#my ISSUE now is that the hand i broke as a kid is developing arthritis and possibly trigger finger
threadmonster · 1 year
Look, once I get my hand to relax and have more time again i'm gonna be unstoppable cuz guess who rediscovered their personal creative pipeline. Take that burnout.
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etherealwaifgoddess · 4 years
More Time - Chpt.4
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Summary: The holiday season comes for the guys as they continue to adapt to their lives together. Steve discovers a (not so little) problem. Master list is HERE.
Warnings/ Content: There are some slight body image issues mentioned but I don’t feel it’s disordered or too upsetting. Still, you know yourself best and if any body image discussions upset you, you can easily skip down to after the first set of xxXxx ‘s. 
Word Count: 1.4k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! So this chapter has two of my absolute favorite head cannons for tiny!Steve and post Winter Solider Bucky. I’ll just let ya’ll wonder what they are... Anyhoo, enjoy more of our boys settling in to their lives together! XOXO - Ash
Chapter Four
“Buck…” Steve called from the bedroom, “I think we have a problem.” 
Bucky dropped the mug he was washing in the sink and raced to the bedroom afraid of what health issue Steve could be having. He had just taken his blood pressure meds after breakfast and he wasn’t due to use his inhaler again until the afternoon. He tried to remember if Steve had taken his arthritis medication yet. “What’s wrong?” He asked frantically from the doorway. 
“Oh, no.” Steve said quickly realizing he’d scared Bucky, “No, I’m fine. Shit, sorry. I was being dramatic. I… um… I just can’t get my pants to button.” Steve blushed hard at the admission. 
“Jesus God.” Bucky breathed a sigh of relief. “You scared me to death. I thought something was really wrong”
“Well, if I can’t get my pants on right we can’t go to Sam’s for dinner so that is technically a problem.” Steve shrugged and motioned at the waist of his khakis where the two tabs of fabric were nowhere close to joining. 
Bucky laughed and ran a hand through his hair, “It’s a damn medical marvel is what it is. I think this is the first time I’ve seen you outgrow a pair of pants since you were eleven.” 
“Ha, ha.” Steve’s voice was dripping with sarcasm, “You’re the one that let me get fat.” 
“What?!” Bucky sputtered in protest, “This is not on me, Rogers. This is just what happens when you finally have access to good medical care and decent food.” 
“Says the one who’s always going on about ‘let’s try the new Indian place that opened’ and ‘oh my god you have to get one of these cheeseburgers, Steve’. You still go running and spar with Sam while I’m just here sitting on my ass. Maybe I need to start running again. But not around Sam, I don’t think I could handle his gloating.” 
Bucky cracked up but quickly stopped at the glowering look Steve gave him. “I’m sorry.” He said, barely containing himself, “But which do you think will flare up first when you start running: your asthma, your arthritis, or your arrhythmia?” And with that Bucky dissolved back into laughter as Steve ran over and tried to tackle him. Bucky scooped up Steve easily and tossed him onto the mountain of blankets on their bed. 
Small or not, Steve still remembered his training and he locked a knee around Bucky’s, destabilizing him enough to bring him down next to Steve where he was able to swing a leg over Bucky’s hips and sit on top of him. Having no qualms with playing dirty, Steve started tickling Bucky mercilessly, knowing every single spot on Bucky’s body to have him screaming and laughing beneath him. 
Bucky let Steve get a few good tickles in before he flipped them easily using his weight to his advantage. He pinned Steve’s wrists above his head using his metal hand and felt an unmistakable hardness growing against his thigh. Ignoring it for the time being, Bucky used his other hand to pull up the hem of Steve’s blue polo, exposing his soft tummy. “Let’s see this fat.” He teased pressing kisses across Steve’s mostly flat stomach. “Jeez, Rogers, I think you might actually be over a hundred pounds now without even needing rocks in your pockets.” 
“Oh shut up, ya jerk.” Steve grumbled, leaning his face to the side, slightly embarrassed as Bucky continued to kiss and nip at his softer middle.
“This is not fat, this is healthy. This is you not looking like you’re on death’s door every time you get a cold. And it’s kinda nice having something soft to hold on to.” 
“You’ll have a whole ball of fluff to hold if I keep up like this.” 
“And I’ll love my little Stevie fluff ball all the same.” Bucky teased as he slid up Steve’s body to silence him with a kiss. “Seriously though,” he said pulling back, “You look healthy for once. But it’s your body and if it bothers you we can talk to Helen at your next appointment. Maybe start cooking more and ordering take out less.” 
Steve looked down at himself thoughtfully. He knew he was being dramatic but it had been a little unsettling when he realized his pants no longer fit. He’d bought them a little under two months ago and they’d been perfect at the time. His stomach which had been concaved was flat and soft with just the smallest pooch at his waistband where the fabric of his boxer briefs pinched slightly. Steve mused it was better than the winter of 1937 when the doctor had told them he was so underweight that his body had started eating itself to keep him alive after months of battling influenza. He was so thin that year that Bucky had spent his whole savings account to turn on the heat and keep Steve’s fingertips from turning blue. “It’s not so bad.” Steve said finally, “But we’re going to start cooking more often. I don’t have a super soldier metabolism to fall back on anymore.” 
“Whatever you want to do. Now, let’s get you into some sweatpants and we can stop on the way to Sam’s and replace your khakis.” 
Thanksgiving dinner at Sam’s house was a sight to behold. Steve had met some of Sam’s siblings and his parents before but seeing the entire Wilson family gathered in Sam’s small townhouse in DC was a little overwhelming. There were a dozen kids running round in ages ranging from teenagers to toddlers and it felt like someone was hugging Steve at all times. Sam’s mother doted on him endlessly making sure he was comfortable and had something to eat. Sam’s aunties took turns pumping him for information on how he and Bucky were doing and regaling him with stories from Sam’s childhood, happy to provide a lifetime supply of blackmail material. It was easy to get lost in the sea of people and Steve loved every minute of it. Growing up holidays had been just him and his ma or he joined Bucky’s family if she was working. Watching Sam’s seemingly enormous family celebrate together made Steve thankful he was a part of it. 
The winter wore on and Steve and Bucky chose to celebrate Christmas quietly together despite invitations from Sam, Pepper, Bruce, and one of Bucky’s friends from the VA hospital. They spent the day in soft, flannel pajamas and exchanged gifts sitting next to the fake tree Bucky had bought last minute when they discovered Steve was allergic to pine trees. The hives had cleared up by Christmas Day but Bucky still felt terribly guilty. Steve loved the art supplies and the annual memberships to the MET and a few other museums around the city Bucky had given him, as well as the other small gifts he’d managed to stuff into Steve’s stocking. Bucky wiggled happily in place when he unwrapped the books on space Steve gave him and hugged the obnoxious fluffy rainbow print robe tightly as soon as he pulled it free from its sparkly silver bag. It was so garish that he couldn't help but love it. 
A few weeks after thawing out from Cryo in Wakanda, Bucky had developed a fondness for wearing soft, fuzzy clothing around the house; the more outrageous the better. Anything that helped to remind him he was allowed to feel safe and warm and wasn’t a weapon anymore, he’d said, and it broke Steve’s heart a little to hear it. Steve ensured from that point on that no holiday was complete without adding something new to Bucky’s collection. 
As the day wore on they watched “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas”; drinking eggnog and eating snickerdoodles, both from recipes Sam’s mom had given them. It was a quiet, perfect Christmas. Exactly what they both needed after too many years of fighting and struggling. 
“I love you, Bucky Barnes.” Steve mumbled against Bucky’s chest as they curled up under their mountain of blankets late that night. He was warm, sleepy, and more than a little buzzed from the eggnog. It was the best Christmas he could remember having since his ma died and he fell asleep feeling truly thankful for the series of events that lead to him having a new lease on life.
Tag list lovelies: @godofplumsandthunder​ @remilupin22​ @supraveng​ @hiddles-rose​
If anyone wants added or removed please lmk!
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Today I am going to talk about two things that are really close to my heart but firstly I want to apologise for posting after such a long time. I am still getting hang of things and trying to find my footing in the world of blogging while trying not to overthink every post I try to write. Moving on, the two things I am about to talk about are not just close to my heart but they made me into who I am as a person today. Lupus and Books.
I was barely a teenager when I was diagnosed with the Lupus and this is 2003 december that I am talking about. 27th December if we want to be precise. Internet was not what it is now. Not many people were aware of the disease. Hell, no one had heard the name of this disease. We hadn’t. The doctors barely knew about how to treat this. Even with today’s technology and awareness there are patients out there who are either misdiagnosed or not treated with the right medication so you can imagine how it was around 15 years ago.
I remember it so vividly. We had a school trip to Jaipur in November first week and it had been the best trip of my life and I was still on a high from that trip when I developed a fever. Obviously no one took it seriously thinking I over exerted or maybe it was a viral but it wouldn’t go down so all the routine check ups were done and all my bloods were clear. No one knew what was happening. For over a month I had this fever which just came down suddenly. It was gone and I was back to school thanking my stars and catching up with friends. Who was crushing on whom? Bunking classes to prepare a dance performance, entering my name in all curricular activities I could get my hands on. This 12 year old Sana loved school. She would reach half an hour early just so she could hang out with her friends and chill. This is the same Sana who loves sleep and would actually marry a bed if she could.
Unfortunately that spell of good health broke and I had two really swollen joints. I could barely move my hand. My wrist was twice its size which is when my pediatrician suggested I need to go to a doctor who was good at diagnosing stuff because she thought it was a multiple organ disease and she didn’t want to treat me for the wrong ailment. Everyone just assumed it was arthritis considering my mom and Nani both had this disease but we waited for the test results impatiently. I wanted to get back to my normal life and be rid of the pain. Christmas was coming and I was not going to miss the celebrations at school. I wanted to part of the show children were putting on. My parents on the other hand were thinking about the long term effect this was going to have on me. The over excited 12 year old hadn’t really grasped at the fact that this was going to be a long term disease. A chronic illness, a term I had never even heard.
Long story short I was diagnosed with Lupus and my world turned upside down(Lupus in simplest of simplest explanation is your immunity attacking your body instead of protecting you for those who don’t know about it and want to know more please feel free to message me on Insta or twitter. Both links are at the bottom of the page) I didn’t realise the gravity of the situation until much later which I am thankful for because otherwise I would have been a wreck. I didn’t have a phone and google on my fingertips to tell me the worst case scenarios. When I actually sit down and think about that time I don’t think I really understood what was happening and was taking one day at a time. This sana was hopeful and always smiling. Bright ray of sunshine no matter what. Everyone thinks I am brave because of how dealt with it all when in reality I was a really confused kid.
One of the medications given to treat lupus is steroids. It kills your immunity so it doesn’t attack your body but it is also leaving you vulnerable to getting anything and everything which is why I had to stay at home for six months. It wasn’t a suggestion. It was an order from doctor and something my parents refused to contradict. Doc’s word is the law in my house. She is basically my second mom.  What steroid also does is that you gain weight. You are hungry all the fucking time and then you gain weight. I gained around 15-20 kgs and I had to sneak out and go to the medical room to have a midday meal. It also damages your bones. Basically part of your bones stop receiving blood and because of that there are dead patches in the bones. It usually happens after a really long term use of steroids but I got it within like six months.
My friends who had last seen me in November were in shock. Some people didn’t even recognize me. I went from 45 kgs to 60 and I was in crutches. I wasn’t the active girl anymore, dancing and volunteering or even talking. I had gone into my shell and no one tried to even understand what I was going through. I was an outsider. Alone. No one wanted to hangout with me and that was a new experience for me. Unknown territory. I had always been confident person but after everything I had become shy and nervous and the friends I had didn’t really make an effort to be my friends.
That one day changed everything. I used to read before that but never seriously. It was rare and it was just harry potter. My mom noticed this change in me and we had a talk about everything. I told her how the best friends had vanished. Everyone had vanished. It had reached the level where I used to eat alone during lunch in an empty classroom because everyone went out and I couldn’t climb down two floors with crutches throughout the day.
My mom just told me to read more. She told me people are going to come and leave specially with me because of my issues but books? There are always going to be books around. They will never leave you. You can take them with you wherever you want and those words kind of just hit a mark. This is when I actually started reading. I talked to my librarian at school and when I couldn’t go in for a long spell my mom would go and collect a bunch of books for me to read while I was stuck in bed.
That was just the beginning of reading books obsessively (I remember staying up during my 12th board exam to finish reading twilight. Don’t give me that look! We have all been into the twilight hole). I would read every second I could get. It was an escape I hadn’t realized I needed. I could be in Hogwarts while I was hospitalized? How could it get any better, right? I found a passion in something I didn’t ever think was for me and I owe it to not only my mom but also my English teacher I had at that time. She was always encouraging when it came down to reading and writing. Yes, the books lead me to writing opening another whole new world for me that I didn’t know existed. I was talking to people from around the world. Finally people who were there. They weren’t judging me or starting rumours about how I am faking it all for attention or telling me I was depressing. Yes, someone told me that. A school friend. Someone I considered a really close friend of mine. I think we were around 24 and she said we don’t invite you to things because talking to you is depressing and we wanted to enjoy ourselves. Again, proving that books were more loyal than humans. Actually they are better than humans. Period.
I know its difficult to be friends with someone who is always cancelling plans or cant go out and asks the other person to come over. Sometimes they are bitchy too but can you blame them? They are fighting a battle with their own body every single fucking. Can you blame me?  Everyone you meet always says they understand but they truly don’t because by the time they understand they are already running away in the opposite direction.
Books don’t run away to begin with, they take you not just around the world but to worlds that don’t exists. To universe that is so vast and to make you dream. Books dare you to dream, they give you hope,too. For a better tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day. Am I right or am I right?
Pick up a book and show it some love guys. If you don’t enjoy reading then you just haven’t found your book. Just don’t ever stop looking!
Happy book hunting!
My Love Affair with Books Today I am going to talk about two things that are really close to my heart but firstly I want to apologise for posting after such a long time.
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writingformeandyou · 5 years
A/N: This is a part 2/reunion part regarding one of my most recent head canons I’ve had! Honestly at some parts it hurt me because ouch I don’t like causing these boys pain but either way it was a kinda fun write and I hope you guys agree that the guys would act how I wrote that they would. (Request has been altered greatly so that it wouldn’t involve real world people and such.)
Basically the request: How would the chocobros react to being reunited with their daughter after five years? Their daughter has accomplishments such as being made a dame by a queen and getting a boyfriend that she actually cares for. Would the chocobros take their daughter back or not?
TLSS meaning: The long story short
Noctis being a King that wants to be involved with his people (blame his relationship with Prom for that) likes to do things where he is talking to his people or even occasionally goes onto talk shows to give updates on his country or meet a lucky civilian and get a insider look on how things are from a civilian's perspective. One day he was doing just that, going onto a talk show that is, so as Ignis lectures the makeup crew about making sure that he (Noctis) looked good and to try to take years of age off of him he watched the T.V. to see the talk show host talk about the events at hand and invited a young woman onto the stage, usually Noctis is excited to meet the people of his country but this woman made the pain of many years come back and makes tears fall down his face as his composure cracks. This woman is his baby girl, his daughter, one of the people that he loved the most- no one of the people that he loves the most… and one of the people that hurt him the most. Ignis has to usher the makeup crew out of the room and help Noctis with the onslaught of emotions and tears that have come to attack him. Overall his kingly calm that he had developed over the five years broke and he was a sobbing mess. Ignis soon after would have to leave to question why the ex-princess and not a civilian was there but Noctis remains watching the screen through his streaming tears. The interview of his daughter goes like this, at first she is introduced to the audience as the princess of Lucis- she corrects the host and tells them that she is just an average woman now, the host talks about what she’d been up to for the past couple years; Becoming a celeb, being made a dame by the monarchy in a neighboring country, getting herself a boyfriend that she genuinely loved, and learning about the huge mistake she made. This man is a very simple man you see, he loves his daughter and will never stop loving her. Noctis will end up rising from his seat and will grab the cane that he uses to walk because of the arthritis in his leg from a injury he got that felt like a millennia ago and will walk out onto the stage a crying mess and will rush to his daughter with his arms open and the two would embrace.
TLSS: Noctis loves his daughter no matter what and became depressed after cutting her off due to his responsibility as king and due to that responsibility he would have to hide how he felt for the sake of the country, which he did fairly well but when he was alone he was in shambles. When he was reunited with his daughter he was taken aback with distraught and lost the composure he built over time but after learning of the lessons his daughter learned and the life she built he would be a sobbing mess and would hug her and never let go (not true he would have to let go eventually). This man is incredibly happy to have his daughter back and the people would see it because he would become healthier and would act slightly younger. Though even though there is a happy ending there is one problem, Noctis would not be able to give her her throne back which with her developments would not be too problematic and she would likely fly up to a noble rank either way. She just has to remember one thing, her father will always love her.
For the past five years this man without the distraction of his duties faired horribly with the betrayal of his daughter and is one of the most depressed out of the four in this situation. On this day Ignis is requested to come over to a talk show for a surprise and to be interviewed, Noctis and the rest of the guys didn’t give him a choice. There Ignis was in hair and makeup talking to the hairstylist about his mostly grey hair when suddenly a familiar and haunting voice echoed through the t.v., there she was, his little girl, talking to the show host. Ignis would crack, usually around other people he kept his cool but seeing her has made tears streaking down his cheeks and has him beginning to dissociate. The hairstylist leaves him alone with his thoughts when he hears the talk show host talking to his daughter- no more like talking about his daughter, talking about his daughter’s successes; Becoming a celeb, being made a dame by the monarchy in a neighboring country, getting herself a boyfriend that she genuinely loved, and learning about the huge mistake she made. Ignis is in shock but smiles a broken but genuine smile, it feels as though it’s been forever since he’s done so and almost feels like he needs to learn how to do it again but is so proud of the woman that his daughter became so he decides to wipe his cheeks and clean his glasses before leaving the room to go on stage. Ignis would walk on stage and walk to his daughter before engulfing her in a hug.
TLSS: Ignis loves his daughter unconditionally and she has him wrapped tightly around her little finger from the moment she was born, though in the case of their confrontation this is one of the few things she wasn’t able to win and even then Ignis wasn’t the one who cut his daughter off, it was she who cut him off; She was the one who broke his heart. Like previously mentioned Ignis loves his daughter unconditionally so when he learns of her improvements on herself he is happy to try to make amends and the guys and their kids (including the prince) are at the Citadel cheering Ignis on as he and his daughter reconcile. Ignis will stop dissociating soon after this and will have more genuine smiles soon after. The bond of Ignis and his daughter is unaffected negatively by their power struggle and the two will have a stronger bond than ever and are now likely to be the happiest they’ve ever been in five years.
Much like Ignis Prompto didn’t react well over the span of five years, this beautiful sun drop faded into a dim image of what he once was, his light was gone. Prompto became strongly focused on his duties as general, he changed. Prompto became quieter, stricter, more serious, pretty much ignored his issues, and acted as if he was indebted to the king no matter what Noctis had to say about it. One day Noctis managed to rip Prompto from work and dragged him to a studio for a talk show, no matter the debates from the general the king wouldn’t relent and insisted on taking him so he went because he would do anything for his best buddy. This goes much more differently for Prompto than the others. Noctis would not allow Prompto to know of his true intent of the talk show as he helped plan it but he is concerned that if he knew that he’d leave… Prompto just isn’t readable nowadays and Noctis is unsure of how he will act but he won’t know until it happens. Eventually, hair and makeup has the general cleaned up and looking less like he’d traveled through hell and back so he and Noctis walk out on the stage together. Noctis insists that he himself walks out first so Prompto would roll his eyes and let out a strained chuckle because Noctis never acts like this and Prompto thinks him going out without him is a joke, nope it is part of an elaborate plan. Prompto is told to come out with his eyes closed so not without reluctance he does so and is told to hold out his hands when he reaches the stage so thinking he is taking Noctis’s hands to be led to a surprise or something he does as told and hands are placed in his, but they aren’t the hands he was expecting, he was expecting Noctis’s time and battle-worn hands but instead two soft hands take his and he is told to open his eyes which he does, the first thing he sees is his daughter, his little ray of sunshine, holding his hands with watering eyes as she apologizes. Prompto is taken aback with shock and whispers something about how she called him weak for being on her ex’s side so she starts crying and telling him that it isn’t true which soon enough has him crying and all and all they are a crying mess and Prompto is clinging to his daughter for dear life as the talk show host explains his dear child’s changes in life such as becoming a celeb, being made a dame by the monarchy in a neighboring country, getting herself a boyfriend that she genuinely loved, and learning about how huge her mistake of hurting the prince and her father was.
TLSS: Prompto’s child is one of his purposes for living. If you take his child he shatters and loses a purpose to live, I can’t quite say if he decided things weren’t worth it as it pains me to think about it but I think he did. Prompto changes over the five years, he isn’t handling his depression the same way as Noctis, and Ignis, Noctis’s way of coping being just simply crying in private or in the presence of a friend and doing his duties as king and making sure that his people are happy while Ignis’s is, for the most part, dissociating and staring off in the distance when he even gives himself a moment to think about his child. Prompto will take his daughter back with no second thoughts. Prompto does not improve quickly, actually, he is the slowest to improve. Prompto is still difficult to read for a long time and still has a rough persona for some time but he begins to joke around again like his old self. Prompto is a step closer to his old self on the day he is reunited with his daughter but he might not return to that carefree man that he once was because it is difficult to take down your defenses after being hurt but he can only try with his friends and daughter by his side.
Gladio over the span of five years is able to deal with this the best. Gladio is fairly certain that his daughter inherited her callous attitude from him since that is how he occasionally acted when he was young hence meaning that he feels that he is for blame plus he was expecting some sort of rebellion at some point. Another thing that helps Gladio is that although he and his daughter are not on good terms their relationship wasn’t cut off as harsh as the other guys with their daughters though with the two being the people they are the other wouldn’t willingly apologize for what happened which caused communication to be cut off between the two soon after the fight. Although I said that Gladio acted well about what happened it doesn’t mean that he wasn’t upset. Like the others, if Gladio is left with his thoughts too long he is likely to start crying quietly to himself but he is a busy man that doesn’t really have the time to get stuck in his thoughts. Usually, he is training or doing his duties and eventually, training became one of his main coping methods which benefits him greatly but it is usually when he is in bed that he thinks about his little princess and will mourn his relationship with her. When Gladio is invited to the talk show he will willingly take it on as long as he has the ok from Noctis and the rest of the guys around to protect him. It is when Gladio is getting his hair done and the hairstylist is questioning how he had the least grey in his hair out of him and the guys that he watches his daughter enter the stage. Gladio is shocked and nowhere close to upset when she shows up as he believes this is the best chance for him to reconcile with her so he excuses himself and prepares to enter the stage when he hears the talk show host talk about his daughter’s accomplishments; Becoming a celeb, being made a dame by the monarchy in a neighboring country, getting herself a boyfriend that she genuinely loved, and learning about the huge mistake she made. Gladio feels the all too familiar painful ache of sadness in his chest that causes his eyes to water but there is something else, there is pride for his little princess too. Gladio walks out onto the stage, his daughter stands from her seat, and the two seem to have the same thought in mind as they meet halfway and hug. The two begin apologizing at the same time and soon after laughter ensues as soon as they realize they spoke at the same time and it seems as though nothing had changed between the two at all.
TLSS: Gladio’s daughter has been his beloved little princess and has been way before she even married Noctis’s son. It leads to great disappointment when his little princess acts the way she does but he does not disown her or anything, heck all he even does is take her duty as the future king’s shield and doesn’t even kick her out and it takes a couple of weeks of awkward silence for her to even decide to even leave by herself so it is the similar rough attitude that the two bear that made things worse for the two. Eventually when she does leave Gladio is distraught but copes with training and handling his job as Noctis’s shield or just crying discreetly when he begins worrying about her and wondering if he messed up or if he should’ve spoken to her before things became so messed up between them. Gladio is extremely happy to have his little princess back when they reunite and it is literally like nothing changed between the two.
~Mod Amic
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silversnaffles · 7 years
Okay so whilst I wanted to vent about this, I didn’t want to just in case but my mum’s been telling people irl so I’m gonna do it. (this is super, super long so idc if no one reads, I just wanna get it off my chest).
I’m annoyed at Star’s (and Amber’s) loaners. The family who loan them are a mother and her two young daughters (a 9 year old and 13 year old). They’ve been having a hard time, and mum wanted the old girls to have some attention so she offered them on loan with the only ‘payment’ being mucking out the girls’ paddock. Initially this worked out well, Star had a little girl gushing over her and they were both being lightly ridden (I had still been hacking Star out so she was fine). But then the mucking out started to slip, as well as the actual care itself.
We stupidly took it for granted. They were always gushing over how much they love the mares and mum had known the mother for years, so we assumed the mares were being properly cared for. We’d check on them in the paddock and do their water and stuff, but that was it. 
Alarm bells should’ve rung when I brought Amber in a couple of months ago to change her rugs when I found her hair falling out of her belly, and loads of scabs and dried puss underneath. I assumed it was a simple mistake, I sometimes forget to check the bellies too. I cleaned up and applied some silver spray and told them and my mum to keep an eye on it.
Now, since then we’d been concerned with how the mother had started to leave the girls to do their own things with the mares, despite wanting to loan them to teach the girls to ride. The 13 year old is fine left to her own devices as she just likes to groom Amber (and with Amber being 32, this is fine). However, the 9 year old has started trotting Star constantly. Just up and down in straight lines. Even under Star’s thick cushings coat, you can see her condition isn’t great from the winter and her back legs are stiff from the arthritis (the mother told me she’d look into joint supplements but never did), but the kid just keeps trotting.
Also Star has started to be aggressive towards the kid. Star has never bit anyone. She is essentially a little quiet push button pony, a total angel. But she’s started biting. I found this to be bizarre as she’s great with kids (even when she was a nervous wreck she was great with kids on the ground). So I checked the saddle they had for her (which we gave them in the summer when Star was overweight). It was huge on her, because she dropped weight I had to find out her narrow saddle. If they had checked the saddle and told me, I’d have sorted this out much earlier. Anyway Star kept biting, she just started to move a bit better from the saddle change. So, something else was bugging her, and it seems it’s the kid as she runs Star around constantly and is always screeching.
There is also the issue of the stiff legs and bad fitting saddle, I suggested to the loaner to get the physio out for at least one session as it’ll really help Star. Now it’s like £40 a session and she told me she didn’t have the money for that which I thought was fair enough and decided I was going to do it when I was next paid. But then she went and got a license to own a zebra?? That’s right, she wanted to buy a zebra. And then started to ask my mum and our friend if either of them would loan a share horse with her, OR if she could bring onto the land a 11.2hh loan pony for the kids? Like no? You can only come up at weekends, and even then it’s always late in the afternoon/evenings and you barely muck out so we’d end up caring for it, and you can’t afford one physio session what makes you think you could afford another pony?
There’s also the issue of Star’s coat. Normally Star is clipped all the time since she was a show pony, and it also helped manage her cushings. But last autumn, our clippers broke so we weren’t able to clip her. This didn’t bother us too much since the temperature was dropping anyway, and when the wet came we threw waterproof rugs on to keep her dry. However, as we’ve been approaching Spring, I’ve been essentially nagging the loaners to get her clipped as she’s going to start to overheat in that coat. It took like two months for her to actually reach out to someone to get her clipped and that was two weeks ago, and she still hasn’t worked out a date. Luckily, we made an emergency buy and bought some clippers due to what I found the other day.
When I was mucking out the field with Star and Amber in (and Amera now as Tara has recently started being stabled), I noticed Star’s eye was extremely gunky. So I dropped everything and took her (or dragged her since she’s now lost all enthusiasm since the loaners started) to the yard to clean up her eye and give her eye drops, and I also decided to take off her rug as it was clear it was too warm for her and the rug was pulling on her withers. Whilst she was with me I decided to give her a groom, and the one side was alright, but then I got to the next side and all of her belly was covered in matted fur. So, I ended up sitting on the floor cutting away at all of it. Then I found multiple bald patches. HUGE ones. like the size of my hands. And she was so so quiet. It’s clear that these patches and matted fur have developed over a few weeks, and they’ve still been tacking her up so I have no idea how they never noticed. My mum reckons that the kid only grooms the one side if that. 
In a state of panic, we called out the vet. Turns out, after the mini break out of lice we had last year (which me and my mum thought we got on top of), they didn’t treat the mares for lice. So amongst Star’s extremely thick cushings coat she had thousands of lice and they didn’t notice. It also explains how Amera’s suddenly become itchy again, I put it down to shedding. 
Anyway, the vet recommended getting her clipped asap and then applying some of this strong lice treatment and to treat all of our other horses again. She also did bloods, as for the past five years we’ve been naturally managing Star’s cushings but it’s clear that she now needs meds.
So since, Friday, I’ve been bringing Star in myself every day to treat her eye, groom her, feed her, and also applied some lice powder to keep her going until the clippers arrive (hopefully tomorrow), and she’s started to perk up a bit. Her eye is now pretty much clear, and yesterday when she finished her dinner she picked up the bucket between her teeth and threw it at me and then proceeded to bite the lead rope and pull at it. The fact she’s doing these small things again, shows she’s slowly getting back to her old self again. She was also a little git earlier and ran away when she realised I wanted to sort her eye out (but then realised she could only be fed if she had her eye done so let me catch her).
I do feel awful complaining like this, they are nice people (except for the 9 year old I honestly cannot stand her. I love the 13 year old, she’s a sweetheart but I’m always super close to strangling the youngest) and I do love the mother, and I do think they love the ponies. BUT I can’t let this slide. That is my pony that isn’t being cared for properly. And even if the bald patches had only suddenly developed in a couple of days, that doesn’t excuse the matted fur. My mum was livid and so was our friend on the yard with us (she owned Star from the ages of 9 months to 3 years old before she gave her to us). 
We’ve told them that Star can’t be ridden anymore because of her arthritis, which is pretty true atm. We’re hoping we can get her condition back and she can be shown in-hand again next year (this year is obviously going to be a no-go) as she loves going out. And maybe, if she does get better and the physio helps, I’ll lightly hack her out again to keep her busy. Whilst I’m tall, I’m still quite light (which I don’t look, I know, but I promise I’m under 10 stone, nearly 9 stone - I was 9 stone but I put on a bit of weight over winter), and through only riding her for years I know to move with her so she’s not put off balance. I just need her weight and condition back, but we’ll have to wait till all of that fur is gone so we’ll have a better idea on how to feed her.
We also have a new stable being built so Merlin can move out of her stable into his own, and she can be stabled with Merlin, Tara and Arthur. Then we can feed her as much as we want and have better control of her diet. We would put her own more grass but because of her lami/cushings we can’t risk it. 
I’m just hoping they return her tack soon as we told them she can’t be ridden but they still have her saddle, bridle, girth, saddle pads, new market exercise fleece and brushing boots. My mum and friend don’t quite trust them not to ride her, and tbh the way the kid kept taking on and off her bridle the other day and begging to ride, I don’t either.
If they do decide to stop loaning her and Amber, I seriously hope they return all of our tack. Whilst a lot of it is old, all of it together is still worth a fair bit (not so much Star’s narrow saddle, that thing is falling to pieces) and would be difficult to replace (or pointless since the mares are getting on). 
We do hope the novelty will wear off soon and they’ll move on, we don’t want to end on bad terms so we won’t do it ourselves (fingers crossed they’ll give me my tack back if they do leave)
Honestly though, I cried on Friday when I found out how Star is. She was right under my nose the whole time and I assumed they looked after her properly and left them to it, but I was wrong, and now I feel like a bad mom. I’m going to make up for it to her. That pony is going to be super pampered from now on (which she was before tbh, it was them that I stopped pampering her for as I thought they'd do that for them)
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topbeautifulwomens · 6 years
#Say #NO #to #Ritalin! #The #Indigo/ADD/ADHD #Child’s #Diet #editorial #fashion #fashionphotographer #follow #glamourmodel #highlighter #makeupaddict #portraitphotography #streetstyle #trends
It is the dreaded Child Break up Persona Syndrome – you have noticed it but are you acutely aware that you could possibly be the offender of it all?! Unknowingly sure.
Allow me established the scene.
Breakfast which consisted of bagels, with butter and jam, a bowl of sugary stuffed cereal and a glass of synthetic fruit punch to clean it dpersonal, was concluded entirely moments just before. Your harmless, candy, comfortable, great and gathered children have relocated to the destroy place and are sitting down on the sofa seeing their favored tv display, guffawing and actively playing cheerfully with each other. As you stand there observing your delicious bundles of joy you can not deny the really feelings of love that wash previously mentioned you. You might be so pleased that you developed those tiny holy terrors, I suggest cherished currently beings! It’s so sweet that it truly is a Kodak moment!
BUT you much better have your joggers onto operate for the digital camera quick betrigger in a subject of seconds your stunning, precious children will have been converted into she and he devils! What was when a beautiful Kodak moment has now been transformed into a hellish nightmare of yelling and screaming, little ones leaping from couch to couch, your ears are stunned with high-pitched screams of ache as your eyes witness a traveling bite of hair! Then a crash, with a smirk and no feeling “Sorry mom, broke your favorite lamp!” As this lovable child superflies by means of the air once aadvantage!
And just consider, a couple of moments back you have been considering how minimizee they were and how you should probably give them yet another sibling?! Nevertheless considering that of what you are witnessing the impulsive thought has vanished! Now you hear by yourself screaming, “I introduced you into this entire world, I can take you out!”
OK so probably you failed to say it, but we all know you were definitely thinking it!… end of scene.
So what brings about the fluctuation in our kid’s conduct?
Toworking day, we are going to appear at their diet program. This article will consideration on some nutritional interventions for Indigos/ADD/ADHD children. Individuals children are very fragile folks, they’re sensitive to their environments, what cgreat dealhes they can use and the food they eat. In buy for children (and grownups) to focus, they need to have wholesome food that increases their calories and focus. Most children begin their day by consuming straightforward carbs this sort of as waffles, muffins, donuts, pop-tarts, bagels, cinnamon rolls and sugary cereals. (Incidentally, these merchandise typically contain MSG. A little addictive additive that no person should drink! But that is another article.)
It’s no wonder the greater part of kids are behaving insane and are not able to focus in the classroom! They’re bouncing from one end of the spectrum, high blood sugar degrees, to the total contrary of the spectrum, underneath normal blood sugar levels. This can be considered in their practices. Effortless sugars or simple carbohydrates motivate the pancreas to secrete larger levels of insulin into the blood flow, camaking use of the speedy absorption of sugar into the cells. Here’s the influence we refer to as a “sugar high.” The usage of simple sugars can lead to their behavioral ups and downs adding anger, distractibility, aggression, impulsivity, hyperhectic and so forth. to the opposite end of feeling spacey, drained, overcome and inattentive. Hmm? I wonder if a exchange in diet is better than drugging our children with Ritalin? I am here to say YES, it is!
Dr. Allen Buresz – “In 199six the Planet Overall health Company warned that Ritalin over-use has get to and everyed risky proparts. Ideally, by being armed with correct info, you may be able to keep away from using Ritalin or other related medicines. Intake of these capsules on a prolonged-phrase foundation is questionable. Defense of such continual use is very easily mysterious, but several dangerous side consequences have been expanding. Ritalin, for instance, may provoke seizures and control expandth, or it may cause angina, blood stress modifications, melancholy or any of a very long listing of severe side effects.”
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn MD – “No person has ever been able to demonstrate that drugs including Cylert and Ritalin enhance the instructional efficiency of the children who take them… The scholar is drugged to generate life less difficult for his teacher (and some dad and mom) not to make it better and much more successful for the child.”
I believe that food can be used as medicine and that our diet does matter very much! It does the physique and head good to avoid eating simple carbohydrates – anything created from delicate or white flour such as pasta, bagels, white bread and cereals. Finish eating chemically unhealthy processed meals and pre-packaged foods. Do you know what is actually in them? It is essential to start looking through the labels of the foods you are feeding your children and yourself. I know, now you are thinking, wonderful so what do we eat? Well we go back again to eating the way we did before we went grocery searching – organic and all-natural! There is likely an organic store proper in your area. Greater grocery chains usually have a “small” part of organic products. You can also grow your own end result and veggies! Begin your own backyard outside the house or buy pots and set them in your window sills.
It is also crucial to take a multi-vitamin and mineral health supplement but beware of the dyes! Omega-a few oils, specifically fish oil, is probably the single most important nutrient for an Indigo/ADD/ADHD child to take. Dr. Stoll’s guide The Omega-3 Relationship is a hugely advisable read! A Purdue College study confirmed that kids low in Omega-3 Crucial Fatty Acids are tremendously more likely to be hyperactive, have realizing problems, and to display behavioral head aches. Omega-3 deficiencies have also been tied to dyslexia, violence, depression, memory problems, fat gain, most cancers, coronary heart condition, eczema, allergic reactions, inflammatory ailments, arthritis, diabetic issues and many other terms.
Below are some food selections to employ in your house. This change being made inside of your household device is a life style change. You need to do your part, if you child can’t eat some thing than your entire family should make the option that neither can they. This will assist your child in a very loving method as an alternative of making him/her feel like they are being punished. If your child feels that food is being withheld from them because they see you eating it, they’ll sneak the foods driving your back. How can you possibly explain to a child that something is not good for them and you eat it?! You MUST lead by case in point specifically with these kids!
The 1st most important substance that is needed for the human body is h2o. Pure natural water and heaps of it! Nutritionists recommend a least of eight eight ounce eyeglasses a day, more if you are active. That isn’t going to mean that you can consume eight mugs of espresso (for adults) or eight glasses of artificial juice and say well it’s made with water so I got my intake. Incorrect! Pure water. Simple. There is no way to get all around it! It is very best to avoid elements that dehydrate the body, like caffeine and alcoholic beverages. If you do consume dehydrating products than you need to consume even more water to flush out the poisons!
The diet will incorporate protein, sophisticated carbohydrates and fat. It is important to eat around every 2 to 3 several hours, up right up until 3 hours before mattress. This functions out to eating approximately 6 moments a day. Of course I know this seems like a lot but really it isn’t really owing the small portion dimensions. As soon as foods are consumed in this manner it truthfully improves the metabolic rate so you may burn off more fat! Your body remains fueled with the proper vitamins and minerals and never has the chance to go into hunger mode exactly where it actually merchants fat and commences to cannibalize by itself eating the muscle tissue for energy!
It is also important for your child to get everyday follow. This is becoming ever more exceptional with all the refreshing technological improvements being made. Kids learn by example. If you do not exercise, in most instances neither will they. Start heading for bicycle rides with them, or walks, swimming, skating etc. Make it fun! Lifestyle has grow to be as well serious. It’s time to sluggish down and appreciate your children. They are only with you for a brief time. Love it although you can, you only have a few a long time to make a great effect as a parent. Often don’t forget that what you teach your children, your children will teach their children!
Each meal will consist of a protein, a complex carbohydrate and a vegetable. Ingesting in this manner calls for willpower and making ready ahead. Pre-cooking and pre-packaging for a few times really aids cut time down in the kitchen area. The serving size of each will be the size of your palm. Case in point: You chosen a piece of hen for one meal, if you were to place the piece of chicken into your hand, it’ll not be any even bigger than the size of your palm. The adhering to lists are small pleasant gear to get you started. They are by no implies the only stuff you can eat!
Healthiest Good quality of Proteins: The first two detailed are the best choices (in my viewpoint) the following if you have to consume animal product. If your child refuses to eat, remember to don’t pressure them! There are many other foods offered that can supply the daily required protein intake.
o Protein Powder
o Soy-Depending Items
o Egg Whites or Substitutes
o Lower-fat cottage cheese
o Rooster
o Turkey
o Tuna
o Salmon
o Orange Roughy
o Haddock
o Crab
o Lobster
o Shrimp
o Lean Floor Beef
Healthiest Quality of Carbs: ORGANIC products are the absolute best and should really be regarded! Remember to don’t load them with saturated fats!
o Baked potato
o Candy potato
o Yam
o Steamed Brown Rice
o Steamed Wild Rice
o Oatmeal
o Barley
o Beans
o Complete-Wheat Bread
o Whole Grains
o Corn
o Strawberries
o Melon
o Apple
o Orange
o Pears
o Kiwi
Healthiest Quality of Greens: ORGANIC products are the absolute best and should really be considered! Please don’t load them with saturated fats!
o Broccoli
o Asparagus
o Lettuce
o Carrots
o Cauliflower
o Green Beans
o Green Peppers
o Mushrooms
o Spinach
o Tomato
o Peas
o Brussels Sprouts
o Cabbage
o Artichoke
o Celery
o Zucchini
o Cucumber
Healthiest Quality of Fat:
Even with common ideals, not all fats are undesirable. Saturated fats are bad while unsaturated fats, in reasonable quantities, can actually be good for you. For example, one of the causes fish is such a wholesome food is because it involves essential fatty acids.
o Safflower oil
o Sesame oil
o Avocados
You are your kid’s world guardian, change their diet and watch them blossom in every area of their life instead of poisoning them with drugs. It is time to take manage of our life and go back to the essentials. Eat as natural as feasible. You can locate all kinds of great guides our there with very healthy recipes. Do some lookup, your kids are price it!
IMPORTANT: Use this information at your own threat. This information is not to be used in place of appropriate healthcare recommendation. If there are problems, often seek the advice of your doctor.
If you have any queries please feel free of charge to e mail me lisa@infinitylighttherapeutic For more material and healing tools, please pay a visit to my site. As always, preserve smiling and play in love!
The post Say NO to Ritalin! The Indigo/ADD/ADHD Child’s Diet appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/say-no-to-ritalin-the-indigoaddadhd-childs-diet/
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