#sidney prescott x s/o
dreamties · 1 year
Various! Horror Reacting to their S/O Sleeping W/ Stuffed Animals
A/n- Let me know what character's I should do for the prompt next :D
Inspired by a previous headcanon set I did! If you want to read some quick ones for Billy/Stu, Brahms & Michael -> click here
T/W for some mild language + mentions of torture !! <3
This set includes: The Sinclair Brothers, Randy Meeks + Sidney Prescott
Taglist: @strawberry-moonpies —> let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from this list <3
Sinclair Brothers
None of them really mind <33 except Bo, he's a totaly stinker abt it >:(
Bo finds it weird and he lets you know that. he is literally the lamest partner when it comes to this . . . don't let his negativity bog you down tho, hun!! his brothers are far kinder on it, you don't need Bo's stupid reaction <3333
having said all that about Bo . . . there is some redemption for him!! when he starts noticing you acting funny or a little down around him, he realizes it's his doing and he has a lot of guilt & regret about how he acted.
he'll get you a plainer looking doll, or get Vin's help to sew something up for ya. He leaves it on your side of the bed and doesn't say a word about it . . . neither should you. Be appreciative of what he did, just don't tell him that. He'll just pretend he had nothing to do with it, and get all flustered.
Bo might be kind of a dick to you about it, but if anyone that's NOT him does it?? if someone's passing by and they think they just get free range on the language they use?? oh, hell no!
he has a few tricks up his sleeves, I promise <3 (these may, or may not, include more torturous methods when dealing with guests . . .)
Lester thinks it's mighty sweet!! an' he ain't got much to judge, he knows he's a lil weird. he don't mind ur weirdness tho <33
creativity seems to run in the family, cause sometimes he'll take the animals off the road 'n he likes to skin em and make lil furs out of em. not so much taxidermy . . . he ain't got the patience for that
and i bet he would ADORE to make ya a lil somethin from those critters <3
what's better than seeing your lover all safe and cozy, cuddled up with somethin-- than when that somethin is one of your own creations??
yeah ... nothings really better than that, huh? <3
Vincent's not one to judge on such a small thing. he's spent so much time feeling like the odd one out, for mannerisms and facial deformities . . . and you're so sweet and kind hun . . .
he'd hate to upset ya, especially over something so insignificant.
it brightens his day seeing you down in his studio space with him, while you happily watch him work, while holding a floppy-eared fuzzy pal close to ur arms <333
Randy Meeks
he thinks it's a little silly but mostly endearing <3
he won't poke fun at you . . . unlike certain Scream boys (cough cough Billy n Stu... cough cough)
randy loves doing little voice impressions, and my favorite concept is him playing around with ur stuffies and making them say silly things. or sometimes, since he's a bit of a romantic, but also awkward n nerdy he'd make them say things like "i love you" <3
Sidney Prescott
Tatum still has a ton of stuffies from when she was a kid, and some of her current faves are definitely ones that Stu have gotten for her
Sidney doesn't really sleep w/ any of her stuffies, but she does keep them out on her bed sometimes or on her dresser as like, decoration.
long story short -> she honestly gets it! sleeping with a stuffy is nice, and she wants you to sleep well <3 there is nothing wrong with ur stuffies <333
after the ghostface attacks!! she tends to be more closed off to other people, sort of weary, and isn't always good with contact/touch. the two of y'all's favorite way to sleep is in the same bed, next to each other, but cuddled up with ur comfort buddies instead of holding each other :'3
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whateverloomis · 26 days
I dont know if you know her but can you do a billy x reader x stu with a reader who is lile hrh collections personality-wise?
She is very protective of the boys and whenever theres someone making them feel less then she just makes the person feel stupid and cry 💀
I feel like they would love the chaotic nature of their s/o amd have them do the calls just to make the victims cry
I don't know who she is, sadly :( However I came up with a prompt list based on your description! Hope you like it anon 🫡💖
🔪Fem reader who's protective over Billy and Stu🔪 (18+ content)
Note: Use of YN and (she/her) pronouns || Unedited
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• She would definitely kill someone if she had to in order to protect the boys, and they would do the same for her.
• Stu is more vocal about his feelings, and when he told YN about Casey Becker dumping him for Steve she was immediately in to get some revenge and have fun while doing so.
• The calls Casey received the night of her death were made by YN. She served as the perfect distraction in order for the boys to execute their killings perfectly and without getting caught.
• She'd ask humiliating questions and say the most gruesome things.
"Let's play a guessing game... Who's the dumb blonde victim?"
"I'm gonna chop you up to pieces..."
• Once they got away with that killing spree, and any other kill they had planned, the boys praised YN.
"You're always so good to us baby."
"Tell me who you want to get rid of baby, we'll take care of it for you tonight."
• Billy was complicated when it came to feelings and expressing when he was upset or angry about something.
• When all three of them were planning to kill Sidney Prescott, YN was all for it. She didn't like the girl anyways. YN had to put up with watching Billy pretend he loved her and hear about how he couldn't get her to have sex with him.
• "I can't get her to give in and I'm starting to get tired of this shit." He'd say over and over, and YN would fuck him instead just to take his mind off of it for a little while.
"Fuck, you're so good to me baby."
"Yeah, just like that... Fuck, you feel so good."
Billy would praise YN while she was on top of him, riding his dick and letting him thrust up from underneath her. Use her.
• "When I close the front door, Stu will come out of the kitchen and you'll climb down the stairs so we can corner Sidney, okay baby?" Billy told YN the night they planned to kill Sid and she couldn't help but worry about him. About Stu. Her boys.
• She had to keep them safe. Stick to the plan and make sure everything went smoothly.
• She'd die for the boys if it was necessary. Anything to keep them alive and well.
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prescottsgirl · 10 months
Could you do #9 from the prompt list please!
sure!! :)
— jealousy with sidney
sidney prescott x fem!reader
hc prompts here
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jealous sidney
1996 sidney would easily get jealous but wouldn’t do anything because she’s way too shy for confrontation.
she would probably just be a little cold towards you until you’d ask what was wrong.
and once you assured her that you only wanted her, she would feel much better.
^ but would need a lot of extra love to reassure her.
NOW older sidney…
if someone was flirting with you, she’d come over and hold you by the waist.
^ maybe start kissing you as they were talking to you if she’s being really bold.
not saying anything, just getting you all flustered and making it known that you’re hers.
that is unless someone is getting a little too close to you and making you uncomfortable.
^ then she’s not going to be very calm.
but she would never ever get physical with that person.
“why don’t you get the fuck out of here. she told you she’s uncomfortable!”
and then she would make you know that you’re only hers later that night…
jealous s/o
1996 sid would feel really bad if you got jealous
like totally “no baby, i’m sorry. i only want you, okay? are you okay?”
and she would be so cuddly towards you, kissing the f out of you.
^ because she’s just so sweet and doesn’t want you to think you could ever be a second choice.
older sidney on the other hand would find it so hot.
like purposely making you jealous.
and not in a way that would seriously upset you, but just to tease you.
“oh baby, are you jealous? my girl is so jealous thinking about me with someone else?” as she climbs on top of you “but i’m all hers.”
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thefanficmonster · 3 months
Scream Masterlist <3
*- Fluff
⨀ - Angst
Full-length Fics:
Old Friend (Sidney Prescott x Reader) *
Cracks (Gale Weathers x Dewey Riley) *⨀
My Hero (Dewey Riley & Reader) ⨀
Wooing Tactics (Poly!Ghostface x Reader) *
The One Flaw (Billy Loomis x Sidney Prescott) ⨀
Finer Things (Mickey Altieri x Reader) *
Good company for the end of the world (Billy Loomis x Sidney Prescott) ⨀
Wise Words (Sidney Prescott x Reader) *
Things Unsaid (Sidney Prescott x Reader) ⨀*
Sidney Prescott x injured s/o ⨀*
Dating Randy Meeks *
Dewey x Sidney's older sister *
Gewey domestic fluff *
Friends since childhood (Dewey Riley & Reader) *
Sidney and her s/o being parents *
Gewey Valentine's Day headcanons *
Sidney x sick x/o headcanons *
Sidney Prescott Fluffy Headcanons *
Comforting Sidney after the Woodsboro Murders ⨀
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creepyyanderegirl · 5 months
Yandere Sidney Prescott Alphabet
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A=Affection (How do they show their love for you) 
Holding, Hand holding, Hugging, kissing,Gripping your arm,hair playing
B=Bound (How much do they share with you) 
It takes a while but she'll be open with you after sometime
C=Cruel (How do they punish you) 
Spanking,yelling,starving,violence, force feeding,silent treatment
D-Desire (How long until they take you) 
1 month
E=Even (To what level are they dominant) 
Is a little dominant
F=Future(What are their future plans for the two of you) 
Have a dog. Get married. Have kids. Live in the middle of nowhere
G=Gifts (What do they give you) 
Clothes,jewelry,Sweets,stuffed animals
H=Hell (Worst experience with them) 
Her punishments
I=Insane (How insane did they get because of you) 
J=Jealous(How easily do they get jealous) 
It's only you and her locked in the together
K=Killing (How do they handle killing) 
Stabbing or shoots them in the head
L=Language (What is their love language) 
Words of affirmation, Quality time, Physical touch
M=Manipulation(What could you do to get your way) 
Please don't
N=No (To what strength would they go for you) 
She'd do anything for you
O=Obsessed (How obsessed are they with you) 
P=Pet names(What do they call you)  
Honey, Princess, Love, Sweetie, Sweetheart, darling,doll,dove,cutie, my flower
Q=Quit (How would they act if you died) 
She'd be completely broken
R=Runaway (What are your chances to get away) 
No chance
S=Stalking (How good are they at stalking you) 
T=Type  (What type of yandere are they) 
U=Unique (Different from other yanderes) 
Teaches you how to fight
V=Vine (How would they feel if you fought back) 
After she was done crying she'd yell at you
W=Will (Would they do anything against their loves will) 
Holding and force feeding
X=X-Ray (How much do they keep hidden from you) 
Not much
Y=Yearning (How much do they want you) 
Z=Zzz (How do you two fall asleep together) 
She gets close and cuddles you
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jinx-s-things · 3 days
Jinx’s masterlist
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Amber Freeman (scream)
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A long day
Amber Freeman x vampire reader
Movie night
All for love
Horror game
Amber Freeman x reader who loves hello kitty and pink
Tag you’re it
In the middle of the night
Sidney Prescott (scream)
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Date night
Mickey Altieri (scream)
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Jealous part 1
Jealous part 2
Jill Roberts (scream)
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The misunderstanding
Tara carpenter (scream)
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Thinking of you
Billy loomis (scream)
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Just a dream
Crazy part 1
Crazy part 2
Carrie white (carrie)
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Carrie white with a s/o who likes to draw
Carrie Imagine
Ghostface on valentines days
Ghostface with a s/o who’s an actor
Female scream characters on Valentine’s Day
Scream characters at the beach
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the-cannibal · 1 year
Master List!
Here's all my writings (I think) if anything on here is wrong feel free to let me know and I'll fix it! I have a separate master list where I put all my matchups! You can find the master list right here under Matchups Masterlist!
Request are: Closed! My post with what I write and who I write is right here under ask box and request info!
Please use my ask box and not my inbox. A lot of bots like to spam my inbox so I’m more likely to see your request in my ask box. Also if my ask box is closed that means my requests are closed, please don’t message my inbox requesting things- I’m not trying to sound rude, and if you have requested by using my inbox I’m not mad at you or anything, but please use the ask box-
If you see a character with "nothing here yet" feel free to request them! I just haven't had any ideas for them yet and would love suggestions :)
Bo Sinclair:
S/o that threatens to leave them
Bo with a s/o that has an unhealthy obsession with him
Poly! Sinclair's comforting their insecure girlfriend Sinclairs (separately) with a s/o that draws Vincent Sinclair: S/o that wears corsets S/o that threatens to leave them
Poly! Sinclair's comforting their insecure girlfriend Sinclairs (separately) with a s/o that draws Lester Sinclair: S/o that threatens to leave them
Poly! Sinclair's comforting their insecure girlfriend
Sinclairs (separately) with a s/o that draws Billy Loomis: S/o that has an unhealthy obsession with him
Platonic child reader that's like Matilda
Stu Macher:
Platonic child reader that's like Matilda
Sidney Prescott: Nothing here yet...
Tatum Riley: Nothing here yet...
Randy Meeks: Nothing here yet...
The Lost Boys: Poly Lost boys with a S/o that is an animal lover
David: Nothing here yet...
Dwayne: Nothing here yet...
Marko: Nothing here yet...
Paul: Nothing here yet... Star: Nothing here yet... Michael: Nothing here yet...
Brahms Heelshire: S/o that wears corsets
S/o comforting him after a nightmare
Jason Voorhees:
S/o that wears corsets
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Thomas Hewitt: Nothing here yet... Bubba Sawyer: Nothing here yet...
ChopTop: Nothing here yet... Nubbins: Nothing here yet...
Henry Bowers:
Henry with a stubborn s/o
Vic Criss: Nothing here yet...
Patrick Hockstetter: Nothing here yet... Reginald "Belch" Huggins: Nothing here yet...
Poly Bowers Gang:
Bowers gang x Reader that isn't afraid to put them in their place
Poly Losers Club: Nothing here yet...
Richie Tozier: Nothing here yet...
Bill Denbrough: Nothing here yet...
Eddie Kaspbrak: Nothing here yet...
Ben Hanscom: Nothing here yet...
Stan Uris: Nothing here yet...
Mike Hanlon: Nothing here yet...
Beverly Marsh: Nothing here yet...
Carrie White: Nothing here yet...
Halloween/Michael Myers: Nothing here yet...
Chucky: Nothing here yet... Tiffany Valentine: Nothing here yet...
Hush "The Man" aka John: Nothing here yet...
Xenomorph/Alien: Nothing here yet...
Predator/Yautja "Clicky papa!" Platonic Predator X child reader Curious puppy - Elder Yautja x GN Reader (inspired by post by @mintymarabell)
Random stuff with multiple slashers (usually like head cannons and quick drabbles) S/o with weird cravings
Slashers nicknames for their s/o
S/o that's a shapeshifter
Slashers reactions to their s/o having stretch marks (part 1/2)
Slashers reactions to their s/o having stretch marks (part 2/2)
Poly Dolls (Tiff X Reader X Chucky) head cannons
Slashers with a s/o that is sensitive to foods
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darkpeacemusic · 1 year
Rules for my asks/requests
Plz read before asking for requests
Fandoms and characters I will accept (so far):
Stranger Things (Mike, Dustin, Will, Lucas, Max, Eleven, Nancy, Steve, Jonathan)
Slashers (Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Candyman, pennywise (1990), Ghostface (Stu and Billy), Billy Lenz, Carrie, Chucky, Tiffany, Michael Myers, Bubba Sawyer, Jennifer Check, Norman Bates, Sinclair Brothers, Harry Warden)
Five Nights at Freddy’s (both games and movie) (Michael Afton, Mike Schmidt, Vanessa A., Vanessa Shelley, any animatronics except BB and JJ, Gregory (platonic only), Cassie (platonic only), Abby Schmidt (platonic only), Henry Emily)
Beetlejuice (Lydia Deetz, Beetlejuice)
Final Girls/Guy (Nancy Thompson, Sidney Prescott, Gale Weathers, Ash Williams)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Edward, Al)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa)
South Park (Kenny, Kyle, Butters)
Creepypasta (Ben Drowned (platonic only), Jeff, Liu, Sully, Jane, Ticci Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Kate the Chaser, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, Slender brothers (platonic only), Sally (platonic only), Dr Smiley, Nurse Ann, Nina, Candy Pop, Jason the Toymaker, The Puppeteer, Clockwork, Rouge, Wilson, Zalgo (platonic only), Nathan, Bloody Painter, Kagekao, Jill, Sadie, Hobo Heart, Cat Hunter, Chris the Revenant, X-Virus, Dollmaker, Frankie the Undead, Judge Angels, Lifeless Lucy (platonic only), Lost Silver (platonic only), Glitchy Red, Dr. Locklear, Lulu (platonic only), Killing Kate)
DCEU (Bruce Wayne)
MHA (Deku, Bakugo, Tokoyami, Kirishima, Denki, Jirou, Iida, Todoroki, Awaiza (platonic only), Mina, Tyusu, Momo)
MCU (Tony Stark (platonic only), Steve Rogers (platonic only) Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Thor, Loki, Bruce Banner)
Harry Potter (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Snape, Dumbledore (platonic only), Nevel, Remus, the Weasley twins (Fred and George), Luna, Ginny, Draco)
What I will write
General headcanons
X reader headcanons
Canon x canon headcanons (as long as it's appropriate)
Gender neutral reader
Child reader (plantonic)
Poly (only if the characters are the same age and are not related to each other)
S/Os with certain mental illnesses (eg anxiety, OCD, depression)
What I will not accept
Any specific gender reader (Cuz I don’t want to offend anyone by accident)
Parent S/O
Trans S/O (again trying not offend anyone by accident)
Pregnant S/O
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aurorauroboros · 7 months
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[image Description: a chart titled “you’re in a horror movie”. The word Horror is in a bloody font. There are chibi versions of jason and michael myers, one on either side of the text.
First column is titled The Killer. It reads: Birth month
Jan- Jason V
Feb- Freddy K
Mar- Chucky
Apr- Pinhead
May- Wolf Man
Jun- Dracula
Jul- Zombie House
Aug- Pennywise
Sept- The Thing
Oct- Michael Myers
Nov- Xenomorph
Dec- Leather Face
The second column is titled Your Protector. It reads: 1st initial of your first name
A- Ash
B- Pick a friend
C- Pet cat
D- Trusty dog
E- Dr Loomis
F- A cop
G-Pick a friend
H-Pick a friend
I- On your own
J- Tommy Jarvis
K- The jock
L-Laurie Strode
M- R.J. Macready
N- Nancy Thompson
O- On your own
P- Sidney Prescott
Q- Cheerleader
R- Ripley
S- Shaun and Ed T- T800
U- On your own
V- Van Helsing
W- Pick a friend
X- On your own
Z- On your own
Z- Zombie friend
The third column is titled Weapon. It reads: Birthday
1st-3rd -Handgun
4th-6th -Samurai sword
7th-9th -Cricket bat
10th-12th -Nunchucks
13th-14th -Machete
15th-17th -Gatling gun
18th-20th -Good cardio
21st-23rd -Survival Instincts
24th-26th -Frying pan
27th-28th -Shotgun
30th-31st -Water pistol
Small text on the bottom of the image reads “Never stay dead”. End ID]
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l1ndseyper3z · 11 months
If you would like to view my masterlist click here :)
What I will write:
- Character x Reader
- f!reader
- m!reader
- gn!reader
- fluff
- angst
- smut/nsfw
- LIGHT gore
What I won't write:
- !ChildReader
- Non-Con
- SA
- Offensive material
- Extensive gore
- anything I don't feel like writing 😭
- Chances are I will not do multiple part fics but that may change
Who I will write:
- Peter Strahm
- Mark Hoffman
- Amanda Young
- Adam Faulkner-Stanheight
- Lawrence Gordon
- Lindsey Perez
- Jill Tuck
- Mallick Scott
- Brit Stevenson
- Bo Sinclair
- Vincent Sinclair
- Billy Loomis
- Stu Macher
- Sidney Prescott
- Josh Lambert
- Renai Lambert
- Charlie Dalton
- Neil Perry
- Todd Anderson
- Steven Meeks
- Hannibal Lecter
- Will Graham
If a character you were thinking of requesting is not a part of this list you may request them but there is no guarantee that I will do them!
Please structure your requests a little something like this! -
Hi! Please can you do [type of fic/hc list] for [character/s] × [gender of reader or character/s] (you may also add a specific prompt e.g. pda, when s/o is sick etc etc)
please note English is my first language and the only language I can speak fluently so any requests in other languages will not be completed!
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slashme · 2 years
Introduction / Masterlist
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Fandoms I Write For
Sidney Prescott
Black Prom
Grim reaper s/o
Tatum Riley
Black Prom
Billy Loomis
Black Prom
Grim Reaper s/o
Stu Macher
Black prom
Charles Lee Ray
Tiffany Valentine
Black Prom
Grim reaper s/o
IT 2017
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hocksetter
Victor Criss
Belch Huggins
Carrie (1976 + 2013)
Carrie White
Grim Reaper s/o
Spree (2020)
Kurt Kunkle
Kurt with a famous s/o
Kurt with a bimbo s/o
Things I won’t write.
Any slasher x slasher/oc.
Polyamory (I’m not poly myself but I I know I’ll butcher writing it)
Matchups (I’m bad at matchmaking)
Toxic relationship with anyone x reader
Racism, homophobic, transphobia, etc.
Anything involving r*pe, noncon, dub con,etc.
Age gaps where one is a minor and the other a grown adult.
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dalillah-shihuadee · 3 years
Can you just imagine, if only Billy Loomis changed after Sidney's words about her mother and after her having offered intimacy with her in a Stu's parents bedroom? She was so innocent, so virgin, honest and crushed, I thought Billy's heart was going to be broken in billions pieces and he eventually would have understood that he was wrong about her and Stu was wrong too(!!!)
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prescottsgirl · 9 months
older!Sid spoiling her s/o with gifts and love?
sure! :)
sidney prescott x fem!reader, older sid spoiling you, fluff
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sidney came home from work with flowers and a box of chocolates in her hand. she could tell from the tone of your texts throughout the day that today hadn’t been too good to you. she knew that her presence alone would be enough to make you feel a lot better, but she also loves just spoiling you and giving you whatever you want.
as soon as she walked through the door, she saw you relaxed on the couch, scrolling through your phone. you sat up when you heard her come into the house. a gentle smile graced her features and your heart instantly warmed.
you got up and walked over to her. you were sure that she was tired but she didn’t show it. she always put you first. “for you, my dear,” sidney said, and outstretched her arms towards you that held the chocolate and flowers.
you pouted at the thoughtful gesture, almost tearing up, and took them from her. “sid, you’re too sweet. thank you.” you placed the new flowers into a vase and threw the old ones away that had been sitting in it. she walked back over to you and wrapped her arms around your waist. you instantly melted into her.
“i love you,” you said under you breath. she still heard it though.
“i love you, baby. did you eat yet?” you shook your head. you were too tired from work to even make something. she kissed your cheek but never pulled away from you. “i’ll make you something. anything you want.”
you giggled and turned around in her arms to face her. “you spoil me, prescott. you know that?”
she leaned forward and kissed your lips, now having more access. it was quick, but still enough to make you completely melt. she smirked when she saw your flushed face. “anything for my pretty girl.”
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filthyslashertoad · 3 years
Poly Ghostface Oneshot
You can skip if u want!
Hii, can i request a poly billy loomis x reader x stu macher. So they think she cheated on them (But she didn't) and so they cheat on her then find out that she didnt cheat on them. How would they feel?
Just wanna get this out of the way first Stu would probably be the first to have doubts since he wears his heart on his sleeve and will blame his actions for you ‘cheating’. Billy is just a very very jealous boy and would come up with the idea for revenge. 
You first discovered they cheated when you noticed a hickey on Billy’s neck, he rarely allowed them on his neck so maybe Stu did it? But Stu didn’t have a matching one instead a smeared stain of red. You tried to brush it off you loved them and you knew they loved you too. They wouldn’t cheat right?
This question was answered for you when you asked them about it. Billy looked you dead in the eyes, smile fading as he questioned you jut as you had questioned him. Your heart dropped, they thought you cheated on them? You refused to hear the statement. Instead you looked them both directly in the eyes and said you never cheated on them and that you loved them to much to hurt them. Stu’s face faded into a sadened frown and Billy became stoic. 
You asked them again about the marks, Stu almost bursting into tears as he wrapped his arms around you saying a muffled sorry into your hair. Billy still stood there in shock. He had just gotten revenge on someone that did nothing. Your realization that they had cheated on you because they thought you cheated put you in denial, they would never do such a thing right? Without realizing tears ran down your face and your sadened expression was no longer hidden as you pulled away from Stu. 
This had to be some cruel joke right? They were going to start laughing and hug you tightly while teasing you about crying. This never happened instead Billy and Stu just looked at you with empathy and sorrow. You ran to the door to leave, slamming it open as you ran out. You couldn’t be around them, you couldn’t be around anyone. 
Running down the street tears rushed out of your eyes and fell with the breeze. You had been running for hours never stopping as you felt the cold air of the night bite at your red and puffy face. It was getting late and you needed to stay somewhere but part of you felt like you didn’t deserve to take shelter and be warm, You made them have doubts about your relationship it was your fault. Their faces haunting your mind as you slowed to a walking speed. The memory of how sad Stu was and how Billy stood there, his eyes glistening with something other than stillness. 
You ended up just going home and locking yourself in your room for all of eternity, you would've stayed at a friends house for company, but empathy wasn’t something you needed. 
So you laid in bed and stayed there looking up at the ceiling and thinking, you couldn’t cry anymore even if you tried. You couldn’t go to school and risk having to see or talk to them. So you didn’t go to school for a couple days and just stayed in bed, you didn’t feel like getting up and you never imagined going back to school.
After a couple of days you started to feel a little better, but that changed when you heard a knock at your window. You knew exactly who it was and you didn’t want anything to do with them. Though you didn’t really have a choice when they cracked open your window and climbed through. 
“hey, we wanted to talk.” The crack in Billy’s voice was almost painful to hear. You weren’t sure if what had happened affected them, but you were glad that they cared enough to at least seem sad, at least your relationship meant something.
“We’re sorry-” You cut them off before they could finish their sentence. “Why can’t you just trust me, why would you think I would do that?” 
“I- we didn’t want to loose you and the thought of you with someone else made us feel unwanted emotions.” 
“Well no, but at the time it seemed interesting.”
“Just leav-” 
I don’t know how to end this, so imma just leave the rest up for interpretation. 
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fictional-lover01 · 5 years
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher :Reaction to you already being aware of their doings as Ghostface
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Billy Loomis:
The moment he found out that YOU knew of him & Stu he was fairly surprised
He tried to pull it off as if you’re lying, that he and Stu weren’t the killer
However as he tried to get close to you, you seemed one step ahead every time
Billy & Stu were planning on killing you
It was at a party; just about everyone from school was there. So no one would be sober enough nor smart enough to stay outta Ghostface’s way
You and Randy bonded over horror movies; which caught Billy and Stu’s attention
Billy couldn’t deny he wanted to get to know you more
He eventually stalked you until the party
As he tried to attack you you managed to not only whoop his ass but reveal his face
This pissed him off slightly
The fight between you two continued till he had you pinned
He kept questioning you
“How’d you know it was me?”
“Obvious. You’d have to be pretty stupid to not notice. Though you do cover your tracks fairly well”
“I knew the moment Sidney’s mother passed away, she did cause your mother to leave you”
It’s just a back and forth thing at that point, Billy getting pissed that you mentioned his mother
As he raised the knife you managed to grab the knife and keep it from stabbing into any important organs or arteries
It was a wrestling match at that point
You managed to get ahold of the knife, pointing it at Billy
Billy couldn’t tell if he was attracted to you or if he just really wanted to kill you
Maybe both?
“Listen psycho, I could care less bout you murderin a bunch of idiots to be honest. But I can guarantee you aint killin me”
“Really now? Why’s that?”
“Cause I have plenty of blackmail against you to prove you’re Ghostface, not to mention I won’t hesitate to kill you myself and hide your body; maybe make it look like Ghostface did it”
“Ah...think you’re so smart”
It’s a bickering between you two
Eventually y’all come to a deal
You stay quiet and you dont die
You say anything you’re dead
Or if you do kill Billy, Stu will be after your ass
Its your choice really
Stu Macher:
Precious dumbby boi
He’s confused and shocked
W/ how Stu acts tbh its pretty obvs he’s obsessed w/ horror
Remember how he told Sidney how you gut someone? From the groin up to their sternum?
Yeah, thats one piece of evidence you got against him
You likely try to stay away from him and Billy
Stu always is trying to hang around you, doing that weird tongue thing while talkin bout the grotesque events plaguing Woodsboro
One day Stu is standing in front of you as Ghostface Billy was “killed and currently laying on the floor of the first level of the house
“Dude, I aint stupid. Billy get the fuck up. Stu, go find Sidney or smth”
The confusion is REAL
Billy is trying to kill you as you nonchalantly dismiss the bois
“How the fuck did you know”
“Y’all are obvious. Idc what you do but I aint dying tonight or any day/night”
Stu would probably try to kill you as well
Eventually your love for horror and the fact that you don’t care that they’re killing ppl is probs what keeps u alive
Stu is constantly around you; hanging out
Tells ppl you two are a thing
Stu gets Billy to help him corner you
“Here’s you’re options”
Live and work alongside them
Live, help them and date Stu
Ya Stu is attracted to you; theres no denying it bc he’s pretty obvious ya know
Its all up to you maaaannnnn
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slasherscream · 5 years
A/N: i got…  just the absolute sweetest messages from a reader who’s chinese so that’s what this is the result of. we poc deserve hella specific imagines just like anyone else!! smooches @calling-out-maeday. hope you like it!!
     sidney prescott x chinese fem!reader x tatum riley                ft. that’s it …. that’s the whole concept          (and a whole lot of learning to love yourself)
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The girls stop dead in their tracks the first time they notice you. Or        Tatum stops dead in her tracks. She’s the one who actually sees you first. She throws out her arm to psychically stop Sidney (because the moment requires some drama god dammit). Sidney is about to start glaring when Tatum, in the most love-struck voice Sidney has ever heard from her, goes “who is that?" 
Sidney finds you easily in the crowd. Mostly because Tatum is pointing at you in a way that is both not subtle and also … rude. She has to let it go because … well         Tatum has always had good taste, "No idea. I’ve never … seen them around before.” It took her a second to properly get the words out because you were so pretty. 
You must be new since the town is small enough to have a vague idea of everyone who attends even if you don’t know everyone’s name. Just being frank Tatum knows she’s not stupid enough to have missed going to school with a Chinese girl all these years since you’d have been, quite literally, the only one. Despite this being California, Woodsboro is a little lacking in diversity. 
“I’m gonna go talk to her.” Sidney thinks she just saw Tatum adjust her shirt (aka boobs) a little before she started trying to walk your way. She grabs her best friend by the arm and yanks her back. Tatum starts to pout, “What?”
“Look at her … she seems kinda ….quiet, y'know?” Sidney notices that you’re outside alone during lunch period. They’re only outside cause they were going to go get lunch off campus. Your energy says you’re outside for a very different reason        discomfort. “Shy, maybe." 
"Just means she could use some friends.” Just like that Tatum yanks her arm away from Sidney and hauls ass over to you. Sidney tries to run after her to stop her from being probably far too aggressive with you but doesn’t make it in time (Tatum runs track instead of doing the bare minimum in gym class like some people).
“Hey.” Tatum skids to a stop in front of you and you jerk back at the sight of shoes suddenly in your line of vision. When you look up there she is, grinning down at you. “Newbie? Never seen you around before.”
“Oh uhm ….yup! The new kid. Having a lot of fun.” Tatum laughs at your barely joke (a little too loudly. the way girls that are flirting always do-). 
“Can we join the party?” She’s already sitting down and dragging Sidney (who has the decency to look embarrassed) with her. 
Just like that Tatum is there to stay. And Sidney          despite her initial protests, is too. You’re fun to be around and oh so pretty. They’ve both caught each other zoning out in the middle of you talking (they can practically fucking hear this playing every … single….time) just …focusing on something like how you throw your head back when you laugh or just the way your laugh shapes your mouth. They’re too gay to be trying to function. 
You become a third part of a duo they’d never known was missing a piece. Having you around feels natural. Not having you around ruins their day (Tatum stop being dramatic-). They’re always hovering nearby and you’re always doing the same. You know you spend a lot of time together because they’re no longer Sidney and Tatum         always Tatum, Sidney, and Y/N. It makes them smile. It makes you smile too.
Tatum loves your smile. But you don’t seem to. You’re always covering it when you do it in a way that looks automatic. Like you’ve been doing it your whole life. 
It’s never really bought up until you’re all having a night on the town and Tatum sees a photo-booth that she instantly crams all three of you into. You take the first set of pictures and all hop out to see the results. The girls are wacky and wild in the photos      meanwhile you’re …restrained, to put it lightly. They crawl back in and demand you make the same poses and faces so you can be a matching set. Quietly you say, “That will show too much teeth.” The girls pause in their pushiness sensing that you’re actually quite serious. 
“What do you mean?” Sidney asks. 
“Yeah, what do you mean?” Echoes Tatum.
“My teeth are kinda….big, y'know?” You gesture at your face and purse your lips together as if you want to hide them forever. “They stick out and that will make them….stick out more. That…that pose. And…that face." 
"Your smile is pretty, Y/N! What are you talking about?” The genuine, earnest, confusion on Tatum’s face and in her voice makes you pause. “It’s one of the prettiest smiles I’ve ever seen.”
“Are you serious?” You ask, bewildered. 
“As a fucking heart attack!” and then Sidney smacks her arms. “What? Tell her, her smile is pretty, Sid.”
“It … is a really pretty smile, Y/N. It was one of the first things I noticed about you." 
"Me too." 
"Yeah because my teeth as so-”
“No         because it’s so cute.” And Tatum grabs your face and pulls you so close that you can feel her breath on your lips, “So make the face with me and Sidney. Or don’t - but don’t do it because you don’t think you look pretty doing it. You look pretty doing anything.”
Her gaze could make a nun blush but Sidney clears her throat and breaks the mood of the booth. She’s been on the other side of a look … similar. She knows how it feels. “Let’s take this picture.” You do take the picture and you don’t do the exact same face as them but one … similar. And Tatum keeps the picture in her wallet. You, Sidney, and her. Her favorite people in the world and her. 
Sidney got sick one week straight and you and Tatum did nothing but pout the whole week. “Where’s your better third?” Shouted Randy as the two of you walked by. Tatum flipped him off and you felt yourself get hot with embarrassment. “She’s at home sick, asshole." 
You two bring her notes and homework. Which means       you are bringing her notes and homework and Tatum tags along. She’s not stupid but she doesn’t do her work in-depth enough to be bringing Sidney friendly "catch-up’s” from History class. 
As Sidney’s flipping through one of your notebooks (you’d given her a whole stack) she notices this particular one’s pages are full of Chinese calligraphy. Tatum, who is sitting too close to her on the bed if she doesn’t want to get sick, sees and starts to ooh and ahhh. 
“You didn’t tell us you could write in Chinese!" 
"What?” You yelp and immediately go to snatch back the book. Sidney, who cannot read them but loves the way the ink looks on the page, dodges you annoyingly easy for a woman on her deathbed, “Wrong notebook! Give it!”
“In a minute! It’s beautiful. You can write like this?” The transfixed quality in her hoarse voice makes some of the tension leave your body. Not all….but some. 
“Just a little.” Trying to sound modest. Or maybe you sound small….like it’s not something you’re particularity proud of. You should be though. It looks like pure art. Tatum gasps when Sidney turns the page and she finds new characters. She’s now well and truly snuggled up to the other girl (definitely going to get sick). 
“How can you know just a little when these pages are full with like … a lot?” Tatum laughs, putting a finger out to brush along one of the ink strokes. Her tone is soft. “What are you writing in them?" 
"Random things.” You shrug, “ I just…I do it so I don’t forget it. Y'know?" 
"Can you teach us what some of these mean?” You blink at Sidney’s question. She’s looking up at you with wide, eager eyes. Tatum follows her lead.
“Yeah get over here!” You don’t have time to move before Tatum is yanking you in-between the two of them and settling the book in your lap. She points to one of them. You’re trying not to notice how they feel pressed and curled against you. They both snuggle closer. Tatum points with more insistence, “C'mon! What’s it say. It’s pretty!” She’s so pleading you can’t not tell her. They spend the rest of the afternoon curled up listening to you read the characters off the page. 
“You don’t seem to like any of the food they serve?” Sidney asks one day when she notices you pushing the food around your plate. The cafeteria food isn’t great but it’s not bad either. “Why don’t you ever bring anything like Tatum does?”
You look like a deer caught in headlights which makes Sidney and Tatum exchange a knowing glance. You only ever make #That Face when they’ve stumbled on one of your very specific insecurities. Now they’re determined to know what it is.
Sidney places a hand on Tatum’s thigh under the table and squeezes, a silent plea to let her try and find out what the insecurity is. 
Sidney can be subtle. Tatum is loving but  … not subtle. When she can tell something is wrong with someone she cares about she’ll raise absolute hell until the problem is resolved. It’s one of her more endearing traits but it can go  … not in her favor, at times. Sidney senses this is one of those times it could go poorly. 
Tatum, knowing this, deflates a little but gives a small nod that she knows you won’t notice. You’ve already gone back to looking at you cafeteria tray a little miserably. 
“I don’t know…” You say after a long moment of silence. The girls are never quiet for long so you know that they’re actually waiting for an answer. The fact that they’re so focused on you makes you want to crawl out of your own skin with nerves. “Just don’t like it much." 
They analyze the ever loving shit out of your response and the next time they have a sleepover at your house while Tatum distracts you upstairs with an impromptu pillow fight attack Sidney goes downstairs to talk to your Mother. 
"Hey uhm        Mrs. Y/L/N?” she plays nervously with the end of her sleeve, “Can I ask you something about Y/N?" 
Your Mother pats the seat on the couch next to her and Sidney comes to sit. She can see the worry on your Mother’s face and quickly starts to reassure her, "Nothing is wrong! Or at least …. nothing is seriously wrong? I just…. Y/N is kinda…. She can be kinda…A little-” Sidney struggles with the words for a long time before she just settles on the first one that’s most honest, “Insecure? It seems         about a lot of little things.”
Your Mother sighs deeply at the words and closes her eyes. By insecure she knows Sidney is referring to how you feel about your Chinese heritage. You’ve always been that way. The world around you telling you that you and your culture aren’t beautiful and wonderful and you        unfortunately, believing the world. “Ah. Yes, she can be… is this about something specific?”
“She hates the food at lunch. Barely eats it. And I can tell she’s super hungry by the end of the day. And I was just wondering … what her favorite food is?”
“Pork baozi. She’s loved it ever since she was a little girl but she … doesn’t like to eat them much in public.” Sidney starts to frown. Your Mother frowns back. Not at each other but at what they both know is going on.
Sidney clears her throat and adjusts herself to sit up straight, “Can you teach me how to make it? Me and Tatum? Please.”
Your Mother stares at her for a long moment and then she smiles, even reaches out to pat Sidney’s cheek, “You’re sweet girls. Come back tomorrow afternoon. She’s always at the library for hours at that time. I’ll teach you then. Now shoo         back to your sleepover.” Sidney grins all the way upstairs. 
Tatum and Sidney arrive promptly and your Mother puts them to work immediately. While they’re learning they all talk about you. Listening to your Mother talk about you is eye-opening. They realize just how deeply some of your insecurities go and just how much they care about you that afternoon. When they leave it’s to your Mother hugging them goodbye. She can tell how much they care about you. Furthermore she can tell they’re good influences on you. You’ve been smiling more since you’ve met them. 
On the ride back to Tatum’s, where Sidney is going to spend the night, they finally start talking seriously to each other about what’s clearly been going on, “I think I really like Y/N. As in … like-like her.” Tatum goes first, deep breath once and then just dives right in. She’s always been like that. Sidney has always loved that about her, “Maybe even … a little more than that?”
“I uh ….. like-like her too. And maybe …also feel a little more than that?” Sidney admits before she covers her face with a groan, “What are we twelve?”
“Maybe.” Tatum laughs and pokes Sidney in the side. Only putting her hand back on the wheel when Sidney’s commands her to do so. “I’ve always kinda…. like-liked you too, though.”
“Yeah?” Sidney asks a little breathlessly, taking her hands off her face to look at Tatum’s. 
“Yeah.” Tatum nods firmly, “But it was never the right time. But now       ” She trails off with a smile and Sidney knows what she means. 
“Now’s perfect.” Sidney will not hold Tatum’s hand but she does give her a kiss on the cheek (how was that supposed to be less distracting? Tatum wants to know as she tries desperately not to fucking swerve-).
So now they’re a thing. And as they wait for you excitedly outside at lunch where they’ve told you to meet them? They’re hoping you’ll all be a thing soon. 
You know they’re up to something as soon as you see them but they refuse to say anything until you sit down. Once you do Tatum starts to nervously reach into the over-sized bag that she bought to school today for “some” reason. Sidney starts talking, “Y/N        you are amazing. You’re sweet. And funny, and beautiful, and our best friend. And we love you. But-”
“We also might wanna be a little bit more than best friends. Maybe. If you’re up to it.” Tatum finishes, and with that she puts an open container of pork baozi on the table. They wait for your reaction. Or they try. The stunned look on your face makes Tatum start babbling, “Either way we made you lunch. Your Mom taught us. It’s your favorite right? She told us it was but we know how parents are. Who really listens to their kid these day       Ow!” Sidney pinched her thigh to shut her up. The look she gives her is gratitude despite the exclamation of pain. She’d wanted desperately to shut up. 
“You guys didn’t have to do this      ” Your voice is so quiet and small it makes them nervous. 
“We wanted to.” Sidney says firmly. At first she was thinking you hated it but your expression shifted to something a little softer and now she thinks that your reaction is coming form a place of insecurity once again. She wishes she could slap anyone who’d ever made you feel like this. Instead she reaches for your hand. When you let her take it she sighs in relief. Tatum takes your other one. 
“We really wanted to. Just like how we really like you.” Tatum is catching on too now. She goes a step further and leans over the table top to kiss your forehead. You release a shuddering breath that makes her do it again. 
So        together. You’re all together and the girls couldn’t be happier. Insecurities don’t disappear in a day but they try to help as best as they can. You’re worried that one day it will finally be too much but so far every-time you reveal a new insecurity they reveal just how deep their compassion and love for you goes. 
And yes          love. Tatum said it barely a month into the official start of the relationship. She knows herself inside out and knew the moment she loved you for sure. She’d wanted you to know just as quickly.
Sidney is always more reserved and careful. But she follows Tatum’s lead a month later and says it when you’re both alone and you’re allowing her to put eyeliner on you. You’re squirming at how much she’s staring at a part of you that has always made you so insecure in particular. She kisses the corner of your eye when she’s done, then she kisses your lips for good measure, “I love every beautiful part of you. I love you." 
Maybe you cry a little. Maybe she cries with you. Maybe it brings you closer.
Tatum even opens up to you about her own insecurities hoping to make you feel more normal. "I know it’s not the same thing and the reasons are different but        everyone has things they don’t like about themselves. I think my hips are too big, and …that my nose is too pointy … and I’m not a natural blonde. If you couldn’t guess that from my totally brunette family." 
You’re quick to comfort her and tell her how beautiful she is and that’s when she snatches you by the face and forces you to look at her, her expression resembles the cat that caught the canary, "Aha! That’s the exact point. I am beautiful. Just because I found some things not to like about myself doesn’t mean I’m not. The same goes for you, babe. You’re a fucking knockout and everyone can see it but you." 
Maybe that makes you cry too. Maybe. Tatum has got thicker skin than Sidney so maybe it doesn’t make her cry seeing you cry but maybe it makes her hold you a little tighter, determined to make sure no one ever makes you feel this way again. Not even you. 
A random dance is coming up. For what no one knows and no one cares. It’s a chance to buy a new dress and party! What more does a teenager need to know?
You’re all trying to go dress shopping but you can’t find anything you like. You go back to your house feeling put out but are determined to go shopping again tomorrow. You all won’t stop till you find the perfect set of dresses that compliment each other nicely (no clashing, demands Tatum, deadly serious). 
While you’re all hanging out in the living room trying to brainstorm Sidney notices something new about the place. "Hey what’s that?” she points at a picture in a frame hanging on a wall surrounded by other pictures. This one is the most eye-catching though. The biggest and prettiest. 
“That? A picture of my grandma my Mom just found. She finally got around to unpacking some things a relative sent us while we were moving. In a box of junk was this. There’s not many pictures of her so she was super excited.” You’re trying to make yourself sound casual but they can hear that you were just as excited as your Mom at the find. They smile at each other. 
“What’s she wearing?” Tatum asks.
“Oh that’s a Hanfu. She really loved it apparently. Was her favorite thing to wear. It's        kinda pretty, huh? I could never wear something like it though.” Sidney and Tatum share another look. You could absolutely wear something like that. And furthermore you will. 
Once again they talk to your mother, “Oh she’d never go for it.” She says right off the bat, “you girls know that.”
“She’s a lot more confident!” Tatum disagrees politely which your Mother can agree on but you’re not that confident. “Maybe this is one of those … one of those one last push things? Like when you push a baby bird out the nest and it’s the one you maybe didn’t think was gonna fly but it surprises everyone cause it does.”
The optimism in Tatum’s voice makes your Mother smile at her fondly, even reach for the girl’s hand to give it a comforting squeeze, “You have done a lot for her these past few months. But this is just something she won’t do. I’m sure of it. She would feel too out of place. Too embarrassed." 
"What if we did it with her?” Sidney asks suddenly, interrupting, which she never does to an adult. It makes your Mother pause and look at the two critically. “I know it’s kind of weird for us to wear them because …you know…but if it got her to do it would it be      okay?”
“I think…. I think that might work.” Your Mother finally says after a long moment of thinking. Then she nods to herself once, “Okay girls. Into the car. It’s time we go shopping." 
The day of the dance comes around and the girls had told you to not worry about your dress because they’ve got one for you but it’s a surprise. You’re already nervous. To that Tatum puts a hand on her hip and scoffs, "No offense but I have more fashion sense in one finger than either of you has in your whole bodies. I’d never let my girlfriends walk into a dance not looking amazing.” She was interrupted by a brief, offended “hey!” from Sidney which she steamrolled over easily. You’d conceded the point and allowed them to keep their little surprise for you. They’d also insisted you not lift a finger to get ready. That they were going to do all that for you. 
“You’re our princess and we’re gonna make you feel that way!” Tatum had rubbed her nose against yours gently all while holding Sidney’s hand and giving it a squeeze (she knows the other girl is getting nervous). 
When they arrive all their makeup is done and so is their hair but they’re in simple jeans and t-shirts. They get to work quickly on you. You feel absolutely pampered. They paint your nails. Give you a facial. The whole tender loving care package. Tatum even surprises you with some make-up foundation included that matches your darker skin-tone perfectly. And a blush that compliments you perfectly, just to sweeten the deal. When you ask her about it she scoffs, “I spend all day looking at you, babe. I remember everything about you." 
When it looks like you might cry she orders you to close your eyes quickly and hold your breath. Cold spray hits your face, "If you want to cry you can do it in five minutes when that setting spray dries.” It makes you laugh so hard you couldn’t possibly cry. 
Once Sidney does your hair they step back and look at you, grinning from ear to ear, “You look beautiful.” Sidney says softly. 
“But she always looks beautiful so what’s new.” Tatum playfully knocks you on your chin. “Okay we gotta go get your dress. Don’t peak at yourself in the mirror though. Okay? You gotta wait to see the whole finished product.” For good measure she covers the mirror on their way out and gives you the “watching you” gesture that you know she means. 
It takes them so long to come back you both get tempted to peak and tempted to go find them. You start to do the first one, pulling at the towel on the mirror. Tatum of course comes back at that very moment, “Hey! What did I tell you?!” You whip around ready to apologize sheepishly but stop dead in your tracks.
There stands Sidney and Tatum. Behind them stands your Mother, a hand on each girl’s shoulder. They’re both wearing Hanfu dresses and in their hands they’re carrying a matching one for you. Silence in the room, “They knew you wouldn’t wear it on your own. So instead you’ll all go as a matching set.” She sounds as nervous as the girl’s look.
You start crying and Tatum mutters that she’s glad she put that setting spray on you. Sidney elbows her before she rushes over to hug you. Twenty minutes of reassurances and cooing and then you’re in the dress. Then the towel comes off the mirror. You look….. well, you look, “It’s beautiful.” You gasp and touch the sleeves looking mesmerized. Your Mother shakes her head and comes up behind you to adjust something, “No honey      that’s all you. You look beautiful.
You take pictures on the staircase as if this is prom. As important as prom. In some ways it is. It’s super important. More important than anything you’ve ever done before. Your Mother hugs you crying before you go, kisses your cheek and says she’s proud of you. Then she’s hugging your girlfriends tightly whispering something to them that makes them look like they’ll start crying too. Then you all say goodbye (Tatum teasingly telling your Mother not to wait up and receiving a swat along with a string of Chinese she can’t understand but she figures she can’t be too mad since the older woman is laughing and smiling-).
You’re nervous all the way to the school even though the girls are trying to distract you. "It will be fine.” Says Tatum, reaching to hold your hand from the backseat. “You look incredible.” Says Sidney, who is a safe driver and refuses to take her hands off the wheel but the fond look she shoots you might as well be a kiss.
When you get to school there’s no more time to hesitate. Tatum doesn’t let you. She steps out the car and opens your door for you, taking your hand to help you out. You feel dizzy with nerves. Sidney takes your other hand and if you’re leaning on them both as you walk into the school they don’t say anything. Just squeeze your hand tightly.
Entering the gym feels like entering another world. It’s not that incredibly well decorated but the music is loud and the lightning is nice. But mostly the change in the world is coming from inside. You’re nervous but … suddenly? A good nervous. When you look down you can see the end of the dress. The trailing sleeves. And you think to yourself        it’s beautiful. I’m beautiful.
The girls are just proud they’ve gotten you in the gym. They’re more than ready to find a table as far from the center of the room as possible and sit there the whole damn night. Or even just ten minutes. They’re proud of you. Really proud of you. You shock them by shaking your head and smiling. No, not smiling      you’re grinning! It’s a grin that shows off your front teeth you never used to like (memory of a photo booth that Tatum had first told you, you were pretty in). A grin that lights up your eyes, tear-dropped curved and pretty (memory of Sidney putting eyeliner to them and then leaving soft kisses behind). 
“I love you guys. Let's       let’s dance!” You shout over the music and they blink in surprise for a moment and you laugh. They don’t hesitate for long before dragging you to the middle of the floor. You can feel people staring but Tatum and Sidney are so close that soon a teacher is going to have to come and separate you guys.
But for now they’ve each got a hand on your hips and you can hear that, yes some people are talking. And yes they’re noticing you. But what they’re saying is       “They all look so pretty!” and “Yeah but check out that one girl in the middle.” “That’s Y/N, right?” “She looks so good! Beautiful! She’d always seemed so shy!” “Guess not anymore. Dating Tatum will do that to any girl      Look at that smile-" 
And you keep smiling. And you keep dancing. And your girlfriends think you look beautiful. But more importantly? You think you look beautiful. 
#sidney prescott x reader x tatum riley#sidney prescott x reader#tatum riley x reader#final girl x reader#slasher x reader#chinese!reader#slasher imagines#this is the GREATEST thing i've ever written i'm smiling#i love how specific it is!!! i’m DEAD serious rn. i see suuuuuper specific asks sent to blogs for y’know non readers of color#and i LOVE that i got to do something like that for a reader who is a poc#BITCH MY SKIN IS CLEAR AND MY CROPS ARE THRIVING AND -#i'm having so much FUN what the FUCK#in every fucking poc ask for the scream teens#i am legally required to point out the fact that i lived in cali for a whole fucking year and#there are so many poc of EVERY kind and yet...the movie?? whiter than white#if i don't bring it up i get sniped by god himself#this has a lot of personal things involved including the asking that sidney and tatum wear the hanfu so i included them#they are only wearing it because they wanted their s/o to be able to without feeling insecure....Not to be annoying quirky western yt girls#doing a fashion trend and i hope that is VERY clear in the text#as in ...normally western people (including other poc) should not wear this bc chinese people themselves#might experience mockery/critique for wearing the same thing#it's just like how no one else should be doing dreads buy black people from my understanding so ...y'know don't#they are just being supportive girlfriends in the context of this story ...disclaimer over#hope all in all this is respectful and fun because i want to do really in depth shit like this for readers of color#anyway tatum is more talented than any bitch working at sephora and these be the FACTS
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