#mushy friends
taxkha · 26 days
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Iwa-chan, please
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months
My mom has this awful friend, Cynthia. My loathing goes deep enough that I’m not even going to change her name. If she ever finds this she knows what she did.
On multiple occasions my mom asked this horrible irresponsible chicken brained woman to watch after our animals while we were away. I don’t know why once wasn’t enough, because the first failure was so spectacular that anyone in their right mind would know she couldn’t be trusted with any level of responsibility or direction following.
You might be thinking to yourself, FFS, this level of antipathy is surely unwarranted! But you’d be wrong.
To set the scene, we were living in downstairs of our house when I was about fifteen. My mom has always wanted more animals than can reasonably be kept indoors which is how we ended up with three cats. When she wanted to kick them all outside I protested, and so all three cats lived in my bedroom with no access to the rest of the house.
That really wasn’t great, so in an attempt to give them options we made a window cutout with a cat door in it to give them access to the outdoors. Looking back on this as an environmentally conscious adult it’s wretched, cats should be indoor only, but at the time I was desperate to give them some freedom because one bedroom is too small for three cats.
So my parents and I went on a week long trip to visit family out of state. We told Cynthia to come feed and water the cats, and to scoop the litter box. Most importantly, don’t lock the handle of the door, because we only have the key to the deadbolt.
I’m sure you can see where this is going.
Cynthia locked us out. We arrived home after 12 hours on the road, desperate for the comfort of our own beds. We were met with an unyielding door. With a sigh I volunteered, “I can punch in the cat door and climb in the window.”
I slipped behind the bamboo outside my window and pushed in the cutout. A horrible insidious reek wafted out at me. I paused, prickling with foreboding. But I had a job to do, and by god I’d see it through. I hefted myself up into the window and my hand immediately landed in something wet.
Skin crawling, I pulled myself up and surveyed the darkened room as a miserable odor of decay and suffering poured out of the room around me. I could see dark shapes littering the carpet and it didn’t take a genius to guess that the cats had taken up hunting in a big way during my absence.
I pulled my hand out of the pile of vomit it had landed in and dropped into my onetime bedroom turned now into a hellpit of decomposing wretchedness. I turned on the light. I wished I had not turned on the light.
My eyes scanned across the floor, tallying as they went. Two dead birds, a dead baby rabbit, five dead mice, and one dead snake. I paused on my alarm clock, perplexed to see a stain of white on it. I stepped closer and saw a furtive movement.
The tally suddenly contained also: one live bird that had shit in several places, probably in pure terror to find itself trapped in a room littered with decomposing woodland creatures, which honestly, fair. I coaxed it out the window and finished the survey with five discrete piles of vomit.
I unlocked the door and let my parents in. They exclaimed in disgust at the horrible smell. We stood together in my doorway floored by the magnitude of neglect. The unscooped litter box was a subtle footnote in the tangible reek my living space. I disposed of the parade of ecological disaster, cleaned vomit, and scooped the box after a brutally long day on the road. The cats were fine, and happy to see me. They had a huge dish or food and water so Cynthia’s neglect at least hadn’t harmed them.
Then I slept on the couch while my bedroom aired out, the windows flung wide to dispel the uneasy ghosts of the hunted. I spent the whole night cursing Cynthia’s name for this evil she’d visited upon me. When my mom asked her, "Cynthia, didn't you see the dead animals?"
Cynthia responded, "Yes, they smelled so bad, I just ran in and out as fast as I could." I fully don't believe she did any caretaking, and I'm personally of the opinion that she locked herself out on the first day and never came back.
The next day my room had returned to a habitable level of smellscape and I gratefully crawled into my bed that night. I stretched out and froze as my foot brushed something cold and wet?
The final indignity: one last dead snake, inside my very sheets.
Fucking Cynthia.
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mugentakeda · 10 months
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category 5 jetko moment
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thelone-copper · 1 year
Shy lil guy,,,,my favorite big cat
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POV: someone called him a fat fuck
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Also here’s his colors!!!
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And his lil character sheet!!! I love my shy baby boy,,,,he will cry. A lot. If anything happens WNSNDBDBFBBC
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gigglemite · 4 months
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This will never fail to make me cry
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gallusrostromegalus · 4 months
Is Sakura Kinomoto in AEIWAM because I didn’t think I’d ever see your take on her but if Clow is there then the Best Girl might be there too
Yeah, but she's two grades behind Yuzu and Karin so they haven't seen her in person since they started middle school. Yuzu was closer friends with Tomoyo because of their mutual interest in fiber craft and cute stuff, but still follows her elementary school's Facebook page and shows Karin any time she appears in a sports photo. Karin hopes Sakura is going to their middle school next year because the girls soccer team REALLY needs a new Center Midfielder and Sakura would be GREAT.
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sm-baby · 5 months
What's a sharky?
Good question brother
Only God knows.
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kjarlmarx · 1 year
the G and B in LGBT stands for gloria and barbie
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hyenafu · 3 months
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I think we all know someone who could use a big hug from a big friend 💕🐍
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an-albino-pinetree · 3 months
Your art is so neat tree-tree 🥺💕❤️🌺
- @sm-baby
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lil-lemon-snails · 3 months
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A very special Double Hat Party for a very special day!!! Happy Birthday @lurking-loaf!!!! :confetti: :confetti:
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mutopians · 5 months
really do feel like laios would LOVE mushishi
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bird-inacage · 1 year
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Only Friends Episode 7 | The way Ray looks at Sand
Ray, my son, I don't know in what version of de-lu-lu-land you're operating in but that's not how you gaze at "a friend". You can lie to yourself all you want, I'm not believing it for a second.
His gaze is noticeably different with Sand compared to how he looks at anyone else. He gets this very gentle, slightly bashful but also shy, mischievous twinkle in his eye. He also looks very at peace and calm in these quiet moments with Sand.
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Final Round
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Propaganda under cut
Natsume's Book of Friends
ongoing animanga about a boy who can see youkai, and who has not had a good childhood because of it. he moves to a new town where an older couple take him in and treat him like their own. he learns to grow as a person and become more accepting of the world and the people around him, and of himself. it's a really sweet series that makes you cry every episode and also there's a talking kitty cat it's so great
story about a guy who goes around exorcising/treating illnesses caused by/problems caused by mushi. it's a very calming and relaxing story, that teaches the viewer about how to be more cognizant of the world around us. i really like the quote "in this world, every person and place has a right to exist. it's true for you too. [...] the entire world as a whole is your home."
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
The picture with Homelander holding a little plushie of him while he sleeps was TOO DAMN CUTE!!! sorry. But I can see his partner sleeping with the same plushie when she gets lonely and he isn't around, and when he sees her holding it while sleeping, he is happy and jealous at the same time, because that isn't him in her arms.
yes, this one!!!
Homelander comes home in the middle of the night, silent as always. You're passed out, bedside lamp still on, a book in your lap, phone unplugged nearby. It's painfully obvious that you were trying to keep yourself awake long enough to greet him when he came home.
Tucked under your chin, he's met with the beady little eyes of his very own tiny doppelganger. That most definitely should have been him tonight, the evening spent curled up in your arms, soaking up the warmth of your words and your body, your hands in his hair, your lips brushing his forehead. Smug little bastard, he thinks, lips quirked as he stares at the lopsided grin of the stuffed, well... him.
Homelander clicks his tongue softly. "Sorry pal. Only space enough for one of us," he says, deftly plucking it out of your grasp. He does it carefully, hangs the toy by its little cape, but you still wake with a deep breath. Your eyes are bleary with sleep, disoriented for the handful of seconds you transition from dream to reality. Still, the second you recognize him, you relax. The way you smile at him stirs eager little butterflies in his stomach. He spent his whole life fantasizing about being looked at with the love you have in your eyes.
"Hey," you say softly. You open your arms, an invitation he can never resist. He sinks down into you, tucking his head under your chin in precisely the same way you held the plush. He gives his own sigh as you wrap your arms around him.
Looking over his shoulder, you see the plush dangling precariously from the bed. You laugh quietly. "Jealous?"
"Caught you in bed with another man," he says, words slightly muffled against your collarbone, where he's nuzzling at you like an overgrown cat. "Couldn't help myself, he was terribly handsome," you reply, earning a chuckle from him. "You have a type." "I do. Blondes in primary colors. Can't get enough of them."
It's a wonder how easy you make it all feel. Laughter, domesticity, love. With you, it comes as naturally to him as breathing. It makes the rest of his life difficult to understand. Why did it all have to be so hard before? Why couldn't he have found you sooner?
He holds you tight that night, stays nestled close to your heart.
All he knows is he's never going back to the chill of a life without you.
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herebecritters · 8 months
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Hold your special little guy close -w-
Hopps belongs to @ickyguts
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