#my head wants to anticipate every possible issue and have an answer for it before it happens so I'm running through every situation I can
neverendingford · 8 months
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waywardxwords · 11 months
The Fix - Part Six
Summary: Everyone has a past, but yours seemed to haunt you. You've tried to move forward with a normal life, but the day comes when that's not possible anymore. When Sheriff Beau Arlen enters your life, you're certain he is going to judge you just like everyone else in town does. But something about Beau is different.
Warnings: Language, maybe some fluff *eye emoji*
Word Count: ~4.3k
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Beau had called the FBI as he drove to the hospital, and then again when you and Bailey were in with the doctor. Everything had checked out—Bailey was unharmed. She was a little dehydrated, but otherwise, she was fine. She was scared and didn’t understand what had happened. You had assured her everything would be okay, but didn’t know how else to explain everything that had taken place with her father. 
You sat in the back of Beau’s truck, your hands held tight to Bailey as you couldn’t bring yourself to let go. 
“Are you sure you aren’t hurt anywhere?” You asked her as your hands danced over her head, her arms. Your eyes moved over every inch of her to look for any injuries. 
“No, mama,” she said softly. “But I’m cold…and hungry.” 
Beau heard her words and cranked up the heat in the truck. You thanked him softly. He reached for the duffel again and leaned back to say, “There’s a granola bar in there and trail mix. Water, too. Make sure she’s hydrated.”
You found the bar, the trail mix and water and opened the packages for her to eat. As she ate and Beau drove, you looked out the window. You weren’t sure where Beau was taking you at this point, but you knew it wasn’t in the direction of your home. It didn’t even matter, really. You were in a daze at this point and you were willing to admit that you wholeheartedly trusted Beau. 
As if he could read your mind, Beau cleared his throat from the driver’s seat. “We’re heading to my office. They want to ask Bailey some questions.” His eyes moved between you and Bailey in the backseat. It was as if he anticipated your concern. “It’s gonna be alright. They want to try to see what she remembers while it’s fresh on her mind. We will both be there, and you’ll have eyes on her the entire time.”
It was as if Beau had stepped into your brain and carefully tended to each issue you had with this scenario. 
“Who will be asking the questions?” You contemplated, silently hoping it might be Beau. 
“They have an agent coming who works with kids,” he explained as he made the turn into the sheriff’s office parking lot. 
“You can’t be the one to question her?” You asked. 
He shook his head before he continued. “Sorry, darlin’. The FBI is managing it from here.” It felt like you hadn’t gotten the entire story, but you stayed quiet. Exhaustion had overcome you, but you felt like you couldn’t truly rest. There was no way to know what else might be out there—or who, rather. So instead, you sighed as Beau shifted into park and turned your attention to Bailey. 
“Hey, B?” You started softly as you unbuckled her from her seat. “There are some people who want to talk to you about your…” you hesitated. Bailey hadn’t fully understood what she had endured, and you wanted to try your best to avoid traumatizing her any further. “About your adventure…” you settled on the wording. A quick glance to the rear view mirror, you saw Beau’s gaze on you. He gave you a small nod with a wink. “I want you to answer all of their questions, okay?”
“Okay,” she answered easily. Besides being hungry, tired and cold—she had seemed okay, all things considered. 
“Thank you,” you breathed with a smile. You stepped out of the truck first, and reached in to help Bailey get out. You clutched her hand tightly as you followed Beau into the office.
Before he pulled open the glass door, Beau looked back at you. “You take issue with any question or any part of all this, and you tell me?” His eyes were firm with intent, but gentle in his delivery.
“Okay,” you agreed. He nodded once and then opened the door for you and Bailey to walk through, with him just a step behind you.
Immediately, you recognized the man in a suit in the lobby as Matt Donahue, the FBI agent who had been working on Jackson’s case. He approached you with a serious look on his face, and his eyes moved over Beau just behind you. He looked less than pleased. Behind him, there was a woman in a similar black suit. She stepped around the man you recognized and offered you a small, but warm, smile.
“Hi, I’m Agent Stephanie Michaels,” she introduced and put her hand out to shake yours. You offered her your name, and shook her hand gently. “And you must be Bailey.” She widened her smile and knelt down just in front of your daughter.
You felt Bailey’s hand that you weren’t holding grip onto your denim jacket as she melded her body to your side. “Hi,” her voice was just as small as she was.
“You can call me Stephanie, or Steph…whichever you prefer,” she grinned. “Hey, I have some cool toys and coloring books in this room over here. Would you want to color with me for a little bit?”
Bailey looked to you for reassurance. The idea of her being anywhere away from you–even if you were in the literal sheriff’s office–made you feel sick to your stomach. Your eyes traveled to Beau’s. You looked to him for the same reassurance your daughter had looked to you for, and there was something about that which felt different. All of your life, you had always felt so sure of yourself and the decisions you made. When you first became a mother, you weren’t so sure anymore–motherhood had made you question everything about yourself, but with time, you had become very sure of your decisions as they pertained to Bailey.
Beau offered a small smile and a nod, and somehow, that was enough for you.
“Go ahead, bug,” you smiled down at her with the nickname you had called her from birth. Your hand smoothed down over the top of her head and rested on her cheek. “I’ll be just outside in the other room. If you need me, you just tell Stephanie, okay?”
She nodded and looked back at the agent before she dropped your hand and followed her into the interrogation room. As soon as the door closed, you felt your breath hitch in the back of your throat and your heart raced. The burn of anxiety crept up your neck and settled  into your cheeks.
And then you felt a hand on the small of your back. “It’s gonna be alright, we’re going to watch from the other side,” his timing was impeccable. Your eyes found Beau’s with a small glance over your shoulder.
Words failed you as your throat had tightened, so you just nodded in response. Beau gingerly led you to the room that shared a wall with the interrogation room they were in. The room was dark, but there was a large glass window that looked into the room Bailey and Stephanie had ventured into. You knew the other side simply showed a mirror and Bailey would never know you were there. Matt followed you in, as well.
Stephanie had brought with her various toys and activities that a child would enjoy–there were Barbie dolls, baby dolls and coloring books. “What would you like to play with, Bailey?” She asked softly. You liked her. You didn’t like the situation you were in, but you felt safe with her. Stephanie was slowly shifting your opinion on FBI agents, and you realized she was the perfect person to work with kids in the line of work she was in.
“Um…I like Barbies! I have this one at home,” Bailey quickly reached for one of the dolls. 
“Okay, great! I can be this Barbie here,” Stephanie reached for a different doll and the two started playing.
“Hey,” Beau murmured from behind you. “I’m going to grab a coffee quick, would you like one?” He asked as you glanced back at him.
A smile tugged at your lips. “That would be great,” you sighed.
“How do you take it?” He asked. There was something about the way he was looking at you, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
“Two cream, two sugar, please,” you smiled, appreciative. He nodded as he stepped outside the room and closed the door behind him.
You turned your attention back to Stephanie and Bailey. Stephanie was currently encouraging Bailey to act out what had transpired over the last day through the Barbie dolls. It was a challenge–Bailey had a wild, but beautifully creative, imagination. You knew it would take a little time to get her to talk through what they needed from her.
Matt cleared his throat next to you after a moment. “Can I ask you a question?” He kept his eyes on the glass for a second, but then turned to look at you.
“Sure,” you hesitated, but knew he was probably going to ask either way.
“What’s your relationship with the sheriff?” His eyes studied you, his jaw tense. His question completely blindsided you, which was probably obvious from your furrowed brows and the way your eyes widened.
“Excuse me?” You asked him incredulously.
“I’m curious. Friends? Family? More than that? I’m just trying to wrap my head around why the hell a sheriff–an interim sheriff, mind you–would go through so much trouble stepping all over the FBI on a case that’s miles above his pay grade,” he was blunt. “Especially a man who is trying to prove he’s the right guy to be the permanent sheriff in this town.” You knew what the answer was–you and Beau didn’t have any kind of relationship–but you were startled by the question and why he would ask in the first place.
“There is no relationship between Beau and I,” you explained slowly. “Listen, I know he caused some trouble for you and I’m sorry for that. He was trying to keep me safe and find my kid, which–by the way–I felt like the FBI couldn’t care any less about. You all were so gung-ho on finding Jackson, so Beau stepped in to help me find Bailey.”
Matt frowned again. “While yes, that was insanely frustrating, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about how Beau wouldn’t back down today. This interview was supposed to take place on FBI territory. He downright refused…he said we couldn’t talk to Bailey anywhere but here. And that you had to be present at all times.”
You blinked once, then twice as you processed what he said. Beau had fought, yet again, to keep you and Bailey safe and comfortable. 
“He what?” You finally breathed.
“That’s why I asked. I figured you must be family or he must seriously care about you,” Matt looked back at the glass but you stayed silent as your mind tried to work through this new information.
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Meanwhile in the small office kitchen, Beau watched as the dark colored liquid slowly began to trickle into the pot on the coffee maker. He found himself lost in thought as the pot slowly filled, but was interrupted when someone cleared their throat from behind.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, Beau,” she sighed. Beau turned to see one of his investigators, Cassie Dewell, lean against the countertop behind him.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” Beau looked back to the coffee as it continued to trickle.
Cassie rolled her eyes and pushed herself away from the counter to step closer to Beau. “You’re really going to take on the FBI? The big dogs who call all the shots? Do you want to be unemployed?” She sighed. Beau’s eyes found hers. She was concerned for him, and he appreciated it. But the thoughts and feelings he had swirling in his head over the last day had made it difficult for him to think clearly about anything.
“My job is to protect the people in this town,” he said very clearly. “She just got her daughter back, Cassie. You want me to send them to some strange place where they’re forced to be separated? You think Bailey’s gonna want to answer any questions that way? I wouldn’t,” he scoffed but redirected his attention to grab two styrofoam cups from the cupboard.
“This is something else…this is different, Beau,” she dropped her voice to a gentle whisper as she watched his movements. 
He didn’t need Cassie to say the words to know that she was right. “I’ve always been so good at keeping my head on straight when it comes to work,” he didn’t want to open up to Cassie; he hadn’t even wanted to address his thoughts or feelings internally yet. But he spoke on it anyway. “But this has been different. It’s almost like when…” he stopped himself as he stared at the styrofoam cups.
“Like when Emily was missing?” Cassie answered for him.
His eyes found hers again and he felt his throat tighten, which only made him somewhat frustrated. “I don’t wanna talk about it, Cassie. I hear you, I know I need to tread carefully but I also wanna make sure I’m doing what’s best for the people in this town.”
“The people in this town, or–” Beau cut her off before she could say anything else.
“They are two people who live in this town,” he said firmly. “And right now, they need my help.”
“Alright, alright,” she held her hands up in surrender. “I’m just encouraging you to stop pissing off the FBI, okay? We kinda like having you here. It would be really shitty if you got fired.” She offered a small smile to ease some of the tension their conversation had created.
Beau nodded and looked back at the pot where the coffee was ready.
“Thanks,” he grinned in return. “I’ll do my best.”
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Hours had passed–the agents had ordered pizza as a late lunch (or early dinner, even) for you and Bailey. Bailey had given some additional information (it had just been her and Jackson on their “adventure”, she hadn’t seen anyone, and her father hadn’t treated her poorly but he seemed “different”). You knew that meant Jackson had been out of his mind while he was with Bailey, which made you feel sick again, but also thankful that she was alright.
Finally, Stephanie and Matt had determined there were no other questions they needed to get answered, and they said you were free to go. 
Their words hung in the air as you stood before them. Free to go. You didn’t know what that meant. You didn’t feel like you could possibly return to your home. While you felt sure that Bailey hadn’t been exposed to any drug dealers or criminals, you couldn’t be so sure that they weren’t still going to look for you. With Jackson in jail, your brain had already processed that there could be people looking for collateral or to send a message. You weren’t an idiot; you knew the FBI would try to get Jackson to rat out the people he had worked with–they were looking for the big dogs, and Jackson wasn’t one of them.
“You alright?” Beau asked after the agents left. Bailey had curled up on a chair in the lobby–she was exhausted and needed to get to bed.
“Y-yeah,” you stumbled over the word, but offered him a smile anyway. “It just feels weird, you know? Just that it’s all over–like that’s it,” you sighed. “I’m grateful, don’t get me wrong. It just feels strange.”
Beau’s eyes studied you again–it was something he seemed less afraid to do the longer you were around him. Surprisingly, it didn’t make you uncomfortable–you just didn’t want him to see all of the feelings passing through you: fear, anxiety, overwhelming worry.
“Listen, I don’t want to overstep,” Beau eyed Bailey who was quickly beginning to fall asleep behind you on the lobby chair. “But if you’d like, you and Bailey can stay with me tonight. You two can take my room and I’ll get some shut eye on the couch.”
“Oh, no Beau,” you said quickly, though something inside of you was telling you to say yes. “We’ve put you out long enough. I’m not going to ask you to do that.”
“You didn’t ask,” his voice was a low murmur–the lowness made it so much more raspy than normal and it sent a shiver down your spine so that the little hairs on your neck stood to attention. “I’m offerin’. And I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t mean it. Truthfully, I would feel better if you stayed with me. Otherwise, I’m gonna be up all night worryin’.”
You nodded and nibbled on your bottom lip as your eyes trailed over Bailey. You knew deep down you wouldn’t sleep, either, if you were alone with her at home. You’d be sitting with a kitchen knife by her bedside all night–and you hadn’t slept in so many hours, as it was.
“Alright,” you practically whispered. “If you’re sure.” A smile tugged at the corners of his lips and he nodded his head in agreement.
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The drive to Beau’s home was silent–the only sound came from the rumble of his truck engine. Bailey slept peacefully against your side as you played aimlessly with her hair. The sun was pulling down behind the mountains now, and you had to think about what day it was. It had been the most exhausting, terrifying day of your life. The only thing keeping you upright was thinking about how you didn’t want Bailey out of your sight for even a moment.
The truck came to a stop just outside Beau’s trailer and he shifted into park.
Very gently, you unhooked your seatbelt and leaned over Bailey to do the same. Beau stepped out of the truck and opened the door closest to Bailey.
“I can…” he hesitated and his eyes watched you closely before he glanced down at Bailey and held his arms out to show you he could carry her. He knew you had been in mama bear mode for a long time, and he wasn’t going to make any sudden movements. 
“Oh, you don’t have to,” you whispered back. 
“I don’t mind, I just don’t want ya to claw out my jugular,” he half chuckled. Your cheeks reddened and you smiled. 
“It’s fine, you can carry her in,” both you and Beau realized that was your sign of ultimate trust—like a cat or dog showing you their belly. You trusted him with your kid, and that spoke volumes. 
He nodded once and very gently lifted her off of the seat and to his chest. You got out of the truck and followed him to the door. 
“Uh, any chance you could…” he hesitated for a moment. 
“Oh! Right, keys. Where are they?” You eyed his jacket pockets to see which one they might be in. 
He cleared his throat. “Jeans, back pocket.” You swallowed the lump that had suddenly formed in your throat. You hesitated for a moment. “They won’t bite, darlin’.” You could hear the smirk in his voice. 
With a quick roll of your eyes, you carefully reached into his back pocket and pulled the keys out. “Sorry,” you murmured as you scooted by him on the step to open the door. You found the key and slipped it into the lock, opening the door with ease. 
“I’m gonna lay her down on the bed in the back,” he nodded back to, what you assumed was, his bedroom. You followed closely behind as he gently placed her on the bed. “I think she’ll be warm back here, but here’s an extra blanket.” He reached to the dresser and handed you a quilt. 
“Thanks,” you breathed as you carefully covered her up. You reached down and smoothed her hair away from her forehead. The sound of Beau’s boots retreating down the hall made its way to your ears. You couldn’t help but smile at Bailey sleeping soundly—safe. Your lips pressed to her forehead and you closed your eyes; she still smelled of the woods and the hospital, but you wouldn’t wake her for anything right now. A bath could wait. She was back, and she was okay. 
After a moment, you followed Beau’s footsteps to the front of the camper. 
You realized he had stepped outside and left the door ajar. The cool air from the Montana sky sent a chill over you, and you realized you still had on the denim jacket from the day before, a thin long-sleeve top and jeans. It would have to do.
As you stepped silently on the top step, you noticed Beau had started a fire. It wasn’t strong yet, but he poked at it to get the flame to grow. As you watched his profile in the orange glow of the fire, your heart fluttered. Your mind flashed back over the last day, and all the moments you had experienced with Beau:
The way he trusted that you didn’t know where Jackson was, but wanted to scan your place quickly to make sure he wasn’t there just a few days before. To keep you safe. 
The way he dropped everything when you finally used his number to come to you when Bailey went missing. 
The blatant disregard he had for the FBI when they said they had it handled; it wasn’t a power play, it was because he wanted to fix this. 
The way he held doors open for you, made sure you were being protected (and when he wasn’t sure the deputies or agents could handle it, he showed up to protect you), the way he spoke to you when you shared the abuse you had endured, the way he stayed calm when Jackson finally showed up so you could still try to find Bailey, the way he touched your face…and in that moment, everything clicked.
Beau felt the weight of your gaze and turned back to look at you from over his shoulder.
“Uh oh,” he chuckled. “Why’re you lookin’ at me like that, darlin’?” He seemed almost nervous as he stood to face you.
“Beau…” your throat felt dry, but what you had to say simply couldn’t wait. “Did you push back on the FBI today about where they would interrogate Bailey? And make it so that I could be there?”
He was silent for a moment. He brought his hand up to the back of his neck and rubbed at the tension there to try and find inspiration on something to say. “I may have done that,” he said softly. “I wanted to make sure I could control the situation, just in case. I don’t trust that Donahue agent, and I didn’t know anything about the woman they wanted Bailey to talk to…” his voice trailed off as you walked towards him off of the steps.
A different kind of fear bubbled in your throat–this fear was around rejection or the disappointment of misreading someone, but you couldn’t take it anymore. You stood just inches in front of him, your face tilted upwards so you could look into his eyes.
“Who am I to you, Beau Arlen?” The words from Agent Donahue had repeated in your head for the last few hours, but you never thought you’d get the courage to ask Beau directly.
He was silent again, allowing the fear to boil at this point. Your heart raced like it had for the last day, albeit for different reasons. But then his gaze moved over your face from your nose, to your lips, to your eyes once more.
“You’re a mother–a damn good mother, might I add,” he started softly. “You’re a stubborn-as-hell woman, who doesn’t follow any kinda rules or direction. You’re someone who’s been through hell but you don’t wear a chip on your shoulder for it.” His voice was low and the rasp was back–you felt weak in the knees, but you couldn’t be sure if that was from what he was saying or the pure exhaustion that drenched you from head to toe. “And for whatever goddamn reason…I don’t care who I gotta go against when it comes to you and your kid. Including the FBI.” He added on. You swallowed to try and clear the dryness from your throat. He paused for a moment before he smirked. 
You glimpsed between his eyes and mouth once, twice…and then without missing a beat, Beau’s hands gripped just above your elbows. He pulled you flush against his chest and you felt the warmth of his lips on yours. He pulled back after just a moment to study your gaze.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” he muttered as he closed his eyes shut tightly, as if he had just made a mistake. You read his features and brought your hand to his cheek to turn his face to meet your gaze. 
“If you don’t kiss me again, Beau Arlen…” your voice fell in a whisper as you teased, but your eyes told him you were serious. 
Carefully, and painfully slowly, Beau’s hands found your hips and he tugged you to him before you both closed your eyes and your lips found each other once more.
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A/N: Thank you SO MUCH for reading (and for being patient--this one ended up being a bit longer than my usual chapters, so I hope that makes up for this being late!).
I hope I did this chapter justice. I would love to know what you thought! As always, thanks for reading, liking, commenting, and sharing!
New installments are posted on Wednesdays and Saturdays! Just a few more parts left in this story, I think...unless I get some crazy idea (which is always possible, hah).
A preview of the next chapter:
The fire had roared to life by now, with you and Beau settled on two camping chairs positioned so close together there was an overlap. There hadn’t been too many words spoken yet, but his hand held yours reassuringly in his lap as your eyes watched the flames and your bodies absorbed the warmth. The trailer door was left ajar, just in case Bailey woke up and called for you. 
Your eyes wandered to his profile and you couldn’t help but stare. “Starin’ ain’t polite, darlin’,” he drawled with a tired smile. His head turned to look at you–his eyes almost lazy at this point.
“Sorry,” your cheeks reddened once you had been caught. “I just couldn’t help myself.”
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daisyblinder · 2 years
Nurse / Alfie Solomons x reader
🌾Warnings: Violence, cursing
🌾Summary: Alfie makes a deal. But what he doesn’t anticipate is the fact that the people he made the deal with, liked to show what they could do before they were betrayed, and not just tell. 
Requested by @concertxjunkie
I hope you like it! 🧡 I’m still new to writing Alfie
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You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t move, all you could feel was terrifying pain. Your nose hurt, your jaw hurt, your whole body just hurt.
Sobs rack through you as you lie in the floor of your home, the place that was supposed to be your sanctuary, your safe place. But no, safe was the last thing you felt when the strange men had barged in and started talking about Alfie’s debts.
 You did not know your husband had any debts, you did not know the men who attacked you but by the time they had you in their grasp, you knew that the issue was not Alfie having debt.
Their act of brutality was to show what could happen if Alfie ever did end up being in the losing side.
 ”Gotta get up, gotta get up”, you sob to yourself trying to get yourself in an upward position. But the pain and the nausea were too much.
You wail out of pain and frustration as you try to slowly start dragging yourself over to the phone.
 You needed Alfie, you needed his arms around you and him telling you that ”Even with the cunts around, it’ll all be looking up again when it’s you and me”
 Finally managing to drag yourself up onto a chair, you take a moment to try and breathe in the new position. With a shaking hand you take the receiver in your hand and try to get a hold of your husband.
When he answers from the bakery you can’t help the snotty sobs that leave you as breathing gets even more difficult.
 ”Hey-hey, love? Love, is it you?”
”Alf, I can’t br-breathe, I c-can’t move ”, Alfie can barely make sense of what you are saying but he can hear that something is wrong, so so wrong.
”Love, do not move, alright? If you can’t don’t fucking move. I’m coming home, I’m coming home right now”
After you hear the words you let the receiver drop and rest your head against the desk in front of you. You couldn’t sleep, you shouldn’t. You sniffle with a whimper and try to stay awake till Alfie comes.
 When Alfie arrives to your home, his heart stops. He had seen horror and he could still stomach his bread but what he was seeing was enough to set his heart beating faster than the hooves of a racehorse.
 Your whole house, the home you had built to be ready for you two to have a family, was in shambles. Things broken and turned over, no corner was left untouched. 
But that did not frighten him, what frightened him was the state of your house while knowing you are somewhere in there, scared and hurt.
 "Love! Where the fuck are ya? Love, I’m home”, he calls and starts running around the house. When he hears ragged sobs coming from his study, his hat flies of his head as he takes off to run to you.
 ”Oh my little bird”, he mutters when he sees you sitting by his desk. Folded into yourself, face swollen turning black and blue. ”My little bird, what the fuck did they do to you?”, he whispers kneeling in front of you cupping your face with no pressure.
 ”I-I don’t know who they were, the-they just ca-came in”, you whisper leaning closer to him for comfort. You wanted him to hug you, hold you but it would hurt too bad. ”I-is it bad?”, you suddenly ask, aware of how your face must look. Shame flooding you along with the pain.
 ”Don’t see nothing but the strongest lady in whole London”, he assures, tears rising to his own eyes. ”We need to get ya in the hospital”, he whispers finally. ”Come on” As gently as possible he picks you up in his arms.
 ”It hurts so bad Alf, I can’t, you can’t carry me, it hurts”, your cries and pleas break his heart as he ignores them. He was hurting you but he needed to get you to the hospital so you could heal, but it would not take away the knives that slashed his heart with every one of your cries.
***3 weeks later***
You had stayed in the hospital for four nights. Four long nights. But now you were being nursed back to health in a whole other hospital.
Hospital who only hired one nurse. A very pushy nurse Alfie Solomons.
”Say A now love”, Alfie grins as he holds out a spoonful of soup before shoving a piece of bread in your mouth to follow it. You laugh with your mouth full as you try to chew the huge bite of bread.
 ”You don’t have any manners do you mate? Laughing and spitting the food all over. Food made with yer husband’s dainty loving hands”, he says mock seriously, enjoying the fact that you can finally laugh without being in so much pain.
 You swallow before you open your mouth and show it’s empty. ”Ahhh!”, you say loudly before lifting your arms and pursing your lips: ”Now the love and care sustenance please”, you request before continuing, ”If my loving husbands dainty hands could so kindly offer some”
 ”That’s more like it”, He winks before setting the tray down and kissing you before giving you one of his warm embraces. If you would have the choice in death, to choose where to spend your whole after life, it would be in your bear of a husband’s arms.
 He had nursed you back to health. Seen your worst moments and been there for you without complaints. He had fed you, bathed you, dressed you, even carried you to the water closet. His arms were what safety meant to you.
 Alfie could not fathom how good it felt to hold you like this again. The first weeks of listening to your heartbreaking whimpers whenever he even touched you had left a mark on him. You were his world, and someone had tried to take you away.
But that someone no longer existed, a nice little favour from the Peaky blinders.
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alovelyfox · 4 months
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Chapter 7: Caught
The next couple seconds seem to stretch on for multiple lifetimes. Y/N remains looking shell shocked at Kyle while he tries to remain as nonchalant as possible, ignoring the blaring alarms going off in his head. Her eyes survey his body, taking in his distorted face and bloody appearance.
“Oh my god, Kyle.”
She then rushes out of his office, and Kyle runs after her into the kitchen, thinking of every possible way to justify how he looks.
“Y/N, wait. I can explain everything. Just let me-”
She puts a finger to his lips and he stops talking, his brain turning blank at the sudden contact
“No, let me,” she says, pointing towards her desk. “Go sit down.”
He hesitates, and she looks at him with pleading eyes.
“Please Kyle.”
He nods and takes a seat on her chair, while she assembles something he can’t see. She comes back a moment later with an hastily mustered ice pack, which she dumps into his open hands and then walks back to his office. Returning with a clean white shirt, she takes the ice away and looks him up and down.
“Take your shirt off.”
Her sudden bluntness stuns Kyle, and she turns away upon realizing.
“Sorry, I meant take your shirt off so I can assess the damage,” she elaborates, her voice suddenly quite shy. Once he confirms it’s off, she turns back around and inspects his body. He watches her intently while she does, but her face only exhibits concentration. She sighs once she’s done, and tells him to put the new shirt on.
“Looks like they didn’t do much to your body. The main issue is your face, but we can get that patched up in no time,” she says, handing him the ice pack to put over his black eye before walking back to the kitchen. She comes back with some gauze and a cold, damp cloth, which she lightly presses on the area around Kyle’s lip. She’s way too close to his face for his liking, so to avoid eye contact he glances at the clock, which reads 10:15 pm.
“Wait, why are you here in the first place? It’s quarter past 10, everyone else would’ve left hours ago.”
“Oh yeah. Well, it’s kinda embarrassing, but I thought you might not have left yet, and I wanted to see you. Good thing too, otherwise no one would have been here to help you after getting mugged.”
Wait, mugged? Kyle thinks, then he smiles as he realizes why she must assume that.
“How do you know the blood on me is mine?” He asks with a playful tone, and she smirks.
“I don’t think I could imagine you purposefully hurting anyone, ever,” she replies, and his heart skips a beat.
I was standing in front of her covered in blood, yet she still refused to believe that it was my fault. Imagine what she’d say if she knew the truth. He shook that thought out of his mind.
“Why do you think that?” He questions, and she shrugs.
“You’re normally so calm, and you always keep your emotions in check, unlike me.”
She turns somber, probably remembering how she cried on his shoulder that evening after the trial.
“Hey, don’t worry about the case. You’re gonna make a great lawyer. I mean, you care so much about everyone around you, and always see the best in people no matter what they do.”
Embarrassed, she shyly tries to turn away but he stands and tilts her chin back up so she’s forced to look at him.
“You’re lovable, and charming without even trying. And you’re so beautiful…”
His voice trails off after the last word, and her breath hitches as they look into each other’s eyes. She again tries to avert her gaze down to the floor but he snakes a hand to the back of her neck, and leans in so close he can feel the warmth emanating from the inside of her mouth through her slightly parted lips. His own are tingling with anticipation and they’re about to make contact with hers when the door bangs open, startling Kyle so much he jumps 10 feet away from her.
“Y/N? And Kyle? What are you two doing here?” Sam’s voice penetrates through the empty room, instantly killing whatever mood was just in the air. Kyle turns away to hide his blush while Y/N answers him.
“Oh Sam, it’s just you. Kyle got mugged, so I’m patching him back up.”
“Kyle got mugged? Is he alright?” Sam asks as he hurries over and starts examining Kyle’s bruised eye.
“I’m fine,” he says, pushing Sam’s intruding hands away from his face. “What are you doing here?”
Sam looks around sheepishly before replying.
“I quit.”
“What?” Y/N asks bewildered, while Kyle tilts his head in confusion.
“Yeah, all the management changes going on also means budget cuts, so I got told that I can keep my job, but at a lower salary. And I don’t know, I joined this firm years ago because I needed work straight out of college, and I think if I don’t get out now I’ll be stuck here for the rest of my life. So I quit, and it feels so liberating knowing that I have so much ahead of me, and that I’m free to follow my dreams.”
Y/N moves to hug him, while Kyle awkwardly pats him on the back. He had known Sam for a while now, but had kept him at arm’s length like he did everyone else. Everyone until Y/N entered his life.
“Anyways,” Sam continues after she lets him go. “They called me an hour ago and apparently already found a replacement, some guy called Leopold. He’s starting in a couple days, so they want me to take all my personal belongings out of my desk, which is what I came here to do.”
“Oh, well I’m pretty much done with Kyle over here, so we can help! Right Kyle?”
He nods, and they head over to the receptionist desk. They pack all Sam’s things away into cardboard storage boxes, and he complains at how fast the company replaced him, while Y/N reassures him that it’s a sign that he did the right thing by quitting. The name of his replacement sounds familiar to Kyle, but his brain is still buzzing from the almost-kiss and he can’t concentrate on where he knows it from. In fact, he can’t concentrate on anything other than Y/N, and keeps stealing glances at her while they load the stuff into Sam’s car. She however, is firmly avoiding eye contact, and when Sam offers to drop her home she jumps at the chance.
She gives Kyle a tight smile before telling him to go home and heal up, then practically sprints into the passenger's seat of Sam’s car. He drives them off, leaving Kyle standing all alone, wondering what he did to make her go from nearly kissing him to not even wishing him goodnight.
The bruise on Kyle’s face along with his split lip healed nicely overnight, but every time Y/N averts her eyes from his the next day at work, he swears the pain comes back. She’s carefully seated at her desk the entire day, not looking up from her paperwork at all. Not when Kyle walks over to wish her good morning, or when he asks her whether she got home safely last night, or when he offers to bring her some coffee. It’s like he’s ceased to exist in her eyes. After many failed attempts to get her attention, he solemnly walks back to his office, working there quietly until 6 pm, when Sam pops his head in.
“Hey Kyle, since it’s pretty much my last day, a couple of us were gonna go down to the bar and grab some drinks. You wanna come?”
Normally Kyle would refuse an invitation to hang outside of work like this, but he figures this would be the perfect time to confront Y/N about what was wrong, so he grabs his coat and walks out with Sam. Y/N is still working peacefully at her desk, and upon seeing Sam she gets up, but a glimpse of Kyle behind his shoulder gives her pause. Sam walks into the elevator and she rushes to follow him in, but Kyle grabs ahold of her wrist to pull her back.
“Hey Sam, you go into this one. We’ll come in the next.” Sam looks slightly confused, but shrugs and closes the doors, leaving the two of them alone.
Kyle loosens his grip and Y/N slides her wrist out of his hand, then waits patiently for the elevator to come back up again, refusing to look at him.
“Y/N, please,” he pleads, but when the doors open she steps in and presses the ground floor without so much as a glance at him. He gets in beside her and the doors shut behind him. His eyes unconsciously look over at her but she suddenly finds much interest in the elevator buttons, which is where she keeps her gaze set.
Fine, if that’s how she wants to play this.
Kyle presses the emergency stop button and moves to face her, closing the gap between them and pressing her back to the elevator wall.
“Look, I know you’re probably mad at me for what happened yesterday, but what we’re not gonna do is playing this fucking silent treatment game. If you have a problem, you tell me right now, and I’m not letting you out of here until you do.”
Her body shifts uncomfortably from being in such close proximity to his, but she keeps her eyes firmly on him as she replies.
“I’m not mad. But to be honest, what you’re doing right now is giving me a reason to be.”
Kyle steps back from her and she returns to where she was standing, letting out a heavy sigh. She presses the emergency button again and the elevator starts moving again. She glances at him, and he’s about to utter an apology for his abrasive behavior when she cuts him off.
“If you want to know why I’m acting weird, at least get a couple drinks in me first,” she says grinning, and Kyle smirks. The doors open and she steps out into what he’s sure is gonna be an interesting night.
Sam and the others cleared out a couple hours ago, so when the clock strikes 11 pm, only Kyle and Y/N are left sitting at the bar. Empty shot glasses with dribbles of various alcohol lay in front of them, and Y/N’s sipping a craft beer while Kyle rests his head on the bartop. His mind is hazy and his thoughts unclear, as opposed to how they were when he entered.
His sole purpose was to have one drink with Y/N and get her to spill her guts, but her natural charm made him forget what he came to do. Their conversation topics ranged from how nice it’s been to have the sun out recently to whether or not Kanye would actually make a good president, and all the while the liquor kept flowing. Kyle was never a big drinker, so after a couple shots he practically collapsed on the bar, as Y/N just laughed. He now turns his head to look at her, watching as she sets her beer down and faces him.
“What’s wrong Y/N? You can tell me anything, you know?” he says, slightly slurring his words. She looks him up and down before taking a swig of her drink and sighing.
“I think losing the case yesterday has made me depressed,” she replies. “I mean, I did everything right, yet it still wasn’t enough. That’s why I didn’t want to see you today. I thought you’d be… disappointed.”
Kyle can’t imagine a world where Y/N could ever disappoint him. He found it stupid of her to think that, even for a second.
“It’s also why I haven’t texted Gemma back,” she continues. “I can’t face her knowing that she has to go back to working under that horrible man because of my failure.”
“Oh, she’s not going back to work for him. I took care of that. I took care of him.”
Y/N gives him a confused look, but his tipsy state won’t let him stop talking.
“I didn’t want that guy to be here, so I made sure you never had to see him again. I killed him”
“What, like physically?” She asks, perplexed.
“Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. You name it, and he’s dead. Chopped him up into some pieces and tossed him into the underworld,” he says, and she chuckles in response, so he elaborates.
“I’m kind of like the modern day Hades, you know?”
“Oh really, how so?” She teases, and he spends the next couple minutes talking about all the similarities the Greek king of the underworld and him share. She listens along with a smile, but when she gets a text from her phone it quickly disappears. Even in his drunken state he figures something must be up, so he asks her what’s wrong.
“Oh, it’s just Stan,” she says apathetically, texting him back before setting her phone face down on the table. “I helped him get a job recently so he wants to meet again to see me.”
“What, like on a date?” Kyle questions, suddenly sitting upright.
“No silly, I already told you we’re not dating.”
“Okay. Good. I don’t like the thought of you two… dating.”
“Oh yeah?” she asks playfully. “Why not, you feeling jealous?”
“Yeah. The only one you should be dating is me,” he says, and Y/N tries to laugh it off, but he stares straight at her and she stops. She’s looking at him with those damn teasing eyes of hers, and his heartbeat skips just like it did at the office yesterday. He feels like he can’t breathe, and he needs her mouth to provide him with the oxygen he so desperately craves. Leaning forward, he prepares to join their lips together and finish what he couldn’t last night, but his intoxicated brain’s misjudges where her face would be, missing her mouth completely and causing him to fall off his chair, kissing the floor instead of her.
Y/N immediately rushes to help him, but upon realizing that he’s alright, she can’t help but giggle at what just happened. She slings his arm around her shoulder so that she can walk them out of the bar, and the refreshing summer’s night air slaps Kyle across the face. It feels good, but unfortunately doesn’t help his wasted mind, so all he can do is garble an incoherent sentence when she gets him into his car and asks for the address. She sighs, and her getting into the driver's seat is the last thing he can remember until he awakes to the sound of her yelling.
His arm is still slung over her shoulder, and when his eyes open he immediately recognizes that they’re at her apartment. What he doesn’t immediately recognize are the people inside, and it takes him a couple moments of rapid blinking and squinting to perceive the scene in front of him. Stan is naked on the couch, and who looks like a more naked version of Wendy Testaberger from his hometown of South Park is under him. They’re both covered in sweat, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what they were/are in the process of doing. And that’s when Y/N’s yelling starts to make sense.
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headmasterfpjones · 2 years
Trial Claim Request Form: 
  Dominant Name: Gunner Rose
Submissive Name: Alejandro Lodge
Dominant Point Level: 4 (1350 points)
Submissive Point Level: 4 (1080 points)
  Dates of Trial Claim: December 16-January 15
  Rules for submissive: 
  1. Alex will not orgasm without permission.
2. Alex may scene or sleep with others, but Gunner's permission is needed.
3. No matter who Alex sleeps or scenes with, Alex will fall asleep in Gunner or Beau's arms every night.
4. Alex will serve whoever Gunner tells him to serve.
5. Gunner will always care for and protect Alex. Alex and Beau will always come joint-first to Gunner.
6. Alex's morning routine will consist of one hour of riding and sucking a suction-cupped dildo on the living room wall, alongside his co-sub.
7. Unless it's an emergency, Alex will never remove his collar. Gunner will remove it for showers or baths, and will replace it as soon as possible.
8. If Alex is feeling like he needs a reminder of who he belongs to, he will be open and honest about that need.
9. Gunner will always be Alex's Dominant. 
10. Alex will use his safeword immediately when required. 
  Strengths:(Both parties submit separate answers):
  Gunner: I'm an experienced Dominant now. My time with Beau has given me insights and knowledge that I didn't have before my first claim, and Alex can only benefit from that time and experience. I'm a kind, loving yet strict Dominant who would do anything for his boys. I know how to keep Alex happy, while also being the Dominant he wants and needs. I can also give him a hierarchal structure with my current boy, which he greatly benefits from.
  Alex: I’m eager and curious and want nothing more than to be a good boy for my Dom, however he needs me. Since meeting Mr. Gunner and Beau, I’ve learned how their dynamic works together, and I’ve learned how to slot myself into it in a way that I think benefits all of us. I already know how to anticipate some of their needs. I’m also good at cooking and cleaning and all of the household chores.
  Weaknesses: (Both parties submit separate answers):
  Gunner: I have issues stemming from my childhood that still raise their ugly heads from time to time. Both my boys are aware of them and help with them, like I help them with any of their issues, but it's no denying that the issues are a weakness. 
  Alex: I guess it’s a weakness that I’m young and that this is the only relationship I’ve ever had, but I really can’t imagine my life any other way. 
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galeleads · 2 years
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anonymous has entered.  💭 + Roy Mustang
send for my muse’s opinions  
For the sake of simplicity, @flameleads​‘ Roy will be the basis for this ask.
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              Roy is... complicated in Aurora’s mind. He’s always been so. Most State Alchemists are aware of at least a few of the more notorious players. Roy was one of the ones Aurora not only heard of, but was told to strive to be like by her dad.
              She’s heard only good things about him since she started learning her elemental alchemy. How strong and powerful he was; Aurora never wanted to be more like someone than him. So, when she met him in person after her certification went through, she was intimidated to say the least. However, she never imagined she’d be working under him directly.
             After Grand was killed by Scar, Aurora became one of the main coordinators for the leadership shift within the State Alchemist department. Her role was more secretarial than anything, but she had to relay all the information to Mustang’s team directly in order for them to keep the program running smoothly until they made their transfer.
             One of the added benefits of working in Central was her eventual meeting of Maes Hughes, who did his best to help Aurora adjust. While doing so, he sprinkled in conversations and talked about Roy so personally, Aurora was surprised by what she heard. And so, Aurora had to go through the tedious task of relearning someone she never truly got to meet firsthand.
                             However, Maes was killed, and Aurora couldn’t have been more devastated.
             Not too soon after, the team was officially moved to Central. For a long time, she could barely look the Colonel in the eye (which, he noted.) She was deathly afraid of making a fool of herself, and opted to stay quiet and keep her head down. As the chaos died down, she went back to field work for a short time. It helped that Mustang was willing to answer questions she had, and offer her some advice on her research. (He was head of the program after all!) She slowly got acclimated to the energy and work-style of Team Mustang, and adored them. Fuery, and Havoc yanked Aurora out of her shell, and allowed her to blossom.
            Then, they left. Transferred every which way. All that was left was her, Roy, and a few underlings from the State Alchemist Office.. So, naturally, they got closer. After some time, Roy had finally let her in on what was truly going on around them; and asked for her help && loyalty; not only to fix the corruption of the military, but to avenge Hughes.  Amongst their newly blossomed friendship, and the fact that she’s always looked up to him, she naturally obligated.
             And so, with this new attachment and relationship growing closer as they navigate the danger around them, Aurora tore down her assumptions of him, all the while unknowingly developed unprofessional feelings for the Flame Alchemist until it was right in front of her face. As her friend and superior, she naturally tried to shove them down for the sake for being professional; but it got worse and worse. Every small thing he said started to get slightly heightened responses, and she couldn’t accept his compliments without her face burning with blush.
             She had planned to tell him about it, and that would be the end of it. So that the feelings could fall away without risking their relationship. (She was also anticipating possibly getting transferred, which would be best for both of them.) She spent an hour that day talking herself up, pacing the office floor before anyone arrived. This was for the best, and to keep it inside would only cause more issues later. However, that’s not what happened.
                     She had waited too long, and became a slave to her own selfish desires. She had self-sabotaged her plan and kissed him instead.
            For a moment, she was terrified, and ready for the scolding of a lifetime. That never happened, as he seemingly had similar ideas and returned the favor.
                     And he was certainly the best kisser she’s experienced.
             The rest was history. Their lives seemingly changed overnight as they’ve accepted each other as part of each other’s in a new way. However, Aurora continued to learn more about him, and from him, which made her preconceived notions completely shatter to pieces.
             The final idea of him from the past was destroyed after the first nightmare he had while they were sleeping. He had before bitterly expressed that titles as the Hero of Ishval weren’t a warrior badge, but he had never explained how. Now, it was plain to see, it was a war wound. That night, she would take a moment to revaluate herself; she didn’t want to be anything like him. He wasn’t a war hero, he was a broken man scared of the dark, still trying to escape that living nightmare he endured, and the lives he took. ‘ 
             Needless to say, besides his flaws, Aurora’s adoration and love for her amapola is deeper than either of them could imagine. She was never meant to love him. Their connection was much more than either of them planned for, but they are so much stronger together. His life experienced mixed with her bright outlook on the world keeps them both grounded.
            There are moments where Aurora, in times of stress and dips of self-confidence, feels that he’s better off without her. At worst, that she is a lost puppy following him around. A little girl with a fantasy that he shouldn’t amuse so much at the risk of their jobs. These thoughts are far and few in between, so they do not last long.  (but they do sit and linger.)
           She knows that if others knew, they’d say he may not be the best choice for her, considering his reputation being so notorious, but he is the opposite. He is nothing but devoted, and allows Aurora’s confidence and abilities to soar on her own.
             He has made it so she can succeed by herself, but she doesn’t plan on doing it all without him.
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notnctu · 4 years
backseat chronicles - n.jm | ridin’ club
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━ welcome to the ridin’ club smut series
genre ➠ slow burn, smut, fluff, lil angst  wordcount ➠ 8.5k details ➠ fem!reader, streetracer!jaemin, badboy!jaemin, college!au ━ where Jaemin brings you to his club races as his arm candy. warnings ➠ explicit language, overstimulation, flirty banter, pet names, softdom!jaemin, car sex, praise kink, hittin it raw (y/n on the pill), oral, daddy kink, slight corruption kink, fingering synopsis ➠ There is no reasonable explanation as to why or how you always end up in the backseat of Na Jaemin’s beloved car. Almost routinely, he picks you up around ten in the evening with the stereo blasting the raunchiest lyrics for your entire suburban neighborhood to hear. The entire night remains purely friendly, a dabble of flirtatious comments because well, it’s Jaemin for fuck sakes. But all it takes is one suggestive gaze from his dark, lustful eyes and a drop in his voice that rumbles your core to have you climbing over the seats to get to the back. taglist ➠ @rabbit-doyochi​​​ ; @darkneogotmyback​​​ ; @im-lame-irl​​​ ; @p-mini​​​ ; @niniluvsmarkhyuck​​​ ; @saniahmichael​​ ; @jaehy9ngs​​​ ; @danyxthirstae01​​​ ; @jaehyunoos​​​ ; @pikijaemin​​​ ; @suhweo​​​ ; @yunoyeol​​​ ; @lanadreamie​​​ ; @ta3ilmoon​​​ ; 
a/n ➠ hi yall its author doie❀!! thank you for over 1k notes on this series, im beyond impressed by the amount of attention this got! it really blew up and its so crazy!! i wrote this one with more of a romantic plotline i realized its too hard to keep it pwp with all the story building and characterization i have :)) it’s almost over yall! pls pls leave me feedback im sorry it took so long to write ):
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While college lecture rooms are too big to interact with other students, discussion classes are there to ease the difficulty. A classroom for about twenty students from a three hundred person lecture. It’s administered by a clueless TA, who barely began his second term in graduate school.
Unlike lecture, attendance is mandatory for participation points. You show up every time without a fail, so it came as a shock to you when a certain blue haired student finally appeared from the list of absent students.
Na Jaemin. The notorious playboy with looks that kill and partakes in some illegal racing club. It’s as if every person in the room fawns over his aura, Jaemin drips with an inexplicable alluring confidence. You didn’t know anything about him besides the fact that he never shows up for class and rumors about how he’s slept with the entire cheer squad.
But he’s drawn to you like a magnet: always sitting in the available spot next to you, asking about your day before the TA arrives, developing an odd staring problem. You don’t feed much into his attention, minding your own business when he starts with his notably flirtatious greeting.
“You just take my breath away, (Y/N).” Jaemin cocks back in his seat with legs stretched wide in an overly comfortable manner. The smug smirk on his face cannot be ignored, he’s doing the absolute most to get you to pay the smallest attention to him.
“I didn’t do anything in particular to do that, Jaemin.” You respond bitterly, pulling out your notes for today’s discussion class. The TA enjoys wasting the first twenty minutes going over the past lecture slides and running through the most obvious topics.
You pay no mind to Jaemin peering over at you with the single handedly most dreamy eyes and smile --- stars shining in his dark orbs and a dazzling twinkle in his wide toothy grin.
“That’s why you’re so amazing. You do nothing and it still leaves me breathless.” His sneaky eyes examine your clothing choice for the long day. On this warm afternoon, the short tank top does nothing to hide much of your skin and the denim shorts that ride up a little too well drive Jaemin insane. And when you cross your legs together, he swallows the spit that pools in the back of his throat.
Your ears catch onto the murmurs of the rest of the class, the midterm is next week. The wretched midterm that is half of your grade dooms you, it is going to take an endless amount of completely undistracted dedicated hours of study--- “On a more serious note, can you help me with this class?”
His voice shatters your inner panic, if anything, adds to the stress that already beats down on your shoulders. You look up to glare at him, but you’re entirely taken aback by the new styling of his hair and the exposure of his tattoos.
The sweet blue cotton candied strands are ruffled lazily above his brows, messy from him constantly running his hand through them. Jaemin sits relaxed in gray sweatpants that are extremely baggy on his slender figure, hands are shoved casually into the pockets.
But what has you staring for longer is the long sleeve of tattoos that wrap around his left arm. Not that you’re surprised that Jaemin has tattoos, let alone a whole sleeve, but this is your first time seeing it as this is the first time he’s come to class without his leather jacket on. Something about the intricate lines and shadowing make Jaemin seem much cooler, almost more attractive.
When you meet his eyes, his lips curl slowly into a sly side smile and he’s practically eating you up under his gaze. He definitely knew that you were staring and what comes next out of his mouth will haunt you for it. “Like what you see, beautiful?”
“I don’t have the time to help you.” The best way out of this situation is to simply ignore it. Jaemin is overly adored and admired by many, he’ll find someone else to help him.
“Jaemin, do you want to study together?” There you go, folks. The random girl snickers with her small huddle of friends in the upper corner of the room, like a crowd of crows, they’re all waiting around for Jaemin to accept her offer so he can be easily integrated into their little group.
However, you watch how his glances bounce between you and her. The most sickly sweet, kind smile is almost too fake to consider it to be genuine. His final choice surprises you, “thank you for offering, but I only want (Y/N)...”
Your breath hitches and gets caught in your throat as you hope for him to finish his sentence, the drumming of your heart distracting you even more. Jaemin wants you? While the thought is flattering, it puzzles you greatly.
“... to help me with my studies.” Jaemin finishes his sentence after a rather long pause, his eyes finally resting upon your figure shying away and finding any way to seem uninterested in the conversation. “Is that going to be okay, (Y/N)?”
“What do I get out of it?” You can’t believe that you are actually considering it. But this is a man that only wants you to help him. Jaemin is an impossible, yet charming man and whatever comfortable attire he is wearing today is really aiding in his request.
He lights up, ears perked up and eyes attentive. His hands fold together on the empty desk, leaning forward towards you. “Dates with me.”
Rolling your eyes, you groan slightly at the arrogant answer. “I don’t care about that. I want something that benefits me.”
“I’ll make sure you’re well fed.” There is a tiny plea in his tone, a remarkable shift from his cool aura. “What do you want? I’ll give it to you.”
“I guess I can’t turn down free food…” there is a hang in your sentence as you contemplate what chaos you’re about to dive into and what life changes are about to be explored with Jaemin.
“Before you agree,” Jaemin chuckles, “there’s one more thing I’d like you to do for me.”
You’re quick to shoot a daggering glare at the overly enthusiastic boy, “why do I suddenly owe you favors?”
“Because I say so.” He deadpans, a chill running down your spine at the deep dip in his octave. The playfulness that was present all this time suddenly vanished, a serious look that intimidates you, but sexy enough to where it erupts something in your core. He blinks at you with dark clouded eyes and you nervously anticipate what he is going to ask next of you.
“Accompany me to my races.” He speaks lowly as if he’s afraid of someone else eavesdropping in the conversation.
Here’s your issue with that request: you’ve never really been part of that scene. You’ve lived pretty mundanely, even in college. It’s simple, you like to stay within the boundaries of what you enjoy to do and what you have to do. But you’re always open minded and willing to try something to determine whether or not you’re fond of it.
Partying and drinking copious amounts of alcohol weren’t your favorite things to do, especially to the point of forgetting your nights. You wanted to remember your nights as much as you do your days. The youth isn’t here for long, why waste them by blacking out in the middle of a large party? Also, whoever said that alcohol goes down smooth is a blatant liar.
Illegal racing could possibly be an extension of people who participate in those things, which is fine, but does place a crippling fear of coming off too boring or unrelatable inside your nervous system. But just because you don’t do those things doesn’t mean that you’re not as cool, right?
Since when was your status based nonsensically on how often you spend your nights in socializing crowds full of sweaty bodies and how much cheap booze you can drink? It had to be all in your head --- you’re just dreading any awkward socializing with people who race cars when it’s absolutely illegal.
“Why me?” It’s a genuine answer, possibly stemming from your insecurities of not being on the same level of charm as Jaemin exudes. You’re not a fool, you’re well aware of the many different people he comes across on campus so, why you?
Jaemin doesn’t hesitate to answer, “why not you? You’re just my type. Hot and smart. Cute and a little shy. The greatest duality, if you ask me.” His words seem so genuine that it has you believing these things about yourself as well.
Nonetheless, you’re taken aback by his observations and his choice of descriptions. “We’ve barely ever talked. How can you say these things so confidently about me?”
Jaemin slightly pulls your chair closer to his own and you yelp in response to the sudden movement and lack of space that separates the two of you. He leans into you, breath hot on your skin and obvious eyes darting between your shocked ones and pretty lips.
“So let’s get to know each other. I can already tell that it’ll just make me fall for you even more.” His finger lightly traces your jaw, stopping at your chin to give it a small lift to meet his focus. Jaemin loves how you squirm underneath his intensity, you’re too cute to let go. “Plus, my boys will love you. I’m sure of it.”
The TA rushes in quickly and is utterly distressed from the traffic that had pushed back his schedule. “Sorry, I’m late everyone.” He rummages through his things to find his notes, but groans to see that the monitor of the computer is off. It’s going to take him another ten minutes to input all his credentials.
But your attention doesn’t stray from Jaemin, especially with his delicate touch at the bottom of your chin. His gentle smile enacts nothing but a soft love, and a peak of interest. Na Jaemin, the one and only. He’s like an adventure waiting to be explored, an open bottle of fun for you to take a sip.
“What would I have to do?” Your voice comes out shaky.
“Just be there as your pretty self.” Jaemin comes off as the type to always have women around him, “you’ll be my lucky charm. For some reason, I always feel better around you.”
The escalation of this conversation is possibly more action you’ve had to handle in the last two years. Jaemin drops your chin and falls back into his own seat with his arms crossed. He is about to turn your life upside down and whether that be a good or bad thing, you don’t mind. You’re excited for the new thrills that come with being by Na Jaemin’s side.
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Jaemin’s hot hands lift your shirt quickly, throwing it towards the front seat of his car. His lips return to your soft neck, nibbling at your skin tenderly and with love bites that will remind you of his gentle touches. The streetlamps outside flicker impatiently as you feel the eagerness soaking your panties and he lifts you up to take them off.
“My sweet girl,” his voice is light and airy that it becomes almost lost in the heat of the car. “You’re excited tonight. Did you miss me?” The devilish smirk can be felt upon your collarbones.
“Yes, I haven’t seen you for almost five days.” A peculiar whine settles in your pout and Jaemin’s low growl sends shivers down your spine. The only barrier are his own tight jeans and your hands are fast at unbuckling his belt. Jaemin relaxes back, forearms resting on your soft thighs and watching the neediness in your expression and the speed of your hands. He smiles to himself seeing you this way, wanting him so badly that you can’t wait to get him out of his jeans.
Throughout the two months that you and Jaemin finally became well acquainted, he’s fallen inexplicably into your trance. His friends made it very clear to you that he doesn’t keep the same girl around for more than a few weeks. But he’s brought you to almost every race so far and despite the initial shock of your appearance after the third time, you didn’t let the passing comments phase you.
Why he hasn’t replaced you is unknown and truthfully, there is no reasonable explanation how you always wind up in the backseat of his car by the end of the night. It’s become part of your routine. Jaemin picks you up around ten in the evening with raunchy lyrics blasting out of his personalized car for your entire suburban neighborhood to hear. More often than not, Jaemin has food ready for you to devour and a cozy blanket for your exposed legs.
You’ve learned a bit more about him through your backseat chronicles. Jaemin is possibly one of the only people in your life with a heart bigger than his own body, while also being as carefree as he can. Oddly enough, he cares about you as his friend and as his companion. Not to mention the ridiculous, yet endearing nickname, “Lucky Charm”, that he has coined upon you.
Jaemin has been the best adventure you’ve had in ages. While he takes you on intoxicating thrill rides on the leather of his back seats, every street race has been more than unforgettable. He shares one of the same values as you --- wanting to remember the present. You both know that you’ll remember each other enough for it to transcend into your next lives.
You have him to thank for your youthful experiences, to learn and dive into this new found world of mischief under his care. Jaemin treats you extraordinarily well, he’d never hurt a soul. He showers you in appraisal and carefulness, he’s attentive to your behavior and remembers your favorite things. And he reminds you almost every time you see him that he’s so grateful to have you in his life.
“Have you been touching yourself?” Jaemin’s bold question catches you off guard as it causes your hands to shyly hover over his unzipped jeans. When you glance up at him with soft innocent eyes, as if you’re guilty of a crime and wish to beg for forgiveness, his facial expression is serious and intimidating. 
“Continue, baby. You can be honest with me. Daddy isn’t going to punish you if you did.” His tone is sweet and light, but his eyes are dark and piercing. His lips are drawn tightly into a thin line, no curve in sight.
His finger grazes down your cheek gently as he admires your slightly parted lips and the way your eyelashes dance every time you blink. However, his other hand urges you to continue your previous action of getting him out of his restrictive jeans.
You nod, while rubbing his erection through his gray briefs that hug him so tightly. There’s a sharp intake of breath when you pull the waistband of his underwear down and his cock stands against his lower abdomen. “Do you think of me when you do?” His voice gets caught in his throat when you take him in your warm hand.
“Always.” You kiss his jawline and fix your position above his dick. Your slick pussy presses down against his shaft, coating it in your juices and rubbing his tip to your clit for a delicious sensation. Jaemin groans, his gaze dipping between your lower bodies and back to your face.
“My sweet (Y/N) thinks about her daddy fucking her senseless while she touches herself.” Jaemin chuckles darkly, grinding his hips harder against you. There is a shift in the atmosphere as he grips your hips and slowly enters your dripping hole. “That’s cute, baby.”
You hold onto his shoulders as his raw dick fills you to the brim, stretching you out like past nights. Gasps leave your body when he starts pulling all the way out to only have you sink back down. “Daddy, please just fuck me.”
Jaemin picks up his speed, knowing that you have a quiz due at midnight that you scolded him for forgetting earlier. The grip on his shoulders tighten as this man navigates your body all too well. He knows you like the back of his hand, fucking the spot that causes your body to lose control.
One of his favorite sights in the world is the view of your lips parted open with loud whimpers falling effortlessly. Your eyes roll back into your skull as his hips roll deeper into your walls, the tip hitting your sweet spot repeatedly.
“You’re always the best girl for me, aren’t you?” His hand wraps around your neck when you throw your head back, choking you lightly and your walls grip around his shaft. “I know you’re close. Cum on my dick, baby. Be a good girl.”
Jaemin’s tattoos shine under the moonlight when you peer down at him. His hooded eyes are intoxicated by the pure image of your fucked out body and he’s truly in love. “My good girl, come on baby.” He continues to encourage, his other hand giving you a smack on your ass when he drills mercilessly into you.
The familiar bubbling occupy your lower half and the feeling of release unravels all so suddenly. You fall forward, Jaemin lets go of your neck to hold your limp body close to him, your head on his shoulder as your orgasm overtakes you. He grinds his hips into you to prolong your shaking climax, cooing sweet nothings in your ear as his other hand takes a whole handful of ass to squeeze.
He bottoms out, filling you up to the rim to cum deep inside of you. Jaemin moans loudly, his cum spilling all over your walls. You two sit like that until he grows soft, pampering your temples with gentle kisses. Jaemin remembers to take care of you, no matter what.
While you’re in his arms, he reaches for sanitary wipes in the side compartments. He lifts your hips slowly to pull out and you sigh at the emptiness. Gently, he swipes at the dripping cum from your pussy and makes sure that you’re all cleaned up before getting dressed.
“So, you want to tell me why you’ve been MIA for the past five days?” Rolling your eyes, you pull up your panties and fix the last decency of your hair.
“Car meets that are too far for me to take you.” His thumb rubs your chin lovingly and Jaemin’s eyes are so bright and mesmerizing, you find that it’s hard to look him in the eye at times.
“Not because you’ve been hooking up with other girls?” There is a tinge of sarcasm that laces your rhetorical question and though you don’t expect him to give you an actual answer, you take note of his reaction. Jaemin raises an eyebrow, clearing his throat and looking out the window away from you.
“And if I was?” Truthfully, that question hurt you more than your’s hurt him. His hand rests underneath his chin as he patiently waits for your answer. He admires the clear night sky and the rundown abandoned liquor store that stands all by itself.
“What do you want me to say?” Question after question, a stiff tension replaces the sex of the car.
“I’ll take you back now.” Jaemin crawls back to the driver’s seat, completely ignoring your confused figure. He has always been quite like this: going aloof whenever he wants to dodge something. However, it’s been happening more frequently the past times you two have been seeing each other.
The truth is simple, yet entirely complex at the same time. You and Jaemin aren’t dating, despite always going out together and him posessively introducing you to other men. You and Jaemin aren’t dating.
Nevertheless, it doesn’t stop you from growing feelings for him and you can tell that this happens too often for the attractive boy. He can’t have a fuckbuddy that won’t fall head over heels for him. But who could really blame you? Even if all this time Jaemin was pretending that he cared about you, he still pampers you like a princess; he still tells you he does.
But when it comes to discussion about advancing into something more, he hides and grows silent. This has you wondering, maybe this entire thing to him is all sex? And he can’t love you back the way you do.
No one knows his heart, not even himself. He’s never wanted to complicate his life, it’s always been about two things: racing and having fun. There is no easy way to explain it all, the thoughts that flood his mind and heart, so he chooses every way to ignore it. Overall, he’s genuinely lost. You are one source of stability in his life that he isn’t willing to let go, ever. But just because he won’t let you go, doesn’t mean that you won’t take the chance to leave when you’re fed up with him.
This has him wondering, how far can he push before he pushes you too far?
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just walk.” Tonight is unsettling, it usually doesn’t end like this. Jaemin locks the car doors and turns around to reach for your hand. “Jaemin, open the door.”
“I want you to say that you hate when I sleep with other people.” Jaemin confesses all too wildly as his hand lightly squeezes around your wrist. “And I want you to mean it.” He’s only speaking words of truth that haven’t had the time to process in his own thoughts.
“I hate when you sleep with other people.” And you do mean it. You mean it more than anything you’ve ever said to this man. Jaemin just sighs, bringing your wrist to his lips for a lasting kiss.
“Can I drive you home?” Jaemin asks softly, eyes dipping down to the leather seats and avoiding all need for eye contact.
“Yes, Jaemin.” He pulls you back into the passenger seat and drapes the soft blanket over your exposed legs. “Hopefully, I still have time to take my quiz.”
“Can I come inside?” Jaemin coolly turns his marble wheel to reverse out of the parking space, a hand resting on the shoulder of your seat as he does a double take behind him for any pedestrians, even if you two are far out in the middle of nowhere and there isn’t anyone around; Jaemin knows you have the hots for him when he does that specific move.
“What do you mean? You’ve already cum inside.”
It’s the sound of disappointment as his tongue tsks at you and he flicks lightly at your forehead. He steps on the acceleration, revving the annoying engine that roars throughout the peaceful night. The multicolored lights illuminate around his stereo and at your feet, creating the Rainbow Road right out of Mario Kart. 
Jaemin isn’t like the others who pay close attention to the details of his car. His motto goes, “if I like it, I’m going to have it.” Whether or not anything matches goes beyond his worries.
In some ways, his car is a mirror of his own personality --- wild and free, colorful and welcoming. And his skills as a driver? Safe, no matter how far the speedometer goes, Jaemin always makes you feel safe.
“I mean come inside your room for aftercare. You know how much I hate leaving you without a proper cuddle.” He pouts and almost immediately his cute baby tone comes out with his beg. Almost subconsciously, Jaemin lays his right palm open facing up to invite yours in. Almost routinely, you lace your hands to complete his hold. Getting Jaemin to smile has never been easier as his hold grows tighter.
“You can’t stay over tonight though. My housemates are doing some Single Girls Only house event tomorrow and it starts immediately when we wake up.” You laugh as the ridiculous words fill the air.
“And you’re participating in that?” Jaemin mindlessly asks and you’re unable to differentiate his implications from the question. Is he asking because the idea is horrendously nothing you’d like to do or he’s implying that you’re not single?
“Why wouldn’t I?” Sounding rather harsher than intended, Jaemin finally realizes how poorly he had worded his previous question. Yet, a part of him feels disappointment whirling in his chest and a desire to feel wanted by you.
“Doesn’t seem like something you’d like: wallowing in your singleness.” He chuckles, remaining lighthearted and playful.
“I really don’t.” Jaemin brings your knuckles up to his lips for a lingering kiss, his eyes darting quickly on the road ahead now that you’ve entered the metropolitan areas and his speed drops significantly to avoid getting ticketed.
“I’ll come pick you up. Instead of being single tomorrow, you’ll be on a date.” When you turn to examine his facial expression, the serious tension in his jawline and focused eyes alarm you. Your stomach twists into knots and if he couldn't already tell, your palms grow sweaty at his offer.
“That’s such a slap in the face to them.” Pulling your hand away from his, you cross your arms and lean your head against the cold window. “I don’t think I can do that to them.”
“I have a race tomorrow.” He starts, his head tilting over at you with his round gorgeous begging eyes, “at least, come to that with me.”
“Okay, but only because I want to see Haechan.” As if it wasn’t moments ago, Jaemin was the one balls deep in you and now you’re spewing enthusiasm for another man. It’s all a joke, a way for you to conceal your undying attraction for Jaemin.
You still remember the first time you met the sunshine that is Haechan and the jealousy that seeped from Jaemin’s words when he noticed the exchange of flirtation. Haechan is someone you’d knowingly gravitate towards: a man with a loud personality that just knows how to conduct every personality in the room. And at that moment, Jaemin couldn’t tell if being more observant was a good or bad thing.
Jaemin never saw himself as outgoing as his other friends, staying more kept in his own circle, but he had the confidence to fake it. He’s bold, rather impulsive and slightly narcissistic, Jaemin knows how to use his strengths very well. 
However, when he saw the soft smirk on Haechan’s face and your shy mannerisms, a small tinge in his chest ignited a died out flame. He didn’t realize it before, but that was the very start of his long tumble of feelings for you.
“Do you say those things to purposefully get me jealous?” Jaemin rests his hand on your thigh, giving it a harsh squeeze. His eyes never leave the road and his tone reverts back to his dominant tone.
“Well, are you jealous?” It’s like you two dance in circles, answer questions with a question does not stop.
And as bratty as your tone is, you don’t expect the quick “yes” that answers back and the smoldering look he gives you briefly before focusing back on the drive.
“Then good.” You huff, ready to hop out of the car after the odd, yet sensual tension. Jaemin pulls up to your house and double parks the car to lean in for a nightly goodbye kiss.
“You’re not coming in?” You try to read his facial expressions, but he hides his emotions too perfectly.
His lips curl into a smile before saying, “I think it’s better I cool off tonight.” And you mindlessly give him a peck, but he holds your face to deepen it. Through the kiss, you can feel the neediness by the way Jaemin shoves his tongue into your mouth. The taste of lust against your palette is difficult to ignore, but your academically responsible mind screams at you about your forgotten quiz.
Your hand lightly taps at his chest and he pulls away, his eyes drinking up your swollen lips. “I have a quiz, Jaemin.”
“I know, sorry. It’s just so easy to get lost in you.” Jaemin kisses your cheek once more before you exit. You smile back at him as his words have grown a strong effect on you lately. Bidding him goodbye, he wishes you sweet dreams as he patiently makes sure you’re fully inside your house.
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“Is the music too loud?” Jaemin checks over at your hunched figure in the passenger seat. You’re diligently flipping through your thick textbook, a yellow highlighter in one hand and the other comfortably holding Jaemin’s.
The worst part of college is the never ending midterms that are given at any time. Studying in his car isn’t a rare sight, if anything it is more expected than you not doing anything related to your academics. But Jaemin genuinely doesn’t mind, even being mindful about his own actions to ensure an optimal studying space for you.
He really is an ideal guy. Like his first promise, he keeps you well fed and never once asks you for any monetary pay back. Jaemin adjusts the car temperature before you even step into the vehicle, knowing that you prefer wearing less clothes rather than more. Though he isn’t academically responsible, he still makes the effort to try and understand enough information to pass his classes.
The sole flaw would be the lack of open communication. It’s genuinely difficult for you to read his emotions or intentions. Jaemin always has a dazed look in his eyes whenever he looks at you, and it’s an internal fight about whether or not you’re being delusional.
“Music is fine, honey.” The mindless use of a pet name slips from your lips, but your concentration on neoliberalism and globalization doesn’t allow for you to notice.
Nevertheless, Jaemin catches on immediately to the usage. While he showers you in ridiculous nicknames, you’re not one to do so. “Honey?”
“Yes?” You answer back carelessly, not entirely actively listening to him as you highlight an important concept in your book.
“No, you called me honey.”
Looking up from your page, you blink at him with wide eyes and mouth slightly agape. “I did?”
Jaemin chuckles and finally pulls into the overly crowded parking lot, a whole mass of fanboys cheering at the arrival of his flashy vehicle. Everyone just loves Jaemin.
This familiar scene plays like a reel --- several high beams cast light under the dark sky due to the lack of functioning street lamps, dizzy multicolored cars that blaze the tracks, and the all too distinct smell of musky cologne in the chilly air. Oh, and the wide eye admirable stares when you get out of the car.
“Hi, you’re stunning.” A bold new recruit blinks at you in complete awe and awkwardly clears his throat once he realizes his rash comment.
Jaemin raises an eyebrow at him, then at how you plan on handling the situation. You’re flattered, nonetheless, but know that Jaemin didn’t bring you here to flirt with other men. “Thank you. I hope you enjoy your membership in the Ridin’ Club.”
The gracefulness in your delicate voice has the youthful recruit swooning and subtly giddy as he runs off to join a group of others that have been eying you across the parking lot. Jaemin casually drapes his leather jacket over your exposed shoulders, knowing the temperature change is going to result in you most likely catching a cold and because you never bring a jacket despite his plea.
“The power you hold.” Jaemin winks at you before pulling you into a larger crowd to socialize with more impressionable recruits.
“Ah, so you’re (Y/N)!” The stranger is unrecognizable, but you giggle to acknowledge his confident statement. “We haven’t met before, but Jaemin was talking about you the other night at our motorcycle meet.”
Your eyes light up, as if you’ve unlocked a new fun fact of Na Jaemin. “You drive a motorcycle too?” You’re truly shocked at the talent of this man.
Jaemin snakes his arm around your lower waist to draw you closer to his side. “Yeah, but I can’t fuck you in a motorcycle, can I?”
Before the other men can comment on the obvious sexual tension that Jaemin created, he leans in to whisper into your ear. “Actually, I can, but we’ll save our decency from unwanted exposure.” His hot breath grazes against the shell of your ear and you just know where you two are going to end up tonight.
“Bro, you guys probably fuck in the backseat of his car.” One of them chimes recklessly, punching at each others’ chest playfully as if he made a decent joke.
“Why don’t you stay to find out?” Jaemin retorts and the grip on your hip becomes tighter. You’re too flustered to add much into this odd form of competitive banter, distracted by none other than the way Jaemin keeps glancing over at you with a delicious gleam in his eyes.
“So what? You don’t care about us now?” You’d know that bratty tone from anywhere as Lee Haechan pushes past everyone else to rush over to the both of you.
“Aw, are your feelings hurt?” Jaemin sticks his tongue out at his friend before cordially sharing a handshake with him.
“Just slightly.” Haechan looks over at you with a wide grin and playful eyes, “hello, my pretty girl.”
“Drop the possessives, Haechan.” Jaemin rolls his eyes with an irritable twitch on his lips.
He hates how obviously jealous he gets. It’s something too difficult for himself to control, he’s exhausted his efforts to bite his tongue whenever it comes to other people’s flirtations. The thought of someone else calling you theirs doesn’t sit well with him.
“I understand your jealousy, Jaem. If someone was flirting with (Y/N), I wouldn’t be able to stand it either.” Haechan fixes the falling jacket on your shoulders. “But she can handle herself, I know those pretty lips have a mind of their own.” His gaze drops momentarily, yet obvious enough for you to grow shy at how strong Haechan is coming off tonight.
“Stop trying to corrupt her, that’s my job.” Jaemin playfully pushes at Haechan’s chest and they both break out laughing.
“I haven’t said one thing and you’re both talking about me as if I’m not here.” Your small pout is literally the cutest thing to Jaemin. He physically has to stop himself from planting the sweetest kiss on it.
It’s blatantly clear that you’re hot stuff. You’re the perfect example of a head turner, your captivating aura has its ability to suffocate those around you. However, Jaemin has seen all sides of you, but overall finding you so entirely cute. And oddly enough, Jaemin has a knack for cute things.
“Is that (Y/N) I hear?” Huang Renjun engulfs you in a hug, showing clear affection and doesn’t mind doing so. “How did your project go?”
“It went well. You accomplish a lot when you don’t procrastinate.” Renjun gleams at your statement and if Jaemin is delusional enough, he’d probably mistaken the twinkle in his eyes for infatuation instead of admiration.
“You’re so responsible, why are you messing with Jaemin?” Renjun sighs and though his question is more of a joke, there is some truth behind his words.
Your friendship with his friends differ immensely compared to other girls who have come around. Like Jaemin had said before, his boys were going to like you and they do, a lot. Sometimes making it obvious that you’re too good for him.
Jeno comes up from the side, an unidentifiable bruise on his neck and a new cut on his brow. Lee Jeno being such a rough character, his appearance speaks well about how his day has been.
But when he lays his eyes on you, it’s as if all his pain is replaced with joy and security. “(Y/N)! I haven’t seen you in so long!” The enthusiastic boy rushes over to greet you with a warm smile.
“I’m pretty sure I was here a week ago.” You laugh, but welcome him in your arms for a tender friendly hug and pat his head out of habit.
“It’s been a week?! That’s so long.” Jeno narrows his eyes at Jaemin and flicks his forehead.
“Ow!” Jaemin exclaims while rubbing the pain away. “You act like she doesn’t go to the same school as us and therefore, can see her any time you want to.” The tone in Jaemin’s voice raises some eyebrows as they all exchange glances to each other before bursting into laughter.
“Like your jealous ass would allow for that?” Haechan remarks and Jaemin doesn’t outwardly react. However, Jaemin’s hand is squeezing you so tight that you’re more than certain he’s bothered by the comment.
“Oh, stop it. You all know I’m Team Jaemin. He does have the most wins this past month.” You only know that through Jaemin’s proud boasting, anything else in the racing world is unknown to you.
Jaemin situates you in between his legs as he slightly sits on the hood of his car. His arms wrap around your middle and chin rests on your shoulder. Public display of affection isn’t a problem for him, and you learned much earlier that Jaemin can’t keep his hands off of you.
Renjun scoffs at your whimsical fact, in absolute disbelief. “It hurts more hearing you say it. I’m getting my car upgraded, but once it’s done, I’m going to blaze his ass on the tracks.”
“Are you racing today?” Jeno asks the blue haired fellow that clings onto you like a koala.
“Yeah, against a newbie. Apparently he’s really good, so I’m not too sure I’ll win.” Jaemin mumbles into your hair.
“You say that every time, yet you win!” Renjun crosses his arms, weight shifting to his left leg as he pops his hip out. There is always a sense of competition between anyone with Renjun.
Jaemin perks up behind you and when you turn around in his arms, you’re face to face with a beaming smile. “That’s because I have you.” Eyes lock with yours, he isn’t saying that directed to Renjun. Na Jaemin has you wrapped around his pinky, the butterflies fluttering in your stomach are too hard to ignore.
“Alright, lovebirds. Get in your car and let’s start this shit.” Haechan groans and claps his hands to draw the crowd’s attention. Cupping them around his mouth, he roars into the starry night, “let’s roll!”
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During the race, Jaemin’s number one priority is to keep you safe. While you’ve sat in his car for a number of times now, it’s different once the loud bang goes off and he’s hitting 100 mph. Tonight’s track is much more dangerous, with twists and turns that can have the vehicle flying weightlessly if he’s not careful.
“You trust me, right?” Jaemin has both hands on the wheel and the engine rumbling as you both anticipate the start of the race.
Spectators watch on the sidelines as if it’s the ultimate battle, but Jaemin doesn’t pay them much mind. He’s more concerned about you instead. “Of course. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be sitting here right now. You’ve proven yourself that you’re an excellent driver, so let’s win this.”
Jaemin smirks at your encouraging words, feeling a warmth spread across his chest. “I’ll tap out any time you want me to, okay?”
You nod and the initial whip of the car is so intense that you didn’t even register the sound off. It’s not your first race, but it’s been awhile since the last one. When you adjust to the pressure, the lanes in front of you cause a slight queasiness in your stomach.
It’s a two lane windy road that wraps around the mountain side and Jaemin happens to be in the outer lane. All it takes is a second of lost control and you two will hit the metal railings that guard the cliff below. Despite your inner panic, Jaemin guides you through the pooling anxiety that leaves you restless.
“(Y/N), look up and out the window. We’re coming up on the cliff side view, I’ve always wanted to bring you here.” Your eyes land on the dazzling glitter that dances on the ripples of the lake. It’s so vast, the moon high up in the sky is reflected on the water below. It’s a romantic scene of melancholy and bliss. Suddenly, you feel at peace in the middle of this high speed race.
“It’s beautiful, Jaem.” You whisper calmly and he’d reach for your hand to hold, but races take too much wheel control. And he’d turn to look at you, but races take too much concentration on the road ahead.
But throughout every obstacle, he hears the gentleness and the solidarity in your cadence in the midst of all the high stress. He, too, feels peace. He feels calm knowing that you’re simply by his side, even in the face of danger. So, he can finally admit to himself… he genuinely developed feelings for you.
Before you know it, you’re thrusted side to side from the sharp turns and the adrenaline kicks in when the other racer catches up right next to Jaemin. “Fuck,” Jaemin curses underneath his breath and steps harshly on the acceleration. “Baby, I’m going to go a bit faster so hold onto something.” He warns and your hand finds the grab handle. It’s neck and neck at this point.
Usually, you squeeze your eyes shut to avoid becoming too overwhelmed by the sights in front of you. Tonight is different, not entirely knowing why, you’re observing every element that circles around the perimeter.
The finish line is up ahead, but there is no sign that the other racer is slowing down. Then, you see it: the fatal mistake that can cost you both of your lives if you didn’t catch it. “Jaemin, watch out!” You yelp when the other car inches dangerously close, your warning allows Jaemin to make a controlled swerve away from a possible hit.
Jaemin shakes his head and tsks at the recklessness. “Now I know why he’s good. It’s foul play.” He blows his bang out of his eyes and casually says, “thank you for warning me. This is why I need you by my side.”
He makes it to the finish line barely before the other, winning the race by half a second. Jaemin brakes smoothly, tire marks scrapping the concrete below, and you both exit the car to celebrate with everyone else.
But before the mass of eager shouting men make their way over to you two, Jaemin hurries to your side to pull you into a steamy, rewarding kiss. The scene is just like the movies; his hand on your lower back and yours on his chest lightly. His lips taste like triumph, like he had won more than just a simple race against a random stranger. He’s won the best person he could ever have.
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You two fled the scene after cussing out the other racer. It was a rare sight to see: Jaemin being all bothered and angry, practically fuming after scrambling back into the driver’s seat. However, your mind had mischievous plans of its own and all it took was one look from his hooded eyes for you to announce that you wanted him --- badly.
Back in your usual abandoned parking lot, Jaemin pauses before following you to the back seats. With the engine off and the dead of the night being absolute silent, the tension remains thick around you two. “(Y/N),” Jaemin is about to confess something he never thought he’d admit. He turns to you sitting in the middle seat with just your panties on and a curious look on your face.
His heart burns and despite being so incredibly aroused, he controls his urges enough to be able to say, “I’m into you.”
“I know you’re into me, that’s how we ended up like this in the first place.” You giggle cluelessly to his words, still not understanding the odd shift in mood and intentions. It’s always his unclear, messy intentions.
Though he can’t entirely figure out his puzzle pieces, he has plenty to connect the dots. “I like you. I want to be in a relationship with you and call you my girlfriend.”
You’re stunned. Did Jaemin just confess to you as you sit in your panties ready to fuck? This softness is different from the sides you’ve seen of him. It’s similar to a lost bunny, wandering grasslands to find a purpose. He looks so fragile, one intense stare and he’d crumble. This softness is vulnerability.
“So do it.” The boldness catches him off guard, but switches on the dominance in him. “If you want me, come show it.”
He climbs over the middle console to push you into the leather seats. “Not acting shy anymore, are you?” Practically ripping your shirt off of you, he cups your breast lightly and flicks at your nipples. Your immediate reaction results in a rush of wetness down your core.
“Before I forget,” sitting up, you share a passionate kiss that you’ve held back long enough. You give it every ounce of feeling you have for him. “If it isn’t obvious enough, I like you too.”
“It’s obvious, baby.” Kissing your nose, he wraps a hand around your throat to lightly push you back down. “But hearing you say it out loud makes me happy.” Jaemin smirks, hand still choking you gently and pampering your jawline with soft kisses.
His free hand reaches down into your dripping panties, circling your clit with your wetness. The sensation causes you to whimper for more. “Daddy, give it to me.” You wiggle in his palm, knowing that the nickname is more than effective.
“My sweet (Y/N) wants to get fucked?” Jaemin rolls your underwear off and rids himself of his own bottoms.
“Yes, please.” Through the darkness, his hard dick stands proudly. Jaemin lines himself up as he thrusts into you without another second of hesitation. He waits for you to adjust to his size, his tip barely grazing your sweet spot. “Fuck…”
“You take me so well, my pretty baby.” Jaemin starts moving his hips, slowly at first to build a rhythm. Taking your legs, he presses them into your chest to fuck you at a deeper angle. And you feel him practically in your guts, his cock pumping against your walls deliciously and bumping into your g-spot. “Do you want more of me?”
Your train of thought is in utter shambles and whatever Jaemin is saying to you barely processes. You’re overwhelmed by a pleasure that fills every system, every part of your body. To answer him, you let out an incoherent noise of approval.
Jaemin pulls your hips down while thrusting forward into you, maximizing every inch of his strokes. This single action causes you to scream and grip onto the headrest. “Who knew my sweet girl could be so fucking dirty?” Jaemin chuckles darkly, his cadence dropping several decibels. “When I first met you, I wanted to ruin you.”
All of his filthy words edge you closer to your release as he continues to repeat his previous motion. He holds your hips in place to grind into you, the feeling of his tip rubbing your walls has your eyes rolling back. “Do you want to cum, (Y/N)?”
“Yes!” You yell, the tight ball in your lower abdomen is bound to break any minute. “I want to cum so badly, please.” You beg and moan, the arch in your back lifts you from the seat of the car. Jaemin snaps his hips into you, drilling you quickly to reach your high. And you break. An euphoric cry fills the air as your walls clench around his length. You hear the extra wetness create a slick noise, but Jaemin isn’t done with you yet.
“You wanted to cum so fucking badly. I’ll reward you with one more for being such a good girl for me.” His thumb flicks at your clit and you convulse into spasms from the sensitivity. Your violently shaking legs can’t hold themselves up anymore and Jaemin rests them on his shoulders. He lines kisses along your ankle as the pleasure overtakes you.
“I don’t think I can do it.” You whine, your fingers twisting and toes curling.
“You are going to try, okay baby?” He coos, but it’s most definitely a demand. He sits back on his knees to pick up more speed, fucking endlessly into your swollen pussy and thumb rubbing fast strips against your bud.
“I’m going to snap, Jaem.” You cry, tears rimming your eyes and before you know it, a second wave hits you. Your second orgasm is ruinous and has you squirming around to regain some sense of control.
“Oh fuck, you’re so beautiful.” Jaemin slows down as your walls grip around him again, tighter this time. “I’m going to fill you up with cum,--- watch it drip out of you.” He grunts while releasing into you, his dick twitching and spraying your insides with white.
He pulls out as hot, white cum spills from your pussy. You take this moment to catch your breath and relax your legs. However, Jaemin coats his two fingers and shoves the cum back into you. “Jaemin!” You exclaim at the sudden intrusion.
He curls them into your plushy walls and finger fucks you into another oblivion. “Wait, again?” Your hands wrap around his wrist, but Jaemin moves too fast for you to catch it.
You’re a moaning mess again, louder than before. Jaemin leans down and flicks his tongue against your overstimulated bundle of nerves. Your back arches automatically and a low animalistic scream rises from your throat.
He observes your body lines underneath the moonlight and the last remaining light the broken street lamps have to offer. Your face contours and you’re so far out into ecstasy that you don’t notice how intensely Jaemin watches you lose yourself.
“It feels too good!” With one last thrilling orgasm, you almost pass out and you see small stars of dizziness. He soaks up every last bit of your cathartic reaction and festers a small sense of pride that he can make you feel all this pleasure.
“Such a good girl. You’re beyond impressive, baby.” Jaemin pulls his fingers out to lick them clean and finds some wipes to help you out of your sticky situation.  
“Now that you’re my girlfriend, can we cuddle at any time now? Not just as after care.” He peers up at you and the one word enacts a burning warmth to spread across your chest. That is the best nickname he can call you by.
“I think the Singles Girls Only house event is still going on, but after that, yes a million times.” You laugh and wrap your arms around him into a big loving hug.
Jaemin feels right at home. All the long years of living carelessly and wild, he’s finally found someone worth the extra mile. While Jaemin was a thriving adventure to be explored, you were his comfort to run back to.
It is through the intimacy of your backseat chronicles that Jaemin was able to fall deeper for you. You’re his lucky charm, for some reason, he always feels better around you. 
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thatfanficstuff · 3 years
Open Wounds - 3
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: nope
A/N: Timeline things. Avengers happened. Hydra never disappeared from sight and continued to operate opposed by SHIELD. There were less infiltrators in SHIELD as a result. After New York, Steve restarted his crusade against Hydra with the help of the others. They found Bucky on one of those missions. T'Challa had made contact with the team as he had tech he believed might help kill aliens. There is no UItron or thanos. In other words, I'm making shit up as I go along.
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Six years later
Bucky didn’t remember he had a soulmate for a long time.
Didn’t make the connection between the odd bruise and scar and a soulmate. His brain was so scrambled, so disjointed, he was lucky if he could string two thoughts together. It wasn’t until after Shuri recalibrated him that his thoughts could turn to a mate. It wasn’t until then that he began to remember.
There was the time they woke him up and he had bruises all along his ribs. Or when he bore the scars from three gunshot wounds that weren’t his own. Scars that had healed far faster than they should have. Then there were the scattered conversations amongst the agents and scientists. But anytime the Winter Soldier showed too much interest in a possible soulmate, they’d erase him and start over. Make him forget they existed until the next time a wayward scar or conversation caught his attention.
That was the part that bothered him the most. Hydra knew. They knew his soulmate was out there somewhere and it was too much to hope that they wouldn’t use that to their advantage. He was surprised they hadn’t already. Maybe they already knew where his soulmate was and they were biding their time. Making him suffer from the anticipation. Or maybe Hydra had already captured them and were planning the best way to use his mate against him.
Now that he remembered they existed, he needed to find his mate. The problem was, he had no idea how to go about doing that. He was going to have to ask for help and Bucky hated asking for help. Especially since Stark was probably his best option and they still hadn’t worked out all their issues.
But his soulmate was more important than any of that. When he ended up with a side full of bruises along with a couple of scars he feared were knife wounds when he hadn’t done anything more strenuous than go for a jog, he had Jarvis call a meeting of whoever was currently in the tower. He tapped metal fingers against the table while he waited for everyone else to file into the conference room.
Bruce and Tony were the first to arrive. “This better be important. I was in the middle of something,” Tony grumbled and Bruce nudged him with an elbow before offering Bucky a small smile.
Bucky ignored the billionaire and shifted his attention to Steve as he walked in. He took one of the open chairs near his best friend. Natasha and Clint were close behind.
“That is all of the team present at this time, Mr. Barnes,” Jarvis announced.
Buck gave a nod of his head. “Thanks.” He clasped his hands together on the table and kept his attention on them as he leaned forward.
When he remained silent, Steve cleared his throat. “What’s going on, Buck?”
Muscles worked in Bucky’s jaw as he clenched his teeth. Finally, he glanced at the others in the room. “I need your help.”
Tony snorted. “This ought to be good.” He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest.
Once again, Bucky ignored the other man. It was the best way to deal with him. Besides, the super soldier had earned every bit of grief Tony wanted to give him.
“I have a soulmate.”
Steve straightened in his chair. “Are you sure?”
Buck nodded. “That was one of the things Hydra tried to remove from my brain completely but I started getting memories back after Shuri fixed me. Plus, there’s been some bruises. Scars. Some rather nasty ones today.”
“What sort of bruises and scars?” Natasha asked.
“Does it matter?” he asked.
“Just answer the question, Barnes,” Clint snapped earning raised eyebrows around the room.
Rather than answering verbally, Bucky stood and lifted his shirt to show off the wounds in question. Clint and Natasha shared a look before setting their jaws and nodding to indicate they’d seen enough.
“If you’re done showing off your abs, I have a question,” Tony said. “Why do you want to find them?”
“What kind of question is that?” Steve asked. “Wouldn’t you want to find your soulmate if you had one?”
Bucky laid a hand on his friend’s arm to calm him down. “Hydra knows about them. I’m afraid they’ll use them trying to get to me. I can’t let that happen.”
“What if they already found them?” came Bruce’s soft voice.
The thought made Bucky’s stomach churn with anxiety. “Then I have to save them.”
“Okay, I’ll help. Them, not you. Just so we’re clear.”
“Really, Tony?” Steve asked.
“It’s fine, Steve. I don’t care why he helps as long as I find them.”
Tony clapped his hands and rubbed them together. “Okay. Jarvis run a search on all the soulmate forums, chat boards, postings, etc. Start with the most popular and work down to the lesser ones. Use our record of Barnes’ scars for the parameters.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Don’t expect much. It could take—”
“I already have several results if you would like to view them,” Jarvis interrupted.
Bucky’s heart pounded though he didn’t know if it was excitement or anxiety. It had never occurred to him it could be this easy.
“Let’s see ‘em, J.” Tony turned his chair to look at the large screen at one end of the room.
A message appeared from a 23-year-old female searching for her soulmate with scars that matched his. Again and again similar messages appeared though the age fluctuated from twenty-two to twenty-four. Bucky’s eyes ran over the words wondering what kind of person she was. Would she want anything to do with him once they met?
“Anyone else thinking this is too easy?” Natasha asked.
His gaze shifted to her. “What do you mean?”
“She means, if Hydra knows about your mate, they could easily be the ones posting the messages trying to trick you,” Clint clarified.
Tony hummed in thought. “The varying ages are odd, especially since the messages were posted within a small timeframe.”
“So, none of you think this could be her?” Bucky’s voice had a desperate edge.
“We’re not saying that, Buck,” Steve piped up. “We’re just saying we’re going to have to approach this carefully. There’s too much of a chance this is a trap. I know you want to find her, but you won’t do her any good if Hydra gets their hands on you again.”
Bucky thought for a moment “Is there any way to get more information about who posted the messages?”
“You heard him, Jarvis.” Tony glanced at the super soldier. “That may take longer. I’ll have Jarvis put together a report of all the messages along with whatever he can find on the poster. I’ll let you know when it’s ready.”
“Thanks.” With that, Bucky gave them a nod and left the room.
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A knock sounded at your door that evening and you opened it to find Nat and Clint on the other side. Clint held up a six-pack of beer while Nat flashed a bag of take out.
You frowned. “Did we have plans I don’t remember?”
“Nope. Just thought we’d stop by,” Nat answered as she pushed her way past you. Clint followed behind.
“By all means, come on in.” You shook your head and shut the door.
You watched in silence as Nat divided up the food and Clint opened your beer. You took a sip then pursed your lips as you looked them over. “So why are you here?”
They exchanged a look. “Can’t we just stop by?” Clint asked.
“You can but you don’t.”
Nat sighed. “We were worried about you. Fury said the mission was a little rough. Thought we’d check up on you.”
You weren’t certain whether to believe them or not. They’d always been like siblings to you. Then Phil died and they tried to fill that void but they couldn’t. No one could. Fury had fussed over you earlier, but it seemed unlike him to contact these two over something so minor. Fuck. Who cared? They were here. That’s all that mattered. It had been too long since you’d spent any time together.
You took a bite of your food. “Hydra’s growing tired of me slipping through their fingers. They sent more men than usual. I’m a little bruised up and some jackass got a couple of swipes in with a knife. It’s half healed already. I’ll be fine.”
“Maybe it’s time to stop with the posts,” Clint suggested. “I mean, you’ve been lucky so far, but maybe your luck is running out. We shouldn’t push it.”
You tapped a finger against the table as you watched your friend. He didn’t meet your eye. Neither did Nat for that matter. “You know for a couple of spies, you’re shit liars.”
“What lie? What are you talking about?” Clint looked a little panicked and you chuckled.
“Calm down, Francis. I just mean that there is something going on here that you two aren’t sharing. Now, what’s really going on?”
“I hate it when you call me that,” Clint muttered.
You shifted your gaze from him to Nat who was watching you carefully. “What about you, Natalia? Have something to share with the class?”
She shook her head once. “No. I agree with Clint that it’s time to stop. No one’s seen the Winter Soldier in years. Rumor is that he was rescued from Hydra and they unscrambled his brain. That means you might have an actual soulmate out there, not just some mindless assassin.”
Unease crawled up your spine. They were speaking in half-truths. And Nat had never tried to talk you into accepting Soldat as your mate. In fact, she would have kicked your ass not long ago had you even suggested it. “Right,” you said as you slid your chair back. You had better things to do than sit there and let them feed you bullshit. “Lock up when you leave.” You grabbed your leather jacket from its hook by the door and slid it on.
“Where are you going?” Clint asked.
“Sister Margaret’s. I need a drink.”
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Can I request a Compress x Reader? Babytrapping + Breeding?
Ohhh interesting, of course you can! I rarely write for the villains so this will be fun. You didn’t specify but because baby trapping I did fem!reader. I also just realized you might’ve meant reader baby trapping Compress but I wrote Compress baby trapping reader so I hope that’s what you wanted 😅
The following request contains dark content. Check the warnings before reading
Warnings for vomiting, pregnancy, manipulation, non-violent sexual assault (baby trapping), breeding kink, unprotected sex, oral (f!receiving), fingering (f!receiving), minor dumbification? (reader is very no thoughts, head empty during the smut), minor size kink, minor pain kink
Three years.
Three years together and yet you never would’ve guessed that your boyfriend is the notorious Mr. Compress of League of Villains infamy.
You first met Atsuhiro while working at a hole in the wall theater company. He came up to you after performing one night and had been so effortlessly charming that you’d instantly been put under his spell. He was more intelligent than all of your exes combined and could make you laugh like no one else could. It hadn’t taken long for you to fall totally and completely for the charming man you met that night.
But all of that came crashing down around you when he came home from a “business trip” with a prosthetic arm and no amount of half-assed excuses about an accident on stage could assuage your suspicions. He managed to dodge a confrontation with you for almost a week before you’d finally put the final pieces together and went to him to demand an explanation.
“You’re a terrorist Atsu!”
“That’s just what the heroes want you to think my love, don’t fall for their propaganda.”
“It’s not propaganda it’s just a fact! People have died because of your actions!”
“And how many more have suffered or died because of heroes and the society they created.”
“You’re deflecting. I have always indulged your rants about hero society but this is too far! The man I fell in love with would never stoop to this level!”
Atsuhiro crosses the room to you in two quick strides, cradling your face gently with his hand while you feel the cool metal of his other find your hip, fingers slipping under your shirt.
“I’m still the man you fell in love with (y/n), I can assure you of that,” he whispers, pressing his forehead to yours.
“How could that possibly be?”
“Let me show you.”
He pulls you into a gentle kiss, reassuring in its care. As his lips move against yours, gently coaxing them to open so he can deepen the kiss and slip his tongue inside, you struggle to maintain your earlier anger. It’s a distraction and you know it is but it’s hard to resist as he starts to move you both back towards your bedroom. He makes quick work of your clothes and by the time your back hits the plush of your mattress you’re both already naked. His mouth finally releases yours to travel down your body, leaving bruises in his wake as he marks you as his.
“Atsu, wait we should, ah-” you start but he quickly shushes you before licking a long stripe up your waiting sex.
“Just relax Angel, let me take care of you. Let your thoughts drift away,” he all but purrs.
You try to focus on the conversation you know the two of you need to have but it slips from your fingers like grains of sand as he brings one hand to your swollen clit and starts rubbing slow circles. Your hands tighten in the sheets as he draws a low, keening whine out of you. His hazel eyes dance with smug satisfaction as he watches you try and fail to form a coherent thought. He doesn’t let up the pressure on your clit for even a moment as he drops his mouth to your waiting cunt and plunges his tongue inside. Your hand flies down to his curly hair on impulse, tangling in the brown locks and gripping tight. Your nails scratch along his scalp and your tight grip tugs at the roots of his hair but he loves the pain of it, knows it’s a sign he’s doing well as he brings up his free hand to add two fingers inside you as well. After so long together he knows your body just as well as you do and it takes no time at all for him to find that one spot inside you that has you seeing stars. Your climax builds and builds until you finally crash through the peaks of your pleasure, walls fluttering around your lover’s tongue and fingers as he coaxes you through your orgasm.
You’ve barely had time to recover from your orgasm before you can feel his erection pressing at your entrance. “W-wait, Atsu, condom,” you pant, shifting in the bed to reach for the bedside drawer but Atsuhiro stops you. “We don’t need it baby, wanna feel closer to you,” he murmurs, pressing kisses along your face as he eases you back down to laying flat on the bed. “But what if-” “You’re on birth control right?” he cuts you off. “I mean yea but-” “Then it’ll be fine, you worry too much.”
Any further protests you might’ve had are immediately silenced as a snap of your boyfriend’s hips has the tip of his cock brushing your cervix. You gasp as your body attempts to adjust to his girth. “You’re taking me so well baby, isn’t this so much better? Feel how close we are. Nothing between us, just as it should be,” he coos and it does feel good, good enough that despite the voice in your head telling you you should be cautious, you only nod and beg for more. The grin Atsuhiro gives you is almost blinding right before he presses his lips to yours, kissing you greedily as he slowly withdraws his hard cock before pushing back inside you again. You whimper and whine into his mouth as he starts to pick up the pace, each thrust more brutal than the last. Eventually he leans back and away from you, shifting your hips so he can plunge himself in deeper, but with his lips no longer occupied with yours he’s free to let his thoughts spill out and into the room:
“Gonna fill you up so well, fuck, my beautiful Angel.”
“You and me forever baby, gonna look so good round with my kids.”
“Taking my cock so well, can’t wait until you’re full of my seed.”
The words wash over you but barely register. There’s no room in your brain left for anything else as Atsuhiro takes over every corner of it. Language becomes a foreign concept to you, barely able to articulate your own pleasure in more than the sinful sounds dripping from your lips, let alone trying to process your boyfriend’s ramblings. His thrusts start getting sloppier as he brings one hand between you both to stroke your clit and push you over the edge with him. “I’m so close angel, I’m so close. Cum with me. Want you to finish with me while I stuff you full of my cum,” he pants and all you can do is nod as the coil in your belly winds tighter and tighter. As you clench harder around him he goes toppling over the edge first, crying out your name as he spills his load inside you. You never would’ve anticipated enjoying it so much but it’s that feeling that sends you over the edge, falling apart around his cock as he finishes filling you with his cum.
He helps you come down from your high with sweet kisses and whispered words of encouragement, but as the haze of lust fades, you start to remember the fight you both were having before. As much as you would like for this to be the kind of thing you can just kiss and make up over, it’s not and you know it’s a conversation that needs to be finished. Looking at your boyfriend as he settles more comfortably on top of you though, you can’t bring yourself to ruin the moment. Sleep is weighing heavy on your eyelids anyway so you resolve yourself to bring it up the next day.
Except the next day ends the same way.
And the day after that.
And the day after that…
Every time you try to bring back up Atsuhiro’s secret double life as Mr. Compress he manages to distract you just long enough to get you back into bed. At first you tell yourself it’s not a big deal that the conversation’s been delayed a couple days, but then it turns into a week. A week of very hot sex, mind you, but if the existence of Atsuhiro’s double life was a red flag then certainly his insistence on avoiding discussing it is an even larger one. After two weeks you finally resolve yourself to talking to him the next morning over breakfast, no distractions and no avoiding the issue with sex. Cooking helps with your nerves, giving you something to do with your hands and a task to focus on to help you ignore your roiling stomach. You end up making almost an entire breakfast buffet by the time Atsuhiro emerges from your shared bedroom to join you in the kitchen.
He barely has time to tell you good morning before you’re rushing him to the table and setting plates full of food down. You know you have to tread carefully so you use the time you both spend eating to organize your thoughts. This time for sure you’ll talk to him. You finally open your mouth to confront Atsuhiro once and for all but as you feel bile start to crawl up your throat what comes out instead is “I think I’m gonna be sick.”
No sooner have you said the words are you shoving away from the table and rushing into the nearest bathroom. You get to the toilet just in time, fingers clutching the rim of the bowl as you violently eject the contents of your stomach into the water below. It burns your throat coming up and your eyes sting, but a warm, comforting presence is by your side in an instant, one hand coming up to rub your back gently as the other pulls your hair away from your face. Only once your stomach is thoroughly emptied does the heaving finally stop and you’re able to sit back and catch your breath. “Are you ok my love? What’s wrong?” Atsuhiro asks with gentle care as he pulls you close. You shake your head, unsure yourself of what had turned your stomach. Sure, you were nervous to talk to Atsuhiro but not that nervous. It can’t have been something you ate since all you’d had was the breakfast you made and you know everything was cooked properly. You rack your brain for an answer only to go rigid when you start to settle on one.
“Atsu what’s the date?”
“The 22nd baby, why?”
Your blood runs cold.
You’d been so preoccupied with figuring out things with Atsuhiro that you hadn’t even noticed how much time was slipping past but there’s no doubt about it. Your period is two weeks late.
“I think I need to go to the doctor,” you whisper. No way in hell you’ll leave this up to a drugstore test. There must be another explanation for your sudden nausea. Sure, you and Atsuhiro had pretty much abandoned condoms. Every time you started to reach for one, he’d remind you how good it felt not to use one the first time and convince you to forgo it again. But you’re on birth control! This isn’t supposed to be possible.
God bless him, Atsuhiro doesn’t press you any further on why exactly you want to go to the doctor instead of trying to find something at home to settle your stomach. He simply helps you off the floor and then grabs the keys to your car so he can drive you to the doctor himself. You’re incredibly grateful that he doesn’t seem to share your nerves. He’s a calming presence next to you as your anxiety kicks into overdrive.
You’d asked Atsuhiro to take a seat without you while you checked into the urgent care. You didn’t want him to hear you describe your symptoms to the nurse waiting there. The kind woman immediately suspects the same thing you do and leads you to the bathroom so you can pee in a cup. She’s sympathetic and reassuring as she tells you to return to the waiting room while the doctor runs the pregnancy test but it does little to soothe your frayed nerves. The air in the waiting room feels oppressive and when your name is finally called to go back and see the doctor, Atsuhiro’s hand in yours is probably the only thing that keeps you grounded. You take a seat on the examination table and instead of moving to sit down in one of the chairs in the room, Atsu stays by your side, whispering reassurances into your ear. “Whatever’s going on I’m here for you my love.”
The doctor strides into the room shortly afterwards, greeting you warmly even if somewhat absentmindedly as she moves to the computer to check for your details. She confirms your date of birth and then after scrolling for a bit her eyes finally land on the results of your test. She smiles and your heart sinks. “Well it looks like congratulations are in order, you’re pregnant!” she exclaims, beaming at you. A lump forms in your throat as tears threaten to fall, anxiety making your hands shake as the weight of the situation starts to crash down on you. The doctor misinterprets your reaction and as she leaves the room to get you pamphlets on what to expect and how best to take care of yourself during your pregnancy, her reassuring words that promise you’ll make a great mother are anything but.
As soon as the doctor leaves the room you break, tears cascading down your cheeks as your chest heaves. Atsuhiro pulls you into his embrace, letting you fall apart in his arms as you come to terms with the news. “I’m not ready to be a mom, I can’t do it on my own,” you cry, hands clenching onto his shirt. “I know my love, I know, but you’ll never be alone as long as you have me. I’m here for you. I’ll always be here for you,” he assures you, pulling you in even closer.
As you continue to cry into his chest, murmuring hiccuping thank you’s between heaving sobs, Atsuhiro can’t help but smile to himself.
He’ll have to remember to thank Dr. Garaki for the fake birth control pills later.
General Taglist: @ahtsuwu @oikawaandkuroostan @larkspyrr @oliviasslut @black-rose-29
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fckinsupreme · 3 years
maybe one story about michael being jealous and obsessed with her?
Some fire & reign daddy for you!!
Michael was a man of few interests, and the beautiful woman that worked for the two jokers he was consulting with had been one. The moment he saw Y/N, with her short skirt, her white button up top, her thigh highs & heels, her hair done in a way that made her facial features pop, he knew that he was done for. It was instant obsession—not love, for he did not believe himself capable of it, but an infatuation so intense that it nearly brought him to his knees. But there was one big problem, and it was one that Michael should have seen coming, but once which he still could not have anticipated at the same time.
There was another man who worked at Kineros, one that Michael barely associated with, but one that Y/N had liked very much. It wasn’t enough that he was armed with this knowledge through Mutt & Jeff’s interactions with each other, but also the fact that Michael had to watch Y/N and that asshole flirt with each other every single fucking day. The way she touched him, her smile, the seduction in her gaze, the way her chest puffed out, the way he moved closer to her, the way they whispered in each other’s ear, her laughter…all of it. It drove him up the fucking wall, and the jealousy nearly ate him alive. He knew damn well he could easily take care of it by ripping the bastard’s spine right out, but what would that solve? Y/N would hate him, and he would never get to experience what it was like to have her, to hold her, to kiss her, to touch her, to be inside of her…
No, it was too much of a risk. One that he was not willing to take.
Michael would always conveniently turn up everywhere she seemed to be—the copy room, work room, the lobby, the cafeteria. It was all a matter of knowing her schedule, something he had memorized like clockwork every single day. He knew exactly when she had a meeting, or a lunch date, or when Mutt & Jeff needed her for something. He was always there, hoping to get a glimpse of her. Glimpses and “accidental” encounters were well & good for a little while, but then the day came where it was no longer enough. He had to have her, before it drove him absolutely insane. He had to know what it was she felt, or how she tasted, or how her body would feel pressed against his.
It was time for action.
He found her alone in the copy room one afternoon, humming to herself as she made a series of copies at the machine. She was startled by his sudden appearance, having not heard him enter the room, and placed a hand to her chest as she giggled in relief. He was delighted to see that she was cornered now; he stood between her & the exit, and there was no way she could get out without getting past him. This was the moment he had been waiting for, and he would not let it be fleeting. Besides that, he knew that there would be no issue in making her stay; he could sense she didn’t want that to happen. The smell of her arousal—thick, sweet, pounding, irresistible—was hanging like a veil between them, and he could sense how badly she wanted him. Whether she would admit it or not, he already knew.
“Y/N,” he says, his voice like velvet as he surveys her hungrily. “How convenient that I would find you here.”
“Just like how it was convenient that you found me everywhere else?” she quips, her head tilted to the side as her eyes narrow. “It’s funny how you turn up everywhere that I go, isn’t it?”
“Perhaps,” Michael says thoughtfully, closing his eyes as he thinks it over for a moment. “Or perhaps I’m just following your scent.”
“My what?” she asks, looking at him in confusion. “What are you, a dog?”
“No,” he drawls, his fingers brushing down her forearm. She recoils out of surprise, but allows him to touch her again when he makes another attempt. “I can tell how attracted you are to me. You may call it a sixth sense, or perhaps a superpower. Whatever it is you want to believe, I can tell how much you want me. I can /smell/ it, Y/N, so don’t try to lie to me. It will end very badly for you if you try it.”
She laughs wildly, her brows knitting. “Is that what you think this is? You think I want to hop on your dick, and what, exactly?”
“Whatever it is you fantasize about doing with me, I suppose,” he says. “That isn’t my business to know; I just know that you lust for me.”
“I do n—“ she begins.
“I own you,” Michael says, backing her against the wall as her eyes widen. “Whether you know it or not, you are /mine/.”
“Excuse me?” she says, her brow raised as an expression of fury crosses over her features. “What did you just say?”
“I think you heard me quite well,” Michael says, pressing her further against the wall. “I said that you are mine.”
“You’re delusional,” she spits, and Michael is taken aback by her bold remark. “If you truly think—“
“I /know/ that you are,” he hisses, his hand coming up to close around her throat. He brings his face mere inches from hers, and he can feel her pulse quickening under his touch. Fear, possibly, but Michael knew better; she was aroused, the desire for him coursing through her veins as she tried to remain as cool, calm, and collected as possible. “Don’t deny what I already know. It won’t end well for you, and it’s just more work for me. I don’t think either of us want any of that, do you?”
She is silent, save for a few shuddering breaths that fall from her lips. Finally, she speaks. “You’re wrong.”
“You are bold to question me,” he says, his grip tightening on her throat as she gasps slightly. “Especially knowing who I am and what I am capable of.”
She opens her mouth to reply, no doubt some off-the-wall, snarky remark. But instead, she just says: “You don’t know shit about me.”
“I know enough,” Michael says, bringing his lips to hers and barely ghosting them. He hears her whine, a sound that is barely audible, but there all the same. “I know that you want me.”
She is quiet for so long—so much, in fact, that Michael wonders if he could have accidentally killed her. But then she moves, and her eyes are fixated upon his. “Let’s just say you’re right.”
“I know I am,” Michael says smugly.
“Fine, you’re right,” she says impatiently. “What do you want me to do about it?”
“I think you already know the answer to that question,” Michael says with a smirk, running a finger between the cleavage exposed by her button-up top. “All you have to do is give in.”
She is no longer hesitant, nor is she in denial or putting up a fight. Her fingers lace through his curls, drawing him closer in a hot, passionate kiss. Michael groans against her lips, and the taste of her is so much better than the fantasy. Of course, he already knew that she was going to be an excellent kisser, and taste sweeter than cream; it was a sixth sense he seemed to have. He grabs her by the hips, pulling her tight against his own as she moans against his mouth.
“That worthless sack of shit you call a boyfriend is not worthy of you,” he breathes as he kisses her neck, making sure to leave behind a series of purple marks in his wake. “You know it, and I know it.”
“Is that what all of this is about?” she asks, her eyes closing as he bites just below her pulse point. “Mmm…You’re jealous of him, aren’t you?”
“So what if I am?” Michael asks, ripping her blouse open as buttons fly & scatter through the room.
“It’s kinda hot, that’s all,” she says with a shrug, but says no more as he leaves bruising kisses all over her breasts. “Fuck…”
Michael comes back to her lips, and kisses her heavily. They make out for awhile, hands wandering, gasps and small moans filling the air, fingers tugging at her hair and clothing. Michael eventually pushes her onto one of the tables, and sinks between her legs in a slow, almost catlike manner. He hikes up her skirt, kissing over her inner thighs as he grins up at her.
“How badly do you want me?” Michael asks her, his tone almost taunting as he bites her inner thigh. She gasps, and he smirks against her smooth skin. “You have to tell me.”
“So fucking badly,” comes her reply, so breathless and desperate that Michael has to bite back a wide grin. “I’ve never wanted anyone as badly as I want you.”
“Good,” Michael says, tugging her thong off and tucking it into his back pocket before pointing toward some of the cameras in the corners of the room.
“What?” she asks, pushing herself onto her elbows to look at what he is pointing to.
“Smile for your bosses, sweetheart,” he says, beginning to devour her cunt as she moans filthily. “They’re watching us right now, so let’s make it worth their time.”
Baby taglist: @littledemondani @with-dandelions-in-her-hands @codyfernmorelikedaddyfern @wroteclassicaly @dark-mei-rose @melodylangdon @xavierplymptons @bloodcoatedeclipse @bitchchatter @welcometothelioncage @angelicmichael @lovelylangdonx
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prettytoxicrevolver · 3 years
More Than Friends | Jimmy Donaldson
Requested? Nope
Warnings? None?? Maybe??
Summary: You and Jimmy have been friends with benefits to try and get over other people. However, the unexpected happens when you fall for each other.
Word Count: 1,710
You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing, a groan escaping your lips as your eyes flutter open to grab it and lazily slide it open.
“Hello?” you answer groggily.
“(y/n)!” you hear Karl’s voice greet you cheerily and your heart stutters.
“Yes?” you ask still only half awake.
“You know you’re supposed to be shooting a video right now?”
“You know my car broke down and I have no way of getting to the shoot right?” you ask and Karl oh’s at your response.
“I can come to pick you up! We’ll make it a mini adventure!” he says and you nod even though he can’t see you.
“Yes please.”
You drag yourself out of bed, getting dressed in a semi-decent outfit, and wait for Karl to pull up. Your nerves had started to get to you, as you bounce your leg unknowingly, sitting atop your doorstep. You watch as Karl’s Tesla pulls up and you make your way over to it.
“Good morning!” he cheers when you get inside.
You had been half asleep the entire time waiting for him but being in his presence was an instant wake-up. Karl always had that effect on you, giving you more energy than you thought you could possibly have.
“Redbull?” he asks, handing you your favorite drink and you gasp.
“You truly are my favorite person.”
The rest of the drive feels quick, your nerves growing for another reason. You hated being late to shoots and had totally forgotten to text Jimmy that your car broke down last night. You prided yourself in being as professional as possible in any job you took even if you were working with some of your closest friends.
When you get to the shoot, Karl leads you to where the boys are shooting and you instantly hear Jimmy’s voice. You and Karl round the corner and watch quietly as he talks.
Your eyes trail over to Jimmy like they’re trained to find him in any room. His eyes meet yours, still speaking animatedly but keeping his stare even with you. You both break when he turns to look at someone else and you feel the same familiar fire spark through you.
When the bit ends, Jimmy’s eyes are back on you as he makes his way over to you. You falter under his gaze, the same one he always pierces you with. As he nears, you try not to let the same shallow breath paralyze you.
“(y/n),” he calls with a cool air about him.
“Sorry I'm late,” you say and he leans down until he’s next to your ear.
“We’ll talk later darling,” he says and your breath hitches.
Before you can respond, Karl bounces over with a bright smile and an explanation on your behalf that your car had broken down.
“Oh! Do you want me to drive you home?” he asks and Jimmy casts a glance at you.
“Nah I can take her man,” Jimmy says and you half want to roll your eyes at the two men but are also grateful for them helping you.
“Thanks, Jimmy,” you smile up at him but all he does is throw a wink at you when Karl turns away.
You and Jimmy Donaldson, infamously known as Mr Beast, had a complicated relationship. In short, he annoyed the fuck out of you. In long, he was your best friend of over 5 years now. You had met him just as he started Mr beast and you had always helped him as much as possible.
Now, you two had a slightly different friendship. Jimmy had been trying to get over his relationship with Maddy, his ex of 2 years. You were trying to get over Karl, a boy you knew was super close to getting a girlfriend and probably had no interest in you at all.
It happened by accident, you were hanging out, discussing your mutual frustration of trying to get over people you couldn’t seem to get over.
“This sucks,” you concluded.
Your arm was on the back of the couch, head propped into your hand. You gazed at your best friend as he nodded slowly. His hand lands on your knee, his thumb slowly rubbing back and forth against the exposed skin.
His touch sends shockwaves through you and you can’t help but shuffle forward at the contact. Your legs end up on top of his, his hand coming up to run down your arm. He takes his hand in yours, pulling you even closer.
In the silence your heads come together, foreheads touching and your heart pounds hard. His lips ghost over yours, electricity pulling the breath from your lungs and silencing any thought you may have had at the moment. When his lips finally connect to yours, a quiet squeak lets out at the contact, shocking you as fire spreads through you.
His hands trail down from your arms to your waist, moving you back until you fall back on the couch. Your arms circle his neck, pulling him in as close as possible. His legs slot perfectly with yours, a satisfied moan leaving your lips.
You woke up the next morning, forgetting the previous night's events. You tried to get up, and upon feeling a weight on your hips everything floods back to you at once. You turn to see Jimmy next to you, his shirtless chest, rising and falling slowly.
When he woke up, the two of you had decided that you didn’t want to ruin the friendship or the work relationship. However, you loved last night's events and wouldn’t be opposed to repeating them again. You had decided on friends with benefits and eventually worked out all the details.
That was a few months ago, and now you both were still in the same situation. You always went to each other when you needed a distraction, advice, anything. It always helped to have someone there for you.
The shoot goes by pretty fast, your mind somewhere else the entire time. You drifted in your thoughts about Karl, how he was perfect, how fast your heart was going when he gave you a smile, everything about him. Your mind wandered around the thoughts of Karl making you miss the look Jimmy had been giving you.
Jimmy couldn’t stop thinking about you. At first, he claimed that he was trying to get over Maddy. It was true, his heart ached at the mere thought of his recent ex-girlfriend but regardless the more time he spent with you, the more his heart ached for a different reason.
Every longing glance, every shared touch, every last word had him reeling for days. He tried to brush it off, claiming he was calm and collected and all you were to him was a friend with benefits. And yet, you were driving him crazy without even knowing it.
“Ready to go?” Jimmy asks and you turn to look at him.
“Anytime,” you say offering a smile.
You bid goodbye to Karl and head towards Jimmy’s car, the two of you in a comfortable silence all the way to your apartment. When you get to the complex, Jimmy parks and you both cast a glance at each other.
“Want to come in?” you ask.
Jimmy nods and the two of you head into your apartment. You head straight for your room, changing into something comfortable. As you do, you tell Jimmy to relax and watch as he takes a seat in the living room. You come back out, clad in a big t-shirt, and shorts that are hidden.
“Hey,” Jimmy calls and you smile lightly making your way over to him.
He pulls you close by your hand, and your legs slot together. His hand slips from yours and cups the back of your thigh, a mischievous smile gracing his lips.
“Hi,” you whisper, a strange sense of electricity flowing through you.
“Hi,” he reciprocates.
His other hand cups your other leg, effectively pulling you in until you’re straddling his lap. Your hands fall onto his shoulders, trailing up and down his chest and your eyes follow the movement. You avoid his eyes, knowing your heart might stop if you make eye contact.
“(y/n)?” he finally says and you look up.
Your eyes gaze into his stunning green ones, your heart stuttering at the look you share. Neither of you says a word, slowly moving closer until his lips are on yours and you’re numb from how fast your heart is going. The kiss is slow, with no urgency or need behind it, just passion and something else you can’t place.
Before you know it, Jimmy stands and you wrap your legs around his waist instinctively. You break the kiss for a moment as he starts to move, but your lips find each other quickly. You end up in your room, landing on the bed with a soft thud, and Jimmy crawls over you slowly.
Your nerves grow as he moves, this time is different than all the other times. Something in the air charged with tension, electricity, and you’re shaking with anticipation.
The issue with being friends with benefits with your best friend is you might end up falling in love with him. Which you seemed to be doing. You couldn’t help it, every night spent together, every day working together, every phone call, text message, everything was sent straight to your heart and your feelings for Karl were gone in no time and replaced with feelings for Jimmy.
“Jimmy?” you whisper and he stops, looking at you.
You try to get out the words, any form of expressing you wanted something different, and suddenly you’re dumbstruck and no words seem to be escaping.
“I like you,” Jimmy tells you.
“You-” you begin.
“I know I said I was getting over Maddy and I was and now I am but that was because of you and now I fell for you and-”
“Jimmy,” you state and he finally looks at you.
“I like you too.”
He smiles, that amazing and perfectly charming smile, and your heart stops. He leans down pressing a long kiss to your lips with no urgency, simple passion making you fall more for him.
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wanduhhh · 2 years
I’m The Fucking Supreme (18+)
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Smutty birthday Drabble!!! For my favourite birthday boy @goodebyee. Happy birthday dummy- I am hopefully asleep. I hope these words speak to ur slut mind- I luuuuv u lots and lots. 💋 💋
Wanda/Reader- smutty smut smut
The same theme tune played for the 8th time that day. The crackly noise piercing through your ears over and over. Wanda had been binge watching American Horror Story- again. Stating it was her monthly tradition just before starting her period.
Normally the sight of Sarah Paulson alone was enough shut you up, but the issue was Wanda’s lack of attention on you. You had tried everything up until now. And if flaunting yourself in front of her in a matching green lacy set wasn’t enough to tear your girlfriends eyes from the screen, you’re not sure what was.
You thought the redhead was secretly enjoying it, if her smirk was anything to go by: then she certainly was. Every little whine you let slip had that cocky smirk deepening.
You wanted nothing more than to stand in-front of the screen and stamp your feet, demanding she lay her eyes on you. But you knew better when Wanda was in this particular mood. You knew you’d have to be more calculated, creative even.
“Mommmmyyy” you whined, laying flat on your back next to a hunched over Wanda. “Mhmmm” not lifting her eyes off of a crying Cordelia, you knew she was not truly listening to you.
“I’m all sticky, and I really need you to help” you didn’t bother to look and see if she was listening, you knew the answer. “Mmm that’s nice baby” her voice was slow, mouth hanging open as she watched the tension build on screen. And you had had enough.
“Guess I’ll just have to fix it all by myself hmm?” She paid no mind to the hand slipping down into your panties, or to the sharp gasp you let out when your fingers brushed past your wetness. “Yeah baby okay”.
That was the last thing you had up your sleeve, normally your mommy forbid you from touching what was ‘hers’. Reminding you to be a good girl and tell her when you needed something. So the fact that you had two fingers pushed deep inside yourself: and Wanda had yet to bat an eyelid, had you reeling.
Your next play was risky; but you knew it would have impact. You pulled one of Wanda’s hands from clutching her blanket in anticipation. Cordelia was in the middle of reminding all the men who was really in charge, the sight left Wanda’s mouth agape and you could see goosebumps on her arms. But your patience had officially run out.
You grasped your girlfriends fingers and brought them down in between your legs. Gasping when you pushed two of her long fingers inside yourself. When you opened your eyes you were met with Wanda’s darkened green ones. Pupils blown as she started to move her fingers of her own accord.
“You are very very bad detka, you know you have to ask permission before you touch” despite her words she did not pause thrusting inside of you. “But mommy, you weren’t paying any attention to me and I told you I was all sticky”. You knew your best chance at getting away lightly was to act as cute and innocent as possible, so you put on your best pout.
“Ohh was my poor dumb little baby just too impatient for mommy’s attention hmm?” She matched your pout with a patronising one of her own. “Poor baby just really needed her mommy” each one of her sarcastic words were delivered with a thigh shaking thrust. You just hoped she would let you come before she changed her mind.
“Well bunny, you have all of mommy’s attention now. Let’s see how many times you can come for me before you pass out”. You were conflicted at getting exactly what you had wished for. It would definitely be a long night.
By the fifth time you had come with your thighs shaking around Wanda’s head, you had started to babble on and on about not being able to do anymore. Wanda laughed you off and did not relent until your eyes began to involuntarily flutter closed.
When you dozed off on top of her, sweat coating your entire body and thighs still twitching with aftershocks; you heard the theme tune start up again. You figured you would give Wanda 6 more episodes before you started up your whining again.
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queenshelby · 3 years
Teacher’s Pet
31 Days of Kink: Day 7
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 1378
Warning: Smut, Teacher/Student, Age Gap
Imagine starting drama school during your first year of university and having Cillian Murphy as a temporary drama teacher while your professor has taken six weeks off to recover from a broken leg.
But, Cillian and you aren’t exactly seeing eye to eye and you were asked to meet Cillian in his office to discuss some recent issues that have arisen in your performance.
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‘You are difficult, you know that’ Cillian murmured, his smile faded, his face hardened, and his eyes narrowed.  You had yet again complained about your schedule.
‘I am difficult? I think you are the one who is difficult. I have been trying my best here and you keep rearranging everything…’ you said as you felt your stomach tighten. Immediately, you knew that you screwed up again because you secretly desired Cillian, a man twice your age, and the worst of it all was that you knew he was right when he criticised you and your performance.
‘Have you?’ he asked, his voice stern.
‘Have I what?’ you asked.
‘Have you been trying your best? Because it sure doesn’t look like it to me’ Cillian said, referring to you having forgotten your lines several times over the last few days.
‘I am distracted, I am sorry’ you huffed.
‘By what?’ he asked and you sure didn’t want to respond to this question.
But he already knew your answer. He has seen the way you kept looking at him.
‘I need you to tell me what has been distracting you so that I can help you Y/N’ Cillian said.
‘It is you who distracts me and, unless you are going to fuck me over this table right now, I will probably continue to be distracted for the auditions this afternoon’ you huffed as you knew that, by the way things were going, you may as well cancel your drama school enrolment.  
Cillian chuckled and moved quicker than you thought possible, grabbing your waist, hoisting your up off your chair and onto your feet.
‘I’ve got 45 minutes Y/N…you better remember your lines after this’ Cillian said, quickly pressing his lips onto your before spinning you around to face his desk.
He had been wanting you since the moment you walked into his class. Of course, it was inappropriate but his desire had finally gotten the better of him when the words left your lips.
His chest pressed against your back and you previously pounding heart doubled its pace as you felt incredibly turned on.
His breath was hot on your skin as he kissed his way from the nape of your neck up to your ear where he took your earlobe into his mouth and tugged at it gently with his teeth before whispering in your ear ‘Is this what you want.’
‘Yes’ you moaned, your head falling back against his shoulder as your eyes closed.
‘Don’t make a sound’ Cillian’s inducted as his hand slid beneath your cotton skirt and into your panties where his fingers found your already soaking wet slit.
He traced the edges of your pussy with the tips of his fingers, never directly touching your clit but getting just close enough to make you ache with anticipation. He continually dipped the first knuckle into you, but never enough to satisfy the desire to be filled that pulsed inside you.
As he teased you, you could feel the bulge in his pants pressed against you growing. All you wanted was his cock inside you. You moaned and tried to grind against his teasing hand, shifting your hips in an attempt to get his fingers where you wanted them, but he continuously rebuffed your attempts.
After what felt like hours of teasing, his hand left you and you felt him unbuckle his belt and push his pants off.
Cillian pushed your skirt up and, when his body came back against yours, you felt his hard member pressing against your panties.
‘Please, please just fuck me’ you moaned as Cillian finally pushed your panties down to your knees.
‘One thing you really need to learn is to be patient’ he then growled as he moved his fingers adeptly through your folds, finding all your most sensitive spots, rolling around and over your clit, probing inside you deeper and deeper, making you groan with pleasure and fuelling your desire even further to get him in you.
You could feel the precum oozing from the tip of his cock, smearing on your ass as he slid back and forth between it. You tightened your glute muscles around him and felt his girth slipping between you.
Then, all of a sudden, he removed his hands from your aching mound and reach for his wallet on the desk, pulling out a condom.
You heard Cillian opening the packet just before he rolled the condom onto his hard shaft. The sound of it made you ache for him even more, knowing that he would be inside you any moment now.
‘Spread your legs for me’ he instructed before he aligned the head of his cock with your entrance.
Instead of pushing into you however, he began to slowly pull you back onto his length. As the tip entered you, you felt your walls stretch to accommodate his girth. It was uncomfortable for a moment, but he went slowly and you soon adjusted.
You slowly took inch by inch, moaning a long guttural moan that seemed to be pushed out of you at the same rate that he filled you.
‘Sssh, we don’t want anyone to hear us, do we?’ Cillian whispered, his breath changing.
Eventually you felt his tip bump into your cervix and Cillian came to a halt, allowing you to adjust to his size.
Once he felt you relax, he quickly backed 3 or 4 inches out of you and then thrust inside you again, being sure to stop just short of your cervix.
From that point forward you were lost in the moment. You bounced back against Cillian’s cock which he met with equal thrusts, each time the head of his cock stretching you and pressing against your g-spot as he slid deeper inside you. You had never felt so full and satisfied in your life. With each thrust you felt the heat and tension building deep inside you.
 ‘Are you going cum for me?’ Cillian groaned as he could feel your legs shivering and your walls tightening.
In the heat of the moment, with his hands on your waist, holding you firmly, and his cock buried in your pussy, you couldn’t hold back much longer.
‘Oh my god, oh my god!’ you moaned in response and Cillian’s hand immediately moved onto your mouth to cover your moans.
Your moans became more and more desperate and your hands clenched the front end of the desk while your eyes slammed shut as you felt the explosion erupt inside you.
‘That’s it’ Cillian moaned as your legs shook uncontrollably and you could barely breathe as your walls spasmed around Cillian’s pistoning cock. When your voice finally returned you let out a wailing scream as you rode through wave after wave of bliss.
Even after your orgasm had subsided, your body twitched and convulsed involuntarily as the aftershocks of being so satisfied rippled through your body. Through it all, Cillian continued his onslaught, watching as you writhed before him, your figure reacting to him in every way he could have wanted. He watched as your pussy gushed around him, dripping all over the floor.
He tried to hold off his own pending orgasm, but the ferocity with which your spasming walls gripped and milked at his cock was too much. As your orgasm began to subside, he could hold out no longer. He groaned and thrust deep inside your as he felt his balls tighten and begin to unload his cum. You felt his already thick shaft swell inside you and begin to twitch and pulse.
When he had finally finished, he pulled out of you and quickly disposed of the condom.
‘Right Y/N, you’ve got what you wanted, now repeat your lines for me’ Cillian smirked as he zipped up his jeans.
 Tag List (Cillian):
@lilymurphy03  @deefigs @theflamecrystal   @desperate-and-broken  @weepingstudentfishhorse   @livinginfantaxy  @rosey1981  @atomicsoulcollecto  @peakyboyslover  @nerdy4itall  @elenavampire21  @hanster1998  @mariapaiva13  @fairypitou  @harry-is-my-sunflower  @zozeebo  @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa  @littlewierdalien  @sad-huffle-nerd  @theflamecrystal   @peakymalfoyscullymulder  @themissthang  @0ghostwriter0  @stylescanbeatmyback  @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni  @momoneymolife  @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03  @mcntsee@cloudofdisney @missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder  @otterly-fey @janelongxox  @uchihacumdump @basiclassy  @being-worthy  @chaotic-bean-of-smolness  @margoo0 @chocolatehalo
Cannot Tag (please check your settings):
@l0tsofpennies @trolleydolly @avonlady1985 @chrisevanshoeee  @daydreamingnymph  @fookingshelby   
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raibebe · 4 years
Love shot
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Genre: Tooth rotting fluff Words: 8.590 Prompt: Hockey Player Jeno feat. best friend Jaemin, love letters? Warnings: none..?
A/N: This was written for @woahhwa​ for the @kafenetwork​ kafeholidays event! Hi Ru! I had so much fun talking to you when tumblr wasn’t eating my asks! I hope you liked this and it incorporates some of the things you said you liked. Also. Warning: I know absolutely nothing about hockey so please bear with me :] As always thank you to @burtonized​ for always listening to my rambles and telling me that my writing doesn’t suck. Also literally no one asked for me to put Johnny into this but I am a simple woman and miss him and his gorgeous hair. I am sorry for this horrible title...
The red numbers on the clock over the rink slowly counted down, the last minute of the game beginning. You had your hands tightly clutched together, sitting on the edge of the seat as you watched your home team in the orange and blue tricots trying to defend the last push of the opposing team. Mark Lee - on the defense - body checked the opposing wing player, who had been pushing forward, hardly into the banister, causing him to lose the puck. Quick on his feet like always, Ten snatched it from him and took a sharp turn to avoid the second wing player, using his smaller size to his advantage so he could push forward into the last third before the huge defender of the opposing team tackled him harshly. But like the genius player he was, Donghyuck had anticipated it, screaming Ten’s name at the top of his lungs so the elder had the time to pass the puck on to his wingplayer. Using his momentum from following Ten, Donghyuk pulled both of the opposing defenders towards him, leaving the star player of the team - Lee Jeno - free right in front of the goalie. A huge mistake. With a mischievous grin on his lips, Donghyuck waited until the very last second to pass the puck straight to Jeno who didn’t hesitate even for a second to take his shot: Hitting the puck with all his strength, he sent the rubber flying right past the goalie’s body, slamming into the net of the goal.
The crowd around you erupted in loud screams and cheers, everyone jumping up from their seats and celebrating the last minute goal as the red timer on the scoreboard ticked down to zero, the loud noise of a horn mixing with the cheers of the students. In the middle of all of this you were hugging your best friend, screaming loudly before turning back to look into the rink where the other boys had buried Lee Jeno beneath them, hockey sticks scattered around them. The other team had already angrily left the rink, collecting their stuff to make their way to the locker rooms when the boys finally let off and let their MVP breathe. Grinning broadly they took their helmets off one by one, shaking out their matted hair and just like after every game, the sight of Jeno’s midnight blue messy hair took your breath away. Once you could muster up the courage to talk to him, you wanted to ask if he had dyed it to match the color of their blue and orange jerseys. But even though you went to every single one of their home games and sometimes even went down to the rink to congratulate them, you had yet to speak more than three words with their handsome center forward player with the 23 on his back.
“Let’s go down to congratulate them, this was insane,” Jaemin said before already pulling you down the stairs against the tide of people that were already leaving. A couple of the player’s friends had already gathered at the rink, cheering them on and clapping them on their padded shoulders. You could make out the University’s heartthrob Johnny Suh - a volleyball player himself - fondly petting his best friend’s head which made Ten smile brighter than the harsh lights that illuminated the ice. A group of other boys from your year that you knew from a couple of your courses had rounded Donghyuck and Mark and looked like they were currently mocking the elder for his misplay that had led to the early goal of the opposing team, leaving their goalkeeper Yangyang almost no time to react. With a loud thud Jeno joined the circle, clinging to Mark’s back who cried out in pain from how hard the impact had been. The newest addition to the team, a tall freshman with the number 27 on his back, awkwardly shuffled on the ice before the team captain - Sicheng - pulled him over to where they were celebrating.
“Yooooo, boys this was sick!” Jaemin called out when he jumped down the last couple of steps before joining his friends who had stopped mocking Mark for a little while. But that wouldn’t be for long and you knew it. You had been their fan for quite some time now and knew that Donghyuck would not let Mark live and would bother him about it for a long time. “Watch your back, stupid,” you mumbled after your best friend who had been part of the team last year but had to quit playing for an undefined amount of time due to some issues with his back. He was the one who had originally gotten you into this sport which had led to your crush on Lee Jeno. So basically Na Jaemin was the reason you had the worst everlasting crush on a boy you barely knew and were way too shy to talk to even if he shared a ridiculous number of classes with you this year. But to Lee Jeno you must just be Jaemin’s weird friend he still knew from his childhood.
Slowly you approached the circle of boys, trying to hide as much of your face as possible in the bright orange scarf you had wrapped around your neck to shield yourself from the cold of the stadium. Jaemin was already retelling the highlights of the game in rapid-fire double time rapping speed, gesturing broadly and making the players laugh. “If you were to commentate the games they would probably be twice as fun to watch,” you spoke your mind when your best friend had to take a deep breath, making all of them stare at you which promptly lead to blood to rush to your face. “Yoooo, that would be such a good idea,” Mark broke the silence, his eyes wide, “Since you know all the rules and stuff.” “Also I wouldn’t be biased at all,” Jaemin just rolled his eyes. “Yeah, he can’t just trash talk the other team during the whole game,” Sicheng threw in. “But it would be fun,” Yangyang mused. He had finally managed to get all of his extra protective gear off, his dark hair hanging into his eyes. “You should try it, Jaem,” Jeno also agreed. “I’d rather join you on the ice, you know,” your best friend mumbled, shooting the rink a longing gaze. “You’ll be back with us in no time once your back is healed,” Sicheng smiled, patting him on the shoulder with his still gloved hand, “Just give me a call and I’ll unlock the rink for you to make a couple of rounds.” “What am I, a short track athlete?” Jaemin grumbled but nodded his head anyways. He had been an amazing sprinter until he had exchanged the goggles and tight suits for heavy padding and a stick some time in high school.
“What’s this gloomy atmosphere? We won guys!” Ten shouted over from where he had been talking to Johnny and some other upperclassman, “Let’s get out of these uniforms and have some food to celebrate, Sicheng is paying.” “I am what?” The team captain protested but his complaints were lost in the cheers of the younger members of the team who quickly scrambled to get to the lockers to shower and change, their stomachs always bottomless holes after an intense game. “Let’s go home then,” Jaemin suggested, raking a hand through his caramel hair. You could tell he was still sad about not being able to be with his boys but he made an effort to hide his inner struggle. “Jaem!” A voice called you back when you turned to climb up the stairs and Lee Jeno skidded effortlessly over the ice to roughly collide with the side of the rink again. “You know you can join us, right?” A smile spread over your friend’s lips but he shook his head. “I can’t leave this one all to herself.” “The more the merrier,” Jeno just answered, looking you straight in the eye which lead to your heart missing a beat or two. He was covered in sweat and his hair was matted to his head, he should not have looked this attractive to you with his stupid half-moon eye smile and mole beneath his right eye. “I- I don’t want to mess up your all-boys time,” you tried to politely decline, scolding yourself for stuttering like this. You did not need to make an even bigger fool out of yourself. “It’s fine, really. Mark’s girlfriend is probably going to join us as well,” Jeno reassured you, “I’ll see you two outside!” He quickly added before crossing the rink again to disappear into the lockers, not leaving you two any more chance to decline.
“We’re not going to say no to a free meal, are we?” Jaemin grinned. “Wipe that grin off your face Nana,” you grumbled, scolding yourself for going for comfortable and warm clothes instead of pretty ones. What would Jeno think of you in your oversized blue hoodie and orange scarf? “Stop stressing, I can hear you thinking,” your friend whined, pulling you out of the by now empty stadium. “I look like a potato.” “No you don’t. You look fine. Jeno is not into the whole dolled up thing anyways.”  Slapping his arm hard, you looked around if any of the players had already changed and overheard his comment. “You better keep your mouth shut, Na Jaemin or may god have mercy over you,” you hissed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he innocently blinked his eyes at you. “Na Jaemin, I swear to god. If you make me look like a fool in front of my crush that I should have never admitted to you, I WILL make you regret it.” “You don’t need me to make a fool out of yourself,” your best friend laughed, just barely dodging the punches you threw at him.
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“Please be nice,” you whispered when the boys came out from the locker after a couple of minutes, their hair still damp from the shower they must have taken, their bags slung over their shoulders. Pictures of what a certain forward player must look like beneath his heavy padding and jersey flooded your mind for a second and you had to fight the heat that threatened to creep up on your cheeks. Mark’s girlfriend who had arrived a couple of minutes earlier and who you two had already told about the game, raced to fling herself into her boyfriend’s arms, giggling loudly when he almost toppled over from being thrown off balance. Somehow that image tugged at your heart and you wished that one day when you were finally not too shy to talk to Jeno, this could be the two of you.
Dinner was filled with a lot of loud laughter and just mildly annoyed waiters at the restaurant that had the best hot pot in town or so Sicheng claimed. But you really couldn’t even blame the poor waitress that had to deal with the hyped up hockey players. You mostly kept quiet, listening to their bickering and their stories. Donghyuck only retold how Mark had messed up in today’s game about three more times until he earned himself a rather hard slap to the back of his head from both Mark and Jeno. During the whole time you tried to steal secret glances at the forward player, admiring how fluffy his hair got after it had dried and how his glasses would fog up from the heat of the food until he took them off with an adorable but also really annoyed huff, stuffing them into the pocket of his neon green hoodie that should have looked ridiculous but he could pull it off. At this point you thought that he would look good in a plastic bag. God you really had it bad for him.
“Alright children, it’s bed time,” Ten exclaimed after everyone’s bellies were full, clapping his hands, “We should leave quickly so Sicheng can pay for the meal.” The team captain just sighed and leaned back in his seat while the others quickly shuffled around to sort out their bags and their jackets to hurry out of the restaurant, muttering words of thanks to Sicheng. You felt bad for him and lingered behind for a little before pressing a note into his hands that he declined with a little smile. “It’s fine,” he shook his head, handing the money back, “One mouth more or less doesn’t matter.” “Thank you for the meal, Sicheng,” you smiled. “Thank you for your support, you’re at every of our games, aren’t you?” Flustered you followed him to the register where a woman took his card to pay for the meal. “I try to make it. Jaemin doesn’t like going alone when he’s not allowed to play and I really enjoy watching you guys play. Your freshman really did so well.” “Sungchan is really talented,” Sicheng nodded, “He is such a great assent to the team and he compliments Jeno well. He’ll give Jaemin a run for his money when he comes back.” Smiling, you nodded. “I hope he’ll recover fast, he really misses you guys.” Taking his card back, Sicheng grimaced at the receipt. “We all miss him.”
Stepping outside in the cold, you were glad you had brought your thick jacket, your breath came out in little white clouds and Jaemin’s nose was already red. “I thought you’d never come back out, I am freezing over here,” he complained. Rolling your eyes at your roommate, you quickly said goodbye to Sicheng who once again told Jaemin to give him a call if he wanted to use the rink to skate for a while. On the way over to your apartment a little off of campus, you both kept quiet, each lost in your own thoughts. Even through your thick layers of clothing, the cold began seeping into your bones and you buried your hands deep into the pockets of your jacket. But instead of the soft material of the inside of the pockets, your right hand came into contact with a neatly folded piece of paper. Confused you pulled it from your jacket and unfolded it. You didn’t remember stuffing that in there. In neat handwriting, a single sentence was written:
You look so pretty in blue.
What? You were so perplexed, you halted in your steps, staring at the piece of paper as if it would tell you what in the world was going on or how it had ended up in your pocket. Had one of the boys snuck the note into you jacket when they all had left before you and Sicheng? But why would any of them do that? What if... What if it had been Jeno? No, that couldn’t be. He was way out of your league and most definitely confident enough to tell you in person if he liked the honestly very much not special or pretty blue hoodie. “Hello? Earth to best friend?” Jaemin’s voice ripped you from your thoughts. He was standing a couple of steps in front of you, a questioning look on his features. “Did you just remember you left the stove on or something?” “N... No,” you muttered, shaking your head before shoving the note back into your pocket, catching up to Jaemin.
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What you didn’t know was that would not be the last weird note you would find. The next one didn’t take long. You found it stuffed in your bag between your books on your second class of the day. Trying to not catch your friend’s attention so you wouldn’t have to explain the note, you carefully and secretly unfolded it to read the neatly written sentence.
You look great today, have a great start into the new week! Fighting!
Not unlike last time, you wondered who could have dropped the note into your bag. And when? Looking around the class you were currently in, your eyes caught on Lee Jeno’s midnight blue hair just a couple of seats in front of you. Had he been in your previous class as well? You couldn’t remember. But even if he had been, it was just wishful thinking that he had been the one to write the note. It was most likely a cruel joke someone was playing on you. Sighing you crumbled the piece of paper and focused back to what your professor was saying, trying to concentrate on taking notes instead of daydreaming while staring holes into Lee Jeno’s head like you had done way too often in this class. You weren’t very successful and when Jeno answered a question the professor had thrown at the class flawlessly, earning himself a couple of back pats from his friends that were seated around him, you couldn’t help but sigh. God, why did he have to be both smart and incredibly handsome? And on top of that a very talented hockey player.
A slap from your friend to your shoulder brought you back from your daydream to find the professor staring at you intensely. Shit. What had he asked? “Alright miss, I’d like a word with you after class. Now who can answer my question instead?” He spoke and you just wanted to ground to swallow you whole.
For the rest of the class you were just imagining all the worst case scenarios in your head of what the strict professor would scold you about. Would he make you do extra work for the class? Give you a bad grade all together? Or just humiliate you further? “Alright class, that will be it for today, you’re dismissed. Don’t forget to do the reading for next week and hand in your assignments on time,” the professor dismissed the class, immediately finding your eyes to nod his head sharply to indicate he hadn’t forget about you zoning out.
Discouraged after the scolding you had gotten from your professor about dozing off in his classes, you climbed the stairs to your seat to pack your stuff to go hide in your room until everyone would have forgotten how embarrassing the whole situation had been, especially Lee Jeno and his friends. But yet again another note was placed right on top of your notebook, seemingly written in a haste and carelessly ripped out of its original page.
Don’t take it to heart, it could have happened to anyone. Cheer up!
Okay maybe the someone who was writing you these notes actually wasn’t playing jokes on you and actually cared about you. You’d be lying if the few words hadn’t made you feel any better.
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Over the next few weeks you found more and more notes. Some longer than others, some just a few hastily written words. Some were just a quick cheer up to help you get through a long day of class, some compliments about your outfit or your hair and some even little stories about the day of your admirer. Somehow you felt like you got to know him a little through his little messages. You even dared to say you looked forward to finding more and more notes.
One time your secret admirer even left you a coffee on your table at the library when you had gotten up from your seat to get more books to look up some information for the essay you were trying to finish. When you got back to your seat, you looked around quickly to see if the admirer was still around. But you only saw more students perched over books or their laptops, typing away. Just when you were about to get back to your own project, a white hoodie caught your eye between the dull lighting and brown colors of the library. Below a mop of blue hair, Lee Jeno shortly smiled at you from behind his glasses, toasting towards you with his own cup of coffee and you couldn’t help but notice that it was from the same shop the steaming cup in front of you was from. Picking it up, you toasted back and took a small sip to not completely burn your tongue before examining the cup which just said your name with a little heart on it. It could have been just a coincidence that Jeno chose to get coffee from the same place your admirer had. The shop was just a few meters from the library after all but the way Jeno had smiled at you, not his usual bright smile but something maybe a little more shy, made you believe it could actually have been him and you really hoped that he actually was.
But today you hadn’t found a single note from your admirer and for some reason that was really bothering you. He had managed to sneak you at least a little note every day for a while now. And you still hadn’t figured out how he did it. Or when. You didn’t leave your bag or jackets unattended for long periods of time and it seriously baffled by how sneaky he must be.
“Stop staring holes into the air and get back to work,” your coworker Yuta scolded you, clapping a hand on your back on his way past you. “I’m sorry, I was lost in my head,” you apologized but he just shrugged his shoulders as he collected the mugs a group of students had left behind. “Exams?” He asked as he came back, putting the mugs into the sink. “Something like that,” you lied. You really didn’t know the upperclassman well enough to vent to him about how someone you didn’t even knew who they were send you secret messages and somehow they hadn’t done it today yet. Before Yuta could ask any further questions, the bell on the door jingled happily, announcing the arrival of a new set of customers. “I’ll go, bring those to the back,” your coworker instructed you. Sighing, you bunched up your sleeves to stack up all the dishes that had been piling up in the front during the time Yuta and you had been too busy with orders to put them in the big dishwasher in the kitchen.
With a couple of freshly washed cups and plates you emerged back into the main room to see Yuta flirting with the group of girls that had just come in to probably order some way too overpriced season special with more sugar than actual coffee in it. Of course only after they had been completely charmed by the objectively speaking very pretty foreigner with a silver tongue. Rolling your eyes at the group, you instead made your way to where the customers were sitting to check if anyone new had come in while you were in the back. After most classes were over for the day, the cozy café usually filled up with students pretty fast; either to relax for a little before going to the library or to discuss group projects.
Today was no different and you easily spotted a group of boys from one of your courses squished together in one of the booths, your best friend smiling brightly at you when he saw you approach. “My favorite waitress is working,” he spoke, awkwardly hugging your waist from his sitting position. “You just want my employee discount,” you fondly rolled your eyes at a now pouting Jaemin, “So what can I get you.” You quickly collected all the boy’s orders including Jaemin’s horrendous deathpresso. “Oh, add another iced Americano, someone is still missing,” Donghyuck called after you when you had confirmed their orders, a knowing smirk on his lips. Quickly scribbling another one on your little notepad, you didn’t look where you were going and suddenly collided with a very solid chest and you were pretty sure you would have fallen if it was not for the customer’s quick reflexes. So instead of on the floor, you found yourself pressed against his chest, his perfume clouding your senses. “Careful where you’re going,” he said and you could already tell that your eyes would meet ones with the color of molten amber, hidden behind a cute pair of round glasses, before you even looked up to see Lee Jeno’s smile. “You... You too,” you stuttered, feeling your face heat up, quickly scrambling back a step. “Are you alright?” He asked, looking you up and down once. “Yeah, I was just taking your orders, I’ll be right back,” you tried to smile while trying to tell your heart to stop beating like you had just ran a marathon. “I’ll help you carry, we’re quite a few people.” “No, it’s fine really,” you quickly declined, “This is my job after all. “I feel bad for running into you though, let me help,” Jeno insisted, a slight pout on his lips that you really could not resist. When you ended up nodding, his whole face lit up with his famous eye smile and your insides might have just melted a little. While he was quickly putting his bag down and greeting his friends, you busied yourself with the orders. Yuta was still no help whatsoever, telling one of the girls an obnoxious story of how he had ended up at a university in Korea. You barely held back your laugh when the girls gasped, their eyes glued to Yuta. The story might have been impressive to you if you hadn’t heard it about 30 times already, always a little different but always pretty far from the actual truth.
“I didn’t know you worked here,” Jeno ripped your attention from your coworker when he leaned against the counter to watch you work the big coffee machine. “I was working in a different shop a little off campus before,” you smiled, focusing on pouring the milk into one of the cups of coffee to form a pretty picture. “You’re really good at making them look pretty,” Jeno complimented you, his cheeks tinted a rosy color. “It’s just practice,” you mumbled, hiding your own shyness behind the counter to quickly grab the cake slices the boys had ordered. An awkward silence hung over the two of you while you worked on finishing the other drink orders (it always took a ridiculous amount of time to make Jaemin’s) and your brain ran on overdrive trying to come up with a topic to talk to Jeno to fill up the silence while willing your hands to not shake and make a fool out of yourself in front of him.
“Do... Do you work between classes?” You chose to ask in the end, scolding yourself immediately for asking what must be the most lame, basic question ever. “I hardly have time between classes and practice,” Jeno explained nonetheless, scrunching his nose adorably to push up his glasses,” I’m here on a scholarship so I have to show results in hockey or I’ll be out.” “Ooh, I didn’t know that. But you’re really good so it shouldn’t be a surprise,” you spoke your mind before you could think about the words but as soon as it registered, your face immediately was heating up. Jeno just laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. “I’m not bad I guess. It’s just a lot of practice, it’s nothing special,” he mirrored the words you had said earlier, an easy smile on his lips. “Even I can see you have an unfair amount of talent for hockey, Jeno.” At that he barked out a short laugh. “You should have seen me when I stood on the ice for the first time, I couldn’t even skate in a straight line without falling on my ass, no idea what the scouts saw in me when they talked to my mum to recruit me.” “I bet you’re just being modest,” you argued. “I am not I swear,” he laughed, “I was really bad but I trained a lot so I could make the team. I’m not like Donghyuck who can just skip half of practice because he’s hungover. I have to work for it.” “That makes it even more admirable,” you mumbled, not able to look him in the eye when you spoke the words even though you meant them with all your heart. “Th- Thank you,” Jeno stuttered and when you looked up at his face again, you could see that his ears were bright red. “I mean it,” you smiled and when he finally met your eyes you couldn’t help but get lost in his for a while.
“And you tell me to stop flirting with customers,” Yuta broke whatever moment you just had with Jeno and shoved you from the spot on the coffee machine. “I wasn’t,” you tried to argue but your colleague just clocked his tongue and rolled his eyes. “I... I wouldn’t mind if you were,” Jeno mumbled so quietly you had almost missed it, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach and a smile to creep onto your lips again. “We should bring the drinks over,” you smiled, grabbing the tray that held the drinks so Jeno could take the one with the cakes. “Ye... Yeah, orders, drinks, sure,” he stuttered, grabbing the second tray and following you through the café back over to where his friends were seated. “I thought you would never come back,” Jaemin already whined, grabbing his deathpresso off of your tray. “It takes a while to make eight freaking extra shots of espresso,” you scolded your best friend while giving out the rest of the orders to the other boys who all agreed, joining in on telling Jaemin how unhealthy his coffee drinking habits were. “Let me know if you need anything else,” you smiled politely when everyone had gotten their respective drinks, leaving the boys to banter playfully.
Over the course of your shift, the boys stayed to study and ordered another round of hot drinks before they left just shy of the ending of your shift. Jeno threw you another shy smile and a little sweater pawed wave when they left the shop that almost send you into cardiac arrest. “I’ll clean that table and then head out,” you announced to Yuta who was glued to his phone, checking his twitter feed. Among the chaos of used napkins and dishes, you found a neatly folded piece of paper with your name neatly written on it, a little heart drawn in the corner that set you own one racing again. You quickly put it in your pocket and cleared the rest of the table, all but throwing the dishes into the dishwasher at the back so you could get out of your apron and take a look at the note your secret admirer had left. While you were changing into your warm jacket, you couldn’t help but to think and to hope that Jeno had left it for you. After all he had been at both the gatherings that had led to you finding these notes and he also shared lot of classes with you where he could technically have slipped you a note or two. And on top of that he had also been at the library when the coffee incident happened.
Once you stepped out of the café and into the cool air of the early evening, you sat down on one of the benches surrounding the building to read the little note in peace.
You look so cute when you’re concentrating on making pretty latte art, did you know that? I loved the little talk we had but I am too shy to talk to you. Can you tell by these notes? My friends all make fun of me for writing cheesy notes instead of manning up to actually talk to you. I don’t even know if you would want to meet me. But if you want to, then meet me at the ice rink tomorrow at 7pm. I’ll be waiting for you there, I promise.
You couldn’t hold in the little shriek of joy that made its way past your lips. It had to be Jeno. It couldn’t be anyone else. It had to be him. Holding the little note close to your furiously beating heart, you smiled and kicked your legs in joy before storing it carefully into your bag. Jaemin better be ready to help you choose an outfit for tomorrow and listen to you whine without asking too many questions about who you were actually going to meet.
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When you arrived at the stadium the next day, clutching the note tightly in your hand, you double checked the time and carefully looked around before you tried to open the front door which to your surprise was actually unlocked. Taking a deep breath, you went in, closing the door firmly behind you before walking up to the second door that would take you to the bleachers. Slowly you pulled it open as well, hoping it wouldn’t make too much noise. The rink itself was just dimly lit, most of the lights turned off and on the ice there was a single figure skating around the perimeter, seemingly lost in their thoughts while aimlessly taking sharp turns that send pieces of ice flying, making the skids screech. You would have recognized that person between hundreds of other skaters, the midnight blue hair easily giving him away.
Jeno seemingly hadn’t noticed you yet and it gave you time to sort out your racing heart and thoughts. Had it really been him to write you all the sweet notes that you had begun to collect in a little box you hid from Jaemin in a box beneath your bed? Or was the universe playing a prank on you and it was just a coincidence that he was practicing right now, alone at night. But then again no one else was around and he really wasn’t dressed for practice, just wearing one of his big hoodies and jeans. It had to be his notes. And thinking back on it, he really had been the only person who had been at the same places, the notes had been showing up. From the dinner with the hockey team to the ones in your classes and at your work or in the library.
Slowly you made your way down the steps of the bleachers, keeping quiet so you wouldn’t disturb Jeno who was still skating around the rink. Once you arrived at the bottom row of seats, you took a seat next to a pair of skates and a pair of sneakers that probably belonged to Jeno. Sitting in silence, you watched his movements for a while. He was captivating to watch: Seeing him effortlessly glide over the ice before suddenly sprinting forward only to come to an abrupt halt or take a sharp turn. It was beyond you how he held his balance through it all.
Suddenly he halted in his moves completely to stare at the big clock on the back wall of the stadium that showed that it was fifteen minutes past seven already before he sighed deeply, raking a hand through his fluffy hair. Was he nervous? Nervous you wouldn’t come? Just when he was taking off, his eyes caught your figure and he stopped again, a big smile spreading across his face that made his eyes curl into the beautiful half-moon shape you adored. While you were busy trying to remember how to breathe, he was skating towards you, effortlessly jumping from the ice through a little door in the rink, walking towards you. “You came,” he beamed, kneeling down in front of you after he had grabbed the skates that were still lying next to you. “Yeah I did,” you answered, still not entirely sure what to make of this situation. With how fast your heart was beating, it must have climbed all the way up to your throat and you weren’t sure if you could have produced a proper sentence if you wanted to.
“I hope I didn’t misinterpret all of this,” Jeno mumbled while he carefully undid your shoelaces before slipping them off your feet, “And you’re just here to tell me to stop being creepy and not leave any more notes around.” The way he looked up at you from beneath his midnight blue bangs tugged at your heart and you couldn’t find any words to tell him just how okay you were with this, so you just nodded, feeling heat rise to your cheeks, the skin feeling way too hot against the cold of the stadium. Smiling brightly Jeno quickly prepared the skates to slip onto your feet and laced them up tightly, his nimble fingers working fast and efficient. “Is this alright? Not too tight?” “Seems fine,” you smiled back at him, experimentally wiggling your toes. “Alright,” Jeno smiled, extending a hand to you. “Come on, let’s go.”
Shyly, you took his hand to let him pull you upright. On wobbly feet, you followed him to the little door in the rink, letting him step onto the ice first. “I’ve never done this before,” you confessed, almost reflexive reaching your gloved hands out towards him which he took with a gentle smile, squeezing them reassuringly. “I won’t let you fall,” he promised, tightening the grip on your hands. “Okay,” you whispered, carefully stepping onto the slippery ice, unsure how to work with the skates. “You’re a natural,” Jeno beamed when you finally stood with both feet on the ice. “I- I don’t know,” you shied away from the praise, wishing you could hide in your big scarf. “Hold on tightly now,” the hockey player warned before he skillfully moved his legs so he was sliding backwards, effectively pulling you with him. A little surprised sound escaped your lips and you clutched his hands tightly, worrying your gaze to your feet where you tried to stabilize yourself and keeping the skids up right.
“Don’t think so much about it. Look at me,” Jeno’s voice cut through the soft scratching noises of the skates. “I’ll fall if I do,” you argued. Also your heart would most likely leap out of your chest if you did. As if it wasn’t already beating furiously enough now that you were basically on a date with your crush and he was holding your hands. “I told you that I won’t let you fall,” he promised, slowing down his own movements until you came to a halt. Steadying yourself on the skates, you took a deep breath before looking up to meet Jeno’s eyes. And just like that time stood still. Under the dimmed lights in the stadium, it felt like you two were the only people on this planet. You got lost in the deep brown shade of his eyes and adored how his nose and cheeks were tinted a pretty blush color from the cold. “Hey there,” he whispered, tucking your scarf neatly around your neck where it had come undone, the gesture so intimate, it made your breath hitch. “Hi,” you answered dumbly and it made him smile, his eyes curving into the beautiful half-moon eye smile.
Before you could do anything stupid like coo hat how pretty he looked, his smile turned into a mischievous grin and he quickly let go of your hands to skid backwards a couple of meters further towards the center of the rink. “Jenoooo,” you whined once you had found your balance again, glaring to where he was making a couple of sharp turns, creating indents in the smooth ice and sending pieces flying. “Come over,” he called, opening his arms wide. “You just want to see me fall.” “You won’t, have some faith in yourself. Just kick with your skates until you gain momentum. It’s like walking just with a little more glide.” “Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?” “Just try it. For me,” Jeno smiled, sliding a little closer to you and opening his arms again. Sighing, you nodded, balling your hands into fists before you kicked your feet just how you had seen Jeno and the other’s do a hundred times before. Albeit very wobbly and slow, you were sliding over the ice. A smile slowly spread over your face as you kicked your feet again and again and you weren’t even mad when you noticed that Jeno steadily moved backwards to keep you going. “See, you’re a natural,” he beamed but just when he said that, you stumbled over one of the indents he had created earlier when he was showing off. You already prepared yourself to meet the cold unforgiving ice, making a complete fool out of yourself but instead two strong arms curled around you to pull you against a strong chest so you were stabilized again.
“I told you, I wouldn’t let you fall,” Jeno whispered, his hands steady on your waist. “Thank you,” you mumbled, slowly snaking your arms around him as well until your bodies were flush together. For a while you just stood on the ice, hugging each other until your breaths evened out, hearts beating in the same rhythm. “I’m so glad you actually came.” “Why wouldn’t I?” You mumbled into his neck. “Maybe you thought all my notes were creepy.” “I was really confused at first,” you admitted, “I thought it was a joke. I couldn’t think of a reason why anyone would write these to me. I was waiting for someone to bring up the topic so they could make fun of me. But deep down I really wished it was you who was writing them and that you actually meant everything you wrote.” The longer you spoke, the more you felt your face heat up. “I wish I had more courage to actually ask you out properly,” Jeno confessed, his voice quiet, “I kept seeing you around Jaemin and then you started to come to our matches. And then we ended up in so many of the same courses and guess what you’re not only very pretty but also incredibly smart. And I guess I kind of developed this huge crush on you with your big scarves and hoodies.”   “Me... Me too, Jeno,” you whispered, your heart making summersaults in your chest and a smile spreading on your lips. Beneath your fingers you could feel Jeno chuckle. “Will you let me kiss you?” He asked softly and who were you to deny him?
Slowly you lifted your head from his shoulder and he carefully cupped your face before he leaned in to kiss you until your noses were touching. His bangs were tickling your face but you wouldn’t have wanted to have it any other way and crossed the last few centimeters between you to press your lips against his slightly chapped ones. Like you had all time in the world you just stood on the ice, lazily moving your lips together only ever separating to heave in a couple of breathes of air and share a soft giggle before claiming each other’s lips again with hearts beating like one.
Eventually Jeno pulled back when you leaned in to kiss him again, a big smile on his lips when you pouted. “You’ll get another one when you manage to skate a whole round in the rink,” he grinned, his eyes sparkling. “You’re the worst Lee Jeno,” you kept pouting, “You’re hurting yourself just as much as me.” “Come on, it’s going to be fun,” he smiled, snaking free from your grip to skate around you in quick motions. “Show off,” you mumbled underneath your breath but tried your best to copy his movements to fulfill his quest.
In the end he had been right, once you got the hang of it and didn’t lose your balance every time there was a dent in the ice, it actually as fun to chase each other around the rink even though you knew he was purposefully letting you catch up to him at times to steal more kisses. It still somehow didn’t feel real that you actually were here with Lee Jeno and that you were actually allowed to kiss him just like this. After what felt like hours, Jeno helped you out of your skates and you just sat on the bleachers cuddled up together beneath a blanket, looking down at the rink. “Are you going to see the match tomorrow?” He asked. “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I?” Jeno just hummed, a blush creeping up his cheeks and ears, this one definitely not from the cold. What was making him shy all of a sudden? “Would you... I mean... If you wanted to... Would you,” he stuttered before he groaned loudly and grabbed your hands tightly, “Willyouwearmyjackettothegame?” “What?” “My jacket... Would you wear it tomorrow?” He asked again, slower this time but still not meeting your eyes, instead looking at your interlocked hands. “Do you want me to?” You asked him back, a big smile on your lips. “I mean... I understand if this is a little fast but... But I’ve had this crush on you for the longest time and... And I would really like to show everyone that you’re you know...” “That I’m your girlfriend?” “Y... Yeah,” he admitted, shyly looking at you from beneath his midnight blue bangs. “Of course I will,” you smiled broadly, throwing your arms around him to hug him close.
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And you did. After you and Jeno had talked for a little while longer about everything and nothing at all (and maybe some more kissing) until you had yawned more than he found acceptable, he had quickly run to the locker rooms to fetch his jacket that he had promptly laid over your shoulders on your way home. In front of your apartment building he had kissed you goodbye and wished you sweet dreams before he walked away to his own dorm room that he shared with Donghyuck so you had found out. You turned the key as silently as you could so you wouldn’t wake up your best friend who was out cold on the small sofa in your living room, the Netflix ‘Are you still watching?’ screen illuminating the room. Shaking your head, you draped a blanket over the sleeping boy and turned the TV off before getting ready for bed as well. The next morning you had to explain why you had Jeno’s jacket to a screaming Jaemin at an ungodly hour but in the end he was just excited as you were if not more because he didn’t have to hear both of you pining anymore because he had promised Jeno not to meddle.
You slipped into Jeno’s big jacket when you and your friend where about to leave so you wouldn’t be late to the match, you couldn’t help but smile, snuggling deep into the collar until your boyfriend’s smell engulfed you like a blanket. “Stop being gross or the best seats will be taken,” your best friend complained, tugging you with him and filling the way over to the stadium with chatter. “There are so many people,” you exclaimed when you had entered the stadium, looking around for free seats. “It’s the highlight of the season, what did you expect?” Jaemin asked, tugging you further down when he spotted Mark’s girlfriend waving excitedly at your two. She also was wearing a jacket with the name ‘Lee’ on the back just that hers had a big blue 2 on the back and not a 23 like yours. “You and Jeno?” She excitedly jumped up and down when she had spotted your jacket and you could only nod shyly. “I’m so happy for you. Mark told me how Jeno kept pining after you.”
“What’s with all the Lees over here?” A male voice cut in before you could answer anything and Johnny Suh sat down next to Jaemin, not clad in his usual dark red jacket with his name and the 9 on the back but in a rather small orange one with a giant blue 10 on the back. “You’ll fit right in,” Mark’s girlfriend chirped, making Johnny blush and hide his face in his knitted scarf, mumbling something about how stupid it was that it had to be so cold to play hockey and how much rather he’d be in his heated gym. “The joy of dating Korean guys,” Jaemin laughed, jumping up and climbing in a seat the row above you, “Let me take a picture, this is hilarious.” “Ten and Mark aren’t even Korean,” Johnny argued, “But Leechaiyapornkul would have been a bit excessive to put on a jacket.”
The rest of his argument was drowned out by the cheers that erupted when the players came from their lockers, the starting 6 quickly rounding the rink, making a couple of sharp turns and going through moves with their stick. Being their center forward player, Jeno was in the starting team along with Sungchan and Donghyuck. On the defense, Winwin and Mark were checking their gear before the captain made sure that all of Yangyang’s protective gear was on right. In the meantime Jeno was searching the bleachers and you couldn’t help but feel shy before you waved at him, jumping up and down so he would notice you. Because of the helmet you couldn’t know if he smiled at you but your heart made summersaults nonetheless when you playfully put on the hood of the jacket to show him that you were indeed wearing it. You imagined him laughing before he blew you a kiss with an over exaggerated movement that made quite a few people turn their heads to see who he could have blown the kiss to. Before you could even think about hiding, Johnny gripped your arm tightly and hissed: “If I am out here wearing Ten’s stupid jacket that is way too small for me while he refuses to wear mine in public because he’s not some trophy wife, you will not hide now.” Not knowing whether you should be afraid of Johnny or laugh at what really sounded like something Ten would say, you just nodded at the blonde, straightening out your back. From the opposite side you could see Ten sitting in the exchange box, a huge grin on his face when he must have spotted Johnny in the crowd (which really wasn’t that hard, the dude was unnecessarily tall).
“They better win this game or I will be mad,” the blonde grumbled when everyone had sat back down and the referee had called both team captains over. “It’s going to be a tight game,” Jaemin filled him in, “The gorillas have been on a roll for the past couple of games. But I have the feeling that a couple of players might just try extra hard today, trying to show off.” At the end, he threw both Johnny and you a very over exaggerated look completed with wiggling eyebrows which earned him slaps from both of you. “Now shut your mouth, Na Jaemin, I actually want to see this game.” “Wow she gets a hot hockey player as her boyfriend and suddenly she doesn’t need my top notch commentating anymore, that hurts.” “Shut up, Nana,” you smiled, focusing back to where in fact your boyfriend was playing on the ice just now. And even if you loved to see Jeno playing, you couldn’t wait for the game to be over to be back in his arms to congratulate him.
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Rescuing the New Laptop (The Riddler x Reader)
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Being in a relationship with the Riddler implied constant danger, being kept up by obnoxious mad geniuses and simple interactions being muddied by various riddles. All of which were true, but those had broken you down and rebuilt you in the process long ago. What you didn't anticipate was your electronics randomly disappearing. Such as your brand new laptop that was the equivalent of your first born child. Seeing you only had it for about two days, you noticed almost immediately that it was gone. Whilst many would be terrified that a criminal had broken in to the apartment and robbed the place of valuables, you had your suspicions of the culprit immediately. There was only one true evil who could have known your boyfriend, Edward Nygma. You quickly started making calls. He didn't tell you where he would be- as usual. Each day tended to be a roll of the dice. Maybe he's in his hideout, maybe he's at home, maybe he was in someone else's hide out or just maybe he was in someone else's home. There really was no pattern and no telling where he could be at any time. 
Edward didnt answer his phone and that didn't narrow down your options. You called Harvey Dent first. He often caught wind of where everyone was. So there was a chance he knew where your boyfriend and therefore your laptop was. After bothering a rather begrudging Harvey, you found out he was with Jervis and Jonathan at Jonathan's apartment. 
With a sigh of your own, you grabbed your keys and set out for your rescue mission. You tip toed through the door. Jonathan had his back to you in his kitchen, Edward could be heard heading in the direction of the bathroom and that's all you knew about. Edward left the door open to the room he was using as his workspace. "Hello, (Y/N)." Jonathan greeted you but didn't turn around. You halted, uncertain how exactly he knew you were there but whispered out a "Hi..." that was followed by. "...don't mind me." Jonathan didn't respond so you quietly headed to the spare bedroom. You tiptoed forward before you paused. What if it wasn't in the bedrooms? If it was, which one? You internally sighed to yourself, turning on your heel and tiptoed towards Jonathan. You pushed onto your toes and placed your hands on his shoulders. "Which bedroom?" You whispered. "Spare." He mumbled back. "Thank you." You crept back through the living room and towards the spare bedroom. You found your laptop on the bed, open. You smiled widely and closed it. 
You passed the living room with no issue as Jonathan smirked at you with a curt nod. You nodded back as you curled your body into the computer and crept back  towards the door. "Put that down!" You heard your boyfriends voice ring out. "I need that! It's important for my work." "No!" You protested as you felt Edward reached around you for the laptop. "No, I just got it!" "Why are you being a child over this!? I need it!" "It's a new laptop!" You cried out. "Every laptop I give you, you break! It literally blows up from the inside!" Edward scoffed. "Because the systems are the lowest level of garbage! I could create a better system blind folded! And I fixed them! Improved them actually!" "No, you made them all...Ed-Riddler-like. I want to open Google, not hack it!" You hugged the laptop closer to your chest. "What's that supposed to mean!!?" He scowled at you and Jonathan chuckled from the kitchen gaining your attention. "I had the impression people with normal boyfriends worried about cheating. Why did I pick the one who makes me worry about my devices!?" You huffed dramatically. 
Suddenly Jervis glided into the room, his fingers pinching the rim of his top hat. "Oh how we thrived before the red royal arrived!" Jervis slowly grinned as your mouth dropped. "I take issue with that characterisation!"  Suddenly you noticed Jervis had a towel in his hand. "Shit! He's armed!" You passed the laptop to Jonathan and made a run for the table in attempt to create as much space as possible. Jervis, however, wasted no time running after you. Usually, Edward and Jonathan would be concerned as Jervis had a talent for making anything some kind of weapon. Yet, as the two would say, they had Jervis trained around you. Therefore he never actually causes any harm but become excited as you play along. 
For example, there was the time that Jervis ripped a just bought toilet brush out of your  hand and hugged it closely telling you not to play with swords. However barely minutes later when a henchman bumped into Jervis, he had to be ripped off of the henchman before he forcibly shoved said toilet brush down the man's throat. Many would think it impossible but just as Jervis encouraged six impossible things before breakfast, he had a way of making things like that very possible- which may cause life or death situations...usually the latter. "Distraction!" You exclaimed before tossing a pillow in Jervis' direction from the nearby couch. "(Y/N), would you like to stay for dinner? I have too much food in my freezer for one person. I'm already feeding these two." Jonathan gestured to Jervis and then to the room Edward was in. "Don't tempt me with your great cooking, you unbelieving cassanova!" You bellowed dramatically before diving out of Jervis' line of fire. "I just need your stomach." Jonathan said flatly. You said paused. "Absolutely I will, you know I love your cooking." You said quickly and he nodded. "As I expected." He said before briskly leaving. Just before Edward could take the laptop from the table, you quickly took it into your arms with a gruff. "No!" "Just let me finish what I was doing!" Edward pleaded loudly. You paused. "And you'll give it back? In one piece?" You asked. Edward's arm shot out holding back Jervis from another lunge, eager now that he had your attention. "I promise!" He said hurriedly. You sighed reluctantly with a slouch. "Fine!" Before you could change your mind, Edward plucked the laptop from your grasp and sped walked back to the bedroom. "Well...at least I got Jonathan's cooking." You sighed. "Mooch." Jervis said quietly. "Alright prepare for war for that one, Tetch!" You declared.
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lilxberry · 3 years
I Watched You Die} 6 - Natasha Romanoff
Someone from Natashas’ past makes the most of unsuspected arrivals and begins to cause issues, not only for her, just everyone they come into contact with. HYDRA uses them as a simple puppet and Natasha believes that maybe, just maybe, she could get them back to her in the way she remembers.
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Warnings: Language. Fighting. Terrible writing (this chapter was terrible.)
Words: 3,123
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Reader (female reader) (super soldier reader) (HYDRA reader)
(A/N: There’s some time jumps that aren’t stated but it’s still relatively easy to follow in that sense. Also, this chapter is more so a filler but nonetheless is related to the story.)
(A/N 2: Strucker and interactions with him are in German and a small interaction with Wanda is in Slovak as a substitute for Sokovian. There is some Russian in this but it’s quite easy to distinguish between the languages’ used.)
< Chapter 5    Chapter 7 >
Her head throbbed and her neck was stiff and pained from its lolled position it had been in hours on end. Even with her head tilted forward and down towards the hard floor beneath her, the light felt harsh against her eyes, a stinging, burning sensation appearing each time she cracks an eye open.
“Ah, I hope you slept well, Miss Romanoff.”
The familiarity in the voice caused Natasha to tense and she willed her eyes to open and remain as such. Raising her head, her eyes automatically lock on to the figure before her in which everyone believed was dead.
“How are you here?”
The man chuckled and began to take steps towards the tied up red head, his hands folded together behind his back, a smug look etched into his features. “It is quite incredible the technology we have within this day and age, yes?”
Her features twisted up into a sneer, glaring at the one of the few notorious HYDRA leaders they, the Avengers, had come to face. “Why can’t people just stay dead?”
Strucker rounded her body leaving her to look at the room they held her within; bland in colour but crowded with technology. “I believe you’re also not referring to only me now, are you?” He clicks his tongue. “Yes, Y/N. Our best asset yet. The twins were exceptional, yes and the winter soldier was successful until recent years, but Y/N is our best creation.”
His German accent is thick as the words pass into her ears and registers his words, but his next sentence as he leans down to whisper right beside her head makes her blood run cold. “Finding her on the brink of death was undoubtfully wonderful, on our part at least.”
The man chuckled as he straightened himself back out, standing to his full height before rounding her seated position once more to stand before her. “How are our previous assets, anyways? The updates Ghost gives are quite minimal in unnecessary data.”
Silence. Strucker tsked at her lack of response and spun on heel, taking one, two, three steps forward before coming to a standstill. “I suppose you’d like to know why we have you hear,” he called over his shoulder to her. When he was met with silence once more, he continued.
“S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers have certainly been a right ganz schlimmer, a large spanner in our works. We run smoothly when you and your little friends keep out of our business. Perfectly running machinery. So, we’re simply removing the issue with our operation. You.” (Fucking pain.)
Slow and intimidating were his steps as he little by little made his way over towards a board of panels which, much like every other piece of technology was surrounded by people in off-white lab coats. His fingers danced over the multiple of buttons that littered the deck of the panel.
“You may not think so yourself but, we believe you are the strongest of your little band of heroes. No, not physically. Mentally? Yes. We also believe, if we break you, the rest of the team will surely follow in crumbling down.”
His eyes linger on one spot in particular on the panel, his finger hovering over it. “Now you’re also wondering why I’m electing to tell you all this. The answer is simple, really.” He pushes down on a button, resulting in the chair that Natasha is strapped to, to recline backwards, much like a chair in a barbers’, before laying her flat.
“You’re stuck here.”
Natashas’ head looks from left to right in a frantic manner as Strucker steps away from the lengthy panel of buttons and stalks towards her, his boots quietly squeaking against the cold, smooth floor of the room.
Above her is some form of machinery she could best describe as terrifying in appearance, harsh glinting metal and a mass of wires. Movement to both her left and right signify to her that people are beginning to close in on her and surround her. Panic rises in her body further as someone steps closer to her head holding what she believed was a mouth guard; something she’ll be biting down on.
She shakes her head in a desperate attempt to avoid the object but with no such luck. Someone had violently grasped her jaw in a bruising grip and forced the guard into her mouth. Strucker leans over her laying form and the evil grin on his face is purely sickening.
“Have you ever felt 450 volts of electricity surged through your body before? No? Oh, don’t worry. IT should be over before you know it.” He pulls back, making Natasha follow his with her eyes. Her protests are muffled by the guard in her mouth. “But, please, be mindful when it comes to the convulsions that follow. You wouldn’t like to break a bone, surely.”
Strucker walks towards yet another panel, this time with AMP and voltage gages along with other gages she couldn’t quite make out from her position. He places his hand atop a dial and nods his head once to one of the many people scuttling around the room. She feels something be attached to each temple and it reminds her strongly of the old school, brutal electroshock therapy that doctors used to dole out.
“Shall we move this along and see how long it takes until you break?”
Natasha spots your body stood stiff and squared near the door at the foot of the room, features lacking any show of emotion. Her eyes widened, and she desperately hoped that her eyes asked what she couldn’t.
‘Help me.’
Your being, unmoving and unchanged, is the last thing she sees before searing hot pain shots through her body. She bites down on the guard and releases and ear-piercing scream around it as her whole-body tenses and her back arches up, fists clenched tightly, and toes curled.
Her body falls limp for a short moment before the process repeats, over and over. Like an unending, destructive cycle.
The team had tirelessly put in every effort to find the missing ex-assassin. When Natasha had taken too long to return to the others, Clint did what was asked of him. He waited until the end of the following day when she had left before telling the others.
With no sightings and no communication from the Avenger, they were at a lost.
4 days had passed, coming close to 5, with no such luck in finding Natasha. Every member of the close-knit team had put in hours and hours on end into locating her; everything had been fruitless. The team had chewed out the archer for not mentioning anything sooner than he had but he had argued that he valued his word and believed Natsha would be fine, that she could look after herself.
They couldn’t argue with him on that.
“I’ve got nothing. We haven’t found shit and it’s been what? 4 days since anyone had last seen her?”
Their hopes in finding her were dwindling quickly, its rate in decrease sped up after the three-day mark. Stark groaned and leant back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose tightly between his pointer finger and thumb.
“Honestly, I blame Fury for making us use phones that I can’t hack. We’d find her a lot fucking faster if I could just get into it.”
“Language,” Steve muttered before releasing a lengthy sigh. As he went to open his mouth to respond, Tony perked up, this time looking extremely more optimistic than previous.
“HOLY SHIT!” He spun his chair to face the computer on the desk and began to rapid begin typing. The others watched him with scepticism before slowly moving to crowd the billionaire.
“You wanna explain to the class, Stark?”
“You know how I never listen to Fury?” He heard a collective of hums in agreement before continuing. “Well, when I was encrypting the phones we all use, I may have purposefully left out my location cloaking software.”
“So, you’re saying you can ping her location and you failed to mention this?!” Wanda exclaimed.
“One, ouch. Don’t scream in my ear like a damn banshee, Matilda. Two, I forgot. It’s not like we actually use it.”
The team watched in anticipation as Tonys’ fingers continued to rapidly tap at the keyboard. Moments pass by with bated breaths before a small red dot appears on a map that pops up. They stare at the bright red dot in a prolonged silence before Steve straightens out with a hardened face.
“Let’s move.”
“I don’t understand. Why San Fransico?”
The statement from Sam was what each of them wanted to voice but none did. Each step through the city was following that damn pinged location. The day before it had been in Washington, the day before that was Oklahoma.
They could be tracking a ghost trail for all they knew, certainly with how quickly the location seemed to switch between states so quickly.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. Update.”
“Location has remained the same. The Railway Museum is just one block away, sir.”
Tony rolls his shoulders before turning to look towards those who walk with him. He and Steve share a look, already knowing that this is more than likely a trap or mislead.
“Only a few of us will enter. Everyone else is going to surround the building, cover each possible exit. Buck, I want you with me, Sam and Wanda. Clint, you think you can take to a nearby building keep an eye on the roof and the main entrance?”
Clint nodded as Steve doled out orders for the group to follow. With the archers’ non-verbal confirmation, the captain continued.
“Thor, I want you to take the West side of the building with Banner. Pietro, you take East. Stark, I want you to take the back with Vision.” Everyone nods followed by them splitting off in the direction of the respective positions.
Dressed as civilians was helpful with entering the museum; they turned no heads when entering the building. The four inside had separated themselves, hoping to search the interior in record time rather than they be grouped up together.
The comms the team had donned before splitting ways crackled before Tony’s voice sounded through into each team members’ ear. “I’ve had F.R.I.D.A.Y. put the location on each of your phones, make it easier for you guys to know if you’re closing in.”
Simultaneously, Steve, Sam, Wanda and Bucky pull out their smartphones and allow the screen to open up correctly, a simple map of the interior showing a blinking red dot in the centre of the building.
The small team inside opposed to those outside slowly close in to the centre of the museum, covering all sides.
Adrenaline begins to heighten as they inch their way closer and closer. Emotions are running high and minds are swirling with possibilities and before they knew it, they surround the exhibit at the very middle of the building.
A large group being led by some guide moves on with their tour and reveals a lone person still stood there; hood up and phone in hand. Steve glances down at the phone in his own hand and sure enough, the dot hasn’t moved.
This is what they’ve been chasing.
With their head down, both Sam and Bucky who face their front can’t identify who holds the phone, Natashas’ phone.
Between the four, a look was shared and with a nod of their head in the figure’s direction, they begin to slowly close in once more. Wanda, Sam and Bucky slow to a stop, only a short distance away as Steve continues to stalk closer and with a few more steps, he’s stood behind the figure.
He reaches an arm out and clamps his hand down on their shoulder which begins to shake slightly as the person laughs quietly. The person slowly raises their head with a shit eating grin on their face and both Sam and Bucky tense, their jaws clenching, teeth grinding.
Wanda freezes up along with them as the figure slowly turns to face Steve; easily catching a glimpse herself.
“At ease, солдат,” your voice rasps. (Soldier.)
You hand moves quickly to clamp on to the blondes’ wrist and before he could react, you bring your head forward in a quick, whip-like motion, slamming it into his nose; a satisfying crunch is heard and blood already beginning to trickle out.
Twisting his arm, you land a hard kick to his ribs and send him back, him falling to the floor with quite the thud, even sliding across the floor a good foot or two. The others had quickly reacted, Sam and Bucky charging over towards you.
You alternate between the two as they dole out a choreographed offensive; punches, kicks, full body hits. The two had been going a solid minute and had done zero damage, even with Steve standing himself back up on to his feet and charging at you himself.
Wanda had dealt with the screaming and panicked public from the first sign of retaliation, giving firm orders to leave the building and to get a safe distance.
The second the first of the civilians exited the building in a rushed and yelling fashion, the team was on high alert.
“Someone talk to us,” Clint crackled through the comms, his sights down the length of the arrow he already has notched and ready to release.
“It’s Y/N.” Just that simple statement made the whole team know exactly what was currently going down. “They had Natashas’ phone. HYDRA put us on a wild goose chase.”
The grunts from Steve, Sam and Bucky brought Wanda’s head back into the fight at hand. The three were being easily overpowered by just yourself and she’s unsure how to proceed. With quick thinking, she uses her powers to push her teammates aside and away from you, the swirl of red like mist dancing around her fingers.
Your attention snaps from the three that had been thrown away from you to the little witch who stood off to the side. You roll your shoulders and smirk before stomping your way over to her aggressively.
You feel your movements slowly become restricted and it’s harder and harder to move forward. Wanda, with a struggle, brings to down to your knees before you could reach her and all you could do it look up at her with a devious smirk.
Tongue peeking out between your lips, you wet them and trail your eyes up and down the length of her body and the action makes her sick to your stomach. “Som ohromená, princezná.” (I’m impressed, princess.)
She takes step towards you, slow, precise, and what she hoped was menacing. “Where’s Natasha?” she spat between her teeth.
You chuckle darkly and shake her head, noticing how she lacked to remember to keep her distance. “You’re in no position to ask questions, little witch.” With perseverance, your left arm shoots forward, grasping her wrist much like you had done with the caps. Shocked, the moment forces Wanda to lose concertation and drops her magical hold on you.
You swipe at the opportunity and raise to your full height, towering over the Sokovian and delivering a hard right hook to the girl, knocking her unconscious the moment your fist made contact with her jaw.
Turning, you look at the trio of men who look at an unconscious Wanda by your feet with wide and worried eyes. You smirk once more as you pull Natasha’s phone from your pocket and wave it slightly before tossing it in their direction. “Keep it. I’m done with it.”
You take small steps backwards away from the four before turning tail and running, closer and closer to the back entrance.
“She’s heading to you guys at the back,” Steve rushes out, struggling to come to a stand and give chase.
“Understood, capsicle.” Tony and Vison both prepare themselves for your arrival, to burst through the doors and go into combat just like the four inside had done. But they waited and waited and waited. Nothing. “Uh, no sign of her. Anyone got eyes on the slippery bastard?” Stark reaches out to the others.
Sam and Bucky left Americas’ sweetheart and Scarlet Witch with the intentions of cheeking the inside of the building, running around the whole of the museum as the team converse.
“Nothing here.”
“No clue.”
The team’s response came in like clockwork and the entire team felt baffled. Where did you disappear to?
“So, she just evaporated? What the fuck? Are you sure no one has eyes on her?”
“Look,” Steve started. “As much as I want to find them and get some answers, we gotta focus on Wanda. She’s down.” He was kneeling beside her unconscious form and like a lightbulb being lit from a switch, Pietro was right beside his sister on the opposite side of Steve, absolute panic and concern shifting through his eyes.
Steve hears a sigh through the comms followed by Banners’ voice. “Let’s get back. It’s clear they’ve disappeared somehow, and we should focus on Maximoff right now.”
Steve shakes his head and moves to stand, Pietro already holding his twin in his arms. “Let’s go, team.”
“Wie ich sehe, können wir ihr Telefon nicht länger als Ablenkung für sie benutzen,” Strucker spoke as his back was turned to you, hands folded behind his back, looking at the painting hung on the wall with disinterest. (I see we can no longer use her phone as a distraction for them.)
“Sie werden sie nicht finden können, auch wenn wir sie nicht mehr auf Gänsejagd führen, Sir,” you respond, you own hands folded behind your back. Your eyes are trained on his form as he slowly turns to face you, casually rounded the desk to stand before you. (They won't be able to find her even if we no longer lead them on such wild goose chases', sir.)
“Hoffentlich nicht, Soldat. Es liegt an Ihnen, wenn sie sie finden.” His eyes look you up and down subtly, scrutinising you before turning away from you and striding over towards his desk. “Es ist jetzt zu heiß für dich, Ghost. Zu viele Leute werden dich nach deinem kleinen öffentlichen Stunt erkennen. Du sollst in der Einrichtung bleiben. Sie bewachen Romanoff und begleiten sie zum und vom Labor. Verstanden?” (They better not, soldier. It will be on your head if they are to find her.) (There's too much heat on you now, Ghost. Too many people will recognise you after your little public stunt. You are to stay within the facility. You will guard Romanoff and escort her to and from the lab. Understood?)
“Verstanden.” (Understood.)
I just needed a filler honestly so, this will do for the time being
If you want to be added to the taglist lemme know
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
Marvel taglist:
@thanossexual​ @iwazoomingouttahere​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​ 
‘I Watched You Die’ taglist:
@diaryoflife @username23345 @drpepperobsessed @fayhar @d14n4ol @srtamercurio @gabbygabbie @lostandsearching @afuckingshituniverse @thea13sworld @nelouath8 @navs-bhat @pistachiomilk3 @peggycarter-steverogers @b-5by5 @trikruismybitch @anxiousgoldengirl @when-wolves-howl @whitelotus00 @anxiousgoldengirl @daniescady @unexpected-character @lgtftchan @mitch-cabello1097 @wlwfanfictionss @gottacamz​
(Those whose @ is in bold, I could not tag unfortunately.)
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