#my darling idiots
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Gojo "Touch Starved" Satoru
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chez-cinnamon · 9 months
So I was talking to some friends on Discord and we were discussing how some movies had cartoon characters with this white guy driving car scene.
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I'm just stuck thinking about Fionn and the Welcome Home cast crammed into a car having this same exact moment and it's cracking me up xD
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It definitely starts out that way LMAO
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kieren-fucking-walker · 3 months
I'm Anna or Ande and the lovely little kitty pictured is Sage. He's an old man (13) who is a terrible menace and also an absolute darling I love dearly.
We recently lost his sister which has been hard on us both, and at his checkup following this the vet advised me he needs at least two teeth removing if not more, and some intervention to prevent further tooth loss.
As most people with cats know, dental care is very rarely covered in their health insurance, and at his age there is nowhere that will cover him for this dental surgery. I've looked around and been quoted mostly between £1000 and £3000 for the work that needs doing, and as the time has gone on he's been struggling to eat and showing signs of discomfort more and more and so it's becoming more urgent that he gets the care he needs.
I've found a not for profit vetinary charity who will do everything he needs for a fixed price of £450, and I will need to travel a fair way to get him there but it will be worth the saving. The problem is that with all the help I'm giving to my family and trying to recover from a mess of financial abuse I don't have any chance of saving this up with the kind of urgency he needs.
Basically I'm looking for £500 to cover the vet bills, travel, and obviously gofundme's fees but I thought this was the most transparent way to do it. I'll be raising alongside saving what I can, so even if I don't hit the goal here as soon as the care is affordable I will be booking him in to be taken care of.
The vet advised that given his age and quality of life we could look to have him put down if his condition deteriorates to a point where he can't eat at all and is just suffering, but while there is a chance of preventing this I'm not willing to give that option consideration until it is the only one available to me that would be if any benefit to him.
I love my little idiot son so much, and I don't want him to be in pain any longer than he has already been. I feel a terrible amount of guilt that he might have been suffering for longer than I thought, and that I'm not in a financial position to do anything about it immediately, but it is in my power to ask for help so that's what I'm doing here.
Thank you for reading, and be assured that in the meantime Sage is getting as many cuddles as he wants (which is a lot, I assure you!)
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sulkybender · 6 months
just heard the term “brojobs” and if that isn’t the most Zukka-coded thing in the world I don’t know what to tell you.
Sokka would be in such denial. “Oh pfft, it’s not like that! They’re just brojobs!”
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lizaisdrawing · 8 months
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Neighborly company 🌱
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bird-inacage · 6 months
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A LITA Quartet Gifset | Variety Appearance on Grow Up To Be
This foursome are an absolute bunch of crackpots. The chaotic energy when they're all together is something else. The host sure had her hands full. (I want to see attempts to name each person's dance moves in the tags please. Make my day).
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arcademyth · 6 months
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woe, nameday smooches be upon ye
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kingofscoops · 1 year
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Stranger Things Tarot Cards (23/38)
King of Scoops
Upright: Hardworking and reliable, Steve Harrington is the type of King you can depend on. His appearance indicates the highs and lows of material relationships - how working is both a drag and yet provides the resources to gain independence. It speaks to solid physical health: enduring a butt-kicking at the hands of a certain bully, for example, and standing to fight another day. When he shows up in your reading, it’s to remind you of your resilience and worldly wisdom and the value of your experience.  
Upside Down: Are you managing your money, or is it managing you? Steve works to live and knows how to balance his personal life with his career, but when the card is Upside Down, it may reveal that you are struggling to do the same. All work and no play makes the King of Scoops a dull guy, so get out there and enjoy what you’ve earned.
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eyes-of-nine · 9 months
I know it's completely not the point but like wtf was the plan for the xianle throne after xie lian's first ascension??? for a bunch of ppl so sure their crown prince was going to ascend and become a god they didn't really worry about a lack of a second crown prince (you know just in case) yeah sure they didn't last long enough to really have to properly think about it but like who were they going to put on the throne????? FUCKING QI RONG????? bc that would go great??!? HUHH????drought, famine, war and plague aside that kingdom was doomed from the moment xl ascended 💀💀
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 1 month
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Look!! A rare pair sighting!!
Listen, I didn't have a cute lil scenario to add to this AMAZING commission by @fittsythesnail. I just can't get over how adorable it is 🥺🥺 (also, Ushijima is a giant and him wearing a matching hoodie is doing things to my brain!!)
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paperglader · 11 months
I'm just thinking about Laudna, and how it always surprised me how easy it was for her to reciprocate Imogen's feelings the moment that she made them known to her, considering the fact that she had said so herself how it was a part of her that she hadn't been able to reach for thirty years. And now, with Delilah straight up telling her that she shoul've been dead for years, and the only thing keeping her alive have been Delilah's whims, and how easy it was for Laudna to accept that as the truth. It just all makes sense, because Laudna has been living on burrowed time for decades and she's been fully aware of it the entire time. I don't believe she's had many expectations of what her own future might be, she's just been living day by day, gracious of being able to keep roaming this world, in spite of other's wishes in the past. She spent thirty years, lonesome, feared, aimless, without really any reason to live- and yet still here, for one reason or another, here. Not dead. Until two and a half years ago, where she found the company of a woman, who at the time had been carrying endless amounts of pain on her shoulders, a loneliness almost as vast as hers, tragic past included and all- who somehow also happened to be practically the only person in thirty years to find comfort in her company, to seek for it even, opposed to fear it. It changed everything. Laudna's future had been stolen for good. Matilda Bradbury, and all that she could've been was gone, replaced by Laudna- quite literally a dead end, whose cards had alredy been dealt with. But there was something that she could still do with whatever remaining time she had left, and it was to make sure that the woman she loved didn't end up with the same fate as hers. To make sure she got to live, to be happy, she could make sure to give her everything that Laudna herself had never gotten to have. She loved, and loved, and protected, and poured every single ounce of love, care, and affection that she had onto the beautiful woman that held on tight to her hands when in the midst of big crowds, and that hid in between her arms at night when she was too afraid to close her eyes, and she never ever expected to become the object of the woman's affections back, nor to be fused intrinsically with each of her hopes and dreams. The moment that this woman, who she had oathed to spend the rest of her days trying to ensure happiness to, so much as began to utter how much she wanted Laudna- she couldn't but give into it, no questions asked. Because she didn't have to understand each and every detail of what being in love entailed in order to understand that she loved Imogen in every posible way there could ever be.
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dreamcrow · 2 months
somewhere along the rise » 3/?
(unrated/non-explicit; 2293 words)
It…doesn't go great, if he's honest. He's still too cold and wary, for one, a thing that only halfway remembers being human; too awkward and ready to tease, for another, especially such an easy mark.
[ » continue reading on ao3 ]
and if you enjoy, perhaps consider a reblog? 💖
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Working on an OFMD diptych for an anniversary present.
Stedes canvas, despite its intricacy, was a breeze.
Ed’s, on the other hand……this is the third incarnation and I’m finally happy. Maybe. I better be; the date is fast approaching.
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nerdnightjar · 2 years
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cats are a true comfort
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myloveforhergoeson · 5 months
my favorite equation james writes out on the whiteboard when he's pretending to steal logan's smarts and create a virus is ja + me = z... like so true king you are so right!! that is exactly what that equals!!!! every other equation is algebra adjacent except for that one lmao
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swampthingking · 10 months
last line/snippet tag
ty @messerflower for tagging me<3
don’t have anyone to tag but i am doing it anyways lmao!
james and remus have an eye opening conversation
“It was on his birthday. After dinner.”
Three weeks ago, James thinks. He pulls back a bit, releasing Remus, the excitement drained from him, replaced with sorrow for his friend. “Yikes,” he says quietly.
“Fuckin’ yikes,” Remus agrees, taking a drink of his coffee like he was tossing back a shot instead. “No hard feelings,” Remus says, with hard feelings. “Lots of people don’t want to play step-parent.”
“You don’t really think it’s that though, do you?” James asks.
Remus shrugs, dejected. “I don’t know, James.”
“I don’t think Sirius would ghost you because you have a kid,” James says softly. His brain supplies him with an inappropriately timed joke, and he says it, knowing they usually cheer Remus up. “Maybe you were just a terrible lay.”
That gets a reaction out of him. Remus snorts, staring into his mug still. He gives it a little swirl, chewing his lip in debate. He always does that when he’s contemplating; chews the inside of his lip. James is just about to ask him what he’s thinking when Remus shakes his head decisively and says, “Nah, that’s not it.”
James cackles. “How do you know that?”
Remus fixes him with a blank, but telling stare. “I know, James. Trust me.”
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