#my android look
wellnoe · 2 months
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(sid's clear torso is an idea originally done by @lightningidle, in this art piece!)
[id in ALT!]
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turtletoads · 4 months
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android 18 save me. save me android 18
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kayliskian · 2 years
Mercury fanbot signing on with my new look (really do need that PRIEST pin though..)
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shrimperini · 9 months
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she caught him and then nothing bad happened and they escaped together and
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soupdweller · 8 months
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day 29: apart.
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dbzkaka · 3 months
I literally dont know how to continue explaining to people that part of the reason Goku decided to stay dead was because Gohan hated fighting.
He didnt know this until cell. He literally had no idea. Gohan NEVER gave any indication whatsoever. Couple that with the fact Bulma pointed out most of people threatening the Earth during that point in time were all people wanting Goku. The saiyans. Frieza. The androids. Doctor Gero. Cell.
All because of Goku. Its not his fault but his very existence consistently put the Earth in danger. He truly believed Earth would be safer without him and therefore, gohan wouldnt be consistently placed into battle.
Because Goku didnt know gohan hated fighting. But once he knew came the very interwoven nature of these threats he brought making his own son fight because gohan felt he HAD to. Not because he wanted to. For goku, protecting the earth always aligned with his own love for fighting. But gohan fought out of necessity, out of the very idea that they couldnt afford to do it without him. He has this power he didnt ask for so he must use it right? Because it would be selfish if he didnt.
But goku... goku thought gohan was like him. Gohan WANTED to return to help fight vegeta. He WANTED to go to namek. He WANTED to stay and fight after piccolo almost died to frieza. Goku didnt see gohan train that first year. Didnt witness what it took to make gohan a fighter. All he saw was his son who now was strong and wanted to join the fight like his dad. And he knows gohan is more powerful than them, knows he can stop cell, FELT IT. Gohan has to defeat cell because no one else can. So he thinks if gohan gets angry enough fighting cell, itll be the answer. Because thats how its always been for goku. And in thirty seconds piccolo makes him realize he's wrong. He doesnt argue back, he listens and concedes and realizes that piccolo is right. And suddenly goku wants to abandon his plan and stop the fight. He made a mistake. He intends to get gohan out. And in the end, he still ended up being right, but it doesnt change what goku now knows. Gohan isnt like him and he doesnt enjoy fighting.
Goku would have NEVER made gohan fight if he thought he didnt want to. You know this whenever adult gohan gets involved in a fight and goku apologizes that he had to. Or when someone suggests gohan for a battle and goku is like nah he's "out of practice," even when they have time FOR PRACTICE. He never wants to force gohan into a situation like cell again. Because cell was a mistake and goku has learned from it. So he never asks Gohan to fight anymore. If Gohan wants in then of course he's in. But he wants his son to be able to choose that. He wants gohan to be HAPPY and if thats not fighting then thats perfectly alright with goku.
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So it wasnt just about keeping the earth safe. Or his friends. It was knowing that in the safety of gokus absence, gohan wouldnt have to fight either. There would be less threats, less chances of his son being forced into battle. And sure he also trusted that gohan and the others could keep the earth safe if they had to, but he was banking on the threat level significantly decreasing instead.
And decrease it did. They had seven whole years of peace. Not a single threat. Meanwhile from the moment Raditz shows up to gokus death to cell, it all takes place within the span of FIVE YEARS. The longest they went without a threat was the three year gap spent training for the androids. And they spent every waking moment knowing they were coming.
And then if you look at trunks future... majority of the human population being wiped out by the androids. Majority of gokus friends. His son. All dead. Because of him. Because he defeated the red ribbon army when he was a child. And that very easily could have been their future as well. So Goku does his job in preventing that. He saves all of them. And if hes the only one who ends up dead, well... it doesnt matter. Because they aren't. And he intends to keep it that way. So he stays in otherworld, to keep them safe and to give his son a future that he can choose. If Gohan has to fight, then he can. But at least his father wouldnt be the one bringing the threats to his door.
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bakedbananners · 3 months
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throws my hat into the murderbot designs ring
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torgwn · 2 years
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something i made last month (id in alt)
pronouns are xe/xem/xyr or xey/xem/xyr or they/them
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sonohban · 8 months
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it is not a sin to fight for the right cause.
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androids-insides · 2 months
Oh god, the Narrator knows what 'twink' means! Quick yall, hide the rest of the slang! :0
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mag1cspells · 4 months
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prettycoolducks · 7 months
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decided to quickly redraw/draw over an old (and I mean OLD) GLaDOS drawing. I liked the idea I was going for! It's GLaDOS standing over Cave Johnson's corpse lol. Original drawing under the cut (:
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coline7373 · 2 months
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unpretty · 8 months
every time i try to use my ipad for anything other than playing video games it's such an exercise in frustration i'm astonished all over again that there are people who live like this.
i try to change my home screen so it doesn't look like shit and all the advice is like "download this app, it's the best one!" so i download the free app and it turns out you can't actually use the free app unless you pay a $5 monthly subscription fee. it changes your wallpaper and adds some widgets that do nothing but open a weird shortcut window before opening the actual app, in a way that makes it look like i accidentally clicked a virus. the widgets are just some pictures.
there's controls that are unintuitive so i try to change the unintuitive controls but it turns out there's no option for that and if you try to look for a way to enable that option you find nothing but people falling all over themselves to tell you why having options is actually bad.
then i think of an app i use on my phone that would be nice to have on a bigger screen and everyone says, "we don't have that app, we have this other app, which does the same thing but better" so i install it but then i can't use it without paying a $5 monthly subscription fee.
i accept the free trial because i might as well and it turns out the app looks like shit. i look for the settings to make the app look like the good app that was free on my phone but i can't find the settings. i do a search to see where the settings are hiding and find a thread where someone is asking where the setting is and the devs tell them that there isn't a setting and actually having options is bad and once they use the app for a while they'll realize that not having options is better. i cancel my free trial and uninstall the app and continue to read on my phone instead of the big fancy tablet.
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skneees · 1 year
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walks into a dead fandom. hello. i have gifts,
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craske · 10 months
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fucking. weasel of a man. a tryhard. the most embarrassing bad guy ever what did you do with your hair it looks stupid
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