#my new special skill
the-creat0r · 6 months
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mj1343 · 7 months
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Quick simple experiments with colors and brushes and harmonies learning the materials of procreate from a few weeks back before finals starrrrinnnggg the sillies
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Rewatching Kin S1 right now and...
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Looking pretty while bloodied is starting to feel like something Charlie ought to have on his acting CV under special skills. 😂❤️🔥
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Still not talking to you, Boardwalk Empire, about your flagrant abuse of said special skill though.💀
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luigis-slut · 2 years
So did any other autistic people have ABA therapists encourage your parents to have you participate in a "variety of activities" as a young kid to prevent you from developing special interests?
Did that prevent you from practicing an activity long-term, thus keeping you from being good at anything? And as an adult, did that inhibit your ability to develop hobbies and find interests that you're passionate about?
Because that’s sure what it did to me.
#autism#ableism#ableist nonsense#aba#anti aba#anti ableism#I mean its not like i didnt develop hobbies and find things that im skilled at#but i feel like the fact that my parents/ABA 'therapists' were trying to prevent 'autistic behavior' limited my potential#I'm glad that my parents encouraged my art skills to the point that it became my career path#and that Im at least skilled and talented in THAT#but i wish i could go back in time and trade all of those sports activities out for ONE sport and music#I did soccer. baseball. dance. karate. ice skating. etc. None of it stuck. I remember almost none of those skills now.#Because id only do it for a year or two before I was encouraged to try something else before it became a special interest#I feel like id be in a much better place now if i was simply allowed to have special interests#aba is abuse#aba is meant to eradicate autistic traits for the convenience of parents. not to produce healthy adults#Im trying to develop new hobbies now. But with the way i was raised its extremely difficult to learn and keep practicing#this certainly isnt the worst thing that ABA has done to me. But its one that i dont see many others talk about#i wish i had been allowed to have special interests. I wish i had been allowed to be autistic without ridicule#the fact that my family STILL looks back on my 'variety of interests' as a good thing is also depressing#the fact that they keep saying 'its a good thing we got early intervention' makes me upset#I know that they mean well. Theyre glad i can communicate verbally and could graduate college#But they treat my autism like its cancer. The constantly tell me that the abuse was justified. That i NEEDED it#this is why we need autism ACCEPTANCE. Not awareness. ACCEPTANCE.
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skunkes · 7 months
It's really refreshing to see that your reaction to someone offering advice on ways for Al to look more "realistically" fat isn't to shut down and throw a fit about how its /your/ art and you can draw whatever you want, but to take it to heart or be like "im already learning how to do that". It feels like a lot of the straight sized or midsized artists I see that do draw fat people(if at all) will treat the fact that they have made a half-hearted attempt to draw a fat person to be some kind of service to fat ppl that cannot be criticized in any way. Genuinely thanks for not being weird about it!
i understand the sentiment while also wanting to be like "dont thank me for having Normal human reaction"!
But dis is also bc i like different body types and fat distributions and Have drawn fat people before and for a very long while ^_^ I have other fat ocs (so i have ""already learned"" (<- but/and am constantly relearning + learning more)) Al's just the only one that's been historically tricky for me to stylize to my Vision of him... So theres no reason to become upset
+ These characters are all important to me so why wldnt I want to depict The Body to the best of my ability... as well as having enjoyment of the human body in all forms in general (and Al being my favorite oc) ^_^ I cant imagine turning down advice that wld help me depict him better bc I really wld like to, I love him ^_^ but i understand what u mean!
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every-sanji · 1 year
Woah this little project has been going on for 3 years now! A little crazy that I've managed to keep this thing running but I am nothing if not committed to the bit. Thank you to everyone who has been here since day one and everyone who has followed along more recently in this journey to post every single Sanji! Here's to three more years 🥂
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myscreenshotdumpblog · 3 months
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4giorno · 21 days
it makes no sense which sections i cant play
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thedreadpoetroberts · 1 month
You can be really smart and still have a learning disability.
You can be really smart and still have a learning disability.
You can be really smart and still have a learning disability.
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andromedasummer · 6 months
im so glad i went to the library in the city today i got so many good books out
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baladric · 1 year
the problem with having been solely A Singer for the first 25 years of my life is i keep meeting new people and it’s like they don’t even know how good a singer i am and there’s just no way to organically sing for someone, right? so they’re rly just taking my word for it there, and i feel a consistent need to be like I Am Not Being Vain When I Say I Am Very Good At Singing, I Was Once Hailed As The Next Frederica Von Stade, but also that’s so deeply unimportant to my life now? just. man, the way defining aspects of ourselves can become obselete?? is so wild???
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dahldahlbills · 11 months
…bucci gang witch hat crossover
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kindaeccentric · 1 year
Still gutted by the fact I have no musical talent. I would give so much to be able to make music.
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autistic-shaiapouf · 1 year
Gonna say something empty-brained but. I don't understand the point of art critiques
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#some Things#in no particular order and of no particular importance#but posted here to get them out of my head so that I can focus on other stuff (and so that I have a record of them for later):#1) I spent an hour this morning taking various ASD/autistic traits tests and consistently scored just above the threshold on all of them#this doesn't really tell me anything new#except that I'm probably not faking it or just trying to make myself feel 'special' whenever I feel like I'm not myself#and have to put a lot of effort into Being Normal in public settings#almost all of the tests had a strong emphasis on masking and social competency skills and that's where I was scoring highest#I suspect that this only further confirms my suspicions that I am neurodivergent (prob ADHD) and due to my educational style#and the setting and circumstances of most of my childhood development years#did not realize that I was Odd until very recently#2) I just discovered that the lead pastor of the church attended by a theologian/apologist/bible teacher who I really respect#and enjoy learning from#got his first degree from the uni I want to attend#this also means nothing. but it was a fun discovery.#I have heard that the school has changed a good bit since the time he would've graduated#in ways that I'm not sure I can judge as fully Good or Bad.#but it's encouraging to know that it has a history and a name out there that's mostly a good one#...I feel like there is at least one more Thing I am forgetting to mention but I cannot remember it at the mo so I will return and add it#if I do happen to remember it later on#personal
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moe-broey · 1 year
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Gave them some new stuff as a treat 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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