#my best friend says that fire boys brother talks about us a lot
imthatqueerkid · 2 years
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Pairings: George Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: you work at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and George realizes he fancies you Warnings: mention of kissing? Note: bit long
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you had been working at the twin's shop for a few month now, ever since you got fired from your last job at a café.
you had gone into the shop and started talking to the Fred, seen as though you knew each other from school, but you were in the year below them.
you were an accidental victim to one of their pranks that was meant for Flitwick. they saw very apologetic and made sure you were alright and made it their mission to make it up to you, which they did.
so when you were talking, the subjects of jobs were unavoidable
"this shop is amazing, you should be very proud of yourself" you laughed
"thank you, I am, It's the best job. what did you get up to?" he asked politely
"I got a small job at a café in Hogsmeade" you smiled awkwardly
"how's that going?"
you shook your head, pursing your lips "to be honest, not good, I got fired a week ago" you looked down sheepishly
"really?" he gasped lightly, you looked up at him and saw his big smile, his eyebrows raised.
"yeah." you nodded your head, your eyes closed
"you know, George and I were thinking lately that there isn't enough of us working here, it's sort of.. understaffed, i mean it's only the two of us, and most days we don't get lunch breaks" he explained, his smile widening
"if you want, I would -and I'm sure George too- would love to have you work here with us" he informed
"really? you would hire me?" you raised your eyebrows
"yeah" he nodded enthusiastically "you know what, you meet me and George tomorrow at three broomsticks and we'll talk more about it"
"yeah, of course, thank you!" you replied quickly.
the next day you went to meet with them and it went great, George seemed happy to hire you as much as Fred did and at the end they said you'd start Monday, and you did
George watched you as your worked, he was helping a kid figure out what he wanted as you stood at the cash register, taking money and giving change and smiling at the little kids faces when they laughed at their products
he found himself staring at you a lot, you were a distraction from his job, but he wouldn't rather anyone else work there.
"mister? will these turn me into a death eater?" the little kid by his side asked him, making him look away from you and down to the boy.
he looked down at what he was holding, seeing the edible dark marks
"no buddy, it won't make you into a death eater" he answered amused by his soft voice
the boy smiled and seemed to relax "well I want this then"
"ok well go down to the counter and the pretty lady at the front will check that out for you, ok?" George told the boy.
the boy nodded and went off, running to the counter to join the long line.
"pretty lady at the front, ay?" he heard Fred say from behind him
George turned to his brother and rolled his eyes at his smirk.
"what? can't I call my friend pretty?" he questioned
"oh but is she really just a friend to you George?" Fred smirked
"yes" George responded quickly
Fred glared at him knowingly the grin on his face growing
"shove off Fred" George grumbled, walking off to go help other customers.
Fred snickered to himself before going to help a kid get something off a shelf.
George often found himself watching you as you worked, he told himself it was to make sure you weren't making mistakes or if you needed help.
Fred, Of course knew it was more than that, he knew his twin brother fancied you.
but Fred also knows that George is helpless when it came to realising and acting upon his feelings, you weren't the only girl he's seemed to like.
but you were definitely the girl he's liked the most, how does Fred know this?
first of all, it's a twin thing
but it's the way he looks at you, it's the way he asks you for help even when you've finished for the day, the way he laughs when he's with you when nothing is funny.
it's the way George's face turns red when he's around you and the way he fiddles with things when you're there.
and Fred saw the way you looked at George too, you would steal glances at him when he's not looking and smile up at him when he's distracted.
Fred saw the way you fixed yourself when you saw George coming, you would straighten your posture and pat down your clothes.
so Fred wanted to help, he wanted George to notice and acknowledge his feelings for you.
so when closing up the shop that night, George was at the counter, counting the money and splitting it while you talked to him, your elbow on the desk, using it to hold up your chin as you leaned
Fred was out the back- the workshop, they called it. figuring out what they needed to brew up.
"alright, here you go" he heard George sigh
"thanks, see you in the morning," you said "bye Fred!" you called out
Fred popped out to say bye to you and you left, George locked the door and Fred looked over at the love potions, an idea popping into his head.
"hey can you finish up back, I gotta head up and order some things" Fred asked George, making him turn to him and nod
Fred headed for the stairs and waited until George went into the workshop, the door staying open.
Fred smirked and snuck over to the love potions, opening a few bottles before running upstairs to order ingredients
George was finished up in the back when he felt a particular scent hit his nose, making it tingle
it was the smell he loved and craved, it smelt exactly like you.
he turned around as the scent of your perfume filled the room.
he knew you left, but you might've snuck in because you forgot something
he called out your name, heading to the door to head back in the shop, the smell getting stronger
"Y/n?" he called out again, looking around the shop
he didn't see you anywhere, and the door was still locked. leaving him puzzled. he looked around again and brushed it off, thinking he imagined it.
he turned off the lights and head for the stairs, passing the glowing pink flower display that held the love potions, the smell of your perfume almost burning his nose.
he looked down at the bottles and noticed some of them were open.
George picked them up and smelt it, smelling you. he closed it and read the back
smell what attracts you! he read in the pretty pink font.
it clicked it his head, it hit him hard. he fancied you? he began to feel dizzy as the smell intoxicated him.
he closed the rest of the bottles that were open and the small seemed to fade away, letting George breath
he stood there for a while, deep in thought,
deep in thought about you
he blinked and decided to get sleep. he laid down and as soon as his head hit his pillow he was drowned in a deep sleep, dreaming about you, with him
the next morning he got ready for work, yearning for your arrival
and Fred could sense it, he smiled as he saw George's grin stay on his face all morning.
"what are you smiling at?" he questioned his twin, making George's grin falter, not realising his upturned lips.
"nothing" he shook his head
"really?" he smirked, giving George a knowing look
"just in a good mood" George shrugged
"Y/n just arrived" Fred lied, seeing the way George immediately turned to the front door, a look of anticipation in his eyes
"shove off Fred" George grumbled before going to the back to brew up some products
everything was ready for opening so he decided to go up to the flat to make himself tea.
George heard the door open and he left the potion, casting a spell to make it pour in the vials itself
he walked out to the front to see you with your bag
"good morning George" you smiled.
a lump formed in his throat and he failed to speak
his faced turned red and went hot as he felt his hands get clammy
you noticed his flushed state and went closer to him
"George? are you ok?" you asked
he swallowed the lump and nodded his head
"yeah sorry, Good morning" he replied
you smiled and went to the back to hang up your bag. you came out and went to him
"what do you want me to do?" you questioned, looking around the shop
"you can help help me stock up the love potions" Fred spoke as he walked down the stairs.
you smiled and looked up at George who grinned crookedly
you walked to the back, Fred right behind you. he shut the door behind you and you looked for the boxes of love potions
"so, do you like working here?" he interrogated curiously
you turned to him and beamed
"yeah, It's great" you answered happily
"what do you think of George?" he smirked
"He's fine?" you frowned, puzzled by his words
Fred grabbed a bottle and accidentally dropped it, making the fumes fill the room.
while Fred didn't smell anything, you on the other hand got overwhelmed by the scent of George's cologne
"bloody hell" he sighed "you go stock up, I'll clean this up"
your gaze stayed on the liquid, the pink heart bubbles flowing up to reach your nose. the scent making you feel dizzy.
"Y/n? you alright?" Fred asked, knowing exactly what's going on.
you averted your eyes from the spill to Fred.
"yeah, sorry, just frightened me" you responded quickly. the smell still chasing your nose. you picked up the box and headed to the front to stock them on the display.
George stared as you talked to a few male customers, ones that seem to be around your age.
it annoyed George and distracted him from his job. And Fred, who was walking past leaned into George
"You should tell her" he whispered before walking away, not letting George get the Chance to protest against the idea
George sighed as he looked back at you smiling at the boys.one of them getting a little too close for George's liking.
He clenched his jaw before turning away to get back to work
he heard your laugh from across the shop and fought the urge to interfere.
you were allowed to talk to other guys, you didn't belong to George, you weren't even his girlfriend.
you were his employee.
so he had no right to feel the jealousy bubbling in his stomach or the pain in his heart when he heard your little squeal.
he went to the other side of the shop, to the back to occupy himself until the boys would leave
George has been trying his best to flirt with you the rest of the week, he would go up to you and make you laugh with stories from school.
he would go out of his way to make sure he was by your side and help you when you seemed to struggle
he knew he wasn't the best at talking to women he likes but the way you smiled and laughed at him made him believe he had a chance.
it was a quiet day in the shop, the weather was cold and wet, the rain from the night before dripping from the pipes.
so George didn't have to worry about having to help anyone, by the time you started working there, most people already knew where everything was, except when things moved or they had never been there before.
so George stayed with you the whole day, making you laugh between scanning the products.
"then me and Fred decided that we just wanted to make the dream real, people thought it was a bit childish but we knew that this was what we wanted to do" George jabbered
"well I'm very proud of you two, not many people have the guts to chase their dreams, I admire your ambitions"
that made George happy, you were proud of him, you admired him.
in that moment George thought you might've liked him the same why he did you.
"thank you" he replied softly, his smile widening as he looked down at you
it was nearing closing time and it began pouring with rain, the thunder and lightning soon after.
the shop got even quieter as parents ushered their kids to hurry up and buy their products so they can get home.
you were at the register scanning the last few products, while George watched from behind you
when Fred came out from the workshop
"George I need help" he yelled out to him
George groaned quietly before going to his brother.
Fred pulled George in, shutting the door behind them
"are you gonna tell her?" he asked his younger twin
"tell who what?" George scratched the back of his neck
"don't play that game" Fred crossed his arms
"I don't know what your talking about" George shrugged
"really? so I can go out there and ask her out on a date?" Fred huffed with a coy smile
George swallowed deeply, his hand subconsciously balling up to make a fist
"go ahead then" George blinked, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried not to curse his brother out
"fine" Fred rolled his eyes, walking to the door slowly, waiting for George to stop him, but he didn't
Fred walked through the door and shut it behind him, waiting a second before opening it again, seeing George by the cauldron, probably wanting to start brewing something
Fred shut the door and marched up to him, looking at him like he has two heads
"what was that?" Fred spat
"what did she say?" George questioned quietly
"I didn't ask her you idiot," Fred answered "why didn't you try to stop me?"
"why would her? if you like her then ask her" George spoke softly
"I don't like her" Fred sighed in disappointment
George turned to his twin with a deadpan expression "then what was the point of this, Fred?"
"for you to stop me? I know you fancy her so why didn't you try to stop me?" Fred slapped his arm
"what do you want from me?" George took a deep breath, looking at the ground
"to tell her, I know she fancies you too so what's stopping you?" Fred lied.
"how would you know that?"
Fred didn't know, he assumed
"she told me. we were talking yesterday and she told me" the older twin blinked
George believed him, and he was excited, Fred could see the redness rising on his brothers cheeks and smiled, leaving to room, going to the flat leaving it to you and George to close the shop
George stood there, thinking when he heard the rain and thunder from outside starting again, he came out and looked out the window. no one was in the shop other than you and him.
you were cleaning up the counter, getting ready to leave
the first lightning strike of the night had flashed and didn't stop
he went up to you and cleared his throat
he stood behind you, waiting for you to turn around.
you did, and you were met with his frame towering over your own, making you jump, not knowing he was right there.
"merlin, George, don't do that" you squealed
you made your way past him to the back to get your bag, but he stopped you
"you're really pretty" he informed you. you looked up at him with a smile, feeing the heat rise to your cheeks as he complimented you
"thank you, George" you beamed
you continued to go to the back, you took your bag off the hook on the wall and turned around to him cornering you.
he leaned his hand against the wall and stopped you from moving
his gaze moved down to your lips and stayed there, you stared at him while he slightly licked his lips.
he took your time to examine his face, it was more defined than Fred's. he also had more freckles and his eyes were softer, holding more emotion.
you counted the dots on his face that decorated his face, going through his cheeks and across his nose.
he was gorgeous, and the close proximity he forced you into made you feel weak
he continued staring at you. his gaze was gentle and held a sense of longing.
"hello" you broke the silence awkwardly, it made him chuckle
it was a deep and cocky chuckle. it was sexy
he reached up and stroked your hair, looking at you with pure love and care.
"you're so pretty" he whispered
that was the second time he said that in the span of almost 4 minutes.
"George" you muttered when he inclined closer to you
"yes?" he murmured, you gulped down a lump in your throat and looked down at his lips for a second before looking away from him all together
he took a step closer to you, and you could feel body heat radiating against yours
when he realised you had nothing to say he spoke up himself
"you should stay the night, wouldn't want you walking home in this weather" he mumbled
his head bent down to rest of yours, the warmth of his breath blowing onto your lips
"we have a guest room" he breathed, he seemed to be panting
he slowly leaned in and pressed his lips on yours, you could barely call it a kiss.
his he sunk his teeth gently into your bottom lip before letting go.
he groaned almost inaudible
you felt heat rise between your legs as he grabbed your hips
"ok" you replied, almost silently, afraid that if you speak to loud he'll disappear and this would all be a dream
he smiled before smashing his lips on yours, as if he was hungry for you.
he held your hand and held it against the wall.
he hummed against your lips before letting go, taking your hand off the wall and dragging you upstairs.
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absolutebl · 7 months
This Week in BL - A Lot Ended, Quite Bit Started, I got things to say about it all
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Nov 2023 Wk 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thurs iQIYI) 3 of 8 - This is just a great BL. So fun with few frills and paced nicely. Thai talent + Korean story is proving very harmonious for narrative flow. I’m delighted. I love that they don’t shy away from letting Tew be an actual violent criminal who is just gone and mushy for this one geeky cutie. Also I appreciate it when a show hangs a lantern on its own plot failing. In this case, the main character being drunk as a plot devise 2x in subsequent eps.
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Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 2 of 10 - Love it. Love Spite and his chronic guilt over his younger brother, the golden child. Love that he is driven to repair for a past that no longer exists. Evil mom who cares more for what her son can do than that son, let alone his brother. The volleyball well…. erm. I played varsity (setter) so this is amusing to me but I’m not mad about it. 
I agree that this Not Me just sports and pulp. 
Last Twilight (Fri YT) 1 of 12 - JimmySea are back and is this... good? Do I like this? I don't have faith, GMMTV has been doing us dirty lately. But I think I like it! Why The Little Prince AGAIN? Ugh. 
Middleman’s Love (Fri YT & iQIYI 1 of 8 - Domundi giving us an office comedy hyung romance staring TutorYim (Cutie Pie) with NetJames (Bed Friend) and LeoTai (Friend Forever) providing support. Lets hope they stick to only 8 eps. Buckle up, I got shit talking to type.
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I warned ya out the gate that this is a Cheewin comedy, so tonally it could be very OFF, and boy howdy is it EVER off. There's a place this kind of show goes where it's so cringe it's visually rotten and this one went there out that gate. Also, I'm gonna say it because no one else has, Yim is not good in this role. Comedy is HARD to do and Cheewin isn't doing this green actor any favors. He's chewing the scenery like a woodchuck after a diet.
To be fair, Tutor isn't great either, but he's been given less rope to hang himself with. Mai is currently suffering from seme obscurity: the love interest's defining characterization being = tall and handsome. (Which is not characterization... agony... glares at Cdramas.) We will see if he gets a personality, but based on past work form this director and this writer, don't bank on it.
Frankly? I'm not convinced either of them are mature enough as a pair or as actors to carry something this abrasive and to stand up to Cheewin's visual abuse of our eyeballs. I think this is going to be a rocky ride. HOWEVER, because it has tropes I'm good with (as opposed to SCOY) I'm sticking with it for now but this is gonna be ROUGH going for everyone.
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Backstory: This used to be a JimmyTommy vehicle before the pair split (also prev title Middle Love). Adapted from a Y-novel. I can actually see Tommy in this role very clearly and I suspect he may have been bettern(and I am more a TutorYim fan as a pair). Also I will likely be referencing SCOY a lot while watching this because SCOY is peak Cheewin nonsense comedy but with an incredibly strong lead pair, so comparisons will be drawn.
Absolute Zero (Weds iQIYI) ep 7 of 12 - Sigh. Linguistic negotiation but for sad reasons? It fascinating but it hurts. Look, the cast is very good I just don’t like the premise.
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) The Camp Fire ep 12 of 24 - Well that was extremely odd. I’m not sure how I feel about it. If it hadn’t had the strange framework and horror component and been just a simple BL story I probably would’ve enjoyed it. Why do the pulps always  squander their best pairs? 5/10 New installment (Friends Forever) looks terrible and not BL.
Beyond The Star (Weds iQIYI) qp 1 of 8 - House of Stars meets Boyband. I am not impressed. Thailand just needs to leave everything music related to Korea. I’m enacting a ban. The framework on this is truly awful. The talent is not talented in acting let alone dance or song. I thought about sticking with it a few more eps but i putting in on hold. It’s too wooden even for me.
@heretherebedork I depend on you to report back. This is the kind of thing only you can watch. It’s like Cupid 2023. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
A Breeze of Love (Korea iQIYI) 1-2 of 8 - previously know as Weather Forecast Love this one popped up in MDL's currently airing, and I was like, what what? Basically: Tsundere insomniac grump and his sunshine jock ex bestie (human sleeping pill) who now hates him. Basketball is involved and I love it.
It ended, are we sad? REVIEWS
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Kiseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Viki & Gaga)
Yes, we sad! Ai Di and his dumb oversized sweaters and flappy flappy sleeves are EVERYTHING.
Final ep? Nice that the elder gays got screen time, more of this please? Sides dominated this finale, matched outfits and all. Also I’m living for the Bless this Mess shirt. Finally Taiwan gave us lots of biting and a counter lift. It’s like they know me!
Quick pitch for KDTM?  
The plot is totally ridiculous and slightly unhinged, but that’s normal for Taiwan. It involves all the tropes under a very casual framework of gay mafia gangs + food = love. Absolutely every character is queer. There’s a gum-ball machine of cameos, elder gay rep, great chemistry from all pairs, and a KILLER side couple. As a result Kiseki is a poster child for Taiwanese BL, and I happen to love Taiwanese BL. Bonus? They also managed to END IT WELL, which we cannot expect from Taiwan. 9/10 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 
Triggers for knife play, child abuse, lingering trauma. I found both platforms did not do a great job on subs, but I will give the edge to Viki for pure usability.
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You Are Mine (Taiwan Viki & Gaga)
We are more disappointed than sad.
Far be it from me to extend this show, but we should’ve had 2 episodes of quality supportive boyfriends coping with family drama before the mom-confrontation climax and defense of the ESTABLISHED relationship. Baby's little speach had no power or impact coming where it did in this narrative, even though it was sweet. And while the make-out scenes were charming it mostly jsut felt like we'd squandered this pair. This last ep was good and rewatchable, but a series cannot be judged on its last ep alone.
Finally... could have used some side dishes. My vote? Lesbian secretaries!
I am sorry Taiwan, you know I love you, but I have to say it: this show was a mess of terrible pacing. And not a hot mess, sadly. I should have liked everything about this: it’s an office drama, it’s mature characters, it’s grumpy/sunshine, it’s a strong power dynamic, and it’s Taiwan - which means good chemistry. YAM was all those things and yet… something went horribly wrong with the narrative structure. You tried dears, but not hard enough. 7/10 
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Bump Up Business (Korea Gaga)
Well, poop. Don’t have them speak English. Also no playing drunk. Meanwhile, all the manipulative gay drama. No kiss of course.
How do I summate this?
An idol group did the best they could with a script tailored to idols but which they were not allowed to fully realize because they are active idols in the same group. Ultimately it felt a bit like OnlyOneOf were just doing one of those Kpop skits for a variety show were two of of them dresses in drag/gay/BL and "ha ha isn't it funny?" I don’t know, it was fine? 6/10
stop wasting my time, Korea
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Mr Cinderella 2 (Vietnam YT)
DNF on the advice of several of my BL spies I will not be finishing this. Apparently it pretty much ends sad. Here's an explanation.
It's Airing But...
I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan Tues Netflix-Japan & ????) 8 eps - in classic JBL fashion, I Cannot Reach You could not be reached. I will try it when I have some time and access to my home computer.
One Room Angel (Japan Gaga) 6 eps - adaptation of Harada’s manga (which I did not like) about a clerk who's stabbed, nearly dies, and returns home to find an angel waiting for him. With only 5 eps and a good chance this won’t end happy, I'm gonna wait and let you tell me how it goes.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - I find this series more fun to binge, so I'm waiting until it completes its run.
SHADOW (Thai Gaga) 14eps - this is a horror BL with ghosts & paranormal elements in a boarding school setting. I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all). It features Singto (who did paranormal BL He's Coming to Me) opposite Fluke N (who's done a couple horror's before). Also Fiat. Dan suffers from sleep paralysis, and in his dreams he sees a shadow that suffocates him. It gets worse when he transfers schools. I'm holding off on this one and if told it's good I'll binge watch.
Next Week Looks Like This
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11/15 Let's Eat Together Aki and Haru AKA Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo (Japan Gaga) - this BL movie is coming to Gaga.
11/16 PLAYBOYY (Thurs ????) 10 eps - trailer here, high heat and it's helmed by Cheewin (shudder) with screenplay by Den (Only Friends) under Copy A Bangkok. It's gonna be a shizz show people. It's predicting Thai style "dark" (War of Y) one of my least favorites. Apparently there is a "plot" but when has Cheewin ever bothered with plot? A university kid who was involved with escorts, sex-trade, porn, online hook-ups, drugs, prostitution, blackmail, revenge, and so forth goes missing. His twin (sigh) and two friends look for him.
11/17 Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 1 of 14 - high heat teaser here, based on alittlebixth's omegaverse novel #พิษเบ๊บ’ set in the world of car racing (author says show will not be omegaverse). Charlie (fresh face), a young hot nerd, approaches his driver idol (Pavel "my love" 2 Moons 2) to borrow a racing car and win one for the team. Production house is new to BL but behind the Club Friday stuff. Show stars many known actors: Nut (Oxygen), Pop (Ram in La Cuisine), Pon (Phai in Gen Y, we LOVE him), Benz (twins in En of Love: This Is Love Story).
Thailand bring the November heat, I guess?
Upcoming November BL
11/19 Bake Me Please (Sun Gaga) ep 1 of 6 - trailer here, stars Ohm (of OhmFluke) opposite Guide (bestie from IFYLITA) and possibly also Poom (well known, but not for BL). This looks like an actually gay version of Antique Bakery (play it again, BL). Still, I'm intrigued, it looks HELLA pretty.
11/22 7 Days Before Valentine (Weds ????) ep 1 of 10 - trailer here, horror-esk. Adapted from y-novel of the same name, directed by Tu (180 Degree) stars Jet (Why You… Y Me?). When you want your old love again, but fate sends you a reaper instead. All he can do for you is kill people. I'll likely give this a pass and wait to binge if safe.
11/25 The Sign (Sat ????) ep 1 of 10 - trailer here, horror-esk, but with a suspense and adult characters. Special investigators who loved each other in previous lives reunite in new bodies. Stars Billy Patchanon (BillySeng) & Babe Tanatat (new). Includes other SCOY favorites as a special investigation team. I may give this a try because I'm into the non-horror bits.
11/26 The Whisperer (Sun ????) 1 of 10 - trailer here. Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). He has dimples (My Ride) but I don't think even that gives me the will. Maybe a binge for me.
11/26 Cooking Crush (Sun YT) 1 of 12 - OffGun are back, trailer here. Adapted from the novel “Love Course! เสื้อกาวน์รุกเสื้อกุ๊กรับ” by iJune4S this is about Prem who runs a not-so-popular restaurant with 2 friends. About to go on a cooking competition with a huge reward, Prem gets involved with Ten, a stressed-out med student who wants Prem to teach him to cook.
11/30 For Him (Thurs ????) ep 1 of 10 - high heat trailer, I suspect iQIYI will scoop this one up. From the people who brought us Unforgotten Night (please no) based on a y-novel, man nursing a heartbreak has a one-night stand, but the other boy didn't want it to end. It looks terribly trashy so I'm in! Maybe I'll do a trash watch?
VIP Only (Taiwan) - may be delayed/canceled
Wuju Bakery AKA Space Bakery (Korea) - this one may be DOA
A Breeze of Love (Korea) - I know less than nothing about this.
Nov 2023 line up with screen caps here. Not kept updated.
Original 2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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This is in the intro card of My Dear Gangster Oppa, I'm just amusing myself.
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Thank you Keseki for givign this to us twice!
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Also the tears! So pretty crying.
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And, of course, my favorite the biting!
Have I mentioned recently how much I love Taiwanese BL?
(Last week)
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athenaswrath · 4 months
Until I found you - Chapter 4
Quinn Hughes x reader
Word count: 851
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
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When you said you wanted to be on Quinn's good side, you never thought you were going to be on his best side. A couple of days after the accident in the kitchen, he kept helping you around, probably still feeling guilty about making you hurt yourself, but it was so easy to get close to him. Way too easy. Whenever you said you're going to do something for the guys, call it food or bring stuff out to the lake, he was immediately by your side. And while it usually takes you long to trust someone, you felt as if you had known him for years, and his calming presence had you feeling comfortable around him soon enough.
The first days consisted of him telling you every single embarrassing story about his brothers (which evened things out due to the fact that the other Hughes told you all his embarrassing moments already, not that you were going to let him know); he even told you about some things his parents never learned about, like that time he made Jack's nose bleed when they were around 7. It was so nice to hear him talk about his family, especially his brothers. You could easily tell how proud he was of them and how much he loves them.
Quinn was so similar to his brothers, and yet, he was not. Well, it didn't feel that way, and it scared you. The Hughes are sweet, kind, funny and caring, but while you see Jack and Luke as brothers, Quinn just seems to be effortlessly beautiful, and you couldn't deny the funny feeling you get whenever you're near him. So no, being close to him and on his best side wasn't exactly a good thing.
One night you were all sitting around a fire, and Quinn by your side was telling you about his teammates when you caught Zegras glancing between the two of you with that smug look of his, and you decided at that moment that you had to get away from Quinn, cause you tried to deny it, but truth be told, you were falling for him. And you were sure there was a rule book out there for this kind of situation, and rule number must be the one that tells you in big, blinking neon letters that you should under no circumstances fall for your best friends' brother.
You noticed how Quinn didn't pay a lot of attention to you when Luke was close, so you spent two whole days by Luke's side (which wasn't weird on a daily basis, Nico is always telling you how you two were platonic soulmates).
On the third day, you were watching a movie with Jamie when Quinn entered the room and sat between the two of you. Jamie offered him some snacks, and the only answered he received was a hard glare and a barely visible shake of his head. After a couple of minutes, Jamie stood up, probably not being able to stand the tension pouring from Quinn's pores, so he just let us know that he was going to catch up with the boys before he closed the door.
"So, why are you ignoring me? Did Luke say something to you?" he asked, never looking away from the screen. "I'm not ignoring you, and what would Luke had to do with that anyway?" he didn't answer, so you turned to keep watching the movie, or try to at least, he was so close that you could clearly hear his breath getting heavier.
There are moments, despite your best efforts, when you still let yourself think about what it would be like to be with him. Like when he lets his gaze find yours after he's made a joke, or when he's telling you something only the closest people to him know. But you know better than to fall for it, you know better than to let yourself fall for him freely.
You were grateful to hear the boys outside the house, and you knew there were seconds before the chaos entered through the door, so you placed your hand on his knee, and you felt him tense next to you. "I don't want you to get tired of me that soon. That's it. I promise." He turned to look at me, but he had furrowed brows and a strange look in his eyes, and I wondered if he could see my real worries, but before he could say anything, the chaos arrived at last.
There were plenty of reasons why you two would never work out, so whenever you caught yourself thinking about him, you started listing them. 1. He's your best friends' brothers, 2. You would never have time to be together, 3. He's way too focused on being captain, 4. You're not girlfriend material.
You barely had any relationship experience, it was so hard for you to trust someone, basically everyone and everything you had was the team. So you were scared of getting attached to anyone for them to dump you or eventually getting tired of you.
Tag list: @coldheartedmar @adore-u-ls
Author's Note: Let me know what you think about this or if you have any suggestions!
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maaneskin · 10 months
GOODBYE, MY PEACE. inarizaki vb team x f!reader, 1.1k
note, this is not serious in the slightest — it’s also old
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“please!” the boy with the newly dyed blonde hair, smiled brightly, nodding his head up and down. right behind him was an identical face but with newly dyed gray hair instead of the blonde atsumu had chosen. he – atsumu – was most definitely not using the purple shampoo you got for him after the dye job; his hair was more yellow than blonde.
despite popular belief, osamu was not less annoying than atsumu. sure, osamu was quieter, more laid back, and usually let atsumu take the lead in whatever stupid activity they had come up with, but he was not any less annoying, “(name), please,” his voice was also deeper and had a more nassaly tone to it.
watching the two do their best puppy dog eyes to you in an attempt to get their way, was somewhat amusing but also somewhat annoying, “i don’t want to be your manager… again,” your time in middle school was spent watching the two idiots you called your best friends play volleyball and somewhere during your second year they convinced you to become manager for the boys volleyball club. you did have fun, though you would rather be set on fire than admit that. watching them play, watching them score and win brought you deep satisfaction.
atsumu tried again, pleading with you to, once again, become manager for the boys volleyball club, “aran wants you to join too. you love aran,”
you paused, “i do love aran,” ojiro aran had more than once been your savior for when the twins got out of hand and you didn’t feel like dealing with them. he was all around a nice guy with a kind heart. one of your most trusted companions.
“i don’t know,” you sighed, tilting your head.
atsumu clapped his hands together, “please. we won’t fight for the rest of the week!”
you raised an eyebrow as osamu stuffed his hand in his pocket to pull out his phone, “what day is it today? thursday, we can do that,” the brothers made eye contact, having a mental agreement. they both nodded, “yeah, we can do that,”
“no fights until next thursday! and i’ll think about it,”
they both grimaced but nodded, shoulders hanging low. you rolled your eyes, “you’re so annoying,”
“she’s talking about you,” osamu taunted his twin. atsumu, as predicted, began throwing a tantrum, “she was talking about us both!” osamu put his hands behind his head and began walking away, knowing the blonde would follow, “you’re the annoying one, so it was about you,”
you sighed deeply, watching them leave the vicinity with loud voices. one thing about them was they never failed to entertain you. you muttered that it was about both of them, but they were too far away to hear you. atsumu turned back around and yelled for you to meet them at the gym after school, to which you gave a lazy wave and walked in the other direction.
the miya twins weren’t all that bad. despite how you act most of the time, you treasured them both deeply and were happy to have them in your life. you didn’t regret talking to the teary-eyed boy who had been looking down at his fallen onigiri for ten minutes straight. he had been somewhat unconsolable, having removed his tears but still in a sad mood. at least until you offered him some of the stirfry you had in your lunchbox. apparently he had never tasted anything better, for the next day he was by your side when the second lunch was called and didn’t leave you alone until lunch was over. with starry eyes, he asked if he could have some of your food and in return you could have some of his. (“my name is miya osamu!” he introduced himself with his mouth full of food, you could barely understand what he was saying). he later introduced you to atsumu and they never left you alone since then.
that did not mean you wanted to be manager again. it was a lot of work all the time and being around sweaty high school boys seemed more and more like a nightmare the more you thought about it.
you had half the mind to ditch them and just go home instead of going to the gym, but when thinking about the consequences of doing that, you decided against it. with a filled out club application in hand you headed for the gym. maybe you could convince the coach to reject your application. you gasped, stopping in the middle of the hallway, “i’m a genius,”
“please let me be manager, i’m a huge fan of the miya twins!”
kurosu norimune, head coach of the inarizaki’s boys volleyball team, looked taken aback for a moment and then sighed heavily as if this wasn’t the first time he had heard those words today. it probably wasn’t, given how, even as first years just out of middle school, the miya brothers’ were already popular.
“(surname) was it? we really can’t–”
“ah, (name), you’re here?!”
most times you consider ojiro aran to be a blessing. he and you formed a special bond from having to deal with the miya’s. but right now, he was more a curse than a blessing. what if he fouled your super genius plan of not becoming the manager for the boy’s volleyball team.
“coach, sorry for interrupting you!” he bowed in an apology, “i just hadn’t seen her in so long,” he explained, scratching the back of his neck.
“you know her?” kurosu asked, taking a second look at your filled out application.
with a horrified expression, you, subtly but rapidly, shook your head, mouthing the words ‘no, you don’t’. he was going to expose you.
“yeah! she’s close friends with atsumu and osamu, so we’ve met many times before!” he smiled.
you closed your eyes, accepting your fate.
kurosu looked back at your defeated face. the situation turned over in his head and he barked out a laugh, “i take it you’re not actually a fan?” he asked you, finding amusement in your inevitable doom.
having already accepted that you’re not getting out of the situation, answered him honestly, “i’m more of a hater if anything,”
he laughed again, “i’ll consider you for the manager position then, (surname),”
“please don’t,” you muttered under your breath. he left after asking a few more questions and you directed your attention towards the guy who was apparently praying for your downfall.
aran smiled sheepishly to you, “sorry?” he wasn’t sure what he was apologizing for, but it felt like doing so would be the best course of action.
“you should be,” you snapped, “now i have to deal with dummy one and dummy two again,”
the male had half the mind to say you were dummy three. while you knew how to restrain yourself most of the time, you had your moments when your intelligence dropped to the lowest and you joined the twins in whatever bullshit they had going on.
“i’m going to die, aran,”
he chuckled, patting your shoulder, “it won’t be that bad,”
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nylahlahlah · 3 months
Squad 312 headcanons because it's my birthday today :D
After AE, Tyler and Finian became incredibly close, due to Scarlett. Like, best friends close. And because Kal is Tyler's brother and loves teasing Fin, the three boys became a tiny family within the family, a group unofficial brothers <3
Scarlett takes Auri on massive shopping sprees so she can feel more at home in space with her own wardrobe. Auri fittingly almost spends all the allowance on shoes, to which Scarlett says she actually needs clothes. (Kal later buys her shoes)
Kal washes his hands after a shower.
Saedii and Fin get along like a house on fire, obviously, but what Fin didn't know was that Saedii spoke Betraskan, and they would use it to talk shit, basically. (Scarlett quickly joins the gossip group and the others have given up on trying to figure out what they're saying)
After the events of AE, every og member of 312 gets a different winged creature tattooed to remember Cat. Similarly, they all get identical two circles to represent Zila and her earrings.
While he doesn't write songs himself, Kal has the most gorgeous singing voice. Auri does not. This makes for some adorable but interesting duets when they're alone.
Auri is like Tyler's younger sister and I will DIE on this hill, WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT THEM-
Tyler starts swearing more frequently. When he dropped a mug and swore for the first time, the room was dead silent. He was insecure about swearing anymore after that
Zila makes herself a library in the past with Nari, and writes each member of 312 a personal note with a book page attached.
Betraskan food is spicy as hell, and Syldrathi food is sweeter. As a result, although she would NEVER admit it, Saedii almost barfed when having traditional Betraskan chilli for the first time.
Scarlett does each girl's makeup every now and again. Their respective boyfriends get very flustered every time she does.
Tyler gets Kal really into Rugby, and they become the most stereotypical Rugby men at bars you've ever seen once there's a game on.
Auri dyes her white streak different colors a lot due to it being very easy, and Saedii starts helping her, and soon they have hair dye sessions! (Scar does not join in as she only lets her hairdresser of ten years anywhere near her hair)
Anyway that's all I got right now, but just thought it would be nice to drop something seeing as it's my birthday!
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The Doomed Jaessa
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Aemond x reader (Slight Avatar au inspired)
Tags: Fantasy, au, avatar au, powers, fantasy,
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Cool devider credits: firefly graphics
🔷Summary: You are a witch hunter, looking for the witches that killed your family all those years ago. Those people are called Heyks or Summoners.
🔷Author's note: Based on the Grishaverse stories, based on Avatar the last airbender, based on The Last Kingdom, based on a lot of different influnces from all these combined. I say based on avatar but this story is a lot darker and more graphic.
🔷Wordcount :3230
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🔷Warnings: Murder, violence, war crimes and propaganda. Description of violence and brief racism to reader (though she deals with that by nearly drowing the brat) ((and aemond wont be racist to her ever) blood)
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There have been stories for as long as humankind has been alive, and stories that will remain long after humankind has gone. 
Stories and legends, told in the light of campfires, in the open skies with only the stars and the moon to witness. The stories of elements, the story of powerful humans, blessed by the gods with abilities beyond our understanding. They claim these people are called ‘’Summoners’’ and can control the elements, bend them to their will, and create chaos and misfortune for whoever may cross them.
It is why kingdoms have been divided, lands have been uprooted and people have fled their native lands. And it’s why your mother was killed, and your father was sacrificed. And it is why you swore to destroy these vile creators until none would be left.
It is a wintry day in the village of Winter Town. You and your people prepare for another beautiful day full of hunting, preparing sacrifices and cooking food and making fires to survive the cold winter.  
One of your commanders of the wolf army, named Sterk, calls for attention by blowing on a big horn. You and all the other villagers pay attention to what your leader is about to tell you. ‘’My good people! Today marks a wonderful victory. We have received word, and the final tribe of heyksen has finally left these lands!’’ You feel your smirk increase as you let out a whoop, together with others. 
Your best friend Kef smirks, leaning in closer to you. ‘’Looks like when they can’t attack harmless children or women, these monsters don’t like sticking around.’’ 
‘’They will pay for what they did to us in blood.’’ You murmur, looking at the single finger bone you carry around your neck. ‘’As long as any Heyks is alive, they will keep breeding, they will keep spreading.’’ You murmur.
Sterk does not hear the two of you over the cheering of the other members.  ‘’The Water-heyksen are cowering together with the Fire and Earth and Air heyksen in what they call the upper lands of this cursed infidel country!’’ He shouts so that even the gods can hear them. ‘’But we won’t give them rest or peace there. They tell stories, stories of an almighty heyks who will rise one day, an almighty heyks who will doom us all. Their armies, their kings are looking for this heyks.’’
Two boys close to you start talking in hushed tones, excitement getting the better of them. ‘’What do you know of the powerful heyks?’’ One of them asks you. You shoot him a glare. ‘’They said you met a Heyks.’’ He rudely points at your scar, by your chin. You cover it with your scarf, annoyed.
How dare he bring up that day. You were just a child, so was your brother. They ripped you from your mother’s warm embrace, slaughtered her like cattle and dragged you and your brother to the place where they worshiped their seven gods. ‘’Just that he can likely bend blood and revive the death.’’ You lie, absently.
For a moment you are back in Yi Ti, your whole life ahead of you and your heart pure, unaltered by hatred. ‘’Can he really?’’ The little boy asks, gasping.
You shrug. ‘’I don’t know, I never met him.’’ You reply, dryly and uninterested. ‘’Do you two mind shutting up, I want to hear what Sterk has to say.’’ You push them aside and sit closer to Sterk giving him a smirk. When the Waterheyksen still remained here, he was one of the first to slit their throats, setting fire to their villages. The original heyksen were burned alive in their castle, the castle they named ‘’Winterfell.’’ The Heyksen seem to learn from their environment. Most Heyksen you caught and killed here were water heyksen. They drowned your people. 
And now you will return the favor. Stark comes close to the bridge of his speech. ‘’We shall never bow under the terror of these freaks! We shall never surrender!’’ You applaud as people around you break into cheers, hug each other and drink to his words, honoring the gods.
You approach Sterk, a cheeky grin on your lips. ‘’Excellent speech. But I found it a little predictable.’’ You say, keeping your walls up around him. Sterk pushes his soft blond locks behind his ears, grinning madly at you. ‘’I thank you.’’ He nods to the two little boys. ‘’Did they give you trouble?’’
You turn your head and notice a tall girl staring at you, her green eyes mirroring anger and hatred. You wave at her, smirking. ‘’Not like Nax has.’’ You say. From the very start, Nax has told you to ‘’return’’ to your lands, and called you a ‘’Monkey-tail.’’ You kindly shoved her into the river for that comment, and someone had to save her before she drowned.  Yi Ti was once your home, but now the Heyksen have taken it from you. You left when you were a child, and you doubt you will ever return.
Stark glares at Nax as she pretends to be busy studying her nails. ‘’Nax can go fuck herself, another won’t do it.’’ He means himself as he pulls you closer with a wink. ‘’She is just jealous of you. You are brave, strong, and gorgeous. All things she lacks.’’ He tells you. Yet you remain uncertain. You have the feeling too many don’t want you here. Too many don’t trust you and too many don’t like you. Sterk reads you easily, holding you by your wrists. ‘’I told you before, I don’t care where my fighters are from. From Yi Ti to the Dothraki sea, fuck, even the Crown Lands…We all have our reasons to want these Heyksen dead.’’ You nod, touched, as he caresses your face. 
Even Nax has her reasons.
You remain by the fire, creating traps by binding ropes together and cutting wood with your favorite ax. 
A horse approaches out of the wastelands, carrying a scout of the hunters. ‘’Nik. What news do you bring?’’ Sterk asks the moment Nik has jumped off his horse.
Nik looks around the campfire. ‘’Good and bad. The Crownlands have sent a patrol party our way. They are here likely to spy on our numbers, to count our people before they send the full army. There are perhaps ten of them.’’ That is bad news. They must not know you and another part of the army split up. The majority remains in the North, while the other, a small portion sails around Westeros, to attack via Dorne, once Dorne has been weakened. 
Sterk briefly twirls his dagger, likely recalling the moment these monsters invaded his home and kidnapped his sister. ‘’Let them come. I’m hungry for them.’’ he grins at Nik. Nik nods.
Sterk runs back to the stone he uses to preach, before climbing on top of it. He shouts and his voice carries miles. ‘’The moment we waited for has arrived! The Goddess has granted us more Heyksen to slaughter! More innocent souls to liberate and more territory for us to grow grain, to grow old and to grow strong! Are you with me?!’’ He yells at his people and you hide a proud smile. You could not be any prouder of your friend.
People respond by raising their swords, daggers and other weapons in the air. You join in, raising your ax sky high. ‘’Then what are we waiting for?! They will learn that their reign of terror is over!’’ Sterk jumps off the rock before marching the crowd towards the horses. Men and women climb the horses, while children remain in the village. Elderly people watch over them, when chanting blessings over the weapons of the departing warriors.
You follow Sterk. ‘’Can I ride with you?’’ He grins. You hop onto his horse, holding onto his waist. 
But he does remind you of your duties. ‘’One day you must learn how to ride horses.’’ He tells you. ‘’One day, you must take the saddle and ride. It might save your life one day.’’
You scoff. ‘’I don’t trust horses. They are like people. You never know what they are up to.’’ You tell him as the two of you ride towards the smoke on the horizon. The horse picks up speed as you hold on for dear life, your ax in your left hand ready to wield it at whoever comes at you two. 
You finally notice a ship that is docked to the side of the cold waters, and people in red and black colored armor enter and leave. The horses of your troops have the ship surrounded, with the woods giving clear you all an advantage of the shelter and hiding. 
‘’Are you with me? 'For Freedom!’’ Sterk cries and charges with his sword swung at the soldiers leaving the ship. 
A different, much bigger war cry is answered by the enemy as they attack from behind the horses, behind trees, and storm from the ship to the place you gathered. You are pushed off the horse by Sterk and watch as two fireballs hit him at once, burning the flesh of his face, as he cries out in pain and horror. You scream, clutching your legs as you crawl to him. 
All around you, friends and family are murdered within two seconds, blasted and fried on the spot as chickens trapped in a fiery coop. Two soldiers hold a girl and melt her armor into her skin, when making comments about what they will do later to her. You weakly lift your ax, your whole body hurting. You release a war cry before rushing at one of them, placing the ax right at his head and you just chop.
His head breaks free with a satisfying crush, rolling on the floor as his body shatters. 
His friend is furious, heartbroken, and upset. He fires a series of fireballs at you, and while you dive out of the way, some of them end up hitting you, burning your hair and blackening your face slightly with ash and smoke. The goddess protects you, as you fall to the ground and manage to avoid most of it. 
The girl that was attacked has turned around and lifted her sword before decapitating her tormentor, before falling to her knees and going into shock.
You look around at the corpses of your friends and loved ones, and realize that Nik was wrong about the amount of people. They never stood a chance. You climb on a horse, trying to get it to listen to you. The horse is terrified and bucks you off him before rushing off to the place of the camp. You end up in a worse shape than before, likely with your hips or legs broken.
A man with silver long hair emerges from the beach area, carrying a golden edition of the normal red and black armor. ‘’Status?”’ He barks at a nearby soldier following him closely.
‘’24 out of 28 killed.’’ The man informs him.
This must be an officer. ‘’Excellent.’’ He says, simply, looking around the blackened corpses gleefully. He takes in the remaining survivors. His soldiers kick and spit at the burned remains of your family, but he does nothing to stop them. ‘’The gods will eat well tonight. 24 witch-hunters. That is a victory, your Highness.’’ The man tells the officer.
So he’s a prince. A royal. Perhaps a good hostage. If only you could get to him.. ‘’This is pathetic. Burn their remains.’’ The prince comments.
He is stopped before he can. The girl you saved jumps in front of him, blocking his path. ‘’No! They should be buried.’’ She demands justice for him. ‘’Their remains will find the skies.’’ She believes they will find peace. They murdered and pillaged. The goddess has no mercy for that, even you know that. 
The prince pretends to think, but you can read his body language and see how furious he is. ‘’You know what? You’re right. Bury this one alive.’’ He tells the officer, pointing to the girl. The officer nods as two other soldiers grab the girl and start digging a grave.
One of them grins as they throw her in it. ‘’Yes, Prince Aemond.’’ You remain frozen, praying that your luck won’t wear out. But once his blue eyes have found yours, you know you are done for and they won’t let you go ever again. ‘’And what do we have here?’’ He mocked. ‘’You’re far from home.’’ 
You grin, smiling despite your pain, putting up a brave face. 
‘’We come from hell itself to kill your kind.’’ You stand on your injured legs. You see he misses an eye.
Prince Aemond rolls his good remaining eye. You wait for him to be distracted. And that distraction comes. Sterk fights himself free, standing up and swings his ax at Aemond. ‘’Let her be!’ He cries, but an arrow hits his heart before he can kill Aemond, and he drops dead in front of you.
‘’Sterk! No!’’ You weakly crawl to his body, ripping the arrow out of his heart. You hear someone scream in the distance as you cradle his soft blond hairs and whisper him goodbye. ‘’I'll see you soon.’’ You mutter.
Nik runs out to the fields and instead of being fried, he is welcomed by prince Aemond. ‘’Cregan Stark. Good to see you.’’ 
You hear something snap inside your brain. You don’t hear anything as you rise from your injured legs, that seem to have healed. You pass the water that boils, as your eyes have become a glowing bright yellow. 
This man has lied to you.
This man has slaughtered you all.
He is a heyks. He is Cregan Stark, his family is Heyks, he is Heyks. A water Heyks  The earth around you starts to shake as the prince is escorted to safety, quickly pulled away by Cregan. Water pours down from the skies, creating massive waves you control, but you don’t at the same time. Something takes hold of you as you bend the waves around the forest clearing, putting out fires and throwing soldiers into the sea. They drown because of their heavy armor, and the waves you keep splashing over them. Fire is thrown at you again, by new soldiers that have come out to defend their prince. You simply raise your feet with precision before slamming it back down, creating an earthquake that destabilizes most of them, before you bring your hands together, and separate them, digging a grave. The bodies are stacked up inside the grave and you hear the men scream as you throw the earth on them, burying them alive. Your fingers work next and with the tip of your tiny finger, you can lift a man into the air before smashing his head open against a stone, smearing the blood everywhere. You are no longer there. What remains is this ancient source, this ancient slumbering power that has been awakened. A power that was always there. 
The air is sucked from lungs as they choke, and finally it is time for fire. You turn your head to a terrified Cregan Stark, before lifting the traitor into the air. You bend your index and middle finger down, and finally bow your hand as if retrieving something from him. He falls to the floor, screaming and crying as blood pours from his eyes, ears, and mouth. You bend the blood in his veins, twisting the veins until Cregan becomes a wailing crying mess. And the worst part is you like the fear you are seeing. You should be feared. 
Men are crushed like bugs under stones you control, tortured by waves until they beg their gods for death and their eyeballs receive so much pressure that they pop.
That is until someone rushes up from behind you, grabbing you by your throat, and pushes a necklace around your neck, collaring you. You gasp briefly for air as you crash back down on earth, your power fizzling out. You try to recall what has happened but nothing makes sense. Your healed legs, the man you drowned and burned and buried. None of it makes sense. Your brain repeats one word over and over again. 
You are one of them. 
‘’No!” You scream as the necklace touches your skin. The prince holds you by your throat, his wet hair revealing you almost had him too.
‘’O, yes. You’ve killed enough.’’ He grits out, choking you for a brief moment as well.
You weakly gawk. ‘’Hurts doesn’t it? Your kind uses it on people like me. It blocks your summoning abilities.’’ He is right. It burns Heysk. And now, it burns you.
‘’You mean your witchcraft? I-I’m not a witch. I’m not evil.’’ You mutter disoriented and afraid. Afraid of him, perhaps. Afraid of yourself? For certain.
‘’From what I just witnessed, I’m not sure of that.’’ Aemond comments before chaining your hands together. ‘’I will bring you to my father. To the capital. You will be dealt with.’’ The bodies of the remaining men are collected and even dug up. You buried them deeply and they need the rest of the day and a small part of the night to find all those who you buried. Only a few have survived.
They are escorted back to the ship. One of them glares at you. You lift your chained hands at him, spitting in his direction and yelling a made up phrase. He and the other soldiers take off running as you cackle. ‘’Idiots, where did you find these idiots?’’ You wonder to the prince who remains at your side as his men are collected, and finally wrapped in black with red cloth. ‘’Do you plan to give them to someone?’’ You joke.
The prince has folded his hands on his back, ignoring you.
‘’I do. To their mothers, to their fathers, to their loved ones.’’ You become silent, as you realize what you have done. But they tried to kill you first.
‘’You were planning to kill us first.’’ You tell him indifferent to it all.
He nods. ‘’I agree, that much was true. Cregan and I set the trap much earlier.’’ You watch as bodies are dragged from the sea and put on the ship.
‘’We lost eighty-seven men, my prince.’’ The officer tells Aemond as you remain his captive.
Aemond shrugs. He does not care. You are worried for your safety.‘’We gained a weapon. A powerful weapon.’’ He looks at you, and you spit in his direction. He simply tugs the chain so you are choked. ‘’The last of her kind, the last Jaesa.’’
‘’I thought they were all killed centuries ago. Jaesa are dangerous.’’ The officer says as if you are not with them. 
Aemond nods, recalling what you had heard as well. ‘’Hm. When Valyria met her doom, they assumed all Jaesa killed. But this is no ordinary Jaesa. This one can control all four elements. This girl will be our salvation….And the doom of our enemies. She will gives us Dorne, she will give us the North, she will give us the known damn world.’’ He adds when painfully grabbing your chin. ‘’And she will bring an end to her kind.’’ 
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world building and notes
The terms of summoners are from Valyrian words for the elements.
Certain families and bloodlines have the elements born into them for example the targaryens. We dont see him use it, but Aemond is a very good Dracary. Certain places are also more likely to have more people who can summon a certain element than others. The North is said to have a lot of Nykeerdaryies because of their huge amount of snow/ice. At least before our story starts, because the witch hunter have killed them.
The word Heyks is literally a play on the dutch word Heks, meaning witch. Sterk means literally strong, another dutch word i used. 
The racism our mc deals with: The racism, im white as f so i dont know what poc experience or go through, at all, and i cant relate to your pain at all, but i tried keeping it still fun for people to read, but at the same time it felt important to be there. to be present. Mc feels alone there, mc feels like her fighting doesnt matter, but sterk tells her to believe in herself.
Another reason why i kept it: Because that happens to people, sadly and we must continue to talk about it to avoid it, to stop it. there is nothing so fucked up as hating someone for something they cant control and just for being who they are.. I went with the classic ‘’go back to your own land’’ because It shows the stupidity of the bully, she does not understand, our mc cant return and doesnt want to return. this is her land now, she will fight for it. and i went with the monkeytail insult because apparently according to the wiki, merchants from yi ti wear them.
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Yeah, obviously the necklace aemond captures oc with is a very zukatara moment excuse me for that.
The au is more a war between the witch-hunters and the summoners. Some part of the known world have fallen into summoners and into witch hunters. I really hope to show you guys that you got assholes on both teams.
I think we cleared the most important parts out.
Thank you for reading.
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scotianostra · 7 months
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Happy Birthday Scottish actor Mark Bonnar
Born November 19th 1968 in Edinburgh, Bonnar started his acting career in High School at Leith Academy, he recalls sitting with his friend one day when the names of all the award winners were read out, Mark says
"....I remember I was sitting in front of my best mate Keith, They were all the usual studious types. I turned to Keith to say 'it's all the posh and clever ones who win the prizes' and then my name was read out. I took a lot of ribbing about that."
After being talked out of doing a Drama course at school by his guidance teacher, doing physics instead, Mark left school with no real qualifications, and like many of us back then ended up doing a YTS, or youth training scheme to those that don't know. He worked in a library for two years, the beautiful building on McDonald Road in Edinburgh, before drifting in and out of other jobs and spending some time travelling in the US before the money ran out.
He returned home to the old job, this time driving the mobile library, but got bored of it and ended up in the planning offices of Edinburgh council before deciding to do a year's National Certificate in drama at Telford College and this time completed his course.
He then did three years at Glasgow's Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. In his final year, he won the Carlton Hobbs BBC Radio Award, which gave him six months with BBC Radio in London, where he's lived ever since.
The keen eyed of you out there will recognise a link to the other birthday boy today, as Mark plays regular Duncan Hunter in Shetland, Duncan is the biological father to Jimmie Perez's "daughter" Cassie.
Bonnar has appeared on many shows on television as Peter Mayhew in BBC1's New Blood and Chris in the highly successful Channel 4 comedy Catastrophe, alongside screen wife and fellow Scot Ashley Jensen.
Other television credits include Vera, Rebus, Taggart, Grantchester, Case Histories, The Paradise, Doctor Who, Psychoville, Taggart, Phoneshop and Paradox. He also played regular Bruno Jenkins in the 23 episodes of the BBC1 series Casualty and DCC Mike Dryden in the brilliant cop show Line of Duty.
Mark has also voiced video games, Assassins Creed and Battlefield one and children's tv show series Tree Fu Tom.
Also a regular on the theatre front where he has played Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing and the lead role in Cyrano de Bergerac. On Radio his most prolific part was in a Piper Alpha, the play chronicles the disaster minute-by-minute as it happened.
One of Mark's more recent shows was Guilt, set in my native Edinburgh it was a dark comedy about two brothers who accidentally run over and kill an old man, if you haven't seen it please look it up! He was also in the mini series Quiz about Charles Ingram, who was convicted of cheating his way to the jackpot in Who wants to be a Millionaire.
As with his friend Dougie Henshall, Markis set to appear in the TV movie Murder is easy, he ahs also been in a short TV "movie" Calamity James nd appeared in five episodes of the drama World on Fire and starred n the Ridley Scott biopc Napolean that is due to be released next week.
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mattsobvimyfav · 2 months
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For Sport (Matthew Sturniolo & Chris Sturniolo) PT 11
A.n - hey yall so this is gonna be a very very very slow burn I already have some chapters written so I will probs rapid fire. It will be toxic, there will be angst , smut , everything you can possibly think of. It happens.
Very short one y'all I got homework
y/n’s pov-
“I cant believe you two left me in biology alone!” Chris yelled dramatically as he climbed into the backseat “sorry Chris, I didn't feel good and asked Matt to bring me home” I said turning around to face him “I guess you can make it up to me sweetheart” he said winking at me, Nick rolled his eyes at Chris before speaking “Are you feeling better?” I nod at nick, “Yeah wanna read the heartfelt texts I got from Haylee today?” Nick was my go to when it came to stuff like this because he was blunt and straight up with me. I opened my phone, scrolling all the way up and handing it back to him and Chris. 
“She is such a cunt y/n, stop making excuses and cut her ass off. She's mad she has close to no friends while you have us all the time” I looked back at Nick and I knew he was right it was just hard to pull through with “I know, maybe you can help me write up something to say to her'' Nick didn't even answer just immediately started typing. “Are we going home?” Chris asked “Yes, she wants to meet mom” Matt said answering Chris “YES! Finally, the two most important women in my life are meeting” Chris said, throwing his hands over his heart. I giggled ignoring him as Matt looked over at me smiling as I returned the same smile.
We pulled up in front of a two story house, it looked homey and it reminded me of my dads house. “Im almost done, Ill be inside, leave me the keys” Nick was going in on this text, Matt turned around dropping the keys into Nicks lap as Nick continued and us three got out of the car “Come on y/n'' Chris grabbed my wrist running up towards the house. “MOM! Come out we have a surprise for you” He yelled as soon as we made it through the doors Matt followed behind.  A shorter lady came out around one of the corners “Oh! You must be y/n!” She said as a smile spread across her face and she opened her arms coming towards me, “Yes, it is so nice to meet you Mary-Lou!” I said, wrapping my arms back around her “The boys talk about you non-stop, are you staying for dinner?” I didn't think she'd ask but it seemed better than going home and eating alone. “If you will have me, I would love to” We separated and she continued “Oh of course! Where is your brother? Did you leave him at school again?” She asked looking around for Nick “I’m right here, here you go y/n proof read it before sending it” He handed me my phone back and hugged his mom “Well y/n make yourself right at home. I am going to get started on dinner. Jimmy should be home soon!” I smiled, thanking her sitting down on the couch before reading the message Nick had typed for me. 
I've been thinking a lot lately, and I need to be straight with you. Things between us just aren't working out like they used to. It's been tough, but I've realized that our friendship isn't making either of us happy anymore.I've been feeling kind of down after we hang out, and I've noticed some stuff that's been bugging me. I don't want to feel this way, and I don't want you to feel bad either. So, I think it's time for us to take a step back and go our separate ways for a bit.I want you to know this isn't easy for me to say, but I gotta put my own mental health first. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from. I still care about you and wish you all the best, but I think it's best for both of us if we take a break from our friendship.
I could tell this is not how Nick wanted to go about it but he knew I would not want to be rude to her. I struggled for a minute before Chris reached over my shoulder behind the couch and pressed send. I threw my phone over to the other side of the couch “CHRISTOPHER” I yelled before getting up and chasing him around the couch till I finally caught him pushing him on the couch and getting on top of him hitting him “STOP PLEASE” He yelled. I got off as Matt ascended out of the bathroom, “lets watch some TV.” I nodded as Matt and Chris sat around me. We ended up watching some stupid reality tv show.
“Dinner!” Mary-Lou yelled from the kitchen, both the boys got up booking it to the kitchen as I walked in behind them “I forgot what it was like having someone POLITE in this house” She said referring to the boys already stuffing their face with the pasta around the table “Mom is it alright if y/n spends the night” She nodded her head back and forth “Of course she can, I like her much more than the Maddy girl you brought over here” I basically broke my neck looking at Matt as he stared down at his plate wide eyed “Oooooh shit mom, you don't even know what you just started” Chris said laughing “Why what did I do” She asked looking at me and the boys “Well Maddy is very rude to y/n because she thinks y/n likes Matt and at the party last week y/n bitched Maddy out it was GREAT!” Nick said, explaining the story I looked down in embarrassment as I didn't want her to think I was some mean girl “Good, she was very disrespectful. She tried to sit on Matthew right at the dinner table, strange girl” Matt now had his hands covering his face “How long ago was this?” I asked her with a cute smile “Oh Sunday night.” I felt gross, right at that moment I could've gotten sick, I literally just finished him off and now his mom is telling me how the girl I hate was on his lap. I don't know why I keep expecting anything different. Matt looked over at me across the table as I played with the food on my plate as my phone lit up with about ten texts from Haylee. This couldn't be the worst time.
@worldlxvlys@iluvm4ttsturni0l0@larnieboox88 @orangeypepsi@maryx2xx
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jayflrt · 7 months
hi im back i swear i could talk ab iland for hours fr ...
smth i wanna talk ab is their friendships on the show and moments that i think ab A LOTTT
- heeseung and jungwon!! i think they grew close very early on esp bc they were in iland together from the start and u could see how sad hee was when jungwon almost got emiminated. like boy was in tears SOBBING when jungwon came back from that dam egg and i felt in that moment u could rlly see how much jungwon meant to him and he couldnt lose him
- JAY AND NIKI like when jay came back to iland and cried that niki didnt make it 😭 they were THAT DUO™️ in the ground stressing out teaching everyone fire. i think they were the perfecr pair to lead bc they both had an insane amount of passion and determination like niki was one of the only ones that understood why jay wanted them to keep practicing and not fall behind bc they both knew how much was on the line. they were also on the same team multiple times which caused them to grow close and the fact that jay was one of the ones who could speak japanese so niki definitely clung onto him and jay would help him out a lot :')
- SUNOO AND JAEBEOM. one of the most purest friendships on the show i swear. they experienced ground and iland together and in the behind cams THEY LOOKED LIKE THEY WERE GOSSIPING ALL THE TIME IT WAS SO CUTE. and the fact that sunoo used one of his calls to call jaebeom omg 😭 theyre probably still friends til this day since sunoo cherishes all of his friendships i rlly need them to vlog tgth or smth i miss them sm
- sunoo and taki 😭 when sunoo said he wanted taki as a real little brother I SOBBED. i think another anon talked ab them so i wont get into it much but im so happy theyre still close and we see them interact a lot
- enha 02z omg. iland is where jakehoon rlly took off and it was so endearing to witness their friendship blossom on the show. and jayhoon ☹️☹️☹️ i love every jay duo in enha but jayhoon (and heejay) takes the cake for me. when sunghoon worried more about taking jays place during the dance unit over winning it showed how much their friendship means to him. and when jay says the iconic line "my one and only unit" LIKE THEY ENTERED ILAND TOGETHER AND DEBUTED TOGETHER IT CANT BE MORE PERFECT THAN THAT. and during pt. 2 i loved how in the behind cams we got to see all 3 of them get closer and become the iconic 02z trio we know and love today (im just so happy they all got to debut together it was seriously fate)
- jay and k. so yes, k was really bad on the show and his competitiveness got the best of him. it was sad to watch how he treated other ppl sometimes and i'll say hes grown from it and is in &team now and takes care of the members well. (i watched &audition and his character development was crazy so good for him) but in iland u can tell how much jay really values k as an older brother. jay was one of the older contestants so he probably felt like he had to shoulder a lot and be a leader but when k is around i feel like he got to relax a little more yk? and as we know enha and esp jay dont really have many friends outside of the group (besides sunoo) and im glad theyre still very close til this day.
sorry this was so long u fr opened the floodgates for me skdjs
HELLO !! feel free to 🤝 i love talking about iland (i am hyperfixated)
omg yes there were so many cute friendships that i wish mnet covered more !! :( jungwon and heeseung were so meant to be friends like 🥹🥹 omg in the ghost episode when jungwon slept in heeseung's bed was the first time i realized that he rlly lets himself be a kid around hee 🥰 NO YEAH MY HEART BROKE THAT EPISODE 😭 heeseung's sobbing actually hurt me holy shit i hate mnet for what they put those boys through
omg i felt so sad when jay went up without riki and started crying into k's shoulder 😭 ALSO WHEN JAY DID HIS MASSAGES FOR EVERYONE LOLL i definitely feel like jay jake riki and sunoo (and daniel) grew a lot closer in ground but i was so soft for jayki:') 💘💘 OMG YES SUNOO AND JAEBEOM WERE SO CUTE i just feel like they matched each other's energy so well !! i wish iland showed more interactions because jaebeom clearly had gotten close with more ilanders (sunghoon nominating him for parts, them using sunoo's call to call jaebeom) but i think mnet just focused on the drama + training + a few select friendships
that part where taki was crying on his way to ground and sunoo held his hand and walked him to the building ☹️☹️ they were too cute!!! but yes i remember their pictures together from hanging out n im so happy they're still close 🥰 omg "my one and only unit" changed the trajectory of my life forever like it's been my bio for two years now because of how insane of a hold it has over me 😵‍💫 02z were so so cute :')) part of the reason why i was so sad that ej got eliminated in pt 1 but we got so many cute jaykehoon moments 🥹💖 the entire ghost episode made me ADOREEE them like jake and sunghoon going everywhere together and pranking jay in the bathroom,, then their little dispute "i'll walk you to your room and then we'll walk to mine" "you cant even walk to your room by yourself??" and then jake getting all riled up and saying he could only to run back to sunghoon 😭😭 AND JAY AND JAKE SAYING THEYD SHOWER TOGETHER BC THEY WERE SO SCARED 😭🤚
omg yes jay was so cute around k he let himself be a little brother 🥹🥹 i think he needed that person he could go to and be vulnerable because he tried to put up a strong front a lot of the time and was under so much pressure 🤧 literally cried at the part of him writing all of those letters with his mosquito bitten hands :(( omg yeah i wanna know if enha have more idol friends HAHHA i know heeseung's friends with jeongin, beomgyu, and lim jimin and i know a few members are friends with tnx members OH and shotaro and riki are friends 🥰🥰💖💖
HAHAH no need to apologize i feel insane over iland friendships too 😵
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oops-its-a-fanwork · 11 months
Tidbits about the lepom pokémon boys✨️
Just some little things to know about our fav legendary boys, Papyrus and Sans! You can read their home and backstory here!
The pair of brothers are both psychic types, but I'm not entirely sure about their secondary typing. For sans I'm thinking either psychic/normal or psychic/dragon, and for papyrus either psychic/fire or psychic/fighting. The size of their true forms is somewhat small for a legendary, more akin to the size of Latios and Latias: person sized! Actually these two seem to have inspired the boys’ designs in my mind: not too big, somewhat friendly but definitely not an average pokemon!
Interestingly enough, if anyone describes the boys’ human form, the description will always be focused on their personalities and some rough descriptions of their appearance at best. People remember Papyrus being tall and loud, that's for sure! And Sans is definitely a lot smaller! A laid-back dude!  Oh what did he wear yesterday? Good question!  …I don’t remember… … Skin color? Oh yeah he sure had one… Hmmm…  Anyway yesterday Sans pranked the candy store owner with a whoopee cushion??!?-
Papyrus would love to help people train their pokémon! He adores the bond between trainers and their pokémon, and thrives off of their passion and determination! People would ask him about his team when he offers though, and that just gets them a fidgety “oh would you look at the time! It sure seems evident that I am needed to help with market preparations! But perhaps we’ll spar! Next time!”. Then he does an impressive leap into an open window of a random house and he’s gone. What a guy. You can also ask him to help you prepare for beauty contests. He has a very good eye for those, and although his choices are… non-standard, they have a 80% chance of actually being really, really good.
Sans doesn't really care for or about battling, but if you ask him about beauty contests he’ll at least humor you by joining you for prep time. His suggestions are ridiculous and none of it is helpful. He does seem to be enjoying himself though, and if he’s tired enough you can use props and make-up on him to make him look silly “to match his attitude :p”. If anything, prepping with him does make you and your team far less nervous. No judge could ever give you feedback that's more outta left field or ridiculous than he and his brother can, so you can handle anything now!
Papyrus definitely still gets lovingly attacked by dog pokémon all the time. He’s a magnet for them, they love him! His reaction can be best described as “exit, pursued by bear dog”. I mean it doesn't always happen, but they do like to mess with him, so it is also often times the other way around. Don’t try and keep an important conversation with him when there's dog pokémon nearby, because you will be interrupted!
Sans will tell you what your pokémon are thinking/saying unprompted. This tends to feel like he’s doing a bit, but he’s always telling the truth, or at least a half-truth. The bit is that he’s not doing a bit. What a funny guy!
Papyrus' cooking is in an odd position here: if there's a person to supervise and give advice, Papyrus can actually make a few really tasty dishes! However if left alone he doesn't really realize the way certain appliances work, and might experiment with ingredients that only certain pokemon or humans can eat, like uncooked wheat! Or pokemon berries! Or rocks! He’s personally not the biggest fan of rocks, but he has friends who love them! Sans absolutely does not count as supervision by the way. He doesn’t care what is made as long as his bro is happy, and if the kitchen is burned down in the process he’ll probably sleep through it anyway. 
Despite him having the personality of a “dude who has a little truck he hangs out the window from to talk to u”, the only thing people actually see Sans drive are the tricycles he “borrows” from the town kids. Does he do it to entertain them or does he genuinely think they're fun? Hard to tell. The teens in town like to point at silly cars and other vehicles they see and tell each other it's his. He thinks it's hilarious and definitely plays into it.
Sans is the kind of guy who will walk you home at night if you work late shifts, and Papyrus will princess carry you if you are injured, even if it's just a scraped knee. In both cases, enjoy the view!
Most of their rare time away from any people or pokémon is spent either protecting everyone from an evil team or from agitated pokémon from the mountain. The latter tend to be ghost pokémon and pokémon living in harsh conditions, so no one really blames them for being irritable. These pokémon have been acting up far less the past few weeks though. Perhaps something happened?
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aajjks · 16 days
mommy issues!JK
“oh! u-uh…” you’re so flustered after eunwoo’s antics. you can’t remember the last time you were around people so genuine like this. despite the chaos that transpired not too long ago, everyone’s laughing, smiling, and celebrating all of the good things happening in their lives. these are the kind of people you wish you grew up with but you’re thankful to have met them now.
when jungkook goes to hold your hand, you don’t resist him. after all, you gave him the green light to display his affection towards you. you thread your fingers with jungkook’s and the couple across you immediately notice.
“she deserves it. nobody messes with the people i care about and get away with it. besides my classroom being in ruins and my job being on the line, my life’s been okay. as for us” you lift up your hand and show that you’re all in. no more 20/80, 75/25, you’re 100% invested in your relationship with jungkook.
“aaaahhhhh!!! i’m so happy for you!! i knew everything would work out. you two are so cute together” coos alina. “but what do you mean ‘on the line?’ did that bitch get you fired?”
you sigh. “yeah. i’m pretty sure ae-cha is gonna fire me. the only reason i wrecked her car was because she wrecked my classroom and exposed my relationship with jungkook! i mean, i would’ve wrecked it regardless but really? my place of business?”
“that’s so low of her. why don’t you come work with us? you can be close with your man~”
“so we can hear them ‘mess around’ in his office? no thanks” interrupts eunwoo and alina immediately swats his arm.
“shut up, eunwoo. you’re so embarrassing”
“i’m only telling the truth. ouch! stop hitting me”
you can’t help but laugh at the couple in front of you. they’re so cute together and you can tell they’re still madly in love. while you’re talking to alina, jungkook can’t help but admire you.
your pretty face, lips, beauty marks, everything. you’re just so beautiful to him.
“look at him. my brother is head over heels for you. you haven’t even hit it yet and you’re already hypnotized”
you hide your face in your hands while jungkook and eunwoo go at it. “is he always like this?” you ask alina who’s shaking her head in shame.
“girl, 24/7. i don’t know how i’m still married to this man”
“oh, i know why~” smirks eunwoo which has you and jungkook laughing.
“i swear, if i wasn’t five months pregnant i’d kick your ass”
“love you too, alina. i love you too”
It’s so fun, oh Jungkook wants to jump up and down, you make HIM SO HAPPY HE WANTS TO SCREAM.
He’s having a great time with you and his friends, but mostly it’s because now you’re not shy or uncomfortable with his advances which is the best thing about today honestly.
Losing his job? Means nothing. What really matters to him is his relationship with you and his precious son
And once you’re ready to tell Seol about your relationship, Jungkook knows that his son is going to be so happy to constantly have you in his life a lot more now.
Everything is going right and he is so grateful to God. It’s been two hours since you guys got here and now the couple are almost about to leave.
“Yn I had to invite you to the baby shower.. I know it’s just five months right now, but I’d like to be a little ahead so. Remember the date. Next month. And you will be there.” Alina and Eunwoo get up.
“Oh and Jungkook we will be having a boys night and all of our college friends are gonna be there…” eunwoo winks. Alina adds on. “Oh yeah yn it’s gonna be really fun. These guys could hang out together and us girls will have a fantastic time together… together with the children.” She thinks for a moment.
Eunwoo and Jungkook hug it out, Honestly, their Bromance is so cute to witness. “Get laid soon.” Eunwoo says, slipping something into jungkooks back pocket.
Of course, he knows what it is. “Since you forget to use one.” He pats jungkooks back, and Jungkook feels so hot once again.
But he’s not wrong either because jungkook is so hypnotized by you.. he doesn’t even feel the need to be intimate with you right away because there’s so much more to you than just sex appeal.
as the couple of finally make their exit, you and Jungkook are all alone in the restaurant, and that’s when he asks you.
“So yn… what would you like to do? You can see I’m all yours for a few days until I find a new job.” Jungkook asks you.
Anything you want he will make it happen.
You both start to flirt with each other blushing, looking at each with something so close to love not aware of the storm that is about to hit.
But maybe jungkook has an idea because he feels his phone going off with texts in his pocket. The vibration is so insane.
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titisorriso · 1 year
Chapter 9/ Never Again (Wild Skies AU)
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  The days were restless, the mornings were spent forging, the afternoons training, and the nights passed with her watching the skies and sea. Astrid led all the activities, the bags under her eyes hidden by the war paint, her tiredness obscured by her yells and tenacity.
Berk was at war.
She never thought this day would come. They were vikings, sure, but their tribe never worshipped war. Stoick did his best to avoid this, to maintain allies across the land, and although he had many, even them weren't expecting this fight.  
Astrid swung her axe, demonstrating to some young yelps how to fight and protect themselves. The strong shield, symbol of a Viking's battle proficiency, was held by each and every one of the warriors. The newbies were struggling; the wood and metal too heavy for their weak arms to keep up. Astrid noticed:
 - Never put down your shield. It is the one thing that will stop both a man's sword and a Nadder's spikes. It's your best friend and savior, so either you grow to carry it, or you better tell your family which rite you want them to say when you make your way to Valhalla.
One of the recruits raised his hand, Astrid sighing as she allowed him to speak.
 - No offense, ma'am... But where is your shield?
She scowled, the boy cowering back.
 - I don't need one. One day, if any of you become respectable warriors, you won't need one either.
A friendly, scruffy voice spoke up, entering the arena:
 - But until then, you can get all sorts of shields in all shapes and sizes right back at my shop! We're having a discount sale for young meat!
Astrid dismissed her soldiers, who made their way back home quickly, relishing the free time. She approached her tired old friend, a weak smile sprouting forth:
 - Gobber, you should be forging, not taking strolls.
Her voice was softer than when she talked to most people. Gobber had been someone to rely on in dark times. The moment Hiccup disappeared, both of them found comradery in talking about the scrawny boy who forged like there was no tomorrow. After some years, Astrid started visiting less and less, and now, with their respective problems, they rarely saw one another.
 - Ah, you know me. I'll find a way to do everything without help on time, don't you worry about that... Actually, i wanted to show you something. There were some interesting developments that i made with Hiccup's old drawings and schemes.
She shivered. The Valkyrie had completely forgot she asked that of him all those years ago.
Asking Gobber to figure out what all those plans were, what legacy did the boy leave behind, if he made anything that could be used against the dragons. Afterall, in the past, Astrid thought of Hiccup as a genius and one of the smartest vikings in Berk; how foolish was she.
Now, those papers were found useless. Even if there was something important there, it was probably made to aid Toothless. Besides, she wanted nothing to do with Hiccup anymore. He was a page in her book she was ready to rip off and set fire to.
 - Listen, Gobber, i...
He interrupted quickly:
 - Astrid, i know, okay?... I know i'm hanging on to false hope, i know i'm not your teacher anymore, but please, trust me when i say, you want to see this.
He looked earnest. Gobber suffered a lot of punishments thanks to the heir's disappearance. Gobber was the one responsible for the kids, he was their teacher and keeper when their parents weren't around, so when the news came out, Stoick couldn't think straight. Gobber went to trial, losing his honor and role of orientator in the arena; the only thing stopping his sentence to escalate to death being his title of Stoick's brother-in-arms. Subsequently, he became obsessed with the theory that Hiccup didn't die, that there was no blood or fabric or vestige of him, so he must have survived. Afterall, dragons weren't exactly polite eaters.
Astrid felt guilt, and maybe it was that guilt that drove her to accept his offer.
  He closed his forge. All windows, doors and exits barred, the only light being the fire inside the smelter that burned bright enough to illuminate the walls. Astrid observed Hiccup's childhood schemes, remembering his drawings back in his hut and noticing how rudimentary these ones looked in comparison. A smile forced itself on her lips, a certain nostalgia to imagining the boy jumping around the forge trying to do all of these in secret while also doing his work.
 - I miss him too.
Gobber spoke, snapping her out of her haze. She straightened her face, clearing her throat as she tried to not involve herself too much.
 - So... What did you want to show me?
He smiled, the normal excitement and edge of insanity in his voice popping back as he hooked and pulled as many pages from the wall as possible.
 - So, it's no secret that the boy was a bit nutty in the head, even when the job was as easy as sharpening swords, he still found some distraction to keep him occupied. Weird inventions with the sole purpose of "aiding us" in our battle, but as you know, it always managed to make everything a bit worse.
She held back from whispering a "still does".
 - Because of that, i looked at all his drawing and creations with those lenses. Thoughts filled with good intentions, but ultimately helpless. Something that any self-respecting viking would turn their nose at!
Astrid crossed her arms:
 - Yes, Gobber, i understand. You don't need to spell it out to me... I remember how he was. Just get to the point.
The smith halted for a moment. Stacking the specific papers in a curious manner as he prolonged his pause. He seemed unsure, almost aware of how crazy he was about to sound.
 - Well... That's how i chose to see it. That he made certain things with good intentions... But what if... - He took a moment to gather courage, spilling out what he meant with a mournful look - Astrid, what if Hiccup wasn't helping us. What if he was helping them.
Astrid shivered. She tried to mask the expression that forced its way up, begging to be seen. Her eyes went to the floor, trying to not make direct contact with the man, begging he would brush it off as being uncomfortable talking about the "dead" kid.
 - ... What do you mean them?
He took a step closer, his wooden leg dragging on the ground. The Valkyrie met his eyes.
 - I mean, what if Hiccup didn't get eaten or killed and tossed away... What if he ran away with the beasts?
Astrid took a moment... Then burst out laughing. She held her stomach, turning her face away, laughing until tears came out of her eyes.
 - Have you gone completely insane, Gobber?! These devils have no feelings or rational thought. They can't run away with Hiccup like some sort of scorned bride!
Gobber remained serious. Astrid tried to keep the mocking smile on, but the lie did not stick.
 - Astrid... I know i have no title, no worth and no claim... I know that questioning you, as a thane, can get me in a lot of trouble, but i need to know.
He took a step forward, the Valkyrie unmoving, paralyzed. Slowly, he grabbed her hand, holding it between his palm and hook, a pleading, teary look as the question rolled out of his tongue like a relieved breath, as if he already knew the answer before even asking.
 - ... Is Hiccup alive?... Astrid, is Hiccup the one that saved you from drowning?... Is he... The Night Stutter?
  A heavy silence. Moments of breathing and staring as she felt that urge. The urge to be a bad person, to lie and walk away, break his heart and let him believe himself mad. The urge was strong, and although it was wrong, she knew it was about self-defense rather than actual mean-spiritedness. About keeping yourself safe, knowing not many people like her got a chance to be where she was, a thane, the future chief of Berk even without any blood relation to the current chief. She couldn’t throw that away in a whim. Still, there was something in the now pathetic man that drove her to empathize: Gobber's situation could have been the same as hers. She always felt on the edge of falling out of Stoick's good graces, and she saw before her what would happen if she crossed the line.
Hiccup was alive. He was alive and well, flying around and enjoying his freedom while people like her and Gobber stayed behind to fix the mess. To take the brunt of the sword.
She turned away, unable to keep looking him in the eyes.
 - ... I don't... I'm sorry, Gobber.
She slowly pulled her hand away.
 - I'm sorry that i can't give you the answer that you want.
That was as cryptic as she could afford. A bad taste in her mouth with each word, something brewing in her stomach as she felt the necessity to heave and cry, but she held her ground. The man looked down, his hands falling to his sides, dejected.
 - ... It's okay, Astrid... I shouldn't put this much weight on you... Afterall, you're still a young lady!... You need to be fighting and courting! Pay no mind to the ramblings of this old man.
He turned away, his shoulders slumped, the warrior wondered if he was hiding tears. He slowly started putting the schemes and drawings back in place, mumbling things to himself so quietly Astrid couldn't discern any of it.
 - I'm... Going to go now, okay?
 - Yes, yes, you have a war to fight. Go ahead! Knock'em dead!
He spoke cheerful but did not turn around.
Astrid turned to leave, the sound of the door creaking open.
 - Just one more thing, if you wouldn't mind, thane?
She whipped around, staring at his back.
 - Anything, Gobber.
He turned to look at her, a huge smile with tears of joy streaming down his cheeks.
 - Just tell him to come by if he ever has time, alright?
  Staring at the ceiling, playing with the sheets, counting the seconds. All techniques she tried to find herself asleep, to no avail. There was a plethora of moments in her life that she was not proud of, that kept her awake and bursting with nightmares for many years; but ever since that night it had gotten worse. Ever since Hiccup said he loved her.
There was no one to turn to. No one to tell. Gobber now knew the truth, but she still couldn't risk confidence, not when it could put his life in danger.
So, she laid there. Questioning her feelings for him, her duty with the village and her role in the war, and somehow, above all of that, the tinge of doubt that came to her whenever she thought of dragons. Calling them devils, monsters, beasts, all of it felt wrong, but it wasn't supposed to.
She was a dragon hunter. She killed and maned many of them, and in turn, they killed many of hers. Did Hiccup know that? Something about the way he said things, it seemed like he believed Berk was no longer looking to exterminate dragons. How much did he know? Even more important, how much he didn't?
Rain fell on the roof, the sound being the final straw as Astrid got up, realizing there would be no sleep tonight.
She grabbed her axe, moving through the darkness and silence of the village towards the arena, unbothered by the heavy droplets drenching her.
  The arena was eerie. The usual clattering of blades and yelling replaced by water meeting rock and metal. She opened the wooden gate, the rain slowly fading out as she approached a still lit torch. With the light source in hand, she slowly marched towards her goal.
The cage of a Deadly Nadder was usually heavy metal doors and wooden beams to stop the beast from breaking or melting their way out, but this one was different. This dragon had been here since Astrid was a girl, she fought against it and trained many recruits with it, and after a while, it stopped trying to get out.
The Nadder was now behind bars. That was it. All that stopped the beast from leaving was thin metal bars that it could melt any day. Still, it never left.
Many times, Astrid wondered if it had just been broken, if it finally realized it had no way out and accepted the life of a prisoner rather than death. Often, Astrid thought of this beast as a coward, but now, the feelings of the beast felt a bit too familiar.
It was young back then, when it still had a fighting spirit and the dream of running away, of finally escaping and meeting others like it, but with time and training, it realized the world had other plans. That people expected something from it and it had no choice. With time, that trapped feeling felt like home, like how things were supposed to be. It's not that it wasn't fighting, there was just nothing to fight. It realized its role; it needed to obey and follow. No second thoughts or chances.
Astrid stared into the beast's eyes.
This was home. 
The fire flickered, the Nadder waiting for orders, for the gate to open so it could perform its duty again. The warrior obliged.
She opened the cell, taking steps back as it took steps forward, mimicking her, watching her movement as if it were a dance and it was waiting for its cue.
Carefully, Astrid put her axe down, watching as the beast's pupils grew. The Nadder was confused, but curious, almost expectant.
The Valkyrie took a deep breath and dropped the torch.
Her eyes took a while to adapt to the darkness, the rain had completely stopped. Their breaths were synchronized, waiting.
Her hand went forward, staying in the air right in front of the dragon, her palms sweating as there was still uncertainty in her mind. What stopped the beast from attacking? From taking this opportunity and biting off her hand? The hand on her side clenched, her unease quickly becoming fear as she noticed the beast approaching.
The texture of the dragon's scales was different from Toothless. Her nose meeting the warrior's palm like it was normal. As if they had done this many times before. The Nadder rubbed herself against Astrid's hand.
"She trusts me."
The realization came like a wave. She didn't run or fly away because, to her, Astrid was her friend. The dragon trusted her to not harm her, to do what needed to be done and then allow her to go back to her spot and sleep and eat. Astrid didn't even realize what she was doing, the respect that she gave to this dragon without even realizing. The trust she instilled and the false kindness she had given out of routine, out of obligation, like second nature.
Tears streamed down her face as she took a couple steps forward, the beast not even flinching as Astrid hugged her tight.
 - I'm so sorry...
Hiccup was right. She couldn't believe it, her mind reeling from everything that she had done while believing these creatures were nothing but monsters. She let go of the dragon, the Nadder tilting her head to the side, confused with Astrid's behavior, but still appreciating the affection.
“Never again.”
She wiped her tears, determination filling her heart.
 - I'm getting you out of here.
  His head was pounding, his skin itching and his lungs hurting. Of all the times Hiccup had been captured, this was by far the worst scenario. They even took his metal leg! Who does that?!
His eyes creeped open, his vision hazy and a bit blurred, but on the upside, he could move his body. On the downside, he heard and felt the rattling of chains as his hands were restrained.
He leaned his head back, hitting it against the stones a few times. There needed to be a way for him to force his mind to create some smart ideas.
 - Hello?... Anyone there?
His voice was raspy as he tried to get some attention. Were there no guards? Well, there really was no need for them anyway, it's not like there was a way out of here.
He felt his body wanting to find Toothless. To see if he was okay, wondering what terrible things they were doing to him, but those thoughts wouldn't help right now. The questions of how long did Johann plan this, who's attention was he trying to get, how were these buildings made and did they have to do with the Razorwhips disappearing?
He pulled forward, testing the strength of the chains. They tensed but remained strong.
 - HEY! Anyone! Let me OUT!
He yelled and made the chains rattle. A punch to the metal door of the cell:
So, there was someone there. Hiccup itched his face against his shoulder, noticing his armor was filled with holes and burns from the acid. His voice came at an almost reassuring tone:
 - Oh, so there is someone there... What's your name?
He was met with silence, but he could hear a shuffling of fabric as the guard moved.
 - C'mon, what bad could it do for me to know your name? It's not like i can do anything.
The guard punched the door again:
 - I said SILENCE! You are not to speak another word.
Hiccup noticed his tactic wasn't working. Since being friendly wasn't the way, he would try a different method.
 - You know... It doesn't really *matter* how trapped i am right now. I have dealt with worse enemies than a trader with some exotic weapons. Ever heard of the Grimborn brothers? Yeah, i dealt with them. Let's just say it's not a good idea to be on my bad side.
He was met with a long silence, and then a prolonged laugh.
 - Oh, i'm aware of your doings, Night Stutter. I know them way too well.
He heard keys jingle as the door was unlocked. Hiccup scooched back, thinking of how he could react against this guy while fully in chains.
The familiar face that appeared made the rider shiver.
 - ... Krogan?...
The man smiled. There was a huge new scar going across his face, and his right leg was replaced with a metal spike.
 - Surprised to see me, Haddock?
Hiccup's stomach turned, his anger rising as this simple kidnapping became more problematic than he imagined. He killed the Grimborn brothers, he defeated Drago and Toothless became the new alpha. Krogan was Drago's servant, a lackey he thought the monster had given an end to; but now, Hiccup wondered how big of a threat this all was, who was involved in this and what was really happening.
He jumped forward, forgetting his wounds, the chains and the lack of a leg. The rider fell backwards with his failed attempt of lunging at him.
Hiccup expected anything from him. A sadistic laugh, a mean remark, even a punch to the gut.
Krogan said nothing.
The man just stared at the rider, a mysterious look over his eyes.
 - Your dragon is unharmed. Johann needs him alive to command the other beasts.
Hiccup's rage did not falter even with the reluctant answer.
 - I swear, if only one of his scales is out of place, Odin have mercy--
 - What? What will you do, rider?!
The interruption caught Hiccup off guard. What could he do? Nobody knew he was here; he didn't even leave a note back home because he thought it would be a quick surveillance.
 - That's the thing, Hiccup Haddock, you always need others. You're useless by yourself. The dragon is gone, your precious Berserker friends are too busy dealing with a sudden Dragonvine outbreak, Alvin has a little riot the hunters incited on his hands, and Berk... Well, it's not like Berk can miss what they don't know exists...
Hiccup's brain yelled at him to not incite the hunter, but something about this situation made his rationality be destroyed:
 - I have more allies than you know. You haven't even scratched the surface.
 - Oh, please. They know you, Hiccup! Bayana, the Wingmaidens, the Defenders of the Wing, they're all busy. You are helpless, and soon, you will be dead.
The rider's head dropped, the anger slowly fading to a sense of despair.
 - I... I've been through worse. This is nothing.
 - Do you truly believe that?
Krogan approached Hiccup, kneeling to see him eye to eye as the rider sat dejected against the wall:
 - You have nowhere to go, Hiccup. No one to turn to. They won, and you will be nothing but a faraway memory of what could have been.
Hiccup's face lit up, coming to a conclusion he hoped wasn't the wrong one:
 - ... You keep saying "they" instead of "we"... Why are you here, Krogan?
The two stared at each other. That similar flame of rivalry and hatred threatening to spark again and ruin whatever was about to be proposed. Krogan was one of the only hunters to have come close to killing Toothless, and that was all it took for Hiccup to hate someone. He was heartless, emotionless and observant. In many ways, he reminded Hiccup of Viggo, but Viggo had some sort of feeling, just any feeling. He got something from this cat and mouse chase. Krogan seemed to only focus on his goal: Surviving. Anything else was just colateral damage. Krogan’s voice turned somber:
 - ... These people, they are not to be trusted. When Drago tried to execute me, i barely made it; having to hide in corners and stay away from the public... I would thank the gods if i believed in any of them for letting me live for so long, but i'll settle for thanking you.
He got up, holding a key as he showed it to Hiccup, just out of reach.
 - You, rider, killed Drago. You freed me from that prison of shrouded shadows.
 - Believe me, you weren't really in my mind when i did it. Call it a unfortunate consequence.
 - Ah, but that's where you're wrong.
Krogan took a step forward, Hiccup flinching backwards, ready to headbutt or kick as much as it was necessary, but the hunter simply threw the key into his hand.
 - ... I'm returning the favor. Go, Night Stutter. You're free.
Krogan turned around, already leaving as Hiccup shouted:
 - WAIT!
The man stopped.
 - You expect me to believe that? I'm not a child anymore, Krogan. What is your true goal?! What do you want from me?! I'm not going to be a pawn in your sick game!
The hunter put his hood on, a low chuckle making even the walls shiver.
 - Just get out alive, rider. We have just begun.
  The devil was stubborn. Astrid tied a rope around her neck, pulling her silently through the houses and fields... Except the dragon didn't get the sudden change of pace.
The Nadder groaned and perched on every fence and wall it could find, Astrid having to pull extra hard for the beast to keep it pushing. The Valkyrie would often whisper in anger:
 - I swear, you're not exactly making this change of heart easy. 
The dragon flapped her wings in response. Unbothered and quite excited to see the outside again.
They eventually reached the forest, Astrid less worried about being found out as Raven's point was the only spot she didn't assign a patrol to, worried Hiccup could be stalking around these parts again and not wanting him to get caught.
The open sky was littered with stars, the warrior remembering her first time flying as she realized the time had come. The wind howled, a bitter cold predicting the arrival of winter. Astrid turned to the Nadder, untying her rope.
 - Well, this is it.
The Nadder stared, confused. Astrid smiled, finding the beast's confusion endearing.
 - C'mon, go! You're free. 
The dragon remained put. Seconds passed, then minutes, and all the beast did was look around the woods and stay put. Astrid lost her patience.
 - I'm serious, go! You can leave!
More empty staring.
 - Sweet Thor, do you not understand me? Is that it? Okay...
Astrid took some steps back, the dragon tilting her head as she observed the woman start mimicking flying.
 - You... SOAR! Go... UP! The SKY is OPEN! You can GO!
The Nadder sat down. Astrid's palm went to her face.
 - You are smarter than this. I know you are! Why are you resisting me?!
She was talking to a dragon as if it had feelings and thoughts. Dear gods, she was becoming Hiccup. The warrior decided to change her method.
 - Okay... Maybe you just don't know i'm talking to you. I mean, Hiccup named his Night Fury, maybe you want a name too...
The Nadder seemed interested, loafing forward like a hen as she waited for a name.
 - Uh... How about... Zephyr? Like the wind! I always wanted a daughter named Zephyr.
The dragon shook her head.
 - Okay... Maybe Gunnr?! Like battle! That's a solid name, right?
The dragon groaned in disapproval. Astrid stared at the sky, bewildered and annoyed. She was really asking a dragon what she wanted her name to be. A stark contrast to the butchering and axeing she could be doing instead.
She watched as the wind brought dark clouds over Berk, a weird tint to them that she had never seen before. An idea formed as she looked to the Nadder.
 - How about... ÉlFljúga? Stormfly? Do you like that?
The Nadder jumped up, considering it, then running towards Astrid and nuzzling the woman who giggled with the affection.
 - Alright, alright. Well, Stormfly... It's time to go. You can't stay, it's not safe.
Stormfly moaned, confused at the woman pushing her away.
 - I'm serious, girl. You can't stay, they'll... We'll kill you.
The dragon looked into Astrid's eyes, still confused and reluctant, but a certain understanding went between their hearts. There was a connection there, as Astrid touched her forehead to Stormfly's spike, the dragon closed her eyes, saying goodbye.
 - I'm sorry that i hurt you so much... I promise that there is someone out there who will treat you with the most love and respect.
She kept holding on to the dragon's face as she moved to the side so Stormfly could see her as she spoke:
 - There's a guy that will find just the right habitat for you. He's a bit smelly and has a bad sense of humor, but he'll treat you right. Just follow north, he'll find you.
She let go of Stormfly, the dragon moaning as it once more refused to leave, but clearly more willing to do so if ordered again. Astrid felt a pang in her heart.
 - ... The world isn't ready for you. We... We don't deserve you. At least i don't. Not after everything i've done.
 - Well, at least you admit it.
The Valkyrie turned around like lightning, grabbing her axe and swinging it to a fighting pose. Stormfly jumped beside her, readying a shot.
A hooded woman mounted on a Razorwhip. Astrid had never seen one face to face, the surprise must have been all over her complexion, for the woman laughed.
 - Don't worry, Windshear doesn't bite... Too hard.
 - Who are you?!
The woman dismounted her dragon, revealing her face and long black braided hair.
 - Name is Heather. We need to talk about Hiccup. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°    This one took a lot of editing. Had to find the old notebook i wrote the story on to see where i was going with this and decided to change it all. Hope you enjoyed it! (And i know this is looking like the end, but believe me, there is so much story to go. I had way too much freetime back then.)
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hobaworld7 · 1 year
KTH - Sharing a bed
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disclaimer : V doesn't belong to me, either does BTS.
no real smut but some fluff by tae. a lot of teasing between the reader and tae. Some praising too.
more then 2k words
hope you enjoy, don't be shy to send some request!
_ _ _
It was your yearly trip with your family. As usual, your brother invite his girlfriend and his best friend. You would've do the same but you just broke up with your boyfriend. Your family didn't know yet. He cheated when he was over the sea and it was the girl that told you. She didn't know either he was in a relationship. You broke up with him before he even got home. 
So here we are, on a trip with your parents, your brother, his gf and his bff. Once you arrive at the cabin and all of your luggages was inside, it was time to shared the bedroom. As of respect for your parents you were told to share your room with your brother's gf. Girls together and boys together. It was fine with you, you would sleep on the couch in the bedroom and she would take the bed. Once you were with her in the bedroom, settling your things, she shyly ask you, 
-Hey... would you mine if i ask Jin (your brother) to subtly switch bedroom at night so i can sleep in the same bed as him? I'll convince Taehyung to sleep on the couch so you can have the bed.
You didn't really mind, they still thought you were in a relation ship and Jin's gf was so sweet and respectful so you accepted. Taehyung was Jin's best friend since so many years, your parents always treat him like a second son. He was really charming too. He could win any girl's heart just with his smile. You had to admit, your belly was always full of butterfly when he smiled at you. He always been really physical too. If he walk behind you, he will put his hand on your lower bak like nothing happen. If you made a joke, he will laugh with his hand on your back. You would gently slap his thigh if he made a dirty joke. It always been like that between the two of you. 
Around 10pm, all four of you were around the fire in the back of the propriety. Jin and his gf sharing a blanket and you were on your side, all cuffed up in a warm hoodie and a blanket, still freezing though. You were talking about everything, work, adult life, their life as idol, etc. 
-Hey Taehyung, how's your love life going? Jin asked. 
-So boring, all woman see me as V and not for who I really am. And you Y/N, does your boyfriend's gonna propose soon? You been together for what, 4 years now? 
-I can't wait for you to get married! Says Jin's girlfriend. 
-Yeah, hum, maybe, i don't really know what he has plan for us in the futur. 
You laughs, trying to hide your discomfort. Not a long time after that, Jin and his girlfriend went back to the cabin to sleep. The silence was not uncomfortable, Tae and you were just laying on your back, looking at the sky, on your respective blanket.
-I lied. And you are the first one to know about it. 
You say to break the silence. You see him get up and look at you, but you still fixed the sky. 
-About what? 
-My boyfriend. He cheated when he was in Australia so I left him. It's been about two months, now. 
-Oh...And... Are you sad about it? 
He didn't really know what to say or if he should comfort you. 
-I don't. I think I stopped loving him a while ago. Maybe he broke my heart so bad that now i don't feel anything. 
That was another lie because you could feel your body burning under Taehyung's sight. 
-It's so cold, you got up your blanket, we should go to sleep soon. 
-Come here, i wanna watch the stars a little longer. 
He opens his arm, making you a place under his blanket that was covering his shoulders. You walk towards him and sit by his side. He covers your shoulders with his blanket and put your over your knees and his. 
-Do you... Do you wanna talk about your breakup? 
-It's really not important Tae, i'm better without him anyways. 
-You deserved someone that would give you the moon Y/N. Don't settle for less. 
-And someone that fucked me good too. He was always away or too busy working. 
You laugh in shyness, realizing what you just said. Tae was laughing beside you, not used to this side of your personality. 
-Yah! I always saw you as Jin's little sister. Don't do yourself dirty like that. My thoughts are gonna be all blurred. 
You both laugh and he lay on his back, looking at the sky and you do the same. You don't know how much time you spent outside with him, but you ended up both freezing so silently you enter the cabin and went into your bedroom. 
-Hey Tae, turn around so i can get change, please. 
He turns around, even though he really wanted to look at you. You were driving him crazy since you were high schoolers and know knowing you were free. Maybe it was is time to shine? 
-Hey Y/N, can i ask you something? 
-Can I sleep in the bed with you. The couch seems so uncomfy. I swear i'll sleep on my side and don't attempt anything. 
-Hum, yeah, no problem I guess.
So when you were both in pyjamas and in bed, a little bit uncomfortable tbh, it was silent. No one was talking. You notice Taehyung moving a lot, not finding any comfortable position. But you were so tired that you fell asleep before him.
_ _ _
It was warm, you were half asleep and the sun shinning trough the windows. You've never felt so warm. Wait. It wasn't the sun, neither it was the comforter. You could felt two strong arms around your body. You opened your eyes and lift up your head, realizing you were sleeping on Taehyung's body, your head resting on his heart and his arms around you. His legs were all mixed with yours too. His hand was resting behind your head so you couldn't even move without waking him. He was hugging you like you were his cushion. His propriety. 
You start to wiggle like a worm to try to get out of his arms, but it only make him hold you tighter. 
-Tae... Tae, wake up. You're squeezing me. 
He was mumbling something, still asleep. 
-Mhhhh. Five... Just five minutes Namjoon. Please. 
-Tae, it's Y/N. 
-Shut up Namjoon I wanna sleep. 
You start laughing. Your last options was tickling him, but you didn't know how he'll react. So you decide to just play with fire. You slowly put his hands on his stomach, with your fingertips you lift up his shirt. He doesn't move so you take that as your green light to continue. You start tickling his hips. He start to wiggle in the bed and open his eyes. 
-Yah Y/N, don't wake me up like that! 
-You were keeping me prisoners in your arm.
-That's your fault. You make a wonderful cushion. Wish i could always sleep like that. 
He was openly teasing you and it made your cheeks goes red. You got up and turn so he didn't see your face. 
-Are you blushing? 
-Shut up Tae. 
You could hear him chuckle and he got out of bed, slowly putting his hands on your waist and whispering into your ear. 
-Are you getting hot Y/N? Your body seems to react so well to mine. 
You wiggle out of his arms and open the door to leave the bedroom. You didn't want him to get another chance to teasing you. Your body was indeed reacting really well to tae's. 
You went to the bathroom to freshen up and change into your clothes for the day. It was still really cold outside for a spring day so you put up some legging and a large purple hoodie. 
The day went well, you were slightly avoiding Taehyung because every time you were feeling his eyes on you you were blushing like crazy. You know he'll used that against you. And you were still spending the night with him because when Jin asked you to let Tae sleeping in your bedroom so his gf could sleep with him, you couldn't say no. He was still believing you were with your ex so he wasn't really worried of anything happening. When your family decided to watch a movie you your practically run to the bedroom, saying you were really tired. Maybe if you fell asleep before him he would sleep on the couch and leave you alone for the night. 
Except you weren't able to fall asleep. You kept turning and turning in the bed, trying to find a comfortable position and Tae heard it when he enters the room, an hour after you went to sleep. You suddenly stop moving and close your eyes. You tried to subtly take all the place in the bed, but in a king's size one it was hard. You could hear him changing in his pyjama and taking the comforter off his side so he could sneak in right next to you. It was silent in the bedroom, Tae on his side and you on yours. Just his presence next to you was warming your lower belly. You turn on your side, away from Tae. 
-Are you avoiding me Y/N? 
-No, i just can't find a comfortable position to sleep in.
-It's the first time you talk to me today. 
-I... Sorry. 
-I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. 
-It's not it. 
You sigh and sit on the bed, facing him. The bedroom was dark but you could still see his face since the garden light were illuminating your bedroom.
-You were right Tae. 
-About what? 
-My body reacts way too much to you. 
He let out a little sound and at the tip of his finger, he started to touch your thigh. You were wearing some short and the feeling of his hand on your naked skin was a little bit distracting. 
-Tae... Don't do that. 
-Why? Are you scared that you will lose control because of me?
He sat up in the bed, facing you. 
-Sometimes Y/N, you have to lose control to enjoy life. Like right now. I'm pretty sure you would enjoy what i want to do to you. 
-Taehyung! We are not alone. 
-You just have to stay quiet, can you do that good girl? 
You were too stunned to speak. Your whole body was now on fire. He took your silence as a positive answer and put both of his hands on your hips, helping you sit on his laps. Both of your legs was on his side and you were so close, you could feel his breath on your neck. 
-Do you wanna lose control princess? 
You nod. 
-Words princess. Use your words. 
-Yes Tae. 
He slowly kiss you neck, just under your ear, and you let out a little moan. He was taking all his time, covering your neck with his kiss. Both his hands were now under your shirt, holding your body close to his. Not knowing what to do you put your hand on Tae's neck, holding on his hair that were falling on his neck. He let out a little groan and start moving his hips to tease you. 
-Tae... Kiss me. Please.  
His face leaned closer. He gently places his hand on your cheek, keeping you face to him. His lips slowly approaching yours. You could feel your belly in fire and how hard Taehyung already was. when your lips finally touch, you felt like fireworks were exploding in your belly. As the kiss went, you could feel him becoming hungrier for you. Taehyung wanted to taste every part of your body. Mark it. Kiss it. Make love to it. You decide to play with him a little and put your hands over his already-really-awaken dick now. A moan got out of his lips. 
-Don't make something you'll regret princess. 
-Why do you think I'll regret, daddy? 
You whispered that last word, your lips on his neck. You wanted him to lose control too and feeling how is jaw clenched you could tell you were about to succeed.  
_ _ _
Today you had to leave the cabin and go back to the city. Taehyung and you were still secret about your physical relation. You never talk about feeling. You just enjoyed both of your body, really much. You were sitting at the dining table, eating your breakfast. You didn't slept at all last night. Taehyung and you were so hungry for each others that you kept going round after round. You still had energy to tease him though. As he was sitting in front of you. You slowly put your foot in between his legs, pressing lightly on his masculinity. When he put his eyes on you, you start bitting you lips, looking innocent and kept talking with your mom. You saw him grab his cellphone and excuse himself, saying he had to text his roommate about his return hour today. You felt your cellphone vibrating. Nobody seem to notice so you open it, to see that Tae just texted you.
''Stop bitting your lips like that because i swear you're gonna end up bend over your bed with my dick in you.''
You choked on your food and Jin looked at you, worried.
-Y/N are you okay? 
-Yeah, sorry, just chocked on my food. 
Another texto. 
''Like you'll choke on my dick tonight.''
If you want to read more, here is the link of my masterlist : https://www.tumblr.com/kimtaehyung-taetae-writing/710423978560421888/masterlist?source=share
thank you army!
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irishpotato19 · 2 years
Wylde Brothers Headcanons
because I can and I love them
I got tired of staring at the hands on my sketch and trying to draw them, so here's some headcanons for the bros...they make sense to me, idk about you lol
-Holy hell are these two boys so similar but so so different
-Both are cocky and hotheaded as hell, Kurt's mellowed out a bit, but is still cocky and stubborn
-Get serious ego boosts always
-Kurt's an eye roller, literally all the time. Or has super dry comebacks and snarky remarks ready on the fly and tells the worst dad jokes
-Both don't trust people very easily or willingly, and tend to self doubt themselves...they're kind of insecure (especially Mark when put on the spot)
-Both have really good hygiene, I know we poke fun at Mark for being the type of guy to wash his face and ass with the same rag, but come on, look at how clean they are...they actually both have really good sense in fashion and clothes (whether they try that is)
-Both tend to keep to themselves, quite introverted, unless they have to talk to their teams or do something for work...
-Mark spends a lot of time with friends/the metal maniacs, but has a very low social battery
-Kurt spends time with the Teku or in clubs with other racers and people he knows, but again would rather be by himself. I'd like to say he's a social butterfly, but just naturally, not by choice
-Neither one likes to look stupid or be wrong
-Both are very crafty and hands-on, Mark more so than Kurt, but they are both very creative...it's a good outlet for them
-Kurt's at least 6-8 years older than Mark, he called Mark his "kid" brother...I feel like 10 years or more apart would be too much, and 5 years apart would be too close
-But Mark's taller than Kurt by a few inches and holds it over his head
-Both can actually sing quite well. Kurt's a little flat here and there, but has a very soothing voice. Definitely a baritone, but also an alto
-Mark is the better of the two, but hates singing in front of others, was caught one time and totally turned beat red...he can sing lullabys like a god and his accent shows through every time
-To go off of the accents, they most definitely were raised separately by different parents at times. Kurt somewhere in California or on the west coast, while Mark was stuck in New York or Boston areas
-Explains why they aren't very close and have different accents and mannerisms. But they did try for the longest time to stay close, until it got to be too much...Mark definitely missed Kurt, and looked up to his older brother
-Both are softies deep down, very good with kids and pets/animals
-Mark sometimes fakes having a really low gravelly voice, it works for his badboy-I don't give a shit-vibe...but he does get kind of high pitched when pressured or scared or self-conscious
-Kurt is a really good cook and knows quite a few recipes; Loves fancy restaurants and is a health food fanatic...had a red wine stash
-Mark is the opposite and can't cook to save his life, he has tried though, and somehow set the microwave on fire...lives off of pizza joints and bachelor-like prepped meals
-They would both make terrific dad's
-I also feel like they would be good to either a baby girl or boy, but just something about them raising a baby girl would make them ecstatic...they just give off girl-dad vibes
-I feel like Mark would be better at taking care of kids because he still acts like a kid sometimes, and kids like him more, for what reason no one really knows
-Kurt can actually dance, like almost any style...a beautiful ballroom dancer
-Mark can not dance, but will do his best, he doesn't care if he embarrasses himself as long as other people/friends are getting second hand embarrassment from him
-In a relationship they'd both be very protective and supportive, they hate seeing their SO upset or hurt...loving and affectionate in almost every way, but sometimes don't show it because they don't want to be overbearing
-Kurt uses nicknames/pet names like; baby, darling, love, beautiful, something unique to his SO
-Think of Tramp from "Lady and the Tramp"
-Mark uses nicknames/pet names like; babe, baby cakes, doll, sweetcheeks, sweetheart, cutie, love, a unique joke for his SO
-Think of "Thomas O'Malley" from the Aristocats
-Mark would grow a beard at some point
-Kurt would try to grow a beard or mustache, and then immediately shave it off, Markie would definitely laugh at him...Kurt just can't pull off facial hair, maybe stubble but he hates it
-Both get nightmares quite frequently thanks to Gelorum, Mark more so than Kurt though
-Kurt hates needles
-Mark gets phantom pains every now and then where his left arm should be
-Kurt's a Leo
-Mark's either an Aries or Sagittarius
-Mark found a part of SpineBuster that was left over and made a bracelet and necklace out of it, still upset that his favorite car is gone...he put a lot of work into that thing
-He also cuts up his shirts a lot to show off his tattoos, or at least the one side for the metal arm cause otherwise it's kinda uncomfortable
-Kurt's an early 2000's club music man...Pitbull, Flo Rida, LMFAO, just something with a lot of bass and talking about pretty/hot women
-Mark's more rock/heavy metal, but has a type of nostalgia or special place in his heart for Linkin Park, FFDP, and Papa Roach
-Kurt's a suit and tie kind of guy, or matching track suit. He feels like he always has to look presentable, or like a professional in his element. If home by himself, or with a SO he'll lay back a bit and wear a white T-shirt and jeans or sweatpants
-Mark's in boots and jeans all the time, he sees no point in dressing up (unless you count an excessive amount of belts and gloves "dressed up"). But if a situation calls for it he'll wear a nice pair of pants and dress shirt or try to show up Kurt
-Both have put on eyeliner at some point, whether as a dare or joke, or just cause they wanted to see if they could look like Bucky Barnes or Killian Jones at 3am...they just look like they crawled out of an emo cover band
-Both agree no one else can know, this dies with them...someone definitely got a picture though, but they don't know that
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theworldoffandoming · 3 months
Extremely sad to hear that you didn't receive any character asks before, so I'm making up for it by sending LOTS! :3c Your characters are wonderful and I want to hear more about them. Feel free to answer as many or as few as you'd like!
How about 2, 3, 9, 15, 19, 24, 28, 42, 46, 52 for any characters of your choice :>
Oh my goodness!! Thank you!!
Uh let's see let's see!!
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
Oh boy I have a whole essay on this one let's see!!
I wanna start out by saying that I have thought a lot the word for friend in the islanders' language, Zavira Kara. So I think once I talk about that I'll then define what a friend is for each of the characters. Slightly off-topic I guess but I have Thoughts™️
In Zavira Kara, the term for friend is often used in compounds that extend into romantic territory so isn't explicitly a platonic word, but is understood to be one way or another in certain contexts. But anyways, the word in question, 'tawe,' is a very simple compound comprised of 'ta,' meaning one, and 'we' (pronounced weh), meaning two. In its simplest sense it refers to a pair. They might use a different word when referring to more than one friend, not sure. 🤔 Anyways, tawe generally refers to someone you have a longstanding sense of camaraderie with.
Now for specifics.
Tsuname - Coming at it from this angle, a tawe is like a chair you can lean back on. If you've been out for a long time and are tired, they're someone you can come back to and rest for a while with.
Sz'nami - A tawe is like a door. Lots of potential, full of adventure and the unknown. Even doors you've passed through hundreds of times can still hold excitement and mystery, even if they've grown familiar.
Sh'zkai - At worst, a tawe is a chain. It holds you down, grounds you to the place where everyone expects you to be. At best, it's similar to Sz'nami's view. A door, full of unknowns and uncharted waters. It also makes it a little dangerous.
Ril'siiya - A tawe is everybody. You're a tawe, he's a tawe, she's a tawe. We're all tawe! Now a riho or a riha tawe... That's like a brother or a sister. That's much more serious and is a much closer bond. Not quite blood family, there's a small degree of separation there, but very close and in her case closer than she was even to certain blood relatives. A riha or riho tawe is someone's arms you can fall back into and rest in.
And that's all the islanders I'll do for now. Moving on...
Korosa - a friend is a joke to him. At best, perhaps it could be some kind of war bond. It annoys him to see people being friendly. Often leads him to believe people are conspiring against him (his defining trait is paranoia btw). It would take a long time for him to call anybody truly a friend. Deep down, I think he does wish he could have someone he could trust. Maybe that's part of what irks him about seeing people being friendly with each other. On the one hand he thinks it's stupid and they're stupid and that they're playing with fire and waiting to be stabbed in the back. Perhaps even thinks he's above them. That he's smarter for not making dumb decisions and trusting people like them. That all he needs are his weapons and his shop and his things. That he doesn't need them or their approval, let alone their affection. His craft speaks for itself and he knows his own worth.
Okay, maybe answered that in a roundabout way, but moving on XD;
3. How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
Shiido's very stoic, so it takes an audience look generally to know what's going on inside. If he's particularly angry sometimes some cold anger may slip through the cracks. Generally though he's learned not to show weakness.
Waizu is often a puzzle, creating a persona and acting kind to get the results he wants. Sometimes though, the faintest hint of his real emotions do shine through. He's a little more expressive around those he doesn't need to put on an act around, but even then there still can be a layer of distance.
Korosa is far more of an open book than he'd like people to think. Though he can put on an act, he's generally bad at hiding his real emotions, much to his detriment. His solution is generally just to mask everything with anger. Usually cracks start to form though and there will be something of a tell. Shaking fists, avoiding eye contact, stuttering depending on what emotion he's trying to hide.
Nell is a practiced performer. It generally takes someone he can let down his guard with or someone he's particularly angry with to start showing tells. A flick of the tail, a calculating look, a tilt of the head, whatever it may be. For everyone else he puts on a performance. Rarely if ever will you see any real emotion out of performance mode, but if you're lucky (or unlucky) you might get a few tells- an ominous blank stare if you've made him angry, or he's perceived a serious threat from you; an undertone of exasperation if you've annoyed him.
Tsuname I don't even think has ever tried to hide his emotions. That's not to say he's incapable of showing respect, though that does get a lot worse after he gets back from space. But yeah, generally he shows his emotions to any and everyone indiscriminately. If he ever does learn to mask, it will probably be with sorrow or great effort. Being told he was effeminate at a delicate point in his life I think kind of froze his maturity in time. It's only once he starts being mentored by Gangarame that he starts to learn how to take responsibility for his actions and be a man when he's felt like just a boy all his life.
Naru also tends to show her real emotions pretty indiscriminately and similarly lacks self-control. Ironically she might be slightly better on both fronts than Tsuname though. She does have moments of being more stoic and reclusive, especially later in life, but the former is generally her thinking face and the latter may be a more of a symptom of distrust and suspicion than emotional masking. A defense mechanism of sorts.
Sz'nami is more of a middle ground. She for sure shows emotions, but is one of the best at regulating. There's for sure little tells if she's hiding an emotion. She isn't able to completely mask her emotions, especially strong ones, but she definitely has some endurance when it comes to them and can pretty well mask smaller ones. Probably the healthiest emotional expressor of the bunch.
Ril'siiya - Very expressive, probably a middle ground between Tsuname and Sz'nami. More than happy to express how she feels, but has far more emotional endurance than someone like Tsuname. Is genuine and friendly with everyone she meets. Does little to mask fear, though it's a non-neglible amount. Will yell at you if she is genuinely furious, but you'd have to have pushed her far to get there. If you annoy her it will start seeping out. Though genuine and expressive, she does have a non-neglible masking ability and has the ability to process her emotions, even if they are loud. What the audience will get to know is likely details of what's going on with her behind the scenes. Characters might get more of an overview unless it's a deep conversation.
9. Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Korosa- gives tough with a capital T. I don't even think he knows how to give it gentle and his efforts to do so would be stilted. I think secretly he'd prefer to receive gentle, though if he ever encountered it he'd likely perceive it as a threat.
Sh'zkai - If Korosa's is tough, hers is razor sharp. Even with someone she genuinely cares about she'd probably be pretty brutal if they came to her for advice. She might prefer to take it tough too. Though on some level she probably likes being treated gently, being fawned over makes her uncomfortable, so there's a line there.
(Terramun folk)
Kokuen - famous for her edgelady status. I think there's some part of her that wants to be treated gently, but when she encounters it she tends to assume the worst about people. She's not very good at taking tough love though. She prefers to dish it out in heaps, but doesn't tolerate it from anyone else.
Elyse - probably unintentionally sharp. It doesn't help that Kokuen's rubbed off on her. Though she can take it, she finds tough love kind of annoying, especially since it generally means a lecture from Kokuen these days. On the other hand, she doesn't know how to process gentle love, so she probably prefers somewhere in between. I think she appreciates people being genuine with her.
Harsha- prefers to dish it out gentle, but is more resilient to tough love than you might expect, probably also thanks to Kokuen. Too much can probably get annoying, but it'd have to be something intentionally sharp or biting.
Lico - gives gentle, prefers gentle. He grew up in a tough environment with a lot of criticism directed towards him, so he tends to be gentle with people. It's how he would have wanted to be treated.
Taffy - though he can for sure handle tough love, I think does prefer gentle. I think he can get a bit defensive when the tough stuff's directed at him. I think on general he's gentle with people, but will give it tough for particularly obstinate cases where actual harm could come from a situation.
15. What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
Shiido - I think for sure his expressiveness. Though he tends to mask around people, he's far more expressive when he's alone, though even then he might still hold a little back.
Korosa - probably acts pretty similar between work and being alone since he spends so much time at the shop, often by himself. Just puts on more of an act for people. When he's not at the shop, probably forced to be because of moving locations with the platoon, he might let down his guard a little in his tent.
Friends probably fall into that acting category until they really get through to him. Back with the platoon though, people generally gave up on getting to know him, so he didn't have any friends there. Even his customers usually just put in an order and tried to interact with him face to face as little as possible. He's pushed everyone there away and several people are frankly sick of him, even his commander.
19. What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?
Korosa - Accuse them of stalking probably and make it out to be the other person's fault they're stuck here.
Naru - Squeeze herself into a corner and glare.
Shiido - strike up a conversation with them.
Tsuname - awkwardly wave and talk to them nervously.
Ril'siiya - express in no uncertain terms that she's annoyed with the other person and was trying to avoid them. Probably annoy them and poke them.
Sh'zkai - plot their demise.
Sz'nami - make awkward small talk with them.
Kokuen - make death threats probably.
Elyse - find a corner of the room to lay on the floor in.
Harsha - Say hello awkwardly and fidget.
Lico - Try to find out more about the other person.
24. Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
(Twin Scars characters; project on indefinite hiatus)
Isura - yes, sugar cookie
Megan - yes, it had pink glitter sprinkles on it
28. What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
I'll tell you what I want
What I really, really want
So tell me what you want
What you really, really want
I wanna (Hey!), I wanna (Hey!)
I wanna (Hey!), I wanna (Hey!)
If you wanna be my lover
You gotta get with my friends (Gotta get with my friends)
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
Anyways... XD
Naru - especially as a teen she'd tell people she wanted a hug. What she really wanted though was a deeper relationship.
Shiido - will rarely tell people what he wants unless it's something mundane. If we're talking any emotional need, you had to have really bothered him to get him to express it. He probably wants to be left alone, which is true. He probably needs to decompress and think.
What he won't tell you is that he's trying to find the middle ground between conviction and happiness. That he'd only tell someone he really trusts. He wants to be happy without guilt. He wants to find a way to do things right. At least that's where he's at in his late teens.
Tsuname - For all his emotionalness, he may not actually be very honest with people about what he wants unless pushed. Even if it's something mundane, he may hem and haw until he has no choice but to ask. Otherwise he might find a way to get whatever it is he's looking for on his own. He also isn't very honest about his emotional needs unless it's very clear there's a disconnect and he's desperate enough to be understood. Most often, he'd probably tell people to leave for their own safety. If he's been pushed far enough into expressing that, leave quietly or tread with extreme caution and be prepared.
Ril'siiya - If it's some material object, she will give you a list. Otherwise, it depends. If you've made her angry and she wants you to leave, she will probably point away and tell you in no uncertain terms. She probably needs to recover her shredded dignity. If you've annoyed her, wow, you must have been really trying hard to. She will probably shoo you away so she can similarly recover. For any mundane need like that she'll be pretty upfront about it. She's bored, she will tell you and then go off to find stimulation. It's the deeper needs that are harder to get out of her. She buries a lot of that deep down and keeps it locked. Might not even be honest with herself about it, it's so shut down inside. Even then it's probably something generic, like, wants to be understood, maybe wants to be loved but the memory of her family being taken from her is right there with it so she flinches back from the idea and fills her life with all various things to keep it down and buried. She finds other ways to be fulfilled generally, and she isn't without familial love in the form of Sz'nami and even her grandmother to some extent. So it isn't like that need goes unfulfilled either. It's just not something she says with words, so relationships where she has to express those deeper needs verbally are harder for her.
Korosa - will tell people he wants to be left alone. Deep down though, he also seeks someone who will understand him.
42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
Elyse - Why Kokuen is a Bully and Should be Avoided
Kokuen - Why Clark is Definitely Stalking Me
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Ril'siiya LOVES to talk. She will talk SO much. You really have to be serious and level with her to get her to listen. She will probably be looking for opportunities to keep talking though. She is someone who generally enjoys the cadence of her own speech and gets carried away.
Shiido - a listener with a slice of talking. He might talk just to keep the conversation going. But beyond conjunctive phrases, to really get him talking you have to get him going on something he's interested in and it has to be specific. Definitely don't hit him with open-ended questions. He will give the shortest answer possible. It probably takes knowing ahead of time what will work, a good guess or just luck, but if you start saying something like "I'm looking into getting a new spaceship..." He will talk endlessly about the different models and upgrades and automatically go into salesman mode and recommend you something based on what he knows. So I guess the method with him is act like you're looking for something he has some knowledge base in. This works with food to a lesser degree, but he may not be as loquacious. But yeah, really mundane stuff like that or even maybe specific stuff about flooring or other interior design elements might get him going a bit. Robots are also probably a topic he could talk extensively on given the right lead-in. If it's something mechanical there's a good chance he'll know something. If it's out of his depth, he'll probably recommend you do your research.
Tsuname - Definitely more of a talker. These days it's a little harder to get him talking, but he likes doing it. He certainly isn't comfortable just listening either. To get him really listening probably takes some finesse. It probably has to be someone really good with words and preferably knowing about him to get him to calm down and listen. Otherwise it probably took violence to get to this point.
Naru - talker, but she isn't that verbose, not unless you've really got her going. She'll probably listen just as readily if you level with her, but she will get uncomfortable if it goes on too long.
Sh'zkai - in theory she could be more of a listener, but she generally doesn't pay you heed. She prefers to be the one doing the talking, even if she uses speech more like a weapon and a shield than deriving any joy out of it. She probably would be more than happy to let you talk, she just won't listen. She only really listens if there's something in it for her.
Korosa - prefers to be the one on top of the conversation, but he will listen if you're sincere. He will definitely be the one trying to come out of top of the conversation at first though. He might learn how listen better later. There is still some part of him that likes to talk a little, but in general he uses them like knives. Tools for cutting open the conversation and getting at what lies underneath. If he feels he can successfully master the conversation, he does get some satisfaction from that though.
Sz'nami - While she for sure likes to talk and likes the sound of her own voice a little, she's more than happy to listen to other people. She definitely derives joy out of being able to bear someone's burden. It makes her feel important. She may get a little impatient if someone goes on too long, but it would have to be an especially long and self-absorbed rant to get to that point.
52. Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
Naru - especially as a teen she tended to go wherever her emotions took her. She had to learn the hard way that acting on them would lead to disaster.
Shiido - He operates more on convictions than emotions. If something isn't right he'll prioritize that over what his emotions are telling him. He's for sure a planner, especially when he has the opportunity to do so.
Sz'nami - a little bit of both I wanna say. She'll for sure act on emotion if she thinks the situation calls for it. There are other times she might want to get away and plan first though. Maybe step back and observe for a bit.
Ril'siiya - Depends on the situation. She tends to express her emotions pretty quickly, but there might be times she chooses to step back and observe/plan if she's uncertain or there's something that requires a little thought.
Thanks for all the asks!!!
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