#mushrooms arent plants....
florshedworf · 6 months
also why do i keep drawing thunder covered in plants
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what is it about him
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flowersofevilvn · 1 year
So were you a lichen-man/plant-man/non-metazoan-eukaryote-man fucker before making Flowers of Evil, or did you convert yourself after having a (super awesome) creative lightbulb moment?
always been a monster fucker, of every class or creed 👌 though to be honest I wasn't expecting even the monster fucker community to like Wither very much! he was a silly character I made for yan jam that has gotten a lot more interest than I was anticipating. building a lichen man has been a lot of fun and I'm happy that other people are enjoying him too :)
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sacklet · 7 months
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BABY'S FIRST 50/50 AND HE WON!!! After everything this past week and then not doing much yesterday, Sacklet deserves a treat in the form of video games. Haven't played Genshin in like a month and had some pulls sitting around. We were close enough to soft pity that I thought Sacklet deserves to have a little taste of the gacha and he did so well and has so much luck that he won!
I think he likes Nahida since she is just an itty bitty thing just like him
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vervainium · 2 years
as part of my new years goal, (which is to abandon my cute bummy stoner girl aesthetic and adopt a clean cottage core coquette girl aesthetic) i just did skin and hair care for the first time in ages. and i feel very accomplished.
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pastadoughie · 11 months
Just to be clear you don't hate everyone who likes mushrooms and frogs, right? I like mushrooms because they're living representations of entropy and decay and some are so similar to humans that eating them can cause diseases related to cannibalism, and I like frogs because they're fucked up slime dwellers. Is that bad in your eyes?
i dont think that liking frogs or mushrooms makes you bad no, infact i dont think that thinking any plant or animal makes you a bad person, i just dont personally like frogs i find them gross
i do however have issue with the people who are like, weird about me *not* likeing those things, like, thats a fucking massive red flag in so many fucking ways
a) im uncomfortable that people even assume these things about me and moreover that theyre upset when their assumptions are proven wrong. my opinion shouldnt mean ANYTHING to you! you dont know me! and its really uncomfortable going on the internet to post your cat art and then all of a sudden find people acting overly familiar with you when you dont know them and have never interacted with them! i am not some large internet figure and its not ok to treat me that way! you should not be forming any kind of parasocial relationship with a 16yr old cat artist! thats weird and fucked up on so many levels!
b) the idea that i as a queer person "have to" have certain opinions and act a certain way (on things that are just, entirely harmless and meaningless) for some of you to like me is REALLY concerning. like if you genuinely think less of me because i dont like frogs when im a queer person then that makes me really concerned about all the other shit you expect me to do.
i have had alot of experience with people who do fit into those gay stereotypes of loving mushrooms and frogs and a CONCERNINGLY LARGE AMMOUNT OF THEM are like, a year away from falling into just full blown violent transphobia, the willingness to gatekeep what queer people are allowed to do and the idea that they HAVE to like certain things is like, it just makes it very clear that even if you arent a transphobe (or atleast dont THINK of yourself as one) your willingness to gatekeep these things makes you REALLY REALLY suseptible to BECOMEING one.
back when i used to be a lesbian and was in alot of these supposedly queer accepting and friendly spaces i found this out the hard way, when i started questioning my gender, and starting to not conform as much i had so many people who i thought were my friends talking about how i wasnt "allowed" to call myself enby AND a lesbian, and that im just someone trying to force myself into lesbian spaces, that i wasnt "allowed" to use he/him pronouns, because that makes other trans people LOOK bad, as soon as i stopped directly fitting into their veiws of a "respectible" queer person i realized that no. this isnt what a queer accepting space looks like.
and so thats why, i am extremely cautious around anybody who fits into that stereotype. its not *about* frogs, its not *about* mushrooms. its about how people who make these distinctions about what is an ok and not ok way to be queer will immediately turn on me the seccond i dont fit into that. and im not comfortable having those kinds of people around me
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ppnuggiex · 8 months
hiiiii could you do Floyd and jade reacting to s/o calling them Mi amor or other pet names like that fem or gn reader and head cannons also hope your having an amazing day!
      FLOYD & JADE x gn reader
    『 floyd ,, jade ,, gender neutral reader 』
  -> s/o that calls them mi/ma amour
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — i aint too knowledgeable about spanish since im taking french 3 ,, but i think ma is the feminine form ,, but i just put it as ‘mi/ma’ so it can still be gender neutral somewhat (as much as i can do it possibly since im not sure if theres really any gender neutral terms in spanish ,, since there isnt any in french 😶) so its kinda just a pick n choose ig ? reader’s pronouns arent used or specified but its implied theyre gender neutral n stuff
- jade
| • the first time you call him 'mi/ma amour' is when you were about to part ways for the night ,, going to your respective dorms . least to say he wasn't surprised but definitely not disappointed . it was new but not unwelcome ,, more so encouraged
| • the second is when he whips out a nice dish for you ,, of course sneaking in a few of his well grown mushrooms that he's put his heart and soul into
| • the third time is when he calls you 'mi amour' ,, quite a surprise to you and also quite the turn around .
| • after a lovely date outside the college ,, a hike in the woods of one of the national parks on the island ,, followed up by a lunch at a somewhat expensive restaurant ,, jade spared no expense on you for the day
| • to end it off ,, he reciprocated your sudden petname for him ,, a sly smile planted amongst his lips as he kissed you goodnight after walking you to ramshackle
| • least to say ,, he definitely enjoys the new name you have for him
- floyd
| • he doesn't mind the new name ,, pretty neutral about it in general
| • the first time is when he happened to be swimming with you during spring break ,, the weather could easily fool you for it being summer
| • he had suggested going to the oceanside for the weekend ,, both of you free from school and any work needing done ,, or so he said (after all he would abandon all his schoolwork for any time spent with you)
| • and so you two took a trip to the oceanside ,, him in his mer form laying on his back with you laying against his chest ,, occasionally flicking water in your face just to see you grumble about it
| • when he threatened to let you fall off him into the ocean below ,, 'mi/ma amour' just happened to slip from your tongue ,, hands holding on tight to his shoulders as his own were grasping your waist
| • he immediately became intrigued at the new name ,, poking your sides to make you say it again
| • floyd enjoys hearing you say it but it should definitely be reserved for special occasions ,, like when he scares the piss outta you when you go searching for him around octavinelle's dorm
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dullgecko · 16 days
AHHH!! I saw you mention that goblins can physically adapt to their environment quickly and now I can’t stop thinking about “Regional Goblin variations.” (IM A ZOOLOGY MAJOR AND NOW IM OBSESSED)
Like coastal goblins who have webbed feet and hands. They have smaller ears so they can close them when they swim. They also more of a teal coloration then the green that “forest goblins” have.
Desert goblins are like little fennec foxes, massive ears, also much smaller than other goblins. They’re entirely crepuscular meaning they’re only awake during dusk and dawn. They have bigger claws for digging.
Tundra goblins are much more furry, they also change colors depending on the season. They’re also the only type of solitary goblin. They have retractable claws for easier climbing.
Cave goblins who never leave their cave systems because they can live off the mushrooms and fish from the underground river that runs through it becoming pale white with gigantic eyes. Not blind though, there's a bit of light from the fantasy fungus but they're starting to look a bit like those eyeless cave fish.
Urban goblins developing a more diurnal lifestyle, massive anxiety and cripling caffeine/substance addictions. Their hearing and dark vision starts to get worse than their wild cousins after a couple generations because cities are loud and bright. (Riz's dad used to take him to the mountains every chance he got when he was little so his son wouldnt start addapting and become urbanised while the changes could still happen - Riz's subspecies is technically a weird combination of forest goblins and cliffside dwelling goblins even though they live in caves because that's where they do most of their hunting)
Tropical goblins having colourations that match the flora around their villages better, some of them have fancy red stripes or spots because there are so many colourful flowering plants in the area.
Mountain goblins that dont live in caves are the colour of the rocks in their area, usually gray or brown. Much stronger and slightly taller than their cousins because their villages arent protected inside caves so they have to fight off wildlife more often.
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kikosaurscave · 2 years
getting high with neteyam:
-unproffesionly use of weed
-kinda heated kissing
-remember that theyre young , high asf teens
-theres a part 3 bc i had a sudden gooder idea thats more age wise friendly
"cmon its not that far away" you whisper to the groaning boy who rubs his eyes, "y/n why in the middle of eclipse? can this not wait ?"
the look you gave him let him know your lack of patience. you js wanna get high ASAP
he walks closely next to you hand in hand to not seperate as you let the soft vibrance of the plants around you guide your way to what you craved the most for in the past 16 hours.
his fingers caress yours while you happily tell him about your current obsession "this plant , it is amazing ! and all we did was burn it ! you should have seen tsahik, talking to the walls of the peoples lab" you let out a laugh that he knows he adores. he could listen to you ramble about anything because he loves your voice
"i hope this is worth it" he grumbles to you, you rolls you eyes , excitement creeping up on you when you spot the enchanting plant of .pot
you tell him to gather the buds of the plants while you find a hooded area covered by the large bright leaves and glowing mushrooms and fruit , the spot big enough for about 5 of you to just chill out in and get smoke weed
you made the fire and by the time its lit neteyam reckons hes gathered enough , he thinks its been long enough seperated meters away from you but he js wants your presence
"throw some in nete , not to much" you smile up at him before watching as the glowing green buds spark in the orange heat , he watchesthe way the fire reflects in your __ eyes , the smoke isnt enough to distract him it just makes him want to focus on you more , just you
"it looks..cool. now what happens?" his honest confusion humors you, "come sit"
he cant tell if his laugh is louder in his head or if its just him , are you quiet ? or can you also see that bug on the tip of that leaf ?
hes def feeling it and its honestly amazing.
while yous r tripping you js keep telling eachother stories that you arent even sure are your own memories or not
you get anxieties when he goes quiet, you hear his harsh breaths from right beside you , his tail drags along yours and when you turn his way , its js immediate intense eye contact, this guy is tripping hard out.
"are you okay ?" you ask him, the worried look in your eyes js makes him fold, he moves a piece of your braided hair out of your face , tilting his head abit
staring into eachothers eyes while high js catches you both in a trance, to him your eyes glow in the different shades of the vibrant colours running around you both. the yellow coat of his irises could taint your view of all the different colours that surround pandora , there would be nothing as bright or as gorgeous as his eyes when the colour melts with yours.
"i want to kiss you" the statement is barely heard over the loud songs that the trees around you hum out , your curt nod has his hand holdinh the side of your head bringing you closer to him the other gently folding into yourown hand
the kiss is sloppy, full of feelings and passion, when you lean in and his arm moves to pull you closer, neither of you can get enough of the touch, you pull away for air but to him he js needs to feel you , suddenly your presence isnt enough like this is so rude to him js merge skins with him already- but hes gentle widit
he'll pull you closer while you both breathe heavily and he'll gently rub his hands up nd down ur back. hes never done this before, felt this before but a look into your eyes and the worry of being uncomfortable js disappears.
hands resting on either side of his face, you on his lap and his arms around your waist, both of you high as fuck
"lets go ride our ikran to ayram alusìng (floating mountains)"
youd race eachother there and suddenly you both feel like youre quieter than you really are, the day is soon and flying your ikran together feels like a dream, your body tingles as the air rushes over you body , you can both feel your smiles with your whole faces , atp you dont even bother tryna to be quiet when you return , neteyam is just a mess at this point and you wonder how he'll be able to continue his training today
unfortunately for you when you return to your tent your brother sits in front of the balazing fire, waiting for who knows how long
"tsmuke (sister) where were you ?"
is the first thing he askes you, he doesnt even ask if ur alright bro
"no where" "who were you with." "eylan (a friend) "how many? " "awpo (one individual)" "eve? evan? (girl? boy?)" "tute (a person)" "tupe. (who.)"
his voice is stern , the reflection of the fire in his eyes intimidate you , when he turns to look at you , you end up feeling cornered
youre grounded from seeing him for until tsu'tey says so , you beg him to not tell toruk makto and he feels bad , the look his little sister gives him makes him feel like the worst person in the world so even though its unlike him to do so , he gives in and promises not to say anything
it wont matter in about a week though because the sky people are on hunt for the sullys , you wouldnt be able to see him for a while and it scares you
- end
ending is shit bc i kinda rushed the ending but it took longer than expected to write this , part 3 is coming
somewhat proofread
lmk what you think
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Slenderman with a s/o who gardens and is really self sustaining? I just want that cottagecore life in the creepy woods with him so badly, flower crowns and all that >_<
Slenderman w/ a cottagecore!partner
i am soso so so sorry it took me so long to get to this ask SOBS ive been bouncing between a bunch of brainrots and kinda just. sitting. im trying to ease back into this acc but!! short post, apologies for that :(!! not proof read im literally typing this on the fly before my motivation burns away
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honestly i think this is his type, if weird/funky people arent ! hes really into nature, given that hes a silly forest demon in my hc, natures like his whole. deal
the idea of flower crowns never crossed his mind but hes not going to resist you when you offer him one; in fact i like to think that he keeps it somewhere when hes not wearing it... which isnt often, hes gotta keep up the appearance of scary monster
he presses all the flowers you give him, keeping them stored away in a book
wanna go on a picnic? he cant really... eat traditional people food, but hey as long as youre not opposed to him eating human meat then its all good
this is a joke, he doesnt enjoy eating in front of others, much less in front of you. dont pry or ask, he doesnt like addressing it, doesnt matter if youre a normal person, a crp, a human, or a demon like him; he just doesnt like discussing it
brain blast moment, star gazing. slender may not know the proper names for constellations or which group of stars are actually constellations, but that doesnt matter. hes made his own and hes more than happy to tell you about them... being an isolated forest monster gets lonely, you know? even with the proxy thing
i still stand by my hc of "slenderman is simply a force of nature whos grey but he curses the fact that like everyone else he longs for some sort of companionship, the curse of sentience and longing"
dont get me wrong, hes still... whack, he doesnt like it when you go out into the forest when theres intruders or when its his feeding time; he doesnt want to make you see that sort of thing... mix of being disgusted with himself and not wanting to scare you off
you could reassure him all you want but theres always going to be that self loathing
moving on
noooo cuz imagine picking mushrooms with him
i admit i know next to nothing about cottagecore stuff but im trying my best
loves the feeling of having you close to him, hes touch starved tbh, and it makes him feel like he can protect you like that
makes the best tea, depending on where you hc the location he probably has some plants growing there naturally that he can use for it
ooooooouuuuugh the two of you sitting inside his office, its raining outside. youre sewing something, and hes reading. ooough i love quiet comfortable silence between lovers
gardening is a must, slenderman already tends to care for the forest and keep it in the best possible shape and return what he takes; he will expect you to do the same. only thing he wont force you to do is disposal of... things
hopping back to the plant pressing, he also keeps rocks or other trinkets you give him, this man will absolutely go feral if someone comes in and destroys something. it can be a pebble and thered be blood
oooiugh big mean cold demon whos soft for their small mortal partner
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trollkarubypx · 1 year
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A homework for a game designer class, we were supposed to plan a new level into our favorite game!
Walkthrough and notes:
This is inside of the little cave on your farm. There are three hollow places in wall, shaped for Ruby, Emerald and Aquamarine. Find those and place them in to open secret passage...
Its very dark here, but you can see eerie green glow of slowly rippening Glowberries in bushes. To the west, path is blocked by violet crystals, north path is blocked as well. To the east stands a strange statue of a dwarf. "His hands hold shrunk, rotten fruit".
While the Glowberries in here arent ripe yet, a glowing waterfall reveals a fully bush with a berry ready for harvest.
Once you place the glowing fruit into the statues hands, it comes to life.
This dwarf has been cursed by the pesky witch! He says he needs to find his wife, and runs to the west, revealing path in crystals and also clearing way to the east.
This is a place where you can grow mushroom crops, cave carrots and moss for fiber. The pink crystal house is not build yet.
In this area full of large crystals, you find another dwarf statue. Using another Glowberry, you bring to life dwarf lady.
The reunited dwarf pair stay here witjin their crystalline home. They introduce themselves as crystalsmiths - the husband works as an undeground "carpenter", may build you an underground geode house and even a ladder leading to your farm house.
The wife is a trader and may trade you mushroom spores, used as seeds. They will grow only underground.
You absolutely can tell the pair about Stardew mine dwarf - turns out they are his long lost parents! While the witch cursed them, she also saved them from attack of shadow people.
The dwarves mention also there is a benevolent dragon somewhere underground.
The newly opened room on north shows shallow hole in the middle, and three currently dry paths for water, leading into three hallways.
Each hallway leads into a string of ten dungeon rooms. Red, green and blue dungeons have specific color pallette themes, stone, ores and gem themed enemies. They are darkened, lit by many Glowberry bushes. At the end of each dungeon lies tiny room with strange bush like stone in it - activate it with Glowberry to reveal its true form as a large red/ green/blue blossom, which also opens a water spring. You can hop into the water to activate WHEEEE animation while going down a waterslide, spitting you back in Staircase room and adding some water into the shallow hole.
Once all three dungeons are beaten, the hole fills with water coming from the three streams, screen shakes and floor reveals a staircase!
The staircase leads to underground lake, out of which opens a large grey mouth. Throw a nearby growing final Glowbery to revive a large axolotl - he is the kind king of the cave system, and dwarves confuse him for dragon.
As a reward for saving his kingdom, he rewards you with crystal seedlings - you can later trade for more at Dwarf home.
The crystal trees work like fruit trees, but they frow gems! They are the only plant from the caves that you can plant on surface, but there they bear "fruit" only during winter.
Thank you for reading, I might work more on visuals if you guys like it :D
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bitchyfoxymama · 2 years
Sex Pollen - Jack Russell x F!Reader
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Warning: smut, PiV, DubCon??, breeding, unprotected sex, confessions, sex Pollen
You were in the woods behind yours and Jack's shared cabin, it was the time of month where you would go out and forge for herbs and other goods. You were by the stream picking up mushrooms that were safe to eat when you noticed a beautiful flower that you didn't recognize, it was almost hypnotizingly beautiful, its petals were a soft purple on the outer rim while the inner petal was a pinkish blue. 
You wanted to grab it but you didn't know if it was safe to do so. Instead you walked back to the cabin, a basket full of this month's herbs and mushrooms. 
“Jack,” you called as you entered the cabin, “I found this flower by the creek and was wondering if you had any knowledge about it. 
“Hola mi vida,” he greets you, kissing your forehead, “A flower, hmm bring me to it and we shall see.” 
Since Jack was well over a hundred years old, he was very knowledgeable in certain areas, flora being one of them. So you take his hand and begin the short walk back towards the plant. 
“Hmm, I don't think I recognize this flower, however it could be in one of the books we have back at the cabin. We should be careful either way” he says, kneeling near it as you do the same to get a closer inspection. 
“It's so beautiful,” you lean in closer, your nose almost touching the petals when all of a sudden a burst of pollen envelopes you and Jack. 
  He pulls you back, and you both begin to sneeze, “I told you to be careful my love,” he scolds gently. 
“I-I know, I’m sorry,” you say looking down. 
“Come on, let us go back so we can find any information on this plant, yeah?” he gently smiles as he pulls you to your feet. 
When you get back to the cabin, you and Jack go back into the books searching for the plant that just dosed you both. 
“Shit,” you mumble out when you find the plant. Why oh why did it have to be this plant. Why couldn't you have just listened to Jack when  he said to be careful. 
“What is it?” he says as he turns away from his own book. 
“Well good or bad news first?” you look up at him with a worried look on your face. 
“Good news,” he steps towards you with a furrow of his brow. 
“Good news is we arent going to die, bad news is we may need to fuck the pollen out of our systems, its gonna make us crave sex for atleast a few hours…” you let your sentence drop off as you have a sudden flash of heat come over your body. 
A quick flash of desire passes through his eyes, “Oh I see, um well it seems i am feeling it already, I can smell your arousal,” he swallows thickly. 
“Fuck it,” you pounce on him, arms wrapped around his neck and legs around your next. He groans into your mouth as you kiss him hard. You feel his fingertips grip into your hips. He carries you to the couch and pulls off his shirt. 
“Fuck this isnt how i wanted our first time to be like but if we must,” he says as he rips open the top of your dress setting your breasts free as he dives into your neck, growling at the feeling of your hard nipples brush against his chest. He brings his right hand to your breasts, tweaking a nipple in between his fingers. His other hand goes down to the hem of your dress. His fingertips glide up your already slicked thighs and he moans into your neck. He reaches your aching cunt as he gently runs circles over your sensitive clit. 
“Thats ok, I want this too, fuck Jack, i need you to fuck me,” You moan out as you feel his teeth graze your pulse point. Your hands immediately go to his belt, unbuckling them as you buck up into him. 
“Fuck, carino, you cant say that to me,” he moans into your ear,” he rips the rest of your dress off, “Naughty little wolf, no panties? You just wanted this to happen? You wanted me to fuck this tight little pussy?” 
You moan out, “Fuck, hurry up,” you were starting to get impatient due to the pollen. 
He takes off the rest of his pants, his cock springing free, hardened and already leaking pre cum. You stare at his cock, licking your lips, your eyes flash to his and his lips crash back down to your as he lines himself up with your soaking cunt. 
He takes a thrust into you and you both moan out, hes filling you up so deliciously. You feel so full. 
“Fuck Jack, your so big. I-I can feel you in my gut,” You lift one arm above your head and grip the arm of the couch, “Fuck, please, oh right there,” 
“Mi vida, your pussy is gripping me so tightly, taking me so well into this pretty little cunt,” 
His thrusts become harder as his grip on your hips feels as though he is holding on for dear life. The slapping of skin on skin brings you closer to your climaxes. He leans his head back to your neck, scenting you. A small kiss near your pulse point is soon followed by a sharp pain in your shoulder causing the coil in your gut to finally snap. You moan out as you feel yourself release on his cock, he continues the thrusts at the pace he has been when you feel him paint your walls with his thick white ropes of cum. 
He begins to lick where he bit you, his breathing slowly evening out along with your own as he begins to pull out of you. You hiss at the loss of his cock and he gently kisses you. 
“I love you,” he says as he kisses you brushing your sweaty hair out of your face. 
You tiredly smile up at him, already feeling the pollen leaving your body, “I love you Jack and I promise to listen to you next time you tell me to be careful around plants” you giggle out and lay your head on his chest, running your fingers over his bare chest. 
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wri0thesley · 2 years
also i think. if you. potentially added somnophilia to that equation. you wake up in the middle of the night and hes just there, touching you, and you cant fucking move, you just have to take it, - clover anon (emojis arent working for me atm)
it takes a lot for you to be able to sleep around tighnari already; this is a man keeping you captive, a man who you know is loved and venerated and adored, but you also know has shown none of that same politeness and respect to you (he tells you in a perfectly calm, measured voice that you are his mate and that he has chosen you for life, but you cannot help that think that the rudeness of being a kidnapping victim outweighs how sensibly he speaks to you, like a patient teacher with an unruly student). he pushes for physical affection - rubs his head against yours, curls his tail about your thigh, pets your head and touches your cheeks and presses little kisses to your face with his ears twitching merrily in pleasure.
you don't fight, because you have learnt that he has an infinite knowledge of botany, and some pollens and some mushrooms and some plants are more frightening than others. the one that had left you woozy and nauseous, so he had taken care of you with his brow creased in faux worry. the one that had made you so hot you burnt, and he'd made sure that you'd stripped off your clothes and gently (so, so gently, reverently, adoringly) wiped you down with a cool washcloth and set a mistflower beside your naked, sweating body (whilst staring, naturally, his pupils blown and his breath short and his mouth parted).
but 'not fighting' is not the same as 'acquiescing', and tighnari has found a particularly dangerous plant growing in the avidya forest. picked every sample for himself and told every forest watcher what to look out for - and whilst you were sleeping, pressed a handmade little diffuser of his own creation beneath by your mouth and nose and watched as you breathed in the spores.
your eyes open as tighnari is peeling your clothes away. your mind races as he lowers his mouth to your neck, to your throat, brushing lips over your heart. ungloved hands coming up to cup your bare breasts, to tease your nipples to hardness. you try and open your mouth to protest, to ask him to stop - but nothing comes out. your tongue lies heavy against your teeth. you try to push him away - but your hands, your arms, your elbows and your shoulders and your legs . . . none of them listen to the command.
tighnari sees the way you blink, panicked - the way your eyes widen in fear, feels your heartbeat race beneath his touch.
"don't worry," he croons to you, like he's giving you another lecture on poisonous versus venomous creatures in the forest, just making sure you take in the information you're supposed to know. "i'll be gentle with you."
"you're beautiful," tighnari tells you, fingertips brushing your hips and your waist. "like a rose." you're panicking - eyes wide, nostrils flaring, heart pounding like a drum. but your body remains still as a grave, tighnari's hands and mouth and the brush of his hair and his searching, indulgent gaze the only things moving in its vicinity.
"there are no lasting effects," tighnari promises to you, as his hands work off the elastic of the shorts you slep in - as he breathes deeply in, his ears flicking in excitement, as your bared sex is revealed to ravenous eyes. ". . . well. you might be a bit sore in the morning, but that won't be because of the paralysing pollen--"
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random thought before we try to sleep (keyword try)
i think ford would be really good at foraging and tracking and such. he knows all the cues for when you should be on guard because something is about to happen. he has a generally good idea of which mushrooms and plants are edible and which ones arent (a lot of this is from personal experience- he’s learned how to be more careful about it over time).
he’s a hide-and-seek god- both at hiding and seeking. he’s good at listening and figuring out where things might be. he’s good at making sure you never find him (some people always do anyway). he can find his way into places you didnt even know existed or that youd think would be impossible to get into. the niblings love it most of the time, but sometimes it’s really not a great thing. especially when he’s decided to hide outside
fortunately, stan is very good at seeking
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syzygyy-fr · 4 months
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@thebroadwayjunkie & @tranzdragonz
thank youuuu for the asks :) im combining yours both bec you both gave me the same number!
number 12 is fritheeranisth
she's a pearl cerdae (subspecies), not a dragon for starters. like a standard cerdae, frith is devoted to the care and protection of the earth.
frith is your archetypal witch - solitary, secretive, and has a large wealth of knowledge around earth-based magic. they arent terribly involved in the politics and problems of the wandering city, for now. but the wandering city itself is verrrry nosy and likes playing dolls with its residents, so she'll absolutely have a part to play at some point. (this is my excuse for saying i havent developed her as much as i would like to...)
oh! a thought i had while writing this! so, the wandering city's physical senses are located in the mycelium network that dominates the tunnels and sewer labyrinth underneath the city surface. being a witch that works with the earth, they're probably the first ones to realize that the wandering city is a physical body with a brain and intelligence. but frith never felt the need to divulge it - mostly because she felt the others wouldn't understand yet.
i feel as if she has a subtle rivalry with pris, the herbalist / botanist, as they both mainly work with plants and fungi within the wandering city. and, yknow, pris is a plague dragon, which probably doesn't help matters.
hm since frith apparently goes down in the sewer labyrinth often enough to deduce that the mushrooms and fungi are a nervous system, then i can say that they're fully and well aware of who and what the entities living in there are. but again, doesn't feel compelled to share that information with anyone else. which absolutely drives the archivist / librarian midora insane. what do you mean you knew. what do you mean you withheld this from everyone. what do you mean
thanks again :)
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burning-sol · 1 year
also another section of my dream, my brain decided it wanted to pull from the trivia about rhubarb that grows in the dark to create a scene. and i was like "okay i see what you're doing im game" so this is what happened.
so i was with classmates and teachers and parents for an excursion to an underground place where they grew a bunch of different freaky shit. but i knew what was up so there's this smaller kid that i drop the rhubarb trivia to "you hear those noises? the rhubarb grows so fast it makes a crackling noise, see?" and this kid is now my little guy. im feeling good, in my smart person element, i am the master of this dream right now. and while im feeling so smart, there's a bunch veg on display like:
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those fresh vegetable displays but not exactly like the kind you see at the big company stores, more like ones at the smaller ones, and there were dividers but not really. these are aesthetic details i dunno how to properly describe. but basically this entire place is obviously not a mainstream place, it's very directly next to where they grow their produce so it's not prettied up. its a bit dirty, there's a really high ceiling with those bars of fluorescent lights. yeah.
so anyways, because i was oh so knowledgeable i pick up some produce and eat it and pass it to this little guy to eat and also my dad. we r enjoying the tasty snacks, some massive crunchy snap peas and brown mushrooms... now um. you see. the thing is. this place. it basically doesnt grow regular produce, they grow a LOT of poisonous stuff. there's regular produce but also poisonous mushrooms and other poisonous plants. and they put that produce amongst everything else because ppl who shop here arent normal customers and know whats on display. so.
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the guide we have is gesturing to some plants growing and giving trivia about it being super poisonous. and then my worry sets in like... oh shit. wait. what if i let my ego get to me. what if i thought wasnt poisonous IS. suddenly I'm SPITTING UP what i ate and trying to make sure the guide doesn't see the three of us, i am worried i have killed this child, and my dad is also freaked out. so we're wondering if we might have eaten something that would kill us because fun fact a lot of poisonous mushrooms can look VERY similar to edible ones, also we were in uncharted territory so who KNOWS if there was a poisonous plant that just happens to look like snap peas.
anyways, my dad is smart so he goes and checks the displays to see what's written on them. it was normal. and we are very relieved, still worried, but mostly relieved and don't think we're gonna die. then the dream moved onto something else. so the lesson is don't. don't eat things in the "we grow poisonous things and sell them" place. bad idea you guys. don't let your dreams fool you by boosting your ego. your dreams know how to fuck with you.
"i will not be victim to the dream's plot for i am so smart" you will say before it kicks you in the stomach.
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pixiecaps · 2 years
Silly bands old cars?
silly bands: whats your favorite plant?
i like mushrooms……… u could even say….. i rlly like pixie caps..
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(btw ik mushrooms arent plants i just had to make the joke) (but arent they so pretty)
old cars: whats the most fun word you know?
i dont know words🙁🙁🙁🙁
ask game
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