#muna links
gingerjolover · 5 months
are tumblrs links fucked or am i being targeted???
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sistermp3old · 1 year
havent been the biggest fan of muna but honestly just seeing them being so fucking happy playing their music it was impossible not to get into it
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pettybourgeoiz · 2 years
✰Bourgeoiz Music Discovery✰
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nemmastore · 4 months
0856-4285-0474 (COD), Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Muna Barat Langsung ORDER KLIK WA 6285642850474 , Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Muna Barat, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Muna Barat, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Pasirmukti, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Pasirtalaga, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Talagamulya, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Cigunungsari, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Cintalaksana, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Cintalanggeng, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Cintawargi K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil adalah minuman kesehatan yang bahan utamanya berasal dari daun Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) � �Bapak dari semua makanan-�. Daun-daun herbal ini bernilai nutrisi tinggi dan dengan bantuan proses ekstraksi modern, sari klorofil diekstrak dari daun Alfalfa. buy ivermectin online buy ivermectin online no prescription Manfaat : Menyeimbangkan dan Menjaga Kesehatan Tubuh Menyeimbangkan kadar asam dan Alkali di dalam tubuh. Meningkatkan daya serap nutrisi dan energi. Komposisi : sari daun alfalfa Mengandung air UIE (Universe Induced Energy) Petunjuk Pemakaian : Larutkan 1 (satu) sloki/sendok makan dalam segelas air putih Untuk anak-anak dibawah umur 12 tahun cukup larutkan 1/2 (setengah) sloki atau 1 (satu) sendok teh K-Liquid Chlorophyll Untuk wanita hamil cukup konsumsi 1�1 sloki K-Liquid Chlorophyll setiap hari Minum 3 (tiga) gelas sehari (sebelum makan/perut kosong) Isi : Setiap 1 botol berisi 500ml Ekstrak Chlorophyll No Registrasi : POM SI. 024 603 051 #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiMunaBarat, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiMunaBarat, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiPasirmukti, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiPasirtalaga, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiTalagamulya, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiCigunungsari, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiCintalaksana, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiCintalanggeng, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiCintawargi
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thethief1996 · 11 months
I can't stop thinking about the news out of Palestine. Israel is sieging al Shifa hospital. Videos of people's limbs being severed off are haunting (graphic video tw). The hospital has ran out of fuel and 39 babies in incubators are fending for their lives by themselves, because Israel has stationed snipers around the hospital and is shooting all medical crew that walks into their sight.
First, the narrative was Israel would never bomb hospitals. Now, the hospitals are Hamas bases. Then, we respect journalists. Now, we have a fucking kill list of journalists because they are Hamas collaborators. First, we are not letting fuel in until the hostages are released. Now, we are not accepting the hostages back because that would stop our ground invasion and let Hamas win. And I could go on about every single lie they're making up. If you look up "Hamas rape" on google, the first link leads to Times of Israel saying Israel has found no forensic evidence of sexual violence, and only one eyewitness testimony out of 3.5k people attending the rave. If you Google "Hamas beheaded babies" the top links say they have no evidence for the claim besides word of mouth from extremist soldiers. Israeli extremists think about the ugliest goriest scene they can make out in their sick heads, tell that to a international journalist and they run away with it like it's gospel.
And children are being killed in the name of these lies. Thousands are being displaced in images that remind me of the pictures of Tantura 75 years ago, with their hands up so the tanks don't shoot them. Amputees are leaving the hospitals in wheelchairs hours after their surgeries because they are being shot at. Elders who survived the Nakba on 48 are having to walk towards Southern Gaza on foot (imagine walking from one end of your city to the other on foot), displaced again. People are cheering for the haunting images of white phosphorus bombs being dropped over Gaza. Gazan workers who were arrested in the West Bank are being thrust back into the bombings wearing numbered labels.
This is not normal. We are seeing the early stages of the settler colonial genocide of an indigenous population. Native leaders who have visited Gaza say its refugee camps look eerily like reservations. We can stop this. For the first time we are able to see wide scale accounts from the hands of the people suffering the genocide, and Israel is so scared of it they have cut all communications in Gaza.
This is our litmus test. I think we have never seen more clearly, with Palestine, Armenia, Congo and Sudan how colonialism has made our world a rotten place to live in.
The South African apartheid collapsed due to boycotts. We have to do everything in our power to stop Israel's hegemony. Even talking to a group of friends about Palestine changes the status quo. There's no world where we can live peacefully if Israel accomplishes their goals.
Keep yourself updated and share Palestinian voices. Muna El-Kurd said every tweet is like a treasure to them, because their voices are repressed on social media and even on this very app. Make it your action item to share something about the Palestinian plight everyday. Here are some resources:
Al Jazeera, Anadolu Agency, Mondoweiss
Boycott Divest Sanction Movement
Palestinian Youth Movement is organizing protests and direct action against weapons factories across the US
Mohammed El-Kurd (twitter / instagram)
Muhammad Shehada (twitter)
Motaz Azaiza (instagram) - reporting directly from Gaza.
Hind Khudary - reporting directly from Gaza. Her husband and daughter moved South to run from the tanks but she stayed behind to record the genocide. The least we can do is not let her calls fall on deaf ears.
You can participate in boycotts wherever you are in the world, through BDS guidelines. Don't be overwhelmed by gigantic boycott lists. BDS explicitly targets only a few brands which have bigger impact. You can stop consuming from as many brands as you want, though, and by all means feel free to give a 1 star review to McDonalds, Papa John, Pizza Hut, Burger King and Starbucks. Right now, they are focusing on boycotting the following:
Carrefour, HP, Puma, Sabra, Sodastream, Ahava cosmetics, Israeli fruits and vegetables
Push for a cultural boycott - pressure your favorite artist to speak out on Palestine and cancel any upcoming performances on occupied territory (Lorde cancelled her gig in Israel because of this. It works.)
If you can, participate in direct action or donate.
Palestine Action works to shut down Israeli weapons factories in the UK and USA, and have successfully shut down one of their firms in London.Some of the activists are going on trial and are calling for mobilizing on court.
Palestinian Youth Movement is organizing direct actions to stop the shipping of wars to Israel. Follow them.
Educate yourself. Read into Palestinian history and the occupation. You can't common sense people out of decades of propaganda. If your arguments crumble when a zionist brings up the "disengagement of Gaza", you have to learn more.
Read Decolonize Palestine. They have 15 minute reads that concisely explain the occupation (and its colonial roots) and debunk popular myths, including pinkwashing.
Read on Palestine. Here's an amazing masterpost.
Verso Book Club is giving out free books on Palestine (I personally downloaded Ten Myths about Israel by Ilan Pappe. If you still believe in the two states solution, this book by an Israeli professor debunks it).
Call your representatives. The Labour Party in the UK had an emergency meeting after several councilors threatened to resign if they didn't condemn Israeli war crimes. Calling to show your complaints works, even more if you live in a country that funds genocide.
FOR PEOPLE IN THE USA: USCPR has developed this toolkit for calls, here's a document that autosends emails to your representatives and here's a toolkit by Ceasefire in Gaza NOW!
FOR PEOPLE IN EUROPE: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace targeting the European Parliament and one specific for almost all countries in Europe, including Germany, Ireland, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Greece, Norway, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Austria, Belgium Romania and Ukraine
FOR PEOPLE IN THE UK: Friends of Al-Aqsa UK and Palestine Solidarity UK have made toolkits for calls and emails
FOR PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA: Here's a toolkit by Stand With Palestine
FOR PEOPLE IN CANADA: Here's a toolkit by Indepent Jewish Voices for Canada
Join a protest. Here's a constantly updating list of protests:
Global calendar
Another global calendar (go to the instragram of the organizers to confirm your protest)
USA calendar
Australia calendar
Feel free to add more.
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horrorhorizon · 3 months
Palestine fundraisers masterpost
Every foundraiser has been verified or is highly likey ledgidaminant. I have been collecting these for a long time and in the start I did not track who verified what. This post is constanly being updated. please check notes for the most recent version
The longer fundraisers are active, the more money needed, as cost of living is extremely high with no avaible work. It is normal that goal gets increased with time!
Website with vetted fundraisers Easy to use and simple. Just share the site whenever someone asks for GFMs for Palestine.
Operation olive branch
Providing water
esims needed!
crips for esims
Palestine activists legal funds
Muhammad Al-Habil low on founds, elderly, children, multiple members in need of medical care
Siraj's Family low on founds, children (fundraiser unavaible. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Iyad sobhe low on founds, elderly (fundraiser unavaible. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Ruba Abushaban low on founds, elderly, medical care needed (fundraiser unavaible. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Fadi Al-Sharif infant child
Tabseem AbuJamie extremely low on founds, children, medical care needed
Hala's family low on founds, toddler (fundraiser unavaible. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Hani Alhajjar 2 toddlers close to goal!
Mariam Radi 3 children under 6
Nour Krayyem low on founds, 9 children, 20 family members killed
Asaad Herzallah low on founds, a child
Hussam Aburamadan low on founds, many children, newborn, elderly vetted link
Mohmmed Alshaer low on founds, multiple children under 10. (Currently not accepting donations. I do not now why 17-09-2024. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Jumana Elhalless family now seeking aid for other members
Ahmed Hassan completed!
Hala Jad children, close to goal!
Said Tanani completed!
Halla Morshed' family low on founds, child
Helping the People of Gaza - Mutual Aid Fund provides displaced families with essential supplies, in need of constant donations vetted by el shab hussien
Maha Abu Shammalah completed!
Yousef Alswaisi Doctor who has been volunteering to aid
HELP GAZA'S CHILDREN! DONATE TODAY! see also Help Gaza Children under reading and actions listed in original post in need of constant donations
Dr.Ebraheem elderly, in need of medical aid
Zinh Aldahdoh completed!
Donia Tanani close to goal, child
Ahmed and his family completed!
Help Walid and family escape the horrors of Gaza! original goal completed and now aiding others and asking or cost of living in egypt due to not being allowed to work
Alaa Amsse 2 sick children, very low on funds, pregnant mother vetted by @/ibtisams!
Shehab family 5 children, elderly vetted by @/el-shab-hussein
Nada Saftaw children vetted by @/el-shab-hussein
Fadi Zakout seperated family, low on funds, children in need of emidate medical care vetted @/90-ghost
Abdallah Alanqar 4 children, one newborn, vetted @/sar-soor and @/nabulsi
Samer Abu Ras 3 children, low on funds vetted @/ibtisams
Amal Ashour infant under 2 vetted number 175
Samira Al-hapil Very low on founds, 4 young children vetted by @/90-ghost
Tahani Shorbajee low on funds, children vetted by @/el-shab-hussein
Mahmoud Qassas MEDICAL EMERGANCY, 3 childeren under 7
Mohammed Almanasra 3 children under 7, multiple family members martered, beloved pet cat, medical needs, #192 on the Vetted Gaza Fundraiser List
Bilal salah many children and infants under 8, including newborns, close to goal, Bilal is outside of Gaza and is going through emence struggles while having to worry about his family in Gaza #132 in the Spreadsheet
Reema Samara EXTREMLY low on funds, 5 year old, many family members martered, injuries vetted Gaza evacuation funds
Muna Abo Hamda child vetted el shab hussein
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to fall in deeper - Julien Baker x lacy!reader
jj chats: this has been one of the longest things ive written on this account and i am very proud of it!!! i hope this lives up to any expectations!!! also i recommend reading the first part before reading this it is linked here!
word count: almost 2000!!!
warnings: RPF, use of y/n, reader is a musician/famous, julien is kinda mean, someone passes out (not the reader, the boys or muna), reader calls julien 'jay'.
inspired by the request: i lovvved your love Julien fic based on lacy SO much!!! you’re crazy talented <3 would you consider writing more parts of it? 🎀🩷 like maybe how julien falls more and more in love and maybe an eventual angry love confession from julien, and their first date/kiss?
feedback is encouraged and i'd love to get some just please be kind!!!
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When MUNA went on tour, they asked their dear friends to perform as openers. It was on billboards and spread across social media: “Boygenius and (Y/N): openers for The Greatest Band in the World”. All parties were ebullient, another few months of music, laughter, and fun. Everyone except Julien Baker, Julien wasn’t pleased when she found out you were the other opener. She despised the feeling she got in her gut when your name was mentioned, she couldn’t decide what it meant. She was torn between it being contempt or admiration. She didn’t like not knowing, she didn’t like the fact she couldn’t figure you out, let alone figure out her own feelings for you. 
So far the tour had been faring well. There were huge crowds showing up every night, all screaming out the lyrics to their favorite MUNA hits. Everything was going well, until August 6th, a Friday night. It was exceptionally hot and it was starting to take a toll on the musicians. However  they were all pushing through, they had loud fans backstage that gave them some relief from the heat and could basically get away with no shirt on stage. So far, the night was going well, besides the heat. Lucy and Julien sat in front of a large fan, while Phoebe and you stood in front of another one. MUNA was performing on stage, while you all waited until the last song, “Silk Chiffon” . It was always a nice surprise to the fans when you four came bobbing up on stage singing along, dancing with one another. 
Phoebe sighed, turning towards you “Want to go back with me to get some water?”
Your eyes darted to the right, where your water bottle stood proud and tall, still about half full. “No Pheobs I’m okay! I’ll walk with you though!” 
“Oh no dude you’re good,” The platinum blond turned to Lucy and proposed the same question.
“Yeah my water ran out like 5 minutes ago,” Lucy hopped up from her seat, moving towards an already upright Phoebe who was wiping her forehead with the back of her hand, sweat droplets rolling off. “Be right back guys!” 
Before they turned the corner you checked the time and yelled to the singers “I think there's only two more songs till Silk Chiffon so hurry!” Lucy and Phoebe nodded to you and continued their walk to wherever they were storing the water bottles. Out of the corner of your eye you spotted Julien rolling her eyes.
You turned your body to hers, you ignored her obvious irritation towards you and smiling you asked, “You good Julien? I got some water if you need it!”
“Yeah I’m fine. Thanks.” The tattooed woman replied, curtly. 
“Ohhhkay,” you said, confused by her tone. You thought for a minute going back over the day to see if you did anything that would warrant that reaction. You couldn’t find anything, but you did remember how Julien really hadn’t ever been that cordial to you, not since that night outside the restaurant where she found you crying. In a moment of panic you asked the woman sitting 5 feet from you, “Did I do something?”
Julien turned towards you, obviously dumbstruck by your question. She hesitated before responding, you could practically see the wheels turning behind her eyes, “No, you didn’t do anything.”
Quickly you replied, desperate to figure out where you went wrong. “You act weird around me.”
You could see a flash of panic move over Julien;s face before it was replaced with a look of annoyance. “How do I act weird around you?” Julien asked as if it was the most absurd sentence you could have chosen to have said. 
“You don’t talk to me ever, you avoid me, you don’t reply to my texts in the groupchat. Yesterday on stage you avoided me every chance you got. I get that we aren’t really close but do you have to pretend like I’m not even there? Like I don’t even matter?” Your voice started to strain towards the end of your dialogue, you could feel your eyes start to water.
“I-I don’t-” 
Julien was cut off by a very energetic Phoebe who came skipping backstage.  “We’re on stage in like a minute guys! Grab your mics!” 
You quickly got up, blinking back your tears as you approached a table, grabbing a mic. You settled your breathing as Lucy came up to you. “You okay?” She asked, voice laced with worry.
“Mhm! I’m fine! I think the heat is just getting to me!” You replied, your voice steady. You’re honestly surprised at how fast you pulled yourself together.
MUNA was on stage finishing up their second to last song for the night when Katie yelled into her microphone, “Thank you all for such a gorgeous night! We have one last song! Can you all welcome our guests to the stage please?” The crowd begins to go crazy. 
One by one the 4 of you run out on stage as the band starts playing “Silk Chiffon”. Your eyes scan over the crowd, everyone is having an amazing time, they all look tired, but in a euphoric concert driven tiredness. Until you spot one girl near the front of the barricade. She looks as if she's about to pass out, and the people around her don’t seem to notice. You brush it off, but decide to keep an eye on her just in case something happens.
As the band starts to play the music fills your body, heating your veins with electricity. You move the mic to your mouth as you sing background for Katie. This was always one of your favorite parts of the show, the harmony between all of your voices, the feeling of being alive and showing it through music. Phoebe rushes up to you and grabs your wrist, twirling you around and smiling wide at you. She leans in and gives you a kiss on your cheek before your bodies find natural sync, dancing together. Everything always gets too chaotic when the 7 of you are all on stage. AS your eyes move from  Phoebes to the rest of the talent on stage you spot Julien glaring at you, your cheeks redden and you can’t distinguish whether it's from the heat or the shorter woman's dangerous stare.
Suddenly you remember that girl in the audience and when you look back to her place, you see her almost going limp, merely held up by the sweating bodies around her. Immediately your mind moves fast, remembering your highschool first aid lessons on heat stroke. Your brain quickly runs down her obvious symptoms and realizes it could be severe dehydration or worse, heat stroke. You quickly let go of Phoebe's arm and run backstage to grab a water bottle and someone to help you. 
Phoebe is confused, her eyes follow you backstage until she sees you grab a bottle of water. Too caught up in the moment she thinks you need a drink. She assumes nothing is wrong and then goes over to Jo to dance with her. The others don't realize your absence, too caught up in the song. Except Julien.
Julien was keeping a close eye on you when you were on stage, she saw every time you glanced at that specific spot in the barricade. Though she didn’t follow you, not until you suddenly appeared on the lawn in front of the stage with a medical professional and a security guard. 
You run to the dehydrated woman and then help her get to a cooler spot, and give her small sips of water to hydrate her. You couldn’t care less about the concert at that point, too concentrated on making sure this person was alright. 
Julien’s stomach started to churn, once again you were proving to her that you were perfect. There wasn’t anything Julien could flaw you on at this point. You stopped singing in the middle of a concert to go and take care of someone in need. How could she avoid her true feelings now? 
The song came to a close, and the bands lined up, wrapping their arms around each other's waists and bowing. Naomi, Jo and Katie blew kisses to the crowd and then they all walked offstage, a concert well performed. 
As Phoebe looked backstage she didn’t see you. She turned to the group and asked, “Did anyone see where (Y/N) went?” 
It came as a surprise to everyone when Julien answered, “They went to help someone in the audience, I saw them with medical.” 
Everyone nodded, Jo hoped the person was okay. Katie and Naomi went to ask someone about what had happened. It wasn’t soon after that you showed up.
Walking back to where you had just appeared from, Naomi and Katie both asked you “What happened?”
You told them that “Some girl in the barricade got really dehydrated and passed out, but she’s alright now!” 
A sigh of relief was heard from all 6 people, relieved that everyone was okay. Small chit chat was made until Jo spoke up “Okay I don’t know about you guys but it is hot as hell out here and I am going somewhere with air conditioning!”
“Finally someone said it!”
“Thank god I was starting to think I’d melt,”
Naomi, Katie, Lucy, and Phoebe dispersed after Jo, all talking about some record they’d listened to recently or where to get takeout from.
Julien stayed behind, and just as you were about to follow after the others she caught your arm. You turned towards her, “What’s up Jay?” The nickname leaves your lips in a second before you could think to not say it. 
Julien looked at you strangely and let go of your arm, not really realizing she had grabbed it in the first place. Another round of butterflies flew through her body as you looked at her questioningly.. “That was super cool what you did for that girl. Leaving mid song I mean.” 
You sighed, you were starting to get frustrated with her antics. Did she loathe you? Were you two friends? It seemed every other minute her feelings towards you changed. It was confusing the hell out of you. “Thanks.” You clipped, starting to walk away.
“That’s it?” Julien asked from behind you.
As you turned back around you noticed she stood as if trying to make her 5 foot frame seem taller, not that it was working. “What?”
“‘Thanks.’ That’s all you're gonna say? Normally you're much more chatty,” Julien laughed.
“I don’t know what you want from me Julien.” 
Julien pauses, looking at you with questions written all over her face.
“When I talk to you, you get snippy and you’re mean. When I don’t talk to you, you want me to talk more. I don’t get what your deal is with me?” You whisper-yelled, afraid someone from the crew would see your argument.
“I-” Julien stuttered, not being able to come up with anything to say.
Finally done with the back and forth banter that has been hurting your feelings ever since you met Julien you declared, “If you don’t want to be my friend just say it.”
Julien looked at you, eyes wide. You watched her as the gears turned in her head, trying to come up with what to say. You gave her a chance to explain herself, you set a mental timer of 30 seconds, if she didn’t say anything then you would go away. 
Those 30 seconds flew by without a peep from Julien, your eyes teared up as you spoke, “Fine, I’ll see you later I guess.” Turning around you went to your tour bus, wondering what you did to get Julien to dislike you so.
The only thing going through Julien’s mind was how she screwed up, bad.
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sehyunie23 · 3 months
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Huwag Muna Tayong Umuwi - (BINI Mikha)
A night is commonly linked to the time where people rest or time where work ends. Countless hours passed and many if not almost all of the people were either fatigued or stressed from school and their everyday lives. Though normal for the eyes of some, all of us can't deny the repetition sometimes makes our life bland.
“Bilisan mo YN !!! Matra-trapik tayo!” Mikha said as she ushered him to hurry up because of the scary traffic of Manila, reasonable reasoning tho…
But not these two people named YN and Mikha whose energy is recharged when they are together, talking through their phones, or even just sending some random photos while chatting their day. They can't see each other everyday because of life constrictions, but today, this is a rare day where Mikha and YN can meet and date.
“Sandali lang! Excited ka naman masyado,” YN released a chuckle which also made Mikha whine like a baby. A sight to behold for YN though as the way her eyes squint and nose scrunches every whine she is doing, an uncontrollable force got over him and slowly, his hands connected to her soft cheek like a marshmallow and pillow.
“Ano ginagawa mo?! Huyyy!!! Ako lang to!” Mikha said to YN as the man just giggled at her reaction while unbeknownst to him is that this is one way how Mikha deals with the flutterness in her heart. 
Mikha fanned herself as she went out of the house she is living in, meaning YN is there to pick her up for her date. The couple were busy with their own career in life, hobbies, and friends but this day is a special day for them.
YN arranged something for fun that will surely make Mikha happy and destress from the negative outlets that surround her. The girl group Mikha belongs in, BINI is garnering popularity these days which they do truly deserve but on the opposite side, haters will also hate.
With their simple outing, YN aims to boost her happiness to the roof, supporting Mikha in her activities, as well in her dream to perform and make people happy.
“Bilis mo naman maglakad Mikha,”  YN voiced out as he saw Mikha have created a distance between them as she walked out first. Mikha looked back and saw her partner walking to her, she smiled and chuckled as she stopped and awaits for the man who she loves.
“Hindi ako mabilis, ikaw lang tong mabagal,” Mikha chuckles and when YN caught up with her, he stretched his right arm and slowly enveloped Mikha in a hug of security and warmth.
“Clingy ah~,” Mikha said and booped YN's nose and the man scrunched it as a response.
“Sulitin mo na, hindi na kita papakawalan,” YN smirked while Mikha laughed loudly and slapped YN's shoulder repeatedly as she found this cringy, yet so beautiful to hear.
“Sabi mo, panindigan mo,” Mikha sternly said to YN and the man nodded and pecked her crown.
“Of course. Not gonna let go of that promise alright,” YN assured Mikha and while the girl already knows this, it's relieving for her to hear that they are committed to this relationship.
Although young and still have many paths to walk on, YN and Mikha try their best to be the leaning shoulder for each one. Remove the celebrity title for today as today, they are just a normal couple who is sharing mutual feelings.
“Saan na tayo nito? Masarap yakap pero gusto ko parin umalis,” Mikha spoke out in a teasing manner, making YN playfully roll his eyes which popped a nerve in Mikha's head.
“Ah ganon… sige wag na pala,” Mikha began to sulk, making the one who initiates the joke plead in for forgiveness. Y/n uses any words that can dilly-dally the mind of Mikha and make her calm down but when in reality, Mikha is always calm and a great actor, she can also actually make YN fluster like right now.
A couple of minutes passed of YN soothing Mikha, the girl gave in and laughed at YN whose mind is a mess from the jumbling of the right words he will use for his (pretending to be) sulky girlfriend.
YN then led Mikha to his car to start their date.
For the first itinerary of this date, YN brought Mikha to a volleyball match between rival colleges in the capital city. Mikha was beyond happy and was excited to watch a sport that she loved so much. Fun fact, Mikha was a volleyball player and a sporty girl!
YN bought the ticket and as soon as they entered the main hall of the arena, the energetic crowd greeted them, also pumping the adrenaline and excitement inside of their body.
Mikha was giddy from the time she entered and took a seat that was designated to her then, the game started.
The two teams rally and score with the spikes of their own, some points are from aces, and some are from the blocks of the tall players who are guarding at the net.
The ball alternated its court as it was being hit by the players. Watching a game of volleyball never disappoints as there is no such thing as a big lead, as long as you have the determination to win, you can win. 
Also, supporters of each school showed up as they nearly filled the arena to its full capacity. Mikha, who loves the game, was in bliss and her passion also comes out by saying something like; “Ay! Sayang!!!” or “YN, kaya ko kaya ma-spike yun?” Mikha’s emotion was in the game as well as like she was playing with the players in the court.
Set by set, each school got two each and now they are fighting for the 3rd set win. Only needing 15 points instead of 25, the fight just got fiercer. 
The last set commenced with the two teams rallying like crazy, literally diving for the ball at all cost just to set their team to attack. YN and Mikha were on the edge of their seats, while neither of them picked a team to support, the game itself will drag you to its intensity.
Two teams, the yellow team and the green team were fighting head to head until the libero of the green team miscalculated the trajectory of the ball, missing it and it also means that Yellow team has a point.
Mikha exhaled while holding YN's hand, fully immersed in the game they were watching.
“I-kalma mo Mikha, kulang nalang ikaw na pumalo ng bola eh,” YN used this opportunity to joke and his girlfriend just hugged him tightly with her eyes still on the court.
“Ay nako YN, papakitaan talaga kita pag ako naglaro,” Mikha said.
Game point, Yellow team served the ball to the opposite side of the court and green team received it and set up with a shot of its own. The setter of the green team throws the ball in the air and one, two people faked before the third person struck the ball but the yellow team saw this coming as the tall blockers blocked the shot, signifying the green team loses the game.
The players from the yellow team celebrated while the players from the green team motivated each other up and in the end, the sportsmanship prevailed as the players from both teams lined up in the net and greeted each other for a nice game.
Mikha on the other hand cheered loudly as the magnificent game had a magnificent ending, she jumped happily while YN just watched his girl with a smile while being happy and enjoying her time.
“Saan mo nanaman ako dadalhin?” Mikha asked, a little bit annoyed with YN but the man just shrugged it off.
“Basta magugustuhan mo yung lugar,” YN assured but Mikha continued to protest.
“Ih~ sige na! Sabihin mo na please~,” Mikha hugged YN’s arm and showed him the smile and cute face she can show but tonight, YN’s control of flutterness with Mikha is quite strong.
Mikha sees that any effort she does will not end in something she wants, she just lets YN drag her to the place. Though Mikha could assume something because they are already at BGC, maybe it will be a lovely dinner or bar hopping around the city.
YN held Mikha’s hand as they walked under the moon and stars who are floating above the vast emptiness of the horizon, also passing by the cars and other people who are exploring the city just like them. The city is not bustling anymore as many were not working, making this a more peaceful time for everyone.
As silence falls between them, the feeling of comfort strengthens as their hands are holding each other for warmth. A night in the Philippines is normally hot, but that didn't stop YN and Mikha from going out as the fire inside their hearts is far more important than just the hot weather. The warmth, love, and tranquillity they feel when they are together is far more beneficial not only for themselves, but also for the love they are still building.
The couple eventually reached BGC high street where a park with scattered vendors selling a variety of items was seen. Y/n turned to Mikha at this point and the latter also looked at him.
“Ikaw na masusunod. Saan mo gusto?” YN said and asked Mikha as the girl began to think. Though Mikha thought that YN had a plan, she smiled cheekily rather than being disappointed.
“Wala kang plano noh~,” Mikha teased while YN nodded, guilty as he had been caught.
“Yes. Nahuli mo ko,” YN chuckled as Mikha did the same. The girl didn't have to think long though as dinner immediately went inside her mind.
“Edi kumain na tayo, gabi narin naman,” Mikha said. YN nodded in agreement with her plan.
“Alright, saan mo gusto?” YN asked but Mikha suddenly pulled his arms and now, it's her turn to drag someone.
“Alam ko na kung saan, hehe~,” Mikha said happily while YN shook his head at her with a smile.
Mikha walked with YN beside her and they arrived at this restaurant which has a nice minimalist ambiance. The girl pointed to the restaurant and YN just shrugs but agrees to her suggestion.
The two entered the restaurant and were greeted by a waiter who also guided them to their seats. Come to the time they were ordering, Mikha was struggling on what food to eat as the menu of the restaurant looked so good, her eyes shifted to every dish name written.
YN saw how focused her girlfriend is at looking at the menu, making him release a chuckle, also loud enough to be heard by Mikha.
“Gusto ko kainin lahat!” Mikha whined, making YN laugh again.
“Bumalik nalang tayo dito para sa iba, pili ka nalang ng pinaka-gusto mo ngayon,” YN said as Mikha pouts but nodded.
“Sabi mo yan ah,” Mikha said, reassuring that YN will bring her back to the restaurant they are in.
“Sabihin mo lang kelan ka libre, dadalhin kita dito kahit pagod ako, para sayo, para lang makita ngiti mo,” YN said, adding his uhm… words.
“Huy!!! Ano sinasabi mo!” Mikha cringed at this and laughed at her partner who said the cheesiest line this evening, but even though that line is cringy, the adoration she felt for him just grew.
“Hehehe,at least napatawa kita,” YN said as Mikha just scrunched her nose but agreed with him.
“Sige~ oh, order na tayo ah?” Mikha with a smile asked and YN called the attention of one of the waiters to take their order.
YN and Mikha ate peacefully while throwing some topics in the mix, also using the time to catch up with each other's life and feelings.
Their dinner was a success as both of them were satisfied with the taste of the food they ordered. Paying and leaving the restaurant, the night was now late and the people outside in this city were lessened.
YN and Mikha walked around as winds hit their skin, cooling them off from the remnants of the heat left by the sun. Sitting at a bench, Mikha suddenly babbles with the air, making YN look at him weirdly.
“Ano ginagawa mo Mikha,” YN scooted closer and hugged his girlfriend. Mikha, who was now looking at the sky leaned her head at YN's chest and began to hum.
“Kinakausap ko lang yung langit, sinabi ko sana wag matapos yung araw na ito,” Mikha muttered. YN hummed and began to play with Mikha's hair.
“Bakit naman?” YN asked.
“Gusto ko lagi gento, magkasama tayo sa ilalim ng buwan, masaya, tahimik, nakikita ka,” Mikha said and slowly tightened her hug at YN.
“Hindi man lagi, pero sisikapin. Darating din yung araw na iyon Mikha,” YN said.
“Huwag muna tayong umuwi YN,” Mikha said softly.
“Heh, wala rin akong balak pa. Gusto pa kitang makasama,” YN said to her girlfriend. 
YN and Mikha then let the night pass by while hugging each other in the presence of comfort and warmth. Midnight arrived and that means a new day, but for the two, there is no early or late in the day as they are together, feeling the love they entrusted with each other.
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whenlostinthedarkness · 8 months
Afterglow: Chapter 4 - After
Lead Singer!Reader x Lead Guitarist!Ellie Williams
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Summary: Confronted with the realization of what you and Ellie have done brings on conversations, unexpected outcomes, and flashbacks from the past.
Warnings: Angst, Infidelity, and super SUPER small amount of sexual content.
WC: 3.9k
A/N: This chapter goes hand in hand with the song 'After' my MUNA. Listen Here. ALSO, I made a playlist for this series that I will be linking below.
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✮ taglist: @diddiqueen
✮ Series Masterlist
✮ Playlist
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Ellie POV
I could feel my bones shaking underneath my skin like a bird with a broken wing left to fend for itself in the dead of winter. 
The door was mere moments away, yet every move was agonizing as I relished in the feeling of my own stupidity and carelessness.
I always thought I was a selfish person. If things weren’t to my liking, I wasn’t afraid to change it regardless if that meant someone else was dealt a losing hand. I would often boil this down to me simply knowing what I wanted and not being afraid to set boundaries, which, I suppose in a way that’s what I was doing, but that didn’t dismiss the level of egotistical thinking that also came along with it. 
It’s funny. My selfishness got the better of me years ago when I broke the heart of the girl I was now ushering into the hotel suite where our infidelity took place. That very same selfishness was what drew me back to being entangled with her body last night with very little thought to who I was hurting in those moments..all I cared about was what I wanted.
As I closed the heavy door that spoke a moderate screech as it latched to the door frame, she began to sob. I didn’t know what to do.
I rarely cried because I didn’t know how to deal with my own emotions, and here, in front of me, was someone who I fucked everything up with- who was crying because of something that I initiated and something that I promised was going to be okay. I knew they were empty words, yet I wanted it so badly. I wanted her so badly.
I wanted all of it, I wanted the sex, the lack of clothing, the closeness..but specifically, I wanted it to all be with her. 
She was like an addiction that I couldn’t control when it was within reach which is why the distance we both silently agreed upon was working so well, until it wasn’t. Until it was dangled above my head within reach and I had no other choice than to grab it and devour every inch of her.
My mind exited it’s blur as I came into focus of her and the surroundings. On the very bed where I fucked this person, she was now sat down & desperately pulling manual breath after breath through her pursed lips as she tried to calm the tears that were running out of control.
All I could think to do was stand over her with a palm laid flat on her shoulder. It was the only comfort my mind could muster up enough courage to allow my body to display with another person.
Her hand was dampened slightly from her tears, yet I didn’t mind the way she grasped onto my arm that was connecting the both of us together.
“Please Ellie”, She choked out between sniffles and the clearing of mucus out of her throat. What was she pleading for?
“Please what?”
“Please just make it stop.”
The realization was now pelting me as the guilt and the emotions and the shame were building and building and building until I too felt a single drop of water trickle out from my eyelids. Of course, I was quick to wipe it away.
“I want to- I really wish I could.”
That didn’t seem satisfying to her, and hell, I would’ve rolled my eyes as well if someone who was a large factor in a mess like this was saying the obvious.
Still, her grip on my arm got more severe as her tears started coming back down with force and speed. My inability to handle emotions didn’t make me a monster, I promise. I knew when I needed to set my own discomfort down, even if I only did it for a select few.
She was my select few.
It was like a switch flipped as I sat down next to her with each arm wrapped around her sobbing body as she let her emotions drip down the front of my shirt. 
We rocked back and forth as I gave her the time to let out what she was forced to hold in all throughout the morning.
Envy was a word to describe how I felt as my eyes watched her empty out all of her harbored feelings, yet a single tear from my own eye made me feel like a fucking coward. I was pathetic.
“It’s okay,” I cooed against the side of her head as my hand came to cradle the side of her face against my chest- Something that made me feel safe and I hoped it did the same for her as well.
After several minutes, her eyes became dry and her sobs turned into sniffles.
I allowed my hand to relax against the top of my thigh as she blew her nose into a tissue that was in a box nearby. Her cheeks were as red as a mistletoe - I wanted to kiss it and make it all better.
But that’s foolish, right?
That’s incredibly stupid to think about engaging in that sort of intimacy with the very person who I caused fresh harm to and yet…the selfishness ensued. 
“Thank you”, she spoke with puffy eyes that avoided mine as she clasped her hands in the center of her lap.
I nodded in what felt like slow motion as I observed her like some sort of experiment that was teetering on the edge of explosion. Why didn’t I feel like she did? Why wasn’t I the one sobbing? I’m the one who's hurt not one, but two people who are very close to my heart and yet I couldn't feel what a person who did what I did should be feeling. 
All I could feel was remorse due to the pain I was causing to the beautiful daisy in front of me - I was plucking away the petals that she’d clearly worked hard to grow during our time broken up. 
“Sorry I uh..I lost it i guess.” She ended her sentence with a laugh that was so masked, even a stranger would’ve known she was lying through the pain.
“You’re fine. It’s uh-understandable.”
She nodded reassuringly as she slowly moved her body a centimeter away from mine. She didn’t think I'd notice, but she was all that was on my mind. 
She was pulling away from me physically and mentally.
“Sorry for how I was acting earlier-” She interrupted with a slow hand being waved, which made me pause my words.
“You have every right to act that way Ellie. What we did was..” she trailed off, obviously not wanting to say the sin out loud and I couldn’t blame her for it.
However, one thing I wasn’t going to allow her to do was take the blame.
“It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have come on to you like that and put you in that sort of position.”
She shook her head fervently, “I wanted it to. I wanted it just as much as you did…I could’ve pulled back at any time, but I chose not to. This is something we both did Ellie.”
Now it was time for me to shake my head as both of my hands instinctively went to clutch around her still folded ones. “No..no. I won’t let you take the blame for this! I was stupi-”
“We were both stupid El!” Her voice rang out in contrast to how small and weak she looked.
I found myself chewing on my lip as I tried to think of what to say next. What could I possibly say that could make this thing magically disappear or feel like nothing…even though it meant everything.
“How about we just forget about it, alright?”
This clearly wasn't the solution she was looking for.
“Forget about it huh? Just like that?”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” I grimaced as I shook my head. A surge of energy brought me up to my feet as I began to aimlessly pace the floor in an attempt to release everything that I was feeling inside. Except none of it worked. None of the pacing or chewing or mental swearing at myself was working and I began to convince myself that this was going to be my new normal.
“Do you think we should tell..”her voice trailed off as our eyes met. I could see the answer all over her face.
“Kat? You think we should tell Kat?!”
She joined me as she rose to her feet while her body visibly shook. “I don’t know! I don’t know what else to do and she deserves to know!”
Our bodies were parallel as we stood in front of the other.
I knew she was right, yet I didn’t want to say a word to Kat. I didn’t even want to think about her. “That’s my decision if I want to tell her or not.”
She groaned as her hands met her hips that were hugged nicely with a medium wash denim. My eyes couldn’t help but travel and remember the lust that my eyes got to take in last night.
“You’re kidding me right?”
I shrugged my heavy shoulders as my hands rubbed themselves together. “She’s my girlfriend.”
Ouch. The word made her flinch as if she had forgotten or was convincing herself of my life being different than it actually was.
I could tell she was furious as she tried to gather the words she wanted to say. “How could you not say anything to her about this?”
The way her mouth enunciated every harsh word- The way her chest moved as her hands spoke alongside her words- I found myself enamored again, just as I had felt last night.
“Because..” I felt the urge getting the best of me and I didn't want to give in. Instead, I allowed my body to move closer to hers; too close for the occasion between two people who’d engaged in immoral things the night before.
This made her eyes move up to mine as she held our gaze with a slightly gaping mouth. Her lips were taunting me.
I continued moving forward until we were almost touching which made her begin to move backwards until eventually her back was against the wall and my palm was moving past her shoulders to rest against the same wall.
Surely she could feel the warmth of my breath and the smell of the green tea coming off of my tongue. That’s how close we were as we watched the other in silence.
I could tell that she wanted to give in just as much as I did; The real question was who would have the guts to do it first?
She gave me a shock as she quickly moved towards me so our lips ran into each other. Without skipping a beat, I latched onto her mouth as her hand grabbed onto my bicep and mine on her waist.
This kiss was strong, yet so slow. Too slow for someone to consider it to be simple quick lust. 
However, I had already convinced myself that I just wanted a good fuck with someone who was familiar and close and she happened to be closer than ever and so fucking familiar. No matter how much I wanted to deny it, I could tell that there was something else there-some other feeling.
Our kisses turned hot as her mouth followed along with me. My tongue was buried deep down her throat as she shamelessly allowed herself to break the barrier of the hem of my shirt and rest her hand on my bare stomach.
Everything felt familiar and close, just like I had wanted, yet there was something missing and I wasn’t sure what. I figured continuing to practically fuck with our clothes on would suffice for now.
My hands were wandering every inch of the clothes that were set on her body as I pulled the fabric around her waist closer...until there was a knock on the door.
Our lips broke apart with loud breathing and all I could bother to care about was the way her lips were turned up in a smile I would allow to shoot me in the head had it held me at gunpoint. 
I smirked at her while my hands went to smooth down my hair and adjust my clothing that her hands had bunched up before opening the door to find the same person I had seen this morning at this very door.
“Sup D?”
Dina's eyes looked worried and they should’ve been.
“Me and Jesse are about to head out and I wanted to check if you guys wanted to go with us.” She spoke slowly as her eyes searched behind me while she, what I assumed, was trying to decipher what was happening.
“Yeah, yeah sure. I think I'm basically packed.” I spoke so casually, yet instantly my mind began figuring out how I could pack up my belongings that I hadn’t touched as quickly as possible.
“Okay”, Dina nodded, now searching my face for any evidence, but i’d never let her see through me that easily.
We both stood there with my hand silently still holding the door open and Dina continuing to look around the room. That is, until the girl behind me gave Dina the clarification that would put her mind at ease. 
I turned around to find her with a hand on the handle of her suitcase as she wore a warm smile. “I can head down now with you guys. Ellie, can meet us.”
My mouth parted as I nodded and licked my lips. “Sounds good.”
“Great!” she said with a voice so damn cheery, it was whiplash from how she had been an hour or so ago at breakfast when we were both acting as if the other didn’t exist and that what we did didn’t exist as well. 
Dina eyed her suspiciously, then glanced back at me as I moved myself to the side to allow her to exit down the hallway with our fellow bandmate.
“Don’t take forever El,” she said with a smirk that felt like an inside joke that was only between me and her. In some way, it was. 
I shook my head and flashed her a smile as I watched the way her ass moved with every step she made. No doubt she was teasing me by the over-exaggerated movements and I was buying into everything she was selling.
After the both of them disappeared down the hall I let the door shut behind me as I took in the silence for the very first time.
I should’ve felt guilty. I shouldn’t feel like a school girl with a little crush that no one knew about besides me and her, but I did.
I didn’t care that I was cheating on my girlfriend and entwining her in this mess and I certainly didn’t entertain the thought of this ending any time soon. Not as long as she was a willing participant.
. . . . . . . . .
The ride to the record store was nothing short of normal. You and Dina sat in the middle two seats & Ellie and Jesse took the very back ones just as usual.
The conversation between Jesse and Ellie was flowing as the noise of whatever video they were amused by played gently in the background. It was as if everything was right and neither of you had done anything wrong.
Usually car rides were your time to chat with Dina, except this time she was silent with her head resting against the frosted glass and her eyes gently closed. It felt odd.
The wave of paranoia was inevitable, but you tried to assure yourself that it was nothing to worry about. Maybe she was something as simple as tired or not wanting to do this signing. That’s what you told yourself in order for your face not to feel warm and your stomach not to feel a drop of dread.
“Are you ready for this?” You said in an attempt to clear the air and your anxieties, which seemed to work in some way.
Dina opened her eyes, “I guess? Not sure what to really expect honestly.”
“I assume it’ll be chill.”
Dina nodded, her hair getting smothered against the window that still held the weight of her dark hair that was laying in its naturally wavy state.
“We’ll see..do you think they’ll let us shop?”
You giggled, “Maybe if we beg.”
There was that smile that you were needing. That expression that Dina normally wore when something was humorous was much more to your liking than that indecipherable other one that was leaving you a mess.
The conversation between you and Dina began to go on as it normally would. The both of you discussing the latest albums you would want to pick up if you did in fact get some time to browse the store you would be signing at along with other current event topics. 
It felt normal. It felt like you could breathe.
Eventually the SUV came to a halt and you and the rest of your bandmates were piling out of the car and onto the sidewalk that was directly in front of the record store.
A long line greeted you with squeals and smiles as the people in single file wrapped around the brick building. Wide eyes looked at you and the rest of the band with an awe that you never got tired of seeing.
With a small welcoming wave, the band started walking their way to the front door which seemed to intensify the reactions of the crowd.
One person held their phone out to try to get a photo with any of the beloved members, another shouted out Ellie's name and how much they loved her..along with some other obscenities that you would be lying if you said you didn’t feel a tinge of jealousy from.
The group finally made it through the threshold of the front door that was unlocked by an employee that was waiting inside the empty record store.
The space was massive, something resemblant of an old warehouse, which it very well could’ve been considering the square footage and the large ceilings.
You looked around the rows and rows of thin cardboard that was contained in a shelf customized to hold the size of the covered records. The smell was comparable to a bookstore; you only wished you could bottle up the scent and turn it into an immortal candle.
Once the initial fixation of the place wore off, your eyes moved to Ellie. She was standing next to you with the biggest, brightest eyes and the most gleeful smile as she took in the space. It was like a kid in a giant toy store.
. . . . 
4 years ago
“God damn it Ellie”, you let out a deep breath as you set the heavy duty box on the ground a little too harshly for Ellie’s liking.
“Careful,” Ellie winced as she walked over to the box and set her hand on top of it as if she were giving it comfort.
You almost busted out laughing, but decided to hold it in as best as you could. However, Ellie instinctively knew you were masking the urge to chuckle at the amount of love she had for her vinyl records. You were always one to playfully taunt and she loved that about you.
With soft eyes, Ellie looked up to find your massive grin, one that she knew too well.
Her arms went around your waist as she lifted you a couple inches off of the ground and spun you 180 degrees. Both of your eyes held one another as the love you felt for this girl was throbbing red and raw and all the insanely wonderful feelings that came with being young and in love for the very first time. 
“Be nice.”
“I didn’t say anything!”
Ellie rolled her eyes, but still kept a friendly disposition. “I know you’re thinking about it.”
You shrugged your shoulders as your hip bumped the side of Ellie’s body. “You’re just cute is all.”
Ellie gazed at you with the same raw love as her arm wrapped around your body from the side as the both of you stood in silence.
The two of you stood in a bare apartment with nothing but a welcome mat set at the main door. People said that you both were moving too fast, that being together for a year was too short of a time to move in with each other, yet you both decided against everyone's opinions and scrutiny. Because you were in love for the very first time and being in love feels like the sting of a tattoo gun. You anticipate the needle punching ink into your skin, yet when you sit in the chair and the needle is buzzing in your ear you feel a sort of hesitation and fear, but at the end of it all you see the art decorating your skin and somehow the pain of it all was worth it. 
That’s how your love with Ellie felt. Regardless of the arguments and petty mumblings of words that both of you would regret, it was always worth it. 
“How about we christen this place.”
Ellie made her way over to sit in front of her beloved record player that sat in the corner on the wooden floor. She began thumbing through the box of her records, but she couldn’t quite find a record that would be fitting to this occasion-that’s when she got a better idea.
“Hey,” Ellie looked at you over her shoulder, “Come pick one.”
You smiled and set the plate back into the box you had began emptying as you exchanged unpacking for entertaining your girlfriend's little ritual.
“What genre are you thinking?”
“Whatever you feel drawn to. I want you to pick babe,” Ellie said as she plugged the turntable into the nearest outlet, meanwhile you couldn’t help but feel honored, not just to pick a record when you knew Ellie had stern music taste, but also because you were getting the opportunity to live with someone you wanted to spend your life with. 
“How about this one?” You pulled the record, that had become a favorite of yours, out of the box and held it up in front of your chest.
Ellie’s mouth turned up into a bright closed lip smile as she nodded. “It’s perfect.”
Soon the music began to flow through yours and Ellie’s new home as you both busied yourself with unpacking various belongings, not that either of you had very much to begin with. 
It felt like a home and that’s what mattered. It’s a shame neither of you knew what would become of your relationship in such a short time.
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summeryseaserpent · 4 months
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Don't take Muna's mains!
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ratedfleur · 8 months
bend over, pretty girl.
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↳ an excerpt to ganda and pogi’s world.
wherein motorcyclist!hao gets a little worked up when you wore one of his favorite skirts on you as he drove. what could go wrong?
zhanghao x filo!reader 2.6k word count genre ୭ explicit
🏷️ : motorcyclist!hao, outdoor sex, voyeurism (but no one is there), exhibitionism, creampie, dialogue is written in filo!
🔞 / nsfw link: smut visuals
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it was way past rush hour when hao came to pick you up, he was waiting by his favorite ride, astra, as he scrolled on his phone before you came, calling out to him before you came up to him.
“hi ganda, tired na po?” hao says as he pockets his phone before grabbing your bag from you, placing it on the seat behind him before he lets you wrap your arms around his waist, breathing in his cologne.
you nod as you tighten your arms around his frame, feeling hao do the same before he settled his lips on your shoulder to kiss it.
“inaantok na pero—“ you say before your stomach growls, making hao chuckle as you blushed profusely.
he doesn’t mention it, instead he pulls away from the hug and takes your helmet from his motorcycle before slipping it on your head, safely buckling it in underneath your chin.
hao smiles before he flips the face shield down, taking your hand to lean in to place a soft kiss on the back of your hand, making you chuckle as you shook your head.
“let’s eat muna bago tayo umuwi.” hao says before he helps you hop on the bike, his brain briefly short circuits when he sees that you were wearing thee skirt that gets his brain all mushy.
innocently, you looked at hao who blinked a few times before he too hopped on the bike, securing his own helmet in place before he revved up his bike a few times before he drives off and has dinner with you which has your tummy happy.
nearly an hour and a half later, you two are going on a leisure drive, passing time before you both headed home. sometimes, you both liked to ride together just to spend time with each other, liking how the breeze would feel on your skin all while looking at the city’s landscapes.
but to hao, he liked to hear your giggles and satisfied sighs through the coms in the helmet, speaking to you ever so often. he liked that you enjoyed going on a ride with him despite the nerves rushing through your veins, he loved that you were able to take a quick breather with him.
“saan tayo pupunta, pogi?” you asked as hao kept driving ahead, heading into streets that he recognized.
“no place in mind naman, ganda. may gusto kang puntahan?” hao answers, looking over at you through the side mirrors, meeting eyes with you before you both smile at each other.
you shake your head, “take me wherever you desire, pogi. ikaw bahala.” you replied, trusting hao with wherever he wanted to go.
following your orders, hao just keeps driving, soon heading into the highways where he could rev up his bike before zooming through the highways like a bird in the sky.
you squeal before wrapping your arms tighter around hao’s waist when he picks up the pace.
when the pace is a little too fast, it gets a little too windy, giving you a subtle reminder that you were wearing quite a short skirt. now, your skirt was hiking up your thighs, bits of the fabric scrunched up on your front as you tried to keep it flat on your thighs.
he notices this as he feels you unwrap one arm off of his waist, pushing the skirt down in between your thighs.
hao tries so hard not to make your skirt fly up despite his fast speed, the wind glides through your skirt, you squeeze the front part of your skirt in between your thighs before pulling yourself closer to hao who’s hands tighten on the handlebars.
“babe, ang bilis— my skirt—“ you stuttered as you kept trying to keep the fabric still in between your thighs but despite the attempt to do so, it kept flying up due to the wind and speed that hao kept.
since you had your arms wrapped around hao’s waist, you had no choice but to inch closer towards hao’s back to keep your skirt in between your bodies, trying to avoid flashing those on the other side of the road.
but really, nobody could actually get a peek with how fast hao was going on the highway.
he mentally groans and curses when he feels your front pressing against his back, inching closer towards him innocently without knowing how worked up your boyfriend was getting as he drove.
“wait lang ha? i’m getting off the highway soon.” hao spoke, feeling you nod behind him as you crept closer to his back, now your front was placed right behind hao, separated by his favorite jacket and your top.
true to his words, hao does get off the highway and enters the city, his pace slowly slows down as he drove, making you sigh in relief as you took an arm off of his waist, now able to fix your skirt that was now fully hiked up, giving anyone a peek of your red panties if they were awake during these unholy hours.
“sorry, should’ve given you my jacket pala bago tayo pumunta ng highway.” he says softly before turning into a corner, hearing you hum when he turns into a secluded parking, thee secluded parking lot that you two dirtied up years ago.
hao smoothly parks into one of the darker parts of the parking lot, shutting the engine off once he parks his motorcycle.
unraveling your arms from his waist, hao hops off before taking off his helmet, placing it on the floor by the front of his bike.
hao’s hair is messy by then, he fluffs it up with e hand before he looks over at you taking off your own helmet, handing it over to him despite not knowing why you did so.
“harap ka nga, ganda.” hao says as he inched closer to you, watching as you shuffled in your seat, now letting your legs dangle over one side of the motorcycle as you faced hao who’s hands reached for your exposed thighs, caressing the goose-bumped covered skin from the cold breeze earlier.
“you like teasing me, huh? yung favorite ko pa talaga suot mo e alam mong susunduin kita gamit motor?” hao snickers when you blinked helplessly, not even trying to defend yourself. you liked to look pretty, but you loved it when hao drooled over you especially when you wore skirts around him.
“cat got your tongue, hmm?” he says before he reaches for your wrist, pulling you for you to stumble right on your feet as you hopped off, standing right in front of hao.
“ano? tutuwad ka o tutuwad ka?” hao asks, hand now busy in untying his sweatpants before you quickly turned around, flipping your skirt up and slipping your panties off, leaving it to dangle on your knees before you bent over for hao, forearms flat on his bike’s seat as you turned your head to look at hao who now jerked himself off as he came close to you.
“mag-ingay ka, ha? let it all out, wanna hear who makes you feel good.” hao purrs as he inched closer towards you, cockhead away from your hole by a few inches.
you could feel his head poking your cheeks as he jerked himself off, hearing hao’s grunts as he got himself fully hard for you before he inched closer before he reached and spread your cheeks apart just enough for him to slip right inside of your pussy, making you gasp and drop your head at the feeling of hao filling you up.
your mouth instantly releases breathy moans and calls, hips pushing back to further slip hao’s cock inside of you. your walls immediately pulse around his length, clenching repeatedly around his girth as hao starts to thrust inside of you, cock head hitting right at your spot because of your position.
your body nearly moves out of instinct, you move and rock forward, pulling your pussy off of hao’s cock before pushing your hips back, ass meeting with hao’s pelvis as you sunk back on his cock, repeating it before hao started to thrust into you, picking up the pace nearly immediately.
whilst pounding into you and listening to your loud moans that echoed into the dead of the night, hao’s hand reached down towards your pussy, fingers meeting with your puffy folds that dripped with slick as he kept thrusting into you.
the sound of squelch filled the quiet parking lot along with your moans, sounds of skin slapping were getting louder and louder by the minute because of how worked up hao was being especially with his thrusts and the way he touched you.
his nimble fingers quickly made their way in between your folds, meeting with your swollen clit that begged to be touched. your cries were desperate and loud once hao started rubbing your clit, no longer caring that you were in public as you moaned wantonly.
hao’s fingers are moving expertly against your pussy, pads of his fingers placed atop your clit as he massages them while thrusting, “basang basa ka, babe.” he hums, thrusting into you even faster when you moan as a reply, pussy clenching around his girth as you pushed your hips back, fucking yourself on him as he thrusted.
you continue to bounce on hao’s cock, moaning wantonly as he fucks you even harder, his hips roll even harder against yours as you pull yourself off of his dick before sinking back.
he knew you were slowly going dumb, only a few words were being spewed from your mouth along with his nicknames that you liked to call him.
“baby.. hmm sarap aahh.. bilis pa.” you moaned, picking your head back up as you threw a hand through your hair, brushing it up before hao pulled his entire length out before slamming it all into you, making you yelp before you held onto the sides of the seat.
hao keeps on slamming his cock into you until he fills you up to the brim, reaching deep into you as he grinds his hips against yours.
your pussy drips with slick after every thrust, your slick and hao’s precum dripped out of your pussy and onto your inner thigh, making each sound of skin slapping get even wetter because of how wet your thighs were getting.
by now, your skirt became all wrinkled by the way that hao held it in his hands as he gripped your waist, pulling you closer as he’s pounding your pussy.
sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, all hao could hear was your muffled whines, wet skin slapping against each other, and the squelch in between your legs.
“ano babe? sarap na sarap ka na agad?” hao chuckles when your pussy siezes up around his cock when he spoke, a silent reply to his question.
stilling his hips behind you, hao kept his entire length inside of you as he stopped moving, making you whine as you looked back at hao.
he looks at you with a teasing look on his face, “galaw ka naman, ganda. work for your orgasm too.” hao says, only holding onto your hips with your skirt all crumpled up in between the pads of his fingers.
whining as you took your eyes off of him, you held tightly onto the sides of the seat before moving your hips to pull a bit of his cock out of you before sinking back onto his length, moaning when his entire length is in you again.
hao watches you intently as you start to move and fuck yourself against his cock, walls clenching hardly around his girth as you kept pulling and pushing back to fill you up, to keep you both satisfied.
abruptly, he pulls away from you despite wanting to stay in your pussy before he cums deep inside of you, you cried out to him, whimpering when hao manhandles you. hao turns you around to face him before he held onto your waist, placing you on top of the motorcycle’s seat before making you lie down.
thankfully the seat was wide enough to cover your lower back as you tried to get comfortable before hao held onto your knees before lying the underside of your legs flat against his chest before sliding right inside of you, plunging his cock repeatedly into your pussy as you moaned his name.
“d-da— shit, oh my god.. i can’t—“ you cried, whimpering as you felt hao’s hips piston into yours as he fucked you, tears now streamed down your face as he fucked you harder. your chest heaved with pants as you cried and moaned, feeling your pussy clench around hao’s cock as he pulled out and pushed into you.
“‘m close, ganda.. gonna make you full with my cum, gusto mo ‘yon, ‘di ba? buntisin kita, gusto mo?” hao panted, fingers digging into your skin as he kept your legs flat against his chest.
you whimpered, nodding as you looked up at hao tearfully. “mhm, cum inside— please love, putok mo sa loob!” you cried out to him, feeling hao’s thrusts start to stutter as he plunged into you. his pace started to break once he heard those words coming from you, he always liked to hear that you wanted him to cum in you.
“please please, d-daddy.. sa loob mo putok, hngg ‘m gonna cum!” you whimpered a series of words, no longer knowing what to say first as you felt yourself nearing your orgasm.
you gasp sharply when hao suddenly thrusts hardly into you, his thrusts become merciless as he tries hard to get you cumming. hao keeps sliding his cock into you, head poking right at your spot which has you squirming and moaning his name as your hands reached up and scratched his veiny forearms.
“baby, ‘m close ‘m close..” you warn him as you clenched hardly around him once more, you warned him once more before you shrieked as you felt hao’s thumb rubbing your swollen clit once more, rubbing the swollen nub after each thrust which as your thighs shaking in his grasp.
by the time you start cumming around his cock, hao already has his eyes fixated on your cunt, watching as strands of slick and wetness connected both your cunt and his cock together. each thrust was wet, hao kept pounding your own cum deep inside of you, pussy contracting around his cock as he milked you dry from your orgasm.
he continues to thrust into you, listening to your whimpers after each thrust into your cum-filled cunt, your walls are repeatedly pulsing around his length after your orgasm, cunt practically begging him to dump his cum into you.
“putok ko sa loob, punuin kita ng katas ko— ugh shit babe, pussy so tight..” hao grunts before he curses once more as he pounds into you a few more times before he starts spurting cum into your pussy which gladly takes his cum.
cumming right into you, hao’s chest heaves with pants as he thrusts a few more times into you as he came, pushing yours and his cum deeper into your pussy before he pulled out, watching as a stream of cum dribbled out of your pussy and onto your skirt that lied underneath your ass.
“bili ka nalang ng bago pang skirt, hmm? nadumihan na po ulit.” hao chuckles as he quickly gathers the cum off of your skirt and onto your pussy instead, making you moan out loud once more once his fingers meet your wet and swollen pussy.
“babe naman eh, naka-ilang bili na tayo kaka-dumi mo.” you whined as hao moved in front of you, grabbing a pack of wet wipes from your bag before wiping you clean before doing the same to himself.
he briefly smacks the back of your thigh before snickering, “gustong gusto mo naman pag pinuputok sa loob.” hao says before you whined as you sat up, smacking him in the chest before complaining repeatedly.
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brandogenius · 6 months
BABE can u pls write something about Naomi not being able to stop talking about their gf on gayotic? maybe their gf is like a musician like a famous rockstar it girl
i got something similar to this so imma mash them up together!!
(if you see me reusing images shhhh)
HC - naomi x rockstar reader (short)
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- naomi being absolutely obsessed over reader
- “so anyway my girlfriend -“
- always finds a way to link it to you. “my girlfriend once told me-“ “did you know that exact same scenario happened to my girlfriend?”
- “take a shot every time naomi mentions their girlfriend” “i think i’d be a millionaire”
- naomi is your number 1 fan. if there’s a new edit of you on tiktok, expect naomi to have liked and saved it into their favourites within 1 hour of it being posted
- naomi is active in your fandom. they are classified as your number 1 fan and everyone collectively agrees.
- your fans be @ ‘ting naomi like “GIVE US READER CONTENT!!!” and naomi posts a photo like “I GOT YOU GUYS!!”
- brownie points if you’re the bassist in a band! teaching naomi bass in return they teach you guitar
- being credited for bass under munas album
- surprise song with muna on tour you’re playing alongside them on bass and singing
- listen. reader being nominated for a grammy and brings naomi as their plus 1 / bringing muna for support.
- matching suits for this special occasion hell yeah
- naomi telling the story in a latest gayotic ep how they nearly got kicked out of the grammys for standing on chairs and whistling / clapping / cheering when you got your first grammy
- “lemme tell you. the security guards nearly had my ass. it was totally worth it though. anything for my girlfriend”
- everyone’s not surprised when you feature in the newest gayotic ep and it’s really you and naomi giggling to yourselves on the same couch with jo and katie just smiling fondly and amused
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bitethehnd · 7 months
I loved loved love the "miss americana and the heartbreak prince !" thing you wrote, could you do one for Naomi too?
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*₊˚ ♫ 𖦹 lavender haze !
pairing : naomi mcpherson x popstar!reader
cw : basically just taylor swift!reader (obvs no physical appearance description), all fluff!
julien’s version 💜
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i think reader and naomi met in a different way than the julien x popstar!reader did (that fic linked before the cut <3)
you and naomi met when you asked muna to open for you at the eras tour. you were planning to release midnights very soon, so you and your team were setting up your next tour. since the tour was going to be super long, you had to have many openers, but muna was your top pick
you had been a secret fan of muna for so long. when you had first come to terms with your queerness all those years ago, their songs were the ones to help you accept yourself while also dealing with the spotlight of being a famous singer
right after the release of one of your biggest albums, 1989, it had been leaked to the public that you were dating your best friend secret girlfriend. the media went into a frenzy, being constantly bombarded with homophobic rhetoric of the world. you disappeared for a whole year, to which no one even saw your face, but then clapped back with reputation. your career boomed after that, and you were adored by so many people yet again
naomi, and the rest of muna, had also been a big fan of yours for years. they loved how you so freely accepted yourself, even when the media tried to take you down, and you didn’t care what anyone thought. you were the biggest queer artist in the world and it showed
as you were contacting your pick of openers for the eras tour, muna was the first your team emailed. the band replied back within the day, saying they would be honored to perform for you, and the deal was set
you definitely wanted to meet them before the tour started, so you sneakily got their numbers and asked if they would want to come over and have lunch. you said it was in the premise of getting to know them, but you really just wanted to meet your favorite band
they of course agreed to lunch and the next day they came over. you considered asked phoebe to join you, since she was also another opener and a close friend of yours, but decided against it
the lunch went amazing, to your surprise. they were lovely people. all of you had more in common than you previously thought. you gushed about their music and vice versa
there was some underlying tension between you and naomi from the beginning. as soon as they walked through your door, they greeted you with a tight hug. you could feel the outline of their muscles through their shirt, and they could feel your chest pressing up against their abdominal. it drove you crazy from the start but neither of you said anything. you didn’t want to complicate things for the tour by flirting with them while they thought you were just being friendly
and just like that, you guys all became great friends. there was a groupchat made that you all texted in daily. you gave them updates on midnights and the eras tour while they gave you updates on their own tour
when you were at the studio finishing the final touches on your song ‘vigilante shit,’ you just couldn’t get the guitar right. every single combination of chords you tried didn’t sound right. you complained to them about it in your groupchat and naomi offered to come in and help you. you obviously said yes, and they made their way to your recording studio
when naomi got to your studio, you two immediately got to work. you sang the lyrics to give them an idea of the vibe of the song. as you sang, you both held eye contact with each other the whole time. the song had undertones of sexual references and it made the tension in the room amplify. as soon as you were done, naomi played a riff on their guitar for a starting point. your eyes immediately widened and you loved it. you both worked until the song was perfected, even getting naomi to sing some backing vocals for you
when midnights was released the next week, fans went crazy when they found out naomi was the one playing the guitar in the background of your vocals. rumors immediately started circling but neither of you mentioned it, too scared to make the other uncomfortable in anyway
flash forward to when the eras tour was announced. naomi reposted so many pictures of the announcement and raved about you nonstop. it made you laugh but also a bit flustered. you and all your openers were just so excited to get started
muna and paramore opened for the first night of your tour in arizona (okay i know muna didn’t open that show but let a girl be delusional). paramore was obviously fucking amazing i’m a slut for haley williams and then muna went on after. you watched from right behind the stage and danced the whole time. you couldn’t keep your eyes off of naomi’s fingers. the way they plucked the guitar made you hot in the face
you pushed your thoughts away as you went on next and sang your heart out. you started crying on stage from all the cheering and love you felt
as the tour progressed and the more time you spent with naomi, it kept getting more difficult to contain yourself. you had never felt this much yearning in your life. from the way they made your cheeks hurt from laughing so much to how they looked while they gazed down at you with soft eyes, you were whipped. it kept getting harder and harder to be professional
it was a couple shows into the tour and you started to feel the exhaust creeping up. you had to keep a certain persona one while on stage, but when you were no longer in front of a stadium full of people, you collapsed. at that moment, you were sprawled on the couch in your dressing room, trying to take your platform boots off. as if they knew you needed them, naomi knocked on the door and walked into the room
you gave them an exhausted smile, still struggling with the shoes. “need some help there, sweetheart?” they laughed out in amusement. you gave them a deadpan look and they chuckled again, kneeling in front of you to tug your boots off. after the horrendous things were off your feet, you leaned back on the couch with a satisfied sigh. naomi stayed kneeling in front of you, massaging your tired legs
“what’re you doing?” you whispered out. “just helping you relax. you put too much stress on yourself, princess.” you felt your ears heat up at all the pet names. they had always called you those sweet things, but in your tired state, it was affecting you more
“mmh, come here,” you groaned and held your arms out. they laughed and obeyed your request, sitting down next to you on the couch and pulling you into their chest. you let out a hum and snuggled into them. they gazed down at you with affection that you couldn’t see
eventually, you opened your eyes and looked up at them. you were surprised to see them already looking at you. “what?” “nothing. you just look pretty, is all,” they said and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. you scoffed, “shut up. i’m all sweaty and gross.” “still pretty.”
you didn’t know what to say next, so you just looked up at them. you both just stared at each other for a moment. you leaned in and naomi leaned in, neither taking action. but naomi made the decision for both of you, pressing their soft lips against yours. you had no time to contemplate the consequences, giving in and kissing them back fiercely. they smirked into your mouth at your desperation and deepened the kiss, pushing their tongue into your mouth
you suddenly pulled away. “wait, wait, wait.” “what? did i do something wrong?” you wanted to coo at naomi’s thoughtfulness. “no, nom, it’s not that. i just… don’t what this to affect the tour, y’know?” they nodded in understanding. “yeah, i get it. but i like you, sweetheart. i really, really like you. and if you don’t feel the same, we can forget this ever happened and—” you cut naomi’s rambling off with a kiss on their lips, effectively shutting them up. “i like you too.”
and with that, you two started to try to work things out. it was a slow start, since you two were in the midst of a tour, but it was nice. you had never felt this kind of connection before. with naomi's dirty jokes that always made you giggle a bit before smacking their shoulder, or the way they snuck into your tour bus almost every night
by the middle of the tour, you two were in full blown honeymoon stage. sure, it was quick, but you two spent almost every waking moment together. okay maybe you guys were u-haul lesbians
no one knew you two were a couple except for a handful of people. it was nice for a while, getting your privacy from the watchful eyes, but you both wanted to show each other off. maybe you two would post subtle pictures on your stories or hold hands while getting coffee at a rest stop. i can so see naomi posting a photo of just your hands, their fingers interlaced with yours with a little heart next to them. fans definitely notice your eras tour colored nails and instantly know it’s you. twitter goes WILDDD
singing directly to them while they sit in the vip section during love songs ('lover,' 'lavender haze,' 'cruel summer,' 'enchanted,' 'new romantics') <333 naomi knows the songs are about your exes but it doesn't matter, because now they have a new meaning. and also making side eyes at them during horny songs ('i can see you,' 'false god,' 'so it goes...'). they lose their shit every time you perform 'vigilante shit.' like they see you do the chair dance every show, but it still gets them. jo definitely takes pictures of naomi's face every time 😭
sometimes you bring muna on for certain songs. like if you feature them in some of your vault tracks (they give 1989 vibes but maybe that's just me). like dancing up against naomi during the song being horny on the mainnn and people eat it up. the internet exclusively refers to you guys as mother and father
you definitely let them pick your surprise songs. like they make a subtle suggestion and it's immediately being on the list for the night
phoebe and jo being disgusted by you guys but katie, lucy and julien think it's absolutely adorable. like maybe you two are cuddling up on the couch while the others are also there, giggling to yourselves quietly. phoebe literally saying "at this point just fuck" and jo starts laughing hysterically. katie and lucy slapping them on the shoulders while julien tries to hide her quiet giggles. naomi smirks and wiggles their eyebrows at the suggestion, to which you shove their face playfully
there are so many photos of you posing in your glittery bodysuits, naomi's hand always on your ass. they can't help it; the tights make your legs look amazing
you were known to be quite the schemer. you dropped easter eggs for your next project in almost everything. soon enough, naomi joins in on the shenanigans since you obviously tell them all your next moves. in every gayotic episode they say something sneaky with a giddy smile on their face. most of the time jo and katie aren't even in on it and they just end up as confused as everyone else
once the u.s. leg of your tour is over, you take a much needed break for about a year. during this time, you attend so many of muna's solo concerts. fans always spot you in the vip dancing and singing along to their songs. you two are so cute fr
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© bitethehnd
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pettybourgeoiz · 2 years
✰Bourgeoiz Music Discovery✰
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nemmastore · 4 months
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rimunagenius · 6 months
Welcome to my blog!
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ʚ Hi cuties! I’m totally refreshing my blog. I’ve had this blog for a year now? and i never even introduced myself. My name is Ria !!
ʚ I’m bi, i love art, crocheting, doing nails, and being a homebody. i play basketball, made varsity my freshman year and played varsity all the way through!
ʚ I actually love writing, whether it’s a paper for school or little imagines and headcannons for my hyper fixation, celebrity crushes, or comfort characters at the time.
ʚ my favorite colors are deep red, baby pink, and black. My favorite band is the Red Hot Chili Peppers, my favorite individual singer is Harry Styles. I listen to a lot of everything. Literally from metal all the way to r&b. Recently i’ve been super into boygenius and MUNA.
but to know a little more, my fav artists are the smiths, the cure, red hot chili peppers, deftones, soundgarden, audioslave (yes ik they’re both chris cornell’s bands), superheaven, fleetwood mac (saw them in concert before christine mcvie passed), muna, boygenius, tyler childers, noah kahn, kendrick lamar, $uicideboy$, pink floyd, system of a down and many many many many more!!
Here are fandoms i’m currently in if you want to dm random hc’s, ff’s, or just be friends and gossip ab their latest updates and episodes, etc. !!!
WCBB — Iowa, UConn, SC, and Oregon
Station 19
Criminal Minds — i will never not be into this fandom i rewatch it every month
Chicago Fire
Triple Frontier and
Sons of Anarchy
ʚ NOTE that this is and will continue to be a safe space for anyone who is here and queer! I will not tolerate any racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and so on…you will be blocked.
I would also like to note, that i would like to keep this page politics and religion free. Starts too many arguments and a lot of hate that I do not want associated to my page!
Thank you, have an amazing day!
Let’s be friends!! I am far too shy and awkward to talk and become friends with people so i just follow in hopes you’d want to be friends, but if your not shy (or you are) but want to be friends but think ill shut it down or won’t answer, im chronically online so im free and open to answer !! i love making new friends!
Here’s some links!!
❀ masterlist
❀ tiktok
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