#my main blog is not for these stupid things
atopvisenyashill · 1 day
Was Jon/Ygritte nonconsensual?
idk if you’re the right blog to ask but, I see a lot of people hate Jon/Ygritte and specifically Ygritte for “raping” Jon and these ideas are in most circles that involve another ship (Jon/Sana (tho not that I’ve seen you say it, I don’t think) and Jon/Dany mostly) but I don’t get why it’s popular opinion at all?
if there was any lack of consent on anyone’s part it was Ygritte bc Jon lied and slept with her to keep up appearances of being fully with the Free Folk. But a lot of these Ygritte haters claim that bc she’s older and tells everyone they’re fuckin before if actually happens that that’s not consensual. 
like I said idk if you’re the right person to ask maybe if you’ve come across it before you can lead me in the right direction unfortunately people only seem to talk about it negatively to prop their own Jon ship which is not a legit answer imo, comparing ships instead of clarifying the situation
i would say i'm the right person to ask in that i have complex feeling towards this ship & ygritte as a character. but if what you're looking for is a clear "yeah she's a nasty rapist and i spit on her whole character" (which is reductive & hypocritcal of anyone to say especially with main characters like tyrion, victarian, and theon) or "no she's a perfect uwu baby and jon snow is completely at fault for leading her on" (also incredibly reductive and completely ignores the context in which he's making these decisions) than no, i'm not what you're looking for. i do think she takes advantage of jon’s feelings to a degree i feel is sexually exploitative yes, but i would frame her more as like, the dark gray version of gendry (someone lowborn and baseborn, with a romantic story with someone who has immense privilege over him yet is much more naive and younger than him), on par with other characters that Are bad but also not beyond the point of redemption, like theon, dontos, sandor, than a female khal drogo. and a lot of my feelings on that stance is because like you say, you can't ignore that jon is from a people who are at war with ygritte's, that jon is part of a group that is specifically gung ho over oppressing the wildlings, and that jon specifically is engaging as essentially a deep undercover spy. that element is not present in any of the other dubcon romantic dynamics we have in this series and I think that gets glossed over a lot when discussing whether this relationship is toxic or not. like, it is toxic but it's toxic for a lot of reasons that can't be easily summed up because you can't divorce either jon or ygritte from the politics they are currently involving themselves in. you didn't just fall out of a coconut tree, etc.
when it comes to the undercover, lying, honeypotting, whatever, thing, that's where things get complicated. there's two prongs to this - what ygritte is willing to acknowledge out loud and what ygritte actually knows. it seems very clear to me that ygritte is fully aware that jon has not truly broken from the night's watch, that he isn't pulling a mance 2.0, that he's concealing things from her and the other wildlings because he is planning to betray them. she just doesn't want to believe it - she basically calls him out on this when they're flirting during the "is that a castle" scene. and of course, there is a context here that imo people overlook which is to say - jon is a member of the martial force that believes their sole purpose is to keep wildlings from crossing the wall, purely because they are an out group culturally. ygritte is a soldier in an invading army that has banded together because they think it’s invade or die. mance - and several others - are already suspicious of jon. if they didn’t fuck soon, jon was going to be killed and not by ygritte. i think similar to sandor stopping sansa from killing joffrey, ygritte feels this is a stupid thing to die over, and wants him to live to fight another day. is it her place to do this? well, she thinks it is even though jon doesn't think so, because she's vouched for him to mance and taken him on as her own "responsibility" so if he fucks something up, she has to face some level of consequence.
i think in general, ygritte is fascinated and challenged by jon snow, and genuinely falls in love with him while they're together. she's lying to herself about jon's feelings because she's hoping that if she gives him a reason enough to stay, he'll stay. i think this is really clear in the cave scene, where she asks him to stay in the cave and get lost together - she knows his loyalties are pulling him away from her, and she wants to deal with the problem by promising him a future with her, a happy future, where he doesn't have to break his vows any further because they aren't involved in the conflict anymore. so when it comes to “it’s dubcon because jon is lying” the thing is that ygritte is very aware jon is lying to her face; unlike drogo, who just does not see dany as a person with thoughts, unlike arya who is too young to realize the class differences between herself and gendry, and unlike tyrion who swallows sansa’s lies hook line and sinker because he genuinely believes she’s a sweet idiot, ygritte knows jon is playing her, she just thinks she can convince him that his life will be better, easier, more fulfilling if he leaves the night’s watch and stays with her. i guess this depends on your opinion of honey potting - if ygritte knows he’s lying, and jon knows ygritte knows he’s lying, does that make it better or worse? if ygritte knows jon empathizes with the wildlings, but also wants to go home, and jon knows if he doesn’t betray his vows well enough he’s getting shanked, and they have sex, does that make it better or worse? if ygritte knows jon is uncomfortable having sex, but knows if he doesn’t have sex mance will have him killed, knows he is interested in her sexually, knows he is lying to her, and puts him in a position that both protects him and backs him into a corner, and doesn’t understand how cornered jon really feels bc he isn’t telling her, and also she just does not have the framework to understand his hang ups and thinks his hang ups are stupid and don't matter, does that make it better or worse? i think this is really obviously meant to be incredibly dubious consensually, bordering on sex crime territory
this is a woman who has lived her entire life in that grey area - she’s got an even worse idea of what consent looks like than most characters, she has lived a life that is physically and mentally much more strenuous than nearly any other character bc of the extreme climate and lack of freedom of movement than even most smallfolk have. the rest of westeros can be truly ugly when dealing with the wildlings in the vale and wildlings in the north - they don’t have the option of being Westerosi the way everyone else born on that continent is allowed. osha doesn’t even do anything wrong but bc she exists as a wildling south of the wall her entire EXISTENCE is illegal. “but they rape and kidnap-“ yeah so do the ironborn but because they were born on the right side of the wall, they’re allowed freedom of movement. what is the difference between ygritte’s view of life and theon’s, at the end of the day?
if u want my opinion here, i think people just don’t like engaging with ygritte because of this complexity. she is right to be angry and hateful, and she’s even right in who she’s directing it at, but you can’t ignore the fact that her very one sided view of morality has her making a lot of decisions on jon’s behalf that he wouldn’t make if he had a choice. because she is just another cog in the machine, she has no way of making any sort of meaningful change; she’s just another nameless soldier that dies in battle. in a way, she’s exactly like the broken men septon maribald mentions. these broken men are not good people, but they are victims as much as they are perpetrators. and THAT, the idea that her relationship with jon can exist in this complex gray space where two gears in the wheel can meet, find commonalities, and it doesn’t matter because their lives don’t matter, they are just two people in a conflict that’s been going on for a long time, and they can’t fix it, and they can’t escape, so they hurt each other again and again until it finally kills them both - i think the senselessness of it all makes both fans and antis of her uncomfortable. she’s not easily consumable, so she has to be either the snarky fiery great love or the evil pedo rapist (once again madonna whore complex coming for us all) and i just don’t think she, the wildlings, or this entire series are meant to be engaged with on that level.
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sublimedonutheart · 6 months
I'm going to do something that I don't like, but I feel the need to do it because this last month I have seen at least one post a day of hate, mockery or criticism towards the ship and its fans here on the tag and I'm getting tired of seeing that.
People who have nothing better to do than come to bother the Zosan tag, READ THIS:
■We do not care about your negative opinion about the ship
■We don't care about your criticism of the fanarts or fanfictions if it is not constructive criticism.
■We don't care what you think about the ship and its shippers.
¿Do you think Zosan is boring? We do not care
¿Do you think that Zosan is the gay ship for straight people? We don't care. [For god sake this is ridiculous and offensive, I'm an ace/bi person who enjoys the dynamics of these characters, but now my ship is for fucking straights lmao]
¿Do you think it's a toxic ship? We do not care
¿Do you think we are wrong because we like this "ship that doesn't make sense" and not another ship like Z*lu, S*nUs*pp or any other ship? We do not care
¿Does it bother you that Zosan is more popular and do you think other ships deserve to be more popular than them? [another ridiculous thing] WE DON'T CARE
I promise we don't give a shit what you have to say about us or Zosan
Stop thinking that your opinions are important, because SURPRISE they are not, so if you want to give your opinion so much, do it on your own blog and don't add the ship tags in your post, because we just want to enjoy the content that other Zosan fans share in the tag. We don't want to read whatever you have to say about the ship, especially if your post starts with "It's not hate against Zosan or its shippers but... ." stop and read what you wrote! If you already start like this you know very well that it is either going to bother us or make us feel bad for shipping TWO DAMN PIXELS
¿Seriously, why is it so difficult to ship and let ship?
¿Are you so self-centered that you think everyone should read WHY YOU DON'T LIKE ZOSAN OR X SHIP?
...And the worst thing is that it is not a problematic or disgusting ship [and believe me, this fandom has many of those disgusting ships that make me sick] but you prefer to ignore those ships and come to bother us. It's fucking unfair and annoying, because we're not hurting anyone, we're just enjoying shipping these two characters.
That's what I had to say, but since I know that you will still continue with those posts, I have no choice but to block them as I have done this last month
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stuckinapril · 2 months
I love Tumblr because nothing matters here truly. There are no influencers. Having followers doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a site where people post their sporadic thoughts and rb pretty pictures. Anyone who thinks any of this matters is woefully missing the point
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rotteneldritchhorror · 9 months
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He didn’t need to look like this
It really wasn’t necessary
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moothecowgirl · 2 months
A 'concept' in Islam I love and hold very dear to my heart is the idea of loving someone for the sake of Allah SWT.
On the day of judgement, there are seven groups of people who will be provided shade from the scorching heat of the sun: one of those groups are two people who love each other for the sake of Allah
When I first learned about this, it was in a point of my life where I had renounced Islam entirely and upon learning this I stopped in my tracks. Up until then, I had viewed ibaddah as something that is always to be given up. However this was the first step in realizing it is not. Loving someone for the sake of Allah SWT is an act of worship - and this was a gift. A reward for bonds between individuals. Every interaction between two people with the remembrance of our creator is an act of worship.
To put it in other words - Islam is not always a matter of the individual, and Ibdah shouldn’t always be so individualized. YES there are parts of the religion and of worship that should remain between you and Allah. However, Islam is not meant to be a religion practiced in isolation. Community and the Ummah is such a HUGE part of it - it’s why brotherhood and sisterhood is so stressed. Why you should give excuses for them.
Another concept similar to this that made my heart beat so fast was the rights friends have upon each other in Islam.
When they are sick - visit them
When they seek advice - advise them
When they say salaam - return it
When they pass away - pray their janazah prayer
When they sneeze - say yarhumkula
When they invite you - respond to their invitation
Subhanallah it felt like Allah SWT KNOWS how difficult this dunya is and is telling us do not go through it alone for you have your entire ummah there for you to worship Him with
And now I look at the people in my life, and I look at all the people whom I love for the sake of Allah SWT and am overjoyed with this sense of community. And how these people have shown me the meaning of sisterhood and brotherhood beyond the bounds of blood. A connection to the living, breathing Muslim Body that connects us all to each other, the Ummah.
In Pakistan we have a phrase: the first cup of tea exchanged is between strangers, the second between friends, and the third cup is between family. My family is my community. My community is the Ummah.
Every Ramadan I am compelled to write about the beauty of this Ummah as we all congregate to worship our Creator. Especially this Ramadan as I continue on my journey of bettering myself as a servant to my Lord and as His creation.
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reesycupmilkshake · 6 months
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did you see strong bad's stupid lipstick mark boxers. *patrick voice* did you want to
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onepiece-polls · 8 months
I love your polls and it’s great you try to be on both sides to give fair chance to everyone, but the way you talked about shanks/buggy is crazy They’re fine together but in canon they’re brothers and your shipping googles got so tight you actually sounded like you could believe they’re anywhere close to canon which is u know stupid af
lmao, okay, this came out of nowhere 😂 Like... I talked about that months ago. But okay.
Anyway, Shuggy is canon. They're making out behind you right now.
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#Anon please 😂#Calling me stupid because you think I think shuggy is canon#but all the while claiming that the fact that they are brothers IS canon#My dear... neither are canon. It's all in our heads.#as far as I know only the marines said Shanks used to see Buggy as a brother#and what the hell do they know about the relationship between two pirates?#sounds like historians talking about queer relationships by saying 'they were REALLY good friends'#And... I don't usually talk about my ships on this blog but that was for the shipping war#shipping goggles was what the tournament was ABOUT...#But come closer... come look at my main blog...#I assure you you can only enter that blog with shipping goggles on 😂#This is all meant jokingly from my side of course#I don't see any ship but the confirmed ones as canon#even though some might be canon TO ME but that's something else entirely#Why not... you know... let people ship what they want to ship however much they want to ship it?#Do you see me taking offense to people who don't want to ship something?#No everyone is free to see relationships as platonically - even if they're canon confirmed to be married#I just take offense to people calling other people stupid because they don't agree with them on fandom things#Especially when they're claiming THEIR headcanons are actually canon#Honestly imo anyone talking about 'shipping goggles' is just trying to make people who enjoy shipping feel inferior#I'm sorry you can't believe we're all equals no matter what we ship or don't ship#anon#ask#not a poll#I hope you all get that this is not an invitation for you all to send me more messages about this#I don't want to start a discussion#I just want you all to respect each other
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pianokantzart · 9 months
Finally, finally doing the Gerudo mission to get my final sage.
Probably should've done this sooner since I sent Hudson's daughter into the zombie infested sandstorm wasteland like 5 in-game months ago haha oops.
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the-kipsabian · 8 months
..im just gonna straight up ask but
yall dont mind when i brainrot and kip post, right?
im just always extremely self conscious about it when im talking and reblogging a lot, as i have been told before to stop being obsessive and that its stupid and whatnot. i mean, yall are here willingly, unfollowing and muting tags is an option always, but like.. idk it still always makes me very aware about things when i do that even tho it makes me happy whenever i go on these silly lil reblog sprees
anyways just. just thought i'd ask idk
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You ever write some shit where you're like 'oh yeah I'm totally just describing what this guy is doing in his free time nothing else im just setting the scene it's unnecessarily detailed for no particular reason' and then realize you are in fact just info dumping about some shit you are interested in actually
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synthshenanigans · 6 months
I now have an alt account where I will post random things and talk about nonsensical ideas. If that sounds interesting have a go at it: @starfall-calamity >:}
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
Getting messages on here that are like “wow I’m so disappointed in you.. I thought you were better than that” is SO funny like bestie who are you to me? This is tumblr.com! The place we celebrate blocking people for the bare minimum because none of it fucking matters and we’re all just little icons and usernames in each other’s phones. Like you don’t know me! I don’t care that I’ve disappointed you! It doesn’t matter! Unless you are kissing me with tongue I don’t give a shit <3
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heckling-hydrena · 11 months
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WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS LAYOUTTTT is staff really trying to pull this shit it's so fucking ugly. why would you do this
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mashmouths · 3 months
my parents are selling their house and i'm dealing with it so rationally and maturely btw. the 73 pictures i just took are completely unrelated to my fears of change and forgetting the little bits of memory that made this home
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spotaus · 1 month
Scheming :)
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bbutterflies · 5 months
ougghhhhh you guys… my lovely mutuals and followers…….. ohhhh I’m getting emotional where would I be without this silly bug and cat show and people to scream about it with 🥺🥺🥺 2023 was so hard and awful personally but I found so much solace in my writing and on this site and I truly genuinely can’t wait to go into 2024 with all of you 💕 I love to come here and just forget about life and be silly and get excited and have fun with everyone… and honestly this past month has been one of the hardest ever for me but I’ve been able to come on here and scream and laugh and just have some space to be happy!! I don’t have words for how much it’s really truly helped me!!
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