#my lunch break is over in few minutes and I think I just became one with a couch so I'm writing this instead of getting up
murobrown · 10 months
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writing-imagines · 5 months
Even Mean Girls Cry // Regina George
Summary: After hooking up with Regina for a year, you finally get to see her vulnerable side after The Plastics reject her at lunch.
Possible warnings: light swearing, bullying, and Regina being Regina
Pairing: Regina George x gender!neutral reader (readers gender literally isn’t mentioned)
A/n: first fic of 2024!! I love Reneé’s Regina so feel free to send me any ideas or thoughts about her
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Regina George wasn’t a good person. It was evident ever since the first grade when she told everyone that Peter Howell peed himself after she spilled apple juice on him. So, you did your best to avoid her, and her ever changing minions, every day as you grew up. When you reached high school, Regina’s antics became more frequent and hurtful. By the end of your freshman year, she had at least one embarrassing piece of information on everyone in school, yourself included. 
Your streak of successfully avoiding Regina came to an end after winter break during your sophomore year. Ms. Norbury asked you to be Regina’s Intermediate Math tutor since you had the highest grades in your Algebra 2 class. You were hesitant to accept the opportunity considering Regina’s reputation, but you knew tutoring would look great on your college application. You accepted Ms. Norbury’s request and so started your relationship with Regina George. 
At first, she sat across from you in the empty cafeteria after school, chomping loudly on her gum and texting a thousand words a minute. Her behavior continued every day that week and by Friday, you’d had enough. 
“Regina, stop wasting my time and pay attention.” You finally snapped after she blew an obnoxiously large pink bubble with her gum. Regina’s eyes slowly rose from her phone screen to you. 
“What did you just say to me?” Her eyes resting on you instantly made you lose the confidence you just had. 
“Oh-I…I meant you should pay attention. I’m trying to teach you, so you don’t fail your next algebra test.” You smiled nervously as Regina’s gaze dug further into you. After a few more moments of intense staring, the blonde let out a scoff. 
“You know, you’re actually kind of cute.” Her blue eyes looked you over, this time in a more flirtatious way. You felt like a lamb dangling over a hungry mountain lion. 
“Thanks.” You nervously looked away and rubbed the back of your neck in an attempt to get any relief from Regina’s presence. 
“So, you agree? You think you’re cute.” 
“Umm…I mean, I don’t really know.” Regina’s smile softened and she looked at you as if you were a lost puppy. Without warning, the blonde stood up and made her way to your side of the table. She sat down in the seat beside you and scooted as close as she possibly could, causing your face to warm and your heart to beat faster. 
“Have you ever kissed anyone, Y/n?” Regina questioned with her pointer and middle finger dancing on your thigh. Your throat went dry at the mention of the one thing you were embarrassed of. In a school full of hormonal teenagers, you were truly the only one who hadn’t kissed anyone yet. You were kicking yourself for accidentally telling Karen the sensitive information during a bonfire last year. 
“You know the answer, Regina.” You said with a defeated exhale. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at Regina, instead, you kept your eyes glued to the table. Suddenly, the two fingers that danced on your thigh were placed gently under your chin, forcing you to look at the blonde beside you. Her eyes were kinder, and her smile was still soft, making you feel less embarrassed. 
“It’s okay, you don’t need to be embarrassed.” You didn’t say anything, instead, you softly smiled and took in Regina’s features. You had never noticed how pretty her eyes were or how full her lips were. 
“Do you want to kiss me, Y/n?” Regina’s eyebrows lifted with the question. Without even thinking, you blurted out the answer. 
“Yes.” You swore for a moment Regina began to blush as she pushed a few stray hairs away from her face. 
“Okay. Close your eyes.” 
You did as you were told. For a moment, you were worried it was all just a prank, but when you felt Regina’s lips press against yours, you knew it had to be real. You did your best to reciprocate the kiss, causing Regina to let out a small moan, which caused your stomach to flip about ten times. Suddenly, you felt Regina’s hands find your neck and her perfectly manicured nails rested on the nape of your neck, effectively pulling you in deeper. 
The sound of a door slamming shut caused both of you to pull away quickly. You couldn’t help but stare at Regina with a bewildered look, seriously questioning if the kiss happened. 
“Wow, you're a pretty good kisser, Nerd.” 
“T-Thanks. You’re good too.” You sputtered with the most nervous tone you had ever heard from yourself. The blonde laughed before running her fingers along the edge of her lips to wipe away any smeared lip gloss. 
“I know.”  The two of you sat in silence for what felt like hours before Regina spoke up. 
“So, I’ll see you on Monday then.” She quickly stood up and gathered her things as if nothing had happened. 
“I’ll see you on Monday.” You echoed, wiping Regina’s cherry flavored lip gloss off your lips. 
“Bye, Nerd.” 
“Bye, Regina.” 
Almost a full year later and your hookups with Regina were still going strong. In fact, ever since Cady Heron started causing drama between the girls, you had been spending all of eighth period in the back seat of Regina’s Jeep, making out like it was your last moments on earth. Not to mention, secretly hooking up with the queen bee of North Shore gave you a major confidence boost that even Regina noticed. Your relationship had even gone to the next level: texting each other about things that didn’t involve when and where to hookup. 
You were sitting in Trigonometry when your phone pinged. You quickly checked it, not wanting to risk Ms. Norbury confiscating it. It wasn’t much of a surprise to see that Regina had texted you. 
RG: Sweatpants are the only things that fit me right now 
Y/n: So? 
RG: So? Jesus Y/n. I can’t wear sweatpants to lunch! 
Y/n: Because of the stupid rules YOU made?
RG: They aren’t stupid 
Y/n: I’m sure it’ll be fine. The girls will understand 
“Y/n, care to share with that class what on your phone is so important that you’re missing out on practice test questions?” 
“No. Sorry, Ms. Norbury. It won’t happen again.” 
“Good. Now, as I was saying…” You watched Ms. Norbury turn to write something on the board and quickly sent another text to Regina. 
Y/n: Just got called out by Norbury for texting you. Hope you’re happy 
You went the rest of class without hearing from Regina. In fact, you went most of the day without hearing from her. It was a little weird, but you knew she had a lot going on and it wasn’t like you needed constant communication with each other. 
When lunch came around, it was the same old same old. You sat down with some of your other tutor friends and talked about your day. As Daisy Smith talked about her failed attempt to teach Karen about fractions, you saw Regina walk towards The Plastics. True to her word, she wore gray sweatpants that grabbed your, and several others, attention. You didn’t eye Regina for long, not wanting anyone to accuse you of being a creep or being in love with her. You looked down at your lunch only for the room to suddenly go quiet. 
“You can’t sit with us!” Gretchen’s voice echoed through the silent room. No one dared to even gasp as Regina fired back. 
“Sweatpants are all that fit me right now.” Even though you couldn’t see her face, you could tell Regina was talking through gritted teeth. 
“What do you think, Cady?” Gretchen asked, her voice once again echoing through the room. 
“Sorry, Regina. Rules are rules.” Seeing the sly look on Cady’s face made you want to march over to her and smash a tray of food in her face. You knew that would lead to a suspension, so you made a mental note to figure out some way to get back at Cady that wouldn’t result in a week off school.
Regina turned around to see every eye in that room on her. You could tell by the look on her face that for once, she hated the attention. Not a single person in that room moved to make room for Regina as she walked down the aisle. 
“Daisy, scoot down.” You quickly nudged the redhead to make room for Regina.
“Regina, you can sit with us.” You offered, eyes slightly full of hope that she would accept the offer and somehow make the situation better.
“I’m not sitting with you losers.” She spat out as she stormed past your table. 
“What a bitch.” Glenn Coco scoffed. Your blood boiled at Glenn’s comment, but you knew you had to play it cool to avoid any suspicion. 
“Guys, I forgot my math book in Ms. Norbury’s. I’m going to grab it really quick.” 
You quickly got up from the table, leaving your tray behind, and stormed off to find Regina. You searched her usual hangout spots, the maintenance room and the girl’s locker room in the gym. When you didn’t find her in either place, you made your way to the only other place she could be, the parking lot.
Sure enough, as you approached her Jeep, you saw Regina sitting in the passenger seat. Even from far away, you could tell she was crying. Cautiously, you approached the car and tapped on her window. The blonde’s head instantly shot up, revealing her red eyes and mascara stained cheeks. You had never seen Regina cry before, and the sight actually shocked you to your core. Without saying a word, you walked over to the driver’s side and climbed in. 
“What are you doing?” Regina questioned through sniffles as you put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking spot. 
“I’m taking you home.” Your hands gripped the steering wheel a little tighter when you noticed a picture of Regina, Karen, and Gretchen resting on her dashboard as you drove out of the parking lot. 
“I don’t need you to take me home.” Regina tried to use her usual venomous tone, but it came out shaky and pitiful. 
“I don’t care if you need me to. I want to take you home. That was fucking ridiculous.” 
After a few minutes of silence, you looked over to see tears still rolling down Regina’s face. Based on how her bottom lip was quivering, you knew Regina really needed to cry. You carefully reached your right hand over to Regina and grabbed her hand. 
“It’s okay to cry. They tried to humiliate you in front of the whole school. You don’t have to hide it from me.” You squeezed Regina’s hand, which caused her to quickly pull her hand away. 
“I am not crying because of those bitches. I’m crying because all I can wear is sweatpants and my mascara is ruined.” That time Regina was able to spit out her usual venom. While her tone would intimidate most people, it let you know Regina was going to be okay. 
“Those are still valid reasons to cry.” You said matter-of-factly. You felt Regina’s eyes land on you again, causing you to glance over at her. 
“Why are you so nice to me all the time?” 
“Because I’m a nice person.” You shrugged, not wanting to give away your true feelings for Regina. 
“I think it’s because you like me.” 
“And what if I did?” You replied without missing a beat. Once again, you were kicking yourself for not thinking before you spoke. 
“I’d have to give you a makeover. I can’t date anyone who dresses like that.” 
“What’s wrong with the way I dress?” 
“Nothing, if you’re going for a grocery store clerk.” You scoffed and acted offended by Regina’s words, which made the blonde crack a smile. 
“I do not dress like a grocery store clerk.” 
You both chuckled as you pulled up to the George's home. You instantly took note that Mrs. George’s car was missing from the driveway. 
“Do you want to come in? My mom isn’t home.” Regina looked at you with hopeful eyes. Not wanting to leave Regina alone after a traumatic event, you decided that it would be a good idea for you to stick around for a little while longer.
“Yeah, I’ll come in for a little bit.” 
You turned off the car and let Regina take the lead into her home. The second the front door closed behind you, Regina took your hand and led you up to her room. 
“Shoes off and get on the bed.” The blonde commanded.
“Regina, I don’t think we should-”
“Relax, Nerd. I just want you to hold me and tell me I’m pretty.” 
You quickly kicked your shoes off and lied down on the right side of the bed. Once you were comfortable, Regina joined you. Within seconds, her head found a comfortable spot on your chest, resting between your jaw and collarbone. Her hand found its way down to your stomach and balled the fabric of your shirt into her hand. After Regina was comfortable, you snaked your arm around her and held her close. You couldn’t help but look down at the blonde with a smile. When she wasn’t ruining people’s lives, Regina was actually kind of sweet. 
“Hey, Regina?”
“What, Nerd?” 
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You could feel Regina’s smirk against your neck, which only made you fall a little harder for her.
You laid there, holding the blonde like your life depended on it. Your mind couldn’t help but wonder about finally telling Regina how you felt about her. It seemed like a good idea, especially after a hard day, but the thought of losing her stopped you. So, you just let Regina George, the meanest girl in North Shore, sleep on your chest while you held her close. 
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fos-tis-zois · 27 days
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thinking about co-worker!nanami kento who cannot stop staring at you every minute you are in the office.
the minute you step out of the elevator his eyes fall on your every movement. the way you rearrange your desk every morning before starting work, and what he would give to take you on your desk and eat you out until he cannot breathe. he probably still wouldn't stop. he watches you every day as you make your coffee and take your cup to your plump, glossy lips, breathing out a sense of relief after your first sip. ohh what he would give to be the one on your lips, tasting your sweet lip gloss mixed with caffeine, and giving you so much more relief than that cup. he knows he is not the only one looking at you. he sees all the other men in the office gawking at your ass hugging skirt, wanting to break their faces for even looking at the perfect body which only his discreet eyes deserved. his heart literally stops when you pass by his office and wave at him with a smile before you resume your work. and fuck….what he would do to see how that pretty mouth looks when he bends you over his desk and pounds you till fucking oblivion, if your sweet pussy can even take him all in. it had almost become a ritual to get a hard on every morning after seeing you, but he was learning to keep it hidden.
he had to keep all of this in, always. he respected the work you did and knew you saw him as a mentor. he did not want to break that trust in any way by letting you know even a little about the lewd thoughts he has been having of you. but all his caution went out the window one day when he saw you in the office lounge, getting lunch with the team. even though you were at a different table with your friend, he could not help but be jealous of the sauce coating your lips, his thoughts once again getting the best of him. the fact that you were wearing a tight shirt which accentuated your perfect big b🍒bs was not helping kento's mind from everything unholy. the tipping point was when a dollop of the sauce fell on your chest, right above your tits. you laughed with your friend about it, and wiped it off your chest with your finger and put it in your mouth to lick the sauce off. it is as if this whole thing took place in slow motion in front of kento's eyes. he immediately became so hard that he had to excuse himself saying he had an important meeting pushed up that he needed to attend. he literally had to hide himself with the empty tray he was holding, lest his co-workers see the excruciating situation your existence had put him in.
as if this was not enough, his karmic slap was when an important meeting really did get pushed up which you had to attend with him and you both got loaded with a lot of work to finish within a really time crunched deadline. this meant kento had to stay late, even pull an all-nighter maybe. that part really wasn’t difficult. what was difficult was that he had to do this with you. “You do not have to stay Y/n, it has been a long day, you are free to go home,” he tried to make you leave to relieve the sexual tension building in his pants. “thank you nanami-san, but according to this schedule we will have to finish up the presentations by tonight to meet the deadlines, it will be faster if i stay back with you too”. this is the work ethic he really did respect in you, really made restricting his urges worth it. he smiled ever so slightly and said, “You can call me Kento”. “but you’re my senior”, you hushed. “Finee, you can call me Kento when it’s just the two of us. better?” he offered. “yes, kento”, you replied. his name sounded sweeter than honey to him in your voice. he tried to shake all his thoughts away and threw himself to work.
an hour or so later, you got up to stretch out your back. nanami did not want to look but oof- the way your shirt was clinging to that perfect waist, he seemed to get frozen in time just looking at you again. “it seems like we are going to be here for a few more hours, i'm going to start a pot of coffee, want some?”, you asked, breaking his daze. “Um, what? Yeah sure coffee sounds good”, he musters, hoping you did not catch the way he was staring. you lean next to him to pick his mug up from the table, where the sight of your perfect tits got in his eyeline, and it’s like nanami forgot how to breathe. he immediately got up, entranced in your smell and almost put his hands on the small of your back to pull you close but stopped when he saw you looking at him, holding the two mugs in both your hands, confused. “Y/n…”, he started, “You are free to stop me or report me or whatever you deem necessary, but on the off chance you are okay with it, can I please kiss you?”
little did he know that you had been waiting for ages for him to ask you this. you were secretly delighted when he had been assigned your mentor. not only was he mind-blowingly good looking, he was extremely passionate, which was reflected in his work. you always wondered how that passion would convert when he took you, hopefully roughly, and made you his. you knew his eyes were on you when you entered in the mornings; you chose outfits that would make his eyes linger on your body more. as much as you respected your senior and knew this could not really happen, the forbiddenness of this dynamic was what turned you on every time you saw him, dressed up in his tight suits each time. you could not help but peek at his ass when he walked past you, or take a whiff of his sexy cologne everytime you walked together to or from conference rooms. you purposely greeted him every morning, hoping that one of the days he would finally break in and initiate something with you. you could not believe this was happening either when he finally asked you for a kiss.
“oh my god kentoo…”
“I’m sorry y/n, it was stupid-”
“i didn’t say no.
he looked at you in disbelief like he needed you to say it again. “please kiss me, kento”, you obliged. he did not have to be told a third time. he immediately crashed his lips on you, pulling you closer to him, his hands firm on your waist that he was admiring mere minutes ago. you close your arms around his neck, making the empty mugs you're holding crash into each other but neither of you cared about that at the moment. he takes one hand up to your neck and pulls your face closer to his, his other hand being on your ass squeezing it and pulling it towards his covered cock. you feel your effect on his bulging cock and curve your hips even more to press his cock onto you deeper. your hands move around the man’s entire body, lingering at his pecs and biceps. your lips aren’t stopping and he bites your lower lip softly, lips he has been looking at every morning wanting to do this forever. you part your lips and let his tongue explore every corner of your mouth. your tongues fight for dominance, neither of you wanting to let go for even a second. he breaks the kiss and attacks your neck, licking and biting like an animal in heat. he takes his one hand in your hair and pulls it down, giving him more access to your pretty neck. he moves from the neck to your ear lobes, licking it clean like a cat. your knees melt at his warm saliva being across your face, but still wanting so much more. he pulls your shirt open in with a sharp tug, letting the buttons fall loose on the floor. you open your mouth to protest, but it is replaced by the moans coming out of your mouth as he takes your tits out from your bra and puts one nipple in his mouth, flicking it with his tongue. as he is playing with your nipples, he pulls your skirt up from behind and squeezes your ass, making you moan his name loudly, “aaah kento!” he looks back at you and whispers in his deep gravel voice, “my name has never sounded sweeter to me”, and kisses you again, with vigor, as if breathing was less important than kissing you at the moment. you pull his tie out and throw it on the table and undo all his buttons so you can see his sexy chiseled abs, the one you have been imagining on your lonely nights. you run your hand across his body, your fingers lightly touching his nipple. little did you know that was his sensitive spot. he breaks off the kiss and looks at you with his darkened eyes, “kneel.”
it's like his voice cast a spell on you, and you instantly fell on your knees. it is as if heavens itself had told you to kneel and with a voice like nanami’s, it really seemed heavenly. you immediately started unbuckling his belt and removing his slacks to relieve the pressure on his bulging dick. it sprang up as soon as you removed his boxers, and you gasped. nanami was chiseled like a greek god. you had only imagined what his perfect cock would look and feel like in you, but this was so much more. he was big, but not just long. he was girthy, and you wondered if you could even fit him in your mouth. but you had wanted this as much as nanami and you were ready to take all his stress away. you looked up at him as you took his throbbing veiny dick in your hand, and licked it fully from the end of his balls all the way to the tip of his fat cock. he winced, finally having your warm tongue on his cock, something he had literally dreamed about. you swirl your tongue in circles around his tip, making him throw his head back in pleasure and anticipation. once you have teased him enough, you take it whole in your mouth, almost hitting your throat. you bob your head up and down, letting your saliva lube up his cock fully while you play with his cum filled balls with one hand. you feel his dick hit your throat over and over, but you love it. “Oh baby, you’re doing so well, taking me in completely, fuckk--ahh-- keep going”, nanami’s words gave you an extra jolt of energy and you took his dick completely in, and took your tongue slightly out to lick his balls at the same time. this made him almost feral, and you started feeling his cock vibrate against your cheeks. he took your hair in his hands and tugged it roughly, making you insanely horny. “darling i'm going to come so soon, get your mouth out”, he said trying to remove your mouth from his dick. you look up, lick his precum from your lips and say, “i want you to cum in my mouth, sir.” calling him sir awakened some kink in him and he thrust his cock into your pretty fucking throat and came instantly. you looked up, swallowed all his warm cum and smiled at him.
he got you up and lifted you by your waist and sat you on his desk. “Didn't realize you were this slutty, Y/n” he mocked. “only for you, sir” you countered with a devious smile. he removed the remnant of your shirt and bra and pulled your skirt down while his mouth worked wild on your boobs, biting and sucking them, to make sure he left his mark. he took his fingers over your clothed pussy and found a wet mess down there. “So wet f’ me, pretty? It’s as if you have wanted to fuck me all this while”, he teased you. “you were not the only one looking at me every morning”, you teased back, looking deep into his almond brown eyes. he smiled and put his hands inside your lacy panties and inserted his long middle finger inside your folds while using his thumb to rub circles on your clit. “ken--” you mewl at the unknown sensation, wanting it more and more. “You like, baby?”, he asks. “yes....” you whisper in reply. he puts his finger deeper and harder, “yes who?” “yes, sir”, you gulp. “Good girl”, he said and licked your earlobes while finger fucking your wet mess of a cunt. he yanked your panties down and took his tongue at your dripping folds and licked it generously. “ohh….fuck…ahhhhh”, you breathed out, tangling your fingers in his yellow locks. he held you stable by your ass, massaging it to relax your core muscles even more. you were getting wetter by the second, having his big nose propped up against your clit while he ate your wet pussy like it was his last meal. “fuck…sir, please don't stop, oh god….” you whimper, mentally surrendering to your sexy boss sending you to heaven. he started rubbing circles on your clit suddenly and you let a sharp exhale out, feeling yourself get close. “sir, im very close…”, you mewl out. he immediately takes his tongue out, to your dismay, and faces you. “you're not allowed to cum yet, my pretty little slut”, he said gravely, sending goosebumps down your spine. he hastily flipped you around and bent you over his desk, like he had imagined every morning. he spanked your soft ass hard, watching it jiggle against his dick. “sir…” you cried out, “please fuck me..”. “So impatient”, nanami huffed. he took his tip close to your wet folds and slapped his cock against it. your frustration had you gripping the edge of the desk. you looked back at him to beg, “sir ple-”, you did not get to finish as nanami started ramming your wet fucking cunt raw, as he spanked your ass more and more. “aaah, yess sir fuckk…” you cry out in pure bliss, your legs shaking as his fat veiny cock goes all the way to your intestines. “Mmm, you like it when i fuck you dumb princess? Is this how you think about your office seniors, my slutty little minx?" nanami groaned. he lifted your chest up a little from the desk and started pinching and pulling your nipples, while still ramming you from behind. you were helplessly standing there, using your hands to balance you on the desk with your tongue hanging, legs shaking and ass jiggling under this perfect man fucking you. he continued until you both came, moans mixing together to create the most lustful amalgam of voices.
“You can wear my shirt”, he said as he saw you looking at your shirt with its buttons lost on the ground in dismay.
“thanks, kento”, you cooed as you shyly took his shirt from his hand, taking in his scent.
before you could retract your hand, he took his hands in yours and pulled you closer, “I had planned to do this the other way around, but can I please take you out tomorrow?” he asked, looking deep in your eyes. you were finally being asked out, you could hardly contain your happiness. “kento, yes wow, i would love to but…”, “but?”, “well don't you think we would be here again tomorrow getting the deadline finished?”, you said, dejectedly. “Oh wow, the deadline. Your pretty pussy got me so drunk I forgot other things even existed.” he sighed. “Well, as long as I'm spending the time with you, i don't have any complaints”, he smiled at you, a proper rare nanami kento smile, and you knew you were head over heels in love with this beautiful man.
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demiesworld · 10 months
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☆ pairings: satoru gojo, suguru geto, kento nanami, toji fushiguro, & ryomen sukuna x fem!reader
☆ synopsis: jjk men having sex with you during their work hours.
☆ contents: nsfw, smut, public sex, office sex (in gojo's & nanami's), bathroom sex (in sukuna's), car sex (in geto's), closet sex (in toji's), brief mention of adultery in toji's, p-in-v, unprotected sex, cowgirl (in geto's), doggystyle (in sukuna's), standing (in toji's), missionary (in gojo's & nanami's), kissing, creampie, spanking, dirty talking, quickies, dub-con (in sukuna's), just the usual filth
☆ notes: reader is a female and uses she/her pronouns. reader is mentioned to be out of college in sukuna's but she is of legal age.
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— satoru gojo: "the wife"
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you had only showed up to satoru's job just to drop off the lunch you packed for him that he accidentally left at home. you can't remember what led up to you being splayed over your husband's desk, legs spread open, and his tall, slender body in between your thighs. all you can remember was losing your panties, your dressed hiked up your stomach, before his girthy cock slid in between your folds and was stretching you open.
"h-haaaa... sato-satoruuu..." you moan out his name and arch your back up from the cold wooden desk. "satoru, hm, fuhh..."
here in his office, thankful that the door automatically locked, your husband used your body to his pleasure. satoru's hands gripped on your waist whilst he held you in that position, keeping you from moving away from his dick as he jackhammered right into your sweet spot. soft, low-pitched moans echoed from satoru. the feeling of your warm wet heat sucking in his cock caused him not to think straight.
"goddd baby, your tight little cunt always does this to meee..." he whines out, increasing his thrusts into your pussy.
your breath hitched and your walls contracted on satoru's length, "a-ahh! s-satoru, satoru, im cumming! im cumming! cum-INGGG!!!"
as you were announcing that you were close his deft fingers went to your clit, rubbing it in tight quick circles, and that became your undoing. your walls tightened around satoru and sticky cream coated his throbbing cock.
satoru moaned when he saw your cum painting his shaft. he kept pounding into you after you came, trying to chase his own end desperately. his narrowed hips kept slapping into yours alongside with his taut balls smacking against your taint.
"fuck baby, fuck baby, fuck baby," as he blurted out those words, his voice was getting higher and breathless, "im gonna cum. im gonna cum, oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fu-ughh!" satoru slammed into your cunt a few more times before his body stilled and he came deep into your womb.
you place a hand on your lower stomach the moment you felt a warmness pool into your belly. you sit up from the desk, one leg propped up on the edge the other draped over satoru's arm. your eyes look down at the trail of cum that was flowing out when your husband slid out.
satoru's notorious bubbly laughter sounded in the large office room. "ahaha! ooh baby, wasn't that fun?" he says.
"y-yeah b-but satoru we- HM!"
you were cut off when his fingers entered in your heat and were fingering the remnants of his cum out of you. your arms slung around his shoulders followed by your lips pressing against his soft ones. satoru's tongue rolled over with yours. his perfect teeth nibbled on your lower lip before he delved his tongue back into your mouth. puffs of air exhaled out from your mouths as you two kissed.
"hm, ah, i still have thirty minutes left on my lunch break baby."
you were confused when he removed his fingers until satoru flipped you over on your stomach on the desk. he folded your dress over your back and hastily re-entered your pussy. a loud moan almost slipped past your lips if satoru hadn't slapped his hand over your mouth.
"ssh, we don't want to get caught," satoru whispered into your ear just before he jerked his hips forward and hit your sweet spot again. a cocky smirk on that pretty face of his, "do we baby?"
you don't know if you want to bring him his lunch again after today.
— suguru geto: "the assistant"
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his pretty little personal assistant. you were just supposed to be a temporary fill-in while his other assistant was out on maternity leave. however, the temporary position became part-time then full-time, and by the time suguru's old assistant was back from their leave he had to find them another job. simply because he was stuck on you. not only did you follow his directions perfectly; you were punctual with completing assignments, you were eidetic in remembering his coffee order, and you liked suguru.
suguru wasn't dumb. he noticed those long, hopeful gazes you'd give him when you think he wasn't looking. he knows you deliberately changed your style in clothing. you went from wearing modest attire to body tight dresses, skirts and blouses. anything that showed off that unique figure you had. suguru knew you liked him.
he liked you too.
maybe a little too much for a worker's code of conduct.
"ah, ah, ah! suguru! suguruuu!"
after inviting you out to eat lunch together at some local bistro, he returned to the parking garage and convinced you into joining him in the backseat of his lexus. he was thankful that he had dark tinted windows and put up the sunshade on the windshield. had suguru not, people would be able to see his assistant riding his dick like a motorbike.
his long black hair was cascading down his face, sweat dampening his tresses and sticking it to his ivory skin. you were both half-clothed in his car. your blouse opened, tits hanging out of your bra and panties discarded on his backseat floor. suguru's shirt was off and pants were pulled down to his ankles as he sat in the middle seat. he hand his hands holding onto your round ass cheeks. he kept them spread open, his thumb tracing your rim, but not pressing into it.
"i thought i'd never get to feel this tight pussy on my cock. hmm, ahh, it was worth the wait sweetheart."
you jolt as his heavy hand popped you on your ass cheek. your fingers dug into his shoulders trying to balance yourself as your thighs started to tremble from bouncing up and down on him so much. you whimpered his name loudly, "suguru!" and leaned forward to grab the headrest behind his head. your breasts smothering his face.
suguru hungrily attached his lips on your nipple sucking on it like a parched man. his tongue wetted your nub, and teeth gnawed it between them. your boss wetly smacked his lips off of your nipple to bring the same attention to the other one.
you tossed your head back as you were getting stimulated by suguru's mouth on your breasts. you stopped bouncing on him to push his head closer to your tits. slowly you rotated your hips on his cock, your eyes roll back into your skull.
"uh, ah, c-cumming, suguru,"
"hmm..." suguru licks his lips after releasing your nipple and husked, "let me help you with that sweetie."
"uhhh..." you sigh.
suguru's hands hooked underneath your arms and held you tight by the shoulders. his feet were firmly planted onto the floor. suddenly your body was being pounded into from underneath. suguru's bulbous head kept ramming right into your sensitive nerve. your eyes widened and you gasped in shock.
"sugu- suguru! 'guru, 'guru! ah! UHHH!!!"
your walls squeezed his cock tight, and body went tense as you came all over him. your juices streaming on to his groin and drenching his skin in your essence. while you were cumming, suguru kept ramming deep into your haven. his tip kissing your cervix with each time he thrusted up.
he clenches his jaw when he felt his stomach tightening and a tight knot building up in his body. suguru's arms went slack yet they still embraced you as he railed a few more times into your heat.
"shit, shit, shit, ohh yesss!"
suguru holds your body down on his cock til you're buried to the hilt while he cums into your womb. your body shudders and sore legs twitch when you feel his cum leaking out of your pussy. even with his cock inside his thick beads of cum drips out and covers your folds and his shaft. his hand reaches in between to jerk himself off to shoot more of his load on your fluttering lips.
"mmhm, that looks so much nicer."
oh yeah, suguru liked you a little too much.
— kento nanami: "the friend"
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every morning when kento walks into the office he is greeted by your bright and smiling face. your sweet voice addresses him with a soft "hello" and a wave of your hand. to which kento would wave back to you and briskly walks to his assigned cubicle in the office building. his cubicle just so happened to be right next to yours and you two are one of the few people who like to eat their lunches at their desk.
you two become more or less friends at the office. kento would assist you with some job tasks that you weren't quite well-skilled in. and he would seek for your help with some of his duties as well. together you both helped each other thrive to keep the money flowing into your pockets. sometimes you took lunches outside of the building as partners and enjoy each other's company.
kento likes his job. although what he doesn't like about it, is when it gets to the "rush season" of the job. he calls it that because lots of calls come in, and kento gets so behind on his paperwork that he winds up having to work overtime into the dead of night. he is the only person that he knows of that works overtime.
except that all changes when he returns to the office at 7pm at night and sees a light from a computer emanating in the office room. at first he thought one of his co-workers had forgot to shut down their computer. kento was just about to shut it off himself, until he notices that the computer light was strangely located right where your desk was at. as he got closer he saw the top of your head and the soft clicking of keyboard keys.
"y/n?" he softly calls out.
you whip your head around when you heard your name only to be surprised and smile when you see kento. "ah, kento! i didn't think anyone would be here."
"neither did i. are you behind on work as well?"
you nodded your head and explained to him why you were working late. you told him what assignments you weren't able to complete during normal operation hours. kento shared with you his own troubles. afterwards you and him went to your respective desks and worked.
kento was typing away on his computer keyboard when he heard you call his name about two hours into the late-night working. he pauses in filling in the spreadsheet and goes to your cubicle. you were having trouble trying to calculate some numbers. kento leaned over your seated form and helped you with it.
"you smell really good kento."
he cracked a small smile at your compliment. "thank you."
somehow that one compliment was followed by another compliment by kento towards your hair. then it leads to you rubbing your legs together, kento's large hand holding yours over the mouse, and in a blur your mouths were massaging each other's lips. hands were groping at body parts that would be deemed as inappropriate during work hours. soft moans were coming from you when kento lifted you up from the wheeled chair and sat you on top of the desk.
"hahh... kentooo."
you moan out his name when his cock buried into your pussy. your skirt was discarded, panties hanging off one ankle, and that same leg hanging over kento's shoulder. his cock was stretching your walls nicely, and your slick made it easier for him to slide back and forth. he places a hand on your covered breast and squeezes the flesh there in his palm. at the same time he's bucking his hips into yours.
"damn, you're so hot, so tight, and so damn good. ah, you feel so good!" kento growls, "im so sorry y/n, b-but i don't think i wanna- fuck- stop!"
"then don't stop, ah, k-kento k-keep fucking meee! oh! oh!"
kento grabs your other leg and places it over his vacant shoulder. he pulls his hips back shortly then slams forward. your voice bounces out a moan. his thrusts are slow and hard. you could feel him slide out from your slickened entrance then harshly pound into your core.
"don't stop? you don't want me to- hnng- stop?"
"fuhhh!! fuck! you're gonna make me cum kento!"
"oh yeah? then let's make, hah, you cum then!"
he leans his body over yours, forcing your legs into a position where your knees were touching your chest. your eyes went cross-eyed when kento sped up his thrusts and was pummeling into your sweet spot. you were seeing stars and couldn't think straight with him fucking you like this.
you couldn't warn him as your legs trembled and walls clamped around his dick when you came. kento had to find out by feeling the tightness of your pussy and your nectar spilling onto his groin. he let out a low guttural groan, sliding out till just the tip was inside of you, letting your walls flutter on his head. kento sheathed himself back into your heat, he attempted to return to the pace and rhythm he had set. unfortunately he was losing control over it. it became sloppy as he chased down his own orgasm.
"ha, ha, fuck, fuck," his hand held your ankle and his mouth pressed against it, kissing it tenderly while he pounded. "fuck y/n, y/n, fuck, fuck, oh fu- hnng!!" he stilled his hips and grinded into your pussy as he came into your womb. kento lazily rocked his hips letting your cunt milk him of every drop till he finally pulled out.
the blonde-haired man tilted his head back and released a long satisfied sigh.
he could handle working overtime if it meant working it with you.
— toji fushiguro: "the mistress"
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it was no surprise amongst the people at the company about the relationship the boss, toji fushiguro, had with his young, lively secretary. everyone knew what you and him had going on. since the moment you were hired to be toji's new secretary the man couldn't keep his eyes nor his hands off of you. lingering touches in the break room, subtle glances during conference meetings, and extended lunches you and him took together.
everyone at the company knew of the relationship.
everyone except for mr. fushiguro's wife.
after the wife of your boss had generously dropped off a homemade lunch she cooked for him, toji called you into his office through the phone. you entered the large office room, a frown on your face and arms crossed over your chest.
"what do you want toji?"
toji raised an eyebrow by your sudden attitude, yet he didn't seem to show any sort of reaction to it. instead he opened the tupperware with the meal his wife cooked for him. the smell of spices intoxicated the air.
"come and try this, i want to see what you think of-"
"im not eating that."
your boss lifted his head up and looked at your cold expression. toji smirks and leans back in his chair. "why not?"
"im on a diet."
on a diet huh? toji internally says to himself. he closes the lid on the container and stands up from his desk. your boss doesn't say a word as he walks over to you and grabs you by the arm whilst dragging you out of his office. as he walks past his assistant, shiu kong, he tells him that he's taking an extended lunch and to send any incoming calls to voicemail. shiu watches as you struggle in toji's hold before you both turn a corner and disappear doing only what shiu knows as morally wrong.
you're trapped in a cramped janitor's closet with him. he has you pressed up against a wall, your legs feet above the ground since he has them around his narrow waist, and his thick cock sinking deeper into your pussy.
your buttoned blouse was open, exposing your bouncing tits and hard nipples. the skirt you wore might as well just be trash since toji ripped it off. thank goodness you always carried an extra pair when you were at work. due to toji wanting to fuck you wherever, whenever, you mutually agreed that wearing panties would be pointless.
"stupid girl. i dick you down, i fucking, ugh! i fucking pay your stupid ass and you wanna give me attitude?" toji grunted in between the callous thrusts he gave, "all because of her?"
you don't answer his question, you're either too fucked out on his dick or you're scared to answer. either way, toji continues his rant, "who's the one i eat lunch with? who- fuck, who do i fucking take with me on those business trips? huh? it's you, isn't it?" the moment toji expects an answer out from you, you don't give it. which prompts him to grasp you by your neck, slightly choking you, and he growls, jackhammering his hips onto yours, "i said it's you, isn't IT?!"
"YES, YES, YES! it's me daddy! fuck!" you push your pelvis towards his own. meeting his ruthless thrusts half-way. your back arches up from the wall as you claw your fingers onto his back. toji feels this and he squeezes your neck again. a silent warning not to leave any marks on him. you recognize this and whimper, "im sorry daddy, im sorry, 'orry,"
toji growls into your ear, "you're gonna change that fucking attitude then?" you frantically nod your head and the wordless response results in a loud smack on the ass from toji. you yelp, and he smacks your ass again. hard enough to leave a bruise. "ha, you better fucking answer- hng me girl."
"y-yes daddy! yes daddy, daddy yes, fuck!"
satisfied with your answer, toji's hand around your neck loosens and he shifts his head so he could kiss you roughly. it's a sloppy mess of tongues licking, lips suckling, and teeth nipping. but it's carnal enough to have you gasping for air in between the tangles of wet kisses.
toji lets go of your addictive lips and glanced down at where you two were connected. "im gonna cum inside, you're still on the pill right?"
you nod your head, and tightened your cunt around his length, that was the encouragement he needed to cum. toji's thrusts became quick and hard until they stopped when he slammed deep. his body stilled while he came inside of you. toji fucks his cum languidly in and out of you before he slid out and the thick blobs of his liquid streams down your legs.
"heh, that's what i like to see."
as you two were getting dressed, you looked down at your torn skirt then up at toji. "you have to go grab me another skirt, i can't walk out there like this." he looked at you up and down, and when you gave him a pleading look he sighed and left to go grab you your backup skirt.
when the door shut you rolled your eyes and leaned against the wall. a sinister grin grew on your lips when you recalled toji's question before he came inside of you. "you're still on the pill right?" you mimic his voice inside of the closet and say, "yeah, im still on the pill."
"i was on it two weeks ago."
— ryomen sukuna: "the new girl"
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ryomen sukuna was a feared man. he was what the people in the business industry called the "merchant of death" he owned a multi-billion dollar company that stem from generation to generation. no one dared to cross ryomen. no one dared to make ryomen upset with them for the fear of what he could to do to their company. he was thought of as a feared man to everyone that knew him.
everyone except you. the new girl that worked in the human resources department of his company.
he didn't know much about you, he just knew that you were fresh out of college. you were still in training to work in HR and you had just started working for him a week ago. ryomen only encounters you during conference meetings, and even then he doesn't say a word to you. yet you greet him, you try to talk to him, you even compliment him on his suits.
maybe ryomen is confused, and forgot what it meant to be good-natured. either way he corners you in the unisex bathroom stall. locking the door behind him after he'd shoved you into the 4x4 cube.
"what is it that you want from me?"
"you heard me!" you flinch when he yells at you. he's standing just an arms length away from you his fists clenched at his sides. "you've been constantly pestering me. smiling at me, batting those eyes at me, and commenting on my clothes."
you slowly blink at him and softly respond. "mr. sukuna, i don't... i don't see you in that way."
"eh? so you don't think i'm attractive?"
"what- wait! n-no! i mean! mr. sukuna, you're putting me in a tight spot!"
ryomen snorts, "i'm putting you in a tight spot?! darling, you're not going to be in a tight spot." he inches closer to you, backing you against the sink in the bathroom stall. your back hits the ceramic just as his face is just centimeters away from yours. "but i will be."
you had yourself bent over the bathroom sink, standing in front of the mirror with the owner of a multi-billion dollar company pummeling his hard cock into your tight cunt. your pants were pulled down to your ankles, and your arms were clutched together by ryomen. he drove into your body with so much force, you were afraid at some point the sink you were leaning on would break. though that was the least of your concern. right now you were trying hard to be quiet while your boss practically ravaged you like an animal.
"hm! hm! hm! hm! mr. s-sukunaaaa... p-pluh-pleeease!"
a heavy hand slapped you on your ass. sharp finger nails dug into your flesh. "i don't want to hear that. call me by my name. ryooomennn." he growls.
you pant as you spread your legs wider and subconsciously threw your ass back on him. "ryo-ryomennn... ryomen!" you bit down on your bottom lip and squealed when you felt his tip hit your sensitive spot. "hnn!! ryomen, right there, right there, right there!"
ryomen cracks into a large arrogant grin. he watches himself fuck you, the new girl in HR, in the mirror. he sees that you have your head looking down and he can't see the expressions you're making on your face. ryomen grabs you by your head and positions you to look at yourself in the mirror.
"look! look at how stupid im making you look! aha! hng! fuck! you stupid, stupid girl." ryomen sneers. "i think, fuck, after this, i might just give you a promotion!"
your knees buckle and you make a strangled noise that's between a moan and a gasp. his cock is abusing your sweet spot, never relenting or showing you mercy. you stick out your tongue while you lock eyes with him in the mirror.
"a-aahhhh," you sigh out mindlessly.
ryomen laughs at your stupidity, though it abruptly stops when you wordlessly clench around his cock and you cum all over him. you squirt right onto his pelvis, with some of it landing on his prada loafers. he jerks you forward over the sink counter and slaps you on your ass cheek.
"you stupid girl! why didn't you tell me you were cumming?"
"hmm, ryo..men... ahh..."
he curls his lips in disgust at you, "damn maybe i did fuck you stupid then." he smirks widely and pulls his hips back, "oh well,"
you make another strangled noise when he slams right into your spot again. only this time your eyes roll back and you babble to yourself about how good he feels. ryomen lets go of your arms to slap both of his hands on your ass cheeks and roughly pound into you from behind. his balls slap against your clit each time his hips met the curve of your ass.
"haa, haa, fuck this pussy feels so damn good. too bad it belongs to a stupid whore like you!" he pants, giving your ass another smack with the flick of his wrist. "i think i'm about to cum, hng, ah, i wonder where... fuck where should i do it?"
you mumble, "in...s-siidee, insidddee,"
your boss cackles, "did you say i should cum inside you slut?" he grabs you by your neck and lightly presses down on your throat. "you don't tell me what to do," he hisses and his thrusts became sloppier and quicker. "what if i- what if i want to fucking cum... hm! o-on that fucking stupid face you have?" he grits his teeth, and hammers his cock in your creaming pussy. "or on those dumb things you call tits? m-maybe in that mouth of yours? ugh! fuck you're such a stupid girl! fuck, fuck, fuck, im gonna cum!"
ryomen hips stilled and he came with a loud guttural groan when he filled your pussy up with his heavy loads of cum. his dick was throbbing and spurting out his hot seed into your womb. filling you up nicely. he pulls his cock out of your heat, holding himself by the base and slapping his heavy tip against your puffy clit. meanwhile the remnants of his cum was dripping out of your hole and onto the floor in a puddle of white.
"ha, ha, haaaa... jesus christ girl. hm, from this day on you're going to be my personal assistant." he slaps his hand on your ass cheek again. "you're moving out of HR and you're going to be working for me. do you understand?"
you muster up a weak, "y-yes...s-sir."
ryomen smirks.
maybe he might enjoy your company, new girl.
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demie: NOW IM GONNA BE HONEST, WITH TOJI'S I LITERALLY DID NOT EXPECT TO WRITE THAT. BUT I WAS LIKE FUCK IT IM GONNA GO WITH IT. WE BABY TRAPPING THESE MOFOS. oh and if you peep into it, you can see that toji was basically fucking with reader's feelings by offering her food that his WIFE cooked for him. what a slap in the fucking face smfh deadbeat ass. also i stayed up till 1am on a work night finishing to write this w h e e z e s anyways imma take my ass to sleep now. GOOD NIGHT!!!
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thewriterwithnoplan · 2 months
Ferrari's Fairytale (1/3)
Summary: World Championships are the most important part of any Formula One team's history. Except perhaps, Ferrari's. Known for their rabid fans, filthy-rich investors, and pretty boy drivers it shouldn't be a surprise that the team has brought together Soulmates from across the globe. And fate, it seems, is working awfully hard to put all the pieces into place for Ferrari's perfect fairytale - one that's been in the works for decades now.
[Part 1 of Pretty Girls and Ferrari Boys]
Soulmate AU: Soulmates share injuries and pain.
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader (Eventual)
Word Count: 1650
Warnings: Swearing, no Charles in this first part sorry it's his epic love story and those take time ;)
There was something wrong with your soulmate.
Really there had been something wrong with them since you were eight years old. But right now, there was something particularly wrong with them.
“Just some bruising over the ribcage, but no actual damage internally.” The medic presses a latex covered hand gently against your ribs.
“They feel broken.” You suck in a pained breath and glare over her shoulder, at the little framed picture of her cat, Terror, on her desk. “You’re sure I’m not about to sneeze and puncture a lung?”
“Funny.” Though the look she gives you as she pulls off her gloves is less than amused. “Which one of us went to medical school again?”
“My best friend. You might know her. She’s stunning, generous, gives me free check-ups, did I say stunning? Goes by Sunny.”
“It’s Doctor Sunny to you.” She slingshots one of the gloves at you. “But it’s good to know you only keep me around for the free check-ups.”
“My soulmate would bankrupt me without you.”
Sunny taps at her computer, “The fee isn’t that high.”
“Sure,” You shrug. “If you aren’t in here every other week.”
“Have we ruled out hitman as their profession?”
“Since we were eight?”
“I don’t know much about hitmen, maybe they start them young.”
You lower yourself carefully from the observation table and move stiffly toward her desk. “Give it to me straight Doc. How much longer have I got?”
“I’m afraid you’ll live, ma’am.” Sunny doesn’t even look up. “A tragedy for all, I know. I can give you a moment if you need time to process– Ow! Bitch.”
She rubs at her shoulder and huffs.
“I’m going to have to log that in the database, you know.” She says.
“Good, maybe we can both find our soulmates and be done with it all.”
“Real romantic, dude.”
“Your soulmate hasn’t been terrorising you since you were a kid.”
“I had my fair share of scraped knees,” Sunny wrinkles her nose when you stick your tongue out. “You do know it won’t stop after the two of you meet, right? That’s a schoolyard myth.”
“After the talking to I’m going to give him, you bet your perky ass it’s going to stop.”
“That’s the second instance of workplace harassment I’ve coped from you in the last minute.”
“Fine. Your ass is not perky.”
“Mature.” She hums, “What time did you say the pain started?”
“All good then.” Sunny makes a few more clicks before powering down her computer. “Your chest and my arm, all nice and logged.”
“You know, sometimes I think you became a Match Medic specifically so you could put every little thing into the database to make it easier to find your soulmate.”
“Perks of the job.” She scoops up her handbag. “Come on, let’s bounce before the front desk starts scheduling over my lunch break.”
“You remember how I said you were stunning and generous and stunning?”
“I’m not buying you lunch.”
“Could this week get any worse?” You throw your head back dramatically.
Sunny cracks a smile at your antics, “Only a few more hours and we’re free for the weekend.”
“Are we still on for pamper-night tonight?”
“Always. Mine or yours?”
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You end up spending the night in Sunny’s apartment, covered in different rejuvenating oils and masks until you look like low-budget horror movie villains. In your fluffy robes with The Princess Bride on in the background Sunny tries to teach you how to make Hainanese Chicken the way her mother did. Terror cries at your feet when you tell him he can’t have raw chicken. Sunny pops a bottle of cheap champagne that makes you both grimace and promise one another that you would find an excuse to get a nicer bottle soon. You take turns washing the excess from the face, foot, and hair masks off. Then curl up together on the couch, sipping broth, digging into rice and slathering chicken in Sunny’s family’s super-secret chilli sauce. You both fall asleep at a very respectable eleven o’clock.
So, it’s fucking strange when you wake up feeling like you had spent the night inside a paint mixer.
“Are you okay?” Sunny frowns as she stands over a pan of eggs. “You look ill.”
You squint over your coffee cup, “Soulmate is playing up.”
She plates the eggs next to a small stack of bacon before turning to put a hand to your forehead. “They shouldn’t be making you feel sick, illness doesn’t transfer like that. Are you sure it’s coming from them? Could you just be hung over?”
“It’s definitely him, third weekend in a row, like clockwork.” You take your plate gratefully, “It’s like I always tell you. It’s not nausea. It’s more like…”
“Impossible to explain for you and every medical practitioner you’ve ever seen?”
You groan, “It’s like my brain spent the night trying to escape my skull and the muscles in my neck were in on it.”
“It’s not unheard of for soulmates to feel the repercussions of an intense work out. There was this study from four years ago on high performance athletes and their partners that–”
You groan again, “Oh god and now there’s a nerd in my ear!”  
She tosses a gelatinous bit of egg onto your plate. It lands with a splat that makes you fake gag. “Oh, grow up.”
“You should be nice to me,” You lament, “I’m wounded!”
“Your soulmate is wounded.”
“And I’m sure their best friend is taking very good care of them!”
She pulls a face at you but still takes your plate to the dishwasher for you. As she’s rinsing them, she asks, “What’s on for the rest of your weekend?”
“I got a call from my parents on Thursday and guess what?” You sipped at the cold dregs of your coffee, “The dentist finally figured out which one of them the toothache is coming from!”
“That’s great,” Sunny’s smile was genuine. “They’re going in to get it fixed?”
“Tomorrow morning, both going under local anaesthesia.”
You hip checked her lightly out of the way to rinse both your cups. “You want another coffee?”
Sunny propped herself up on the counter, “My caffeine addiction is rubbing off on you I fear.”
“Listen, we have to get through the day somehow.” You coaxed the machine back to life before leaning against the counter to look at Sunny. “Anyway, my parents were supposed to go to this race tomorrow. Dad is particularly devastated and has practically ordered me to represent the family ‘at our home race.’ It’s been tradition for him and mum since they got married. It’s kind of a big deal for him. The man is obsessive.”
“My parents had something similar to say about our family legacy and studying medicine.”
“Speaking of… You remember all the times I sat up with you studying, or brought you food when you forgot to eat, or ran errands for you, or made sure you took breaks, or–”
“Fine, I get it, I’ll go to the stupid race.”
“Oh, how kind of you to offer.” You passed her one of the cups. “It won’t be that bad. Motorsports are supposed to be fun live, right?”
Sunny snorted, “Thank God. Motorsports? I thought you meant like a horse race or a marathon. I was getting war-flashbacks to track-and-field.”
You put a hand to your heart, “You were willing to relive cross country for me?”
“I was willing to ogle fit, sweaty men for you, definitely.”
“Alright, first of all – fuck you. But also same,” You clinked mugs and nodded solemnly at one another, “Maybe we can find some fit, sweaty drivers to ogle instead.”
Sunny hummed, “What do I wear? Is it like sprint cars or more like V8s – ooh is it an illegal drag race?”
“Girl, no.” You swatted at her thigh, “It’s Formula 1, which is perfectly legal and safe and much faster than any of those options.”
“Alright, Miss Daddy’s-Girl, go off.”
“Shut up, I’ve had to hear him go on and on about it my whole life.” You pulled a face at your coffee. “The man has had a hard-on for Ferrari since before he met my mother, and then he met her in the Ferrari hospitality at an F1 race, and he’s fucking worshipped them ever since.”
“Oh my god, why am I only just hearing about this?” She grabbed your face, squishing your cheeks and cooing. “You’re a little Ferrari baby.”
You blew a rather unladylike raspberry at her and knocked her hand away, “Because it’s embarrassing! Dad was only there because he and his friend won tickets. So, when Ferrari marketing caught wind that soulmates had met in their pavilion, they practically fell over themselves.”
“Holy shit!” Sunny practically howled in delight, “Is that where all those baby pictures of you in little Ferrari onesies came from?”
“Ferrari’s own little fairytale, Mr-won-his-way-in and Miss-heir-to-a-real-estate-monopoly. It's like Romeo and Juliet; if Romeo and Juliet survived, had a kid and decided to make it the poster child of their love story.”
“Don’t sound so disgusted, that’s cute as fuck.” Sunny snatches up your empty cup and stacks it next to hers in the dishwasher.
You frown, “Not everything has to be a love story.”
“I don’t know, girl, I’m pretty sure you just asked me to play out your parents first meeting with you tomorrow.” She winks at you over her shoulder as she heads toward her room.
“Oh, fuck off, Sunny.”
“I think this calls for new outfits!” She emerges from her room, towel over one shoulder. “What was your Mum wearing when she met your dad?”
“We are not reenacting my parents meet-cute.”
“Who knows, maybe you’ll have your own meet-cute with a certain pain-prone soulmate, hm?” In the moment it takes you to reorientate yourself after her comment, she’s breezing past you with a bright, “I’m having first shower!”
You squark in indignation. Like hell, you’ll let either of those things happen to you this weekend.
(Part 2 : Ferrari's Prince - 03.05.24)
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moonhoures · 11 months
11:06PM — c. soobin 💌
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a/n: did i write this in 30 minutes on my lunch break immediately after soobin posted? yes. am i insane for doing so? probably. do i care? not one bit. this is just some fluffy bf soobin, enjoy!
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“Should I pose like this?”
You watched your boyfriend move through the screen of your phone, standing facing you with his arm bent, hand at the back of his head. You snorted quietly, snapping a somewhat blurry picture before he put his arm back down with a pout.
“What?” he asked with a hint of playful annoyance.
“Nothing. You look cute,” you laughed at his childish demeanor, “Come on, just a couple more.”
This wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for you two. More often than not your dates were late at night, spent getting dinner and then taking a long walk back to your car. On your walks you both enjoyed having little photo shoots together, either of each other or different stuff you saw along your way. Tonight, you wanted to take pictures of him.
“I don’t want to look cute. I want to look handsome,” he said, lightly kicking a rock across the pavement with his shoe.
“You look handsome too. You can be both, you know,” you tried to reassure him, picking your phone back up. You encouraged him to pose again. After a couple minutes you had enough pictures to fill up an album in your camera roll. Soobin reached for your free hand, taking it in his as you put your phone back into your pocket. Then you set off again down the sidewalk together, fingers intertwined.
You loved nights like these. When the air was warm but there was still that night breeze making the few fallen flower petals and leaves shake and skid down the concrete. The moon shown most nights, hanging in the dark blue sky like a nightlight. Sometimes Soobin pointed it out, telling you what phase it was in. Crescents were his favorite, because it looked like a smile. Crescents slowly became your favorite too, because it was his favorite. And they made you think of him.
You sighed contently, unraveling your fingers from his so that you could pull his arm over your shoulder. He smiled warmly, taking the opportunity to kiss your head.
“It’s getting a bit chillier at night. We’ll have to bring jackets next time,” he said.
“Mhm, I think I’ll wear that white pullover you gave me last year,” you were picturing the perfect outfit in your mind, trying to remember where you put the matching shoes you were imagining. Had you left them at the bottom of your closet? Or under your bed?
“You mean my white pullover?” he corrected you with a smirk, “I didn’t give you that, you stole it from my room when you came over. And you have yet to give it back.”
“A small price to pay for a girlfriend, don’t you think?”
You both laughed as you crossed an intersection. When you stepped back on to the sidewalk, your car was parked only a few yards away. His was parked just in front of yours. Like always, he walked you to your car, stopping beside your driver’s side door.
He let out a heavy sigh, expressing his disappointment with having to part ways. He held both of your hands in his, a pout evident on his full lips, “I hate this part.”
“You say that every time, you know that?”
“And I mean it every time, too,” he grumbled, pulling you into a hug. His chin rested on your head as he squeezed you tenderly, taking in the sweet scent of your perfume before letting you go. His hands found a temporary home on your cheeks as he leaned in to place a kiss on the tip of your nose, “Text me when you get home?”
“I always do-,” you started to say, and before you could finish speaking, he interjected.
“Not last time,” he said matter-of-factly, “And I didn’t sleep well that night, I’ll have you know.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you rolled your eyes jokingly, “I fell asleep as soon as I got home. And I said I was sorry!”
“Well now you have to make it up to me by giving me an extra kiss.”
You nodded in understanding, placing a sweet, short-lived kiss to his lips. Then, another, more affectionate kiss. Each time, you had to lift yourself a bit on your tiptoes to reach him.
“I think I actually deserve one more,” he said, his hands still resting on your waist.
You smiled, but obliged. Your calves strained again as you reached up and placed your lips on his.
“Mm, one more.”
“Just one more,” he pouted again, “Please!”
He was lucky you loved him so much.
“You lean down this time. My legs hurt.”
He would do anything you asked him to, so naturally he listened. He leaned down, melting his lips onto yours in a kiss that was longer than the previous ones. It was a bit more sensual, too. The air seemed heavier and hotter in that moment. You could feel your back pressing against your car door.
When he let you go, his lips were puffy and his cheeks were a warm shade of pink. You giggled.
“You just look really handsome right now.”
“You bet I do,” he spoke with elevated confidence in a joking manner, making you playfully nudge his arm.
“I love you too. Drive safe,” he called as he started to walk the few feet to his car. He caught the way you smiled at him before getting in your car. Tonight, just like every night, he waited until your car drove off first before leaving. Then he would go home and wait for you to text him before falling peacefully asleep, knowing you would repeat this night again soon. He couldn’t wait.
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ohbabydollie · 5 months
mutual break up with schlatt
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you and schlatt agreed to a mutual break up, one where you both tried to be civil and as calm as both of you could be
even in your break up schlatt continued to love you, pressing kisses to your face as you cried, holding you in his arms and comforting you through your tears which only made you worse
you still wanted schlatt and schlatt still wanted you but you couldn't take any more of the insults and harassment from people online
and the irony when the video announcing your break up came out, everyone still attacking you for breaking schlatt's heart, other people giving you their condolences for your break up and other people attacking schlatt for hurting you
it never ends
it's never over
just like your relationship which became a friendship
well, more like "friendship"
one where schlatt will talk about you for hours on end to anyone who will listen
where you and schlatt haven't gone on a single date since the break up but have a weekly lunch or dinner together
one where schlatt is getting drunk on stream and calling you, begging for you to come over and once you agree he's glowing with joy
once you get there a drunken schlatt is peppering kisses all over your face with drunken words of "love you" "so perfect", "pretty girl", etc.
he begs you to spend the night and happily makes you a few drinks once you agree,
if not he's complaining the entire time and clinging to you, begging you to spend the night until you eventually give in and say yes
the next morning he's hung over, waking up to the smell of bacon and eggs that you're cooking, thanking you with a kiss to your temple
he washes the dishes after breakfast and you both sit on the couch watching a show or movie or whatever, a blanket draped over the both of you as you both cuddle
even in videos where he’s doing stupid activities he brings you along to play, giving you small kisses between rounds, applauding and praising you when you do something well, cheering you on with “that’s my girl” even if you’re on the apposing team
When he’s making a vlog he doesn’t edit out the bits where he’s sharing a snack or drink with you, walking off together, accidentally holding hands, seeing little activities for couples and doing them, taking a picture together in what seems to be a romantic setting made for couples
it doesn’t stop there, there are some vlogs where he’s holding your bags, jackets, keys, drinks, anything just so you won’t have to hold anything
when he’s vlogging without you he’ll be pointing things out to the camera man like “oh, n/n would love this”, “i should bring n/n here”, etc.
buying you little plushies he knows you’d enjoy, getting snacks and drinks he thinks you would like, texting you a photo of a area he thinks you would like to take pictures by, finding little spots he thinks you would like to sit at to talk and writing down the location to take you one day
any episode of chuckle sandwich with you in it has at least 20 minutes of schlatt flirting with you as you giggle, bits where you two say you’re best friends strictly and that’s why it’s normal for friends to kiss and make out from time to time, the occasion when you walk in on schlatt recording calling him a sweet nickname and asking if he wants anything to eat
even at parties where people are streaming they notice the both of you in the back ground talking, schlatt slapping your ass, giving you a small peck, laughing n having a good time with you and even when you’re being interviewed without schlatt before seeing him and him asking you a stupid question like “do you think they have toothpaste?” to drag you off to do god knows what
his subreddit is littered with questions if you both actually are broken up or if it’s a bit, pictures of the two of you spotted in public together, the occasional fanfic, lots of fanart and more
people pointing out similarities within your spotify playlists, pointing out small details in videos such as schlatt having some products to do a bit that you had used in previous videos, decorations in your rooms that the other had previously, clothes that are identical that you both have been seen wearing, photos you take at home where they notice schlatt or something of his in the background
he lingers everywhere in your photos and videos as you do his
even in friend group hangouts he’s by your side, arm around your shoulders and telling any man trying to flirt with you to back off and you giggle softly at schlatt’s protective behavior
when you’re not side by side schlatt looks at you with love and admiration as you tell a stupid story he’s heard probably a million times by now without interruption, calling you nicknames such as sweetheart and princess as the two of you talk
he’s soft with you and people notice, you can get him to quiet down and calm down, he’s treating you nicer than he does anyone else, telling you that jambo and [redacted] miss their mommy jokingly
he hopes that one of these days you’ll take it to heart and come back to him, if not he can live with treating you as he currently does and with a mutual breakup
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might make a smut using this but idk, what’s y’alls opinion?
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yesimwriting · 2 years
The reader seems to be really close to billy and stu , so it got me thinking , what if she had little rituals with them ... like kissing their noses or rubbing their backs , and what if she got possessive of them and in a game of 7 minutes in heaven ou something she just makes out with billy or stu ( bcs in order to be with dark murderous freaks you have to be a freak yourself ...i dont make the rules)
Like imagine billy : im mf special 😏
a/n omg?? i love this!! this concept is adorable :)) i got so excited i put off writing my lit essay lol, this became A LOT longer than I thought it would be lol 
also do y’all like first or second person narration better?? i definitely like writing first person more in chapter fics, but in drabbles/one-shots i change my mind all the time. I did a little of both here lol 
The pile of homework I've been working on seems like it'll never end. Like there will always be another packet that needs to be completed or another essay I need to write.
Something behind me shifts. The noise is soft and easy to dismiss, but my body turns instinctually anyways. After what happened to Casey, there's no such thing as being too sure.
With a sigh, my entire body eases as I realize what the source of the noise is. It's just Billy and Stu, magically appearing like they often do on my windowsill. Stu's already inside my room, sitting on the edge of my window, his feet firmly plated on the floor. Billy's leaning against it, his lower half still outside.
Normally, when they show up like this, I grin and urge them to come in faster. "What are you guys doing here?" The way Stu pauses and the look Billy gives me tells me that they weren't expecting that reaction. "I told you guys--not today. I have a ton of homework and like half my family is visiting. My cousins have no concept of boundaries because they're like seven and they barge in here all the time. They're also snitches, the last thing I need is them running to the kitchen and telling their mom that 'Y/n has boys in her room'."
Stu holds up his hands in defense as he stands. "Relax, we're just here for our goodnight kisses."
I turn, adjusting the notebook on my lap as I look at them skeptically.
"We'll leave right after if you want us to," Billy says, pulling himself up onto my windowsill.
Still unsure, I twist my pen between my fingers. "I will want you guys to." My tone is a little harsher than I want it to be. Stu seems a little tenser and Billy's expression clouds. "No, that came out wrong. It’s not that I want you gone, it’s that I’m trying to be practical.” 
"You didn't want us coming over earlier," Stu mumbles, something harsh behind his eyes, "And we barely saw you yesterday."
"Yesterday wasn't my fault. You two went out with Tatum and Sid." I adjust my hold on my notebook. "And I didn't want you guys over earlier today because of homework. Literally all I've done today is go to lunch with my family and homework." Their unease settles in my stomach like a rock. I sigh, pushing my notebook off of my lap. "Okay, come here."
At that, Stu breaks out into a grin. He crosses my room in a few long steps. Once he reaches me, he sinks into my waiting arms. I hug him tightly before he can decide that all isn’t forgiven, burring my face into the side of his neck. He's so warm and always smells so much like him. Like expensive fabric softener, a little bit of body spray, and usually a tiny bit like weed. On anyone else the combination wouldn't work, but on Stu, it makes me feel right at home.
One of my hands runs up and down Stu's back. He eases into the contact. The shirt he's wearing is soft. There's little I love more than Stu's well worn, rich kid T-shirts. I'm already plotting how to steal it from him.
I lean my head upwards, pressing a kiss against his jaw. His eyes flutter shut as I leave a trail of kisses up his cheek and to his temple like I always do.
Billy must have come in while I was distracted. He's lingering next to us, watching with a blank expression. I learned early on that while Billy hates asking for physical contact, he loves receiving it. If I had to take a guess, Billy's hesitance likely comes from his home life, but I'd never say that out loud.
"Okay, Stu," I hum, my nails brushing through his hair, "You're good." His hold on me tightens. "Stu, c'mon." With a bit of a pout, he straightens just enough to place a kiss on my forehead. He's watching me carefully, silently asking me for a few more minutes. "Billy's turn."
Stu frowns, looking like he's sincerely weighing his options. "Fine," he mumbles, placing one last kiss against the side of my head.
Once Stu lets me go, he slumps back onto my bed, laying across my mattress on his back. That does make me a tiny bit nervous because the more comfortable Stu gets, the less likely he is to leave.
I reach over, grabbing Billy's wrist. Gently, I pull him towards me. He lets me. Like always, at first Billy's slow before reciprocating with full force. He melts into my touch, pressing his face into my neck. My fingers trace patterns against his back.
"Missed this," I whisper the admission.
"We missed you, too," Stu replies, hand lazily reaching over for my extended leg. His fingers begin to trace patterns against the skin of my calf. I'd think that the motion was absentminded, but once when I asked him about it, he told me that sometimes he writes out things he wants to do to me. "Soon it'll just be the three of us."
This isn't a conversation that I love. The more they talk about the day where they feel like Sidney and the friend group are stable enough to handle two break ups, the less I believe that that day will ever come. Thinking about it makes me feel like a terrible person.
Billy, sensing that he no longer has my full attention, shifts. He moves impossibly closer, his lips grazing my pulse. I used to jokingly scold him for kissing my neck during times like this before learning that things like that aren't always sexual to him. It's just him at his most relaxed.
My fingers rake through his hair, smoothing it back carefully before placing a series of kisses across his jaw and up his cheek. My trail ends at his temple, like always. The realization that the moment's passing leads to him squeezing me tighter. There's something distinct about his touch today, maybe even a little nervous. That paired with how uncharacteristically quiet he's being leaves me wondering if this ambush visit is a result of something else.
I know he was supposed to do something with his dad this morning. Okay, I need to stop thinking about that before it starts showing on my face. He doesn't like when I worry, he's never said anything, but his hot-to-cold reactions make me think he misinterprets it as pity. If anything, what I feel is anger that I can't walk up to his dad and punch him the face.
"Okay," I hum, "You both got your goodnight kisses...and I have to finish this essay."
"It's Friday," Stu replies, his fingers moving against my skin in what kind of feels like the curve of a 'c'? I'd ask if I wasn't worried about the conversation and mood taking a turn towards something I can't control. "You have two whole days."
I exhale, nails gently scratching at Billy's scalp. "You're throwing a party on Saturday, and Sunday's our first fully free day in over a week. You two aren't going to let me get anything done."
Stu turns his hand, running his knuckles up my leg. "Not true, babe. I've got a whole to-do list for you."
Softly kicking my leg in protest of his joke, I roll my eyes. "It's better for everyone if I just get this stuff done now, especially since you can't sleep over anyways. My little cousins are never in bed when they're supposed to be."
"You can do your homework, Billy and I know how to behave." When I raise an eyebrow at that, Stu concedes, "Okay, we at least know how to entertain ourselves."
Yeah, that's not comforting.
"You guys aren't being fair. I don't remember acting like this when you guys literally went on dates yesterday." I drop my arms away from Billy, ignoring the pinch of guilt that strikes with no warning.
At the lack of contact, Billy sits up. I avoid his gaze. "Is that why you're kicking us out? You're jealous? Upset we're not giving you enough attention?"
"No, I'm kicking you out because there's a group of seven to nine year olds that are super nosy in my house. Especially when it comes to boys. Kennedy's in the third grade and in her crush phase and she's asked me about whether or not I have a boyfriend 50 times."
"Your mom lets us sleep over all the time," Stu defends, "We just need to tell her that our parents did something and she won't care."
My posture straightens in an attempt to seem more determined. "That's different and you know it. She always has you guys crash on the couch and you sneak up later. We can't do that with all my relatives in the house, and you can't show up to my house so late."
Stu doesn't normally see--or at least, doesn't care about--reason, but Billy tends to listen a little more. I look over at him, gauging his expression. I still can't read him as well as he can read me, but I know that the blanker his face is, the more emotion he's feeling.
They're both starting to seem a little weird, maybe a little hurt, and I hate it. I do miss them, I want them here, but it's risky for me. At the end of the day, if my relatives find out, they get to go home. I'm the one that will be in trouble until I graduate.
"Do you really want us to go?" Billy's voice is as flat and void as his expression.
The hollow look he's giving me hurts. "You know I don't." That eerie blankness doesn't go away. "When I lock the door, they just keep knocking until I open it. I guess that gives us time for you two to get into my closet or something."
With that, Billy eases. He's not exactly as relaxed as he was before, but it's a start. I lean forward, grabbing his hand. Stu sits up, shooting up to pull me into another hug. His grin feels smug, but I can't bring myself to call him out on it.
"That's our girl," Stu praises, kissing my cheek.
I press my lips together, fighting a grin. "Wait--there's a condition. You two need to let me finish this essay."
Billy lifts our intertwined fingers to his lips. "Deal."
"You guys are unbelievable." They both look at me expectantly. "Can't believe I'm basically risking my life because I can't go one night without having you two sleepover."
Going out with my friends has become extremely bittersweet. I love when the entire friend group's together, but there's just something about seeing Billy and Stu and knowing that things are different. Knowing that they're right there and thousands of miles away at the same time. It's not that we don't talk in public, it's that it's inherently different. And it makes me feel awful.
Each smile I share with Tate and each time I laugh with Sid adds another layer of guilt. It's so bad that both Billy and Stu have had to talk me down from breaking it off with them twice now after large group hang outs.
Whenever I freak out, Billy tells me that this is for the best, that after everything Sidney's gone through, he can't just break up with her while she's still dealing with trauma. The one stable, good thing in her life right now is our friend group. Stu and Tatum breaking up would endanger that as well. Even though keeping these secrets is morally wrong, they're always promising that this is the best way to keep everyone happy. Sid gets the support she needs, Tatum doesn't have to feel weird in the friend group, and we don't have to be heartbroken because of our right person, wrong time situation.
I'm not sure when they started taking a more preventative approach to the whole thing, but now, whenever we have group plans, they make a point of spending some time with me before. Just as a reminder about how they actually feel, I think.
They still haven’t stopped by, which I’m trying to not stress about as I tear my closet apart. Stu’s parties are always crowded and low lit, so what I wear isn’t the biggest deal, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care. 
After Billy and Stu left early this morning my entire family headed out so that my extended family could be dropped off at the airport. So now I have the house to myself, which is a good thing for when one gets ready. 
I play my music as loud as I want while I take an extra long shower and take my time putting on a face mask. I’m being a little extra about my getting ready routine, but I’m taking advantage of the space and the free time. 
Shrugging off my towel, I pull one of Stu’s old shirts over my head. I’ve had this one for awhile but it still smells like him. I shut off my music and throw open my closet door open. 
I grab yesterday’s jeans off from the back of my desk chair. I had half a mind to wear them again tonight, but they’re a little over due for a wash. My fingers dig through the pockets as I approach my hamper. There’s no change, but there is a tube of chap stick in the front pocket and a tiny slip of paper in the back.
Unfolding the scrap paper, I fold the jeans over my bent arm. Good luck on your math test - Billy. I grin, thumb and pointer finger pinching the torn piece of paper a little too tightly. 
This isn’t the first time I’ve found one of these notes, but each time is equally exciting. It started relatively recently, the appearance of tiny notes in places I’d never expect to find them. In between the pages of books, slipped into my pencil bag, tucked into my folder next to homework assignments, and sometimes directly written into my notebooks. And now, apparently, tucked into the pocket of my jeans. 
The notes range in levels of sweetness, some of them motivational when I’m stressed over something, and others a little more flirty. The one I found before this one was about how pretty he thought I looked while walking to class. They’re all well loved, kept in a shoe box under my bed for me to re-read whenever I need a bit of a pick me up. 
I go back to my closet, looking through my clothes to find something that looks like I’m in the party mood. If I’m being honest, after such a draining week, I think I’d rather stay home and watch some movies instead of being at a party where Stu and Billy are both going to be with their girlfriends. Normally, that’s not enough to get me out of the party mood, but that paired with how busy I’ve been this week doesn’t have me thrilled for this. At least Randy will be there. 
Sighing, I start sorting through my clothes, trying to get myself into a party mood. I’m sure once I have an outfit I like and I fix my appearance, I’ll feel better about this.
I’ve just laid out a few outfit options on my bed when I hear a few familiar taps against the frame of my window. Tamping down a grin, I look up, not even bothering to look surprised. Billy and Stu are already pulling themselves into my room.
“You know, I do have a front door,” I mumble, straightening the skirt I just laid out on my bed.
Stu dramatically sigh, stomping into my room before flopping face first onto my bed. “That’s the hello we get?”
I roll my eyes. “I was just saying.” Stu props his head up on his elbow, looking up at me with criminally soft eyes. I drop my gaze, reaching for the top that he’s now wrinkling. “And you’re messing up my outfits.”
He watches me as I hold out the shirt. “You’re wearing that?” 
“I don’t know,” I mumble, ignoring his tone, “I have a few options, but I was thinking this with the dark green skirt.” 
Stu rolls onto his back before reaching over for the skirt I’m talking about. He looks at it skeptically. “This skirt?” 
“Yep.” Stu didn’t sound too thrilled. “Why? Do you think it doesn’t match? Because I was thinking about that.” 
Billy pushes away from the wall he was leaning against. “It’s short, sweetheart.” 
I look at him oddly. It’s not insanely short, I mean, I’ve worn shorter. “Not that short,” my eyes look over the fabric that Stu’s still holding, “My mom bought it for me. It’s fine.” 
Stu drops his arm. “I’ve seen the way your mom dresses.” 
“Are you slut shaming my mom right now?” 
“No,” Stu begins lazily, “I’m just saying that that doesn’t mean the skirt’s not too short.” 
I didn’t even want to wear this that badly before. “Too short? You guys aren’t my dad.” 
“Well, considering what you call u--” 
“Oh my god,” I cringe, throwing my shirt in Stu’s direction. The fabric lands against his face. Stu ignores me, pulling it off of him. “What’s the big deal? It’s just a skirt.” 
“A skirt that’s going to have people looking at you.” Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I stare at anything but Billy as he approaches me. His hand clasps around my forearm, pulling me a tiny bit forward. “Looking at what’s ours.” 
I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that the possessive undertones of the words didn’t make my face feel warm. The hypocrisy, though, almost immediately dismisses that. “So I have to be all okay with you two literally having girlfriends, but the line is drawn at me wearing a skirt you guys think is too short?” He squeezes my arm. “Maybe I want a little attention, it’s not like you guys can give me any tonight.” 
Billy’s hold on me goes from casual to nearly painful. His knuckles turn white against my skin and I’m sure that if this goes on for any longer, there are going to be finger shaped bruises there. I meet Billy’s gaze. His eyes have darkened significantly. 
“So that’s what the skirt’s about? You’re throwing a tantrum because you’re not getting enough attention?” 
This is going downhill fast. I’m going to need to backtrack the hell out of this conversation. “No, I-I was just making a point. It’s a little bit of a double standard, you have to at least be able to admit that.” The lack of emotion in his expression turns my stomach. I force myself to hold his gaze. “It just sucks sometimes, going to these things and seeing you guys with your girlfriends, and then I feel bad about feeling like that because they’re my friends.” 
“They’re not our girlfriends, they’re a situation,” Billy’s voice is harsher than it’s ever been while directed at me, “You’re our girlfriend.” 
My eyes widen. Despite how close we’ve gotten, the actual ‘g’ and ‘b’ words have not been used. I know I’ve been tripping over myself to avoid calling either of them my boyfriend by accident. His hold hasn’t loosened, but I can’t help my grin. My head tilts to the side, eyes softening as I place a hand over his. “Girlfriend?” 
Stu walks up to us. I don’t realize that he’s moving until I feel a hand on my shoulder. “Of course you are, you’re our girl.” He extends an arm, somewhat playfully pushing against Billy’s forearm. “Old Billy boy here wasn’t supposed to just say it like that. We’ve been planning it out, we were gonna ask.” Stu doesn’t release Billy’s arm, “It’s all Billy talks about, might wanna ease off on the love spells, he’s obsessed with you.” Stu squeezes my shoulder, running his thumb across the skin. “All day, it’s ‘you think Y/n’s okay?, Y/n’s hair looked so soft today, we should go see Y/n.’” 
Billy throws a look in Stu’s direction, his grip on me loosening. I smile, “Really?” 
“Fuck off,” Billy mumbles, shoving Stu. “He’s the one that’s whipped. Sometimes he misses the smell of your perfume.”
I grin despite their odd tension. It doesn’t take much for play fights to turn into something else, something I don’t understand because half of it is unspoken between them. But I love this. 
“Okay,” I hum, probably a little too chipper as I step between them, “This is officially my favorite argument the two of you have had.” 
They’re both starting to move over to a different world that’s just theirs. I step forward, pulling Billy into a hug. After a second, he reciprocates. I shift, moving to press a kiss to his cheek. “I think about you a lot, y’know.” He’s looking at me calmly, but if I didn’t know any better, I’d think there might be the faintest tinge of color in his face. 
“A lot,” he echoes, tone amused. 
I grin, nodding once, “Yes, don’t make it a thing.” The way the corner of his mouth turns upwards tells me that he’d be happy to have me spend the rest of tonight unpacking what I mean by that. I tilt my head, looking at Stu, “And you.” Stu’s eyes widen slightly as he waits for me to continue, “Sometimes I miss the way you smell, too.” 
Stu’s eyes narrow jokingly, eyes soft, “Really?” 
“Why do you think I’m always wearing your shirts?” 
He smiles, pulling Billy and I into a hug that thoroughly squishes me between them. Sometimes I wish everything could be as easy as it is in our little bubble.
“Okay,” I begin pointedly, playing up my annoyance, “Watch the hair, I’m still getting ready.” Before they can make anything of that comment, I continue, “Even though I’m my own person and I hate that thing where guys are all like ‘there’s no way you’re wearing that’, I guess there’s nothing wrong with taking into consideration how my boyfriends feel.” Saying that makes me so happy I can’t even bother to hide my grin. “How about a compromise--the jean skirt I wore last week and the top I threw at Stu earlier.” 
With a dramatic sigh, Stu drops his forehead onto my shoulder. “You’re going to make tonight impossible.”
He’s exaggerating a little, which is fitting considering sometimes it feels like all it takes to get Stu going is a look that lasts a little too long paired with the tiniest bit of exposed skin. “Sounds like a you problem.” 
Stu looks up at me, half glaring at me through hooded eyes. He lethargically smacks the top of my thigh, right where his t-shirt ends. It’s a testament to his easygoing mood, but I can’t help my dramatic gasp. 
“What?” Sometimes I think Stu would be insufferable if his smile wasn’t so cute. “If you’re going to be mean, I’m going to be mean back.” 
Okay, there’s a chance I am being a tiny bit mean. Did I pick the skirt that had Stu making up a super lame excuse during lunch just so he could get me into a supply closet for a makeout session I had to cut short? Maybe. Was it on purpose? ...I’d like to say no, but honestly, maybe. 
“Alright,” Billy interjects, “I know that look in both of your eyes, and we don’t have time for that.” 
He’s not wrong. I reluctantly pull away from both of them and go back to getting ready. We’ve fallen into a little bit of a routine. I go through my getting ready to go out routine, and they casually--or not so casually--look around my room. If that isn’t entertaining enough, they patiently follow me around. 
It’s kinda cute. Especially if I decide to wear makeup and they ask about whatever it is I’m putting on my face. One of these days I’m going to have to let Stu put eyeliner on me. 
By the time I’m almost done, Billy and Stu are still content with looking around my room. I have no idea what they find so interesting about my space, it’s not like it changes often enough to warrant their curiosity. But if it makes them happy to look through my bedside drawer and leaf through whatever notebook or book are left out on my desk, why stop them? 
Now that I’m dressed and have given my appearance a once over in the mirror, I’m basically ready. All that I need to do is figure out how to get the clasp of this necklace to just...
“You okay?” 
Billy’s sudden appearance at my side nearly makes the chain slip from my fingers. His steps are so quiet sometimes. Honestly, a little more practice and he could play a killer in a movie he’d love. “Yeah, there’s just something about putting necklaces on yourself that’s impossible.” 
“Here,” he breathes, fingers barely grazing my neck as he takes the clasp from me. Billy turns the necklace as he steps behind me. He latches the clasp with surprisingly minimal effort. Instead of releasing me, he adjusts the necklace so that the charm sits perfectly centered. Billy leans towards me, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
Stu, who was previously looking at a framed picture of me at some birthday party when I was little, turns his attention towards us. “Aw, how domestic, you’re like an old, married couple.” 
I turn just in time to catch Billy’s meant-to-be dismissive eye roll, but there’s the faintest touch of something else, something that might be a little flustered. It’s gone before I can be sure. 
 “We’re cute,” I agree, reaching for Billy’s hand to squeeze it once. “Okay, I’m ready, so you guys should go. I’ll show up in about half an hour, give people some time to get there so that nothing looks weird.” 
Stu frowns, setting the picture frame back in place. “It’s not that suspicious, we’re friends, you’re punctual.” 
I press my lips together. We have our rules in place for a reason, and talking about them too much makes me feel things I really don’t like feeling. “You know why I can’t.” 
Billy must notice my shifting mood because he cups my face. “You’re forgetting something before kicking us out.” When I don’t respond right away, Billy kisses my cheek. “In case you needed a reminder.” 
Of course. If there’s one thing Billy’s consistent about it’s our little traditions. At first, they were just excuses to be cheesy, especially when I was feeling a little insecure, but now, they’re more significant.
I tilt my head upwards, leaving a trail of kisses up his cheek. Stretching upwards, I then place a kiss on the tip of his nose. He then kisses my forehead. Our goodbye ritual. 
“Hey, I’m leaving too.” The fact that I’m surprised that Stu is already within grabbing distance makes me a little too aware of how tired I am. 
Pushing against the feeling that begs me to just stay here tonight, I beam at him. He lets me hug him. His hands find their way around my waist and I press kisses against his cheek until I’ve reached his nose. Stu tilts his head down to help me reach him. My body eases as he presses a kiss to my forehead. 
“Okay, you guys should go.” Shifting awkwardly and dropping my arms to my side, I tact on a half thought in hopes of making this easier on all of us, “Maybe some time alone will do me some good, help me get into the party mood.” 
There’s a brief silence, and then Stu steps back, “See you later.” 
“Yeah,” I say, a little flatly.
Billy’s eyes are trained on Stu, who just barely glances back. To anyone else, it’d come off as casual eye contact. A small feeling that’s little more than an itch at the back of my mind tells me that its the beginning of one of their exchanges. Or maybe I’m just on edge.
They approach the window, leaving like they always do.
Narrator’s POV
You never thought you’d want to kill Randy as badly as you do right now. One minute, the two of you are casually drinking, and he’s listening to a tipsy you summarize the plot of the latest show you’re invested in, and the next he’s trying to usher everyone into a game of 7 minutes in heaven. 
You swore you weren’t playing, even when Randy started complaining. No one will go for it unless they think they have a chance with someone as hot as you. Your no stood firm, even when other people started sitting in front of Stu’s guest bathroom.
All you wanted to do was be an observer. To sit next to Randy and to ignore the weird looks Billy and Stu took turns sending you from across the room as you finished off your beer. Instead, you had to watch Stu’s spin land on Tatum, and you had to watch him walk with her to the bathroom with enthusiasm. Those 7 minutes had you getting up to grab another drink that you nearly downed before getting back to your seat. 
That was what really set the night off. You had been pacing your drinks before then, wanting to keep the balance between being buzzed enough to be social and drinking enough to become messy. Stu stepping out of the closet with a grin and an arm around an uncharacteristically bashful Tatum pushed you right to that line. Billy ending up in the bathroom with Sidney next is what pushed you over it. 
It’s ridiculous, no one can fully control where their spin lands, but it was all too coincidental. Too perfect. 
And that’s how you ended up here. In a closet with Jonathan White from your second period. The same Jonathan White that’s always staring at your chest. You’re about two minutes into the most awkward small talk of your life while pretending to not notice his leering and clumsy, half thought out advances when the door opens. 
There’s no way that 7 minutes are already up, but you’re too relieved to question it. The calm feeling settling in your chest quickly disappears when you look towards the doorway. Stu’s leaning against the wooden frame, eyes cooly locked on you. 
“Dude.” Jonathan’s complaints die down at the back of his throat when Stu turns to look at him. You can’t fully see his expression, but despite how buzzed you are, you don’t miss his unexpected edge. 
“It’s my house, dude.” Stu’s reaction isn’t harsh in the way you expect it to be. It’s the calmness of his voice that cuts straight through you. “I can do whatever I want in my house, and you’re not going to stop me.” 
You’re not convinced Stu’s talking about his house. “Stu.” You have to bite your tongue to avoid blurting out that nothing was going on. Why should you clear the air? You and Jonathan were far apart, which is more than you can say about him and Tatum. “You’re drunk.” 
Stu ignores the touch of warning in your voice. He doesn’t even let himself look in your direction. It’s the only thing he can think to do to associate his anger with someone that isn’t you. 
“Whatever,” you breathe, deciding that the best thing you can do to diffuse the tension is to remove yourself from the situation, “I’m getting another drink.” 
You skirt past them, practically holding your breath until you’re fully out of the bathroom. No one’s sitting in that lopsided circle anymore. Whatever happened in those few minutes you were in the closet must have killed the mood just enough to end the game. Oh, well, you can’t say you’re too torn up about it. 
The alcohol isn’t settling in your stomach as comfortably as you’d like, but you meant what you said. You’re getting another drink. Maybe that will make you feel less like you’re balancing on the edge of a knife. 
You walk into the kitchen, frowning when you realize that the big cooler’s empty. It’s probably a sign from the universe to quit while you’re ahead, but you choose to ignore it. Instead of going back to the party and finding either Randy or one of the few familiar faces from some of your classes, you decide to go to Stu’s garage. You know for a fact he keeps extra beer in there. 
You step into the space, shutting the door behind you. The separation from the party is refreshing. A part of you regrets coming. Parties suck when you’re not in the specific mood for them. Why are you even here? To sit outside and listen to music that’s too loud while Billy and Stu hook up with their actual girlfriends while you down beer? You don’t even like beer that much. 
An idea latches itself onto your mind. You could leave. You could go home, change into pajamas, and pass out in bed. Sure, Billy and Stu wouldn’t be happy with it, especially considering the looks they gave you during spin the bottle, but you’re not happy with them. And why should you stick around in a setting you’re not in the mood for when they’ve been actively ignoring you since you got here? Obviously, they can’t get away with being all lovey dovey, but they could treat you like a friend. Or at the very least, not keep Sidney and Tatum away from you like you’re the plague.
Besides, all you’re going to do is go home and go to bed. If that makes them mad, then that’s their issue. Especially since they want to act all cute when they’re in your room, claim that you’re their actual girlfriend, and then treat you like you’re repulsive in public.
You’re interrupted from your fantasies of just walking out the front door by the sound of the garage door creaking open. You snap your gaze towards it and fight the urge to roll your eyes when you see that it’s Stu. You’re annoyed and tipsy, but still sober enough to know that the last thing you want to do is add any additional fuel to the fire. 
He walks towards the refrigerator without looking at you. The silence is starting to get to you as Stu opens the fridge. After a second of him looking around in there, Stu turns towards you. He’s holding your favorite drink. Wordlessly, he twists the cap off before extending an arm.
You blink once, slowly moving your hand to accept his offer. “I didn’t see these.”
Stu casually shrugs, shutting the fridge behind him. “Got them for you, Billy hid them in the back so no one else would grab them. Guess he forgot to tell you. 
The ‘forgot’ nearly makes you scoff. They both purposefully ignored you when you first got here and waved at them, and they’ve only looked at you to make you uncomfortable since. But you can’t say that right now. You’re tired and probably more drunk than him. Starting a fight isn’t something you can afford right now. 
“Oh,” you mumble, “Thanks.” You bring the drink to your lips, taking a slow sip. “Think I’m gonna go after this.” 
“Go?” Something flickers behinds Stu’s expression. “I thought you were staying over.” 
A sarcastic comment rises up your throat. After the way they’ve been acting, there’s no way he can think that your ideal ending of tonight is crawling into bed with them. Any bite in you dies down the second you meet his gaze. There’s no way to describe it. Unfeeling. 
“I uh-” You tilt your head, playing into your inebriated state. You shift back, which is all the excuse Stu needs to take two steps forward, practically caging you between him and a wall. “I had a little too much to drink and I’m not feeling great. I don’t think I’ll be a lot of fun, I just need to pass out in a dark room before everything starts spinning.”
He doesn’t look convinced or angry or anything. There’s something eerie about the cold indifference he’s radiating. “You wouldn’t lie to me, right, sweetheart?” 
You let your eyes drop to the glass bottle in your hand. You take a quick sip. “Was gonna ask you the same thing.” The mumble escapes you before you can think through your slurred words. 
Stu takes a step forward. You squeeze the bottle between your fingers a little tighter to avoid shrinking back. “What was that?” 
You look up just in time to see Stu tilt his head in order to regard you a little more cautiously. The last time you had a sub in your science class, they played a video about the structure of a predator’s mind and how they prepare to catch their prey. The way Stu’s eyes darken sends you straight back to that classroom. 
You can’t tell if the heat that rushes to your face is a tang of fear or something else. Or maybe it’s an uneasy combination of both. 
The door squeaks open again. Your head snaps in that direction, but Stu doesn’t look away. He doesn’t even bother putting a less conspicuous amount of space between you. 
“You two okay back here?” You let out a breath. It’s just Billy. 
“All good,” you manage just as Stu says, “She wants to go.” 
You keep your eyes focused on Billy, not wanting to think about Stu that way again. “I’m not feeling great and I’m tired.” The defense is weak, made even more pathetic by the slight pout of your lips. “Plus it’s not like you guys would notice anyway.” 
“What?” Billy’s question is oddly gentle.
The whiplash that gives you is nearly enough to make you drop the glass in your hand. You shut your eyes for a second, resting your head against the wall. Everything’s starting to feel a little too fuzzy. “You know what I’m talking about. At my house, it’s all talk about liking me, calling me your girlfriend, and then I get here and you don’t even want to be friends with me.” The blow up doesn’t make you feel better. The room is full on spinning now, you lean completely against the wall so that it can support your weight. Ugh, you know you won’t be able to handle their reaction. “’M tired, and I-I’m feeling weird. I think I should go to bed.” 
The quiet that follows has you fighting to not push past both of them in order to get to a bathroom. It’s shattered by Stu’s humorless laugh. His breath is hot against your jaw and it’s too much. “Aw,” he hums, his tone so sweet it circles right back to bitter, “She’s jealous, isn’t that cute?” 
You squint your eyes open. “Shut up.” 
“Why?” Billy asks, stepping further into the room, “He’s right. You think I didn’t see the way you were looking at me and Sid when we came out of the bathroom?” 
You sigh indignantly. “I’m too tired for this.” 
“But you weren’t too tired to be all over Randy or Jonathan White?” 
Your glare turns into something meek once you see the way Stu’s looking at you. “I wasn’t all over Randy, he was just the only person that was talking to me tonight because of you two. Neither of you even said hi to me and every time I tried talking to Sidney and Tatum, you’d come by and take them away.” The thought of Jonathan makes you sick all over again. “And I was nowhere near Jonathan White, and I’d never be willingly. He’s a total perv, and he made Shannon Walton cry before class the other day. And Shannon Walton’s the nicest, she always has gum and gives everyone her notes if they’re absent.” 
Stu doesn’t ease. “Don’t change the subject, you didn’t need to play.”
“You didn’t either,” you counter, “And I-I wasn’t even playing at first. I was just gonna sit in the room so I could keep talking to Randy, and then you two--” 
“So you only played because you were jealous.” Billy’s voice has taken on an edge that you don’t like. He continues, walking towards you with even, practically bored steps. “That’s not very nice of you.” 
They haven’t been very nice either, you think bitterly. “You started it.” 
The childish defense leaves the corner of Billy’s mouth turning upwards. “I’m not all over you for for 5 minutes and you get like this.” 
The dismissal makes your face feel warm. “Maybe we should give her a break.” The mocking in Stu’s tone strikes a nerve. “She’s just jealous.” You draw your eyebrows together, and Stu grins meanly. “You’re lucky green’s a pretty color on you, babe.” 
Chagrin fuels your reaction as you burst out a too confident, “’M not jealous.” 
Stu’s laugh is harsh, “You’re not?” 
Pushing down your instincts, you tilt your chin up a fraction of an inch in order to hold your ground. “Can’t be jealous because I know you two are mine.” 
At that, they both seem to still. You hold Stu’s stare until you no longer feel like you’re the one that’s trapped. The confidence is likely in your head and a byproduct of all you’ve had to drink, but it gives you the assurance you need to straighten your spine. Stu angles his head to the side and you’re not sure if it’s a good sign or not. To not panic, you extend your arms, resting them around his neck. The nails of the hand that isn’t holding the bottle trail down his neck. 
You can’t back out now. The way he’s looking at you changes. You can’t interpret his expression, which only puts you on edge more. He wants to be quiet, to dismiss you in one final, petty jab, but the more your nails dig into sensitive skin, the more he struggles. The nail thing’s a habit you developed after realizing how much it affects him.
“Watch the nails, sweetheart.” It’s meant to seem like a warning, but it slips out of him a little too low. He’s overcompensating to cover for what was almost a whine. 
You blink up at him through your eyelashes with maliciously soft eyes. “Starting to hurt?” He’s quiet, you scratch at his skin, hard enough to leave the kind of red marks that disappear almost as soon as they appear.
“This attitude’s cute, but don’t push it.” 
Everything from tonight hits you all at once as you tilt your head innocently. “Or what?” 
Billy knew that you were treading on ice so thin that even Stu couldn’t see the cracks since before you got here. That one comment you made before they left your place had been harder to deal with than Billy would ever admit. Stu pretended that he was fine with it, that he didn’t feel the strain of panic that comes from feeling like they need you more than you need them. And then you showed up here, as pretty as ever, and basically fine when they started ignoring you. And now this. 
It’s a slippery slope. The line between the amount of attitude that gets Stu going and the amount of attitude that pushes him towards something he can’t control is thin.
Billy steals the bottle from your hand and leans forward, grabbing your jaw with his free hand and pulling you into a kiss. It’s so sudden it takes you a second to relax into it. Once you finally do, a small sound escapes you. Billy deepens the kiss with no warning. You clumsily follow his lead despite how much they’ve annoyed you tonight.
He pulls away quickly once he’s sure that the energy in the room has been redirected, resting his forehead against yours. You don’t get the chance to recover. You’re still panting when Stu’s hand finds its way into the roots of your hair. He yanks on it, forcing you towards him. 
Stu’s kiss is hard and disorientating. You know that he has a way of being all consuming when he wants to be, but this is something else. You can’t take a full breath, but Stu doesn’t care. He doesn’t let you go until he’s done, and even then he takes his time releasing you, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth. 
You’re dizzy and somehow even drunker than before. You reach for Stu unsteadily. He looks you over slowly. “You get her in bed and I’ll figure out how to start kicking people out.”
Billy places an arm around your waist. His lack of protest surprises you slightly, but you’re not complaining about it. You need his help, and Billy knows it. That, paired with the fact that this is the only time he has an excuse to publicly hold onto you, makes him love when nights end like this. 
He always has an excuse ready in case Sid or someone else notices. Y/n can’t handle her alcohol and she’d kill all of us if we let her go home like this. She’s gonna sleep it off in Stu’s room for a little. It’s basically true, and it also gives Billy the excuse to linger around you. There are a lot of people that’d take advantage of your situation. Sid can’t be mad at that, if anything, she’d be mad at him for knowing how vulnerable you were and not doing anything.  
Billy leads you into Stu’s room, abandoning your last drink on the first surface he finds. He sits you down on the edge of Stu’s bed before opening one of Stu’s drawers. “Here,” he tosses one of Stu’s T-shirts towards you, “You got it or you need help?”
Shutting the drawer, Billy turns back to you. You’re laying down now, not even under the sheets. “You can’t fall asleep like that.” 
“Mhm,” you mumble, face half buried into your mattress. 
With a sigh, Billy walks towards you. He grabs your arm, pulling on you until you’re finally sitting. With a bit of prompting, you stand. Billy watches you struggle for a second before sighing. He keeps you steady as you get out of your clothes and pulls Stu’s T-shirt over your head. 
You’re too tired to care about the fact that you’re supposed to be mad at him. “Bed now?” 
Billy cups your cheek, his thumb soothingly brushing against your skin. “Last time I let you pass out before washing your face, you made me promise to never let it happen again.” 
You don’t know how long you’ve been asleep when an unexpected pressure stirs you awake. Ignoring the feeling, you try rolling over in order to pull the covers up to your neck. Something doesn’t let you. 
“You’re up,” Stu whispers against your hair, “You’re up, you’re okay.”
Twisting so that you’re flat on your black, you squint your eyes open. It’s still dark, so you know it’s still night time. You don’t remember exactly how you got here, but you know that you were comfortable. You also only vaguely remember the weirdness and your anger from earlier. 7 minutes in heaven thanks to Randy, a bit of confrontation in the garage. It feels less important now. 
Smiling, you slowly extend your until your knuckles are brushing against his cheek. “What time is it?” 
“Late,” Stu answers. 
“Then wh--” 
“Need my goodnight kisses,” he breathes, pressing a few, quick kisses to your temple. 
You smile, “Thought you were mad a--” 
Stu’s fingers squeeze your hips. “Don’t want to talk about that.” If you were less drowsy, you might have jumped a little. “I just want to go to sleep.”
Nodding you reach for him a little steadier now. Stu relents, leaning into you as you start to kiss his cheek. 
Billy’s hand finds your waist just as you start relaxing again. “What about me?” 
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somanyratsinthewalls · 4 months
Burning Hearts Chapter 11
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Pairing: Law x Straw Hat Zoan Type (named) OC 
Summary: You were teleported across the globe in an instant, away from your crew. Your body was badly broken and beaten, thrust into the harsh landscape of a Northern island. You are discovered by the Heart Pirates and brought back to health. Startled upon waking up in a foreign place with an unfamiliar crew, you are shocked with the news that you’ll be spending two years there. Trafalgar Law, the captain of the Heart Pirates has made a promise to train you, but will it become something more than a mentor relationship?
WC: 3000
Taglist: @cottoncandyloverrrr @zoros-fourth-sword @nothing-but-brass
Burning Hearts Chapter 11: Coffee Break
— — 
Law was a creature of habit. Your training begun every morning, Monday through Saturday, at 8 AM sharp in the clearing in the forest. It would end promptly at noon and the two of you would return to the base together for lunch. Law didn’t wear a watch, he was so meticulous that he could run his daily routine in his sleep. 
The opposite of how you were. Your body was finally used to having a strict wake up time, but even then Ikkaku would often have to bust through your door and hoist you out of bed when you were feeling extra lazy. You missed your life on the Sunny with your friends, there was organized chaos every day. You could roll out of bed at 6 AM or noon, Sanji would make your favorite breakfast anyway. You could spend your days sparring with Zoro, doing makeup with Robin, or playing Go-Fish with Chopper… no one breathing down your neck about what to do and when…
“Why can Bepo talk?” You ask, trailing behind Law on your way back from training. It was a few days after your confrontation with him on the submarine and you had continued your training without addressing it again. 
“What?” Law replies. 
“He’s a bear… but he’s also like… a person? I’ve seen him swim so obviously it’s not a devil fruit situation…” 
“You’ve never seen a mink?”
“A who now?”
“A mink? The people from Zou?”
Law sighs. 
“They’re a race of bipedal animal beings. History says humans evolved from them, we just became less hairy.”
“So everyone there is a polar bear?” You cock your head. 
Law sighs again, frustrated. 
“No. They’re all different mammals. How have you not heard of this? I thought you said your doctor was deer?”
“A reindeer. And no, Chopper’s a real reindeer, he just ate the Human-Human fruit.” You respond. 
“Hmm… Interesting.” 
Several more minutes pass with no sounds except the squelching of your boots in the mud underneath you as you made you way back to compound. Law glances back at you. 
“So… ah..” Law begins, uncomfortably. “Do you like to have coffee?”
You furrow your brow. 
“Like… in general? Do I enjoy coffee?” You respond, confused. 
“No, shit, I mean like…” Law stumbles over his words. This was very much not like the composed, mysterious pirate captain you trained with. “What I mean is, do you want to have a coffee later? In my office.”
Those last words almost looked like they pained him to get out. 
You raised your eyebrows in surprise. 
“Oh! Well I…” You begin. 
“I got some books when we went to town the other day, I want to show you a few things from them. It might help with developing your devil fruit ability.” Law quickly interrupts. 
“Right, well… it’s tomato season so I’ve got a bunch of work to do in the garden, then I’ve got kitchen duty for dinner… but if you can put one of the guys on dishes I think I can stop by afterwards.” 
“I can do that.” 
— — 
“Daisyyyy! Shachi is hogging the sandwiches!” 
You spin around with a grilled cheese in your mouth. 
“Shachi if you don’t let that plate go I’m going to set you on fire!”
“Jeez, okay mom.” Shachi rolls his eyes and passes the plate of sandwiches to Penguin.
You wolf down the rest of your dinner and pour a hefty bowl of soup to set on a little tray. You place a spoon and a napkin on the tray. You ball up the dishtowel on your shoulder in your hands and throw it at Shachi’s head. 
“Your greedy ass is on dish duty tonight, I have a meeting.” 
“Oh a meeting?” Ikkaku raises an eyebrow over her bowl of soup. 
“Yes a meeting to make sure your captain doesn’t die of scurvy and malnutrition. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” You push out of the galley with the tray of soup and head to Law’s office. 
Upon reaching his door, you knock with your heel due to your hands being full. The door cracks open with some unseen force… oh yeah.. the room thing…
“Supper’s on!” You smile while pushing the door open with your shoulder. You see Law at his desk with stacks of old, coverless tomes surrounding him. The books had notes crudely shoved into certain pages. He looks up from the text briefly to beckon you into his office further. You set the bowl of soup and a spoon in front of Law on his desk after folding up the book he was actively reading. 
“Eat. You’re borderline skeletal.” You meet his eyes then nod towards the food. 
Law hums and picks up the bowl.
“Its tomato and egg soup, I grew the tomatoes myself and I added some white pepper and ginger. Tell me if you think it’s-“
Law gulped down the entire bowl in a few seconds and wiped his mouth with his hand. He placed the empty bowl back down on his desk. You raised your brow in surprise. 
“Gods when was the last time you ate?”
“Hmm… yesterday?” Law grabs one of the books from his many stacks and opens to a marked page. 
“These are texts on medieval creatures. It’s not devil fruits, but it might help us figure out what you’re capable of. If you look here- wait. I promised you coffee, didn’t I?”
You smile a little. 
“That you did.” 
“Well, excuse me then.” Law stands, shut the book and moves towards his coffee maker in the corner of his office. 
As Law fiddles with his espresso machine, you take the time to get a good look around the room. You had barely spent any time in here so you wanted to see what Trafalgar Law, Surgeon of Death keeps in his safe space. It was bookshelves, mostly. The antique wood of the bookcases and the worn leather and suede of the furniture was sure a stark contrast to the cold steel flooring and walls. Everything was meticulously clean and organized, except there were tiny little human touches that didn’t go unnoticed by your. His wastebasket was full of empty shrimp-chip bags, crushed energy drink cans, and salt water taffy wrappers. This must be what he lives on when you don’t force him to eat. 
“For a doctor,  your diet sucks.” You chuckle as Law returns to the desk with two cups of coffee in hand. He hands you one and sits back down in his desk chair. He smirks. 
“I forget about food.” 
“That’s insane.”
“Is it?”
“Food is… so important! It fuels your body! Your brain! You can’t live off caffeine and carbs… but I think you know that, doc.”
Law rolls his eyes. “Thank you for the soup.” He opens a drawer in his desk and roots around before pulling out a small bottle of whiskey. He pours a shot or two into his coffee before handing you the bottle. 
“Is this a good idea, after what happened the last time we drank together, Mr Trafalgar?” You smile cheekily at him before grabbing the bottle and pouring some into your cup of coffee. 
Law blushes. Oh gods you had never seen him blush before. He was quite adorable when he was flustered… 
Law makes a hand gesture as if it say “shut up” and cracks his book open again. 
“A wyvern is much like a traditional dragon… scales, breathing fire, long tail, but the difference, as you know would be the wings. It’s clear you’ve harnessed quite a few of these attributes, but you’ve failed to unlock your full Zoan form. I think if you look at these pictures and notes, you might find some information that might help you.”
You look down at the dusty page. It was filled with vicious, fire breathing dragons ripping the heads off unsuspecting villagers. 
“I…. I don’t know if I was to be just like… that…” You point down at the page. 
“Of course not. That’s why you need to learn to control yourself and your abilities before you assume your final form and-“ 
“So I have to stop accidentally burning your eyebrows off?” You interject.
“That would be appreciated, yes.” Law responds, playfully annoyed. “Once you can burn my eyebrows off on purpose, we can move forward.” 
You snort-laugh into your spiked coffee. Was he funny? Or was it the whiskey talking? First you think he’s cute, now you think he’s funny? Was it a full moon? Were you finally losing it?
“What’s with all those newspapers?” You take another sip of your drink and stand up. You walk towards the stack of old newspapers at the bottom of one of Law’s bookcases. 
“It’s not for the newspapers. It’s for the comics.” 
You nod your head down and give him a look. 
“The comics?”
“Sora, Warrior of the Sea. It’s the greatest comic ever made. I have ever single issue ever made.” 
“hmm… never heard of it.” You say as you flip through the stack. 
“What? You’ve never heard of Sora? Stealth Black? It’s been running in the WENP for years.” Law asks. 
“Nope, nothing rings a bell.”
“Grab the bottom one. Bring it here.” 
You oblige and carefully pull Issue 1 from the bottom of the stack of papers. You bring it over to Law’s desk and he flips open immediately to the beginning of the comic strip. “See look, this is Sora. He’s a marine hero, and he fights against Germa 66. He’s got this robot here, see?” 
Law points at the comic on the page and you listen intently. As he explains the years long lore of this fictional hero, you notice a certain sparkle in the pirate captain’s eye. He wasn’t looking at you, he was looking at the figures on the crusty old newspaper page with awe and splendor. You listened for what felt like ages about this nerdy comic strip, but you were mesmerized at the sight of Law finally showing interest in something. 
“So who is this guy?” You point at a character on the page. 
“Good question, this is a new character in this chapter so… wait you’re actually listening?” Law turns to finally meet your gaze. 
“… yes? Why would I not be?” You cock your head. 
“I-I just thought you’d be.. bored… or something..” Law still looks at the page. 
“I’m not bored. I’ve never read this before. It’s interesting. Can we read one more? Tomorrow’s Sunday… no bed time, am I right?” You ask. 
“O-Of course! If you want to!” Law quickly moves from his desk and grabs Issue 2 from the stack. He hurries back to his desk and opens up to the first comic panel. 
“I-If you really want to see the art, you can move your chair over here…” Law scoots his desk chair over to make space for you on his side of the desk. 
You oblige and move your chair to the other side of the desk so that you and Law were sitting shoulder to shoulder. He points to a character in the comic. “So if you see here…” 
Law rambles through the entirety of the comic book with great interest. You alternate looking from the page to his shining face as he smiles, explaining the deep lore behind the story. You had never seen Law so impassioned about anything, let alone a nerdy piece of print media. The hour was drawing late and you yawn involuntarily. 
“Hey, you should get to bed. You worked hard today.” Law closes the old newspaper. 
“Hm. Thanks. You know I really want to hear more about Sora. Maybe we can read more another time?” You ask.
“R-really? I mean.. Yes. We can do that. Enjoy your day off.” Law replies with wide eyes.
“Goodnight, Law.” You smile as you head towards the door of Law’s office. 
You shut the cold steel door behind you and return to your room. Halfway through trudging through the base you realize you had a stupid grin plastered across your face. It was so fascinating to see such an uptight and cold man let loose and info dump about his special interests. He liked superhero comics. How were you supposed to ignore how cute that was?
You sigh and push open the metal door to your room. 
“Well, well, well.” 
“Ah!” You jolt in surprise. 
“It’s 12:30 AM. Where were you, miss girl?” Ikkaku cocks her head as she closes the gossip magazine she was reading while lounging on top of your bed. 
“I-I told you I had a meeting!” You respond defensively. 
“Alone? With the captain? Until the wee hours of the morning? Hmm?”
“OK don’t ‘miss girl’ me! He had some books he needed to show me!” You unzip your jumpsuit and start to brush your hair out for bed.
“That man doesn’t let anyone in his office for more than 10 minutes, let alone several hours! What the hell were you talking about!” Ikkaku asks you in an accusatory fashion. 
“Oh my GODS, nothing! He wanted me to learn about my devil fruit powers and we got side tracked talking about that weird comic he likes!” 
“Yes, Sora. The Sea Warrior guy.” 
“Damn.” Ikkaku opens up the magazine again and looks down. 
“He didn’t tell us about his boy-crush on Sora for YEARS! And you’re already reading it with him after a few months? You think I’m stupid?”
“What do you mean? Of course I don’t think that!”
“He likes you. Clearly. Do you like him?” Ikkaku cuts straight to the point. 
“I… I don’t know yet.” You sit down on the bed next to her as you stripped yourself of your clothes. Ikkaku wraps an arm around you. 
“And that’s okay. Just… be careful. You’ve been through enough, I’d hate to see you get your heart broken too.”
You sigh, relaxing into your pillows. 
“I know… Hey… please don’t tell anyone about this, okay?” You look at her. 
“of course.” Ikkaku holds out her pinky to you and you smile and hook it with your own. You press your foreheads together and laugh. 
“Shit, if he starts getting laid it might be a lot more chill around here.”
You smack Ikkaku on the shoulder and the both of you fall into a fit of laughter. 
— — 
The next morning you wake up at your own pace, thrilled to not have to train. You throw on some sweatpants and decide it’s time to get some breakfast. As you swing open the door to your stateroom you notice an ugly, dirty glass vase filled with marigolds and coneflowers at your doorstep. 
You lean down and pick up the bouquet. It was put together haphazardly, but you recognized the blooms. These were from your garden. You pick up the arrangement and bring it to your nose, inhaling its fresh airy scent. You turn back and place the flowers on your vanity before heading to the kitchen for breakfast. 
Ikkaku was at the stove making rice and eggs. You come up behind her and pinch her hip. 
“Good morning.”
“Morning, sunshine!” Ikkaku turns her head and smiles at you. “I made a plate for you and one for the captain. Can you drop it by his room?” She smirks. 
You roll your eyes. 
“Yes ma’am.” You grab both plates and head to Law’s office. 
Once reaching his door you shout instead of knocking. 
“Chow time, Cap!”
The door opens and you push yourself in. 
Law raises his head from his desk and clears it from the medical journals he was reading. 
“Good morning.” You smile. 
“Good morning, back.” Law looks at the plate you placed in front of him. “Guessing you weren’t on kitchen duty this morning?”
You laugh. 
“Ikkaku makes a fine breakfast, you’re just getting spoiled.” 
The two of you eat breakfast in silence for awhile. 
“Y-You saw the flowers?” Law stutters out in between mouthfuls of rice. 
“I did. They’re lovely.” You smirk. “So you snuck out into my garden and picked my flowers to give them to me?” You ask with a playful smile. 
“T-that’s… the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.. when you say it like that…” Law puts his fork down and rubs his eyes. Your heart pangs with sympathy. The man had tried. 
“Hey, it’s the thought that counts. I loved them.” You finish your plate of food. 
Law still doesn’t meet your gaze. 
“Thank you for breakfast.” He says while finishing his plate. 
“Thank you for the flowers, Law.” You picked up his plate and stacked it with yours. Before grabbing the tableware you make your way around Law’s desk. 
You grab Law’s cheek in one hand and lean forward to kiss his other cheek. You let your lips linger on his skin before pulling back. Law freezes. 
You take the dishes out of his office and back to the kitchen to clean. As you wash the dishes, you can’t help but worry… were you really going to get involved with this man? This relationship would have an expiration date… would that be fair to either of you? Did you care? He made butterflies erupt in your chest simply by being vulnerable… there was no denying that you felt something from that kiss, too. The noise in your head was too loud. It was time to take your red satchel and head out to the garden shed…
Authors Note:
chapter 11! it's here! If you guys have suggestions on where you want this to go from here, I'd love to hear them! I have a few thoughts floating around but I'm open to suggestion! Law is just such an awkward loser nerd in my head that's why I simply have to write him as one. (He might close the deal soon thought hehehehe)
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baziutawrites · 1 year
Sub!Xavier Thorpe x Female OC smut
WARNING! If you are under 18 yrs old, do not read this piece. I do not take responsibility for anything if you proceed.
Masterlist is pinned on my blog. Check it out cuz I can't link it for you here.
Despite being the most skilled artist at Nevermore Academy, Xavier Thorpe wanted his girlfriend to help him out with his jester makeup. However, he didn't want to make it easy for her. He wanted to have her, close, for a bit longer than just a few minutes of dabbing face paint onto his cheeks.
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“Will you stop squirming,” Val let out an exasperated sigh, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 
Xavier grimaced, flinching slightly and scrunching up his nose at the brush bristles around his eye. A squiggle of black adorned his cheek, messing up the entire half of his already painted face.
The warm sunlight was slowly inching away from the walls - it was nearing midday, and they still weren’t ready for the upcoming competition. They were in Xavier’s dorm room for more than an hour now, doing his godforsaken clown makeup for the entire time. He could not make up his mind about the design - or at least that’s what he made her think it was.
V huffed, getting up from the desk she was sitting at to get a towel. She would have to remove the makeup for the fifteenth time this morning. And again, his fingers slid against her leg as she did so, gliding over a particularly sensitive spot at the back of her knee, earning a quiet gasp from her. She shivered, goosebumps erupting on her exposed skin and gave him a side-eye. He smiled, feigning innocence. He knew exactly what he was doing. 
He knew all of her sweet spots, he had them mapped out - no, burned into his memory. He studied them religiously every single chance he got. Just like when he ghosted his fingertips over the crook of her neck during the lunch breaks, pretending to notice a speck of fabric that needed to be taken off of her skin, or when he glided his palms along the small of her back when she passed him in the halls. Or when he slid his fingers along her inner thighs, right underneath her skirt - on supposed accident - every time she got up from his lap, or when he caressed her ankles, swirling his thumbs around them whenever they were hanging out with their friends in the courtyard. Or when he kept looking out for loose strands of her hair just to tuck them away, brushing his fingernails oh-so-tenderly behind her ear or across the nape of her neck, when he pretended to get her hair out of her collar before every Botany class they had together. 
He knew every single one of those spots and more. Many, many more.
He remembered them all vividly, when she was then moaning quietly in a bathroom stall or an empty classroom, as he worshiped her flushed skin slowly, inch by inch, his large hands feeling the mounds of her hips, spreading her thighs to nestle between them. He relished in hearing his own name, soft and breathy on her lips. He loved the feeling of her fingers intertwined in his hair when he caressed her heated, dripping folds with his hungry mouth. He noted every move, every sound she made when he lapped at her sensitive clit, how she arched her back when he sucked on her relentlessly. How hot she became and how her legs trembled when she got close to the edge because of him. He remembered how his long fingers were stretching her heat, pumping in and out of her at a steady pace, absolutely in love with the feeling of her clenching around them. How he loved hearing her groan throatily with her head thrown back when the lewd, wet sounds of her pussy swallowing his fingers filled the room. How she was pulling at his hair, pushing him closer to herself, making him bury his face into her sopping, fluttering cunt. 
He very well remembered how his dick was rock hard by then, straining painfully against the fabric of his underwear, or how he wanted to skip the next few classes, begging her to fuck - and how she scolded him for it with a faux look of sympathy on her reddened face. He remembered her pink, flushed cheeks and her glazed eyes, giving him those heavy lidded, cocky looks, when she tried to smooth out her shirt before the next class, trembling hands trying to fix up her skirt. He remembered Ajax giving him a knowing smile every time they barely showed up on time for the class, bumping his shoulder with an "extracurricular activities, eh", to which he always nodded, grinning smugly under his nose. How he could still taste her on his tongue, making it difficult for him to focus on the subject presented in class, as he tried to fight his still throbbing, untouched dick. How much more difficult it was, when she sat a few rows in front, shifting in her seat because of what he had just done to her mere minutes ago. It replayed in his mind's eye in every detail when she turned her head to look at him and sent him a wink.
Xavier remembered every single moment like this. And he still wanted more of them, more of her. He was addicted.
His heart fluttered when she slowly swayed her hips as she walked back towards the desk he was sitting at, wet towel in hand. She seemed to know what he was playing at by now but didn't want to give that away just yet. Curiosity overtook her. She wondered, what is he going to do with a little bit of a push in the right direction. 
She lifted her skirt up, just enough to make Xavier see her panties and straddled his legs, bringing the towel close to his smudged cheek. His little gasp didn't go unnoticed and she smirked, leaning closer to his face, watching in amusement, how transfixed he was by her clothed cunt so close to his hardening dick.
"I'm gonna have to start all over again." She pouted, wiping at the black splotch on his cheek. It only smudged more, messing up the red lines of the smile. Her thumb brushed his cheekbone, pushing away a strand of hair that escaped his half-up, half-down hairdo.
"Or…" He took her hand into his large one, away from his cheek, his breath fanning her palm. "We could… rest… for a… bit… you know?"
He planted soft, wet, open mouthed kisses along the line of her wrist and up her arm at every pause, leaving red face paint in their wake and making her drop the towel. And just as he expected, V's face relaxed, her eyelids fluttered at the sensation. This was too good to refuse. His other hand pulled her against his bare chest as he continued to kiss her, stopping every now and then at a particularly delicate spot near her shoulder.
"Yes, baby?" His plump lips were now busy with her other wrist, gliding over the sensitive skin. His fingers slid under her shirt and rested on her lower back, sending shivers down her spine.
"We're gonna-ah–" she gasped, shifting on top of him, making him suck in his breath suddenly as she rubbed her clothed pussy against his semi-hard on. "Gon' be late."
He only hummed in response, his breath now on the side of her neck. She snaked her fingers into his hair, messing up his bun, making him purr and prompting him to latch his mouth onto her pulse. Every nip left a wet spot, the cool air contrasting with the warmth of his breaths in between the kisses. Her nipples hardened to the point they were visible through her sports bra and her shirt and he noticed this immediately. 
His big hands worked slowly, caressing her sides, stopping at her every moan to prolong the sensations that sent shivers down her body, making a knot form in her stomach when they slid underneath her bra. His long fingers brushed over her perked nubs. He kept kissing her jawline, her throat, feeling the vibrations of her moans forming, ready to fall from her lips if he gave her just a little bit more.
Xavier didn't want anything else in the world right now but to give her everything he could, just to hear her.
Her shirt and bra now laid abandoned somewhere on the floor. His nose slid down her chest, leaving a white-red stripe of paint on her sternum and the undersides of her breasts, licking the newly exposed, delicate skin, inching closer and closer to her nipples. And she shuddered in anticipation, feeling his wet mouth drawing closer to her aching spots. When he finally did, his lips closing around one of them, his tongue circling it hungrily, she moaned his name, pushing herself against him. Her hands fisted his hair, tugging at the strands at the back of his head, making him groan into her breasts. He could feel her wetness through the material of hers and his own underwear and he could not help himself anymore. He rolled his hips into her core, desperate for some sort of pleasure to soothe his now aching cock. 
His open mouthed kisses got messy, saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth as he did everything in his might not to throw his head back when she ground her cunt onto his hardened dick. His name repeatedly falling from her open mouth in breathy moans made his head feeling fuzzy, leaving him wanting - no, needing more. His hands roamed her body in a desperate frenzy, trying to bring her closer to him, to feel her whole against his chest. He sucked on her hardened nipples, grazing them with his teeth on accident, just as she leaned away from him with a squeal and her hand trailed down his abdomen. He groaned at the sensation of her warm fingers sliding under the waistband of his underwear and wrapping around his shaft, his hard cock now free from the material. He watched her spit down on him and lower herself over his twitching cock, her mouth open and ready to take him.
"No." He heard himself say. He grabbed her wrist to stop her, surprising her as well as himself by his actions. She looked at him, taking in his mess of a makeup and a wild, kind of desperate look in his green eyes.
“I want– I, ah, just use me.” He whispered, breathless. Heat was rising to his cheeks, a bit ashamed at his own boldness. “Use me like a toy. Make yourself feel good first, baby.”
Their lips crashed together in a needy, messy, open mouthed kisses, teeth and tongues clashing, trying to taste each other before the other one.
His eyes snapped shut, his hips bucked into her palm with a gasp as he felt her guide his dick towards her heat. Bare pussy lips glided smoothly over his tip, rubbing directly over her swollen clit, coating him in a flood of her slick juices. 
"Use me, yes, just like that, babe," His strained voice was low and raspy. His fingers now dug into her butt, pushing her to roll herself on the underside of his dick, her moans filled the otherwise quiet room. He felt his swollen head catching onto her exposed clit with every single slide, flicking it relentlessly, making him whine like a wounded puppy when she writhed on top of his long, lanky legs, digging her fingernails into his shoulders. The thin walls of his dorm room definitely didn't offer any soundproofing - Xavier was sure at least half of his wing heard them by now but he could not care less. He loved her voice, so filled with pleasure, it was like an angelic music for him. Music that he replayed in his mind every time he was away from her, jerking off to his drawings of her. He savoured the feeling of her chest flush against his as he buried his face into her neck, breathing hard and heavy, sliding his hot lips over the crook of her neck.
This was now. This was real, yet he felt like in one of his dreams - his fantasies again. He wanted to pinch himself. His mind was in some sort of dazed high right now, as he felt her soaking cunt rut on his rock hard dick, felt her getting hotter and hotter to the touch. His eyes rolled back with a groan. V's skin was getting covered in a thin layer of sweat and it made him grit his teeth. He knew she was close - her low moans and scrunched up face, mouth open, rocking on him with an absent minded look in her eyes, was an image he could not ever forget - but so was he. The idea of her cumming all over him, because of him, pushed him to his limits every single fucking time. And he couldn't let himself do that. He could not deny himself the beautiful picture that was about to unfold in front of his eyes if he held on for just a little bit longer.
His dick strained as he groaned, feeling her oncoming orgasm. His eyes never leaving her face only to grow wide, so as did hers. He felt his burning, rock-hard cock push inside her soft, dripping cunt, filling her up with his entire length with the momentum of their grinding, just to bottom out and thrust right back in. He stretched her tight, warm pussy, the sensation sending electricity through her spine so intense, her back arched and her eyes rolled back, as her orgasm hit her hard with its flaming waves.
"Xavi– ohyes god, Xavier, fuck, yes, yes–!"
His fingers dug into her hips, impailing her hard as she pulsated around him. His pupils blown out, whining her name as well, eyes roaming her face in a drunken hunger, as he spilled inside her mere seconds after her. Hips stuttering, he buried his face in her chest, feeling the sweet release of his own orgasm heightened by V's clenching walls almost sucking his dick dry of his cum.
They sat there for some time, unmoving, tired and dazed, almost falling asleep in between soft and delicate pecks of their lips over each other faces. Through the heavy lidded eyes, Val noticed the sun moved again, she wondered what time it was. And then she jolted upright, startling Xavier out of his pussydrunk state.
"Wha'is it?" He groaned, frowning at the sudden absence of her warmth. 
"The Poe Cup!"
He felt a towel on his crotch and a brush on his face, rapidly dabbing paint on his cheeks as he froze. Shit.
They got packed in a blink of an eye and somehow Val managed to fix his makeup enough for it to look good and cover the hickeys she left on his neck a few nights ago. 
"I have something planned for you," she stated smugly, tracing her fingers over one of the spots on his neck, as she fixed the strings of his jester hat. "A consolation prize."
He gave her a playful look.
"Don't believe in me, babe?"
"Well, I bet The Black Cats are going to win. Again." Her cocky tone made him feel something in his stomach - something he never thought he would. A desire to make her eat her own words, to show her who's in charge this time.
“And what if I win?”
“Then I’ll let you do whatever, now come on. We’re gonna be late.”
She grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the door. He stalled a bit.
“Anything? So, say, I could be… in control?”
She nodded absentmindedly, glancing around the room for things she might’ve forgotten, her mind clearly fixated on the Poe Cup. She didn’t notice the glint in Xavier’s eyes. She didn’t notice how he straightened his back, how his cheeks flushed underneath the white paint, how his breath hitched just slightly. How his smile widened, mischief and determination written across his features. She didn’t even notice how he bit his lip ever so slightly in a way that promised things she could not ever see coming.
“So,” he stated, almost casually, “we have a deal then?” 
“Yea, yea, deal. Can we go now? Y'know, I have a Cup to win. Again.” She smirked, winking.
His heart fluttered, a wave of excitement sending shivers down his very core.
Yeah, we’ll see about that… 
Xavier followed V towards the lake, chuckling under his breath at how determined she was in her stride. So confident and self-assured. He watched her vanish inside the Black Cats’ tent, absolutely positive the victory was hers. He squared his shoulders, fists clenched at his sides, his mind racing. Adrenaline pumped through his veins once again, making it difficult to stay still. He had to focus.
Now, where the fuck was Ajax? They had some prepwork to do.
And he had a bet to win. 
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octuscle · 7 months
Could you make me a jock?
I'm lost in life , and IV never been able to fulfill my dreams
Iv always wanted to play football, but it never happened
Those jocks are hot, cocky, built and horny with leaking dicks
If I could just wear the kit , I'd be happy, but to play , I'd do anything, i would obey anyone for it to come reality
Bruh, you're 22 years old now… A bit young to be having a midlife crisis already, isn't it? It's not too late to turn things around. Your job at the supermarket checkout doesn't have to be the end of your life.
Friday morning. Almost the weekend. At last. Your transformation process starts with the alarm clock ringing at 06:00. Yes, you don't actually have to get up until 07:30, but this way you can go to the gym before work in the morning. For the first few minutes, you still think it's a terrible idea. After your protein shake, you don't think it's so bad anymore. Once you're lying on the weight bench, you can't wait for your muscles to start burning.
When you open the store at 08:00, nobody is there yet. Sure, you don't open for another hour. But you're proud to be a store manager at just 24 years old. And you take your job seriously. When the first customer comes through the door, everything has to be perfect. Shortly before 09:00, everyone is in position. You check your reflection in the mirror again. Hell yes! You look hot. You've been torturing your body every day for six years. You're still mourning the missed opportunity to start exercising in high school. Maybe then you would have become a competitive athlete, maybe even a professional. As it is, you're just a damn broad man in your mid-20s.
The place is packed. Many customers come in just because of you. You're a bit of a celebrity around here. Quarterback of the local team. Some even want selfies with you or an autograph. You go back to the gym for your lunch break. You're 29 years old. You have to make the most of every opportunity if you want to stay fit. And tonight you have to get back on the field. Your team is relying on you. Your memories fade as you pump… Supermarket? Damn it, you're not a loser! You played football as a freshman in high school. Okay, you never became one of the greats… But you have over ten years as a pro behind you. Maybe you're not the fastest on the field anymore. But you can take a hell of a lot more than all the young wimps.
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The photos for the new calendar are taken before the game. Like every year, you're Mr. February. The Superbowl month. The Superbowl will remain a dream. Let's see how long you'll still be active as a professional. But you don't care either. You're having a lot of fun. And when the damn photographer is finally finished, you wank into your helmet. That's good luck!
Calendar page of February has been published @maxx-magnum
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A Perfect Treat II
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Header made by the wonderful @allieboop
Pairing: Josh x f!reader x Danny
Summary: After a night where Josh shared you with his best friend, there are rules set in place. You might decide to break them and see what happens. 
A Perfect Treat
Word count: 14.2k (yes I know) 
A/N: This is by FAR the filthiest thing I’ve written so far. I’ve been chipping away and picking at it for weeks now. It’s nowhere near perfect, but I’ll lose my mind if I keep looking at it. I’m also a bit nervous to post it. Feedback is always loved and appreciated! Hope y’all enjoy this mess of a fic
Special shout out to Allie, @pennylanefics @josiee-gvf for input, ideas, and letting me talk their ears off about this nonsense. Love you guys ❤️
***Disclaimer: This is going to have stuff between Josh and Danny. This is not going to be everyone’s thing, and I’m aware of that. If that’s the case, just keep on scrolling. **
Warnings: cursing, sexually explicit content 18+ - MINORS DNI!! (Unprotected penatrative sex, oral m!receiving and f!receiving, edging and orgasm denial, dirty talk, praise and degradation kink, rough sex, thigh riding, fingering and finger warming (it makes sense), teeny bit of breath play, spit kink. I might have missed something. 
It’s not like Josh has been ignoring you on purpose. He would never think to do such a thing. He wouldn’t dream of letting you get this needy and desperate for his attention, or would he?
You know it’s only because he has been busy working tirelessly in the studio on the new record with his brothers for the last few weeks. 
Despite knowing it wasn’t intentional, you couldn’t help but feel apprehensive when he insisted on taking you out to lunch today. You fought the idea, but he was persistent in bringing you along to the studio in hopes of making his absence up to you in any way he could - and you were always wanting to take Josh’s word for it.
You indulged in the romantic notion for a while, but you had been waiting here for nearly an hour since he left you to run a few last-minute errands. You bit back the annoyance that threatened to leave your tongue before he promised to come back shortly to take you out. You work to maintain an uplifted mood but deep down you curse at yourself knowing this was bound to happen when the plans were made. It’s just impossible for you to ever turn down the opportunity to have more time. 
So here you are, doing your best to keep yourself busy with the mindless scrolling on your phone. You even took a break to doodle on the pad of paper with the case of pens Josh keeps stashed away in the studio. 
You have had to entertain yourself since everyone else is either out or hasn’t even arrived yet. 
The only other person here is Danny.
He walked in about fifteen minutes ago while Josh was out, and gave you a friendly wave as he strutted past to start practicing in the other room. You shrugged it off at first as it wasn’t unusual for him to show up a bit earlier than the rest of the guys. 
He strummed and played around with a few riffs on one of the acoustic guitars before finding his way over to his kit. You simply ignore him as you reply to unanswered messages from friends and check through different social media feeds.
It appears to be successful until the sinful thoughts of your night spent together start to creep up to the forefront of your mind. You try to stomp them out, you're the heel to a fleeing spider. It has only been a few weeks since it happened, but memories are playing over in a constant loop as if they were made hours prior.
You haven’t slept together since that night, and not because you didn’t want to. You haven’t even really talked about it. Silent exchanges and passing glances were given, but in the end, it became clear that it was down to the opportunity and timing. After it all happened, Josh quickly established a rule between you - that if you were to fool around with Danny, he was to be there as well. 
The others not being privy to your new arrangement is making things more difficult than you would have anticipated. 
You give up in defeat from trying to push him from your mind to sit up on the couch and walk over to one of the chairs positioned in front of the large glass window of the sound booth. You lean forward in the seat, taking in the sight and listening closely to the sounds of him playing. Just in case you had to offer any feedback or even some critique if he were to ask. 
It's a fruitless attempt, because all you’re doing is staring at the strong muscles in his legs rippling with each deafening pound of the foot pedal thumping into the bass drum or ringing crash of the high hat. He has shed his shirt at some point during his playing. Your focus is directed on the defined muscles of his arms and chest swelling as he throws them across the kit. You watch in awe as his brows pull together in concentration, his face contorting in a wild grimace.
Danny wipes the back of his hand on his face when he finally takes a break, collecting the beads of sweat forming across his thick brow. His chest heaves rapidly with each heavy breath from exertion he’s put his body through. He bends down to grab a bottle of water by his feet, somehow not catching the fact you’re gawking at him. 
Your eyes are glued to his adam’s apple as it bobs low in his throat with each large swallow of water. He’s a breath-taking sight as the lights in the studio reflect off the sheen of sweat across his throat and bare chest. 
Before you know it or a chance to second guess yourself, your feet are carrying you out of the booth. His eyes flicker open and lock onto yours the second he hears you enter the room. You don’t have to say a word as you slink around the various instruments and chairs while making your way towards him. 
 He’s watching you closely, and that devilish smirk spreads with each precise step you make. 
He knows exactly what you want. You might as well write the words in black sharpie across your forehead each time you see the man. Hell, you’re not even able to look at him without blushing red hot at the thought of him between your legs. 
The two of you have been playing this game for weeks. With the way he’s looking at you and how you’re stalking closer to him, you just weren’t sure who was the cat and who was the mouse. 
Danny doesn’t say a word as you walk closer. He pulls the large headphones from his ears and adjusts himself on the seat while you run your finger along the glossy surface of the drums to the kit. First the cymbal, and then across the top edge of the toms - circling to face him. 
The thrill of just touching what seemed to be the most sacred to him sent a jolt of electricity from the tips of your fingers through to the middle of your spine. He keeps a calm face as he follows the trail of your hand with a keen eye until it dances across the edge of the closest cymbal to him.
He decides that he should be the first one to break the silence, “You going to tell me what’s the matter?”
You sigh to yourself, dropping your gaze to your fingers running along the metal, “I’m bored.”
He chuckles softly, sitting up straighter as you approach, “I can see that. But I’m willing to bet it’s not just boredom that brought you in here, is it?”
You choose to ignore the question, tapping along the drum with your index finger. You’re not looking at him but you can hear the rattle of his drumsticks moving in his hand that has been perched up on his thigh. 
The tip of the wooden stick makes contact with the side of your leg, right above the knee and just below the hemline of your dress. You look down to watch him closely as he drags it up at an excruciatingly slow pace, running along the smooth skin of your thigh hidden beneath the flowing fabric, pulling up as he goes. 
His eyes wander up and down your leg, holding up the dress as if to inspect what’s underneath. Shyness almost takes over, hoping that you’re passing whatever test this might be. It’s feeling very reminiscent of a high school crush that you’re trying to impress. 
He makes a low, deep purring sound of approval with a subtle lick across his lips. You want to live in that sound forever. 
Your breath hitches when you feel the polished point trace along the lace edge of your panties. You clench around nothing as he tickles the delicate skin with the lightest brush of the wooden stick.
God, you wish it was his fingers… fuck, even his mouth instead. 
The memories of how he touched you that night plays in your mind again while your eyes close. You imagine the sensation of his fingertips dancing along your body. It almost feels real as the wood dips under the band. A frustrated groan escapes you when he suddenly decides to pull it away to trail back down your leg. 
He doesn’t wait long before gliding it up between your legs this time, teasing the oh-so-sensitive area of your inner thigh. He is applying the right amount of pressure - just enough to make you know it’s there but still leaves you wanting more. Every inch of skin is buzzing, heightened beyond your limit as you stand before him.
With each inch the drumstick glides up your leg, the wetter you become. 
“What’s the matter, princess? Is Prince Charming neglecting you a little too much lately?” He taunts through a knowing grin, noting how much you’re squirming at the seemingly simple action.
“I never said that,” you snap back, letting out the irritation in your words, even if it was the truth. You weren’t ready to reveal that to him yet; you had to hold on to something before giving the satisfaction. 
The drumstick slips effortlessly between your legs, the hard point pressing up against your soaked cunt. The fluttered moan you give up crumbles the weak facade of having any self control. You feel it rub over the damp cotton, just perfectly over your already throbbing clit.
“Hmm.. would fucking you with these be breaking the rules?” He ponders in thought, tapping the stick with that flick of his wrist and smirk growing at the very idea. He presses it against you harder with a precise hand.
You whine out, “…Danny.”  
Heat flashes right through your face, pinkening your cheeks in a matter of seconds. The way you’re already whining his name again like the night spent together was almost too much to bear. 
You step a little closer, making the movement of his hand stop, “Yes?”
“Danny, come on,” you pout. 
You sound so fucking desperate, but the pitched sound of your voice makes his cock twitch the second the words leave your pretty lips. He just isn’t ready to admit to you how much he wants this, too. 
He tuts in disapproval, dragging the stick back and forth, “What would Josh think of this behavior, hm?”   
You wonder with a low hum, feeling more defiant than ever, “I don’t know. Do you want to find out?”
You take another step between his open legs as he guides you in with the drumstick tucked in its place. 
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trying to get me in trouble,” He laughs, withdrawing the drumstick from your legs to bring it to the pulse point at your throat, right below your chin. 
You swallow against the stick pressing into the soft spot and your eyes drop down to see Danny looking up at you -displaying that same intense look he gives to you when he’s on stage. Like he’s ready to devour you the second he makes it backstage. Behind this drum kit, he’s cockiest he’s ever been and never fails to drive you wild every time you witness it. 
He hums again, correcting himself, “But that’s not it. I know it’s because you’re just dying to get yourself in trouble. Wanna get punished, don’t you, baby girl?” 
You choke out his name once more as you wrap your hand around his wrist holding the stick..the tick. 
The sound coming from you is pitiful…embarrassing really. 
He replaces the lack of the drumstick between your legs with his long, slender fingers. He groans when he feels the warm, wet heat of your pussy cupped in the safety of his palm. You clench around his hand hoping that he keeps going, and hopeful it was. Danny was not going to break Josh’s one rule that easily. 
He lowers the drumstick from your throat and tosses them both off to the side and they scatter across the floor out of your view. His hand rushes to find a place on your hip to tug you forward that much closer.
The pad of his middle finger drags over your covered clit with a precise curl. He’s beaming with excitement as if he had just ripped open a present on Christmas morning, sighing, “I love that you’re such a whore for me.”
All you want is to drop to your knees right then and pull his cock from his skin-tight jeans, to suck him off and fuck him while screaming his name. But you can’t. 
You’re pushing the limits of this boundary, but you swear to yourself you can’t do that. 
Danny must’ve been reading the thoughts of wanting to sit on his lap as they ricocheted around the emptying walls of your head. He pulls in his bottom lip, biting it between his teeth before cooing softly, “Sit that pretty pussy on my thigh, baby. Show me just how bad you want it.”
You’re eager to show him, hell, you would jump him in a heartbeat if he or yourself allowed it. While the idea rolls around in your mind like it’s on a hamster wheel, he helps guide you over his leg with his steady hands secured around your waist. Once you’ve lowered yourself onto his leg with your hands finding his broad shoulders for balance, you feel the denim press against your aching core. His fingers trail down the tops of your thigh, pressing softly into the supple flesh as his dull nails drag along the smooth expanse. He inhales deeply, breathing in the delicate floral notes of your perfume as your hips roll forward. 
He hasn’t bothered to wipe off the sweat covering his torso yet, but you can’t force yourself to care when it bleeds into the fabric on the front of your dress when you’re pulled flush against his chest. The musky scent - one that you recognize from that night and now more intense - fills your head. 
You shamelessly grind yourself against his thigh, and the strong, lean muscles of his leg flex beneath you. The hand planted on your hip pulls and pushes you along like the waves of an incoming tide, adding to the friction to your hidden clit by rubbing through your soaked panties onto the rough denim of his tight jeans. 
The other has been busy exploring you. 
“How much have you been thinking of my cock, hmm?” A breathy chuckle flutters across your ear. His new-found confidence is showing its face, with cockiness dripping through every word as it passes from his lips. 
You huff out an airy laugh, but the sound crackles from your throat as you strain to keep the rhythm of your hips going. If he has you working this hard for your own release like this, you sure as hell weren’t giving him the satisfaction of that answer. 
You lock your arms around his neck to close whatever space is left between you. The embrace is laden with lust with every inch of your body touching his feeling like a flame is brought to the surface. 
You’re positive that this was not in the rules Josh set.  You’re drawn to him like a summer moth to a flickering light. 
 “Do you think about it when he’s fucking you nice and slow?” he asks again in your ear, and the words stick to your conscience like his voice has been dipped in honey.
This time you nod against his cheek and the stray curls tickle your skin. 
His open hand travels up your back to find a hold of your hair, tugging you back by the locks at the nape of your neck. Your eyes flitter down to his lips. You want to kiss him again so badly. 
He looks up through his now heavy lids that are framed beautifully with his long, dark lashes, and smiles up at you, “Mmmm, you are the forbidden fruit, aren’t you?” His tongue darts across his bottom lip, “Good thing I already know what it tastes like.”
He isn’t hesitant about kissing you like he was the first time. He knows exactly what he wants, and it’s you. 
Danny’s fingers release your hair to wrap strongly around your neck, bringing you to his mouth with a firm hand. You bring a hand to his face, rubbing your thumb against the flushed surface of his cheek. He greets you with the slight salty taste of his sweat, but then the taste starts to melt into a certain sweetness that is him as your tongue licks across his. 
It could be that you’ve been so deprived of something like this, but he really does seem to taste better than he did before. 
Is it because you know you shouldn’t?
Anyone could walk in and see the two of you, but the risk never seemed so enticing. You should be thinking about Josh. The little date that he has planned for you. You did get all dressed up for him today, after all. You made sure that your hair was perfect and took a little extra time doing your makeup. Now you questioned to yourself if it really was only for Josh
A hand sneaks under your dress and grabs your ass beneath the bunched up fabric at the small of your back. He dips his fingers lower to feel between your legs from behind. 
The frantic rocking of your hips to chase the high consumes you. You can’t get enough of him. Just one more hit - one more pass of your core over the hard muscles of his thigh. You should be ashamed of how much you needed this, but you couldn’t drive yourself to care. 
With your face buried into the expanse of Danny’s neck, your heavy panting sends hot breaths of air across the skin. It all feels so rushed, like you’re racing against an imaginary clock - despite the feeling like you’ve lost every sense of time itself. 
What you do notice is Danny feeling rigid against you all of a sudden. He seems like his body froze beneath you with all of his movements on you stalling completely.
What he hasn’t told you yet is that Josh walked in about a minute ago, keeping the fact that he is standing right in the doorway and was watching this scene unfold. That he and Danny have been staring right into each other's eyes while you unravel completely. 
You second guess yourself, but you’re convinced that Danny is right there with you and consumed by this moment. There is no denying how close you are, and it’s doing nothing but clouding all of your judgement so you keep going. 
His hand presses into your hip to stop you with a soft warning mumbled into your hair, “Babygirl, no.”
You lean back to figure out why he has suddenly stopped, and you find that he’s looking through you - well, past you. The expression on his face makes your heart plummet into the pit of your stomach, making you feel like the floor fell out beneath you. You can only flip through the possibilities and it takes you several seconds before you dare yourself to peek over your shoulder. 
Sure enough, your boyfriend is leaning up against the door frame while he takes a sip from the paper coffee cup in his hand, looking over the rim into your eyes. You can’t place what’s going on in his mind. You’re sitting here probably as white as a ghost with every ounce of color draining from your face and there he was, as casual as can be. Your head whips back to Danny, searching for an idea what to do next, but he seems just as clueless. 
You mouth a string of curses in a hushed whisper and when you turn around again, Josh is no longer standing there. 
Before Danny is able to talk you out of it, you clamber off of his lap with the grace of a newborn deer learning to walk for the first time, so he stands to hold your hand while you regain your balance. 
You shake him off to rush towards the door to the sound booth, ironing out the wrinkles on your dress with your palms the best you can. Josh caught you both red-handed and you’re reeling trying to come up with a believable excuse as to why that just happened. 
Nothing remotely passable comes to mind within the seconds it takes you to stumble into the room. You’re expecting him to lash out and scold you the second you walk through the threshold. That this is it. This is going to be your first real fight. What you find is him sitting on the couch, waiting for you right where you should have stayed the entire time. 
You prepare yourself for the worst. 
He just looks up from his phone in his hand, meeting your eyes with that beaming smile of his. Without skipping a beat, he asks as if nothing happened at all,  “Ready to go?”
Lunch with Josh went smoothly. In fact, it seemed to go a little too well even for a normal day out. You sat on the edge of your seat waiting for him to say something, anything about you and Daniel. He never did, he just carried on about the new music among the normal conversation topics, even at one point asking where you’d like to go for the next trip together. 
You played along knowing that he saw what he saw, and that he wasn’t going to let you get away with it. 
Later that evening, you pad quietly into the master bathroom after changing into your pajamas for the night. It’s almost midnight and the both of you are finishing up your routines to get ready for bed. The exhaustion from the day is setting in and you know he is feeling it as well, but this has been your only alone time spent together in private and you weren’t about to pass the opportunity up. 
You find Josh brushing his teeth when you come up behind him. At first, he smiles around his toothbrush when he catches your reflection in the mirror, thinking nothing more of your presence. 
You place your hands at his hips, right at the band of his pajama pants as you lean in to nuzzle into the depths of his fallen curls - smelling the special shampoo he insists on using. He reminds you of the feeling of curling up into a set of fresh linen sheets, still warm from the dryer. 
“Hi, mama,” he mumbles with a mouthful of toothpaste, still thinking of it as an innocent gesture without realizing your true intentions. 
That’s until one of your hands slides around his waist to dip lower between his legs to find what you’ve been craving. His eyes widen and a breath shudders from his chest from your bold advances. 
“Hey!” he giggles as he breaks himself of your hold slightly only to spit the rest of the toothpaste into the sink. He struggles to rinse off his toothbrush and wipe his mouth as you continue to play. The sounds of his laughter are cut off with a rather loud groan from the touch of your hand palming over him. 
“I’ve missed you,” you whisper into his ear, brushing your lips over the soft buzzed hair behind it before nipping at the tiny gold hoop adorning his lobe. You roll the jewelry past your lips to feel the cool metal against your tongue. 
Loving the fact he’s allowing you to take control, it finds its way down the side of his neck, soothing the soft skin after your teeth drag against it. He moans from the teasing sensation, and he can’t help but buck his hips forward into your hand.
He looks into your eyes through the mirror with lust. darkening the honeyed irises, “I missed you, too, sweet girl.”
Your fingers dip below the waistband this time, following along the trail of trimmed hair until you can finally hold his soft cock that’s already starting to harden in your hand.
You begin to stroke him gently, feeling him grow with each steady beat of his heart. He’s holding back the urge to take control when his hand wraps around your wrist that’s working him.
Feeling impatient yourself, you tug the pajama pants down his legs to free him from the restrictive clothing. Admittedly, it’s mostly so he can watch as you pump your hand slowly over his cock, and it’s no surprise to you how much he loves it. 
 He’s looking at how your hand looks around him, how big he looks in the grasp of your fingers. Something you’ve told him countless times of course, but he can’t help the grin when he sees it for himself. He’s making sure to burn the sight into memory for times when he can’t be with you. 
He just can’t decide to keep his eyes fixed on the mirror or simply to look down at what you’re doing. 
You’re looking at the defined lean muscles under the soft skin of his stomach that's cast in the soft lightening of your bathroom. You admire how his hip bones poke out just a little from his slender waist. It became your favorite thing to worship whenever your mouth finds its way down there.
You’re watching him flex with each unhurried pass of your hand, each subtle almost insignificant tremor that might go unnoticed otherwise. You watch in awe when the precum has started to leak and how the pink head of his cock shines when you swipe your thumb across it. 
“Mmm. I think you’re the pretty one, Josh,” you purr across the shell of his ear. 
He whimpers at the praise, parting his lips with each pitchy breath passing through them as his head rolls back against your shoulder. His eyes flutter closed as he loses himself in your loving touch. 
He knows what you’re doing but he’s too far gone to stop you. You concentrate on that extra sensitive spot under the head, swirling over with your fingers. 
“Oh.. fuck,” he growls, making the sound vibrate out from deep within his throat. 
The noise tells you he’s done letting you take the lead.
In a flash, you find yourself being picked up and shoved onto the bathroom sink. His hands hook around the band of your pajama shorts, ripping them down your legs so quickly that you wonder if they might have torn.
You’re barely given a second to think before he’s wedging himself between your legs with his cock in hand.  
You want him to fall to his knees and wrap his lips around your needy clit, like he would do in any other circumstance. This time, however, he doesn’t. 
He doesn’t think you deserve that tonight.
Instead, he brings his fingers up to his mouth, coating the digits in his spit to prepare you for what’s to come. 
They pass through your folds to add to the growing wetness, but not before rubbing a few teasing circles across your clit. 
He wasn’t going to be that cruel.
You lift your hips begging for more of his touch, searching for anything he’s willing to give. He graces you with it, but maybe not with what you were initially expecting. 
Josh doesn’t ease himself into you like he usually does. It’s not gentle and teasing. You've found that everything with him is always slow and so sensual. Deliberate and caring. 
This time he bottoms out into your pussy with one aggressive push.
For a few seconds, his lips press into that vulnerable spot below your ear as he waits until he can feel your nails rake down his back. That, along with your nod and how your legs are wrapping tightly around him to pull him deeper into you is all he needs to keep going.
His hips snap into you with a force you’re not really familiar with. You take it, greedy for whatever he is willing to give you. But now you’re missing his lips so you try to kiss him by pulling his face into yours, but they don’t stay there for long. 
Even his kisses are sloppier as he licks across your cheek. He presses his nose into the side of your face, fanning the tacky skin with strained breaths. Besides that, he’s rather silent with you. 
Which you know is very unlike him. 
Josh always talks to you. He’s always sure to tell you how good you feel, how much he loves you, and how much he wants to make you feel good. 
This is not the love-making you’re used to. He’s deciding to just fuck you tonight. Pure and simple. Hard and fast. 
Soon, other than the sounds of your own cries, you hear the smacking of your bodies together and the combined heaving pants echoing off the tiled walls of the bathroom. 
You’re getting so, so close, but you can also tell he’s closer. His breathing is more ragged, and the rhythm of his hips have started to falter, and his fingers are pressing hard enough into your hip to leave small bruises. 
You worry that you won’t be able to finish before he does, “Josh..slow down. I’m so-so-“
The way he knocks the air from your lungs with each powerful thrust cuts your words off in the air. You can’t focus on anything because of your vision being whited out from his cock slamming relentlessly into your cervix. That’s how you know he isn’t going to slow down. He is past that point with no chance of return, but you are so desperate to chase after him. 
Again, you beg hoping he would listen this time, adding whatever coaxing tone was necessary, “Josh, baby. Please. I’m right there, slow down a little..”
He only smiles against your cheek. 
Fuck, you’re so close. It’s all within reach. Just a few more seconds. 
But he doesn’t give you satisfaction. He pulls himself from the tight warmth of your pussy for the grip of his hand. His timing is just right that he only needs a few more strokes. 
You can only watch in disbelief as he paints your neglected clit with ropes of his hot cum. The contrast of how warm it feels compared to the cold marble of the counter against your skin makes a chill roll through your body. 
The smirk growing on his face reveals to you that he’s proud of himself, proud that he’s denied you the release of your building climax. Pleased with the fact he hasn’t even given you the reward of finishing inside you. 
“What the fuck, Josh?!” You snap at him through the fucked out daze you’re in, letting your frustration get the better of you. 
His hand finds your throat to pull you in closer. Close enough to feel his breath fanning across your parted lips. You squeak at the firm pressure of his fingers wrapping almost painfully into the side of your neck. 
His other hand is still between your legs. Those fingers slide through the mess he created, only to fuck his cum into your pussy. You whine, clenching around him in need which makes him laugh from the desperation. 
With a precise curl of his finger inside you, his lips find your ear, and his voice like the finest crushed velvet of his jumpsuits when the whisper graces your senses, “Maybe this will be a good reminder next time you feel like breaking the rules, princess.” 
It leaves you speechless, void of any coherent thoughts that could be used for a response. 
He doesn’t say anything else as tucks himself back into his pants, and places a tender kiss to your cheek before walking out of the bathroom to crawl back into bed. 
After the little stunt Josh pulled that night and the moment with Danny, things had been undoubtedly tense between you. You have settled on the fact that there wasn’t anger or resentment in that tension, it was just that he has been holding out on you all week, keeping you deprived and teetering on the edge. The kisses he gave never deepened, affectionate touches stayed innocent.
It was driving you absolutely mad. Sure, you could sneak off when you needed to for your own release, by your own hand. Alone. It had gotten to the point in your relationship that touching yourself would never compare. And he knew that. 
You had been craving, even dreaming of his hands roaming across your body, his mouth exploring all of his favorite places. 
Tonight you were hopeful that the dry spell would finally end. That the needed alone time together would be the solution to this growing problem, but the thought quickly dissipated the moment you find out that he invited the guys over for movie night.
He had done it on purpose. You were sure of it. 
You’re frustrated with Josh enough that you decide you don’t want to even sit next to him during the movies tonight. You aren’t sure what’s bothered you more, the fact he had been witholding sex or that he had been acting completely normal about it. 
Two can play this game of his. 
You ignore him to find a comfortable spot on the large sectional before the guys even arrive. You can hear Josh singing to himself in the other room, too busy making drinks and ordering food to notice you’re no longer sitting in ‘your spot’.
It isn’t ten minutes later when Sam, Jake and Danny arrive at your front door. It’s very on brand of them to make a loud entrance, calling out for your boyfriend as soon as they walk in. You stay seated on the couch, mostly because you don’t feel like getting up to greet them. It’s not out of the fact you didn’t want to see them, but rather you just wanted Josh’s attention for yourself. 
You hear Sam and Jake make their way into the kitchen by the sound of their voices traveling and echoing into the space. It’s followed by the muffled conversations, and you can only guess it’s about what drinks to make. You giggle to yourself, because it’s the only incentive for Sam to abandon a night out for sitting through one of Josh’s cinematic choices for the evening.
While you’re waiting for them to shuffle into the living room, you play on your phone to distract yourself. Daniel’s presence in your home is causing a new batch of nerves to bubble in the pit of your stomach. You’re staring at the screen, but your mind isn’t registering what is on it. 
You try to listen closely to what’s being said, but it’s almost impossible to make out the words. By the tone of Josh’s voice, it lets you know that he’s in good spirits despite the bickering between him and his brothers.
There is a creak of floodboard, making you lift your head to follow the new sound coming from your periphery. You startle when you see that it’s Danny standing in the doorway to your living room. 
He’s testing the waters. This is the first time you’ve seen him since the studio incident, and the memories of that moment flash before you. The intensity of his stare causes a hot, prickly blush to form across the apples of your cheeks. 
It’s different. The way he is looking at you tonight - as if it’s to say “there is no way we can stay ‘just friends’”. It makes your stomach flip but you can’t seem to make yourself pull away no matter how hard you try. There’s a wanton desire smoldering within the darkened irises that are hidden behind black brows, and it manages to pierce right through you.
Things have certainly changed since that night.
But it’s still Danny standing before you. He hasn’t lost that certain softness in those massive brown eyes that make you smile. 
You take note that he’s dressed comfortably tonight, wearing one of his worn band tees that fits his tall, lean frame perfectly. The dark, almost black denim wash of his jeans brings out the golden, sun-kissed tan that you’re thankful for; it's still lingering as you approach the autumn months. He’s wearing his hair down and the perfectly maintained curls bounce freely around his face. 
But fuck he looks so good.
He takes a step forward, finally making the move to pass through the threshold that he’s been cautiously standing behind for nearly a minute now. But before he can speak a single word, Sam is bursting into the living room. 
“So are you not gonna say hi to me or what?!” Sam huffs and he walks by Danny, nearly knocking into him as he does so. 
“And give up my perfectly warm spot? I don’t think so.” Although you’re being pulled into your quippy banter with the youngest Kiszka, your eye never leaves their best friend. 
“Oh I see what I mean to you then. At the bottom of the priorities list. I’ll remember that.”
You bring your eyes back to your phone to scroll through the app that’s still open on the screen, “I’m sure you will.”
Another voice breaks into the living room, passing by Sam, “Will you just leave the poor girl alone, Sam? She’s suffered enough dealing with your annoying ass.”
“Hi, Jake.” You smile at him as he finds a spot on one of the recliners. 
“Hi, Jake,” Sam mimics your voice with an exaggerated pitch, and Danny is quick to throw a punch into his arm. 
“Ouch!” Sam yelps as he rubs his muscle, turning to Danny, “What the fuck was that for?!”
“No fighting!” Josh scolds them. He is the last one to shuffle into the room with full arms of drinks and snacks. That’s when he sees you out of your usual spot, and he raises a brow to you out of curiosity. 
Over the course of the film, you nudge in closer to Danny so your back is pressed against his chest, tucking yourself into his side. 
You weren’t even trying to make Josh jealous, you just wanted to grab his attention. The plan is quickly backfiring because he is too absorbed with his eyes locked on the screen to even notice you. 
You’ve forgotten the title or plot of the movie Josh has picked because you can’t seem to pay attention to it even if you wanted to. All of your focus is on Danny’s quiet breathing; studying how calm and steady it is with each inhale and exhale. You fixate on the comforting, earthy scent of his cologne, the same one you recognize from the night spent together. You notice how warm his skin feels to the touch each time it brushes against yours whenever he shifts beside you. 
No one has really noticed nor cared that you’re cuddling up next to Danny instead of Josh. You’ve been known to show some level of affection to any of the guys, so this doesn’t really stand out of the ordinary to them. 
They just don’t know of the recent history between you two. 
You move incredibly slow beneath the cover of your blanket, careful not to bring any attention to yourself.
Well, the unwanted attention anyway. 
 At first, your touch is comforting as you feel yourself over your panties as you test it all out-  just to see how intune Josh really is to you. You watch him as you dare yourself a little more by moving your fingers under the material of your underwear, seeing if he would break away from the t.v. 
Before you can venture any further, or even give up the idea entirely, Danny’s hand wraps tightly around your wrist, halting your movements. 
Shit. Are you already caught?.
A blush forms at your cheeks. In the back of your head you knew he would probably be the one to notice even if he isn’t the main target of your attention.
“What are you doing? You’re gonna get yourself in trouble again,” he whispers harshly and you can feel his lips moving against the shell of your ear. 
You stay silent, worried that you would be caught by the others the second you mutter a single word. A few excruciatingly long seconds pass with you frozen like this. 
“I’ll get you there if you’re quiet,” he breathes, voice only loud enough for you to hear with his sweetness still lacing delicately throughout the words. 
You nod and he gently releases his hold on arm, but he doesn’t pull away from you. His fingertips travel farther down, dipping under the band of your sweatpants to trace along the bare skin of your thigh. It tickles you at first, but you’re already so tightly wound that the simple touch feels like a shock of static to the sensitive area, making you squirm against him. 
He squeezes his hand around the thickness of your leg, massaging the tense muscles with a kneading thumb. He finally retreats enough to dip between your legs and for a moment you swear you aren’t even breathing. 
If you were paying attention to anything else, you would have realized that Danny wasn’t either. He swallows the gasp that threatens to leave his mouth when he feels how warm you were. How you’ve already soaked through the cotton panties like that day spent together in the studio. He’s amazed that hasn’t even really touched you and you’re already falling apart like this. 
He considers teasing you some more, but decides against it. He wants to be the one to bring you relief you so desperately need. He’s determined to be the one to make you cum when Josh has been stringing it along for weeks. It’s a secret he’s kept from others, but feeling you again has been on his mind without reprieve.
It’s something he can’t shake from his thoughts no matter how many times he’s stroked himself alone in his bed at night in an attempt to get you out of his system. 
There is no way he would be able to hold out from touching you in a predicament like this.
He can barely contain his own sounds when he presses into your clit through the thin cotton. Your hips lift  without your control to chase the feeling. If he had all the time in the world, he would just keep himself there - playing with you for however long he wanted. 
Danny slides his hand beneath your panties and you nearly cry out when his finger finally dips into your arousal, parting your soft lips and coating the longest digit as he slips it through to circle your clit. He swallows back the groan when he feels how it’s already so swollen with need. You feel close enough that he could whisper the words that he wants to make you cum, and the heat of his breath fluttering across your pussy would unravel you completely. 
His cock throbs impatiently within the restriction of the tight jeans when he feels just how wet and warm you really are. 
He’s drawing deliciously slow patterns as he’s exploring you like this for the first time. Everything is so new to Danny. With Josh, he knows every inch of your body, almost too well sometimes. Danny is still learning, taking in each minute detail. 
He notices every faint change in your breathing with the different flicks of his finger, noting the ones that drive you the craziest. It’s becoming challenging to stay quiet, and you’re biting into your lips with each moan trying to escape whenever his fingers dip into your entrance.
Just when you think your moments away from breaking through the rising peak of your climax, he stops the movement of his fingers and buries them deep inside you. 
You claw at his hand beneath the blanket covering your legs, silently begging him to keep moving. You can’t see the smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, but he quickly shakes it away before anyone notices. 
You think you’ve gotten away with it so far. You’re confident in the fact that no one knows, but when your eyes finally open and refocus on the room you’re in- you are met with Josh’s eyes staring right back at you. 
Oh no. 
His eyes then flick over to his two brothers, seeing that they are still watching the film and not you. When they find their way back, you can’t decipher this look he is giving you. It’s knowing and intense -  but they are still playful even as they darken before you. 
Danny isn’t moving his fingers anymore, letting you know that he also sees Josh watching the both of you. He feels you clench and flutter around him as his stilled digits are locked tightly in the safe warmth of your pussy. 
This entire time Josh doesn’t make a sound. You almost question it but there’s no doubt he knows what’s happening. After a few long seconds of looking between you and Danny,  his gaze returns to the film played on the t.v. 
You try your best to watch the film on the screen, but your efforts are proving to be pointless. Every so often, Danny curls his fingers that are still inside you, sweeping them against your hidden spot with the perfect pressure. He even lets your own hips do the work as you lift and squirm to chase the friction. 
Each passing minute is time spent in blissful agony, keeping you suspended on a quivering tightrope. Each subtle movement is nearly imperceivable, but it’s just enough to tighten the familiar coil twisting in the pit of your belly. 
It feels like an eternity with how long it takes him to coax you along the slow build of your release. You cum just like this - with his fingers tucked deep inside you. 
It’s the first time he’s really felt you ravaged by the intensity of your orgasm, one that you weren’t even expecting yourself, and god he wishes to himself that he could feel it on his cock. He can barely contain himself behind you as you roll through each crashing wave. 
He chooses not to pull them from you as you begin to come down. You wiggle your legs slightly because of the sensitivity of them staying there, but he remains still.
You really aren’t even sure how much time passes from that moment. To you, the scenes of the movie are just bright blurry images flashing in front of your fogged mind. Josh started talking about something related to the film, but you can’t find the strength to make out the words. 
Sam is starting to get annoyed with Josh’s rambling about the film as the ending credits begin to roll. He looks over his shoulder to see you, but is immediately stunned by the sight.
His mouth falls open in concern and stands up, “Oh wow! Y/N, you don’t look so good. Are you feeling alright?”
Danny then scissors his fingers inside you. 
You croak out a broken whine and then stumble over a response, clenching your thighs around his hand, ‘Hu-huh?”
“Do you have a fever or something?” Sam asks as he starts to walk towards you, but you scramble to interrupt him before he gets too close.
“Uhhh…maybe. I think it’s hitting me all of a sudden,” you respond, putting on your best sick act. 
“Maybe you should go lie down upstairs, babe,” Josh suggests in a sickeningly sweet tone in a display of concern, but the glint in his eyes reveals something else. 
Jake is the one to pick up on the strange tension as his eyes find his twin’s. You watch as an outsider as they exchange a conversation in silence, just as they do time and time again. Jake’s eyes shift between Josh to Danny and then back to you before landing on Josh’s once again. Your cheeks flushes even hotter with embarrassment because you are sure he has picked up on whatever is going on. 
He stands to his feet, letting out a grovely sigh as he smooths out the wrinkles of his worn pants, “Alright, Sammy boy. I think it’s time to head to the bars before it gets too late.”
Sam groans in protest when pulls his phone from his pocket to check the time lit up across the screen, “It’s only 9:30!”
Jake is already out of the living room when he calls back to his younger brother, “Come on, Sam.”
“Okay, okay!” He rolls his eyes and stomps out of the room, throwing his hands up in the air as he follows his older brother. 
As soon as the door latches shut behind Jake, Josh turns back towards you and Danny. His eyes flick down to the blanket and his voice is taut, like a tightly wound string as it shoots through the air, “What do you think you’re doing?”
You do your best to put on that extra syrupy, saccharine sweet voice of yours to win him over, knowing that you were without a doubt - very much in trouble. 
“You said we couldn’t do anything if you weren’t here. And it looks like you’re here to me, Joshy.”
Danny snickers into your hair in response to your brattiness, and you throw an elbow back into his stomach to cut him off.  
Josh’s cold, expressionless face doesn’t change, “You’re just like her, Daniel. And you spoil her.” Despite the icy stare, the words are heated as they leave his mouth. “Go ahead then. Keep treating her as sweet as she acts, and move the fucking blanket.”
You obey the command with cautious movements, and slowly kick the throw off your legs with Danny’s fingers still buried deep inside you. He watches your every movement, and when the blanket falls to the ground - his eyes are back to yours. 
You swear you see the tiniest grin start to show when he sees that Danny is still touching you, taking care of you. He’s still enjoying himself, and you know this by that little tell of his - the way he rubs his fingers methodically around his knee and picks at the threads of the pant seams. It’s something that you would never admit that you know. 
He’s trying so hard to keep up the facade of being upset with you, and you have to give it to him - he was doing a wonderful job. But you decide to up the stakes, and loop your fingers around the waistband to slowly pull them down your legs. 
You’ve taken your soaked underwear with them as well, revealing everything out to him. A giggle leaves you when you see his mouth fall open at the sight. 
Danny takes the chance to slowly pump his wet fingers in and out of you for show. After all this time tucked inside, he finally pulls them from your pussy to spread you apart for your waiting boyfriend. Josh nearly drops this act he’s been putting up with so he can come running to you, but he holds strong in his place on the other end of the couch. 
What he can’t do is keep his focus on your eyes. They become fixed on Danny’s fingers, and they stay there for longer than you expect as if he has been stuck hopelessly in a trance. 
Danny stays silent as he is shamelessly showing off, prideful of what he has done to you this evening. They are both busy listening to the soft sounds that escape your lips with each pass of Danny’s fingers over your over-sensitive clit. 
“Well, someone has to. You’d think she would have a boyfriend that’s generous enough to take care of her. What did you say again? ‘I love to take care of my baby.'' Those were your words, right?”
That’s what makes Josh shoot up from his seat and saunter over to you in a few strides. He would usually extend a hand and wait for you to take it, but this time he grabs it without warning and pulls you to your feet - ripping you away from Danny’s hold as if to say “You have enough time playing with my girl.”
You yelp from the sudden action as you are yanked into Josh’s arms. 
With a grip around your throat, Josh finds your mouth with his own and shoves his tongue past your lips without giving you a second to process any of it. Kissing Josh was always a slow building dance, a gentle give-and-take of who would lead. Right now, it’s quite the opposite in this unbridled hunger for you. 
He bites at your lip, sinking his perfect teeth into the soft flesh before pushing his tongue against yours. 
Your shirt is yanked from your body and thrown somewhere onto the floor in the midst of it all. Josh’s hands are gripping and clawing at your ass, roaming across your back and around the nape of your neck. It’s all in front of Danny, who is still sitting behind you, all to make the point to show him who you really belonged to. 
Danny knows better than to complain.
Josh eventually guides you back, but you’ve been so disoriented in the feeling of his tongue exploring your mouth, that you’re forgotten your place in the living room. You give him your blind trust as you stumble backwards until you feel the edge of the couch against the back of your knees. 
He shoves you down onto the open chaise end of the sectional with a deliberate push to your chest that makes you giggle. You’re loving that he is taking charge and is a little more aggressive with you, which is definitely the side of him you are experiencing tonight. 
Josh pulls his own shirt over his head and tosses it somewhere into the room to add to the mess of clothes collecting on the floor already. 
You can feel Danny sitting by your head, and you tilt your head back to get a better look of him. 
Before you can really get to see or say anything to him, Josh rolls your nipple into the heat of his mouth. The addicting feeling of him is sending your senses into overdrive already.
 God, you’ve missed this so much. 
He licks across your bare, flushed and warm chest, dragging his teeth behind the trails his wet tongue leaves along your skin. You squirm and lift your hips helplessly beneath him. 
Josh’s teasing laugh that hums low in his throat flutters from his lips that are pressing against your ear, causing you to shudder instantly as he taunts you, “I’ve barely touched you and you’re already acting like this? Maybe Danny didn’t take care of you as much as he thinks.”
You hear Danny scoff of disagreement above you. 
Josh’s middle finger travels from the hollow point of your throat, between your breasts, down and over your navel to dip between your legs. He releases a groan when he feels you for himself, “or maybe you’re just being extra greedy tonight.”
The tiniest whimper squeaks out, “Josh…”
“What’s the matter, baby?” He mumbles into your throat. 
You beg with a forceful roll of your hips up into his hand, “I need you, please.”
His warm breath clings right to your skin just as he ghosts his finger from your entrance to your clit,“You want me to take care of you too, don’t you?”
“Yes! Josh, I need to feel your mouth! Please!” You suddenly shout the frustrated plea into the open space. 
He growls into the nape of your neck at the sound of his name, feeling rather possessive as he sinks his teeth into your throat, “Fuck, you sound so gorgeous when you beg for me.”
Danny is showing how restless he is with how his legs start to shift and fidget more and more with each passing second. The movement reminds you of his presence you nearly forgot about with Josh on top of you like this. You reach behind to feel your way to the button of his jeans, but he’s so hard and impatient that he can’t wait for you to pop it open. 
He takes the moment of control by quickly undoing his pants to pull his cock out from the pant leg where it’s been tucked away for nearly an hour now. He takes your hand with his fingers gently wrapped around, and guides it towards his erection. 
The skin is silken soft as your fingers brush along the length, and within seconds you feel him add his own spit collected on his fingers to use as lube - making your hand glide along him in languid strokes behind your head, and the sounds of his moans soon follow. 
You can’t see it, but you whimper out from having the weight of him in your grasp again. You close your eyes, picturing behind your lids of what it looks like, how it feels in your mouth, how the size of it stretches you out. 
You want to put every ounce of your attention to make him feel good - to make him feel close to anything you’ve been experiencing tonight -  but once Josh starts to place careful kisses on your clit - that idea is quickly thrown out from your conscience. 
You clench in need after each brush of his lips on you. He watches you, admiring the rise and fall of your chest, loving how your breasts move as you take in those shaky breaths to ground yourself. 
He is more than aware of how sensitive you are, and makes sure to ease you into the addition of his mouth slowly. Each kiss lasts just a touch longer as he admires your pussy before his tongue graces you finally. It’s a barely-there flick when it teases you, so faint that you question if it really happened. 
You don’t wonder for long before he adds a little more pressure, making a loud moan echo throughout the large room.  You feel the smile form against you when he hears it, and you fight the temptation to squeeze the cocky bastard’s head between your legs.
The work of your hand on Danny is lazy and unfocused, and it’s not because you aren’t trying. He doesn’t seem to care, because just the feeling of your fingers around him and seeing you like this is enough to nearly send him over the edge. 
Josh guides your vulnerable little clit into the warmth of his mouth, taking his time to treat it just right as he suckles it just the way you love. Like this time is no different than the many nights spent together where he insists on making you cum over and over with his head buried between your legs with no end in sight. 
If you weren’t such a writhing mess, you would have seen Josh making eye contact with Danny as he licked across your dripping cunt with those teasingly slow stripes of his pointed tongue. 
You buck up from the sensation and your head lands across Danny’s thigh. He giggles quietly and leans down to you, letting the rasp of his voice fan across your ear, “Go ahead and tell him how you’ve been imagining my mouth on your pretty pussy.”
Josh takes this as a new challenge and changes everything that he’s doing in an instant without bothering to ease you in first. He’s now devouring you like you are his last meal he will ever taste and consume.
You’re getting so close. Josh’s frenzied laps of a flattened tongue as he dips his fingers inside of you is enough to hurl into the next crashing wave of another orgasm. 
You see a splotchy array of colors flashing behind your closed lids. It’s a weightless, out-of-body feeling as you are pulled under by the velvet-softness of Josh’s tongue. All sounds are being muffled out, but you can bet that you’re probably crying out in pleasure. 
Danny adds a final touch with a roll of your nipple between his thumb and finger after giving your breasts a squeeze in the large palm hand.
It wasn’t on purpose, but you’ve let go of Danny cock. He more focused on helping to ground you to them by letting you claw at his forearm while your other hand nearly rips Josh’s hair out by the roots. 
He fights through the pain of it with satisfied growls that vibrate through you with the pads of his fingers pressed into the flesh of your thighs. He makes sure to return the favor by licking unapologetically over your overstimulated clit, causing your legs to shake violently around him. 
Josh retreats from you and stands to his feet, but doesn’t bother to wipe his mouth and face that is glistening in your shared wetness. You’re still distracted enough with trying to recover from your orgasm that you don’t realize that he had made his way back over to Danny. 
Your boyfriend stands before him and leans in, placing a hand to the back of the couch behind Danny’s shoulder. He is a little startled by the action and stiffens his body, not sure what Josh is planning to do next. 
Your boyfriend takes Danny by the chin and places a kiss on his lips. It’s chaste at first, but as he tastes you that was left on his lips, he yearns for a bit more. Josh feels generous and is more than willing to give in, deepening the next kiss. 
You’re dragged into a clearer state of consciousness when you feel a hand pull yours that has been holding Danny’s cock. You rush to sit up in confusion only to see Josh has replaced yours with his own. Danny is frozen and speechless as watches in disbelief, along with you, as Josh starts to stroke him. 
You’re quick to note that it isn’t even a technique that Josh would use on himself. It’s teasing and experimental, light but deliberate with each pump of his fist. Each twist of his wrist, the passing of his fingers over the head of Danny’s cock causes a pathetic whimper to push past his lips.
Your body doesn’t even feel like it belongs to you anymore with how much you’re struggling to bring your fatigued limbs in to sit up onto your knees. You reach forward but Josh interrupts you before your hand can touch him. 
“Sit, baby,” he instructs. 
You scoff and you slump back on your ass, pouting in disappointment that you’re not being included in whatever this was. 
“What’s the matter? Mad that I’m playing with your toy?” He mocks you, sticking his lip out in a pout that mimics your own. He emphases the words with a taunting squeeze of his hand around the tip, making Danny throw his head back so thick mane of curls cascade over his shoulders and the back of the couch.
He’s falling apart in your boyfriend’s hand and you can do nothing but be obedient and watch.
He sinks a knee onto the seat cushion beside Danny’s leg so he can lean in a tad further. When he’s close enough - close enough for Danny to catch the notes of Josh’s cologne - his tongue licks a long stripe across his jawline, causing a low moan to rumble deep in his chest. Josh doesn’t stop moving his hand as creates a trail of open-mouth kisses towards Danny’s ear.
He’s teasing him, pushing him just close enough to the cliff’s edge while making sure to pull back just enough to keep him suspended in this limbo.
“Fuck, Josh…” Danny whines, clawing at the upholstery of the couch with the dull edge of his nails. 
Josh bites at Danny’s jaw which sends a sharp hiss through his clenched teeth. Josh pulls back enough to look directly into his large, doe eyes, and says, “You don’t think I can make you feel as good as she does?” 
His voice is dripping with that cockiness you love so much. 
He doesn’t allow Danny the time needed to form a response. In a flash of a second, his tongue flicks across Danny’s upper lip, drawing him in. You’re stunned into silence as you witness your boyfriend slip his tongue into your friend’s parted mouth. 
You can tell that Danny’s still a little hesitant at first, but it doesn’t take him long before he melts completely into the kiss. Instead of losing himself, he starts the fight for dominance. With a pass of his tongue and a hand around Josh’s neck to pull him in, it’s enough to make your boyfriend moan back and fall forward a few inches. 
Danny is finding his confidence again, and breaks away, donning a playful smirk, “I’d like to see you try.”
Josh looks down at him through his lashes, biting his lip between his teeth. Showing you that he’s willing to play into Danny’s taunt by switching up the movements of his hand - but not before he leans back and lets a bead of drool fall from his mouth onto Danny’s waiting cock. 
It shines in the dim lighting as Josh spreads the added wetness from tip to base, causing a violent shudder to roll through Danny’s body.
With his brows pulled together in concentration and lips parted, his hips lift up with each stroke of Josh’s hand in a desperate chase for more. You’re struggling internally beside them without being able to touch or have him in your mouth yourself. 
This is Josh’s version of a twisted punishment wrapped up like a nice little present. 
You remember all of Danny’s tells from that night. Everything is giving him away - from the raggedness of his uneven breaths, to the little whimpers and groans breaking from his chest, and especially with the way he can’t sit still as Josh hovers over him. 
It can’t be over so soon. Josh wouldn’t let that happen just yet. 
A pitchy whine breaks free as Danny grabs Josh’s wrist, but he doesn’t stop him. 
“Don’t act so surprised,” Josh croons smugly as he grabs Danny’s chin in his hand, and the sound makes you clench your thighs together in need. He leans in to whisper into Danny’s ear, “I took notes,” just as he bites his earlobe.
Just as Danny feels himself venture near his orgasm, Josh pulls his hand away, making a breathy laugh rasp loudly from your friend’s chest. He throws his hands up into his hair in frustration, pulling it away from his sweat-dampened forehead. 
Josh chuckles proudly to himself as stands and offers a hand to you, “We don’t want to steal all the fun from our sweet girl, do we?”
You take it and he helps you off the couch and down to your knees in front of him. The greediness that you’ve been pushing down starts to overtake you. He sweeps the hair from your face, holding his hand at the crown of your head while you work to unbutton his pants. That’s when you notice the small patch of wetted fabric on his right thigh.
He’s so deliciously hard that you’re sure it’s almost painful for him to keep it hidden away for this long like he has. You’re imagining that slight salty taste of the precum that has leaked from his cock when you palm over the dampness, purposefully avoiding the throbbing erection that so desperately needs your attention. 
You graze your hands down the length of his legs and up again as you hum, teasing him, “Someone got a little excited.”
He tugs the hair from your scalp, and warns with a harsh clip of his teeth, “Watch it.”
You look at him, batting your lashes while listening closely to Danny’s heavy breathing behind you. He smiles at you for a second, but quickly follows with a push of your head towards him. 
You loop your fingers around the waistband of his pants and pull down, and you’re welcomed with the fact he’s not wearing any underwear. 
Would you expect anything different?
He groans through a heavy sigh as soon as your fingers wrap around him. You stroke him oh-so-gently, ghosting over his cock with your lips to place a kiss to the inner point of his hip. 
You’ve missed this so much. 
You lick and suck on the delicate skin, admiring across his lean stomach. The kisses tickle him as they are placed between his hips, making him squirm until you nip a collection of marks with your teeth. 
Josh always wants you to tease him. It’s his favorite game to play, but right now he needs to feel your mouth around him. He’s been holding out for far too long; he has convinced himself he has forgotten what it’s like.
Of course he wouldn’t forget. There was nothing that could ever come close in comparison. 
He bucks his hips forward, and clamps his eyes shut while releasing a low growl with a new air of dominance, “Suck it. Don’t keep me waiting.”
You smirk to yourself, but obey the demand by bringing his cock to your open lips. You give a few teasing kisses just for good measure before you lick around right at the spot where the tanned skin of his shaft meets the rosy pink tip. He’s been keeping himself rather silent until you take him into your mouth to swirl your tongue around the head. 
You pull him from your mouth with a satisfied pop! You giggle as you pump your fist around him, “Like that?”
He looks down at you through half-closed lids with that crooked smile, “Fuck... you’re such a brat.”
In the past, he would have let you take control, giving you all the time in the world to make him feel good at your own pace. But tonight he is impatient with you given all the rules you’ve broken. Once you have him back in your mouth, he pushes himself into the back of your throat in one powerful thrust with his hands tangled into your hair. 
You gag around him, but you keep him there nestled deep where he belongs. 
“Jesus Christ, Josh!” You hear Danny blurt out behind you. 
Josh is quick to answer, nearly breathless already, “She’s fine, isn’t she?” He taps your cheek with his fingers along with the question, confident you would stop him in a second if things got too much for you. 
You nod with him still in your mouth and you start to bob your head slowly to build up your rhythm. He turns the two of you enough to give Danny the perfect view. 
Just to show him what you can handle. 
The first time this little arrangement happened, he had blessed Danny by sitting back and letting you take care of his best friend, but now it was his turn.
Now this is the punishment - to remember that moment and have it so close in his grasp but still not being able to have it. Danny wraps his hand around himself to satiate the need, imagining every little detail from that night as he watches you on your knees. 
You can’t look to see what he’s doing because of the tears that have started to cloud your vision and wet your lashes. You’re stuck trying to imagine what's happening by listening to him, but you’re finding it’s too hard with your own sounds masking over him. . 
Meanwhile as he towers above you, Josh is fighting the overwhelming urge to just fuck your face, and he’s starting to lose that battle.
With his hands wound tightly into the tresses of your hair, the thrusts become more aggressive as he slams himself into the back of your throat. 
And just like the good girl you are, you take him. 
But your jaw is aching, and drool has started to drip freely from the corners of your mouth down to your chin. Your lungs are burning, silently screaming in a frantic need for a real breath that you’ve been denied.
He releases the grip on you just in time before you have to tap his leg.
He still groans in protest when you have to pull yourself off of him to catch your breath, but you’re still connected to him through the thin string of saliva starting from your lips. You bring your fingers up to wipe your mouth, and decide to mutter the praise that you know always makes him weak, “You’re just so big, Joshy.”
He would deny later how his knees nearly buckled under him when he heard those words. You lean back on your heels to look up at him to see that smirk you knew would be there. 
You’ve won him over. You can see it with the special glint in his eye and with the way he rakes in his bottom lip. 
He taps your lips with the tip of his cock that is still slick from your mouth against your lips, and he breathes, “Yeah? You think so?”
You reply only with an eager nod. 
“Don’t tell me you’re calling it quits now, princess.”
You shake your head and utter a faint, “No.” 
He rolls his hips forward, sliding himself along your flattened tongue once your mouth opens again, “Mmm, that’s my good girl.”
Josh quickly finds a rhythm he’s satisfied with. Danny can no longer sit back and just watch the two of you. He tests another boundary by grazing his hand across your shoulders to sweep away the hair that  has fallen out of Josh’s grasp.
Seeing this, Josh releases all for him to hold. To have both of their hands on you like this is threatening to distract you entirely. 
Josh doesn’t stop there. He places his hand over Danny’s, the one that’s keeping the hair from your face in a makeshift ponytail. The resistance of it lets him push into the back of your throat just a little deeper. 
You’ve broken so many rules tonight that you just want to redeem yourself to him; to fight back the limitations of your body. You couldn’t possibly survive another week if he holds out on you again, but you’re being pushed to the very brink as the seconds tick on  by. 
He lets go of Danny's hand, and the tips of his fingers graze beneath your chin, lifting your face with a caring nudge so you’re no longer treating him to the pleasure of your mouth. The pad of his thumb rubs across your swollen, wet bottom lip as he looks down at you in admiration. 
Josh bends down and takes your hands in his to bring you up to your feet, supporting you as you balance yourself on your shaky legs. You wince from the soreness coming from your knees that you have been able to ignore until now.  
You’re a little out of it still as you catch your breath, but he turns you to face away from him. He brushes the hair from your shoulder to place hot kisses along the bare skin and you catch the sight of Danny still seated on the couch.
It’s really the first time you have looked into each other’s eyes since he first walked into the living room tonight. The deep coffee-colored irises are carrying the same look of desire and longing, but now with the new touches of jealousy that wasn’t quite there before. 
Josh sits on the couch with his hands still placed around your waist. He kisses the small of your back before leading you onto his lap, taking the time you need to find the right position. With an arm wrapped around your waist, he takes his other hand to his cock that’s pressing up between your legs. 
You brace yourself as he coats the head through your slick, and he slips effortlessly through your folds. He pushes himself to your entrance, letting you take the control of lowering yourself onto him.
Josh pushes himself to the hilt, earning a sinful cry from you. It’s been a long time since he has felt this, too. So with the way your mouth made him feel with how your walls are wrapping tightly around him, he can’t help the pitchy whine that breaks free. 
Danny finally stands to his feet and starts to undress in front of you. He reaches above and takes a handful of his t-shirt from between his shoulder blades to pull it over his head in one swift motion. He takes another step forward and brings his hands to the band of his jeans, and whips out the belt from the loops and tosses it across the floor. This whole time his cock is still out in the open with the zipper of his pants pulled down. 
He kicks his boxers and jeans off just as he stands before you. You reach out to him, taking a hold of his hip to bring him in closer. With your open hand you feel across his stomach that’s twitching under your palm. You pet over each dip and rise of his ribs as he takes in steadying breaths, traveling to the trail of coarse, dark  hair leading from his navel down. 
He leans down to kiss you and you are able to taste yourself on his soft lips. He is much gentler than Josh was with you as he teases the tip of his tongue across your bottom lip. You welcome him the second you feel it, taking the role of being the greedy one. 
Josh’s fingers nudge into your jaw so you break away thinking that he was wanting to kiss you but he didn’t. To your surprise, you weren’t pulled away from Danny for that reason. 
You thought he was going to kiss you but instead, he pulls in Danny from the back of his neck. It takes Danny off guard as well, but he welcomes it. 
Josh purrs in pleasure, breaking the kiss, “She tastes sweeter on your lips.”
Danny whines on Josh’s full lips and mumbles a desperate plea, “Please…can I feel her too? Please, Josh?”
A grin spreads across Josh’s mouth when he realizes he has Danny right where he wants him, “She is addicting, isn’t she?”  
Danny can’t help but let out a pitiful whimper in response. 
Josh caresses Danny’s cheek with a sweep of his knuckles, “You’re just as pretty as she is when you beg.”
Danny takes that as permission and bends down to wrap his hands around your thighs and lifts you up in a fluid
motion, bringing you around his waist. You instantly lock yourself around him in fear that you might fall, but you feel secure once Danny has a stronger hold on you. 
You remember this feeling, being in his arms again. However, the last time you didn’t feel his cock pressing up against you like it is now. He’s waited long enough to have you that he doesn’t waste the time to tease you before lining himself with your pussy. 
You think for a second to brace again  for it when you feel the head slide effortlessly back and forth through your folds, but the feeling of his lips attaching himself to your skin as he buries his face into your neck takes all your focus. You’re still so wet, and now that you’ve been stretched out by Josh - he slips right in without much resistance. 
At least he does at first until you’re greeted with the familiar sting of him bottoming out. You do your best to lift your hips while he tries to thrust up, but it proves to be useless. It takes all your strength just to hold onto his shoulders and keep your legs locked tightly around his back. 
He walks back towards the couch, staggering a step or two but manages to carry you far enough to lay you across the cushions. You melt into the furniture, embracing the new comfort of his weight of his body laying on top of you. 
He takes a second to find the right angle with his legs nudging underneath your thighs, but soon enough his hips begin rocking into you. The intoxicating warmth of his cock filling you up takes you over and your legs wrap around his waist once more to pull him even deeper. Your hand finds a place around the bicep of the arm that’s holding above you and you feel the muscle flex with each thrust. 
He’s measured with his movements, but you’re not sure if it’s because he’s already so close or if it’s because he wants to be careful with you - or that it's a combination of the two. 
You glance up to watch his face. You want to take in how his brows are sewn tightly together in concentration, causing a little crease between them. You bask in his pants sending warm puffs of air past his lips onto your skin. 
It’s like he’s forgotten about everything else but just you. Just the feeling and embrace of you. 
Josh is quick to remind him that it isn’t just the two of you. His presence is felt as he walks up from behind you, and you search for him with an open hand above your head until you feel his bare stomach. 
Your knuckles drag along the skin, making him release a pleased sigh. “You miss me?”
Danny sits up, disconnecting your legs around his back so he can lift you up farther onto his lap. He curses under his breath at the new angle, captivated with the way you’re lying beneath him. 
 Josh sees the admiration in his friend’s eyes for you. “You should see yourself, baby,” he praises and by the raised pitch of his voice, you can hear that he’s getting close.
 “You really are fucking gorgeous taking us like this,” Danny agrees, rubbing the pad of his thumb over your clit.
The strokes of your hand on Josh are listless and uneven. He takes over for you, pumping his first over his cock with an expert hand. It doesn’t take much before he finds himself in the throws of his release.
He curses under his breath with a final thrust through his hand, “Holy shit.” 
At first you flinch the spurts of his hot cum covers across your naked breasts, but only for a second as you welcome the reward. 
Danny falls forward into you, and you’re startled by the feeling of his tongue licking across your hardened nipple, tasting the mess that is left there. It yanks you from your daze to see Josh holding back Danny’s hair from his face. 
You can’t even begin to form a thought from what you experience before he swipes his finger across your other breast and brings it to your mouth. You take it in without question, licking the familiar taste of Josh on your tongue, sucking around his finger as much as you can. 
Danny’s eyes roll back from the sensation of your mouth as he loses the last shred of control he might have been holding on to. He’s not paying attention to rules, to the arrangement, to any of the boundaries that may or may not be in place. 
He’s accepting the fact he’s falling apart while deep inside you. He forgets he needed to pull out. That he should finish on your stomach or even your chest to mix with what Josh has left. 
But he doesn’t. 
In a second before either one of you could react, he releases inside your soaked cunt, filling you up with the warmth of his cum in a couple staggered thrusts of his hips. 
That was not the plan.
For what seems like hours, the three of you sit in silence as you collectively come down from the height of your pleasure. You are overcome with the feeling of Danny’s release starting to leak from you in addition to what’s been left across your chest. Danny hasn’t looked at either of you, opting to keep his head down as he regains his composure. 
He withdraws from you and you know he's processing what just happened because that’s where your own mind is at. With the stiff, rigidness of his body, it’s obvious that he’s nervous to look up at Josh. 
He finally speaks to break the silence, but stutters over the apology, “Josh, I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. I know she’s yours and, b-but I just couldn’t-“
Josh cuts him off with his fingertips brushing across Danny’s cheek to shush him. “‘Shhh.”
Danny looks up at him wearing a face or confusion from the reaction. 
Josh lets out a fucked-out giggle and sighs, “I think it’s safe to say that she might be yours now, too.”
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tiredofthehumanlife · 1 month
Oh my god they were roommates
barbie dolls:lily Evans x you
word: 2.4k ish
summary: your roommate lily had a hard day so you treated her right
warnings: lily has a tongue piercing, you're called Gay by narrator (me), you suck girl dick, lily is trans I said so I'm right you're wrong (/j), noodles mentioned, lily cums in your mouth and you slurp that shit up like a 7/11 slushie, I got sleepily can you tell when, lily uses the toilet while your brushing your teeth idk if that bothers you just check out after they stop banging, I think that it you really just give lily some head and pass out, lily is a ceramic teacher
You had first been a little worried moving in with some rando, but within minutes you lost most of your anxiety. The longer you spent with your lovely roommate, you learned more and more about her. You two quickly became less roommates and more roommate-friends. Her name was Lily Evans. She had fiery red hair, a beautiful laugh, perfect posture, and extremely kissable lips. In a perfectly roommate-y way, you were probably in love with her. She was so kind and so smart. You could go on and on but you were on a time crunch. Less daydreaming, more cooking.
Lily had some particularly pissy clients today. One almost threw a slap of clay at the wall, a couple broke up while she was trying to teach them how to throw a bowl on the pottery wheel, a group of teenage boys asked her if they could make bongs, and someone had the audacity to try to mansplain her own profession.
Lily had called you while she was eating her lunch, telling you everything. You nodded along, giving her all the support. She hung up after her lunch break, you quickly jumped up to your feet and started scittering around the apartment. You did her laundry, folding it gently, and placing it into her dresser. You vacuumed and swept, took out the trash, went out and bought all her snacks, organized them on her bed, and began making her favorite for dinner.
You jumped slightly at the sound of her keys, turning around with the box of pasta like a deer caught in headlights. Lily stared at you, holding onto the strap of her purse. She stared at you blankly, looking between the box and your face. You felt underdressed. Still in your pajamas, while Lily was in her put-together outfit, with a few clay splotches.
“Hi.” You whispered. She jerked her head.
“Hi?” Lily hung her keys in their place, muttering and keeping eye contact as she did. “What are you doing?” You shrugged, glancing back at the boiling pot of water and simmering pan of Alfredo sauce.
“Making your favorite dinner.” Lily jutted her bottom lip out at you.
“That’s sweet,” Lily whispered. She sniffed at the air before turning back to you. “Smells like Clorox?” You nodded.
“I cleaned. And did your laundry, among other things.” Lily stared at you awkwardly.
“Why? Is someone covering over?” You shook your head.
“You had a hard day. I wanted to make you feel better.” Lily whined at you, looking close to tears. She quickly pulled you into a tight hug, crushing the pasta box slightly. You huffed, patting Lily on her back. You heard her sniffle. You tilted your head slightly, gently pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“I think I’m going to go cry in the shower now if you don’t mind,” Lily whispered, pulling back. You nodded. She left toward her room as you turned back to the pot, dumping the noodles in.
“Did you like buy all the snacks I like and drop them on my bed?” Lily asked. You glanced over your shoulder.
“yeah, I did do that.” Lily pressed her lips together. She nodded. Lily disappeared into her bedroom again. You continued making dinner. You glanced up at the sound of her slippers dragging across the floor. Lily had a new outfit and a towel in her arms, all wrapped up in her green robe. She stopped by the oven, placing a kiss on your cheek before leaving to the bathroom. You thought about how most friends didn’t kiss, cheek or otherwise.
You heard the water turn on, stirring the pot. You thought her lips on you more as you continued making dinner. You thought of them lower, on your neck. You thought of them on your shoulder as she pulled your shirt off. You thought them on your hip as she pulled the waistband of your pants down. You thought of them as she pulled your underwear down with her teeth. You thought her painted and chipped nails as she gently pulled your legs apart. You thought of her staring up at you as she kissed your inner thigh. You pulled the pot off the stove, taking it to the sink. You dumped it into the awaiting strainer.
You thought her hands gracing over your bare back with the sun shining through her curtains with small flowers embroidered on them. You thought of her holding onto your hand as you walked through the grocery store, trying to find what you needed to finish a last-minute baking project. You thought of her hands rubbing up to the back of your neck, down to your shoulder blades, and back again while you fell asleep on the couch. You thought of bringing her lunch at her studio. You thought of braiding her hair into her nighttime pigtails with her eyes struggling to stay open. You wanted more than just sex with her. You wanted more than just friendship with Lily.
The water turned off, just as you were plating dinner. You were setting down your two plates on the small round table across from each other. You set out two glasses of water in Lily’s favorite cups. Lily came out of the bathroom soon after that in her pretty pj set. You both ate dinner, debriefing about the day. Lily thanked you a million times. You were able to brighten her moods though, her laugh bouncing off the walls. Lily helped you set the plates in the dishwasher. You both moved into the bathroom, brushing your teeth in silence. Stood around a single sink dipping your heads down to spit like the drinking bird toys. You sat on the closed toilet lid, digging in the bottom drawer for Lily’s comb and detangling spray. You ignored whatever she was doing over the sink, focused on trying to find the matching hair tie to the one in your hand. It matched her pj set.
After you found both hair ties, you left to the couch. You sat down, setting out her comb and detangling spray to the side. Lily joined you soon after, sitting down on the floor in front of you. You gently sprayed all her hair, before combing through it. As you moved through the motions, splitting her hair, and braiding the two parts, Lily told you about the conversations she overheard at her work. Just as you finished the second braid, Lily turned around. She smiled at you.
“I switched out my tongue piercing, look.” Lily opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. In the middle of the pink was a pretty little green ball. You nodded. You wanted to run your tongue over hers.
“ ‘s cute.” She nodded.
“We should make out sloppy so I can play with it.” Lily stared at you, a small grin pricking at her lips.
“What?” You shrugged. Lily tilted her head.
“I was just joking. you know, platonic validation and all that.” Lily sat up, leaning against your thighs.
“Cause, you know, if you wanted to-“ She trailed off. Your breath caught. You would’ve exhaled but she would’ve heard the uneasiness.
“Well, I mean if you’re offering.” Lily nodded.
“Oh, I'm offering.” You glanced around the room, now sitting in the silence of two roommates who are most definitely gay for each other. Lily pulled herself up onto the couch next to you. Lily paused a moment, staring into your eyes. Lily asked if you were sure. You couldn’t want something more. You pressed your lips to hers. You were quickly heating up, her tongue slipping past your lips as you pulled her up onto the couch. Lily straddled your lap, holding on to the back of your neck. She nipped at your bottom lip. You ran your hands up her thighs, squeezing at them. Lily seemed to enjoy that, grinding down into your lap. You let out a breathy moan. She muttered your name. You pulled your head back, staring up at her.
“I'm not having couch sex with you, my room is like four steps away.” Lily pecked your lips before standing and sticking her hand out. You latched onto it following her as she led you to her bedroom.
“Four steps too far.” You whispered, not really wanting her to hear you. Lily looked back at you and rolled her eyes. You were shoved onto the bed in seconds, Lily straddling you again. You brought her lips back to yours. Lily pulled at the hem of your shirt, breaking your kiss. She dropped the shirt behind her. You gently pulled at the bottom of her pajama shirt. Lily smiled at you, raising her arms. You pulled the shirt over her head dropping it off the edge of the bed. You trailed your kisses down her neck, leaving behind a few marks on her clavicle. You pulled one of her nipples into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around it as you pinched the other.
Lily whispered your name. You decided you wanted that sound to be engraved into your skull. You slipped your hands under the bottoms of her thighs. You flipped her over, her back hitting the mattress. You pulled yourself over her. Lily smiled up at you as you kissed down her stomach. You met her eyes as you dragged your tongue over the edge of her shorts. She nodded at you. You gently pulled her shorts down her legs before tossing them away. You returned to her stomach, kissing her underneath her bellybutton. When you pulled your face back, you could see her bulge through her thin cotton underwear. You lightly kissed it, feeling her hips jut upwards.
“hurry up with it, don’t tease me,” Lily whispered. You tsked, dipping your fingers into the band of her underwear and pulling.
“Isn’t that half the fun?” Lily quickly grabbed the nearest pillow. She swung her arm and smacked your shoulder. You pulled her underwear past her knees as she set the pillow back. She maneuvered her legs, helping you slip off her last layer. You flung the underwear somewhere over your shoulder as you leaned back down. You lightly blew air between her legs, seeing her stand up more. You gently pressed your lips to her tip, staring up at her. Lily groaned. You pulled her legs over your shoulders. You swiped your tongue over the bottom of her length before pulling her into your mouth fully. Lily moaned as you swirled around her tip. She dropped her hand to the back of your head. As you continued to bob your head, you slid one hand under her leg to massage her balls.
Lily pushed her head back against the mattress as you licked around her tip again. She squeezed her thighs tighter around your head. You moaned around her length. Lily muttered your name as she got closer. You pulled off her, kissing her tip. You dragged your tongue up the side of her dick before drawing her into your mouth again. You moved your head up and down faster, making her breath quicken. You kept your hand between her legs and your mouth on her cock as Lily got closer. She kept one hand on your head as the other trailed to her own nipple.
She tweaked it as she felt herself fastly approaching her climax. Lily jutted her hips up, pushing her length further into your mouth. Lily moaned your name under her breath as she came in your mouth. You swallowed, slowly pulling off her. You licked at her tip, catching the last bit of her cum, before swiping at the corners of your mouth with your thumb. You pressed your thumb into Lily’s mouth. She swirled her tongue around the pad before you pulled her into a kiss. Lily gripped your hips, pressing you against her. You stuck your tongue against hers, feeling her piercing. Lily moaned at the taste of herself. You fiddled at the piercing with the tip of your tongue. Lily pulled back, spit smeared around her mouth.
“Keep kissing me like that and we might have to go again.” You smiled and pecked her lips. You gathered her an outfit from her dresser. You soon after that pulled Lily into the shared bathroom. She used the toilet while you brushed your teeth. She changed into new pajamas before joining you at the sink. She started brushing her teeth as well. By the time you finished, you sat on the toilet lid, watching her. Lily was so beautiful, her moans sounded so beautiful too. As she was rinsing her mouth you felt a craving for something sweet.
“Ice cream is good aftercare right?” Lily spit out her water into the sink, looking over at you. She nodded.
“most definitely. And we could watch another episode of our show.” You excitedly nodded. Lily dropped her toothbrush into the holder.
“Roommates who also give head can cuddle on the couch, right?” you asked as Lily walked with you to the kitchen. She thought about it as she pulled out the ice cream and two bowls.
“Are we still roommates?” She whispered.
“my head game was so bad you're kicking me out?” Lily snorted as she scooped ice cream into the bowls.
“No I just mean, do you want us to be more?” You sighed. You shrugged.
“I think maybe that’s a question that I can decide in the morning when I’m thinking about something other than you.” Lily smiled sweetly at you, handing you your bowl. She gently kissed your lips.
“When are you not thinking of me?” You scoffed, walking behind her to the couch.
“Oh it's practically never, but it might be easier to make important decisions when your moans aren’t ringing my ears.” You whispered as took your first bite of ice cream.
“Are we on episode 7 or 8?” You rolled your eyes at her before informing her you were on episode 9. Eventually, you both finished your ice cream, setting it on the coffee table. You crawled into her arms, laying on top of her as she traced shapes on your back. You both fell asleep in the living room with your show on. In the morning you’d make hard important decisions, tonight you were just doting on Lily.
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juiles · 1 year
Scarlett’s Love.
Summary: Y/N is a teen who’s known Scarlett her whole life. Scar asks a life changing question on set one day.
Type: fluff!!!
Triggers: none at all. Just pure fluff
Masterlist here!
Request here!
*not my gif*
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Scarlett Johansson was always considered calm. Level-headed. The only reason she ever lost her mind was when one of her two babies were being put in any kind of danger or when you were.
Y/N Y/L/N. That’s what your name was and that’s who Scarlett had this constant need to protect. You had met her when you were 2 as you played her on screen daughter in A Good Woman. She had instantly fallen in love with you however after you finished filming she was ripped out of your life by your parents. 3 years went by until she finally got to see you again as you played the younger sister of the family X in Nanny Diaries. Her face when she realized she got to work with you again made her then boyfriend, Ryan, full of joy.
This time she had noticed a difference in you but it was until 2009 when you came on as Natasha Romanoffs adopted daughter in Iron Man 2 at the age of 7 that she really noticed how your parents treated you. Or rather didn’t. You were fiercely independent and your parents just dropped you off and picked you up. After a few months she decided to take over being your onset guardian which made you insanely happy.
The only person you were your age around was her. You were a little less guarded around Chris Evans however you preferred Scarlett. She felt safe. She paid attention to you unlike your parents.
You guys were now filming Avengers: Infinity War. It was about a month into filming and it was close to your birthday. You were going to be 16.
You had been staying with Scarlett during the filming of this movie and for a few months before filming started. Your parents didn’t care where you were or what happened to you. You had talked in great details with Scarlett and Lizzie about potentially emancipating from your parents. You decided together that if that’s how you still felt in 2 weeks when you turned 16 you would do it. You knew you always had a place to stay with Scar as the woman had declared one of her guests rooms be yours when you were 10 and it slowly became your safe space.
It was mid-day, you were doing your schoolwork with your tutor and Scar was due to show up in a few minutes to give you the lunch you had forgotten to grab from the snack bar earlier. You could hear a soft knock on the door and your tutor chuckled.
“Mama-bear has come. I’ll give you a 30 minute break to eat. I’d give you longer but you still have 2 subjects to go over and only 1.5 hours till filming.” Sarah said with a smile before opening the door to a smiling Scar. “30 minutes Johansson.”
“Yes ma’am.” Scar said giving a small salute making the other woman chuckle. The blonde came over and plopped down in a chair next to you and placed a plate in front of you and one in front of her. “Eat.”
“Yes ma’am.” You mimicked her copying her little salute before you started to eat the sandwich. “I don’t know how you ALWAYS know what I want but it’s magic.” You mumbled through the food in your mouth.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” The blonde chuckled before looking over at you with a small smile. “You know… you are one of the best things to ever happen to me.” She said causing you to blush with a small scoff. “Y/N i’m not kidding. You and Rose are my entire world. Rose may be my first biological child but you were my kid long before she was even thought of.”
“No… just listen. You have been in my life for so long that you have been with me through both divorces. Rose literally calls you her big sister. When you’re sick or over tired you call me mom. I see you as a daughter.”
“Scar… i just… where are you going with this…?” You asked quietly not wanting to get your hopes up for what you think she may be doing.
“Y/N/N. In two weeks when you get divorced from your parents. Will you want to be adopted by me…?” Scarlett asked with such hesitation you almost laughed. Her green eyes had a layer of tears over them threatening to fall out.
You could feel your body stop before sobs overtook you and you threw yourself into her arms nodding your head profusely. “Yes! yes yes yes!” You sobbed into her chest curled up into her lap.
Scarlett showered you in kisses as tears stream down her face. “Oh my sweet girl. My sweet sweet girl. I love you so much bubs.”
“I love you too Scarly…” You sniffled with a light chuckle.
The two of you both agreed that this was the best day ever except the day you officially became Scarlett’s.
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
I Hate Your Friends: Eddie Munson
Stranger Things Masterlist
word count: 783
Request: Y/Ns friends telling them that both eddie and them are too clingy around each other so Y/N brushes eddie off everytime eddie trys to touch them and Y/N wont even hold his hand in fear of being mocked by their friends and eddie thinks that Y/N wants to break up with him 
A/N: While the request is geared towards female, I wrote with gender neutral in mind. 
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You thought your friends were happy that you finally had a boyfriend but turns out you were wrong, especially after what they said this morning. See this morning you and Eddie had been hanging out by your locker being affectionate and loving on each other like you two always did, it was common for you and Eddie to be all over each other, you were just one of those couples but apparently, your friends didn't like that.
"Alright I gotta go handle something, but I'll see you later sweetheart, I love you so much." He said prepping a bunch of kisses all over your face making you giggle as your friends looked at you two in disgust.
"I love you too bubs." You said pressing another kiss to his lips before he left you and you turned to talk to your friends and they shared a look.
"What's up, guys?" You asked them.
"It's just that you two are always on top of each other, and it's kinda annoying you know? Like we get it that you are a couple but you don't have to shove it down our throats it's like you two can't go five minutes without touching each other." Your friends said.
"Yeah you know we used to make fun of couples that were like that, and now you became one." Your friend said as you struggled to keep the tears in as the bell rang.
You didn't realize that you and Eddie had become that annoying, you two just loved having your hands on the other.  So for the next few days in hopes that you wouldn't get made fun of by your friends, you stop showing affection towards Eddie which he noticed right away and was starting to become worried that maybe you were gonna break up with him.
"Hey sweetheart, can we talk at the usual spot during lunch?" He asked you playing with your hand.
"Uh, sure thing bubs." You said on the verge of tears because you missed Eddie and his touch terribly while Eddie could see the tears forming in your eyes as you left.
The tears forming in your eyes were all Eddie could think about by the time lunch rolled around and as he paced around the picnic table as he waited for you to show up. Were those tears because you were gonna break up with him? Were they because of something else that you weren't telling him? His thoughts were soon interrupted by seeing you approaching him and it looked like you full-on crying now which made him worry even more.
"Hey Hey sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asked gathering you into his arms.
"Your gonna break up with me and my friends hate me." You said in between tears making heartbreak.
"Hey I'm not gonna break you up with you, why would you think that?" He asked you.
"Because I've been a terrible partner to you, I avoided loving on you because of some stupid shit my friends said, and apparently that's not good enough for them. I'm sorry Eddie I really am, I never meant to hurt you, it killed me every day not loving on you." You said through tears as Eddie sighed knowing that he should guess it was your friends for your change of behavior and not him.
"I really hate your friend's sweetheart. I really do. But you, I could never hate you, I just wished that you had come and talked to me about the things they said because I love you and don't want anyone to think they know our relationship based on how we act, do we show affection more than most couples? Yes but that's what I love about our relationship." He said placing a kiss on your lips.
"I do too, Eds and I'm not friends with them anymore because I realized that if they couldn't be happy for me and my relationship then I don't need friends like them. Do you think there is any way you can forgive me?" You asked looking up at him.
"I forgave you the minute you said you were friends with them anymore." He said with a smile that made you smile.
"I love you, Eddie." You said placing a kiss on his lips.
"I love you too, sweetheart but don't ever make me go that long without your touch again." He said making you laugh.
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saeiwhat · 10 months
- - - > those days… a 정원 drabble
paring best friend!jungwon x reader genre fluff, mutual pining warning(s) it’s really cliche i’m sorry word count 1k
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the days where you and jungwon had sat side by side on the train ride home were never taken for granted by you. you had always used that time to admire jungwons soft features as he napped peacefully, his head on your shoulder. you liked jungwon. though, you would never admit that you ever did such thing as you were just a friend to him, and you weren’t going to risk your decade long friendship for such cliche matters. so you sat there, and let him sleep as you kept admiring him.
honestly speaking, you wished that you could muster up the courage to tell jungwon about your feelings. when in reality you could barely even tell him that whilst he was drifting off to dreamland.
jungwon on the other hand used this time to find solace in you. the long hours spent at school and his remaining waking hours spent at a lonely apartment tired him. you were jungwons only close friend, sure he had friends in his homeroom but no one truly knew him like you did. but now, the school days you spent together in elementary and junior high were now mere memories. being high school freshmen, your schedules hadn’t aligned, meaning he couldn’t even see you during lunch. so after school was truly the only time he saw you.
this was your daily after school routine, and you became accustomed to it. sometimes even bringing a book with you to keep you occupied. this carried on for a few more months until december.
“what’s up with you?” you inquired as it was odd for jungwon not to be dozing off by now.
“hmmmm…i thought that i should switch things up y’know?” it may have seemed like a simple answer to you but for jungwon, he had been thinking about it for the past few weeks.
truthfully, you and jungwon had mutual feelings. but, like you, he too wasn’t willing to risk your friendship as it meant the world to him. but when he heard his classmate talking about the feelings he had harboured for you, jungwon couldn’t bare the thought of you being with someone else. “i gotta win them over” he murmured.
“c’mon y/n, let’s go to a cat cafe! winter break starts tomorrow so we should continue to have fun!” the boy said as he dragged you in.
and there it started, jungwon’s fool-proof plan on how to ask his best friend out.
for the next three weeks, jungwon had continuously taken you to cafes and fun little places to visit. you two had gone to places like that before in the past so you didn’t think much of it. unlike your best friend, who had thought about every little detail up until the day he’d tell you about his feelings.
☆ ★
december 21st. this was it. everything he had planned was for this day. ‘will i be rejected?’ ‘am i too early?’ ‘oh my where are they?’ his thoughts were running wild until he felt a tap on his shoulder.
“hey, did you wait long?” you said as you slightly shivered. it was cold that day and it wasn’t going to get any warmer.
“oh nah, i just got here a few minutes ago. wanna go get some cocoa? i heard there’s a good hot cocoa place near here…” he offered, noticing the way you hugged your body in order to feel some type of warmth.
“yea! lead the way!” you said excitedly as you followed the brown haired boy.
after grabbing your drinks, you headed to the ice rink. the place jungwon begged you to come to and where he had planned this special day.
nearing the rink, you could see the countless couples and families there. the warm christmas lights surrounding them, and the love shared between them. you smiled unknowingly, hoping to have that type of happiness one day. but right now, you had jungwon. and that was more than enough for you.
“let’s go get our skates, hm?” jungwon said, tugging on your hand like a child. you chuckled as you nodded.
geared up and ready to go, you set forth and started skating for a good hour or so. it was getting darker and the lights seemed even prettier. people were slowly starting to leave as it was getting quite cold. jungwon took this as his sign.
“wanna take a rest?” he suggested, as he skated towards the benches.
“yea, my ankles are starting to hurt.” you said whilst fake crying. jungwon chuckled at you childlike behaviour. sitting down, and drinking the rest of your not-so-hot cocoa, and looked at jungwon to see him already looking at you. that’s when jungwon realized that he had spent so much time planning the days leading up to his confession, that he never actually planned the confession itself.
“i- uhhh… auhm…..” the poor boy couldn’t form any words to express how he was feeling, and resulted to hugging you.
“won? are you feeing okay…?” you were starting to get concerned as you had never seen jungwon like this. a few moments of silence went on until jungwon let out a whisper.
“ireallylikeyouihaveforyearsandispentsolongplanningeverythingbutiforgothowtoactuallyconfessimsosorry” he said in one low breath. yet you somehow comprehended it all. your grip around him tightened slightly as you tried telling him to not apologize. you didn’t know what to say… you one sided crush was not actually one sided…? you really couldn’t believe it.
“are you rejecting me y/n? you arent saying anything….” he again, said lowly with a pout. you chuckled.
“you’re so cute y’know that?” you said, smiling at the boy. “won, i like you too.” you saw how his eyes lighted up. he gave you a peck on your cheek and asked..
“does this mean…we’re dating…?” again, you chuckled. “yes wonie, it does”
☆ ★
you finally that type of hapiness that you had hoped for, and what you said was true. jungwon was more than enough, and he always will be. those days were the most memorable ones of your life. looking back, you wouldn’t have spent that december any other way.
note this was a lot longer than i had planned…
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