#my body decides it would be nice to get sick instead - my doctors' office is closed this week so I had no time to check in there
fluffyfangirl · 11 months
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mykoreanlove · 10 months
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„Baby? I’m home.“
Hyunjin came back from practice, beaten and tired, but eager to see you again. He threw his new Versace bag in the corner and scouted the area for you. “Baby?”
But his baby was nowhere to be found. He looked for you in every room – the living room was empty even though there were still some vanilla scented candles burning. Your bedroom was empty too, it still looked the same way it did when Hyunjin left you this morning. Now he was getting worried. “Y/Nnie?” He opened the door to your office but that was empty, too. Silently, he muttered to himself. “Damn, y/n, where are you?”
It wasn’t until he opened the door to the bathroom that he found you – passed out on the cold marble tiles.
Hyunjin was startled but quickly regained composure as he noticed your journal right next to you. He smirked amused. “Did you fall asleep while journaling again? What are you manifesting this time, baby?”
He crouched down and took a look at your journal, his handsome features suddenly turned ice-cold. Privacy was important in every relationship, especially this one, but he couldn’t help himself. He scanned the pages roughly – words of self-abuse were written all over those white pages. Hyunjin turned around and took a good look at you. Your face, even though you were asleep, looked in distress. Your cheeks were reddened, eyes puffy with your mascara smeared, turning you into a panda. “My baby cried herself to exhaustion”, he muttered in disbelief.
Your boyfriend decided to let you sleep for a while and invaded your privacy instead, he needed to know what made you upset like this. Was it wrong? Yes. Did he care? No.
He sat right next to you and took your journal into his hands. He once gifted you this brown leather book, in the hopes of you filling it with the most beautiful words. But what was written in here was far from beautiful.
I had a talk with Chan today. His daddy sensors were tingling, and he somehow knew that I felt off. I swear to God, he sees me as another kid of his. But I admit, it feels nice. I don’t like talking about my insecurities but with him it’s kinda easy. I never talk about them with anyone, not even Jinnie. I just can’t. I don’t want to.
Hyunjin stopped reading and let out a deep sigh. He looked at you again, wondering why you kept secrets from him. It hurt him tremendously, the love of his life couldn’t communicate her deepest pain with him. Instead, she talked to his hyung? He would confront Chan later, now was not the time for more drama.
How did I end up talking to Chan in the first place? Well, I ran into him when I was on the way back home. I had a very important doctor’s appointment today.
Hyunjin’s whole body shuddered, anxiety taking over. An important doctor’s appointment? How did he not know this? Were you sick? Was something wrong? He panicked, internally debating if he should wake you this instant. He chose to continue reading instead.
I have very bad period cramps and decided to check them out, so I went to the doctor. And he did some tests and what do you know? I might not be fertile. Can you believe that? Me, a young woman in the prime of her life, may not be fertile. I might never become a mom. Jinnie might never become a dad. At least, not with me.
Hyunjin choked.
Panicked, he turned around and faced you again. “Baby. My baby, I am so sorry. I am so so sorry that you had to handle this on your own. Oh my god, y/nnie.” He caressed your cheek with his hand and watched you sleep. He felt guilty, as if he missed out on important parts of your life. Why didn’t you trust him with this?
He noticed the tear strains on the next pages, tearing up as well.
It’s not fair.
Life is not fair. Why is something like this happening to me? I always took care of my body. I eat healthy, I work out, I take my vitamins but somehow, I’m not able to become a mom? Heck, I don’t even know if I want kids, but now I probably will never have the choice to decide.
Why me?
Hyunjin stopped reading for a second. He felt your pain in every written word and it shook him to the core. He couldn’t even imagine what it must be like to be in your skin right now.
And after this appointment I ran into Chan in the park. I didn’t want to talk about it, but I guess I needed to let off some steam. I told him about the test results, and I told him that I felt like a giant failure, and I told him that I had no idea how I should tell Jinnie. Or rather if I should tell him at all or simply break up with him.
Hyunjin rolled his eyes at your dramatic ass. “As if you just could break up with me y/n. You’re stuck with me forever.” He continued reading.
Chan just listened and asked me one single question. Just one.
Do you believe you’re worthy of being loved?
Isn’t it funny how one question can catch you off guard? Because that is exactly what happened. And now I’m sitting here on the cold bathroom floor trying to make sense of it.
Do I believe I’m worthy of being loved?
“Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes”, Hyunjin muttered under his breath.
I guess?
I mean I have a wonderful boyfriend who clearly loves me very much, so the answer kind of has to be yes.
But do -I- believe I am worthy of being loved?
Hyunjin paused one last time and looked at you. He wondered if he should stop reading, he wondered if he was armed for whatever was about to come. Did you really not believe you were worthy of being loved? He felt the pit in his stomach, realizing he had to be the shittiest boyfriend on the planet. Not only did you keep secrets from him, but you also questioned something so banal. Wasn’t it his job to show you the exact opposite?
He let out a sigh and continued reading.
If I’m totally honest? No.
I never felt like that. I always felt like I had to be perfect in order to be worthy of love. But I never was perfect. And I never will be. My tits are too small. My tummy is too fat. My hair is too flat. My lips are too thin. I’m not cool enough. Now I’m not healthy enough. And soon I won’t be young enough. So no, I never felt like I was good enough to be loved.
Hyunjin cried silently, reading every word with care.
How the fuck am I supposed to tell Jinnie? He is going to leave me; he should leave me. I’m not normal, I’m flawed. I don’t deserve to be with him. He deserves someone better, someone on his level. Someone that is just as beautiful and popular as him. Someone with big tits and a flat tummy and super big hair and plush lips that he can kiss all night long. Someone that is healthy and might gift him a child someday. That can never be me.
Hyunjin tossed your journal aside and started bawling, his sobs distracting the silence of the night. He couldn’t believe this; he couldn’t believe you. Were you serious? That's what you thought of yourself? Why did you hate yourself so much?
His crying woke you up, alerting you in seconds. You got up on your feet and hugged him, holding him as tight as you could. “Jinnie, what’s wrong? Talk to me.”
He hugged you back and sobbed into your shirt, you were barely understanding a word.
“You, y/n, you’re what’s wrong!”
You paused, scanning the room for your journal. It was lying on the floor next to your crying boyfriend.
“Did you…?”
He nodded, wiping away his tears. Anger masked the shame you were feeling as you wanted to get up, but he was quicker and hugged you in the tightest embrace known to mankind.
“I had no right to, I’m sorry y/nnie. I am so, so sorry.”
Even though you felt ashamed you were relieved, too. Finally, the cat was out of the bag, and you didn’t have to carry this big burden on your own. You hugged for a while, both of you crying silently.
“Can we talk about what you wrote?”
“Do we need to?” You looked down.
His index finger tilted your chin carefully, looking at you with the utmost care. “Yes, my love. We need to.”
You sighed and gave in.
“Do you really feel that way?”
“Do you think I’m perfect?”
“Of course. You are perfect, Jinnie.”
He rolled his eyes at you. “Sometimes you remind me of a fourteen-year-old girl, y/n.”
You got offended: “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You do realize that nobody is perfect? Not even me?”
You scoffed. “Did you tell your face that?”
He let out a laugh. “You’re so silly, baby. What did you write about your tits being too small and your tummy too fat? I could say the same thing about me being too skinny and not ripped enough. You do realize that we all are beautiful in our own way? And that everybody got a different taste? What if I liked your tits this size? What if I loved your curves exactly like that? Has that ever occurred to you?”
It had not.
“And let’s talk about you being not normal. I understand that the fertility thing is a grave prophecy but that doesn’t make you less normal than anybody else. It doesn’t diminish your worth baby. Nothing could ever do that. Do you get that?”
You grabbed the hem of his shirt tighter and started sobbing again. “Jinnie, what if I can never conceive? What then?” He placed a soft kiss on the top of your head. “Then we’ll figure out a way, my love. Whatever happens, we’ll figure it out.”
You looked up at him. “Are you sure?”
He chuckled, flashing you his warmest smile. “Yes, I am sure. I love you, y/n. I love you for who you are. I fell for your soul baby, not your body or what you could do for me. To me you are absolutely perfect.” He kissed the tears away, holding you even more closely. “Y/Nnie? Don’t ever think that my love for you is-“
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mrsmiagreer · 9 months
Here’s a prompt/request because 👀 reasons 👀 but it’s Ollie/ Lasko/ Cam or anyone of the soft characters taking care of you when you’re sick
Feel Better
Warnings: Fluff
Characters: Camelopardalis × Gn!Listener/Reader
“Hey. I’m back…”
He walked over to your lifeless looking body on the couch in his office. You were VERY sick. Fever, Cough, Stuffy nose, Mucous, Headache, the whole 9 yards. Seasonal Flu he assumed. Cam noticed you hadn’t been feeling well before he started your biweekly follow up and decided it’d be best to check up on you.
That’s how he ended up here, making you soup and tea and tucking you into the couch that you can’t seem to get off of.
“Sit up carefully and eat some of this. I’ve never been sick before, but i’ve seen enough people’s memories to know what they did for it to go away. I also read up on it as soon as i realized you had a fever soo…here I am!”
He handed you the bowl and gestured for you to sit up, hovering a hand behind your back just incase you needed steadying.
“Thanks” You whispered at him, taking a sip of the soup he made.
The soup was a creamy broccoli chicken soup.
• He can really cook! •
You thought. It was funny to you that a daemon could choose to never cook/eat food and live perfectly fine but be a good chef. But your chest hurt too much to let out a chuckle, you would start a coughing fit. Instead you slightly grinned and took a huge spoonful of the soup.
“I see a little smile..Is it working?”
You put a playful smiley-pout on. You shook your head no with a small “mm mm” attached to it. He let out a pretty small laugh and used his magic to make an ice pack.
“Rest this against your head when you get the chance. I’ll be right back.”
Cam walked into his break room, seeing Crux near the refrigerator, drink in his left hand and phone in his right. Crux looked up to see who entered the room and immediately furrowed his brows in confusion.
“Well, surprised to see you here. I thought your shift would be over by now.”
Cam shook his head and walked to the cabinet, getting a new tea bag. You hadn’t had tea in a while, and instead have been drinking water.
“Nope. I’ve been taking care of my client because when they came in for their follow up, they were burning up. They say it’s a cold but I think it may be more than that.”
Crux tilts his head in even more confusion. People come in for Cam’s follow ups all the time, but he’s never seen someone come in as often as you did. And now you’re sick?
“A cold huh? Since when did you become a human doctor?”
Cam chuckles a little. He’s still rummaging through the cabinet, not able to decide which tea would best sooth yourcongestion and throat.
“Well i’m definitely no human doctor. ‘m not even sure what’s actually wrong with them. But I love helping people, so i’ll try my best.”
Crux nodded even though Cam wasn’t facing him to see it. He crossed his arms in amusement. It’s a big possibility that this is all a coincidence, but he doesn’t think that’s the case.
“Cam…Humor me. Do you have…what the humans call…a crush? On your Client?”
Cam immediately blushes and takes a little while to respond. He didn’t think he had a crush…
“What? No! I mean it’s not that I don’t like them, they’re my client, of course i like them. But- but not like that! I mean yeah i’m nice to them and i see them a lot more often than my other clients but I just really like their company, and they seem to like mine. Anything to put a smile on their face, it’s my job.”
“So you’ve never wanted to kiss them?”
Cam gasped. Not because he was shocked, but because he almost answered the question. He’s thought about it everytime he sees you once or twice but he couldn’t bring himself to ever act on it. Sometimes he thinks about how nice it would be if you liked him back…
•Wait…like me BACK? that means I DO like them…Jeez•
He thought. He was snapped out of his thoughts by laughter. Crux couldn’t contain it.
“You don’t even know you’re blushing do you?”
He’s never really felt like this before. He touched his face, hoping that his cold hands would cool down his cheeks. When he touched his face, he felt something itch him. He remembered that he has holding a tea bag, and that you were still in his office waiting for his return.
“Oh my goodness, I have to get back to them. They really need this tea. I’ll see you later Crux.”
“Goodbye Cam. See you tomorrow.”
“Sorry I took so long. I couldn’t decide which tea to get you.”
He gently apologized and set the tea down on the small table next to you. You seemed to love the soup, seeing as you damn near licked the bowl.
“It’s okay. Any tea sounds good right now”
You slightly chuckled, remembering to be careful not to laugh. Your voice sounded scratchy so Cam figured your throat was dry. He’s glad he picked chamomile tea.
“That’s great. Drink up, the tea will help with your throat. I’m glad to see you liked the soup”
He smiled. You smiled back weakly, blowing gently on the cup of tea.
“Liked? I loved it!”
You took a few sips of the tea and it almost instantly made your throat feel better. The hot liquid running down your throat made it feel less dry and back to normal. You smiled at the feeling and took more sips.
Cam offered you a few books that he could read to you, and when you picked one, he read it to you while you finished your tea. Before you knew it, you were fast asleep. Cam made sure you were tucked in again and left the ice pack near you just incase you woke up and needed it.
“Feel better, okay? I’ll be here to take more care of you when you wake up. If you ever need me, just call me.”
He whispered. He hoped you heard him in your dreams somewhere.
Maybe he did have a little crush.
A/N: HEYY!! It’s Niyah. I’m so terribly sorry to whoever’s request this is. It’s taken me a while to finish but now that I have, i think it’s pretty cute. I hope you all enjoyed 🫶🏽
@annahxredaxted @capitalisticveins @darlin-collins @deviantaj @your-local-mom-whore @soup-scope
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 8 months
Wreckless - Re-Schedule Appointment
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*Warning Adult Content*
Unfortunately I'm too busy on Friday to have lunch of any kind, especially a fun one. I eat a granola bar in between meetings and call it good enough. By the time I leave the office I'm starving and instead of going home and feeling bad about the fact that I'm not with Emmett, I decide to go shopping. I can eat out and hopefully find some swim trunks so that I can sleep in tomorrow morning. I told Emmett in no uncertain terms that I wasn't going to look like a club boy but that doesn't mean I want long, shapeless trunks either.
Finding something cute and presentable is proving more difficult than it should be. I guess if we were going to the ocean or something I'd just wear whatever but this is Peter and Tristan's and should be a fairly chill atmosphere. I don't want a speedo or anything but I can get away with something slightly more flattering than a paper bag. I give up and stop at Target on the way home. I need a few basics, like tissues and sunscreen because let me tell you, this Irish boy does NOT tan.
I'm heading towards the paper goods when I stop in my tracks and see their pride display. They have trunks. Short but not too short, bright, rainbow trunks. I have to have them. I will try them on at home and hope that I get to sleep in tomorrow. I get home, toss my mail on the counter and try on my shorts. They're adorable. Perfect. I am set. I go through my mail and open the one from John's Hopkins. My doctor has set up my bi-annual tests here since getting to his office would be a huge pain in the ass.
Unfortunately, the back and forth between the offices means that I'm getting the notice three days before my appointment. Literally, it's scheduled for Monday. At 8:15 am. I can't do a whole morning of scans and blood work without giving work some notice. Megan is good but that's asking the impossible, especially after I was out of the office last week with the cold. I'll have to reschedule. I'll call tomorrow and see if I can get hold of someone. It is way past time for comfy pants.
I change and take out my contacts and then stare into my freezer hoping ice cream will magically appear. Emmett has some but he's with Andy which is good, he should see his friends. I don't have any here but if I did, I know he'd want me to see them. Well, Tristan, I guess and he's making sure we see each other tomorrow. Still, I miss him. I curl up on my uncomfortable couch and watch anime but it's just not the same as being with him.
I wake up earlier than I plan to on Saturday but my body isn't used to sleeping much past eight. It's the second morning in a row I've woken up without Emmett. My God, I sound like a needy koala. It's just two days and I need to get a grip. Still, I can't help wondering if he's awake yet too. That's stupid, of course he is because he's working today. Right? I call the doctor's office and am told that they don't have an open appointment slot for another two months. I'll probably be in Michigan by then so I just cancel. Missing one check-up isn't going to kill me, they always come back fine anyway. At least it's done.
I hit the gym and it's more than time because I've been slacking since I was sick. Staying with Emmett makes it harder to go although I'm getting all sorts of exercise at his place. Especially my throat. Damn, I wonder if he can pick me up a little bit early or if we can be a little bit late. I'm not sure I can deal with hours in public when I'm so close to him and so pent up. Swim trunks don't exactly hide erections very well. Emmett arrives at 1:15 after I beg him to come as early as he can. He smiles when I practically pull him into the apartment and attack him.
"Damn boy, it's nice to see you too," he says when I give him a second to speak.
"Missed you a little bit."
"Missed you too, Finnegan. What if I get you onto the counter and show you just how much?"
Divine, it sounds divine.
I don't care if he wants to fuck or suck me off, I am desperate and will take anything right now. I just need him. He lifts me as I jump and my hand pushes my mail onto the floor. He's a gentleman and picks it up.
"What's this, darling?"
He has my John's Hopkins letter on which I've written 'canceled' across the top.
"Just an appointment, they didn't send it to me until today and thought I could just waltz in there Monday with no notice. I'll go when I'm back in Michigan."
He backs up and leans against the back of the couch, letter still in hand.
"Is this about the leukemia?"
"Yeah, it's nothing, just my scans and blood work. I just did them six months ago, Emmett, I'm fine."
I do NOT want him to freak out about this but we haven't really talked about it since he found out. He doesn't seem quite ready to drop it.
"Can't they get you in later in the week or something?"
"That had been my thought too but "nope, it's Monday or two months from now. Really Emmett, it's not a big deal. You're supposed to be over here ravaging me."
But he's not and makes no move to pick up where he left off.
"I don't like it, Finnegan. I don't like thinking about you in Michigan and I definitely don't like you missing your appointment. Why can't you go on Monday?"
"Because I have a job, Emmett. I can't just cancel my morning."
He puts the letter back on the counter, steps back and crosses his arms over his chest.
"You're the Vice president, I think you probably can. Look, I'm probably overstepping..."
"We did talk about you micromanaging my life, Emmett."
"This isn't what you wear or if you cuss or what time you come home from work, Finnegan, it's important. I really need you to call them back and tell them you'll keep the appointment. Don't brush it off, please."
I would go if I could, it's just not worth the trouble. 
"Look, I get that you're concerned about my health and it's sweet, really but this isn't a big deal."
"It is to me. If you don't want to do it for yourself, will you do it for me?"
How am I supposed to say no when he puts it like that? After all he's done for me? And it's not like he's asking me to do something I don't want to do or shouldn't, quite the contrary.
"Is it that important to you?"
"It is. It's going to drive me fucking crazy, Finnegan and I much prefer all the other ways you make me crazy."
I don't like seeing him upset, especially when I can fix it. 
"Fine, if it's gonna keep you up at night I will call. They may have already given it to someone else but I will ask."
He smiles and relaxes a bit and I pick up my phone. Ten long, mostly 'on-hold' minutes later I am re-booked.
"All set, can we get back to important things now?"
"We certainly can."
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ravelights · 3 years
Izuku travels back in time fix it AU...with a twist.
11 pm idea that hit me one night (might have been done before but hey, here's my turn at the idea) Izuku is transported back into his Five year old self, and has the chance to do everything all over again; and makes things right this time...
But there are several problems getting in the way of saving everyone, namely that he's a quirkless five year old, that has none of his friends, allies or strength he had in his teens. All of them don't know he exist, plus half of them are toddlers. There's also a lot of stuff that won't happen until much later, not to mention he isn't sure how a lot of stuff came to be. He has no idea how Dabi survived were toga grew up, and Tomura has already killed his family four years prior and is living somewhere with All for One.
He knows won't get OFA until he's fifteen, and he's not even sure he might this time around. Because changing history means that All Might won't get injured and never have a reason to pass it on. Getting it when he's four would be impossible since he's young, and because people might not believe him when he say's he from the future, and can he blame them?
So after thinking over all the options, Izuku decides that if he can't be a hero, then he's going to be a villain...or at least pretend to be one so that he can stop the villains before they become huge threats. Basically Izuku decides to fight fire with fire, which he cranks up to 100 because he know a way to get a strong power that could go toe to toe with All for One and the person to go to get it from.
So Izuku sneaks into All for One doctors office and get's a hold of the replica of All for One quirk, with added hijinks. Now Izuku my have the replica nicely stored away in a glass tube, but he doesn't know how to acquire it... so he just decides to eat it because it worked the first time.
It's not meant to work like that, but for Izuku it does, after falling sick for like three days. Because eating a quirk wasn't the best idea. But who cares Izuku now got All for One, foresight on future events and his New villain career to kick off at the ripe old age of five.
And boy does he go off with a bang, by breaking Nagant out of Tartarus (Izuku needed a body guard, and Nagant was innocent), convincing hawks to run away from the HC (it was Nagant idea really) and recruiting the number two hero eldest son (Well Toya more recruited himself) among other things.
This unsurprisingly, this get's All for One's attention, but Izuku sure that he won't get caught because who would expect "quirkless five year old Deku" to the the next be up and coming villain? Apparently All for One, because the guy awkwardly walks in to his preschool one day, picks him up and is both quite shocked and amused to find this villain, that's been causing the Hero commission so much strife, is just a four year old boy.
Izuku thinks this might be the end, but instead of snipping of this bud before it grow, All for One decides he'll let Izuku keep doing what he's doing, because the whole things amusing. Except Izuku still "only a baby, not quite a big bad villain yet" so All for One will be "probably supervising" Izuku growth into villainy.
Izuku doesn't know weather to yell in joy at getting a one up on All for One or scream in anguish that now he's got the worst villain in the world making him his personal pet project.
Izuku decides to burn that bridge when he get's there.
I have more of this AU if anyone wants to know about it, but just baby toddler villain Izuku getting followed around by his older villain father, during his first errands. All dress up in his preschool uniform carry several books on "how to commit crimes and get away with it" well telling AFO to buzz off.
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subpar-ghoulfriend · 3 years
Let’s have a baby
yandere!EraserMicx PREGNANT!Reader 
A terrible mix up leading to an accidental pregnancy? Or something more intentional? Either way now you were pregnant with (none other than the beloved power couple heroes) Eraserhead and Present Mic’s child. Time to discuss how co parenting is going to work. 
TW: pregnancy, artificial insemination, yandere elements, mentions of stalking, alludes to potential custody battle
You had been avoiding the two men for the past week, which was challenging seeing as they managed to find your phone number, address, and place of work. Any time you blocked their calls they got a new number. Two Pro Heroes versus a twenty something civilian, it was only a matter of time until you were cornered.
Now the couple stood between you and your apartment. You had a long shift at your job as a pet groomer and just wanted to get some rest.
Present Mic was the first to speak. "Hey lil momma, we heard you had work today so we brought you some dinner. We thought we could talk over a nice meal."
You had no response. You were tired, both physically and emotionally. You had been put through the ringer ever since meeting them at your doctors office. It was a total Jane the Virgin situation. You went in for an assessment about some supposed ovarian cysts and unknowing left artificially inseminated. There was a supposed mix up, a digital glitch that somehow merged your chart with the surrogates - apparently your names were super similar. Two weeks later you were called back into the doctor's office and informed of what took place. And now you were in this living nightmare.
And the two heroes had nothing to do with the error. There was totally a surrogate. They hadn't paid off your provider. And why would they? You had never met them - although given their patrols they may have seen you once or twice...
They were tearful when they were informed of the mix up, they had been waiting patiently through the whole process and now everything was thrown in chaos. They offered to compensate you for your service which sent you into a blind rage. They just assumed you would carry a child, a child with half of your DNA, and then give YOUR baby away. Rationally you understood that they had planned to be be the only parents to the child, but that was with a professional surrogate who understood the process, who didn't want the child in their life, just happy to help out a loving couple. But that wasn't you, you grew up wanting to be a mom, and now they would take that from you.
What if they tried to legally take sole custody of the baby? Surely they had some pull in the judicial system. Besides, they were a solid couple with money, while you were alone with no family and working two jobs. The thought made you sick to your stomach.
You were shaking as you tried to push past them. Maybe they would just disappear if you ignored them, a girl could dream. But instead they tagged along inside. Albeit you weren’t fighting them on it, you knew this had to happen eventually.
Aizawa easily found the cluttered dining table in your small apartment. You flinched when the loud one tried to help you shrug off your backpack. Taking a seat on the couch you waited for them to start berating you.
"Come sit at the table, dinner is getting cold," Eraser spoke for the first time.
"I'll eat later, I'm not hungry."
"You may not be, but the baby needs to eat."
You glared, how dare they insinuate you didn't know what your child needed. If your body was hungry, you ate. If you were full the baby was full too.
But, you complied, not wanting to argue, "Fine, but I ate a snack not too long ago."
As you ate, Mic kept you company, picking at some left overs, they clearly ate before their visit. Aizawa was rummaging through your place but you managed to hold your tongue until he began throwing things out of your fridge.
"What are you doing?" You hissed, getting up out of your seat.
"Mic and I will bring you groceries tomorrow. The food you have is barely safe for an adult, let alone a fetus."
"Are you kidding me? It's not like I'm chugging alcohol and living off Twinkies. Hey! I just bought those turkey slices. How is turkey bad?" You whined.
To make sure you wouldn't dig the food out trash he dumped it out of his container.
"Zashi, don't let me forget to empty the trash on our way out. Do you know how much salt is in deli meat? And there's no way you can drink any of this while you're pregnant." He gestures to the cans of soda.
As the frustration built you had to fight back tears. They couldn't come in to your home and start throwing out your things.
"Some of us don't make ridiculous money, I'm buying what I can afford and the doctor never had any problem with my health." You hissed.
Hizashi felt the tension thickening, "Hey hey hey, it's okay. Sho and I will go get you some good stuff. We just gotta watch out for you and baby."
And that was the end of your resolve, you stomped past the Hero and locked yourself in your bedroom. Finally tears began to drip down your cheeks.
Back in your kitchen Mic was chiding his boyfriend for being so tough on you.
"So I should just back down while she stuffs herself with junk food?"
Mic gave him a shrug, showing him a bottle on your counter, "At lest she's taking her prenatal vitamins?"
Grabbing the keys to your apartment Aizawa instructed Mic to wait with you while he got you better groceries. He would make copies of your keys on his was back.
You prayed they would leave soon. You were laying in your bed having cried yourself out. Barely into your second month of pregnancy. You still had to endure this for at least seven more months, but most likely much longer.
Next thing you knew you were opening your eyes and the clock read seven AM. By now your uninvited guests must be gone. Nervously you sat up, praying that you'd skip the morning sickness just once this week. You had always had a weak stomach and even the doctor was surprised you were already experiencing the symptom. Unfortunately the minute your feet touched the floor you knew what was coming. You sprinted to the restroom, not even checking to see if the duo had left.
God this was terrible, you didn't just hate throwing up, you were terrified of it. What if you started and never stopped? But it did come to an end. You wiped the water from your eyes and took a moment before standing from the floor. You screamed when a hand slid under your arm, helping you up. Another set of feet rushed to the bathroom.
" What's wrong?" Hizashi huffed as he skid to a stop.
You pulled arm free from Aizawa's grasp. "What are you two still doing here?"
You turned in the faucet to rinse your mouth. Trying to calm your stress, the nausea was trying to return.
Undeterred the scruff pulled your hair into a bun before rubbing your back. You debated returning to bed but that wouldn't get them out of your apartment. You told them you need to sit down, both of them nodding, still wearing their concerned expressions. They got you a glass of water before joining you on the couch. Stubborn men, you sat at the end of the couch so they couldn't both sit, but Mic decided to perch himself on the armrest.
He started petting your hair, "You feelin better little listener?" You nodded in response.
"I got you more food, let us know if your hungry."
You sighed in defeat, "I'm barely two months pregnant, I can fend for myself. What did you all want to talk about?"
You anxiously placed a hand on your stomach. Both men felt their hearts flutter recognizing your maternal instincts kicking in.
Aizawa let Mic begin, he was the more gentle of the two.
"Well, we figured we got off to a rough start. You got put in a tough situation. We shouldn't have assumed you didn't want a child so we're not mad at how you stormed out. But either way we expect to be in our baby's life. The two of us talked it over and we don't want to fight you if you want to be in their life too. So if you wanna be the mommy we're cool with it."
You could blame your reaction on your hormones for your response but you didn't, "Geez thank you so much for allowing me to be in MY child's life."
Aizawa placed a hand on the back of your neck, giving you a gentle massage. "Okay then, the three of us are gonna have a baby. That means you have to stop ignoring us. We can raise the baby together, without involving anyone else. But if we have to, we can always go the legal route for the baby's best interest." 
He knew it was a low blow, but the couple needed you to stop fighting them. Your eyes snapped to his and you shook your head in protest.
"Okay then we're all the same page," Aizawa reassured you.
Mic cheered, "Now we can focus on the fun stuff."
"Hun," Eraserhead caught his attention. "There's still a few more important things to figure out. We don't want you going back to that doctor. They're incompetent. We scheduled you an appointment with another's clinic for next week. Okay?"
You couldn't find your voice after how easily he threatened to take your baby. So you just nodded. Half listening.
"Good. We also went ahead and programmed our numbers into your phone. We need to be able to check in with you."
"Okay, but I can't use my phone at one of my jobs."
"About that lil momma," Mic started. "You work a lot, which is totally bad ass, but we don't think you leave enough time to rest and take care of yourself."
You tried to protest but Aizawa cut you off, "You also shouldn't be working around so many animals. Even though we love animals, they can be unpredictable and one dog can trigger all the rest into a frenzy."
You were dumbfounded, "I've never heard of anything like that happening. One of my coworkers was pregnant last year, she worked until her maternity leave. Plus I need to be able to pay my bills. And don't offer to compensate me again."
"Why do you have to view it as compensation? We just want to take care of the mother of our child. Just think about it. Mic and I have to go take care of some business but we'll be back later this week."
Back at their home Hizashi was dramatically splayed on their bed.
"Babe why are you pouting?" Aizawa asked.
"Why can't we just bring her home already?"
Aizawa sympathized with his better half, but they needed to be methodical. He reminded Hizashi that they didn't need to cause her even more stress, especially so early into the pregnancy. If they played their cards right they would have their happy little family soon enough.
If they could ease you in to the relationship everything would be easier in the long run. They had been managing just fine until now, they could wait a few more months.
He joined Hizashi on the couch. Mic was comforting himself the way he usually did when he felt like this. He was scrolling through the countless photos they had collected since their chance encounter with you over a year ago. 
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plainbrunettelbl · 4 years
ABO HC How (A) Todoroki, (A) Bakugo, and (A) Hawks would react to finding the (O) Reader held hostage:
Word count: 3199
Warnings: Cursing, violence, mentions of blood, and assault.   
Title: ABO HC How (A) Todoroki, (A) Bakugo, and (A) Hawks would react to finding the (O) Reader held hostage:
Summary: Your Alpha walks in on you being tied to a chair and he is not happy. 
You had been a well-kept secret from the public. No one knew that your famous Pro Hero Alpha was courting an Omega or even in a long-standing relationship. Your Alpha was too paranoid about your safety to let any of the news outlets find out about your existence.  
You supposed it would have been beneficial for the public to know now that you were in this situation. Surely if the villains knew they would come across an Omega, resting in their nest, they wouldn't have tried to rob the Pro Hero’s house. 
You put up quite the fight once you smelled unfamiliar Alphas near your nest. One hard knock to your head had you subdued. You didn’t dwell over your quick loss considering one Alpha was nursing his swollen balls. 
You got in one good kick before the painful hit fell on your head. 
Now here you sat, tied to a chair, while the robbers argued with each other and what they should do now.
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🧊🔥-“I told you we should have checked the place out before we robbed it! I would have never tried to rob the place if I had known a freaking Omega was here!” The brunette Alpha growled, glaring at his blond friend. 
🧊🔥-“What’s the big deal? So what if the little icy-hot freak has a girlfriend? We will be out of here before he even comes home.” The blond scoffs, shoving expensive silverware and china into his black bag. 
🧊🔥-“You should know how Alpha’s get around their Omegas! He is gonna hunt us down! I don’t want a Pro Hero on my ass.” The brunette seethed, glaring at the goose egg on your head. “Especially since you decided to hit the poor thing! We will be lucky if he doesn’t skin us alive!”
🧊🔥-“The bitch hit me in the balls! Of course, I thumped her one on the head, serves the Omega slut right!” The blonde huffed, sick of hearing his partner complain instead of ransacking the place. 
🧊🔥-“Mmh.” You mumbled, your eyes blinking open to a fuzzy view. 
🧊🔥-“Fucking shit! They’re waking up! I’m not dealing with a weepy Omega.” The brunette cursed, going into Shoto’s office to avoid the whole situation altogether. 
🧊🔥-“Well, if it isn’t Miss nut-cracker.” The blond chuckled darkly, walking over to your tied up frame.
🧊🔥-You didn’t back down and just glared at the dumb fool. 
🧊🔥-“Aren’t too smart, are you? What type of shitty criminal robs a Pro Hero? Dumb ones, that’s what.” You spit, narrowing your blurry eyes at him. 
🧊🔥-No doubt you would need to go to the doctor after this whole ordeal. Not like you would have a choice. You were sure even if they didn’t lay a hand on you that Shoto would have insisted on one. 
🧊🔥-“You dumb little bitch!” The blond lifted his ring covered hand to hit you again. You tried not to flinch as it came down to strike you. 
🧊🔥-The brunette stood in the office doorway, his bag filled with expensive clocks and other expensive desk items. 
🧊🔥-“I got everything in the office. Did you...” The brunette didn’t get to finish his sentence. 
🧊🔥-The front door was busted open. Shoto had smelled two Alphas on the other side of the door and he was not pleased. He was even less pleased when the door slammed open to reveal his battered Omega tied to a chair. 
🧊🔥-His mismatched eyes turned dark. The temperature in the room both dropped and elevated at the same time. His tired body was instantly filled with murderous intent. 
🧊🔥-A loud growl shook the room. 
🧊🔥-How DARE they lay a hand on their Omega! His vision tinted red and his fangs dropped. 
🧊🔥-“This will only take a minute, Y/N. I’ll take out this trash.” He calmly said, his tone was so cold you felt yourself shiver even knowing his silent rage wasn’t directed at you.
🧊🔥-“Yes, Alpha.” You responded, making sure voice quivered a little. You may have been glaring right back at the intruders before he came but you wanted them to suffer so you played the scared Omega role. 
🧊🔥-They lost your sympathy as soon as they pulled you from your nest. 
🧊🔥-The robbers, who were frozen in fear by the intimidating Alpha’s entrance, shuffled into action. 
🧊🔥-The brunette was quick to give his partner up. “He hit her, not me!” He said, before running down the hall, looking for a way to escape. 
🧊🔥-“You fucking asshole!” The blonde shouted, trying to run out of the room as well. 
🧊🔥-He didn’t get far, ice trapped his feet and his lower body soon followed. Shoto made sure to form it in a way that sharp icicles tore at his skin if he so much as moved half an inch. 
🧊🔥-He wanted to shoot an icicle into his leg for good measure but he didn’t feel like cleaning up blood off his floor. He wished to burn the skin off his bone but you had forbidden him from using fire in the house. 
🧊🔥-He had accidentally caught one of your favorite blankets on fire and was banned for life. 
🧊🔥-“We didn’t know she was here! If we had known we wouldn’t have come!” The blond groveled, panicked at the feral look in Shoto’s eyes. 
🧊🔥-“You could have left after you saw my Omega was here, but you stayed and decided to hit her too. You should be lucky I didn’t just kill you on the spot.” He growled, cutting the blond’s cheek just a bit with an ice shard. 
🧊🔥-The blond just whimpered and passed out. Shoto was quick to hunt down the other and give him the same treatment. He had made it out of the house so he was pleased to release his burning anger out on him. 
🧊🔥-Once they were out of the way, Shoto ran to your side and burning away the binds holding you down. 
🧊🔥-“Are you okay, my Dove?” His voice was soft, his cold hand going up to your head and trying to soothe the aching bump. 
🧊🔥-“Yes, I’m just a little dizzy. Everything’s a little fuzzy right now.” You leaned into his gentle touch. 
🧊🔥-“I’ll call someone to deal with those two. Let’s get you to the hospital, my Dove.” He hurriedly lifted you and carried you to his car. He treated you like glass when he sat you down in the passenger seat. 
🧊🔥-You leaned your head against the cold window as he dashed around to the driver’s side. Your head hurt too much to look out the window so you kept your eyes closed. 
🧊🔥-Your Alpha made sure you didn’t accidentally slip asleep. 
🧊🔥-You let out a small whine when a thought crossed your mind. 
🧊🔥-“Alpha my nest is gonna smell like them.” You sniffed, opening your teary eyes to look at him. 
🧊🔥-Shoto’s hands went white on the wheel, his face contorted into a snarl. He couldn’t wait to visit them again at the station. He had friends there that wouldn’t hesitate to turn a blind eye. 
🧊🔥-His anger instantly simmered when his eyes met your glassy ones. 
🧊🔥-“Don’t worry, Little Dove. I’ll buy you more. We can even go shopping at that blanket store you like so much.” He assured, taking one hand off the wheel and clasping it in yours. 
🧊🔥-Your eyes lit up. “Really! It’s kinda expensive though, I don’t need new ones. I am sure we can find some nice second-hand ones.” You squeezed his hand, bring it up to your lips to place a kiss on it. 
🧊🔥-Your exhausted brain choosing to ignore the specks of blood on his hand. 
🧊🔥-“My Dove, what have I said about me spending money on you?” He gently reprimanded, his eyes still soft. 
🧊🔥-“Accept it and say thank you.” You repeated without delay. 
🧊🔥-“Exactly, I won’t hear any more about it.” He ended the discussion, his eyes focusing back on the road while his hand remained in your grasp. 
🧊🔥-If your head wasn’t killing you, you would have been bouncing in your seat. “I can’t wait! They are coming out with some pretty fall blankets soon! Oooh! We have to get some cute Halloween ones too!” 
🧊🔥-“Anything you want.”
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💥-“Why did you have to hit them!? Ground Zero is gonna come after us now!” The brunette cried, desperately holding ice to your head in hopes that the bump on it would go away. 
💥-“Shut up! Get back to robbing the damn place instead of taking care of the freaking Omega.” The blond hissed, throwing a plate at the panicked Alpha. 
💥-You sat back in the chair not knowing how to process the situation. You knew dating a Pro Hero was dangerous but you thought villains would be your main concern, not petty burglars. 
💥-“If you leave now and don’t take anything, I’ll tell him I tripped and fell.” You wouldn’t, but they didn’t know that. 
💥-“See! Let’s just leave. We can go rob some other place.” The brunette pleaded, already trying to untie you. 
💥-The Omega in you wanted to feel bad for the whining Alpha but then you remembered he messed up your nest when he dragged you out of it. You Omega was fuming. 
💥-I just got the nest just right! She huffed, pacing around in your head.  
💥-She didn’t seem threatened by the Alphas in the room. She knew her Alpha was coming home any minute and he would take care of them. 
💥-You, on the other hand, was slightly panicking now that the situation sunk in. Katsuki was gonna rip them to shreds. You Omega was already smugly licking her paws at the image, while you shuddered at the thought. 
💥-“You should go. I don’t want to be mopping up your blood all night.” You urged, looking anxiously at the door. 
💥-“See! We need to go!” The brunette cried, trying to tug his friend towards the door. 
💥-“Shut up! We can leave once we get everything valuable.” The blonde growled, shoving off his partner. 
💥-The jiggle of keys at the door made everyone in the room stop and hold their breath. The doorknob turned and the door was pushed open. You looked at the chair you were tied to, the robbers, and back at the door. 
💥-There was no way to play off the situational. I don’t want to be mopping up blood. You whined, praying your Alpha wasn’t going to go too berserk.  
💥-“Hey, Spit-fire! I got us, your favorite curry you were wanting. I made sure to get it extra spicy.” He walked in carrying a bag of takeout. 
💥-He paused in the doorway once he got a whiff of unfamiliar Alphas in the house. His ruby eyes viewed the scene before him. He growled at the sight of the two Alphas. 
💥-From your point of view, his eyes didn’t look red anymore with how big his pupils dilated at the presence of Alphas near his Omega. His hand instantly dropped the food to the floor. 
💥-The sound of the bag hitting the floor heightened the tension. 
💥-His fangs instantly dropped when his nose picked up a faint coppery smell, his eyes zeroed in on the small trail of blood on your head. The growl that ripped through his chest shook the room. 
💥-“Alpha, please, no blood in the house.” You pleaded, shifting against the ties holding you in place. 
💥-“No promises, Omega.” His voice was so dark that you didn’t even recognize it. 
💥-“The brunette didn’t hit me. He even tried to ice it. Go easy on him.” You said, knowing his control was waning. 
💥-The veins on his neck looked ready to pop, his arms straining to hold themselves still and not plummet the Alphas standing before him. He eyed the patio door that was pushed open, most likely where they entered in from. 
💥-That would solve the blood problem. 
💥-He grinned viciously, “How about we take this outside?”
💥-He rushed the two Alphas, grabbing them by the backs of their necks and throwing them out of the house and over the balcony. He laughed darkly as he followed them, jumping from the balcony. 
💥-You wiggled free from your restraints and made your way to the front door, you picked up the takeout bag and brought it to the kitchen. 
💥-“Suki will be hungry after beating those two up.” You hummed, making him a plate and then making yourself one. 
💥-“Is the water too hot?” His voice was raspy from all the yelling he did earlier. 
💥-You sat with your back leaning against his chest in the bathtub. The warm water and the heat of your Alpha calmed your stressed body. Being tied to a chair was as comfortable as it looked. 
💥-“It’s fine, Alpha.” You hummed, delicately washing his bruised and bloody hands. 
💥-“I’m sorry, I wasn’t here sooner Omega.” You smelled a hint of sadness in his scent. 
💥-“Don’t worry, Alpha. I knew you were coming. I wasn’t scared one bit.” You reassured, bringing his hand up and planting delicate kisses on it. 
💥-“My strong Omega,” he purred, nuzzling his nose into your hair. He flinched when he picked up the faint smell of another Alpha. He snapped up the bottle of shampoo and poured half the bottle on your head. 
💥-“Got to get this disgusting scent off you, Omega.” He growled, gently scrubbing your scalp. 
💥-“Alpha! That shampoo is fifty bucks!” You gasped, picking up the half-empty bottle. 
💥-“I’ll buy you another one.” He assured, rinsing of the soapy suds and giving your head another sniff. 
💥-“Much better.” He hummed, pulling you tighter against his chest. 
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🍗-“You shouldn’t be here.” You whimpered, trying to curl in on yourself, the ties preventing you from doing so. 
🍗-“Why the fuck did you have to hit them? You know I can’t handle weeping Omegas, my Alpha hates it.” The brunette growled, trying to awkwardly pat your arm. 
🍗-You winced away from his touch, another Alphas touch was too repulsive. You felt your skin crawl as his fingers grazed your arm. The thump on your head making you more nauseous than you already were. 
🍗-“So what if your Alpha is a pussy. Unlike you mine enjoys their cries.” The blond smiled at the tears dripping down your face. “The bitch deserved it anyways.”  
🍗-“Whatever.” The brunette scoffed, rolling his eyes and going back to robbing the place. 
🍗-“You guy’s really shouldn’t be here...” You tried to warm them but you were too late. The door creaked open, your heart warming and racing at the sound. You knew it would be a bloodbath once Kei realized what was going on. 
🍗-“Baby bird! I hope you are already in comfortable clothes, I’m ready to cuddle in our nest.” His soothing voice causing you to relax in the chair. 
🍗-“Alpha.” You cried, your head still throbbing. 
🍗-The silence was enough to tell you he spotted the two Alphas in the room. 
🍗-“Omega.” He growled, his eyes bleeding red, the sight of blood trailing down your head sent him into a frenzy. 
🍗-His wings puffed out, the room suddenly flooded with crimson feathers. You felt two feathers sailing your way and cutting the bonds holding you. You swiped them up in your grip and clutched them to your chest. 
🍗-The soft texture of them calming you down some. 
🍗-A feral roar sounded throughout the room. You ignored the harsh thumps coming from behind you, the sound of one of the robber’s heads getting bashed into your kitchen counter made you wince. 
🍗-You wanted to get up and get away from everything but your body was in shock and it wouldn’t let you do anything but clutch the crimson feathers to your chest. Your other hand was rested on your stomach. 
🍗-You tried to warn them. Nothing was more dangerous than someone harming a pregnant Alphas mate. You were still pretty early along so they might not have been able to smell it in your scent. 
🍗-You Alpha was sure able to, the instant he got a small whiff of it he was chirping happily against your stomach. You had a hard time getting out of his ruby wings that day. 
🍗-“You DARE harm my mate and chick!” You felt the pure rage behind his words. 
🍗-The blond was already passed out on the floor, his front teeth knocked out. The brunette was about to pass out with him, your Alpha choking him with his shirt. He made sure to use his feather to cut up his arms and face. 
🍗-His wings behind him puffing up and flapping angrily.
🍗-“Didn’t know...” The brunette slurred, his head bashed in as much as his friend’s head. 
🍗-If they wanted to hit his Omega on the head then he was all too pleased to return the favor. The brunette finally succumbed to his injures and blood loss, he went slack in Kei’s hands. 
🍗-Kei dropped him to the grown without care. 
🍗-“Pathetic.” He hissed.  
🍗-His head snapped up in your direction once he heard your tiny sniffles. He was at your side in an instant. 
🍗-“Oh, baby bird.” He cooed, lifting you from the chair and wrapping his arms and wings around you. 
🍗-“Alpha, I told them to leave.” You whined, snuggling into his chest. 
🍗-“I know, baby bird.” He soothed, breathing in your scent, checking on the baby chick in your belly. They seemed well. He was still gonna fly you to the hospital. He made his way to the balcony outside and spread his wings, without a second thought he jumped. 
🍗-“Don’t worry, Omega. I already ordered some new blankets. They should be here by tomorrow. I hope you don’t mind the guest bedroom for now.” He hummed, he was curled around your balled up form. 
🍗-You didn’t even build the nest surrounding you, Kei delicately dropped you down on the bed and instantly began building the nest. He would angrily chirp if you so much as lifted a finger.   
🍗-Everything was fine with you and the pup, or chick as Kei liked to call them. As soon as you arrived home Kei refused to leave your side or let you out of his sight. 
🍗-You were not to roll over on your side without his permission. 
🍗-“Thank you, Alpha.” You thanked, nuzzling your head into one of his soft wings. 
🍗-“I also called a security company, they will be here to set up a new system tomorrow.” He informed, nuzzling into your hair. 
🍗-One of his hands was tangled in your hair and the other was snugly cupping your stomach. 
🍗-“No more Alphas in the house.” You sniffled, shaking your head. 
🍗-“Of course, baby bird. I told them, beta’s only.” He reassured, kissing your head. 
🍗-“I love you, Alpha.” You whispered, almost lulled to sleep. 
🍗-“I love you, too baby bird.”  
First HC I have done in a while, also the first time writing for Hawks! What did you think of him? I hope you enjoyed it! Please be sure to leave a comment and like! I really enjoy hearing your reactions. 💕
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keilemlucent · 3 years
(nsfw) ✧ (dark content warnings) ✧  (minors do not interact) 
hawks | takami keigo x reader
wc: 1.7k
warnings: abuse, noncon/dubcon, yandere, vomit due to illness, delusion, reader is definitely not mentally well, brief description of injury, hawks is Not nice in this, reader has difficulty eating, 
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a/n: uhhh it’s 2am, time to post dark drabble lol!! i love like.... deep yandere stuff. when darling’s already been In It for awhile and worn down. mwah. chefs. kiss. anyways, here’s my take!
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You want to know what rain tastes like.
Is it different than water from the tap? You had asked him one day. He chuckled but didn’t give you an answer. Just an easy deflection, something unrelated to pull your mind from the outside. 
It is easier this way. 
It’s so much easier to draw the curtains in the morning. Damn the sun, damn the light— You can take vitamin D supplements and pretend you don’t mind how dark the apartment is no matter the time of day.
It’s easier to ignore the multiple locks (seven. you count them sometimes to pass the time) that are bolted into the door. The time it takes him to open them with all their tumbling gears and thundering clicks is the preamble to his comings and goings.
You know to rise from your damn-near sacred spot on the couch to greet him. You go to him with a kiss on his cheek, and to give him hug so hard, it hurts. You can’t tell if it’s from the strain of your arms around his, or the pressure of his embrace around you. You don’t particularly mind either way. It’s the reminder you need that as empty and dark as the apartment is, he’ll always return.
You lock your hands behind his back, clasped below his wings. Routinely, you bury your face in his chest while he sways you. He asks about your day, but he isn’t listening. You don’t think so, but you don’t mind. Nothing you say means much, and every day is the same. You sit on the couch and stare at the floor. The walls. The ceiling if you’re feeling more adventurous.  
You stopped watching TV alone months ago. No matter what you watched on Keigo’s big, sleek television, it was just a reminder. An awful, unavoidable reminder that the world is quite large, and you weren’t apart of it.
You couldn’t be. You were locked in place— one, two, three, four, five, six, seven — in the little apartment. Wasting away, as much as you tried not to.
“You need to eat, baby,” Keigo coax. He holds a deep spoonful of soup to your lips. It smells divine, like chives and cream. “Just a little. For me?”
‘For me.’
Your inability to stomach anything is his problem, just as much as it is yours. That’s just a fact.
“I don’t want to get sick again,” You squeeze your hands. There is a semblance of comfort in the action as Keigo inspects you. Searching.
It isn’t a lie. Your stomach growls and rolls, and it has been all day. Keigo has started to always leave ample leftovers in the fridge in the case you’d actually want to eat them. And you do. Sometimes, you even try! Really try. But the end result is always the same. Your head ends up dangling over the bowl of your toilet while you wretch and writhe. 
Acid stings your throat for hours. 
Despite Keigo’s... previous treatment, he seems genuinely concerned about this development. You’re hardly able to keep anything down, despite being well otherwise.
(You’re so unwell and have been for so long, he can’t begin to see it. The bruises are perpetual. The scars that you didn’t have a year ago are fixtures he can’t remember you without. The constant tremble you carry is from the drafty apartment, not from the deeply instilled fear you carry. The one he had branded (literally) onto you. Into you.)
You shake the thought off and open your mouth and accept the bite. And Keigo, bless his heart, is sweet enough to not shove the spoon to the back of your throat. He lets you suck the soup from it, quietly praising your work.
You manage to eat half the bowl before shaking your head, tummy already twisting in the worst, most familiar way.
Keigo gives you pills then. Four of them, all slightly different colors and shapes. You don’t know what they do, and you knew better than to ask (you’d gotten slapped across the face the first and only time you tried.) 
The fourth pill is new, and Keigo, graciously, tells you that it’s for the nausea. That a special doctor is helping him help you. Isn’t that wonderful?
You’re so, so lucky.
 (You hurl the next morning once the meds wear off. Your hands shake and your slam your fist into your temples. Begging. You’re not sure to who. Maybe to yourself. Your body. Crying for your wretched form to just stop hurting you. If you weren’t sick, things would be better.
Maybe, you’re begging Keigo. For help. To make it stop. To take care of you and coo that things will be fine as things are so completely not find that you can’t comprehend it. But he is the one who decides when you hurt. Shouldn’t he be able to make this stop?
Maybe you’re begging him to unlatch those — one, two, three, four, five, six— seven locks so you could dash into the world. Scream at the first person you see that beloved, pro-hero Hawks is so beyond deranged and fucked up. Maybe no civilian would believe you. But you were the evidence. You bore the slashes of his feathers. The perpetual imprint of his fingers on hips and thighs. You even had a brand on the bottom of your foot. K-E-I-G-O.
Maybe, you’re begging to whatever god you once believed in to kill you. You don’t care about the means. Be it your hand, or Keigo’s, or random chance.)
 You spew into the murky water and try to forget.
Keigo’s special doctor comes by. You see the two exchange hands by the door when she first arrives. A flash of bills and coins. Paid off, part of you perks up. The doctor won’t talk about Hawks’ little captive. You’re sure it’s a handsome amount, based on the neutrality of her expression as she takes you in.
To care so little about something like you is hardly a surprise.
She examines you, collects some blood and other samples. Prescribes a few more medicines that have long and complicated names that are hard to pronounce. You try to forget them. You’re happy to be quiet. Sit next to Keigo while he wraps a wing around you and rubs your back in little circles. He’s warm and good, unlike the rot in your stomach.
 Keigo praises you once she leaves, wrapping you up in him, scarlet feathers and all. Kisses your cheeks, telling you how well you did. How you didn’t falter, didn’t scream, didn’t let her touch you too much. How you were so perfect for him. You deserve a reward! 
He treats you to fresh sheets and more kisses. The kind that feels like how lovers are supposed to kiss. There isn’t too much teeth or tongue, just slow, open-mouthed pressing that makes your tummy flutter in a good way (for once.)
“Isn’t this nice?” Keigo hums against your lips. 
You nod, barely eager but not apprehensive either. Treading lightly on a carefully, self-cultivated path between wanting and revulsion. As good as it feels, you don’t want to give him. You don’t remember how.
His lips trail to your neck, to your collarbones. He pushes up your shirt and only leaves little pecks over your nipples and chest. No wounds that draw blood. No hickeys that last weeks. 
You don’t realize you start trembling until Keigo has to grip your inner thighs to still you. So, he can coo blessed, little reminders.
“This feels good, doesn’t it?”
“I always make you feel so good.”
“You deserve this, all of this,” he says before pressing his lips to your clit. You’re just wet enough for him to fuck you on his fingers. Enough that when he bullies the bundle of nerves inside you, you coat his fingers in slick and whine. Your voice breaks, over and over, and little, unwanted tears leak into your hairline.
Keigo ignores them as usual. You can be so dramatic.
And Keigo, ever gracious, let’s you shatter on his fingers. Doesn’t make you beg, just whispered hushed adorations as you come undone on his tongue. He hardly toys with you after, and instead lets you fall into the sheets. Properly spend, though not exhausted.
You still shake, but that’s okay. It’s manageable.
Keigo cleans you up with a silken cloth. He wipes between the swell of your breasts, down your navel and to your cunt. His feathers ruffle as he does his work, clearly focused. There’s no speaking during it, only watching and observing.
“Thank you.” You speak without prompting. 
Your words are dry and underused. Your lips feel chapped, and your vision is hazy in the dark of the bedroom. 
Keigo gives you a smile (full of white-hot pride), clicking his tongue, “Of course, dovey. You deserve to feel good for me. I want you to. I like you like this.”
(He carries that same sentiment that no matter your ‘post-fuck’ state. Whether you’re twitching and dumb from overstimulation. Whether you’re bawling from pain and holding your hand over a too deep, ‘accidental’ wound. Whether your expression is blank, lips ajar, and face tilted to the ceiling.)
You can only agree with him.
What other option do you have?
(The doctor calls the following week. Keigo speaks to her in hushed tones from his office, muffled and stern. You only catch pieces of it.
“They do not appear to be suffering from anything specific illness.” The doctor pauses. “The weakness, fatigue, shakiness, forgetfulness, and nausea all seem to be tied back to prolonged anxiety. Constant surges of adrenaline that have pushed them to this point.”
Keigo doesn’t bother asking the source.
He knows it.
(And honestly? He seems a little proud.)
 You return to settle on the couch. Ever practiced, you turn towards the door and find the locks.
One, two, three four—
That four one wouldn’t be too hard to pick, would it?
(You’d already tried months ago. It was just a chain lock, but Keigo had nearly snapped your wrist when he caught you trying to tamper with it.)
Five, six, seven—
Your stomach rolls and your hug your knees, still managing a smile when Keigo rejoins you. His wings flex, and he flashes you a golden smile. His phone is locked and in his hand, and you know he’ll ignore it for the night. He’ll wrap you in his arms and smother you with his wings.
It’s better this way, you remind yourself, turning from the locks.
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The Sommelier (Hannigram x Female!Reader) pt. 5
More people said yes to Hannigram, which is good because Will is already involved in the plot and it would be awkward to have him just disappear. Also, I had someone request a Hannigram x reader in my asks. Apologies to the one person who voted no; I promise there will be more solo Hannibal x reader content in the future.
Hannibal decides to that y/n could do with some extra protection, but doesn’t anticipate what she has to tell him.
I have no idea how to make a proper tag list but @deadman-inc-bikeshop and @dovahdokren here you go 
Trigger warnings: discussions of alcohol, victim blaming
“When I saw his face, I immediately knew he had never once experienced the touch of his own hand, let alone that of a woman.” Charissa read out loud to everyone on staff. “Or, that he was buried so deep in the closet he found Narnia, but those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.” 
It was expected to be a slow night, as was normal for an ordinary Tuesday. On nights like those, you could get away with more, like reading a tabloid article out loud for everyone to hear. 
“I can’t believe [F/N] actually went public.” One of the new busboys commented. “What an absolute madlad.”  
“Did you just unironically use reddit terminology in an actual conversation?” You narrowed your eyes at the kid. 
“[F/N], you are making a very dangerous enemy.” An older waitress said, cryptically, from the corner of the room. 
“Who, Jason?” You gestured to the busboy. “What’s he gonna do? Make me cringe myself to death?” 
“You know that’s not who I mean.” She frowned. “I’m talking about Chase Mulvaney.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” You shook your head. “He’s not stupid enough to come back here.” 
Charissa made a noise that denoted her doubt. “I dunno, [F/N]. You’d have to be pretty stupid to start stabbing people at a crowded restaurant in broad daylight.” 
“But he was smart enough to get away, right?” Jason asked. “That’s gotta count for something!” 
You and Charissa exchanged glances. Neither of you had the emotional bandwidth to explain white privilege again. Instead, you just humored him. 
“Yeah.” Charissa lied. “He was smart enough to get away, meaning he probably knows better than to come back.”
"You're kidding yourself." A third waitress, who's name you couldn't seem to place, added. "People always say that killers are these galaxy-brained superhumans, but they're not. Mulvaney believes he's divinely ordained, so any thought that pops into his coked-out head is a sign from god."
And so shattered your thin firmament of denial. You made a point to never learn this person's name just out of spite.
“Oh, shit.” You said, trying to hide your genuine fear with a sarcastic voice. “Maybe he is coming back for me.” 
Charissa glared at the two other waitresses, equally pissed at them for scaring you.
"And it'll be your own fault for provoking him with that article." The older waitress said.
"Holy victim-blaming, batman." You mumbled.
“Alright, listen up, y’all.” Matthew announced to the group. “In ten minutes we open for dinner. Remember, if you want to switch shifts with another person, you have to run it by me first. I don’t want to see anybody but [F/N] at the bar tonight, capiche?”
“Yessir.” You saluted him and made your way over to the bar. You’d been doling out your bartending shifts left and right to avoid even the possibility of being cornered by another Freddie Lounds. You were only prolonging the inevitable, though. Eventually, you needed to return to the bar.
You passed the hostess's stand, where Charissa was stationed. Suddenly, you felt someone grab at your arm.
"Fucking hell, dude?!" You flinched violently and your heart rate jumped. "Don't do that!"
"Shit, sorry!" Charissa looked immediately regretful. "But, look!"
You followed her gaze through the window where a fancy car was parked. He leaned against the door, adjusting the cuffs of his dress shirt.
Now your heart was beating fast for a completely different reason. You squeezed Charissa's hand, trying to keep a lid on your nervous excitement.
"I think your luck's starting to turn." She said in a sing-songy voice.
"Yeah, I bet he'll protect me from the Baltimore Butcher." You whispered, trying not to giggle like an elementary school girl.
"Oh, could you imagine those arms around you?" She sighed deeply, her hand firmly against her chest. "I would die."
"Not until he sinks his teeth into your neck." You smirked, gnashing your teeth together.
"I would let him." She rested her chin on her hand.
"Yeah, me too." You agreed.
"I would give anything to trade shifts with you." Charissa groaned.
"Well, you heard the boss." You shrugged, suddenly feeling much better about your assignment. "I gotta stay behind the bar."
"Oh, pobrecita." Charissa rolled her eyes. Underneath the stand, she put up her middle finger in your direction. "Suck a dick, [L/N]."
You walked backwards towards the bar, keeping your eyes on your friend. "That's the plan, baby."
You tried to make yourself look busy. You dared not look at him as he entered the restaurant.
He exchanged pleasantries with Charissa then took his seat at the bar. You pretended not to notice him right away, only to give you an extra second to compose yourself.
"Hi there." You greeted, knowing you'd feel stupid no matter what you said. "Er- good evening."
"[F/N] [L/N], I assume?" He asked.
Fuck, you thought. His voice was dark, low and made your insides tremble. Even though part of you knew he was going to know your name, it still felt so sensual passing his lips.
You realized you had waved to him with your bandaged hand. That's how he was about to identify you so quickly. "Yes, I am she. I mean- her. Me."
Way to go, dumbass. You thought. Now he knows you're nervous and he's going to wonder why.
“God, I need to stop wearing this damn thing.” You said, clearing your throat. “What can I get for you tonight?” 
He was quiet for a moment. "What do you recommend?"
"Well, that depends." You said, pulling your gaze from him and grabbing a few wine glasses down from a high shelf. It was the only way you could maintain your composure.
"What you're having for dinner, for one." You said. "And whether or not you're a vulpine tabloid journalist trying to corner me into a dubiously ethical interview. That's also a factor."
"So that's how Miss Lounds wore you down?" He concluded. "With wine?"
You rested your elbows on the bar, filled with an intoxicating confidence. "She tried wine first. Then she tried to get me fired because she asked for chardonnay and I brought her chablis. And when that didn't work, she siphoned my gas."
"I wish I could say that was out of character for her." He looked at you, apologetically.
"I take it you've had your own run-ins with Freddie?" You smiled.
"She's tried to infiltrate my practice multiple times." He sighed. "She's entered my office under a fake name with a recording device in her purse."
"What a sick fuck." You said, before remembering you really weren't supposed to curse in front of customers. You covered your mouth. "Sorry."
The corners of his mouth turned up into an amused smile. "Don't apologize. You're right."
“So you’re a doctor?” You asked, hoping he wasn’t the type to be offended by questions. 
“I’m a psychiatrist.” He nodded. “I used to work as a surgeon, but I find the mind much more compelling.” 
"Seriously, though." You pushed yourself back to your feet. "What can I get for you?"
He eyed the wine menu and then looked back at you. "What is your favorite red?"
"My favorite red?" You placed your hand on your collarbones. "On a night like this, I enjoy a nice, dry Argentinean Malbec."
"In that case," he thumbed through the list once more. "I'll have a bottle of Cobos Chañares from 2016, please."
You smiled. You wouldn't mind taking a sip of that if he offered. "Right away."
You carefully pulled the solid black bottle from its crevice and placed it on the bar. You removed the plastic seal and reached for the corkscrew. The bottle opened with a satisfying pop, filling the air around you with the strong, complex and seemingly contradictory aromas.
You poured a bit of this criminally expensive wine into his glass. He smelled it, then swirled it for a moment before taking a sip.
"Redcurrants and vanilla," he began. "With floral notes that operate with the precision of interlocking gears in a clock. Everything in its place."
"So you're a sommelier and a poet?" You tilted your head and filled his glass. "I'll bet you make women swoon at every corner."
You never had the best grasp on flirting, but even you knew that line was awful.
“Are you flirting with me, Miss [L/N]?” He asked, clearly not too worried about the consequences and enjoying the flattery. “Or are you just trying to get a taste of this Malbec?” 
“Little bit of column A, little bit of column B.” You shrugged. “Though you are as handsome as everyone says, I’ve had my eyes on that wine for slightly longer.” 
You fought the urge to slap your hand over your mouth. You had just broken the cardinal rule of workplace gossip. Panic reverberated through your body as you tried to break down his unreadable expression. 
Once again, he just looked amused. “I’ve seen those lingering glances, the way you all whisper and giggle. It’s flattering.” 
You felt your cheeks growing hot. “...I see.” 
“If you tell me what they say about me, I’ll let you have a taste.” His eyes bored into yours. 
You paused, trying to decipher exactly what he was offering. Then it hit you. 
“Oh!” You interjected. “The wine.” 
“Yes, that’s what I meant.” He said. “Dare I ask where your mind went?” 
Your cheeks stung from all the uncomfortable smiling. “I’d really like to keep my job, thanks.” 
“Have you never heard of bartender-client confidentiality?” His voice lowered and his eyes found your lips. “Nothing we say tonight has to leave these four walls.” 
Your insides turned to jelly. He rested the wine glass in his hand and offered it to you. Your hands shaking, you cradled the glass like an 18th century French village prostitute being offered a mug of hot soup. You brought the glass to your lips, the strong, overwhelming smells assaulting your orifices.
You let the wine grace your tongue. You had taught yourself to overcome the sting of the alcohol and focus on the undertones. Your eyes rolled back in to your head and you let out a little noise of pleasure. 
“Christ on a bike, that’s decadent.” You said, gasping for air a little bit. You quickly passed the glass back to him before Matthew could see you. “Thank you.” 
“Now, indulge me.” He instructed, glancing at the fresh pink lipstick mark on his glass. “What do the lovely women of Terroir whisper while I’m just out of earshot?” 
You rested your elbows on the bar and leaned in close. “They say you’re a vampire.” 
Judging by his unchanging neutral expression, it clearly wasn’t the first time someone had made that connection. “Perhaps they’re on to something.” 
“One of our line cooks used to say you were the devil.” You informed him, hoping that was one he hadn’t heard before.
“Used to?” He raised his eyebrows. 
“Until Chase Mulvaney came around.” You instinctively ran your fingers over your bandages, as if to make sure they were still there. It was a nervous tick you’d developed anytime someone brought up that day. “He’s stopped talking about, like, anything having to do with his religion ever since.” 
“It takes a lot to get an evangelist to stop evangelizing.” He refilled his glass. “Do you think he lost his faith?” 
“I heard someone say in passing that it was because he and Chase Mulvaney went to the same church.” You whispered. “But I can’t verify that.” 
“I’d say it’s more likely than a regular customer being a vampire, wouldn’t you?” 
“I wouldn’t trust their word because they made a regular customer into a vampire.” You corrected, hoping he would overlook the fact that you were one of them. “Secrets may stay within these four walls, but they tend to bounce around. It’s only a matter of time before one escapes, and you’d better hope it’s not one of yours.” 
This man must have been an exceptional therapist, because, there you were, baring your soul to him after fifteen minutes and one sip of wine. Occasionally, you were pulled away from the conversation by another customer who had the audacity to also want a drink. But, very few people came to you with the sole intent of drinking on a Tuesday evening. You and the sommelier talked until closing time. 
“Thank you for a lovely evening, Miss [L/N].” He said pulling out his wallet. “You are as delightful in person as you are on paper.” 
“Thank you, but I never caught-” you said, but stopped yourself. “I mean, you never gave me your name.” 
He signed his name on the paper check, then pulled out a fifty and unceremoniously handed it to you. “Now why would you want to ruin the mystery?” 
“Nothing we say tonight has to leave these four walls, remember?” You grinned and crossed your arms. “Come on, I won’t tell anyone.” 
He took the customer copy of the receipt and scribbled something down on it. He the folded it in half and slid it in your direction as if it contained nuclear launch codes. 
“Join me for dinner someday.” He ordered. “I’ll supply the Malbec.” 
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auburnaudry · 3 years
Fractured Family - Matthew Tkachuk
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Chapter 1:
A/N: So this is the first time I have ever written literally anything. If you have any suggestions or feedback just let me know! I kinda want to make this a series, so if you are interested or have any suggestion on where to take this story I’m all ears!
Next Chapter —>
Summary: You and Matthew had a long history, dating for two years, until you guys “mutually” decided to split. It was civil and seemed liked the best option at the time. But shortly after splitting, you found out you were pregnant with Reign and everything in your life, including your relationship with Matt, became more complicated. (Flashbacks are in italics.)
Word count: 3293 words
It was really late at night and you just wanted to get your son to sleep. Him being only 3 months old, it was hard to get a consistent sleep schedule going, especially when you were sharing custody with someone who lives a completely different lifestyle than you.
After spending two nights with his father, your sons usual 10 minute bedtime routine turned into a long, drawn out, difficult ordeal, that you would be trying to correct for the next week. And once he was finally adjusted back to your routine, he was off to stay with his father again to continue the never ending cycle.
You rocked Reign in his chair for almost 40 minutes and finally settled him down enough to lay him back in his crib. You reached over to the changing table and turned the sound machine on, hoping that it would put him to sleep for even just a little while. You needed a break from the loud crying.
Walking over to the dresser sitting by the door, you grab the baby monitor and walked out towards the kitchen.
You mindlessly stared at your phone as you made your way down the hall. Distracted by your new notifications, you hadn’t noticed the handsome young man still sitting at your island waiting for you to return.
“Oh my god, Matthew you scared me” you shouted, dropping your phone as your body jumped slightly from the shock of seeing someone unexpected in your apartment.
“I thought you left already, what are you still doing here” you continued as you picked your phone up off the ground, checking to make sure the screen wasn’t cracked.
You were caught off guard and slightly confused because Matt always left right after dropping your son off. You two had an arrangement that worked, minimal interaction that only revolved around your son. So when Matt was still lingering around your apartment almost and hour after dropping your son off, you couldn’t help but let your mind travel to the worst case scenario.
“Did something happen today with Reign?” You asked before he had a chance to respond to your first question.
You and Matt had a long history, dating for two years, until you guys “mutually” decided to split. It was civil-ish and seemed liked the best option at the time. But shortly after splitting, you found out you were pregnant with Reign and everything in your life, including your relationship with Matt, became more complicated.
“You should have been honest with me from the start then” you screamed at your boyfriend. You had been arguing for what felt like forever with no end in sight.
“I didn’t know what I wanted at the time y/n” he calmly responded “Fuck, I still don’t even know what I want, but I know its not fair to you, to keep going the way we are”. You two had been talking about where you see your relationship going in the future and this was the first time Matthew was really opening up to you.
As much as you begged Matt to express his emotions more over the course of your relationship, this time you wished he had kept them to himself.
“Y/n, you want to take the next step in this relationship and I’m not ready. I don’t know why I’m not ready but you are and I can’t hold you back.” Matthew sounded so sincere that you almost believed this was what you wanted too. “You need someone who is gonna take that step with you” key word was almost.
The past couple of weeks you had been hinting that you wanted to move in with Matt. You loved him and were sure you wanted to start the next chapter of your life with him. You never thought in a million years this would be his reaction but maybe you pushed him too much? Or maybe this was inevitable and he wasn’t looking at you as a long term investment. Whatever the reason, you now regretted even bringing it up.
“Okay, so two years down the drain I guess” you said as you rolled your tear filled eyes. His face fell at your words, he truly did love you and just wanted you to be happy. You were looking for forever and he admitted to not being ready for that kind of commitment. Instead of continuing a relationship that seemed to be at a stand still, the only option at this point was to end it. You weren’t going to sit there and beg him, you had too much pride to do that.
“I’ll just pack my shit and go” you walked past him to his bedroom to collect all the things that no longer belonged in his space. You almost expected him to follow after you, to fight for your relationship, but he didn’t, which hurt your heart even more. So you continued to pack up the things that had migrated from your apartment to his over the two years of being together. Your thoughts were now consumed with figuring out how you were going to move on and find someone to spend the rest of your life with, while he continued to live the bachelor lifestyle he was all so famous for.
Even though you rarely voiced it in your two years of being together, you were madly in love with him and broken hearted that he wasn’t willing to put in the effort to make your relationship work. You left his bedroom and made your way down the hallway, past the living room where Matthew was still sat, and out the front door with your bags in tow. You didn’t bother glancing back at him, out of fear you might do or say something you would regret.
2 weeks later…
You woke up and still hadn’t gotten your period. Your period had never been even a day late since you got it back in the 7th grade, so waking up for a 4th day in a row with no period, was worrisome. You didn’t think there was even a chance you were pregnant since you were on birth control, so you made an appointment with your gyno to ensure everything was okay. You were convinced it was just the stress of your recent breakup that was causing this irregularity in your cycle, but you couldn’t be sure without getting checked out first.
You pulled up to your doctors office for your appointment feeling extremely anxious. You just wanted to get it over with so you could stop stressing and go back to feeling sorry for yourself for getting broken up with.
You sat in the waiting room for what felt like an eternity. You scrolled through Instagram and somehow found yourself on Matthew’s page. It was definitely an unhealthy habit you had picked up since splitting. You couldn’t help it though, he was following new ig models everyday and in a sick way, you liked to compare yourself to them. It was a reminder that you weren’t what Matt wanted and Matt couldn’t be what you wanted anymore.
“y/n y/l/n” you looked up from your phone as your name was called “We’re ready for you”
You followed the nurse back to a bathroom located right next door to the exam room you usually got checked out in. The nurse handed you a cup to pee in, as you usually did at these types of appointments, and instructed you to change into a gown in exam room #2 once you finished up in the bathroom.
After you changed into the gown, the nurse came back to collect your sample and left you sitting on the exam table as you scrolled on your phone again, waiting for Dr. Cooper to come in.
“Y/n, congratulation you’re pregnant” Dr. Cooper walked in holding your charts. You had been going to Dr. Cooper since you were 16 and you had built a nice relationship through the years, talking about your personal lives and future plans during appointments. He was aware of your long term relationship with Matthew and by his enthusiastic tone and happy energy, it was clear that he was unaware of your recent breakup. You obviously didn’t expect him to know, the breakup was new and you only see him a couple times out of the year.
You couldn’t even process the news or anything else Dr. C had to say after that. Everything went fuzzy and it felt like you were in some crazy nightmare that you couldn’t wake up from. The only thing you did hear him say was that he expected you to be 8 weeks along from the information you told him and the ultrasound he performed.
You were a traditional person and always imagined you would be married or at least in a committed relationship before getting pregnant, so this entire situation had you in shock.
You were so numb from the news that you continued on throughout your day as normal, unsure of what else to do. But as you pulled into the parking lot of your apartment building, you rushed to get inside so you could finally breakdown and feel everything you had pushed aside for the past few hours.
You were silently praying your roommate wasn’t home when you walked through the door of your shared apartment so you didn’t have to face anyone. To your dismay, she was sitting in the living room calling for you when you walked through the door.
You hadn’t told her that you and Matthew broke up because you were so ashamed that the man you thought you’d spend the rest of you life with , didn’t feel the same way for you. The past 3 weeks you had been pretending Matt was away on a road trip or too busy with hockey to hang out whenever she asked about him. At this point you needed to get this off you chest so you walked right into the living room, sat down next to her, and unloaded the entire story before she even had the chance to say hello. As you spoke, her face turned from confusion to concern.
“Kay idk what to do, I don’t even want to tell him because I don’t need his help, but i feel icky when I think about having his baby and keeping it a secret.” You guys were talking through what you were gonna do about the situation.
Kaylee was the perfect person to ask because she also knew Matthew really well! Kaylee was the one who introduced you to Matt in the first place almost 3 years ago. They continually ran into each other while out at bars and talked so often they eventually became good friends. Being Kaylees best friend, you were later introduced to Matthew at a bar and you guys hit it off right away. You became really close friends and later started dating after a typical drunk love confession.
“And you’re definitely sure it’s Matt’s? Like there’s no chance it’s someone else’s right?”
“Yes of course I haven’t talk to anyone since the breakup, let alone slept with anyone!”
“I just want to make sure cause you didn’t even tell me you guys broke up, I wasn’t sure if I was missing any other important parts of the story” she paused for a second giving you a sympathetic look. The father was indisputable since you had only been with one man in the last two years.
“he’s a good guy y/n/n, I think he will be really understanding and a good father, it’s important you tell him, him and his family would want to know” She was right, she always is.
Before your talk with Kaylee, you fully prepared yourself to raise the baby on your own and expected nothing from Matthew. But when you thought about his family, a family that you had become a part of in the two years you were together, you couldn’t help but think of how disappointed they would be if they ever found out that you kept a part of them a secret. You had become extremely close with Brady and Taryn and their parents treated you like one of their own. They loved you and would unconditionally love your child, it wasn’t fair to them and more importantly, it wasn’t fair to your baby to keep them apart.
After a week of thoroughly thinking through all your options, you finally took Kaylees advice and reached out to Matt. You almost hoped he wouldn’t see your message or he would see it and just ignore it since you two hadn’t communicated since the breakup.
Hey Matty, it’s y/n, I’m not sure if you have free time in the near future but I kinda need to talk to you!
To your surprised he responded within minutes of your text.
I’m happy you reached out, lets meet up! Can you do lunch tomorrow? Our usual lunch spot?
This all seemed too familiar, why was he texting you like you had never broken up and why did he respond at all? He could have easily said he was busy or trying to move on and didn’t want to talk, but he didn’t.
I was actually thinking we could do takeout or something and eat at my apartment?
You figure a private setting would be better for the news you were about to spring on him since you weren’t sure of the reaction you were going to get.
Anything works babe
He had practice the next morning and a free afternoon so it was the perfect opportunity to tell him, giving him time to process since he had nothing going on for the rest of the day.
Matthew walked up to your apartment door the next day giving it his signature knock. You slowly walked to the door, opening it to find him standing there, carrying the to-go bags, filled with your favorite meal and wearing his perfect smile that almost made you forget why you called him over in the first place.
As you went to greet him, you caught a slight whiff of the food and the nausea that washed over you was so sudden and instantaneous, you almost didn’t make it to the bathroom.
On your run to the bathroom, you heard Matt’s footsteps following closely behind, but luckily you had enough time to lock the bathroom door before emptying the contents of you stomach in the toilet.
Matthew sat outside the bathroom knocking lightly “y/n are you okay” he waited patiently for your response.
When you felt the wave of nausea had completely passed, you stood up, flushing the toilet and making your way to the sink to rid your mouth of the taste that plagued it.
As you opened the door to the bathroom you were met with Matt’s concern filled face. If throughout your lunch date you wanted to change your mind about telling him, that option was completely off the table now. You had no choice but to explain what was going on and you just wanted to get it over with.
Matthew stood there staring, waiting for a response. “I’m pregnant” was all you could come up with.
He stared at you in complete disbelief but then realization washed over his face. “Who’s the father” was all he could manage, as if you would invite him over to tell him you were pregnant with someone else’s kid.
You wanted to roll your eye but they were so full of tears, you were scared that if you moved them, the tears would start running and you would fall apart in front of him.
“Yours” you whispered with a cold tone trying your best to keep your emotions at bay.
Matthew had alway wanted to be a dad and was great with his teammates kids, so you weren’t entirely surprised when he told you he wanted to be a part of your kids life.
You two spent countless hours and had countless lunch dates over the course of your pregnancy, talking about how you were going to co-parent and make everything work. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t secretly wish that you and Matt would end up back together, raising the family you always dream of having, but it seemed that ship had sailed for Matthew. His only concern was making sure his kid lived a happy and healthy life.
You were now waiting for a response from your ex on why he was still sitting in your kitchen so late at night.
“No no, Reign is fine everything is fine, I just need to talk to you about something” he said, not making eye contact with you. You were even more nervous now because you had no guess as to what he could possibly want to talk about.
“I’m talking to this girl” your entire world stopped spinning and your ears started to ring a little. You still weren’t use to Matthew talking to other women, you probably wouldn’t be for a long time, and now he wanted to talk to you about one of his hoes?
“Ummm okay” you said, unsure how you were even suppose to respond. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Things between us are getting a little more serious” you could literally feel you heart aching in your chest, but you continued to act unfazed by Matt’s admission. “I was just wondering what the appropriate time would be to introduce her to Reign”
You were almost stunned that he was even asking you such a stupid question. If it were up to you, Reign was never going to meet some trashy whore his father would bang every once in a while. Your son was only 3 months old, so to think that introducing him to a random, clout chaser was even an option for Matthew, made you extremely angry. Or maybe you were just jealous he had been seeing someone and it had gotten so serious that he was willing to introduce her to his newborn son.
You can’t even describe the feeling of the love of your life breaking up with you because ‘he wasn’t ready for commitment’, and then not even a year later he is in a serious relationship again but with someone else. You couldn’t help but think everything Matthew had told you was a lie, that he wasn’t afraid of committing, he was just afraid of committing to you.
“Y/n/n, did you hear my question?”
“Obviously” you spat “I just have to think, I wasn’t exactly prepared for this kind of question tonight or honestly at any point in the near future so I need time to think about it” you were bitter but you tried your hardest to not make it seem that way as you spoke.
“Take all the time you need, no rush, we’re obviously new to this whole parenting and co-parenting thing so we don’t have all the answers yet, but I don’t want to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.” He finally made eye contact with you for the first time all night. You forgot how pretty his eyes were.
“Thanks for checking in with me, ill let you know when I figure it out” and with that he got up and made his way out of your apartment.
“Goodnight y/n” he said as he opened the front door and pulled his car keys out of his pocket.
“Night” you responded as you close the door behind him. Just as the door closed, Reign’s screams came over the baby monitor, distracting you before you had too much time to think about how alone you actually were.
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
New Beginnings
Pairing - Steve Rogers x reader
Word count - 2976
Summary - After the battle in Manhattan, a man who hates the idea of a doctor definitely needs one. A friend of Pepper Potts' lends a hand and consequently changes Steve's long-lived disposition for getting medical help.
a/n - set after the battle of New York in the avengers
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Since Steve had woken up, or rather been woken up after he was found in the ice after 70 years, he had not once visited the doctor other than those at S.H.I.E.L.D when they had forced him to. For one, he didn’t ever get sick now and reason two would be that he just hates the concept. He spent a great deal of his time in doctors offices and speaking to specialists diagnosing him with all forms of new medical conditions from when he was in a child to before he was given the serum. It wasn’t somewhere he wanted to go now and those days weren’t exactly the ones he liked to remember even if he was the absolute picture of health now.
That didn’t so much apply however when he, Tony, Thor, Natasha, Bruce and Clint were finally able to stop after fighting for hours against unrelenting waves of aliens trying to take New York. They were all battered and bruised to some degree, some arguably more than others.
Steve looks around with a pounding heart. It never gets easier to think about the losses that are likely to mount up after a battle, the buildings that fell and the people who stood unable in the face of the large aliens with huge powerful guns. It only adds to the hurt that stems from seeing the city he loves reduced half to rubble with skyscrapers crumbled to the ground, flaming, flipped cars scattering the road and entire streets all but destroyed.
Before he does anything else, Steve wants to go down to the subway that he insisted the police put people in to ensure they all get out safely before he heads to meet up with the rest of the team back at Stark tower. There are more ambulances lining what’s left of the roads than he can even begin to count and he’s extremely glad they hadn’t destroyed any hospitals because they were going to need every bed that they had. He helped some people up out of the Subway with the officers and some people thanked him, some people gawked at him and some seemed too much in shock to even notice he was there. Steve stood just watching for longer than he would care to admit.
He supposes he would say he’s just taking everything in. It feels as though the world is quite the same as to when he lived in it at first. People still come together when they need to and there are still bad people who want to stand above the rest.
As his feet carry him back over crunching rubble in the direction of Stark tower to meet up with the rest, Steve can’t help but think about how he wishes his best friend could be with him for this battle. There wasn’t anyone Steve preferred to have on his side and he did tremendously miss his friend.
“No no no!” Steve hears yelling above the rest of the commotion,a noise which immediately diverts his train of thought. He turns his head to see if he can catch a glimpse of what was going on to see if there was anything he could do to help. “He has to go first, he’s got an ICH with a blown pupil. He won’t make it halfway to the hospital if he has to wait another twenty minutes!” Steve rounds the corner at a slow jog. He’s met with a woman with her hair tied back tightly out of her face, which was smeared with dirt and dust and it looked as though she had been climbing amongst the rubble to help recover the last of the people from that building. “Look ma’am, we have a kid in there.” The EMT tries to explain, but you just give him an incredulous look, “With a closed tib-fib fracture, he’ll live! This guy is bleeding into his brain, do you have one of those-” You lean closer to him, squinting your eyes and sweeping dust off of his badge, “Jack. Do you have a brain, Jack?” The EMT in front of you opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water. “Yes ma’am.” He stutters. “Good,” you snip, “Then get the kid in a wheelchair for the next ambulance and bluelight this guy to the nearest hospital, now!”
The EMT scrambles to do as told and you push your hair back again with a heavy sigh as you walk away the second they get him in the stretcher and into the ambulance. Steve smiles slightly to himself. There’s nothing quite like a powerful woman in his eyes and no force like an angry one. He’d hate to be on that woman’s bad side and he knows now that he was wrong to think his help would be needed there. The super soldier simply walks away again with his shield held tightly in his hand. He bids a wordless respect to the woman who rolls up her sleeves again and cups her hands over her mouth, shouting out for anyone who might need help from her clearly medically experienced hands.
“Dear God, look at you lot!” Pepper exclaims as they walk in, immediately rushing to hug Tony tightly. “You all need to get checked over medically. Like now.” She says firmly, but each one shakes their heads. “The hospitals will be busy enough,” Bruce says, “I just saw a woman fighting for an ambulance. We’ll heal.” Steve agrees, folding his painful arms. “They’re right.” Tony nods. Pepper shakes her head, “I knew you’d say that, which is why Fury and I had a medical floor set up. There’s nurses there to patch you guys up and a doctor there if anybody needs one. All of you, go. Now.” Most want to protest, but opt not to at her stern words and instead follow the nurse who had come to greet them.
All but Steve.
“I’ll be fine.” He states, shaking his head and turning away. “Excuse me,” Pepper calls out to him, “Please, Steve. You really need to get seen.” She insists, but he keeps walking.
“(y/n), oh my god!” Pepper sighs heavily in relief, rushing towards you the second you walk out the revolving door that only had one glass panel left in it. “Thank God you're safe. This is one of them I was going to ask you to take a look at.” Once she releases you from the tight hug, she points after Steve who was still limping away towards the stairs. “Can’t get him to go to the med floor though.” She mutters to you beneath her breath. You shoot her a smile that says she needn't worry.
“Oi!” You call out, barely eliciting a turn of the head from the man in the blue suit. “Hey you!” You try again, you merely get him to stop walking. “Me?” He says, but still didn’t turn to look at you. He was trying to place where he had heard your voice, but his head was hurting too much to put a lot of thought into it. “Yeah, you. You better get America’s ass right back over here and march it right down to that med floor.”
Your tone makes him turn around immediately, his eyebrows slightly furrowed for a moment before he realised it hurt to do that too. He fought back a smile over those pink lips. “I thought I knew your voice.”
His response prompts your eyebrows to shoot up as you eyed him and then Pepper in confusion. “Have we met?” You ask, tilting your head slightly to the side. Steve shakes his head, “Oh no, sorry. I just saw you a while ago yelling at a paramedic over an ambulance about an ICH, whatever that means.” The blonde shrugs, offering you a slight smile. You chuckle at his words and shake your head. “Well then I’m sure you’ll do as I tell you. Save me doing anymore yelling today?”
Steve doesn’t have much more fight left in him for today and he would be lying if he said his body wasn’t aching. He could probably do with some pain killers and the cut on his arm would likely hurt a lot less, as well as be quicker to heal if he were to get it stitched up. He doesn’t say anything, but he does sigh and decides to follow you through the lobby and down a flight of stairs to the newly designated medical floor.
“Nice of you to join us, Cap!” Tony jests out, “And (y/n)!” He cheers. You only flip him off in response with a roll of your eyes as you lead the tall man behind you into one of the private rooms filled with medical supplies.
“Sit on the bed there.” You instruct, walking over to wash your hands, arms and face before you do anything else.
“I don’t think I need-”
“On the bed, Captain.”
“Okay. Sorry.”
You nod your head and turn to smile at him softly. Your smile is beautiful. It actually alleviates a little of his pain just to see it, and he truly is surprised by the softness and gentility of it in comparison to the attitude he had thus far witnessed from you in the short time he’s known you.
He groans and the medical bed creaks a little when he climbs on as you pull the latex gloves over your hands. He watches you very tentatively, attempting to eye the things that you gather from various boxes around the room and place onto the wheeled table. “Sorry for yelling at you earlier.”
Your softer voice makes him smile slightly again. “It’s alright,” Steve brushed off with a shrug, shifting himself so he could strip his suit off like you had told him to do just before you entered the room. He kind of awkwardly places the material of the suit over his boxers and the tops of his thighs. He doesn’t exactly want to sit basically naked in front of a woman he didn’t even really know. He still had a lot of his 1940’s mannerisms written into his behaviour. You turn back around to face him and don’t seem to take much notice of his huge, bare torso on the medical bed in front of you. Instead, your eyes scan his body for where to start on his injuries.
It seems as though you opt for cleaning his face first, which makes him feel slightly embarrassed to just sit and let you do it. You use a cloth and hot water for the dried blood, followed by an alcohol cloth that stings a surprising amount. You only place a steri strip over the gash on his forehead and then turn to the open cut on his shoulder. He knows that it’ll heal in less than 24 hours and he won’t have so much as a mark in its place. But it’ll heal a hell of a lot quicker if it’s closed and clean, so he allows you to begin working on it.
He hisses when you do, and you stop for a moment.
“Intracranial hemorrhage.” You say seemingly out of the blue. “What?” Steve asks, the pain in his arm dissipating. “Intracranial hemorrhage. ICH. What the guy you saw me fighting for the ambulance had. He got stuck under some rubble and it caused his brain to bleed. That increases the pressure in his head until you drill a hole to release it. Sometimes you have to take out a whole section of the skull and leave the head open until the swelling goes down around the brain. It’s super interesting.” Steve is entranced by your jabbering on, his eyes literally glued onto you as you work. Hands tentatively maneuvering a needle through his skin as gently as you can to pull the two separate sides back together.
You flick your eyes up to him to see the grin and his blue eyes shining in anticipation for your next words. “He was pretty bad considering the circumstances. A blown pupil- dilated pupil- is usually a huge warning sign that he needs treatment like, right away. He wasn’t responding to much physical stimuli, but you'd be amazed by the recovery that a lot of people with that type of injury can make within literally just a few days of the surgery. The brain is pretty cool.” You continue on. Steve doesn’t want you to ever stop talking. Your voice has apparently turned off all of the pain receptors in his body as he watches the focus pull your brows together ever so slightly and part your lips as you tie the knot at the end of his arm stitches, carefully wiping over it and placing a white gauze dressing over the wound. “Those should dissolve in your skin even if you are a super-healer or whatever.” You turn your attention next to a cut just above his kneecap.
“Sorry for the rambling, wild day. I’ll stitch that one up too then you should be good to get back to your superhero post-battle business.” Your tease makes him chuckle slightly as he watches you roll the wheeled table and your stool round to the other side of him to wipe down his knee before you start to stitch it. Steve had a tough day too, and he hadn’t yet learned how he would cope with those in modern day, but he had a hunch that listening to you might be the key. However, it comes across to him like your way was talking about things that weren’t as scary as the fact that aliens descended from the sky and destroyed half of New York City. “What about a closed TibFib then?” Steve asks softly with kindness swimming around in those sky blue eyes. “Tell me about that?”
After a further half hour finishing his stitching, cleaning him up properly and getting him some fresh clothes, you found yourself surprisingly sad to be leaving the company of the kind, attractive, super soldier you had newly become acquainted with. He seemed pretty solemn about it too, but you couldn’t tell if he was just exhausted from his day's worth of fighting. You had gotten to know each other through the short time you got to spend with him, and he was glad he had at first refused any form of medical treatment for if he hadn’t he probably wouldn’t have had you as his caregiver.
“Thank you for...all this.” He gestures to himself, referring to the stitches, his newly clean skin and clothes. “And for talking to me. It really means a lot.” Steve admits, his voice a little shy with the lightest dusting of pink flushing his cheeks. You smile without thought for the first time that day. “It’s a pleasure. Thank you for listening to me, and for not calling me a bossy bitch.” You breathe a chuckle of laughter as you turn your back to him to empty all the rubbish into the bin. So you don’t see the anger that passes through his eyes at the thought of someone ever calling you that, or the tilt of his head in irritation. You were so strong and a true powerhouse of a woman in his eyes. Clearly incredibly smart. He was pretty much smitten with you already.
“That would be incredibly rude.” Steve states firmly, “I just think you’re a very smart and a very beautiful woman. And you are incredible. Saved a lot of people today down in the rubble.”
You turn back around to see him, standing now much closer to you. “Says you, Mr Alien-slayer.” You grin back up at him. He isn’t the kind to go in for a kiss on the first date, never mind the first time ever meeting a woman, so he takes a gentle step back much to your disappointment. “I believe you called me America’s ass, earlier today.”  He corrects lightly and you turn your eyes to the ground as your face flushes red with a giggle of embarrassment as he laughs with you. “Sorry about that, Steve.”
That was actually the first time you had said his name and God he loved how it sounded leaving your pretty lips. “It’s okay. Kinda liked it, suits me don’t you think?” He turns side on and twists his back to look down at his ass dramatically and you throw your head back laughing. It’s such music to his ears and he’s yet to hear another sound since he woke that brings such a great amount of joy and warmth straight to his heart.
“Well,” you hum softly as you pull out a piece of paper and scrawl some writing down on it with a pen from your scrubs breast pocket, “If America’s ass ever finds himself in need of a stitch up or a chat, anything really, then this is where to find me.” You tuck the little bit of ripped paper into his large hand and gently peck his cheek before opening the door and walking off through the medical floor. He looked down at that little bit of paper, reading over some numbers and your name.
“(y/n),” he says softly to himself, subconsciously smiling at the way your name feels so beautiful on his lips. “What you got there, Cap?” Natasha asks as she leans herself on the doorframe of the room he stands frozen in. Steve looks up at her in surprise, “Uh, nothing much.” He diffuses, shrugging his shoulders as he takes one more glance down at the paper. “You sure?” She presses. “Yeah.” He assures. She turns to walk away just as realisation hits him. “Oh wait,” he calls after her, a shy smile on his lips.
“You know anywhere I could get a phone?”
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Syndicate + gang leader au where Henry kills his brothers
Jacob x Henry because it’s healthier than Lanyon x Henry
Anyways <3
Gang leader / Syndicate crossover au:
Henry is the youngest of the three brothers, Raphael and Kent are nonidentical twins. Henry is two years younger than them and has always been the baby of the group. Raphael and Kent have always been protective of him and also love to mess with him.
Their parents were abusive, Raphael and Kent decided to take the opportunity to leave Glasgow the first moment they got and they took Henry with them. They moved to London and one of their uncles-- who owned and inherited quite a successful shipping company by the London docks-- gave Kent and Raphael jobs as Henry went to university. The uncle died before Henry graduated, and left the business to Raphael and Kent.
Henry did not talk a lot to his brothers while in University. He tried to reach out to them but suddenly Raphael and Kent were "incredibly busy", Henry assumed they were busy trying to keep the family business going well.
He went to visit them on their dock after he graduated and got his doctorate. He had learned a lot about the London "culture" and gangs from Robert (and Rachel) telling him everything there is about the London underground and the aristocracy. Much to his horror, he arrived at the docks to find his brothers dressed as Templars.
Henry was quickly forced into the Templar order against his will. His brothers gaslight and manipulated him into joining, other members threatened to hurt him or his friends if he didn't join, and it ended up being Henry's biggest regret.
Henry spent about 13 years in the Templar order working in secret for it. He was allowed to do as he pleased as long as he made poisons for them. In the meantime, Henry tried to make up for the guilt he had from the suffering he had caused by helping people on the street. Hungry, dirty, sick people who quickly becoming loyal to the doctor who always feeds them and gives them what they need to survive.
In this part of the au, Henry more directly creates the gang. He realizes that these people are willing to fight for him and they have placed him on a pedestal. He can't get himself down from it so he takes advantage of it. He makes sure that the Society is under constant protection and that the gang brings in money that can be spent on taking care of the members and keep the Society afloat. No Lodger cares enough for the finances to notice the sudden influx of money, and Henry merely tells Rachel and Robert that it’s “sponsors”.
It was only when the Frye Twins entered and began to liberate London that he decided that it was the perfect time to finally break free from the Templar order. He had long since lost any love he still had for his brothers and he would do anything to be free again. He ended up cornering and murdering his brothers in cold blood while his gang distracted the Blighters, and he blamed the murders on the Frye Twins afterwards, the very same Frye Twins that quickly would... Well... Realize that they did not kill these Templars and instead try to track down the murderer that blamed it on them.
In the end, they find their way to Dr. Henry Jekyll's office. Henry had done a good job and working behind the scenes and no one had really suspected him of working for the Templars, so the twins-- while hearing from Greenie that it was rumored that the Jekyll Brothers and Dr. Henry Jekyll were related-- did not know that Henry himself used to be a Templar.
Henry, however, assumed they had broken into his office to kill him. He had already resigned himself to his own death, he was not going to fight it. He had burnt every photograph and document he had that connected him to his brothers and he had merely been waiting for the twins to come and kill him. He was, honest to god, quite disappointed when the Twins seemed confused and instead asked him if he knew anything about the murder of the Jekyll brothers.
"...The murder of my brothers, the Templars? The murder committed by someone close and well trusted by them, the murder that went undetected, and that was later blamed on you? The murder that had slank past the eyes of public after a convenient gang fight right that moment?"
It does not take long for the twins to realize what he is hinting to. His voice his bitter and his body language is cold, yet it doesn't sound like he regrets it.
ahaha anyways i ended up accidentally just retelling the entire thing well time for some actual hcs about this au branch.
Henry gets extreme paranoia after having murdered his brothers. He swears he can still see their faces of terror or hear their screams of pain and agony when he closes his eyes and try to go to sleep. He constantly feels followed by them, but he is too used with Hyde, so he doesn't pay attention to "them". When he doesn’t sleep, they silently follow him with whatever other hallucinations he have at the moment, like Moreau.
He wanted to be the one to murder his brothers himself, he didn't find it dignified to have someone else do the murdering for him. He generally does not want his gang to murder people, only hurt those of necessity, and he still wanted to give his brothers the dignity of not having to be killed by a random gang member.
Something in him kinda... Died that day. His friends, the Lodgers, and his very on gang could all notice how Henry seemed... Colder, more tired, constantly exhausted. He refused to tell anyone why, though, and he still did everything he needed to do so no one could force an explanation out of him. It was not until the newspapers reported on the murder that people realized that he was acting weirdly because his brothers had been murdered. Henry debated snapping his own neck once the Lodgers began to flock to him with words of sympathy, unaware that he was the murderer.
He is extremely benevolent to his gang, something many feared he wouldn’t be at first. He has always been a kind person and that’s why people began to flock to him as it was, but some feared that he would... Ah, turn crueler after a while like most gang leaders. That never happened, though. He saw each and every one of his gang members as his family, and took care of them as such.
He and his gang began teaming up with Lucy many years before either met the twins. It was always fun when Rachel tried to introduce the two of them without telling Henry that Lucy is... Well, Queen Lucy, and it was always fun to act as if they had never met before and as if Henry hadn’t just been invited to dinner the night before. Henry is really good friends with Patrin and Elise.
Henry’s gang wear blue. The Blighters wear red and before the twins and the Rook started, Henry didn’t want his own gang associated or reminding him of Hyde. Blue it was, and it easily made his gang slip into crowds and disguise themselves to be the Scotland Yard.
Neither Brokenshire nor Abberline knew about Henry’s gang until Abberline started working with the twins and until after Henry was “recruited” by them. Depending on if Henry murdered his brothers before or after he joined the twins, Abberline and Brokenshire helped him cover up the murder. 
Ahaha wow Uhm. I keep forgetting how I format and classify these as rambles but anyways time for some Jekyll x Jacob <3 This is just going to be in general btw so <3<3
Henry was incredibly endeared by Jacob from the moment he heard about him. Something about a tall, strong ruffian bringing justice to the streets of London (and fighting Templars) was just incredibly... Ah, attractive in Henry’s eyes. He actually allowed himself to feel that because hell, he works for the Templars and Jacob is supposed to be the enemy, Henry hates the Templars, why not be incredibly gay for the assassin?
Jacob shamelessly flirted with Henry from the first moment the met. Breaking into his office to figure out who murdered his brothers and Jacob could certainly not read the room. Henry was far too gone that he merely huffed and flirted back... Well, until they came to the topic at hand. Even in other branches were Henry was recruited by them to make poisons, or where they met in a gang fight, and Jacob still shamelessly flirts with Henry.
Jacob tries so hard to be romantic. Henry is incredibly amused by it. He will be working in his office late at night and Jacob will pop by his open window to demand attention. He will come back to his office after having ran son errands and there will be bouquets of fresh lavenders, lilacs, and tulips. Jacob will constantly “force” him (or, well, bribe him to leave his work) to go on dates with him, dates that consists of wandering the rooftops of London and watch the stars at night or have a nice dinner together. He loves to spoil Henry rotten <3
Jacob loves cuddles. Henry was not very physically affectionate at first. He was afraid that Jacob would end up doing the same thing Robert did to him and while he couldn’t keep away from him, Jacob made sure to take it slow for him. Their favorite pastime is to cuddle on one of the couches in the train after exhausting missions, and Henry finds that he can’t keep away from Jacob’s touch for too long.
Rachel and Robert began to introduce Henry into the more... Ah, illegal luxuries of the London life. They take him to a fight club and are highly confused when Henry suddenly gets incredibly excited as he watches his boyfriend kick the shit out of people. He completely abandons them and practically fall into Jacob’s (sweaty and slightly bloody) arms the moment the fighting is done. Both he and Hyde love to check out Jacob fighting in fight clubs.
(Jacob post-fight is probably the hottest sight Henry has ever seen and Jacob knows that fully well. Jacob often uses the money he wins from the fights buying gifts for his lil boyfriend <3). 
Another ideal date in the eyes of Jacob is highjacking Henry’s carriage and abducting him. It’s all fun and games until he accidentally does that when Jasper, Rachel, or Robert are in the carriage too. That was not fun for Henry to explain.
After Jacob and Evie have liberated all child factories, Henry makes a spur-of-the-moment decision to adopt Clara (the child who wanted the twins to free the children in the factories). Clara ends up getting raised by two very protective and very lovely-dovely dads. She spends most of her time in the Society (while still helping the kids on the street) but Jacob visits her and Henry a lot.
Look I just want Henry and Jacob to raise a kid that won’t come back and try to murder them later on ok.
Anyways on to some other hcs. Jacob loves to make sexual jokes to Henry. Henry either acts dumb and as if he doesn’t understand them, or he will shot them right back until Jacob is the one blushing (or highly embarrassed).
Jacob loves to break into the Society and follow Henry around but make sure he doesn’t see him. He will be parkour over the ceiling beams and all the Lodgers will notice and get extremely paranoid, trying to get Henry to notice it too because clearly something is up, Henry will completely ignore him most of the time.
Jacob rarely sleeps because his work as an assassin rarely allows him to, but once he and Henry starts dating he always makes sure to visit Henry during the night (or have Henry come to the train) so that they can cuddle and sleep together, knowing Henry won’t sleep by himself.
Henry is always the tiny spoon. Always. Jacob loves to hold him. Henry is always cold and Jacob is always warm so for Henry it’s like being wrapped in a blanket and for Jacob it’s like having an ice cube chilling down his overheated body.
Henry gets overwhelmed quite easily, both in general and with their actual relationship. As dramatic and clingy Jacob can be at times, he always gives Henry the space he needs and especially in the beginning, when everything was so new and Henry had to take his time to process everything. Jacob is always patient with him.
Henry likes to create stuff for Jacob. It can be everything from new poisons to new gadgets, to something as simple as a painting or a hand-made sweater he did himself. When the gifts became more... Simple, so to speak, he worried that Jacob wouldn’t like them, but Jacob absolutely loves and treasures anything Henry does for him, although he routinely gives the sweaters and clothing back so Henry can wear them, and so Jacob can get them back and it smells like his boyfriend <3
(Evie always finds Jacob cuddled up with the sweater in the mornings when they can’t be together. She thinks that it’s stupidly adorable).
Jacob stays in London after Evie and Green get married and move to India. He would originally have thought of leaving London to return to the Assassin Order in Crawley, but ultimately decided to stay with his lover in London. After the end events of TGS, the two of them buy a horse ranch out in the countryside where they retire. Jacob occasionally returns to London as the leader of the Rooks, and soon they begin on working to expand the gang to other cities. Henry doesn’t normally return to London, but always eagerly awaits his husbands return. By the time they have retired and moved, Clara goes to University in London, but she always makes sure to visit her dads inbetween her semesters.
They get to die a peaceful death after having lived a long and fulfilling life. Henry died first, his body having gotten weaker after many years of HJ7, and Jacob died only a few days afterward. Clara made sure they got buried in the same grave, and their little farmhouse and their belongings (and their story) has been passed down from generations ever since. 
Lydia, Jacob’s canonical granddaughter that lives through ww1, is instead Greenie’s and Evie’s grandchild for this au/ship.
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lawslessons · 4 years
Hey! LOVE your writing a lot, have been going back to back on them! I'm also a Law simp, but for once something funny with him would be nice to see. What about reader getting a checkup from Law, Law pointing out some minor sickness reader doesn't know about and requires a shot. reader gets nervous about the thought of a needle in them, so spends time running away from law in the submarine, hiding in places, using bepo as hiding place, etc until law gets tired and just uses his powers on them?
Ah! This is so cute! This was one of my favorite pieces to write and I really hope you enjoy this, my dear!
Law x Reader - Shot in the Heart
Warnings: Mentions of shots, medical paraphernalia 
Synopsis: Needles, why did that have to be the treatment they needed? Scared of their doctor and the needle he was holding, they began a long and humorous journey around the ship all in an attempt to evade the frustrated doctor.
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“You should’ve come to me sooner when you weren’t feeling well, you have a high fever now,” Law scolded as he went about doing the rest of his checkup. He looked at their vitals and found that mostly everything seemed normal. Blood pressure? Good. Reflexes? Superb. But something that worried the stressed doctor seemed to be the high fever, rashes and sore throat they had. “Did you happen to swim in that place I told you not to swim back at the last island?” Law asked. They sheepishly smiled and Law got his answer from that, of course they wouldn’t listen to him. He sighed in frustration and pulled back from them. “Thanks to that, you were infected with cyanobacteria from the algae blooms that were in that water,” Law scolded.
Cyano… what?
They looked at him and frowned, their throat hurt from the infection so their voice was a little raspy and scratchy.
“It can’t be that bad, it was just water,” they tried to assure him, but the look on Law’s face implied that no matter what they said, Law would be frustrated. Law sighed and rubbed his temples in his aggravation, no one seemed to ever listen to him. But they couldn’t really blame him, they did go against Law’s medical advice after all.
“Poisoned water, human immune systems can’t handle that level of bacteria. Now, if you don’t want to go into kidney or liver failure, I need to give you a shot that will help your immune system fight the bacteria,” Law explained as he turned away from them and moved to look at his vials of medication to get the syringe prepared for them. They tensed when the shot was brought up, while they were capable of fighting navy soldiers and holding up their own against their captain, the one thing they seemed to always get petrified of was shots. Those thin, pointed needles pressing into their skin was a horrifying thought. The pain and the uncomfortable feeling of something being injected into their veins and then spreading across their body? Even worse. They started to breathe a little faster, their heart sped up and their hands became sweaty the more they thought about it. They looked at Law and noticed how he was focusing on getting the measurements right for the treatment, but they didn’t want to watch. Taking advantage of the captain’s focus, they slowly stood up and began to back out of the room. When they reached the door, they slowly opened it before they darted out and went to run away from the room they were previously in.
“Sorry, can’t talk now! Don’t tell Law where I’m going!” They yelled at their fellow cremates as they darted into the strange room and looked around at all of the crates. They finally decided on one in the back and moved to sit behind it and make themselves comfortable for now. They hoped that this would be enough to get the doctor’s attention off of them, but of course it wouldn’t be. From the hallway outside, he could hear a frustrated voice and some terrified shouting.
“T-they went in there!” Someone squeaked, they could even hear their knees shaking together from outside of the room. Law must really be mad to scare a subordinate like that. The door to the storage room opened a second later and footsteps resonated around the room.
“I know you’re in here, come out,” Law stated as he stared right into the corner they were hiding in. Their breath hitched in their throat as they looked back at Law. Just as they felt like they were making eye contact, Law looked away and sighed. “Guess you’re not here,” he said as he walked out. But they knew that Law knew they were there, what was he trying to do right now? They curiously peeked their head out of the corner and were met with Law’s piercing gray eyes. But he didn’t make any move to grab them, instead he just continued on his walk out of the room. Still frightful, they carefully peeled themselves away from the box and crept out of the room and into the dim hallway of the submarine. They looked both ways and saw some of their fellow cremates looking at them fearfully, but they didn’t blame them, after all, they were being pulled into this mess because of them. Sighing, they started to look for another hiding spot on the ship, and it seemed that their next refuge would be with Bepo, the ship’s resident bear. The bear looked over at them in surprise when they suddenly latched onto him. He panicked and tried to pry them away with no avail.
“W-what are you doing?” The poor bear sputtered out.
“I need you to do me a favor and help hide me,” They tiredly mumbled, the bear’s warm fur was slowly lulling them to sleep. Bepo looked surprised but didn’t object the task.
“From who?” He asked.
“What?! No! I can’t do that!”
“Come on, Bepo, for me?” They asked with a small pout on their face. Bepo looked down at them and sighed, he had a hard time saying no to people, and his weak will made it that much easier.
“…ok,” He reluctantly said. They grinned and hugged the bear even tighter.
“Yay! Thank you, Bepo!” They chirped. With that, they and the accomplice Bepo went to venture out to find a hiding spot where Law wouldn’t find them. Not being so bright, they both decided that the most predictable place would be the place he would least expect, and that place happened to be the cafeteria. Bepo sat near a corner and they sat right behind him to stay hidden.
“Will this work?” Bepo asked as he started to chew on his soft paws.
“It has to, Law won’t expect this coming,” They confidently stated. Just as they finished speaking, the door opened to reveal their tall captain. His gaze was even more piercing now, he had a stopwatch in his hand and continued to look up from it as he walked around the perimeter of the cafeteria.
“Bepo.” Law began as he approached the bear. Bepo began to sweat and looked up at his captain with a fearful expression which confused the captain, but instead of asking what was wrong, he instead went to state his purpose of being there. “Have you seen them anywhere? I need to give them their shot, it’s getting urgent. They’ll soon go into septic shock if I don’t administer it soon,” he explained as he held up his hand which held a rather large, intimidating syringe in it. Bepo and them both let out a small squeak in surprise but Bepo was quick to cover for them.
“I-I haven’t seen them at all, sir. Maybe they’re somewhere not obvious?” Bepo blurted out. Law rose a brow and they smacked their forehead, of course Bepo was beginning to break.
“Bepo.” Law’s brows furrowed and his eye’s became even sharper, the poor bear began to shake and leaned back against the wall leading to him accidentally smothering his friend. “Are you not telling me something?” Law asked.
“No! Wait, yes, I mean no!” Bepo sputtered out, that only encouraged Law to stare him down even more. “They’re not behind me!” He finally squeaked. Law rolled his eyes and glanced behind the bear and saw that they were being crushed behind the weight of Bepo.
“You can’t hide anymore, I know where you are,” Law stated as he tried to pull them out with his hand.
“No! No! You don’t!” They quickly said. They stood up when Law pulled them, but they were quick to break free and make a run for the door. Law scowled and lifted his hand up.
“Room!” He yelled, he enveloped the cafeteria in a light blue light. “Shambles!” He then said. They gasped and looked around them, they felt this strange coldness on their side, and when they looked over, they noticed that their arm wasn’t attached to their side. Their vision began to dance and slowly became black at the gruesome sight. When they looked at Law, they noticed him pulling out the syringe and quickly and painlessly injecting the medication into their arm. They were stunned, they didn’t know how to react other than pointing over at Law and the arm he was holding.
“T-that’s my — “
“Shambles,” Law said again as he got their arm reattached, he removed the room and scowled down at them. “That was dangerous, that infection could kill you, and on top of that you were running around the ship too?” He was fuming, and they couldn’t help but feel a little bad.
“I’m sorry, I don’t like shots and the syringe you’re holding has a massive needle,” they pointed out, Law was still holding the syringe and didn’t look impressed.
“And I don’t like seeing you infected with algae bloom bacteria. Now go to your room and rest,” Law grumbled as he went to walk back to his office. They watched him walk away and softly smiled, they were already starting to feel better thanks to him.
“Law?” They softly mumbled. “Thank you,” they grinned. Law paused and looked over his shoulder, his cheeks turned a soft pink as he watched them smile. He looked away and huffed.
“Yeah, whatever.” He said as he left the cafeteria before they saw his blush. But oh, they did see it. They smirked and went to walk after the doctor.
“Law? I know where you are!” they teased before another pursuit began. 
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blushnote · 5 years
Hi can I request Dom!Mingyu Smut where he’s a nurse and your a doctor? Maybe where you two have been secretly dating. Throwing in Dr. Jeon Wonwoo flirting with you in office causing Mingyu to pull you into the nearest closet.
↳ requested | 3.5k words
↳ nurse!mingyu smut
a/n: i had so much fun writing this lol. it reminded me of when i used to watch house and like… the first two seasons of grey’s anatomy. i love nurse!mingyu :(
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you’ve been on your feet the entire day, almost to a point where your legs feel like gel and the idea of sitting seems like an abnormal luxury. the second you emerge from one room, you immediately get paged to another, and so many patients have flown in and out that your head aches when you try to recall who you even saw first. you think you need a couple painkillers.
it isn’t until you exit the autopsy headquarters that you find yourself with some downtime. the halls are a little emptier, there aren’t so many nurses hurrying around, and you can actually hear your own thoughts. you decide to visit the cafeteria, sitting down at a table near the window with nothing but a blueberry muffin. at this point, you’re not even hungry anymore.
after picking at the muffin for a few measly minutes, you see another doctor with a white lab coat enter the space and grab a juice from the glass refrigerator. doctor jeon makes eye contact with you, and proceeds to pull up a chair at your table. he collapses with a great sigh, pushing back some of the black hair that slips in front of his gaze. his expression is tired but gentle.
“man, what a long fucking day,” doctor jeon, otherwise known as wonwoo, comments.
you push the muffin away from you while yawning, “yeah, i think i got called to the autopsy room like twenty times.”
wonwoo chuckles and takes a sip of his juice. “i spent the whole day taking MRI scans. if i have to examine another screen i think my eyes are gonna dry up.”
you both huff in half-hearted amusement. suddenly, the sound of laughter echoes from the wide hallway, and you can’t help but smile upon seeing mingyu and junhui enter the cafeteria, dressed in their pale blue scrubs. they’re two nurses from the west wing, though they don’t seem to be staying. instead, they each pay for a snack cake and get ready to leave again.
however, mingyu catches your eye, and he winks at you.
wonwoo didn’t see that exchange, thankfully. it wasn’t that relationships between doctors and nurses couldn’t be a thing, it’s just that they were strongly not advised. everyone in the hospital feels obliged to know the details and likes to gossip. you and mingyu had been secretly dating for a while, and it was extremely difficult to ensure no one caught onto your relationship.
“sometimes i hate the nurses,” wonwoo scoffs innocuously, “they always have so much energy. what’s up with that?”
“couldn’t tell you,” you respond, “but i want whatever it is they’re having.”
you and mingyu live in the same apartment complex. in fact, he’s just a couple doors down from your own room. you spend an abundance more time at his place; not only is he an excellent cook, but he keeps the space tidy, and his wine collection is definitely more established than yours.
admittedly, some of your favourite moments transpired after you two got slightly tipsy upon consuming multiple glasses of alcohol, usually preluded by an exhausting shift at the hospital. mingyu would start a warm bath, filling it with mild and pretty scents, like honey grass or lemon thyme. he’d light a few candles, prompting you to strip down and relax together in the tub.
an intense heat floods your face as you sit with wonwoo in the cafeteria. you can’t stop thinking about how good it feels to ride mingyu in the bathtub, amongst the shimmering water and candlelight, his hands guiding the movement of your hips while his cock presses into you so deeply you can’t even speak. you can sense the drool start to build in your mouth.
“hey,” you then grab wonwoo’s attention, wanting to distract yourself, “do you have any painkillers on you? my head is going crazy.”
“not on me,” wonwoo responds, “but i think i saw some in the debriefing station, at the west wing. you up for a walk?”
“i guess i am now.” you smile, already standing up from the chair. it hurt you to throw out the rest of your muffin, but you know you aren’t going to finish it.
you really like wonwoo. he started working at the hospital at roughly the same time as you, which resulted in you two figuring out the ropes together. he’s certainly the most approachable of the other doctors. he has a timid nature and great intelligence, though there’s definitely a hue of slight cockiness that permeates when he’s comfortable around his peers.
mingyu was never exactly fond of him. he didn’t like how wonwoo was constantly attempting to flirt with you, but it wasn’t like you could come clean and expose your relationship. when you entered the west wing, wonwoo seemed to have spotted something. instead of going to the debriefing room, he grabs your wrist and pulls you elsewhere.
you find yourself in the office space, which was just a room with computers and file cabinets and bulletin boards stapled with papers giving reminders about handwashing and wearing face masks. you feel the surprise drop into your stomach when you notice that mingyu is at one of the computers, typing something that he gauges from a file at his elbow.
he doesn’t look at you when you enter the room, but he shifts in his chair.
“i think there’re some painkillers in here somewhere,” wonwoo says, “i remember using them when i worked thirteen hours straight.”
“oh, it’s this here, i think.” you spot the red bottle sitting on a shelf.
wonwoo smiles. “that’s it. here, i’ll get you some water.”
you turn your back to mingyu so you would stop looking at him. after wonwoo filled you a small cone cup of water from the cooler, you set the pill on your tongue, take a sip, and swallow. you hear mingyu’s chair squeak. he gets up and momentarily disappears into the back room, to which you can ever so slightly hear him rummaging through the extra files.
“i think you’ll survive.” wonwoo chuckles.
after gulping down the remainder of the water, you toss the paper cup into the garbage and smile, “i hope so.”
“i wouldn’t wanna work here without you,” wonwoo comments, “so i have to do everything in my power to keep you alive.”
you can’t help but laugh. “that’s what you’re trained for, right?”
wonwoo scratches the nape of his neck, “oh yeah. this massive debt can’t be for nothing, surely. i could at least buy you a glass of cheap champagne if we ever went out for dinner.”
“i love it.” you respond. “cheap champagne and a box of dinosaur nuggets.”
of course, you’re only humouring the situation. as appreciative as you are for wonwoo’s company, he’s nothing more than a friend, even if you know that he often looks to push those boundaries; however, you just weren’t expecting him to push said boundaries tonight. you gulp heavily and feel yourself tense when wonwoo locks eyes with you.
“could be nice,” wonwoo shrugs, “but you – you’re so hardworking, so dedicated and smart. i’d want to spoil you all the time and give you what you deserve, y’know?”
you nearly wheeze. as much as you want to, you can’t deny it – wonwoo had set that situation up perfectly. suddenly, there’s an abrupt sound from the backroom, which resembles a filing cabinet being slammed shut. you haven’t forgotten that mingyu is still in the backroom. when he reappears, he doesn’t even give wonwoo the time of day.
he marches directly up to you and says, “doctor, there’s some records in this file i need to speak to you about.” mingyu is looking you dead in the eye, his expression unamused.
“o-oh,” you stutter, clearly caught off guard, “sure. let’s go into the filing room.”
you hardly seize the opportunity to say goodbye to wonwoo before mingyu jerks you toward the backroom again. there was definitely a puzzled colour to wonwoo’s face, though he seems to accept you’re now busy with another hospital matter and leaves the office. the second you’re inside, mingyu quickly shuts the door and corners you against a tall filing cabinet.
“i’m sick of this,” mingyu grits through his teeth, “i hate that we have to keep things a secret. i hate that wonwoo doesn’t know we’re together.”
“mingyu,” you set your hands on his chest, attempting to relax him, “calm down, okay? you know why we can’t say anything, it’s not—,”
“i just can’t get it out of my head,” the nurse rakes a hand through his thick, black hair, pushing the tresses away from his eyes, frustrated and glassy, “the way he’s always flirting with you, trying to take you out. i bet he wants to fuck you too – i know he does.” you can see how drastically mingyu is spiralling. a few gentle words won’t ground him, he needs something else.
you cup his face and pull him near to you, peering directly into the pent-up aggression that storms in the searing copper of his gaze.
“what do you wanna do?” you ask him directly.
mingyu breathes in. he looks at you for a passing moment, at your eyes, your lips, then drifting down to examine the rest of your body. you feel as though you already know his answer, to which your abdomen expands with something warm and liquid-like when he finally growls:
“i wanna fuck you, right here i don’t care. i need to be inside you.”
you lick your lips. you’ve never had sex in the hospital before, nor has mingyu ever acted so dominant. there’s an unforgiving nature in his eyes, lustful and dark, and you can’t deny the sliver of excitement that runs down your spine. there’s a rapid flicker, and suddenly mingyu is tearing the lab coat off your body and ripping open your navy blue-coloured blouse.
he kisses you roughly, prying into your mouth with his clever tongue, using his fangs to prick at your bottom lip, suckling on the flesh and tasting the sweet remnants of your lip balm. his hands reach for your pants button. as soon as it’s popped, mingyu starts to shove the fabric down your thighs, his hand immediately groping at you through your underwear.
a whimper becomes muffled in your throat. mingyu has never touched you with such rigour and fervent need. he rubs his palm into your core, feeling your thighs squeeze around his wrist while he licks at your mouth. pressed against your lower tummy, you can feel his cock through the blue scrubs. he’s already so hard, and his size engenders you to develop a little dizziness.  
“fuck,” mingyu grunts against your swelling, shiny lips, “can you feel that, baby?” he alludes to his cock, which he begins to grind against you. “see how fucking bad i want you?”
your mouth is watering, just like it did earlier in the cafeteria.
“mmhm,” you whine, “s-so big, gyu, gonna feel so good.”
mingyu smirks, and starts kissing a path toward the sweet pressure point just in front of your ear. he twists your underwear aside and glides his two fingers up and down your core, feeling how slick and soft you are. unconsciously, your hips follow his motion, they attempt to move with his fingers and receive as much contact as possible. you know he won’t tease for too long.
“baby is this wet just thinking of my cock inside her?” mingyu whispers into your ear. he rubs slow, deep circles against your sensitive clit, and you throw your head back in an incoherent agreement. “i bet wonwoo wishes he could touch you like this, huh? bet he wishes he could taste you.” mingyu then dips his fingers past your slit, in which you attempt to moan quietly.
he retrieves some of your gloss. your entire face dapples with heat upon seeing mingyu bring his fingers to his mouth, his tongue lapping the digits clean. he maintains eye contact with you, staring at you unabashedly, the satiation glowing upon his face as he watches you squirm and wither. mingyu then kisses you, letting you suckle on his tongue in order to taste yourself.
“dirty girl,” mingyu taunts, “do you like the taste of yourself?”
you feel so hazy, so overwhelmed with arousal as you hum in response.
“that’s why i can’t stand wonwoo,” mingyu growls, pressing himself against you, “because i know he wants to taste you too, pretty baby. and i don’t like sharing.” he kisses you again, messy and wet, swirling his tongue against yours, licking the sweet saliva off your bruised mouth. the skin is sore and stings mildly, but you could never stop yourself from kissing him.
one of his hands reaches under your bra, cupping the round flesh of your breast, his thumb brushing rhythmically over your nipple. as mingyu pulls his mouth away, you can’t help but follow him despite your lips tingling with a latent sensation of numbness. he pushes the bra above your chest before lowering his head, nipping softly across your warm, silk skin.
a sharp intake of air floods your chest when mingyu starts to kiss at your other breast, gently capturing the perked bud between his lips, beginning to suckle. you arch into him in an unbridled movement, your fingers quickly delving into his hair, pulling up at the healthy roots. your entire frame quivers. his stimulation was making you see stars of all shapes and sizes.
however, he can’t endure setting aside his own pleasure for much longer. mingyu abandons your chest and reaches down to the waistband of his scrubs. you swallow thickly. the anticipation welts together inside you. at first, he only strokes the large outline of cock over the material, to which his breathing becomes increasingly heavy. you try to replace his own hand.
“not right now, baby,” mingyu pushes your hand away, “i just want you to watch.”
“please, gyu,” you beg out of sheer desperation, i—,”
“not now.” he repeats himself firmly, cutting you off.
you mewl like a kitten upon seeing a bowl of cream as mingyu slightly pushes down his pants to sit low on his hips. he pulls out his cock, and you feel so unbelievably weak in the knees that you have to grip the handle of a file cabinet to steady yourself. he’s thick, long, and so, so heavy that his cock can’t even strand straight against his abdomen. your heart pounds like a drum.
mingyu bites down on his bottom lip with his fangs. he spits into his hand and proceeds to gingerly wrap his palm around the base of his length, exhaling a shaky breath the second he starts pumping himself. cum begins to bead at the engorged, purplish head. it’s maddening. you’ve never wanted him inside you to such an extent. the saliva waxes in your mouth.
“you like this, baby?” mingyu purrs huskily, his hand travelling up and down. “i can hardly wait to fuck you open. you think you can take all of it, hmm? think you can be a good girl for me?”
quickly, you wipe the bit of drool you almost hadn’t noticed forming at the corner of your mouth. there’s an echoing, intense ache that pounds between your legs. mingyu was always a lot to handle. even when you rode him in the tub, with the help of the steam and the warm, honeyed water, you needed those few minutes to adjust before he could fit himself in entirely.
however, you don’t think you’ve ever been this well-lubricated. you’re so slick that you doubt you’ll need the time you usually require. mingyu grins. he grabs your hips and turns you around, pressing you against the cold metal of a filing cabinet. with his knee, he nudges your weak legs slightly, getting you to spread wider apart. his presence dauntingly fills the space behind you.
restlessly, you kick your pants the rest of the way off.
you can’t help it. as soon as mingyu starts sliding his cock between your folds, you release an awfully loud moan, one which you can imagine him smirking at. he nestles his tip against your clit and rubs slow, lethargic circles. your mouth gapes open and a shudder trembles through your entire body. mingyu’s chest meets your back as he continues the final moments of teasing.
“you like when i do this, baby?” mingyu whispers into your ear, “you’re so sensitive, and i’m not even inside you yet.”
it’s at that moment mingyu starts pressing himself past your slit. the perspiration twinkles against your forehead. he’s only a little way past his tip and you’re already babbling incoherent sentences that don’t seem to have any meaning. both of mingyu’s hands are planted firm to your hips. he pushes in even further, and his forehead falls against your shoulder.
“holy ff-fuck,” he groans, breathing heavily, “baby, y-you’re so fucking tight – nnnrgg – s-shit, you gotta relax, sweetheart. you gotta relax if you wanna fit all of me, remember?”
his thumbs begin to massage circles against your hipbones. you can tell he’s gritting his teeth, attempting to not blow his load right then and there.
inch by inch, mingyu slowly succeeds in stuffing his cock inside you. there are dried trails of drool leaking from your lips, and you know if you open your eyes, you’ll see dots and stars. he wants to move, wants to pull back his hips and split you apart as he fucks you. he kisses your shoulder blade as your entire body trembles. you can feel yourself quickly adjusting to him.
“you almost there, baby?” mingyu asks, kissing your neck, “don’t wanna hurt you.”
the second you confirm with mingyu that you’re okay for him to move, you can visualize the long-awaited grin decorating his face. you suspect he might start slow, just to be certain, but that’s certainly not the case. it became immediately apparent just how badly he needed to fuck you. his thrusts are not soft nor docile. he slams his hips against you, jerking the whole cabinet.
every time his cock fills you up, the sensation consumes you like an otherworldly spell. it’s an array of pleasure and intensity you can’t begin to fathom. mingyu grips the top of the filing cabinet. he fucks into you with a new aggressiveness, your mouth parted in a silent, stretched out scream that can’t even form in your lungs. he abuses your golden spot, over and over.
“fuckfuckfuck,” mingyu growls through his clenched teeth, “you feel so ff-fucking good. your pussy feels s-so good, baby, s-so tt-tight and warm and – ff-fuck – fuck i need to fill you up r-right now. m’gonna make you take my c-cum, sweetheart. m-make you take all of it—,”
you feel his release, it buries deep inside of you, plentiful and thick, warm and full and so smooth, painting your walls in cream. a few seconds later, and your own release shatters the earth around you. mingyu feels the contractions around his cock. it almost stuns him. he presses his hips against you as hard as he possibly can, your walls milking him eagerly.
there’s a wet, sticky sensation that dribbles slowly down your thighs. it almost makes you wish you weren’t on birth control. it would have made for an epic pregnancy story, not that you would want to share it with anyone. you’re both breathing as though you ran an entire relay, the dim light of the backroom only growing darker as it turns to night outside the hospital.
you have no idea how you’re going to clean up, how you’re going to both slip from the filing room looking put together, how you’re going to walk out of here without a limp in your step. mingyu’s hands squeeze your hips, and he starts to pull his softened member out from your core. the moment he does, his cum starts to spill out of you, to which you whine pitifully.
“it’s so much, what am i g-gonna do?”
however, mingyu simply chuckles. “you look so pretty though, baby. you took me so well. are you feeling okay?”
“yeah, i-i just, i don’t think i can really walk right now,” your cheeks are hotly prickling while you remain leaned against the cabinet, “do you think you could run to the washroom and get some paper towels or something?”
“sure,” mingyu responds, evidently a bit proud of himself. he fits his length back into his underwear and pulls up his scrubs, “we probably should’ve locked the door, huh?”
“maybe.” you laugh, feeling a bit sleepy.
mingyu kisses you on your temple and tells you to stay put. then, he slips out the door as inconspicuously as he can, to which you reach out your arm in an attempt to click the lock shut. you can only pray mingyu doesn’t encounter wonwoo in the hallways. knowing him, he might not be able to contain himself from making a revealing comment about your relationship.
although, you feel yourself caring less and less about keeping it a secret.
some immoral part of you almost wants your coworkers to know whose been fucking you this good.
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fangirl-on-bitches · 4 years
Javier Peña x Female!Reader.
Word Count: 4k approximately.
Summary: You and Javier have a particular way of saying goodbye, so particular you get a surprise when you get back to the US.
Warning: a lot of cursing, a bit of pregnancy shenanigans, a lot of dialogue and a little messy plot and timelines lol.
A/N: Okay, listen before you continue. When I was younger I used to write, maybe not with the best grammar or the best plot, but sure as hell with a lot of creativity. Now I just can’t be that creative to write a complete fic or hc, so if you find this boring or a waste of time I’m really sorry. If you like this, I appreciate it as I really made an effort to finish it (a crapy ending anyways). I’ll be sincere, I had this idea and couldn’t get it out of my head so I wrote it. I feel like the scenarios aren’t realistic to what could happen in real life (I feel like they are forced or way too dramatic) I really hope I don’t waste your time. (and yes, I chose the name in honor of Pedro’s role in triple frontier)
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You were cursed. Definitely.
You were back in the states, had been for a few weeks, enjoying the warmest sun Miami had to offer along with Connie. You loved relaxing by a peaceful beach after years of chasing after Escobar with your life on the line every hour of every day.
That day you were really excited to wake up and meet Connie to go to the beach, it had been so long since you saw her and little Olivia. You felt at the same time a little uncomfortable with your body that day, bloated and kind of heavy, like there was extra gravity, but the excitement overwhelmed whatever other feeling you might be having.
The beach had some people because it was a nice day, so you lounged along Connie and baby Olivia, eating fried fish with chips as it was beach food. You were laughing at something Connie said about Steve, something about being a pain in the ass, which you agreed with. It was all fun and games until you felt horrible nausea and a pushing need to vomit. Connie, being observant noticed immediately.
“What’s wrong?” before you could answer you ran to the restaurant’s bathroom, puking whatever food you had that day. Connie came close behind you. She gave you a paper towel so you could wipe your mouth.
“Okay, I might be sick.” you admitted flushing the toilet.
Of course, your mood just plummeted to the ground when you were sitting in a private room in the hospital. Connie couldn’t check you, but she was looking for her friend on-call, meanwhile, you looked as baby Liv (as you called Olivia) slept peacefully by your side.
You didn’t like hospitals. They reminded you of your time in Colombia, and although you weren’t shot, your compañeros might have been shot multiple times. There had been too many close calls and so many lives lost, you just got the creeps whenever you heard a gurney moving.
Soon, Connie came back and carried Olivia outside, leaving you with her friend. She presented herself, and asked routine questions. How are you feeling? What happened? Does something hurt? Is your period late? Did you fall and hit your head? Do you have any diseases? Or do you take any medication?
“I do have nausea and I threw up after eating.” She nodded as she took your blood pressure. Then you started thinking. You were thinking really hard.
Your period was late, you didn’t remember how late, but it was late. Two months ago, Steve and you caught Escobar. Steve went straight back home and you had to stay, to finish completing paperwork. Then Javier was back in Colombia to follow the Cali Cartel, but you were assigned back to Miami and couldn’t stay.
To be fair, you were glad to be back home, but you really missed Javier. When shit went down with Los Pepes you were pissed off at Javier. You knew he usually overstepped the line to get intel, but this time he had stepped so far off the line, he wouldn’t be able to see the line.
The night before he left you decided you would drink your consciousness off because you hated to even think that Javier Peña was living in Colombia; after a glass of a really strong Rum and Cola you decided against it and knocked on Javier’s door.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, suggesting that he wasn’t up to listening to more of your nagging. Your head had a million thoughts racing, you wanted to tell him so many things varying from ‘you are an idiot’ to ‘why the fuck did you do this?’ but the only thing you articulate was something like ‘I don’t want you to go’
Javier’s face softened, although you cast down eyes couldn’t actually look at his face, he had stepped aside and invited you inside. “Do you want something to drink?” you shook your head, looking around the apartment. It was almost empty, but it has been pretty empty since the beginning. You sat on the floor, Javier following with a beer in his hand.
“Will you come back?” you asked him, but you already knew the answer.
“I don’t think so, it depends on the higher ups in the states” you nodded, looking at him. You were really going to miss him. “Look, it’s not like we won’t see each other anymore, when you guys catch Escobar-” you laughed humorlessly. How long would that be? Months, another year perhaps? 
Both of you stayed in silence for a while. “I should go.” you told him, standing up, he stood up as well.
“You shouldn’t go.” He told you, squeezing your shoulder tenderly, a familiar touch. You looked at his sweet dark brown eyes, a silly small smile playing on the corners of your lips.
“What do you mean? You have a plane to catch tomorrow.” you remind him, wondering if he was drunk, he clearly wasn’t. His hand, which was still on your shoulder, moved to cup your face. For a second, you were lost and didn’t understand what was happening, until you looked at his eyes again and understood. You didn’t wait for him to lean down, you just wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him.
You would lie if you have never felt curious as to why every informant in Colombia gave Javier the intel he wanted. After that night you understood why. He was passionate, attentive and a really generous lover. You might have even believed him if he had blurted out an ‘I love you’.
The only reason why you let this happen was because Javier was supposed to stay in the US, officially he wasn’t your (or Steve’s) compañero anymore. And that was true, even when he came back.
“Okay, so your results are in. After you told me you’ve been missing your period for quite a while, I drew some blood to analyze it.”
“Yeah, it must be stress. You know, I worked in Colombia with Connie’s husband and moving back here plus all the work I have to do was really stressful. Also, I had a UTI back in Colombia, I wasn’t drinking enough water and I read that the strain might move my period a little.” you started rambling. For some reason, you felt jittery, almost anxious at the look on the Doctor’s face. She had a grin in her face, really big and excited.
“That may delay your period for two weeks, but it won't magically make it disappear, dear.” She read the results once more and nodded to herself. “As I suspected, you are pregnant.”
“W-w-what?” you mumbled. “But I didn’t pee on the stick.” clearly, your brain had short-circuited.
“I have some pregnancy tests if you wish to take them yourself, but the blood analysis is pretty accurate.” she offered with a nice smile. You nodded and took the box going to the bathroom, trying to focus on reading the instructions.
The stick said you were pregnant. And you knew exactly who was the father.
You sighed at the papers you were reading, the office already empty, way past dinner time. Since catching Escobar, hours were cut short, but to you they were really slow. Steve wasn’t there, he had left a few weeks ago, Javier obviously wasn’t there. It was just you, some files and occasionally some booze to help you relax before sleeping. Thankfully, you would be leaving shortly.
On your way back to the apartment complex you stopped by a grocery store. You needed ice cream, and lots of chocolate, and some chips. Probably some booze too. You had bought a flask of whisky that reminded you of Javier, although whisky might not be your first choice of booze.
That same flask almost fell to the ground when you saw goddam Javier Peña entering his apartment, a big suitcase by his side.
He also noticed you, the dark bags under your eyes and messy hair evidence of your hard work. 
“Oh my god” you whispered, unbelieving. You walked and hugged him, relieved to see him again. “You are back?” you stupidly asked.
“Yeah, they want my intel and help to track down the Cali Cartel.” he answered.
“Well, that’s weird.”
“My orders are to finish paperwork and return to Miami. They didn’t tell me to stay to help.”
“Well, it’s a different operation this time, more discreet.” he tried to hint you that it wasn’t just DEA business anymore, it was more a CIA kind of work. You invited him to your apartment, that had two boxes of things you were going to give to charity, you didn’t need all this stuff back home, you already had them.
He explained his situation while you shared the flask of whisky and bid good night like the old times, no kisses or sex, or nothing like that. Which was fine.
Everything was fine for the next few days. Javier even helped you pack your stuff and sort it out. The night before returning home he offered to go to the bar you always went to with Steve and him on Friday’s or Saturday’s (sometimes even a Monday)
Both of you drank like you always had, but instead of bidding goodnight and going to bed separately, you both had sex. Again. It was probably a coping mechanism, the way both of you said goodbye to each other. Such a complicated method.
So, so complex that now you were pregnant.
With a child.
Javier's child.
It had to be his, you only had sex with him within the last 3 months. Since Colombia you hadn’t have sex.
This was bad. It was complicated. You didn’t plan for a child; working at the DEA (chasing after Escobar) left you almost no time to think about dating, much more less building a fucking family. 
Could you do this? Hell yeah, you are an awesome strong woman.
What you couldn’t do was tell Javier.
When you came out the private room, you were fidgeting with your hands, Connie came and took them. “I’m pregnant.” you blurted out. Connie looked at you shocked; then you noticed little baby Olivia wasn’t on her arms.
Steve, in all his blonde mustache glory stood with his daughter on his arms, looking as shocked as Connie. “What?” he asked.
“Who is the father?” Connie inquired.
“What are you doing here?” You asked Steve.
“I came to pick up my wife and daughter for dinner. Why don’t you come with us and tell us more about this?” You nodded out of inertia, but you looked at your hands while walking, Connie hooking her arm with one of yours.
As you sat on traffic, you tentatively touched your belly. It was... normal. No kicking, no large or really hard belly. It was like there was nothing there.
You would have declined dinner if you knew the questionnaire that would come from the Murphy’s. Well, questionnaire would be an exaggeration, but you didn’t really like the single question they were asking.
“Who’s the father?” 
“I- I can’t tell you.”
“Why? We don’t know him?” you sighed and reassigned. You knew they would ask forever.
“Please, please, please you have to promise me you won’t tell anybody. Both of you.” you looked pointedly at Steve. He nodded but held your gaze, trying to figure out what you were really trying to say. A second later he muttered something.
“Jesus fucking christ.”
“What?” Connie asked but soon realized. “Oh, no way. Javier?”
“It’s Javier.” you confirm their suspicions.
“Are you certain?” Connie asked.
“Of course.” you paused and then added. “You can’t tell him Steve.”
“What? Why?” he sounded slightly offended.
“I should tell him first. He should hear it from me.”
“I can’t believe this. The minute I come back home you two just pound at each other.”
“It wasn’t like that, and technically you were still in Colombia the first time.”
“The first time?” he asked with a chuckle, he looked very happy.
“The second time I was the one leaving!” you paused, moving the food around your plate. “How the fuck am I going to tell him? I can’t just call him and be like, ‘hey I’m pregnant and you are the father. How’s the Cali stuff going?’. This kind of news aren’t told over a call.”
“But it’s different, it’s not a normal situation. Javier could be in Colombia for years.” Steve reminded you.
“It wouldn’t make a difference. He can’t come back until his work is done.” You rolled your eyes, there was no good alternative.
“So you plan to just hide this from him?” Connie asked, her look full of pity, if it was for you or Javier, you didn't know.
“Only until I know he’s coming back. I’ll check on him every once in a while. I’ll need you to call him too, Steve. I don’t want him to suspect me.” He sighed but nodded nonetheless. You sighed as well, a million thoughts racing through your head.
You called Javier that same week. Of course, it was unexpected for him but really welcome. Colombia was not rainbows and sunshine. “So how’s the Cartel treating you?”
“It’s a fucking nightmare, but hopefully it won’t take long. I can't talk too much over the phone about this, who knows who might be listening.” he sighed, sounding really 
“Yeah, you are right.” for a minute, you thought about telling him. Then you decided. “Please take care and be careful.”
“Of course compañera.” he assured, you could practically hear the smirk in his lips. After ending the call, you pressed the heels of your palms in your eyes. How in the world were you going to tell him?
A month turned into two, and then five months flew by in the blink of an eye. Javier was not coming back for the time being and your belly was starting to pop. Your head was still working on how in the world were you going to tell Javier, which was the only problem you had right now. It wasn’t even a big problem, if Javier wanted an out of fatherhood he was free to go, but you had been so happy since day two (day one was a full shock) that you honestly didn’t care.
You were getting way too ahead of yourself. Maybe Javi wanted to be a father and he would be really happy with the little baby. But that wasn’t the Javier you knew, and that’s why you were so afraid to tell him. 
Today looked like the best day to tell him. You were going to probably get to know if the little baby was a girl or a boy. You were waiting patiently for him to pick up the call in the hospital public phone. After a while, he picked up.
“Hello?” his voice sounded gruff and stressed.
“Hi, compañero. How are you?” you asked, a hand on your belly.
“As fine as I can be here,” he answered. “What did you want?” he asked abruptly, almost tired of talking to you. It stinged a little.
“I just called to check in…” you lied, maybe it wasn’t the best time to tell him after all.
“I’m going to be as clear as I can. Don’t call me, unless you are fucking dying.” you felt a piercing pain in your throat, a tight knot forming, making it really difficult to talk.
“Fine.” you hissed and hanged the phone, tears slipping down your cheeks. Fucking hormones. Fucking Javier. 
Connie, who was waiting for you anxiously to come back, hugged you. “It’s okay sweetie, it’s okay.” you nodded and wiped your tears.
“I’m okay. I just need to focus on my baby and myself right now.” you told her and rubbed your belly.
“Of course honey.”
It had been a really smooth and sweet pregnancy, you were really happy with your 5th month old baby boy Francisco. He was really sweet, but he had so, so much of his father, the resemblance was uncanny. Deep brown sweet eyes, and a mop of soft brown hair.
Javier had not called you since that horrible last call. You knew he called Steve every once in a while, but you asked Steve please not to tell you anything about him. Both Murphy’s just assumed you had told Javier about the pregnancy and that he had not taken it well.
This was a lie. Javier had no idea you were pregnant, much more less with his child. But he was still in Colombia, so unless you told him he would not hear it from anyone. 
It hurted you deeply, not being able to tell your son who his father was. However, all around your house there were pictures of Steve, Javi and yourself from Colombia. Connie and Olivia were there too, even Carillo. 
Anyways, the baby was too young to notice the absence of his father. Maybe by the time Francisco starts wondering about daddy, Javier would be around the USA to talk.
Your son cooed and asked to be held up, it was time for his nap. Just in time, you thought, Steve was coming over to pick him up as you were going to meet your best friend in an hour or so. Your baby boy soon fell asleep, you held him in against your chest, rocking him gently.
Then the doorbell rang.
“Steve, you are early. Fran just fell asleep.” you told Steve. But it wasn’t Steve. Javier fucking Peña stood in the door way, his eyes looking at your son. You frowned and tried to hide Francisco’s face sneakily from him. “What are you doing here?”
“Hello to you too, compañera.” he said, but his mind was not entirely focused on whatever he was saying. His mind was in the baby, and about how quickly you had moved on.
“Don’t compañera me.” you hissed, in a hushed tone, the baby in your arms sleeping soundly. “Come in.” you told him, as you turned around to leave your baby on his cradle. 
Javier looked around, looking for any sign of the baby’s father. But he only found pictures of you, Steve, Connie, baby Olivia and other people he knew. Then he started thinking, what if the baby was his child?
No, that’s not possible. 
“So?” you asked, really anxious. You had no idea he would be here. You were not prepared for this. But really, would you ever be prepared?
“I came to apologize.” Javier simply said, his hands on his hips.
“Took you a little long.” you said, rubbing your hands together. “If you apologized sooner I could have…”
“Could have what?” you exhaled and sighed, trying not to cry. 
“You are not supposed to be here.” you whisper, your voice cracking softly as you sit on your sofa. Javier sat by your side and you felt the weight of your decisions constrict your chest, making it harder to breath.
You were a horrible, horrible person. How could you deny him knowing he was a father? That he had a child? It didn’t matter how angry you felt, or how much of an asshole he had been. The baby was made by both of you. He had the right to know.
“I’m sorry.” he was not sure why, but he really was sorry. You shook your head, and started to tell him that you were sorry, repeating like a prayer. “Hey, hey” he tried to calm you down, rubbing his hands up and down your back. “Breath, baby. Breath.” you complied, breathing deeply. After a minute of silence you took his rough big hand and held it, squeezing it slightly.
“Javier, I got news for you.” you started, and felt his hand tense. “The baby boy, Francisco, he’s your son, our son.” He looked at you, his eyes wide, looking like a deer in the headlights. “That time I called you, I was pregnant, and I wanted to tell you.”
“Why didn’t you tell me after?”
“You told me not to call you unless I was fucking dying.” you exhaled and stood up. “Look you don’t have to be involved if you don’t want to, I had Francisco because I wanted to, but I didn't expect anything from you.”
“Not getting involved? What are you talking about?” he asked offended.
“I’m sorry, and I mean no offense, but you don't strike as the kind of guy who would want a family, or children.”
“And what the fuck do you know?” he raised his voice a little, making you cringe a little.
“I’m sorry, and I can’t do anything to return back time.” you told him sincerely. A loud whine was heard from your room, where the crib was. You sighed and went to your room, to calm Francisco down. Unbeknownst to you, Javier followed you looking how you delicately held him and rocked him. The baby’s eyes were still closed, he was just a little disturbed.
You looked at the door frame, Javier stood there, looking at the child. You walked to him, your intentions clear. “Do you want to hold him?” you asked your voice soft and soothing. Javier gulped, feeling suddenly nervous, he didn’t know how to hold a baby, what if he dropped him? “Don’t worry, I’ll help.” you offered, a kind smile in your face.
Javier extended his arms and you walked closer, softly passing your son to Javier’s big arms. Francisco whined a little and Javier’s face cringed, making you smile. “Hold him against you,” you helped, gently pushing his arms, closer to his chest. Francisco was fast asleep again. Javier just looked at him, marveled. You guide him to the sofa, making him sit there with your son. “I’ll be right back.” you tell him, and at the panicked face he made, you had to quiet your laugh. “You’ll be fine.”
You called your best friend, telling her you wouldn’t be able to meet her. When you stepped back on the living room, someone knocked on the door, it must be Steve. You opened the door and gestured to him to be quiet, pointing at the couch, were Javi sat (finally) relaxed.
Steve did not enter the house as you promised to call later. You returned to the living room and sat beside them, contemplating how peaceful they looked. Javier had moved your son, laying him against his broad chest. You caressed the baby’s hair, looking at him with doe eyes.
“Want to stay for dinner?” you asked standing up. Javier nodded and then lay his head on the back of the couch, closing his eyes. You smiled and entered your bedroom to change your clothes into something more comfortable.
You had nothing figured out, but you were happy knowing your son had a loving father to grow up with. You’ll figure your relationship out (if there was going to be one).
After some minutes, you heard some gurgles coming from the living room. Javi fell asleep, and Francisco was wide awake, looking at his father curiously, moving his little hands. You took the baby from him, kissing his chubby face. “Your daddy is sleeping, baby. C’mon, let’s give you some mashed banana.” you told him, caressing Javier’s hair back.
You spent some long 20 minutes feeding and nursing your baby boy while you also checked dinner. Javier, still fast asleep on the couch, woke up with a start, touching his chest, as if missing something. “Where’s the baby?” he asked, looking around.
“He’s here, Javier.” you told him from the kitchen, a silly smile on your face. Javier sat by the table, feeling self conscious at the baby’s gaze over him. His son’s arms moved up and down, talking unintelligible gibberish. “He likes you.” you commented, cleaning his chubby face. Javier held his hand out and Francisco took one of his fingers, squeezing with his baby strength. Javi’s heart skipped a beat.
Eating together was really weird, but at the same time it felt right. You noticed Javier’s tired face and wondered if he came straight from the airport. So you asked, sparking some conversation. You talked about what finally happened with the Cali Cartel.
“You got a place to stay?” you asked, but you knew the answer. “You can stay here if you want. Hotel’s are really expensive right now.”
“You sure?” you nodded. You forgot how well you clicked with Javier, it was a nice reminder.
He helped you with the dishes, and then went to shower, getting his suitcase for clean clothes. You prepared Francisco for bed, giving him his formula bottle after changing his diapers.
You saw Javier getting out of the bathroom, and thankfully had the decency to wear full pajamas, you would have fainted at the view of his bare chest.
“So, I’ll go to the couch, do you have a blanket?”
“What are you talking about?” you asked. “I was going to tell you to sleep in the bed with me. We already shared a bed before, so I don’t see a problem. Plus, I could use the help if Francisco wakes up.” you commented with a cocky smirk. You usually wore just a t-shirt to bed, but today you had to use full pajamas, like Javi did.
“Okay.” Javier said, not really convinced. Francisco was asleep already, his father caressed his little hand with his finger. You were already under the covers, ready to hit the bed, Javier looked tired too.
He laid down, under the covers as well, looking at the ceiling. He moved looking at you, you were both face to face, generous space between both of you. “I’m sorry.” You shook your head, and took his hands on yours.
“Sleep Javi, you look tired.” you kissed the back of his hands and closed your eyes, sleep getting the best of you. Javi smiled, his face soft, getting a little closer, leaving his hand on yours, then he shut his eyes. He had never felt more at home. 
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jeranasblog · 4 years
Starker Kink Advent Calendar - Day 24
Merry Christmas, everyone 
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Summary: Peter marries Tony because he wants to keep working. Tony marries Peter because he doesn’t want the boy’s brilliance to go to waste. Neither one of them expects an overwhelming attraction to unfold between them. Feelings, insecurities, and doubts tangle together until they find themselves inextricably linked. And what happens when a surprise turns everything upside down?
24 days, 24 chapters, 24 kinks
Pairing:  Peter Parker/Tony Stark
Rating: E
Notes:  Hey guys. I’ve decided to write a “Starker Kink Advent Calendar” this year, so 24 chapters with 24 different kinks. Enjoy <3
Warnings: Check all the sex tags on Ao3
Read on Ao3
Day 24 - Lingerie 
Two months later - Tony
 Two months after the charity event, Peter’s baby bump was clearly visible. The media had already figured out that Peter was pregnant because Tony loved to dress his husband in tight clothes to show off PeterÄs perfect little bump, but now, even Peter’s heavy coat couldn’t hide the swell anymore. Tony was beaming with pride.
 The pregnancy went well. Peter’s morning sickness had stopped and Tony was relieved he didn’t have to watch his Omega suffer anymore. His husband started to complain about back pains and mood swings, but the Alpha did his best to make it easier for Peter.
 The first time Peter had yelled at him, Tony had been frozen because his Omega had never raised his voice before, but as soon as Peter had apologized in tears, Tony reassured him it was fine. Since it was indeed Tony’s fault that this incredible Omega suffered to carry their baby, the Alpha would gladly deal with occasional accusations and tears.
 Every evening, Tony gave Peter a massage to ease the sore muscles in his back. Peter got tenser and tenser the bigger his belly grew and Tony tried to make it easier for him. On top of that, it usually ended with sex because Peter was incredibly horny.
 Usually, the Omega already started moaning when Tony pressed into the sore spots in his shoulders and it was only thanks to Tony’s force of will that the Alpha didn’t fuck Peter immediately. Peter’s slick smelled even sweeter since he became pregnant and sometimes, Tony struggled to stop himself from tasting and taking his Omega.
  After one of their massage sessions had turned into mind-blowing sex again, Peter and Tony were cuddled together in their bed, enjoying the afterglow.  
 “Do you want to know the gender?” Peter asked him, his hands tracing invisible patterns on Tony’s forearms that were wrapped around the Omega’s chest. “The doctor has known it since week sixteen, but I wanted to talk to you first.”
 Tony was silent for a while and thought about Peter’s question. Gender didn’t matter, but he wanted to know as much about his child as possible. Maybe it would be easier to find a name if they already knew whether they were expecting a little boy or a little girl.
 “Do you want to know it? I think I do.”
 Peter turned his head and smiled at Tony, looking so beautiful that the Alpha’s heart arched. “Me too.”
 “When is your next appointment?”
 The Omega didn’t leave Tony’s embrace while he fumbled for his phone that sat on the bedside table. He scrolled through it and opened his calendar.
 “In about a month.”
 “Let’s ask her then, sweet thing.” Peter’s smile got only brighter.
Three months later - Peter
 “Are you sure you want to know, Alpha? I can tell her again that we want to wait until I give birth.”
 They were sitting in the doctor’s office, waiting for the alpha woman to come in. Peter was nervous. The pregnancy had been good to him so far, but he was seven months along now and his belly became harder to handle. Additionally to his back pain, his emotions were a mess. He was sick of being anxious, moody, and almost unbearable horny all day.
 “If you’re having second thoughts, we can wait, baby.”
 Did he want to wait? Peter took a deep breath before he answered. On some days, it took him a while to untangle the intense emotions from what he really wanted.
 “No, I’m sure. I want to know.”
 When the doctor came in, she nodded at them and asked Peter to lay down on the exam table. The cold gel on Peter’s stomach was familiar by now and he relaxed. Tony’s hand was holding his like it always did during the appointments.
 “Everything looks good, Mr. Stark. The baby is healthy.” As always, Tony and Peter exhaled in relief. “During your next visit, we have to check if the pup is getting into breech position.”
 Tony looked so happy that Peter’s heart was melting. Asking for the gender was the right decision, even though they were unusually late.
 “Tony- I mean, my husband and I have agreed to ask for the gender.” Peter didn’t know why he was nervous.
 The doctor looked at her joint hands before she gave them a big smile.
 “Congratulations, Mr. and Mr. Stark. You’re having a girl.”
 Tony started to cry.
  Four months later - Tony
 “What do you think about Maya, Sarah, Celia?” Peter sat on the couch, scrolling through his phone and looking for baby names. Tony sat next to him, his arm wrapped around his husband.
 “I don’t know.” The names were nice, but they didn’t have the spark Tony was looking for.
 “Gina, Heather, Victoria?”
 Tony didn’t answer because he couldn’t give a reason why the names didn’t fit.
 “Do you want to go through the alphabet? We can start with A. Annie, Ashley, Amelia?”
 Closing his eyes, Tony pulled his husband closer, one hand resting on Peter’s huge belly. It was only a month until their daughter was due.
 “I like those names, Peter, but I want something special for our little girl. I want a name that means something.”
 The Omega turned his head slowly until he could look into Tony’s eyes. “What do you think about Maria?”
 Tony’s voice failed so he answered with a kiss. He still didn’t know how he deserved this perfect Omega.
   Five months later - Peter
 Being in labor hurt, but it didn’t hurt as much as it could have. Peter had talked to his doctor in advance and decided to give birth to their daughter in a hospital with the help of modern medicine. He was still exhausted and sweaty when Tony gently put their daughter into the Omega’s arms.
 “Maria Stark. Daddy and I will love you. Forever.” He whispered the words into Maria’s hair.
 Their daughter was healthy, crying furiously during birth, but she calmed down quickly in their parent’s arms. She was the most beautiful creature Peter had ever seen.
 Tony smiled at him, a proud expression on his face. “Thank you, Peter. Thank you for this incredible gift.”
 Peter smiled back. This was the happiest moment of his life.
  Seven months later - Tony
 As much as Tony loved being a father, he had never been more stressed in his life. Maria was a calm child, only waking them every four hours at night, but Tony still yearned for a good night's sleep. Still, their daughter was worth it so Tony didn’t fret when Peter mumbled at 4 am that it was the Alpha’s turn to get up.
 Tony picked her up from the crib and carried her over to the bedroom so Peter could feed her. The Omega was half asleep, but he smiled softly at Maria, and Tony had to hold back the tears from the sight of his husband and their daughter. Sometimes, his emotions were still getting a hold of him.
 When Maria finished, Peter fell back onto the mattress, almost immediately falling asleep again. Tony carried Maria around, waiting for her to get tired as well so he could tug her back in. In contrast to Peter, sleep didn’t catch Tony right away. Instead, Tony watched his Omega next to him. Every struggle, every sleepless night was worth it. He had found his family.
   Bright sunlight woke Tony a few hours later. He got up slowly, Peter had already left the bed and reached for his watch on the bedside table. 11 am. He hadn’t slept so long since Maria’s birth.
 Tony heard a rumble from the stairs and a few seconds later, Peter entered the room. The Alpha was speechless. He had expected that his husband would come in, dressed in sweats with their daughter on his arms, but instead, Peter wore nothing but Tony’s favorite blue set of lingerie. And to top it off, he had a cup of coffee in his hands.
 “Morning Alpha. I brought you coffee.”
 The smell of freshly brewed coffee was a temptation Tony couldn’t resist. It’s been a long time since he had last enjoyed his morning coffee in bed. “Where’s Maria?”
 “Oh, I haven’t told you?” Peter asked innocently while he climbed onto Tony’s lap and straddled his thighs, careful not to bump against the hot mug. “Since our anniversary is in three days, I asked Steve and Bucky to babysit today. They picked her up three hours ago.”
 “So, we’re alone?” As much as Tony loved his daughter, he was thrilled to spend some alone time with his husband.
 “Until tomorrow morning. I thought we could celebrate a little earlier since my doctor cleared me for sex again.”
 If that wasn’t something Tony had waited weeks to hear. Before Peter could react, Tony had abandoned his cup of coffee on the bedside table and turned them around so Peter was caught under him. With a feral grin, the Alpha’s hands wandered over Peter’s body until he could pull down the sinful blue panties, leaving the matching bralette on.
 “Are you ready for me again, Peter? Ready to get another pup?”
 The Omega loved, but the sound was breathier, like arousal was already taking him under. “I’m not in heat, Alpha. And a second pup might be a bit early, don’t you think?”
 It was never too early for another pup, but Tony would wait until his husband was ready. Instead, he focused on kissing every inch of Peter he could reach until the Omega was wriggling in pleasure.
 As much as Tony wanted to savor his time with Peter, it had been too long for them to wait. Tony’s kisses turned more impatient, his hands groping Peter’s body and wandering lower.
 It was a needy moan that made Tony’s resolve snap. With a growl his Alpha turned his husband around, getting the perfect view of Peter’s plump little ass. Without teasing, Tony spread his husband’s and shoved a finger inside.
 Peter moaned like a whore, but Tony barely listened. He was completely focused on the feeling of being inside his husband. It had been so long, Tony had almost forgotten how good it felt.
 One finger became two, two became three until Peter was squirming, begging and crying on the sheets. The Omega was beautiful, so responsive, so shameless in his pleasure. Tony had wanted to watch, he really did, but when Peter’s thigh brushed accidentally against the Alpha’s clothes cock, Tony lost it.
 With a growl, Tony ripped his pants apart, not stopping until his cock was out, until he could sink into the wet heat. It was like coming home again. Tight, hot wetness engulfed him, making his body burn with arousal and Tony knew he wouldn’t be able to drag this out any longer. It was pathetic, but he wouldn’t even last a minute.
 Thankfully, Peter was just as close. Like teenagers, both of them came after a few thrusts, panting against each other’s skin and savoring the closeness they had missed for so long. Tony had knotted his husband, finally tying them together again, and they took their time to come down again. Pressing kisses onto Peter’s shoulder, Tony pulled his husband close.
 Even half an hour later, when the knot went down and their mess poured out of Peter onto the mattress, they didn’t move. Tony was laying there, caught in his own thoughts while he savored the closeness of his husband.
 Tony swallowed, carefully choosing his words. “You know that I own you?”
 Peter shifted, turning around until he could prop his head on Tony’s chest. A lewd smirk appeared on his face. “You remind me again and again when I have your cock up my ass.”
 The Alpha huffed, but he couldn’t reciprocate Peter’s flirty tone. “No, I mean… I own you legally.”
 Peter’s demeanor changed, flirtatious words turned into uncomfortableness. “Yes.”
 “I don’t want that, Peter. I want you to stay with me because you chose to stay with me. I want Omegas to be allowed to work alone, I don’t want them to depend on Alphas. I love owning you, sometimes I even want to chain you to my bed and fuck you until you can’t move, but I want to own you because you want me to and not because I paid May a lot of money.”
 Tony’s words were followed by a silence, minutes during which Peter was lost deep in his thoughts. Finally, there was a small smile on the Omega’s face.
 “What do you want to do, Alpha?”
 These were the words Tony wanted to hear and he buried his hands in Peter’s hair to pull him even closer.
 “What do you think about Tony Stark going into politics?”
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