#my mutuals mentioned have quality content!
gutsby · 5 days
If You Like Piña Coladas
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Pairing: Neighbor!Joel x Reader
Summary: You secretly make Joel a profile on Hinge. Then he shows you exactly why he doesn’t need one.
Warnings: 18+. Unprotected p-in-v. Oral (f!receiving). Foodplay (i.e., Joel fucks you with a fruit popsicle). Girthy, unspecified age gap. Mentions of blood.
Note: Loosely inspired by ‘Escape (The Piña Colada Song)’ by Rupert Holmes…minus the part about mutual infidelity LOL
Word count: 8.0k
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Joel Miller had been on his own for too long.
The least you could get him was a date. Or even just laid.
Likes: Long walks on the beach
Actually…he hadn’t seen a coastline in ten years, at least. You backspaced slowly and then lowered Joel’s phone.
What did that old grump like to do, anyway?
In all the years you’d been living next door to Mr. Miller, you hadn’t seen him take pleasure in much of anything besides mowing his lawn, rolling his eyes, and screaming like a fiend alongside your dad at whatever game was on.
Likes: College football. Quality time with friends :-)
Nope. Corny as fuck. Backbackbackback.
You wiggled your thumbs over the keyboard in muted concentration. You knew you didn’t have much longer. Joel was currently engrossed in one of the three things he loved most—mowing long, careful rows through his backyard—and you were supposed to be watching the season finale of the Mandalorian while he did. That had been the pretext of your visit, anyway. It’d been a little over an hour since he’d stepped outside and a little under thirty since you’d let your curiosity get the better of you and seized his phone, so you figured he’d be back soon.
You had to think of something witty, and do it quick.
Feeling inspiration strike a second later, you typed:
Likes: Piña Coladas. Getting caught in the rain. Making love at midnight in the dunes on the cape.
Perfect. Easy. Everybody loved that song in the ‘70s.
Having thus put the finishing touch on Joel’s profile, you leaned back and let out a contented sigh. You scrolled. Flicked through photo after photo of your very own hand-picked selection and smiled, feeling proud.
You’d started him off strong and suave with a picture from Tommy’s wedding, wearing a tux that fit him well. Then a cool, casual snap of him at a brewery. A photo taken out on the lake, life jacket snug and showing off a sliver of his broad, bare chest. Then a picture of him at your graduation—you made sure to crop yourself out—followed by a candid shot of him playing dress-up with his niece. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that all the yet-unknown, lovely folks of Hinge would eat this shit up.
You set the radius to 100 miles. Beefed up the age range and gender preferences to include virtually every living soul over 30, tweaked a few more prompts to be cooler, then scrolled through his newly-minted profile. Again.
Oh, and— shit, wait.
Quickly, you toggled to the phone’s settings and disabled all notifications for Hinge. Then you grabbed the app and wrestled it somewhere deep within all the utilities ones that no one ever used. This had to stay hidden for now.
And, just as you stretched your thumb to make a couple last changes to his page, the back door thundered open.
Joel stumbled in, half-hunched. Rubbing his face with a towel and treading slow, heavy steps through the living room. With your heart about to burst from your throat and your impulses blown to shit, you panicked and crammed his phone in your shorts—like, in them.
Joel’s phone was just then settling above the groove of your ass when the man collapsed on the loveseat across the room. Instinctively, you drew your legs to your chest as Joel groaned and pulled the towel away from his face.
“The beast is at it again,” he declared, expression grim.
Before you could ask who ‘beast’ might be, he clarified:
“Marlene’s shit-for-brains labradoodle won’t quit diggin’ holes under my fence. Whole thing’s gonna fall if he—”
You didn’t mean to be rude, but you had to tune out the rest of what he said; your butt squirmed against the sofa as your neighbor’s phone traveled perilously down and took partial lodging between your cheeks. Then stuck.
There was no way you were getting caught like this. One stray phone call or text and you would have the world’s most jarring ringtone buzzing straight up your ass. And a very uncomfortable conversation with Joel, to be sure.
So, while he droned on about the chaos being wrought by the paws of old Sparky, you nodded to the window.
“Aw shit, Mr. Miller…did he just…dig up another?” You feigned surprise as you stared over Joel’s shoulder at a hole that didn’t even exist. Then, when he’d jumped to his feet and growled ‘No fuuuuuckin’ shot’ as he made his way over to the window, you acted fast and pulled the phone out of your ass and stuck the old, cracked thing on top of the coffee table where it’d been last and stood.
Before he could see—or say—anything else, you seized your own phone and made a swift beeline for the door.
Shouting over your shoulder, probably sounding like a fucking lunatic but not particularly caring either way:
And you left. You had no desire to explain your baseless, bullshit observation or why his phone was currently covered in a thin sheen of sweat from your butt.
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You’d never seen so many roses in your life.
Joel Miller could legitimately give the whole Bachelor franchise a run for its money with all the goddamn virtual flowers he’d been getting from his Hinge admirers.
It’d been a week before you’d finally gotten the chance to abduct his phone again and check his ‘likes’ for yourself. Honestly, you hadn’t been expecting much—Joel was hot, but more so in a niche-ish sort of DILF-sexy way. You figured he’d be more of an acquired taste, really.
Once you’d scrolled through just over a hundred different messages, you realized at once how wrong you were.
‘GNAWING at the bars of my enclosure.’
‘Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry, I mean, Daddy?’
‘Need you in a way that is concerning to feminism.’
And that was truly just the tip of the iceberg when it came to all the wild, chaotic, and horny messages Joel had received over the last week. You couldn’t believe it.
You got to firing off responses as fast as you could. Sitting cross-legged on the back porch while your dad, Joel, Tommy, and a dozen other neighbors were busy grilling burgers and soaking up as much sun as possible.
The only other person who hadn’t joined them was Tess.
She peered over your shoulder and fought back a laugh.
“That man is a fuckin’ menace to society, I swear.”
“No, we’re a menace to society. All about team effort,” you corrected her as you typed up a lightning-quick ‘Hey ;-)’ to each message, fingers moving fast.
“He doesn’t even know you’re doing this!”
“He will soon enough,” you mumbled. Grinning. Then, “Mission’s not over until that old man gets his dick wet.”
You’d probably made it through seventy or so replies and got to go back-and-forth with a couple hot prospects by the time you heard footsteps trailing up the steps—heavy ones that you instantly recognized as Joel’s. Without another word, you exited the app, turned the phone off, and chucked it to Tess, who placed it discreetly onto the porch railing where Joel had left it.
That phone really should have had a passcode on it.
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Two weeks later, it did.
You saw it as soon as you’d slid your thumb up the screen in the comfort of Joel’s living room—over at his place pretending to be watching your Star Wars spin-off again—and you felt your heart jump up in your throat.
Your passcode is required to enable Face ID.
Since when the fuck did your neighbor have a passcode? Or even know how to make Face ID a thing? Or use it?
These questions and a dozen more were thrumming through your skull when you heard the screech of the back door once again. This time, instead of taking his sweet time on his yard work, Joel had only been gone five minutes. You swallowed a scream and did that dumb, reflexive thing you had before: shoved his phone in your shorts and thrust yourself back into the couch.
Practically shaking when Joel stepped into the room.
Of course, he wasn’t sweaty. His shirt wasn’t smudged with flecks of dirt or swaths of green from the grass outdoors, nor were his Wranglers the slightest bit muddied. He was perfectly clean in a plain white tee, jeans, and boots. You couldn’t help but notice how tight the short sleeves of his shirt hugged his biceps, and then you realized it was because his arms were crossed.
Joel regarded you with a look as long and as careful as the rows he was supposed to be mowing out in the middle of his backyard right now, and he let out a breath.
“Guess what,” he said.
“What?” you squeaked.
Your eyes widened without meaning to, and when Joel plopped down on the sofa beside you, you felt a shiver pulse through your body. Joel stretched his big, wide, denim-clad legs out as he leaned back, and you had to force yourself not to jump when his knee struck yours.
“I’ve gotta brush up on my Gen Z lingo,” he announced.
Wh— okay? What the fuck?
Just as you opened your mouth to speak, and feeling the slightest twinge of relief at this declaration, Joel started to tug something out of his pocket. It took you several seconds to see it, then a couple more just to work out what it was, then Joel was squeezing it. Flipping it open.
An old Motorola Razr? When did he get that?
“See, I, uh— met a girl last week,” Joel resumed, plainly careless in the way he fingered the thing in his grip.
Your chest tightened. Had he really?
“She’s a little on the…younger side. You might know her.”
Oh shit. Was Joel banging one of your friends?
You swallowed hard and nodded for him to continue. You pretended not to notice when he flipped the phone open and left it that way—starting to thumb through the keys to do something on it. You fought the urge to take a look.
To distract yourself, you watched his face instead. It was lax.
“She said somethin’ kinda funny last night, and I—” Joel paused to let out a breath of a laugh, and you nearly broke down to steal a glance at what he was looking at.
Narrowly, you resisted. And it was a lucky thing, too—the next thing you knew, Joel’s gaze was fixed right on you.
“Y’know what she said to me?” he asked.
Joel blinked. You probably should’ve heard the click of a little button on the phone he was holding, but you didn’t.
You did feel the vibration of another phone under your ass a second later, though. That one was unmistakable.
That one was Joel’s.
Out of one more stupid, senseless instinct, you coughed. Loud. Like the momentary scratch in your throat might reasonably mask the sound and sensation of a small hunk of metal buzzing between your butt and the couch.
It didn’t, of course. You sat and stared at Joel as it rang.
Slowly, he brought the Razr to his ear. At one corner of his mouth, you could discern the first inklings of a smirk.
“Wanna answer that?” he hummed, nodding to your rear.
You weren’t sure how you even had the strength to do it, but you reached back and plucked his phone out of your shorts. With your gaze still stuck to his, you answered it. Put it to your own ear out of habit—and a little bit of fear.
“Hello?” you said, stupidly.
The second you heard Joel’s voice rumble out beside you on the couch and across the line, your heart dropped. Ironclad confirmation of all you didn’t want to believe.
You squeezed his phone even tighter and sincerely hoped the man couldn’t hear the wild, erratic beat of your heart as it throbbed and thudded in your chest. The noise was almost too loud for you to hear anything else, too fast-paced and frantic to discern another word until:
“Can you tell me what a ‘Hinge DILF’ is, darlin’?”
You rose to your feet, scarcely even realizing it.
You had to get off of that couch, had to get away from him and come clean, as calmly as you possibly could. The phone fell out of your grasp just as he ended the call.
“Shit— Mr. Miller— I-I-I-I can explain.”
Swiftly, suddenly, Joel recovered his phone from the floor. He set the other device aside and propped his feet on the coffee table, lounging a little more comfortably now that he could scroll the phone at his leisure. Before he did, though, he made a point to wipe the screen.
“Nothin’ I love more than ass sweat on my phone.”
Your cheeks heated to a thousand degrees.
You wished the ground below your feet would open up and swallow you whole. It was like you were floating somewhere over your own body, unable to move or speak. From this vantage point, and still paralyzed with fear, you could see Joel opening Hinge on his phone.
“Crazy how long the stuff sticks,” he mused aloud, starting to peruse his likes, “When you got up and high-tailed it outta my place that first day, I thought I must’ve been seein’ things—what with how wet my phone was.”
You would’ve closed your eyes in utter resignation if you’d had the strength. Joel had known this entire time.
The old man continued to scroll, cavalier as ever.
“I figured ya might’ve been havin’ some…personal time of your own on my phone—maybe your old man blocked PornHub on the home WiFi or somethin’—but then I kept diggin’ around…” As Joel spoke, his actions seemed to mirror his words, and he was really scoping out the app. Combing through profiles and roses and streams of old messages that you had sent, then shrugged to himself.
“…and all I found added up to jackshit,” he concluded.
This time, you managed to meet his gaze when he looked back up, but really, you hardly saw him at all.
Joel was smiling.
“I did see a text, though.”
He waved his phone, where a few messages were visible, though not legible, to you. You didn’t try to read them.
“‘Welcome to Hinge! Reply ‘C’ to confirm your phone number and get started,’” Joel rattled the first one off.
Of course you’d forgotten to delete the fucking text.
“And I know my memory’s all but gone to shit, but I didn’t remember ever replying ‘C’ myself, so then—”
“It was a joke,” you choked out, cutting him off.
Joel cocked a brow. He leaned even further back in his seat and crossed his feet. You were already vomiting words before he could attempt to get one out himself.
“N-Not a funny joke,” you clarified, voice shaking, “Fuckin’ stupid as shit, I just wanted to see— y’know— me and Tess were talkin’ ‘bout how hard it must be…in your…in your fifties— it’s just hard finding somebody.”
Joel didn’t know what you were trying to say, and his face showed it. You didn’t know what you were saying.
“So you think my sex life is a joke?” Mr. Miller quipped.
You hadn’t meant to say it so loudly. You quieted down:
“No. I didn’t…no. I just wanted to see who would…”
“…wanna fuck me?” he finished, blunt as ever.
If your face had been hot before, surely it was about to burst into flames right now. You didn’t get like this—not around Joel Miller, not around anybody—but here you were, chest constricting with humiliation and shame, wishing you were anywhere in the world but the place you were, and Mr. Miller was smiling, he was still smiling, and it was all you could do to just stand there and…stare.
And wince when tears started to prick at your waterline.
As if this day couldn’t get any more mortifying, you were actually crying in front of your neighbor, nose stinging and beginning to leak. Stupid, stuttered gasps leaving your lungs like you’d just learned to breathe yesterday, vision blurring the man in front of you and then dimming, momentarily, as you brought your hands up to your eyes and tried to shield this wretched display from his view.
You paced a couple hasty, blind steps away. You pressed the heels of your palms so hard into your sockets that stars started to dance behind your lids and a pain began to stab your brain. You continued to sob. It was just then dawning on you that you’d have to make a run for it now and never set foot near this man’s property again. You’d have to lock yourself away, never get to go to a barbecue again, probably face a restraining order from Joel and—
“FUCK!” you shrieked.
With all the grace of a giraffe on roller skates, you tumbled over Joel’s end table and took a nosedive into the floor. Your hands had no choice but to fly out in front of you in an effort to break your fall, and of course, they had to land on a lone, stray beer bottle on the ground.
One lovely little container of Corona Extra went splintering under the weight of your whole body, and briefly, before the thing exploded beneath your palm, you swore you could’ve heard a tiny, self-righteous voice:
‘¡La Vida Más Fina!’
Fuck you, Corona.
You’d never been more embarrassed in your life. Even if the bottle had managed to roll far enough to nick just the edge of your hand, slicing a minuscule strip of skin beneath your thumb, you still wanted to cry even harder. You looked pathetic, crumpled up beside this man’s couch with your wrist pinched between your fingers and your tears paving two steady streams down your cheeks. Hedged in by a field of shattered glass, you cast a look around yourself and whimpered. Then cursed. And cried.
You heard the shards around you crackle and snap even more when a pair of boots stepped in and crushed them.
Joel made easy work of your deadweight frame—your body hanging limply in his grip as he hoisted you up to your feet. Your vision was still as bleary as it had ever been, nose running and stinging and still struggling to take in breaths, but Mr. Miller’s hold was steady. He guided you into the kitchen and straight over to the sink.
Water ran. Wounds stung. A couple more sobs clawed out of your throat while Joel held your hand under the faucet, dabbed a paper towel across your hand to dry it off, then disappeared, momentarily, to retrieve what you assumed would be a first aid kit from the other room.
Instead, Mr. Miller returned with a fifth of Maker’s Mark. You eyed the bottle of whiskey in his hand and grimaced.
“N-Nuh-uh,” you blubbered, emphatic, “No way, man.”
“Uh, yes way, man,” Joel mimicked your voice, nose scrunching for dramatic effect as he elevated the pitch, “Like, you totally need this antiseptic so you don’t die.”
“I don’t s-sound like that!”
“I don’t so-o-und like that!”
Of course your neighbor couldn’t be assed to show an ounce of compassion to another person for more than two minutes. He drew closer with the whiskey. When he grabbed your wrist, you huffed and shook your head.
“That’s gonna hurt. I don’t want it.”
“Oh, cry me a fuckin’ river.”
Though as soon as he’d said it, the man winced a little. Maybe that had been a bit too harsh. You sniffled hard.
“Fuck you, Miller— I-I was doin’ you a favor!” you spat.
Tears and snot becoming the fuel for part of your newfound indignation, you shot Joel a look and scowled. You wrenched your hand out of his grip and made a point to rebuff the bottle of liquor as you moved back, shaking your head again. Mr. Miller stood there and watched you.
“Only time you ever leave this fuckin’ house is when you’re hangin’ out with my dad or your brother, you haven’t got shit else to do around here but mow that fuckass lawn and jerk off— I was tryin’ to help you out! Get you laid like any normal guy would like, but no, no— you’ve gotta go and be the world’s biggest ASSHOLE about it, just like you are with everything else. I’m sorry.”
Deep down, you were and weren’t remorseful at all.
You were sorry you’d gotten caught, ate shit over a side table and got your palm fucked up by a bottle of beer.
You weren’t as sorry that Joel seemed to be regarding you as a joke now—something to tease and poke fun at. Trying to pour his makeshift disinfectant over your cut and force you to obey his orders because you were just too dumb to figure it out yourself, then mock your voice.
Then watch you with tightly knit brows, eyes scanning your face with a skepticism that was almost palpable.
Condescending old fuck.
“What? Ain’t got nothin’ to say to that?” you seethed. Emotions running high—and humiliation momentarily usurped by anger—you stared him down and dared him to speak. You didn’t care what he thought of you now.
If it had been in your interest to care, you probably would’ve looked a little harder at what the man’s body language was communicating to you in the meantime. What his mouth was evidently loath to say, his hands and feet hardly displayed the same reticence: he set the bottle aside and stepped closer to you. He stared back.
It wasn’t until he’d approached near enough, had closed the space between your body and his with barely more than an inch or two to spare, and glowered down at you, face frozen with a frown, that your brain got the hint that he might not be the type to chicken out. Or back down.
He reached behind you and opened a cabinet.
“A favor,” Joel echoed, and you could tell he was trying his hardest not to replicate your intonation as he said it.
He’d just marginally checked his douchebag predilection, was closing the cabinet door beside your head and was starting to rock back on his heels, when a little cylindrical glass swung low in your line of vision. Joel held the tumbler loosely, then lifted it and pointed with his pinky.
“You,” he said, accusing, “fuckin’ suck at those—favors.”
Your stomach clenched at the sight of a slight, impish smile just then starting to frame the sides of his mouth. The featherlight grip he kept fastened on the glass, the ease of his stance, even the jab of that stupid, rough finger, still pointing at you, all bordered on nauseating. You fixed him with a pitiless look as he leaned in again.
And when his knuckles brushed your side, you tried not to flinch. You arrested his gaze without a word and let the smug, sun-tanned, sweet-as-shit-pie son of a bitch have his fill ogling you back and closing in on the bottle.
“What? Having half the tri-county population on Hinge ready to suck you off isn’t really your style?” you jeered.
Joel popped the cap and poured his drink. He shrugged.
“They ain’t you.”
As casual as if he’d just told you the weather forecast for the week ahead, his favorite place to eat, or the mundane specs on a construction project he’d been saddled with for months. Nothing of note. Nothing unknown. Just a routine admission of truth that sent your head reeling.
“You wh— w— well that’s—” you stammered, equal parts astonishment and exasperation as he continued to feed you steady, unrelenting doses of that look: “GROSS!”
You were standing stock-still, forced to watch that blip of a grin morph into a full smirk, slowly. He had to be joking.
“You are…fucked in the head, Miller. That’s not funny.”
Now you were the one pointing. Joel was drinking.
“—and I’d never in a million years even think—”
The side of your palm began to throb. It bled.
Blood was trickling down your wrist, roaring like thunder in your skull as your heart thudded away, impatient.
Impatient, impatient, impleeeeeeeeease fuck me, Joel, PLEASE!
Your libido a filthy, rotten traitor to all the rest of your better sense, you continued to stand there and suffocate on words like something akin to acid reflux in the throat. Your thighs snapped together, your back collapsed with equal force against the rigid set of cabinets behind it, and slowly, almost excruciating this time, you felt the pulse between your legs give way to a bout of warmth.
That cockhungry slut governing your bodily functions was actually getting wet for this asshole, and you were powerless to the effects of her wily, DILF-lusting ways.
“Gross,” you uttered out loud, again, reflexively—face overlaid with a look of horror as the heat began to pool.
And, as though the man had been endowed with the gift of infrared vision, or else just an external thermostat to gauge how hot you’d gotten between your two sweating legs, Joel brightened. His gaze flirted down to that soft, unseasonably tepid spot with a knowing look and then—
“Gross,” he parroted back. The smile behind his eyes said he wasn’t disgusted at all, just teasing some more.
When he pinched your wrist to get back to the business of blotting out blood with a paper towel, he kept that smug look painted across his creased, ancient face.
“‘S’that why ya made a Hinge for me? ‘Cause I’m gross?” Mr. Miller applied pressure to the still-bleeding cut, then directed your other hand to hold the paper towel in place.
You shook your head.
“No,” you started, trying not to wince before he turned. Again, the man ambled out of the kitchen, only to come back momentarily—finally—with a long-awaited bandaid.
“I mean…yeah, you’re a perv, but that’s beside the point.”
Joel exhaled a little harder through his nose. He pressed the underside of your palm again, ensuring the bloodflow had stopped, then swapped the napkin for the bandage. The adhesive might’ve been in place for two seconds before he was retreating again; this time, to the fridge.
“Then what was the point?”
Joel yanked one door open. You glanced over your shoulder to the one that led out to the back porch.
The longer you stayed, the harder it would be to go.
“I don’t know,” you answered honestly.
From where you were standing, you weren’t sure why you’d decided to make Joel the profile in the first place. Your curiosity, for one thing, had been one hell of a persuasive motivator to getting you scrolling on Joel’s behalf, but why did you care one way or another if your neighbor was drowning in pussy or enduring Sahara desert-levels of dick deprivation at his big age? It sure as fuck wasn’t your business to care, and nothing about Joel Miller had ever intrigued you consistently enough to venture an inquiry about his personal life before, so…
Joel was looming overhead again, the force of his presence like a fist through your chest. In an effort to steady your breaths, you turned your gaze away from his.
“I should go.” You couldn’t have dodged his last question more clumsily, or pathetically, if you’d tried, “It’s…late.”
Outside, the midday sun was still high in the sky, and there was nowhere in the world you had to be, Joel knew.
“Okay,” he said at length.
Then he leaned in closer and held something out.
“At least take one for the road, alright?”
And he was smiling, almost kind.
You looked down and—shit.
There it was, clear as day: a creamy piña colada popsicle.
The sneaky, conceited motherfucker had remembered what you’d written in his dating profile. You winced.
You accepted the cocktail popsicle without a word.
‘Thanks’ or ‘You’re a fucking pig, Miller’ likely would’ve sufficed for a farewell on any account, but by then, you were far too shell-shocked—and frankly, incredulous—of everything that had just transpired over the course of the last thirty minutes. You didn’t thank Mr. Miller, nor insult him by likening him to swine or any other thing; you left.
Your feet carried you fast out of his house.
Down the steps of his back porch, across pristine, power-washed concrete, past seemingly endless beds of hibiscus blossoms, marigolds, cape plumbago, and those god-awful periwinkle plants—who the fuck enjoyed gardening in a heatwave, anyway?—you practically sprinted away in a fugue state until the toes of your shoes hit the edge of your lawn, then you stopped.
You’d forgotten your phone.
It felt as though your body were turning in slow motion, and for a second, you seriously considered abandoning the device altogether and begging your dad for another. Then you set your sights on the wide, uninviting exterior of the back of your neighbor’s house, the place you’d just been hauling ass to escape, and almost rolled your eyes.
Joel was leaning back against the frame of his open back door, arms crossed, expression smug as he watched you.
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It was extraordinarily difficult to throw a half-decent punch at a man while wielding a popsicle in your hand.
“Give it back!” you barked.
“Give what back?” Joel grinned, easily side-stepping what struck him as neither a punch nor a slap—in fact, the hit never struck him at all. He laughed as it missed.
“You know what.”
Of course, you’d gone back. Of course, Joel had tried to play dumb and pretend like you’d never left your phone behind at all. And of course, he hadn’t budged until you’d threatened to shove your left foot so far up his ass his dentist would be picking toes out of his teeth for weeks.
‘Violent little thing, ain’t ya?’ Joel had replied, chuckling.
Then, when he’d attempted to brush you aside with a patronizing wave of his hand and an admonition to run on back to daddy and quit buggin’ me, all bets were off. You’d aimed right for center mass and nearly dropped your frozen treat with how hard you’d shoved his chest.
That was how the conversation had started.
That was how the so-called ‘altercation’ had come to be—Joel easily swatting you off and indulging you no further than to chuckle and laugh and taunt you like an older brother who was faced with a sibling half his size—and all the while, your injured hand was throbbing again. White, sticky rivers of melted popsicle now trickled down your wrist instead of blood, and you were just as pissed.
“Listen—” Joel began, catching a fist meant for his face.
“Gimme my fuckin’ phone, Miller!”
“Can go to hell.”
“—owe me.”
“Owe you?!”
You stopped. Your weak, one-handed assault was halted just long enough to peer into Joel’s eyes, and the gaze that met yours was solid. Sincere as you’d ever seen it and blinking slow as the chocolate browns of his irises moved lower over you. Whether they were drinking you in, sizing you up, or merely plotting your demise by calculated turns, you could have been no more certain, or prepared to hear, what came out of his mouth next:
“Wanted to do me a favor, didn’t ya? C’mere.”
And the next thing you knew—or felt—was one thick finger hooking into your belt loops. One swift tug in his direction, another light push toward the old wood railing to your side, and then more fingers crowding in, crawling over, seizing the coarse denim material and pulling hard like the thing was the single most annoying impediment.
“Take these off,” Joel grunted.
You were too stunned to move. Even breathing felt like a chore, every last sense elevated to impossible heights, it wasn’t surprising at all when Joel just went and did it all himself. In a blink, your shorts were yanked down and then dropped to your ankles, your legs guided backward in shuffled steps, and then, nearly tripping in the fabric at your feet, you fell back, ass smacking the flat railing. You winced at the warm, knotty texture of the cedar beneath you and, out of habit, shot the old man a look.
Joel cocked a brow in response, likely already knowing what that glare from you was intended to convey, and instead of giving voice to any words himself, just sank.
Lower and lower and lower, until his knees were the only things holding him upright on the floor before you and his hands were pressing—melting—into your thighs.
Audibly, his kneecaps cracked.
You couldn’t help but giggle.
While Mr. Miller’s mouth moved dangerously close to a place you should’ve been appalled to see him go, all you felt capable of doing in that absurd moment, it seemed, was laugh. You gripped the thick white column beside you, scooted back slightly until you were in a comfier seated position, then snagged your lower lip between your teeth to contain the sound, but it was of no use.
Joel was both drooling and scowling between your legs.
“That funny, huh?” he managed in a low, ragged breath, “Sound’a some crackin’ joints on a man as old as me?”
“Yeah,” you said. Smug, for once.
Admittedly, any other normal person in your position would’ve been concerned with about a million different, more pressing issues—namely, your neighbor and dad’s best friend sticking his face between your legs—but really, after all the frivolity, commotion, and fucking insane behavior the two of you that day, it was like your brain had logged off and left the body to its own devices.
You didn’t mind that for right now.
When Joel’s tongue grazed the space between the cusp of your panties and inner thigh, you really didn’t mind.
Fuck it. If this was the favor he’d wanted after all, so be it.
As if reconsidering the foray of his mouth for the time being, Joel tilted back a little: just far enough to get his hands on your underwear and start tearing those down your hips too. One short, hot puff of air from his lips was a bliss unto itself, and your knees instinctively kicked up. With the thin white fabric barely halfway down one calf, you hooked your ankle over Joel’s shoulder and cursed.
“My daddy’s gonna kill you for this, Mr. Miller.”
And, for what felt like the thousandth time, Joel smiled.
Bigger this time, as if to show he didn’t really care at all what the man next door was liable to say or do about his present endeavor as long as he got to stay. You let him.
He pressed a kiss to your slick, puffy lips and hummed.
“Fine by me.”
Without another word the tip of the man’s tongue glided up the length of your slit and curled in, drawing your arousal between his lips in a hungry sort of kiss, and then sank even deeper. Going nose-deep in just one go, the old man looked positively obscene burying his face so far inside; his features alone a cruel, unseemly sort of fixture between legs as smooth and supple and warm as yours—how did a man so many years your senior get to be so lucky?—and somewhere further, in the darkest recesses of your mind, the sight sparked desire. A hunger, really.
Seeing that silver, stubbled chin getting drenched in your wetness, the weathered lines of his face growing even deeper with each new movement of his tongue, the strain in his neck with muscles that were firm and taut and so visibly aged with decades and decades of life—
You adored it.
A man Joel’s age never looked more out of place and still somehow perfectly fit for the space between your thighs.
You lowered the hand that was cradling your popsicle, braced your weight against the railing with the other, and then pressed on either side of his skull with your legs, quiet moans tumbling one after the next off your tongue.
“‘S’all for me?” Joel breathed, licking and suckling kisses along your clit, “This sweet, needy pussy’s all mine?”
“All yours.”
You scarcely recognized the sound of your own voice. Your legs were shaking. Though you loved to see him make you come undone, piece-by-piece, you also couldn’t bring yourself to stare a second longer, stimulation too great and his tongue too good.
If he kept going at a rate like this, you’d have no choice but to cum, and you didn’t want to be done just yet. Or ever. You refocused your gaze to look down and tell him as much, when your mouth fell open around a gasp, rather than words, and the weight in your hand fell away.
Swiftly, Joel took the popsicle in his own grasp and slid it down to the vicinity of his lips and tongue, now grinning.
The thing was half-melted by now, having sufficiently soaked half your forearm and leaving a vague, sugary aroma in its wake, but it was still intact. Still unlicked—unlike you—and still perfectly cool and light and long. The off-white hue was almost taunting in the way it winked and caught rays of the sunlight shining behind you, and as the man slid it even lower, you jumped back.
“Joel,” you hissed.
“What?” he hummed.
“That’s not—” You blinked, swallowing a moan.
“Not what?”
One warm, callused hand pressed the tip of the frozen thing to your bundle of nerves—the first contact it had had since Joel’s tongue—and you let out a low whine.
Even after all that time in the sun, the popsicle seared your soft, wet, aching parts with a biting cold you’d never thought possible. It sent waves of a strange, trembling pleasure coursing through your lower half and left your head with no choice but to moan. And fist Joel’s hair in a vice-like grip when he angled the wooden stick lower.
Suddenly, the white, sticky head slipped from your clit to the rim of your yet-untouched entrance, and that made your muscles leap to attention once again. You cursed.
“Not what, honey?” Joel pressed, with affection—and as he did, sank the tip of the popsicle deeper inside you.
“Th— that’s not—” You were shaking your head, racking your brain for any trace of the English language and failing miserably, “Not…doesn’t…g-go there, fuck.”
Joel sank the pretty, dribbling popsicle another inch inside your pussy and sucked a whistle through his teeth. If your senses weren’t as raw and utterly shot as they were, you likely would’ve seen the expression on his face transform from one of pleasure and amusement to awe, eyes darkening at the sight of your hole opening wider.
“That’s it, baby, take it,” he cooed, voice low.
Another couple soft utterances of ‘Joel,’ and your legs only parted wider. Free to grip his hair, the railing, the column beside you, or just the insides of your own palm as the icy sensation sank inwards and into your body, you whimpered. Your hips, instinctively, bucked toward the source, and you heard Joel’s groan join your sounds.
He withdrew his new toy just far enough to make you mewl for him again, then drove it deeper. With the friction of that, a stream of white went trickling out.
Joel couldn’t help himself; he flattened his tongue against the stream and licked you clean from the spot where he’d split you open to the cusp of your clit. He circled that place over and over, worked the object in his hand even further inside and back out again, then, getting a taste of your arousal with the white, wet, sticky-sweet juices starting to mix together, he moaned.
It was a guttural sound, something just shy of the ‘feral’ demarcation but at least ten steps ahead of desperate. You relished the gruff, throaty sound reverberating from his lips to your cunt, the way your walls fluttered around it and for him, and were just about to throw your head back and grind your hips even harder when it stopped.
Joel stopped. He started to get up.
Quickly for him, but slow as molasses from your point of view, the man straightened from his place on the hard wooden floor and expelled a breath. His chest heaved, and his torso twisted to one side, momentarily, to get the strain out of his back as best he could. From where you sat, the spattering of grey in his beard seemed to glisten even brighter with the sheen of your arousal now sticking in it. He wiped his chin and reached in between your legs.
“Got any favors left in ya, sweet pea?” he smirked.
Fortunately for you, it didn’t sound like a question at all, and didn’t appear to be intended that way, as the next second had Joel pulling the largely-spent popsicle out of your slick and straight into your mouth. He didn’t inquire whether he could push it down on your tongue and make you taste your own cunt on the thin wooden stick, but the smile on your lips assured him that was fine by you.
Nor did he ask for your permission to flip you around, bend you over his porch railing, and take your hips in his hands. You were still sucking down the last traces of sugar and citrus and a vaguely tangy taste when you felt the head of something else prod your soft, wet folds.
Much bigger—and warmer—than the thing that had breached you before, Joel nudged at your hole with the tip of his cock, coated the head of it in light, gentle circles, and sucked in a breath. He didn’t have to ask, and you didn’t need to answer; he just parted your walls with the force of one steadying thrust, and the pulse of that sharp, dizzying pleasure was back in an instant.
Shared this time, and manifesting in sounds from you and Joel alike: you gritting the stick between your teeth and managing muffled cries of his name and whatever expletives you could scream, Joel with ragged breaths.
For a man who ostensibly hadn’t fucked since the Clinton administration, he was off to a pretty good start.
Joel gripped your hip even tighter and started to saw his cock in and out of your dripping, pliant hole, his other fist finding purchase in your hair for more leverage. His thrusts were shallow enough at first to get you used to the new stretch, and you could feel him making space in a way no man’s girth ever had before. You couldn’t see his face, but you imagined it had come to settle into a mix of guilt, rigid composure, and pussydrunk pleasure.
“Good girl,” Joel murmured behind you. Then, groaning, “Good fuckin’ girl, keep squeezin’ my cock just like that.”
You felt a slap on the ass and the speed of his thrusts pick up in turn. Your mouth fell open in a moan, and the stick on your tongue almost slipped out of place when, shortly, Joel leaned over your body and pulled you back. He snagged the popsicle stick between his teeth just in time to get your back flush with his front—in perfect position to get fucked against the nearest column.
Breaths coming out in short, ragged grunts in your ear, Joel teased the side of your face with the stick, then nudged it back in your mouth. You sucked it softly.
“One more favor, baby?” he panted against your cheek.
You nodded, not knowing what it was but that you wanted to be the one giving it. Joel pulsed inside you.
With every stab of his cock, every string of your wet, messy, combined arousals making the most profane noises imaginable between your body and his, you were squeezing him tighter and teetering on release. Joel’s hand snaked down between your legs, and just as the head of his cock nudged against that spot, you keened.
“Any favor?” Joel groaned and nipped at your earlobe.
The heft of his stomach and chest made for a warm, sturdy place to start rocking your hips, greying peach fuzz at the base of his belly a small comfort as you writhed against his body and whined that you’d do anything, anything he wanted, as long as he let you cum.
Joel’s middle finger found your clit, and you nearly screamed at the welt of pleasure coming to a head. Again, the popsicle stick tumbled out, but neither one of you could be bothered to try and keep it in this time.
The man behind you didn’t even attempt to conceal his grin as he leaned closer, hugging your body to his while he circled your clit and fucked you harder, lips straying every now and then to press a kiss on your shoulder. He plunged his cock deeper and was met with a squeezing, leaking mess trickling down his length and onto his balls, growing louder with each new wet slap against your ass. The old man was a tease, but he couldn’t hold on forever.
“Wanna fill you up,” Joel groaned.
“Cum inside?” you murmured.
You were barely able to tilt your chin to him, but when you did, he held it—made you look him in the eyes and, for once, give your unequivocal permission to do it then.
And you did.
You were startled to find Joel’s lips crashing against yours in the next second, mouth overwhelmed with the remains of your own taste, his tongue, and a series of relentless, hammering thrusts. It was only a matter of moments, then, before your resolve gave way and his followed suit, and the waves of pleasure between you both manifested in ropes of sticky, hot cum painting your walls. Joel held you closer, as though needing to feel his seed as he fucked you through it, groaning when he felt it start to move with each sharp, stuttered thrust.
You panted in his mouth coming down. You kissed him back. You almost couldn’t believe the sensation between your legs, soon to come dripping out and undoubtedly bound to make a mess all over the floor of Joel’s porch.
Equally unbelievable was the fact that you’d just fucked your neighbor in broad daylight, outside, with Marlene’s house directly to your left and your own on the right.
You stared out at the sprawling expanse in front of you—Joel’s impeccably kempt yard, one of the reasons why you were standing where you were just then—and, as you’d found yourself before, you felt the urge to laugh.
Not on account of Joel’s old, ailing knees, this time.
Clearly, the man still trying to catch his breath behind you suspected that that might’ve been the case, though, because you felt him shift his weight and grunt, lightly.
“What’s so funny? My knees crack when I cum, too?”
You could feel the smallest of scowls start to take shape, muted momentarily with kisses that he pressed on your cheek, and others, still more teasing, down your neck.
You let him, unfazed and still giggling. Then pointing.
It seemed Joel was loath to detach his lips from your neck—or his cock from the place he’d just stuffed full—but when you lifted your finger to indicate a direction toward the side of his backyard, his senses perked up.
There, along the white picket fence between his yard and Marlene’s, was the furry, merciless, lawn-destroying labradoodle that had been plaguing Joel’s life for years.
The man was out of you in an instant. He yanked his jeans up even quicker, tucking his dick back, clumsily, into its place in a fit of rage, then cupping his hands:
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dilftaroooo · 6 months
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Being perverted strikes naturally within Gojo, so when the idea of being a step brother comes to mind during sex he can’t help but act upon the roleplay. You think he’s gross for it, but his questionable passion for it keeps you engaged (oddly enough).
☆word count: 6.3k+
★tags/tw(18+): dark content + stepc*st roleplay + foot f*tish + toe sucking (f!recieving) + dubcon (because reader is unsure at first) + reader is college-aged/gojo is 28 + squirting + age gap + vanilla sex + pubic hairs + scent kink + implied ass eating + hesitancy + reader is afab using she/her pronouns + mentioned latex kink + use of 'satoru-nii' + established relationship + gojo is a lil' mean + and sassy + lots of kissing + nipple play + creampie + getting caught having s*x + exploring kinks + praise kink + pet names + skull fucking + gag reflex + snot + we're talkin' 'big beefy whore with black compression shirt' gojo here + reader is a bit inexperienced + questions of certain kinks.
☆a/n: hey alexa, play 'poundtown by sexyy red' ayyye come suck a bitch's toooes. enjoy y'all, this shit nasty af.
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You’re not a kink shamer.
You understand the sexual thrills of getting off to something that turns one on to the point of fulfilled ecstasy–weighted breaths and skin coated with a sheen of sweat from the unorthodox fantasies that provoke the human mind and manipulate the human body, keeping them bound to the shackles of pleasure as their perversion engulfs them whole. It feels beautiful–ethereal, dare you say, and you get that. Who wouldn’t want to feel blissfully satisfied just by mere thought alone? 
Now, exclusive of the deranged fetishes involving children, scat, or whatever fucked up shit out there that's befitting for a lowlife, you would say that you're a pretty open-minded individual. Always tolerating the naughty anecdotes told by your friends’ concerning their past hookups, distinctively remembering the giggles you all shared when reciting one of the stories from a particular friend that had them clad in a latex suit, lips decorated with ruby red, and three-inched heels coming into contact with the cheek of their previous partner as they squirmed in shameless arousal.
‘It was pathetic to see, but I’d be a liar if I said it didn’t get me going…’ And that mutuality between both parties is what makes it even more fun. They both get a kick out of something they enjoyed, so what’s to hate about it?
You’re not a kink shamer–not at all.
You and your boyfriend of a year and four months, Satoru Gojo, always carried the qualities of a couple depicted in unrealistic romance movies: the nuzzle of the nose that tickled your cheek before delving in for a peck, the surprise hugs he’d startle you with as you prepared an early morning breakfast, as well as the intertwined fingers while you both make your way to his favorite bakery (his kisses are even more sugared after scarfing down the kikufuku he’d order no more than a minute ago).
You always felt like the princess to his prince, stumbling over your gown to keep up with his hurried footsteps as you both venture through the gracious evergreen of a mythical forest. You have no time to remove the pastel violet and pink petals slotting themselves in your locks since your hand remains occupied with Satoru’s, moving exquisitely to the melodic song of the nightingales. It was a dream from a childhood storybook.
Moreover, what was revealed in public was, undoubtedly, the same in the comfort of your bedroom, living at your university’s on-campus apartment that you shared with two indifferent roommates. He would frequently stop by after work to spoil you with his affection. Always asking how your day was and whether or not you finished your assignments.
He was a tad bit older than you–twenty-eight and going, but you didn’t mind the age gap, it gives you all the more reason to tease him for his ‘old’ age, to which he responds with a pout and furrowed eyebrows, ‘Oh, how mean! Who would’ve ever thought that my darling angel could be such a devil…?!’ He’d say with faux anguish. He knows you’re only playing around–such the jokester.
Though, he couldn’t say the same for you in bed. Protected by the warmth of your sheets, you relished at how accustomed your body and soul were to his heartfelt transactions, vanilla-flavored sex, so sweet and tasteful on your tongue as he kissed you with want. Tongues twirling a sensual dance as your lips combine in rhythmic harmony. You also loved it when he coos in your ear, reminding you of how you’re so good to him before wrapping his lips around puffy areolas in a way that makes you writhe.
He’s so gentle with you. Handling a fine china cabinet with the utmost care, he makes sure he touches you in ways that wouldn’t break your fragile body. And when your nude skin presses against his as a result of his thrusts to your core, he reminds himself to get you moaning in his ear and get your hands gripping against the muscular curvature of his back.
It feels good. It always feels good. So, why does a part of you feel…bored?
The love is there, you won’t question that. When you come, you feel as though you’re one with the stars. And above all, he praises you. It’s nothing new, but in this context, you like to be his ‘pretty girl’ whenever the tip of his nose pushes against your wet clit. So, why do you feel like something is missing? You don’t know.
You haven’t been in many relationships. The last one you remember was in high school, dating a boy who only loved you out of teenage fever, and you shamefully admit that you reciprocated his confession. You were both young and unknowing of what the aspects of ‘love’ really meant. You never went past the boundary of hand-holding and cheek-kissing, so it remained stagnant until the moment you both broke up.
None of it was mutual, however. You can recall how distraught you were as you bawled in your mother’s arms, asking her what you did wrong while she soothed you with maternal pets to the crown of your head. That being said, it’s safe to say that you really don’t know what’s missing from you and your boyfriend’s intercourse–like, really.
But, thankfully, Satoru makes up for what you lack, telling you not to fret since he knows a lot and letting you know how much he’s been wanting to get to this point of intimacy with you–wanting to whisk his girlfriend away from the comfort zone that you’ve grown so attached to.
Satoru is without exception, enthusiastic to portray more during times of intercourse, yearning to teach you more than just the fluffy, domestic sex you both indulge in. It’s lovely and all, bleh bleh, whatever, Satoru gets it, but, man, what he wouldn’t do to see you on your knees, between his sinewy thighs parted for your form as he hovers above you, your head tilted upwards to take in his thick shaft through wet lips.
He’d make sure his red, throbbing tip hits the back of your throat so he can hear that sickening gag scurry out your mouth paired with the sloppy froth of your saliva slapping against his heavy balls with each quick thrust. He’d be too occupied to find the snot dribbling from your nose revolting because you’d be taking him in so deep.
That’s forever been his little fantasy–that amongst the vast amount of others. And to try each and every one of them with you would be a delight.
After you confessed to Satoru, you couldn’t help but notice how peculiar his ministrations started to get. It was gradual–starting with spanks on your ass to eating said ass. You’ll even bring up the time he used your feet to get off. It caught you off guard, you’d admit.
That day he had you pliable–on your knees with the left apple of your cheek flushed in the pillow beneath you and arms resting idly on your sides as you allowed your enthralled boyfriend to take the lead.
You assumed he was just gonna spit on your already-soaked pussy before massaging your puffy clit in the teasing, clockwise motions he likes to test you with, cock oozing with leakage before languidly gliding upwards to push in-between your cunt lips, but what you didn’t assume he’d do was trace his slimy precum against the soft skin of your toes to then rub his tip across your soles.
You tried to retract your feet away from him (toes wiggling in the process which had them accidentally graze across his balls. You could’ve sworn you heard him hiss) and protest his weird behavior but Satoru was already three steps ahead, firmly gripping both feet and nearly squishing them together if it wasn’t for the thick base of his cock preventing them from touching.
Each thrust he made ached with raw fervor and fuck him from being incapable of suppressing his passion because he couldn’t help but look down and see your cute pussy pucker and asshole twitch. What a sight for sore, cerulean eyes. Just as sore as your ass after he slapped it with an ever-so-firm hand, silently thanking his calluses for the rough impact.
He found it adorable how your shimmering entrance craved for insertion, winking rhythmically at him as though it’s saying, ‘Please fill me up, ‘toru! ‘M so lonely without you…’ (he chuckles to himself at the personification when done in a high-pitched tone).
But your pussy always gets his attention. You have another hole too, ya’ know–one that sits right above it, unused and virginal. Just imagine his excitement as he leans forward, cock still buried at the innermost part of your feet, to take a closer look. He’d smile at your coyness when you felt his hot breath blow on your skin, unsure of his next move.
In this new position, he can trace the faint smell of sweat emerging from you, and God, does that turn him on. More than it already does. So of course he had to steal a taste, trailing a fat strip of saliva against the rim, you squeal at the warm and wet feel of his tongue touching a place it had never been before,
“S-Satoru…what the fuck!” You jolted before moving from your position, migrating to any spot as long as it's far from your lover. You’ll never forget the sleazy look on Satoru’s face as both corners of his rosy lips tilt upwards for a cocky grin–yuck.
It grossed you the fuck out.
Not in a way that antagonizes your boyfriend, you love him too dearly to feel as such, but in a way that questions his morals. Why on earth would someone like Satoru want to be minimized to using the bottom of your soles for pleasure or savor the briny taste of sweat that builds up around the tight ring of your ass? I-I mean, you excrete from there, for God’s sake! That’s gross, especially in a place where the sun doesn’t shine.
You understand that he likes doing it, but why? How could something so perverse and dirty get him hard so quickly? Where’s his shame? His humiliation? His guilt? Were they not present whenever he sneaks a lick at your toes?
Perhaps you are trying to understand–who wouldn’t want to indulge in their lover’s feet, to caress the tough surface of their heels, and lead up their toes, to draw soft lines against them with plush lips as their medium before dipping them inside the wet cavern of their mouth and sucking the small digits before swirling their tongue and–ugh!–no! No, no, no, that’s sick! How can one do such a thing with ease? You can’t possibly imagine that.
But you’re not a kink shamer…right?
Your question remains unanswered, though, as you’re interrupted by Satoru’s moistened kisses trailing down the curve of your neck. You must’ve been in your daze for quite some time considering that the camisole top and loose shorts you lounge in took their positions on your bedroom floor. 
“Come back to me, baby.” You hear your boyfriend murmur and you deliberately oblige by running your digits through the white sea of his mane, wild and free as your fingers feather against his roots. He hums with love before leaving a kiss that's sloppier than the previous one. It starts with your usual routine, with soft and tenderhearted sex.
He pecks at your clavicle and you whimper in return as silvery lashes tickle the most sensitive areas of your skin. The passionate atmosphere continues to flow within the four walls of your room–containing your moans and your kisses and your touches, reverberating them in your heated figures while filling you both with distinct pleasure. It was good so far.
“Have any ideas in mind for tonight, sweetheart?” His voice is muffled as he joyfully sucks at the skin between the valley of your breasts, teeth clasping over the hot flesh to induce a mark darker than what your skin tone provides. You hold onto the fabric of his black shirt, soundlessly wondering why he is still garbed in unbreathable polyester while you remain bare save from your panties.
Lolling your head to the side in thought, you dwell on his question. Should you have something in mind? This isn’t the same as getting asked where to eat for dinner, per se. And owning to your inexperience with sex and fetishes, you’re incapable of bringing anything to the table in this sense.
You open your jaw, mouth filled with saliva due to the raunchy actions performed by your boyfriend onto your supple body, ready to speak your retort as you lick your chapped lips in preparation, but, Satoru knows you better than you know yourself.
“Yeah, I know you don’t,” It’s like he was born to study you. Your eyes travel to his person again, orbs resting upon Satoru’s scalp as you wait for him to finish. “Nothing in that gorgeous head of yours. It’s okay, though. I don’t blame you. I know an amateur like you wouldn’t have anything planned.” 
As might be expected, your brow raises at his comments slightly glazed with a patronizing drip, it’s gotten your attention, all right, as you turn your head to glare down at him. He’s sucking on your nipples this time and you forge a jerk but don’t falter, perked up by this newfound attitude from your loving partner.
“Oh?” You start and it carries the same uppity weight as his tone. “And I suppose you have it all figured out?”
He nods right after gazing up at you with arctic globes saturated with a heavy rush of sincerity and you can already feel the dreamy sigh materializing in your throat but never emerging. Satoru immediately sniffed out the indignance behind your words like a trained bloodhound. He rises from his spot upon your heaving chest to travel his way to the swoll of your chin, apologizing with a quaint kiss. 
“I do,” His smile is affectionate. “You know I always do, sunshine.” You gasp once something hard nudges against your squishy thighs before poking the outermost part of your panties.
“-Always think of something for that little cunt.” It isn’t long before it's cast to the side for clear access to your glimmering slit, doused in slick because your boyfriend had a remarkable way of handling you. He didn’t miss the embarrassed mewl of his name when he used filthy words.
He also didn’t miss the pull of air you took in as his thick finger swept up your bodily remnants, coating the fingertips of his middle and ring finger. You voluntarily buck your feeble hips in desire for him to push through your entrance but you know he wasn’t going to give it to you that easily. “You know, it gets me going when we do stuff like this when others aren’t around–when we do something so forbidden.” 
“Forbidden…?” Each syllable muddles your tongue as you ponder on its meaning: something that typically isn’t allowed or accepted–you’re not unaware, it’s a simple word, but is that the word he meant to say? “Why would it be forbidden? You’re my boyfriend, are you not?” Unless there’s something you’re unknowing of.
Perhaps he has a wife that he kept hidden in the shadows of his past. What if one wife turned into several wives? Maybe he’s a bloodthirsty murderer, ready to indulge in his next killing after getting you to trust his charming blue eyes and pink-liped smile. You don’t exactly know what the forbidden aspect of it all that he’s keeping from telling you-
You hear him ‘tsk’ and you assume it was meant to be taken seriously but it seems covered in mockery.
“Hah, Boyfriend? Have you no shame?” And he chuckles deep and grimy. “Don’t act like don’t know, dear.” You honestly don’t. “What would our parents think if they saw you, my sweet, little sister, grinding her greedy pussy against her older brother’s fingers?”
Oh God.
Gritting your teeth for an evident cringe, you hurriedly toss your head to the side to break eye contact (how did he even manage to hold it for that long despite what he just said?!). There’s no way he’s doing this. Out of all kinks…
“For the love- Satoru. Stop, that’s fucking-” A sharp whine halts your sentence, stressed to the point of exaggeration. You don’t bother looking back up at him, already imagining his brows creasing with complaint at your disgusted remark.
“Ehh, what happened to ‘Satoru-nii’?” You almost would’ve forgotten the fingers sketching light circles on your sensitive button, going in for a pinch before tapping it aimlessly due to its slippery surface.
You clench your thighs together but Satoru’s heaping form prevents you from doing so. He’s a big mass of muscle reminiscent of a bull–broad shoulders along with thickened veins peeking through tough skin in the forms of streams, carrying the pulsing blood flow of adrenaline and transporting through each significant section of the body to energize his raging carnality.
“Are my fingers dwindling your vocabulary already? I just started using this pussy, sugar plum.”
A part of you wanted to believe he was joking–trolling like he usually does on literally every occasion. He knows how acquiescent you were in situations like these. So easily obedient to follow his golden rule when clinging to his hip, taking full advantage of your attributes to get you to do the perverted shit that spoiled his brain to corruption.
Of course, there’d be times when you’d retaliate, shouting out a brief ‘no’ before leaving the conversation unfinished, but it’s okay because he can butter you up to your good side. Use his words and his hands to do the convincing. Satoru has attributes of his own too.
But gazing into his eyes and seeing how aquatic blue dissolves into crimson red, only driven by lust, tells you he’s serious.
You look off to the side once more because staring at your nightstand is more soothing than staring at your deviant boyfriend. Out of all kinks, why this one?
“I don’t,” You close your eyes in an attempt to rid yourself free from his piercing glare. “I have no clue what you’re talking about.” You weren’t about to do this. You weren’t about to play into his wicked fantasies of being a relative of any sort. That doesn’t sound appealing at all.
“Don’t be like that, babe.” He mutters softly as if other people were in the room, prying with open ears to catch whatever dialogue is being transmitted between the two of you. A fingertip taunts at your sloppy entrance, just barely shoving past its tight grip. Sexual anticipation surged through your core at his ministration (his giggles at your hopelessness didn’t help you any). “You won’t know unless you try. Come on, do it for me?”
He’s too cute to refuse when your peripherals pick up his bottom lip raising upwards for a pout and feather-like lashes fluttering over glossy, blue orbs. Practically, begging you to follow through with this look alone–if only he wasn’t so handsome and used his charm against you in every way possible. God damn it-
“You’re sick, you know that?”
“Then you’re my antidote.”
You exhale in defeat since you unfortunately realize there’s no way out of this. Satoru’s too adamant to get you to play along with him, it’s insane. Turning your head to fully face him, which feels like the one-millionth time you’ve done so, you look him in the eye before aiming at the button of his nose, upturned and perky. Mentally getting ready to produce the God-forsaken words you are about to utter.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” You start and the way Satoru’s face lights up like a kid on Christmas irks you. 
You still feel mortification swirl in your skull like second nature. Your cheeks feel hot and it hurts–were you really about to do this?
Satoru was still teasing you to no end. Teasing that doubtlessly wet pussy with expertise. He was killing you by not giving you what you craved, only remaining on the surface as he waited for your verdict. Just one more push, one more shove and you’ll get there.
“And why is that?” He inquires.
Your bottom lip quivers with hesitation before an erotic groan escapes you. He’s so close to putting them inside. “Because you’re-” You pause to wait for a sliver of courage to finish your sentence. You’re not sure if you can-
“...I’m?” He continues.
You both catch on to the shaky breaths you’re letting out, two separate bodies feeling two separate emotions, one agitated and the other electrified.
“You’re my,” You tense but Satoru loosens. “-my b-brother.” He’s the Cheshire cat as of now. You wail once two fingers invade your thirsty hole, entering with a mushy squelch.
“And what is it that we’re doing, huh? What is it that we’re doing that would be so revolting to the public eye, hm? Tell me.” Can he stop pushing you already, for crying out loud?
“You fingering my, my,”
“You got it, keep going.”
“...fingering my p-pussy.”
Satoru cherishes your hesitance and rewards you, his obedient puppy. 
Digits curl upwards in search of that sensitive g-spot resting amongst your gushy insides. If applied enough pleasure, he’d be able to see how your back arches off your cotton sheets. Your mouth opens for a silent scream as the force of his fingers supports the buildup of liquid passion, pounding the area in addition to his palm rubbing your stiff clit the deeper he goes.
“There you go, my sweet girl, my gorgeous, little sister.” He fingers you harder and sucks at your erect nipples–when did they get so hard? As a matter of fact, when did your body feel so hot and needy? As though you’re deprived of something. 
Your boyfriend sucks at your tit before biting the small nub, grazing his teeth along sensitive skin for a chomp, causing your hands to fly to his head and grip the fur of his undercut, all while wincing in pain. He retracts his head with your nipple still in his mouth, giving it a stern tug like an elastic rubber band. You would have cursed him out if it wasn’t for the fingers still beating at your nether regions.
“Ah, S-Satoru!” He bites harder and you remember his request from earlier. “Satoru-nii.”
As if you hear a winner's buzzer, he hums in approval and releases before gorging his lips around the other one, gently guzzling it this time, skillfully whirling his wet appendage around the nub in combination with hungry sucks. He unloosens with an obnoxious, wet pop!
“M’so glad your mom married my dad. If it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t be able to take care of my little sister’s pussy like how I’m doing now. Wouldn’t that be so sad?!” He inquires gleefully. “I’d be so miserable–jerking myself off to meaningless porn when I could be stuffing my big dick deep inside your aching cunt. Hearing you moan out how much you love your older brother for making you squirt your sticky juices all over me. You even got your hairs trimmed in the way you know I love.”
The sound of fabric grinding against fabric fills your ears as he maneuvers his head to reach down to your pelvis, stuffing his nose on top of the shortened pubes, his mouth hangs dangerously over your clitoris.
He takes in a deep breath like he’s smelling the fresh air of healthy trees and freshly cut grass, basking in your heady scent while feeling his cock go rigid in the plush of your mattress. 
Too aroused to feel embarrassed, you buck your hips so you can finally get his mouth on your itching button and he finally compels, switching between sucking in your clitoral hood and tonguing your labia. Satoru moves his fingers faster in hopes of provoking your climax. He knows your proximity by noting the way your thighs tremble and toes spread across your sheets.
You finally get to the stage you’ve been craving since the beginning of this session. Releasing your fluids onto your awaiting boyfriend, the grip at the nape of his neck more powerful than before, you squeal a brief ‘Satoru-nii!’ as he proceeds to lap at your overstimulated pussy. He’s now sparkling with your juices. Satoru sits up on his knees after wrapping his buff arm around the width of your shoulders to hoist you up and get you closer to his thighs, your figure remains seated as you process what he wants you to do–he wants you to suck him off.
So you lean your sweat-stained face over his clothed member and unwrap it like a Christmas present you’d save for last because it's so big. His cock springs up rudely and smacks at his now naked abdomen (when did he take off his shirt?) with a loud clap. His abs are so detailed and his pecks puff out in pride while he looks down on you, like his little servant.
He controls the length of his cock with a stern hand and traces ivory white lipstick over the plump of your mouth, a hazy web of precum connecting to your upper lip.
“Wrap those beautiful lips over my cock, darling angel. You know it makes me happy to see you stuffed full with my dick, no matter the hole.” He cheeses when he hears a quick scoff come out of you.
You listen anyhow, swallowing the tip of your big brother’s rod, hallowing your cheeks like a skeleton to circling your tongue around its rosy circumference. You feel your remaining cum dribble onto your bed when you hear him make a guttural moan from above. Clenching his ass cheeks as fingers place themselves on top of your head like an armrest, laying idly as of now.
“Oh shit, baby, yeah, just like that. Keep sucking me off juuust like that.” He bucks his hips impatiently once you decide to devour him up to the mid-base, continuing the actions of sucking in your cheeks to tighten around his cock. “Fuck!” He mewls before chuckling humorlessly.
He stares down and you look up. Your eyelids roll back til they’re just below your brow ridge to catch sight of azure undertones. You were just about to wonder why he was tittering until pressure made its way to both sides of your head. When his pearly white smirk twinkled under dim lighting, that's when you knew-
“Hmphh,” The noise was pitiful when subdued by the heavy weight of Satoru’s cock.
“Hold still, pretty girl.” He coos before pushing his hips back and applying the same manner to your head as he controlled you effortlessly and then thrusting forward and forcing your head to do the same. His balls slap on impact with your chin when he buries himself deep into the hot cavern of your throat, you have your nostrils planted on the silvery wisps of his pubes, reeking of potent masculinity. He leaves you in that position, powerless as he ignores the smacks to his meaty thighs.
“Hold it,” He warns. His voice is pitched below the Earth’s surface. “Gotta teach you how to please big bro properly.” You fight hard as his tip keeps irritating the thing that hangs at the back of your throat, trying to oppose your body from naturally activating your gag reflex but it ends up being fruitless. Your throat convulses as it bulges with his cock print and you cough out an ugly sound. Your vision blurs once you feel your eyes start to water up. You want him to move back already!
“Good.” It’s like he heard your thoughts because he finally retracts from his perfect spot lodged in your gullet. His swollen tip tickles the surface of your lips as you gasp several breaths of air. Just what was he thinking? You could’ve puked!
“What the hell was- mmph!” Halted by another intrusion of his cock burying itself in the pits of your throat, you muffle out a sound of surprise. You couldn’t believe it.
Satoru starts, “Less talking from you, sunshine. I wanna hear you slobber on my dick. Think you can do that for me?” He quickens up the pace of his thrust, going at the speed of someone walking. You gag disgustingly at each thrust and you can feel snot starting to leisurely slip from your nose (just what he wanted to see).
“That’s a messy girl, my messy sister. Got you, hah, so worked up you even got snot dripping from your nose and your spit running down my balls. Oh, you don’t know how much I longed for this.” He resumes his praises and tips back his head for a howl, feeling himself approaching his end as he hears you glurg, glurg, glurg on his veiny member.
“Oh shit, shiiit…!” Suddenly, you’re abruptly pushed off of him, freeing your esophagus from the restraint. Your back lands on the bed with a thud, your landing protected by your doughy comforter. Satoru stands motionless as he recovers from edging himself to oblivion. Biting his lip, his cock twitches up and down before it gradually remains unmoving.
You don’t even remember it happening, but you’re already restricted underneath Satoru’s panting body, thighs folded backward for a mating press, squeezing your squishy tits together, and feet perched on top of his shoulders. He takes his infamous spot between your legs, his overworked hands, decorated in calluses and scars, cuff around the underside of your knees.
He gifts you a heated kiss on your lips. “‘Toru-nii-” You say while struggling to keep up with his tongue. He breaks away from you and the string of saliva snaps into two.
“I hear you, baby, want me inside you already, I know, hear you loud ‘n’ clear.” His tip finds your entrance and it's sopping wet tenfold. He’s never seen you so needy in his life. He pushes in slowly and smoothly. Relishing your moans as he delves within you inch by inch, his thick cock stretching you out deliciously. You squirm in lascivious desire each time he enters you.
“I know, sugar, I know…” He soothes you upon hearing your sobs go up an octave. His head rests at the empty spot next to your neck and his hair tickles the crevice. “Almost there.”
As soon as he sinks deep in your warm cunt, he pecks your cheek with a softness that resembles duck feathers in a pillow before plummeting into you. A pornographic squelch resounds through your room.
“Hnn, T-Toru-nii is, so deep, ah, in my pussy!” You yelp. He’s so glad you’re still following his gross footsteps. So dazed by his cock hitting every ridge nestled within you.
“Yes, that’s right, little sis. And you’re gonna be a good girl and take it for me, right?”
You give a nod, “Yes, I will. I always will. Just f-for you.”
“Mmm, that’s right. That’s what I like to hear.” 
He inclines his torso backward, finding his attention on the feet placed at each side of his shoulders, more specifically, the one to his left as he grabs your ankle with ease, stroking the bone and putting your pedicured toe between wanting lips, your french tips hitting the roof of his mouth while lapping at your salty skin.
His pelvis hammers into you at a steady rate in combination with the gushes emerging from both sexes, it's so damn loud, you’re quite sure your Resident Assistant will come banging at your door frantically, telling you to lower it down because of the noise complaints that lead to your room.
You giggle, not just at the thought but at how much it tickles to feel Satoru’s tongue swirl around each toe.
“Satoru, that tickles.” You quip and the aforementioned man stares at you with knowing lids, purposely tasting your soles which have you trying to take your foot away, but the position you’re in makes it impossible.  
You feel as though hours go by as your older brother pushes on with fucking you silly and having a makeout session with your foot. His v-line collides with your poor pussy on every steady beat and you can’t help but let your earlier accusations fall from your mind like slippery soap.
The revulsion, the distaste, the discomfort–all of which were confined in a silk-woven case, trapped and compacted hitherto its evolution of approval. Although tentativeness plagues its cycle, the result remains beauteous as a cherry red butterfly protrudes through the rotten surface of the cocoon. The successful escapee finally swarms the sky with a setting sun.
It feels good. You feel good. Your pussy feels good as your step brother pounds it with intent–with purpose. You wiggle like a fearful worm ready to be eaten once the need to release creeps up slowly.
“My little sister always manages to feel so good. This pussy is just gripping me so fucking tightly and-” He stops abruptly and so do your moans as you hear your front door creak open.
The sound of jiggling keys and the chaotic trembling of plastic bags alert both your ears as you hear the door slam shut accompanied by a relieved sigh. You glance at the digital clock on your nightstand–‘10:35 PM’. One of your roommates is back from work. Coming home to rest easy from their enervating shift, she wants nothing more than to take a scalding hot shower, laze in her bed, and listen to nothing but silence as she drifts off to sleep.
But before those temptations come into play, she first wants to check up on you to see if you’re still in your room. Walking up sluggishly to your door, she raises a hand to prepare a few knocks while you and Satoru both stare wide-eyed at the shadow that occupies the crevice beneath your bedroom door–still like Michelangelo's statues.
“Hey, (Name), you in there?” The pause is long as you look up to Satoru and see his gaping mouth transform into a smirk before turning your attention to the door.
“Uh, yeah, I’m here. What’s up?” You ask, slightly hoping that your answer will satisfy her queries on your safety before retreating to her room.
“After work, I took a quick trip to the store for some wings and frozen pizza if you’d like some. Even got honey-barbeque-” You smile at her gentle antics. She remembered your favorite flavor.
“Oh, thanks, I really appreciate th-oh!” You’re stopped once Satoru resumes pounding your sloppy pussy. You cover your mouth in an attempt to conceal your yap but a strong hand grabs both wrists to cuff them above your head.
“Keep talkin', sis. Can’t leave mom pondering, now can we?” He whispered with precaution. That devious little-
“H-Hey? Are you okay?” The squishy slaps of both Satoru’s precum and your wet fluids compose a cacophonic symphony. Shit, if he keeps going, you’ll- 
“Yeah, m-mhm. I-I’m, fuuuck, fine.” Satoru grins maniacally above you his hot breath pasts your cheek and into your ear. The tip of his cock abuses your cervix as he compacts you tightly under giant muscle, arms littered with bulging purple and blue veins as he keeps you steady. His pubes tickle your clit whenever his hips kissed yours. Both breaths were getting heavy.
“Are you sure, you sound…sick.” Her words were laced with worry as she stood there, unmoving. “Do you need for me to come in?”
Satoru finds her naivety hilarious but decides it's time to break the barrier. He does so by raising his hips to an exaggerated extent before hammering back into you, the sound much louder than before as clapping fills the atmosphere. He guarantees your roommate will pick it up. Which she does.
“Wait, are you-” She gasps when she hears your sobbing moans echo in her ears. “Oh my God.” You’re too fucked stupid to give a reply when she blurts out an embarrassed ‘sorry!’ before taking hurried footsteps away from your door.
“Guess we scared her off, huh?” Knowing damn well he was the one who only made the effort to let your roommate know you were being pounded to oblivion. “Think she’s gonna tell everyone about this? Tell everyone how her son and daughter ruin the family name because we were caught fucking each other in your room?” He’s quick to pick up in your roleplay.
“Hnngh, I don’t know, ‘Toru.”
“I’m quite sure she will. What do you say, sweet girl, how about we both give a real reason to soil the family name and let me come in this pussy?” His thrusts start to stutter with each filthy word–cream drips from your cunt and down to the tight rim of your ass. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you groan quietly.
“Answer me now, sweetheart, or Satoru-nii is gonna-”
“Yes, Satoru, fuck. Please come inside me, please, ‘don’t care about anyone in this family but you! Come inside me, Satoru-nii!”
With that being said, he fulfills your wish by giving you one, big thrust and stilling his cock deep in his little sister’s pussy to pump his hot seed in increments. Whimpering loudly as he does so. His face contorts in the cutest grimace that you wish you could smooch. You heavily breathe in unison until he pulls out of you (fingering his remaining cum back into your fluttering hole).
He kisses your cheek, then your forehead, and lastly your lips before saying, “You did so well for me.”
And it’s after this session that have you thinking–‘perhaps you do get it’.
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emberfrostlovesloki · 3 months
Sated [Hotch x Reader]
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Photo credits: Left (@hotchbabygirl) Center (@psykopaths) Right (@aiirene)
Prompt: Aaron and the reader continue to have to postpone being intimate with each other, and when the jet breaks down stopping Aaron from being with the reader one more time, he takes matters into his own hands to get what they both desperately want. 
Pairing: [established relationship] Aaron x non!BAU!reader. The reader uses she/her pronouns
Category: fluff/comfort/smut
Word Count: 8K
A/N: Content warning after the cut. Hi loves! First off, this story is 18+, minors DNI. Please respect this boundary. Content warning after the cut. I have had the idea for this fic for ages, and it’s finally here. Sorry for my lack of writing/posting. I’m trying hard to stop procrastinating at my real job, which takes away from my writing time which I love. I might consider this pwp if you squint, but let me know what you think. If you enjoy this fic, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! I hope you’re having a great start to your weekend and thanks for reading. Love Levi - ❤️
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Content Warnings: Sex [Hotch and reader], shared masturbation, phone/video sex, use of sex toys [reader], hand job [Hotch] mutual pining, Aaron and the reader are horny, mention of poisoning and death [brief and case related], fear-mongering about the border, mention of drugs, mention of alcohol and food. Please let me know if I missed any. 
List with all stories 
y/n = your name 
_y/f/d_= your favorite dinner 
_y/f/s/s_ = your favorite scented soap
Aaron had been itching to get back to y/n for ages now. It had been issue after issue that had kept them intimately apart for weeks. The jet breaking down had been the last straw as he moved back toward his room in the hotel for yet another night without the warm and calming presence of his partner's body and pussy close to him. This desire to be sated had been building up for some time. Hotch wasn’t always so needy, but it had been a long road here. It had started with their last date when Aaron had come over, and they’d agreed to take a long walk and look at the fancy houses two blocks from y/n’s modest apartment. The contrast in wealth was often astounding to y/n, who every now and then complained about rents being raised every year without a change to her salary. And even though she could run her mouth about that kind of thing, she said it less and less often now that she was dating Aaron. He’d helped make her apartment much more livable by fixing the leaky faucet and putting up removable wallpaper that she could take down once she inevitably moved in with him. That was a conversation still to come, but something they were both thinking of. Aaron had done a host of other things for her around her one-bedroom unit as well while she watched him dreamily. y/n adored him in a plain t-shirt or even better, one of his faded academy shirts or hoodies from his law school days that barely held together anymore. Often after he was sweaty from a project, y/n would offer him some cold water and lead him to bed, where she’d have the pleasure of peeling off his clothes. They’d make quick work of making passionate love after they had both stripped bare, sometimes going two rounds.
But as often as they could be found in the sheets or the shower, or wherever the couple might find to have sex, they were also good at reading each other’s energy levels and not pushing for intimacy if one or both of them was not feeling up to it. Aaron realized pretty quickly in his relationship with y/n that she enjoyed him just as much relaxing on his chest on the sofa while he played with her hair as she did while he was pinning her to the bed and making her moan out his name so all of her neighbors could hear them. This was perfect for both of them because it gave them quality time to relax together and get to know each other outside the confines of sex and that side of exploration of the other. Hotch was a good bit older than y/n, and he worried that he wouldn’t be able to perform for her as much as he wanted or y/n expected. But as it turned out, they fit each other perfectly both in and outside of the bedroom. There had been no sex on their last date, as they both were exhausted, but they’d talked about the future and what they hoped to achieve this year personally and in their shared life. 
Then a case had pulled Aaron away from y/n and it overlapped with Valentine's Day. He’d planned a nice dinner and to wine and dine y/n before they came back for some alone time while Jack was with a sitter for the evening. That didn’t end up happening, and y/n called the restaurant to cancel. Hotch had only had the chance to get about a twenty-minute call to y/n to tell her that he loved her before he got word that another victim had been found by Emily. By the time he’d gotten home from that case which dealt with heartache and murder, Aaron was too tired to do much else but collapse into y/n’s arms when he got to her place. She helped him to the bed, out of his oxfords, and then his tie and pants. Aaron smiled up at her and said in a quiet voice, “Sweetheart, don’t bother folding that stuff. I’ll get it dry cleaned on the weekend. I just want you in my arms, baby.” y/n turned to him and ran a hand down his jawline and dropped his clothes on the floor. y/n moved to turn off the lights in the entryway, bathroom, and bedroom before dropping into bed next to Aaron who had snuggled under the covers. Hotch pulled her close to his chest and buried his face in her neck and shoulder blades. y/n opened her legs enough for Aaron to slide one of his legs between hers. The warmth of her thighs around his leg grounded him, and y/n took his hand in hers and placed it on her side while asking, “Bad case, Aaron?” Hotch mumbled into the crook of her neck and replied, “Yeah.” y/n squeezed his larger hand. She wanted to be cognizant of his triggers, of the things that might make him relive things again either from his past or prior cases, but y/n also wanted to let him know that there was always an open channel of communication between them. So, y/n inquired broadly, “Kids?” Hotch nodded again and replied in a low voice, “Um-hm. Just two kids. Cousins. That was enough.” 
Aaron rarely expanded on case details. One because it would break security protocols and two, and more importantly to him, he wanted to save y/n from the horrors of what he saw on the field.  Sometimes, however, he painted her a vague picture of the team's exploits on their crazier cases without giving her any details on the unsub or the victims. Not that y/n was looking for the unsub or victims. However, she cared about Aaron and wanted to make sure he was okay physically and mentally. Dating an FBI agent did make reading the newspaper on the weekends more suspenseful. y/n would read a headline and look at Hotch and he’d come around to see what it was she was looking at and reassure her that he wouldn’t be involved in that, or that she shouldn’t be concerned. y/n’s mind snapped back to Aaron as his hand left hers and wrapped around her waist. y/n didn’t mind days like these when they were snuggled close and she let Aaron physically relax by her presence. Within a few minutes and y/n saying soft words and gentle brushes of her hand, Hotch fell asleep with y/n following shortly after. 
This had all been fine and both y/n and Aaron were happy, but their anniversary was coming up and Hotch had planned another night for them to make up for missing Valentine’s. This time he had planned on making dinner for them both and then he had a vision in his mind of what would come after. He flushed at the very idea of what he had in mind. y/n was so excited about what he’d told her to expect. Something about a bottle of her favorite red wine, _y/f/d_, and some dancing in the living room with his beige couch and table pushed out of the way while their playlist was in the background. Then there was the comment that had taken y/n’s breath away when he’d whispered in her ear, “And let me add, that I’m just grateful you're on birth control too. We might need it after our night is finished.” y/n had been so flustered that Aaron took the opportunity to peck her mouth and pull back, saying, “Penny for your thought sweetheart.” y/n pulled out of her reverie and smiled slyly saying, “hmm. You’ll have to pay me a whole lot more than that for me to share. But, if you’re patient, and you wait till our anniversary, I’d be more than happy to show you.” Hotch flushed and was itching for that day to come sooner. He’d make a move now, but it was his weekend with Jack, and he wanted to spend some quality time with his son. He and y/n would spend that Saturday taking Jack to the rollercade where his son and y/n always managed to lap him and he somehow always ended up on his ass. It was going to be a fun day no matter how many times he fell. 
That weekend came and went and Aaron didn’t anticipate seeing y/n again until that weekend on their anniversary because both of their weeks looked busier than usual. The anticipation only made Friday night more and more enticing. Hotch limped into the office and made it almost to his door when Rossi came out of his office and noticed Aaron’s odd gait. Dave couldn’t help but joke. “You and y/n try something new this weekend?” Hotch rolled his eyes in a way he only did when Rossi ribbed him. Aaron replied, “Unfortunately not unless you could falling while roller skating counts as something new.” He paused for a second and continued, “It’s actually been a minute since we’ve done… that.” Dave raised an eyebrow and asked, “Problems?” Hotch answered, “Far from. We’re just both busy and tired recently.” Aaron didn’t add on how he likes to be fully present and energized when he and y/n have sex. But to him, his stamina was essential so he could bring y/n to climax multiple times and in as many ways as they wanted. Aaron flushed again at the thought and said, “Now, any more questions about our personal life, Dave?” Rossi scoffed, and replied, “Nope. Grilling over. Someone has to check in on you.” Hotch rolled his eyes once more and unlocked his door to get out of Rossi’s mirthful gaze. Secretly Aaron was happy Rossi looked after him, and his sex life. It wasn’t exactly an easy topic for him to discuss with anyone apart from y/n, but it was nice to know that Rossi was invested in all parts of his life. The team was invested too, annoyingly sometimes. They all adored y/n, and she loved them too, but sometimes he caught them whispering and looking in his direction when y/n was around. He wasn’t so insecure to think that they were making fun of him, but y/n was younger than him and it could end up being a topic of conversation that he chose to ignore most days. 
The day started as normal in the office but ended in one of the most frustrating cases he’d seen in years and yet another reason why he couldn’t get to y/n and satisfy their needs. When JJ dropped the case off on his desk he thought it would be a short affair. Murders in a small Texas border town normally meant that it was drug-related and the jurisdiction went back to Mexico or it was a local or personal dispute that could be easily figured out in a town of three thousand people. It turned out to be the latter, a wife wanted to divorce her husband, but the poison intended for him accidentally ended up at the family reunion killing seven people. As easy a case at it turned out to be for the BAU, as soon as the team arrived the town was swamped. The police of Procedio Texas wanted all the credit for cracking the case, but one of the victims was from Big Bend, so the Big Bend Police force sent two units to try and solve the case as well. Along with this and the constant media blast about the tension at the Southern border of the United States, State Troopers and Border agents had come as well hoping to push the narrative of fear about those immigrating and people allegedly flooding the country with cocaine. 
It was a case of too many cooks in the kitchen. The precinct didn’t have enough space or resources for all of the people there, and the team was bombarded with fifty different angles and agendas upon arrival. It was annoying as if those trying to swing them in a certain direction did ‘t know full well that the BAU had to be fully unbiased as they worked. There were lots of wild leads and bad reporting and mostly it was hot. Hot and crowded. Something about the elevation and the Texas sun made sweat drip down Aaron's neck and back under his white shirt and suit in an uncomfortable way. It had been Derek who had finally cracked the wife who ended up telling Morgan and Emily that it had all been an accident. Everyone but the BAU seemed disappointed. The team was just happy they would finally be able to go home. No one could be more excited than Aaron. If the jet left in less than five hours, he’d be able to make it to the highly awaited anniversary dinner and his plans after. The thought had him a bit flustered as they finished up at the hotel and moved toward the small airstrip where the jet was being prepped. 
It wasn’t until everyone was on the plane that the pilot stated after five minutes on the ground, “Hey everyone. I’m sorry but we’re going to have to disembark. There’s something wrong with the electrical system that’s just popped up and I’ll need to get it checked out before we’re cleared to fly. This made everyone groan,  and Aaron ran a frustrated hand through his hair. Everyone got out but Hotch who moved to the cockpit and checked in with the pilot asking how long he approximated the fix would take. He asked for the team and himself. The man shrugged and said, “Depending on what’s wrong it could be an hour or it could be overnight. I’ll keep you updated Agent Hotchner. Sorry about the delay.” Aaron nodded and moved off the jet and onto the blistering tarmac. He knew it wasn’t the pilot's fault; he was just annoyed. Rossi had waited for him while the rest of the team went to get more vans to drive them back to the motel. Dave raised an eyebrow at him and Aaron replied to the unspoken question in a clipped tone, “He’s not sure. I have a feeling it’s going to be a while.” Rossi nodded and asked, “You sounded bummed about it.” Aaron rolled his eyes and replied, “You’re not? Tonight y/n and I had plans for our anniversary. I miss her.” Rossi got the implication and gave Hotch a pat on the shoulder as they moved toward the cars that were rolling toward them. Before they got in, Dave said, “Well, maybe it’s time to think outside the box.” 
The team ended up having to get another night at the motel and after everyone had settled and put their bags back in their rooms, most of the BAU made plans to get dinner at one of the restaurants in town. Emily asked Aaron if he wanted to join them, but he politely told her no, that he needed to call y/n and let her know that he wasn’t coming home tonight. Prentiss saw the disappointed look on his face and said, “Well, I’ll pick you up something to-go and keep it in my fridge. You can come and knock on my door when you want it.” Aaron gave her a smile and pat on the shoulder, appreciative of how she looked out for him. Once everyone was gone, Aaron picked up his cell and called y/n. His mind wandered to what he wanted to be doing to y/n right now or had planned for later that night, and he couldn’t help but let out a small groan at his image of her spread out on his bed, legs apart and shaking for him as he licked her cunt and clit over and over again until her first orgasm had her thighs wrapped tightly around his face pulling him closer to her core. He’d let her rest for a moment before prying her legs open again as y/n was still panting. He’d tease her entrance before sliding his cock deep inside her to have another go and get off himself for the first time. The very thought had his member twitching in his black slacks. Aaron couldn’t hold back the thoughts anymore. He’d waited for what felt like so long to satisfy y/n and himself, but her pleasure always came above his own. The tightness in his crotch told him how badly he needed y/n, and Rossi’s words rang in his ears turning them, and the rest of his face red. 
Hotch had an idea flash in his head as he waited for y/n to pick up. He wondered if he could even do it. He and Haley had been traditional, this idea would never fly with her. But y/n, either to due her age or just plain confidence was more adventurous than Haley had been. They tried new things in and out of the bedroom and Aaron wondered, for a moment, if she might agree to his wild idea. With the state of his cock pressing against his fly, he was going to need to do something to relieve the pressure, and if he couldn’t be there with her tonight in person, maybe there was another way for them to get off. Just as he was building up the idea, y/n picked up. 
y/n picked up her phone from the side table as she was fixing up Aaron’s place for when he got home. She had bought Aaron a bottle of his favorite scotch for him to sip on after dinner and before the real fun would begin. y/n was tidying up Hotch’s room and just moving to clean the kitchen so it gleamed when her phone beeped to life. y/n wasn’t expecting a Facetime call from Aaron. Normally after a case, he would give her a quick call on the way to the tarmac or on the jet where the reception was choppy at best. So already, y/n suspected something was up with that. She quickly swiped the answer on the call and smiled as Aaron’s beautiful face filled the screen. “Hey sweetheart,” he said in a voice that was a bit deeper than y/n expected. She noticed that he wasn’t in the jet and that he looked flustered. His eyes seemed deeper than normal. y/n smiled at him and replied, “Hi love. Did something go wrong? Is everyone on the team okay? Are you okay?” Hotch let out a huff and ran a hand through the hair on the back of his head. He said, “Well, everyone’s okay, But… well the jet isn’t. I think it’s going to be down for the night.” Aaron watched as y/n’s face fell and his heart clenched in his chest. He tried to not let the frustration get to him. Life happened, just at unfortunate times.  y/n swallowed back her disappointment as she realized that Aaron wasn’t coming home tonight. “Oh,” y/n let out, adding, “Well that’s frustrating, but your gift got delayed by FedEx so I guess it’s a blessing in disguise?” Aaron knew y/n was trying to keep a good attitude, and he appreciated that she tried to see the silver lining in things. He nodded and said, “Well… I had a few things planned that I thought you might like tonight too, and well… Maybe we could still do them in a way. Over the phone?” 
y/n tilted her head. The way he was talking was the way he talked right before they had sex. Even though he was excellent in bed, he always got a little shy. y/n was slightly shocked that Aaron would come up with such an idea, but it wasn’t unappealing, in fact, y/n’s core clenched in the way it always did when they started kissing and heading to the bedroom. However, they’d never had phone sex before, and y/n wasn’t sure if or how it would work between them. y/n also didn’t want to read into the situation too much in case this wasn’t what he was implying. If it wasn’t, y/n would be mortified. So to ensure she wasn’t wrong, y/n said coyly, “What exactly are you insinuating, Aaron.” 
Hotch’s face turning red told y/n that she was right, but she wasn’t going to let him off the hook. Instead, she smiled at him reassuringly as he said, “Well, I was thinking.” Aaron took a breath and continued with more confidence, “I was thinking that because I won’t be there tonight, we could come together, like if we were with each other, just on the phone?” y/n’s eyes glistened and Hotch’s flustered face made him so attractive. y/n nodded and replied, “Okay Aaron, we can try. I, I um, I’ve never tried that before, but I’d like to since we can’t be together. Just” y/n’s words faltered. She realized that she was now as shy as Aaron. y/n was going to say not for him to make fun of her, but he never would. Not in any scenario would he put her through that. That fact made y/n more confident, and she said, “Never mind about that last bit. So, how are we going to make this work? We both need our hands for what we’re talking about.”  
Aaron paused. The idea had come so quickly to him and he wasn’t sure what came next exactly. His brain kicked in and he said with a sheepish smile, “How about I send you a Zoom link from my account? That way we can see and hear each other better and we’ll have our hands too.” He watched as the idea flirted through y/n’s mind. He could tell that she was a little hesitant to try this, and he said, “y/n, we don’t have to do this. I understand if you want to wait for me to be there. I just miss you in that way. I miss being with you.” y/n softly smiled at his reassurance and said, “I miss you too, Aaron. Happy anniversary by the way. I kind of forgot when you said you couldn’t come home. And, I want to try this with you. Could you give me a few minutes to just take a quick shower and get in bed? You can send the link and I’ll open it when I’m ready?” Aaron nodded, happy to know that they were going to try for something and that y/n wanted this like he did. It also comforted him that y/n needed a few moments to get ready and composed. Hotch wasn’t feeling that composed either as he nodded, told y/n that she could take all the time she needed and that he’d send her the link in a minute or two. 
When Hotch hung up he took a long breath. He was surprised at himself for getting the idea out there and rather proud of himself too. That wasn’t a guarantee for what would come after they started, but it was a start. Aaron’s cock twitched in his pants again and he knew he’d need to calm down for a moment of risk coming all over his neither regions with just a few strokes of his hand if he heard y/n making the sounds he adored so much when they were together. His body was more pent-up and ready for release than he had realized. Aaron quickly pulled out his laptop and flipped to Google and his saved tabs. He kept Zoom pinned to the homepage because he often used it to talk to Jack when cases ran long and Jack needed a few minutes with his dad. Aaron always obliged his son when he could with this. He never wanted his absences to feel like a full departure for Jack and this was the easiest way for both of them if it was a longer talk. But what Hotch had planned here was nothing wholesome. Aaron tapped his fingers quickly and hashly across his keys and he brought up a new meeting and just titled it y/n. He sent her the link and access code and moved off of the bed. He knew that if y/n was just taking a quick shower and getting into something more comfortable, she’d only be about twenty or twenty-five minutes, so he took time to kick off his pants and get into a blue sweatshirt. He moved to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face and neck to cool him down slightly. He then moved back to the room pulled a cold water bottle from the fridge and took a few big sips. He was feeling warm already. Aaron turned to look at the image of himself reflected in the mirror on the wall across the bed. He realized that if he was facing forward on the bed he’d see himself and that didn’t seem that appealing to him. Yes, he and y/n might have liked to show off in bed, but the idea of doing that here in the hotel room with just him inside seemed narcissistic to him, so he pulled a towel from the bathroom and placed it over most of the mirror. He also decided to face away from the mirror just in case he could still see some part of himself reflected. The mirror did give him an idea for when he got back home to y/n and that sent another jolt through Aaron’s member and he stifled a groan. 
y/n was did take a quick shower to just relax for what was coming and to feel a bit more confident before it started. She washed over her body with _y/f/s/s_ under the warm, steady spray of the shower head. When she got out, she spritzed on a body spray that she knew Aaron liked. y/n had bought new lingerie for the evening in hopes of making Aaron, well Aaron and it was a style that she thought would drive him crazy. For a second she considered saving them, but why not wear them now Hotch still had eyes, and he’d see them fine on Zoom. They were sheer were her pussy was already getting wet and there was lace on the sides that matched her skin tone perfectly. There was also an accompanying bra to match with similar sheer panels for her breasts and lace on the band that wrapped around her back. y/n hoped this wasn’t too much. However, she didn’t want to just pop up on camera nude, as she highly doubted Aaron would do so. He was too much a gentleman for that. y/n lit a candle on the side table, threw away the match, and turned on the lamps in the room for a more atmospheric environment that would keep her calm and let her body unwind to be able to do what she wanted to do. Finally, y/n pulled out her laptop and opened her email. The Zoom link was waiting for her and with a last hint of hesitation, she clicked “join meeting.” 
Aaron was sitting on the bed with just the lamps on when y/n joined. His boxes were still on and he had pushed the laptop screen up so it was mostly his head, upper chest, and torso that filled the frame. When y/n’s camera turned on and he saw that she was wearing a new set of _y/f/c_ brazier and panties, his jaw slightly dropped, and his brain momentarily went blank. Suddenly his T-shirt felt incorrect for the occasion. He cleared his throat and said, “Oh my God, y/n. You look too hot in that. Did you get those just for me? Are they new?” From the screen, y/n smiled and tried to say something but her mic was muted. Aaron shifted forward and said, “Sweetheart, you're on mute darling.” When y/n recognized what Hotch had said, she rolled her eyes and moved forward on the bed so that she turned on her mic. This gave Aaron a much closer look at her beautiful tits, and he wasn’t mad about that one bit. There was a hint of embarrassment as y/n audibly said, “Oh lord, it’s all going South already. Why is forgetting to turn on your mic the most embarrassing thing ever?” Hotch chuckled and said, “Sweetie, there are a lot more embarrassing things than that. Now, would you let me get a look at what you have on. It looks fantastic on you.” y/n flushed and moved farther back from the computer at the head of the bed. She sat on her thighs with her knees open slightly enough apart for Aaron to get the whole package. y/n placed her arms behind her back which pushed out her chest a bit more for him as well. She could see his eye flash dangerously and his tongue slipped between his parted lips and wet them in a flash. Without saying anything, she shifted her weight up and turned to the side so he could see the details on the side and her profile lit by the lamp behind her. 
When y/n was back in a more natural position on the bed, Aaron said, “y/n, do you have any idea how badly I want to strip those things off of you right now?” y/n smiled and replied, “What, these old things?” while stroking a hand over her chest and down to her center. Hotch let out a hot breath and said, “You’re being a tease tonight, aren’t you, y/n.” y/ replied, “Only as much as you. You still have your shirt on and I haven’t seen very much of you, love.” Aaron nodded and took the hem of his shirt stripped it off and threw it to the floor He also sat up a bit so y/n could see the large bulge in his underwear clearly in need of attention. y/n let out a little whimper at the sight and she wasn’t sure if the sound carried enough for Aaron to hear. y/n realized she’d have to be a little more vocal to make sure Aaron got all of her pleasure and moans of his name. Aaron swallowed back a little grunt. Her vocalization was barely audible, but it turned him on massively. He moved a hand to his groin and stroked over his underwear. His hips jerked a bit with the movement and he moaned slightly. 
Aaron’s dark eyes looked at y/n as he said, “If I were there I’d slip my hands up your body and rest them on your breasts and massage them until your nipples got hard and begged to be played with. Instinctually y/n moved her hands up to her chest and did as he said even though her nipples had already become hard with his statement. The small bumps and hard center moved under her hand. They were sensitive and y/n let out a little moan when she pinched them with her fingers. Hotch kept moving his hand slowly up and down his clothed length as he said, “You sound so pretty like that, y/n. Keep playing with them for me love. You know how I adore your breasts.” It wasn’t long before y/n’s fingers slipped under her bra and she started tweaking her nipples the way Aaron liked to. All teasing fingers until his warm mouth got involved. The idea made her moan and her panties which were already wet, wetter. As hot as the idea was, her hands weren’t as skilled as Aaron’s large ones. Although Hotch had stamina and strength, he was always gentle with the foreplay. Helping y/n ease into whatever they had planned or innovated for the night. y/n knew she was being rougher than he was, but couldn’t find the right touch. After a few more moments of this, y/n slipped her hand under the right and then left straps of the bra and let it slide down her chest. Hotch took a deep breath like it was the first time ever seeing her like this. y/n had a way of memorizing him with her body that no one else had before. y/n undid the clasp at the back of the garment and tossed it aside. 
Aaron cleared his throat and asked, “Are you wet sweetheart?” y/n whimpered as her fingers traced down her center line past the waistband and into her warm folds slick with anticipation. Aaron stopped his palm where it was midway up his dick as precum beaded at the top of his cock. y/n took in a sharp breath as y/n’s fingers traced her clit up and down from her entrance to her sensitive bundle of nerves. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she could hear Aaron groan her name. When y/n opened her eyes which were still half-lidded, she saw Aaron had pushed his briefs down his groin and they bunched around his hips and under his balls. His pubic hair was dark, and y/n wished she could push her mouth down this dribbling cock to the root. To feel him throb inside her throat as he guided her head up and down his length as he pleased. y/n couldn’t take waiting much longer and she knew her hand wasn’t going to be enough anymore. Not after she’d had Aaron for as long as she had. y/n pulled her hand out of her panties and Hotch asked, “Hmmm. What do you taste like, baby? Since I can’t be there to try you myself. 
y/n pulled her dripping fingers from her pussy to her mouth and sucked them clean while Aaron watched, and his hand and hips started moving again. y/n pulled her fingers from her mouth and said, “It’s salty. Like your cum but different. Ugh. Babe, I’m going to get a toy if you don’t mind.” Aaron’s hips halted mid-way through moving up from the bed, and he replied, “Darling, do whatever you need to do sweetheart. I don’t mind if you use a toy at all.” y/n was a bit flustered. They’d talked about sex toys and getting off while they were both away before. Neither Hotch nor y/n often felt like getting off without the other, but sometimes the wait was long and instinct played out. Hotch had asked y/n if she used toys before him and bashfully y/n had nodded her head, though she admitted it was nothing compared to him pushing deep inside her until she could barely take any more of his length. He pulled out and pushed in again and again tantalizingly slow as he picked up to a furious pace; pushing her into the mattress with his strength and weight. Hotch had only once passed by her small basket of toys on a high shelf as he changed a lightbulb she could reach in her closet. He didn’t spend much time looking at her things, it didn’t bother him that she had them; he was fully aware that it took women a lot more effort than it did him imagining y/n undressed and seated over his cock while in the shower. But now that Aaron was going to get a chance to see y/n move with her own pleasure in mind, he was more interested to see how she acted and what she liked. 
After a moment and some shifting from the closet, y/n returned with a vibrator. y/n set back down on the bed. She knew she was going to have to go wash the sheets after this, but it didn’t matter. They’d be fresh when Aaron came back at least. y/n felt a small pang that he wasn’t here in person right now but pushed it aside to focus on the fact that he was still there just on a screen. Hotch watched as y/n settled on her back and tipped the laptop so he could see her face a bit of her lower body, but getting the angle right seemed difficult for Aaron to see all of her. y/n turned on the wand pressed the head to her still hard nipples and let the vibrations course through her sensitive skin. y/n let out another moan before turning to Aaron and asking, “How are you doing baby? Are you feeling good?” Hotch nodded, absolutely absorbed by y/n’s every movement. He was working almost on autopilot now, but the feeling of precum on his left hand as he moved it up and down reminded him that he needed to pace himself. He cleared his throat and replied, “Good y/n. I feel so good watching you like that. Why don’t you take it slow y/n. You don’t need to rush. Do what feels good for you.” y/n nodded and a wistful smile played on her face as she saw the need in Aaron’s eyes and the way the tip of his dick was red and needy. 
y/n pushed the head of her vibrator between her fold and slid it up her clit. The vibrations sent a jolt through her and Aaron watched as her face changed to one of concentration and pleasure as her body twitched. y/n increased her moans and she moved more to try and find the right spot to orgasm. y/n clicked up the intensity on her toy and looked as Aaron started moving his hand faster. y/n took a few minutes to run her toy up and down her pussy as her juices dripped onto the sheets. y/n was getting tired of getting close to the edge and losing it. Aaron watched with sympathy as her face focused on her task. He knew if he was there, he could help her get over the edge with his mouth, hands, and cock. He grunted slightly as he almost spilled over the edge. y/n pulled her toy off her body and slumped back on the bed. It felt good, and y/n had come in the past with the toy, but somehow having Aaron watching her seemed to affect her. y/n caught her breath and said, “Aaron, I don’t know if I can do it right now.” She sat up and Hotch’s eyes moved over her body that he could tell was tense for release. Hotch stopped touching himself again and said, “Sweetheart, would you try once more? What if I told you what I would do if I was there? Do you have a dildo baby? You can pretend I’m right there with you.” 
y/n considered this for a moment and said, “Okay, I’ll try, but you must be so close. You look like it, Aaron. Do you want to get off first? I don’t mind.” Hotch chuckled and said, “It’s okay, y/n. Once I touch myself again I’ll come, but I can wait a moment. I might not be able to hold it until you climax, but I want you to have that rush that I can give you.” y/n nodded and got off the bed again. She pulled out her favorite dildo, which she never expected to be used in front of Aaron, and moved back to the bed. y/n felt for a moment like hiding it behind her back, but he didn’t. Aaron looked at y/n’s choice. The new toy was flesh-colored and not as wide as he was. For some reason, this gave him a small surge of pride which he realized was very silly. Nevertheless, he smiled. y/n got back on the bed and Hotch said, “Darling, why don’t you put the computer at the foot of the bed? Then you won’t have to worry about how you look or if I’m watching. You can relax and it will just be my voice here with you.” y/n quirker her head and asked, “You don’t mind that?” Aaron gave her that little toothy grin that y/n loved and she felt fully relaxed and confident again. y/n was going to give herself a hard time that this wasn’t easy and she kept feeling self-conscious, but she reminded herself that this was the first time either of them had done this and it was highly sensitive and just based on that, they were both doing well. y/n took a breath, set the toy down, and repositioned the laptop at the other end of the bed. 
y/n lay back down with an exhilaration of breath and tried to let all of the stress go. Aaron could see her body relax and he replied, “That’s good, sweetheart. You look so pretty with your legs open like that and your pussy so swollen from teasing yourself.” Hotch swallowed before continuing, “y/n, are you ready to start with the toy or do you need some time.” y/n shyly replied, “I’m ready, Aaron.” Hotch smiled and said, “Good girl. Now just picture me there and run the head of your dildo up and down to get it nice and wet.” y/n did as he said and touched the tip to her cunt and moved it up and down. It wasn’t the same as Aaron, but picturing him doing this to her made her say his name aloud and Hotch said, “Yes. that’s it. Just say my name baby.” Aaron made y/n stroke herself a few more times before saying, “Now y/n, just put the tip in for me. I know you’re sensitive, but just push in a little and pull out for me.” He watched as y/n did as he said, his view was beautiful to see between her legs like this and watched y/n’s folds open as she slid the toy inside herself slowly. Aaron bit down on his lip to stop the loud groan from escaping his lips. Hotch told y/n “Now run it back over your clit again y/n, and when you feel ready put it back in as deep as you like. If it was me I’d slide myself deep into you.” Without thinking y/n slid the dildo back to her opening and pushed it all the way in herself. There was a small sting as the toy opened her up, but it felt so good pushing her walls open. 
Aaron started pumping himself again and he knew he was going to cum as y/n started pushing the toy in and out of herself at a steady pace. Aaron matched his hand to her rhythm and said, “Ugh, y/n you’re so hot like this. Just pleasing yourself like that.” The pair worked in tandem for a minute and Hotch couldn’t hold back anymore. “I’m going to finish y/n. Ugh. Hmmm. I…I love you so much. You’re so… good for me.” Aaron moaned as his hand reached his tip again and his cum spilled out the top and over his hand in warm, sticky waves. His hips stuttered and his breathing hitched as he let go. Aaron’s sounds of release had y/n pushing her dildo faster and deeper inside of her. Hotch took a few moments to compose himself and wipe his hand over his thigh. y/n’s noises and the sound of her toy dipping deep in her wetness were louder. Hotch could tell she was engrossed and her body was nearly ready for her. He didn’t want to break her flow, but he decided to say, “y/n, slip your free hand to your clit and circle it until you can’t take it anymore baby.” y/n’s hand slipped between her folds and as soon as the tips of her middle and pointer fingers hit her bundle of nerves her legs started shaking and she let out a breathy, “Aaron.” Hotch nodded and replied in a low voice, “That’s it. Just keep touching yourself. It will just be a moment darling. Pretend my fingers are circling your clit and I’m pressing into you so deep.” Aaron’s words were all it took for y/n to press her slick fingers onto her clit and push the dildo into the base which hit her spot. y/n let out a loud, “Fuck. Agh Fuck Aaron.” Hotch watched her body, covered in a sweat writhe with bliss as her legs closed and pulled the dildo deeper inside her. 
Waves of heat poured over y/n again and again like she was drowning for a moment. After the feelings subsided she relaxed back onto the bed which was slightly wet from her sweat. The cool feeling, though slightly gross did cool her body and mind down. She pulled out her toy and set them on the bed sheets which she would wash in a few minutes. y/n rolled onto her stomach so she could see Aaron’s flushed cheeks and wild eyes after he came down from his orgasm. She smiled at his blissed-out expression. y/n was sure she looked the same with her hair messed up and her stray ends everywhere. She cleared her throat and said, “Well that was something.” Hotch chuckled and said, “It sure was. Are you feeling okay. Was it alright for you?” y/n loved the attention that Aaron gave to her aftercare if not physically then always emotionally checking in. Sometimes when they got absorbed at the moment they went all in losing control of the other and he always checked in with her afterward. Of course, it would be no different over the computer. y/n nodded and said, “It was good. Thank you for suggesting this. It made me realize just how much I miss having you here. I’m excited for the real thing. So I hope you’re ready when you walk in that door whenever you come back tomorrow.” Aaron flashed her a toothy grin and replied, “Thank you for trying something new with me love, and don’t you worry. I’ll be ready.” y/n looked at the sheets and sighed before saying, “I guess I’m going to put these in the wash and take a shower to clean up. What will you do now, Aaron?” Hotch took a moment to think and said “I’ll shower and change. Emily got me some food when the team went out, so I’ll get that and eat and then sleep. But I’ll text you before then. Also, check the freezer, I got your favorite flavor of ice cream. I assumed I’d be there to share it with you, but it’s all yours baby.” y/n giggled at Aaron and how well he knew her. After they had sex she had a penchant for wanting a snack and the fact that he’d pre-bought her a sweet treat warmed her heart. 
They both hung up shortly after this and spent the rest of the night thinking about the other until they went to bed. The next day the jet was fixed and everyone happily piled inside. As Aaron took his seat, y/n’s words rushed through him and his body started to react. He cleared his throat and pulled one of his files over his groin to hide his growing erection. He tipped his head back and couldn’t wait to be home. Together he and y/n would be sated in the most adoring way possible, and he was going to dream about it every minute of the ride home until it happened for real.
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buzzyb33 · 6 months
Being in a relationship w memeulous would be a good idea for headcannons love you byeee
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Prompt: in request-!
Warnings: some suggestive content, swearing, mentions of height
Obviously- he couldn’t tell the public that you and him were dating, you were a mutual of James Marriott due to you and Jago (James’ drummer) were close growing up both playing drums.
You two met through said which was fun, you two were close before you moved back to London causing you to get even closer, little coffee dates.
“George would you rather be your ideal intellect or be your ideal heig- i start as I sip my coffee.
“Height- look at me Y/n!” He whisper shouts with a grin.
I laugh.
He asked her out around 2 months later and did it with a nice bouquet of blue lilies.
He knocked on her door and she opened it as she rubbed her eyes, she was fully dressed just no makeup and her hair wasn’t done, showing her light freckles may be ironic- but beyond all the odds, she’d never looked prettier.
I smile as I see him.
“Hi george- we didn’t have anything planned today did we?” I say as I Lena on my doorframe.
“Uh, no- but.. I have something to ask.”
My smile wavers at his nervousness.
“Will you go- on a proper real date with Me? You know..” he said and sheepishly brought the lilies from behind his back.
Her cheeks flushes and she grinned.
“You remembered by favourite flower? Oh george! Of course!” I giggled and take the flowers out of his hands gently.
He smiled and I tell him to come him and put the flowers in a vase.
“You-“ he exhaled.and smiled.
“Yeah cool.” He tried to keep his calm but could hardly contain his smile.
Their dates were great, clearly they were meant and happy for each other.
At the start of the relationship the two were still a bit shy with each other, holding hands in public was their only form of PDA.
Though, further on into the relationship George asked you to move in with him, you could trial it for a bit.
After passing the honeymoon and awkward phases of your relationship you two were romantic best friends.
You found out pretty quickly George’s love language was gift giving, while you’re was quality time.
When you two were out before you were holding hands, something you just started doing in public, and his face was red.
“George you okay?” I ask quietly.
He nods and pulls his hand out of mine before wiping it on his chest then putting it back in mine.
Another time, me and George were making out in the comfort of our apartment and I exhale as his mouth goes to my neck.
“George- I have my train to get to-! I have to go meet James..” he mumbled something as he nibbled my neck, me holding back a whine.
“Alright- okay..” he murmurs as his eyes flick between my eyes and neck.
“Have fun.” He smiles and kisses my temple.
I don’t think much about his actions as I’m on my trainer to Brighton; my mind drifts into the fact I haven’t really told James how me and George are dating- same for him, even though he introduced us.
As I get to his apartment- he starts his stream and he starts talking about how his chat should of drew me.
I move my hair out my face and look at James as he talks.
“Neck- chat what are you on about? Neck-“
He looks at me then his jaw drops.
Y/n! You have a hickey!” He jabs my cheek and my face turns a shade of crimson.
He muted his stream and laughs at me.
“Who gave you that? Do I know them?”
I put my face in my hands and sit on his floor.
He unmutes his stream and says I’ll be with them in a minute.
As he ended the stream he laughed again and leaned against the door frame.
“Well, thank you for coming.” He clicked his tongue.
“Who gave you the hickey?” I push his chest and scoff.
“Thank you for having me- I need to go do… things.” He rolls his eyes as I tie my laces.
“Was it George?”
George definitely did that on purpose.
“Can we get matching pyjamas?” I ask as I go into his office as he edits a main channel video.
He doesn’t hear me and I notice he still has his mask and glasses on, I sigh and pull his hat off his head, massaging his scalp lightly.
He turns to face me and smiles.
“Fix your posture, love you do this all the time..” I say softly and he leans back in his chair and looks at me.
I smile and pull his glasses off then his mask.
He exhales and relaxes in my touch as I massage his scalp, his eyes closing gently.
“Mmmh- thank you, n/n.. I- I do love you..” he muttered as I smiled.
We didn’t say that much.
“What did you say- earlier?” He questions as I sense his drowsiness.
“We should get matching pyjamas, I think that- would be cute for us..”
He smokes and nods, already almost half asleep.
“George get into bed..”
He groans and opens his eyes, he saves whatever editing he’s done and drags himself out of his office into his room. (He had a three bedroom apartment and when I stayed I shared with him)
“I’ll get a drink then be back.” I say as I go to get a bottle of water, as I come back he’s already fast asleep.
I smile and climb into bed with him, his arms instinctively going around my waist.
And finally, George definitely calls you short arse to make himself feel better at his 5’8 stature.
Can you tell I struggle with boyfriend headcannons? Anyway thanks for the request!! I have a josh fic out soon maybe earlier than next week and TWO tobi ones so!
Requests are open!
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gunsatthaphan · 6 months
✌🏻✨ ~ 2023 wrap-up ~ ✨✌🏻
another year gone, another post no one asked for djkghdf
I normally don't talk about personal stuff on here but like in the previous year I wanted do a little recap and give shoutouts to some lovely people 🧡
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It hasn't been an easy year for me, I started a new job which has been stressful and annihilated my work-life balance which resulted in me being sick a lot & just being stressed for most of the year lol. I barely found time to maintain this blog which may not seem like it on the outside since I somehow managed to frequently post but it's been difficult. I know I don't have to be online 24/7 but the fear of slipping into irrelevancy due to lack of content remains. I didn't have much time to watch bls & asian shows in general which I still consider my safe space and escapism so I'm resentful that I didn't get to fully take in and enjoy the things I'm passionate about and make content about them like I did in the previous years. That being said thank god for all the weekend shows that I did manage to watch and fully focus on like Only Friends and now Cooking Crush and Cherry Magic. Those have been life savers lol and also thank god for all the talented creators who gave us tons of content; I will mention some of them below.
But aside from my personal schedule and despite not watching a lot of stuff, I still tried to keep an eye on what's going on in the BL world for my monthly breakdowns, which I still enjoy making and I will likely continue them in 2024. I also came to the conclusion that 2023 ended up being another rendition of quantity > quality in the BL-verse so not much has changed lol - not that I expected it to. We got a wild and extended mix of different genres and subgenres this year which was nice to see. We saw companies & actors experimenting a lot (with varying results), we got new ships, new fandoms and new enemies, as well as a variety of comebacks and retirements. My watchlist this year was limited to Thai BLs and my blog mostly consisted of gmmtv related content and like I said, if I had had more time I probably would have explored more different shows - but I eventually resorted to what's familiar. I guess I needed an anchor in midst of all my personal chaos lol.
But despite my short list, there were a few gems that I enjoyed. The big ones like Only Friends, Moonlight Chicken, Be My Favorite, etc., and the small, less popular ones like Be Mine Superstar, Mission Fan Possible and a few more. I enjoyed talking to friends & making content about them in the limited timeframes I had. My opinions mostly matched those of the general public but unfortunately there were a few disappointments that were bathing in a success that I could not wrap my head around - Dangerous Romance and A Boss and a Babe being at the top of that list, followed by La Pluie and also a few of the lakorns I watched. But anyway.
Anyone who knows me knows my blog has been 83% FirstKhao this year lmao, they're my favorite people in this industry and watching them act, interact & making content about them has been one of my highlights. I'm excited to see what 2024 brings for them and even if it's not a series, I'm looking forward to seeing what else they will be up to 🥺 🐈‍⬛ 🐈
I'm going into 2024 with mixed feelings but above all I hope I will get the chance to expand my watchlist a little. I will post a personal top10 of the shows I watched this year shortly; until then I want to talk a bit about some lovely people this year - I’m not good with words lmao but thank you for being you and making this hellsite a better place 🥹 lol.
@leonpob - bestie!!! 🧡 our BL opinions have drifted apart this year lmao but who's to say friendships are solely based on mutual opinions. You're the best, stay the way you are and here's to another year of sharing thoughts and hopefully finding more shows to watch together (no matter if trash or not lol) 😉😘  @mayalunas - ahhhh I loved talking to you sooo so much this year, we agree on so many things that I'm convinced we share the same BL braincells lmao. You're one of my favorite people on this website, thank you for being such a good listener and a positive & supportive person to talk to 🥺 I hope you have the best 2024!!! ily!!! 🧡 @khunvegas - GURL idk where you went this year or if you still exist sdjkds but just know I haven't forgotten about you and I miss our talks 🥺 come back pls thank. @my-wandering-rabbit - I love our random out-of-context talks once a month lmao, I appreciate you and I hope we will continue our ritual of me watching shows and you asking me questions without watching them kjsdhg @bl-recs-and-reviews - Bestie!!! I love our catch-ups on Discord, you were one of the first people I ever talked to like 4 years ago? crazy. look at us. I still love you, you're the sweetest and I love talking to you 🧡🥺 @dreamedofyou - ahh I absolutely love your blog!!! I noticed you a lot in my notifications this year so I wanted to say thank you so much for interacting with my unhinged content (mostly FK related lmao) - We haven't talked a ton but I think of you as a very nice person and I hope we can talk more next year 🥹🫶🏻
and then of course some more shoutouts go out to all the wonderful and talented creators out there; I will never be able to tag all of you so sorry in advance but here are a few that I appreciate, some of which have also mentioned me in their wrap-up posts so thank you for that!!!
@taeminie @seatawinan @loveisactivated @forcebook @jimmysea @guzhu-furen @daymork @itsallaboutbl @seatawinans @blneobin @blmpfff @wanderlust-in-my-soul @pranpat @milkpansa @raypakorn @ahxu-laowen @forcebookish @forcebookcorner @morkofday @chinzillas @seajimmy @dimpledpran @i-got-the-feels @bengiyo @benkaaoi @25shadesoffebruary @moonkhao @smittenskitten @respectthepetty @earthfluuke @pharawee @khaotunq @khaotunqs @pranink @gabrielokun @piningintrovert @zhaozi @markpakin @firstkanaphans @firstforkhao @khaotungsfirst @wen-kexing-apologist @firstkpp @firstmix @bunnakit @khaothanawat @alienwlw @ffirstkhao (I can't tag the last 4 for some reason..)
have the best 2024!!!
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kikyan · 2 years
Yandere Savanaclaw Headcanons
Tw: Dark content up ahead y’all!! Mentions of manipulation, gaslighting, possessiveness, etc. 
Banner made by my lovely bestie @herestrish don’t steal pls or I’ll eat your kneecaps, I’m entering my Hannibal era <3! Jokes aside. . . disclaimer!! 
These are my interpretations of his/her/their persona and none of these is 100% accurate. I don’t condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional and should be taken as such! Underage characters will ONLY be given SFW headcanons, please respect this decision. If these headcanons sound dry. . .I’ll redo them I’m sorry I was tired 
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Leona Kingscholar
Okiedoki, these headcanons were WAY long overdue and me being the chaotic and messy person I am, did not plan these ahead nor did I make a posting schedule. Without further ado, here we go! Can you name a bigger kin? Leona is me and I am Leona. From what I’ve seen in the fandom, Leona seems to be a personality that not many people differ from. Like it’s all collectively and mutually agreed on how he acts. Regardless, the character traits I assign him are overprotective, possessive, and manipulative.
No one here can argue that Leona isn’t smart, mans is brilliant only issue being he lacks motivation. Assuming I got all my facts straight, he’s smart and talented and has all amazing qualities, but it doesn’t matter because he’s not the firstborn. His signature spell is so dangerous, he’s constantly being upstage because name and reputation matter more than actions. Not to his darling, he’s possessive over his S/O because you’re his. You’re not someone given to him because of his status or lack of, you’re his because you were able to charm the lion and gain his affection. You’re his because he won, he won YOUR affection. All hell will break loose if someone DARES to even touch you, looks at you wrong, or do anything to hurt you. He’ll often refer to you as one of his belongings but words aside, he really does see you as his equal. This ties in with his overprotectiveness and his overall fear of losing the one person that matters in his life, you.
Manipulative. Though he wants a fair game, mans is cheating. He’s not above using dirty methods to get you to be his in the first place. He’s probably gaslit you before and you wouldn’t know. He’s smart and he has Ruggie, this is important. He’d probably disagree with you and advise you to do something else, when you decide to go off on your own he’ll send Ruggie to stir up the pot but not right away no, that’s too convenient! He’ll wait until you have a sense of security before striking, when things go downhill and you come back to him he won’t smile, he won’t say anything other than, “I told you so.” He’s so smug about it too, that smirk when he’s in the right and you’re in the wrong.
I’d say personally, he’s a 7/10 on the yandere scale, he’s definitely not someone you want to mess with and by all means half of the time it’s him just being protective. Bro’s the type of guy to help you study but not before he makes you give him a kiss or fuel his ego for a bit. He’s able to lower his guard around you, sleep comfortably with you, and laze around, just don’t get too comfy. Any signs he notices of defiance and he’s not afraid to show you why the others respect him. His scale may increase if he’s angry, he’d never hurt his S/O but the others?
Ruggie Bucchi
I don’t know much about Ruggie just because he’s not a character I was very interested in but he’s so funny. Getting straight into it, possessive, manipulative, and overprotective. He’s not a threat, a solid 4/10. I happen to remember that Ruggie was raised by his grandmother and that in book 4 went back home with a lot of food because the kids in his home didn’t have enough. Ruggie has a good heart, it’s just hard to get him to trust someone else because of it. I like to this that his S/O is someone who was able to remind him that it’s okay to be selfish just as much as it is important to be selfless. With that in mind, I think Ruggie being possessive over his S/O is reasonable. Ruggie keeps things that matter to him close, that includes you, babes!! Just as he steals anything else, he stole your heart. Your safety and security matter a lot to him, maybe not at first but as time goes on it’s his first priority. I’ll be honest, Ruggie is a fun person to be around. His jokes and his mannerism are sure to make you smile along with his good heart.
Furthering into his possessiveness, I like to think he gets super jealous when his S/O is with someone else or not having their attention on him. Someone approaches you and asks you to have lunch with them or to study, Ruggie gets pouty and gives you the silent treatment. You’d ask him something and this man will be so petty. “I don’t know, why don’t you ask [Student Name]” or “I don’t know, you seemed to have more fun with them so I don’t want to disturb you”. That kind of petty. He won’t lie, he loves the attention he gets from you. You desperately trying to make it up to him because you NEED him. That being said, he’s a pain in your ass but he’s saved it multiple times. I like to think that Ruggie is that person who at the start of it tries to show that he doesn’t care. The type to flee when you’re in danger or not help because there is nothing to gain until he catches feelings. Slowly saying things like, “Well, we can work out the details of my reward later. . .” or “It’s whatever, I owe you anyways”. He gives off mammon vibes, just not a simp.
As time goes on and he and his S/O start to get closer, he’d be more willing to help you and do things for you. Manipulative, it kinda rubs off on him from Leona tbh. I know for a fact Ruggie knows some underhanded moves to get what he wants, at first he’ll play with your heartstrings, being pouty and petty. If that doesn’t work he’ll get annoyed and just flat-out ignore you. He’s not going to grovel and beg, he’s done plenty of that already. He’s going to make you beg for his attention and his help. The type to pull your hair in class and pull pranks, having the teacher find you and scold you while ignoring Ruggie. Unrightfully giving you detention as he looks the other way. As you’re sitting and doing your boring work, he pops in for a second and just mocks you.
He’s kinda like Ace just a bit toned down! He’s not a dangerous yandere just an annoying one but you should be alright with him!
Jack Howl
Jack gets two, over-protective and possessive. He’s not a dangerous yandere either, like a 3/10? He’s a character with morals and without a doubt, genuine love and concern for his S/O. I know he means well and he does, he’s a super sweet yandere!
Jack is most definitely a protector. As we saw in the game, at first he didn’t seem to want to do a whole lot with us until we got to book 2. He’s super loyal and caring, qualities that his S/O loves and respects as does he. If you’re ever being picked on or bullied, Jack is on the case! He’s going off on them, saying how it’s so cowardly of them to pick on someone who can’t defend themselves. Do you need a walk home? Jack will do it! Do you need some help with an assignment? He doesn’t know much, but he’s down to help you learn better! He’s a sincere lover who cares a lot, and he’s possessive. I feel like Jack at first would hate his feelings. He has no right over you so why does he feel so upset when you’re talking to someone else? Did you find a new partner? You’re staying out late? Don’t you need him….? He shouldn’t feel like this, but he does! Jack would try to deny it at first, surely ir’s just admiration! I mean you did stand up to Leona after all and that takes some real guts!
Possessive. Once those feelings subside, he’s doing what he can to have your attention on him. Inviting him to all his spell drive practices, offering to help you with homework or the other way around. He just wants to protect you. Sure his presence can be suffocating to the point he’s a bit clingy, I mean I don’t think you’re gonna get attacked in line waiting for your food, but who knows? He’s always there, conveniently as well. Acts of service are one of his love languages, you need a book from the high shelf? He’s already on it. You don’t have a partner for the project? No worries neither does he. Leona and Ruggie notice his behavior, often teasing him but never going further. Jack is. . .how do I say this? Awkward. He is so awkward, the type to invite you out to eat and just eat in silence. The type to be content being in your presence so he doesn’t really do anything else. Give him time and he’ll be better, promise!
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I was going to say this in response to the tags someone left on one of these posts (1, 2), but it honestly works better as a standalone post, because as usual it’s gotten away from me a bit and is quite long:
(Disclaimer that, as usual, I’m talking about the animes not the manga due to my own familiarity with the content and that this is kind of a blurry combo of lore from Tristamp and Tri98)
Vash wants to be a shield. Knives, without fail, makes him a bomb instead.
So much of Trigun is about struggling with personal and physical autonomy. About people being put in hard situations and doing bad things to get through them. And they do actually bad things, like hurting and killing innocent people. Not just things that are mostly socially bad. Characters like Wolfwood are explicitly shown to have been trafficked by a cult and then brutally experimented on and then sent out to kill any opposition to the aforementioned cult.
Neither the narrative nor the characters themselves shy away from the fact that these characters have hurt people. Doesn’t hide the fact that people are rarely actually, completely innocent, that the greater good is often a myth perpetuated by greedy people in power. That it’s used to guilt or pressure people into compliance. That you can be good and kind and generous, while also being selfish and hurt and scared. That sometimes those more frowned upon qualities are going to be the ones to shine through, but it doesn’t make you innately bad. That you still deserve a second chance.
Because at the end of the day, in desperate situations where your primary goal is survival? Morals are a privilege. You have to be able to afford them. And almost everyone on No Man’s Land is desperate. Especially outside of the major cities. Everyone is one bad day, one disaster away from losing everything. If a Plant “malfunctions” or a sandstorm destroys everything? There’s no real infrastructure in place to protect them outside of whatever community they’ve managed to build for themselves and the resources they’ve squirreled away. It’s often just enough, no excess. So. Would you risk that for a stranger? Would you die for a stranger? Or would you kill a stranger for your survival? Your family’s? Maybe. Probably. Desperate people do desperate things.
Vash might be the only person alive who could kill Knives. Some people might even think it’s his job, his duty, to prevent all the harm that Knives doles out. That it’s Vash’s fault, that he’s culpable for all the deadly, terrible things Knives has done and that have been done in his name. Killing Knives is for the greater good. But he’s still Vash’s brother. You’re still asking him to kill his brother. And maybe Vash is scared of him. Maybe, on some level, he even hates him. But even while Knives is killing himself in an attempt to destroy everyone and everything else Vash cares about, Vash is still worried about him. He still doesn’t want him dead.
And Knives always makes Vash responsible. The Big Fall, the Fifth Moon Incident, Jeneora Rock, Lost JuLai/July. None of these things would have happened if Knives hadn’t made them. Vash was never going to put anyone in harms way like that of his own volition. But neither of the twins wants to be alone. Not really. Vash waited for him for an entire year when he went to get the guns.
But is that really love? Obsession maybe, for Knives. And desperation for Vash. Mutually assured destruction. Does Knives love anyone? He’s in a very unique position where he gets to define the greater good at everyone else’s expense. The other Plants, who didn’t get a say in his master plan. Vash, whose autonomy he completely overrules over and over in actively harmful and willfully malicious, cold, and calculated ways. Kids like Wolfwood and Rollo and an uncounted, but horrifying number of others in bad, desperate situations who were “blessed” enough to be taken apart under a misappropriated approximation of divine right. Not to mention the entire planet of humans he wants gone.
Knives is a weapon. He owns it, he names himself for it. And he makes other people weapons, too. Maybe it’s recompense for what has been done to him and his family. He doesn’t really protect anyone, but he’s a firm believer in revenge. And he’s privileged enough to call it justice.
And Rem told Vash to take care of Knives. Her last words. What could Vash be besides his brother’s keeper? So all of the shame and pain and sadness and guilt and damage Knives causes or could feel? It all falls on Vash.
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myjisung · 2 years
stray kids' hyung line as romantic fanfiction tropes !
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content. stray kids hyung line + hyunjin, non-idol!skz, gn!reader, idiots in love, lots of dialogues — fluff.
warning. mention of alcohol ( minho )
wordcount. 3,1k, each imagine is about 850 words long but some i got carried away for.
a/n. would you guys be interested in those scenarios being fully written? also, this is only my opinion. feel free to disagree and let me know what you would have done differently :-)
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bang chan ( 방찬 ) as mutual pining
as far as he could remember, chan always liked you. he had never believed in love at first sight and he did not fall in like on the day he met you; but, to him, it was close enough and could be called such. whether he liked it or not, chan did in fact fancy you the moment he got to know a little more about you. if he ever was asked, he would not be able to tell what it was that had him fall hard and it did not bother him one bit. as cheesy as it could sound, chan loved thinking that it was the fact that you were so you, so incredibly kind and easy to talk to that had him become smitten.
it was as if it was meant to be. you laughed at his jokes, got involved in his hobbies and let him in on what was going on inside your head from time to time. over time, weeks maybe months, a strong bond had been formed between both of you; something chan took pride in. yet, no matter how much he loved you, chan could never bring himself to tell you about his feelings. actually, he had sworn he would never confess; not only out of fear of probably being rejected but also because he felt like he did not deserve any more than the close friendship you had built. more than that, he knew that you deserved much better.
what chan did not know, was that you felt the exact same way. though you did not fall as quick as he did, you fell just as hard. whatever chan did or said, you could not help but like him more. blush crept up your cheeks, your mouth went dry as he was trying to make conversation and your eyes could barely meet his; out of pure nervousness. though you had grown to fall in love with chan, with his personality, his flaws and numerous qualities, you did not want to tell him about your feelings. that relationship you had was extremely precious to you, a treasure you wanted to cherish for the many years to come.
even if you wanted to take your relationship to the next step you also felt like chan did not like you that way. no matter how you looked at it, you felt more like a best friend than a possible partner; and even if you tried to not think much of it, that hurt. you could not imagine yourself beside anyone else but bang chan. every single time you tried to get over it and get on with someone else, something tugged at your heartstrings, telling you to stop, that it was not right.
chan felt the same way. which is why, after months of pining on his own, he let go of everything that was holding him back. it was probably the fear of losing you or the fact that he needed to get this out of the way so that he could focus back on his work. that day, chan cut to the chase, not even letting you think before he opened his mouth.
"i've liked you for a while. like, a really long time actually and it's driving me crazy. can you reject me now and get this over with?"
oh. oh. so that was what had been going on. so that was how chan felt about all of this, about you, about you AND him actually. there was no way you could have ever figured it out on your own. before you could even think about it, you talked back.
"i'm gonna date you actually, if you don't mind."
chan did not mind.
lee know ( 리노 ) as drunken confession
minho had always been unreadable. all you knew was that he must have enjoyed spending time with you. no one else but him rung your bell at ungodly hours just because they wanted to sit with you and scroll through their multiple online timelines. no words had to be exchanged, he was like a cat who only wanted to be in your presence, spend time by your side without needing to constantly talk or do anything. minho was content with sitting in the same room as you and that was something you appreciated.
sometimes, though you wanted to see people, you did not feel like going all out and he got that like no other. over the course of a few weeks what used to be a simple friendship blossomed into a strong, incomparable bond.
minho was comfort and safety. whatever you told him, you knew he would not judge you. though he pretended to not care about what you had to say, he always intently listened. maybe it was in an effort to make you feel more comfortable.
minho had always been comprehensive and kind, despite not wanting to show it and instead prefering to tease you over seeming welcoming. yet, there was no fooling you. the way his face contorted in an expression of worry whenever you looked upset or started randomly tearing up in front of him was easy to spot.
he did not have to say it. you knew minho cherished you; there was no doubt that you were one of his closest friends, someone he held dear to his heart and came to whenever there was time. even if he did not tell you directly, minho was thankful he had met you and loved every passing second he spent by your side.
despite all of that, there was no way you could have guessed the way he truly felt about you. truth be told, minho had liked you for a long while. he did not plan on doing so, it just happened. unbeknownst to you, after a specific day he spent at your house and a few specific words you told him, he fell suddenly; and there was no going back.
he could not tell you. there was no way he would risk ruining that friendship which was so dear to him. yet, after a while, those feelings of his started to become overwhelming. so much so that you were always on his mind, whatever he did, however busy he was.
which is why, that night he spent at your house, drinking away as you were watching a boring movie, he could not help but let loose. it was the way you gently turned off the tv and shook his shoulder to stop him from dozing off on the living room floor. you had not been drinking, pretending you had lots of stuff to get done the following day. upon seeing your face painted with the gentlest of all smiles, he opened his mouth as you helped him up.
"that's why i love you, y/n. you always take such great care of me. you're always there, so welcoming, sooooo so kind. i really-," he trailed off. "i've really liked you for a while, so much."
you were taken aback. you had never considered minho in that way. neither had you ever thought of him liking you like that. because he was minho afterall, so minho it was almost overwhelming. hearing him say all of that had you blush like crazy. you stumbled and almost fell as you helped him get comfy on the couch. though drunk, he could tell you were all shaken up by the bomb he had just dropped.
"think about it, okay?" he continued, a confident smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
oh, you would think about it; much more than you would ever want to admit.
changbin ( 창빈 ) as bed sharing
it was simple. you and your eight friends had planned out a trip to the coast. hyunjin had been annoying about wanting to look at the sea and sketch the way waves crashed against the shore for weeks now and everyone was over it. which is why, one night you all spent together at the bar lead to chan asking whether everyone wanted to travel to the beach. minho was not too fond of the idea at first, saying that organizing trips was a hassle and that he was not about to worry himself sick over everything going well, which han rolled his eyes at. minho had always acted as if no one but him had their shit together but, truth be told, you had to give him that.
when you were reunited as nine, things always seemed to go south. either the weather was not on your side when you decided to FINALLY leave the indoors or someone always ended up getting hurt while doing mundane tasks. it was as if the universe was against you living your lives peacefully. but, in a way, it was a little funny. felix getting eaten up by mosquitos to the point his left arm was completely covered in bites you could draw constellations by connecting them with an ink pen was pretty hilarious. especially after he had giggled at jeongin getting bitten right on the top of his nose the day before. 'serves him right', you had thought.
after a little ( a lot ) of convincing, minho finally caved. he agreed on a three-day trip to the nearest beach. you would go by train and stay at a hotel not too far from the city centre as those close to the sea were much more expensive and you did not have that kind of money yet. in an effort to save money, you had chosen to rent four rooms for the nine of you, one of which could hold three people whereas the others were made for two.
after a round of rock paper scissors, the roommates were decided. you and changbin would room together which you were not ecstatic about. not that you disliked changbin, far from it actually. for as long as you could remember, you had the hugest crush on him. when seungmin introduced you to changbin after meeting first during a lecture you both shared, you knew there was something about him. changbin, though far from intimidating, carried himself in a manner that made you a little shy. he was confident, wellspoken and got involved with other people easily. those things and many others had you charmed. no matter how hard you tried, you felt as though there was no way you could hide your attraction to changbin. so, really, sharing a room with him was not going to help your case.
you comforted yourself with the knowledge that you had booked twin rooms. even though you would have to sleep in the same room, at least you would not be insanely close to one another.
or so you thought.
after a five hour train travel, you arrived to the coast and walked around the city you and your friends would be staying in for a little under an hour until you found your hotel. once there, you accompanied chan to the desk, grabbing the keycards you then went to give the other boys. the travel had tired you out, and you decided to stay in for the night. so, you all went to your rooms.
accompanied by changbin, you walked towards the door adorning the number 109, your room. after scanning your keycard, you walked in as changbin was making smalltalk with you about how the air here felt much different than in the capital and how he was so excited to check out the hotel's gym tomorrow morning. you talked just as much as he did, despite being nervous about this entire rooming-with-your-crush situation you unfortunately got roped into. at least, it could not get any worse than this. but, lo and behold, it did the second you set foot in your supposedly twin bedroom.
though you had booked two seperate beds for the both of you, there in the middle of the minimally decorated room laid a two-people bed. your heart sank and your stomach did exactly two loopings as changbin let out a confused half-yell ( because it was late at night and people were probably sleeping ). he sighed loudly, and blamed bang chan under his breath.
"i'll go back to the front desk and ask whether we can switch rooms," he said after dropping his bag in the entryway.
that left you some time to get over your emotions. there was no way this was happening to you, especially not in changbin's presence. sleeping in the same bed? that was off the table. how were you supposed to remain calm—with the man of your dreams a few centimeters away from you—and not die? you did not want to know.
changbin came back a few minutes later, looking slightly annoyed.
"it's fully booked. we can't switch rooms."
seems like you were, in fact, about to know!
"i'll sleep on the floor, okay? you can take the bed, y/n." changbin offered.
or not? that was so kind of him but you were not about to let changbin sleep on the cold hard floor. he was probably exhausted from the travel too.
"no it's fine. let's both sleep on the bed. i don't mind" you said, trying to sound confident.
"are you sure? we don't have to do that if you're not comfortable with it."
"that's fine, really. let's just get to bed, alright?"
you felt lightheaded the entire night. you could feel warmth radiating from changbin's body despite laying back to back. you could feel the way the mattress slightly sunk to his side and hear the rhythm of his breathing. needless to say, you did not get any sleep that night. did changbin? you might never know.
let's just say the day after was interesting for the other boys to say the least.
hyunjin ( 현진 ) as fake dating
"okay, just hear me out" hyunjin started as you opened the door to your locker in an attempt to hide his face.
"oh come on, don't be a bitch," he continued, stepping to the side so that you could look right into his eyes "i need a favor, it's the first and last i'll ever ask of you."
"and i told you i was not interested didn't i? right now, i need you to walk away and leave me alone." you replied, placing a few books into your locker before slamming the door shut and walking to your next class.
"y/n, please!" hyunjin cried out.
you stopped. never in the months you had known of The hwang hyunjin had you ever heard him beg, let alone mouth the word 'please'. it had a pleasant rung to it, something that made your stomach flip and your heart beat a little faster but you did not comment on it.
you spun to face him again and waited until he took the few steps that separated you. as if he was afraid to be heard, hyunjin looked around—just to make sure everyone had left the halls already. you were alone and that did not help the slow increase of your heart rate. 'weird', you thought.
"listen, i know how that sounds but i really need you to date me"
upon hearing this absolute madness of a sentence, you let out a strange strangled noise that came all the way from the pits of your stomach before laughing out loud. hyunjin had the audacity to frown his eyebrows at your demeanor, as if YOU were the weird one here and he did not just say the stupidest thing you had ever heard.
"where does that even come from?" you asked after composing yourself back.
"why do you care? i don't wanna date for real anyway, but like, can't we just pretend we do?"
at that, you got even more confused but decided to overlook it, "well if you want to 'date' me you've got to at least give me one valid reason"
hyunjin could not help but roll his eyes and let his head hang low for a few seconds. once he looked back at you, he sighed. "i just need people off my back. dating someone would be so much easier right now, i wouldn't get constantly stared at and maybe some girls would leave me alone? i don't know i just- i just need some space and i believe i'd get it by pretending to date you."
"yeah see, that's where you're losing me. why does it even have to be me? can't someone else take on the job, i'm not interested in acting"
"it can't be anyone else. it just has to be you!" he exclaimed.
"um... mind explaining why that is?"
"i can't. please, y/n." he begged again "i'm not gonna ask for anything else. can't you just hold my hand in public and kiss the back of my neck when you hug me from behind or let me tuck stray hairs behind your ear? it's not gonna be any more than that, i promise. please."
hyunjin was desperate. despite the fact that he was barely an acquaintance you were very comfortable speaking to, you could not help but feel bad. so, you did the next most logical thing and accepted whatever request he had.
without even realizing it became a habit, hyunjin started walking you to school and back home. he would grab your hand in the hallways and softly smile at you whenever you would sit in the same classroom. hyunjin would have lunch with you almost everyday and lay his head on your lap as you were sitting on the grass, commenting on the clouds' shapes. he knew how to hold a conversation, how to make you feel cared for and special.
your friends started to question it but you always remained vague, as a way to protect both you and hyunjin. your fake boyfriend was beyond thankful for you. after a few weeks of this game you played, he admitted to feeling much more comfortable ever since he claimed to be dating you. girls started gravitating around him less and less, leaving him with enough space to function without feeling like he was suffocating.
the introvert inside hyunjin was having a field trip and being able to help him feel at least a little bit more like himself was enough.
dating hyunjin was never something you had ever considered. it just happened. and though at first you were thankful for it to only be playing pretend, you ended up catching yourself wish for hyunjin to be yours.
did he wish the same, you might never know. there was no way you would ever ask him anyway. playing pretend was enough, for now.
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taglist. @zoe8stay @starlostseungmin @starzzns @dumbfound-princess @hyukabean @l3visbby @yejiimg @eggielix @pearlygraysky @meowmeowisdaname — let me know if you would like to be added / removed.
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warabidakihime · 10 months
Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace
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Characters: Gojo Satoru x Reader | College AU
Synopsis: Love, as unpredictable as the changing tides, swept into our lives like an enchanting story waiting to be written. In the quiet moments, amid stolen glances and playful banter, it whispered its secrets, weaving a tapestry of emotions that neither of us could deny. And when our hearts finally dared to speak, they painted our friendship with the colors of passion, turning an ordinary tale into an extraordinary love story, destined to be told for eternity.
Content warning: none
A/N: satoru has been making his way up my ranks hence the birth of this piece. hope you like it!
Oh, shit.
Since when did it all begin?
Or, to be more precise, when did you finally acknowledge it?
You have absolutely no clue. So now, you're desperately sifting through your memories for answers, or at the very least, some elusive hints as to when and how it all started.
When did your heart start to race and ache for Gojo Satoru?
As far back as you can recall, there were no standout moments that triggered your heart to flutter or inspired any inkling of affection toward him. It's not as if you don't find him attractive; you certainly do. But it's not the kind of attraction that leads to a headlong tumble into love. If anything, Suguru seemed to align more with your ideal type, and you could have sworn your crush was centered on him, not his white-haired best friend.
So, when and how did it happen?
And why is it only dawning on you now?
You entered Satoru's world through the gateway of a mutual friend, Shoko Ieiri. You were the latest addition to their tight-knit friend group. Shoko, your classmate in medical school, played matchmaker by introducing you to Satoru and Suguru when they decided to pay her a visit. You and Shoko were pursuing careers in the healthcare sector—your sights set on neurology and Shoko's on cardiology—the boys had taken different paths.
Suguru had graduated from culinary school and was embarking on a journey to open his own restaurant, while Satoru was gearing up for his licensure exam in education.
Meeting Suguru and Satoru for the first time left you feeling slightly intimidated. To be honest, you weren't the type to seek out new acquaintances willingly. Your introverted nature and minor case of social anxiety made new encounters a bit daunting. However, the boys were incredibly warm and accommodating, and their welcoming nature made it easy for you to seamlessly integrate into their group.
As previously mentioned, while you were getting to know your new friends, you developed an adorable crush on Suguru. You found him incredibly attractive, both in terms of his physical appearance and his personality. He embodied your ideal type—dark-haired, captivating eyes, a soothing voice, incredibly kind, a true gentleman who could also be cheeky and mischievous at times. Shoko even tried to play matchmaker and set you up with him. However, a shared moment with Satoru made you change your course. It happened while the two of you were waiting for Shoko and Suguru at a cafe, the designated meeting spot before heading to the beach getaway you had been eagerly anticipating for weeks.
As you and Satoru waited for your friends, you engaged in a lively conversation about a myriad of topics, thoroughly enjoying each other's company. It wasn't that you and Satoru weren't close before, but this was one of the first times you had the chance to spend quality time together, just the two of you.
Curiosity led you to ask Satoru why he had chosen education as his profession. He playfully responded, "Yeah, I know, someone as handsome as me pursuing a teaching job seems unlikely," earning a playful eye roll from you. He followed it with an endearing chuckle and then delved into his reason.
During high school, when Shoko, Suguru, and he were classmates, there had been some distressing hazing incidents. One particular event had deeply affected him, igniting his anger not only at the school's negligence but also at their heartlessness for not taking action to prevent such incidents from recurring. It had happened repeatedly, and Suguru had nearly become a victim himself.
The revelation shocked you. You learned that your kind and gentle, dark-haired friend had endured a tumultuous time at the tender age of 16, finding himself trapped in a dark and perilous environment. Satoru had nearly lost his confidant during those harrowing days, and as a result, a dream had taken root in his heart. He aspired to become a teacher who would be a reliable mentor for his students, providing them with a safe and nurturing environment.
Listening to all of this made you reflect on his earlier statement. While he said it in a playful manner, what he expressed actually made a lot of sense. It wasn't that you held a low opinion of teachers; in fact, you held them in high regard. It's just that, considering Satoru's exceptional abilities, it seemed fitting for him to pursue a grander path, perhaps in law, astronomy, or even a career in medicine, much like you and Shoko. Hearing someone of his caliber passionately speak about his dreams caused your heart to flutter.
From that day forward, you began to notice and appreciate every aspect of Satoru, from the most significant aspects of his character down to the smallest details. All of it appeared incredibly beautiful to you.
And then, the inevitable happened: you had fallen hopelessly and irrevocably for Gojo Satoru.
As days turned into weeks and your newfound affection for Satoru continued to blossom, you found yourself in a bewildering internal struggle. It was a stark contrast to your previous crush on Suguru. With Suguru, you could effortlessly be yourself. The two of you would exchange playful and flirtatious remarks without a care in the world, and it felt completely natural.
But with Satoru, it was an entirely different story. You were a mess around him. Whenever he entered the room, your heart raced, your palms got sweaty, and your words seemed to tumble over each other like clumsy acrobats. You tried your best to play it off, to act as if nothing was going on in your heart. It was like trying to hide a wildfire with a paper fan.
One day, during a group outing to a cozy beachside cafe, the contrast between your interactions with Suguru and Satoru became painfully apparent. Suguru, sitting across from you, flashed his signature grin and made a witty remark about the quirky seagull that had just stolen a fry from your plate. Laughter erupted from both of you, and you couldn't help but feel a familiar warmth in your chest.
Then you glanced over at Satoru, who was deeply engrossed in conversation with Shoko. His usual nonchalant and playful demeanor was on full display, but there was a tenderness in the way he looked at Shoko, like the affection shared between close friends. It was a side of Satoru that you cherished but also longed for—an intimacy that transcended mere friendship. The way he gazed at Shoko, with those gorgeous blue eyes sparkling, made your heart ache with longing. If he could bestow such warmth upon a close friend, you couldn't help but wonder how he might look at someone who held an even more special place in his heart—someone who could be the love of his life.
It was as if a veil had been lifted, and you began to notice every stolen glance, every accidental brush of your fingers, and every subtle smile he bestowed upon you. Each of these moments sent your heart into a frenzied dance.
As you continued to observe Shoko and Satoru as subtly as you could, you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy mixed with longing. Your feelings for Satoru had grown so intense that irrational thoughts sometimes crept into your mind. Thoughts of what it would be like if he looked at you with the same affection; thoughts of being the one who made his heart skip a beat. You knew these thoughts were irrational, and you quickly berated yourself for even entertaining them. You didn't want to jeopardize your friendship with Shoko or cause any discomfort to your friends.
But when he caught you staring a little too long or blushing under his gaze, you quickly averted your eyes, feigning indifference. It was becoming a constant battle between your head and your heart, and you weren't sure which one would emerge victorious.
Deep down, you knew you had a decision to make. You had to confront your feelings, grapple with the uncertainty of potential rejection, and weigh the consequences it might have on your tightly knit friend group. But for now, you continued to navigate this treacherous emotional terrain, desperately trying to keep your heart's tumultuous secret locked away.
The evening had settled comfortably into Suguru's cozy living room, where the soft glow of fairy lights danced on the walls. You and Suguru had arrived earlier than everyone else, taking the time to prepare for the movie night while awaiting Satoru and Shoko.
As you busied yourself with setting up snacks and drinks, Suguru's perceptive gaze followed your every move. He couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in your behavior over the past few weeks. With a teasing smile, he leaned in closer, his voice low. "You know, y/n, I couldn't help but notice that something's different these days."
You paused, glancing at Suguru, your cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "What are you talking about, Suguru?"
He chuckled softly, sipping his drink. "Oh, come on now. Don't think you were so slick in your actions; you weren't."
"What are you talking about?" you asked, your confusion apparent.
His playful tone took on a hint of mock hurt as he continued, "Lately, it feels like our playful banter has lost some of its charm. You've been a little distracted, haven't you? I reckon Satoru has something to do with it."
As if on cue, the door to Suguru's apartment opened, and conveniently, Satoru heard what his best friend said. He stood frozen in his tracks, doing his best to stay silent, and listened to your conversation. Fortunately for him, none of you noticed his entrance.
Your eyes met his, and you knew it was time to confide in your best friend. "Suguru, about that..."
His playful demeanor softened into genuine concern as he leaned in, his eyes locked onto yours. "What's wrong?"
You took a deep breath and began to lay yourself bare before one of your most trusted friends. You confessed the deep, romantic feelings you had developed for Satoru, the turmoil it had caused within you, and your fear of potential rejection. You spoke of your worries about the impact on your friendship, your tight-knit friend group, and the uncertainties that had kept you from revealing your emotions to Satoru.
As Satoru remained frozen in the hallway, his heart raced at the revelation unfolding before him. He had entered Suguru's apartment just in time to overhear your conversation.
Listening to you confess your profound feelings for him sent a rush of emotions coursing through him. He was caught in a whirlwind of surprise, curiosity, and an undeniable warmth that spread through his chest. For so long, he had believed that your heart belonged to Suguru, convinced that the playful banter you and Suguru shared would inevitably lead to something more.
Now, the truth stood before him, and it was a truth he had never dared to hope for.
He couldn't help but reflect on his own feelings and the love he had quietly harbored for you. It was a love he had kept hidden, convinced that he was not the one who held your heart. But as your words washed over him, he realized that the connection between you two ran deeper than he had ever imagined.
Satoru remained hidden in the shadows, wrestling with a mix of emotions—joy, relief, and a tinge of regret for not having revealed his feelings sooner.
Suguru listened attentively, offering a sympathetic ear and supportive words. "You know, y/n, I can't promise you how Satoru will respond. But I do know one thing—your feelings are valid, and you deserve to be happy. I approve of you and Satoru; the both of you complement each other. I never thought there would be another person that could match his energy, but lo and behold, you appeared right before our eyes."
Suguru's words of understanding and support washed over you like a comforting wave. You appreciated his unwavering friendship and the warmth he had always shown, especially now when you needed it the most.
"Thank you, Suguru," you sighed, a mix of gratitude and anxiety swirling within you. "I just... I needed to get this off my chest. It's been eating at me, and I couldn't keep it to myself any longer."
Suguru gave you an encouraging smile. "You did the right thing, y/n. And trust me, Satoru can be a handful at times, but he's got a good heart. I've known him for years, and I've seen how much he cares for his friends, and I've also seen the way he treats you. I'm not saying you should confess your feelings to him right away, but maybe it's worth a shot, don't you think?"
As you continued to chat with Suguru, sharing your fears and hopes for what lay ahead, neither of you noticed the shadow in the corner of the room slowly stepping closer. Satoru had decided it was time to reveal himself, his heart pounding with a mixture of emotions. He couldn't bear to stand hidden in the shadows any longer, not when your confession had stirred something profound within him.
Just as you were about to respond to Suguru, you suddenly felt a presence behind you. Startled, you turned to find Satoru standing there, a mixture of surprise and something more complex in his expressive blue eyes.
"Satoru," you gasped, caught off guard by his sudden appearance. Suguru, too, turned to see his best friend, his eyes widening with realization.
Satoru cleared his throat, attempting to maintain his usual nonchalant demeanor, but his voice held a hint of vulnerability. "Uhh, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, hehe."
Your heart raced as you met Satoru's gaze, wondering what he would say next, how he would react to your confession, and what it might mean for your future.
As the room fell into a brief, charged silence, Satoru's gaze remained fixed on you, his blue eyes reflecting a whirlwind of emotions. You saw a hint of surprise, curiosity, and something more profound—something that made your heart skip a beat.
Suguru, ever perceptive, gave a knowing smile and patted you gently on the back before excusing himself with a playful wink. "Well, I think I'll leave you two to chat. Catch you later!"
With Suguru's departure, you and Satoru were left alone in the room. The air seemed to crackle with tension, and neither of you knew quite how to start.
"Well, this is awkward," you said with a nervous chuckle, which Satoru mirrored, something he rarely did. His usual confidence was momentarily replaced by a touch of shyness that you found endearing. It almost made you forget how you had carelessly let him know of your feelings.
"Well, I do have a knack for arriving at the right time," Satoru finally said while scratching his nape, his playful nature returning. Then he looked at you, his eyes holding a glimmer of hope, and asked, "Is it true? You love me?"
His question knocked the air out of your chest; your voice almost croaked when you tried to speak, but you managed to remain composed. There's really no use in denying them any longer, so you might as well be honest with him.
"Yes," you said, your voice steady and sincere.
Satoru bit his bottom lip in an attempt to suppress a grin, but his efforts were in vain.
"Since when?" he asked again, his curiosity evident in his gaze.
"For a while," you confessed, feeling a sense of relief wash over you now that your feelings were out in the open.
Satoru's grin grew wider as he took in your confession. He stepped closer, the playful twinkle back in his eyes. "Well, I must say, y/n, I'm quite flattered. It's not every day someone as incredible as you admits to having feelings for me."
His lightheartedness put you at ease, and a small smile played on your lips. "You're not going to make me regret saying that, are you?"
He chuckled—a warm, melodious sound that sent shivers down your spine. "I promise, I'll be on my best behavior... for now."
The two of you settled into a more comfortable conversation, discussing your feelings and the uncertainties that came with them.
"Actually," Satoru began, his voice taking on a more serious tone amidst the playfulness, "I've known about your crush on Suguru for a while now."
You blinked in surprise. "You have?"
He nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, I figured you two were meant for each other with all that flirting. I didn't want to get in the way. And I honestly think you two would look good together too."
Your heart skipped a beat as the weight of his words settled in. It was a revelation that left you feeling both stunned and strangely relieved.
"But," he continued, "when I heard your confession tonight, it took me by surprise. I never would've guessed you felt the same way about me." he confessed, his eyes locked onto yours.
You met Satoru's gaze, your own eyes conveying the sincerity of your words. "Satoru, what I felt for Suguru was real, but it's different now. I've known him for a long time, and we had a great connection. But what I feel for you is... it's something more. It's deeper, stronger, and it's been growing for a while."
Satoru's playful demeanor gave way to a softer, more genuine expression. "I see," he said, his voice tender. "So, you've had your eye on me all this time, huh?"
You couldn't help but blush, but you nodded. "Yeah, I have. And it's been driving me crazy, not knowing how you felt about me."
Satoru stepped even closer, his hand gently cupping your cheek. "Well, now you know," he murmured, his gaze dropping to your lips. "that I'm crazy about you too."
Anticipation hung in the air as he drew nearer, and you bridged the gap between your lips by gently pulling him closer, your fingers gripping his shirt before you wrapped your arms around his neck.
Time seemed to slow down. It was a moment you had imagined countless times—a culmination of desire and longing that had built up over months. The kiss was everything you had hoped for and more.
Satoru's playfulness was momentarily set aside as he leaned into the kiss with a seriousness that sent shivers down your spine. It was as if he was determined to convey the depth of his feelings through this single, passionate act. His lips were soft and warm, fitting perfectly against yours.
Tugging him closer as you deepened the kiss. It was a gentle yet fervent exploration, a dance of tongues and sighs that spoke volumes. The world around you seemed to fade into the background. All that mattered was the connection you shared, the emotions that surged between you, and the unspoken words that filled the space.
When you finally broke the kiss, you both were left breathless and wide-eyed, the weight of your emotions hanging in the air. Satoru's eyes bore into yours, and you could see the sincerity in his gaze, a stark contrast to his usual playful demeanor.
As you basked in the warmth of the moment, Satoru's signature smile brightened the room. His playful demeanor had returned, and you couldn't help but chuckle at his question.
"One more?" he asked, a twinkle in his eyes.
You pretended to consider it, with your finger tapping your chin in mock contemplation. "Hmm, I suppose one more wouldn't hurt."
With a grin, Satoru leaned in once again, his lips capturing yours in another sweet kiss. This time, it was lighter, a gentle affirmation of the connection you had forged. It was a promise that there would be many more kisses to come, each one filled with the depth of your feelings and the joy of being together.
When you finally pulled away, Suguru cleared his throat rather obnoxiously, "I'll take it as we're over, y/n?"
Suguru's abrupt interruption had both you and Satoru turning to look at him, breaking the tender moment you had just shared. There was a playful yet mischievous glint in his eyes, and his lips curled into a teasing smirk.
"Unfortunately," you said, playing along with his theatrics. "Sorry, Sugu."
Satoru couldn't resist joining in, his tone mockingly possessive. "Back off, buddy. She's mine now."
Suguru responded snarkily but in a playful way, "She's all yours. He then turned to you with a pout, "Don't even bother soothing my broken heart." Suguru said while "clutching" his heart to emphasize how "hurt" he was.
"How about I treat you to your favorite coffee tomorrow?" you offered him with a sisterly smile.
"Well, that works too." Suguru responded with a chuckle, but it was interrupted by a rather loud bang.
The three of you whipped your heads towards the sudden noise, which was Shoko dropping the snacks she brought for movie night. She obviously missed a whole lot, judging from her shocked expression: "Did I just witness y/n and Gojo exchanging saliva?"
Satoru couldn't resist the opportunity to playfully exaggerate. "Oh, it was much more than just saliva, Shoko. It was a declaration of eternal love, sealed with a kiss."
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics, but it was all in good fun. The four of you shared a hearty laugh, and the tension from earlier completely dissolved.
Shoko, recovering from her initial surprise, joined in the teasing with a playful smirk. "Well, it's about time, you two. We've been waiting for this moment."
Suguru chimed in, "Yeah, it's been like watching a romantic comedy with slow-burn tension."
As your friends continued to tease and banter, you couldn't help but feel a warm sense of belonging. It was a night filled with confessions, laughter, and the promise of new beginnings.
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corruptedmaiawrites · 11 months
Condemned to Jealousy
Fandom: Star Wars, but where Fives was listened to, Palpatine is gone and the Republic is winning the war once and for all.
Pairing: Fives x Reader, unrequited Crosshair x Reader
Content: Angst and a little bit of fluff.
Warnings: Mentions of blood.
Word Count: 1642
A/N: Mando'a translations are 'mesh'la' = beautiful, and 'ner kar'ta' = my love. I wrote this in an evening so it's rather messy, but I've had this idea on my mind for a couple of days and actually wrote it for once.
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When he hears that the 501st are on shore leave too, Crosshair bristles. All he wants is some quality time away from the front lines with you, and now he knows that his chance is squandered. Whilst you had been working with Clone Force 99 since Echo joined, as his personal medic (keeping his biomechanics running smooth, as well as helping with the trauma of Skako Minor), you were previously assigned with the 501st. That meant that you were going to meet up with Troopers that you had once served with and Crosshair would be deprived of your presence. He tried to push down his annoyance at the fact, but the sniper barely lasted an hour pretending to be fine. The grumpiness of his amplified over the days before their shore leave, culminating to the present moment: sitting with his brothers in a booth at 79s, brooding over a glass of whiskey and staring daggers into the table surface.
The music around the bar pulsed with energy, the floor filled with various clones who were moving with the steady beat – either with each other or with a nat-born who’d taken interest. Some clones still wore their plastoid, some wore their blacks, or a mix of the two. Some clones even wore civ clothes, although it was somewhat rare. Most of the colour adorned by the clones here tonight was, of course, blue. Too much blue, Crosshair thought to himself as his eyes shifted over the crowd, looking for you.
It took him a while to find you, for you and those you were currently with were hidden by the throng. By then he saw you; the first glimpse he saw was of you with a wide grin spread across your features, eyes crinkled slightly, laughing at something one of the clones around you said. There are three of them with you, Crosshair identifies. Two of them are bald and tattooed, the other with slicked back hair, a vaguely anchor shaped beard, and a tattoo upon his temple. Crosshair narrowed his eyes to get a better look at the tattoos. Bald Trooper No.1 has blue lines wrapping around his scalp and onto his face; he is dancing near you, shimmying quickly and with no rhythm. The sniper actually recognised Bald Trooper No.2: Jesse. He was on Anaxes and they had a mutual dislike of each other, making Crosshair wrinkle his nose as he observes the close proximity of the clone to you… Even if Jesse is laughing at Bald Trooper No.1 and now seeking to playfully tackle him. However, Crosshair’s distaste at Jesse’s presence quickly diminishes as Bearded Trooper wraps his arm around your shoulders, turning his head to reveal his tattoo in greater detail to Crosshair – an aurbesh five. He knew this clone too, but had met him only briefly after the rescue of Echo, for he was his batch-mate, Fives…
The ARC Trooper with aurbesh tattoo looks down at you, a toothy smirk spreading across his features. His honey hued irises sparkle in the throbbing lights and you realise as your eyes lock that you have missed this man so much.
Before being assigned to the Bad Batch, before the rescue of Echo, you had served with the 501st. You got on with all of them, Rex, Jesse, Tup, Hardcase, Kix, and even Dogma, who was a little hard to like at times. But Fives… On your first day with the legion, and after being introduced to Rex’s squad as their non-combat doctor, Fives had come up to you with that smirk of his and hit you with the cheesiest pick-up line you’d ever heard. Yet, you still blushed. Not because of the line, but because of the one who’d delivered it. From then on, you’d harboured a small crush on the ARC Trooper, who flirted with you any chance he got. He visited your medbay upon the Resolute often – most clones tended to stay away, save for their regular health check-ups, but Fives seemed to like the place more than Kix. It was through these visits that you began to get an inkling that you were not the only with a slight infatuation. It lead to the moment, in the middle of Fives’ routine health check after some time in the front line, where you both ended up acting on those feelings towards each other. From then on, the pair of you had been together, in secret, not because of some rule against clones and nat-borns being together, but due to violating the rules of the workplace. Yet, now that you served with the Bad Batch, not with Fives and the 501st, it was becoming more and more tempting to be not so secret about your relationship.
That is why, as you look into Fives’ eyes, his arm about your shoulders, you decide to raise a hand to loop around to the back of his head, your fingers slipping between his brunet locks. He raises a brow slightly, although as his eyes become hooded it is clear that he is having similar thoughts to yours.
“Mesh’la,” he mutters in his deep baritone, “I don’t want to keep this secret anymore.”
“Fives… Neither do I.”
In that moment, Fives pulls you in for a kiss, his lips encompassing yours softly. In that moment too, you hear the smashing of glass. You break away from Fives, who groans with frustration, yet too looks towards the source of the noise. You both expect it to be nothing much, maybe overly drunk patrons. It’s not nothing, as the table where your current squad sits is now in disarray and a certain member of Clone Force 99 is staring deadly daggers at Fives. The said clone makes an awkward sound in confusion, eyes flicking towards you with a hint of panic within them as he whispers in your ear, “Ner kar’ta, why is he glaring at me?”
You shake your head slightly, partially in disbelief, but also to indicate to Fives that you don’t know. “He’s usually grumpy, but I’ve never seen him like… this. Let me deal with this.”
As you talk with Fives, Crosshair is swiftly stomping over. Before Fives gets a chance to respond to you, a fist lands directly in the side of his nose, causing him to stumble and nearly pull you over with him. You untangle yourself from Fives, seeing red in the corners of your eyes as you turn to face the assailant, Crosshair. He looks enraged. However, your expression gives him a run for his credits.
“Crosshair! What the kriff was that?!” The entirety of the bar has their eyes on you as you shout, many of the 501st in the bar moving to gather around. Jesse and Hardcase, who were with you in the moments before the incident, have stepped in to check on Fives, who is holding his nose that gushes with his own crimson blood. Rex, who was sitting with the Commanders, has stood up and approached slowly, ready to step in to be the mediator, and alongside him is Cody too, the pair ready to work the dynamic duo as always. Kix is currently pushing his way through the crowd towards you as well, seeming to go full combat medic mode at the commotion. The Bad Batch have reacted too, all slightly differently. Wrecker has leapt from his seat, ready to fight. Echo has quickly moved to grab the oversized clone, and Hunter too has stopped his brother from starting a whirlwind of chaos, although seems to be more relaxed about potentially letting Wrecker off the leash if there is good reason to. Tech still sits in the back of the booth, awkwardly looking over his datapad at the situation. All of them wait, however, to see how Crosshair responds.
The silver haired sniper hisses an exhale, before snarling his words, “The reg kissed you!”
In your eyes, it is a pretty poor excuse. “So?!” You call out, your anger bubbling up with the increasing heat.
Crosshair narrows his eyes, taken aback by the question, yet this time he has a better response, spoken quietly this time, his words now laced with venom, “It looks like you’re being taken advantage of…”
If you hadn’t been drinking then maybe you would have said something better, but what comes out of you is spat that the sniper with frustration at his apparent blunder.
“I’m dating Fives, I ain’t being kriffing taken advantage of!”
Crosshair’s expression falls for a moment, a look of abject horror upon his features. Yet it disappears as quickly as it appears. He seems done, done with everything now. Turning around, to head towards the exit of the bar, he growls, “Kriff you…” He leaves then, storming out. Hunter drags Wrecker along with him after their brother, whilst Echo lets go to rush across to you and Fives, whose nose is now clogged up with napkins from the bar to stop the bleeding.
It is as Echo comes towards you and Crosshair steps out the door of the bar that the realisation of what truly happened hits you. All those around you disappear as your entire focus turns to Fives. You rush over towards him, the shouts of the clones about you trying to disperse the crowd falling on deaf ears as you throw yourself against Fives, wrapping your arms around him.
“I’m sorry, Fives-“
“Ssssh, ner kar’ta, not your fault. He was just jealous.” Fives wraps his arms about you, engulfing you in his warmth and comfort, placing a gentle kiss atop the crown of your head.
Meanwhile, Crosshair storms away from 79s and into the night of Coruscant, he realises that he will always be jealous in regard to you. Jealous because you are the one thing he cannot have, for Fives has already claimed you.
Thanks for reading!
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goldenpinof · 4 months
The fact that looking into technical failures to understand the businesses we are patronizing (and let's be clear every bit of money sent DnP's way means you Are Doing Business With Them in the literal sense) is far from negativity aside... I don't think we should have a knee jerk reaction against anything negative being said as a rule, because that's how you end up platforming and pedestialising horrible things just because your favourite celebrity does them. Like, we need to bring back an understanding of when negativity is "uncalled for" (to do with things that are none of our business as consumers, audiences, and patrons, or otherwise to do with personal/harmless stuff) and when it isn't uncalled for, otherwise we create an expectation of just never being allowed to criticise anything, from the quality of the works presented to us, to quality of service with merch, to collabs with harmful partners, and eventually to misuse of a massive platform for nefarious ends.
Thankfully dnp have had way more integrity than most exploitative content creators out there. But that's certainly in part due to mutual respect between audience and creators and if we start hand wringing about small criticisms we will not be able to maintain that mutual respect and make ourselves easy to exploit.
Not to go on a big rant or anything, I just feel it should be stated that criticisms aren't always bad faith, and it's good that we have people in this fandom (like yourself ❤️) willing to hold some stuff to account where it's important+ where it concerns us directly
~ 🪴
"let's be clear every bit of money sent DnP's way means you Are Doing Business With Them in the literal sense" EXACTLY. and their business decisions affect us, unfortunately.
thank you so much for saying all of this, Hazel. phandom has a weird relationship with criticism. i experienced it more than once, unfortunately (did it teach me anything? no, i'm still here. rip to my mental health). for some reason a lot of people think that if you criticise what dnp do, you automatically criticise and dislike them as people. which couldn't be further from the truth. i try to criticise their work and actions related to their work, not them personally. the same goes for Matryn and his work. and if in the end something gets fixed or just a little bit better, i try to comment on that as well. i like seeing progress. like today with wad merch. i will update my post about irl merch, because i mentioned 9 months to gather the merch from all over the world. but Dan found other way, and that's great! only he confused us with "many weeks" and "i will try" before that.
i realise that maybe a breakdown post (or two) would be better than making 10 about basically the same thing. it's emotions. merch stuff is a rollercoaster. i haven't felt so many completely opposite emotions in a long time. and some of them are ending up on my blog in a form of criticism and yelling.
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
I HAVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR DIETER CONTENT FOR SO SO LONG AND ALL OF YOUR WORKS HIT THE SPOT THE PLAN, HOME, SIMULATED AND YOUR ENTIRE BELOW THE LINE SERIES OH MY GOD IM IN LOVE WITH YOUR DIETER WORK AND HONESTLY. I'm so convinced the only reason it doesn't have more notes if because it doesn't show up under the dieter x reader tag because of mature tag, tumblr really needs to update their system anyways thank you for blessing me with your work I am so glad to have found your blog MWAH
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I am sending you the biggest softest goat-cuddle hug for this lovely message! I'm so glad you enjoyed all the Dieter that I've been throwing out, that man has me by the throat and I am NOT complaining!
If you're in the market for other Dieter stories, might I suggest some of my lovely mutuals and wonderful writers!
(note that most if not all of these stories are 18+ mature content)
@fuckyeahdindjarin's Consent
@jazzelsaur's Stay on the Screenplay and No Drug Like Me
@radiowallet's Funny Girl
@ezrasbirdie's Cool Girl
@boliv-jenta's Wardrobe series
@pedrito-friskito's Calculated Risks
@amywritesthings Famous Last Words
@chaoticgeminate's Sparks Fly (with the delicious addition of Frankie)
@write-and-buried has several AMAZING Dieter series, read them all!
@psychedelic-ink has a bunch of great Dieter oneshots that are all stunning
There are several more bigger and lesser known Dieter stories out there, but like you mentioned Tumblr is terrible at surfacing them, so anyone come and rec ones you know! It'll be like a Dieter farmers market. Locally-sourced, farm-to-table, artisanal trash boy. The highest quality!
Thank you for reading lovely!
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llawlieta · 8 months
What’s your most unpopular DN opinion? (It can be about canon, fanon the fandom)
This is a hard to answer question for me because I don't know that I have many unpopular opinions, or any at all?! So I'm just going to ramble a little bit at you. I hope this is the quality content you were looking for.
I am FAR from confident that my own characterization of Light and L is right, but I sometimes feel like my view of them is an unpopular one because I see different sides of fandom taking certain traits and pulling in totally different directions - Light is either dramatic with a hair-trigger temperament and ready for Violence OR he is very soft and fluffy. (Or, he is either constantly openly and shamelessly putting women down or actually a #feminist.) Same thing with L. L is very soft and gentle and full of angsty feelings, or (and I think the following is a view that some people have adopted as a rejection to the Uwu L ™ characterization that was king in the early days of the fandom, sjsksjd) he is a confident asshole with almost no consideration towards other people beyond what is useful to him to be able to solve a case.
But then of course I know this is a bit like saying nothing because all fandoms will do this to their blorbos, and all characters are more complex than you'd think from a cursory search through their Tumblr tag. I was discussing this with a beloved friend and she illuminated me by mentioning that fandom... just loves Drama and Heightened Feelings... People consume the source material and want more Feels out of it (especially media like Death Note, I'd imagine, which really doesn't spend more time than necessary dwelling on anyone's feelings) and so they take... Light having a yelling fit and make it a very prominent trait of his personality. Or L having a soft moment and fill him with soft feelings that are coming out all the time. Which is a reasonable instinct to have! even though I think the interesting part of those moments in canon is precisely the fact that they are extraordinary in some way.
So I AM saying nothing and this does happen in every fandom, and contrary to what that cursory search through any fandom tag would tell you, a lot of people certainly treat the characters with subtlety and pay careful attention to all of their dimensions. I mean, evidently, most people do it much better than I could ever hope to do!! (In my defense I have to say that if I stress myself out with writing Light and L properly in-character I will drive myself insane, so not doing it is Self Care for me). But, ah! hopefully this is still some sort of answer, anon!
The L thing bothers me more, because he is my beloved boy and because I think people insist a bit too much on the view of him as confident asshole who doesn't give a fuck. Cleverer people than me have discussed this, particularly in the Lawlight server in which I am, but L does in fact Give Some Fucks. I'm noticing it more now that I'm rereading the manga! A lot of soft little L moments are making me sort of understand why people back in the early fandom days really ran with that Soft Uwu L interpretation haha. It's not remotely accurate to reduce him to those traits! but it's not accurate either to reduce him to the opposite ones?
And I feel like the same phenomenon happens with Lawlight, My Beloved Ship. Sometimes it feels like, if people don't portray them as a very soft and fluffy couple, they can portray them as a couple that would be so toxic and unhealthy that they couldn't have a normal, loving relationship without mind games and manipulation always running through the undercurrent of it. Idk we all know these boys are crazy insane but I don't think they'd be quite THAT toxic!!
Rereading the manga has made me have the realization once again that (I think) L and Light honestly just fit together very well, and don't hate each other with nearly as much venom and intensity as one might think, and there's a lot of common interests and genuine mutual appreciation and fun in their relationship. Particularly in a no notebook AU where there'd be no need for 70% of their mind games of course lol, but it's also there just, like, canonically.
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↑ they discuss the news and buy groceries together and read different books silently on the couch actually.
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dramalets · 1 month
Ahh I see my favourite long time block newly mutual block is spouting sour vomit all over show tags again.
Stop show tagging stuff you don’t personally like. There is lots of shit I don’t like and I don’t show tag because I know that’s where people who like the show go. People who enjoy your opinions follow you for those opinions.
If you don’t like most GMMTV shows, don’t watch them? A lot of them are a bit vapid yup. But they’re wholly enjoyable and provide the same kind of easy brain watch that American 00’s teen shows used too. They don’t have to be art to be enjoyable.
Also the tumblr hate boner for New is absolutely fucking ridiculous at this point. The man has produced more good than bad and the bad has usually been let down in the writing and not the direction. He’s not perfect. But no director is. Especially ones that produce content at the amount most Thai BL directors are required too.
We Are is doing a lot of things extremely well but people like you post vomit about how it’s just a show to monetise ships and because you’ve got a big audience and a loud voice people support that and don’t watch the show.
A queer lens is important but 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 GMMTV shows aren’t about a queer lens and never have been. They sit in a bubble where homophobia doesn’t exist and the chief problems our characters have are interpersonal. They are the gay equivalent of those 00’s American teen shows I mentioned and that is perfectly fine.
We Are is doing some lovely things with friendships, something New is actually excellent at I will never ever fault the man for the quality of his direction where friend groups are concerned, and the couples are progressing softly but well. (With Tan & Fang as an exception atp. I’d like to see more of them.)
What it’s not is ‘the worst thing to happen to gmmtv’ as so many of you poison pen letter writers are insinuating.
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madame-fear · 1 year
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.·:¨༺ [ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟑 | 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐲? ] ༻¨:·.
— summary : (y/n) Velaryon is Lucerys' aunt, Laenor's close cousin, and Vaemond's daughter. Lucerys nurtures a deep love and admiration for her Velaryon way of being, making him fall hard for his aunt, unaware his feelings are mutual. But how will their relationship be shaken when her father tries to claim himself as the true heir of Driftmark? — requested? : yes, by my beloved @faces-ofvenus ♡ — word count : 5.8k
— pairing : lucerys velaryon x velaryon! aunt! reader — genre : fluff?, romance, family drama
TW | mentions of incest content (aunt-nephew mutual crushing), and cursing.
ೃ⁀➷ Read Chapter One ೃ⁀➷ Read Chapter Two ೃ⁀➷ Read Chapter Three ೃ⁀➷ Read Chapter Four ೃ⁀➷ Read Chapter Five
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As you finished your sailing trip with Luke and the sailboat returned back to Dragonstone once again, a harrowing sigh escaped your lips, and a concerned look was expressed on your face; though a polite smile remained on your lips as you waved goodbye to your troop, and thanked them deeply for the little navigation they had given you so you could teach and show your nephew more about the sea, and sailing in general.
Walking side by side with Lucerys, your hand was placed gently on his back as both Jacaerys and Rhaenyra stood outside the castle with broad, proud grin on their faces, as they warmly welcomed you back from your short trip; asking how it had been. The hand that was on Luke's back pushed him a little bit so he'd hurry to his brother, whom was keen in knowing more about how the navigation had gone with you by his side, while you approached Rhaenyra. Knowing you, she noticed that even if you had a smile placed on your lips, she could sense that there was something wrong. It was just plastered on your expressions.
“So? How did it all go?” faintly, you heard Jace ask Luke with an enthusiastic voice tone, as he playfully ruffled his younger brother's already messy hair. Your eyes stared at the two boys talking together, with another sigh escaping your lips, and the previous smile dropping a bit.
The platinum haired woman stared at the boys as well, her hands clasped together in front of her body. “He seems quite joyful about his sailing.” she spoke, in that soothing tone of hers. “Did he get seasick, as usual?” she inquired, now darting her eyes towards you, raising only an eyebrow. As your eyes never left the two boys talking and Jace notoriously teasing Luke about having spent quality time with you, you softly nodded briefly. “Of course, but luckily the ginger tea and advices I gave him about how to avoid seasickness worked rather rapidly.” like her, you now turned to look at Rhaenyra.
The certain weary, lethargic expression painted on your face made the Targaryen princess furrow her eyebrows lightly, and tilt her head to her side a bit. “Is something the matter, sweet girl?” she could read you quite well, she always did. Another sigh — huff, practically — escaped your lips. “Unfortunately, we might have another gruelling task to deal with.” discreetly, you took the now wrinkled letter from your father out of your pocket as you responded to her. Confusedly, she watched you unfold it, with her eyebrows still furrowed as you extended the letter to her.
“What's this?” her eyes analysed the letter, as she gently took it from your hands, and began reading what contained on the letter. “A letter, from my father.” you retorted as your lips turned into a thin line, her wide eyes shooting up to stare into yours. “Just... just read the letter, please. It's an urgent matter.” it was truly an enervating topic for you, and certainly energy draining, but you had to deal with it as quickly and as easily as you could. Without much objection, she lowered her gaze, and attentively read the letter. You could notice she was just as distressed as you were with each word she read from your father.
“He'll be travelling to Kings Landing to... put Luke's legitimacy into question and claim Driftmark?” she murmured to you, in disbelief at what she read. You nodded, as disappointed as you were. “Have you answered this letter, yet?” you shook your head, rapidly. “No, no, I haven't; it's yet to be answered. And unfortunately, Luke knows about this, as he heard me talking to a member of the fleet about it...” her lilac eyes remained staring at you, as thousands of emotions washed over her, the same way they all did over your own body, and mind.
“But... I just told him not to worry, that I'd take care of it.” a sigh escaped the princess' lips, as she — a bit upset — folded back the letter, and handed it back to you. You took it from her hands, and your lips were still formed on a thin line. Both your eyes went to stare at the boys talking, and Jace seemed to be dragging Luke by his hands back inside the castle, as to show him something — not even noticing for a second the weary look on your faces. Except for Luke, whom before fully leaving with Jace, briefly gazed at the two of you, and right there, he noticed both of you were concerned; knowing the exact reason why.
“I will answer the letter, and I think we should prepare ourselves to travel to Kings Landing at any given moment. This will most certainly be a gruelling task.” you retorted, keeping the folded letter on your fist. She nodded, and sighed as she turned around to get back inside along with the two Velaryon boys, you immediatly doing the same thing and following her from behind.
“I will talk about this with Daemon, and in the meantime while you answer your father's letter, I will get everyone prepared for travelling.” at her statement, you nodded, seeing the boys from afar making their way towards the Great Hall to meet with the maester that always gave them High Valyrian lessons. “Good. We need to prepare ourselves properly for what is yet to come, or for whatever may happen in the court. I will be in my chambers dealing with the letters.” huffing, you turned around on your heels, and started making your way through the large, rocky corridors of Dragonstone, as to reach your own guest chambers in which you were staying.
You had to think intelligently of your answer, and try to get to know what your father would plan to say and do in the trial, and when he would travel. It would be an enervating task, most certainly, but you had to find a way to maintain the unnecessary situations under your control.
A few hours had passed of you being inside your chambers, not leaving it not even for a second.
Nervously, you walked in circles around your chambers, not sitting down for one moment. One of your arms was crossed against your chest, and the elbow of the other arm on top of it, while you anxiously bit your nails. Occasionally, you stepped out to the small balcony in your chambers that gave you a pleasant view to the vast ocean — your eyes were fixed on the continously rising and descending tides that were shaken by the strong wind breeze. As the window to your balcony was open, the breeze entered your chambers, making you shiver lightly.
Eventually, you got yourself dizzy from all the walking around in circles around your guest chambers, making you sit in the chair that stood inside your quarter as you placed your father's letter right in front of you, on top of the antique wooden desk, and took hold of a quill pen, which was a raven feather you always used to answer any type of letter; getting it's calamus tinted with black ink, as you took hold a blank paper, and began writing down the answer all those hours of mindlessly walking in circles around your chambers gave you. The only thing heard in the room was the Aeolian sound of the wind entering through your open window, and your rapid writing in a paper to answer your father's letter.
Your writing flowed quite smoothly, but at one moment, you paused yourself halfway to attentively read what you had written — only to sigh in frustration, take a harsh hold of the paper, and begin to wrinkle it while you shook your head lightly in disappointment. “Fuck, no– Not a good response.” you murmured to yourself, and tossed the paper to your side, where it won't disturb you, as you anxiously took hold of another blank paper. The soft noise of your tapping fingers on the desk were heard on your chambers, along the previous sounds of the gusting wind.
Right as you were about to begin writing something in the new blank paper, a knock that sounded twice on your door interrupted you — causing you to sigh, but you didn't bother much. You pressumed it must have been either Nyra, or perhaps... Luke? You really, really wished it was him, deep inside of you. A part of you felt the need to protect him from whatever your father may have planned for the upcoming trial, or even the world itself; and another part of you wanted his warm, loving presence to soothe you from the nerves the thought of travelling back to Kings Landing provoked on you.
“Come on in!” you half-shouted, as your eyes remained fixed on the newly picked blank paper. The door was swung open, and you turned around to see whom had been the person who knocked on your door: encountering yourself with Jacaerys.
“Jace.” you greeted, with one arm leaning against your chair, while your eyes remained fixed on his coffee ones. With a single head bow, he greeted you back; a small smile formed on his lips. “Aunt.” he retorted back. “Mother told me to inform you that we will be travelling to Kings Landing in the morrow, so you should prepare for it.” you nodded tiredly, your face expression giving away that you had a mix of overwhelming emotions at the thought of being in the court, with your father questioning Luke's legitimacy upon the King; your gaze briefly falling down to the floor in disappointment.
“I... also came to see how you were doing, I know it's not an easy situation.” jace could read right through you like an open book; his words were soft-spoken and gentle, as to try and provide you some comfort. He knew you admired your father, but he also knew you had a certain special bond with his brother, Luke. At his words, your eyes darted back into his, and you gave him a tiny smile that grew on your lips as you shrugged. “It's sweet of you to ask, but... I'm okay, I suppose. I'm just...” inhaling a deep breath, you paused for a brief moment as you tried to find a proper way to describe your current emotions, and you continued. “... disappointed, you could say. It's not really my father's right to claim Driftmark, it's Luke's right.” your worn out gaze staring deep into the elder Velaryon's ones as you spoke. “In fact, I know my cousin Laenor would've done something if he didn't want Luke to be the next heir, no?” you raised an eyebrow at your own comment, and then scoffed. “But, I highly doubt I could ever convince my father about that.”
Jace's lips turned into a slight frown at seeing you had some notorious dark bags under your eyes, and the way he could realise your mind kept wandering about what to respond to your father's letter by seeing a yet blank paper right in front of you, as you tapped your fingers anxiously on your desk. Jacaerys sighed, and he fully entered your room as he had been the entire time standing by your door, approaching closer. His hand was sympathically placed on your shoulder, looking down at you as you remained sitting on your chair.
“Try not to stress yourself too much, everything we'll be fine. We have each other as a family, and we can overcome any type of obstacle! No?” he reassured with a broad, loving grin, as he leaned down and placed a playful kiss on top of your head - some chuckles spurring from your lips at his gentleness. “You're right, Jace. Thank you.” replying with a genuine tone in your voice, you placed your hand on top of the one he had on your shoulder, and you lovingly patted it. “I think I should leave now, we have swordtraining lessons with the maester — but of course, I'll see you later!” he said, the wide grin remaining on his lips, as he turned around to make his way out of your door. You giggled a bit, making your smile grow broader at how he never failed to lift the tense atmosphere up with his kindness.
As you were about to speak to wave him goodbye until later, he abruptly stopped himself from walking out of your door, and he turned around. “Oh! And, aunt?” he spoke, making you hum in response curiously. “Yes, Jace?” you finally retorted, intrigued at what he would say next.
“Luke told me that you should meet him after sparring lessons near Arrax's dragonpit before we prepare to travel to Kings Landing, I believe he said he had a surprise for you to... you know, ease a bit all the stress.” an intense tint of crimson stained your cheeks notoriously at his comment. Your eyes widened a bit, and as you opened your mouth to say anything, he rapidly waved goodbye. “Anyways – Bye! See you!” and practically, he closed shut the door of your chambers, and ran away from your sight — his snickering echoing through the rocky walls of the corridors.
As the elder Velaryon made his way to the swordtraining lessons, you had been left stammering upon your own words, feeling the warm rise of fluster stain your entire face at the thought of Luke surprising you with a gift as to take your mind off the drama with your father a bit. The boys were certainly good at making you feel more at ease, and lift your mood.
Your soft footstepping was heard echoing through the corridors of the Dragonstone castle. Finally, after many drafts and papers being tossed aside, you finished the reply to your father's letter, and had it sent back to him with a raven.
Seeing the previous bright blue sky having turned into a vivid, bright orange colour with deep pinkish clouds, you pressumed the boys must've surely finished the duties for the day — which, that lead you to make your way towards Arraxes' dragonpit like Jace told you to go, so you can meet with Lucerys as to forget everything for a brief moment. As large — and many — as the halls were, you managed to guide yourself outside the Dragonstone castle, and walk the wide path that took you all the way down to the beachside.
As you walked down the large downpath, your eyes stared up at the wide ocean, whose waves rose and descended with the wind — the fresh, slightly frigid breeze of air delicately blew on your face as you walked towards the beachside. From afar, you also noticed the sun slowly beginning to disappear from sight; provoking a blend of orange, slightly golden, and some deep shades of pink in the sky, which reflected in the seawaves. In a way, it was refreshingly comforting; it reminded you of the very first day you arrived to Dragonstone after some years, and the way you had been warmly received by everyone, plus how they made sure your first day of seeing each other again was a delightful experience. Fortunately, your mind managed to forget about your previous concerns...
... at least, for a short moment, during your walk from the downpath, to the beachside — where all you could hear were the splashing sounds of the ocean waves hitting against some rocks in the sand, and cawing birds, which was good enough for your mind to be at ease. Once you were there at the beachside, you began walking towards the mentioned dragonpit, following the path Luke had previously taken you to when he presented you Arrax upclose. Even if it was a short walk, you still enjoyed it, and you enjoyed even more the thought of him possibly having a little surprise to show you.
Reaching the rocky, slightly dark dragonpit, you noticed Arrax nudging Luke's arm playfully. From afar, you could hear the young Velaryon interacting with the pearly coloured dragon — whose scales were gleaming under the reflection of the disappearing sun — in what you knew it must've been High Valyrian, as both his arms were right behind his back. Once his vivid hazel eyes turned around and spotted your figure approaching closer to both of them, one of his arms which hid behind his back appeared just to joyfully wave at you — to which, you responded doing the same gesture.
Deep down inside, you were slightly frightened that all this matter of your father wanting to put into question his legitimacy as the next heir of Driftmark in front of King Viserys — Luke's grandsire — would, somehow, provoke a drastic change in your relationship. Perhaps, making him lose his trust on you, or change his way to view you — but, you were wrong. Lucerys has known you since he was born, and you were there by his side in every type of situation: when he, from a young age, insisted that he didn't want to be Lord of Driftmark, when his uncles referred to him and his brothers as bastards, when he took Aemond's eye just to defend Daemon's daughters, and other situations alike.
He knew you weren't your father. You are far from being like he is, even if you share a vast knowledge of the Velaryon and the Sea Snake legacy like your father did, but unlike him, you are a just person who knew how to distinguish between right and wrong, with a great sense of liberty. He nurtured a deep admiration and great, fond love by the way you are; because for Lucerys, you are genuine, and fiercely caring and loving with him. And no matter whatever situation happened, nothing would be able to change the way he viewed you.
“Jace told me you were expecting to meet me here, as you had a surprise for me. Is that so?” you spoke up with a light smirk on the corner of your lips as you raised an eyebrow, interrupting his thoughts. A tint of pink was formed on his cheeks at the plain sight of you, and the sound of your voice; both his arms remained behind his back, as if he hid something from you. “Indeed.” luke retorted, agreeing. “I thought we could spend some time together before having to travel back to Kings Landing... and, I also brought you a rather special gift, to ease your nerves... in a way.” the smirk that was on your lips swiftly quivered into a nearly toothy grin upon his words. “But, I'm gonna need you to close your eyes, first.”
Playfully, you rolled your eyes at him — which caused him to greatly smile at your actions —, and as your eyes closed shut, your hands flew to cover your face as well.
“You can open them now.” he quickly replied. Leisurely, you removed your hands from covering your face, and your eyes begin to open very slowly, and curiously. His hands were extended right in front of you, and they were holding a dragon egg that was yet to be hatched. At the sight of this, your (e/c) eyes became wide, and some stammering in disbelief was all that could come out of your lips, as they were formed into a grand, bright smile. “Do you like your surpri—” before he could finish his question, you threw yourself at him with arms wide open, and embraced him in a tight, warm hug. His hands took a tight grip of the dragon egg so it wouldn't slip away from him and fall, but was quick in wrapping his arms around your body as well, feeling a certain warm fluster appear on his cheeks as you placed your head on the crook of his neck.
“Luke, I absolutely love it! Thank you so so much!” you began gushing, as you rocked him lightly to the sides, goofily and toothily grinning with an intense shade of crimson on your face. You had completely forgotten of everything that surrounded you, and all of the unnecessary problems around your lives. Enthusiastically, you pulled apart from him, and gently took the dragon egg from his hands, admiring it, and passing your fingertips across the hard, slightly scale-like texture tenderly. The way your eyes keenly glinted with felicity at his unexpected surprise made his heart flutter, and shyly grin at you. “I-I'm glad you did. It's the best I could do to make you feel better.” as he replied to you, you leaned closer to him, and gave him a sweet, loving peck on the corner of his lips. “You always make me feel better, Luke, no matter whatever thing you do.” you retorted in a nearly whispering voice, as your eyes gazed deep into his, and he could feel melting on the inside at the soft way you stared at him, and only him.
“I will take good care of it, I promise. But...” you briefly stopped speaking, looing down at the unhatched egg in your hands. It was a bit heavier than you expected them to be, but it didn't matter. “But I might need you to teach me a thing or two about taking care of a yet unhatched dragon egg, and a whole dragon, no?” you joked, with a few chuckles escaping smoothly from your lips. Nervously at being so close to you, he mimicked your actions with a broad smile. “Oh, no doubt about that. I will most gladly help you raise the dragon, and train it as well.” his fingers lovingly raised to remove a strand of your hair that fell to your face when you lowered your head to admire the egg he gifted you, tucking it right behind your ears. Gods, when being around you, it was so easy to forget about any type of onerous inconvenience that there may be... and unbeknownst to him, you felt the same when being around his presence.
“Come on, let's go take a walk before it gets any more darker.” his gentle hand unconsciously remained being placed on your cheek, as he stared at the sky above the two of you. The previously orange-pinkish blend of colours in the sky had rapidly became of different shades of blue, that would most surely turn dark in a short while, and some stars were already faintly appearing. “Unless, we both wish to travel to Kings Landing with dark bags under our eyes.” he joked, offering you his arm, and you snickered at his comment while looping your own arm around his. Neither of you could deny that you were actually overwhelmingly anxious at whatever would happen tomorrow in the Kings' court, but jestering around and spending time by each others side was a nice way of trying to wash away those tedious feelings that made a knot on your stomach from the nerves.
Soon, you both started to calmly walk together, side by side, with your arms ringed around each other. Your free hand kept holding the egg protectively, and you had it placed tightly against your chest as both of you strolled. The sounds of the clashing waves was heard in the background, accompanied by your soft footsteps in the sand. It was a quiet stroll, actually — none of you had said anything; you simply admired the beauty in the appearance of the moon and the stars in the sky, enjoying the current moment you had the opportunity to spend together. Eventually, after a few minutes of having began your walk, while you stared at the now suddenly calm ocean waves, the first to speak up again was Lucerys.
“(y/n)?” he called your name softly. Often, he simply referred to you as 'aunt', rather than calling you by your name — but when he did refer to you by your name, it was a rather pleasant feeling to hear your name smoothly flow from his lips. You turned your head around to look at him with a gentle smile upon your lips. “Yes, Lucerys?” you retorted back, intrigued at what he would say.
It took him a few seconds to get the words unstuck from his throat, as he merely stammered briefly before fully rearranging what he wanted to say. “Do you...” a sigh escaped his lips, before they turned into a straight line, and he continued, now taking an intense look into your eyes as you walked together. “Do you think your father is right, in questioning my legitimacy as the future heir of Driftmark?” his voice tone was more serious now, instead of the playful, yet slightly awkward previous tone. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, and stopped walking, making him immediatly do the same thing.
“Wh-What? What do you mean? No!” you began, as you unlooped your arm from being around his own, and your hand descended to take hold of his. “Of course I don't! My father was never meant to be the heir to the throne of Driftmark, but you are!” you understood why he would ask such question, knowing you were fond of your father — but you hated that he constantly doubted of himself and his capacities as a future Lord. “Don't you think my cousin Laenor would've done something if he didn't want you to be Driftmark's next heir?”
You were right in everything, he had never thought about it that way. His head lowered in embarrassment at realising that maybe questioning whether you supported your father's idea of claiming Driftmark or not was stupid, but before he could fully lower his gaze shyly, your hand let go of his, and your fingers went immediatly to take a gentle hold of his chin, forcing him to look into your eyes. An awkward scarlet glint was formed on his usually rosy cheeks, as he stared into your eyes with a lost puppy stare.
“I don't care whether it's my father putting your honour and legitimacy into question, or anyone else,” you began, speaking more softly and slowly. “But I will never allow anyone to doubt about you in such way, no matter who that person is.” his previous tense gaze softened upon your words, especially at the feeling of your gentle fingertips under his chin, holding it. “You will be a perfect Lord of Driftmark and a fitting one, I know. The moment of the trial will pass rapidly, and we'll get over it all together as a big family.” you reassured.
“I will never leave your side in the morrow's court, I promise.” you finished whispering, and your lips were gently placed on his forehead, feeling himself giving into your soft display of affection. If he already admired you previously, now he admired and loved you even more than he already did — and that's an understatement.
As you pulled apart from kissing his forehead, noticing his intense fluster all over his entire face, you broadly smiled to him as your hand reached for his, while your other hand remained taking a good hold of the dragonegg. “Shall we get back inside, now?” you raised both your eyebrows, lifting your sight to the sky as well, noticing it was already nighttime, and the stars vividly shone upon you. “We have to eat dinner and get up early. We will also need to have some good rest tonight.” guiding him back to the path that takes you inside the Dragonstone castle, he nodded agreeingly at you, not being able to say much — otherwise, the only thing he was currently able to say was mere stuttering from the shyness your caring gave him.
“Thank you, for everything.” he managed to murmur, in deep gratitude for the way you never failed to soothe him, responding to him with a broad, gentle smile. The one he always loved to see on your face, and the one that made his heart feel like beating right out of his chest.
Tomorrow was certainly going to be a long, intense day — but you were certainly more than ready to get over it as fast as you could.
The following day, you all arrived to Kings Landing after 6 long years, in the same carriage both Jacaerys and Lucerys travelled in, your hand secretly holding his the entire ride. Despite having been politely received and taken inside the Red Keep, you could notice it was far more different than you remembered it to be. Distasteful, and, in a way, it had a gloomy vibe to it much to your disliking; but, unfortunately, it was how you imagined it would look like.
Right after shortly re-visiting part of the insides of the Red Keep and accompany Nyra for a bit, you decided to spend the rest of your time until you were called to the court with the two Velaryon boys, whom re-explored the outsides of the Red Keep together. You could notice that, most of the people that passed nearby all of you, eyed up and down the two Velaryon siblings with certain mocking looks due that, most people had already heard of the rumours of them being bastards, and you could even spot some of them whispering and laughing to each other about them.
While you simply sent those people some death glares — and Jace simply ignored them, not caring what they thought —, Luke would notice it right away, being a bit more insecure in general, and would occasionally make a small remark about it to both his brother, and you. Unfortunately, the fact that his uncle Aemond was also swordtraining nearby and noticed the three of you didn't help either, but Jace and you managed to distract Luke rather easily.
“So what if they stare? Let them. After all, you're quite the sight to appreciate.” you would quietly retort in a teasing manner, giving him a wink. A shy chuckle would immediatly escape his lips, and his green eyes would turn to look elsewhere as to try and cover the growing scarlet blushing forming at your words. Jace would also reassure him that everything would be more than fine, and would occasionally ruffle his curly hair to mess with his younger brother a bit.
Even if his brother's confidence and playfulness helped him through the insecurity all those gossiping eyes upon them gave him, your own words and your mere presence was more than enough to soothe him, and forget about it. Eventually, some time passed while both of you managed to stroll around King's Landing, and as expected, you were all called to assist the trial that would define the heirs to Driftmark. Even if both of you were overwhelmingly disquiet for what was yet to come, you were the one with the most anxiety the entire previous time before it started, and the second it began.
What had made you the most anxious was, the second you entered the courtroom for the trial to begin, seeing the scornful-looking members of the Green Team standing next to the throne, and the hand of the King, Otto Hightower, sitting on the Iron Throne itself — making you originally believe that he'd be the one making decisions "in the name of the King"; but you knew how resentful they were towards all of you, and that they'd probably favour your father's claims of being the rightful next heir to Driftmark, instead of Luke. Your hand grasped his, and in a hidden manner, you managed to take hold of it, and rub it with your thumb, so he would know that you're there to support him the entire time.
Much to your luck — and, unbelievable for some — King Viserys showed up right on time; seemingly very, very notoriously sick, but he appeared on the court, and weakly made his way to sit on the Iron Throne. On his way, as he nearly reached the throne, his crown dropped to the floor — loudly clinging against the cold floor. Daemon crouched to pick the crown, helped his brother sit on the throne, and placed the golden crown with Targaryen symbolism carved on it on top of his brother's head. Seeing the moment was much of a relief to you, not only because you knew he'd most certainly stand up for his own grandchildren's right, and of course, his own daughter; but also because it was a sweet, comforting moment to appreciate amidst the nerves you felt.
But, unfortunately, much to your dismay, as the trial session officially had began — without your father yet appearing —, Rhaenyra announced outloud in front of everyone assisting the trial that she'd be betrothing her eldest son, Jacaerys, to Lady Baela Targaryen, and... Lucerys, to Lady Rhaena Targaryen. Upon hearing those words coming from Rhaenyra's lips, you could felt your chest tightning, and a lack of air washing over you with disappointment — a devastating, heartshattering moment that you'd have to accept without any other choice left.
Jacaerys, whom stood behind his mother, gave both Lucerys and you a dispirited look, knowing how both of you felt for each other — and so did Lucerys, his hazel eyes intensely gazing over you with visible disappointment and discontent as he stood by your right side, while you loosened the grip on his hand, and let go of it; but you never turned around to look at him, you simply felt the intensity of his glaring. You nibbled on your lower lip with a certain rise to your chest of sadness and bitternes.
You couldn't even focus on what the King, or the other members of House Velaryon and House Targaryen discussed at your own mind-eating thoughts of deception, knowing that you'd have to bear with the fact that the only person you have always deeply, and fondly loved was now officially betrothed. It was unbeknownst to you, but Lucerys felt the exact same sorrowing feelings that you did.
Suddenly, your mind snapped back to reality when you heard the door of the court harshly swinging open, making everyone — including you — to turn around and look at who had just entered: only to encounter yourself with your father, Vaemond. You visibly gulped, as he leisurely, and silently entered; making his presence be fully felt by everyone in the courtroom. Your father noticed you, and by the way he gazed at you, you knew must've felt rather surprised to see you standing with the Targaryens — though, you greeted him with a cold, single bow head, and he did the samd for you.
Even if the anxiety was strong enough as to make your own hands tremble at the unexpected events to come, you knew that with the presence of the King — Rhaenyra's father —, and with how fiercely your relatives of House Targaryen defended what was their true right, you knew everything would be all right, and in your own favour.
After all, it was House Targaryen only against your father, who was a single person. Though, unknowingly for you, this was only the mere beginning of what would be a rather intense trial session for the future heirs of Driftmark.
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eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
📩 Simblr question of the day: Do you have any blogs that make your day when they post? Mention them! Tell us why you like them!
God, nonnie, I'm always so happy to see you here 🥺💗 Just know that I love you so so muuuuch, AND YOU MAKE MY DAY! :') regardless of who you are, nonnie, I love you because you're so wholesome and just- this whole thing with simblr question of the day is such a beautiful thing for connecting people and in general, it always feel so nice to know more about fellow simblr people :') You're so cute and you deserve all the the love in the world!
I HAVE WAY TOO MUCH TO MENTION, but basically all of my dash, my amazing mutuals, but I'll try to tag some people! :') AND PLEASE KNOW that if I didn't tag I didn't mean anything bad or just.. I always forget urls 😭 and tumblr won't let be tag all of you, but in general: you're amazing and loved by me if you're reading this now. Just by it's only fact, okay?? 💞🥺 I love you!!
@pralinesims - EVAN GOD YOU'RE SUCH A NICE PERSON AND SUCH A GOOD CONTENT CREATOR AND YOUR EDITS ARE JUST- AHHH I love your story, I love your ocs (esp Aaron & Luca!!), I love your cc content and I love how you write. And I also think that you're an amazing and just... probably sweetest person I've met on tumblr & your support and just... you make me feel so happy :') I hope that you don't forget to rest, and I hope you're doing well!! I love you so so muuuuch! :')
@birdietrait - I think that you seriously are a really talented person! You've been creating such diverse and interesting sims, and your simstyle just... it's more than beautiful and every single sim of yours gives me so much feelings, and I feel like falling in love with every single one. You're also so good at building and decorating, and just.. you're so kind ahhh 🥺💗 Every single interaction with you makes me smile and you're just.. you deserve all the love in the worlds, Birdie. Please know that I'm virtually hugging you & always think about you when I login to Tumblr. I love you!!
@crsentfairy - your male sims and just sims are so worth logging in this hellsite, too! Just everything you do have such unique style & just.. You're also such a cutie!! 🥺💗💗 I was so afraid to interact, but you're truly one of the most awesome, caring people that I've met, because you're always so supportive. AND ALSO I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOU ALWAYS DO IT BUT- when you post new sims, I can't help but stare at them for some time to see more little details you've left. I'm in love with your aesthetic! ❤ When you post - I'm the happiest person ever, and I truly apologize for missing so much posts. But please know, that your posts are amazing and I love you.
@wildmelon - your simstyle is what I was inspired by, and just- I wish I had such as stunning simstyle 🥺 You're my inspiration to improve and make more new sims, and also, I just.. I have my notifications turned on for you! :') But I still miss a lot of posts (and I hate doing that, but I can't help it), and you need to know that you're an amazing simblr 🥺💗💗 You make this community so much brighter ;') and I just.. I love you, okay??
@silentsundown - your writing skills are so impressive and your Strangerville story is really, really catchy! I can't wait to read your story posts, because honesty they're just SO GOOOD and I love noticing the details in them. I love the way you write characters and just.. you made me so interested in Strangerville lore and just in general, in that world I never really played and explored. And you've opened it to me from such an interesting side 🥺 You're an amazing writer! :') And I also adore your personality 💗💗 I love you!!
@lucidicer - when I first saw your edits, I was SHOCKED at the quality and details and the way you just do everything! I still sometimes come back and just scroll though your simblr, because there's so much gems ahhh 🥺💗 I just love everything you do. It... it feels more like true art, to be honest. It's so authentic, and just.. AHH YOUR VISION! Your creativity, vision and just the quality and the amount of effort.. I love you. And I love everything you post! :') Thank you for bringing so much beauty to my dash & for being such adorable person! 💗
@salemssimblr - GOD I'M SORRY FOR THIS BEING THE FIRST THING I'VE THOUGHT ABOUT BUT.. When I first came across your simblr, I couldn't understand if it's really a TS4, because your blender skills are just so amazing and you- At first I was so scared to interact with you 😭😭 And I apologize for that! I'M STUPID I KNOW but just.. Your renders give me that... Stendhal syndrome feeling, that type of overwhelming when you look at the art THIS beautiful and just can't comprehend it, understand how it's possible and just.. EVERY TIME YOU POST MY JAW DROPPED AND YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT FOR SURE SKSKSK because that's truly.. I don't have an english word for that, but the "hauntingly beautiful" is the closest thing. I just- Also, WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT YOUR STYLE and the vibes I'm getting and just.. your renders are full of emotions. And the way I can feel them though the screen is incredible! I don't know how you do it, perhaps you're a magician, but you have such beautiful vision & the way you express it and make such meaningful things... And also, you MADE ME LEARN BLENDER MORE!! :') You made me think of doing more renders and despite of the fear of the failure, go and try again. You're such an inspiration for me and I also need to mention that I adore your personality. 🥺🥺 You're so caring and sweet and so supportive- I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU AHHH I JUST LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE MUTUALS
@warmsol - it doesn't matter what you're posting, because the only fact of you posting is what makes me want to not leave simblr yet. Your whole simblr is what gives me so much of a mood boost, although I'm a complete opposite to the things you make — I hate sun with a passion, I'm afraid of nature, but somehow.. your bright, enchanting, sunny edits and builds always make me feel alive. It means so much for me, because I can feel the nature though your posts — despite feeling incomprehensible fear of if. You make me want to feel the sun on my skin, you make me want to go outside and feel it all, despite you already do - because I can feel it just by looking at your beautiful edits. Your edits are like... fresh, playful, warm summer wind that shakes the leaves on the trees making them appear as a gentle silhouettes of sun on the wall. I know, my english is quite confusing, but I think you'll understand what I mean. You make me feel alive. And I can't.. I can't stop myself from saying it, because I often don't feel it, but your simblr is something else. 💗 I can write essays on your edits, on every single detail that I can't help but keep catching with my eye. I love you :') 💗💗💗 Thank you for making it worth to stay here.
@kashisun - firstly, I'd say that your posts are all so beautiful, and your simstyle is something that always inspires me. Your gameplay posts are also filled with such amazing things and details, and god, they're simply so adorable! And about your sims — i, again, have no idea how it's possible to create so much different, interesting sims. That's sure is a true talent 🥺💗 And the way I was able to even find myself in some of them is ahhh I HOPE YOU KNOW IT MEANS EVERYTHING FOR ME OKAY?? Also, I still can't forget the African King & Queen posts, and also Sailor Moon one! 💗💗 I don't what I'm saying here, but I'll remener them forever because these sims just...my brain can't help but think about them, sjkss. I hope you know that I truly love! And I love your simstyle, and I love everything you do and post 🥺💗💗💗💗 I LOVE YOU!! :') Your renders are also so amazing and ahhh you're so good at EVERYTHING!! 💖💖
@isthisdesire98 - you're one of my first mutuals on this website, and god, since the day we became mutuals I couldn't help but fall in love with your simstyle & just basically everything you do, because your aesthetic & music taste is something to die for. Your love for Ghost IS JUST AHHHHH GOD!! It's always so good to see your Ghost renders, and just in general, your renders, on my dash 🥺💗 Also! Your edits are beautiful and your sims are just chef's kiss! I LOVE YOUR AESTHETIC SO MUCH IT'S SO GOTHIC AND DARK AND I JUST- AHHHH I don't know how to emotionally express it in any different language than Russian, but- I love it so so much! And the moment you started making renders I just.. I DIED FROM MY OWN HORNINESS EVERY SINGLE TIME AND I'M ASHAMED TO ADMIT BUT I HAVE TO LMAO SKSKSKS
@damseljamsel - Rosa's story is a really, really interesting one and I'm so glad that I've found your simblr because I love the way you describe everything in your story & I LOVE ROSA SO SO MUCH and I hope that ending won't be too sad ssksks but anyways, I always can't wait for your next story posts because god they're so interesting and I also love the edits your attach to them! :') I love your screenies so much and I love Rosa and I love your writing because god, the way Rosa's writing a diary is so believable and lively! 💖 I read your story even when I have no energy, because the format is so good and I just can't help but read because again i can't wait skskss SO YEAH I love you so so muuuuch! 🥺💗💗
@2013trait - you're always so supportive of other people and just- I hope that you know that you deserve as much love too! :') AND GOD YOUR POSTS MAKE ME SO HAPPY BECAUSE when you post you sims I just- I basically go crazy because your simstyle is so good 🥺💖 And I love the details and I love how unique they're! :") You deserve all the love in the world, and I hope you know that I think of you! 💗💗 I love you, I love your sims and also, your personality!! 💖💖 I hope you're doing well!
@alinelie - GOD YOU'RE SUCH A TALENTED AND SKILLED BUILDER AND GOD- THE HANNIBAL AMBIENCE IN YOUR EDITS IS SO INTENSE THAT I SOMETIMES NEED TO IMMEDIATELY LISTEN TO LOVE CRIME AFTERWARDS Like?? AND GOD- your male sims are the ones I will always be ready to die for! Especially Graham Ventura, I just- I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM. AND REALLY, that melancholic ambience in your screenies and decoration is just always so noticeable, and I can almost smell the cigarettes in the air, as well as that old books smell. You make me feel like I'm watching a movie, or like I'm a ghost walking around, breathing the air and just in general, being there as if being some kind of invisible present. AND GOD I want to live in your edits, pls, I want to be the ghost that haunts the mansion PLEASE LET ME 👁️👁️👁️ And! I love you! I hope you're doing well and PLEASE REMEMBER THAT I'll be praying for you and your exams :") I hope everything will be amazing for you & i wish you the best with this & in general!! 💗💖💖 And please remember to rest! :'> Sending you so much virtual hugs and support, I believe in you 🥺💕💕
@lotuso3o - NOW WHERE DO I FUCKING START BECAUSE THERE'S SO MUCH AHHH actually! Your sims are my crushes and I don't deserve any of them skksks but anyways, when I look at them I just adore! 💗💗 Your sims are so stylish and god they're all so cute 🥺 I love your simstyle & I love the atmosphere that I feel when I go to your simblr, like IT'S SO SOFT and I'm not a person to like soft things, but your content is amazing and that's all you need to know! :') I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOUUUUUUU 👁️💖💖💖 thank you for the adorable sims and screenies and everything on my dash, I truly love your posts so much! 💕 HUGGING YOU BECAUSE YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING BEST AND JUST- virtual hugs is all I can give but still sskskks I love you!!!
@nihilismtrcit FIRST OF ALL, you're a wonderful person and you deserve so muuuuch love! 🥺💖 I don't usually just love the gameplay or anything like that, but yours is just amazing and I love seeing your gameplay posts, because LISTEN they're full of this warm atmosphere and the love that I can feel though the screen and it's just so amazing! 💗💗 I also genuinely think that you're such a wholesome and caring person and god 🥺 You're always so kind to me and I don't deserve such kindness, but please know that you're soooo appreciated & loved by me! 💕 I love your posts and your simblr, because it's full of that warmth and that feeling that's so close to feeling like home, and god, also- FOR SOME REASON I can't help but accociate your simblr with Hozier (maybe because he's one of my favorite musicians and you're one of my favorite simblrs?? WHO KNOWS SKSKS), because god- your aesthetic is simply amazing, ahhh, I love you so much! 💗💗 And I hope you're doing really well, because you only deserve LOVE! so much love you can't even imagine how much!! 💖💖 Thank you for being such amazing person and for making your simblr such a warm and homely place 🥺💕💕 I love coming back to your blog because it makes me feel so happy!!
@noeyinthemist - I may repeat myself here or annoy you probably even more than I already did and it's probably going to be really long, but I can't stop myself from expressing everything that you single handedly made me feel, although I haven't interacted much and probably missed so much of your posts, BUT I STILL WILL SAY IT REGARDLESS SKSKS! Your whole simblr is a definition of "magic", because it gives me a pure magic feeling, like I'm reading an old fairytale, which is already very impressive & amazing, because this is such a rare feeling for me to feel (if it makes sense!), but just- your posts are magical, they're just truly are like illustrations from an old fairytale book, that is secretly is a portal to that fairytale. I can't explain it properly in English and be as emotional as in Russian & German, for which I really apologize, but still! Your posts are like a portal to a magical world for me 💗 Your simstyle is adorable, but I want to talk about your cluttering and building skills first, because that's something I know I will never be able to do. Your builds are full of a beautiful details, they're like... like something from a paintings, your interiors are something I truly can't stop staring at and being jealous (but in a good meaning!!!) about, because that's, ahhh, I feel like watching a Ghibli movie 🥺💕 Also, the love you put into everything you do truly amazes me, from the cluttering and creating sims, to editing — this is something that seems so impossible to me. You've been such an inspiration for me since I started following your simblr. You're amazing in everything you do. 💖 And I love you so so muuuuch! I hope you're doing well, and I hope life will treat you the best way possible! 💗💗 I'm sending you so much love ;') And virtual hugs, if you don't mind! 🥺💕💕 I love your simblr & your personality! 💖💖 Thank you for bringing so much awesomeness and magic to my dash. You make my day, truly, every single time I see you on my dash - and every single time you leave me amazed and literally in awe, because I really... I really don't understand how it's possible to do something so beautiful. 💞 You're- you're also such a beautiful and kind soul, ahh, I love you so much! 🥺💗💗 Thank you for making my days much, much better with your posts! You can't imagine how grateful I am for this 💖💖💖
@void-imp - I WAS SO SCARED TO INTERACT WITH YOU GOD TO THE POINT WHERE I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT IT WAS LIKE THAT SKKSKSS but you turned out to be so soooo cute and amazing, ahh! 🥺💖 You're always so supportive and kind to me, but since the ask was about posting, I'll say this: your renders and edits are a really great examples of the way digital art should be in galleries, and should be worshipped :') Forgive me my poor english, but! I truly think that your edits are just- they have such a special feeling to it. And the effort is, believe me, very visible and noticeable! Also, your OCs and the way you write about them 🥺🥺 Your writing is incredible and I can't get enough of your posts, so I'm always so so happy to see your new posts & I'm sorry for missing so much of them T^T But still, I think about your simblr when I log in, and it actually says a lot! And to be honest, I love every single OC of yours, BUT ESPECIALLY ECHO GOD- Echo is amazing I love her I love her I love her!! 💖💖💖 I love your every OC and I can't express how happy I feel when you post them or answer OC asks, ahh! :') I love youuuu! And I hope you're doing well, too! Please remember that I love you 💗🥺 And! Jag skäms för att erkänna att jag nästan glömde Svenska, så jag måste träna här. Jag gillar verkligen din blogg, och jag tror verkligen att du är en begåvad författare! Och jag skickar också en otrolig mängd kärlek och virtuella kramar. Tack för allt du gör! 💗💗💗💗
@helltrait - The way you create characters still amazes me, because I know for sure that I recognize your style even from thousands - I really like it very much and I apologize for my laconism here, because I'm still a little shy, but my God, you have insanely beautiful sims! 🥺💖 I love your simstyle & I love YOUR RENDERS YOUR RENDERS ARE AMAZING AHHH and just- I KNOW I SOUND LIKE A BROKEN RECORD BUT- I'm horny and I apologize skkss and also! I love your OCs, and I'm always so happy when you post 🥺💗💗 Your simblr is amazing :') And I love you!! I love you so so much! :')
@cinamun - I'm a bit scared to write it, but honestly, when I first came across your simblr, I just- I almost binge read your story, but to my own shame, I still haven't done it, but still! From what I've seen, you're an amazing writer and storyteller and I can't imagine how much effort you put into your posts, because the editing, the posing and everything- it probably takes so much time, but also, your writing is one of the most amazing I've seen. You completely broke me with the last story posts of yours, but in the best way — AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNEW THE CHARACTERS IN THEM! I just came across them and randomly seen, and still, it just- it made me feel so much sadness and overwhelming feeling of helplessness, it's just amazing how much talent you have to make someone who never seen the characters in that story post, cry from the emotions and immediate attachment. I can't explain it, but it just- I feel like it's such a rare talent that you have, and everything about it is so impressive and just amazing. You make my day with your story posts by ruining it skkskss 😭 But! I'm saying it in a best way, okayyy?? 🥺💖 I just- I wanted to say that I truly love your characters & story, and I know that I haven't fully read it yet, but when I will - I for sure know that I'll be even more crushed by it. Thank you for all the emotions I've felt 💕 You're such an amazing storyteller, oh my god.. You're- and you're also an amazing person. 💗 I hope you're doing well!! I love you 🥺💖
@rottengurlz - WHEN YOU POST NEW SIM I FALL IN LOVE WITH THEM IMMEDIATELY and I just AND I KEEP THINKING ABOUT YOUR SIMS SOMETIMES and just- I love your simstyle, your sims are just so stunning and honestly they have every fucking right to kill me or even to bury me alive because they're all so- SO HOT I'M SORRY BUT THEY'RE REALLY HOT!! And I love their styles, ahh, 🥺 and honestly, even if it sounds really stupid, sometimes I'm even too shy to look at your sims again because THEY MAKE ME BLUSH DO YOU UNDERSTAND?? And I love you. I love you!!! 💞😭😭😭😭 Thank you for making me turn into a tomato every time you post! 💗💗 I LOVE YOU SO SO MUUUUCH I LOVE YOUR SIMS!!!
@puppycheesecake - your simblr is one of my favorites, definitely, because your simstyle is gorgeous and god god god AHH I love your sims so so muuuuch! And I love that you post so much occults, because it's really not that often that I see mainly occults on simblrs, just- the fact that you make so much stunning occult sims with unique styles and personalities in them is just- I'M AMAZED WOW LIKE- 🥺 how is it even possible to make such beautiful sims??? And I need to also thank you for making lookbooks with links, because I'm always in constant search for good occult cc and your simblr is just- I imagine how much time it takes you, and I want to tell you that I really appreciate it! Because that's truly is a lot of effort and god 🥺💞 If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't find that much beautiful occult cc creators! AND ALSO just every time you post my heart is beating faster 💖 Thank you so much for everything you bring to my dash, for your beautiful occults because it's always a joy to see such amazing simstyle and OCCULTS! 💗💗
@celestos - I have so much to say about your posts and your simblr in general, but I honestly don't have really much energy (pls forgive me!), but I'd say that your simblr's aesthetic is truly so amazing 🥺💞 I always find myself looking at your posts again and again because of the atmosphere captured in them, because of that homely feeling and warmth it gives me. Especially your gameplay posts! They're like gentle sunbeams :') I can't explain it, but I love the how cozy they are! And god I adore your sims! 💗💗 I love you so so much! :') And I want to point out that your simblr feels like home to me, which is already a lot. And I'm so so thankful for feeling it 💖💖 I LOVE YOU & I LOVE YOUR SIMBLR 💕 I hope you're doing well!!!
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