#musician boyfriend aesthetic
thegreatwicked · 2 months
Call Me Love
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Friends, I have a lot of stories. Most of them are fanfiction BUT I have for the last little bit been working on some original content that I have been hesitant to share. BUT I am taking the plunge and sharing it with you and I hope you all like it or that it's at least as good as my fandom content. You guys are the best and your support means so much to me.
This is just a bit of fun following the classic musician boyfriend troupe, is it a troupe? Oh well. Here's the summary:
"Been on a bit of a dry spell lately, you know? So, when my mates dragged me to this party, I wasn't expecting much. Boring as hell, until I saw Kit. I mean, talk about a game-changer. I was just gearing up to make my move when bam! Jeff throws me onstage, and suddenly, the spotlight's on me. And wouldn't you know it, Kit's eyes are glued to me like I'm the main event.
So, after the show, we have this moment, you know? Like, I can feel the electricity crackling between us. And then, as we're chatting and flirting, it's like the night's got a mind of its own. Next thing I know, we're back at my place, ready to turn up the volume on more than just the music."
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Look, fellas, it's not like we can help it, some things are just a matter of instinct. There’s a fundamental difference between us. Women, they're the ones to weigh up the odds before taking the plunge, they're doing the sums to ensure the risk is worth the reward and they've got solid ground to land on. I've seen my mates make snap decisions over far less than a pint. It doesn't mean we're stupid, it's just that we don't always think two steps ahead.
It's like we're just hardwired to focus on the physical stuff, whether it's getting into a row or getting into bed, especially if there’s a stunning girl in the mix. 
Fighting or fucking, it's all the same when impulse is involved. 
Our heads just start wandering. Hell, we’ll follow a nice pair of legs off a cliff, no regrets.
Don't matter if you're some high-flying politician, a holy padre, or just a regular bloke like me – the moment you spot a short skirt, your mind starts sprinting off to places it shouldn't. It crosses all sorts of boundaries, from social status, to race, to your job. We're all cut from the same cloth, really. It’s a bit comforting.
A look around the room shows the usual setup; my mates' having plenty of laughs and drinks as the Sunday night blues settle in like a heavy fog. The party's in full swing, bodies swaying to some indie track that probably peaked last week. Three days off work, gone in a flash, and come morning it's back to the daily grind. Should be having a blast, but for some reason, it's just not hitting the mark.
It's not a total drag, but honestly, I reckon I'd have been better off just lounging back home.
I'm only here 'cause Jeff, my mate, wouldn't stop pestering me until I agreed to come along. 'Anything can happen,' he says. Yeah, right. Except now, I'm bored out of my skull. As the music fades and the chance of any excitement dwindles, I'm almost ready to call it a night. 
But then, I spot her. Yeah, it’s a girl, ‘course it’s a girl.
It's not even her that first catches my attention, it’s the way the light hits the rings on her fingers, sort of glinting and glimmering; the same way light hits a disco ball. She looks a bit of a girly girl with long jet black painted nails that would do a number on any blokes back, just flying as she talks. Long, black, and glossy hair, that's bouncing with every laugh and toss of her head, a perfect frame for her face and a great smile.
Lighting up her whole face like she's about to spill some scandalous gossip. And those eyes? Well, I'd love to tell you the color, but she's just far enough away to keep me guessing. 
A long-sleeve black and red plaid slipping off her shoulder catches my eye, it 'fits' sure, but you can't tell me it's not a bit snug on her, though I'm not complaining one bit. She either didn't notice or she knows exactly what she's doing. Either way, it's not leaving much to the imagination, it's alright, I'm sure my imagination can fill in the blanks.
And it's not fully buttoned up either, teasing the whole room with a peak of her belly button and suddenly I'm thirsty as anything.
But what really gets me are those legs -- seeming to stretch on for ages all wrapped up in a tiny black skirt. Soft and curvy hips, the kind you just want to grab hold of, you know? And I'll be the first to say it -- she's got a great ass. Oh, are we surprised? Forgive me for being a guy, but it's impossible not to notice. 
Goddamn, I'd be hard-pressed to keep my hands off it, if I had her alone.
She looks a bit shorter than me, but then again, who isn't? Didn't get much from my old man; I take after me mum, except for the height—that's all him, towering over everyone like a human lamppost. 
I don’t have much of an eye for makeup, but I can definitely see some black around her eyes and something glittery that screams ‘The 80s glam rock never dies’ and I’d be willing to bet my last quid the last album she bought was Bowie. It’s a good look. 
And her lips? Full and lush, like they're tempting you to have a taste. Looks like a shade of purple to me, but I reckon some bird would pipe up saying it's actually plum or magenta or some fancy name. Women, they see colors us blokes just don't. And there she is, grinning like she's hiding something, looking at me. I mean, straight at me. Giving me a wink—or at least, I hope it's meant for me."
Lucky me, there’s not a cliff in sight.
I've been around the block, hit up more parties than I care to count. When music's coursing through your veins like it does for me, you crash as many parties as humanly possible, and belt out your tunes for anyone who'll listen. But in all those ragers, I never came across someone like her.
Not sure how long I’ve been staring but it’s long enough for my mates to notice, and they're wasting no time taking the mickey out of me for going all wide-eyed over this stunner. But you know what? I couldn't care less, hell, I don’t even hear them. 
I’m all for a bit of fast fun with a gorgeous face, but tell you something, these days I'm looking for something different. Someone I don't mind losing a bit of sleep with or shooting the breeze about music, sure, that’s one of the best bits. The sort of girl where every word I say means something to her, 'cause it means something to me, know what I mean? And those are a rare find.
You gotta set your sights on the ones who are in it for the sheer thrill of the party, not just to bag a member of the band; trust me, I’ve been a notch in plenty of bedposts to know. It takes a bit of legwork, 'cause they don’t just fall into your lap. 
The ones with genuine smiles, living for the music like we do, laughing like they couldn't give a toss who's watching—they're the ones who'll stick in your daydreams and drive you absolutely mental every second you’re not with her.
A girl who's all smiles, laughs, and just embraces herself—now that's it, ain't it? One thing's for sure: I gotta figure out her name, and I need do it quick before some other bloke swoops in, 'cause I ain’t the only one eyeing her up.
I’m not sure how I end up on the other side of the flat, but here I am, closing in on her. The music's pulsing through me, like it's trying to kick start a heart that's been asleep for too long. I start hearing Kickstart My Heart playing in my head with each step I take, that’s appropriate, innit? I can start to pick out the sound of her voice from the crowd she’s with now. And it's not like most girls', all sugary and high-pitched. Nah, it's got this sultry, smoky quality to it. It's like a cat's purr, the hum of an engine, the deep rumble of a bass guitar—all wrapped up in one. It's the kind of voice that could lead a bloke down some dodgy paths with just the right words.
Haven't got a clue what to say to her, but I'm praying I'll come off smoother than I feel, you know? Like Danny Dyer, Richard Ashcroft, or Alex Turner vibes or something. My mind's racing like a runaway train with no brakes, hurtling toward the great unknown. But just when I'm about to make my grand entrance, some git decides to slam the brakes on my progress with a heavy hand on my shoulder. And who is it? You guessed it – Jeff. Now, don't get me wrong, he's a decent bloke, but he's got a knack for rotten timing, don’t he?
“Oi, Ben, what's caught your eye? You seen a ghost or something?" 
Suddenly, his arm barrels around me with the force of a sledgehammer, sending me teetering like a drunk on a tightrope. I stumble, trying to regain my footing as Jeff pivots me away, and it takes me a sec to set us right before we go tumbling to the floor in a heap.
Jeff's definitely had a few, lumbering about with all the grace of a drunken stag in a pub garden. He takes a swig of his brew, his eyes darting around the room like he's trying to see through walls. Not keen on being the spectacle of the night, I set us right and shoot a nod back to where we came from.
“More like an angel,”
Then, he spots her. Jeff's gaze locks onto her like he's trying to crack a code. With a blasé shrug, he gives his two cents: 
"Yeah, she's kinda cute."
I do a double take. Jeff's comment throws me off more than a step—'cute'? Are we even looking at the same girl? 
She's gorgeous. 
Sure, she might be cute when all snuggled up in blankets in a cozy bed, but that's not exactly what I have in mind.
"You got a chat-up line?"
I ain’t got an opening line, and Jeff knows it. Good man he is, he don’t rub my nose in it, he shrugs and smirks, gesturing to our gear in the corner. 
"Come on, mate, let's give it a whirl."
I don't get it. 'Give it a whirl?’ What's he on about?
Right here, right now? Just grab my sticks and start banging out a beat like it’s all part of the plan? I wasn’t planning on playing, but the gear’s there, and the spark in Jeff's eyes tells me he knows something I don't. It could go two ways: he's either setting me up for a cringe-worthy crash and burn for everyone to have a laugh at my expense, or he's lining me up to be the main attraction. 
With Jeff, you never know for sure.
I’ve got no clue where this is heading, but I think, ‘Sod it,’ and just go with the flow. Jeff's got a knack for taking the mickey out of folks, but it's all in good fun. He's never let me down when I needed him to back me up on the dating front. If he chucks me to the wolves, I'll give him a right bollocking he'll remember for ages. And he knows it.
I settle in behind my drum kit, sticks in my hands calming those fluttering butterflies in my stomach. Maybe it’s for the best, 'cause I haven't drummed up a decent chat-up line. Jeff throws me a nod as he grabs his bass and starts plucking out a classic Clash tune, the rhythm flowing effortlessly from his fingertips as if he's been playing it since birth. 'Cause, well, he probably has.
My drums kick in, setting the rhythm for the song, letting it chase away my doubts, and soon enough, Pete joins the party with his guitar slung over his shoulder. As our music fills the room, drowning out any background noise, all eyes are locked onto us – including a set I still can’t quite make out the color of. But they're proper cracking, and I can feel them on me.
Looks like Jeff's a damn good friend after all.
She's giving me the once-over, and then some.
It's a small gathering, just a bash for no reason at someone's place, and there's no one here who's gonna give us a record deal. But her watching makes it feel like I’m headlining Glastonbury. I see her foot tapping to my rhythm, hips in sync with my bass drum – so I decide to throw a bit of swagger her way. I shoot her a cheeky grin, give a nod, you know, do what I can in the moment. She fires back with this minxy smile and a nod. Like I said, she's here for fun, and she's smashing it.
As usual, Pet’s killing it with his riffs and vocals that would make good ol' Joe proud, transforming our dinky living room into a jam-packed show. I love Pete, mate. He's a top-notch bloke who’s had my back more times than I can count. The guy can belt it out, shred those strings, and the crowd eats it up. Most girls naturally swoon over the frontman – it's only right. He's front and center, hogging the spotlight for the world to see, they're singing along with him. If he says jump, they jump; if he says scream, they scream. Leaves the rest of us feeling a bit sidelined, and by ‘the rest of us,’ I mean, well, yours truly. 
Happens to the best of us.
But that ain’t me tonight. There's just one girl I've got my sights set on, and she ain't paying Pete any mind at all.
One tune would've been good for me – but nah, Jeff's as crafty as they come, and reckons he's gonna spice things up. It's never straightforward, is it? It's like planning to have just a single pint at the local, impossible to stick to just one.
"Oi, you darlin's fancy any tunes?”
Is it just luck that he's eyeballing my raven-haired girl? Nah, never. He's the smooth talker, the geezer who stirs up the mob and gets 'em all buzzing. Pete's got the talent, yeah, but he's a bit of a hermit, comes off as the strong silent type.
Her lips curve into a smirk, and she gives that lip a playful nibble before diving right into Jeff's banter.
"How 'bout some Queen?" 
No British drawl in her voice, pure American charm. This shindig just keeps getting better.
"You got it, darlin', which one?" 
She leans to whisper to a friend, then shouts back something that drops my jaw: Another One Bites the Dust.
I don't know how she clocked it, but this tune’s my jam. It’s the first beat I ever banged out on the drums back when I was just a kid. I can play it blindfolded, in my sleep, or even when I’m completely sloshed. And tonight, I smash it like I'm jamming with the legends I’ve always looked up to; Roger Taylor, John Bonham, or Keith Moon. I’m no rockstar, and odds are no arena will ever chant my name. I’m just plain old Ben.
Tonight, though, I don't feel plain at all. Our eyes lock again, and again, and this time it feels like an electric current jolting through the crowd, straight from her to me.
I love seeing a girl having a blast, you get me? Not one of those trying-too-hard types – you can spot 'em easy enough. The ones trying to be sexy, trying to make everyone want them, the ones who try to be the center of it all by drawing all eyes on them, doing what they think people like. Some blokes dig that, but not me.
This girl though… Blimey, gotta get her name in the bag. She’s belting out the lyrics, swaying her hips to the rhythm of my kit, and hell, that's my kind of vibe. Nothing tops a girl who lets loose with her favorite tune, rocks an air guitar, and gets in sync with the crew over some banging music. And this girl is ticking all those boxes for me.
Never thought I'd be eager to wrap up a set, that ain’t usually how it goes, I’m the last one to leave, but Jeff's got the crowd whipped up into a bit of a frenzy. We're blazing through tune after tune 'til my arms are screaming for a break - a real feat, mind you. I've got the stamina to drum for ages, but tonight's thrown me for a loop. And even though I'm soaked through and my arms are like jelly, she's still got her eyes glued to yours truly.
Gonna give Jeff a ribbing later. I mean, couldn't he have thrown me a hint while I was tuning the drums earlier? ‘Hey mate, save some for later, yeah?’ But nah, cheeky Jeff always keeps me on my toes. Pete couldn't care less, though - he's just doing his thing, paying homage to our idols.
Ten songs. Ten bangers cooked up on the spot, and we smash every last one. When we hit that final note, Jeff shoots me a look that says, ‘Give 'em something to remember.’ So, I go all out. Pouring every last drop of energy into one insane drum solo. Might've put the flat's landlord on edge with the neighbors, but hell, it’s worth it. People usually focus on Pete and listen to Jeff, but now, everyone's looking my way.
With one last crash of the cymbals, Pete and Jeff are ringing out, and I’m absolutely knackered. All I need to set me right is a Carling, a cool breeze, and to give Jeff a sock in the shoulder. Oh, and I need to figure out what that siren's name is. But the way she lifts her bottle at me, I got a feeling my luck’s taking a turn for the better on that front after our little impromptu gig. 
Good ‘ol Jeff. Looks like I owe him one, even if he did throw me into the lion's den without warning.
I don’t give a toss about what my mum says; my sticks go where I go – school, dining table, church, and yeah, even in my back pocket after a set. Not that I'll ever say it to her face. I don't have a death wish, and mum would set me straight. Then she'd go and tell my nan, and then I'd really be in for it. I give 'em a twirl between my fingers and slip 'em right into my back pocket. 
Birds love that little trick.
My limbs are killing me as I rise from the kit, and with a bit of a wobble, I sling a dig at Jeff's arm – doesn't faze him, but Jeff, the proper drama queen, shoots me a look of feigned agony and belts out, goading me on. All in good banter, though, mates will be muppets. Besides, if I was really up for hurting him, I could, and he's clued up on that.
The old man didn't leave me with much, just some old-school parenting; meaning he'd give me a right bollocking whenever I cocked up. But he did school me a bit in boxing before he took off, and I ain't half bad, if I do say so myself. Way I fgure it, if the music gig goes pear-shaped, I reckon I could fall back on a career throwing haymakers.
Pete's completely lost, not catching a whiff of what's going on between me and Jeff. He just gives me a head shake and buggers off to grab a drink – he’s got the right idea. But before I can follow suit, Jeff clamps down on my shoulder again.
"Saw her clockin' you the whole set." He grins, nodding across the room. She's deep in a chat with another girl, stealing a quick glance our way, and shoots me another grin. "Don't say I never did anything for you, mate," 
What’s that supposed to mean? Oh, hell, what’s he about to do?
"Bloody hell, mate, you look fuckin’ wrecked! Go grab a bit of fresh air, yeah?" 
He’s all but yelling at me before giving me a kick in the arse to the blacony. Well, now the whole room’s looking at me. Right, reckon it's time to have that breather outside. Maybe I'll come up with something slick to say.
The cold air’s a slap in the face as soon as I step outside and it’s brilliant. Can feel the sweat on my arms, neck, and back turning icy, the kind of cold chill that tells you you're alive. This, right here, is what it's all about – not some dead-end job where your boss don’t even know your name, nothing to show for it by the time you hit forty. 
No, it's this – feeling the chilly air on your skin after you've nailed the best set while showing off for a girl you fancy. Playing till your arms ache, making mates among strangers, getting pissed and having a laugh with your found family, and then doing it all again the next day. 
This is the good life.
I’m drenched in sweat, probably don’t smell too good, but I can't be arsed to care. Just need a few minutes out here to sort myself out, maybe puff on a cig, grab a drink, and back into the thick of it to see where the rest of this party takes me, it’s starting to shape up a bit. 
Need to find out her name.
Behind me, a rush of air sweeps out as the door opens and closes, bringing with it the sounds of the party and the smell of weed; someone’s having a good time. It’s not my thing, just a smoke and a brew, I’m a simple bloke. I spin around, half expecting Pete to be standing there with a drink, ready to sort out the situation between me and Jeff and have a laugh at my expense. But it looks like Lady Luck’s taken a shine to me, there stands my mystery girl, looking even better up close, and not just because she's holding out a brew.
"Killer set," That smoke I heard is just as inviting as it was before our impromptu concert, but that voice of hers, even if she wouldn't give me the time of day, I'd still listen to her read the bloody dictionary.
"That for me?" I ask, nodding to the bottle she’s holding. It's a daft question, of course, but I like a girl with a sharp tongue, and silly questions are a good way to suss out quick wit.
She rolls her eyes and give a little shake of her head. "Nah, I just like carrying around two drinks 'cause I’m thirsty." 
Bet you are.
Those captivating eyes and that sassy mouth – got me hooked, I tell ya. As she hands me the bottle, her fingers brush against mine, and I swear there's a little spark there.
"Looked like you needed a pick-me-up," 
She clinks her bottle against mine. I knock it back, don't matter if it tastes like dishwater, the cold hits the spot after a solid set. And with this stunner serving it, it's as good as anything on the top shelf.
"Cheers for that, love," 
Local girls ain't too fussed about that endearment; it's as common as calling someone 'mate.' But with yanks, especially them girls, they lap it up and the grin she's throwing my way tells me she's eating it up too. 
"Never seen you here before," She shakes her head. "Who's your crew tonight?" 
Don't exactly fancy chatting up some bloke's little sister. Though she doesn't strike me as a kid, not with that fit bod, sweet curves, and those lush lips. What kinda brother would let his sister out of the house like that anyway? Still, I ain't up for any underage drama. If she's too young, I'm out. Don't need that hassle in my life.
"My flatmate and her girl; Stevie and Nicki."
I ain't got a clue who Stevie and Nicki are, but that's not surprising. People just show up to these things. I'll have to ask Pete later; he usually knows everybody. She doesn't mention a fella or being anyone's little sister, so far so good.
"Didn't know I was getting a free show,"
"Don't get too excited, love, only the first one's on the house." I smirk back, patting my pockets feeling around for a cig, but I come up short. Must've smoked my last one and forgot to get more, I ain’t nervous at all but still, it helps to have something to do with your hands. Damn, a smoke would really take the edge off.
Turns out, she’s already got me sorted without needing to ask. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a little metal case with a purple heart and this heart-shaped star looking symbol. It takes a second of staring at it before I can place it; it's the logo for H.I.M., that goth metal group from Finland, I think. Knew plenty of girls back in school who had crushes on the singer. Guess she's a fan of love metal too. Puts two smokes between her lips, and she sparks ‘em up before passing one to me. That electric jolt zaps me again as I take it. Inhaling deeply, that’s better. She’s left me a set of lip prints staining the cig – not some regular red or pink, more like a berry shade. I'm just staring at her for a moment, wondering just who this girl is.
"So, what’s your name? Can't keep calling you 'love.'"
She bites her lip again; she’s gonna bite clean through it if she keeps that up. Always wondered why girls do that. Well, not entirely – girls are cleverer than us blokes, and they know it drives us absolutely mental.
Where do you look when a girl's chatting you up? If you're smart, her eyes; if you're smitten, her lips; and if you're not quite there, maybe a bit lower, hoping for a glance back up before you get caught.
"Sounds nice when you say it," She says before extending her hand. "You can call me... Kit." 
She sounds unsure, like she just plucked it out of the air but I roll with it. Kit? Blimey, Kit? Better keep jokes about banging on my kit to meself, not sure how great her sense of humor is.
I shake her hand, being the gentleman my mum raised me to be, although I might look like one, the thoughts in my head are anything but gentlemanly. 
"Like a drum kit?"
"Yeah, like a drum kit," She smirks and gives a nod with a look on her face that says, 'You're adorable.'
"What’sa matter, love? Don't trust me with a real name?" 
I'm only teasing; I know it's a thing most girls do, can't be telling some bloke you just met everything; some guys are creeps. She's got her wits about her, I like that. My eyes linger a bit too much on how her lips handle the cig and that tiny ‘O’ they form when she blows out a cloud of smoke, while taking a puff on mine.
"Of course not. I mean, you're smokin' hot, but who knows, you could be a total psycho." I can't help but chuckle. A girl with a sense of humor gets bonus points in my book.
"Ben…" I like the way she says my name. "Cute."
"Ta, darlin’."
"I meant your name." Now she's taking the mickey, and I'm grinning like a proper muppet. This girl's got jokes, eh?
"Oi, reckon you're a smart one, yeah?" 
She puts on this act, playing all innocent, then drops, "I think I’m adorable."
That she is, that she is. No doubt there, either.
Ever get that feeling like someone's checking you out, giving you the 'come hither' eyes? But then, you realize they ain't actually looking at you but checking out someone behind or beside you? Well, that's not the case here. Kit’s locked on me, and it ain't my face she's after, though she seemed to like that too. 
Nah, I've seen that look before – the full-body scan, like she's deciding whether to dive into something wild. You know the one. And that's exactly how she's eyeing me, right down to my belt. Gotta admit, I’d be a tad self-conscious if I didn’t have a bit of a buzz going on.
Now, I ain't Mr. Vanity, and I know I ain't the top looker in the joint, but I scrub up alright. Between years of banging those drums and spare time in a boxing ring, I've kept myself in decent shape. I ain't no gym rat, but I got some lean muscle going on.
"Snap a pic, love, it'll last longer," 
It’s just a joke, I’m not bothered by her gawking at all, she can stare all she likes. Honestly, I've been watching her from the get-go, so it's only fair play.
This cheeky bird, she actually whips out her phone and snaps a picture of me. I was just having a laugh, but the fact that she bothered to grab her phone must mean I'm working some charm on her. She just shrugs, completely unapologetic.
"What? It's only fair, right?" Alright, she's got a point there, probably caught me checking her out earlier, not that I’ll admit.
"Dunno what you're on about, darlin'," I play it cool, but the look she's giving me says she knows I'm talking nonsense.
"Oh, come on, you’re no saint." Hitting the nail on the head. I let out a laugh, finishing up my cig. "I saw you checking me out. My eyer are up here, by the way.”
I exhale my last puff of smoke before crushing it on the pavement; her banter's razor-sharp, and this girl's mouth might just do me in. Wasn't planning on being so upfront, but she swung the door wide open. Can't whinge when I walk right through.
"Alright, darlin', let's get one thing straight. Gorgeous girls strutting their stuff in those short skirts are gonna turn heads. It's just the way it goes,"
"You think I'm gorgeous?" 
Walked right into that one, didn’t I? Course, I do, I’ve got eyes, don’t I?
"Well, you're a sort, no denying that, but who knows, you could be a total nutter," I shoot back, playing her game. "Short skirts, are eye candy to us blokes, love." She flicks her cig end and squashes it under her boot. "Gives a bloke have all kinds of naughty thoughts."
"Oh yeah? What kind of naughty thoughts?"
"The kinda stuff that'd get a bloke a slapped if he blurts it out," I feel like we're vibing on the same frequency, the excitement simmering. I can't help but wonder where this might lead; maybe things will get a bit more cozy? 
"Do I get a pic of you?" She shrugs, but flashes me this mischievous grin, like she's daring me to go for it.
Don't play games of chicken with me; you'll lose everytime. I'm as stubborn as they come. I dig into my pocket for my phone and snap a quick one. She's just leaning against the wall, looking way too good for such a casual pose. Now that I don't think she'll slap me, I steal a long glance at her, appreciating them curves she's got.
"Got a girl?" 
No beating around the bush, but she sure beat me to it. I shake my head, running my fingers through my hair.
"Nah, girls like the idea of dating a musician until they actually have to put up with it. They don't stick around much after that. It's not all rock shows and roses." 
She shoots me a pouty look, and her lips look like they're a treat to kiss. "Aw, poor you," She coos, and it gets me chuckling again, can’t seem to keep a straight face around this one.
"How about you, love? Got a bloke?" If she's got a fella, I just might cry myself to sleep. 
I can't believe it, but I'm plenty grateful.
"How does that happen? You own a mirror?" I tease, hoping to see her laugh again. She does, and that lip-biting thing she does is really driving me wild but I reckon she knows that.
"Guys are all talk, they say they want a wild girl until they have to deal with one," 
Blimey, that's a statement that will live rent-free in my head for the rest of my life.
"Is that right? You a wild girl?" Suddenly, I wish I had another cig to occupy my fidgety fingers, but then I remember my drumsticks. Those trusty sticks are like an old friend in my hands, keeping me grounded in the rhythm of things.
"According to my mom and the fancy private school that kicked me out," She spills with a sly grin, like she's proper chuffed about it. Oh, there's a story there and I'm all ears.
Kicked out of a fancy private school? Aw, who cares? I'm no stranger to a reprimand from my school days, seen a few detentions and suspensions, never got the boot though, my mum would’ve had my hide.
"You're having a laugh, ain’t ya, love?" I decide to cut to the chase. "You got any clue what's racing through my mind right now?" 
"Why don't you share?" She says, leaning in closer. "Or maybe you should show me."
I blow out a breath and take a step back, fingers laced behind my head. This night, mate, it's gonna be one to remember. Kit’s something else. Absolutely gorgeous, killer smile, sharp as they come, and a cheeky side that's got me reeling.
"Where’s your turf?" I ask, trying to ease the tension. She shoots me a look that’s all confusion with a cute little head tilt, looks like I might've lost her, with a laugh I try again. "Whereabouts you from, love?"
I look around, it's not raining cats and dogs yet, but it's off to a fine start, you don't come to London to get away from the rain that's for sure. 
"So, you swapped the Seattle drizzle for the London pour, did you?"
"I happen to like the rain and Seattle has the distinction of being the birthplace of the kings and queens of Grunge.” 
Oh, she's a grunge girl, huh? Oh, now I can work with that. In fact, I see a spot for a bit of teasing.
"Well, it ain't the stomping ground of the Clash or the Who, or even Queen, but grunge is alright. Who are the rulers of grunge, huh? Just Kurt Cobain for you lot?" 
The gobsmacked expression on her mug tells me I've hit a nerve, but she's taking it in good spirits. I'm plenty clued up on Kurt Cobain and a few other names in the grunge scene – love the stuff. But you can suss out a lot about a bird by the headbangers she's into.
"Whoa, whoa now! Being a hottie doesn't excuse ignorance, baby. You're talking about the legacy bequeathed to us, the misunderstood youth, by musical legends like Lane Staley, Chris Cornell, Eddie Vedder, Courtney Love, Kim Gordon, Tad Doyle, and Kat Bjelland."
So, I’m a hottie, huh? Alright. I can roll with that. Those are some good names, she’s got some good taste and seems I've met an equal, full of fire and I get the feeling stepping on the toes of her heroes might see me tossed into traffic. I like a girl who knows her tunes. 
“Yeah, alright, fair enough, not bad for American music.”
"Well, you know, when it comes to Queen, it's all about Freddie Mercury, right? That 'stache is legendary and it may as well be the best part of her majesty's greatest hits. And The Who, they're cool, but let's face it – Pete Townshend's windmill moves look like something he practices in front of a mirror. Now, The Clash, they're rebellious and all, but Joe Strummer's voice is almost as rebellious as my mom when she catches me sneaking into the cookie jar."
Me jaws on the floor, drumsticks gripped tight, and the laughter bellowing from inside lets me know I'm the punchline of a gag. They might not grasp our chat, but the look of pure shock on my face says it all. Never been left completely gobsmacked until this moment. She's cheeky, firing back with that lip-licking sass, and the smug grin on her face tells me she thinks she's won this round.
“Now, now, careful there love, those are fighting words.” I take a step towards her and she takes one back, “Freddie's 'stache might be legendary, but let's not sleep on Roger Taylor's drumming magic with Queen – bloke's the unsung hero, keeping that beat alive. And about The Who, fair play on the windmill dig, but Keith Moon's drumming antics could give Pete a run for his money any day – he's the real show-stealer. Now, with The Clash, I get your point on Joe's voice, but let's not forget Topper Headon's rhythm skills – the backbone of rebellion right there. Drummers deserve some love too, you know. Maybe they don't get the spotlight, but trust me, they're the secret sauce. So, how 'bout we give a nod to the beat keepers next time we're bantering about the classics, eh?"
“Oh! Touched a nerve did I?” She’s grinning from ear to ear and it’s hard to pretend to be anything other than amused.
“Mind how you go with that mouth love, might land you into a bit of a mess.”
“Don’t worry, in my experience my mouth is very good at getting me out of trouble too.” 
I was right, she’s got that sass on tap, giving me a run for my money. Gotta cool this down again between us. Time for a change in subject.
"What brings you to good ol' London, reckon you didn’t come for the weather?" 
“Aw, no snappy comebacks? Shame, was hoping I might see more of what that mouth can do.” She gives a shrug and I’m in need of another cold brew, maybe a shower too. “My dad’s British, hangs his hat here," 
Say what now?
"Wait, your pops a Brit?" Can’t hide my surprise at that one, figured she’d be a student or just passin’ through.
"Yeah, swept my mom off her feet with that accent too," Too? Guess, I made an impression. "Mom and I aren’t exactly on the same wavelength, so I decided to give us both some breathing room and take my dad up on his offer to put down some new roots, dual citizenship and all.”
Hang on, what?
"You're a Londoner?" I point to the ground, trying to wrap my head around this girl's story. She winks, and I'm glad the conversation is still rolling. "So, you pop back for a visit, what else? What's your gig? Uni? Work?" I throw in, arms crossed, drumsticks still in hand.
"Got a job at my dads bike shop and that's good enough for me, right now.” 
She's like, 'Oh, I'm on the tools at my old man's garage.' Found me a girl who's a gearhead? This one ain't just a ten, she's up there in the high thirties. Should've been tuning in, but I was well gone, picturing her in them mucky overalls, splattered with grease and oil, outshining the other geezers. Blimey, she's still yapping away... What the heck is she on about again?
"Who has it all figured out in their twenties anyway? And what's the point? To slave away at some soul-sucking dead-end gig where your boss couldn't care less about who you are?" She shakes her head, like it’s common knowledge. "Hard pass on that, thanks. That's not what your twenties are for." I couldn't agree more, I tell ya, the more she talks the more relaxed she gets. Like she’s more herself, like she’s comfortable.
"What are your twenties for?" 
"Staying up late, listening to music, hanging out with friends, traveling, talking about life, making mistakes, breaking hearts, riding fast bikes, having good sex that makes your toes curl, figuring out what you like.” She pauses and it’s like she’s getting lost in her own thoughts, gotta say I wouldn’t imind getting lost there with her. "Showing up to parties and hitting it off with smokin’ hot drummers. This blond hottie told me they’re the secret sauce." 
No mistaking it now; the attraction's buzzing between us, loud and clear. Seems like the only move left is to take the plunge. Must've been on her mind too 'cause she don’t waste a sec.
"You know, you never did explain those naughty thoughts guys have about girls in short skirts."
I motion for her to come closer with a playful finger, but she stays put, shaking her head with a hint of mischief. Leaning back against the balcony rail, she's all confidence, like she knows I'll give in eventually. And of course, I do. Closing the distance between us, I cage her against the rail with my arms, and she settles in like she's gone and got exactly what she wants.
"You’re not going all shy school-boy on me, are you?" She teases, eyes full of mischief. I shake my head, getting in closer.
"Nah, ain't one to spill me fantasies for just anyone," I say, lips grazing her ear. 
I've got her hooked now.
I gently tuck a strand of her dark hair behind her ear, tracing a finger down her cheek, stopping just short of her neck. Her skin feels like silk under my touch, and she smells incredible, like a lure drawing me in. But I've got my own tricks up my sleeve, and I start laying out the thoughts that have been brewing since I first laid eyes on her in that skirt of hers. Her eyes widen, and her face loses its playful demeanor, replaced by a raw desire and an electric tension between us. I'm sure everyone inside is watching, maybe even placing bets. But frankly, I couldn't care less. I haven't met a girl this cracking in ages.
And let me tell you, when she bites her lip, it's one thing. But when her tongue darts out to wet her lips, well, it's game over, mate.
"Yours or mine?"
Fucking hell. I’m well and truly done for.
"Let's make some music together."
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A kiss can tell you a lot about a person, and with Kit, it's like she's setting my whole world on fire with just a simple kiss. She's got me in a spin, clouding my head, and making me forget my own name. I've locked lips with my fair share of girls, but maybe I've just not been kissing the right ones. Kit, she's different. She's all lips and tongue right from the start, and it's got my brain short-circuiting. It’s fucking brilliant.
We've barely set foot inside my flat, and before I can even shut the door, she's already giving my clothes a good tug, like they've gone and ticked her off. I've just enough sense to give the door a good kick to slam it shut. Tonight's been a stroke of luck, hasn't it? If I hadn't let Jeff talk me into going to that party, I'd never have crossed paths with Kit. Who do I thank? Jeff or Lady Luck? I'm not the type of bloke who buys into soulmates or true love, but I might be having a bit of an epiphany with this girl. And I've got her all night. 
What a smashing party. I owe Jeff a fucking drink.
I can’t tell if she’s aiming to kiss me or take a bite out of me, but frankly, I couldn’t care less. I’ve totally underestimated Kit. She’s not the type to sit back and let me do all the legwork. It’s a relief because she's kissing me like she’s on the clock. I can barely catch a breath between her lips, she’s somewhere between 'I want you' and 'You’re mine'.
The night ain't going anywhere, but she sure seems to be in a hurry to get us to wherever she’s got in mind. 
"Easy there, love. If you keep kissing me like that, I'll start to think you've got somewhere else to be. Might hurt my feelings," 
She gives me a grin, taking my hint, she eases off the gas, slowing our pace, kissing me like she’s trying to taste me in every way possible. 
That's more like it.
That plaid slips right off her shoulders once I've popped those buttons, won't be needing it where we're headed. This cheeky one ain't sporting much more than a teensy crop top, it’s so faded it’s almost see through, and she's got some ink peeking out. You know, the usual girl stuff – roses and thorns. But it suits her, curling around her ribs and down her hip. I wonder what else she's got tucked away. 
"Bedroom?" She asks in between kisses, tugging my jacket off and letting it fall to the floor. I nod behind her, and we start making our way.
Never been happier that I bothered tidying up the place than I am right now. I can even brag that my bed's sorted—nothing posh like them hotel bed-making wizards, but it at least gives off the impression that I'm not a total mess. I fumble for the light switch and dial it down a tad. What can I say? I've got a touch of the romantic in me, and I know girls ain't exactly fans of having a spotlight on 'em.
We stumble toward the bed, not far at all, a right mess of limbs. She yanks my shirt over my head, and I catch that look she gives me, somebody’s hungry. It never gets old how a girl looks at you like you’re a snack they can’t wait to get their hands on.
“Find something you fancy?”
I reckon she likes what she sees, judging by the way she grabs me by the belt with a solid tug bringing our hips together, and that's me done, right there. I love a girl who ain't shy about what she wants. Her lips are back on mine, and I can hear things hitting the floor – keys, a phone maybe; hope it's still in one piece, but I can't be arsed to care. It's just noise. 
We finally land on the bed, snagging a spot on the edge and I pull her onto my lap. Her mouth’s hungry against mine and she moans, and that's how you know you've kissed a girl just right – they start making noises like that.
Her hands are all tangled up in my hair, and it's bloody brilliant. I'm a sucker for a girl who messes with my hair or gives it a little tug when things heat up, gets me going for sure. Sends shivers racing and tingling across your skin, sets your nerves off. Every time she lays one on me, I'm losing the plot. She's pure fire, mate, and it's been ages since I felt this top-notch. I'm all in for a girl who knows her stuff, but I dropped some truths on the balcony back there, and I reckon I better up my game if I'm gonna walk the talk.
"Easy there, darlin', catch your breath," I say, panting a bit myself, but the look she’s giving me? 
Is she giving me a pout? Oh, she's playing the spoiled princess. Gonna have to sort that out, ain't I?
"I’m not known for being patient," 
She makes a move to kiss me again. But I'm quick on more than just my drum kit, and I pull away, leaving her looking like she might chew me out instead of locking lips. I give her hips a little pull, letting her know who’s holding the cards here.
"Oi, sweetheart, gotta pick up the knack. Patience is a virtue, innit?"
"What’re you my priest now?" We both have a laugh at that one.
A priest? That'd be a right laugh, wouldn't it?
"You spot a collar 'round me?" 
I lift my chin, playing along. But that was a blunder. She doesn't miss a beat, yanking on my hair, throwing my head back and I groan before swooping in to plant kisses and bites on my neck, leaving marks my mates will rib me about no doubt. She's causing an absolute ruckus, and I love every second of it.
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned," She breathes out, the words tingling on my skin. "It's been three weeks since my last confession. I confess to the following sins: I followed a man I don’t know home, I took my mclothes off and let him put his hands on me, kiss me and touch me and I liked it. I deeply regret these and all the sins of my past."
Oh, bloody hell. That kinda talk is steering me into territories I might not make it back from—places involving schoolgirl skirts, confessions, and a bit of a spanking, and I'm already knee-deep in it.
"Wait a tick, love. Not just yet, yeah? You trust me?" She stops and is giving me a serious look, as if she's pondering that question for real, as if it never occured to her. Honestly, it's a bit of a daft question this late in the game.
"Do I trust some random drummer I went home with?" She’s rubbing my shoulders and my neck like she’s trying to put me under a spell, and it just might be working. "Yeah, why not?" She finally says. "Think I can trust you with giving me a good time, at least."
"Yeah, you can, darlin'," I assure her, "I'll look after you, can bet on that." I plant another kiss on her, taking it easy this time, savoring the lick of her tongue, and she goes along with it wrapping her arms around my neck. "Now, turn around."
She's looking a bit confused now both by my words and the sharp tone I gave her, like she's trying to figure out what she’s gotten herself into. But told her I'd take good care of her, didn’t I? After a beat she slides off my lap and turns around, perching on the edge of the bed with her back against my chest. She looks over her shoulder at me, but that's not where I want those eyes of hers.
"Close, love, but not quite spot on." I turn her head to face forward, and she sees what I wanted her to see—the full-length mirror on the wall. She's a bit more intrigued now, leaning back against me more easy-like. "And one more thing,"
She doesn't resist or play shy when I nudge those long legs open, slipping them over mine so she can’t close them in a hurry and it’s a sight. All splayed out on my lap like a centerfold, that skirts working overtime now. A few kisses along her neck, and she's getting all cozied up to me. Being this close, I catch a whiff of her scent, sweet as oranges. I bet she tastes as good as she smells. 
"Now, ‘bout them naughty thoughts, yeah?" She's got this look in her eyes like she's realizing what kinda situation she's landed herself in. She said her mouth was good at wriggling out of tight spots, but that ain't happening just yet. "You’re not goin’ all shy on me now, are you, darlin'?"
She grins and gives me a little head shake, “You sure?” She nods, taking a shaky breath as I slide my hands under her skirt. 
I can feel the heat coming off her skin, all hot and soft between her legs. Not sure what I'm digging more, the silky insides of her thighs or how she shivers just a bit with every touch. She closes her eyes, but that won’t do for what I’ve got planned, nah, I want 'em open. I want her to soak in every bit of what's about to go down, I want it burned in her brain.
"Eyes open, love. You've got a show at the party. Think you owe me one, yeah?" 
That got her attention, didn’t it?
I can see the jitters behind her gaze, but she's determined not to let it show. With each touch, her body's lapping it up. My fingers glide up the inside of her thigh, getting closer to her center with each pass. Chest rising and falling like mad with every rough breath. She's already wet for me, and I can't wait to taste it. But before I do, I want to tease her a bit more. 
My fingers teasing the edge of her knickers with these little featherlight touches, she lets out this tiny gasp and twitches when I give her a little tap, I can't help but grin at the effect I’m having on her. I’ll give her credit though, she doesn't shy away or close her legs, instead, she's watching me dead-on through the mirror. Every little touch has her squirming.
"Feelin' a bit antsy, Kit? How long's it been?"
"Like eight months."
Can't help but suck in a breath at that, almost hurts to hear. No wonder she’s craving a touch like a cat on heat. 
“Oh, poor you, eight months since anyone touched you, like this?” I run my fingers under the top of her knickers and she gives this little desperate groan. Promised I'd take care of her, so let's get to it. "Don't worry, love, I'll go easy on you, the first time, anyway."
My finger slips under her knickers and I tease her slit, Jesus, she’s wet.
The noise she makes when I finally lay a finger on her sends all the blood in my head straight to my cock and suddenly these jeans are a bit tighter than I’d like, but that sound—a mix of a moan and a gasp. It's a sound full of need and desperation, the kind you make when you want something so bad you don't care how it sounds. Definitely one for the spank bank. I'm gentle, but still a tease, when I press against her clit, rubbing it gently with my thumb.
She's hot and wet, and every touch makes her tremble and I’m a liar if I said I didn’t want to just rip that skirt off and sink my cock into her. All things in time, right?
"Fuck," Poor darling, she’s all breathy and I’ve barely touched her, “Ben…”
Oh, yeah, I could listen to her saying my name like that all day. "Yeah, Kit?" That curve of her neck was made for kissing and her skins too perfect to not mark it up.
"Come on, don’t tease, please?” Oh, I love the way she says please like that.
"You reckon this is a bit of teasin'?" I see her eyes go wide and she looks at the grin I’m wearing without taking her eyes off the mirror. "This ain't teasin', not by a long shot." 
I find that special spot on her neck that has her squirming against me, and I give it a nip. 
"Could give you a taste of some teasin', though." I take my thumb off her clit and she actually pouts and whines, don’t seem too keen on someone threatening to play keep-away with her orgasm. 
Oh, that indignationin her voice is cute. I’m not a complete bastard, but I’m also no saint, so I start up again teasing her clit, her eyes shut, and her head's rolling back and forth on my chest like she's caught in some sweet dream with each touch. She's taking those deep breaths, you know, the ones when you're so relaxed you might as well be drifting off for a kip, that is, till I stop again and take my hand away completely.
Before she starts whining about it again, I snag her jaw and drop a rough kiss on her, like saying, 'I’m the boss here,' my tongue leading the way, showing her how we're gonna play this game.
"Here's the deal – you keep them eyes open, watch what's happening, and I won't tease you.” I let her go and reach back between her legs to give her more soft little touches close to where she wants them that leaves her rocking against my hand, “But if those eyes close or you look away from that mirror, I'll edge you until you cry." 
Her jaw drops, and her eyes get all big at my proposition and I can practically see her mind processing what I just said. I can tell no one's ever laid it out like that for her. But not only that, she seems to like it. 
Her tongue darts out to wet her lips, and instead of answering, she just looks back at the mirror. Her arm snakes around my neck, fingers twining in my hair and my neck. If she finds a bit of control comforting, then she's welcome to it.
"Good girl." 
I'm a man of my word, and as long as she's watching, I plan on delivering. "Been thinkin' about this too." I let my hand fall down her chest, thumb brushing her belly button and she squirms and jumps, seems somones a tad ticklish, but that stops as soon I pull that skirt of hers up just a bit.
I give her knickers a little tug, sliding them to the side to get at her, and she jumps a bit when I finally touch her again. I smirk, pleased with myself for getting her all riled up. 
"How good you'll look with my hand between your legs, touchin' you, maybe just a bit of teasin',"
"Ben, you promised…" Poor darling’s in a state, wet with need, it don’t take much before my fingers are nice and slick. "Ben…" 
"I’m not teasin’, just warming you up." Can’t believe it’s been eight months, gonna fix that, I start making little lazy circles around her clit. 
I’ve got no control over the smug grin on my face, I’ve got her all spread open on my lap, watching me have a bit of fun. She’s mewling like a kitten, twitching every so often. Her eyes flutter for just a second before she forces them open. Instead, she’s biting her lip, not to wind me up, but to keep from closing her eyes. I’m getting goosebumps from her tugging on strands of my hair. I can tell with her, it ain’t gonna be long before I’ve got her moaning my name. 
She’s breathing heavily through her nose. I know it ain’t gonna take much until she’s done for – I’m good at this type of thing.
"How’s that feel, love? You like this?" My voice is low and husky in her ear and I go back to rubbing her clit with my thumb, slowly but steadily increasing the pressure. 
She nods slightly, struggling not to shut those eyes and slip into a trance. "Yeah."
"Yeah, what?"
She huffs out this sort of frustrated gasp, and I know full well she wasn’t expecting this from me. To be honest, I wasn’t either. It’s not my usual style, but I’m enjoying it, that’s for sure. If this is a one-night stand type of situation, it’ll be one for the books. If it’s more serious than that, well, what a way to kick off a relationship. 
She wiggles against my hand, looking at my reflection. "I love it," Good enough, my grin is as cocky as they come, but she's behaving, so I'll give her what she wants.
"Girls in short skirts, babe, this is what it does to us poor blokes.” A little shift on the bed and she can feel me against her arse, I’ve been rock hard since I kissed her. “Feel that?” She nods fingers tangling in my hair, I can feel the way she’s tensing up, the way she’s starting to strain against my touch.
“Was thinkin’ ‘bout this, wonderin’ about all them noises you might make when I got my hands on you," 
I speed up those little circles, and she's writhing against me, cheeks flushed, eyes still open and watching, but it's tough on her, bet she’d love nothing more than closing’ her eyes and relax.
I give her ear a nip and a lick. She tries to dodge my mouth by rolling her neck, but it only makes me chuckle. Cute how she thinks that’ll stop me. 
"You’re a sensitive thing, ain’t you?,"
With one hand busy between her legs my other is feeling a bit bored, so I inch my way up her ribs, to the edge of that little crop top she’s wearing, I push it higher, so I can see the curve of her breasts from under her top. She can’t roll away from me now, maybe she should’ve just let me have at hear ear, eh?
She lets out this little gasp when I toy with her nipple, my fingers teasing and twisting, bucking against my hand between her legs. If she was having a time keeping her eyes open before, no doubt I’ve just made it loads worse. I’m grinning like a cheshire cat into her neck as I keep playing with her, mixing up light pinches and feather-light strokes that have her moaning and squirming against me.
Can’t imagine what its doing to her, watching us in the mirror, but I know for sure what its doing to me. Every little twitch, buck and squirm against me makes my cock throb. One hand teasing her pussy, the other having a bit of fun with her tits. It’s a hell of a sight – watching this girl gradually slip into madness all because of me. 
I'm playing with her like a puppet, slowing down and she whimpers, then speeding up and she moans. She's ready so fast, it's like a hairpin trigger. I bet I could make her come with just a few words.
But that's no fun, is it?  
"You know what?" Kit's struggling, chest heaving, thighs thembling against my hand but she gives me a desperate-sounding 'hmm?' "I like the noises you make, ‘specially when I do this," I stop the circles and lightly tap her clit several times in quick succession, and she jolts, her eyes wide open now, letting out a shocked gasp. 
"Got you all worked up, do I?" 
She's starts to nod her head but sort of gets lost and her mouth falls open in a moan that goes straight to my cock when I change it up and slipping a finger inside her and my palm is flat against her clit now. Fuck she’s tight as hell, pulsing with every little movement, can’t imagine how good she’s gonna feel when I sink my cock inside her. 
As I thrust in and out nice and slow, curling my finger just right to hit that spot inside her that's got her writhing and moaning like nothing else, her eyes flutter a bit and for a second it looks like her eyes are gonna win out and close.
“Uh-uh, love, keep 'em open, or you won’t like what happens.” Her eyes pop open but it’s an uphill battle for her, and I’m not exactly taking it easy on her. “Think you can take another?” 
Kit lets out a low whimper and her hips buck against my hand. Blimey, she’s so sensitive, it’s like playing an instrument and I just can’t get enough of it. 
But then something changes - maybe it’s because of how close she is to coming undone or maybe it’s because she needs more than just one finger inside her - but Kit starts pushing against my hand between her legs, trying to crawl up and away. Is it too much for her? Or is she after more than just my fingers?
"Oh no you don't," I growl playfully into her ear as I quickly move my other hand from where it's been teasing one nipple to wrap around Kit's waist and hold her still.
“That’s not an answer, Kit. You want another finger in your pussy?”
“--Please!” She seizes up when I add another finger as promised and I slow down, grinding my palm against her, and her knees draw in a bit but she can’t close her legs, not how I’ve got them wide open.
"God Ben!"
"How 'bout it, love? You gonna come for me?" 
I’m really laying it on thick, breathing heavy on her neck having a nip at her ear, she’s ready to go.
"Yeah!" I've been a bit hard on her; best give her a break. "Ben!"
"Not sure, darling. I like this view. All laid out for me, are you sure you're ready to finish so soon? It might be a long night ahead…" The slight whimper she makes sounds so desperate, she can’t quite get any words out, but that’s alright. Think it’s time gave her what I promised, I speed up again making sure to keep my palm firmly agaisnt her clit and I keep moving my fingers inside her not slowing down as she gets tighter on me, crushing my fingers.
"Kiss me, and I'll make you see stars."
She don’t need telling twice, and damn near rips my head off with that kiss, it’s messy and hot, just like the way we’re both feeling right now. A hungry tangle of tongue and lips; moan spilling out. She starts kissing me harder and deeper than before, mad with need. She bites down on my bottom lip kind of hard and let's out this low moan that makes the hairs on the back of neck stand out straight. So she likes it a bit rough, eh? Fine by me.
I give her pussy a soft spank, sending her over the edge and she comes; crying into my mouth while I switch back to those circular motions on her like she's a wind-up toy.
You gotta love the way a bird kisses you when she's in the throes of it. They just don’t care.
It's wild, they’re unhinged, like being mauled by a blooming tiger. They way they claw at you, they just want every bit of you and Kit’s no different. Shoving her tongue down my throat, hands tangled in my hair, pulling, tugging and scratching. 
My fingers are slipping and sliding over her, fucking hell, she’s a wet mess, legs straining against me like she can’t decide if she wants to come or go, shaking against me as I keep moving my hand to prolong it for as long as possible. It's like watching a firework go off right in front of you; bright and explosive. And hell, all that wiggling she’s doing? I can feel my cock twitch and throb and fuck it almost thurts.
After a minute though, the sensitivity starting kicking in and she's starts squirming against my hand, moaning and whimpering. And I’ll admit, I get a bit lost in me thoughts. So much so that I don’t quite notice how she starts saying my name a few seconds in, and she almost sounds like she’s gonna cry, hips bucking to get away from me. 
Best start calming things down and giving her poor clit a break, I take my hand away, switching to soft caresses on her thighs that still see her twitching anytime I touch her.
Our lips slows down to a smoldering pace until she's breathless and she goes a bit limp against my chest, her lips are quivering, and she's chewed on that poor thing so much it's now all red and swollen—poor darling.
"Good girl," 
She unhooks her legs from ‘round mind and just sort of sits there against my chest catching her breath, rubbing her thighs together. I can see the shudders racing over her body, can’t help the grin I’ve got plastered onto my face, no better feeling than having a girl come undone for you like that, except having her swallow your load down. 
Hell, they’re both pretty bloody good.
"Ben?" She gives a cheeky grin as she turns to face me, plopping onto my lap like a contented cat. 
Quick on the uptake, she takes my hand, fingers still wet from her pussy, slipping one of them into her mouth one at a time, giving them a nice suck. Blimey, that gets the blood pumping, doesn't it? And those little sounds she’s making? Those tasty little moans? Fuck me.
"Hmm?" Can’t keep the satisfaction out of my voice, even if that mouth of hers is reminding me just how much I’m needing some attetnion too.
"That was hot." She’s all out of breath and I’m grinning ear to ear, “Mean.” She nips at my fingertip with her teeth and it almost smarts a bit, yeah, I reckon I might have gotten carried away a bit. “But hot.”  
Suddenly, it's like flipping a switch from a contented kitten to a wild tiger; she’s practically climbing me like a damn tree me. Shoving me onto my back, her tongue plunging into my mouth, clawing at my chest, making her way down to my belt. 
Sure, I could've put up a bit of a struggle and not made it so easy, but hell, she's earned some top time. Fellas, what is it about a girl in a short skirt taking charge, pinning you down, that gets your pulse racing?
My belt hits the floor with a clink as she tosses it aside, then she’s working the button and fly of my jeans, ripping them down my legs, got me down to my boxers in record time. No time for my protests, 'cause she’s grinding against me and I can feel her knickers all soaked against my cock, and let me tell you, I'm more lost than a tourist in the East End.
Her hands are strolling down my stomach scratching, tickling in spots, just about teasing the waistband of my boxers. Seems I might be in for a dose of poetic justice. Kit ain't the type to settle for a bit of pettiness – she's the sort who'll hold a grudge and make ya pay for it. But as long as the payback doesn't involve too much dilly-dallying, it can't be all that bad, can it?
The bruises she's leaving on my neck'll likely be the talk of the town tomorrow when I'm catching flak from the lads, but right now, it don't bother me none. Let her leave me marked up. I've been in worse states for less enjoyable reasons. Rather be covered in love bites from a gorgeous girl who’s got me pinned to a bed, than some sweaty bloke in a boxing ring trying to beat me to a pulp.
Trying to cobble together a coherent sentence is like trying to crack rocket science with a head full of fog. Especially when she’s planting all these wet kisses on my stomach and the occasional nip is her way of driving her point home, followed by that flick of her tongue. 
"K-Kit. Come on now, love." It's a real struggle to push those words out, and when I finally manage it, she eases up and locks eyes with me, that mischievous 'hmm?' dancing in her gaze. “Thought we said no teasin’…”
"You think this is teasing?" She purrs, her fingers teasingly sliding into my waistband, pulling ever so slowly. “That’s cute.”
Yup, I've punched in for a hefty payment on my little teasing debt.
"Close your eyes, Ben." 
Sounds easy, don't it? But it's like diving into the deep end without knowing how to swim. Sure, I take a deep breath, trying to keep calm, but then she starts working her magic. Those lips of hers leave marks on my hips, and suddenly, calm's the last thing on my mind. And with my eyes closed everything feels more intense, got me squirming and questioning every choice that brought me here. But, damn, ain't it something? Feels like I'm walking the tightrope, completely at her mercy. Suppose it’s only fair, since I had her at mine just a bit ago
I gulp, and manage a mindless, ‘Yeah?’
And then comes the killing blow, dropped with the finesse of a sledgehammer: 
"Tell me what you like." 
Oh, fucking hell, it’s not so easy when I’m this turned on and my brains operating on limited blood supply since it’s all gone straight to my cock.
"W-what I like?" Kit's got her own ways of winding me up, and I groan inwardly. I don’t bloody care I'm so damn hard it hurts; it's agony having her this close but not touching me the way I want. 
But there's an easy fix for that, right? Just tell her what I want, right?
There's just no proper way to tell a girl I met an hour ago that I want her to suck my cock without coming off like a right prat. If she was my girlfriend? Yeah, I'd be more forward, hell, I’d say worse but considering I've only just met Kit tonight, if that ain’t her cuppa tea, then this evening might not go as smooth as I’d hoped. 
Can't say I didn't bring it on meself, though. Might've given her a bit of lip, but this right here feels like a full-blown masterclass in payback.
"It’s not that hard, Ben. Well," She takes a pause rubbing my cock through my boxers, and it feels so bloody good, I try to hold back a pained groan but it slips out and I sound downright pitiful.
"I guess it’s a bit hard. But, if you’re having trouble articulating those thoughts, I think I can figure out what you want."
She gets to it, licking my skin, but not where I fancy, and she's got this little moan she does when her hand finally slips inside my boxers, her fingers wrapping around my cock. My whole body tenses at the sudden contact and I let out another deep moan.
"W-what do you reckon I'm after? —Ah, fuck!” She sucks hard on my hip, and I can finally feel my boxers are gone, and bloody hell, I’m standing at attention, desperate for those lips of hers to wrap around me. 
It shouldn’t be this hard to get simple words out. The fuck’s wrong with me?
“I think you want me to suck your dick, but you don’t wanna sound like an ass.” Kit’s got this way of saying things with a deadpan expression that just cuts to the chase. She's figured me out, and I can't help but smile and chuckle a bit. This one's a winner.
"Let's start with this," She’s purring like a cat, her voice dripping with desire. "Tell me how I can make this feel better."
I throw my head back onto the bed, seems she's less tiger now and more sex kitten. Her movements are slow and deliberate, won’t be long before she’s got my toes curling. And when her thumb brushes against the tip of my throbbing cock, it finally shakes loose something in my voice.
"—More," I manage to gasp out, barely a harsh whisper. "A-Anything you want, just don't stop."
"How about this?" She lets go of me and I feel like a balloon losing air, tension in my muscles melting away, and fuck, I want it back. 
My eyes pop open and her hand hovers in front of my lips, how does she make such a simple word sound so dirty? My senses go into overdrive as I look at her fingers, the ones she just had wrapped around my cock, fingertips glistening with my precum. Her lips are slightly parted, curved up into a tiny smirk, just waiting, and I’d bet my last quid she’s just as turned on by this as I am. So I grab her wrist and yank her on top of me and she lets out a surprised squeak, hair cascading over her shoulders like a curtain around us. God, she looks good like this.
And I give her what she wants, flattening my tongue for a slow, wet lick of her palm, ending with a flick on her fingertips for good measure, putting on a little show for her. Sending clear signals about what I'm capable of, and by the look in her eyes, she gets the message loud and clear. The slick sound of my tongue on her skin is downright indecent. It's wet and wicked, every lick brimming with dirty thoughts, leaving no doubt about what I'm planning for my next move. 
She’s sweet and salty, a mix of how she tastes and whatever lotion or perfume she's wearing. The sound of my tongue working over her palm and I reckon I get a bit carried away slipping between her fingers but it only adds to the heat between us. 
She’s got a grin on her that could charm the devil himself, and I'm a bit reluctant to let go of her hand, I was having a bit of fun, but with a tug, she slips out of my grip. Shame, I had a whole act planned for her, but she don’t leave me hanging either. Dropping down to plant one on me, licking at my lips. A heartbeat later, I'm groaning into her mouth when I feel her wet grip around my cock. Fucking hell, it's good, I needed that bad. With every stroke and twist, my hips are moving on their own accord, thrusting up, fucking her hand.
"Like that?" That voice of hers, it’s pure fucking sex.
"God, yes," I gasp, my mind all over the place as she keeps working my cock, that thumb of hers is back to swirling around my crown. 
"Tell me what you want,"
Blokes ain't just after handjobs for foreplay, mate. Sure, it's alright, but let's be real, we're just not after that. We can sort ourselves out in that department just fine. No offense, ladies, but we've got the self-pleasure game down pat, better than you lot, by miles. What we really love is you taking us as deep as you can go, gagging and choking on us 'til we're spilling down your throats. And we’ll love you even more if you swallow it.
Every bloke loves it, and I'm no exception.
I’m pretty sure Kit’s clued in on that, I bet she’s just the type to get off on dirty talk and as soon as my brain starts back up I’ll give her all she can stand.
"Fuck… Kit—!"
"Call me love," She coos. "Say it, Ben. Tell me what you want, baby." 
My brain is short-circuiting. But she ain't letting up, moaning and whining like she's the one being denied pleasure. And when she calls me 'baby' with that need in her voice, well, that does it for me.
Something surges through me and I sit up and grab her by the back of her neck. Yanking her in for a savage kiss, my tongue takes over, exploring every nook and cranny of her mouth like I’m starving for her. Because, well, I am.
"Love," I growl, my voice heavy and deeper and it’s got her attention, "Get down there and suck my cock like a good girl." 
I’m a bit surprised at meself for how quick and easy she’s got me wound up like this, but the look in her eyes tells me; I’ve cracked the code and she loves it.
I've been half the night thinking about the color of her eyes, but I've only just clocked their hue. Yeah, I know, it's a bit rotten that I only catch it when she's about to give me a treat, but damn they're stunning. One's green, the other's blue, no, I can’t be more specific, they’re probably some magical shade of cerulean is a blue, innit? She flashes me a cheeky grin and gives me a long lick before taking me in her mouth, and let me tell you, the relief washes over me like a cold pint on a hot summer's day. Fuck, I’ll check a color wheel later. 
And I never want it to stop.
My head falls back against the bed when she finally sucks me in deep, swirling her tongue around the head of my cock, bobbing up and down. I’m moaning and groaning as she takes me all the way to the back of her throat, choking a bit but never stopping or pulling away like some girls would do. 
She uses one hand to stroke my shaft while the other cups my balls, rolling them gently between her fingers. That’s the fucking ticket! Holy shit. It’s driving me absolutely mental and I can feel my orgasm building with every lick and suck.
My hips start moving involuntarily, thrusting up into her mouth, I can’t bloody help it.
At this rate, it won't be long before my neighbors decide to come knocking, it’s late and they’re probably sleeping or trying to. Now, I like my neighbors just fine, they're decent folk, but right now, they can sod off to hell. All my focus is on the pleasure coursing through me, and I'll throw fists with the first tosser who dares interrupt this.
Her mouth is like hot, wet, velvet on my skin, scorching and slick, as she swallows me down again and again. It's so fucking good, especially when I hit the back of her throat each time. My eyes squeeze shut; that's what blokes like. Sucking and licking, I can't stop the thrust of my hips, I know it ain’t nice, trying to gag a girl on purpose but fuck it just feels so damn good. I'm probably a sweaty mess, hands tangled in her hair, shifting it aside so I can watch her, best view in the house, innit?
When I look down, her lips are wrapped around my cock, glistening with spit, eyes shut in pure ecstasy. The way she moves her head up and down, taking me in deeper and deeper, it's like she's the one getting off and not me.
“Fuck!” It comes out a growl, hell, I don’t even sound like meself right now. "You fuckin’ love this, don't you?"
The sight alone could make me cum. But the sounds. Fucking hell, the wet sounds of her lips sucking, slurping, and licking, she’s doing it on purpose, I know that. 
Her tongue's doing this mad dance underneath, swirling and flicking with moves so spot-on I forget to breathe for a tick. When she gets to the tip, her lips close around me, sucking out every drop of pre-cum, like I’m a goddamned lolly. 
I'd never say it to her face but, some women are just born to suck cock, and Kit falls into that category in the best possible way. I feel myself getting closer to the edge, about to blow my load down her throat. This girl knows what she's doing, and it hits me before I can stop it—
"Fuckin’ hell, I love you!" 
The words slip out without me even thinking, fuck, why the fuck did I say that? I hold my breath, waiting for her response. Hope I didn't just cock this up. 
She pulls back slightly, giving me a moment to catch my breath. But before I can protest, tell her I didn’t mean it or beg her not to stop, her fingers wrap around the base of my cock as her mouth bobs up and down faster. 
"Oh fuck," I groan again, unable to control myself as I thrust into her hand and mouth. "Fuck!...I'm gonna…"
But just when I think it can't get any better, Kit does something that seals my fate. She starts humming against me while still sucking and stroking. The vibration sends shockwaves through my body and pushes me over the edge, my balls tightening as she takes me deeper into her mouth. With one last deep thrust into her mouth, I come hard while moaning her name loudly. 
My orgasm slams into me, and I'm wracked by pleasure that just won't quit. Cumming harder than I have in ages. I’ve got a fistful of her hair, and I’m not exactly being gentle with all the tugging, I can’t help it, it's too bloody much. She swallows every last drop, drawing it out and milking me until there's nothing left. And I feel like a goddamn champion.
"Fucking hell, Kit," I gasp between breaths, my chest heaving as I can barely string together a thought now. 
I start getting a tad jumpy, as the sensitivity starts kicking in, but turns out Kit just fancied a few more licks before she's had her fill. 
The room goes dead quiet, and all I can hear is the sound of my own heavy breaths as my vision slowly sharpens again, a bit fuzzy at first, little fairy lights twinkling in my peripheral. When I can finally lift my head again, I catch Kit all laid out on her stomach with her head resting on my thigh, fingers dancing on my belly. She plants these teasing kisses along my hips, then looks up at me with a gaze like she's well chuffed with herself. 
My limbs feel like they're made of lead, but it doesn't stop me from grabbing the back of her neck and pulling her up to me. Rolling us over so she's under me, caging her on the bed, I dive into a slow and deep kiss, savoring every flavor and scheming my next moves. Her lips taste like me and it only makes my cock twitch with renewed interest.
"That was bleeding amazing," 
She just grins up at me, yeah, I reckon she knows just how damn good she is. My thumb brushes against her swollen lips. 
"Might just have to tie you to this bed," 
I don’t mean for it to come out like a growl but it does, hope she don’t think we're finished here, nah, not by a long shot.
She reaches her hands above her head to grab the bars on my headboard and gives her hips a little wiggle, tempting me something rotten. 
"Don't push your luck, love. Because I'll gladly tie you down and make you scream."
"Sure you will," She says with a smirk, bet she thinks I'm too knackered to do anything about that smart mouth of hers.
"Oh, you think you're clever," I growl on purpose this time and she seems to like it. I grab her hands and hold 'em above her head, giving her ear a nibble that makes her squirm. 
Thing is, she ain't the only one skilled with her mouth, I give a little thrust of my hips against hers and she shudders, trying to wriggle away from me. She might be good with that mouth, but she's the one pinned to the bed, innit? 
"Keep those hands right there," I shoot her a warning glance as she grips the metal bars, and she knows better than to try me. Doesn't stop that mouth of hers though, does it?
"Or what?"
"Or I'll bend you over my knee and spank that cheeky mouth right outta you, but maybe you’d like that." 
Her eyes go wide and full of excitement, fingers gripping tighter on the bars. She bites her lip, a tad nervy, and you can see it all over her face. I go in for another kiss, but just as she goes to meet me halfway, I duck my head and plant one on her neck trailing down to her collarbone.
She lets out this little sigh, a mix of bliss and surrender, but it's not doing it for me. I'm not after sugary sweet; I want that sexy girl who had me going mental all night in that tight skirt, tiny top and that sass of hers. She grips the bar a little tighter, as I move down her neck, leaving my mark like a warning for any other muppet thinking they can stake a claim.
She’s still sporting that skirt and tiny crop top, and I shake my head – no chance, love. Those’re coming off.
It's like peeling back a present, innit? So, I start pushing that little top up, inch by inch. She makes a simple black bra look dead sexy, practcally spilling out the top and that grin she’s wearing tells me she likes how I’m looking at her. Lucky me, I'm the bloke who gets to unwrap this surprise.
"All dolled up just for me, eh?" I let my eyes wander over her breasts, soaking in every detail. "You're gorgeous, babe, no doubt about it. But..." She's like a feast for the eyes, and I've got an urge to sample her. "I reckon you might be a tad overdressed, don't you think?"
A little push and that top and her bra are up her arms and all bunched up around her wrists, not handcuffs but it’ll do for the moment. Her tits are spilling out, so damn soft, sweet pink nipples all stiff and aching to be touched. They fit perfectly in my hands; just the right size for some good old fashioned fun. My thumb brushes over one of her nipples, stiff and hard under my touch. 
Knowing she's been starved of attention for eight long months, I make sure to give her an experience she won't forget. 
And let me tell ya, that's when the serenade kicks in, I lean down to taste one of those perky nipples, giving it a little tug between my teeth. I can hear the grip of her hands on the bars of my bed, that sounds of your skin against metal when you’re gripping it tightly and sure enough, she's holding on for dear life. Love seeing girls like this, love seeing her squirm each time I give her tits a suck or a squeeze. 
Needy; that's how she sounds—needy. But this, what I'm doing right now? It's only the starter. Gotta repay her for that blow job. 
"These are nice and sweet, love," I say, giving her a few parting kisses and a flick of my tongue. "But I'd wager, you taste even sweeter here." 
My hand slips between her legs again, and start rubbing up and down her soaked knickers. She groans, and her hips arch into my hand, she’s in the same state I left her in. Quivering under my touch, that confident facade crumbling as I lick my way down her stomach and across her hips.
Pushing her skirt up, she dressed to match, eh? I catch the edge of her knickers, and with a quick tug down her legs, I’m tossing them away. She's too lost for words, just gasping for air as I spread her legs wider.
I let out a low whistle, admiring the sight in front of me. She’s all stretched out on my bed, shaved pussy, sweat glistening on her skin, her craving for me obvious in the way she arches her back and offers herself up. Tits out, nipples hard, begging to be played with, but I'll save that for later.
A wicked thought crosses my mind and I smirk, "I was gonna tear this scrap off you but you know what? I reckon it looks good right here." I give her shirt a shove up and now its bunched around her waist. Every time she rocks that skirt in the future, it'll be a little reminder of this moment, leaving her wanting for more. 
But for now, it's just another memory to add to my spank bank when I'm flying solo at night.
She’s still hanging on tight, but I'm about to give her a real reason to cling on tight. I lean down and take a long lick from the bottom of her slit all the way up to where I know she's been dying for me ever since she walked through that door. Her mouth falls open and writhes under me, spreading her legs wider; like she forgot just how good it feels to have her pussy eaten. Eight long months since anyones tasted her eh? Well, that dry spell ends right now. 
"Oh, my God!" 
"I’m flattered love, but you can just call me Ben."
I grip her hips tightly and I start on in my treat with long, slow licks of my tongue nice and flat making sure I taste every inch of her and open-mouthed kisses driving her wild. She so sensitive to my touch, she tries to wiggle away when it gets a bit intense, but I keep her firmly in place, dead set on having my way until I'm satisfied; locking my arms around her thighs. 
Giving her nowhere to go, she’s gonna just lay there and take every flick of my tongue and kiss against her clit. Gotta make sure she's enjoying every second of this, 'cause once I make her come again, all bets are off. Her moans turn into a non-stop soundtrack of cursing and my name with a nice little chorus of begging.
"God! Fuck! Yes, Ben!" It's like music to my ears, spurring me on even more. Going down on a girl never ranked high on my list of favorite activities, but with Kit? Maybe I just needed the right girl. 
"Taste like bloody candy, you do." I growl, my voice thick with desire before diving back in for another round.
Every little jump and twist of her hips sends a surge of lust down south, my cock’s getting stiff again, not five minutes after she took the lot, that’s how much I want her. But I’m a patient bloke and I've got her curves mapped out. Figuring out realy quick what makes her moan and what sends her to cloud nine. Glancing up, her chest is rising and falling with pleasure, hands clutching onto the headboard like it's a lifeline. 
I was a bit of a mess at school, always getting an earful about my lack of focus. Load of bollocks, that. Truth is, I just didn't have the right drive. Now, with Kit right in front of me, every ounce of my attention is locked onto her. What's pushing me? The sound of her crying my name in pure bliss. Let me tell you, my focus is on point as my tongue and lips go all in on every inch of her, working that one sweet spot between her legs that sends her into a frenzy of writhing and moaning. I keep working on her clit, teasing and tantalizing with little flicks of my tongue until she's on the brink.
"Ben! Oh God! Please!" Her cries bounce around the room as she writhes on the bed, tears threatening to spill.
"You gonna come, love? Is that what you want?"
She nods like mad, "Yes! Please, Ben!"
Now how can I turn down a lovely request like that? 
Her body tenses, her legs shake, and she calls out my name, her voice getting softer, like a breathless murmur with each word. She’s teetering right there on the edge and I lock lip lips around that sweet little pearl of hers and give it a soft suckle while my tongue works overtime. The rooms full of her moans, breathy, light, and desperate, her legs go all tense and her chest heaves. And then it happens - the full-body shudder and her desperate cries, loud and raw as she moans my name again and again and swearing like a sailor. It’s a sight to drink in that’s for sure. Her orgasm hits harder than the last; she may have loved my fingers but she loves my mouth even more.
"Ben!! Yes, yes! Ben! Oh—fuck!" Her moans just might replace my favorite song.
It’s never been this hard to tear meself away from a girl, but I’m itching to keep her thrashing against my mouth, pushing the limits till she's practically begging me to stop. Her hands tangled in my hair, pulling me closer. Ain't painful, far from it, I love it. 
Then she jerks her hips up and away, reckon I might've pushed it a bit far again, but not keen on being pulled away when I'm enjoying meself. And this is the best bit, she's so sensitive, reckon a few more licks could send her flying again. But the whimpering and the wriggling tell me it's time to give her a breather, maybe another time; the night is still young.
Tonight's been one wild ride for us, two strangers meeting at bash, and now we're smack in the middle of the best sex of my life so far. Not many girls I've been with are keen on kissing after they’ve just had their cunts eaten, but Kit's shoving her tongue down my throat and dragging me on top, and I'm loving it. Like she can taste how good I made her feel. Seems like she's still up for more.
"Not knackered yet, love? Fancy another go?" I throw a tease her way, and she grins, swooping in for another kiss and I just chuckle. "Greedy thing, aren't you?" 
"Not greedy."
"Oh yeah?" I reply, keeping it matter-of-fact, knowing she won't push back. She grabs hold of my cock again, tightening her grip to drive her point home, and now it's my turn to shiver and let out a groan, I'm up for more if she is. 
"Well, maybe I'm a little greedy, but I’m not the only one." 
"Is that so? I dunno, I'm a bit knackered, love, might have to sweet-talk me a bit," 
Truth be told, you couldn't drag me out of this bed. I just shake my head as she plants kisses on my neck and treats me to a few smooth strokes before dropping the bomb, laying it on thick like she's trying to bring my fantasies to life.
"Ben… I want you, I need your cock inside me, please?" Oh, hell. No bloke could resist that, but she's not done yet. She keeps at it, punctuating each word with a kiss and a gentle touch, pulling all sorts of noises out of me. "Please, baby, please? Fuck me?" 
Don’t know what it is about her calling me that but well, it just does something. I'm dead certain this is what heaven feels like, but a quick pinch of my arm and a little jolt of pain tells me I'm still well and alive. 
"Anything you fancy, Kit," I wrap one of her legs around my hips. "You want me, yeah?" She nods, sweet as a nut, her tone might have been a tad pandering, but there’s no faking the want in her eyes. My fingers tease her a bit, she's dripping, and the little noises she makes are only making me harder. "You can 'ave me." 
With that, I slam hard, home, and her body tenses up against mine as I bottom out inside of her. It takes all my self-control not to just lose myself in this moment and pound into her like an animal.
All that build-up, all the teasing, it's bloody well worth it. She feels unbelievable, so damn tight after coming twice, and now I'm the one letting out noises as she clenches around me. I'm just trying to remember how to breathe, fighting the urge to finish right then and there. It's like walking a tightrope, one wrong move, and I'll topple over the edge.
I'm just frozen solid for a good minute, it's only been a few weeks since I had a shag, but Kit's been waiting for months. I'd be a proper tosser if I just dove in without giving her a moment to get used to me, but bloody hell, it's tough. She's like pure heaven, hot, tight, wet, fits me like a glove. Just gotta hang on for another minute, get ahold of meself 'cause once I get going, I won't be able to stop.
My heart's pounding like a damn drum solo, and I'm battling the shakes, trying not to twitch too much. Looking down at her, and she's a sight for sore eyes. Arching her back a bit, lips parted taking in deep breaths. She's doing a better job at breathing than I am; the deep rise and fall of her chest says it's not pain clutching her, but maybe she just needs a minute to process. Makes two of us.
"K–Kit. You alright there, love?" My voice breaks a bit, and my gut's doing somersaults, keen to kick off the show. "Look at me, Kit. Lemme see them eyes of yours." 
It takes a sec but her eyes flutter open. Something about the way she's looking at me freezes me up, and it's got nothing to do with the fact we're naked in bed together and I've got my cock buried in her. Could drown in those eyes, I swear. I’m starting to wonder if she's got me under some sorta spell 'cause her hips nudge me forward, and I groan in frustration, trying to keep myself from thrusting too wildly into her. 
"Alright?" I need her to be alright 'cause the way she's squeezing my cock is sheer torture.
She gives a nod, her hand tousling through my hair, sweeping it outta my face, and there's a grin tugging at her lips. Then, she leans up for a kiss wrapping her arms around my neck, slow and sweet, a total departure from the rough, fast, filthy ones we've been trading. It’s amazing.
Kit wraps her legs around my waist the rest of the way, pulling me in even deeper. My breath hitches as the new angle hits all the right spots inside of her.
"Oh fuck," I moan, burying my head in the crook of her neck. "You’re so fucking tight."
"I know," she purrs, nipping at my ear. "Now, move already, go slow."
Fun fact, mate, telling a bloke to take it slow can be a real test for us in the best way. Some blokes dig it hard and fast for a quick buzz, but a slow, deep rhythm? That just lets us savor every bit of ya. It's like quality over quantity; both get the job done, but one takes its sweet time. I'm a fan of both, nothing like a fast and furious rendezvous with your girl against a wall 'cause you swiped a few minutes when you shouldn't have. It’s a thrill. But this? Being starkers in bed after some heavy foreplay and a couple of orgasms? That's the kinda shag where you glimpse someone's soul, and I can see hers.
She nudges me again with those lanky legs of hers, and I start moving, easing out nice and slow letting her feel all of me. No point in stifling my moans; she can have 'em. Got a feeling this peaceful spell between us won't last long. I give a shaky breath, groaning as I slide back in, a tad quicker than planned, but Kit's tugging at me, showing she's game as she pulls me in for another kiss.
"Fuck, you feel good!" She breathes against my lips, and I can't help but grin like an idiot. No way I'm hiding that.
"Is that right? How about this, then?" I snap my hips sharply, and she lets out a moan, burying her head into the bed. Strokes the old ego, seeing her like this, lost in pleasure, caught up in the moment.
"Oh, God… That’s perfect! Fuck! D-Do it again," She pants, wriggling on my bed. I give her a smirk and repeat the move, teasing out slow until she whines, then thrusting sharp and earning another breathy moan. 
Slamming home again gets her bucking against me, and I pull her in flicking my tongue against her lips. I feel her tremble each time I pull out and push back in. She's loving every second of this slower pace, and don't get me wrong, I'm loving it too, but I'm itching to crank things up. 
"Go faster," she pants, sweetest words I've heard yet, and like the lady wants, I step it up. "Harder," Easy now, darling.
Now, we’re getting somewhere, we're making a racket in this room, and all you can hear is our heavy breathing and that sound of skin slapping on skin. Kit's got this delicate, breathy way of gasping for air. Now, don't get me wrong, missionary's a classic, love being able to see her face, give her a peck, watch her tits bounce when I thrust into her. But you know, variety's the spice of life, innit? This girl, she's like a mind-reading Jedi or something, kissing and sucking on my neck and unwrapping her legs from me.
I just groan into her neck, had a good rhythm going and she chucked it out the window, least she’s keeping them kisses on my neck coming, still touching me all over.
"Do something for me?"
"Anything, darin’" The words tumbling out of my mouth without a second thought. I'm up for whatever it takes to get this party started again; every second I'm not inside her hurts.
"In front of the mirror." 
What? I snap to attention, her eyes are just dark, like she's checking if I'm game. But I reckon my reaction gives her the green light. She's just dropped a bombshell without even realizing it. I sit up quick, dragging her into a kiss.
"Fuck you wherever you want, just say the word."
"Edge of the bed," Don’t need to tell me twice.
I give her soft lips a quick, eager peck before sliding over to the bed's corner, where this madcap adventure all kicked off. Taking a sec to catch my breath, I check myself out in the mirror. My chest's still pounding with excitement, hair all over the place, and my cocks standing tall, eager and slick. I ain't one for vanity, but I know I'm looking pretty decent like this. But something's missing, ain't it? I don't have to wait long; she slinks up behind me, snug against my back as she plants kisses on my neck. 
Her arms wrap around me, one hand tangling in my hair—I ain’t never gonna trim if this is the treatment it gets. The other hand finds its way to my cock and the throbbing gets more intense, stroking it like a pro while her lips, and teeth set my skin ablaze. The mirror captures every moment, cranking up the heat.
“God, you look so good like this, Ben.” She purrs giving my ear a little nip. The feeling's lush, but it's even better watching her hands roam over my chest, lips on my neck, her hair cascading over me? Feels like I'm the star of some flick, and Kit's my leading lady.
It's ace, no doubt, and I'm digging it, but I'm gagging for more. 
"Kit, you gonna keep playin', or you gonna jump on my cock?"
She flashes me a naughty grin before giving me a few strokes, her tongue poking out to lick her lips. She lets out the kinda giggle that girls only use when they’re trying to get up all riled up before letting go of my hair and dropping to her knees. I swear, my heart might give out right here and now. I grip onto the edge of the bed for support but all I get are linens, got a feeling I might need it. Her hand reaches up to cup my balls, gently massaging them and I swallow hard.
“Oh, fuck,”
My eyes are wide as saucers for two reasons. One: it always gives a bloke a pause to see a girl kneeling in front of him, and two: I catch a peek of her in the mirror. She's still wearing that skirt, it’s barely covering her arse, and that little top is gone too, she must have chucked it, fine by me, she’s got great tits. Her hair is a tangled mess, falling over her bare back. Fuck, I’m wishing I had my phone, I’d love a picture of this.
She doesn't even give me a sec to say anything; straight down she goes, taking my cock in her mouth. Fucking mint. She's ramped up the intensity this time, and I might sound like a right pig, but the thought of her giving my cock a good suck after I've used it on her? Mate, it's fucking mint, especially with those moans she ain't bothering to stifle. I'm just staring at our reflection, her skirt barely hiding that lush arse, head bouncing in my lap. 
"Holy shit, Kit," 
And looking down, the view's just as nice, her eyes open and she's gazing up at me with those blue and green eyes, and it's somethin' else. Dazed as an idiot, while she works me over like I'm a blooming lollipop. Thank God I let Jeff talk me into that party, I owe him drinks for a month, maybe two.
"Kit, not that this ain't bangin', but," I tilt her head up, and she releases my cock with an exaggerated pop that cracks me up a bit. "You wanted me to fuck you in front of the mirror, yeah?"
She grins at me like she's just hit the jackpot. "You looked so good, I wanted another taste." I stifle a laugh; her banter's gonna have me in stitches if I don't keep us focused. "Thought you'd like the view."
"Damn right, I do," I hoist her onto my lap, "But, here's the deal. I've got this absolute stunner of a girl dripping wet on my lap, and she's already given me a proper seeing-to. If I'm gonna cum again, it's gonna be inside her. Now, what's the sitch, do I need a wrap?"
She shakes her head, "IUD." 
"Good fuckin’ girl," 
"Tell me how much you want me, Ben.”
Her slender hands grab a hold of my cock again, and she eases herself over it. I'm aching to feel her wrapped around me after all this toying and teasing we’ve been doing.
“Fuck, love, I want you so fucking bad, wanna fuck you till you can’t bleedin’ stand.” 
I snatch her legs, pulling her down onto me, and deliver a hard thrust upward – it's like a burst of fireworks. She goes a bit stiff for a moment, her arms wrapping around my neck again, pressing those perfect tits into my face. I can't resist having another taste, I get a bit lost in it actually but that’s fine, Kit’s already on top of things.
She’s a natural on top, and she knows it. She's controlling the pace, the angle, everything, and I'm just along for the ride. Because that’s the magic of this position, it ain’t about speed; it's about depth. As soon s I get my wits about me again, I'm going at it hard, hitting every spot, feeling her cunt tighten around my cock with each thrust. She's holding onto me like her life depends on it, her pleasure maybe. I've got a gorgeous girl on my lap, riding me, mouth full of tit, and the cherry on top? I can watch the whole show in the mirror, it's like watching a live porn, and it's hot as hell.
That skirt of hers – bet she won't put it on again without remembering how I made her come tonight. I bet she can't even glance at it without getting all hot and bothered.
I'm thrusting up, slamming her down, and she's holding on tight, like a proper doll in my arms. 
"You love this, don’t you?" I ask after a solid thrust and a playful nip, making her squeak and tighten her grip, so I give it another thrust. "Tell me, Kit, you love me fucking you deep, my cock buried in you, don’t you?"
"I fucking love it, Ben! God, you feel so fucking good!"
"That's right, ride me, babe," I love it when she's all into it, all for me. "You're my good girl, yeah?"
"I'm your good girl," Would've settled for a simple 'yes' or a bit of filth, but hearing her echo it back, sends a jolt through my cock, and with the racket we're causing, it won't be long before she's worn me out. 
"Promise, I'll be your good girl!" 
God. She promises, eh? Her voice, all breathy and full of need, shaking a bit like I'm propelling her straight into another orgasm, and that thought? Well, it just does something to a bloke, knowing you've got that power over a woman; your woman. I'll take this over flying, super strength or laser vision any day. I can feel her walls tightening around me, her nails digging into my back as she rides me harder, faster.
"You gonna come for me again? That's what? Three?" Can't keep the cheek and wit out of my voice if I tried, feels too damn good to know I'll have made this girl come three times in one night, and I might manage one more, could be close though. "How about you turn around and enjoy the show with me, yeah? Turn around so you can watch me fuck you."
I ease up on the pace, nudging her to get her legs steady. It takes a bit of back-and-forth, but like déjà vu, we're right back in the same spot, and damn, is it hot? Watching myself sink in and out of her while seeing every expression of pleasure on Kit's face is almost too much to handle.
But I don't want it to end just yet, I reach forward and grab onto Kit's hips, guiding her movements as she starts riding me again. It’s slightly different position and so it hits different and it’s incredible. With each thrust, I pull back a little before pushing in deep again – making sure to hit that spot each time.
It’s so fucking good, that's why I wrap a hand around her neck, making her look straight into the mirror while I start thrusting up again, I want her to see what I see. Fuck it’s a show, her eyes are closed one moment and then snap back open as I thrust into her again. Her tits bounce with each movement and goddamn they look so fucking nice.
"Look at how goddamn stunning you are, bouncin’ on my cock. You're ready for another one, aren't you?"
Kit just gives a little nod, like the whole situation's a bit much for her – and fair play, it probably is. But she's loving it, no doubt about that. "Still my good girl?"
Another nod, and I'm close enough to lean in, nipping at her ear. She shudders, and I start marking up her neck. Anyone dares to give her grief on it, they'll be dealing with me and my fists. She feels like she’s mine. My grip tightens around her, and I'm putting in the effort. I'm wound up so tight I could snap, legs burning from the workout. 
Hell, watching us both in the mirror, I can see why folks dig it. Don't know why I never gave this a go, but I'm proper pleased Kit suggested it. She's practically done, and I'm not far behind, but I'm a stubborn git, and if I can get her off one more time, you bet I will.
I can feel myself getting close, but I want to make sure Kit gets there first. I reach between our bodies and start rubbing her clit, matching the pace of her movements on top of me. The way she moans into our kiss sends shocks to my cock, fucking hell. She jumps when I hit that little sweet spot of hers and just start playing with her, I’m not stopping till she’s ragged and coming for me again. And I know just what gets her off now, a mix of little circles and gentle taps, but either way, she's losing this battle for sure.
"That's it, baby. Come for me again. Show me how good you can be." She just whimpers with each little touch.
"Feelin' that, Kit? Got you right here, don't I?"
I keep whispering as I release her lips and tilt her head so she can catch the whole scene again, an’ soak it up like I am. She just nods and moans, not much else she can do from where she's at, so it's a proper sight when she reaches up and starts touching her own tits, squeezing and tugging at them like she knows exactly what turns me on. And I can't tear my eyes away from her. I can feel my balls tightening and my cock getting even harder inside of Kit. She's so tight, so hot around me and it's driving me insane.
"Damn, you're a goddamned dream right now, love," I say a bit rougher than intended, but I'm so damn turned on I can't control how it comes out. "Gonna play with those tits while I fuck you and play with your clit, are you?" 
“Ben!” Ah, so she can speak, it’s a bit high pitched but that just means I’m doing it right. “God, Ben! I’m gonna cum again!”
“Damn right you are, you’re gonna come right here, all over my cock” 
She's a right mess, begging for me to send her over the edge. I reckon I'll sleep like the dead after tonight. Been a while since I've had more than one go with a bird like this, and I gotta say, it's bloody amazing. I’m so fucking close. But I reckon it'd be a proper send-off if I can get her to join me for the ride, so I double down. Getting a bit more forceful with my hand between her legs, giving that sweet spot nowhere to hide.
I give her neck a little squeeze, just a tease, and when I do, she squeezes me tighter than ever. 
"Look in that mirror and tell me, you're my good girl."
“I’m your bad girl,” 
There she is with that attitude again, couldn't resist a bit of cheek even when I'm fucking her senseless.
Alright, sweetheart, I’ll play along. 
“Bad girl, huh? If you're gonna be bad, I'll treat you like it.”
I can feel her tremble and tense up as I lean in for a kiss, slipping my tongue into her mouth while giving her pussy a few quick and fast spanks. And mate, that's the ticket. She practically screams into my mouth, and it's like a damn explosion as she comes again. It's fucking brilliant, and it doesn't take much to send me over the edge with her. I slam her down onto my cock with everything I've got, while thrusting up into her, and then bam, I'm coming hard. 
She’s strangling my cock, walls clamping down as I come and come, fucking hell. It's the best fuck I've had in ages. Every time I touch her, she jumps, squirms, and squeezes me, milking every last drop out of my cum. Bloody-fucking-hell, it's fantastic.
“–Fuck! –Fuck! –Fuck!” 
Aw, Hell, that's me, making a scene, and I can’t be arsed to care. But that’s definitely Kit all but screaming: ‘Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!’ 
I mean, who wouldn't? You'd have to be daft not to enjoy fucking Kit. She's amazing in bed.
Hell don't think I've ever busted that much before. Takes a solid minute for the aftershocks to ease off, and by then, I'm completely shattered. Looks like she's done too, my hand slows to a stop between her legs and I pull her back onto the bed with me in a sweaty heap. Her body’s trembling against mine, and I can't help but smile at the thought of how many times I made her cum. 
The room's full of our breathing, and it smells like sweat and sex. I'm in desperate need of a shower, and I reckon she might want one too, if she can even walk, that is. Wouldn’t mind a brew either.
"Alright, love?" 
She gives me a little giggle and plants a quick one on me, slipping her hand through my hair again. God, I love that. 
First time all night she's kissing me like I'm more than just a quick fuck, like I'm her bloke, and it's sweet. Haven't had a steady girl in my life for a while, forgot how nice it is to have someone to just kiss after the orgasms fade.
"Fuck, I needed that." 
Can't help but chuckle. That makes two of us, though I reckon she needed it more than I did.
"Don’t let it go to your head babe, but couldn't tell you the last time I went twice in one go." The smirk on her face says it's all going straight to her head, and hey, she's earned it.
"Too late." Cheeky minx.
"You gonna tell me your name, now?"
I almost forgot she never gave me a proper name. She’s got me so wrapped up that I’ve gotta know. She looks at me like she's lost in thought. Then, she just shrugs.
"Come on, babe, I've earned a real name at least. Did right by you, didn't I?"
"I mean, I guess so..." Now she's just teasing, so I sling an arm around her waist and tumble us around so she’s on her back again, my cock slipping out of her making us both shudder.
"You reckon, yeah?" I kiss her again. "Got you off with my fingers, my tongue, and my cock, didn’t I?" She moans as I pepper her neck with kisses. "How many lads made you come three times in one go, huh?" She shrugs, but I know she's just teasing. But what did I say? Don't mess about with me. 
"You've got my damn cum dripping out of you, and you're gonna tell me I haven't earned your real name? What've I gotta do for that? Need another one?"
Love seeing her eyes widen when I give her nipple a little suck. "Think I won't do it?" I'm knackered, sure, but I'm stubborn as hell, and I want her name. "Come on, darling, tell me."
She's putting up a fight, but when I start trailing kisses down her stomach, she goes all still and squirmy again. 
"I fucked you good, didn’t I?" I say, dipping my tongue into her belly button. Seems she's a bit ticklish. Good to know. I keep at it, giving her hips some attention now. She looks like she's calling my bluff, nah, not me. So I give her another lick, and she practically jumps.
"Ben, are you serious?"
I chuckle a bit and tease her with a slower lick, and she jumps again, but not as much.
"Could've had you wriggling after that first one, you were so damn sensitive" That look in her eyes she’s giving me tells me she knows good and well I’m right. I'll just let that little ‘what if’ simmer and do the graft for me. 
“Wouldn’t have taken much to see you come again, could give it another go… Maybe this time I don’t give you a break…”
"Most guys are in a rush to get a girl out of their bed, not beg for her name.” She’s right there but most girls don’t make me feel like I’m gonna blackout from coming, “I don’t usually tell my one night stands anything specific."
"So let me take you out," She’s got a deer in the headlights look now, like she’s not sure if I’m serious, but I am.
"Really? Just like that? You want a date?"
"What's wrong with that? Never met a bloke who fucked you senseless and then wanted to wine and dine you? I mean, sure, the order's a bit arse-about-face, but how about it?"
She seems a bit taken aback, like she thinks I'm crazy or she's never been asked out after a romp. She's smart, sexy, and a right laugh, not to mention the new placeholder for the best sex I’ve ever had. So why not?
"A date?"
"A proper one. Dinner, movie, whatever tickles your fancy. I'll even brave meeting your old man," I add, with a grin. Most dads like me, hell, I made it to my twenties without meeting the wrath of anyone’s pop.
"You'd meet my dad?"
I crawl up until I've got her backed against the headboard, and she's got nowhere to escape. 
"If it'll land me that date, I'm game."
"You are stubborn. Was it really that good?" Pull her into a kiss, kinda kiss that leaves you breathless, though we’re both already a bit short on that.
"Darlin', can't remember the last time a girl left me speechless or got me off more than once. You're lucky I don't tie you to the bed," 
She seems to be realizing the type of stubborn bloke she's dealing with as she eyes the headboard and shoots me a look.
She gives me the ‘come here’ finger, and I lean in for a slow kiss. "I hate the movies."
I flash her a grin. "What've you got against the cinema?"
"It's crap for having a conversation and you’re supposed to ask what I like–"
“-I know what you like,” She rolls her eyes at me but I can see a bit of blush. “Alright, no cinema. Good for other things, though," I say with a wink, and she smirks and bites that lip of hers again. 
As the seconds tick by I'm starting to think she's not keen on going out with me, and honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about that. I like this girl. 
She lets out a sigh and pulls me into a kiss, tangling her hands in my hair. The sleepy haze starts to settle over me, and then I almost miss it. She says it so quietly.
"Cassandra," I repeat, gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl. "Was that so hard?"
"I'm stubborn too."
"I can see that.” I take her lips in a showstopping kiss, tongue dipping in to tase hers, maybe start some more mischief. “Come on, fancy a shower alone or want some company?"
Her smile is worth a million quid, and she gets up, pulling me along. "Maybe I should have some company just in case I stumble. I mean, I'm a bit wobbly on my feet."
"Looks like someone took good care of you," I say, noticing her slight unsteadiness. Without hesitation, I scoop her up in my arms, and she lets out a squeak but wraps her arms around my neck. I take us both to the shower. “Cassandra,” I like saying her name, makes her look different somehow. 
“Call me Love.”
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Yikes! Guys, if you made it this far please let me know what you thought. When I tell you I was genuinely scared to post this here, I am 100% not kidding. And if you are an erotica wanderer and this story sounds familiar I will put your mind at ease now; this story is published on another website so if you see it on literotica, please don't panic it's me. Thanks again guys.
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stinkyfartgirl · 25 days
I’m like a drug dealer but I’m dealing. george harrison cute core gifs
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ghostlyfleur · 2 months
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sweet boy <3
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inquisitive-june · 1 year
Separatist Swaps: Home Cook Youtubers
This week’s theme from @radblrthemeweeks is  Separatist Swaps (suggesting equivalent female artists/musicians/creators/etc to support as well as or instead of men)
I’ll admit I don’t read or watch TV much, but I do watch a lot of YouTube.  I added some of my favorite channels to this post in the past (X).  This will be an expanded list in no particular order.
Initially, I wanted to compare each channel to a similar male-led one, but I opted to just summarize what I think is unique about each one.
Food and Cooking
Note: I prefer vegan/plant based cooking, so I’ll specify which of these channels are exclusively vegan.
Cheap Lazy Vegan (V) Rose makes a lot of Korean food, but the ingredients are pretty easy to find at a regular grocery store.  Many of her videos feature high protein, nutritious meals that can be ready in 20 minutes or less.  I’ve also found her recipes to be shockingly simple without getting boring.
Rainbow Plant Life (V) Nisha is one of my favorite youtubers.  Her recipes are a bit more involved that Rose’s, but I’ve made several of them myself so they’re still approachable for a home cook.  Her recipes are primarily American or Indian inspired with advice for meal prep and saving time.
Pick Up Limes (V)  Sadia is a nutritionist, so her recipes tend to be wholesome and nutritious.  However, she still has a lot of recipes for comfort food and desserts.  I don’t make her recipes as often, but her videos are enjoyable.
Sierra Ann  I like her easy “recipes” (more like meal ideas), but she sometimes posts about fashion as well.  Her content is more akin to a vlog than concrete recipes or cooking tips, so I find myself watching her YT shorts more than her longform content.
Lisa Nguyen  I’ve only ever seen her YT shorts so idk if she makes longer videos or not.  She does instant ramen challenges where she tries different brands or ramen hacks.
Morgan Drinks Coffee  Morgan releases a mix of recipes and other content like appliance and coffee reviews.  She has a lot of advice for people just getting into coffee or those who want some fresh ideas.
Inga Lam  When I made the other post she was still working for Buzzfeed, but she recently decided to focus on her own channel.  I’m not sure what she has planned but she’s very creative and ambitious.
How to Cook That  Ann Reardon mostly makes baking videos, but I prefer her debunking videos.  She seems to have shifted more toward debunking dangerous videos in general, not just food related videos.
June Xie from Delish  June makes long videos creating a week’s worth of meals, often on a budget.  My main complaint about her content is that some of the food she makes is either not for everybody or uses ingredients that aren’t readily accessible, like produce from specialty shops.  However, that also means her recipes tend to be unique and interesting.  Her boyfriend also comes off as kinda rude, but he’s only there when they’re tasting the food.
Beryl Shereshewsky  People from around the world submit ways they eat a particular food, like instant ramen or onions, and Beryl makes and reviews them.  These videos are helpful when I feel stuck in a routine and want to see ingredients from a different perspective.
Alix Traeger  Alix used to work for Tasty, but now she makes content on her own channel with her girlfriend Zoya.  Zoya is Persian, so it’s been fun watching Alix try to master Persian dishes.
Here are some others I saw in my Watch Later list that I don’t watch often or haven’t seen yet.
Mina Rome (Cooking)
Doobydobap (Cooking)
Flo Lum (Cooking)
Sarah’s Vegan Kitchen (Cooking)
Sweet Simple Vegan (Cooking)
Julia Pacheco (Cooking)
Feelgoodfoodie (Cooking)
Anne of all trades (DIY)
The busy brown angel (Gardening)
Gardening and Homesteading
Girl in the Woods  I just found her channel last week, but it was too interesting to leave out.  Usually I don’t like homesteading YouTubers because they focus on the aesthetics, but I’ve actually learned a lot about off-grid living just from watching a few of her videos.
HannahLeeDuggan  She bought a property with a run-down cabin a few years back.  Before that, she was living in a van and selling handmade clothes online.  I can’t say I’ve learned much about van life or homesteading from her videos, but I haven’t given her a fair chance yet.  Last I checked, she was planning on documenting the process of fixing up and weather-proofing her cabin.
Learn Something
Answers in Progress  This channel is run by three people, two of which are women.  They answer random questions with a surprising amount of research and interviews with professionals.
The Take The Take claims to be “ the leading female-led entertainment analysis channel on TV, Movies & Pop-Culture”
Cheyenne Lin  Cheyenne focuses on feminist analysis and film analysis through a feminist lens.
Jessica Chou  She isn’t active anymore but she has some basic videos on car maintenance.
Micarah Tewers Micarah sews a combination of beautiful and insane clothes.  I’ve never tried to recreate any of her patterns but she’s so entertaining to watch.  She made fake eyelashes out of her dog’s hair and that’s not even the craziest thing she’s done on her channel.
Since this is intended to be a discussion, I’m also including a list of channels I’d like to find that are usually male dominated.
Game News and Lore I like watching lore videos for games like the Fallout series, RDR2, and TES.  So far, the only female gamers I’ve seen on YT are overly sexualized and don’t make the content I’m looking for.
Food Science There are a few channels that break down food science like Adam Ragusea and Kenji Lopez-Alt.  The closest female equivalent is How to Cook That, but it’s not quite what I’m looking for and she primarily posts baking videos.
I’ve been watching a lot of Ethan Chlebowski’s videos lately because he makes meal formulas and focuses on high protein meals.  If anyone knows who I’m talking about, I’d love to see female-run channels that make similar content.
Gardening and Homesteading  I want channels that actually teach me something new and don’t focus on pseudoscience or religion.
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kizzykiszka · 6 months
im still seething about this and I know I shouldn’t but hannah wicklund is quite literally the opposite of what Greta Van Fleet stands for. she writes this sob story about how she was bullied growing up, how people made fun of her appearance and it hurt her so badly but now she uses her platform to dish out insults constantly all in the name of “dunking the h8ters.” and that is such a shitty thing to do. She has majority of the fandom blocked, gets in petty fights constantly with fans over stupid stuff, and then cries wolf when they bring up something factual or she blocks them and sucks her own dick about how great she is. I GENUINELY think the only reason she has fans is because they think interacting with her might get them a very small chance to interact with one of the boys and that’s so fucking sad. her music is mid, her voice is mid, she used tragedies to promote her fuck ass music that is as boring as the next indie musician. she promoted her dumbass strawberry cum parade album the same fucking day josh came out and LAUGHED ABOUT IT.
and now she talks about how she’s such a down to earth person and her aesthetic is so fairy and so cute, when she is nothing but a vile and toxic human being that spreads ZERO POSITIVITY and does nothing to help other people. and now she’s saying “lol I’m eating oysters and caviar with my bf teehee ✨🧚” MIND YOU, a plate of that is $150-$300 average. Your fans, and your boyfriend’s fans pay $500-$1200 to come see you squawk into a mic pre show with your stupid tiara on your nappy ass head. That is a month’s worth of rent. A car payment. Mortgage. That is a WHOLE PAYCHECK for some people and you think bragging about high end food your fans could never fathom experiencing is some kind of burn?????? Are you kidding me???? Most of us are living paycheck to paycheck and you think it’s cool to flex you’re eating fucking oysters and caviar.
i hope you step on a fuckin lego, you good for nothing sack of shit. you are a disgrace to the peaceful army and I hope this makes you cry.
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One of my first Steddie fics was Steve going punk. I have a lot of feelings about Punk!Steve, so I am really pleased to see the fandom getting excited about it.
I was thinking about an Au in which Max discovers The Runaways & has a sweeping personal epiphany, gets into punk & starts playing the drums. She loves how cathartic it is, also that it's to loud for anyone to talk to her.
She starts teaching Eleven too as she learns. It turns out that once she's been exposed to the idea of making music, El has a gift. She picks it up with with an almost supernatural ease. Eventually they want to start a band, its the summer after 8th grade. Eleven switches to bass, bc she can, they recruit Erica who was absolutely scandalized to hear that no one knew she played piano & guitar. But they had a small problem when they wanted to do gigs. There was only one place, the hide out & they were extremely minors. In order to play, they had to have "a responsible adult".
There was no way any of their parents were gonna work for that duty.
Steve was the obvious answer to their problems. When he said he wasn't gonna spend every weekend sitting in a run down little bar, they offered him a spot in the band... which was a little unconventional but it was punk so whatever and actually Steve was perfect for a front man. He could talk to the crowd right? (Steve does not love the idea but sure fine he could do that maybe)
The thing is, these kids have worked so hard to make this happen, Steve can't actually say no... & If he was being totally honest with himself, he kinda loved being included. So he says yes to being a vocalist, co-vocalist.
He encourage them to also yell if they wanted... Erica has immediate ideas. The band progresses surprisingly well. When they decide they're ready Steve easily books a gig. Max & Erica are both massively annoyed it was so easy for him when it was their band and idea. But whatever they have their first gig planned
They argue about the name of the band for so long they have to emergency name it the weekend before the show so they can put up flyers. Max & El wanted to call it Mommy Issues, Erica had gotten really into X-Ray Spex & wanted to call them The Wrex. It got a little intense.
Steve in desperation suggested Cherry Rex... because it referenced The Runaways song Chery Bomb, and had the aesthetic energy of The Wrex & X-Ray Spex
To his shock they actually agreed on that.
Their first gig was on a Monday, to nobody but one very belligerently drunk guy who might have passed out in his booth. Of course they expected that more or less. It was more ok then they thought though, the girls had a blast... and actually so did Steve.
A month or three later and they'd slowly worked up the live band tenure and were getting their first Friday night slot. There would be four bands, two punk, two metal; Boondock Boyfriend, Death Vision, & Corroded Coffin. Cherry Rex were playing the opening spot being the newbies. Steve thought Corroded Coffin sounded vaguely familiar, but couldn't figure out where from. He wasn't to worried about it though, he was here for Cherry Rex.
Getting the parents permission to take the whole party to a borderline dive bar (he left that part out) had been one of the most trying experiences of Steve's young life, but in the end he got it done, and everyone was super excited.
Eddie always came early on the nights Corroded Coffin played, he liked supporting his fellow musicians, many of whom had only played parties and basements before they could get in here. It was a point of pride for him to not be a snob about it. He supported anyone and everyone who wasn't a bully or a bigot.
This weekend they had a whole new band, playing. He'd heard that it was a group of preteen punk rock girls, so of course the rock bros were grousing. He would have none of that though. He remembered when he first got into music as a preteen, the way it let him process feelings he was to scared to otherwise. He would definitely be there for their first weekend gig
So imagine his surprise when he finds Steve Harrington on stage. He introduced everyone Max on drums whom Eddie recognized from around, as well as her maybe? girlfriend?, who's name was apparently the number Eleven, on Bass. And Erica, who actually exhuded rock and roll energy, on guitar. Steve called himself their token adult. He spent half the time singing, but also dancing, sometimes being hype man for whomever was singing that particular song.
He was wearing a Hawkins High Tshirt that he'd scrawled The King is Dead across in Sharpie. Also light wash jeans, which Eddie had laughed about at first, but when he cut them off at the knee while they were still on his body, during Erica's song about self reliance, identity, and D&d... and he had fishnets on under them? He was completely won over. They were pretty good...and Steve Harrington, a punk? He was genuinely so fucked. So so fucked
(does Vecna & the upside down exist here? I don't know)
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marshmallowprotection · 10 months
Mystic Messenger 7th Summer Event
I was on the money with my speculation. I was right on the money and there is nothing you guys can do to stop me from talking about this photo in its entirety. Oh, my God. I am frothing at the mouth at this very moment because Cheritz gave me everything I could have ever wanted in a photo.
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It's Ray DRESSED as Unknown, and that is someone I never saw coming.
See, I have egg on my face because they said Ray in their post last night and I never thought they were going to throw this at me. That's because they've never done something like this before. Usually, when he is mislabeled, it's just one of those things that happen now and again because of marketing or trying to avoid spoilers, but in this case, they actually went out of their way to bamboozle me.
I never could have expected something like this. I am most definitely not complaining because this isn't something I didn't know I needed in my life. Unknown and Ray are my favorites so the fact that they are combined in this situation is sending me. I didn't know I needed this but I'm happy that I have it.
On that note, does anybody have commissions open because I need more Idol Ray in my life? I want my MC to be in the audience cheering him on with a penlight.
When I tell you guys I cried when I saw this, I am not kidding about that. I cried. There are a lot of reasons why I cried and we'll get into that in a second. First I think we need to appreciate this for what it is. I think this is the first time in a long time my speculation has been 100% accurate.
This photo is split into three different parts just as I expected it would be, Rika is trying to pedal the soda, and V is in his believer robes which I joked about because the color was accurate but I wasn't sure if they would actually go through with it, and Ray painted his fingernails and that's sending me to Heaven.
V cannot believe what he is seeing. Need I remind everybody in this fandom that his mother was a musician and knowing that fact makes this a hell of a lot funnier when you consider this was Rika's plot. I would not put it past her to have thought about using music as a ploy to mess with him, not only because it's something they shared with her love of Zen, but because she wants to use everything she has against V.
The context in this situation is amazing. I don't know if any of you have seen the new Twitter thread but I'm going to share it with you.
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When I tell you guys I screamed, I mean it. I screamed because Ray was so smug when he said he has a cute face. That was a lot of confidence in a short amount of time, and if he looked at me after saying that, I would have melted and done anything he told me to do. I mean, I would already do that in general, he knows what I am.
She literally decided out of the blue that she was just going to sell him out because he has a cute face. I mean, she's not wrong, but that's such a Rika thing to do. After all, it's not the first time she pushed him into being an idol.
So, what I'm going to say here is a little silly. I have to tell all of you the implication of what this photo means. This is Ray and he is dressed as Unknown. He has no means to be able to dress that way without us helping him.
That means the MC is the one that chose his wardrobe for him.
That means we are the ones who looked at him and his princely attire and decided he needed to look like he just walked out of Hot Topic. See, my favorite type of character is a toss-between princely and edgelord, so that's even funnier to me. Saeran Choi is my full package deal when it comes to aesthetics, I swear.
I wouldn't want to change Ray out of his magenta coat to dress like Unknown. Well, I say that, but if I tell him to wear that and he takes off the jacket, then I can put it on... oh, yes. That's the best way to get a boyfriend's sweater.
But it is the single-handed thought that the MC is the one that put him in this outfit that is sending me to another plane of existence. Can you imagine doing that to him? Because that is way more funny to me than the idea that Ray chose to wear that himself. But it is always possible that he did choose to wear it himself because he often says that his taste and clothes are nothing like the outfit Rika gave him.
I also need to point out that that tattoo would have had to have been drawn on with Sharpie or temporary ink. He doesn't have the tattoo in Another Story. That is a fact that a lot of people get confused about despite the fact that we are shown a visual of him in the shower that proves he doesn't have a huge tattoo.
I suppose you could read this as a bonus AU where in some universe, Ray is the one who gets the tattoo first... which, ouch, I don't know if I can handle that... "I proved myself, body and mind, to my Savior so it isn't possible she'll throw me away. If I brand myself with the cause of Mint Eye... I'll... I'll be safe."
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But, what that also implies is that there is a picture of him with that tattoo drawn in some capacity lingering in his room at Magenta. It also means that despite the fact that he and Suit Saeran inevitably disappear after not being able to live up to the potential the Savior wants them to, Unknown stumbles across that design.
Ray: A dragon!
Ray: ME for Mint Eye!
Ray: This certainly won't effect anything later in life!
Two and a Half years later...
Unknown: I don't know who designed this tattoo but it's sick. I need it on my body.
It is so gut-wrenchingly painful for me to think about that. It means that a piece of Ray still exists. Unknown does not even know where that tattoo came from nor does he know who designed it. Because he doesn't get to know Ray one-on-one since I personally believe he isn't Suit Saeran. I view Unknown and Suit Saeran as separate people, after all.
The reason why he has the tattoo is because Ray drew it. I have long wondered where he came up with the idea for the tattoo, and it turns out it wasn't Unknown at all. Ray was the one who drew it and I don't know what to do with that information other than cry.
The Savior only gave him a short amount of time to figure out how to be an idol and he said I'm going to have a tattoo. Sure, should we just assume this is an Easter Egg and the artist might not have known all the details involved in the story of Mystic Messenger? Sure, you can think that, but for the sake of my enjoyment, I'm going along with the theory that I'm right, lol.
That's something that an idol has. Ray says. He draws a sick dragon and a twisted ME. That tattoo is so large and ridiculous, but I love it dearly. Ray, honey, You Are My Forever Babe. But I don't know what to do with you sometimes.
[If you want to know how I think Unknown gets the tattoo, I have a post on that.]
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Rika looks amazing here and there is no lie about that. I actually really like the outfit she's wearing even though we can't see a lot of it. It speaks to a music festival because of how simple but trendy it appears. She's trying to be that friendly face that can do no wrong. She wants you to buy her homemade soda, and you should do that.
You should do that right now. It's good for you. There's nothing wrong with it.
A little bubbly soda won't hurt you. What do you mean it's burning your throat as we speak? It's not doing that at all! You're just excited by the electric energy of this concert! Drink more soda! I think the important question to ask ourselves here is how many cans of soda did she bottle and does she think it's going to work out as well as she thinks it does?
I don't think we need to talk about the fact that she is wearing a cross necklace. I don't want to unpack her religious trauma right now. I don't have time to do that right now but I will say it made me laugh my ass off. On a side note, her hair looks good here and I'm jealous of it.
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This man looks like his soul just left his body.
I don't know what he's thinking at this very specific moment in time but I know he's not happy to realize that Rika has decided to sell out Ray as an idol. I mean that's probably the last thing he expected to happen. But, it makes sense, Rika loves music and if she thought it would work, she would absolutely push Saeran, Ray, Unknown, etc, into doing that for her. But, it hurts to think about V... to think about those complicated feelings he holds about his mother...
He kind of wanted to learn how to play the violin to get closer to his mother... He's already got complicated feelings about musicians and I don't know if his adopted son here being an idol is doing much good for him. It reminds me of the bad ending in the RAE.
He wasn't particularly comfortable in that situation either and this just reminds me of that. Which is a shame, because that ending is so horrible. It is one of the worst endings that you can get in this entire series.
I don't think we need to get into that in general, but just know that if you want to hurt yourself, aim to get that bad ending. If I can say nothing else, I'm really happy to see his long hair because I think it's the most attractive aesthetic for him. I've always liked that style on him a lot more than the traditional one. I don't know what it is about that look for him but it just works. He's like a wet kitten in a cardboard box.
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I can't believe she decided to hold the concert at 7:00 p.m. I mean, I can most certainly believe she would do that, but it feels like spitting in Ray's face. Why would you do that, Rika? I know it's just a cute little Easter egg to remind us of his brother but oh my God that's awful.
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I don't think anybody I've seen talking about this has pointed it out but the background colors are literally the same as Ray and V's hearts. It's the magenta and teal hearts. I thought that was a good touch. I do know that it's also in homage to the fact that it's Mint Eye and the building is called Magenta. It's a 2-in-1 package deal. Just like the fact that I got to see Ray dressed as Unknown. This is a two-for-one deal!
I do think it's interesting that they chose to make the penlights white. That means his image color is white. Oh, yeah, idols have image colors that correlate to those penlights so those things are very important! I didn't expect white. But, I didn't expect him to be an idol ever again after that bad ending. I mean that ending is horrible but he has great hair in it so like we're winning and losing.
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Best day of my life. I won Unknown and Ray.
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beawritingbooks · 18 days
Buckingham (Robin x Chrissy) headcanons?
I love this ship! There's something about the popular girl getting together with the band geek that just feels right.
Look at how cute they would be:
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This headcanon feeds into some other headcanons that I have. I am a Steddie shipper. I headcanon that Eddie is Pansexual/Queer and Steve is Bisexual. Lastly, I think that after all of the UpsideDown stuff, that Chrissy & Eddie would develop a similar relationship to Steve & Robin. What I mean is that, through Steddie is how Chrissy & Robin would get to know one another and become Buckingham.
My evidence for this is how well Eddie & Chrissy got along in the woods:
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Steve & Robin's devotion to one another is pretty well documented, too:
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Basically, I like the parallels in the friendships and in the relationships. The symmetry is pleasing. I don't know if that makes sense, but I'll give some examples below.
Platonic Soulmates:
--Robin (Nerd) + Steve (Jock)
--Chrissy (Jock) + Eddie (Nerd)
Romantic Relationships:
--Robin (Nerd) /Chrissy (Jock)
--Steve (Jock) / Eddie (Nerd)
So, I know that canonically Robin is a lesbian, and I headcanon that Chrissy is bisexual. That being said, I do not think that their relationship would come to fruition until during or after university. Like, Robin & Chrissy are wisely too terrified to be super out in their hometown.
Plus, the Vicky situation might break Robin's heart. In my opinion, Vicky reads like a questioning woman that does not know how she feels yet. Even if she does know how she feels, she might not want to come out ever. The show is set in the 80s, so she and Robin could have a sort of Chappell Roan "Good Luck, Babe" moment.
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Also, Chrissy has to heal from her relationship with Jason. That dude was cruel and controlling. He didn't notice something was wrong with her, but Eddie noticed in minutes. He created a mob to go on a murderous manhunt, as well. Jason and his mob harmed innocent children, too. So, I do not think he was a kind or attentive boyfriend to Chrissy when they were alone.
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To me, Robin & Chrissy both have a sensitive energy. Like, I think their hearts need a lot of time to heal after they have been broken. Be that as it may, they would have to move on with their lives. So, I could see them both going to a liberal arts university.
Chrissy has crafter energy. So, I could see her doing a complete 180 from being a preppy jock. I kind of envision her getting into the boho aesthetic, & starting to make weird (affectionate) textile art to help her cope with her trauma. She'd sell her work at farmer's markets and sometimes in small galleries.
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Robin I could see still sticking with music. I headcanon that she moves to a big city, becomes part of the lgbt+ scene, and joins a symphony orchestra. There, she'd probably work her way up the ranks and eventually become a successful professional musician.
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As for how they'd get together, I think that they would become best friends first. Then, I think it'd be one of those situations where they just keep spending more and more time together. Then, before they realize it, they've been in a monogamous relationship for a few weeks. The only thing is that they just haven't defined the relationship in official terms yet. That's how I think that they'd end up together.
Like, this is how I imagine their home looking:
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Ignore Vin Diesel in this image. Just imagine this garden area belonging to Chrissy and Robin when they become an established artist/musician couple that is thriving in the city.
I hope you have a nice day!
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luaspersona · 1 year
Kim Namjoon | reading masterlist
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intro: basic disclaimers
⇢ DO NOT interact with this post or my blog if your under 18 (minors and ageless blogs will be blocked on sight, so please put your age in your description, babes).
⇢ this is basically #luareads, but organized under categories lol.
⇢ please, do not over analyze my use of trope, genre and au concepts 😭 my criteria was solely intuitiveness and aesthetics. 
⇢ think there's something missing? send me a fic!
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interlude: clarifications and keys
⇢ drabble: works with word count up to 2k (anything above that that isn’t chaptered is a one-shot).
⇢ famous!au: used when one character from the main pairing is famous (e.g.: actor, musician, rapper, celebrity, model etc.), not idol!au.
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outro: have fun y'all
i’m not looking for anything specific, just gimme my six feet tall and super strong boyfriend 🤲🏽
✧ rating: explicit | suggestive | sfw
✧ length: drabble | one-shot
✧ genre: smut | angst | fluff | pwp
✧ trope: enemies to lovers | friends to lovers | strangers to lovers | lovers to exes | established relationship | member x member | friends with benefits
✧ contents and !aus: idol | threesome | slice of life | comfort | secret relationship | famous
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navigation | recs masterpost | talk to me! let's gush about fics ♡
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biipbop · 1 year
Ive been too depressed to draw lately so Im going to ramble on the flower child Au comics I used to do. Mainly bc I ve been wanting to draw them more but, again, too depressed to draw.
The end of p2is? Didnt happen. Bc I wanted my babies to all be happy together. Tatsuya and Jun immediately become that annoying couple. They become infamous in sumaru bc they will be sweet on each other in public and Tatsuya, the intimadating deliquent with rbf, melts like the pathetic lil man he is when his bf simply suggestively smirks. No one but Maya and Lisa can do anything about it bc:
-Eikichi: just is not fazed at all by this. He is constantly third wheeling bc he can not read the room and does not notice what shenanigans the two are doing right next to him. He'll literally have a conversation with them while theyre making out and not even flinch.
Katsuya: Oh he fucking notices. People even come to him to complain that he needs to do something about his brother. But lord help him if he tries to argue with Tatsuya in front of Jun. Katsuya cant even process the audacity of watching his brother, the pathetic melted damsel in distress, s w o o n as his catty brat of a boyfriend polietly emotionally destroy him (katsuya) where it hurts looking down at him with his pointed high legs crossed and perched comfortably on tatsuya. Katsuya eventually develops respect for Jun. It takes some time though
Everyone else: theyre just too uncomfie and intimidated
The boys respect Maya too much to be as over the top as they usually are. While when lisa is there jun is too distracted sassing her.
-Gas chamber-
Eikichi wants tatsuya and jun to join his band. Tatsuya does not want to until Eikichi reminds Tatsuya theyd be a rock band. With a specific aesthetic. A visual kei aesthetic. Which means *Jun* will be dress up in visual kei aesthetic.
Tatsuya convinces Jun to join. (Little does he know Jun had always planned to join but had only hesitated bc he would want Tatsuya to join)
Lisa would join a little later on. Eikichi would be against it and so is Lisa. It's only after Jun makes it competitive that Lisa enthusiasticly joins to try and one up him. Eikichi is only convinced when he finds out that he and Lisa actually sound really good harmonized together.
They develop a fanbase in Sumaru's underground indie scene (as small as it is). Lisa and Eikichi even begin to write original songs that are well recieved. Yukino and Maya contribute in furthering their career when they publish an article on the indie music scene that follows a night in the life as gas chamber, students during the day musicians at night. The band even begins to travel to gigs outside of sumaru.
They become a hit nationally and internationally in asia. (In the future they develop global fame with video sharing platforms (niconico and youtube) become a thing) After touring SEA in 2003 the band comes back to Sumaru for a break. Specifically, Lisa has been doing acting jobs between playing with the band. She had agreed to work on a movie so the boys agreed to take a break while she films for the next couple of months.
It's during this time that Eikichi and Miyabi get married. Tatsuya and Jun originally had planned to take the time as a break. That is until one day Jun and Lisa are on some variety show together (I dk if this is clear but eikichi tatsuya and jun may not be performing but theyre still doing their own thing. Like starting clothing lines, interviews, television cameos. Etc etc all that you would expect from a celebrity in the early 2000s)
While backstage they run into Jun's mom who hosts a show for the station. Jun and his mom have a strained relationship and Jun hasnt reached out to her since he was back. When they run into each other, Junko wants it to seem like a casual thing but really she was seeking him out. A family member that Jun hadnt seen in years had passed away. She wanted him to go to the funeral with her.
He agrees with the understanding that tatsuya would come along. When they arrive they discover the family member died young of illness. They were a single parent and were leaving behind a 2 y/o baby boy. It takes very little time for Jun to love the baby. And even less time for Tatsuya to agree to adopt the baby
And that's how Jun and Tatsuya become Akira's parents.
Gas chamber goes on hiatus for a couple years once Jun and Tatsuya adopt. Lisa continues to take on acting gigs. Eikichi opens his own studio and makes an independent record label in sumaru. Jun and Tatsuya open a flower shop together.
Akira becomes the idol of the group. Eveyone wants to be his favorite aunt/uncle. Everyone wants to babysit. Jun teaches akira how to garden. Tatsuya tries to teach akira about motorcycles and cars to little success.
Akira becomes a mini Jun. They wear (fashionably) matching outfits. Akira learns fortune telling through tarot from Jun. He even learns how to be dramatic and cute to make his papa tatsuya melt.
When he's older the group begin to make music again and do performances in Japan. Aunt Maya is happy to watch over Akira when its not possible to bring him along. Junko even manages to convince the overprotective parents to let her do right by her grandson.
It isnt until akira is 16 that gas chamber goes on another international tour (their first and final tour they agree). Everyone is excited and planned it for a good year now. Akira was to stay in sumaru. Junko was to watch over him with Maya checking in on them when she can.
That is until he's arrested.
Akira makes Junko promise not to tell his dads. They had planned the tour and other events for so long he didnt want to ruin it. When Maya finds out she is the one who gets him a place to stay in Tokyo. Maya refuses to hide what's happening from tatsuya and Jun but she keeps it super vague "there was an incident but dont worry! I'm taking care of everything" and of course jun and tatsuya trust maya 100%.
And thus p5 happens
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sea-moon-star · 11 months
Tu Me Manques || KTH
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x f.reader
Genre: Fluff, Boyfriend!Tae, Penpal!Tae
WC: 1.8k
Summary: Inspired by Layover's aesthetic, just Tae being a long distance boyfriend with 90's heartthrob vibes.
A/N- As a Tae bias, Paris screams Tae & the Pop/W/Arena photoshoot deserved a fic! 🌊🌙⭐️
I've never been to France, I've only ever lived in the little seaport of Pohang in Gyeongsang, South Korea. Yet, I'd grown up watching all those movies depicting the beauty of Paris, listening to Lolo Zoui, Carla Bruni, Angèle, Pomme, Louane, Stromae and more. I'd begun to learn French from apps on my tiny phone screen and baked Ratatouille, all in bids to make my Parisian dream come true. But I knew given my financial situation, I'd never be able to make it true. The closest I'd ever come to it was the descriptions sent by my pen pal writing to me from Versailles. When I'd signed up for the pen pal program back in school, I'd never imagined my luck that I'd be patched with someone in my dream country. Kim Taehyung and I had been writing to each other since a decade now, from the early 2000's till now. He was a Korean descent boy who's family had moved to France while he was still a kid. He wanted to stay in touch with his Korean roots and I wanted to vicariously live in France. It worked out just perfectly, especially as we grew up and switched between both languages, our letters getting longer, photos getting added to our notes, hand pressed flowers being sent inside envelopes, souveniers being exchanged across the miles. But nothing prepared us 90's babies for the technological revolution and what that would bring. I wasn't prepared to hear his deep and dusky voice especially in contrast to his boyish charm and soft demeanor on paper. It caught me off guard as did his photo, him sending me a cheeky picture where he's trying to eat a chocolate minitature Eiffel tour. Even though he knows I love chocolate and that was what should've caught my attention, I was far too distracted by him in his leather jacket and jet black tresses.
I told myself it couldn't be true, it just couldn't be possible. I mean we'd never met!! How could I be attracted to someone that I didn't even know irl, who knew what kind of a man he really was? There was only so much letters, photos & calls could reveal. Besides we were continents away with neither planning to cross the sea between us. I just told myself that I was projecting my love for France onto him, it was just me romantizing everything to make it fit like a neatly tied gift. But this want a fairytale, it was reality and Tae and I were simply not happening.
But fate had other plans, I saw all of France through his eyes. Starting with the Palace of Versailles, which was the first place he'd video called me from- he'd made up his mind to travel the country while letting me experience it through his footsteps. He'd keep his camera on, give his commentary and share every moment of his adventures with me. And so one day, when we'd run out of new places to visit, I asked him to take me to a place that reminded him most of me. Something that he thought would resonate with me, somewhere he'd take me first if I was actually able to visit there. And I wasn't ready for what he had in mind. I imagined he'd pick one of the more obvious spots like the Louvre where we'd bonded over Monet's art work all day or the vineyards of Champagne where we'd been on call all through the night. But instead he went to the Place du Trocadéro, as the sun set behind him and the stars sprinkled across the sky. This elevated and open green space nestled behind the Eiffel tower was a less visited but still tourist friendly location. With its dancers and musicians, street food carts and fountains- it's alive and the magic of Paris is visible at its best. "I chose this place because it's so alive, you can feel the excitement and passion in the air. It reminds me of you- with your bubbly energy and buzzing enthusiasm. It's filled with songs by favorite artists, the chocolate crêpes here have your name written all over them and everytime I watch couples on a date here, families taking pictures in the light of the tower, tourists videocalling their loved ones. I just knew, I had to show this place to you, not just on camera but in reality. I promise you, someday I'll find a way to get you here. I've never seen anyone treasure this place the way you do, the locals here think it's a tourist trap and sometimes I do too. But everytime I show you around, the stars in your eyes and the small O's of your mouth remind me of the beauty that surrounds me. You're beautiful... I mean it's beautiful. Isn't it?"
And in that moment as he bit his lip realizing his mistake, that he accidentally called me pretty instead of the scenery. I couldn't help but come to a huge realisation myself. I wasn't looking at the scenery any longer, I was looking at him. Him in his cozy and furry sweater that I wanted to cling onto, him with his shoes half worn knowing that he hated wearing footwear even when he knew he'd be walking all day, him with his large fingers easily gripping the phone even as he was being pushed through the crowd, him with his nervous laughter as his tipsy self slipped secrets he otherwise wouldn't share. What mattered to me wasn't the shine that shone behind him but the sparkle in his eyes. Even though France was and would always be my first love, I had fallen in love once again. And this time, I could tell it was stronger than before because even though I was visiting the most gorgeous place in sight, as he'd rightly described- I was consumed by him. I was in love not with the city of romance but with the man who'd introduced me to it.
"Tu me manques." I told him, knowing that he'd know what I meant. French was known as Aphrodite's chosen language for a reason. It was so much more than just me saying, I miss you like what the words translated to English or Korean meant. It was me telling him that "he was missing from me, that he was a part of my body, something that was integral to my existence, like the only way I'd be whole was if he was here next to me." And that's why this one phrase was more powerful than any amount of I love yous said in any other tongue and I knew he understood that. Because in that moment, I could see his eyes tear up as his boxy smile graced his face and he leaned forward to press his lips against the phone screen. Sending me a kiss, across the world as the winds in the sky and the glowing moon above us, passed on his love to me.
THE END. 🌊🌙⭐️
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plainemmanem · 1 year
Why does Joe have to be like “indie artist musician mustache wearing aesthetic Mac Demarco boyish charm” brand of boy like it’s a serious problem I feel sick
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you get it
bc that’s the problem like why is he like that why can’t he be famous, asshole celeb and not “boyfriend coming over to your house to play you the music he just found that made him think of you”
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artisticdemon · 2 years
A theory about Evil Within 2
Stefano didn’t kill Emily.
Ok hear me out, for some still unknown reason I’ve been having this theory for years that he didn’t kill her. Sounds far more interesting than assuming that he killed her and turned her into art. Maybe Emily's death triggered something worse in Stefano. He was already murdering people but Emily's death triggered something in him that made him lose the last drop of sanity he had. 
I just came across a comment on Deviant Art and I know this person’s talks about my theory because I’ve never came across, as long as I’m aware, another theory that supports that other than mine. Their theory is pretty interesting too. That there was already a serial killer in Krimson and Stefano tried to lure them out.
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Maybe he even killed them and made something out of them. Maybe he created the angel with the body of the killer. OR THE ENTIRE EXHIBITION!!! That would be so cool!!! And justice would have been served for Emily. In Stefano’s way at least.
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There was an entire puzzle and an exhibition dedicated to Emily! I’m sorry but I really can’t see Stefano killing her. Maybe I’m trying to make him a bit human in my eyes and not a complete psycho. On the other hand, Bethesda never gave us anything about his character besides that he is a macabre artist and serial killer so I can have whatever theories I like. The fans are, basically, building and give depth to his character and I find it very beautiful.
I’ve written a fanfiction last year around this theory. My OC and Stefano visit Emily’s grave and she learns about their relationship. 
I’m more determined than ever to post it. And I will.
(Read it if you like
A few details about my OC:
Her name is Jane Doe.
She is Greek (Dad half Greek half from Krimson, Mom Greek).
She 26 years old.
She is a hitwoman and a musician. And a tomboy.
She had a little brother 2 years younger than her, Jason, that died in a hit-n-run accident. And her dad took his life few months after that. The mother had abounded them before all that for some other man.
Her mom was an abusive bitch and her dad a man that would sacrifice everything for his children.
You know the lyric “He was punk, she did ballet”? Reverse it and that’s the aesthetic of Jane and Stefano is. Punk rock girlfriend and classic (?) boyfriend. Opposites attract each other.
First time posting about this character and I have a lot of fanfictions with this ship)
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xaelia-au · 2 years
charles leclerc
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the winner takes it all - @silverstonesainz
"one win, one loss. how does it all unfold, and how will it all come together?"
daddy & me + three - @libraryofloveletters
 Charles and y/n had a young, wild romance; love and happiness leads to marriage and well, kids. Family of 2 becomes 4 and then 5 which makes Daddy and Me + Three. 
a moment in time - @hey-kae
Spending your vacation with Charles was a risk, but was it one worth taking?
champagne - @illicitlimerence-writes
reader is a normal person but doesn’t feel worthy of their partner after some comment is made by someone in the paddock
prompts: "stay" "how was i such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me?" 
already so perfect - @hey-kae
best friend!charles turned into boyfriend!charles and before the next gp, pierre goes to your hometown to help u with a surprise for charles and after the surprise you make the relationship official
pedals - @racinggirl
"the reader is a musician and she plays the piano of their house and do videos posting them on her media and sometimes Charles tries aging with her or just doing silly things. And maybe be likes to go to recitals to cheer for her and she loves going to his races” 
wrapped up - @luverts
at last, your temporary night routine with charles becomes 'permanent'...
secret relationship - @sainz-leclerc
secret relationship with charles
trust me - @hey-kae
the reader goes with Charles to the track for one of the Ferrari promotions and she gets to ride with him in the three seater car? So she gets to talk with him over the radio and experience a day of driving with him? Maybe she freaks out over how fast they go and keeps telling him to slow down 
let it be - @seasidepierre
you wake up to sunlight, smells of crepes and piano notes escaping from the living room. A whole aesthetics vibes. Not much plot, just pure fluff
shes not my girlfriend - @seasidepierre
Spa 2021 is a real circus and as you’re strolling the drowning paddock, making sure to grab content for your team, Ferrari, one of the drivers is trying really, really hard not to show that he has the fattest crush on his coworker. Unfortunately for him, he’s already been caught by pretty much.. everyone.
after-race - @sainz-leclerc
Some fluff bcs my boy deserves it ❤️‍🩹 
sex and regret - @luvth0t
in which you and charles find yourselves in a never ending cycle of sex and regret since the end of your relationship, until you think you’ve moved on.
ne quitte pas - @hey-kae
dont leave
a little white lie - @footballffbarbiex
charles lying
cupcakes - @uhswag
you decide baking with charles would be a good idea...
the adventures of freckle boy and sunscreen girl - @illicitlimerence-writes
the smell of sunscreen + the warmth on your naked skin + watching pink sunsets together + endless freckles
friends - @shaarlslec
Charles sees paparazzi pictures taken with you and a very drunk Pierre and that does not do him good although the three of you have claimed to be just friends.
pt.2 & pt.3
sleep tight mon coeur - @russellsppttemplates
Charles does not enjoy being alone in a cold bed, even it means sacrificing some hours of sleep to see his smiley y/n
hate and love - @hey-kae
where Charles and reader end the relationship because of hate and comments on social media
my girl, my everything, my world - @rebelwrites
Charles loved nothing more than watching on stage. Especially when your tour is lined up with a race. Even though he had to bite his lip when the guys tried flirting with you.
meeting the family - @theundercoversquid
meeting charles' family
two plus one - @charlewiss
where you and charles are giving mixed signals but pierre clears it out for you :)
birthday boy - @theundercoversquidrsquid
You and Charles celebrate his birthday
missing home - @lovelyleclercs
Charles has to leave you and your two-year-old daughter for over a month to race. he struggles with being gone a lot more than he expected too. 
2nd fic list for charles lecerc (2)
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sweetmariihs2 · 1 year
♡ Eddie Munson + Lana Del Rey inspired playlist ♡
A Lana Del Rey playlist/song recommendations for Eddie Munson fans because I listen to Lana and daydream about him literally everyday 💋
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♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡
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Brooklyn Baby — the lyrics are inspired by Lana's own life while she was living in Brooklyn. The song has a very sweet and catchy melody, she talks about how her boyfriend plays guitar in a band and how her life is with him. They are opposites though, which makes me believe that is the same aesthetic Lana uses in other songs: a rockstar/metalhead boyfriend dating her POV, a very feminine girlfriend, who probably loves girly things but also enjoy being like him wearing leather jackets and overall being with him everywhere he goes. Also Lana loves vintage vibes so she makes sure that her songs will sound like a 60', 70's or 80's life, even if it doesn't fit the musical style of that specific era.
Groupie Love — The POV is dating a guitarist, he's playing in a bar and having fun doing what he likes, and she's in the crowd admiring him being himself. She knows that everytime he looks up (in my interpretation maybe dancing or feeling the music) he's thinking about her, and he's her 'groupie love'. She loves listening to him, because she knows he's doing it just for her and not for everybody cheering him in the crowd. It fits better in a rockstar!au, but I like to think about the small Corroded Coffin at the Hideout with their five drunk fans (and Eddie's girlfriend obviously)
West Coast — I know she's talking about she and her metal biker black leather jacket boyfriend in a beach, but for me my scenario is more important ok???(lol) Apart from the beach, she's dating a musician (yes, again, metal, jacket, etc) and it's not talking specifically about a subject or a discussion, she's just using her words to make us imagine a scenario: she loves her boyfriend, watch him dancing and dances with him, describes that he's crazy and apparently smokes with her because she says "cubano" and maybe it's not about Cuba but actually a brand of cigarettes. And she also says that "you got the music in you, don't you?". Which means yes, he's definitely a musician.
Florida Kilos — "white lines, pretty baby, tatoos; don't know what they mean, they're special just for you". The whole song she's talking about using drugs with her boyfriend. That's it, these are the lyrics. She also says that she's not afraid of going to prision if he's at her side lol (personally I don't like this one that much but maybe some of you will, idk)
Sad Girl — I know I KNOW GUYS this song talks about being in love with someone who just uses you and go sleep with other women, i know and i'm sorry, but it's here because of these lyrics: "but you haven't seen my man, you haven't seen him; He's got the fire and he talks with it, he's got the fire and he walks with it" just win in it for me i'm sorry guys i'm too weak
Pretty When I Cry — let's be real it's just because of the guitar I'M SORRY GUYS I CAN'T HELP MYSELF I THINK ABOUT THIS MAN 24/7 (the whole ultraviolence tho,,, man just look at these aesthetics, they are just so 💋🤌 dating eddie (except for the toxic parts (they're in most of the album)))
Guns And Roses — again Lana it's talking about her boyfriend, and this song got into this list since the first sentence: "heavy metal love of mine,...". I think that the only incorrect parts here is that Eddie wouldn't like Guns N Roses because he's more into thrash metal than glam metal, and historically these two don't get along very well, also Eddie is not a biker but whatever. If it's Lana's metal boyfriend scenario then i'm here for it (and she also says this: "cause he was so much better than the rest of them, out of all the others he was the honest man" and i'm like 'his friends right???? Hellfire?? Corroded Coffin???? He's different from them cause he's special for you, it's ur love honey 💋)) ok i'll stop, im getting too far and humiliating myself at this point
Backfire — she's living in a trailer park with her boyfriend, they fight a lot but she's still madly in love with him (and again is a black leather type of guy, cause she calls him "my mafiosi rock n' roll high" lol). He's doing some illegal things she doesn't talk about in the song, and the cops are constanly trying to search their trailer, asking them to come outside. She already told him to stop with that thing, but he doesn't seem to listen, and she is very sad about that because she wanted to have a normal life with the man she loves. Apparently there's no other option, she loves him and thought she could change him 'like the others'(her words), but doesn't know how. She keeps telling him that this thing is gonna "backfire' someday, but he doesn't listen. He says that "it's not something he choose, the trouble follows him and it's been like that since the day he begin."
Prom Song/Teenage Wasteland — AHHHH THIS ONE IS SO HAPPY FINALLY SOMETHING CUTE *crying*// Lana is living an american school girl life, with prom, prom queen, studing, seeing him in the school hall, him walking her home while holding her hand, saying "be my valentine". She describes him as the brightest star she had ever seen, and it's so happy now. They kiss while watching television until the sunrise, she literally says "you see me in the hall like "hello, hello", up against the wall like "let's go, let's go". And it's so cheesy omg it remembers me of those movies, like 10 things i hate about you or breakfast club, just like, like cmon it's perfect for our Eddie Munson high school dating scenario guys, it's so cute. I forgot to mention, but they look like they just finished/are finishing high school, and everything she wants to do is getting out of this town, running away with him. "Let me get you out of this town, let me do it right now baby, dancing till dark staying forever young; let's get out of this place, cause you're starting to waste within this teenage wasteland". Do you guys remember that in the sinposis of the book that hasn't even released yet (lol flight of icarus) Eddie said that all he wanted to do is run away from Hawkins? This song is like "hey, like, we just finished our dream high school, this town is full of shallow people, do you wanna run away with me?" LIKE GUYS CMONNNN ARRGHHRH IT'S PERFECT FOR OUR LITTLE FANFICS (it has the same vibes from miss americana and the heartbreak prince by Taylor Swift, but even cheesier and happier, i love this song).
Yes To Heaven — it's just cute and i love the instrumental, sound like a 90's romance movie ((let me be))
TV in Black And White —NABSBDBDB i'm so sorry for this one but this fits so well. Lana is, like in the last song, singing in a very cheesy way. With her tone I can almost see in front of my eyes Lana like one of those ladies wearing pink inside of an all vintage pink house, and in the song she's crying to herself, but it's because her boyfriend got arrasted LMAOOO i'm sorry but it's so sad listening to her sing "i won't tell a single soul how you spend your nights, in that single cell, holding your pillow tight *crying*" like GIRRLLLL HE JUST GOT ARRESTED HE'S NO BABYGIRL STOP HANSBSHSBB omg i hate how this fits so much and it's so funny, poor eddie
Lake Placid — this post
Pink Champagne/Let Me Love You Like A Woman — the same post
Overall Eddie is always on my mind so sometimes I see things that don't exist lol. I tried to mention the most obvious ones, but I see him in almost every Lana song because she creates a vintage vibe and she has this big crush in rock n roll type of guys, loving to write songs about them, even when she's talking about a sad subject like in Ultraviolence (domestical abuse) or Black Beauty (depressed partner). They still make me think about him, but just because i remember of him, not relating these abusive characters to my sweet nerdy guy, never
I'm 100% sure that everyone thought about Eddie in at least one of these songs before finding my blog, but I did what nobody did, made a full list of all of them
Hope you liked folks <3
You can always tell me about other songs and if it really fits I'm gonna edit this and write the reasons, like I did with these few. Also i'm sorry if i did any mistake in my writing, i can read in english but writing and talking it's hard since it's not my mother language, i'm really proud of myself actually, almost didn't used any translator to make this. Omg i'm writing in english that's so cool IT'S MY FIRST TIME WRITING SOMETHING THAT LONG
okay thanks for your attention
bye ♡
listen to the songs please they are all so good
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kurgy · 1 year
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my he/she/they queen
edit: text under the cut
Casey Sziska is a young musician from the small midwestern town, Boardwen, Ohio. With childhood friends Julie and Devin, he formed a small punk band they called Nowhere, as they didn't think it would go anywhere. A career changing contract proves them otherwise,  and they road trip to the large and strange city of
New Harbor, Maine.
Casey meets Josh here, and he becomes enamored with the strange and strangely charming guy.
Casey is a hopeless romantic, and a poet at heart. His love for life and anarchy  are deeply rooted in his music and personal reputation, and despite his aesthetic and physique, doesn't like physical altercation, and tries to avoid it. He's strong though, and knows how to fight, and WILL should he have to.
Casey was raised in a deeply religious home, and went to catholic school; an integral aspect of his current agnostic beliefs.
Casey loves music, he loves the friends that have become real family in his heart, he loves his band, he loves their music, and loves Josh; his first relationship since leaving his hometown for good, and first boyfriend in 2 and a half years, since his last ended things amicably, as most of his relationships do.
He doesn't want what he has now to end.
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