#mulled over how to answer this for a while... i hope this makes sense.
bookpdf · 9 months
is palestine the current events ur referring to????
hey anon, i'm not sure in what spirit you sent this - i'll take it at face value and elaborate a bit on my perspective from those tags.
i was being purposefully vague and not referring to any particular current event. just commenting on how whenever something horrible enough happens in the news, there's often this wave of sentiment that we should all be watching the coverage and reading several books to understand the situation and reblogging the posts and so forth. and while i'm not advocating for complete ignorance (nuance! there's nuance to everything!), i don't think that's a healthy expectation to have on myself or on others. there's always multiple bad things happening all the time, and if i carry the burden of being informed on all of them in gruesome detail, it will only make my life harder; it won't make the bad things get better.
and just to say it directly: i do care about the war in palestine. but i am not in a position where i can really do anything about it, and "reading articles and feeling sad/horrified" is neither pleasant nor productive.
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elitadream · 5 days
Hi guys~! ⛅👋
Long time no see! Much longer than I ever intended, in fact. Truth be told, I wanted to make a public post sooner, but I've had a lot to catch up on in terms of notifications and messages since logging back in a few days ago. I've also made some changes that I will address shortly, but first of all I wanted to thank those of you who have reached out with so much care and understanding during my absence. Adjusting has been a slow and fragile process for me -still is-, and I sadly haven't responded directly to everyone yet because of it, but I wanted to say how much I appreciate your patience and support nonetheless. 🥹 🙏
Long story short, I was gone for five months due to a huge burnout, then progressively found my spark again somewhere along the way and have since mostly recovered. It was my wonderful friend @drones-of-innocence who reached out to me outside of Tumblr, and her sense of initiative is largely the reason why I managed to make this post in a somewhat reasonable delay. 😅💖 With that said however, I must also mention that I've deleted a lot of stuff from my page and have removed most of my work from the public eye as well. This may seem quite drastic and frankly a little unsettling, but I assure you that it was a thoroughly considered and reasoned decision! The thing is that I was still getting lots of notes on these drawings everyday and… To put it simply, I didn't want that anymore. 🙇‍♀️ Experiencing popularity was very detrimental to me in the long run and I needed to put an end to it for the sake of my own wellbeing; at least for now.
Which brings me to my next point.
After mulling it over for a while, I've decided that I would not be returning as an active creator in the Mario community this time around. 👐 Making fanart for this franchise (with such a high and continuously maintained degree of involvement) had a lot to do with my health's decline and I've come to realize that I wanted to direct my focus elsewhere going forward. For that reason, there are things which I know will never be repeated again in the future, both in regards to my art and online presence in general, but that's alright. Things change, as they do and should. I'm looking forward to reuniting with folks and would be very happy to stay in touch with those of you who wish to message me privately. Like my lovely pal @istadris said, what matters most about any fandom are the friends you make in it. ☺️
And speaking of which-
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@ody-and-fanatu That's so sweet of you, thank you! 💗 I'm glad you've enjoyed my contribution to the fandom. It was fun while it lasted! 💫 My visual ideas may be gone from my page, but most of my written posts and replies are still there for anyone who wants to revisit those at least, so there's that! And I'd also like to answer some of the asks I still have in my inbox at some point. Knowing that you hold my art in such high regard makes really happy! 🥰 Unfortunately, the other account that I have is reserved for my professional work and I prefer to keep them separate from one other, but the good thing is that I intend to go back to this blog occasionally. Hoping to see you around! Cheers! 🥂
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@heiressofdoodles Thanks, I appreciate that! ✨ I'm honestly doing much better than I was earlier this Spring. Back then, I was running on empty and on the verge of crashing without even knowing it. Being in constant physical pain was one thing, but feeling mentally and emotionally drained on a daily basis was another entirely, and something had to be done. It took me a moment to really figure out what was wrong, but thankfully I realized very quickly what was causing it and applied the breaks with all my might. One of my main priorities now is to be more alert and respect my own boundaries to make sure that this never happens again. 🥲
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@keakruiser Thank you. 🙏💐 I'm just glad to have found my footing again. Feels good to be able to create freely.^^ Hope you're doing well too!
Special thanks also to @pianokantzart, @jelly-fish-wishes, @katlyntheartist, @triniji and @wahooitsamee for their kind words. 🫂 Your graciousness and consideration means a lot to me. 💝
As for all the nice people who sent me anon comments and well wishes, I tried to summarize my thoughts as best I could in this update, but if there's anything else you'd like to say or know, don't hesitate to ask me anytime! Now that I feel like myself again, I think I'm gonna hang out on Tumblr for a little bit. I'll be excited to see what you guys have been up to in the meantime! 🤗 Wishing you all a very good day and pleasant Fall. 🍂
-elita 🌸
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diazevan · 6 months
it's a leap of faith
Buck needs to talk to somebody after kissing Tommy. So, naturally, he ends up on his sister's doorstep in the early hours of the morning. Read on AO3
“Hey, I’m sorry..." Buck feels like he’s completed a marathon, or maybe even two. All he's done is sit in his apartment, mulling over the events of the evening, before realizing he needed to speak to somebody. 
So, he got into his car and drove to the person he can always count on.
Maddie stares at him, slowly blinking. “Buck, it’s the middle of the night.”
“Sorry.” His heart thumps in his ears, and if he doesn’t sit down soon, he may crumple into a heap. “I just—I just, um–”
“Hey.” Worry fills Maddie’s face. She reaches out, pressing a hand to his arm. “It’s okay. Come inside.”
Buck takes careful steps toward the dinner table, because if Jee-Yun hears a floorboard creak, she’ll be up. 
He thanks the stars that Chimney is working. While he hopes to tell everybody about his revelation, he intends on taking it slow. 
Maddie takes a glass from her cupboard and fills it with water, which she places in front of him. He takes a sip, ignoring how much his hands tremble as he does.
He can sense Maddie’s concerned gaze, looking for answers and worrying about worst case scenarios, as both of them tend to do.
“Buck, look at me.” She takes his hand, and mimics a deep breath, for him to follow. “Breathe.”
“I’m okay,” he pants, taking time to calm himself. “I promise, I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine.” Maddie’s eyes are frantically searching for an answer, and he can see the panic growing in them.
“I spoke to Eddie,” he calms his tone, hoping to show her that he is okay.
“He forgives me. And I owe him a few favors,” Buck says, with  a smile.
“Rightfully so.”
“I, ur…” Buck laughs, bowing his head. Then, he stops, taking a second to compose himself. 
This is the moment. The leap of faith he knows that queer people take every single day, and this one is his.
He isn’t sure what he wants or needs to say. There’s no manual for this, and researching ‘how to come out’ only guides him so far. “Do you ever feel like you’re not complete?” he finally asks.
Maddie frowns. “Not complete?”
“Like there’s parts of who you are, that you haven’t discovered yet, and when you do, everything kinda, comes into focus,” he stammers.
“Sure.” Maddie nods. “I think that’s life, right? We’re always changing.”
“I guess.” 
“Evan?” She speaks gently, as if she’s calling out to him, despite being sat side-by-side. “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
“I just, kinda don’t know how to explain it.” Buck sits up in his chair, clutching his hands together. 
“I’ll understand.”
There’s no right or wrong way to do this, but Buck feels like he’s about to take center stage and perform a song he doesn’t know.
“Tommy kissed me,” Buck blurts.
Surprise crosses Maddie’s face, and her jaw slacks slightly. “Tommy kissed you?” Her expression morphs with realization, and she smiles. “And how did that make you feel?”
“I, um, I kissed him back,” Buck splutters, his hands flailing about in front of him. “I wanted to, and I…” He suddenly becomes aware that his cheeks are wet with tears.
He’s not entirely sure why he’s crying. He’s certainly not upset. If anything, he’s joyous.
“It felt like, um that—” he cries.
“Everything came into focus?” Maddie finishes.
“Yeah, yeah.” He runs his hands over his cheeks. “It really did.”
Maddie jumps to her feet and pulls him into her arms. Since he’s sitting down, she has a height advantage, and as he wraps his hands around her back, he feels like a little kid again.
The same one who always ran to his big sister.
“Thank you for telling me,” she whispers in his ear as she clings to him. She steps back to press a kiss against his birthmark. “I’m proud—oh, and I.” Tears are filling her eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Buck spots the clock on the wall behind Maddie, and inwardly cringes. “I’m sorry I woke you.”
“It’s fine.” She waves a dismissive hand as she sits down. “You can always wake me up when you need me.”
"Thank you." He relaxes, and then says, “I thought I’d be–”
“You’d be what?”
“Confused, but I’m not, it all makes sense.” He leans his head in his hand. “There are all these moments I’ve looked back at, and I know now, what they meant.” He lifts his shoulder in a half-shrug. “I just, I never knew that this was a discovery I could made–”
“What, at your old age?” She teases. “Not everybody knows exactly who they’re going to be by 18.” Her smile somehow grows wider. “I’m so happy for you. You look–” she cuts herself off, tilting her head like she’s had an epiphany of her own.
“You don’t look like you’re holding the weight of the world on your back anymore.”
Buck lets out another breath, and like every one since Tommy kissed him, it is filled with relief.
Because he’s finally free.
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bethanydelleman · 2 months
it’s funny you just answered a different ask about S&S, because I’ve been mulling one over that I’ve been meaning to drop in your inbox. I listen to S&S on the regular - it’s become one of my fav comfort stories. But I’m always disturbed by Brandon talking about how relieved he is when he finds Eliza 1.0 dying of tuberculosis. I know he cares for her, both emotionally and in the sense of providing excellent care for her at end of life. But I do wonder.
What if she wasn’t dying when he found her? Would he still have loved her and wanted to marry her? Or would her life as a sex worker, her illegitimate child, the drop in her social status, and the fact she was his (then still living) brother’s ex-wife make that a non-starter? After everything that happened, did Brandon harbor some Captain Wentworth-like resentment against Eliza, irrational though it may be? And if he had rescued her and married her, could they have been happy with how much both had changed since they were first in love?
Obviously it’s all conjecture, but I think Brandon would have done for Eliza 1 the same he did for Eliza 2. Bankroll her into a nice cottage in the country and maybe visit on holidays.
First, I want to address that he's "happy" that Eliza is dying. We in Western society are very uncomfortable with death these days and agree to extraordinary measures just to retain life without considering quality of life. What Brandon is saying is that Eliza Brandon had no further chance at quality of life. The relief that he feels that she will die soon is because she's suffered so much and he wants her to find peace:
So altered—so faded—worn down by acute suffering of every kind! hardly could I believe the melancholy and sickly figure before me, to be the remains of the lovely, blooming, healthful girl, on whom I had once doted. What I endured in so beholding her—but I have no right to wound your feelings by attempting to describe it—I have pained you too much already. That she was, to all appearance, in the last stage of a consumption, was—yes, in such a situation it was my greatest comfort. Life could do nothing for her, beyond giving time for a better preparation for death; and that was given. I saw her placed in comfortable lodgings, and under proper attendants; I visited her every day during the rest of her short life: I was with her in her last moments.
I have had two relatives embrace their ending because their suffering had become intolerable. It is a source of relief, as much as it may be mixed with sorrow. I don't find this paragraph disturbing at all, I've lived through it and he's right. And remember, he's a Christian and he believes that she is going to heaven, so she is only being released from this mortal coil to go somewhere far better.*
Anyway, here's the thing, according to British law/morals at the time, Colonel Brandon was not "allowed" to marry Eliza Brandon. Your brother's wife was considered your sister, so while these marriages did occasionally happen, they could be voided if anyone brought a suit against someone and they were definitely frowned upon. (Remember Emma saying that her and Mr. Knightley weren't really brother and sister, that refers to this law).
If they did marry, their children may be considered illegitimate, which would make it hard for them to inherit if Delaford is entailed. And you know if a cousin stood to inherit, he'd challenge the children's right to the estate.
Because it was considered immoral, I have a hard time seeing Colonel Brandon marrying Eliza even if she had been healthy. His chances at marrying her ended not when she fell from status, but the second she married his brother. If he had found her healthier, he probably would have provided her a home and cared for her as his sister, but not considered marriage as might as he may loved her still. I don't think he resents her at all, he's very forgiving in his speech.
Anyway, I hope that helps!
*I have worked in medicine for a while and I know that medically assisted dying is a hot button issue, I don't want to debate it on this here Jane Austen blog. Having experiences relatives refusing treatment after living in severe pain for a long time, I understand Brandon's explanation here. That is what I'm saying.
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desolatespring · 1 year
CW: implied kidnapping, yandere themes, slight religious imagery, gender neutral reader
The scent of worn pages gently seeped through sandalwood as the incense dwindled down to its last few embers. There were no windows but the weight of your eyelids told you it was night. Not that it truly mattered. Time had lost its meaning, each day muddling into the next to repeat its due process. By now you’d assume the search parties had long since ceased, resulting in another cold case. It wasn’t the fear of being forgotten that bothered you most about this thought, instead you worried your family and friends would think you’d abandoned them.
You try picturing how your mother looked while she’s questioned about your disappearance but your train of thought screeches to a halt when you can barely piece together her face. Was that freckle under her left or right eye? What side of her lip quirked up more when she smiled? Is she anxiously smoothing her favorite blouse as she frets it’s her fault you’re gone? What one was her favorite again?
A cold hand pulls you from your reverie.
Jerking your head up you turn to the man responsible for all this. Despite being the one to cause all your problems, you’re grateful for the distraction. Maybe it’s better if you just forgot about family, living as a condemned man would be easier if you had no memory of freedom.
Chrollo looks you over before speaking. “What’s on your mind?”
Instead of ignoring him or blessing him with a snide remark you decide to be honest. Choosing to live by your new philosophy and embracing whatever he throws your way. Hope and mental tranquility your only sense of solace in the mechanical repetition that has become your life.
“My family. They probably blame themselves for my leaving.”
He mulls it over. “Truthfully, yes probably. Your mother always seemed to feel guilty, like she could’ve raised you better.”
You nod, seeing no need to disagree. Giving into your emotions you lean over and rest your head on his shoulder. Whether it was Chrollo or not, physical comfort is still comfort and there’s no need to make yourself suffer.
You can feel his eyes on you, contemplating if there’s any ulterior motive on your part. When he doesn’t pick up on it he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you slightly closer, his hand then reaching up to gently rub your arm. It’s not often you initiate physical contact with him and he plans to take full advantage of the opportunity you presented.
After a moments silence you finally speak. Asking the question that’s been plaguing your mind since day one. “Why me?”
You can feel Chrollo’s chest rise as he takes a deep, steady breath, seemingly searching for an answer. To your surprise he seems almost hesitant. Failure to be introspective was not a fault of his, you knew he’d asked himself this question countless times before, and it was no revelation you’d one day seek his reasoning. Then why was it taking him so long to respond?
“I feel drawn to you, bound by Ariadne’s thread. I live vicariously through your existence. Simply put, there is no I without you, and I don’t wish to find myself again.”
The words don’t sink in at first, then the selfishness and grandiose nature of them cause your head to spin, leaving your stomach an empty pit. So much for embracing whatever he throws at you.
“That… that’s it?” Now sitting upright again you look at him bewildered. “You need a therapist or, or medication. Anything that’s not me.”
The hand he still had around your arm is pulling you back to him despite your attempts to pull away.
“Oh but darling, I couldn’t do this with a therapist.”
You huff and resign yourself to your fate. Closing your eyes you hope when you wake up he’ll be gone.
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kingdomof-omens · 1 year
"To Breaks!" Noah x OFC
Masterlist Can also be found on Wattpad and AO3 This is a work of fiction based on real people. If you don't like it, don't read it.
Pairing: Noah x OFC
Warnings: P in V sex, male oral sex, language, mild d/s, mentions of alcohol/drinking/bars, one-nighter
The only sounds coming from Elaine's apartment were the sounds of slick, sweat covered skin slapping and the moans and groans of Elaine and the handsome man she brought home from the bar.
She didn't even bother to catch his name, he wasn't even going to stay around long enough for it to even matter.
"Is this seat taken?" A tall slender man asked her, pointing to the empty chair next to her at the bar. "Hm, I'll let you sit if only you're not some creep expecting me to sleep with you because you have a few coy words on that tongue." She replied, taking a sip of her drink.
He chuckled as he slid the chair out and sat down, telling the bartender his order. He turned to Elaine and motioned to the bartender to make another for her as well.
"I hope you know that buying me drinks also won't make me sleep with you." She scoffed.
"I just wanted to be nice, I promise I'm not expecting anything in return." He threw a smirk at her as the bartender put their drinks down on the bar in front of them.
They sat next to each other, not speaking, while the bar bustled behind them. It was a comfortable silence between them, sipping on their drinks and enjoying each others quiet company. The man was the first to speak again, turning to Elaine and knocking his knuckles on the wooden top of the bar.
"So, what happened to make you want to come to a bar and drink all by yourself?"
"Nothing, I just didn't want to sit at home alone and drink. At least here I can people watch and listen to all of the guys fail at hitting on the girls." She chuckled, sipping on her drink slowly. She turned to him, facing the man now.
He was more handsome now that she got to take in his full appearance rather than just a glance. He had short hair, tattoos littered on his body, and a keen grin splattered on his face. She could see scarring from a few piercings he must've once had on his face. He was attractive, that's for sure, and Elaine wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or not, but she was now interested in this mysterious man.
"Hard to people watch when your back is turned to all the people." He chuckled, thumb pointing behind them towards the growing crowd behind them.
"You can watch without using your eyes, you know."
"And how does one do that?"
"By using your other senses. Listen to the guy behind us. He's currently on his third girl of the night, buying drinks. He's wearing cheap cologne that he probably bought at the dollar store on the way over here. If you listen to the tone of his voice when the girls turn him down, you can hear frustration. He's looking for a quick lay and not getting his way."
He sat there pondering her words for a minute. "Hm, I didn't even think of people watching that way. What do you say about me?"
"Well, you smell of mint and sandalwood. You took a shower and brushed your teeth before coming here. You're not hitting on every girl you see, so either you have high standards or just came here to drink. I'm going to go with the latter since you were sitting in silence with me. Either that, or I'm your pick of the night."
He sat, mulling over her words before letting out another chuckle and getting the attention of the bartender for a refill.
"So now that you've asked me, why are you here alone?"
He pondered his answer before replying to her. "Well. I sing in a band and I'm touring. I just needed a moment to be to myself without someone from the crew being around, asking my opinions on shit. Just needed a breather."
"Huh. Sounds like a good excuse. To breaks!" She raised her glass in the air, him doing the same and tinking them together.
They continued conversation, talking to each other easily for the next hour. Elaine pulled out her wallet, and placing cash on the bartop. She looked over at the tall man with her eyebrows raised. "Gonna stay, or do you want to come back to my place?"
"Thought you weren't interested in guys who bought you drinks and spoke to you?" He teased, a smirk playing on his lips. She smirked back at him, standing up from her seat. "I said if you weren't a creep."
Now she's laying underneath the tall man, him moving his hips in rhythmic thrusts into her core. She's scratching her nails along the span of muscle on his lean back, she knows she's leaving crescent moon shaped marks on his skin, but she doesn't care. She's happily marking him up with memories of this night so he doesn't forget all too quickly.
He leans down and kisses her shoulder tenderly, taking his hand and wiping her hair away from her face. She can feel his warm breath on her neck as he leans in to whisper in her ear.
"Tell me pretty girl...tell me this isn't the only way you like to get fucked. I know there's a wild girl in there." She moans at his sultry voice, taking her hands and putting them flat against his chest pushing him up off of her.
"Want to see how I liked to get fucked?" She asks, pushing him down on the bed onto his back. He chuckles at her, placing a pillow under his head.
She crawls over him, straddling his legs, and leans down to leave kisses on his inked chest. A low moan escapes from between his beaten lips, placing his hands on her head, gathering her hair into his hands to keep it out of her face.
"Oh pretty girl, you are such a tease. I just want to feel you on my cock again." He whines, thrusting up into the air as she giggles and licks his nipple slowly.
"You wanted to see how I like to get fucked. Well, part of that is I like to tease." She looks him in the eyes and his eyes are hooded; she can see the deep burn of desire behind his brown irises.
Frustrated, he pulls her up onto him more, crashing their lips together in a heated, passion filled kiss. She moans into his mouth, feeling the tender swipe of his tongue on her bottom lip, asking for entry. She opens her mouth, letting his tongue in to explore. She reciprocates, swirling her tongue in sync with his, earning a grunt from the man below her. He brings his hand up, tangling it in her hair, pulling her into the kiss more as he bites her lower lip, causing her to rut her hips into the open air. He thrusts his hips up, putting pressure on her core and he can feel the wet slick gathered in her slit.
"I think if you don't sit on my cock right now, I'm going to fucking explode." He whispers in between heated kisses.
She doesn't reply, instead opting for sitting up and moving forwards, now straddling his hips, hovering over his erection. She takes his dick in her hand, pumping slowly. She swipes the hole at the tip of his cock with her finger, smearing his leaking precum and she can feel him twitch in her hand, him hissing at the pleasurable sensation. She slowly lowers herself onto him, causing him to gasp at the feel of her warm, wet walls. She moans when she takes all of him, cock buried deep inside of her. Even though this is the second time he's entered her tonight, she still feels like he's splitting her open, making her cunt feel full.
She starts to slowly rock back and forth, his pelvis rubbing her sensitive clit with every thrust of her hips. The fire in her belly is starting to burn wildly and her pussy throbs, causing the man below her to groan at the feeling of her pussy gripping his cock.
"Just when I thought...you couldn't get...any better." He pants between quick breaths and moans.
He grips her hips with a hold she's sure is going to leave bruises, but she doesn't mind. She likes souvenirs.
He helps her hips rock back and forth before he plants his feet, thrusting upwards into her, the grips on her hips pulling her down. It catches her off guard, causing her to cry out from the pleasure of him hitting the sweet, soft spot inside of her.
"Oh my god, please don't stop!" She screams, her hands grabbing her tits, and rolling her nipples in between her fingers. The fire in her belly is raging, like gasoline was thrown onto the flames. She can feel the pull of the pleasure start to consume her, and if she doesn't get to her destination soon, she's sure to combust.
"Gonna cum on my cock, pretty girl? Wanna feel you, need to feel you." He's thrusting into her harder, faster, her knees not able to touch the bed anymore. He takes one hand off of her hip and brings it down to her slick folds, using his thumb to rub quick circles over her clit.
"Cum for me." He whispers to her and that's all she needs to tip over the edge. Stars burst behind her eyes, and she's gasping for breath between the tremors of her orgasm. Her legs are shaking, and her whole body is convulsing. She's not able to control her own body anymore and she falls forwards into his chest. He's moaning underneath her, feeling the contracting pull of her pussy gripping his cock.
He wraps his arms around her and sits up quickly, maneuvering her body underneath his. She's on her back underneath him, still trembling from her orgasm. He flips her over onto her belly, leans down, and presses kisses between her shoulder blades. He places his hands on her shoulders tenderly, massaging the taut muscles while her body calms down from the wracking orgasm she just experienced.
Once her body relaxes, she chuckles and turns her head to the side to look at him, he's sitting on his knees next to her. "Oh my god. I think that's the best orgasm I've ever had in my life."
He smiles and pushes her hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear. "Glad to be of service pretty girl. I'm glad you came when you did, I almost couldn't hold on much longer."
She pushes herself up onto her knees, turning to face him, touching their knees together. "You didn't cum?"
He shakes his head and points down to his still erect cock. "But it's okay, I just wanted to make you feel good."
"Well, that just won't do. What kind of lady would I be if I just used you for my pleasure and didn't return the favor?" She takes her fingers and walks them up his lengthy decorated arm, wrapping her hand around his neck to tug at the short hairs. He hisses through his teeth and his cock jumps at the slight sting of pain, the ache is his belly growing.
She chuckles and wraps her other hand around his cock, gently pumping. The hand in his hair pulls again, forcing a deep groan out of the man.
"You like a little bit of pain, huh? Couldn't tell with all of the tattoos you have." She teases, leaning forwards to wrap her lips around a nipple. His breath stutters as he feels teeth nip at his peaked bud, a silky tongue licking afterwards to soothe the sting.
He takes a hand and places it on her head, gripping her hair. She feels his body shaking, an overstimulation of the pleasure blossoming deep in his belly.
She chuckles, noticing how he's turned into putty in her hands. She leans up and kisses him, a passionate kiss that's not as heated as before. Their tongues not battling for domination this time, instead dancing a sweet dance together. She guides him down, laying him on his back beneath her. She straddles his waist again, taking his arms and pinning his hands above his head. They separate from the kiss, looking into each other's eyes and she can see the burning lust behind his.
She grinds down on his cock causing his breath to hitch. "Oh, baby girl...you ready for round two?" He smirks, rolling his hips into hers. She moans when his erection presses into her core, his cock gliding so smoothly through the pooled slick in her folds.
"I had a different idea." She grins, leaning over and grabbing her panties that he discarded from her body earlier.
"Open up, big boy." She commands, and he opens his mouth wide with a chuckle. She shoves her panties into his mouth, and he moans. He can taste her slick that soaks the fabric, wishing he could throw her under him, spread those toned legs of hers, and lick up her essence, tasting more of her.
"I'm going to let go of your hands, but if you move them, you're going to regret it. Do you understand?" He nods slowly, eyelids hooded and jaw clenched tight. He's dizzy, his head swimming from the smell and taste of her arousal. Blood is rushing to the head downstairs, and he worries his cock is going to combust if she doesn't touch him.
This is new territory to him, and it piques his interest. He's never been handled this way before, usually he's the one doing the commanding, making his partners beg. The thrill of this new experience sends shivers down his spine, goosebumps to form on his body. He moans around her panties, discovering his new interests is exciting.
"Now be a good boy and relax. I'll take care of you." She lets go of his hands, and he grips them together pushing them underneath her headboard.
"Already such a good boy, listening to me. You don't want to be a bad boy, do you?"
He shakes his head, whimpering at her seductive words.
"I want you to be quiet. I don't want the neighbors to hear how much of a naughty boy you are. Think you can do that for me? Think you can hold it in?" She asks, taking her hand and running it through the locks on his head. Her other is splayed on his chest, her thumb rubbing soothing circles into his skin. He nods in confirmation before his eyes roll to the back of his head.
"Good boy. Relax for me, okay? And if you want me to stop, just tell me. You can move and do that. Okay?" He nods again, thrusting his hips into her.
She chuckles and rubs her hands on his chest, lightly grazing her thumbs over his hard nipples. She can see him holding his breath, him making sure to not make a sound.
One hand's thumb is lightly rubbing a nipple, while her opposite hand is rolling his other nipple in between her fingers. She slightly pinches and pulls, causing his breath to stutter, and she can see his pulse quicken. She rolls her hips into his and he pushes his head back farther into the pillow. His eyes are closed, taking a deep breath. He can feel pleasure pooling into his belly and all he wants is a release, something to unwind the taut string inside of him.
"Gonna cum already? That's no fun, I had plans for us." She whispers, throwing her leg over and off of him. His eyes shoot open, locking onto her, and she can see his eyebrows furrowed begging for her to not stop, to come back and finish what they started.
She leans forwards and places a chaste kiss on his lips before she moves to his neck, nipping at licking at the skin. She's leaving tender kisses and small bites until she comes to the soft spot above his collarbone. She starts to suckle lightly at his skin, licking the spot afterwards to soothe. She can see the blood coming to the surface, a start of a small hickey. She smiles to herself at her work.
His body is vibrating at this point, but he remains quiet for her. His hips are thrusting and rolling into the air, seeking some form of friction on his throbbing cock.
"Calm down, I got you. I promise it'll be worthwhile." She whispers in his ear, biting his earlobe. He breathes out heavily, a moan almost escaping him.
She wraps her hand around his cock and she can feel his swollen he is from his erection. His cock twitches at her simple touch, heat radiating off of his member. His precum is leaking all the way down his shaft, pooling at the base. She starts to slowly pump him, his eyes opening wide and staring down where her hand grips him. His breath catches and he hiccups. She takes her other hand and plays with her breast, giving the man beneath her a show. His face is flushed with ecstasy, cheeks reddened, sweat forming on his hairline. She knows he's trying his damnedest to stay quiet, so she decides to reward him.
She moves down until her face is flush with his cock. She purses her lips and blows cool air onto his member, watching his cock jump in her hand. She giggles and does it again and his hips thrust upwards quickly.
"Such a good boy for me. Do you think you should be rewarded?" She asks, blowing the cool air on his cock again. He nods quickly, desperately. He's begging without words and she smiles.
She believes he deserves it, so she leans forwards and licks a stripe up the underside of his cock. He chokes on his own breath, stopping a moan from escaping from deep inside his chest. She was ruining him and he loved every bit of it.
She licks his cock again, making sure it's slick with her saliva before she rests the head of it on her tongue. She looks up at him to see him staring at her, silently pleading for some friction to relieve the ache in his belly.
Eyes locked into his, she closes her mouth around the head, gently sucking. He takes a deep breath and hisses through her panties.
She takes more of his cock in her mouth, the weight heavy on her tongue. She can feel his stomach muscles tensing at the much needed stimulation. His pupils are blown, his dark brown irises almost consumed by the black. She hallows her cheeks and sucks up the length of his shaft, swirling her tongue around the head before going down again.
His cock hits the back of her throat and she gags a bit, but she pushes further down until her nose is in his pubic hair. He's gasping for breath, but still quiet for her. She starts bobbing her head slowly, making sure to suction on her way up.
Her hand is still wrapped around his cock, moving in time with her mouth for the length she can't fit without deepthroating him. She can still feel his body shaking, feel him jerking with every swirl of her tongue.
She pops off his cock, licking along the shaft. Her hand is pumping him antagonizingly slowly when she asks "are you going to cum for me? Going to cum in my mouth?"
He tries to hold back the whimper that escapes from his throat, but no amount of self control could have stopped it. His eyes roll to the back of his head and he tenses his body. The tight coil in his belly is about to snap, but he's trying to hold on for dear life.
She plucks the panties from his mouth and throws them somewhere on the floor. "I want to hear you let go when you cum." He moans instantly at her words, thankful he no longer had to hold back.
"That's my good boy. Let me hear those pretty sounds from the pretty little singer."
He moans again, and lets out a deep gutteral groan when she shoves his cock back into her mouth. She's sucking with earnest now, making sure he's close to his release. Her hand is still on his shaft, moving in sync with her mouth. She takes her other hand and cusps his balls, rolling them in her palm.
"Oh my gooooood, yes! That! Jesus fucking Christ don't stop. God you're going to make me cum. Yes, oh fuck baby, oh fu-" He cries out when his orgasm takes over, releasing his load into her mouth. She deepthroats him, feeling his cock twitch in her throat as he cums down her it. She swallows his release, throat milking his cock of all of it. She can feel his balls throb in her hand emptying completely and she moans around him.
His cock leaves her mouth with another pop, and she swallows again clearing her throat of the thick, sticky substance. She goes back down on him again, making sure to lick up any she may have missed. He finally moves his arms, pulling her up onto his chest.
"Woah, woah, too sensitive. Hurts." He says, leaning down and giving her gentle kisses on the corner of her mouth. She smiles up at him, kissing him back.
"Holy shit, dude. I don't think I've ever came that hard in my life." He says between pants.
She chuckles at him, laying her head on his chest. "Now that I've had your cock in my mouth, I should probably catch your name."
"Noah. And yours, pretty girl?"
"Nice to formally meet you Elaine."
They chuckle to each other, Elaine grabbing the duvet and covering them both under the warmth. They drift off to sleep wrapped in each other.
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demonio-fleurs · 20 days
Nico Robin & The Light of Revolution
Warning: Spoilers for the Egghead Arc + Manga
One thing that has always interested me since watching One Piece for the first time is the epithet that the Revolutionary Army has given Robin— “The Light of Revolution”/“The Light of The Revolution”.
Obviously, the epithet makes sense for Robin. She’s been on the run from the World Government for over twenty-two years, for the crime of existing while being able to read the Poneglyphs. She is, in a sense, a symbol of what is wrong with the way the world currently works in One Piece. When people can be labeled as a criminal for no other reason than being able to read a specific language, something is broken and wrong.
And when we got to Egghead, we learned that not only did Dragon know Professor Clover, but he also visited Ohara to pay his respects, and Ohara was the triggering point for him in forming the Revolutionary Army. This knowledge answered some questions about the Revolutionary Army and their connection to Robin, but to me it also posed a question that is currently unanswered:
If Ohara was the triggering point for Dragon, then why does Bunny Joe say that they’ve only been looking for Robin for “over” ten years, and not twenty?
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So far we haven’t seen anything to hint that they’ve been looking for Robin for longer, so why did it take Dragon so long to have the Army search for her?
This question has been bubbling around in my brain for a while, but a few weeks ago I was going through the Library of Ohara’s timeline in order to put together a more focused timeline for the Revolutionary Army to use as a reference for myself when writing. And while going through, I noticed something interesting that might actually explain why Robin was called the Light of Revolution when she did.
You see, the Rev Army only started calling Robin the Light of Revolution around roughly 12 years ago (Or more, but I think 12-14 years ago is the most likely range), and that was around two years after Ginny was kidnapped and enslaved by the Celestial Dragons.
I don’t think it’s an overstatement to say that Ginny was a very popular and important member of the Revolutionary Army. She joined at the same time as Kuma, one of the known founding members, and was very close to him. She was the Captain of their Eastern Forces. She was also very popular among the members of the Rev Army, with members even openly lamenting her affection towards Kuma and not them,
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Her capture was probably both a pivotal moment for the Rev Army, and also a gut punch in terms of morale. It was known that Ginny had caught the eye of a Celestial Dragon, and it was (probably) one of the first times that one of their (the Rev Army) high ranking officers was captured. If someone so high up can get captured and enslaved, what about the rest of the army? And what does that line of thinking do to an army made up of former slaves and victims of the world’s nobles?
And most importantly, when such a thing happens, how do you inspire your army once more? What can you give them to distract them from those harsh realities and keep them focused on their goal?
It’s simple: You give them hope. You give them something to fight for.
I think that it was after Ginny’s capture that Dragon told the Revolutionary Army about Robin, and Ohara, and asked them to look for her. And I think she was given that epithet—The Light of Revolution— to give the army something to fight for. Something tangible that they can hold onto, and a goal that they can accomplish. “We might not have been able to save Ginny, but maybe we can save this girl” line of thinking.
As for why Dragon didn’t come right out and have that be a goal for the Rev Army from day one, well… I’ll admit I’m still mulling about trying to think of the answer to that. Although we’ve learned so much about Dragon in the Egghead arc, he still feels like an enigma to me. Could it have been out of respect for Ohara? Did he want to wait for the right time? I’m not entirely sure— but I welcome other people’s theories!
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Falling Like Snow (Dream x Reader)
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summary: you reflect on how much you love the wintertime. Dream surprises you with a gift. (wc 2.0k)
warnings: nothing? I think? As always, let me know if I missed anything!
a/n: based on this request! Anon, I hope you don’t mind that I made this about the wintertime and snow in general rather than Christmas so that those who don’t celebrate Christmas can still enjoy :) 
“Do you like the snow?” Is the first question you present to Dream today. 
Dream- never one to linger in unnecessary pleasantries- does not look the least bit surprised by your lack of formal greeting. Instead, he simply gazes down at you from your spot curled in the cushioned window seat of your home. 
“I have no preference towards any type of weather.” Dream draws closer and you  can feel his presence by your side. 
You keep your focus on the flakes of snow drifting lazily outside, head leaned against the glass to get the best view. “Oh,” you frown at that, brows scrunching together slightly. “I guess that makes sense.” Where the snow touches the pavement below, it quickly melts, turning back to water and running into the gutters. 
Dream takes a seat on the other end of the window. “My answer has displeased you,” he notes. The sentence is both an observation and a question. While not always gifted in the wiles of human emotions, you know that Dream has made a tremendous effort in the time you’ve known him to change, to grow, to understand. You revel in being one of the people who gets to help him along his way. But then, there are times like these when you don’t have all the words to explain the intricacies of your own emotions to the Endless being before you.
“I’m not displeased.” You mull over your words for a moment. “I just love the snow so much, I wondered if you did too. I forgot that you don’t perceive it all the way I do. We do. Humans…” You trail off, shoulders shrugging. 
Dream’s knee knocks against you while he settles. The contact burns for a moment. “What do you find remarkable about snow?”
“Well, it’s not just the snow, is it?” You shift in your seat so that you can face him directly. You smile a little at the sight of the great King of Nightmares sitting amongst your throw pillows and flannel blankets. “It’s the whole season. When I was little I had this picture book, all set in this little village around the holidays. And even though the story wasn’t about the town, all I wanted to do was look at the pictures of the little winter village. I remember being so fascinated with how the artist managed to make snow on paper look real.”
His head tilts slightly. “What was the town like in this book?” 
“It looked old- the buildings, I mean, just little cottages. The shops had little signs hanging outside. The bakery, the cobbler, all of those. And if you looked close enough, one of the stores had hung mistletoe above their door. The roads were stone, and they had little worn trails from the people. But it’s the snow that I remember the most, snow covered everything. The kids in the book were having a snowball fight.” You laugh a little, “All I wanted in the world was to see snow that year, but it was too warm where my family was. I didn’t see a flake. I guess that’s why I love the winter so much now.”” You shrug and pull the blanket around you a little closer.
You feel your face heat with embarrassment as you realize how much you rambled. “Sorry, Dream, you didn’t want to hear all that,” you mumble, your gaze flitting downwards. 
“On the contrary,” Dream stands, graceful even in the sudden movement. “You have given me much to reflect on.” 
From one blink to the next and with a whisper of black sand, he is gone. You try not to focus on the disappointment bubbling inside you as you sink further into the cushions and return to watching the snow fall. 
If you dream the next three nights, you can’t recall them in the Waking. You try not to let that bother you, but Dream’s abrupt departure during your last conversation plays in a loop in your brain. 
Dream is often coming and going suddenly, staying only for as long as he can spare. You’re well aware that he has an entire kingdom to look after, but for some reason your latest conversation and his disappearance lingers with you. 
You must have done something, said something. You shared too much or rambled too long. Or maybe, a new thought occurs, Dream of the Endless has finally come to his senses and realized he has much better things to do than spend his time indulging one silly human. 
The thought feels like a concave opening ripped into your sternum. Like you’ve swallowed a black hole and it’s taken up residence in your chest. 
No, you reason with yourself, He wouldn’t do that. We’re friends at the very least. Not my Dream. 
You wonder when he became your Dream. 
You wonder if he considers in the same regard. 
When you find sleep that night, you finally feel yourself slip into the Dreaming proper. 
“Hello, Dream,” you say before you’re even totally conscious of your surroundings. You always know when he’s there in the same way that one knows the moon is in the night sky, even when it’s painted over new. 
He hums an acknowledgement. When you open your eyes, you find yourself inside the palace. He’s standing so close you  have to crane upwards to look at him. 
“I have given much thought to our last discussion,” he says. There’s something lingering in his expression, a hidden twinkle in his eyes that captures your attention. 
So caught in studying him it takes you a moment too long to respond. “Oh? What about?” 
“The weather.” He offers his arm and you take it, resting your hand in the softness of his coat at the inside of his elbow. He brings you to the towering windows at the far end of the room. You’re familiar with them- oftentimes scenes from different parts of the Dreaming play out here, the scenery and location changing frequently to show different parts of the realm. You’ve found yourself in front of these same windows more than once, watching Dream’s creations. Today, a hillside of soft green, dotted by trees and wildflowers that sway in the breeze takes place outside. 
Dream stops once you reach the middle of the glass panes. Long, pale fingers wave through the air, sweeping across the scene like the conductor of an orchestra. As he waves a hand, the glass begins to melt. 
No, no. Not the glass at all- the world outside of the glass. Green melts and swirls in blinding white, trees shift and grow stouter as they acquire windows and doors, clouds gather in the sky. 
The spring day fades away, replaced by a winter village. Antique lamp posts line a cobblestone street. Small cottages dot the scenery, decorated in twinkling lights, and their windows emit a gentle orange light from inside that suggests warmth and comfort. The architecture looks exactly as though it was plucked from the memory of your picture book and realized in vivid, exact detail. 
And then there’s the snow- snow touches everything, a fine layer settling on the rooftops and the roads and the branches of evergreens. In the fields, a thick coat already waits, powdery and glittering in the late sunshine. Flakes drift gently down, as though the world were trapped in a snow globe. 
You can’t help but reach out, hands pressed against the glass. It feels cool beneath your touch. “Dream,” you breathe, “It’s beautiful.”
“I hope it is to your liking.” There’s something to his tone that makes you feel you should face him, but you can’t tear your gaze away from the wonderland in front of you. 
“Your dreams always are,” you finally whisper. You notice a snowman between two of the houses. His red scarf flutters from a gust of wind. 
“This is your dream, as you described it to me. I can only hope to have done it justice,” Dream responds. 
That gives you pause. The knowledge that Dream has created something purely for you- that the Prince of Stories listened to your words and found inspiration from them. You’re at a loss for an adequate response that would convey how much the sentiment means to you. Instead, you try to swallow around the pressure building in your throat and blink away the sting in your eyes.  
Dream’s shoulder brushes against yours, his own hand reaching up to touch the glass. 
“Would you like to see it?”
You nod. As Dream touches the window, the glass moves, pushing in like a door. You step through the new opening and feel cold air on your skin. Not so cold as to make you uncomfortable, but to be reminiscent of the wintertime. Snow crunches under your shoes. You reach down to touch the powdery softness of the snow, fascinated by the way it both feels cold yet doesn’t burn or chill you to the bone. Dream logic, you think. 
You laugh, moving further into the town and tilting your face up to feel the flakes as they drift from the sky. Snow sticks to your eyelashes. 
There’s a giddiness filling up your body as you take in more details of the town- everything is exactly how you described it and more. 
You smile at Dream as he walks to your side. “You may visit it anytime you like, either at the windows to watch or you may seek it out as you do now. You need only to call for it, and it will appear to you. This dream is tied to you just as much as it is tied to me.”
Your brows furrow a bit as the words register. “Isn’t all of the Dreaming a part of you in some way?”
His expression softens, the hard line of his mouth pulling up at the corners as he looks at you. “So it is.”
To be tied to a part of him, to have the allowance and trust to a part of the Dreaming like this- it’s almost too much for you to comprehend, but you know what this means to Dream. You feel brave when you take his hand and guide him to the stairs of a nearby cottage. You dust away some of the snow and sit on the steps, pulling him down beside you. He follows you easily, allowing himself to be led by you. 
You decide to be vulnerable, to share a piece of yourself in the same way the Dream has. You take a steadying breath. “When I didn’t dream for the past few nights I was scared I had pushed you away somehow. Or that you were annoyed with me.”
Your hand is still in his. He turns your hand over and his fingers interlock in yours. His skin feels like silk against yours and you feel every point of contact like a supernova held between your palms. 
“I have forgotten one detail,” he murmurs. 
Your confusion quickly melts away when he guides your gaze upwards, his fingers a gentle pressure beneath your chin.
Above you, in the alcove of the roof, green sprouts overhead. Delicate and pointed leaves, dotted by berries, and tied together with a red ribbon are suspended from the cottage roof. 
Dream looks up at it, weaving its existence from nothing, forming it from his will alone. 
You watch it as well, and then feel your stomach flip when you recognize the plant. 
“Mistletoe,” you note. 
“I believe this was mentioned in your book.” Dream sounds delightfully coy. 
You can’t help your giggle, even as Dream’s hands bracket your face. Your heart has taken flight. 
“Yes, I believe it was,” You tease. You have swallowed a star and light pours out of you. 
“Are you familiar with the human custom?” Dream asks. His thumb traces your bottom lip. The snow has picked up around you, but the cold does not reach you. Instead, you feel unbearably warm. 
“Are you, Dream?” You ask. You can’t stop smiling. 
His kiss is his answer. 
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muriels-brainrot · 3 months
How do you cope with the fandom being so deceased
Like I genuinely suffer from needing external validation to create and I literally malfunction every time I post
What do I doooooooo
Oh boy, do I have a lot to say
First of all, I really feel you!! Q w Q And honestly, the way you feel is always on the back of my mind whenever I post. It's tough. There's no quick fix for these emotions
As the eldest child who left art school, when anything creative I do isn't successful, I spiral and immediately think I am not good. But that's not true, and I want to let you know that if you feel similarly, that's only natural and a universal feeling. Writing consumes so much of our time and thoughts. I think of Muriel when I wake and before I sleep, for goodness sake.
So I'm incredibly disheartened when the ideas I'm proud of receive little engagement. I started my blog expecting a large following, and felt discouraged when that didn't happen
I've sought advice on dealing with these feelings. Some people say "write for yourself!" or "that's unrealistic!" or "it will take you years, so just give up on the numbers game!"
They all have some truth in them. But it didn't ease my worries at all. Then, one day, this question came to mind while I was mulling it over:
"Will I feel more peace if I share this or keep it to myself?"
The whole reason why I started this blog is to make a huge ass love letter to our wonderful mountain man. So of course I want nothing to do but share
Do I still feel scared, frustrated, or demoralized? Very much so. But what's helped me most is learning to coexist with these feelings. I continue posting my ideas because keeping them to myself would be denying myself - and to me that's not that different from being dead
The feelings don't go away, and that's natural. But your ideas have value, even if they're not always acknowledged. I keep sharing because I want people to possibly see my work, and that's where I find my peace
You may find your peace differently though, and that's cool too! But I hope, dear Anon, that you keep going because it would be really sad if we have one less amazing person to share their *unique thoughts of our characters from this wonderful fandom
Here's another stupidly cheesy quote that helps me when I'm about to do anything and I feel unsure of myself:
If there were an answer I could give you to how the universe works, it wouldn't be special. It would just be machinery fulfilling its cosmic design. It would just be a big, dumb food processor. But since nothing seems to make sense, when you find something or someone that does, it's euphoria. In all this randomness and this pandemonium, you and Chidi (in this case, *you and your ideas, Anon) found each other, and you had a life together (in this case, you *being here in the fandom). Isn't that remarkable?
-Janet, The Good Place [2019]
Keep going, Anon, sending much love to you! 💚
*edit for cohesiveness
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The Way He Looks at You Series I:XIII
Act I: The Way He Looks at You Chapter 13: The Way He Visits You
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Read on AO3 Read on Blogger Read on Tumblr Story Master List: The Way He Looks at You Series
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Chapter Summary
You make a new friend, and see an old one. Rating: 18+ Words: 3.1K
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The room feels empty now that Cal has left and you find yourself unsure what to do now that you have almost complete freedom. You have only spent a couple hours alone since the end of your relationship with Theo and being in a strange place makes the loneliness feel more extreme. You had been so excited to have this time, and now that it is here, you feel lost.
A wicked thought crosses your mind, the chance at escape, you have the resources to do so. There would be a significant head start before Cal would realize that you had run off, maybe enough time to warn your fellow Rebels and get them out of harm’s way. An opportunity to restart, away from the Empire and the Rebellion, away from all the pain that you have felt from both sides of the Force.
Is the risk worth it? You already made the choice, attempting an escape now is risky, maybe more than before when Cal had provided you the choice. Even if you had time to warn the others, you can imagine that Cal would hunt down everyone you cared for and then yourself with a vengeance once he realized your betrayal.
Is that what is keeping you here, fear? You aren’t sure, so you attempt to change how you ponder the feelings inside of you. If there was no risk of anyone being hurt or killed, would you still choose to stay? No immediate answer comes forward, so you sit on the edge of the bed and await clarity on the topic.
Mulling over your feelings for Cal confuses you more, he has given into your every desire and been fair considering his position in the galaxy. However, he did also seduce you in a moment of weakness. You haven’t exactly been in your right mind since Theo broke up with you.
You try to sift through who you are now versus who you were just a few days ago, but it’s hard to remember that person. Several days now feels like several years and you huff before falling backwards on the bed, staring at the texture on the ceiling.
Trying to think back to the woman you were when you first began piloting, before meeting Theo. She was determined but afraid; the determination won out. That woman wasn’t looking for safety in a man, just safety and peace for others. She wanted to do anything and everything possible to fight back against the Empire. You feel you hardly know that person.
Here you are, waiting for an Inquisitor to return to you; worrying for his safety while you spend his money. It’s almost pathetic, you hate yourself for succumbing to temptation. You can’t imagine how your old self would react to seeing what has become of you. There is a deep sense of shame in the decision.
Then another thought hits you, you didn’t agree to stay with just any Inquisitor; you stayed with Cal. He didn’t choose this life, and he is doing what he can to fulfill his duty while protecting who he can. There was even the implication that if the Empire should fall, he would abandon it for you. He isn’t evil; he is just as terrified of the power of the Empire as anyone.
You wonder if staying with Cal won’t do more good in the grand scheme of things. Had you left, Cal would fight back in the off chance the Rebellion attacks and wins. He would cause more loss of life in a last battle.
By staying, you ensure that if the future plays out how you hope it will, that one Inquisitor will leave and take no additional lives.
But if that day never comes, then your choice to stay only makes you compliant with everything you have fought against. There is no obvious answer on what makes sense, perhaps you’ll never know what choice is correct.
You sigh out a breath, so overwhelmed by all the conflicting thoughts in your head. There is half the day left and you are becoming hungry, so you sit up, shaking the conflict from your mind. You go into the bathroom to confirm your appearance is the way you want. Tugging awkwardly at the revealing dress, it doesn’t bother you when Cal is around, but the thought of others seeing so much of your skin makes you uncomfortable.
You finally give up your plight to be more modest and open the front door. You quickly lock up before heading down the stairs and out into the bright day. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the invasive light, but once they do you look for a place to get some food.
There is a small food cart, and you grab something small and portable from the vendor. While you would love to have a full meal, you are also eager to visit the various shops. You eat the snack as you window shop, taken with all the stores in this area. The market is bustling and people seem less weary of you now that you are by yourself. You still receive many glances, likely because of your clothing, but there isn’t an innate fear of your presence.
A small bookshop sits at the corner of one street and you find yourself drawn inside. You feel at peace the moment you enter. It is quiet; the shelves crowded with novels. It is a perfect place to spend the afternoon. You wander through the aisles in no particular order, simply enjoying the peaceful environment. A beautiful book catches your eye and you pull it from the shelves to study the description. Finding a seat in the window to read the first chapter to help you make your decision.
You spend most of the afternoon in a fantastical bliss, going to and from the shelves with a new book in hand. Every time reading the first chapter before returning the book to its home and finding a new one. There was never much time for reading since losing your family. There was always work to be done in the Rebellion and you loved the work. But without direction, you want to find something new to keep your mind busy.
You find yourself lost in the first chapter of an interesting novel when you feel a tap on the shoulder. A small Gree woman is standing over you, clearly the owner of this establishment.
“Struggling to decide?” She asks in common tongue.
You look up at her, settling the book in your lap. “I’m afraid so, there are so many interesting stories and it may be awhile before I can buy another book. I don’t want to make the wrong choice.”
She nods thoughtfully, “That is the trouble with books, you may never return to the story you once loved.”
You frown, “I wish I didn’t have to choose.”
She studies you for a moment, “I may have what you need.”
You tilt your head at her in curiosity. “What do you mean?”
She takes the book from your lap and places it back in its home on the shelf. Then she takes your large hands in her small soft ones and pulls you to follow. You stand and follow without further question but wonder if you should be more resistant to following strangers. Cal said take no risks, but you don’t feel this woman is a threat.
She leads you to the back of the shop towards a rickety old door. You momentarily worry you shouldn’t follow her further, but you want to know what she has in mind. The tiny woman opens the door and pulls you into a room with a workbench and many electronic parts lining the walls.
“I have been working on something.” She says excitedly. “A new way to read, it will access all books available on local databases. The more you travel the more books you can find. You do travel often?” She asks, glancing at your heavy cloak.
“I do.” You say, looking back at her with equal excitement. “Your invention, it sounds amazing!”
She smiles wide at your enthusiasm. “It is, I made it after all. This is a prototype, I will sell it to you at a discounted price. You can test it out for me, send word if you like it or if it needs improvements.”
She hands you a thin book sized datapad. You examine it carefully and press the button to bring the device to life. A huge smile overtakes your face as you learn how the device works. The Gree woman helps teach you the nuances of the datapad. You are both beaming at one another, excited to have someone else match the thrill of a device to read endless books on.
After about an hour of learning how the device operates, you agree on a price. The cost is most of your spending money, but not all. If it works well, you will have endless entertainment when waiting for Cal while he works. The woman introduces herself as Kaahlii and provides you with a way to contact her through the datapad. You introduce yourself and she walks you back into the main store front to collect payment.
“Thank you Kaahlii, I am so grateful for your kindness and am very excited to use your invention.” You say as you hand over the credits.
You quickly realize that you have no way to store the device on your person and Kaahlii notices your strife. “No storage? No problem.”
She heads to a distant corner of the store and brings a black leather satchel large enough to fit your new device. You smile at her and agree on another price for the bag. Just as you are about to shake on the deal you see a package of folding papers for sale on the corner of the front desk.
“I’ll give you the rest of my credits for the bag and the folding papers.” You negotiate. She thinks for a moment then holds out her hand, you eagerly shake it with a smile and pass over your remaining spending credits. She opens the bag and places your datapad inside. Then she walks towards the folding papers counting up how many she has available, even looking under the desk to see if there are any additional.
You watch a bit confused. You had only wanted one package and aren’t sure why she is counting her inventory. She takes the entire stack and fills the remaining space in your bag with all the folding paper she can fit. You furrow your eyebrows but a grin is stuck on your face.
“For trying out my invention.” She says simply.
“You are too kind.” You say back as you pick up the satchel and wrap the strap across your body, ensuring to cover it with your cloak.
She gives you an approving nod and grasps your hands in hers once more. “I want a response when you have used it for enough time, an honest opinion on my work.”
“I will be in touch.” You say and squeeze her hands gently before turning to exit the store.
You are on cloud nine with the lovely afternoon you had in Kaahlii’s shop. There is a bit of shame in spending all your money so quickly, but you feel it was a wonderful investment, like it was always going to happen this way.
The small snack from earlier has worn off and you realize how hungry you are. You find a nearby eatery and order some food before taking a seat alone at a table in the corner. While you eat you eagerly pull out your reading datapad and power it up, searching for all books that you can get in the area. You spend lots of time adding as much as you can to the device, excited to have such easy access to so many lovely books.
“What are you doing here?” A familiar voice sounds to your left, standing at the edge of your table.
You look up, recognition setting in. “Theo?”
He stares at you in confusion before sliding into the seat opposite you. You look around nervously, fearful that Cal may show up suddenly; afraid of what would have to happen if the two saw one another.
Despite the fear, your heart leaps seeing him again. He is as attractive as ever, his messy dark hair falling into his kind gray eyes. They draw you in, reminding you of your relationship together, making you feel special. His looks are enough to make you feel heat between your legs, but you try to ignore it. Theo doesn’t want you, he made that very clear, lusting after him will only cause more trouble.
“Why are you here?” Theo says, his eyes show how concerned he is. “No one has seen you, I thought you went back to Yavin 4, but I contacted the base to ensure you got there safely and there was no word of your arrival.”
The thought of him still feeling concern for your safety warms you slightly. You want so badly for him to take you in his arms and tell you he still loves you. You realize you haven’t answered his question when he speaks again.
“What are you wearing?” He seems a bit horrified at your dress. Though you don’t miss his eyes traveling along the bare skin between your breasts. There is a whisper of lust in his eyes, his pupils dilate, but he seems to resist.
“Theo, I, it’s a long story. I had some things come up, I haven’t been able to rejoin the Rebellion. I’m not sure I ever will.” You try to explain, but you know it won’t be enough, he is going to push for more information.
“Why? I know how much fighting back means to you. Is this about…our conversation from the other morning?” He asks, looking ashamed.
“I suppose it started there.” You try to keep your tone even and not give away the hurt you feel. Unfortunately, your eyes don’t care and tears swell in your eyes.
“I didn’t want to hurt you, I never thought that you would leave the cause because of me.” He tries to explain hastily.
“You broke my heart.” You say slowly, wiping the tears from your eyes.
“I didn’t want it to be this way, I just realized after…that night…that I was falling away from the Jedi Code. There is danger in straying, it could lead me to the Dark Side.” He says quietly, trying to ensure that no one else hears the words he is speaking.
You scoff, “I don’t think that loving me will cause that.” You think about how silly this all sounds since being with Cal. He fell to the Dark Side, and it feels like loving you is pulling him away from it.
Theo frowns, the expression pulls at your heartstrings. Arguing with him won’t change his mind, and you don’t want to have this interaction be on bad terms. You don’t want to see him hurt.
“You don’t understand the training that I received. They forbid attachments.” He tries to reason.
“I don’t understand. You allowed us to date, but you waited until the worst possible moment to break things off. It made me feel insecure, and used.” You say to him pointedly.
He sits quietly, thinking over your words. “I am so sorry for hurting you in that way. I care for you so dearly and I was wrong to not end things before allowing it to go so far.” He says with genuine remorse.
His gray eyes pierce yours, different that Cal’s. Theo’s are soft and caring, he sees so easily into you and you feel calm and safe in his presence. It feels impossible to hold a grudge and you sigh in exasperation.
“I know, it just still hurts.” You mumble.
There is a beat of silence that washes over you both. You are trying to soothe your pain. Theo observes you, wishing he could help.
“What brought you here?” Theo asks, attempting to change the subject.
You feel so torn; you want to tell him the truth, the man whom you have trusted for the past couple years should know. It feels wrong to hide anything from him. But Theo is no longer your boyfriend, and telling him anything would only endanger him.
“I can’t tell you.” You whisper.
Theo sighs, wishing to get more information, he is clearly worried for your safety.
“How long are you staying?” He tries.
“Five days including today.” You answer honestly, there is nothing wrong with providing this information and you feel grateful to speak some truth to him.
You so desperately want to ask for information on the Rebellion, to learn who is still working to fight back against the Empire. To know if any major breakthroughs have come about in the few days that you have been away. But you know better, any information you learn will quench your need for knowledge, but it will put others in danger.
“Is your reason for being here to help the fight?” Theo asks, looking with desperation in his eyes.
You are technically here because you are helping the fight, you just can’t fight anymore. “Something like that.” You say slowly.
Theo nods, “You need to be careful, there is an Inquisitor in the area, I saw one of their ships. I am unsure which one but I do not want you to be in danger.”
He looks at you, waiting for a reaction, knowing how much you fear their kind, especially after what happened to your family. Theo seems more concerned when you don’t react.
“Are you okay? Did you already know?” He implores.
“I was aware.” You say, “You need to leave, the Inquisitors will quickly sniff you out.”
He gives you a charming smile, showing off his white teeth. “I do not fear the Inquisitors, I heard that the one here works alone. Also, I can’t leave now that I know you are here. I need to know you are safe.”
You tremble, realizing that Cal will hunt Theo down if he does not leave you alone. “Please, Theo, you need to leave, I am okay on my own. I’m stronger than I once was.” You feel you are begging.
Theo only shakes his head, “I have to go, I have work to do, but I’ll be around. Please stay safe.”
You watch as Theo stands and heads for the door before disappearing into the early evening crowds. Taking some calming breaths you finish your remaining meal and pack up your things. The sun is setting and you need to get back to the room.
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Next Chapter: The Way He Returns to You
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stitching-in-time · 22 days
Voyager rewatch s4 ep21: The Omega Directive
Lowkey disappointed they didn't call this one 'Borg Sees God'- but joking aside, this one was pretty solid.
The scary molecule that can destroy subspace and end warp travel forever is a neat idea, story wise, and definitely makes for some high stakes. (Though I'm not entirely clear if there was a difference in range between how much of subspace it destroys versus how much regular explosion it produces- they kept saying it could take out the whole quadrant, but the actual explosions that were seen and referenced seemed pretty small and not especially destructive, since there were still buildings intact and people alive afterward. Maybe it's the difference between one molecule versus lots of them? Or how they were being contained? Idk, I guess I'm splitting hairs, since the overall momentum of the story still worked.)
Mostly this was a vehicle for Seven of Nine to show a little more emotion as she gets caught up in her desire to see and harness the omega molecule, which the Borg consider perfect and regard as almost being divine. (Which makes a case that the Borg's quest for 'perfection' i.e. making everything like them, is actually a weird religious crusade. It's never explained how or why the Borg were created, but runaway religious extremism would absolutely make sense.)
And it's yet another vehicle for Seven and Janeway to clash, since Seven wants to keep the molecule and use it, whereas Janeway has to destroy it, per a Starfleet Directive. Thankfully Janeway never wavers in her resolve to destroy it, since she, unlike Seven, understands that risking billions of lives for some potential scientific discovery isn't acceptable. She makes it clear to Seven that she's the captain and it isn't Seven's place to debate it with her. She is sympathetic to Seven on a personal level though, since Seven is less combative and more desperate in this story. Seven looks close to tears in half of her scenes, and Jeri Ryan does a nice job of conveying a little more of Seven's humanity in her desire to attain her Borg holy grail.
Seven reluctantly accepts the Captain's orders, but keeps trying to come up with ways to stabilize and harness the molecule anyway. She creates a way to contain it so Voyager can beam it up and destroy it. Seven stays true to her word that she'll follow orders and not try to stabilize the molecules, but just before they destroy it, it starts to randomly stabilize by itself. Janeway still destroys it, but for a few seconds, Seven sees what she believes to be perfection.
Seven goes to Janeway's DaVinci holodeck program, hoping that she might find some clues to what her spiritual experience meant in a setting filled with human religious iconography. In the end, it's not really clear what she got out of it, but she seems to have found it meaningful. It's not particularly illuminating or life changing as far as her overall outlook or character arc, which I think would have been interesting to explore in further episodes, but Voyager wasn't usually great at following through with that sort of thing. In the end, I think it raised more questions about Seven's sense of identity and beliefs than it answered, but it wasn't unpleasant or uninteresting to watch, and at this point, not being awful is enough to make an episode good in my estimation.
Tl;dr: A character piece for Seven that had a cool sci-fi concept. While it doesn't really have much impact in the overall scheme of her character, it shows us an aspect of her we've never seen before, which Seven of Nine fans at least should appreciate mulling over.
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blank-house · 9 months
the way the stat raising works sounds so fun, i can imagine replaying the game so much just to see how mc changes! i’ll admit i have a whole list of things i wanna ask, but i’ll try to hold back. as an overly competitive girlie, i have to know if cam would ever top my 438,723 minutes for spotify wrapped (i swear i’m not crazy, just very competitive about random things). what is everyone’s favourite thing about themselves? what are everyone’s favourite sounds and smells?
Haha that's the plan! We hope players can enjoy replaying the game over and over. ^^
Also wow, holy shit. I have a friend who had over 200k for their minutes but you easily doubled that. You have my shock lol. Now what if I said that Cam beats that? Haha kidding, I know they would listen to music a lot but I'm not even sure if that number is feasible for them. 200k sure, 300k maybe, but 400k? You can take the crown lol
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Let's see their favorite thing about themselves... is it okay if it's more tangible things? I wasn't sure if you wanted like an aspect or trait or something they're able to do. But if we're talking about things that aren't abstract, then:
Elio likes his physique. He's not a gym buff, he only works out to stay in shape to do the things he wants to do like dancing, rock climbing, etc-- so he likes that he's got a body that can do just that. Especially since he can give the best hugs because of it :3
Percy likes his height... or his hands... or his hair. As conceited as it can be, he really likes the way he looks. ^^,
Cameron likes their fashion sense. It's something they had to figure out but they like how comfortable they are now and how they're able to express themself with it.
Deja... it's a little thing but she prides herself over her posture, or just the way she carries herself. She gets comments about it, especially since she's on the taller end, and while she's not the type to flaunt it, she likes it when people point it out.
Reynah likes her voice. She only noticed it when people started pointing it out when she speaks (things like, you have a soothing voice or you speak in a way that makes it nice to listen to, etc.), but she also just likes that she can sing.
Jamie wouldn't... haha, I was thinking of what he might like to say about himself but nothing came to mind. Like there's definitely things to like about him, but if it's a self-assessment then I don't think Jamie would have anything to say about himself. He would probably be smug about aspects, but in an ironic way rather than from a genuine introspection.
As for favorite sounds and smells-- there're too many things that I feel like they would enjoy. Like I could go on about candle smells with Deja and Cameron, but that's a little much for me (especially since I feel like I gotta answer with everything possible haha)
But in terms of like important sound and smells, I have considered it from the LI perspectives. So if you're fine with hearing about them instead--
I think Elio is really into the smell of the ocean and the sound of crickets at night or waves crashing on the beach. The rustle of the leaves from a nice breeze.
Jamie would love the smell of fresh baked bread or pastries in the oven. He'd also like the crunch of gravel or leaves underneath his feet when you're on a walk.
Percy likes the smell of garlic and onions cooking lmao-- it's super fragrant to him and cozy/tasty meals come to mind when he gets a whiff. As for sounds, I don't think he has any favorites. Could be subjected to change later, maybe, but for now I just oddly feel like silence is something he appreciates more.
Thanks for the ask! I had to mull on this for a while since there's so many things they could like about themselves or a sound or smell, but hope that satisfies ya for no!
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theseunfinishedlives · 9 months
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The wanted poster drew him in, that much was certain. Other than the Captain and himself, Peeta had yet to interact with anyone on this side of the island who could read or write half so well as what the page displayed. It sure didn't make sense for the Tribe to venture this far away from their settlement to put up something like this, so the question that he mulled over as he sat with some of the other crew was who in Neverland was keeping a secret?
So intrigued by the mystery behind the poster, his thoughts continued to be occupied by nothing else as the group began heading back to the ship. Changing course at the last second, he snatched the paper off the wall and returned to the counter. "When was this brought in," he questioned, showing the man behind the counter what he was holding. Giving it a cursory once over that Peeta could tell didn't impart any information to the guy, Peeta was told he'd never seen it before so it must have been that same day.
Upon leaving the building, Peeta looked at the sky as he made his way to the docked rowboats, silently admiring the colors of the setting sun and deciding he might as well see about getting an answer to his question.
He hadn't the faintest idea of what to do when it came to snares or even walking quietly in the forest. He was snapping twigs with every step it seemed, leaving him embarrassed by his own ineptitude. Perhaps the person behind the ad was still too far away to-
"Don't move another step in that direction."
Peeta halted, mortified to learn that he did in fact have an audience.
"Are you the one who put up the wanted poster?" he questioned, taking the encounter more seriously than what had been ordered of him by not moving at all. Not even to look around. When he didn't hear anything in response to his question, he began to relax, wondering if the person had left him alone only to be surprised by the appearance of an arrow pointed directly at him. What followed the arrow into the clearing surprised him even more.
A female pirate. Who could apparently move without making any noise because Peeta could swear on his family's graves that the person who stopped him had been behind him in the tree tops.
"You're loud when you walk." she spoke bluntly, answering and not answering his question at the same time.
"I can't disagree with that. But I am just about the only person on the side of the island you put the wanted poster up on that knows how to use a weapon that isn't a sword, let alone could read the poster in the first place."
They both seemed to think of the same thing at the same time, because while he breathed a sigh of relief that she lowered her weapon and wouldn't be killing him, she was letting out a sigh of disappointment that he was most likely correct and killing him would do her no good.
If it weren't for the longbow resting across his chest, she would have disappeared into the trees and left the man to find his way back to the ship in the dark on his own. In fact, that wasn't such a bad idea, she considered. He needed plenty of practice at moving through the forest without alerting the entire island of his whereabouts. What better way to get that practice than in the fading light of day?
"You need to learn how to tread lightly. Hope you've had plenty of rest because you're going to be walking back and forth between Hangman's Tree and the beach until even I can't find you," she told him, pulling back into the tree line until he couldn't see her anymore. The next time she spoke, she was above him again, perfectly hidden by the full branches. "Start walking."
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senlinyu · 1 year
I’ve definitely been in your asks before saying something similar but im here again to say the fact that you have been in fandom so long & read so many WIPs yourself really shows in how and when you update LTDI. As someone who as a rule usually hates and refuses to read WIPs, you make the wait tolerable and that’s all I can ask for ☺️
Every time you won’t be able to post for a while your final update before the pause always kind of feels like the last scene before an intermission in a play if that makes sense? You allude to where the next leg of the story is going in almost the same way a season finale usually drops a few hints at what main themes of the next season will be. I’m anticipating what happens next but in completely different ways than I was before your last update. I still want more and am so excited for you to return to tell us the rest of your story but the thoughtful & satisfying way you’ve wrapped up certain plot arcs makes the wait for what comes next feels less dire. You’ve left me with answers to so many questions I had before and given me a bunch of completely new questions in their place to mull over about while you’re off taking some much deserved rest.
Anyway, I just really appreciate all the thought and planning you put into EVERYTHING for this story. Hope you’re well 💕
Oh thank you so much, I really do try to time things so I don't take breaks on any harsh cliff hangers, so I appreciate that you noticed!
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
Hey, I hope you're doing well!
So, I just did a post on how Catholic Bruce would interact with the time-travelling stuff during his "death". While I wrote that it doesn't really affect him (except maybe rattle him and make his faith stronger when all is said and done), I wanted to read you thoughts on it. My answer might've been too easy or something, I don't know.
Also, yes, Tim re-evaluating when there's no crisis to handle definitely makes a lot more sense. Maybe Father Brown might be involved when he is trying to find answers? Maybe Tim finds a Dominican school during a normal patrol and it springboards from there?
Moreover, I'm glad you liked my ideas for Jason and Bruce's slow reconciliation, especially the chapel in Crime Alley. For design of it... it might the Franciscan school of thought I was taught, but I think that it should be more simple. Nothing fancy, but nevertheless extremely beautiful. I have a feeling that Bruce help restore it, but it was always there.
And finally, thank you for introducing me to Father Brown. It's definitely gonna the next books I read and I'll probably watch the show a bit (if I can find it)!!
Anyways, God bless and have a good night/day!
Hey! :)
Honestly, that's not a storyline I know a lot about... I think your answers make sense, though! Bruce presumably knows a lot of history, and it doesn't sound like any of these adventures interact much with the Church, so I don't think there'd be anything specific to impact his religious life... The experience of time travel ITSELF might, but it's not like that's outside of Batman's experience. Gonna reblog with more specific thoughts, though!
Maybe! Still mulling Tim over. ...My other thought re: Tim is that, unfortunately, if Dick and Damian join Bruce's church while Bruce is dead, and then Jason comes back soon after (and Cass is probably in there somewhere too—maybe before Dick even!—though I don't have a good grasp of her canon timeline), well, then that's just another way for Tim to feel like the odd man out and excluded from the family circle. :( Which I don't think anyone can do much about, and we certainly don't want to be a reason he feels pressured into converting... but it would definitely be another parenting challenge for Bruce to navigate. (And a similar challenge for Dick, who I think is already trying to rebuild bridges at this period with Tim?)
Yes, simple but beautiful is good! I like the idea of it always being there, I'm just wondering if Crime Alley is realistically a street someone would have built a chapel in even before the, you know, crime... but churches can be anywhere.
Oh excellent! Do read the Father Brown stories, I love them. :) Haven't watched the show myself so can't provide information on it, but BIG fan of the stories!
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Sweet Surprises of Love
Sweet Surprises
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Pairing: Luke x OC (Julie)
Prompt: Birthday
Tag: Gifts Established relationship Fluff Smut Minors DNI!!
Word Count  2.929
Author’s Note: A special day deserving to be celebrated as such for Luke and Julie, with a sweet and naughty surprise they will use to show one another the depth of their love. 🥰
Tag list
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome  @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @natimiles @nightghoul381 @dragon-liquorice @candied-boys
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it 😊
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It was a tepid late evening, the crickets melody resonated through the still air of the forest nestled between their villages, here hidden by the view there was a little cottage, a special love nest for two lovebirds who were walking lazily toward it hand in hand admiring the fireflies lightning the bushes making the atmosphere even more magical, idle chats and hearty laugh accompanied their journey toward their bedroom.
It was such a funny day, he almost regret having to go to sleep so soon but he bet she was tired almost like him, he layed lazily on his bed wearing nothing but the bottom part of his pyjama, after all it was such a warm night it was hard to wear anything else, he sighed dreamily looking out of the window thanking fate for the biggest gift he ever received, her love.
He was still mulling over how lucky he was, his heart bursting with love at the recollection of her smiling face as he showered her with gift he knew she would have loved, savouring still the sweetest taste of all that honey and strawberry treats her family cooked for them both, a sense of overwhelming happiness filing his heart to the brim as carefree laughs resonated in his mind, for once making him feel like he belonged somewhere, next to the only woman who has ever been there for him who was so brave to love him as much as he loved her in return the only one he took orders from the one who owned him whole, mind heart and body pledged to her and her alone her precious little princess the one he loved above anything else and he would have done everything to make her happy as she made him.
He was still wandering in his reveries when he heard the door of the dressing room open, lazily he trailed his gaze on her smiling at the prospect of seeing her wearing her usual soft and long sleeved nightgown she changed for a shorter one only well past June, but much to his surprise only  her sweet voice come out of the room, piquing his curiosity
"I have still one gift to give you but first I need you to close your eyes alright ?"
his hearty chuckle filled the air
"As you wish my Queen."
"Good, do not look or else you will get none." an hint of playfulness in his voice as he answered
"You are being sassy today ... I love it when you take control." she tip toed in the room, her steps muffled by the carpets he was to move his hand away from his eyes but he knew better than to challenge her stubborn lover, even if something told him she would have still gave him that gift if he disobeyed, but he wanted to be a good boy and please her and so he merely adjusted his fingers over his face, revelling in the excitement her surprise gift awoke in him.
Her soft voice reached his ear, eliciting obedience she knew she would have obtained
"You can open your eyes now." his hands whipped away from his eyes going to fist the sheets at her sight to tame his desire, his leaf green eyes widened in awe revelling in that astounding view while a blissful smile curled his lips, ignoring the pang of arousal going straight to his manhood making it throb painfully in his cage, no matter what she wore or what mood she was in she always looked gorgeous to him ... but now ... she was absolutely breathtaking, her clear voice pulling him out of his daze
"Do you like it ?" she was looking at him, her cheeks a soft shade of red, like the strawberries she loved so much, she looked expectantly at him, her fingers caressing the hem of her sleeves as the fabric glimmered under the moonlight making her look like a fairy, his voice soft hoarse with desire
"Oh Julie ... you are absolutely divine."
her tingling laugh took him back from his awe, a soft murmur escaping his lips as he was in a daze
"You are gorgeous."
she giggled moving her head oh so adorably up and down swinging back and forth on her feet, her soft full breast following her ever movements tantalizing him to shower his love upon her, to savour to the fullest that scrumptious gift she was so kindly giving him
"Did you pick it for me ?"
she nodded biting her bottom lip, unconsciously turning him on even more, her words sweeter than any honey engulfing his heart whole in love
"I wanted to spoil you rotten today." he sighed dreamily, revelling in all the love she would have poured onto him as he would have not shied away from doing the same.
He would have stared at her for hours, her voluptuous curves were hugged by an emerald satin negligé, His Queen was reclaiming her desires to be satisfied, and Oh he could not wait to get down to work on his job for once, he sighed softly tightening his fist on his pants, admiring how her gown ended just above her knees, while the long fluttering sleeves surpassed her knuckles, a light groan escaping his lips as his green eyes greedily took in the view of her bosom enriched by a deep neckline reaching between her breast with few laces, uncounsciously he moved his fingers unable to wait to unwrap them, licking his lips to tame his desire to kiss every inch of her soft skin, desire he had to not wait longer to transform into reality as she sensually tip toed toward the bed before taking her place on his legs, his fingers deftly unlacing her nightgown throwing it on his nightstand, desire flooding in his heart as he took his time to brush his fingers over all his beautymarks, with particular care to the one above her right breast mirror of his own, peppering little wet kisses all over her tender skin savouring the sweet light moan and mewl coming from her lips, craving to love her all through the night and well into dawn with all himself.
Not desiring to draw the wait any longer than what he already has, with no hesitation he kissed her passionately, his tongue entwined with her unusually submissive while his hands roamed freely on her body, he was to slide on top only to be pushed down by her tiny hands, reluctantly he broke the kiss only to stare at her, looking proudly at him from her position straddling his legs, feeling his hardened crotch brush on her nether region, free from her drawers she quickly discarded beforehand.
Her voice tender as she spoke of sultry desire with the charm of a goddess who had just pushed to his knees his most faithful servant, her eyes giving away all the affection swelling in her heart glimmering maliciously under the moonlight casting a spell on his already enraptured heart, pledging his whole body to her to do as she pleased
"I wanna spoil you today my Bday boy." her fingers soft as they slide on his lips
"It is not fair princess this is yours too."
"I know that my bear but you spoil me everyday."
a naughty smirk curled his lips, his eyes gleaming with affection as he spoke
"Ya know I love to spoil you rotten." her soft chuckle music to his ear he would have never get tired to hear
"I know and I love that, but today..." she leaned to leave a fleeting kiss on his lips
"Let me do this for you."
he sighed leaning back on the pillow giving up fighting her stubbornness, smiling in satisfaction at seeing her so dominant in bed, his heart bursting with all love he held for her, smoldering warmth melting him whole at the sensation of being loved so unconditionally.
She send him a sultry glance before kissing him softly, trailing her lips on his collarbone letting a trail of little wet kisses all over his body, leaving a love bite on the crook of his neck to be sure everyone know he was hers, the bold flame of love filled lust guiding her action as she trailed her lips to lick his nipples, rewarded by a deep sinful groan that sent a pang of arousal to her already needy core,  feeling him shudder as she slide down brushing kisses along her way, before reaching his soft navel letting her fingers tickle the curly red hair just above his undergarments seeing his eyes misty with lust barely hiding his impatience, her eyes crinkling with something tender and smugly satisfied  at the knowledge she had the same effect on him that he had on her, her heart swell with pride as she painfully slow rolled them down along his legs before carelessly throwing them on the floor.
Her eyes widening with lust, gazing greedily at his huge manhood standing proud, hard and throbbing between his soft thighs, not resisting the urge she brushed her thumb over his tip earning a low growl sending a pang of need in her soaked core, it was such an intoxicating sensation to be the one in command for once, to do as she pleased with him, to see him get all worked up because of her exactly like she was for him, she send him a sultry glance before slowly bend over him to lick its tip, savouring the few drops of cum sliding from it rolling on her tongue and down her throat, she licked her lips hungry for more smiling in satisfaction at him, staring into his eyes wide and dark with lust, she looked like a predator feasting on her prey and she had not intention of letting him go until they were both thoroughly satisfied.
She decided to ride on her boldness, not letting her self conscious side show up, she adjusted her position on his lap, slowly sanking to her knees feeling him slide inside throwing her head back at the sensation of his mighty girth parting her walls as soft needy moans resonated in the cozy room, sighing in relief as he sheat fully into her, he was a sight to behold, lips slightly parted as he panting while his leaf green eyes were now misty with lust, crinkled with affection as she caressed his brawny soft torso, before going to tickle her fingers on his hips earning few hearty chuckles music to her ear, seeing his smile brightening his gorgeous features mirroring her own filled her heart with the sheer warmth of the love bonding their hearts together.
Hesitantly she began to roll into him feeling him moving in sync with her, blissfully sweet delight was to become one, to feel all the barriers fall down around them as they melt and merge into one another.
He was delighted above words to be used like this for her own pleasure, her one and only Queen, a doll in her hands to do as she pleased, anything she desired he would have been to make her happy as she made him, to see that smile reward he yearned and craved since childhood, to feel that warmth only her unconditional love and acceptance provided him, his heart bursting with all the affection deep rooted in it, gawking in awe at her sensual curves roll back and forth on him, mesmerizing him to give in to all his deepest desires, unable to stand still he reached to massage her breasts revelling in the soft mewls escaping from her lips, turning into needy moans as he brushed his fingers on her nipples feeling them hardened under his touch, surrendering to his heart desires he dive in to suck on them, rolling his tongue on it getting it all nice and wet before gracing the other alike, coaxing ever so sweet moan of pleasure from her rosy lips, not hesitating to add in to the pleasure fastening his massage on her clit, feeling her juice dripping on his fingers making her see stars before pulling away, earning a fake pout from her lover soon turned into a sheepish smile as he shamelessly locked his gaze with hers while he licked them clean.
She tried to hide her blushed cheeks in the crook of his neck while his hips keep rolling slowly against hers earning ever so sweet mewls of pleasure from her rosy lips filling his heart with pride at the her praise for his boldness, her climax was approaching at every movement of his deft fingers massaging her clit, he felt as much ignoring it the feeling of his climax getting closer at every roll of their hips distracting himself leaving soft unhurried kisses on her hair making her giggles.
His lips travelled down to brush an achingly tender kiss on her forehead,  a subtle but steady sign of al the love and devotion he held for her, having learnt by heart her preference of any kind only to please her, that though alone warmed her heart unable to contain her love she begin to pepper soft kisses all over his shoulder reaching to his neck before melting her lips on his, taking him off guard as she entwined her tongue with his a battle for dominance she decide to let him win, reluctantly she pulled away nuzzling into his neck pleading him to satisfy her need a desire he did not shied way from fulfilling, she willingly gave up her place as he took advantage of her lowered guard to pin her down, slamming into her with the force of a tycoon sweeping away all coherent thought as she gripped his brawny back moaning his name at the clouds to make everyone knew she was his, luckily for them both their cottage was far enough from every house to risk disturbing anyone but the little animals of the forest.
She looked at him through misty eyes as her rosy lips begged to be kissed and so he did, melting his lips on her before letting his tongue entwine with hers, pulling away briefly to take breath before kissing her again and again, breathless and panting he broke the kiss leaning his forehead to hers taking in the bliss painting over her features as he felt her walls clenched tight around him covering his manhood with her sweet juice, earning ever so sweet moans of pleasure at his warm essence generously spill into her melting with her own oozing from her core painted white with his seed, bliss overcoming her features while his arms hugged her closer to his chest, smiling at the sensation of his lips leaving an achingly tender kiss on her temple, his whisper melting her heart
"I was born to love you." affection glimmering in his bright green eyes as he spoke the belief that had long taken root in his heart, admiring her chartreuse eyes shining with the same tender feeling mirror of his own while her sweet voice filled his heart to the brim with love
"I was born to be yours."
their feelings suggelled with a sweet slow kiss they pulled away from reluctantly.
He brushed his nose on hers, taking in the fairy giggle coming from her lips, leaning closer to her brushing his thumb over her cheeks locking their gaze together as his steady voice resonated in the cozy room followed by her sweet one
"Always together."
"Never apart."
"To protect you."
"And make you smile."
renewing the vow to the promise that first bound them together since they were children, their hearts beating in sync like one submerged with love he melted his lips on hers in a soft sweet kiss they savoured slowly.
Taking their time basking in the afterglow of their love making, their bodies still attached to one another when he pulled away from the kiss leaning his forehead to hers, murmuring softly
"You are the best birthday gift I could ever receive." her smile so bright to put the sun itself to shame lightened her gorgeous features at his heart spoken words
"And you are mine."
she leaned her head closer to him, admiring his bright green eyes sparkling with love and affection, free from the darkness that used to surround his heart brightened by the sheer warm light of their love, smiling at the sweetness of that tender pet name she loved as much as he loved his
"I love you way too much my princess."
"I love you too, so very much, my bear."
bathing in the blissful warm happiness of their love, a carefree smiles curling their lips, he hugged her close to him reveling in her affection as she nuzzled better into his chest, he bend over to left a reverent kiss full of devotion on her forehead feeling her soft lips brush over his heart melting him whole, the light breeze sweeping over them safely covered by a light green blanket, the aster only witness to their love gossip of the forest animals as the two lovebirds drift asleep together hugged to one another, mirroring the bear couple standing still amidst other plushies on their chest drawers the first gift they gave one another when they were children, priceless treasure of a love that kept growing sweeter each day more, irresistible temptation they did not shied away to give in, indulging in that affection, sheer untamed adoration interlocking them beyond reason, soulmates destined to be, bounded together for all eternity like a bear to honey.
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