#randy meeks x s/o
dreamties · 1 year
Various! Horror Reacting to their S/O Sleeping W/ Stuffed Animals
A/n- Let me know what character's I should do for the prompt next :D
Inspired by a previous headcanon set I did! If you want to read some quick ones for Billy/Stu, Brahms & Michael -> click here
T/W for some mild language + mentions of torture !! <3
This set includes: The Sinclair Brothers, Randy Meeks + Sidney Prescott
Taglist: @strawberry-moonpies —> let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from this list <3
Sinclair Brothers
None of them really mind <33 except Bo, he's a totaly stinker abt it >:(
Bo finds it weird and he lets you know that. he is literally the lamest partner when it comes to this . . . don't let his negativity bog you down tho, hun!! his brothers are far kinder on it, you don't need Bo's stupid reaction <3333
having said all that about Bo . . . there is some redemption for him!! when he starts noticing you acting funny or a little down around him, he realizes it's his doing and he has a lot of guilt & regret about how he acted.
he'll get you a plainer looking doll, or get Vin's help to sew something up for ya. He leaves it on your side of the bed and doesn't say a word about it . . . neither should you. Be appreciative of what he did, just don't tell him that. He'll just pretend he had nothing to do with it, and get all flustered.
Bo might be kind of a dick to you about it, but if anyone that's NOT him does it?? if someone's passing by and they think they just get free range on the language they use?? oh, hell no!
he has a few tricks up his sleeves, I promise <3 (these may, or may not, include more torturous methods when dealing with guests . . .)
Lester thinks it's mighty sweet!! an' he ain't got much to judge, he knows he's a lil weird. he don't mind ur weirdness tho <33
creativity seems to run in the family, cause sometimes he'll take the animals off the road 'n he likes to skin em and make lil furs out of em. not so much taxidermy . . . he ain't got the patience for that
and i bet he would ADORE to make ya a lil somethin from those critters <3
what's better than seeing your lover all safe and cozy, cuddled up with somethin-- than when that somethin is one of your own creations??
yeah ... nothings really better than that, huh? <3
Vincent's not one to judge on such a small thing. he's spent so much time feeling like the odd one out, for mannerisms and facial deformities . . . and you're so sweet and kind hun . . .
he'd hate to upset ya, especially over something so insignificant.
it brightens his day seeing you down in his studio space with him, while you happily watch him work, while holding a floppy-eared fuzzy pal close to ur arms <333
Randy Meeks
he thinks it's a little silly but mostly endearing <3
he won't poke fun at you . . . unlike certain Scream boys (cough cough Billy n Stu... cough cough)
randy loves doing little voice impressions, and my favorite concept is him playing around with ur stuffies and making them say silly things. or sometimes, since he's a bit of a romantic, but also awkward n nerdy he'd make them say things like "i love you" <3
Sidney Prescott
Tatum still has a ton of stuffies from when she was a kid, and some of her current faves are definitely ones that Stu have gotten for her
Sidney doesn't really sleep w/ any of her stuffies, but she does keep them out on her bed sometimes or on her dresser as like, decoration.
long story short -> she honestly gets it! sleeping with a stuffy is nice, and she wants you to sleep well <3 there is nothing wrong with ur stuffies <333
after the ghostface attacks!! she tends to be more closed off to other people, sort of weary, and isn't always good with contact/touch. the two of y'all's favorite way to sleep is in the same bed, next to each other, but cuddled up with ur comfort buddies instead of holding each other :'3
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kiss-theggoat · 9 months
I wanna know your opinion on billy loomis getting jealous bc his s/o was hanging out with someone else more often
A/N: Thank you for this request and I can’t handle writing for Billy I’m so in love with him it’s crazy 🧍🏻‍♀️ I might do a pt. 2 to this 😍
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Eyes on Me
Billy Loomis X Reader
Word Count: 1K
Summary: Billy hates how much attention you give to that nerd, Randy Meeks.
TW: Possessive Billy, Suggestive, Mainly fluff/domestic stuff
It was a perfect, stormy October evening. You and your beautiful boyfriend Billy had decided to have a night in, watching scary movies and indulging in all of your favorite sweets and snacks. So, in preparation for this date, you two decided it’d be cute to go out and shop for a little bit as couple. Your first destination was the grocery store, where you picked up some popcorn and your favorite candies, watching as Billy tossed one too many chocolate bars into the basket you carried in the crook of your elbow.
And now, you held hands as you browsed through the horror section of the video store, eyes fondly scanning all of the cheesy and brightly colored covers of all the movies on display.
“Hmm…what about The Exorcist?” You asked, grabbing the tape and showing it to Billy, just to be met with his usual unimpressed shrug.
“Just saw it the other night.” He tells you, grabbing a different movie and flipping it over to read the back cover. You set the tape back down and decided to look around the store to see if Randy was working, and to your delight, you saw the spiky haired cinephile just a few feet away, pushing around a cart of rom coms.
“Randy!” You called out, completely abandoning Billy where he stood. Randy stood still for a moment and looked around, seeming alarmed at having his name called until his eyes landed on you. He’d had a crush on you almost the entire year, but he knew better than to mess with Billy.
“Oh hey!” He said fondly, leaning against the cart. “What’s going on?” He asked, immediately cursing himself afterwards for sounding so awkward.
You smiled, motioning towards Billy. “Not much. Just picking out a movie to watch.”
Randy could feel the anger behind Billy’s gaze, his dark brown eyes burning into the side of his face. “O-oh uhm…what are you guys looking for?” Randy asked, even though he already knew.
Billy walked up behind you and snaked a tight arm around your lower waist, yanking you against his body. “Horror.” He said, eyes not moving away from poor Randy’s terrified face.
Randy cleared his throat and gave you a quick glance, but you seemed to be completely oblivious to Billy’s display of ownership. “We uhm…we just got a new slasher in... I’ve never seen it, but it looks pretty good….”
“What? A slasher movie that Randy Meeks has never seen?” You asked with a teasing tone, eyes still focused on Randy. This had Billy absolutely fuming. “We’ll take that one. And I can finally spoil a movie for you for once, not the other way around.” You joked. Randy let out an awkward laugh and knelt down to the bottom shelf of the cart he was pushing, grabbed a tape and handed it to you. It was covered in neon colors, bright red, and a dramatic font splayed across the front.
“Hm. Looks interesting.” You said, setting it down in the basket you held. “Thanks Randy! Hey, I’ll see you at school on Monday!” You said happily, walking back over to the horror section without a second thought about the interaction, not knowing that both men were feeling the tension.
Billy kept a tight arm around your waist and when you got back to the horror section, he whispered so close to you that you could feel his lips against the shell of your ear. “What the hell was that?”
You jumped at the intrusion, turning around to face him, face scrunched in confusion. “What the hell was what?”
“Flirting with Meeks.” He said sternly, eyes dark and lips pressed into a disapproving sneer.
“Flirting with Meeks?” You almost laughed at how surprised you were.
“You talk to him like you just sucked his dick.”
Okay, now that caught you off guard. At first you thought this was sort of funny and a little cute. Billy being a little jealous, but the way he said that to you made you feel…disrespected. You backed up a step and scoffed.
“Billy, what the hell? Randy and I are friends. I’m not allowed to say hi to him?”
Billy rolled his eyes and grabbed another movie off the shelf, tossing it into the basket. He ignored you, a classic Billy comeback.
You grabbed onto Billy’s bicep and shook his arm a little bit, a little, sly smile sneaking onto your face. “You’re so cute when you’re jealous, Billy.”
“I’m not jealous of Meeks.” He grumbled, his back still towards you despite your mighty effort to get him to face you.
“Oh? You’re not? Maybe I should watch movies with Randy then. I’m sure he’d like to come over and sit with us…eat some snacks…maybe we could-“
Before you could finish your thought, Billy grabbed the top of your forearm, finally turning to face you. His grip didn’t hurt, but it was definitely firm. The look in his eyes made shivers go down your spine, and he leaned closer to your face, allowing his breath to fan across your forehead as he spoke to you.
“You just wait until we’re alone.” His tone was low and his voice was gravelly. You felt warmth pool between your legs, and you shyly averted your gaze from Billy’s oppressive stare, but Billy wasn’t having it. His fingers gripped your chin and you felt a slight ache radiate up your cheeks as he yanked your face back towards his.
“Eyes on me.”
As you caught his eyes, you could see and feel the lust behind them, and he leaned closer to you, his hand moving down from your chin, slowly trailing to your neck down the side of your chest and finally resting on your hip. “You’ll be lucky if you make it home.” He growled, pushing you back slightly by the hip. He walked away towards the counter where Randy stood, ringing up another customer.
He left you in the horror aisle, mouth open and face beet red, feeling like you could practically combust at any moment from how he’d just spoken to you. Maybe you’d have to make Billy jealous more often….
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thefanficmonster · 3 months
Scream Masterlist <3
*- Fluff
⨀ - Angst
Full-length Fics:
Old Friend (Sidney Prescott x Reader) *
Cracks (Gale Weathers x Dewey Riley) *⨀
My Hero (Dewey Riley & Reader) ⨀
Wooing Tactics (Poly!Ghostface x Reader) *
The One Flaw (Billy Loomis x Sidney Prescott) ⨀
Finer Things (Mickey Altieri x Reader) *
Good company for the end of the world (Billy Loomis x Sidney Prescott) ⨀
Wise Words (Sidney Prescott x Reader) *
Things Unsaid (Sidney Prescott x Reader) ⨀*
Sidney Prescott x injured s/o ⨀*
Dating Randy Meeks *
Dewey x Sidney's older sister *
Gewey domestic fluff *
Friends since childhood (Dewey Riley & Reader) *
Sidney and her s/o being parents *
Gewey Valentine's Day headcanons *
Sidney x sick x/o headcanons *
Sidney Prescott Fluffy Headcanons *
Comforting Sidney after the Woodsboro Murders ⨀
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lexi0widow · 1 year
okay, so, we know randy is a horror movie geek, but what if he had an s/o who got squeamish easily? Like, they see even obviously fake gore and she’s like “oh hell nah-“
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So lets say you two are on a date
And you decide to have a chilled out movie date
Obviously you two are gonna be watching horror movies
And at first you didnt say anything about being squeamish because you didn’t wanna upset him
But you can’t help but flunch and look away at a particularly grusome kill
Randy pauses the movie
‘Y/N? Are you okay?‘
‘Mhm m’ just squeamish thats all’
Hes so sweet about it
He hugs you real close and vows to protect you
He tells you that if any point you wanna turn the movie off and watch something else he’s totally okay with that
Or if you wanna watch the rest and just hug into his chest that works too
Whatever’s best for you
He wants you to be comfortable even if it means he doesn’t watch horror movies
Don’t get me wrong he loves them
But if it came down to an option of you or the movies
You are always his first choice
After all you were the first person to accept him for his nerdy self
And he loves you so much for that
I hope thay was okay!! Thank you so much for the request🫶🏻
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ghastlyfilters · 1 year
general (including characters such as stu macher, billy loomis, randy meeks, mickey altieri and roman bridger)
— how the scream characters would react to their s/o who has pets! (headcanons)
stu macher
— camping with stu macher and the scream gang x fem!reader (headcanons)
nothing yet!
billy loomis
— billy loomis x embittered/easily irritated reader (headcanons)
— BETRAYAL; after being attacked by the masked killer lurking around woodsboro, the reader now suspects her boyfriend billy has some involvement.
randy meeks
— TRAIL OF TEARS; when the aftermath of a bad breakup hits him hard, randy seeks for comfort through the reader.
mickey altieri
— friday movie nights with mickey!! mickey altieri x GN!reader (headcanons)
roman bridger
nothing yet!
general (including characters such as, ian malcolm, alan grant, ellie sattler, john hammond, robert muldoon, dennis nedry, ray arnold, tim murphy, lex murphy and donald gennaro)
nothing yet!
ian malcolm
nothing yet!
alan grant
nothing yet!
ellie sattler
nothing yet!
owen grady
nothing yet!
claire dearing
nothing yet!
general (including characters such as, tony soprano, christopher moltisanti, silvio dante, paulie walnuts (gualtieri), adriana la cerva, bobby baccalieri, johnny sack, and perhaps a few other memorable characters! at this point, i actually don’t mind writing for any character in general)
— A DEATH FORETOLD; tony soprano is informed of a grave loss within his crew.
nothing yet!
christopher moltisanti
nothing yet!
tony soprano
nothing yet!
bobby baccalieri
nothing yet!
adriana la cerva
nothing yet!
michael corleone
nothing yet!
general (including characters such as jeremiah valeska, jerome valeska and jim gordon)
— the valeska twins dating a witch s/o!! (headcanons)
jeremiah valeska
— SPEAK SOFTLY LOVE; you have a rather breathtaking dance with jeremiah after seeing his most loved mafia flick ever. the godfather.
nothing yet!
jerome valeska
nothing yet!
jim gordon
nothing yet!
general ((i’ll happily write for any boardwalk character atp))
jimmy darmody
nothing yet!
al capone (stephen graham’s portrayal, not the real al)
— AIN’T THAT SOMETHIN’; imagine al deep down feeling insecure about his scars, and his girlfriend telling him how truly beautiful she finds him with them.
gyp rosetti
nothing yet!
lucky luciano
nothing yet!
owen sleater
nothing yet!
frank capone
nothing yet!
richard harrow
nothing yet!
arnold rothstein
nothing yet!
ian gallagher x mickey milkovich (gallavich)
nothing yet!
tony montana (scarface)
(more jeff goldblum characters most likely)
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yourmomazfav · 11 months
Hey I love your work! I was wondering if you could do a randy Meeks NSFW alphabet?
Yep! no problem :)
Randy Meeks NSFW Alphabet 18+
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Randy Meeks x gn reader
A=Aftercare- I feel like the first time you guys have sex it's definitely his first time so he doesn't really know what to do after. You guys will probably cuddle, any time after that it's the same but you both get cleaned up and then cuddle.
B=Body Part- He really likes his hands, and he knows that you like them too so it's a bonus. He loves your arms, he thinks it's the way you move them around when you talk but it also could be when you're holding on to him.
C=Cum- When he cums, there is a lot. He wouldn't do it inside though, unless you really wanted him too. Other than that just your stomach or chest.
D=Dirty Secret- He has definitely thought of asking you if you wanted to film the both of you doing it. He could never bring himself to ask so he just keeps it to himself.
E=Experience- Like I mentioned before, you are his first. He has seen enough sex scenes in movies to have an idea but each person is different so he would need you to lead the first time.
F=Favourite Position- Probably missionary, he loves the idea of watching your face to see how good he is making you feel.
G=Goofy- The first time you guys do it he will be a bit nervous and awkward, maybe spilling one joke out. Once he gets used to what he is doing he is very calm about it.
H=Hair- Any hair down there is very well kept and trimmed, carpet does match the drapes.
I=Intimacy- He really does like how close the two of you feel when you have sex, and not just close physically but in all other ways, he is very touchy during, his hands won't stay in the same place for long.
J=Jack Off- Before having his first time with you, I don't think he would jack off unless he really had to in fear of it messing with the virgin rule of horror movies.
K=Kink- I don't see him as a very kinky person, other than the thought in the back of his head of filming you both do it.
L=Location- He prefers more private places, like the bedroom. However if you two are alone and there is no chance of being walked in on then he could change his mind.
M=Motivation- What really gets him going is when you are talking very passionately about something, or if he is rambling about something that makes him really happy and you are listening while adding stuff in and asking questions. It shows him you care and he lives for it.
N=No- He would never do something to hurt either of you during sex, he really hates the idea of causing someone he loves pain.
O=Oral- Prefers receiving rather than giving because he isn't very sure on what to do.
P=Pace- At first when you both start having sex he would go quite quickly but being gentle at the same time.
Q=Quickie- He would prefer to have the real thing but if your were stuck with time, then he would.
R=Risk- Like I mentioned on the private section, he would only have sex with you somewhere you wouldn't get walked in on.
S=Stamina- He can go for quite a few rounds, but only really maxing at three.
T=Toys- I don't see him using toys.
U=Unfair- He likes to tease but ultimately he knows that he would be teasing himself at the same time so the teasing would only go on for a little while.
V=Volume- He isn't extremely loud, but enough for you to know you are definitely doing a good job. I stand by the fact he whimpers near the end.
W=Wild Card- Would never bring it up in his entire life but if you were up for it, he wouldn't mind a threesome.
X=X-Ray- He is average size and uncut .
Y=Yearning- I don't think he would be able to go longer than four days without having sex especially if he knew you two were alone and couldn't be interrupted.
Z=Zzz- He gets very tired after sex, so once you guys get cleaned up and are cuddling he is out like a light.
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creepyyanderegirl · 7 months
Yandere Randy Meeks Alphabet
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A=Affection (How do they show their love for you) 
Arm over shoulder, hugging, cuddling,holding,kissing,hand holding
B=Bound (How much do they share with you) 
Wants no secrets between you two
C=Cruel (How do they punish you) 
Yelling,silent treatment,isolation,takes things
D-Desire (How long until they take you) 
1 month
E=Even (To what level are they dominant) 
Same level as you
F=Future(What are their future plans for the two of you) 
Get married have a few kids have a dog
G=Gifts (What do they give you) 
Sweets,stuff animals, jewelry, blankets,clothes
H=Hell (Worst experience with them) 
Jealous moments, his punishments
I=Insane (How insane did they get because of you) 
J=Jealous(How easily do they get jealous) 
Very easily gets mad
K=Killing (How do they handle killing) 
Stabs them
L=Language (What is their love language) 
All of them
M=Manipulation(What could you do to get your way) 
Sweet to him or show him affection
N=No (To what strength would they go for you) 
Hed do anything for you
O=Obsessed (How obsessed are they with you) 
P=Pet names(What do they call you)  
My love,love,sweetie,sweetheart,hunny,angel,babe,baby,princess
Q=Quit (How would they act if you died) 
Depressed and broken forever
R=Runaway (What are your chances to get away) 
Promises himself he'll get you again
S=Stalking (How good are they at stalking you) 
T=Type  (What type of yandere are they) 
Delusional,Caring,Obsessive,Clibgy,Sweet,Jealous,Possessive, Overprotective
U=Unique (Different from other yanderes) 
Doesn't want to hurt you
V=Vine (How would they feel if you fought back) 
Yells at you
W=Will (Would they do anything against their loves will) 
X=X-Ray (How much do they keep hidden from you) 
Y=Yearning (How much do they want you) 
Z=Zzz (How do you two fall asleep together) 
Cuddles you tightly and closely
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v4mpgutz · 4 months
some wips i have at the moment (gaining motivation to continue ethan requests from like two months ago IM SO SORRY GUYS <\3)
- rodrick heffley x hyperfem gf reader
- rafe cameron (🤭) x ditzy gf reader headcanons
- ethan landry x bimbo reader
- fwb mattheo x reader to lovers (wont be nsfw but like slightly suggestive)
- black cat theo nott x golden retriever s/o
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topperscumslut · 2 years
So i decided to finally make a masterlist of all of my fics cuz they tend to get lost in my feed amongst every other bullshit fandom thought that i post and all of the things i reblog from other people so here we go
last updated: 05/06/24
Outer Banks
Topper Thornton
Let Me Take Care of You (pt 1) (SMUT)
Let Me Take Care of You (pt 2) (SMUT)
Dress (SMUT)
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
You Shook Me All Night Long (SMUT)
The Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreeves
Marshmallows (SMUT)
That 90s Show
Jay Kelso
My Idiot (FLUFF)
Big Reputation (FLUFF)
Scream (1996)
Billy Loomis AND Stu Macher
Guilty as Sin? (Stu x Reader x Billy) (SMUT)
Randy Meeks
Broken (SMUT) (Vaginismus friendly!)
The Hunger Games
Marvel Sanford
Can You Stay the Night? (SMUT)
Dating Marvel Sanford Would Include (Headcanon) (SMUT/FLUFF)
Sejanus Plinth
Kiss Me With Your Eyes Closed (FLUFF/ANGST)
Nicky Ricky Dicky and Dawn
All Quads
The Quads Taking Care of Their S/O Who Can’t Sleep (Headcanon) (FLUFF)
Aged Up!Quads as Stoners (Headcanon) (NSFW due to drug mention, NO smut) (no reader mentioned)
Nicky Harper
Disaster (FLUFF)
Dating Nicky Harper Would Include (headcanon) (FLUFF) (lightly implied AGED UP smut)
Bill Hader
Flip the Script (SMUT)
Impractical Jokers
Self Insert w/ young!Sal Vulcano/90s AU
Prepare For Something Amazing (FLUFF) (light angst) (multiple chapter fic)
disclaimer: everything i write for characters that are minors (even fluff, or even if the actors are adults) are aged up!!
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the-cannibal · 1 year
Master List!
Here's all my writings (I think) if anything on here is wrong feel free to let me know and I'll fix it! I have a separate master list where I put all my matchups! You can find the master list right here under Matchups Masterlist!
Request are: Closed! My post with what I write and who I write is right here under ask box and request info!
Please use my ask box and not my inbox. A lot of bots like to spam my inbox so I’m more likely to see your request in my ask box. Also if my ask box is closed that means my requests are closed, please don’t message my inbox requesting things- I’m not trying to sound rude, and if you have requested by using my inbox I’m not mad at you or anything, but please use the ask box-
If you see a character with "nothing here yet" feel free to request them! I just haven't had any ideas for them yet and would love suggestions :)
Bo Sinclair:
S/o that threatens to leave them
Bo with a s/o that has an unhealthy obsession with him
Poly! Sinclair's comforting their insecure girlfriend Sinclairs (separately) with a s/o that draws Vincent Sinclair: S/o that wears corsets S/o that threatens to leave them
Poly! Sinclair's comforting their insecure girlfriend Sinclairs (separately) with a s/o that draws Lester Sinclair: S/o that threatens to leave them
Poly! Sinclair's comforting their insecure girlfriend
Sinclairs (separately) with a s/o that draws Billy Loomis: S/o that has an unhealthy obsession with him
Platonic child reader that's like Matilda
Stu Macher:
Platonic child reader that's like Matilda
Sidney Prescott: Nothing here yet...
Tatum Riley: Nothing here yet...
Randy Meeks: Nothing here yet...
The Lost Boys: Poly Lost boys with a S/o that is an animal lover
David: Nothing here yet...
Dwayne: Nothing here yet...
Marko: Nothing here yet...
Paul: Nothing here yet... Star: Nothing here yet... Michael: Nothing here yet...
Brahms Heelshire: S/o that wears corsets
S/o comforting him after a nightmare
Jason Voorhees:
S/o that wears corsets
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Thomas Hewitt: Nothing here yet... Bubba Sawyer: Nothing here yet...
ChopTop: Nothing here yet... Nubbins: Nothing here yet...
Henry Bowers:
Henry with a stubborn s/o
Vic Criss: Nothing here yet...
Patrick Hockstetter: Nothing here yet... Reginald "Belch" Huggins: Nothing here yet...
Poly Bowers Gang:
Bowers gang x Reader that isn't afraid to put them in their place
Poly Losers Club: Nothing here yet...
Richie Tozier: Nothing here yet...
Bill Denbrough: Nothing here yet...
Eddie Kaspbrak: Nothing here yet...
Ben Hanscom: Nothing here yet...
Stan Uris: Nothing here yet...
Mike Hanlon: Nothing here yet...
Beverly Marsh: Nothing here yet...
Carrie White: Nothing here yet...
Halloween/Michael Myers: Nothing here yet...
Chucky: Nothing here yet... Tiffany Valentine: Nothing here yet...
Hush "The Man" aka John: Nothing here yet...
Xenomorph/Alien: Nothing here yet...
Predator/Yautja "Clicky papa!" Platonic Predator X child reader Curious puppy - Elder Yautja x GN Reader (inspired by post by @mintymarabell)
Random stuff with multiple slashers (usually like head cannons and quick drabbles) S/o with weird cravings
Slashers nicknames for their s/o
S/o that's a shapeshifter
Slashers reactions to their s/o having stretch marks (part 1/2)
Slashers reactions to their s/o having stretch marks (part 2/2)
Poly Dolls (Tiff X Reader X Chucky) head cannons
Slashers with a s/o that is sensitive to foods
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kittyboones · 4 years
as much as i try, i can’t stop thinking about like.... an alternative universe where randy was ghostface and hhhhhh i’m not saying i would thirst for ghostface but maybe i would gladly be brutally murdered
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f1nalboys · 2 years
Billy, Stu, Mickey, Roman, Ritchie, Poly!Ghostface
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(here is the masterlist for the other scream characters I write for)
-the ending (poly!ghostface x gn!reader, angst) masterlist
-toxic!poly!ghostface x gn!reader, nsfw (req)
-poly!ghostface x gn!reader, toxic relationship (req)
-poly!ghostface x afab!fem!reader, general nsfw hc’s (req)
-poly!ghostface masturbation instructions, nsfw
-reacting to signs of abuse in child!reader (req)
-yes or no: pegging
-overstimulation, 5 sentence ficlet (req)
-cockwarming, 5 sentence ficlet (req)
-sweater (billy x stu ; angst)
-perks of being sick (gn!reader, fluff)
-fucked up kiss prompt #9
-random billy and stu hc’s
-answer the phone, angst to fluff (req)
-poly!ghostface x bimbo!reader, nsfw (req)
-dark!reader wanting to join, nsfw (req)
-gun + knife play ; gn!reader (req)
-dating reader who has a southern accent
-new traditions
-poly!ghostface x nerd!gn!reader (req)
-breaking up with them hc’s (req)
-reader who stims (req)
-general nsfw hc’s (req)
-short term vs long term gf (req)
-nsfw alphabet (req)
-billy loomis x reader hooking up during a party, nsfw
-love language part 1
-eating pussy, 5 sentence ficlet (req)
-misogynistic billy, 5 sentence ficlet (req)
-misogynistic!billy x afab!reader (req)
-billy getting blindsided by love at first sight (req)
-fucked up kiss prompt #7
-fucked up kiss prompt #1
-phone sex (billy x fem!afab!reader , nsfw)
-billy x pregnant!reader (req)
-reaction to falling in love (req)
-period sex with slashers (req)
-billys reaction to being called mushy pet names (req)
-ode to valentines (billy x gn!reader)
-perfect (plus sized!billy x gn!reader, fluff)
-kissing prompt 9
-kissing prompt 19
-kissing prompt 27
-pretty when you cry; dracryphilia!billy x gn!reader, nsfw (req)
-jealous yandere prompt ; billy x fem!reader (req)
-randy and billys gf cucking billy ; randy x fem!afab!reader x billy ; nsfw (req)
-breaking up with them hc’s (req)
-stu x short!girlfriend (req)
-stu macher cockwarming hc’s, nsfw (req)
-general nsfw hc’s (req)
-stalking military future s/o (req)
-love language part 1
-s/o with bad anxiety (req)
-fucked up kiss prompt #20
-fucked up kiss prompt #1
-cuck (randy meeks x fem!afab!reader x stu, nsfw) part 1
-reaction to falling in love (req)
-period sex with slashers (req)
-watching (stu x fem!afab!reader x a voyeuristic billy, nsfw)
-kissing prompt 18
-kissing prompt 15
-nsfw alphabet (req)
-reaction to falling in love (req)
-halloween headcanons (req)
-period sex with slashers (req)
-costume (mickey altieri x fem!afab!reader, nsfw)
-kissing prompt 45
-b, c, m nsfw headcanons (req)
-pathetic ; wayne x gn!reader ; nsfw
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lexi0widow · 9 months
do you have any fluff-ey hcs for randy x alt s/o?
ofc i can ml again sorry this took so long!
he was so intimidated at first
Like you were so cool and so different and not scared to be yourself
Pretty much the exact opposite of Randy
So when he was seated next to you in english class he couldn’t stop shaking
You introduced yourself and from then on a friendship bloomed
You both eventually caught feelings and he asked you on a date
He took you to the movies to see Bad Moon
He wasn’t keen but he had a good time with you so thats all that matters
(and you put up with his commentary)
I will die om the hill that Randy is a cuddler
He loves to hold you it makes him feel so safe
He’d 100% go shopping with you to buy clothes or things for your bedroom
He’ll offer to pay for everything and he’ll carry your bags!
He’ll let you borrow any of his horror movies if you like them
He’ll also let you wear his shirts
He holds your hand when you two are in school and he walks you to all your classes
He tells you how to survive a horror movie everytime you two watch one
He just wants to keep you safe!!
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slashermadness · 2 years
Hello there, I enjoy getting requests from y'all so help yourseleves. Please be patient with me, keep in mind, I have a life outside social medias too
Tumblr media
Fandoms I'd write for:
The boy
•Brahms Heelshire
Friday the 13th
•Jason Voorhees
•Pamela Voorhees (Platonic only)
•Micheal Myers
•RZ Micheal Myers
•Billy Loomis
•Stu Macher
•Randy Meeks
Child's play
•Charles Lee Ray (Chucky)
•Tiffany Valentine
Nightmare on elm street
•Freddy Krueger (Will barely write for him)
Black Christmas
•Billy Lenz
House of Wax
•Bo Sinclair
•Vincent Sinclair
•Lester Sinclair
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
•Bubba Sawyer
•Thomas Hewitt
The Collector
•Asa Emory
Laid to Rest
My Bloody Valentine
•Harry Warden
•Frank Morrison
•Danny Johnson (Jed Olsen)
•Ji-Woon Hak
•Pyramid Head
•Kurt Kunkle
•Bobby Basecamp
The Umbrella Academy
•Luther Hargreeves
•Diego Hargreeves
•Allison Hargreeves
•Klaus Hargreeves
•Five Hargreeves
•Ben Hargreeves (Umbrella and Sparrow)
•Viktor Hargreeves
•AJ Carmichael
•Lila Pitts
•Marcus Hargreeves
•Fei Hargreeves
•Alphonso Hargreeves
•Sloane Hargreeves
•Jayme Hargreeves
•Christopher Hargreeves (Idk if I take him seriously but why not add him lol)
Tumblr media
Will do:
•Dark content (ex. gore, and violence)
•Romantic/Platonic relationships
•Poly relationships
•Yandere stuff
• Headcanons
Will NOT do:
•Smut (Not very good at it )
•R*pe (Will only be mentioned since most of the fandoms I write for are dark)
Tumblr media
•We're on the same side (Yoon Gwi-nam x reader)
•The Sparrow Academy being in a relationship with an Umbrella
•Kurt Kunkle with a flirty s/o
Tumblr media
Any rudeness will not be tolerated here and I will block you. Reader's gender neutral unless specified by the request. More will be added soon if I ever have a chance, have a nice day 👐
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Master list: Slashers Edition
Slashers dating a positive, ray of sunshine s/o
Slashers dating an werewolf s/o (slight angst)
Slashers dating an alternative s/o
Slashers dating a fem! Doting s/o
Ghostface (multiple) Marriage and if they want kids and how many headcanons
Slashers (pt1/??) Marriage and if they want kids and how many headcanons
Michael Myers (2007, og, dbd, and old man myers) 
Bubba Sawyer 
Mark hoffman
Thomas Hewitt
Drayton Sawyer
Chop-Top Sawyer
Nubbins Sawyer
Angela Baker
Ruka (Tokyo Gore Police)
Rusty Nail
Hannibal Lecter
Billy Lenz
Billy Loomis 
Stu Macher 
Arkin O'Brien
Lester Sinclair 
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Charles Lee Ray
Tiffany Valentine 
Amanda Young
Ash Williams
Randy Meeks
Baby Firefly
Asa Emory
Jesse cromeans
Elliot Spencer/ Pinhead
Leslie Vernon
Poly! Ghostface
Art the Clown
More to be added
Dead by daylight
Ace Visconti
Jeff Johansen
Jake Park
Yoichi Asakawa
Yui Kimura
Jake Park x Claudette Morel
Jake Park x Ji Woon Hak| trickster
How some of the characters celebrate Christmas (pre-fog)
Valentine's day headcanons for survivors
Ji Woon Hak| The Trickster
Danny Johnson| Ghostface
Caleb Quinn | The Deathslinger
Anna| Huntress
Tarhos Kovács| the knight
Herman Carter| The Doctor
Jeffrey Hawk | The Clown
Evan MacMillan | The Trapper
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hooman4ever · 2 years
Scream Non-Slashers Masterlist
Sidney Prescot
Slashers x S/O With Separation Anxiety Pt. 2
!Poly Scream Fighting Over S/O
Slashers x S/O Having A Pillow Fight HCs Pt. 2
Tatum Riley
Slashers x S/O With Separation Anxiety Pt. 2
!Poly Scream Fighting Over S/O
Slashers x S/O Having A Pillow Fight HCs Pt. 2
Randy Meeks
!Poly Scream Fighting Over S/O
Slashers x S/O Having A Pillow Fight HCs Pt. 2
Dwight Riley |Dewey|
Slashers x S/O With Separation Anxiety Pt. 2
Protective Dewey x S/O During Woodsboro Murders
Dating Dewey Headcannons
Slashers x S/O Having A Pillow Fight HCs Pt. 2
Dewey x Dom GN S/O
‘I Know’ Dewey x Trans S/O Coming Out
Contains: Trans Reader, No Pronouns for Reader, Fluff, Coming Out, Dewey Being The Supporting King He Is 
!NSFW! Ghostface having fun on the phone sketch.
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