#my favourite dynamic btw
oofouchstovehot · 4 months
The meme with the two people in bed except the one with the cigar is just as flustered as the one leaning against them
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journey-to-the-attic · 4 months
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funny picture allsort :^) (reference photos below)
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greykolla-art · 7 months
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I thought you guys might enjoy seeing the rough wip for my next comic!
It’s probably gonna take a while, (9 pages FFFFFFFFFFFFFfuck.)
So auntie Grey is locking herself in her study until she’s done.
Knock on the door if you need anything.✌️
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reverieprince · 1 year
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c0rinarii · 5 days
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Union yaoi warmup sketches!
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psychojetcocktail · 5 months
Ronnie and her dad she found on the side of the road
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glitter-alienz · 8 months
here's something I originally planned to make a comic for, but ended up on my empty ao3 account. it's uhh it's about 12 year old mikey's fear of bathrooms and 14 year old donnie trying to be when it's not in his nature.
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i tried to make it as lighthearted and silly as possible, tho maybe at some point im gonna write about how evil donnie was as a kid (he was badd)
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these two fight a lot but at the end of the day you are stuck with your brother so you have to love and forgive him and be nice and im totally not projecting my own issues with family on them what are you talking about?
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toolazytodecide · 1 year
Reading the most popular fic of AO3s top 100 ships of 2023
1. Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington- Not So Bad by outofmygourd
I have seen Stranger things, although I haven't gotten into Steddie ff properly yet. Honestly after reading this one I am very tempted to throw away this challenge and just read steddie fics. Like it was heckin cute
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thousandbuns · 1 year
Oh yeah baby, it’s time for the unhinged, unscheduled and unstructured Ylthin rambles, today’s topic: loose thoughts on the overall structure of “Horus Rising” (based on my increasingly more faded memories so forgive me for any inaccuracies) and how it contrasts the first few chapters of “Flight of the Eisenstein”.
So, in no particular order, and jumping around subjects a bit...
Remembrancers. I know you probably don’t care about them because they’re either annoying, forgettable, blatant writer self-inserts so that Graham McNeill can ogle some fictional women, or have the misfortune of competing for attention with Astartes and Primarchs, but... they are so goddamn important to the story structure, characterization and theming in “Horus Rising”. They are sheltered civilians and bohema-roleplayers fed mountains of propaganda before getting shipped off to create more propaganda about “our brave boys”... and they get reality-checked on multiple levels.
They expect glorious, refined, “peak of humanity” warriors - they get barracks filled with what’s at best scaled-up teenagers, and at worst actively hostile war machines. The Astartes typically dismiss them, avoid them, treat them as a nuisance - which is why someone like Mersadie or Ignace having direct access to Garviel Loken is such a big deal for both sides. They get to talk to a company Captain and Mournival member - and he doesn’t shun them. He’s actually a little sympathetic to them even if he doesn’t quite understand them. That sets him up to be a “good guy” type - an image that is then viciously (and forgive me for using a word so abused it’s lost all meaning) subverted, because...
Whisperheads. The Remembrancers perhaps expect the scattered strands of humanity to kneel before the majesty of the Great Crusade, then rise into a glorious new future - and then they see the reality of ruined cities filled with hostile locals and keeps lined up with mangled bodies. And remember - Luna Wolves don’t particularly revel in violence, they specialize in fast, precise assaults to decapitate the enemy. The action at Whisperheads isn’t a malicious slaughter. It’s an execution, a burst of gruesome yet detached violence, and its aftermath shocks the Remembrancers even before the supernatural gets involved. It has what may be one of my favourite moments in 40K novels - Loken calmly, yet callously dismissing a grievously injured soldier’s pleas for spiritual solace by calling them “superstition”, then mercy-killing him through a decapitation. This is our “hero”. This is a man we’ve seen cheering and fraternizing with his battle-brothers like a middle-school kid. This is a man considered to be a good leader, respected and liked by his men. This is one of the kinder, more mortal-friendly Astartes.
And then there are the others. Abaddon, who can be choleric and brash, but not a blood-addled fool or a sadist, whom we see frolicking with the rest of the Mournival and trying to ease Loken after the Whisperheads - who then gets into a vicious argument with his own Primarch, to the point of driving usually calm and fatherly Horus to throw his wine glass, command him out of the room, threaten demotion and only consider showing mercy if his First Captain comes back groveling and begging for it. All of it over Horus’ refusal to conduct a direct military action against the Interex clashing with Abaddon’s warmongering attitude and disdain for the “deviant” civilization. Torgaddon, the king of witty retorts and master of dad jokes, an “older friend” type to Loken - and yet you don’t see him fraternizing with the Remembrancers. Wish I could say something more about Aximand - but his silence and general withdrawal is also somewhat telling. You see their human side, yet they stay away from mortal humans and keep to their insular little coven of warrior-brothers instead.
“Horus Rising” succeeds at making its Astartes human-yet-dehumanized by having them interact with - or avoid - mortals, and all of it plays into the further themes - the intended nuance and tragedy across the loyalist-traitor divide. The doubt over the veracity of Imperium’s stated goal. The insidious nature of propaganda, the inherently repressive nature of this authoritarian state. The fallen idol of gold we see in 42nd millennium was standing on feet of clay from the very beginning, and the book isn’t subtle about it. Doesn’t have to be - nuance and subtlety aren’t inseparable - and shouldn’t be because the 40K fanbase is full of people like me, who need to be whacked over the head to understand something, and also people who wouldn’t get the memo even if it gave them a wedgie and stole their lunch money, like some of BL’s own writers.
I’ll spare you the extended screaming match over “False Gods” killing all nuance, assassinating half the cast (for now figuratively) and taking a massive step towards an oversimplified “good Imperium vs. evil Chaos” storyline that misses the entire goddamn point and actively makes the whole series less entertaining. I’ll also fast-forward over “Galaxy in Flames” struggling to pick up the pieces as it has to rush forward and cover a major event without having the same amount of time and word count to flesh out some of the key players in it, and deepening or firmly rooting in the problems of the previous two books as a result. We’re now at “Flight of the Eisenstein” scrambling to flesh out Death Guard the way “Horus Rising” fleshed out Luna Wolves.
And I’m just 4 chapters in, about 70 pages out of 280-ish (discounting all the superfluous marketing/publisher crap inflating the pagecount of BL novels). Things could change. I could be wrong and full of shit, and I’ll be the first to admit it if the novel somehow corrects itself on the problems I have with it right now: namely that everything is once again so goddamn flat and simplified.
Remember the nuance with which both halves of the Mournival were written? Fuck that. Grulgor is a brash dick with no redeeming qualities, Garro is a saint of a man and Typhon is Erebus Mini. Remember how the Remembrancers served to highlight that even the kindest Astartes is still a cold, uncaring war machine at the core? Fuck that, so far the only mortal character - Garro’s housecarl - is here to show you that Grulgor is a dick and Garro is a saint. The divide between diminishing ranks of “watered and fed” Terran-borns and Barbaros Legionaries whose ancestors struggled in extreme conditions - and how it feeds into some really toxic mindsets (I’m not apologising for this awful pun) across the Legion - may as well end up being another botched “good-evil” binary, and I saw enough derision towards the “lows” of society (working class deriding the margins, working-ascended-to-middle class looking down at both, big city middle class sneering at them all) to feel afraid.
I’ll give it benefit of a doubt in one area for now - remember how “Horus Rising” focused mostly on conflict against “normal” humans - not insane technobarbarians, not deranged Chaos worshipers, but conventionally acceptable “civilized” worlds, some of which proclaimed themselves to be the Sole Human Empire In The Galaxy (what could Dan Abnett mean by this, I wonder) - and only introduced a planet of “hostile xenos” as a (forgive me for using this cursed word again) subversion to once again remind you with the subtlety of a brick through the window that the Imperium’s policies are horseshit across the board? “Flight...” opens with an assault on the world-ship of distinctly inhuman xenos who go as far as to implant combat augments into their “children”, which has potential to be another stab against the Imperium and Astartes... but unless it gets elaborated upon later, it may as well end up being a footnote in the story, a cool little setpiece to introduce the characters and little more - or worse, be repurposed into yet another pro-Imperial argument without a hint of self-awareness. After all, we’re already setting up an abridged rehash of “Galaxy in Flames” so we’ll have the basis for Garro turning against his Primarch, siding with the Emperor and flying the titular ship to deliver the news of the Heresy.
A story that could easily have the same nuance and message as “Horus Rising”, but that will most likely end up being boring “good guys outsmart the bad guys” drivel.
Wake me up when Heresy remembers what does “no good guys” actually mean again.
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hella1975 · 1 year
no one is doing fanfic like me btw
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c10v3r · 2 years
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i dont think u guys understand how much i love this game
i realiy like lightbrush too thats my fav rver
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solarwreathe · 3 months
Hi um I am obsessed with ur blog ily
Question, do you ship Enoch and Esmeralda? I've seen that around. I like them as platonic life partners (in my fic they had 2 kids together but they're not together together, it's like a whole thing) but I vibe with the ship as well.
i do :) it's a 'they sure are standing next to each other' canon situation but i like the gothic witch x mad scientist aesthetic and their potential interactions post-canon, not to mention going to lowgate for basically the same thing (digging up corpses) on the same night. so much in common..waow.
i was drawn in by fanart of them to start (back when it was called dreroza, real ones remember). now i think they'd have good synergy; tusspells relates to enoch's gloomy nature while also having a playful side that could catch his aloofness off guard.
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cetaitlaverite · 5 months
consider— it’s a few years after the war. freddie and rosie are married now. they’ve bought a house and just had their first baby. freddie is sore, uncomfortable, and tired as she recovers from giving birth. one night she wakes up in the middle of the night, but she’s confused when she doesn’t hear crying. she’s even more confused when she realizes her husband isn’t beside her in bed. she gets up and she finds rosie in the living room. a record is playing softly as he dances with their newborn, beaming as he sings quietly. the newborn is gazing up at their dad with wide eyes as they question their father’s dancing abilities, wondering if mom is available instead.
freddie cries because she’s tired and hormonal and she just loves her life and her little family so much. she approaches and rosie smiles, swipes away her tears and kisses her forehead, then wraps his free arm around her so she can sway with them too. she rests her head on his shoulder and helps him to support their baby now that he’s only using one arm. the baby smiles and gargles, pleased with having both parents’ attention, and now when she cries in the middle of the night it’s not frustrating but happy, because their nightly tradition reminds freddie and rosie how lucky they are to be woken by their baby crying instead of by air raid sirens, and dancing together with her is one of the greatest joys of their lives
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loverboydotcom · 5 months
last reblog something i have found interesting lately too in my writing is beau and bobby having sexual intimacy without being sexual partners…like, they both know what the other is into, and they talk about it so casually that even when they’re joking about the other persons kinks it normalises the idea of having a kink itself and there’s no shame between them. they tell each other about who they’re sleeping with and there’s nothing tmi and this is rly important because they always had an external pov on the things they were doing in a vulnerable space, esp since they were so young. like it’s so important to have someone you can talk about kink nonsexually with because they might be able to spot a red flag you can’t.
they’ve seen each other at sex clubs, bathhouses, sex parties. they’ve watched porn together. they’ve mutually masturbated. they MIGHT have done things together idk im undecided but it would’ve been because they were both young and inexperienced and wanted to try things for the first time with someone they trust and feel safe with, which the intimacy from that is much more interesting to me than some kind of irresistible desire between the two of them, and whatever they did together did not change their friendship at all or unlock some hidden desire. which i am absolutely not someone who thinks sex will always irrevocably change a friendship + i like this idea of intimacy because it shows how they’re influenced by the sexually liberated culture they grew into adulthood in, and how important it is to hold onto those values as the story gets deeper into the 80s and the crisis. and i like how strong their sense of friendship is that they know their intimacy and also their boundaries that let’s them dip into closeness in ways that makes sense to specifically them. bobby will sit on beaus lap at a party and that’s normal for them. one time beau let himself into bobbys place and he was asleep and then beau fell asleep in bobbys bed too, and bobby jokes that it’s been a while since he woke up to a man in his bed. when they start intentionally sleeping in the same bed + cuddling, bc they know they don’t have a lot of time left together so let themselves be close however they want to be…and then their intimacy develops when beau is taking care of bobby, which i think all caretaking is intimate but quite literally at one point he helps with personal care; he sees him naked which is entirely non sexual but i think everything established above is what makes their dynamic such a safe space for bobby to feel comfortable with needing that care and the person giving it to him. like! it’s a different intimacy but it works together with the very complex intimacy they’ve always had which is why they are able to be there for each other in such deep ways and that’s why their dynamic is so compelling TO ME
idk! intimacy is so fun and complex to play with in writing when you don’t have a bitch with hetero/amatonormative ideas of love and sex shouting in your ear that this isn’t how friends behave !
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gu6chan · 8 months
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what are they talking about...........................
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scruffycatio · 1 year
ENTP 7w6 simping over ISFP 4w5 part 2.
ENTP: what ya got there?
ENTP: a journal?
ISFP: beat it!
ENTP: Oh…I get it
ENTP: it’s private, huh?
ENTP: I’m down with that…yeah
ENTP: it’s cool bruh!
ISFP: what part of beat it don’t you understand!?
ENTP: *intensely sniffs hair*
ISFP: what are you some kind of freak!?
ENTP: you just smell..really pretty
ISFP: it’s just…..soap?
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