#my car broke down so uh that's fun
gxlden-angels · 1 year
Sometimes working through religious trauma is a heartfelt hour talking about reclaiming your bodily autonomy after being sexualized and shamed from a young age with your religious trauma coach and other times it's this text message from your therapist then a caption suggestion to "show my tumblr friends":
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#for context my therapist is jewish#and he likes to point how Jesus was too but JC's whole story is only really told from a christian perspective#basically saying I don't have to conform or suffer for someone else's narrative#and y'all already know 'gayboy' is my favorite thing to call Jesus 'gayboy' Christ#so naturally he combined the two#But I had a great conversation about childhood neglect with my religious trauma coach today#And how overcontrolled my body was as a whole#from my hair to my health#everything was a sign of my sin somehow#even when I first got acne I had an intense fear that people would think I was having sex or dirty somehow#because my family constantly pointed out my acne#and my church at the time's girls' group taught us girls that had oral sex had acne around their lips#My medical needs were neglected#my autism was ignored or punished#etc etc#and this conversation was right after the texts from my therapist#I mean literally mins before#my car broke down so uh that's fun#and I had to switch from an in person to virtual appointment with my therapist for tomorrow#and he was like 'uh no this actually a punishment from The Lord. jk lol yeah I'll send you the telehealth link now'#and I was like 'I called Jesus 'gayboy' too many times and now I'm in Hell (my schools' shuttle system 🤢)'#[he graduated from the school i'm currently in undergrad for so hes seen the decline in our shuttle system's quality.#Ive been left for using a walker and told 'glad Im not as bad as you yet' when in a wheelchair]#and that lead to this message as well as the caption he wanted in quotes under it and ^ for tumblr#he calls yall 'my little tumblr friends'#hes so Offline I love this man#I told him tumblr will love it so yall better not make me a liar /j#this was so much information I hope y'all enjoy my lil journal entry for the day <333#ex christian#religious trauma
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dixons-sunshine · 2 months
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“Hey, Peach. Ya alrigh'?”
The gruff, deep voice of your husband drew your attention away from the treeline you were focused on. You sent him a small, tender smile, your hand rubbing small circles over your small bump. “Yeah, I'm okay,” you confirmed, leaning back against the car on the highway you and the others had founded yourself on. “Just got hit by a rush of memories, and not the fun ones.”
Daryl hummed and moved to lean against the car as well, right next to you. He dropped his bag on the ground. “Penny for yer thoughts?”
You sighed and leaned into his side, smiling softly when Daryl instantly wrapped his arms around you. “It's just... This reminds me of that highway we were on after the CDC. The one we...” you trailed off, a lump forming in your throat at the mere thought of what had transpired all those years ago.
Daryl simply sighed. He couldn't bring himself to finish your sentence. Even all these years later, little Sophia Peletier's death still weighed heavily on his mind. She had disappeared from a highway just like the one your group currently was on, because of a situation pretty similar to the one that had transpired a mere hour ago.
Your group's vehicle had broken down on the highway, flooded by cars, and had to hide from a herd passing through, just like way back when. The only differences this time around was that the herd wasn't nearly as big as the one that had passed through back then, a little kid didn't go missing in the woods, and the two of you were married; back then, you had been in a relationship with Shane. The most notable difference, though, was definitely that back then, you weren't pregnant with his baby. The two of you weren't about to start a family. Hell, he convinced himself back then that he hated you. He had wanted nothing to do with you.
However, as he held you tightly against his side, the wedding ring on your left hand glinting in the hot summer sun, his own matching wedding band resting snugly on his left hand, he supposed his younger self couldn't have been more wrong about his feelings towards you.
“Yeah,” Daryl began softly, a deep sigh leaving him as he finally broke the silence. “Yeah, those weren't the best times.”
“Not at all,” you agreed with a nod, a quiet sigh leaving your chest.
The two of you fell into silence. The only things that could be heard were the distant chatter of your group members, and the sound of birds chirping above you. Daryl could see the small frown on your face as your hands lightly gripped the edge of your—well, technically his—shirt, right above the life that fluttered beyond your skin. Thinking of that time with Sophia clearly made you worry of your own abilities to take care of your unborn child. Daryl knew that he wouldn't be able to ease your worries overnight, so he instead opted for something else.
You needed a distraction.
“I found some things I think ya might like, if ya wanna check 'em out?” Daryl finally broke the silence.
You looked at him with curiosity, your eyes following his hand as he gestured towards his bag that rested next to him on the ground. “What do you have?” The archer simply bent down and opened his bag. However, when he pulled out an article of clothing, you gasped in delight. “Is that...?”
Daryl smiled and nodded. “Yeah. Baby clothes. Found a bunch of 'em in one'a the cars.” You reached out to grab the small, pale yellow onesie, marvelling at the softness of the fabric, making Daryl smile. He reached down and picked up the bag, placing it down on the bonnet of the car, before beginning to grab other things as well. “Found a bunch'a toys, too,” he told you, showing you the little stuffed duck he had found. “Oh, and somethin' Michonne told me ya'd need for when ya, uh... for when ya need to store some of yer milk for our lil' one.” He placed a manual breast pump down on the bonnet. He kept his eyes focused on the stuffed animal in his hand, shy to meet your gaze. “I found more, but I put it in the RV 'cause my bag ain't that big. I prolly went a bit overboard, but I jus' thought, y'know, if we take a bunch'a stuff now, we won't need to worry 'bout it in the future. I ain't—”
You effectively cut him off by wrapping your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. “Thank you,” you whispered to him. “It's perfect. You're perfect. Our baby and I are so lucky to have you.”
Daryl wrapped his arms around you. “Nah, m'the lucky one. M'the luckiest man under the sun. Still can't believe yer actually willin' to do this with me. Start a family.”
“With you, I'm willing to do anything. I love you, Daryl Dixon.”
“I love ya more, Y/N Dixon. So fuckin' much.”
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 10 months
I'm clearing out my draft folder again.
Steve and Robin were running through Starcourt, high as fuck when Steve skidded to a stop in front of Eddie Munson.
"You look like Eddie Munson," Steve giggled.
"Steve!" Robin said with wide eyes. "I think that is - "
"Man, what happened to your face?" Eddie asked.
"Funny story, can you keep a secret from Eddie?" Steve said seriously.
"Sure," Eddie grinned.
"No, Steve, that's - ,"
"ANYWAY," Steve rolled his eyes at Robin. "I had this crush on him in freshman year. Do you think I should tell him?"
"Uh - are you guys on drugs?" Eddie asked.
"YES! But we didn't want to," Robin said. "They wanted information."
"Aw, fuck, there's this guy that works with Rick. Real sketchy. I told him he needs to let him go before he gets Rick into trouble, but does Rick listen to me? Nah!" Eddie exclaimed. "Look, whatever the hell he gave you should wear off. Not all drug dealers are like that. What we pitch to you is what you get. What you want is what you get. Okay, let's get you guys to the bathroom and try to get it out of your system. Come on."
"I'm going to tell Eddie," Steve said with a grin. "Shh! Wait here. I'll tell you how it goes."
Steve ran off with Robin on his tail. Eddie cursed and chased after them. They got distracted by the lights hanging overhead and started spinning around, gazing at them in awe.
"You guys do not want to do that," Eddie said, and they started heaving before they ran off in the direction of the bathrooms. "And that's why."
He ran off after them and into the bathroom room, where they vomited into the toilets. Eddie knelt down next to him and stroked Steve’s hair as he emptied the contents of his stomach. Once Steve was done, he leaned his head into Eddie's touch and closed his eyes, letting Eddie stroke his hair. He whined when Eddie moved away and saw him go to the sink. He came back with a wet, soapy paper towel and started cleaning Steve’s face.
"I guess I'm chopped liver," Robin said. "It's okay, I'll get it myself."
Steve laughed and made a face at the taste in his mouth. Eddie clapped a hand on his back.
"I'll be right back," Eddie said.
He rushed off to buy a couple of toothbrushes and toothpaste. He also picked up what he thought was lip balm. When he returned, he he heard them talking. They were clearly bonding, solidifying their working relationship into a friendship. Or maybe something more considering how Robin was talking about watching Steve. Shit, maybe Eddie should leave. They were talking about someone else now.
"But Tammy Thompson's a girl," Steve said.
"Yeah," Robin said.
Or maybe not. Oh God, Robin was coming out to Steve, and Eddie was overhearing it. Oh God, what should he do? He was frozen to the spot. Steve was going on about how Tammy Thompson was a total dud and how she sounded like a Muppet. Eddie snorted. Yeah, that was true.
"I can't believe you're making fun of my crush," Robin laughed. "What about yours?"
"Hey, at least Eddie can sing," Steve replied.
Fuck! Okay, so he had been telling the truth then.
"How do you know he can sing?" Robin asked.
"My car broke down near the Hideout one night, and I heard him singing. He was playing with his band, Corroded Coffin," Steve said. "They were really good. I was going to go talk to him, but I kind of thought that the drummer was his girlfriend, but that's crazy. I mean, guys and girls can just be friends, right?"
"I like to think so," Robin replied.
There was a long pause in their conversation, which gave Eddie plenty of opportunity to burst through the door.
"Okay, so I have a green toothbrush and a pink one," Eddie said. "Which one do you guys want?"
"Ooh, pink," Steve said and they stared at him. "What?"
"Nothing," Eddie said in amusement.
He watched as they brushed their teeth. Well, he mostly watched Steve.
"So, how much of our conversation did you hear?" Steve asked, setting his toothbrush on the sink.
"What? I didn't hear anything. Were you guys talking about something?" He asked.
"Seriously?" Robin asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I didn't hear anything that you guys didn't want me to hear," Eddie said.
"I don't think you're the kind of guy who would spill the beans on us," Robin said. "At least, I hope not so you don't have to deny anything."
"Ooh, lip gloss," Steve plucked it out of Eddie's hand. "May I?"
"Yeah, I thought it was lip balm," Eddie frowned. "So, have you always known that you liked guys?"
"Not just guys, girls too," Steve said as he started applying the lip gloss to his pouty lips. "I'm bisexual."
"Did you always know you were bisexual?" Eddie asked as he watched Steve’s lips intently.
"Well, yes and no," Steve said. "It was more like a slow build-up to my realization. Like more and more evidence started piling up that I could no longer deny."
"So, it wasn't like you looked at someone one day and realized 'shit, I'm into dudes, now?" Eddie asked as his eyes raked over the swell of his ass.
"It's always kind of been there. Why?" Steve asked as he closed the lip gloss.
"No reason," Eddie blushed, looking at his shoes.
"Oh my god!" Robin exclaimed. "You woke him up."
"What?" Steve asked.
"You woke him up!" Robin exclaimed, and Eddie quickly hid behind his hair.
"It's the outfit!" Eddie shrieked.
"So, what is it about the outfit that does it for you?" Steve asked.
"It's everything! The socks! The shorts that fill out your ass fantastically, by the way! And the shirt with the red bow tie in front," Eddie said. "It's just the whole fucking outfit."
"You should see me in the hat," Steve said in amusement.
Suddenly, Dustin and Erica burst into the bathroom before Steve could say anything else.
"There you are!" Dustin shrieked.
"Hey, could you give us a minute?" Steve asked Robin.
Robin quickly started ushering the kids out of the bathroom.
"But, Steve?!" Dustin asked.
"Out!" Robin yelled and shut the door behind them.
"I like you and as badly as I want to kiss you right now. . . I don't want it to be after I vomited in a bathroom. Plus, you still need to figure things out. If you still want me a few days from now. Call me. I have to deal with these kids I babysit. So go home and think things over," Steve said softly.
There was something that Steve wasn't telling him, but Eddie knew that he was also right. Besides, it was late. Steve placed his hands on Eddie's shoulders and pressed a kiss to his cheek, close to the corner of his mouth. It felt much like Steve was promising him something. Steve pulled away and started moving toward the door.
"Hey, Steve?" Eddie asked.
"I'm definitely going to call you," Eddie said.
Steve laughed and walked out of the bathroom, leaving them both with hope for the future.
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dumpywrites · 4 months
Locked! - Min Yoongi / Suga
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Prompt: Your friends locked you together for an hour so you can make up. 
Prompt request: HERE
Genre/tags: Slight angst, fluff, boyfriend Yoongi/established relationship
Pairing: Yoongi x she/her reader
a/n: imagining the atmosphere of BTS in the soop helps with the mood! :)
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“Jin! Get me out!!!”
“Sorry, I’m only following orders!” 
Two hours before this, you were in your bedroom, contemplating whether you should really go to this short trip your friends had been planning for weeks. The idea sounded great in your mind until the very last week. 
You had been fighting with your boyfriend for a week now. In the eight months of dating him, this was by far the longest you had fight with each other. Yoongi was mostly, if not every time, the most caring and chill person you knew. The thing was, he was so chill to the point he would let a random woman touch his face freely, caressing his cheek like he did not belong to you. 
Sure, he was tipsy, at least that was his first excuse. But he was sober enough to see that his girlfriend was standing not too far away from him. Adding more to the fuel, apparently they used to work together and you had never even heard any of that nonsense. 
That night you refuse both to go home with him and his offer to take you home. Your dramatic self almost called a cab if not for Jungkook dragging you to his car, basically volunteering to go home early just to safe the situation. 
Must be the ego of the man, because Yoongi did not reach out to you after that. While he apologized right at the venue, you wanted him to come and comfort you, talk just the two of you to sort things out. But you two were alike after all, because just like him, your ego forbid you to even just text him. In your defense, he was at fault. 
And that was how you ended up in Namjoon’s private villa, where you were supposed to have fun with your friends. The sour expression was not leaving you anytime soon, not when Yoongi was also there in the room with you. 
Jin suggested a dance off on his switch. Man had not shut up ever since he got the latest copy of Just Dance in his console. Obviously you were not having it, so instead you just stood behind, watching Namjoon and Jungkook dance off to Rain on Me by Lady Gaga. 
“Hey, uh, Y/N? Can you get my joycon strap? They’re my room…”
You got up lazily and walked to the said room, completely unaware of the fact someone was already sleeping inside. 
And that was how you got into this whole situation. 
You yelled again, but this time there was no more response came from the older guy, only the sound of the boys changing the song to play next. Clearly, they were not planning on getting both of you out very soon. 
The yelling and banging at door awoken the other person in the room. You both stare at each other for a few seconds, before you broke the eye contact. You moved quietly to sit down on a chair, facing your back to him. 
“They locked us up.” You said while pretending to browse your phone, busying yourself on nothing. 
The guy just straighten himself up on the bed, sitting down and grabbed his phone and started scrolling without answering to your words. 
“You’re not gonna say anything?” You snapped. You were not having his silent treatment. 
Yoongi put down his phone and sighed heavily. “What do you want me to say?”
You groaned, standing up from your seat, you headed to the other bed just next to his. You laid down and put the blanket to cover yourself wholly. If he could just go to sleep and run away from his problems, then so could you. 
Maybe it was the tiredness from the trip, but eventually you fell asleep in just a few minutes. But the sleep only took you for a couple of minutes before the cool weather woke you up, made you shiver. You tossed and turned on the bed, hugging yourself close. 
“Are you cold?” 
You heard the voice said. The ego within you refused to react, so you stayed unmoved inside the bedcover. 
His voice called for your name again for the second time, but still, you refused to move. It was the hint of gentleness and loving in his tone, or maybe just the fact that you missed him so much, you just started tearing up silently. 
“Can you stop being childish?” 
You heard him again, but this time the source of his voice sounded very near, as if he was just right behind you. 
And you were right. He peeled the cover just until your waist, exposing yourself from underneath. You were still hugging yourself, folding your wrists together under your chin, eyes all covered. 
He sighed loudly, before your eyes jolted open at the feeling the other side of the bed dipped in with the weight of his body. 
You stopped him. Clearly at this point he was aware of you crying but you did not care. All you knew was that you would instantly melt the moment he touch you and you didn’t want him to win you back over that easily. 
“At least let me cuddle you, I don’t want you to get sick.”
“Just turn off the aircon.”
“The remote is in the living room. The one they have outside isn’t working.” 
You groaned. The universe really wasn’t on your side this time. 
“Ugh, whatever I’ll yell at them to get us out…”
“Okay, stop.” 
You looked at his direction and saw the frustration distinctly written on his face. 
“What do you want?!” You folded your arms at him. “You clearly didn’t want to talk with me before.” 
“I…” He found it hard to make out his words. “Look, I just—“
“Do you wanna break up?” 
It was an impulsive thing for you to say. You did not actually mean it of course. You loved him, you loved him a lot that you could barely handle not being close with him for a week. You could not imagine how you would handle an actual breakup with him. 
“Jesus, no.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Let’s talk this through…” 
You saw how he stretched his arm, like he was about to hold yours, but stopped in his tracks. 
“Who is she?” You suddenly asked.
Yoongi looked to your eyes and went silent. He seemed to be in deep thoughts. It took him a few moments before he opened his mouth. 
“Her name’s Yujin. We used to work together last year before she resigned. Also used to be somewhat close until I found out she only wanted to get close to me because of my position…” He sighed. “Heard it myself, it was her words not mine. I overheard her talking with someone at our company dinner.”
“I didn’t know…” You said, looking at him sympathetically. “Why haven’t I heard about any of this? Aren’t we friends way long before all of this?”
“I kinda don’t want you to know about how dumb I was.” He raised his eyebrows and huffed. 
“But that night…”
“I know.” He looked at you directly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to do. Everyone was staring and if I just push her or do anything rude it’d be much worse. As much as I despise her, I didn’t want to embarrass her in the public eye like that.” 
“But I don’t like seeing other people touch you like that…” You looked away as you felt your eyes getting glassy again. 
“Come here.” He took you by your wrist and you landed in his embrace. “I’m sorry.” He said as stroked your hair gently. 
“I miss you…” You said between sniffles. 
“I know, I guess I was angry because you just left and refused to listen to me.”
“I’m sorry too, I was just really jealous.” You hugged him tighter and you could hear him chuckle a little bit. 
“Are we good now?” 
He let go off you to take a good look at your face. His thumb swiped the remaining tears from your eyes and you broke into a smile, nodding at him. He smiled back, showing the gummy smile you loved so much. 
“What do we do with the cold now? Clearly they’re not getting us out until dinner…” He eyed you playfully. 
“You pervert!” You giggled. “But I’m interested…”
Suddenly the man went down from the bed and stood up. You looked at him in utter confusion. Just seconds later, he scooped you and lifted you up in his arms. You yelped loudly in surprise. 
You looked down to see him smiling with eyes full of lust—
“Yo… I think they’re fucking!!!” You heard Hoseok exclaimed. 
“Oh my gosh they are!” Jimin squealed giddily. 
“We still need their help to prepare dinner though…” You heard Namjoon protested in the background. 
“We can hear you, assholes!” Yoongi shouted back.
You heard a mixture of Jungkook and Hoseok’s laughter before the door clicked open. 
“Ayy!” Taehyung teased upon seeing you still in Yoongi’s arms. He had put you down but still had his arms around you. “Now that’s a sight we love to see!”
“Where the hell is Jin?!” You said, storming out the room. 
The oldest laughed at the sight of you looking pissed. “It was Namjoon’s idea!” He pointed at the other guy.
“I couldn’t stand the two of you fighting I like that.” He shrugged. “Plus, if you’re not fighting that means I get to sleep in my room alone cause Yoongi’s gonna sleep in yours.” 
“See? Everyone happy.” Jin laughed and clapped. “Now, go get the meat, we need to prepare for the barbecue!” 
You shook your head and smiled, seeing the silly guys. Yoongi walked from behind you and quickly gave you a kiss on the cheek before joining the chaos in front of you. 
You wouldn’t trade this for the world. 
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Thank you for reading! 🍃
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Prompt request: HERE
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dumbseee · 1 year
i’ll protect you.
f1 au/fic: in which y/n is a driver for ferrari, her and lando have been friends since childhood and started together in formula one. their closeness sometimes confused their friends. ask them if they were more than friends, they will laugh and say that they were just friends. but one day during a race, y/n got involved in a major crash. which made lando realise how scared he was to loose her.
lando norris x driver!reader
(fc: maggie lindemann)
warnings: mention of crash, carlos is still a mclaren driver with lando, mention of injuries.
note: english isn’t my first language so this may contains some mistakes xx (idk what to think about this one tbh)
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, lewishamilton and 3 799 087 others.
y/n: ready for tonight’s race! your girl is going to get that damn podium, mark my words xx
landonorris: in your dreams kiddo
y/n: @.landonorris you’re three months older than me.
lewishamilton: good luck y/n!
liked by y/n.
fan2: GO Y/N
fan3: with that car i’ll be praying for your safety first bestie
fan4: praying for your first podium!
lilymhe: i’m rooting for you!
alex_albon: @.lilymhe i’m literally right HERE
liked by y/n.
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"dude, you should sit down." carlos’s voice echoed in lando’s head which almost made him jump. he didn’t even realise that he was walking around the hospital’s hallways like a maniac. the driver sighed and sat down next to his teammate, carlos squeezed lando’s shoulder to show him that he was there too.
a few drivers were at the hospital, waiting to know if you were okay. daniel, carlos, charles, alex and of course lando were there. to be fair, all the drivers wanted to come but crowding the hospital wasn’t the right thing to do so only your closest friends came while the others went back home but waited for news too.
"are you y/n l/n’s friends ?" finally a doctor came, lando immediately stood up and almost ran to the older man. "she’s out of surgery, she’s very lucky that the firefighters were quick to get her out of the car because she has some burns on her arms and legs but nothing major." the doctor felt kinda uncomfortable to have that many men surrounding him, but he added, "she has a broken arm and a sprained ankle. it could’ve been worse so whoever prayed for her tonight, it worked. she’s awake, so you can see her, but be gentle."
"you should go first." charles told lando, who still looked out of it. "i think she’d prefer to see you first than daniel or alex." he adds with a smile. "uh, first of all this is rude." daniel answer while pointing his finger at charles, which lighten up the mood. "we ALL know i’m her favorite."
lando smiled and thanked his friends before slowly entering your room. he almost choked on his own saliva when he saw you laying on your bed, looking lifeless. this wasn’t you, you were far from being lifeless, you were literally the life of the party. always smiling, cracking jokes, making fun of alex or george will the others would laugh. but there you are, breathing through tubes and covered in bandages. your eyes were closed, lando took a look at your face and swallowed back tears.
he hated it, he hated seeing you being hurt, he couldn’t close his eyes because he’d see the crash again and again. the sound of your car smashing against the barriers, the smell of burnt, gasoline, the sound of the ambulance, the audience’s screams and cries, the commentators struggling to find their words. for a second everyone thought you were dead, everyone including lando. for a second, he thought about a world where you weren’t there anymore, and the only thing he could see was the dark. a world without you meant a world where the sun wouldn’t go up anymore, where happiness was gone forever.
lando let himself fall on the chair behind him and completely broke down. the tears wouldn’t stop from running down his cheeks, he didn’t know that he was capable of crying that much tears. he couldn’t stop sobbing either.
"l-lando?" the driver jumped and immediately stood up when he saw that you were waking up. "y/n? fuck, y/n can you hear me?" he didn’t know if he could touch you, too afraid to hurt you even more. "yes i can so please lower your voice." you furrowed your eyebrows and opened your eyes. the sight before you broke your heart, a sobbing lando, with a worried expression.
"what happened?" you asked, while trying to get up but a sharp pain stopped you. lando gently pushed you back against the bed. "i almost lost you, that’s what happened." he softly pushed a strand of black hair away from your face and sat down, taking your hand in his. "fuck… everything is coming back to me now." you mumbles and bite your lip. you take a look at your body and notice a huge cast on your left leg and a second one on your right arm. you also had a few bruises on your face and left arm caused by the fire.
"how are you feeling?" he asked you, while caressing your hand softly. "could’ve been better, so not only did i not make it to the podium, but i also almost died, what a performance." you laughed and expected lando to laugh with you but he just dropped your hand and looked at you with a hurt expression. "wha-…"
"how can you say it like that? how can you joke about death when you almost lost your life for real? y/n i don’t think you understand how worried sick i was to fucking lose you! i saw everything! the whole crash happened in front of me! i saw the firefighters pull you out of your car, i saw you being literally lit on fire! i couldn’t even move from my car, i felt helpless and useless. i even wondered if the crash happened because of me." he snapped, he wasn’t yelling but his tone was loud enough for you to understand that he was really pissed at your joke.
you felt bad, you didn’t know that lando witnessed everything and now you felt terrible. how traumatic that must’ve been for him. you didn’t know how you would’ve reacted if lando had crashed in from of you. "lando, i didn’t know i’m-…" he cut you off again, he ran a hand though his hair. "let me finish, please." you bite your bottom lip and nodded.
"the thought of loosing you made me fucking sick. i threw up when i got out of the car, i wanted to see you so bad but the way your team stopped me from seeing you made me think it was over. and do you know what a world without you looks like to me? nothing, that shit cannot exist, because a world without you means a world without me. if you fucking die, y/n, best believe that i’m going with you." his words made you cry, silent tears kept streaming down your face. when he saw it, he closed his eyes and kissed your forehead.
"i didn’t want to make you cry, i’m so sorry." he continues to kiss your forehead and then kissed your cheek. "no, i’m sorry for making you so worried about me." you answer while grabbing his hand. he smiles at you and start to kiss every little bruise on your arm. his gentle gesture made you cry even more. "i swear to take care of you now." he adds while connecting his forehead to yours. you both close your eyes and enjoy the peaceful moment until you both heard noises coming from behind the door of your room.
"ouch! you fucking stepped on my foot, càbron!" carlos’s voice could be heard which made you smile. "move your ass leclerc, i can’t hear shit." now it was daniel’s. "all of you shut up they’re going to hear us!" alex added. "aie! carlos what the fuck! that was my foot!" charles almost yelled to his friend. "see how it hurts?" added the spaniard, with a devilish laugh.
lando and you both started laughing at your friends shenanigans, knowing damn well they were behind the door trying to listen to your conversation.
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, alex_albon and 1 690 097 others.
y/n: thank you for being my guardian angel <3
landonorris: always and forever my love
danielricciardo: i can’t believe you have no words for me when i had to sleep with carlos and he pushed me off the bed with his fat ass
carlossainz55: @.danielricciardo LIAR
alex_albon: @.danielricciardo i slept on a CHAIR
charles_leclerc: @.danielricciardo i slept on the GROUND.
fan1: im so glad she’s okay
fan2: OMG LANDO AND Y/N???
maxverstappen1: glad you’re okay y/n! can’t wait to see you on track again!
liked by y/n.
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kteezy997 · 3 months
I neeeed something with Timmy being a jealous ex with smut
the ex boyfriend//t.c.
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Warnings: drinking alcohol, cursing, jealous Timmy, smut, sex in a car, dirty talk, possessive Timmy
It had been a month since you and Timmy broke up for good after being together for three years. You had really believed that he was the one, that you would be married and have kids with him. But his career had really boomed in the last year, and he was busier than ever. You seemed to fade from his mind in the process.
But that was the past, and you needed to start seeing other people, to help take your mind off your ex. So, your friend so kindly introduced you to a friend of her boyfriend's. His name was Owen, and you had texted for a few days and facetimed twice, and he asked you out for a couple of drinks. He was cute and sweet, and you were excited to get to know someone new, so you said yes.
You had picked out a cute outfit, did your hair and makeup. You had almost forgotten how fun it was to have a reason to get all dressed up. Timmy would always compliment your outfits and your hair, and it made you feel so confident when you were with him.
Owen was so polite in person and hugged you when you arrived outside of the bar. He then opened the door for you and you both walked in. You idly scanned over the room for a table or a pair of seats at the bar. And your heart dropped to your stomach as you saw the brown, messy waves on Timmy's head. As if on cue, he looked up and you made eye contact. Your heart ached seeing those green eyes. You looked away immediately.
"Hey, something wrong?" Owen asked, noticing your odd behavior.
"Uh, oh god, I'm sorry. It's just... my ex is here. We broke up a month ago."
"Oh, did you want to leave?"
"No, no," you shook your head, "it's fine. He already saw me. Let's just sit on the other side of the bar."
You had sat down, gotten a round of drinks and Owen asked about your job, so you told him all about it. Then, he told you about his job working in marketing for a beer company.
The more you talked with him, you realized that he really liked to drink alcohol and party, which really wasn't that attractive to you, not at your age. But you were kind, continued to sip your drink and nod along to whatever he was saying.
As the waiter came over and Owen ordered more drinks, you noticed someone walking over to your table. You knew exactly who it was. No matter how crowded a place may be, you would always be able to pick out Timmy. Part of you was excited to see him, even more so considering how boring this date had turned out to be.
"Y/n." Timmy nodded, approaching your table, "Sorry I don't want to intrude. Just wanted to say hi, and see how you were doing."
"Ah, is this the dreaded ex?" Owen teased.
"Owen, this is Timothee." you said, looking at each of them as you said your names. You felt awkward, as you had never been in this position before.
"You got a new boyfriend already?" Timmy asked spitefully.
"No," you rolled your eyes, "it's a first date. Don't act like you've remained pure and chaste since we broke up, Timmy."
He shrugged, "I have been."
You scoffed, "Okay, whatever."
"I have! I'm sorry for being a dick..."
"I don't care." you grumbled, "I'm on a date, can we not do this now? Or ever?"
"You're saying you never want to talk to me again?" he seemed genuinely hurt by the thought.
"Hey buddy, just fuck off, like she wants you to." Owen piped up.
You and Timmy both glared at him, "You don't have to talk to him like that. And I can take care of this myself, Owen, thank you."
Owen chuckled in annoyance, "Okay, well you can make pretty boy disappear while I'm in the bathroom. I'll be right back."
As your date left the table, you looked at your ex.
Timmy spoke up as soon as the other man was out of earshot. "What the hell are you doing going out with that guy? Seems like an asshole to me."
"Well, you just don't know him." you said.
"Oh, and you do?"
"Yeah." you lied. You could see the fury in Timmy's eyes and his nostrils flaring.
"Well, he should have better manners. He needs to treat you better."
"Timothee, how would you react if your date's ex-boyfriend popped in on you? I don't think you'd handle it well either."
"I would have some respect, or at least some common decency. Which Owen does not seem to have."
You put your hands up, "Okay, I'm tired of this conversation. I think you just need to leave before Owen comes back."
“Yeah,” Timmy looked down, “yeah, I’m sorry. Listen, this guy obviously cares more about his beer than you, so if you want, I’ll be waiting for you in my car outside. I’d love it if you met me out there.”
“You want me to ditch my date for you?”
He shrugged, “Yeah, kinda.” he smirked. “Even if you don’t, it was good to see you.” he smiled sweetly, giving you a nod before he walked away.
You watched Timmy leave, not even noticing Owen return to the table.
“Thank God, he’s gone. What a douchebag.” he scoffed, grabbing his beer mug and taking a big swig of it.
“No,” you countered, “he’s really not. Just cause he’s an ex doesn’t make him an asshole.”
“Okay. Whatever.” he said, trying to seem unfazed, “Want another drink?”
"No, I don't think I do. I'm going to go. Thank you for the date, but I don't think this is going to go anywhere, Owen. Goodbye."
He laughed smugly, "Whatever, you're no fun anyway." He took another long gulp of his beer, not even looking in your direction.
You just rolled your eyes and walked out of the bar.
Like a magnet, you were drawn to Timothee's car in the parking lot. You were curious about what he wanted from you. You missed him. You missed everything about your relationship: how safe and warm you felt with him.
You walked up seeing him nursing an orange Gatorade bottle. He was sitting in the car with the door open.
He heard your footsteps and looked up at you with a happy little grin. "Hey, I thought you weren't gonna come."
“Yeah well, I guess you thought wrong.” you crossed your feet where you stood, "So, why did you want me to come here, Timothee?"
"Because I miss you, y/n, and I hated seeing you with that idiot in there."
"Oh, just jealousy then?" you crossed your arms.
"I mean, yeah." he stood up, "You’re my girl, you have been since I met you. Nothing feels right without you, and I can’t stand the thought of someone else having you.” You noticed his jawline twitched. His eyes were dark when he spoke.
“Hmm, what are you gonna do about it?”
Timmy’s eyes widened some and his lips turned up into a grin. He nodded toward the car, “Get in.”
You both hopped into the back seat of his car, which was luckily a spacious full-size SUV. You were making out with him like you were a couple of wild animals in mating season.
“I was not expecting this to happen tonight.” he said with a chuckle as he took your face in his hand.
“Me neither. I’ve missed you so much, Timmy.” you said in a breathy pant.
“I’ve missed you.” he said, leaning in to kiss your neck, “I’ve missed your skin.” he moved to the other side of your neck, sucking there a moment. You felt his hands on your back, “And the way you feel in my arms.” He inhaled, and you knew he was taking in your perfume, like a dose of medicine to heal something inside of him, “I’ve been dying without your scent,” then returning to kiss your mouth, he said, “and your lips.” He moaned into the kiss. “I’ve missed everything. It’s true, I haven’t been with anyone else. Just working, and thinking about you, y/n.”
He was making you more needy by the syllable. You trembled with anticipation. You put your hands on either side of his head, combing the curls back with your fingers. You looked in his eyes, his pupils were overtaking his green irises. “I want you.” you said softly.
Timmy then unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, and you looked down to see his cock already hard for you and leaking with precum. You missed seeing it. His cock was perfect.
He sat back and you straddled his lap, pulling your panties to the side. You settled onto him, allowing his length to fill you up. “Uhh.” you whimpered, closing your eyes as you felt the pressure inside you.
He wrapped his arms around you as you started to bob your hips up and down. “Fuck yeah. Owen doesn’t deserve this feeling. It’s my privilege and mine alone.”
You grabbed his face, smashing your lips against his. You moved your hips faster and faster. The enclosed space of the car made your noises almost bounce off of each other and amplify.
"Mm, yes, fuck me, baby." Timmy cooed, pressing his hands onto your ass.
You let out a whimper, sloppily grinding against him. "Fuck, this is so good." you cried.
After a moment, he made you stop so he could lay you on your side. Your face was pressed onto the leather seat. Now with your bodies perpendicular, he entered you, holding onto your thigh.
"Ahhh." you moaned. The sensation was a little painful in this position at first. But the faster he fucked you, the more wet you became, and it was easier for him to slide in and out.
Within a few more minutes, Timmy leaned down onto your body, slipped his arm between your breasts and his hand clamped onto your shoulder. You were face-to-face, he was kissing your cheek, and you were both sweating. Your hair stuck to your neck because of the dampness.
"Owen will never get this feeling, not with my girl." He continued to slam his hips into your ass, with damp smacking sounds.
It was all so much, so intense, you were forced to come around his cock.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @lixzey @bitchyunknownuser @ducktapebar @aoi-targaryen @yukideadinside @elloise0 @thatoneweirdgirl17 @mel-vaz @sammy-halpert @iwishchalamet @that-one-fangirl69 @jindongdongie @briefkittenearthquake
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yorshie · 1 year
Hi!! I’ve been obsessed with a recent post of yours, about the tmnt turtles and the ways they would confess their feelings, it was so on point? Seriously it has been even helping me fall asleep (dreaming about it lol) on that note, would you please do a scenario or Headcanons of tmnt x reader and their first kiss? Planned? Accidental? In a burst of emotion? Floor is yours
Thank you and hope you have a good day ♥️
Bayverse turtles (separate) x GN reader, SFW (set in 2023 so turtles 24-25)
OH this is RIGHT up my alley. Thank you for the ask! I'm glad you're getting some sleep lol, it was 3 a.m. when I wrote this. Being stuck in a car brings that special kind of tired where you're still jittery, you know? Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this, and thank you for sending in an ask so I wasn't bored staring at the ceiling fan.
It's not pertinent to the idea but I'm thinking Raph's kiss is a lot longer into the relationship, simply because in my head I keep thinking I wouldn't want to kiss him until he got over his whole angsty phase. If you wanna imagine he's still angsty when the smooch happens, feel free, but hot and cold ain't fun.
Angelo called you on your way home from work for a spontaneous Tuesday night date, and it was with only slight trepidation that you hurried home, visions of the sunshine ball left alone with no one to distract him amid all your stuff floating around your head.
Thankfully, there was no grand chaos when you poked your head through the door, only Mikey in an apron, twirling around your kitchen without a care in the world. He was juggling between three different bowls and the stove, singing along to the music blaring through his phone.
The oven dinged as you were shucking your shoes and jacket, and Mikey brightened upon spying you, tossing his spatula to the side and holding his arms open to hurry you towards him with a raucous, “babycakes! I missed you!”
You went willingly, not quite sure if he was intending to hug you or pull you into a dance, but it ended up being a mixture of the two. He spun you into a dip, hands pulling you upright when your socks slipped on the floor with a goofy smile and a little two step before he grabbed your hips, lifting you up onto the counter next to his work area. 
He broke off mid chorus to offer you a spoonful of whipped cream with a soft, “try this, baby, tell me what you think.”
You tried it without thinking, eyebrows jumping at the cloying taste on your tongue.
“Uh. Angelo, you used way too much sugar in this.” You twisted in your spot, tossing the spoon into the sink and giving a little cheer at the satisfying ‘plonk’ of it disappearing into soapy water, completely missing the mischeiveous smile on your turtle’s face.
“Yea? Here, let me help get rid of it.” Mikey’s words were teasing, and for a moment you thought he was talking about something completely different.
You weren’t expecting the warmth of his hands sliding into your hair. You startled, blinking at him dumbly when he sidled into your space, plastron tapping against your knees and pinning your shins against the counter drawers. 
He grinned, cradling your head, thumbs along your jaw, holding you still as he tilted his head and pressed his mouth to yours.
He was warm, lips soft, moving gently against your skin. He started to churr when you reached up and tucked your hands over the strong curve of his shoulders.
Your lips glided together once again, mouth opening barely under his direction, eyes closing at the little sweet exhale he gave at the motion.
“You taste like syrup.” You murmured against him, and felt his mouth fight not to tip upwards again.
“What can I say,” Mikey moved his thumb to brush over your lips, “I like sweet things, baby.”
You weaseled your arms down between your bodies, hooking around the edge of his shell and holding him closer, pulling a shiver from him.
“Give me another,” he pushed, and you giggled into the press of his lips.
Your nerd was thinking.
You could practically see the steam of over worked processors from where you lounged at the foot of his bed, book tilted far enough up so you could both pretend you weren’t sneaking glances his way.
Donnie was hunched over in his chair, just barely within eyesight around the low dresser separating the main room of the lab from his bedroom. His hands were lax on the keyboard of the refurbished laptop he was suppose to be working on, glasses low on his snout and eyes clearly trained, not on his work, but at the wall beyond his desk.
You entertained the thought of calling out to him, but the chances of reaching him in this state were slim to none even if you laid a trap with coffee for the bait, so you settled back into the book, flicking curious glances his way every now and then to make sure he was still breathing.
Your patience was rewarded, eventually, when he blinked and that sharp golden gaze flickered over to your face.
“I want to try something.” He said without preamble, once he saw he had your attention, and you closed the book you hadn’t been actually reading for a while with a snap to let him know he had the floor.
“Alright.” You scooted to sit at the edge of his bed, feet crossed under you and curiosity building. “What is it that you want to try, Dee?”
Donnie closed the laptop with a soft little click, rolled his chair towards you, then left his seat to shuffle into your space on his knees when he realized he still towered over you.
You swallowed at the abrupt closeness, breathed out slow to combat your sudden nerves.
The tall turtle took your hands in his, smoothed his thumbs softly over your knuckles. “I want… to kiss you. If that’s alright?”
You nodded as soon as the request was processed, gaze skittering to watch his tongue poke out reflexively before he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours in a chaste kiss.
And held them there. No movement, no gentle give and take. You weren’t even sure he was breathing, he was so still.
He pulled back after a moment, light eyes quizzical before they turned inwards, and you could tell you were about to loose him to whatever data he’d collected.
“Ok. Hey. Wait.” You raised your hands, tapped along his cheeks until he glanced back at you. “I want to try again.” 
You kept your words soft, and when he automatically leaned in, you stopped him. “Let me lead, Dee. Just do what I do.”
This time, you used your hands to tilt his head a little bit, and softly touched his lips with your own. Pressed short kisses against him, letting him settle before you moved your jaw and pet your mouth across his.
The steam pouring out Donnie’s ears was back, his hands tightening against your own, and he gave a shaky exhale against your cheek before he responded, mouth slipping over your lips a little roughly as he moved to mirror your grip and tilt your head a little to the back. 
When the two of you broke apart, his eyes opened, and he whispered, “again?”
The quiet times were the best with Raphael. The moments with no pressure, no societal niceties, away from the teasings of his brothers, when he’d look at you and jerk his head in a clear ‘let’s get out of here’ invitation that you’d never be able to turn down. 
Raph would unwind enough to simply exist when it was just you and him, warm and mellow and guard low enough that only affection glanced back when you met his eyes.
You were taking advantage of the quiet this particular date night. He was loose from good food and the way your smaller form sat at his side without fear. So much so, that when you swiveled and tucked a leg over his thigh, his big hand wrapped around your knee without stuttering, grip wide and warm and content to rest on the curve of your joint.
He was still engrossed in the movie, though you caught the little flicker of his eyes as he watched for your reaction to his touch, an old gut reaction that you were happy had faded even this much.
When you simply leaned into him, he relaxed further, and you were rewarded with the slow brush of his thumb against the soft skin on the inside of your knee, as though he couldn’t help the movement.
You let him settle through a few more scenes before pushing a little further, thought the amused quirk of his mouth when you finally made your move made you realize you might be a tad predictable to the large turtle.
That didn’t matter so much though, when he made no move to stop you. If anything, it confirmed his trust, at least enough that when you pulled up to your knees to reach him, hands hooking into the upper edge of his plastron, he tilted his head further to meet you halfway.
He was probably was’t expecting a kiss, however, if the little stutter that rolled through him under your hands and the way he gripped your hips was any indication.
The press of his lips were sweet and a little hesitant, especially when how small your mouth was against his broke through even your hazy thoughts, but you tipped to the side to make up for the difference. After a beat he leaned in, following your lead of how hard to press and when to move, softly scrubbing his lips against you as much as you would allow.
His hand slid up your spine, careful and soft, and you shivered at the feeling, pulling away only to dart back in for one more small peck for luck, pulling a little flustered huff from his snout.
When you pulled back for real, he tucked his head under your chin in a fit of bashfulness, even though you could feel his grin against your skin.
“Wanna finish the movie?” You asked, loathed to quit but not wanting to push him too fast.
“In a minute.” He replied, surfacing to press his mouth to yours again.
Story time might be Leo’s favorite part of the day. Certainly it was the part of the day where he let himself relax, as much as he was able, but he coveted these moments where he wasn’t anything more than Leo, the mutant turtle that had found you.
So he soaked it all up, the softness of your back against his chest, the way you fit yourself against him without a care. It should have had his heart hammering, the way it had for hours after the first time he had found himself in this position. But the organ beat slow and steady in his chest, soothed when a shoe didn’t drop, and he became used to all the tiny movements you just couldn’t seem to help.
You were only partially aware of all the things that went on in your turtle's head, but slowly you were peeling back the layers as Leo let himself relax around you. You knew however, that he needed these small moments, and you were careful never to question when he came tired and bruised, to simply drop a book into your hands and lean his shell against the wall. He’d tell you, when he was ready.
You turned a page of the book, barely moving your wrist so the thumb sweeping back and forth across the small bones wouldn’t be dislodged, and continued weaving the story of a small elf looking for the last bit of magic in his world. 
When Leo’s thumb slipped up to touch your knuckles, framing the back of your hand with his palm, you had a moment to wonder if he wanted to hold your hand. When a sigh sounded from above you though, a small sound of contentment slipping out in a rumble you knew you weren’t suppose to hear, you realized he already was.
You glanced up, taking in Leo’s rounded shoulders, his lowered head, his large form practically curling around you. His eyes were shut, head tilted into your space, and an urge pinged hard in your chest at the sight.
You slipped the book jacket between the pages to hold your place, and set it aside, twisting around until you faced him on your knees. Your hands found the corded strength right above his knees briefly to keep yourself from falling over.
His eyes were open now, staring at you curiously, still soft around the edges.
You cupped his cheeks, leaned up against his plastron, and touched his lower lip softly with your own, eyes half lidded to gauge his reaction.
You watched his pupils blow wide, refocused when you pulled back, almost chased you hypnotically before the action caught up. There was a moment where you could see the hesitation, an errant thought, before the decision cemented in his eyes and he closed the distance again.
This time, the kiss was longer, sweeter, and he pushed into your space with a deep rumble in his chest, enough so that you had to hold his head steady to avoid being tipped backwards, stepping in when he faltered to lead him through the movements.
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moonchild9350 · 3 months
Stray Kids React-Song Lyrics
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Summary: Skz reacting to Megan Thee Stallion's song Broke His Heart!
Pairing: OT8 idol Stray Kids x fab reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Genre: smut, suggestive- 18+ MDNI
Warnings: oral sex (f receiving), use of term babygirl, daddy kink, bondage, suggestion of pegging, fingering (f receiving), cum tasting, dirty talk... I think that's it!
Notes: This is the product of an idea that popped up in my mind while in the car listening to Megan Thee Stallion's new song "Broke His Heart!" Thought it would be a drabble but turned to a fic lol. Lightly edited so please excuse minor mistakes!
Reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated at always :) If you'd like to be apart of my taglist, let me know! (age must be in bio or pinned). Check out my masterlist!
Please do not copy, translate, modify, use, or repost this work elsewhere without my permission ©moonchild9350 (2024)
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Bangchan Love of my life❣️ Dick me down, slut me out, put it in my ribs Grab my throat and tie up my wrists
He almost spit out his coffee, when he saw your message. He was at the studio with Jisung and Changbin, working with Minho on his part of a song.
“you ok hung?” Changbin asked, concern in his eyes.
“Yep, uh huh, everything’s fine,” Chan replied, blush creeping up his cheeks. You were a menace sending him that. You knew he would have a busy day at work today, he knows you know because he told you this morning, as he pressed a kiss to your lips in goodbye. Clearly, you didn’t get the message and that wouldn’t fly, especially since you embarrassed him in front of the kids.
He picked up his phone to respond to you, trying to keep his face as calm and nonchalant as possible.
Love of my life❣️ What are you doing baby girl, you know daddy’s busy at work.
He didn't have to wait long for your reply, his phone dinging not a second later.
Love of my life❣️ Need you daddy, pussy needs you too. Want you to do what the song says please?
Chan shifted in his seat, his cock twitching at your pleas. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He never live it down if the others saw he was sporting a boner. Oh he was going to dick you down all right. Seems like it was time to teach his baby girl a lesson.
Love of my life❣️ Oh daddy will do anything you ask baby girl U better be ready for when daddy gets home
He was going to have fun with you once he got off, you just had no idea.
Lee Know You both were at a party of a mutual friend. It was packed, everyone lost in the flow of music. You were dancing with Minho, your bodies swaying together. Minho had a firm grip on your waist, your arms were locked around his neck, twirling your fingers in his hair. You were lost in the presence of each other, just the two of you in your own little world.
The song changed to Megan thee stallion, the beat getting faster, along with your movements against Minho. He pulled you closer, his breath hot on your neck as he pressed a kiss against your pulse point. You let out a sigh your favorite part of the song about to come on. Leaning closer to Minho’s ear you whispered the lyrics "dick me down, slut me out, put it in my ribs. Grab my throat and tie up my wrists."
You felt Minho grab your waist harder before sliding his hands down to your ass. He squeezed the flesh causing you to groan. You could feel his cock hardening, filling out his skinny jeans he was wearing. Sneaking a hand down, you palmed his cock, Minho gasping in your ears. He leaned his head back and met his lips with yours, his tongue sliding against yours. He nipped at your bottom lip, and said the words you’d been waiting to hear all night.
“Let’s get out of here kitten, so I can dick you down and treat my kitten how she should be treated.”
Changbin “You can do it. My baby’s got this! 3 more reps!”
You and Changbin were at the gym. You were finishing up your set of bench presses, Changbin was spotting you and being you hype man. Letting out a grunt, you finished your last rep before Changbin helped you rack the weights. You got up and grabbed some water, smiling at your boyfriend. He went to sit down to start his reps, when the song playing on the speakers changed.
Your eyes lit up and you started dancing, as the song playing was your favorite. Changbin just sat and watched you, a smile on his face, always happy to see you happy. But then you gave him a look before sauntering over to him. You bent over, presenting your ass to him, leaving nothing to the imagination as your tight workout leggings hugged every part of your hips and legs. You wiggled your ass for him as the lyrics “dick me down, slut me out, put it in my ribs. Grab my throat and tie up my wrists" played.
Changbin grabbed your ass as it jiggled, giving your left cheek a smack. He quickly pulled your leggings and panties down, spreading your cheeks apart before diving into your pussy. He ate you out like a man starved, as you continued to wiggle your ass for him, your pussy clenching over nothing from the vibrations from his moans. He fucked your walls with his tongue, as he brought his fingers down to rub your clit in tight circles. You felt your high approaching, fucking yourself on his tongue and face. As the next part of the song blared, “I’ma buss it on his face, leave it on his lips,” you let out a loud moan as you hit your release, your arousal drenching Changbin’s face.
You continued to grind on his face, riding out your high as he licked up every drop of your arousal. Changbin leaned back and pulled your panties and leggings back up before standing up and spinning you around to face him. You watched as he licked his fingers clean. Without saying another word, he grabbed his bag and yours, and grabbing your hand pulled you after him, making his way back to your shared apartment. It was only once you both made it to the elevator when he said, “Don’t worry bunny, I’ll tie you up real good and fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk.”
Smirking at your boyfriend, you hoped that what he said was not a threat but a promise.
Hyunjin Hyunjin giggled as he watched you swat at a bee, your face scrunched up in disdain at the little insect. You waved your hand one more time, hoping the bee would decide to fly away and leave you alone once more with your boyfriend. Hyunjin swatted at the bee himself, helping you out, and finally the little bee flew away to go bother someone else.
You sighed in relief before swatting at your boyfriend. “Why’d you laugh, that was scary. You know I hate bugs!”
Hyunjin just continued to laugh, tears starting to prickle his eyes. “Babe you just looked so funny and cute, I couldn’t help it!”
You pouted and crossed your arms, looking away from Hyunjin giving him the silent treatment. It didn’t last long though as he came and hugged you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Forgive me babe?” He whined, pressing soft kisses on your neck and shoulder.
You sighed. You could never stay mad at Hyunjin for long. You grabbed your phone to play some music while Hyunjin continued to hold you close, pressing wet kisses on your shoulder every now and then. You relaxed in his hold as the music drifted through the air. Everything was peaceful and fine before “Broke his Heart” started playing.
As the song went on, you could feel Hyunjin’s shaky breath on your skin. His kisses became longer and wetter, before he bite at your shoulder causing you to moan. He grasped your breast, massaging them in his hands, little sighs leaving your lips with each touch. The lyric “dick me down, slut me out, put it in my ribs. Grab my throat and tie up my wrists,” played out causing Hyunjin to groan out. Thankfully, no one else was around to hear him.
“Hyunjin,” you whined out. You could feel your arousal soak your panties as you imagined Hyunjin pining you down and fucking you hard until you couldn’t walk.
Hyunjin knew exactly what you wanted, as he quickly untangled himself from you and gathered the picnic supplies. He didn’t think he could last until you both got home. The car would have to do. Hopefully no one else is around, but he secretly hoped there would be others present, so they could hear how good he was fucking his girl.
Felix Felix was doing a live, talking about the difference between a fork and a spoon, causing Stays to chuckle and make fun of his confusion. He was having fun, speaking from the heart. Lives with Stays was his favorite after all. Little did he know, you were watching at home, snuggled up in his bed.
He looked so cute and innocent, discussing what he ate for dinner last night and if Stays wanted to watch him do another mukbang one day. You decided to spice things up. Grabbing your phone, you opened the message app and pulling up your chat with Felix. You typed out a little message for your boyfriend, smirking as you pressed send. Setting your phone down, you trained your eyes back on him, watching his expression through the screen.
Felix looked at his phone, noticing a notification from you. He opened up the message
Honey bun Dick me down, slut me out, put it in my ribs. Grab my throat and tie up my wrists.
Felix’s eyes bulged, his pupils enlarging. He looked at the camera before giving a small smile. You knew that smile was for you and that made you giggle with amusement. Before long, your phone dinged, signaling Felix had responded.
Fried chicken🐥 You’re killing me babe. I’ll dick you down, don’t worry Can’t leave my baby needy Get the rope ready, I’ll be home soon
You smiled as you set up and watched him end the live. You knew you had about 20 minutes before he would be home. You gathered the rope, and a towel before stripping down to wait for your love. It would be ok to get a head start…right?
Han You were at Jisung’s dorm, watching tv with him and the boys. Somehow you guys got to talking about music videos and which were the best. You suggested any music video by your favorite artist, besides them of course. Everyone instantly became excited, leading to Chan pulling up YouTube and typing in the artist. He clicked on the first video that popped up, everyone sitting back and listening as the fast beats filled the room.
You noticed Han squirming as the song progressed, a little pout on his face as he listened to the lyrics. You looked down as he brought his hand to rest on your upper thigh, giving it a squeeze. He was hard, cock filling out his sweat pants that he was wearing. He shifted every now and then to get as comfortable as he could. Jisung let out a loud whine when he heard the lyrics “dick me down, slut me out, put it in my ribs. Grab my throat and tie up my wrists” his cock twitching at the prospect.
You grinned and pressed kisses up and down his jaw before capturing his lips in yours, little whimpers leaving his mouth. You withdrew and noticed seven other pairs of eyes on you two. Grinning you grabbed Jisung’s hands before pulling him up.
“Sorry boys but it looks like I need to take care of Sungie.” They all groaned at your statement, getting up and making their way to the door, no one wanting to be present. Jisung blushed, not at the prospect of his members knowing what was about to happen but because he knew he was about to get fucked within an inch of his life by his sweet baby.
Seungmin You were cuddling with Seungmin, arms and legs all tangled up together. He kept making out with you, your lips all red and swollen from the attention. He wanted to get you all nice and pliant for him so he could ruin you. He undressed you slowly, watching as you squirmed at his touch.
He pushed your legs up and out, your lips glistening with your arousal. Taking his fingers, he swiped through your folds, gathering the slick that was pooling there before bringing them to his lips to taste. You moaned as you watched him lick his fingers clean before he started to undress.
You reached out to him, wanting to be close. He grinned at your actions, not giving him but teasing you some more as he flicked your nipple, then rolled the bud between his fingers. You were at your wits end, as he had been teasing you for over an hour now.
You looked Seungmin in the eyes before saying “dick me down, slut me out, put it in my ribs. Grab my throat and tie up my wrists.” Quoting a song you had been listening to earlier in the day. You wanted him to be rough with you today, wanting him to do what was said in the song.
Seungmin raised his eyebrow while looking at you. “Want me to tie you up pup?” He said, leaning down close to your ear. “Want me to choke you while I fuck you hard? Have you screaming under me as I slut you out, huh pup?”
You moaned at his words, wrapping your arms around his neck and canting your hips up to gain some friction against your core.
“That’s my pup,” Seungmin said before grabbing some rope from the bedside table. As he proceeded to tie each wrist to the headboard he said, “Let’s see how much my pup can really take.”
Jeongin Jeongin had been playing video games for most of the day now. You could hear him swear every now and then and yell at whoever he was playing with. You assumed his team was losing, because his voice raised octave by octave within 10 minutes. He had ignored you and that was not ok.
You needed your boyfriend. You just needed to come up with a plan on how to get his attention. You paced the floors, trying to come up with an idea to distract your boyfriend. You had just rounded the corner when you got an idea, making your way immediately to your shared bedroom.
Jeongin did not even notice you there, too caught up in his game. You rummaged through your draws before finding what you were looking for. A lingerie set that he said was his favorite. You fluffed your hair after changing and made your way back to your room and sat on the bed.
Jeongin still didn’t look up. That’s ok thought because you had another trick up your sleeve. You grabbed your phone and turned on some music, picking a song that had just came out a few days ago that you couldn’t stop playing. You turned up the volume, not carrying if his teammates could hear it and walked over to him. You sat in his lap, startling him. He looked you up and down, his eyes wide. You smirked, happy that you were successful at getting his attention.
Jeongin said goodbye to his teammates making up an excuse that he had to feed the cat. You chuckled at that, since it was a lame excuse, as you guys definitely didn’t have a cat.
“Baby, what is this?” He asked, wrapping his arms around you as he eyes your breast all but popping out the top.
“Just needed some attention from you Innie. Missed you all day,” you purred out.
Jeongin clicked his tongue as the lyrics “dick me down, slut me out, put it in my ribs. Grab my throat and tie up my wrists” played. He tightened his hold on you before getting up and walking across the room. He tossed you on the bed, a yelp leaving your mouth.
“You wanted my attention baby? Well now you have it. Don’t cry when I fuck you so hard, you’ll be feeling me for days.”
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Taglist: @jehhskz @jeonginsleftcheek @thesilvernight0wl @armystay89 @palindrome969 @slut4hee @ivydoesit23 @amarecerasus
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augustjustice · 3 months
You're the One that I Want
@steddie-week prompts: dizzy, drunken confessions @stevieweek prompt: girls night @steddiemicrofic prompt: one | wc: 1111 words rating: T | tags: transfem steve harrington, platonic stobin, sleepovers, phone calls, love confessions
AO3 Link
When the phone rang right around eleven, Eddie had to admit he was sort of surprised.
Not that he was any stranger to nighttime phone calls. One caller in particular had become something of a regular, post-nightmare soothing sessions in the first weeks after Spring Break soon morphing into inane chats about anything and everything. 
But he knew she was busy tonight.
Eddie had been quick to learn, once he’d gotten closer to the Upside Down crew, that weekly Steve and Robin Nights were a sacred tradition. Ever since Stevie came out, the title had transformed into Girls Night, much like their very own lovely jock herself. 
The importance of the day, however, remained the same.
And, it being Thursday, Eddie definitely didn’t expect to hear from her tonight. 
Crossing the trailer, he mused over who it might be instead. Gareth, maybe, since he was still sorting out the kinks of his drum solo in Corroded Coffin’s latest song. 
“Joe’s Pool Hall,” Eddie chirped when he picked up. “We rack ‘em and stack ‘em so you don’t have to!”
“Munson!” Robin’s voice burst out over the line, loud enough Eddie pulled the phone a few inches away from his ear. “Stevie needs to tell you something!”
In the background, he could hear Stevie’s muffled Robbie, nooo.
“Stevie-Evie, come on! Tell him, tell him, tell him.” The speed at which Robin chanted her words left them slurred, tripping over each other. “Exactly what you told me. It’s like–sleepover law. You gotta.”
From the shrieks and incomprehensible arguing that broke out after, Eddie could surmise they’d fallen into a drunken scuffle.
Finally, Stevie’s voice rang out from the receiver. “Hi, Eds!” 
The happiness in her tone made actual butterflies erupt in his stomach. Goddamn, he was such a mess for this girl. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie answered, twirling the cord around one finger. “Sounds to me like you two lovely ladies are having a fun night.”
“Oh, yeah, totally. We totally were. But then Robin,” in her inebriated state, Stevie put extra emphasis on the end of her best friend’s name, “got this bright idea to play, like. All the girls’ sleepover games I missed out on because…well, you know.”
Though Stevie sounded put-out now, Eddie had no doubt the suggestion had delighted her. Indescribable fondness for both girls swelled in his chest. 
“That right? What game are you at–prank call the hottest future rock star you know?” 
“No, sillyhead!” Stevie tittered.
Eddie could practically see her, smile bright and nose scrunched up adorably. The image was so distracting, he almost missed Stevie’s next words. 
“I’m s’posed to call…” she dropped into a hushed whisper, the crinkling sound the receiver made suggesting she had cupped her hand around the phone, “my biggest crush!”
The sentence hit Eddie like a truck, nearly incomprehensible. He felt dizzy with it, the bottom of his stomach dropping out the same way it had on the Gravitron at last year’s Fourth of July Fun Fair. 
“S-Sorry, uh,” he stuttered out, “bad connection, I think. You know how shitty the service down at Forest Park can be. Cuz, for a second, I almost thought you said–”
But Stevie barrelled on, as though he hadn’t said anything at all.
“You’re the one that I want!” she sang out.
Her voice carried all the passion and fervor as the times she was alone in the car with Eddie, taunting him with her favorite new pop hit, or when she and Robin were goofing off, having a dance off after hours at work. Eddie could hear it when Robin joined in for the follow-up chorus of Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey!
The absurdity of it made Eddie cackle, momentarily distracted from the racing of his heart. 
“Harrington…did you seriously just sing Grease at me?” 
“I did not!” Stevie protested. 
Eddie wouldn’t have been surprised if she had punctuated that claim with a stamp of her foot. But she followed it up with a little hmph, contemplative. 
“–Well, yeah, okay. So what if I did? That-that isn’t the point. The point is…I want you, Eddie Munson.”
He gulped against the nervousness welling up in his throat. “Princess…you’re actually serious right now, right? This isn’t just, you know…the booze talking?”
“‘Course I’m serious, Eds. Don’t know how you didn’t notice–Robin said my mooning was getting so annoying. But that’s only cuz I’m like…totally in love with you, to be honest.” 
It wasn’t as eloquent and romantic, Eddie suspected, as a sober Stevie Harrington love confession would have been–but, heart flipping in his chest, he cherished it just as much. 
“Oh. Well, shit. Looks like…I better shape up, then.” 
And even though he knew what he was about to do would make him sound completely ridiculous–he couldn’t help but smile, knowing it would be totally worth it. 
So, Eddie took a deep breath and belted back, “Cuz my heart is set on you!”
“Eddie!” Stevie gasped like he had just performed a magic trick. “You know Grease?!”
“Stevie, you gotta swear you’re gonna take that one to your grave. But…sure I do, darling. You think I wouldn’t go out and see one of your favorite movies?”
The excitement in her voice was tempered by a sudden hint of shyness, the kind she usually hid behind a bold, confident exterior. Eddie knew exactly what that was like–and he felt lucky, that Stevie trusted him enough to let him see the vulnerability underneath.  
“Really really. I’m gone for you, Stevie. Have been for…well, hell. A really long damn time.”
Stevie sighed, lovelorn and wistful.
“Me, too.”
Eddie was really glad he wasn’t the one that was drunk right now, or he might have suspected he was dreaming.
“Wanted to tell you for so long–” But whatever sweet thing Stevie had been about to say was cut off, as she suddenly huffed into the phone. “Oh my God, okay! I’m hurrying, I’m hurrying!”
“All good over there?” 
“Sorry. Robin says I’m hogging the phone,” Eddie could practically hear her eye roll, before her tone turned mischievous. “Besides…now it’s her turn to call Vickie. Talk tomorrow?”
“Wouldn’t miss it, Stevie. See you bright and early.” Bright and early for Eddie usually meant around noon, but, for this, he was willing to make an exception. “And tell Buck–I owe her one.”
You’re welcome! he heard Robin sing-song just before Stevie hung up, evidence she’d probably been listening in on every word. 
As he wandered back to his bedroom in a daze, 11:11 blinked at him from the digital alarm clock on his bedside table.
Eddie didn’t even need to make a wish.
Travolta and his flying car had nothing on him. 
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italiansteebie · 1 year
He heard the news, and suddenly everything was moving 1,000 miles an hour. The only thing Steve could think about was Eddie. Was he scared? Did he run? What happened? And suddenly they’re in the boat house, poking around one minute, the next, a jagged piece of glass was pressed to his jugular.
And then it was over, Eddie dropped the broken bottle and slumped against his chest, heaving sobs making their way out, body wracking as he cried. “Shhh, it’s okay, Eds.” He soothed, pointedly ignoring the confused glances from the rest of the group.
They sunk to the floor together, Steve caressing Eddie’s hair. “It’s okay, babe. Breathe, just breathe with me.” Eddie’s sobs stuttered to an end, “She broke in front of me, Steve, I- I knew you said this shit bad but, damn it, Steve.” His voice came out wrecked and broken. Steve sighed, “That’s exactly why I didn’t want you getting mixed up in this shit with me, Eds. I- I can’t lose you.”
Eddie reared back, “And you think I can lose you, Steve?! I can’t.”
“No! I can’t. Okay?”
Eddie cradled Steve’s face, tear tracks drying and breath returning normal, Steve reached to wipe away a stray tear, tucking Eddie’s hair behind his ear. They were lost in the moment until Dustin broke the silence, “What the fuck.”
“Watch it, Henderson.”
Dustin eyed them, “Okay. Now I see where you guys get it. Weird. Um. Do you want to explain?” Dustin and Robin watched as they silently communicated, eyes flicking towards each other in confusion. “We-” They started in unison, giggling at each other before Steve continued. “We’re dating.” Dustin blanches and Robin looks like she’s about to pass out.
“You’re gay?”
“Bisexual,” is the unison response, “We- Uh. How’d you meet?” Dustin splutters, watching the blush spread across Steve’s face. Eddie grinned, “Stevie here got himself locked inside the mall last summer, and it was just his luck that I was there graffitiing the side of it and heard him crying. I was his white night.”
Steve scoffed, “I was NOT crying,”
“Pfft. Stevie, you were weepin’ like a baby, sweetheart.”
Dustin gags at the pet names, and Robin is just staring at them, starry eyed.
“So there’s… I’m not,” Steve smiles softly at her, “Yeah, Robs. You aren’t alone,” She gives a soft smile back before the lightbulb goes off. “Wait! That’s why you reacted so well to Tammy!” She’s spinning around, and suddenly there’s a finger in Steve’s face, “You had the NERVE to make fun of Tammy, when you're dating HIM?”
“Shut up, Eddie. Does that mean- Does he know?”
Steve shrugs, “I didn’t have anywhere to go after the russians. I hadn’t told him yet but… The truth came out when his uncle Wayne was patching me up.” Robin’s gaze on Eddie turned thankful.
They were all caught up in a soft moment when the sirens of a cop car broke the peace, “Oh, fuck, I forgot I’m running from the cops.” Eddie says, a little shell shocked.
“Don’t worry, we can go back to my place,” Steve reassures, and never the serious, Eddie waggles his eyebrows at this, to which Dustin and Robin share simultaneous gags, and Steve pushes at his shoulder.
“What? Oh, yeah. Running from cops, don’t make jokes Edison.” He’s muttering to himself as they move to Steve’s car, ducking down and dodging suspicious eyes. Once in and buckled, Dustin gives a pointed look towards the metal head in the passenger seat.
And the tense atmosphere lifted ever so slightly.
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bluejutdae · 7 months
you prolly already know who it is but im requesting a little for whenever you feel up to it lovely <3 with either felix or seungmin maybe, hard thought or blurb or whatever. just. a lil something of them being a bit jealous and getting touchy/riled up? hehe
I know I said I don’t take request and I don’t but this is no simple request, this is for my sweet moot, and I do make the rules here, so 😌
Drawing you in my dreams (Close to you - KSM) | Seungmin x you
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warnings: nsfw
Best friend Seungmin who spends most of his free time with you, watching movies, going out shopping or buying you dinner. Who insists you’re not going to pay, who stomps like an annoyed puppy when you tried anyway.
Best friend Seungmin who starts to hide you wallet just before you go out, so you can’t pay even when you try to. The first time you think you’re just distracted, the second time you start to worry. On what's probably the 10th time, you catch him dropping you wallet on your couch and you don’t have it in you to confront him cause he’s so damn much endearing.
Best friend Seungmin who insists on being your plus one on a family member wedding you don’t want to go to, who casually slips his arms around your waist and drags you closer to him whenever someone comes to talk to you. Who dotes on you and who is uncharacteristically sweet anytime an older relative jabs at you for not being married yet, who compliments at you and looks at you like you hang the moon. What a fantastic actor, uh?
He’s a terrible actor, he can’t act for shit. He thinks he’s being way too much obvious and tries to reign it in but it’s impossible, it’s like a dam broke and now all he was keeping barricaded has no chance but to flow out.
Best friend Seungmin who insists on giving you a piggy ride from the car to your apartment, 'cause your feet must hurt and 'cause you must be tired and 'cause it’s fun.
He’s terrified by the thought of letting you go. He wants today to never stop, he wants his arm to be draped over you everyday of his life.
Best friend Seungmin who lets you convince him to being dragged on the dance floor, a drink too much on the bloodstream, air too stuffy and hot. Who thinks you look a bit too much sexy in your clothes and with a thin layer of sweat clinging to your neck and upper chest.
Best friend Seungmin who takes a step back to watch you dance, lost in the music, beautiful as always. You body calling to him like a siren call.
He’s lost at sea, swinging side by side in a sea of bodies, moving like the tide is dragging him, but it doesn’t matter to him. Not then you’re his siren, calling to him. And what was that about sirens and singing to men, calling them to certain death? If that’s what death looks like, he’s going down head first. Heart first.
Best friend Seungmin who freezes instantly when a pair of stranger hands places themselves on your hips, the body of another man getting close (too close) to you. Who watches as words are said into your ear, the music loud but the pumping of his blood louder in his ears. A cold shiver down his spine, hands fisted tight.
Best friend Seungmin who closes the distance between you two and puts his hands on the strangers’, grabs them and pries them away from your skin. Best friend Seungmin who stares down at him, the coldest stare you’ve ever seen him give to someone and your breath hitches.
He can accept you paying for lunch, he can get over the fact that you never seem to realize his hyungs often make fun of him for being so smitten for you, but he’s not gonna stand and let someone touch you right on front of him.
Best friend Seungmin who, as soon as the other guy leaves, softly grabs your chin between two fingers and looks into your eyes, intense and serious, with a small frown between his eyebrows. Best friend Seungmin who shakes his head and puts his forehead on yours, who would like to scream but he only manages to say “don’t do this to me”.
Best friend Seungmin who stays still when you put your arms around his neck, fingers playing with the short hair on his neck, a little damp from sweat. Who’s ready to hear you say you’re just friend and want nothing more.
Best friend Seungmin who feels fireworks in his chest when you kiss him, his rapid heartbeats like celebratory drums, strong and constant.
This is what he has wanted since he met you: your lips on his, your permission to call you ‘his’. He already does that in his mind, but he wants to do that out loud, too. To call you ‘his’ in front of friends and families. He has wanted and wanted and wanted so much, now that he’s finally kissing you he can’t really believe it.
Best friend Seungmin who kisses you like a starving man but in a second he’s pulling away, pupils blown back and spit slick lips. And again he says “don’t do this to me”. What he can’t say is: don’t kiss me if it doesn’t mean something to you, too. Don’t make me fall even deeper for you if you’re gonna rip my heart from my chest just after. Don’t make me hope even more. Don’t break my heart. Don’t wrap your fingers behind my neck, don’t drag me down onto your lips if you’re not gonna want to do that for the rest of your life.
Best friend Seungmin who grabs your hand and almost drags you out of the bar, into the cold night, not a word spoken, and pushes you into a corner alley, pushes you on the cold wall and, again, puts his forehead on yours.
“Don’t kiss me if you don’t mean it.”
Best friend Seungmin whose heart threatens to jump out of his chest when you tell him you mean it, that you want him just like he wants you, that you want more, more, more, so much more…
Best friend Seungmin who looks at you with determination and call you ‘his’, out loud this time: the first time but not the last.
Boyfriend Seungmin who holds your hand like it’s made of glass, like it’s made of diamond, delicate but strong at the same time; who calls a taxi and gives your address, who cradles your face in his free hand and looks at you like you’re the most beautiful creature in the whole universe, kisses your eyelids, your cheeks, your chin and your nose, your temple, your forehead, your lips. Soft little kisses to imprint his love into your skin.
Boyfriend Seungmin who undresses you slowly, kissing every inch of skin he’s uncovering, a starving man in front of a buffet, kisses and little bites and kitten licks all over your body; hands roaming, his heart beating fast and strong, celebrating. If he has to put his face in the crook of your neck for a moment, to hide his slightly wet eyes and take a deep breath, then that’s between him and god. But maybe breathing so close to where your scent is so strong wasn’t the best idea to collect himself.
Boyfriend Seungmin who’s so hard for you, and he shows it by grinding his hips against yours. He undresses fast and he’s on you not even a second later.
Boyfriend Seungmin who shakes his head and laughs quietly when you insist he doesn’t have to eat you out. “And deprive myself from something I’ve dreamt for years?”. Who places a kiss on your hip bone. “Something I’ve imagined countless times?” Who places a kiss on one of your knees, another kiss on the other knee, and pries your legs open, watches where you’re wet for him. “Something I’ve touched myself to just the thought of?”. Who looks at you, laid open there, for him to devour, and finally gets his mouth on you, moaning the moment his tongue touches your wet folds. Who wraps his big hand around your thighs, his strong hands leaving imprints on your skin and you revels in it, in the idea of being marked by your boyfriend, and he keeps eating you out, tongue and lips and then his fingers too, pushing and pulling and sucking and licking and it’s so perfect, so good you can only scream his name over and over again while you cum.
Boyfriend Seungmin who raises his head only when you grab his hair and push his face away from where you’re too sensitive, too raw to let him keep going, so he winks at you (he winks, and for a moment you think he’s a madman), and then he licks his lips, uses his thumb to gather more of the wetness around his mouth and pops it into his mouth and he moans at the taste of you, like he wasn’t buried in your sweet cunt just three seconds ago (you’re convinced he’s a madman).
Boyfriend Seungmin who covers you with his body and kisses you, letting you taste yourself on your tongue, and can’t help it but grab a handful of your tits and play with them, enthralled by the way they jiggle under his hand. Curious on how it’d feel under his tongue, he laps at your nipple and latches into it, using his teeth carefully, just to hear your breath hitch and all the other sweet noises you make.
Boyfriend Seungmin who pushes inside you and for a moment -an infinite moment- time stops, the world stops spinning on its axis and start spinning the other way.
This is the reason wars are fought, this is the reason wars are won. This moment here, finally being able to be one with the one you love, with the other half of your soul, this moment right here is the best thing he’s ever felt. But that’s too much to say, so he just mutters a quiet
“You feel so good, taking me so well. Like you were made for me”.
Boyfriend Seungmin who fucks you like his life depends on it, focused on making you feel good, on feeling good himself, on enjoying this moment. Who repeats ‘mine, mine, all mine, just mine, only mine’ over and over again and again and again because in this moment, too much is not enough. You’re his and he’s yours, and he tells you that, shows you that. Bites down to leave the imprint of his teeth and sucks on the skin, drawing blood and then soothing the pain with his tongue, kitten licks and soft kisses almost like an apology.
Boyfriend Seungmin who holds you close to him, your head under his chin, his hands cradling the back of your head and his lips on your temple, leaving kisses and words of love.
Boyfriend Seungmin who whispers how much he loves you, how perfect you are, how happy you make him, how he’s never letting you go, how he’s gonna marry you, have a family with you because he knows, he might be young and maybe he doesn’t know everything about the world, about love maybe even, but he knows this: you’re the love of his life, and he has no intention of ever letting you go.
(Husband Seungmin, years later, who holds your hand and watches, happy, the ring on your finger shining under the sun, the material, public symbol of your love. He loves to look at it, but he loves the private symbols even more: the home you share, your bed filled with laughter and happy memories, the kitchen table where you have breakfast together most mornings, where you laugh and share food, the wall filled with photos of you and him, always together, always happy, always in love… )
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rosielovesf1 · 4 months
lucky 🍀 | AA23
alex debuts an... interesting... new hair for race weekend, and y/n is to blame after a little too much to drink
word count: 1.5k
warnings: none!
author's note: MY WRITER'S BLOCK IS CURED WOOHOO SO NOW TWO POSTS IN ONE NIGHT!!!! this season seems to be the anything can happen type, so i am crossing my fingers and toes to see alex on the podium at some point. anyway, this was literally so fun to write i hope you enjoy :))
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“alright kids, you’re home.” george russell did not imagine this would be his friday night when he had left his home a long six hours earlier. if he’d known that he would be assigned the role of babysitter for his former teammate and his girlfriend, he maybe would’ve stayed home. or at least worn shoes that he liked a little less, as his favorite trainers were currently sporting a new, puce green stain. 
“thank youuuu, george,” y/n slurred, her eyes hazy and unfocused. her boyfriend didn’t look any better, practically putting all of his weight on poor y/n. she didn’t seem to mind though, one hand braced against the couch for balance, one hand wrapped around his waist to keep him upright. 
if only the world could see the wholesome “parents of the paddock” now, george thought. satisfied they were safe and taken care of, he shut the front door quietly behind him, grinning as he made his way to carmen who sat in the passenger seat of his car. now that y/n and alex were home, they’d likely sleep it off and stay out of trouble. right?
well… not quite. 
as george pulled out of the driveway, inside, alex and y/n had managed to remember that couches could be sat on, not just leaned up against. they collapsed onto the soft cushions, alex sighing contently as he pulled y/n to sit between his legs. she cuddled into his chest, craving warmth after what had been a very cold night out in a very tiny dress. 
just as y/n was starting to fall asleep, alex started to shift underneath her. she groaned and just wrapped her arms around him tighter. 
“love, i’m so thirsty.” 
y/n shook her head, trying to get back to the drowsy state she’d just left. “too comfy.” 
he poked her arm in response, and she ignored it best she could until it was unbearable. 
“stop it!”
“i need water,” he moaned dramatically, starting to unwrap his arms from around her.
“i’m thirsty too, but i’m being nice and not moving.” 
“you’re not being nice, you’re being lazyyy.” he drew out the last letter, and she turned her head only to stick out her tongue at him. 
“fine. i’ll take you with me.” y/n didn’t mind what he did, as long as she didn’t have to walk or do anything other than shut her eyes tight against the blurriness that came with a few (okay, a lot) too many shots of vodka. alex pushed himself off the couch, and y/n wrapped her limbs around him tightly until he safely deposited her to sit on the kitchen counter. 
there was the sound of the cabinet door opening and closing, and the gurgle of the tap broke through the otherwise silent apartment. 
“i can hear you gulping.” y/n said, eyes still squeezed shut. “share please.” 
the three glasses of water each they downed helped somewhat- y/n’s stomach had settled and her head was spinning less, but now she just had the lack of inhibition and craving for spontaneity that alcohol fostered. 
from her perch on the counter, she could sit with her legs wrapped around alex’s torso, his head relaxing back into her chest as he stood with his back to her. she ran her fingers gently through his hair, smiling as an idea formed. 
“when’s the last time you dyed your hair, love?”
“mmm. it’s been a while. last year, maybe?”
y/n felt a rush of excitement, but tread carefully to avoid spooking her poor unsuspecting boyfriend. 
“what if you let me dye it?” 
his posture became a little less relaxed, a little more alert. uh oh. say yes. she chanted silently in her head. say yes, say yes, say yes. 
“have you ever dyed hair before?” not a full yes, but this was good. it wasn’t a no. there was still a possibility. 
“i did rina’s hair just last month.” sure, your sister changed her hair so often that she had simply laughed at your botched dye job, rocking the streaky blue until she was able to get into a proper salon the next week. but experience was experience. he hadn’t asked about the outcome. 
“okay?” you squealed and planted a kiss on his cheek, wrapping your arms underneath his chin and resting your head on top of his. he just laughed, relaxing even more into your embrace if that was even possible. 
“alright, come on, i think i have dye under the sink.” 
“wait, now? i was thinking next week after the race, love.” but you didn’t want to wait that long, you wanted to do something fun now, while the world looked a little brighter than usual and you could practically feel the blood pumping through your veins. you decided to test your luck and hopped down from the counter, pulling him along towards the small hall bathroom, grinning when he just followed along. 
alex sat down on the toilet lid while you rummaged through the messy sink cabinet, finally finding what you’d desperately hoped was still there in the back corner- bleach, and the remnants of a dye kit you’d bought when your sister had encouraged you to try red hair (spoiler alert, it was a very bad idea). there definitely wouldn’t be enough red dye to do alex’s entire head though, and you frowned as you tried to work out a solution. 
suddenly, the perfect idea struck. after mixing the dyes, you happily got to work. alex was content to just relax into the pressure of your fingers in his hair, and before you knew it, your masterpiece was complete. after a quick rinse, and a change into comfier, cleaner clothes for both of you, you fell into bed. there was only time for a quick goodnight kiss, and by the time your head hit the pillow, you had practically already fallen into a deep sleep. 
which is why, when you woke up the next morning, cursing the bright sunlight of the gorgeous fall morning, the previous night wasn’t totally clear at first. you cringed at the memory of puking into the dirty club bathroom, but there was nothing hideously embarrassing up until george bringing you and alex home. however, at the thought of what your drunken brain had thought was a good idea once the two of you were left to your own devices, you shot up in bed, staring in horror at the sleeping boy next to you. 
alex’s hair. dear god. you couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your lips, and then cursed yourself as all the movement and noise had alex stirring in bed. he smiled up at you with sleepy eyes, getting halfway through “good morning” before clocking your expression. 
“what?” he sat up in bed, sheets sliding down as his worry increased. “y/n, what’s wrong?” 
“alex, love, i’m so sorry.” it was all you could do but apologize, and alex looked confused until he spotted himself in the mirror hanging to the right of your bed. 
his jaw dropped as he turned his head left and right. you just winced, apologizing over and over. but you stopped mid sentence when his look of shock turned into a grin, and then a full blown, stomach-hurting laugh. he dropped his head into his hands, shoulders shaking. 
you couldn’t help it- that type of laugh was infectious. 
“i’m so sorry, love,” you groaned between giggles, leaning into alex’s shoulder. “i don’t know what i was thinking.” 
it took him a couple seconds to get back the breath to reply, but when he did it was clear that there was nothing but amusement in the situation. 
“don’t be sorry, y/n,” he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and squeezed tight. “i’m surprised we didn’t do worse with how plastered we were last night.” 
“remind me that shots are very, very bad the next time we go out, please.” the dull throb in her temples was her body’s way of agreeing with that statement. in a serious tone, she looked up at him, determined to fix the situation. “i’ll find you an appointment at a salon before the race, i promise.” 
“are you kidding?” he turned to look at himself again in the mirror, running a hand over his hair. “i’m definitely going to get bullied by the grid, but this can only be good luck.” 
and despite your protests and offers to fix it, he remains resolute in having the absolutely horrid dye job for the entirety of the race weekend. and when he manages to achieve the practically impossible- a podium in a williams- after crediting the team’s immense efforts, it isn’t his stellar driving that he wants to discuss in post-race interviews. no, he attributes his success to his new hair, which he makes sure to emphasize was done by his lovely girlfriend. 
even though your drunken mistake is now a very popular topic of conversation in the f1 world, you can’t help but feel any emotion besides all-consuming pride.
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@alex_albon: best weekend ever. biggest thanks to the team, and my new barber @ y/n-l/n for the lucky hair
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@y/n-l/n: HE DID IT!!!!!!!! endlessly proud of you AA23 <3
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eitaababe · 2 years
— chapter 11. deja vu.
a/n — sorry neteyam girlies (im not)
series masterlist. | previous / next
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written portion below. —
You walked out of the building, finally wearing an outfit appropriate for the weather. You pulled the hood of your jacket up, shielding your face from the wind when you noticed Ao'nung's car pull up.
The window in front of you rolled down, revealing the grinning boy. "Get in the car loser, we're going shopping."
"Since when did you know mean girls?"
"Since Tsireya was my sister," he snorted, parking the car in an empty space. "So, I figure we should probably talk about what you wanted right now?"
"Oh yeah," you cleared your throat, the joking atmosphere quickly dissipating. "It's just— me and Neteyam got into an argument yesterday? Violet told him some dumb shit, like you were using me or it was all just a bet you were going for— and I defended you and that's why me and him fought— but now I can't stop thinking about it and I feel horrible for even thinking that about you."
Ao'nung listened carefully, not once interrupting in your rambling. "Fucking hell," he mumbled, running a hand over his face. "Me and Violet dated for like— a month at best? And we weren't all that serious, okay? We were friends with benefits and she wanted more one day and I just thought, why not, you know? It's fucked up but I didn't like her all that much— and when I finally told her and broke it off she felt used and went off telling all the other girls I went for that I was doing the same exact thing to them that I did to her."
Your eyes widened at the revelation, chewing on your cheek nervously. He hadn't directly addressed your worrying, which only made you feel worse, but nevertheless you stayed silent, letting him continue.
"But I swear on my life, y/n, I'm not using you. I never was. If I'm serious about anything, it's you. I liked you from the start, and I never would've started anything if I felt anything less."
You released a breath you weren't even aware you were holding, and nodded happily. "That's uh— good to know." You grinned, trying to hide the blush painting your cheeks when you met his smug eyes.
Yet the more you thought about it, the more the guilt weighed you down. Ao'nung was so patient, so understanding, how were you not ready? You still somehow had feelings for a man who hurt you over and over again (granted unknowingly) and you still couldn't move on?
Noticing your silence, Ao'nung placed a hand over yours. "Everything ok?"
Sighing, you softly intertwined your fingers together with his. "I feel horrible," you mumbled quietly, causing him to dip his head closer to your face. "I mean, you're just so- so understanding? You're so patient, you stick around when I tell you I'm not ready, and you don't get mad when I accuse you of really stupid things, and I just get why you're waiting on me when you could be with another girl who's ready now."
"Y/n," he cooed, his hand gently grabbing you by your chin to look up at him. "I wait for you because I want to. You're not horrible to me, I love your company, and you're still getting over a breakup. Knowing you like me back is enough for me."
His words of reassurance did little to ease your guilt, but you nodded anyways. "Yeah, yeah you're right. Sorry."
"Don't be sorry," he smiled, pressing a loving kiss to your knuckles. "Now let's go get some coffee, mkay? There's no way you had time to get it before I picked you up, you're in a fight with your coffee supplier."
"Ugh, don't remind me." You groaned, bringing your legs close to your chest, almost resembling a ball and resting your head on Ao'nungs arm as he pulled out from the parking lot, going to the cafe.
As you guys walked into the cafe, you'd finally given yourself a break, trying to forget about your worries and the fight from yesterday.
All of that went out the window when you saw Neteyam animatedly talking to Violet inside.
And it reminded you of a time you knew all too well.
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— neteyam and y/n would sit at the same booth everytime they went to the cafe and neteyam's been sitting with violet there the past couple times
— ao'nung convinced y/n to get his drink order this time and she hated it
— violet saw y/n and ao'nung but neteyam didn't
a/n — lowk end is cringe bUT CLIFFHANGER MWUAHAHA
taglist #1 / closed ! @n7ytiri @ilovejakesullysdick @possysblog @love-chx @stars4deku @evphology @afro-hispwriter @ydsm-29 @tsireyasgf @goldeneywa @doulcha @krazy-kattzz @fucksnow @squid4 @blairrrrrr @neteyamforlife @dreamtogether2000 @444lyra @ambria @cawi00 @calums-betch @powowowy @fadingpalacebonkpsychic @elegantkidfansoul @kolsmikaelson @mirikusashes @yukichan67 @goodiesinthecloset21 @netemoon @littlethingsinlife @coconut-dreamz @anm3mi @jjkclub @il0veheartz @liyahsocorro @nao-cchi @drugs-for-memes @zendayaswrld101 @grierpilots @misscaller06 @lightskinloak @mommyneytiri @inluvwithneteyam @halibanana @iheartamajiki @ipoopedmypants47 @neigesprincess @lookiiheh @ghostjoohoney
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badasmuse · 11 months
“Don’t You Know?” PT.2
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Bada Lee x Fem!Reader
Part One — Part Two
Warnings: 18+ (MDNI) Sex, Heartbroken Reader, Drunk Reader, top!bada, bottom!reader, Lowercase Intended, Swearing, Penetrative and Oral Sex
Summary: Bada goes to get Y/N and gives her what she been asking for
Pt.1 Linked^
Based off DeVita’s Don’t You Know
twenty minutes go by and i feel a hand grab my arm.
“hey let me-“ i cut myself off when i realize it’s bada.
she bows slightly to kyma and lusher and pulls me out the bar gently. she seems upset. maybe because i interrupted her sleep, maybe because i’m out drinking. either way i want her to take it out on me.
“bada,” i start to speak but the side eye she gives makes me shut up.
about twelve minutes later we’re at her place. she walks around to my side of the car, opening the door. i instinctively clench my thighs together and i hear her chuckle lightly.
“all i did was open the door.” is all she says before my seatbelt is being unbuckled and i’m being pulled out of the car.
i lean on her for support as my legs don’t feel real due to all the alcohol i’ve consumed tonight.
she unlocks the door and pulls me in. i immediately kick off my shoes turning to say something but i stop myself when i see her.
bada is leaning against the door, aggravation evident on her face, looking at me. “why did you call me?”
“i wanted you.” i mumbled.
“you know i hate when you do that shit. speak up.” she says pulling her hair out of her face.
“i wanted you.” i said a bit louder, “i’m drunk yeah but i keep thinking about how… good you were when we were together and i need it again.”
she laughs. she fucking laughs. “so you called me? why not just go back to your ex and ask her for one more night?”
i whine and stomp my foot, almost like -no- exactly like a child having a tantrum. “cause she didn’t do it right. what you did was too good and it’s not fair.”
“if i’m not mistaken, you broke up with me. it’s your fault you got stuck with shitty sex.”
“are you gonna fuck me or make fun of me?”
an hour later i’m face down, arms pinned behind my back, having my insides scrambled like fucking eggs.
“fuck bada-“ i cut myself off with a moan and try to pull myself away from her.
“you wanted it so bad. don’t run from it.” she replies, tightening the grip on my wrists. her other hand goes to my hair and she pulls slightly.
my nails dig into her hand that has me as she repeatedly hits that spot making me see stars. in seconds i’m cumming, her name rolling off my tongue so naturally.
she helps me ride out my high and pulls out. i fall down on the mattress trying to catch my breath. she then lifts my hips and moves down to start licking up the mess i made.
“uh uh bada stop i’m done.” i’m extremely sensitive and my legs are shaking bad.
“nah we’re done when i’m ready to be done.”
lord please help me.
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finnbbl · 5 months
Hyunjin × M! Reader - Dancer AU I SMAU | Chapter 16
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Ch. 16 - Begged to forget I Previous Chapter | Next Chapter I
I Story Masterlist I
Written: Yes
Smau: No
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol mention, anxiety
“Ow Lia!” You complained as she adjusted your outfit. “Hold still, gosh you are so hard to work with.” She spat at you harshly, causing you to roll your eyes. Not wanting to hear her complain, you sat still as she tightened your belt. “You know I am perfectly competent of dressing myself.” Turning your head slightly towards her, her eyes glance up and pierce into yours for a few mere seconds. “Relax, there.” Lia gave you a slight push towards the mirror. It was a simple outfit, nothing you were too mad about. “You’re gonna have so much fun, i’m glad you’re getting outside of your comfort zone.” You had briefly gotten lost as she started to speak, but quickly tuned back in. “I’m only doing this because Hyunjin bribed me.”
“That may or may not have been my idea.” You gave Lia a look. But before you could say anything, you suddenly got a text. Seeing it was from Mingyu, you started to grab your bag. “Oooo what’s the smile for?”
You hadn’t even noticed that you started smiling. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Responding as you slung your bag over your shoulder. “Pft yeah right, okay, anyways do you need a ride?” Lia found herself trying to engage in a conversation with you, however you hadn’t noticed. Too engrossed in a conversation on your phone, a smile lacing your face once again. Her final straw was when she had repeated the question, and you had yet to hear as only a small giggle escaped from your lips. “Y/N!”
Your body jumped slightly, “God Lia you don’t need to scream- hey!” She snatched your phone out of your hands. After a few seconds or so of her scrolling through your messages, she finally broke the silence. “Just date already.” Rolling her eyes as she shoved your phone to you. “What? Why would you say something like that?” Lia grabbed her bag. “Come on, you don’t see the way he looks at you?” Her question caught you off guard. “Uh no?”
“Well I see the way you look at him. You were just giggling over his texts two seconds ago.” All you did was scoff. “Whateverrr if you say so.” You hadn’t even considered that as a factor before. Sure he was always calling you pet names, but you never took it as anything more than platonic. “I was going to ask if you needed a ride, but I guess you got that covered.” She teased, throwing in a wink. “For the last time Lia, nothing is going to happen. Maybe you didn’t hear me the last fifty times that I wasn’t looking for a relationship.” Lia rolled her eyes. She could be so frustrating sometimes. You know she was only playing and looking out for you, but it got annoying when it was brought up every other day. “Fine fine, i’ll drop it. Now go! Go have fun.” You threw her a smile. “Thanks Lia.” The blonde embraced you in a hug before shoving you towards the door.
Your mind raced as you made your ways down the stairs of your house, only to be interrupted with the one thing you had forgotten to sort out. Your dad. “Shit..” You mumbled under your breath. He was currently watching TV with a beer in his hand. The couch and his back was turned away from the front door, it wouldn’t be impossible to sneak out. Hopefully he had enough alcohol in him to be completely unaware of his surroundings. If he wasn’t at his company, this man was always drunk or high off his ass.
You started to take a step as the odds of you getting by him successfully started to rise. You stopped in your tracks as you heard your dress shoe click against the wood floor. Freezing as your head jerked to the couch, making sure he didn’t hear. For once, him being an alcoholic had worked in your favor. You silently took off your shoes as you quickly made your way to the door. The minute you opened it you could see Mingyu’s car parked on the street in front of you. Glancing back before you shut the door as carefully as you could. You sighed of relief before making your way over to his car. Only when you got closer did you realize how nice it was. A smile fell upon your face as you admired it before opening the passenger door. “Hey y/n!” Mingyu greeted you cheerfully. “Hey,” You said back with a smile, shutting the door and putting your seat belt on. “You know Im glad you decided to tag along, I hope this helps you branch out a bit. You look great by the way.” You glanced down at your fingers in your lap, smiling to yourself at his compliment.
Although you struggled accepting praise for others, you thoroughly enjoyed it. Even if it didn’t happen often. “Well you ready?” You nodded, aimlessly tapping your fingers against your knees. A pit still remained at the bottom of your stomach, maybe it was the fact this is the first time you’ve snuck out. It wasn’t clear as to what was actually bothering you, but there was definitely something. “You okay?” Mingyu asked you as turned his blinker on, he could sense your uneasiness. “Oh, yeah yeah i’m fine. Don’t worry.” Thanking him with a small smile. Your eyes watched his moves as he drove, something about it was relaxing. It was definitely odd, however it helped ease your worries. “You know I’m always here if you need something, don’t hesitate if you ever wanna talk.” Was the last thing he said before deafening, but comforting silence took over.
Soon, you saw Mingyu pull into the driveway. As he searched for a parking spot, you could feel anxiety course through you. Your eyes darted around the scenery outside, the moon lighting up the yards of the rather expensive neighborhood that San seemed to live in. Unknowingly, your knee started to shake, letting your anxiety show. It wasn’t until someone’s hand found its way to your knee, applying a bit of pressure to hold it still. Your head whipped in the direction, there was Mingyu with his somehow reassuring gaze. “You’ll be okay, I’ll be right next to you the whole time if you need me to.” A smile found its way onto your smile. He started drawing small and light circles on your knee, as he continued to give out reassuring words.
Were those butterflies?
You couldn’t help but think to yourself as a once forgotten, but not new, feeling crept its way inside your stomach. Was it the way he cared for you? His charm? It could’ve even been his boldness when meeting you. He wasn’t afraid to show how he really was, you liked that about him. But there was no way you could let yourself fall or let anyone in. Only knowing you’d regret it later, you weren’t meant for love. It only ever ended in heart break and pain for you and the other person (mostly you). Pushing the thought to the back of your head, you quietly thanked him. “I appreciate the offer, but I’ll be okay. I don’t wanna hold you back from having fun.”
“Nonsense, I only decided to go because you did if I’m being honest.” You furrowed your eyebrows. But before you could say anything else about it, he spoke up. “Well are you ready?” As if there even was a point in asking that question he was already opening the door and getting out of the car. You did the same, getting a better view of the scenery around you. It was a calm and cool night, the gentle breeze nipping at your exposed fingertips that crept out from your long sleeve shirt. Giving it was nearing fall, you only expected it to get even colder. It wasn’t until you started to near the door did anxiety seep back into you. Hearing the loud music and seeing the excessive amount of cars that were parked on the street. You had begged that they were the neighbors.
*Knock knock knock*
You hadn’t even realized that you were standing in front of the door until knocking sounded. The door swung open, revealing San. “Hey! I’m glad you guys could make it.” San pulled Mingyu in for a hug, then moving over to you. “Come in, come in.” Mingyu could definitely sense the tension built up in your body. His hand resting gently on your back, guiding you as San led you two in proved that. It was reassuring. “Do you guys want anything to drink? We have plenty of options.”
“Sure, I’ll take something. Just surprise me.” Mingyu stated.
“Hey, watch it you’re my ride home.“ You said in a demanding, but not too serious tone.
“What, you think I can’t hold my alcohol?” His snarky response caused you to roll your eyes, it also earned a chuckle from San. “Well what about you? Do you want anything?”
“Uhh, no no i’m okay. I don’t drink.” You smiled lightly at San, making sure he knew you did however appreciate the offer. “Alright no worries, I can get you a bottle of water from upstairs if you want?” He proposed a second option as he began to make something for Mingyu, you had to say he was decently fast at it. Made you wonder if he’d worked as a bartender before. “That would be great actually, when you get a chance of course.” A lips turning into a small upward smile as you accepted his offer. “Awesome, I’ll go get that now.”
As San disappeared upstairs, you suddenly heard your name from across the room. “Y/N!” Of course, this caught your attention and it turned out to be Hyunjin. “Hey Hyunjin!” The male made his way over next to you and Mingyu, who was now just observing the conversations.
“I’m happy you made it tonight.”
“You mean your happy your bribe worked right?”
“Yeah yeah whatever, you guys should come sit over here.” He pointed over to where he was sitting, most of the faces you had recognized. Whether they were an idol you had befriended or not, it felt comforting knowing that at least it wasn’t a complete stranger to you. “Uhm sure, if Mingyu wants to that is.” You turned to look at him, not wanting to leave him behind. “Hey, I’m down for anything.” A chuckle following his sentence. Next thing you knew, you two were sitting on the couch, not long after San had returned with both of your drinks.
Hyunjin began to introduce you to the few people you hadn’t met before. “Ahh Y/N yeah, i’ve heard about you. You’re a sick dancer man.” Said a guy you had learned to be Hongjoong. Yes even though you rehearsed and performed with ATEEZ, names and faces were all a blur except for San’s. That was only because he was the one to befriend you. "Thank you, I really do appreciate it.” You smiled at the group’s leader. Briefly were the others introduced. No one had really caught your eye, that was except for one.
You couldn’t quite figure out where you’ve met him before. It had been bugging you in the back of your mind ever since the performance. You had definitely at least talked to him before, and it wasn’t at a rehearsal. In fact, the only one you could remember talking to was San. Assuming you were just going crazy, you decided to do your best to forget about him. It was only going to spike your anxiety which had just started to calm down.
An hour or so passed, when you noticed it was becoming quite noisy in the area. It could be the alcohol in everyone’s system, even Hyunjin was getting loud. Everyone except for Mingyu, who had also began to grow irritated by the noise. “You wanna step away to the kitchen for a second? It’s quite loud in here.” Only turning to him and nodding as he grabbed your wrist and led you through the small crowd of people to the kitchen. You sighed, “Thank you.. Not to sound like a baby but it was starting to get to me.” The both of you chuckled before he reassured you. “Nah don’t worry, I was starting to feel the same way.”
Before you guys could continue your conversation, the door swung open and sounded a loud voice. A way too familiar voice, one you’d never forget. Your heart stopped as you could hear San’s voice and footsteps as he welcomed the guy into the house. “Nice little hangout San, haven’t seen you since we roomed together.” As if you weren’t already sure of who it was, you turned your head to the door to be met with a face you’d not seen in a year. One that haunted you, one you had begged to never see again.
Choi Yeonjun.
More anxiety coursed through your veins, preventing you from even moving. You were frozen, your anxiety hadn’t been this bad in a while. You swallowed nervously, unable to tear your eyes way from him as much as you wanted to. All you wanted to do was run the other direction, away from him. However that was impossible. Trapped, even if you left now the only way out was through that front door. You hadn’t even noticed the calling out of your name that Mingyu was doing. You were sure there were definitely red marks on your hands from how hard you dug your nails into your palms as your fists clenched tighter and tighter. Doing whatever it took to ease the anxiousness.
“Y/N!” Mingyu said rather loud, catching the attention of a few people. Although the house was nice, it wasn’t that big. So of course the entire neighborhood population heard. Your head jerked to look at him. “Are you alright?” Your eyes full of fear before you cleared your throat and shook your head. “Y-Yeah I’m..” Unable to finish your sentence as the idea that he may have accidentally caught Yeonjun’s attention crossed your mind. You looked over back to the door. San, and of course Yeonjun, who now had a devilish smirk and an evil look in his eye. They both were looking at you. Yeonjun’s gaze was one that sent a wave of fear through your body every time you made even the slightest bit of eye contact with him. It was one you tried to rid your mind of, however it had only been a year so it wasn’t easy. His glare of fury still burned into your skull.
“Ahh Y/N, haven’t seen you in a while.” He walked over to you, playing everything as normal. Your body tensed as he had suddenly put his arm around your shoulder as if it were just a friendly gesture. Outside it may seem that way, but you both knew. Yeonjun had a motive, you knew he had something up his sleeve. Especially with how nasty things ended between you two the previous year. It wasn’t hard to tell that all eyes were on you two. San, Hyunjin, Mingyu, everyone was looking at you.
You knew this sense of happiness couldn’t last forever…
Taglist: @silverstarburst @virluna148 @galaxycatdrawz @onementally-unstabel-kid @uso-dakedo @lampcults @chaer4life @kkurbys @gnusihcom @mellhwang @sleeping-demons
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frvnkcastles · 5 months
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Summary: After a disastrous date with your high school crush, Sam is there to pick up the pieces.
Warnings: Borderline sexual assault, language, implied female reader, some descriptors
Word count: 5.6k (geez)
Author’s note: Making my comeback with a THREE year old fic that I was always too embarrassed to post anywhere for some reason. Anyway Sam is my favorite Jon character after Frank and I think about him on a regular basis :’) Sorry I’ve been so inactive lately, college is killing me!! Can’t wait to get back to writing during summer break.
”Hey, are you busy?”
Looking up from his bookkeeping, Sam lifted an eyebrow and tried his very best to maintain a stoic, neutral expression rather than breaking into the giddy smile he always felt coming on in your presence. Seeing you at the doorway of his office, dark hair flowing in the cool breeze and a gust of your perfume invading his space in the process, was nothing short of enchanting, making him clear his throat as he briefly glanced at where your skirt rested against your thighs and then back to the shiny eyes behind your glasses.
For you? Never. That’s what he wanted to say, anyway — that hell or high water, he’d make time for you. Instead, he lifted one hand to gesture at the empty office. ”Nah, somethin’ wrong?” he asked gruffly, yet the rough voice was nothing short of polite as he eyed you up and down as if to search for any signs of distress. The nervous wringing of your hands was the only clue he got, but he chalked it down to your typically shy — and endearing — personality with a soft, barely audible chuckle.
”No, no, not at all. I was just wondering if I could bother you with a favor? I got some shelves for the new house and uh, as much as I’d like to campaign for being a strong, independent woman... I do not know how to handle power tools”, you grimaced in a way that made Sam laugh fondly and glance at his boots before bringing his enamored gaze back up at you. ”Really, if you can’t, it’s—”, you began again before you could corner him into agreeing, but waving you off, he interrupted.
”Be my pleasure. Rather that than, uh, drive ya into the hospital after lettin’ you do it alone, right?” he spoke, cracking a joke that almost sounded strange coming from his quiet, level voice. Once the amusement in his tone registered in your head, though, you broke into a grin and nodded in agreement.
”Yeah, I’m a much better driver if you end up drilling a hole in your own finger”, you countered, only to realize the potentially offensive hint in your voice — at that, your smile faltered, but before you could do much more than open your mouth to explain you hadn’t meant to poke fun at his hands, he smiled at you.
”I gotchu, sweetheart. ’S all good”, he reassured before you could worry about hurting his feelings. There was a moment then, with you gazing into each other’s eyes, goofy smiles on your faces with no one needing to say anything.
Didn’t mean it stayed that way. With an excited cheer, your goddaughter was soon emerging through the entrance, disrupting the moment between you and Sam as she grabbed your shoulders. ”I thought that was you! Did you bring me lunch?” Maggie wondered with a grin, and laughing, you jutted your finger in your car’s direction, encouraging her to break free from the office with a delighted sprint again.
She was the reason you had come here, to begin with. You were a teacher and when a job opportunity near your favorite goddaughter had turned up, you took the chance to go back home and reunite with what little family you both had left. Within days, Sam had grown smitten with you — and Mags could tell; you, not so much. In his defense, how could he not? You were smart, caring, had the prettiest smile he had seen in years and there was no doubt about your kind heart. The way you treated Mags, him, and anyone you came across made his own heart swell. You were damn beautiful, too.
Now, nearly a month into your stay, you had formed new habits and routines, including stopping by the motel to get lunch to Mags. Sam had insisted that he’d feed the girl if you just let him, but frankly, your visits had an ulterior motive now — see, you really liked him, too. Again, how could you not? He was everything you loved in a man and whatever chance you got to spend more time with him, you leaped at.
Hence why you had insisted the furniture shop didn’t need to come over and install the shelves for you; you had a guy for that.
Before you could say anything more, the rev of an engine got your attention and both you and Sam turned your heads to the motel’s parking lot only to see an old but well-kept, stylish car pull up with no regard to the actual parking spots. You would have recognized the car and its white stripes from a mile away, pulling a surprised gasp from you — the same, joyous reaction was far from Maggie’s face as she traipsed back to the office with a glare at the car she had seen enough times not to trust its owner.
”Oh my Gosh, what are you doing here?” you gushed as you stepped back out into the warm spring air, your hand on your chest as you watched the tall, lanky guy step out of the car while unfolding his sunglasses into the collar of his shirt. Sam certainly didn’t miss the amazed tone in your voice, nor the hand placed on your arm as the stylish guy eyed you up and down.
”Heard you were back in town, I just had to see it for myself”, the guy grinned at you, and even from behind his desk, Sam could see the blush on your cheeks.
Trying his best to tune out the rest of the conversation, he clenched his jaw as he looked down at the papers still waiting for his scrutinizing. His focus was everywhere else, though, and suspecting as much, Maggie leaned her elbows on the counter to share her gossip with Sam with her stare still trained on you.
”That’s Benny. Complete jerk, if you ask me. They almost dated in high school but he’s always just been stringing her along”, Mags dished casually, and with an incredulous snort, Sam looked up with doubt in his dark eyes.
”That guy?” he confirmed, struggling to imagine a world where anyone would be out of your league. You were a gem; a whole treasure and he would have never made you feel like anything else.
Nodding, Mags glanced at Sam with a hopeful smile. ”He doesn’t deserve her. Maybe if someone nice actually asked her out for once”, she theorized, far from sneaky, but before Sam could scold her for her taunting tone, she continued. ”Until then, she’s just gonna let him play with her feelings because every time she thinks it might work out.”
With a frown, Sam looked over to the parking lot where you were, indeed, fawning over the man, lovesick grin and all. It was in that moment that his jealousy got beaten by his anger — not towards you, but towards the man for toying with your heart.
That said, he would have lied if something envious didn’t brew in the pit of his stomach when he watched you touch his chest and lean into him, laughing at his jokes.
”Nervous?” Sam rasped from where he was hoisted on one of your chairs, arm leaning against the wall while glancing between you and the drill he was setting up. Maybe it was the date, maybe it was the sight of him rolling up his sleeves and hiking up his tight jeans that made you gulp, but either way, you ended up nodding. When he effortlessly grabbed the shelf off the table with one hand and balanced it against the wall in a way that made practically every muscle in his body flex against his clothes, you had to look away.
”A little”, you admitted with a dry throat, fiddling with the sleeves of your dress as you wandered back and forth in the small living room just to channel the anxious energy somewhere. ”Not to sound like a schoolgirl, but— he’s so cool”, you breathed out, an embarrassed chuckle accompanying your words as you checked the time on your phone again and then turned back to Sam who had paused his work and was looking at you with a lifted eyebrow.
He seemed to weigh his options for a beat, wonder what was the right thing to say when eventually he sucked in a breath and turned back to the shelf with the drill hoisted at the right position. ”Ain’t no one cooler than you”, he pointed casually before activating the drill and getting the nail through the wood effortlessly. ”You got that?” he emphasized when silence landed in the room again, his words demanding but his voice soft when he eyed you briefly. ”You’re a real gem, sweetheart. You deserve to be treated like one”, he added before adding in the second nail and then the third, giving you the chance to collect your thoughts while he worked.
Suddenly feeling the tension in the air, you chuckled quietly. ”Did Maggie say something?” you wondered, well-aware of how little she liked the man you had been drooling over for the past decade and more.
With a quiet laugh, Sam reached for the final nail. ”Maybe”, he confirmed, not getting to say much more when the tremble of his fingers betrayed him and the nail flew to the floor with a clatter. As he cursed, you jumped into motion, not allowing him the chance to climb down when you were already crouching down to pick up the nail from the floor in a way that had your skirt hiking up your thighs.
When you stood back up to hand it over, Sam was staring at you in quiet amazement, and softly, you smiled at him. ”Well, thank you”, you whispered, still thinking about his previous words as you stepped back to let him finish without you in his way — he, in response, felt his heart swing at the loss of your warmth and perfume in his face. ”I appreciate all of this”, you gestured at him with a grin, ”but I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
With a nod, Sam gave you one more look, one that he was forced to tear away when the honk of a car filled your driveway with sound. He couldn’t help but feel his chest tighten at your adorable gasp, and any idea of saying goodbye left his brain when you reached forward to briefly peck his cheek, your soft lips tickled by the coarse hairs of his dark beard as you bid him farewell.
”I’ll make this up to you!” you promised with a smile, and chuckling, Sam ducked his head down and willed himself to not blush.
You already had.
Ever the gentleman, Sam had decided to wait at your house for you to return from your date — partly to make sure you were safe, partly to see your excited smile when you’d burst through the door in an enthusiastic ramble of how it had gone. That was how he played it out in his head, anyway, giddy at the idea of your happiness even if it meant from another man. With your shelves up and installed, there was not much to do but linger around; even with the TV on, though, he found it hard to focus.
The entire house felt like you. Like one big comforting hug, one that you could never quite fit his large figure into but you always tried as hard as you could. You were sweet like that. As was the ghost of your perfume haunting the living room where Sam was seated, unable to think about anything but what kind of movie you’d choose to put on if you were there with him. One of the armchairs next to the couch he was on had some of your dresses draped over it — the rejected pile, he assumed, but the different colors and soft materials made his stomach swing when he imagined the edge of the skirt falling above your knees, the flowery sleeves a stark contrast to your dainty hands.
At that thought, he cleared his throat and got up from
the couch with unwillingness to stay there and obsess over you all night. He had already grabbed some water from the kitchen only to think about the baked goods you brought to the motel every now and then, the image of your warmth mixing in with the soft music you had mentioned liking while stirring a bowl of batter refusing to leave his head. And as he passed by the foyer on his way out, he noted your shoes, all in different styles yet somehow so you, and the large mirror where his smitten reflection was adorned by a colorful sticky note wishing a lovely day. With a smiley face and all.
He made his way to the local diner, then, figuring he could kill some time by grabbing some shakes and fries for when you’d get home. By the time he considered you already having dinner with your date, it was too late and he found himself striding up to the counter where he hoped the kind lady wouldn’t notice the red on his cheeks and the extra tremble in his fingers.
He had hardly limped his way over, though, when the lady he was quite familiar with gave him a sympathetic smile. A frown barely crossed Sam’s face when she pointed a finger across the diner, and when the tall man faced the right direction, he found you sitting in the furthest booth, drenched from the rain that had just stopped on his way over, hands shaky and cheeks stained with the make-up you had spent so much time on. An untouched cup of coffee sat in front of you, and it seemed like you had no intentions of moving anywhere.
Sam, on the other hand, abandoned his initial plan immediately and with a slight swing from side to side, stomped his way over to you. The heavy falls of his boots caught your attention quickly, and meekly, you looked up only to somehow feel worse at the worried pair of eyes you found staring back at you, concerned creases painted across Sam’s forehead as he fiddled with his fingers. He could see the slight disappointment on your face, but before he could take it personally, you were sighing weakly.
”This is so embarrassing”, you whispered, soon enough breaking into a sob as you covered your face with your hands and leaned towards the table. Without a second’s hesitance, Sam sat by your side, and when you moved to give him space next to you, he took the opportunity to wrap an arm around your shoulders and hold you close.
”Shh, shh, no, it ain’t. It ain’t. Promise, ’m not here to judge. Alright? Don’t even gotta tell me what happened if ya don’t wanna”, he assured, his rough voice so soft as he rubbed your arm soothingly and placed his head against yours. A mere second later, he was taking in your appearance, from the drenched hair to the mud on your knees, and with a regretful inhale, he walked back on his previous word with a gentle tone. ”Tell me if you’re hurt, though. Please, sweetheart”, he was quiet and respectful, and with the nickname welcoming something warm in your heart, you shook your head.
”Not hurt”, you confirmed, and although the faintness of your voice did little to comfort Sam, he nodded approvingly at the promise. When you said nothing more, he simply held you in his arms, caressing you softly and humming in your ear without empty vows of things going to be okay and you going to be alright. Right now, all he could offer was his presence and attention.
Somehow, that was enough. Your breathing leveled and your heart didn’t feel like it was going to jump out of your chest anymore, but rather, feeling the beat of Sam’s helped in grounding you. He was warm and comforting and for a moment, you forgot where you even were.
”That’s it”, he encouraged quietly when you grew more stable in his embrace, ”attagirl. I’m right here with you, darlin’.” Feeling you relax helped him relax, too, his fear slowly dismantling and his feeling of utter helplessness subsiding.
”You wanna tell me what happened?” he asked gently, never pushing, only giving you the chance to share if you felt like it. At first, you truly hadn’t, but now, with his care so thick in the air, you felt entirely safe telling him.
”You gonna tell me you told me so?” you asked, half-joking, and it earned a quiet snort from Sam before he pressed a tender kiss on the top of your head.
That was all the encouragement you needed, and with a deep sigh, you recalled the past two hours of your life. ”He took me to a drive-in”, you swallowed, feeling a shiver run down your spine at the memory. ”It was nice, actually Fun. Nostalgic. Then, he, uh, he kissed me. And I kissed him back. But then I—I tried to pull away and he—”, you continued, your voice breaking as you covered your mouth with your hand and exhaled.
”He wouldn’t stop. His hands were everywhere. So I—I somehow managed to get out of the car and I just… ran. I ran. I knew the diner was close by so I headed over here but it started raining and I fell so it took me a while but I just couldn’t go back”, you continued before gesturing at your ripped stockings and then leaning into Sam’s chest with your eyes sealed shut. ”I was so stupid. I should have listened to you and Maggie.”
Silence landed again, apart from the sounds around you and your soft sniffles. It was Sam, then, who was silent — his nostrils flaring and his heart pounding in his chest as he imagined the Hell you had been through. He wasn’t much of a fighter, but he sure as hell stood up to assholes like some of the men at his motel and this… this sad excuse of a human being who had had the chance of a lifetime with you. A chance that Sam would never waste for anything in the world.
”It ain’t your fault”, he finally rasped, trying to swallow down his anger even if the tick of his jaw betrayed him. He was glad you were huddled up against his chest, shielding you from seeing the fury in his narrowed eyes as he stared out of the rainy window and clenched his jaw. ”None of it. You did good, sweetheart. You did so good”, he continued, losing some of his temper as he wrapped both arms around your trembling body. ”You were real fuckin’ brave, ya hear me? Did nothin’ wrong. That guy is a piece of shit, you understand?”
You managed a nod before Sam continued. ”You deserve the world. I’m so sorry that happened. I ’preciate you sharin’”, he sighed, not even sure what more to say. He felt like he was going to be sick, though he doubted it was nowhere near to how you were feeling.
As if on cue, you shivered again, and he withdrew from you just enough to look at your drenched body. ”Listen, sweetheart, you’re freezin’. Okay if I drive ya home?” he offered, and unsure what other option you had, you simply pleaded yes to his proposal. Even if there had been an alternative, he was what you wanted — his safety, his reassurance, his guidance.
You just did not realize that he had sworn all of that since day one.
As you sat in his passenger seat, shaking from the cold as well as the adrenaline, Sam made sure to hold your smaller hand in his large, warm one, all the while cranking up the heat in the truck. It was silent for the most part, and when tears fell from your eyes only for you to hastily wipe them away, he said nothing, simply brushed his thumb across your hand and let you be. There was no judgment in the air, and even with your torn appearance, he didn’t stare, only glanced at you to make sure you were alright, eyes full of care and the wish that there was more he could have done for you.
When the truck was parked in your driveway, Sam was quick to leap out of his seat and circle the car to open the door for you and help you out of the fickle seatbelt. You didn’t hesitate to cling onto him, allowing him to guide you inside to the safety of your home where you toed off your shoes and let him hang up your jacket.
”You go get changed, alright? I’ll make you some tea”, Sam whispered, gentle as he brushed a hand across your hair and took a step away to allow you your space. The hesitation in your eyes suggested you weren’t quite ready to leave his side, but certain that getting dressed on your own was the best idea, you nodded and hid into the bedroom while he wandered to the kitchen.
It didn’t go unnoticed by either of you how naturally he blended into your life. Having him around the house felt like the most natural thing, and he breathed easy while getting out your kettle and pouring the boiled water into one of your big mugs. Well-aware just how much sugar and honey you liked in your tea, preparing the drink for you was like second-nature, like he had spent years with this routine, attached to you so tightly he didn’t even question it.
When you shyly snuck out of the bedroom, dressed in tights and a large, grey sweater, he was seated in your living room with his hands nervously wringing with one another. It made you want to laugh, how both of you were so on edge, but when you saw his eyes light up at the sight of you, as well as the steaming tea he had made just for you, and the shelves perfectly balanced on the wall behind him, you burst into tears, instead.
”The shelves look so nice”, you cried with a laugh, trying to wipe at your eyes while sniffling and taking a seat next to Sam. ”You’ve done so much for me”, you whispered, amazed by the kindness of his heart, but he was quick to protest with a quiet chuckle.
”’S just basic decency”, he countered quietly before observing you carefully. The scratches on your palms and wrists made him swallow and look away, but he gently knocked his knee into yours to promise he was right there as long as you wanted it. ”Whatever you need, alright? Just say the word.”
Carefully, you took a sip from the tea and then glanced at Sam. ”Is it weird if I ask you to stay?” you questioned weakly, and with an exhale, Sam wanted to promise you that he could have never said no to you. Instead, he gave you a shake of his head and offered a hand for you to take.
”I’ll be right here”, he swore. And true to his words, he stayed all night, making you a second cup of tea, helping you brush through the knots of your hair, sanitizing the scratches on your hands, messaging Maggie that you were home safe. He wiped your tears, hugged you tight, rubbed your back and kissed your forehead. And at the end of it all, he let you fall asleep on him on the couch, your head on his lap and his trembling fingers caressing your hair until you were soundly asleep.
And all he could think about was how he wouldn’t have minded watching over you every single day.
The following day, Sam made sure to wake you up before leaving, breakfast waiting for you in the kitchen once he had apologized for slipping away so soon — however, you understood that he had a whole motel to run; not to mention, he had already done so much for you. As much was obvious when you sat in the kitchen by yourself, munching on the eggs and toast he had prepared, surprising yourself with the soft smile that crossed your lips at the thought of his kindness.
Sam, on the other hand, didn’t find himself smiling much at work. Mags was yet to clock in, and he was grateful — not wanting to reveal what had happened without your permission, but knowing that the girl would see right through his bullshit. The other personnel, however, had already asked if everything was okay.
And for the most part, it was. You seemed to be doing okay when he had left you, and he was glad to have been of any consolation. Nevertheless, he was so, so full of anger that it had even happened in the first place. And the fact that he had been right there, with the opportunity to stop you, not once but twice, yet he hadn’t. He knew it wasn’t his fault, but he needed to channel the fury in his chest somewhere — why not himself?
That was what he figured until a familiar, sleek car was cruising onto the lot, parked like an asshole yet again. At the sight of Benny’s presumptuous face, Sam dropped the pen in his hand and swallowed thickly, his feet moving on instinct to stop the man from entering his premises. Suddenly blessed with a new target for his anger, Sam strode straight towards, a twinge of delight poking at his heart when he saw the scratches matching your nails on his jaw.
”Hey, is she around—”, Benny started, but that was all he got to utter out when Sam was punching him across the face, the crack of his nose most pleasing to the man’s ears as he watched the other man go down from the weight of his fist. Blood went flying across the concrete and despite the throbbing through his knuckles, Sam didn’t stand down from staring at the man at his feet now.
”You ain’t welcome here, you hear me? I never wanna see your stupid fuckin’ face again. Neither does she. You go anywhere near her, you’ll regret it”, Sam gritted out, his rough voice heavy as he glared at Benny who, in a flurry of panic, scrambled up to his feet and towards his car.
”You’re a piece of shit”, Sam added with a stern finger pointed at him, ”and you don’t deserve her. Fuck you.”
Although the initial idea of being around people seemed exhausting, you were happy to get a visit from Mags. She pulled you into a hug out of instinct, but you had longed for the comforting embrace all day, therefore forcing her to stay in it a little bit longer. You supposed, then, you shouldn’t have been surprised by the question she broke the silence with once you finally pulled away and welcomed her inside.
”How was your date?” she inquired carefully, not missing the scratches on you but choosing not to blatantly point them out. Nevertheless, she radiated sympathy and you knew you could trust her — that said, you didn’t quite like the idea of burdening her with what had happened. You weren’t best friends gossiping, you were the closest thing she had to a guardian, and while communication was key, there were some things you weren’t meant to unload onto her.
”I don’t think there will be another one”, you stated simply with a quiet smile, and nodding thoughtfully, Mags followed you into the kitchen where you had been stress-baking all day. She, at least, was happy to grab one of your tasty brownies, and you hoped that Sam would appreciate the pie you had made just for him as a thank you for everything.
As if on cue, Mags hummed from the table she sat herself at while you continued slicing the brownies. ”So, uh, wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact I saw Sam
with bruised knuckles, would it?” she asked innocently, the obvious tension in your shoulders encouraging her to add, ”looked like someone got a taste of them, actually.”
Putting down the knife, you blinked at the wall in front of you and then turned to Maggie. ”Really?” you whispered, full of disbelief and amazement that Sam would do such a thing. He wasn’t usually a man of violence, so you struggled to come up with another explanation than him confronting Benny. And against all odds, the thought almost put a smile to your face — your asshole date had certainly earned it, but Sam doing that for you…
Well, you definitely hadn’t expected your heart to flip so violently at that.
”Uh huh”, Mags drawled before eyeing you with a grin. ”You like him, don’t you?”
You immediately reacted with a bashful chuckle and turned back to the brownies. You had thought about it before. Many times, in fact. He was handsome and kind and naturally loving, and despite his brooding, tall appearance, he was shy and gentle. He was good with kids and animals alike, and he made sure to make everyone feel welcome. But he was also so, so very easy on the eyes. And after last night… you had a whole new appreciation for the man and his good heart.
So, yeah. Maybe you did. You had just never been bold enough to take the leap and ask him out — he was, indeed, quiet and a little bit reclusive, making it hard to tell if he liked you or was just being polite. And frankly, you didn’t want to set fire to the friendship you had built with him.
Going out with Benny had seemed like such a good idea to find some company that wasn’t Sam, but now, you couldn’t help but wonder if it only had been good for driving you right into his arms.
Sam was surprised to see you arrive at the motel — but positively so. When Mags stepped out of your car though, he guessed it was simply to drop her off, but he was quickly proven otherwise when you followed her lead with a pie in your hands. You were dressed in a worn pair of overalls and Sam couldn’t stop the somersault in his chest as he limped from behind the front desk to the parking lot, giving Mags a brief squeeze on the arm as she passed him by.
”It’s good to see you”, Sam breathed out as he nodded and observed you from head to toe briefly, ”you look damn nice.”
With heat already crawling to your cheeks, you ducked your head down only to catch a glimpse of his red knuckles in the process. You licked your lips tentatively and gave him a shy look. ”Your, uh, hand… Was that…”, you began, not really sure how to finish that thought.
…You decking Benny in the face for my sake?
”Yeah”, Sam rasped with a clear of his throat, ”yeah, he, uh… came lookin’ for you. Told him you ain’t interested.” For a moment there, he seemed almost embarrassed, his other hand going over the scabbed one to rub it nervously, but as soon as you broke into a careful smile, the worries in his heart evaporated.
”I appreciate that. I appreciate you”, you emphasized before handing over the pie. ”Pretty sure I owe you a dozen of these, but… I thought I’d start with just one. I don’t know how to thank you enough, Sam. You’re my hero, I guess”, you explained with a chuckle, your gaze falling to your boots before you looked back up at him only to find him shaking his head in a way that left his unruly curls bouncing.
”Nah, you don’t… you don’t owe me nothin’, sweetheart. ’M just glad you’re alright”, he promised while clutching the pie and pursing his lips as if there was something else to say.
You had something else to say, too. And for a second, you wondered if it was wise to speak out loud, but then you saw Mags and her vigorously encouraging gestures from inside the office, and then you faced Sam again and he just looked so beautiful and soft and—
”Would you wanna go on a date?”
Much to your surprise, your own words echoed back to you in his deep voice, your eyes flying wide when you realized he had posed you the very same question. A mere second later, you broke into a genuine laugh, and Sam’s lips curved upwards into a giddy smile as he nodded at you.
”We could start with this pie”, he offered with a chuckle, and with an agreeing smile, you returned his nod. Shakily, he lifted his hand for you to take, and you did not hesitate to wrap your fingers around his trembling ones so he could lead you indoors where Mags was cheering by herself.
Needless to say, your poor date was soon forgotten by an absolutely delightful one — especially when they did not stop coming, and within the next month, you found yourself being called Sam’s girlfriend.
He, for one, couldn’t recall the last time he had been so happy. Getting to leave his shoes next to yours in the foyer, getting to bring you tea to bed in the morning, getting to finally kiss your pink lips with his beard scratching your soft skin… He wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve it all, but he certainly felt lucky as hell.
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