#my coping mechanism is refusing to believe this by making bad jokes
thechaoticplayer · 7 months
SFW Dating Chaotic headcanons!
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At first, I'll seem kinda distant, or like nothing has changed at all
It's mostly because I'm afraid of overstepping any boundaries, or being too damn clingy/obnoxious
after a lot of convincing, I will be the most affectionate person known to man
I am a very energetic individual, my friends will tell you (and complain) about how talkative I am
I'm actually a pretty touchy person, if I'm comfortable with you just expect me to grab your thigh or arm out of nowhere, lots of cuddles and snuggles, and probably some bites because bwahahaha
I giggle at the stupidest shit. I apologize
I will always try to make you laugh because seeing a smile on you will make me so happy and proud
I will act like the most baddest and evilest bitch out here, always flexing or bragging about how awesome I am then the next I'm saying how much I suck and how I wish I was anyone else
I'm not the type to talk about my feelings, I'm so used to bottling them out it actually makes me a bit uncomfortable talking about my own wellbeing (boo self care)
However I'm always down to hear anything you have to say, venting to me is encouraged actually (certified silly therapist trust)
I will flirt with you. Endlessly. There is no stopping me. Nothing.
If you flirt back, I might either immediately refuse what you say as true or become instantly flustered. I have to admit I get kinda flustered easy because I believe no one will purposely and actively flirt with me
Hugs and kisses! Im gonna shower the shit out of you with those
I will try to get you gifts, but I'm always unsure what to get you 😭
If you're shorter than me I am gonna bully you about your height
If you're taller... no you're not.
I will yap to you about things I like/love so be prepared
I do like my alone time sometimes, and if I'm in a bit of a bad mood, I might snap at you, but I try my best to not to bc Ily pookie
Pick up lines. Are. A. Yes.
I will love to hold hands with you, I will take your hand and press a tiny kiss to your knuckles ♡
I will fight anyone that talks shit about you. Either verbally or physically I will. I dont even care if I get hurt in the process I will protect the shit out of you.
I will compliment how good you look often
I dont mind staying home and just chilling, we dont have to do extravagant dates
Expect me to buy a lot of sweets bc my sweet tooth is insane- if you love spicy food and want me to try I will literally pass away I hope ur happy
I joke about a lot of things, and it may seem like I'm unserious, but there are times im serious, I just use it as a coping mechanism
I will try my best to look good for u shawty but not all the time (sweatpants sweatshirt gang)
I will try to hide my insecurities so u dont have to worry about me bc I'm supposed to be ur super strong buff lover (I cant lift too heavy stuff, but I will do it for u)
I will show you my writings and drawings often
I will kinda get super flirty with u in the *ahem* sense, but the moment u allow me I back away bc intimacy makes me skitter away in fear
GIVE ME ATTENTION >:[[[[ or else I will ignore you a certain amount of time (some y'all saw how bratty I can get)
Lots of teasing coming your way bro I love to tease (if u tease back... FOR SPARTAAAAAAAA)
If u like to play sports i will BEAT U NO CHANCE IM LETTING U WIN (sometimes i will let u win bc i feel bad)
i will like to smell u (it's kinda weird I sorry 😭😭)
You love to sing? Sing for me right now honey I will love any song u sing
If u get me stuff i will actually be so happy and surprised
I may be unintentionally rough, I underestimate my own strength sometimes
You can be in my arms, or I can be yours! I dont mind being little spoon or big spoon
I will admit the most shameful things that I wouldnt want others to know, only to you (like how much i like headpats and ear scratches... kms)
If anyone wants more I dont mind sharing lmao I only did this to develop my character and rlly think abt how im like
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The Handee Nutcraker: Godfather Drosselmeyer!!
And the last character for the first lineup is done!! I hope y'all can see the difference from the others, as it was on purpose into his character design ^^
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(And yes, the puppet is indeed Riley. I just wanted to add it as a plus XD)
So, as I said before, Owen would be the main antagonist of the AU. He is the son of the partners of the Ruckus' company who I think probably sell clocks based on my messy WIP fic at 4 am XD Anyways, he is the Godfather of Riley due to her father feeling bad for Owen
So, Owen is sorta the black sheep of the family. He was heavily criticized for focusing more on puppets and doll making rather than the clock-type figures the partnership makes. Manfred (Riley's dad) did felt bad for Owen and decided to make him Riley's Godfather to help him stay
Regarding their relationship, Owen does like Riley as some sorta "niece" but she does not like him at all and rather spent her time away from Owen, as Owen in cannon really needs therapy, so he isn't exactly someone to hang around.
He gifts Riley a finished prototype of the Nutcracker he created (and the key to the world he created that does get turned into a key) as a gift for her. After some drama, he finds Riley in the manor's gardens and has a small chat before pushing her down a well without a warning
He created the fantasy world based on his show plans with his late Fiancé (Amy) but turn it into an actual thing that he kept for many years but eventually began to deteriorate and turn darker by an overwhelming darkness
I believe the darkness is a representation of Owen's issues that he tries to ignore. He does send Riley as an only hope to save the world since he refuses to face the issue himself, something that Riley later realizes. This goes a bit into the in cannon escapism Owen has and also his self-projection and how he slowly began to destroy the show/world he created with love and care. Also, grief and denial would be a major theme, but I prop will talk more about in the next line-up (which would include the three remaining rulers + Amy)
So, as much as I joke that Owen is a terrible Godfather (who probably really is one) his intentions weren't truly bad but rather impulsive but in a sense hopeful as it seemed his relationship with Riley was improving and he sorta wanted to help her escape from her troubles too
Riley would totally see Owen in a new light but still will be mad about the whole sending her out to another world, she will be willing to talk to Owen and tell him that It's ok to ask for help and that he can have a healthier coping mechanism
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ghost-proofbaby · 9 months
My wiiiiiiiife. Tell me more about these Bad Omens themed WIPs.
For me and @br0ck-eddie aka Sleepy Omens 🖤🖤🖤
SLEEPY OMENS!!! (it's actually a shame there isn't a single sleep token request on this list but maroon satiates that need i suppose)
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alright. let's break these bad boys down below the cut.
THE DEATH OF PEACE AND MIND: "i miss the way you say my name - the way you bend, the way you break."
this one is actually a monster of a wip that started with one purpose and one purpose only (horny rockstar eddie!), and might end up a two-parter. think rockstar!eddie x best friend!reader. think mischievous scenarios involving bets regarding their sex lives. think tripping and "oh no oh shit!! suddenly we're having phone sex!! how'd that happen?". assumed unrequited love (because it's me and when have i ever written something without a little angst), and it's all fun and games until eddie gets home from tour, and you realize none of it was ever a joke to him.
“Everything’s fine, I just-” he stammers out, as if returning from his own thoughts finally, “I didn’t… I had no idea…” you couldn’t predict where he was going with his sentence even if you tried. He’s stuttering, obviously nervous, voice picking up in pitch before he finally clears his throat and asks, “How long has it been for you?”  You’re smarter than you act, but you refuse to believe he’s asking what you think he is.  “How long has it been since what?” you question, rolling onto your back, keeping that phone hot against your ear. “Since you’ve gotten laid.” Oh, Jesus Christ. “Since I’ve gotten laid?” you choke out, sitting up abruptly as if being woken up by a nightmare. “I… What do you mean?”  Where are you going with this, Munson? “I mean, how long since you’ve gotten fucked, Y/N?”
IDWT$: "you try to love again, 'cause what else could happen?"
this one is a fun one i've mainly been plotting out more so than properly writing. rockstar!eddie, of course (anything with eddie and bad omens is going to end up as rockstar!eddie, my bad). post upside down, eddie decides to throw himself into his music until he starts to see the benefits of all that he's reaping. he's miserable still, sure, but it has nothing to do with the music. continuous nightmares from all he endured back in hawkins, terrible coping mechanisms just to make it through his days, etc.
enter you. a fellow victim of the music industry, full of determined fire fueling your "all or nothing" mentality (if i wanna be great, i don't wanna be me :-) ). a perfect distraction.
perfect, of course, until you get too close and can't leave well enough alone. (can you see my pedro smile through the screen?)
no snippet for this one because i haven't written any bits that i wanna share yet, but it's gonna be a fun one like i said. maybe a little smutty. maybe a little horny. just as a treat.
i love you, my sleepy omens, and hope i can do you both proud with these monsters of wips <3 <3 <3
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raesnovelsblog · 1 year
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Synopsis from IMDB:
After moving into a suburban home, a couple becomes increasingly disturbed by a nightly demonic presence.
My review
Still love this movie. There are parts (Micah) that piss me off, but they’re not unrealistic. I have, unfortunately, met many a Micah. The rules they set up and how they’re followed are why this movie is so rewatchable. Every time it gets to one of the night scenes, you can help but watch for the smallest movement off in the corner. The practical effects only enhance the scares. 
Rating : 8/10
How does it treat…
Women? Not bad. But not great. You can tell Micah loves Katie, but there could have been one or two less scenes where he puts her down.
Does it pass the Bechdel test? Yes. There are only four people in this movie and one of them is Katie’s friend.
How long till a woman speaks? 41 seconds.
Relationships? Borderline unhealthy, but I’m chalking that up to Micah needing to grow up and being a financial bro. The moments where he’s being sweet are the reasons you could believe they’d still be there.
Rewatchability? Yes, especially the night scenes.
Spoilery thoughts/Notes below.
Katie seems like one of those girls that’s in a relationship where she’s grown, but he hasn’t.
Katie’s going to school, she makes jewelry, and she knits.  Props to Katie.
Micah has a guitar he can barely play. That tracks.
I love that Katie is refusing to be filmed in her bra and panties.
I will never understand the multiple pillows on the bed that you don’t actually use. 
Micah’s a day trader.  That explains so much.
Seeing a shadowy mass at the foot of your bed when you’re eight, would stay with you.
The haunting has followed her from house to house since she was eight. Not your typical haunted house where you yell at the movie for them to get out. 
The psychic is trying to investigate and Micah just wants to show off his toys.
They are asking for help, but Micah does everything the psychic says not to do.
Katie screams and he stops to get the camera. It was a spider, but he didn’t know that.
Antagonizing the demon. That will end well. I’m now wishing for his death.
Katie has a friend. Good for you. You need time away from Micah.  
Katie tells Micah she needs this girl talk moment and he completely craps all over it, because his stuff is more important. Boo.
He was a dick to both of them. And Katie’s response is “be sweet”?
Okay, not going to lie. That scream and hit noise got me.
They’re going to go back to bed with that door open? Hell no. I don’t care if it is a demon. It’s a demon that’s going to have to break a locked door down.
He was scared and now he’s joking and playing it off like it was nothing. I’m sure it’s a coping mechanism, but it’s annoying.
The camera fast forwarding and Katie’s just standing there staring, nope. Way too unnerving.
There are times in found footage movies where it doesn’t make sense for them to still be holding the camera. Making Micah be a douche makes it seem understandable.
Okay, Micah finding Katie outside and offering to stay out there with her when she doesn’t want to come inside is actually sweet.
Until he hears a noise upstairs, yells “who is it”, and calls for Katie to come back in.
He told the demon to come out. What is planning to do if it did?
Now he’s a tad scared and that makes me happy.
And now you’ve bought a ouija board after you promised you wouldn’t. Good going asshat.
Katie’s pissed and I am proud of her.
I’m surprised she didn’t leave him there.
You wanted footprints, and now you’re shocked they’re there? Reminds me of that South Park where they mocked ghost hunters for getting startled.
Finding the attic hatch open would creep me out too.
Micah slowly panning the camera around is unnervingly eerie. You look all around first.
Weird burnt up photo of young Katie equals a hell no from me.
Micah says they both could use more sleep. Well then stop egging the demon on.
The door slamming and then the banging on it, chef’s kiss.
Micah opening the door anyways, so stupid.
The psychic came in, and immediately noped out. And that’s why he is still alive at the end of the movie.
I get he’s scared too, but he’s handling it in the worst way possible.
I knew that foot hanging out would bite her in the ass.
I do not know how they did that scene, but it was scary as hell.
Where was the demon going to take her?
So not bite her in the ass, bite her on the back. Got it.
For once, Micah’s response is appropriate. 
Micah should have known something was up when Katie asked to stay when she’d been insistent on leaving. The one time his caveman behavior would have been apt and he chooses to aqueous? 
That smile was too creepy.
The staring and rocking back and forth is highly effective.
That scream is blood curdling.
And the sudden stop is worse.
Love the anticipation with the heavy footsteps.
Hurled his ass across the room. Katie/demon lifts.
The face change is okay, but they’d been so good about not using CGI up to this point. They should have stuck to it. Not bad, but it could have done without it.
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
Similarities that I see between Jace and Céline
(these are just my thoughts. Press read more to see them.)
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↑ this chaotic energy. You think he got it from Stephen? Nah.
Her anxiety reminds me of Jace's. And like their thought process was similar in ways.
They both struggled with belonging.
Céline corrected Robert when he said "Just like a warlock. Always for sale."
And Céline was like "Always on sale."
Again Jace energy.
Céline knew Amatis, Stephen's wife. At least, she knew enough. Amatis was sharp-tongued and stuck up. She was opinionated, argumentative, stubborn, and not even that pretty. There were also rumors that she still secretly associated with her werewolf brother. Céline didn't much care about that—she had nothing against Downworlders. But she had plenty against Amatis, who obviously didn't appreciate what she had. Stephen needed someone who would admire him, agree with him, support him. Someone like Céline. If only she could make him see that for himself.
Jace's smile was as bland as buttered toast. "Go on, go after him. Pat his head and tell him he's still your super special little guy. Isn't that what you want to do?"
But he couldn't look at Simon without wanting to kill someone.
“And even back then, in that stupid coffee shop. When I saw you sitting on the couch with Simon, even then that felt wrong to me—i should have been the one sitting with you. The one that made you laugh like that. I couldn't get rid of that feeling. That it should have been me.”
↑ Their bitterness, anger, jealousy, and envy towards the person who had the person they wanted and in general has the same energy in my opinion.
They both were angry and jealous of people who had it better or they considered to be good—Like, that was why Jace hated Simon so much at first, because Simon was everything Jace thought he'd never get to be, he just didn't realize it.—And Céline was angry of the kids in the academy who had loving parents and good childhoods, and weren't damaged like she was—they both were angry because somebody was someone or had something they thought they'd never get to be or have. (In Céline's case she never actually got it, not really.)
They both like to wander around when upset.
They both aren't too fond of the Silent Brothers. And I think that has to do with their head being full of certain things they don't want others to know, and the Silent Brothers speak in your mind, almost like they're reading your thoughts.
They're both observant, which could be from growing up in abusive and toxic environments but could also just be they're observant people.
They both can tell when someone is off. We see this when Céline sees through Valentine's mask. Jace often saw through the lies of people in TMI and still does.
And the both hate being pitied. Like it angers them when people pity them, we see that with Jace quite often in TMI, but we see it when Dominique says this: “Every Downworlder in Paris knows about poor Céline Montclaire, wandering the city like a murderous little Éponine. We all feel a little sorry for you.”
And then Céline thought this: Céline lived with a steady, secret simmer of rage, but now she felt it boiling over.
↑ Again, the above reminds me of Jace. He lived with anger that he kept under control but would boil over when triggered.
They're both sensitive. And get hurt easily.
“I wish I could be more like you,” she admitted.
In what sense?
“You know, just shut off my feelings? Feel nothing. For anybody.”
There was a long pause, and she wondered if she had offended him. Was that even possible? Finally, his cool, steady voice spoke.
This is a wish you should dispense with. Feeling is what makes us human. Even the most difficult feelings. Perhaps especially those. Love, loss, longing—this is what it means to truly be alive.
“I think—my father was sorry he had a parabatai,” he said. “Now I have to go live with a man my father was sorry about. I don't want to be weak, I don't want to be sorry. I want to be the best.”
If you pretend to feel nothing, the pretense may become true, said Jem. That would be a pity.
↑ They both wished to feel nothing, and had Jem tell them that wasn't as great as they thought. But they both still desperately wanted to not feel.
When she was a child, her parents had often refused her iratzes after training sessions, especially when her injuries were caused by her own mistakes. Let the pain remind you to do better next time, they told her. All these years later she was still making the same mistakes.
“No! it's better for your parents not to know it happened at all. It was just bad luck that one of them got me. I'm a good fighter,” Jonathan protested sharply.
“It's my fault I got hurt,” said Jonathan. “I know excuses are for incompetents. It won't happen again.”
↑ this bit on making mistakes, or when getting hurt.
Céline always carried a misericord blade.
↑ Reminds me of someone else who always carries blades.
They both were aware of the consequences of putting a rune on someone that they weren't 100% sure were Nephilim, and it was different circumstances but they did it anyway. Jace gave Clary her first rune and Céline gave Rosemary her first rune (I think).
More furious at her own instinct for mercy. After all, her parents had never shown any to her. Her parents had done their best to teach her that mercy was weakness, and cruelty was strength.
Jonathan said the word "weakness" with horror. Jem wondered what a man who had drilled a boy to fight like that might have considered weakness.
↑ Mercy, kindness, gentleness, etc. Was taught as weakness to them both growing up.
They both hate being predictable. Kinda like when Rosemary knew Céline would keep her secret. Céline hated that she knew that. Remember in CoA when everyone was guessing that Jace said no to Valentine, and he hated it.
They both never really felt like they were ever a kid. Because again, the environment they grew up in forced them to grow up faster than they should have. Which is why Jace didn't think of himself as one when he threw himself into battle.
like Jace I don't think Céline liked to upset the balance of things, meaning they don't pry and don't pressure. Which often gets them labeled as "not too bright" or "unobservant" they're both observant, they just don't say it out-loud. Jace is definitely like this, but I see Céline as this too. Stephen said she always needed to be told what to do, but I don't think it was that exactly, I think she just didn't like to upset things. Which growing up in an abusive and toxic environment does that. But I think it's also just part of who they are.
That sweet and obedient daughter of the provençal countryside. They knew how devoted she was to her parents. Such a dutiful daughter.
↑ Valentine often called Jace his obedient son. I see Jace in this part as well. Sebastian called him Valentine's "sweet boy."
She could close the door on the past, start again. She could choose a life without pain, without suffering or fear.
But who would she be without pain?
This also reminds me of Jace. Obviously he did end up choosing to walk away from Valentine. But there are times he doubted, because in reality he himself didn't know who he was without the pain he'd experienced, without his past with Valentine. And they both believed that the pain and suffering had made them stronger. Jace later knows that isn't true, but I see the similarity there.
They're both said to have vulnerability about them that made you wan to protect them. To keep them safe. Jocelyn said you couldn't really hate Céline, and I think it's kinda the same with Jace.
Both of them refused to ask for help. Thinking they could do it all on their own.
Céline could tell how much it hurt—and how determined the woman was to reveal no pain. She knelt by her side. Rosemary flinched away. “Let me see—I can help."
“Tell me what happened first.” She tried to yank her wrist back, but his grip was incredibly strong. “I can help you.” — this is in Clary's pov.
↑ Their willingness to help the pretty stranger they didn't know.
They both often felt they didn't have a choice in some things.
They both felt achingly alone at some point. And very much misunderstood.
The thought of losing the only family they ever had scared them, and they were willing to do anything to keep them. Even if in Céline's case hers wasn't that real.
They were both said to be beautiful, and breakable. Fragile almost. These were Jocelyn's words. That beautiful things were easily broken.
They both grew up denied of love and care.
Céline had low self esteem in a lot of areas. We often see Jace as the confident character who doesn't have insecurities or low self-esteem. but he does. Jace didn't like himself, his looks don't play a part here, he didn't like himself. He actually didn't feel good enough or worth much, that's why he made so many superiority jokes, because he truly didn't feel good enough but had to make everyone believe he did. Céline didn't feel good enough either, but she tried not to let it show.
Their childhood gave them bad coping mechanisms and suicidal tendencies. They both self harmed in ways, believing that pain made you stronger is one of them.
We often look over the fact that while some of Jace's mental struggles did come from the trauma of his childhood and growing up around war, that he was already at a high risk with a mother who experienced similar things. Because if you have a parent who has mental illness the offspring are at higher risk of developing one. And his childhood didn't help with that.
And we know what they both truly wanted was to be loved and safe. Really. Jace always thought he wanted to fight all the time, but by the end of tmi he realized he just truly wanted to be happy and left alone, he just wanted Clary and his family. Céline wanted that too, but she never got it.
You all realize they would understand each other, right? Like if Cassie ever did something where they somehow met, Céline would understand Jace and he would understand her.
Céline would have never raised Jace with anything but love and care. She would have made sure he never knew a childhood like hers. But he did. He ended up knowing what that was like. And it would have broken her even more to know that.
But she would probably stab Valentine in the face, which I'd like to see.
Friendly reminder that Jace looks like her around the eyes (no I won't shut up about this.)
There's probably more but until we learn more we won't know. Just remember he may be a Herondale but Céline is also there.
@khaleesiofalicante I tagged you 😎
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zsocca55 · 3 years
Hello There fellow Hungarian from Poland!
Do you have aby headcanons about Poland or Polish and Hungarian Relations?
Yay, another Pole! :D Much, much love from Hungary to you guys! ❤️❤️❤️ I tried to summarize my thoughts in short sentences but….eh… sorry for the length of this, but there is like, a ton of history to work with, and one idea popped up after another and then I just got lost typing this. I might as well write a whole book about it. XD
These are listed in more or less historical order. Am I doing this right? I’m bad at making headcanons! Also my interpretation of Poland is very different from his Hetalia presentation and my notes are based heavily on how Poland and Polish people are perceived in Hungary. Sorry if that bothers anyone, but I like to stay accurate to History.
Anyway, I hope this list satisfies!
-Used to be really childish and carefree but after the partitions he matured rather quickly
-He is quite the attention-seeker, very social and has many friends but only a few real ones and he has trust issues and fear of abandonment - that’s why he can get very clingy
-Has pride like the size of the moon
-Communicates his emotions poorly - which results in him sometimes mistreating people he likes (Lithuania and Ukraine for example) - he is getting better at reading people though
-He is a “lets get shit done” type of person - you give him a job and he will do it impeccably and in time
-He appears like this happy-go-lucky guy, but it’s actually a coping mechanism
-When he feels down, he becomes emotional - and drinks a lot - he is an emotional drunk
-Had a big fat crush on Ukraine (he even has a folk song dedicated to her, Hej Sokoły!)
-Complains a lot - like a really lot
-Poland keeps old gifts he received from his great kings and queens in a safe (nobody knows about it though)
-The partitions caused him to lose consciousness for weeks. It was the shock of losing his identity as a ‘state’. All countries involved believed that he would die.
-Poland lived with Russia between 1795-1918 due to Russia possessing most of his territory. But he often made official visits to Austria and Prussia to negotiate the treatment of his people with them. He also got away on his own a few times (to help out Hungary in 1848-49 for example).
-Poland accompanied Tadeusz Kościuszko to America, but couldn’t stay for long. Youthful America’s enthusiasm inspired him a lot.
-He is a very bad driver, and had so many accidents he doesn’t keep count, but he is a skilled pilot so he often complains about not being allowed to fly around instead of driving around.
Poland and Hungary:
-Poland was also victim of Hungarian tribal attacks before the 10th century so his boss decided to befriend the new southern neighbour in hopes of making an ally. At first Hungary thought Poland was a girl while he thought she was a boy.
-Hungary first met a Polish tribe called “Lendzianie” and so she named his people “lengyel”. Poland never corrected her though.
-They paid visits to each other often during the early decades of the 10th century and played a lot. Once they jumped in a lake for fun’s sake, without clothes, and Poland quickly realized that Hungary is in fact a girl but he hadn’t got the heart to break the news to her because she was so confident in being a boy.
-They got distanced whenever internal crisises rose in their countries. Even up to this day, if one of them has an internal struggle, the other doesn’t pry and keeps a respectful distance. They respect each others boundaries in every way.
-Poland and Hungary were married twice, but all they ever did was giggle about it like the young teens they were and caused a lot of trouble for their kings with their pranks and mischiefs.
-Poland never understood why Hungary’s attention turned towards Austria in the 1400s though. Hungary also never understood why his attention turned towards Lithuania either.
-Poland and Hungary have a very similar residing scar running in three directions across their bodies which are testimony to them being thorn in three. Poland during the partitions and Hungary during the Ottoman-Habsburg invasions when she was also basically three entities in one.
-Poland fought with Hungary against Austria in 1848-49 but was dragged back by Russia when Hungary lost. He learned of her marriage to Austria through a newspaper much later and was severely disappointed in her.
-Poland tried to negotiate with the Allies in order to save Hungary from being chopped up and lose their shared border, but France faced him with a decision: either shut up and get a place on the map or refuse the treaty and have less territory. Poland never ratified the treaty but he still resents not fighting it more.
-Hungary tried to help Poland during his war with the soviets in 1920-22 but because Czechoslovakia refused to grant access to him out of spite, she turned to Romania of all people, pleading him to help. Romania actually helped.
-Hungary was pretty shaken and isolated from everyone after WW1. Only Poland and North Italy reached out to her, searching ways to keep in contact.
-Hungary resents joining the wrong side in WW2, which made her and Poland enemies. She tried to make the best of the situation and help Poland when her troops were stationed on his territory. They met accidentally in a forest while Poland was marching with partisans towards Warsaw in 1944. She helped him out but Prussia found them and Hungary pretended to take Poland hostage in order to release him later during the night. Her men were killed for fraternizing with the enemy.
-During the German occupation in Poland it was forbidden to listen to Polish nationalist songs and so Hungary and her men played “God save Poland” on repeat just because they could and Poland and his people were very thankful for it.
-When the Iron Curtain was drawn, Hungary hid away in her land, depressed, but Poland kept fighting the new rule until the Poznan protests inspired the uprising in Budapest in 1956. Originally Hungary organized a solidarity march for him but it turned into a freedom fight. She was struck down by Russia though, leaving her bleeding out on her streets with a hole in her chest. Poland flew to Budapest and offered his own blood to save her. Hungary remained unconsious for a week until she woke up. He was at her bedside the whole time.
-Poland often jokes about Hungary probably inheriting his “immortality” because of the blood transfusion.
-Hungary hid away again after 56. He tried to help Hungary get over her trauma by visiting her often during the rest of their years in the Soviet Union, but something broke in her and he didn’t really know what to do.
-This put a certain distance between them.
-After the USSR fell, Poland was quick to make new friends and make up with his neighbours but Hungary came out of her shell much slower. She did admire him for his strength to move on. He also encouraged her a lot to get up and improve her country.
-Hungary considers him her only real friend. She doesn’t trust anybody else with her life anymore. Out of gratitude, she decided to declare a special day for Poland (March 23) and when he heard of it, he actually teared up.
-Nowadays they visit each other on their Independence Days and celebrate together. They also go and cheer for each other’s football teams with hundreds of Poles chanting “Ria, ria, Hungaria!” and hundreds of Hungarians chanting “Polska! Polska!” on the streets.
-After hearing the song “Varsó hiába várod” from the band Republic, Poland thought Warsaw is indeed too far from Budapest so he made a plan to build a railroad so they can come and go between each other’s capitals in five hours. The idea is under construction at the moment.
-Poland and Hungary like to think that they are the heart of V4.
-Hungary goes along with whatever mischief or prank Poland makes up. And vica versa.
-They also promote their friendship with so much enthusiasm that Romania often calls them out for being too mushy.
Uh, thanks for reading through this! I know this is a lots of text, I get carried away when making up ideas. I’m unable to summarize my thoughts in short sentences. I don’t have the ability.
Also 50% of this is not even headcanon, some of these really happened or are happening.
Anyway, I hope I answered your question! :’)
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bamf-jaskier · 4 years
Accidental Witcher AU
Just gonna put this here so I can find it later if I ever start writing again...
alright so accidental Witcher Jaskier
which is objectively hilarious. No more angst, no glamour, no memory loss or curse NOPE all we have is an absolutely shitfaced Jaskier, a Geralt who left his bag at the inn and isn't coming back until the morning.
Jaskier starts mixing together Witcher potions, why wouldn't he? He's drunk, they are shiny, what isn't there to like?
So Jaskier mixes these potions and it left with a black liquid, dark like tar. And what does this man do? What does this renowned Bard do? HE DRINKS IT
and when Jaskier wakes up the next morning, he realizes oh FUCK he can say a lot more things than the night before, he can smell a lot more things too, damn he reeks.
He looks in the mirror and thank fuck his eyes are still blue somehow but when he looks directly into the light they dilate just a bit, all Cat-eyed. Well. Okay. Jaskier isn't stupid. Something bad happened last night and now he's a Witcher.
But here's the thing: making himself physiologically a Witcher doesn't mean he's a Witcher now. He doesn't know much about the path (besides what Geralt has told him) and he has NO IDEA how to use that huge ass pointy Witcher swords. And the LAST THING he wants is for people to expect him to run around wearing armor and fighting monsters. He would much rather prefer to follow a Witcher around and perform.
So what does Jaskier do? Pretends nothing happened.
Geralt comes back from his contract that day and there is...something different about Jaskier but he can't put his finger on it. Jaskier meanwhile is desperately trying to get used to all these new sense and after accidentally breaking a door handle finds out that Witchers are just a little bit stronger than the average person. He practices with his lute until he can control his strength (and music is such a good way to practice controlling his strength)
And Jaskier just continues traveling with Geralt pretending nothing has happened. Partially because he doesn't want Geralt to get it into his head that he ought to be "trained" (Jaskier will carry a sword the day he dies) and partially because he's embarrassed to admit he recreated the lost recipe to the trials shitfaced.
Of course, if Jaskier's songs begin to focus a little more on a Witcher's senses and are just a touch too realistic about a Witcher's sense of smell? Well Jaskier needs a coping mechanism somehow and the world STINKS now.
Now, Geralt is smart, but even he wouldn't suspect Jaskier of accidentally becoming a Witcher but he knows something is wrong. So what does he do? He starts testing Jaskier to see what's wrong.
At first Geralt thinks its a doppler but that is quickly proven wrong when Jaskier falls directly into a mud puddle and makes Geralt stop at a bathhouse to change and clean up.
He thinks Jaskier has a secret lover but then he see him sleep with someone in a tavern.
Maybe Jaskier is under a curse, but the medallion doesn't even hum.
Geralt even asks Yen to check if Jaskier is under a glamour or a spell and she tells him no.
Geralt has no idea what to do so he asks Yen to dig and find out.
Yen and Jaskier like to gossip and drink together so while Geralt goes off on a contract Yennefer and Jaskier get together to bitch and stitch a little.
Once more, drunk Jaskier starts talking about how he totally accidentally made himself a witcher and he has no idea what to do now. Yennefer of course, doesn't believe him. She thinks he just fucked up and took some potions with temporary side effects that will wear off eventually.
so OF COURSE Jaskier grabs Geralt's bag and begins making the Witcher potion once more. And he holds up this tar-potion, drunk as all hell and declares he is the maker of Witcher and the god of the skies. Then Yennefer steals the bottle, pushes a drunk Jaskier to the ground and chugs the potion.
She wakes up the next morning with a resounding FUCK as her purple eyes dilate in the light. Yennefer didn't even think mages could become Witchers? What the fuck was in that potion Jaskier made?
Jaskier and Yennefer both freak out. Now they are both in deep shit and Jaskier has definitely discovered how to make more Witchers but can only do it while drunk, sober attempts to recreate the potion have been met with no success.
Geralt returns and now BOTH Yennefer and Jaskier are acting weird and fuck what's wrong with them?
Geralt comes to the COMPLETELY wrong conclusion that Jaskier and Yennefer are sleeping together.
Cue Geralt trying to make weirdly supportive comments about Jaskier and Yennefer and the two of them acting super weird because, "does he know? what the hell is Geralt talking about now?"
Geralt: I would support the two of you no matter your life choices
Jaskier: wait does he know?
Yennefer: is he trying to invite us to go monster hunting with him?
Jaskier: Oh gods, please don't let it be that
For Yennefer, the transition from Mage to Witcher-Mage isn't all that different. She supposes she's a bit stronger now and her sense are enhanced but honestly she's really just shocked that drunk Jaskier managed to recreate the trials.
Witchers put on muscle a LOT faster than humans and are better at retaining it. What does this mean? Jaskier, who previously was tall but not exactly a brick shithouse like Geralt is suddenly getting muscle definition and OH NO he doesn't like that. His doublets are getting too tight and Jaskier basically desperately trying to not build muscle which goes against the biological instinct of Witchers.
Cue Jaskier cutting his protein and doing lots of cardio to stay smaller and more lithe. Jaskier refusing to pick things up or do any kind of arm exercises.
Jaskier: Geralt can I tie my lute to Roach's side, I can't carry it anymore
Geralt: why?
Jaskier: .... because
This is when Jaskier buys his horse Pegasus so he doesn't walk quite as much (he unfortunately finds out that horseback riding give you great thigh muscles)
Meanwhile Yennefer doesn't give a shit and she is building some truly fantastic arm muscles in the corner.
Geralt stops by Yen's place on the way to Kaer Morhen and she is....chopping wood a la Captain America with an ax. When Geralt watches Yennefer rip apart a log with her bare hands he literally swoons. Jaskier catches him.
Of course, Geralt STILL thinks Jaskier and Yennefer are sleeping together so he begins to make comments about Yennefer's new look and immediately apologizing because he doesn't want to overstep his bounds.
Geralt: Yen ur looking very powerful lately
looks at Jaskier and back to Yennefer
Geralt: not that u didn't always look powerful, and not that I care or think that's it's attractive or anything.
Jaskier: what...?
Yennefer: Are you saying I'm not attractive Geralt?
Geralt: no...I'm...fuck
Jaskier: hello fuck nice to meet you I'm Jaskier.
Okay but after a few months of Geralt making pointed comments about Yen and Jaskier they begin to think he is trying to matchmake them.
Jaskier: I think that Geralt wants us to bone
Yennefer: he does keep making comments about us alone together in the bedroom, I thought he was joking but-
Jaskier: he just left the room and told us to 'have fun'
Yennefer: I mean, should we?
Jaskier: yeah, sounds fun
okay but IMAGINE. Jaskier and Yennefer are sleeping together right? and they decide to spend a Winter at Kaer Morhen with Geralt who just acquired a new child surprise and they show up at the Wolf Keep and Vesemir (who knows these things) is like, "what schools are these Witchers from" and Geralt just...blanks
Geralt: these aren't Witchers?? One is a bard and the other is a mage??
Vesemir: No these are definitely Witchers
Geralt: ???
Jaskier: ...
Yennefer: ...
TL;DR Drunk Jaskier mixes together a bunch of potions, him and Yennefer end up drinking them and becoming accidental Witchers, they hide it from Geralt and end up sleeping together due to Geralt misreading the situation
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gunpowdville · 3 years
Brian. Brianbrianbrianbrianbrianbrian. God my brain is so full of this man I don't even know where to start. Fuckign. Him.
I don't think he has many regrets. If he actively chooses to do something and believes it's for a good reason, he will never quite fully regret it, no matter what problems it may cause. This applies heavily to his backstory, and his raising of the dead in that. But this isn't to say that he doesn't have any regrets, because he has certainly done many things that he is not proud of and wishes he hadn't. He can be terribly impulsive sometimes.
And he can be selfish. He can be oh so selfish. He can make decisions entirely based on how they would benefit him, and completely ignore the repercussions they will have on others. He can get so caught up in fixing his own mistakes and trying to better himself that he will destroy everything he has, and he knows it. He knows he does this but he doesn't realize he's done it again until it's much too late. when he goes out of his way to keep himself from doing it he only makes it worse.
Brian is such. A bastard. His morals are utterly fucked up and always have been. Even on MJE, he is still following his moral code, and throughout the millenia the boundaries of what he will and won't do shift. Because it's not just 'good Brian' and 'bad Brian'. It's just the thought process of how he makes his decisions that changes. It's still Brian.
(more thoughts under the cut, this ended up being very very Long)
He used to hate the morality switch a lot more. In the beginning he thought of it as a form of mind control. And he hates not being in control. I've said it before and I'll say it again: this man is so so fragile. Any semblance of control over himself or his situation that he can have he clutches tight to his chest and refuses to let go.
Brian is, as he says, an honest man. Sometimes too honest. He tells the truth and often doesn't see the point in lying, preferring to be as brutally honest as possible. And I mean brutal. He will say exactly what he thinks unless there is some critically important reason not to. He tells the truth, and the truth is this: he cannot be trusted. He is not a steady force to put faith in. He can't even trust his own image of himself. He will hurt those around him as long as they stay around him. He cannot be trusted.
Brian is angry and he is sad and he is so so fed up with the universe treating him like some sort of sick joke. He lashes out. He can crush a skull with his bare hands and he uses that ability. He has a habit of ignoring things he doesn't want to address. He can and will manipulate his way into never having to address them if he wants. He is so. Very. Flawed.
But he cares. He cares so very deeply and so very strongly for the other mechanisms, and often those they encounter on their adventures. He hurts them because he can't help it and it's what he's used to, but he also throws all the love he has into them. He prefers the version of himself that he is with them, when he can relax and let himself be gentle and comforting. He makes it his responsibility to take care of them, because if he has something to focus on, to channel his energy into, he can avoid spiraling down a bitter path that ends in him alone, which he desperately does not want.
He uses the music as a coping mechanism. Most of the mechs do this, using telling their stories as a way to deal with what they've been through. The problem is, he already has such a paper-thin image of himself and his identity that adding roles and stories as another version of himself just makes that so much worse.
But adding to this, Brian actually oddly enough knows a lot more about himself and is a lot more insightful about his emotions than any of the others. Due to the fact that he is having an identity crisis 90% of the time. He's a lot more in tune with what he's feeling and thinking than he believes himself to be. This, however doesn't mean he's not an absolute mess.
oh and the PROPHECIES. He gives prophecies because he genuinely wants to help, but also he relishes in the ability to change people's lives, to twist their narratives and feel like he's in control of the story. He enjoys it a little too much, and therefore he doesn't give out as many prophecies as he could. He doesn't want to be a puppetmaster. He just wants to help, and he won't let himself go any further than that. Which is also often why he keeps his prophecies somewhat vague, because he doesn't want to control people's lives like that. And he always blames himself if the story ends badly, even if it isn't entirely his fault.
There is so much he struggles with. But he works so very hard on himself. He figures that he's immortal, after all, and takes the time to work through his issues and what he deems the worst parts of himself. And he does get better. He learns how to reign himself in and smooth out his rougher patches. Not entirely, but enough that by the end of his immortal life he deems himself someone he could maybe be proud of.
OH I FORGOT TO MENTION: he is a stubborn bitch and can be immovable when he wants to be. He waits a lot longer than he should to launch himself into the void for the last time, because he doesn't want to leave any of the others and part of him is terrified. He's given up on heaven or hell, at this point he really hopes he doesn't end up anywhere. And he's actually made his peace with the afterlife, as he ran into the priest from his backstory multiple times over the millenia, and they actually talked about it once or twice. He just hopes that wherever he goes he won't be lonely. And he isn't, even as he dies. He has the stars for company, and the billions of stories he's told that have all become such a vital part of himself. He dies alone, but not lonely.
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i-love-hobbies · 3 years
Eda's reckless behaviour and overall mental health
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Eda is a genius, but is very emotional when making decisions (not anger, but fear, stress ect.)
Her reckless behaviour and apple blood problem in my opinion are her ways of running from reality.
In season 1 she made a bit of progress on this issue. Then the finale happened. Then she made again progress and s2ep7 did a complete reset. And she is making progress now again.
Eda's intelligence
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She's been a criminal for thirty years. She has been in the shady business for an extremely long time. Yes magic definitely helps but you also have to find a way to be on top of the game, so you can survive.
Remember Tibbles' shrinking potion. She can't really use a lot of magic if she is shrinked or poisoned and dead, can she? Not to talk about her enemies which you'd think would attack her now that she is magicless.
They haven't on screen, yet. The only ones that tried are Adegast and Tibbles and they both died without her using any magic (or close to nothing).
Now we know that she doesn't make plans a lot on screen. In s2ep3 especially she just let's Luz make the plan but that's because she is her mentor.
In s2ep6 Luz used sleeping needles which is wild magic so no, it's not knowledge coming from Hexside. Also the pickpocketing Luz mentioned.
Teachers don't do the tests instead of students.
She teaches her everything that isn't glyphs. I wouldn't be surprised if she has told stories to Luz about her best "outsmarting everyone in the room" moments.
Now we have seen some of her problem solving on screen. One of which was in ep.18 fight only using her channelled magic trough the staff (im not taking credit for noticing this, have no idea who did though) and used the bridge.
Also if she can telepathically talk to her staff. Owlbert saving Luz was probably her idea.
She had her impact on Raine's rebellion as well, without having magic or turning into a harpy.
"You are not our mom!"
"Wow, we actually helped people this time!"
"Bye, mommy Eda!"
In the back of her head she knows exactly what to do, everytime something happens.
Eda's mental health
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Eda's curse and the nightmares it causes. The father incident. The fact that she probably thought Lilith was scared of her.
Lilith's hidden guilt and her taking her father's eye out don't mix well together. I wouldn't be surprised if they barely spoke even if they lived in a house together.
Her losing Raine.
Her faith in the emporer being broken.
She has seen a lot of death, that does impact people.
Season 1
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At the beginning of the series she was making a lot of bad choices which don't aline with her experience.
The series starts with her getting caught by Warden Wrath. Instead of just sneaking, they were just walking comfortably in the corridors.
They are kids, one from another dimension, but her... She doesn't know better? And for a paper crown that she can replace by stealing from someone else.
Next episode we are introduced to her morning drink later on confirmed to be for adults only. And that drink didn't get a mention for the rest of the season. In that episode she is also not the most clear-headed. She didn't try to sneak, she didn't use potions. Didn't try to plan.
A list about her being impatient can go on and on.
So when does she think. When she realises it's dangerous (aka when it's right in her face). Literally in the first episode the moment she started doing stuff is when she got caught and spat on the warden's face.
In episode 2 she didn't do that because she didn't know if Luz was alive and had a hard time bottling her feelings. Like if Luz proved to him to be hard to keep tight up he could have killed her, the girl that came back for her and her son yesterday. And she proved to Eda that she is a little dangerous the previous episode with her fireworks.
Eda was rational again, after she was with both King and Luz.
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As the series went on though she started to calm down a bit.
Firstly, the fact that she was so focused on fixing her card problem, after Tibbles scammed her, that she trew them away in another dimension.
I was wondering how she overcame it so quickly.
It also shows her knowledge of how to handle this type of problems which brings up a question. How did she learn it?
Secondly let's compare the first half of the season to the second.
1. Everything I already pointed out and was hiding the curse. The stuff that happened in ep.5. Her refusal to be parental in ep.7. Body swapped.
2. She gets scammed again (this time though, how do you expect that someone was digging their own grave). Didn't use a sleeping spell on the slitherbeast immediately instead was just standing there. Got caught by the fun police. Worsened King's stage fright.
In ep.15 because of her ignorance Luz and Amity almost die. Except that is not the full story. She had at this point a lot of faith in Luz and this was her friend's mind.
For Amity it's not that she hated her. Amity actually saved her in ep.12. It's because she wasn't that important for her to realise. "Omg Willow is at the very least extremely mad at her."
It's again a refusal to think, but for a stranger and not really on purpose. It was just a habit of hers.
Episode 18 and 19
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At the beginning of the episode. Eda hid the curse, again.
When she learned that Lilith had kidnapped Luz. She didn't try to make a plan. She just revealed herself in all her glory while her magic was disappearing.
Shot the staff in a wall while she was having no idea, what that was supposed to accomplish.
Luz showed up and she finally started thinking.
Afterwards Lilith said we all know what and for the first time Eda's anger was the leader of her choices and Luz almost fell on to the spikes.
So then, for the very least a night, she was stuck in her mind with something, that was chasing her. She woke up to Emporer Baby the B*tch, who was telling her, he was about to go after Luz.
And no she didn't believe in Lilith, but was so overwhelmed. It was insane. So she begged. After some more running, she woke up to Luz in the Comformatoriam.
Next, she was about to get petrified and for awhile this was the calmest things have been since she got caught. Then Lilith shows up (ah yes she existed).
King jumped "She was trying to help!". Wait King was there.
Petrification beam go.
Then she got the idea for all of them to fly away. Lilith shared the curse making the confusion even bigger. Then her magic is gone (that was a thing). She learned that the portal is destroyed. Now she was living with Lilith and might have starved to death with everyone else in the house.
After all of this she not only tried but HAD TO pretend that she was mentally stable, so they could survive this mess.
Season 2A
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In episode 1 she told Luz not to go after big bounties and then tried to steal from a coven's ship.
At this point her emotions are the only thing that made decisions while they were also getting hidden. Don't get me wrong she did help and should, especially Luz but it's ALL feelings. She didn't think about consequences, which sometimes are good.
She didn't attack Lilith cause it's just not the time, she's scared from her own anger. Plus she can't really stand being with the roller coaster of emotions, that came with being in one room with her.
This didn't mean she didn't work with her and hadn't listened to the backstory, though.
The episode ends with her and everyone else not being close to dieing. Finally!
So now what? She tried to think about Lilith? Yeah, she probably preferred not to.
Then her glyph almost kills King, but Lilith showed up and helped. This is probably a familiarity she missed. So again she decided not to process it, but it definitely sticks.
She also didn't notice Luz being hurt.
Next episode, we saw Eda taking a shower which means she has healthy coping mechanisms, at least one, self-care and is not yet a workaholic.
Luz's apple blood joke is concerning.
After the events of episode 3. Luz probably told her that Lilith stayed with her and King, instead of just leaving them, get killed by Jean-Luc.
Then Eda still isn't certain where she stands about everything and Lilith just left, with her final act being, giving King mental issues.
Throughout this whole thing her mom was there with her cures/annual accidental attempt to kill her favourite daughter.
In this episode, Eda fell for apple blood signs. Rationality is out of the window.
In ep.6 she decided to help, with students getting palisman. Again not thinking about all the trauma, but finally doing something against her first instinct.
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In ep.7 she heard King's "Le-" and refused to fully process, where the heck is he gonna go.
She also punched someone, cause this is gonna work?
Now she has reconnected with Raine having no idea should she even think of a romantic relationship again? And decided to be useful at least for something since she "can't raise kids".
She was helping and being very good at it, but it came from fear of loneliness.
Then she heard that Belos has a plan and just is overwhelmed. What if the kids get hurt, is she powerless?
Oh, look! Raine might be dead!
Next episode she overworked herself.
In between ep.8 and 9 she was trying to scare the beast into transforming. (She is losing her sanity. Literally the previous episode told her not to do that.)
In episode 9 again it's all emotional. She wants to feel better and be stronger, so she told King to blast her (almost blasting Amity), hit fool's blood even though Amity said the lake is further ahead.
Luckily she showed progress too.
She ate voles, which was against how she was feeling.
In ep.10 she was scared of letting Luz in the portal. I'm not saying she wouldn't have before, but I don't think it was easy.
Right now, after s2ep10, I think she isn't the most mentally stable. But she is definitely working on it.
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thealexchen · 3 years
You write so beautifully!! I wanted to send a response to the character study you wrote on Alex under that ask but my brain is struggling atm bc there’s so much great material to unpack and you discussed everything with so much care!
One of the things that I’ve always loved about the Life is Strange series, that I’ve carried with me for years, is that the games don’t shy away from hurting- from raw rage, crippling grief, blistering frustration, incredibly relatable and realistic depictions of trauma responses, especially coming from teenagers (and younger children in Daniel’s case) with maladaptive coping mechanisms faced with incredible obstacles and emotional hardship (and even that feels like an understatement) in the previous 3 games. That’s rare to find, at least for me. And True Colors is no different, specifically in the sense that it too fully embraces the full spectrum of raw emotion, if arguably in a more nuanced, complete way, as, not only is Alex older than our previous protagonists, the series as a whole is growing up, too. Each game has its flaws, but I’m so, so grateful for all of them, and especially True Colors. I have yet to find another series that feels as honest and visceral as this one does, even after all this time. I’m sorry that this got so long!
Hey, thank you so much! Dw at all about long asks; I'm the wrong who writes accidental essays about fictional characters, so 😅 And sorry it took a day to answer this!
That's a really excellent point you brought up about how LiS really explores the full breadth of emotion, and I think in that way, it seeks to tell stories about the human experience. For me, LiS isn’t about small towns or mystery or romance or even the supernatural. At its core, Life is Strange is about human connection. Love in all its forms, as well as how far we’d go for our loved ones— how Chloe was willing to sacrifice herself for a town she hated for Max; how Max can refuse to let Chloe die; how Sean faced homelessness, racist violence, and near-fatal encounters to keep him and Daniel together; and how Alex faced legal threats, death threats, and survived a 300-foot fall down a mineshaft all in her pursuit of justice for her brother.
LiS has become so synonymous with emotionally gutting stories that people joke "Can't wait to get depressed again!" But what I thought made True Colors different was that it dug deeply into the full range of human emotion. It didn’t forget about joy, and love, and hope. That for me was another way that the series showed it was maturing— even though LiS2 was set far away from the high school, the ultimate tragedy of that story was that Sean and Daniel were just kids thrown into horribly adult situations. True Colors’ determination to stay more tonally balanced also felt like a deliberate move away from the teen angst and abject misery that characterized the earlier games. It explores more complex emotions in the wake of immediate grief— the shaky sense of joy from recalling a happy memory of a loved one now gone, the excitement of new friendships, and the enduring hope that things will get better. When life deals you a bad hand, how do you learn to pick yourself up and carry on? It just overall feels like a much more adult perspective on life (even though adults were always writing these games, lol).
I also agree that the LiS series feels truly one-of-a-kind, to the point where it feels like its own genre. The first game was marketed as a sort of “playable indie movie,” and I think that’s endured despite True Colors’ AAA polish because these games have always been about everyday people and their lives. These characters feel believable not because of hyperrealistic graphics or immersive gameplay but because you can read their text message histories, cover letters (seriously, who else other than DN would bother to do that??), and journal entries. There are comparable games like TWDG or TLOU, but the LiS series manages to tell emotional stories without the need for a zombie apocalypse or other huge stakes. It has always prioritized protagonists from marginalized backgrounds but makes them relatable for everyone. Even with the supernatural elements, that’s why LiS has always felt so real to me and why I’ve connected with it so much.
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theoutcastedartist · 4 years
Give us all you animaniacs hcs (especially the lgbtq+ ones)((please))
Oh man I have so many to tell asfhjahsbsb I'm gonna leave out some of the more darker HC I have for this show (well technically, they are wildly-outlandish theories about where the Warner trio was for those 20+ years before the current time of the reboot, just gonna exclude those for now)
Ight imma start with the lgbtq+ headcannons first
Wakko: Nonbinary (Uses He/Them Pronouns)
Dot : Trans (Uses She/Her pronouns) and Pan
Yakko : Bi and Ace (Biromantic I believe it's called? Please correct me if I'm wrong on that)
On an unrelated note, Yakko is a whole mood
lmao look at my tiny clown-faced-puppy disaster son being the dramatic Bi-Ace icon he is when he's basically about to "die"
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If you ever asked my younger siblings, they would tell you that I would 100% do the same shit, maybe even start singing "Little Miss Perfect" out of pure spite
Who knew me, as the oldest of a sibling trio would relate to the oldest of another sibling trio
Oh man lemme start with Yakko HCs because he's the character I project so much on to nowadays:
All his senses are very sensitive compared to the other two, sometimes he'll get really overwhelmed by bright lights, strong flavors, loud noise, etc... he feels like he's being dumb everytime he has a problem with anything regarding his senses.
Lights and noise: Sometimes it just gets too much for him if he's exposed to constant loud noise and bright lights to the point where he'll start crying or yelling (especially if noise is the main problem) out of stress from it.
Strong flavors: He will visibly shudder in response to a very strong and very noticable flavor. He honestly prefers to eat blander foods over savory dishes. With that being said, he hates spicy food with a burning passion.
Very unwilling to go to someone for help or comfort when he's genuinely having a crisis over how he views himself. If anything, he's will try to do literally almost anything to avoid having that sort of conversation, especially with Dr. Scratchansniff.
He will however go to Dr. Scratchansniff or another trusted adult for advice if he needs help for how to take care of his siblings or just for general advice on stuff.
He hates being picked up or hugged with zero warning.
The only people who he doesnt mind doing this are Wakko and Dot, of course. If anyone else tries it though, he'll bite them and yes, this includes Dr. Scratchansniff as well. He may be the closest thing to them as a parental figure (in the 90's show at least), but he's not in the same close knit circle Yakko is in with Wakko and Dot.
His main hobby is drawing, it's his go to coping mechanism if he's not up to cracking a joke(while he's in the watertower) as well.
He needs glasses/wears contacts (ones made specifically for toons I guess)
Prefers reading books over watching anything on TV/electronic devices in general.
If either or both of his siblings can't sleep, he'll sing them a lullaby 💕
Off-set/off-screen/ outside of the recording for animaniacs Yakko usually wears these thick, oversized hoodies, and he will refuse to take it off.
This is because Yakko feels really weird and off when his arms aren't covered(sometimes there is this random phantom ache in his arms that just wont go away until he covers them. It's not like painful, painful, but just really annoying at times.) Even if it's hot as hell outside, he will not take it off. Wakko and Dot usually have to wrestle to get it off him, otherwise Yakko will faint/have a heat stroke. They make a compromise by agreeing to Yakko wearing long sleeves, so long as they're made out of light material.
If he needs caffeine to "wake up" but is too damn tired to do so, Yakko will not hesitate to just straight-up eat pure coffee beans.
For anything else, he does not mind eating food with very strong flavors, he actually enjoys spicy food (the spicier, the better), but for cereal they prefer the blandest one. Bland food is comforting to him (also doesnt want his brother to feel bad about not liking a lot of the savory foods he and Dot like)
Doesnt have much of a problem expressing himself. If he genuinely feels bad about something regarding themself, he wont hesitate to go to Yakko (sometimes he'll go to Dot if she happens to be there first, but 95% of the time he'll go to Yakko)
They actually likes being picked up and carried, but only by family and close friends. Any stranger who tries to pick him up will receive angry claw marks to the face.
Main hobby is composing music (instumentals). They will let Yakko or Dot write lyrics if they're feeling sad or bored (or as a sibling bonding activity too)
Favorite TV show is the Looney Tunes (classic cartoons)
He gives comfort to his sibs by just being there for them as a shoulder to cry on.
They don't like having their hat off for an extended period of time often. It's a source of comfort and his way of expressing his identity.
Is the one who usually has to stop Yakko from eating bare coffee beans when he's too tired to actually make coffee.
She's pretty in the middle when it comes to food.
If it's a minor thing, she'll usually just talk to Wakko about it. If it's something more serious, she'll go to Yakko about it.
She only let's Yakko and Wakko touch her or carry her. Outside of those two, she only let's Dr. Scratchansniff carry her. For anyone else, she will clobber anyone who makes an attempt to do so. She just really hates it when if comes to anyone else.
Main hobbies are sewing and designing clothes. She'll have her siblings model her clothes for her (they are very eager to do so everytime). It provides a good distraction for either Yakko or Wakko if they're down or frustrated about something. It's just super fun.
Really loves (well-made) action movies, it's like her favorite genre of movies.
Gives comfort by providing her siblings with soft materials (like blankets or pillows). She'll drape herself over either of them to provide a comforting pressure.
She expresses herself through her iconic pink skirt and flower scrunchie. Both are her favorite articles of clothing because her siblings were the ones who got them for her. (Yakko sewed the pink skirt; he was the one to teach Dot how to sew 💕)
She's a last resort to stopping Yakko from eating the coffee beans raw.
Original vs. Reboot headcannons
The original 1990's show is more "On-stage", having for educational songs and skits, whereas the 2020 Reboot/revival is more "Off-Stage" with the occasional show skit, hence any inconsistencies with the characters' personalities, especially Yakko.
Both shows take place in the same type of setting as "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" (The idea of cartoons existing as real entities alongside humans; I got a lot of WFRR vibes during Sufferage City with the whole "Cartoon Rights" part especially)
Well that's about as much as I can write for now, I have more headcannons of course, but I found this to be a good place to stop.
These are just my personal headcannons of the Warner Trio, I don't really have any for Pinky and the Brain, but I wanna know what some of your guy's headcannons are for any aspect of the shows!
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anxiousgaypanicking · 3 years
The word manipulation has such negative connotation surrounding it. 
Whenever anyone hears the word, they automatically assume it’s somebody using somebody else as a plaything; as a means to get themselves to the top regardless of who ends up on bottom. Puppeteers have become a common representative for those who manipulate, as if they’re playing with people like dolls. 
But, it doesn’t always mean that. 
Sometimes it means over analyzing a situation and manipulating a conversation to stay away from you in order to protect yourself. Sometimes it’s joking about your trauma so that nobody else can use it against you and get the upper hand. 
Both things Janus Dolion was notorious for doing. 
He knew he had manipulative tendencies, and admittedly he has used it to bypass a few teachers and get a few things throughout his life, but he likes to believe he’s grown since then, and was expressing such, only for his therapist to tell him otherwise. 
“You’re manipulative,” was how he started it off, before he quickly clarified “not in a bad way! You just know how to lead a discussion in a way that will keep the attention off of you. You did it a lot when we first started therapy.” Mr. Picani, Janus’s therapist, laughs, as if he didn’t just lay down news that pulled Janus’s breath from him. “When we first started, you had issues opening up to me. That’s often normal, but even now, when we talk about the incident, you make jokes about it.” 
Mr. Picani clears his throat, as Janus sits there in silence, hands fidgeting with the pop-it he’s holding, fingers pushing the small orbs down, only to push them back on the other side. 
“People who joke about their trauma often do it as a quote-unquote ‘coping mechanism.’ However, they also do it so that they’re always in control of it. If you joke about it, you can control the laughter, and you can therefore control whether or not other people talk about it.” Mr. Picani taps his pen to his notepad, before adding “plus, every time I simply smiled or tried to press on something further, you’d conveniently get side tracked and unveil some new trauma or incident that we’d get fixated on instead, this thing significantly less bad than the accident.” 
Janus’s hand shoots up to his face, smooth fingers bumping across rough scars, before he lets go of the pop-it. His hands clasp together, fingers brushing against the same scarring over his hands. With the scorched hand, he can’t feel his normal one, most of the nerve endings having been severed.
He looks uncomfortable as he fidgets. 
Instinctively, he feels the urge to say something else. Something such as “you’ll never believe what the medic said to me after the incident” or “guess who asked me to Homecoming,” but he doesn’t, because this is exactly what Mr. Picani was talking about. 
He’s never cared about whether or not he’s a good or bad person, seeing as morals can be easily manipulated by religion, but now he feels a sinking feeling in his gut. Is he as bad a person as some claim he is? 
“I can read the look on your face,” the therapist says, and immediately Janus’s eyes snap up and his lips press into a straight line. Any emotion previously displayed is immediately wiped away as soon as attention is brought to it, and even though Mr. Picani is smiling, he exhales through his nose.
The insistent tapping draws Janus’s eyes to that, and things are silent for a moment, before Janus looks towards the clock. 
“It’s three’o’clock,” Janus says, standing up. He sets the pop-it back on the table beside him, before standing up. Mr. Picani stands up, and opens the door for him, following him out of the office. 
Outside, a man with scarring up his neck and over his face is waiting for them. It reaches over his lips and basically covers his entire lower half, plus a patch over his forehead. Unlike Janus, both of his eyes are unharmed. 
He leans on a cane, limping towards them when they walk out. 
“Thanks, Mr. Picani,” the man says, and Mr. Picani nods, offering a sympathetic smile. 
“It’s no problem. I’m working at the hospital on Friday, so I won’t be able to see you until next Tuesday,” he directs that statement towards Janus, but is looking at the man. “Thanks again, Mr. Dolion. I’ll see you later, Janus.” He waves, and heads back inside the office, leaving Janus and his father outside. 
“Did therapy go well?” Mr. Dolion asks, as he leads Janus back to his car, limping to the driver's side. Janus momentarily stares at the golden head of the cane. 
Janus climbs into the passenger side, refusing to acknowledge the panic that he’s filled with as soon as he’s shut in the car. Trapped; enclosed. 
“Yeah,” he lies, when his father inserts the key into the ignition. He offers a small smile, one that appears real enough to wash away any doubt his dad may have had. “Therapy was great.”
so, a while ago, my therapist informed me that i’m manipulative, and told me (in way better detail) that i utilize my ability to read people in order to protect myself. when first hearing that, i knew she was right. i knew that i could direct a conversation away from me and wipe away any worry surrounding my feelings if i didnt want to talk about them, in order to keep myself from being vulnerable, and thus keep myself safe
im still guilty of doing this now, but when first hearing it, i reacted poorly, and had a breakdown over whether or not i was a bad person for deceiving my friends constantly. its because of the negative connotation surrounding the idea of manipulation that i thought of this, and thinking it back on it now, i really wanted to show that manipulation isnt all bad. sometimes its done to protect yourself, which is often an inherently good thing
so take this short piece of writing to basically express that
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five-rivers · 4 years
Prize for @reblogthegods!  This is a no one knows AU!
Danny touched down behind the school and leaned against the wall, one hand firmly over the gash in his hip.  He blinked at it, feeling bleary.  It wasn’t bleeding, exactly, ectoplasm was too viscous for that, and it tended to gel quickly, but…  Yeah. It didn’t feel good either, and it had been oozing before.  
He should get it cleaned out and put a bandage on it.  Fast. Before he missed even more classes.
Also, what would happen when he changed back to human?  Like, when he changed back, his wounds were usually less bad, but they were never completely gone, and he usually didn’t get anything quite this deep.  Or long.  
Mostly he just got bruises.  Or scratches.  One time he thought he’d broken a couple of fingers.  Which had motivated him to learn how to punch properly, but, well. Yeah.  
Cuts like this were new and terrifying territory. Why did that ghost have a sword?
Maybe he should just try and stay a ghost for as long as possible?  Would he heal faster like that?  He didn’t know.  
Between keeping everything secret from everyone, protecting everyone, and trying to live his life to whatever extent ‘live’ and ‘life’ still applied to him, he hadn’t any time to test the- the limitations of- of whatever he was now.  Maybe he could have made time, but he hated this so much.  
He just-
He just-
(He wanted to be a normal person in a normal town with a normal family.)
He took a deep breath, and trued not to notice how it didn’t make him feel refreshed, or that he hadn’t been breathing since he sat down against the wall.  
Right.  First aid.
And he still had classes.  
Slowly, he reached into the wall and pulled out the kit he had hidden there.  
He slouched into sixth period, avoiding Sam and Tucker’s eyes.  No one else really paid him any mind, although the teacher frowned at him.  It was still passing, though, and he didn’t get called up or told to go to the office.  So.  A win.
It didn’t feel like a win.  It felt like pain.  
Sam leaned forward.  “Where were you?” she hissed, through her teeth.  “You missed fifth period completely.”
Danny shrugged and regretted it instantly.  
It hurt.  
Tucker huffed and turned away.  “If you’re going to skip class,” he said, “you could at least tell us what you’re doing.”
“I’m just—” started Danny.  “I’m not doing anything.”
“Don’t lie to us, Danny.   We—”  She bit down on her lip.  “We are still friends, right?”
“Of course we are!”
Sam looked dubious.  Tucker, for all his staring as he came into the classroom, wouldn’t meet his eye.  
Then the teacher started class.  
“It has to be drugs,” said Sam to Tucker, sitting on the steps in front of the school.  “I don’t know how Danny could be that stupid, but it’s the only explanation.”
“Maybe the hospital gave him painkillers back in August and he couldn’t get off of them?” suggested Tucker.  “I think that happened to one of my aunts…  She got better, though.”
“Maybe,” said Sam.  Her face twisted up.  “But how is he paying for them?  Like, he doesn’t have an allowance.”
“Underground fighting ring?”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Someone’s beating him up,” said Tucker, “and it isn’t Dash.”
Tucker shrugged, scowling at his PDA.  “I hate this,” he said.  “I hate – Why won’t he talk to us, Sam?  It isn’t like we’d throw him under the bus or rat him out. He knows that.”
“He should know that,” corrected Sam. “And I’m so mad at him, but…” She trailed off, staring down at the weathered concrete of the steps.  
“Yeah,” agreed Tucker.  “Do you think we should tell Jazz?”
“Heck, no,” said Sam, immediately.  “What is that going to do?  We need, like, an intervention or something.”
“Don’t you need someone’s whole family for something like that?”
“I’m going to intervene right in the face of whoever is selling Danny drugs.”
“Ah, the violence route,” said Tucker.  “How did we get here so quickly?”
“Shut up,” said Sam.  “Anything else we do is just going to get Danny in trouble, and I’m not doing that.  Even if he’s being a garbage friend right now.”
“Yeah…” said Tucker.  “So how are we doing this?”
“I may not be the best friend in the whole wide world, but even crappy friends don’t let each other beat up drug dealers in alleyways on their own, even if they do have five years of self-defense classes under their belts.  What if this guy has a gun?  What if there’s more than one?”
Sam buried her head in her hands.  “Frick,” she said, very softly.  
“Would this count as vigilantism, by the way? That’s illegal, right?”
“Frick,” repeated Sam, more passionately.  
“Is this going to be our superhero origin story?” asked Tucker, turning his eyes skyward and making his voice waver dramatically.
“Don’t even joke about that.  The only superhero we know of is dead.”
Tucker turned to look up at Sam.  “I still can’t believe you believe that.  Something weird is going on, but… ghosts?  That sounds more like Danny’s parents than anything acquainted with reality.”
“You’d believe it, too, if you were there,” muttered Sam.  “If you—”  She shook herself.  “Whatever. You, me, tomorrow?”
“If I knew what you were asking me to do, I’d probably say yes.”
“Following Danny, duh.”
“Sure, but… Joking about punching drug dealers or whoever is beating Danny up aside, we should probably treat this as just recon. Because I don’t want to get shot by some crackhead in an alley.  Like, if I did become a ghost, my parents would kill me.”
“Not if the Fentons got you first.”
“Aw, Sam.  You wouldn’t let them hurt your bestest undead friend, now would you?”
“Best undead friend?  No.  You? Yes.”
Tucker snorted, choked, and started wheezing.  
“Anyway, I’m not getting into a fight with you anywhere near me.  If you didn’t take yourself out, you’d take me out.”
“Don’t say it.”
“Bad luck Tuck.”
“Ugh, you said it.”
Both of them sighed, staring across the street without really seeing anything.  
“Tomorrow, then,” said Sam, feeling vaguely relieved.
“Tomorrow,” agreed Tucker.
Whatever had decided to crawl out of the woodwork to torment Danny today hovered on the edge of his awareness, making him shiver intermittently as he played the most aggravating game of ‘hot and cold’ in the world.  Where was it?  He’d lost track of it after he chased it away from Mr. Quigley, the janitor.  
His breath came out blue, briefly, and green flashed in the corner of his eye before something checked him against the shoulder.  He stumbled, biting back curses (he was a superhero, now, technically, and he needed to be a good role model), and gripping his hip.  The cut from yesterday had healed a lot, but not completely.  
But- He knew the ghost was close, now.  Close and fast.  He’d been trying to save his energy by tracking the ghost down as human, but now…  He felt himself smile.  
It was not a particularly nice smile.  It was full of all the stress and nonsense he’d had to put up with since August.  
He was going to beat this little interloper into the ground, teach it better than to haunt his town, hurt his people and get away with it.
Bright white light swept over him, and he jumped into the air.  
“No,” said Tucker.  “We did not just see that.  I refuse.”
“That was—” Sam made a large sweeping upwards motion. “He just flew off!  What the heck kind of drugs do that?  This is—This is—I don’t even know how to say it!”  She kicked a nearby garbage can and then sunk down into a crouch.  
(Even in this state of mind, she was not kneeling on the ground here.  It was gross.)
“We didn’t—It’s got to be something his parents made.  Like Fenton Ghost Steroids or something,” said Tucker, who was shaking.
“His parents,” said Sam.  “His parents.  They’ve been shooting at him, Tucker.”
“I mean…  Yeah.  I guess so. But we didn’t…  Sam,” he croaked.  “Did Danny die and not tell us?”
“No.  No. Just, no.  No way.  He—You were right, earlier.  It has to be ghost steroids or something, and his parents don’t know, so that means we still have to beat up his dealer, but they’re probably a ghost, how do we beat up a ghost?”
“We could ask Danny’s parents?”
“God, no!”  She shook her head violently.  “Did you miss the part where they’re shooting at him?”
Tucker shrugged, defensively.  “Well, who else could teach us how to fight ghost drug dealers?”  He pushed his glasses up his nose and stared up at the sky.  “Maybe it’s not drugs, though?  Like, in retrospect, if it isn’t painkillers, I can’t really see Danny taking drugs.  Even ghost drugs that give you superpowers.”
“I hate all the words that just came out of your mouth.  I must be having a psychotic break.”
“Hey, wait, that’s my line.  I’m the one in denial.  Give it back.”
“Find your own denial.”
“We can’t both be in denial.  Someone needs to drive this car.”
“Drive you right off a cliff, that’s what I’ll do. And I’m going to kill Danny for not telling us about whatever this is.”  Sam’s gestures grew progressively more violent.
“I don’t think you can kill a ghost.  They’re already—”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.”  
Tucker held up his hands in surrender.  “Do you think we should wait for him to come back?”
“He probably won’t,” said Sam.  “I mean… he can… fly… apparently.”
“Yeah.  Can’t believe he had his superhero origin story without us.”
“This isn’t a joke, Tucker,” snapped Sam.  
“Well, I’m sorry I have a coping mechanism, okay?” Tucker sighed.  “Should we go back to class?”
“I guess,” said Sam, kicking at the ground. “We’re jumping Danny at the first opportunity, though.”
“Duh,” said Tucker.  
Danny limped into seventh period, drained, and flinched away from Sam and Tucker’s glares.  He felt sick.
There wasn’t anything he could do about the ghost attacks except try to finish them faster, but he’d been a terrible friend lately. They probably were starting to hate him. They were going to leave him.  He could tell.  He couldn’t even blame them.  
If he told them—
They’d be in danger.  
Danger from what, at this point, wasn’t clear, because even if they knew, Danny wasn’t going to let them near any ghost fights, but danger was definitely involved.  A lot of it.  
But if they stopped being friends with him…
The cold thing that had taken up residence in his chest cringed, and he stumbled.  Dash laughed, made an inane comment about his coordination, and lobbed a ball of paper at the back of Danny’s head.  Danny barely noticed.
He didn’t want that.  He needed his friends.  
Sam and Tucker were having some kind of conversation with only their facial expressions by the time Danny sat down, effectively ignoring him.  Now the little ball of cold in his chest felt crushed.  
(Just barely, he resisted the urge to check his pulse.  Whatever had been added to him, he still had that.)
(He was still alive.)
Sam and Tucker were very studiously not looking at him.  
He sank lower in his chair.  
It hurt.  
As soon as they were able to, Sam and Tucker dragged Danny into a secluded nook formed by the intersection of two of the school’s exterior walls and shaded by a large bush.  It was unlikely that anyone would bother them there.  
Danny looked surprised, apprehensive, and oddly pleased at the same time.  
“Uh,” he said, very eloquently.  
He probably intended to say more than that, of course, but Sam didn’t give him the chance.  
“We followed you when you skipped today,” she said.
Immediately, all the blood in his face drained away, leaving him bone pale.  “What?”
“In our defense,” said Tucker, “we thought you were meeting a drug dealer.  Or going to fight in an underground club.”
“No, we didn’t,” said Sam.  “Well, we did with the drug dealer, but not the underground fighting ring.  That’s stupid.  Drugs make so much more sense.”
“You think I’m on drugs?” wailed Danny.  
“Thought,” emphasized Tucker.  “Past tense.”
“That’s not any better!”
“Au contraire!  Now we think you’re on ghost drugs!”
“I am not on ghost drugs!” hissed Danny. “Where would I even get ghost drugs?”
“Your parents?” suggested Sam.  
“Why would my parents have ghost drugs?”
“To drug ghosts with? I don’t know, man, your parents are weird.”                                                                                                                                        
“Why would ghost drugs even—Wait.  How much did you even see?” asked Danny, squinting suspiciously.  “Did you actually see anything, or are you just trying to get me to say something?”
“To be fair, we are trying to get you to say something.”
“We saw you turn into the ghost boy and fly off after a ghost,” said Sam, sharply.  
“Oh.  Heck.”  Danny leaned against the wall.  “You did see something, then.”
“Yeah, and we want to know, if it isn’t ghost drugs, how?  And why?” asked Sam.  “And why didn’t you tell us?”
“I just, um.  I didn’t—This is just—I’m freaked out, okay?  This is really freaking weird, and I—You’re not going to tell my parents, are you?”
“If you’re getting high off of ghost drugs,” said Tucker, “then, yeah, maybe.  Don’t think we haven’t noticed you looking like hell.  There’s got to be a bunch of side effects from ghost drugs.”
“Oh my gosh, Tucker, I’m not on ghost drugs.  There are no ghost drugs, and, considering everything, I’d really prefer it if you didn’t give my parents the idea of ghost drugs because that’s the absolute last thing I need.”
Danny finished the sentence in a rush and now he was breathing too much, which was just great, because apparently that was a thing that could happen to him, now.  Going from maybe not needing to breathe to breathing too much…  He was really having doubts about his humanity right now, and his friends were mad at him because they thought he was on ghost drugs.  Ghost drugs.  
“I’m not on ghost drugs,” he said, perfectly calm.
“Are you—Dude, I think you’re hyperventilating.”
Okay.  Maybe not perfectly calm.  He slid the rest of the way down the wall to the ground, which, wow, was a thing he was doing a lot, lately.  
“Danny?” asked Sam, hesitant.
“I’m fine,” he said.  “Mostly.  Just. Give me a minute, okay?”
They gave him a minute. The minute spiraled into five. Then ten.  Which was a really long time to spend in anxious, awkward silence.
“Okay,” said Danny.  “So.  Uh.  Accident.  In the lab. With the stupid ghost portal.  It kind of messed me up a bit.  Like.  And then I’ve been able to, uh, turn into a ghost.  Since then.”
“You can just… turn into a ghost?” ventured Sam.  
“Just, like, whenever?”
“Yeah.  Pretty much.  At the beginning I couldn’t control it at all, which was pretty, um…  Yeah.  And I can’t when I’m too tired.”
“So, you can die on command?”
“I’m not dead!” snapped Danny.
Tucker took a step back, hitting the bush.  “Sorry. I’m just trying to wrap my head around this whole… thing”
“Yeah,” agreed Sam.  “I mean, you’re breathing and everything. That means you’re alive.  You’re not dead.”
“I’m not dead,” repeated Danny.  “I’ve just got, like, ghost powers, or something.”
“Yeah.  That makes sense.  Because you can’t be dead and alive at the same time.”  Sam laughed.  It sounded more than a little forced.  “That would be—That’s impossible!  Right?”
“Right.”  Danny took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  He was alive.  Sam agreed.  
“And, uh, thanks,” said Sam.
Danny looked up, surprised. “What?”
“For saving me from that ghost,” explained Sam.  
“Oh.”  He blinked.  “You’re welcome?  It really—I mean, of course I saved you.  You’re my friend.”
Tucker leaned in.  “I think Sam has a crush on ghost you.”
“Tucker, if I kill you, they’ll never find the body,” said Sam.
“No murder, please,” said Danny.  He sniffed. “Are we—Are we okay, now?”
“No,” said Sam.  She poked him in the head.  “I still don’t get why you didn’t tell us.  And you have to tell us everything.  And let us help you.  Because you really do look like you’re on drugs.  That’s how crappy you look.”
“You can’t,” protested Danny, alarmed.  “I’ve got, you know, but you-!”  
“I don’t think she means actively fighting the ghosts, dude.”
“The hell I don’t.”
“Okay, maybe Sam wants to actively fight the undead, or whatever, but you need people to cover for you, at least.  Your skipping out of class thing is… not subtle.  Why do you do that, anyway?  Why not go after the ghosts when it isn’t school time?”
“I don’t really have a choice,” mumbled Danny.  “I can feel them, and it’s like, I don’t know…”  He looked up.  “Can we… talk about this somewhere else?  I don’t want to do this in the open.”
“Crud.  Yeah,” said Tucker.  “No superhero stuff where normal people can hear it.  Come on, we can camp out in my attic or something.”
“Are there even normal people in Amity Park?” asked Danny, pushing himself off the ground.  
“I don’t—Oh my god, Danny, what is that?”
“What is-?  Oh.  Yeah. So.  Ghosts are not gentle.  And some of them have swords.”
“You got stabbed?” wheezed Tucker, his voice squeaking.  “By a ghost?”
“More like slashed, but…” Danny raised his hands helplessly. “Yeah.”  He rubbed one of his eyes.  He was exhausted.  
“Are you… okay?”
Danny laughed.  “No.  No, I am not. Can we go, now?  Please?”
“I’m saying this as someone who hates hospitals, but you should get that looked at.  Really.”
“I’m ninety percent sure I have ectoplasm in my blood, so I’m going to take a hard pass on that one.”
“Ouch!” said Danny. His most recent fight with a ghost had been violent, and he’d yet again come away with injuries Sam and Tucker deemed ‘serious.’  “Are you sure you’re doing this right?”
“Look, Mr. No-Hospital, I had to learn first-aid from YouTube.  And I’ve only had a week to learn, because you didn’t tell us you decided to take up the family business.”
“Still more than what he did for himself,” said Tucker, peering over the back of Sam’s sofa.  “It’s just butterfly clips, anyway.  Not stitches.”
“Heh, butterfly clips,” said Danny.  “Makes me think of—Ouch!—barrettes.”
“Berets?” asked Tucker, adjusting his hat.
“Barrettes.  Hair barrettes.  Like, you know, the one Star wears all the time.  With the flower.”
“Oh.  Yeah.  No, I get what you mean.  But, yeah, you’re right about Danny’s medical skills.  Or should I say, the lack thereof.”
“Guys, I’m injured. Can you give it a rest?”
“Hm.  As you let yourself walk around with a mostly untreated stab wound, no.”
“It was more of a slash,” protested Danny.  Again. “A cut.  Not a stab.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” said Sam.  “Anyway, I’m done.  And you’re lucky whatever’s going on with your body keeps you from getting infections. I had to pick so much gravel out of your back it isn’t even funny.”
“Are we sure he can’t get infections?” mused Tucker.  “He could just be really lucky.”
“In no universe am I lucky,” groaned Danny.  “You’d think the freak lab accident would have shown you that.”  Danny sat up and stretched before pulling his shirt back on.
“Speaking of,” said Sam. “Are you ever going to tell us what actually happened?  You said it had to do with your parents’ portal, but…”
Danny had frozen.  “I…” he said, softly, not looking at either of them. “I will.  It’s just… not yet.  I’m not…  Just not yet.”
“It’s cool, man,” said Tucker.  “Take your time.  We’ll be there when you’re ready.”
Danny smiled.  “Thanks.”
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pronouncingitwang · 4 years
jon, melanie, and georgie friendship | 1.5K words | basically just. how jon finds out melanie’s bi | for the @jonsimsbipride prompt “solidarity”
“Martin? Are you still there?” Georgie calls from the couch at a volume that makes Jon wince.
Martin’s fallen asleep on the loveseat, his face smushed into the arm of the chair as he snores. For the last few minutes, Jon has been looking at the rise and fall of his chest with something resembling awe. Even a year after the world began again, Jon finds it difficult to believe that they’re safe, that he can just watch Martin without needing to watch over him.
“Pretty sure those are his snores I’m hearing right now,” says Melanie, and Georgie whispers a quick apology.
Recovery has been hard, but being roommates with the Qing-Barkers helps, at least sometimes. Georgie described their shared living situation as “living in group therapy” on more than one occasion, which is true on hard days. Melanie described it as “being back in uni again, but mostly in a good way?” which is true on better days. Martin maintains that it’s worth it for The Admiral and Melanie’s service dog, Mothman, alone, which is true on every day.
Today is a good day. There’s been a lot of laughter, from when Georgie and Melanie had met him and Martin at the airport to telling them honeymoon stories over dinner to now, when they’re all lying around doing nothing, and jet lag has rendered Jon too tired to drag himself to bed.
“Come and cuddle with us instead, Jon,” Melanie stage-whispers from beside Georgie. After checking that Martin is comfortable one more time, Jon agrees.
Melanie is snuggled under a blanket with a pink, purple, and blue yarn mix. Martin had gifted the blanket to Georgie for her birthday, even though Jon, I swear everyone gives their friends pride stuff when they don’t know what else to get them; are you sure it’s not obvious that I didn’t have a better idea? It's warm and soft, and by now, practically a household staple.
Jon sits down on the couch and, after checking that she’s okay with it, rests his cheek against Melanie’s shoulder. At first contact, Melanie lets out a small noise of surprise. “You shaved,” she says. “Georgie, you’re supposed to tell me about major life changes like this! How stupid does he look?”
Georgie hums. “Not too bad. I’d say… no more stupid than usual?”
“Damn,” Melanie says. “Why the smooth face, Jon?”
Georgie opens her mouth, but stops herself to let Jon explain.
“Oh,” he shrugs, “I just tend to shave whenever I have to deal with airport security. Less likely to be stopped for suspected terrorism and all.”
“Ah.” Melanie clicks her tongue. “Makes sense. Sucks, though.” She shifts, resting her head on top of Jon’s. “I guess it’s a good thing that Big Heathrow”—Georgie giggles from the other side of the couch—“doesn’t know how the apocalypse came about, then.”
Jon laughs. The part of his mind that wonders if going along with this particular joke about the apocalypse is a sign of developing emotional distance or just a coping mechanism perks its ears up, but he ignores it. “No, I’d imagine the Daily Mail would have a field day with that one.”
“I wonder how they’d spin your evil boss’s involvement,” Georgie, who steadfastly refuses to use Elias’s name, muses. “Innocent bystander? Secret lover?”
Melanie makes a retching sound, which Jon makes back at her. Melanie repeats it at a slightly higher pitch. This continues for at least a minute, before they lapse back into laughter. It really is like uni again.
“Hey, Jon,” Georgie ventures after a spot of silence, mischief coloring her voice, “Kiss, marry, kill: Big Heathrow, Daily Mail, evil boss.”
“Georgina.” It’s difficult to have a staring contest with Georgie’s body pillow in the way, but Jon manages to aim his glare right at the space between Georgie’s eyes. Georgie doesn’t back down, just smiles sweetly and raises an eyebrow.
“Yes, Jonathan?”
“Fine,” he sighs, resting his head back down onto Melanie’s shoulder. “Fine. Kill Elias again. Marry… marry Heathrow? I think it would have a tolerable personality. Which leaves…” he sighs again, “kissing the Daily Mail. Christ.”
“Bad choice,” Melanie says. “They’re basically the definition of kiss and tell. Imagine the scandal!”
“Alright, fine.” Jon says, not awake enough to debate but curious enough to challenge. “Same options. What would you pick?”
“Easy,” Melanie says. “First, obviously, I’m stabbing Elias to death. Second, I’m pretty sure Heathrow sells toothpaste, so it would be the least unpleasant to kiss. Third, and most importantly, I’m going to use my marriage to the Daily Mail to edit the articles it publishes and slowly radicalize the old white women of the UK.”
Georgie gives a few snaps of approval, and even Jon has to admit she has some points.
“There aren’t many situations where I’d divorce you willingly, Melanie,” Georgie says, “but if it was for this, I would understand.”
Melanie laughs. “I appreciate your support, babe. Your turn.”
Georgie deliberates for a while, then winces. “Sorry, Melanie. I’m going to have to go with Jon on this one.”
“Ha!” Jon says.
“I just don’t think I could deal with being married to the Daily Mail.”
“Cowards, both of you!” Melanie exclaims loudly, but is quickly shushed by both Jon and Georgie with a “Martin!” She continues in a quieter voice, “And before you say anything, Georgie, I know that’s not actually possible for you, but I’m sticking by my words.” She shakes her head. “I can’t believe this. The heartbreak. The betrayal. From my own wife, and right after she said she would willingly divorce me…”
“Stop taking my words out of context!”
“Can’t, my new spouse Mx. Mail is a bad influence”(—“Which is exactly why it's better to marry Heathrow instead,” Georgie interjects—)“but at least it’d side with me against Jon.”
Jon grins. “It’s the biromanticism, Melanie. It gives me and Georgie the same taste.”
At this, Melanie sputters. “Nuh-uh. No way. Absolutely no way. Your bad choices are the results of your own bad opinions. Don’t bring me into it.”
Melanie continues to speak, but Jon is no longer listening. He feels, suddenly, like he’s missing something important. “What?” he asks, causing Melanie to pause. “How have I brought you into it?”
“Well… you said being bi makes you choose the worse option,” Melanie says, which just confuses Jon more. Then, “Wait, Jon, you do know I’m bisexual, right?”
Ah. That would do it.
“Not… not quite.”
“Oh my god,” Georgie says. “Seriously?”
“You—I’ve only ever heard you call yourself gay!” Jon cries, giving Melanie and Georgie the chance to shush him with “Martin!”
Melanie shakes her head mournfully. “I’ve been your friend—okay, not quite that, but I’ve known you—for years!”
“I was trying to save the world during most of those years!”
“You also had spooky all-knowing powers,” Georgie adds.
Jon feels his leg begin to bounce. “Well, yes, but I was actively trying not to use them on people. Checking someone’s sexuality would be a gross violation of—”
“It’s okay, Jon,” Melanie says soothingly, “I know you wouldn’t do that.” There is quiet for a few seconds as Jon takes a few deep breaths. Then, Melanie says in a wryer tone, “Jon. One of my sets of prosthetic eyes is literally the bi pride flag. I know I don’t wear it that often, but…”
“I’ve only seen it once, in bad lighting, and… I don't know, I thought maybe you were just being supportive!”
“Oh my god,” Georgie says again, her voice muffled by the pillow she’s buried her face in. Jon feels like burying his face into a pillow himself.
“This is awful,” Jon groans.
“Stop being biphobic, Jon,” Melanie says.
“Stop being bi-aced, Jon,” Georgie says, which is unfortunately quite good.
“Fine,” Jon says. “This isn’t awful. It is, instead, wonderful.” He means the last sentence to come out begrudging, but it sounds more sincere than anything else. Jon blames his emotions. Now that the initial surprise has worn off, warmth is beginning to replace it. It’s not that he’s particularly starved for bi friends, but it’s nice, having one more thing that ties him and Melanie together.
“Thank you.” Melanie gives Jon a haughty sniff, but she smiles as she does it.
Jon’s neck is beginning to strain, but Melanie is still resting her head on top of his, and he doesn’t want to bother her. He closes his eyes and tries to focus his attention elsewhere. He can take a few minutes more.
“I just realized something,” Melanie says. “Jon, I’m literally under a bi pride blanket right now.” Georgie starts to giggle again.
“I’m asleep,” says Jon.
“Yeah, under a bi pride blanket that I, too, am currently under. Because I’m bi.”
“I’m double asleep,” says Jon.
“And I’m bi,” says Melanie.
“I know it’s useless to ask, but is there any chance we can forget about this and pretend I’ve known all along?”
“No,” Melanie and Georgie say in unison.
“Great,” Jon replies, and hides his smile in his bisexual friend’s shoulder.
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kirksfattitties · 4 years
asks you can smell the privilege and internalized ableism radiate from
(tw for ableism and other bigoted implications)
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i’m bad at reading tone but even i understand that this is 100% you being condescending and trying to cover it up with smiley faces and false sincerity. and i don’t appreciate that.
before i get into deconstructing your shitty ableist argument, i want to explain the reasons i believe in self diagnosis (self-dx):
even professional diagnosis doesn’t start with a doctor diagnosing you. there has to be a reason for seeing the doctor. some people see a doctor in their adult life because they’re struggling, some people are taken by their parents, some people are referred or suggested that they see a specialist. whatever it is, you don’t just see a doctor and they magically give you a neurodivergency. people have neurodivergencies before they see doctors and even if they NEVER see a doctor.
the psychiatry system is flawed in MANY ways and to say that it isn’t means you’re denying the experiences of people with less privledge than yourself. also like psychiatry isn’t gonna suck your dick. you don’t have to be a bootlicker lol
in many places (hi hello i’m from america where our government tries to indirectly kill us by not providing us with adequate healthcare! i and many other people have many issues we can’t get fixed because simply our government cares more about the economy than us), seeing a psychiatrist or a therapist or going to a mental hospital or WHATEVER is INCREDIBLY expensive. and to assume that everyone has access and enough time/money/energy/transportation/whatever to do all of that is classist and elitist.
ANYTHING medical (including mental health) is biased towards white cis men. most studies are done on white cis men/boys. because of this, people who aren’t white cis men (or people who aren’t perceived as white cis men) are often not diagnosed. the system is racist. the system is sexist. the system is transphobic. people don’t know how to diagnose autism or adhd or personality disorders or other neurodivergencies or even mental illnesses in black people and other people of color, in women, in trans people, etc. and GOD FORBID someone be in multiple (or all) of those categories. saying “just go get diagnosed :)” is a privileged statement to make.
shocker! the psychiatry system is also ableist. if you’re already diasabled (whether it be mental or physical) and you see a doctor about ANOTHER disability? the doctor is most likely going to shoot you down. or at least be weary about someone having mutliple disabilities.
also most people who diagnose are neurotypical. they have never and will probably never experience neurodivergency so they can never fully understand it. they operate off of stereotypes of neurodivergent people and usually only stereotypical behavior of neurodivergent white cis men (which, as i mentioned before, is problematic for anyone who isn’t a white cis man). neurotypical diagnosers don’t know the neurodivergent culture and aren’t trained to recognize very common things (like masking for example).
a professional diagnosis can also be weaponized. not everyone can get a professional diagnosis because there are some neurodivergencies (such as autism and personality disorders) and mental illnesses (like depression) that can have legal and medical respercussions to have in your record. trans people can be denied medical and legal transition for being professionally diagnosed. people can lose custody battles for being professionally diagnosed. a professional diagnosis can be used as justification for taking away someone’s body autonomy (especially if that person is also physically disabled).
a LOT of neurodivergencies also have some type of symptom (or symptoms) that make it difficult to interact with people. troubles recognizing facial expressions, troubles understanding certain phrases and types of speech, paranoid about people, audio processing issues, being nonverbal in an environment that doesn’t accommodate for it, overstimulation, extreme social anxiety, discomfort in new situations, problems with eye contact, and a lot more. because like. for many nd people, interacting with people is very difficult and stressful. and hey. if you want to get a professional diagnosis? take a WILD guess what you have to do? FUCKING INTERACT with people! LIKE?? JEHDJJDKEKKDKDKDS. do you know how many professionally diagnosed nd people i know who made their appointment COMPLETELY on their own without help from a parent or family member or friend? LITERALLY ZERO! and i know A FEW nd people who have professional diagnoses! so if someone has social issues that prevent them from doing tasks like calling and making an appointment, showing up for an appointment, talking during the appointment, etc and ALSO doesn’t have familial or friend support (because newsflash! people who are friends/family of disabled people can still be ableist)? almost impossible to get a diagnosis! plus, the diagnosis process is TIME CONSUMING. not everyone can focus on a task for that long and not everyone can miss work/school for that long.
so those are the reasons i support self-dx. (although there’s probably more that i’m forgetting but i have adhd and it’s hard for me to remember things!)
so hopefully you now understand my reasons for believing in self-dx, and perhaps even you’re pro-self-dx now because before you were just uneducated on these issues and how they impact people who aren’t you.
but in case you’re still anti-self-dx and probably hate already-marginalized neurodivergent people, let’s talk about this horrendous ask (series of asks, actually) that i got sent. i feel like i can feel the self hatred and internalized ableism OOZING from this ask and into my inbox, so thanks for that i guess /s
“Sometimes people who self diagnose can take away from those who are actually nd, even sometimes from themselves.”
starting out strong with the ableism on this one by separating people into “self diagnosed” and “actually nd” people. self diagnosed people ARE actually nd
there’s not a limited number of nd resources. this isn’t a math equation of only x amount of people can be nd because there’s only y amount of resources. more people realizing they’re nd will actually MAKE more resources for nd people and will bring more awareness to being nd
even IF someone self diagnosed, and they go back on it later, what harm was done? they learned some coping mechanisms? they made some nd friends? neither of those are problematic and i think they’re both actually very helpful. i think nt people SHOULD learn more about nd people and stuff because i think that will lead to WAYYY less misunderstandings and WAYYYY less ableism
“There are many people who fake nds for attention,”
hey anon, what fucking world do you live in that nd’s are cool enough to fake having? because i would LOVE to live there. like, i literally had a post about my personality disorder (which i will not be specifying) i had to delete because people were sending my anons about how i was “scary” and “threatening” now that they knew i had the personality disorder i have. last year i left a discord server because the ableism i was recieving from not only the members of the server, but the mods as well. there are very few people i know irl who i tell about my personality disorder, but when i tell people about my adhd, they start treating me different. they infantalize me and make fun of me and use “jokes” about stereotypical adhd behaviors to alienate me and they even TELL OTHER PEOPLE without my permission. i was SEVERELY bullied throughout elementary and middle school for being nd. i have been refused job and educational opportunities as well as literal medical attention for being nd. people aren’t “faking” being nd, and if they were they probably wouldn’t be doing it for long because it’s not something that’s EASY to deal with.
kinda ironic that you’re saying people can’t diagnose themselves but that YOU can tell when someone is faking their diagnosis. that’s both hypocritical and a double standard.
masking exists. if you think someone isn’t “acting nd enough” they’re probably masking because they’ve been fucking bullied and harrassed. also you’re probably basing whatever you think nd is on stereotypes. not every nd person is sheldon cooper lol.
this is a side note but can we talk about how you’re literally just taking transmed rhetoric and molding it to fit nd people? like. you really come onto MY NONBINARY NEURODIVERGENT blog and expect me to validate your recycled “but what about the REAL [insert group] people?” ??? like grow up, elitist. you’re not better than anyone else just because you lick some boots 🥾 👅
“and claiming that self diagnosis (and this is just what I interpreted) is just as valid as professional diagnosis”
it is 😌
the only difference between self diagnosis and professional diagnosis is that a professional diagnosis can also get you medicine. not every neurodivergency needs meds and not every neurodivergency can be treated (at this time or even ever). for example, my pd (self diagnosed) doesn’t have a specific treatment but multiple symptoms of the pd (all professionally diagnosed) have specific treatments and medicines that work, so patients are given/diagnosed with/prescribed those instead. also, medicine doesn’t work for everyone! and sometimes people are allergic to or take medicines that will conflict with any new medicine.
“can really devalue the account of someone who actually has a disorder”
here we go again with that “self diagnosed” vs “actually nd” bullshit. literally just say you hate poor people n minorities and leave lol
someone having a different experience than you isn’t devaluing you, but if you’re the one who always has the spotlight maybe you should use your privledge uplift other marginalized people instead of feeling angry when everything isn’t all about you 100% of the time
“I have a second ask”
i don’t want it
“Plus it can be damaging for a person if they self diagnose wrong.”
how? what if they learn information that they wouldn’t’ve otherwise known like coping mechanisms that help them with their own neurodivergencies? that’s definitely not a bad thing
i think it’s funny that you bring up that people can self diagnose wrong and don’t even MENTION that doctors can diagnose wrong. like. you know. the people who GIVE OUT MEDICINE to people. i think it’s MUCH more dangerous when a PROFESSIONAL diagnosis is wrong. what are self-dx people with wrong diagnoses gonna do? read up on nd tips? maybe smoke some weed? drink some coffee? that’s about all they can do with a self-dx. but if a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL gives you an INCORRECT diagnosis, they can ACTUALLY fuck you up.
“I was recently diagnosed with PTSD, a disorder which I would have never considered I’d have.”
that’s great about your professional diagnosis! i don’t know you but i’m glad you’re finding out about yourself and getting the help you want and/or need /srs
sorry if this sounds blunt, but honestly i’m not surprised you never considered you could have PTSD. based on your asks, you sound like you have a lot of internalized ableism you need to work through and a lot more research about neurodiversity you need to do. being anti-self diagnosis is a common belief among a lot of people with internalized ableism and a lot of these same people are the ones who have no issue with and even SUPPORT auti$m $peaks. many nd organizations that are run BY nd people (like asan) actually support self-dx.
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“If I had of diagnosed my own symptoms and then started treating myself or taking precautions based on my self diagnosed "condition", it could of really hurt me.”
how? taking precautions to preserve your mental health is NEVER a bad idea. i’m not ptsd, but someone i care deeply about DOES have ptsd and has shared a lot of the precautions and coping mechanisms for ptsd with me and honestly they’ve been incredibly helpful. it’s almost as if different neurodivergencies and/or mental illnesses have overlap and that’s why there’s a whole community for us to be able to share these resources and information with each other!
the same person was rejected a formal autism diagnosis because of their ptsd, plus the fact that they’re transgender and the fact they have symptoms of adhd. it’s not really my place to talk about their experience with professional diagnosis, but i’ll send this post to them and allow them to add on their experience in a rb if they’re comfortable with that. but it’s almost as if their experience with the professional diagnosis process was unhelpful, harmful, ableist, and transphobic 🧐 and unfortunately this is a pretty common experience
“Also, by self diagnosing, I devalue the account of a person with the disorder l assumed I had.”
how? if someone thinks they’re nd, they have a legitimate reason for thinking so. either they have another neurodivergency than the one they thought they had, or they’re neurotypical and need to figure themself out and have a need for support. either way, they learned more about the specific neurodivergency, more about the nd community, and more about themself. i don’t see how that’s a bad thing.
if you think self-diagnosed people’s experiences inherently have less value, that is straight up ableism. especially considering that other marginalized identities and minorities have trouble getting professional diagnoses, you might also be bigoted in some other way. or at the very least, refusing to acknowledge your privilege.
“only one more I promise”
i don’t want it
“I understand that doctors are expensive and professionals can get it wrong,”
okay. if you understand this, then dm me your information so i can bill you for the cost of my professional diagnoses, the cost for my therapy sessions, the cost for my medicine, and the cost for transportation to and from all these places. PLUS the cost of the work and school i’ll be missing for these sessions. 🤲
“but self diagnosis can be really harmful to yourself or others.”
nah, you’re just ableist and a gatekeeper lol
“If you feel like you have a disorder, go see a psychiatrist, you may have it.”
[remembers when i went to a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with two major symptoms of a personality disorder and said i had other symptoms of the pd as well but refused to diagnose me with the actual personality disorder because i was a minor at the time and he told me “kids don’t have personalities so they can’t have personality disorders”. i understand being weary about diagnosing children with personality disorders because they aren’t fully developed but this dude straight up told me that i didn’t have a personality. this man literally only worked with children so that means he literally never diagnosed personality disorders. this man was literally just lazy and didn’t care about his patients. this man also refused to believe me when i told him the medicine he prescribed me made my symptoms worse and even made me hallucinate. he ignored me and refused to change my medicine so eventually i just changed psychiatrists and they put me on a new medicine that DIDNT make my symptoms worse and DIDNT make me hallucinate. also i looked it up after our session and apparently ONLY people with my pd and related ones experience hallucinations on that certain medication. it’s almost like his refusal to diagnose me and ignoring my symptoms/concerns harmed me. this man also constantly misgendered me and told me that homosexuality and transgenderism should’ve still been in the dsm. like golly, it’s almost as if being queer and neurodivergent in an extremely conservative state is harmful and dangerous. and that psychiatrists aren’t immune from being homophobic and transphobic and ableist.] but yes :) perhaps i should see another psychiatrist in this conservative state :)
“I don't want to undermine anyone's actual experiences, but it can be dangerous.”
then stop undermining people’s actual experiences :)
no ❤️
“If you feel like something's wrong, go see a professional.”
the whole point of the neurodiversity movement is that there IS no such thing as a “normal” brain, so saying that neurodivergent people have something “wrong” with them is ableist.
💰 🤲 hand it over
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“I don't want to offend, I just don't want anyone to get mislead or hurt. :)”
you absolutely meant to offend. you literally said that self-diagnosed people’s experiences aren’t valid and have less value than people who have professional diagnoses
i know more people who have been (and personally have been) mislead and hurt by professionals than by simply existing as a self-diagnosed person
also i want to say that being pro-self dx is NOT being anti-professional/formal diagnosis. i think that people should absolutely get a professional diagnosis (if they are able to without negative repercussions)! being pro-self dx is more inclusive of marginalized people (like people of color, women, lgbtq+ people, people with multiple disabilities, etc). pro-self dx is simply just saying that professional diagnosis isn’t the only option
(neurotypical people and anti-self dx people don’t add anything; pro-self dx neurodivergent people are allowed to add with their experiences if they want)
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♡〜request: Can you do a Female Reader x Phoenix story plz? That’s Valorant BTW. So basically the reader found out her dad died and Phoenix is trying to comfort her. TY! 〜♡
Phoenix x gender neutral reader
Gotta say I wasn’t feeling it until I thought of smoking, on a balcony, rainy night, gazing out… the concept of that is really beautiful.
Pre-established relationship
Requested: Yes
Word Count: 963
Warnings: angst, smoking used as a coping mechanism, bad father-child relationship.
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You only spare him a glance before turning back to the beauty in front of you. Smoke flows out your lungs and out your mouth. It momentarily clouds the view, but you pay it no mind. “Hey.”
Phoenix watches you for a second, admiring and thinking of you.
Smoking isn’t really his thing, smoking tobacco that is. However, whenever you did it, he just felt attracted to you. It had a certain alluring feeling to it, like those mysterious and hot characters in novels. They usually came in the form of people who’d lost somebody extremely close to them, giving off a ‘broken’ feeling, like they’re constantly seeking for their loved one or something to patch them up. Their stories would usually be searching, finding somebody new to love, and then that person tells them ‘Hey, you’re never going to find them. They’re gone. It’s not healthy to keep searching.’ Or something along those lines.
He didn’t read a lot, sure, but as a child, he watched a lot of movies with that type of character. He’d always managed to fall in love with them, but never to a romantic extent.
Come to think of it, you were that bad-boy character he’d fallen in love with, in that romantic way. Though you never gave off a sense of brokenness, until now.
Although the sight of you smoking by a scenic view, especially a rainy one, wasn’t exactly peculiar, he knew something was different. He could just feel it radiating off of you. You felt broken and he refused to believe that. But when he focused on you, he couldn’t deny it. You were broken, shattered even.
"Something wrong?" He asks, to which you respond with a bitter laugh.
"Everythings fine."
Phoenix frowns, slowly approaching your side. "You and I both know you're lying." You merely nod. To such accusations you would usually joke about, so now that you didn't, he knew for sure something was wrong.
"My mother shot me a text."
"After 7 years?" You hummed a yes, then took a long drag of your cigarette. 
After a few seconds of waiting for you to say something else, Phoenix took the initiative to. "And what did she say?"
The sudden move of your hand surprised him. You hold it out. He stares at it for a few seconds before realizing you want him to hold it. Your intertwined hands give you the motivation to continue.
"My father died." He takes note of how you grasp his hand with such a grip that it feels like your life depends on it.
You and him were never close, Phoenix knew that. That's why he was confused about your sudden.. for a lack of words, absence of life. He's about to bring this up when you do.
"My father and I were never close." You spit the parental word like poison. "Yet I feel like a part of me is missing. He barely showed emotion, barely treated me like a child. He treated me as part of his own, sure, but it felt  like I was an obligation to him. He raised me and put me out into the world with the knowledge of how to survive, but aside from that, nothing. He wouldn't let my mother be too endearing either."
Your words become muttered and your voice grows weaker. Phoenix squeezes your hand to reassure you, "You don't have to continue."
"But I do. Well, I want to." After another long drag, you push the cigarette against the ash tray and leave it there for the moment. Clearing your throat, you finally look at him. He's surprised to see you look completely fine on the outside, as for the inside, he has no idea how you feel. "It feels like I should feel triumphant. Like I should spit on his grave and call him names. Like I should have built up some kind of spite against him." You look away from him, like you find the railing interesting. Phoenix knows not to say anything about it, though. "But in the end, I see he was actually trying. It was his way to show he cared. A shitty way for sure, but one nonetheless. I'm torn between spite and mourning."
Phoenix puts his hand on your cheek to bring your face back up to look at him. "You don't have to decide now. It happened out of nowhere, and it's only been how long?"
"3 hours."
"3 hours!" He exclaims for emphasis. His dramatic ways are almost enough to soothe you. "We can wait and see. Whatever you feel you'll feel. I'm here for you. Whatever happens, I'll be there to help."
Your smile brings a wave of relief over him. "I love you."
Your statement makes his eyes widen. It was the first time you'd said that seriously. Well, he didn't take the other ones seriously for the fact that you'd both said them in the heat of the moment during… y'know, some heated r-rated stuff.
"I love you too." He's glad to see your face light up brighter. 
"Hey," The beginning of his sentence has a mischievous tone, so immediately you know that he's about to suggest something troublesome. It'd be sure to get you in trouble with Brim. "let's go rob a bank. That'd be sure to cheer you up!"
You chuckle while Phoenix throws his head back at his own joke. "We should bring Breach too!"
He's so cute that you can't help but kiss him. It's rather rough, which is why it brings a small moan out of his mouth. "Or.. we could do that too." He winks. You laugh and kiss over and over again, cherishing the moment.
"I heard my name being called? Oh! Gotta go bye!"
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