#my dog wants crime
Convos with my dog
Me: you want .... to go outside?
dog: *mild interest*
Me: do yooouuu .... want an octopus?
dog: *confused, but excited face*
Me: Do yoooouuuuuu want .... to commit a felony?
Dog: *Wild excited barking*
Me: >.>
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seri-tonin · 2 months
Another bsd poll cause I'm bored
Reblog for sample size as usual
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botanautical · 2 years
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"Ah- Karl!!"
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hannigramislife · 3 months
Me: i hate jin guangyao for what he did to nie mingjue
Also me: *writes a fic where they work out their issues and love each other*
Me: i hate jang han seok for what he did to jang han seo
Also me: *writes a fic where they work out their issues and love each other*
Me: i hate dazai for what he did to akutagawa
Also me: *writes a fic where they fix their issues and love each other*
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kaurwreck · 4 months
hi! i really want to tell you that i love love love your blog. i feel so much joy when i see you've made a long post with your thoughts. i admire the way you engage with things you enjoy! you've genuinely inspired me to get back into reading. i've been struggling with migraines and after some time i started associating reading with suffering. i stumbled upon your blog because of bsd, and i got so fascinated with the way you communicate with the source material that i had a childlike realization: i want to have that too! and i picked up akutagawa, and i'm enjoying myself so much. i'm never not thinking about the post where you said that the trick to being clever is to stop obsessing over being right. life-changing, really. sending you so so so much love! p.s. as a russian-speaker it's a delight reading your thoughts on dostoevsky, especially seeing you use diminutives, for some reason. in russian slang we sometimes say, "ты так чувствуешь!" ("you are really feeling!") meaning "you really get it on an emotional level!" and that's what i think every time i read your thoughts on dostoevsky.
I hesitated to answer this ask because I wanted to covet it and hoard it and keep it tucked away where I could revisit it to my greedy heart's content without anyone noticing, but I'd rather you know that this ask was so delightful to receive and absolutely melted me in the best way, so I'm publishing it even though that means submitting to the mortifying ordeal of creating a tag so that I can more easily return to your kind words, and perhaps other, similar asks and posts that are emotional balms.
Also, I am so sorry, I'm sleep-deprived and I was so excited and charmed and delighted by your ask that I lost my mind and wrote you a veritable novel in response. Thus, I've added a readmore and headings (because WOW, I went on tangents, sorry!)
Returning to Reading
I'm so sorry you have migraines; I don't get them often, but I do occasionally get them, and it's some of the worst, least tolerable pain I've ever experienced. So, whatever it's worth, you have my sympathy and admiration, especially since returning to reading when you experience frequent migraines implicates some common triggers. (Never mind how annoying I know it is when you're in too much pain to read as a distraction either.) But I'm delighted you're reframing your relationship with reading separate from suffering, and that you're enjoying the process! I'm also returning to reading, and while I don't have the same challenges, I am also engaging in a process of relearning and recontextualizing reading for myself, so I'm always here to chat about it.
I'm especially thrilled that you picked up Akutagawa; Akutagawa is the author who also coaxed me back into reading literature (as opposed to comics or webnovels). He might still be my favorite even now that I've read several, several other modern Japanese authors.
Akutagawa Adoration Hours
[I apologize; I hyperfocused and wrote an entire multi-paragraph essay on how much I love Akutagawa below... I promise I come back to your ask!]
Akutagawa's literary voice is just so vivid, sharp, and intentional. He compels you to cling to the weight of each word with rich, clever language that cuts to the hearts of matters frankly, bluntly, and sometimes scathingly. But even when his authorial voice is ostensibly irreverent or lacquered with detachment, he cradles his most foolish characters, bundling them with naked affection for their sincerity, vulnerability, and childish conviction. They embody his unadulterated faith, and he reserves for them in the implication the same salvation he's convinced he's too sullied by shame, terror, and self-consciousness to deserve. Akutagawa does not squander the gravity of your attention, and even in brief vignettes in which humans become lice or have had their personhood severed from them by the untenable yet escalating demands of their responsibilities to others, there's humanity in his horror and absurdity, and closure in his ambiguity. I rarely feel as if there's certainty in Akutagawa's narratives, but neither do I feel as if nothing that occurred mattered.
Even when nothing has objectively changed for the characters, Akutagawa sources meaning from the subjective perceptions of the characters, the impact of which is rarely diminished by the objective or observable. Thus, the bleakness, horror, and absurdity of the characters' circumstances are sometimes interminable, but they shelter Akutagawa's fondness and latent certainty that existential meaning is inherent to humanity because of, rather than despite, our fragility, foolishness, and callous disregard for measurable truth.
His contemporaries criticized him for the detachment and perceived stagnancy lent by his polish and technical brilliance, but I've never read any of his stories and not felt an earnestness that persists entirely apart from the explicit narrative, as if someone is reading over my shoulder and murmuring "isn't she brave?" whenever a character is so simple in their sincerity that they become vulnerable to humiliation and abuse. And that's not detachment; that's Akutagawa relentlessly writing hope, love, and compassion into the creases of his own grotesque fear, and in doing so, filling spaces we perceive as empty in ourselves with the faith and devotion he was so certain he lacked.
You Said Childlike In Passing But Chapter 55 of the Tao Te Ching Rewired My Brain and I Was Lost In the Akutagawa Sauce So...
And it's childlike how, even when characters like O-Gin are debased and humiliated, Akutagawa yearns for their salvation enough to smudge the ink at the edges of his precisely rendered language so the silly, ignorant little fools might transcend the boundaries of the narrative that otherwise ruthlessly scorned and punished them for their guilelessness. His need for innocence is itself indicative of the keen sense of violation that prompts a toddler to indignation when his jejune reliance on fairness is first exploited and then provided as cause for exploitation.
Akutagawa was wise enough to know childlike conclusions are the most profound and self-actualizing insights we can have, but too certain of the inevitability of his suffering and too overly prescribed barbiturates to nurture and cherish his own salvific childishness. So, your realization was brilliant for its childlike wisdom, and I think it's both wonderful and meaningful that you then nurtured that wisdom by pursuing the relationship you wanted with the source material.
Being Right vs. Playful Engagement
I'm also so glad that the post about being clever =/= obsessing over being right was sticky and impactful! It's, quite frankly, immensely less fun and more pressure if you're hinging your enjoyment on whether you're right when engaging with media where "right" is subjective and layered, and where you're engaging with a foreign cultural context. I get the impression that centering your engagement on making and assessing the accuracy of predictions also lends itself to biases, defensiveness, disappointment, misplaced resentment based on unmet expectations, and incuriosity; at least more so than engaging with the story playfully and sincerely.
I'm also just extremely biased towards bsd and Asagiri's approach to storytelling; I think he's engaging in a challenging and layered approach to storytelling that is wholly unique to him. (At least, based on my own experiences with referential multimedia titles.) I'm so charmed by how Asagiri throws himself into creative challenges and engages in meaningful and remarkably substantive conversations with the source materials, his own portfolio of interlocking narratives, and his audience. I would kill to chat with him about his processes.
Everyone I'd Encountered Who Seemed Parasocially Obsessed With Dostoevsky Was Right
Before I get into this next babble tangent, I want you to know that your kind words and perspective as a Russian-speaker regarding my Dostoevsky thoughts mean SO much to me; I'm very proud if I'm able to do an ounce of justice to the text in my ramblings, and I'm so excited to know the appropriate phrase for what I'm experiencing right now because I am REALLY feeling.
I was admittedly a little nervous about reading his works with only minimal background, and I went into Crime and Punishment without first consulting any published critiques and analyses (which I sometimes do for foreign classics to bridge gaps in context). But, I was eager to start the story, so I decided to just get into it with the understanding I might need to pause for further research if I felt I was missing too much context to engage with the text meaningfully. But, wow, I was immediately consumed. I struggled to put it down for most of it, and I've been staying up too late and sneakily reading at work; things I haven't done since I was in middle school.
While I know I'm missing context, even with the attentive footnotes (and I absolutely will read so many academic papers on it once I finish these last fifty pages), I was pleasantly surprised by how not only engaging his writing and this translation are but also by how familiar with and connected I feel to the characters and circumstances and emotions and dynamics. He has rendered the human experience and specific flavors of People into such compassionate, teasing, sincere, frank, and sobering characters who I feel like I've had entire conversations with.
I love classic lit, but Dostoevsky is sincerely rekindling a joy I haven't felt in years while reading. Also, his frankness and compassion regarding alcoholism and parentified children and trauma and ennui and guilt and the contradictions we grapple with within ourselves and with who we are to different people are giving me a framework for reflecting on swaths of my trauma and childhood that I've struggled to articulate my thoughts and emotions around for years.
I'm so energized and excited about reading his other works, but, wow, I'm going to miss these characters so much.
Accounting For My Crimes Against the Russian Language
I have very little background in Russian, but I'm passingly familiar because in high school (i) I was obsessed with Russian history, particularly related to the USSR and swaths of imperial Russia (I actually taught the lesson on Ivan IV Vasilyevich in my Western Civ class because my teacher was pregnant and exhausted and I knew the material better than she did); and (ii) I studied Russian with a private tutor in my senior year of high school (very lightly; once a week, only for a year, I met with her and two French language teachers from my school who were also interested in Russian for hour-long lessons and to receive homework assignments).
So, while my experience with the language is shallow at best, I've always loved Russian diminutives. I'm obsessed with the sheer amount of information relayed in someone's name. It's incredible. Of the languages I'm familiar with, none have a comparably satisfying gradient range of (i) affection and (ii) disrespect.
That said, I use diminutives for characters I'm particularly fond of, to show affection, and to teasingly disrespect them since I think it's quite overfamiliar for me to take such liberties.
Also, while I try to check after myself to ensure I'm using them correctly, I have only a surface-level understanding of what I'm doing, and some language forum threads are more helpful than others, so I'm very, very sorry if I use any incorrectly, and I encourage you (and any other Russian speakers and learners) to yell at me if you notice I'm misusing someone's name.
So far, my approach has been to check general searches, forums, and Reddit when I've encountered diminutives in Crime and Punishment, and I'll continue to look up every single name variation in the Dostoevsky novels I'm reading, no matter how long it may take me to realize what I've been scouring for isn't a diminutive at all but instead probably (emphasis on "probably," because no one providing English explanations seemed wholly certain) the same name but spoken in the form native to a separate Slavic language than the languages anyone else in the conversation was using, not that it really seemed to matter, since the same characters within the same conversation each used multiple forms of the same, with only one remark on what was most likely the correct form, which everyone ignored/disregarded, including the remarking character. So if you have context on THAT dynamic, I would love to hear about the etiquette and conventions around language forms among the many different languages and dialects in Eastern Europe.
For reference, the diminutives I've been using re: Crime and Punishment and bsd, with more context:
Raskolnikov is "Rodya" unless he's naughty, in which case I call him "Rodka." Unless he's REALLY naughty, then he's Raskolnikov.
Avdotya is Dunya always; I do feel egregious because she commands grace and gravitas, and I respect her SO much. But I love her dearly and am very warm towards her and everything she does, so I call her Dunya as if she were my sister because if she were, I would treat her better than Rodka right now.
Razumikhin is Dima which may be wildly incorrect, both in form and historical context; the only reason I haven't confirmed it yet is because I had an OC named Dmitri in high school that I was very fond of and referred to affectionately as Dima, and I'm similarly fond of Razumikhin, so I've delayed confirming and correcting myself here, although that's very Rodka-naughty of me, I know.
Fedya is always bsd!Fyodor, and only when he has really wide eyes and is being adorable bunny Fedya. He is Fyodor when he is being nasty or squinting. I call the author by either his last or full name, although I'm sure I've carelessly called him Fyodor before too. I try to maintain some consistency in distinguishing who I'm referencing between the characters and their namesakes.
Tl;dr: I love Russian diminutives. The only other time I've come close to feeling the same amount of immense delight over names-as-love-and-violence is when my work mentor, who is Chinese, was providing me with her preferred titles (laoban ["old boss," old meaning "venerable" rather than indicating age], jiejie ["big sister"]), and my other coworker chimed in to say, "Wouldn't you be da-jiejie ["first/eldest big sister"], since you're the oldest?" If looks could kill.
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yshtal · 9 days
I think it would be rly sick if you went to go build a crow rook and the surname was Arainai
like…. just another little compradi trying to bring glory back to your house - rinnala and taliesin are dead by the house’s hand, zevran failed and deserted, guili murdered in the night, all semblance of power lost once again. the house is trying to claw its way back up, futile as it seems. that’s the way of house arainai, isn’t it? talon to knife to talon to knife to nothing, same as it’s been since the house first lost power in the early dragon age. but you, bright-eyed little crow, you’ll break the cycle, won’t you? for the family?
after all, caterina’s prized heir is right there - the demon of vyrantium, the infamous mage killer, sleeping just down the hall. you can be quiet, can’t you? all those means at your disposal, and all the opportunities you could want. you could find a way in under that armor, get to something soft and bruisable and make it bleed. he’s far from home, isn’t he? without a friend? confidantes are few and far between - even a demon must get lonely.
maybe he’d even trust you. you’re a clever little bird, right? you can find something to exploit. after all, what does a would-be talon do except claw, except maim? what else would you be good for? there is no gentleness to crows - you are here to deliver a message: run, little demon, quick as you like.
house arainai will make carrion of you yet.
#there is no world in which I think this would happen BUT I think it would be fun#house arainai doesn’t even have beef like this I’m just making it up for sport#just a cute little assassination attempt to enemies to lovers arc for the nerves#I also 1) don’t imagine caterina is dead (but maybe over the course of the game) and 2) I think other succession plans would be followed#but what if someone put a contract out for Lucanis and he realizes that caterina was the one who would’ve had to approve it?#and there’s any number of people who would call in a contract like that in exchange for power#but what is gained in taking one man out from a line of succession? who benefits from his death enough to pay for it?#and then he realizes (whether it’s true or not) that the person who stands to gain the most with such a contract#is illario (who would finally be clear in his path to first talon)?? what then???#ohohoho they didn’t tell me what betrayal Lucanis is coming back from so in my mind I am giving him them all#I know the betrayal will (presumably) be related to the [redacted] thing but I am inventing new problems for fun#dragon age#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age: tevinter nights#lucanis dellamorte#also I wrote this as a little brainworm treat but now I’m like ‘am I……… playing a crow rook??’#(not until I finish my beloved depressed orlesian girlboss warden rook#but maybe someday)#idk man my brain is so rotted from rotating this game and this character around in my mind like a gas station hot dog#went directly from ‘I should write a baseless and unfounded account of this guy whackin’ it’ to ‘and also I want to end his bloodline’#the blorbo dichotomy………….#also ALSO I think it would be even funnier if every faction had to kill their double#mourn watch rook smothering peepaw with a pillow for the grave crime of uhhhhh kidnapping manfred from the necropolis#SOMEONE PUT THAT OLD MAN DOWN HE’S TEACHING THE SKELETON THE FOUND FAMILY TROPE#da thoughts
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hom3landr · 1 month
need a reader to be so done with homelander's crazy ass. like yeah my dog bites. it's on you if he does, though, good luck. i'm just here for a good time not a long one
This reminds me of an idea I’ve been holding on to for a while. Where reader is forced to run interference for anyone in the tower who needs to tell Homelander something that they know he won’t like.
And reader gets so fed up with the whole thing because they’re just trying to have a relaxing afternoon meanwhile their phone is blowing up with things people need them to ask Homelander about.
Very much “I’m not his keeper” type energy. Other people’s problems are not their problem. Leave them alone 😂
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alisaint · 4 months
i blocked you and cut ties with you because you're an antisemite who admitted to ignoring me as payback as if i wasn't the one that reached out and was literally asking you if you still wanted to be friends and keep in touch. and this was after having already said something however long ago to you before that about talking, which you also ignored (which is why i messaged you to begin with). it had nothing to do with noah schnapp lmao.
i explained what i meant by extremism and i told you i was very clearly talking about tankies and their "there are no bad moves, only bad targets" ideology, of which there was a shit-ton on my dash at the time. i over-explained what i meant and you still made it about him! not me! you made it about him because you needed to manufacture a scenario in which i would have to be the one to break the friendship instead of you because you couldn't just outright say it.
but yk. if saying that i'm a parasocial freak that chose an actor over our friendship is a more palatable reason, then okay. whatever makes you feel better, big man 👍
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chaiaurchaandni · 11 months
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redbean-nom · 8 months
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redesign of the Vespa Kids from book of boba fett
thoughts & closeups under cut
so i tried to keep their general appearances/colors intact while adding some actual personality (because i think the main problem with the original designs is that they feel like extras, not side characters).
Red: Zabrak orphan who grew up on Tatooine. 18 years old, was a member of the local insurgent group around the end of the empire era. Has a combo blaster/interrogation droid arm. Speeder is a repurposed version of Maul's speeder from phantom menace.
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Blue: Human raised in the non-Tatooine parts of the Outer Rim. 23 years old, known assassin who worked for Jabba. Uses a scavenged magnaguard-type electrostaff. Has basically a version of the mandalorian helmet visors built into his face. Speeder is an abandoned scout trooper speeder.
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Yellow: Tusken orphan from the clans around the podrace area. 19 years old, became a bounty hunter after his tribe (and bantha) were killed by the Pikes to expand spice routes. Has a Vader-style chest panel and rocket feet. Speeder is a custom pod attached to one of Sebulba's engines, with attached rancor teeth and horns from his late bantha.
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Green: Human who grew up on Coruscant, but family fled the Empire to Tatooine around A New Hope. 21 years old, originally worked as a local enforcer for various Hutts. Has super battle droid arm & leg attachments. Speeder is stolen from local nikto gang.
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original designs for reference:
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#star wars#bobf#tbobf#book of boba fett#redbean art#vespa kids#i tried to keep at least one original design element completely intact for each of them#so Red has the same hair and similar vest#Blue has the grey slacks and similar shirt#Yellow changed a bit more because i couldnt find a full reference for yellow or green but he still has the grey jacket with orange shoulder#and Green kept the green ombre hair#the podracer speeder is mostly because i wish they had more salvaged podracer part stuff#like. those things crash a LOT. obviously local people are going to pick up whatever still works#Yellow definitely has the most distinct speeder silhouette#and Greens cybernetics turned out well#the original design for her looked a little too star trekky so i just gave her a flightsuit#but yeah part of the problem is that they originally looked too clean#not just shiny but also no scratches or dents or scorch marks#so for this i was going for something like the esb boba armor#and design wise something like krayts claw but dustier#so funny how pretty much everyone from tatooine tries to leave as soon as possible because its dry and sandy and full of criminals)#but then boba (career criminal who grew up on kamino) goes to tatooine once and is like I LIVE HERE NOW#also they originally didnt really have clear motives?#so for my redesigns Red is kind of ezra-like and sees bobas crime gang as sort of family (the rancor is their dog)#Blue is there because boba (and fennec) are famous and hes hoping to get recognized as an established assassin#Yellow respects boba's tusken family and wants revenge on the pikes#Green is there because she's getting paid
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biskiko · 2 years
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Trying to do cartoony shape stuff
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rosalinesurvived · 11 months
I wonder if Fukuzawa lives with the unending paranoia of there being four other government top-class swordsmen assassins alongside him who may or may not have been asked to murder their rouge ex-member.
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
dazai getting super drunk in fics as an excuse to have him do something he didn't plan or is out of character is insane to me because the man is an alcoholic and he probably has high tolerance. dont be pussies about it and use drugs in your fics, i want to see my man on ketamine
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frostwork · 2 years
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I just think they’d grow up and be gay
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sqlmn · 1 year
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Seeing as the person who drew this for me and listens to me yell about these two and Rudyard is currently Illegal For Tumblr, I have been given permission to post this!
So a huge thank you I'm crying @ gunhorse ;0; my kids look great and I wuv them... I'm sobbing.
(And for those wondering, the agent named Bravo encounters Katale a fair amount though completely intentional from her. He thinks that she's just a very nice woman who got mixed up in the wrong crowd and she doesn't seem to wish him hard and he doesn't wish her harm so in the end when he sees her he's putting his gun away into a shoulder holster because he's a Good Boy.)
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musicalmoritz · 1 month
Every time I see a Dazai hate post I have to take a deep breath and remind myself not to argue because I will inevitably just end up using a lot of flowery words to call op an idiot
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