#my dad is an insulin dependent type 1 diabetic
anotherlesbiandad · 8 months
This is a longshot, would you be willing to help me get my insulin? I'm down to my last pen and its pretty much close to being empty.Nt asking for much only need $370 rn to save my blood sugar. please help me with a small donation or share, reblog any help can save my life.Please help & Blessings ❤
hey! so i can't help money wise right now, but i'm gonna answer this publicly in the hopes that someone will see and help
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nochiquinn · 2 years
The Ongoing Situation, updated and revised with new developments:
my kid is type 1 diabetic. she uses a constant glucose monitor. this involves a small sensor attached to her arm that lasts for about two weeks that we scan with a reader. she has insurance coverage, but the cost of the sensors have been creeping up each time we refill, around $40 for two (so far), and that’s a monthly purchase if they don’t break or fall off or what have you - then it’s twice in one month. the reader has decided that test strips are for other people, so we had to purchase a separate finger-stick tester for when we need to double-check her sensor readings.
the other reality is the cost of insulin. she takes two kinds, a rapid-acting for meals and to correct highs, and a slow-release at night. each of these comes in a pack of 5, and with insurance each of those packs costs ~$75. the rapid-acting disappears faster bc we have to send one to school with her - she’s not allowed to carry it back and forth. so that’s two pens in active use at the same time.
her dad, my partner, is also t1d, and requires all the same supplies she does (sans the sensors/monitor). so they draw from the same pool of alcohol swabs, pen needles, etc, but he has his own test strips he has to purchase, ~$25/50, and we've been having to buy them more often thanks to the aforementioned fuckery with kiddo's reader. he also has to buy his own insulin, which is ~$50/5 pens (since he can thankfully use the knockoff walmart kind), x2 because he also needs a long-lasting dose for overnight. kiddo also has her own stash of supplies at school - a pack of test strips, syringe heads, alcohol swabs, etc - and her dad has one at work. this necessary doubling-up of supplies adds up. school is starting back, so we have to replenish her school kit as well.
so just sitting here and doing the math, sensors + test strips + insulin for them both = $315. and that’s before swabs and glucose tabs and what have you. insulin-dependent diabetic care in the united states is a fucking racket.
this wall of text is to say: helping us buy medical supplies for them both would be a huge weight off our shoulders. ways to do this include:
amazon list, to buy supplies directly. (needles are no longer on here, because for whatever reason amazon has stopped shipping them to our address. I don't know if this is true for everyone or just us, but we're now reliant on the walmart pharmacy and the pip website for needles.)
ko-fi/ko-fi shop
on the larger scale, please vote for and support politicians in favor of expanding medicaid/medicare, capping the cost of insulin, or universal healthcare in general. voting is not enough etc etc but it's a start. also, as always, burning down the pharmaceutical industry. 💙
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a-sirens-melody · 4 years
Darkwing Duck’s Greatest Enemy: Type 1 Diabetes (And Definitely Not Self Loathing)
Quick author's note: Launchpad switches between he/they throughout the fic, just so no one gets confused! If you have any questions abt diabetes, feel free to ask me. With that said, enjoy!
So far, tonight has gone really well.
It's date night, and this time they're spending it eating takeout from Hamburger Hippo and watching Darkwing Duck at Launchpad's place. Wrappers lay on the floor, ignored in favor of watching Darkwing kick Megavolt’s ass on screen.
Drake is currently leaning into Launchpad's side on the couch, his partner’s arm wrapped around his waist. It all feels so cozy and domestic that he never wants it to end.
And then, because Drake must have seriously pissed off some powerful being in a past life, it happens.
Megavolt’s face becomes blurry, and it's a little harder to focus on the TV. A quick look around the room tells him that, actually, it's hard to focus on anything right now. He knows what this means; he's gotten better at picking up on the signs after twenty-eight years of living with a half-functioning pancreas.
His blood sugar’s starting to drop.
He tries to close his eyes and listen instead, but the shake of his hands quickly corrects him. He is dropping and he needs to find something to eat. Even though he just ate, like, an hour ago.
He opens his eyes and notices that the episode is paused. He hadn't even realized, he was so caught up in his symptoms. The second thing he notices is Launchpad looking right at him.
He guesses that they felt his shaking because there's concern in their eyes now. A brief wave of guilt sweeps over him and he almost misses their question. “Is your blood sugar low?”
He finds it's a little hard to form words right now (and that scares him, it always does), so he nods his head slightly and hums.
“I'm gonna go get you a juice box.”
The arm wrapped around him vanishes as LP gets up. He helps him lay down on the couch, head pillowed on the armrest. He's still cold without his boyfriend, though, so Drake can't help the small whine that escapes him. God, he sounds pathetic.
Launchpad's eyes soften and they lean down to kiss his forehead. “I'll be right back, okay?”
A little embarrassed, Drake nods and watches the other duck head to his fridge. He closes his eyes again and almost sighs in relief as he's met with darkness. You can't lose your focus if there's nothing to focus on in the first place.
Did that even make sense? Whatever. His brain’s not working properly right now.
The sounds of his partner rummaging through the shelves fill the air. Drake is reminded of earlier when things felt so domestic between them. It's only been a couple of months since they started dating, but Launchpad already feels like the home he never had.
Drake doesn't know how he got so lucky; sometimes it all feels like a dream.
Launchpad leaving is his worst nightmare. He knows he's being a little dramatic, but his anxiety gets the better of him sometimes. He's too much, too expensive, too-
“Found it!” Footsteps pull Drake out of his thoughts and he cracks his eyes open. Launchpad already tore off the wrapping on the plastic straw and stuck it in the box. He holds it out now and places it near Drake's beak. “Drink this, okay?”
He moves the straw into his mouth with a hum and starts sucking the juice down, only stunned for a second at the chill. Fruit punch, his mind distantly informs him. It's his favorite flavor, but he's too focused on getting it into his system to really appreciate it right now.
When the juice box is thoroughly drained, he gives his boyfriend a small smile. He feels like he can talk without sounding like he's drunk now, so he says, “thanks, LP.”
“Anytime,” is the warm reply he receives. If Drake was of sound mind, he would kiss Launchpad breathless and maybe, maybe, utter those three little words that have grown harder to ignore as of late.
I love you.
The words are barely on the tip of his tongue even now. Yikes, his filter's pretty weak already. He tries to stuff the words down by chewing on the straw. Struggling with one of the disadvantages of diabetes is not his ideal confession scenario. Besides, it's way too soon to say that. Right? Right.
“Didn't think you kept juice boxes in your fridge,” he says instead. Not only is he trying to distract himself from his low brain feelings, he's genuinely curious. He doesn't recall seeing any juice boxes in LP’s fridge the last time he was here, and their favorite flavor is apple.
“Nah. Not for myself, at least.” They smile fondly at him. “I remembered that it's your favorite flavor, though, and I wanted to have something for whenever you went low over here.”
Launchpad bought those for him? Specifically for him? And remembered his favorite flavor from a conversation they had three months ago when they asked Drake what he usually ate when his blood sugar went low?
“That's really sweet of you, LP. Thanks.” He says, because he's not really sure what to say. It's such a small act of kindness, something he's not used to, and he doesn't know how to deal with the sudden warmth in his chest.
He's too low for this. Feeling more intense emotions is a very frequent symptom of his when he's low, that's what this is. Yeah. Definitely.
His boyfriend's smile turns shy. “You don't have to thank me. Whatever helps you the most. Speaking of which, do you want me to bring your kit over here? I mean, obviously you feel low, but. Better to have an exact number, right?” Launchpad rambles, hand reaching to brush through the hair at the back of his neck.
That's a good point, actually. He has to be in the 40’s if he's feeling this bad. “Yes, please.”
Launchpad reaches to the side of his couch where Drake's bag is. Inside is his blood sugar kit (complete with a pricker, replaceable barrels, meter, test strips, insulin, and syringes), various small snacks in case he goes low when he's out, and a glucagon. He really hopes that last item is not going to be needed tonight.
He probably shouldn't have dropped the bag there, but he wanted to start their date. Can you really blame him?
The kit is found and placed onto the couch. Drake starts to reach for it, but suddenly there's a hand covering his.
“Can I check you, please?” He looks up and finds Launchpad staring at him. “I don't- if you don't want me to touch your stuff, I get it, but. You feel bad. So will you let me do it?”
You...want to help me? You don't want me to do this on my own?
“Sure. Just ask if you dunno what goes where, okay?” Drake says, thankful that his voice is somewhat steadier than his hands.
His partner nods and gets to work. They asked once how everything in the kit worked so Drake laid it all out and taught him. It felt nice having someone who wanted to listen to him talk about diabetes stuff.
He hears the test strip bottle close with a pop and the pricker calibrate with a ca-click. Just as Launchpad asks, he holds out a finger and lets his mind drift.
It's really not something he's used to, having someone around that he trusts will take care of him. For as long as he can remember, Drake could only rely on himself to get through whatever diabetic crisis he faced.
He was eight when he was diagnosed. At first, his parents did most of the hard work. He picked up on checking his blood sugar pretty quickly, but they would manage all his carb ratios and injections.
Then, they just sort of…stopped. Like they had only done it for him in the first place because he was too young to fully understand. By the time he was thirteen, he did pretty much everything on his own. So much so that more often than not on the tri-monthly visits to his endocrinologist, the car ride would be spent drilling his parents on what the past three months had been like.
Not that they ever told him they didn't care or want to care to his face. No, Drake had just picked up on it. But the night he overheard them talking about medical expenses was a particularly rude awakening.
He couldn't sleep for some reason and decided to watch some Darkwing Duck. He barely made it out of his bedroom when he heard voices.
“Why's everything gotta be so damn expensive!?”
Ah. His dad was looking at bills. So much for a DW marathon in peace and quiet. Drake had one foot back in his bedroom when he heard his mother reply.
“It doesn't really help that our current bank account looks like that, either…”
Forget going back to bed, his curiosity was peaked. He stayed still, straining to hear.
He wished he hadn't at what he heard next.
“Yeah, well, having a defective kid ain't cheap. Why couldn't you have had a normal one?”
To this day, he still remembers how his heart sank to his stomach.
Is that why they stopped helping? Why, at age sixteen, it was unspoken knowledge that Drake managed everything on his own? They didn't see a literal child in need, they saw a column of dollar signs. A black hole that sucked up all their cash and never gave it back.
His mom stayed quiet, and that hurt even more. She didn't care, either. Neither one of them did.
They were both selfish assholes that only cared about the alcohol they could've had stocked in their kitchen.
He cried himself to sleep that night, mourning the days when he could still trust his parents to take care of him and wishing he didn't have to live like this. If no one wanted to help him, he’d suck it up on his own. No one wanted to take care of him? Fine. Drake Mallard didn't need anyone else. He was better off on his own.
Those horrible feelings crash over him like a tidal wave now, twenty years later, and he doesn't know why they're here but he's overwhelmed by it all.
Why can't he just have a normal body? Why does his condition have to be so expensive and annoying and miserable sometimes? Why does he have to be so dependent on people when he tells himself that he’s better off working alone, when no one in his life has loved him enough to care anyway?
There's a price tag on his head (not just physical, because diabetes is a greedy little bitch), and it's only a matter of time until Launchpad figures this out. He won't want to stay up late to keep checking, to keep buying syringes or insulin or tests strips. He won't stay forever, and it's all Drake's fault, for getting so attached and having a broken, shitty body.
“Drake? Did I do something wrong?”
He blinks. There are tears in his eyes, a few of which have spilled down his cheeks.
“Uh,” his voice cracks. He wipes away the tears with his other hand. “No. N-no, you didn't do anything wrong. What were you doing?”
Launchpad cocks his head to the side and squints in concern. He knows there's more to Drake's answer, but he doesn't push yet. “I pricked your finger and put the blood in. You didn't even flinch, but I thought that was ‘cause you're used to this. Was there another reason?”
“I'm sorry.” And before Launchpad can start to ask for what? with his mouth already open, Drake rushes to say, “I'm sorry that out of all the people you could date, you got stuck with a chronically ill mess like me. You deserve a normal partner, and god you have no idea how badly I wish I was, but I'm not. I'll always be a burden and I know you won't want to stick around to deal with all the shit that comes with diabetes.
“Not that I don't want you to stay, please don't think that, but…” More tears fall and he brushes them aside, accidentally smearing blood on his feathers. “I’m not used to someone wanting to take care of me, and I don't want it to stop.”
He doesn't take his eyes off of Launchpad as he cries. If this were a cartoon, he would laugh at how quickly their expression changes. Confusion, concern, and realization flash across their face before their eyes soften again in concern.
“Baby,” they say, reaching out to cradle Drake's face. They gently wipe away the blood with their thumb, and Drake feels weak. Loving touches were something he was never given as a child, and it's taken some getting used to. It burns, unfamiliar and wonderful, every time Launchpad touches him. All he can do in this moment is lean into it and shut his eyes.
“Look at me, please?” He groans internally as he opens his eyes. Later, when his blood sugar isn't so low and he can properly think, he’ll recall the look on his boyfriend's face as determined. “I love you, so much. You're not a burden, and you never will be. Being with you is a new experience, sure, but it's a good one. It's not your fault your body's like this, and it doesn't make you any less amazing.
“Heck, if anything, it makes you even more so. You have to do more to stay healthy than most people, and you're really good at it! St. Canard is a better place with Darkwing Duck and Drake Mallard.” Launchpad leans in to kiss his forehead. “They were wrong, you're not unlovable.”
He's so gentle, so sweet, and it's all too much for Drake to wrap his mind around. Never mind the low, he's just heard what he's secretly always wanted to. He is good. He is loved. He...needs to know what his blood sugar actually was before he cries an entire ocean. One more thing, though.
“Uh,” seems like a good place to start as he scrambles to pick up the pieces of himself. He takes a shaky breath. “Thank you. Sorry I dumped all of that onto you, I don't know where it came from tonight, but. Thanks. I really needed that.”
LP still looks a little sad and it makes his heart hurt, but he bites down on his beak to avoid apologizing again. “No problem. Sometimes it just comes out of nowhere.” He strokes his cheek some more, and Drake sighs.
“This is nice and all, but,” his eyes dart to the meter still sitting in front of him. They got distracted for too long and now the little screen is dark. “Did you catch the number that showed up?”
“Buh?” Launchpad's eyes widen as he remembers what they were doing before. “Oh, dang it! Sorry! Do I need to do it again, or-”
Eh, they probably should, but Drake doesn't want to. It hasn't been too long anyways, maybe five minutes? He’ll be fine. “No, you're good, just press the button with the arrows. All the pricks get stored so you can look at them later.”
Any distress on their face is quickly replaced by a beaming smile. “Neat!” They do as Drake asked, and a number pops up: 46.
“Lovely,” Drake groans. “And I just ate. Maybe I just took too much insulin. Or am I getting sick? If I can't keep anything down in the next hour, I swear-”
LP snapping his fingers in his face pulls him away from his rambling. “Hello? Earth to Drake Mallard. I dunno what made you low, but we gotta fix it first. Would more juice work?”
Oh yeah. Hm, more juice or something else? Even though he feels exhausted, going to sleep is a bad idea. He's gotta stay up until he's back in range, so…
“Actually, do you have any Pep?” Launchpad tilts his head and furrows his brow as Drake explains. “Normally I wouldn't ask, but I think something with that much sugar would really help. Plus, the caffeine will keep me awake.”
They look less confused now, but their head remains tilted slightly. “There's not that much caffeine in Pep, though.”
“You forget I don't drink the regular Peps nearly as often as you do, LP.” The last time he actually had one was...ten years ago? They work great for treating a low quickly and that's the only time he ever cares to drink them. It's not worth the extra insulin or highs to try to look normal.
“Oh yeah! So you're not used to the sugar.” He nods. “Okay, be right back.” Launchpad takes about twenty seconds to get a Pep and come back to Drake. The tab's already open. “Uh, do you need to drink the whole thing right now?”
He really shouldn't, the juice is probably still processing. Still, it's very tempting to chug the entire thing just to put more sugar in his body. But he wants his blood sugar to be normal, not sky high. “No, I'll probably drink half of it right now. Thank you.” He takes the Pep and sips, blinking at the sheer amount of sugar flooding his taste buds.
The fact that most people drink enough of this stuff to where they hardly notice it boggles his mind. Not that the diet stuff is really healthier, but it's definitely a different taste.
Guess he's pulling a graveyard shift tonight. But at least he's with Launchpad.
(That's the other thing about drinking regular sodas; he gets really hyper. Last time, he couldn't fall asleep until exactly two am. Being tired but unable to sleep is the absolute worst feeling, and you can't change Drake's mind.)
Now that he can think a little more clearly, he realizes something.
“I can't drive like this,” he says. Driving with a low blood sugar is really dangerous, and not his usual kind. It's the kind of dangerous that could get himself, or someone else, or even both, killed. “And I'm definitely not walking home anytime soon, so. Guess our date’s been extended?”
Launchpad blinks at him, then claps his hands together and grins. “You're staying overnight! I mean, I wish it was under better circumstances, obviously, but. Yay!” He rocks on his heels before catching himself and looking away, a faint blush appearing on his face. “Anyways, is there anything else you need?”
Drake's about to reply not right now, thank you, but then he realizes something that's actually pretty important.
“Wait, since I'm staying here tonight, could I use your bathroom really quick? I, uh, need to take my binder off,” he admits. He’d forgotten it was even there until he remembered wait, you need to take that off before you go to sleep. He put it on about a half hour after he woke up, which was at noon, and it's midnight now so...oops. It's past time to take it off.
His boyfriend nods. “Yeah, no worries! Do what you gotta do. Wait.” His brow furrows. “You need me to help you over there?”
“I,” he falters. “Wouldn't mind it if you did.” The sugar's kicking in now, but he still doesn't trust himself. Given how clumsy he is? Better safe than sorry.
Launchpad holds his arms as he walks to the bathroom. He closes the door, Launchpad sitting in front of it just in case, and turns to the mirror. His shirt hits the floor, soon followed by his binder. A sigh of relief fills the air as he folds it. He hadn't realized how long he'd been wearing it. Tomorrow will have to be a skip day just to stay on the safe side.
(Hormones aren't a concern; he's not on them right now and is perfectly fine with that. The cost of that and insulin would be hard to juggle, anyways.)
He opens the door to find Launchpad staring at him, and he smiles shyly. “Hi.”
“Hi.” Launchpad smiles back, and holds out his hand. Drake takes it and pulls his boyfriend to his feet. They walk back to the couch together. “So, what are we doing? You can't go to sleep until your blood sugar's back up and we were in the middle of an episode of Darkwing Duck.”
“I like the way you think,” Drake teases. “So long as you check every now and then to make sure I haven't fallen asleep yet.” He sits down in his original spot.
“Whatever you need,” they reply, and sit down next to him. They wrap their around his waist and Drake leans into their side as he tries to find the remote. It occurs to him just then that there's still something he hasn't said yet. Something bigger than “thank you.”
He taps LP on the shoulder. They turn to look at him and oh no, he's already flustered. “I just. You said you, uh, loved me earlier and I wanted to say that, that I love you too.” His face is burning, and he got quieter at the end, but at least it’s out in the open now.
Launchpad’s eyes soften and he tilts his head close enough to kiss Drake. It's a quick peck, but sweet nonetheless. When he pulls away, he's smiling. “You're wonderful, you know that?”
Drake only blushes more and buries his face in Launchpad's chest. He can feel Launchpad chuckle and oh. Oh, that's really nice. He likes that a lot. He would stay right here, but the sounds of the Darkwing Duck episode are a siren song that never fails to lure him in.
They stay there, watching episode after episode and Launchpad checking in every so often. By the time Drake's blood sugar has gone back to normal, he stops watching and starts really thinking about the events of the night.
He doesn't have to do this on his own anymore. Someone actually wants to take care of him now.
He is loved. Really, truly loved. And he’ll never let Launchpad go.
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churchkey · 4 years
my mum has type 1 diabetes and has to test her blood at ungodly hours of the early morning. my dad does it for her. he just takes her hand while she's still asleep then gets her blood sample and takes note of it for her to see when she wakes up. he always kisses her hand before and after taking the sample, even if she never wakes up the entire time. it's unbelievably tender and every time i remember lew developed diabetes later in life, i just imagine dick doing the same thing for him. setting an alarm and checking on lew's blood, reminding him to take his maintenance meds, even going so far as to preparing his maintenance meds for him-- not bc he doesn't think lew cant take care of himself, but just because taking care of lew is just what he's natural state of being.
Okay, this is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever heard, I LOVE your parents. I’m kind of crying imagining your dad kissing your mom’s hand like that. 
I think about Lew and his diabetes every time I’m giving myself an IVF injection (which, depending on the cycle, could be multiple times a day). At first I was so terrified I was going to f*ck it up and a.) hurt myself b.) jeopardize the cycle c.) waste a bunch of money on wrongly-injected drugs. But after a while I started to feel like a serious badass. 
I imagine them coming home from the doctor’s office with all the gear and Dick re-reading the instructions and just being there for moral support and to assure Lew that he’s doing it right, coach him through the horrible prospect of jabbing a needle into his flesh (even though he’s not terribly comfortable with it himself). And then after a while it becomes routine and they don’t even interrupt their conversation about the day ahead as Lew holds the hem of his t-shirt under his chin and gives himself his insulin and Dick is like “wow, you’re so tough, baby” and Lew is like “*shrug* I know”. 
Thank you for this perfect and pure old!Winnix HC! I love it. 
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boxoffood · 4 years
Basics of Food Management
Food is such a fundamental aspect of our reality. Our lives spin around it from our waking second onwards. Food and devouring go inseparably and even festivals everywhere on the world and over all societies are focused on food (box2food). Our old Indian sacred writings separate food into three classes, for example,
 Satvic or unadulterated nourishments: These are food sources that mend, comfort, succulent, smooth and increment life span, knowledge and quality and are processed well by our framework.
 Rajasik or the elegant nourishments: These are pungent, zesty, harsh, pungent and can offer ascent to weakness, pain or distress.
 Tamasik or the polluted nourishments: These incorporate old, chilly, left over nourishments, unclean and half cooked making incredible mischief the brain and the body.
 Food is one part of our life that we underestimate. We are less aware of the food that we expend. We leave our body to manage the consistent maltreatment from our everyday lives and ways of life. We, people, without underestimating our body, need to make wellbeing creating frameworks and manufacture a unity with food, beneficial activities, yoga, restorative breathing and contemplation, rest and rest and be profoundly mindful and cognizant. These means convert into better endurance, quality, tone and energy with accentuation overall body as an element, one that emphasizes health and prosperity.
 The food we eat establishes the framework for each cell and tissue in our body. The reason for food is to sustain us, manufacture quality and to give essential energy. Stomach related agreement is the key for arrival of this crucial energy required for solid living. The study of Ayurveda - the innovative and helpful life science - says that all aspects of our psyche and body is represented by the DOSHAS - the bio-lively power or components that support life. Refined, prepared and protected nourishments are largely absolutely without this sustenance and imperativeness. Healthy, crude and characteristic nourishments that have consumed the inestimable energy, and are too accused of adequate precipitation and daylight must be used to the fullest for wellbeing and health.
 The dad of medication, Hippocrates said "thy food is thy medication. The type of food you eat will affect you general health and what you eat you become".
 To a large portion of us eating great food is simply one more errand and an inconsequential activity. The number of us are truly aware of the way that great food performs marvels inside our cells and tissues and is answerable for 80% of our change. Food subtly affects our psyches too. Food assumes an essential function in affecting our cerebrum conduct, our states of mind, and points of view and in taking care of pressure. It is these healthy, characteristic nourishments that give wellbeing and energy freeing and shielding us from us from diseases. Studies have indicated that there are two dietary cycles in the human body-feeding and purging that should be managed with acceptable and reasonable dietary propensities. Whenever disregarded, it can prompt a development of poisons which are the reason for generally mental and physical degeneration.
 Wellbeing isn't only an extraordinary body or a zero size figure however covers physical wellness, mind science and otherworldly development and our endeavors ought to be an incorporated methodology towards health. To accomplish this eat suitable nourishments that don't disintegrate our stomach related framework. Truly, I mean, go genuine simple on every one of those low quality nourishments, soda pops, old, cold food sources and exorbitant meat eating and liquor. Rather, start to cherish organic products, veggies, nuts and nourishments in their characteristic healthy structure. It is essential to 'oblige your craving and not spoil your hunger.' I am asking you to follow this and not consider it a 'diet'. It isn't proposed for weight reduction alone. In actuality, it is a significant aspect of a solid way of life.
 Thus, let us praise great wellbeing.
 How frequently have you gone over the words 'solid' and 'food' in a similar sentence, yet decided to disregard it? Notwithstanding monitoring the numerous advantages of eating healthy, I see endless individuals around me underestimating their wellbeing. Our body is what we think about it. So why fill it with undesirable food and wind up enduring its worst part.
 Eating well has endless favorable circumstances, some of them being:
 1. Forestalls and control medical conditions like heart maladies, hypertension, type 2 diabetes.
 2. With great sustenance your body turns out to be better outfitted to manage pressure.
 3. Great food invigorates the body to make more executioner cells to avert contaminations accordingly advancing resistance.
 4. Food gives us sickness battling cancer prevention agents and can slow the characteristic cycle of maturing.
 Indian eating regimens, with care and arranging are characteristic and natural involving grains, heartbeats and dals, leafy foods, nuts and oilseeds; all in satisfactory adds up to look after wellbeing. Diet and Nutrition are answerable for 70 to 80% of your whole change. Food likewise impacts your point of view, disposition and conduct. There are nourishments which can cause you to feel high, there are food sources which can make you touchy and unstable, there are food sources which can energize you, and there are food sources which can loosen up you.
 Indian eating regimens suit Indian populace the best contingent on our way of life, climatic conditions, air, contamination and so on When some time appreciating different cooking styles is extraordinary, yet would you actually need to exclusively rely upon pastas and burgers over and over again and face the dangers joined to devouring such undesirable, non stringy nourishments?
 As referenced over the wellbeing hazards are bounty! Our eating regimens incorporate complex starches from jowar, bajra, ragi, entire wheat and so forth instead of the refined sugars. Our eating regimens are intended to ensure our hearts with low degrees of oils, fats, sugars. Truth be told our eating regimens find some kind of harmony of all nutrition types, nothing to an extreme and nothing excessively little. High sugar admission is proportionate to diabetes, high fat levels can prompt hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, heart sicknesses, strokes and so forth
 My brilliant standards for better wellbeing:
 Keep in mind, our bodies are custom-made to devour what we have been since youth and what our dads, front dads have been expending. Our weight control plans of rotis, dals/beats, veggies, sprouts, servings of mixed greens and so forth consistently will guarantee total wellbeing rather than steady utilization of lousy nourishments/burgers/pizzas/abundance measures of cheddar, cream and so on Relish on all that you love, yet recall that, anything excessively little or a lot of is similarly harming...
 Rules for smart dieting and weight the board
 Adhere to these brilliant standards/steps of smart dieting for accomplishing a solid weight reduction and to expand your wellbeing and life span:
 1. Regular little helpings of food are suggested. Eat gradually. Eating often forestalls cravings for food, gives steady energy and keeps up digestion productively.
 2. Select nourishments dependent on your inclination and don't stress as a lot over the quantity of calories you expend however focus on joining the correct nourishments and on the segment sizes. Try not to deny yourselves. This is probably going to make you eat more the following day.
 3. Change it up of nourishments to your day by day diet. Incorporate healthy nourishments like vegetables, natural products, nuts, seeds, fledglings, and entire grains. These nourishments give all the basic supplements and fiber which are essential for development, great wellbeing and insusceptibility.
 4. Drink every day 8 to 10 glasses of fluids like water, and natural teas. These beverages are fillers are hunger directors.
 5. Incorporate new natural products, new unstrained vegetable juices, vegetable, sprouts, entire grains, nuts and low fat milk/yogurt.
 6. Drink a glass of ginger/green tea after a weighty dinner. This hurries absorption and improves digestion.
 7. Expend sound bites like plates of mixed greens, wafers, natural products, unsweetened and low fat yogurt, wholegrain bread rolls and biscuits.
 8. Peruse marks well and pick nourishments that don't contain synthetics like additives and added substances. Naturally developed nourishments are a more advantageous choice.
 9. Keep away from terrible fats like margarine, cream full-cream milk and rich plate of mixed greens dressings and sauces. Take care not to kill wellsprings of good fats like nuts, seeds and olive oils which contain unsaturated fats. Utilize these nourishments with some restraint.
 10. Take out white flour items like breads and rolls, pastas, white rice, handled nourishments and sweet breakfast oats. They need fiber. They additionally cause a spike in our insulin level prompting fat stockpiling.
 11. Exercise consistently. Extending, yoga, workout, strolling and other gentle types of vigorous exercises are suggested. These activities should be possible at home or in a rec center with direction. Stress can be diminished through yoga,meditation, great rest and sound rest.
 12. Stay away from soda pops, and squeezes. Additionally evade desserts, pastries and seared bites. Rather, eat an assortment of supplement thick nourishments. Breaking point the utilization of handled nourishments, seared nourishments and quick nourishments. In the event that you should have them, make sure to practice balance. Balance is the key when you eat what you need without feeling denied. (https://box2food.com)
 13. Use cooking strategies like stewing, steaming, flame broiling and simmering as opposed to singing.
 Great wellbeing is the consequence of cognizant duty that includes numerous variables like the food we eat, works out, mental prosperity, rest and rest. Consistency is the most significant factor with regards to great nourishment. At the point when you are regularly on the run, you need an arrangement that you can without much of a stretch receive and one that includes an establishment of sound food. Eating continuous even suppers is fundamental for any individual who needs to lose or look after weight, have energy and endurance for the duration of the day, supported insusceptibility, to improve center and fixation or more for Mickeymizing your health remainder!
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Current Progress/Life Update
Maybe I should do one of these each week for those of you who are here for my writing (I’m sure one or two of you are just here for the memes and I think one person is here for my personality). 
So for OBTD’s rewrite, my current plan is to split it into three separate fics that will be tied together with a series. The series is going to be called No Shepherd To Guide You. The first fic, which I’m currently working on putting into place, rewriting (like, legit, typing up and changing a lot of) the early chapters and setting up some plot points that I really wanted to explore, like the whole Mike-Ralph thing and “What happened to Christa?” and some other stuff. I’m wading through a lot of confirmed deleted content and plot points, trying to get OCs straight (obviously, I’ve gotten criticism before, but I’ve tagged everything now and at this point, maybe don’t read if you just don’t like OCs in the background or even in supporting roles once or twice?), and trying to figure out a good way to tie everything together with a pretty bow.  This fic is not nor has it ever been my intention to be compliant with seasons 3 and 4; not because I don’t like them (I love the season 3 characters, just not the plot) but because I started writing this fic in 2016 when neither of those seasons were out. 
The first fic in the series is Lambs To The Slaughter; this is the one I’m currently writing, and it will take us until the end of my arc with Howe’s. The sequel will be called Elysian Fields, and number 3, if I get there, will be Burning Daylight. 
You can scroll down if you don’t care about my personal life, but here’s a life update for anyone curious. I just finished my semester in college about a week ago and I’ve been having some issues related to that; it’s difficult to get out of the “oh my God I have to this this and this” headspace and I’ve developed some nervous tics that I don’t think are going to go away any time soon (restless legs, constant twitching, the works). My panic attacks have kind of increased since about October, but I’ve been keeping a diary of them and I plan to get help when I can. 
I’m still furloughed from the pet store and I’m debating quiting once my furlough is lifted (if it indeed is) and trying to find a second vet hospital to work at (now that I have my foot in the door) as I finish off at community college. I only have four classes left before I graduate with my associate’s degree, but it’s two chemistry’s, a math, and physics, so pray for my ass lmao. 
Now for the story progress: 
Once Bitten, Twice Dead - planned chapter 32 and I have several thousand words written for it, but I think I’m probably going to be waiting for the publishing of Lambs To The Slaughter and we’ll how we go from there.
Lambs To The Slaughter - written chapters 1-3 and vastly changed what once was the beginning of OBTD to include Christa’s fate, the whole Mike-Ralph thing, and some other stuff related to that.  - chapter 4 is not finished but it’s getting there. Chapters will be a lot longer than my early OBTD chapters were (which they really only were because when I was 15 and writing them, I wanted to do a weekly release, which is no longer feasible due to me at 19 working the equivalent of a full-time job, being a full time student, and being burned out due to fibromyalgia and my mental issues).  - I’ve waded through a lot of deleted content to find things that I thought would be interesting to write, not just Mike-Ralph. I’m still piecing them together in some places, but the general flow of the story is still there and I know what’s going to happen. 
alone, myself, i stand - a huge thank you to cadeparade on AO3, because they gave me a massive compliment and a few ideas for the final chapter, chapter 4, titled “the night will be over soon”.  - I currently have dug out my old first draft of a few scenes I planned on writing for chapter 4 before my involuntary hiatus, so I have a rough idea of what the chapter is going to be about, what’s going to happen, and how’s it’s going to end. My only fear this is that I know that this chapter is probably going to double the size of AMIS, if I’m judging by the size of OBTD’s equivalent chapter.  - any mentions of assault, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anything else of the sort are still tagged and will be getting a warning, as is usual. This fic isn’t supposed to be about assault in and of itself; it’s about trauma, recovery, and relapse. The ending isn’t happy, but it isn’t and will never be sexually graphic; it may not even be violently graphic, depending on how things go. Hotlines and references will be available in the notes for anyone that needs them.  - again, I’ve been through some shit myself. I know how it affects mental health.
tainted blood series - Nothing confirmed, but I do have an idea for a fic that could take place in season 3′s setting. We may get an appearance of the Garcias and insight into surviving t1d further into the outbreak.  - yeah, how do you keep insulin cold? Where the fuck do you get 31 gauge needles (the ones most people use for insulin) from? I work for a veterinarian now and yeah, I’ve learned a lot about insulin dependent diabetes even just from taking care of insulin dependent dogs. I’m even looking into becoming a veterinary endocrinologist. Edit: 31 gauge needles, 1 cc syringe is what I meant; in my experience working with animals, they use the same type of needles and syringes that people do, depending on the person of course. My dad’s medication (not insulin) is given intramuscular through a 3ml syringe with a 20G needle. All depends on the person. - Again, nothing confirmed, but there is an attempt. I’m not 100% guaranteeing that there will be a part 4, but there is a possibility. Similarly to AMIS, the reception that I received for tainted blood is something I never could have imagined, not for even a moment, that I would ever reach. I love you all. 
Upcoming Fics/Fic Ideas Yes, I need to stop starting shit when I already have too many fics to finish.
Kindly Stop For Me: Edith’s POV and a little bit further on during the Wellington ending, exploring Wellington and its functions, and how Edith ended being the person who took care of Clem and AJ. 
16 Months Later: A short multichapt fic exploring an AU where Christa and Omid’s baby (a daughter) survived. After Christa is killed by scavengers in All That Remains, Clem takes the 16 month old and ends up squatting in (underneath) the cabin and in the shed, relying only on herself to steal food and keep the baby fed and alive.
Awakening: A Detroit: Become Human fic that I’ve been writing on and off for the past year, but it isn’t published. It’s a reverse AU featuring human Connor (and RK800-60 and RK900) and android Hank, Luther and Kara switching spots and a human Alice, and human Markus and android Carl. Ships are: SiMarkus, Luthara, Reed900 (shut up, I like it), and maybe even ConNorth (again, shut up, I like it)? Who knows. 
So there you have it. This is my life now. 
Come check out my fictionpress, Always Good for a Smile, for original poems, short stories, and longer that I write. 
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Blood Balance Formula Review
Blood is pivotal in many functions of our body. It plays a very substantial role in our multi-functional body. Consequently, maintaining a moderate level of blood becomes essential. Many blood-related problems are faced by many individuals. Common among them is high BP, weight gaining, heart disorders, and diabetes. Our cholesterol and insulin levels also depend on the blood level in our body. These issues have become so common that we cannot avoid them but with proper medication, they can surely get reduced and cured.
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Lately, we bring you this revolutionary supplement calling Blood Balance Advanced Formula which will help you in many ways. It is prepared with 100% natural constituents and resolves your blood sugar problems along with BP and obesity problems. The ingredients used in this supernatural and helpful formula are Biotin plus chromium, Berberine, Juniper berry, Mulberries, cinnamon, and many other healthy and safe components. They together keep in control the level of insulin, BP, and cholesterol. They also enhance energy levels in the body. Production of glucose is also kept under limits and also limits the weight of the body along with controlling diabetes diagnosis.
How positively does Blood Balance Formula affect our body?
Blood Balance Advanced Formula helps our body in many following ways:-
Fastens Body Weight Loss- Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula helps in losing bodyweight soon. It boosts up the fat-burning metabolism of the body and results in less body weight than before.
Works In The Opposite Direction Of Insulin Resistance- Our body’s resistance to insulin is the reason for Type 2 diabetes. Blood Balance Formula flows in reverse. This keeps the resistance low and prevents our body from being diabetic.
Determines The Level Of Cholesterol- There are 2 cholesterols in our body. One is good and the other is bad. The ingredients present in the formula favor good cholesterol and discourage bad cholesterol. By doing this, it regularizes the blood levels in the body. Also, it contributes to a healthy flow of blood.
Reduction In Blood Sugar Level And Minimize The Chance Of Diabetes- It keeps sugar level in blood normal. It does not hype it or lowers it much. A balanced level of sugar is there with the use of Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula in the body. Lower sugar will hamper the way for diabetes.
Controlled BP- After using Blood Balance Formula, the Blood pressure will automatically stabilize. There is no other product that can compete with . It mainly works on keeping the blood pressure at an optimal level in the body.
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Customer Testimonials-
“Hey, this is Andrew shell! I have been using Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Advanced Formula for the past 2 months and what I have experienced is commendable. My heart palpitations, body weight, and fast breathing problems are vanishing day by day. Initially, it looked very difficult to follow the consumption but when it comes to health and fitness everything is important and should be prioritized. So I made my mind up for using Blood Balance and now I a happy that I took that decision.”
“My name is Dwayne and I am from America. The first thing I loved about Blood balance is free shipping all over America. I bought 2 bottles of it and gave 1 to dad and 1 to mum. Though they are very young at heart but still, I need to care for their young heart forever. They both suffered from bad cholesterol and sugar. Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula gradually started showing results. Both mum and dad are now satisfied and glad after using this.”
Where to buy Blood Balance Advanced Formula?
It is very easy to make an order for yourself. Just walk to the online site of the seller and chose your buying option and suitable mode of payment. Just make the payment accordingly and wait for a few business days to get started with your Blood Balance Advanced Formula.
A Clinically approved and scientifically tested formula is here to help you. The effects may vary from person to person but will surely benefit you with your requirements.
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shaeleighton-blog · 4 years
Blood Balance Formula
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Blood is pivotal in many functions of our body. It plays a very substantial role in our multi-functional body. Consequently, maintaining a moderate level of blood becomes essential. Many blood-related problems are faced by many individuals. Common among them is high BP, weight gaining, heart disorders & diabetes. Our cholesterol and insulin levels also depend on the blood level in our body. These issues have become so common that we cannot avoid them but with proper medication, they can surely get reduced and cured.
Lately, we bring you this revolutionary supplement calling Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula which will help you in many ways. It is prepared with 100% natural constituents and resolves your blood sugar problems along with BP and obesity problems. The ingredients used in this supernatural and helpful formula are Biotin plus chromium, Berberine, Juniper berry, Mulberries, cinnamon and many other healthy and safe components. They together keep in control the level of insulin, BP and cholesterol. They also enhance energy levels in the body. Production of glucose is also kept under limits and also limits the weight of the body along with controlling diabetes diagnosis.
How positively does Blood Balance Formula affect our body?
Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula helps our body in many following ways:
Fastens Body Weight Loss- Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula helps in losing bodyweight soon. It boosts up the fat-burning metabolism of the body and results in less body weight than before.
Works In The Opposite Direction Of Insulin Resistance- Our body's resistance to insulin is the reason for Type 2 diabetes. Blood Balance Formula flows in reverse. This keeps the resistance low and prevents our body from being diabetic.
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Determines The Level Of Cholesterol- There are 2 cholesterols in our body. One is good and the other is bad. The ingredients present in the formula favor good cholesterol and discourage bad cholesterol. By doing this, it regularizes the blood levels in the body. Also, it contributes to a healthy flow of blood.
Reduction In Blood Sugar Level And Minimize The Chance Of Diabetes- It keeps sugar level in blood normal. It does not hype it or lowers it much. A balanced level of sugar is there with the use of Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula in the body. Lower sugar will hamper the way for diabetes.
Controlled BP- After using Blood Balance Formula, the Blood pressure will automatically stabilize. There is no other product that can compete with our supplement. It mainly works on keeping the blood pressure at an optimal level in the body.
Customer Testimonials-
"Hey, this is Andrew shell! I have been using NutritionHacks Blood balance Formula for the past 2 months and what I have experienced is commendable. My heart palpitations, body weight, and fast breathing problems are vanishing day by day. Initially, it looked very difficult to follow the consumption but when it comes to health and fitness everything is important and should be prioritized. So I made my mind up for using Blood Balance and now I a happy that I took that decision."
"My name is Dwayne and I am from America. The first thing I loved about Blood balance is free shipping all over America. I bought 2 bottles of it and gave 1 to dad and 1 to mum. Though they are very young at heart but still, I need to care for their young heart forever. They both suffered from bad cholesterol and sugar. Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula gradually started showing results. Both mum and dad are now satisfied and glad after using this.
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Buy It Now For Yourself Too-
It is very easy to make an order for yourself. Just walk to the online site of the seller and chose your buying option and suitable mode of payment. Just make the payment accordingly and wait for a few business days to get started with your .
A Clinically approved and scientifically tested formula is here to help you. The effects may vary from person to person but will surely benefit you with your requirements.
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harshhasan-blog · 4 years
Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula Review
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Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula Reviews, Price & Benefits
Blood is pivotal in many functions of our body. It plays a very substantial role in our multi-functional body. Consequently, maintaining a moderate level of blood becomes essential. Many blood-related problems are faced by many individuals. Common among them is high BP, weight gaining, heart disorders & diabetes. Our cholesterol and insulin levels also depend on the blood level in our body. These issues have become so common that we cannot avoid them but with proper medication, they can surely get reduced and cured.
Lately, we bring you this revolutionary supplement calling Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula which will help you in many ways. It is prepared with 100% natural constituents and resolves your blood sugar problems along with BP and obesity problems. The ingredients used in this supernatural and helpful formula are Biotin plus chromium, Berberine, Juniper berry, Mulberries, cinnamon and many other healthy and safe components. They together keep in control the level of insulin, BP and cholesterol. They also enhance energy levels in the body. Production of glucose is also kept under limits and also limits the weight of the body along with controlling diabetes diagnosis.
How positively does Blood Balance Formula affect our body?
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  Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula helps our body in many following ways:-
Fastens Body Weight Loss- Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula helps in losing bodyweight soon. It boosts up the fat-burning metabolism of the body and results in less body weight than before.
Works In The Opposite Direction Of Insulin Resistance- Our body's resistance to insulin is the reason for Type 2 diabetes. Blood Balance Formula flows in reverse. This keeps the resistance low and prevents our body from being diabetic.
Determines The Level Of Cholesterol- There are 2 cholesterols in our body. One is good and the other is bad. The ingredients present in the formula favor good cholesterol and discourage bad cholesterol. By doing this, it regularizes the blood levels in the body. Also, it contributes to a healthy flow of blood.
Reduction In Blood Sugar Level And Minimize The Chance Of Diabetes- It keeps sugar level in blood normal. It does not hype it or lowers it much. A balanced level of sugar is there with the use of Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula in the body. Lower sugar will hamper the way for diabetes.
Controlled BP-After using Blood Balance Formula, the Blood pressure will automatically stabilize. There is no other product that can compete with our supplement. It mainly works on keeping the blood pressure at an optimal level in the body.
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Customer Testimonials-
"Hey, this is Andrew shell! I have been using NutritionHacks Blood balance Formula for the past 2 months and what I have experienced is commendable. My heart palpitations, body weight, and fast breathing problems are vanishing day by day. Initially, it looked very difficult to follow the consumption but when it comes to health and fitness everything is important and should be prioritized. So I made my mind up for using Blood Balance and now I a happy that I took that decision."
"My name is Dwayne and I am from America. The first thing I loved about Blood balance is free shipping all over America. I bought 2 bottles of it and gave 1 to dad and 1 to mum. Though they are very young at heart but still, I need to care for their young heart forever. They both suffered from bad cholesterol and sugar. Nutrition Hacks Blood Balance Formula gradually started showing results. Both mum and dad are now satisfied and glad after using this.
Buy It Now For Yourself Too-
It is very easy to make an order for yourself. Just walk to the online site of the seller and chose your buying option and suitable mode of payment. Just make the payment accordingly and wait for a few business days to get started with your .
A Clinically approved and scientifically tested formula is here to help you. The effects may vary from person to person but will surely benefit you with your requirements.
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natkat-140 · 4 years
I spy with my little eye...
So, it’s a long story that not everyone is interested in, but if you are, here’s what’s going on with my eye.
I’ve had type-1 insulin-dependent diabetes since I was 10 years old. I didn’t take care of myself when I was in my teens and early 20s. For those of you who know what this means, my HgbA1C was 13-15 for years. I felt like shit all the time but it kept me from gaining weight and that was more important to me (look up diabulemia lol). Anyways, I finally started taking care of myself when I went to nursing school but by then I had already done quite a bit of damage.
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When your blood sugar is elevated, it can cause high blood pressure in areas where your blood vessels are very small, such as your fingers, toes, eyes, and kidneys. That’s why diabetics have issues in those particular areas. The increased blood pressure means less blood is able to get into those tiny vessels and feed those tissues with oxygen they need to be healthy. 
This was happening in my eyes since my early twenties. My body wasn’t able to get blood/O2 to my eyes properly, so it decided to make new, weak, baby blood vessels in hopes of compensating. It doesn’t work though. Those weak baby vessels are shit and they bleed easily. I was having teeny tiny microbleeds, but it wasn’t serious yet, and I improved my blood sugars to prevent more damage. I was going to the ophthalmologist every 6 months to keep a very close eye on it (ba-dum-psh) and all was good.
However, in December I had an accident at work. I was caring for a patient who was HIV positive and not taking his antiretroviral medications, meaning his HIV was active and transmissible. I was giving him an injection, but because of his HIV he was emaciated and had no muscle or fat on his body. The needle went through his tissue and into my finger. It was possible that I had contracted HIV, so I had to take medications that help prevent the infection. Those medications had GNARLY side effects, mostly nausea’/vomiting/diarrhea/dizziness/headache. BUT one of the more serious side effects was bleeding.
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Four days after starting the HIV medication, I started having visual changes, like big black floaters and blind spots in one eye. Turns out I had a hemorrhage (large bleed) into my eyeball. There was no visible blood; it was all contained within my eye. But all those weak baby vessels burst open and blood poured into my eye. 
My vision in my right eye is like looking through a dirty, murky fish tank with yellow/brown tinged water, and someone dropped some black ink into it. It's all blurred and there are floaters that move around in swirly motions. It’s very annoying to see, I often think I see a bug flying by my face. And because my vision in the two eyes is so significantly different, it gives me a massive headache if I see out of both eyes for too long. I can’t focus on anything, but I can move around ok and see large general things. 
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That’s why I’ve been wearing an eyepatch. It blocks my bad vision from my right eye, so I only see through my left eye which has good vision. That way I can read, look at screens, watch TV, etc, but it still puts a lot of strain on my good eye and my depth perception is completely fucked. I don’t drive at the moment because I don’t trust my judgement of depth even just driving around my parking lot. I also am not working, because I’m an ICU nurse and we need to be able to see well and safety is a huge issue. I don’t want another needlestick like I already had. Additionally, with my eyepatch, glasses, and mask, my field of vision is super super small and it’s hard to see around me. When I go to the grocery store with my dad I often have to walk beside him, hold onto his shoulder, etc so that I don’t bump into anything/anyone in my periphery.
So, with the bleeding, my doctor said the blood should just reabsorb into my body and we can do treatment to prevent further bleeding. Prevention included injections into my eyeball as well as laser to get rid of those weak baby vessels. We were able to do both of those in my good eye just for prevention. Unfortunately, the blood in my right eye was not reabsorbing and she couldn’t see the back of my eye in order to do the laser. We waited and waited and I saw her every 2 weeks to re-evaluate. 
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Today, it was obvious that it’s completely stagnant. The eye exam photos look exactly the same as they did in the beginning of January. At this point, the only solution is actual surgery to remove the blood and clots from my eye and to help relieve pressure on my retina. I’ll be getting two cuts directly into each side of the whites of my eyeballs, about 2cm each. I won’t be put under anesthesia, but I’ll be thoroughly numbed and given “relaxing” medication. She said most people lightly sleep during the surgery. 
I’ll wear a legit surgical eyepatch for a day and then come back for evaluation. Should be 2-3 weeks after surgery that I start being able to see normally again, if all goes well. It’s scary because there is a risk of permanently losing my vision in that eye if there are complications. And, with this surgery, it is likely that I will need another surgery every ten years afterwards as maintenance. 
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This whole thing has been really hard, but I’ve been trying to take it one day at a time and not worry too much. When I got the news that I would need surgery, I definitely went to the bathroom and cried. I freaked out, I’ve seen the aftermath of routine surgeries that have complications. I’m an ICU nurse after all. It happens. And that’s so scary to me. I think now, about 12 hours later, I’ve come to terms with it and I know that this is a step in the right direction. There’s nothing else to be done but to go forward with it if I want a chance at normal vision again. But I can’t help but beat myself up for being so careless about my diabetes when I was younger and not believing my doctors. It was 10, 15 years ago, but I’m just now seeing the negative effects of those decisions. 
Being at home alone all the time is difficult. With no work, no purpose. No ability to go anywhere in my car. Relying on others to help transport me and get my errands done. Just waiting to get better. This has happened so many times in the last few years. First I hurt my wrist, out of work for 6 months. Then I hurt my shoulder and was out for over a year. My shoulder never recovered, and both my shoulders now suffer from adhesive capsulitis - another fucking diabetic problem. Then I broke my ankle and was out for 8 months and still feel effects from it. So much time was spent alone in my apartment, unable to leave, unable to  live freely. 
And here I am again. Out of work, unable to leave my home or care for myself properly. I feel like such a burden, on my family, my workplace, society in general. I feel like I’m taking more than I can contribute. I feel lonely all the time. Useless, helpless. I thank the stars that I found an online community to be a part of this time around, and have made legitimate genuine friendships there. I can’t imagine how much more depressed I’d be if I hadn’t. I hope that I can be well again soon so that I can get on with my life. I’m scared of the surgery but I’m going to have it done. And we’ll see what happens.
0 notes
nochiquinn · 3 years
so here is the ongoing situation:
my kid is type 1 diabetic. she uses a constant glucose monitor. this involves a small sensor attached to her arm that lasts for about two weeks that we scan with a reader. she has insurance coverage, but the cost of the sensors have been creeping up each time we refill, around $25 for two (so far), and that's a monthly purchase if they don't break or fall off or what have you - then it’s twice in one month. there are also test strips for her reader, and these are ~$25 per box of 50.
the other reality is the cost of insulin. she takes two kinds, a rapid-acting for meals and to correct highs, and a slow-release at night. each of these comes in a pack of 5, and each of those packs costs ~$100. the rapid-acting disappears faster bc we have to send one to school with her - she's not allowed to carry it back and forth. so that's two pens in active use at the same time.
her dad, my partner, is also t1d, and requires all the same supplies she does (sans the sensors/monitor). so they draw from the same pool of alcohol swabs, pen needles, etc, but he has his own test strips he has to purchase, ~$25/50, and his own insulin, which is ~$50/5 pens (since he can thankfully use the knockoff walmart kind). kiddo also has her own stash of supplies at school - a pack of test strips, syringe heads, alcohol swabs, etc - and her dad has one at work. this necessary doubling-up of supplies adds up.
so just sitting here and doing the math, sensors + test strips + insulin for them both = $325. and that’s before swabs and glucose tabs and what have you. insulin-dependent diabetic care in the united states is a fucking racket.
this wall of text is to say: helping us buy medical supplies for them both would be a huge weight off our shoulders. ways to do this include:
amazon list to directly purchase supplies paypal (choose "friends and family" to avoid fees) my redbubble shop my teepublic shop ko-fi tipping
much appreciated, much loved, burn down the pharmaceutical industry. 💙
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sciencespies · 5 years
Fiona Wylde: How This World Champion Athlete Overcomes Type 1 Diabetes
Fiona Wylde: How This World Champion Athlete Overcomes Type 1 Diabetes
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Fiona Wylde (seen along with professional dancer Christina Martin to her right) participate in a … [+] panel during the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) 2019 Children’s Congress on July 09, 2019 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images for JDRF )
Getty Images for JDRF
What’s SUP?
SUP stands for stand up paddleboarding and is a sport that, unlike American football, is exactly what its name implies. It consists of you standing up on a board in the water and using a large paddle to propel you forward. It’s a growing sport and has different variations, including racing and surfing versions.
At 22 years young, Fiona Wylde is already a superstar in the sport. From 2016 to 2018, she was the U.S.’s highest-ranked stand up paddle athlete for three years straight. In 2017, Wylde became the Association of Paddle Professional’s (APP’s) Overall World Champion, having finished second in the world in both racing and surfing that year. And, oh, by the way, she has Type 1 diabetes.
Yes, Wylde has reached the pinnacle of a sport that includes doing this:
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Fiona Wylde tackles the waves while warming up for this year’s Red Bull Heavy Water Event in San … [+] Francisco, CA. (Photo: Courtesy of Fiona Wylde)
Courtesy of Fiona Wylde
Athlete meet big wave. For most of us, our board, paddle, body, and dignity would have been separated by the wave long before this picture could have been taken. But that’s not the case with Wylde.
The picture above was from one of Wylde’s warm-up runs for the Red Bull Heavy Water event in San Francisco, CA, last month. The event, which is one of the stops on the 2019 APP World Tour circuit, involved a 12 kilometer or 7.5 mile course through the very choppy San Francisco Bay waters under the Golden Gate Bridge and to Ocean Beach, where waves hit the shore. Here is how the “under the Golden Gate Bridge” part of the race looked like:
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Here is the approach the Golden Gate Bridge during the Red Bull Heavy Water competition in San … [+] Francisco in October. (Photo: Brian Bielmann/Red Bull Content Pool)
Next, after the Golden Gate Bridge, the course took the competitors through even choppier waves:
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(Photo: Brian Bielmann/Red Bull Content Pool)
Brian Bielmann/Red Bull Content Pool
Then, there’s this part, for which the word “choppy” can no longer apply:
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Here a participant, not Wylde, battles a wave near Ocean Beach in the Red Bull Heavy Water event. … [+] (Photo: Brian Bielmann/Red Bull Content Pool)
Brian Bielmann/Red Bull Content Pool
No, these waves have gone beyond chopping, having progressed to perhaps slicing or maybe blendering or even turn-you-upside-downing. As you can see, this event combined different aspects of racing and surfing, making it what Wylde called “one of the most challenging events around.”
Not all events have both the racing and surfing parts. In fact, many focus on one or the other. As Wylde described, “in racing, you can be in an extended full out sprint across an ocean, lake, or river. Stand up paddle surfing is more like traditional surfing but with a paddle.” Both stand up paddle racing and surfing at their highest levels require world class endurance, balance, and strength. To excel at one is enough of an achievement. To excel at both racing and surfing is very Wylde, so to speak.
What’s even more Wylde is the fact that she’s had to also overcome Type 1 diabetes, which is a very tough competitor that’s typically there for life, as there is no cure. Just as racing and surfing are quite different, so are Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. In Type 1 diabetes, which used to be called more often juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, your pancreas cannot produce enough insulin, the hormone that helps sugar get from your bloodstream into your cells. Your cells need sugar to survive and function. Thus, no insulin, no life.
Normally, cells in your pancreas called beta islet cells produce insulin. However, Type 1 diabetes is an auto-immune disease, meaning that your immune system gets a bit confused and attacks and destroys your own beta islet cells. Your beta islet cells may fight the good fight for a while to continue producing insulin but eventually in Type 1 diabetes, they succumb. This is very different from Type 2 diabetes in which your pancreas may produce enough insulin but the cells in your body don’t respond as well to the hormone.
Depending on when the autoimmune process may have started and how resilient your beta islet cells may be, it can take while to notice the symptoms of Type 1 diabetes. Wylde didn’t notice anything was amiss until her senior year in high school. She was already a top stand up paddle racer and surfer, taking the last three years of high school online to allow her to travel around the world for competitions.
“All went well for the first four months,” Wylde explained. “But during a 12.5 mile race, I went from second to sixth. I also noticed that I was losing a bunch of weight, but thought it was because I was training harder.”
As is often the case with chronic conditions, Wylde went a while before a clear diagnosis emerged. “I took three different trips to the doctor,” she recalled. “The day I graduated from high school, I went to doctor’s office and came back with a Type 1 diabetes diagnosis.” Not exactly the best graduation present.
When you get such a life-altering diagnosis, it can be easy to want to give up rather than continue to SUP competitively as Wylde had since age 10. However, as Wylde relayed, “I didn’t let it stop me. I kept going and flew to Europe to go race. My dad came with me to help me.” The next year she won the world title. So much for Type 1 diabetes getting in the way with what she wanted to do.
This video from her YouTube channel shows her in action, doing what she has wanted to do:
This doesn’t mean that type 1 diabetes hasn’t changed her life. She wears a Dexcom device to continuously monitor her blood sugar (glucose) levels. This helps her determine when to use an InPen insulin injector pen to give herself the appropriate amount of insulin. The pen has an accompanying app on her smartphone that can help track her injections.
Controlling ones blood sugar in such a manner can be challenging even in the relatively controlled setting of a 9-to-5 office job, assuming that the office isn’t regularly flooded with water and you don’t move to and from the water cooler on a board with a paddle. Competing as Wylde does throws in a lot more variables. As she indicated, “adrenaline raises blood sugar.” She also travels quite a lot for competitions, which makes it more difficult to keep track of everything, including what she eats.
Then, there’s the mental adjustment that she’s had to make. “It has been a big mental adjustment,” she said. “It’s made me appreciate the value of having a healthy working body. As a result, I have done a better job of taking care of yourself. For example, I have learned what to eat before races.”
She added that Type 1 diabetes has “made me much more aware of everything that needs to be done and prepare more for things. When I travel, I need to make sure that I have all the devices and medical supplies and the food. I realized that I can’t just wing it anymore. I can’t take that risk.”
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Here Fiona Wylde walks up shore with her equipment during a preparation in San Francisco. (Photo: … [+] Sean Greeley)
Sean Greeley
Her life got even more complicated a year later when she was diagnosed with celiac disease. This meant that she has to be even more careful about what she eats and avoid foods containing gluten. But as with her diabetes diagnosis, she has taken this additional diagnosis in stride, or rather in paddle.
Of course, athletics has also helped Wylde deal with her diagnoses. After all, as she related, “exercise is the billion dollar drug. Being active and healthy makes feel so much better. When I have exercised, the amount of insulin I have needed is reduced.”
There are also the mental health benefits. “It clears my mind,” she said. “When I am out there on the water, I am paying attention to the water. The water is never still. You have to pay attention to the conditions and the people around you. You have to find the biggest current line and the biggest eddy.”
Additionally, sports can provide a community, which certainly helps deal with different challenges. “The stand up paddleboarding community is so positive and fun to hang out with. It’s where I have made my best friends.”
Thus, if you ask Wylde what’s up, the answer is SUP and a lot. She just finished second among the women at the Red Bull Heavy Water event. She is currently sitting number two in stand up surfing and “would like to win a stand up surfing world title.” Oh, and she is also going to Oregon State University where she is studying geography and geospatial sciences. This is fitting since she has already managed to navigate her way through the challenges of both Type 1 diabetes and being a world champion “water woman.”
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gyrlversion · 5 years
Americans Are Dying Because They Cant Afford Insulin. I Was Almost One Of Them
By Hunter Sego
In March of 2016, I was approaching the end of my freshman year at DePauw University. Among many new experiences that year, this was the first time I had ever gone alone to pick up my diabetes medication at CVS. I needed to pick up a month’s supply of insulin and test strips — three vials of the former, four bottles of the latter. I remember pulling up to the window and, after giving my name and date of birth, the tech asked me if I was aware how much my supplies cost. I said no, and asked her how much it was. What she told me next forever changed my perspective on life and what it means to live with Type 1 diabetes.
The cost was over $1900.
That’s not taking into consideration the monthly expenses for my insulin pump, infusion sets, insulin cartridges, or any other supply or medical device; those two medical necessities alone required $1900. In shock, I asked, “How much for just the insulin?” I could do without the strips, I figured, but without insulin, people with Type 1 diabetes will die.
So, she told me: It was still a little over $1400.
A few months before this, while I was home during break, my family’s power had been shut off. My parents told us we were going to stay with my grandparents until the issue resolved. A week after that, our water shut off, too. At the time, my mom swore to me they were mistakes by both the electric and water companies, But it was at the CVS window, when I realized my insulin cost over $400 a vial, that I finally made the connection: My parents had prioritized paying for my insulin over our utilities. Though my parents have since told me the decision was easy, I felt incredibly guilty.
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Bryan Lawrence / Breathe New Winds
Since I was diagnosed at age seven, my mom, dad, and sister have made choices in order to prioritize simply keeping me alive. I suddenly felt like I was a burden that prevented my family from going on vacation, going out to eat, and getting to experience new, fun, and adventurous things with friends, all at the cost to keep me from dying.
My parents are both college-educated and have two stable, well-paying jobs. Yet, even my family is struggling to overcome the daunting price of insulin. Today, more than 100 million Americans have diabetes or prediabetes. In 2017, diabetes was the most expensive chronic illness in the U.S., costing more than $327 billion per year — $15 billion of that cost was the price of insulin which has more than tripled between 2002 and 2013. Normally, research and developmental expenses that change the quality of insulin would warrant such a drastic hike in prices, but the formula of the major pharmaceutical companies’ insulin has remained unaltered for around the past 15 years.
The drastic rise in the price of insulin has caused one in four Americans living with diabetes, including me, to ration their insulin. That is resulting in many complications and, in some severe cases, even death. On July 12, it was 21-year-old Jesimya Scherer-Radcliffe. A few days ago, it was 27-year-old Josh Wilkerson.
It could have been me. As I was leaving the pharmacy that past March, and armed with only one vial, I decided to ration my insulin. In my mind, it made sense. If I could reduce the cost of being alive, I thought, I could reduce their burden of keeping me alive. I won’t go into the details of how, but as a result of rationing over the next three years at school, I suffered physically and mentally, in and out of the classroom. Without the insulin to keep my blood glucose in check, my body went into diabetic ketoacidosis. This is when a body’s pH drops too low, due to the breakdown of fat storages and muscle tissue that convert into ketones for fuel. Your brain suffers the most, because it consumes the most amount of energy, as it controls and conducts bodily functions and homeostasis.
I was sluggish, inattentive, more emotional, and more impulsive. Though I was a student-athlete, I did not have enough energy to carry out my daily tasks or the demands of football practice and games. I slept anywhere between 12 and 18 hours a day, and consciously allowed my body to begin shutting down. I missed or was late to classes and practices. I didn’t study. I wasn’t focused. Though most people were unaware I was even at college, a few of my friends and coaches were paying better attention than I thought. Individually, they alerted my mom. She began monitoring things more closely. At one point, I nearly died, but she caught me before it became too late. The next day, we had a heart-to-heart, and I explained all I was and had been doing. When the tears turned to resolve, I vowed never to ration my insulin again.
My question, though, is how many other insulin-dependent Americans are still rationing, even though we know the risks?
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Bryan Lawrence / Breathe New Winds
It doesn’t have to be this way, and it shouldn’t. In other countries, such as Canada, the exact same insulin can be purchased for one-tenth of the cost if purchased in the U.S. because there are laws that prevent manufacturers from gouging the sticker to pad their pockets. While I believe in capitalism and a free market, I do not believe pharmaceutical companies should be able to lord over people and lead them to believe they have no other option than buying their medication, or death.
Last week, a group of people with diabetes and I decided to meet up in Detroit so we could take a bus to Canada to purchase insulin. The trip was coordinated by Quinn Nystrom, a Minnesota native and long-time American Diabetes Association friend. Our plan was twofold: To make a statement, as well as to, you know, get the insulin we need to stay alive.
Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders accompanied us on our journey to help raise national awareness surrounding the issue of insulin affordability; for that, I will be forever indebted to the senator. It was a continuation of his work in 2016, when he asked the government to formally investigate insulin-makers on claims of price collusion. In Windsor, Canada, every major news station captured the astonishing difference in the price of insulin, as well as personal stories of the individuals invited on the trip. My family alone bought 25 vials of insulin for $1009.64. This would have cost us over $12,000 in Indiana.
Senator Sanders spoke about the greediness of pharmaceutical companies and their irresponsibility for charging anywhere between $300-400+ per vial of insulin, when each only costs $3-6 to produce. But as the senator pointed out, those companies aren’t alone in their misdeeds. In Washington D.C., senators and congresspeople routinely accept campaign donations from pharmaceutical companies, who are among the largest of lobbying groups. Tier strategies also contribute to the cost of how insulin is priced.
I believe all of those involved are causing thousands of people with diabetes to die, by effectively pricing them out of existence. And I’m not alone: Sanders said he believes the CEOs of the pharmaceutical companies should be held accountable for their part in setting the prices. “Prices go up and up and up at the same level for the same companies. So, what you do is you throw these people in jail if they engage in price fixing,” he told me while we were in Canada. “It never ends. They essentially have blood on their hands, all in exchange for living an exorbitant lifestyle.”
I don’t have the answers for how to fix this epidemic. I shouldn’t, either — I’m 22 years old. All I know is how to manage my Type 1 diabetes, and to listen to what my body tells me it needs. What it needs, what it will always need, is insulin.
For me and millions of other Americans, healthcare isn’t a theoretical party line, or an ideological talking point about who loses what coverage if the government were to intervene. It is our reality, every day, when we eat, when we exercise, when we take our medication. It is what happens when drugstore pharmacists tell us we owe thousands of dollars. It is not your buzzword or debate topic. It is a matter of life or death.
The post Americans Are Dying Because They Cant Afford Insulin. I Was Almost One Of Them appeared first on Gyrlversion.
from WordPress http://www.gyrlversion.net/americans-are-dying-because-they-cant-afford-insulin-i-was-almost-one-of-them/
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Hey I love your blog! Do you wear a medical alert bracelet? I'm hypoglycemic and thinking of getting one, but I don't know if it would be useful. Thoughts?
Hey, aww thank you so much! :] I have a medical alert bracelet and I don’t wear it as much as I should. If I’m at work or with my family, I don’t wear it because they all know of my condition. But, if I’m at the gym, or at the mall by myself, I try my best to remember to wear it. I definitely think it’s useful, for any condition. God forbid you’re in a situation where something does happen, it’d be best to wear one that way those around you know what to do. For example, mine says: 
Paige (Last name)Type 1 DiabetesInsulin DependentICE Dad 555-555-5555
Obviously it says his actual phone number and my last name but I’m not gonna share that :P 
I got mine at https://www.laurenshope.com/ they have bracelets for everyone (I’m unsure of your gender), some can be pricey, some can be reasonable. I think as long as your bracelet says your name, condition, and who to call in an emergency (other than an ambulance) you’ll be set. 
Bottom line: medical alert bracelets are very important and I definitely think you should get one! If you do get one, send me a pic, I’d love to see it!
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punkroxas · 7 years
Emergency - Commissions
I hate more than anything having to do this again. Really, this is about the LAST thing I ever want to do... But I am really in a bad place and honestly don’t know what else to do. I’m literally desperate and I’m asking for ANY kind of help you can give me.
My partner and I are type 1 diabetics and living by ourselves in a one bedroom apartment. In December my partner attempted suicide several times. She couldn’t be alone which was really scary and stressful. She ended up going to a psychiatric hospital and took a leave of absence from work to get on some medication and find help. She ended up doing emergency therapy sessions and was out of work for around two months. 
I was still going to work but as of last month, my partner had begun to get bad again. The job we work is really stressful so her doctor advised her to find a new line of work, (which she did. However, that new job has not started yet.) Her doctor also advised that she not be alone. My family is an hour or so away from us and her family is 6 hours away. I was the only one able to stay with her and make sure she didn’t end her own life or hurt herself. Which, of course, I did.
My job was amazingly nice enough to offer me a leave of absence as well, which I had no choice but to take. This seemed fine to me as I was supposed to receive a HUGE tax return. I talked with the state tax office today and apparently when I filed my taxes I did something wrong. I’m not getting a tax return, at all. AT ALL. I was supposed to get around $1200 according to Turbo Tax and now I’m not getting ANYTHING. 
We have both been not working for about three weeks. We have about $40.00 in my account and two nights ago, my tired blew in my car on the front left passenger side AND my wisdom teeth are coming in and giving me HELL while they do it. The copay alone for my wisdom teeth surgery is $300. Right now, though, I’m only worried about rent and food and my busted car so I can actually GET to work.
I called my work and should be going back to it this week, but for the next two weeks, we can’t even pay our $880 in rent this month (And we’re already a little behind). We DO have insulin and medical supplies which is such a blessing, honestly. However, that, plus medical bills, is where most of our money went. 
I don’t want to ask for anything for free, because I despise asking for help and especially money. I feel so guilty. You can tell I’m at my absolute last resort when I do this kind of thing. Even if you’re a friend I can pay back, I will. I had to make this post and give it a shot though because we are literally at our wits end.
I think the biggest concern is maybe rent but MOSTLY the car. A new tire is only $50 so even $1 a person will help. I just can’t get to work without my car. Its impossible.
I’ve applied to a second job that I’ll be picking up on top of my 40 hours from work if I can go back this week. I’ll be working every day of the week but I have to if my partner and I want to survive. We don’t even have anything left to sell in our apartment at this point. 
But I AM opening commissions for different things which will be under the cut. I do cosplay commissions, prop commissions, art commission and writing commissions. I’m even working on making charms to sell but that’s a long process and I don’t have the time to get those out when we owe rent in less than three days.
My mom filed for bankruptcy a year or so ago so she has no money to help me with at all and I don’t speak to my dad due to him being abusive when I was a child. 
Commission info is under the cut! Please please consider helping me out. I AM accepting donations as well because I don’t really have a choice. If you can even donate a dollar I’d really appreciate it.
I just applied for an airline job so if I get it, hopefully things will get easier for us. But between mental health and physical health, it’s been extremely bad.
Please please please, if you can donate or commission me for ANYTHING I would be so grateful. This has been one hell of a past few months with mental health and regular health issues. Please, I’m begging you, help us out.
My paypal is paypal.me/rileykraus
Commission info is under the cut!
Cosplay Commissions:
Please click on this link to see examples of my work!! I’m opening up commissions for FOUR cosplay/prop slots!! I’ll be making a separate post for these slots but please message me or email me for a quote!!! I’ll provide all of my contact information at the end of this post if you’d rather email me. 
I’ve been cosplaying for over ten years and I’m willing to do prop work (armor, weapons,  Overwatch props etc.), Kingdom Hearts shoes, and sewn costumes. PLEASE let me know!
Writing Commissions:
I am opening up 3 slots for writing commissions!! My work can be found at http://archiveofourown.org/users/Punkroxas
I am doing one shots preferably but can do up to three chapters for the right price! I’ll do any kind of pairings, any setting, AU’s etc. The only thing I will not write for you is smut. I just don’t feel comfortable with writing that for someone else. Please message me! First come, first serve.
This will be priced at $1 per 100 words. If you want three chapters, it would depend on how lengthy you’d like those chapters. We can discuss this if you message me for that kind of thing, though. 
I AM WILLING TO GHOST WRITE. I’m extremely desperate so please message me to discuss that kind of thing.
THIS DOES MEAN I AM PUTTING ROLLER COASTER ON HOLD. For those who wondered, however, I’ve been writing that a lot recently, I’m just posting it all at once when its complete (or I have at least 6 new chapters, we’ll see.) This means I will not accept any kind of money for a new RC chapter. I’m sorry. I’m desperate enough, tbh, but I really don’t want to do that. 
Art Commissions I am opening up art commissions as well! I’m normally more of a traditional artist but I’m working on charms at the moment and would love to draw something for you. I am only opening 2 slots as of now because I’m not used to this kind of thing and am going to have other commission types going on. I’m going to make a separate post for examples on my art, but for now, if you message me I can provide you with those examples. (this is post is getting mega long)
My rates (You can add $3 for each extra character you’d like.) $5 for busts $10 for waist up $20 for full body $30 for a full scene
I will NOT draw NSFW. 
I am new at drawing anthropomorphic but I am more than willing to give it a shot! (And lower the price if I don’t feel so confident with it)
A separate post will follow for art commissions!!
Please please if you can commission or donate ANYTHING AT ALL, I’d REALLY appreciate it. I’m so desperate, i don’t know what else to do. Really. We’re so strapped for money. It’s so scary being in this situation.
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foodoliplife · 5 years
Why Everyone Is Wrong Regarding Polar Biology and Why You Must Read This Report
Polar Biology – the Conspiracy
Moreover, there’s a gradient farther down the body, with a tall point at the head end. It is crucial to remember that each one of the five factors represents a selection of feasible personality types. 1 technique is known as ion exchange chromatography, especially helpful in biochemical work. This is a event of asymmetry as opposed to classical polarity. A nice case of polarity featuring all the necessary classical features is a easy organism, hydra. This section https://teha-wd.de/evolutionary-biology-reviews-amp-guide/ is all about everything over the scale of the single organism.
All About Polar Biology
It isn’t enough to attempt to fix the effects of doing things that destroy it. The constraint of production of hormones formed as a result of cell death depends upon the constraint of cell death itself. He tried for 2 months or more time to get microbes from every sample to increase in the lab, under over a dozen varieties of conditions.
Dependent on the properties of the 2 substances, the alternate hypothesis that methylene blue will get a greater retention factor when compared with fluorescein can be stipulated. There are four primary varieties of useful source proteins. Illumina whole genome sequencing (WGS) of tumour and paired germline has the capability to reveal all sorts of unique mutations and global measures around the genome, but it’s limited by the little fragment dimensions and the demand for large and pricey equipment. But genes are only one of several unique things that determine when you have diabetes… if it progresses… and even when you can do away with it.
How to Find Polar Biology on the Web
Polarity is a moderately elaborate concept. Our degrees are broken up into Stages. Find out more regarding Work Placements.
Polar Biology – What Is It?
All these interactions and meetings consume a substantial timeframe. These 3 standards comprise the foundation for the scientific method, intelligent debate, and sometimes even education itself. Marmosets are known to execute some adoptions of their very own. In addition, it enabled me to build superior assignments as a way to clarify mathematical troubles. Selected homework issues and solutions are offered below.
Choosing Polar Biology Is Simple
Applications masterpapers.com/ received after the deadline might not be considered. As a way to successfully receive a Masters qualification, you’ll need to acquire several credits by passing individual modules. The offspring is going to be born any moment from November to February. However, it’s your responsibility to choose to use them. It looks far from obvious. To begin with, see the location of the small positive and negative ends.
International warming is the principal reason for the Polar Bears decrease in population. Polar Bear has 18 distinct quests which he will randomly assign and can be finished indefinitely. Climate change is supposed to have presented opportunities for the 2 species to mate now and then in the previous 100,000 decades.
The Appeal of Polar Biology
Without ice Polar Bears are unable to attain their prey. Keep this in mind, and you will have the ability to relish a pastime without sinking all your money into it. It is all dependent on the ice. Flying is something which a lot of people find to be quite enjoyable, therefore it certainly can be a recreational pastime. In reality, any hobby can place a drain on your bank account, especially if you do not demonstrate any restraint when it has to do with enjoying it.
Most Noticeable Polar Biology
Polarity in the evolution of the embryo could be illustrated by the early evolution of the nematode embryo. The Golgi apparatus is distinguished by all the following except that it isn’t A. an organelle. On the other hand, the samples utilized in the analysis came from the previous 120,000 decades and show that interbreeding of both species occurred a fantastic deal earlier. It is used in photosynthesis, so it is responsible for the production of glucose.
These images tell a specific story about the climate crisis but has the potential to appear remote and abstract a problem that isn’t a human one, nor one which is particularly urgent. There are two things to look at when attempting to decide. It expresses your purpose via your passion. But unfortunately they don’t realize how these thoughts can shape their lives. Altruistic behavior is likely in humans to a extent or another. I try to comprehend their way of thinking and permit them accordingly.
Polar Biology for Dummies
If it’s the molecule is polar or non-polar may make a difference in lots of ways. Linear molecules have a tendency to be non-polar. The amino acids that should be eaten are called the crucial amino acids’ because they’re a critical portion of a nutritious diet.
Dad was a journalist, thus we moved around a good deal. Golf is also a past time that, even though it isn’t the most expensive hobby that it’s out there, it can be rather expensive once you find yourself really getting into it. This last level may provide you some helpful ideas about possible options following your course or a course you’re contemplating.
To get ready for a chemistry test, like the Regents Chemistry exam, you will likely need to have a Regents Chemistry review course to be certain you fully grasp the fundamentals and everything else you want to understand. At school, there are plenty of subjects. Our department is able to help you broaden your horizons because our professors are involved with research projects that affect the nation and the world. In some instances, though, a biology professor may look for the assistance of graduate students in grading his undergraduate students. Fall and Spring and annually.
Qualities like self-motivation, teamwork ability and leadership might also be gained through non-academic pursuits and work experience and prepare you for a array of careers. Finally, this approach will realize an immense impact for a great number of patients world-wide. Both parties receive a benefit.
Intermolecular interactions can happen between polar molecules on account of the dipole shifts and slight charges connected with each end. Ionic bonds are most frequently found in salts, and they form an extremely strong bond, even though it can be broken by water. Each atom has a particular electronegativity.
I want to set this up with a homey analogy. A better comprehension of how light modulates emotion and cognition will bring about novel preventive and therapeutic strategies for mood disorders along with cognitive decline related to aging and dementia. It expresses your purpose via your passion. But unfortunately they don’t realize how these thoughts can shape their lives. Nonetheless, there’s no ambiguity about the mouse success. I don’t think there’s any difference between the meaning of both of these sentences.
Polar Biology at a Glance
Dad was a journalist, thus we moved around a good deal. To date, nearly all of my scholarship activities have involved getting my lab ready to go. This last level may provide you some helpful ideas about possible options following your course or a course you’re contemplating.
The Polar Biology Pitfall
Peer mentors can help you in your very first year. Moreover, the University organises an yearly careers fair so that you’re able to meet prospective employers and find an insight into the variety of marine-related careers. Since they are positions which are off campus, the Biology Department utilizes the term Externships.
If you are worried about preventing the flu there are a lot of things you can do in order to lower your risk. The most important risk factor for type two diabetes is obesity. Other people can produce insulin.
Polar Biology Ideas
Most taught Masters is going to have variety of core modules that you must take and pass so as to get the qualification. Biology papers can become very technical very fast. Our location close to the coast gives fantastic fieldwork opportunities. How you should do your greatest good. It will not ever be the same. Yes, but not all them.
The New Angle On Polar Biology Just Released
Students can select the PDF files of study materials they want to see or can download all the course materials at the same time. At school, there are plenty of subjects. When studying biology you need never have to worry you will be unable to apply your education in a useful and fulfilling way. In some instances, though, a biology professor may look for the assistance of graduate students in grading his undergraduate students. Fall and Spring and annually.
And if you’ve got it already, you don’t need to live with it for the remainder of your life. Keep this in mind, and you will have the ability to relish a pastime without sinking all your money into it. Some places will receive more rainfall, which could cause flooding, although other places will get less, which may mean drought. The movie indicates a multitude of polar bear families forming some kind of community just like the lion pride in Disney’s The Lion King. If you really need to chat about a costly hobby, we are likely to discuss flying.
What Everybody Dislikes About Polar Biology and Why
In these cases, each polypeptide is called a subunit’. Cell membranes are created from a double layer of phospholipids. Proteins are definitely the most frequent molecules found in cells. A protein will contain one particular polypeptide or many polypeptides bonded with each other to form large, complex proteins. Many proteins deliver structural support to certain pieces of an organism. They are unique proteins on account of the distinctive environment they exist in.
The Foolproof Polar Biology Strategy
Polarity in the evolution of the embryo could be illustrated by the early evolution of the nematode embryo. The Golgi apparatus is distinguished by all the following except that it isn’t A. an organelle. On the other hand, the samples utilized in the analysis came from the previous 120,000 decades and show that interbreeding of both species occurred a fantastic deal earlier. We’ll consider the a number of the energetic components of these kinds of reactions in other another chapter.
This new research gives a decade-long dataset that could act as a baseline against which the consequences of climate change can be measured. The sheet is subsequently placed into a developing chamber containing the cell phase. Temperature Temperature is a rather important physical parameter in the marine atmosphere. Climate is the pattern of the weather conditions over a long length of time for a massive place. The studies reveal that sea ice may have a large effect on the international carbon cycle, and that chemical processes have a much greater effect on the sea ice’s capability to eliminate CO2 than biological processes. This environmental auxin might be important for the development of roots.
When you consider all the populations of unique species in 1 area, you own a community. Orbitals have an assortment of shapes. Those species separated from a mutual ancestor thousands and thousands of years back.
Furthermore, the effect on injured adults is probably harder to evaluate because a number of them survive the attacks, at least a couple of days,” she adds. Be continually conscious of what you’re attracting. Living on a little station like Palmer was very much like living in a massive household.
Using Polar Biology
After the hydrocarbon chain consists of a double bond, the fatty acid is thought to be unsaturated. Amino acids can link together in a vast range of methods to create distinctive proteins. Some amino acids can be produced by the body utilizing different molecules while other amino acids have to be sourced from food.
The opposing side of the molecule gets more positive, as a result of protons of the hydrogen atoms. A polar molecule has a net dipole as a consequence of opposing charges as a result of asymmetrical bonds. In the more extreme situations, the atom with the larger electronegativity will strip the electrons from the very first atom, not share them whatsoever.
A Secret Weapon for Polar Biology
This scenario holds provided that the first assumptions are valid. For the model, there are three major assumptions. While trait theories are helpful in categorizing behavior, they’ve been criticized by several psychologists. There’ll be a lot of high-ranking military personnel determined to use nanotechnology to prevent the religious zealots.
Life After Polar Biology
In different situations, additives like urea effectively disrupt water structure and cause a drop in detergent CMC. Every cigarette smoked increases the probability of growing cancer. It is a fact that eating a surplus of fried foods and other fatty foods contributes to weight gain.
New Questions About Polar Biology
On this page you can locate a wide variety of Master in Biology programs. This book needs to be read by college students together with by professionals. Many people don’t succeed at their little goals since they don’t have any most important objective. Do not underestimate the ability of this coveted secret aim.
In many instances, these papers will aim to explore vital scientific processes which effectively suggests that you want to understand you work well before you commence writing. For the model, there are three major assumptions. While trait theories are helpful in categorizing behavior, they’ve been criticized by several psychologists. There’ll be a lot of high-ranking military personnel determined to use nanotechnology to prevent the religious zealots.
Polarity in the evolution of the embryo could be illustrated by the early evolution of the nematode embryo. The Golgi apparatus is distinguished by all the following except that it isn’t A. an organelle. It’s possible to imagine a new kind of insulating material, Simonis explained. It is used in photosynthesis, so it is responsible for the production of glucose.
What’s Really Happening with Polar Biology
Thus CO2 isn’t a polar molecule, although it has polar bonds. In the event the electrons aren’t shared equally, then there is going to be a partial ionic charge. Each atom has a particular electronegativity.
Polar Biology Explained
These projects don’t have to be large or involved, just set up in the appropriate format with reporting features constructed in. Conclusion it consists of lots of polar bear data and data. An ebook is just one of two file formats that are meant to be employed with e-reader devices and apps like Amazon Kindle or Apple iBooks. See options at the base of this page.
Finding the Best Polar Biology
Nonetheless, computer methodsof analyzing mutations are commonly used since they are usually accurate. In the majority of animals, hemoglobin is created from four globular subunits. Something to notice is that cells that do plenty of active transport are very likely to get many mitochondria to supply the energy for it. But genes are only one of several unique things that determine when you have diabetes… if it progresses… and even when you can do away with it.
I believe your bears deserve a tiny holiday bonus this year! Both later became great pals. Therefore, the polar bear fable’ may function as a stark reminder. But it is going to be hundreds of generations before we really find a new sort of bear. To date, Klavins is a comparatively lone voice in the wilderness. Both of them are deciduous forest biome.
The speed at which the components descend through the column is dependent on many factors. And they don’t suddenly lose their accuracy once I cite their results. Salinities are higher in the tropics as a result of high evaporation prices. As a consequence the warmest air doesn’t reach the poles. The studies reveal that sea ice may have a large effect on the international carbon cycle, and that chemical processes have a much greater effect on the sea ice’s capability to eliminate CO2 than biological processes. Massive amounts of auxin are made by senescent leaves.
I believe he would be very happy to be aware that the special insights he provided continue to get passed on each individual spring, and will continue to get passed on as long as I’m involved in the training course. I used to not care where it was, I only wanted to go somewhere and experience biological research in the area. Many times, data is collected in the area and analyzed on campus. Specific emphasis will be put on topics in geometry and trigonometry. The carboxyl group is extremely versatile. Just take a look at the latest data available for our graduates.
An organic compound that includes an amino group is known as an amine. There are quite a few other everyday pursuits that rely upon chemical interactions, which is the reason it’s important to understand chemistry. The whole molecule is going to be a polar molecule.
Polar Biology at a Glance
It bears need our help and protection to ensure a long, healthy future for the species. In general, the findings indicate that the Arctic Ocean archipelagos could function as a refuge for bees now on the brink of extinction due to climate warming. Sperm whales aren’t the only whales to adopt.
Applications received after the deadline might not be considered. Biology papers can become very technical very fast. The offspring is going to be born any moment from November to February. But additionally, it is woefully inaccurate. It might help you feel much better. Yes, but not all them.
Students are going to have an chance to get experience, to raise knowledge in various functional locations, and establish important contacts with an organization. Whenever you have diabetes, for a single reason or other, this approach isn’t working right. MA 340 is highly advisable.
God has at all times pulled my butt from the fire, and put me in the very best of situations. It appears a pity, but I don’t think I can write more. But a small tan is sufficient to shield mothers against that issue. And the form of a grizzly head.
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