#my bnha fic is getting rewritten
seiya-starsniper · 7 months
Another Get To Know Me Game!
Tagged by @windsweptinred, this was so much fun to do! Love seeing a new version
Who was your first fictional crush?:
Hmmmm, instinct says Tuxedo Mask! I'm sure I had other fictional crushes but that's the one I most vividly remember. That and Xanatos from Gargoyles djdoaisjdoaij.
What’s the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour?:
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day?:
Oh there's...a few lmao. I have a tendency to read fics that horrify me for fun, and since we're on the webbed site that likes to judge people for using the Dead Dove tag, or any of the main Archive Warning tags, I'd rather not put those fics on blast. But I have read some truly brilliantly written and fucked up fics from the Fantastic Beasts fandom, that's all I'll say.
I’m coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?:
Japanese curry with chicken! That or Fettucine Alfredo. I like to overstuff my guests with food and those are my two go to meals for company!
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?:
Lions! I love kangaroos too, but my love for cats, especially big cats, prevails.
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them?:
Uhhhh....almost all of them??? jkjkjk
In all seriousness though, I think my big ones I can think of are Shigaraki and Dabi from BNHA. Are they both awful, ruthless people who only want to cause pain and suffering to all who have hurt them? Yes. Do I want them to keep causing even more pain and suffering, even to my favorite hero characters, as a treat? Also yes.
I hate to caveat that in no way do I think any of of their actions are justified and that the villains should win and then the world would be a better place yada yada yada but well. Woobifying villains is a thing and also why I stay out of the fandom because I cannot stand my faves being defanged like that. Let my faves be horrible people aoijdosijad.
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls?:
Either the "Mexican Asian" (I'm Filipino-American, and sadly this is a thing I was called a lot lmao) or "The Hugger." I know a shit ton of people judged me a bit in school for being a hugger because...idk, people thought hugs were weird lmao. But joke's on them, I still enjoy hugs and Mr. Seiya hugs me all the time!
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom?:
Uhhhhhh considering no one really dies in Pokemon...I'd be fine lmao.
In Sandman???? Also would probably be fine since I'm based in the States and also many many miles away from the Corinthian's hunting grounds 🤣
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?:
Only the name :(
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?:
Yes and no. I do feel bad the foundation of her story was be a woman killed for the glory of a man. And then to be remembered only as a horror, a monster to scare people with.
The modern interpretation of her story is absolutely fascinating to me and while it is still a tragic story, I absolutely love what she's come to represent. I love that her story has been rewritten to be a story of survival, of perseverance, of power even.
Which song makes you think of your OTP?:
Ooooooh there's so many! And of course now that I'm being put on the spot I can't think of any 🤣🤣
Starlight by Muse is definitely a Dreamling song to me, so much so that I wrote a fic with the lyrics in the title, so I'm going to roll with that one!
Which song makes you disassociate and daydream the fastest?:
Oh lord, honestly any Taylor Swift song will do this to me lmao. Lately, I've been drifting back to Would've, Could've, Should've, so we're going to go with that one!
No pressure tagging: @tj-dragonblade @bazzybelle @verminetroglodyte @tryan-a-bex @4typercent and anyone else who wants to play!
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uhhhyaenbyjade · 6 months
@mimbotomy tagged me in a fun tag game for fanfic writers, so here's my answers!!!!
How many works do you have on AO3? I have 62 total works, and I am so disappointed in a lot of them 😅
What's your total AO3 word count? 339,839 words!
What fandoms do you write for? Lately I've been working a lot on fics with AC: Odyssey, Monsterverse, and VicTORIous. However, I did recently do a fic for Mean Girls (2024) and I used to write a lot for BNHA/MHA, when I was very big on that fandom, but all those fics are really bad and cringe so I try to pretend they don't exist. I also have some batfamily fics, and a few for Dynasty. A few oneshots here and there with that fic being my only work in the fandom. And how could I forget, Horizon!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Confidence - What a Hero Needs - this annoys me so much, it was my first fic, EVER. I wrote it 4 years ago, and it's still my most popular, I've written much better stuff. I've even REWRITTEN THIS ONE AND THE OG IS STILL MORE POPULARR GKHDGHJHWJHK Apects Unknown - or are they? - a fun batfamily and wonderbat based fic off of my own mini-universe. Very cute, and very proud of this fic Perseverance - What a Hero Needs - the immediate follow up to Confidence. Again, I've written a lot better stuff "What? I like hero merch!" - My favorite crack fic I've written. Also BNHA/MHA based, but this was just fun and cute Among (Us) the Villains - yet another BNHA/MHA fic, but this time it's based about Izuku being friends with the LoV. And gaming with them. Made around the time of Among Us, hence the title
Do you respond to comments? I try, especially once I post something new. But honestly, a lot of my responses end up being just hearts or "thank you's" and it personally makes me feel like I'm being disingenuine when i respond with them too much
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I suppose Kumandra's Heart? But that was more sad than angst, I think?
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Pretty Girls, my Mean Girls (2024) fic!!!! I love this one so much, it's one of the few I go back and reread often! Basically a rewrite of the movie to be a lot gayer.
Do you get hate on fics? Oh yeah, there was this one marvel fic I did, and this one commenter was really mad that I wasn't going exactly as canon dictated. Because of course
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have a few fics with smut, and it's mainly kink-based. Definitely love involved too, but very kink-based.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Yes! I enjoy it a lot! My craziest one would probably have to be the one I'm currently writing, combining the Assassin's Creed universe and Legendary's Monsterverse. It's called Ancients Risen Anew, and based on Kassandra joining MONARCH after the G-Day event in 2014!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge! I made all my fics available only to registered users for the purpose of keeping them as safe as I can while still sharing them.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope! Would love to see it happen though!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope! It sounds interesting to do though!
What's your all time favorite ship? I would have to say Jade West/Tori Vega. The good old classic gay couple from Nickelodeon, as much as we hate how that era of TV was behind the scenes. A close second would probably be Aloy/Seyka, from Horizon. I just love them so much, they're my little blorbos (i think i used that term right :D)
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a few, but I'll talk about Cascade for now. It's the marvel fic I mentioned earlier, and I kinda lost all interest in marvel recently. The last media I saw was The Marvels, and I enjoyed it a lot, but I kinda got oversaturated with too much Marvel stuff, and not enough of it was as amazing like Shang-Chi was to make me wanna stay interested. Will definitely watch the stuff I'm interested in though (anything with Kate Bishop and Yelena)
What are your writing strengths? Hmmmm, tough one. I would say lore. I love writing lore and explaining lore. I am also very good at writing outlines.
What are your writing weaknesses? Fight scenes. Especially fast paced ones. I love the choreography in movies, but how am I supposed to translate the fast-paced combat into writing in a way that feels natural????
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I have done this for a short story! Please go check it out, its non-fandom related so it didn't get traction, but oh my god i did so much research for it and I love it. It's called Children of Níðhǫggr!
First fandom you wrote for? Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia. Please, end me
Favorite fic you've written? How the fuck am I supposed to choose just one?!??!?! I'll limit myself to five, to keep this short, lol Ink & Sparks - which is my favorite Jade West/Tori Vega fic. I rewrote it several times, and the version linked is the best one I've done. Please check it out, I love it so much! There's More To Life Than Surviving! - Honestly, this one is a contender for top fic. A crack fic, but for Ninjago! Loved it a lot The Titan of the Pearl - A very nice fic I wrote combining the Pirates of the Caribbean and Godzilla. Because I can Kumandra's Heart - A slight ending rewrite of Raya, the Last Dragon, which is my personal favorite Disney Princess movie Pretty Girls - the Mean Girls (2024) fic I mentioned earlier. I love this one so much, and like I said, I keep going back to reread it, that's how much I enjoy it Going to tag @aeide, @hartlesshart, @foibles-fables, and @spectres-n-knights for this! And if anyone else wants to, please go ahead!
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silent-silver-slip · 2 months
20 Questions for AO3 Writers
@librarylexicon Thanks for the tag!
How many fics on ao3 have you posted?
378! Because I am somewhat insane
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I actively write for Harry Potter, Naruto, Julie and the Phantoms, and Avatar: The Last Airbender.
I can, apparently, be convinced to write for BNHA, Howl's Moving Castle, Star Wars, Spiritfarer, Percy Jackson, and the Inheritance Cycle. There are probably others I'd be willing to explore too, but I've yet to actively write for them.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sea Dreams - Probably unsurprising, actually. This is a Naruto fic and is the first one in the series. Complete AU beginning with a Uchiha surviving the massacre, who also turns out to be a reincarnated ninja. Uzushio all the way!
Relight These Embers - ATLA. This is a super fun one I got to write that explores Zuko and Azula in a world slightly to the left of canon.
Never Surrender - HP. What if Regulus was sorted into Gryffindor? (This now has a rewritten version! It's completed and updating weekly at the moment.)
Trust In Your Companions - ATLA. Zuko & various animals.
If you've got life, you've got fight - HP. Regulus Black is reincarnated as Draco Malfoy. Needless to say, this changes a lot. But also not much at all.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yep! It might take a while, but I always do so. Well, aside from some awful ones that it's better off ignoring...
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Honestly, in terms of fanfiction, I don't really do angsty endings! I like my happy endings too much, or maybe my hopeful endings. The idea that, even if things aren't alright now, they might one day be okay.
I reckon the most angsty is probably 'If I could take us back, if I could just do that' (JATP), because there's no resolution at all there. That said, 'dancing on the tightrope (don't cut the wire)' (Naruto) is a little bit angsty too, because there's an element to hopelessness to it that definitely cuts to the quick. But there's also the idea of just... going on anyway, I guess. Then there's two HP fics that are technically angsty as well - 'there is always what comes after' and 'all you can do (is go on)'.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Happiest ending? God, I don't know. But I've narrowed it down to three that have endings I particularly like.
this band is back & it's been years - JATP. Less so for the ending itself, and more so for what the story means to me. There's something about friendships that kind of broke down, and also fell wayside, and reconnecting and finding some new, finding something better, finding something stronger, that appeals to me so very much. Writing this fic absolutely healed something broken within me, I think. And, sure, it'll break again, but I always have this to fall back to.
For similar reasons, though not the exact same, I must also mention 'Let's get the band back together'. (JATP) I think I really found myself realising how I'd grown as a writer while writing this, which was fun, and this is a much softer fic too. There's something about finding a home and finding your people that is just fucking fantastic.
Lastly - 'and then, suddenly, you hear the ocean' (Naruto). For a fic that is cemented in grief and death, the healing and recovery of this fic soothes something within me.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Got heaps back on ff.net back in the day! And I have gotten a fair few things on ao3 too, which sucks heaps. It's not the easiest thing to deal with, but I'm lucky that when it really hits me, I've got some people I can turn to and ask for a much more objective truth. It works, most of the time.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
Eh, not really. It doesn't appeal to me that much, to be honest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Less stolen as such, but definitely appeared on other websites before - you know the ones that access websites via another platform or whatever? They've probably been scraped or whatever before too, I imagine.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, which is super exciting! @dragonsampersanddragons has done two fics ('Cover Your Eyes (The Devil Inside)' and 'The Sea Never Looked Back') into French, and 'on to war' (HP) has been translated into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not anything that was ever finished or published!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Lol, I don't have one. Definitely don't care for romance. Love me a good QPR, found family, or friendship though!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Oooh, there's an old story idea I once had called Threads of Magic that I would love to explore. But it also has a lot of hurt associated with it now, so doubt it'll ever happen.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think it's characterisation, probably! If only because I tend to try and always make my characters 3D, and I think that shows up. Sometimes I manage to do some awesome dialogue lines which is always nice, but not always.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'd do it! Probably comes from the fact I've worked with other languages in the past, and also conlang (god, it's so hard, kudos to anyone who manages it). Occasionally, I might just go 'x said in y' or something. Otherwise (though I've never done it), I'd probably do that thing on ao3 where you can have the formatting so translation shows up when you click/hover over it. It's neat as hell.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think it was Harry Potter lol. Or maybe Percy Jackson? I wrote original work first, so that's what sticks more I think.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
I've already mentioned a few of them! That said, it tends to be what I've written more recently. Particular shout outs to:
Sea Dreams (and the entire series) (Naruto) - Toru, hope, and found family. Enough said.
this band is back & its been years (JATP) - As mentioned, it healed something in me
Let's get the band back together (JATP) - Friendships grown distant and making them anew
laughter so loud even the stars can hear (Naruto) - The vibes??? are so soft???
with them, i am home (and the love is a choice series) (ATLA) - Honestly, this rarepair was pretty fun to explore
how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist (series; and more specifically i don't believe that love was made to break) - Urban fantasy!! Strange lake creatures!! fae!!
Trumpets 'verse - JATP. Still one of the funniest things I think I ever wrote
Here's To Us (Here's To Love) - Naruto. Found family/friendship of Team 7. Just them and their softness.
Okay this took way longer than I expected, so no idea who to tag. Anyone can pick it up - and I hope you have fun doing it!
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cyclicalaberration · 2 years
You ever write a whole ass nanowrimo novel over the course of ten months in day long bursts in the middle of the most mentally ill part of your life and then later pick it back up and try and fix it
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dyinggirldied · 2 years
We are have imagined being transmigrated into our favorite movie, anime, manga, book, etc. But what if we have to enter as the most hated / bad-ended / any worst you can think of characters?
That’s the premise of most of the current Korean and Chinese works. But I’m talking about fanfic. Before you all coming at me, let me just say: I hate the typical self-insert or original characters. No offense to anyone, it’s just a matter of preference. 
But I recently came across two other fanfics that ironically started the same character of the same fandom. Both are pretty good and make me anticipate for next chap. They are both around the premise of the SI/OC transmigrated into Mineta Minoru, from Boku no Hero Academia.
Don’t come at me with the cross, pitch-folks and knives! I dislike the canon Mineta as much as you do, though nowadays, I found him to be more or less a wasted potential lumped beneath the sexist, cliché trope that isn’t even funny. 
But the two fanfics I have read was more than enough to make me like and even endear to their fanon (?) / fanfic ver Mineta. Kinda surprising since both have a lot of common: a female OC who wakes up one day to find them or he/she (whose gender might be genderfluid later on maybe?) Mineta. Have a go at it if you would because it might interesting you. It certainly hooks me in!
Sour Grapes by HaneleHarulue https://archiveofourown.org/works/25813666
Seat No.19 by alohaflower https://archiveofourown.org/works/27387526?view_full_work=true
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Fic recs!!! Here are some of my fave bnha fics (obligatory pls check the tags/trigger warnings):
Shattered and swept under the rug (I refuse to disappear, I am here)
You have dadmic (which isn’t as common as dadzawa but should be), u have reformed villian izuku, u have shinkamideku (one of my fave rare pairs) what more could u want? Also big brother izuku to eri which I’m always a sucker for
Baby spice
Listen. Listen. I don’t ship shigadeku ok? I don’t. But this fic has done it for me. Sugar baby izu to sugar daddy shigaraki - they communicate?!? Honestly surprising amount of fluff but it’s great
Once burned, twice shy
Dadzawa strikes again! But this time with trans izuku who gets support from an online forum who also deal with quirk discrimination who are familiar 👀. Plus the angst. (Also dadzawa happens like 20 chapters in but it’s so worth the read) also apparently will have shinkamideku soooo
Ran tea house
There’s something so comforting about this fic? It’s like the perfect balance of fluff and angst. Like that book u wanna read while it’s raining outside while drinking hot chocolate. A comforting sadness of that makes sense? Also shindeku plus parental erasermic
Maudlin murmurs
Currently being rewritten but god it’s a good fic. Ghostzuku being a bamf we love to see it (please mind the trigger warnings tho!!)
Null and void
A hero class civil warfare au! Except izu is in gen ad and wants to stay there while doing his vigilante thing on the side. Shindekuuuu
Safe with me
I’m really hoping this updates soon. We need more top!izu (any recs anyone? Please-) and shindeku!
Izuku x Hitoshi piercing au
Can u see the theme? I have a theme and it’s shindeku, my weakness. But! This series is fluff and smut in equal measure and I love it
Can’t see the forest for the trees
Another one I’m hoping is just in extended hiatus and not abandoned. Tododeku (switching it up go me!) with fem! Izu who is a vigilante looking after her daughter eri
Net neutrality
One of the first bnha fics/series I read and I’m obsessed. I reread it so often. Todoshindeku with parental erasermic and izuku adopting eri! (On that note any fics with izu adopting eri send them my way please)
With confidence
Also an old fave. Izuku gets hit by a quirk, scares the shit out of everyone, keeps that confidence and uses it to haul ass to ua while satanic his bamf quirkless self. Slightly a crack fic but it’s great
Before you fall, learn to soar
Big brother hawks fic! Another oldie but a goodie. I also love that u can see the writing improve as u read on and it’s truly a comfort fic. Also, shindeku!!
excellent recs!
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narwhalsarefalling · 3 years
Okay I’ve literally never seen bnha but I’ve read a handful of fics because hehe super hero.. do you have any recs that don’t need. Extensive knowledge of the canon for?
hm, yes! i have a few fics that are considered “canon rewrites” in which its the whole manga/anime rewritten in the form of an au, and fics that dont require much knowledge of canon aside from who the main characters are. ill do the latter for now, but if you want to know more about the canon rewrites you can send me another ask!
Learning Curve- honestly one of my favorites. quirk science, shenanigans, angst, and dadzawa
Phoenix- Avatar State Deku :)
You know that thing where an orchestra swaps instruments, and like, some of them get it right away, but others have no clue what they're doing? This is that but with quirks, two unwilling participants, and also Emotions- YES THATS THE ACTUAL TITLE and its really good. momo and bakugou swap quirks
Through Thick and Thin (and a couple of broken bones)- Monoma copies Deku’s quirk and has a Bad Time
third couch is the charm- todoroki sets three couches on fire, which is three couches too many and takes quirk control classes with Kamimari
Building (up) a hero- i admit that this wont really make sense if you havent watched certain episodes of the anime (since these are minor characters), but its still really REALLY cute and precious so it deserves a spot on the list
All’s Well- Bakugou’s quirk gets supercharged. has the bonus of an alternate ending and a LOT of punched feelings in the gut. literally sobbed reading this. 
plants towards the sun (we begin to heal, one by one)- BAKUGOU GOES TO THEARPY. finally.
a wound that never heals (always leaves a scar)- deku gets his memory swapped back to a certain moment, and can’t understand why he’s at UA.
Humans make surprisingly good pillows- FLUFF. deku falls asleep on his friends
i also have a gen fic collection for fics that are similar to these, in which that they have a lot of worldbuilding or solid characterizations. so if you want more there’s always more here!
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captainkirkk · 3 years
A collection of fics I’ve read (/reread) and thoroughly enjoyed in the past week-ish from all kinds of fandoms and genres.
TUA (Old Guard AU)
time is a clever invention by buddhaghost
“Klaus, it’s time to come home,” Diego says. Klaus laughs again, bright and loud and decidedly unamused.
“And where is that, exactly?” He asks, twirling the chord around his finger. “Last I checked, my home was destroyed in Jerusalem, around, oh, I don’t know, 5 B.C.?” He giggles. “5 Before Me.”
He can practically hear Diego roll his eyes. “The manor,” he says, sounding like he’s talking through clenched teeth. “You had the visions, you know –”
“Yes,” Klaus says, cutting him off sharply. “Yes, I saw that delightful young boy get riddled with bullets, and then saw him gasp back to life, so cliché, I thought, why not give him an interesting rebirth, like getting eaten by a shark, or run over by a lawn mower, or electrocuted or something –”
“Klaus,” Diego bites out. “We have to get him. He’s one of us now.”
Or: The Hargreeves are not the Umbrella Academy; they're the Old Guard, a group of immortals just trying to keep their family together.
in any version of reality by redrobin1989
A villain with the ability to rewrite life changing moments tries to prevent Deku's rise by altering All Might's fateful meeting with a quirkless fan. But some paths are not easily diverted and some fates cannot be rewritten.
In every reality, Yagi Toshinori will always find and choose Midoriya Izuku.
Clone Wars
 let's sing a song full of hope, full of pain by eynn
Part 1 of i can't go back and lose it all
Shaak Ti is the first to Fall. How could she not be? Plo Koon is next. He never regrets a moment of it. From there, it only escalates.
Stranger (In A Strange Land) by AssassinOfRome
RotS AU where after failing to rescue Palpatine from the newly youthful Dooku, Anakin has to juggle defending the Republic, protecting Padme, and the weight of his own destiny. And with his padawan expelled from the Order and his master seemingly gone, The Chosen One will have to make do with what has been left behind - a scared and secretive Apprentice Kenobi, with the body and memories of his sixteen year old self.
Saving the Galaxy just got a whole lot smaller.
Suicidal Misunderstandings by nevertheless_turtle
 Obi-Wan scarcely a few years into his desert exile is (quite unexpectedly) thrown back in time to the height of the Clone Wars. This is in fact so unexpected that he reasonably (if incorrectly) assumes he is experiencing a spice-induced hallucination. After enjoying spending time with his lost loved ones, he decides he really needs to wake up before he dies of dehydration. When intense meditation fails, he tries to break the illusion through more...EXTREME measures (check the tags). Panic from all parties ensues.
I thought I fought this war alone by stonefreeak
Obi-Wan is thirteen years old, just about to start learning Ataru from his Master.
Obi-Wan is sixty-one years old, dead and one with the Force since four years back.
Obi-Wan is both, and neither.
 Life Goes On by BigFatBumblebee
The Clone Wars are in full swing, the Galaxy is going to hell in a handbasket and everybody is pushed to their limits. But life goes on and these are short stories, centered around Obi-Wan Kenobi, of the small moments that make up the bigger ones.
New Perspective by ejejie
Theoretically, Ahsoka knew it wasn’t funny. Not funny at all, in fact. It was in no way funny that her master’s consciousness was no longer in his body. It was not a good thing that Anakin Skywalker, the Hero with No Fear, was currently the closest to a full-blown panic attack that she had ever seen him. It was not humorous in the slightest that she, in fact, was technically the cause of this—well, she hadn’t actually made it happen, she had just… pulled the trigger. Accidentally, of course.
Still, the sight (and sense) of Anakin being in Master Kenobi’s body, alternating between hysterics and subtly checking himself out—holy Force above, she would never forget it.
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makethiscanon · 2 years
😅🛒🙋‍♀️💖🏆 for the fanfic writer emoji asks 💖
Thank you so much for the Ask! I got so excited to do this 😂
So, I've actually answered 😅 already for someone else so I'll leave a link to that one [here].
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
It won't be true for every one of my fics, but I always try to incorporate personal healing, and/or healthy relationships in my stories (especially the reader-inserts, since the focus is usually the personality of the reader's love interest). Characters asking for consent, or acting in a way that empowers or comforts the reader. As someone who naively walked into two consecutive Red Flags, I try to show my readers what a good, Green Flag partner might be like.
I also like to throw in a healthy dose of fluff at every corner, and though of course I do like to put a level of angst in some fics, it is ALWAYS followed up with comfort and a happy ending.
*hides the Yandere Ojiro Headcanons under the rug*
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
Absolutely! My partner knows and is 100% supportive, my closest circle of friends know, my family… well they know but I still don't think they completely understand it, but are still supportive. Even my work colleagues know since one of them found my YouTube, and their reactions varied but although some find is strange, others love that I'm openly nerdy and proud of my hobbies.
💖 What made you start writing?
Can you believe I've rewritten this answer at least 10 times? It's a culmination of things, I think. I was part of the Literature Gifted and Talented group at school so I was used to writing stories from an early age. I daydreamed whenever I was bored. I had this one daydream especially that kept cropping up, about being a cartoon character (thanks, The Pagemaster), and eventually I decided I wanted to get it out of my head and onto paper.
Then I started writing down all the vivid dreams I had, whenever I had them.
And then by the time I realised I was a weirdo kid that didn't make friends easily, I ended up really getting into anime and reading fanfics as a way to combat loneliness.
Quizilla was super popular back then so I ended up reading a butt-load of 'Who Will You End Up With' RPG quiz-stories including lots of Spin the Bottle, Snugglebug and 7 Minutes in Heaven romance reader-insert that really brought comfort to me (I have super-high Immersion and Suspension of Disbelief stats 😂😂). Eventually I decided to take a crack at them myself, since I figured there had to be other people out there who could benefit from comfort reader-insert fics like I did.
🏆 What’s your most popular fic?
Okay so I won't mention that N S F W story because it's a runaway success and none of my other fics come close in terms of stats.
Suitable for all ages, my most popular story seems to be Mistletoe (a Bakugou x Reader Christmas Fic), which to this day I am SO happy about because it was the first BNHA story I ever wrote, and I tried so damn hard to get inside Bakugou's head to write him into a romance story but also have him in-character.
It's probably the story I'm proudest of, and I still read it each Christmas because it's stuffed full of my favourite fluff tropes to put me in a fluffy, festive mood.
Thank you again for the ask! I had a lot of fun thinking about these!
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kyurilin · 3 years
Kyuri's WIPs!
First up before I do anything, Present Mic's Totally Bullshit Life has a playlist now! It's very short because I started it after the story was finished and posted but I just kind of add to it now for fun.
Any of the stories on this list that have a playlist to go with them will also get links!
Lost- Formerly known as Hizashi's No Good Very Bad Terrible Year (I think??? It's so long lmao) but yeah! I kind of had the OG doc as a test for doing ALL the manga events because man what a train wreck of a year but I got a brain worm today for a story opener that combined an old idea of mine with how to tie everything into the entire 'coping with trauma' vibe of the full Mic story so this is technically an official sequel. It's set after the war arc and a few other details that happen following that, so VERY spoiler heavy if you don't read the manga, but I wanted an excuse to write it from Mic's perspective and be able to reference stuff from the Mic story. So yeah! It's gonna be angst and coping with trauma and heavily reference Present Mic's Totally Bullshit Life while having a way better title so whoever wants more content for that there's two planned to be posted now here. Currently at 2.6k words
You'll Find Home Again*- I already have to add one. ANYWAYS. This one may end up being emotional to me for no reason but uhhhhhhh. Yeah. So this is actually a spinoff of Present Mic's Totally Bullshit Life but it's a prequel. And yeah. Yeah I know. But I mention a non-canon American internship throughout the Mic story with a character Tyler who is actually a recycled legacy Cars OC of mine and after a lot of thought I've decided to start a oneshot about Mic's American internship, but from the POV of Tyler. Now the reason this one is emotional to me is that Tyler/Thunder as he used to always be known is one of my oldest ocs, almost as old as my writing, and has traveled through many fandoms with me so he holds a very special place in my heart. And when I got into BNHA, I looked at Mic and was like 'oh he is giving off heavy Thunder vibes, they would be friends'. Hence the inclusion in the story. So it's kind of a special one to me because I get to write for a character I've written for a lot over the last 15 years bonding with this new character who I latched onto because of that connection, and I think it's going to end up being at the least a fun story. I feel bad dumping an OC centric story in the BNHA fandom because I try not to do that anymore but I'll probably link it to the Mic story if/when it's done. Currently at 496 words
Someone New- based on the post below and currently being rewritten since it's something I started in February and have not thought about except for like two weeks in July. I'm hoping it's going to be a short one but knowing me (and the lore I accidentally developed for it when I made this playlist) it could end up stupidly long. Currently at 596 words
I Still Reach For You- A heavy manga spoilers Kurogiri story set after the Tartarus breakout. Basically Kurogiri also escapes during that but is going through a crisis of his own due to the whole Shirakumo thing. Obviously started before a later chapter lmao. Currently at 2.7k
Stray- one of the big ones I'm working on, that I've referred to once as the Matching Tattoos AU! An EraserMicCloud story where the three of them meet in college, get matching tattoos, and then don't meet up again until way later. This is the one I've been working on recently that I dumped 18k into over the course of like a week and a half. It's also a no quirks modern au because that was the easiest thing, and kind of a soulmates-but-not-really au. Currently at 24.1k
All The Ways I Love You- this one is like wildly hyper specific but it's a spin off of either a line in the Present Mic story or the oc villain au regarding Aizawa disappearing completely from seeing his friends. So it's Nemuri taking care of him after he turns up very much not himself while Hizashi is still out of the country, and it's something I'm not exactly sure will ever get posted but I wanted to do something with Nemuri. Currently at 8.1k
So, You Wanna Be a Hero- This is a one shot story I'm doing to introduce my Shinsou's family ocs, set immediately after the sports festival in Canon. It's very short at the moment because I don't write for Shinsou much but I have ocs for his family I wanted to include. SPEAKING OF this and Stray both involve the Shinsou family, but Stray makes a minor change and uses a different character name for the mom for no explainable reason. Currently at 140 words
Dread Sometimes is Packaged as Your Best Friend- set within the No Place Like Home AU (the story universe associated with the story This Isn't How the Story Goes), this is how the Tartarus visit to Kurogiri would have gone in that universe. Currently at 139 words.
All the Traces- I think I'm canceling this one because I don't vibe with it and it wasn't really a great idea to begin with but it's also set within No Place Like Home and is very soon after Aizawa's death. Currently at 798 words
No Place Like Home AU- speaking of which, this AU is a series of one shots that is currently only one story in where it's Aizawa who dies instead of Shirakumo. I really really need to do more for this one.
Song of the Abyss- this is one of the Big Ones, but it's a pirates/mermaids/fantasy au with merman prince Hizashi and ocean merchant Aizawa that has deep deep lore and lots of plotting to do and no ending. Currently at 1.5k
You Were Mine (And I'll Tell You That Forever)- this is basically the same as I Still Reach For You EXCEPT Nemuri lives. Make of that what you will. Also I got really artsy with some of these titles then you have shit that just isn't titled at all. Currently at 4.2k
Burn Brighter- For some reason the Todoroki family wormed their way into a spinoff for Stray so this is that spinoff. I have done very little with it. Currently at 324 words
Kaito Hamasaki: Origin- look if horikoshi gets to drop all his ocs into origin chapters then so do I okay. Honestly, this one really is about 95% for me and the likelihood of it getting posted is slim and it's TECHNICALLY a tie in to the next doc I'm mentioning but it is exactly what the title says. Currently at 3.8k
Mock King AU- Otherwise lovingly referred to as the OC Villain AU. Anyone who's read Present Mic's Totally Bullshit Life may or may not remember the oc by either his actual name or his hero name of Mockingbird, and I started up a villain au for him in January that's currently at 48k and hasn't been worked on in a bit. I'm maybe a fourth of the way through at this point so uhhhh it's a Big One. I'm constantly on the fence about ever posting this one if it gets done because it is entirely self indulgent PARTICULARLY since the opening of the story is set on the same weekend as the opening of the Mic story. I thought it was funny. Reboot is at 2.5k since I'm currently reworking it
There's not ~technically~ a playlist for just the story but Kaito gets his own playlist with both villain au songs and regular inspiration songs
EraserMicJoke Superiority- Yeah I legit don't have a title for this one. Basically it is entirely an excuse to write EraserMicJoke since that's one of the many ships from bnha I like but with the added twist of the idea being spawned by "Emi would get really emotional if Eri ever called her mom". So yeah, it's a stupidly long idea based off the idea that Eri gets three parents who love her and spoil her instead of just the common Adopted By EraserMic. Currently at 18k
EraserMicJoke- EraserMic Origins DONE- so I accidentally gave Aizawa and Hizashi an even more tragic get together story with a few throwaway lines in the story mentioned above and decided to write the full thing out on its own and man apparently I like writing ✨trauma✨ way too much. Finished at 39k
Why Loud Cloud Got Banned From Put Your Hands Up Radio- this might be the dumbest one. It falls under the Rooftop Hero Agency AU, where Shirakumo lives, but it's a fucking comedy story where Oboro, the only time he goes on Hizashi's radio show, spends the whole time simping for his girlfriend in very not radio friendly ways and Hizashi cannot shut him down. Frankly it's the dumbest thing I've ever thought of. It has a few sentences now and Oboro has no brain cell it's gonna be GREAT. Currently at 249 words
Softest Lullabies- This is entirely a CloudNight fluff story in the Rooftop Hero Agency AU setting because I got the idea and proceeded to knock out about 1k of story before I was like 'i'll come back to this'. Currently at 1.3k
Sports Festival- I think I'm not continuing with this? It's literally just the first sports festival for Aizawa, Oboro, and Hizashi (why don't I ever refer to Aizawa as Shouta as a side note) and it isn't really necessarily linked to the Rooftop Hero Agency AU because once I write the sports festival you can assume that's how it went down universally in anything I write unless otherwise specified but I think I just wanted to write it lol. Currently at 440 words
Rooftop Hero Agency AU- This is both the AU concept and the doc. The doc is kind of not really being worked on, since I sort of shifted gears and decided to break this one up into stories in the universe like the No Place Like Home AU, but it's my version of a Shirakumo Lives AU featuring EraserMic and CloudNight. The doc for this story is currently still on their high school years but since I'm changing the way I do this it'll probably be like that forever.
Sun, Stars, and Clouds- This is actually mostly canceled since I started writing it (and about three spin offs) before the Mic story to practice writing these characters and it's some kind of legal drama featuring what was going to be EraserCloudMic. Present Meow the cat came from here. I think.
Don't Speak AU/Vigilante Aizawa AU- This one is hella cancelled as it got TOO complicated to handle as it was a ridiculously involved rewrite of the entirety of My Hero Academia but Aizawa left UA and became a vigilante after the death of Shirakumo. GREAT CONCEPT, but so much fucking writing for me to attempt when I was just starting to write for the series. ALSO technically the oneshot Would Anyone Care was part of this AU but I kept bringing it up in other stories so eventually I was like fuck it this is a Core Memory now it happened regardless.
Cloud Control AU- I have brought this one up before but it was my own concept of a soulmate au where when your soulmate dies you get their quirk, and Aizawa has had two quirks since the death of Shirakumo. AGAIN. Great for trauma. I have a doc for this and a rewrite doc, and I had planned to focus on it after I finished the mic story, but it got away from me somehow.
How We Say Goodbye- Once again, this is a story referenced in, very specifically, Present Mic's Totally Bullshit Life. I had actually written this before I wrote that and never finished this story, but it's set after Shirakumo's death. Hizashi tries to do his podcast as normal, but can't because he doesn't know how to deal with doing it alone and knowing he won't have Oboro to do it with again, so invites Shouta and Nemuri over so they can do a goodbye podcast, which ends up being the last episode he ever does. It was so sad I started crying while writing it and haven't touched it since.
Sorry to Bring You Down- ACTUALLY in a similar vein to the last story mentioned, this is set post war arc before I knew what was happening in world. It was Hizashi's first show after taking some time to spend with Shouta, and the whole concept revolved around his listener call in hour being a disaster because citizens were using it to vent about their disappointment in the heroes. And Hizashi was going to end up going on this exhausted rant about he lost someone too since Nemuri's gone and how they're doing the best they can and all stuff along those lines. It's a really dope idea that I honestly want to finish because the idea of Hizashi just getting fed up and just going ham because he's still hurting too is the best to me.
Something With Mirko- No that's literally the title. 100% this is just a dumb story of Mirko getting bored of being stuck in the hospital post war arc that I haven't finished but maybe will one day.
Homeless Aizawa is Hopeless- this is the document that ACTUALLY spawned the mic story. It's clearly NOT getting finished but since half my document titles are garbage I wanted to share that the original iteration of the mic story had an even dumber name and that it also had Aizawa as the main characters.
*Mechanic AU- I guess I should add this one since it's my latest idea even though I don't know if I'll keep adding onto it forever because it was a spur of a moment kinda thing? But basically it's yet another erasermic idea with cloudnight as a secondary ship where Hizashi escapes a bad relationship and breaks down in the middle of nowhere only for the mechanic who fixes his car to be someone he gets along with instantly. Oboro and Nemuri run a bar called Loud Nights because yes. I think it's funny. Frankly this one could be a short one shot or it could own my soul for the next few months but I have to add it to the list because I have started the doc for it.
Crumbled Rooftops*- I'm keeping this one secret plotwise but adding it to the list because ya'll ain't ready for it. I'm very excited about it though and ya'll should be too.
I think this is all of them???? Anyways I'll try to tag stuff based on the title of the doc from here and if anyone ever wants to ask about any of these please do I will not hesitate to ramble about my stories
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Tagged by @redoaktreehill !
Thanks for the tag, now onto the questions:
How many works do you have on AO3?
44 = BNHA
6 = Persona 5
5= Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
2 = Danny Phantom (but one of those is a crossover with Justice League and John Constantine)
2 = Miraculous Ladybug (but one of those is a crossover with Batman)
3 = The Batman, Constantine and Justice League crossovers
1 = Assassination Classroom (a crossover with BNHA)
1 = Sk8 the Infinity
1 = Fire Emblem: Three Houses
What's your total AO3 word count?
876408 words!
What are your top 5 fics by Kudos?
1) The old Bait and Switch (10,019 kudos)
2) #NewestWayne is trending folks (5663 kudos)
3) (The original) A fraudulent claim to immortality (4442 kudos)
4) Rooks and Bishops don't get to choose their moves (3941 kudos)
5) Blood Stains The Skin Red (3620 kudos)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to most comments! Though most of the ones I reply to are ones where I can actively engage with the commentary, like if someone asks a question or suggests something I could edit.
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Uh... give me like half an hour to scour for fics that AREN'T pure angst....
Okay so it's either 'Care to be my Ganimard?' Or 'Rival Soup' which are both crack slightly shippy Persona 5 fics about Akeshu's dynamic! Could also be 'You're telling Me A Shrimp Fried This Rice!?' Or 'Iida isn't the boss of you' which are my only crack BNHA fics but Fried Rice is a more happy emotions after sadness kind of ending rather than like fully happy and Iida isn't the boss is incomplete so-
Pretty much everything else is either currently unfinished, abandoned, being rewritten or you know... without what you would typically call a happy ending so these two are really my only options, you wouldn't think I don't like reading angst.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Now that's a loaded question.
We've got Izuku dies in this one where it does what it says on the tin which was a sleep deprived 'ha but what if' rewrite of Kamino fic, Nomu 2.0 which (as described by a commentor) has Of Mice and Men vibes. Disrupted Celebrations is another contender because Izuku goes through every stage of grief and then gets to go through survivors guilt AND imposter syndrome before ultimately not having a good time!
For P5 it's probably Where Justice Goes To Die which is a 2/2 fic with a twist and any 2/2 fic HAS to be angsty and bittersweet or it's just not a 2/2 fic you know?
It's hard though because a lot of what I write is angst...
Do you write crossovers?
Yep! All the time, some of my favourite fics I've written are crossovers but that's mainly bc they're my little passion projects? Like I write most of my fics bc my brain refuses to shut up but my crossover fics always end up with like 40 page gdocs before they're even written because they're my babies.
Also when I still wrote on wattpad my first like major serious fic was an OHSHC/AssClass fic so it's in my writing blood you know?
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
A couple of times
I don't tend to write ships as a main focus but my only ship fic has gotten a bit of hate, mainly by one commentor who didn't like the ship or the characterisation (even though I used both a Character X salt tag and claimed it would be slightly OCC-ish to start with) and who didn't seem to like reading tags properly. I couldn't actually write for that fic for a while because everytime I clicked on it to update I just... kept looking at those comments and feeling like rubbish but then some random reader just started arguing back for me and I kind of realised that people will always dislike things but you're writing for yourself and the added ppl who will read your work despite its flaws because they've also exhausted every other fic under the pairing tag!
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I'd like to be able to write smut, if only so that I could convince myself I'm not practically victorian in my inability to not be instantly red in the face with the concept of smut. However since its a running joke between myself and my friends that every fic I write is already smut I'd never live it down if I actually wrote any.
There was a brief escapade though into the world of writing smut, but I doubt anyone that follows me on tumblr ever actually read my stuff on A03 at the time the fic in question actually existed, and if you know which deleted fic I'm talking about no you don't.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Like 5 times on Wattpad? Can't remember which ones since I've blocked out most of my Wattpad content but I remember being really upset about it.
And an entire first chapter from my only ship fic on AO3! The account got reported pretty quickly since there's a limited number of fics for the ship so you can notice pretty quick if somethings a repost.
And tagging....
@adorable-deku & @aobawilliams !
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mccallmebaby · 3 years
[redoing my introduction to this blog]
Hi, I’m Fay, but I also go by Marsh or Nix
I use he/it/bun pronouns and I’m a non-binary lesbian
I am 19 years old.
I am really into bnha and writing and reading fics for the fandom.
Here is my official fic list in case you want to check any of them out!
[marsh’s fic master list]
- multichapter fics
Blood Water -This one is a timetravel DFO fic! It’s my most read fic on AO3 and is currently going through the process of being fully planned (not close to being done though) I try to get updates out once a month but that might not happen for a while. Chapter three is currently in the works. Eventual Shindeku. This is probably getting rewritten.
A Villain’s Hero - This one has very infrequent updates, and they are oneshots, basically the league adopts a puppy. Characters are pretty ooc from what I remember? Possible rewrite in the future (old drafts posted at random times). Second most viewed fic. It’s kind of crackish, kind of fluffy? I dunno.
Beyond the Treelines Where the Whispers Can’t Reach - Fantasy au, proud of this one as the lore is completely my own, Chapter two is a major wip at this point.
Maybe You Never Notice Glass Until It’s Broken- Forced Villain au, analyst Midoriya Izuku, two chapters, chapter three in the works
- oneshot fics
Subject 9785 -Human experimentation oneshot, oddly popular for being thrown together in two days.
Hero Hopeless - Izuku death oneshot, kind of old, might need some rewriting but I’ve heard good things about it from my friends?? I started a spin-off for this a while ago, idk if I’ll ever finish that though.
Tearful Nights and Unbaked Cookies - Togamina hurt and comfort oneshot written for my friend’s birthday!!
[marsh’s bestie list]
- I talk to them on tumblr / they are in the bnha fandom. I have other besties I just don’t talk to them on tumblr as frequently and/or they aren’t in the same fandoms as I am.
[ other interests ]
- while I write for the bnha fandom I have other interests too! Those interests being:
Genshin Impact
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
Demon Slayer
Sk8 The Infinity
I’m currently only writing for the bnha community though!
And some others I’m not gonna mention
[ favorite characters ]
MIDORIYA IZUKU - words cannot describe he
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MONOMA NEITO - he’s a bastard
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TODOROKI SHOUTO- Todoroki my beloved
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BAKUGOU KATSUKI- I hate him /hj
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TOGA HIMIKO - Second favorite villain, mwah
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Tomura Shigaraki - My all time favorite villain
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Beyond The Treelines Chapter Two: 900 words
Blood Water Chapter Three: 500 words
Glass Chapter Three: 1.6k words
Unnamed Oneshot: 1.4k words
Unnamed Oneshot: 800 words
I am a very disorganized person getting very little sleep! Thank you for checking out my page! ✨
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writerdragonfly · 3 years
13 and 14 for the writer ask
13: What is your most overrated work?
To be honest, I don’t really know how to answer this. Most of the fics I dislike are generally disliked also?
If we go back into the depths of my eighteen years of fandom, maybe all my Inuyasha fics under IYWriterGirl on ffn.
I realize I have now answered both none and many, but I reaaaally don’t know how else to answer that. Feel free to tell me what fics you don’t like of mine though. I’m sure I won’t agree. ;)
14: What is your most underrated work?
My instant reaction is to go feral. Anyway, I’m gonna list a few because I think they deserve all the love in the world and they don’t get the attention they deserve which is all of the attention. All of it.
Most underrated for Dragon Age Inquisition:
Rewritten (Living History): https://archiveofourown.org/works/24853495
Most underrated genshin impact and also one of my favorite fics ever fight me:
of lightning casting glass: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32780677
I just fucking love this ff7 remake fic:
The Memory of Fallen Stars; https://archiveofourown.org/works/27691000
BnHA/My Hero Academia fic:
Look Before you Leap: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30492924
To be honest, most of my BnHA and video game fics have shit for traffic. Part of it might be the way I don’t update often, and the other part that some of these fandoms have kind of exploded in popularity over the few years (especially BnHA holy shit) which means it’s easy for short fics to get lost in the shuffle without a quote unquote big name attached. My oldest BnHA fics have the best stats probably just because they’re older.
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pocketramblr · 5 years
Masterpost- everything else
I’d like to formally apologize to whatever it was that i pissed off so much for all of these ideas. or perhaps Apollo thinks i’m hot :/
But they’re fun! more bnha aus below
[Main Masterpost list]
Known Variables: My first big fic in the fandom, and based of off @/captainkirkk ‘s OfA Is Known AU. basically everyone been knew about OfA for a while, but not that Izuku’s its newest holder... not yet, at least (Completed!)
Provisionally: Oneshot sequel about people in the lisence exam, and reactions to the reveal that Izuku holds the world’s most famous quirk.
Dad Variable- a couple of non-canon ideas for the question of ‘where is izuku’s dad in all of this’. its fun because it’s like Clue and none of the endings are ‘the right one’
Upcoming: I want to do a fic about the Hero Rank Reveals and that nice reporter the anime blessed us with so who knows when that will happen.
Learning Curve: Short story in which Aizawa and three students are kidnapped- follows both the kidnapping and flashbacks leading up to it, a meta on quirk science disguised as a story, lots of fun worried dadzawa. (Completed! 7/7) Fun Fact: I wrote this entire story in two days at thanksgiving break, when i was left alone in the apartment in silence and went a little crazy.
The Many Faces Of Midoriya Izuku: When Izuku punches the Zero Pointer, his whole appearance changes. Everyone scrambles to figure out if he’s always had a quirk without knowing it, or if OFA is just mutating in him. Again, i have a lot of plans for this, and it’ll have some really fun times around Kamino and Overhaul, but... :3 well. Izuku’s got to deal with a lot too, so therapy too baby! (2/?)
Voltron: Hero’s Attempt- just a oneshot toying with the idea- Tamaki, Aizawa, Hizashi are Alteans, and Black Paladin Toshinori is staying behind to give them time to get to voltron castle and flee before the Thousand Year TImeskip or whatever. Mirio and Nejire are also aliens and paladins, and Aizawa locks the three of them and Tenya in the cryopods while he and Hizashi watch over the castle. Much Later, Izuku, a human, finds the castle hidden on earth, Green Paladin izuku, Red Paladin Tenya, Black Paladin Mirio, Blue Paladin Tamaki, and Yellow Paladin Nejire end up being the lineup. if anyone wants to be inspired by this, please do.
Will and Ways of the Force- Star Wars AU, Phantom Menace style. 1/3 because no one is interested in it kjhjkjhjk
Play The Clock Backwards: Currently being rewritten and fleshed out, but there’s a mini story in the au posted if it interests you. Roleswap, Stain is 1a’s teacher, Aizawa’s a vigilante, there’s just a lot going on. Eri rewinds Dabi at the summercamp tho.
The Ageswap AU- Eri and Izuku’s age groups swap, the big three and the teacher’s age groups swap, and you’ll have to read The Kids Might Just Be Alright to learn the others. There will be more fics in this series eventually, including one all about Eri and Aizawa-senpai rescuing little Izuku from his captors. (dont worry, plenty of dadmight. and big-sis nana. :3)
OTHERS- look there’s a lot of oneshots in my “bnha oneshots” series. i cant post them all here but if you want to look, there’s fun things like “aizawa trying to figure out room placement”, “Miruko beating up the Evil Doctor for many pages”, “what if the traitor is the unseen busdriver”, etc etc.
“Wrist Soulmates” AU- where someone has a list of positive soulmates on one wrist and negative on another. and turns out izuku’s got a lot of negative, but no one knows: after all, how could a quirkless boy have one fated enemy, let alone so many? They must just be positive, strange as it sounds. (Spoiler: they aren’t.)
“The Roleswap For Gentry”- A story in which Touya stays with his family and becomes a hero, and Hawks is adopted by someone else instead of the HC, becoming a villain. But, Touya is given something to investigate to keep him away from the LOV Investigation by his father during Shoto’s first year, so he wants to solve that as fast as possible and get back on the mission he wants. Hawks, who he knows he should see as an enemy, complicates things, but he wants whoever is framing him off the streets too.
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littlemissrainhoe · 5 years
It’s finally here! Here’s my piece for the BNHA Flash Bang. It’s an Asylum AU where UA is an asylum and BNHA Canon is just Izuku’s hallucination. Needless to say, this is pretty dark so please take heed of the warnings carefully. Read at AO3 for some story notes.
Many thanks to @bnhaflashbang for organizing this bang and to @creativebluegalaxy for working on the wonderful art for this fic! ^^
Title: corrupted lens; [AO3 link]
Summary: Midoriya Izuku’s life changes when the Number One Hero tells him he can be a hero. Taken as his protégé, Izuku trains under All Might and manages to get into UA—the best hero school in the world! But that is just the beginning, for a big evil is rising from the shadows, threatening the world of heroes.
(Aizawa Shouta is tired. Of all his current patients at Ulysses Asylum, no one gives him more sleepless nights than Midoriya Izuku, the boy who was kidnapped and tortured by the infamous serial killer All Might—the boy who went missing for ten months and never came back.)
Rating: Teen and Up
Ship: None
Warnings: Mentions of Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Injury, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Kidnapping, Violence, Implied/Referenced Torture, Stockholm Syndrome and Mentally Ill Characters
When Izuku wakes up, he doesn’t expect to be greeted by the familiar white walls of the infirmary.
He could only blink sluggishly, disoriented as he is, trying to remember what happened before he fell asleep. Did he get injured in another battle simulation? Izuku winces at the thought. If that is indeed the case, then that means he broke his promise again. Didn’t Recovery Girl say she won’t use her quirk on him if he injured himself again? All Might must be so disappoi—
(A body destroyed by a fierce fight, sickly and emaciated, yet still standing tall.)
All… Might…
(An arm stretching outwards, worn from battle but never wavering.)
All Might?
(An ever-present grin, somehow embodying both encouragement and promise.)
Where are you—?
(“You’re next.”)
“All Might!” Izuku screamed.
The sudden influx of memories is nothing short of torturous. Not only do they remind him of the heavy weight of the mantle his mentor has left him to carry, but the fact that the reign of All Might has ended fills him with despair.
One by one and all at once, Izuku can’t tell which emotions emerge and where they end. Anger, sadness, heartbreak—fear like no other. All Might is gone. His hero may not be dead, but already the world feels bleaker; Izuku can feel the gaping hole the Symbol of Peace has left behind deep in his bones.
Izuku can only cry and cry, grieving the loss of his hero. He mourns the man who saved his life, who encouraged his dreams when no one else did, who believed in him no matter what, and who taught him how to live for other’s sake—how to be a hero.
His mom, his teachers, his classmates—not a single one of them believed he could achieve his dreams, that Izuku could be special. One by one, they broke him down, until only a sliver of hope remained.
But All Might gave him a chance, and as hard as his training was, All Might had given him more hope than anyone else has. Now that he’s passing on the baton, Izuku shouldn’t cower—he should bravely answer his call.
Now more than ever, the people need a hero to look up to, to keep them safe; they need a Symbol of Peace. Determined, he bats away the fear and loneliness that restrains him from moving forward.
With All Might’s power residing in me, I can’t lose.
“… to break curfew but Kacchan was in danger, Sensei. We had to save him, and it was the only way…”
“We managed to put him under.”
Shouta looks up at Shuuzenji-san’s entrance, pausing the video. Her usually immaculate hairdo’s in disarray, probably from rushing to Midoriya’s room. Shouta was just watching the recording of yesterday’s session when Midoriya, who was asleep, suddenly started screaming.
“Hopefully, this doesn’t happen again,” she continues, “but if he wakes up this violently once more, we’d have no choice but to restrain him in his sleep too.”
“Did he hurt himself?”
“No, but he did manage to punch the orderlies holding him down and wake the other residents.” She eyes him sternly. “Speaking of sleep, when was the last time you had some, young man?”
Shouta sighs, fully aware of what she sees. The panda eyes, the scruffy face, the littered coffee cups and strewn out sleeping bag—the room has all the evidence for a typical Aizawa Overnighter. He’s been up for almost 57 hours, but she doesn’t have to know that. He just has to last a few more hours before he can finally pass out.
“Had no choice,” he grunts, resolutely turning back to the computer. “Someone has to keep an eye on Ward 1A before the patients try to break out again.”
He hears her sigh behind him but she doesn’t argue further as she sits next to him. It’s hard to put up too much fuss when this is already the second incident this week. Patients escaping is already a cause for alarm, but a mentally-unstable criminal breaking into their facility? Even worse. No one even realized he was in the building until the guards were alerted that someone unauthorized was attempting to access Midoriya’s room.
Shouta clenches his fist, immediate anger springing up at the thought of the vile man. Hasn’t he destroyed that boy’s life enough?
When Shouta first took Midoriya Izuku as his patient, he never thought it would be easy—but he never expected it to be this hard.
Shouta first heard about Midoriya in the news, whose case had blown up in the media. A fourteen-year-old boy who vanished on his way home from school, the police were notified of his disappearance a full week after he went missing—and only because Midoriya’s teacher called his mother to inquire about his absence. By then, it was assumed the boy committed suicide after evidence of bullying and domestic violence (to which Midoriya Inko is currently serving jail time for) came to light. But when investigators found no body, the missing boy’s estranged father Midoriya Hisashi insisted on continuing the search.
That’s when the letters started to appear.
Signed by All Might—the serial killer most known for the Musutafu Massacre where he videotaped himself laughing as he set off multiple bombs placed under a commercial district, killing hundreds and injuring more—the case got more notorious. For the first time since his apparent “retirement” five years ago, the criminal once again resurfaced like the boogeyman. He sent pictures and videos of him “training” Midoriya to become his “successor”, laughing menacingly as he repeatedly abused the boy, both physically and sexually, until he passed out.
It took ten months before they found him, and even then All Might was already long gone. Evidence of malnutrition, incorrectly-healed bones, head trauma, multiple lacerations, and fresh traces of semen were found on Midoriya. After his brief stint at Musutafu General Hospital, he was immediately placed in Ulysses Asylum (better known as ‘UA’) by his father, in the hopes of his son’s recovery.
Shouta immediately knew something was strange during their first session. Midoriya’s eyes were slightly unfocused, despite the sedatives having already left his system. He spoke of “quirks” as special abilities instead of behavioral habits, of becoming a “hero” and defeating “villains”—concepts that Shouta knew to be fantasy but Midoriya believed as truth. It’s like his brain has been completely rewritten to view the world as a superpowered society—like a corrupted lens that obscures his eyes from the full truth.
Though he’s aware of his surroundings to a point, his brain filters any fact that doesn’t align with its version of reality. Midoriya would talk fondly about his abusive mother making him his favorite food, gush about his kidnapper helping him make his dreams come true, about the patients in Ward 1A and how they’re all training to become heroes.
Midoriya Izuku views the world like a comic book where he is its protagonist—the once powerless boy who will become the greatest hero. After the abuse and trauma he experienced, it’s the only way his brain could cope.
Aside from that and a self-sacrificing streak that borders on self-harm, there’s technically nothing wrong with him. During his stay, he’s managed to demonstrate his high IQ, make friends, and encourage a few tight-lipped patients to open up more. Though there’s been little progress in realigning Midoriya’s “worldview”, the fact that he’s responding well to his stay here is already a big leap forward.
That is until five days ago, when All Might broke into UA. More than ten people in the staff were injured driving that lunatic away from Midoriya, including Yamada, who Shouta usually switches shifts with. Hence, the ridiculous overtime.
At least the bastard’s finally in police custody, Shouta thinks, recalling the reveal of the man’s identity on the news. As unbiased as he should be, seeing Yagi Toshinori in cuffs brings both relief and vicious satisfaction. It’s a big cause for celebration everywhere—to finally have the monster responsible for many murders right where he belongs.
But that doesn’t mean all is well.
Seeing Yagi must have triggered something in Midoriya; why else would he have tried to escape after months of clean behavior? And now it seems like he’s beginning to act out even more. The only question is why.
Shouta sighs. The Midoriya on the screen just looks at him beseechingly, wrapped up in the straitjacket they put him in after leading an escape attempt with some of the other patients.
This problem child will be the death of him.
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gadaursan · 6 years
Worldbuilding shenanigans for my self indulgent KHR x BNHA AU so far because I want to make the multichapter fever dream I have in my notes but I can’t until I have established rules:
Flame system is cancelled, everyone’s Flames are reconfigured as really strong, stupidly complicated, or actually well implemented Quirks. This is for my sanity. Fight me.
Rewritten Tsuna’s Dying Will Mode in general is either the most complicated Quirk to explain or the most awful Quirk to have because you literally cannot figure out its power unless you got killed a lot
Will write some sort of index long post discussion about this once the main 10th gen kids are figured out
I’m going to forget that the Shimon Arc turned into an absolute mess but I have no idea how I would have rewritten it... yet
I love Enma and Adelheid with all my heart, I just... have no idea what they’d be doing at that time
Daemon Spade is still an ass regardless of what plot would be a replacement for the latter half of the Shimon Arc
Tempted to make AFO responsible for the stupid shit the Shimons went through but would that be too out there and weird?
Trinisette is also cancelled. Fight me on this, too.
Shit I have no idea how Arcobaleno works now. Why did I do this?
Reborn still obligated to be a baby for a couple years before he gets to age properly ofc
I realized I fucked up really bad when I said Tsuna destroyed turned Vongola into a Pro Hero organization like...
How the fuck did the Vindice let Tsuna get away with breaking Omerta like this?
Did the Vindice die because All for One was like “gimme some of that dying will bullshit” but Tsuna gave him the middle finger and took his entire family/allies with him, maybe froze his ass just a little bit???
How the fuck did Xanxus agree to this unless he’s so fucking whipped for the Vongola after he got over his “fuck the Vongola establishment I do things my way” or he’s just interested in keeping Vongola strong regardless of who they side with????
In fact, how the fuck did the entire Varia decide “yeah mini boss is totally right let’s stop killing people as much and do all that fluffy cute hero shit”???
The only outcome I see is Lussuria and Mammon actually adjusting the best because Lussuria would be actually good at training/babying Pro Heroes and Mammon doesn’t really care how the money is made so long as they get money
Bel is a whole nother issue I don’t want to think about right now
I fucked up so bad hahahahaha shoot me
A side of angst because Tsuna turning the Vongola Pro Hero was probably a half stupid and difficult decision that likely lost some close allies and friends and family
Who died you ask? Beats me
Probably Iemetsu, not because I don’t like him, but he probably was on the top of AFO’s shitlist when AFO was tried to take over the mafia
Also Nono because somethings going to make Tsuna be Decimo for a bit and AFO would probably make it happen so he could try to influence this kid to take his side (it failed miserably)
Quietly calculates what would happen if I killed fan favorites too
I totally forgot why Deku would need to be involved with the Vongola aside from Tsuna going “wow my buddy Sir Nighteye was training these kids I wanna be friends with them and make sure they’re doing okay after he died”
Part of me wants to gamble on the Dad For One theory so Tsuna has some not so nice reasons to befriend Deku as an extra middle finger to All for One because he’d probably know all about it somehow
Other part of me says “ho don’t do it” because I hate writing with potentially jossed big theories
Will probably find a less speculative motivation later
How does Vongola still make so much money if not many ppl outside of heroes know who the fuck they are and they divested themselves of all most of the shady business practices???
IDK maybe they make the majority wealth from their business and support division who have a huge monopoly in the distribution of parts used for support equipment (ofc they won’t call themselves something as obvious as Vongola they’d be like something quaint like Giannini’s or something)
Like making a whole ass customized suit for a bunch of heroes on a massive scale is hard, there are proabably standard equipment and parts for things as simple as the containers that hold Bakugo’s sweat like no way one design company can make everything from scratch, customized or not
Or maybe the reason they help do dirty jobs for the Pro Heroes and get paid handsomely for it because they don’t fit in the dichotomy of the heroes and villains
The freshly recruited Vongola Pro Heroes must get along REALLY WELL with the Mafioso turned Pro Heroes /s
They probably adore the 10th Gen as bosses for being fair and sorta okay (?) people
Heaven forbid the ones that Xanxus brings onto the Varia like training for the Varia is probably like “forget all the shit you learned in school you’re gonna kill a dude for the Pro Heroes”
Either that or they’re probably happier about the slightly better freedom of not being held to the court of public opinion so they’re far rougher than the Billboard ranked Pro Heroes (I still can’t get over how Pro Heroes are ranked like pop stars in this world)
Oh my god Hero Killer Stain would hate the Vongola so much...
Probably may have to resort to potential major original characters to serve as antagonists for the fic probably to challenge the Vongola’s new policy to be more in line with heroes
Was potentially setting up a return of the Todougumi (mentioned in the Shie Hassaikai arc as having been destroyed)
Also likely some mafia family who resent the Vongola deeply for not honoring Omerta even after the Vindice could not longer uphold it
Tsuna probably has plans to not make the Vongola absolutely private after all and wants them to go public and so shit happens and it throws a wrench in those plans probably because since when has anything Tsuna done go smoothly?
The Public Safety Commission probably made Hawks work with Vongola to get pointers on how to properly infiltrate the League
I have not read/watched Reborn in years, so my memory of everyone’s characters is probably so out of whack where Tsuna is probs snarkier than canon and is a little nuts after too much exposure to mafia bullshit
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