#my fingers are so cold that it’s hard to type
calist4r · 3 days
The many acts of nanami
How he shows his love
A/n: First non smau post!! I hope you guys just enjoy some short nanami fluff :p because why not and I love him so. Also not proofread so sorry if there’s any mistakes ^^
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Act I:
First and foremost I think that something that most people can agree on is that Nanami loves you call you his wife. Even if you guys aren’t married he still calls you that. It doesn’t fail to make you giddy every time he says it. He knows the affect it has on you too, chuckling softly as he continues the previous conversation. For example, when you guys go out to eat at a restaurant it’s always “and my wife would like this one please.” “apologies but my wife didn’t order this one.” If somehow you got brought up in a conversation with his coworkers or an acquaintance of his he never uses your name, not out of disrespect or anything like that. He just loves to see the way they react when he refers to you as his wife.
“Sorry guys (he’s not sorry), my wife said I need to be home by 10 so no going out for me.”
“Whaaaat? I never knew Nanami had a girlfriend, much less a whole wife!?!”
Act II:
Nanami will be the type of man to always make sure you’ve eaten and have been properly fed. No missed meals on his watch!! If you have a certain craving he will make sure to make time so he can take you out to some restaurant or maybe just a cozy little cafe. The whole way there you’re chatting his ear off about how excited you were to finally try this new food item you were craving. Let’s just say not all things go as planned because the second your food came out, it was nasty as hell. You still decided to try and eat it though so you wouldn’t seem ungrateful or anything. But Nanami noticed how you seemed to be picking over the food. He raises his eyebrows before reaching over and taking your plate to switch with his, and before you could even protest he shakes his head. “Don’t worry you can have mine, I don’t want you to go hungry because the food isn’t to your liking.” So he eats the whole meal even if it’s the grossest thing he’s ever had. Every last bite. And you’re just sitting there stunned because what person would put themselves through that? Nanami will.
He will text you every morning asking if you’ve eaten. If you haven’t and he doesn’t have time to come over he’ll get your favorite breakfast delivered to your house, along with flowers cause why not? Nanami loves to cook for you, you won’t even need to lift a finger in the kitchen. He always plans out the meals beforehand as well. He likes grocery shopping with you but sometimes you love to pick out the bad ingredients, so he always has to switch them out with the healthier option. I know I said you don’t have to lift a finger but if you beg really hard with those cute eyes of yours he might let you be his sous chef. He may act annoyed but honestly he thinks the food tastes better when you make it together.
Act III:
He is always concerned for your safety and comfort. Do you guys know the sidewalk rule? Yeah Nanami definitely is an advocate for that. He doesn’t let you walk for a millisecond before pulling you on the opposite side. “Be careful. Let me walk on this side.” When you guys are going out together for a night out and for example let’s say it’s really cold out and you’re not dressed for the weather. That man is stopping you before you have the chance to leave the room. “You should put on a jacket, it’s really cold outside honey.” He even goes and gets your jacket, helping you put it on and zipping/buttoning it up. He doesn’t forget to seal it off with a kiss of course. Let’s say you guys don’t live together yet and you two went out for a date. Nanami will always wait until you reach the door and safety get inside your home before even thinking about driving off. Nanami the type of guy to get you out of a uncomfortable situation just by merely walking up and staring at whoever was bothering you at the time, guiding you away with a palm at the small of your back.
Act IV:
He listens to whatever you’re talking about. Most times it may not seem like he’s paying attention since he’s usually reading a book while you ramble about something that has interests you lately. He loves the way your eyes light up and the way your hands move when you tell a story. It doesn’t matter when or what he’s doing just know he’s always listening. He won’t ever admit it but his most favourite thing is when you tell him your workplace drama as you’re getting ready for sleep. He will hand you things as you ramble on about how Patrick from HQ was being a total ass to Sally.
“Oh honey did he really say that? He’s a piece of shit honestly, not a real man.” Nanami shakes his head as he hands you your toothbrush.
“Seriously I know! I don’t see how he hasn’t gotten fired yet. Oh Kento I need-“
“Your cleanser? I know I got it right here.”
He continues to help you throughout your whole night routine, only butting in when he felt it was necessary. It’s the little things that matter with Nanami. He’s never too busy for you, ever. When you get into some new hobby and you’re telling him about all the things you’ve learned about it, he mentally notes down things he wants to buy for you. So when you come home from work one day surrounded by a couple of cook books and new baking materials don’t be surprised. The better part of the surprise is Nanami walking out the kitchen wearing a cupcake apron as he greets you, causing you to burst out laughing.
“What? Don’t I look handsome darling? Been preparing the recipe for us to bake together.”
“Oh Ken you do look handsome baby. I didn’t even know you were listening when I was talking about how much I wanted to bake together.”
“I’m always listening honey, now cmon I got us matching aprons.”
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Thank youuu if you read this hehe :3 Sorry it’s so short just testing things 🙏 I am very open to feedback or any type of requests
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cheeeeseburger · 2 days
I'd rather have empty sheets than empty promises
Carlos Sainz x Reader
A/N: I suck at titles so bad that it's not even funny anymore lmao. Anyway, English is not my first language, apologies for the mistakes, enjoy!
“I don’t want to sleep on the couch.” Carlos entered the bedroom you two shared with a blanket in his arms. Honestly, he looked adorable, but you were still pissed.
“That’s fine. I’ll go instead.” You stood up from the bed and tried to grab the blanket from him but he gripped your arm instead. “Tesoro, I want to sleep with you. We’ll talk about it in the morning, okay?” You wanted so badly to say yes, to sleep in his arms like nothing happened, but you knew you needed some space.
“It’s okay. We’ll talk about it tomorrow. I just need some space right now, okay?” Carlos did not look like it was okay, but he let your arm free. He was not used to you being so cold, so distant. At that moment, you were not his loving girlfriend, but a ghost of her.
You made you way to the couch, which was thankfully pretty comfy. Still, you did not feel as good, as loved and as safe as you felt when you slept in his arms. He must have felt the same, because you could hear him tossing and turning in the bedroom.
After a few minutes, against your wish, you started to cry. The fight you two had really, really sucked. It was about you not being able to attend many races this season because of school. To muffle the sound, you hid your face in the blanket. Carlos still heard you, and he made his way to you on the couch, devastated to hear you cry.
“Tesoro…” He sat next to you and you immediately crawled into his arms. He gently brushed your hair with his fingers and patted your arm. You were now full-on crying.
“I’m sorry, Carlos, I am so, so, sorry!” It was difficult to talk through the tears.
“It’s okay, it’s all okay.” He was doing his best to comfort you but really, he needed the comforting too, because seeing you cry broke his heart.
Sobbing, you replied: “No, it’s not okay! I know you wanted me to be there. It’s your home race! I’m an awful girlfriend!” You were crying so damn hard that it was hard to breathe.
He continued to play with your hair, trying to soothe you. “I know you wish you could be there, Tesoro. I understand.” It’s true that he wished you could attend more races. He liked having you cheering on him. He always performed best when you were there. However, he understood that you had your own obligations, and he respected that. How could he be mad that his girl was successful and ambitious?
“I just don’t want you to think I don’t care!” You said, crying your heart out. Ok, wow, this was a new record for you. Usually, you weren’t the type to cry a river. Your period must be coming soon.
Carlos softly wiped the tears away and kissed your cheeks where they were. “Tesoro, no, don’t say that. I know you care; I have never doubted you.” You looked at him with teary eyes. “I’m afraid that you’ll grow tired of me someday, or that you’ll resent me for being absent because of school.” Here we go again. The tears started pouring once more. You tried to hide your face in his shoulder, but he gently pulled your head away to look at you.
You were ashamed of the doubt and fear in your eyes, since his were filled with love. “Tesoro, I could never get tired of you! You are essential to me. It’s true that I wish we could always be together, but I’m so proud of you, and I know that finishing your master is important to you. And you’ll be done soon, right?” He delicately stroked your face. He really was the perfect boyfriend, so compassionate and understanding.
You slowly started breathing regularly again, sometimes with the interruption of a few hiccups. You had no tears left to cry anyway.
“Yeah, I only have a few months left. After, I can be with you at every race.” You managed to give him a small smile.
“That’s it, Tesoro. Smile for me again. It breaks my heart to see you cry. I can’t wait for you to travel the world with me.” He gave you a soft kiss.
You laughed at little. “Gosh, I don’t know what’s going on with me. I cried this morning because I saw an old man sitting alone at a coffee shop, and I cried again when they didn’t have oat milk for my latte.” He laughed too. “Amor, you pretend you’re not a big crier, but you always cry for little things. Remember when you cried after seeing the lobsters in the tank at the grocery store?”
You lightly poked him in the chest. “They were just so cute! I felt bad for them.”
“But not enough to not eat them?” You stuck your tongue at him. “I want to go to bed now, Carlos. I’m so damn tired from crying every single tear in my body.”
“With me this time, I hope?” You kissed him. “Of course. We should never sleep apart unless we’re forced to. I never sleep well when I don’t feel your weight on the bed.”
He smiled at your words, then picked you up bridal style. You could get used to this. “I’m practicing for our wedding night,” Carlos said, laughing. He gently laid you on the bed.
You pointed at your empty ring finger. “I fear you’re getting ahead of yourself, Mr. Sainz.” He laid next to you on the bed. “Don’t worry Tesoro, it’s coming.” You gasped and he laughed at your shocked expression.
“Carlos, you can’t say that to me before we go to sleep! I’ll be up all-night thinking about it.” You were very, very pleased at his confession. You gave him a big smile.
“Good, then that’ll prepare you for when I keep you up all night after the wedding.” He snuggled into you. You laughed and he gave you a goodnight kiss.
“Goodnight, Carlos. I love you.”
“I love you too, Tesoro. Dream of me, will you?”
Less than a year later, you were walking down the stage of your university, one hand resting on your very rounded belly, showing off the diamond on your finger, and the other holding you master’s degree. You could hear your fiancé congratulating you somewhere in the public.
Who would’ve thought you were going to be a pregnant graduate? Turns out that there was a reason behind your endless tears that other night, a few months ago. Although the timing was not the one you had hoped for, you and Carlos could not be happier that a little Sainz was on the way.
You had been ecstatic when he proposed, and you could not wait to get married. Your only condition was that the wedding must be after your graduation, so you could have your maiden name on the degree, but before the birth of the baby, so you could all be Sainz.
That’s how you and Carlos ended up in kitschy chapel in Las Vegas after a thrilling GP. The pictures were adorable. You were in a short white dress, with your full belly on display, and your now husband was in tux, holding you possessively in his arms. You looked positively in love, and that’s what you were. This was not the grand wedding you had expected, but it was a thousand times sweeter. Plus, it would be a great story to tell at bedtime.
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604to647 · 1 day
Into the Night (Drabble)
0.46K / Detective Tim Rockford x fem!reader
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Summary: You wake to Tim leaving for work.
Warnings: 18+ Content (MDNI please), a little less fluffy than the other one-shots but no less loving, established relationship, reference to smut and somno, dirty talk, nicknames (Shutterbug, baby).
A/N: Two Tim stories in 24 hrs, who am I? 😂 This one appeared out of nowhere and was written on my phone 🫣 Part of The Rockford Portfolio series, but can be read alone.
Dividers by @saradika-graphics as always 😘
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It’s still dark outside when you wake to the electronic beeping of the gun lock box in your closet opening.
It’s biometric, opening only to Tim’s fingers, so when you roll over to find his side of bed empty and cold, your sleep-addled brain catches up to what you already know.
He appears like a dream in the closet doorframe, hard lines illuminated by soft lighting - already dressed, gun holster straps hugging his weary shoulders and tight muscles.
Securing his firearm in its place beneath his arm, Tim comes to kneel by your side of the bed, face apologetic and voice gentle, “Didn’t mean to wake you, Shutterbug. Just have go in to work for a bit, okay?”
“Is it dangerous?” your voice small and sleepy, eyes still half closed but full of worry.
“Night shift just needs a little back up is all,” the detective says reassuringly, cradling your head in his warm paw, soothing your temple with his thumb.
He knows you know that he’s purposefully not answering, unwilling to lie; you both know that it’s always dangerous. Your body starts to stir, waking to the realities of the type of things that have the power to pull your loving boyfriend from your warm bed.  Tim knows that you’ll always worry for him, but he won’t steal any more peaceful sleep from you than he already has, so he tries another tactic.
“You remember what you said when we went to sleep last night?”
“What did I say?” You remember perfectly.
“You said not to clean you up because you wanted to feel me dripping out between your legs.  And that in the morning, you would wake me with your mouth, make me hard and throbbing so I could fuck my cum back into your pretty hole.”
“Oh, right.  I said, that,” you grin at the memory.
“Yes, that,” smiles Tim wickedly, “now go back to sleep.  The sooner you’re asleep, the sooner I’ll be fucking you awake, baby.”
A fresh wave of arousal mixed with his spend leaks out of your pussy at Tim’s words, the damp feeling against your inner thigh an assurance that there’s truth in his promise.  Placated, you yawn a contented yawn at the thought.
“Come back to me safe, Detective Rockford,” you murmur, eyes already closing.
“Nothing could keep me from you, Shutterbug,” Tim promises, as he always does, adding, “I love you.”
Your quiet but heartfelt recitation of the same sentiment is the last thing you remember before you drift off into a peaceful slumber.  Detective Rockford presses a soft kiss to your hair and takes one last look at the angelic serenity of your beautiful face - arming himself with the image as he heads out to face the night.
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it-happened-one-fic · 8 hours
Might've Walked Slower - Floyd
Author Notes: So, I was actually planning on posting a different fic today, but then the Stitch even came out today so I decided Floyd would get a fic posted today instead. I've actually had this written for a little bit, but it's been undergoing polishing and gathering dust in my google docs. I had fun writing and working on this one, though I have to admit it really doesn't have any specific source of inspiration beyond NRC having an old building and me wondering if there were secret passageways. As per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ sfw/ fluff/ flirtation
Word count: 1685
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It started the same way a great many things at NRC seemed to start. With a task from Crowley.
To be fair, this task wasn’t particularly difficult or even that annoying. It was just returning some books to the school library for him.
The only trouble came in the form of a bored Floyd Leech, who was currently lurking in the library for unknown reasons. Luckily, Floyd had thus far opted to sit and boredly watch as you shelved books once he’d discovered your presence didn’t mean anything exciting.
But nothing could stay simple in NRC, and today served as still more evidence for that fact.
You’d simply put one hand down on a strangely empty shelf to support yourself while you stretched upwards to place a book on a still higher shelf. And that was when everything went horribly wrong.
You leaned forward ever so slightly more, frowning as you stretched just a little bit more, and all at once the shelf let out a horrible groaning sound and gave way. Your eyes widened, and you realized exactly what was going to happen.
You plummeted forward with a shriek that had Floyd jerking upright from his previously relaxed position of stretching his upper body across the top of a table, “Shrimpy?!”
His voice sounded equal parts startled and concerned, but you paid him little mind as you scrambled, catching yourself against a web-coated wall as you tumbled through where the bookshelf had just been. Your shoulder slamming hard against the cold stone in a way that promised you would have some impressive bruises tomorrow morning.
You groaned slightly as you pushed yourself back, your uninjured arm wrapping around your body so that you could press a hand to your now-throbbing shoulder. But all thoughts of how much that was going to hurt tomorrow fled as you stared at the gaping hole in the wall that was now in front of you.
You stared in quiet horror at the hole before your brain kicked into gear, noting that the edges of the opening were smooth and that this area had obviously been built this way to let the bookshelf swing open like a demented door to reveal the tunnel lined with sconces that hung on the filthy walls.
Though you’d initially thought you’d somehow caused the entire bookcase to topple, that was obviously not the case. Instead, it looked like you’d managed to somehow trigger a mechanism that had opened some sort of hidden door to a passageway that you were now standing in the entrance of.
“Shrimpy, are you…” Floyd trailed off from where he’d appeared behind you as he beheld the darkened path you’d uncovered.
Both of you stood in silence, staring down the stone tunnel whose walls bore unlit sconces before giving way into a deep darkness. You slowly stood as you continued to stare into the darkness from next to Floyd. Wondering what, exactly, this passage was and where it led.
“What have you found this time, Shrimpy?” Floyd’s amused voice snapped you out of your silent gaping, and you shot him a look only to find him staring into the darkness with sparkling eyes that spoke of an emotion that one should always be wary of if it were coming from Floyd. 
With a simple gesture that was not unlike snapping his fingers, magic shot out from where the young man stood, and flames began to flicker in the sconces as he stepped past you into the passageway. Before you could say anything, he’d already reached back and wrapped one hand around your wrist with a smooth rolling motion of his long fingers. 
“Floyd, wai-” You were cut off by him giving you a slight tug and pulling you into the tunnel-like space with him. He was already grinning in a way that told you that you were probably going to be stuck going with him no matter what you said.
“Come on~ it’ll be fun,” His eyes were alight, and the yellow one had a slight glow to it that reminded you of the deep-sea fish that used lights to tempt prey in closer. 
And, in some ways, it was tempting to check out the tunnel-like passage you’d discovered. After all, just finding it brought to light numerous questions. 
Were there more? What was it for? And how old was NRC anyway if it had hidden passageways like this?
You hesitated though, glancing back towards the library as your freehand fell away from your shoulder before Floyd’s sing-songy voice came from far closer than it had been before, telling you he’d stepped closer to you, “Don’t you wanna know where it leads~?”
You looked back towards him, finding that he had indeed stepped closer and was now looking at you, still holding onto your wrist and smiling in a way that told you he knew he was going to win. Because, unfortunately, you were curious about this hidden passage that you’d discovered.
“Just for a little while. I’m not spending all day and night exploring some creepy path with you,” Your tone was firm, but still drew a giggle from the tall young man who now turned to lead you down the path. His hand sliding down until your hands were interlocked.
“It's not creepy, just a little dark. Kind of like home,” You all but snorted at his utterly relaxed demeanor. Of course he wouldn’t find previously secret, web-encrusted tunnels lit only by widely spaced sconces creepy.
But then there was no telling what he was used to seeing from his time living under the sea. Creepy might be an everyday commodity for him. And he had said it was sort of like his home….
When you didn’t actually respond as you glanced around at your surroundings, he twisted, looking back at you with an amused, almost mocking grin, “Aw, don’t tell me you’re afraid of the dark, Shrimpy~”
“Hardly, I just tend to be wary of places that strike me as fishy,” If anything, your words seemed to delight him further as he tugged you up closer to him so that you were walking side by side as he leaned towards you.
“Don’t worry. I’m way more fishy than anything that’ll be in here,” He winked in a way that had you rolling your eyes, but not pulling away from him even as he giggled. Because, for better or worse, having Floyd with you while exploring some dark hole in a magical school was far better than being alone.
After all, he could probably take on anything you found.
Floyd stopped, tugging you to a stop by simply not letting you pull him with you as you came to the edge of the set of stairs. 
Glancing back, you noticed him tilting his head with a thoughtful expression before he met your gaze and smiled teasingly once more, “Reckon it goes to the dungeon?”
You couldn’t stop the snort that came from your throat as you shook your head, “Why would a school have a dungeon?”
He shrugged, staring down the stone steps and soon guiding you down with him as he kept lighting sconces as you approached them, and amusingly, it made you wonder if he really was worried that you were afraid of the dark, “Don’t know, maybe for bad kiddies?”
“Shouldn’t most of the school, including you, be down here then?” Your wry words had him snickering even as you pondered where the staircase led. 
You tilted your head as you carefully followed Floyd down the stone staircase, “Has this place always been a school?”
Floyd gave you a sideways glance before shrugging in a perfectly nonchalant manner, “Don’t know. You’d have to ask one of the history buffs about that.”
Your mind briefly flickered to Malleus’s analysis of the gargoyles on every building on the campus before you dismissed the thought with a shrug, “Either way, I hope this staircase ends with a door out of here.”
“Aw, you aren’t enjoying our date?” You grinned despite yourself at Floyd’s potentially faux pout.
“I didn’t realize this was a date?” You glanced up, still smiling, at Floyd in time to watch as he briefly went wide-eyed before recovering with record timing.
“You think I just casually take all cuties down some potentially forbidden tunnel?” Floyd’s grin was perfectly shameless, but it had laughter bubbling out of you as you shook your head at his antics.
And a large part of you couldn’t believe that you were slowly slipping into the all-too-obvious trap of flirting with Floyd. But here you were, and in no way were you uncomfortable.
In fact, despite yourself and the environment, you were perfectly enjoying your little jaunt through this web-encrusted passage. And you had a sneaking suspicion that the sole reason you were having fun was the young man next to you.
Looking ahead, you could indeed see a door at the foot of the stairs, no doubt the exit to the lengthy tunnel, “How about next time you tell me we’re on a date before whisking me off down some dark tunnel? I might’ve walked slower.”
You could’ve sworn his eyes were sparkling as he grinned at both you and your words before he turned to look at the door, “Well, let’s see where our secret path leads.”
With that, he pushed open the door, scaring the ghosts on the other sides and letting the scent of cooking food spill into the passageway. Your new location could be in only one place. The kitchen.
Floyd was laughing as the two of you entered the hot room filled with now flustered spirits, but before he let go of your hand, he tugged you closer to him and leaned down to whisper in your ear, “Next time you go exploring, make sure to tell me.”
You looked up to see him grinning at you, utterly delighted by the happenings of the day and a long way off from the bored Floyd of earlier as he winked at you, “I’ve got to hold you to walking slower on our next date.”
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eoieopda · 1 year
it is very cold in [redacted] this morning with the wind chill and it is maybe a violation of my rights to have to get out of bed and go outdoors.
i do not want a career; i want to spend all day in my bed, marinating in yoongi content ☠️
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opens-up-4-nobody · 5 months
#sometimes i find the degree to which i cannot concentrate very alarming#like bro i canno read. i have so much to do but i wanna sleep forever#i just have to get up and go somewhere else. normally id go transfer algae or run but im stuck inside and .y fingers r all cold#usually its just in the morning that I get thr high distress so its prob the meds#but yesterday was kinda fucked. ugh.i just need to run around but i cant#i have such a sinister combo of: brain stops me from being able to b productive and if im not productive i am compelled to do horrible#things. mood issues and 0cd is horrible. horrible feedback loop#i just wish i could breathe. itll b fine. eventually itll b summer again and itll b fine#its like someone's squeezing my throat. like im sick but i kno its just that im anxious#i was doing so well the past few days in terms of reading and productivity despite the distress#and im trying to b kind and roll with the punches but its so hard#like i kno i need to relax and not resist bc resistance makes it worse but it's just hard and im worried this is how itll always b#i wish i could go back on lamicta1. i felt way better on low dose of that then i do on low dose of abi1ify. its so hard to stay on this#just bc of how my head works. and like things were complicated with the lamicta1. maybe i wouldnt habe had a reaction if i didnt get a#tatto0 while upping the dose but now im marked as allergic so i prob wont b allowed to try any of thr anti convulsive type antidepressants#ugh. i hate this. its so frustrating#unrelated
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wabblebees · 2 years
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badolmen · 2 years
Oh it’s like. Actually fall finally lol.
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Oh wow, gotta love constantly changing weather temperatures and air pressures. My 'somethings wrong with you but it's not showing up on the 4 x-rays we made you take because you dont need an MRI just PT' joints love it. My 'its not arthritis but you have degenerative joints' problem loves it because if I don't constantly move or stay warm my joints act like rusty hinges and forces me to give it attention for once. It's totally normal for early 20s me to feel my bones scrap against each other :D
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mvnces · 5 months
being out in the winter weather has reminded me … as cursed as it is, illya probably would not be phased by the weather in the slightest
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randomartsideblog · 6 months
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mommypieck · 7 months
⌗︙・jjk men waking up after a wet dream about you ⸜⸜・
a small chuckle leaves his mouth when he wakes up from a pleasant dream about you. his cock is aching for attention, precum already building at the top. it's the first time he had a dream about you. not to lie, he fantasized about your cute little body before but never in a dream. he wraps his hand around his cock and tries to remember little details about the dream. the way you would bounce on his cock or your little hand wrapped around it. he's not ashamed, you're a pretty girl after all. but from your behavior, he can see that you're shy and timid. maybe he can ask you out to turn his dream true. he speeds his hand around his cock, bringing himself closer to his orgasm. he thinks about a specific scene from his dream - you spread in front of him with your fingers in your cunt. he cums at the thought, covering his hand with his cock. he giggles, gojo hopes he will have similar dream soon.
he wakes up with sweat on his forehead, groaning when he notices his hard on. the girl in his dream was too similar to you, same hair, eyes, body type. he can't believe he had this kind of dream about you. it was a good dream, he has to say. geto can't decide if he should take a cold shower and forget about everything or take care of his little problem. after all, he's gonna see you today and he doesn't wanna be awkward. his lips turn into a little smile as he thinks about what would happen if you saw what he is about to do. or what if you had the same dream? mmm, you took his cock so well in his dream, would you be able to do that in real life? he's seen your tiny ass move in your little skirts, you would have problem taking him for sure. fuck it, he thinks as he wraps his hand around his cock. he softly massages his shaft, imagining that it's your tiny hand stroking him. all problems leave him in that moment, he's gonna relive that dream now and hopefully later today when he invites you over.
he groans when he finally opens his eyes to meet a familiar decor of his room. he doesn't wanna think about it, he doesn't wanna think about how hard his cock is right now. he throws his arm around his eyes, trying to breathe deeply to forget all about the dream. he hasn't had a wet dream since he was a teenager and now someone like you is gonna make them pop up again? he thought you were cute when he first met you but he never thought you would be capable of doing such a slutty things. it was just a dream, he has to remind himself, maybe you are innocent. he taps his fingers on his cock, he really doesn't wanna do this. nanami tries to think of different porn starts he's seen online but his thoughts come back to you. his hand finally grips his cock and he squeezes it until it's painful. it's all your fault, maybe it you weren't so cute, he wouldn't have to do this.
she's even haunting me in my dream, toji thinks when he wakes up. his cock is already standing proudly, just begging for him to take it in his hand. he doesn't waste any time wrapping his hand around it. he always thought you were pretty, your body is basically all he ever dreamed about. it's not the first time you appeared in his dream but this time, he is certain that it was you. all of the other dreams were blurry but this one was way more vivid. he strokes his cock slowly, thinking about the way you bended for him in that dream. the only thing that's pissing him off is that you're not here with him right now, that you can't use your mouth or your little pussy on him. he feels himself getting close as he thinks about all the things he would do to you if he could. he cums on his hand, surprising himself how strong this orgasm was. there's something about you and he has to find out what it is.
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plushie-lovey · 8 months
Today has been very eventful you guys. I sadly did not take any pics tho. But I took Autumn out with me (along with my datemate of course) to a tourist town, which is a 30min drive from where I live, that's famous for having witch stuff and huge for celebrating Halloween. While there we found so many amazing plushies, including some super cute and unusual animals from the brand Miyoni by Aurora, the largest selection of Palm Pals I've ever seen in one place, and a nicknack store half of which I can only describe as Jellycat Valhalla. Yes I came home with some new friends. I adopted a very fluffy rooster, 2 precious red pandas, an axolotl, and a jellycat little dexter dragon
#the rooster and one red panda are by Miyoni. the other red panda and the axo are palm pals#I actually wasn't gonna get the little dexter dragon so my datemate got it for me instead#not that I didn't have the money I just couldn't justify getting it. but my datemate saw how excited I was to see it irl#so he bought it. Im def not complaining#ik I said recently that Im overwhelmed by my collection and have very little if no room which is true#but all the plush I got were smaller and I thought about them for 20 minutes each before buying#I didn't get them impulsively. otherwise I'd have come home with multiple jellycats instead#but I've been wanting to expand my collection of red pands (they're hard to find in person) and the 2 I got are incredibly cute#especially the miyoni one. I LOVE stimming with her tail and she's got the most precious face. she's my fave red panda in my collection now#and the axo is very small. she fits on my bed. the rooster I probably didn't need but I've been wanting to add a chicken plush to my#collection for a while. and he just spoke to me. he's very fluffy#these plush will remain in my collection when I go thru the purge because I genuinely really love them n its not just new possession#type of love. I will show you all pics later and you will see#anyways happy Halloween everyone I gotta go get over being stuck in the freezing cold and rain for 2 hours#after waiting for lyft to select a driver to come take us home#my poor fingers amd thighs are so cold rn#viti shoosh
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hoshigray · 1 month
hello, lovely! is it okay to request a short fic wherein gojo’s pregnant wife (y/n) stole his kikufuku? thank u! (missing soft gojo hours 😭)
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𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: omg stoooop this is so cute and sweet, what!?
⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Gojo x pregnant afab/fem! reader - tooth-rotting fluff - pet names (angel, baby, stars and moon, sweetheart) - Gojo being a big crybaby over sweets - so soft, i was smiling while writing, hehe~.
⊹ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.1k
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“…!” You jolt, immediately looking to the entrance of the living room to see your husband. “Gojo! You okay?”
The white-haired man stands still with a gawked expression, eyes covered by his black blindfold with his usual Jujutsu Tech attire, and you can assume the noise came from the souvenir bags he dropped to the floor.
“…Y/n, my angelic stars and moon,” he finally speaks after a few seconds of silence, and you can see his lips quiver with trembling hands. “Is…Is that my last kikufuku?” 
If there is one thing Gojo loved more than anything other than you, it would be his undying love for sweets! You could never find him without any at his disposal; he’d have a bunch of lollipops in his pockets, be licking popsicles or soft serves while monitoring his first years during their missions, or typically stop by a café and grab some crepes for dessert to take home and share with you. He’s known to have a childish heart, and sweets are his weakness!
His all-time favorite would be the mochi delicacy he often gets during his mission trips to Sendai, and he’s always sure to buy a whole box worth to make the long trip up North worth it. Kikufuku, the crushed edamame and cream-filled mochi, is Gojo’s favorite sweet to eat — you’re a witness to him happily stuffing his face with them lying on the couch after a hard day’s work. He’s the type to eat one every week until he can return to Sendai and get more. 
This week was the very last one he had saved, secured in the cold fridge for him to eat once he got home. And he wasn’t going to Sendai anytime soon, so he planned on treasuring and savoring it the moment he stepped inside and lay beside his pregnant partner to chill on this blissful spring evening.
He could never get over the sight of you whenever he came home. Gojo loved his partner so much that he swears he would burn the world if you commanded him to, which you knew is an exaggeration, but his love is true. The day he got on one knee and heard you say yes to his proposal was the happiest he’d ever been, sweeping you off your feet, putting you in your dream puffy white dress, and officially becoming the spouse of the strongest sorcerer in the jujutsu world! And now you were swole with his child!? Not even God could strike this man to calm him down of his glee.
You were sitting on the living room couch like you always did, waiting for your husband to return, wearing a black maternity one-piece that comfortably molded around your figure and a blue flannel shirt – his flannel – to keep you warm. Gojo came home with souvenirs to share and impress, a huge smile just from thinking about your reactions. 
However, the sight has him gasp dramatically loud and drop everything to the wooden floor, because he saw something in your hand, something that broke his heart noticing the green and white filling apparent from a bite on an undeniable white rice cake. 
You were eating the very last of his kikufuku…How could you!?
You blinked at him, then turned to the sweet in your hand, and the realization of what you were doing finally hit you. “Oh! I’m sorry, Satoru! I was feeling snacky.”
The tall man teeters to where you’re sitting, whining with every step. “So why didn’t you eat your snacks, sweetheart?”
“I don’t know?” You shrugged, licking bits of the edamame cream off your middle finger. “They didn’t seem like what I was craving for. I wanted something sweet, ya know? And I finished my ice cream two nights ago, so this was all I could find.”
“Yeah, but like,” you can tell his eyebrows were scrunched together even if the black material concealed his upper face. “That was my last one, baby! Plus, you could’ve texted me you’d eat it, or I could’ve stopped somewhere to grab you something sweet!”
“I know! But, you were very busy today; a big mission up in Kyoto and a meeting with Principal Yaga, sooo…” you squished the mochi gently, licking more of the filling coming out. “I didn’t wanna interrupt or bother you…”
“But stilllll~!”God, you were so cute when you cared for him, you almost made him forget the whole thing then and there. But you can’t hate the man for being a little upset, right? Gojo sighs and places his cheek on your belly. “Little booger, you hear what your momma is doing to me? So cruel~.”
You gasped. “Hey! Don’t say that to them!” Your free hand tries to yank him off your tummy by the hair, yet he doesn’t budge as he exclaims painfully. “What, are you saying the pregnant love of your life is some villain because they ate one of your sweets? As if I never caught you taking scoops of my favorite ice cream!? Have you no shame, Gojo Satoru!”
He swats your hand off his snowy hair, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Between you and Principal Yaga, there is a scarce few Gojo would allow to beat him up for his foolishness. He turns his head – still above the baby – to face you and releases a sigh. “I’m sorry, I was just really stoked I’d get to have that kikufuku; it’ll be a long while before I go get more…Ughhh.” Another sigh is exerted, and you can only shake your head with rolled eyes. He’s such a baby.
You bring his blindfold down to his chin to free the azure eyes he’s been hiding since this morning, and his hair falls from its spiky appearance. Then, you separate the mochi into two and push one to his lips, “You happy now?” You say with a grin. “I’m sorry, but I wanted to give these a try. Besides, we’ll have a little one to look after soon; wouldn’t it be nice for them to know what their father likes to snack on from time to time?”
Now, how in the world could Gojo still be upset with that logic? Being a father is a foreign concept he’s accepting with open arms, sharing the experience with the person he values and cherishes the most. To have a child with you is the highest honor of all for him. And imagining his small family happy and eating sweets together under his care makes his cheeks show a subtle shade of pink.
He smiles as he accepts the piece of the rice cake, chuckling when you flick his nose playfully. “You’re so sweet, angel.”
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© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 – reblogs and comments are appreciated wholeheartedly ✩ dividers by @/benkeibear.
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targaryenluvs · 6 months
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pairing: dark!president!coriolanus snow x innocent!wife!reader
summary: he’d won the election, much to your elation. now you’d have to navigate the fame, fortune and status as the first lady of panem. but coriolanus just wanted you all to himself, and he’d do anything to scare you into his arms.
warnings: possessiveness, murder, robbery, bad smut, controlling, tears, babying, kisses, fingering, oral (f receiving), p in v, kinda subby corio/dom, praise, sense of entitlement? breeding kink, tummy bulge, overstimulation, little bit of aftercare
word count: 2k
a/n: i’m such a bitch for making everyone wait so long for a delicate part two 😌 and i finally have the confidence for smut so heheh - yes i’m using tvd names a lot - corio/coryo use - tried out a new layout 👀
part one of delicate
you couldn’t believe it.
coriolanus snow, president of panem.
all of his hard work has finally paid off and you couldn’t be more happy for him. you wanted to give him a gift but you still had no idea what he would want. it seemed the two of you practically had everything overnight, so a measly gift seemed to be difficult to acquire, one that he liked? even harder.
so you’d decided to go out, the idea of surprising him exciting you so much you’d forgotten to tell coriolanus where you were going to.
so imagine his surprise when his assistant told him you’d left the house, viewing you on the security cameras.
which you had no idea were there.
coriolanus saw it as an act of defiance.
he had to move about this correctly, he couldn’t have you injured, but he needed to scare you back into his arms. to remind you of the horrible place that panem was.
over twelve stores, and nothing. so you’d decided to enlist the help of one of your few friends. “not a single clue of what he’d want?” elena asked as you stabbed at your fries, “nope.” you answered as you placed a fry in your mouth.
“well if he has absolutely everything then his gorgeous wife should be a nice gift after an extremely long day no?” you looked up at her, confused, “what do you mean?” she giggled, “oh god, i forget how you don’t know that much. you, y/n.” at your adorable puppy face she leaned in, “your body.” you jumped back at her words, “i… i’ve never.”
“you’ve never?!” elena slapped her hand over her mouth at your admission, “how? i mean you’re absolutely stunning sweetheart, how hasn’t he yet?” you played with the table cloth in your hands, “i don’t know.” elena twisted her fork around her pasta, “okay has he never made a move, or, have you never noticed the signs?” you took a sip of your wine as you stared back at her, “what signs?” elena sighed, rubbing her temple, “there are signs, moments. the two of you, sitting on the couch and his hand trails higher. his breath quickens at the sight of you in a dress. the little things.”
“and what happens if you notice these signs, act on them?” and this was exactly her expertise, she wiped her face with her napkin before paying the bill. “if i’m going to explain this in detail then we need to go to my house. or a dirtier part of town. my dear girl, i’m taking you to your first ever bar.”
coriolanus has to hold on to his mask of self-restraint, you’d been spotted at a bar, with one of your friends that he despised. but at least his plan could take full effect without a hitch.
your mind had been blown, irrevocably and utterly blown. the way elena had described it all, she made it sound like heaven. but she did tell you about other men, some care for themselves more so than the girl. and you had no clue what type of man corio was in bed.
you���d been so absorbed in your own thoughts you hadn’t noticed the man following you, not until he attacked you. he’d been going after your bag of course, but it was a gift from coriolanus. the man was unrelenting as he shoved you against the cold wall, grimy hands pushing and pulling with you as you tried to regain hold of your purse. “let go!” you cried out before he slammed you into the wall again, loosing grip on the purse coriolanus had just gifted you.
what would he say? it was his gift to you!
you woke up with a throbbing headache and corios hands brushing away strands from your face. “there you are sweet thing. you feeling okay?” you peered up at him, unable to move due to the millions of blankets on you. noticing your struggle he smiled before shifting them off, “better?” you nodded before sitting up with his help.
“corio, i lost the bag you gave me. the bad guy he- i’m so so sorry. please don’t be mad with me i didn’t mean to-“ he laughed, although it didn’t reach his eyes, “you think i care about the bag y/n/n? i could buy you a million bags, better bags. i’m just glad you’re okay. those guys, they won’t bother you again.” all you could do was sob and hug him, pondering the meaning of his words.
“hey, what the hell man? you said to attack the girl and take the bag!” the man shouted as coriolanus undid his cuffs, adjusted his sleeve, pushing it back on both arms. “i told you to go for the bag, yes. but i specifically remember drilling it into your head not to hurt her. and now she’s lying in bed, has been for the past three house with bruises everywhere. and for that?”
shouts and screams of pain echoed through the abandoned building as coriolanus struck the man with a hammer, over and over and over. the job had one guideline. and this idiot couldn’t get it right.
don’t hurt his delicate girl.
you’d been so absorbed with worrying over the purse and apologising for your tears you hadn’t noticed corios hungry eyes. “i really did like that purse.” he murmured, “oh corio, i should’ve tried harder to keep it. what can i do?” hook, line and sinker. he had you where he wanted and he’d finally get what he deserved.
“let me fuck you. please.” and who were you to say no? your naivety led to him laying you down on the bed, head between your thighs. you’d heard about it from elena, a man pleasuring a woman, but it was a million times better than you could’ve imagined. coriolanus was messy, and desperate. he’d been waiting for so long and god was it worth it.
his heart raced with both excitement and nervousness as he held your thighs in his own hands, tracing up and downwards, feeling the warmth against his own skin. coriolanus couldn't resist the opportunity to tease you. “you wanna cum?” corio mumbled as he continued sucking on your swollen clit, “mhm.” you could hear him laughing at your pathetic excuse of agreeing.
coriolanus wholeheartedly believes you belong to him. the second you were married, and even before, you were his. your submission would prove it, and he would do anything for it. you were his and he was yours. his bold blue eyes ravished you, all of you, “who’s making you feel this good?” your hips squirmed away from him but he just pulled you back, pushing two fingers into you.
corio reveled in your naivety, the way you responded to his touch, the way you whispered dirty words as if it were a sin. and right now, you still couldn’t bring yourself to name what you needed. his pace was brutal as he lapped at your cunt, a third finger curling inside of you as they went in and out. your gasps and cries were music to his ears, he’d been denied this all too long, and he wasn’t sure how he’d ever done it. “cmon, say it.” and you did, over and over again. “it’s you! you, coryo.”
“coryo, ah, your fingers feel so good,” you mewled, tilting your hips more trying to lean into his touch. coryo withdrew his fingers to play with your clit, rubbing circles around your sensitive nub that resulted in you crying out in pleasure.
“such a good girl, getting all wet for me,” you nodded along dumbly, “for you, all you.” you babbled as he kissed you deeply.
coryos hand dragged up and down your folds, “your pussy is soaked, baby. look at that,” you whined at the feeling of him not touching you, your cheeks flushed at the sight of your arousal. coryo pulled his pants down, throwing them away over his shoulder. you hid your head into the pillow as coryo tutted, “you have to look pretty girl, look at the mess you made.” coryo taunted as he rubbed your slick juices all over his dick, trying to humiliate you, get a rise out of you. coryos hand holds onto your neck, tightening as you clutched on with both hands, “please, coryo, i’ll be so good.” he rested his forehead on yours, noses touching.
“i love you, i love you, i love you.” he whispered in your ear, “my beautiful wife, you’d look so good with my baby in you.” the idea of having his baby had you pressing your lips to his as he bit down on your lower lip, making you gasp as your lips part, his tongue pushing inside your mouth, exploring every bit of you he’d ever wished to. his hunger hadn’t fallen, only increased.
“ i need to fuck you,” he panted, you having stolen his breath. coryo teased your folds with the head of his cock, “need to fill up this pretty little pussy of yours,” he pushed into you, warm walls coating his cock as he groaned, “you feel so good.” he moaned into your neck as your hands clutched onto his broad shoulders. he wasn’t sure if he’d last long but then again he didn’t care, it’s not like you knew it was a short time.
the way you clenched down on him was more than enough proof of your virginity. your cries fueled him on as he pinned your hips down into the mattress, rutting against you wildly. “you feel that?” he was everywhere, filling you up. his dick making an appearance through the bulge in your tummy. “uh-huh. too much i can’t-” he stopped you before you could finish by pressing down on it with his palm, “yes you can baby.” you shook your head, “coryo i can’t, you feel too good.” you begin, crying from how good he was making you feel, from how dumb and desperate he was making you.
“m’ gonna fill you up, gonna give you my baby.” he was driving you crazy, his heavy panting, hands on either side of your head, his voice was deep and filled with fire. “yes, yes please inside me.” coryo’s eyes squeezed shut and his brow furrowed you were too much, fuelled on by the idea of a pregnant wife, pregnant you. swollen belly, heavy breasts, relying on him to help you out of bed. his hips stuttered and faltered as he came inside you with a low groan. he didn’t care about pulling out and neither did you as your release came down on you again. “feels so good coryo, thank you.”
he couldn’t help his smile as you continued to thank him for making you feel so good. his ego was sure as hell swelling as he pulled out of you, collapsing on the bed. his hand caressed your face, kissing you all over, praising you.
“you did so well f’me. proud of you baby.” you grinned up at him as you snuggled into his neck. “only for you coryo.” all for him. “i’ll clean you up okay?” you nodded along as he got out of bed.
coriolanus deemed the night a success, but for some reason he didn’t feel complete. he wanted more. but as he looked up at your sleepy eyes and tired out body he wanted to let you rest. but the idea seemed to slip out of his head once he was levelled with your core again, his release spilling out of you and the warm towel forgotten. he didn’t stop himself when he began to lick at you, his tongue working his way into your entrance as your head shoved at his face.
“coryo, i’m sensitive. coryo please stop.” you attempted to crawl away but his hands dragged you to the edge of the bed, legs around his head. your body fell limp against the sheets as pleasure took over. your hands laced with his hair as you cried out.
it was going to be a long night.
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ridingthatd · 6 months
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₊˚₊‧⁺˖ itadorixfem!reader, sukunaxfem!reader, nsfw, heavy smut, fucking him and his brother, choso is fucked up, stalking
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itadori was such a puppy coded type of boyfriend, he was such a sweetheart, he was the type of boyfriend who would pick you up playfully and spin you around just to earn a giggle from you in return, he's the type to insist to take a shower with you, he had a rule that both of you should always bath together- whenever you plan to shower, yuji is already taking his shirt off, revealing his chest covered tattoos, getting ready to join you. he's the type to cuddle you all day whenever you had period cramps-
but he was also the type to fuck you through it, insisting that filling you with his warm cum would make you feel better, insisting that him sucking on your sore boobs would relief the pain, insisting that him licking your blood-soak pussy would make you both feel good- he wasn't lying, a thing that always set you off that yuji acted differently in sex, whenever he would fuck you, it wasn't a sweet love making type, it was the type that would almost make you pass out from being to stuffed with his monster of a cock, that would have you drooling, crossed eyed, out of your mind, that would leave bruises-marks on your body the next morning.
itadori was the type to love you with all his heart, to do anything for the people he loves, the people he care about, and the only people he cared about was you-
and his older brother choso, he looked nothing like your boyfriend- while your boyfriend held such a nice, approachable era around him, his brother was quite the opposite.
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his whole era screamed not approachable, a cold glare was always painted on his face, he had a long dark hair that he would usually throw in a bun, he was tall a bit taller than yuji was, and of course he had tattoos, their gang tattoos- yea your boyfriend was in a gang, to be honest you already knew quite awhile before yuji decided to tell you, it was because your boyfriend always had difficulties in lying he made it so obvious that you weren't surprised once he told you.
both of them had the same exact tattoos, but choso had one tattoo itadori didn't have- it was the tattoo on his face, a straight line painted on his nose.
choso have always wanted you- more like him and his little brother have always wanted you. they been stalking you for a year, ever since they saw you in the club where they had a gang meeting, you wouldn't leave their mind, so they stalked you, they both were fucked up in head, loving the feeling of watching you, your every step, everything you do without you knowing, loving the feeling of watching you moan, and whine in the shower as you use your little fingers to get off.
choso insisted that his little brother should get with you first, claim you first, before anyone else gets to do that before them- he knows he wouldn't let that happen, he would shred whoever dare to lay as much as a finger on you expect him and itadori.
choso sit on the guests bed, he was in the apartment of his little brother, staying in for a little, he always do his causal visits. loving the way you try so hard to hide your attraction to him, staring at him with your fuck me eyes, so tempting.
what would it feel like? to have your warm, wet pussy clutch around him, have the tip of his dick catch at the tight entrance and not let him go, demanding him right back in until he’s sheathed balls deep, his throbbing shaft engulfed and secure and feeling so good. and the day has finally come-
tears and hick ups falls from your lips, as your boyfriends brother, tease you, not letting you cum for the 3rd time. drool leaves your lips connecting your tongue to itadoris tongue as he pulls back, after he spat inside of your mouth, that was half opened the whole time not being able to stop your whines.
"aw look at her, such a pretty little baby, you wanna cum on my brothers tongue? you wanna squirt on his face?" yuji darkly speak out, as he harhsly twist your nipples between his thumb and index finger, rolling it.
you glance down between your thighs to see choso already hungrily staring at you, groaning and slurping on your pussy as if he's feasting on his prey, his huge thick fingers roughly going in-out of your cunt making loud wet noises.
"cum" this is all choso needed to say before you arch your back, your thighs shake, and clear liquid comes out squirting, gushing his whole face with it, choso opens his mouth and let it land directly in his mouth as if he's drinking from a fountain of a goddess. yuji couldn't help but groan at the sight, mouth watering wanting to taste your juice too.
as you limblessly lay down, not having the energy to move a muscle after all the teasing, your boyfriend pick you up and make you lay down on his chest, as he coo at you, showering your face with kisses- you were about to relax into his embrace but you feel his huge cock, rub on your pussy and make it's way inside of you- you whimper.
"shhh it's okay, it's okay leme keep my cock warm and good inside of your pretty little pussy yea?" itadori whispers next your ear, sucking on the tender spot on your neck, you feel chosos huge hands grab your ass and roughly lift you and slam you down his brothers cock, you gasp- he didn't leave any room for you to breath as he keep repeating the process, shoving you up-down, as he lean in, his chest on your back.
"you like that? is my little brothers cock filling you good?" he whispers next to your right ear, trailing his nose down your neck, as yuji suck on your bouncing nipples- clearly to lost in your pussy to keep on what his brother is doing.
you stiffen once you feel a cold metal on your asshole, not quite sure what it is, you don't realize what it is till you feel the warm, twitching cock of choso- it was a piercing, choso had a piercing on his cock. he slowly spread your cheeks, and circle your hole with his cock, before he gently start making his way in, tearing through your ass.
"fuck she got even more tighter fuck fuck fuck" you glance down at your boyfriend he was rocking his hips up your pussy, fucked out his mind, this sight of him was such a turn on that you lean down to suck on his lips, while making clear access for choso to shove his entire cock in.
you choke not being able to breath, " to- to much to much to much" you cry out crawling your nails on yuji chest trying to escape his brothers cock that teared into your ass. choso laughs darkly- it was the first time you heared him laughing before he grabs your hips and shoved you towards him.
"you can't run little pet, now you're finally mine i won't ever let you go" he roughly grabs your hair and slams into you, ignoring your cry out, itadori grabs your chin, leading your lips to his, as he keeps humping up your pussy.
you were so filled that you think both of their cocks might come out your nose, your mind was fuggy to much pleasure on your body, all you could think about was their massive cocks, thoughts only circling around dick, dick, dick, dick.
"we going to cum inside of both of yours holes baby, fill you in so so so so good" itadori whine, as he spills his warm white liquid inside of you- you can feel his thighs shaking, eyes crossed so fucked out. just like you were.
"now it's my turn" choso groans out before he fills your tight ass, not stopping till every single drop was inside of you. you soon follow him squirting on yujis cock helpsly being sandwiched by both of them.
"round 2?" itadori grins.
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ end ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚
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