#my favorite 7 men in the whole entire world
weebsinstash · 6 months
I'm not typically a fan of pregnancy au stuff for hazbin because it introduces a hell lotta new questions, but anyways, I DO find it absolutely entertaining thinking about a Reader who did the nasty with Alastor and had kind of a friends-with-benefits situation with him and he does his whole 7 year disappearing act without warning you or telling you anything at all (assumedly because he did not have a choice or opportunity) and he comes back, knocking on your front door, "say, doll! What's say we mosey on over to our old favorite jazz club to catch up on old times?"
and suddenly peeking out from behind your back is just the cutest little fawn with a head full of curls who is very clearly Alastor's son, clutching at your apron, "Mama, isn't he the man you listen to those old recordings of? He sounds the same"
Alastor feeling this, this WARMTH in his chest as you invite him inside your home and it's completely different from the last time he was there, filled with everything your son could need, his drawings and report cards from that nice school you break your back to afford stuck lovingly on the fridge and a hot home-cooked meal currently cooling on the stove as Alastor's invited for some food... if he feels comfortable. You and him discuss privately where your son can't hear as you get all weepy, "I'm sorry, but when you disappeared, I couldn't... ASK you what you would have wanted... I didn't want to have some kind of, of PROCEDURE and you hate me for it... and even from the very first scan, I loved him so much... he's my entire world... I couldn't even CONSIDER... getting rid of him. He's my beautiful smart baby boy and i would die for him"
Genuinely I think it would be real funny if Alastor is initially quite jealous actually for having to share you with a CHILD, but the more time he spends around the young boy, the more he realizes, oh, this is quite the upstanding young fellow! His mama raised him right and he likes to help around the house, likes to read lots of books, loves all kinds of music, helps his mother on all the crosswords and word searches and puzzle books, and he's smart enough to suss out pretty quickly, "sir are you my father"
and the second your son receives an answer, just, KICKING THE RADIO DEMON IN THE SHIN, "You're a horrible man!! You call yourself a gentleman but you left my mama to raise a baby all by herself!! You're terrible! Incorrigible! Disrespectful! Untoward!--" Your young son is breaking out the goddamn dictionary and synonyms on this man, "you lying, deceitful, devious, DEPLORABLE--"
And Alastor is watching this little kid threaten to beat his ass and not even caring that he's up against The Infamous Radio Demon, just shouting at Alastor until the young boy is absolutely changing colors in the face, getting SO SO upset for his mama that he's ready to FIGHT OVER IT, and Alastor is just, essentially, breaking out into laughter, "oh, so you ARE my son!! Aren't you a gutsy one!! Put JUST a little force behind that next one and it might actually sting a bit!" and pats the boy on the head. That settles it; he's accepted as Alastor's son like THAT
Of course, Alastor now caring for this boy does not come without its... complications. There might be some 'incidents' if you, for example, have other positive role models for your son, other men who are regularly coming around, making Alastor's new position as the boy's father and your not-quite-husband (yet) feel threatened and unstable and encouraging the Radio Demon to 'act out'. You're so happy to have Alastor back in your life that you don't even notice things are a little off until your son starts mentioning things like "Mama where did Mr Thomas go? He used to come by every Thursday to play chess but I don't remember seeing him for a while?" "Mama I know Benson has bullied me and pushed me down and stolen my things but I saw his mom crying outside the bookstore earlier saying he's gone missing and I think we should help look for him" "Mama I know Mr Alastor said we don't need her and he can teach me but I also like my old piano teacher. Could I have some lessons with her and some with Mr Alastor instead of just all of them with him? I miss Ms. Mason"
But like... you don't want to deny Alastor a relationship with his child after they both have already lost so much time and you don't want to deprive your son of his father without a good reason, so you stifle some of your suspicions. It's all for your son's sake, isn't it? And you can't help but, get a little selfish when Alastor insists on taking you and your boy out, going to see live bands, going to local events, taking your son to the county fair and you feeling tears in your eyes as, your boy finally gets to spend time with his father. It's like... it's like you're a real family... you've always wanted something like this, for him, for them, for yourself--
But... Alastor doesn't... see you THAT way, does he? He displays his emotions much differently than you, and there were even times in the past where Alastor himself drew the line in the sand that, oh yes you two were quite close friends, he has such a deep affection for you, but... romantically? Sorry, sweetheart, but no
... or so he thought. Now that he's back, he sees how deeply you love his son and sacrifice so much for him amd how much your son absolutely adores you and how, completely by yourself, without any of Alastor's help, you raised him into a fine young man that... the Radio Demon could see himself helping raise, a boy he can't help but feel a little pride in helping make and, can't help but feel a little sad he missed all sorts of important milestones for. And of course, of course of course of course, he missed YOU ever so much, and when Alastor looks up from his paper to see you at the stove, hair all out of place and your hands messy as you cook a meal for your son and his father, your little boy dutifully helping clean as you go, he can't help wish that THIS was how he spent his last 7 years.
Lucifer have mercy on anyone who tries to disrupt his new utopia of peace and tranquility. Could you even imagine, could you even fucking imagine you and Alastor are walking with your son and nearby TVs snap on and it's fucking Vox, showing your family on TV, talking shit to Alastor, using HORRIBLE language in front of your son--
And Alastor feels his love for you grow all the more as you use your own magic to surge through the television and begin strangling the newscaster right on the air, "DONT YOU DARE SHOW MY SON'S FACE ON TV YOU FUCKING--" and Alastor starts lovingly conversing with his son about how important it is to stand up for your family and your values as the pair of them watch you throw Vox around his recording studio in a frenzied rage, "You and your disgusting Vees always trying to peddle your worthless garbage to kids, you CREEPS!! BABIES DON'T NEED IPADS, RETINOL CREAMS, SKEEYEE DANCE ROUTINES, AND ATHLEISUREWEAR LEGGINGS THAT GO UP THEIR ASS, YOU CONSUMERIST IMMORAL SHELL OF A HUMAN BEING--"
Snapcut to you rejoining your family on the sidewalk with your hair a mess and visible blood on you while Vox is facedown on the floor in his broadcast unable to move before it cuts to a "technical difficulties, please stand by" screen. Alastor is oh so genuinely joyfully smiling, "Now who wants to go and get some waffles? I say we should celebrate any victory over our enemies with some tasty grub!!" and he takes you and your son's hands and is all but skipping down the sidewalk while his hated rival is bleeding out in his tower somewhere. Oh, Alastor will give the Television Demon his own revenge for daring to try and shame the lovely beautiful mother of his child and his beloved boy on that disgusting show. What kind of degenerate uses children for content, let alone threatens their safety? Alastor will be back for him later and do much, MUCH worse than you did.
For now, though? Alastor just wants to enjoy the sight of you and his son sitting in a booth with him while you all scarf down some hotcakes. A family of his very own, huh? How wonderful. If only his own mom were here to see it...
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babyangelsky · 6 months
BL Challenge 2k24 ✨Day 7✨
Hello and welcome to @negrowhat's 15 Day BL Challenge! Full challenge can be found here.
Favorite Villain: Korn Theerapanyakul
It isn't often that we get an actual villain in a BL. We have plenty of love rivals but those are rarely ever villains in the true sense of the word. We also have a large, unfortunate array of shitty parents and parental figures, some of which absolutely do fall into the villain category, but they don't deserve my effort or your attention.
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But then we have Korn.
Korn is a villain. Make absolutely no mistake about that. This man has dedicated his life to playing 4D chess with everyone around him, including and especially his sons, and he's brilliant at it. There is never a moment where he isn't in control, there is never a moment where he hasn't thought at least five steps ahead, and he has very few blind spots.
What gets me—and what makes him that much more insidious in my opinion—is how he presents himself to the world.
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♡ gif by @guzhufuren from this set
"This man, a villain? Never! He's just a nice, soft-spoken dad in a sweater vest! Sure he's a bit intimidating but he's in the mafia, it's to be expected. And just look at how accepting he is of his gay sons! He's looking at a photo of his son and his son-in-law and smiling, isn't that lovely?"
Korn's image is perfectly curated and if you only look on the surface, from the outside that's exactly what he is: a nice dad and a respectable businessman. He's rational, calm, and level-head, especially when you compare him to Gun—which you can't not do. It's impossible to have a conversation about Korn without talking about Gun, who is absolutely just as bad and who I easily could've chosen.
The difference is that Gun's evil is overt and in a way, it's more...honest because of it. He's not out here pretending to be a good person or trying to be anything other than exactly what he is. What you see is what you get. However, I chose Korn precisely because of that insidiousness, because his evil appears so much more subtle but only when it remains in the shadows.
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♡ gif by @kinnbig from this set
Because when everything gets brought to light? Hoooooo BOY.
This man kept his foster sister in isolation under lock and key for years after he killed her husband and took her away from her two little boys. Then he left those little boys in the care of a degenerate gambler and watched them sink further and further into debt. And that's only the thin end of the wedge! If we got into all the ways he fucked up his OWN boys, we'd be here all damn day.
Kidnapping on perhaps more than one occasion, a hit squad, Kim's entire personality, Kinn's emotional range, need I go on?
But getting back to Porsche and Chay, Korn could've helped them at literally any point but he didn't lift a finger until they grew up and became useful to him. He could've cleared their debts, paid for Chay's education, provided for them, kept them from getting remotely close to a situation were men were beating them and trashing their home. But he did exactly none of that because whatever sense of obligation Korn might have felt toward them absolutely pales in comparison to his need for control.
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♡ gif by @kinnbig from this set
That's what this all comes down to: control. The world is a chessboard and everyone in Korn's orbit is a piece on it. He proposed an outcome for himself and he got it.
He made sure Kinn was cemented as head of the main family and found a way to cement Porsche as head of the minor family. He got rid of Gun and the threat he presented and succeeded in burying the truth of what happened to Porsche's parents with him, because the truth that Korn gave simply is not the whole truth. It never will be because divulging the truth means giving up control, and that is something he will never do.
I could literally talk for hours about Korn. He's a fascinating character. He's got so many layers. Bottom line?
Este señor es el mismísimo diablo. This man is the living breathing devil.
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team7-headquarter · 10 months
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I'll never shut up about the Land of the Waves arc.
Here are the facts:
A corrupted man —who was believed to be the richest man in the world due his shipping and transportation business— decided he wanted to make his a small land made out of islands, better known as the Land of the Waves.
In Tazuna's words: "Nami No Kuni (the Land of the Waves) isn't a real prosperous land. Even our local lords are poor..."
The name of the corrupted man is Gato. He was affiliated with drug trafficking and contraband, as well as being a criminal who employed gangs and teams of shinobis to help him (through violence) to take over companies and countries alike. That's what he did to the Land of the Waves, taking hold of all the marine transportation and their shipping industry. Since the Land is made of a number of islands, Gato successfully isolated them. He was now the owner of the local economy and had the power to decide how people lived there.
Tazuna is an old man with no money at all who had been tasked to be the architect and overseer of the new bridge. If completed, it would mean that Gato no longer had absolute control over the Land of the Waves. It'd free them all, bring more movement to their economy and stop the crazy violence promoted by Gato's gangs.
To make sure we all understand the severity of the mission and the power of Gato, let's remember that he employed Zabuza Momochi.
Zabuza is one of the Seven Ninja Swordmen of the Hidden Mist. Kirigakure was known for one of the cruelest traditions regarding shinobis: they'd have to fight each other to death and only the survivors would be promoted. Zabuza put an end to it himself, killing an entire year of graduates. He was not even a student yet.
Zabuza also plotted a coup against the Mizukage, but he was betrayed. He became a rogue nin after that, taking money from men like Gato in order to keep living.
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That's the first Team 7 mission.
Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke are staked to help Kakashi free a land of a corrupted businessman and in the process have to fight one of the most legendary shinobis they can encounter out there. We're talking about an entire small nation!!! We're talking about the insane irony of Zabuza being a rogue because he fought against the corruption of his own Hidden Village, and he lost and now he has to work for a man doing the same to others.
The first Team 7 lesson was not only to work as one, to value their teammates, but to question the world around them. Kakashi told them to not follow orders blindly and the narrative throws the Team on a mission to test it.
Kakashi accepted to continue the mission without telling the Hokage anything. He knew he had the jinchuriki and the last Uchiha with him, that it was a great risk, but he accepted because he wanted to help Tazuna and the Land of the Waves and he knew Tazuna had not enough money to pay for a class B mission. Hell, he was lucky Kakashi got a genin team. One of the best jonins of the Hidden Leaf could give his service under the disguise of a rank C. Kakashi was using a loophole to disobey orders and he complains the whole time in his head because he knows it's gonna be a mess of a mission, but he does it anyway.
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Do you want to know why is my favorite arc?
The reality of the Land of the Waves is a perfect scenario to force Team 7 to wake up. Naruto and Sasuke sure know loneliness and misery, but they were also part of a very rich land and a powerful Hidden Village. Sakura didn't go through anything like Sasuke or Naruto, which is worse in the sense that she was more naive than them.
Their world falls apart when they meet Haku and Zabuza, when they realize this is not s fairytale of good heroes and bad villains, but people who had to become violent to survive.
Like Kakashi said, the only reason he and Zabuza are trying to kill each other is because they were paid to do so. Zabuza works for Gato, Kakashi for Konoha, that's it. Kakashi didn't want to kill Haku and Haku didn't want to kill any of them, but the Naruto world is old and messy, the customs and the means to survive are others.
Shinobis are no heroes. They're mercenaries, they act as the military force for the strongest nations. They are tools and weapons. It's not advanced in any sense, so many years after the Warrant Era and the world was just as cruel and wild. People with kekkei genkais were forced to practice that violence to protect themselves, like Haku, Sasuke and Neji. People with bad luck like Naruto and all the jinchurikis were the same. People like Sakura, who loved and cared for those others, devoted their lives to joining the fight, to try and protect the ones dear to them.
That's why the final conversation of Team 7 —the one after the events of the bridge that ended with Zabuza and Haku dead— went the way it did. The members of Team 7 weren't happy with the reality of the shinobi life. Naruto even ended up saying that he would make his own ninja way, basically denying such reality and promising to break the traditional ways that kept all shinobis chained to violence, fated to kill each other.
Just look at it:
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Sakura: ... But still... Master Kakashi...
Kakashi: Hmm~~?
Sakura: ... I can't help wondering. Were those two right about what a ninja should be?
Kakashi: A Shinobi shouldn't be concerned with a reason for her own existence... It is important merely that we exist as a tool for our homeland to use in whatever way they need. That's as true for us in Konohagakure as it for any ninja anywhere else.
Naruto: Is that really what becoming a full-fledged ninja's gonna be about? I don't like the sound of it!
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Sasuke: Do you really feel that way, master Kakashi?
Kakashi: Well... No. And that's why all we ninja live our lives with that ideal always bubbling beneath the surface of our minds, disturbing us. ... Like it did Zabuza ... And the boy.
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Naruto: That's it. I've made up my mind! I am going to create my own nindo— my own ninja path. My own destiny!
This arc plants the seeds of what should be the rest of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. Team 7 is frustrated and they don't agree with the tradition. None of them, not even Kakashi. Naruto promises to be the change, to make his own destiny.
Sadly, it doesn't happen. The manga changes its tone halfway through. Naruto ends up becoming part of such tradition and he ends up being the fated reincarnation, the chosen one. His destiny is not his exactly and his own ninja path gets lost in the way, replaced by a hollower desire to become Hokage. Naruto doesn't evolve to deeply question the order of his world or his society.
Instead, Sasuke occupies his place and the story turns him into an antagonist (someone who wants the direct opposite of the protagonist, someone who is on the way of the protagonist to reach his goal). The story radicalizes the dream that was so innocently spoken in this chapter. It also ends up chaining Kakashi to the same system, uses him as someone to fill the Hokage role until Naruto is old enough and then gives Naruto the hat, forgetting the themes set on the Land of the Waves arc.
What started as Team 7 fighting corruption and people sick with power while trying to help the victims of the system, understanding that their world is made of greys and not moral absolutes, ends up becoming a kids tale of ninjas = heroes and aliens = villains. All the complexities of politics get softened by Black Zetsu's manipulations and Kaguya's existence.
It wouldn't be a reach to say that the Land of the Waves belongs to a very different type of manga, one that never got its continuation.
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kavehnanginto · 2 years
i was entirely wrong about you… part 2
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synopsis: you realize your feelings after you brutally rejected and insulted him. regret soon followed you and you realized that it was too late, the feelings of love sprouted but you just had to ruin it. you never really thought of the fact that he was still so in-love with you, doing everything, for you to feel the same.
pairings: alhaitham, cyno x reader
more references to pride and prejudice, it also like has the same confession somewhat, only the ogs know all the references, ends like it without the cringe marriage stuff, kinda angst with a fluffy ending, character development for you and the ones you love, listen this might be more ooc unlike part one but if darcy can do it they can too, men being weak and begging is my favorite genre, a glimpse to the past yeheyyyy, lots of research references because i am so sick and tired of that shit idk why i didn’t procrastinate about it, but kinda procrastinated about this work, i got carried away writing Alhaitham’s, kinda longer than the other one
part one
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What you did might be considered brave to some and others. It had been exactly a week, some may calculate that to 7 days but you calculate it to be 168 hours of pure torture. At first, you thought such a hateful man would put nothing but hateful things in his letter, but you carefully analyzed everything about it.
That three-paragraphed letter had you on a chokehold.
It was unhealthy at this point.
All they were was just kind works, just for you. When you first met Alhaitham, it was not that of talking to a brick wall. But rather a machine designed to check out your faults and give you a solution. But your naive old self thought that just being with him was enough. Even just a few words to you, a penny of his thoughts towards you, and a little he sprinkled to your face were enough.
This is how you thought of years after. But that letter with handwriting you have never really seen associated with a sophisticated man such as him. It was filled with mistakes, crossing out some words and what not but he was smart enough never to let you see what he could’ve said.
And for him now, what he should’ve said. What he truly meant. The letter holds nothing but the truth, but not the whole truth. You didn’t need to know, because, for him, he felt, that he was the last man in the world you could hold a bond with.
And at first, that’s what you felt.
You were greeted by the loud scholars at the Akademiya. All the same, as it was before. But unlike now, you feel eyes on you. At this point, you don’t care. You need answers about what Alhaitham said, but once your pride got in the way of even being in the same room as him. Now you were just embarrassed…
You remember your early days with him in the Akademiya. He already had a big reputation from Haravatat that doubled over once he entered. You were no one. That’s why you grew to idolize a genius such as him. Ever since you were young you’re never considered. “scholar” material, adding some bit of kick to the logical ideologies of the time. You were not bright compared to your peers also, only catching up by studying more than they did. Doing more than you can.
Unlike you, Alhaitham never cared of what others thought of him. He just stood there and ended them with just a glance and when necessary hurting their ego. He was not one to be messed with. Everyone knew that. So in the end you never really knew why you were so worked up over nothing. He did make you improve your research. You regret what you said in the heat of the moment, looking back he actually helped you more than you thought.
Looking back at that letter, looking back at the years, and looking back at him. His pride this, his character that. But maybe it would’ve never come to that if you just thought from a different perspective. Maybe your advice to yourself back then was not to idolize him so much but to see him as who he is. A person. Who’s character is far different from yours. Who you should’ve appreciated rather than idealized.
With all that thought, you ended up at his office. No notice of how or why. You knew he was out today, but you missed it so you opened the door and went in. It was much more disorganized than before. Maybe you were one of the reasons, you think.
You furnished it yourself. Organizing the books the way he liked them. Dusting his vases and fluffing out his pillows. Removing every inch of dust. You remember the thought of doing this back then was for him to say thank you, which he never did, but you did remember him giving you a book saying he had no use for it. You loved the author, and so when your crush gave it to it felt like you were in the stars above.
It was probably a coincidence. Not until you saw the same book, so carefully annotated. You read it. How they both fell in love, the guy giving them a book in the library, saying how he did not need it. Next to it was a check and you saw another familiar scenario in your head. And another one. And another one. All are annotated with a check for it. Until you saw a part of the guy confessing his feelings and how they lived happily ever after. The last annotation in the book. But the same check you’ve seen before was not present.
Thinking back at everything you decided to steal the book. And when you decided to leave you saw the silhouette of another scholar. Unfamiliar you were to him, but he gave off a vibe that wants you to be intimidated.
He was 5’4.
“What are you doing in the room of the future grand sage?” You knew he already had accusations against you even if he didn’t know the entire story.
He already has his hand pointed at you. But that did not make you fold, because you don’t even know who this guy is. Who was he for you to care?
“I know you!” he realized. “Rumors have spread that the Acting Grand Sage professed his feelings towards you. Although I know that to be untrue, that master is one with high class not associate himself with the likes of you. But as a man of logic, I want to prove my hypothesis….
Are you in a relationship with the Acting Grand Sage?”
You never cared about how tense the environment became. “And if I did, I believe it does not concern you even the slightest.”
You sound cocky and that’s exactly what you were going for. He was livid to see your confidence.
“You dare to speak with me in such a manner.” He fumed. “Do you not know how unequal your standing is? How even in your wildest dreams, that is untrue. And even if he does have feelings for you, which I am sure not, you as an inferior and humble scholar know to not accept a hand of your utmost superior.”
Now you felt insulted.
“He is a scholar and so am I, what makes you believe we are not on equal footing? You are no one to decide what I should do and to speak for your master. A man free to tell he feels for me—“
“I'm tired of this! Let us stop this once and for all. Are you in a relationship with the Acting Grand Sage?” He spat so close to your mouth.
“If it pleases you to know I am not.”
“Well then, get out of this room.” An instant reply towards you. He was much more cheery now.
“Not yet.”
That day you went home with a book and a smile, while that stunted scholar complained to his “master” about something…
Night came and as you went out to the bar an unexpected guest come to your table.
“Water please,” he spoke with etiquette and good mannerly. He was given his order in a blink of an eye all the while looking at your eyes. You remember that wide gaze, but not one of defeat it was hope and chances.
“How’s your day, Haitham.” you smiled as you sipped your drink. It was nonalcoholic, but intoxicating glances were shared. It started a conversation, thank Kusanali.
You laughed at his actions and attempts at small talk.
“A scholar told me of his meeting with you,” it has been more than a minute, and his water is still untouched.
“And what about it?”
He was surprised to see your smiles that evening. Had you decided against him, you would never smile at him, never say those words. Maybe you knew something, or maybe you didn’t care for his presence. The scholar, whatever his name was, described your character using what he first described you himself in your first meeting. An obnoxious character, doing everything to garner his attention.
The worst part, it did.
Yes, he first thought that you were far behind many in terms of intelligence. But after each conversation, he shared with you. Every glance and every stare. It was already too late, to right his wrongs and then you left. You came back more mature, more distant than before. And he still actually thought there was a chance of you accepting his love.
Deep inside, he still thought you childish to think that. To actually think you will accept him, and love him back. He was a man unworthy of it.
“Did you lie about your words to him?” He spoke, he wanted to validate the data that the scholar told him. He wanted to know, so desperately, if even an ounce of your hatred towards him had started to decline. Even if your answer was a lie.
“And why would I, you know enough of my frankness to believe me incapable of doing such a thing.”
“Really?” A faint smile can be seen at his face. One that you never saw plastered in such a man.
“If I had no scruple to insult the Acting Grand Sage so abominably to his face, I find it an easy task to also do it to his subordinates.” You laughed, as he did. It was one of fondness, the way he looked, the he talked and now the way he laughed at you.
“And what did you say that I did not deserve, or was untrue?” He finally drank his fill. “You were right in every sense of my character. I did treat you in an unworthy manner, a manner in which I would not be so surprised for you to ever forgive.”
“I believe so too. But I have came to learn that I judged so poorly, once judged you too good. I never really thought you were a person and I have so many times in my mind thought you devoided of every proper feeling. I was wrong. I was entirely wrong—“
He sighed of displeasure of your reply.
“Enough of your guilt, an emotion not expected for you to have on me. If you still despise me, I will disappear and I will be sure to let you never see me again. Because I still love you, you might have changed your opinion of me but I assure you, even if you’ll hate me more of it. I will never change.” He started. “But if you would rather have someone less aloof, someone more comforting then maybe changing myself never seemed so possible except now.”
The bar was loud. Filled with laughter of the other tables, but it still felt like the moment stopped. All irrelevant joys they felt were completely inferior to the one that you felt.
“I was raised with good morals, but pride followed when I was swarmed with compliments and achievements. My character would have been narcissistic and emotionless, if not for you. Dearest and loveliest of them all.” His hand reached out to you and you held his hand as tightly and quickly as you could. “Even if you don’t love me now, even if you never will. This act of kindness you showed me will be one that I shall never forget.”
You both were out in the open outside. Rain poured once more in the deep night. You were ready to say what you truly feel. But instead… you leaned closer and now on the tip of your toes, left hand on the back of his head. You kissed him. No words of love could ever match up to how it felt.
Both your clothes were soaking wet with the cold rain. But never have both of you felt so warm, basking in each other’s comfort.
You were out in the ruins to further investigate. You are very much capable of going solo, but looking back it could’ve been the two of you. So you decided to have Tighnari come along as he suggested. All this time you never knew how he felt. He never said. But all this time he had feelings for you. And no matter how much you doubt this, nor thought of it blasphemous. If you knew one thing about Cyno, it was that he never lied.
His letter still in your pocket was one of the things you brought to the ruins. And it went more smoothly than usual, the traps were easily deconstructed, and it seemed good luck. It has been five days since that happen, instead of thinking about your research you thought about him.
He was still horrible to you. It was no excuse. But he did like you, for a long time. And you said nothing,
Just like he did.
And you did nothing.
But, so did he.
So you can’t blame yourself. You shouldn’t blame yourself. But deep inside, you knew you had a fault, and wanting to be the bigger person you wanted to give an apology. But he was nowhere to be found, you missed another pair of hands. It was much easier with him around. Well, keeping tabs on whether your knowledge is valid and correct is the Matra’s job. So you were ecstatic to know they agreed to help you, you just weren’t informed he was the General Mahamatra.
It did not help how kind he was to you. How he wasn’t like before. How he forgot the past, but you never did. But now you felt silly. Maybe in some way, you did have new friends, but you would have still liked him there too. Perhaps, he thought himself replaced but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. The happy moments of your life were with him.
Childhood truly felt like a dream.
“You’re deep in thought,” Tighnari mentioned. “This ruin feels like it had already been in the hands of others before ourselves. A good thing in our hands, as it is much safer to roam around and see what is left behind.”
“A lot stayed really,” you replied. “This has been so smooth sailing and I’m starting to get suspicious.”
Tighnari chuckled. And you both finally validated the controversial research, which from the start you and Cyno knew to be true. But you knew that it would take more evidence than this. The Grand Sage personally had not so kind words to say about it, and so you knew to work harder. The research was one of the dreams, how Sumeru can dream but there is a blockage or a reason as to why. The whole Akademiya despised it and sent the researcher to Aaru village.
This ruin tells the history of Sumeru and the past. How they were much more than logical minds and realistic futures. How Sumeru could dream, and thinking can only take us so far.
So after a few weeks, you finally published your research, and the whole Akademiya went mad. And you still slipped in Cyno’s name. They were scandalized by the publication and many choices for you to be sent to Aaru village next. But at this point, you never really cared. You just realized so much. Thought about so much.
You remember fondly about childhood and thought of your dreams way back. Of the best times in your life, and how much he was there. And then the angst of puberty came along. You were a wild party animal, while for some reason maintaining high grades. Although you weren’t comparable to him, you never thought him capable of him thinking what you thought of him.
How he can’t reach you…
How much he liked you…
How he didn’t deserve you…
The letter with his voice all in your mind. The scholars below are just questioning your rationality, all the supporting members of your research you destroyed.
So that only one has to suffer… It’s fine, maybe lowering your pride was the best thing you could have ever done to him. After so many years of only looking at what Cyno lacked, you thought about what he gave you, and what he had to suffer. Maybe it was just you being selfish. Maybe his affections have changed now that everyone gossips about you.
The thought prisoned your mind all night, it was much more than losing everything now. And as you stare out to the warm gaze of the sun, melancholically standing in a chair, waiting for some scholars to force you to your destiny. Regret only filled your mind. Maybe even he thought you were mad. But the scholars never came, and no investigation ever took play.
You went to your workplace, and your peers greeted you all the same. It was as if nothing happened. It felt like a breeze, you wanted to know how, but were still afraid to ask for maybe they remember and it will all repeat. It felt like a dream, it felt like a sigh of relief. And when you all went and dined you never smiled like that before. You need to visit the Dendro Archon herself and thank her.
“Hello, it seems you’re in a good mood.” Tighnari observed and you nodded.
“Well I could’ve been in Aaru village out there in the wilderness or whatnot, but considering here I am freely sipping my wine. I think it’s only right to be a little happy.” He nodded, agreeing with your statement.
He joined in after a few minutes and you begin a lighthearted conversation.
“Well everyday I think I will visit a Statue of the Seven,” you mused. “I have a lot to thank the Gods for.”
You sipped a wine as he took the bottled and filled his glass.
“Well not only that, if the Matras themselves approved of your research you could’ve gone poof any time.” You flinched at his statement. Not at the thought of what could’ve happened to you. No your selective mutism didn’t even hear that, but the fact that the Matras did that.
Even after your meeting with Tighnari, getting ready to go to bed, and having trouble sleeping. It was all that filled your mind. You knew that the Matras never really cared about your research, and how much they tell you that they’re only doing this since the General Mahamatra was so curious about it himself.
You wanted to see him… so many new thoughts have formed and you thought it was too late. He probably took pity on you, or thought of the research as truth like you did and so wanted very much to preserve its contents.
Yeah. Maybe.
All lights were nowhere to be found. Except out in your window where the night sky can be so vividly seen. You knew what you had to do tomorrow, and that was to finally confront your feelings. Your thoughts leading up to this moment. Him.
And with that, you finally slept, and there came a new morning. Getting ready and leaving was always easier when you had an important objective. But the cold always gave you chills more than it should. You then asked all the Matras in town about his presence, and no one gave you any positive answers. Proportionally, 73% told you that they have not seen him and 12% told you that they did see him earlier and 15% straight up ignored your question and left. Fine.
As you were waking mindlessly in the desert you were ambushed by a group of Eremites. Even if you don’t have weapons, it didn’t matter as you defeat one by one with ease. At least that’s what you thought, your stamina was running out but they were not and so in the heat of the moment, you were about to let them in.
Not until…
You once saw again, after all this time, the purple glow of a spear that filled you with nostalgia. You saw it glow at every single one of the Eremites until they all were like dominoes, falling one by one. He had his back turned against you trying to rest until his breath was stable.
“I heard you were looking for me?” The gust of wind flew the same way my rationality let go when I saw him once more.
“Yes, thats correct.” You gave a swift reply.
He then went to you and helped you get up and after that tried to keep his distance.
“First, I wanna say thank you,” you fixed your posture and he was avoiding to look at your eyes. It was fine. “I know how hard it was to persuade the other Matras. Thank you on behalf of the research I wrote and the many people that will finally think about this dubious system.”
A frown formed his face. He inched a closer towards you, maybe thinking he heard wrong.
“So thank you.”
“If you thank me, let it be for yourself alone. Although I do everything for the safety and advancement of my dear country, I believe I thought only of you. In these past few days and weeks.” He replied, as he finally looks you in the eye. “You are too generous to go and waste your time to thank me, so keep your gratitude to yourself. You were brave for publishing it.”
You hugged him. “I’d rather not. Another thing is my sincerest apology. You were not distant, nor mean, nor prideful. I was entirely wrong about you. Don’t tell me that this sorry should not have been said because this is what my heart wanted to say ever since that letter. I have judged you but never myself. I’m sorry for putting my blame on you.”
“I deserve it. Every word you said that day was true. In my imagination, I only thought of your forgiving me but I would never expect that it was you who wanted to apologize. I understand where you’re coming from, but… if your feeling were what they were that day tell me so at once. But if you feel more than just a negative thought and judgment towards me, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged, but what you feel and what you tell me will not change what I feel but change how I’ll act.”
You both were closer than you have ever been in that hug. His face, you need not know, was full of hope.
“I’m ashamed to think of what I said there. Don’t you dare repeat it!” You finally broke the hug to look into his eyes. “And about my feelings, they are no longer that of despise and prejudice, rather they are quite the opposite.”
He smiled, the first one you saw in a long time. If the people of Sumeru saw him as he is at this moment, no one would even think of him to be intimidating. He was just like every other man, holding the person he loves and relaxing in their presence. He knew his feelings outshined that of yours, but maybe someday the sentiment will be shared.
“I love you Cyno.”
But this will do, he had no complaints when he was finally home in your arms.
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That was kinda long and i hoped you enjoyed it. @nagisuterus @sumiriexo theres your tag sorry im kinda late on this one my bad. I was shocked that the first one was actually like lol thanks so much @sadbutwhy is just me pls 😢 im dumb enough to post on side blogs
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donnerpartyofone · 2 months
7, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57
Woah, thanks for all the numbers! I did 7 in the previous post, but let's see:
17. "opinion on insecurities" hahaha, I didn't even read all of these before I reblogged that thing! My most immediate reaction is that sometimes when you're trying to have an honest reckoning with your flaws and handicaps, people tell you you're just being insecure, and this is one of the central frustrations of my entire existence. If you're forced to constantly pretend that you're awesome and capable of anything, it makes it a lot harder to come to terms with what isn't working. But everyone has insecurities I think, they're probably unavoidable. I guess some people base their entire personality around an insecurity and that's not great, but I think the only thing to do is to try to be honest and lucid about your weaknesses. That's the only point you can proceed from.
27. If I gave you a real accounting of all the things I hate, you would regret it! It's a lot of things, TOO MANY things. I'll just pick one for now: I hate movies about characters who are sort of reclusive, where other characters mob up on them and force them to participate in society as if this is a great gift, as if all human beings want the same thing and that thing is extreme amounts of attention and activity, as if no human being could possibly just enjoy their own company and some peace and quiet. There are a lot of variations on this theme but a good example is THE STATION AGENT. I was like, what the fuck, leave that guy alone!
37. Hmm I also have a lot of favorite actors since I spend most of my time watching movies. Last night I rewatched the incredible THE WORLD'S GREATEST SINNER and I was thinking about how Timothy Carey is like Nicolas Cage before Nicolas Cage, like they're descended from the same stock somehow. They even look alike to me. And then I was thinking about how Michael Moriarty has that same kind of manic, improvisational energy, and all three men are tall. Actually Nic Cage isn't as tall as I always think he is, but Moriarty is 6'3" and Carey was a little over. So Timothy Carey and Nicolas Cage have more similar faces, but Michael Moriarty and Timothy Carey are more the same height. I do not know what this is meant to prove.
47. "Turn ons," eh? I'm prejudicially inclined toward people who are really smart and articulate, but I also like it when people are strangely naive and sweet. I like hairy, vascular forearms and hands, and glasses, and widow's peaks. I like people who have obsessions. I'm totally straight but I'm fascinated by tough, androgynous women and tomboys. I like men who look like weird movie villains. I am attracted to basically all weird movie villains.
But now I want to volunteer one "turn off" from #48, which is that I have zero tolerance for people who are really into deliriously dysfunctional sadomasochistic relationships. Which is what most media will tell you is "true love" or something, and it does look pretty good from the outside, I mean who doesn't want to dissolve into a morbid, swooning obsession? But having experienced a couple of those things, it became very clear to me that they are essentially infantile, ugly, and stupid, and people who insist on that dynamic are like a baby who cries over their shitty diaper and pisses in your face when you try to change it for them. I almost miss being able to enjoy that type of libidinous delirium, but the whole thought of it just makes me sick now. People who pretend to be vampires are never as cool as they want you to think they are.
57. My favorite animal is all reptiles. I like a lot of animals, but reptiles and amphibians more than anything. Right now I'm doing this study of Italian cannibal movies which I knew were full of animal cruelty, but somehow I managed to forget that reptiles seem to get the worst of it. :(
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fyreflys · 1 year
My Everlark playlist, a full list and analysis (that no one asked for but I’m going to offer anyways). All songs linked in their title!
1) Swan Upon Leda (Hozier)
“One more sweet boy butchered by men”
“The gateway to the world / Was still outside the reach of him / Would never belong to angels / Had never belonged to men”
This song is on this playlist for a whole host of reasons, and I could write an entire paper analyzing its application to the THG & the reason for why I chose it as the title of my everlark fic, but I’ll try to keep this short & succinct
The Capitol controls Panem through fear, and they do this by “sacrificing” children in the name of a “game”. In this song, Hozier makes it clear that creation of life, and thus life itself, is not something man can control. That’s a major point in Katniss’s fight against the capitol- is to remove its tyranny and use of children as a tool to instill fear.
2) Eat Your Young (Hozier)
“Skinnin’ the children for a war drum / Put in front of the table, sellin’ bombs and guns / It’s quicker and easier to eat your young”
This song exhibits the greed of the Capital, and more particularly Snow, and the use of children’s lives as a way to control people.
Also- the imagery that Hozier creates reminds me that a lot of the people fighting in the Revolution are also children - Peeta and Katniss and Gale and Prim are children, fighting in a war for freedom.
3) My Lagan Love (Hozier’s Cover)
“She has my heart in thrall / Nor life I owe, or liberty / For love is lord of all”
Can we all just agree that Irish songs are great? This just sounds majestic and pretty and exactly like something I’d imagine Katniss would sing as a lullaby
4) In a Week (Hozier, ft Karen Cowley)
“We lay here for years or for hours / Your hand in my hand / So still and discreet / So long, we’d become the flowers”
This song is about two lovers dying and their bodies decaying side by side, for them to exist in both life and death together. Idk about you, but Everlark has the kind of love where they would both die if one of them died, and this song feels even more fitting if you consider how many times both of them were willing to die for the other.
5) Where’s My Love (SYML)
Rather than explain this one, I will simply direct you to this AMAZING fan edit
6) favorite crime (Olivia Rodrigo)
Yet another instance where I will redirect you to a fan edit
7) It All Comes Down To This (Aquilo)
“Let you play with my heart like it's nothing but water / Falling down down, down down”
I would say this reminds me of Peeta falling for Katniss, but in fact it reminds me of the way Katniss falls so fast for Peeta, without even realizing that it’s happening. Everything feels so sudden and serious and grave, like everything comes down to just the two of them.
8) I Found (Amber Run)
“Oh, and I found love where it wasn’t supposed to be, oh / right in front of me”
The Hunger Games are, arguably, a odd place to find love. And yet that’s where Katniss finds it, right in front of her.
The other lyrics are just, spot on, with how they bounce off of each other as they try to navigate the life they live
9) Overcome (Skott)
“I'm trying to make sense of it all / Trying to understand”
“Fading stars echo / Reminding us they know / We've come too far to let go / Don't let go”
This song makes me think of post mockingjay, or even during mockingjay, as they fight to overcome everything they’ve done and seen. They are just trying to live and overcome all their grief and trauma and move on and heal.
10) Body (SYML)
“I fought the world for your hand / Give my new body a chance / It’s all I have”
After the hijacking, Peeta is stuck in a body and mind that no longer feels like his own. And at first, Katniss cannot see him, she thinks he’s gone. This is him trying to make it back to her, begging her to let him come back.
11) village song (Paris Paloma)
“And the blackberry juice drips like blood on the leaves / And the blood on the fox drips like dew from its teeth”
This song is eerie in a way that makes me think of Katniss. I don’t know how to describe it, but the image that this song paints, or rather makes me feel, makes me think of Katniss. Of maybe a life she would have lived in a different time.
12) Funeral (Phoebe Bridgers)
“I’m singin’ at a funeral tomorrow / For a kid a year older than me”
While this song has several mentions of modern-day stuff, I can’t help but be struck with this line. We know Katniss sings, and I can’t help but imagine this is a scenario she’s fallen into; singing at funerals for district 12’s fallen tributes. And all the heaviness that comes with that.
13) Sparks (Coldplay)
“My heart is yours / It’s you that I hold on to”
Peeta definitely knows Katniss is his everything, and Katniss might be in denial, but Peeta is also (a big part of) her everything.
14) Silhouette (Aquilo)
“Devil’s on your shoulder / Strangers in your head / As if you don’t remember / As if you can’t forget”
“‘Cause these city walls never knew / That we’d make it this far / We’ve become echos / But echos are fadin’ away”
“So let’s dance like two shadows / Burning out the glory days”
This song, I imagine, is them growing old. Perhaps Peeta has a bad hijack episode for the first time in a long time. And they sway together in the living room with brittle bones and grey hair, just silhouettes of something that once was. He is momentarily a stranger, Katniss is forgotten, but their love still remains. They are echos of Panem’s freedom, that are slowly fading away.
15) Time Comes in Roses (Bess Atwell)
“I’m scared of sleeping, and I don’t know why / how it dances you into a lonely night”
“And I’ve been slower than I thought / At getting my life off the rocks ”
After the war, Katniss falls into a depression. She feels like time is zipping by, and yet there’s nothing she can do, and the world is too much and too heavy and too hard to handle with all that she’s lost. This is the in between, the between Prim’s death, and between Peeta returning home.
17) The Archer (Adam Melchor)
“This is how you turned me / To the archer from the arch / This is where you turned me / To the the marksman from the marked”
“But how they all just circle back / And meet me at the start / And how they hit me hard enough / To question who you are”
While this song has imagery and metaphors that align more with Katniss, I actually think the meaning of the song resonates more with Peeta’s story. When Peeta gets hijacked, all his memories are turned against Katniss. Suddenly Katniss is the villain of his story. And this is how things got twisted, and how he wrestles with his new reality and tries to make things make more sense. And he needs time.
18) Evergreen (Richy Mitch & the Coal Miners)
“Locked in a stalemate / With a man who bars no holds”
This song doesn’t have many lyrics, but what it does have gives me an image of Katniss, trying to figure out what she’s going to do with her situation.
19) If the World Falls to Pieces (Young Summer)
“Oh, at least we can say we tried / Never gave up / Didn’t go down without a fight”
In an alternate set of events, where the rebellion doesn’t win. And Katniss and Peeta have to reconcile with themselves.
20) You Could Start a Cult (Niall Horan)
“Anywhere you go, I’ll be / You are so much more than beautiful to me”
“Swear you, you could start a war or two / Kingdoms fighting over you / To wake up at your side is all I wanna do”
If Katniss or Peeta started a cult, the other would most definitely be in the cult and no one can convince me otherwise. These two tried to die for each other. Multiple times.
Also, can I just say that I LOVE this song, SO much. If this isn’t the most poetic love piece I don’t know what is.
21) Nobody (Bess Atwell)
“If I don’t believe in us / Nobody is meant for me”
Katniss doesn’t realize it, but when Peeta comes back hijacked and doesn’t see her as her anymore, suddenly it’s like her life is over. She’s kind of like “well fuck, I guess I’ll be alone huh”
22) Human (Aquilo)
“But these things they’ll all get better / And even if it’s tough”
“Feet on ground, you’ll come round / And be human again”
This is everlark healing, together. They are just human. And they have to remind each other of that fact.
23) Science (Niall Horan)
“So, when you feel there’s nothin’ left / Oh, there’s still a heart beatin’ in your chest”
If I could send a message to these two battered and bruised fictional characters, it would be this one. That in the end, they will be okay.
24) I Could Fight On a Wall (Aquilo)
“And I could fight in a war / It’s not something I would choose / But it’s something I could do for you”
These two would do anything for each other. Like fight in a war. Which they do.
25) I Wish I Was The Moon (Ewan J Phillips)
“Oh I wish I was the moon / So that I might be with you”
I’m pretty sure this song is actually about a break up and wishing to see that person one more time, but I feel like this might be fitting for everlark as well. They are the “star crossed lovers”, and as much as we may resent the title and all it stands for, it’s true. When they are apart, like when Peeta is stuck in the capitol and Katniss is in 13, I’d imagine they did wish to be the moon.
26) Hurts Like Hell (Fleurie)
“I loved, and I loved, and I lost you / And it hurts like hell”
Grief is hard. After Prim’s death (and really like, everyone else), Katniss takes it hard. Understandably. She fought so hard for her sister, volunteered in her place, fought hard to make a world where her sister wouldn’t have to ever face the possibility of stepping into an arena. And she still lost her, so quickly. And yeah, that does hurt like hell.
27) You Say (Lauren Daigle)
“When I don’t belong, oh you say I am yours”
Something Katniss struggles with is knowing her self worth. And I like to imagine, after Mockingjay, Peeta helps with that. And she helps him.
But ALSO - this song reminds me of post-hijacked Peeta, when he’s dropped into the capital with Katniss, fighting to come back to her. And the scene in the subway/sewer, where he’s convinced he’s nothing (“I’m a mutt”) and she tells him no, she needs him. (“Stay with me”)
28) Once in a Dream (In the City)
“Once in a dream I thought I could be anyone I wanted”
“Once in a dream I thought I could keep you safe forever”
This song makes me think of the lost innocence of young girl, who’s father died in the mines, who was forced to take care of her family, who nearly starved to death, who was sent into an arena expected to fight and kill and die for entertainment as a political pawn, who’s home was turned to rubble, and who had to fight to stop more than one dictator. This song makes me think of the lost innocence of a young boy who’s mother beat him, who fell in love with a little girl who barely noticed he existed, who was sent into an arena expected to fight and kill and die for entertainment as a political pawn, who’s home was turned to rubble, who was brainwashed into thinking he was someone he wasn’t, and who had to fight to stop more than one dictator.
29) Sparrow for a Heart (Abigail Lapell)
“When I was young, I had a sparrow for a heart / And a redwing’s eyes”
“When I am old, would you carry my bones / To the blood-red sea”
A sparrow and a mocking bird are by no means the same thing, but this song reminds me of the pin, and the spirit. And the courage and bravery and fear that Katniss had. And the pain.
- - - - - - - - - - - Soundtrack Songs - - - - - - - - - -
Most of these I don’t have to explain. Because. They are the songs for the movies themselves. But I still have a notes for a few. :)
30) Tomorrow Will Be Kinder (The Secret Sisters)
“Sorrow weighs my shoulders down / And trouble haunts my mind / But I know the present will not last / And tomorrow will be kinder”
This song pulls me out of depression. & I wish it could be played for both of them. To help them both know, that better days are ahead of them.
31) Safe & Sound (Taylor Swift)
“Just close your eyes / The sun is going down / You’ll be alright / No one can hurt you now”
32) Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Lorde)
“Of freedom and of pleasure / Nothing ever lasts forever”
33) Yellow Flicker Beat (Lorde)
“This is the start of how it ends / They used to shout my name, now they whisper it”
34) Ladder Song (Lorde)
“You’re not alone in anything / You’re not unique in dying”
35) District 12 Ruins (James Newton Howard)
This plays at such a pivotal and gut wrenching moment. As Katniss returns to a completely devastated 12. Everything she knows turned to rubble.
36) They’re Back (James Newton Howard)
37) The Hanging Tree (Jennifer Lawrence)
“Where I told you to run, so we’d both be free”
38) Your Favorite Color is Green (James Newton Howard)
39) Primrose (James Newton Howard)
I hear this song & I can vividly see the scene of them sitting in the doorway in 12 watching as it rains outside. I can see her walking down the hallway, candle in hand, curling into bed with him. I can hear the “You love me, real or not real” and the “Real”. And it makes me cry.
40) There Are Worse Games to Play / Deep In the Meadow (James Newton Howard & Jennifer Lawrence)
“Lay down your head / And close your eyes / And when they open / The sun will rise”
The last scene, where Katniss comforts Rye, and Peeta and Willow are playing in the background - FUCK it gets me. And so does the meadow song.
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muqingswife · 2 years
how i think modern!aemond looks like
note: english is not my first language, im from brasil i speak pt br português brasileiro and im using the translator sometimes, sorry for my mistakes
lets goooo 😋
first off all, his family would remain a monarchy, maybe like danish royalty (i read somewhere that the Danish royals have more political power than the British royals or something like that, and i honestly cant think the Targaryens giving up any power that they could have) and here we DONT have incest (at least not the ones that would be shocking in our current society)!!!! read my thoughts below:
viserys didnt die yet and still being the king
daemon is viserys cousin so she can marry daemon with "no problem" and shes the heir of the iron throne
the line of succession to the throne would be: rhaenyra, jacaerys, lucerys, joffrey, aegon and viserys (idk whos the eldest), aegon, helaena, aemond and finally daeron
he knows he wont be king unless some catastrophe happens and kills his whole family but still a little bit jealous
aemond takes advantage of being the 9th in the line of succession, since he has very "few" spotlight on him, so he can live a normal life like all of us mere mortals
uses his prince title when needs something (that includes the girls 🤭)
think im done about the political part of his family so lets move on to physical appearance and hc about him and his relationship with family
aemond doesnt have long hair like in hotd, his hair is more like tom or billy (personally billy is my favourite)
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ewan smile is so pretty i cant 😭
def wear an eye patch bc dont have one eye, obviously he dont lost his eye on a fight about claiming a dragon, but maybe he fell on a shard of glass or lucerys pushed him into a sharp rock which caused the scar and pierce his eye (my poor boy 😓)
ATHLETIC BOY!!!!! im talking about both body and style, ewan practically only wears adidas and aemond being a mama's boy, coming from two rich families buys everything that is adidas clothing
and you guys see ewan in world on fire and his new photoshoot like bro his muscles are heavenly 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 (só uma chance ewan, pfv 😭
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aemond smokes A LOT, i mean aegon get drunk every week (if he doesnt do it every day 🤷🏻) and helaena has her bugs collection, so why he cant do something he likes and help him to destress?
for a 100% sure hes alicents favorite boy and daerons favorite brother
daeron probably just thinks his brother is the best in the world, the bravest, the most beautiful and everything a child can think of their big brother (he also thinks the scar on aemonds eye is really cool and when he was a child, like 4 years, he took one of his eye patches and put it to look like aemond
and about alicent, just look at their hair in hotd, those are the most hydrated hair of the entire series!!! ok joke, aemond was a quiet child, never gave her much trouble and was the first child she could call "her own child"
aegon would be to the realm if something happened to rhaenyra before she sire heirs and we all know how his temper is ☠️
helaena in my hc is autistic, some autistic people dont like other people touching them and helaena would be one these
as a child, she would reject alicents hugs and affections, in addition to being very difficult to communicate with her
contrary to all that, aemond was a perfect child, he would be glued to alicent 24/7, wanting her hugs, kisses and affection, his mothers affection.
she was his confidant when he was suffering and crying, she helped him with the school activities that he had difficulty, she was the one who stayed by his side in the hospital when he lost his eye
and aemond returned all the love his mother gave to him taking care of her and being the best at everything he did, just to make her proud of him
its aemond whos sitting next to alicent when she cries worried about being attracted to women and wipe her tears, she feels guilty for doing something that is said to be "wrong" in her religion (alicent para meninas, rhaenyra is her girlfriend canon
now leaving the sad mood aside lets go to more aemond's hc + dating hc
vhagar is aemonds lizard and she has a HUGE terrarium in his room with everything and more a lizard needs.
he is studying politics, international relations, history or philosophy in college
probably his girlfriend (me and you obvious) would be on one of these classes too or something like that
the BEST boyfriend ever, he is super respectful and treats his girlfriend like the princess she will be in the future when they get married
romantic dates would be to fancy places that nobles frequent, like operas and ballet but aemond would also take you to a museum, library, dinner at a super expensive restaurant you like and of course, skiing in the swiss alps
if you like a sport or did one, he would be super supportive and take you to every competition you wanted to see/gonna compete in
aemond would spoil you no matter if you have money or not
have you seen a prada bag online? it will be in your hands the next morning
did you make a comment of a swarovski necklace you saw at the mall? he bought the necklace and one more set of jewelry
are you undecided whether to buy a Chanel or Dior perfume? no problem, the two perfumes will be on your table when you get home
aemond would be very insecure about his scar and eye, and really wouldnt think himself worthy of you
but you are here with him to tell him how important he is to you, how handsome he is and how much you love him, when he heard you say that, all his insecurities would go away
and he absolutely LOVES that you touch his hair, massage, wash his hair and make mini braids on it
anything you do he loves 💗
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hestusjamsession · 1 year
I’m currently farming light dragon parts (sorry Zelda) and decided to do a follow up to my last post while I wait.
This list is all Linked Universe baby. Once again, if you know the blogs of some of these authors I’d appreciate it if you could tag them.
1. Linked Universe Age Swap AU by LazuliQuetzal
Let’s kick this off with a bang. This is a series of one shots centered around the Chain being alternate ages. We got Old Man Hyrule. We got Angsty Teen Time. We got Wolfkin Wild. It’s great. Check it out.
2. Dawn of the Fourth by LazuliQuetzal
By the same author, Dawn of the Fourth is one of those fics that I don’t think I’ll be able to do justice, so here’s a snippet:
Wild reached out and brushed a finger across the body’s cheek. Then he licked his finger. “Eleven,” he decided, smacking his lips.
“Hey, what the fuck.”
“Dirt tastes different depending on age—”
“No, don’t explain it! Why are you like this, I hate you so much—“
3. The Man and the Pup by Bubbly_Kandy
Once upon a time, in the magical land of Hyrule, there were eight boys and a man all trying to exist in a world that doesn’t want them.
This one has some serious fairy tale vibes which I love. It’s also kind of dark at times. It’s not finished but maybe if I point enough people towards it the author will pick it up again. Who knows? One can dream.
4. Deserving by @a-little-bit-of-ravioli
When Colin overhears part of a conversation between his father and his adopted big brother, he decides it’s up to him and his friends to protect Link from those wishing to do him harm.
5. Malevolence by @thescrapwitch
Wolfie eats something he shouldn’t and things go downhill from there. Secrets are revealed, friendships are tested, and Ganon is a jerk.
This fic is a masterclass in tension. If you need some heavy angst with a happy ending, this is your fic.
The one shot Wolf Heart by the same author is also very good.
6. Our Nightly Confident by Wisetypewriter
Alternative titles are “Wolfie is the Best Boy” and “Men Will Literally Talk to a Wolf Before Going to Therapy.”
This was one of the first LU fics I read and it’s so sweet. If you’ve liked Lupis Vigilans (coming up) you’ll really like Our Nightly Confident.
7. The Fierce Dadity Series by @skyloftian-nutcase
A series focusing on everyone’s favorite Mask-bound God/Spirit just trying to take care of his favorite mortal.
There’s a lot of fics by Skye that I love and it’s hard to narrow it down. But Fierce Dadity is up there.
8. Brethren in a Cradle by @skyward-floored
After coming across a village raised to the ground, the Chain finds its sole survivor: a baby boy. They quickly learn that there is more to this child than meets the eye.
The “Baby Joins the Chain AU”. Also I always get Skyward_floored and Skyloftian-nutcase mixed up and I would like to make a formal apology.
9. Where Your Meant to Be by @adrift-in-thyme
Malon has lived her entire life in her tower, never seeing the outside world. When a former-hero-turned-thief climbs through her window, her life takes a whole new turn.
The Tangled AU I didn’t know I wanted until I read it.
10. Lupus Vigilans by @pluviatrix
A character study of each of the Chain told from the point of view of Twilight, Hillbilly in Resident.
Wholesome and hilarious and heartbreaking in equal measure, I can’t recommend this fic enough. Also, I’m from the Ozarks and it’s cool to see that accent represented in the wild.
Their other fic, And Still The Cradle Blossoms is also really good if you’re like me and need a good cry at three in the morning.
11. Down by @musashi
When the Chain gets hit by a horrible illness, it’s up to Sky to take care of eight stubborn heroes. Each chapter is focused on a different member, and Twilight’s chapter in particular hit me in the feels.
I love sickfics for some reason and this one is so good.
12. Colors by HylianHarmony
A Four centric fic where he reveals the Colors to the rest of the Chain. Also he has a mind palace which is pretty neat.
This fic isn’t finished but it’s too good not to recommend.
13. Alone Together by Blueskullcandy
Another Four centric fic but told from the point of view of different members of the chain (including Four). The Twilight chapter in particular is worth the read by itself.
This fic is also not finished but I still recommend it. It’s really good.
14. Brothers Becoming by @turtleduckscribbles
After a fight with Twilight, Legend is forced to face his fears and insecurities and confront the one person he wants to avoid at all cost.
Prickly Legend learns to let others in.
15. Not Like You by HylianHarmony
Wind deals with serious imposter syndrome, but the others don’t realize it until it’s almost too late.
This is one of my comfort fics y’all. When I’m down I’ll read it and it always manages to cheer me up. I can’t recommend this one enough.
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bugeyedfreaks · 10 months
1-12 Femme Fatale XD
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okey dokey let's do thissssss
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I am very neutral on Femme (but leaning towards like!) because, on one hand, I do enjoy the episode that she was in, and I think she was a really fun and unique character, but on the other hand... I mean, it's hard to do much of anything else with her except have her be cranky and misandrist. ☹️ That coupled with the fact that she's, like, one of three female villains in the show is a bit of a bummer.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
She would probably hate me saying this, but her outfit is fire and her hair is beautiful. I'm honestly very jealous she can pull that whole look off (even though she apparently stole it... I mean she did it very well!).
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
She was just in one episode! 😩 It's like how it bums me out that Sedusa was in, like, what... only three? Poor ladies.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I dunno, but boy, it would really be interesting to see if they'd even consider bringing her back in any other potential reboots that might pop up... 👀
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
There have been occasions where I have cursed the entire population of men under my breath (but, hey, I think that's the sort of thing everyone's guilty of at one point or another, we aren't all perfect). Unlike her though, it's definitely not something that's seriously integrated into my belief system like it is in hers.
...I think we also totally agree that Townsville needs more cool lady villains. 🤣
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
...does the fandom really do a lot with her, really? I have seen some really cool fanart/cosplay of her, and I've read a few funny little fanfics she's starred in that were pretty good.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Maybe underutilizing her? The problem is that she's in an episode that's... well, it's not super controversial or anything, but like I said in my first answer, she just kind of gets pigeonholed into a certain role by the nature of her villain concept. I think a lot of people also misrepresent the episode that she's in and kind of say it's about things that it's not. The world is definitely made up of more shades of gray than in a cartoon show about kindergarteners who fight, but there's still some good stuff you can take away from Equal Fights.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
I do not think that would work out because she'd probably keep pulling stuff like... continuously missing rent and having some huge sob story about how it was the patriarchy's fault that she couldn't pay it, since that's her usual over-the-top MO in her episode. Left dirty dishes in the sink? "Oh, you want me to clean them up like some submissive 50s housewife?!" Trashed up the bathroom? "Well, be grateful I didn't leave the seat up like some man!" I think I would cry.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
[imagines the arguments the two of us would most likely get into ten seconds into even meeting each other] ...probably not.
11. Would you date this character?
If I wanted to have one of the most toxic relationships of my life? Yeah, sure. Otherwise, heck no!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
That she and Sedusa are frenemies with a fun-filled but ullllltra toxic relationship where they occasionally go on crime sprees with one another (maybe letting Princess Morbucks tag along now and then) and also argue about the best ways to take advantage of all those idiotic men in Townsville. 😆
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Heart of a Hunter Act II - Ch. 6
Heart of a Hunter Act VII - Ch. 6
Characters: Dean x doctor!Reader, Sam Winchester
This story is Act 7 of a saga.
New to the story? Get caught up on the Heart of a Hunter Saga here.
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All your favorite Winchesters are alive, in spite of the curse that nearly took them from you. After coming so close to losing the only family you have left in this world, you’re taking matters into your own hands. There’s a witch to hunt.
Series Warnings:
Character injuries/sickness - Take note that no one is excluded from this.
Canon-typical violence and language.
Lots of whump.
Lots of caring for hurt characters.
Smut (18 Only. NSFW. You were warned.)
Medical talk. Is that even a warning
Image Credit: bing image search, google image search, @winchester-gospels , 
Wordcount: 1654
Chapter  6
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Parked in a hospital parking lot in the row of spaces that lined the street, you had a relatively good view of the building that had caught your interest.
You squinted a little as you peered through the binoculars, grateful the street light on the corner gave off just enough of a glow to allow you to see. Your gaze was fixed on the two-story building the location spell had led you to. You watched from across the street and down a ways in the hospital parking lot with a relatively good view as a small group of men milled around the building's main entrance. You counted three of them, all clad in black suits.
There was obvious construction going on in the building - at least it looked like there would have been during daylight hours - but anyone involved in the remodel had long gone home for the day. That meant the men standing around outside were up to something else entirely.
Your gut was telling you these were no ordinary men, but rather demons in cahoots with the Borrower witch. Of course there was no real way of knowing from this distance, but your instincts were telling you these were demons. You were so engrossed in the scene before you that the feel of your phone buzzing on your lap startled you.
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You glanced down long enough to see that it was Dean calling as you swiped to answer and hit the speakerphone button. “Hey there, Winchester.”
“You good?” Dean asked, as if your casual greeting hadn’t been confirmation enough.
“I’m good. Staking the place out,” you answered as you raised the binoculars up again and peered through them. 
“Hmmm…. What have you got so far?”
“Demons,” you answered, almost instantly regretting it. You didn’t want to lie to Dean, but you also didn’t want to fuel his already raging desire to come to your aid.
“How many?”
“Three so far,” you answered. “They can’t be all that powerful if it takes three of them to do whatever it is she wants done, right?”
“We don’t know what the hell she wants done,” Dean said. “Could be anything. Don't just go in there-"
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"This is not me underestimating the woman who tried to take my entire family from me,” you interrupted, because apparently he needed the reminder. “Besides, you know I'm not typically a go-in-guns-blazing kind of girl."
There was a layer of practiced patience in his tone when he spoke again. "I know, but Mama Bear might have a whole new approach these days."
You smiled at his observation. “This mama wants to get back to her family in one piece. I need to formulate some sort of plan...."
"Dammit, sweetheart. You just say the word and I'll fly out of this bunker so fast and-"
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"And put the whole operation at risk?" you cut in. "Dean, I know I'm asking the impossible of you, but you've gotta stay put and let me handle this."
Dean sighed into the phone. "I know…. Doesn't mean I have to like it."
"I think she's setting up shop here," you said, changing the subject.
"Hmm…. Okay. Well, I guess it makes sense that she'd need another front for the magic."
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"I'm going to hang back and keep an eye on these demons. If any of them leave I'm going to tail them, see if I can get any sense of how they're connected to the town. Maybe there's a reason she chose this place."
"I'll do a little digging from here," Dean added. "See if anyone's gone missing or died mysteriously, you know, the usual signs of demon activity. Just because we know she just got to town doesn't mean she hasn't had her minions preparing the way."
"I just want to stop her before she can hurt anyone else," you said. "She won't have the shop as her cover until the construction is finished, so maybe she's lying low for a bit."
"Can't decide whether I think that makes her more or less dangerous," Dean said slowly. "Just be careful, sweetheart."
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You were watching as two of the men separated and were heading across the street on foot now while the other disappeared into the new shop building. You set your binoculars down and said, "I'll be careful. Hey, I gotta go. Time to trail some demons."
Dean was silent for a beat. "Call me after," he urged.
"Will do." You hung up the phone and watched as the demons headed in your direction.
You had to push down the initial panic that clutched at your heart. These demons didn't know you. The witch didn't know you. For all anyone knew you were just parked there to visit someone in the hospital. 
In the evening.
When visiting hours would be ending soon.
Well hell. That wasn't a very good cover. You hoped you wouldn't need it.
Thankfully, the demons had no interest in you, but you had mixed feelings as you watched them walk through the front door of the hospital and disappear. On the one hand, you'd potentially have a relatively easy time following them into a medical facility, but knowing that two demons had just walked inside the hospital also meant everyone inside was at risk of being hurt.
You had to make a decision fast, so you quickly replaced the magazine in your .380 with rounds with devil’s traps carved into the slugs and tucked the pistol inside your jacket in the hidden pocket. 
You checked your appearance in the rear-view mirror to make sure you looked at least presentable, and got out of the truck, locking the door before you set off on foot across the hospital parking lot. 
Sam watched as Dean tucked his phone back into his pocket and stared blankly at the nearest bookcase. “Dean?”
Dean was completely tuned out, lost in his thoughts. 
“Dean?” Sam thumped the table in front of him with his hand twice to get his brother’s attention.
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Dean’s head snapped up as he responded to the jarring sound. “Huh?”
“What’s the word?” Sam asked, brow furrowing in concern. “Is she okay?”
Dean took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yeah. I think so.” Sam patiently waited for Dean to elaborate. Dean leaned his hands on the back of the nearest chair and said, “She’s staking out the location the spell zeroed in on. Seems our witch is setting up shop again.”
Sam leaned back in his chair a little, taking in this new information. “I thought I heard you mention something about demon activity? Is this witch up to her old tricks?”
“Seems that way. She’s got demons milling around outside the shop. At least three so far.”
Sam didn’t have to be told what needed to happen next. “Let’s see if we can find out what they’re up to.”
Dean nodded as he took a seat and opened up his laptop across from Sam. They’d been searching online for signs of anything suspicious in the area for half an hour when Addie brought Jonah in after having given him a bath.
“You guys look like you’re on a mission,” Addie said as she approached, Jonah lounging in her arms. She had a bottle made up and sat down next to Sam, pulling the blanket a little more snugly around the baby as she offered him the bottle and he began drinking. 
“We think there are demons working with the witch,” Sam said to answer Addie’s question.
“I guess that’s what she does,” Addie said slowly. “That’s what makes her a Borrower, right?”
“Right.” Sam reached over to brush his fingers over Jonah’s soft hair affectionately as the baby guzzled from the bottle. “Just trying to figure out exactly what she’s up to.”
“Find anything?” Addie’s voice lifted up at the end with hope as she glanced between Sam and Dean.
“Nada,” Dean said with finality. He glanced up at Sam. “You having any luck?”
“Nothing yet,” Sam said. “Nothing obvious anyway. Maybe they all just got to town.”
Dean chewed his bottom lip. “Yeah, maybe….”
He tore his eyes away from his computer screen and gazed at Jonah as he drank from his bottle in Addie’s arms. 
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A smile tugged at the corner of Dean’s mouth as he gazed at his son. His heart still clenched with pangs of what almost was. Of the fear and fury that came with the entire ordeal you’d all been through with Jonah and almost losing him. The fact that you were out there on your own right now without him, trying to handle the witch he should have killed the first time around was enough to make his blood boil. 
He felt like a ticking time bomb. If the witch wasn’t eradicated off the surface of the planet soon, there would be hell to pay. And on Dean’s terms. He’d have already taken matters into his own hands if you hadn’t been so damn logical and level-headed. And God, he loved you for it. But his nerves were still raw and his heart had been pounding a little harder, a little faster ever since you’d started it back up again. Chalk it up to a father’s love and a hunter’s revenge. With Jonah out of immediate danger, it was all Dean could do not to throw himself right into the line of fire to make sure it never happened again. 
It was a testament to what your love had done for Dean - was still doing for him every day - that he hadn’t chased after you the moment you’d driven away from the bunker. For Dean, being left behind and letting you put yourself in danger to save your family was a kind of hell in itself. 
“She’s supposed to call me back,” Dean said, pulling out his phone to glance at the time. 
“It hasn’t been long,” Sam assured him. “She’ll call.”
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Act VII Masterlist.
You can find the Masterlist for the Heart of a Hunter Saga here.
Please consider supporting my writing by buying me a coffee. In my case, it’s Dr. Pepper, but a little caffeine goes a long way when it comes to writing and posting this labor of love.
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geddy-leesbian · 6 months
20 questions for fic authors
tagged by @courtofparrots
1. How many works do you have?
2. What is your Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Resident Evil rn, but I've written for Starcraft, MTG, Fire Emblem, pokemon, and X-Men. (Some of them aren't things I've bothered putting on ao3, and I know I had one X-Men fic on AO3 at one point but I deleted for reasons I can't remember tbh.)
(Also for the rest of these questions I'm just going to focus on my RE fics since my others are all ancient)
4. What are your top 5 fics by Kudos?
1. How Do You Talk To Girls?
2. oh my god, it's my life, what am I doing kicking at the foundation?
3. Something A Little More Plain
4. Digital Man//Open Secrets
5. The Analog Kid
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, but I'm not always great at it. I 100% do read and appreciate all of them, brain machine is just bad at responding
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
a long-awaited treasure at the end of my cruel fate
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well it's not posted, but the series that starts with sum of my confession will have the happiest ending
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet (I would welcome it tho because spite motivates me. I came up with my entire "Luis was groomed by Umbrella and went to a special Umbrella boarding school" headcanon because someone said the timeline for Luis is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE and THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY he could believably be 28 in RE4 and I was mad and wiki deep dived for other RE child prodigal and found out they had a whole ass sketchy boarding school for child prodigies they poached)
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I try, but I always feel so cringe about it and don't post it so ://
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
Not seriously
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
back when I was in middle school on quotev lmao
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
For "all-time" I'm going to have to be niche and say Valerian Mengsk/Matt Horner because I have shipped those two the longest/most consistently out of everything I've ever shipped
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh god so many. mostly the second chapter of my "first" (technically it was my second and another was first but I deleted it for Reasons) Serrennedy fic. The draft just got too messy and there's so much that I've just given up on it
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'd say dialogue!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything except dialogue lmao, but especially action
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not brave enough to
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I was literally writing pokemon fanfic in first grade. any time we had a creative writing assignment where it was possible I would write a pokemon story.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh god that's a tough one. Generally whatever I'm working on the most is my favorite, so I'd say Is Any Killer Worth More Than His Crime? but that feels like a cop out so,,,, Digital Man is really high up there, but I feel like the fact the fic that comes before it in the series (New World Man) is 100% my least favorite and my worst fic drags Digital Man down by association. So I think the number one spot should go to oh my god… instead.
as usual anyone who wants to do it can say I tagged them :3
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penultimate-step · 8 months
JJK S2 Livewatch: Eps 5-7
the watch continues! Ep 5 acts as a sort of coda to the previous arc, and then we return to the present time for eps 6 and beyond. honestly that surprised me - part of the fun of going blind into a series that you heard mutterings about but don't know details is seeing where you have weird impressions for no reason. I thought the flashback arc was going to be more substantial - like half this whole season. joke's on me, I guess, but it's fine.
Ep 5 continues going extremely hard and unsubtle on the imagery. Like 15 minutes are devoted to showing just how traumatized Geto is. Everywhere he goes, a part of him is back in that audience room, hearing the cultists cheer. The show uses audio and visual cues to indicate this to the audience - windows act like TV sets and display scenes from the past, the sound of rainfall is swapped out for the sounds of applause. I'd be quite interested to know how the manga conveyed it, because these all seem like flourishes distinct to the adaptation, which I appreciate. Eventually we get to the moment of Geto's final choice, with the light flickering his shadow into two versions of him that he could become, he fully becomes a villain and massacres the town.
Honestly, while I did feel the ep was great, if I do have a complaint it did feel like the whole thing happened way too fast. I didn't question my assumption that the flashback was going to be longer last time because it seemed like there was a long way to go for Geto to become the self he was by the movie, but in the end it felt pretty abrupt. He struggles for a while with inner doubts then decides he will be the kind of person to commit mass murder, and then does. It's a little weak for a villain arc.
What's not weak is the scene where Gojo confronts Geto, though. My favorite bit is how they have their argument in the middle of a crowded street. The way passerby are going about their day, pushing the two aside, really emphasizes the whole thing - because the everyday civilians can ignore the sorcerers, can walk right past them as if they are in a different world entirely, but they aren't. theyre right there, and their presence is very clearly what the whole fight is about. One of my favorite scenes.
I liked the scene right before where Geto talks with Shouko a bit less, though. Apparently she doesn't go on missions? I'm curious what her deal is. Anyway. Feels like she didn't get enough screentime for me to understand her relevance or her importance to the other characters. Between her and Tsukumo, both of the relevant female characters in this ep only have screentime so that they can show up and ask the main men about their feelings. The "proud" shonen tradition of strict gender roles in action I suppose.
Overall while I have some issues with the pacing, and think the flashback needed some more substance to make us really feel the change in Gojo and Geto, I still liked ep 5.
Ep 6 brings us back to the present, but not fully into the main plot just yet. First we have a brief interlude where the main trio meet at a cafe, along with an old classmate of Yuji's. Going to be real, I had forgotten what the personalities of these three even were, so it was nice to have a relaxed refresher before jumping into the main event. That is the main purpose of this little event, I think, a bit of a tone cleanser to break up the melancholy flashback and the action-heavy present time. It's also good to get glimpses of the lives of the protagonists from before they entered the story - little bits of characterization can go a long way.
As for the battle that follows, I have mixed feelings. It did have the kind of overly flashy fight style that I disliked in S1. However, the fact that the guy brought out a whole mecha does make it seem warranted this time. It didn't really grab me as a fight, but probably if it had been less dramatic I would have thought it had fallen flat.
The fact that I rambled for so much longer about ep 5 alone than the next two eps combined is probably a bad sign, I think. I just find the present day plot less interesting than the flashback was. But I'd rather be optimistic, the show still has plenty of time left to change my mind.
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Caitlin Snow for the Character Ask
Caitlin Snow (And I’m also doing Frost because I love her)
1: Sexuality headcanon
I’ve always headcanoned Caitlin as being demi with a preference for men. Ronnie was her first time feeling romantic attraction and she fell hard.
As for Frost, I headcanon her as being demi as well, but being much more interested in women than Caitlin. She’s open to men, but her first choice would be a woman.
2: OTP
Caitlin/Ronnie for sure. They had so much chemistry and I’m a sucker for the whole fire/ice thing.
As for Frost, I don’t have anyone in particular I ship her with, in part because I stopped watching The Flash at Season 6ish, so I only got to really see the early stages while she was still finding herself.
3: Brotp
Caitlin & Cisco is the obvious choice, because they obviously love each other (platonically), but I also love Caitlin & Frost. Something something loving and caring for the parts of yourself that you used to hate because you were scared of them.
Frost & Caitlin is a big one (see above) but I also love Frost & Ralph because of the bonding over being kinda outsiders and looked down upon for their pasts.
4: Notp
Caitlin/Cisco. I love them as friends, but I don’t particularly care for them as romantic partners.
Honestly, I don’t see many ships with Frost and I’m neutral on most of them, but the only one I’ve seen that really squicked me out was Frost/Ralph Dibny. I love them as friends, but the thought of them dating is just viscerally offputting.
5: First headcanon that pops into my head
Caitlin, Ronnie, and Cisco definitely had a threesome at some point and then decided that they’d gotten it out of their systems and would rather just be friends. It’s the one secret that, if Cisco ever blabs it to Barry, Caitlin will ACTUALLY lobotomize him over.
Every time Frost spots a new flavor of ice cream that she’s never tried before, she HAS to get it, even if she’s pretty sure she won’t like it. For her birthday one year, Barry took her on a world tour of ice cream shops with crazy flavors and accidentally got her hooked on crawfish ice cream.
6: Favorite line from this character
My favorite two lines from Caitlin are “I need you to urinate in this” literally as soon as Barry wakes up in the pilot episode and her threatening Cisco with a lobotomy.
There’s not necessarily one singular line for Frost, but I love her entire conversation with Barry about her having existential crisis over the fact that the world might be ending always.
7: One way in which I relate to this character
I definitely relate to Caitlin trying to live a double life and keep half of herself (Frost) a secret. I’m trans and spent a good chunk of time trying to hide that part of myself from people.
As for Frost, I definitely vibe with her feelings of being an adult but not really knowing who she is or what she wants because she’s spent her whole life not really having any agency.
8: Thing that gives me secondhand embarrassment about this character
Not necessarily about Caitlin herself, but the way that canon kept trying to throw love interests at Caitlin made me cringe so hard, in part because of how forced it felt.
I don’t love Frost bashing Caitlin for her femininity/liking pink/etc. in her early appearances. I understand that canon was trying to do it as a ‘look at how punk and tough and different from Caitlin she is’ type of thing, but it just came across as very ‘Not Like Other Girls TM’.
9: Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Caitlin and Frost are definitely cinnamon rolls.
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my-ancient-marss · 2 years
my music top 20
inspired by my own ask to @daniel-profeta​ (i did get around to listening to your list. i have a few new additions to my playlist) which got me thinking about the songs that mean the most to me. i decided to do a top 20 with 5 honorable mentions because i originally aimed for doing 10 but that was wayy too hard. warning: lengthy explanations incoming. TOP 5 1. Ancient Mars - The Zolas > this song changed my life forever in just 3 verses of the most heavenly, cosmically wonderous, comforting yet haunting instrumentals and vocals i have ever heard in my entire life. this will forever be @the-genderfluid-antichrist​ and i's stargazing song and i have the most wonderful memories attatched to it. this is peak music to me, it's a floating, out of body experience that i can't recommend enough. if you serenade me with this i will marry you on the spot. 2. Time Machine - Autoheart > that chorus makes my brain burst with the most amazing colors. just no words, amazing music. autoheart's lead singer has the most beautiful voice. i just wanna interpretive dance. 3. Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men > my earliest favorite song, i haven't heard anything else that comes close to it. if anyone wants to dance around the light of a campfire in the woods and go on daring adventures with me in a magical land to this song, hit me up. 4. Scare Me - Ludo > the most fun song in the whole world, halloween rock edition. like it's hard not to enjoy yourself while listening to this. 5. Do Me Like That - Penguin Prison > THE song of good vibes. kind of 80's vibes.
middle 15
6. I Swear To God The Devil Made Me Do It - The Front Bottoms 7. It Was A Sin - The Revivalists > oughh. oughhghh. how he slowly unravels over the course of the song into the crescendo....... .. m:) 8. Personal Space Invader - AJJ > i love love love the instrumentals and the wholesome message of the last verse telling you to be a kind human then BOOM funky trumpet bwom bwom 9. RUNAWAY - half alive > i hold my life out in front of me / dreams of who i want to be / i'm seeing every empty page / i find that everything i am is / everything i should be / i don't need to run away 10. Restless Legs - Keuning 11. Fog - The Ophelias > if people had theme songs, this would be mine 12. All the Time - The Kooks 13. L'aérotrain - Exsonvaldes 14. Thunder Clatter - Wild Cub 15. Starting Again - Day Wave 16. What Do You Say When I'm Not There - Baio 17. People and Their Bits - Shoe > i love the passionate guitar like i haven't heard anything like it 18. Tummy in the Blood - The Yellow Dress 19. Let's Stay High Forever - YOLK > fun fact about this song, it only has 1650 listens on spotify which is a literal crime. it's the coziest, most peaceful piece i have ever heard and is insanely underrated. 20. Molecules - Atlas Genius honorable mentions: 21. Constellation - Molto Bene > another 'if you serenade me with this song i marry you no questions' 22. Ophelia - The Lumineers 23. Chasing Twisters - Delta Rae 24. Goodbye - Who Is Fancy 25. Is There Somewhere - Halsey bonus: 26. Ding Dong Scrambled Eggs - Cataldo this is all very up in the air and nebulous, i bet this will change in the next few months but this is where my taste is right now :) i'm not gonna pretend to know anything about music, i just love talking about/sharing songs with people who are also passionate about music, so if you listen to my list, please tell me! and tell me which was ur fav ;)
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palecomputerduck · 1 year
First of all: I LOVE your header! (A top-tier New Yorker, along with our Brooklyn boy)
Now for the violence: I pick 7 & 16, if you haven't answered already!
Thank you! 🥰 I love Fran she's a role model on so many levels. (and while we're at it you could very easily put Steve into Nanny world, let's say Maxwell is making Rogers musical and imagine all the schenanigans that follow 😏)
And now, for the violence. 😎
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
You know what, I am just gonna say it: B*cky. Fandom in large has a tendency to overhype sad white men. A lot of sad white men characters I dislike but cannon content backs me up on that (to some extent). However, there is such wild dissonance between on screen Becky and fandom B#cky. And like, I am NOT above that and I know and understand where it comes form.
It's just MCU fandom Binky worship erodes every other character every other ship every other headcannon. It's not just fandom bitching but people act like you personally killed their puppy if you criticize or dislike him. And not in a way that is typically tumblr funny but full blown serious social justice backed attack. I've blocked so much people like you wouldn't believe (my block list looks like census) and there are people that STILL find a way on my PROPERLY tagged post to bitch about B*cky's treatment. He is incredibly important to Steve and to Sam and Captain America lore in general. But instead working with the actual content fandom acts horrible Which is shame because he's actually really cool.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Right off the bat: the whole A/B/O thing. But I know there are some things that I'am missing or can properly understand regarding how people view gender and bodies so we're just gonna leave it at that it's not my thing but you do you! And keep on writing.
And back to Steve! 😍I truly do not understand why so many people paint him as super duper patriotic in love with his image and his shield. Especially if we go by the MCU. I believe that Steve himself refers to himself as Captain America I think like three times in his entire MCU run? This and that he pulls rank and expects people to follow him blindly is??? where did you get that? He says "I gonna do this thing, which I think is a right thing to do. Would appreciate if you came, if not cool." And people are usually "Hell yes!" (even Tny risks his own arrest for him, but on his own volition) Like I get how some mischaracterization came to be. Like I hate it, but I get how we got there (like the he does everything for Bcky, because he does save him, and the he's angry Chihuahua who likes to fight as a response to whatever Joss did in Avengers) but this? Like, where did you pull that BS from? (usually from T0ny stans but I digress)
ALSO SAM! Like. Sam showed so much in his MCU run even prior to his series. To paint him as Steve's copycat without much personality besides acting out as incorrect quotes? To provide a joke and moral support for when Steve is inevitability mean to you Favorite White Sufferer? Why do you like it so much?
And generally speaking I HATE teacher/student, boss/employee dynamics. Soulmates and childhood best friends to lovers are usually no but they can be done right. And amnesia plots. UGh. Maybe because I watched too many telenovelas growing up but that's a hard no.
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lasbrumas · 1 year
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WTW GHOST GALA ; days 1-8
a review of all this week's prompts!
day 1; pumpkin carving ↳ You have to kill off a character; who do you choose?
Without getting into spoilers, certain characters die within Burning of the Apiary. Seems unfair to use them to answer this prompt, and not just because they’re spoilers, but because it just feels too easy. I already accounted for the impact of their deaths in the plot so…
That being said, if I had to make another character die or swap one death out for the other, it would be Camila. Out of all the side characters, she represents life the most. She is fun-loving, and generally optimistic, which would make her death all that more bleak. That and, out of all the characters, she is least invested in the actual plot and mystery, happy enough to keep out of the whole issue. It certainly would affect Dolores a lot, since she is doing her best throughout Burning of the Apiary to keep the rest of the convent school safe from whatever is slowly poisoning their minds and relationships.
day 2; raven ↳ Create a tagline for your WIP.
Love the sinner.
I couldn’t think of a tagline at first, but then I remembered the whole Christian saying of “love the sinner, hate the sin” or whatever it is. I grew up Catholic, though this was never explicitly said; just implied. And it made me reflect on some personal things where that sort of ideology was present and the disastrous effects it had years down the line, especially when it comes to love in all forms. I thought it would be fitting for Burning of the Apiary because, ultimately, it’s about love and its destructive nature when tied to ideologies like that. In world, the religion might not be Catholicism, but it’s still highly dogmatic and devotion based.
day 3; crystal ball ↳ Outline a scene, act, or your entire WIP.
Set up my new outline document and started filling it in. Enjoy this preview of what I’m calling the sections so I know what goes where. Will I actually have a 5-act structure? Probably not. But it helps get my thoughts in order before I fix it up.
Act 1: The Arrival Act 2: The Meeting Act 3: The Initiation Act 4: The Kiss Act 5: The Sacrifice
day 4; fallen leaves ↳ Create a playlist for your WIP.
A few select songs from the Burning of the Apiary playlist:
in the beginning, fahrenhaidt & alice merton ; bee dance, agnes obel ; the disappearance of the girl, phildel ; if the world falls to pieces, young summer ; destroyer, of monsters and men
day 5; jack o' lantern ↳ Share an interesting fact you found while doing research for your WIP.
While researching bees, I found out that there is a type of moth that acts as a predator/invasive species to bees. The wax moth, both lesser and greater, eats beeswax, pollen, remains of larval bees, and more. However, the most interesting fact is that they often only target hives that are already diseased or declining. They’re a great indicator of underlying problems in a bee colony.
I thought this was cool and they may or may not make an appearance in Burning of the Apiary.
day 6; vampire ↳ Tell us where you find your motivation and inspiration.
I find most of my inspiration from other types of media I consume, including movies, tv shows, and, of course, books. Even photos and the rare hike I take give me inspiration. I think part of being a creative person is finding inspiration anywhere and everywhere, and that’s very true with me.
Burning of the Apiary is one of those WIPs I’ve had on the backburner for a while, and I’ve tried writing it several times. The original inspiration was a mix of a few dreams I had written down and Coraline. Since then, it’s evolved to pull more inspiration from the classic gothic novels I read (and loved) in high school college, most notably Villette and Jane Eyre, along with Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth and Crimson Peak, mixed with whatever I find cool and want to throw in there.
day 7; skeleton ↳ Have a favorite plot structure? If not, share how you plot!
My way of plotting is sort of throwing things and seeing what sticks. I tend to get ideas very piecemeal and random –– a scene or piece of dialogue or character. This can make it difficult to plot sometimes, which is why my outlines tend to be written, rewritten, and then usually tweaked even during the writing process.
I’ve tried several plot structures, like the 3-Act, 7-Act, and Save the Cat method. None of them quite worked out for me, but I took pieces here and there to figure out a general plot, or at least plan major beats and fill in everything in between. Knowing the genre is always the most important for me, though, since certain plot points are “standard” for genres (and for good reason). Plus, the better I know the genre, the easier it is to choose what rules actually apply to my WIPs. For Burning of the Apiary, I definitely researched and read a lot of horror and mystery novels to familiarize myself with genre-plot conventions and beats (and also found some new favorites). It’s been fun and I’ll be using that to figure things out!
day 8; trick or treat ↳ Set some writing goals and milestones for your WIP.
the overall goal for Burning of the Apiary is about 80-90k, so I am trying to get at least half of that done during NaNoWriMo. we'll see.
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