#my fucking life :'D
eden-west · 5 months
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Rocket - Freefalling era
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ruporas · 3 months
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kiss of the divine
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jewishregulus · 4 months
love when ppl make random ass aus for their fave ship that r just nonsensical and crazy . anyways jegulus au in which the potter’s run an animal shelter and usually order their pet supplies online but one day james goes to a chain store and finds regulus, who hates every single thing abt his shitty fucking pet store job and ONLY stays bc having a shitty job getting to pet cats on a leash is better than having a shitty job and not being able to. anyways james sees a twink and loses a few brain cells so he just pretends he has NEVER had a pet before and asks for regulus’ advice to talk to him. in his nervousness james is like “so dogs can’t eat chocolate right hahaha that’s crazy i’d go crazy” and regulus is like “i don’t get paid enough for this”
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doodle-ink · 5 months
The Sun,
The Star,
The Moon,
and Mars…
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The beginning of those to come.
M O N T H S.
For those who don’t know what tf this is, it’s a custom gem art I ordered online (with artists permission) like the ones u can get at (insert art store name).
This is also 3ft (97cm) long. For reference on how fucking big this thing is there’s is a picture of me holing it up and last I checked I’m roughy 5’4” (pic at bottom so this post ain’t so fucking long)
But yeah I’m absolutely in love with this and still need to slap some mod podge over this behemoth. My next project is a little more reasonable and I’ve already got permission from a new artist to use her work!
(Also little ittle watchers (read in The Click voice))
This original art was done by @skimmeh (LOOK ITS DONE :D)
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naamahdarling · 4 months
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meteortrails · 14 days
law and luffy are just like. what if I saw you at the peak of your miracle working competence, and then the literal next time I saw you it was at your most isolated and broken. and what if that moment of seeing you alone and grieving and terrified was the moment where I decided you were someone worth keeping, someone who I personally cared about and wanted around. how does that not make you wanna lose your fucking mind.
and then the other thing on top of that which always gets me is the way that you can just so clearly see that neither of them has any idea how to fit this relationship into any preexisting context - Luffy calls him part of his crew, but law is the captain of his own crew and would clearly die before giving that up; law calls them allies but it is glaringly obvious that they care about each other in a way that goes beyond that. of course Luffy is generally a lot less bothered about this than law, who routinely wants to put his own head through a wall about it, but it’s just such a fun layer to their dynamic I think.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
this is my roman empire.
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c-hrona · 11 months
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Or tfw you touch grass for the first time in your life, and it makes you so sappy that you can't help it but pray for a brigther future.
If, in said future, there's also your best friend, well, who are you to not hope a little more?
Little comic without any kind of expectations and is showing I did to try the 8 page zine layout and it does work!!! I will do more of these because it was fun as heck and really made me happy to do it!
If you want to print it and have a physical copy, you can find the file on my Ko-fi for free!
Here some photos of my own little prints, tried both the A3 and A4 format and they are so cute! **
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throwmethroughawindow · 6 months
the way Ace would hang mistletoe over his crotch as a joke, thinking he was so funny but immediately becoming a mess when you kiss your way down his abdomen swiftly unbuttoning his shorts to kiss where he wanted you to in the first place
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etrevil · 10 months
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Gay clown man has just been reunited with long-distance boyfriend who was arrested for counts of attempted terrorism.
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atopvisenyashill · 12 days
every time someone does “valyrian culture was more egalitarian than andal culture” discourse i point to the fact that jaehaerys invented the doctrine of exceptionalism and was an evil misogynistic menace to every woman he knew, how visenya was not the ruler of their house despite being older, and how the vale which is STEEPED in andal culture & chivalry & the seven regularly has their houses ruled by women in a way that almost no other region outside of dorne has ntm having the ONLY ruling lady of a paramount house INCLUDING VALYRIAN AND FIRST MEN HOUSES and also i start shrieking
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derelictwreck · 1 year
psychonauts is a good series
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votaeto · 7 months
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Who is Portgas D Ace? For the blind, He is the vision. For the hungry, He is the FOOD. For the thirsty, He is water. If Ace thinks, I agree. If Ace speaks, I'm listening. If Ace has one fan, it is me. If Ace has no fans, I do not exist.
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crescentfool · 5 months
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it's dangerous to go alone... take this with you!!!
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since my return to tumblr I’ve been seeing a lot of ppl talking abt disabilities & I have one piece brainrot real bad so I figured I’d babble a bit
it took me a weirdly long time to realize that... Shanks is disabled??? like. he lost an arm. if the fan theory is correct, he lost his sword arm. and only after losing his sword arm did this man go on to become one of the four most powerful people on the seas.
and he’s not the only one!!! Crocodile’s missing a hand. Tashigi’s probably legally blind without her glasses, which she keeps fucking losing. Fujitora’s blind, Zolo’s sense of direction is so bad it probably qualifies as some sort of intellectual disability — hell, Whitebeard himself, Edward fucking Newgate, is on a ventilator for the entire time he spends on the page/screen. and yet.
none of these people are defined by their disability. Whitebeard is considered the strongest man in the world. Zolo is fucking Zolo. Fujitora’s an admiral, which is the only reason I’m calling him Fujitora in the first place. Tashigi is Smoker’s right-hand man. Crocodile is one of the first truly imposing villains the straw hats come across, and, oh yeah, still making himself relevant nearly a thousand chapters later. and Shanks... well, Shanks is one of the Four Emperors, a.k.a. legally classified as one of the four biggest threats to the current world order. he’s doing pretty okay for himself for a guy who visibly struggles to button his shirts.
it just makes me think. Oda has made a world where disability accommodations are... normalized. in a weird sort of way, but still. hell, this is a maritime setting — having a devil fruit power is a permanent disability, and yet people don’t hesitate to take them on. because everyone is just... used to accommodating them. can’t swim? don’t go overboard, keep someone on watch around the water, bathe with a friend. only one hand? that’s fine, that’s why you keep your first mate around. can’t see? we have superpowers for that. we can handle it. to paraphrase Usopp: you do what you can, and leave the rest to your crewmates.
anyway I really love one piece
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taz balance is so fucking hard to recommend to people I'll be like "fuck the bible, THIS is the greatest story ever told" and then the first episode is one long masturbation joke with super detailed explanations of the rules of dnd 5e
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