manthanschool · 2 months
Inspiring Success: Mihir Muthanna KC's Testimonial from Manthan School
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Magic in Marble by Arthy Muthanna Singh - Preservation Book for Kids
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abu-obe1da · 1 month
Al Qassam ambush in Qarrara, Khan Yunis
1- TBG directed at the floor of the building they were watching and knew every inch of the house layout
2- Tunnel shaft explosion
The singing 🥹
The song says:
“We are not weakened, we are not weakened. We are the descendants of Muthanna On the path of glory we walked. Ask history about us”
Quick note: Muthanna was one of the Prophet (PBUH) companions and he was a fierce warrior.
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Australian Army ASLAVs on patrol in Al Muthanna Province, Iraq.
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questionsonislam · 2 months
Shiite say that the Prophet was informed about the caliphate of Ali (ra) in a place called Ghadir Khumm and that it was the order of Allah. What is the truth about this issue?
Shiite try to show various things as proofs when they claim that it was Ali’s right to become the first caliph. One of them is the incident of Ghadir Khumm: While returning from Farewell Hajj, the Prophet and the Companions with him stopped in a place called Ghadir Khumm. The Prophet rested for a while, led the noon prayer and addressed his Companions as follows
“Whoever’s friend I am, Ali is also his friend. O Allah, be a friend to him who is friendly to him; be hostile to the enemy. Help the one who helped him.”
Shiite present this hadith in a wrong way and interpret it differently. “Walayah” the Prophet (pbuh) mentioned in Ghadir Khumm does not mean caliphate, as Shiite mean, but friendship. As a matter of fact, Hasan al-Muthanna, the grandson of Ali (ra), states the following regarding the issue:
“The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) did not mean caliphate or sultanate with it. If he had meant so, he would have stated it clearly. For, the Messenger of Allah was the most fluent and clear speaker among the Muslims.”
When Ali (ra) was asked in Basra, “Is there a promise and authority given to you by the Messenger of Allah about caliphate or are you acting based on your own view?”, he gave the following answer:
“No, there is no promise. By Allah, I am the first person to approve and believe in the Messenger of Allah; I cannot be the first person to tell a lie on behalf of him. If there had been a promise of the Messenger of Allah to me about the caliphate, I would have never allowed Abu Bakr and Umar to ascend to his pulpit. I would have struggled against them with my hands if I had had no power.”
One of the claims of Shiite is that Ali (ra) paid allegiance to Abu Bakr (ra) and Umar (ra) and helped them because he was afraid of them; thus, they accuse him of hypocrisy. Badiuzzaman Said Nursi states the following regarding the issue in his book called Lem’alar (Flashes):
“As for the Caliphate Shi‘a, they can claim no rights before the Sunnis other than shame. For although they say they have tremendous love for ‘Ali (May God be pleased with him), they disparage him, and their creed necessitates accusing him of immorality. For they say that although Abu Bakr the Veracious and ‘Umar were acting unjustly, ‘Ali feigned approval for them; according to Shi’i terminology, he dissimulated. That is, he was frightened of them and behaved hypocritically. But it is not love to hold that someone who was such a hero of Islam, won the title ‘Lion of Allah’, and was the commander and guide of the faithful, was simulating love for people he did not love out of fear and deception, and was feigning approval for them in fear for more than twenty years, and was following wrongdoers. ‘Ali (May God be pleased with him) would disclaim love that sort.
Thus, the people of truth’s creed in no way disparages ‘Ali, nor levels accusations of immorality at him. It does not attribute cowardice where there was such remarkable courage, but says that if ‘Ali had not considered the Rightly-Guided Caliphs to be right, he would not have recognized them for a minute, nor obeyed them. It means that since he thought them right and preferable, he made over his courage and striving to the way of justice.”
As it is understood from the explanations above, the Prophet did not express a will to Ali (ra), and Ali paid allegiance to the caliphs before him not because he feared them but because he regarded Abu Bakr (ra) and Umar (ra) to be worthier of the caliphate more than him and because he promised Uthman (ra) that he would obey him. Ali (ra) loved those three caliphs before him very much and he did not hesitate to express it anywhere.
Some of those who did not pay allegiance to Abu Bakr (ra) wanted to pay allegiance to Ali (ra). However, Ali struggled for the unity of the Muslims throughout his life. He never opened the door to mischief. For instance, one of those who wanted to pay allegiance to Ali was Sufyan. He answered Sufyan as follows:
“We regard Abu Bakr sufficient for the caliphate and worthy of it. We left him as the caliph. We did not intervene.”
Ali (ra) was one of the greatest assistants of Abu Bakr (ra) during his caliphate. When Abu Bakr (ra) died, he made the following speech:
“You were like a mountain which stands firm in the face of hard blows of dashing winds and waves. You truly were as the Messenger of Allah said weak in your body, but strong in the religion of Allah, humble in your heart, but lofty in your ranking with Allah and well-esteemed in the eyes of people and in the world. Nobody nurtured a grudge against you. You had no characteristic that people regarded worthless. The strong were weak in your presence until the weak got their rights. The weak were strong until they got their rights. May Allah not deprive us of from your thawabs! May He not allow us to go astray after you.”
Ali (ra) never allowed anyone to speak against Abu Bakr (ra) and Umar (ra) during his caliphate. Once, he spoke as follows:
“I hear that some people regard me to be superior to Abu Bakr and Umar. If I had said something about this issue before, I would punish those who speak like that now. I do not do anything to them now because I have not said anything about it before. Anybody who speaks like that from now on is a slanderer. The best person after the Messenger of Allah among people is Abu Bakr and then Umar. May Allah be pleased with both of them!
I swear by Allah who greens dry seeds and gives life to non-living things that only virtuous believers love Abu Bakr and Umar and only sinners criticize them and treat them as enemy.”
Ali married his daughter Umm Kulthum off to Umar due to his love toward him. When Umar (ra) died, Ali (ra) approached his dead body and said,
“O Umar! I want to enter into the presence of Allah with a deed that you like. There is nobody else whose deeds I envy.”
Ali (ra) paid allegiance at once to Uthman (ra), who was chosen by a consultation committee that was formed after the martyrdom of Umar (ra). Ali (ra) loved Uthman (ra) as he loved Abu Bakr (ra) and Umar (ra). He was Uthman’s greatest assistant during his caliphate. He defended Uthman (ra) against mischief-makers. He rejected the offer of those who wanted to unseat Uthman (ra) and to pay allegiance to him. He did not accept the allegiance of mischief-makers after the martyrdom of Uthman (ra) either. He said,
“I take refuge in Allah from accepting the allegiance of the murderers of Uthman.”
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flowersforheaven · 10 months
Journalist Muthanna Alnajjar:
Health in Gaza:
Israeli occupation forces storm Kamal Adwan Hospital after besieging and bombing it for several days.
The Israeli occupation forces are currently gathering males, including medical staff, in the hospital courtyard, and we fear that they and the medical staff will be arrested or liquidated.
We call on the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross to act immediately to save and protect the lives of those in the hospital.
Live Updates in Gaza
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sahihmuslim · 6 months
Enjoining Good Manners, and Joining of the Ties of Kinship, Book 45, Hadith 125
Ibn Abbas reported:
I was playing with children that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) happened to pass by (us). I hid myself behind the door. He (the Prophet) came and patted my shoulders and said: Go and call Mu'awiya. I returned and said: He is busy in taking food. He again asked me to go and call Mu'awiya to him. I went (and came back) and said that he was busy in taking food, whereupon he said: May Allah not fill his belly! Ibn Muthanna, said: I asked Umm Umayya what he meant by the word Hatani. He said: It means "he patted my shoulders."
Enjoining Good Manners, and Joining of the Ties of Kinship, Book 45, Hadith 125
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infosisraelnews · 5 months
L'attaque contre un supermarché casher à Paris : L'ex-femme du chef de l'État islamique accusée de crimes contre l'humanité
En France, se déroule à huis clos le procès d’une Française de 34 ans, dont le nom n’a pas été divulgué dans toutes les publications, elle se présente sous le pseudonyme de Sonia M. Sonia M, originaire de Grenoble, est revenue en France en 2020 depuis la Syrie, où elle vivait avec son mari, Abdel Nasser bin Youssef, surnommé « Abou Muthanna », un djihadiste algérien qui a grandi en France. En…
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jvppeditor · 6 months
prevalent in the majority of developing nations. JournalofVeterinaryPhysiologyandPath
Case report: The present study reported a foot and mouth disease Sat-2 outbreak in Al-Muthanna province in southern Iraq in March 2023. Three male Holstein Friesian cows, aged between 1 and 1.5 years and weighing approximately 550 ± 15 kg each, were affected. Clinical examination revealed symptoms, including fever, severe lameness, anorexia, depression, frothy salivation, and vesicular lesions on the mouth and feet. Confirmation of the Sat-2 serotype was achieved through serological testing and genotyping of the virus, conducted by the FMD Institute, Ankara, Türkiye. The Sat-2 serotype was recognized by genotyping the virus and submitting SAT-2 VP1 sequences. The treatments for secondary infection prevention included Ceftifur (2.2 mg/kg) for 5 days, and flunixin meglumine (2.2 mg/kg) for 2 days. The other animals that were not exposed to infected animals were vaccinated against FMD. Rigorous biosecurity measures were implemented, involving thorough disinfection of the environment and quarantine of the infected animals. Direct contact between the farmer and other animals, particularly the sick ones, was completely avoided. After 2 weeks, all infected animals began to eat normally again, and clinical signs disappeared. Notably, other animals on the farm did not exhibit any signs of FMD.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the findings of this study underscore the importance of biosecurity measures and vaccination in FMD prevention. Additionally, administering antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the prevention of secondary infections proves to be crucial.
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thedayimissu-peach · 6 months
Week 10: Cyberbullying on social networks – does the law work?
Social media is a public place - that is something we all know. However, what is difficult for any government or platform is making a law to manage it, especially in the matter of speech. There are many reasons to defend or justify the lack of specific legal regulations on this issue. Some of them include the following factors:
Difficulty in framing the problem.
One of the main obstacles in creating anti-cyberbullying legislation is the lack of a consistent definition. What constitutes cyberbullying can vary widely, making it difficult to establish a legal framework that covers all forms of online harassment without violating freedom of expression. In addition, speaking has long been a form that is difficult to manage if the insult is not too obvious. You cannot just accuse a person just because he or she uses dirty words.
Technology barriers
Social networks are dynamic, with features and user behavior constantly evolving. Laws have difficulty keeping up with rapid technological developments, often rendering them obsolete soon after they are enacted. Current search engines can only localize dirty words, but there needs to be an element of checking the context and context as well as the issue being talked about.
The issue of authority
The global nature of the Internet means that cyberbullying can cross international borders, leading to legal complications. Determining which laws apply and how to enforce them when the parties involved are in different countries is a significant obstacle. Language differences or metaphorical words of each culture are also issues that need to be considered.
Implementation challenges
Even with laws in place, enforcement of anti-cyberbullying laws remains difficult. Identifying the perpetrator, proving intent, and gathering evidence are all complicated by the virtual environment of social media. Remember, the foundation of the law is evidence, not evidence. This means that if a person has bad thoughts and words but the actions, he or she takes do not have an adverse impact, it is exceedingly difficult to accuse him.
Age is responsible.
Many cyberbullying cases involve minors, raising questions about the age of criminal responsibility and the appropriate response from the legal system. Balancing the need for accountability with recognition of youth's developmental stage is a delicate task. At the same time, the law goes hand in hand with education, so if we only side with the victim, it will be unfair to the perpetrator. Not to mention some bullying cases also come from the community or in other words the majority (due to some information orientation issues) but in other words it will be exceedingly difficult to make fair judgments in some schools. fit
Thus, it can be said that making laws to address the issue of cyberbullying on social networks is a complex issue, requiring careful consideration of legal, technological, and social factors. While the challenges are great, the pursuit of a safe and respectful online environment remains an important goal for lawmakers and society alike. Because that promotes order as well as the maximum protection of each citizen's rights.
Works Cited
Chan, Tommy K. H., et al. “Cyberbullying on Social Networking Sites: The Crime Opportunity and Affordance Perspectives.” Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 36, no. 2, 3 Apr. 2019, pp. 574–609, https://doi.org/10.1080/07421222.2019.1599500.
El Asam, Aiman, and Muthanna Samara. “Cyberbullying and the Law: A Review of Psychological and Legal Challenges.” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 65, no. 0747-5632, Dec. 2016, pp. 127–141, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2016.08.012.
---. “Cyberbullying and the Law: A Review of Psychological and Legal Challenges.” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 65, no. 0747-5632, Dec. 2016, pp. 127–141, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2016.08.012.
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samvlogs22 · 7 months
Al Muthanna Shopping Mall Complex In Doha Qatar - مجمع المثنى الدوحة قطر...
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uncommunication · 9 months
Coorg Public School and PU College, Gonikoppal - The UN Designate
Sri Ramakrishna Sharadashram Mysore.
State level quiz organised by the old boys association
Coorg Public School Students Shine in State Level Quiz
Four students from Coorg Public School and PU College, Gonikoppal, a UN-designated school, have won the state level quiz organised by the old boys association of Sri Ramakrishna Sharadashram Mysore.
The quiz, which was held few months ago, saw the participation of several thousand students from various schools across the state. The quiz covered topics such as current affairs, general knowledge, science, history, and culture.
The winners of the quiz are Avani Muthanna and Len Ganapathy, who are also student UN volunteers, and two other students from the same school, whose names are yet to be announced. They have qualified for the grand finale, which will be held in Bangalore next month. The winners are honoured with certificates on National Youth Day, 12 January 24.
The principal of Coorg Public School, Dr M Ramachandran congratulated the students and the teachers for their remarkable achievement. He said that the school has always encouraged its students to excel in academics as well as co-curricular activities. He also thanked the old boys association of Sri Ramakrishna Sharadashram for organising the quiz and providing a platform for the students to showcase their talents. He also congratulated the student UN Volunteers-India coordinator Mrs Teena Machaiah for her leadership and guidance.
The winners of the quiz expressed their happiness and gratitude to their school, teachers, and parents for their support and guidance. They said that they are looking forward to the grand finale and hope to bring laurels to their school and state.
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thesherries · 11 months
I deactivated my accounts on social media platforms, and now the only source from which I receive news of the war in Gaza is trusted Telegram channels, such as journalist Muthanna Al-Najjar’s channel. I open Telegram every few hours to read the news updates, with my hand on my heart, scared, and anxious that a new disaster or tragedy has been conducted by the Israeli war criminals. Oh God, have mercy on Palestinians, protect and defend them 🤲
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Syrian First Lady Asma al-Assad visiting the Muthanna Industrial Complex in the Tartous countryside today, 6 August 2023
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kahin · 1 year
its kinda weird that muthanna fell out of most common use save for maybe offhanded use. im not sure if its a dialect-wide thing or a family thing but yeah
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