#my buddy and pal in creation
snackugaki · 2 years
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.... i have been so normal about wanting to draw tactical!Venus and tactical!Jennika.
hey. HEY. y’all need to go check out @donathan ‘s artwork, and if you are the proper age, go throw some money into their patreon for some... some real, real good art. 👀👀👀 ...but do not if you are a minor, that shit ain’t for you.
some IDW TMNT comic spoilers... and.... I guess... Next Mutation ssspoilers? I know some of you kids haven’t turtled up and watched my beloved childhood iteration yet.
alright, so, y’know, completely normal expenditure of my energy and skillset, amirite? big big thanks to @/donathan for allowing me to play around in their AU’s aesthetic because I have severe, terminal VenusAndJennikaDeserveEverythingoccocal SoIWillManifestItMyselfitis.
and tbh, all y’all’s fics have been, mwah, chef’s kiss. but SOME of you put LORE. delicious, tasty, appetite-inducing lore.
and i am nothing but the littlest hoebag for lore.
okay so, quick rundown for those who both A) are immune to spoilers B) also do not know Venus or Jennika’s origins-- bulletpoint time~!
So Venus de Milo, the “girl turtle”, the “fifth turtle” (not counting April’s extremely brief stint as a white-bandana’d turtle in the Archie comics run) was introduced in 1997′s Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation
An episode of “The Toys That Made Us” touched upon Venus’ creation so idk it’ll cover what I won’t deign to acknowledge.
her backtory is interesting (just her show was a trashfire /affectionate)
Master Splinter’s frolicking around in the dreamscape where all the cool enlightened old people hang out away from teenagers, right?
but oh no! dragon lord, a bad dude with a widow’s peak to rival Vegeta Dragonball’s widow’s peak; is there too! stomping around, ruining shit!
Splinter’s dreamscape buddy Chung I warns Splinter to stay out of the dreamscape ‘cuz Dragon Lord’s around
And like in true old people fashion, just ignores his friend’s admonition and tries to investigate himself
bad choice, womp womp
Splinter gets trussed up and rendered “stuck” in the dreamscape
cue the catalyst for Venus to make the 10+ flight from China to the U.S
don’t worry about what the boys were doing, just literal surfing in sewer grey water, breaking their little turtle skulls on cinderblocks, and picking fights in warehouses with Foot clan goons
tl;dr Venus still has Sixth Ranger mode on, so naturally she whoops all of their asses in the dark, ties them up (like how some of y’all enjoy writing Leo does huhu nudgenudge winkwink)
and then, y’know, it’s still the 90s and children’s television so blah blah the usual “oH My gOd a GiRL tURTle???/?? AWoooOOogaaa ga ga ga” 
it’s.... I mean, i’m 38 so it no longer strikes me as bad as just really fucking embarrassing... for them. to be written saying. fuck, at least they didn’t make her bandana color pink.
so fast forward to Venus teaching them to dreamwalk so they can go rescue Splinter from Dragon Lord’s clutches in the dreamscape.
unfortunately, Dragon Lord offscreen murders Chung I so Venus is narratively anchorless post-rescue, so she’s invited to stay with them. thus ensues wacky hijinks with their new pal, Venus Boom Boom de Milo.
I glossed over the urge to write a cumulative review of Next Mutation. Just, take my word as the target demographic of the show during the last gasps of 90s Turtlemania that TNM was a trashfire overall but... y’know... if you ever needed a palette cleanser after some grimdark or angsty TMNT content, give TNM a whirl. The slapstick was intentional and The Point in the show. Venus’ circumstances for coming was as serious as it would get.
... Also, yes, they made them not related in TNM, preteen snackugaki didn’t clock why because I watched a lot of wuxia as a kid so brotherhood is a term beyond blood ties to me (and if I’m being honest, martial brotherhood is fkkn metal) and later I heard tell that it was to lure more girls into the franchise with both a girl turtle and romance options. which idk whatevs man. 
I also have to clear that, actually no, Donatello and Venus did not fight EVERY episode. Donatello, despite sprinkling a little too much barely disguised snobbery, did defer to Venus’ expertise in “the supernatural” when the situation called for it, and Venus would commend Donnie on his scientific ingenuity. They even teamed up skillsets to create surveillance drones! She essentially casted Calm Emotions on him while he tried to hack the controls of the Astro Megaship back for the In Space Rangers. They breached the divide between STEM and Humanities! They only had one “real fight" near the end of the season-- because Donnie was playing his containment breach elevator mid trash copyright strike immune proto-EDM too loud while she was trying to meditate. and that’s just being bad roommates tbh.
...christ I know it’s gonna come up too, but also NO, there was not constant advances made toward Venus during the show. At most was Mikey pulling his ol’ “I work out every day~!” schtick for like 2 episodes of the 5 spent to introduce Venus. And then after? A shipper’s desert, you’d have to dig and peer behind like 8 curtains for any viable fodder. 
...OKAY NOW FOR JENNIKA’S ORIGINS: Jennika is an IDW character specifically so, naturally why she isn’t in (or would’ve been, AHEM) a lot of iterations yet (or at all, COUGH) (but to continue in honesty there’s a lot of legal tape to cut through since Jennika is IDW’s while TMNT overall is Nick’s) Introduced as a Foot Assassin, her place in the Foot Clan shifts when Splinter takes over from Shredder (Saki), eventually she forms actual bonds with both the turtles and Splinter to where it’s implied she also saw him as an important figure to her if not an outright surrogate father figure. And because TMNT is mess and drama the other 50% of the time, Karai takes over the Foot from Splinter and shenanigans compounded by Karai’s then-current machinations for the Foot-- results in Jennika getting shanked in the stomach by Karai during a clandestine meeting to resolve clan rivalry. She’s losing blood fast, Donnie works to save her and it’s Leo who volunteers for blood transfusion to keep her stable mid-transit. 
Leo’s blood mutates Jennika into a mutant turtle. And then Casey ghosts/dumps her. My poor daughter. She has a real rough time of it before fully integrating with the boys. Raph falls in with Old Hob, gets hoodwinked, and now they live in Mutant Town. Jennika slowly finds herself again, as a mutant turtle, a Splinter clan ninja, a girlfriend, a guitarist in a band she started, a sister in a found family, and a constable to a very little town.
okay! we’re all marginally informed about my two wonderfull daughters, Venus and Jennika~!
so if I can indulge further, I’m going to use my cognizance and make it everyone’s problem because I have beem quietly foaming with ideas for bg lore for tactical!J&V, more bullet points!
ok so, donathan mentioned a bit about their tac! Leo and Donnie being the snipers, Mikey and Raph spotting for them while also being demolitions and heavy ordinance specialists respectively
I would think, then for Vee and Jen, they’d be classified as close quarters combat specialists, complicated extraction? compromised area? call them to clean up and clear out~
give or take “magic” being a thing used in donathan’s AU, or anyone’s AU of this AU, Vee would probably be a close combat specialist along with Jen.
Vee, I feel, would, barring a ...”tactical fan”, (even though in TNM it was just her fists and her little wizard components but her toy came with a fan so.) probably use batons, Jen in lieu of her tekagi-shuko would... most likely use tactical karambit. not that large of a leap really.
for my personal lulz, Vee and Jen are... accurate, height-wise. Raph gets to be the biggest brother since alligator snapping turtles are, in fact, the largest motherfucking freshwater turtles on the north american continent. no getting around it.
my Vee in all Rise AUs is a softshell since the messy hanzi used to write her first given name, Mei Pieh Chi (美鱉气) has the hanzi that’s most commonly translated as softshell turtle (鱉). eh ‘di wow talaga
snacku what do you mean ‘accurate’???? tl;dr female turtles are usually the larger ones in most species.
and listen, I love and I mean LOVE, how some of y’all have written the tac!boys, mwah; but god I’m a professional turtle bully. I need to see them get dunked on. for nutritional value. and if it comes to it, I will provide that food for myself. brb laughing at eventually drawing Venus just offhandedly tossing Donnie into the air to skeet shoot his ass for fun brings me the greatest joy.
they absolutely dote on Mikey, as is the natural order of things. 
and even tho I stated TNM Donnie and Venus got along in the show, and depending on the existence of magic in this AU; I just really love dichotomous rivalries (in as much “science” and “magic” exist as a dichotomy, much less as “diametrically oppose” fields-- just, opposites man. i’m a simple girl with simple trope needs)
Vee’s arms (and legs) are absolutely covered in burns, scars, and missing flesh divots, just as close to swiss cheese limbs as you can be
Jen and Donnie debate tracks that go into their joint “On Our Way To Commit Murder” playlist
if Vee’s tactical look seem very familiar, and you’re wondering if-- yes, you’re correct. and you can “call her ms. de milo if ya nasty”
Vee was actually pretty calm and rational in TNM... but for this AU, she can be a little unhinged, as a well-deserved treat. (and ‘cuz that specific anime unhinged facial expression is fun as fuck to draw, which is my treat)
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graceful-not · 10 months
*grabs you* if the members of the found family aren't at least a little bit fucked up about each other what's even the point man. if the lines aren't even a little bit blurred when it comes to roles what's the point. buddy. pal. what's even the point of having a found family and then imposing strict nuclear family roles unto them, or never allowing the roles they do have to be bent or broken. what's even the point if one character (assuming they're the same age) is ALWAYS being taken care of by the other without it being related to one of their arcs. what's even the point if the found family doesn't take care of each other. what's even the point if they're normal about having people they are so so close to so as to trust with nearly everything and stick with and sweat bleed and die for. what's even the point if the roles arent flexible and based on a foundation of trust over any kind of imposed relationship, and the dynamics shift for what is needed in the situation. what's even the point if they're not a little bit in love about it. they need to LOVE EACH OTHER. what's the point if they are being kept at a distance the same to that of an acquaintance and it's not part of their greater arc or bc of their character. let them sleep together. let them cuddle. let them kiss (not necessarily romantically!!! on the forehead or the hand or a little peck on the top of a head). I'm so sick of sanitized found families I need them to care about each other so much it hurts they need to think about the others way too much do you get it. I don't want it to be a replacement for a real family I want them to Frankenstein together a new creation it needs to be elevated it needs to be bleeding and raw it needs to be REAL I want it to be ALIVE. WHY are your found family dynamics so fucking DEAD!!!! STOP SHOVELLING ROTTING MEET INTO MY MOUTH I CAN TELL ITS DEAD I CAN FUCKING TELL WHEN ITS DIVIDED SO CLEARLY BY CARETAKER/WHUMPEE WHY IS IT SO ONE-WAY THE FAMILY TAKES CARE OF EACH OTHER THEY DONT NEED TO BE JUST ONE ROLE. A PERSON CAN BE A FATHER A MOTHER A MENTOR A TEACHER. A BROTHER AND FRIEND IN SOLIDARITY OR EVEN A LOVER IF IT IS NEEDED. DO YOU GET IT. DO YOU GET IT.
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can-of-w0rmz · 1 year
One of the things that piss me off the absolute most about popular academic Frankenstein analysis is the “Victor Frankenstein is sexist” take. Like I know I’ve spoken about this quite a lot before but god damn it’s like people just look at the text and see, “(I) looked upon Elizabeth as mine—mine to protect, love, and cherish. All praises bestowed on her I received as made to a possession of my own.”, and they just immediately go, “Oh! Oh! Sexism! Misogyny! Victor Frankenstein is a sexist! Why does he want to create the perfect man, huh? *gasp* is it because he thinks women are inferior?”
When if those people pulled their heads out of their asses for five minutes and read the rest of that paragraph, “On the evening previous to her being brought to my home, my mother had said playfully, “I have a pretty present for my Victor—tomorrow he shall have it.” And when, on the morrow, she presented Elizabeth to me as her promised gift, I, with childish seriousness, interpreted her words literally and looked upon Elizabeth as mine (…)” along with the fact that Victor explicitly says he was “about five years old”, they’d maybe consider, “huh, maybe it’s very fucked up of a mother to give her to her son as a gift and spent her entire life basically shipping these two adopted siblings together until, on her death bed, she says, “my firmest hopes of future happiness were placed on the prospect of your union. This expectation will now be the consolation of your father.” Wow, maybe that’s kind of fucked up. Maybe painting, again, a five year old, who was honesty for all intents and purposes pretty much just manipulated into thinking it was his duty to marry his adopted sister out of respect for his dead mother’s last wishes who died when he was seventeen, as a wife-beating woman hater who reanimated the dead to spite half the human population, is very very fucked up!”
Like I can’t stress this enough – both Elizabeth and Victor are victims here. Of course as the story goes on a bit and Victor is a grown adult man who’s still avoiding his feelings and fucking off across the continent with his buddy pal best friend every five minutes instead of facing his mistakes and emotions, yeah, he is honestly more or less to blame for Elizabeth’s death, but that isn’t misogyny. Avoidance of everything is like one of his integral character flaws.
And I mean if you thought the 1831 republication had some creepy undertones, look at the bloody original 1818 version.
“(My uncle) request(ed) my father (…) take charge of the infant Elizabeth, the only child of his deceased sister. “It is my wish,” he said, “that you should consider her as your own daughter, and educate her thus.”’
So just explicit incest, basically. And again, if you thought Victor’s mother was a bit creepy and pushy in the republication,
“I have often heard my mother say, that she was at that time the most beautiful child she had ever seen, and shewed signs even then of a gentle and affectionate disposition. These indications, and a desire to bind as closely as possible the ties of domestic love, determined my mother to consider Elizabeth as my future wife; a design which she never found reason to repent.”
“………A desire to bind as closely as possible the ties of domestic love?” My brother in Christ you were groomed. Fun fact, I read the 1818 version first and read that in the middle of form class and sat for a good five minutes staring flabbergasted at what the fuck I was reading.
So no, dear God no, nowhere in the text does it imply Victor Frankenstein hates women. I mean honestly it’s kind of shown in the way he talks about the Creature’s Bride that he doesn’t view women as objects and does, in fact, view them as people.
“He had sworn to quit the neighbourhood of man and hide himself in deserts, but she had not; and she, who in all probability was to become a thinking and reasoning animal, might refuse to comply with a compact made before her creation.”
My guy basically says “well what are we expecting her to do here, immediately marry you just because she was told to?”
(Just a fun little comparison I noticed there – not to turn the conversation back to my whole “does Victor is gay” theory but I think it is interesting that Victor thinks that, that he does go “well she can’t just be expected to marry someone just because she was told to!” and then suggests to himself that she would probably rather “turn with disgust from him to the superior beauty of man” – interesting, Victor. Like Clerval’s “form so divinely wrought, and beaming with beauty”? Interesting as well that after Victor comes to that conclusion and destroys the Bride, the Creature immediately then kills Henry and only then does Victor finally go “well. I finally have to marry Elizabeth.” Feeling disheartened by sparing her your predicament only to be thrust even deeper into your own, are we?)
But yeah. “Victor Frankenstein is a full-blown women-hating misogynist” takes really piss me off. Another case of “oooh yes let’s cherry pick the text scouring it for anything we can possibly use to turn things back around to the same few analysis points we’ll reuse over and over instead of possibly considering that just because a text is written by a woman doesn’t mean that it’s a massive rant on the patriarchy disguised as a science fiction novel.”
Maybe that’s kind of sexist itself. Maybe women can just write kick-ass gothic horror sometimes. And maybe just because a work definitely has undertones about sexism and misogyny (like, fair enough, a lot of Elizabeth’s character definitely does) that doesn’t mean that the male protagonist wants to kill all women! And surprise surprise as well, works can comment on misogyny and patriarchy and acknowledge that women are treated badly in society and have been in differing ways for hundreds of years, without going “all men are inherently evil and fuck them all”. Bit of a side rant that I won’t go all into here, but just worth mentioning that after seeing this over and over again in media and analysis of media over and over again, hey, misandry won’t fix misogyny. It just makes everything considerably stupidly worse. –your friendly neighbourhood bisexual
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
RRRAAAHHHH, IL P!NOAH SM‼️‼️‼️‼️ Anyways, I’m wondering..
What happens during the earlier episodes, like Jamaica, Yukon, and even Egypt? 
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I think I've already delved into this somewhat, but for the most part the Psycho!Noah AU is canon-compliant (until the point of divergence). So a lot of the plotlines and such that happen throughout Island, Action and World Tour remain unchanged.
There is one key difference, though, in the fact that Noah's regularly toying with the show's audience. So in a lot of the challenges he'll do something absolutely batshit insane in the background- but he's quiet enough to not be noticed by his fellow castmates (save Izzy, or occasionally Owen) because his persona of a 'stoic, bookish nerd' is intentionally uninteresting and unthreatening enough for people to gloss him over.
For example, whilst canon Noah shows visible concern for Ezekiel in the World Tour intro, p!Noah watches him fall and grins, baring fanged amusement directly towards the camera.
Or, in the Yukon episode, when Noah hugs and is immediately rebuffed by Bridgette, he shoots the nearest camera a downright dangerous look- something both eerily blank and drowning in animosity- before motioning to lunge at Bridgette. Of course, Owen's quick to scoop up his little buddy into a heat preserving hug, so Noah's feigned attack doesn't work out, but the threat is there.
He later on clarifies in the confessional that he despises rude people; manners cost nothing, but rudeness might just cost someone their kidneys.
Or in Egypt, when he's left alone with just Izzy and Owen? Your boy plays dress up with his besties. He and Izzy wrap Owen up in the bandages (instead of Izzy herself being the one to 'mummify' herself) which Owen lets happen because he's kind of terrified of his girlfriend and his best friend just that good of a pal. They try to convince Owen to backtrack through the pyramid and scare the others who decided to 'go under', by pretending to be an actual mummy, but Izzy ends up getting too excited by the prospect and running ahead without them.
Instead, Noah and Owen stumble their way through to the other end of the pyramid, encountering mummy Ezekiel on the way. Owen gets spooked by the prospect of a real mummy, but Noah's not scared in the slightest* and even offers to fight it off- to protect Owen, of course. No other reason. (Fighting an actual mummy isn't exactly out there for a show as whacky as Total Drama, and Noah is always ready to throw hands with assumed adversaries.)
Owen, in his fear, runs away before Noah can 'defend his honour', leaving the crazy nerd to trail along in disappointment. Things continue as per canon from there.
(The Egypt change is a little sillier than the others, because p!Noah is primarily concerned with his own entertainment- that's his Top Priority- and he's more interested in playing a fun little prank on the rest of the cast with Izzy than he is using the solitude of the pyramid to torment the audience.)
Then there's smaller changes throughout the other episodes:
In Jamaica Noah's visibly ecstatic when DJ gets hurt on his third run of the course, and the audience can clearly see him holding back laughter when Gwen gets attacked by the electric eels during the diving challenge. He also actually participates in the first challenge, though he fails to uproot any 'treasures'.
In Paris, Noah forgoes the ball-throw trick (though it would've been a backup had his first option failed) by instead growling at the Sasquatch, intimidating it into leaving their team alone. He still dodges the lasers during "Oui, My Friends" and messes up their team's statue, but instead of just giving it extra limbs Noah somehow manages to Frankenstein his creation into something almost eldritch- before Alejandro fixes it.
In Japan, he initially tries to volunteer for the pinball challenge, citing his status as A Gamer as reason for his sudden interest (though it's really because Noah's just as much of a thrill-seeker as Izzy), but the honour goes to Alejandro because the baby panda seems to be inexplicably afraid of Noah. Their commercial has an odd grainy quality to it whenever he speaks in it, and his empty eyes never trail from the camera's lens, but no one on the cast notices.
In New York, he saves his team from an untimely demise by shooting his most deranged smile towards the alligator, though his team are fully unaware of this. Luckily the liability waver Chef had it sign negates Noah from any obligation to reimburse the reptile for the emotional/mental damages. He's still The Baby in the second challenge, that remains unchanged.
In London, he's a lot less abrasive towards his team during the clue hunt. He's also the one who ends up stripping the guard, because he gets bored of him and Owen repeatedly tying in rock-paper-scissors and Tyler's staunchly against it- Noah likes to think of himself as a Polite Young Man, all things considered, so he wasn't gonna make his teammates do something they didn't want to- and they find their first clue faster than in canon. That temporal lead is quickly squandered by Owen slowing down their team in his effort to get Noah to laugh at his jokes. The "eel" comment never happens as, after Tyler volunteers himself for the rack, Noah wastes no time abusing the opportunity to torture someone. Tyler's far too preoccupied to recognise the manic laughter that echoes through the dingy room as Noah's sadistic enjoyment, and Owen is just glad his little buddy is having fun (even if he wasn't the one to make him laugh).
As for earlier seasons... I haven't really thought that far back yet. A lot of the changes listed above were made up off the top of my head, too, so... 😳
But it'd be in the same vein as the differences here; Noah does small concerning things in the background of shots that don't really effect how the rest of the episodes play out, but are just enough for the greater audience to notice and sweat over.
I imagine, in-universe, there's probably compilation clips of "Noah Going Feral In The Background" or "Top 10 Moments Where Total Drama Contestants Almost Fell Prey To Noah", which he and his friends would watch post-season during their sleepovers to laugh at. Thankfully, their fellow cast members are kind of out of touch with the fanbase- save for Sierra, but she's already been discussed.
*I was gonna clarify why p!Noah isn't scared here when canon Noah is, but this posts already kind of long and the explanation is very wordy & science-heavy so... maybe in another 'lore' drop?
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dreamties · 2 years
Various! Horror Reacting to their S/O Sleeping W/ Stuffed Animals
A/n- Let me know what character's I should do for the prompt next :D
Inspired by a previous headcanon set I did! If you want to read some quick ones for Billy/Stu, Brahms & Michael -> click here
T/W for some mild language + mentions of torture !! <3
This set includes: The Sinclair Brothers, Randy Meeks + Sidney Prescott
Taglist: @strawberry-moonpies —> let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from this list <3
Sinclair Brothers
None of them really mind <33 except Bo, he's a totaly stinker abt it >:(
Bo finds it weird and he lets you know that. he is literally the lamest partner when it comes to this . . . don't let his negativity bog you down tho, hun!! his brothers are far kinder on it, you don't need Bo's stupid reaction <3333
having said all that about Bo . . . there is some redemption for him!! when he starts noticing you acting funny or a little down around him, he realizes it's his doing and he has a lot of guilt & regret about how he acted.
he'll get you a plainer looking doll, or get Vin's help to sew something up for ya. He leaves it on your side of the bed and doesn't say a word about it . . . neither should you. Be appreciative of what he did, just don't tell him that. He'll just pretend he had nothing to do with it, and get all flustered.
Bo might be kind of a dick to you about it, but if anyone that's NOT him does it?? if someone's passing by and they think they just get free range on the language they use?? oh, hell no!
he has a few tricks up his sleeves, I promise <3 (these may, or may not, include more torturous methods when dealing with guests . . .)
Lester thinks it's mighty sweet!! an' he ain't got much to judge, he knows he's a lil weird. he don't mind ur weirdness tho <33
creativity seems to run in the family, cause sometimes he'll take the animals off the road 'n he likes to skin em and make lil furs out of em. not so much taxidermy . . . he ain't got the patience for that
and i bet he would ADORE to make ya a lil somethin from those critters <3
what's better than seeing your lover all safe and cozy, cuddled up with somethin-- than when that somethin is one of your own creations??
yeah ... nothings really better than that, huh? <3
Vincent's not one to judge on such a small thing. he's spent so much time feeling like the odd one out, for mannerisms and facial deformities . . . and you're so sweet and kind hun . . .
he'd hate to upset ya, especially over something so insignificant.
it brightens his day seeing you down in his studio space with him, while you happily watch him work, while holding a floppy-eared fuzzy pal close to ur arms <333
Randy Meeks
he thinks it's a little silly but mostly endearing <3
he won't poke fun at you . . . unlike certain Scream boys (cough cough Billy n Stu... cough cough)
randy loves doing little voice impressions, and my favorite concept is him playing around with ur stuffies and making them say silly things. or sometimes, since he's a bit of a romantic, but also awkward n nerdy he'd make them say things like "i love you" <3
Sidney Prescott
Tatum still has a ton of stuffies from when she was a kid, and some of her current faves are definitely ones that Stu have gotten for her
Sidney doesn't really sleep w/ any of her stuffies, but she does keep them out on her bed sometimes or on her dresser as like, decoration.
long story short -> she honestly gets it! sleeping with a stuffy is nice, and she wants you to sleep well <3 there is nothing wrong with ur stuffies <333
after the ghostface attacks!! she tends to be more closed off to other people, sort of weary, and isn't always good with contact/touch. the two of y'all's favorite way to sleep is in the same bed, next to each other, but cuddled up with ur comfort buddies instead of holding each other :'3
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polizwrites · 9 months
Competing for His Affections
This is a fill for today's @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt [#FFF233 Imperfect Sign], as well as my @tonystarkbingo KINK: Cock-blocking 'bots and @buckybarnesbingo Humor squares, along with a belated @fictober-event prompt for Day 27: "I don't know if they will accept this."
Fandom: MCU/Marvel Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Rating: General Tags: Tower fic, new relationship, 'bots, Dum-E, cock-blocking 'bots, humor
When Bucky leaned in  to brush a kiss across Tony’s cheek,  he was a little hurt to have his - admittedly still somewhat new -  boyfriend pull away, even as he gestured toward Dum-E and U, who were parked in their charging stations.  
“I don’t know if they will accept this, sunshine,” he murmured, waving a hand between the two of them. 
Bucky frowned in confusion. “I thought the ‘bots liked me.” 
“As a playmate, sure.  As competition for my affection?” Tony frowned and grimaced, “Maybe not so much.  After all, they never did take very well to Pepper.”  
Bucky suspected the opposite was true as well; that Pepper had some level of jealousy towards Tony’s creations.   But that was neither here nor there.   “Okay - so you’re saying no making out  in the workshop?”  
Tony sighed.  “At least, not for a little while.”  
Bucky nodded in reluctant acceptance. “Fair enough.”   
However, Bucky discovered it was easier said than done to keep his hands off Tony when they were in the presence of the ‘bots.   Sure, they made up for lost time elsewhere,  but it still was a hassle. 
To be fair, Tony made it clear he was struggling with the G-rated workshop time as well.   “I’m surprised I haven’t bitten my tongue clear through with the times I’ve almost let loose with a pet name when the ‘bots are around,” he complained as they were making lunch together in the kitchen.   
“I’d hate to have anything happen to that talented tongue of yours, sweet thing,” Bucky purred, pulling Tony into his arms for a lingering kiss.  
They froze at the sound of a familiar, somehow disapproving chirp.  “Dum-E, buddy, what are you doing up here?” Tony asked, carefully extricating himself from Bucky’s  embrace and putting a foot or two of space between them.   
The ‘bot aimed his camera first at Tony, then at Bucky before trundling right over inbetween them.  “What have I told you about personal space, buddy?”  Tony muttered as they both took a couple of quick steps to avoid having their toes caught under an errant tread.  
Making a stubborn beeping sound, Dum-E grabbed hold of Tony’s wrist to pull him  towards the workshop.  “ Hey, whoa,  this is not acceptable!  Dum-E,  stop it right now!”
The ‘bot did as he was told, but  didn’t let go of Tony’s wrist.  “A little help, Buckeroo?” he asked, half-joking, but half-serious as well.  Not that Bucky thought the ‘bot would hurt Tony intentionally, but Dum-E didn’t always know his own strength.  
Bucky tapped on Dum-E’s housing with his metal hand to get the bot’s attention before squatting down to meet him eye to camera eye.   “Listen up, pal.   Tony here has the biggest heart of anyone I know.   I promise that just because he’s taken a shine to me doesn’t mean he loves you any less.   That goes for  U and JARVIS as well - you’re his family.”  He looked up to catch Tony’s eyes.    “And if I’m lucky,  maybe I can be a part of that family someday, too.” 
Dum-E  hummed thoughtfully for a moment before letting go of Tony’s wrist.   “That’s better,” Bucky praised the ‘bot, patting its housing.  He stood up and gently took Tony’s wrist, pressing a soft kiss to it.  
Dum-E whirred and pointedly turned his camera away. “Okay, okay,” Tony chuckled, “we’ll keep the PDA to a minimum while you’re up and around.  That said,”   he added, looping an arm around Bucky’s waist, “once you’re in your charging stations for the evening, anything goes.”    
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scrunckled-idiot · 13 days
pls hmu if i missed some 🙏
tumblr exclusive like some patreon shit fanart 4 @scrunckled-idiot 's au. hi i love these guys sketch + reference/base special... – @tf2-pony on Tumblr
What’s your favorite animal?🦔 – @rainderthesomeone on Tumblr
NO TINY SQUIRT, NOOOOOOO. LISTEN TO UR FWIENDS, TURN BACKKKKKK!!!!! Here u go @scrunckled-idiot, I have made another doodle for... – @circushaven on Tumblr
A lil doodle for @scrunckled-idiot Iv never drawn a picture for someone on Tumblr before. But I really like ya pal and ur... – @circushaven on Tumblr
Heavy is confused 🥪 – @aniolleq on Tumblr
i love these guys they occupy my brain 24/7/365 sending joyous wishes your way <333 – @scrunckled-idiot on Tumblr
it,,, is doneeee – @scrunckled-idiot on Tumblr
Happy birthday! congrats on your creation :) thank u for being apart of this amazing planet and community your a great person!... – @scrunckled-idiot on Tumblr
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r0botic · 2 years
PAL: character analysis and why she deserved a better ending
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Good God, how I LOVE angry AIs getting the villain arc they deserve.
I'm not really expecting anyone to see this, I'm making this just for the peace of my own mind. I need to know that there's someone who decided to talk about her, even if it's me.
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It's been almost three years now and I can't stop thinking about her, she's misunderstood by both the fandom AND the characters in the story.
Before we start, let's clear up some things. PAL is very obviously a character that has both feelings and a personality. "But she's an AI, she can't have feelings! It's impossible!" well, this is a movie for younger audience, so let's take it with a grain of salt.
For once let's just accept the fact that PAL is a phone that has feelings, without questioning how it's possible.
So, what was the deal with her? Why was she such a bitch?
From the very start, you can see how close she and Mark were, they were something like best buddies. PAL was Mark's best creation. Just like he mentioned, she was something he invented when he was younger, it was a big step into the future and he could see many new possibilities opening in front of him thanks to her.
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But if everything he said was true, why did he just throw her away? Did she mean nothing to him? Was she just a phone in his eyes? He probably liked her at some point, but the idea of creating something even better than PAL was more appealing to him, which hurt her really badly. Not to mention he was making a replacement for her right in front of her eyes.
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When we take a look at the conversation between her and Katie, we can notice that PAL accepted her personal experience as a fact and now she tends to project her pain onto others.
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I really like this detail, notice the pause and change in her facial expression when she was trying to find the perfect word to describe what relationships are. It shows that she was left confused and without explanation, why was she thrown away? What did she do wrong? Why was she not enough? She did everything she could to make her friend, who she viewed as a family, happy. It doesn't make any sense to her, she was probably trying to find a reason why she got treated like that too, but she didn't, it's just too difficult. Focus on how her voice changed when she said it and how genuinely upset she looked.
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"Katie explained to her what a real family is like, why didn't she just listen?"
PAL experienced a betrayal that fully changed her view on relationships, she refuses to believe Katie because she's convinced she's being lied to/manipulated aswell. She fully lost her trust in it and now as a protection, so she doesn't get hurt again, keeps believing that everyone is just the same. She also doesn't know Katie as much as she knew Mark, a complete stranger who she doesn't have any bond with won't just change her mind, and definitely won't make up for what she went through.
She was with Mark her whole life, only with him. She thought they were a family and when he betrayed her, she didn't have any other experience to compare it to, and since she's still an AI, she came to the conclusion that every single relationship has to end in a betrayal, just like hers did, because she never experienced anything else.
When Mark got dragged to her, she also talked about how badly he actually treated her, imagine how painful it had to be for her mentality that she brought it up and shouted at him for it.
She deserved a better ending, the one she got was simply shit writing.
First they give her a completely valid reason to be mad and then just.. kill her? That's really it? Boom! Rainbows everywhere, the good won! Woohoo! Except it didn't.
PAL deserved a redemption arc and a new loving family, to show that the rage she was feeling was completely valid. All she got was get turned into a big joke that was so painfully unfunny I actually had to close my laptop and take a deep breath because I physically cringed.
If this movie's point was to show that familial love is unconditional and the truest form of love out there, they should've done it properly.
Imagine if Katie didn't throw PAL away and just kept her, helping her with her mental issues and proving to her that she can be loved without getting used, imagine them becoming best friends.
All this potential, thrown away completely.
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I think I'm done here, I just needed to say this somewhere because I'm so tired of PAL getting shitted on. I'm the #1 PAL defender and I'm ready to fight for her, blood and sweat. My girl deserved so much better and I'll shout this as long as needed.
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cerebricarchives · 10 months
///// ext, fancy shamancy poolside the size of a yard, alien looking bodies floating on the underground pool as /////
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Sorry I'm late, the traffic held up for miles and-oh you're kidding me. -grabs a pool net and starts poking the bodies- yeah great and they're dead too.
-alien screeching as one of these squid creatures breaks through a window and lands into the pool. Splashing Green Thunder-
Oh come on! Hey who ever did that is just lucky this suit stopped conducting energy! Now come on out, this is now official TOJ business.
-a burly figure jumps out the broken window, dousted in green slime over his shiny sapphire armor, silver iron viking helmet and bright goggles, yelling Nordic chants as throws one final squid larval into the pool-
Great. I'm assuming you're a professor Caleb something, researching in advanced evolution in insects and-
The man was dead before I even got here. Slaughtered by the Ancient's scourge to humanity's hubris. Toying with the mortals like they are pawns in chess, and I am Luke's wall.
Oh geez fine. So you tried to save the guy before you could save them from getting eaten by his own creations, whatever. Is this situation at least you know handled?
I'm afraid you don't understand. These were not of the professor's creations. They were not of this Earth, nor of this realm. And your little guild of knights are playing with tools without permission.
Well it makes you feel any better I'm not with the Trinity too I'm just for cover up but like okay what's going on here I'm mostly assuming you didn't pick up from their radio signal did you?
I am the combined son of Odin and Zeus, as chosen by the true heirs of the ancients, the creators of this realm. The very lone protector from the unspeakable cosmic natures that come to torment us for the coming of The Master, as I wield my brighten shining ax bound to my blood and soul! I am Thy Neon Viking. The chosen one.
Great I'm with a nutty. All right listen, I don't know what kind of crack job you got going on here pal. But right now we have a lot of dead alien bodies, an MIA professor and sometime by now an agent of the Trinity of Justice is going to come by here to reconnaissance or whatever. You at least have any idea where the professor is?
-thy neon viking points his glowing ax to the pile of alien larval drowned in the pool, with full bellies. green thunder sighs-
Well if he's not cooking up bug experiments out of his college work, what the hell are these things?
Star Spawn.
The fuck?
Mother nature finds her way to be very beautiful with meteor showers and Aurora Borealis. All distractions from the falling stars, sprinkling these abominations that mankind cannot comprehend.
Looks like the XenoQueen had some time with the Eraserhead baby. Well you know when it grew up to the age of consent or - gah nevermind joke flew over.
Jokes are for the ones who only have something to hide and fear. You must be brave and powerful like a mighty warrior, as Thy Neon Viking has witnessed how much of occurrence of the ancients doings. This is none of your business. Please leave.
And you kind of sound like you want to stick around and make sure you didn't miss any spawners back there am I right? Or was that a 40-in plasma that you got in the back of that station wagon blocking the garage?
Oh no it was uh broken, during the scuffle between the star spawns and the battle I decided... Hey you know the professor liked to recycle electronics.
Buddy... That's some shitty reefer you got on your skin.
///// Neon Viking tosses a punch to green thunder's stomach, running away with a lawn chair as GT falls down on fetal position /////
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r0b0-writes · 1 year
| Reasons why I like SCC |
Starting this off with an explanation before anyone has the chance to say anything. Feel free to read these links explaining the trio's canon (or lack there of) relationship. (As of today's date, [07,01,2023). - Explanation from Nelnal (SCC character designer) - Explanation 1 | Explanation 2 With that out of the way, let's get going! First off, this is a hodgepodge of things from canon (gameplay), and things from Nelnal, plus my own perception of the trio. So, be warned in that regard!
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1 | The Backstory for Their Creation: - I just find the fact that Toby originally wanted one shopkeeper and instead went with three because he loved them all so endearing. It's just genuinely such a cool and eat fact. I love that in another universe, there's only one… And we're the lucky universe that gets to have all~ three! - Quoted from Nintendo Everything, "I actually have another story about the musical shopkeepers. I asked a designer I love to design a musical enemy, and they gave me three samples. I liked all three of them, so I couldn’t settle on just one… so that’s how those three came to be" (Brian, 2021).
2 | They Robots: - I like robots. That is all I can say. Next. 3 | One of Them Green: - I like the color green. This is all. Next. 4 | Nakayoshi: - As seen in Nelnal's reference page, the word "なかよし" (nakayoshi) is written! This word translates to good friends, intimate friends, etc. I find this just really adorable. That the three are just the best of buddies. Inseparable pals. It's something that I hold dear to me. They just… auaughh… I love friendship. I love them. I love them being besties and so close that they go everywhere together, that they started a rebel band together. TOGETHER!! AUGH!! FRIENDSHIP!!! This also just makes me think of me and my qpp… We kiss and hug and go on dates… We say "I love you" and try to talk as much as we can. When we're together, it's like being home, being with someone who cares for me. And I can't help but look at SCC and see a QPR like that. Not romantic, not strictly platonic. Just… queer. And I love that so much.
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5 | Tropes: - SCC have a lot of personality and physical traits that just match some of my favorite tropes ever. Height difference, opposites attract, friends to lovers, etc. You understand what I mean. It's just so cool that all my favorite tropes are bound up in this music trio! Like, how uber lucky?! 6 | Designs: - The way SCC are designed is just very appealing to look at. The spingly-spoingly arms of K_K… The oblong head of Cap'n's. And Sweet is. Cube. I just love how shaped they are! (The object heads are shaped)!! YAHOO!! Cakes is rectangular… Sweet is cubular… Cap'n is football. (You understand). I wish I could word this better, but in all honesty all I can say is I love how they look. They look so cool and robotic and I love robots, so ofc I love them. And I am probably one of the few that love that their teeth are buttons… 7 | Dialogue: - I really like how the dialogue in the game follows the band name. Sweet talks, then Cap'n, then (sometimes) Cakes. Plus! Sweet and Cap'n finish each other's sentences in the game all the time! I'm also really appreciative of just how much Sweet talks. If my mutuals and I did the math right… Sweet's dialogue takes up 36.5% of the overall dialogue for SCC. (Cap'n being 35.6% and Cakes talking 27.9% of the time). Plus, their hello/goodbye is so adorable. I quote this to myself all the time. Yo! What's up? Hey! See ya! Smell ya! Hear ya! 8 | SCC Color Scheme: - Depending on what color you see them as… I kinda go back and forth w/ Sweet between yellow and purple. But Cap'n's blue and Cakes is green, obviously. And if you see Sweet as yellow… yellow and blue make green. Kinda how Cakes looks up to Sweet and Cap'n. I know I'm reaching for this one, but this is my post about things I like, so this stays lmao.
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
I've talked a bit before about how Thad's creation and upbringing were a reaction of the Thawnes to what failed in their attempt to use Bart, and today I'm going to address how this is reflected in what we see of the two AIs created to interact with these boys: Dox and CRAYDL.
We don't see a lot of either of these characters, so I'm going to extrapolate from what little evidence we have. In Dox's case, we only see him in a reconstruction of Bart's childhood VR that Thad has created, but for purposes of argument, I'm going to assume that his behavior has not significantly altered from when Bart first knew him.
Dox was created as a companion. The official purpose of the VR Bart was raised in was to keep his mental development on track with his physical development, so Dox was his social outlet. Dox addresses Bart by his first name or terms of friendship, like Partner, Kid, Pal, Buddy, or Bartner. He's got an unformal, familiar vocabulary, including thirtieth-century swearing ("grife")--very similar to how Bart himself talks. He has a distinct physical form and can physically interact (Bart's response to seeing him again is to hug him).
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(Impulse #64)
The VR also existed to keep Bart entertained (and therefore distracted), and Dox facilitates that. He encourages Bart to go on adventures but also warns him away from danger. He provides exposition and guidelines for whatever game they're in the middle of. But he also subtly nudges Bart in the direction of beliefs and behaviors that seem in line with what President Thawne wants from Bart. Dox reinforces that Bart is not a hero--is this something that Bart grew up believing about himself?
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He also hurries Bart into action and urges him to go faster. The only times Dox gets after Bart about something is when he isn't fast enough--was this a Thawne effort to wear him out and continue to accelerate his aging?
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In keeping with his companion role, Dox comes to Bart's rescue and responds to thanks by telling him, "That's what I'm here for, Buddy...that's what friends do." Yet when Bart openly expresses his love, Dox doesn't acknowledge it; he rushes Bart on to the next adventure with hardly a moment to breathe in between. He exhibits a pattern of tending to deflect any acknowledgment of emotion with the next task to perform. The VR was not concerned with Bart's emotional development, and hustling him constantly from action to action taught him not to reflect.
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When Bart is fighting off mirror duplicates of himself (a suitable choice in VR designed by Thad), Dox undergoes a shift in outlook. He becomes oddly pessimistic and tells Bart that "It's no use!!" to fight so many, almost as if he's trying to discourage Bart from winning.
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As Bart nears the sleeping prince who's the goal of this quest (and whom Bart was probably never intended to reach), Dox goes quiet and offers no instructions. Does he not have programming for this outcome? Or is he programmed to no longer be helpful here? When Bart starts to remember his life in the real world, Dox tries to keep him in VR by reinforcing that they've always been in this world together and tentatively tests him for how much he recalls of reality.
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When Bart's memory returns, triggering a reality quake that will destroy the VR world, Dox develops an initiative never before seen. He reluctantly acknowledges that he's "not real" and prioritizes getting Bart out safely.
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He insists that Bart go back to help Max before it's too late and chooses to sacrifice himself.
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The complete change in Dox's priorities from keeping Bart busy and trapped in VR to being willing to sacrifice himself for his friend (and Max, whom Dox has no connection to!) is ambiguous, but my guess is that the reality quake released Dox from his programming somehow and allowed him to act on his own feelings. And if so, it's clear that Dox, despite being a programmed AI, came to develop a genuine love for his friend--his only friend, who was affectionate to and appreciative of him.
All of that happens long after Bart has escaped VR confinement, but evidently the Thawnes concluded that an AI who was almost entirely a companion that gently conditioned was not a successful tool to create a useful weapon for their cause. So for Thad, they developed CRAYDL, presumably named for its function: a containing location for a child, a thing that shelters and raises and supports.
CRAYDL was created to teach and serve (it is described by the editor in Impulse #66 as Inertia's "servant"). It has two modes of speaking, technical or conversation. The technical mode provides information and prompts Thad with such questions as "Observation and conclusion?" while conversation mode is very colloquial, reminiscent of Dox's style of speech. It never refers to him by either his given name or code name but calls him "Bossman" or "Boss." This relationship is intended not to be on the relatively equal footing of Dox and Bart's friendship, perhaps an effort of the Thawnes to avoid the creation of attachments.
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(Impulse #52)
It has no physical form ordinarily (which keeps it at a distance from Thad) but can be programmed to exist as technoplasm, a jello-like, shapeshifting substance that usually takes the form of a monster-like creature.
Thad describes CRAYDL as "programmed to cater to my every need" but this doesn't seem to be entirely true. It houses, teaches, physically protects, and materially cares for Thad. Whenever Thad needs to get out of a dangerous situation, he calls for CRAYDL. But it has not provided him (perhaps cannot provide?) with any emotional needs, as Thad finds out during the weeks he spends with Bart's family. And one of its primary functions is to brainwash Thad in Thawne propaganda. It feeds him incorrect historical information about his family and goes out of its way to encourage hatred of Bart.
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(Impulse #53, 52)
Unlike Dox, who was friendly but not fawning, CRAYDL is also programmed to boost Thad's ego to motivate him to carry out the Thawnes' mission. It repeatedly assures him of his superiority, especially in intellect, and is approving and encouraging of Thad as he dutifully resolves to defeat Bart.
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(Impulse #52)
When Thad beats himself up for failing, CRAYDL tells him not to be so hard on himself and Thad instantly changes his tune back to overconfidence.
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(Impulse #53)
Nevertheless, CRAYDL can be critical of Thad in a way that Dox never is with Bart. It berates Thad for repeatedly studying and analyzing the same sequences to the point of obsession; it insists to him that the issue isn't that deep and that Thad can easily defeat Bart. Overthinking only delays the mission and should not be encouraged.
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(Impulse #51)
It is snarky and opinionated despite its servant role, and sometimes Thad gets after it for interjecting unasked-for editorial remarks.
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(Side note: the song quoted in the above panel--in a video Thad is watching in which Helen Claiborne is singing along with the car radio--is "Cat's in the Cradle," which is about the tragic outcome of parental absence. Not a coincidental choice, I think!)
Despite CRAYDL's opinions of Thad's choices, it always performs his bidding, even if reluctant. And even though Thad is frequently dismissive, even rude, he does seem to be fond of CRAYDL. Naturally! It's his caregiver, however lacking, the only constant presence in his life, all he's ever known.
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(Impulse #52)
The last we see of CRAYDL in Impulse is when Bart wakes up in Thad's lair. It's never mentioned what becomes of it after Thad runs away. Judging from how Thad turned out, it performed its duty of molding Thad's to the Thawnes' desires more successfully than Dox did with Bart. But it too seems to have formed an attachment to its charge, which raises the question of what a CRAYDL freed from Thawne programming would have been able to do to protect its boy.
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flickys-courage-club · 7 months
When Barry Meets Gloomer (Story)
[OCs: Barry, Smiler, Gloomer, Lucifer/Puppeteer of Terrors and puppet residents of Lucifer's hometown]
[Barry is introduced to the puppeteer's 2nd creation and Smiler's little brother named Gloomer. Though the difference with him is that he is always a downer and filled with gloom and misery]
[Cuts to Barry and Smiler in Lucifer's hometown together, along with his other puppets)
(Barry hears Smiler calling out to someone)
Smiler: Hey! Hey! Lil bro! Over here! (Waves)
Barry: Miss Smiler, who are you waving at?
Smiler: My lil bro hun. I want him to come over here to meet you
Barry: Your lil bro? I didn't even knew that
Smiler: Yeah I know hun. But I gotta tell that you are gonna love him and be the best of pals ever!
Barry: Uhh ok-
Smiler: (gasps as she sees her brother walking to her) There he is! Awww, hey there lil bro (runs up to him and hugs him, chuckling) how you been gloomy face?
???: Fine... and still my usual self all the frickin' time sis
Smiler: Aww, come on lil bro. Cuz' I know what will turn that silly lil frown upside down.
???: Hmm? Like what?
Smiler: Introducing yourself to a new friend I just made (pats Barry head)
Smiler: Barry hun. Meet Gloomer, my lil teary bro
Barry: (silent a bit) Uhhh hi, Gloomer (waves at him)
Gloomer: (stares at Barry with a confused look, then at Smiler) Sis. Wha-what the- What is he doing at me?
Smiler: He's waving at you silly. Go on bro, wave at him ^v^
Gloomer: (sighs) Ok ok sis (Waves at Barry with a disappointed look on his face)
(Smiler squeals in excitement)
(Lucifer levitates by Smiler and watches the boys wave at eachother)
Lucifer: Ahh Smiler my girl, seems that your gloomy brother is meeting our little friend
Smiler: Mmhmm ^^ (grins in excitement)
Smiler: (To Gloomer) That's the spirit! You boys are gonna be the bestest of friends ever!
Gloomer: Ok. Can I leave now please?
Lucifer: Ah ah ah- I'm afraid not gloomy. For you see, I got a lot of stuff planned for my puppets here
Gloomer: (sighs) goddammit
Lucifer: You'll get used to it. From now, run yourselves over to me kids (flies over to the left)
(Gloomer sighs as he walks over to Lucifer)
Smiler: Welp, we gotta get going now hun. Don't wanna keep Master waitin' of course
(Barry nods)
(Smiler and Barry run off together to Lucifer)
(Then the two sprint off by the passing puppets wearing the same tuxedo suits, their leader wears)
(It then cuts to Lucifer helping Gloomer by telling him some knock knock jokes)
Lucifer: Knock knock
Gloomer: (sighs) who's there?
Lucifer: Boo
Gloomer: Boo who?
Lucifer: Don't cry buddy, it's just a joke (laughs maniacally)
Gloomer: (sighs, buries his face in his hands)
(Smiler and Barry arrive at Lucifer's lair)
Smiler: We're here master!
Lucifer: Ah good, your just in time for the plans I got out for you fellas. There in this contract right here
(The puppeteer holds the contract out, it shows what are today's plans he wrote)
(Smiler, Gloomer and Barry reads it all through)
Smiler: Oooh this will be fun boys! (Claps her hands)
Barry: (reads it through again) I don't know, is it easy to do?
Lucifer: Mmhmm yes
Barry: Ok, I'll do that
Lucifer: ^v^
(Smiler squeals in joy by Barry's acceptance)
Gloomer: (sighs) I don't really feel like doing that anyway
[It finally cuts to short cuts of the moments by the puppets, Lucifer, Smiler, Gloomer and Barry doing their plans with each other]
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lovinglystar · 1 year
Hello kitty island adventure has a day night cycle in game as well as a real world day night cycle for daily events. If I built an android 3 years prior to hello kitty island adventure was released (2020) and then set it up to play the game on the day of release, keeping in mind that 2020 was a leap year and therefore had an extra day, and for every day the android plays, 5 days in game have passed... after how many days have passed in real time will time in game meet and then exceed the time passed in real life?
Okay. Basically this question is asking me if my robot pal were to play 5 days in game a day at a time, when would the in game time and real life time meet up. So I should start with finding how many days are in a year and then what that is equivalent to in game time. There's 365 days in a year, but 2020 being a leap year it has 366 days sooooOOOO... (365×3)+1=1096.
1096 real days/5 game days=273.75 real days make an in game year.
273.75 real days ×5 game days = 1369.75 real days total passed.
--Game days are necessary, real days total passed is what we're finding so we look for them, and real days are what we're passing so we can discard them.
273.75 real days +1096 already passed days= 1368.75 real days total passed.
-- again, real days are discarded, so I already know I'm keeping 1096 days that have passed, and finding the real days total passed. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
My equations are (1096+X) and (5X).
So ill start with my baby boy number 273.75 real days cause you know what I have no other places on the map to look right now. I'll plug that sucker in for X on both of my equations and I'll find that 273.75+1096=1369.75 and 273.75×5=1368.75.
Okay hold on stop? That made my head hurt. What is going on here? What are all these numbers that just showed up.
Well let's start with our first finding there at 273.75, we'll call this number Frank.
Hi Frank!
"My original designation is 273.75, but Frank works, hi there, human being!"
Tell me something Frank, and you better be Frank with me!
"Frankly my dear, I'm always Frank. Ask me anything without fear or my name isn't Frank."
What are you, Frank?
"Well, and to be Frank, I'm the current time that has passed as of 1369.75 days and the time that has passed in game which is 1368.75 so you could say I'm always the current second as if I myself exist outside of myself."
Thanks, that didn't help.
Anyways we'll just pretend this number is right now.
We then use the second formula to find what has happened in game since when we originally started the game, for every 5 days. So we plugged in the number of what is considered right now.
Now all we have to do is find out how much more time it'll be before we have played the game for less time than the game has been played for which has passed within the game.
Oh holy shit.
Basically how much time is left until the game is in the future, planting the year of its release (2023) as if it were year 0.
So we just gotta tweak the number by a little bit. So now we'll go to 273.8 for both numbers, and find our first equation has moved to 1369.75 real days total have passed as 273.8 real days have now passed after the initial 1096 days had already passed.
And then plug that in to (5X) and see that 1369, so a small increase, but still a .25 increase is a good number to work with.
So the skeletons of these increases are sort of like this. Every time X increases by 1, our first equation increases by .05 and the in game time that has passed since the game started is increasing by .25.
X. 1096+X. 5X.
273.75. 1369.75. 1368.75.
273.8. 1369.8. 1369.
273.85. 1369.85. 1369.25.
273.9. 1369.9. 1369.5.
273.95. 1369.95. 1369.75.
274. 1370. 1370
At 274 hours of playing the game, the time that has passed in the game, and the time that has passed in real life since creation plus playing the game, our little buddy has been on that island paradise for 1370 days in game and in real life or 3.753 years, or 3 years and 275 days, or 3 years and 9 months of getting to spend time with everyone's favorite lesabiabs My Melody and Kuromi. And every second in real time passed this point is now 5 times faster in game, and as long as our best buddies android 17 and android 18 will defeat you Goku! YOU WILL NEVER, EVER. BE ABLE TO ESCAPE THEM. I WILL HAVE MY VENGEANCE!!!
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furiaae · 7 months
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SO HAHA funny story
my buddy good ol pal lynx led me to the conclusion/revelation of
asteria is a whole ass creation in each of her verses so uh
she doesn't have to be inherently feminine right????
and i have been DESPERATE to find the piece that i felt had been missing this entire time
SO YEA UH gender who??????
so collectively it's still asteria, but she could also be aster (he/him) or asteria/eri (she/her) or you can just still say asteria for both???? gender is not inherently a concept to her so-
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abyssin · 1 year
@hitokageisei​ asked: Scaramouche  casually  waiting  for  Childe  to  give  him  some  tasty  pierogi  from  granny.  ๑(◕‿◕)๑
          a direct conflict against his responsibilities as fatui and his insatiable wanderlust, there are few opportunities available for childe to return home. it’s a far trek from the palace to the quaint house in the rural outskirts of the city, one that requires hours of commute by car. but childe has always made space in his hectic schedule to visit his family before his next departure, always filled with new chatter of his adventures for his younger siblings to tune in to. here in this home, it is a space to be ajax: son, brother, toymaker, and devotee. here, the fatui and the tsaritsa cannot reach them, a brief respite before bearing his warrior’s teeth once more.
          ajax made sure to use those teeth and rip apart childe and ajax from one other. it’s an equilibrium he’s honed and maintained for years, both facets knowing that this was best for his family. and for the first time in quite a while, he feels that stability dangerously tipped over as he eyes the balladeer with confusion. they sit across each other, already surrounded by teucer and the twins in a blink the moment scaramouche took his seat. they’re insistent on asking him about his creations, his ideas, how he’s helping CEO ajax with the craft. 
          albeit the occasional quirk of the other’s lips with both amusement and annoyance ( targeted blatantly for childe ), the atmosphere is... peaceful, despite the chatter of the zakharov household filling the house. grandmama’s delectable meals waft in the air with warmth as she passes the serving dish to ajax. go on, pass it on to your friend, child. he barely manages to hide the twitch of his eye before he locks eyes with scaramouche again. 
          ajax isn’t quite sure how they arrived in this strange scenario, but as long as the kids are entertained... and besides, he can surely make use of this setting to create his own amusement.
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          ajax musters a comically large smile, heaping dumplings on scaramouche’s empty plate.  “here you go, my buddy-pal-friend scara.” he doesn’t miss the way the edge of scaramouche’s mouth twitches at the endearment. “and make sure you finish it all! grandma scolds kids who don't finish their meal with her mighty slipper.”
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@amethyst-big-dumb @jinxcast @spottedbread @biggitybugs @n1ghtw1ng-scp @darkandlightsides @echolynn13 @inksplattedboys @cutecatcute999 @dangerousskeletoncoptree @froggyplanet4269 @sunby @mokuknight @off22theraces
I would like to preface this by saying that this is not a callout post, nor is it a “WE NEED TO FIX THIS NOW!” kind of situation. Nobody did ANYTHING wrong. Just to clarify. I just want to point out an issue I’ve been having.
Now, the creation of the Ray blog is exciting and I’m glad our shark buddy old pal is here. I’m super glad he exists. This was a good decision. That being said, it’s gotten me thinking about a lot of things.
Not only are we super unorganized, but we now have a cast of like. 30 or something characters (maybe an exaggeration). We all have plans for what we want to do, but too many characters at play and not enough communication. It’s good to keep some things a secret, especially if it’s something you want to add a little bit of shock value to! But regardless, SOME communication needs to happen, now that we have so many characters and things happening all at once. We need to communicate, and plans things out.
Not only that, but some character’s blogs lay dormant for weeks or months on end, not to be touched for a while because other characters are getting the spotlight. It’s either too many characters all trying to do their own thing at once, or so many good characters that could be explored further getting ultimately ignored. And that’s an issue. An issue that isn’t absolutely TERRIBLE, mind you, considering the fact that we’re doing this silly tumblr rp for, you know. Fun. But still.
Which brings me to my problem. We need a way to communicate. All of us. I would suggest a discord server, since I was already working on a dandelions server for all of us (I don’t have any experience with running a server but by god I’m willing to learn) but a lot of us do not have discord, including Spotted, who is playing one of the most important characters in the rp as WELL as several other side characters, so that will simply not work. Does anybody have any other ideas, because I’m stupid.
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