long hair that the other possessed, the beautiful Valyrian traits just like his own. Y/n led him slowly but surely into a private room, where they shut the curtains and gave themselves privacy. Y/n fidgeted before he spoke up.
“Daemon, there is something I need to tell you.” He said pouring the wine into two goblets.
“And that is?” Y/n handed him a goblet.
“.....That I am an immortal Daemon.” The prince paused as to process the information, he gulped down his wine as turned to look at the now known immortal in his eyes. “Is that supposed to make me feel something? If it is the fact you expect me to hate you, then you are wrong. I don’t care if you are immortal, I still feel the same way about you. Do you not also?” Daemon argued, practically asking and wanting the Y/n to confess his feelings for him.
“Daemon, you don’t understand. I do not know how to feel about this, about all of this, about you..I am just afraid that if I come to admit my feelings that would be my downfall..because that is what I have seen in the past.” Y/n explained, down his wine in one go as he went back to pour more. 
“You are scared that you will live and I will die, is that correct?” Daemon irked an eyebrow. 
“Yes. That is what I am saying.” 
Hearing that, Daemon stood up and had his arms around the other, putting his chin in the area where Y/n’s neck and shoulder met. Arms around his waist once more. “I will say it again. I do not care if that is what you are. If fate has decided that you will live while I am on my deathbed, then so be it, I do not wish to part from you. Not now, not ever.” 
Y/n turned his head around, their lips almost touched if it was not for Y/n noticing it. The immortal slowly leaned in, soon, their lips were together as they molded into one another. They only pulled away once they needed air, Y/n’s eyes seemed dazed. 
Leading each other over to the bed, he pushed Daemon down onto the bed while he straddled him. As he began to pull away at the layers he wore, slowly showing his body to the prince. Soon, his bare chest was exposed along with his arms. 
“Let me show you true pleasure prince.”
“Oh, please do.”
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Big Sis | Yandere Junko and Mukuro
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A Concept To Maybe Continue...
You knew something was different about your older sisters. According to others, sisters their  age fought all the same…just not with high-grade weapons. Your sisters were Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba–The ever hated Despair Twins. 
It was terrifying or it would be if you weren’t desensitized to the overwhelmingly radical personalities. Oddly enough you're usually not on the receiving end of their despairful escapades. Instead forced to be smothered by your sisters' obsessive and possessive tendencies. That made you an unwilling bystander to their crimes. 
Mukuro was the better one, more inclined to be a nurturing older sister. Scratch that, she essentially instated herself as your motherly figure. Using the skills she was naturally inclined to as the ultimate super soldier to take over most of your needs. From infancy to junior high she’s intent on carrying you around and spoon-feeding you the meals that she cooked. You’d like to say she didn’t do the weird blushing thing that she did with Junko’s violent affection but that’d make her too normal. She had her moments but more often than not she was infamous for getting overly excited about all the small things. 
First school uniform?
“Baby, you look perfect!”
“Muki-chan you’re nose is running.”
“Oh is it?”
Eating your favorite food?
“You’re such a messy eater, (Y/n)! Here I’ll get that for you.”
“Are you-? You’re not throwing that in the trash are you?”
“Oh (Y/n) what are you doing talking? Eat your food.”
Simply existing within her vicinity?
“Hah~Look at them sleep so soundly! My (Y/n)~!”
You really didn’t like waking up to her drool on your face, or at least that’s what you hope it is.
But if you compared that to Junko’s behavior it was more of a minor inconvenience to know your sister’s watching stalking you diligently. Junko had the most prevalent despair-filled behavior but not in the way many would think. 
“Oi oi don’t go runnin’ from your big sis! It be pretty despairing if those friends you’re running to all died horribly in front of you?”
Always keeping you within arms reach, in her lap, or her actively making you aware of whatever despair she was deciding to inflict. Unlike her treatment of Mukuro which was truly ever to encourage her obsession with despair she seemed to satisfy in simply you. Having you, living with you, keeping you, killing for you, causing despair in your name It was an anomalous relationship with an abnormal girl; a love for you that was measured by her burning love(?) for you. But her affection wasn’t shown in any typical fashion as any would guess. Locking your friends in a room and enticing them to plan murders. Or that one time when she dressed you up as a baby to ‘relive the grand ol’ days’. Playful pushes, pinching at your cheeks, writing her name somewhere on your body, and including you in her violent rampages. The sight of Mukuro’s blushing face was a familiar one for you.
“Upupupu did you think you could runoff with that scumbag without sharing the fun times!?”
“Little (Y/n)! Did they hurt you? What am I saying, of course they did! I’ll brutalize them soon!”
Leading up to the biggest, most Awful, most Tragic event in human history your sisters were occupied with. Putting their plan in action they let you slip away with nothing but a tracker on. A tracker you were able to locate and stick to some unsuspecting pigeon.
With your newfound freedom you enjoyed yourself to the fullest completely unaware of the impending doom that would have been birthed from the walls of Hope’s Peak. By the time the world had truly began to be consumed by despair you were far from the school and fending off the Monokuma–masked assailants. For whatever reason the broadcasts didn’t affect you like it did others and that alone made you a person of interest to the graduated Ultimates. After hours of interrogation and questioning you were deemed not a threat but an asset in bringing down the host of the killing game. 
“Upupupu you plebs out there still rooting for hope are cheering aren’t yuh!? Well for the glorious agents of despair I’ve got a job for ya–” 
Now revealed: Junko Enoshima appeared in a prerecorded message beckoning the 77th class to snap and snicker at her voice.
“If you’re looking for the next instigator of despair it’ll be the living one! Baby (Y/n)!!!” Tongue out with those despair-filled eyes, as the video cuts to a picture of all three of you–zooming in on your unsuspecting chubby face. All though it was an old photo it resembled you enough and that was all it took to start the latest wave of despair.
Under Munukata’s leadership you just barely escaped his sword. By his divination you were still an ultimate, an ultimate targeted by the wicked Ultimate Despair. So naturally you should stay by his side even as the 77th class began to converge on your location, eager to plummet the world into deeper despair. Forget the way he so willingly strikes down any who attempt to befriend you or the way he demands you listen to his odd rules ‘to keep you safe.’ Forget all about how even after their reformation they still seem keen on meeting you and bringing you with them. And be sure to ignore how  even more nameless victims of despair attempt to weasel their way to you. 
Even in her death they seemed to birth an obsession around you.
“Awww didn’t think a silly thing would stop me baby bird! I’ve always wanted to give you the despairful birth you deserve. Corrupting all hope to fall into disgustingly delicious despair! Love can be cruel can’t it!?”
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frickingnerd · 5 months
dating mukuro ikusaba
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pairing: mukuro ikusaba x gn!reader
tags: (over)protective mukuro, mention of fights at the end
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mukuro doesn't have any dating experience. she didn't think she was the type of girl to fall in love, yet here she was, dating you
and to her own surprise, she fell in love with you quicker than she realized it
she wasn't used to those feelings she had for you and it took her quite a while to realize that she was falling in love
it was honestly quite confusing for her at first. she had never cared much about love, yet here she was, head over heels for you
mukuro is unsure at first how to show her love and tends to be a little obsessive at first
she's very direct with you and once she realizes she's in love with you, she will confess to you as soon as she can
her confession probably wasn't the most romantic thing ever, but she doesn't believe that it even mattered
all that mattered was that you ended up reciprocating her feelings and were now dating her!
mukuro is quite protective of you and her overprotective nature tends to scare away your friends or potential suitors
dating her is a little isolating, but mukuro will give you all the love you need!
just make sure not to upset her!
once you get into a fight with the ultimate soldier and start to see that side of her, you won't be able to ever see her the same again…
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bayothemayo · 1 year
Mukuro Ikusaba x reader romantic headcanons?
Mukuro Ikusaba X Reader (Romantic Headcanons)
Since Mukuro was new to dating, she doesn't know what to do.
She is very loyal to you, too loyal. You tell her that it is alright to not do what you say if it inconveniences her or makes her uncomfortable.
Just like towards Junko, she is very protective towards you. She keeps her eye out if you two went out, just in case there is a threat.
If there was a threat, she is willing to beat who ever the person is. The benefit of dating the Ultimate Soldier.
Mukuro always have that serious look on her face, so it was always delightful when her eyes becomes wide and her face red when you kiss her cheek.
She is disappointed when ever she have to cancel her plans with you, either because of Junko or something else.
Mukuro always make sure that you stayed out of Junko’s plans and keep you as a secret. Lord help her if Junko finds out about your and Mukuro’s relationship.
If you catch Mukuro beat herself saying that she is fat, ugly, stupid, etc, you always intervene.
“Don’t say that about yourself! You’re adorable, smart, and perfect the way you are!”
You are the hope in her world that is full of despair.
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