#my dark prince <333
peachsayshi · 1 year
*dreamy, dreamy sigh* suguru confessing that he’s in love you is actually one of those moments that is so impactful you might faint.  
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lucreziaces · 27 days
thinking about the dark side of cesare fanning the flames-- or at the very least just not doing anything to stop them-- of the unholy love/desire he and lucrezia felt for each other when he just playfully chased her around the garden after discovering she was watching him fuck another woman, or when he planted the idea that he'd be the only one to care for her heart, or when he implied the love between them was comparable to the love of God, calling it "as all-consuming and pure as the love of God"....an idea she later reflects in season 3 when she says "one touch of your hand and God comes rushing back" (also in the same scene "whatever it is, it overwhelms".) like, yes, okay I do believe lucrezia is probably the one that shifted their relationship into sexual terrority (not on purpose though!!), but cesare is older by a few years. he would've understood it to be wrong before she did, and he could've sat her down at any point in season 1 or 2 and told her "hey, this isn't how brothers and sisters are supposed to feel about each other. we can't lean into whatever this is, okay?" and then made an actual effort to let her go instead of just half-assing it before then immediately beginning the build up of the already thick sexual tension between them until it was unbearable and she was left thinking her husband didn't care about her because he wouldn't sleep with her, so she climbed into cesare's bed and convinced him they should just get it on because no one else could understand them and people already it whisper about them anyway, so "why deny ourselves the pleasure?" very sick and twisted of him. I kinda hate him for it actually. because if he hadn't gone and created this "ideal lover" in lucrezia's head that only he could fit the mold of, she might've found actual happiness with someone else!! 😡 😡
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hildergard · 2 months
just thinking about aemond x lowborn!reader (I found myself in love with that trope) he helps her by giving her food, money, clothes, and stuff. but the reader is a younger daughter or lives in a toxic environment and everything is monopolized by her family and when aemond finds out he simply sees red. i'm sorry if this doesn't make sense, but the idea is there!!!
PAIRING | Aemond Targaryen x Lowborn!Reader
TAGS | Swearing, suggestive content, dysfunctional family
NOTE | Enjoy this thing I wrote in one sitting and did not edit. If you see any mistake... no you did not. There probably is⏤English is not my first language. In my mind, they are "rich" enough to buy food so I focused on gifts instead. I hope you'll like it nonetheless. I tried to keep it short this time and, for once, I think I succeeded! Thank you for requesting this great prompt <333
likes, comments, reblogs are much appreciated!
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Downstairs, the intoxicated patrons sang their bawdy songs and shook the walls of the inn. Their lewd rhymes travelled through the dingy floorboards and vanished against your parted lips. 
A hand went up your spine, grazed your shoulders, and stopped on your sweaty neck. 
“Where is it?”
The voice hit the air and sent shivers down your spine. That authoritative tone, those proudly exhaled consonants, those whispered vowels... His words exuded nobility and education and set your whole body ablaze. You closed your eyes for a second and imagined yourself blessed with such gift of the gab, but your sentence fell awkwardly from your bruised lips.
“What do you mean?”
The sticky sheets crumpled under your weight. You squinted to make out the silhouette of your lover. In the moonlight, his hair looked as if it had been woven from the stars. 
“Where is your necklace?" Aemond asked.
Mindlessly, your fingers hit an infinity of naked flesh. You gulped. 
“Oh... Well... I didn't want to wear a beautiful object liked that in Flea Bottom. Thieves are everywhere with the blockade–”
“I gave it to you for you to wear it," he cut you off. 
The pitch-dark night itself could not hide his discontent. 
“I know, my love," you say softly. 
He had been so happy to give it to you. The gold chain and the sapphire still sparkled in your dreams. Sometimes, at night, you would remember Aemond's delicate fingers against your neck, the refreshing coldness of the precious metal on your flesh, its weight against your throat... And then, the sun would tear you from your dreams and the only thing left around your neck would be the knot of your guilt.
“No matter," he finally said. 
Your prince's fingers descended on your chest, brushed against your nipple but did not linger, much to your regret. Aemond got out of bed and left your body cold⏤it was so easy to let yourself be consumed by dragonfire. It burned your heart oh so beautifully. 
Without a word, Aemond bent down and took a packet out of his leather bag. You looked away from his naked body, your cheeks aflame. The many nights you had spent with him, learning the map of his muscles and flesh, had done nothing for your shyness. It died in an explosion of pleasure each night but would always be reborn in the painful awareness left in the vanishing carnal bliss. 
Aemond came back and handed you the gift, one knee resting on the thin mattress. A lump twisted in your throat and rendered you speechless. With a trembling hand, you pulled the ribbon and let the fabric fall to reveal a magnificent dress. 
You closed your eyes for a moment and forced a smile onto your face.
“You shouldn't have," you said through clenched teeth. 
“You say that every time," he laughed. “And you know very well that I will not stop. You deserve to be pampered, my love."
You don't command a nobleman, let alone a Targaryen. Perhaps that was why Aemond kept ignoring your request, for it never changed. Every gift was answered with this phrase. There was no false modesty there, just the familiar, creeping guilt⏤an old enemy coming to torment you. 
“It’s beautiful.”
Your fingers brushed against the blue bodice, where golden threads wove in a fine, expensive, embroidery⏤a huge dragon slumbered in a field of flowers. 
At your words, Aemond smiled brightly and kissed your forehead. His lips left their wet imprint, which you did not wipe away. You would cherish its feeling a little longer. He moved down your cheeks and finally attacked your lips. You groaned and buried your hand in his hair before pressing your chest against his.
“I must go now," he said reluctantly between kisses. 
You stepped back with a sigh and glanced at the window. The hour of the wolf was darkening the sky. Downstairs, the patrons had quietened down. Heavy, awkward footsteps echoed in the corridor and doors slammed. 
At last, the more festive souls were going to bed. 
If you listened carefully, you could hear the bakers already hard at work. The first to rise, they sweetened the dreams of citizens with the sweet and greedy fragrances they distilled in the streets. 
Aemond slumped onto the bed one last time and pulled you in for a last kiss. 
“The next time I see you, I will rip that silk off your body," he smiled before pointing to the discarded dress. 
You nodded, avoiding his gaze, and kissed him one last time. 
Aemond⏤hood falling on his head⏤disappeared with an uttered I love you and left you alone with your guilt. A sigh shook your chest. 
You got dressed and went downstairs, leaving the stains on the linen as the only trace of your love. You absently nodded at Denyse, busy wiping the tables, and set off into the streets of Flea Bottom. 
It would take you a good hour to get to the forge. 
You already longed for your bed on the other side of the town. 
Flea Bottom, for all its faults, provided the discretion you needed to meet your prince every night. It was Aemond who had shown you this little inn after you refused to use the secret passages leading to the Red Keep⏤you would not throw yourself into the dragon's jaws.  
Your feet cursed you, but your heart thanked you for these precious moments⏤away from the reproaches and the forge, the vices of the court and the pressure of power. In this dingy room, the Prince softened and removed his iron mask to reveal the gentle soul hidden behind it, while you forgot the shrill cries that tormented your days. 
It took you longer than usual to reach the Street of Steel. As you passed through the wooden door, the hour of the Nightingale was casting its first rays of sunshine and waking up the workers. 
Your mother was waiting for you, arms crossed and a bucket of water at her feet. 
Without delay, she ripped the dress from your hands and replaced it with the bucket. A few drops splashed onto you, soaking the front of your sweaty tunic. 
“Where did you get that?” her sharp voice asked. “You stole it, didn’t you? How many times do I have to tell you–”
“I didn’t– It's not–”
She cut you off before you could come up with an excuse.
Her fingernails scraped at the embroidery, which held firm. 
“That’s some good work..." she mumbled. “We'll get a few silver stags out of it... Maybe enough to repair the oven. Meredyth? Meredyth! Come downstairs and take this to the weaver next door!”
You held out a shaking hand to try and retrieve the dress, but your mother glared at you. You lowered your head, your eyes wet. Aemond's face appeared in your thoughts and the guilt⏤always there⏤ignited. 
You no longer had the strength to fight the inevitable. Dawn, beautiful as it was, always had its share of disappointments in store for you. Every morning, your prince's gifts were snatched from you without remorse and sold to the nearest merchant. All that remained of your jewels and dresses was a thick leather purse hidden under the floor of your parents' bedroom⏤both took great pleasure in lecturing you about stealing and sinning. 
Your mother could pretend all she wanted to be pious and kind, a good believer with a guiltless conscience, but you knew the truth. She would never go through with her threats, far too happy with the gold dragons piling up under her pillow. 
Your sister ran down the stairs and grabbed the package before examining its contents. 
“Oh, Mum, it's so beautiful…” She took the dress out of its wrapping and pressed it to her chest before twirling around, not minding the dirt on the silk with her ashen fingers. “Can we keep it?”
Your mother scoffed. 
“To do what? You don't need an embroidered dress to forge swords and shoe horses. Why don't you go and see if Claere can take it? And you!" she turned back to you. “Clean the grindstone. You’ll sharpen the commissions next. Corwyn isn't here.”  
The knot tightened around your neck as you nodded and disappeared into the workshop. 
The hours passed. Sweat stuck to your forehead and the sparks from the grindstone bit your fingers. At last⏤to your delight⏤ nine o'clock struck the end of the day. You gave Duncan⏤a golden cloak⏤the dagger he had ordered, pocketed the fifty silver stags and wished him a good evening. 
When he closed the door, you hurried up to your room, washed yourself with the bucket of cold water, put on one of your best dresses and ran to Flea Bottom, ignoring your mother's cries, which faded under the beating of your soles. 
You arrived at the inn out of breath, but happy to be away from home. Denyse greeted you with a wink and watched you stride up the stairs. The steps creaked under your weight, but you did not care. Habit and euphoria carried you to an innocuous door. 
You opened it and a body flung itself against yours. A smile lit up your face. Aemond did not wait and pulled you to the bed. 
As his lips peppered your neck with kisses, his hands slipped under your body and roamed the length of your back. They clung to your dress and sought out the threads of your bodice, but suddenly stopped. You tensed. Gently, Aemond straightened up. He looked at you before his eye fell on your cotton dress.
“What is this?” 
“Aemond, I–” 
“Wasn't it to your liking? You should have told me. I would have asked the royal weaver to make the necessary alterations. We just received Essos fabrics. Perhaps it would have been wiser to talk to you about it before commissioning it,” he frowned. 
“It was perfect.”
You sighed and embraced him. Immediately, Aemond's hands searched for yours. Your fingers intertwined. He pulled you against him and tucked his chin into your neck. As he spoke, his breaths hit your skin and made you shiver. 
“What are you not telling me, my love?”
His closeness calmed you. With the tip of your pointer finger, you brushed his back and caressed the hollow of his spine. Your hand came to rest on the small of his back and traced invented letters that told of all the love you felt for him. He smiled against your neck and kissed it, understanding the gibberish you were writing with an ignorant hand. 
The language of love knew no illiteracy.
Your sigh struggled to come out, blocked by the muscular torso against your chest. It struggled to find its way to your lips and  when it did come out, it poured all its guilt into the air before suffocating you. 
“It's just that... I mean... Don't get angry, please, I couldn't bear it,” you begged.
“Never, my love. Now tell me.” 
“Your gifts… My parents… They sell them.” 
He straightened up and sought your gaze, but you turned your head away. Guilt lacerated your throat. You swallowed to get rid of the horrible feeling, but it remained. 
The Gods were punishing you. 
“They sell them and use the gold for the forge or when they feel like it.”  
He said nothing, which worried you. 
“Stop offering me more," you stammered. “I beg you, Aemond. I can't bear the guilt any longer. Please, Aemond. You must understand…”
He hushed you and gently caressed your cheek. You took refuge in the warmth of his palm and closed your eyes. His lips wiped away the few tears that rolled down your cheekbone. 
“It is all right.”
“Is it?”
“Yes, my sweet. Now please, do not cry. I cannot bear this sight.”
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After your conversation, Aemond stopped bringing you gifts. Your heart sank, but you told yourself that it was for the best⏤your parents would, at last, no longer monopolise his fortune. Now, all your prince had left to offer you were his caresses and words, but you felt richer than if he had given you a piece of jewellery. 
Your hammer struck the iron, sending sparks flying. They nicked at your cheeks but did not dim the smile on your face. Your thoughts drifted back to last night, Aemond's warm skin against yours, his hand between your thighs, his warmth and his thrusts… 
A metallic noise brought you back to reality. You raised your head and blinked, expecting to find Corwyn in the workshop, but there was only you. 
It comes from the shop, you realised. 
You frowned⏤thinking about the person behind the counter⏤and wiped your hands on an old towel before walking to the front. Worry settled in your chest as you quickened your pace. 
Your father never dropped his tools. Years of experience had turned his hammer into a part of his hand. He was no longer the young apprentice you or your siblings still were. 
You stumbled into the shop. 
“M’prince!" your father stammered. “To what do we owe this honour?”
Your wide eyes met Aemond's satisfied one. The towel fell to the floor. 
“Would you like a sword? I have several that might please you. No Valyrian steel around here unfortunately," he chuckled, "but they cut just as good.”
“I’ve come to discuss your daughter's affairs.” 
“Your youngest daughter," the Prince replied. 
Your father gave you an incredulous look when you reached him. His fist tightened around the hammer he had picked up. 
“I heard a rumour that rather annoys me, I must admit. A rumour about valuable objects that have an unfortunate tendency to disappear.”
Your father grabbed your upper arm to keep you in line⏤ unwilling to sully his image in front of the Prince Regent. 
“Her mother and I...! We've told her a hundred times not to steal! She's a good girl, m’prince. She's just a little... lost. Youth, you know," he smiled nervously. “No need to make a big deal of it. Don't you think?”
“Oh, your daughter is innocent. You are the problem, sir.” 
“You see, those objects were gifts. From me, might I add. And I take great offence that you not only stole them but shamelessly sold them for your own gain, embezzling money from the crown. This is an act of treason, did you know that? I could have your head for this.”
You massaged the bridge of your nose between two fingers and sighed, cursing your lover's hot blood and praying to the Gods to give you the strength. Three eyes burned at your temple⏤two of embarrassment, one of pride. You met your father's gaze and shrugged. 
“I… I beg your pardon, m’prince. We didn't know.” 
Your father set down his hammer on the counter and curtsied. His callused fingers waved, unsure of what to do, before plunging into the centre pocket of his leather apron. 
The prince stared at your father for a few more seconds, gloating as he squirmed with embarrassment, and moved towards you. Gently, he took hold of your wrist. You gasped when a cold sensation touched your hand. You looked down and found a magnificent ring on your finger⏤a fine circle of twisted gold with several sparkling sapphires.
“And there it was. Something as precious as you," he smiled, stroking the jewel with his thumb. “A thousand stones could not compare with your eyes, but I must admit I cannot wait to see it on your finger tonight. It will be all the more beautiful under the moonlight.”
Aemond kissed your hand before straightening up to glare at your father. 
“If I hear this ring has been sold, you will suffer the consequences. Is that clear?”
“Yes, m’prince.”
“Hmm. Good.”
He left the forge with a confident step and slammed the door behind him. 
Silence stretched on. Your teary eyes remained riveted on the jewel. The imprint of his kiss still warmed the back of your hand and made your heart race. You shook your fingers, welcoming this new weight, and smiled brightly.  
After several minutes, your father, his mouth ajar, finally turned to you. 
“Now, what on earth did you do to seduce a prince, girl?
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shamelessfaceless · 6 months
Love, Pain, Death, Repeat II
Navigation | Marvel Masterlist | Part I
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Pairings: Dark!Wanda Maximoff x F!Reader, Billy and Tommy Maximoff x Mom!Reader, Agatha Harkness x F!Reader (platonic)
Summary: Why can't you understand? You were hers, and you will always be hers. You are her solemate. What you don’t understand?
Warnings: Dark!Wanda, mention of cheating, mention of death and suicide, stockholm syndrome (not sure about this one)
Wc: 1550
A/n: Im looking for beta reader (i dont have friends for this😔).
Btw If you saw other post i published before this.. NO YOU DIDNT. It was a dream, and lets keep it that way <333
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“Boys, go downstairs, I think mommy doesn't feel very well and I need to take care of her today.” Her voice is soft, opposite of what you heard last time you saw her.
Your kids, you assumed, get off you. One in a green shirt whispered something to the other one, and they started running. They looked like a perfect mix of you and your ex. Something you really wanted to have. Even as you were younger you always wanted to have your prince charming, and few kids. After a few years, the only thing that changed was prince to princess.
“Why I am here? Is this hell?” After learning that Wanda cheated on you, you started feeling like you don’t deserve love or even kids.
“Aren’t you happy? We can have everything we want here! No Natasha, no Vision, no other people we know.” You looked at her disgusted. She made you believe that you’re not enough, and now she wants to build a dream, more like a nightmare to you, about you and her and your kids.
“Why me? Why not him?!” In a second she was next to you, her hand on your mouth.
“Keep that mouth of yours quieter. We Don't want boys to be suspicious, right?” Her green eyes always made you melt, and she kept her hand on your face. You wanted to give in, but decided to push her away. “Behave” She mumbled sitting next to you.
“Tell me, why me? He truly loved you, as much as a bunch of wires could love someone.” She started stroking your hair.
“It was all just about mind stone, it was all that made me interested in him. I needed to understand this, you are my true love.” Tears falling from her eyes. You couldn’t decide if they were real, or she only wanted to make you forgive her.
You faced the wall not wanting to look at her any longer. She left without saying anything more, after a while she came back and left breakfast on the bed. You were scared to eat it. Who knows if she didn't poisoned it. After a few days of staying in the room and only going to the toilet you decided to finally go to the kitchen to fix yourself something to eat and come back to the bedroom. You started learning her routine, most of the day she wasn’t at home. Taking boys to the school, and going straight after that to work. Boys.. Tommy and Billy, you learned their names yesterday, are coming back from school by foot. Wanda always comes back in the evenings. You need to share bed with her. Feeling her hands on your body makes you feel disgusted and at the same time safe.
“Mommy! Do you feel better now?” Little boy asked. You feel teats building in your eyes, as you looked in his own, almost the same color as yours. Every look at boys is tearing down your walls. Every look at them makes you question what you protect yourself from?
“Yeah Tommy, Mommy feels better now. Do you and your brother want something to eat?”
“Mom was giving us money to buy food at and after school.” He confessed. “But.. Today I bought something else.
“ Tom…”
“But wait!” He runned to his room and came back as fast as he could. Holding something behind his back he looked at you with puppy eyes. “Please don’t be mad, I just… I wanted to buy you this! “He gave you a few flowers. Your favorite flowers. “I wanted to make you feel better, and mom told me you love these!”
You wanted to cry really hard. Feeling a knot in your throat you decided to kiss his forehead and take flowers. You put them in the first vase you saw and started searching for things for pancakes.
When Wanda came back home, the first thing that hitted her was the smell, and just a while later boys came running to her, mouths full of food, and telling her you made them pancakes. She smiled nodding at their words. Everything she could think of was you, and how close she must be to finally break you.
Day after day, you were getting closer to the boys. To Wanda you were closer to breaking point. You even started making dinners for boys. For them you even started learning how to cook. After a few weeks of making dinner only for them you also started leaving something to eat for Wanda. You could not talk to her, but you didn't want her to make herself food after a long day of work, and the voice inside your head wanted her to tell you how good your dishes are, how proud of you she is. Today you decided to bake pizza. Boys wanted to help you but it ended up in flour fight.
“And how will I clean it?” You asked looking at Tommy who has all his hair white, and Billy who has his face in white powder.
“Well, mom can help!” Said Billy.
“Well, maybe I can.” Her voice made you shiver. You looked at the clock, she was home earlier. “Boys, go clean yourself before you eat, maybe we can even watch something together.” They hugged her and speeded to the bathroom.
You wanted to call for them to come back. Staying with Wanda in one room was the last thing you wanted to do right now. After the conversation on the first day you woke up here, you never talked. You didn’t want to hear her voice, you were scared. Not only things she could say, but you could actually brake and fall in her arms.
“What do you say sweet girl, want my help?” She gets closer to you. “Or you maybe want to help you also with something else?” You felt her knee between your legs. Oh how long you weren’t touched down there. Knocking on the door saved you from answering. Wanda only huffed and went to see who disturbed her.
“Hey sweetie! I just wanted to ask if you have some sugar. You know, it's late, and all the shops are closed.” After a while an older woman came into the kitchen.
“Love, why don’t you give our neighbor some sugar.” Wanda said. You only nodded. After a few seconds you were handing a stranger a cup of sugar.
“Thanks honey, oh, i forgot to introduce myself, Im Agatha” She said sweetly. You felt hope, maybe she also knows this world is fake. Maybe if you and her get to know each other you could stop Wanda. You saw a spark of hope and didn’t want to give up not now. But Wanda answered faster than you could think about anything you could say.
“And that's Y/N, she's not very talkative, selective mutism.” She lied without stuttering. You hated her almost the same as you loved her. You couldn't fully hate her, everyone but not her.
You looked into the woman's eyes with a pleading look. You didn’t care Wanda could see that, you only hoped Agatha would understand you. Soon the dark haired woman left and Wanda was again next to you. Her face is millimeters of yours.
“What would you say If I give you another child, hm? You weren’t here when boys were small. “Her lips are almost touching yours.”
“Ew! Moms!”
You were glad Billy finally came back. Thanks to your luck for saving you from Wanda twice. Rest of the evening went nice. You fell asleep while watching a movie. Every night you hoped that she would spare you, she would finally give up and let you be free. Oh how wrong you were. Wanda had plans for you, she needed her pretty girl, and no one could change her plans.
Agatha came a few times when Wanda wasn’t at home. You talked to her trying to see if she also knows if this whole world is fake. When you weren’t sure and asked her about this, she said she knew very well about what Wanda did, she wanted to save you. And she tried. You had everything planned, everything seemed so easy. But one day Agatha disappeared. She no longer came to your house, she wasn’t at home. After a few weeks new neighbors moved in. 
And the day when you couldn't take it anymore came earlier than you expected. When Agatha wasn't there anymore you lost your last hope. No one could help you. There was no one else knowing about what Maximoff did. When you opened your eyes and saw the mother of your childs getting ready to work you had decided. Slowly going behind her you hugged her. 
“Thank you for what you did for us Wands”
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lovebugism · 11 months
Halloween is not really a big thing in my country so our october is as lame as every other month 😭
What do you think about sunshine/ditzy!reader planning her all on pink Halloween costume and eddie trying to convince her to go as something from one of his fav horror movies, or something silly like as a gremlin.
I love everything you write so I'll be happy with anything really
ily <333
ty angel! hope you like it! — eddie and his ditzy gf have trouble deciding on matching costumes (established relationship, fluff, ditzy!reader, can be read as a modern!au, 0.8k)
fictober (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)
“You don’t like my costume?” you wonder, all pouty in your pretty pink leotard and biker short duo. 
You’ve mastered the Barbie look — at least from what Eddie can remember. You’re only missing the neon rollerblades and matching yellow kneepads. You’re the prettiest, most vibrantly colored ball of sunshine he’s ever seen in his life.
“I love your costume, babe, don’t get me wrong…” Eddie assures as he rises from the couch, flashing you a rosy grin as he shakes his head. “But I am not wearing tights.”
Your pout deepens at his refusal to match with you. He was the Ken to your Barbie, after all — even if he wears so much black he basically absorbs all the light in any given room. “But why?” you ask in an unabashed whine.
“‘Cause if I knew I’d be wearing biker shorts for Halloween, I would’ve started doing squats three months ago.”
“But you’d make such a nice Ken!”
Eddie’s chocolate eyes narrow. “Do I look like Ken to you?”
“Well… No,” you answer, faltering only slightly when your gaze darts across the pale features of your wild-haired, metalhead boyfriend. “But it’s not like I look like Elvira!”
Eddie’s face twists like he’s tasted something sour, he’s that offended by your words.
His matching costume idea was the total opposite of your bright pink and sporty one. He wanted you to be a beautiful, shadowy thing hanging on his side in all black — the Mistress of the Dark to his Prince of Darkness. He still gets a little giddy thinking about it.
“Are you serious?” Eddie scoffs, playfully insulted and loud with it. His voice booms across the trailer as he takes you in his arms, curling his calloused fingers around your elbows. “You’re a total smoke show, babe— you’re killer. That’s, like, the only prerequisite.”
You roll your eyes at his compliment, though it has you blushing something fierce. 
Self-loathing was always hard with Eddie around ‘cause he thinks you’re the prettiest thing that’s ever walked the Earth. You’re not quite as certain as he is about it, but he says it with so much confidence that it’s hard to disagree.
“I do have a great set of boobs…” you lilt quietly, eyes flitted to the ceiling as you imagine yourself as the bombshell from Eddie’s favorite movie.
Your quoting of the film, along with your subtle reconsideration, has him grinning. “Yes, you do,” he affirms with a rapid and boyish nod. 
His gaze falls to your breasts, squeezed tight by the spandex fabric clinging to you like it was made to do it. His face heats with embarrassment when he notices he’s all but ogling at you. Then he realizes he doesn’t have to be embarrassed because you’re his girlfriend. It’s his job to ogle at you. It’s fucking metal.
“And an incredible pair of legs…”
“…But I still wanna be Barbie.”
Eddie’s grin never wavers. “Figured.”
“But you don’t have to be Ken if you don’t want!” you affirm quickly, eyes as wide as your glittering smile. “You can still be that weird, freaky singer guy that bit the head off that bat that one time.”
“Ozzy Osbourne,” he corrects.
“Yeah! We can just compromise. Easy peasy.”
Eddie deflates with a dramatic huff. His features twist in a puppy-like pout as he pulls you closer to him. “But you know I hate not getting my way,” he whines, mostly playful.
“I know,” you hum with a sympathetic smile. You gravitate towards him without thinking twice, arms wrapping around his shoulders as you press your chest to his. “But it makes sense, right? I’ve always been like Barbie, and you always liked me anyway… Right?”
He hates that you’re even asking — like he hasn’t been head over heels for you and stumbling all over himself since the day he met you. “I mean, obviously.”
“And you’ve always been a freak! And I’m, like, fucking obsessed with you—” you ramble, as bright as sunshine, until you realize the weight of your words. You grow abruptly serious. “No offense.”
He keeps on beaming like a lovesick idiot. “None taken.”
“And Halloween’s a cool way to represent that, right? Like, yeah, we’re different and we’re hot. Screw couples’ costumes!”
Eddie grows so suddenly fond. His chest warms and sparkles with it, like his dark eyes that melt for you. “Yeah. You’re probably right.”
“I know,” you shrug, still smiling. “I usually am.”
He grins wide before pressing a kiss to your smart mouth. It’s an innocuous peck — a meshing of plush lips and a lingering there. A quiet smack fills the tiny trailer when he parts from you just to pout, “You know I’m gonna have to walk behind you all night to keep people from staring at you, right?”
You giggle when his warm, calloused palms smooth over the outsides of your hips. “You do that anyway, Eds.”
“Well, yeah,” he responds, shrugging like it’s obvious. “‘Cause the view’s so nice.”
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themotherofhorses · 2 years
vic | she/her | 20s
southwestern native american and hispanic
gemini | bi-demi
ao3 | spotify
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All Content 18+ | minors DNI
all my fanfics can be read below in my masterlist or found under my "vic writers 🧸" tag.
happy readings <333
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Simon “Ghost” Riley (Call of Duty)
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“There he is …. Simon Riley.”
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multi-chapter series:
paloma (masterlist)
a multi-chapter series exploring the love story between a british sas lieutenant and his indigenous woman.
(to be added)
love at first sight w simon
holding simon while he cries
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Aemond Targaryen (House of the Dragon)
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"...Prince Aemond, despite the loss of his eye, had become a proficient and dangerous swordsman under the tutelage of Ser Criston Cole, but remained a willful child, hot-tempered and unforgiving..."
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multi-chapter series:
last of her house no more (masterlist)
aemond targaryen with the daughter of daenerys stormborn and khal drogo.
just like animals (masterlist)
a dark & obsessive!aemond targaryen hunting down his sweet modern!wife (and also she’s preggos).
his handmaid's tales (masterlist)
the love story between prince aemond and his handmaid.
blood is thicker than water (but betrayal stains the most)
even the whales fall prey to men
what was mine is still mine, regardless of time
follow me now, and you will not regret (leaving the life you led before we met)
bodyguard!aemond x president’s daughter!reader
foolish men dream foolish lives
you are the moon, i am the sun (i will not allow you to forget)
obsessive!aemond targaryen with niece!reader
an eye for an eye (1) — a son for a son (2)
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Alys Rivers (House of the Dragon)
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"...Was she, in truth, a witch who lay with demons, bringing forth dead children as payment for the knowledge they gave her?"
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mother's day special (part of "his handmaid's tales")
you are the moon, i am the sun (i will not allow you to forget)
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vivisviolets · 5 months
━☆𓁺☆━ Magical messages for your Monday ━☆𓁺☆━ (⊹ timeless dw ⊹)
free channeled as i did my makeup weeeee
━☆pick the image you feel most drawn to sistaaas (gn term)~ or to become more clear for this channeled reading/future prediction, ask God/Spirit/your higher or future self for which pile would resonate best for your alignment~!!... And or just pick your favorite Powerpuff Girl ofc lollll━☆
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━☆𓁺☆━ pile 1
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━☆ Pink, hearts, sparkles/sparkly (eyeshadow or sparkly dresses?- brooches?...), summer nights, fireworks, dreamy, grounded, Taurus/Virgo/Capri placements (Taurus midheaven, Capri rising/Moon degree, Virgo rising/Mars), divine feminine within masculine, house/collage party, business upgrade, phone calls, paid (family?$) vacation, past mommy issues ━☆
━☆I see a balcony, this could be the balcony of a new/different apartment that you are touring and settling on that is destined for you at this time in your life- for some this is an apartment at a party of some kind, hosted by a friend of a friend-... This is a balcony of a castle even- Disneyland? For my whole collective, this is a balcony that you are standing on at night, the sky is a fully darkened blue, and this is accruing in an environment where there are only a handful of stars or none at all... But there is something about the scene that is glittering- maybe dew drops on other balcony plants glistening from lit windows, stained glass,- for those at a party this could be what you choose to wear, eyeshadow, or some accessory,- for those in some place higher, or more royal I should say this is your dress or a clip on your suit-... For all in this collective, no matter the situation-... You feel like a princess. Or prince, or royalty, you feel high (maybe you are at this party💀- full or laughter and couches)- you feel on top of the world. Your world, that you are finally meeting- you are becoming aligned with your world... This might even be your first party, your first business trip/meeting, or your first apartment in a new town/place. You are looking from this balcony, up at the summer night sky, and down at the life below (windows, sidewalks, cicadas-)... You look ahead, past the balcony's edge- and you feel... At peace. Your eyes are sparkling, with tears for some of you, and for some, it's a feeling of satisfaction- you are here. In the weight of the past bundled up, and your whole future as open to you as the night sky, open to you and closer in reach- and you are here, right smack dab in the present, your present moment, your moment.
━☆"I feel nervous in a way that can't be named" - "-I dreamt last night of a sign that read 'The end of love'" - "we were reaching in the dark- that summer in New York" - "I've always been in love with you- could you tell it from the moment that I met you"━☆
━☆𓁺☆━ pile 2
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━☆ Green, connection to pile 1, 32, 222, 333(?), "finally here", garden, Paris, je t'aime(2006), fruit, park visit, "new job now colors", "you love her, don't you?" ━☆
━☆As I looked up from meditating on your energy, all I saw was green (the sunlight on my hydrangeas), you love nature and "organized plant life" (gardening I'm guessing) and you are finally in it! I keep getting phrases more so than just keywords so for some you may be a writer... And your work has finally become monetary "fruitful"! Or for some of you- you just have a "writer's heart" that I am heavily picking up on. -(Brontë sisters?? Wuthering Heights-?)- And I want to give you the message that you will have this same heart for years and years- and you do with it as you wish (keep it internal I mean), but this is just my message to you and what my own spirit guides are saying- tune into yourself and begin to express like my actual-writer group. I'm hearing that my writer group for this collective may even be your higher selves showing you what your future can be by stepping onto this path, and for those in my group already writing (and this could be anything, journaling, poetry, fan fiction, etc) you are now making steps towards this future-writer-self... I hope I'm making sense because I am not a writer lol (I am in my own way ofc I just don't describe myself as that... Yet!)- anyways, even if all that you are doing right now is just personal (for some of you, you already have a blog or page that you are posting on/beginning to, good for you!!), but if you continue to build your world, build your confidence/grow your confidence- this will in the future turn into a career I'm hearing, even if it feels slow going. I'm hearing it will result in journalism, a bigger blog, tons of kudos (~if you know you know), ko-fi, etc- I'm hearing you'll get those new pairs of shoes that you want (yes pairs, you'll have the income)- but back to nature~ you'll get that garden, it's already set in stone for you,- for some of you you'll also get that job involving nature/plant life/outdoors. I'm hearing it has something to do with the national parks/forest preserves, so you'll be getting that park ranger opportunity, fire watch (?), wildlife protection and observation- you got it-it's yours. For some of you, this is a position at a "big box store" in the gardening department, like Home Depot (US reader here- change the name for where you live)- you got it in the bag. I'm already seeing you pushing one of those big wooden carts around full of geraniums or something🌸. The point is, once you align yourself with where you want to be/go- you got it, it's yours. Arriving in even better a plan, and timing, than you were overthinking it would be.
━☆"silly boy- don't talk to me" - "I do better on my own- I don't mean to come off cold" - "shame I would've danced with you tonight"━☆
━☆𓁺☆━ pile 3
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━☆ -(*cw* 18+ near end)-(‼️**CW**‼️ vampiric energy ‼️ALERT‼️🗣)- Blue, clouds, sky, "sky high", birds, balloons, sunsets, the ocean, letters V, T, O, M, number 7, 777, 7171, sea turtles, tangerines, citrus, Pretty in Pink (1986) ━☆
━☆You're in the clouds- maybe you're high with a group of friends. I sense your crush, or someone you feel an attraction to when you get high- you're in a dreamy place, and the environment around you also feels a bit like a dream, you're at a fair- a fairground of some kind. It's dusk and by the beach, the air has turned crisper and you're in a jacket (bomber or jean), you're being led by the hand through the lit-up stalls, and the lanterns look like they have fairies made of light dancing in them- your head is spinning with the cold summer air as you are guided through the feet and shoes of others. This person guiding you sees you as theirs in this moment, whether they are one of your friends going solo with you, or the person who you have this scent of attraction towards- I'm not sure, I don't think you quite know either as they lead you with their back to you through the crowd. You two being connected by their hand reaching behind them to grip onto yours- the breeze flowing through the crowd dances through your loose hair whisps- your eyes are unfocused, and the air switches from clear and cold to warm and fried (because fairgrounds,- funnel cake)- your wrist stays pulled on, a clung-to-grip... This person, you do know them- and they want to take you somewhere while in this high, their own high makes them headstrong and determined I'm hearing, but again- I am unclear if this is someone in particular that you are attracted to, or a friend... Who most definitely has an attraction to you when you are both in the clouds... Together- you follow their grip on you, and what happens next-... I'll leave to your imagination ☁️💫
Ok I'm sobering from your energy- cuz your reading turned out too short for my taste and I want to try and "recall"/"remember" some of the details to better Identify this individual to you... You already know this person and they are within your friend group/you know them in a group setting (for only one or two of you- you are currently solo/on your own and this is describing your future friend group dynamic!),,, there is something dark about them physically or energetically- dark curly hair, dark/brown/hazel eyes, tan/dark tan skin I'm hearing. There's something noticeable to you about their jawline/chin/lips area- it's honestly giving Pretty in Pink energy- you have your eyes fully hazed over for this one particular person (also in your group- or this could even be a co-worker or someone you know from work) while this other person is energetically at your heels- it's giving you're gazing longingly at another while this person is staring hard at the back of your head. Ouch lol- but again the dark attributes I felt weren't just physical but also energetic... Yea, they're fun and have either a very charismatic personality or a more dry and witty charm to them (I'm hearing a bit of a drawl especially when they talk to youuu)- but their motives,,, their intentions boo-boo, I mean maybe you'd kinda like a bad little boy in the sheets- I'll leave it up to you, but I'll say just be totally freaking careful with your emotions and what you can actually gain from this person, cause,, I'm hearing the word "wipe/tissue"- this person is here for fun and then it's onto the next experience... They could get off on doing that actually 💀- but I mean you do you, just know what it is you're doing (it's giving vampire energy now... They want to take your precious energy under a cape before flying off out the window- OOF💀 babygirl-!)
*kept typing "?" when I wanted commas- this dude is confusing and not it tf- (I cannot go on any longer girllll😭)*
━☆"you would explain the current,Hoping I just stay the same and nothing will change and it'll be us, just for a while" "do we even exist? that's when I make the wish, to swim away with the fish"━☆
━☆this was cool lol happy monday🎉☕️
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ultra-raging-ghost · 9 months
Obligatory second 4halo angst animatic that I made in 3 hours at like 4 am 🥰
Design gushing under the cut vv
Yes those are top scars on forever, I like projecting on him as a transmasc
Yes those are titties on bbh, I like projecting on him as a genderfluid
Normally I'd draw bbh red, and during the vulture/grief arc I drew him blue! Since he's transitioning kinda between those two states I drew him purple for this, that might change to green if the radiation gets worse :333
The two middle shots of forever looking at bad and bad looking at forever are based off the skewed views of each other they had right before forever was taken over - Bad was deteriorating, and @v@ was obstructing his view of his loved ones and messing with his emotions. Forevers last convo with bbh as himself was telling him he was fine, that he was taking medication for the dark matter. Of course there's also sun and moon symbolism, but I used flower language too, which I'm super weak for!!
On forevers face are Sunflowers, which is kinda obvious based on his sun association, but I also used roses for a representation of love or affection, and finally hyacinths: which I've heard are used to symbolize rebirth, and who's origin is in Greek mythology involving Apollo and his lover Hyacinthus. He was a prince who was beautiful, and attracted the god, but in an unfortunate accident Apollo caused the death of his lover, and the god created a flower dedicated to him to mark the place of his passing and to create a rebirth for him. It's one of my favs :3
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
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𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT: 2.6K
𓆩♡𓆪 AUTHOR'S NOTE: wanted to get one more monster fic out before i get into the full holiday spirit, hope you enjoy! <333
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Nights like this still felt surreal to you. The sounds of the city echoing below you as they filled your ears mixed with the pretty view of the city lights never failed to make you smile in reminiscence. The cold breeze brushing over your skin as you peered over to the sky, leaning your head back against the balcony wall while you stared at the moon.
The gradient dark navy sky is so clear in contrast to the glowing yellow white surrounding you in an ethereal glow almost identical to that same night all those decades ago. The same night you met him.
Back when you were still a mere human, a famed hunter following her father’s footsteps after his death at the hands of Dracula, killing him in the process. Forced to carry on his legacy under the weight of the Helsing name as his only daughter when rumors of a new ruler taking Dracula’s throne arose after his death.
Arriving in Transylvania shortly after on behalf of the Vatican’s orders, in pursuit of the evil tormenting the villagers. It was expected of you to fill the void left by your father, being the skilled hunter that you were, having learned everything that you know directly from the source, positioned you at the highest rank among hunters. That's how you met the new prince, Bakugou Katsuki, a force of nature that many would say was more powerful and dangerous than Dracula himself.
Still remembering the first night you met him like it was yesterday, those glowing vermilion orbs invading your dreams the following nights after you managed to escape his castle. Almost like he was communicating with you through your sleep, calling to you. Eventually falling into this game of cat and mouse with every encounter you had with him, until you finally submitted to your growing desires, allowing him passage into your mind at night as he connected his thoughts with yours.
The sounds of keys against the front door capture your attention as you peer over to the entrance through the glass sliding doors of the balcony. Spotting the same glowing irises as he locks eyes with you whilst entering the penthouse, a grin immediately spreads across his face as he makes his way towards you. Gentle hands cradling your cheeks as he leans down to press his lips against yours before pulling back, pressing his forehead against your own as your arms wrap around his waist.
“What are you looking at?”, he asks while peering over to the city before his eyes return to yours.
“Nothing, just the moon is really pretty tonight”, you say as you twist your head to place a kiss on his palm while he leans his head back to look at the moon.
“Mm, not as pretty as you though”, he snickers as his hands run along the sides of your body before gripping the back of your thighs, hoisting you up as you wrap your legs around his waist while chuckling.
“You're the pretty one”
“Oh yeah? I wouldn't know since I apparently can't see my reflection”, to that you let out a laugh, still finding it amusing how bewildered he was when he sat down with you to watch the modern vampire movies humans have created countless of times, inspired by the old tales of Count Dracula that have been passed down millennia after millennia.
Some had accurate depictions of vampires, many had even mentioned your father which is how your interest in these movies began, but a few had questionable details regarding the attributes of a vampire. The ability to see our reflection in mirrors being one of them. Vampires were very much capable of seeing their reflection, especially in modern society where humans would make them from mostly aluminum, unlike back when Dracula still ruled, that mirrors were made from polished obsidian that could obstruct the image of a vampire but still be somewhat visible.
Which is why Bakugou found the allegations absurd that he hasn't been able to prevent himself from bringing it up every opportunity he gets. And don't even get him started on the movies where vampires could sparkle in the sunlight, or else you wouldn't hear the end of it.
“Oh, let it go”
“Nah, never forgiving humans for that one”, he grunts while carrying you towards the bedroom while you lean down to pull him into a kiss, still smiling at his small tantrum.
Placing you down on the bed as he nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck while you run your fingers through his blonde locks, reveling in each other, something you both enjoyed regularly since time was certainly not a problem for either of you.
“Mm, I'm hungry”, he says while trailing kisses along the side of your neck.
“You're always hungry”, you snorted back.
“What can I say… I can't get enough of you, baby”, he snickers while still placing kisses along your skin, his words making you let out a small laugh as you cradle his face in your hands to pull him towards you.
Pressing your lips against his as you devour each other in a fervent kiss, his tongue drags across your bottom lip, asking for entry inside your mouth as you give him access. Your tongues pressing against each other until you succumb to him, allowing his tongue to explore inside your wet mouth before you pull his bottom lip between your teeth, lightly cutting them with your fangs as the sweet taste of his royal blood hits your tongue.
“Go ahead”, you whisper against his lips, a smirk adorning your features as he matches yours.
Katsuki and you have always had this attraction towards one another, even back then when you would still be under orders to hunt him down and bring an end to his life for the sake of the people, he had always piqued your interest. Before him, vampires were just pests that did nothing but harm, just another evil in the world that you needed to get rid of like your father had taught you.
But Katsuki made you feel things no one else could, the thrill of the hunt growing with each encounter as you found yourself looking forward to meeting with the blood sucker each night that you went out in pursuit of him or members of his coven that could give you any information that could work at your advantage to take him down. The rush of adrenaline that you'd get when you would fight against him, always ending with either of you cutting the small rendezvous short before you could land a fatal hit on the other.
Eventually you started to notice the pull between the both of you with the way he’d whisper to you in your dreams, with how you couldn't bring yourself to pierce his heart after many attempts, or how anyone that would dare cause you harm, vampire or not, would turn up dead with their heads ripped out and the symbol of his coven carved into their foreheads. All leading up to the fateful night you'd manage to sneak into his castle when he was hosting a vampire ball, taking the distraction as an opportunity to finally put an end to your mission and return to your quiet life in the hopes of leaving the weight of the family name behind. But your plans didn't go as intended when you found yourself pressed against him in the balcony of his chambers, giving yourself to him as all your pride melted under the moonlight.
Katsuki continued to trail kisses down your neck as he removed both of your clothes in the process, settling in between your legs as he placed a kiss on your inner thigh before sinking his fangs into your tender skin, a soft grunt vibrating inside his chest as the sweet taste of your blood streams down his throat. The feeling of his fangs puncturing your skin making you close your eyes from the feeling of bliss coursing through your body.
Vampires feeding off of other vampires was considered a taboo by some but the both of you found it endearing, something intimate that makes the bonds between you two grow even stronger. Occasionally you’d pick up some human from a bar, taking advantage of their drunken state to use them as a blood bag when the two of you would be craving human blood. Sometimes you’d invite Katsuki’s right-hand man and best friend, since the redhead had harbored a soft spot for you after seeing how enamored his blood price was with you. But nothing compared to the feeling of feeding from each other.
Katsuki laps up the blood dripping from the punctures on your skin before he trails kisses down your thigh, caressing the other with his hand as he gets closer to your mound. Placing a quick kiss on your folds as he leans upwards towards your lower stomach, darting his tongue out to lick all the way up towards your belly button before licking back down the same path.
Sinking his fangs just above your cunt as he leans back to watch the blood drip down your smooth skin and through your folds. Watching as the red liquid mixes with your slick before diving in between your legs to drink up the mixture. Dragging his tongue with expertise and passion, licking all the right spots the only way he knew how to do.
Licking up towards your clit, scraping his fangs against the sensitive nub as he bites down around it, sucking on it whilst he drinks your blood while stimulating your swollen clit. The sensation of the added sting mixed with his tongue flicking against your skin, sending you over the edge as you release sinks into the sheets below you.
Removing his fangs from your skin as he leans back to admire the mess between your legs, resting his head on the side of your thigh while his eyes dart towards your hooded ones, noticing how your eyes are already glossy when he's barely touched you. Smiling to himself at how malleable you are when you're under him in contrast to that tough hunter he corrupted all those decades ago.
He sinks his fangs in the fat of your thigh again while he runs his fingers through your folds, collecting your slick on his digits as he lifts them up towards your mouth. Eagerly opening your mouth to him as you wrap your lips around his digits while he presses them down on your tongue. Sucking the mixture of your blood and juices from them as you moan around him, your eyes turning a deep shade of red that matched his vermilion ones at the savory taste of your blood seeping into your tastebuds.
Cleaning his digits before removing them with a wet pop as he lowers them down on your cunt again. Collecting the blood still dripping from the punctures as he inserts them into your warm pussy, your walls clenching around him as he starts to thrust his fingers in and out of your dripping cunt. Curling them upwards as he massages the sweet spot inside of you, making your moans reach a soprano as you feel the knot inside your stomach burst as soon as it builds as you cum around his digits.
The wet squelch of your release mixed with the pool of blood making his cock twitch between his legs as his need to feel your warmth around him grows unbearable. Presenting his fingers to you as he sinks his fangs down on your skin again, this time holding the liquid in his mouth as he hovers above your cunt, letting the blood spurt out of his mouth and drip down onto your already soaked cunt whilst he stares into your crimson eyes, your mouth still wrapped around his digits as you moan at the sight of your blood pouring down on you.
Covering your sensitive skin with the red fluids, making you more slick for him as he leans up to position himself between your legs. Spitting the remaining blood into his hand as he gives his cock a few jerks before aligning himself with you, dragging his cock tantalizing slow between your folds whilst he tortures you with it. His pre cum mixing in with your blood and release while he continues to tease your entrance, the tip of his cock flicking against your clit making you jolt with each slow drag of his cock against your cunt.
“How bad do you want it, princess?”, he asks while leaning down to place a kiss against your chest.
“So bad, need you inside, please”, you plead while reaching down to press your palm against the top of his cock whilst it continues to slowly drag against you, the added pressure making you both hiss.
“You can beg better than that, come one try again” he teases while smirking down at you as a loud whine leaves your lips.
“Please, I need you to fuck me…”, you beg while still rubbing the top of his cock.
“... Please, my price”, and to that Katsuki loses his composure as a small smirk adorns your features, knowing exactly the words to use to have him in the palm of your hand.
Smirking back at you as he aligns himself with your entrance, pushing his cock inside your warmth as you both gasp from the pleasure. Burying himself all the way inside of you before he starts thrusting his hips back and forth in your dripping cunt. Leaning down to wrap his arms around you to give you access to his neck as you sink your fangs into his smooth skin. The taste of his royal blood pouring into your mouth causes your eyes to roll and shivers to erupt from your skin as you greedily gulp down the sweet red liquid to quench your thirst as he continues pummeling into you.
Both of you getting closer to your orgasm as he sinks his teeth down into your neck as well, feeding from each other while he picks up his pace. Your moans muffled by the skin of the other as the knot inside your stomach bursts again, your release soaking both of your thighs as you squirt around him.
Katsuki follows shortly afterwards as the clench of your walls around him mixed with the honeyed taste of your blood sends him over the edge. Hot spurts of cum plastering your insides as he fills you up with his release before it rings around the base of his cock and mixes in with your other fluids while he continues thrusting into you, not wanting to part for your warm body just yet as you both continue to drink from each other.
Dethatching your lips from his skin as you lean back to rest your head against the soft sheets below you while you catch your breath, Katsuki doing the same to continue to trail kisses along your neck and down your chest, pulling one of your nipples into his mouth as he bites down on the delicate skin.
Drinking the blood from your breast before he leans back up towards your face, pulling you into a kiss as he pours your blood from his mouth into yours, swallowing everything down before he pulls back to rest his forehead against yours.
Rubbing his fingers on your scalp behind your ear while you stay in each other's embrace, lovingly staring into the other's eyes as the glowing red from your eyes starts to diminish into a soft mahogany whilst looking back into his tame vermilion ones. Breathing each other in, under the moonlight seeping through the curtains just like all those decades ago as you both start to drift away into sleep.
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igorsynee · 5 months
transmigrated! reader × yandere+prince! beomgyu.
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my name is—huh? what was my name again?
“Sienna ! “, a voice rang from behind me. I turned around to see the source of the voice. a beautiful man with a charming yet terrifying smile had called out to me. Beomgyu. he looks handsome today as well. no wonder he's one of the male leads.
that's right. Sienna is my name isn't it? at least that's how it's supposed to be.
“Sienna ! did you wait long?“, Beomgyu who finally made his way towards me and took a seat besides me in front of the beautiful lake where i was sitting down.
he gave me an extremely beautiful smile yet in his gaze was terrifying. even so, he looked so beautiful calling out my name.
oh. but i am not Sienna. i am—sigh. i cannot remember my name anymore. slowly memories of my past life are becoming fuzzy and blurry. i need to complete this game as soon as possible or i might not exist anymore.
“you're lost in thoughts again. are you thinking of running away from me?“, Beomgyu said pulling me out of my thoughts.
“huh?“, confused i just looked at him. giving me a chilling smile he put his right hand on my head as my eyelids started getting heavier and heavier.
“i will not let you go. even if it means erasing your whole existence.“, he said and that was the last thing i heard before the darkness completely embraced me and i lost my consciousness.
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full story will be posted soon <3
p.s : english is not my first language so if there's any grammatical mistake i apologize. i haven't proofread this yet so if there's any typing errors please excuse those too <333
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lonelychicago · 1 year
seven-ish sentence sunday
tagged by @monsterrae1 @wildlife4life @spotsandsocks @barbiediaz @buddierights @thewolvesof1998 @prince-buck-diaz @honestlydarkprincess @panbuckley <33
seven is open to interpretation. seven is whatever amount i make it <33
this is for my natalia finds out about the will fic <33 if you wanna be tagged in the fic when i post, interact with this post here
Buck cracks an eyelid. 
The streetlamp outside the house lets in enough light to the living room that Buck can make out shadows and shapes. 
He reaches over and feels the coffee table for his phone, a few second later finally grabbing it and turning it on so he could look at the time.
7:34 AM 
Buck sighs. Any second now he's gonna need to get up and wake up Chris to go to school. His back is killing him from sleeping on the couch for all of this past week and Chris has told him he's being silly a thousand times, but— Buck glances to the dark hallway, Eddie's bedroom door at the end if it. He can't get in there. He just can't. It somehow makes everything more real. 
If Buck stays on the couch and sleeps there, he can pretend it's just another quiet and normal night that he's staying at the Diaz house. He can pretend Eddie is fine and that he's sleeping a few feet away from him. If Buck stays on the couch and closes his eyes, he can pretend his whole world isn't falling apart for a second time. At least for a few hours. 
"Buck?" A small voice comes from Chris' room and when he turns, the kid is standing in the hallway, looking at him with tored eyes. 
"Couldn't sleep, huh?" 
"Yeah, you snore a lot." Chris smiles, a weak and small thing that doesn't reach his eyes. 
Buck chuckles weakly. "So I've been told." 
Chris steps closer to him until he's sitting on the couch and Buck moves and scoots around, making more space for him, an arm coming to wrap around Chris' smaller frame. 
"Can I skip school today?" 
"Please, Buck. I wanna go to the hospital and stay with dad." 
Chris is a teenager now. He's grown a lot since the first time Buck met him. But right then and yhere, he looks exactly like that scared little boy Buck saw at the funeral after Shannon died. It makes something inside him break. 
"He needs rest, buddy. And he wouldn't want you missing school because of him, now would he?" Buck ruffles Chris' hair. 
"Can we visit him after school then?" 
"Of course. I'll pick you up and then we can go see him. Maybe we could even bring him some gifts? You could make him a card or something." 
"Yeah, maybe." 
"Hey, Chris. It's going to be okay, alright? We're gonna be okay." 
tagging: @911onabc @hippolotamus @shortsighted-owl @messyhairdiaz @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @cowboy-buddie @prettyboybuckley @buckitup @transbuck @transboybuckley @the-likesofus @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @alyxmastershipper and anyone else who wants to <333
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peachsayshi · 1 year
girl dad suguru…*weeps uncontrollably*
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hi i really love how you wrote marshall lee!! i couldn't stop thinking about your writing, youre just truly talented!!! it was the dog reader personality that really made me weak at the knees. is it possible you could do a lambgirl reader? half girl half lamb? i saw this idea somewhere and this sorta dynamic with bad boy marshall makes me go😫😫!!! but you can push it down on the list if u want. no rush or anything! you dont owe us anything and remember to take breaks. love you❤️
I love you tooo ty for the encouragement <333
Ty for requesting, sorry I’m it takes me so long to get them done D:
I have recently started writing on ao3 so if you want to read what I have on there my name is just “justanotherauthorig”. Rn I only have a Heisenberg and a Hobbir fanfic so if that’s interesting to you pls check them out ^^ I will post more information soon
Marshall Lee x Lamb Girl! Reader
Tags: fem!reader, Marshall Lee is so hot bruh I can’t, reader is kinda stupid but it’s okay bc she’s nice, idk what to say about this, I didn’t edit it through but are we really surprised?, this would make a good smut :P sorry it’s kinda short tho
Authors note: this was fun :D I googled a bunch of adventure time slang and they’re actually so fun to use lol
Word count; 1,1k
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I think he originally started flirting with you just to mess with you
Sure, he thought you were cute as hell
But he wasn’t really looking for anything but a good laugh
You hang out with Fionna and Cake a lot, both of them are very protective of you
The three of you and sometimes BMO have a lil girls night out
On this particular night, you went to the dark forest bc Marshall Lee was having a concert and Fionna really wanted to go
Not so much to hear Marshall Lee, but bc flame prince would be there lol
Anyways, you immediately caught Marshall’s eye as he stood on stage
Both Fionna and Cake had branched off, leaving you alone in the crowd
Your eyes glued to your feet, not even daring to look up at Marshall’s performance as you fiddled nervously with your sleeves
When he finally had a break from the stage, he soundlessly floated up besides you
I kid you not, you almost bleated when you turned around to find the vampire king right besides you as you turned your head
You jumped, scrambled to get away as your lower lip quivered, white ears flattened to your head
“Woah, woah. Calm down there, sweetheart,” Marshall laughed, holding up his hands in mock surrender
You quickly realized that he didn’t intend to harm you and somewhat calmed down, still slightly worried as he flashed his shiny white fangs to you
Your brows furrowed, fists clenching your dress as you fought to keep back the angry tears
“I-I am calm! Have you not heard that it’s rude to go around scaring people like that?” You huffed, sending him the most intimidating glare you could muster which to Marshall Lee looked more like a scared bunny
He smiled wider. “Well, I’m not exactly known for being nice,” He said, voice slightly deepening
You felt threatened, he looked at you like a predator looked at it’s prey and you finally understood why Cake was always bad-mouthing him
“I only hang out with nice people, sorry.” You muttered, turning away from him just to get a break from his all-consuming stare
He laughed again, clearly finding your reacting to be the most hilarious thing he had heard in a long time
You jumped again when you felt his hand creepy up the back of your neck, lips ghosting over your pulse point
Your breath caught in your throat, tears springing to your eyes again at the thought of being bitten. “P-please don’t bite me! Fionna will get m-mad!” You hiccuped, twisting the fabric of your dress even more until it was wrinkled and warm.
He blew on your neck and you felt him pout. “Fionna, huh?”
He pushed himself away from you a bit, finally getting himself out of your close personal space as he floated around you to face you again
“Aw, baby. Don’t cry,” he grinned when he saw your flushed cheek and quivering lips. “I just wanted to have a bit of fun, can you blame me?”
You shook your head defiantly as an answer, making him laugh again. “I promise I won’t bite you, little lady. On one condition,” he said, placing a large hand on your head
You mentally slapped yourself for the way you wanted to lean into his hand, ears twitching ever so slightly as his cold hand touched them
You wrinkled your nose. “On what condition?”
“Sing the next song on stage with me.”
Your eyes widened comically. “No way! I- I don’t even know how to sing! And I don’t know any of your songs,”
Marshall pouted, dramatically holding a hand over his non-beating heart. “And here I thought you were enjoying my show! I’m hurt!” Then he winked at you. “But don’t worry, all you have to do is follow my lead.” And before you knew it, he had an arm around your neck waist and legs as he hoisted you up in his arms
He carried you to the stage, floating above the crowd as you clutched him tightly in fear of falling
He sat you gently down on stage, grabbing his axe-bass and the crown immediately erupted in cheers
You were frozen in fear, face caught in between an angry flush and hysteric cries as you stood before the crowd
You already hated standing down before the scene, with all the people pushing and shoving it quickly overwhelmed you
But standing in front of at least a hundred candy kingdom citizens and a bunch of princes topped the chart of things you hated
You desperately pulled your cardigan around you, attempting to hide as your tail twitched and your ears once again laid themselves flat against your hair
“Follow my lead,” you choked on a gasp when Marshall was suddenly besides you again, whispering in your ear with that deep voice of his
“Good little girl, always picking a fight with me, you know that I’m bad” Marshall hummed, hands leaving his bass for a moment to gently sway your hips
You turned at least ten shades redder, burning up as he made you sway sultrily in front of the mesmerized crowd.
Well, luckily he had picked a song you actually knew.
“But your spending the night with me. What do you want from my world? You’re good little girl,” his hands left you to play his bass again, you gently swayed your hips to the rhythm
You looked intently at Marshall, figuring it was better to look at the troublemaker himself than the large crowd
He made a motion with his head, signaling you to start singing
“Uh-“ you started, inhaling deeply to not stumble over the words. “B-Bad little boy, that’s what you’re acting like, I really don’t buy,” you had to yet again stop yourself from bleating again, taking quick breaths as your hands shook
“That you’re t-that kind of guy-y,” you closed your eyes tightly, hating the way you could help hiccuping up the words. “And if you are, why do you want to hang out with me?”
Suddenly Marshall was by your ear again, chuckling darkly. “You did so well, little lady.” He murmured, before floating away from you a bit to continue the show
“Hey! Isn’t that Y/n?” You breathed out heavily in relief upon hearing Fionna’s voice.
“Come here, sugar,” suddenly Cake enveloped you and you welcomed her happily, snuggling yourself into her warm fur
She stretched, setting you down on the ground besides Fionna before taking your place on stage, cutting Marshall Lee’s verse short as she started singing about hot tomatoes and good sauces
“Hey, are you okay, Y/n? You look pretty jacked up,” Fionna said, pulling you to her side
“Marshall Lee told me to sing with him or he would bite me,” you mumbled bitterly, leaning onto Fionna’s shoulders
She clenched her teeth, face flushing angrily. “That son of a blee-blob!” She hissed. “I’ll kick his buns,”
You smiled slightly. “I told him you would get mad if he bit me,”
“Of course I would! What a butt-guy..”
When the concert ended Fionna was quick to find Marshall and give him a piece of her mind, however the vampire king only laughed her off, telling her that next time he would you wouldn’t be so lucky
Both Fionna and Cake insisted you slept at the treehouse that night and you happily agreed
Of course, it didn’t take Marshall long to seek you out again
He honestly doesn’t have that much going on, a bored guy needs entertainment
“Well, well, well! If it isn’t my favorite little lamb,” Marshall grinned, suddenly appearing in a tree as you were walking home from one of Tree Trunk’s apple pie dinners
This time you pretended not to jump, huffing as you held your head high, refusing to look at him
“I-if it isn’t my least favorite vampire king,” you said, half of your words coming out as a whisper. You mentally slapped yourself, if you were going to give him a comeback you you at least sound like you weren’t absolutely shaking in your boots
“Now that really hurt!” Marshall pouted as he spoke, coming down from the tree to walk besides you “you smell like apple pie,” he noted, sniffing the air
You wrung your hands nervously. “Tree Trunks made me apple pie,” you muttered, still refusing to directly look at the vampire
He cackled. “Jeez. That must have been so boring,”
You frowned, even though your face was turned the other way Marshall Lee noticed, filled with glee. “Tree Trunks is really nice! And his apple pie is amazing,” you huffed, defending your dear friend
“Tree Trunk’s is bunk, dude. Let’s go somewhere,” He grabbed your shoulders and spun you around to finally face him. “Come with me to this undead party, it’s rad. I know you want to,”
You finally had enough, angry heat flooding your face. “L-Leave me alone! And stop acting like such a mr. cool-guy you.. you! Ding-wad!”
To your utter surprise, your little outburst just made Marshall laugh loudly. “I’m a ding-wad, huh? Alright, alright. Give me a chance to show you something cool and I bet you won’t think I’m a ding-wad after,” he grinned, cocking his head like a puppy
A very threatening puppy, in your opinion
You took a moment to regain yourself, noticing he was being somewhat sincere. The goodness in your heart won and you shyly looked at your feet. “A-alright. But no funny tricks,” you mumbled.
“You got it, sweetheart!” He said as he lifted you bridal-style, taking off into the air.
To your utter surprise, you ended up having a good time with Marshall Lee.
He took you to a party in a graveyard, ghosts was actually a lot more chill than most living ppl and you actually managed to socialize
When you got tired and socially exhausted all you had to do was gently tuck on Marshall’s sleeve and he happily flew you home
To his house, I mean. You protested at first, as you didn’t know him that well and it seemed like a pretty bad idea to sleep over at a blood-thirsty vampires house
But all your sleepy protests died down as he tucked you into his bed, gently wrapping you in the sheets and quietly humming as you drifted off to sleep.
As he watched you sleep, ears twitching and cheeks puffed out, he realize that what started as a joke had turned real pretty fast
He felt an overwhelming urge to protect you, not that he would stop mercilessly teasing you, but he quickly discarded the idea that you were just a new plaything
He was also pretty sure Fionna would actually skin him alive (or dead I suppose) if he upset you
When you hung out at the tree house the next day and told them about how you slept over at Marshall’s she was already pretty read to beat his guts
Slowly, and I mean slowly, bc Marshall is a huge tease and you couldn’t stand looking at him for more than 5 minutes without getting so embarrassed you could melt, the two of you eventually started dating
Rest assured, Fionna and Cake both threatened him on multiple occasions, making sure he was on his best behavior
Even Prince Gumball had a few choice words with him lol
Everyone is was extremely worried lmfao (with good reason)
Marshall can be sweet tho, he actually is sometimes
Especially in public, since he knows you get overwhelmed super quickly
All you have to do is look at him with those doe-eyes of yours and he gets the message immediately
Doesn’t matter if you’re in the middle of a fancy dinner in a castle or if he’s playing a concert, he will get you to a place with less people immediately
He really does love you lol
omg bc both of you are so emotionally constipated- like you’re too shy to express your feelings and Marshall has just been taught to believe that expressing feelings is a taboo
If he ever did anything to hurt you tho he would hate himself so much, you’re the purest person he has ever met and hurting you is just a no-no
Sure, he teases you constantly bc that’s just how he is
But if he ever sees upset for real, he will beat himself up over it for the the next decade or so
Fionna will not hesitate to let him know if he messed up either
As I said before, the vampire king will be on his best behavior
You’re his cute little girlfriend and he will treat you as good as he possibly can <3
Hiya ^^ I hope you enjoyed this, sorry it was kinda short D:
I have a confession.. I srsly considered making it into a smut but I stopped myself bc it’s 1 am and I have school tomorrow lol
Lemme know if you would like a part 2 smut version of this :D
Anyways, thank you for reading!
Love, author
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shadowqueenjude · 2 months
I think the thing that pisses me off the most about ACOTAR isn't the characters, nor is it the world-building BUT RATHER THE POTENTIAL BEHIND IT!!!
Now, don't get me wrong, I love the interesting courts in The Cruel Prince but I am A BASIC PERSON. Anything with the elements in it will make me hooked and not only does it have the elements as courts, it has the day and night cycle which is amazing. I love it. Holy shit I was so close to picking the book up and then I get told by my friends that ACOTAR kinda sucks, it ain't worth the money. And then I find out how problematic the author and the works are, like WOW!
I was attracted to Rhysand before I found out all that shit he did. Feminist, dark-haired, fierce but only has eyes for the FMC? Typical best male lead behaviour. I didn't think my male lead was going to be a creep and an incel! Like if in the hands of a better author, imagine the amount of like character building there could be. Imagine the breaking of generational trauma that Rhysand could do for the Illyrian women because he knew what his mom went through. It could have been such a good story of a man becoming a feminist and boy oh boy, does a feminist male make me swoon.
The whole reason I wanted to read ACOTAR was the sweet romance and the cool courts and all and you're telling me we only focus on one.
You don't need to like reply to this, I just wanted to share my thoughts with someone and I only know you who has read TCP and ACOTAR and I'm too shy to message you!
Have a nice day, mwah mwah! <333
It’s why we can’t move on babe, the potential 😔
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lqtraintracks · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @maesterchill @danpuff-ao3 and @nv-md for the tag! <333
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter is the big one. I've also written some Captive Prince, Locked Tomb, and one Call Me By Your Name fic
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Right Hand Red; Hung Like a Horntail; Slip Into My Lover's Hands; Weeds or Wildflowers (written with the very talented @unmistakablyoatmeal); and check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try. I'm seriously behind. The truth is, I'll never get around to replying to them all. I will someday die with a thousand unanswered comments. But I do try. And I read each and every one and they touch my heart. I'm so very grateful for all the wonderful comments I've received and continue to receive!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof. I hardly ever end things badly. But there was one wee ficlet; lemme go hunt it down. (*plays elevator music*) Ah, here it is: Not-Forever Is Still Forever. It's not MCD or anything. Draco just leaves for Argentina for two years. *shrug emoji* But I like to think I've gotten pretty good at baking some realistic angst into the middle of things, if not writing angty endings. I prefer it that way.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them except for Burning the Ground, which is an open ending. I'll be honest, I don't like the word fluff. I'm never trying to write fluff, which, to me, denotes a level of uncomplicated sweetness. Maybe others define it differently. But I don't think happy endings are necessarily fluffy. I want my happy endings to put tears in your eyes, to move you. I want to evoke different things with different sorts of happiness for different phases of life. RHR's ending is about a feeling of freedom mostly, of getting to face the next part of their lives without dread. Take You Home has a similar vibe but with them a bit older; they've experienced the painful and mundane disappointments you have to weather in this life that have nothing to do with fighting a dark wizard and everything to do with existential questions about who we are, how we go on, what do you do when it doesn't work out, when you've changed and you don't know who you are anymore. I loved ending it with all their friends, at a march for trans rights. Heart Like Neon has an ending that makes *me* the most happy. I modeled it after an episode of Grey's Anatomy where you find out at the end of the ep that two important characters got married. The whole ep, none of their friends know, then at the end they play 'Bones' by Josh Record, and you go back in time by a few weeks and you see it. When I wrote the end of HLN, I had that song playing in my head from the end of the party at the Weasley's, to jumping three months earlier, to Harry and Draco in Paris. That's a pretty goddamned happy ending. It makes me cry. <3 (Also the art that @bluebutter-art made for it makes me bawl happy tears!!!)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I was going to say hardly ever but then I *just* got some last week! LOL. Still, I'm very lucky that it's not even once in a blue moon. That stuff is so arbitrary too. I'm going to quote my good friend @elrhiarhodan: People... they're fuckin nuts. :D
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
LOL yes. A lot of different kinds? I want to try a little of everything as a writer.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No. I mean, I probably have a couple times over the course of my literal decades in some fandom or other, but they're not worth noting.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several, and into multiple languages. I think that's so cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Definitely! In HP I've written with sdk, @the-starryknight and @nv-md, plus I once did a wild round robin with a big group of people. I'm not good at round robins, I've realized. Too much of a control freak.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Drarry, totally. But right up there is Harry/Teddy and Harry/Teddy/Draco. Then Ginny/Pansy, Charlie/Teddy, James Sirius/Albus Severus (with Teddy too sometimes). In CaPri, I love Damen/Laurent, but @linecrosser had totally made me ship when Damen lends Laurent out to Nikandros for a threesome and also Auguste/Laurent. I also hardcore ship my own original characters from my novel. <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't do WiPs really.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oof, this is tough. Pacing? Interpersonal relationships? Smut, for sure. LOL. I think I do well writing things that are transgressive or maybe even filthy with a lot of tenderness and compassion and deep, deep love mixed in. And I think I'm getting really good at making people cry when I want them to. Readers, that is. :D
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Convoluted plots. Can't do them. I wish I could. I can't write a mystery to save my life. I'm also pretty bad at heavy angst. I also wish I could write something nonlinear, but my brain just doesn't work that way.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's interesting that this is a question because it's meaningful to me not because of fic but because of my novel. I have a Spanish-speaking character, fluent in English, but sometimes he says things in Spanish. I'm very VERY lucky that @capiturecs read my novel both as a sensitivity reader for Latinx/Latine/Latino aspects but also to correct my Spanish and make it realistic and conversational! I'll be forever grateful! I also now really REALLY want to learn Spanish! <3
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sorry, I don't share this publicly.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh this is mean. This is cruel. I can't possibly answer this! RHR has got to be in there. Heart Like Neon. Blood and Fire. Phoenix in the Fire. Take You Home. Wonderful Electric (cover me in you). A Pain of Our Choosing. My Name in Your Mouth. Bloom. collarbones like a bow, skin an arrow to the heart. I'll stop there!
Okay, this was fun! I'll tag @corvuscrowned @ruinsplume @floydig @sweet-s0rr0w @lettersbyelise @magpiefngrl @skeptiquewrites and Elr! <3
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mahi-wayy · 28 days
Hi Mahi,
I am writing a royalty AU based on a prompt someone in my family gave me. And I can't bring the flare of ROYALTY in it.
I have read some of your Bahubali fics and I was wondering if you could give me some pointers?
hey buddy, I am not expert but based on what I have learnt from people and over the years here are some pointers :
I work, as human, a lot on observation so I have watched a number of movies like this but predominantly the bahubali and ponniyin selvan movies did a awesome job for me so those are recommended to watch with watching how characters behave closely.
Royalties are some of the fakest people around, they won't say anything on the faces or in public because they have image to maintain and would rather conspire in the dark. So no matter how much they hate each other they will greet each other with smile, most prominent example is the kundhavai and nandhini confrontation from ponniyin selvan. Some exceptions are devasena and arundhati those two just don't give a fuck-
Something I always wondered was WHY are men not all that involved in the inner politics until I watched the mentioned movies. Bhalla specially is a great political mind so don't hesitate from giving stuff like that time man.
The figure of power is important. If you're writing about princes or princess, there has to be a pressing and strong figure above them in form of king or queen or queen mother.
Let them be overpowered and close to perfect but not invincible. People in my knowledge always say we don't want to overpower them or make them perfect they will be invincible which is right and wrong. Hear me out, royalties were born and brought up in that way, to be perfect and what not that is what will generate flaws in them. Don't hold back on them okay?
An easy way to figure out a flaw is opposite their strongest virtue or power. For example, Bahu was kind but over understanding was a drawback, Devasena prioritized self respect but her ego made things worse, Bhallaladeva was smart but his lack of emotional intelligence doomed everything.
Let them pick their own skin. I know sounds weird but for me a lot of things become clear on their own once I'm done figuring out the basics. For example, once I figured out Ayudhina from Serenade was kicked out from her kingdom it automatically gave me the feeling of her being the one who lead wars for her country.
Don't let others be your bar of comparison. Your writing style and plot and some other stuff will eventually shape your fic and characters a certain way which I like to call the writer's signature, for example mine is strong females with dynamic personalities. Don't compare every litte detail it will never get you anywhere.
Those were somethings from top of my head, apart from that a advice I give every writer and occasionally myself: Love your writing, if you won't the readers won't either. Best of the luck buddy hope this helps <333
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