#mun : she/her & neurodivergent.
seizonshe · 4 months
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[    ᴸᴼᴬᴰᴵᴺᴳ ˑˑ        ]    welcome    to    #seizonshe,    a    private    and    independent    medium-activity    blog    for    𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙾    𝙼𝙾𝚁𝙸    from    𝙶𝚄𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙴𝚁𝙼𝙾    𝙳𝙴𝙻    𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙾'𝚂    PACIFIC    RIM.    strictly    first    movie    and comics based,     and    multiverse,    with    verses    for    𝙳𝚄𝙽𝙴,    𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁    𝚆𝙰𝚁𝚂,    𝙳𝙲    &    𝙼𝙰𝚁𝚅𝙴𝙻    𝚄𝙽𝙸𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙴,    𝙵𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙰𝚂𝚈    &    𝙼𝙾𝚁𝙴.    written    adoringly    by    𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚊.    no previous knowledge of pacific rim required, as i wish to explore mako as her character beyond canon. psd by jeyneedits &. borders by me.
(1) aesthetics, (2) prompts.
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an    exploration    of   : the    sci-fi    genre,    the    tragedy    hero,    the    force    within,    the    pupil,    the    soulmate, the quiet soul, the sword made of flesh, the softness of feminitiy &. the female rage, the longing for belonging, the strike of traumma.
𝙵𝚄𝙻𝙻 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: 森マコ  Mori Mako (RANGER N. R-MMAK_204.19-V) 𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷𝙳𝙰𝚃𝙴: January 9th, 2005 in Tanegashima, Japan. 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈: Sumako Mori (deceased), Masao Mori (deceased), Stacker Pentecost (adoptive father, mentor, sensei), Jake Pentecost (adoptive brother). 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙵𝙴𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙾𝙽: officer of the pacific defense corps J'Tech, ranger in training, engineer, later pilot of the jaeggar gipsy danger aka lady danger. 𝙷𝙴𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃: 5' 5" (1.65 m) 𝚆𝙴𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃: 121 lbs 𝙷𝙰𝙸𝚁 𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙴𝚈𝙴𝚂: black (with blue highlights) and brown. 𝙹𝙰𝙴𝙶𝙶𝙰𝚁 𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙽𝙴𝚁: Raleigh Becket. 𝚂𝙴𝚇𝚄𝙰𝙻 𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: bisexual, demiromantic. 𝙿𝙾𝚂𝙸𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙴𝚂: resilient, strong, respectful, brave, reverent, resourceful, trustworthy, single-minded, methodic, disciplined, organized, clean, loyal, pure. 𝙽𝙴𝙶𝙰𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙴𝚂: stubborn, demanding, rigid, cloistered, intolerant, introverted, hermetic, dogmatic, lonely. * NOTES FROM THE ORIENTATION: more information about the pilot can be found on the ranger file above.
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this blog is private and selective which means i'll only reply and answer mutuals.
i welcome affiliates ! but not exclusives.
the only thing i recognize from the second movie is jake. everything else... nah. so please respect that.
if you don't know pacific rim you are more than welcomed to follow anyway. i have many multiverses coming up, like modern, spy verse etc and mako is genuinely an easy muse to interact with.
while i speak portuguese, spanish and english, mako is japanese. i'll have to use the translator for whenever she speaks in japanese, so forgive any mistakes, please.
reblog memes from the source, please.
don't be a bad person. no hate speech. i won't interact if you use youtubers, shady celebrities, and the like. i do not engage in callouts if not to help someone else. this is a safe space for everyone no matter what.
i love plotting, so let's have fun !
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getreadytosmash · 2 years
While I'm all for my mum becoming Woke and learning about autism, I sure would appreciate her not reading out traits and going "THAT'S why you were like that!!"
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uzumakichcined · 2 months
i wrote this on discord but i want to restate it
you are not responsible for other people's actions
characters dont have to be "good people" all the time
its okay for characters to not be the best of people at times and to explore the good and negative aspects of them
With Sasuke's whole thing about hurting Karin's feelings, that is the kind of angst i enjoy, it is not just torture porn or angst for the sake of hurting people it's a NATURAL and REALISTIC conflict that happens between adults.
Karin is an emotional person, shes going to be upset when someone she thought liked her believes that she was called ugly and especially that she had dead eyes and effectively to her looks dead. Karin has a lot of insecurity when it comes to her physical appearance so her sourness and dislike of that Sasuke now is completely fair (internally) but her taking it out on him isn't exactly nice either
Sasuke is justifiably confused as well because well, sorry he's pretty bad at reading the room. This conflict with Karin and well everyone also pointing it out is helping him be challenged as a character and his views. it, in a way, makes him reassess what he had done, or maybe even double down! because people aren't perfect and its okay to have characters be like this
these situations to me make the characters feel real, it makes me feel like I'm actually setting up arcs, lessons that need to be learned, picking at the big pieces of underlying things id like to explore through small, realistic conflicts that happen between people in non world-ending ways.
These situations make me feel like im not just RPing, but I'm writing a story, and my character gets to go through conflicting emotions. people she liked, she now is hurt by, she has to grapple with her past, she has to grow and change because her perceptions on things are changing and she is being influenced by her own and other's actions.
what people shouldnt do is use these things for hatred or spreading horrible ideas (you know who you are) being hateful and harmful is NEVER okay, as situations like these need to be discussed between the muns of the blog. a lot of conversations go on behind the scenes anons don't get to see, and i for one am an advocate to make sure things are all peachy with RPs and outcomes as its happening or plotting it out when it spirals too out of control.
so long as the muns are okay with shit, that's all that should matter. but never, ever, use this to send legitimate hate to real people or marginalized groups.
I'm not going to let anons who want to use this to spout slurs or other things to degrade others ruin my fun time and build my story. If yo are the anon who sent that horrible ask to the person in question, leave. unfollow me. i don't appreciate people using slurs against people with mental illness or otherwise are neurodivergent. as someone who has ADHD and Autism this has been used against me and i don't enjoy it on the dash, i don't enjoy it in anons, and i don't want it used in the slightest to degrade those people like myself anywhere near me.
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alwaysaqueene · 3 months
Destined Queen
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Indie RP Blog for Original Character’ Medieval, Regency, and High Fantasy Verses — Sideblog to @joyfulmagic & special verses for Relta & Aislin of @fantasiesandfolklore, guest test muse Prince Alastair as well
Written by 𝕷𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖊 [Lettie] || Mun is 25+ || Blog is 18+ (Preferably 21+)
Minors (under 18) and Personal Blogs DO NOT INTERACT
[Relta’s “Regular” Bio]
[Verse Info Tag] [Guest Staring Lord Alastair, Half-Brother to Relta] & Aislin’s Medieval Verses from @fantasiesandfolklore FCs Used: Charlotte Hope (18-32); Rebecca Ferguson (30+); Ruairi O’Connor (18-35); Anya Taylor Joy (18+); & Natalie Dormer (30+)
Rules are below the readmore on this post
Heavily Affiliated With: @ofheroesandscholars, @singeart, @blackarrcw, @luposcainus, @aislingarrow and @tsarincvdova
𝒜 𝓈𝓉𝓊𝒹𝓎 𝒾𝓃…being the bad guy, raising Hell and high water, religion, paganism, royalty, destiny, fighting fate, the girl with ice in her veins and a heart of gold, blood spilled for justice, living out of spite, heroics, being the final girl, the stench of the battlefield after a war, and taking one’s rightful place on the throne.
NO minors (under 18 years old / still in high school) or personal blogs please! I’d prefer to write only with muns ABOVE age 21, as I am currently 27 (6/2024) years old.
Open to non-mutuals, but still semi-selective toward the selective side
Preferential treatment given to those I’ve built an OOC relationship with / am heavily affiliated with. Just being honest.
No god modding with the exception of starters, as I know you kind of have to a bit to write a decent starter
Multi-para / novella length replies usually. Please attempt to meet my length or at least my effort. Sometimes replies are short to move things along, I get that.
No auto-shipping, as Relta does not want to fall in love or have a co-monarch as a default in the phoenix queen/queen of ashes verses
IF we do ship, know I’ll be simping for them and wish to talk about them OOC a fair amount. Also, expect playlists for solidified ships haha.
My main triggers are animal death, parent death, cancer, infertility, and Dementia/Alzheimer's. Memory issues due to other reasons are fine. PLEASE let me know your triggers so I can avoid them as well.
Dark topics will be present, and the presence of NSF/W isn’t impossible. I will tag NS/FW as “lemons” or “mild lemons” depending on the severity (like PG-13 versus R rated).
Relta is queer, as is the mun. Please be respectful of that.
The mun is neurodivergent and disabled, so please be patient with me. I may miss stuff like social cues at times.
My discord is open to mutuals, but it’s an easy one to guess based on my main blog hub title lol
I have studied history and international politics in college, and plan to focus on medieval times in graduate school when I attend. Relta’s verses on this blog are heavily influenced by actual history and historical figures, so please know I HAVE done my research or asked my Tudor historian friend lol I might twist it and throw in a ton of various influences, but it’s still historically inspired.
I saw BBC’s Robin Hood…18 years ago now…when it first came out and I was a kid, so I’m a bit rusty on it since I can’t find a free way to rewatch it. Thus, I’ll be leaning into headcanons a bit and actual history about King Richard, the Crusades, and Robin Hood lore for the V: Lionhearted verse. I’d be happy to discuss the show AND history/lore with anyone interested in this verse.
I often post worldbuilding and headcanon stuff about Relta in these verses, so don’t be surprised if they outnumber IC posts for a while.
Relta has been an OC of mine since I played make believe with my friends in elementary school, and simply has evolved to who she is now through a passion for creative writing and a gaining of knowledge on character building. She’s still a bit Mary Sue-ish at times, but I work hard to incorporate her flaws and weaknesses as much as I do her strengths and positive traits. She’s not perfect, as no one is.
I am mobile always, so I cannot cut posts unfortunately.
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stellevatum · 5 months
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted. Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name:
OOC Contact:  Tumblr DMs or discord on request!
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
The cosmos/Force in "human" form; she lives many lives and holds many jobs, but mainly is a Fixer. She has her own little network of "friends" and knows how to use them.
Points of interest:
If she's not wearing a helmet/hood/glasses, her eyes. Or her fangs when she talks/smiles. Or the occasional unmasking and showing a lil more neurodivergent traits. Unless you're close friends/family or I write it, assume she speaks in a Coruscanti/Core World accent. Force sensitive muses can somewhat sense her too, but depends on the Era.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Linear time-wise (so 600+ years after her birth), she returned after a walkabout. But since I'm not exactly a linear timed blog I am not sure how to answer this.
Where to find them:
SW: Coruscant, Alderaan, Rishi, Koboh | ME: Citadel, Omega, Tuchanka, Her Colony | BL: Helios, Sanctuary, Opportunity, Promethea
Current plans:
That's up to my partners. I came back to be a casual in character shit post blog. Plots aren't in the forefront but if my partners think of something hype, sure.
Desired interactions:
Otherwise I have some ideas for some blogs but I want time to reach out and chat.
Maybe open her to ships again, I dunno. (Unfortunately folks I discussed are gone and I don't want to assume that folks want to continue.) I miss her and the chakaar, but ME blogs are few and far, let alone a not as popular character so probably just gonna drabble it.
Offered interactions:
Need something? Want something? she's an Intel broker/Fixer. For the right price she can help you. Or handle it herself if the situation permits.
She's a diplomat/first contact envoy if you want first contact threads.
She's a scientist, joining an expedition or research facility, etc
She's a rebel, fighting for the people, drawing like minded people to the cause.
Current open post/s:
Guidelines | Bio | (Optional) Interest Checker | Promos
Open Posts Tag | Meme Tag | Calls
Anything else?:
Tagging: @afraidofchange @ofdcthomir @jackdup @companywrath @monmuses @general-kalani and anyone else interested in doing this! (I tagged old followers on the last, so why not new ones this time!)
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stellamortua · 2 days
Yo whaddup I’m Ringo, I’m 21+ (she/her) and I never freaking learned how to read. I have 10+ years of Tumblr RP experience.
I'm also fully up to date on all 9 Parts!
About My Jonathan:
I default to post Wind Knight's Lot with memories of Eyes of Heaven, but am flexible. My Jonathan has severe ADHD.
To My Dio Friends:
Hey there you rapscallions! ;D Come on in!
I am open to shipping, but expectations must be set beforehand. I am not interested in toxic or nonconsensual romantic relationships at this time;
What I mean is, I have seen too many Jonathans flipping on their backs to DIO's will and forgetting that they have a very complicated relationship with positives and negatives. Always happy to discuss in DMs!
Just because Jonathan still cares about Dio doesn't mean he's going to save him from his pissed off descendants. Dio did that to himself there, pal.
How I Operate:
I follow muses that I know, preferably Jojo's. OCs must have an info page. Duplicates welcome;
Mun does not equal Muse. I like to get to know my RP partners;
All forms of writing are valid. Do not be afraid to be a jerk to my muse :D;
I love plotting and am always available via IM. Discord reserved for mutuals;
COMMUNICATE with me. I am not psychic. Help me help you!;
Please practice reblog karma if you want to use a prompt I shared;
I only interact with mutuals and I am slow with replies;
I am multi-ship. I will only write NSFW in private with legal age partners; Limits (and consent) must be established beforehand;
I will always read your rules before interacting;
I will be there for you in your time of need, but I am not a licensed therapist.
Reasons for Being Blocked:
Guilt tripping. Real life before role play. You are not obligated to my time;
Demonstrating P*dophilic/Zoophilic/Far Right/Tankie Behavior;
Failing to stop God Modding/forcing headcannons on me after being asked;
Disabilities/disorders do not excuse behavior. Signed, a fellow neurodivergent;
Passive aggression, playing the victim, vague blogging, virtue signaling, etc. I do not do anon asks for a reason.
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electricea · 8 months
there's people who hate joker/futaba? while it's not my favourite joker ship personally, i never got a 'siblings' vibe from them - and people infantilizing futaba or saying she's 'not ready' or 'too fragile' for a relationship because of her mental state just feels...odd to me, as a neurodivergent mun.
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benevolentgodloki · 1 year
Who are your top 10 favorite muns to write with and why? If a mun is a multimuse also tell which are your favorite characters to write with and why?
(The order in which you list the people doesn't matter unless you want to assign them specific places.)
Question Master
// Hngh, I hate playing favourites BUT since I actually only write with 12 people now I'm gonna cheat and list them all. Fair warning, my neurodivergent ass is appalling at expressing love but at least you know when I say stuff I mean it. I hope people find me friendly, but I know I'm reclusive and a bit robotic, and it's really hard to break my bubble so I don't get close to more than like 3-4 people. I digress. In no strictly particular order, but a little bit with some closer peeps!
@araedi / @compassofsouls / @minimizexaggrandize Mojitooooo. My love, my male bestie. We've written perfect pairings together across fandoms since all the way back in 2005/2006 when we first started chatting. Mojito is one of the wittiest, kindest, most creative people I know and he can blow your mind with the stories you can share. One of my two fave people to hang out with online and off. He's busy af at the moment in life but he's worth the wait. I love all the muses of his that I write with, but my special faves are his Thor, his Clint, his Scott, and his Geralt. For Loki, ofc. I have faves in Jade and Nate for my pirate boy and X/Theta for my time travelling XI. Why? I'm terrible at explaining. He gets the characterisations spot on and he's willing to explore so much range with his muses.
@forevermuses Linaaaa. My love, my female bestie. You can blame her Stephen for me kicking life back into Loki's blog after I ran rampant on Jack's for a while. Lina's superb. She writes snarky, brilliant characters, delicious plots, and juicy ships. The other of my two best on and offline peeps. Now she's a multimuse I guess I have to pick favourites so it's gonna be Stephen and Peter for Loki and Norrington for Jack but extra bonus love for Sylvie and I'm excited to write more with Sherlock and Theo. Shallow reason really for why they're my favourites but Stephen and Norrington are amazing for ships and Peter is all round hilarious. She writes him with no shame.
@kissedbymischief Trish is a sweetheart with great taste in muses :U Thoroughly recommend for indulging in magical muse exploration, gratuitous abuse of Google Translate, fandom squeeing, and splurging (ahem) out some quality smut. Super friendly mun, quality content.
@stxrksarc / @mxtalwings Archer/Iron Mun does one of the best characterisations of Tony I've ever seen and I'm loving terrorising Sam as Lokitty. Archer is a wicked funny and giving dude, open to a variety of ideas and brings so much to the table; also admirably takes no shit (a semi-colon just for him <3). Epic gif content as well as dash entertainment. Hoping life gives him a break soon!
@paragonrising / @shorndivinity Smaugieeeee. Love, love Smaugie. Friendly mun who writes a badass Carol and Sif that have Loki absolutely smitten, even if he's not revealed it yet. Quality person and writer who I can chat all sorts with especially D&D and video games. If epic plots and novella posts are your bag, very much recommend! I love her for also being forgiving that my replies are usually so smol XD
@antvnger @blindbastard @brooklynbred @cordeliabarton @mischieftomake @sonofirishseas @the-mjolnir-owner
Honourable mentions to all these lovely muns who I have fewer threads with but am enjoying the stories we're telling when we get chance and love seeing them on the dash. Friendly peeps I recommend! I have a secret no. 13 mun too but I haven't started up things with them yet so keep your eyes peeled :P
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imaginarianisms · 2 months
this is just a vent in relation to d.isability pride month & uh. on talk of d.isability pride month (& also p.lural acceptance week & p.lural pride day which was yesterday), nobody can just have a disability either. like i'll& almost Never catch any muns writing their characters as an amputee or someone in a wheelchair or uses mobility aids its always something obscure thats totally nonvisible & ppl never talk about their characters' disability unless its for angst. which. as a disabled & neurodivergent person myself& its uh. its not cool. THEN ppl have the audacity to blab 24/7 like "all bodies are beautiful" but fuck me& if i've ever Actually seen anyone shipping or smutting w/ a plus size character or a character who's scars & bodily traumas aren't just romanticized s/h cuts or tiny ass white faded stretch marks on a teeny tiny waist or a character who's physically disabled & if on the rare occasion that they do it's nowhere near the amount of shipping & smutting that abled neurotypical muses get. like for a few examples, one of my munchkins, yang from g.angsta, he's chinese & at first he's able bodied but due to events that i won't spoil but yall know what im talking about, he becomes an ambulatory wheelchair user due to his wounds. c.lementine is afroindigenous blasian & a full on amputee & hoh & has numerous other disabilities & neurodivergencies in every single verse she's in. h.elaena is white seeming, plus size & autistic. r.haenyra is white seeming & plus size & has bpd & has stretch marks from her numerous pregnancies. w.orick is white, arospec, half blind & a sex worker. n.icolas is deaf mixed thai-chinese & white & has aspd. masaru/m.inimi is mixed east asian, predominantly japanese, & he's half blind & has chronic pain due to his facial burn scar. m.arie/m.averick is indigenous, specifically oji-cree metis & schizophrenic & also an amputee who can still beat sb's ass. all of my jinchuriki munchkins are inherently p.lural. literally every single twilight in gangsta is disabled in some way shape or form & its ableist & sanist to remove that & take that away from them. basically g-d forbid if ur character is disabled, plus size, trans/nonbinary or a poc.
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crudevillain-a · 4 months
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♡ independent. private. highly selective.♡
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♡ Deadman Wonderland canon roleplay blog, based in the BNHA / MHA fandom and DMWL canon
♡ AUs & crossovers available ( upon request ). ♡
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♡ carrd  ♡
♡ affiliated with: TBA ♡
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♡ muse(s): Minatsuki Tamaki, Toto Sakigami, & Yosuga Mitsuzaki 
hello, I'm Wrennly. I'm 25 years old, American, & taken. I go by she/they or she/her pronouns as well. I am pagan, practice witchcraft, & own 2 lizards ( Fiona and Hildagarrd ) & a cat ( Addison ).
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♡ mobile rules below cut ♡
♡ there will be no comparisons to deities, whether that's ic or ooc.
♡ I will wait up to a week or two for a message back whether that's IC or OOC if I've followed you recently. I will unfollow after not hearing anything. if I'm the one who continuously reaches out, with no reciprocation, I will remove you. I understand being busy, but if I reach out and don't get a reply after a while, I will end our relationship.
♡ relationship depreciation does not apply here, & let me explain. "whether I talk to you in a day, or in a year. I'll see you when I see you; until then, take care". this means that if you disappear, and stop replying, I will not be angry. however, I will remove you from discord or tumblr because I like to keep my circle to those who actively enjoys writing with me / speaking to me.
♡ I am neurodivergent; I have PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, Anxiety, & Depression. I work part-time as well as have a life outside of tumblr. I'm in a committed relationship, & that takes up a lot of my time as well as another blog ( @qvartzdied ).
♡ I frequently engage in cannabis usage, and are pro-cannabis as medicine. as such, sometimes ( usually later in the evening ), I will be intoxicated. if this makes you uncomfortable, do not follow me. I will not curb my personality for the comfort of yours.
♡ I also follow a lot of people, so I may forget your alias/pronouns/muses! I always try to reread everything before contacting people, but sometimes I am a forgetful bean! please offer me grace!
♡ I am closing my circle down to select people and friends. this means that I am private and highly selective. I will not follow if a muse page, rules, and age of mun ( you must be 21+ ) aren't readily available on the blog. 
♡ muses are written at an age-range. meaning, some may be underage in one thread scenario, but of age in another. always look at tags for extra information. most times, consider adult ages as default.
♡ NSFW and other content will appear on the blog, which includes but are not limited to NSFW: smut, mentions of rape, explorations of human psyche, religious mentions, drug usage, sex work, abuse, pregnancy issues, abortion / miscarriage, sexuality, cannibalism, blood, gore and so many more. do not follow if under 21+.
♡ also, please reblog from source. I will post frequent in character musings, aesthetics, fanart, and so on for my muses. it helps me maintain muse
♡ blog is drama-free, will never post roleplay drama or politics drama. life updates will be periodically given based on how often I'm promising to be online, but cannot for any reason.
TOXICITY CLAUSE. I used to be a shitty rp partner & friend! I never committed bigoted acts like racism or sexism, but I'd have the tendency to collect ships or participate in drama etc. my past aliases include Sam, Sammi, Stormi, Peaches, & now Wrennly. all problems have been fixed.
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flawlessfallen · 6 months
♔ || NAME?: Blaze
♔ || PRONOUNS?: She/Her but I'm okay with they/them too!
♔ || MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?:  Lucifer here, Lucius over at @flameandindifference, Cesar and Drak on my multi @gemscales-and-tea
♔ || RP PET PEEVES?:  Honestly? Starter/Inbox/Etc calls that are never fulfilled and then another one is made days to weeks later. If you're not going to commit to the call and just make another one, don't do it at all? Sorry but it's kinda rude.
♔ || EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: I've been writing since I was 12, all rp so... over 15 years.
♔ || FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?:  Going by tier? Angst, fluff and then smut. Like Smut is fun and all but it's like spices or swearing, you gotta be specific on when you do it. Too much and it gets to be dull and boring.
♔ || PLOTS OR MEMES?: Memes are easier but I'm not above plotting, as I do get some fun ideas. My inbox is always open!
♔ || LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?:  Long generally but I will match the energy my partner brings.
♔ || TIME TO WRITE?:  NIGHT. Always night time. When everyone else is asleep and you get to be left alone for blissful HOURS.
♔ || ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: I mean... likely I'm like them in some ways? I'm neurodivergent so I often gravitate toward muses that are similar to me in certain ways (or I just like their aesthetic)
Tagged by: @ducktastic-dad Tagging: Dunno if you've done it already but @gctchell, @waywardsculs and @damnedrainbows
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 1 year
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 : Bunni! I also go by Bunny, Bun or any other synonyms for a rabbit! Haha
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒 : I go by all pronouns! Given I’m agender and like, just sort of foggy about my gender? I don’t really feel any one way or another! So call me what you want, I’m still a Bun!
𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 : Tumblr messages are honestly my go-to, simply because on Tumblr I notice a lot quicker than on discord and I’m less likely to forget!
𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄(𝐒) : Right now it’s Fíadh, the Alpinist, Chromeskull, Leshy and 8713!
𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 / 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒? : No one laugh at me, but I started roleplaying on Quotev and Deviantart back when I was, I think, 14? And now I’m 21, turning 22, so crunching the numbers, I’ve been writing for just about 7 years! Probably more though, given my memory isn’t super accurate and I’m probably leaving out a lot! Haha
𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 : On the platform?? MEETING ALL OF MY CURRENT PALS! God, I will call them out by name but Bruce and Freddy were some of the kindest, most encouraging and patient folks I have ever met and I’m so glad I was able to find them on here and write with them when I could!
𝐑𝐏 𝐏𝐄𝐓 𝐏𝐄𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐒 : OH MY GOD I HAVE SO MANY; my number one pet peeve, though is when people just straight up do not read your responses and writing! Not in the sense of misunderstanding your intentions but just straight up not reading all of your answers to the point where it shows IN THEIR RESPONSES! Sorry not sorry, but if you cannot handle a multi-para high-lit writer, don’t try to roleplay with them! Letting them create paragraphs for you, only for you to ignore or skim it is a dick move!
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𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒? : NGL my pride would physically not allow me to post anything under one paragraph. Just not my style! That being said, I’m not picky with what I get! As long as it has enough for me to build action and voice on top of, I’m happy!
𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒? : My most controversial take, but I almost prefer memes more than extremely long and drawn-out plots taking place over weeks, because, no matter how much I adore a dynamic, that commitment eventually does wear me out y'know??
𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄? : UHHHHH- whenever I get the time and that hyper fixation strikes! Usually early evening, though!
𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒? : WELLL, it really depends! Am I out in the hills eating people, in a hospital healing people, defying death at every turn or ruling a hellish realm? Absolutely not! But each of the muses does contain a small piece of me beneath the surface!
It seems silly but I’ve always done this as a way to make it easier for me to relate and connect to them! It’s often microscopic, but shared traumas, fears, loves and minor personality traits (8713 is most like the mun ngl) does countless good to ensuring that not only can I keep playing them in the long term but ensuring that they are wholly mine!
To outline one of the similarities/shared threads of personality
Fíadh deals heavily with a fear of abandonment and loss of control over her body.
In her story, this is due to several factors from childhood neglect and abuse, a precarious sense of self-esteem, the curse that plagues her, her history of being moved around and used as a piece on a chess board, and the death/rejection from everyone she has held dear up to her current point (except for the Trapper/Trader and Leshy ofc) however the truth is, while narratively it does make sense, it was born from me and my experience as being neurodivergent and struggling with a sense of self and value due to the repeated rejection and experiences that came from it!
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 : @lettherebemonsters (thank you a ton for the tag! I had a lot of fun filling this out!) 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆 : anyone who wants to do this!
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owentheraptordad · 2 years
Okay, so.
On this miraculous journey that is my rewatch of Jurassic World, I came upon something that I think is really neat.
Claire is actually a super attentive aunt and, as we all very well know, incredibly intelligent.
She's basically only barely been interacting with Zach and Grey for this whole movie. She didn't even know their ages, has literally had them with a babysitter while she focused on work, hasn't been able to talk to them much during the stress of the second Isla Nublar incident.
And yet, when it came right down to it, when Owen regained control of the Raptor Squad and Grey started counting the teeth between all the raptors, coming to the conclusion of 'We need more teeth,' Claire does not react with 'wtf does that even mean'. That would be normal for any human in the scenario they're in right now!
Grey: We need more teeth.
Because that makes sense, right?
You're stressed out. Deeply worried about whether or not you're going to live or die. You wouldn't hear somebody talking about needing more of something, ask them what they mean, and then assume they meant another dinosaur to help defeat the one threatening your life. You'd be confused. Scared. Absolutely out of your mind.
It makes sense to us, the viewer, in context. Because we've been with Zach and Grey through a majority of the adventure. We know Grey's sweet little neurodivergent ass is talking about another dinosaur because we know how he refers to them. We know that he knows the exact amount of teeth each dinosaur has. We know exactly what's going through his mind.
Claire, though? No.
She would have no clue.
And yet, her instant thought instead of 'what do you mean' when she hears him saying they need more is to ask him 'Need more what?' and when he answers 'We need more teeth.' What does Claire do?
This crazy ass bitch opens the nearest first aid kit to grab an emergency flare and a radio and runs to the T-Rex paddock to lead it to the scene of battle. She immediately understood that Grey was insinuating they needed more backup. They needed another dinosaur to help bear the brunt of the blows and help them to fight the Indominus.
Ain't nobody can tell me different.
This has been a casual mun rant about Claire Dearing and Jurassic World.
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straye · 1 year
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NAME. Niran, Noy.
PRONOUNS. He/Him only, please. No she/her and never they/them.
BEST EXPERIENCE. On this blog specifically is discussing interactions and potential scenarios between me and my OC buddies, the very first thread me and @alaikhadal had, me and @achroanimus plotting ghostshima haunting kogami, getting close to @perceptualephemera <3
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION. Discord. I never check my Tumblr IMs because of how broken it is.
MOST ACTIVE MUSE. Kogami Kogami Kogami. BUT i really do want to try being active on my OCs more because I'm a sucker for OCs and I should give my OCs the same love...
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS. Stares into the distance. A very long time. Since I was like ... 10?
RP PET PEEVES. When people reuse plots / interactions / dynamics for me, when I'm just shipping fodder, when people pikachu face when I assert boundaries, when people make this hobby a little bit more personal than it needs to be (ie… tethering their mental health onto me when I’m just here to write Kogami </3).
PLOTS OR MEMES. A little bit of both — whichever gets the “hey imagine our characters in these scenarios” juices pumping first. More often than not, plotting!
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES.  Listen, I might take 9273827382 years to reply — or even the speed of light … but i vastly prefer long replies. I have so much room to play around with the English language and inner dialogue with longer replies it’s insane!! Not to mention it feels like a verbal waltz with my partner as we continuously raise the reply bars for each other, the nuances of each other’s writings, so on and so forth.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES? A bit, but quite different in a number of ways. Kogami is probably a bit more Patient than i am … and THATS saying something since he does have an impulsive and impatient streak all on his own. He’s probably got a better moral compass than me — if we were both morally grey characters, I’m probably the one to make more menacing decisions whereas he’s done more eye for an eye type blows. I write him to be Lao — and I also write him with similar neurodivergency as myself ( bipolar disorder, audhd, and more I don’t care to share the pedigree of ) but I generally regard him as his own wolf that I tend to.
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TAGGED BY: @dynamoprotocol; thank you! <;3 TAGGING : anyone who hasn't done this yet!
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ghostlytalkin · 1 year
Here is a list I've complied of Cody-Ben issues for anybody confused, also to answer a ton of the asks in my inbox, also collected from anons on @rpsense (which they are lovely I adore them go look at them)
Likes to harass women or female looking people.
Low/high key, made a fetishizing comments about muns to said muns
He plays one character primarily which is Ben Winters, Dylan O'brien fc. Ben is the worse, very much has main character syndrome.
He has to be involved in any major plot or be the center of attention. Throws a fit if somebody doesn't like him.
Tricks people into joining servers under the guise of them plotting for whatever group. Once in the server starts pressuring them about doing 1x1 plots and gets upset when they don't want to do it
Always does body switching plots. Which can be fun but then expects that the characters fuck
Doesn't take no for an answer, and bullies to get his way
Uses his autism as an excuse when people confront him about being uncomfortable with his actions.
Has lied and called people ableist for confronting him. Even those that are also neurodivergent
He hides behind being autistic to get away with things
Gets mad at people for playing autistic characters, especially if they are women
Believes that all female characters want to fuck Ben winters
Serial harasser of muns, muses, and the works that present as fem.
Had some weird ass competition with male muses and curses them for "starting shit" when he wasn't doing anything
Just really skeezy and likes to harass fem looking people and muses
Throws a fit if Dylan O'brien isn't allowed in groups and also will try and force people out if somebody else is playing him
Acts like this character is the most powerful and desirable, gets upset if he's not
Told a mun that he wishes he was a woman so he could date and fuck their female muse
Asked a lesbian character if he was the exception to her not saying men. Didn't see a problem with it when it was pointed out that wasn't cool
When a character expressed she wasn't interested in Ben, he made a text thread flirting with her. Then when that didn't work thought it was a good idea for Ben to break into her house and make her dinner from her groceries. Again, saw no problem with it and thought it was a romantic gesture
Got angry with a character saying that she and Ben were dating. Threw a massive fit about people knowing for literally no reason. Jokes on them both characters suck and the girl was a copied character
(ALLEGEDLY) Sent confessions about Ben in servers confessions channels then got confused, upset, annoyed, Ben was mentioned (actually I remember seeing him botch a confession about ben once and he posted it without confessions. He disappeared offline for three days)
Tried to take over an event in a group to make Ben the center of attention, was told no, tried anyways
Went on snapchat and burned a picture of a girl, cursing about her because she rejected him
A manipulative, controlling edgelord that expects people to bend backwards for him
Hides behind his autism to escape being held responsible. Making it seem like those with autism don't understand or care about boundaries and will disrespect them
Complains nonstop if you are even slightly snarky towards cody ben. If you play a man character like I do expect to be complained about and told to be nice
Joins and ghosts servers until an event or he wants attention. Directs convo to him each time
Cannot take no for an answer, EVER
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n4kama · 9 months
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Small Hiatus Notice
Hey guys, gals and my lovelies that don't identify as either...
Just to let you all know that, besides what's in my queue, I'm going to be on a hiatus for a little while.
I'm, unfortunately, one of those introverts/neurodivergents that can't really handle being around people for more than a specific amount of time without needing days alone to recuperate my social battery and energy to do anything else.
And due to Christmas and New Years, I haven't been able to find time to recharge said battery...
So my desire/energy to write is practically null and void, so I'm going to be going to be on hiatus besides IMs until I can get to a good point again.
It probably won't be until February, mainly because my mother fractured her shoulder before Christmas, and I'm more or less her designated driver and the main person who does shit for her that she can't. (Which drains me more than I can explain...)
By all means, send in memes or mun asks and stuff for when I'm back or when I have bursts of energy.
If you have plot ideas send me a ☁️ through inbox or IMs and I'll get back to you! I also have discord if you'd prefer plotting through that!
I'll post an update when I'm back.
Wishing you all an early Happy New Year! Thank you for being so amazing and giving me life with my OP loves!!!
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