#my AU ideas
megarax-ponyo · 23 hours
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He has muscles in his muscles!! 💪💪
His life does not revolve entirely around work, but he also has hobbies And one of his pastimes is exercising so as not to lose his physique in a life as sedentary as that of an office worker
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Okay. So like... uh, I made an au.
Basically, Grian is a prince, and Scar is a pirate captain. Scar kidnaps Grian!! and instead of ransoming him, he keeps the prince. As a treasure of sorts :3
Writing below :3
Grian grunted as he was lifted from the ground by the back of his robes, forced to walk in front of a crew member. He stumbled slightly as he was led out of the brig, his body aching from the past few hours. His wrists were bound, the rope tying them behind his back being quite obviously too tight.
He swallowed when the cold breeze hit him as he was forced to walk on deck. The wind whipped around him, messing up his dirty blond locks. And then he was met with the sight of countless crew members, and then a taller man who stood away from the rest. The man was scarred, and his eyes were a vibrant green, almost emerald. His brunet hair looked unkempt, but still clean. He had a hat on his head, and a button-up shirt that was definitely buttoned wrong. 'Strange.' Grian thought.
The prince let out a shaky sigh through his nose, and nearly yelped as he was forced onto his knees in front of the tall brunet, whom he assumed was the ship's captain. He focused his gaze solely on the wooden deck of the ship, not wanting to acknowledge the mocking crew behind him and the taller man in front of him.
Too bad for him, Grian's chin was gripped between two calloused fingers and tilted up. The captain's grip was surprisingly gentle, and yet his gaze said otherwise; Grian felt like there was hidden emotions behind those vibrant eyes, but it's not like he had the guts to even speak at the moment.
"Would you look what we have here; a prince of a once-wealthy kingdom."
The captain snickered softly, and Grian could hear a few of the man's crew snicker as well.
"I've been thinking, little prince. You'd be worth quite a lot to your parents, and we could ransom you. Or, we could keep ya! Maybe lock ya in the brig for the rest of yer life, yeah?"
The prince swallowed, forcing himself to keep his onyx eyes locked onto the emerald ones above him.
The taller man glanced up and behind Grian at his crew, shooting them a look.
"Get back to work or go to bed, ya jackasses. This isn't a show."
Grian nearly let out a sigh of relief as he heard the crew members scurry off either to their cabins or some place else. He then felt the captain release his chin, then he heard him speak up, in a much softer tone.
"Stand up. Come on, I'd prefer to talk to you in private, angel."
Grian almost instantly stood, his legs wobbly but still somewhat steady. He followed the man below deck, into what seemed to be his quarters. Odd.
"Alright, uhh.." The captain sighed, "Sit down on the bed. Go on."
Grian sat down, and watched as the man kneeled in front of him. The prince's wrists were aching, his once fair skin now covered in scrapes and bruises. The scarred man seemed to notice, but didn't speak of it.. yet.
"Okay. Well, er, I'm terribly sorry about my behavior-"
"-you know.. gotta keep up my tough, barbe- barbaric cap'n facade around my crew."
The captain chuckled softly, "Why don't we get to know each other? What's your name, sweetheart? Another sorry from me, I haven't done my research."
Grian's eyebrows furrowed and he shifted slightly. This man, with his bright eyes and tanned skin, was very confusing to Grian. He glanced away, then met the man's eyes once more.
"Grian.." He answered, not bothering to add a last name. "You..?"
He didn't know if he was going to get an answer from the captain, but it was worth asking.
"My name? Oh, t'is Scar Goodtimes, darling. You can call me Scar, but try to call me 'Sir' or 'Captain' around m'crew, 'kay?"
Scar? What kind of name was Scar-? And Goodtimes?? Again, confusing. Grian huffed slightly, then spoke in a slightly mocking tone.
"Okay.. 'Scar'.."
Scar rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face as he tutted.
"Now now, don't start that, sunshine."
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hailstorm-studios · 3 months
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Chat and Ladybug’s first meeting(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) !
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havendance · 5 months
Okay, I want to play too. Building off of @dustorange's post and @silverwhittlingknife's post
I think, how I would play this: the circus still happens obviously.
And then Dick dies when he's 16 in circumstances similar to Batman #408, where Dick is shot by the Joker and it causes him to fall to his death. (Dick has to die by falling. To me.) Bruce isn't able to catch him.
Bruce is obviously devastated. Going off of Silver, we'll say no Robin!Jason in this AU. Jason can get away with stealing the tires off of the Batmobile of an extremely grieving Batman. As a treat.
Tim is also devastated. I usually have Tim being 3 at the circus, so I guess he's 11-12 when this happens.
I think the fact that Dick was the only Robin in this scenario means that Tim is more reluctant to push himself as a replacement Robin. That and the fact that his HERO Dick Grayson died means I think that he's slower to act.
Eventually though, things get bad enough in Gotham that he does just because someone has to and he ends up as Robin. We'll handwave the details for now.
I think that Dick should get to come back to life during the Knightfall Saga. As a treat.
He comes back to Gotham just in time to see that there's a new Robin and watch Bruce get his back broken.
Tim's been Robin longer before Knightfall in this AU, so he's got a little more experience, but he's also 14, and while Bruce is lying in the Batcave and they don't know whether he's going to wake up or not, and he's fetching the medicine in that one comic, he runs into this unknown, edgy looking vigilante who blames him for Bruce getting his back broken and it's just everything he's been thinking to himself.
Dick sticks around in Gotham long enough to see that there's a new Batman and of course Bruce has someone else he can get to do that. Of course he doesn't need Dick. He runs off to go do like, black-ops vigilante work somewhere.
I think he and Tim do run into eachother once more before Dick leaves town though and Tim's like 'I know I'll never be as good as the first Robin, but that just means I need to learn everything I can' and tries to bother Dick into teaching him stuff because he can tell that this mysterious vigilante is way more skilled than him.
Dick mostly avoids Gotham, but I think they keep running into each other, coincidentally. Tim ends up teaming up with him during Contagion instead of Catwoman and they're both in Paris at the same time etc etc.
And eventually on one of these team-ups, Dick does a quadruple somersault and Tim sees it and everything clicks together and he imminently runs away because that's Dick Grayson and Tim has been talking up the first Robin all this time and it's a lot okay?
I think this is about when No Man's Land happens so Tim goes to go hide in Gotham and help out Batman and become a National News story and all that jazz instead of thinking about it.
But afterwards, Tim is ON THE CASE. I think he doesn't tell Bruce about this because if Dick hasn't told Bruce then he probably has his reasons? And what he was actually wrong? (Even though he knows he isn't)
And then, um, let's put the Dick and Bruce finally confronting each other during Bruce Wayne: Murderer/Fugitive because Dick comes back to Gotham when he hears that Bruce murdered someone because he doesn't want to believe it, but I think he also can't have that same bone deep belief in his innocence that he does in canon because of all the estrangement.
So he attacks Batman and demands to know the truth (without revealing who he is) and Bruce won't answer. Bruce also doesn't know how this mysterious vigilante knows he's Bruce Wayne/got accused of murder, so he low key suspects DICK of framing him, which normally he'd be too busy being Batman full time to care, but here he also recognizes some of Dick's fighting style so he starts investigating him to uncover the mystery.
Meanwhile, Tim noticed that Dick is back in town, so he's trying to recruit Dick to help him get to the bottom of this. He knows Dick's identity now, but he doesn't tell Dick that, he just drops various hints that he knows and hooks Dick up with a line to Oracle (who he has also not shared his conclusions with other than a vague 'there's something about him')
And hmm somehow this all resolves with like, Dick's identity getting out and him and Bruce talking face to face. Bruce is just so desperately amazed that Dick is there, meanwhile Dick still has various issues that are not resolved and it probably ends with Dick running away again and Bruce holding himself back from chasing after him like he desperately wants to. Because if Dick doesn't want anything to do with him then that's just his right because Bruce WAS the one who got him killed.
He does stalk Dick from afar though. Just without initiating contact. Tim and Barbara are more pushy about trying to hang out/talk with Dick in the aftermath.
To skip ahead, I think Bruce leaves Dick the Batmantle after he 'dies' as this last ditch attempt to share how much he loves and respects Dick.
And this getting long so I think I'll call it here.
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kawaiisugarsweets · 1 month
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Aye look at that been awhile, decided to practice more on Bob Velseb design and he’s just a fun character to draw. So little small doodle
So little info on him and the AU
(Disclaimer: The AU is in progress due to me working on The Forest of Miss Match for my AU Zodiac Oasis)
Basically in the AU Inks let BV join the Miss Match cause she trust him enough and he was the only human that helped her, and her and him are roommates Inks help him out on controlling his cannibal urges and B keeps her company and helps her out with the group, but since people think he is dead they made him a disguise even a face mask to hide is identity so he can go with the group.
Also in the AU her and her group out of the apartment from BV they are cannibals but Gina, Lavender, and Roo can control they’re urges but Inks, Ena, and Zane try. Reason is cause due to being human experiment some of the creatures feast on human flesh they can eat normal meat. But they don’t eat just human they eat humans that don’t deserve a second chance basically horrible people cause when they kill it’ll be a waste of meat..
So that’s pretty much it again the AU is in progress so hopefully I’ll get the Forest I am making finished
Hope you guys like it
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I love this doodle
Cannibal chef with Candy Clown
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dallina17 · 6 months
Sera and Velvette have a little fight about Emily.
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So for a little context here, Emily has fallen and has been living in hell for a while now. She lives most of the time with Charlie at the hotel, but she also stays with Velvette when she needs fresh air, so Emily and Velvette are quite close now. I am still fleshing out the timeline for this, but this scene goes a bit like this.
Sera wants Emily to give up on supporting Charlie and advocating for sinners' redemption so Emily can get Heaven's forgiveness. Sera goes to hell to Heaven's embassy (the place where Adam and Charlie met) to talk with her and try to convince her. Emily is too nervous to go alone, so she asks Velvette to come with her.
Velvette is very fond of Emily (thou she will never admit it) so she accepts to accompany her to the meeting. Surprisingly, she manages to not insult Sera instantly, but as she hears the seraphim and the fallen angel talking, she starts to get real MAD!
Sera: Emily... you have to understand. These sinners... they have had their chance. And they didn't take it. Even if they can get to heaven..
Emily: Which we have prove they can.
Sera: ...what makes you think that they would want to change for good? That they won't just pretend to change just to go to heaven? And that once in heaven they won't do again the same acts that got them here in the first place?
Emily: But what if they do change for real! Why are you so obsessed in taking away the opportunity for them?!
Sera: Because I can't risk getting our people hurt! And neither should do. Your duty, your purpose, is to protect them. Not defend these devilish…
Emily: But...
Sera: Please. I need you to understand.
Velvette: (starts to laugh)
Sera: ...is there something amusing about this miss...
Velvette: Velvette! My name is Velvette. And yes, I find very amusing your shitty hipocresy.
Sera: Excuse me?
Emily: Velvette... it's okay... you don't have to...
Velvette: Yes I have to! Come on Em, laugh with me! Don't you find funny how she can decide demons' fate, according to her views, without consequences, but when you, a seraphim just like her, wanted to do the same, got vanished? And now she wants you to stop thinking for yourself and do as she says!
Sera: I am older, and wiser, and I know...
Velvette: Yada yada yada, quit the old woman bitchy speech, will ya? You sound like my grandmother. She always thought she was above everyone else just because she had lived longer and that everyone should do as she said. When in reality, she was just afraid of change, and be proved that their shitty values were so fucking wrong. And so are you.
Sera: You speak as if you know about heaven. About what it means to protect your people. I will ignore your behavior this time, just because you are young and naive. You don't comprehend anything, and so does Emily.
Velvette: And what, according to you, Emily needs to comprehend?
Sera: That her duty is with heaven. Not with hell. And that there is no salvations for broken souls like you.
Velvette: Boooring! (looks at Emily and smiles. Then starts to sing) Don't you think she has it twisted? I believe she is the one needing a new attitude..,
And then we would have a reprise of Respectless with Velvette defending Emily.
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oraple-death · 12 days
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Ok so, uhh, this is from an au I've been working on for a while 🐿️👉👈 I've been doing it since 2023 but I was embarrassed to post anything about them hahaha 🐿️💥💥
Yeah those are killer, horror, dust and cross ➡️
And yeah, they are in a poly 💕
And i don't know what to call this au uhhh--
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idiot-mushroom · 1 year
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my brain is rotting doodles 👍
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megarax-ponyo · 14 days
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nobody-is-here01 · 10 months
Someone's probably already done this but this has been plaguing my brain for weeks!
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The kiddies seeing the animatronics
Alright so!!!
Ace is Foxy
Because he runs a lot into fights and he tends to hide from some of his emotions that aren't anger
Also he just fits Foxy's vibe
Sabo as Bonnie
because he's most likely to pick fights first, between him and Ace
And he's more level headed ig
Uta as Freddy
He's the main singer of the group and she likes to sing so it works
Luffy as Chica
Originally I wanted to make Luffy Freddy, but the reason I didn't was for one of Chica's lines
"I was the first i have seen everything"
And I just felt like this would fit
Now who is William Afton
simple it's Teach
He'd definitely kill kids
So Luffy was the first to be taken and stuffed in the suits
Then it was Ace since he noticed Luffy was missing, Teach told him he knows where he is and followed along only to be met with the same fate as his brother
Uta noticed both Ace and Luffy were missing so she decided to look for them, Teach noticed her snooping and decided to take her out too, he couldn't risk being caught
Sabo is the last kid to be killed, he noticed very quickly that Uta was being led away and went after her, he got there a bit to late and she was already dead, he tried to fight back and scream for help but it was for nothing and he soon joined them
People looked for so long but nobody could find the poor kids
And Teach got away. For now.
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meowingshojofanatic · 4 months
Just thought up a Mage And Demon Queen DokJoong AU idea oh no ← has to reread MADQ now :) take some of the AU I've thought up in the spur of trying to sleep at an actually goos schedule (YooHanKim/Doksoo near the end)
Yoo Joonghyuk is an all-rounder hero, currently practicing in the Mage role
Kim Dokja is the Demon King Of Salvation, ruler of the monsters
YJH has been in love with The Demon King Of Salvation since he was 15-17
He doesn't remember much from his youth, most of it is blurry or non existent
But his first meeting with KDJ is very vivid to this day
Extremely powerful, with a fiery glint in his eye that could be mistaken for stars, yet lonely as well. At least until the Demon King looked at him
In which, KDJ just looked at him with some sort of... Sympathy? KDJ's troops asked if there was anything there
Clutching onto his sister with distress, YJH screwed his eyes shut. But, instead of exposing the siblings, KDJ let them go...?
Then, YJH was awfully offended. Was that arrogant bastard pitying him? He internally thanked him, but he still felt resentment
But eventually that resentment drifted away as he became stronger, becoming a famous All-Rounder that could fill any position
All he really wanted to do was meet the Demon King again, as he tried to brush away the crush he had as "admiration"
When he met him again, the only hero to get to him... He was in the form of a 17 year old...?
"Why are you... A child?" He asked, genuinely bemused. The Demon King's reply was, "Why? I thought you would think that those who claimed to have seen my appearance were lying. You know dead ones tell no tales."
Externally, Yoo Joonghyuk was glaring at him. Internally, he was thinking about how terrifying that line would be if he wasn't himself ← actually felt chills when KDJ said that line
"...hhh, fine you caught me. I'm not 17 or whatever." Standing up from his throne, he shifted into a form closely aged to YJH, perhaps a little older. With raven colored wings that reflect the stars, and horns that looked to be soaked with blood.
"Now, Yoo Joonghyuk, the all-rounder hero of the kingdom named 'Starstream'," he strided towards him, YJH couldn't help but gulp as he saw the Demon King lick his teeth. "Give me a taste of the hatred I've gained from your race. With. your. sword. ...Or wand."
YJH felt bloodlust coming from KDJ, and shivered involuntarily. "Why aren't you moving, Joonghyuk-ah?" The floor was gaining more and more cracks as the Demon King sped up.
YJH hoped he had masked his flinch when the other had called him so informally, "...I-"
"you know, It's your duty...To. Slay. Me." Punctuating each line, he was inches away from cutting off Yoo Joonghyuk's head... Until...
"I love you..." YJH blurted out, trying to act cool even while his mind was SCREAMING at him, Why'd he have to go and say that?!
When YJH didn't feel his head cut off, he cracked an eye open to see the Demon King's face. He looked very scrambled, his eyebrows furrowed sadly, and his eyes blown wide with his mouth open wide
He then realized that... KDJ had this look during the whole time he was about to slash him, just with a smile masking it.
"...eh?" Was the only noise that came out of the Demon King as he tried to search YJH's eyes, looking for any fallacy. "...are you joking with me right now?"
"...You're serious." He straightened up, moving his sword down at his side. YJH only nodded.
The Demon King just stared him down. Until he called his guard, "Heewon!!" And had her send YJH back to the temple. (By killing him)
YJH kept coming back though and KDJ was always super flustered when he showed up. But never tried to kill him? He always made Jung Heewon kill him or someone else
Didn't mean to make this a mini fic but oh well
some YooHanKim ideas that I cannot escape from ↓
Yoo Joonghyuk is the reincarnation of Han Sooyoung, and Kim Dokja sees a LOT of similarities between them
Han Sooyoung was Kim Dokja's first love, though he realized too late
She was human, and he, a half monster. They were forbidden but, Han Sooyoung never cared.
She wrote him stories about heros and he loved it. It distracted him from how the human village would abuse him.
...eventually, HSY became a pwerful mage and... She murdered the entire village. Making him the Demon King through her love for him and making him immortal.
Their final moments were like this:
HSY was chuckling through coughs of blood as she was held by the newly formed Demon King, KDJ, in the rain
"You... Why did you do this?!" Kim Dokja half shouted through a sob. "I... I didn't... I didn't need this, Sooyoung!"
"No... You did, Dokja. Your useless ass would have put up with this treatment until the day you died. Now, you have the power to fight back like you've always wanted." HSY stared at him with clouded eyes.
"Not like this!" KDJ's head lowered covering his eyes with his hair. "How am I... How am I supposed to live without you...? Forever...?"
Hsy lifted her arm gently to brush away Kim Dokja's hair and cradle his cheek, he leaned into the blood soaked hand, with tears falling.
"...I'll reincarnate," Kim Dokja just stared at her, trying to comprehend her nonsense in her final moments, "I'll reincarnate as a hero and find you."
Kim Dokja furrowed his brows, "...You'd have to kill me."
She just shook her head, "I'll change the story, and redeem you in the eyes of the people."
Han Sooyoung laughed, "Just like those stories I wrote when I was younger, when we were younger. You always loved those stories didn't you?"
He slowly nodded. "...I did."
She hummed, and lifted her other hand to his cheek, bringing him closer.
"...I love you." She whispered into his lips as she kissed him. Letting him taste the fruit of her love, the blood of those who abused him.
She went limp in his arms, just as the thunder from the rain made a loud crack. "...Sooyoung...!!!"
Ever since then, Kim Dokja was always wary of love. Especially human love. Specifically, love for him.
Those who did, did insane things.
God I love pain. And HSY reincarnates as YJH. WHERES THE FANFIC??? Wait is it even YooHanKim if YJH is the reincarnate of HSY? Is half of YooHanKim just selfcest in this case? Selfcest is fun so why not
Extra thoughts on KDJ ↓
KDJ was going into a HUGE bout of depression once and to distract himself he decided to read about the recent heros (for nostalgia) and he stumbled upon Yoo Joonghyuk's story. It intrigued him
He kept reading and listening to the stories and rumors about YJH until be basically knew what his deal was
When KDJ saw YJH when he was 15-17, it reminded him of HSY and himself so he let them go.
Funny how this turned out NOT to be a Mage And Demon Queen AU... Seems like it was just inspiration but it's fine. Now how to tag this monster of a post
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He heard ONE compliment.
edit: And it was from him
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I just found out the dev wanted to be @'d for art, so @insertdisc5 I hope you enjoy <3!
For added context, this is from my fanfiction AU https://archiveofourown.org/works/56458945?view_full_work=true
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natsuki208 · 2 months
Sorry folks, but I’m once again taking a break from Black Butler since my friend is as well. But for now, I’ll leave you guys with this quirky AU idea.
What if Sebastian had to raise the TWO Ciels? 🤭
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havendance · 4 months
Please consider the following: Jean-Paul Valley lives AU where Bruce puts him in charge of keeping an eye on Gotham during OYL. The purpose of this is twofold: first) JPV & Cassandra Cain teamup in Gotham during the timeskip. And, secondly, tormenting Dick because what do you MEAN Bruce put Jean-Paul in charge of Gotham again?? And like, the alternative is worse (Dick stays behind in Gotham while JEAN-PAUL goes on the family cruise with Bruce and Tim? No way). And like, Dick's coming off of a rough time so there's also the weight of his failure and Blockbuster and Blüdhaven and all that weighing on him, so he can see why Bruce wouldn't trust him with Gotham and he knows that Bruce wants to help and rebuild things, but still. JEAN-PAUL VALLEY?? He couldn't have picked literally ANYONE else?? (Sorry Dick, it's Harvey Dent aka One-Face as the alternative)
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gampooo · 1 year
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WELCOME to Gravity Falls!
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Death Park: help needed (save me 🥲)
Can anyone help me out? I have this one AU (explained here) which I'm planning to turn into a comic, in which some of the SP kids would be animal hybrids. I already have thought some of them (their human/hybrid status and their animal if they're hybrids), but I'm not sure about others, so I decided to ask for help
These are the ones I need help with :3 if you have ideas for any I'll credit you :D
Jimmy: [probably will be a parrot (ty @ray4youknow<3) but I'm open to suggestions :)] UPDATE: definitely a parrot ✨
Stan: [not a wolf, if possible a small animal, but idk which,, ;-;] UPDATE: he's a hamster :3 (ty @angelheavenly! :D)
Timmy's sibling: I need help with their gender, their name, their species... everything, basically 😭 I only know they're a hybrid that's where my thought process ends :')
Red: if she's a hybrid I already have her animal thought but idk if she'll be cuz I need more humans- (whatshouldidohelp) UPDATE: she's a fox hybrid
Heidi: same as Red, but I don't know her animal TwT UPDATE: she's a human :)
Bradley (mintberry crunch): a hybrid so he can annoy Cartman, or a human so I don't have to think of his species? UPDATE: he's human because we're lacking humans idk
Nichole: definitely either a hybrid or a human who joins very very late, but I'm not sure what animal she should be if she's a hybrid UPDATE: she's a hybrid, but I still need her animal TwT UPDATE 2: she's a rat ✨✨ (ty @hunter-52106<3)
Pip: idek whether to add him or not- or keep him as a bg character- or maybe even kill him off in the 1st chapter- 😭 UPDATE: he's a hybrid and I'll kill him off quickly, but he needs an animal UPDATE 2: he's a ferret :D (ty @hunter-52106!!)
Also, if anyone wants their OC(s) added as a side character (I'd credit you obv) just ask me! They might even get some protagonism later on :D
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