#my favorite blorbos are out here being dorks
fromkenari · 9 months
Y'all: Taylor is so rude! Nick is a serious actor!!! He doesn't need someone ruining a scene by blowing a raspberry on his neck! I'm so embarrassed for him and--
Aneesh: Here's another video of Nick spontaneously breaking into song, namely the country staple "Your Man" by Josh Turner, and Taylor struggling to keep up and not laugh because this set was that ridiculous on the daily.
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babyjapril · 4 months
Just wondering, what‘s your favorite quality about Japril together and as individuals? :)
Hiiiii! First I'm sorry for taking some time to reply, I wanted to sit down to answer, and not through my phone, also since this is an opportunity to talk about my blorbos, even though i'm bad at talking about why i love my faves, it still got a bit long, sorry <3
With April there are two qualities that I think about right away when I think about her so I maybe those are my favorites, even though there are more that I love about her. So the first two I think about when I think about her are how kind/considerate she is and also her competitiveness lol. I feel like she's actually too kind to some people, like Alex, who treated her terribly, but with that I also love seeing her standing up for herself and becoming more confident
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I love how organized she is and it's cute how in the earlier seasons she was always taking pictures with her camera, I just know she'd make the best scrapbooks. And that she's a trauma surgeon, she def became a doctor bc she wanted to help people but she's a bit of an adrenaline junkie with trauma surgenry!! Also I'm always here for weird loser girls <3
(and not a quality of hers but the way in the beginning the show wanted to convice me to hate her bc she's "annoying" and then in general her being hated in the fandom makes me love here even more, idk I feel like Sarah just makes April loveable even when she's supposed to be annoying)
Jackson, I love that he's actually kind of a dork. Like "making medicine cool" and the fact that he has a lucky pencil. I loooove his sense of humor and I love how he treats his patients, his patients are some of my favorites (also love both his and Marks approach to plastics) .He works well under pressure, and he's a quick thinker, he was a hero in season 6 finale, oh but then again I can't forget saving a child from an exploding bus in season 9 finale. And you know he's just a good guy
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And them together, well first I just looooooove friends to lovers trope but especially when it's done a certain way. Like especially when we can see the characters be friends, true friends first, and then they accidentally discover there's a spark. And when that kind of ship has chemistry I'm sold!! Japrils chemistry is just unmatched imo.
I love how they're different from each other, but they complement each other soo well. Jackson is the one person who always calms April down, and Mr Grumpus is always so smiley around her and his silly side comes out. They also have the same values even though they have different beliefs, Jackson said it himself at the end of season 10 so idk why the writers went back to "nooo they would't work together bc faith". Jackson was I feel like the first mercy wester the grey sloan residents liked and he is a likeable guy, he could make friends anywhere, meanwhile even when April is friends with majac there's a lonliness to her of a girl who's kinda in the friend group bt kinda isn't, but they both have each other, like even though Jackson could make friends anywhere April is his closest friend, and Jackson is a great best friend to April, that's another thing I like about them. Plus how protective Jackson was of April since the start of season 7, dragging her away from the residents that were staring at them, punching Alex. And I think there are some parallels, even though they're soo different and they grew up so differently, they both didn't fit in with their families .
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Also I'm obsessed with how touchy they are, even when they're just friends they're always touching, they're just sooo comfortable with each other <3
(screencaps show another one of their qualities, they're sooo pretty both individually and together dhfhfd)
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shirefantasies · 4 months
do you have a fave member of the company and of the fellowship? if so, who and why?
Oh ho ho! Well I’m glad it isn’t too overly obvious 😉 as far as the fellowship goes I’m a big Pippin girlie! From the company I love Ori so much, such a sweetheart and I love non traditional masculine characters every single time! And innocent cinnamon rolls are my kryptonite. I just love him! Bofur, he’s just so adorable and heartwarming and goofy and ahhh! Plus his early exchange with Bilbo is so iconic. “Think furnace with wings.” To quote what my personal blog @spacemanxpaninis has on its page about all my favorite characters:
On Pippin-
“My childhood fictional character crush! …that kinda carried into adulthood… I’m a sucker for humor and adorable innocent dorks, plus Pippin is extremely neurodivergent-coded and it does my clumsy screw-up heart good to see a clumsy screw-up type character. But you know what? Pippin is a hero. He overcomes so much and matures a lot and he’s not perfect, but that’s part of why I love his character. He’s different from all the other unique figures and has a heart of gold, but doesn’t always know how to use it. He wants to help and it breaks his heart that people around Pippin think otherwise and that in turn breaks MY heart. He’s just the cutest, sweetest man and I want to make him happy forever. Plus PLEASE that scene at Sam’s wedding I WILL maintain that is the funniest thing that happens in those movies darnit he is HILARIOUS. That and mission…quest…thing. Iconic. Who is doing it like him.”
On Sweet Ori-
“It kinda kills me how little screen time we got of each dwarf from The Hobbit because of sheer numbers and how much screen time they wanted to give to bigger names mostly the line of Durin. Because here we have dear sweet Ori, canonically in the movies the youngest company member and one of the most polite, this young scribe finding his courage alongside his big brother on a quest to reclaim a homeland he’s never even been to. Yes, more patterns, another cinnamon roll. I never said I had no blorbo type ok? I just adore Ori’s innocence but also the way he balances having traditional dwarf interests with other things like his art, writing, knitting, and such. He doesn’t entirely conform to his people’s standards, but seemingly isn’t too outcast for that either and I find that to be a high word of the dwarrow. Ori is just a little sunshine character for me that always makes me happy :) I wish others appreciated him more too!”
On Bofur:
I mean come on, everyone loves Bofur right??? If not THEY SHOULD! Like, his whole thing is being lovable come on. One of the most unique designs among the dwarves, Bofur looks far different from the stereotype and that’s a wonderful element of ‘not all of any given people look the same’ plus it makes him stand out even more. Bofur is such a comfort character- you know he gives the warmest hugs EVER and he holds you for as long as he can. Bonus points for being one of the first to really welcome Bilbo because he’s just that kind and accepting of a person, someone who would take a lot to really dislike somebody. Beyond being kind he’s also a great listener AND a great party companion, the epitome of ‘get you a man who can do both’ as equal gusto goes into dancing and singing and being with the people he loves and being there for them too. I just know he would be the best dad too ugh.
Lomls fr thanks for letting me rant and plug my personal blog anon 😉🥰
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blu3b1rd · 4 months
Wild Storm’s always been a favorite because LOOK AT THEM. they’re so cool. They have a freakin beast form and tragic backstory what’s not to love. I hc they’re a sentient thundercloud thingamajig inside the armor, living armor is one of my favorite character design tropes ever✨ fluffy void thing with a sword that doubles as a lightning railgun my beloved. It’s truly a pity they’re so expensive.
Fright Rider’s a childhood favorite, being my first Undead skylander. Especially now with all the headcanons I’ve given them, Rider seems to feed my inner horror junkie. The idea of a zombie elf being too spiteful and loving their bird too much to die. Who both got pushed off a cliff. Little dork who definitely listens to Will Wood. Ozzy is the skelebird ever.
And ofc, High Volt. Stoic klunky robots have always been favorites of mine, yet I can barely put into words how much I’ve come to love HV. That moment when you realize your headcanons for a certain character are actually self projections??? IDK how me projecting my AroAceness, determination, social awkwardness/isolation AND MORE onto this dude happened??? It just did??? He’s got dad energy, pikachu-adjacent powers, he’s awesome. I may have had to completely redesign him to be capable of drawing him, but it’s through this silly security robot that I’ve felt more in tune with myself. High Volt is the friend ever and I am very normal about him.
There’s so many other SL characters that come to mind but these are the three I would gush about for hours if I was capable of word comprehension beyond single sentences. (this took thirty minutes to type) I tend to pick favorites based on design, lore, and headcanonablity rather than gameplay so YEAH SKYLANDER BLORBOS
YOU!!! You in AoS out here being High Volts strongest soldier sjdhfbsd, I love all of this,
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kanerallels · 2 years
15 questions, 15 people
I've been tagged by several people (most recently @brekker-by-brekkerr, thank you for the tag!) so here I go!
Are you named after anyone? Not my first name, but my middle name comes from my maternal great-grandma!
When was the last time you cried? A couple hours ago while reading this fic! And I 101 percent stand by it
Do you have kids? Not unless you count the various characters in my books. But I talk too much about the fact that they are complete idiots for that. So, no!
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I'd say it has a time and place, so a bit!
What is the first thing you notice about someone? Whether they're wearing fandom merch nor not, honestly. I pay way too much attention to that kind of thing
What's your eye color? Hazel-y green!
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, of course!!
Any special talents? Lock picking! And making everything about my blorbos
Where were you born? Coon Rapids, Minnesota
What are your hobbies? Reading and writing mainly, with crocheting, lock picking, and knitting as side hobbies. Also fan fic reading, if that counts
Do you have any pets? Yes!! A cat named Hazel, she is beautiful and I love her
What sports do you play/have you played? My dad likes to tell this story about me and my sister-- he brought home this soccer net when we were little, and we were all "oh yeah we want to play!" and he, being a Phy Ed teacher and coach of every sport ever, was like "finally!" So he brought us out to play-- and quickly discovered that the only reason we wanted to play was so we could be characters from The Karate Kid, which we'd just watched as a family. So, long story short, I'm not a sports girl. I did briefly do archery, though!
How tall are you? Like 5'5"
Favorite subject in school? I liked history! Mainly anything ancient Egypt related. And English, of course
Dream job? Full time writer. Or something where I'm paid to be enthusiastic about people's writing, because I love doing that
Tagging with no pressure (some of y'all have probably already done this but I've lost track. Feel free to ignore this): @thetreasurechest @flying-kanery @accidental-spice @heckin-music-dork @auroramagpie @xxxcertifiednerdxxx @fairytale-lights @babsbabbles @ardentlyyang @laughingphoenixleader @locitapurplepink @oldmanwithashield @avatardoggo @thatonecrazyfan @clawedandcute
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i-hear-a-sound · 1 year
Thank you for the ask! Here we go:
Favorite female character? Ilia Penny Pyrrha Ruby Nora(!!!!) Emerald Weiss and most of all… maria😔she’s so fucking funny i loved her energy v6. Further explanations, Ilia has an adorable design, great voice actor and decent enough representation. Nora’s timeskip design was unmatched and she’s very quotable, plus her personality reminds me of one of my close friends irl. Ruby’s struggles in V9 (until they fucked that up) really hit with me as I’d gone through something very similar, and Penny… Penny just makes me happy. What they did with her makes me angry, but Penny makes me smile. :D
Favorite male character? I got a couple but at the moment it’s tied by Sun and Roman. Sun has fun energy and Roman is himself and iconic. Others are: James is hot and so is the bad bird BF he got by being autistic. Mercury is cool for the 5 seconds of screentime he gets every volume now. Tyrian and Watts got impeccable swag and the 5 hour long make out scene between the two of them was very interesting. Adam is cathartic and fun as hell to write my little meow meow. Jaune is best when he’s just a little loser dork, and Ren is very pretty.
Favorite Volume? Surprise surprise, Volume 3. I fucking love tournament arcs. I. Love. Tournament. Arcs.
Favorite Episode? That whole Apathy Arc in V6!!! Great horror in my opinion. I wish they’d show off more creative Grimm like that again. And as a side note, V6 is just… the best looking volume.
Favorite cast member? If they count, Jeff and Casey!! SUCH good music.
Favorite ship? *cracks knuckles* Freezerburn, Catmeleon, Monochrome, Schne//ekos, Pussy Magnet Purrah, Greek fire, nuts and dolts, Bees Schnees, Khali, Spicecream, Seamonkeys, Emercury, If there’s one between Ilia and Ruby put it here, Ginger Snaps, Arctic Winter, Silver Lotus, *looks at writings on my palm* Snow pines, Ironqrow, James x Oz, Crimsun, Strawbana, Nuts and Volts, and Rosebird. To name a few. Some might not be my favorites, these are just ones I like/like in concept. :) Character I’d die defending? Sienna fucking Khan. The whole White Fang, honestly. I do think protesting through violence against your oppressors is very swag and real actually. Plus she’s hot.
A character I can’t sympathize with? Uhhhhhh…… SALEM!!!!!!!!!! Cinder too ish but Salem mostly. Like, I feel a TINY bit bad, only because the gods are undeniably awful garbage horrible terrible. She still sucks though.
A character I grew to love? …Adam. I did not give a single shit about his decently attractive redhead ass until that reveal and his death in V6. He has become my blorbo; my skrunkly. My cringefail loser, my girly pop. Engrained within my brain like a silly silly worm. He’s fun to draw. Fun to write. REALLY fun to write. I can put him in so many situations. So many bittersweet, melancholic situations. And in so many outfits.
My Anti-otp? Ive got a couple.
Bumbl//Bee. Not my thing. Could have been, had they not continually tried making “Only disabled main character losing her arm” something “romantic” as well as paralleling said character to her partner’s… um… ex abuser? Hello?
Embe//rald. Fuck Abusive ships.
Taura//donna. Fuck Abusive ships.
Frostbite. This one is actually one of my least favorite ships, as it is essentially a pairing between the ex-racist ex-heiress of a huge company to the in universe minority said company enslaved and branded while he was a child. Plus, again. Fuck. Abusive. Ships.
Ar//kos. Not… my… thing.
Winter and Marrow or Robyn and Marrow. Nope nope nope. No. Thank. You.
Etc etc etc I could go on all day. Thank you for the ask!
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airlock · 2 years
6, 11, 27!
(pertinent to this ask meme)
#6 - Who's your favorite lord/protagonist?
I may or may not have recently declared a crusade in his name.
(Claude is up there as well also!)
  #11 - A character that deserved better?
speaking of which, Claude would have been a prime candidate here, but at least, Three Hopes finally gave him a route that feels like it's his own and not the church's sloppy... firsts. although that route did bring with it a new candidate for this question (they did so little with shahid,)
anyway, god, how does one even begin to choose? I could nominate like half of every female cast from the Kaga era games for one thing. get to the modern games, and you get countless characters who would've benefitted greatly from not being under pressure from being a viable target for the resident customizable protagonist's gaping S-supporting maw. the ones in the middle of the maelstrom are safe from that sort of sweeping problem, but that's not to say they don't have any characters they inidividually did dirty... (Lyn deserved more story relevance, Elincia deserved more time in the limelight in Radiant Dawn, Eirika deserves more respect from the fandom if that counts, and that's just going through protagonists)
anyway, a solid chunk of Awakening's second generation deserved to be in a better game -- perhaps even their own game -- so I guess that's also a big one
  #27 - Any fanfics/fan content you’d recommend? (You can plug your own stuff it’s fine)
sneaky creature you are to ask that, considering how much of your stuff I'll rec in a half heartbeat,
anyway, I'm not nearly as avid of a reader as I should be, for being a writer, but here's some of the finest Fire Emblem fanfic that my terrible brain managed not to wander astray from:
Princess of Dawn and its sequels by @wyvern-dork are the ultimate gesture of dedication to a blorbo that I've ever had the privilege of witnessing, let's see, around 80 chapters of so far. y'know, out of the 193 total that are presently up. to describe it only as a novelization of the Akaneia Saga, starring Minerva and featuring Minerva/Palla, would be selling it short. I think the more accurate thing to call it, rather, is the Minerva bible.
not looking for a work that will beautifully gobble up your entire life like that, though? first off all, why aren't you? but second of all, you can still get your Minerva/Palla from the same tap in shorter form: in Blades of Champions, where the two of them are some of the tryhardingest fencers in the whole modern alternate universe
and to complete the hat-trick on recs for this particular friend's works, there's Fingers Through the Sand. in this fic, Luthier dies at war and Delthea's journey to completely mishandle her grief eventually takes her across the sea and to befriend another magical powerhouse with a heart full of grief -- Linde. it will hurt you perfectly while dazzling you with stuff about magic
but lest you think I'm letting you off without another Akaneia rec with lots of magic in it -- as if; here's simplicity by name, the delightful gift I was given for nagamas 2021. it's Merric/Arlen, albeit with some flexibility as to how romantic you read their interactions here exactly, also they're both magnificently trans of gender in there
and I'm not done with the magic yet, or with the ones I've managed to prompt out onto existance. after all, @dornishsphinx‘s May You Arrive at Fertile Phthia dotted that year's FE Rarepair Exchange for me with some of the most evocative (and, at least once, haunting) descriptions of magic I've ever seen. besides that, it also has an intriguing Erk/Nino story largely set after Binding Blade, ie, well after they've both disappeared. it is deliciously detailed, and even has a bunch of Homeric references if that happens to be something you're interested in
while we're at Elibe, @royaltyjunk's the pain in my heart cannot be shared (i really miss you) deserves a mention at the very least because Lyn opening a text convo with Hector with "order bitch" remains one of the most beautifully in-character things I've ever seen for her and it's the first line of the piece- besides that, it's also a modern AU story taking place in our here world, but one might say that it's still about how much Lyn misses the plains.
anyway, let's cap this off with a hat-trick of @queenlua recs, notwithstanding that this tag there is entirely redundant with the other notifications she's about to be getting for this post- anyway, the first one of them is Silent World, a three-chapterer in which Naesala attempts to ruin Micaiah and Sothe's relationship for shits and giggles. it's not quite SFW and it does in fact feature Micaiah/Sothe, but if you're fine with both of those things, then you may join in me suddenly finding Sothe a much more interesting character than you may have originally figured (plus, that Micaiah and Naesala are great characters should require no convincing, but they're still in peak form here, so, that's just Oops! All Interesting)
and here's another three-chapterer while I'm at it -- Where the River Meets the Sea. it's a Claude/Hilda story that doesn't skirt around the dodgy history between Hilda and Almyra -- the opposite, in fact, as that's one of the central themes. the other being that these two are both extremely nonconfrontational people and, sometimes, that's not a good thing. anyway, Lorenz writes a strongly worded letter in this, so, that's the real #1 reason why you should go read it right now
and I'm not done asking you to enjoy Lorenz content either; for that matter, neither am I done with the modern AUs. because summer is miles and miles away is the white whale that I will always be kindly, playfully, yet persistently prodding the author about picking back up someday. it's a Claude/Lorenz story where all the Garreg Mach people are Harvard graduates, Claude is the tech startup bro he was always meant to be, Lorenz hasn't matured quite as fast as he did in canon without a war to light a fire in his ass, and Hilda is great
plus, there's always my own work to recommend, but I take in pride in all the stuff I got to make these days, so, it's hard to pick and choose just a handful. you could always check out my ao3 page and read every last one of them. but to select a few regardless: The Winter Bird is my love letter to all of the Dawn Brigade's obscure underappreciated blorbos; Forests and People features Jamke, Edain, Dew, and probably some of the funniest lines I've ever managed to get into a piece; Building Trust, slightly longer-form than my usual fare, is an ongoing effort to make Catria/Clair happen -- you know, on my part, on their parts, and on Minerva and Palla's parts, with the time they have to spare while they're not flirting with each other -- and if you're in luck I might actually finish the fourth and final chapter this year; and then there's my most recent piece, MozghuzCon, where I drastically exceed my own expectations vis-a-vis story length for a spot of modern AU Bernadetta/Marianne where they're both very transgender, very neurodivergent, and very nerdy.
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ct-multifandom · 3 years
Some people are expecting commentary from me, but I’ve been super busy lately. When I’m like this, I like to only talk about things I haven’t seen other people saying.
So I liked Kuro Neko a lot. It was very solid imo and I appreciate the alternation between episodes where a ton of action happens (Ephemeral, Penalteam) vs episodes where the two dorks just kinda talk to each other and not much happens heroes-vs-villains-wise (Glaciator 2.0, Kuro Neko). Commentary speed run: Adrien pajamas hell yeah finally, wtf Nathalie out of bed? Good for her but ouch those braces. Rhythm (is that her real name?) was super cute and wholesome as a “villain”, and I love the senti. Lastly, Plagg is awesome at drawing?
But here’s what I wanted to talk the most about.
CT’s favorite thing: new heroes
The almost-last batch of my blorbos have arrived so clearly I stared at screenshots of all of them for 48 hours and noticed some stuff. I would like to point out that these 48 hours also let me go through what I call The Five Stages of New Hero Grief aka getting over the instant repulsion people feel upon seeing their designs for the first time and learning to love and accept them.
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Between his ram-like original concept and the antelope-like final Caprikid, I don’t think Nathaniel actually knows what a goat is? My manga rec for him is one of those baby picture books about different types of animals. Now that I’ve gotten used to him, I actually like his suit. It reminds me of Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3. I feel like I’d like him waaaay more if his hair was different, though. It throws me off that it’s so similar to its usual style, even if it’s a little different, so any sort of more noticeable change would’ve made him look more natural. Idk why his paintbrush would have golden metal if everything on him is silver, but oh well.
Sabrina looks just about how I expected her to. I totally called it that she would have a hat. I’ll talk about her design more when I get to that image of her standing upright ‘cause this angle sucks, but I think the marble-designed ball on her chest could be her tool. If her power has to do with tracking, maybe she’ll be useful in tracking down the original, non-clone Penalty who has the actual akumatized object on her.
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Minotaurox my beloved. Everyone’s saying that they see his suit as black, but I see it as navy blue? It’s a kinda desaturated color compared to most of the other suits, but he’s still all blue? (Trust me, I have perfect color vision). I like the way his mask is, it’s new and interesting. I also love the big cargo pockets. Practical. I think the puffy part around his shoulders is supposed to be like an ox yoke. His boots kinda confuse me ‘cause cloved hooves like that could never work irl but I guess it’s just part of the magic. I feel like his normal hair works well with his design because his suit is pretty reminiscent of Ivan’s usual clothes with the cargo pockets, boots, dark colors, and not a lot of details or flashiness. That’s why Nathaniel’s bothers me a little, since his clothes, on the other hand, looks so different from his usual self.
Marc looks fantastic. Glad to finally see an HD image because now we can see the gold trim which is awesome. I like his little scarf, I love his tail, and somewhat unpopular opinion but I love his hair. I’m mixed on the shoes. They make sense, and I always prefer designs being heavily influenced by the animal traits over “this looks good”, so I can’t complain, but how is he gonna kick a soccer ball without wrecking it? I guess it’s a magic ball idk. Super important detail that I haven’t seen anyone talk about: is it just me, or does he have earrings in his left (our right) ear? If you zoom in, it looks like he does. Bunnyx twins? In the picture below, I noticed that his feathers aren’t flat to his chest like I previously thought.
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There are four heroes whose animals have hooves, yet zero of them have hoof prints on the bottom of their shoes. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
What I want everyone to look at is the glimpse we have of Ivan’s back. I think his tool’s on there, but what is it? It’s pretty big. Big hammer? Musical instrument? Idk
One thing I do appreciate is that they didn’t go pussy mode with the horns. If the character designers were cowards, they could’ve easily given us Minotaurox and Caprikid with tiny stubs, but they did not, and for that I am grateful.
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First glimpse of Marc’s tool. They changed it from a fountain pen type thing to a quill, but they way he’s holding it makes it look kinda like a combat knife lol. Like in Hack-San, when most of the kids got brainwashed by Robustus, Marc is one again standing in the middle and a bit in front of all the other side characters, and he’s the one speaking for them. This is some consistent new development since it happened twice, and it makes me wonder how important he’s going to become because he was so irrelevant in previous seasons, but he’s changed a lot in s4. I think he’s probably the “beloved character with a big role coming up, like more than this character has ever spoken before” that Ezra Weisz talked about once in a tik tok.
Sabrina looks way cuter in this image than in the trailer imo. Her suit is similar to her normal clothes in that 70s-like aesthetic. Another important thing that nobody’s talking about: is it just me or does she have glasses in this shot? Zoom in on her mask. It looks like she has frameless oval glasses, but I can’t tell if they’re there or not in the trailer shot. If I’m seeing what I think I’m seeing, I like them a lot. They’re cute, and it’s nice to see a girl with glasses not lose them for “aesthetic reasons”. The white part on her chest/belly is a heart aww. Her boots look like those tall schoolgirl type socks, and that plus the shorts, beret, and glasses has a huge vintage prep vibe.
I bet Ladybug is drawing out a game plan in this scene, but everyone’s expressions are so funny. Every single character could be a different reaction meme.
Last thing: I’m trying to imagine how Ladybug is going to give out all of these miraculous. We know the class starts all together, so it’d be tough to separate them all to individually give them miraculous in different locations later. On top of that, there are four more heroes in three other locations, and they’re probably all supposed to be in class right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t explain how they get busted out of class, but in Kuro Neko we see how collecting the miraculous from even four temp heroes is stressful and time consuming for Ladybug. Maybe this is the episode where she’ll start considering making more people/all of them permanent at some point, and maybe even considering that everyone knowing each other’s identities would make things way easier.
That’s all for now. I have no time, but I’m sooo tempted to draw the four of them in fashion inspired by their hero forms waking down the street “late with iced coffee”. I can see the designs in my head already. I hope to see fan art of all four of them, and I really hope the show will develop all of them at least a little this episode.
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sense8 for the blorbo ask game? <3
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) 
D A N I  thirsty asf adhd aroace finding a place where she is comfortable and has healthy boundaries and is loved for who she is, somehow the most me character ever <333
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Sun 🥺🥺🥺 i KNOW she can kill me with her bare hands but also she is baby and deserves LOVE 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
capheusss god the sheer joy and hope and goodness he represents and god what a dork and #1 sun bak fanboy mun get in line he is so important <333
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one of my favourite him quotes is the title of this blog and that’s not about to change :’)
ALSO speaking of detective mun my fucking beloved idk how underrated he is bc im not really around there much but i would DIE for him he is there for one purpose and that is to love sun bak even and often especially when she is beating the shit out of him and i love him for that
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also he’s so 😳😳🥺🥺😍😍
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that scene in the finale when he’s telling diego how sun brought him to meet her family then it just goes to this scene absolute peak of cinema <333
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glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) 
*kicks down door* MR HOY
*punches desk* there’s no GIFS
n e way sense8 went what is the one thing that could improve this - sylvester mccoy and they were RIGHT
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
will i don’t want to like him he’s a cop so he sucks but in s2 when he’s just ill and traumatised and crying and being Held by his gf i gotta be like 🥺🥺 they let him do that huh good for him
ALSO jonas man is literally kilgharrah he’s such a cryptic and flaky bitch for NO reason godbless when will’s in the final dramatic car chase and jonas just plops down nexct to him bc he’s about to die and will’s jsut like NOT NOW JONAS yeah i felt that <33
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
LEMME EXPLAIN OK i only want good things for her and her to be happy but when she’s having a crisis it is soo fucking funny and relatable this girl is grappling with being demi and poly and cheating on her husband and falling in love with her husband and a TON of excessive moral ruminations and convictions that she’s a terrible person i am so projecting my ocd onto her godbless and being so salty and dramatic like deadpan saying she has something deeply wrong with her while she’s wearing cute blouses and cat patterned shorts its a little hilarious and i love her and ofc it all comes right in the end :’))
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also lito in much the same vein as kala they both learn and grow so much over the course of the series often together all while being as salty and dramatic as possible about it good for them <33
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
LILA i hate her sm she’s the worst character of them all why is she here why is she like that writers you had one job
also whispers obvs but he’s not even worth getting mad at he is LITERALLY only there to provide stakes he’s not a person xx
ty littt 💕💕💕💕
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f0xfordcomma · 3 years
Hi. I'm sending this to writers who've written things I really liked. What turns you off a fic that you started reading and liking? What is it that happens for you that makes you say Nope, done with this and never come back to it? Looking for feedback but don't want to attach my name. Thanks.
Hi anon!
First of all, thank you so much for reaching out! I can't believe you've read and liked my stuff, that means so so much! <3 <3
This is a tricky question to answer because I think that it really depends on a lot of factors for me:
I'd say first and foremost, when searching for a fic, there are certain ships I generally gravitate towards (kataang, maiko, sukka, the lovesquare in miraculous ladybug) but I also really really enjoy reading gen and fics that dive more deeply into character analysis. In that vein, I think a big thing for me is making sure that the characters are, well, *in character.* I like canon ships because they just make sense to me and seeing my faves with non-canonical partners just feels OOC and I have a hard time buying in to the story, even if in every other aspect, it is well-written.
This, as with most things in fandom, can be pretty subjective though. The way I interpret a character might be different than the way someone else does, and they have every right to interpret the characters as such. I may not see Azula as REALLY being a 400 ft tall purple platypus-bear with pink horns and silver wings, but I am not going to disparage anyone their reading of her in that way (but I probably will click away from it if I stumble across it.)
Another thing that I do have a hard time with once I've started a fic is the tone of the writing and the grammatical style. If its a shorter fic that I like the concept of, I can still get pretty invested and see it through to the end, even if its not the most well-written. I really want to give all fic writers, regardless of skill level, the benefit of having their stories read so that they can continue to grow as writers.
Sometimes, though, especially with longer fics that I am going to be spending more time reading, if in the first couple of chapters I have a hard time following the writing style, I will click away. I read fic, in large part, for escapism and immersion and I sometimes have a hard time getting immersed in a world that I want to take a red pen to.
The awesome thing about fandom, though, is that everyone (in my experience) is really friendly and we all just want to encourage one another in our creative endeavors. Beta readers are an awesome feature of fandom and I would absolutely encourage anyone who is nervous about posting a fic or just wants a second set of eyes on their work to seek out a beta reader. It's easy to have your eyes glaze over when you're looking at the words you've written and read over dozens of times. A fresh perspective can not only catch mistakes and improve clarity, it's also a great way to build a stronger friendship with someone in fandom you may have been wanting to get to know better!
On that note, too, as I have gotten more involved with fandom, and as my irl life has gotten a bit busier, I find that I am generally a lot more likely to spend my designated fic reading time on reading a fic that one of my friends has written. So! I know its super duper scary (I cringe at how nervous I was when I first joined fandom) but don't be afraid to reach out to people or participate in a fandom event. (I didn't find my foothold in fandom until I wrote for Kataang week this past summer, and now I've found some phenomenal friends and my favorite writers!) The way that fic fosters community is such a beautiful thing. At the end of the day, we're all a bunch of big ol' dorks just out here making art about ~blorbo from our shows.~ Not so intimidating, when you think about it, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Ultimately, keep making what makes you happy. Imo its way more important to write what you love than to worry about the number of hits or comments you get on a fic (although man oh man is that stuff a cherry on top!) I believe that your passion for what you do will show in the work you create, so keep it up anon!
And genuinely, don't hesitate to reach out again for more advice/ beta-ing/ to rec your own fics/ general banshee noises about your favorite characters or an HC that makes you happy. I live for that kind of stuff.
Hope my rambling was helpful!! Thanks again for the ask :)
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