#mun writes a thing with words
countlessrealities · 2 months
Kink Meme: Edging (AR & SR)
Send a kink and my muse will rate it || Accepting !
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"T-That's definitely a fuck yeah for me. I-It's a great way to keep you in the moment. I-Inching closer and close to getting what you want, b-but it's too fuckin' slow, an-and you can't think about anything else."
Sex is like drugs and booze for him. A distraction, a way to shut off his head. The more intense and the longer, the better.
"E-Edging your partner is lots of fun too. I-I know a certain someone w-who makes the prettiest whines w-when I do it to him.~"
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
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"Uh, t-that's...I mean, yes? I-I find it...it feels really good!"
Why has he been involved in this? He doesn't want to talk about the sex stuff he likes with strangers. He can already feel his cheeks starting to get warm.
"I-I like it when they do it to me an-and also doing it. B-Because, you know, I like making my partners feel good an-and if they are into it, t-then it's fun for us both."
And he loves seeing their faces contorting in bliss over and over.
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
{ @mcltiples - because E-Rick was vaguely mentioned and I though he'd want to know all this xD }
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ayakoito · 3 months
Special shoutout to @reevezs!
Who manages to make my heart melt with one single reply 😭❤️
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heartspin2023 · 1 month
"Her appearance so sweet that when sampling a taste of her -- the bitterness would shock "
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azrahelhasmoved · 1 year
in result to my last long ooc post; thank you all who messaged me and sent kind things. it means a lot. i love you guys and you're the real mvps.
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properbastard · 9 months
isn’t teresa just the best? i’m rewatching the sharpe series after finding your blog again and i’m just so overwhelmed with love for her. she’s so kind and patient, i missed her bad af when i read the book version of sharpe’s rifles 🥺💕
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[ she IS the best, anon, absolutely. Teresa's character is so unique and amazing--she's kind and patient, but she's also ruthless and cunning. Her story is absolutely heartbreaking, but she manages to find love and happiness in spite of everything, and that is such an incredibly powerful thing to see. She's everything to me and has been for a long, long time, as has @lacomandante, my very best friend in the whole world who writes Teresa!!! Go show her some love, too!!!
I haven't been on this blog often lately, but I'm hoping to be back soon and regularly! I'm very glad you found me again--it's messages like this that make keeping this proper bastard up and at 'em worthwhile!!! ]
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nyf-archive · 10 months
PSA to all my mutual !!! i am a shameless instant-reply partner !!! if im having a good day, feeling my muse and/or the interaction, i will rebolog very quickly. i DO NOT expect the same thing from you !!! ever !!! don’t EVER feel obligated that you have to do the same thing !!! you take your time !!! life is hard !!! some of us have brains that hate us !!! it’s OKAY if it takes you days, weeks, or even months to reply !!! i will NEVER hold you to keeping threads either ! dont have the muse? no problem ! not feeling the vibes? scrap it !! its okay to not be as interested in stuff as your mutuals and rp partners!
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hanyo-inu-yasha · 11 months
(( I consider canon to be more of a suggestion than anything.
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familiaanteomnia · 1 year
*contains my babbling about the passion project in the tags*
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korinthiakos · 2 years
"I drink to you..." Just that sentence alone ( 'cos I'm again reading more codename villanelle. ) makes me imagine a toasting kind of scenario. But then the victim soon is dead and the Corinthian makes his last toast to the dead fella on the couch. "I drink to you..." He raises the glass, an eyeball just bobbing up and down as the Corinthian drinks it down his gullet and breaking the eye between his teeth, like popping a cherry ( or whatever, I don't fucking know at this point )
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esmorothfallen · 2 years
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//looking through my old blogs for headcanons i might want to transfer here just made me mildly embarrassed about my posts from 2020/2021 LOL
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breadbrioche · 1 year
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so mun x reader
➳summary: things mun does when he doesn’t want to study
➳warnings: takes place before season 2
➳word count: 1k
➳a/n: shoutout to @slytherinshua for writing something with a similar concept haha we share the same artist so mun brain rot
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It’s been hours since the two of you first started this study date but what preoccupies Mun’s mind hardly concerns studying.
The ice in the drinks you bought when you first entered this café are well melted at this point which leave puddles of water around your cup that make you wary of your notes and textbooks surrounding it but Mun couldn’t care less. His notebook hardly has any writing on it, just scrawls and messy strike throughs over incorrect calculations, so it was no real loss to him if it gets ruined.
Initially he wasn’t this out of it; at the beginning he dove head first into his work, eagerly reading each line of his textbook. However, with every answer striked through with red pen, the words in his textbook began to lose meaning and Mun’s attention span dwindled, preferring to doodle in the margins of his pages. Eventually, he focuses his gaze to the opposite side of the table, satisfied with just watching you work on practice questions rather than actually doing them.
Mun finds everything you do incredibly adorable. From the way your lips purse when you’re struggling to understand what you’re reading to how you’d idly spin your pen across your knuckles, the boy wishes he could commit them to memory.
His hands begin moving before Mun realises it - already having drawn the guidelines for where your features should be when he looks down at his page. Diligently, he sketches you out and tries to capture every detail he could see. Mun was so invested in this drawing, eyes flickering occasionally to you then back to his page to ensure everything was correct, that he didn’t even hear you calling out to him.
“-un-ah! So Mun, are you even listening to me?” You call, even gently prodding his shin with your foot underneath the table to get his attention. When Mun finally notices, he looked up to you like a deer in the headlights which makes you sigh.
“C’mon, Mun-ah! Are you even trying?” You complain. You pout slightly which makes Mun smile a bit - even when you’re angry at him, you’re still cute.
“I am, I am!” He responds defensively.
“Then what did you get for question 6?”
“Uhhh-“ Mun dumbly replies looking down at his notes only to come face to face with his sketch of you. His his eyes widen and scrambles to flip over his notebook to the next page, obscuring itfrom your eyesight.
“Ah- I think I got stuck so I skipped it.” He lies with a sheepish grin. “Could you talk me through it?”
You frown but help him nonetheless, leaning over and showing Mun your book and begin to read out the question. He mentally celebrates at managing to avoid an awkward scenario but quickly turns his attention to you and listens to what you’re saying.
For the most part, he forgets all about the drawing until he’s once again in a similar situation. This time, you’re shoulder to shoulder next to Mun at his desk, talking through a problem on a worksheet.
“You seriously don’t know? But we covered this last time!”
The aforementioned boy winces at your scolding but stays silent, having nothing to say after remembering all the things he did (or more like the things he didn’t do) during your last study date. Pathetically, he gives a shrug that elicits a long sigh from you.
It’s hard for you to not get mad at him since it’s difficult to progress when Mun doesn’t pay attention but regardless, you refrain from any more harsh comments - he was only doing this because you asked (in typical kind So Mun fashion) so you feel it would be unfair if you begin to berate him when he’s already doing you a favour.
“What did you write last time?” You ask while picking up his notebook from the table, flipping through the pages only to find them almost blank. “Mun-ah, these doodles are nice but is this what you were doing when I…”
“W-wait-“ Mun says hurriedly, aware that the notebook had that drawing of you in it. He reaches over to snatch it back but from the way you’d stop turning the pages and trail off, it was already too late.
You quietly gasp before looking at the nervous boy then back to the page, not believing your eyes. Was this from-? When did he-?
“Is this…me?” You wonder out loud. Mun yelps and attempts to take the notebook but you move from his reach, still entranced by the page.
“Ah- I’m really sorry! You must think that it’s creepy or - but-!” He stumbles, tongue tied as his brain malfunctions and ears start to glow red.
Finally putting the book down, you look at Mun and smile endearingly at him. You hardly saw Mun this flustered but that made him even more adorable than he already was.
“It’s okay. I like it. Love it, even.” You assure him. “Though, I think you made me too pretty.”
“There’s no way!” Mun retaliates immediately, like a light switch in him turning on and he suddenly forgets his embarrassment. “Nothing I’ve tried to draw does you justice, I don’t have the skill for it!”
“So that means you’ve drawn me more than just this time?” You laugh out as you notice the way his face flushes when he realises he’d unintentionally exposed himself again. You giggle at his expression, making him pout.
“Are you sure you’re not weirded out by it?” Mun insists, turning to you hesitantly. You nod and take his hand to hold it in your own, giving it a squeeze.
“I’m very happy.” You say to him. “I’m happy that you wanted to draw me in the first place, and even more happy that you drew it so well so there’s nothing to be worried about!”
At this, Mun relaxes slightly and scoots closer to you, his head resting on your shoulder.
“Sorry about not telling you about them. And wasting your time when I didn’t study like I was supposed to.”
“Stop apologising.” You lean your head on top of his, nuzzling his curly hair.
There’s never a dull moment with Mun around. That’s why you invite Mun to these study dates even when you know that he’s hopeless at it.
But right now, exams and grades are hardly the first thing on your mind as you soak up Mun’s presence like plant in sunlight.
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bonus: pics I was considering using but they were from season 2 :(
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I'm one of those "weirdos" with a "self autonomous" muses, and as one of those weirdos, I think there's a very distinct difference between people like me, and people who use that as an excuse to force their self-insert fantasies. I've generally identified three main categories of roleplayers. People who write CHARACTERS, people who write SELF-INSERTS and/or WISH-FULFILLMENT, and people who write MUSES (and a 4th "people who make blogs but never actually roleplay" but that's irrelevant here). Yes I know "muse" is basically just another word for "inspiration", but hear me out. People who write CHARACTERS are the ones who go through conscious and deliberate decisions on how to write ("I think the character would think and act like this in this situation"), and are more likely to be pre-plotted heavy while sticking to the plot that was decided on without deviating from whatever was agreed upon. If it does deviate, it usually involves a lot of OOC discussion around it. Then there are your SELF-INSERT-y / WISH FULLFILLMENT writers. They aren't writing characters, nor muses. They're writing their projections of their fantasies of what they WANT characters to be, including bending or breaking character to achieve the desired result (Shippers are especially guilty of this). Such people frequently also try to manipulate OTHER PEOPLES' muses into bending/breaking character or manipulate the muns writing their target characters to, once again, achieve their personal fantasy. They might CLAIM to have a "self-autonomous muse" that "does what they want outside of their control", but this is a lie, and you can usually tell when you're dealing with one of these people instead of a Muse writer because that line will be used to excuse disrespecting OOC boundaries and force interactions / writing that other writers are not okay with, even after you've made those boundaries clear. Coercion is a common theme, but some particularly ballsy wish-fulfillment writers will just straight up force things. And then you have your true-blue ("self autonomous") MUSE writers, with characters who "write themselves" without putting much actual thought into it. And Muses can be fun, but they can also be annoying because they will frequently go off the rails at a moment's notice from what you wanted / decided while giving you the fat middle finger, and trying to force them back where you want them to go is tantamount to inciting writers block mutiny. The difference, to me, between the earlier described Wish-Fulfillment writer that pretends their muse "can't be controlled", and the ACTUAL Muse writer, is the Muse writer may not be able to control or change what their Muse wants to say, think, or do, but if it crosses another roleplayers' boundaries (or the writers' own boundaries ; yes, sometimes our muses trespass on OUR boundaries, even tho we write them. Think of it like an unwelcomed intrusive thought), the writer can still choose to NOT WRITE IT. I've written a LOT of Muses over the years. Some of them villainous or straight up nasty. I have also put a lot of Muses in "Time Out", or even retired some entirely and haven't gone back to writing them, because the Muse wanted to go in a certain direction and either 1) it would've crossed another writers' boundaries, or 2) it was something that I didn't want to write even if the OTHER PERSON was okay with it. If the person claiming they "don't control their muse" is using it to coerce or force an interaction you don't desire or are uncomfortable with, yes, THOSE people are just using characters to veil their own personal fantasies and are best AVOIDED (dealt with and seen plenty of THOSE people myself).
But generally, I find that if the OOC WRITER is willing or even WANTS to hard-stop an undesired interaction/thread/whatever should that situation arise (and isn't claiming they want to just to coerce you into agreeing to undesired themes, very important distinction! If you express discomfort and then reluctantly agree and they're TOO eager to get right back to it without considering your feelings, that's a BIG red flag) then chances are they actually do have a "Muse" separate from their personal desires and fantasies. A genuine "Muse controls themselves" writer will happily stick that Muse in the time-out corner if they refuse to behave themselves.
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enihk-writes · 11 months
[kiss, kiss, kiss, 단 하루도 빼먹지 말고]
based on lyrics from day 1 by red velvet
paring: various!hwasan men x gn!reader
(OR) various!hwasan men x preferred pairing free for all, ambiguous, can be them with anybody of your choice (i.e. tangchung / whiterust / cmxilso)
summary: short headcanons of where they like to kiss their beloveds
characters: geumjon (pbss) // geumhyeop (mhdd) // chung mun // tang bo // tang gunak // baek cheon // jin geumryong // lee songbaek // namgung dowi // jang ilso // chung jin
author's note: gagged when i typed the word beloved oh god when i say i get physically sick writing sappy romance i mean it yall my stomach is having issues rn....................... listening to rizzotto's sexyback cover on repeat and day 1 at the same time for maximum effect............ (looking like an insane homebody) also i feel like i should apologize to soso for this... yanno... just in case uhhhh what else???? AHHHHHHHHHH DEUKAE COMEBACK ON THE 22ND SO IM GOING MIA!!! I LOVE ROTBB BUT I LOVE MY GIRLS MORE!!!!!!! RAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHH I AM A FEMINIST FIRST!!!!!! AND A C0CK SUCKER 2ND!!!!!!
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GEUMJON is still very immature at heart so, kisses from him are more innocent and well, somewhat child-like. he's not experienced with things like this so he mostly settles for impromptu cheek kisses whenever he's the one initiating. surprisingly conservative, won't go any further than innocuous touches unless the relationship is established to be romantic with the intention to marry. even then, out in public especially under broad daylight, he won't be the first to make a move even if he really, really wants to.
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GEUMHYEOP is quieter, more grounded and direct. he doesn't like to waste time. if he has the urge to kiss his partner, he will. it doesn't matter where they are, he would cup their cheeks in his hands and give them a proper kiss on their lips... unless they are both in the middle of an important discussion or in a room with the others. he still has some basic manners and decency to not embarrass the other one. expanding on the way he goes about it — he likes to observe his partner's face, and remember their every detail because he recognises that memory is unreliable and hopes that doing this would burn their image in his mind for good. doesn't seek out for kisses often but doesn't push away his partner's advances. if he does seek them out, it's more likely because he's going through something at that moment and isn't in the mood to talk about it yet.
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JANG ILSO is the complete opposite. no shame, no patience. they could be in the middle of a conversation with someone else or out and about in public under broad daylight. it's either he gets a kiss from his partner now or he will have them wait until he's back in the mood. doesn't really care if it pisses the other off... lowkey gets off on their anger. very tall guy so he likes to grab his partner's chin and tilt their head backwards so he can lean down and give a short peck, sometimes the kisses are more heated and lasts far longer — so they often end up in... situations... no matter where he is with his partner...
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CHUNG MUN is the type of guy someone brings home to meet their parents. will not make a move, not even hand-holding until he gets explicit permission from his partner. date-to-marry type, and super conservative. even after having their first kiss, will not do that again unless it was during the wedding ceremony, wedding night and subsequent special occasions relating to his partner. prefers to convey his affections through interlocking fingers with his partner, and when they are alone, he'd bring them up to his lips and kiss their knuckles tenderly.
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CHUNG JIN can often be found in between rows of bookshelves taking archives. that's also usually the place where he shares kisses with his partner. most times it's a quick peck on their eyelid as he walks past them, other times it's a brief nuzzle of the side of their head. ever so often, when he was staying late to transcribe the pages and pages of text, he'd take breaks by leaning on their shoulder, enjoying his moment of shut-eye. and it's during these times when he would turn his head and pepper kisses on the other's jaw. if he's feeling a little bold, he would block their faces from the window view with an open book — leaning in with apologies for his lack of attention these days as he pulls them in for a kiss.
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TANG BO... is a wild card. if he's the initiator, he likes to be playful about it. always a tease, and thoroughly enjoying the reactions he pulls from his partner. if the roles flip and he finds himself on the receiving end, would be stunned into silence. all the other has to do is kiss him, not anything one-and-done — it has to be a proper and genuine kind of kiss on the bridge of his nose, more specifically the spot between his eyebrows. he tends to stay up late and it does create tension that results in headaches in that area because of that. so when he feels his partner's tender touch, this guy is putty. for all that cockiness, he is the easiest to come undone.
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TANG GUNAK... an older man with experience for sure. he has children for fucks sake, let's be realistic here. doesn't matter how much brainpower his duties as the head takes up, he is very attentive to his partner's likes, dislikes, wants and needs. always acts according to the results of those observations. but in his downtime, when he is going to bed, he finds himself enjoying the embrace of his partner. resting his head on their chest, listening to their heartbeat because well, one might never know if they could have a heart attack soon or not. will always place a kiss on the other's chest, right over their heart just before he falls asleep.
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NAMGUNG DOWI. a good guy. an earnest guy. really trying his best. he's not good at this romance thing... please be patient with him... if things so south, he tends to use his face card to have his partner forgive him. and they do, because he's insanely good at pulling the sad, kicked, wet puppy face. when that happens, he would happily kiss them over and over again on every corner of their face, or well, whatever parts he can reach. he did make them sit on his lap without any wiggle room.
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LEE SONGBAEK prefers hugging more than kissing. partly because he's surrounded by kids so any grown-up action would have him be the brunt of their teasing for weeks. his partner is mostly understanding, maybe a little spiffed when it seems like they might kiss but a child waddles into their vicinity. he feels sorry for disappointing his partner, and often hugs the other from behind, muttering a string of apologies into their hair. eventually pecking the small bundle of nerves at the back of their ear, and the top of their jaw — his surefire way of leaving them a little hot and bothered.
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JIN GEUMRYONG suffers from emotional constipation to an extent. so it goes without saying, his partner has to be blessed with communication skills that can honestly end all wars. he is strict, mostly stern, but he means well. and his partner has been by his side long enough to understand that. he feels sorry they've chosen to stay regardless. he isn't one to let lose until it's time to rest, so it's only in these times they get to see his unguarded sides. downturned eyes that look at his partner wistfully, he would hug them and rest his chin on the crown of their head. occasionally moves down to press his lips on that spot as one hand cradles his partner's neck, fingers playing with their strands of hair.
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BAEK CHEON is undoubtedly a little pathetic. it's endearing, but it's still hard to watch sometimes. poor man still trips over his words and stumbles on his feet when he wants to ask his partner for a kiss. just one kiss please? god. it's hard to say no to a handsome face on the verge of tears... he's lucky they weren't a sadist. or well, trying not to be. it's so hard fighting those urges, that they ask him to reward their efforts. his pale face grows bright red, but he complies with his partner's request anyways. it's a timid kiss on their forehead that goes down the bridge of their nose, then the tip of it. he coyly kisses their cheeks, steering away from the other's lips so obviously that they lose patience and pull him in. he melts far too quickly into this, hands going all over his partner's body, tugging on their clothes. tsk, sly boy. so he had planned for this to happen, and like a fool they fell for his siren song.
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originemesis · 8 months
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"creation took 7 days; now watch me fuck it all up in one night"
canon divergent adam / abel // haz.b.in h.o.tel
21 + / mid-low activity / private
ordained and entertained by skeu ; icon templates by cinna! 💜💛 human icons by bbglucifer ;p <3 --- > xxx
side blog: vortex @gutstaken
here are some cool people 😎 : @deathinfeathers , @voxistem , @lilitophidian , @cast-you-dxwn , @2ndrib , @atomeyes + @sainticidal , @arachn0philia , @drraphaelmd, @brokendreamscreation , @hlylight , @chasingrainbcws , @danger-tits-lute , @hclluvahctel
about // playlist // active headcanon // current verses // rules [beneath]
Blog is 21+ for content concerns and mun is 25+ (an old) and will not interact with minors on this blog. minors should technically not follow me here either ~ so, don'tttttt...do that? thanks! if i catch you, you're yeeted to the shadow realm.
Do not follow this blog if you are sensitive to the sensitive topics related to this particular genre. I tag with "content word cw" for the extra wild stuff, but that's about it. adam literally has the highest swear/slur count in the show and he's only in 3 episodes, so be aware of that.
I tend to be private/selective as i get fairly overwhelmed with too much activity. i really get into plots though, and i'll spam the dash with some silly original dick chauvinism from time to time when ive fed my inner gremlins past midnight. That said, I do get easily overwhelmed when I'm following too many people and multi muse blogs in particular can exacerbate this feeling, so if I do not follow back - I might just not be in a good place to atm or I just don't see possible interactions btw our characters. It's nothing personal! ^^
This is a mutuals only interaction blog for my sanity (anons being fine). if i can see plots happening between us, i'll likely follow. but i get overwhelmed easily so please don't take it personally if i don't follow back or follow back right away.
I am not exclusive, but I prioritize my plotted threads and may have some mains/activity based off that as far as my main verse goes. But I will never be fully exclusive and i enjoy exploring different character dynamics. Also multiship is fine, but I am not exclusively here to ship or write suggestive content. My muses have always and will always require plotting and scene chemistry for me to consider writing ship material. In the case I do reblog shippy prompts still feel free to send in ofc! I'll see if I can make it work or not.
If I don't get a follow back within a week or two, if blogs i follow go inactive for up to 6-7 weeks, or if there's just no attempt on either of our ends to connect for an indefinite amount of time - i'll occasionally go through my list and soft block to clean things up. if we ever want to give it a go in the future, the option is there for us to re-follow and resume! i have in the past been made to feel like I'm walking on egg shells in rpcs regarding these matters and id rather avoid it here...im just here to chill, write and leave weird surprises in dms.
I don't like the feeling of being 'collected' so...if you are interacting with multiple of my muses, I ask you have a different dynamic for mine than them. This is just an act of courtesy I also extend to my rp partners. I interact more with folks that have a special relationship with my muse, so it's needed to deep dive into more interesting topics for me. I also do not usually interact w/ other of the same muse cuz I feel like I 'absorb' how others play him and I want to keep my version separated from that. I might give it a shot some times though depending on how it's presented.
I know that Adam is a bad guy. He's insufferable and can push buttons- but I am not him and I dislike constantly feeling like I'm being barraged for his actions, especially since I consider him to be a heavily layered character that should not be shoe horned into a standard 'ok irredeemable and never allowed nice things' box. So- if you honestly hate this character please don't interact. I am here for exploring taboo topics and ways that a flawed character can make others think he's justified, betray them, make people feel COMPLICATED things... I also love torturing my muse and taking the piss out of him, so I don't need people moving in and tying to constantly put him down/ruin his current plots by being god modey or not at least asking me how we should proceed in a power dynamic, or relationships cuz you don't ship what I ship, or find my interactions with other characters 'toxic' and 'not allowed'...let me explore and enjoy what I like on my blog within reason and do talk with me on dms if you don't like how things are going with our muses and you wanna explore other routes. I love to plot and I am very reasonable.
This post/my rules and conditions are subject to change based on what I get up to on here.
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thefreakandthehair · 11 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 21st:  Hellfire | Back in Black - AC/DC | Tenacious a/n: so, I've written about Eddie inheriting Hellfire. now, it's time to write about Eddie founding Hellfire! he's a little shit in this one, and I love him so much it's nearly clinical. wrote this in the car on the way to my in-law's family party so it'll go up on ao3 later 🦇 ao3 collection | tumblr masterlist
“Mr. Munson,” the principal starts, seated opposite Eddie across the desk. “You’re a freshman. Freshmen don’t start clubs here. Why don’t you look around a little, broaden your horizons. There are some wonderful sports and music opportu–”
Eddie’s arms are crossed over his chest and he sits with both legs stretched out in front of him, ankles crossed. “It’s Eddie, and no. Why can’t I start a club? Why do only upperclassmen get to? Or is this just because it’s a Dungeons and Dragons club?” 
As if I’d wanna go and join the kids who look at me like the spawn of fucking Satan, he wants to say, but he needs to play it cool, hard as that may be. Or at least unless the principal, whose name he hasn’t bothered to commit to memory yet, doubles down on his refusal; then, all bets are off. 
“Of course not, we just encourage our youngest students to expand their interests. You might find that you’re good at something surprising or–”
Eddie knows that interrupting over and over again won’t help his case, but he can’t help himself. Hearing the same bullshit over and over again is infuriating and there’s no good reason that he can’t start a Dungeons and Dragons club for himself and the other kids with wild imaginations and nowhere else to go after that final school bell.
“Or, maybe starting a new club will let students try something new, something that’s been shit on for years that they otherwise may not get the chance to try?” 
The principal levels him with an exasperated look and a heavy sigh before leaning forward on his forearms over the clunky wooden desk. 
“Mr. Munson–”
“It’s Eddie,” Eddie insists for the second time. Mr. Munson is his dad and the name gives him a chill. He may carry a pocketknife and know how to hotwire a car, but he’s still no Al Munson. 
Another sigh. “Eddie. The day’s almost over, can we continue this discussion tomorrow? Buses will be lining up any minute.”
Now or never, he thinks to himself. 
“Well, then you have about a minute to make a decision. Can I start it or not? Maybe even on a, uh, a trial basis?” He shrugs and smiles with pursed lips and a raised eyebrow. 
Principal Whatever His Name Is drops his head for a second before looking back up at Eddie. “You’ve worn me down, Mr. Mun– Eddie. Trial basis only, and you need a faculty member to sponsor it. If you can do your due diligence, I’ll allow it.”
“Great!” Eddie claps once and stands. “Mr. Clarke already agreed, so I think we’re all set here. Good doing business with you.”  
The bell rings, saving Eddie like it has so many times in the past. He’s halfway out the door, stepping into the stampede of students running for buses, when he turns back around to see the principal shaking his head and rolling his eyes. 
“You know, my Uncle always says if you roll your eyes too much, they’ll get stuck like that.” 
Without another word, he slips into the tide and loads his bus, taking a seat in the back alone and whipping out his notebook and a black marker. Shades of black and red color the lined pages in the form of devils and demons and the words Hellfire Club hover above each sketch.
Good thing I didn’t tell him the name.
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daddyy333 · 2 years
Headache | Steve Harrington x y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
word count: 0.6k
warnings: I wrote this a little while ago so I might’ve forgot some things but reader has a headache/migraine, I think reader gets nauseous, ?
summary: y/n has a really bad headache but Steve is more than happy to help it go away
You’ve had this dull headache all day long. It’s been really irritating you all day and you were going to try to get medicine during your lunch break but you completely forgot until the headache got worse and you knew you were too busy to get a break.
Now, you’re home and you didn’t do anything for the last 30 minutes but bury your face in the pillow and try to wish the headache away. Sure, you could get up and go get medicine but you’re so tired and you honestly feel a little lightheaded and nauseous so you’re sure this is the end for you.
“Bubba! I’m home!” Steve said as he came in. You whimpered and he called for you again but you knew yelling would make it worse. A few minutes later he came in and said “hey, are you alright?”
You were kinda curled up and your breathing seemed a little irregular so there had to be something wrong. “I just…I’ve had this headache all day and it got worse after lunch and now I’m nauseous and I feel really dizzy” you whispered, eyes squeezed shut as you sighed.
He kissed your head softly as he gently massaged your head and said “you feel a little warm, baby. I think you might be getting sick or something. You should really eat something and drink some water and take some medicine” “I’m…I’m not sick I just need this headache to go away”
He gently encouraged you to move your head so you could look at him and you sighed, a small pout on your lips. He smiled a little and said “come on, honey. Why don’t you just do it incase?” “Ok fine” you said and closed your eyes, the light bothering you more than usual.
He noticed and said “oh…babe, you have a migraine” “mm mm…I don’t have migraines” you whispered and groaned, you just wanted the pain to go away. Steve sighed and got up, turning off the light and grabbing the medicine and the water as well as your leftover pasta from a restaurant you ate at the other day.
“Hi, beautiful. You gotta eat so you can take medicine” he said and you took a deep breath. He sat in front of you again and said “come on, baby. It’ll make you feel better, I know it” He helped you sit up and gently tied your hair in a loose braid to keep it out of the way.
“When did you learn how to braid?” You asked quietly and he smiled. He set the plate on your lap and said “I want to learn for nights when you’re too lazy to do it yourself since I know you like to sleep in them sometimes. Robin and Nancy helped me learn” You smiled and said “you’re a good boyfriend”
“I hope so,” he said, urging you to take a few sips of water. You ate pretty slowly, trying to wish the nausea away and thankfully it did kinda go away as you kept drinking the water and eating little by little.
“Good girl, now take these,” he said and you blushed a little. You took some medicine and rested against him, turning over and cuddling into his chest. He smiled and started massaging your head softly, whispering sweet nothings to you.
You sighed and said “thanks for taking care of me” “of course, princess. You’re probably stressed and that could’ve caused it, maybe you should try and use some sick days or something so you can rest” he said and you smiled lightly.
You hummed, drawing little patterns and shapes on his ribs with your hand. You started to feel sleepy as time passed and the medicine helped numb the pain a little. He kissed your head and said “get some rest, bubba. You need it” “I love you…so much, Steeb” you said and he chuckled. He shook his head and said “I love you more, y/n/n”
Taglist: @hellfire1986baby
As of now l'm writing for
Eddie Munson
Joseph Quinn
Jamie Bower
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Maya Hawke
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and l'll add you :)
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