#my mum and dad probably won’t kill me
cowinthestars · 5 months
the anime i only started watching cus i saw a screenshot of one of the character’s hot mom has me crying my fucking eyes out at nearly 4am, what in the fuck-
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dolcettamagica · 7 months
𐙚˙⋆.˚ 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ch.1
tags: rick sanchez x reader, love triangle, rick being rick, rick being mean af as usual, age gap, it will get dark, angst, double ended - you decide it, some chps will be smut, slow burn, possessive behaviour, obsessive behaviour this chapter: rick sanchez x reader, rick being mean, sfw with some sexual indications word count: 1750
“Listen to me, you bi-bitch. I am not doing this for you, got-got it? I was challenged by someone, and I am not someone who loses and if you spoiled bitch call me an old man again, I’ll make you scream it, understand?”
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„What-what the actual fuck is this?!“
The whole Smith family was staring at the most recent weird event in their living room. A girl lying on their floor, alone and unconscious. It was obvious that she wasn’t an alien – judging by her appearance. Summer was focused on her outfit, Beth was checking if she still had a pulse and Jerry was being Jerry (useless).
“Morty – Morty you disgusting little shit! Did you buy a girl from space? Fucking pervert. I’m going to kill you!”, Rick’s voice echoed through the room, spit dripping from his mouth. His grandson instantly denied the accusations vehemently, saying that he is a pervert but not that kind of pervert. Rick was angry, furious even, someone like him – the smartest man alive – didn’t have time for shit like this.
“Um…Dad?”, Beth was holding a piece of paper in her hand instead of her usual glass of red wine, “It’s for you.”
“Wow, Grandpa Rick, maybe you were the one buying some girl like some creep.”
Rick narrowed his eyes at Summer’s remark. As if he would ever need to buy a girl at all. “Shut the fuck up, Summer, before I tell your mum where you hide your sh-shit.” That was enough to shut the redhead up and earn a disapproving look from Beth.
Quickly Rick snatched the note from his daughter’s fingers. A note – something so traditional…weirdly interesting.
Hello Rick C-137, Probably asking yourself why some girl is lying on your floor and why you’re reading a note right now. I’m not going to tell you shit though. Aren’t you the “smartest man” alive? The “rickest Rick”? You’re nothing more than an experiment to me and a dumber version of me anyway. I won’t tell you why she is in your dimension and your universe. I won’t tell you what experiment and what you should or should not achieve. Fuck, I won’t even tell you who she is or where she originated from. I also made sure that you won’t be able to track where she came from and on top of that you will never know who I actually am. Wait until she wakes up or wake her up yourself. I know damn well I piqued your interest, C-137.
He was right. The note did pique his interest, but it also pissed him off. Obviously, it was another Rick – an arrogant motherfucker who challenged Rick. “For f-fuck’s sake. What fucking bullshit is this”, his pale hand dragged down his face before he knelt down, right next to the stranger’s face.
“Wake the fuck u-up, dumb bitch. How can-can you sleep with everyone screaming.”
Dumb Bitch…Those words echoed through your head, jerking you awake. Who was this disrespectful to call you that? You blinked several times, the light from the lamps blinding you.
“O my God, Dad! She’s waking up.”
“Oh geez…I don’t think this is goi-going to end good.”
“I hope she’s cool like a new sister or something, Morty is like so annoying.”
Who was talking? Slowly your eyes adjusted to the new surroundings, and you were met with some old man staring into your soul. His scent was a mixture of alcohol, musk and after-shave. Not a bad smell at all.
“What…Where am I and who the fuck are you, old man?!”, the first thing you did was check your body. Missing limbs? Naked? Bruises? Chained up? No, everything seemed fine yet at the same time nothing was fine.
Your head felt like it was exploding, as if a belt was strapped around it and getting tighter and tighter. The room was unfamiliar just like the people around you. Everyone was screaming. Strangers. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears. Did they drug me? Your mouth was dry, as if you haven’t drunk any water in days. Did they kidnap me? Thousands of thoughts flooded your brain, and no answer was in sight. The room shrank and shrank and shrank. Why is everyone yelling? Who are these people? Where am I? I can’t breathe! I can’t- 
Rick injected a needle into your neck, pushing a milky liquid into your system. You were having a panic-attack, and he didn’t have the nerves to deal with anymore shit thrown his way. Almost instantly the girl in front of his feet stopped shaking, your breath calmed down as well as your excessive sweating. Meanwhile Rick took a long look at you – you weren’t dirty or anything, the opposite in fact. Your hair was clean and shining while your clothes were spotless and on top of that you smelled phenomenal. A rich vanilla with an undertone of cherry, sweet and sultry. 
“Wh-What did you in-inject her with, Rick?”
“Relax, Morty”, Rick rolled his eyes, “Just didn’t – didn’t want her to lose her shit. Give her a minute, we’ll be able to talk to her then.” Only Rick and the grandkids were left with you now. Beth had to go to work and Jerry was simply overstimulated, not being able to comprehend anything that happened in front of his eyes.
You took a deep breath and sat up; your eyes never left the tall, skinny frame of the older man. “Who are you guys…?”, your voice was timid, but your stare was stern.
“Rick, Morty, Summer. Y-You’re at our house. Don’t ask us why, you were probably tele-teleported here from someone who looks like me. We don’t know shit about you either, dumbass. Do we look like some human-traffickers to you? Another fucking dumbass.”
Suddenly it clicked – Rick Sanchez. You’ve seen his face all over the news again and again. Some mad scientist who was known for teleportation, universes and interdimensional traveling. And he was a fucking asshole. Morty and Summer were his grandkids. At least I know who they are.
“Now, tell me who you are”, Rick reached out and cupped your chin with his calloused fingers. His fingertips felt rough against your soft skin, you felt warmth creep up to your cheeks and spread across your face. With a hiss you slapped his hand away.
“My name is y/n. I’m 21 years old and a psych major at college. I will also be known as the girl who castrated you if you touch me again, old man.”
The last part earned a chuckle from Morty and Summer “Oh, Grandpa Rick got burned! I love you already, girl!” Their joy was short-lived though. Rick yelled at both of them, insulting them every way possible, demanding them to leave the fucking room before he feeds them to his alien-prisoners. Both complied to his command.
“F-fucking listen to me you wannabe mean girl bi-bitch. Some other Rick left a note-note for me, talking about some dumb ass experiment. What happened before you ended up here? Do you even know where you live or you wanna share a bed with this o-old man?”
“I live in….huh…Where do I live? I remember who I am but not a single thing about a family or a living space”, no matter how hard you tried you didn’t actually remember anything about your own life, “The last I recall before waking up is someone saying, “Last Chance, Sweetheart” and that someone sounded exactly like you.”
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“For fuck-fuck’s sake! I’m going crazy! I’m going to kill that motherfucking R-Rick!”
Two hours. Two hours passed and Rick tried everything to at least receive a single type of information, just anything. Nothing. Nothing worked. He tried to trace you back to your original universe – apparently you didn’t belong to any. He tried to find other versions of you – a big red error appeared. He couldn’t even extract past memories from your brain. Literally nothing has worked. He failed. Rick Sanchez, the smartest man on earth, failed.
“You know, maybe some memories will come back to me after some time. You don’t have to be yelling all the time…”, you were sitting on a chair, your elbows propped on his workbench and your hands cupping your face. Rick was in fact a weird guy – loud, rude but determined. After hours of listening to his drunken outbursts you just wanted some peace and quiet. Due to Rick kind of being famous on the internet you knew a thing or two about him and what his work was about. “I know you mean well and your actions could help me go back home…if I have a home, that is. You still need to chill though, old man.”
Once again you called Rick an old man. Is that girl serious? “You dumb little…”, you heard him growl as he turned around to face you. The burping, belching genius known was anything but amused. His typically wry grin twisted into a snarl of pure contempt, revealing a glint of madness in his eyes that sent shivers down your spine.
The furrows on his forehead deepened, accentuating the lines of his craggy face as he scowled, his brows knit together in a storm of frustration. His eyes, usually glazed with a combination of apathy and brilliance, now burned with a fiery intensity that could rival the brightest supernova in the universe.
“Listen to me, you bi-bitch. I am not doing this for you, got-got it? I was challenged by someone, and I am not someone who loses”, Rick made his way over to you. Slowly, like a predator nearing his prey. His hand gripped your chair to make you face him. You felt yourself push back into the seat. He was too close and you two were all alone in his garage. One hand was now next to your head while the other was gripping your thigh. You could feel his breath blowing against your now hot, blushed face, his musk clouding your senses, his hand burning into your skin. “And if you spoiled bitch call me an old man again, I’ll make you scream it, understand?”
“Listen to me, Rick old man Sanchez. I’m neither spoiled nor a bitch. And your pathetic attempt of whatever this is isn’t working.” Harsh words which didn’t match your bright red cheeks or beating heart. Your own body was betraying you. “Fuck you and fuck this garage. I’m going to chill with your grandkids.”
A smirk grazed Rick’s lips as you stood up and left without looking back. Interesting. Who knew that embarrassing you would be that much fun? You’re feisty, witty and bratty and not a bad sight to the eye.
“Ah, makes me want to tame that little girl.”
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p-perkeys · 2 months
AU where instead of trying to kill Logan, Daken decides instead he will find all of his half siblings and raise them instead. Like what better revenge, he thinks to himself, than to make all these kids hate their mutual dad as much he does.
Except… there is a lot of them.
And a lot of them are traumatised, like he was.
And one of them has clones. Which you know he can’t just leave about.
And he can’t leave these scientists who think they can use their dna (Logan’s dna) to make people into weapons.
and slowly, but surely, Daken does not have time to think about revenge on his father. Or for whatever plans Romulus has for him.
Like, Laura is having a hard time learning how to express herself in a healthy way and he is too worried about her self harming to be worried about whatever “evil” deed he should be doing.
And Raze needs to be talked down from doing something stupid, like trying to go back to a future that probably doesn’t exist anymore or contact his mum again.
And the girls, his little clones, won’t stop trying to blow up the scientist who had made them. Like he has plans to deal with that but they want to do it nowww. They don’t want to wait for him to get all the information needed before they go off a murder spree
And don’t get him started on the fact that he just found out about that kid who is in the Savage Land. Or Jimmy. Or all those other siblings that seem to pop up out of nowhere.
He has his hands full that by the time he runs into Logan again, the only real thought in his mind is how the fuck he can sue his father for child support. Or if he should just throw a box of condoms at the old man’s head.
Because it is very hard to be a crime lord or make money when you have a whole bunch of half siblings to care for.
I LIVE for Daddy Daken it’s not even a joke it’s so real for me at this point. Let this man be a brother dad to the plethora of oh so traumatized children that his father has left behind in a ridiculous amount.
All the sons… Jesus, all the sons. It’s an ego contest for the younger boys (all but Jimmy… I feel like Jimmy would be able to handle himself well). But Raze, Erista, and all the others? He’s constantly finding himself breaking up useless fights. Over what? Dumb shit, that’s what.
And then all the girls. Every single one, sad and and angry and traumatized. Laura’s self harming. Bellona wants to harm everyone else. Gabby is just raising the absolute most hell. Zelda’s just… somewhere drifting around the middle.
It very quickly goes from Akihiro being the badass big brother that resurrected and recruited them all, to him being just an absolute mess all the time. No house is big enough for him and all his siblings. There is no balance.
Teams?? What teams?? He’s on the team of For The Love Of God I Said Leave Him Alone. Sometimes he’s on the team of I Said Stop Fucking Touching That. He’s been known to fill in on She Said Stop That So STOP THAT.
I support this AU whole heartedly.
No notes, it’s brilliant!
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theshippirate22 · 8 months
“Nanny?” Warlock asked suddenly. 
“Yes, love.” 
He swallowed. “I think I hate my dad.” 
Marjorie looked over in surprise. She wasn’t exactly sure what she expected, but that wasn’t it. “Oh,” she murmured. “I’m sorry.” 
Warlock kicked a rock. “Does that make me a bad person?” 
She didn’t say anything for a long time. On instinct, she wanted to tell him that yes, that made him a terrible person and that was excellent, but the more she thought about it, the less she believed that. His father was a horrible person; hating him was... natural, it seemed. Recognizing that Thaddeus was terrible probably actually made him a better person. She settled for this.  
“No. It doesn’t.” 
She reached to take his hand. He was far too old to hold hands with his nanny, but he took it anyway and swung it softly between them. 
“Actually,” she added. “I think it’s something of a rite of passage to hate your parents.” 
“Really? Do you hate your mum?” 
“Sometimes,” Marjorie said thoughtfully. 
“How about right now? At this moment? Do you hate her?” 
She contemplated, looking down at their swaying hands and matching footsteps and then to his curious look. “Yes.” 
They considered this in silence, walking to the edge of the duckpond. Marjorie released his hand to reach into her purse and pull out a bag of peas. Warlock didn’t question why she had it; of course, she did. They took turns throwing peas and sometimes whacking the ducks on the head with them if they could. 
“I think if he wasn’t so terrible to Mum, I could tolerate him. I don’t care if he’s terrible to me, but if he would just keep her out of it...” He sighed with all the age a statement like that is full of. 
Marjorie smiled sadly. “That’s not fair either.” 
“I know. Sometimes I just wonder...” 
“You don’t,” she told him firmly. “You don’t deserve it. No one does, but especially not you. Don’t let anyone, not even yourself, convince you otherwise. And if they do, you come right back to me, and I’ll set you right. You do not deserve what he does to you and your mum. Do you understand?” 
Warlock nodded. He sniffed and reached up to push his hair out of his face, in a vain attempt to wipe his eyes inconspicuously. “Was your Mum like him?” 
“She didn’t hit me, if that’s what you’re asking. It was other things. Stupid, childish things. Loved to get after me for asking questions.” 
“That is stupid,” Warlock said with conviction. “Kids always ask questions. That’s the one thing they’re any good at besides getting sticky.” 
“Well,” Marjorie chuckled. “You’re quite right about that one.” 
“I don’t hate you,” he blurted suddenly. “I know it’s not the same thing, because you’re not my mother, but you kind of are. And I don’t hate you. I won’t. I couldn’t.” 
She grinned fondly. “I’m glad.” 
“You didn’t deserve it either. Whatever she did to you. It’s not fair.” 
“Thank you, love.” 
“I’ll set you right.” He took her hand again, and they kept walking, although now it felt better. Everything that needed to be said, had been. Warlock squeezed her hand three times. 
Do you hate your mum? 
She would’ve died for him if she had to, she knew in that moment. His heart was hers and to lose it would certainly kill her.  
There was no world in which Marjorie could simultaneously look at her son and love her mother. 
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WT #5: "It's Broken"
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Summary: Spy AU. r/AITA post from a throwaway account asking if they're the asshole for accidentally torturing their best friend.
WC: 1363
Am I the asshole for torturing my best friend, despite him not knowing it was me? [UPDATED] + Poll
Throwaway account for obvious reasons. 
So I work for a… company with enemies. Lots of enemies. And my job is to make sure those who come prying, don’t get off easy when they get a little too nosey. Seven of these enemies come in the form of branded assassins, and they’ve been on our asses for a while. I won’t use their name as I don’t want any hate/harassment to go towards them, but If you didn’t know, they’re the UK’s legion of puppies - legal assassins and infiltrators who are conditioned to think they’re doing good, but truthfully they’re just nuisances. Like, really annoying. Why can’t we be chased by the French ones? They’d put up a much better fight…
Ugh. Anyway, the pups got in the way of several shipments that stopped the boys getting paid, they nearly got my brother arrested and they killed a dozen higher-ups - you wanna know how hard they are to replace? They do all this for clout and money; bigger enemies pay the small enemies to try and take us out, and for what? We’re a family business, for christ's sake! All we do is move shit around and own a few stores, what’s so threatening about that? Nothing I’ll say! I’m just trying to put food on the table and these assholes are trying to stop that. Not all of us belong to institutions who feed us cucumber sandwiches and lobster at the drop of a hat. 
He’s probably there right now, swaddled in a private hospital with a team of doctors putting him back together. 
I’m not looking for sympathy, but I guess I hate them so much because one of them killed my dad. I was a wreck! 
So yeah, I fucking hate them. They took everything and continue to take - my brother had to step in and take over dads role and it hasn’t been easy for him! For any of us! And those bastards got away with a pat on the back and a warm bed while we had to relocate a warehouse for the millionth time. My dad was just sitting in his office holding his gun as he usually does - so what if it happened to be pointing in the direction of the pup? Those  guys are so insecure they see anything as a threat. ‘Shoot on sight’. Hah. That mentality will get them killed if they weren’t so damn hard to catch. 
But imagine the satisfaction when we finally managed to get our hands on one - a live one. The small one with the blonde hair, is probably about 5 '5 and built like a stick insect. (I’m practically six foot, well-built and can bench about 200lbs) 
They’d gotten sloppy - too egotistical. Their mums had probably told them they’re the best in the world and they ran with it. We cornered the rat in one of our warehouses, and he relented when he realized he wasn’t enough to beat over a dozen armed men when all he had on him was knives. What, is he just old enough to graduate from safety scissors? No guns? Fucking amateur. 
He didn’t go down without a fight, and it was quite a show, too. Bastard managed to nick my arm, but my brother managed to crack the back of his head with a pipe and he was out cold… Well, we assumed so anyway because of those damn masks -  If you hadn’t been living under a rock, then you’d know the pups have these masks practically glued to their face. They all have their own ‘looks’, the blonde one’s is molded into a frown with those soulless, black eyes. The reason we didn’t take it off there and then is because… well, last time someone did, everyone in the room went missing, and I don’t know about you guys but I’m quite comfortable here. We play a very dangerous game - luckily I’m always one step ahead. 
I’ve had six years to think about this - to wonder what It would be like to get one of them. My brother called me crazy, but I could hardly wait as they took his headpiece and tracker from his uniform. Look, I know it wasn’t the short one that killed my dad but he was close enough, but who wouldn't want to enact revenge on the closest thing to their fathers killer? Granted it wasn’t the short one that killed my dad, but it was close enough to send a message and I only had forty minutes before the fanfare arrived. So that gave me about thirty minutes to do whatever I wanted… 
I wasted no time in getting my hands dirty. Just seeing his stupid mask made me feel all kinds of stuff, but mostly rage at what one of his teammates had done to my life. I saw red. 
So I cut every limb deep enough to see bone. I broke several fingers, his leg, and carved him a new six pack after I’d rearranged his ribs. I ripped his clothes enough to see the pale flesh they hide beneath layers of tactical gear. I took his gloves so I could at least have a trophy - a reminder of the time I beat up a ‘Sin. 
I almost feel guilty for loving it, but I hated how he made no noise. He was conscious, I knew this because of the heavy breathing but he didn’t say a single word. Not one. Not even a whimper.
So I hit harder. And I kept on hitting until my knuckles bled because the smug bastard didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve to be silent, but I’m also not sure he deserved the beating. I know, what a plot twist. 
I guess I should explain the title now, because how do I know I just tortured my best friend? Well. I think I did. Because only one person I know has a very specific scar between his pointer and thumb - right in the fleshy part. It stretches across his palm as well as down the back of his hand towards the wrist. It’s barely visible now, but I’ve known him for years, so even beneath all the blood I can still trace the faint line. I’m so used to seeing his hands and the scar… and that mop of blond hair that I know it had to be him. He’s also the only person I know that bites his nails down to the cuticles. 
I saw the scar when I raised the bar I was using above his hand - he’d been strapped to a chair, with his arms tied to the armrests. His fingers were broken for sure, but at the time I wasn’t done… the irrational anger I had had blinded me, but the sight of the scar swung me back to my senses. I paused for a solid minute, the pipe I was using poised above his hand. 
“It’s broken.” He finally rasped. 
And I stopped. 
I stopped. Like, I physically recoiled because despite the fact that he was hiding behind that stupid mask he actually spoke. I could put a voice to a body and for some reason I felt so sick I nearly threw up because it was so unmistakably him. 
So I dragged his body back to the spot and left him. I had time to spare but I couldn’t face it. If it was him, then he must have known it was me. I mean, I was wearing a pretty good disguise - a hoodie, sunglasses and bandanna - but I’m worried y’know, I don’t want this to affect our friendship going forward. 
I’m sitting in my car typing this and wondering AITA for torturing him? Because it was just to teach him a lesson but on the other hand… he’s my best friend and I genuinely didn't know? Like, I stopped right away! On the other hand, he is part of something that actively ruins the family business so I don't know. 
UPDATE: He does know it was me. 
I think we’re still friends.
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thatfanficauthor107 · 6 months
Seraph of the end trauma rant pt2 :3
So, I’m back. Not at midnight for once :0
I made the pt1, and I have more ideas. SO today will be (probably) the only other part.
With Yuu, Shinoa, Mitsuba, and Narumi :3
TW: Death, murder, suicide,
Okay, starting off strong with the main character Yuu. He is probably focused on the most, both him and his trauma, so I won’t cover too much. However, I feel like the survivors guilt aspect isn’t shown as much as it could. Like how he felt so guilty about leaving Mika those years ago, even though Mika repeatedly tells him it’s fine. I just feel that could have been shown more. Also the whole thing with his dad trying to kill him and mum committing because she hated Yuu so much??? He has to be conscious about that, and clearly we need more on his reaction and mental state due to it.
Okay! Shinoa now! ;3 She’s the youngest of the most important family in the JIDA, and still ditched the army for Yuu. That has to be lots of pressure, and she still left. That takes guts, or zero impulse control, or both. She lost her sister, but we never really get to see much about that, exercise for Mahiru and Guren, but nothing much about their sisterly bond (if they had one). She had to hide all of the knowledge about the experimentation from the squad, and especially Yuu, which must have been eating her alive.
Okay, Mitsubaaaa :) She has lots to unpack, but I’ll keep it short. She is also a member of a pretty important family in the JIDA, and her sister and her don’t have a great relationship. Her sister, Aoi, works close with Kureto, so (if I were her at least) the guilt she must feel about the Seraph of the End experiment, especially since it was on her squad-mates sister, but be intense. She ALSO feels responsible for the death of her old squad, and watch them get killed. Again, survivors guilt and guilt in general. And then there’s also the fact that the JIDA tried to promote her rank, just because she of her family. I know that being judged on your family can suck, and she said it herself that it she gets a promotion, she wants it to be because of her work specifically.
Rounding off this rant we have the fabulous Narumi. Right off the bat I can say that, as someone three years older than Shinoa Squad, he already probably feels accountable and responsible for them and their safety. And then the poor guy had to watch his whole squad murdered in the space of a few hours. Idk abt y’all, but the scene in Shinjuku broke me, and then Nagoya added salt to the wound. The look on his face after Shinjuku…and then how he didn’t get any time to mourn because of Nagoya, where he lost MORE friends and squad mates, and then he didn’t get to grieve then either because he had to keep fighting, then protect Yuu, then run away.
In summary, for both pt1 and pt2: these poor guys are only teenagers and are going through some really tough shit. Get them therapy, or at least blankets, a warm drink, and cuddles. Because holy fuck they need them.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk(s) :3
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autism-purgatory · 2 months
OC mega questionnaire
thanks for the tag @the-golden-comet! I’ll pick Tors and Feron from Our Lonely Ocean! This’ll probably be the last tag game for this WIP before I start posting the chapters on AO3 :)
What is your favorite thing to do to avoid responsibility?
Tors: “If I’m not in the mood to train or hunt, I’ll just say there’s an emergency with Taos or whatever. Always works.”
Feron: “I-uh…I don’t. I don’t have any excuses and I don’t want to find out the consequences of making them.”
If you could choose anyone in the world to be your sibling who would it be?
Tors: “Already got a twin brother. One is enough…”
Feron: “I wouldn’t want siblings, it looks…unpleasant, to say the least.”
What is the most sublime thing you have ever eaten and why?
Tors: “Cooked dragon hide alllllll the way from Vulcada. The Drakes seem nice enough, but I’m pretty sure them eating dragons counts as cannibalism.”
Feron: “Amber-preserved meat from the Quorian Capital. While I was thankful to be shipped one, it tasted like dirt, at least to me.”
What was the worst day of your life?
Tors: *doesn’t respond*
Feron: “T-The storm that killed my parents. I think I was nine at the time. I remember getting a scar on my lip from a flying chunk of wood. I-I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
What’s your worst nightmare?
Tors: “Losing both of my hands. I’ve lost a lot of parts and would do fine with one arm, but losing both of them to some fucking beast would be pretty horrible. I already don’t got that many fingers.”
Feron: “Getting stuck in a thunderstorm…or a hurricane…or a flood. As in, the most common weather occurrences in Quoria.
If a monster asked you your worst nightmare what would you tell it and why?
Tors: “I’d kill it, end of story.”
Feron: “I would be honest. L-Lying won’t keep me safe so I’ll do what it wants.”
Would you give away secret information if tortured? Be honest.
Tors: “Probably. Torture isn’t super effective, and they don’t have a lot of parts to work with.”
Feron: “Y-Yes. Absolutely.”
Who could you trust most with a secret?
Tors: “Taos. My brother’s always understood me, even before we could talk. Other than Feron, he’s the only one who knows my love for…never mind.”
Feron: “Nobody, not anymore, not even Tors.”
You have been caught somewhere you shouldn’t be! Quick, what is your excuse?
Tors: “I’m the Gods dammed royal guard, I don’t need an excuse.”
Feron: “I-I could use my position as a knight, or a noble, even if I’m not one anymore…”
How good is your sleep schedule?
Tors: “Pretty shit, all things considered. I wake up at around five to train the squires or hunt, then I spend a good chunk of the night reading or skinning.”
Feron: “It’s rather inconsistent. It all depends on the day. If there have been more monster sightings than usual, we wake up earlier sometime around six.”
Do you have any siblings? If so, is your relationship good?
Tors: “Mhm. Got a twin brother, Taos.”
Feron: “I have no siblings. My grandparents were too old to bear any more children.”
What’s the toughest time you had to endure growing up?
Tors: “Most of my childhood wasn’t all that great. My dad wasn’t super present since he was the royal guard and left mum to do all the caring. The worst worst was recovering from my trial when I was fifteen. I was stuck in bed for a good six months with a clawed out eye, one ear missing, and a few fingers gone.”
Feron: “The days after being banished. I-I was always so cold…starving…wanting to die.”
What’s your relationship with your family like?
Tors: “Love my brother to death, same with mum, I’d die for them without skipping a beat.”
Feron: *shakes his head and ignores the question*
Do you have any hobbies? If so, what ones?
Tors: Skinning monsters, stuffing them, hauling their guts to local healing mages or the royal chefs. Got a lot of beast skulls on my wall, makes them less scary.
Feron: “Oh, I love cartography! I love mapping out caves and cities, it’s quite the obsession since I was young.”
Do you dream often?
Tors: “Yeah, doesn’t everyone?”
Feron: “I’m sure I do, I just don’t remember them.”
What do you dream about?
Tors: “Honestly? Really random rubbish, nothing of note.”
Feron: “l always dream of somewhere calming, like a garden back home. It never looks exactly like how I remember it, though.”
Have you ever been in love?
*They make extremely fast glances at each other before looking away and hoping nobody notices*
What is your least favorite thing in the world?
Tors: “Beasts, monsters, whatever you call them. Primeval humans brought a shit ton to Neretia before The Blank. They’re parasites to the islands.”
Feron: “Hurricanes. I-I’d pray every night for safety when I was younger. They happen so often in Quoria, every island has had at least one notable disaster because of them.
What is your pet peeve?
Tors: “Ignorance. I’ve dealt with plenty of stuffy nobles saying that killing beasts is wrong. They don’t even provide any reasons, they’re right just because.”
Feron: *Spoilers :)*
Would you consider yourself different?
Tors: “Eh, not really. I’m strong enough to protect Neretia, but I’ve met plenty of warriors who could kick my arse like it’s nothing.”
Feron: “N-No, at least by noble standards.”
How far would you go to save a loved one?
Tors: “I’d die, or kill a lot of people or monsters.”
Feron: “I-I’d try everything in my power, but I wouldn’t die for someone.”
Would you team up with your worst enemy if it was your only option?
Tors: “Sure, why not, but the second the job’s done we’re back to hating each other.”
Feron: “Yes, if it was in my best interest, or if they were a powerful asset.”
What is the worst insult you can give?
Tors: “Don’t think I can say it out loud.”
Feron: “Uh…Cunt? Is that good enough?”
Are you a jealous person?
Tors: “Depends. Not a huge fan of anybody that’s contended for the throne or royal guard.”
Feron: “Sometimes. Quorian culture isn’t as…accepting as others, so I feel at least a sliver of envy with foreign nobles.”
Have you ever committed a crime?
Tors: “Technically, but it’s under the name of Neretia so it’s fine.”
Feron: “Why do you want to know?”
Are you neat or messy?
Tors: “Neat. Actually fuck it, messy. I’ll know where everything is, at least.”
Feron: “Neat, I couldn’t understand why someone has a messy room. Tors’ quarters looks like a cry for help…”
How do you feel about crying?
Tors: “It’s necessary, everyone does it. Not a huge fan of doing it anywhere that isn’t private.”
Feron: “Agreed, though a lot of Quorians think otherwise.”
Let it out or hold it in?
Tors: “Similar to the last question. Let it out, just don’t do it where strangers can see you.”
Feron: “Sometimes you can’t hold it in, I’ve dealt with that plenty of times.”
Who do you live for? Why?
Tors: “I dunno, my family? The king?”
Feron: “M-Myself, I guess. It wasn’t always like that.”
Who has betrayed you most?
Spoilers :)
I’ll leave this open tag bc this is a fucking MONOLITH.
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WAIT WAIt!!! Billy asking Steve for Daisys hand?
pairing: steve kemp x dark!reader
warnings: 18+ topics (under 18 year olds do NOT interact/reader), mentions of miscarriage
a/n: steve and the kemps are back. requests are back on!
part of toxic
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        - I don’t know, darling. - Y/N fixed her hair in front of the mirror, her left hand holding a golden crimson lipstick bullet. - He said he wanted to speak to you tonight. 
       - Why would I subject myself to speaking to William alone? I barely like speaking to him when Daisy’s around. Speaking of whom, why is she not coming? 
       - Daisy’s unpacking the stuff at their new place. She’s 24, Steve. She can go a week without seeing mum and dad. - she crossed her arms. - Besides should I remind you of your other children?
       - What other children? Rose’s in Los Angeles and you know how I feel about that, the triplets are scattered around various universities and my boys are grown. 
       - Aaron is grown and he won’t go to bed if you don’t check the room for monsters. What are you talking about? 
       - I miss my girls and I was expecting Daisy to at least come with her disappointing boyfriend. - he sat on the bed staring at his wife. - We need a new baby. 
       - Don’t change the subject. - she sat next to him, holding his hand. - You should be proud. Our girls are doing so well and they’re very well rounded considering they have you for a dad. 
       - I wanna see my girl not her knucklehead boyfriend. - he rolled his eyes as he heard the bell ring.
No matter how long Daisy’s boyfriend had stuck around, Steve never fully came around him. He put up with him for the past seven years, even when Daisy begged for him to come along for family vacation, Steve still didn’t like him. Y/N had naively thought that after a while he’d come around to Daisy having a boyfriend, specially when they started living together on their second year of university. However, it seemed that no matter how hard the poor boy tried, Steve just did not enjoy his existence. He opened the door to see his worse enemy - his words - standing in front of him with flowers and a bottle of wine. 
       - Dr. Kemp. - he cleared his throat.
       - William. 
       - I got these for your wife. - he extended the flowers and the wine. - I don’t expect to be here for much longer. I have to go back and help Daisy. 
       - Where’s she?
       - She’s at home. She doesn’t know I’m here, I wanted to speak with you alone.
       - How nice. - he smiled tightly. 
       - Dr. Kemp, I wanna marry Daisy. I’m gonna ask Daisy to marry me tomorrow night and I am here asking for your blessing.
Steve’s mouth couldn’t have gone more agape and Y/N swore that if it hadn’t been for the fact that he didn’t want to appear weak in front of his daughter’s boyfriend, he’d probably fainted from the mere shock. In his eyes, Daisy was still his little girl begging him to buy any and every single ducky plushie she found when grocery shopping. Now, here was this boy asking for her hand in marriage. His little girl. She was too young to get married? Right? 
       - Billy, why don’t you come in? - Y/N opened the door, motioned with her head towards the living room. - I’m making some tea. Do you want some tea?
       - Can I have some whiskey? - Steve mumbled, still somewhat shocked. - Bring the whole bottle. 
       - Sure. - she kissed the top of his head before leaving the two of them in the living room. Hopefully, he wouldn’t kill the poor boy. 
       - I have bought the ring and I have the reservation. I am gonna propose to her because I love her very much. She’s the love of my life, she’s been the love of my life since I first spoke to her. Honestly, I know you don’t like me and I don’t like your very much either but Daisy adores you and it would make her very happy if you gave your blessing. I am here asking for it but I don’t need it. 
       - That’s ... - he swallowed in empty. - That’s bold of you to say, William.
       - I’m gonna marry her if she accepts and I don’t want to create a wedge between her and you because you refuse to accept or wedding invitation. I know how important it is for her to have your approval. 
        - You’re awfully confident that she’s going to accept. 
        - We’ve discussed marriage before and children and partnership. We have the same life goals and I have a stable job lined up. Both our names are on the apartment lease if anything happened and I ... I just really want your blessing, Dr. Kemp. You can hate me all you want but I love Daisy. I wanna make her happy.
        - Can you give me a second? 
He exited the living room, finding his wife not so secretly listening in to the conversation. Yet again, if she wanted she could always listen to the security cameras. She gave him an unreadable look, one which he couldn’t decipher even after 25 years of marriage. It was always a mix of both sincereness and threat - something he believed only his dear wife could pull so effortlessly. 
      - Steve. 
      - I have to say yes, don’t I?
      - I don’t think he’s asking, darling. I think he’s saying he wants your blessing because of Daisy. You know ... the daughter we love so much?
      - It’s just ... remember when all she wanted and made her happy was to have duck stuff and be with us? What happened?
      - She grew up. - she cupped his face. - They all do, eventually. All we can do now is make sure she’s happy with someone who’d do everything to make her happy. I know you don’t like Billy, but he loves Daisy. You love Daisy. Can that be your common ground? 
      - Fine. - he sighed, turning back around.
He knew she was right, of course she was right, and even though he disliked and would dislike every single person one of his babies brought home - William wasn’t the worse of them. He was brash but he loved Daisy. Steve just didn’t want to let go, not yet, so he just stared at the photos in the wall for a bit. Her first day of kindergarten, the first Halloween, graduation day. 
      - William, you have my blessing.
      - Really?
      - Yes, really. Now go, before I change my mind. - he pointed at the door. 
      - Thank you. It’s means a lot to me and Daisy. 
      - This better not be a shotgun wedding. 
      - It’s not.
      - If I found out you impregnated my child and this is a shotgun wedding, I will haunt you myself with a shotgun. 
      - Regular wedding, no babies. 
      - And tell Daisy to come visit me before I die. 
      - Will do, Dr. Kemp. 
He sighed once more as the door shut, only being comforted by his wife who wrapped his arms around him. 
      - Do you want that bottle of whiskey now?
      - Yes, please. 
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fremioneshufflepuff · 5 months
Lover Boy
To tide y'all over till I get Ch 3 of Paper Rings done and pretty
Asks are always appreciated about these two! I have so many thoughts and feelings and want to share them with people
This takes place during OOTP during the hot mess that is Umbridges reign
Don't think there's any major warnings. Maybe some minor sad stuff but it's mostly fluffy
Fred watched as Hermione walked across the courtyard ahead of Harry and Ron, her curls bouncing on her shoulders, her stare one that could kill a man if it came to it. Ron had probably said something stupid per usual to her and he could hear her huff in exasperation, as she reached the clock tower, where he was standing.
He caught her by the elbow and she let out another huff, trying to remove his hand. “Nope. Not happening love.” Fred says, as he pulls her towards him, examining her face. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she did look a little paler than usual. “Fred.” She said, her eyes not leaving his. “Hermione.” He replied back, scanning her again. She sighed and her shoulders drooped, her chin dipping towards the ground. Fred lifted her chin with his fingers, his other hand resting on her shoulder.
“Mione. What’s going on?” “Is everything an acceptable answer?” “Sadly, not this go round. I know it’s more than Umbridge and Hagrid and the inevitable war that we know is going to happen.” “It’s my parents.” Hermione says, with a sniff, as Fred interlaces his fingers with hers, leading the way to the top of the tower. 
“I thought your parents where in Australia?” He asks, as they climb the steps to the oft forgotten corridor. “They are. It’s just that McGonagall told me that they most likely won’t be able to get their memories back after all of this is over, if it ever is. Which I knew was a possibility but it still hurts.” Hermione whispers, tears threatening to spill over.
“Hermione Jean, this will end. I know in my heart it will and when it does we’ll find your parents and do everything we can to get their memories back, and if something does happen, then we’ll figure out how to deal with that when it comes.” Fred says, pulling her behind a tapestry and sitting in the alcove bring her to his chest.
He holds her as she cries, pressing a kiss to her head and resting his chin on her head. He hears her sniffles start to subside, and she pulls away from his chest to look at him. “Freddie, how do you always know what to say?” “Well, considering I have three older siblings, and two younger ones, and a twin, I guess I just got used to hearing mum and dad say things like that to us.” “That actually makes sense. I hadn’t thought of that before.” She says as Fred gasps dramatically.
“My girlfriend Hermione Granger not thinking?! The blasphemy!” She rolls her eyes, as he grabs her hand again and they make their way to the Gryffindor Tower.
“Pygmy Puff.” Fred says to the Fat Lady, who swings the portrait door open, and the pair enter, going to sit on the empty couch. Fred sits first, and Hermione curls up next to him, her head resting in the crook of his arm that he’s draped over her, absentmindedly running his fingers up her arm. Hermione lets out a soft sigh, as she relaxes into him. 
At this action, Fred’s brain goes blank and he freezes. Then it hits him. He loves this girl. He loves her so much it hurts. “Fred?” Hermione asks, lifting her head to look at him. “Freddie. Are you ok?” “I’m more than okay Mione.” “Then why did you get super stiff out of the blue?” “Ah, well I just realized that I love you Mione. Like full on love and don’t want to let you go kind of love. The kind that makes me want to grow old together and watch our grandkids run around kind of love.” He says, a blush creeping up his neck, as he watches her.
“Well Freddie, I have to say I love you too.  I realized it a couple of days ago when I watched you and George help the little first year Ravenclaw girl get out of the trick step. I stopped dead in my tracks and just kinda knew that you’re it for me I guess.” She says, her hand reaching up to brush his hair out of his eyes, as he grins. 
“Ahh Miss Granger, let’s not get ahead of ourselves shall we? We’re still young and have the world ahead of us, but I’ll be your lover boy for the rest of time if you’ll let me.” Fred says, with a hint of mischief. “Oh absolutely lover boy. You can be mine.” “Good. Now if I shall, I’m going to take you to the astronomy tower and show you how much I love you.” “Fred!.” “Not like that love, get your mind out of the gutter, Merlin’s beard you’ve been spending far to much time with my brother.” Fred says with a silent gag, as he stands, pulling Hermione up, as she laughs.
“Which one? Bill? Charlie? George? Ron?” she asks giggling, as he rolls his eyes. “All of them. The holidays didn’t help one bit. Goodness.” he mutters as they exit the common room and make their way to the astronomy tower, where they lay together, hands entwined, as they stare at the stars.
“Fred?” “Yeah love?” “Kiss me.” “Kiss you?” “Yes you dork. More than what we have been.” Hermione says, as Fred rolls on his side to face her propped up on a elbow. His lips meet hers in a soft and sweet kiss that doesn’t last nearly long enough. “Like that?” “Mmm-hmm but longer.” “I can do that.” 
Their lips meet again, and Fred pulls her on top of him and pulls back only long enough to take a breath before Hermione pulls him towards her, as she kisses him again. “Love you Mione Jean.” he says against her cheek, as their noses bump. “Love you too lover boy.” She says with a grin, as he captures her lips in a passionate and fiery kiss, his hands in her hair, the moon shining in on them and a silent ghost watching them remembering another couple much like them from years ago.
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tyranasauruslex · 1 year
Sorry in advance for the easy - I'm at the airport with nothing better to do than hyper fixate on baby Lukas and his trauma. This is just a brief, jumbled regurgitation of thoughts, speculation and emotional distant families.
I love your Lukas + Big family take and that he's the black sheep! Maybe they're all insanely clever scientist or something and they look down on him for being the "dumb one".
I 100% agree about the emotional neglect aspect though but it comes from his mum never dealing with or explaining properly what happened to his father. The suicide is obviously not a well known story - the siblings didn’t find out about and it was only through Lukas awkwardly bringing it up that we know about it. It just gives me the vibe that it’s something that’s been put in a box titled “Things We Never Speak About.”
It could have come completely out of the blue which would have undoubtably been incredibly shocking and increased the emotional disconnect that Lukas ends up feeling for both his parents. Or his dad could have been in and out of mental health facilities whilst Lukas was growing up which was never really explained to him either. The latter would mean that neither of his parents would have had time for Lukas and when they were all together, it would mean having to be “fine” so as not to stress his dad out.
“Your dads not well so make sure you behave today.”
Lukas gives off the air of someone who’s had to become self sufficient very quickly or not had anyone to rely on which is why he goes so hard in his work life. Suicide takes an enormous amount of empathy to understand but it would also have undoubtably left Lukas with a great sense of abandonment which is why he gets so possessive and clingy in his romantic relationships. 
Back to his mum. A death in the family can be brutal for those left behind but she’s got the added stigma of dealing with a spouse that took their own life and then that her child found the body.
There must be an awful amount of pain knowing that your child was the one to find the body and that you couldn’t spare them that trauma. If I’d not gone to work/the shops/gotten up earlier etc then it would have been me that found him and our child would not be burdened with that for the rest of their life. However, that pain can quickly turn to guilt and avoidance because what if Lukas does blame her? What if he thinks it’s her fault that his dad killed himself? It’s better to avoid asking and her worst fear coming true than it is to sit down with him and talk about what happened. He seems fine enough; he’s back to messing around on his computer at least. He’s not talking much but he never was a chatter box to begin with so he’s probably coping ok which leaves her time to deal with the funeral and flood of people coming to check on them. He’s better off upstairs by himself and out of the way from it all. 
Thinking that it would be a fresh start for both of them, she ends up selling the house and they move into an apartment in the city where nobody knows about the “incident” but the pictures of Lukas’s dad remain boxed up and never go back up on the wall. They’re down to one wage now so she has to go out to work more which is a good distraction and Lukas seems fine enough, although she’s reluctant to ask because he might have questions that she has no idea how to answer and it’s better if they don’t pick at that particular scab. In her mind it’s better to forget someone then feel the pain of their absence and the “Incident” evolves from “my husband killed himself and my son found his body” to “my husband died and my son found the body” to “my husband died” and eventually “I’m a widower.” 
It’s more difficult when Lukas gets older because it’s less easier to fob him off which is when they start arguing more and more and she can’t help herself by snapping at him whenever he tries to talk about his dad. The past is the past; it won’t do either of them any good dredging all that up again. 
Then one day Lukas tells her he’s moving out and it hits her that her gangly little boy has grown up and there’s no more need for worrying if he’s going bring up his dad again. Over the years they end up in a routine of sporadic phone calls and Christmas visits before Lukas is off again doing whatever it is he does. She'd like to ask him but she knows from experience that the more they talk, the more time there is for his dad to be brought up and it's better to keep that particular box shut.
The phone calls remain the same and she’ll wait for him to call rather than ring him because he always seems so busy. Hows work going? Have you been anywhere nice? Remember to call Uncle Valter… Then she doesn’t hear from him a while and it takes her some time before Oskar eventually calls her to explain that Lukas ended up in a psych ward for a bit but he’s home now so he must be fine… they can talk about it he brings it up, which he never does so she takes that as it was just a blip, probably stressed out from work. 
Then there’s all this talk about America and that the press might try and talk to her and it dawns on her that she wouldn’t have anything to say if they did. 
“Don’t mention your dad” she tells him before even asking what he’s doing or why he’s suddenly so interested in the strange American family she sees on the TV from time to time. 
And he doesn’t so they go back their sporadic phone calls and Christmas visits. 
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lostparadise101 · 1 year
VOL.1.3 Day 39
It’s been 39 days since the catastrophe and 24 days since we left the bunker, traveling around the streets with our mouths and nose covered to prevent catching the virus. Considering that we were able to find shelter, Azrael and my dad went out to search for food or supplies that were going to be needed.
It’s been a couple of hours since the departure of Dad and Azrael, Mum’s worries consistently grew each minute as her anxiety was getting the worse of her. “I’ll go search for them, you stay here and look after the twins, all right Mum” “Are you sure sweetie, we should wait in case something might happen to you” she suggested while looking around at any sight of Dad. “It’s ok, it won’t be long, I’ll just walk around the street that's not too far from her ” I assure her as I head out to search for Dad and Azrael.
It’s been 22 minutes since I’ve been calling out for them, walking around a 5-7 meter radius of where I'm currently at to the camp, it was starting to get dark so I decided to head back to the camp and look at mothers consideration however I see something, someone, on the ground, looking injured. I rushed toward their way and checked their condition. There was blood surrounding their body and clothes, I tried taking this into consideration by first checking their pulse and breathing, then secondly waking them up. Nothing was working, I was about to give up, then suddenly I could feel movements coming from my body. I reacted fast by calling out to them. “Hey, hey, wake up, hey” The person slowly opened their eyes as I tried to sit them up straight but coughed blood on my face and dropped dead completely. Nonetheless, I recognize the situation I'm in now, I had just been infected by the virus. I panicked that I'll soon be discovered by strangers, probably killed. After wiping the blood off of me, I stood up and walked back to the camp, where I was greeted by a worried Azrael marching towards me, soon to wrap his arms around me but stop when he saw my state.
“What happened to you, you look like shit and whose blood is that, are-are you injured” he glanced at my face to lock eyes with me but I turned my gaze away from him towards the horrified look on my parents as they realized that I’d been infected.
“Leave, don’t stay around here, not even near to the kids” Mum cries as she keeps her distance from me “What do you mean” I whimpered, taking steps slowly to reach them “STAY BACK, DON’T COME NEAR US AT ALL, LEAVE NOW PLEASE I’M BEGGING YOU!” Dad yells at me as his tears roll down his face. I can’t hold it in anymore, I just can’t, it pains me too much to hide my feeling as my heart crumbles down and clashes with the puddle of my tear
It’s been an hour since my parents left with my siblings, leaving me alone with my thoughts, my deep black clouds that are suffocating me, slowly, quietly, quickly, as the light in my eyes leaves softly emerging with my pupil, “-ia, -maia, AMAIA!!! SNAP OUT OF IT! Pull yourself back together.” Azrael shouts at me, making me clench onto his arms while I lose my balance due to him shaking me, I moved away from him considering that I’m still infected by the virus however even if I move further away, he will still head towards me, knowingly, that he could get infected as well, “why, why didn’t you go, go with them” “Amaia, you’re the only true reason why I’d stay and live if something were to happen to you if you weren’t near me if I never met you, my life would have no meaning, nothing at all without you, I wouldn’t have found peace in my life without you, just even thinking about I would’ve just been a crazy mess if you were absent during my life, especially during the ones I needed you the most, AMAIA YOU ARE MY LIFE!” This sudden confession from Azrael made my emotions burst out, I was crying, weeping, sobbing to the point I couldn’t even breathe properly, Azrael wrapped his arms around me even though he knows, knows that he’ll get the virus through him doesn’t care “you, Azrael, are a pain in the ass, you should start taking better care of yourself” I look up to meet his eyes and start bursting with laughter as he made an ugly face to comment on my rebuttal, he sighed with relief, tighten his grip and kissed me softly, leaving soft press against my lips, leading me to sleep on that warmth of his body “I’ll never let go of you, never” he whispers in my ear as I soon fall into a deep slumber in his arms, carrying me to the shelter, laying me down gradually on the floor and momentarily dozing off.
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schrullesworld · 2 years
Prince Makai of Sulani proposes to Crown Princess Amber of Windenburg. They did get married out fear of the medial backlash of Amber being a single teen mother. Disclaimer: My royal teens are not rich, their parents are. They get allowance, probably more than the average commoner or noble, but not enough to buy expensive engagement rings. They get their full money when they turn twenty-one.
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Prince Makai (M): Sorry about cursing at you before, I was just very shocked. Crown Princess Amber (A): Don’t worry, part of me is glad I don’t understand all hawaiian. M: Isn’t your dad from Sulani? A: Yeah and he taught me some stuff, but not like cursing.
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M: It is not like cursing, per se. More like a shocked reaction. I meant that bomb you dropped on me here. A: I am sorry. I just... M: Hey that’s okay, I am glad you told. And your parents? A: Haven’t told them yet...I am a bit scared of their reaction.
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M: I am sure they are fine. A: You don’t really know my dad? M: What? He seems like a chill guy. Even though he probably could rip me in half. A: I doubt he does that, but he will definitely do something.
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M: [goes down and holds her hands] Well, while we are at pissing off our parents. A: What are you doing? M: I can’t have people think you are a single mom and that I am not here. So we get ‘married’ of course only on paper. The big wedding can still happen. A: You could also just be my boyfriend? M: True, but I prefet it that way.
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M: So well I pictured this totally different you know, less rushed. A: You have a ring? M: From a vending machine. A: [laughs] Best ring ever. M: Hey, I am not as rich as people asume I am, I get allowance.
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A: [smiles] I think it is perfect. M: That is good, I can’t afford more anyway. You have to take what you can get. A: I think now my dad will kill me, if he finds that out. M: I am sure he won’t. You know, I can double that, my mum will kill me.
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A: [lies against him and looks at the ring] How much did the ring cost? M: Ten simoleons. A: My friends will be so envious of my ten simoleon ring. M: They better be.
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shatterthefragments · 4 months
Im pissy bc after day 9/9 I have to do a bunch of yard work when I get home and any complaint is met with “when I was your age I worked several jobs” and it’s just???
Technically I have TWO plus occasional art markets AND I go to school as well a couple semesters a year and I’m tired and maybe I’m a fucking pampered prince then.
I don’t want to have to live like that. I don’t ever want to be so stressed out im having dreams where the stress is literally killing me and I’m terminal in them. AGAIN. (Thank you working in fast food while even the government was still taking covid seriously). I don’t ever want to come home and lay in bed unable to move or think or even play Stardew valley on my phone while *wishing* I had the energy to kill myself. (I don’t ever want you to know how close I was to giving up and giving in and releasing myself from my promise to myself to live. I don’t ever want to be There again)
And. Like after a day of work having to do that too… I’m probably going to fuck up any progress I’ve made through the consistency of taking care of my wrists and hands. (Pain? Just exercise more!,, but that’s more specific targeted exercises than fucking yard work)
Like I’m doing AMAZING today. But I feel like I’m going to crash and I’m going to crash hard. I came home and cooked for mum and I also did some eggs for myself bc I was hungry after work and shopping. I put away the dishes and made an actual dinner. I wiped my face. I feel like shit.
Anyway absolutely just reread some porn about it instead of sleeping. FUCK.
And the amount of checking in I’m going to have to do while I’m away :( like I GET IT I look like a girl rn (in part bc you were getting suspicious) but even though I was raised female I just. Never thought of myself like that or having to follow the Rules of like checking in when away (or for dates if that happened). Like I did send what I was wearing to a friend when I went to a nightclub alone for the first (only so far) time. But that was mostly bc I was in the states when I went.
And my coworker is sick and she’ll be back tomorrow working with me.
I would rather be alone.
If she gets me sick I won’t ever be able to forgive her. As it is I’m kicking myself for not completely isolating myself yet in my house.
(Ah i… should go go pride but I just. I don’t think I’m up to it I’ve been so overwhelmed with everything.)
Mum’s still coughing after several months but oh well. Could just be the mold. Dad too but also same. They both have chronic coughs. And I fucking hate it. How would I know if it’s different.
At least for me I don’t usually have a chronic cough unless I am quite dehydrated.
Bad decisions.
And I’m a bitch made of fear.
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percontaion-points · 4 months
Heartless chapters 15 & 16
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Chapter 15
“Cats aren’t like wolves. We couldn’t give a shit about your suits and ties.”
 I tried to hide my reaction, but his smirk told me I’d failed. “Yeah, working it out now, are you? I’m a panther shifter.”
And there it is. I knew that there was some reason why 1) Vail wasn’t sent further away and 2) Trey was so obsessed with her. 
“I bury you on this mountain, Trey Barakat, and no one will ever find your stupid ass.”
Chapter 15 summary: Vail is obviously horrified at having hurt Jasper, but he’s like “new kink unlocked”. They then continue, and Vail puts a claiming bite on his neck. If they actually bang or not, I’m not sure, but I kind of don’t care. 
After, Vail says that the storm is probably going to end tomorrow. Jasper wants to set off with Vail in order to track down her father. Which one that they’re talking about is unclear, but they should probably talk to both of them anyway. 
They fall asleep, but Jasper later wakes up to Trey standing over him. The surprise of nobody after the reveal of Vail being a werecat (werepanther?), Trey is also one as well. He makes all of these threats to kill Jasper and claim Vail as his own. However, Vail wakes up and calls Trey out on his shit. 
Chapter 16
 “So, she came here and hid me. But when I was sent off to a school of shifter wolves, no one thought to tell me that wasn’t a good idea?” 
Jasper made a low sound behind me, but I crossed to the table, leaning down so I was a foot from Trey’s face. “You had plenty of chances to tell me, Trey. That party at your house, the Clan Caves, the night you took Jasper’s brothers… Why are you only telling me this now?” 
“A combination of things. We don’t have many rules, but one is we don’t talk about what we are to outsiders. Even panthers raised in the claw don’t hear it all until they’re initiated.”
 I slapped my hand on the table. “You’ve never given a fuck about rules, Trey Barakat! Try again.” 
The worst part about this is that Trey knew how much danger Vail was in being a panther in a pack of wolves. Yet he did NOTHING to try and actually get her out. 
Even when she ran back to Driftwood’s cabin, he didn’t tell her to head off to Africa simply to get away. Instead, he continued to play mind-games with her until she was hunted down and nearly killed by the Black Den clan. 
“You think I waited all these years to let some other asshole put a claim on her? They can all fuck off!”
“You don’t get it, little V. Forced claims are about the worst thing you can do in the claw. There aren’t a lot of females, so every union is arranged through kin. You don’t just go out and claw up whoever the hell makes your dick hard.”
Trey is angry that other men have claimed her, yet also CONTINUES to refuse to tell her the truth of how werepanther society works. 
“Don’t damage the goods, Topper. The alpha’s already down.” He turned and gave me a leering grin. “No need to play rough with the princess.”
Chapter 16 summary: There’s a lot of talk that happens in this chapter, but it’s also surrounded by a lot of mush because these idiots won’t stop growling at each other. The gist of it is this: Alana Marrow (Vail’s mum) was a cat. Warren Michaels is her biological father, and Parker West is the cover that Alana used in order to hide the identity of her daughter. When things got really bad, Alana ran off to the mountain with Vail. 
Also, Vail is half-wolf, half-cat. She keeps talking about the wolf she saw once, and was disappointed to learn that it never existed. However, I think that she does have a wolf side to her. 
Trey is angry that Vail started doing all of this werepanther stuff. Vail gets angry at Trey for never having told her, but he hides behind some fucking bullshit magic pact that Trey’s dad and Warren made a long time ago. Except that the magic clearly wore off when Trey’s dad died, so Vail is finding it harder and harder to believe a goddamned thing he has to say. 
He’s also angry that she would have allowed another male to claim her. She then confesses that Callum blackmailed her into the relationship upon finding out about her panther, which sets both boys off. 
She then decides that she’s done with this shit. Jasper kicks Trey out so that he and Vail can finish packing up to leave. Outside, they get onto the skii-doo, but Trey shifts so that he can run down the mountain. However, as Vail and Jasper are going, they lose sight of Trey, and are set upon by other shifters. 
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Dearest Covey,
Turns out we didn’t get the infection under control (imagine I’m doing the Debby Ryan right here) + cause of my sickle cell I don’t do great with infections but I’m good now (knock on wood) we think it’s because I had a sickle crisis but it’s over now so I dunno 🤷‍♀️ oh well I guess it means I missed my last english review before exam season 😭
I missed my friends party that I think I told you about but my boyfriend said he couldn’t make it either and came and stayed with me cause my dad had work and my older sister was out 🫶🫶 + he brought round his mum’s cooking and GOOD LORD that woman can cook I love her so much (even if I really shouldn’t be eating it 😟 don’t tell my dad or my doctor)
Plus I would like to put my little sister forward as the cutest eight year old ever. When I was home she would legit come into my room like 10 minutes after her bedtime and be ‘sneaky’ so she could talk to me and make sure I was ok and I don’t think I’ve ever cried more. She’s so cute anyway this has been a rant I’m pretty sure you don’t want to hear 😭
Anyway, i thought my couple days away from before was long but Jesus I’ve been gone for like just over a week? maybe 2? Probably about a week. Got loads of your work to catch up on and I will make sure to send a letter complimenting it all because I am SURE it is gonna be amazing (like usual) even though I do not have a scooby where I left off.
I can also vote that Elise and I aren’t the same person but cause she’s using another name I didn’t realise it was her until I sent the letter about having an illness twin and I was like 😨 Rory?? But yeah I’m using a side account so even if you do guess who I am in the anon guessing thing I’ll probably just sign off with my name cause that main blog is OLD and it won’t let me delete it all and it’s cringey as fuck so…
How’s your life been? Hope it’s been as chill as can be and I hope your trip was good! Hope no one else sent in a request and if they did I’m disappointed I missed it 🙁🙁 this is such a long letter but I had so much to catch you up on 🫶 
Finally, loads and loads and lots and lots of love to make up for when I was gone,
🎞️ <3
(This is such a long letter I am so so so sorry Covey you do not need to read this all 😭 I did try and cut it down I swear)
my stunning film roll anon,
secondly, im so so sorry about all your medical issues!! I have no way to relate or even begin to understand what your going through but that must suck like legit balls lmao-
also, your little sister seems so so sweet!! I also wanted a sibling to take care of, to talk to, ya know, but my older sister was too busy being older for that. but we chillin now
lifes been chill, ya know how it be. (ive never been more stressed in my whole 18 years of life. monday save me. monday pls kill yourself. monday be OVER already good lord) (i have my ap test and my last band concert ever...MONDAY DIE)
all my love,
covey 𐙚⊹ ࣪ ˖
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idk thoughts
I don’t really know how I am supposed to feel anymore. I know i feel things too deeply and all of my emotions are too big. But how am i supposed to feel them?  Examples of things I have a lot of mixed, but very heavy feelings towards (this is your chance to scroll past):  My mum asked me if it would be okay if my brother gave my niece my old things. Things my mum was saving for me to collect whenever i visited next. I know maybe I shouldn’t be so upset about this, but neither of my older siblings were really there for me when I was a child. They are older than I am and had moved out when all of the abuse from my dad started. I resent them because when they would ignore his calls I was the one who got the shit kicked out of them. My siblings ignored me so much when I was little, and now they want my niece whom I have never met to have my stuff. Not to mention, they guilt me all of the time because I am not “involved” How am I supposed to be involved when I live across the country? I don’t ever go home because it’s expensive and I would rather go other places (not that I can afford to do that either). It’s funny how they can make me feel so guilty for not calling or visiting but they can easily forget that my brother accused me of being a drug addict a few years ago because I take medications for my bipolar disorder and bpd. Or how my sister said to my mum that she’s afraid of me. I am afraid of me, too. How am i supposed to feel about all of this? Because it honestly really hurts my fucking feelings. I am glad they are putting in so much energy into my niece, she deserves that. But why are you trying to replace me? How am i not supposed to see it that way? Or Like idk, friends coming to visit or not. When I ask how long do you plan on staying and then replying with “I need to see the availability of the other person first” like ok. How is that not supposed to make me feel like shit? If you don’t want to stay with me or not see me then don’t. You are not obligated to do anything here.  Also I wish I could stop being sad about not being able to see Paramore. But like I have floor tickets, I was planning on joining the line and getting to the barricade. Now I can’t and I have to sell and someone else gets to. Do you not realize how much that fucking sucks? I don’t know maybe some of you don’t have an attachment to things, maybe you haven’t attempted to kill yourself and have a few bands save your life. I don’t know, I just won’t ever get this chance again and the fact that it’s not going to happen for me makes me feel like nothing else is going to happen for me. I am done trying so hard. I just can’t keep living like this anymore. I need to not take things so seriously and personally but it’s so hard not to. Sometimes I think that I deserve better and more than what I had to put up with growing up. But I don’t know, I probably deserve all of the bullshit I have to put with. I fucking hate myself so much. I just wish to disappear and save everyone the god damn burden and annoyance.
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