#my brother got ot! i did not :(
cherry-alive · 2 months
Most of the time it's not that big of a deal, my symptoms are mild and I have ways to work around it in most areas. But sometimes my lack of coordination and fine motor skills is really really annoying. I feel really happy when I look pretty, and want to do things like braid my hair or paint my nails or wear makeup or put on clip-on earrings or do jewelry clasps or do up little buttons or whatever. And I can't do any of that stuff easily, and some of it I can't do at all. I don't have the tremor in my hands I had when I was on lithium, at least, that sucked. But my coordination and motor skills are still pretty poor and it makes it really hard to do a lot of things like that, and it's just frustrating. I'm trying to learn how anyway but I just wish it was easier.
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vellicore · 1 year
Various characters and their favorite places to have sex.
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Warnings: public sex, shower sex, car sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, cum kink, basically this is all filth.
A/N: Please do not report this! It's so frustrating to have things reported. If I missed any warnings you feel should be listed, please let me know. Gifs made by me. I know I didn't list all of Seb's characters, but I did some of my favorites.
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𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 - After being denied pleasure for many years, Bucky is desperate. He’s more than happy to have sex any place at any time. Out to dinner with friends? He doesn’t care, he’ll gladly take you in the bathroom of the restaurant. Heading to a mission? No better place than the back of the jet. He even took you in the laundry room of your parent’s house. The man is insatiable. 
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𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐧- Carter loves the thrill of making you cum while riding the elevator. It all started when the two of you got stuck on one. He knew he needed to distract you somehow. What better way than having you cum on his cock? Now, whenever you two ride one together, he considers it a challenge to see just how fast he can make you cum.
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝 - Charles loves to take you apart in the back seat of his red convertible. He gets even more excited when you let him keep the top down. It’s almost like he’s determined to get caught. He craves the sound of your moans and screams. Let the townspeople hear you while his tongue is buried deep into your soaked pussy. 
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𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 - The gym, of course. Lance loves to use the different gymnastics equipment to his advantage. You'd never considered yourself to be flexible. That is, until Lance came along. He causes you to bend and stretch in ways you didn't even know was possible. Whether it's bending you over the pommel horse or having you ride him on top of the mats, he always manages to give you a solid workout.
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𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 - Lee loves to fuck you at the station. It all started when he spotted two of his deputies staring at your ass. That afternoon he made sure they all knew who you belonged to. He bent you over his desk and pounded into you until you were screaming his name. Now anytime you bring his lunch (which happens frequently). Everyone in the station knows what’s about to happen. Lee can't help but feel smug as you walk out of his office with his cum running down your thighs.
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𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭 - Max craves the riches in life. He lives for the thrill. He loves to have sex in your current mark's house. Once, you were conning a millionaire. Max fucked you up against the window of the man's penthouse. He always finds a way to be a part of the con. Whether it's posing as your best friend, brother, or coworker. He doesn't care. As long he finds a way to have you.
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𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐲 - Mickey loves to fool around inside his DJ booth. Once the club was so dark, he was able to fuck you without anyone noticing. He's constantly looking for opportunities to make it happen again. But most of the time, the two of you are only able to manage to sneak in a blow job or some fingering. It doesn't matter though, because the set is over. He'll find a place so he can be buried deep inside your pussy.
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𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐅𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐫- Nick loves to take you apart in the shower. There's just something about the way the water trickles down your breasts that makes him feral. He loves the way you look with your hair soaked and the blissed-out expression on your face. Whether it's first thing in the morning or ending a long day. Nothing relaxes Nick more than a shower with you.
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𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐊𝐞𝐦𝐩 - Steve never expected to be able to fuck you once he put you in his basement. No, he thought once you found out the truth of everything, you’d want nothing to do with him. But that wasn’t the case at all. He quickly realizes you're just as twisted as he is. So, that's why he loves to fuck you while you're locked away. Knowing that his other victims are listening only causes him to want this more.
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norrisleclercf1 · 10 months
heyy, hope you're having a great day!! dunno if your requests are open but here we go
i lovee how u write lando so i wanted to ask for a angst like a lil toxic!lando and he kinda starts an argument w gf!reader after a bad race or smt. like an angst to fluff but dont let her be dumb and just say 5 min after "its ok".
totally get ot if you don't want to write this but if you do thank you very much :)
A/N: Nothing like a lil toxic Lando
"You had a great race." You smile, swinging your legs back and forth. Lando doesn't say anything as he slams his helmet and gloves into his cubby. "A great race?" He scuffs, shaking his head at your words.
"Yeah? It was." Apprehensive of the way Lando was tossing and slamming stuff. "It wasn't a great race, what are you blind?" Lando hisses. Your eyes harden when he fixes you with a harsh glare.
"Jesus, fine it was a shitty race and you're lucky you got 8th? Is that what you wanted to hear?" You sneer pushing off the ledge fixing your dress. "What the hell are you even wearing? You look ridiculous." That one stung, Lando always praised you when you wore this dress it was one of his favorites.
"Yeah? Well, you're a fucking dick!" You snap, unable to think of a better comeback. "Where the hell are you going?" He rolls his eyes as you grab your purse and other belongings. "To Carlos? Or maybe Oscar. They wouldn't act like an asshole." Walking out you slam the door the sound vibrating throughout the hospitality.
"Honestly, I just want to break up with him." You whisper, Oscar nodding along as he packs. "As you should. What he did was uncalled for." Oscar was like a little brother, always kind with teasing thrown in there. "You know you're right; he always gets like this after a hard race. I shouldn't be the one to deal with that." Grabbing your phone you open up his contact name.
To: My Baby
We're done
You take a deep breath and hit send, watching as it immediately says read. Those 3 dots pop up and then disappear, you watch it with baited breaths, but nothing ever comes through.
"It's done." You whisper staring at your phone. You should feel relived but all you feel is sadness. "Good, let's get out of here." Oscar zips up his bag grabbing yours as you two leave.
He doesn't know what he was thinking, for 3 months now he's been sending you small gifts and texts here and there. Lando wasn't going to accept the breakup. To him he never replied so it never happened. To end your relationship over such a small spat, was childish.
Lifting his hand he knocks twice, your voice muffled as you yell you're coming. Lando's foot taps as the anxiety inside him grows more and more with each minute. "Yes," You stop coming face to face with Lando.
"Go away." The door starts to close, Lando stops it with his foot which has you huffing in annoyance. "No, you broke up with me over a text. Honestly Y/n, it was just a stupid fight." Lando groans pushing the door open, but you block him from entering.
"A stupid fight? Lando you've been horrible to me each time a race doesn't go well. I'm not your punching bag." Dropping his head unaware of how to go about this.
"You're right, how I've been treating you isn't right. And I'm sorry, love. I really am." Stretching your neck you try to hold strong in your decision. "Please, can we start over? I'll be better, I promise. I can't lose you." He reaches out for you, cupping your cheeks as you lean in.
Damn him.
"Tomorrow, 6pm. Don't be late." This time he allows you to close the door.
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Summary: Leonardo arrives in the past(present?) with no context, because this is my au, I'm the author and I get to decide what happens. And I decide that Reader and Casey get to keep their Papa.
Warnings: Swearing? Like twice. Crying ig, but happy tears! FLUFF
Requested: No? Yes? Kinda? Inbtween. Either/or
GN Reader!
Today was supposed to be a relaxing day. A day off if you will.
The city had finally returned to normal after the Kraang invasion, and life was finally calming down. You and your new family were healing.
Then Donnie's radar picked up a huge spike of mystic energy across the city. So, you, Donnie, Casey and Raph were on your way to check ot out.
Mikey and April opting to stay back at the Lair to make sure Leo didn't attempt to strain himself, considering the red-eared slider was still very much recovering from his battle with Kraang Prime.
"Alright, keep your eyes peeled. We don't know what we're walking in on. Watch eachothers backs, got it?" Raph said, and you nodded along.
Donnie was tapping away on his tech brace, and Casey was crouched right next to you. The four of you stalked around the area quietly while Donnie attempted to find the exact location of the magic spike.
You were tense, your shoulders locked up as your mind went into warrior mode. Your steps were light, unheard like snowfall.
"It should be... just around this corner." Donnie muttered, and Raph moved to stand infront of you.
You noticed this was something he did alot after the events of the invasion, he'd place himself between the supposed threat and his family.
Cautiously, you peeked around the corner, much to Raph's protest as he was no longer infront.
What you saw made you gasp in shock, your eyes widening and your weapon dropping to the ground with a loud clatter.
The man (turtle?) standing infront of you spun around at the sound of your weapon dropping. The very sight of him sending you through a roller coaster of emotions.
Joy, denial, grief, and an overwhelming sense of safety.
"Papa..?" You muttered, and you watched as his eyes lit up the same way they always had at the sight of you and Casey.
Your eyes brimmed with tears as a hopeful grin split across your face.
"Hey there, birdy." He muttered, and without a second of hesitation you launched yourself into his arms with a choked laugh.
"Are you really here? Am I dreaming?" You asked, clinging to him like a life line. As if you were scared to let go for fear he's vanish.
"I'm here. I'm real." Papa responded, setting you down and wiping away your tears with a smile, "Where's your brother?"
You turned around, and smiled at Casey, who was standing next to Raph and Donnie with tears in his eyes. Papa motioned for Casey to come over, and CJ rushed over throwing his arms around Papa as best he could.
"We missed you." Casey sniffled, and Papa hugged the two of you tightly.
"I missed you guys too." He said, pulling away, then smiled proudly, "And look at you both! You got so big! Look at you, Case', you're all muscle now! And, (Name), you've... got bandages on your knuckles... why've you got bandages on your knuckles?"
You shrugged, rubbing the back of your neck, "I- uh I got into a fight- it's a long story."
Papa chuckled lightly, taking your hand in his own, "Well then, firecracker, tell me all about it on the walk, yeah?"
You nodded, smiling widely as you looked up at the man you never thought you'd see again. Things were going to be complicated for a while, you'd need to help Papa fall into a new routine to keep him busy.
But you'd help him, the same way your family had helped you. You weren't in your timeline, but you were where it mattered.
With your family.
Hehehehehe, I told you I was on it!
I saw that comment on that one post and figured, "what the heck, im the writer, i can do what i want." And voila! It's a small thing really, but i do hope its to your liking!
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zombholic · 8 months
tw: kinda physical fighting
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you wake up to your brothers stupid make believe band conjuring up all the random notes to their stupid instruments to make any sound they possibly can. your blood boiling from getting woken up you barged into your garage, slamming the door open you walked right up behind your older brother, pushing his back roughly.
“what the fuck y/nn! what!” he turned around, shouting at you, his face now covered with annoyance and anger. “can you turn that shit down?! i will tell mom! you woke me up!” you yelled back, basically seeing the steam come out of your ears.
“did we wake the beast from hibernation?” the short haired brunette spoke up, her hands dropping from her bass guitar that was painted a blood red. “fuck off abby you can’t even sing” giving her a dirty look before walking back inside your house “if you guys keep being loud i will break y’all’s faces” you slammed the door shut before going back to your room.
being woken up too early you decided you might as well go hangout with your friends, quickly doing your usual morning routine you threw on some leggings and a oversized hoodie and your bootleg ugg’s you got from like jcpenny’s, they were still cute though. grabbing your car keys you quickly went downstairs to tell your mom you were going out.
meeting up with them at ellie’s house, you guys passed the joint around, giggling mess, dazed eyes looking at each other. “dude, wait oh my god” you spoke up all of a sudden with a mind like einstein, “aren’t all accents just mocking each other?” you sat up causing jesse, dina and ellie to start contemplating as well. “oh my god guys, guess what fucking abby had the audacity to say to me this morning!” you were still very upset. “what muscle mommy say now” dina hollered, literally crying at her nickname for anderson.
“listen shh, she said ‘did we wake the beast from hibernation’ like who the hell is she to talk to me like that in my own house, you rolled your eyes, jesse busted out laughing. “i’m sorry, y/nn, abby can be funny sometimes” “nuh uh! she’s a bitch and i hope she gets ran over by a semi.”
ever since your brother started that little stupid four people band in high school, abby the only one who stuck out like a sore thumb for being the biggest asshole. you guys were always at each other’s throats about something as stupid as eating the last fruit cup. she always managed to hop her ass on every single nerve in my body and she enjoyed it so much, she loved ruthlessly annoying you.
it had been a couple of hours and you needing to come back home because your mom was going on her twenty-four night shift at the hospital. opening your front door you saw abby and your brother, naveed, playing on his playstation. those two being too into a really stupid round in fortnite to even notice you, making your way into your room you had changed into a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top, the ac in the house never seeming to work.
slipping on some socks you walked into your kitchen to make some ramen noodles, still hungry from the leftover munchies. kneeling down to grab a pot to boil some water in, right as you got back up you bumped into someone. turning around and groaning in annoyance “personal space weirdo, all up in my bubble” abby gave you a disgusted look after the comment, grabbing some ingredients to make a sandwich “what bubble? your big ass head is a bubble" she went on to making a sandwich. "fuck you abby, i really wanna strangle you sometimes!" you groaned out of frustration.
abby putting down what she was doing, turning her head to look at you with the stern face, getting up and slowly she cornered you into a wall "do it, you're just a bitch who barks" her harsh blue eyes gazed down at you. "fuck you abigail" you pushed at her chest, trying to get out of the suffocating situation. grabbing your wrists she manhandled you to bend over the island, one hand gripping your hands behind your back and her other on the back of your neck.
"abby let me fucking go" you squealed trying to squirm out of her deadly grip, she grabbed a fist full of your hair pulling you onto her front, you could feel her breath on your face "remember how easily i can fucking break you y/n" she let out a chuckle after seeing your eyes go from anger to fear in a span of a couple seconds.
"i am twice your size kid, watch your fucking self” she eyed you up and down before leaving the kitchen.
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AUTHORS NOTE: yall im high asf rn so pls tell me if u like this cause im honestly just typing words
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faghubby · 4 months
breaking you in
"do you like it?" I asked Paul. As I slowly worked the anal probe into him.
"Yehhhh" he moaned which made me smile as I worked it in further. It was long about 10 inches but thin with bumps that got bigger and bigger but never thicker then an inch I guess. I did not expect for him to let me get it all in him at least not the first time. I had used a finger even two while giving him a blowjob a few times but this was different as I had the whole thing buried in his ass. I took his cock back in ,y mouth as I yanked the toy out. He exploded as I did. I sucked up and swallowed every drop as he emptied his balls down my throat.
"You okay" I laughed as he laid there with a smile on his face. He grabbed me and kissed me. I don't think he was thinking as he must of tasted his spank. He hesitated for a moment then continued to kiss me.
"Um like the taste" I laughed.
"Not as bad as you always say" he shot back. I climbed on top of him
"Well taste this, we both know you love the taste of me" I giggled as I sat on his face. He flipped me over but never stopped licking my clit. He was so good at this part I thought as he made me cum in under 10 minutes. I had to push him off to make him stop. I cupped his ass as we held each other.
"Does it hurt?" I asked
"No, it felt amazing" he confessed. We laid there holding each other for awhile before we had to get up.
"Paul get up my parents will be home soon" I warned him
"Cindy we are getting married I think they are aware we have sex" he shot back. He knew I just felt uneasy with having sex in my parents house. I gave him the look and he got up.
We where staying with my parents till our new apartment was ready. Ot had been two weeks already. And they had told us it wouldnt be ready till we got back from out honeymoon. We would be married by then. I giggled to myself alittle as I saw Paul walking a bit strange. I cleaned up the toy and hid it away.
We had always been a bit adventurous when it came to sex. But never had thought about switching traditional roles till a few days ago when we bought the toy. Originally for me. But Paul had made a joke when we bought it about prostate massage.
It was a few days later when Paul had just gotten out of the shower he bent over and I pushed him against the dresser. My mom was home so I was quiet.
"Nice ass" I whispered in his ear. I ran my finger over his asshole.
"Um what you have in mind?" He asked wiggling his ass.
"You're serious aren't you?" I asked still teasing him. He just nodded.
"Don't move" I told him and went to the box I hid I pulled out a stainless steel butt plug and lube. Paul never even turned around as I lubed it and worked into his tight ass. I smiled alittle it had a pink jewel where his asshole should be.
"There you go bitch. You can wear that all day" reminding him of the last time he had me wear it. He had a hardon and wanted to fuck.
"No, later when mom goes out if you behave" I told him. And watched him get dressed. I took every opportunity to grab his ass. As we discussed final details of the wedding with mom.
(Paul's point of view)
My future mother in law Kerry was great. I swear her and Beth where twins separated by 25 years. Beth had put this plug in my ass. It felt amazing but I found it hard to focus. I wanted to throw Beth on the table and have her right then. I even found myself checking out Kerry's ass. She looked great for her age a bit wider in the hips a little heavier but damn.
"Paul" Bob called as he walked in the front door. Bob was my future father in law. He was alright. I think he saw more of me as taking his only daughter then gaining another son.
"Come on we have to go pick up the tuxedo" he told me. He kissed Kerry. I kissed Beth who smacked my ass a little with a look of concern. I just shrugged and left with Bob. We met my brother in law to be Brent at the rental shop.
"So you should all try them on make sure everything is correct" the salesman said. I grabbed mine and headed to a changing room. As soon as I went to close the door it opened again and Bob walked in.
"There busy, so" is all he said as he quickly stripped.
"You know Beth is just like Kerry. She is strong willed. they li,e the same things and don't compromise" he was saying i looked up to see him in his boxers. That couldn't be. I thought this man had a fucking anaconda sized cock in his shorts. I couldn't get the image of the bulge out of my head. The plug in my ass didn't help as I tried to think of anything not to get an erection. The tuxedo fit fine. And we where soon on our way home. I just couldn't get my father in laws size out of my head. Beth and Kerry liked the same things would Beth like a big cock.
Paul seemed oddly stressed when he came back with my dad.
"I think it hit him, you know getting married just nervous" my dad tried to ease my concern. Paul wore the plug all day. I had figured he had taken it out. But when we went to bed he didn't ask he just attacked me quietly of course. I touched his ass and he moaned I realized he still wore the plug. I didn't let him take it out till after he came.
"Beth have you, I mean. The guys you been with" Paul was trying to ask me something.
"What is it?" I asked
"Size, I mean you been with bigger guys?" He blurted out.
"You are perfect" I assured him. That wasn't completely true but I loved him.
"But there have been bigger guys?" He continued
"Well yes" I confessed
"And would you want that again?" He asked.
"If thus is some way to break up with me" I said annoyed.
"No!" He said "its just you and your mom are so. Well you both like the same things?" He was babbling.
"What does my mother have to do with guys i may have been with?" I was getting passed.
"Well your dad is um really big" he told me.
"What are you talking about" I said sitting up and turning on the light. He looked at me then down then looked at me hopping I would understand and then it clicked.
"OH god, I don't want to hear this" I told him. I smacked him and realized he was rock hard again.
"Paul do you think I will want a big cock because, my mom does? Oh that's just to wierd to think about" I told him.
"Is that why you are so excited thinking about me riding a big cock?" I whispered I knew from his expression it was. I picked up my phone and searched for an old video.
"Do you want to see this?" She asked "it's Mark and me" I told him. Mark was boyfriend before I met him. I pushed play he was glued to the small screen it was definitely years ago my hair was so much shorter. I reached over and stroked his throbbing dick as he watched me sink down on eight inches of thick throbbing cock. I stroked him softly teasing him. The video was only about an minute it was good he didn't see what happened later after the video I thought. I got up and dug into a bag I had gotten from the Bachelorette party. I pulled out a big black dildo my friend had given me as a joke. It was quite large and heavy.
"Want to try this?" I asked him. All inhibition of my parents house out the window as I stripped naked. He held the toy
The dildo she handed me was huge. I looked at her and now wanted to see her stretched I wanted to see her slutty. I wanted her to be my slut. As she climbed into bed I wasted no time rubbing the toy against her pussy.
"It's really big go slow" she said.
"Tell me you want it, tell me you're my slut" I said harshly in her ear.
"Yes, I am your slut" she moaned as I pushed the tip of the toy inside her. She shoved a pillow corner in her mouth trying to be quiet. I worked more and more inside. I had buried all 10 inches inside her sloppy hole she was so wet it made sucking noises when I pulled it in and out.
"I am going to fuck you so hard for this" Beth said biting my ear. She softly begged me to stop but I kept going. She must of cum three times before I pulled the toy out. I looked down to see her gapped open. I leaned in and kissed it. She grabbed my hair and held me there smearing her juices all over my face. Before she let me up for air. She then passed out. I was still rock hard I pulled back the blanket and jerked off just looking at her.
I woke up sore. And noticed the dry cum across my breasts. I smiled completely satisfied and got up and showered. Paul joined me on the shower.
"Revenge for last night will come" I told him. He reached down and slid three fingers easily into my still stretched pussy.
"Whatever you say slut" he said laughing. I let him tease me with his fingers
I approached the subject carefully over the next few days. With questions like
"You liked me being your slut? And did you like how I looked after, you must of you played with yourself didn't you?"
I couldn't stop thinking about Beth and her ex. I started to picture Beth with everyone. I even fantasized of her and her best friend in a lesbian affair. I wasn't picturing Beth and I anymore. I was fantasies about Beth with everyone else.
Beth asked questions about what I wanted, my fantasies I was afraid to tell her. But now everything was about the wedding. So we had little alone time. We had sex a few nights later but it was completely normal. Almost routine sex. The next morning I pulled out Beth's naughty box. I found a larger butt plug and lube. But as I pulled it out Beth walked in.
"Baby not today just so much to do" she said sympathetic. I just handed them both to her.
"I see" she motioned for me to turn around I dropped my drawers and she shoved hard the plug into place.
"Better my slut" she said smacking my ass. Before I could even stand up straight Kerry burst in.
"OH so sorry, I didn't" she quickly closed the door. Beth laughing handed me the lube and chased after her. I got dressed and embarrassed went to the kitchen. I noticed my mother in law checking out my ass. Beth smacked my ass before i sat down right in front of her mom.
"I thought for sure you would of removed it" Beth said laughing. Kerry burst out laughing as well. Ob walked in what is so funny.
"Nothing just Paul thinks he dying because he had a hemorrhoid" Kerry told him with a wink to me.
"Stress well suck it up man got a wedding to get thru" he said smacking my shoulder.
Brent and his wife Georgia walked in and Kerry made everyone breakfast. I thought about how Brent must have a a huge cock like his dad. And Georgia stretched wide open.
I made excuses to get Paul alone. So I insisted we had to stop somewhere for his family so we could drive in our own car and meet up with everyone later. For a family gathering before the wedding. It was some kooky family tradition.
"Paul are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah why?" He replied
"You been acting kinda distracted since, well since you saw that video" I said I noticed he got hard instantly when I mentioned the video. I reached over and rubbed it thru his slacks. "And then you wanting to wear the big plug" I teased "tell me what's going on in that head"
"I can't stop thinking about you getting fucked by big cocks" he blurted out.
"Cocks? More then one" I laughed. He looked at me with all seriousness.
"Yes, I don't know if I can satisfy you" he told me.
"I love you very much and you make me so happy" I told him.
"Do you know what cuckolding is?" Paul asked.
"Yeah, why is that what you're thinking. You want me to cheat on you?" I asked
"No, not cheat you have my blessing to have sex with who ever you want" he told me.
"I been doing alot of reading. I think I want a Female Led Marriage" he told me. He then sent me a link to a web site. "Read it, think about it" he said then started to drive. I sat back and started to read. It was less then a week to our wedding and he wanted some crazy marriage.
It was a two hour drive and I read the whole time about female empowerment. And the husband taking the wifely duties in a marriage.
"Do you want me to make you a sissy?" I asked at one point.
"No, but it would be okay if you wanted me to clean you after a man had you" he confessed.
"You want to eat cum? How about wear my panties?" I asked I didn't want him to answer I watched his cock throb to get the answers.
"I know you want me to fuck you in the ass. That is obvious" I told him.then went back to reading. When we got close about a mile away.
"Pull over" I told him I quickly pulled out his dick and sucked it he came rather quickly. I then kissed him and fed him his own cum. He didn't resist.
"Don't rinse it out, keep the taste till after we greet everyone let them smell spank on your breath. We had a great dinner and received the wedding gifts from the family. As I said family tradition. Paul had not drank anything but a bit of champagne from a toast.
"I don't want you drinking alcohol anymore unless I give it to you" I had told him. He agreed without any problem. Paul as loading the car with gifts. When my mom came up to us.
"Me and your father are going to stay at uncle Nick's tonight." She winked and kissed us both goodbye. I spent the ride home reading more about Female Led Marriage
"I think I like you to be like Georgia" I told Paul. We had joked about her in the past how she didn't have a thought unless Brent gave it to her. She was definitely the little house wife to her brother.
"And if you are going to be a proper beta husband I will expect you to be proper not just to me bit to my friends and family." I told him as I learned more. It was late when we arrived home. I still made Paul carry in all the packages. As I got ready for bed. Paul still wore the plug.
"How does your ass feel? Does it help you to remember your place ? Is that why you wanted to wear it?" I asked him he didn't answer
"You will have to learn to answer me" I told him.
He stopped.
"Sorry, it makes me excited" he told me.
"Would you like to try pegging?" I asked
"He looked down at the floor and shuffled his feet. This was not the man I thought I knew only two weeks ago.
"Maybe" was all he said.
"Disapline is an important part of a marriage" I mentioned he looked at me and swallowed hard. "I don't think I want to lock you in chastity. But I can't have you sneaking off to touch yourself" I told him.
"Now go remove the plug and get ready for bed." He happily went off do as he was told.
Paul was making me breakfast when I woke up. He wore my mother's apron. I pulled out his cock and jerked him off as he served me breakfast. I caught his cum in a cup. And bought it to his lips.
"I will make you clean up all my lovers cum" I told him as I made him drink his own cum. We spent the morning establishing rules.
He agreed to a very strick diet and exercise routine he would look the part of my strong husband even if he was to be my bitch. He would wear panties whenever I had a date. Or whenever I wished. He agreed to all domestic chores. He would learn to do them as I wished them done. I didn't have sex with Paul again telling he had to wait till after the wedding. I didn't even let him see me naked.
The night before the wedding Beth spent the night at the Matron of Honors house. In the morning I was woken by Kerry.
"Beth wanted me to give you this to wear today." I sat up in the bed. I had shaved my body hair close. But not shaved I was to keep it neat. This included my pits and legs. Kerry noticed. I looked at the pile of clothes Kerry had just handed me. It was pink satin panties with a set of stockings and garter.
"Beth has told me about your marriage arrangements" Kerry smiled. I blushed and couldn't look at her.
"Get up I will help you get ready before Bill gets up." Kerry told me. She waited as I showered and shaved. She made sure I put on the stockings and panties properly then put on my tux.
"I invited Beth's ex boyfriend Mark to the wedding" Kerry told me. I thanked her.
The day went smooth Beth even danced with her ex Mark. Other then the champagne toast I didn't have a single drink. Even when my brother bought me a shot.
"I am so proud of you" Beth told me as we danced. "I am going to disappear for a little while. You will have to make excuses" don't worry. Mom will help" she told me kissed me on the cheek and left. lynn her best friend left with her to make it seem like they went off together. I also noticed Mark was missing. Kerry grabbed my arm and danced with me.
"Beth is consumating your marrage" she told me. We told everyone Beth wasn't felling well. As soon as she returned we said our goodbyes. Since Beth was a bit under the weather. In the limo she closed the privacy screen and spread her legs. I lifted her dress and buried my face in her used pussy, she wore no panties. Mark had kept them as a survivor.
"Tonight I am going to consmate our marriage in a way it will actually be." She pulled out a strapon cock and showed it to me. I went back to licking her clean until we reached the hotel. We where to catch a plane in the morning. I wondered if I would be wearing panties for that as well.
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cultofdixon · 1 year
I love you, please don’t push me away
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • “Can I see it…” “since when did you start to care about me again?” “I’ve lost too much. I ain’t gonna lose yea now” • ANGST/SFW • TW: Canon Violence [Mentioned] / Injuries / Messy Confessions / Anxiety Attacks / Nightmares / PTSD
Requested by: Anon
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Nothing tears these two apart, well. Except that time with the Governor but every fiber of their being magnetized toward the other.
Y/N and Daryl, inseparable. But never an item even if there is a running bet between Rick and Carol over how long it’ll take.
The run down?
Daryl never saw himself relate with any of the other members in the quarry. Except for this other lone wolf type that would wander out of bounds to hunt, like him. And ignore Shane’s stupid rule, like him and Merle. And also have a short fuse just like him.
He stumbled across this person during his own hunt finding the woman bashing in the skull of a walker. She turned around when she noticed she was stumbled upon by a living being, her body relaxed when realizing who it was. Which was a new feeling to Daryl.
“Shane sent yea out or what”
“Nah fuck that pig. Was tracking a deer”
“You mean that deer” The woman pointed to the hanging animal from the tree as Daryl gave the whole scene a concerned look. “Camping tips can help in the end of the world”
“Bear tactics”
“Exactly. Tie up your shit so bears don’t get it. But hell you’ve got sickos. Might as well apply those tactics to these fucks” She kicked the dead creature while pulling out her knife. “I’m uh. Y/N. By the way…you ain’t very talkative in the camp”
“Neither are yea.” He scoffs. “‘M Daryl”
“Welp. Now you’ve got a friend.” Y/N untied the deer letting it hit the ground by Daryl’s feet. “And if we’re gonna be friends. You can carry that for me, to avoid the Walker guts getting on everybody’s dinner”
“What do I get for doing this?”
“Mmm…I’m pretty good at making arrows” Y/N shrugs watching the pondering look grow on Daryl’s face before he knelt down and picked up the deer heading back to the camp while she happily follows behind.
That first moment brought an instant connection that Daryl didn’t realize. Until he got shitty news.
“You left my brother? On a fucking roof?” Daryl snaps and right before the archer got close to hitting the stranger, Y/N stepped between the two along with Shane’s help. Not that she needed it.
“Who do you think you are to make that decision?”
“Rick Grimes, deputy—-“
“Nah. I ain’t dealing with another pig thinking he can boss everybody around” Y/N cuts him off as she stood her ground even if it didn’t entirely involve her. “How would you feel if you were left behind? Left for dead” She knew her words struck a few in the crowd, specifically Shane and Lori.
“I was left behind” Rick suddenly got up in Y/N’s face not liking her attitude but right as he did, Daryl didn’t hesitate to loom from behind her making him back up.
“And how the fuck did that make you feel?”
That brought a lot of her character out to Daryl and everyone else. She was defensive and it was clear, when she gets close to someone…she has to protect them in some way.
When the invasion happened on the camp, Daryl never been more driven by his anxiety and his fear until he thought he’d lose the closest person he’s liked in the longest time. He took out a walker coming up behind Y/N when she wasn’t paying attention. The thankful look in her eyes spoke enough even if after taking care of the walkers, Daryl subtly scanned her person as he helped the others pile up the dead.
The plan to head to the CDC was a gamble, but the ride there brought more out of the two. Given Y/N loaded up in Daryl’s truck not wanting to be stuck in the RV.
“Why’d yea defend me back when we found out they left Merle?”
“He’s your family, whether he annoys you or not…you’d still want him in your life” Y/N leaned her head against the window fiddling with the ends of her sleeves. “And hell. I’m done letting others walk all over people. Just cuz they haven’t been in their shoes before”
Daryl felt himself grip the steering wheel wanting to ask a question but given the lighthearted feel going on between the two, he didn’t want to taint it full of uncomfortable tension.
“Who did yea lose”
“My baby brother” Y/N frowns reaching into her backpack taking out a journal that held a Polaroid of the two on a camping trip with their parents. “I…I don’t think he’s dead but, haven’t found him since outbreak day and Glenn took me back to that camp even when every fiber of my being didn’t want to stop looking”
“Do yea entirely trust these people?”
“I trust you. But that’s cuz you’re not keeping bullshit. Yea state yer mind if you have to. Hopefully the new world doesn’t beat that out of yea”
The CDC was a weird experience. A time to feel like they were in the old world once more. Just under a different roof and drowning out reality with alcohol.
Daryl was the last to shower even if it took him some time to get there given the man had drank a bit too much. But as he entered the room he was sharing with the other single in their group, which obviously was Y/N. She lifted her head to the sound of stumbling and saw the exhaustion rise in his expression as he stumbles onto the couch she sat on. She tossed her book on her bag giving Daryl an opportunity to use her lap as a pillow turning toward her and laying there in silence for a moment. Closing his eyes and doing the best he could to fall asleep even when a part of him fought to stay awake to spend this time with Y/N. Y/N on the other hand, pulled the blanket from her shoulders and covered the man laying on her…resting a hand on his side feeling him shift to get comfortable mumbling a bit to himself.
“Don’t ever wanna lose yea…”
Those words struck a bit to Y/N and even if he didn’t remember saying that last night, she knew by the way he covered her when Rick tossed the grenade to escape the CDC…
That he meant it.
Their bond was growing to others in a beautiful way but to the pair it was weird…confusing…and a bit beautiful in its own way. But it brought certain anxiety that the other never wanted to feel in a world like this.
The farm became a temporary safe haven, and the word temporary was definitely engraved in few’s minds because of how Hershel felt toward them. At first it was to save Carl’s life and thankfully he did…next was to fix what Andrea did.
“Oh my god. Is he alive—-“
“Step the fuck back” Y/N snaps at the poor girl who kept her distance from the situation. And Y/N. The bitch scared her.
“At least we have some idea of where Sophia can be. Now we can retrace Daryl’s steps”
“Nah, I’m comin’ with yea”
“You won’t be doing much activity at least for a few days.” Hershel reminds him of his injuries only for the archer to grow annoyed but his frustration grew slightly when he noticed Y/N glaring at him.
Once he was left alone after Carol gave him his dinner and a thanks for never giving up on her daughter, Y/N came in about an hour later with clothes for him and before she even made it to the door…Daryl grabbed her wrist.
“What’s up yours? Yea been quiet since I came back or well until after yea scared the shit out of Andrea. Yeah fucking Rick told me what happened the—-“ Daryl stopped speaking when he saw the tears in her eyes making him let go and her freeze like a deer in headlights.
“You shouldn’t have gone out by yourself”
“Y/N, I did what I had to. Others given up”
“Don’t. Go. By. Yourself.” Y/N hissed wiping away the tears that started to burn. “Yea ain’t alone anymore. Ain’t needing to do this shit by yourself and get yourself killed. Yea may think nobody would care if you were gone but somebody does. So watch it.” She frowns leaving on that note.
Daryl didn’t know that she felt that way toward him and there were plenty of other moments like that. For either of them.
The reunion on the freeway after the farm went up in flames. Daryl got Carol out of there on his bike, feeling his anxiety get the best of him when he didn’t find Y/N until she came running through the woods and he didn’t hesitate for a second to run at her. Bringing the tired girl into his embrace thankful she didn’t die in the flames or in the mouths of the undead.
The time the group raided Woodbury to save their own and Daryl was shoved out of the way of a bullet that embedded into Y/N’s shoulder. Thank god Hershel got it out. When he came back after leaving the first time with his brother, he couldn’t get that mental image of the disappointment written all over her face. But that was all forgiven, given she would’ve left too if it was her problematic brother.
Once the fight of Woodbury was done and people were flooding into the prison, making itself its own community…Daryl felt a sense of jealousy when watching others outside of their original group talk to Y/N who seem to be expanding their social circle. He was brewing and it was obvious to Carol.
“You’re gonna blow a fuse”
“What?” Daryl brought his attention back to reality and noticed Carol joining him beside him. “Shit.”
“What? Got spotted? We all know how much you like’er. Why didn’t yea do anything sooner?”
“It’s the end of the world.”
“Okay. Stating the obvious. So?” Carol elbows him to be told more as Daryl kept his eyes on Y/N watching her turn to him shooting him a smile.
“If I act on my feelings, and worry about another…on that level, I’ll lose her”
Carol knew Daryl felt a bit at fault for Sophia dying, including his own brother. But Y/N is a strong person. Hell she’s the one that saved them back at the outbreak in the quarry, she knows that girl can hold her ground…and she knows, how much he means to her.
“You won’t lose her…Don’t push her away”
Those words rang through his head as he found himself smoking outside the prison walls and Y/N joining him after her shift in the watchtower. The silence grew between the two even if they spent most of their time together in comfortable silence. But this was different and Y/N knew this.
“Did I do somethin’?”
“Nah” Daryl tosses the cigarette on the floor putting it out with his foot. “This ain’t worth it”
“What’s not?” She furrowed her brows confused at first as Daryl got up from his spot. “Daryl—“
“This!” He gestures to the two of them with a growing frown on his face. “It ain’t fucking worth worrying about. I can’t live like this for the rest of my life. Stressin’ over what might happen” and it clicked to Y/N as her eyes met his only for him to turn away. “Don’t. I can’t.”
“Daryl but—-“
“No. We can’t”
Another word was said because Daryl went back inside leaving Y/N outside to think about what the hell just happened. But more importantly…just…break.
The two haven’t really talked since then. Or hung around the other. The only time they would interact is when Rick asked them to go on a run, or for the council meetings for their small community. Daryl expanded and got close with other people while Y/N found herself back in the same mindset at the quarry before she extended herself to Daryl.
In the end you’re on your own.
But that never lasted because of the connection she had with him and with the others. The sickness, her angry feelings were pushed aside so that she could work with him on getting the medicine. Then when it got to their people, Y/N distanced herself from Daryl once more. This time his regret settled in in its entirety and wasn’t expressed until after the attack.
“Aren’t you and Y/N supposed to be close?”
“Why’re you bringing that up…”
“Getting to know you I guess” Beth frowns sitting across from the archer fiddling with some thread around his wrist.
“She was my best friend, that I love…and pushed away”
Beth watched as the pain when saying such brought its expression in his frown and the tears that he tried desperately not to fall.
“And I don’t think I’ll ever get him back” Y/N frowns sitting with Michonne in front of the fire she made for them.
“Daryl’s strong. He’ll come back to you. Even if…you two aren’t anything but friends. You two just. Gravitate toward each other naturally”
Y/N shot Michonne a smile when she said such, but during her watch while the swordsman slept, she couldn’t help the tears that fell off her face.
Michonne was right about the two gravitating toward each other. They always found the other in whatever situation they were in. Even if the most recent was the incident with the claimers, then the other with the general hospital, and finally reaching Alexandria.
And Y/N needed a minute.
“Y/N. Deanna only agreed to yea going out if it’s—-“
“I’m just sticking close. Won’t even need a goddamn car. I just. I need a minute. And I can’t get that in another confined area” Y/N frowns already geared up to head out of Alexandria. “I’ll be back before it’s too late in the day, and if I’m not. Then you can come and get me…”
Rick gave the girl a worried look, but agreed to let her go. He didn’t trust it there either and was surprised by how others are settling in.
When the sherif headed back to his group’s houses, he found Daryl standing outside of the one Carol took up with Y/N. He looked anxious from what he got first spotting the archer.
Daryl quickly turned toward his brother seeing the confused look. “What”
“What are you waitin’ for?”
“Courage. Fuck if I know”
“Courage for what?” Rick brought himself closer as Daryl stepped away from the door to sit on the steps.
“To talk to Y/N again. Repair what I fucking tore apart back at the prison…Before Beth and I got separated, she told me not to let a good thing go. And Carol snapped at me one of the first nights here about the same thing”
“Well. I hate to break it to yea. But she ain’t home” Rick watches the archer shot up from his spot with a you serious? look on his face. “Yeah. She needed some air. Stepped out of Alexandria”
“And yea think she’s gonna come back? After all the shit I fuckin’ said”
“You said back at the prison. Some part of her wouldn’t leave from something that happened some time ago. And there will always be a part of her, connected to yea at all times.” Rick put his hands on his hips. “She doesn’t like it here just like you. So she needed a breather.”
“If she doesn’t come back before night fall—-“
“We’ll go get’er. Alright?” He reassures the man before going back on his patrol.
She made it before nightfall.
Emphasize on the “made it” part.
“Where the hell have you been? You were supposed to help in the infirmary” Spencer, one of Deanna’s sons, got up in Y/N’s face when she first stepped back in. More so caring about the fact that she wasn’t at her job compared to the amount of blood on her. “What the fuck did you do?”
Few residence, more so her group coming close to listen to someone they didn’t know go off on one of their own.
“Why did you ignore Dean—-“
“Your mother’s.”
“Fine. My mother’s orders. You had a job to do and instead you went out doing who knows what outside the walls. Don’t you like it here? Don’t you like being safe here for once? Clearly yea—-“
“Step away from her now.” Michonne cuts in once she noticed the fists Y/N formed and the shaking her body was undergoing. “Some of us are still adjusting. You need to understand that and if you don’t, talk to your mother or I’ll let her hurt you” she states watching him stand his ground one last time.
“Turn in the weapons you took out, then I’ll—“ Spencer stops to the sound of Y/N’s bag dropping to the ground and watching her unclip the magazine of her gun and unloaded the one in the chamber before handing it to Michonne and walking past.
Y/N avoided everyone’s looks and focused on getting back to Carol’s. Even if every fiber of her being wanted to collapse in the middle of Alexandria and let the darkness settle in. But none of them knew what was happening. She just continued on her way.
“Where the hell have you been?” Carol asks when she heard the door open ignoring the rest of what Daryl was saying. Granted it was about the girl that entered.
“Needed air. Got too much of it” Y/N chokes up a bit gripping onto the stairs’ railing with one hand as the other went straight for her side taking her hand off to see the blood soaking through. “I’m gonna shower. Too much Walker blood…but uh. Is the first aid kit in the bathroom?”
Carol pulled herself away from the kitchen counter heading toward Y/N who had her back turned to her on the steps. While Daryl slide off the bar stool bringing himself within earshot.
“What happened?”
“I just cut my hand…”
“You’re covered in blood. Is it—-“
“It’s not mine. Just walkers I got stuck dealing with”
“Are you bit?”
“I wouldn’t have come back if I was” She felt a lot of the pain return to her body in that moment as she continued on the way to the bathroom leaving both confused.
You’ve always been a disappointment Y/N.
Hell. Look at me. Finally proving to this world that I’m worth something
Y/N couldn’t stand and found herself sitting in the shower letting the water wash off the dried blood but also the running. She held onto the edge of the tub feeling everything as she tried her best not to stream in pain.
Her body flinched to the sound of knocking and that resulted in the pain induced tears to finally shed.
“Got you clothes” Daryl states from the other side of the door with clothes in hand but he couldn’t help his eyes from wandering around the room to see the blood soaked clothes and the hand print on the door. “Y/N. What happened?”
“Please…go away, Daryl”
“Nah…not this time” Daryl pressed his forehead against the door. “I ain’t leaving and I know you’re hurt…”
“I-I…” Y/N sobbed gripping harder onto the ceramic trying not to focus on the pain in her side.
“Can I see it…” He felt his heart clench hearing her wince from the other side of the door followed by choked off sobs.
“since when did you start to care about me again?”
Daryl sighs tossing the clothes on the dresser by the door and resting his hands on it. “I’ve lost too much. I ain’t gonna lose yea now” he frowns not hearing any sound come out from the other side. “Y/N?”
Something’s wrong…
There’s always been something wrong and he knew there was more to it. She just wanted to take care of it without anyone realizing. But of course she couldn’t get past the person who holds her heart.
The door was suddenly kicked open and Y/N had no strength to react except for bringing her eyes to follow his movements. Daryl gently took a hold of her face seeing the damage there along with what was happening to the rest of her body. He quickly turns off the water and as his lips moved, she didn’t register a single thing. All she did was close her eyes.
“You…were always their favorite” The youngest L/N shook in his sister’s embrace feeling the end draw near as Y/N couldn’t help the tears that spilled. “I never…got to show’em up…”
“I should have never stopped looking…I shouldn’t have left home…left you”
“Mm…” He coughs a bit as the blood splattered on Y/N’s face. “It don’t matter anymore…T-This is what I d-deserve…”
“No…no you didn’t. I should’ve found you…you would’ve loved the people I’m with…this is my fault” Y/N sobbed holding her brother tighter as he gave her one last smile.
“Yea survived…just keep doing so”
As the breath faded from his lungs and more of his group surrounded the house they were held up in. Y/N had to pull it together long enough to take care of the rest, even on her last legs. Because she would’ve found a way to bring her brother in, but as for the others?
No one is following her back to her family.
A soft groan escapes her lips, alerting the archer sitting beside her bed. He brought his chair closer carefully taking her hand into his thinking she would reject it, but instead she gave it a firm squeeze indicating some of her strength is back and that she didn’t want him to go.
“Yea lost a lot of blood…and I got mad at the surgeon here”
“Mm. Typical Daryl behavior” Y/N sighs gently grazing her thumb against his knuckles. “Last I remember…was being in the shower”
“You were in the bath as the shower ran. I don’t know how Imma explain the blood bath, literally, to Carol. But she did help me get yea here” Daryl frowns seeing the exhaustion in her expression but more focused on the black eye and bruised cheek on her left side when she turned to him. “Carried yea out in a blanket. Got bitchy when he lingered too close”
“Please tell me I got dressed after…that someone helped me. And the strange man that stared at me when we first met didn’t see my goods long”
“Imma kill him next time he does, but nah. Maggie came in with clothes”
“Everybody knows?”
“Doesn’t know why. But yeah…I…I did come running out, Y/N. Yelling for somebody. Felt…lost.” He frowns, straightening up when Y/N started to sit up. The grimace growing on her face made Daryl feel as if an ice pick went straight for his heart.
Y/N watches as Daryl got up from his seat he went to grab another blanket when he felt her grip tighten and a wince escape her lips from him pulling.
“Sorry—-I’m sorry. Fuck. I just—-“
“I can do without another…please just sit with me” She begged and she had the same look on her face like she did at the time of their fight in the prison. Something he’ll never forget. “I don’t…I can’t stand another second without you. Even if it’s just a few feet away…”
Instead of sitting in the chair, Daryl brought himself to sit on the edge of the bed holding her hand seeing the bruises on her knuckles. He kept finding more of what happened…and it upset him not knowing.
“Just ask”
Daryl didn’t want to. He didn’t want to know the pain she endured and how it happened. But he wanted to know who he had to fuck up.
“I got ambushed…by raiders in masks. I took out like…four of them…got the shiner and knocked down by the fifth…only to shoot him right in the ribs and as he dropped..” She squeezed her eyes shut biting the inside of her cheek trying to stop the tears. “I found out…it was my brother…” the tears fell stating such as Daryl soften squeezing her hand with the one she held while the other carefully wiped them away. “Then when he died…I couldn’t risk the others following…and took them out…even if it almost killed me”
“I’m sorry…”
“It’s…well, it’s not fine. But that’s keeping me going. Just saying it is…that he’s not in this hell of a world anymore…”
“never looked at it like that…when Merle died. Took the blame and ran with it”
“You carry too much of the blame for things…when a good chunk of it was never your fault” Y/N frowns tugging him forward enough for her to lean comfortably forward pressing her forehead against his. “This is one of’em. You blame yourself. I break your knee caps. This wasn’t your fault…”
“I should’ve never hurt yea back at the prison…I missed you. I miss you and you’re right here”
“Daryl…” Y/N brought her soft, tiny hands to hold the archer’s face feeling him relax in her touch. “I love you…so please, don’t push me away”
The tears that fell between the two was found in comfortable silence. Only a comfort the two share with each other. Daryl moved her hands so that he could gently bring her into his embrace holding her.
“I won’t…I promise”
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testingthewatersss · 6 months
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I never lost him Trigger warnings for PTSD, mentions of war, torture,  etc. Just unapologetic cuddling and comfort ft. Steve Rodgers. Bucky Barnes x F Reader Chapter 1 2400 words fluff, angst, comfort. 18+ MDNI Post TWS Steve realises that he's not the only one looking for Sargent Barnes. Reader is Tony’s sister, a non-enhanced shield agent who recently resurfaced.
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“I don’t really know what you want me to say”
“Y/N” Tony says, exasperated, “I want you to say that you’ll be more careful”
“That’s a bit rich, comin’ from you”
Natasha scoffs at the young woman’s reply, quickly shrugging at Steve, who is positioned directly across from her in the quinn-jet.
“I” Stark continues, “Didn’t just ransack an entire underground base-“
“No, you were just waiting outside said base, with a shit-tone of explosives”
This time, Romanoff doesn’t even bother to disguise her laughter, much to the dismay of the other, more uncomfortable passengers.
“I also have a billion-dollar suit-”
“I can make myself one, if us matching would make you feel any better”
The offer silences Tony, who rubs at his goatee, screwing his eyes shut for a moment as he considers his sister.
“I’m sorry me doing my job makes you nervous” she offers calmly, standing up from her spot to pace towards the main console, “but, look on the bright side, we got all the tech we wanted, and, it’s one less HYDRA lair for SHIELD to worry about bringing down”
“She’s right, Tony” Steve inserts, speaking for the first time since their departure, “I’m not gonna say I agree with her method-”
“Oh good” Stark counters, still clearly irritated, “Because for a second there, it sounded like you were going to praise my little sister for jumping head on into a fight without backup”
“I had back up” Y/N mutters, keying something into the computer
“Like who?” Tony bristles,
“You” she answers, turning to face him.
It’s clear from the silence that follows, that that is something she was expecting him to have known already.
It’s also clear that her having that level of unwavering faith in him, is something he didn’t consider as a possibility.
He’s suddenly very flattered. It shows.
Y/N rolls her eyes, and everyone notices how identical the expression looks when it’s her who’s wearing it.
Tony smiles the rest of the way back to New York. Not even Fury chastising them for their ‘rash actions’ does much to temper his new found elation. In fact, when he tries to scold Y/N, by saying that ‘Reckless impulsivity’ must be a genetic trait they share, he only seems to get happier.
Steve looks somewhat satisfied with the days events, and Natasha is boarder line chipper considering her usual blank facade.
“What did you go back for?” she whispers, when Y/N eventually takes her seat, back at her side, “i pochemu ty pryachesh' eto ot svoyego brata?” and why are you hiding it from your brother?
“because it’s not any of his business” she answers calmly, ignoring the quirk in Steve’s brow, “Eto to, chto ya dumayu, prinadlezhit Sardzhentu Barnsu”
“Sargent Barnes?” Natasha echos, shock making her forget her place for once.
Rodgers snaps up in his seat, eyes suddenly trained in on the women-
“Don’t pretend you don’t know who he is” Y/N chides, “I know damn well you’ve both been tracking him for months-”
“You know Bucky?!” Steve demands in a hushed tone, acutely aware of their lack of privacy.
“Who the hell is Bucky?” she quotes, not bothering to hide her smirk.
“Son of a bitch!”
“Language” the women tease in unison.
Natasha has taken the minute of distraction to compose herself.
It’s hardly surprising Y/N has caught on to their lame attempts at locating the former assassin. They’ve been hacking into her tech after all-
“No offence” she chides, “but did either of you really think nobody was going to notice a bunch of Stark drones being deployed covertly with no authorisation? ”
It’s clear from Steve’s expression that that’s exactly what he’d thought.
“You’re lucky it was me who caught on” she says, “Tony would have put a stop to it pretty fast, y’know, he’s still a little sour about the whole he murdered our parents thing”
“Y/N/N” Steve begins, clearly desperate, “He didn’t know- there is no way Bucky would’ve-”
She raises a hand to silence him, nodding over at her brother who is still blissfully focused on the navigation software.
“You’ve been keeping him off our tracks” Natasha realises, blinking between the siblings, “You are the one that’s been helping me decrypt the security codes-”
Y/N just shrugs.
“You’re actually quite good” she comments, “for a field agent”
Natasha rolls her eyes, bumping her shoulder playfully.
Steve shifts anxiously on his seat clearly trying to process the information he’s just been hit with.
“If you” he begins, “If you’ve already been doin’ that, would- would you help us? I’m sure with you runnin’ some of the kit we track him down in-”
“I don’t need to track him down” Y/N says pleasantly, shutting her eyes, “I know exactly where he is”
Before either of the others could formulate a response, she’d put her headphones in, and was leaning back against the wall, seemingly serene.
Steve had festered for the entire journey back, sharing strained looks at Natasha who seemed to be utterly unwilling to share in his urgent need to do something.
Once they’d landed, Tony had rushed his sister down to their lab to run some tests on the things they’d brought back, and to update Banner who’d been staying behind with Clint.
Much to his continued dismay, Black Widow had only cautioned him against doing anything stupid where the Starks were concerned. Warning him that he was on thin ice with Tony already, and reminding him of the older man’s protective nature, when it came to his sister.
“But she knows Nat” he’d insisted, “she knows his name, she knew about the bridge, about what he said-”
“maybe” Natasha allows
“-How?! How the hell does she know about that” he half demands, “and how, has does she know ‘exactly where he is!?”
“I don’t kn-”
“Shocking” Y/N says, pushing the door to the room open with a smile on her face, “You’re in the dark about’ somethin’ Red? I’d never have believed it-“
Before the spy can react the teasing, Steve has reacted, he’s turned, jaw locked as he reaches out to grip her arm, hard enough to leave a bruise.
She stiffens at the sudden contact, and Natasha takes a step towards the pair.
Their eyes are locked together, Y/N looks almost curious by the boldness of the mans actions, but she can tell that he’s hurting her, even though she knows him well enough to be certain it’s not deliberate.
“Steve…” she cautions, astutely aware of the way that the other woman is assessing the scenario “let her go”
“Unless you want you and your old buddy to have a matching set” Y/N says, flicking a glance at his hand, “then I’d do what she says.”
Steve releases her instantly, ashamed of the way he’d acted on instinct, without considering how he much have hurt her in the process.
“I’m sorry” he says sincerely, taking a step back, “I didn’t mean to-”
“I know” Y/N accepts, damp hair falling in front of her face as she offers him an amused smile, “Don’t worry about it”
“Y/N/N” Nat begins, hopeful that if she can do the talking, they might stand a chance of leaving this interaction with more information then they’d started with, “You said you know where Barnes is located”
“I did” she agrees, leaning on the counter, “I do”
Steve watches her, body thrumming with adrenaline.
“How?” Nat presses, “we’ve been running drones-”
“I know what you’ve been doin’” she replies, “and don’t get me wrong, I love a satellite controlled drone as much as the next girl, but I’ve been takin’ a different approach in terms of gettin’ an updated location-”
“-and that is?”
“I called him a couple of days ago.”
Steve’s jaw drops open, Natasha’s locks shut.
Y/N looks at the duo, and her amusement visible shifts to something more akin to sympathy, when she sees how earnestly Steve wants information about his friend.
“He’s alright…” she offers, “… safe”
“He has a cell phone?” Nat mumbles, more annoyed at herself for not figuring that out, than she is absorbed in the nuance of the conversation
“He takes your calls?”
“Well yeah” Y/N replies to both of them, “I check in every now and then”
“You… check in, on the winter soldier?”
“Are we still calling him that?” she quips, turning to look at Natasha, “I mean, we can I guess, but it sounds a little formal don't you think? I usually stick with Bucky"
Steve is still speechless. He just blinks dumbly at the women for a second, thoughts racing.
“What?” Y/N chides, “You’re the only one allowed to make new friends?”
He runs a hand through his hair, starring at her again.
“Is that what you are? His friend?”
She thinks his tone is awfully protective, if a little suspicious. It doesn’t take her long to decide that it’s endearing, rather than offensive, so she offers him a smile before shrugging, and murmuring a “somethin’ like that” that makes Natasha scoff.
Another, longer silence fills the room. Nobody seems keen on breaking it, and the mutual air of acceptance that has come with it.
Steve isn’t sure why he trusts the woman’s intentions, but that doesn’t change the fact that he does.
Natasha has always loved Y/N. Their bond goes deeper and further back then any of the others know, so there was never any part of her that was going to risk upsetting her over a man she’s never spoken to.
“He’s expecting a call tonight” Y/N says finally, “I'll tell him you say hello”
The hope that flairs behind Steve’s eyes is sweet. He grins and takes a step towards her, he catches himself though, and slows his movements, feeling absurdly guilty about the way he’d greeted her earlier.
“I’m not giving you his number” she tells him firmly, with no hint of apology
“Please” he asks, feeling the optimism he’d been experiencing a moment ago dissipate like smoke, “Y/N-”
“I can’t” she replies, looking at the other woman for support, “He knows you’re looking for him, Steve, he knows where I live, I-”
“is he angry at me?”
“What?” both girls say in unison
“Why would he be angry at you?” Y/N asks, as Natasha offers her a confused glance.
“I- I left him, I-“
“You nearly died” Black Widow inserts, “He nearly killed you”
“That doesn’t matter Nat, I-”
“No” Y/N says calmly, “No Steve, he’s not angry with you- He’s-” she sighs, “He’s not angry at anybody”
“So why-”
“He’s scared, Steve” Natasha says, as if that answer had been obvious, “I mean can you blame the guy?”
Y/N averts her eyes, but it’s obvious from her expression that she agrees.
“I don’t-”
“God, Steve” the red head continues, "He's clearly running from something, and right now, my money's on us-”
“-Oh, god…”
Y/N looks up seeing, hearing the remorse in their voices.
“He’s fine” she repeats, “but he’s not ready for a reunion”
It looks like he might cry. She can barely handle it, so she moves in, closing the few steps between them, and pulls him into a hug.
He laughs into her shoulder, shocked at the contact, but not displeased. He holds onto her, before nodding when she pulls away.
“Would-” he sighs, clearly emotional, “Would’ya tell him, I’m- I’m sorry, I’ll- I’ll give him space, and I- I swear I never meant to make it any harder on him I just- I just miss him-”
“I’ll tell him, I promise”
He nods again, and reigns himself back in, the best he can, pawing at his face to stop tears from filling his eyes.
“So…” Nat begins, “…what did you bring back for him?”
Steve turns to face the spy, and then the Stark.
Y/N is grinning, as she pulls a silver chain from her pocket.
“What’s that?” Romanoff asks, looking at the dog tag that’s hanging from it almost suspiciously, “and why do you think it’s his?”
“Because it is” Y/N answers calmly, “Isn’t it?”
She hands it to Steve, who holds it like it’s fragile, like it’s precious, or like he’s worried it might disappear.
He turns the tag over in his fingers, looking at the familiar engraving with awe.
“It… that… that’s not possible”
“Clearly, it is” Y/N teases, taking it back from his hands, “He told me about it once, said he’d never taken it off before he fell- when I saw it in that drawer I figured I should probably get it back to him”
“We had them made” Rodgers says, “when we got him out of that camp, everyone was jokin’, said it was so if one of us got lost, we’d get brought back to the other”
“Where’s yours?” she asks, eying his baron neck,
“Somewhere at the bottom of the ocean.”
The sadness in his tone is heavy. It pulls at Y/N’s heart strings until one almost snaps in her chest.
“Well, maybe it’ll come back to you one day” is all she says, even though she feels like she owes him more than that.
He forces a chuckle and nods.
“How are you gonna get it to him?” he asks, clearly nervous, “it could get-”
“I’m going to hand it to him” she says, “I’m not going to risk sending it in the mail, Steve, I promise”
His curiosity is clearly sparked again, but this time, he bites his tongue.
The trust he’s putting in her is tangible. She offers him a smile, and tucks the necklace away.
“I’m gonna get back to T-” she announces, pressing a peck against Natasha’s cheek, “I’ll let you know how he’s getting on”
“We’ll stop the drones” the other woman offers,
“You don’t have to” Y/N replies over her shoulder, “they’re way off track”
Steve shakes his head, dismayed- earlier that week they’d been sure they’d gotten a lead in Budapest.
“We really weren’t ever close?” Nat asks, almost irritated
“No” she replies apologetically, “But if it helps, you were up against me, so you never really stood a chance”
“Careful, darlin” Steve cuts in, “you’re startin’ to sound-”
“Like an arrogant douche bag” Natasha finishes for him,
Y/N laughs, loud and hearty like her brother.
“Maybe it’s genetic” she suggests playfully, “Recklessness, Impulsivity, Arrogance, I’m sure Fury’s puttin’ a list together-”
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x | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
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dmercer91 · 1 year
ebug's sister, dm91
taglist, @whenmypartysover
part one / part two /part three / part four / part five / part six / part seven / part eight / part nine / part ten /
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liked by elblue6, _quinnhughes and 7,012 others
blakefriarr_: step one: meet lhughes
step two: witness television broadcast in which lhughes score ot winner
step three: fight jhughes for rights to lhughes
view 688 comments..
pinned! blakefriarr_: ellen liked i can die happy
jackhughes: you cannot have my little brother blake
→ blakefriarr_: try and stop me
lhughes_06: i for one think jack should let you take over
→ _quinnhughes: she made you the mac and cheese dish?
→ lhughes_06: quinn now is NOT the time
→ blakefriarr_: cookies too
→ _quinnhughes: i better get cookies
→ jackhughes: this isn't hurtful at all
→ blakefriarr_: i know how to cater to my target audience (picky eaters with bottomless pits for stomachs)
dawson1417: you know what i'm here for
→ blakefriarr_: bro 😭😭😭😭😭 
→ blakefriarr_: i've got, like, car insurance and gas and student loans
→ dawson1417: you also hate your job
→ blakefriarr_: i also hate planes
→ dawson1417: that argument makes no sense you already agreed to come up on your week off
→ blakefriarr_: hear me out
→ dawson1417: eyeballs are listening
→ blakefriarr_: i do the one week like we planned originally
→ dawson1417: right and then you never leave
→ blakefriarr_: incorrect
→ dawson1417: my eyeballs hated that
dawson1417: on another note you looked so pretty when you had jack in a headlock
→ jackhughes: HEY
→ blakefriarr_: thank you i try
nicohischier: this explains why i just found jack face down into my living room carpet
→ blakefriarr_: surely you know how to cheer him up
→ nicohischier: for the last time, jack and i are not dating
→ blakefriarr_: you and i both know this is not the last time, neeks.
ryangraves27: you should come to canada with dawson
→ blakefriarr_: mercer you give gravy his phone back right this instant
→ dawson1417: how’d you know
→ blakefriarr_: for one i could feel the tone of the comment and for another gravy would never want me in the same country as him
jj.friar31: what is my life
→ jj.friar31: what’d you do last night man? oh not much just hung out with my sisters friends (the new jersey devils!) and watched her ko jack hughes like it was nothing
→ blakefriarr_: ahagahheheheg
adamfantilli: am i not enough for you
→ blakefriarr_: you live all the way over there
→ adamfantilli: the betrayal is unreal
→ blakefriarr_: stfu <3 love you
→ adamfantilli: ouch. love you too
dougieham: did you win
→ blakefriarr_: what a dumb question of course i won its jack
_eliaspettersson: if jack doesn’t give you luke could i interest you in another elias pettersson (rookie edition)
→ blakefriarr_: i would be interested in rookie elias pettersson and long lost hughes brother cole mcward if in stock
→ _quinnhughes: you’re not getting cole
→ blakefriarr_: nobody asked you quintin
drayanewman: i have something inappropriate to say
→ blakefriarr_: do elaborate
→ drayanewman: … no
→ lhughes_06: wait no elaborate
→ blakefriarr_: ohhhhhhhhhh i am going to be so annoying about this
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imperatorrrrr · 8 months
My Highlights from the Q&A: (I paraphrased some of the questions/answers, but most of it is direct quotes)
Q: Out of all the different jerseys that you wear, which one is your favorite? A: The Jersey Jersey
Q: What's the most fun/exciting part of the game when you're playing hockey? A: OT Win, especially at Home
Q: What is your favorite meal to eat here in New Jersey? A: The Italian spots here. I love Italian food, I grew up next to Italy
Q: Why do you wear number thirteen? A: I wear it because of my brother, my big brother always wore 13 and kind of also a little bit because both of us had the same favorite hockey player back in the day, Pavel Datsyuk.
Q: Besides the Rock, what NHL arena do you like playing in the most? A: Vegas, T-Mobile Arena -- its a vibe there, definitely fun
Q: Favorite and memorable goal you've ever scored? A: First NHL Goal in Ottawa
Q: Top Three Moments as a New Jersey Devil? A: My first NHL game, at the Rock versus Colorado, we won 4-2. Second one is first ever playoff game at the Rock versus Tampa, and, so far, the most memorable thing would be the Game 7 win against the Rangers. Gotta go with that one.
Q: Where do you still wanna go in the NJ/NY area? A: I've been to Asbury Park and I kind of want to see some more stuff from the Shore.
Q: What do you like to do to unwind and relax in the off season? A: I love the water, so lakes, rivers, ocean, I just try to be outside when its sunny. Don't like to be at home when its sun out.
Q: What is your favorite genre of music/band/artist? A: I do like Tom Petty
Q: Besides, Nico, what other nicknames do your teammates have for you? A: Hisch, HischSHAO, HischSHAO Jr
Q: What are you personally looking forward in the leadership position on and off the ice, going into this season as the Captain? A: Just to help the team as much as I can on and off the ice. I think obviously on the ice its clear, but also off the ice, just being as good of a person I can be for guys that need me in anything and I think thats the reason why I got Captain too, so thats what's I'm trying to do.
Q: What's your favorite ice cream flavor? A: Strawberry Vanilla
Q: Do you eat bagels and what is your favorite type of bagel to eat? A: Here in Jersey there are great bagels, I like the salmon cream cheese bagel, everything bagel.
Q: What's your favorite family tradition? A: Probably sit together dinners where we eat fondue or raclette where the dinner takes a little bit longer but you have enough time to speak with your family and friends, so thats always a good time. I feel like I always try to do it with them once I come back during summer.
Q: What's your favorite place in Switzerland? A: Bern
Q: Besides anyone on the Devils, who is your favorite current player in the NHL? A: McDavid
Q: Whats been your favorite year? A: I would say last year was pretty fun
Q: Who's your best friend on the Devils? A: Those are ALL of my friends. We got a really good group of guys, so I'm doing well with everyone, but I would probably say I'll do the most together with Jonas 'cause I've known him the longest. I've been playing with him in the Swiss National Team when we were younger so I would say that's kind of the guy I'd go with dinner and stuff but obviously I like ALL of them.
Q: Hardest team to play against? A: Carolina.
Q: What's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie flavor? Do you know what those are? A: (He did not know what those were and so he said) No cookies for me.
Q: (I didn't hear the question that well, but I think it was something like this) Who on the team would you want your daughter to date? A: I would say everyone because they know if they're not nice to my daughter they'd be in trouble.
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sincerelyyadere · 1 month
Beta testing review (no spoilers)
Toxic, love triangle, nsfw, yandere but in a bad way, omegaverse, alpha x beta x omega, top x switch x top, secrets
TW: nsfw, rape, drugging, abuse
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This is the worst shit ive read in a long time, mostly because for 40 fucking episodes nothing was happening. Boring as hell, and you see this black haired guy? Fuck him, hes trash.
And after those 40 episodes of mindless scrolling, couse i was like “well, they said there will be a yandere here…” author thought it was boring too, apparently, and out of nowhere we got rape, drugging, emotional and physical abuse and… yandere? But in the worst way possible. So, in the first half i was hating just the black haired guy, now i hate the violet too. What the actual fuck, how can you manage to make all of your ML undesirable?
Main character on the other hand is perfect. I loved him so much, and i liked his trauma history, how it was unrevealing and how we got to understand his choices better.
Nonetheless, i feel bad saying this, but with all this raping and drugging and god knows what else, at least this shit got sort of interesting, and it was not so boring anymore (i was literally scrolling through sex scenes, how boring can a manhwa be that you skip sex scenes???)
Of course, no trigger warnings in the manhwa itself, but thats a given at this point. At least characters point out that the rape did happen, and dont just act like ot was nothing and just a “rough sex”.
I think i will be reading new episodes as they come out, since i struggled through 70 chapters of this shit, but if any of you want to read this, just skip to chapter 37, i will tell you what was happening before that so you dont waste time:
Jihyuk is the main character who works in a bar for exclusive members, his boss is going out w/ his brother who is an omega.
Jihyuk fucks around a lot and then he meets yoo-jun who is of course wealthy as fuck (the black haired guy). He is an alpha in heat so jihyuk helps him and fucks with him. Yoo jin doesnt remember that but he helped jihyuk’s brother years ago, so jihyuk wants to pay him back. Yoojun convinces jihyuk to keep fucking with him, since he needs someone to reguraly fuck. It turns out he imprinted on some omega ages ago and when this omega dumped him, he was left alone with his horniness all over the walls.
Jihyuk agrees to be his fuck buddy, but reluctantly - he is scared of falling in love and he can feel himself falling in love with yoojin, who is still in love with his “hyung” - the omega he was dating.
COINCIDENTALLY JIHYUK HAS A FRIEND WHO IS AN OMEGA. His name is eunsong, but jihyuk calls him hyung of course. Jihyuk doesnt know that this hyung is the same hyung yoojun is in love with. Eunsong however is in love with jihyuk (here we have this shitty triangle).
So jihyuk is in love with yoojin, yoojin is in love with hyung and hyung is in love with jihyuk
So now:
Important facts:
Yoojin will drop everything if he hears that he can see his hyung somewhere which breaks jihyuk’s heart.
Jihyuk took hyjngs virginiy but he doesng remember that
Right befor the action of 37chapter starts, hyung found out that jihyuk is fucking with yoojung. Sp he invites yoojung to some bullshit party and the only condition is that he has to brong a date (to check if what jihyuk and yoojung have is serious - of course they come to the party together)
I think thats all, i really dont reccomend reading it from the begining, but, i guess you can try???
Hope my colourcoding helped😭😭😭
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sugacookees · 11 months
lovebug again
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✩ boo seungkwan x reader ✩ high school setting, fluff, mutual pining, mentions of death  ✩ w.c. approx. 7.1k ♫ this town - niall horan; lovebug - jonas brothers; for lovers - lamp; forever&more - role model; la la la that’s how it goes - honne; falling for you - colbie caillat
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I hate being sick.
Everyone does, but some people enjoy the special treatment they receive from loved ones. But in my household, that is never the case. When I get sick, it always seems to be my fault. Too much time on my cellphone, not enough sleep, going out with friends too much—every leisure activity that could be blamed except for the fact that it actually happens.
Teenagers get two to four colds a year on average. But maybe I’m not a teenager after all since my mom says I should never catch a cold. Only weak people do. And annoyingly so, I kind of agree. As president of the class and of the school council, each day is vital. So, being sick is totally not on schedule and ruins everything. The time I’m spending lying on my bed staring at my ceiling could have been time for me to finalize our plans for the fundraiser and the booths for the upcoming school festival. But no, the universe decided that I should become the most helpless human being on earth at the time I'm most needed.
I couldn't even check my phone for updates or messages from other school council members. My mom is convinced that my phone single-handedly caused me to catch a virus and that it should be kept away from me. She even went out of her way to wrap it in a drawstring bag so my sister wouldn't get sick like me. I tried to do some schoolwork in advance, but I felt like my head was about to fall off, so I quickly abandoned that plan. 
It was a day ago in Chemistry class when I started feeling ill.
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“Okay, here are five chemical equations to balance. I’ll give you a couple minutes to accomplish this and then we’ll get right to checking them.”
I look down right away at my notebook and copy the equations. By the second one, the numbers and letters are starting to jumble and lose sense. I feel like I’ve been reading the same number over and over again. I look up and around at my classmates to see if I’ve just been looking down too much, but I quickly regret it as soon as I see Jisoo’s head in front of me turn into three. I clutch my head and shut my eyes closed, hoping it would go away. Nevertheless, I go back to my problem set and attempt to accomplish it.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Looking to my right, where the voice is coming from, I see Seungkwan, who looks concerned. I quickly reassure him that I’m fine and that it’s probably just the heat. He nods in agreement, but does so hesitantly. Anyhow, I couldn’t find it in me to reassure him further as another wave of pain hits my head, and right at that moment I think I would just like to be hit by a train and be done with.
As I am looking down, I see a peek of navy blue hovering by my peripheral. I slowly turn my head towards it and see a jug held by Seungkwan, still with his worried face.
I’ve known Seungkwan for years. Our parents know each other way back from their childhood as we live just about 7 houses down by each other. It’s a small town too, so we go to the same market, same bakery, same school, and same dainty old cafes and restaurants. On holidays, we exchange meals and gifts, and simple hellos and goodbyes.
I remember the time before Nari was born. Seungkwan and I would always run around the house and play together. He invited me to his birthday parties, and I did too. Though, when we grew up and my father passed, I found myself forever changed. Seungkwan and I started to drift apart as a result of that, among other things.
Seungkwan has always been the most extroverted one in the room, and me, well, I’m completely on the other end of that spectrum. Wonwoo and Jiheon have always been quite introverted as well so we quickly got along. Surprisingly though, Wonwoo had also made friends with Seungkwan along with a few other boys. We would all be together from time to time at the park, the boys playing sports, and Jiheon and I, along with the other younger siblings of the boys, playing a definitely more beginner-friendly version of whatever game they were playing. All in all, we all got along well. Seungkwan and I would exchange conversations every now and then, but we weren’t as close and playful as we were before.
But I must admit, I have, and always will, hold a special fondness for Seungkwan. He was always sweet and kind, and even loved by all the elderly people in town. I recall the time I was out to buy some bread for our house, I saw him happily chatting with Chan’s grandmother. I say chatting, but more like gossiping by the way they were hunched and shifting their eyes. He would always make sure everyone in class was included, and he would always make everyone happy with his jokes and skits that he, Seokmin, Jisoo, and surprisingly, Jihoon, would act out. Seungkwan would also unhesitantly offer assistance to the student council during major projects. Sometimes, he would even stay late with me, saying, “So you have less to do tomorrow, and more time to rest!” He would then walk me home, and never forget to greet my parents and wish them well.
Seungkwan is lovely. And he is even more lovely now as he offers his water to me. Our drinking fountains have been under maintenance recently so, if I take up his offer he’ll have to wait until he gets home to get a drink again. He sees me hesitate and about to reject his offer, so he firmly places his tumbler on my desk and turns back to his notebook, offering no space for compromise.
In perfect timing, Mr. Hyun announces that the time is up and it’s time to check our answers. I pick up the tumbler, open it, and drink. I turn to Seungkwan quickly and smile. He smiles back.
By the next day, the headaches still come and go, but I keep it to myself and head to school anyway. During our break time, Wonwoo and Jiheon notice my weakened state and urge me to go to the school clinic.
“I’m fine! Just sleepy, that’s all.”
They share a look and thankfully leave my table.
But my peace is soon ruined as Jiheon slams a piece of paper on my desk. A clinic slip. The loud thump gathers the attention of the class, and they take notice of the much familiar white paper that occupies my desk.
“Oh my god, class president is sick?!” Soonyoung exclaims while exaggeratingly covering his mouth.
Usually unconcerned Hansol, Myeongho, and Junhui jerk their heads in my way with horrified expressions.
“I’m not sick! It’s just a small headache. It’ll go away soon.”
“It won’t.” Wonwoo says firmly with his arms crossed. “You’ve been having them since yesterday. Go to the clinic right now or else I’ll drag you there myself.”
Now, I'm usually assertive and tend to win in situations, but when I remember how Wonwoo once dragged Mingyu down the stairs by his backpack down the stairs because they were running late, I decide to sign the slip. I definitely don't want to be dragged like that.
On my way out, Jeonghan and Jisoo give me a few applauses with matching devious smirks.
I point at them accusingly and say, “Unlike you, I’m not pretending just to get out of class.”
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Now here I am, at home, holed up in my room, bored out of my mind. Until, I hear a knock on my door and see Nari peeking in.
“Unnie, your classmate’s downstairs. He’s talking with Eomma. Come quickly.” She says hurriedly before rushing out.
I wonder what’s Wonwoo doing here. He usually sends me a text if he’s coming over. Well, he’s been one of my best friends for years, and he has come over a lot, so it’s not like my family has no idea of his existence, and maybe, he thought that sending me a text would end up in me stopping him from coming over. Probably.
Knowing it's only Wonwoo, I skip glancing at the mirror to fix my appearance; after all, he's seen me worse. Still feeling a bit lightheaded from lying down for hours, I make my way downstairs.
“Yah, Wonwoo. You couldn’t even se-“
I halt and gape at the man in my living room who is definitely not my best friend with fifty-eight centimeter wide shoulders (we got bored in class).
Seungkwan stands there in his collared navy blue sweatshirt, holding a basket of tangerines, looking at me with an alarmed face, then gives me a soft smile. It is at this moment I truly realize how much the universe hates me. I probably look like absolute shit right now, and Nari’s sly smile only confirms that further. That little girl.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude or whatsoever. I hope it’s okay. I’ll just drop this off and go, I’m sorry again.”
My mom quickly butts in, “No, no! It’s alright Seungkwan. The gesture is much appreciated. And I know this one has been dying for a familiar face that isn’t ours.” She gives me a look, which I have no idea what it even means, and smiles. She takes the basket and heads to the kitchen bringing Nari along.
In the living room, Seungkwan and I find ourselves standing awkwardly, a noticeable gap between us. It's evident that he wants to say something, but he seems hesitant, perhaps fearing that he might not be welcome. Unable to bear the silence any longer, I take the initiative and speak up.
“Thank you for coming by the way. And for the tangerines too. Those are my favorite.”
“I know.”
His response catches me off guard, and my surprise seems to have unconsciously shown on my face, prompting him to explain further.
“In middle school, we were asked to bring our favorite food. You came in holding this single medium-sized tangerine. And you know, my family has a farm so I brought one too. I was really embarrassed because Seungcheol had brought this full-blown meal and everyone was gathered around him. But then you saw me, approached me and told me-“
“‘Tangerines are cuter anyway.” I finish.
We both share a laugh and in between our laughter he asks me, “What the hell does that even mean anyway? How could tangerines be cute?”
I look at him fondly and answer, “Well, they just are.”
There’s a pregnant pause that follows our laughter as we gauge what to do next. As I’m about to ask him what made him drop by, he already answers me with a sheepish smile, “I, uh, just seeing you pale and weak in class, and you not showing up today just really had me worried.” He scratches his head and looks away. “So, I decided to check-up on you to see if you were alright.
Despite my disheveled bed hair, crusty and pale lips, and being dressed in Anpanman pajamas, I confidently say that I'm doing well.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be coming to school tomorrow.”
He gives me a worried look, like the one he gave me a day ago in Chemistry. “Are you sure? I think you should rest more. The council’s doing alright with the prep anyway.”
Feeling my stomach flutter at his genuine concern, I try to brush it off, blaming it on my feverish state, and reassure him that I'll be okay.
“I’ll be fine, Kwan. It’s just a cold.”
Kwan. I hadn’t realized I used a nickname for him I gave him years ago until I had said it. Either he didn’t notice, or doesn’t really care as it doesn’t seem to have caught him off-guard, seeing that he still seems to worry about me.
“If you say so…”
Ever the worrywart, but undeniably cute.
“Well, it’s about to get dark in a while so I should head home. It was good seeing you. I hope you feel better. And if you ever decide not to come to school tomorrow that’s a hundred percent just fine, and I’ll take care of letting our teachers and the council know.”
I chuckle and walk him to the door.
“Thank you, Seungkwan. For coming by, and for the tangerines. I really appreciate it. Be safe on your walk back, and see you in school tomorrow.”
A few steps away from the door, he turns around, now walking backwards, with that charming smile and says, “I mean this in the nicest way possible. I hope I don’t.” As he walks away, that smile still on his face, I wave goodbye, returning the gesture with a warm smile of my own.
Subconsciously admitting that I do feel a little under the weather, I retreat back inside, hoping to get more and better rest.
Nearing the staircase, my mom stops me, and Nari hovers behind her with a smile that makes me feel uneasy.
“So,” she starts, annoyingly elongating the ‘o’. “I haven’t seen you and Seungkwan together for a while.” I quickly try to jump to correct her until she interrupts me. “I mean, you know, conversing. Especially with him coming here to our home.”
“Yeah, conversing.” Nari butts in, also, elongating her vowels. I roll my eyes at them.
“Tell that sweet boy he should come over often like the old days. Makes me feel younger.” My mom yells.
Don’t think I’ll be doing that, but like the good daughter I am, I say okay anyway and go back to my room.
My head pounds as I struggle to wake up, attempting to open my heavy eyes. The blaring alarm in the background adds to my discomfort, and I quickly move over to silence it. Another second of that noise, and my head might just explode. Despite feeling weak, I gather the strength to stand up, determined to get ready for school
Looking at my state and the fact that I can’t even tie my shoes right without getting lightheaded should be enough reason for me to garbage the idea of going to school. But then, I remember all my missed classes and the council preparations. I can’t miss one more day.
During breakfast, I try my best to act normal and perfectly healthy. Nari gives me a side eye every now and then, waiting for a moment to catch me red-handed; pretending not to be sick. Fortunately, my mom is preoccupied with getting ready for work and preparing our lunches, so she doesn't pay strict attention to my condition.
So far so good.
I collect my things and head out. As I open the door, the sun blares right at me so I cover my eyes with my hands and take a few steps forward to get into the shade. As soon as I remove my hand, I jump out of surprise at the sight of Seungkwan.
“Yah! Are you trying to kill me?! What are you doing?!”
“I’m sorry! I just..” He trails off and leads me into confusion.
“You just…?”
“My mom!” He screams frantically, and I jump in surprise again. “My mom also knew about you getting sick, so she asked me to accompany you to school to make sure you were okay.”
“Oh, well, she really didn’t have to. I’ll send her a text that I’m alright-”
“No!” He screams again.
“Seriously! Why do you keep screaming so early in the morning?!” His agitated state isn't exactly helping mine, and the never-ending screaming is starting to make me lightheaded again.
“I’ll do it. I mean- you don’t have to send her a text. I’ll tell her myself later. Don’t. Send a text.”
“Okay, alright!!”
I turn towards the direction of the school and start walking. He quickly follows and walks beside me.
Trying to make small talk, he asks me, “Are you feeling better today?”
“Yeah I am.” Well, technically, yes I am better. I didn’t say anything about feeling totally okay, so I’m totally, technically, not lying.
“That’s good,” is all he says.
He doesn’t make further small talk and we make our way to school in comfortable silence. Even if we hadn’t maintained a close friendship all these years, I can never feel uncomfortable around Seungkwan. Somehow, he always knows when I am in need of a cheery conversation, or time to be left alone. He also supports me in any endeavor I take on, like running for class president, and school council president. He even went as far as taking Soonyoung and Seokmin to the crafts store, buying materials to make a ton of banners and posters for me. I thanked them by treating them to Chan’s grandmother’s restaurant.
As we arrive in our classroom, our arrival makes some commotion.
“Oh? Class president, hello! Seungkwan-ah… hello to you too.” Soonyoung greets, adding a wink for whatever reason at the end.
As we walk to our seats, I feel lingering eyes following our every move. I look back and see Seokmin and Soonyoung whispering to each other. I raise a brow at them, and turn back to my seat shaking my head.
“Sorry about Soonyoung. I guess he missed you.” Seungkwan says beside me as he settles on his seat. “We all did…” He adds.
Wonwoo and Jiheon approach me asking about how I was and if I was feeling better. I fed them the same remarks (not lies) as I did Seungkwan. Wonwoo looks at me accusingly but decides to brush it off and keep to himself. If I don’t want to be sent home, I should really look out for Wonwoo. He might smell my bullshit about being okay from a mile away.
I made sure to bring a lot of water, using the big jug my mother uses on family trips. And also, to avoid Seungkwan offering his, and ending up infecting him. After all he’s done for me, I really don’t want to do that to him.
I excuse myself and head to the restroom to take a pain reliever, so a headache wouldn’t come over and torture me during class. After doing just that and trying to get myself together, I head back and continue as normal.
At lunch, Wonwoo and Jiheon eat with me. As I open my lunchbox and pause, both of them point at me accusingly, “Aha! I knew it! You’re still sick aren’t you?”
I guess my reaction, or lack thereof, to seeing my lunch was a dead giveaway that I don’t feel so up to par. Usually, I would get excited and eat right away, leaving no crumbs for Jiheon to steal.
“Ugh, but I feel better now. I promise!” I beg, mostly to Wonwoo. “Help me here Jiheon, please?”
“Sorry, I’m with Wonwoo on this one. You’ve been overworking yourself these days and coming to school today will just make your fever worse. You need to rest. It’s okay to, y’know?” She says.
I lean back on my chair, any appetite I even had, gone. I appreciate my best friends’ worries, but I really can’t afford missed days. But maybe they’re right. I can rest, and if I push myself harder I’ll miss more school days than I should.
Wonwoo pulls out an all-familiar slip and pushes it towards me. A clinic slip, all filled out and ready for me to bring. “We’re only worried about you. It’ll be better anyway if you were here in perfect, healthy condition, than physically being here but your mind—no offense, helpless.”
I take the slip and put it in my pocket. And since I don’t have any appetite, nor will I be in the classroom, I offer my lunch to Jiheon, which she accepts excitedly. Wonwoo shakes his head.
I leave the room and head to the clinic. On the way, I really start to feel my fever taking a toll on my body. What even possessed me to leave my bed and get ready? I should have stayed and slept all day.
When I get to the school clinic, they take my temperature and quickly assess that I should be sent home (again) for better recovery. Nurse Yang tells me she’ll ask someone to bring my stuff over for me.
After waiting for a bit, the sound of the chimes by the door brings my attention to Jisoo who is wearing my backpack.
“Thanks, Jisoo.”
“No problem. Though, I’m kinda jealous.” I smack him square on the shoulder. Nurse Yang gives us a side-eye glance. “Kidding. Obviously.” He heads out the clinic, but not before shouting, “Get well soon, our president!” I chuckle at Jisoo’s antics. “Sorry about that.” I tell Nurse Yang, to which she only shakes her head at.
“Your mother says she’s near, you should go to the gate now. Get well soon, dear.”
“Thank you, Nurse Yang. Hopefully you won’t see me back here anytime soon.” I really, genuinely, hope that.
I meet my mom, who is visibly mad, at the school gate. As soon as I get in the car, she gives me a lecture. I drown it out, and use my headache as an excuse to nap, even for a bit.
As soon as we get home, she orders me to stay on the couch for dinner and to drink some ginger tea. Even though the couch might not be as comfortable as my bed, I still snuggle in and nap.
The sound of the doorbell wakes me up. Despite being just a few feet away from the door, I refrain from standing up to get it. I know my family understands my current sickly state, and they will likely get it themselves. I hear the door open and my mom’s delighted gasp.
“Ah, Seungkwan!” I jolt upright and check if my ears heard that right. I look at the door, and there he is, right outside, holding a paper bag and smiling sheepishly at my mom. I contemplate whether I’m dreaming or not, but with Nari tapping my chin, I guess I’m not.
“A fly might go in, Unnie.” She teases then runs away before I give her one.
Seungkwan greets my mother back. “Hello! Just wanted to drop by again and give this samgyetang Eomma made. I also just wanted to check if…” He points at me, on the couch, “…is okay.” He smiles, and waves at me.
“Oh! How kind of you Seungkwan. Come in, come in!” My mom ushers him hurriedly inside, and takes the paper bag from his hands.
She looks at me pointedly, “Make some space for him!”
Seungkwan, alarmed, quickly blurts, “Oh no, it’s okay! I can just stand here...”
Despite his protests, I move my legs off the couch and move off to one side. I look at Seungkwan, who has a look of horror (and a bit of shame) on his face, and pat the very vacant seat beside me.
“Seungkwan, it’s okay. Lying down for so long isn’t great anyway.” I reassure him.
“Well, I won’t be here long. I just wanted to check if you were okay. But also, I felt a bit guilty that I didn’t notice that you were sick this morning.”
If I thought my head pounding was painful, the rapid and loud beating of my heart in my chest is quickly overshadowing that pain. Kind, charming, sweet seat mate and friend Boo Seungkwan, who offered me his water bottle [despite the fact that he can’t get a refill throughout the day], dropped by my house afterwards to give me a basket of tangerines, came to my house early in the morning to accompany me on my way to school [even if he was closer if he were to walk from his home], brought homemade samgyetang, and now says he feels guilty for not noticing I was still feeling sick. I think I might just melt into this couch, actually.
Thinking of nothing to respond, I switch the subject and ask him how his family is doing.
“They’re doing pretty good. My sisters miss seeing you. They always liked you ‘cause they could dress you up and talk about girl things I probably can’t understand.” He laughs.
“Well, I miss them too. Being an elder sister to Nari makes me want one too. I’ll make sure to visit when I get better.”
To that, he merely nods. We’re left in awkward silence again. Running out of things to say, I impulsively invite him over for dinner.
“Oh, no it’s alright, I don’t want to be a nuisance.”
My mom overhears him and quickly excuses him (more like begs him with pleading eyes), “No, Seungkwan. It’s alright. We would love to have you over for dinner! It’s always just us three, so another would make great company.”
“Eomma’s right, Kwan.” 
Kwan. The nickname again. I silently hope he doesn’t notice. And instead of dwelling on why it felt so natural to call him that, like in the old days, I beg him to stay.
“It’s the least we can do for all you’ve done for us, for me. The visits, the tangerines, the samgyetang, your water… Please stay.”
He looks at me to my mother, in deep thought. He fumbles with his hands, and I take notice of how slender and pretty they are. He takes a deep breath as he answers, “Okay.” My mom cheers and shouts my sister and I’s names, telling us to set the table and help her in the kitchen.
“Let me help!” Seungkwan says loudly, standing up from his seat.
“No.” We say in unison. Seungkwan gives up and sits back down with a huff.
During dinner, the atmosphere in our cozy kitchen is delightful, with lively conversation filling the air. A table for four, an antique lamp hanging right above our heads, and a lit candle on the counter. Seungkwan seamlessly fits in, right here beside me, engaging in cheerful chatter with my family. As we lock eyes occasionally, we can't help but share sheepish smiles.
In the middle of Seungkwan telling a story of how his sisters dressed him up for Chuseok last year, a sudden and powerful thunderclap reverberates the room and takes us all by surprise. Nari drops her spoon in surprise and latches on to our mother. As my mom consoles her, I look over at Seungkwan and see him deep in thought.
Oh right, he still has to go home.
“Oh, that must be the rain. Before it gets any stronger, I should probably go…” He says, looking down, afraid to disappoint my mother.
Out of concern (and concern only), I butt in. “What if it gets stronger as you’re walking home? Even with an umbrella, the walk home will still be pretty dangerous.” My overthinking self proves to be quite resourceful at this moment in concocting excuses, even though, in reality, it's not even raining yet. Despite that fact, I continue, “It’ll be better to wait it out, here, where you’re safer.”
I look to my mother in hopes she would agree with me. Her brows are raised but she relaxes them back as soon as I nudge mine for her to interject.
“Oh, yes. Agreed. Definitely. It’s time we took care of you, don’t you think?”
We all look to Seungkwan. An uneasy expression settles on his face. So, to assure him that he isn’t overstaying his welcome (I don’t think he ever can), I place my hand on his arm and smile softly.
“Please?” I squeeze his arm a bit. “I don’t want your family to get mad at me anyway for sending you home drenched.”
He chuckles and places his hand on top of mine. It’s warm. Where is this heat coming from? My fever? My naturally sweaty hands? My hand being sandwiched by his skin? The candle? Or maybe, it has something to do with the loud, fast rhythm my heart is going.
“Okay, okay. You convinced me.” He says out loud. His hand still on mine.
As dinner ends, my mother tells me to put on a movie in the living room to pass time in waiting out the rain. Seungkwan and I make offers to help with the dishes, but my mother is sure she can handle it and doesn’t let us forget that, actually, I’m still sick. Seungkwan, as if hit with this revelation, looks to me with shock as if he had also forgotten why he had come in the first place.
He rushes us back into the living room, settling on the couch, and picking a movie to watch.
“How about that one?”
“The Mimic?! Are you serious?! I’m sorry but no.” He says to me, as if very offended.
“But they said it’s good!”
“How about this one instead?”
The Lover’s Lake, flashes on the TV. I look to him in surprise. I should’ve known he was a rom-com guy.
“See, look. 5 star ratings! This is definitely the one.” He says excitedly. With this much excitement coming from him , I find it impossible to say no. He celebrates shortly, then stands up to dim the lights, setting the perfect mood, and then settles back down, wiggling around to find a more comfortable position. And this said position seems to be at a spot closer to me than he was previously.
I have this thing where, if the movie is good, I tend to instantly fall asleep. And that is just what I did. My eyes were getting heavy about just 20 minutes in. I had felt myself slowly leaning onto Seungkwan, and continued doing so until my head rested on his shoulder. He had not said a word about it, and continued to watch the film.
Maybe it was just my imagination, but he had leaned onto me too. Though, I wouldn’t be so sure about that as I had drifted off to sleep by then.
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“Okay, now just pull the bunny ears you’re holding. Pull them tight.”
Following his instructions, I pull tight and successfully tie my shoelaces. His face contorts in delight and breaks out in a big smile.
“See! You did it! Not that hard, right?”
“It was hard.”
He laughs and picks me up in his arms.
Giving me a big smooch on my cheek, he tells me, “I’m proud of you anyway, my love.”
“Thanks, appa.” I say, and hug him tighter.
“Now go back down and show them.”
I run down the stairs excitedly. Today’s my 4th birthday and my family and friends have come to celebrate with me. There’s people towering over me everywhere. Finding my way to my mom to show her my recent feat, I maneuver through the crowd the best I can, but in doing so, I bump into someone.
“Ow, my head!”
As the voice screams out, I instinctively reach for the spot where we bumped, trying to figure out who I even bumped into.
It’s Seungkwan!
“Seungkwan!” He greets me back with the same enthusiasm, both of our pains ebbing away.
“Look!” I point to my shoes and he looks down to see what I’m even excited about.
His jaw drops a bit at the achievement usually only 6 year olds can achieve. “You did those?!”
“Yep.” I say with a proud smile. He continues looking at me in shock and he looks down at his shoes.
I laugh heartily but stop immediately when Seungkwan looks back up at me with an annoyed face.
In an attempt to make him feel better, I ask him if he wants to go get sweets with me. He puts up a bit of a fight before agreeing, but says yes anyway as if it was his last resort.
I take his hand in mine as we weave through the crowd towering over us. He squeezes my hand every now and then, when someone bumps into him and he’s lagging behind, afraid I’ll leave him behind. I tug on his hand.
After what felt like the world’s most grueling journey, we arrive at the kitchen. The sweets are on the counter, but they are really, really high up—way beyond our reach.
Seungkwan and I share a look.
He gives me a nod and I return a look of confusion. He nodded at me like I knew what he was about to do, or that we’ve been through this a million times. He really needs to stop watching those spy movies.
He leaves for a moment and comes back with a stool. As he takes a step on it, it wiggles a bit and I clutch onto him immediately. I look up at him and he merely says, “Oops.” I furrow my brows at him in annoyance.
“Let go of me! I’m so near!” He whines while gently pushing my forehead.
I sigh in defeat and let him go.
He takes another step, both feet on the stool. The added leverage enables him to see the array of sweets on the counter, which, judging by his reaction, is a pretty damn lot.
“Woah! There’s bungeo-ppang, chocopie, songpyeon, and-” He pauses and lets out a gasp.
“What? What is it?! Tell me!” I beg, tugging on his shorts.
He looks at me to create suspense, and then screams in glee, “HOTTEOK! Our favorite!”
In utter surprise and excitement, I pull my hand away from Seungkwan and start applauding. But it seemed like I did it too quickly, causing him to lose balance. From the first wobble, I start screaming his name repeatedly.
“Seungkwan! Seungkwan!” I say it repeatedly, and too fast, that by some point (yes, at this point he is still pretty much wobbling, putting up a good fight) all anyone would hear is, “Kwan! Kwan! Kwaaaan!”
He falls.
I rush to his side and ask him if he’s okay. He stays on the floor, with his eyes closed. After a beat of silence, he starts laughing. I look at him in confusion, wondering if he hit his head too hard. Seungkwan is now crazy and I have to say bye-bye forever.
He opens his eyes and stops laughing as soon as he sees my expression.
“You sounded so funny. ‘Kwan! Kwan! Kwan!” He says, mimicking my voice.
I smack him square on the shoulder.
“Sorry. Here-” He tries to sit up and hands me something. A single piece of hotteok. “Happy birthday!”
I take it from his hand saying, “Oh. Thanks!”
“What happened here?!”
We both look up in surprise at the horrified voice. It’s my mother.
In fear, Seungkwan starts apologizing frantically. “Sorry! We just wanted some sweets but I fell down. Don’t worry they’re still fine! I just got one hotteok though.”
My mom sighs deeply and helps Seungkwan up. She returns the stool from where it came from and reaches for something on the counter.
“Here. One for you, since you fought so valiantly for it.” She says, ruffling his hair. Someone from the living room calls for her. She gives us a smile and walks away.
Seungkwan and I exchange amused glances and burst into laughter. Amidst our laughter, I manage to take a bite of the hotteok now and then, only to continue laughing with my mouth full. Seungkwan playfully teases me, "You hotteok addict! At least wait for us to stop laughing!”
I smack his shoulder again, which seems to urge him to tease me further. “Hotteok addict! Hotteok addict!” He starts mimicking my voice and my rushed tone from earlier, now saying, “Tteokki! Tteokki! Tteokki!”
“What does that even mean?!”
He shrugs. “I don’t know. What does Kwan mean?!”
“Your name is SeungKWAN, stupid!”
“Kwan! Kwan! Kwan!”
“Tteokki! Tteokki! Tteokki!”
“Yah!” We both look at the booming voice, and see my dad towering over us with his brow raised. Seungkwan and I look at each other and nod. Then we start running away in laughter.
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A loud thunderstrike jolts me awake.
Huh. My 4th birthday. That was the last time my dad celebrated my birthday with me, and the last time Seungkwan ever saw him alive. What a bittersweet memory.
I try to raise my head but feel a weight on top of it, stopping me from doing so.
My cheeks heat up at the realization. Seungkwan fell asleep too. And, he’s leaning on me.
In a state of panic, I try to make him more comfortable, but only lead myself to move my head and realize how stiff my neck is. I wince in pain which jolts Seungkwan awake. He looks around, feeling heavily disoriented.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to wake you.” I say.
He looks at me with his mouth slightly open, his hair all floofed up in different directions, and a faint red mark on his left cheek where he was leaning on me.
He gains a bit of composure and says, “No! If anything, it’s my fault. Sorry for falling asleep on you. It must have been uncomfortable.” He scratches the back of his head, feeling a bit ashamed.
With no intention of lying, I agree with him. “Yeah, a bit. But it’s alright.” I say, laughing a bit towards the end to make him more comfortable.
“Well, it seems like the rain has stopped. I should head home…”
My mouth opens to say something, but the words seem to escape me, leaving me with a simple, "Oh."
He stands up to collect his things and prepares to leave. I stand and go to the door before he can, then Seungkwan appears in front of me.
I open the door and gesture my hand for him to step out first. He smiles shyly and heads out, with me following right after.
“So, uh, thanks. For coming by today. I really lo-liked having you here.”
“Me too.” He responds promptly. It seems to be a vague response so he adds, “Thank you, I mean. Thank you also for the great dinner and letting me stay for a while. Sorry again for… sleeping on you…” He looks away.
I laugh and tell him, “Kwan, you apologize too much y’know. Honestly, tone it down.”
He lets out a blissful sigh. “Well, I won’t keep you out here for too long. Goodbye.” He wistfully says, saying my name at the end.
“Goodbye, Seungkwan. I’ll see you in school.”
He starts walking away, towards his home, away from me. And for some reason, I wait. I wait for him to do something. Not exactly sure what. But I just feel like I don’t want this to end.
So I rush back inside the house and reach for something below the shoe rack. I run after Seungkwan, shouting his name.
Alarmed, he looks back immediately in shock. I stand before him tired and panting with my hands on my knees.
“What are you-”
“Here-” I hand him an umbrella. It’s pink and has flowers. “You should use this. Y’know, in case it- umm, rains again.”
He appears hesitant, almost ready to decline, but he stops himself and settles for a simple, kind, and gentle, "Thank you. You didn't have to do that.”
We stand in the middle of the street, just staring at each other with soft smiles. Just two people who have been gravitating around each other, now seemingly refusing to be apart.
He breaks the silence and says, “I’ll go now. For real this time,” while pointing a finger at me. We share a laugh.
Feeling a bit ashamed, I look down and say, “Sorry.”
“Ah, it’s alright.”
He smiles at me, and in response, I smile back and nod, silently indicating that I have nothing else to say to hold him back from going home.
“Get well soon, Tteokki.” He says, ruffling my hair. I say nothing about the nickname, like he did all those times before, and keep smiling.
Seungkwan finally turns back and walks towards the direction of his home, and I do the same.
Before I step inside, I can't help but glance back at him. Seungkwan continues walking with the umbrella hanging on his wrist, swinging it along with his arms. I keep my eyes fixed on him until his silhouette fades away.
With a sigh, I turn back inside, unaware that a certain round-faced boy had momentarily halted his walk and looked back, his thoughts mirroring mine. Just for a moment.
After an exhausting day of essentially doing nothing, I plop down on my bed. I fluff my pillows, get under my covers, and hold onto my teddy bear, hoping for the best sleep ever.
However, just as I close my eyes for about three seconds, I hear a notification sound from my phone. Unable to ignore it, I reach over to my bedside table and check the notification. The curiosity of not knowing what it is would surely keep me from sleeping soundly anyway.
It’s a message from my mom.
Confused, I swipe to open our conversation and see that she has sent me an image. It hasn’t fully loaded yet so I click on it and wait.
When the image loads, my heart starts beating quickly.
It’s a picture of me and Seungkwan sleeping on the couch. My head on his shoulder, his head on top of mine. My brows aren’t furrowed like they usually are. I look relaxed; at ease. I don’t look like I’m sick at all. And Seungkwan looks the same.
I zoom in behind us and see Nari smiling wide holding up a peace sign.
I shake my head and react on the picture with an angry emoji. Before I turn off my phone, my finger hovers over a button.
It doesn’t take much resistance from me to go ahead and click it, so I do.
Then a pop-up notification appears on my phone.
Image saved.
I smile to myself, then turn off my phone and head back to sleep.
Maybe I don’t hate being sick anymore.
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a/n: loosely based on a dream I had of seungkwan! fun fact: that dream was the reason he ultimately became my bias T__T i miss u boo! Be well, always <3
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silverwings22 · 16 days
Forget-Me-Not Blue, In Red (Commander Fox One-Shot)
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SFW, but injury, Order 66, and angst
This idea hit me out of nowhere, and I don't know if it'll turn into anything bigger like my Tech one-shot did. But have fun with it!
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He’d woken up to the truth a little slower than some of his brothers, but Fox had woken up eventually. The Republic, the war, the Empire, it was all a farce put together to turn the galaxy upside down in someone else’s image. He and his kin had simply been the bullet in a loaded slugthrower, and the order had been a finger on the trigger. 
Order 66. 
He’d been aimless afterwards, watching things shift around him. Smoke belched from the burning Jedi Temple for days, while he and the Coruscant Guard ensured order. There were riots, there were planets resisting… then there were TK troopers and suicide missions as clones were phased out. Squad by squad, legion by legion, until no one was left between him and the chopping block. He’d always thought he’d go first, before the younger brothers. The shinies, the ones he looked after and protected. He’d always taken the first week of any posting when a new delegate requested a clone guard detail, so he could see what they were like. The bad ones got older, hardened brothers who could take it. He’d never let little brothers suffer under someone like Palpatine… that’s why he’d stayed so long. He could have transferred, there was one posting he’d always wanted… but he stayed. He took the abuse, the bruises and scars, the unexplainable gaps in his memory, the injuries that looked like lightning strikes on a planet that didn’t have lightning… 
He’d done it for his brothers. Now, most of them were gone. Some turned up dead, on missions or in the barracks without explanation besides a cold look from an Imperial officer. Others just went missing. There were rumors, whispered between clones, of a place you could go and words you could say. If you went, you didn’t come back. Like tales of fae on Stewjon, the mysterious Other Ones would whisk you to a new place. What it was, no clone had returned to tell. Some were willing to risk it. After a year under the Empire, Fox was willing to risk it. 
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It was a derelict hangar bay in the lower mid levels. The instructions had said come alone, with only what he could carry and to give up the rest. “I’m looking for a ride home.” He said quietly, just enough he hoped someone heard. He hoped someone came, and it wasn’t a trap to weed out the traitors among the clones. His only answer then would be a blaster bolt to the chest for treason-
“You’re in direct violation of Order 66. You are guilty of treason, and will be executed.”
The sound of footsteps made him turn, and he found himself looking at 501st blue paint on the white standard armor. Jaig eyes were on the helmet, covered in tally marks to represent fallen brothers… he knew that armor. His comrade, his friend, his brother. “Rex?”
“Fox.” Rex pulled his helmet off, revealing his blonde buzz cut and a new scar on the right temple. “I was hoping you’d show up one day.”
“The reports said you were dead.” Fox reached for his arm with unsteady hands, clasping Rex tightly. If the captain noticed his hands were shaking, he didn’t comment. 
“It’s better if the Empire thinks that. Come on. You’re safe now, vod.”
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When Rex took him off Coruscant, Fox was whisked to a field hospital. He wasn’t even sure what planet he was going to, Rex apologizing when he told him the secrecy was needed. “There’s a chip in your head, vod. That’s why you carried out the Order. We have to take it out, and make sure you’re okay before you decide what you do with the rest of your life.”
“What have other clones been doing?” Fox asked, sitting blindfolded in a seat of a shuttle beside him. 
“Some decided to keep fighting. There’s a resistance, mostly clones but with some nat-born help. Others have been retiring. They’re exhausted. I can’t blame them… some go to a place a couple friends of mine found, called Pabu. Others have settled on Pantora. Senator Chuchi’s been helping us.”
“I can’t go to Pantora.” Fox said, too fast and he knew it.
“Did something happen, Fox?”
“I did something… during the Order. Something unforgivable.”
Rex patted his brother’s shoulder. “We all have regrets. It wasn’t your fault, it was the control chip in your brain. We’ll get it out soon, and you’ll be free. I promise.”
Fox wanted to call his brother a liar. He’d never be free from what he’d done. He wanted to confess right there, but his jaw locked and his throat closed at the memory of the night the Republic fell. “C-can I tell you?” He finally managed to rasp. “You should know… who you’re saving. What I’ve done.”
“You’re my brother, Fox. That’s all that matters.” Rex said it kindly, but Fox didn’t feel like he deserved any of it. “But I’m listening.”
Fox nodded, fists clenched in his lap. With the blindfold on, he could imagine every word he spoke as he stuttered out the story. The worst thing he’d ever done, the reason he had to get out of the Empire.
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Kandri Chitose had been Senator Riyo Chuchi’s personal assistant, a golden-eyed beauty who always wore her rose-pink hair in a set of twin buns held with golden pins. He’d met her when Chuchi requested a clone detail for her, and Fox had arrived for his customary week-long observation. 
Most delegates, even the nice ones, didn’t address the clones at first. Most were nervous being around military personnel, and didn’t know how to break the ice. Some were intimidated. Many just didn’t view the clones as people, and acted accordingly. 
She’d offered him a cup of caf before he was fully in her office. “Good morning!” She’d been balanced precariously on a stool, set in a rolling desk chair, trying to reach the bag of caf on top of her office shelf. “Hold on a moment, I’ll make us both a cup if you’d like. My menace of a brother came to visit and he put my caf all the way up here! Do you like caf? I have tea if you’d prefer.”
“Do you need help, ma’am?” He could only watch her on the tippy toe of one foot, blue calf disappearing under her red dress. Her favorite color, he’d find out eventually. 
“I think I’ve- aha! Got it.” She clambered down with a smile. The gold tattoos on her face formed a bar over her nose and triangles on her chin and cheekbones. “Now then. I’m Kandri. What’s your name, and please don’t tell me a CT number. I get mixed up with numbers, but I’m good with names.” 
“Commander Fox, ma’am.” 
She held out a hand to shake, and her nails were painted red. He’d remember that polish forever. “It’s nice to meet you, Commander. Caf or tea?”
“Caf is fine, but you don’t have to go to the trouble-”
“It’s not trouble. There’s creamers in the fridge by my desk, pick whichever you like.” She headed to the caf maker and got it going with deft fingers. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever put creamer in caf.” He frowned, but took his helmet off so he could at least enjoy the offering she was so insistent on giving him.
She wrinkled her nose. “To each his own. If you ever change your mind, it’s right there. Here’s the sugar. Now, I know they didn’t tie up a Commander like you to babysit little me, so you must have stuff you need to get done. Can you do it here, or should we go to your office after caf? I can work anywhere. Riyo just has me drafting her speeches today.”
By the end of the week, Fox almost didn’t leave the posting. She made him caf every morning, and let him get work done. When there was time, she asked him about himself and his brothers. And he’d tried every creamer in her fridge.
He assigned her a shiny, because he knew she’d be good to his little brother. She’d given him her comm frequency and told him he had an open invitation to have caf in her office, and to call her if he ever needed anything.
Fox infamously didn’t like people. He liked Kandri after that. 
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He didn’t intend to call her. He felt bad as he dialed the frequency, but it was 0300 and he had no one else to call for help. She hadn’t asked any questions, just showed up at the senate building in a red peacoat over her white nightgown, feet in a pair of ballet flats. He was on the bottom of the stairs with a broken foot and gash over his eye. Kandri had pulled his weight, armor and all, onto her narrow shoulders and helped him to her office so she could take a look at him. She’d cleaned his cut and put a bacta patch on it, then tried to argue with him that he needed to go to the hospital. 
He feigned embarrassment and told her he’d fallen down the stairs. Kandri had put her hands on her hips and stared him down, her hair out of its buns and falling in gentle waves down almost to her waist. He’d never thought about how pretty she was until then, in her pajamas with no makeup, golden eyes bright with worry. He eventually did let her take him in her skycar to the garrison medbay across the city sector, where she’d sat with him until a clone medic set and put his foot in a boot. Then she’d driven him to the barracks, taken one look at how many stairs he’d have to manage, and shook her head. “You can sleep on my couch, Fox. Call Thire and tell him you’ll be out until you’re better.”
“I can’t let everything pile up on him, Lady Chitose-” 
“Then I’ll pick up your datapad tomorrow and you can call it light duty. But you need to rest, or your foot won’t heal right. And please… just call me Kandri?”
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After his foot healed, he made time to see her more often. She always had a cup of caf and a smile for him. Sometimes she picked up lunch for herself and Senator Chuchi and “got an extra” that always coincided with something he’d mentioned wanting to try or liking before. He watched her, bit by bit, moderate herself for him. 
If he mentioned that a certain phrase reminded him of the senator that threw a full cup of hot caf across the room at him or a brother, that phrase disappeared from her vocabulary. If he mentioned a delegate who mistreated clones, she stepped between them and her shiny guard the next time they met in the hall. Fox noticed, if he didn’t see it live he’d find out on security holo review later. Bit by bit, she showed him she was safe. She was kind. She could be trusted. 
Eventually, he started letting her visit his office after hours, when he was catching up on things and no one else was there. She sat in the chair by his desk, moving it closer day by day… until one day she was sitting on the desk corner itself. His helmet was sitting beside her, and her hand rested lightly on it. 
“How’d you get that scar across the bridge of your nose?” Her voice had been so quiet, so fretful and hesitant. Like she was afraid she’d scare him off.
He paused, stylus in hand, and looked at her. “Why do you ask?”
“Because I see how many other ones you have. Your hands, your arms under your blacks, your chest… when you stayed at my apartment, I could see there were so many…”
“I’m a soldier, Kandri. Scars are a part of the job.”
Her pink eyebrows furrowed, red painted lips parting as she fixed her eyes on him. “Fox. I know you didn’t fall down the stairs that night.” 
Fox stiffened. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Yes you do.” She slowly leaned a little closer. “I see you. The first one to step between your brothers and danger. The last one to back down. You didn’t even flinch when that Zillo creature attacked this building, but you twitch when we pass certain senators in the hall. You look around when you hear the Chancellor’s voice. And you’re a clone commander, the most graceful and battle-ready people in the galaxy. You didn’t fall. Someone pushed you. Tell me who.”
“I can’t do that.” He shook his head, unable to tear his eyes away from hers. 
“But they hurt you.”
“I’m a soldier. A clone. We’re meant to be expendable.”
“That’s not fair, Fox.” Kandri kept leaning in, though her hand on his helmet tightened its grip. “It’s not right. You don’t deserve it.”
“Lots of people think so.” He swallowed hard. He had an idea of what she was going to say next, and he wanted to hear it just as much as he didn’t. Once the words came out of her mouth, he’d never forget them. They’d mean too much to him.
“I would never hurt you.” Kandri whispered. “But I know you can’t believe that. Too many people have already let you down.” 
He’d never been more seen than that moment, in the light of those golden eyes. There was no formality or procedure to hide behind. He’d already let her in too close, he couldn’t close the door again. “I want to believe you.” He admitted. 
“Would you let me try to prove it?” 
The galaxy had moved much too fast when he nodded. “... how?”
“Like this.” She’d kissed him, so soft and sweet and unlike anything he’d known since the day he came out of the growth tube. She pulled back after a moment, checking his expression for hesitation or distaste. When she found none, her cheeks flushed indigo and she slowly reached up to cup his face in both her hands. He closed his eyes when her thumbs stroked under them, tracing his scar and temples, where his black hair had started to gray far too early even for a man with accelerating aging. “I would never hurt you.” She said softly. “I’ll keep telling you until you believe me.” 
He was one of millions of men, made to die indistinguishably as numbers on a strategy board. He’d accepted it in his exhausted way, told himself he’d do what he could for as long as he could to keep the vod’ikase safe. But for a moment, under Kandri’s soft blue hands, he felt like he might actually matter. He didn’t quite believe, but he wanted to.
Her second kiss was on his forehead. He adored her after that.
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Stolen kisses during caf time turned to sneaking out of the barracks into her apartment, or either of their offices. Riyo Chuchi wasn’t stupid, she knew there was more than a friendship and simply let Kandri off the hook early some days. If her skycar was still at the senate building when the Senator left… she didn’t say anything. 
Fox knew he was in love with her when she had to go back to Pantora for a month with Chuchi. She’d kissed him goodbye in an alcove behind the barracks, promising she’d be back soon. He’d missed her every single day, and thought about comming twice an hour at least. Only the reality that they both were working stopped him… but he found himself thinking about her constantly. Every petty jab from a senator who viewed him as barely more than a droid was easier to take when he imagined her rolling her eyes and whispering what an asshole she thought they were. Even the innate dread he felt whenever he was in Palpatine’s office eased slightly if he distracted himself with the thought she was coming back soon. 
The Chancellor had noticed. Fox should have realized that was odd. There was no outward sign, no change in behavior, he’d been sure of it. But Palpatine had looked suspicious, like he’d both anticipated Fox’s discomfort and felt slighted by its absence. He’d been worse than ever after that, but Fox ignored it. It didn’t matter. The job, the Republic, wasn’t his entire life anymore. It was just an assignment, something to get through so he could go back to where he wanted to be. Kandri waited on the other side of whatever shitty day he was having, with open arms. 
When she’d sent him a message that she was back, he’d asked Thorn to cover for him for the first time in his life. His brother had been delighted, grinning like a moron. “Please tell me you have a date. And please tell me it’s that cute Pantoran girl with the buns.”
“That’s classified.” Fox had left his helmet in his office, he was in such a rush. He never forgot equipment, and failed to give a fuck when he realized what he’d done. He’d get it again when he went back to work. All that mattered was getting to her apartment. 
Kandri had met him at the door, in a red sweater over her day dress, and threw her arms around his neck. “I missed you so much.” She’d whispered, snuggling into his chest. “It’s good to be home.” He’d understood then, that Pantora wasn’t her home anymore. He was, like she was his. He’d spent the whole night in her arms, lighter than he’d felt since he was a cadet. She was almost asleep on his chest when he kissed her rosebud pink hair and murmured. “I believe you.” 
Kandri had smiled, looking up at him in the dimness of her bedroom, the city lights from the window casting dynamic shadows across her face as she smiled at him. Her fingers trailed over the bridge of his nose. “I love you too.” 
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“Execute Order 66.” 
When the Order went out, he felt like he couldn’t breathe. His head was in a vice, his thoughts muddled and discoordinate. He’d walked out of his office with other members of the Coruscant Guard, up to Palpatine’s office. The window had been broken. There were dead Jedi, traitors. The 501st was marching on the Temple, and he was to catch any who escaped them. 
All Jedi had to die. 
It had been a blur. His boots on the ground, orders given, the sound of breathing in his helmet, and then he’d turned down into an alleyway. 
Two kids, barely more than ten or twelve, were clinging to each other. They were dressed in brown robes, with beaded braids by their ears. Next to them were a pair of Pantoran adults, a male and a female. They were comforting the padawans, clearly trying to help them. When he turned the corner, the woman stiffened at the sound of his boots. Before she even turned around, Fox had recognized her red dress. “Kandri.”
“Fox.” Kandri’s eyes were wide, but she looked relieved to see him. “What’s going on? These padawans said the Temple was attacked! We were out walking-” She took a step towards him, but froze when his blaster lifted. 
Run, Kandri. Run. Take the padawans, take the other Pantoran. Run. Memory begged her, but she hadn’t. She’d pushed the other Pantoran and children behind her. “Lofi… take them and go.”
Lofi. Her brother, the one who hid her caf. She talked about him, he was a disability advocate and teacher at the fiber arts college at Coruscant University. He was blind. She was so proud of him. They were twins. Fox remembered all the facts but he couldn’t lower the blaster. 
“You’re in direct violation of Order 66. You are guilty of treason, and will be executed.” His own voice had said, dull and uninflected, like he was complaining about the pre-programed weather and not pointing a blaster at her. 
Kandri’s eyes watered up with tears. “Fox… please.”
“You are a traitor to the Empire.” There hadn’t even been an Empire yet, but he’d said it like it had existed for decades. 
The tears spilled over, tracking down her cheeks. There were freckles across her nose, darker blue and barely visible in the dim alley light. A constellation all his own, or it had been. “I love you.” She whispered, because of course she had. What else could she have said, in the moment before he pulled the trigger? Before the blaster bolt struck her dead in the chest and she collapsed backwards, head slamming into the pavement. Sprawled on her back, one bun coming loose and dipping pink hair into a puddle, knees tucked together and one foot bare where the blast had knocked her right out of her shoe. 
He’d ripped his helmet off and vomited immediately, tears in his eyes. 
He’d shot her. He’d killed her.
He wished she had run. He’d never have seen her again, and she’d have thought he was a child-hunting monster for the rest of her life but she would have been alive. Instead, she was dead in an alleyway. And Fox should have called it in, but he couldn’t make himself get any closer to the corpse of the woman who’d only this morning had been alive and sneaking him a breakfast pastry from a Senatorial banquet just because she knew he liked cinnamon. 
Fox had left her there, because he couldn’t make himself look at what he’d done.
When he finished the story, Rex just let him squeeze his hand. “I’m sorry, vod. I’m so sorry.”
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After the chip was removed and he recovered, Fox didn’t know what to do with himself. He refused Pantora, he was hesitant about Pabu… so he decided to join Rex’s fight. Senator Chuchi was helping Rex, and it was a fight worthy of going to battle again. It was something he could imagine being proud of eventually, if he could ever be proud of anything he ever did again. 
No matter how much his vode assured him that the chip had forced his hand, he still remembered he’d been the one to pull the trigger. He’d hunted those padawans. He’d declared Kandri Chitose a traitor. He’d killed her for the very thing he’d fallen in love with, her willingness to stand between someone and what hurt them. She’d been willing to save someone. She’d saved him, and those padawans, and her brother. 
He couldn’t save her from himself.
“The base here is staffed with mostly clones, but there’s a couple civilian volunteers. Trace and Rafa Martez own the hangar you came to, you’ll see them. There’s a couple mechanics, one really smart and obnoxious droid technician, and a cleaner.” Rex explained, walking Fox in. “Don’t eat anything Howser says he cooked. Don’t stand near Gregor if he says he’s got an idea…. Anything else he should know, Vik?”
The bearded clone beside him, with gray eyes and a tired expression born of a place Fox had only heard whispered about, “Tantiss”, nodded. “Be nice to Kitty. Every clone in here will punch you if you make her cry.”
“Kitty?” Fox frowned. 
“She’s the cleaner. A couple of the guys who defected like you did found her barely alive on their way out. She had a sucking chest wound, but they had some spare bacta and managed to save her. She doesn’t talk, we’re not sure if she can’t or just won’t. But she makes little noises like a tooka, so we started calling her Kitty and she seems to like it.” Vik explained. “She looks after everyone, especially the new guys who just got out of the Empire. She likes to bring people food.” 
Fox nodded. “She sounds nice.”
Rex smiled. “I keep trying to get her to leave base, to see if we can find out who she is. She doesn’t seem to remember anything… but if anyone so much as mentions it, she hides. I found her in a walk in freezer once.”
“She didn’t get sick?” Fox frowned. 
Vik shook his head. “Pantorans can take the cold better than us.”
Fox winced, but nodded. 
“Here she comes. Someone must have told her we had a new arrival.” Rex nodded. 
Sure enough, coming from the back of the base was a Pantoran girl with pink hair tied into a messy braid. She was wearing what looked like clone blacks bottoms and an undershirt, with a gray poncho tucked into her belt, and too-big boots, while very proudly carrying a tray of fruit. Vik smiled as she got close enough to make out the details of her face. “Hey, Miss Kitty.”
Kitty made a definitively tooka-like purr-myrr sound and held up the tray towards him. 
Rex nodded. “She’ll get upset if you don’t at least eat a little.” He whispered to Fox. “She keeps this place spotless, and we give her little odd jobs outside of that to keep her happy.” 
Fox nodded, turning back towards her as Kitty walked up with her tray. Just as her boots stopped, inches from his own, he dropped his helmet to the floor.
There was a constellation of freckles across her nose, sitting under liquid gold eyes that looked back at him with a guileless smile. She wore no makeup, no gold pins in her hair, but Fox’s mouth went dry at the sight of a ragged blaster-burn scar peeking just out of the top of her shirt. Her braid, pulled over her shoulder, was tied with a tattered ribbon in a bright, cheerful red. She held up the tray again, squeaking at him curiously with tone instead of words. 
“Th-thank you.” Fox whispered, taking a piece of melioruun. Kitty kept squeaking until Rex and Vik took a piece, then trotted off after Howser in the distance. 
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Vik frowned.
“You don’t need to take her off base to know who she is.” Fox whispered, the fruit dripping juice down his gloves when he unconsciously squeezed it. 
“You know her?” Rex glanced over at Kitty again. He’d been trying to figure out what to do with a girl who could barely seem to look after herself, but who was determined to try to look after the clones fighting for their lives against the Empire.
“I’m the reason she can’t talk, or remember.” Fox swallowed hard. “It’s her.”
“Her?” Rex frowned.
“The one I told you about… Her name is Kandri Chitose.”
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romanarose · 6 months
Take Care of You
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Francisco Morales x Benjamin Miller
SUMMARY: Pope is coming to the fight. No one’s seen him for a while, so the fight has more energy to it this time. Frankie helps calm his nerves, but Benny wants to be more than behind the scenes.
Warnings: briefest of smut (end of blowjob), cheating (Frankie is cheating with Ben, not on him), a lil angst, a lot of fluff, references to tom being homophobic and using slurs but we dont see him at all.
A/n: Canonically, Frankie wrapped Benny's hands before the scene in the gif in the script, but the scene ended up CUT SADLY. Adding in my version of what happen.
Yeah, Benny was nervous.
Pope was in town and would be coming ot his fight, the first one in several months. It wasn't like he never came to the states, but we wasn't flying back every weekend either. Usually when he was back, he had some big plan, a grand scheme, and adventure to go on. Benny needed to win, it was imparitive that he won when Pope was here so he didn't think he lost his edge. Every single mission Pope had, Benny went, he needed it. His MMA fights didn't pay the bills, they barely paid for his drinking some days, and his stock boy job at Walmart was humiliating. All he had were his fights and Santiago's adventures to keep him going
And, of course, Frankie, whose mouth he was currently cumming inside as Frankie knelt on the floor between where Benny sat on the bench.
Frankie, whose hat had fallen on the floor after getting in the way of deepthroating, swallowed him down like he always did, and then sat back on his with a satisfied smirk. "Feel better?”
Benny smiled his dopey grin and tucked himself back into his red shorts. "Yeah I do, thanks." Thanks. Benny chastised himself. Who the fuck says thanks after an orgasm? He never quite new how to act around Frankie. Frankie had been easier than the others, for sure. When Ben joined Delta, he needed so badly for everyone to like him, to think he was capable, to prove to himself he earned this spot and hadn't just gotten this position from being Ironhead's brother. Of course, that hadn't hurt. Will didn't pull any stings for him, but it was through Will that he heard there was a position open, and Will had mentioned his brother would be applying, but that was it. Ben knew he was good at what he did, but he felt like he was constantly fighting to prove that to the others, even know. A 35 year old man still wanting his cool older brother and his friend to like him. Pathetic.
Well, Catfish did more than like him, it seemed. Despite always being kind to him, gently teasing him to put him at ease, the recently change was something new. Of course Ben had a crush on Catfish, how could he not after watching him fly. He was so assured, collected, in control, just as he was when he was railing him in a secret hook up. And it had to remain secret, their sweaty nights spent exploring each others bodies, the hotel bookings and parked cars in corn fields, and days like this, tucked away in locker rooms. Ben longed for the day he could fuck Fish in his own Ben, to hold him all night and make him breakfast in the morning.
But he couldn't, because Ben lived with Will, and Fish lived with his girlfriend and daughter.
It wasn't a happy family, Benny reasoned to himself to make the guilt go away. They were on the verge of breaking up long before Ben entered the dick-sucking-picture, but then she got pregnant and Fish wasn't the type of guy of abandon his lady while pregnant. He was, however, the type to go run errands and fuck Ben in the Walmart employee bathroom. The one thing the shit job was good for.
Ben stood up, helping the older man off his knees. Fish mumbled a thanks is return, then directed him to sit as he grabbed the wraps. This was their ritual. Not the stress relief blowjob, but the hand wrapping. Part of Ben wondered if Will knew about them, if that's why he always made himself scarce and left the hand binding to Fish.
Will was maticulas, wrapping and rewrapping until it was perfect, until Will absolutely sure Ben would be okay, that it wasn't too tight, obsession over it until one day, Frankie got tired of watching and pushed Will to the side. Gently, carefully, firmly, Frankie wrapped his hands up. When Will inspected the hands, he was satisfied, entrusting Fish to do the job from then on. That meant a lot to Ben. Ben was aware how protective Will was of him, and the fact Will was able to entrust his baby brother's safety to Fish was important.
"You're gonna do great, Benjamin." Frankie tried to sooth him and he carefully wrapped the right hand. "You've been on a hot streak. Pope is gonna be very impressed."
Ben watched him, marveling at the care Fish always put into him, his hands, in bed, in the field. "I know I care too much about his opinion."
Frankie shrugged. "It's only natural."
"What do you think he'd think about us."
There was a brief pause in Frankie's actions, not looking up before he returned to his work. "And what exactly is us."
For months now, they hadn't really talked about what happened, they fucked and spent time together, but never talked. "Oh that's right, you just want sex."
THAT made Frankie look up, hurt in his eye as he straddled the bench. "How can you say that?" He finished the left hand, but still held it.
Ben looked away, ashamed he'd insinuate such a thing but too stubborn to back down. "You just call me when you want to bend me over a sink."
His voice was quiet. "Is that what you really think?" When Benny didn't reply nor look at him, Franke reached out, taking Ben's face in his hands and guiding it to his. "You listen to me, Benjamin, you aren't just sex and... I'm sorry I made you feel like that. It's doesn't have to be sex. It's quick fucks because I can't take you on a nice date. It's bathroom blowjobs because I can't hold you in my arms all night long."
Feeling his eyes tear up, Ben tried to push him feelings down, to push down the love he had for Catfish, but none the less he hears his voice quiver as he speaks. "But why?"
With a sigh, Frankie hangs his head and rests it on Ben's shoulder. 'It's just... I got the baby, you know? And the guys, they don't know what we are, I don't even know if we know what we are... it's all so... complicated..."
Benny understood, he did, and he reassured Frankie as much as he hugged him. "Can we try? I don't... I don't wanna be your dirty secret anym-"
"You're not." Frankie quickly broke in. "You're not... you're not dirty, Ben. You aren't dirty, and we aren't wrong. We just need to be honest with everyone."
Benny held his breath. "You we can... talk to the guys?"
There was a hesitation, but Fransisco spoke. "Yeah, yeah we can talk to them. Let's see what bullshit Pope's got going on this time and just wait a few days. If we're going somewhere, we don't need to be divulging and big secrets right before life or death situations but... yeah. After this, we can tell em."
"And your girl?" Benny kissed the crown of Frankie's head.
Frankie chuckled softly. "If we end up going, I'm pretty sure she's leaving anyway... Besides, she's fucking her boss, so I doubt it's gonna be much of a loss. I'm sure we can figure out a custody agreement."
Ben adored Franks daughter and lit up at the idea of helping raise her. "Yeah? You think we can pull this off."
Shrugging slightly but smiling, Frankie's kind eyes sparkled. "I dunno, we can try."
"What do you think that'll say?"
Frankie thought for a moment. "Well, I don"t think Will’s gonna give much of a shit. He just wants you to be happy, you know that, right?"
"Yeah, I know."
"And Santi hasn't been in a committed relationship since his 2 week girlfriend in Sunday school, so he doesn't got much room to talk."
Ben laughed, beaming again at his lover. "Yeah, I don't think he'd care much anyway." Ben's smile faltered. "And Tom?"
Frankie's smile fell a bit too, knowing how Tom was. Tom didn't say anything outright like 'man, I sure hate gay people.' But there were comments, outdated names he called them as 'play' insults... everyone knew where Tom stood.
"I won't let noth'n happen to you, okay? Neither will Santi or Will, 'kay? I love you so much, it's gonna be alright."
Ben breathed a sigh of relief. "Yeah, okay, s'gonna alright. I love you too, Fish"
Frank pulled Ben to stand up, pulling his face in for a wet kiss. "C'mon, Santi's waiting, he's gonna be so proud of you, just like me and Will are."
When Ben entered the locker room, Frankie trailing behind him, he tried his best to push away the thoughts of his best friend sucking his dick and promising his love not ten minutes ago. ***************************
RIP Andre Braugher, thank you for playing such an important role in queer representation in media <3
Had this idea in my head for MONTHS
check out my FishBen section on my triple frontier mastlist for more <3
not tagging the usual bc its not x reader sooooooo tagging some i thought may enjoy based on reblogs from boys of summer and whose expressed wanting to read
@missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @spacecowboyhotch @velocibee @rubyfruitjungle @maplemind @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @reggiesfilthylittlesecret @gogh-with-the-flow @i-own-loki @writingforcurrentfixations @miraclesabound @pockcock
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smileydk · 9 months
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Road Trip + Neck kisses
Pairing: Non-Idol!Wooyoung x Best-Friend!OC
Summary: Jiwoo's best friend, Wooyoung, decides to shoot his shot with his friend, who he's been in love with since they were 10. Only he doesn't know the feelings are mutual + 99-liners and reader are 19, Jongho is 18 and the 98-liners are 20
Note: I kind of spiraled in the end and added… a proposal! Yay… 😁… and to everyone who got tagged. I sincerely apologize :) I needed to make up some usernames for the end…
cw/tw: hickeys, hints towards sex, kisses, make-out session.
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''Jiwoo, you're in the back since you're... tiny'' Yunho stated as he was quick to sit down in the driver's seat.
''Fuck you'' She pouted.
Mingi was given the passanger seat since he was the tallest after Yunho. San, Yeosang and Jongho sat down in the row behind them. Seonghwa and Hongjoong sat in the second middle row, the seat between them being filled with snacks. This only left the last row to Jiwoo and Wooyoung, and the luggage.
''Why do we have so much luggage? We're going camping for two days'' Jiwoo asked as she took her seat in Wooyoung's lap.
''Because someone-'' Hongjoong shot a pointed look at San. ''-needed to bring his whole bathroom with him for two days in the forest''
Jiwoo chuckled at San as he looked very offended by the comment.
'' You’re just jealous because my hair’s better than yours! Don't come crying ot me when you wake up tomorrow and look like… you!''
Jiwoo’s laughter continued as the two bickered. Her laughter faded as Wooyoung's arm snuck around her waist as some kind of seatbelt.
''Tell me if I'm too heavy and I'll sit on San's hair products'' Jiwoo mumbled quietly as her breath caught in her throat.
''You weigh literally nothing'' The man replied and leaned back, pulling his friend with him.
As Jiwoo sat leaned against Wooyoung's stomach, she couldn't help but blush as she felt his abs pressing against her lower back.
Sure, the man wasn't ridicolously fit, but he was just enough. And Jiwoo, personally, prefered Wooyoung's physique over some super fit muscle man.
Since the ride to the forest was almost four hours, most of the guys had fallen sleep. Yunho was currently surviving on caffein and Mingi's constant chatter about... different things each minute, but mostly about how tired he was.
''Mingi, for god's sake! If you're tired, sleep instead of annoying me'' Yunho snapped as he turned onto a smaller road.
There was still another two hours left to the drive and Yunho did not wanna listen to Mingi's chatter anymore.
Jiwoo, who wasn't tired at all, chuckled at their bickering. She couldn’t judge them. They lived together and now they were locked into a car together for four hours. They were bound to snap at some point.
Yunho's snapping however proved to be very effective on the man as he fell silent. A moment later his head fell against the car window and snores were heard.
The only ones awake were Jiwoo, Yunho and Wooyoung. Yunho was very focused on the road since it was very small. Well, you couldn't even call it a road, it was a small gravel path, and the car was hired. Meaning he couldn't damage it at all, or it'll cost him.
Wooyoung wrapped both his arms around Jiwoo even tighter as the road became more wiggly, since she didn't have a seatbelt. And because he knew the other guys would kill him if he let the girl die, especially her brother Seonghwa.
Jiwoo was scrolling through instagram, pouting to herself as her feed consisted of her other freinds and their partners. Some more appropriate than others.
Her best friend, Ara, had posted a picture of her neck filled with hickeys, as well as her boyfriends lips still attached to her neck.
''Neck kisses from my boo are the best''
She liked the post and opened the comments. She chuckled as most of her single friends had commented. Mostly about how jealous they were. Jiwoo decided to be petty and copy them.
''Ara, you're making the rest of us jealous! You can only share this with your taken friends!
It only took a minute before Ara had replied to the comment.
''Come on Jiwoo~ don't be jealous, just find a good guy and ask! I recommend Wooyoung since you've been in love with him for like 8 years!''
Jiwoo sighed and chuckled. She liked the comment and turned her phone off.
Wooyoung, whose head rested on Jiwoo's shoulder, raised an eyebrow as he read the comments. Sure, it wasn't nice looking at others phones, but they were talking about him after all. He must have had some kind of right to spy, right?
Yunho took a peek in the rearview mirror and smirked. He re-angled it and turned his focus back to the road.
''So, you like neck kisses, eh?'' Wooyoung chuckled as he leaned back.
''Yah, don't read my odd comments!'' Jiwoo pouted and put her phone in the pocket on the back of the seat in front of her.
As she leaned forward Wooyoung let out a hiss. ''Don't do that''
''What?'' Jiwoo was completely clueless. She wasn't even pretending to be innocent, she didn't understand.
''Don't move around so much~'' He wrapped his arms back around her waist and held her in a firm grip
''Wha- oh'' She blushed as she felt exactly why he whined.
He laid his head back on her shoulder. His lips were right by the girl's ears. ''Wanna try out the neck kisses?'' He ran his nose along her neck, smirking as she shuddered and goosebumps grew on her skin.
Jiwoo didn't know what to do. Sure, she'd been in love with the man for eight years, but she was a little unsure of what they could start since she didn't want to wreck their friendship.
They had always been a flirty duo. Pick-up lines, teasing, perverted jokes.
She was slightly impressed that he kept his cool and didn't jump at the chance. ''Come on, Princess~ I need an answer''
''Such a gentleman'' She patted his cheek. ''Sure, if you want to''
Wooyoung let out the breath he was holding and pressed a light kiss to Jiwoo's neck.
Jiwoo was embarrassed as she let out a small sigh of satisfaction. Her hand flew up to silence her sounds.
The sigh however only encouraged Wooyoung's kisses. He continued pressing kisses to her neck wherever he could reach. Jiwoo tilted her head slightly, giving Wooyoung more access to her neck.
Wooyoung's cocky smirk only grew as her body responded to his action. He pushed her hair to the side and continued leaving kisses all over her neck and throat.
The girl's eyes widened as she could feel him slowly getting more frisky and confident.
She put her index finger in her mouth and bit down as he started sucking and nibbling slightly on her neck. ''Fuck~''
''Yunho's never gonna let us live this down'' Wooyoung mumbled as he removed his lips from Jiwoo's neck. He smiled at his art piece.
''No he is not! And he will tell all of their friends and the girl’s brother, so that they will tease them as well'' Yunho replied from the driver's seat.
Jiwoo chuckled and leaned back, resting her head on Wooyoung's shoulder. ''You look so good in black hair'' She mumbled and ran her hand through his newly black-dyed hair.
''Do you mean my oreo hair was ugly?'' Wooyoung raised an eyebrow, knowing very well that wasn't what she meant, but he was a born tease.
''No, but your black hair makes you much more sexy- I don't know why'' Jiwoo smiled and ran her thumb along his jawline. She allowed her hand to continue down his neck before going back up.
''That tickles'' Wooyoung whined.
She however continued tracing the boy. Her fingers reached his lips and she smiled. ''Oh my god, you have a mole on your lip'' She smiled and took a closer look.
''I know'' Wooyoung chuckled at her excitement. He wondered how she’d never seen it before. He grabbed her hand and kissed her index finger.
''And one here'' She smiled and poked the mole under his left eye.
''Stop it, it tickles'' Wooyoung continued whining.
''So... this tickles as well?'' Jiwoo smirked and leaned closer and copied what he'd done earlier, running her nose along his neck.
''Yes, but not in the same way'' He shuddered.
''And what about... this?'' She pressed a light kiss to his neck.
Wooyoung sighed. The kiss was too light for his satisfaction. He wanted her to paint his neck, much like he'd done to hers.
Jiwoo seemed to have understood the sigh as she pressed another kiss to his neck. She chuckled to herself as she could feel his arms tightening around her waist.
She only took it as encouragement.
She continued leaving kisses all over his neck, occasionally leaving a hickey. Jiwoo smirked to herself as he whined quietly.
As her lips left the boy's neck she, much like he'd done previously, smiled at her art piece.
''Damn, I should be an artist''
Jiwoo smiled as she just held Wooyoung's face in her hands, admiring the man. She ran her thumbs over his high cheekbones.
As her eyes travelled across his face they stopped on his lips. ''You really need some chaptstick'' She dug through her pocket and found one. ''Pout''
Wooyoung chuckled and did as he was told. Jiwoo held his jaw in a soft, yet firm grip, as she applied the chapstick. She finished and put the chapstick back in her bag.
''I think you need some as well'' Wooyoung mumbled before grabbing her neck and pulling her in for a real kiss.
At first shock took over her body. But as soon as the shock faded away she kissed back. None of them could help the dorky smiles that grew on their lips as they kissed.
They both had been waiting for this for almost 10 years.
Wooyoung pulled away and smiled sweetly. ''After our little camping trip I'm taking you on a real date, princess''
''That I'll hold you to''
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❤️ 💬 ↗️
Liked by @j.wy_official and 2 298 749 others
@p.jw_notofficial: To quote Ara, Neck kisses from my boo are the best
@j.yh_official: We’ve been waiting for eight years! It’s about time
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ shut up! You did not!
@p.sh_official: not something I needed to see nor know…
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ well, brother dearest, feel free to block me anytime 💋💋💋
@k.hj_official: never make out in the car again! At least not when I’m around!
@j.wy_official: ^^ dude, you were sleeping as if you were dead. There’s no way in hell you knew what was going on!
@k.hj_official: ^^ doesn’t matter if I was dead! Yunho told me and now I need bleach for my brain!
@c.s_official: As Yunho said, ABOUT DAMN TIME! Now, when do we hear the wedding bells?
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ whenever Wooyoung grows a pair and proposes (and I say this simply because he makes more money than me. If I were to propose, he’d get a ring pop)
@p.sh_official: ^^ better not be anytime soon! And he better ask for permission!
@s.mg_official: whoop! Party! Finally!
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ very original comment…
@c.jh_official: Supporting as long as you don’t fuck in my bed, kiss or make out in front of me, and won’t make me babysit in the future.
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ babysit!? How far in the future are you!? I don’t even know what I’m gonna eat for lunch in a week!
@k.ys_official: when did this happen?
@j.wy_official: ^^ Hyung, you’re the most clueless person to ever walk the face of the earth… ladies and gentlemen, Kang Yeosang!
@k.ys_official: ^^ if we listened to EVERYTHING you said Wooyoung, there’d be no time for anything else
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❤️ 💬 ↗️
Liked by @p.jw_notofficial and 28 832 013 others
@j.wy_official: I wanted the blue one😔
Oh yeah, and we got engaged when Seonghwa was in another country :)))
@p.jw_notofficial: fuck, that means I have to change my username-
@j.wy_official: ^^ is it really that much of a chore?
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ yes… and the blue one was yummy…
@p.sh_official: WHAT!? How dare- I mean… congrats sis…
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ either be nice or you won’t be the best man
@p.sh_official: ^^ sorry…
@c.s_official: I wanna be the maid of honor!
@j.yh_official: ^^ NO! I’m better because I’m tall!
@c.s_official: ^^ people prefer dogs. Not giraffes
@j.yh_official: ^^ I only agree with the fact that you’re a dog. And btw, giraffes are amazing!
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ okay… San you’re my maid of honor… for now at least… and Yunho can be the flower girl :)
@c.jh_official: as I stated previously. I’m not a free babysitter in the future. I’ll happily take $20 a kid/hour
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ don’t you love us!? I’m gonna tell my kids you’re a mean uncle
@c.jh_official: ^^ good, then they won’t annoy me :)
@s.mg_official: I am so gonna have the most epic entrance ever seen at a wedding!
@j.wy_official: ^^ upstage me and you won’t see much of the wedding at all
@k.hj_official: congratulations! I wish you all the best! And cute babies :)))
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ first normal comment. Thank you 💋
@k.ys_official: will there be chocolate croissants?
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ only for you Yeosang!
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5cookiekitty · 1 year
*『Meeting of a lifetime』
Yandere portgas d ace × gentle reader
Summary: or the one where a resident fire user heart is taken by a woman with the gentlest persona. It's a tragedy when her love is her undoing.
Tw: yandere behavior
Author note: yes I turned the headcanons into a fic , your welcome. Some things may different but that's okay.
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Ace couldn't help but stare at your form. The way you weaved through the hoards of people with that same gentle smile that always made his hear flutter.
He was in love with you and every thought about you set him on fire until he was buring , burning , burning , gone. His love for you hurts , it'd Hurst so much that he can't hold you in his arms or even kiss you on your cheek cause you weret his.
He knows he doesn't deserve someone like you. You got the best , you deserved the best that the world could give you. But couldn't he be selfish just this once. Is ot so bad to be that best thing you deserved. To feel how hot your love would for him or to see how perfect you would fit in his arms. He knows he shouldn't want this , it's not healthy and your not a object but just being near you is making it hard.
He then sets his resolve for the next time he meets you. He's a pirate and he'll do anything to obtain the treasure his blood so desired. "Goodbye ace." Your voice manged to cut through the air and towards his ear and his gives a little wave back as his smiled. He couldn't wait untill you were entirely his.
Your sisters stood around your shaking and sobbing form crumbled on the floor. The news paper that you had just gotten done readings tossed off to the side like a piece of trash. Your wailing was breaking their hearts more than what they already were.
Ace was such a prominent figure in the bar it wasn't long untill everyone who was calling you big sis was calling him big brother. They loved ace with all his goofy and charming ways and they way he brought joy anytime he came. They all loved ace , just not in the way you did.
"Onee-san." A teenage girl mumbled quietly behind you as she sat on her hands and knees right by your form to wrap a arm around your shoulders and pull you to her side. "I'm sure he'll be fine , ace is strong." She said and your eyes glanced towards the paper from where your head was still wrapped in your arms. "I know that but whitebeard is-" another sob rocks your body and every flinched at the unusual sound coming from your usually gentle voice.
One of the younger girls stepped out from behind an older girls skirt with determined eyes. "I know you love him Ms.l/-" your head snaped up causing the girl holding you to jump up with a small yelp. "I don't love ace He's just kind and has a nice smile and he's supper good looking and strong and he's...my..friend." everyone in the room winced at the realization on your voice as you trailed off into a quote whisper.
"Oh." You quietly voiced as you stared blankly ahead with tears streaming down your face. You were in love with ace , his charm had wormed its way into your heart and set it ablaze. You were in love with ace , you were in love with a man you would never see again.
With hat thought anointed sob ripped its way through your body. This one sounding just like the heartbreak you felt.
Ace laughed made its way across the deck. Cheers , drinking , and dancing were seen and heard across the waters as the whitebeard celebrated his promotion to second division captain. His laughter morphed into a smirk as thatch swung his arms across his shoulder , tipsy and smelling of booze as he crashed his face right onto his shoulder. "So second division commander what's on your mind , you seemed to be in thought lately." Ace smiled melancholy.
He thought about alot of things these days. How the whitebeards were just as much his family as luffy and those kids back on the isalnd were.or that he finally understood he could allow himself to be happy and have happiness. Or about the next meal that would fill his bottomless stomach or even the weather for the day.
But his thoughts were mostly consumed of thoughts about you. The one thing his body crazed to touched , the person his eyes desperately wanted to see and the voice his ears wanted to hear. He thought about alot of things , but none of them brought him pain like when he thought about you.
And while ace desperately at these times wanted to scream , shout , or cry in frustration and want he held back. He held back so long it hurt but for the first time in months he lets his thoughst wonder back to thoughts about you. Finally he felt safe and vulnerable enough to ask the one question that plagued his mind for months.
"I want to visit <Island name>." Thatch was at first confused by the answer he received. Why would some Island be cauing his little brother this much dilemma? Maybe the island people wronged them and he wanted revenge , they would of had gladly backed him up if they did.
But his thoughts were proven wrong not a second later when every spade pirates within the vicinity started loosing their God damn minds. Their reaction combined with ace answer brought a silence to the deck as the confused and downright worried whitebeards watched as the spade pirates laughed and teased their captain.
"AYOO i was wondering how long you were going to last!"
"Just couldn't wait could ya!"
"I was just thinking about them! Seems like I'm not the only one!"
"Poor things , probably thinkd your dead.."
"That just add to their love story! A once thought dead ma-OUCH!"
The whitebeards watched on in various stages on confusion as ace whacked one of the spades in his heads before the incoherent screaming started. Thatch leaned over to mask deuce with the question that plagued everyone's mind. "Whats that about." He asked and mask deuce gave a chuckle that spoked of found memories.
"A girl lives on that island." He said and thatch cocked his head to the side as marco joined his side. "One that managed to take the captains heart." He finished. Marco and thatch froze in place as it finally clicked in their heads.
'Ace had a lover waiting for him.' They thought and mask deuce apparently had thr ability to read minds and his swayed his hand in the air as if to dismissed their thoughts. "Don't go thinking that now or whatever. They weren't love birds just yet."
"Yet?" Thatch questioned and mask nodded as his stared down at the beer bottle in his hands. "Yes , yet. Ace was planning on confessing after he got rid of whitebeard , but as you can see..." he jesters in the direction of where Ace was and side eyed them. "I now Ace and I know that being away from her has hurt him more than whatever whitebeard could do to him." Mask stood up and stretched as he looked back at the now serious face commanders.
"If you don't take him to her he won't last. Ace loves that girl with all his heart and it breaking in two. If he asked he's in trouble. Take him to her." And with that he turned around but not without one last question being thrown his way.
"What is she like?" Mask turned around and smiled in a way that spoke of the mysterious girl personality.
"Like butterfly kisses on your skin."
There was a certain buzz on the ship after that night. A lingering want and curiosity buzzed around the halls and decks like bees to a flower. Ace hasn't been seen nor heard of since he was told they were going to the island. "LAND SPOTTED!" Someone shouted and everyone on the three boats clambered respectively on their docks to watch the island come into view. Not a second later did ace appear right at the railings , practically about to fall off into the water with how much he was leaning over.
Marco glanced at him , noticing the way he seemed to bounced in place and grip the the edge of thr boat almost as if the stop himself from jumping over and swimming there his ownself. They docked , right in front of a small port littered with boxes and old nets. There were multiple people there , each looking on with uncertain fear as they docked.
They were all able to witness how , the moment ace leaned over the railing and smiled , did the shout of happiness and joy srround the dock. Ace without a second thought jumped from the ships with the sound of worried shout behind him. The moment his feet touched the dock was his immediately surrounded by relieved and happy people who were sprouting questions and things at him like bullets.
The whitebeards watched on , leaving the boat more safely than ace did , with wonder and curiosity. Ace who had taken months to even say a word to them was letting these people hug , touched , and shower him in trinkets and gifts all the while he smiled and let them. And then kids of all ages and sizes came running down the docks with shout of "big bro ace." Echoing it nearly gave all them whiplash from how fast they were able to twist their head around in shock.
They watched as ace let the kids climb him like a jungle gym. They watched as he smiled as he passed a kid of the an adult who gave his head a rub. And they watched the moment hushed over the dock as a tiny faint voice cuts through the air.
"Ace?" That tiny voice held so much hopefulness and so much awe thatch couldn't believe his eyes when a woman , a tiny thing clambered in cloths and kids alike as she stepped across onto the dock. Those kind e/c lit up , like she was dying and only ace was the cure. The kids hurriedly made off the woman as she was running full force at the fire user. They tense , imminently on edge but as they took glances at ace they knew...
This was the woman.
As soon as she could she threw her arms around the man who had stolen her heart and held on like he was going to dissappear from her sights once more. Ace was fast to wrap his arms around her and burry his face into her head.
With after months apart , she was here and he felt whole again.
"Oh would you look at that." Thatch said watching the familiar gleam in ace eyes take shape the longer he held the woman and he smiled. Cause he recognized that glint , it was one passed to brothers and old and one that promised protection and undoubtedly mine. He glanced over at msrco and they both nodded.
What better reward to their little brother promotion than his soon to be lover. And besides she seemed like such a sweetheart.
That night was filled with laughter, joy ,and happy tears all around. Pirates and civilians mingled as beer (and juice for the kids) were passed all around. Everyone watched on fondly at the two long at last reunited young adults. Ace has been glued to y/n side since the hug , always having some sort of touch on her rather it be his thigh touching hers or a hand on her knee.
"All right kids it time for bed." Y/n stood in front of the group of kids who all imminently groaned out in protest. "Ah ah-i don't want to hear it. Your all growing children who need sleep and rest." Ace who had his arms wrapped around her waist and head on her shoulder nodded his head in agreement.
"It's about time we all take our leave to."one of the towns people said walking over. "It's late and we all still have jobs that need to be done in thr morning. We'll catch you tomorrow yeah?" The woman nodded as parents grabbed at the kids all voicing their goodbyes as they did so.
Y/n yawned and giggled a little when ace held onto her tighter. "You won't leave tomorrow without saying goodbye?" She questioned and ace stunned her around so quickly she yelped as he took her hands in his. "Of course not." Y/n furrowed her eyebrows in worry as ace tilted his head in confusion. "Y/n?"
"You scared me you know..." it was said barely above a whisper as she glanced off to the side. "Really badly. I thought that you were gone forever and I will never see you again." She said and aces heart clenched in guilt but also anticipation. Did she feel the same he felt when he wasn't able to be by her side? Was her thoughts also filled with him ever second of every day? Did this mean she felt the same way. Ace would of had smiled if it wasn't for the look she was giving him.
"Your reckless and a idiot but you can be cause your strong." Her words were wobbled in fear as she recalled how she almost lost him. "Ace you need to be more careful. There is always a bigger fish in the sea and one of these days your going to get eaten. You need to rember that there are people who worry for you, I worry for you , and I don't think my heart can take it if you truly got hurt. I know this sound selfish you of this bu-"
"I don't think it sounds selfish." He was quick to interrupt her. He lets go of her handsome stuff his hands in his pockets and looks down at the ground as as stood there. "It sounds very human cause that what we're are at the end of the day. Human." He was quick to take her cheek in his hand as he smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry for worrying you. I didn't mean to give you a scare , I'll try not to go up against anymore big bad pirates without help ok?" He held out a pinky for her to take from his other hand as she laughed , sliding her pinkie into his. He rested his forehead against hers , wanting nothing more than to just kiss her right then and there but he held back if only for her sake. "I promise." He said and they pulled apart.
She started to walk away but not before turning around and planting a kiss on his cheek as she ran off. Ace reached up to the spot where he lips grazed and he smiled , never noticing and uncaring of how deranged he looked in that moment. 'Her lips are softer than what I imagined.'
He just fell in love with her all over again.
"Marco..." Thatch voice expectantly said as he perched on the side of the the phoenix in the tree. "If that wasn't enough proof than his expression is. Look at him." Marco rolled his eyes the joking tone at the last sentence as he stretched his legs before plopping down on the soft grass floor with Thatch following. "Yeah yeah whatever." He looked over at his little brother as he shouted out.
"Ace! let's get this over with before the morning yoi!"
Your head was pounding as you open your eyes. You were quick to sit up when you heard the startled sound of multiple woman who when you looked over were nurses. They were quick to shimmer out the room and you winced wondering where in the hell were you.
And then not a moment to soon ace was walking through the door and you calmed down if only a little bit. "Ace?" You questioned noticing how nervous he looked. "Whats going on ,where am I , wh-" He rushed to you side to once more hold your hands in his like he did last(?) night. Only this one felt more meaningful , like the calm before the storm , as he looked eyes with your and held that stare.
"Y/n I love you." He said it so suddenly that it took you a moment to register what he said. "Wh-" He squeezed you hand still holding that stare that you now realized was filled with love and want. "I've love you for a while now and I just couldn't take not telling you. I understand if you don't feel that same but I needed to tell you." And your face gained that look he always adored on you. One held with such fondness and love it made his heart pound.
"Oh Ace..." you manged to get out through tears and suddenly he was panicking and was quickly waving his hands around frantically. "AHH don't cry! I'm sorry if I've made you-AHH!" His shout of terror and worry made you cry more as you were quick to ressure him. "Their happy tears ace." He calmed down as he lets his arms fall limply to the side , letting them hand there as he looked on hopefully and longingly. "Does that mean..." he had his arms around you the moment you nodded your pretty little head.
Ace was practically burning with happiness as he held you in his arms. You fitted so well and he never felt so warm-so complete before and he never wanted to let that feeling go. If he could hold you like this for the rest of his life he would...but ace wasn't stupid and he knew what was to come to the moment you looked towards the door.
"I've got to tell the kids. They'll be so happy-" you cut yourself as you looked back at the man as he sat there blankly staring through you. "Ace?" You said softly and all he did was mumbled and looked down at his hands. "I'm sorry." Was his simple response , blood draining from your face when you heard the sound of waves coming from outside. "I'm so sorry. I didn't do it , I promise , but then marco said it was to much of a opportunity to be missed and I couldn't help my self." If you could get paler you would.
"Ace what do you mean." You hoped it was a misunderstanding. You desperately hoped he didn't do-they didn't do what you think they did. But that guilty look in those sweet Grey eyes told all the story thye needed to. "Your not leaving me again y/n. Ever." You rushed out the door and towards the railing hoping to see your home isalnd somewhere , anywhere.
It was no where to be seen.
You break down in tears right then and there. The sense of betrayal strong , but not strong enough to fight off ace arms as he gathered you up snd walked you towards what you could assume was his room. You pounded on his chest in anger and screeched at him for doing this you. You hated him at this moment and you wished to hate him for the rest of your life , but you couldn't. Cause no matter what ace did he was still your ace. The very same ace who sat yall gently on the bed and let you cry your heart out in his arms all the while he gazed sorrowful down at you.
He watched as you tired yourself out and he watched as you felt asleep , tear striken face pulled into a pinched as his fingers rubbed your back. "I know you hate me and I know what I did was wrong." He talked to himself as he gazed out the window from his room and into the seas gaze. "But you'll forgive eme eventually ,I know you will." He kissed your forhead as he leaned back into the bed and brought you down to his chest with his arms still wrapped around you.
"I love you y/n."
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