#mushrooms have been so good to me fr
I do mushrooms sometimes and a great thing I've learned is that when I panic or feel spooked or threatened I sober instantly, at least for a few minutes, which is incredibly useful
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uwibbit · 1 year
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"it's like i've gained a little brother. how about i give you a name, little mushroom?"
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Not sure how good it is but here it is anyways!! A non canon AU of the crossover AU that is heavily based on The Last Day of Summer from Percy Jackson The Musical.
DvD: Until I Found You Donnie
Dee: No Fun in Fungus Donnie
“Hey, you ready to finally leave the competition?” Leon questions, packing away non perishable food he was gifted.
DvD stands next to him, arms folded in thought.
“I…..don’t know. It feels….wrong…..leaving so soon.”
“If this is about Misa, she can come see us any time. She even asked to come babysit Mikey.”
“No, it’s not her. My brain is nagging me like I’ve forgotten something important.”
“Maybe Karai can help you figure it out?”
“You’re right. I’ll go talk to her.” DvD lowers his arms and walks with purpose to their ancestor.
Karai is watching over Mikey and Raph saying goodbye to Misa before she notices DvD walking her way.
“Donatello, is something troubling you?”
“I should have known you’d know already. Does anything seem off to you right now? Anything at all?”
Karai considers this for a moment then shakes her head.
“No, I don’t believe so. Perhaps you still have leftover anxiety over what happened.”
“…..I don’t think that’s it, but if you say everything is okay….”
Karai puts a hand on his shoulder, immediately throwing him off since she knows how he feels about touch.
He’s more focused on how her eyes glow, though.
“You have been betrayed by one who calls you friend.”
“Ex-Excuse me!?”
April suddenly appears and moves Karai away.
“Haha, whoops! Looks like she still isn’t normal after all that mystic weirdness! I’ll take care of her, don’t worry.”
“Wait! April! Where are you taking her-!?…..Aaaand she’s gone. This only confirms my suspicions. I have to find the NFIF group, that Donnie should share my doubts.” He begins walking again.
DvD is surprised when he sees a portal open and 3/4 of the counterpart turtles already gone. He picks up the pace to catch the last member, which luckily is the one he wanted to speak with.
NFIF Donnie turns his head back.
“If it isn’t the big hero that got rid of the spores.”
“You’re leaving? Without saying goodbye?”
“We said it before, don’t you remember?”
DvD furrows his drawn on eyebrows.
“No…? Wait….vaguely….?”
Dee smiles faintly.
“Tough last day of the competition?”
“I thought when we took care of those spores everything would feel normal again, but it doesn’t. It’s the last day but I don’t feel like anything is truly over.”
Dee turns his whole body around at those words.
“I get it. After I dealt with them the first time, I thought I’d never have to feel the way I did again. We destroyed it. It was supposed to be done. Then we came here and everything just repeated. I was changed, but they were exactly the same. The mod always said no fighting, it’s supposed to be this safe magic space. The truth? It’s so the authors can see us suffer, even if they don’t bother to show their face.”
DvD feels another change. Or, maybe, this was what he felt before. He’s just feeling it stronger now.
“What is going on? Are you causing this? What did you do?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just telling you what this all really was. I need to get back to my brothers.”
DvD looks at the portal.
“Are they really in there?”
“Technically they’re on the other side-“
DvD suddenly pushes past him and goes through the portal despite the attempts to stop him from doing so.
He takes a gasp of breath as he sits up. There’s a bunch of spores clouding his vision that he waves away. It’s then he sees the reality of the situation.
Everyone in the competition is unconscious on the ground, surrounded by spores and mushrooms. It’s dark in the room but lit up by the eery glow of everything. His brothers are laying near him, Misa tucked under both Raph and Mikey’s arms. April and Karai are there too, although Karai has been moved away from the group slightly. He might be the only one awake.
Or that’s what he thinks, until he sees Dee in front of him.
He’s sitting next to his sleeping brothers. Vines are wrapped around their hands. It doesn’t look painful, more….reassuring in a way. His eyes are glowing somewhat, but not fully.
“Of course it had to be you who broke out. Karai almost did too, did she use her chance to help you instead? Typical.”
“You’re the one who did all this.” DvD hisses.
“Karai warned you. Betrayed by a friend.”
“You spored me! You freed the mushroom! Why!?”
“It promised me the power to keep everyone safe from whatever is back in their universes! All I had to do was add my own nanobots to it so it can generate and feed off emotions other than fear.”
“It’s just using you! It wants to have everyone from every universe!”
Dee stands up, vines keeping him off his feet.
“Good! We’ve been brought here although we’re just kids! I watched everyone suffer with those asks, yeah I did! And for what!? You know our worlds will never be ours! Not as long our authors rule over the stars!”
DvD reaches for his tech bō, Dee sends vines that grab it and him, holding him closer in front of him.
“So I’ll do anything.”
A vine breaks the bō.
“I don’t care if I hurt anyone.”
Dee tightens the vine around DvD.
“It doesn't pay to be a good kid, a good kid, a good creation.” He tears up.
DvD struggles heavily.
“The authors were never on our side, so I think it’s time we watch them fall!” Dee turns to look at the device for the competition that tracks and sorts universes.
“And soon you'll see what I did, soon there’ll be no other worlds at all!”
“What are you talking about!?”
“If there’s only one world, this world, and I’m in charge, we’ll be safe from everything. Forever. No Kraang, no invasions, no bad futures, not even fear.”
“You’re crazy!”
“Maybe I am! But you’d do the same if it kept your Mikey safe! You’re lucky that you don’t have to make the decision! I’m doing it for you! Your whole family is seeing whatever they want! You could be doing the same!”
“I don’t want your fake happiness! Grow up and realize that you can’t just fix everything bad that happens!”
Dee grabs him harshly by the face.
“Watch me.”
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Thoughts while watching Wish:
- base princess personality trope
- Never getting over the face that the goat is named Valentino
- 7 dwarfs vibes with the friends
- Hans type character
- Weird ass love song to wishes
- Evil Chris Pratt went from 1-100 really fast
- The wife was 1000000% the kings wish and he used magic to get it
- Angry guy is played by GIZMO MY BELOVED
- 100 year old man move like a 60 year old fr
- Asha also goes from 50-100 real fast
- My favorite song was a little disappointing:(
- What she’s singing and what the animation gives dosent match
- Wifey is CLUELESS
- Star is still cute
- When you are a Star and accidentally make a devils trap in the tree lol
- IM A STAR ⭐️
- thanks for not eating me John
- Throwing books like your cramming for a test
- King is bipolar like actually tho
- What are you five ?
- Best friends help each other commit crimes against the kingdom
- King really is evil he made everyone go to an assembly and they aren’t even in school
- how old is the king ? Do we know at all ?
- Casually dooms yourself to an eternity of pain because you got insecure
- ok how do wishes work again ? Was gramps not free to still inspire people
- Not the mom pleading for her daughter to only get her wish trampled on (definitely don’t need to look at how accurate that is)
- Star said SQUARE TF UP
- He’s literally just your king hit him with your bookshelf
- Returns to your stable if anyone asks pLaY dUmB
- when you have to speed run the 5 stages of grief bc you are the main character damnit
- I know what your thinking- WELL I DONT girl that star doesn’t have an expression on his face
- I can not swim *proceeds to jump into the water with reckless abandon *
- You’ve been hit by, you’ve been stuck by LOSS OF YOUR WISH
- ‘AMYIA darling your just in time come meet my new TOY’ why would you WRITE IT LIKE THAT
- Hot take anyone who calls their partner darling is on THIN FUCKING ICE
- King man went insane that is fun
- Dont worry im a talking mouse but very clean
- When you only want to be a loyal knight but you end up betraying your friends- happens to the best of us dude
- Good find Valentino - my butt found it
- introverts deserve sanctuary— louder for the people in the back
- STRIKE, STRIKE newsies vibes
- YES fulfill your Sabos wish
- doc and dopey slayed
- They all did
- They are like any queer friend group fr
- the chase scene is cool
- I was fooled by the love I felt- Its ok queen you were definitely manipulated not your fault
- Don’t destroy never land you bastard
- A stick ? What am I supposed to do with this ?
- Poor gizmo can’t catch a break no matter what universe he’s in
- a dress on a tree more likely than you think
- Dude bro dear got into the mushrooms fr
- Sometimes a plan is just you and your six friends jumping from a high place
- thanks John
- Your so right bunnies are terrifying
- Nope nope nope nope nope
- StAr GeT aWaY fRoM tHeRe
- Yay singing again
- THE power of collective singing will always save the day
- MyWiShEs dude get a grip
- Simon and queen should be besties now
- Peter Pan origin story 👀👀
- bippty boppty boo the magic wand is fixed
- Give GIZMO THE WAND 😭he deserves it
- Fireworks yay
- 5/10 movie
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Absolutely no-one asked for this, but me and @ewanmitchellcrumbs​ have very strong feelings on what different EM characters would have as their fish and chips orders. 
pov: me writing this fr
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this is a full stupid ass shit post, it’s not serious guys, and unless I post something about it it won’t leave my brain
So without further ado, EM FISH AND CHIPS
First in the ring, the man who STARTED IT ALL, THIS LITTLE SHIT
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Salad Days - Will What’s-His-Face
It’s canon that Will gets chips and a fanta, that’s it. 0 nutritional value. Also 10/10 on choice of chippy, it’s actually a really good chippy
pov: aemond avoiding the grease
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Aemond is not particular to a chippy dinner, insisting he doesn’t want anything bc it’s ‘too greasy’ (pussy). Aegon absolutely tears him apart for it. Just buys a San Pellegrino cos he thinks it’s fancy - absolutely fuming  cos Aegon shakes it up on the way home and it fizzes everywhere when he opens it
If Aegon hasn’t been drinking, bog standard boring ass fish and chips with half of a bottle of ketchup slathered over his chips so nobody else nicks them. Won’t go near mushy peas, thinks they’re gross af. If he’s drunk, a doner kebab, but the local chippy doesn’t sell them so he gets Alicent to drive 15mins up the road to the one that does. A diva through and through.
Helaena doesn’t eat fish, so opts for just chips and is the only patron who actually buys the picked onions. Has mushy peas and curry sauce and mixes it together with her chips, mostly does it to annoy Aegon tho.
Daeron is waiting at home, but everyone forgot to get him something so ends up with the crap, lukewarm chips left behind.
Alicent is a scampi girlie all the way, with a diet coke
Otto is put off by the food hygiene rating at the local chippy, so takes his own fish to get battered like a weirdo. Decimates his chips with a litre of vinegar.
Daemon never gets to eat a chippy dinner, so he gets a pie as a side dish, despite Rhaenyra claiming it’s not a side dish. But Daemon stands by that it most definitely is. It’s a gash steak and kidney pie and refuses to use any cutlery for any of it.
Rhaenyra is also a scampi girlie, but unlike Alicent, has G&T out of a can.
World on Fire - Tom Bennett
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Strong feelings but, Tom is a Northerner yeah. So he is a full gravy bitch. Loves that shit. Would bathe in it if he could. Has dry ass fish, unseasoned chips cos he’s boring af.
TLK - Osferth
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*sigh* Osferth. Angel. Baby boy.
Osferth orders a battered sausage, but gets given a battered Mars Bar by mistake. He doesn’t like confrontation so he pretends like that’s what he ordered anyway, but he’s secretly devastated and tries not to gag when he eats it.
Uhtred can have the kebab that gives him food poisoning, shitting for days, idec, if face annoys me
High Life - Ettore
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Ok this guy is weird. SO he’s gotta have a weird choice.
Ettore has the saveloy because he enjoys the innuendo. Stares at it on his plate for an uncomfortably long time, making sinister eye contract with everyone while he eats it.
Trigger Point - Billy Washington
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Ooft. THIS sad boy.
Billy gets a chicken and mushroom pie. Yes from a FISH AND CHIPS SHOP. But the Food Safety rating of his local is like a 3, so the pie has been sat under the heatlamps for HOURS, so it’s all grey, sad and soggy. But he eats it anyway.
To tie it off, I imagine Ewan Mitchell as 100% a battered sausage guy. He has gravy (cos midlands boi, we love). Won’t touch mushy peas with a barge pole and perhaps partial to a chip cob. Carbs on carbs, we stan.
Thanks for reading this absolute trash.
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lady-of-endless · 7 months
Hello! May I please request a one piece matchup? If you're too busy please feel free to delete! <3
Name: Mochi
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (any gender match is ok!)
Zodiac: Libra sun, Libra moon, Leo rising
Enngram: 4; the individualist
Alignment: Chaotic good
House: Slytherin
Love Language (Giving): Physical touch, quality time
Love Language (Receiving): Quality time, gift giving
Likes: Video games, reading, drawing, writing, crochet, cross stitch, Sanrio, frogs, mushrooms, cows, coffee, sweets, summertime
Dislikes: Chores (executive dysfunction), cold weather, bitter foods, crowded places, overload of sounds (sensory issue)
Personality: I'm a very quiet person, but I'm also very friendly and bubbly. I love making friends even though I have social anxiety around new people. I'm not the most talkative, though I can hold a conversation: I'm a great listener, at least! I love spending time with my loved ones, especially my special person. I try really hard to make people feel welcome and relaxed when they're around me. Despite being quiet, I'm generally quiet communicative. When it comes to negative feelings it does have to be dragged out of me a bit, but otherwise I'm an open book!
I'm very chill most of the time, and can be very laid back. More a follower personality. I can be a bit cavalier as I deal with everything through (often quite dark) humor, but if I ever make someone genuinely uncomfortable I'm good to stop. I do need to be told peoples feelings directly though as I'm not a good judge of others unless I already know them well. Because of this I don't sus out peoples intentions well and see the best even when maybe it's not there. I'm pretty naive and gullible tbh. If you dig my humor, though, I'm really funny.
I'm very mental health aware. I suffer from anxiety and bipolar II, so I can be a lot. That being said, I'm very observant with those I love and very good at dealing with ups and downs in myself and others. I'm very introspective and always in my head for better and worse. I'm always striving to better myself, but tend to doubt myself and give into negative self talk.
I value my found family above all else. There's nothing I wouldn't do for them and I've been told I'm too loyal. I also value accountability, a growth mindset, and ambition.
Im very indoorsy and a bit of a homebody. That being said, I don't mind being spontaneous from time to time or going out if there's something interesting to do.
I have my moments of insecurity for sure but I'm pretty confident most of the time. Like I said, I'm an open book - I'm not shy to talk about anything with someone who asks and is seemingly well-intentioned! I honestly just have a huge interest in how people think and love picking their brains lol. I also love silly theorheticals for this very reason.
I'm a big softie who unsuccessfully pretends to be a tough guy. I've got a major weakness for cute things and wouldn't hurt a fly in reality. Soft candy with a gooey centre fr.
Hair: I have shoulder-length very dark brown wavy hair with a side part and grown out fringe. My hair is plain but it's soft!
Eyes: I have beautiful, big chocolate brown eyes with long lashes. They're one of my favourite parts of myself!
Body: I have olive skin, a pear figure, and am overweight. I have about 7 smallish tattoos, and piercings in my lips, ears, and nose.
Style: usually I'm very hobo-chic with all sweats but my preferred style is either full alt or cute pink dresses and bows.
Tysm for your time! Don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions!
Author's Note: Thank you so much for this request and how detailed and well structured it is! It made my work really enjoyable. As a side note, you seem such a nice person. Hope you'll enjoy it! 🌹
I ship you with...Trafalgar D Water Law!
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(lovely gif is not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
- Your chill and laid-back way of being is what naturally draws him to you. Afterwards, your bubbly side is what keeps him close, all whipped and annoyed.
- He hates to admit that you are exactly what he needed.
- You both seem loyal, mature and ambitious. Once he discovers those traits in you, he decides that he wants you close. An ally, maybe. That's what he sees in you initially.
- A softer demeanor is what Law needs to heal from his past. You being a softie is what will keep him getting better. Is also a side of you that he wants to keep as a secret, not wanting others to try to use it as manipulation.
- Being introspective is a mutual trait so at times, it will be a little complicated for you to figure out and communicate what's happening between you two.
- He's the first to notice that you're feeling anxious. Maybe because he's a doctor or maybe because he worries for you, who knows? (Hint: It's both.)
- The innocent gullibility you mentioned is something that triggers Law to take care of you. And also to tease you, good luck.
- Soft hair? Lay next to him as he's studying and let him run his fingers through your hair while he's reading.
- A cute scenario? You two would have late night convos about tattoos and piercings. Both being half asleep, talking about what other tattoos or piercings you want/consider cool.
- About your style, I think you two would make a great power couple when you go for the alternative aesthetic. If you go for the cute pink aesthetic, there's something about it that makes him whipped.
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fledermoved · 8 months
🎮 — favorite video game(s)? 🍝 — favorite food(s)? 🍦 — favorite ice cream flavor(s)? 🍰 — favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)? (only the most important questions obviously)
Munday asks || Accepting
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🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
RED DEAD REDEMPTION II MY FUCKING BELOVED... fr fr I played fo4 first and then eventually rdr and I went "WOW.... This is. A lot better-made and less glitchy than fallout jesus christ"
Don't get me wrong!! I love fallout 4!!! But it's... Not. Well scripted . And I don't care for the storyline personally
But I LOVE the worldbuilding. It has so so much potential, which is exactly why I added Teddy and his pups <333 but rdr2 will always be #1 in my heart.
🍝 — favorite food(s)?
Ngl, I eat a LOT of instant mac n cheese. I do love mac n cheese, but I think it's mostly because it's easy to make. Favorite food is probably mushrooms. I adore mushrooms <333
🍦 — favorite ice cream flavor(s)?
My sister has been buying this "limited edition" ice cream flavor that's like. Pecan praline?? Oh my GOD it is so good. I would commit arson for it tbh it's that good
🍰 — favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)?
My dessert of choice is mostly ice cream. I'm very picky when it comes to pastries, and I have to be in a certain mood to want them. I can't eat cake that has buttercream icing most of the time because it's just too sweet ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ for candy, though... I LOVE wispas and zagnuts. You know... The candies you can't find anywhere in the US (where I live) ...😅
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maehemthemisfit · 2 years
This is a LOT and probably half of it doesn't make any sense and looks like gibberish but yk what thats fine. Sorry I couldn't fit everyone!
@clovers-garden-co - my first ever moot, my one and only, bae, love of my life, my beloved, and the person who helped me make this blog so BIG SHOUT OUT to them!! ALSO CHECK OUT THEY'RE BLOG THEY DESERVE SO MUCH LOVE 💕💖💘
@fitzkn - my dawg, my guy, my fam, he's canonically a cat and part of the menace society. If you ever see me rb a convo with him, 9 times outta 10 it's gonna be something... idek how to explain it but you might laugh, you might cry, you might log out and rethink your life on this app. Conversations can range from genshin to a lawn mower don't ask me cause I have no words. He's also a talented writer an artists but will never admit it. If you're a fan of angst and genshin, I recommend digging through his blog and finding a fic called butter knife... I was in tears. HIS OTHER WORKS ARE CHEF KISS TOO MWAH
@some-stale-bread - we don't interact much but they're one of the OGs who welcomed me when I first started my blog. They're really cool and they're a good artist so check them out some time!
@senjusonlygirlfriend - we go way back, though we didn't interact much in those early moments. They're an amazing writer and friend and I love chatting with them <33
@path-of-yaksha - we also been moots for a while but I got hella confused bc you changed your url. They're a pretty chill system even though we don't interact much
@y-umiko - fell in love with their blog aesthetic <3 wish we interacted more. They like genshin and TR so it's a yes for me
@mansplain-manipulate-malewife - I don't know how this happened, but it did and I don't regret it. I feel like im falling through portals from rick and morty whenever I open their blog. It's a nice change of scenery. Hii Alex, hope you're doing well
@official-megumin - The best wizard in tumblr so powerful I had to follow. IDK WHAT CHECKMARKS MEAN AND WHY IS THERE MORE THAN ONE??? EXPLAIN??? She's cool, though I rarely see them when im active
@oddshroom - MY GURL, MY G, MY SHROOM- MUSHROOM? HAMVKTIRLOE. ANOTHER ONE PART OF MENACE SOCIETY. They're an awesome person, really sweet, amazing writer, we also speak in code 🦞 but you'll never know what we're saying. They gang fr doe 💅🏾✨
@dorothy-rainbird - WE DONT INTERACT ANYMORE *sobs* or have we ever? I see you in my notifs a lot though so you're part of the misfit gang. RESPECTT. Wish I seen you on my dash more tho :')
@vellichxrr6782 - HUGGING YOU HUGGING YOU HUGGING YOU. You're really sweet and I wish we talked more <33 I wish you the best my friend
@cross-crye - ANOTHER AMAZING WRITER HELLO??? They bouta put me on twst fr im this 🤏🏾close into falling down the simp rabbit hole. HELLO SETH I ALSO WISH U THE BEST
@omori-1 - daily reminder that I need to finish watching omori... I PROMISE I WILL AJUFKRI. VIRGO GANG. TALENTED CREATOR GANG. IF I COULD EAT THEIR BLOG I WOULD. Put it inna air fryer and drizzle some sauce on afterwards yum. Another one part of menace society. LOVE YA CHAI, YOU DESERVE THE WORLD AND THEN SOME
@xiao6ao - My love. My life. My will to write. MY LOVELY EDITOR. MWAH MWAH I LOVE YOU. She's my life support for real and also deserves the world and good fortune and just Nbhvgtdikmk This world shall know pain if anything happens to her. AMAZING WRITER YET ANOTHER ONE WHO DOESNT ADMIT IT. Grammarly 2.0. Always come in clutch. Menace society CEO. AHH I LOVE YOU PLEASE TAKE CARE
@atskas - MY FAM. TALENTED AUTHORS ALERT. TIMEZONES SUCK FR BUT I STILL LOVE THEM. Another one locked in, in the menace society, rip their sleep schedule. HI ARII ILY- HIARIILY... That actually looked like one word- GIRL I WISH YOU THE BEST MWAH
@lunartcmpest - it's always the aesthetic blogs that melts my heart. TALENT WRITER ALERT BEEP BEEP BEEP. GO CHECK OUT THEIR BLOG RN OR IM SNATCHING YOUR ANKLES. Wish we interacted more but it's all good. She's pretty cool tho. SHOUT OUTS TO YOU KAIRI, WISH YOU WELL
@albed0kreideprinz - They haven't been active in a min and I hope they're okay, but here's an amazing rp blog for all those interested. They're amazing and really sweet and I hope the world treats them well <3
@ventisweetheart - IF ONLY I COULD HUG SOMEONE THRU THE INTERNET! You're so sweet and I'm glad we're moots and I always look forward to our interactions
@micheya - I dont know why and dont ask me, but if I could squish you like a gummy bear I would... IT MIGHT BE THE AETHER PFP IDK. We don't interact much but <333
@1eaf-me-alone - This year, I think you should turn a new 1eaf... g-get it BECAUSE MUYGITKR,ICRLT. Forgive me, I had to. PFF S,MUTFR THEY'RE REALLY COOL CHECK THEM OUT. HI HELLO HRU. I love our interactions please dont block me for my Cyno jokes, I'll 1eaf you alone if you- AUMSUFKRDE IM SORRY I CANT HELP IT!!
@scaranya - the fact that I had to basically type your full name out because scaranation is so big on tumblr... N E WAYS, RECENT MOOT HERE. Love to see your comments <3 Please stay safe and well!
@qingxin-dream - ENVIOUS OF YOUR WANDERER KEYCHAIN GRRR GRRR SUNYUFKRIKRCF. Another great writer here, please check them out!
@enassbraid - Yall with these url changes. I HAVE BAD MEMORY OKAY! She's lovely okay and deserves the moon and back
@cynotical - RECENTLY BECAME MOOTS BUT IVE BEEN A FAN FOR AWHILE ✨✨✨ Another talented writer please check them out as well as their other blog!!! THEY'RE AWESOME AND SUCH A LOVELY PERSON TOO
@sonder-paradise - idk how but their writing manages to break me down and put me back together again every time like— UGHHH I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE. Talent writer alert x20. Should have 2 novels and an ongoing series already because wth
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seth-burroughs · 1 year
for the ask game how about both seth and yomi?
MY BOYS >:))))))) THE BOYS
favorite thing about them
I can't. fucking. The poncho that tricked me into believing he's a short king but he's like fucking 5'9. The glowy hood belts. How he looks like he's gonna keel over any minute. The bouquet. Him needing to use a megaphone since he just mumbles me too buddy I was pointing at the screen saying "me too buddy" when Yomi was being Yomi about his voice ME TOO BUDDY (it's fine I forgave him). Him taking bribes from the Nail Man because his boss told him to and how he saw nothing suspicious about it. Him ALSO trying to make a deal with the detectives when they get close to finding out. Him being a literal saint compared to all the other peacekeepers (what is wrong with them) and kiiiiiiiind of actually doing his job. His monocle. That shit eating smile. The green. Him existing in (and making) the best chapter in RC. Him getting hit with a helmet so hard he bleeds (guess by who). Him getting progressively less intimidating and more pathetic and cringefail with every scene he's in. The concerning Burroughs family loading screen trivia. Him being good at chess and liking wind instruments. Him hating untuned instruments. His birthday being in pride month. His winx enchantix form in the ML. Should I keep going
least favorite thing about them
How he appeared completely unannounced out of fucking nowhere to be the best character in the game in like 4 scenes total and they then just. hauled him off.
The disrespect is unbelievable I was in denial the whole game every chapter I was waiting for him to show up again. He's not even the only peacekeeper that shows up out of nowhere and then we never see them again, hello Swank Guillaume & Dominic. Dare I say MDA:RC should have been longer - not as in, more cases but like. More downtime between chapters to get to know the Guys more. Please
favorite line
"You need to get your watch repaired. Oh dear... the watchmaker is currently detained as a suspect. Just throw away that piece of trash then." you just KNOW he was so fucking satisfied with himself after that he was giggling internally the whole time. What if I killed him
Seth & Guillaume nominated for Kanai Ward's most toxic friendship. I hope you die I hope we both die (platonic)
Seth x therapy and a different job best ship
Seth/Yakou I just don't vibe 😔
random headcanon
Most polish man in Kanai Ward he pickles fucking everything. Goes mushroom picking every autumn and dries all the boletes and boletuses to use for pierogi filling. Always makes his own pierogi store bought are disgusting. Puts atrocious amounts of frozen dill on all his surówkas and mashed potatoes. Cucumber soup enjoyer. All of these are about food. I love food I wish I could eat it
unpopular opinion
Don't have any. I agree with mostly everything they're are saying about him here I approve of the RC tumblr community Seth opinions👍👍
song i associate with them
Hmmmmm.......... Sometimes by Nick Lutsko - You see with Yomi I could make an entire playlist, but there is literally only 1 song in the whole world (that isn't like. an instrumental lmao) that reminds me of Seth. My music taste is fucking Sethless.
favorite picture of them
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I don't care what the masses say his phantom fucking slayed. People are being so cruel to him fr calling him cabbage head. I mean they're right but
favorite thing about them
How he's so terrible and evil and so fucking sexy about it. Every single time he appears on screen gets a fake zilch zombie esque response from me
least favorite thing about them
I legitimately cannot think of a single bad thing about Yomi
favorite line
I have three!
1. "That's even more impossible than a chance meeting between an umbrella and a sewing machine on an operating table!" what is wrong with him.
2. Not a single line but like. The conversation he had with Yuma when they were alone for a few minutes after we talked to Huesca where Yuma just tries to break the awkward silence with "umm" and Yomi just hits him with the "WHY DO YOU EXIST. WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE"
3. [after Makoto says he has a duty to watch over Amaterasu and Kanai Ward as a whole] "... What? What have you ever done for Kanai Ward? All you do is look down on it from high. The peaceful order you see when you gave upon it is thanks to my righteous justice. I'm the one guiding these lazy fools! I brought civilization to this place! I don't need you messing with the proper order of my city!" :]] I'll leave it without comment go make up your own mind about it~~
Him and Fake Zilch. Not because I see them as platonic but because Fake Zilch was like... literally the only bro option that exists for him lmao
How dare you make me choose between Fake Zilch, Makoto & Yuma
Yomi x Martina. I remember when he got introduced and right after he sent Seth to the electric chair, spat on Yakou then left I thought to myself "well at least he's a big wife guy" hoo boy.
random headcanon
Has two beds in his apartment. One shaped like a cool racecar where he has sex with Martina, and one three days grace themed four story bed where he has sex with everyone else. He doesn't sleep in either of them because rest is for soyboys and omegas. Speaking of omegas h- *audio cuts off*
unpopular opinion
Yomi haters are WEAK as FUCK Also he should be allowed to do whatever he wants actually I cheered and clapped when he hit Vivia right on the face with his whip you and me both Yomi you and me both.
song i associate with them
I have an entire playlist for that lmao so I'll limit myself to five: Dear Dictator by Saint Motel, Autotheist by Baby Bugs, Digital Silence by Peter McPoland + The Reason They Hate Me by Daughters. If we're talking about his relationship to Makoto then Want by Recoil and Men by The Dodos are PEAK makoyomi I beg you to listen to them. Pleas e
favorite picture of them
Sigh *pulls out the Yomi folder and starts picking them out extremely carefully*
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bedoballoons · 9 months
What's your favourite thing/moment about your anons?
Figured answering this one during new year's would be the best time, so let's have a little memory moment!!
Fairy anon: I honestly think you unanoning is one of my favourite moments, just because I was so excited to finally see your blog and I believe you were the last one I didn't know. I also loved hearing about your school life, talking about the drama and of course your how's everyone doing today's. Love you bunches!! <3
Donut cat: My favourite moment with you has to be when you first mentioned liking feet, I was so shocked and I could not stop laughing. You are so funny donut cat and of all the posts I've seen, you're the only one that's literally made me cry of laughter. Never change!
Sleepy anon: Fish.
(okay but fr, that has to be one of the best moments ever)
Broccoli anon: I can't really pick one specific moment because you've had alot of good ones so instead I'm just going to say that my favourite thing about you is how kind you are. How you always keep messaging in the server even if you don't always get answers. It keeps it alive and I think you for that <3
Mushroom anon: I loved seeing your phone case and how cracked it was, or when you showed me the mushrooms you found like you are such a unique person and I feel so lucky to have met you! I'm sorry you're no longer in the server, but please know you're always welcome to join again or just chat with us in private too
Fox anon: I know you're not here anymore, but my favourite thing about you was always how many asks you'd send in, even if I couldn't write every idea you had you'd send them in and I could read them, get inspired. Missing you greatly :(
Lucky anon: Not really sure where you went, but I already know my favourite moment with you was when you first started messaging in the server. You have such a sassy side and you weren't afraid to say some things, honestly hilarious. I hope you don't disappear forever :p
Ramen anon: Bro, I don't think we've ever been this close. This year has been so fucking full of ups, downs, super highs, and rock bottoms, but I wouldn't change a damn thing. I love you man <3
Bananon: My favourite moments with you bananon were the times I was telling you to get into horny jail. You'd always get away somehow, use donut cat as a escape or get clever with wording. I also really enjoyed calling with you too, it was alot of fun to talk!!
Starstruck anon: Obviously talking about your rom-com like life. I hope you're doing well with your date and that my post about autism helps you out! If you want more details or help you can ask away. (I'll do my very best to help you anyway can)
Sparkles anon*⁠.⁠✧: We haven't had a lot of moments so far, but I more then enjoyed meeting you and I can't wait to make some!! Think my favourite thing about you currently other then the fact you're so nice, is that you're different. You have no emojis, just emoticons.
Umbrella kitty anon: ☂️🐱 (Does umbrella kitty work for you?) I would say my favourite thing about you is how creative you are with ideas. Ive loved every request you've sent in and I eager to write more of them for you too!
Pancake anon: Where have you gone hmm 👀 Talking about Heizou...because we all know he's kinda...
Princess: I saved you for last hehe. I knew yours was gonna be a long one love, because I plan on answering both sides of this ask for you. My favourite thing about you is your smile and how you laugh when we are talking about stupid things. The little nose scrunch you make when you smile really wide.
As for favourite moment, maybe it's when we laughed so hard talking about nothing but bubble wrap or I jump scared you with my voice while you were playing Minecraft. It could also be when you accidentally burned our house down or when I first heard you voice. There's to many to choose from...
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gojuo · 2 years
also can we talk about the fact that, narratively, it doesn’t really make sense to “out” Aegon as a rapist and worse (if the leaks are true) at this point in the story?? like, even if they wanted to paint him as Mushroom’s version does, couldn’t have they waited another episode or something? Because their attempt to humanize/justify Alicent, having her mishearing the prophecy as opposed to simply being power-hungry and wanting her own blood on the throne, now falls completely fucking flat. Her “you’re no son of mine” scene is followed by her literally crowning said son king and serving him the iron throne on a silver platter. isn’t she supposed to be a moral character in the show? couldn’t she have simply ignored Viserys’ delirious nonsense considering she’s just found out (or she’s known all along) her son is a monster and should be nowhere near a position of power??? be fr😭
no wait you're right..... alicent herself said to rhaenyra that she'd "make a good queen" as if she resigned herself to it, but now with the ramblings of a dying man in his final moments she changes her mind completely? "doing what the king wills" but you know he never changed his mind in all of those years? I love alicent in the show don't get me wrong I sympathize with her so much I feel for her I want better for her, but I kinda mourn the clever and cunning politician from F&B who was ambitious and who we never got in HOTD. it would have been better for me to have alicent in this show be like "you stole my life, you will not steal my son's too" to viserys as he lay dying and then crown aegon as revenge/justice for herself and her family. but they're not going that way with her sadly. I wish they had kept the original reason for the Dance to happen, reason being the contradicting laws and precedents set by the GC101. I wish they had kept the Dance as a legal battle and not a misunderstanding over a dumb ass prophecy.
instead of exploring his bond with sunfyre, we get aegon being a rapist + child fighting pits for shock value. because depraved shit makes for good entertainment and shocking plot twists in hbo's eyes I guess 😮‍💨 such a wasted fucking arc for someone that doesn't want to be king who will become the "I will fight until the very bitter end and refuse to die" man we get at dragonstone
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yippieitsarvensart · 11 months
OH OH OH CAN I TALK ABOUT AUTISTIC HEADCANONS?? Okay okay- so I'll go in house order ajshdoakdhdjfkfj I'm so exicted!!!
Riddle is RIDDLED with autism and you can't change my mind. Like yeah his mom definitely has a big part on why he's Like That, but the need for routine?? The fucking MELTDOWN when things don't go as planned? When he feels he isn't being listened to/understood and it fills his blood with rage???? When he has trouble understanding tone (the most obvious one being sarcasm, but he's struggled with trying to discern if people are upset with him or not as well, same with patronizing/being teased!!) LIKE?????? He's just like me fr!!!!!
Cater is another that seems so obvious to me, like it's canon he has a way lower social battery than he let's on and he's masking like 24/7! And every autistic person I know is way more popular online than they are irl askgsksshvxkx, it's harder to be perceived as "off" through social media and I think he figured that out awhile ago
Jack's never ending energy when it comes to the things he loves, such as running or gardening? His strict moral code? His discomfort with expressing emotions? His sensitive/heightened senses? (That's probably just a beastman thing but shhhhh)
Literally the whole octatrio. Azul finds comfort in small enclosed spaces and compression, has canon comfort/security items and spaces, has safe foods and not safe foods, more prone to meltdowns than he'd ever let you believe.
You know how Azul needs compression? Yeah the twins HATE that shit, they don't like being restricted but you know what they DO like? Being the compressor! All 3 of them find comfort in giving a good squeeze, only Azul likes to receive the squeeze.
Floyd is SENSORY SEEK9NG ALL THE WAY, he needs loud music he needs to be THROWN he needs to eat rocks and do cartwheels and touch all the weird land textures!!! He HAS to or he's gonna EXPLODE!!!!!
Jade's special interest is mushrooms, that much is obvious, but i also would like to mention that he's kind of the middle ground between Floyd and Azul. He gets so bored and understimulated when everything is smooth sailing, nothing new, no chaos, BUT he needs controlled chaos. He needs chaos that isn't gonna throw him into a sensory overload ya feel? He needs some fun but a specific kind of (cough sadistic cough cough) fun that he controls like puppet master.
I'm gonna stop here so I don't go on forever but!! If you want I can continue!!! I have SO MANY THOUGHTS about these characters and their mental states :D
I LOVE THAT YALL ARE JUST RAMBLING TO ME NOWWW YEAHAHAHA yes yes please continue oh mymy god. I love autism hcs I LOVE HCS SO BAD Literally anyone out there. Come tell me about twst hcs. I'll go absolutely bonkers insane over them <333
Okay I get you so bad rn they're so real. Riddle autism was already so real to me and I love it when people can like actually properly explain how the hc WORKS like this like you make it WORK now I never did think of Jack as autistic, that... GUYS AUTISM TWISTED WONDERLAND REAL??? SO REAL>/????
I'M SO GLAD!!! YOU GET ME !!! WITH FLOYD!!!!!!! I've been fucking saying he needs that loud music and that action but. SLAMS FIST ON TABLE. NO ONE GETS ME. Like I just recently convinced someone that he'd be big on rock/metal music (like me) (I was projecting) because of how dancey it is because of how UPBEAT and CRAZY it can be sometimes!!!!!!!!!!!
Though I personally think that Floyd would be big on compression as well, he's always squeezing ppl but I think he'd also like it if someone squeezed him back. It never happens to him like ever but when it does he just melts. (mecore)
He and Azul wrap their tail/tentacles around each other and SQUEEEEEEZE!!!!!! And sometimes they fall asleep tangled around each other. Side note for that: /p btw I noticed I don't rlly ship the octatrio unless it's yuri jeiazu LOLL Jade being the only one who doesn't enjoy a lot of physical contact IS real to me though. (I love making the twins so #opposites but also #samezies)
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok, i'm back in hateno to do this election. i read that the quest has no consequences so i can do all of them lol (have to, in fact). so for now i'm tailing cece the gentrifier...
actually, sitting around waiting for midnight reminds me a lot of majora's mask :')
oh. my god. girl.
she sneaks out to eat VEGETABLES??? the shame............
this is so funny. nintendo's take on politics is "but what if everybody just got along!"
oh! there's a message in a bottle on this farm. ocarina of time core.
sdfjghsldjkfgh it's a secret cheese recipe. so true that needed saving in a bottle
holy shit the mayor's wife walked by and when i talked to her she said she was on her way to clean "zelda's" house...interesting...........she hires housekeepers.
well. everybody made up and held hands or whatever
i got like her hat or whatever but here's the thing. love and light. the hat is ugly. the clothes are ugly. i maybe wouldn't have hated cece if her clothes were cool but man...........it's just a mushroom pattern. girl cmon
im ALL GOOD in hateno now. i think the next place i want to try going is the great plateau...it's been so long 🥺
oh, but first, i gotta swing by lookout point. i haven't turned in a single poe this whole game lol
oh! it's like a store!
DARK LINK TUNIC MY BELOVED..........................
ohhh and gloom-resistant food, and bomb flowers...aaaaa
ooooooooh there's a goron here talking about the mountain going cold...WTF that was totally a thing 14yo liz out in her fanfic lol
omg some lurelin villagers thanked me for telling them i'd been and seen everyone got out safely 😭
i forgot how fucking tedious this was. so many dialogue boxes and an animation for every upgrade............help
ooh, some sky junk fell down around here too. what's real interesting about this is that they refer to the language as "ancient hyrulean." HYRULEAN. not hylian. HMMMMMMM but what a throwback lol
and the stable is finished except for the last piece i slotted in! i like this, it seems the lookout changes with every quest you do. reminds me a little of tarrytown......
i missed gay construction worker noises :')
there are zoras and rito here too!! man this is so cool
i am literally falling asleep in my chair but tomorrow great plateau fr
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jinkicake · 2 years
FHDHFH NO BC REALLY SCARAMOUCHE GOT ME AND I HATE IT!!! Bc all the fanart is top tier like it belongs in a museum and he the same vibe as imposter albedo like they can destroy a nation as a treat bc they’re lashing out🥺 chronic dabi disease. Like someone made this Tiktok about scaramouche walking in like “ daddy’s home” AMD IVE BEEN CRYING BC ITS TRUE HE STOLE ALL MY ATTENTION like wow I LOVE a mean ass man he can be all yandere in public but I’m taller than him like I’ll throw you over my shoulder and take you home💀like good luck choking me I’m into that,but unfortunately the dick is the punishment bc he will get and more unhinged the more you push him, like yeah you can ignore him yelling at you when he’s pissed but in retaliation he will fuck you in the harbinger meeting table like 6 mins before they’re supposed to start he has absolutely no shame bc who’s gon beat his ass?? Lmao can’t decide weather he gags you and they continue on w the meeting like normal like your NOT bouncing on his dick about to pass out or he makes them watch as he humiliates you “don’t try to hide your face now, should I let them use you too? You’re already making a mess” like yeah you can roast him unites red in the face but is it worth him electrocuting you when you cum?? And doing it over and over?? Him🫱🏽‍🫲🏾Lisa Using their electro powers to shock their partners when they cum to make them loose it😔😔 like I would be scared FR if I even made him roll his eyes bc I will be blacked out for four business days he system updates your brain so you just gotta chill for a while like the dick is phenomenal but at what cost😫 and speaking of he definitely has customizable ones like he definitely has one that lights up in that big ass robot like I saw art of the “ fight” of him fucking the traveler In that robot and the wires holding them in place, and now that he’s got his redemption arc started I want him to travel around!! Ion even like going into sumuru w them annoying ass mushrooms 😭 I want to see him go to Liyue and hear about childe reputation “ you know that harbinger that almost drowned the harbor? I hear he’s sneaking around w that hot funeral consultant” “ excuse me what did you say🙂” I need him to restart his hoe era bc I KNOW that he was trying as much shit as he could as a freshly free “human” like idk how he knows kazuha but wouldn’t be surprised if they fucked like he’s a traveler and he’s seen shit, like kazuha could probably tell you about some crazy ass threesome he had in sumuru while on sex pollen😭 like they are for the streets!! Scaramouche would just have to give up bc I like him like oh you hate me? Hate me harder that’s hot🥰🥰 like very jealous of the fatui grunts bc he degrades them 😒 like okay your right maybe a “god” does beet to put a lowly human in their place🥴
EXACTLYYYYY like why is scara's fanart so good it sets me up to fail.... he's a fucking short puppet i should NOT like his ass T T but then again,,, he's fucking crazy and i love psycho characters..... he's unhinged and i enjoy it!!!
((the mention of dabi.... my heart hurts,,, my number one psycho like hes forever in my heart!!))
naur literally scara is so scary because he doesnt care like the dude has nothing to lose so he's so reckless T T it's not like you can ever leave him or anything so he can do whatever he wants w you!!! hence his obsession w fucking you in front of others and just treating you like shit sighhh
honestly, im torn between obsessive yandere!scara and timid gentle!scara like there is no in between... he's either k!lling everyone that you talk to or holding your hand to make sure that you never leave him.... i guess clingy scara is another form or yandere!scara huh-
wahhhhh no literally ughhhh he and lisa are bitches when it comes to teasing their s/o w electricity like their fingers are literal vibrators.... ADD MISS MIKO TO THAT LIST TOO BC SHE'D ALSO DO THAT- they're all evil!!!!
oh my gawdddd did you read that one post about fucking his robot? my jaw DROPPED when i saw it.... it's like fucking eren's titan
i've seen the scara kazuha ship connections already!!!! and honestly,,, i see it.... i truly do!
also, i have to ask.... how do you feel about his supposed redemption arc? bc me, personally, i don't know how i feel like i want closure for him and everything but i also like him as a little shit >:-) i dont want him to get softttttt but idk!!!
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safetyrat · 2 years
Hello Rovin Ranbutler Safetyrat, so I heard you wanted to talk about Slavic Tubbo...
I DO WANT TO TALK ABOUT HIM you get the food portion :D
Do you know how westerners are always really weird about not eating ikra (kaviar)? ive been trying to force my friends to try it since forever AND THEY JUST WONT but tubbo is a lot more persuasive than i am so you bet he will have made everyone try it. tommy spit it back out at him. ranboo likes it for texture reasons (theyre like me fr) wilbur swallowed and pretended to love it to seem cultured. i think he make slime try it in las nevadas and he started shoveling it like yogurt (which tbf i did that but its generally not considered normal LMAO)  
like tubbo isnt made of money and i cant imagine anybody selling ikra in the dsmp region so i he likely fishes and prepares it all himself which takes a lot of time and effort! 
so yeah he fishes he absolutely does. imagine bench trio bonding fishing trips and go crazy with me for a second. i also think he fished with president wilbur in lmanburg and that he was absolutely cringe fail at it, but he likes doing it for the aesthetic
tubbo is like,, really good at dealing with fish and meat, but i cant imagine him being that good and creative at cooking honestly. whenever he cooks its just pelmeni over and over again. michael loves it and i think ranboo is routine oriented enough to just accept it. he brings some over to the commune sometimes
tubbo does make blini for michael in the mornings too though. he cuts them in cute little shapes. ranboo gets the leftovers from that lmao
OH HE GOES MUSHROOM HUNTING absolutely absolutely he knows how to distinguish edible mushrooms by SMELL ALONE. hes really good at preparing them too. the amount of times he had to prevent some idiot from poisoning themselves are uncountable. 
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janggtoco · 1 year
hi dear honey !! it’s been a hot minute </3 may is kicking my ass
what’s up with you <3 how have you been?? i saw that you’ve become closer with some of your moots and to that i say I AM HAPPY 4 U it’s such a great feeling to be surrounded by pleasant people! also not sure if you were moots on your old blog but do you know/remember mushroom? i miss her </3 and many other caratblr blogs who left :/ tumblr is soooo . these days
i recently made the decision to quit med school lol 😭 i’m currently applying for a job for the FIRST TIME EVER with no relevant experience whatsoever because all my life i was on the pre-med -> med track……. what are corporate recruiters gonna do with my knowledge in pathology.. pls wish me luck 😫
hope you have a great week ahead 🩵🩵
omg hi wonderful!! i was thinking about you this whole time fr!! i’m sorry your may is stressful and if it makes you feel better, mine has been too 😭
life has been pretty ok :3 stressful mostly with finances and family but ok!! but yes 🥺 i love my moots so much.. i've gotten really close with a lot of them by just annoying them daily with my presence <3 it's weird bcs my days used to be so quiet and i'd get stuck in my head a lot bcs i had no one to talk to, but now my days are filled with a lot of love and comfort! like a lot of my friends i can only say are just my comfort place now and idk.. my brain is still mean sometimes but my friends make sure i don't listen to it so much anymore :3 and i'm forever grateful for that hehe. and i do remember mushroom! i wasn't mutuals with her but i had friends who were and she always seemed so lovely~ but i agree, if you don't have your comfortable group of friends, tumblr is kind of... :/ it has its ups and downs
WOAH that's such a big decision and i'm so proud of you!! it's difficult to come to that decision!! if it makes you feel any better, my whole life was pre-vet track until my sophomore year of college and i realized being a vet just wasn't for me and i went into wildlife biology! and now i don't work in either field and work a normal corporate job 😭 trust me, a little bit of education and some work or leadership experience can actually go a long way! i mean, look at me! i believe in you and i'll be sending you all my good energy <33
ty bb;; i hope you have a wonderful wonderful week ahead of you too! keep me updated on the job search!!!
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