#my man really cannot tell his animals apart lmao
snowyfrostshadows · 1 year
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How about. How about a reverse Beauty and the Beast AU?
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ofmermaidstories · 2 months
some bnha thoughts, on this sunny monday morning (or lunchtime, by the time i finish typing sdlkfjdlsk):
💥 got walloped with a return of the post-362 grief, with the latest episode of the anime lmao. unfortunately this means i am currently in my feelies, so thank u for bearing with me as i cycle through them in the form of shitposting. 🥹
💥 speaking of the anime, i’m sad they didn’t adapt one of my favourite panels from 360, where bakugou (or shiggy? it’s never really stated, but tbh i’ve always kinda assumed it’s shiggy imagining it LOL, maybe they both are? a joint moment of horror/delight where everyone knows exactly what’s about to happen 🥹) are imagining bakugou being torn apart by shiggy’s gross giant maggot fingers sdlkjlsdjflksdjf. i mean, i get why bones didn’t adapt it (bc they’re cheapskates and and also bc it is a show for children LMFAOOOO) but it’s a really cool example of how hard hori’s art can go, and also what im chalking up as his secret wish to write a horror story lmaoooo.
🪱🧵 i am biting my nails the closer we get to the end of the manga. chapter 428 was fun—bakugou and todoroki hiding behind iida as iida gently berates their newfound fangirls was so cute, lmao. also the revelation that edgeshot is slowly… regenerating? is….. interesting. i’m disappointed that hori didn’t kill him for a couple of reasons: the first one is my most selfish, and it’s bc i planned on edgeshot being dead for my halloween fic lmfao, now i gotta rework that whole angle. 💀😪 but the second reason is more pressing and that’s bc hori is a COWARD who NEVER kills off ANYONE that has INTERESTING CONSEQUENCES. and also bc he only likes killing off girls 💀 (we’ll circle back to this point). idk, i mean, for as much as i act like the grim reaper and whinge about mha not being depressing enough (lmao), the story that hori’s been writing has always been like, pretty easy to understand. hope connection blah blah blah (i say that lovingly).
💚🍵🩸 there are a few deaths i’ve always kinda expected, in the series, with the top of that list being shiggy and dabi. i was like, hopeful toga wouldn’t die, mostly bc i wanted hori to prove me wrong with his GIRL MURDERER AGENDA, but. 💀 cue the clown music, ig. and hey, maybe toga isn’t dead—maybe she’s just in a coma or in prison and ochako’s being emo bc she wants the world to see toga as a teenage girl and not a blood-sucking murdering psycho, and i HOPE that’s the case!!! i do!!!! like, are you seriously going to tell me dabi is somehow still alive (for now, anyways. do NOT come for me, that man got deep fried in the deepest oil vats of McHell!!!!) but toga gets the chop? 😒 like i actually fully expect tenko to come stumbling back (literally!!!) so you cannot tell me you save the dustpile AND the deepfriend mctodo just to axe the blood sucker!!!!! let them all live if ur gonna be a coward about it, hori!!!!! this is what i mean about interesting consequences. 😔 the only consequence we’re getting so far is deku and ochako both kinda 🫤🥺😦ing their way into a confession LOL. i’m being mean—i think the next chapter will be them both confronting their guilt over like, not being able to “save” their villains, and that if we do get a confession of feelies it’ll be something like ochako saying, “i like you deku, and/but i want to be a great hero too, to save people like toga in the future”. 🥹 maybe??? guess we’ll see. 🥺
🌇💀 my pet theory for the vaguely-tenko shaped rando that’s stumbling through the rumble is that it is indeed tenko, and that deku will somehow find him to help him and that’s how deku will get his powers back. and if he doesn’t and hori ends the series with deku being quirkless i will actually, and i mean this very sincerely, stop writing fanfic LMFAOOOO. ok im maybe like, half joking. 😒 but i have never been a fan of the quirkless deku ending and now im getting scared that’s what we’re gonna get!!!!! 😦 in one of his latest interviews, hori mentions something about wanting to strip away labels from people (characters) to see the human underneath them? soooo i guess we’ll just have to trust in him and these next two (TWO) chapters. 🥹
for all my whinging i do like bnha lmao. i whinge because i like it, and tbh i probably wouldn’t change a thing of it. 🥺 all the frustrating gaps—like those perceived consequences i keep getting worked up over the lack of—are what makes it fun to write and read fic for. 🥹 and it’s been fun watching the characters change!!! i was in a bookstore, yesterday, picking up a copy of volume 38 and the girl at the counter and i started talking about the series—the pros and cons of binging it vs keeping up weekly, the change in bakugou’s character and how reading over fics with him and his older characterisation can be kinda hard, now. how scary it was that it’s coming to an end!!! she and i have talked before—when i was buying volume 36 lmao—about whether bakugou could be canonically read as queer vs asexual, and like, idk any other series that has such a mainstream reach that you could have these outside conversations with other people in your day to day, outside of a twitter or tumblr sphere! that’s the power of my hero. and im glad to be here for the ride. and no matter how it ends, it’ll be fun, and worth it. 🥹
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thisgirlhasnoname · 10 months
Thoughts. Thoughts. Thoughts.
I don’t think I’m supposed to write this here but because I don’t think I can talk this to other people, even to my boyfriend—though he’s been nothing but the best and patient with me these days… that is why, I cannot stand another day seeing him all ears about me AGAIN.
My man deserved the world hence I don’t think I should burden him with another one… so I think I just leave it here.
Hmmm don’t even know how to start this. All I know is I’d like to let go all this thoughts.
Let me start this by telling you I am still upset about my cat. He was my first cat ever though I’m not sure if he was actually the first because if we would count in that kitten I had when I was little.. which btw my mother disapproved cus she said I was in poor health and she thinks cats fur can worsen it! So I have to kept him to another empty unit; just a few blocks away from our house, and I’m just going there whenever I’d like to pet him, play with him and give him food but only at night. We don’t have much food in the morning lmao. Don’t even know what I was doing back then until one day that little cat wasn’t there and wasn’t returned either. How dare he right?!
But truth be told, that was the first time I knew I love cats! 🐱
Going back, I named my now deceased cat after my very first anime crush; Conan. I thought of giving him that name because knowing that “Detective Conan” still gives me the feeling of making everything else stop and just focuses on watching, I knew my love for this anime would never end! So I thought my first cat deserves to named after him… so I could remember him FOREVER! And boy, I wasn’t wrong about that! I’ll indeed remember him as my first ever cat, my first ever mourn, and my first ever angel.
My love for cats is always there. I just don’t have the courage to own one. Since kid I really thought cat’s fur could cause asthma, thanks to my mother! until learned that it’s just a common misconception…. but still, I don’t think I am responsible enough to have one. But I knew it is always my dream.. until one day I had the courage to do it, so I did.
My bf and I are been thinking to adopt a cat since last year; 2022. Y’all think I’m funny when I say what hinders me that time is that I really thought cat might not stand heat and he might just be suffocated in our apartment. Yep I heard you. I am not sure either why I did think that lmao.
But then, one thing leads to another, after a year we decided to get an air conditioner. Believe me it’s not because of I wanna have cat… I am bigger person than that! Lmao. Tho I really want to think it has been only a month or two… the thought of adopting cat were occurred again.
It was September 20 2023 when my bf’s casually browsing on facebook until a simple post caught his attention. We didn’t thought this simple post could turn our lives upside down. Needless to say, that post advertises who’s up for adopting her 2 month old kitten and then all of a sudden we’ve realized we’re now doing transactions with this person and we were about to pick up the cat later that day 🥲
See, we were obviously not really ready. I didn’t even ask God for his guidance about the decision we were about to make that day. I also remember we have work that day, so we don’t have much time to buy things for our soon-to-be cat. We don’t even know what to buy though haha!! Aww I could still remember the feeling, we really were freaking out!
On his first night with us, Conan has kept running back and forth, meowing here and there. We don’t really understand him. He was so little and fragile! It’s as if he was a human baby! My bf on the other hand is quite on his fatherhood zone, chasing Conan’s wherever he go!
Ohh and I would forever cherished his 2nd night with us. His 2nd night is probably one of my favorite nights with him! It was already lights out when he suddenly jumped into me and slept in my chest until we cuddled. That very moment I knew I would loved everything about him!! 🥰
Everyday feels like we’re in a roller coaster ride. There were bad days… like the time where I gave Conan’s his first bath, and I know I shouldn’t be excused for being a first time fur parent but I did give him a room temperature water. I want to believe it wasn’t cold… but my bf’s been telling me it’s cold but for me it wasn’t. Lol. But later that day I knew I should have given him a nice warm/hot bathe cause he doesn’t make pansin of me. Conan must be traumatized for what I did! I’m quite sure of that cause he peed on my bed that night haha! I guess it was his way of saying ‘I am not pleased with your actions, hooman!’ 🥲😂
However, although there were unpleasant moments, mostly of our memories were good ones. You were so sweet, affectionate, expressive, & loving cat! (Woo i can’t even begin to write that without shedding a tear 😅)
Now im getting emotional but I’ll try not to. Hehe
I loved how braved you were for easily adjusted with me, and with the new environment. In your first days, you were hiding in closed and tiny spaces. You didn’t think much that your color is mostly black and my vision isn’t 20/20 when you were doing that, right? Cause whenever you do that, you did give me a veryyyyy hard time looking for you!! We’re like playing hide and seek most of the time during this period. Especially when I had to leave you for a moment to buy food, when I get back… the hide and seek is on!
But not long after you stopped hiding anymore. Whenever I came back from the market, you were there. Staring and waiting the door to open to see me. It does feel rewarding you know? I thought I am not doing enough for you but that moment I feel like I did something good in my life 🥹
Each day has passed, I must say I completely gained your trust. You’d think I did you a favor, but the truth is you did mine. You win my heart a thousand fold!
I don’t know if this is true but for me cat’s are the most empathetic beings. They have the energy to feel the negative and positive auras. So does my Conan.
Whenever I am feeling under the weather, Idk he’ll just lie down beside me, cuddle, brushing his hair against my body and letting me pet him which btw he wasn’t much of a fan! So for me its like his saying to me ‘Don’t worry I am here now, you are not alone in this world’ 🥹
Conan’s being clingy and all just whenever I am sad. Coz when I’m just ok and happy? That kid never thought of me! He’s just sleeping all day long! 😤 But kidding aside, although he’s sleeping? He sleeps wherever I am. That’s what I also loved about him. Wherever I go, Conan would go to too. Hmm at least 90% of the time. Coz there were times that I am being so loud, *but not too much*, and obviously he doesn’t like that, so he sleeps at one of his favorite spots… behind the laundry basket!! 🤦🏻‍♀️
But whenever I’m a normal me, when I am inside the room for work, he’ll just stay there as well, sometimes being playful but most of the time just sleeping. It seems like he just wants me to watch him sleep.
One time I test him if he would know and would follow me even sleeping when I leave the room and pretend to get water, and you know what? My little boy did! Haha!!
Hayyyy, conan really became my ray of sunshine. He made my life happier! Even before Conan came into my life, I am more of an indoor person. I love staying at home and just watch tv series, reading… and other stuffs you just do at home but just lying on my very comfortable bed is my favorite. Conan made it more exciting and honestly a bit of concerning… I am much more glued to bed, I don’t have the energy to clean the house as much I did before, I don’t cook brunch anymore, I could finished watching 2-3 seasons in just 2 weeks?! Basically, I become more of an indoor person than I used to be.
The only times I got to went outside were the times I had to bring Conan to his vet appointments, this is another story but yeah I think I lost the excitement to go out even more. And I think it was just okay.
Conan suddenly became my world. In a span of 2 months, all my eyes, ears and attention were on his. Not to mention cause he was in poor health too so I have to attend him regularly.
It was like taking care of a baby. But this one is harder in a way that there has been a lack of communication, and when you do, communication wasn’t that well… Wow daig pa magjowa
But hey thanks to google, he does know everything! He was our translator during difficult times so he deserves all this praise 🙌😆
Too many good and happy memories to mention! I guess even my 600+ photos and 200+ videos of you cannot elaborate and expound the memories we had. There are so much to tell! But whenever I think about you, I am all smile and frown at the same time!
Let me end this by saying I am so glad you were my first cat. Although I really thought you’d be around more longer, & it still stings whenever I think you are really not with me anymore… but hey I am very much happy you became part of my life.
You taught me a lot, my love. You taught me it’s ok to love someone unconditionally. You taught me just a presence could make a big difference. You taught me love might not be reciprocated most of the time but the important is, everyday you choose to give love. 💕
Thanks to you, my Conan. I will never ever forget you. Run free my love 🐾
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Could I get a Hawks in his rut headcanon?
No problem, Anon! I’m sorry this took so long, I wanted it to be perfect since I really like thinking about Hawks’ avian traits, and I know people really like it too. I hope it’s good! 
Hawks Rut Headcannons
Genre: fluff, smut
Type: headcannons (so... many... headcannons)
Warnings: animal traits, Keigo being possessive af, the commission being assholes, sickness, food, breeding kink, lots of horny times
Other: most of this is based off of real research, but some of it also comes from personal preference. @keilemlucent and their fic Best Nest very much inspired many other headcannons, check them outI They’re one of my favorite creators, and the linked fanfic is one of my favorites! Hope it’s okay I tagged you here lmao
NSFW Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy (Lemme know if you wanna be added to or removed from the Taglist)
Remember to check if requests are open before sending in a request. This was made while requests were still open.
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Pre-Rut Behaviors
Grooming and Preening
Before his rut, Keigo starts to feel dirty. He just seems to accumulate more dust and dirt during hero work than usual. He’ll come back home grumbling about blood in his hair and little bits of concrete in/on his skin.
He will insist you clean him off. So you get to brush his hair, put creams on his face, and wash him off in the shower.
Finally, there’s the preening. If he lets you preen his wings, then you know he’s in it for life. He loves and trusts you with everything he has. 
Expect him to press his nose against yours a lot.
Possessiveness and Protection
You’ll notice he gets more clingy, more possessive of you. He gets really controlling in the days leading up to his rut, so you’ll be annoyed a  l o t.
Just text all your friends and family that you’ve been swamped at work, it’d be a little weird to say “hey guys, sorry I can’t hang out, my boyfriend’s horomones are crazy right now and he gets really insecure if I so much as exist near anyone but him.”
You would come home from work and he’s already on you, sniffing your body to see who you’ve been around, and to see if any of them were attracted to you at all.
If he had any kind of sneaking suspicion that anyone posed a threat, he’s literally laying on you and rolling on top of you to try and get his scent on you. Even if no one will smell it except him, he’s gonna do it.
He’s so protective of you, and if something tiny hurts you or makes you upset...
Someone was rude to you? He’s screaming at them.
Someone tries to hurt or touch you? You’ve got to hold him back to stop him from ripping that person apart limb from limb.
All that x100 when he’s approaching his rut.
One person accidentally bumps into you? He takes it as passive aggressiveness even if they’re very apologetic about it.
You stub your toe on a table? He’s smashed the table and burnt it then thrown the ashes in the ocean. 
If you’re sad about something he can’t beat up, he feels horrible. He’s not the best at comforting people, so he’s just grabbing onto you and not letting go, telling you how much he loves and cares for you, and just how amazing you make his life feel.
If you don’t give him enough attention, he gets really huffy, and it gets worse leading up to his rut. 
You lifted your hands from his head to reach for your buzzing phone? He’s already whining and pouting and begging you to give him more head-pats again.
He’ll leave hints asking for you to make a nest, usually saying things like “Our bed needs some changing, don’t you think?” “Don’t you wish our space was more personalized?” 
If you don’t get the hint, he’ll be very sad, and he thinks you’re rejecting him. So you’d better be good at reading into things and realizing he’s approaching mating season and wants you to build a nest.
He comes home one day and sees you piled blankets, pillows, and dirty clothes in the living room, sprayed with his cologne and you’re cologne and/or perfume. He pulls you into his arms and spins around with you, giggling and laughing.
He’s so happy you made a nest for the two of you. 
He starts putting pretty shiny things he likes around the nest. Your toothbrush went missing and you found it in the mountain that was your nest.
Once, you were in desperate need of a clean shirt, and the only clean shirt you could find was in the nest. So you picked it up to put it on, and two seconds later, Keigo was in front of you, hands in your shirt, staring at you with such a fierce intensity, you felt almost like a villain.
He was very mad at you for taking things from your shared nest.
He leaves feathers all around the penthouse, but they’re all piled mostly around the nest, they’re for your protection so don’t try and throw them away.
He also gets really noisy, so he’ll be ‘singing’ and squawking and cooing constantly. He feels really bad about it so he might get you some noise-blocking headphones for when he’s screeching into the sky in the dead of night about how “THIS IS MY FUCKING TERRITORY Y’ALL MOTHERFUCKERS STAY AWAYYYY!”
You really think bird’s springtime songs are about love? Nah he’s mostly screaming about how he’s gonna fuck his partner and how the neighborhood  practically belongs to him.
Someone called the police once, tired of all the shouting, but the officers backed off when they saw who was doing all the shouting. Most of your neighbors are used to the screaming during early spring.
Rut End-game
On the third and second to last day before his rut, he gets a sudden burst of energy and an increased appetite. He refuses to eat anything unless you’ve made it though, so let’s best hope you can cook at least a little.
When he was younger, his hungry times before his rut were spent either eating anything and everything he can get his hands on. The commission broke that behavior very quickly though, so he’d starve himself before his rut, which would result in him getting very sick from a lack of energy and sustenance. That plus the extreme arousal was a recipe for pain and suffering.
So when you noticed he suddenly stopped eating, you insisted on making food for him, telling him that you wouldn’t let him go hungry ever. That was the first rut in years that didn’t feel like torture.
You’re cooking almost all the time, and he’s constantly eating everything you give him, running around from room to room while he waits for his next meal. He’s basically a hobbit.
In the last day or two before his rut, he suddenly has no energy, and starts getting hot and cold flashes. He’s sniffling, curled up in your shared nest, dirty tissues surrounding him. He comes in and out of consciosness, and when he’s awake, he’s whining and complaining about exhaustion and aches.
Physical Changes
Most of these happen in the last few days leading up to his rut, so it’ll be very sudden. These physical changes is what causes the extreme hunger and sickness.
His feathers darken several shades, and they become super sensitive. They also seem to grow in size, so when you cuddle, you’re smothered by them more than usual.
He also gains an extra couple inches in height, so expect some teasing now that he’s just that little bit taller. His hair also gets thicker and stronger, that’s so you can pull on it when he fucks you.
His nails get longer and darker, and they’re impossible to file or cut. So when he holds you and touches you, he often scratches you on accident. He’s really apologetic about it, but honestly you could totally paint his nails and pretend they’re acrylics if you’re into that.
His teeth get sharper, and he starts biting you just for fun. Bites your finger, hand, wrist, neck, even your nose. He underestimated just how strong his teeth are, and he made you bleed first time he bit you.
His whole body is very sensitive, so head-pats, back rubs, wings, and even his touching his feet can get him to the verge of cumming.
his tongue is longer, and it’s a whole lot stronger. He could probably carry a full plastic water bottle with his tongue (which isn’t a lot, but for a tongue it’s very much a lot).
His voice drops a whole octave and a half- mans is sounding almost like Corpse now. Maybe Markiplier? Anyways, if you’ve got a voice kink, you’re in luck
His dick changes too, it gets bigger, and he grows a lump at the base of it, between his shaft and balls. His balls get smaller until they’re barely noticable beneath what he calls him ‘knot.’
His eyes become sharper too, so don’t try and hide anything from him. 
Everyone already knows Keigo has a breeding kink, but he hasn’t brought it up with you until now. It just kind of- happens. As he’s drilling into you, he suddenly starts blabbering about fucking a kid into you, and how hot you’d look all round with his kids. Might be a little weird for those of you who physically cannot give birth to children (my lovely AMABS and infertile AFABS). 
He can’t control it, so it’s especially weird if you don’t even want kids. If you can get pregnant, you’d better double check that you’re taking your birth control. And get to know some good clinics just in case.
However, if you do want kids, if you want to start a biological family woth Keigo, fuck. You will not be able to handle his happiness and horniness in that moment when you beg him to get you pregnant.
He is going to mark you up. Hickies, bruises, hand prints, bite marks, plus his scent. He needs everyone to know that you are his. He wants to claim you, make sure you know you belong to him. No one else can have you but him.
Halfway through your fuckfest, he starts making animalistic noises. He’s growling, roaring, whining, chirping, etc. This is around the time when he stops thinking about you, so he’ll really rough you up during this phase.
This man was a virgin before you, so this is also the first rut he’s ever going to have with another person, so he’ll hold himself back a lot. He needs you to reassure him at every step, tell him how good you feel, how you want him to fuck you, how not only are you okay with him going all out, you want him too.
Did he just cum? You think you’re finished? HA! No way in fucking hell is he finished after one, two, five, ten... so many rounds. He just keeps going and going and going and how the fuck is he still hard? He cums so fucking quickly, so much, and then keeps going.
When he finally does go soft, his whole personality changes. it’s like he didn’t just fuck you stupid. He immediately goes into ‘protect’ mode, which includes cuddles, him spoon-feeding you, petting you like a dog, and singing to you.
He puts the nest near a window so he can keep an eye out for possible threats. Just like “gotta keep mate safe. Is that the mailman? NO FUCK NO GET OUT OF HEREEEE!” 
One moment, he’s fucking you, and the next he’s leaning halfway out the window, screaming at some poor dude walking his dog. Remember, he’s still naked. You learned your lesson after that and kept the windows locked, and warned the neighbors to stay out of sight of the window, at least for the time being.
You’re going to feel very dirty, because he does not want you cleaning off the sweat, cum, and tears from your body. He likes that you smell like him, and you washing it off makes him feel rejected. 
He’s going to break a lot of things, so move pictures and vases into another room and lock the fuck out of that room. Or else he will break all of it.
He thinks any clothes you’re wearing are mocking him, so wear clothes you hate when his rut starts, then get used to being naked for a couple days. 
Oh yeah, his whole rut lasts one to five days. He’s fucking you for about three days on average.
He fucks you until you faint, and then keeps going until he’s out of ‘fuck’ mode and into ‘protect’ mode. A few times, he fucked you unconscious in the middle of the afternoon and then kept fucking you until the sun rose. 
Yeah, he’s got that much energy.
Don’t worry, during the whole time, he lets out pheromones with a strong vanilla-chocolaty scent that keeps your body and mind relaxed. 
There’ve been times when he’s just fucking into you and your water bottle is just out of reach.
During his rut, he has no shame. Let’s hope your walls are soundproofed, or else your neighbors will all know how he fucks you. 
He will not restrain you or hurt you in any way during his rut. So no degredation, no collars or chains, the only thing keeping you in the nest is his weight on top of you.
He gets upset if you try to touch yourself, things it’s you trying to tell him that he’s not satisfying you enough. 
He wants you to cum as many times as him, which is difficult because of his increased sensitivity, so he’s using every skill he knows to get you cumming again and again and again.
Most of the time, he’s going hard, rough, and spilling absolute filth from his cock and mouth, but in the last few hours of his rut, he suddenly gets emotional.
He’s rocking up against you, holding you close to his body and blabbering about you
How much he loves you
How good you make him feel
How he wouldn’t want anyone else by his side for his rut
How you’re his mate for life
How he’ll protect you and keep you safe.
Please be gentle with him, he’s very vulnerable near the end of his rut, and he’ll cry very easily.
When he’s nearing his last load, he makes out with you sloppily, trying to talk as he shoves his tongue down your throat.
He finishes off by  pushing his knot all the way inside you, and stays there for an hour.
This is the softest moment, and he’s covering your body in kisses. 
His knot pushes these small eggs inside you, and you have the lovely job of pushing them all out the next day. 
Post Rut
When his knot deflates, he finally pulls out and starts cleaning you off. 
He’ll carry you around and finally gives you a bath, constantly making sure you’re okay.
He’ll give you lots of massages and he’ll cook for you. He’s constantly thanking you for helping him, telling you he didn’t deserve it.
Just kiss him on the cheek, tell him you had fun, and that you love him so very very much.
He needs the most reassurance now than ever before.
He’s also very tired, so you’ll be taking care of each other.
Then his ‘post-rut’ resets, and he sleeps for hours.
Then he gets super hungry, and the two of you make huge meals and just kinda binge eat for a day or two.
Then his physical changes go back to normal, and you have a happy lil bird boy who simps for you so hard
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letthefrogsbe · 3 years
remember when I was gonna write that parkner fic?
cool so I've decided I'm gonna, but because I cannot write for SHIT and I hate my writing every time I see it, ill just share my outline of what I have so far. its not coherent. sorry. 
Section one: aunt may dies. It’ll be like “it's been 3 months. 3 months since May was shot. 2 months and 3 weeks since she died.”
Something like that idc. Basically this section will base around peter living tony, because he’s not doing well, and he is only 17- which is not actually old enough to be on your own after something like this. Setting is established, with cameos from dr strange (who tony is dating and lives with (yeah bite me, this is my fanfiction i can make it what i want.) it will be made obvious that this takes place after endgame, which also means that tony is Not going to die. I’m not that mean lmao. The avengers are like largely together, there was not as much death in this as there was in endgame. Whatever. Everyone is very nice to peter because they know that for him its either this or him becoming a ward of the state so like.
Section two: harley gets kicked out. His mom finds out that he’s gay (from gossip sources idk) and kicks harley out. Im not going to write them having a big fight like in the moment, but harley will recount what happened somewhat to tony in this section, and then more to peter later in the story. Gay ppl trauma dump, we know this. Okay anywaysss so harley calls tony literally sobbing and like freezing fucking cold. IM SORRY IM BEING SO MEAN TO THEM I PROMISE THEY'LL GET A HAPPY ENDING. Okay. harley explains how his mom kicked him out. Tony asks why, harley says something like “she didn’t agree with my lifestyle choices” like bitterly. Tony is a good person in this (i know, im really taking some character liberties) and he’s in the mood for collecting strays apparently, so he has happy send over the quinjet. He can’t make it himself bc hes in fucking japan or something for the next few weeks,, but. Yeah! Tony also calls peter, who is presumably in bed and feeling depressed. “Hey pete. How ya feeling? Any better?’ ‘Not really, tony. Sorry.’ ‘you don’t have to be sorry-’ ‘damn tony you sound like my therapist.’ “sorry pete, but i do have something to tell you- you know harley?’ ‘only from what you’ve told me about him, but yea. He was the tennessee garage kid, right?’ ‘i mean. Yes. so- he’s gonna come stay with me for a while too- it might not be permanent but it will probably be a bit. He’s about your age, and he just has no where to go (just like u). He’s not going to stay in your room or anything, but with bruce and thor here, he will be in your apartment area.’ ‘okay tony.. Will i have to talk to him a bunch?’ ‘not if you don’t want to- i already warned him about you, so it should be okay. I wouldn’t worry so much pete- you guys are so similar in a lot of ways that i wanted to introduce you two long before he called me.’ ‘okay tony, i trust you. Thank you again for letting me stay with you :)’ (yeah that kind of got away from me)
Section 3: build up. this is a shorter section. Harley and peter are gonna meet in section 4. This section is harley’s jet ride (with an intuitive happy) and harley’s nerves about how he really isn’t worth this (i mean hes pretty intimidated tony sent a private jet just for him) and happy like reassures him. Hes still insecure though. Peter is also nervous bc what if harley doesn’t like him? What if he doesn’t like harley?? Tony did say they would get along, but peter hasn’t really been himself recently, so who knows? Yeah lots of that. I do want to emphasize though- peter is not completely unhealthily coping. Like he has a therapist and he has been reaching out to ned and mj, but its still an open wound for him. Obviously. He still has a sense of humor though, but its to cover these deep insecurities. Like the first month or so that he was with tony, he was reallllyyyy trying to not get close to him bc he sort of thinks he kills everyone around him. Like logically he knows this isn’t true, but he does really think the that non superheroes that he surrounds himself with are very at risk if they know about his spider-man-ness. The only people who know now are ned and mj (may knew too).
Section 4: the meeting of harley and peter. Keep in mind peter has been living in this apartment/area of stark tower for about 3 months now. He actually moved in while may was in the hospital because he couldn’t stand to be alone in the apartment when he knew why may wasn’t there. And um. Yeah. so peter is like comfortable in this space, basically. Also- the reason theyre in the same apartment is because stark tower was not really created with the idea of housing broken orphans in mind, so it only has a certain amount of residential space. Thor and bruce are currently staying there together (although no one really knows if theyre together, or if theyre just best bros who went through some extreme trauma together and are now inseparable. Hmmm wonder if thats gonna come up later) and theyre using one apartment, and happy lives there with his own apartment, and tony and stephen are currently sharing the penthouse, even though thats not public knowledge. Really only the people close to tony know that he’s dating stephen. So. this leaves just the one other 2 bedroom apartment for peter and harley. It has one bathroom, and the bedrooms are connected by a door but theyre pretty big so like. Theres a kitchen, a living room with a fancy ass tv, and a really pretty view (with a balcony bc <333). May died in march, peter got leave from the school in april, and it is now the middle of june btw. Tony is now peter’s official guardian (he was before may died anyways) and now has sole guardianship over him which he has fully accepted, even though peter and him both know that there are going to be times where he has to go out of town bc he does own a company after all. Times like right now. Harley is pretty nervous that tony isn’t going to be there to greet him and that he is going to have to like introduce himself to peter and everything. Cmon, theres no reason to feel like that, he’s the one intruding after all, he should at least be able to handle himself. (<--- harley’s thoughts). Yeah so theyre insecure super cool. A n y w a y s so peter was stressing about harley as he arrived, and so when harley walked in they were both complete bundles of nerves. Harley walks up but knocks. Peter actually jumps (bc spidey sense okay whatever) and goes to get the door. Oh my god these awkward teenagers i hate them so much (i love them). Peter kinda looks like shit, sorry king. He was a little bit crying earlier, then tony called and he switched into stressed out ball-of-anxiety mode. Distractions are good, its okay. Peter opens the door for harley and they like introduce each other all awkward (again sorry) and peter shows harley where he is staying. Harley doesnt really have muchhhh bc he was kicked out and all. He just has a suitcase full of clothes, his favorite blanket, his favorite stuffed animal (yeah whatever bc ofc he does) and his phone/charger. He sets all his stuff down at once. He thanks peter for letting him stay in his apartment and also said sorry. First thing peter noticed was harley’s accent. Stfu. peter asks why harley’s here- ok. Harleys had a long ass day. Too fucking long. He- he breaks down. He tells peter a lot. About how his mom found out that he was gay, and how she told him never to come back. Yikes. Anyways, this is establishing the beginning of their relationship as friends. Peter is there for him even though he doesn’t know him at all. Peter sees some of himself in harley in this moment, even though he’s not talking about himself yet. Eventually harley does ask about peter, and they really just get to know each other really quick. They have these deep scarring individual traumas, and neither has nearly recovered, but they find comfort in just knowing that theyre not alone in their suffering. At least for now. At least in this moment.
Section 5: the next day. Peter and harley spent that whole night talking about what they were going through. Peter said good night at around 5 am (there were no adults around they can do what they want to) and they both got good sleeps. In peter’s case, one of the first solid nights he’s had in a while. Harley was kept up a little longer after peter left, however, because he just couldn’t shut off his mind. It was really cathartic for him to just lay everything out there and for someone to just accept him. Peter told him he was bi, but he was.. Lucky. He had accepting people in his life. May was accepting. God, harley couldn’t fathom having lost everyone in his life, everyone he ever cared about, and still having the heart to sit and talk with the dumbass anxious gay kid who can’t go home anymore. His problems felt so small compared to peter’s, and all he could do was admire peter’s resilience and how he was seemingly able to bounce back from anything. God, peter was something. He couldn’t wait to get to know him more. With that thought circling in his head, he finally went to sleep at oh shit 6:30 am. Peter woke up around 1. Harley at 2. When harley woke up, peter was watching tv and eating cereal on the couch and he just sat down next to him. No words, just sleepy children being sleepy. They stayed like this for like an hour when someone knocked on their door. Enter stephen strange!!!!!!!!!!! Get excited people. Hes just coming in to check on them bc tony told him to, and he didn’t get the chance last night bc he was _busy_. K so now he’s here and hes awkward and he just wants to make sure these boys r okay bc theyve both been through too much recently, and it would be just the cherry on top if they didn’t get along. Him and harley had never actually met before so he like introduced himself and all that. Offered like if they needed anything he was there, and its only gonna be a few days until tony gets back (did i say a week earlier? Im retconning that bc i cannot find it in my writing so it is now retconned). Peter and harley just have to sort of explain to dr strange that theyre getting along gREAT and there is no need for concern….. And peter was even thinking about showing harley around the city a bit that night (something he had not yet told harley, but wanted to make it seem like he was doing well and not acting too depressed in front of Dr. Strange) so dr strange is like yeah !!!!!! do that, that sounds super fun petey !!!!!! and so now they have evening plans
ok ps I wrote this like 2 weeks ago and completely forgot I posted something on Tumblr about this fic idea, and so this is literally just how I talk to myself. was not gonna ever post this but then I decided to because I'm bored. there are more sections but I'm not gonna post them rn because this post is really fucking long already!!!!
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colorseeingchick · 3 years
We talked about this already, so here I am making my humble request to be matched up with a demon slayer boy....
I would include more information here but you know who I actually am 😤
(And I do wanna say congrats on 200!! Ily💕💕)
You’ve subjected yourself to a hell you cannot escape. I’m so very excited to match you up with a boy I know little about from a fandom you know NOTHING about 🤩 I match you with….
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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Now you might be asking, “En, why did you match me with this man?” well, there a couple of reasons. The first one is because you told me a few hours ago “as long as you don’t match me with the odd boar man, it’ll be okay.” While I do think the boar man is your soulmate, Sanemi is another good fit. Sanemi and you would have a wonderful banter established with a lot of play fighting but also a lot of support. Y’all are the types to be strong enough to deal with each other’s bs - and if that’s not love I don’t know what is.
Note to anyone who chooses to read this matchup :know that this shouldn’t be taken seriously LMAO I'm an anime only and know little of Sanemi so far! But I love him SO MUCH AHHH
Also shoutout @hoebirama7 for helping me learn about Sanemi more!
You’d meet Sanemi at the main estate where the head of the demon slayers live. Let’s say you were a demon slayer who was travelling with the main characters, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke (the boar man). You’d get pulled to the main estate with them. When there, you heard about how Sanemi did some crazy things to your little friend Nezuko (just like, stabbing her in front of her brother) and you were like “that’s so much.”
Your next thought was “who the fuck does this man think he is?” From there you swore you’d hate him and you’d square up with him on SIGHT. You were ready to throw verbal insults when you saw him.
He was casually in the Butterfly Estate (where you and the boys were resting to recover) and when you saw him, you just gave him a lookTM. He obviously didn’t take well to being sassed with his eyes, so he asked if you had a problem. And he was surprised when you said yes, said “You’re an ass,” and then you walked away. His eyes went wide and he was ready to throw a sarcastic comment back but you were already gone.
The next time he and you met was in the midst of battle. You were holding off a bunch of demons but accidentally injured your ankle, leaving you in the path of danger. That was when he came swinging in, taking all the demons out, and went to pick you up.
“Do I seem like some damsel in distress to you? I don’t need saving!”
“You don’t? Fine then.” He drops you (yes drops you) and walks away. Out of nowhere, another demon charges in to attack you, and while you prepare for the worst, the demon is beheaded before you realize it.
“Be stubborn later.” He picked you up and smirked a bit as you make a face but don’t reject his offer.
You met him a few days later, once again at the Butterfly Estate while you were healing up. But this time when you passed by him, you stopped him and said, “Hey, I just wanna say I do appreciate you saving me.”
“That’s not what you said the first time we met.”
“Well I still think you’re an ass.”
He scoffed, “Next time I’ll leave you to the demons,” before storming off again.
While you weren’t hesitant to tell him off to his face, you had to admit you did appreciate his muscles the way he saved you. So maybe you could be a little bit nicer to him. Only a little.
He heard of you next when he got a message that his brother was hurt and saved by another member of the corps - that member being you. He contemplated sending his messenger crow to thank you, but then he decided it was a weird thing to want to do, so he just went to go visit his healing brother. Luckily for him, you were there again.
“Are you always injured or…?” He asked when he saw you.
“Funny, because you’re here every time I am too, SO-”
“Brother, are you flirting?”
“Why the fuck are you out of bed? You were weak enough to get injured, and now you have the guts to talk back? Idiot.” Sanemi ripped into his younger brother on the spot before storming off. You ran into him later, and asked him about it. You saw what was going on.
“You care for him, you can admit that, right?”
“What?” He was taken aback.
“I’m the same way with my brothers -except, well, I’m not as… rough I guess. But all little brothers are dumb. But I know you do that outta love.”
You gave a small smile before leaving him be.
Let’s just say you left him a little shocked. He didn’t expect for someone to get it (even if you were skeptical of his method).
You two then got close when you were deployed on the same mission. It was full of a lot of back and forth ‘fighting’ which was banter. But you both agreed you loved hating on Giyuu (the love of my life who you said had a long face >:( ) and it was an odd bonding point for you two.
You found yourself becoming fond of the explosive and skilled man. And as he spent more time with you, listened to your random stories, and realized he saw eye to eye with you (even though you were better at expressing your thoughts), he developed a soft spot for you.
Settling down as a demon slayer was a tough thing to do. And yet, as he finished his mission with you, he realized he didn’t want you to be in anymore danger - and that he’d like to protect you as well.
He wouldn’t really ask you out. Like, it was such an odd thing for him to do. But when another demon slayer was being very flirty with you, he found himself getting ready to fight. Luckily you beat him to the punch by turning down the man.
He asked you why you did.
“Wasn’t interested in being with him.”
“...What about me? Are you, uh… interested in being with me?” He wasn’t used to saying stuff like that at ALLLL.
You’d look at him and go, “I’ll give it a go.”
In a relationship, Sanemi would find you to be surprisingly supportive. You were so good at validating his feelings and actions ( you were his lovely enabler). But you weren’t afraid to question his impulsive decisions, and he came to respect that, too. You were a respectable partner.
You on the other hand would probably appreciate the care he has to give. While he wasn’t a himbo, he had the heart of one. He was surprisingly caring, good at remembering small details, and very observant of your state of being. Though he would never say anything, he’d show it all through his actions. He’d bring you your favorite food, and would always listen to all your crazy mission stories.
He’d even manage to go with you to one of the sports events of the time. Though he didn’t know what was going on, he loved the way your face lit up when you were angry at the players, engaging with the plays, and just overall so lively. He thought it was so fun to see that side of you.
He’d also open up to you about his relationship with his brother. While it was tough, he enjoyed knowing you had his back and continued to share with you. You were a good listener.
When on longer missions apart, you’d send your crows to send updates to one another just to make sure the other was okay.
All in all y’all have a funny banter filled relationship that also was very supportive and soft. It may have started off with you two being enemies, but it ends with lovers HEHE my favorite
Just what you deserve :D
THis is what you asked for Ma'am but I also asked you to send one so I hope you don't hate me indefinitely after this pls continue to beta read my anime content THANK YOUUUU
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highqueenofelfhame · 4 years
acowar reread thread
so i think i’ll update this post every few chapters unless anything super major happens that i want to immediately react to, that way you get my commentary but i’m not totally flooding and flooding and flooding your feed with a super super long post. i think i’m going to edit it under the cut and reblog it every time it gets updated and i’ll also number every update so it’s easy to find where i left off. if you guys prefer the other way i’ll transition back to the other way for acofas.) this is super fun i’ll start doing this for more books if you’re interested, including books i read for the first time. (after acofas, crescent city is next and it’ll be my first time reading it!)
1) chapters 1-5 I’ve read up through chapter five and so far my favorite thing is just how DONE feyre is with literally everyone in the spring court. the amount of times she’s had to like look away and not roll her eyes is just hilarious, her dry inner monologue, she just made a comment about having to remind herself to laugh and not strangle tamlin while they were dancing at the summer solstice and it just is so funny to me. 
i miss rhys. but the few times they’ve spoken through the bond is enough to tide me over. he told her he loved her once and i sighed out loud. i’m such trash for this bitch. 
feyre hijacking the summer solstice ceremony is COMEDIC GOLD. like you kNOW ianthe was fuming and furious and trying to save face the best she could but like hats off to feyre man. her character development from book one to where we’re at in book three is fantastic. she’s not a simpering little girl anymore, she’s a bad bitch and she kNOWS she’s a bad bitch and it’s just.. fucking great. 
i also, as much as i don’t want to, feel for lucien A LOT. i think a lot of his behavior is heavily influenced by how he’s been treated by tamlin for most of his life and i feel genuine remorse from him and the fact that he can like tell something is up but isn’t saying anything just shows, to me anyway, how much remorse he’s genuinely feeling. 
also alis knowing that something is up is just a testament to how attentive she is as a faerie and a friend and i really love that about her.
“I was the nightmare” YAS BITCH. FUCKIN YAASSS.
2) chapters 6-10 feyre is so goddamn clever. the entire time she’s bringing down the spring court she’s witty and fierce and clever and really just iS THAT BITCH, HUH? 
i don’t like jurian but the fact that he still has compassion within himself for his kind despite being literally insane for being just AWAKE and aware for like 500 years is... nice and pleasantly surprising because i feel like you wouldn’t think that of him being that he’s siding with hybern so that he thanked feyre when she tried to get the children of the blessed out of there... i don’t know why i’m bringing this up, it’s just something that stuck out to me and that jurian also vouches (to feyre) about rhysand’s character and how decent of a person he found him to be. it’s just very interesting and i feel like speaks leaps and bounds about rhysand as a person. 
feyre pushing tamlin to explode again... just CHEF KISS. like she really thought of everything. she thought of everything to internally make his sentries doubt him and then completely hate them by orchestrating the ianthe vs sentry debacle. she made herself seem very compassionate and kind and and showed tamlin and ianthe for what they were by doing genuinely so little. like all she did was make them show their true colors on their own and it didn’t take tOO much manipulation. idk feyre is just incredible in the spring court. 
forcing ianthe to hurt herself and molding her mind to make her think she’s always afraid is so much better than just outright killing her.. (if i remember from my last read, it doesn’t hold up, but the thought is there and it’s genius) I also think that this shows a lot about feyre and her character because despite everything she couldn’t just leave lucien alone with ianthe and the unwanted advances. she stayed and fought for her friend (and by extension her mate) even when lucien wouldn’t really fight for her and so feyre is just a fuckin real one like... she’s the kind of friend that you want in your corner. 
killing the hybern twins: glorious. such badassery from lucien and feyre both. 
and i think it’s nice that she let lucien come along with her on her journey back to the night court despite maybe not wanting to but i also think that she knew if she left him behind he could get in serious trouble or wind up dead and so again, i think it says a lot about her character as a person. 
3) chapters 11-15 i’m kind of reading and recapping every 50 pages or so which typically ends up being 4-5 chapters and it’s a good system so far so we’re gonna keep it up! 
the first thing of like, real substance to comment on is lucien saying his father will kill feyre for wielding his power but feyre just responding with “he can get in line.” like her sass is sO GOOD In this book, especially in the spring court chapters.
uhhh big fuck you to eris, i don’t know why people want him to have a redemption arc, he is literally a fat sack of shit that deserves to burn and i’m not sorry for saying so. he’s abusive and cruel and doesn’t deserve like, anything at all. although i will say good on him for balking a bit when feyre revealed she’s high lady. 
CASSIAN AND AZRIEL SUPERHERO LANDING ON THE ICE AND KICKING ASS!! I remember vividly the relief i felt when cassian showed up and was able to fly and i still felt so much victory when it happened again. it’s one of my favorite moments of the book so far and just really gets me. also feyre just dropping the “I’m high lady of the night court” bomb is DELICIOUS and i can’t get enough. i read it like six times. because you know as soon as the illyrians yielded to her that the autumn bitches were like “shit.”
“My love.” kILLS ME. you guys, i’ve only read this book once but i’ve reread their reuniting multiple times because it’s just so soft. rhys is so goddamn soft. he loves her so fucking much. i want rhys to call me my love and lick my tears away. goddamn. 
something i think about a lot is how in acotar when tamlin had feyre alone after months of torture he just tried to fuck her despite knowing things weren’t safe. however, knowing she was home and safe, rhys didn’t try for that immediately. like yes, they kissed, but there was so much conversation before they fucked that it just, says a lot about their relationship. tamlin also always demanded to know everything about feyre’s visits as soon as she was back, not even bothering to kiss her hello but rhys was like ‘that shit can wait’ AND THEY’RE ABOUT TO GO TO WAR. rhys loves her so wholly that he wanted to make sure she was okay before he ever bothered to ask about the spring court and how everything unfolded the last few weeks. idk i’m trash for rhysand, y’all. let’s make that a shirt.
the way that rhys threatens lucien, “i won’t bother to explain it again, and i will rip out your fucking throat.” is so sexy. like how casual it was, so sexy.#ripmythroatoutrhysand
amren being a bedtime story but irl is just a cranky aunt lmao.
nesta’s ferocity is, yes, frustrating, but also so heartbreaking to me. for a very long time i had a really rough relationship with my sister and i can see my own sister in nesta (who, by the way, would murder me if she found out i said this so, kara, if u see this, i love u endlessly and i love nesta with my whole heart) especially nesta’s behavior more so in acofas which i’ll talk more about when we get there. but i just, i feel for her man. she’s been traumatized and life as she knows it has been ripped away from her and some people respond to trauma with bite. and i know it doesn’t make it right or okay but it still just makes me feel for her.
cassian and nesta’s banter just gODDAMMIT SLAYS ME. i cannot wait for an entire fucking book of this shit and an entire book of their back and forth. i think nesta loves him and doesn’t know what to do with it because she’s scared so she’s acting like a cornered animal. like nesta is a snake that will strike when cornered and threatened and i just god i can’t wait for their book. 
elain... broke my heart a lot more than i remembered. as someone in the midst of my worst depression i find myself able to relate to that hollow and empty feeling like...all too well and it struck a cord and i almost cried at how empty she was. 
4) chapters 16-29 there is the whole meeting at amren’s apartment and cassian defends nesta, saying that he understands her actions, her snark, why she is the way she is, and it just honestly reinforces my love for cassian. i don’t have much to say about it but that i just really love the respect that he has for others. more cassian things: feyre brings up again how even broken and literally bleeding out and on the ground with his wings completely shredded he was still crawling toward nesta and reaching for her and trying to get to her. “because i can’t stay away.” fucking cracks my heart open every time. 
i love everything about the first family dinner back together. i love all the banter, i love that nesta sat in and even contributed to dinner conversation a little bit. lucien being so uncertain of the dynamic is hilarious. amren like opening herself up in a way to nesta and telling her that they’re the same, and to make sure her eruption is felt across worlds, i love it. i’m marking a lot more from amren than i thought i would. cassian at one point, he points to az and says “don’t try to blend into the shadows” and it actually made me chuckle to myself because hE DOES THAT. and it’s funny that cassian calls him on it. 
i don’t think nesta gets enough credit (for like anything, we all been knew i’m a slut for her and stan her with my life) but even as broken and angry as she was she did still offer to help explore magic that she doesn’t want and got as a result of trauma so that she can try to help. she isn’t completely useless. and i like that she has backbone and isn’t just a pushover little bitch. (that isn’t directed toward elain. like i previously mentioned, i’m finding that i relate a lot to her in her current state.) i just mean that i’m glad she sticks up for herself and doesn’t just like, do what people tell her to do. ya know?
rhys being so open to feyre pushing back on him about things like, again man. tamlin erupted and got angry, rhys is like “hell, i deserved it.” just, the differences in their relationships and the toxicity that comes from tamlin and the devotion rhys has for feyre is (say it with me) DELICIOUS.
i also like that just because feyre is high lady that the IC doesn’t just like flop over and bend down and take shit (i’m looking at you, spring court.) like cassian isn’t afraid to be like “you pissed me off by sacrificing yourself.” because he cares. LIKE, AGAIN WITH HIS DEVOTION. his loyalty is just so pure. it isn’t blind but it is pure and i just, god i love it. 
also everyone forgets that azriel has a dry ass sense of humor and i don’t see any of y’all writing it into your fics. “In order to fly, you’ll need wings” he said drily. IT’S DELICIOUS. dry humor is some of the best. and i like that feyre is learning more and getting to spend more time with him. 
5) chapter 20-27 this one will be a bit of a dump because i accidentally read too much today so far to try to catch up from my lack of reading yesterday so... oops. 
“Let’s see what names you call me when my head is between your legs, Feyre darling.” ugh. i wish a mans would say that to me. not really. i wish rhys would say that to me and only rhys. maybe rowan. or aaron warner. or cassian. or -- you get it. 
amren is SO FUCKING FUNNY without doing it on purpose. like genuinely hilarious. “she’s fine. stubborn as an ass, but as you’re related, i’m not surprised.” rOAST THEM. also amren makes nesta almost smile and she makes her laugh all in the span of like ten seconds AND nesta almost smiles when amren brings up cassian. coincidencE? i tHINK NOT.
again with rhys soothing her nightmares. like god it’s so good i dont even have to say anything else abt it.
feyre realizing that the bone carver is her and rhysand’s son. SO GOOD. like SERIOUSLY SO GOOD. and this doesn’t matter at all rn but i think that rhysand’s son has the potential to be more powerful than even him but that’s a thing to get into for another time.
EVERYTHING THE BONE CARVER SAYS ABOUT NESTA. also that it’s directed at cassian is very interesting and i think the bone carver knows they’re mates. like i wonder if cassian is seeing what feyre sees: his own son. WOULDN’T THAT BE INTERESTING. “How she calls to you.” also the comment about “what did you wake that day in hybern, prince of bastards?” what did cassian wake. the wording here is interesting and i have... a lot of questions. does anyone else just also really fucking enjoy the bone carver as a character? like he’s excellent i’ve never read anything quite like him.
“nothing about nesta could frighten me” UGH MY NESSIAN HEART CAN’T FUCKING TAKE IT.
also cassian stepping it later when nesta is furious with rhysand about the flying. like, one when he sighs and says she’ll never fly again is just... funny and adorable but how nesta was charging for rhys and he casually stepped in front of her and he talked her down. “It was amren’s fault, of course, but no one believed me. and no on dare banish her.” like just babbling a bit to bring her back down to earth. absolutely fascinating and delicious that it worked, wouldn’t you agree? ;)
court of nightmares is always a pleasure. fuck eris. 
also later at the town house when amren and mor and rhys are kinda going at it a bit and cassian gets nesta’s attention and nesta sidles over to him without questioning it... like. god if they aren’t endgame i’ll never read an SJM book ever again and i wholeheartedly mean that.
so i’ve seen the posts about amren being an angel i’m not sure if you guys have but yeah i think that’s a really solid theory. i think she very well could be a biblical angel because she mentioned that according to some they were perfect, that they laid waste to twin cities (sodom & gamorrah if this theory is correct) and she also mentioned yielding her grace and that she would fall. she also says she was a messenger and soldier assassin for a wrathful god ruling a young world and all of that, in my opinion, lines up with a lot of what is in the bible and what christians believe to be true. so i really really like this theory, i doubt it will ever be outright confirmed, but i think this is going to be my canon tbh. 
elain is.... out of her mind. it’s fucking weird everything she says is so cryptic and odd. like it’s just weird. i don’t think she’s insane and i can’t remember exactly where elain’s storyline goes in this book but like... rn it’s just weird and cryptic and a little unsettling and also interesting that she only really responds directly to azriel because everyone else she kinda ignores but she talks to him. interesting. 
6) chapters 28-49 clearly i accidentally read A LOT so we have a lOT Of ground to cover. 
azriel has fucking jokes, man. page 303 (hardcover us edition)  “That pine tree wasn’t there a moment ago.” “Judging by its size, i’d say it’s been there for ... two hundred years at least.” feyre even notes that he has a dry sense of humor and it comes out more when they’re alone. i can’t get enough of it. i wish he talked more. 
“Cassian finished the muffin, licking his fingers. I could have sworn nesta watched the entire thing with a sidelong glance. He grinned at her as if he knew it too.” i just love nessian so much i’m going to point out all of their cute reactions this is turning more into a nessian reaction thread SUE ME.
I think that nesta has a lot of regret and guilt over her life.over how she treated feyre because it comes out when nesta brings up to feyre that she didn’t know she couldn’t read (and again at the high lords meeting when she says they would have starved if it wasn’t for her.) i think she feels deeply and just doesn’t know what to do with it, doesn’t know how to express it. 
When they almost get taken in the library, and cassian gets there and nesta “launches herself at him.” my heart. she was scared and she didn’t care she was just so relieved. like fuck me up that’s the shit i like.
nesta asking where cassian is the moment they get back from the battle in adriata and she was worried and scared for him. later when she does see him i think this is when the mating bond clicks into place. it’s page 398 and she says “You didn’t come to -” and then cuts herself off. they have a really fucking intense moment. cassian takes her hand and laces their fingers and they don’t really say anything for a beat until he says “Next time, emissary, i’ll come say hello.” but his voice is low and rough when he says it. “The world seemed to go utterly still at that interrupted sentence, nothing and no one more so than cassian.” i think this is when it clicks for him. maybe not for nesta but definitely for cassian. 
RHYSAND RIPPING TAMLIN’S ABILITY TO SPEAK AWAY LIKE YES WE STAN A MOTHERFUCKING KING. fuck tamlin. fuck eris. and fuck beron. also nesta defending cassian in the high lords meeting (page 438, because beron calls him a bastard.) again, i’m just saying, she’s defending her fucking mate i can’t deal. feyre also exploding in the meeting and rhys just being like “You’ve proved your point, my love.” SO DELICIOUS. “I made her high lady because i love her. her power was the last thing i considered.” like fucking hELL that is how you treat your woman.
after the meeting, helion being like “You handing eris’s ass to him will be my new fantasy at night, by the way.” DELICIOUS. fucking hilarious. 10/10 recommend helion as a high lord and a mans we love to see it. 
also cassian being so concerned when nesta starts to have that feeling about the cauldron being used before the wall gets shattered.he didn’t doubt her feelings for a second, i mean no one did, but he was completely unyielding when he sensed her fear and immediately looked for any sign of an immediate threat.
nesta saying she’s never worn pants and cassian saying “i have no doubt you’d start a riot if you did.” he’s thinking bout that ass. also cassian giving her a quick lesson in defense before they yeet off to the human lands to see graysen and his family. IDK I REALLY LOVE NESSIAN OKAY?!
7) chapter 50-the end. i accidentally finished the book. oops. 
super intersted in nesta’s powers and if she is a witch. i can’t remember acofas at all and if nesta’s powers manifest in that book but i’m eager to see if the fracturing of the cauldron didn’t effect whatever powers she took from it. i think that could also be part of what ultimately is wrong with her on top of all the trauma. 
nesta helping cassian after that first battle when his wrist is hurt. she didn’t take no for an answer and helped him and it was just really soft until mor showed up and cassian pulled his hand away. i’m conflicted about what it means to be totally honest. what it means for his feelings for nesta and what it means where mor is concerned. i don’t love how morrigan treats nesta and cassian’s... relationship? but i don’t dislike mor. i think she’s dealing and coping and has her reasons that we will likely find out about. 
“Only you can decide what breaks you” is something i’d like to get tattooed. i dont really have anything else to add to it. 
i was sobbing during rhys’s battle speech to everyone. i dont rlly have anything else to say about it other than i’m emo. 
nesta saving cassian. again i don’t have shit to say about it other than like it makes me so emotional.  she just started blinding screaming, hoping that he would come. i can’t even begin to think what his death would have done to her.
the bone carver smiling at feyre before he did hits a very specific piece of my heart and i’m not sure why or what but i had chills all over my body. 
cassian telling rhys to let him return the favor/repay the debt. HURT. another thing i cried over. like shut the fuck cassian AIN’T NOBODY DYIN TODAY. 
tHE Nessian moment to end all nessian moments when they would die together. like big fucking wow. you can’t tell me they’re not mates. that they don’t love each other despite how complicated all of it is. like cassian is so soft in the most unique way for her because he knows she bites and he lets her and he bites back and i just think it’s what he needs.
“tell the high lord to leave out a cup for me” AMREN SHUT UP. like fucking christ i teared up then too because i really really love her character. she’s unique and funny and dry and cranky and i just love her so much. 
i’m tired of rhys sacrificing himself. there, i said it. i cried like a fucking baby and of course he woke up being a snarky little shit.
i love the end of this book. i don’t know what i’ll do with myself until january when the next one comes out. i’ll probably go back to the other format for my next read through because it’s easier and less longwinded and i think you guys liked the other way better. anywho, thank you for coming along on this lil journey!!
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komoryriku · 4 years
Queering KH: Part 2
How to Queer this Anime Game? By me, an American nerd lol
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Pictured: Dream. Drop. Distance. Sequel. 8)))
What is Queering 
I’m so excited to talk about this okay this is literally the only fun thing I get to do as an English major anymore lmao.
“Queering a text” is the academic term for taking a given text and extracting the queer subtext of it, or applying a queer reading to it. It is taking a piece of literature, film, or art and reading into it for the gay coding. It is an especially important tool for reading old literature written during periods of extreme homosexual oppression, wherein the author would be forced to hide hints of homosexuality under layers and layers of superficial text.
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Pictured: Sora and Riku battling Ursula as she means to wreck their ship, mirroring the disaster that Sora’s friends Eric and Ariel (lovers) faced at sea.
As a post-structuralist, I am also here to inform you that every text is made up of intertextual influence. This means whether the JK Rowlings of the world intended it or not, their characters may well be queer coded because of the unconscious influence of homoerotic customs in our culture that have permeated the text. It’s why people speculated that Newt Scamander was gay, because he showed little interest in Tina and preferred to focus on his beasts, which is not normative for a male protagonist in straight media. People likewise considered that Merida from Pixar’s Brave might be gay, because she had no interest in dating men and wanted to live a wild lifestyle traditionally associated with masuculinity, things that are pretty in line with lesbian coding. And let me tell you, lgbt claimed Queen Elsa IMMEDIATELY for very good reason. Pretty much everything about her journey, purposefully or not, makes for an strikingly overt gay metaphor. Let it Go is a coming out song for a woman suffocating under normativity all her life, deal with it.
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Same, Elsa.
Oh whoops I accidentally pasted this picture of Riku here.
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Keep Cultural Distinctions in Mind
Something else important I want to point out is that different cultures are- different lol. They are going to vary. What is queer coding here is not necessarily queer coding in Japan. A man presenting femininely in American media would certainly get him coded as gay. A bishonen in an anime though? Not so much. Men bathing together in Japan is common practice so that would mean nothing gay over there. In America however, you have things like this vine. 
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In which 2 dudes are chilling as far away as possible from each other in a hot tub to prove they are not gay lol.
So when I say the male members of Organization XIII bathe together, it means literally nothing in a Japanese context.  
But let me tell you this: homosexual mlm tend to enjoy bathing with other dudes. Sexual attraction is sexual attraction no matter where you go. So how would you queer code a Japanese character as gay in a hot tub context? 
By American logic, if the straight thing to do is sit 5 feet apart in a hot tub, then the inverse, the gay thing to do, would be 2 men sitting very close together in a hot tub. So if I were to code 2 American male characters as gay in a hot tub context, that is what I would do. But if I really wanted to hammer it home, I would ALSO have them blushing so there is no straight explanation for their closeness. 
And for a Japanese character, for whom bathing with men might well mean nothing, I’d definitely have them physically blush, so that you know it does NOT just “mean nothing” to him...
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Oh look at that. Amano went out of her way to draw Roxas blushing at the concept of bathing with men. So when I say “the members of Orginization XIII bathe together”, you know that means something to Roxas, cuz the coding tells us so. There are indeed certain ways you can depict a shonen being either interested in or at least affected by that idea. You just have to mind those codes telling you what the character really feels, especially when they can’t really say it.
Speaking of blushes, Amano uses them a lot. 
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They’re a pretty effective tool for hiding gay coding into your characters cuz an anime character might blush for any number of reasons, from being flustered by their crush, 
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to being flustered because they don’t have a crush.
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If you’ve ever translated Japanese media, (I haven’t, but I have friends who do), you know that Japanese is very vague which means you need the whole context to properly understand a scene. It’s a similar situation with queer coding. Consider this scene of Roxas blushing. 
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If Roxas felt positively about the insinuation that he and Xion are holding hands, how might one code this? Well, if he’s feeling really excited about it in a positive way, you might draw him smiling or expressing flattery on his blushing face. However, Roxas reacts negatively, with a frown on his blushing face. This insinuates he does not like this idea at all, especially since he also shuts it down right away in his dialogue.
But you might say “Well how do we know he isn’t just shy?” to which I say- well we can’t know. That’s the whole point of queer coding in literature. It is to say a character is queer but without actually saying it, to give plausible deniability for safety. It is to suggest a character is queer but without any confirmation. It does not mean that the character isn’t queer, however. It just means it cannot be confirmed by the text alone. However, a bold text that is very determined to have hidden queer characters without any straight explanations, will provide coding that has very little or no straight explanation. 
Back to the Roxas and Xion dialogue^. This scene alone cannot confirm or deny anything. As I explained however, the suggestion that Roxas is not straight IS there. Considering the whole context, also, this scene is another piece of “evidence” to add to the pile of suggestions that Roxas isn’t straight. This coupled with the bathing panel, and this panel of him admiring Axel, his male mentor, with deep flattery during his first day of adventuring, all exist.
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Roxas does not express negative sentiments in his blushing at men, nor does he say anything dismissive to them. When he blushes at Xion’s comment, however, it is with a negative reaction. Consider also that if the author wanted Roxas to appear straight, she would present them in ways that allude to straightness and NOT in ways that allude to queerness. Roxas would not do suggestively queer things like blush in flattery at Axel calling him special and then dismiss Xion’s suggestion that they are holding hands if he were simply coded as straight. Queering a text sometimes requires a lot of critical thought like this. This is because again, these things are hidden, and sometimes hidden really well so that unsuspecting straight people will not even consider the queer suggestions. This is one of the advantages Nomura has in his favor with Kingdom Hearts: by making it so convoluted, the gay text can be forward, strong, and blatant but remain undetected by straight powers. This keeps the series safe from oppressive scrutiny. Characters like Namine and Xion can exist as literal illustrations of compulsory-heterosexuality. And people will still think Sora and Riku are straight. 
Even if I don’t know all the queer codes Japanese culture might specifically have, (and I do not, I do not live in Japan nor have any semblance of what that is like beyond what my friends who have lived there can tell me, and what I can research while sitting in my pajamas in Kentucky lol), there are certain things that are rather universal. Blushing, physical contact, lingering gazes, etc etc. Attraction is attraction and certain body language and other physical symbols will translate and will travel. So that’s the majority of what I will have to focus on. 
But I do want you to know that rainbows are still gay in Japan. 
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Finally I also want to express that cultural intermingling is a thing. We do not live in bubbles, especially with the internet. Our cultures affect each other ALL the time. Although Kingdom Hearts is primarily a Japanese series, it is consciously tailored to appeal to both America and Japan. This is by design given the idea was to marry a Japanese hit like Final Fantasy with an American phenomenon like Disney’s media. This is why they take special care in minding the English translations and dubbing of the KH games (when they are able to do so, mistakes are still very often made and i hate it cuz they’re usually heterosexual-agenda-pushing “mistakes” =~=). The games are so intimately tied to both the Japanese and American cultures they are derived from which is part of why accurate translations are so important. And given what they would mean for queer audiences, what they represent for queer people makes accurate translations even MORE important. Some things get quite lost in translation, and some things are grossly added in translation. We will discuss that down the line...   
A brief aside that I implore you to ignore:
On the subject of Roxas not being straight, I have heard of one really fun queer motif in Japanese media which is ”ryoutoutsukai (両刀使い)”, “the two sword fencer”: the dual wielding bisexual. Now- I do not necessarily think this is a means of coding Roxas as bisexual, and beyond that, from what I’ve heard in my research on bisexuality in Japan, certain age groups don’t even believe in bisexuality there. However, a love of more than one gender exists no matter who is willing to acknowledge it or not, and this motif is there. And Promisekeeper and Oblivion do rather fit the bill of representing homosexuality (Oblivion/Soriku) and heteronormativity (Promisekeeper/Sora and his childhood friend Kairi). So- while i don’t think it means anything, this fun idea is there~  I will say, however, that as far as I can tell, Nomura and his staff know exactly what they’re doing with their queer coding and are well connected to it in both cultures. So I mean- if any anime team would know bisexuality exists and how to code it, I firmly believe the KH team would, so. There is some food for thought for you~
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Get ready for part 3, I hope you like TWEWY~ B)
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brynfelan · 3 years
Don't be sorry! I'm glad you had fun! And thank god I didn't wanna spoil anything if you hadn't seen the anime.
So, KuzuPekoHina and Naegami (I love naegami so much words cannot describe.) Izuru and Hajime are in one body, but two people. And Izuru cares for Hajime. No i won't let that hc go ever i love it.
So you know that Makoto was gonna be put on trial for saving the Remnants before...shit goes down in the DR anime? Well a month sfter THAT mess some shady asshole FF officials go up to Hajime and say "...do these extra dangerous missions for the Foundation or we'll put Makoto on trial. And find him guilty. For realsies."
And Hajine can't let that happen since Makoto's the only reason his pseudo family are alive right now. So he agrees.
Makoto is essentially manipulated into going with Hajime. "If Hajime dies on any of these missions, we'll be forced to eliminate the other Remnants as a precaution. They could fall into deapair again should Hajime die. Go along with him, this is YOUR doing after all."
The missions are dangerous from the start, but they only get more dangerous as the ahoge duo complete mission after mission. They're starting to look haggard and injuries aren't healing as fast as they should.
Those two of course did not tell anyone about this "arrangement," and OF COURSE before any of our faves can interrogate the info out of them, they're away due to a mission for a month. It should've taken two weeks.
Everyone, but especially Fuyuhiko, Peko, and Byakuya are now worried, frantic, and livid. Because "What the FUCK is going on why don't we know?!"
“ahoge duo” i’m fucking HOWLING this is so sad but also that one thing is absolutely sending me rn
but my god byakuya has the power to sit FF the fuck down and ask what the hell is going on. at first he doesn’t notice that it’s all going to shit because he’s smart as hell but also a dumbass, and he trusts makoto to do the right thing so whatever. but fuyuhiko and peko bring it up and suddenly it’s rage from all three fronts when they all realise that something fuckin hinky is going on.
they recruit kyoko to help, because after they tell her she’s also pissed about it (and actually incredibly impressed that byakuya actually asked for help with this, we love character development). unfortunately, fuyuhiko and peko have to stay on the sidelines because they’re remnants and FF doesn’t trust them at all - but byakuya togami? of course they trust him.
kyoko basically ends up acting as a defence lawyer lmao but she’s fuckin scary when she wants to be, and between her and byakuya FF are backed into a corner because they both threaten to resign unless this stops. aoi also threatens resignation when she’s told about what’s going on. toko is kinda off being a lesbian with komaru so she’s not super involved - but she’s still pissed because once komaru finds out she’s an absolute weapon about bugging byakuya to deal with this.
anyway, one of the 78th class resigning would be one thing, but kyoko is possibly their brightest mind. all three of them resigning would likely make a lot of shit fall apart. yes, it’s corporate blackmail, no byakuya doesn’t care.
with that threat, hajime and makoto are brought back in (mostly) one piece. fuyuhiko does his best not to kick off, peko has to calm him down even though she’s also filled with rage about this. byakuya is... man he’s pissed. he scolds makoto for not telling him, but really he’s just glad that he’s safe.
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unseelie-bitch · 4 years
The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
[Here we go lads, we've gotten to the first film]
This opening song is highkey a bop
Oh no nononono they did this in 3D animation??? Gotta be honest, I'm already not a fan and I haven't even seen their faces
Oh yep their faces are SO CURSED
Oh they just jumped into an abandoned castle like ninjas
See you all have new voice actors so I have NO IDEA who was just tempting fate into bringing out these big knight monsters
Not sure I'm a fan of how naked they made them in the transformations
Musa sounds way too preppy
They all have the same voice what is going on
"Are you hurt?" Bloom she is lying on the floor in pain
If you're Techna, why are you American?
Really don't like Bloom's voice actor
Ah he was the sword smith from the company of light
Is that supposed to be Faragonda
Yep it is good god
"We're all a little bored with you and your sword" LMAO
So it's been centuries since the company of light disbanded. And Sparx was destroyed 17 years ago. Which was when they FORMED the company of light. Come on lads get a timeline
Stella gagging because he flirted with Faragonda is both hilarious and on brand
Please stop talking about "shiny steel" I am embaressed FOR you
Faragonda don't just look sadly after her
Oh good god WHAT did they do to Riven's hair
Sorry ONLY the Winx Club are graduating and "achieving ultimate harmony"
Oh Kiko is so fucking cursed
Why is there a cat???????????????
She called the cat Ron
Oh they floatin'
Brandon don't laugh at Riven you bitch
Okay so they just heavily implied they are the only fairies with their powers???? Sus
Oh fuck OFF Sky
Why did you make Musa a giggly prep and Riven a dick again wtf
Sky looks like Prince Charming from Shrek
Okay so Bloom actually didn't graduate??? Why
Sky she's allowed to be sad don't be a bitch
Cue Sky ALMOST saying something important and getting cut off. Watch him not finish that sentence til the end of the film
Oh hello who's this girl... I like her
Bye Sky! Don't come back
"Bloom, you know it's not a party if you're not there" so Stella's still gay, good to know
Stella's dancing with Kiko awwwwwww
It's okay Bloom caught him
Oh I do like the redesign of Alfea though
Sad Bloom montage
"She's like a wild bird in a tiny cage" at least Mike is Aware
Oh no Bloom's having a magic anxiety dream
Daphne is Bloom's sister??????? They did NOT make that clear
Woah Daphne's giving Bloom her mask awww
Oh. Yay. Sky's here. Wahoo.
I love this magic cat but is it going to be relevant
Why are the OG witches still kicking about wtf
Whom the fuck is this? Why are you here does this mean we don't get the Trix?? That's such a joke
He was gone for FOUR MONTHS without even a text? Bitch
THANK YOU TECHNA these boys are acting like CHILDREN
Aaaand Riven woke up the bird
I thought that vine was "stronger than steel" how the fuck did it break
Please don't reduce Stella to an airhead we've seen in previous seasons she's actually really intelligent
Bloom's voice actor sounds more like Musa than Musa's does
Hello Mr Scribe Man
"You knew my parents?" He JUST said he was your father's scribe
Please stop making Stella flirt with the scribe to get what she wants I hate how they're portraying her in this
Shady voice calling out to Riven wtf
We love a good prophacy
Anyone who enters Obsidian is hopeless, lost and corrupted?? Bro wtf
WizGiz is being a bitch because Mirta was going to use a dark spell to stop herself GETTING MURDERED BY A MONSTER. Why are you like this WizGiz
Faragonda you NEVER think it's a good time for explainations
Mandragora used to go to Alfea???
Faragonda you could help at literally ANY time
Faragonda finally did something lads
...and immediately passed out wow
They destoryed the school yikes
Ew future book please don't say Bloom and Sky will get married
The pixies!!
The school is fixed
The OG witches are pissed that the dragonfire's in a person lmao
Musa is 100% on board and I love her
Sky you had the whole flight here to talk to her if it's that important stop waiting til she's about to do something important
Techna don't be mean to Lockette
Jolly wtf
"The perfect vacation spot from people you hate" iconic
Oh whaddup Mandragora
Lads Musa did not get stabbed she just knocked his sword out the way
They're all being attacked by their own powers... apart from Stella, who's fading away because they've decided all she cares about it appearances with is BULLSHIT
Why do the witches look like those blow up thingys that stand outside... y'know, the ones that look like people and dance around
Yikes her dad's a statue
Mandragora just about to kill all the guys lmao
Is Mandragora secretly Miriyam because no one else is talking about her
Oh nice Riven's back
Sky canNOT wield the sword fuck OFF
Lol he really can't it electrocuted him
Oop Mandragora's dead nvm
Ugh he can he's the king. I hate this man
Oh Sparx is back and everyone's alive NICE
Oh Miriyam was in the sword. Right. Okay
Love Bloom's dress
"Since we weren't able to be there for the first half of your life, Bloom-" sorry HALF??? SHE'S 18!! WHAT'S THE LIFE EXPECTANCY ON SPARX, 36?????? WHAT THE FUCK
Ayyyyy that pretty guard is back
The dialogue in this film is atrocious
And he's proposing. She's 18. But okay.
Aww Winx are the new company of light that's so soft
Oh shit the witches are free
Right so I'm not ackowledging ANY of this film as canon apart from the winx being the new company of light
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number5theboy · 4 years
The notes I took while reading the comics are under the cut. These are not my ordered thoughts, just thoughts I had while reading. I’ll write something more coherent a bit later, once my thoughts are sorted better than these
Diego repeatedly stabbed a Caravaggio, which just personally offends me. Also @ Reginald the fact that you left a Caravaggio in reach of your KIDS, who have KNIVES, is just as insulting. Someone save that Caravaggio since anything and anyone else is beyond saving
“Inexplicable resemblance to an Ingmar Bergmann extra” askjdsgbkdsbhsd Gerard sir that is so oddly specific. Is Reginald an Ingmar Bergman fan. Is that what you’re trying to tell us. Or is Klaus just a silent movie type
Right off the bat, the comics universe is so much more interesting than the show universe. They have boxers who beat up squids like??? Give us an adaptation with the comic world, preferably animated
The kiddos were all born to “mostly single women” dsbksdgbksdgbdsg??? Did the magical alien thingamajig check their relationship status first?
“Inventor of The Televator, The Levitator, The Mobile Umbrella Communicator, and Clever Crisp Cereal” dgdsghsgdhjsdkjhg Reginald names his inventions like Dr. Doofenschmirtz from Phineas and Ferb
Also the page that reveals/introduces Reginald is SO good, just the panelling and the action tells you so much. There’s dead bodies and excavations and masks in addition to text. It’s great.
“The Day The Eiffel Tower Went Berserk” is an EXCELLENT hook to a story
“It’s your Eiffel Tower, it’s gone insane and must be stopped at all costs.” Dksgdhjbkgsdhjbdsghjb the show could never
This comic keeps disrespecting cool art. Why is it doing that to me. Don’t let the musée d’orsay get robbed
Okay, luther came through for me on that
Dsdhlsdghlgsdhldsh the siblings arguing while the Eiffel Tower is falling apart around them had me cackling
“WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE” dsbdgsbgsdbdgsbklsd okay diego
“And just as I suspected – ZOMBIE-ROBOT GUSTAVE EIFFEL!” hello I need at least three comics of back lore on this. Why does luther have that hunch. Why is Gustave Eiffel a zombie-robot. How did we get here. Please I want answers
The missing line on the ‘e’ of ‘touché’ makes that dramatic moment way less dramatic and more funny ngl
Oh but you can be bothered to put the accent aigu on ‘séquence’
“And while you lost the Eiffel Tower, you saved Paris.” I am laughing too hard by this point. How dare this be a barely brushed upon adventure. Please I need to know more about zombie-robot Gustave Eiffel
Te Ben-robot makes me emotional and “Only my father calls me Number One”? ouch.
Also for the record, I love Luther’s design SO much
“Hello your father is dead. Please audition for my orchestra for revenge. Many thank. Bye.” Okay Conductor, whatever floats your boat, I guess
“and something worse is coming” dbhsdghbjgshbjsgbjhkgf okay Five, whatever floats your boat I guess
Allison immediately coming in with the ‘I know everyone blames you for Ben’s death, Luther, but honestly, who the fuck knows?’ dsbgbhdgshbsgdhkbj
Klaus has such an entrance and I honestly didn’t know that Claire was a comic character
The introduction to the apocalypse comes SO the fuck out of nowhere, but grumpy little Five with the ‘I knew I shouldn’t have run away from home’ speech bubble? Awesome
Also just genuinely interesting that Five truly hated Reginald and was aware of these feelings
The apocalypse introductions in the show and the comic are going for different feelings but they are both equally devastating, which is a nice touch
Also someone give show! Five a sword
Comic Diego is a fuckboy, and that’s obvious from a hundred paces
Apparently Grace makes me sad in any incarnation
Okay but the backdoor of the Icarus in the show is lifted straight out of the comics
I love the Conductor’s design so much, and his introduction is so good
Oh my god someone get a language checker, The Orchestra Verdammten doesn’t even make grammatical sense
I love the Conductor, he is so extra and just the concept of a piece of music that destroys the world…….it fucks so hard
This comic just throws wild shit at you and expects you to keep up
Just read the instructions Dr. Terminal gave his bots. Is he okay.
Why does Dr. Terminal want to eat Finland. Please I need to know what’s going on in that head of his
Gabriel Ba has excellent comedic timing
Five is a bitch and I love him
Diego hiding in a haunted house…….what a drama queen
Klaus is so fucking funny oh my god
Diego is so hilariously bitter towards Vanya. No need to destroy her like that, asshole
Love how Diego single-handedly brought about the apocalypse. What an idiot.
Dr. Pogo deserves the world
The Vanya reveal of powers is a bit. Uh. Underwhelming. Love the Frankenstein set-up tho
The art, man……..it’s so good
Comic Luther is SO savage holy shit
I love you Mister Conductor, but please stop butchering languages I know, thanks
I knew he was gonna die, but I am still hurt. Please bring him back, he’s the best character in this
“I don’t know where to begin…But I suppose I should start with the Kennedy assassination.” Okay five you drama queen
Allison is a bitch, and I mean that as a compliment
Honestly these Five and Vanya are made to be enemies, it’s great
This wraps up a little too nicely. Where did the moon boulder go
Sagfdghjasfkjghdsfjhksfhkj it opens with a ‘by the way, I’m still dead’ from Pogo
I can’t believe TUA directly inspired Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian
No seriously, I knew about sentient monument Abraham Lincoln but this entire scene FUCKS
Dsbksgdbhsgbhksgdhbkj Celebrity Surgery, the big popular reality TV show, I’m laughing
Luther and Klaus are both such messes jeesus, even if Klaus is coping better
Allison immediately kidnaps Vanya and exposes her to all the horrible shit she caused?? Dbgbhjdgkjhbgdhkj I love these versions of the characters
While Show!Diego is Walmart Batman, Comic!Diego is Walmart Rorschach
I thought I got the gazelle speech but now I’m just confused
It literally is an epiphany AND WHAT GOT HAZEL AND CHA-CHA SENT ON HIS ASS I’M
Also that one wordless Hazel and Cha-Cha panel……..so good
Five is a communist lmao Diego
Luther and Diego arguments are tedious in both versions
I hate the Marilyn Monroe ape scene. With a passion. It is so cursed
Also show Hazel and Cha-Cha were partners that grew apart. I think comics Hazel and Cha-Cha are in love
I am every killer ever. That is one cute puppy.
Also Klaus and God is great in every universe
Dsjfghjdhjdgjhbdgbjhkdbkjhgb Five’s face when he is outfoxed
Why do dream!Luther and Allison have am ape cyclops daughter
I love the Luther&Klaus dynamic
This is just a remix of Watchmen
I have no idea why they suddenly know what Five is up to, from the corpse of a Commission agent. What.
Wait now they can use corpses as time travel devices. What.
Okay, Klaus accidentally blew up the world. Cool?
I am so confused
Now Diego Klaus and Luther are fighting vampires in Vietnam and hurling mummies through the bush. Okay.
So Pogo always knew what kind of disasters they’d turn into? Dskbgdsbkhsdgbkgsdkh
Hotel Oblivion really just presents a cockroach on a plate to you, huh
Reginald’s aesthetic is seriously so much cooler than he deserves
Five is a hired gun now?!? Man, that dude cannot catch a break ever
“TV is a healthy alternative to dying” esjkdsgbkgskbhdsgkbes
Who is Luther’s Japanese bro?!?
Also I just kind of really like the Luther&Diego dynamic in the comics
The show robbed us of Allison helping Vanya recover. It robbed us of Vanya getting injured in the first place, so what recovery, but still. This is incredibly sweet
God, all the villains in this universe are so intriguing. Except for Knock-Off-Adrian-Veidt, I keep forgetting that Perseus exists
“I’m a haunted house.” Is so metal as a self-descriptor
What the FLYING FUCK is Klaus doing there
Giant chicken?
The Enterprise???
“What are you doing?” “A report. I’m really interested in capitalism.” Djhsgjgskjvsevksevjesvjsefjv maybe Diego is right and Five is indeed a communist
“I know what it feels like to be unloved. I was born an object, and never treated as anything but.” It really was that bad, wasn’t it?” “For the both of us, yes.” B R U H
Evil Grace is fun
I love Allison and Five and their relationship so much
Five is interested in the stock market??
I am way too emotionally invested in whether Murder Magician and his baby make it out of there
Oh I CANNOT believe their romantic loves for their SISTERS is what unites them. I hate this.
What on earth is going on with Perseus and the flying head of Medusa
Alive Ben 😊☹
I am an idiot for not making the Perseus-Medusa connection sooner.
The Eiffel Tower now looks like the love child of the actual Eiffel Tower and the Atomium.
And now the Dr. Manhattan knock-off is here
God I love Allison so much
What the fuck is Pereus on about
Terminal eats a zoo
Scientific Man borders on plagiarism I’m sdhbgshsvjhksfvjksdjhkdsj
No no no no no not the Murder Magician
This whole baby arc makes me so soft
Well this ended on a cliffhanger
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fromzerotoeuphoria · 4 years
@waywardfacegarden replied to your post:
Couldn’t agree more with this. Honestly, I agree with every single word on here. I feel like most mh shippers think that us rh shippers just ship it because we hate mako or something but i actually love him so much??? and i, in no way, try to undermine mh’s relationship. i always thought it was so cute and soft and tender, since the first ep. i LOVE, absolutely LOVE their friendship. and i think haru DOES care a ton about mako. he does. and they obviously have a special bond, they’ve known each other since so long. they care about each other and their friendship is so sweet?? i love how haru gives mako the fishes in first season and a lot of other moments of them. and i said this in a post when i first watched the first season, but again, like you say, i GET why people ship them. i get it. they’re cute and their relationship is actually pretty good but it just??? i don’t know, what especially got ME to ship rh instead of mh since the very first ep is how clearly DIFFERENT rh’s dynamic was since the very start. how clearly different haru reacts to rin. he becomes ALIVE when he sees him. his eyes, his whole expression just lights up when he sees rin came back. you don’t see haru act like that towards anyone else. SURE, he cares DEEPLY about mako and, like i said, their relationship is special, he holds him dear and it’s clear, but it’s just different with rin. his reactions are always so visceral when it comes to rin, since they were kids. he pretends like he doesn’t care sometimes but it’s so obvious that he does, kid!haru had a crush and no one can tell me otherwise. it’s all over the place. sure, with haru everything is subtle, but the thing that’s so amazing about rh is that you don’t even have to LOOK for it. even when haru is all subtle about his feelings, he always REACTS visceral with rin, and that’s the thing. idk, when i knew mh was more popular than rh it just… baffled me. i was so surprised, because to me, it was always so obvious how their relationship was a LOT more strong friendship-like than rh. and ngl, it’s frustrating for me, too LOL, but i guess we have to live with that.😂😂 everyone has different opinions, and i guess a lot of people are drawn to them bc of the childhood friend trope… tho you also kinda have it on rh but okay😂🤷‍♀️ it just makes me sad how i’ve seen so much hate around from both sides. and i’ve also come across a LOT of mh shippers that keep telling rh shippers “no, you should ship sousuke and rin and mako and haru, that’s how it should be” and it makes me so sad bc ALL ships are valid???? and it just sounds like they’re always trying to invalidate our ship but oh well. [ALSO. SOUSUKE AND RIN’S RELATIONSHIP IS SO PRECIOUS, NOT TALKING ABOUT IT BC I LITERALLY WOULD NEVER SHUT UP, BUT I LOVE THEM. I LOVE THEM. i fell in love with their friendship since the very first second with their special handshake😂😂😂 i just. have a soft spot for all the samesuka relay team tbh, but maybe that’s bc i’m so in love with rin it’s insane😂😂😂] AND ALSO. FINAL POINT OF ALL MY BABBLING HERE (lol, sorry for invading your post, i just were surprised of how i literally agree with every single word on here) BUT YEAH. KID RIN IS BEST KID/BOY, I LITERALLY WOULD DIE FOR HIM. I LOVE HIM SO SO SO SO SO MUCH, IT’S RIDICULOUS. I WANT TO PROTECT HIM. I WANT HIM TO BE HAPPY. idk, man, i just. could talk about rin and kid!rin for days to no end, oof… literally him and rinharu what got me so hooked with free! tbh… like i didn’t expect to be this invested in free! bc i just watched out of boredom, and 20 minutes later after first ep, i was already hooked bc i was already head-over-heels with rin and rinharu LMAO. what did they do to me, honestly… my love just kept growing… like end of first season was SO SO SO satisfying???? it was so emotional, i cried like the 6 times i watched it in a row, and i felt SO incredibly satisfied???? i’ve rarely felt THAT much and that much satisfaction with an ending before. honestly first season of free is masterpiece. BUT ANYWAYS. SORRY FOR TALKING SO MUCH. I’M SHUTTING UP NOW. HAVE A NICE DAY, FELLOW RINHARU FAN.
The way these comments MADE MY DAY <333
Thank you so much for commenting!! That post was me just rambling out my own thoughts about the two ships, and I originally didn’t plan on sharing it publicly, but since I love reading other people’s posts like that, I figured maybe someone might enjoy mine too 😊 And I’m SO HAPPY you did!! 💜
I said a lot in my previous response to you, so for your sake and for anybody reading I’ll refrain from repeating myself (when it comes to Free! and my thoughts/opinions, I could repeat myself 10000x and not even bat an eye ...but I won’t do that to y’all haha). But YES Makoto is a precious big squish, his friendship with Haru is important, and MakoHaru do care so so much about each other. No sense in trying to undermine that.
BUT THE RINHARU RELATIONSHIP 😩💥🔥🤯😭😭. I LOVE that you used the word visceral, because that’s it EXACTLY. Haru has a visceral reaction to Rin—and vice versa, but the fact that HARU reacts this way is powerfully telling of just how much he feels about Rin. From the very first episode, Haru barely reacted to anything—he was a rather apathetic teen who really only longed to be in the water. But then enter in Rin Matsuoka, and not only does Haru viscerally react whenever Rin is mentioned, but he also has multiple flashbacks of RIn before he even knew Rin was back in the country.
Because Haru doesn’t react this way—so raw and, and you said, viscerally—with anyone else, I just cannot see him not having special feelings for anyone else aside from Rin. It just makes sense, as he never showed these kinds of feelings towards anyone else in his life since the time Rin returned to Australia after their falling out-race. For me, If there really was potential for a reciprocated ship-relationship between Haru and any other character aside from Rin (within the context of Season 1), it would’ve either happened already considering Makoto had been there the entire time and no sparks or flames, or Haru would’ve been so focused on a new character that wasn’t Rin who had newly entered his life (which, as we know, he wasn’t). But no, Haru was so fixated on Rin, it completely baffled Rei, the newcomer to the group, as to why Haruka was so obsessed with Rin. I mean, if that alone doesn’t blatantly confirm that Haru has some pretty strong feelings towards Rin, then idk what to tell folks who are in denial. 🤷🏽‍♀️
KID!RIN IS THE REASON I FELL FOR ADULT RIN. Like, I knew that this bright and dazzling shooting star of a kid was still in Rin somewhere, and since that Rin stole my heart within the first 75 seconds of the anime, by default part of me was stolen by adult Rin, too haha (though ngl, it took like 4 episodes for me to start sympathizing with him, but when I did wooooosh!! XD). AND YES THE WAY I DIED DURING EPISODE 12!!! I literally covered my mouth and was silent-screeching into my hand, waving my other hand wildly in the air, had to pause the video to collect myself multiples times and basically fell apart and lost my mind over the entirety of episode 12 😂 I have my “recap” here if you’re interested in getting a closer look at my subsequent meltdown, haha.
Ugh anyways this got WAY too long (plus by the time I’m actually posting this, we’ve been gushing out essays about this in our dms hahaha, I’m sorry it took so long to post this friggin reply! >_<) so I’ll just cut it here.
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harrowdubois · 4 years
okay, i said if there was interest i would think about making a post listing all the references i squeezed into the locked tomb fic i spent the last month or so writing, and now i’ve realised i don’t care if there’s interest because i want to be self-indulgent SO
under the cut is a (somewhat spoilery) chronological list of all the memes, vines, and cribbed tumblr posts, as well as homages to various books, tv shows, song lyrics, etc. that made their way into blessed with a wilder mind! 
(cw for suicide mention)
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this is of course a reference to the legendary bodybuilding forum thread where they did, actually, argue over how many days there are in a week (cw for ableist slurs in the thread)
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buzzfeed unsolved meme. i am dirt and i love to eat dirt
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this is so well-known it’s almost not worth listing it but oh my god they were roommates
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in itself, this isn’t a reference to anything in particular, but if you didn’t do this on your first read then i’d recommend taking another look at this scene and thinking about the specific wuthering heights/frankenstein/rebecca excerpts discussed by harrow and mercymorn but in relation to canon!harrow’s trauma/relationship with the body in htn :~) 
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also not really a reference to anything in particular but when i looked back over the fic for this post it struck me that the ‘sex panther’ phrasing was probably at least partially unconsciously inspired by the shoebox project (professor mcgonagall’s oiled man panther was a formative moment for me, truly)
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cw gross/unsanitary: it’s the tinder poop window incident. i mentioned this in the end notes of the fic as being what i had in mind for that scene but if it’s too gross for you (UNDERSTANDABLY) then feel free to Death Of The Author me to your heart’s content!
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i listened to a lot of orville peck while writing this
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 very very very loosely inspired by this clickhole article
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respectively: fourth of july by sufjan stevens / wuthering heights by emily bronte
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there was absolutely no need to stretch this across three paragraphs, and yet
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i already linked to this one in the end notes of the fic itself, but it’s good, so here it is again
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 i can’t find the actual original post but it’s this fucking horrible thing 
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the last line is a reference to the secret history by donna tartt:
“Could it be because it reminds us that we are alive, of our mortality, of our individual souls- which, after all, we are too afraid to surrender but yet make us feel more miserable than any other thing? But isn't it also pain that often makes us most aware of self? It is a terrible thing to learn as a child that one is a being separate from the world, that no one and no thing hurts along with one's burned tongues and skinned knees, that one's aches and pains are all one’s own. Even more terrible, as we grow old, to learn that no person, no matter how beloved, can ever truly understand us. Our own selves make us most unhappy, and that's why we're so anxious to lose them, don't you think?”
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a lyrical double whammy!
from ‘last words of a shooting star’ by mitski: “they’ll never know how i’d stared at the dark in that room with no thoughts like a blood-sniffing shark”
from ‘a better son/daughter’ by rilo kiley: “sometimes in the morning i am petrified but can’t move/awake but cannot open my eyes” 
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shout-out to maybe my single favourite video game moment, the encounter with the sky cat in night in the woods: “There is a hole at the center of everything, and it is always growing. Between the stars I am seeing it. It is coming, and you are not escaping, and the universe is forgetting you, and the universe is being forgotten, and there is nothing to remember it, not even the things beyond. And now there is only the hole... You are atoms, and your atoms are not caring if you are existing. Your atoms are monstrous existence.”
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“Nothing is ever fulfilled, not until the very end.” - rust cohle, true detective s1, this reference is VERY tonally dissonant because in context it’s actually grim as all hell but w/e w/e i couldn’t resist the shout-out
also harrow quotes from the goldfinch again here! i had the reference included before i read this post and realised tamsyn muir also quotes from the secret history in htn. terrible synergy 
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they are in fact all real. you’re welcome
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this one’s doing a lot of work lmao. it’s paying homage to this quote by tamsyn muir talking about the draco-in-leather-pants trope in relation to ianthe by loosely referencing drop dead gorgeous, the best drarry fic ever written, in which harry is part veela
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“It's a very Greek idea, and a very profound one. Beauty is terror. Whatever we call beautiful, we quiver before it. And what could be more terrifying and beautiful, to souls like the Greeks or our own, than to lose control completely? To throw off the chains of being for an instant, to shatter the accident of our mortal selves? Euripides speaks of the Maenads: head thrown I back, throat to the stars, "more like deer than human being." To be absolutely free! One is quite capable, of course, of working out these destructive passions in more vulgar and less efficient ways. But how glorious to release them in a single burst! To sing, to scream, to dance barefoot in the woods in the dead of night, with no more awareness of mortality than an animal! These are powerful mysteries. The bellowing of bulls. Springs of honey bubbling from the ground. If we are strong enough in our souls we can rip away the veil and look that naked, terrible beauty right in the face; let God consume us, devour us, unstring our bones. Then spit us out reborn.” - that’s right it’s another reference to the secret history, with a little bit of mary oliver (tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?) sprinkled on top for flavour
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a small one, but it’s the goldfinch again: “And I feel I have something very urgent and serious to say to you, my non-existent reader, and I feel I should say it as urgently as if I were standing in the room with you...”
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my FUCKING cinnamon apple
 what if i... put my minecraft bed.... next to yours... aha ha just kidding.... unless?
[cw: suicide discussion in these next two]
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robyn can have little a rust cohle quote, as a treat.
1. “I'd consider myself a realist, all right? But in philosophical terms I'm what's called a pessimist... I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself. We are creatures that should not exist by natural law... We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, that accretion of sensory experience and feelings, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody's nobody... I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction; one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.”
2. “This... This is what I'm talking about. This is what I mean when I'm talkin' about time, and death, and futility. All right, there are broader ideas at work, mainly what is owed between us as a society for our mutual illusions. Fourteen straight hours of staring at DBs, these are the things you think of. You ever done that? You look in their eyes, even in a picture, doesn't matter if they're dead or alive, you can still read 'em. You know what you see? They welcomed it... Not at first, but... right there in the last instant. It's an unmistakable relief. See, cause they were afraid, and now they saw for the very first time how easy it was to just... let go. Yeah, they saw, in that last nanosecond, they saw... what they were. You, yourself, this whole big drama, it was never more than a jerry-rig of presumption and dumb will, and you could just let go. To finally know that you didn't have to hold on so tight. To realize that all your life - you know, all your love, all your hate, all your memories, all your pain - it was all the same thing. It was all the same dream, a dream that you had inside a locked room, a dream about being a person.”
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ahaaa this one’s particularly rough. evil monkey no one alive dot jpg
“Later, that dozy embrace solidified in his memory as the single moment of artless, charmed happiness in their separate and difficult lives. Nothing marred it, even the knowledge that Ennis would not then embrace him face to face because he did not want to see or feel that it was Jack he held. And maybe, he thought, they’d never got much farther than that. Let be, let be.” - annie proulx, brokeback mountain
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a TRIPLE lyrical whammy!
- harrow’s words to gideon in the dream are a bit of a vague reference to the song ‘adventures in solitude’ by the new pornographers (”we thought we lost you/welcome back”) - gideon’s words to harrow are a reference to the song ‘blush’ by wolf alice (”you’ve got two hands to take all you can/but don’t take too long”) - what harrow texts to gideon is a line from ‘about today’ by the national, aka the most devastating song ever written (”hey, are you awake?/yeah i’m right here”...)
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i CANNOT find a clip of it but harrow’s repetition of “life is short... it’s short” was me paraphrasing from memory a line from pride (2014), because i am the worst
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spooky scary skeletons! 
“jail for gideon” is obviously a reference to the “jail for mother” tweet that tm also referenced in htn. so, not original in the slightest, but it’s a great tweet
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one of my favourite tumblr posts
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because naberius tern absolutely would watch rick and morty. he would. i know it in my heart. 
and that’s it, i think. hope you enjoyed this horrid little post and my horrid little fic!
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laketaj24 · 5 years
►◌Author's Note: This was kinda freaky lmao. I thoroughly enjoyed writing and I think Ubbe won but I did not write the request lmao. Who do you think won? Drop a reply below lol My taglist and requests are open! I hope that you enjoy it! thanks again ►◌Pairing: Reader x Ivar, Reader X Hvitserk, Reader x Sigurd, Reader x Sigurd. ►◌Warnings: Some Smut. It's freaky lol. Enjoy. ►◌Requested: Not sure if your still doing requests but if you are could you do one with ivar and his brothers trying to see who could make you cum the hardest and faster, with ivar winning by making the reader squirt
►◌ This is a continuation to Permission
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Ivar had been particularly distant with you. He stayed away always with his brothers or that damn blacksmith. And it was supposed to be a punishment, you were sure. But this wasn’t a punishment. You were fine with his distance. You’d taken to training with Hvitserk. You wanted to learn how to properly fight. Hvitserk started with you easy. He swung the wooden sword down at your shield and immediately you jumped down. Your feet landed hard and you blocked him. “Look at you.” He smiled. Hvitserk’s smile was infectious. You brandished a smile and stood beside him. “I have been practicing.” “It seems you have time on your hands.” “I do.” You chose not to elaborate on the matters at hand. Everyone knew Ivar the Boneless was known to have mood swings. This was just lasting longer than you normal. “He will come around,” Hvitserk said. The training was over. The huge drops of rain hit the sand and you ran back to the hall, with Hvitserk in tow. “Tomorrow,” Hvitserk dropped his sword in the corner. “at dawn we start balance training. Your left foot needs some work.” “Sure thing.” You returned the smile and parted ways. He sat with Sigurd and Ubbe at the table closest to the throne. You made your way to Ivar. The snare on his face, however, was directed to his older brother as he took his seat and paid no mind to the scowl from the king. Hvitserk never really paid him any attention, it bothered Ivar. “How did your training go?” “It went well.” You kissed his cheek and to your surprise, he took your hand and kissed it. “I missed you watching me…” “I will train you one day.” He said simply. “Tonight actually.” “Tonight?” “Yes. Tonight.” Ivar laughed and he rolled his eyes. “I think you need a good session to help you with your… balance.” “Hvitserk is a good trainer.” You whispered. “I swear it was only training.” “Y/N, if I thought it was anything else I would have hung him upside down from the post already. Calm yourself. It is just training.” Ivar slid the plate full of vegetables to you. “Eat your food, I am sure you are worn out.” “Thank you.”
The festivities in the hall went into the early morning and like always there were the brothers, still at the table. They told animated stories of their raids and the gods. But this time they were all drunk, the mead had taken their effect. Even on Ivar. “Ubbe, do you remember the night we met the shieldmaiden in Ireland?” He sat perched on the steps in front of his brothers. The hazed smile made you feel warm as he pulled you closer. “Ahh, I do.” “Remember the game we played with her?” “I remember you losing.” Ubbe gruffed. “As well as you Hvitserk.” “I did not lose, you won because you tried too hard Ubbe. You always have to win.” “I try.” He took another gulp of the mead and turned to you. “I do not know if our brother would want his wife to play the game but from what I saw last time… I would like her to be.” “Yes. Yes, she will play. Clear the table.” Ivar laughed. “Take off your clothes.” He whispered to you. You stirred uncomfortably.  “I am tired.” “I did not ask you that.” He clenched his teeth. “Get up and shed your clothing.” He paused. “Now.” “Ivar, you have loosened up,” Sigurd smirked. “Only because I know my wife.” You wondered what the games was, you shed your clothes and sat on the wooden table in front of the four of them. The cool ale dampened your flesh. Ubbe stood up from the table. “Would you like the rules Queen Y/N?” “It is a contest to see which one of Ragnar’s can you make you cum the hardest. Your job is easy… lay on the table and enjoy yourself. Simple enough right?” Sigurd stepped closer to you. “You go first then.” Ubbe sat down next to Ivar. “Make her cum. We will be the judge.” “My pleasure,” Sigurd smirked. He moved closer to you. His hands slid up the curve of your sloped thighs and his warm fingers sunk into you. It was new, his fingers were not like Ivar’s. They were longer, not as thick but talented none the less. He started slow, he pushed them into you once and then twice and then he curled them. He lightly touched your g-spot and your back bowed but then he pulled his fingers from the spot and pushed them back into you. Your pussy ached for more, harder faster. And like he could read your mind, Sigurd obliged. He delved his fingers into you at a steady stroke gently sweeping his thumb over your clit before pressing back into you. And the little trickles of your orgasm warmed your body. And then, you came. Your body tensed as the rush of pleasure halted your breath and your legs collapsed. Sigurd leaned forward and pressed his lips onto your pussy and then stood. “Your go brother.” Hvitserk rolled his eyes. “You did well. Kind of weak, but you’re not me… right? What are the rules brother?” “He just explained them. Hvitserk!” Ivar laughed. “You never listen.” “Just making sure.” Hvitserk pulled at your legs until they hung from the edge of the table. He then drug the wooden stool across the floor and took his seat. “Then I will start.” “What are you doing?” Ivar hissed. “There was no rule saying how she cums… just that she does.” “You cheat.” “Are you scared Ivar?” “I fear nothing. Continue.” The venom in his voice made you nervous. Hvitserk did not care. He lowered his head between your legs and his thick tongue delved to the pink of your pussy. His tongue flicked your clit and then his lips were around the swollen bud and you sucked the cool air of the hall in through your teeth. Your nails dug into the wood. And then his tongue dove into your pussy. Your body, still reeling from the work of his brother nearly triggered as you held your breath. He knew how to coax you there. He sucked flicked and licked you until your body reeled and then he added a finger into the mix. You refused to cry his name. You knew your husband well enough to know he would knock Hvitserk from his seat before he allowed another man’s name to leave your lips. Your body convulsed as his fingers pushed deeper inside of you. Your body coiled with pleasure as you clamped your thighs around his head and you came with a moan that waved through the hall. Hvitserk bit his bottom lip as he resurfaced from between your legs. His lips glistened with your cum. “Thoughts.” “weak.” Ubbe grinned mischievously. “I will let her calm down. I wouldn’t want you all to think I was cheating.” Ubbe nudged Hvitserk but the gleam of excitement was in his eyes. You sat up. “Take a rest Y/N. You’ll be weak soon enough.” “You are so cocky Ubbe. I cannot wait to prove you wrong.” Ubbe waved him off. Minutes passed and you sat back next to Ivar, His black cloak draped your body and all you wanted to do was sleep. Your body was tired, from the boys from training. You wanted to rest. You nestled yourself into Ivar’s arms listening to the boys' banter about their intentions for you. Your eyes grew heavy but as soon as they closed Ubbe’s hands lifted you from the steps and bent you over the table. “Are you sleep, Queen?” “No.” you lied. “It is okay, you will wake soon enough.” He snatched the cloak from your body and his hand came down on your ass. The stinging blow of his hit radiated your entire body and then as if it was nothing three of his fingers entered your body, they spin and they are back inside of you. Your body quaked. And another blow was administered, quick, stern and unexpected. You scream as he pushes his fingers back into you feel his cock through his pants. Hard and against the mounds of your ass you thrust back. “Rub yourself against, show that cocky husband of yours how eager you are to be fucked by me.” He whispered as he lowered his weight onto your body. His fingers mimicked his movements, and for a moment it felt as if he was truly fucking you, the movements, the grunts. “It’s okay to fuck back.” He growled. “your ass on my cock makes me want to fuck you.” He whispered. It was his words, you were certain. Your body exploded. The stream of cum seeped down your leg and Ubbe stepped back. All eyes were on you, including Ivar’s. “Your go baby brother.” Ubbe laughed and sucked his fingers. “don’t you move.” He said to you. “I want you just like that so I can train my brothers on how to make a woman cum apart… lose herself.” Your deep breaths ragged on as you listened for Ivar to drag himself over to you. He stood. His cane in one hand and made his way over to you. He sat on the same stool Hvitserk had and pulled you down to his lap to face the brothers once again. He spread your legs and his four fingers slapped against your clit stopping any pleasure Ubbe had given you. You yelped and then he’s inside of you. His fingers prod passed your tender overworked flesh and you scream. You were sore but Ivar knew what to do with those skilled fingers as he forced them inside of you and continued to fuck you. You missed being touched by him. His selfish tactics to punish you had worked because though all three of the brothers made you cum. Ivar knew how to make you lose all control. Your legs squirmed as he plummeted into your pussy. He moved quickly teasing the flutters of an orgasm start. Ivar could tell. He always knew. He slapped his four fingers onto your clit denying you that pleasure again and pressed his two fingers upon your clit. He rubbed in circles, quicker than before and just as you were there again, he slapped your clit and slammed his fingers back into you. You screamed in frustration as you tossed your head back in exhaustion. His fingers played you well. Your body built up again as your toes curled and the pure sense of elation covered you. Ivar continued to fuck you with his fingers and used his thumb to add just what you needed to get there. Your body triggered and the cum squirted out of you on to the floor. The brothers’ eyes were wide as a scream pierced their ears. “Good girl.” He laughed manically and placed a kiss on your neck. “All of you, training is over… get the fuck out.”
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mistergrass · 5 years
Do you think there are differences in how the 2019 anime portrays Kyo's and Yuki's relationship as compared to the 2001 anime?
Oh man oh man oh man, I love this ask. Because YEAH tbh I do think there’s a bit of a difference in how their relationship is portrayed! THANKS FOR LETTIN’ ME TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE APPARENTLY I HAVE A LOT TO SAY.
I’m gonna start up top though and say I think there are definite pros and cons to both anime adaptations, but I am a fan of both! So this is NOT gonna be me saying one is better than the other by any means! It will simply be a side-to-side look at how the animes have portrayed The Boys. And I think both can definitely be enjoyed and loved without having to compete with each other!
I ofc will get to the obvious which is the difference between the endings, but I think we gotta work our way up to that first! Honestly, I really think the differences of their relationships in 2001 vs 2019 comes down to the structure and intent of each production.
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2001 was made to be a self-sufficient tale and was definitely a simplification of the source material. In part this is because the manga hadn’t finished yet and hadn’t really gotten that far, and on the flip side I’m sure there’s that other part where the production team wasn’t too,,, caring with Sensei’s wishes for what she wanted the anime to be.
SIDE NOTE: I will say this, as someone who does genuinely enjoy 2001 — I think Takaya made something really remarkable that even in a very simplified form, it still has the ability to be enjoyable and touching and charming!
So 2001 decides that it needs to create a narrative that doesn’t leave behind any real loose ends. It doesn’t go into the mechanisms of the curse, it doesn’t introduce characters and relationships from later in the manga, and it cuts away certain foreshadowing moments that at the time had no pay-off and hadn’t been explained yet. So when you take those moments away, what you’re really left with—ESPECIALLY with just the first few chapters of the manga—is kind of a found-family story.
2001 is a lot slower in its pace and takes its time (for better or for worse) with each chapter. Because of that, there’s a lot of time to fill, and that time always ends up getting fed back into the main trio or into moments within Shigure’s house. The production team of 01 WAS smart in realizing that the main trio’s dynamic really has a wonderful appeal and really staying in that zone when they needed to pad time. And so most filler really just went back to creating extra moments in between them all. Between that and the slower pace, we just get a lot of extra moments with them – some perfectly passive, and some more direct:
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They just interact more. Even if they’re kind of throw away moments. Because 01 chose its focus to be on this household and very little outside of that universe.  
2001 ALSO DID SOMETHING KIND OF INTERESTING. The ONE, ONE critique I’ve been somewhat public about in terms of the 2019 anime has been its lack of close ups. Which really gives us a very good look and a very needed insight on how a character is feeling/reacting to a moment.
01 had this very interesting habit of not only going nuts with their close ups (mainly, I’m gonna guess, because backgrounds were NOT A FORTE LMAO), but actually putting a lot of close-ups of Yuki and Kyo side by side. Here are a few examples:
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What this does is not only give us insight into what they’re feeling, but also tells us that what they’re feeling is ultimately the same emotion. This happens MULTIPLE times throughout the anime—for both serious and comedic effect. And what it does is plant and nourish that seed that they really aren’t so different from each other. A lot of how they react to their family and the world around them is very similar (which is also something true in the manga, it’s just very interesting how 01 chose to illustrate that via screen).
We unwittingly get this feeling that they’re closer than even they realize. Something that gets illustrated even without close-ups, but in blocking, voice over, and posture at times too — they just… share a lot of shots together:
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(I have more but I’m realizing I need to chill out LOL)
The slow pace also meant that certain scenes from the manga really got to shine through lIKE THIS LITTLE MOMENT THAT I SO WISH HAD BEEN IN 2019:
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I know this probably looks like I’m all in for the 01 version of their relationship bUT let’s go more into some 2019 stuff.
Yuki and Kyo’s dynamic in the manga is incredible and it’s obviously something I’ve really spent a lot of time…. Thinking about…. What’s amazing about the 2019 anime is that its goal is to stay as true to the manga as possible and to tell the story in its ENTIRETY.
That means getting the real real honest details about Yuki and Kyo’s relationship that were sorely missed in the 01 anime. At its core, Fruits Basket is the DEFINITION of a slow burn. Not just with its romantic relationships, but with all its different dynamics. Where Yuki and Kyo start at the beginning of the story is so far from where they end. And they almost act as these living breathing measuring sticks for each other that monitor and illustrate where they’re at each point in their personal journeys. IT’S SO GOOD.
If 2019’s goal is to cover the manga, then this is something that will inevitably be included. We can see that in some of its foreshadowing — we’re going to get things like an explanation on the hat which is a huge part in Yuki’s perspective of Kyo.
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We’re going to get a much much deeper look at Kyo using Yuki as an outlet for his hatred and anger and self-loathing.
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So in a way it seems almost unfair to compare the two right now?
Mainly because the anime has promised to animate the entirety of the manga, but HAS done some rearranging of the order of the earlier chapters. The manga is so RICH and has so much information, that there are less moments of being able to just sit with the characters, because there is so much information that needs to be shown. Every moment in 2019 feels like it’s doing its best to be meaningful with its time and to tell as much as it can as closely as it can to the manga. But because of that their relationship isn’t as “””””close”””””??? (If that’s even the right word to use) as it was in 01.
For instance, we’ve gotten things like Uo’s backstory and Hana’s backstory earlier on, certain chapters have been fit into half an episode instead of a full one, and we spend much more time with the zodiacs themselves when they’re introduced rather than the main trio REACTING to new zodiacs. Basically, we’ve not spent as much “alone time” with the trio or Yuki & Kyo because there are other things to focus on. The found-family isn’t the default aspect of the anime as it was in 01, because they’re trying to tell a complete story. And the beginning chapters that 01 exclusively covered were never meant to be the whole story — it was just meant to be, basically, a really long set up to a much deeper narrative (and correct me if I’m wrong, but I think even Takaya says that the story really kickstarts after the true form, too).
SO because of that in season one, Yuki & Kyo do seem a little more far apart. They seem kind of as if they don’t know how to be around each other, and that Tohru is the one and only buffer to which they can tolerate each other at all. Even filler moments with them that we see are centered completely around Tohru, rather than them just — idk, cleaning the house, or doing mundane domestic things.
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It’s like, they’re only allowed in this “demilitarized zone” of each other’s lives, and that zone is Tohru. (Which, AGAIN is not a bad thing — it’s very much a set-up to a slow burn, and with a lot more time to tell the story, there’s no need to rush their dynamic right away even if I do miss some of the moments LOL).
BUT because of that — say if Yuki were to go after Kyo in 2019 like he did in the end of 01, it would make NO goddamn sense. That dynamic between them hasn’t been built yet. AND IT’S A DYNAMIC THAT DOES EVENTUALLY EXIST. When Kyo runs away after Tohru’s confession, Yuki’s first reaction is to run after Kyo:
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And his confrontation of Kyo at the end is a basically well-earned, paid off, richer version of how he goes after Kyo at the end of 01:
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BUT that being said, in the 01 anime — tbh? I buy it. It goes against the manga, but it stays true to its own version of logic and narrative. And the idea of all three of them trying to preserve this family and home that they’ve built between  them is something that’s earned because that’s basically been the only focus. But ultimately, because they’ve foregone so much of the manga’s foreshadowing and set-ups, their relationship in 01 cannot go any deeper than it does.
In 2019 and the manga, Yuki doesn’t go after Kyo because their relationship still needs to be sorted out. They still have SO MUCH to learn about themselves and each other. Their issues with one another directly stem to deeply rooted problems that they eventually have to face head-on throughout the ENTIRETY of the manga. And that is what is being SET UP in 2019.
My tl;dr analogy is this: 01 can be seen like a really good fan fiction that was impatient to see the canon dynamics develop and decided to make its own version while it waited for the story to continue. While 2019 is an adaptation that is setting up for a real slow-burn of developing relationships — and the 1st season is barely scratching the surface of that.
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abybweisse · 5 years
If undertaker dies in the end I'm disassociating from the fandom and anime/manga Lmao. The mans just heartbroken:(
I would still likely love the series, but it would be like Snape’s death for me. I knew he might die, that it might be his only way to redeem himself, but the scene was still a shocker for me.
I had preordered “Deathly Hallows” and binge-read it as soon as I had it in my hands. Holed myself up in my apartment and read. When I got to Snape’s death, I got so upset that I threw a tantrum... by myself, on my bed, in my own damn grown-up ass apartment. I was sitting, but I bounced up and down on the bed, crying the whole time, and yeeted the book against a wall. I don’t think “yeet” was quite a thing back then, but that’s the best way I can describe it now.
Then I picked it back up, got back on the bed, and kept reading. Still crying. My two cats at the time (both have long-since passed) were alarmed by my tantrum. They slowly cuddled up to me, and I needed their love and affection.
I’m only slightly more prepared for Undertaker to die, and if it happens, then the scene will probably still get to me. Big time. I’m already in my early 40’s, but that won’t stop me from crying a river 😭... or yeeting my phone... in a couple (or several) years from now, when we get Undertaker’s fate, whatever that may be. My dog and cat will freak out for a bit, I’m sure.
And when you think about it, Undertaker and Snape aren’t all that different, are they? Undertaker might even blame himself for Claudia/Cloudia getting killed.
Snape overhears a prophecy and tells Voldemort about it, leading to Lily’s death. Snape begged Voldemort to spare Lily’s life, but she died trying to protect baby Harry. Snape’s forever after trying to make amends for it, because he truly loves Lily, but he still acts the villain to Harry. And he doesn’t get to truly open up about his feelings and actions until he’s dying and letting Harry and Hermione collect his memories. That Pensieve is really handy.
Undertaker learns something, and he tries to destroy the reaper organization. Could be a prophecy regarding the queen, could be other future knowledge the reaper superiors have access to, and he somehow gets it. Whatever this knowledge is, he tries to stop a certain future from happening, but he is unable to stop the later deaths of Claudia/Cloudia, Vincent, and even real Ciel. He spends his time trying to regain what’s been lost to him, because he loves the Phantomhive family (he probably is Vincent’s father and the twins’ grandfather, Cedric)... and he might partly blame himself... but he still acts the villain to our earl. He has dropped a lot of hints, but he probably won’t get to truly open up about his feelings and actions until he cannot go on any further. Either he just states it all... or we (and our earl) learn from his memories. Viewing cinematic records is a lot like looking at memories in a Pensieve, ya know....
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