#just saw some pretty moving patterns on the ceiling and laid on the floor a lot
I do mushrooms sometimes and a great thing I've learned is that when I panic or feel spooked or threatened I sober instantly, at least for a few minutes, which is incredibly useful
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samplepsychadelic · 1 year
trip report 9/30 [10mg weed 3g shrooms]
Last night's trip was on a whole pther level of my past trips. my first proper shroom trip :] I bought them from a smoke shop near kip's apartment. he's a VERY nice guy, let me pay card since I didn't have cash and has helped me navigate my interest in psychadelics since moving. I bought about 3g of both of his strains (jedi + wombat). he advised I tried wombat first and honestly I'm glad I did.
I brought my pack of capsules with me while kip and I most of the day running errands and dying his hair. we got to his house around 3pm and he offered to trip sit me.
I took 8 of the mushroom capsules (≈.27g each) around 3:30pm with no effect. I stayed in the living room laying on the couch setting my intentions while I waited. why did I exist? what is reality? what is death? after 2 hours I didn't know if they were going to work. I had 2 extra capsules left, which I eventually decided "well I might as well take them. 3 grams is a pretty nice amount anyways" and I honestly wasn't sure if it would make things turn south. I tend to be very resistant to mushrooms just by themselves. at around 5:30, we had gone back to my grandparents' house to pick up my sleep meds. I decided to throw in a bit of weed to kick things into gear (weed pairs wonderfully with mushrooms. it helps it get into my system). after coming back home we just kind of hung out in his room, he played on his computer while I laid on his bed. with the weed kicking in, so did the mushrooms.
the first signs were some mild (but still incredible) hallucinations; the ceiling started rotating and shifting with a spinning purple, green and orange mandala overlayed on top. during my trip I ended up getting really talkative and giddy. I just kept telling kip about how awesome or weird or funny everything was. obviously the first things I started telling him about what I was seeing. I kept asking "do I sound weird? do I make sense?" because I wasn't sure how to properly describe what I was experiencing. at some point I had gone outside to measure how strong my hallucinations were. at the moment they were pretty moderate and I was still mostly aware of myself and the concept of being. however by the time I had gone inside to lay on the couch, not even 5 minutes later, the hallucinations were so strong legitimately everything was moving and animating in such a bizzare way that I was captivated by it. the carpet on the floor was rolling, each diagonal stripe of the rainbow rug in front of the couch was moving on their own like conveyer belts, even the TV and its stand were alive and breathing, each movement leaving an outline of color behind.
I decided to close my eyes to see how advanced the closed eye visuals were. the answer was extremely complex. I mostly remember a kaleidoscope of purple and yellow triangles and rainbow spiral patterns. I also saw rainbow lisa frank-esque chinese dragons (I really liked them). I moved back to kip's bed and decided to continue my trip there so I could tell hom about it. by this point my ego was gone. I was no longer just a person, I was everything. I became part of the comforter on the bed, sort of melting into it. I watched my sister on his computer, his hair shifting and seeming like part of a painting. the screen would have red and blue outlines in front of it every time I blinked. it was like we were the only beings in the entire universe to exist, just to have fun together. describing the second phase of the trip feels almost impossible through words but I'll try to be as descriptive as I can. I had an overwhelming sense of love and happiness, so much so that my whole body felt tingly, like getting the world's best back massage. I started realizing that this reality is whatever I want it to be and that everything is perfect the way it is. I felt like I was receiving all the happiness and love I hadn't been given in my life at that exact moment- it felt like my chest was going to burst because of how happy I was. I messaged all my friends and told them I love them, I let kip know he was an amazing trip sitter, and I wished that everyone could experience this kind of love and peace within themselves. while I was having this moment it was almost impossible to tell the difference between having my eyes open and closed, not in a visual sense, everything just didn't seem real. even when I would talk to kip or laugh at his tts generations, it didn't feel like it was me, rather just a projection of my true self. I honestly was having such a good time that I was convinced that absolutely nothing could ruin this trip. hell, I could throw up at that exact moment and still be perfectly happy (for context- throwing up is my absolute worst fear. I have PTSD from it). around then I was very giggly and happy. kip said I was really pleasant. at one point I had gotten up to look at myself in the mirror. seeing my pupils the size of dimes made me laugh. kip told me not to look in the mirror anymore as I got myself comfortable under the covers. not even a few minutes later I had asked kip "wait, when did I get comfy?", he told me I literally just got into bed. I found it funny how my memory was all over the place. I hadn't even remembered what I had just done until after asking. I lay in bed thinking about myself and the world around me. this was it, this was everything I had wanted out of my trip- to find out that reality is made differently for each individual. everything was so wonderful. I remember thinking at one point "if I stay in this room like this for the rest of eternity I would be happy. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else".
the visuals slowly died down as I decided to watch some cartoons. there were no more trippy hallucinations, but my peripheral vision was much bigger than whatever I could focus on. I told kip that I needed to go to the bathroom (in all honesty- I just wanted to be sneaky about looking at my eyes again) and got up. walking around the house felt odd, like my consciousness was lagging behind me. I would get up, walk around, and only become aware of myself and what I was doing a minute later. I checked my eyes again and my pupils were back to normal. I went to the bathroom and picked at my face for a bit, once and awhile looking at myself and making observations about my face. I liked how I looked- I was kind of cute. my body was perfect, I didn't need to change a thing about myself. I finally loved myself.
I got bored picking at my face after awhile, not sure how long, and laid back down. most of the time towards the end of the trip was spent waiting for kip to come to bed. however I wasn't really sure if I was ready to end the experience. I knew that it wouldn't last forever, to my slight dissapointment, and wanted to keep feeling the happiness and affection forever. it did kind of feel like I had been tripping forever, not that I minded. but I did know that I should go to bed soon.
I decided to take my sleep meds awhile later, still kind of debating on if I wanted to bring everything to an end just yet. even after kip was in bed and the lights were out, I was still too excited and too restless to go to sleep. I'm not sure when I fell asleep, it must have been around 10 or 11pm. waking up the next morning was difficult, mushroom hangover is no joke.
saturday night's trip is going to stick with me for awhile. I feel like that was all I needed in this moment and I probably won't be tripping for a good while. I felt like a new person afterward and I felt like I had to share what had happened with everyone I could think of. putting it into words is extremely hard for me since a lot of the trip was feelings, sort of like a blissful unawareness. I honestly got exactly what I needed. I got it perfect the 1st time.
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saturatedboy · 3 years
Could I please request a one shot of Donna crushing hard on a fem SO who’s terrified of her bc she’s a lord and has all these scary rumors about her but Donna is determined to win her heart even though the poor girl is as a skittish and meek as a tiny rabbit in the wild
Donna Beneviento x F!Reader
This ended up being longer than I anticipated but I do hope you enjoy!
Words: 3.9k
House Beneviento. The name had always sent shivers down your spine when you heard the other adults talk about it. You were just a female young adult with a liking towards flowers that would grow and intoxicated you with their scent. The stereotypical feminine liking towards flowers had most certainty made you the eye-candy for all the boys but you never seen yourself liking any of them back. All your life you had lived in the Village of the Shadows, you had never caught any feelings for the opposite sex. It was a strange to the elder women, they used to try pair you up with a match but every time you had refused their offering of a male towards you. Sometimes you felt as though you had put your family to shame but there was always another part of you telling you you had nothing to be ashamed off. This was you, you will choose who to love and if you never want to love or just couldn't, you were willing to accept that.
Recently, some things had been off with the Village and it's civilisation. You knew better then to question your religion on worshipping Mother Miranda as you had found comfort in knowing that someone out there was willing to protect you- too bad those days were gone and well, that was when you were just a child reaching the age of 7. Now, age 19, you've came to consider the down sides and the strange disappearance of some in the Village.
"(Y/n) my darling, would you please go collect some herbs?" Your mother had called from the kitchen as you had sat pondering in your own thoughts about the strange noises you would hear outside on a night. Having your head sat on your hand with an elbow on the table, you turned your head to face your mother who was stood with a soft smile and faint beads of sweat dripping down her forehead from cooking over the fire.
"Doesn't the elders go gather the herbs mother?" You questioned her as you move your head off your hand and decided to get up and ready for your journey after being requested by your mother. Your mother however was already caught up back in her work of cooking, completely ignoring you. You sighed with sagged shoulders and moved to collect your white cloak which had been tainted with mud at the bottom. "I'll see you soon mother," You spoke as you paced yourself to the front door and swung it open, being greeted by the swift coldness of the air.
Stepping onto the snow, you breathed in the crisp frost and stepped forward to begin your journey near the forest. Normally the elders would go collect the herbs but seemingly because you knew the area from flower picking, you are now the perfect fit to do it. Pulling your cloak closer to your body, you lifted the hood and let it sit on your head and shoulders and the rest of it draped down and covered you up to your ankles. Your breath had left faint clouds in front of you, making patterns as it swirled. This wasn't the best weather to be out in but you hoped your beige cotton dress would keep you warm enough.
As you walked through the village, you tended to ignore everyone. Their looks on you made you feel so left out. You were the only women of age who hadn't been together with a single boy of your age division. It frustrated you that such social thoughts that a women should be together with a man always made you mad. For the name of Mother Miranda, why couldn't some people in the village accept some don't want to love and some rather love someone the same gender. There was nothing wrong with choosing someone to love- but you supposed it was like this because the population of the village was going down and repopulating the village would be needed. You didn't like the idea but it was something you were taught at a young age. Slipping through tight areas, you made your way towards the the rocky bridge where you would cross to get to the forest where most of the herbs had grown.
You hoped you would find some near the front entrance.
Luck wasn't something you had, you had always been careful when you were younger making sure to never let any superstition past your mind. Any newly made shoes on the table? You would move them. Someone knocked over a mirror? You would of tried your best to catch it. You were always so careful when it came to things like that. It just made you more adorable in the eyes of those who wanted to have you for their own personal needs and you knew what personal needs they wanted. Reason why you realised you didn't have a lot of luck was the fact that the herbs you needed for medicine wasn't there. They had been cut clean and most likely would grow in another month. "Looks like I have to go further in" You whispered to yourself, taking down your hood and lifting the front of your dress up so you could climb over tree roots and not trip over a small pebble. What you didn't know when travelling further into the forest was a pair of watchful eyes...more than a pair of watchful eyes.
Humming a soft tune, you walked past the creepy dolls that were hung by the branches and got ready your small sheers to cut the herbs when you found them. Shivers crawled down your spine as you looked around, you hated those dolls with a passion- well they were cute some of them but mostly scary in your eyes. Everyone knew who's territory you were in.
Lady Beneviento's. The lady who apparently practically controlled the dolls and would use them to her command. She was a Lady. These were the rumours that had passed about your village of your time living there, which was your whole life. You knew every story about Beneviento, you couldn't help it. You had to know all about the stories to know who ruled over you and who you should worship, it wasn't a choice. Searching more, you were lucky enough to come across the correct herbs you needed, they were under a large tree with some small daisies growing underneath it from the sheltered floor by the leaves. Mentally cheering, you jogged towards the tree and leaned down, plucking at the stems of the herbs with your sheers. Whilst you was doing this, you didn't realise the lady dressed in black behind you behind a tree with a hand over a hyper-active doll clamping her mouth shut
She was intrigued at your sudden appearance. She had left her manor in search of a quiet day out seemingly the coldness would pick up very soon and she just needed that air to clear her mind. What she didn't expect was a new person to be walking in her territories and almost in the centre as well. Weirdly, she felt appreciated at the new accompany but she didn't like the fact you came and starting to pluck at her plants she didn't appreciate. She had to keep Angie quiet so she doesn't get spotted, maybe you would leave after you plucked them.
Back to yourself, you placed the freshly cut herbs into a pocket that was in your dress. Yes, you owned a practical dress with pockets which you were more than thankful for. Standing up and stretching, you turned around and smiled at your accomplishment. You felt so proud of yourself being able to come far into the Beneviento's area and being able to be brave enough to not back out. Raising your hand to your hair, you brushed out the knots and started to skip your way back home, humming once again.
Watchful eyes had followed you back to the bridge. She was caught off guard with your smile, how free you looked and how graceful you had skipped. Your humming had became a melody to her that hit all the right notes, it attracted a faint heat to rise to her cheeks. "Are you really acting like that?" The doll had whispered to her owner, staring at the black veil. The owner tilted her head to the side, showing that she was rather confused. "If you want her, quickly let us grab her and she can become out new playmate." The doll wiggled her way out of her owners arms as she had decided to go deep into thought.
Playmate? Playmate meant life to her...you being her playmate struck lightning to her heart and made her start to fidget with her fingers. A pretty being like you- no an enchanting- no...there was no words to describe how beautiful you were in her eyes. You were just so perfect, prettier than any goddess ever. You were fair like a doll, your skin looked so delicate to touch, your eyes glistened with a shine that glossed over your huge pupils. How was someone like you created? Someone that had melted any cold around her own heart. Who needs that boring playmate who was already half dead back at her mansion when she could have you.
Just as you were about to step foot on the bridge, a sudden movement of the wind picking up behind you had made you turn your head. At first you felt dizzy as your turned, your vision began to blur and was soon covered with black dots. The last thing you ever saw was the Lady dressed in black.
"she's waking up~!" A voice had rang in your head causing you to scrunch up your nose and scrunch your already shut eyes closed. The voice was high pitch, much louder than any young girl's voice. Using your hands to feel around you, you felt soft silk under your touch. Opening your eyes barely, you were greeted with a a grey tinted white above you as you were laid down. Closing your eyes to get rid of any excess blur, you reopened them and and breathed out heavily.
"What's going on..." Your voice came out hoarse, making it sound like you hadn't drank in days.
"Maybe we knocked her out a little hard?" Again the high pitched voice had said. You were curious, your mind always got the better of you but your shyness always lingered. You stayed put, staring up at the ceiling as you could hear movement being made around you along with the sound of something pattering against what you could only think of to be the floor. Maybe wood?
As you were about to speak up again and ask where you were, you jumped slightly at the touch of something small touching your ankle. Heaving your body up quickly, you was met with a doll dressed in a wedding gown holding onto your left ankle. You swallowed back a lump in your throat and raised a hand to your mouth, slightly biting down on it on hopes of not to scream. However that didn't go as plan as a small whimper came from your mouth. You quickly moved your body up on what you could see to be a bed and backed away right to the top of it trying to make distance between the doll and yourself. The doll laughed at your actions and you pulled your knees up to your chest. You wanted out. Where were you? Why are you here with this doll. You just wanted to go back home...
More noises came into the room. The small patters against the floor accompanied with larger ones had caused you to duck your head into your arms in fear. If that doll was here, then that must mean the Lady was here too. Those stories of the Manor of Beneviento came running back into your mind. You were here, your escape far gone. You were going to die here.
A sudden cough made you flinch further into your arms and the laugh of the doll had quietened down. "You may leave Angie." The new voice had spoke. The voice held such innocence yet it sounded like a grown women who had seen more than enough. More patter noises went away just as it first came. Thinking you were now safe, you raised your head up to only be met with the women dressed in black you saw from the forest. Tears had already sprung from your eyes and you shook your body, repeating the word 'no' out of fear. Not knowing what to do, Donna- the lady dressed in black- had sat at the end of the bed and just stared at you. You could feel sleep pull against your eye lids wanting you to sleep but knowing that the women you heard rumours about killing people did not sit good in your head, not to mention she was in the same exact room with you.
It took a while but you eventually calmed down, heavy breaths leaving your throat as you stared at her. You felt so small to be near someone who had loads of authority over you. You felt powerless, feeling like a small bunny next to her. "Its okay" She spoke, placing her hands onto her lap sitting up straight. You stayed quiet, going back to biting your lip feeling the taste of slight blood. "I have no intentions of hurting you."
You felt tears once again sting your eyes and your vision had blurred. You just wanted to go back home. Panicking at your crying, Donna had stood up and ran to your side scaring you at the same time. She pulled you into a close hug and rested your head on her chest. Slowly she petted your head, stroking you hair and running her fingers through it. Although the touch was strange to happen, you couldn't help but fall against her feeling weak under any power she had. You were nothing but a plaything to her, that's what you knew. However in her eyes you were the most perfect doll to ever walk and talk. Your tearing soon stopped, although you had been lost in thought for a while that you failed to notice your own hiccups.
Under the black veil, Donna had been smiling at the contact and the way you were responding. She felt your weight against her and felt her heart flutter. Such a precious person against her. She didn't know your name, your likes or anything about you but she wanted to with your permission. She wanted to know what colours you likes, if you liked dresses or if you'd prefer a suit. She wanted to dress you up in many clothing with your permission. For the first time ever, Donna had felt as though maybe the world was truly turning in her direction. You were so adorable even if you had tears in your eyes. She'd make them stop, oh she would do anything to make them stop but she knew she couldn't do anything. She knew she was part of the problem but she'd make sure you warm up to her. She would make sure you would understand her and maybe even became friends...maybe even more.
She trailed her hand from your hair to your cheek, you had fell asleep not to long ago from exhaustion and comfort from the Lady of the Manor. Donna sighed deeply, closing her eyes under her veil and pulling you even closer. Your soft snores had caused a gentle laugh to escape her lips. Surely you didn't have to go back where you came from? No, Donna wouldn't let you. She would keep you, hat's what she decided. Sure you were scared but she was more than happy to work on that with you. She would make sure you wouldn't be scared of her in a while, she couldn't have you if you were. Although Donna had felt an instant connection between the both of you, she was a very patient women when it came to wanting something she wanted. She'll just wait for you to love her, he wouldn't force you into anything. Oh the ideas that spilled into her mind about spoiling you with clothing and toys, there was so many.
Unconsciously, you turned to face her fully in your sleep. Your face was red from the tears that had spilled but you seemed calm when you were sleeping. Like a bunny...just like a bunny. Your nose would twitch every now and again as Donna watched you closely, holding you against her. Mentally Donna was squealing, you were so sweet! So different from others. Her old playmates would refuse to sleep and end up dying because she hadn't had any connection with tem but now, you had a serious connection with her and she wasn't going to let you go any time soon.
And she didn't. But you didn't mind. The day after you woke up, you were left to stay in that same room, with food and water on the side table, for a total of a week before you had decided it was time to walk about and brave your journey. You were worried about your family. Did they forget about you? Did they think you were dead? Why go back if it has been so long since you went back home.
When you left that small room, you were instantly surrounded by the small dolls. You were going to scream but the sound stopped in your throat when you saw them holding what seemed to be clothing towards you. A small note was written and placed onto of them. Crouching down, you gently lifted the clothing out of the doll's hands along with the note and out of curiosity, you gently patted the top of the doll's head. The doll jumped in excitement and jumped onto you, making you yelp in the process, and climbed to place itself on your shoulder. Calming down and gathering your breath, you walked back into your room and placed the clothing om the bed, grabbing the note to read first. The doll on your shoulder looked down at the note too.
I am sure you are very confused on what's happening but I just couldn't leave you. You had me at first glance, you are a perfect being you know? So fair and graceful, my gosh your indeed a heart stealer. I won't force you into anything but I think it's more professional to be upfront about feelings than to hide them away. The clothing provided should hopefully be in your size maybe- but If not to do worry for I'll change them for you. I really hope you like them.
Your sincerely, Donna Beneviento
You placed the note down and looked towards the clothing. Gently picking them up, you saw it was a white dress with a silver embroidery pattern hand sowed into it. You felt your heart miss a beat. The Lady created something for you. Surely this was kindness right- no you wouldn't question it. It was sweet of her. You started to think that maybe you should apologise to her. After all you did cry and more than likely disturbed her day. Her actions for you showed she wasn't a killer at all like some of the rumour of the Village would say. They sounded made up. A killer wouldn't make clothes for their victims...and the word 'feelings' popped back into your mind. A lady has feelings for you...you. Your heat beat had started again and sped up a lot. This creation of her for you was so generous. Something you hadn't witness a lot growing up.
Gently placing the doll that was on your shoulder onto the bed, you quickly changed into the clothing provided and folded your dirty clothing up to place at the end of the bed you had been staying in. Picking the doll back up, you placed them on your shoulder and walked back to the door to open it and then step outside of it. The place was rather big, quiet a few hallways from what you could see. "Hey buddy," You spoke to the doll on your shoulder. "Where is the Lady, I would like to apologise for my actions." You watched as the doll looked around first before pointing down the hallway. You followed where the doll pointed and soon ended up in a room where a desk sat at one far corner and a green leather sofa had been placed facing what seemed to be a projection. Sat on the sofa was the Lady, it seemed she was caught up in her work as she was sewing a patch up on one of the doll's clothing.
You coughed to gain her attention.
She turned and for the first time, you saw her with her veil up. Her face said it all, she stood up quickly accidently throwing the doll in her hand on to the ground and reached the back of her head to pull her veil over. "Please," You pleaded quickly, raising your hand up in a 'stop' emotion. "It's okay, I don't mind ma'am." You said using your manners. She stopped reaching to pull her veil back on and faced to stare at you with a small smile dancing on her lips.
"Are you sure?" She asked, raising her own hand to cover what seemed to be scarring from something. You nodded and folded your hands in front of you. Slowly you bowed, showing respect and spoke softly.
"I apologise for earlier this week, I had no right to be so scared of you. My apologise for my disruption. I hope I didn't cause you too much trouble." As you were still bowing, a hand had grabbed your chin and a pair of lips had met your cheek as your head was risen. You felt you face heat up at the contact, it was such a soothing move and it made you longing for more of her touch.
"There isn't a need to apologise, for I would accept any mood you were in." She said as her voice was so close to your ear. You inhaled her scent, the smell of herbs and a smell of roses were diffused off her clothing. You felt her touch once again, this time she had grabbed your hands gently and held them, rubbing her thumbs on the back of your hands in a calming matter. "Would you like to join me and my friends for lunch?" She asked as she quickly moved her hand once again to brush a stray hair from your face. Without using your words you had nodded to her request, making her smile in delight.
"You're smile is very pretty ma'am." you spoke without thinking, not even realising what you had said. Donna was more than happy to hear you speak, your voice was far prettier than your humming but either way she felt the same feelings as she had before.
"What is the fair ladies name?" She asked you, placing her hands on your hips as you shyly looked down at them resting there.
"My name is (Y/n) Ma'am." You said with formality.
"Such a beautiful name," Donna whispered, going back to touch your hand and raise it to her lips to gently kiss it. You was taken back at the sudden action once again, however you did not refuse it.
Again you wanted her to to hold you, just like she wanted to have you.
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keichan · 3 years
The Confession (Part 2)
You had a crush on your friend Bokuto Koutarou in high school. Though he rejected you, you moved on years later. Or so you thought.
Part 1
wc: 2.3k
A/N: This was requested through an anon however I won’t be taking requests off of originals anymore. Truthfully this was really difficult to write since the rejection was actually something that had happened to me about a month ago with a pretty good friend of mine. Anyways feel free to send me requests and headcannons of other things! My inbox is DRY!!
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“Hey. Let me in.” Bokuto’s voice sounded clear as day over the phone.
“I didn’t know you were back in Tokyo. Why are you outside the apartment?” You were on the brink of sleep when he called.
“Didn���t Akaashi tell you that I was visiting? It’s been a while. C’mere.”
You sighed. Bokuto has tried his best to keep in touch with you since he had graduated. The first year was simple per usual. Though you admitted you distanced yourself from him. However since you and Akaashi became roommates and started college. You just didn’t have time.
“Hey. “ You quietly opened the front door to let him in. He looked good as ever. He pulled you tightly into a hug as he sighed into your hair. 
“Long time no see, huh?” He pulled away and started walking towards your bedroom. You yawned as you followed him inside. He stood at the door way as he studied the walls. You tapped on his shoulder gently and stepped around him to sit on your bed.
“So are you gonna crash on the couch again?” You yawned. He nodded. Still standing.
“I’ve had something on my mind for a while now and I’ve gotta say, I was wrong.” He said plainly.
“About?” You body perked up in bed. His golden eyes turned to you. The moonlight that peaked through the blinds illuminated his face.
“I didn’t think I’d be able to do it, but I have more time than I could have imagined since I’ve gone pro-“
“What are you talking about?” You propped yourself up, swinging your legs onto the ground. Bokuto wasn’t the kind of person to sound cryptic. 
He sat on the bed beside you, now looking to the ceiling. Studying the cracks, the texture before returning his gaze to you.
“You know. Two years ago I said no because I thought it would be more beneficial for the both of us. I didn’t want to hinder you at all. So I acted like it meant nothing.” He sighed as he laid onto your bed. Eyes back to the ceiling. You swallowed a lump in your throat. What was he talking about?
“I don’t even know if you’d even still be interested. I mean we don’t talk as much. It was even a little awkward for a while.” He continued.
“I was hoping that you would want to give it a try.” He closed his eyes as he sucked in a breath, flailing his arms behind him.
“Give what a try?” 
His body shot straight up and he looked at you knowingly.
“You know!” 
Your hand quickly clamped onto his mouth. 
“Akaashi’s asleep right now. You need to be quiet.” 
He nodded as your hand slid down onto your lap.
“You know!” He whispered. “When you asked me out and I said no.  That whole thing. I want to date. Or at least try.” 
You gave him a dumbfounded look. 
“You’re funny, Bokuto. I’ll give you that. I think I’m going to go to sleep now, I’ll see you tomorrow.” You began to get under your blankets, facing away from Bokuto.
“But, I”m being serious.” 
“Goodnight, Bokuto.” You heard him sigh as the weight from the foot of your bed lifted. Your bedroom door creaked closed. You stared at your bedroom wall. The smallest, dumbest conversation made your feelings resurface.
“So where is she?” Bokuto dug into the breakfast that Akaashi had prepared for them.
“Oh? She’s on a breakfast date with some guy from her biology class.” 
Bokuto froze with his spoon in his mouth.
“Date?” His voice is slightly muffled by the utensil. Akaashi nodded as he pressed his coffee cup to his lips. The steam fogged up his glasses ever so slightly. 
“Yeah. I think he asked her last Friday. She left about two hours ago.” He placed the cup on the table looking at him knowingly. Bokuto stared into his food and flipped it over, cutting it into small bits. Akaashi glanced at his friend as the front door opened.
“Hey! Oh Akaashi! I didn’t know you were cooking this morning!” You looked over the counter before you reached into the cabinet to  grab yourself a plate.
“You’re still hungry?” He questioned.
“Yeah! We ended up eating pretty quick and walked around the park off of campus! It was pretty nice!” Once you realized that Bokuto was poking at his food, you sunk awkwardly into the chair next to him. He didn’t say a word or even look at you.
“So!” You took a bite of your second breakfast.  “What do you two have planned out today?”
“I have to go to a study group for English tonight. I’m not doing too well.” Akaashi stood to pour himself another cup of coffee. The sound of the liquid sputtering into the glass raised an unbeknownst tension between you and the gray-haired man beside you.
“I guess we can watch movies or something.” Your stomach dropped with the realization that your roommate has class at noon. Akaashi checked his watch as he slung his bag over his shoulder.
“I’m going to class. See you guys.” As soon as the door closed the silence was deafening. It felt like the two of you were sitting there for an hour, when in all reality the two of you finished eating in silence for three minutes. You made a poor excuse that you were going to take a nap. He tried to bicker with you to spend time with him, but you ignored the man as your bedroom door loudly closed behind you.
You groaned as you sat up in bed. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you rose and made your way to the kitchen. You slowed as you saw Bokuto looking around in the fridge. Using his other hand he was using a towel to dry his hair.
You let out a breath you didn’t know that you were holding. What do you say? Or do you not say anything. May as well pretend that the run in never happened. Again…
Turning on you heel, you proceeded to go back to your room, when a hand grabbed your shoulder,
“Y/N.” You turned to see Bokuto. Face to face he gave you a small smile. Drops of water littered his forehead. He was so close. 
“When are we gonna talk about last night? Or are you gonna brush it off until I leave?” He spoke in a low tone. His eyes not leaving yours once. You attempted to turn away from him, but he yanked your wrist towards him. Nose to nose now, you gulped as you leaned away from him, but he followed.
“Why’re you avoiding me?” His eyes reflected the dim light from your kitchen stove. 
“I’m not-”
“I know when you’re lying to me.” HIs grip tightened slightly. Bokuto’s breath fanned your face. Your eyes scurried, looking everywhere, but him.
“Just tell me.” He said gently.
“You don’t get to do this to me.” You squeezed your eyes shut, turning your head away from him once more,
“Do what?”
“Do you understand how long it took for me to get over you? I had to pretend like it didn’t bother me for the end of the year! I never ever told Akaashi what happened because I didn’t want it to affect the dynamic of our friendship. I was in love with you and I had to deal with that. You don’t get to tell me that you were wrong and you finally want to go out. You don’t get to say whatever you want so loosely when I know it doesn’t affect you the way it does me!” 
HIs hand fell slack to his side. His head tilted to the side. His face was solemn.
“You know that’s not true.” His voice was barely above a whisper. You held your wrist that he held to your chest. At this point your body was trembling. You didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or yell.
“I knew you liked me. I didn’t want to hold you back at all. I didn’t want to be a let down to you when I left. I took the last two years to be a better version of myself so that we can work out. I just wanted to be normal for you.” He clasped his hands together awkwardly. You nodded before waking to your room. He called after you, his footsteps creaking after yours. You slid down to the floor. You felt the door shudder on the other side, assuming Bokuto had done the same, tears began to slide down your cheeks.
Hugging your knees to your chest, Bokuto began to speak on the other side of the door.
“You know. From the moment I saw you I liked you. You accepted me for me and I loved that. I loved spending time with you everyday. I enjoyed every second of it. These negative thoughts kinda began to eat at me.” He choked on his sentence. You heard a deep inhale before he continued. “What if you get sick of me. I saw how my teammates would treat me sometimes. But I couldn’t help with the way I acted. It was just me. I couldn’t change that some things had me down in the dumps. Then it was the whole what if she likes me back? She’ll date me and then look at me how everyone else does. She’ll be around me too long and I’ll have to put up a front that’s actually appealing to you so you won’t leave. Just you leaving.” His voice faded. 
You studied the wood floors at your feet. The way the crevices connected into each other. You made patterns along them to pass the time. Words couldn’t escape your lips. The minutes passing felt like hours. Your heart had a dull ache. 
“And then you said that to me in the gym that day.” He began.
“When you said that, it was everything that I had ever wanted to be truthful. Though at the same time all I could think of was why would you like me? I don’t dislike myself by any means, but I just couldn’t understand why someone as good as you could like me. I couldn’t say yes and let you down. So I said no. Then I saw you the next day and it was like nothing had happened. So I assumed that it wasn’t a big deal to you. I assumed that it was just a simple phase of your life for you. And for me…  For me..” He paused.
“I’m going to sleep. I’m sorry that I disrespected your personal boundaries. I’ll leave in the morning. I wish you the best.”
Tears silently poured from your eyes. You looked for patterns in the wooden panels again to soothe yourself. Maybe this was for the best. Just to part ways…
You shakily rose to your feet, resting your hand on the doorknob, you took a deep breath before opening the door. Your legs carried you to the living room. But Bokuto wasn’t there. The blankets that he had used to sleep on the couch were nicely folded on top of the pillow he had used. His gym bag was gone.
You went to the bathroom. The lights were off. Towels were hung nicely. His toiletries were gone.
You ran your hands through your hair as your stared around the room anxiously. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes once again.
Exiting the room you made way to the kitchen. A note on the fridge.
Y/N, Akaashi
I had to get back to Osaka early! Coach called me earlier and I didn’t want to inconvenience the two of you since you guys were already asleep.
Till next time
You crumpled the note in your hand. It had probably been at least fifteen minutes since he had left your bedroom door. He couldn’t have made it that far. 
You took off through the front door. Barreling down the stairs you made it to the street. You turned the corner to the train station, you saw him.
“Koutarou!” You shouted. The tall man turned to see you. His eyes were red and puffy. He took the palm of his hand to wipe at his eyes.
“You know Tokyo is dangerous at night. You shouldn’t be running around. You’re not even wearing any shoes. What if someone littered and you stepped on a broken bottle.” He cried harder as he kept looking at you. He took both of his hands and covered his eyes.
“Koutarou, the trains aren’t running right now. Come back with me.” 
He shook his head. “I don’t want to inconvenience you. I know you don’t want to be by me right now so I’ll just sleep in the station until they start running.”
You froze in front of the man as he turned his head away from you, continuously wiping his tears away. Not once in the three years that you had known Bokuto Koutarou had you seen him cry.
You stepped towards him slowly. You arms wrapped around his back and you pulled him into a tight hug. You began to sob. You felt your body tremble as cries silently escaped through your mouth. You felt his hands clasp around your back, pulling you closer to his chest.
“Shhh.” He attempted to soothe you. Running his hand repeated over the back of your head.
“You don’t need to cry just because I can’t handle my emotions. You have that guy you’ve been getting breakfast with. You’re doing great with school. Just don’t worry about me.”
You lifted your head off of your chest to meet his gaze. He gave you a sad smile. Reassuring you that it was okay. He had streaks down his cheeks from where his tears had fallen. You used your thumb to wipe them away. 
“But he’s not you.”
You gently pulled him down by the nape of his neck and placed your lips gently on his . His eyes widened in shock. You pulled away, giving him a small smile.
“I hope you know that I would never ever get tired of you. I like you for you. Nothing could ever change that. We’ve waited long enough. Let’s finally give us a try.”
“Really?” His hands rushed up to your cheeks. He held your face as if you were the most delicate thing to exist. Tears welled up in his eyes once more.
He placed his lips on yours once more. Turning his head to deepen the kiss, you placed your hands gently atop of his. You could feel him smiling with every motion.
Pulling away he placed a kiss on your forehead.
“Let’s go home.” You stuck your hand out towards him smiling. Your features glowed beautifully under the streetlight. He placed his hand into yours and the two of you returned to your home.
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Prompt: Requested, by the beautiful @romanreignsgirl20 Thanks for your request, sweetheart. I made some slight plot adjustments (I hope you don’t mind❤️) and I hope you’ll like it how it turned out😉.
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Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Roman Reigns x Curvy/Thick Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, praise kink, body worship, bondage (shibari), oral sex (female receiving), food play, dom x sub dynamic, rough sex, delicate subjects regarding self image.
Editor: @rheacanbreakme
Tag: @ziasaph , @marlananicole , @akiko-tanaka , @wickedsunfire , @sassymox , @nicolewoo , @saccreigns , @mindofasagittaruis , @reigns-5sos , @auawdo , @lustyromantic , @babydee17 , @yungbludjazz360
Notes: This request has a special place in my heart now, people 🥺 Ok, so, why the title Sirius? You may ask, and I’ll tell you why: Sirius is the brightest star in Earth's night sky. The name means "glowing" in Greek — a fitting description, as only a few planets, the full moon and the International Space Station outshine this star. Later in the fic, you’ll realize why this little piece of information is valid for you 😉. Y’all know the drill, loves: You can check out my previous stories on my Masterlist if you’d like (it would make me your girl here very happy 🤗). Now, let’s get to the fun part, shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy...
Standing in front of the mirror, I stared at my newest acquisition: a light blue, mermaid style dress. Subconsciously, I couldn’t help but notice how it clung to every part of my body that I hated, and I instantly regretted purchasing it in the first place. I felt completely insecure about everything.
I heard the front door open, and Roman calling for me. Almost on instinct, I took the dress off with the intention of hiding it, but Roman was faster than I anticipated in making his way to our room, opening the door and catching me off guard, giving me no option but to try and hide the dress behind my back.
“Hey baby, what- Are you ok?” Roman asked, when he saw the frightened look on my face
“Sure” I lied
“What are you hiding back there?” He asked, curiously
“Nothing...” I trailed off
“Let me see it” He teased
“It’s nothing, really” I tried to dismiss him
Roman smirked and quickly ran towards me, yanking the piece of fabric out of my hands. He lifted the dress up in the air, almost as if to examine it closer
“Wow, this is really pretty” He complimented
“Put it on for me” He said, smiling
“I-It didn’t fit” I lied once more
Roman raised an eyebrow in suspicion, asking
“Marissa, I could smell your perfume on the fabric, so I know you’ve tried on! What’s going on, babe? Why are you lying?”
“I...I don’t think it looks good on me” I murmured
“Can I know why?” He asked
“Because” I sighed “It shows everything I want to hide”
“Can you try it on for me, so I can give you my opinion?” Roman asked, softly
“Yeah, I guess so” I replied, taking the dress out of his hands, I made my way to the closet, so I could put it on without him watching.
Once I got the dress on, I went back to the bedroom, and Roman’s eyes instantly swam all over my body.
“Baby, fuck!” He gasped
“I know... I told you it looks weird-“
“Weird? Oh no no no, sugarplum, you look stunning!” Roman said in awe
“No, it’s we-“
“Mari, baby girl” Roman walked towards me, and placed one hand on my cheek “You look fucking gorgeous, baby! Why do you think it doesn’t look good on you?”
Trying my best to hide my insecurities, I shook my head and try to change the subject
“So, how was lunch with Jey?”
“Oh no, baby. We’re not going down that path, not until you tell me the truth” Roman softly pulled me towards the full length mirror, placed us in front of it, and asked
“Mari, what do you see when you look in the mirror?”
“Myself, in a dress that doesn’t look good at all” I tried to joke, but Roman didn’t seem to like it
“I disagree with you. I see the complete opposite! I see a beautiful woman, who has no idea of how stunning she is and how gorgeous her body-“
“Is not and how this stupid dress puts on display everything I want to hide” I mumbled
“Mari, look at me” He lifted my chin up with two of his fingers, and locked our gaze together in the mirror
“Baby, you’re the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen! The dress looks ravishing on you, it compliments your body beautifully. The fact that you have so many curves is a plus to me! It always has been. Yes, I love you, but why do you think I invited you out for dinner in the first place?”
“Because you had nothing better to do?” I cackled, but Roman continued in a serious tone
“No. It was because I was attracted to you. Physically attracted, sexually attracted! If I’m being honest with you, I pictured us fucking from the first moment I laid eyes on you!” He said, and I looked at him in disbelief
“Oh, you don’t believe me?” He asked
“Ask Jey then! Or Jimmy, even Seth. They all caught me jerking off and moaning your name”
My eyes went wide, and my face went crimson red at the comments he made.
“What?” He chuckled “I’m only being honest!” Roman’s arms circled around my waist, as he asked
“You still don’t believe, do you?”
I sighed heavily “I’m sorry Ro, but I can’t-“
“Well, then you give me no option but show to you”
Roman slowly pulled the zipper down on the back of the dress, and let it slide down my body, becoming nothing but a pool of fabric around my ankles. Offering me his hand, he led us to our playroom in the basement. When we got there, he positioned me in the center of the room, and pressed a button on the wall that would make the hooks on the ceiling lower down. Roman went to hooks on the wall that held our collection of bondage ropes, and took the lavender jute rope in his hand.
He began to create an intricate pattern upon my skin with the lavender rope, twisting, turning and knotting the rope into a beautiful design. Roman passed the rope on the top and bottom of my breasts, followed by my upper arms, where he securely tied them together on my back and looped the rope around the ceiling hooks. He pressed the button on the wall once more, making the hooks rise, lifting me off of the floor. He lifted my legs up and bent them back, then passed the rope several times around each thigh and tied my ankles next to my thighs, leaving me spread open for him.
He stepped back to admire his work.
“Damn baby, you look so tempting” Roman bit his lips, came closer to me, and gave me an intense kiss “I’ll be right back” He whispered
A few minutes later, Roman returned with a heart shaped lollipop and the chocolate syrup we kept in the fridge. Positioning the large mirror with wheels in front of me, he said
“Today is going to be a special day for you, cupcake” Roman said, while standing behind me, looking at me through the mirror “You’re going to finally see yourself through my eyes. You’ll see everything that I see when I’m pleasuring you. You’ll see how beautiful you are, how perfect your body is, how much you turn me on” He leaned closer to my ear “And most importantly, you’ll see that there’s absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about! You should feel only pride to have such a beautiful face, body and soul” He kissed my hair “My perfect girl”
Roman leaned back, and grabbed the lollipop.
Taking off the wrapper, he placed the candy in front of my lips and said “Suck it”
I did as he said and began to suck on the lollipop, and while I did, our gaze locked in the mirror and I could see his eyes slowly turning darker and darker.
“That’s enough” Roman said, stopping me. And then, without breaking our gaze, he started to roam the candy all around my body: on my breasts and nipples, my soft belly, my hips, my thighs and finally my mound, where he began to circle my clit with the lollipop.
“Ever since we met, I always thought about how sweet you are. The way you’re so kind and loving to everybody, how you always have a word or touch to bring comfort to those who need it and how lucky I am to have the sweetest woman in the world” Roman turned around, until he was in front of me “And as time went by, I noticed how physically sweet you are too. Your skin tastes like apricots, your kisses are as inebriating as the finest liqueur and your juices” Roman knelt down in front of me “Taste as sweet as the purest honey” He leaned forward until he was mere inches away from my core “I want you to keep your eyes on the mirror, Mari. Don’t close your eyes, don’t turn your head to the other side, don’t look down! I want you to see yourself, how stunning you are and how beautiful you get when you cum. Do you understand me?” Roman asked, placing both hands on my hips
“Yes, sir” I answered, looking down at him
“Good, baby” He smiled “Now, look at the mirror” Roman whispered and began to work his magic on me. It was excruciatingly hard for me to stare at myself, but the more Roman licked and hummed in pleasure the more I could see how my facial expression changed. I became more wild, more raw, more passionate, more like a vixen. The woman I always wished to be was now in front of me, she had always been there, I just was never able to see her. But Roman showed me her, the woman I wanted to be, the woman he always knew I was.
“Do you see her, baby?” He asked softly, inserting two finger in me
“Yes, sir” I whispered, trying to hold back my tears
“This is who you are, this is what I see whenever I look at you! I don’t care what other people say or think, the only thing that matters to me is what I see and especially what you can see” Moving his fingers in and out, Roman began to kiss my soft belly and stretch marks “I want you to see how beautiful you are, how much I love your body. All of it!” He curled his fingers inside of me, making me moan loudly. And when his lips closed around my clit, I came all over him and Roman more than eargerly licked me clean. “I love every curve, every love handle, every inch of your beautiful body” He said, making his way up, licking every sticky trace left by the lollipop. Roman kissed my breasts, played with my nipples with his tongue, left love marks on my neck and then he finally reached my lips and kissed me like it was the last time we would be together.
Leaning back, he took the chocolate syrup in his hand and said “Don’t look down yet”.
He began to write something on my belly and chest, but I had no idea what it was until he stepped aside, revealing the mirror once more so I could read what he wrote.
“Read it out loud for me, Mari” Roman said
“Beautiful and perfect. Sir” I shyly read
“Louder” He requested
“Beautiful and perfect. Sir”
“Again, louder” He asked and so I did
“What are you, baby?” Roman questioned
“Beautiful and perfect, sir”
“And what should you never forget that you are?” He asked
“Beautiful and perfect, sir” I responded with my voice strangled by tears
Roman knelt down again, and started to lick the chocolate syrup off. His tongue traced every letter, as to remind me of it. He didn’t licked everything off though, he left some remnants, so I could continue to see it and read it in the mirror.
“That’s my girl” Roman smiled softly, with his eyes full of love, and I couldn’t help but let the tears roll down my cheeks “It’s alright, sugarplum” He cood, kissing me sweetly. Once I stopped crying he turned around, so he could stand behind me again.
He grabbed the chocolate syrup once more, and wrote something on my ass cheeks, I payed attention to each letter. When he was done, he asked
“Mari, can you guess what I have written?” With a wicked grin on his face
“I think so, sir”
“What is it, baby?”
“Is it ‘mine’, sir?”
Roman chuckled and knelt down, tracing the letters as he did previously, but only this time he bit my ass cheek forcefully before standing up
“That’s right, cupcake. ‘Mine’ “
I looked in the mirror and saw he had pushed his jeans down, to his upper thighs. Right afterwards, I felt his tip against my entrance
“Remember to keep your eyes on the mirror, sugarplum” He winked, sliding in, slowly. The position that my body was in allowed me to feel him deeper, stretching my walls in a bitter sweet pain.
“Oh my-” I moaned
“Fuck, baby. You feel so good. So fucking good” He groaned, thrusting in me vigorously
We moaned in sync, looking at each other in the mirror, drowning in our grunts and gasps of pleasure.
My walls began to tighten around his length “You’re gonna cum, baby?” Roman bit my ear
“Yes, sir” I gasped, already feeling my orgasm rising
“Then cum, baby. Cum around my cock” Roman said, as he pounded even harder
I squealed, squeezing his length and triggering his own orgasm. Roman slid out of me, and admired his seed dripping out of my core.
“I love you” He said, looking in the mirror
“My beautiful Sirius” Roman smiled widely...
Please if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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star-lemonade · 3 years
Iced Americano
Ateez Wooyoung x Reader
Genre: fluff
Cw: being tapped in an elevator
Rating: G
Word count: 2.2 k
The coffee shop on the ground floor of the building you worked in was a fixture in your daily routine. Every morning you would enter through the glass door and get in line. There were a few tables, but at this time in the morning no one was sitting down. Everyone wanted a coffee to go. The line for the counter seemed to get longer every day. You should not wish for any one to get laid off, but you wanted the guy fired. The barisa was a young man but that did not he was agaile in any way. He was slow and made a lot of mistakes. He did not want to be there, it was written all over his face. Every day you wished that he would quit. It was mean, but he would do better somewhere else. Yes, he should do something that he actually enjoyed.
Today was the day where everything was different. It was your usual time, but there was barely a queue. You got in line after two men in suits and soon it was your turn. It became clear why there was no queue. The old barista had left and there he was, the cutest guy you had ever seen. He had a smile that everyone wanted to be the recipient of. It was so charming the phrase “to be wrapped around someone’s finger” suddenly made sense. There was a moment in which you just wanted to be in any shape that would please the cute guy with the two toned hair.
“Good Morning! What can I get you?”
He beamed at you and his voice was so cheerful, you automatically smiled back. The little beauty mark under his eye added to his already beautiful face.
“Ehm… one iced americano.”
...and your number, please. You did not say that out loud of course, but you definitely thought about it, when you were at your desk. He must get that a lot.
Mornings got way more relaxed and exciting. You found yourself looking forward to seeing the cute barista. He did not wear a name tag so you did not know what his name was and you were too awkward to ask him. These days you could be found at the coffee shop in the afternoon too. You would get something that was not coffee and sit down at a table. For ten minutes or so you would get your mind off work and watch the barista work. You marveled at little drawings he made on the cappuccinos and the ease with which he handled his work. He had fun, genuine fun, doing his work. It was not something you saw often. For most people their work was soul crushing and they would not do it, if it was not for the money they needed to pay their bills. The barista however loved it to make coffee and other drinks for the customers.
It was Thursday evening and no one was in the office any more. Well, almost no one. It was just you and the three people, who had a meeting in one of the conference rooms. You had finished what you had to do, but at what cost? The summer sun was setting outside. It was late already. You shut down the computer and stretched. It had been a long day and going home was your only objective now. How nice it would be to fall into bed and sleep! Tomorrow was your day off and you intended to sleep in. Before leaving you went to the restroom. I look as tired as I feel. You pouted at your reflection. It did not help.
When you returned to your desk to get your bag, the room was filled with the smell of coffee. The meeting must still be going for a while, when they drink coffee at this hour. Although there was Mike in there and he could drink coffee whenever.
The elevator was already on your floor and the door opened immediately. You pressed the button for the ground floor. Finally, work was over.
A shout echoed in the empty hallway. You pressed the button to keep the doors open and a moment later he entered. The barista from down stairs. He was still wearing his uniform.
He flashed you a smile and the doors closed. You stood in one corner of the elevator and he stood in the other. The only sound in the small room was the noise of the machine descending. You were alone with him for the first time, maybe you should say something? The number over the door counted down 15,14,13. He had his hair up in a half ponytail that exposed the blond layer in the back of his head. Even though he looked more tired than you had ever seen him, he was still beautiful. You had a hard time trying not to stare.
The lights flickered and with a crunch the elevator jerked to a hold. You grabbed the railing, but the sudden movement of the elevator sent you to the floor anyways.
The normal white light had been replaced by the dim red wash of the small emergency light.
“Are you okay?”
The barista was still on his feet and offered you his hand. In the dim light it was hard to make out his face.
“Yes, I’m okay.”
You took his hand and he helped you up. The elevator was not moving anymore. The faint surring of the fan and your breathing were the only sounds in the room. Your eyes started to adjust to the new situation and you saw the red bell button next to the door.
“Looks like the elevator is stuck. Let’s try calling someone.”
You stepped closer to the panel with the buttons and pressed the button with the bell on it. An almost inaudible electric buzz came from behind the button.
A tinny voice came from the loudspeaker. It reminded you of old radio recordings, highly compressed and cut off at high and low frequencies.
“Hello. The elevator stopped and we are inside.”
You did not know where the microphone was so you just talked loud to the room.
“How many people?”
You glanced at your plus one who looked over your shoulder. He stood close to you and you felt his presence.
“Okay. First of all don’t panic. We will get you out but it will take 30 minutes for someone to arrive. I can’t open the doors alone. Okay?”
You looked over your shoulder. The barista was looking at the speaker then his glance flickered to meet your eyes.
“We will be okay.”
He answered with confidence.
“Good. if you don’t hear the fan moving press the fan button. See you soon.”
With that the disembodied voice vanished. You were alone.
“Looks like we’re going to be here a while.”
He sat down leaning against the wall opposite the door. You did not know what to do now. This was just perfect. You wanted nothing more than to go home, but here you were stuck in this metal box. Standing alone felt not appropriate so you put your back against the wall next to the panel and slid down.
“I’m Wooyoung by the way.”
He smiled even though today it was not as bright as usual. Now that you looked at him, you noticed that he looked more tired. It was late for him too. You introduced yourself.
“I know your name. You come to the cafe everyday.”
Oh my god, he knows my name. If you were not so tired and irritated by this situation you would be happy about that. You finally knew your crush’s name and knew that he remembers yours.
“Do you work here?”
“Yes, I do.”
You had an ordinary office job, so you did not know what else you should say about it. He had started the conversation, and you really wanted to continue it.
“What were you doing up there?”
You tried to make the question not accusatory. Whether it worked or not was unclear, but Wooyoung smiled.
“Someone called and asked for a delivery. We don’t really do that, but since it’s the same building, I said yes.”
“And now you're stuck here.”
You knew that they did not deliver because you had tried to place an order when you had just started to work there. What bad luck Wooyoung had had. He had been kind enough to make an exception but now he was trapped on the elevator for an unknown time.
“It’s not so bad. Since I have good company”
He looked up at the ceiling. This almost shy behavior contrasted with his playful tone. You smiled to yourself.
“What do you do when you don’t work at the coffee shop?”
“Not much. Playing games and learning Italian.”
There was a small pause before ‘Italian’ and his shoulders tensed.
Not a lot of people here learned the language, so naturally you wondered why he was learning it. Apparently this was the question he had dredded. Wooyoung loosely wrapped his arms around his legs.
“Is there a special reason?”
You paid attention to your tone when asking this question. It felt like you were on a minefield trying to avoid what would upset him.
“I want to go to Italy and learn more about coffee there.”
He looked at his hands. The bracelets on his wrist looked pretty on him. His shoulders slumped slightly.
“Wow, that’s so cool!!”
Wooyoung‘s head shot up, eyes wide open in the dim light.
“Really? You don’t think that’s dumb?”
You could almost see his eyes sparkle. Damn, he is so cute.
“I have seen you make a cappuccino for a friend. It was super cool.”
Your friend and you had smiled at the cute pattern in the milk foam. It was more something you expected from a bit more expensive coffee shops.
“Thank you.”
Wooyoung beamed at you. Now that you thought about it, his reaction made sense. Most people do not see the value in doing such a menial task as making coffee. Who would want to work at a coffee shop, if they were not the menager? However there were people who enjoyed these things. They often ended up in jobs that paid more, but were less enjoyable.
“What do you do in your free time?”
You looked up, just now noticing that you had been lost in your thoughts. Wooyoung rested his chin on his hand and made you feel like you had his undivided attention.
“I play video games and I paint.”
These days you arguably spend too much time playing games. After coming home from work you had not enough energy to do anything productive. You just watched something or played games.
“You paint? That’s so cool!! Can you show me something?”
Wooyoung was thrilled. He leaned forward, eyes sparkling, hoping to see something you had painted. You wanted to say no, but his puppy eyes made it hard. You caved and pulled out your phone.
“I’m not very good, so don’t expect anything groundbreaking.”
You showed him some of the recent pieces you had done. Most of them were landscapes with some still lifes thrown in. Humans were simply too hard to draw and you did not have the patience to learn it.
“Woah. I like that one!”
Your face felt hot from his compliment and your heart skipped a beat, when you noticed how close he was. It was totally innocent of course. He had just moved closer to look at your phone, but the effect was still the same. Your heart hammered in your chest. Wooyoung looked up and you could see the little beauty mark under his eye. It was very pretty. He noticed how close you were and gave you some space.
“Are you okay in there?”
A voice followed the banging on the elevator doors. The old building manager and a technician opened the door from the outside. They helped you climb up to the next floor. The air in the hallway was much better and the lights almost blinded you. Sitting in the artificial twilight of the emergency light had made your eyes sensitive.
You thanked them and together you and Wooyoung took the stairs. It was unlikely that the other elevator would get stuck too, but you just wanted to move your legs.
“They were pretty fast.” Wooyoung’s voice echoed in the empty staircase. “It wasn’t even 30 mintues.”
You nodded. That had been your chance to ask him out. Now that you were in the outside world again, you could not bring yourself to ask him.
“Can I ask you something?”
Your steps had synchronised as you walked down between floors 7 and 6.
He stopped and looked at the floor. He bit his lip before saying: “Would you like to play some video games some time?”
You stared at him as heat was creeping up your face.
“I would love to.”
You smiled at him and he beamed right back at you.
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butwhyduh · 4 years
Hello! idk whether requests r open, but hope they r. just feel like reading a random damian wayne x reader where reader is his best friend. Any horror will do. Thx!!
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In the Darkness
Damian Wayne x BFF!reader
Warning: scary stuff, blood, horror
It was a dark stormy night in Gotham. That terrible temperature that hovered just above freezing until almost morning where it dipped just enough to make an awful icy morning commute. Normally you would be bracing yourself for your next morning trip to school. And forget about being warm, your apartment could barely keep up with being above freezing.
But this night you sat on plush velvet with a roaring fire in a gigantic stone fireplace at one of the Wayne’s penthouses in the city. The wall sized windows showed Gotham through streaming water. It almost looked peaceful.
Breaking you from your revery was a bowl of popcorn being plopped in your lap. You looked up to see Damian with a half grin before he sat down beside you. Titus sat down on his other side.
“We have that film you wanted to watch in theatre,” he said grabbing the remote.
“D, it’s still in theatres,” you said surprised. “How did you get it?”
“A, my father is Bruce Wayne. I could probably buy it. And B, I saved a certain theatre from being robbed and they owed me one and they lent me the film. You’re welcome,” he said, still looking at the screen. For Damian, that was practically the biggest compliment, that he thought about you.
“Thanks. Yeah, I usually just block out the fact that your dad is Bruce Wayne to be honest,” you said eating the popcorn.
“Be less honest,” he said with a gentle shoulder shove. “Let’s watch the film. I have to train tomorrow.”
It was a good movie. Scary with a bit of gore, though you weren’t prepared for Damian to tell you how blood patterns worked differently.
But with only 10 minutes left and the killer almost revealed, the power went out. You groaned and moved to grab your phone. Damian stiffened and looked around.
“Great, my phone is dead,” you said rolling your eyes. Damian quickly looked at his, dead too. At this point he was tense and Titus was on alert.
“Nothing should be out,” he said quietly.
“It’s a big storm, dude,” you said about to ask about flashlights.
“We have 2 main power supplies and 3 back ups. There should be no outage. And my phone was fully charged before the movie. There was a power pulse. This is a Wayne Enterprise owned building and we are in the penthouse. This could be an attack or coop,” he said standing. Titus stood by him and you couldn’t help but stand.
“There’s 2 ways to this floor. The main elevator and the service elevator that is in the guest bathroom,” Damian said. Knowing your location could save your life.
“You think someone is coming up here,” you said quietly. He nodded and moved over to the wall and grabbed a sword from a stand on the wall. You had thought it was decorative. Of course it was real. It was Damian’s.
“Here,” Damian said, reaching in his pocket to grab a large pocket knife. You blanched. “Worst case scenario only. You could hurt yourself before someone else because you aren’t trained. But if your cornered, this could save your life. Only open it if you really need it. Got it?”
“Yeah, D,” you said with frown. He stood a few feet in front of you and Titus was a safe distance away on alert. Your heart was pounding. You really regretted not taking Damian up on the offer to teach you some self defense. At the time the idea of bruises all over your body was the last thing you wanted.
The elevator dinged. It shouldn’t have. You needed a passcode and finger print to operate it. Not to mention, the power was supposed to be out. The door opened and a green mist wafted out and Damian stepped back to avoid it. Gotham villains loved toxins and he didn’t want to be under the power of fear toxin or pheromones or something. Titus got a dose and began barking wildly.
Damian pushed you back with his arm not holding the sword. “Try not to breath it,” he said as the mist filled the apartment. He could make out the shape of a person but couldn’t identify them. Within a minute, Damian realized that they were just some poor victim of whoever set up the toxin. They were screaming silently while their eyes darted around the room. Great, it was probably fear toxin.
Damian pushed a panic button he kept in his jacket pocket at pretty much all times. Hopefully the energy pulse didn’t affect the button. You shoved your shirt over your nose but it was futile. Damian stood in front of you looking around wildly. His eyes were dilated and his breathing was rough.
“Don’t move. It’s all fake! Don’t fall for it. It’s all fake!” He yelled and swung his sword away from you at nothing. Your vision blurred.
Damian and Titus fought some invisible monster in front of you. You turned to see the windows melting. You gasped loudly as the glass slid down like wet gelatin. The floor grew heavy. You weren’t even facing the same direction as Damian any more. You heart thumped painfully in a hard slow rhythm.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
You heard screaming laughter. Was the fucking Joker here?? You looked around to see no one.
“It’s in your head,” Damian yelled. He was still fighting an invisible foe. “It’s fake!”
The wall began to cave in. You could feel your body slide slowly towards the gaping window. You grasped at the couch but it too began to slide towards the edge of the wall. You were 50 floors up. There was no way to survive it. You shrieked and grabbed at the slick tile floor. The cold marble bit at your hands.
You could see your blood stick to the floor before defying gravity and floating to the ceiling. It pulsed with your heartbeat. You could hear the laughter in your head. It was so loud. You grasped at your skull. Your bloodied fingers left little streaks of blood all over your face.
Damian was calling you but he was the most dangerous one in the room. He was wildly swinging a sword and he and Titus were furiously fighting a battle. Was he fighting a past foe? The man in the elevator picked the wrong moment to move because Damian came closer and closer to him.
You watched as Damian killed him. His sword sliced the man’s arm first and he barred his teeth before growling at Damian. His eyes were wild and movement was more like an animal over human. Damian slashed him, this time in the abdomen. Dark red blood pooled from the wound and the man bellowed in pain. You cried and rocked. The world was collapsing.
The man was like a wounded beast and he tried to gnarl and slash his hands at Damian. Damian jabbed quickly, almost faster than you could see, and the man breathed his last breath as Damian’s sword pierced his heart. Blood pooled out almost lazily post death. The man’s eyes froze wide and terrible. You cried freely. Damian didn’t stop. He clearly was fighting another foe in his mind.
You balance turned on you and you almost threw up as you gripped the floor. “Stop! Stop!” You yelled as Damian and Titus both continued their battle with nothing.
The floor was turning again. This time, it became sticky as the ceiling melted down towards you. Little bits of melted plaster burned the floor. You rolled away as a large chunk hit the ground. The laughter sounded again and you saw a flash of white face pulled tight in a chaotic laugh.
The second elevator sounded and you scampered away and to behind the couch. Your fingers were white as they gripped the fabric to keep from falling out of the window. Monsters, beasts, men in black suits hurried towards you. Damian screamed and slashed at the air between him and the attacker.
“Don’t touch her! Don’t fucking touch her,” he bellowed. But it was too late. A monster in red grabbed you. You screamed and fought, landing a hit to their chest and a bite to their hand.
“She fucking bit me! Goddamn,” the big man groaned. He wrapped his arms around you tightly and you bucked but it was useless. He had you and you couldn’t escape. A man in black and blue shot Damian with a taser. This was how you were going to die, in a melting building with men as monsters grabbing you. How could you possibly fight them when they took Damian down? He’s the son of Batman.
A monster with a shifting face, once a man and another a beast, came towards you with a syringe. His mouth gaped and swallowed blackness. “No! No,” you moaned. Your throat was raw from screaming. He quickly jabbed you in the neck. Before you passed out, you saw the screaming laughing face of the Joker.
12 hours later you woke up. You sat up quickly only to see Damian’s bedroom in the manor. Your head spun for a moment before stopping. His crisp white sheets and blue blanket and red ornamental rug laid on wooden floor. You were alone. You felt a small bandage on your neck and your fingers had small scabs along the nail lines on both hands. One of your fingernails was cut jagged to the quick. You grimaced as you touched the injured skin.
The walk from his bed into the hallway showed you two things: the floor was really cold and that you were wearing Damian’s clothing. A simple grey sweatpants rolled up and black Superman shirt was not enough in the chilly manor. You opened the door to an empty hallway. The floor had a thick soft rug that covered the sounds of your feet. You heard the sound of voices from the library at the end of the hall.
“I almost killed her,” you heard Damian say. His voice sounded pained and raw.
“It was the fear toxin. You didn’t do anything,” said one of his brothers. You couldn’t tell who yet but probably the oldest.
“I almost eviserated her, Grayson,” Damian said flatly. “The fear toxin made her cry in the corner and I almost cut her in 2.”
“She managed to bite me,” said another deeper voice.
“You left yourself open to be attacked,” said a third voice.
“Enough. She’s awake,” said a final voice that you definitely recognized as Damian’s father. “Come in.”
Damian sat on the edge of a wooden desk. Bruce sat in the desk chair behind the desk. Dick sat on a chair in the corner. Jason stood by Dick’s chair and Tim paced by a bookshelf. The other bat kids must have been out working.
“Hey,” Damian said searching your face and body for injury. He almost looked... vulnerable. His eyes stared at the bandage on your neck.
“Hi,” you said and your voice felt raw and painful. You rubbed your throat.
“How are you feeling?” Bruce asked. Damian quickly got you a chair. You sat down slowly. Your head still throbbed.
“Okay I guess. What happened?” You asked.
“Someone got ahold of a new street drug that uses a certain variety of fear toxin that is fast acting but short term and they atomized it and released it into the tower. They did it through a vent from the top down so you both got the largest dose. Luckily the security guard on the bottom floor only had some anxiety and a racing heartbeat and was able to recognize the situation. Damian’s tracker was activated and we got you both out as fast as we could,” Tim said.
You rubbed your temple. That didn’t sound right. What about the elevator? The man?
“Does your head hurt? We can get you something for that,” Damian said.
“I’m okay. Thanks. How long was I out?” You said trying to put things together.
“12 hours, give or take. You should probably get back in bed until tomorrow. Your mind and body need a break,” Bruce said. You nodded. Your head did hurt and you were tired but you couldn’t relax. There was just something off about everything. Maybe a side effect of the toxin. Damian offered to walk you back into your room.
“I’ll give you some medication to help with your headache. It might make you sleepy, okay?” He said pulling a syringe from a drawer in the room.
“Okay, I guess. My head does hurt,” you said climbing back in bed. Damian smiled and injected your arm.
His face. He smiled widely. Wider than he ever had before. Wide enough to have a gaping blackness. You went to scream but you were too tired. You tried to grab him to find you were tied in place. The manor’s neat clean walls faded to dirty dingy peeling mess and you could smell must and mildew. Your vision blurred.
The sound of a screaming laugh from a pulled back face was the only thing you could hear.
Let me know what you guys think 😀
It’s a part 1 of 2. The second part might be out Friday or next Friday depending on my schedule.
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writing-red · 4 years
from the dining table
draco malfoy x reader (mentions of harry potter x reader)
summary: You and Draco broke up and he is trying desperately to get in touch with you even though he knows exactly why you aren’t picking up the phone (song fic based on harry styles’ from the dining table)
request: @runninglownad​ hii! can i request a draco imagine based on from the dining table by harry? thanks sooo much <3
warnings: this is super angsty, breakup, toxic relationship, sad anger and drinking
a/n: I hope you enjoy!! and photo credit to @fixedunit​
word count: 2.1k
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Woke up alone in this hotel room
Played with myself, where were you?
It was seven when Draco finally decided to stop fighting the insomnia. Thoughts of you claiming his mind and making him entirely unable to find sleep. The white hotel sheets were curled around him, pillows on the floor, broken glass shattered around him like an unholy halo, and the room in total disarray. He laid there, staring at the ceiling, unsure of what to do with himself, unsure of what to do with himself now that he had lost you. He so desperately wished that he could squeeze his eyes shut only to open them and find you laying there next to him, wishing desperately to see that incredible beaming smile of yours, the one that would turn your cheeks rosy red.
He rose from the bed and navigated around the mess on the floor to get to the bar in the room. With a heavy hand he poured himself a scotch, as he continued to think of you; the feeling of your lips on his, the lines of witty banter you always seemed to whip out of nowhere, and the idea that he may never hear the rasp of your voice in the morning again.
Fell back to sleep, I got drunk by noon
I’ve never felt less cool
He abandoned the glass dragged the bottle back to the bed, putting on the television as a distraction. He couldn’t seem to find a program that didn’t make him think of you, he couldn’t get the sound of your sweet and joyous laugh echoing through whatever space you held.
Tears streamed down his face as he downed the scotch, he felt like an absolute child. Crying over a girl, drinking, and sleeping. The pattern was pathetic and the last thing Draco Malfoy was, was pathetic. Yet it seems you could reduce him down to a blubbering child and all he would think of is how terribly he missed you, and how badly he wanted to smell your deep ambrosial perfume. By the time he woke up again the digital clock next to the bed was flashing 12:13 as if it was mocking him, goading him to wake up and get over himself. 
We haven’t spoke since you went away
Comfortable silence is so overrated 
Why won’t you ever be the first one to break?
Even my phone misses your call, by the way
Your voicemail, the one you had recorded with him, your voice was happy, and it sounded as if you would never be sad again.
“You’ve got Y/n” joyful, happy, in love. “I am buuuuusy and I am so very sorry I missed your call but shoot me a text or leave a voicemail after the beep and we shall speak at another time! Thanks.”
“Y/n, darling?” he muttered. “Look I know that I fucked up, and that you don’t want to talk but can we please just go get coffee, I want to see you, and I don’t want to end things on that note. Please, I know that we aren’t getting back together, I just, Y/n I need to see you.”
“You’ve got Y/n! I am buuuuusy and I am so very sorry I missed your call but shoot me a text or leave a voicemail after the beep and we shall speak at another time! Thanks,” Draco was mocked by the shrill beep that followed the sound of your voice.
“Hey, I’m sorry about all the voicemail’s and all of the text messages, if you don’t want to see me please just tell me so. Look I just, Y/n, I am miserable and I really just want to apologize for everything face to face. Please don’t just ignore me.”
“You’ve got Y/n! I am buuuuusy and I am so very sorry I missed your call but shoot me a text or leave a voicemail after the beep and we shall speak at another time! Thanks,” Draco listened solemnly as the voicemail played wishing this wasn’t the only way he could hear your voice.
“Look, I get it if you don’t want to talk to me, just, tell me yourself don’t just ignore me. Please,” he was desperate, to see you without tears streaming down your face, tears he had caused.
I saw your friend that you know from work
He said you feel just fine
I see you gave him my old t-shirt
More of what was once mine
Weeks past and Draco didn’t hear back from you. He knew that you were forcing him to move on and he didn’t want to accept it but he knew that he had no other choice. He was back to work, back to normal, although no matter what he did he couldn’t seem to get the thought of you out his head. He was drinking, more than usual, smoking more than usual, and he had destroyed his fair share of hotel rooms. It was time for him to start living his life again.
You had always loved coffee, going to coffee shops, trying out different drinks, people watching, you had made the whole ordeal a habit for Draco and now it was a way for him to hold onto you. He thought that if he was lucky enough he’d catch you at one of them.
Today he went before work, luckily he had skipped the morning coffee shop rush and there were just a few other people inside the shop.
“I’ll have a black drip coffee, and a croissant,” he said, handing the barista money.
“Here’s your change, and it’ll all come up at that bar over there,” she said gesturing to the end of the bar.
“Thanks,” Draco said kindly as he stepped over to where the barista had gestured to wait for his order.
“Malfoy,” he heard a familiar voice.
“Potter,” Draco said, surprised to see the man you had both gone to school with, and who you now worked with.
“Nice to see you, what have you been up to recently” Harry asked him.
“Just work,” Draco observed Harry, the man he had always been so jealous of, for a moment when his eyes caught something similar. “That’s a bit of a posh shirt for you isn’t it?”
“Ah- it was in Y/n’s flat, I mean she gave it to me because it was in her flat and it’s my size and all that.”
“Got it. I think that’s mine,” he said, his eyes still on the shirt as the barista placed his coffee and pastry on the bar in front of them. “Tell Y/n I say hi?”
“Sure thing mate, she’s uh doing pretty alright,” Harry offered and Draco nodded, swiftly exiting the coffee shop refusing the urge to start crying over you again.
I see it’s written, it’s all over his face
Comfortable silence is so overrated
Why won’t you ever be the first one to break?
Even my phone misses your call, by the way
Potter. You had to choose Potter of all the men you knew to sleep with. It was as if you were trying to hurt him, trying to drive the knife further into his heart. That night Draco proceeded to call you all of thirteen times, four of the calls sober, and the other nine varying levels of drunk until he finally blacked out.
All he wanted was to hold you one more time, to hear you talk over a movie, shout out the lyrics to some old Bon Jovi song, watch you dance atop your kitchen table, you were always the perfect antagonist to silence and now it seemed that silence was all he could hear. People would speak to him and he couldn’t hear it, he would try and remember the sound of you, your singing, your voice, your laugh, but his memories of you were only pictures.
Maybe one day you’ll call me and tell me that you’re sorry too
But you, you never do
The ringer on his phone was always on, and when it buzzed he picked it up as quickly as a man could. Although, he was routinely disappointed to find that it was either Blaise, his boss, his mum, or a hotel calling to let him know of the damages done and the charges he would incur. But it didn’t matter, none of those calls mattered because they weren't you.
He just wanted you back, and all he could do was call and call, while picturing you lying in Harry Potter’s arms. You had chosen to be with Potter, and you had chosen to leave Draco, and Draco just couldn’t cope with your choices.
Woke up the girl who looked just like you
I almost said your name
He didn’t know this ones name, and he didn’t know the last one’s name. These girls that circled through his bed, each of them vaguely resembling you in one way or another. Today he awoke to seeing your nose, and your hair on someone else. Sleeping with these women upset him more than it comforted him, but it was at least something to do with himself.
“Y/-” he stopped himself. “Hey, I’ve got to go to work.” He said, shaking the girl awake.
“Can’t I just leave after you?” She groaned, her eyes still closed.
“No, get up,” Draco said as he got out of bed and pulled the duvet off of her. “Now,”
“Fine, I’m going,” she said, taking her time to draw herself up. “And I promise I won’t be back.”
And there she went, another person lost whether he wanted her or not. All he knew how to do was drive people away. He didn’t want to get over you, ever since your trip to New York you had been the love of his life. But now he resolved to living his life as a ghost, constantly in terrible silence without you.
Comfortable silence is so overrated
Why won’t you ever be the first one to break?
Even my phone misses your call, by the way
Taglist -  @sarcasticallywitty15​​ @fred-love-bot​​
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kurlyfrasier · 4 years
Terrified: Part 8
Raph x Reader
Synopsis: Raph saves you from ruffians one night in an alley after watching out for you for weeks without you knowing. Which leads you to getting to know the guys and becoming part of the family. But Raph keeps a distance and you don’t understand why. 
Word Count: 1763
Warnings: None, I don’t think...it’s definitely starting to look up though (:
A/N:  This goes back and forth between raph and reader pov just fyi
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Three excruciating days after the transplant, Leo finally let me free. I had re-read most of my books, listened to all of my music on repeat more than I’d like to admit, and stared at the ceiling for countless hours. I was surprisingly relieved when he told me that he had to break our promise. At least I now knew Raph didn’t over-stress himself over the information. Plus, it was nice knowing there wasn’t much for him to break if he lost his temper during quarantine. I figured Mikey could hold his own against his weakened brother if it did come to blows. Thankfully, it did not. I heard he also took it rather well. Which simultaneously made me happy that he kept his cool and had me doubting what little effect I may have once had over him.
I could only hope he still cared about my welfare to get him to stay in the lair indefinitely.
Still, it was nice to leave my room. The first place I went was Raph’s room. Where I found there was no bed because they had carried him on his bed into the quarantine room. So he would be more comfortable when he woke. I hoped he appreciated his brothers’ thoughtfulness. I then peeked into the lab to find both Raph and Mikey snoring, disappointing me slightly. I would’ve liked to see how well he was doing for myself. With a sigh, I made my way toward the living room and plopped myself onto the giant bean bag and turned on the tv to enjoy my newfound freedom. A few minutes later, spaghetti was resting on my lap as if I had conjured it. I looked up to find Leo sitting on the couch, making it known that he wasn’t leaving until I had eaten at least a few bites.
He was really throwing off my groove with this whole ‘forcing me to eat thing’. How was I supposed to convince Raph to stay in the lair if I didn’t look sick? Plus, it was hard to eat anymore. Those weeks I went barely eating were affecting me more than I wanted to admit. But if it kept Raph safe, it was worth it.
A few bites in I expected him to leave. Instead, he flicked his gaze between my plate and eyes, raising a brow in challenge. I huffed, but continued eating. Spaghetti was my favorite, after all, so I figured a few extra bites wouldn’t hurt. Eventually he was satisfied and left the room for the dojo. 
I waited on bated breath until I heard the swishing of his katanas before sneaking off for the restroom. I needed to empty my stomach, and fast. Unfortunately, I bumped into Donnie on my way, who dragged me back to the living room area. His excuse was that he wanted to watch a movie with me.
This pattern continued for the following few days. To my utter frustration.
Today was the day. The day Raph and Mikey were finally going to get out of quarantine. The day he was going to get to see you, and he couldn’t wait. He was more anxious than the first night they went topside and that was saying something.
Three days after Leo had spilled his guts about what had been going on with you and Raph felt he was almost at 100 percent. Sure, he still needed a few extra hours of sleep, to get some muscle back, and get his cardio up a bit more, but he finally got the okay from Donnie to get out of this bubble. All Donnie had to do was some last minute blood tests to make sure there was no more poison in his system and that their immune systems were up to crack after the transplant. When he gave the all clear, Raph ripped the plastic down and asked where to find you.
Raph asked everyone not to tell you that he was going to be out of quarantine because he wanted to see you before you saw him. He needed to see how true the stories were. He needed to make sure he could compose himself before you saw him.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he found you sitting alone on the couch, watching tv. A banana laid next to you, untouched, and he wondered if you had eaten yet. You needed to eat. You were so small, waif-like really. The curves he so loved on you had disappeared. Replaced with fragile looking bone. You looked exhausted with dark bags and droopy eyes. Your skin was paler than he had ever seen and your hair looked thin, not that he knew much about that, but it used to have a mind of its own. Now it was flat and lifeless. His heart broke at the sight.
Slowly- quietly- he made his way toward you. You had yet to notice him and he needed all the strength he could muster not to go off on you. Why had you not taken care of yourself- especially when you found out he was alive and well. Why had you not slept better? Ate more?
Raph grabbed the banana from behind the couch and handed it to you.
“Not hungry,” you said with barely a glance.
“Ya look hungry ta me,” he rasped, unable to speak above a whisper looking at you.
Your head snapped up at the sound of his voice with so much velocity your entire body spun around, causing you to slip off the couch, arms flailing. He caught you though, and stood you up on the couch, now at eye-level.
“Raph!” You beamed up at him, wide-eyed, and threw your bird-like arms around his neck. Gently, he reciprocated with a loose hold around your waist, worried he might hurt you as he buried his nose at the crook of your neck. You looked so fragile, and he had always been like a bull in a china shop.
“Why’d you do this?” He didn’t mean to ask- he really didn’t- but he had to know. You stiffened in his hold and tried to back out of the hug, but he held you where you were. He didn’t want you falling off the couch. And he sure as shell did not want to let go. If he worried about your safety before, now he was even more concerned. There was no way he was going to let you out of his sight anytime soon. “Wha’ were you thinkin’ Swee’heart?” His voice was muffled and broken.
“I just- I wasn’t hungry, that’s all,” you shrugged in his hold as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“Y/n,” Raph demanded your attention with a growl, now looking you in the eyes as he held you steady by the waist. “There’s a diffe’ence between not feelin’ hungry and starvin’ yerself!”
“Don’tcha ‘Raph’ me, Princess,” he let go and stepped around the couch. You followed his every move, sitting back down while he paced between you and the tv. “Leo told me ev’rythin’. And Mikey. They were worried sick! Don’tcha know what ya mean ta them! Huh!”
Raph was fuming as my heart beat wildly in my chest. Two pet names in the span of a couple minutes? It was almost too much to endure along with the fact that he was saying more than three words to me at a time until my heart sunk at the mention of his brothers and asking what I meant to them. Not him. Them. Still, I couldn’t tear my gaze away.
He was awake.
He was moving.
He was alive.
And he was just as strong as ever before.
“They were startin’ ta worry you might hurt yerself, Y/n.”
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, bowing my head in shame. “I wouldn’t do that.” Unless he had died, I thought to myself, remembering that night he came back injured. My first thought at the time was that I couldn’t live without him. My second; that I wouldn’t.
“Good. And I appreciate ya stayin’ next ta me an’ all, but ya shoulda got betta sleep,” he continued ranting, burning a hole in the floor with his pacing. “What if I had hurt ya in my sleep? What if I woke up an’ panicked? Huh? What then?”
“I woulda neva been able to forgive myself if somethin’ had happened ta ya. And then I wake up without a peep from ya and learn ya lost ya job, and ya apartment. That ya haven’ slept or ate. Do ya realize how worried I was?” 
I couldn’t help but snap my head up at that tidbit of news. 
“And look at ya! Ya turned inta skin an’ bones.” 
“It’s not like I was that pretty before…” I muttered under my breath, fiddling with my fingers as I remembered all those times I wore something extra pretty to get a reaction out of him to no avail. I had secretly hoped the last time he would suddenly realize what was in front of him, but then-
Raph stopped dead, fists clenched at his sides, chest heaving as he raked his molten emerald gaze over my form. So much like he used to do when checking for injuries. In less than a beat those same eyes turned sharp as the blade that sliced his arm. “What. Did. You. Just. Say,” he growled out, sounding feral, enunciating every word with the same precision he uses with his sais.
“No-nothin’,” I stuttered out, attempting to sink myself into the back of the couch. Wishing I could disappear as he sauntered his way over, forcing me to meet his furious eyes.
“I don’t eva wanna hear that again. Yer gorgeous. The most beautiful thing I had eva seen. Do ya hear me?”
My heart stopped, mouth gaped, and eyes bulged. If he noticed my shock, he ignored it.
“I’m takin’ full responsability,” he said pointedly as I tried to remember how to breathe. “I’m gonna make sure ya get food in ya. That it stays in ya. An’ that ya get the best sleep of yer life, Swee’heart.”
Suddenly- before I could even process that he planned on becoming my caretaker- he was on his knees before me, arms wrapped around my waist as he set his head in my lap. “I wanted ta run ta ya the moment I heard. I wanted ta knock some sense inta ya. But now that I see ya...I’m neva gonna let ya outta my sight.”
Part 9
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Crying In the Club .2
Overhaul x F!Reader
Warnings: Abuse, manipulation, gore,
*Part 1* *Part 2* 
A/N: I actually really enjoyed writing the first one so i thought why not make a little series. I don’t know how long it’s actually going to be but we’ll see how it goes!
You sit in the clean bedroom that your oh so loving boyfriend put you in. The room smelled of disinfectant and was pristine clean.
The smell was disgusting. It made bile rise up in your throat. You held you hand over your mouth as you felt the bile creep into your mouth.you quickly swallowed it before you threw up all over the room. 
The fear of Kai was more then convincing enough to not throw up. You knew that if Kai even smelled vomit it was your ass on the line. Anything that pissed him off? You were the punching bag. As much as it sucked, there wasn’t much you could do.
You laid down on the clean bed as you looked up at the ceiling. Your body shook violently with frustration with your situation. You couldn’t tell pops. Kai would just erase his memory again, then you would be in a whirlwind of trouble that really wasn’t worth it at this point.
‘Why me? Am I that so desperate for love that he decided i was and easy target? It’s always the pretty ones that are the assholes!’ 
Your nails dug into the bed sheets as tears of frustration run down your face. Your eyes squeezed shut as you bang on the mattress. You open your blurry eyes while you sit up ad swing your feet over the bed so they hit the floor.
Anger coursed through you veins as you looked around the clean room. Your hands gripped the bed sheets as you ripped it off the bed. Bedding flies all over the room covering up the carpet. Pillows, sheets, blankets, everything was thrown in random directions of the room. No place was safe.
The small bathroom was no safer then the bed was as you open the door roughly making it hit the wall, causing to make a tiny dent in it. You fly open the medicine cabinet and threw out every vitamin and pill bottle out. The bottles hit the floor with a thunk making pills fly out of the bottle as the lids broke off.
Pills cover the once clean floor, breaking into pieces and dust as you step on them on your way to the tub. You grab the conditioner and shampoo bottles squeezing them with all your might. Opening the lid as you squeezed all the contents of the bottle down the drain along with Kai’s hand sanitizer and more watching as the water takes it all down the drain.
Trashed. That’s how bad the room was. Your eyes widen once you realized the damage you had caused to the room. Your fit of rage was over and as everything came back to you like a train. You try to get your composure as you quickly try to clean the whole room before Kai got back, trying to fix everything you destroyed. The shampoo, conditioner and all the other products that went down the drain was a no go. But you could still make the bed and clean all the destroyed pills on the floor.
Your hand worked at the speed of light as you put the sheets around the corners of the bed, putting the blankets neatly on the bed, trying to make it look as clean as possible. Pillows were put in a symmetric pattern trying to give it that perfect look Kai so desperately craved. The bathroom was a horror to work with as you picked up all the pills that were still intact and put them back in the bottle, shoving them into the cabinet. Your hands made quick work of scrubbing the powder of the pills away. making it look clean enough to see your reflection in it. Maybe if you did that, your punishment wouldn’t be as harsh.
You let out a sigh as the bathroom looked spotless except for the empty bottles and that god forsaken dent in the wall. Your body shook as your ‘lover’ made his way to the door, unlocking it.You knew it would be better to tell the truth then lie about it. If you told the truth your punishment would be less harsh hopefully, but you didn’t get your hopes up knowing Kai.
“Are you ready to act like an adult now?”His voice rang in your head as you let out a gasp.
“No.” Your voice was shaky as you gather up the courage to tell him the truth.
“Why not?” You could sense his aggravated tone right away, belittling your confidence in telling him.
“I lost my temper.” You say looking down. Trying to hide away from his liquid gold eyes. Tears streamed down your face as you heard the door that was once unlocked, locked. You saw his feet in your field of vision getting closer to you.
“Excuse me?! What did you do?!” his voice sent shivers down your spine as your squeezed your fists so tight your knuckles turned white.
“I trashed the room, I cleaned all up after I was done to the best of my ability but-” A gloved hand made contact with your cheek at high force. A hand print sketched into your face, stinging and throbbing.
‘What else have you done?!”
“I...I poured all the shampoo and conditioner out, along with your hand sanitizer. I opened the bathroom door to hard and caused a little dent in the wall.” Before you knew it a hand grabbed your wrist squeezing hard.
“Your lucky I have a meeting to go to with Pops. You unfortunately have to come with as well which means your punishment will be postponed until later tonight. Come on we need to find you a suitable dress.” His hand squeezed harder on your wrist making you wince but keep your mouth shut. He was angry enough, its best to just stay quiet for awhile.
Your mouth hurt from all the fake smiling you were doing during the meeting. You sat right next to Kai, trying to keep the girlfriend act up. You had to hold hands with this asshole which felt like a sin in itself. His gloved hand was a unwelcomed feeling of cold despite your hatred for him, you felt a bit safe next to him. Safe from the hungry stares the old men in the meeting were giving you.
Kai was trying to get this sit over with and fast. He hated how you scooted closer to him, he hated you and you hated him, go away. He didn’t want your filth near him. He looked at you questioning why you were so close to him when he saw you shifting uncomfortably at the hungry stares from the older men around the table. Gears clicked in his head as soon as he realized the situation.
“So pretty lady, hows it like living with a germophobe as a boyfriend.” the old man chuckled as did many other men around the table. He looked you up and down. Even though he despised your entire existence, a spark of possessiveness kicked into his body. Fuck off, I need her for my plans.
“Um does it really matter?” You say nervously. Kai’s eyebrow arched at you when he heard you talk back to the man. He tried to move a bit away but couldn’t when he felt your fingers intertwine with his even more as you squeezed his gloved hand tighter. He would never admit it but the warmth of your hand felt a bit nice, compared to his freezing ones.
“I’m just saying it’s pretty funny seeing him get a girlfriend, a pretty one at that.” The man purred at you. You shifted not liking the way it was going down this road. You hoped that Kai would get some sort of message and allow you to leave.
“This meeting is done.” Kai stood up and shot every man a dirty look before stomping out of the room. Making a note to kill the man who wolf whistled at you when you both left the room.
Kai swing your bedroom door up. He practically threw you into the room. You try to catch your balance as your heels where not helping you on the carpet. Before you could fall though a hand grabbed your upper arm and pulled you up.
You were about to say something before a metal clinking caught your attention. Your eyes go wide and felt the cold metal hit your exposed shoulder blades, dragging it around the exposed flesh.
A rush of pain surged through your entire being as you felt the tip of the metal blade pierce through your skin. It felt like every single second was a eternity in hell. The slow movements of the blade ripping through your fresh skin felt like you were being killed by him over and over again.
Kai seemed to drag it out longer then needed. You felt the blood trickle down your back as your entire being shook in pain and fear.
Kai watched as your body shook feeling a sense of power as he realized the amount of control he has over you. It felt like a sick arousal that he couldn’t get enough of. Watching you cry out in pain and fear felt like he was the king. He could end you right now and you would never tell anyone.
And he hated you for it.
How dare you fill his mind with sick fantasies? He has a job to do. Your disgusting, oh how he wished he could kill you, but he still needed you. His plan was almost in fruition and once it was he could finally get rid of your disgusting presence.
The pain finally ended making you let out a sigh of relief. the throbbing pain was still there but the worse of it was over.
“There, now no one will want you. I still need your filthy life in order for my plan to succeed. People will know that your my bitch. And i do whatever i want to you. But they don’t need to know on how much I can’t wait to kill you. To see your blood splatter all over the floor will be my dream come true.” He let you go making you fall to your knees.
“Belong to you? Be careful Kai, your starting to sound like you actually need me.” You growl as you look up as him over your shoulder.
Your chin was grabbed harshly by Kai as you were brought face to face with him.
“We both know that once this is over, you will no longer be needed, then i can finally get rid of your disgusting life.”
“Then why did you carve your initials into my shoulder? What? Did you feel threatened?” You snicker at him with a smirk carved into your face with him glaring at you.
You stare at him for another second or two before grabbing his arm and taking him down onto the ground with you. You try to hop up onto the floor and run but he caught your leg tripping you, making you crash to the floor.
He dragged you back to him while you were kicking and clawing your way away from him. Trying to escape only to have him hold you tightly as you try and wiggle your way out of his clutches.
You throw your head back hitting him in the face. He let go for a split second, but that was all you needed for you to book it.
You dig your nails into the carpet as you push yourself up and open the door, flying out of the room and out into the compound halls.
Fear courses through your veins when you crash into someone’s chest. Your prayed it was pops only for the familiar scent of vanilla to hit your nose. You look up to see Hari Kurono, Kai’s right hand man.
‘He’d probably be a better boyfriend then Kai ever would.’ Your hands were grabbed as you were spun around and walked towards your prison you just escaped from.
“Do what he says and you won’t get hurt understand?” Hari said into your ear. His voice sent shivers down your spine as your remembered how dangerous both of these men were. Curse you and your shit taste in men.
Once you stop at the room and Kai stepped out you knew you were in for a ride. Your finger felt like fire as you were left with Kai as Hari let go of you and walked away.
‘Shit no come back asshole. If your around Kai might be a bit nicer fuck.’
“I was gonna make our punishment a little easier since I WAS in a good mood but you just had to ruin it didn’t you? Jesus can’t you do anything right?” He grabbed your arm and threw you into the room. But he didn’t come in You turn to face him only to have the door shut in your face and the door locked.
“Hwy let me out dickweed!” You banged on the door but no one heard you and no one came to your rescue.
3 days later
Your mouth felt dry like a desert. Your stomach growling in demand for food. You held your stomach as you whine in pain, the hunger pain started to creep up on you. Sure you had water in your bathroom but food was your main priority right now.
The sound of shoes stopping in front of you door had your weary eyes looking in that direction, looking for his eyes. Your energy was gone as you barely had the strength to get up.
“Have you learned your lesson yet (Y/N)?” To tired to care about anything you said yes.
He closed the door and walked over to your tired body laying on the bed.
The power trip he got from seeing your submissiveness to him, you couldn’t fight and didn’t talk back. You didn’t have the energy to do either.
Why didn’t he think of this sooner? You’re doing whatever he says and all he had to do was keep food from you? Take away your source of energy? How long could he do this? If you went another 3 days without food would you give up and do whatever he says in fear of not getting food? Would you finally not make a fit about everything?
“You know what? I think I’m gonna extend your punishment by another 3 days. Maybe then you would learn your place brat.”
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iatethepomegranate · 3 years
Just a fic about Caleb buying a house in Rexxentrum with Beau and Yasha, and coping with that kind of change and newfound stability (and becoming Professor Widogast). Angst and fluff are at war in this fic.
Content warnings: lots of grief, Caleb's backstory, referenced child abuse
Chapter summary: The Nein goes shopping and Caleb is tired. The market offers up an expected memory, and the chance to hold a little piece of childhood in his hands.
Notes: Title is from Nine by Sleeping At Last.
Chapter 4: I let the scale tip and feel all of it, it's uncomfortable but right
Jester and Caduceus were a force to be reckoned with at the marketplace. They had already convinced Caleb to let them buy him a set of curtains for his side of the house. Thick fabric to block out most light and definitely any nosy neighbours. They were a soft yellow-green patterned with watercolour chamomile flowers, which they had figured out were native to the Zemni Fields behind Caleb’s back.
“These are so pretty Cay-leb,” Jester said, gently sliding them into the bag of holding with Fjord’s help as they stepped out of the shop. “We’ll put these up as soon as we get back, okay? Yasha promised she’ll help us.”
Yasha was a little way off with Kingsley, her arm over his shoulders as they looked at swords at a nearby market stall. Caduceus dragged everyone off to stock up on kitchen necessities and more seeds for Yasha’s garden. And a ton of baking supplies, because Yasha had begged Caduceus to teach her, even though everyone knew no one had to beg Caduceus for that kind of thing.
Essek, disguised as a half-elf with soft brown hair and eyes, held himself a little awkwardly here in the heart of the Dwendalian Empire, but he defiantly refused to complain. He had little input on Empire goods, aside from wine, about which Beauregard happily bickered with him. Caleb was happy enough to let the others direct him, even if he theoretically knew the markets better than they did.
He trusted them. And he was so tired.
So he quietly followed the Nein around the market and let them make decisions for him with minimal input. He must have looked wrecked, because Essek, despite his disguise and clear nervousness, held his hand to anchor him.
Fjord, Jester and Kingsley bought him a ton of high quality paper and ink for the study, with Essek’s subtle guidance. Caduceus picked out basic kitchen staples for Caleb that would keep him fed even if he didn't have much time to cook, in the event he couldn’t eat with Beau and Yasha. Veth found some orange-amber cushions that complemented the curtains. Yasha found an orange-white checkered tablecloth that she declared matched his hair and therefore was a necessity for the house. She and Beau bought two, one for each side.
Caleb, in a lucid moment, found a soft blue rug for Beau and Yasha’s bedroom and bought it for them, despite their objections. It was only fair he gave them something back after everything they were doing for him. He would have to work out the logistics of installing a real-world sex mirror later as a proper gift. He’d ask Essek to help, and Essek would do it, but he would hate every second of it. The one sex joke he had ever made in front of the Nein was 50% deflection. And jokes were very different from installing a sex mirror for someone.
Jester would be up for it. A little bit of gold dust would be enough for Caleb to hold it in place with Immovable Object while they secured it.
Caleb was pulled from his calculations about dimensions and weight for a ceiling mirror when Veth tugged on his hand. “Hey, Cay. There’s an old lady selling homemade quilts. Rexxentrum is very cold, and you are going to catch a chill if we don’t get you something better than that one shitty blanket. Come on.”
She led him over, catching up with the rest of the Nein. Jester was chatting with an old Zemian woman sitting behind the table behind piles of bright quilts. The stitching sparked an old, old memory in Caleb, and he found himself stepping closer before he had consciously thought about it.
“Ja, I make the trip up from Blumenthal every few months,” the old woman said in a thick Zemnian accent, much thicker than Caleb’s after all his time travelling.
Caleb froze for half a second, easing himself through the shock of that information. “Ah, hallo, grandmother. It is good to meet someone from home.” This conversation would be easier in Zemnian. Common lacked the polite Sie form that Caleb would typically have used for respect. But he wasn’t sure he could handle having this conversation in Zemnian, so it was probably for the best.
The woman smiled up at him, her lips wobbly with age. “Hallo, young man.”
Caleb’s knees ached a little, just to remind him some parts of him really were not young at all.
She held out a wrinkled hand for him to shake. “Call me Lisbeth.”
Caleb had a strange moment of indecision regarding his name, trying to remember if he had known this woman as a child but coming up empty; Blumenthal was just large enough that it was possible not to know everyone, and she may have even moved there after he was gone. “Ah, Caleb Widogast.” He shook her hand. “I grew up in Blumenthal. This stitching is…” Why was he just saying everything that came to his mind?
“Very traditional, ja.”
“Ja, my mother used to make quilts like these...” His was probably ash now.
He was dimly aware that the Nein were watching him, and that Veth had done an extremely visible double-take.
Lisbeth searched Caleb’s face for one terrifying moment, and he was convinced that maybe she did know him after all. But then, whatever she saw made her soften, and she reached beneath the table. “I like to save my best work for those who will appreciate it. Here.” She laid a thicker quilt on top of the others. “I made one like this for my grandson. He wears it like a cape around the house.”
The stitching was a little more intricate, and the squares were detailed with minimalist animal shapes. Mostly cats. Una had taken Caleb’s cat obsession to heart; the quilt she had made him had been similar. Painfully so.
Caleb traced the stitching of an orange cat, his vision blurring. Essek squeezed his hand. Caleb blinked until he could see again. Even with the disguise turning purple eyes to brown, these were definitely Essek’s eyes staring up at him with a familiar look of both affection and concern.
“We’ll take it,” said Veth. Veth, who had already bought Caleb a house, and cushions. This was… no.
He sighed. “A word, please.” He took her hand, leading her a little away from the group. “Veth, this is too much.”
Veth’s eyes were wet. “No. No, it’s not. I saw how much this means to you. Caleb, you just talked about your childhood and your mother to a total stranger. That’s not…” She sighed. “I saw your face when she pulled out that quilt.”
“I cannot let you…” Caleb could barely speak. “Veth.” He swallowed. “You bought me a house. You are still buying things for me. This is… I can’t take this.”
“Why not?” There was an edge to her voice, but it was a genuine question. “I thought we were over this. Why is this the line?”
Caleb did not know where he found the strength to stay on his feet when all he wanted to do was fall in a heap. He stared at the dirt.
“Cay, look at me. Please.” Veth couldn’t reach his face, but she absolutely could conjure her mage hand to lift Caleb’s chin until he met her eyes. “Will having this make you happy? Or does it hurt too much? I won’t force you to take something that hurts you, but if this is because you don’t think you deserve it…”
“I don’t know, Veth.”
They had spent a long time alone together, relying on each other to survive. If anyone could read him, it was her. She stared at him for a few moments, eyes moving as if his face were a real book.
“I don’t think you would’ve struck up a conversation with a random Zemnian lady if this was the bad kind of pain,” she said. She rolled her shoulders back. “That settles it: you’re getting the quilt. I’ll get the Nein to chip in if that makes you feel less weird about it.”
It kind of did. And Caleb didn’t have it in him to argue anymore. “Ja, okay.”
Veth pulled him down so she could kiss his cheek and led him back to the stall. “All right, everyone give me your money.”
It was probably a sign of how bad Caleb looked that nobody questioned her. But when Essek reached for his pocket, Caleb reached out to stop him.
“No,” he said. “Not you.”
Essek frowned deeply with the half-elf’s face, but the expressions were undeniably him. “Caleb.”
“No. You need that money. Do not put me through this.”
Essek’s face softened. “All right.”
The rest of the Nein, even Kingsley who still barely knew Caleb from a bar of soap, coughed up enough coins to pay for the quilt. Lisbeth, a little teary herself, offered a discount, which they refused. Jester and Veth gave her extra gold that Caleb couldn’t count through his brain fog. Okay, he was very much not coping if he couldn’t even count things.
Veth was too small to pick up the quilt without dragging it on the floor, even after Lisbeth had gently folded it, so Yasha accepted it from Lisbeth and handed it to Caleb. Old muscle memory took over, and he buried his face in the soft fabric.
“Danke schön,” he said quietly.
Lisbeth smiled at him again, but it was sad. “You should come by the market and say hello before I go back home in a few weeks.”
“I will.” It would hurt a lot, but Caleb meant it.
“Take care, Schatz.”
No one had called him that in a long time. It hurt. It hurt so much.
Grief was funny like that sometimes. You think you’re getting on with things, doing okay, and then there will be a scent on the wind, an old term of endearment, stitching identical to your mother’s… and you break.
Caleb squeezed the quilt and barely held himself together as the Nein led him back home. Whatever shopping they had left to do… they had wordlessly agreed to leave it for another day.
Back home, Caleb asked to be alone for a bit. That meant Essek was allowed. They laid the quilt out on Caleb’s bed, Essek’s disguise abandoned. Caleb stopped fighting the tears, letting the sobs come as he smoothed out the edges, fingers catching on a stitched golden retriever puppy.
Essek pressed his palm between Caleb’s shoulder blades. “Sit. Please.”
Caleb lowered himself slowly, wholly convinced he would collapse if he wasn’t careful, and settled on the edge of the bed. Essek pushed him onto his back and curled up next to him, guiding Caleb’s head to settle against his chest. Limbs tangled together.
No more words were said for a while. Caleb drifted asleep at some point, waking with a headache. Essek left briefly to fetch him a cup of water. Caleb stretched and his back cracked a little bit. He felt hollowed out, but in a good way. The way you felt after a good, well-deserved cry.
Essek returned in a few minutes, wiping his own eyes on his sleeve, and made Caleb drink the whole cup. “You should eat something.”
“Soon.” Caleb still felt a bit queasy from the tears.
Essek tucked himself into Caleb’s side, arm around his waist. He squeezed, just a little, and kissed Caleb’s collarbone. Caleb pulled him in close and kissed the top of his head.
“Danke.” The word was not enough to express the depths of Caleb’s gratitude that Essek had lain here with him through his grief, that he had taken such a risk to stay at Caleb’s side in the market to begin with. Under better circumstances, Caleb would have been furious with Essek for that, but they both knew Caleb had needed him today.
Caleb slowly rubbed his palm across the surface of the quilt behind Essek’s back. It felt exactly the same as the one he’d had when he was little, which Una had repaired again and again over the years because he was so attached to it. She had made it last until he was seventeen. Until the night he had destroyed everything because of a false memory, primed by faux-patriotic indoctrination and horrific abuse. Caleb would never fully shake off the guilt. Not entirely. Whatever Trent had put in his head, it had been Caleb’s hands that set the fire. But it was getting easier to accept that Trent had engineered the situation very carefully, so that Caleb did not feel like he had another choice.
He was glad Veth had convinced him to accept the quilt. One more piece of his past reclaimed. One more piece that could become a comfort instead of a knife in his ribs.
Caleb felt better. The two of them slowly stretched out their limbs, rolled aching joints, and headed to Beau and Yasha’s side of the house. There was a scent of baking in the air. Not apple tarts--Caleb probably would have broken again if it had been, no matter how happy the memory. He could smell spices.
They stepped down the stairs into the living area. Beauregard was grumbling over some Cobalt Soul report, while Kingsley, notably bored, lazily slapped her leg with his tail over and over. Fjord listened to Beauregard’s complaints with a constructed look of sympathy. Veth was openly ignoring her, head in her spellbook once again. Yasha, Caduceus and Jester were notably absent.
“Oh!” Fjord was very quick to find an excuse to stop listening to her. “There you are. The others are baking biscuits that none of us can pronounce.”
Beauregard rolled her eyes. “I’m telling you I said it right.”
“Caleb, help us out,” said Kingsley. “They’re some kind of spiced biscuit dusted with sugar while they’re still hot. Normally for special occasions.”
“This is a special occasion,” Veth told him. “It’s got the same number of syllables as fluffernutter. I think.”
Caleb suspected he knew what they meant. “Ah. Pfeffernüsse.”
“Yeah, that.”
“Told you I was right,” Beauregard muttered.
“They’re very good,” said Caleb.
“I think the first batch is almost done,” said Veth. “You should be our taste tester.”
Caleb crouched beside her on his way to the kitchen, pointing at the book. “Veth, that rune is upside down.”
He found the spell she was copying out in his own spellbook and set it beside her. “Here. It’s easier with more than one source. I’ll be back to help you in a moment.”
Caleb then stepped into the kitchen, with Essek on his tail. Yasha had a pair of soft pink oven mitts on, pulling a tray from their dark metal oven. Jester held a bag of confectioner’s sugar, bouncing in anticipation while Caduceus tried half-heartedly to close the bag before she spilled it everywhere.
“You’re just in time, Mr Caleb,” Caduceus said, giving up. “The lady selling baking supplies at the market gave us the recipe. I am not going to try pronouncing it again.”
“Pfeffernüsse,” Caleb supplied again.
“Yeah, no.”
Jester snickered. “He kept trying to say it while you were upstairs. It was very cute.”
By now, Yasha had set the tray down and put another in the oven. “Caleb, Caleb, come here! Look!”
Caleb stepped to her side and gazed down at the cookie tray. They were a little less round than the pfeffernüsse Caleb was used to, but recognisable. Jester came over and sprinkled the sugar over them with far more grace than anyone had expected.
Once cooled a bit, they brought the biscuits out to the living area. They were soft like Caleb remembered, and the spice blend was excellent. “These are perfect,” he said. “Thank you.”
Yasha looked genuinely touched, and swept him into a huge hug.
“May I help you next time?” asked Essek. “I have never baked before.”
“Of course,” Yasha said. “Caduceus is going to teach us to make bread soon.” She held up her hands in a slow-motion shrug. “Goes well with soup?” Her voice went up at the end, making it sound like a question.
Kingsley, who had absolutely not paid any attention to the conversation, shoved an entire biscuit in his mouth, his eyes widening to a ludicrous degree. “What the fuck? This is the best thing I have ever tasted.”
“We are famous for our baked goods,” said Caleb.
“You’d think Zemnians would be a happier bunch if this is the shit they eat,” Beauregard said, her mouth covered in sugar.
“Depression baking is a cultural pastime,” Caleb said.
“Bro, what the fuck?”
“Do you think Astrid and Eadwulf eat these things?” asked Jester.
“Probably,” said Caleb. “We used to.” That reminded him; he needed to message Astrid and arrange a time to discuss the job offer. “Ah, one moment.” He pulled out the copper wire, sticking to Common for the sake of his companions. “Astrid, it’s Bren. The Professors delivered the offer. Do you have time to talk? I am a little nervous about it. Time and place?”
Astrid replied in Zemnian, “Do you remember Trent’s old office? I’m there now. Come when you are ready.”
Caleb re-upped the spell. “I will be there in half an hour,” he replied in Zemnian.
Still in Zemnian, Astrid replied one last time, “I look forward to it.”
Beauregard was the only one who could understand the Zemnian half of what Caleb had said. “Caleb, I don’t wanna be patronising, but are you feeling up to that?”
“I want to get it over with,” Caleb replied. He clarified for the rest of the group, “I am going to see Astrid soon, to talk about the job.”
“I’ll pack some cookies,” said Jester, grabbing the plate and rushing into the kitchen. Yasha chased after her before she could break anything.
“Do you want an escort?” asked Fjord.
“Nein. I’ll be all right.”
“You will call if you need us?” Fjord’s voice was firm; it wasn’t a question.
“Ja, of course.”
Caleb was out the door in a few minutes, carrying a cloth bundle of six Pfeffernüsse, all that had been left of the first batch. It was four in the afternoon, the air having chilled a little but it was still pleasant. Caleb didn’t mind the cold too much, as long as he wasn’t trapped in it.
Walking into the Shimmer Ward was less frightening than it used to be. There would always be a lingering hint of anxiety, but he had it well in hand. There were crownsguard stationed at the Academy gates; they silently let him pass into the manicured gardens of the campus.
Coming here as a teenager had been a dream come true, which had quickly become a nightmare. Maybe coming back here to teach would let him reclaim those memories, turn them into something useful. He headed to the nearest tower, where he knew most staff kept an office. Trent had rarely been in his, but Caleb recalled that Astrid had been teaching here, so it made sense she would make better use of it.
The tall marble archways and huge windows had not changed one bit since the last time Caleb had been here, not long before he murdered his parents. Maybe coming here was a bad idea, especially after the day he’d had. Or maybe he needed to get this over with. If he got emotional about being here, at least he could claim it was because he was tired.
Muscle memory carried Caleb to Trent’s old office. He felt nauseous. He knocked on the door. It swung open, seemingly of its own accord.
Astrid was seated behind the massive, heavy mahogany desk. Caleb knew from personal experience how sharp the corners could be. He was going to be sick.
Astrid set aside her pen, capping the inkwell front of her. “Hallo, Bren.”
Caleb swallowed before he spoke. “Astrid.”
Astrid continued in Zemnian, so Caleb decided to match her. “Sit down,” she said , gesturing to one of the three chairs. They looked spindly and delicate, but Caleb knew for a fact how sturdy they were. And how much force it took to break out of any bindings tying one’s arm to the arms of the chair.
Caleb took a deep breath through his nose, picking up the spices of the Pfeffernüsse. It helped. He placed the bundle on the desk. Astrid’s desk.
“Jester, Yasha and Caduceus are experimenting with Zemnian baking,” he said quietly, letting himself fall into a chair. “They’re good.”
Astrid raised an eyebrow, gently picking at the piece of twine holding the bundle closed. She lifted a biscuit from the cloth. “They smell right.”
“They taste right, too.”
Astrid split the biscuit in half, handing the larger part to Caleb. He wasn’t sure if it was affection or distrust. She waited for him to take the first bite but also quickly followed suit, so maybe a bit of both. Understandable.
“These are good,” she said, finishing the biscuit and rubbing a thumb across her sugared lips. Slowly. It had to be deliberate. “You look tired.”
“Long day.”
“How is the house?”
“Good. Different. I am...” He laughed, just a bit, thinking over the last couple days. “A little out of practice. I don’t know if you knew… I was homeless for a while. It felt safer.”
Astrid did not look surprised. “I know.” She exhaled through her nose, visibly rousing herself. “You wanted to talk about the job offer?”
“Alphira would have made a terrible Volstrucker.”
Astrid cracked a small smile. “She told me about your meeting today. I apologise for her clumsiness. You took it more gracefully than I would have.”
“I doubt it.” Caleb didn’t tell her about his breakdown behind the shop. “A shame the smut shop is gone.”
“Evidently their business fell apart without your patronage.” Astrid gave an extremely put-upon sigh. “Wulf found another place. Get him to give you directions.”
“Kingsley is curious.”
“Yes, I am sure that is your only motivation.” Astrid cleared her throat and visibly put her mind back on task. “Bettina needs a replacement. The Archmages are falling over themselves to sing your praises. They are, in some ways, full of shit. Hiring you will terrify them. I think you will like that.” She glanced at the now-closed door and lowered her voice. “Headmaster Zivan Margolin is a weak link to Trent, but a link nonetheless. Your presence will make his life very difficult.”
Caleb matched her volume. “Whoever decided the Headmaster of Soltryce Academy should be the same person as the Archmage of Conscription is…” He sighed, unable to put into words how much the deck had been stacked against him, Astrid, Wulf and every other child pulled into the Volstrucker program. And how much it upset him. “What the fuck.”
“Margolin is busy pretending he loves you,” said Astrid. “He’s become a little bold in his claims that he saw your potential from the beginning. The Martinet is growing uncomfortable with the implication and will throw him to the sharks to save his own skin. One word to the right people…”
Caleb knew Beauregard would carry the message to Yudala Fon in a heartbeat. “We need to be careful. Take it slow. We have disrupted the Volstrucker pipeline for the moment. We cannot afford to stumble now.”
Astrid leaned back in her seat, looking very much like a cat who had just eaten a bird it had been chasing for miles. She raised her voice to a normal volume. “So, you will take the job?”
“I might.”
“Bettina told me your demands,” said Astrid. “We’ll put them before the Archmages. See what we can do. If nothing else, making the demands will prove a point no matter what they do about them.”
“Astrid, I am serious. I want them fulfilled.”
“I know. Bettina has suggestions about the ethics lessons. I agree you should teach it as part of the Transmutation classes, at least for now. Would we have listened when we were students?”
“I think that depends on who it came from. And whether Trent had gotten to us yet.”
“I agree. I think you will make a more compelling speaker than anyone else we could find.” She smirked a little. “You were always charismatic, and you have the lived experience to make an impact.” She took another biscuit, chewing thoughtfully, eyes tracing through the air as if she was reading calculations. “You said you were nervous.”
Admitting that in the Sending had been an impulse decision, born out of an emotional day. He didn’t regret it. Outside the Nein, Astrid probably understood best that Caleb had always been an anxious person, even if he had handled it much more gracefully in his youth. When he eternally swung between deep insecurity and excessive arrogance owed to his skills, and the fact he had known very well how charming he could be. Anyway, Astrid and Wulf knew his old insecurities well. Now he had new ones, and Astrid was trying to be on his side as much as she could.
So Caleb voiced something he wasn’t sure he would ever tell anyone else. “I have always wanted to teach. You know that. But. It’s a lot of responsibility. Maybe Trent is still in my head a bit, but I am afraid. He said that I am not the only ‘one of us’ in the Assembly who went through similar trauma. What if I… turn out no better than he did?”
“He also said you were defined by your trauma, if I recall.” Astrid’s face had shuttered a bit the instant Caleb invoked Trent. “He likes to find our pressure points and push until we break. You know that.” She took a third biscuit and shoved it into his hand. “He saw what he wanted to see, and he wanted his vision of you to be what the rest of us saw as well. I… made an error. I misunderstood your ambitions. As did The Martinet.”
“What did Ludinus think I wanted?”
“Power. Like most others in the Assembly. Revenge. Like most Volstrucker who have thought deeply enough about what Trent put us through.”
“He would have been right. Once.”
“I know. The first time you came to me, you were still very angry.”
“I never stopped. My goals changed. I… learned better, I suppose.” Caleb owed so much to the Nein, especially his talks with Caduceus that helped clarify what he did and didn’t want in the end.
“I didn’t. You know I would’ve killed him if you hadn’t stopped me.”
“I wouldn’t have resented you if you had.”
“You were right to stop me. It was more satisfying to shame him in public and have him tossed in a dark cell with a silencing collar glued to his neck forever.”
“And his hands glued together for just as long.”
Astrid’s eyes softened a bit. “One of the most beautiful things I have seen in my life.” Her gaze lingered on him, just a second longer than either of them could dismiss as casual. “How’s your beacon thief?”
“He’s fine.” Caleb wasn’t sure he could handle talking about his current partner with Astrid of all people.
“Have you seen him recently?”
“I am not telling you that.”
“I won’t turn him in. It would not go well for me.” Astrid rested her chin in her hands, searching his face. “Are you two happy?”
“Yes.” Caleb did not offer further details, and Astrid did not pry.
“You deserve it.” She smiled down at the bundle of biscuits. “Tell your friends thank you for the Pfeffernüsse. Will you take the job?”
“I will.”
“Good. For what it’s worth, I think you will be a good professor. You and I both know how important that will be.”
Caleb matched her sad smile. “No more children on the pyre.”
“No more.”
Caleb felt better. He could do this. It would take more than one person to make change, but he could do his part. Astrid had her ambitions, but he knew her in a way very few people did. There were conversations to be had between them, more damage to stitch up.
But it had been a long, emotional day. There would be more days. More time to pull the vulnerable from the flames, to stand between them and the remaining elements of this government who would use, abuse and discard them.
And, he hoped, time to care for those had already been hurt.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Get Up: Antoni
CW: Using clove cigarettes to burn skin, burns, burning as torture, conditioned responses and behavior, feverish whumpee, creepy whumper, fucky guilt/self-loathing/self-injury thoughts (of the “I deserve to be hurt” variety, no self-injury occurs). Xenophobic language/xenophobia
Tagging @astrobly, @finder-of-rings, @burtlederp and also  @oofowouchies and @orphceus for Antoni-specific
“Get up, love.” The voice is low, a rumble from all around him rather than any one direction. He can feel the vibration of it in the hollows of his bones, the aches that throb along his thighs and arms. Breathing seems like pushing up against a weight laid over his chest, stones laid inside his lungs.
There’s a rough hand against his face, a palm pressed to his forehead. “You’re hot.” He whines, only to hear Mr. Davies’ mocking laughter in return. “Fucking dog now, are you? Might as well be, I suppose. I’d treat a dog better than you, if I had one, though. Feed it more, anyway. Get up.”
He tries.
Nothing happens.
He tries again, but all he can manage is limbs that flop, a head that shifts minutely, bones that scream protest at him and demand he be still.
“C… can’t.” His own voice is a breath, a whisper. He is motionless, in the bed, blankets kicked down around his feet. The ceiling fan ticks as it spins lazily overhead, he stares at it through cracked eyelids.
A shadow passes, and he can’t flinch away.
There’s a slap, the smack of skin on skin, and Antoni has no energy to fight it. He only lets his head fly to the side, the sting in his face joining a deeper, weightier throb inside his head.
He moans, maybe.
He’s not sure if the sound comes from his lungs or is only in his head.
 “You don’t have access to ‘can’t’ any longer, darling.” The hand is gentle again, rubbing a thumb over the reddened skin on the side of his face. “Pull your shirt up, pretty little ashtray. Let’s see.”
“M-Mr. Davies-”
Antoni’s head tips back, lolls really, showing his neck like an animal baring itself to a predator, hoping for mercy. His hands fumble for the hem of his shirt, soaked with sweat and slightly stuck to him, pale heathered gray soaked dark. He grips onto the soft fabric and pulls it up, shuddering at the sudden brush of cool air over scarred skin. It hurts, to be so exposed. Everything feels like a raw wound. Like a sparking wire. 
His ribcage, stomach, and the top edge of his hips are a shifting nearly-flat plane of skin over muscle, with littl softness. Tiny circles with no particular pattern litter his skin, some newer, some older. 
So many.
He has deserved them so many times.
“Good boy.” The flick of the lighter, and he feels his body tense all at once, every muscle taut where they wrap around his aching bones. The unmistakable sound of cigarette put to lips, the first inhale and exhale, the enveloping smell of cloves that settles around him, drifts over him. He can feel smoke kiss his face and has a strange, wild sense of fingertips there, just barely brushing his lips.
Not possible. Mr. Davies doesn’t touch that way. 
There’s a hand that lays across his throat, over his thick leather collar, to keep him still. His eyes are still slits, cracked barely open, but he can see the soft flare of embers, knows the face behind the flame better than he knows his own, now. 
“You refused an order, love. You earned this. You’ve earned every single one.”
“Nyet.” His voice is weak - it’s not a refusal, it’s a whimper. “Nyet, gospodin, ya ne khotel-”
“Not your ratspeak again. I thought we’d broken you of that filthy gibberish. Quiet, or you’ll earn more.”
Antoni’s eyes drift shut. “I-I am sorry-”
“Don’t be sorry, Ashtray. Be better.” The first flicker of pain comes directly on top of a scar he’d already laid before. It’s a kindness, a mercy, that he isn’t taking what clean skin is left and marking it new. Antoni’s breath hitches in at the flush of agonizing sharp pain as the cigarette grinds in with inexorable slowness. A pause. “Lovely,” Mr. Davies murmurs. “One step closer, don’t you think?” The hand that curves around his throat tightens, just a little.
Antoni breathes shallowly, trying not to move. He is perfectly still, and nearly silent but for the tiniest whimpers he cannot hold back. Mr. Davies presses a second burn, a third, a fourth. Each of them carefully laid over existing scars, and he is so merciful to punish Antoni in ways that won’t add to what he has already made his own.
“Beautiful.” Mr. Davies chuckles, drawing a fingertip along the line of the new burns to listen to Antoni’s choked-off high-pitched whines. He can feel the eyes that watch his unwilling little twitches, hands moving with the deep urge to push Mr. Davies away only to be stopped by his own mind, his own fear.
Antoni knows what they will look like now, like jewelry with a slight curve to dip below his navel, bright red, prone to infection if he isn’t given permission to clean them. 
Still, he cannot move.
“I think that will earn you a reprieve from worse, for now, love,” Mr. Davies says with pure tenderness, pulling back and away. The scent is still in the air, making Antoni sick, swirling around him. He hears a low murmur and wonders if she’s awake, the girl on the other side of the wall. If she can hear his sounds, the way he listens every night to hers.
“Th-... thank you, Mr. Davies.” He whispers, his throat feels like it’s burning, too, the smoke settling deeper and deeper. Each swallow feels like there’s shattered glass shredding everything from his tonsils to his lungs. He jerks in harsh breaths only with effort. “Thank you for… mercy.”
“You’re welcome. Now. I’ll give you a second chance. Stand up.”
Antoni forces his legs to answer his commands this time, lets out a low groan of pain as he tries to push up onto one elbow and then rolls himself right off the bed only to hit the ground with a thunk. His arms and legs feel like a doll with stitches come loose and he sobs, curled on his side.
His shirt is still pushed up, his back is facing Mr. Davies and it takes only a moment to feel the next burn pressed directly over his spine.
He cries out helplessly.  “Pozhaluysta! Pozhaluysta, ne nado…”
“Ratspeak again. You just won’t stop, will you?”
“P-pozhaluysta…” He can’t breathe. Can’t… can’t take in enough air curled up like this but he can’t move. There’s another burn, over his left kidney, then one on his right. “Ne delay mne bol'no!”
“Not until you never speak another fucking word, Russki. Come on, love. Beg.”
“Please, pl-please, please do not h-hurt, pl-please-”
Mr. Davies never makes a new burn, only recreates old ones, and still, Antoni can’t help the garbled, choking sounds he makes from the depth of the pain. 
When a hand touches his shoulder he flinches, violently, from the touch, shaking his head as best he can even as the world dizzy-spins around him, freezing cold air burning his skin over the new redness, new agonies over old. 
“N-No-... please, no more-”
He can’t get enough air to beg right, he can’t. He feels like he’s wheezing, hands clenched into fists, his forehead pressed against the old hardwood floor.
His breath catches again. Eyes crack, rolling slowly upwards, to see the fuzzy spin of the ceiling fan. There wasn’t a fan in his room with Mr. Davies. There wasn’t…
A pale face swims into view, gradually rearranges all its errant shapes and colors into ones he knows. A mouth, a nose, light, nearly-invisible eyebrows furrowed with worry. A flush of blue hair hanging down like a fine, shimmering curtain. 
Green eyes.
“Chrisha? I… I was asleep?”
Was he? It hadn’t felt like sleep-
The panic hits him all at once. Can’t let him see. His hands move awkwardly, bumping back into his stomach, and he shudders out a breath with a full-body shake as he realizes his shirt is pulled down, not up, covering the marks that still burn as though they’re new across his body. 
Relief like cool water washes down his spine. No one saw how many there are. No one can see how many times he has earned them.
“Are you… are, are you, um-... are you sick?” Chris reaches out to touch him, to help him stand, but Antoni pulls away, managing to get a hand on the side of his bed to steady himself as he pushes up to his feet. He sways - the world goes briefly dark and then back to light again - but he stands. 
“M-Maybe. I, I feel… can I-... Chrisha, I need to shower. Can you… help me?”
“H-help you? In, the, the… the-the… in the… to, to, to-to-to… to take-” Chris’s face flares bright red and his eyes drop, all at once, and Antoni shudders with sudden nausea and disgust.
Years later, and still that’s all the words could possibly mean in Chris’s mind.
“Not like that, Chrisha. P-promise. But I cannot… walk well. Now. Will you help?”
His stomach is crawling itching dying skin, his back is flaring hot, he needs… he needs to bath in ice. Run cold water until nothing is left of him, until he is a frozen lake scratched until you can’t possibly see what’s under the surface.
“Sure, Ant, I’ve, I’ve got you.” 
Chris isn’t supposed to be here today, but Antoni can’t really think well enough to ask why he’s here now, only be so grateful for his help. He lets the shorter, stronger, younger man slip his arm around his waist and holds back the groan as he unknowingly presses against the new burns that aren’t real, but that Antoni can feel perfectly anyway.
The scent is cloves is still faint around him.
He can still feel breath on the back of his neck.
“Please,” He whispers. 
In the moment, he can’t remember any other word.
He burns.
Veins and bones and skin and scars and brain, all of it - all of it burns.
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nullvoid868 · 4 years
Dusty wings and sleep deprivation (G/t fluff)
This is something I wrote to try to get a feel for some new OC’s, and original content in general. its just a fluffy G/t story, with a moth based species of borrower. enjoy!
   Chion’s wings twitched uselessly, unable to lift his tiny body away from the burning electric flame, the metal underneath him searing with heat. His whole body felt like it was burning into dust. The bulb began to flicker, sending out a resounding noise as it did. The entire lamp seemed to ring over and over again rhythmically. 
     He was thrust from his nightmare by the call of the pocket watch hung on his wall. Chion thrust his sheets out of his cocoon and awkwardly flopped out, slamming his palm onto the switch to silence the alarm. Rubbing his eyes and grabbing his borrowing poncho, Chion cringed a little as he recalled that tonight he needed to collect supplies.
    The LED’s in the ceiling, which Chion had hooked up to an inverted light sensor outside, had activated, draping a calm blue light over the intricate quilts and blankets that decorated his home. He took down his borrowing bag from the hook attached to the kitchen wall and fastened it to the huge button on the back of his poncho. After quickly scarfing down a cup of water he climbed down the ladder leading to the rest of the house, and once he reached the bottom, he summoned his wings and took flight.
    Chion glided through the air in the humans living room, occasionally landing on a wall to rest. The eye patterns on his wings darted their pupils from side to side, just as he did his, checking to make sure there were no signs of the human. The moonlight glinted off his unkempt snow white hair as he winged his way into the kitchen. Chion landed on the edge of the pantry, a massive cereal box looming above him. The only obstacle between him and his quarry was one piece of flimsy cardboard. From his pocket he produced a small multool, whipped out the knife, and began cutting through the side of the box. After a few minutes of sawing a square shaped hole in the cardboard, he had finally reached his goal - 2 or 3 pieces of cereal were enough plant fiber to feed him for a week. Chion grabbed onto a piece and slowly pulled it out from the tightly packed box, satisfied with his mission.
    It was then that chion realized his mistake.
    Cereal began to pour out from the hole Chion had made in the box, the wave of oats and grains pushing him off the side of the pantry. He managed to open his wings at the last moment, saving himself from a nasty fall, but strained them in the process. He awkwardly flopped onto the growing heap of cereal, more and more falling on top of him with each passing second, clinking lightly on the kitchen's tile floor. By the time Chion summoned the energy to move he was buried under a pile of cheerios™, Kellogs cornflakes™, and other standard breakfast fare. The weight held him in place, unable to move.
      A strange noise coming from the kitchen broke Risa’s daze after hours of staring into the glow of his PC. It took half a minute for him to register it, and another to notice that it was now pitch dark outside his bedroom window. He was up way too late for his own good, but despite his tired state he knew he wouldn't be able to get any sleep until he found out what the noise was. Rubbing his eyes, he awkwardly stumbled out of his bedroom and towards the kitchen. Flicking on the light, he could plainly see the source of the issue. Cereal poured out onto the floor from a hole in the box, forming a pile on the tile floor. Risa picked up the box and set it on it’s side on the counter to stop the flow of cereal, and sighed as he grabbed a broom and dustpan and got to work. After a few sweeps of the broom he could see something fluffy and white poking out of the pile. Getting down on his knees, Risa scooped it into his hands to get a better look and was flabbergasted at what he saw. A small, humanoid creature with moth’s wings laid in his palm, wearing a tiny brown poncho. Its neck had a fluffy ��collar’ around it and two antenne poked out of its head. Its wings, which a moment ago were paper white, were now bright red, and emitting a strange pulsing glow. The miniscule figure was crouched in a fetal position and shaking. Risa stared for a moment before coming to his senses.
‘W...what are you? Can you speak?’
    The tiny being shivered, saying nothing for a moment, and then squeaked out a shaky ‘y...yes’
‘Please let me go, I'll leave, I promise. Please don't kill me.’
‘Wha..what? I'm not mad at you, I'm just confused. I've never seen anything like you before...’
    Risa tried to carefully poke Chion to turn them over so he could see their face, but Chion flinched and jumped a bit, their dusty wings weakly flapping, trying to lift off before flopping back onto Risas palm. Their antenne twitched a bit before they froze once again, this time staring at Risa’s comparatively massive face, their tiny grey eyes overflowing with fear. Risa’s heart sunk with guilt, realizing that their thoughtless action had only scared the tiny being more.
‘Sorry.. I shouldn't have done that.’
    Risa’s words were met with only the same fearful eyes staring up into theirs, as if anticipating death at any moment. 
‘I'm not going to harm you, I'm so sorry I scared you. My name is Risa, what is yours?'
‘Chion.. That's a pretty name. Well Chion, i'm going to put you down on the counter now, again i'm sorry I frightened you’
    Chion’s wings ceased their pulsing glow, and their blood red became a little more grey. The small being shivered a bit less, yet they still peered into Risa’s eyes fearfully. Risa carefully moved her hand over to the counter, and tilted it just a bit so chion would gently slide off of it. The miniscule being fumbled a bit as they sat down on the counter, now looking at Risa with more confusion than fear.
‘You.. you're going to let me go?’
‘I'm not going to capture you or force you to stay here, if that's what you mean’
‘I..Im going to go then’
    Risa felt a bit disappointed to see Chion leave so soon, she really wanted to get to know them better. But forcing them to stay and chat would certainly not make them trust her more. She watched as they fluttered off the counter and into the air, heading towards the door to the living room. 
    But as soon as Chion was a few inches from the kitchen counter a sharp pain shot through their body, making them lose the balance needed to fly. They had been so focused on their fear of the human that they had forgotten about spraining their wings. Chion began to plummet towards the floor below, closing their eyes tight in anticipation of the impact. They had survived being found and now they were going to die from a simple fall.
    But Chion did not collide with the cold, hard tile. Instead Risa’s hands shot out to catch them, and they plopped face-first onto the warm, fleshy surface. Chion simply laid there for a minute, face pressed into Risa’s hand, tears spilling softly from their eyes.
‘Oh my god are you ok? That was close!’
’Thank you. For catching me’
‘You're very welcome. I guess you should probably avoid flying for a little bit.’
‘Yeah... trying to fly again is dangerous. But I need to fly to get back home!’
‘I might be able to carry you there!’
    As much as Chion wanted to get back to their nest and lay down in their cocoon, every instinct they had shouted at them to not let the human know the location of their home. They winced a bit and shook their head.
‘Id.. rather keep the location of my burrow a secret, sorry’
‘Oh.. well i understand. You can stay with me for the night if you want, and hopefully you should be feeling good enough to fly in the morning.’
    Though Chion was still frightened a bit by Risa, it was either stay with her or try to find some hole in the wall they could reach and stay in until their wings healed. 
‘That.. that would be nice, yeah.’
‘Great! Ill get the supplies to try and set up a bed for you.’
‘Uh, before you do, could I get some food and water?’
‘Yes, of course!’
    Risa once again sat Chion down on the countertop while she rifled through a drawer, eventually picking out a 1/8th tablespoon measuring cup. She brought it to the faucet and turned the knob ever so slightly, so only a few drops of water flowed from it. She sat the now full measuring cup down next to chion, and fished through the cereal box for a few pieces of cereal. She sat them down next to Chion as well, who was already happily slurping down the water.
‘Thank you!’
‘You're welcome!’
    Risa watched as Chion happily nibbled on one of the pieces of cereal, occasionally taking another sip of water. After a while they lifted up the measuring cup to get the one last drop of water in the bottom, only for it to slide right into their face as one big drop, its surface tension breaking on impact and soaking Chion’s now rather surprised face. Risa giggled a little bit before tearing off a piece of paper towel from the nearby roll and handing it to Chion to dry off with. Chion timidly took it from Risa’s outstretched fingers and patted their face down with it before standing up.
‘Alright, I'm pretty tired. I guess take me to wherever you want me to sleep for the night’
‘Uh.. I think i'll have to carry you, if that's alright’
    Risa held her palm to the edge of the counter, waiting for Chion to climb on. Chion stared at it for a while, not sure what to do. They remembered the stories they were told by the elder moths as a child before being sent out on their own. Cold nights in some abandoned wreck of a house, huddled together with other young moths, an elder reading stories of humans thoughtlessly killing borrowers who got too risky in their borrowings. Now with Risa waiting for them to step forward onto her hand, they had no idea what to think. This human, who was supposed to crush them like a bug, had now saved them twice and helped them purely out of the kindness of her heart. The logical part of their brain told them that those old stories were probably just fabricated, or worst case scenarios. Fear-Mongering meant to ensure that they stay hidden. Humans might not be so violent after all. But another part of their mind still screamed those old stories in Chion’s ear.
    They shut their eyes tight, and stepped forward.
    Risa watched intently as Chion stepped onto her outstretched palm, trying to keep it as still as possible. Chion carefully took another step and planted their second foot onto Risa’s palm before sitting down, still shaking a bit and eyes still clasped shut. Risa carefully moved her hand from the side of the counter to the side of her chest, cupping the tiny figure close to her. Chion took a deep breath and stopped shaking. The small moth opened their eyes, and seeing that they were safe, laid down on the palm and sighed. They were exhausted, physically and emotionally. They could faintly hear Risa’s heartbeat, and Risa’s hand was warm and soft. Chion grabbed onto Risas shirt, cuddling with the warm fabric. By the time Risa reached his bedroom he found Chion fast asleep in his palm.
    Risa used his other hand to pick up a spare blanket and spread it over part of the nearby bed stand, and gently laid Chion on top of it. The tiny moth stirred a bit, but quickly drifted back into sleep. Risa picked up another, lighter blanket and laid it over chion, carefully tucking them in.
‘Sleep well, little one’
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
❝ ready or not... ❞
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The eerie silence that filled the room only added more stress and worry to (y/n) as Leona laid on top of her. He came back from class not too long ago and as usual, he wanted to cuddle her. It sort of became like a routine for Leona. He never said much during these "cuddle sessions" aside from the occasional grumble or a delightful purr that resulted when (y/n) patted his head.
Looking around, (y/n) was pleased to see that pretty much the entire dorm was empty and Leona was pretty much asleep. She had been plotting for some time now and freedom was so close... She was 100% sure that Leona would not go after her because A. He's asleep and B. He's lazy. In this situation though that couldn't have been more perfect for the (h/c)ette. Leona had made it very clear in the past that he had better things to do with his precious time and her attempt was sure to succeed! There was just one issue though. He was right on top of her and she had no idea how she could move him without disturbing him too much. Dread came over her as her heart pounded in her chest, the fear crawling up her spine in an alarming rate. A light sheen of sweat covered her forehead as she started to see the holes in her brilliant plan. Her eyes were glued to the ceiling as she failed to notice Leona stirring in his sleep. His ear twiched as he picked up (y/n)'s heavy breathing and her heartbeat.
He was still groggy from his nap and even though he didn't show it, Leona is a rather intelligent young man. And he knew damn well what (y/n) was planning and he wasn't having it. Just before he could get up on his feet and call (y/n) a brat, an idea poped in to his head. A smirk found its way on his face as he licked his lower lip in anticipation, all the while avoiding (y/n)'s gaze. She knew that he was awake now as his hands gently traced patterns on her back, as if quietly telling her to just shut up already. She did as much, but soon enough Leona broke the thick silence by speaking:
"Hey (y/n), what do you say we play a little game, hm~?"
She failed to notice the predatory undertone in his velvety voice as he masked it with a playful facade. The only thing that was on her confused mind what the thought of sweet, sweet freedom. She was willing to do anything to be free once more... Her (e/c) eyes were filled with both hope and dread, a combination that Leona couldn't help but to find both amusing and downright adorable.
Sweet, innocent (y/n) had no idea what she was stepping in to.
Salty tears pricked the corners of her eyes as she gulped, fully prepared for any challenges that Leona had to throw at her. It was now or never, there was no going back. A strange feeling of sudden confidence grew inside of her as a ghost of a smile was on her delicate face, a smile that did not go unnoticed by the lion. He purred as he moved himself away from (y/n), giving her some much needed space. Crossing both his arms and legs, Leona made himself  comfortable on the king sized bed, his emerald gaze sizing (y/n) up. A long sigh escaped her bruised lips as (y/n) felt her eyes drop to the ground, her fists clenched tightly. She rose up from the bed, her back still turned to Leona.
"What kind of game did you have in mind?"
Her voice was hoarse due to not speaking for so long but she did not care anymore. She turned her head and her (e/c) gaze met Leona's green one. His face showed no emotion and it was difficult to read him. She was puzzled sure, but her sense of determination did not waver. 
"Since you are so keen to escape, you might as have fun while doing so.Therefore I suggest we play a nice, friendly game of tag. If you win I will never bother you again and you will regain your freedom... But if I win, you will be my little pet until the end of your days. What do you say~?"
Oh dear... His offer seemed to be too good to be true. To think that he was willing to let her go just like that... Only if she were to win his game though. Not having any other choice she nods quickly, accepting Leona's challenge. Still resting on the bed, Leona raises his hand and points at the door. 
"I am giving you a head start. I would use it if I were you."
She did not even bother to hear him out as she immediately ran out of the room, slamming the large door in the process. Still sitting on the bed, Leona played with his long locks of hair. He rolled his eyes and groaned in annoyance as he buried his face in one of the soft pillows.
"Damn, what a pain..."
(y/n)'s footsteps echoed in the hallways as she ran like never before. Adrenaline filled her veins as she kept chanting in her head  "Keep running!". Never once did she stop and allow herself to breathe, the breathe in the fresh, clean air. She could savor it later though because she knew if she stopped that she would be done for. She ran and ran, so much so that she was starting to taste the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. She started coughing and while doing so she tripped on her own feet. She fell down face first on the floor and grumbled in both pain and annoyance. Her nose hurt and even started to bleed a little as she gently touched it, slightly winching at the sharp pain. Her breathing was ragged and uneven and her heart felt like it was going to burst at any rate. She took in her surroundings carefully and only then did she notice just how peaceful everything was.She swore that if someone dropped a simple pin that it could be heard. 
Nothing was happening, no one was around. Her captor was nowhere to be seen and she was sure that if she was close that she could at least hear him.  (y/n) allowed herself to relax for a moment, her hope finally returning back to her. She carefully composed herself and got off the ground, dusting herself off in the process. Looking in front of her she finally saw her gateway to freedom. She was so close, that damned door was just out of hands reach. She couldn't help but to smile, relief washing over her like gentle rainfall. She made her way towards the large door and took a moment to admire the intricate patterns on it. Just as about she was going to reach for one of the handles, she heard it.
A roar, his roar.
She could barely turn around as two strong arms pinned her to the ground, the familiar smell of his cologne invaded her nostrils like a raging wildfire. She was panicking, how the Hell did he get to her!? She was alone mere seconds ago!! He just appeared out of thin air! (y/n) screamed bloody murder as Leona bared his teeth, a long but dangerous smirk on his face. Only then did (y/n) realize just how strong Leona was compared to her. He chuckled darkly, his deep voice filling her ears far too quickly. He lowered his down to her ear, never once breaking eye contact with her. (y/n) started to hyperventilate and cry uncontrollably. Leona rubbed the tears off her face gently, too gently. It only caused her to panic even more as he finally spoke up.
"Did you really think that I would let you get away, just like that? Babe, how weak do you think I am, huh?" 
She didn't dare to answer as she only turned her head to the opposite side. She could bare the intensity of Leona's stare but alas he would not grand her the pleasure of looking away. Leona forcefully turned her chin back, his claws lightly digging in to (y/n)'s soft skin. A hint of blood was on his claws as he licked it clean, enjoying the sweet taste.
"Look me in the eye when I talk, babe. You really are a pain sometimes, you know that right? You forced me to hunt you down like this but I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy it. It's usually the lionesses who do the hunting though, not us guys... Still, I captured my prey fair and square, wouldn't you agree~?"
She wanted to scream. She wanted to scream and wake up, to just wake up from this nightmare. She no longer had the strength fight Leona back and she felt as though she had lost the ability to speak. All of that hope and determination vanished in an instant, just like that.
The hunter has successfully captured his sweet prey.
"No matter where you go (y/n) I will always be near, Remember that."
Based of the yandere! Leona headcanons on @lovecore-md 's blog. Loved the headcanons so I wanted to write a little scenario! I hope you don't mind~ And the image I used belongs to @julie-fandom-artblog!
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blkgirl-writing · 5 years
"Someday, You'll Come For More"
Mandalorian x Fem!Reader
Summary: In a hurry, Mando leaves the child in the care of a whore. When shes so good with taking care of the child, it becomes a constant. Though, what happens when he comes in for some other type of care?
A/N: finally, my idea comes to flourish on this beautiful day. Original idea stems from {THIS} post I made not too long ago. Ans thank you for the extra bonus idea from @lalablue0
Warnings!: SMUT! Male receiving oral, fingering, multiple orgasms, a whore house.
2k words
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It was just looking for someone to take care of the child.
He still remembered the confused expression on her face, the simple explanation he gave. No one would think to leave a baby in the care of a whore.
This was the fifth time, now. And he wasn't quite convinced that he was only coming for the caretaking. He only asked for you. And if you were busy, he waited. Even if the matters were urgent. And when you emerged, you was always glowing. A sheen of sweat on your body, the littlest pieces of clothing covering just what needed to. And you smiled whenever you saw him,
"Eventually, you'll come here without the child, and wish for a different type of care," you always spoke, with a low, husky confidence. Brushing your hands over his arm, giving him a sweet, almost caring look. Knowing. He hated it.
You were right.
"I want Y/n," he asked the woman upfront, who's eyes were too far apart, and hair too slime green for her dimpled skin. Her chair was about to fall apart, though she acted like it was a throne. He didnt like her cockiness. Not in the slightest.
"Ah, you must be the father she talks about," the woman hummed, and pointed directly to his right, where some rusty metal stairs led to a dark hallway. "She's in the first room to the right. Have fun. Don't be too loud-"
He wondered if he should turn back. Lorian felt dirty and gross, hearing sounds of woman and men moaning, screaming. It was a lot to take in for a little dingy place. But he nodded, and turned to the stairs. Biting down on his lips beneath the helmet.
The sounds only got louder as he stepped up, a faint glow from the ceiling. Candles lining the floor. It hadn't been swept in....maybe ever. And every step he took made a loud clank. Yet when the idea of turning around popped into his head, it was easily dismissed, especially when he laid eyes on your door, name sprawled in the most basic of lettering. Almost lazily. It was cracked open, revealing the dim pink hued light. He didnt hesitate to go in, not bothering to knock. Did anyone knock in a house like this?
You turned her head, a docile look on her face, until you realized who it was. You immediately broke into a bright grin, lips slightly parted. Almost tempting. Fuck.
"No child, this time?" You asked, getting up from your soft bed. Sheets a light pink and blue, patterned like a tapestry. Alluring guests into the pretty place.
"No," he said, letting out a sigh. He hoped it wasnt as audible as it felt, like how heart escaping from him as he looked at you. Stunning. With a sheer top covering the bare minimum, it so short he could see the Crest of your breasts. A long skirt flowing, with a slit all the way up. It was one of the most beautiful sights he had ever seen. Natural.
"Can't say I'm surprised." You smirked, drawing yourself closer to him, laying a finger on his chest plate. "What I can say is, I'm very excited."
"What?" He questioned, looking down at you with some shock. He stood at over you, looming, but not in a defensive way at all.
"You can't pretend like your whole mandalorian gig isn't fucking hot. And your voice, the way you take a room." You ran a hand down lightly, cold metal against your skin. "And kind at heart, too. More than most of my clients."
"Lorian," you spoke, lips parted, face lit so slightly by the candles by the bed. "Can I call you that?"
"Yes," he breathed, breath hitching as your hands wandered to his, grasping them lightly.
"Let's start with these, then?" You gently pulled at his glove, removing it so easily. Your skin finally touching his.
It was a blurr, how you led him to your bed, taking time to undo his armor, leaving him with only his thin linen shirt and boxers. With your thighs pressing against his, slowing grinding down onto him. Maker, is was painfully hard under you. He barely kept his hands to himself, wandering from your hips to her breasts, needing the touch, the rawness. The release that was to come. He craved it.
You pushed down the rest of the fabric between his cock, revealing his thickness. Yiu couldn't hide the surprise "of course you'd be huge.."
"I don't know how I'm gonna fit this inside me," you muttered to herself, though he couldn't help but hear. You wrapped your fingers around his dick, stroking him lazily a few times, precum already dripping down. "Fuck."
He wove his fingers through your hair, grasping for his life. You licked a stripe down his length, then inched her mouth down his dick,taking as much as you could before gagging. It was agonizing, how slow you was going. With the sight of the literal goddess. You casually looking up at him, humming on his dick, caressing his thighs and balls. It wasn't long before his cum shot down your throat, and you were able to come up, planting kisses on his open chest as you did.
The pulled you down to the bed, towering over you, resting between your legs. One of his rough hands traveled from your inter thigh, circling it's way up to your breasts. Cupping and kneading them with such ease and care.
His fingers dipped into you, two at a time, knuckles deep before he curled them inside you, pumping in and out with a growing pace. You moaned into his touch, hands gripping his shoulders. You wondered how much experience he had, but your job wouldn't allow to ask questions. He certainly acted like he had many, but you wouldn't be surprised if it was few and far between.
His palm pressed against your clit, rubbing it with every move of his wrist,fingers hitting that spot just right, you were so close to coming undone right on his fingers. "Fuck, Lorian, keep going-"
He panted along with you, the sight so sinfully beautiful. The sight of you trembling because of him, cumming for him, face hot and eyes nearing tears of pleasure, just because of him...the idea almost had him cum right there.
"Yes, yes, fuck yes!" You moaned, pressing your lips onto his shoulder, sucking and biting onto the skin as you came, humming approval against his skin. Hips bucking into his fingers. He kept pumping til you sat still, eyes blown out in lust. You took time to get off of him, bringing him into a seated position, running your hands along his arms. Triceps.
"Do you like tits or ass better?" You grabbed onto your own breasts, wiggled your butr a little bit. His hands reached out to your ass, grasping so yard, you were sure it would leave marks in the morning.
"Of course you're an ass man. Okay, big boy. Fuck me." You turned around, pressing your ass up against his crotch, grinding into his length.
He carefully pushed into you, taking his sweet time to adjust to the tight feeling. And you to his huge cock. A long, drawn out moan fell from your lips. You were going to be the death of him, he was so sure of that now. Sody skin pressed to his. Hands wandering all over your body. Perfect.
He started slow, trying so fucking hard to not cum as soon as he rolled his hips into yours. Just the fact that he couldn't fit all of himself into you turned him on more than he would like to admit. How tight you felt, how warm you were. His hands gripped your ass as he pushed in and out of you,
"Fuck me, Lorian. Break me-" you said, pushing back into him. "I'm a slut for you."
His thrusts got faster, rougher, harder. His hands traveling everywhere, from your waist to your hair, but ended up staying on your neck, bringing you back to him.
"You-feel so fucking good," he pants, breath heavy and sweat forming as he fucked you. Bliss. A bliss he didnt know if he had ever felt. You were so hot, and his needs were so pent up. "So fucking tight, so good for me."
"Let me ride you-" you pulled yourself away from him, turning around to have Mando. He was truly a sight. Sweat rolling off of his tan body, thighs strong and thick perfect to ride...another time, hopefully.
He laid back, watching as you straddled his thighs. Taking a moment to grind your bare pussy against his painful hard on.
Clutching onto your waist, he guided you down onto him yet again. Letting out a soft moan as you did so. Hands pressed to his chest, your breasts pushed together by your arms, you set the pace, fast and rough. Grinding down on him in between quick and sloppy pumps. Finger nails scratching at his skin, leaving behind red marks in the wake.
Mandos hand came down from your waist to your clit, rubbing circles on the still slightly sensitive place. "Fuck, Lorian, yes-"
"Just like that" you moaned, voice breathy and light. Mando couldn't take it, he needed release sooner than what you were giving him, even if the sight of you fuxking him was enough for a million wet dreams and nights alone. His hands dug into your skin, forcing you down onto him as he thrust into you at an unforgiving pace. His eyes kept on you, though. One of your hands over your mouth, the other rubbing yourself.
You needed that second orgasm more than you needed air. You felt him throbbing inside of you, close to a release himself. Everything was so sensitive, so raw. He had ducked you so senseless.
"Let me see your face-" He moaned out, slowing down just so slightly as he spoke. "You're too fucking beautiful to hide."
You moved your hand away from your mouth, grabbing onto his forearm. His pace just back up again, so fucking hot and furious as he stretched you completely. At this point, you were grasping at thin strings,
"L-lorian," you panted. The way your breasts bounced as he fucked you, the O on your lips, eyes closed tight. Mando let out a choked moan, spilling his cum deep inside you. Thrusts few and far between, but deeper than ever. Just seconds after he came, you followed, clenching down onto his cock, eyes rolling back with your final release. Whole body jerking as you let your head fall to your chest. Mando committed your image to memory...writhing above him, milking every drop from him as you came.
The pair stayed there for a few moments, taking in each others glory. Then, unexpectedly to him, you leaned down, pressing a kiss to his helmet. Running a hand down his shoulder to his chest.
"I hope you come back, Lorian." You whispered, voice raspy and low. And you did. Something about him. It was better than anyone else. Charm, maybe. You couldn't place your finger on it. But you knew he was desperate for you. "With or without the child. Stick around for a bit."
"I..." Mando muttered, placing a hand gently on your jaw, testing the waters. Moving to tuck some loose hair behind your ear. The mandalorian couldn't imagine not seeing you like this again...not drinking up your sweet scent, touching your soft skin. Now hes tasted, he doesn't think he could ever go back. "I will. I promise."
TAGLIST: @mando-vibes @swagaliciouspupper @discogrrl @tmnt-would2
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lunnanunna · 4 years
SF9 Extra Member AU
Summary: Dawon and Rowoon help Miyoung set up her new room, and promises are made.
Warnings: slight mentions of past abuse
Taglist: @hyunmijung​ @galacticstxrdust​​ @gay-jesus-official​ @precious-seungwooya​ @helladead-hellaradical​ @giant-puppy-yunho​ @kimonmars​ @soobinssmile​ @chagi-nana​
A/N: Sort of, kind of nearing the end. 🤷‍♀️ Hope you enjoy!
Requests are open! Please let me know what you think.
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Miyoung laid face down on her bed, feet in the air and ankles crossed. She quietly read one of her favorite books as she waited for Seokwoo and Sanghyuk to come. Today was the day that they’d help her set up some furniture in her room. Finally she could say her room!
In all the years that Miyoung had lived with the boys, she had never once asked for her own room. It was offered to her on many occasions, but she always turned it down, not minding the idea of rooming with someone (Though it did sound tempting to be alone). But with the events of this last month, Miyoung thought it might be a better idea to finally get her own space.
So after talking to Seokwoo and Youngbin, her wish was granted. Juho had agreed to take Seokwoo in as his new roommate, and soon Miyoung was helping him pack up (As well as she could with her cast) and move down the hall.
Now it was her turn to get help. She had ordered a few things, like a desk, and some floating shelves for her many books, along with some wall decor. Seokwoo and Sanghyuk were going to disassemble the bunk bed and turn it into a single, then help her assemble her desk that would double as her vanity.
“Hey, Mimi.” Miyoung turned her head and found Sanghyuk poking his head in. She smiled at him as he entered, with Seokwoo behind him.
“Hey,” she greeted, waving them in. “Just let me finish this page. It’s literally the last page of the chapter.” Miyoung held up her index finger then turned to her book to finish off the chapter.
“Okay,” Sanghyuk chuckled, coming to sit on the end of the bed.
Seokwoo sat on the ground near her head. “Whatcha reading?” he asked, trying to look at the cover. He frowned when he saw that it was in English.
Miyoung didn’t answer him right away. She read the last paragraph and then saved her place. Setting the book down next to her, she sat up and looked at Seokwoo. 
“It’s called The Summer I Turned Pretty,” Miyoung said. She grabbed the book and hugged it to her chest, smiling.
“I thought you already read that. I remember that cover,” Sanghyuk said, tilting his head to the side.
Miyoung smiled knowing that Sanghyuk noticed what she read. “Yep. I read the series once a year. I have, ever since I was sixteen,” Miyoung nodded, getting up to place the book on the overfilled bookshelf in the corner.
“Is it that good?” Seokwoo snorted, smiling up as Miyoung walked back to him.
“Yep!” She stood by his head and ruffled his hair. “Okay, let’s go!” Miyoung exclaimed, softly drumming on his head.
He chuckled, getting up. “Then let’s go,” he laughed, scooping her up and placing her in the corner.
“No! I want to help,” Miyoung whined, moving towards the boys.
Sanghyuk placed his hands on either of her shoulders and pushed her back towards the corner, her socks sliding on the floor. “Just let us take the bed apart first, okay?” He tilted his head down, raising a brow. She stuck her tongue out at him when he smirked at her.
“It won’t take long,” Seokwoo said as he began moving towards the beds, then stopped to look at the blonde. “Unless you keep distracting us,” he snickered.
Miyoung rolled her eyes at him, then stomped over to the beds, quickly pulling the sheets and pillows off and throwing them in the corner. “Here I helped. Now you boys can do your thing,” Miyoung said, shooing them and then she plopped down on the pile.
She brought her knees to her chest, and watched as the boys took out the tools and began to dissemble the beds. She laughed as they bickered about which steps to take, who was the strongest, etc. Miyoung snorted at the typical behavior of her boys.
The three talked for the next few hours as things were taken apart and put together. Miyoung began to move things around, helping Sanghyuk move things out into the hall, ignoring all the snide remarks from Chanhee. The maknae had popped his head in a few times to annoy the three. He dodged the shoe that Miyoung threw at him.
“Okay, so everything is all set. All you gotta do now is fill your new shelves with you many, many, many books,” Seokwoo said, slowing his words as he stared at the four stacks of books that came up to his waist. Miyoung grinned.
“Come,” Sanghyuk waved Miyoung over. She grabbed a few of her books that she had organized in alphabetical order, and felt Sanghyuk place his hands around her waist and carefully lifted her up. She laughed as she placed the books on the highest shelf.
“Are we gonna have to come in to help you grab the books on the highest shelves every time?” Chanhee asked, leaning against the door, arms folded over his chest.
“Nah, she’s got that step stool over there,” Seokwoo pointed out. It was white and hidden underneath the bed. Jaeyoon had gotten it for her as a joke, but the group all laughed even harder when they saw that she actually carried it around the dorm to grab things that all of her members, who were 5’10” and up, loved to place up high. 
“Next, please.” Miyoung ignored the maknae who shook his head and walked away. Seokwoo passed more books over to her while Sanghyuk still held her up. The pattern continued until the top two shelves were filled. She was placed back on the ground to fill in the other shelves.
“So am I putting these on these hooks?” Seokwoo asked, taking the frames that rested against the walls. Miyoung had hammered nails strategically on the walls to mark where she wanted each one.
“Yep,” she answered without looking up. Sanghyuk sat on the ground, handing her books. “Thanks,” Miyoung smiled at him as she took the books from him.
She loved this. It had been a while since she’s been able to just hang with the boys. Between prepping for their comeback, the promotions, and then everything with Jin, Miyoung had barely spent any time with them other than for work. Though of course, her getting her own room may make it harder for her to spend time with them.
“Ya know? I’m kinda bummed that you kicked me out. I thought we were best friends,” Seokwoo pouted, crossing his arms. He sat on Miyoung’s new bed, hugging one of her pillows, after hanging up the last frame.
“I didn’t kick you out. Please stop saying that,” Miyoung whined as she fell face first on her bed. She had finally finished shelving. All that was left was organizing her vanity and filming equipment, but she’d do that another day. She was too tired.
“But that’s what you did,” Seokwoo said, poking her arm with his foot.
“No. You have all offered me my own room ever since I first joined. I’m just taking you up on that offer,” Miyoung shrugged into the bed, speaking into the sheets.
“Stop. You’ll suffocate,” Sanghyuk said, turning her over to lay on her back. She rolled her eyes at him, then watched as he sat down, back against the bed. He brought his knees to his chest and took a breath.
“Miyoung?” he asked, and Miyoung held her breath. She could tell that they both noticed her tense, but they didn’t say anything.
“Yeah?” she asked quietly.
“What’s the real reason you wanted to have your own room? Like why now?” Sanghyuk asked, looking at the wall on the opposite side of the room.
Miyoung Looked at her cast, a reminder of what she was really hiding. “I don’t know. I just thought it was time,” she said, curling up by Seokwoo’s legs, as he stretched them out.
“You’re not hiding anything from us, right?” Seokwoo asked, hesitantly.
Miyoung felt herself tense. She tried to look for the right words, but apparently she took too long to answer.
“Mimi?” Miyoung looked up and saw Sanghyuk facing her, his chin resting on the bed. “We know that there’s something up, but-” he began, pausing to look for the right words.
“We want to make sure that you know that you can come to us. For anything,” Seokwoo finished for him.
Miyoung turned on her back, facing the ceiling. “I know,” she said. She needed to play it cool, they couldn’t know. Not yet.
“Then talk to us,” Sanghyuk begged. He reached his hand out and poked her cheek.
“I promise you. I’m fine, okay?” she smiled at him, then looked up at Seokwoo, sending him a smile as well.
The two looked at each, and Miyoung knew that they didn’t believe her. She didn’t blame them. She wouldn’t have believed herself either.
She sat up and hugged her knees to her chest. Miyoung could feel their eyes on her as she spoke. “I prom- I-” she took a deep breath as a lump formed in her throat. “I’ll tell you. All of you, but I can’t right now,” she whispered.
“You need time?” Sanghyuk asked, and Miyoung was surprised at how soft the words were. She had half expected them to get angry at her. They knew she was hiding something and yet they weren’t pushing her.
She nodded, then looked at them. Opening her mouth to say something, Miyoung felt a tear slip down her cheek when the words wouldn’t come out. Why couldn’t she tell them?
“Hey, hey,” Seokwoo said leaning over to wrap his arms around her. He pulled her towards him, pressing her against his chest. “This is a safe place. We’ll be here when you’re ready,” told her, holding her tight as she curled into him.
“Just know that we’re never going to judge you. You’re our Miyoung. Our Mimi,” Sanghyuk said, climbing up on the bed and reaching over to cup her cheek.
She chewed on her lip, forcing a smile. After a few minutes of silence, she spoke up. “My bed’s big enough for the three of us,” the blonde said quietly.
Seokwoo’s arms tighten around her. “What was the point of kicking me out then?” he chuckled.
She punched his chest, chuckling herself. “I didn’t kick you out,” she whined, then she turned to Sanghyuk. “Oppa, tell him,” Miyoung told him.
“No, you definitely kicked him out,” he laughed as she sat up, kicking him.
She’d tell them. She’d tell all of the boys. She just needed to find the right time and words. But she promised herself that she would.
Miyoung’s Masterlist
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