#my irl bffs (one of which is also on here) already have to listen to me ramble about this too many hours a day
sadkachow · 5 months
wish i could have a highschool romance. this is unfair wheres my boyfriend :(
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modern-oedipus · 4 years
Covid Vent
No one: Nila, who goes out maybe once in a month due to covid: *listens to coffee shop sounds in youtube to get in mood*  It’s really hard to maintain social isolation now that it has been 5 months. But the cases are going up and up and up, hitting my friends and their families. I myself had to split houses with my mother because she had covid cases in her work place. I don’t think I’d isolate myself this much if I wasn’t in the risk group, but I am. Knowing that I am most likely to go to intensive care and experience the trouble breathing again like I did during the asthma treatment is not good. The potential permanent damage on lungs, for someone like me whose lungs are already more prone to sickness compared to healthy people, is also a big no, considering that I’m only in my early twenties and if everything goes well and I live a normal life I’d live around 50 more years.  50 more years with a disability or isolating myself at home? Isolation, obviously. But this pandemic doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. I am only indoors because both my internships are online & college hasn’t started yet. I know that I’ll eventually have to go out if my college doesn’t switch to online education. It doesn’t scare me at all, though, I am not like, “anxious”. I’m concerned, disturbed, alert, but not in a paranoid anxiety. If I end up catching covid, I’m at least mentally prepared to deal with it. I’m also eating healthy and exercising and don’t really have health problems except for that past-lung-treatments that more or less put me to a risk group (risky enough to concern me, even though I don’t have a chronic illness), so who knows, I might just pass it like a flu as well. No one knows. It’s not good overthinking covid, all I can do is to keep social distancing & mask & hygiene, as always. I’m just so suffocated. I’m more prone to be an extrovert. Before pandemic, I’d only use my house to sleep I’d keep being out in public, attending events, ORGANIZING events, going to coffee shops, club meetings, lots and lots of stage plays, tours, everything. I’d sneak into my friends’ dorms and change cities and just so many more “normal” fun things. I was barely starting to enjoy my life again after the depression healed. Now, I’m mentally ok, but physically trapped. The “watch netflix, read books, stay home” thing is kind of overdosing me right now. I like this shit for a week maybe, not for 5 months. I don’t know how to not risk my mental health while keeping my physical health anymore. Of course, to even HAVE a mental health I need to stay alive, so I’m not complaining- health care workers, people who go to job everyday (including my parents), etc. are in such a harder situation. I know. But my own life is also valid, and while not as troubling and concerning as lives of others right now, well, I think I’m still worth caring, at least by myself. I don’t expect any extra outside compassion or validation (we all are in same situation), me writing my thoughts here is more of me just trying to see my thoughts being worded on screen so that maybe I can come up with a solution to these things as I go. Because I’ve always been a problem-solver rather than just merely venting. (I can’t always solve problems though, I need to work on accepting this fact.) Anyway, I just thought, maybe spending more time outdoors in the natural park that is close to my house could be a good thing. But it’s crowded since it’s outdoors and I really don’t want to share any commonly used areas right now. (I used to be more than okay with this before covid, as I said, I’m mostly extroverted and I like community gatherings, but I like being healthy more), so like... Idk, maybe I can just sort of have phone calls and videochats with my friends as I sit outdoors. Except I don’t even know I have that many friends anymore. I mean, I do- I surely do have bestest of friends in my life that I’m grateful for, but like. I am somehow an introvert magnet and while I’d die for most of my best friends (both irl and online) I don’t really think they are as hype about just chatting as often as I am. (I know that this doesn’t mean they love me any less. They love me in their own way & I love them in their own way so that’s OK.) So like. Maybe Nila, have this BRILLIANT idea of making more friends. Except. Like. You’re at home so you aren’t in much of social gatherings [you aren’t in any! That is insane!] and you don’t really know how to make friends from home. I mean, yes there are online friends but like. EVEN WITH THEM. How can I just *trust* them right away? I can’t, so like. I don’t know. I’m bored af.  On the bright side, today one of my bff from school called me and said he’s back in town and that we should catch up, he’s literally one of the greatest company ever and he wants to see the doggo, so I’m positive we can just have hour 9242309204 hours long in-depth chats again without getting bored (amazing to have people like that in my life). Anyway. I guess the moral of this is:
- I need to accept “the new normal”
- I need to protect myself but try to keep my mental health as good as possible because I like myself more when my mental health is fine and I can also come up with better creations then
- I need to finish my course work (internship) so that I can relax before school starts
- I need to spend more time outdoors but in isolated areas (good luck finding them!) 
- I need to recharge
- I “want to” make more friends or just check up on existing ones! I can’t use the word “need” for this because this would degrade the freedom of the other party. Friends are appreciated, and to some extend, a necessity for social creatures like us, but no “need” will make it happen. I will just make an effort to check up on my existing friends more frequently-- I’m quite selective at this, though, I prefer generally upbringing people who are mature to a certain extend (aka, no obsession, no passive-aggression. yes to personal boundaries, yes to an overall nice attitude [we all can have problems and that’s ok and that’s normal. what /I/ personally don’t wish to be around [with my all respect] is this mindset of “life is a disaster let’s be depressed” thing. I just love love my current friend circle because even if my close friends are just around 7 people, and even if we get depressed or sad or scared, our general look to life is nicer, we don’t make disasters out of regular days, we enjoy talking and chatting, which overall increases our life quality and makes it better. We also communicate & respect & listen to each other and all. I mean. It’s not like that with everyone, and that’s ok, but as I said, this is my personal preference. I prefer having bonds that are good rather than toxic and I am doing my best to be equally good, rather than being toxic to my friends. [I’m sorry I post a lot of Banana Fish to those who don’t know Banana Fish, ok. I know ur bored but like I just cannot help it. I’m trying to tone it down but BANANA FISH.] sOOOOOOOO, SOOOO that’s why it’s not how “i have 29420343204 friends uwu” mindset, like, I noticed I need to be reasonably picky with those I’m close to so that I and people I love can overall have a nice, fun days, which is point of friendship. (I mean. As I said. I’m here on bad days too. But I don’t feel mentally healthy enough to carry the burden of someone else’s depression. It hasn’t even been two months since I’m out of therapy yet, and my mental health is, while not bad, it is fragile. I’d rather not be around those who can [mostly, unwillingly] effect me badly. SO LIKE.  - that’s one hell of a long post nila, but long story short FRIENDS or you’ll die out of boredom
- also just finish your coursework i beg you
- thanks for coming to my ted talk, I actually always offer potential solutions on my vent posts, but this time i wanted to write this publicly [i dont think anyone will read this and i dont mind it] because like. why not? it’s just me thinking and I feel as if this could be of use for some people who are reading this & isolating themselves too. anyway, i love u, stay safe. 
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silver-handed · 4 years
1, 13, 15, and 21 for you and Valentine for sure (tho if you're down id love to read Victor and Villanelle's as well!!) <33
what radio station(s) do you listen to?
I just answered this one for myself and Valentine, so I’ll do Villanelle and Victor here!
Victor: Oh! Principales! Or actually Body Heat! Or maybe Ritual, or...or maybe I just station surf way too much actually...
Villanelle: I’ll listen to Morro Rock sometimes for Johnny, but I usually prefer the sounds of the city.
what quest/sidejob/gig fucked you up the most? (multiple answers are allowed)
Me: Honestly, Walk the Line fucked with me for h o u r s as I tried to choose between the two options. Which wouldn’t be so bad, but I spiraled into conspiracy mode over Rogue AIs and how the ‘change’ could fuck over everyone, but I also didn’t want NetWatch/Corporations to have more control over the net than they already do.
Also finding the body of the actual Bryce Mosely...did not help
Valentine: Dealing with the Peralez cases was...difficult, to say the least. Memory modification? Mr. Blue Eyes? I couldn’t, in good conscious, let Jefferson go on thinking everything was alright. What would happen if he did win while those psychopaths were altering his mind? But...I keep worrying that I made the wrong choice.
Victor: Helping River find Randy was rough. There...well...I could have ended up in the same kinda situation, y’know? And I don’t like to think about that. I’m just glad we were able to get Randy out of there okay.
Villanelle: Sinnerman and everything tied to it. That was just...Jesus Christ, it was horrible. Put me off of taking jobs from Wakako for a while.
which NPC is your bff?
Me: Is ‘all of them’ an acceptable answer? I legitimately haven’t met a friendly NPC that I haven’t fallen in love with! Tho tbh, Judy seems the most like someone I’d meet an hang out with irl? And Johnny, though I also want to bully him.
Valentine: Jackie, no question. He’s been my best friend since we were kids, and after everything he did for me...I don’t think anyone else could ever claim that spot. 
Victor: River! He’s a good dude, and I’ve been trying to teach him some new recipes and help out with Randy.
Villanelle: Panam. Honestly never thought I’d play nice with nomads again but...she’s sweet, and the girl knows her cars.
favorite tarot card that you’ve seen/discovered and which one do you relate to the most? (these can be two different answers)
Me: I love the design of The Sun card so fuckin much I swear, and I think I relate the most to The Star--or at least the hope that it represents.
Valentine: The Hanged Man, for both. I feel like I am still paying a price, but I’m still not sure what and what for.
Victor: The Fool, I think? It’s the one closest to home, like I can...I don’t know, I can see myself in that? I’m still on my journey, and so is he.
Villanelle: The Empress is gorgeous, but I think The Wheel of Fortune is what I relate to the most. I made it to the top of this city, but for how long?
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musashden · 4 years
Well I had the weirdest fucking dream last night...
And it’s been rattling around in my noodle all day so here goes. 
It starts out with me on a date with Curtis - a former teacher of mine who was also my fuck buddy for 4 non consecutive years. Long ass story on that is for a different day. Me and my best friend @neogenesis85 made a pact that if I ever started seeing him again she’d kick my ass. No joke, I want my best friend of 20+ years, my ‘life wife’ to beat me within an inch of my life if I EVER think having a relationship with this man is a good idea. And dream me remembers this, so already it’s a nightmare. I wonder why am I here with him, in public, having dinner like its alright. 
It’s something we never did IRL. Our ‘relationship’ was very much a dirty dirty dirty little secret for years. 
So I’m like ‘hey we have to get out of here, someone is going to see us’ and we move to leave when who should come in but my BFF (the one that’s going to beat me) and a group of friends from high school - all of which know Curtis as well. I shove him into a group of other white people (to camoflauge him) and proceed to distract my friends so he can leave without them seeing him. 
It works! But for some reason we leave in my BFF’s car - a vehicle I have never driven IRL. Weird dream just keeps getting fucking weirder. And just like any nightmare I watch myself make the terrible decision to fuck Curtis. Why dream Musa, why? Dream me wants to get murdered apparently. 
Anyway my brain skips the sex scene because just like IRL I know it’s going to be sad and disappointing. Fast forward, apparently now I have Curtis’s baby.
I often have this nightmare: I suddenly have a baby and I have no idea where it came from or who the dad is. NBD. But this time I do. It’s Curtis’s baby which is legit the worst cause I know he doesn’t want kids - and neither do I but in the dream the kid is here and alive and Chinese for some reason. 
Let me lay this out right here - I’m black. Mixed like hell but not Asian in any way, shape or form - I’m just high-yella black. Curtis is white. Like the whitest half German, half Russian cracker ass cracker from Vermont you can imagine. That basic white bitch with blue eyes and a pointy nose is Curtis. But for some reason the child I give birth to in the dream is full on Chinese - specifically Chinese as he speaks Mandarin to me at just a few months old. So my baby is a genius and so am I because I understand him when he speaks. 
You see he speaks to me because I accidentally lock him in the car. Another nightmare scenario because I have 5 nephews IRL and leaving any of them in the car was an automatic heart attack for me. I still check the backseat to this day. But I lock my baby in the car but he’s fine - he’s in his chair, watching a kids show on his tablet and when I start freaking out he tells me not to worry... in Mandorin. But I understand him... my seven month old completely Asian dream child.
Okay. But I don’t listen and scream for help. But it attracts a bunch of people with Covid19. This nightmare has reached critical mass. The baby I had with my former teacher fuck buddy is locked in my car and a bunch of coughing idiots who are barely wearing masks keep trying to comfort me. 
But then theres this random guy that comes and gets the door open. But I can’t get to that side of the care because of the coughing idiots. This guy turns out to be CPS worker that immediately takes my baby into custody. 
I. AM. Freaking. OUT!
I can’t wake up. Normally at this height of stress I can jetison myself awake. But this asshole guy is taking my dream baby away and the idiots won’t get out of my way. I break the car window to crawl through and get to him but they are gone by the time I crawl in the car. 
All of a sudden Dante Basco is there. I’m freakin out, screaming that ‘they’ took the baby (IDK if Dante was the real dad at this point, it doesn’t make sense as he is Filipino - not Chinese. I know this). He gets rid of the sick people and comforts me as I keep asking “what the hell are you doing here? you don’t belong here” He takes me inside a nearby store to call the cops and report the baby missing. When I pick up the phone it just sounds like one of my nephews screaming. 
I wake up. My nephew screaming and playing was real and their noise wakes me up. Thankfully
A few things about all this now that I thought about it: 
The ‘Chinese dream baby’ may have been Spock... I’ve been thinking about how his human mother  raised him so my mind created a dream baby with a bowl cut speaking a language I don’t understand (Vulcan). The CPS worker may have been Sarek taking him away because I was raising him like a human.
I don’t have a kids IRL. I don’t want any so a regular nightmare I have is that I suddenly have a baby or am pregnant and I have to deal with it alone.
Dante Basco showing up is probably just me thinking about watching ATLA again. Plus he’s a nice guy, my brain was like ‘okay calm her down, send in someone she likes’ and boom - Dante.
This covid shit is seeping into my subconscious mind and I don’t like it. Going to the store is cause for high anxiety in me. And the thought of bringing one of my nephews or any baby with me is a legit nightmare. 
I often dream that my best friends are mad at me for doing something stupid and end up having to ask them if certain things really happened because my dreams are so vivid. 
TL;DR - my current fears are a little weird.
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frankensteindotpdf · 6 years
TGWDLM and Love
Okayyyy so I was supposed to write an assignment on how a romantic movie expresses love and I asked my prof if I could write about tgwdlm instead and he said yes?? Bless him so anyway I made wayyyy too many notes for a 500-600 word assignment lmao so I felt like i might as well post em here… this is a compilation of every time Paul and Emma interact pretty much lol its hella long (im not kidding it’s like 7 pages rip) so under the cut :) 
finally done, @isaidsinggoddammit!!
Sidenote: There’s very mixed capitalization as my brain flipped between tumblr mode and assignment mode so excuse that lmao)
Coffee Shop Part 1
Tips well to impress her
Listens to her vent-she already feels comfy enough to rant to him or, alternatively, she’s just a really open person (but shhh she has to trust him to some extent)
Insults others he doesnt know too well but he knows she doesnt like, again to impress
Tries to act indifferent towards everyone else (and tough)
Almost says smth romantic (“Some things are worth it”) but backtracks when she looks confused
In this scene, he tries to act cool but is clearly super nervous. One thing I really like is how he never acts too cool for her, like a lotta people do. He’s genuinely interested in what she has to say and never pretends otherwise, and also never pretends to be interested to get her to like him. I just really love how good he is at listening
Cup of Roasted Coffee/ Cup of Poisoned Coffee
When he panics he goes to Beanies to get a coffee and relax (wake up)
He turns to Emma (subconsciously?) for comfort
Freaks out when she sings (for good reason)
Emma remembers him (“Paul, right?... You’re the guy who doesn’t like musicals”)
Doesnt seem to notice how weird he’s acting
Continues to vent
He pulls her away from the counter to explain what’s going on
Paul finds it important to tell her-she’s the first person he admits it to
Him venting to her like she does to him? Trying to connect in a similar way? Im reading too much into that
He holds her there while explaining, she has to find an excuse to pull away
She thinks he’s crazy-keeps glancing at him during the song (he looks terrified)
Seems concerned for him
He switches between nervously staring at her and anxiously staring into the void (mood)
She turns to him at the “end” of the song and comes near him in the middle
She runs to paul when they start singing
They grab each other
He tells her to run, pushes her forward and shifts so he’s between her and the aliens
This scene is reeeally creepy from Emma’s perspective like oh my gosh can you imagine a man yelling at you (not at you but at your singing but still) and pulling you away from your work and then holding you still when you try to leave??? Anxiety to the max poor babe but also i get paul’s side can you imagine seeing the whole apocalypse beginning and it’s so weird no one would believe you if you tried to tell them? Poor bb. There’s also a lot of things that come up later: the ways he holds emma in this scene is the same way he holds her later one, later it’s to comfort her but  this time it’s more to calm himself… he also pulls her to a better spot like he does later on
Trash Bin Scene
He leads her away-he knows the neighbourhood better
Tries learning about her (you like film?) (cmon paul bad timing)
(at trash) hold hands, she grabs his shirt while panicking
He holds her firmly by the shoulders to calm & comfort (parallels Cuppa)
Emma instinctively grabs Paul’s arm when Bill pops out
“Emma stays with us”-stands up to ted even though he looks pretty scared of him
(sidenote-what did ted do to Paul? The poor boy looks straight up terrified the first time he shows up)
Emma looks real confused about “latte hottay” but she never brings it up
“Paul!” when he runs to Charlotte-gestures at Paul near end of song
Paul tends to comfort people by grabbing their shoulders/putting a hand on their back (Emma of course but also Charlotte and Bill- has a looser hold on them than Emma)
Here they’re already starting to react to danger by reaching for each other and it’s v cute also bless paul i just really like how he calms people down he’s so good and pure
Hidgens’ Fortress Part 1
They trust Emma enough to go to Hidgens’ place (not like they had many other options)
Men™ typically trusted for “strong” stuff-Ted and Bill cuff Sam
Paul stands up for Bill-such a protective boy (could also be doing it to look cool for Emma but tbh it doesnt seem like it ill bring this up again later)
Paul listens intently to Emma’s venting
He smiles, nods, asks qs and repeats phrases she says
Its obvious he genuinely cares
Emma’s v comfy with him-they have an easy chem when Paul relaxes
Emma progressively shares deeper shit as she becomes more comfortable around paul
Paul makes jokes to lighten the mood, but not in a disrespectful way
Seems more nervous when bringing topics to himself
She listens just as politely as he does
“Whoa thats like your origin story...so I guess I’m the supervillain” “I dont think of you like that at all, Emma.” Cutest, Softest smiles on both of them my heART “Listen, Paul”-she was about to confess her love dammit charlotte
I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: Paul is such a good listener. I dont know why i find this so cute but their convos are so perfect like he asks qs so he knows exactly what she’s talking about (“what’s a coatimundi?” “Oh, did she smoke a lot of pot?”) and he repeats back phrases she says which shows that he’s genuinely listening like...so many characters (and people irl, lets be real)  just pretend to listen to get what they want but he cares so much about what she has to say i just cant stop talking about it it’s so cute also how he seems so comfortable when she’s talking and then starts showing sign of nervousness again when the convo turns to him? Pure mood
Join Us And Die
Both jump behind chair when Charlotte and Sam show up
Emma clings to Paul’s arm + hides behind him
She steps out “charlotte?”
Paul pulls her back when sam approaches
Paul puts himself between Emma and Sam
Emma puts her back to Paul and grabs his arm
Paul pulls Emma away by her arm (“What’s wrong with her shirt?”)
Emma’s caught up in the gore, Paul is relatively level-headed
He keeps an arm around her
Emma steps away from paul to yell at Sam +Char (“He has a daughter!!”)
Instinctively reaches for Paul  when Char gets shot (and later looks back at paul a couple of times when shook at prof hidgens)
Alright they do this whenever aliens show up so imma just talk about it here: this part was in my assignment so 1 lets hope it doesnt get flagged as plagiarism and 2 i could rant about this all day.
Basically Paul fulfills the traditional masculine role as protector and leader. Whenever smth dangerous shows up, he has one hand on her (on her shoulder, arm or the small of her back)-both reassuring them that someone else is there and making it easier for him to move her-which he does lots. He pulls her behind him or pushes her forward (away from the infected), leading her to where he thinks is safest. He always puts himself between her and the aliens, leading her to a safer spot. Emma tends to get distracted (emotional female stereotype) and paul is the one to move them both to safety (strong stoic man stereotype). To be fair, he is a lot bigger than emma and would probs have an easier time in a fight (tho i dont doubt that emma would be v i c i o u s) Emma tend to cling to Paul’s arm when she gets scared (which is really cute)
Hidgens’ Fortress Part 2
Emma adds to Paul’s plan- taps on his arm to move him
Paul steps back in front of her- i always found this weird, he totally blocks her from the conversation like why
She steps back out to roast ted
Paul looks at Emma when Ted @s him-now here’s where I could see him standing up for Bill to impress emma again. It’s not the only reason, but i do think it’s a contributing factor (and probably was before too cuz lets be real, when your crush is around you gotta act tough) of course he wants to protect his bff but he’s super anxious around ted so wanting to look brave for emma gives him that extra push he needs. Alternatively, he looks at Emma as a way to calm himself down before saying smth scary (which is adorable)
Emma wants to help but is called back to help with the lab
This is another thing i find super interesting-wouldnt more people around make it more likely he gets stopped? Did he want an audience (more than just ted) cuz i guess that’s understandable but in that case why didnt he wait a little longer to see if they came back? Idk it just seemed weird to me (also the whole “nooo female cant go out where it’s dangerous” even though it’s more like “oh emma’s the only one i know here can she not leave” wait actually that’s probably it lmao he just didnt wanna be alone with ted ok relatable nvm )
“Hey, Paul?” grabs arms (paul reciprocates) she’s real nervous for him leaving-relates to how much he hates musicals
I find that really cute cuz it’s showing once again how much they listen to each other and idk i just really like that about them
Grabs his face and pulls him close-he pulls her hands down to look her in the eyes to tell her he’ll stay safe
He doesn’t kiss her-super interesting! She pulled him close like that (which coulda been a sign to kiss her) and this was a pretty emotionally charged moment which a kiss would have fit - Paul hates kisses hc?
Not Your Seed + General (technically, just a little note)
Paul holds Emma tight with 2 hands, but keeps 1 hand free when holding others (ie bill and charlotte)
Only tells General about Emma, not Ted or the Prof (tho to be fair, he hates ted and barely knows the prof but it’s interesting how he doesnt even say he has “friends”, just Emma)
America Is Great Again
Paul saves emma and Ted
“Should I take this chair?” asks paul to lead
Emma holds Paul’s arm when they run
She tries to pry “Greg”’s arm off Paul + tries to get Ted to help-not strong enough
“Thank you Emma”-she freed him/killed Greg? I wanna know what happened (i tweeted @ jon, lauren and nick asking, so far jon just liked it we’ll see if anyone answers)
Runs behind Emma + pushes her forward “run, emma, run!”-Emma grabs for Paul, he steps in front
He pulls her through Robert+Corey and turns her around
She pulls him away from the General-paul usually does the pulling to safety
Paul doesnt notice when Emma is grabbed by Ted (lmao i get that he’s a little busy but it still seems odd)
She struggles with 1, 3 are on Paul (not a sexist thing, she’s tiny and also Paul is the main character and the aliens know it plus they gotta do that cool lift thing)
Emma grabs gun + shoots the General, grabbing Paul-”Paul! The helicopter! Cmon!”
Usually Paul does that stuff, but emma takes the protective role more in the 2nd half of this song
Basically we have the classic paul protecting emma stuff but now also the emma protecting paul which is good and fresh and i love...the way she tries to protect paul is different than how he protects her. She yells more frantically, and also is more of trying to lead him whereas paul yells to get her attention and physically moves her himself
Helicopter Scene
He helps her onto the heli, back to his usual protective self
Keeps one hand on the back of her seat the whole time (aww he’s stabilizing himself physically cuz the copter’s shaky and emotionally cuz he’s closer to Emma)
“Emma, seatbelts” he reaches up to help her into her seat-he kicks the gun to save them
“Emma? Emma?” immediate response is to call out to her-that boy was literally awake less than a second before worrying about her i love him
Runs to her when he sees her
“”This is what seatbelts are for” in this scene he seems really like...over it? Idk if anyone else got that he just seemed really intent on destroying the meteor instead of anything to do with Emma… before saving their lives was priority but also spending time with her, here he nods like he’s trying to rush her and does not seem excited to kiss her (again, Paul hates kisses? ok that was a rant that got ahead of my notes but just-) this scene is weird to me like maybe he’s trying to rush to stop the meteor so they can be together after and like not die idk anymore
He reaches out for her, jumping away when she cries out in pain
The rest of the scene he has his hands hovering a few inches away from her, very protective but also very scared of hurting her
Emma comes up with the solution, Paul has to do it cuz she’s hurt (weak gal, strong man, injured person knows secret to survival and tells strong boi how to do it tropes)
“Hey, Paul?” slides over to him-he gingerly supports her back (scared to hurt her)
He shushes her to calm her while talking cuz she’s in pain- ok, maybe its less about “gotta get out of here” and more about “she’s hurt really badly and needs help asap, i gotta destroy that meteor so i can get help” ok that makes sense im dumb lmao
Emma is first to ask out + kiss me? + pulling him in by his tie- breakin stereotype of man making first move
Then the little “..okay..” after she asks him to kiss her...maybe he wanted it to be romantic aww he wanted them to have a real cute first kiss and this wasnt what he had planned (or he just doesn’t like kisses cuz like he looks so uncomfortable there’s gotta be a reason”
He doesnt wanna kiss her cuz of the blood (weak) and is happy to leave-this part is what throws me off most he just like runs on outta there with no hesitation but he loves her?? I dont get it
Dont really need a rant here cuz i did a lotta ranting in the points… excuse my little journey of discovery there lmao I was just confused at first cuz at face value he seems really different, super hell bent on getting out of there whereas in every other scene he pays way more attention to Emma. I suppose it’s because he knows he has to destroy the meteor asap so he can get her help, i just didnt catch that. His motivations seemed very different in this scene to me and i couldnt figure out why
Theory time
Now here’s the fun part-i saw a theory somewhere that Paul can only get infected because he has a true goal now, he really wants to end up with Emma. In What Do You Want, Paul? Mr. Davidson is trying to find out what he wants to use it as motivation to make him more susceptible to the virus/make him sing a song, but since Paul doesn’t want anything clearcut he cant be infected. Now, since Paul wants Emma, he has a goal and smth to fight for but also smth to sing about. The very reason he’ trying to save the world becomes the reason he fails.
HOWEVER. His goal could just as easily be saving the world cuz he literally doesnt bring emma up once? Like i get he’s preoccupied but idk if he’s about to die i feel like he’d at least mention her (unless he’s hoping they think she died and wont go looking for her if he fails) idk their romance is adorable until the scene before this and then these 2 scenes make it feel really off for me
Okay now onto the most fun scene >:) -since there’s so many details i separated them into actions and lyrics
Inevitable (Actions)
“Are you sure there weren’t any other survivors?” :(
“PEIP would like to see it become smth more” because she’s the love interest and they’re supposed to end up together ahhh it’s the alien talking
She grabs his arms to look him in the eyes then pulls him in for a hug (the cutest)
She’s v reluctant to believe it at first “Paul?” She’s still smiling for the first line
Slowly she starts to let herself see what’s happening “Paul, you’re scaring me”
She knows he’s infected but she’s trying her hardest to believe he could be playing a cruel joke
He has power over her physically- holds her where he wants her while they’re dancing
He dances with her at first, gestures to her to move closer, talks to her, moves towards dancing at her instead of with
He blocks her exit, pulls her to where he wants her and ignores her for part
This is where you can really tell he’s different. Paul would never ignore Emma, and he straight up ignores her to sing and dance
He points at her and then goes back to ignoring her
Emma starts sobbing and really trying to run
Emma is dragged to the center of the stage sobbing because she cant do anything
He drops character in credits, waving and smiling to the audience; she doesnt
He’s got physical power over her (strength) but also cuz he’s backed by all the aliens who can move her where she’s supposed to go
Inevitable (lyrics)
“Emma, I’m sorry, you lost.” couldnt kill aliens
“Lost your way” didnt want to join them
“I made it” ‘This is the life that I chose” “I’m still the man you trust” “what if the only choice is you had to sing to survive” “Put words to the lyrics and you’re playing the game now” -maybe he’s faking it (i also heard someone mention the fact that he sings in his natural voice and not the higher one he used for the Alien Brain in Let It Out which is a good catch) (also someone else brought up the fact that he was mostly singing reprises, maybe because he couldnt think up his own tune/entirely original lyrics?)
“It’s inevitable for us”-because she’s the love interest, it’s was inevitable that they’d wind up together
“Show me those jazz hands” He’s trying to convince her to join of her own free will
“or i might be inclined to plant my seed” but is willing to do it by force if she wont
This song is super interesting because of the parallels-he holds her the same way he did in previous songs, pulls and pushes her across the stage like before, but this time it’s turned against her. What was once meant as protection is now being used to force her to join the dance I talked more about this in my assignment but i dont wanna get too close to what i wrote before because it could get flagged for plagiarism and i do not want that so imma reblog this post alter and add my assignment for more info (if yall want anyway)
The lyrics could hint at Paul faking it, and it definitely appears that way (especially with the face he makes at “Im still the man you trust) but i think the part in the middle where he just kind of breaks off to dance really kills that idea for me. Even if he was trying to trick the aliens, he could have kept closer to Emma like he does every other time they’re in danger, and the fact that he straight up ignores her and lets the aliens move her around like that is just not in his character so apologies but i believe our man is gone
Also, regarding the theories that Emma is infected because of the beginning; I could see that happening, but in that case, why didnt she break character at the end? I have absolutely zero idea how/if the intro song fits into the story but idk i feel like she should’ve acted like the rest of them if she really was infected but on the other hand i really like the heartbreaking theory that they’re all infected and Paul just has to keep reliving the story of how he failed again and again for all eternity like ouch? But also? Its great in a painful way??
Um yeah so that’s that for my ranting (my 3 pages of notes became 7 pages with the rants included so sorry about that i just had so much to sayyyy
TLDR: paul and emma are cute thanks for coming to my ted talk
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fullbeaumonty · 6 years
20 Questions Writing Edition
I was tagged by my BFF @riseandshinelittleblossom as well as @dancetothestoriesinyoursoul.  Thanks, chickadees!  😘
Respond to the following writing questions and tag me in your response! I look forward to hearing your answers as I’ve always been curious about these!
1) When/what age did start writing?
I loved to write even as a child. I don’t remember when I started, but I remember being the only student who enjoyed writing book reports at school. I was far more into essays than creative writing (still am) and one of my favorite writing-related things hidden in a memory box somewhere at my parents’ is a report I did in 5th grade where my teacher wrote “these are not your words” across the top - instead of praising me, she was sure I’d plagiarized.  I was hurt at the time; now, that’s a source of pride.
2) What inspired you to start?
If we’re talking about fan fiction now, I was inspired because I discovered that it existed.  The idea of a whole new world created by people like me that took canon and ran with it was utterly intoxicating.  I surprised myself by having the courage to start writing and never looked back.
3) Where and when does inspiration usually strike you?
Usually when I don’t have pen, paper, or access to my phone to write it down.  I’m lucky like that.
4) Where and when do you usually write? Morning? Late at night? On the bus? In bed?
I often lay in bed at night with my writing journal and try to get some ideas down before going to sleep. I also write in the evening while Tumbling, like now.
5) Do you listen to music while writing? If so, what genre/playlist?
I have ADD.  If I listened to music while I wrote, I’d never get anything written down.  It’s far too distracting.  I wish I could, though!
6) Which category do you like best? Angst? Fluff? NSFW? Other?
In previous fandoms, I wrote a whole bunch of fluff and humor, but I started down the NSFW path and discovered that I really enjoyed that.  Now I find it far easier to write a sex scene than a fluffy one.
7) Which category do you find most challenging to write?
Angst!  I don’t like hurting people!  I do love exploring angsty thoughts, though.
8) If you had to pick your favorite Choices book, which one would it be and why?
The Royal Romance, without question.
9) If your Choices LIs were real, which one (and only one) would you personally want to be with?
*points at URL and icon*  Y’all know me by now.  My heart is on my sleeve, and it belongs to one man and one man only.
10) Do you share any physical characteristics with your Choices MCs? Pics/Selfies optional
Long dark hair is about it.  I’m a plus-sized woman and PB only seems to provide us with thin, gorgeous women as MCs.  But of course, it’s society’s standard, so I wouldn’t expect anything else.  I’d love to see myself represented in an MC someday. 
11) Which MC do you share the most personality traits with?
I truly don’t know.  Maybe someone who knows me can tell me?
12) Which Choices character do you feel you have the best grasp of in terms of personality?
I’m not sure I have a grasp on anyone yet, having only written two things for this fandom so far.
13) What’s your favorite Choices pairing to write for?
Maxwell x Lydia (MC) is the only pairing I’ve written and I don’t see myself writing anything else, honestly, unless PB comes out with some new books that I become obsessed with.
14) What is a pairing(s) you hope to start writing for?
None at the moment!
15) What do you hope to improve in your writing?
Dialogue!  I felt so much more confident about it when I was younger, but I really struggle now to find the correct words for my characters.
16) Any pet peeves related to writing?
All my pet peeves are with myself - being my own worst critic, comparing myself to others, taking for-freaking-ever to finish stories when I used to be able to churn one out in a few hours, etc.
17) Are you inspired by any IRL experiences when you write? Care to share?
Absolutely!  In past stories, I’ve written several of my own experiences (some NSFW 😉😉😉) as well as phrases, memories, and locations from my life and others’.  I love hiding hints in plain sight.
18) Is there any particular piece of work you consider to be your ultimate writing goal? Something so amazing you hope one day you’ll be up to that standard?
This fandom is unbelievably talented.  Maybe the best I’ve ever been a part of.  Since I got here, that fact has made me feel simultaneously like I want to give up and leave it to the pros but also rise up and become better so I can contribute as well.  In our little corner of the fandom, I stan @breaumonts, @thedepthsremember, and my precious @riseandshinelittleblossom.  in the fandom at large, there’s @hellospunkiebrewster, @zaffrenotes, and of course, @boneandfur, who all astound me constantly. I could name 45 others as well, many of them dear friends.  This place is killin’ it every day.
19) Did/do you write for any other fandoms? If so which ones?
In the past - Harry Potter, Glee, Parks and Rec.  Currently only Choices.  I hadn’t written since 2012.  It feels good to be back.
20) In your spare time (when you’re not writing) what other hobbies do you pursue?
I love to be outside in nature.  Birding is my hobby because I’m a massive nerd.
Tagging: @alj4890  I think everyone else has done it already!
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ishgard · 6 years
XIV Questions!
Yoinked this from @nihil242 <3
1. What’s your character’s name? I have A Ton of characters, but my main is Ahru Hiraeth. 2. What server? Many. Ahru is currently adrift over on Louisoix, but will be coming home to Crystal in the near future! 3. What race/clan? Miqo’te / Mixed Keeper-Seeker lineage. 4. Favorite class/job? Red Mage & Bard (Also monk but I'm very self-conscious about ma deeps.)
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kainks · 7 years
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Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Genre: Sugar!Daddy AU, Fake!GF AU
Warnings: angst, smut, degrading names, mentions of cheating, dom themes, asshole hoseok
Words: 10k
Summary: Jung Hoseok is the devil in Armani. Self-entitled, rich, with striking good looks, there’s nothing he wants for with his parents’ money backing up his extravagant lifestyle. Yet when suddenly he’s forced to find himself a humble girlfriend or say goodbye to his monthly paycheck, he runs into you, lacking everything he possibly looks for in a girl. But he’s desperate, and being desperate makes a man do crazy things.
a/n: tysm to my irl bff @garbageeking for beta-ing for me and providing me with endless sugar!daddy hobi inspo to help me finish this chapter!!! ily!
The high chime of yet another eager customer ricocheted off of pale yellow walls, leather booths, and tiled flooring that was worn down with age. The quaint little shop lacked elegance, yet made up for it with charm. Watercolor paintings of sea cliffs, dipping waves, and golden sand hung from every corner of the small cafe, each dated and signed by a unique signature in the far left corner.
“Table three!” Your father’s gruff voice reminded from the back storage room, your attention once again redirected to the easily recognizable and overgrown mop of dusty brown hair, belonging to your best friend, who wore a forlorn frown, looking especially distressed as he sat himself into his regular booth. Red leather squeaked under the weight of his body as he threw himself down onto it, leaning his head against the cool glass of the large window that overlooked the crowded sidewalks and busy streets, a long horizon of blue easily noticeable in the distance.
“You look like you need some pie.”
Already cutting a slice of apple, made by yourself early that morning and still fresh from the oven, you listened to a dramatic sigh escape the mouth of Taehyung, who looked well and truly miserable. Just for that, you added a small scoop of ice cream onto the plate, not required, but due to the fondness you held for the sulking boy.
“Here.” Sliding into the opposite seat of the booth, you placed the pie in front of him, fork alongside it, waiting for him to direct his attention towards you, instead of sitting there with his eyes closed, looking especially pitiful.
“My brain says eat the pie, but my heart is saying no.”
Smile forming due to his dramatic antics, you lightly laughed, reaching for the fork yourself. “So you wouldn’t care if I….”
As if harboring a secret power, one that detected when his precious food was in danger, Taehyung’s eyes snapped open in a flash, hand instantly reaching out to gently prod your own away.
“Hand’s off sister, this is my pie.”
It also didn’t take him more than four bites to devour said pie, a sign that he was truly upset over the likes of something.
“What’s wrong?” Resting your head against your palm, you waited patiently as he silently went through the various steps in spilling his inner dilemma. Sadness, regret, anger and finally acceptance. All in the span of thirty seconds. Yet you knew how Taehyung worked, had for many years, and as his longest friend, you owed it to him to wait with patience until he was ready.
“It’s Yuna…” He trailed off, eyes focusing on the now empty plate settled on the table in front of him, as if dreading your reaction.
“Again? Tae...” Now it was your turn to frown, the name settling over you like a sickening poison, leaving you feeling ill with just the reminder of who exactly it belonged to. Lifting his eyes from the plate, he looked at you with a stare that read ‘don’t judge me’ because he couldn’t help who he yearned for, even if it was the bitchiest, most stuck up and conniving girl at the university you both attended.
Min Yuna was a third year, whereas you and Taehyung were only in your second. She stemmed from a large, rich, yet problematic family that owned half the beach town and workers within it. The same family that most likely left her with repressed issues that came out as snarky comments and twisted manipulation. People worshiped the ground she walked on, boys flocked to her long legs and slim waist like moths to a flame, girls stepped back in awe as she paraded through the halls, a silent action done by her humble servants, ones that screamed their instant devotion and subservience to the wicked witch.
It was the same girl Taehyung had decided years ago that he would altogether love and equally get his heart broken by. A boy that wore his heart on his sleeve, one that was two sizes too big for his chest; a boy that cared deeply for the people around him, talked to every stray animal he passed on the street, and helped every old lady that needed her groceries carried five blocks. The same boy that Yuna stepped all over, while knowingly getting away with it because any attention from her was better than none, in Taehyung’s words, not your own.
So in all, you deeply despised the bitch with an over-sized ego and five inch stilettos. She was a walking bomb, destroying everything in her wake, and in her crossfire your sweet friend was being broken down piece by piece.
“What did she do now?”
You were afraid to ask, as it was always something entirely new and twisted with her. Taehyung was a free spirit, one who didn’t let social norms and expectations keep him from what he wanted. So he pursued Yuna, since the tenth grade, and each time it left him with another piece of himself hollowed out.
“I bought her this bracelet at the stalls today, it made me think of her because of the little sharks that dangled from it. She’s like a shark, quick and stealthy, but sharks are often made out to be evil when really they're just wandering the ocean lonely, and by themselves.”
Your own chest felt tight as he retrieved a silver bracelet from his pocket, made of cheap metal, most likely sold by one of the little old ladies that opened their jewelry stalls every morning on the beach front, hoping to attract the tourists that littered by with their hats and cameras.
The little charms clanked together as he carelessly dropped it onto the tabletop, where it landed in the center; seven little blue sharks carefully spaced apart, with a single sea shell between each gap. It was cheesy, something meant for an overexcited child, yet if you had been in Min Yuna’s shoes, you would have accepted the bracelet with open hands and a smile, simply because it came from someone like Taehyung, who had nothing but love and fondness swimming inside of him.
Tack on another reason to hate the sea witch.
“She laughed when I tried giving it to her, threw it back in my face and said to stop wasting her time with cheap gifts.”
“I’m so sorry Tae…” You didn’t know what to say, knowing that another lecture on who he chose to love was not what he needed from you at the moment, and having been in the same situation many times before, you carefully slid the bracelet back towards him and reached for his hand.
“Keep it for now, who knows, maybe she’ll see the light one day and realize what a catch you are. Anyone would be lucky to date you, you take me out for ice cream almost daily, and I’m not even your girlfriend!”
You watched with success as his lips turned up into a familiar boxy grin, squeezing your hand in his larger one as an unsaid thank you for your attempts at brightening up his sour mood. You two continued to sit in silence together, the cafe vacant save for the both of you. It wasn’t unpleasant, and just what you’d expect from Taehyung, who often preferred to get lost in his own thoughts, yet didn’t like the idea of being alone. So with you sitting across from him, he felt compelled to relax into his seat, staring out the window with a soft sigh.
You let your own eyes wander out into the populated streets, a sinking feeling weighing you down into soft leather upon noticing not one person sparing a lingering glance towards the cafe, feet carrying them a further distance towards a more exciting, curb appealing, restaurant that would empty their wallets quicker than the plane ride that got them there in the first place.
You tried not to spare a glance at the showcase of fresh pies and sweet treats lined up perfectly at the front counter, ones that you had helped hand make yourself at six this morning, tried not to listen to the heavy breaths and small complaints of your father as he rolled out yet another slab of dough onto the back kitchen counter, limbs aching and fingers cramping from yet another day of hard work and no sales.
You tried to ignore the increasing stack of letters, with red bold print stamped onto the fronts, that were secretly tucked away from your eyes upon the old bookshelf lined with aged cookbooks. An attempt to keep you in the unknown at the financial crises the cafe was in, one that had been in your family for past generations, one that was laden with late night closings and early morning baking from each family to the next, one that had its heart and soul poured into every crevice.
One that was slipping away from you and your father, little by little each day.
Morning brought nothing but blue skies and soft winds, a perfect day for the beach, as almost every sign in town read, plastered about street corners and gift shops to the ever indulgent tourists. For you, it was just Friday, which meant your day off from helping run the shop and in turn attempting to keep caught up with the pile of homework that was steadily growing on your desk.
Finding your father in the kitchen with his usual cup of coffee, a cheap roast that was the routine start to every day, you greeted him with the usual smile, reaching for the orange juice sat on the counter for you readily. Another small act by your father, who still managed to smile despite the heavy weights perched on each shoulder hauntingly.
“You seeing your mom today?” He asked indifferently, which you supposed was for your own convenience. As if showing true emotion towards the predicament would ultimately upset you. Yet, being dismissive was just as bad. You decided not to voice your concerns though, as he was trying, in his own way. The situation was a sad one after all.
“Yeah, I’ll head over there before going to campus.”
He smiled at you over his cup of coffee, already dressed for the day, grey hair speckled against soft hazel, his eyes looking older than he was. You knew your father harbored troubles secretly, was not an open book when it came to you, because protecting you from the truth was easier than letting you in.
“I’ll tell her you said hello.”
“You do that darlin’, I’m sure she’d love to hear it.”
With that he was back to reading his paper, sipping dutifully from his cup, glasses perched low upon his nose.
Fluorescent bulbs made the room seem stiff, the cleansing smell of sterile sheets and floors making your nose itch from where you sat perched in a small lounge chair, your usual spot situated beneath a large window overlooking the boisterous town. The weight of a withering paperback sat comfortably in your lap, your feet propped up to the side of of the chair, the familiar symphony of beeps blaring out in the otherwise quiet room. Tubes of all shapes, all colors, twisted and bent together, all leading to one destination. The person in the hospital bed, eyes closed with faux breaths seemed like a mere stranger, had for the past six months. The tubes connecting to their body, head, arms, resembled vicious vines that were slowly closing in, sucking the artificial air right out of their lungs. The ICU was never over crowded, neither was the spacious hospital, fair in size compared to the one in the city, which was only an hours drive. Doctors often recognized you within the bleached walls, smiling a familiar yet otherwise empty greeting at you. It was common curtesy, came with the territory, you supposed. Mostly they knew you as the girl who visited her mother every Friday at ten in the morning, book clutched to chest and endless hope in your eyes. You knew they pitied you, it wasn’t hard to tell with how often the nurses came in to check on you during your usual two hour visits. You came to hate the sympathetic looks they’d send you every time you’d leave, hope once again shattered in disappointment. With a longing glance, you gazed upon the number of bodies swarming golden sand, kites of multicolors swaying through the wind translucently. You watched children splash through the waves, able to imagine the cheerful laughter bellowing from their little bodies at the pure joy that summer brought them, that your town provided them. Yet you couldn’t help but think how much pain it had brought you instead. “We never did learn to surf.” Producing the smallest of grins, your lips curling up in a reminiscent smile, you let your fingertips run over the smooth spine of the novel, a calming treasure that instantly stilled your rapid heart.
“We never did a lot of things, did we?”
This time you looked at her, truly saw her instead of pretending to look, just like you always did when you’d visit. The view from the twenty second floor had become your scapegoat during the long visits, your chest not being able to bear the sight of your own mother laying before you, unmoving and unaware.
“Hope I’m not interrupting?”
Two knocks tapped firmly against the slightly ajar door, a soft-spoken voice following soon after. You watched a tuft of blond hair peek around the corner, black thick framed glasses perched high upon the slope of a perfect nose; a man unknown to you.
“Uh, well… not really. Sorry, who exactly are you?”
Untucking your legs from the chair and ignoring the slight bouts of pain shooting through the muscles, you quickly stood, dropping your book into the cushioned seat of your absence. The man must have noticed your confused stare, since he muttered something to himself rather quickly, before letting out a somewhat embarrassed laugh.
“Sorry, you don’t know me, but I’m Doctor Kim’s intern.”
The man slowly pushed open the door, stepping into the room soon after, your eyes casting a study of the rather tall stranger from head to toe. He was young, had a boyish look to him that let you know he wasn’t someone to be intimidated by, especially with his Ryan printed dress shirt tucked into a pair of tight fitting slacks, a white medical coat finishing the rather bizarre ensemble.
It was obvious he dyed his hair, the pale blonde locks starting to darken near the roots, fringe styled up and away from his eyes, still allowing him to keep a speck of professionalism with him. You noticed his demeanor grow nervous, fingers fiddling with the three pens clipped into his coat pocket, instantly boosting your curiosity about the strange man.
“Intern? I didn’t know Doctor Kim had an intern, he never mentioned anything…” You trailed off, more so to yourself than anything else.
“Yes, well it’s only my third day so I’m sure he hasn’t had time to talk about me yet.”
He chuckled at his own joke, cheeks turning a shade darker while simultaneously prodding at his bottom lip, and you couldn’t help but crack a smile at the guys attempt at humor. It was no wonder he was so fidgety and nervous, being fresh meat and all to the higher ups who worked around the clock at the hospital.
“Is he not in today?” Furrowing your brows in confusion, you thought back to the brief conversation you had with Doctor Kim over the phone the day before, where he promised to update you on any latest concerns or improvements on your next visit.
Unless there was nothing to tell, then he had no reason to show face after all.
“He had a family emergency he needed to tend to, and told me to check up on you to let you know.” Taking a step closer, shortening the large gap, he shot a blinding grin your way, dimples and all, before sticking out his hand rather confidently.
“I’m Doctor Kim, but you can call me Namjoon, since I’m sure that would get confusing in the future.”
Placing your palm into his much larger one, you were surprised at how gentle he shook your hand, letting the tips of his fingers brush against yours as he pulled away. Your cheeks were suddenly hot, head slightly dizzy from how quickly the man, Namjoon, went from shy and reserved to anything but.
“I’m ____.” You smiled, letting your hand fall back to your side, still slightly warm from his touch. You mentally scolded yourself for acting so insane, like you were thirteen again seeing a handsome face appear before you. How long had it been since you’d even last held someone’s hand?
It was pathetic really.
“Umm, Doctor Kim didn’t happen to mention any news on my mom, did he?”
Your fingers interlocked together, resting against your fluttering stomach, nails digging into the skin of your palms as you watched his face dim from pleasantly happy to sorrowful. It was a face you were used to, could practically see upon any person you came in contact with.
“No he didn’t, I’m sorry.” He turned to take a quick glance at the patient lying in the bed, monitor displaying a steady pulse, and nothing else. No activity, no consciousness, nothing. When he turned back to you, your hands fell in slight defeat, not even remotely disappointed as you should have been. The answer was always the same anyways.
“If there’s any changes, I’ll make sure to call you right away, if not me then Doctor Kim.”
With a weak nod, and forced smile of gratitude, you let out a sigh of acceptance, while reaching down to grab your backpack from its spot next to the chair.
“Thank you, it was nice meeting you Namjoon.”
You watched him walk backwards, clipboard in hand, while faintly bumping into the counter behind him on his way to the door, an embarrassed chuckle leaving his mouth in a rush. Holding up two fingers, he slightly waved a brief goodbye.
“You as well, ____.”
After he slipped through the door, leaving you once again standing in an eerie silence of repetitive beeps, you quickly slung your bag onto your shoulder while your hands curled over the plastic railing at the foot of the bed.
Her hair was brushed, strew out across the pillowcase in thin curls, the tube down her throat making you shudder, eyes closing at the image you’d rather not see, not have to bear any longer. When you opened them again, you had hoped she’d be staring back at you, that your mere presence would have been enough to wake her from the induced sleep she’d been put into.
You weren’t though, you weren't enough.
“See you next time.”
Stepping away from the bed was like leaving her all over again, saying goodbye to her just like you had those six months ago after she insisted that you do it, just in case, because life wasn’t all that kind and you would need the closure.
Just in case.
“By the way, dad says he misses you. We both do.”
With that you turned and left, unable to spare a single glance behind as you did.
“Fuck, that’s it, yes.”
Drops of sweat lined his brow, ran a path down his neck while dripping onto tainted sheets dirtied with cum and sweat. The girl on his cock bounced beautifully, tits slapping in his face with every drop, throat exposed and littered with red bites that would blossom into bruises lasting for days, a little reminder of her endeavors in his bed.
“O-h, fuck me harder, god your cock is fucking heaven!”
Hoseok smirked, fingertips digging harder into her hips, nails leaving crescent marks into the bones that protruded in his hold, helping push her back down onto him. She had an unyielding grip on the tufts of his hair, pulling at his roots hard enough that his jaw clenched in discomfort, but being balls deep in a wet cunt was undoubtedly worth the pain, especially when the girl knew how to roll her hips in a way that had him snarling the filthiest shit into her ear.
Removing a hand from her waist, Hoseok gripped the long black locks cascading down her back in a tight fist, pulling her head back and body into a perfect arch. He reveled in the whimper of pain that left her cherry coated lips, an eye for an eye and all that. Sitting up straighter, Hoseok held her down onto his cock, instructing her to grind on him while he ravished her perky little nipples, his free hand running down her ass to grab a cheek full of flesh.
Wrapping his lips around a nipple, he let his teeth scrape against the supple skin, earning a high pitched squeal from her in return. His tongue laved over her, tasting the salty tang on his tongue while leaving small nips and bites in his wake. It was enough to have her shaking atop him, thighs trembling and walls clenched.
Releasing his hold on her, he was none the gentle pushing her off of him, ignoring the confused pout she sent him while toppling down onto the plush bed. She really was a pillow princess, preferred to be doted on while being fucked into earth shattering orgasms. Hoseok didn’t give a fuck in the slightest, as he could take her however he wanted, position her how he wanted, and she’d let him, as long as she got to cum in the end. It was like having his own personal sex doll, just a living and breathing one at that.
“Turn around, wanna fuck you from behind.”
And like that, her eyes were lighting up like he’d just asked her to meet him at the alter. Inside, Hoseok scoffed, noting the girl to be nothing more than a two timing slut that was bored with her below average husband, coming to him to show her the finer things in life. Like his cum down her throat and his hand prints on her ass.
“Mmm, okay.”
On his knees, one hand stroking himself as he impatiently watched her situate her body to his liking, chest flush to the bed and ass high in the air. On the outside, Hoseok was delighted at how shameless she was, her plush cheeks parting to give him a glimpse of what she was offering. On his tamer days, he might have asked if he could bury his face between those cheeks, letting her coat his tongue as he toyed with her well beyond her limit, but Hoseok was feeling especially selfish at the moment and so was his dick.
“Your ass is to die for, jesus christ.”
After letting one ringing slap land on her ass that jiggled beneath his palm, he lined the head of his cock to her cunt, not delaying his pleasure for any longer as he slid into her with ease, her walls clamping down around him in sudden shock.
“Warn me next time!” She whined, like the little brat she was. Hoseok ignored her, instead let his hands run down the slope of her spine, before once again grabbing her hair, this time with both hands, as leverage to fuck himself into her.
“God damn, your pussy is gold Mina, don’t know why you let that thing you call a man into it every night.”
Groans slipped from his throat, jumbled with her own screams and squeals as he impaled her on him with every snap of his hips, shallow and quick, his end rapidly approaching. He could feel it building in his stomach, abs tensed and balls tingling with every slap against her thighs.
“Yes, yes Hoseok, harder, fucking wreck me!”
He snarled, lips curling in and darkened with his impending climax. Bending down so his chest was flush against her back, he slowed his pace to deep rolls, cock bottoming out with every grind, never fully leaving the warmth she provided him.
“Fuck, take my cock you little slut.” His teeth clamped down onto the skin behind her ear, her own eyes rolling back into her head at the sultry words that left his mouth like honey, coating her entire body in nothing short of ecstasy.
“I’ll have you coming back to me, every single night, worshiping my cock like you were meant to do.” Hoseok chuckled, voice graveled and rough. “After all, that’s all slut’s like you are good for, right?”
“Yes! Yes, I’m such a fucking slut for your cock! Please, god please let me come, I can’t-”
“No. You don’t come until I fill your filthy cunt up, I want it dripping out of you when you leave, that way your devoted little husband knows what his wife was really up to tonight. How you were- “
Returning to his previous position, on his knees behind her, Hoseok pulled out until only the sensitive head was enveloped by her cunt, lips puffy and red from his brutal fucking. With a satisfied look, he held onto her hips, thumbs digging in for aided emphasis.
“Getting ruined by a cock worth cheating for.”
Heavy breaths, skin slapping, throaty groans, they all echoed off the walls of the room as Hoseok fucked her from behind like a starved man, hips pistoning into her pussy as he hung on the brink of sanity. His mind was cloudy, in a blissed daze with how intense his orgasm was going to be, he was going to come so fucking hard. He wouldn’t be surprised if he passed the fuck out right after.
Which would most likely piss of the withering girl beneath him, but it’s not like he especially cared.
He could always compensate her in other ways.
“Fucking hell, I‘m gonna cum, fuck, fuck, gonna fill you and fuck it out of you…”
“Oh god, it’s so good, shit!” He could hear her cries, tears staining his pillow as she bit into the fabric to keep from biting her own damn lips. He swiveled his hips, fucking up into her while throwing his head back, releasing an audible groan that was most likely heard by the staff scattered around his house, but he didn’t care, because he was going to bust the biggest fucking nut in her in about two seconds and-
“Hello, Hello! How’s my fav- Oh, Hoseokie, I didn’t know you had company.”
The ever annoyingly grating voice of his brother was suddenly cock blocking his efforts, all singsong and sarcastic as he stood in the doorway with a grin that demanded attention despite his current predicament. It was obvious he didn’t care in the slightest about interrupting, with how he leaned against the doorjamb with his arms crossed, eyebrows raised expectantly.
Stopping mid-thrust, Hoseok eyed Seokjin over his shoulder with an annoyed look, hair disheveled and still balls deep in a now embarrassed and pliant girl beneath him. He scoffed. Now she chose to get all shy.
“Come along little brother, a family discussion is in order.”
Orgasm now miles away, cock softening instantly at the sight of his cheerful hyung in colorful prints and looking especially glowing despite having caught his baby brother mid-fuck, Hoseok let out a groan of frustration while removing himself from the bed, slipping back into a pair of black silk shorts.
“Really hyung? You couldn’t wait another ten fucking seconds?”
The girl slid out his bed soon after, wrapping a fluffy blanket around her body to maintain some modesty while averting her eyes downwards as she beelined it towards the door with clothes in hand, her escape being blocked by a broad shouldered Seokjin who eyed her with a faux smile, all judgement but too nice to let it show on his face.
“I’ll just umm, be leaving now. Hello Seokjin, nice seeing you again.”
Stepping aside to allow her room to pass, Seokjin gave a brief nod of his head, excellent at maintaining a nonchalant composure despite the situation. “You too Mina, do make sure and say hello to Charles for me would you?”
Hoseok outright laughed, shaking his head at the way his brother was able to execute an outright stab in the back while charming his words with a pleased smile. The girl look horrified, and the least bit ashamed as she sprinted out of the room, the front door of his house slamming only seconds later.
“That was low, even for you.”
“I don’t think you’re one to be lecturing me little brother. Downstairs in five, and wash your face, that color of lipstick doesn’t suit your complexion.”
“You really should work on not sleeping with married women.” Seokjin drawled on from his reclined position on Hoseok’s leather couch, legs crossed in a pristine professionalism that made the younger man roll his eyes upon entering the room.
Freshly showered and sporting comfortable clothing, black jeans and a matching hoodie, Hoseok had made sure to rub a quick one off before coming downstairs. To ease him into a more relaxed state, a nicer mood. Fuck knows he’d need it to deal with a temperamental Seokjin.
“You know me hyung, I never turn a willing participant away.”
He smirked, plopping down into the plush recliner across from the couch, making sure to keep his distance from the frown that was slowly forming on his brother’s face.
“She’s married you idiot, I thought you’d know better. If something like this gets out-” The older male shook his head at his brothers tendency to overlook the consequences that didn’t concern himself. It wasn’t often he received a call from his father telling him to go and scold the youngest of the family, even though Seokjin found himself doing that more than not on his own accord. Their father rarely got involved, and that simple fact made him just the slightest bit on edge.
“It’ll be bad for business, sales will go down, yeah I fucking know. You make sure and tell me every time you barge in here without knocking. This is my house you know.”
Hoseok’s irritation was slowly reaching its limit. Biting his tongue had never been a strong suit for him, and instead he chose to dig his nails into the fabric of the chair while giving his brother an annoyed stare.
“A house you didn’t pay for.”
“Father called. He wants to see you in his office tomorrow.”
He swallowed, pushed back the anxiety that instantly swarmed his body upon the mentioning of his sperm donor. Not like he had ever been a fucking dad to him anyways. Hoseok grew up with multiple nanny’s playing the role of mom after his birth one kicked the bucket after bringing him into this world. His step mom wasn’t any better, a statue could be more nurturing than that hellish woman.
Seokjin could hear the slight panic in his brother’s voice, simply because he knew him as well as he did. To others, it would come off as indifferent, uncaring of such an issue.
“Most likely another fuck up on your part.”
Hoseok let out an amused chuckle, while brushing away the fringe from his face and relaxing back into the chair, eyes closed and head tilted back into a temporary rest. He could hear the sound of Seokjin sipping at his coffee, the waves as they rolled onto the beach, with his house being only a few short steps away.
“Well, what’s fucking new.”
The campus was never overly crowded on Friday’s, especially during Summer term where people often chose to party on the beach instead of drowning in assignments and part-time jobs. You almost preferred the lack of people when you visited, it was easier to find unoccupied tables at ideal locations to study at instead of in the library that was suffocatingly stuffy, in a used books sort of way.
Noon was approaching as you sat under a large oak, hot sun blocked from view by the winding branches overhead. The grass felt cool against your bare legs, shoes kicked off to let your feet breath from the constant walking you had done earlier in the day, the strands of green tickling your toes whenever you shifted into a more comfortable position.
The courtyard was empty, save for you and one other person lounging at a nearby picnic table. You had been attempting to read the newest chapter of your economics book for the past half hour, yet your attention was always pulled back to the patch of yellow daisies to your left. Minor distractions kept pushing their way to the forefront of your mind, and sadly, you knew that you’d most likely get no studying done today with your ability to focus nonexistent.
Deeming it pointless to further pretend you were making any progress towards your studies, you slammed the heavy front of your textbook closed, shoving it back into your bag with a defeated look. You were about to reach for your phone to invite Tae out to lunch when a familiar high pitched, shrill voice, distracted you, your head peering around the edge of the tree to see Yuna herself talking carelessly loud on her phone.
“But Minnie! I was really looking forward to this trip with you!”
“Minnie! Don’t you care how I’m suffering right now?  Just cancel your meeting!”
“Forget it, there’s no way you can possibly make this up to me!”
“......Did you say Chanel?”
“Gold with glitter jewels?”
“You’re the best Minnie! I’ll see you tonight, and I’ll wear the red dress just for you.”
Min Yuna held a certain aura that demanded everyone’s attention, whether good or bad. It wasn’t hard to miss her extravagant appearance; styled voluminous curls cascading down her back, fire red faux leather jacket perched upon her shoulders with a tight black mini skirt to match, and you scoffed when you noticed how it barely covered her ass. Her legs looked even longer, leaner, in the five inch stilettos she sported, despite the uneven terrain of the college.
Speaking of college.
“Yah! Yuna, why don’t you shut up, some people are trying to get some work done here.”
It wasn’t a secret that you despised her, everyone in town knew it, she knew it, even the ocean knew it, as it often got an earful of your complaints whenever you were forced to be within five feet of the devil in Prada.
If looks could kill, you would have surely gone up in flames the minute her gaze found your own, already immensely irritated that you had even dared utter a word to her. She still had the phone pressed to her ear, yet glossy red lips were now set into a sneer at your rude interruption. Quickly muttering something into the phone, to whom you had no idea, she ended the call before strutting your way, that obviously meant your impending doom, in her eyes at least.
To you, she was the least intimidating person you’d ever met.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than bud into people's lives that aren’t your own?” Yuna snapped aggressively, standing to your left with her arms crossed and hip jutted out. Looking up from your spot on the ground, your eyes squinted at the blurry image of her angered face, the sun’s brightness blocking your view, which you quickly shielded with your hand.
“Don’t you know that your voice is annoying? No one wants to hear what the hell you’re wearing to the club Yuna, no one gives a shit.”
A small ‘hmph’ passed through her lips, eyes rolling at your obvious judgement towards her. It wasn’t like you to stick around, picking fights with her, because in your eyes it deemed you no better than her. Yet a large part of you was still upset over how she had treated Taehyung, had practically kicked him to the curb for the thousandth time. So maybe indulging in a petty feud, for the sake of your friend, was worth it.
“At least I have somewhere to be tonight. All you ever do is sit around with your books, all by yourself, don’t you care that you have no fucking life?”
Anger burned hot in your chest, hatred for the pest standing before you boiling over into your veins, making your fists clench with unreleased fury, because you were not a violent person, even though you wanted nothing more than to land a punch square in her perfectly, fake nose.
Slipping your shoes back on while zipping up your bag, your education the last thing on your mind now, you stood up with determined eyes, and maybe Yuna saw how clearly pissed you were, as she took a large step back, chin jutted up with confidence that she’d have the last say.
“Listen, people may grovel at your feet, but I’m not one of them. I don’t care what you have to say, and I don’t particularly care that I chose to focus on my future instead of acquiring a new STD every night. You’re nothing Yuna, and your words mean nothing to me.”
You were getting too heated, venomous words spilling from your mouth in uncontrolled rage. It bothered you that she was able to slither her way under your skin so easily. You weren’t a confrontational person, in fact you really hated calling out anyone on their mistakes. Yet something about Yuna made you angrier than you’d ever been in your entire life, and with that came the desire to confront her, to call her out for being a complete nightmare to anyone she crossed paths with.
Inhaling a few, much needed breaths of air into your lungs, rant now fizzled out into a simmering vexation, you watched on with satisfaction at the look of shock that crossed over her features. You had never dared to be so bold in the past, and could tell that a part of her was perplexed by it.
“Obviously my words do mean something, or else you wouldn’t be getting so upset by them.”
She smirked, eyes darkened and ready for the kill. A look of unfamiliarity settled upon her face, one that sent warning signals to your brain, that it was a good time to flee and accept your small victory. Though, a brief thought crossed your mind, that maybe you had underestimated just how cruel Min Yuna could truly be.
“Why don’t you run home and focus on your own life,  ____. With your father and his dying business. It’s obvious he could use the help, as his usual partner is well, a little preoccupied.”
A sickening sensation flared up in your chest, Yuna’s words snaked with thorns that tore into your heart, embedding themselves until you were bleeding openly from within. Recognition crossed over her face, a triumphant grin eerily stretching across her lips, a red that reminded you of the devil himself. All evil and no remorse, no conscious.
“H-how could you even say that to me?”
The unadulterated shock prevented the rage from overtaking you, stopped the tears from freely falling in response to her cruel words. Your family’s personal matters were no secret among the town, word traveled fast through a small vicinity, and people liked to partner gossip with their daily brunch. It was hard, receiving pitying looks from locals whenever you’d pass by, their condolences sent with the usual frown and diverted eyes.
Yet no one dared to ever ask you about your mom, not having the courage to shed light on such a sensitive topic. Except for Yuna, with unwavering confidence and a skill for mapping out a person's biggest weakness.
Now broken into a temporary silence, your previous fire having been diminished with icy words that cut across your skin like blades, Yuna gave a tilt of her head, hair flicking flawlessly behind her shoulder with one quick sweep of her hand.
“Oh darling, how could I not?”
Giving you one last glance with her eyes full of judgement and contempt, Yuna gracefully spun on her patent heels, strutting away through the courtyard with the final word, the shattered pieces of your armor trailing behind her.
“You’re going to be sweating whiskey and tequila if you don’t slow the hell down.”
The ever present, ever judging stare of Taehyung burned holes into the side of your face as you tipped another shot back of whatever type of liquor you held in your hand, the burn feeling similar to molten fire as it slid down your throat. You were not much of a drinker, in fact, the only time you had ever truly been three sheets to the wind was freshman year of high school, where you had discovered a forgotten bottle of Vodka underneath the kitchen counter during your parent's weekend getaway.
It was Taehyung too, that had saved you that time. When he had found you, upside down over the back of the couch with flushed cheeks and all smiles, he had broken down into hysteric laughs at the image itself. Sure, he had spent a majority of the night holding your hair back while both your lunch and dinner returned tenfold, yet he was there by your side, puke and all.
Now, he wasn’t exactly smiling. More like frowning intently at your drunken stupor, while watching you slip into an area of self loathing and regret. Typical actions for many on a Friday night, but for you, a rare occurrence. You were known for keeping your emotions in check, hardly letting anything break through the walls you had successfully built around yourself. Yet, such defenses had all been blown to bits by none other than the devil incarnate herself.
“Okay, that’s enough. Give me that!” The small shot glass was ripped from your lips, which you fought for rather diligently in return. Though your strength was nothing compared to Taehyung’s and you could only imagine what you both looked like, struggling over an empty glass of tequila like children.
“Yah! Stop, I’m not done yet! I could go all night!”
Hearing a frustrated huff fall from his lips, you finally let go of the glass with a threatening glare, yet Taehyung didn’t seem the least bit affected by your expression. Instead he stood up from the bar stool, sliding the glass along the counter, down and away from your prying hands.
“If you keep this shit up, you’ll be completely wasted within thirty minutes.”
You watched him lean his side against the bar, shaggy locks falling into his eyes which he blew away with a single breath. You frowned.
“What’s wrong with that? Can’t I live a little?”
“It’s nine thirty! Who the hell gets drunk off their ass at nine thirty at night?”
The club, il’Ricco, was nothing short of extravagant, far from the usual dingy and sketchy hole in the ground that people were known to visit on the regular. Honestly, it had been a surprise you and Taehyung had even been able to get into the place, as the line normally wrapped around the building and down the block with people waiting impatiently to have a night they’d never forget, or most likely would, when morning came around.
The both of you had only waited a short hour and a half to get in, with him complaining about his feet hurting every five minutes while leaning against your side like an overgrown puppy. You had just scoffed at his whines, since you had been the one in heels, not him.
From outside, the three story building looked rather plain, red bricks and a single sign that hung from above the entrance. It was nothing like what you’d find in the city, yet for a small town, its curb appeal had been better than expected. Upon stepping foot onto velvet floors encased within black walls, lights strung from ceiling to ceiling with refined elegance, you had seemed to enter an alternate reality, intruding into an atmosphere that you were clearly not a part of.
It was a palace for the elite, whose pockets were full of cash, with lives to match their frivolous spending. Where women were dressed to the nines in designer fabrics, and men were decked out in Italian and Rolex's that cost more than your tuition itself. Every single person looked pristine, flawless in their appearance, and you had instantly felt out of place within seconds.
Taehyung hadn’t cared that he was dressed in a pair of black slacks, baby blue shirt tucked in rather carelessly that hung from his shoulders in a loose manner. Somehow, he still managed to pull off such a look. Your friend was the epitome of beauty, you had discovered long ago. His features sharp and defined, gaze either cold or welcoming depending on his mood.
Maybe, if you hadn’t known him since the first grade, where you had caught him eating a stick of glue, while proceeding to cry because his lips were stuck together, you could have fallen hard for him. Yet some people were meant to last a lifetime, simply as each other's support systems, lifelines when things got shaky, someone to help you back onto your feet when things got rough. That was who Taehyung was for you, a constant in your life, a person you trusted one hundred percent and more.
You were almost jealous of the confidence he harbored within a single stare, and how he effortlessly seemed to fit into the atmosphere of people. You on the other hand, seemed to stick out like an unwanted scuff on their shoes. Or, that’s what it felt like to you at least. You had put on one of the three dresses you had hanging in your closet, untouched since you’d bought it last June. A simple off the shoulder black dress, that fell above your knees with a plunging v-neckline that showed a fair amount of cleavage, yet not too much that would be considered un-tasteful to your standards.
In reality, you felt rather naked. The most skin you were used to showing were your legs, whenever the off chance happened that you left your house in a pair of shorts. Taehyung had whistled when he’d picked you up, keys swinging around his finger from where he’d been leaning against the passenger door of his beat up Ford.
“Don’t you look hot. What’s the occasion?”
“I have a date with Tequila Rose.”
With Taehyung by your side though, you felt some of your worries melt away, with the aid of the alcohol currently brimming in your veins as well. You weren’t drunk, just carefree enough to forget about your day, and Yuna herself. Which had been your plan all along.
You felt a twinge of guilt creep up your shoulders though, because you were acting more of a nuisance than a friend at the moment, completely neglecting Taehyung’s own feelings in your search for intoxication. With a long sigh, and a look that screamed ‘forgive me’, you gently nudged his arm to gain his attention.
Upon hearing your apology, the permanent frown that had previously accompanied his face slowly morphed into one of reassurance, his hand coming out to shove your shoulder just the slightest, before pinching your cheek between his thumb and finger.
“How can I stay mad at this face?” He cooed, and you were quick to bat away his hand with a laugh, aware that people had been watching the whole interaction from the start. You could practically feel their judging stares burning holes into the back of your skull, yet the anxiety you had once felt had soon diminished and faded away into nothing. You were determined to have a good time.
“I’ll go get you some water okay? Dilute some of that tequila before you pass out.”
“But I’m not even dru-!”
You words fell into silence at his already retreating form, pushing through the crowd to hunt down the bartender for a bottle of water. You faintly smiled, thankful for having such a friend by your side, despite the troubles you put him through.
“Finally alone, I see?”
You felt your skin prick at the unfamiliar voice by your ear, a soft tone that you’d barely heard over the bass of the music. The presence of a warm body was felt behind you, looming over your shoulder, and you swore you felt a breath caress your exposed neck, causing a wave of shivers to fall over your body. You were quick to spin in your seat, hand supporting yourself on the edge of the counter as you came face to chest with someone entirely unknown to you.
The first thing you noticed were silver pants, taught against thighs that brushed your knees as you spun around. Looking up, you were met with blond hair, fringe styled into an uneven part away from his face, with mischievous eyes that seemed to consume your own in a heated stare. Drink in hand, the other resting casually in his pocket, you eyed the man curiously. You couldn’t help but notice how close he was to you, obviously lacking the knowledge of personal space.
You felt rather small, looking up at the stranger. In your seated position, he stood with a grace that could only come with years of harbored confidence and luxury. His attire was exotic, making him stand out among the mass of people. The white dress shirt tucked into his pants stretched tight against his chest, the faint outline of his stomach seemingly noticeable with how near your eyes were to it, the first three buttons undone for people to catch a teasing glance of honeyed skin.
“What is it doll? At a loss for words?” Heart shaped lips turned up into a knowing smirk, as if he could tell where your eyes had been roaming for the past ten seconds. Seeing his eyes briefly flicker down from your face, with a dreadful realization you noticed that you provided him with a clear view of your chest from where he stood. Your cheeks flushed the slightest, unable to thoroughly cover yourself. You blamed the heat overcoming your body on the alcohol itself, instead of the painfully handsome male in front of you.
“You’re awfully close.”
You kept your tone light, despite the increasing anxiety pooling in your belly at how you were being looked at. For some reason, he made you nervous, provided you with the struggle of meeting his eyes when he was unwavering with his proximity towards you.
“I could get closer.” He teased, reaching behind you to place his glass of whiskey on the counter. You leaned back as he drew nearer to you, his hand hovering next to yours on the edge of the bar. Your pulse sped up to rapid beats, the stranger invading your senses in more ways than one.
“I’ve been looking at you all night sweetheart. You’ve been sitting here in your pretty dress, and no one’s come up to talk to you. How can that be?”
His head tilted to the side, eyes glinting playfully in the florescent lights of the club. You swallowed rather harshly at the tension forming between your body and his, his chest briefly brushing against your shoulder as he pulled away, before accompanying the empty seat next to yours.
You hadn't expected anyone to approach you tonight, as it was obvious you and Taehyung were outsiders in foreign territory. Though you hadn’t missed the many longing stares from women towards your friend, their interests obviously peaked at a new face, yet too shallow to talk with someone of such lower class.
“Can I buy you a drink?” He grinned, voice smooth and sharp as ice, slender fingers drumming on the counter leisurely. You watched the way the muscles of his forearm flexed from where it was perched on the edge of the bar, cuffs rolled up to his elbows tastefully.
“Sorry, I think I’m cut off for the night.” You sent him a sheepish smile, crossing one leg over the other out of nervous habit, the presence of such a man making you unsure. You weren’t timid when it came to flirting, yet you had never been approached by a person with a face belonging to that of a god, and irritatingly enough, it was overly intimidating.
“By who, that guy you came in with?” He scoffed, obvious judgement laced within his words, and instantly you were put on alert, fingers harshly gripping the counter. You could tell the man obviously thought nothing of Taehyung, despite having not even spoken a single word to him. His demeanor was relaxed, like he was just waiting for you to fall into his grasp so easily, as if it would take nothing at all.
“Yeah, that guy I came in with. Sorry, but I don’t want you to buy me anything.”
At the change in your voice, he sat up a little straighter, the shine in his eyes dimming down to a darker stare that held the intent to ruin and destroy. At the knowledge that his plans were not happening the way he had desired, you saw the apparent change in his demeanor, the playful glance he had welcomed you with still present, yet the conversation shifting drastically from light to defensive and unwelcoming.
“You sure about that sweetheart? You do know I can actually afford the drinks here, right?”
The endearment made your skin crawl, no longer wanting to be in the presence of someone so egotistical, despite how attractive you found the guy. You knew his type too well, and the obvious attraction you had felt towards him from the start was slowly being overshadowed with the want to completely leave his company altogether.
“What makes you think I can’t? I wouldn’t be throwing around your money so carelessly, especially when it comes to women. I’m sure you know firsthand how greedy they can be.”
Satisfaction ran through you at his obvious surprise at your words, as if he had never had someone speak so freely to him, especially a stranger no doubt. It was as if you could see the gears spinning in his head, deciding if he should proceed with you, or give up completely. Yet something told you this man liked a challenge, and that was what worried you most of all.
“Feisty little thing aren’t you?” He chuckled, leaning forward in his seat to once again invade your space, hand sliding along the counter to a resting position beside your arm. One leg was stretched out on the other side of your own seat, giving you a feeling of being caged in, caught in the lion's den with no escape. You prayed for Taehyung to make his return sooner rather than later.
“I’m just going to get straight to the point.” He spoke low, voice a smooth drawl that affected you in more ways than one, despite your apparent dislike towards him. “You look fucking delicious in this dress, and I’d like to take you home, and show you a good time.”
Shock crossed over your face at his boldness, words cutting against your resolve, leaving your fingers shaking just the slightest against the marbled counter top. His hand slid smoothly atop your own, stilling the tremors as you felt the sudden warmth of his touch against your fingers. You didn’t shake him off straight away, which he took as a sign to proceed, when in fact you were too stunned to push him away, gather yourself and head straight for the exit.
“I’d love nothing more than to bend you over this counter right now and have my way with you. You have a mouth on you sweetheart, and I’m dying to shove something between those pretty lips of yours to shut you up.”
Your eyes widened at the abruptness of his words, mouth parted in silent awe at the sheer filth that coated his lips deliciously. Harboring hatred towards yourself for being even the slightest bit affected by his desires, you quickly flung his hand off your own, resulting in him leaning back and away from you with a satisfied grin, one that clearly let on just how much he knew his words had impacted you. Grabbing at his drink once again, you ignored the way his throat flexed with every gulp as he downed the bitter liquid expertly. Pink lips curved over the rim of the glass, glistening and plump, with the intent to make your breathing uneven, your knees shake, despite your rising anger.
Determined to have the last word, at least once today, you stood up abruptly from your chair, legs just the slightest bit wobbly; determination presented itself across your face as you prepared to give the bastard one hell of a goodbye speech. Yet you never got the chance, as a hand suddenly encased your upper arm, the familiar touch of your friend grounding you back into a calm state, enough to instantly lose the need to buy an outrageously priced cocktail to spill over the man’s head with triumph.
“Turns out they ran out of water, let’s go.”
Without another second wasted, Taehyung was turning you around towards the exit, having witnessed the later part of your interaction with the stranger, though unable to have heard the words he had sultrily whispered to you with ambition.
“So, I’m taking your leave as a no?”
The man spoke casually from behind you, halting both your and Taehyung’s steps. The tone of his voice gave no hints at any harboring disappointment at the inability to win you over, as if he’d never expected to grace you with his time in the first place. Turning back around, you gave him an exasperated look, clearly annoyed at his undying persistence. Behind you, you could practically feel Taehyung glowering at the guy, and knowing how short of a fuse he held when it came to men bothering you just the slightest amount. The last thing you wanted was for him to cause an unnecessary scene.
“My answer will always be no.”
Sending him the sweetest smile you could muster up, despite your sour mood, you didn’t stick around long enough to witness his reaction at your words, knowing he was most likely unaffected at such a loss. He probably had women lined up to spend a night with him, and you highly doubted you’d leave him with any lingering thoughts of you afterwards.
“Come on. I have a bottle of wine at the house.”
It was your turn to grab Taehyung’s arm, gesturing towards the exit with quick steps, wanting to leave as quickly as you’d come. It had been a mistake to ever ponder into unwelcome territories, and you hated yourself for wasting your Friday night, and Taehyung’s, at such a place.
“I’m drinking the entire thing, you owe me ____.”
Taehyung’s brassy laugh was heard to your left, his form already retreating swiftly through the double doors, a neon green ‘Exit’ sign flashing above them. Your steps slowed, too lost in realization as you caught sight of Yuna herself out of the corner of your eye. The source of your bad night was sat sideways across the lap of an unknown man, who had his face buried deep into her neck as she shook with exaggerated laughs.
Once again reminded of why you had ventured out with the intent to drown your sorrows in alcohol in the first place, you practically ran towards the double doors that would offer you freedom and peace of mind once again. Nothing good had come from your adventurous night out, nothing at all.
As you quickly caught up with Taehyung waiting outside, you vowed to never step foot into il’Ricco ever again.
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hanniemonx · 7 years
85 truths
I was tagged by @fangirlinglikemad
— rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
• Last:
1. Drink - some oat-based drink, wanted to try it.
2. Phone call - was with mami~
3. Text message - uuuugh something like "I'm very proud of you, I love you so much"
4. Song you listened to - thanks by seventeen
5. Time you cried - maybe yesterday? I was watching a tv-show
• Ever:
6. Dated someone twice - nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - not really
8. Been cheated on - I don't think so
9. Lost someone special - oh yeah
10. Been depressed -  for like 6 years of my life
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - unfortunately....
• Fave colours:
12. green
13. blue
14. red
• In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends - yup!
16. Fallen out of love - nah
17. Laughed until you cried - many times
18. Found out someone was talking about you - no
19. Met someone who changed you - don't think so
20. Found out who your true friends are - well I already know
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list - in the last year? probably
• General:
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - like 80% maybe? the rest are like people I used to go to school with and don't really talk to
23. Do you have any pets - I technically have a horse and some cats, but they're at my parents house
24. Do you want to change your name - I used to want a really unique name because my name is one of the most ordinary names you can find here, but recently with what I do for a living I'm kinda pleased about it. try find me on google and you won't, unless you know what to look for
25. What did you do for your last birthday - I worked and ate chocolate balls (Swedish thing, delicious)
26. What time did you wake up today - uhm like 4 pm
27. What were you doing at midnight last night - same thing I did this midnight, working
28. What is something you can’t wait for - well in a few hours I'm gonna travel to visit my friend that I haven't seen in ages
30. What are you listening to right now - nothing actually, I'm gonna go Watch some youtube after I'm done with this
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - yeah I've had several classmates with that name
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves - some dudes that's fixing some piping in the apartment
33. Most visited website - youtube, twitter, tumblr
34. Hair colour - it's a werid mix of red, brown and a little green
35. Long or short hair - my hair is so long right now....
36. Do you have a crush on someone - yeah I do
37. What do you like about yourself - my eyes, my personality I guess, my nerdiness
38. Want any piercings? - nah I already have my tongue pierced
39. Blood type - I have no clue
40. Nicknames - hannie, hanniepannie, witch, probably something more that I can't remember
41. Relationship status - single 
42. Zodiac - aquarius
43. Pronouns - she/her
44. Fave tv shows - uhm, currently Lucifer and One Day at a Time
45. Tattoos - I have wings on my shoulders/back, I have an owl on my right arm, and the word "Always" with the  A as the symbol of the deathly hallows on my left wrist. Planning to do a DnD tattoo next or maybe a quote from BAP
46. Right or left-handed - right
47. Ever had surgery - don't think so
48. Piercings - got my tongue and my ears are stretched
49. Sport - I like basketball, horse jumping, racing
50. Vacation - I always wanna go back to England, but also wanna go back to Kos and also visit Japan and South Korea, and a bunch of other places
51. Trainers - idk, some type
• More general
52. Eating - nada, I'm really hungry though... but my shift doesn't end for Another 3 hours
53. Drinking - nothing
54. I’m about to watch - some youtube clips, maybe Lucifer
55. Waiting for - time to pass so I can go home
56. Want - to be with my bff and eat all the yummy food
57. Get married - if it happens it happens, if not I'm okay with it
58. Career - working within forensic psychiatry with risk assessment
• Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses - both dammit
60. Lips or eyes - eyes
61. Shorter or taller - doesn't really matter
62. Older or younger - doesn't really matter to me either? I guess it depends on the situation
63. Nice arms or stomach - either
64. Hookup or relationship - I'm more of a relationship type
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - both
• Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger - yeah
67. Drank hard liquor - yup
68. Lost glasses - not yet
69. Turned someone down - yeah...
70. Sex on the first date - I don't think so, don't really pay attention to that
71. Broken someone’s heart - sadly
72. Had your heart broken - oh yeah
73. Been arrested - nah but stopped and warned
74. Cried when someone died - ofc
75. Fallen for a friend - yes
• Do you believe in
76. Yourself - sometimes
77. Miracles - yeah
78. Love at first sight - idk, don't think so
79. Santa Claus - well no
80. Kiss on a first date - I mean do whatever as long as you're comfortable
81. Angels - maybe not to 100% as in how they are described but yeah
• Other
82. Best friend’s name - bella
83. Eye colour - grey/blue
84. Fave movie - uuuuuhm, Pacific Rim, Mad Max Fury Road
85. Fave actor - don’t really have one
I don't really have 20 people to tag but if you wanna do it I hereby tag you, so tag me and I'll look at it :D @kittyminhyuk (I think I saw you already get tagged but DUBBEL TAG) @soooldout @minhyuukk (on whichever blog you want) (I'm too scared to tag people gaaaah, if you don't wanna do it don't)
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raindrop-rouge · 7 years
How well do you know your best friend?
Original post here. Answer these questions about your bff, your tumblr bff, or just anyone you want to show a lot of appreciation on here to!!!!
I was tagged by @chiruchill and will answer the questions about her (and tagging her back!!!). Tagging @shulkie @milleandra-nebula @crying-abt-fictional-people , uh chiru also tagged @glassesgirl0401 and @gray-x-natsus-matching-hip-scars  but it didn’t seem to work? idk guys feel free to spread the love but also feel free to ignore!!! (I HIGHLY recommend getting the questions from the original post, I rambled for MILES in every single question you don’t wanna read the below trust me)
1. What is your best friend’s dream job, and why? Man, idk that you’ve ever blabbed about something specific, like I know you’d love to run a café with me, or a library with your mom, or any kind if small store like that... Obviously I know you were ready to invest a lot of time and effort into teaching too... Any job that would give you enough time and self management to allow you to spend time with your dogs really ahaha
2. What is their biggest pet peeve, and why do you think that is? The main one is people being 1)  messy and 2) loud. A few weeks ago I would have just said “well you’re considerate and wish they could be too”, but I said I’d be brutally honest about this and girl... I read something a little while ago and I am genuinely worried your hyperawareness of everyone around you stems from something more specific, but we can talk about it whenever
3. What is their favourite TV series (live action)? LMAO GO AWAY I GET THE MESSAGE I will watch Arrested Development asap
4. What is their favourite TV series (animated)? Ahaha you’ve recommended a lot of quality comedies to me over the years, do you have an ultimate fave though? I know there was that group of school girls comedy gdi I watched it but forget the name >< welp
5. What does your best friend value most in life, and why? (Do you think they value most what they say they do, or something else?) Holy shit ok this goes right back to a thing the guys were talking about earlier. I’m gonna say your dogs, like you do say you do :p If we’re talking values in people/ ways of life... What the guys brought up was that you say you only want a simple life with just what we need, but... well, I guess we all know none of us have ANY idea what a minimal life is like, so I’d say what you mean by that is, you do value the life standard we currently have, where we never have to worry about a solid roof over our heads, food, and enough money left to support your pets. So yeah, my answer is 1) your dogs, and 2) the kinda life where we can support them x)
6. How would you describe their style, and how would they describe it? Colorful (but that’s how us French see all Scandinavians tbh), comfortable, like effortless but still cute? You’d probably agree it’s colorful but then say it’s not “stylish” though XD I think you just really like cute things but muuuuch prefer comfort first
7. If you were to decorate a room for your best friend, what would it look like, and why? !!!!! Aaahhh I’m a shit decorator with no taste, but I’d keep it minimal cause that’s how you feel best! A massive bed for you and your dogs, maybe nice tall lights you can reach from the bed but light the room well... A bookshelf... A pretty big desk... I’d want to add lots of plants and pillows, but idk if you’d want that clutter :/ Colors would be white beige and either pastel green or pastel pink.
8. What do you think their best quality is? You know how during a mario kart race you can see the names shuffle on the side as players cut in front or fall behind, that’s what your qualities are doing in my head now... You’re patient, so strong and independent (which I admire endlessly), generous, smart, but I guess what really sets you apart from me is your specific sense of humor and just wit in general??? idk how to explain, it’s not just that you make me laugh, it’s everything you say, I know only you would come up with that at that moment. It’s a big part of what makes me so excited when I’m around you, and a big part of why I miss you so badly when I’m not.
9. What does your best friend think their best quality is? Would they agree with you? Yee you think you’re funny and you’re right :p  Unless now you think your patience is your top quality given how much you’ve put up with lately
10. What is your best friend’s favourite book (or book series)? The Hobbit
11. What do you have in common with your best friend? LMAO our shitty sense of humor... Omg what else though :o we’re really different... maybe how difficult we are when it comes to really letting people in? idk please answer this one better than me
12. How did you meet, and what was your first impression of your best friend? First day of uni!!!! I was lost and confused, she had papers and was alone and therefore less intimidating, I asked her where she got the documents from... And once I got them, I think sheeee was the one to offer we sit next to each other while I was munching on my apple ahaha. I missed the next meeting, but after that she saw me at the bus stop, and offered to wait for the bus with me??? Kindest thing anyone had ever done for me at that point in my life, so yeah... How far we’ve come :’) Very first impression though... “she looks reasonable enough to talk to... Oh she’s nice... Yay she’s really nice!!!” ahaha
13. What does your best friend spend their free time doing, and why do you think they choose to do what they do? Reading, petting the dogs, watching stuff, gaming... It’s escapism isn’t it babe :’) Anything that’s relaxing and distracts you from whatever is happening irl
14. Who is their favourite fictional character, and why? Luigi cause he wears green lmao and cause he’s like the “second” brother and therefore deserves more love
15. What’s the first thing you tell other people when you talk about your best friend? “So Chiru - she’s my best friend and you’ll be hearing about her every day -” ACTUAL LINE SERVED TO ALL MY CO-WORKERS. And then I tend to say we lived together for 2 years, and that I miss you a lot
16. What’s your favourite story about them? Is there a single fave...How we met, how we came to do our groceries together and suddenly became unseparable, MY SURPRISE BDAY x2, coming to cheer for me at cheer, casually inviting me to your home, Nice (omg you reading Scandinavia and the world to me!!), our Japan travels, everything, right up to getting your last dog, is a highlight in my life
17. What’s your least favourite story about them? :))) fuck if I am telling that on here. Oh shit I said I’d be honest. Look... I think sometimes you forget I’m pretty insecure and basically any minor (or... you know... not so minor) event that makes me think maybe you’ll leave me behind after all is just like. uhm. “least favorite stories” is a mild way to explain how I feel about those times
18. Why do you think you two ended up becoming best friends? My dudes I wonder a lot. I know it’s so much more than just living together, if anything that makes most people hate each other. It’s shared values, willingness to make balanced efforts for each other, an endless stream of ideas for fun coming from both sides, similar interests... I don’t know, but Chiru I am just so grateful everyday I did find you
19. Would you be honest with your best friend if they were happy doing something, but you think it might end up harming them in the end? Ouch. Ok well... The truth is sometimes I doooo worry, but I’m so convinced you know what you’re doing so much better than I do, that no, I tend to trust whatever you say, if you’re convinced (/telling me you’re convinced) that what you’re doing isn’t harming you, I’ll believe you. At least, that’s what I tell myself... A part me of does worry, though, that I just don’t speak up because you’ll already have all the arguments ready and we’ll just unnecessarily argue about it, and I’ll end up hurt, and yes exactly it’s as bad as it sounds, I’m worried I wouldn’t want to fight you over your happiness in case it would result in hurt feelings. I’m a mess, this is terrible and I gotta work on that
20. Does your best friend play any instruments? Why do you think they chose that instrument? BISH SAYS SHE CAN SORTA PLAY THE GUITAR AND PIANO BUT HAS SHE PLAYED FOR ME YET, I THINK NOT. I am unappreciated, where is my serenade (jk jk, I realy doooo wanna hear you play though!!)
21. Do you and your best friend have a dream for the future, if so, what is it? Move in with me please it’s the one thing that keeps me going
22. What is one thing you have always wanted to tell your best friend, but never have? :)))) ((((: *digs through a million letter drafts and hell, fic drafts, we all know where my inspiration comes from anyway* Sigh... Well first of all I need you to know you’re the most beautiful and kind soul I have ever encountered. Please get that through your head. Secondly... I don’t think I’d have EVER brought this up, but that’s what the question is aiming for, isn’t it... You probably only held my hand in Barcelona because I was so black-out wasted you were worried I wouldn’t follow you home otherwise, but it made me sort of ridiculously happy, and I guess I wouldn’t mind if it happened again
23. What do you think your best friend’s life will be like 10 years from now? What I’m thinking or wishful thinking hah... Thinking, well... deep breath, you’ll be alright :) You’ll have a comfortable home somewhere you like, with a job that suits you. You’re too stubborn to settle for any less. Your dogs are with you, of course. And so is whoever will be lucky enough to be chosen by you. You can guess based on that what the wishful thinking is
24. What song makes you think of your best friend? IT’S 4:18 AM AND HONESTLY THERE ARE SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM (anything from Just Dance tbh XD) BUT I CHOOSE THIS GEM (45:21) because fukkit it’s cold as heeeeck in my room right now and I’m only listening to this kind of music
25. Just to end on a mean note, what’s your best friend’s worst personality trait? (Be honest now, guys, none of that “they’re just too kind” bullshit) Worst? You wanna hear something crazy... Well you know I miss you, I always do and have been for so long now, but once I thought maybe if I listed everything that maybe weren’t the beeesst parts of your personality, and all the parts of my personality that probably annoyed you, I’d force myself to accept that maybe it’d be best for us to stop living together... And gdi I tried. But it’s just a really ridiculous list ... or at least it was, until that one night... Remember when one of my friends took my phone and texted you quite extensively, and that went really really badly? Well here’s the moment of truth: (hey it’s 4:25 now and I was out) I had broken down sobbing after you compared me to your dogs again :’) Look, sober me can rationally process your way of thinking. But... I guess deep down, we’re not the same, I want to be loved and appreciated like a human being. I’m genuinely sorry I couldn’t bring myself to tell you this sooner, idk what I was so scared of. So, uh, “worst” personality trait (which really isn’t one but)... omg I can’t even phrase this without turning it against myself ahaha, like it’s my own fault for telling you that everything was fine when it wasn’t. So look this isn’t even about your worst personality trait, I guess it’s me realizing I gotta stop lying about crap, and I hope you’ll be considerate and understanding like always :’) 
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softhobies · 7 years
RULES: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
tagged by @heartsbian (actual loml thank you)
i tag: @damnwilds @danwildsofficial @naminyard @battlefieldheart @daddariossmile @ffsmagnusbane @bramgreenfclds @lailadermctt (and if anyone else wants to do this feel free to consider yourself tagged or if you want message me and i’ll add you lmao)
1. drink: water
2. phone call: unknown number
3. text message: from my mum: “i guess”
4. song you listened to: and the crowd goes by mudslide crush
5. time you cried: idk?? i cry too much lmao
6. … dated someone twice: no
7. … kissed someone and regretted it: no
8. … been cheated on: no
9. … lost someone special: to death? no. drifting apart? i guess.
10. … been depressed: always
11. … gotten drunk and thrown up: uuuhhhh yeah
12. black
13. red
14. idk?? white, grey, blue, purple... changes
15. … made new friends: yep!
16. … fallen out of love: i don’t think so
17. … laughed until you cried: of course
18. … found out someone was talking about you: probably but i don’t remember
19. … met someone who changed you: hmmm i don’t think so??
20. … found out who your friends are: 99% of my friends have been made in the past year so?? maybe?? i’m working on it
21. … kissed someone on your facebook list: nope
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: idk i hardly use it?? but it was full of people i used to know but yeah i don’t talk to any of them except like my immediate family irl now lmao
23. do you have any pets: no :(
24. do you want to change your name: uuhhhh yeah like alex isn’t my legal name and it’d be nice to not have to sign my legal name or go by it at doctors bc i’m too scared to correct anyone lmao
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i think i mostly just soaked up whatever attention i got on here and stressed over tr*mp bc my bday is on inauguration day?? also i annoyed family and may have watched a couple episodes of vld with my bro
26. what time did you wake up: like 12:30am lmao
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping i guess
28. name something you can’t wait for: uuhhh happiness?? idk 
29. ??? there is no 29 lol
30. ……. no 30 either
31. what are you listening to right now: she’s so gone - lemonade mouth (uuhhh i’m listening to the album if you couldn’t tell by my answers lmao)
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i’d assume so?? only one that comes to my mind tho is tom in mysme but he’s not real lmao
33. something that is getting on your nerves: my shit sleeping schedule like i’m trying to fix it but i suck at sleeping and ugh
34. most visited website: probably tumblr lmao
35. hair color: black but naturally it’s blonde
36. long or short hair: short bless up
37. ??? she’s gone
38. ……. not here either
39. piercings: 2 in each ear and 2 in my lip for now
40. blood type: i honestly have no clue?? p sure it wasn’t o but that’s all i remember so uuhhh oops
41. nicknames: i just go by alex
42. relationship status: single forever
43. zodiac: aquarius (or capricorn idk i’m a cusp but i’ve always went with aquarius and i refuse to change now)
44. pronouns: they/them
45. favorite tv show: idk?? b99 is p good
46. tattoos: none but i want a ton one day
47. right or left-handed
48. surgery: i don’t think i’ve had any
49. piercings: ?? already answered
50. sport: i don’t play or watch anything really?? at least, not anymore
51. vacation: anywhere and everywhere
52. pair of trainers: idk i hardly ever where any?? probably have some somewhere tho
53. eating: fav food = cheese calzones at old chicago but like if you mean am i eating? no? but i ate leftover hamburger helper within the last hour so
54. fave drink: water
55. what you’re up to: answering this but after i’m going to try queuing a ton of posts while i wait for my phone to charge completely
56. waiting for: happiness?? but uuhhh short term i guess attention (aka my friends sleep at night like most people and i’m l o n e l y)
57. what do i want: happiness again but also money and maybe a purpose
58. do you ever want to get married: kind of?? i kind of don’t believe in love for me really but i have this dream wedding so like?? i’m down marrying just for the tax benefits lmao i just want that spooky wedding
59. career: don’t have one and don’t know what i wanna do yet so rip
60. hugs or kisses?
61. lips or eyes?
62. shorter or taller?
63. older or younger? keeping it crossed out bc?? what does this mean?? idk but the only options i can come up with idc
64. nice arms or nice stomach? (i guess? just barely idc mostly)
65. hook up or relationship?
66. troublemaker or hesitant? (to a point)
67. … kissed a stranger: nope
68. … drank hard liquor: a lot (unhealthy coping for the lose)
69. … lost glasses/contact lenses: oh god yes?? lost glasses in a hotel once and have lost so many contact lenses it’s ridiculous i suck lmao
70. … turned someone down: yeah but i think both the times the people asked me out as a joke?? i heard one guy planning it and the other i just kind of assumed the guys friends were asking me out bc pulling a prank on their friend 
71. … sex on the first day: uuhhhh how about sex never lmao no thanks
72. … broken someone’s heart: not that i know
73. … had your heart broken: uuhhh by my ex bff a billion times lmao
74. … been arrested: nope bless
75. … cried when someone died: not genuinely, no
76. … fallen for a friend: yep
77. … yourself: not anymore
78. … miracles: unlikely
79. … love at first sight: not for myself for sure
80. … santa claus: why would i
81. … kiss on the first date: you do you
82. … angels: maybe bc of others experiences but i believe in demons more 
83. current best friend’s name: i have a lot but nøname
84. eye color: brown
85. favorite movie: idk?? star wars i guess
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medicatemedrmccoy · 7 years
Holy Survey Batman
I was tagged by @outside-the-government  (*shakes fist* haha j/k <333 )
Tagging: I haven’t kept up with who has and hasn’t been tagged. If anyone wants to, feel free and tag me :D
Keep reading tag because fuck, 85 questions, good lord.
1. Drink? Red diamond tea at work, homemade at home with a smattering of water here and there
2. Phone Call? My last phone call or who I call the most?  Hang on let me dust off my recent calls list. Oh, right, no one, because even my mother knows to send me a FB message at the least if she wants to get ahold of me. Phone calls are the devil.
3. Texting? Oh lord, I have a ton. The bff, my mom, my dad, handfuls of random friends at any given time, coworkers, boss, will include tumblr messaging - same thing, @imoutofmyvulcanmind @bkwrm523 @arrowsshootyouforwards all day everyday<33 . I like to chit chat, can you tell? xD
4. Last song you listened to? I’m weird, I had It Ain’t Me - Kygo & Selena Gomez playing on my phone and had Just Like Fire - P!nk on my laptop.
5. Last time you cried? About a month or so ago after some bad news
6. Dated someone twice? Oh yeah, I should have saw all the warning signs way back when.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it? Yes, god so much
8. Been cheated on? Yes, it fucking sucks. Do everyone a favor and end the relationship first if you’re even thinking about cheating.
9. Lost someone special? Yes
10. Been depressed? Quite frequently
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up? Hahahaha oh god yes, but that’s a story for another time kiddos
Favorite Colors
12. Blue
13. Purple
14. Grey
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends? *gestures to all of Tumblr* All of you lovely people, and quite a few local ones.
16. Fallen out of love? Oh hell to the yes.
17. Laughed until you cried? Ahhh earlier today, but that’s also another story for a different time
18. Found out someone was talking about you? Uhhm, nope? Because I will talk shit about me right along with you haha
19. Met someone who changed you? I don’t think I’d use changed, as much as I would say someone who helped me get back to some semblance of the person who I used to be
20. Found out who your friends are? Hahahahaha oh yes. Let’s just say I had to make all new ones, from the ground up.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list? Yup.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl? The majority of them but I have a few close internet friends that I have on there.
23. Do you have any pets? I wish :(
24. Do you want to change your name? Yes
25. What did you do for your last birthday? Sat in my house quietly and waited for it to pass.
26. What time did you wake up? 5:30am almost everyday I cry. My brain thinks I like to be up at that time most days. Sometimes earlier
27. What were you doing at midnight last night? Cruising reddit, or playing a game/reading most likely
28. Name something you can’t wait for: Summer to be over. Is 121F even sustainable for life? Someone send us some cool air.
29. When was the last time you saw your mom? Sunday
What happened to 30?
31. What are you listening to right now? The AC chugging along, trying to keep up with this heat and The Sun Will Rise - Kelly Clarkson
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? I probably have in all reality, but I can’t think of any off the top of my head so I’m going to say, no.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves? The fact that I bought this house brand new barely a year ago, and its fucking falling apart already it seems xD, the cost of buying a car tag/plate, this fucking heat, work, ect
34. Most visited website? Aside from Tumblr? Probablyyyyy Reddit
35. Hair color. Darkish brown
36. Long or short hair? Short, short, super short!
37. Do you have a crush on someone? Nah, ain’t got time for that nonsense.
38. What do you like about yourself? Uhhhh, fuck, can I phone a friend?
39. Piercings? Just one in each ear. I am not very exciting, Im sorry.
40. Blood type? AB+, iirc
41. Nickname? Kat, kitten, neko, gato and basically anything else anyone comes up with
42. Relationship status? siiinngglee but I’m taking applications
43. Zodiac? Virgo/Libra cusp
44: Pronouns: She/Her.
45. Favorite TV Show: Oh geez. Maybe Game of Thrones? Walking dead? Supernatural(although not so much as of late) Its really hard to choose :(
46. Tattoos? Nope, although I do want one
47. Right or left handed? Right.
48. Surgery? Oh lord, uh I fell through a window when I was like 4, so that was pretty extensive surgery on my hand and foot, still have the scars, drunk driving accident when I was around 15(wreckage inspiration), lasik on my eyes, which has failed already(hello glasses my old frienddd), TFCC tear on my wrist(fucking sucked) and I think thats it?
49. Piercing? See question 39…?
50. Sports? I used to play soccer up until high school, not much anymore unless you consider the occasional jog a sport? I like to go kayaking as much as possible, also not sure thats a sport?
51. Vacation? Vacations? What are those? I haven’t had a proper vacation since I went to Cancun in like 2002.
52. Pair of trainers? I am a woman who loves shoes, please don’t make me choose. I do dig my Roos and Nikes though
53. Eating? shelled peanuts
54. Drinking? Water and tea.
55. I’m about to? Get a hand cramp typing out all these answers
56. Waiting for? For my metaphorical ship to come in *grows beard*
57. Want? Someone to come and knock on my door and either hand me a big check, or say “Hi, I’d like to take care of you and pay your bills for the rest of your life.”
58. Get married? Hell no, never again. See #8
59. Career? Im a jack of all trades, master of none at the office. My title encompasses a lot and don’t have a specific title, but mostly Accounting.
60. Hugs or kisses? Hugs
70. Turned someone down? Yup, its becoming old hat at this point
71. Sex on the first date? No, hello demisexuality
72. Broken someones heart? Yes, it was pretty terrible. I still feel awful about it
73. Had your heart broken? That would require you to have a heart in the first place, right?
74. Been arrested? Not officially, but since my uncle is a sheriff, some of the guys think its hilarious to pull me over in town.
75. Cried when someone died? Yes.
76.. Fallen for a friend? Yeap
do you believe in…
77. Yourself? Hahahaha nah, I’m just wingin it
78. Miracles? Uhhhmmm, no, not really, just circumstances.
79. Love at first sight? Nah
80. Santa Claus? Nah, never did, my dad is a scrooge and never put up the charade
81. Kiss on the first date? Eh, it depends, usually its just awkward, or that could still be my demisexuality talking
82. Angels? Only the angels among us. In the medical field, saving lives, the people feeding the hungry, clothing the homeless. The people here trying to truly do good.
83. Current best friends name? I’ll go with two. Local - Tamara and here @imoutofmyvulcanmind aka loveable little nerd aka Luci
84. Eye color? Hazel. Brown inner ring with green on the outside
85. Favorite movie? Definitely Wonder Woman now. Sorry Star Trek :(
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side-eyeing-you · 8 years
Okay, so here’s a recollection of the best day of my fandom life? #ECCC
I’m usually just here to make short, dumb, spazzy comments, so bear with me, because this will probably be long. However, I’ll try not to be too repetitive and remember the interesting parts. ;) Apologies if the pics are effing huge. I don’t do this posting thing - ever. hahah
So, first of all, shout out to @oohdembuns​ for peer pressuring me to go to this thing, hahaha. Cons are not usually my jam, but since it was at home, AND CAIT WAS COMING TOO, I was like, “I’d be kinda dumb not to go, right?” Anyway, so I originally just got a Friday pass and a picture with Cait. And was perfectly content with that. Then there was an announcement that they would be offering more VIP passes for sale, and Buns was like, “omg you have to go!!!!” so I thought about it, and thought about it… and tried to calculate out how many dinners out and shopping trips I had to cut out of my life, and decided, “Okay, you’ve convinced me… I’ll buy it, if it becomes available again.” So I was basically at the gym when the link went live for VIP sales, and Buns linked me to it immediately (so dependable!) and I got to buy one, then less than 30 seconds later it was sold out again. Guess I got lucky!
 Onto the day of the con!
 Wasn’t sure how it would be, since I didn’t really talk to anyone via DM or text or anything super regularly that was going. But I’d gotten talking to @supertam87​ and @chrismosstree​ and @myguiltyolpleasure​ a few days before, so it was nice that they were cool enough to welcome me, so I didn’t feel like such a loner hahah. Met up with @valkyrie1969​ and @sileas84​ too. Met @queencaitriona​ and @zengeisha​ and a few others while waiting in line. I gotta say, one of my favorite parts of this weekend was meeting everyone and just hanging out. I wasn’t sure what to expect at first, but you guys guessed it, everyone is as cool IRL as they are online!
 The rest is much of the same. Waiting in line after line after line. Me wanting to off myself, because it was so crowded and hot and stuffy. But hey, that’s con life, lol.
 Panel was surreal to be at. It was fun, and exciting and the MC was funny and made everyone take selfless with their neighbor to ensure that you’d turned off your flash. 
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THEN out comes Sam and Cait. I mean, I was like, “Weird. They are right in front of me. This is definitely weird.” But I really enjoyed it and probably missed some bits, so I’ll have to do a re-watch! I honestly could sit and listen to them both ALL FREAKING DAY. They are just so entertaining and fun to watch together, lol.
 Then we tried to go to the 12:30 autograph session. That was full. Which was kind of a good thing, because I was getting hangry at this point. Grabbed some lunch and came back to get lined up for photos. Okay, this was like cattle call and I wanted to just die, hahah. THEN I finally got up to the black curtains where Sam and Cait were standing taking pictures with fans, and it was so weird seeing them there… in motion… in the flesh. They are freakishly tall, yes. And Cait’s legs go on forever. I think her waist is like a whole foot higher than mine, hahah. I walk up to them when it was my turn, and I was like, “Well, this is super weird!” and Cait laughed and they both said, “oh, hi there!” Then snap, done, lol – Get the F outta here, NEXT. Hahah That’s what it felt like, but despite such a time constraint, they were super nice and it was the first real close-up interaction with them, so it was a neat experience.
 Then off to ANOTHER line for the autographs. I got queued in and waited for Sam and Cait to finish their photo ops. I sat on the floor, in the line, and tried to get some rest, but the handlers wanted us to squeeze in tight, so I was literally napping underneath someone’s ass the whole time. I didn’t care though, I was freaking exhausted at this point, hahah. (So I can’t imagine how tired Cait and Sam were?? It was non-stop).
 Then Sam walks in and crowd cheers! Sam-onlies called to the front of the line to begin autographs since Cait was running behind with photos. There weren’t that many Sam-onlies. Then Cait arrived to a crowd full of cheers. And one girl next to me had a Cait only autograph and I fist bumped her, lol. Also, stood next to a super cool shipper who doesn’t know she’s a shipper. She was hilarious. She was like, “goddamnit, I wish I had on google glass so I could just stare at them and record everything on the down low (because they were freaking Nazis about no photography).” This was after we saw Sam walk over to Cait, put his hands on his shoulder, lean down and tease her about hogging all the fans, lol. I died. I was right in front of them when this happened.
 Anyway, got my autograph. Cait was like, “nice to see you again!” Getting autographs after pics worked out, because that’s what I had them sign since I didn’t have anything else to bring. I guess I could’ve had them sign my arm and tattooed it on permanently. JK – I’m not that dedicated. ;) Sam was once again just waiting around for people to sign autographs for. I was like, “Dang, Sam… looks like Cait’s just hogging all the fans. What’s up with that?” And he was like, “I know, right? She’s just being Chatty Cathy over there…” I missed my opportunity to say, “It’s because everyone loves her, don’t you???” Oops. :P
 I wish I had a chance to get some friends something signed by them, but seriously, the handlers were super strict about everything. And I get it, it would take longer to sign more than one thing for everyone, but I get the feeling Sam and Cait would’ve been cool with signing their name to one other item for a BFF or grandma or something. :) (And I found out after that they did, actually! On the down low… very kind of them.)
 Okay, so after all that… I just collapsed by a pillar and waited for the others to finish. Thankful to not be in any more lines. Then we all headed over to the restaurant to meet some other Tumblr peeps. I could only stay for a few minutes, but it was lovely to meet everyone! @ninaf @c2bend @rainmanjdog and others!
 Then off I went to the meet and greet….
Room is set up into probably 10 round tables of 8 people or so. The handlers said to keep two seats open, so naturally, I put my purse on the seat next to mine to save it. ;) Once again, apparently, no freaking pictures were allowed. Who came up with this stupid rule? It’s not like we didn’t pay for the professional pictures and I highly doubt Sam and Cait cared if you took a pic of them from 10 feet away. Not like we were swarming them asking for selfies. Anyway, that was a ranty tangent. Kid you not, though, when Sam or Cait were coming up to our table next, they reminded us, “Now, remember. Phones on the table. Don’t touch them. No pictures allowed.” ANYWAY, we saw Sam and Cait taking selfies with other tables after the fact, so we were like, OH HELL NO. And the handlers noticed that, so one was finally like, “AT THE VERY END, you may ask if Cait wants to take a picture and if she says it’s okay, then you can do so.” We had already seen Sam, so it was like, would’ve been nice if you let us take a pic with Sam too, but we’re happy with Cait! Anyway, I loved the fact that Sam and Cait didn’t give a fuck about the stupid photo rule and just did what they wanted and were gracious to the fans. At the very end, the handlers decided that it would only be fair if Sam and Cait both took pics with each table, so that’s what they did. And a simple gesture made everyone’s day (well, it was icing on the cake). :))
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 Sat at the table closest to entrance/exit. Sam and Cait walked in, got a stealth pic of Sam but missed Cait. They both were holding these cute Jamie and Claire mugs. Sam had brought a bottle of Laphroaig with him. They had to do separate table round robins, for the sake of time, probably. Cait started at the table across from us, and Sam at the opposite end of the room. Anyway, we were just chit chatting amongst ourselves. It was very casual. Once in a lifetime experience, to have Sam and Cait just mingling in the same room as you. Like, wtf. It was weird haha. But anyway, we all kept our respective freak flags under wraps… and everyone was lovely. I did walk over to the bar area with another fan I sat next to, just to get a closer glance of Sam and Cait lol.
 Sam got to our table first. He’s very handsome. Very young-looking. He sat in between these two ladies, so was across from me. I was like, “Y’all can fight over Sam, but dibs on Cait then…” They agreed to the terms of the deal, lol. Sam poured us all a shot of Whisky, which was very nice. It was pretty good. One girl asked me what the name was again, so I guess his sales tactic worked, hahah. (I’m only teasing, okay??). Anyway, Sam was nice and answered everyone’s questions the best he could… he seemed a bit tired, but still friendly and engaged. Someone asked if he took on any of the Jamie qualities or something in real life. And he had to think, and then he said since he had to play Jamie with a “fucked up hand” for a while there, IRL, whenever he got nervous, he would play with his right hand, or move it in weird ways, like Jamie. He also mentioned a bar in Glasgow that he and the guys of Outlander like to go to. I cannot remember the name. And his favorite lift is the dead lift. Gym questions get me snoozin’… lol
 More waiting around until Cait got to our table. Our table was the last to see both Cait and Sam… and she walked over and smiled and said, “ahhh, the best for last.” I sat next to Cait… at a dinner table. That was super surreal, lol. We all said hi and thanks for coming, etc. etc. Then someone asked about Eddie and if she’ll be coming to SA. Sadly, Eddie will not be joining Cait in SA. Cait got to telling us about the whole process then she stopped and was like, “Wait. You guys really want to spend the next 10 minutes talking about my cat’s fucking rabies report??” lmao and we all laughed. We learned that Eddie is 14 years old. Then she was like, “so wait… lemme get everyone’s names! Where are you all from??” She was so friendly and smiley and I cannot…. Then someone mentioned Ryan Gosling and asked if she’s met him before and she told us a funny story about how she lost $20 to Ryan Gosling once, hahaha. And I was like, “Wait. How? Lost a bet?” And then she said that they had the same agent or something, so they all went on this fishing trip together a while back and were playing backgammon hahaha so effing random… and she lost to Ryan Gosling. And she was like, “AND I WAS BROKE. And he was a SUCCESSFUL actor, and I was BROKE… and he STILL took my money.” Ahahhah. Then the lady was like, “Omg, I spoke to someone who knows Ryan Gosling…” and I turned to her and was like, “Nevermind that you spoke with CAIT.” Lol and she just giggled and said, “awww, come on…” lol like all “pffft, I’m nobody” QUEEN. Also, at one point she complimented a lady who said she was in her 50s and told her she was gorgeous, when the topic of aging make-up came up regarding Claire and Jamie, so as to say, they didn’t really need to be EXTRA with their aging process, because people in their 50s still can look great and youthful. She was super sweet and encouraged us to ask her questions and also asked us questions as well, so it was very interactive.
 Then I gave her a little greeting card that said “YASSSS QUEEN” on the front and said, “I was afraid of word vomit if I tried to speak to you in real life, so here’s a card.” Lol and she said, “awww, you don’t have to worry about that. Thanks!” But her handler took it, so I hope she saw it, lol.
 Few other tid-bits:
Since Sam and Cait started on opposite sides of the room, when they both made it to the middle of the room, the first thing they did was turn around to each other, grinned and said, “oh haaii!” to each other. That was cute.
 And at the very end of the night, as they were leaving, Sam took Cait in for a side hug/pose and I was caught off guard and was still afraid of the photo Gestapo so I didn’t catch it! :((
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This was all I caught, right before the hug.
Anyway, and that was it… off they went. And then I died. :D
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dfes-translations · 7 years
Seishun Tairiku Graduation Live Special: Chapter 4 - Facing the Future
Kanade: Good morning~! Ah, Junya-kun, good morning! Junya: Oh, good morning. Kanade, Junya: About yesterday. Kanade: Ah, what is it? Junya: No, you go first— Staff: Amamiya-san, can we check on something with you? Kanade: Oh, right away!
The day of the Graduation Live. Preparations were moving along hurriedly backstage. The 5 of them were practicing, doing whatever they could to up the quality of their performance right before it starts. During that time, the venue was steadily gaining excitement as students waited in anticipation.
Staff: We’re entering the countdown! Kanade: Already?! I couldn’t talk to Junya-kun at all... Shin: That’s because things were frantic... Junya: Kanade, Shin! What are you doing, hurry up and get over here. Kanade: Ah, sorry! Um, Junya-kun! Did you not like the senior-junior play we did? Sorry! Junya: huh?! You’re saying that now...? That’s not it, that was— !
Staff: 5, 4, 3...
Junya: You see, I just felt like it was wrong! We’re not seniors and juniors, right? Kanade: Ah, I see! So that was it! We are...
Staff: 2, 1...
Junya, Kanade: Friends!
Staff: 0!
Fan: Kyaaaa!
Junya: Everyone~! Thanks for coming here today! It’s a bit early now, but—
All: Congratulations on graduating!
Junya: When I graduated middle school in Fukuoka and decided to come to the city, I had the support of everyone around me. On our graduation day, my classmates gave me a book filled with messages from all of them*. Junya: Thanks to their support, I could stand on this stage now. Together with my best friends and partners**. Junya: That’s why today, we want to support all of you in your efforts to start a new path in life! I hope you will enjoy until the end! Kanade: When I first started out as an idol, there were so many things I didn’t know or understood... However, I got to meet the best partners and friends I could ever ask for, and right now, I’m having so much fun! Kanade: Everyone here is also about to start a new life, but I believe there will be a very exciting future waiting for everyone. If we are able to push everyone here on as you work towards that future, I will be very happy! Shin: Congratulations on graduating. I believe that there will be many more new encounters waiting to happen as you embark on this new journey. I hope that all of you will continue on your own paths without fear. Itsuki: Congratulations on your graduation! I’m sure that there will be many who will have a lot worries... But I hope that none of you forget that you are not alone. Chizuru: Everyone, congratulations on graduating ☆ We will put our all into singing this, hoping that your everyday will be just as happy and sparkly as today ♪ I hope you will listen~! Junya: Our first song...
For just one fleeting moment on stage, Amamiya and Sasaki’s eyes met, and they both nodded.
All: “Shinai naru yume e!***”!!!!!
T/N: Just some stuff I feel like I should mention here... * The actual word is 寄せ書き which is kind of like... something that is written by a group of people? Normally, it’s on like a huge board with little notes of everyone, or in some kind of book with 1 person’s message on each page, so I thought I’d translate it to give a more visual image. I could be wrong tho :v ** Okay, 仲間 has a ton of meanings, and normally, I’d go with friends, but I feel like I need to use the word partners too (it also means 仲間) just in reference to their song “Best Partner”. But yeah, they’re all BFFs, both in Dream Fes and IRL don’t worry about that :P *** I’m sure you all know if you’ve played the event, that’s the title of the song “シンアイなる夢へ! ” :) A beautiful song. It translates as something like “For your most beloved dreams!” I cry every time with this song ;;;;;
< Chapter 3 | Back to Navigation | Chapter 5 > 
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cheerful-tea · 7 years
 i was tagged by @itsokaythough (you are a babe 💖) to do this tag, so here we go!
name: grace c: 
blood type: i don’t know lmfao
nickname(s): i don’t really go by one specifically, but gracie or something works tbh
zodiac sign: gemini !
pronouns: she/her 
favorite tv shows: some of my favorites are the walking dead, fear the walking dead, channel zero --- but i’ll watch anything good lmao
long or short hair: my hair used to be really long, but then i cut it p sort, and now i’m growing it out... personally i like both 
height: 5′7-5′9 !
do you have a crush on someone: i? think? so? 
what do you like about yourself: i like my music taste n my collarbones if that’s anything
right or left handed: right ! 
list of three favorite colors: peaches, lilacs, and reds.
eating: some tater tots are in the oven rn because my dad ate the lasagna :(( 
drinking: i’m trying to decide if i want water or soda rn lmfaoo
i’m about to: enjoy some YouTube n food lmao 
listening to: 17 by youth lagoon !! 💝
kids: in the future, maybe 1 or 2? 
get married: i would love to, but who would marry me lmao 
career: i have a bunch of ideas tbh --- i love all things surrounding the mind (aka becoming a therapist), but i also am interested in crime / becoming a piercer so idk man 
right now...
drink: soda 
phone call: i don’t usually talk on the phone unless i have to, but i picked up the phone to transfer a message to my mom recently 
song you listened to: either castle on the hill by ed sheeran or sign of the times by harry styles (it’s a good song o k) 
have you ever...
dated someone twice: nope 
been cheated on: not that i’m aware of 
kissed someone and regretted it: who hasn’t lmao 
lost someone special: yes
been depressed: yeppp 
been drunk and thrown up: nope
had glasses or contacts: i have fake glasses lmao
had sex on the first date: nooo
broken someone’s heart: i don’t think so
turned someone down: yes n the guys were creepy, so :)  
cried when someone died: i cried every night when my dog went over the rainbow bridge ;m; 
fallen for a friend: ,,,,yes
in the last year have you...
made a new friend: yes n it’s awesome!!
fallen out of love: possibly? 
laughed until you cried: i do this too much tbh 
met someone who changed you: 100% 
found out who your true friends were: i would think so 
found out someone was talking about you: yes, and idk why people wanna talk about me lmfao 
kissed someone on your fb list: i don’t have facebook
which is better?
lips or eyes: aaaa i can’t choose ;v; they’re both stunning! 
hugs or kisses: both . u . 
shorter or taller: either one 
romantic or spontaneous: romantic tbh 
sensitive or loud: sensitive 
hookup or relationship: relationships all the way. 
troublemaker or hesitant: 50/50 lmao 
best friend: my dog was my bff tbh, but the first memory i have of calling someone my best friend was a girl named Olivia  
surgery: i’ve never had one 
sport i joined: i don’t play sports tbh 
vacation: i don’t remember 
do you believe in...
yourself: good fucking question 
miracles: yes! 
love at first sight: possibly 
heaven: i think so 
how many people from your fb list do you know irl: again, i don’t have facebook
do you have any pets: the loml and his name is Journey n he’s a cat ;3;
do you want to change your name: grace is an online name --- i don’t dislike my real name tbh 
what did you do for your last birthday: i hungout w my friends, ate pizza, played croquet n then one friend stayed the night
what time did you wake up today: 9:15 ish
what were you doing last night at midnight: daydreaming tbh
something you can’t wait for: as cliche as it sounds, to be less anxious n to feel free. 
last time you saw your mom: 1 minute ago lmao 
what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i had more friends n i wish i wasn’t so shy. 
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yep ! he’s an amazing neighbour and he’s my aesthetic 
what’s getting on your nerves: the real question should be, “what’s not on my nerves” 
okay! so i’ll tag: @blackautumns, @immediatefoxes, a new Tumblr user (aka my furry friend Hunter) @fullfire42, n @eddiespaghettii ! you guys can do this if you want to/haven’t already!!
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nataliecrown · 8 years
4x01 Recap - Echoes (The 100)
Alright folks, it’s time. My show has returned, and I am throwing myself back on this ride with wild abandon.
I’m adopting my Discussapalooza style from here on out. Which is to say that this recap is going to be very long. If there are any sections that you’d like me to pull out and post seperately, let me know. Otherwise, you have been warned - I like to go in depth.
We ready? LET’S GO.
Octavia feels right from the get go
  First     we need to talk about how stupid the Polis tower is, from a practical     standpoint. It’s one of those choices where this show went for BIG BIG BIG     without thinking of anything else. It is DUMB that they all got down     without incident with the elevator out. And like...next episode they are     back up there again??? AGSAJSABHFSAF.
Anyway,     the little wobble that Octavia has as we see her climbing down the last     chunk is hilarious to me because I feel it’s the only acknowledgment the     writers make to the ridiculously death defying feat they all just     accomplished? ANYWAY.
We     then get all the emotions when Octavia runs to Indra, and this     relationship means the actual world to me if I’m honest. When you look     back at how they started, and the genuine affection and respect between     them now - particularly from Indra’s side - it’s actually incredible. Plus     I am just STRAIGHT UP EUPHORIC that Indra is still around.
Their     interaction regarding Pike is really subtle, and I love it. As much as I     am sad to have lost Mike Beach (though he continues to be the absolute     best), I also really do not have an issue with Octavia killing him. He     executed Lincoln, and this world is messed up. I enjoy Octavia’s ‘I waited     until it was over line’ even though it’s only just true (she almost     screwed everybody over beforehand when she couldn’t control her urges),     but I think the delivery is spot on. It was a struggle for Octavia to hold     back. In the end, she needed it to be over. And Indra’s nod? Mostly, I see     understanding there. But I’ll keep an eye on where these two go this     season, because maybe there was also a little bit of sadness? We’ll see.
 Bellarke instantly blow my mind
  HONESTLY.     I’m not exaggerating when I flail over them standing next to each other.     It’s actually iconic at this point. STAND TOGETHER ALL THE TIME PLEASE.
Polis     is a mess. Would be super great if it would just...get blasted out of     existence sometime soon? *innocent emoji*
1. I     love that Clarke is looking to make him feel better, despite everything     else on their plates. That’s the first thing we get from Clarke in Season     4 - her reassuring Bellamy.
2. I     also love that Bellamy isn’t racing after Octavia to check in, to follow     up, or even just to keep an eye on her. We see this throughout the     episode, and I’ll talk about it more, but I really feel like the Blake     relationship is going to step up in a big way, and in a way that it needs     to. Bellamy is going to step back from Octavia, not from lack of love, but     from the perspective that she can take care of herself. And maybe, for the     first time in Bellamy’s life, he can lift a little of the burden of     responsibility off his shoulders (I mean, that’s a joke     obviously...because the world is ending, but you know).
3.     AND when Clarke mentions that people will believe Pike had it coming,     Bellamy responds with ‘maybe we all do.’ His head almost snaps around when     Clarke says it, and it’s clear that he’s thinking if Pike deserved it,     then so do I.
Okay,     so moving on. We’ve known for a long time that Clarke was going to tell     Bellamy before everyone else. I want to point it out again though.     Because.
It’s     Bellamy that suggests they hold back on sharing the end of the world news     until they have more facts, and Clarke points out that he’s afraid of how     people will react. Meg and I have just shared our podcast recap of 1x04,     so the episode is vivid in my mind and I LOVE how this moment calls back     to that episode. Back then Bellamy told Clarke ‘be smart about this’. She didn’t     listen, and things went a bit tits up. It was the end of that episode that     Bellamy and Clarke became partners with ‘from now on, we make the rules.’     And we see their evolution presented here. Clarke listens to Bellamy.
Bellamy     loves to drop in shit jokes in terribad situations. I love it. It’s like     he’s constantly trying to lighten the weight on Clarke’s shoulders. Like     he cares for her happiness or some shit.
So     Clarke listens to Bellamy as he reassures her. It’s step by step Clarke,     one thing at a time. We get down, we go home, we figure it out (hey,     remember the 3x16 script revealing to us that Clarke thought of Bellamy as     she pulled the lever? And remember how she said ‘we’ll figure something     out, we always do.’ It’s a little bit like this sort of moment was EXACTLY     what she imagined) and we survive. We get a long shot of Clarke’s face     when Bellamy finished talking, and it is all about her looking at him and just     being so grateful for him. She needs him, more than anyone (yes, I     believe more than she needs Abby and yes I believe more than she needed     Lexa - sue me).
‘Thank     you, for keeping me alive.’ SO AFTER THE FLAILING IS DONE, there is a ton     to unpack here. Most obviously, Bob is a master of his face. Like, he does     the whole I AM TAKEN ABACK thing so goddamn well. There’s also a sadness     to Clarke that Eliza carries in this episode. She’s tired, and she’s     mourning, and she’s scared. It’s beautiful to me that she took this     moment, looking up at this stalwart beside her, and said those words. We     see her thank Raven later too, and I wonder if this is perhaps the legacy     of Clarke’s S3 arc. Love is weakness is truly gone. Will we see her be     more open in general now, knowing that they might all be dead in six     months anyway?
I     talked about this already, but I’ll go again because lbr this recap won’t     have anywhere near enough words in it if I don’t (L O L). I think we can     take this thank you in its most literal sense, which is probably how     Bellamy takes it. By that I mean that Clarke is thanking him for his solid     work in 3x15 and 3x16, and then for all the other times that he has     stepped in to save her. But I also think it throws back to her pulling the     lever in 3x16 again, especially when you consider the script. In that     scene, Clarke essentially chose life or death for everyone. It was     thinking of Bellamy that gave her the strength to survive. He doesn’t know     that, and he probably never will, but without him ALWAYS doing what he is     doing in this very scene Clarke might have chosen differently.
No     wonder they stick to each other like glue.
‘You     don’t make it easy.’ *giggles*
  I     like the confirmation that the people Lexa killed in the CoL are dead IRL.     I wonder if this is just put in there to tie up a loose end, or if it’s     going to be relevant later?
I     also like the spinning shot of Bellarke because I am who I am, and I am     not ashamed.
  CREDITS!     I always thought it was spelled Zach tbh. Surely they wouldn’t put a typo in     the credits for an actor’s name though? Right? RIGHT?
 Arkadia kru!
  THIS     SCENE WAS SO CUTE. EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. I’m like, give or take about     Marper, but their shuffle dancing was adorable.
Jasper     skidding in and pleading the chip was also adorable, but I’LL GET TO     JASPER LATER.
Anybody     else notice that Raven is almost a little bit S1 Clark in this moment? The     others are taking a moment to chill, and savour their success. Raven is     all business. We’ve all heard that Raven is going to have more of a     leadership role this season, and I am already getting those vibes.
The     moment between Jasper and Raven is wonderful and heartbreaking. Their     scenes together last season were so lovely, and I really buy her checking     in on him as she does here. I also think everything about Jasper in this     moment is hella complex. I think he is happy that Raven is okay,     but I also suspect he is incredibly jealous. He looks at her and her     injury, knowing that she has ‘been through more than anyone’, and he sees     how capable she is, how helpful she is, AND ALIE upgraded her brain on top     of that? It must make him feel even worse about himself, even more     useless. He’s beating himself up for not being as good as she is. But it’s     not a competition, Jasper. It’s different people that deal with things in     different ways. Oh my god I’m talking to him like he can hear me. YOU’LL     BE OKAY JASPER.
‘There’s     nothing like a little pain to remind you that you’re alive.’ LET ME WEEP.     Also, NEVER say this to a person suffering from chronic pain. HOWEVER, as     somebody that does suffer from it...I adore this line. I know that might     sound like a contradiction, but this is the sort of shit that is inspiring     when coming from the right source. And Raven is that source. She made it     out, she survived. She can put things in perspective. Her pain is her     choice, her life is her choice. AH.
‘Wish     I could get an upgrade’ OH JASPER. I have complicated feelings about     Jasper in this episode. I’ll get to it later.
I     refuse to speculate about Raven’s face fading into the skull, simply     because a world in which Raven dies is not a world that I believe will     ever exist. So I ain’t worried.
 Bravenlarke Rises
  Fucking     Jaha.
Kane,     you’re very kind. But ‘what have we done’? I don’t know if you can really take     any of the blame for the CoL.
Kabby!     Standing! People stand so well on this show.
Abby’s     mum senses tingle, and we get some more classic Bellarke/Kabby because     this show knows what it’s about and it’s FINE VESSELS.
And     then BRAVENLARKE RISES. Bellamy and Clarke step away from the adults to     chat to their BFF and there is SO MUCH HERE. MY GOD THIS RECAP IS GOING TO     BE SO LONG I AM SO SORRY. I CAN’T BELIEVE ANY OF YOU WILL READ THE WHOLE     THING. YIKES.
Also     worth noting: Kabby observing Bellarke as they walk away.
FIRST     AND FOREMOST - Raven wants to know if everyone is okay, AND ASKS AFTER     CLARKE. And then CLARKE THANKS HER. You guys, we have been so goddamn     deprived of Clarke and Raven. GIVE ME ALL OF IT PLEASE.
Clarke     thanking Raven is also nice from the perspective that the show is     acknowledging that Clarke wouldn’t have pulled any lever without Raven’s     smarts.
Bellarke     split up here for no other reason than to set up the following scene with     Echo, which honestly makes me laugh a lot.
ROAN     IS ALIVE. I mean, this isn’t news but let’s YAY over it anyway.
Okay,     so Echo grabs Clarke and Abby is all GASP and then from a million miles     away Bellamy storms over, and the FURY in his face honestly gives me     shivers. The point, the being held back by Kane, the ‘Bellamy, don’t’.     Everybody in this bar knows in their own way that threatening Clarke is     liable to set Bellamy the f off. And when you add the Echo/Gina to it all,     it becomes ever more intense.
Much     catching of Clarke. Much standing close.
 Setting up the politics
  Okay,     so Echo is not about Skaikru and Azgeda have the numbers to back up their     ire. Kane makes a lovely attempt at defending Clarke, but it doesn’t seem     to faze Echo at all. We then meet random ambassador with spectacular eyes,     and we then lose random ambassador when Echo slits her throat. I have a     bit of an issue with this scene if I’m honest, because it feels a bit     contrived. Echo JUST had a sword to Clarke’s throat, and no argument     actually won her over. Yet she happily murders random ambassador? I’d     argue that Echo spares Clarke because Bellamy is there and she feels     residual guilt for what happened at Mt Weather...but then, she seems more     than happy to see Clarke murdered later so that doesn’t add up.     Essentially, I see the writer’s hands at work here.
‘Looks     like saving the world will have to wait.’ *giggles* Also, HOW CLOSE ARE     YOUR FACES HONESTLY.
  Fucking     Jaha.
Oh,     hey Murphy! Nice to see you and your sass. And also nice to see you agree     with me on the fucking Jaha front.
This     Memori scene is super cute. I love the reminder that Emori was essentially     banished by the grounders because of her deformity. I love Murphy calling     his people his people, and thinking things are different now. I love how     earnest and honest her is with her. And her acceptance. BUT THEN I GET     SAD, BUT I’LL GET TO THAT LATER.
 Family Gathering
  So     Abby sees Kane look at his crucifixion wounds, and we all remember that he     was crucified because he wouldn’t let them hurt Abby. Paige nails Abby’s     guilt, and the whole exchange is wonderfully tender. The best part of this     scene is Clarke watching it happen. I love her little smile. She wants her     mum to be happy, especially if the world is ending in six months. I also     think there’s a little sadness in her expression. We can’t forget that     Clarke was reunited with Lexa literally...what..an hour or so before this?     I’m sure she’s thinking of Lexa here too.
KINDRA.     The hug was everything.
Bellamy     returns to Clarke’s side.
There’s     a shot where Bellamy looks across at Clarke when she says ‘we have to save     Roan’ that I really enjoy. Just thought I’d point it out.
Abby’s     motherly intuition tells her that Clarke knows more than she does, but     before Clarke informs the group she looks to Bellamy. He nods. THEY ARE A     TEAM. And the truth is out there. They can’t afford a fight, nor do they     have time for it. They need to save Roan and form some sort of     truce with Azgeda if they have any hope of saving the world.
  FUN     FACT I actually did not at any point twig that it was Octavia in the bag,     and that Jaha was in on the team effort. I truly thought he was just off     doing some weird shit by himself. So I guess...I was pleasantly surprised?     Good...good for you, Jaha?
Can’t     say I was too emotionally impacted to see him get beat up though *shrug*.     I mean, it wasn’t pleasant but whatever.
 Bellamy, the Leader
  Personally,     I do not believe that Becho will happen. What I do see is the writer’s     using Echo, and their history, as a means to bring Bellamy back to the     forefront as a leader. Others have already mentioned the parallel to     Clarke and Lexa here, and I totally see it. Because Echo will only deal     with Bellamy, the show is allowed to pull back from just Clarke as     representative of Skaikru. It’s actually pretty clever, and gives Bellamy     a ton of agency outside of his partnership with Clarke. So, kudos.
GUYS     I WAS JUST SO PLEASED WITH OCTAVIA THIS EPISODE. All the pre season stuff     made it sound like she was going to be off on her own, and doing her own     murderous thing. But her murderous thing is totally for her people! I love     it! And yes, it is completely implausible that Octavia is suddenly a     highly skilled ninja. I absolutely agree. But also, whatever. I accepted     her sudden level up back in S2. I’m over it.
ABBY’S     REACTION TO OCTAVIA’S MURDERS WAS HONESTLY AMAZING. I LAUGHED VERY HARD.     More Abby/the Blakes please and thank you. Make the family complete.
Okay,     so Murphamy lives. I love how Emori says she doesn’t like this, and     Murphy’s reaction is IT’S OKAY, BELLAMY IS RIGHT THERE. And then as he     approaches, Indra has to TELL BELLAMY TO PAY ATTENTION. Ahaha. Amazing.
CAN     WE TALK ABOUT INDRA AND BELLAMY FOR A SECOND? LIKE. The last time they     were alone together, Bellamy was chained to a wall and she hated his guts.     And I mean, she probably still sort of hates his guts. But wow, progress.     And progress on Bellamy’s part too. I actually think it says a lot for his     self worth that he can stand there with her on such a level. It probably     helps that his dad, and her BFF, is there too but still. IMPORTANT.
‘I     know how you feel about her, but you can’t lose control’ was clearly put     in to remind people that are less obsessed than us that Bellamy has a     pretty solid reason to hate Echo. Much like we understand Octavia’s quest     for vengeance re. Pike, we could understand Bellamy feeling the same here.     But Bellamy has come out of S3 in a much better place than he started it,     that’s for sure.
‘That’s     probably because you’re not an idiot.’ Oh, Murphy.
AND     THEN I GET REALLY SAD YOU GUYS. Bellamy gives Murphy his gun, in a     throwback to S2 and like...I just....I GET it. It’s totally in character     for Murphy to look at this situation brewing, to think of Emori, and to     say screw it. IT TOTALLY IS. But I was really, really looking forward to     Murphy being back with the group. And EVEN MORE THAN THAT I was looking     forward to Emori meeting the group! Clarke and Emori scenes. Raven and     Emori scenes. Bellamy and Emori scenes. GIVE IT TO ME. So I can’t help but     be disappointed with Murphy here. And I really hope Memori aren’t off on     their own for long. Maybe Murphy will have a change of heart? Maybe Memori     have started back towards Arkadia? Maybe they will bump into Bellarke on     the way? DOUBLE DATE?
‘I     GOT THIS’ means everything, as does Bellamy’s power strut. HE’S BACK IN     THE GAME. I’m sure he’s still full of self loathing, but it’s not     crippling him like it was. He is finding his self worth again.
I     actually don’t find it at all surprising that Echo seems to genuinely care     for Bellamy’s opinion. She saw his courage and his strength and his     compassion in Mt Weather. He saved her and all of the others that were     trapped there. He is a good, in her eyes. But as Bellamy says, it’s not     that easy. At the end of the day, Gina died because Echo betrayed Bellamy.     You don’t just apologise for something like that. And while I don’t     personally care for Gina (so so so scandalous - note: I care that the     writers created the character just to kill her, but it was so obviously     going down that way that I never formed an attachment. Sue me) her memory     won’t just disappear.
Bob     nails this scene by the way. He told the others that he had this, and he     does. He IS control. But you can still see his anger in the stiff way he     holds himself, the furrow of his brow, the occasional gulp, and the     deliberate way that he talks.
Bellamy’s     reaction to the Trikru massacre is ALSO on point, and I like that Echo had     no idea he was there. She almost looks a little bit excited by it. Murder     clearly turns her on.
‘The     alternative is war. Is that what you want?’ makes me think of the Bellarke     fight in 3x05 and I had to mention it because if I am feeling these     emotions, you should be too.
Oh,     btw, during all of this Clarke and Abby are trying to save Roan. I bring     it up because I LOVE THE MOTHER/DAUGHTER BONDING IN THIS EP. GRIFFIN LADIES     FTW.
And     then we see the sliiiiightest break in Bellamy’s composure. Echo turns to     leave, and he grabs her arm saying ‘I wasn’t done talking’’ and the     delivery does things to me. But then, oops. Bellamy is on the floor with a     knife at his throat. And the ANGER. The ANGER in his eyes. OOF.
‘Abby     will come through.’ Kane’s faith in her is beautiful
I     hate writerly contrivance, so I hate that Roan wakes up just as Echo is     about to chop Clarke’s head off. It’s dumb. Don’t be dumb, writers.
CLARKE     give the guy a second before you pounce.
Also,     thank you so very much for hiring Mr McGowan. You did me a solid.
I’m     Niytavia for lyf but noting Octavia’s take no BS ‘we just saved your damn     life’ juuuuust in case.
 Sex and giggles and SADNESS
  The     Marper scene is cute. Like...I don’t know, it came out of nowhere so I’m     not emotionally invested. But I want both characters to be happy, so yay.
Raven     interrupting them eternally is my fave. Her delivery of ‘we’re all gonna     die’ is also my fave.
Okay,     let’s tackle Jasper being about to kill himself. It’s clear that the     writers were going to kill Jasper off in S3, but decided against it. Cool.     I’m glad. So why go for an attempt of suicide here after the lovely Jonty     scene in the S3 finale? Because it’s not just that they postponed the     storyline, because Jasper DOESN’T kill himself. It’s NEW story. I’ll jump     ahead now to Raven revealing the radiation truth to them (kinda loving     that ALL the delinquents know btw) and Jasper’s reaction. I personally     kinda like it? I mean, I’m withholding judgement until I’ve seen more. But     in this episode alone? I like that he has  a different reaction to     the others, and that - weirdly - knowing that he’s doing to die makes him     want to live? The thing that stops me getting really excited is being     fairly convinced that Jasper WILL die this season, but if they handle the     death right (I still have faith) then I might actually like this arc? I     JUST DON’T KNOW BASICALLY. (Jasper’s soundtrack theme is so haunting and     wonderful).
Devon     is really knocking it out of the park btw.
  I’m intrigued     by what will come of Echo and Roan. I’d pin Echo as the season’s villain,     but from Tasya’s interviews it doesn’t seem to be what’s coming.
Will     Roan cauterise his own wounds with blades once per season? Excellent.
Stupid     crown.
Down     to learn more about Roan’s family though. Siblings? Grandpa Theo?
 Hell in a cell (not really an apt subheading, I just wanted to use it)
  All     right, let’s do this.
The     conversation between Abby and Clarke is important on so many levels.     Firstly, these two haven’t had such a moment in so long. It’s just plain     nice to see. It’s also INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT to see Clarke talk about her     love for Lexa, in a room full of people, and to have her mother just smile     and understand. It ain’t no thing, and that’s quality representation for     so many people.
I’ve     also already mentioned that while we’ve had months to get over 3x16, the     events we witnessed have JUST HAPPENED in the shows timeline. Seeing Lexa     and then losing her again is fresh in Clarke’s mind. I mean, she hasn’t     even had one night to sleep on it. Of course, she’s upset.
AND     I talked about this in Season 3 but I will never understand why so many     people give Clarke shit for being attached to the chip. I know we’re all     different, but it’s really quite normal to attach emotional significance     to objects. In this case, I’d say it’s particularly justified.
The     camera then hops to Kane watching Bellamy, and then closes in on Bellamy’s     face. I’ve seen all the different interpretations, so here’s my take.
Overall,     I think Bellamy is feeling compassion and empathy for somebody that he     loves. He doesn’t want Clarke to be sad or hurting! It hurts him to see     her that way, and to not be able to help. I do think that there is a layer     of something else there though, but I’m loathe to call it jealousy.     Jealousy sounds so...so negative. I am very much in the camp that Bellamy     is aware, on some level, that he is in love with Clarke. But I also     believe that he isn’t remotely thinking about it ever actually happening     between them, and he’s okay with that. So not jealousy as such...but a     twinge, let’s say. A slight twisting of the stomach and a twinge of the     heart.
I’ve     also seen the suggestion that he’s looking towards Octavia, and eh. I     mean, perhaps. But for me the most important thing about this scene is     that the writers chose to include it, and chose to showcase it in the way     that they did. I think if they wanted us to know that Bellamy was thinking     about Octavia, we would have seen a shot of her after Bellamy. We didn’t.     Which tells me that the intention of the scene was for us to connect     Clarke to Kane watching Bellamy to Bellamy reacting to Clarke.
In     which case - SQUEE.
And     then we get my absolute fave moment, because it was one of the few     Bellarke scenes that wasn’t spoiled in one way or another - and that is     Bellamy’s freak out when Echo takes Clarke. There’s honestly not much to     say at this point. Obviously, he’d react that way. Obviously, Bob would     nail it. But I’d like to draw attention to the writer’s intention once     more here. We get a brief shot of Abby’s reaction, but the majority of the     scene focuses on Bellamy’s reaction. Important.
 Clarke, Crown, Chip
  ‘It’s     always something with you, isn’t it.’ ‘This will be good.’ LOL FOREVER.
I     can’t wait for Clarke and Roan to be BFFs.
‘Science     is our only hope’ HEY IT’S LIKE THE REAL WORLD.
Clarke     giving up the chip is a lovely scene. She does it for the sake of all, and     ultimately I doubt it was that much of a struggle for her. Mostly, I think     it makes her sad. Poor Clarke.
I     also do think this a symbolic closing of the door re. Lexa. Which isn’t to     say I don’t think she will be mentioned or referenced again this season,     but it will be sporadic and only in relation to pushing forward other     relationships or story arcs.
Until     another Nightblood ascends? Where you at Luna.
Once     again, we get a shot of Bellamy taking in Clarke’s reaction to the flame.     The two of them are so in tune, it’s ridiculous.
We     also get a shot of the woman who shouts out during Roan’s speech, and then     Indra looking around. So...Indra’s daughter, yes? If not her daughter,     then somebody significant. VERY excited to meet her next episode. And I’m     intrigued as to how she might interact with Octavia.
 The youth inherit the earth!!!!!!!
  So     the last scene with Echo bothers me just because I think Echo’s line about     trust is stupid after everything she has done, at such an early point.     Like...maybe if you had just saved his life (something I feel will     inevitably happen at some point this season) and that just makes the scene     feel really obvious. I am adamant that there will be no romance here, but     I do see a future where the show will take Bellamy towards forgiving her.     Please show, handle this well.
On     the other hand, if I hadn’t read Tasya’s interview, I might take Bob’s     delivery of ‘I doubt it’ as the final nail in the coffin, and confirmation     that this is done. It’s cold, collected. Perfect.
Family     pow wow!!
Octavia     sass and then, ‘this is serious, O’ and again I sense a different Bellamy     here in relation to Octavia. Further emphasised by his leaving without     insisting on a hug, or even a lingering look. It’s like...he’s there, and     he’s observing, and he’s contributing...but the relationship between them     is on her now. Or something.
This     is emphasised again by the parental goodbyes to Bellarke. Clarke and Abby     is lovely as ever, so now let me turn to the scene between Kane and     Bellamy.
I     was surprised to see there was so much ‘controversy’ over this scene. I     definitely did not take it as Kane admonishing Bellamy, or Kane implying     that Bellamy did not deserve to live or that everything was Bellamy’s     fault. I very much took it as Kane speaking from past experience, and     knowing that Bellamy has a tendency to blame himself. It’s advice from the     heart, and well meaning.
That     being said, it has all the subtlety of being smashed in the face with a     frying pan. That’s my issue with it. It reminds me of Bellamy spelling out     his arc to Pike in 3x16. I was okay with that one because fandom last     season had proven that it needed to be spelled out. I was hoping we could     do away with such over explaining this season though.
I     would have much preferred Kane placing a hand on Bellamy’s shoulder, the     two of them nodding at each other, Kane saying ‘take care of yourself’, and     then A GODDAMN HUG.
When     Kane says ‘you’ll deserve to survive’ and Abby looks up at him - HEY     SEASON 1 THROWBACK I SEE YOU.
Bellamy’s     ‘I hope so’ is really important to me. He WANTS to live, to survive, to     earn happiness again.
The     shot of Clarke witnessing the moment is ALSO VERY IMPORTANT TO ME. again,     they are just so in tune with each other, with their emotions, with their     headspaces. Slay me.
The     shot of Clarke and Bellamy walking away framed by Kabby!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve     always said that Bellarke will usher in a new age on earth, but     like….YOOOOO I NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD BE SO EXPLICITLY STATED ON SHOW.     FUCKING YES.
I     also LOVE Abby’s ‘they have six months to save it.’ Gone are the days of     her trying to step in and be an adult for the children. Kabby are stepping     back. They are keeping an eye on the politics of things. Saving the world?     That’s for Bellarke and the delinquents.
Look,     here’s the deal. I am so okay with Princess coming back in this moment.     FIRSTLY, after an episode which really emphasises the S1ness of Bellarke     in so many ways, the use of the old nickname really drives that home. But     it also drives home how far they have come since then. It’s a light     hearted moment, a joke, a tool again for Bellamy to lift Clarke’s burdens.
(Plus,     Jason recently confirmed that the whole point of the Princess nickname     between Bellarke was Han x Leia inspired so like HOW CAN I NOT LOVE THAT.)
AND     IT WORKS. She is so clearly surprised, and delighted by it! She struts,     she smirks! Walking out of Polis with Bellamy calling her Princess has her     feeling all kinds of badass.
And     I also love how lots of you have pointed out the contrast between everyone     else, even Kane, calling her Wanheda. I LOVE IT AND I AGREE. Before Polis,     before the grounders, Bellamy was there - and he’s still there now.
Fucking     Jaha.
  Oh     hey, radiation. Sweet. Also, Egypt. People. World. Countries. LET’S GO     SOMEWHERE.
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